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trykkeriet · 11 months ago
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Laminering - Trykkeriet Vårt - 984 02 480 / [email protected] / www.bss-mr.no
Hva er laminering?
Laminering er en prosess der en tynn film av plast, polyester eller nylon påføres overflaten av trykte materialer. Dette gir en rekke fordeler:Beskyttelse: Laminering forhindrer smuss, fuktighet og riper i å skade dine trykksaker, noe som forlenger levetiden betydelig. Profesjonelt utseende: Laminering gir et glatt og elegant utseende som gjør dine trykksaker mer profesjonelle og eksklusive. Forbedret holdbarhet: Laminering gjør trykksaker mer motstandsdyktige mot slitasje og tåler hyppig bruk.
[email protected] 984 02 480 bss-mr.no Grandfjæra 28, 6415 Molde (naboen til Moldeveggen)
Vi er takknemlige for støtten fra samarbeidspartnere som Mental Helse Molde, Sparebank1 SMN, Sunndal Sparebank, Bergesenstiftelsen, Gjensidigestiftelsen, Kavlifondet, Prosjekt Tilhørighet og Grasrotandelen. Du kan også støtte oss! Besøk https://bss-mr.no for mer informasjon.
Utformet av: www.tonnyfroyen.com
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PALING KUAT, 085777779629, Laptop ThinkPad, ThinkPad Intel Core i5-4210M, Thinkpad T440p Core i5-4300M, Lenovo Thinkpad T440p, Thinkpad T440p i7
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t00muchcaffeine · 7 years ago
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Repost from @dreamchasersnorway @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost Norway, Lofoten | 📷 @dennisschmelz I samarbeid med: @yogafarm_no Vi søker sponsorer. Send oss en melding for å vite mer om hvordan du kan bli en av våre samarbeidspartnere 😊👍🏻 #DreamchasersNorway #visitnorway #ilovenorway #norge #norway #ilovenorway_møreogromsdal #tur #utpåtur #norsknatur #thebestofnorway #mittnorge #highlightsnorway #stavanger #trondheim #bergen #bestofnorway #vinter #norsketurbilder #sommer #sol #fjellet #fjell #fjelltur #vann #turistforeningen #norgefoto #landscapesofnorway #yrno #norgebilder
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fuktherest · 7 years ago
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marianneforsjord · 4 years ago
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Desemberlyset er fantastisk - Fantastic Desemberlight #desemberlys #solnedgang #desemberlight #sunset #havutsikt # oceanview #view #helgelandskysten #helgeland #utioyan #visithelgeland #Dønna #northernnorway #norway🇳🇴 #yrbilder #yrno (ved Stavseng, Nordland, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZDVjNswM7/?igshid=6h7nqlv5fxq9
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thejoltjoker · 5 years ago
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Last year I spent 1,946 hours in front of a screen in one way or another. That's almost a quarter of all the time in a year...⁣ Fortunately not all of that time was spent on Instagram (I didn't even dare to check just how much it was), but I actually used a lot of that time productively! ⁣ I have mixed feelings about the time I spend creating things digitally. I enjoy it very much, but am I better off spending that time outside? Is the enjoyment of being outside more valuable for my brain than the satisfaction of creating digital art or writing code? I don't know. ⁣ Either way I'm so grateful for all the time I get to spend outside now! Out of the 39 days this year so far, I've been outside 32 of them!⁣ Looking forward to more nature time than screen time this year!⁣ ⁣⁣ 📷 Photo of @kadanatur in the sunset on our first trip in the snow with @vildmarksutbildningen •⁣⁣ •⁣⁣ •⁣⁣ •⁣⁣ •⁣⁣ #IAmJohannes #nordic #getoutside #svenskafjällen #winter #visitscandinavia #snowing #skidor #rei1440project #capitalofscandinavia #winteriscoming #instawinter #loves_sweden #winterwonderland #wander #backcountry #skis #wilderness #exploremore #yrno #skier #ig_sweden #turskidor #scandinavian #adventure #outdoorresearch #skiing #pow #optoutside #fjelltur (at Edsåsdalen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UjP-ypYRo/?igshid=f9qczz2y0id0
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skygimse · 8 years ago
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Mountaintrip with a view 😍⛰ 📍Store Hollendaren 1029m . . ✨✨ #nature #mountains #timetoplay #seatosummit #kildentiletrikereliv #superlokal #nrktroms #storehollendaren #running #runtagit #salomonrunning #suuntorun #yrno #fjellet #fitbit #liveterbestute #mittnorge #mittnordnorge #mittfriluftsliv #topptur #ig_nordnorge #tromsø #tromsolove #visitnorway #visittromso #adventureculture #welivetoexplore #neverstopexploring #goneoutdoors #ilovenorway (ved Store Hollendaren)
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josteinsen · 8 years ago
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Fin kveld #porsgrunn #norway #yrbilder #yr #yrno #nofilter #norge #norway #telemark #visittelemark #sonya7 #vintagelens #35mm #sonyimages #eyeem #detertelemark #2vær #detertelemark (ved Porsgrunn, Norway)
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landscap3collector · 8 years ago
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👇 Featuring 📷 @egilv 📷 Owner ⭐@norge.jpg ⭐ Place ✈ Urke, Norway ✈ ================================== ⭐Breathtaking view from Mt. Saska ⭐ ⭐ Visit the tagged pages for beautiful natural photographs ⭐ ================================== . . . #visitnorway #ilovenorway #norge #norway #ilovenorway_møreogromsdal #tur #utpåtur #norsknatur #thebestofnorway #mittnorge #highlightsnorway #stavanger #trondheim #bergen #bestofnorway #vinter #norsketurbilder #sommer #sol #fjellet #fjell #fjelltur #vann #turistforeningen #norgefoto #landscapesofnorway #yrno #norgebilder #utno
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trykkeriet · 11 months ago
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Innbinding - Trykkeriet Vårt - 984 02 480 / [email protected] / www.bss-mr.no
Det finnes flere varianter av innbinding, hver med sine egne unike fordeler. Dette inkluderer spiralinnbinding, stiftinnbinding, liminnbinding, og hardcoverinnbinding. Valg av innbindingsteknikk avhenger av faktorer som antall sider, bruksområde og estetiske preferanser.
[email protected] 984 02 480 bss-mr.no Grandfjæra 28, 6415 Molde (naboen til Moldeveggen)
Trykkeriet Vårt en del av Brukerstyrt senter Møre og Romsdal skiller seg ut som muligens det eneste trykkeriet i hele Norge som drives utelukkende av dedikerte frivillige i en hundre prosent brukerdrevet organisasjon. Hele vår bedrift drives på frivillig basis, fra oppgaver som renhold til avansert grafisk design.
Vi er takknemlige for støtten fra samarbeidspartnere som Mental Helse Molde, Sparebank1 SMN, Sunndal Sparebank, Kavlifondet, Gjensidigestiftelsen, Sparebanken Møre, Prosjekt Tilhørighet og Grasrotandelen. Du kan også støtte oss! www.bss-mr.no for mer informasjon.
#mentalhelsemolde #godmorgennorge #iogdu #moldesentrum #moldenorway #moldetorget #moldeby #tonnyfroyen #trykkeri #mobiltoner #visitmolde #romsdal #handlelokaltmolde #fineaiart #nrkmogr #yrno #ilovenorway #visitnorway #aktivhverdag #molde #norge #norway #mitteventyrland #vennskap #bestofnorway #nrkmogr #handlelokalt #mentalhelse #moldeby
Utformet av: www.tonnyfroyen.com
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ambusanga · 8 years ago
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In Fausko Skystation in Hemsedal. This is my house for the week !! Staying in the left part with @isecup 🍷🙌🏻🤖👻 we finally got a night with clear view. I tried to capture the stars above our house. Not an easy challenge, and specially not with a broken remote control for long exposure shots. I got this beauty as my last attempt before going to bed... 🇳🇴🎉💪🏻 new day tomorrow - and more adventure to come! ______________ #skiing #hiking #Utno #explore #fjelltur #utpåtur #liveterbestute #utpåturaldrigsur #hemsedal #yrno #fuji #fujifilm #fujifeed #_53m_ #fujidk #dkfujix #fujiuk #xt2 #fujifilm_xseries #fujifilmxt2 #fujilove #fujifilmxworld #X35mm #fujifilminstax #fujifilmnordic #lovenature #visitnorge #uteno #utenorge (at Fausko Skysstasjon)
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dungeonaspects · 3 years ago
Human College of Spirits Bard
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"Stories are but ghosts of the past, why not let the ghosts tell it themselves?"
Growing up around the dead was fascinating and filled with so many souls trying to tell their stories it was difficult to catch up on sleep. This young man was the son of an undertaker, stoic and stern, his father would treat the bodies with clinical disinterest, fulfilling his obligation and nothing more. Yet the boy could hear the whispers of the dead, just faint noises during the day, but at night they came alive (so to speak).
The boy would sleep in the mortuary, much to the fathers distaste, but it made sure the boy was never late to work so what did he care? By day the boy would help embalm the dead, treating each one with the same methodical process as his father, but at night he would let the spirits reach out to him filling him with the wisdom of long lives and use him as an outlet for their sorrow.
On days where a grand funeral took place the boy would walk the funeral march with his father, playing the viol in a lament that touched the hearts of those they passed. Unknown to them however within the viol, tucked within the body, was a single crimson bloodstone, dipped in the blood of the one they guided to the cemetery. The boy would let the feelings of the dead out, projecting the true sense of loss the dead felt over the procession and their loved ones.
As the boy grew older his connection to the dead intensified, some souls even choosing to stay with him as years went by, wishing to help the boy that brought them peace just after their end. His father however had become a drunk, often leaving the work to the boy alone, other times doing such a poor job in his stupor that the boy had to stay up all night to correct it.
This continued for years, the boy finding solace in the stories of the dead, using the bloodstone to channel the spirits through his battered viol. The father growing more distant and cruel until he began beating the young man in his care.
One day the young man challenged his father, sick of the abuse at his hand, this enraged the old man who went to club the boy with the bottle in his hand, the boy clutched at the bloodstone in his pocket. A spirit intervened, it possessed the boy, guiding his body in quick motions to protect the child they cared for so much. The spectral strength combined with the sudden burst of vitality the spirit drove the boys hand through his fathers chest.
Once the spirit left his body the boy collapsed, dazed and confused. He wept over his father and cursed at the spirit who had killed his dad, with that the spirit, hurt, shocked, and most terribly cursed, began to shift. The kindly spirit that had told the boy fond stories warped under his words, his power over the dead changing the ghost into something far more malicious.
So the boy ran, he ran into the town like an imp out of hell, pursued by the spirit he cursed. As the spectre closed in, its clawed hands reaching for the back of the young mans neck it screamed, the sun struck it, casting it back into the darkness.
The boy had no time to stop, no time to think, he ran off into the world with nothing but the clothes on his back and the bloodstone in his pocket. Now the boy has become a man, he scraped by those early years, starving in gutters, begging on street corners. He travels now, telling tales and doing odd jobs.
He still listens to spirits, talking to them to help them in their most dour moments, but truly he speaks to them for news and warning. They can see the darkness that follows him, still so many many miles away, it follows in the darkest of nights. He waits for the day he must face the spectre of his own creation, but he is not ready yet, the sense of dread only intensifying over the years.
Some Ideas
I feel like this character can be played in so many ways, he checks a lot of edgelord boxes, but also has potential to be fun. He could be the life of a party, telling tall tales, playing his viol, even dancing a jig from ages past.
I would love to see him as this ray of sunshine, playing off as a regular bard beguiling and charming all around him, but in dark moments he can see the remnants of the living. Maybe an Addams family setup? How he's a swashbuckling fun loving (if morbid) man who values family and friends because he has dwelt with the dead.
However you play him is right, just make sure you're having fun too :)
Art by Yrno-Yrno
The character is beautiful, his face is very handsome but also the lighting and background is fantastic. The dark and foreboding setting, the magic light emanating from him, but he has a kind face. I really love it, thank you.
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fuktherest · 8 years ago
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nyxshadowhawk · 5 years ago
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QIN by Yrno-Y
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sim0nechristine · 6 years ago
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Morning has broken. . . . . . #sudndalen #sudndalsfjorden #naturephotographer #naturephotography #norges_fotografer #femalephotographer #nrkbuskerud #yrno #tv2været #utebest #nofilter #unedited #raw #norge #mittnorge #bestofnorway #sunset #solopgang #simonechristinedotcom (at Sudndalsfjorden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrhYD5IncJZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mnral561kw9x
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ikseed-blog · 7 years ago
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Skal du løpe Oslo Maraton? Få deg et 12 ukers personlig program. #trening #treningsglede #runner #aktivejenter #aktivegutter #aktivlivsstil #iform #aktivhverdag #utno #komdegut #yrno #sommer #running #løpeglede #løping
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