#yozakura siblings
shysheeperz · 2 months
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Mɪssɪᴏɴ: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ🌸 Oᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 18: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Hᴏᴛ Sᴘʀɪɴɢ Sᴛᴏʀʏ
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sage-reads-things · 3 months
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It fascinates me that Seiji and Kyoichiro are friends. Seiji has proven to be extremely driven by justice, bypassing red tape and delivering his own "punishments" to criminals who commit horrific crimes. Kyoichiro, meanwhile, is pointedly amoral, and his whole job is doing whatever the client wants and not getting caught up in what's "right" or "wrong." So the fact that they're able to be friends despite such a huge schism in morality is so interesting. Maybe it's because they're both relentlessly and unabashedly unforgiving toward their enemies, whoever that may prove to be. Despite the difference in worldview, they resonate over a similar mindset: whoever crosses me and my sensibilities deserves what's coming to them.
Makes me wonder about their childhood together—Kyoichiro was always destined to be a spy, but Seiji presumably chose to become a detective at some point. Did they influence each other? When did Seiji learn about Kyoichiro's spy family? Were they friends-friends or just the high school equivalent of drinking buddies?
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k0uhi · 6 months
yozakura family and all the depictions of love just makes me so [kneels on the floor, head bowed] theyre so delightful to me. taiyo's entire arc being one that had lost his family and had discovered a new one who promised him that they won't leave him, that they wont just protect him, that they let him protect them. they trust him as their equal, and for him that need to protect was fulfilled from his 'failure' when his first family died. these siblings consider taiyo their family too; not just the separate entity of 'mutsumi's husband' but as brother, friend, family. he has integrated himself in their bond too! i like that his entire point is that everyone unanimously agrees he's a yozakura sibling too, even in the later chapters where people refer to him and his siblings. that when facing off ryu, he doesn't distinguish fake and real family, they just are his (and he too is theirs). he's just so consumed with the love and devotion that the family also has for each other.
now to get rambly about everything else about the siblings and how they love and how it kills me dead. time and time again they emphasize that the yozakura family loves each other. there's no other kind of bond for them, seemingly, but i'll think about that another time.
kyoichirou was created in the image to be perfect and it's part of his symbolism & design with the gloves that he never takes off. he's sentimental. he loves, deeply, he is made of it. he's an eldest sibling to his core and it physically hurts me how much he never tries to hide it / how much he cares. when the crux of his character is to be strong to protect others (taiyo's narrative foil and/or parallel) how can i not like him? he's atlas with the world on his shoulders, but where atlas carries it with punishment, kyoichirou would do it without hesitation if it means that his siblings are still there in the world. that we also very rarely ever saw him without his gloves, that he reached out without them towards kai and the twins and towards his father also just speaks to me so much. the connections that he wants to make as he fully sinks into his feelings.
over all i think the way the family dynamics/structure in the family is amusing though. momo and rei were out by the time (as characteristic of the family) they were independent, so it makes sense that they still act not just as siblings but as friends and colleagues. all of them love each other and that's what makes them strong, of course.
futaba is not just their eldest sister, but the closest thing to a mother they all had after rei. mutsumi is treated as the rightful matriarch, but clearly she still defers to futaba when needed. she says it herself that she raised the rest of the siblings, and she acts like a fussy aunt whenever she's flustered enough into acting a bit more irrationally.
i also find it interesting that nanao being the youngest is also their prodigy. he acts a little more mature than his siblings, but he's also a kid that they all baby and he lets them. that their specialties are also exemplifying how they care also sends me
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eizneckam · 2 years
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marinahavik · 3 months
I decided to redo some files because I wasn't really liking them
Welcome to Yumi's new profile
Yumi Yozakura is the youngest in her family, she has six older brothers.
In the universe of my fanfic “a bloodstained flower” Yumi is the monitor of Ramshackle but in the universe of “Ramshackle Isn't on Fire (Yet)” Yumi is one of the 80 people who live in Ramshackle
(The universe of “Ramshackle Isn't on Fire (Yet)” was created by @raguiras , the project has a server on Discord with the same name, and a blog on Tumblr with the name @riofy-ramshackle )
Some information about her
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NAME: Yumi Yozakura
AGE: 17
PRONOUNS: she/her
GENDER: female
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
HEIGHT: 170 cm/5’5’’
BIRTHDAY: May 21st, Gemini
MBTI: infp
HOMELAND: Tokyo/ Japan
MAGIC?: maybe
OC X CANON SHIP: Jamil x Yumi (cherry snake)
GENDER: female
SPECIES: human (receptacle)
GRADE: first year
CLUB: light music
HOBBIES: fashion design, shiny objects, cute things, collecting action figures, Disney movies, mythology from various countries, jewelry, figure skating, artistic gymnastics, martial arts training
HATE: annoying people, lack of personal space, lack of freedom, Crowley, not sleeping well, being hungry, crowded and noisy places
FAVORITE FOOD: sweets, especially if they are strawberry, chocolate or passion fruit flavors
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: nothing (for now)
LIKES: Disney movies, anime, manga, cosplay, her siblings, her friends, Goliath (her dog), Jade (her pet snake), sweets, appearing out of nowhere and scaring others, mythology
DISLIKES: Crowley, very bitter foods, lack of freedom, people trying to steal her food, it disturbs her sleep, her hair is messy
TALENTS: skating, gymnastics, martial arts, a little theater and fashion design
#Yumi Yozakura's stats
(Thanks Mionn for the model!)
0 = absent
5 = average
10 = present at an extreme level
Academic intelligence: 10/10
Emotional Intelligence: 8/10
Romantic Intelligence: 7/10 (Only works with others, because with her it's a mess)
Everyday Intelligence: 10/10
Planning (successfully) in advance: 10/10
Logic: 10/10 (As a member of the Yozakura family and future matriarch, Yumi has superhuman intelligence)
Physical Strength: 50/10 (Similar to Mitsuri from Kimetsu, she has completely superhuman strength)
Magical Strength (minus UM/OB): 0/10
Unique Magical Strength: 0/10
Overblot/Alternate Form Strength: 10/10
Emotional Strength: 7/10
Physical: 8/10
Mental: 6/10
Physical Beauty: 9/10
Optimism: 7/10
Realism: 8/10
Pessimism: 5/10
Someone is sad: 6/10
Someone is angry: 7/10
Someone is angry with him: 4/10
Someone asks for love advice: 4/10
Someone asks for friendship advice: 8/10
Someone needs help making a plan: 10/10
...help others with minor problems: 9/10
...help others with major problems: 9/10
...put others before yourself: 10/10 (only for friends and siblings)
Quick Catching Ability: 10/10
Quick Thinking: 8/10
Sarcasm: 10/10
Cynicism: 7/10?
Pride: 10/10
Greed: 10/10
Envy: 4/10
Anger: 5/10
Lust: 5/10
Gluttony: 2/10
Sloth: 2/10
some information about Yumi's brothers and the Yozakura family
the Yozakura family.
The family has been known since the Edo era as a family of renowned assassins and ninjas. Over the centuries, the family has modernized but still maintains certain traditions. They now work as spies, preventing sects from dominating the world and committing various other types of crimes.
They are the most influential family in the Japanese underworld (or perhaps the world) and are ranked first in the category of best spy family, among other categories.
The family is currently in its 10th generation and consists of 7 members.
Some of the main characteristics of the family are their dark hair and black eyes. Rumor has it that looking into the eyes of a Yozakura is the same as looking death in the face.
Another striking characteristic is Soumeine, a unique protein found in the family's blood.
This Soumeine can make normal humans become superhumans, and so the leader must be protected at all costs, as she contains the largest amount of Someminine
The order from oldest to youngest are, Ren, Keiko, Aiko, Yuki, Akemi, Seiji and Yumi
according to the family rules (which were written in the Yozakura archive) Yumi is the current matriarch
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I will soon make a new POST about the Yozakura family, as many things have been changed since the initial version
The family's former matriarch was killed when the children were young, and their father was presumed dead but is only missing.
Despite their "ordinary" appearance, the Yozakura family is a family with abilities far beyond those of any ordinary human.
Rumor has it that the first leader of the family made a kind of deal with the devil so that she and her children could protect themselves.
The strange abilities have continued to this day. Each child is born with a unique and completely superhuman ability, but in each generation a girl will be born without abilities.
This child without abilities is the one who will be the next head of the family, as she is the one who will continue the Yozakura lineage.
Yumi is the child without abilities of this generation and the current head of the family, at 17 years old. The mission of the rest of the family is to protect the leader at any cost.
Yumi, even without supernatural abilities, is still a force to be reckoned with, knowing 5 types of martial arts, in addition to having great knowledge of poisons and the use of various types of weapons.
Unfortunately, because she was the next boss, she didn't have a normal life, and unfortunately she didn't have many friends, and she couldn't trust people other than her brothers, because murders and kidnappings are common.
Since her blood could be used to artificially create superhumans.
The few friends she had were also connected to espionage or were online friends. The last time she made friends who weren't connected to this work was the first and last time, because they ended up dead and to this day Yumi blames herself for this, since her first friend and his brother ended up dying just for getting close to her (when she arrived at Twisted Wonderland and saw two people identical to her friend and his younger brother, she almost had a breakdown).
A little about her personality
Yumi is a very calm person and doesn't usually get involved in conflicts, but when she does, it's better to run or pray, because she shows no mercy.
Because she was raised in a family that was anything but normal, she isn't afraid of many things, and because of that, it's hard to scare her.
So many years of suffering assassination attempts have given her nerves of steel. So she doesn't usually show much emotion when she goes through a dangerous situation.
She's so silent that she could be right next to you and you wouldn't notice. She's already scared the first-year class a lot because of this. Marina once joked that they should put a bell on her, like the ones they have on cats' collars, so they know when she's around.
She is quite quiet with strangers, or people she is not very close to, but despite being somewhat introverted she has a good level of social battery.
But with people she is already used to, her personality transforms into a cheerful and agitated girl who is a little sarcastic and ends up swearing a lot, or cursing and making some morbid jokes.
She talks a lot, especially about her hobbies, and is a little agent of chaos. She likes to create her own devices, she ended up creating a kind of hologram communication device for the entire first-year class, now they all have a new device, never seen before and other people are a little jealous.
The device is round and looks like a small makeup case with a mirror for Yumi and the twins, while for the boys it looks like a pocket watch.
The devices were made to be worn on a special belt with other things that Yumi gave as gifts. Each device was customized to match the dorm uniform and the owner's personality.
Some interesting facts and other information
Current mayor of Ramshackle
She is ambidextrous, so she can do things with both her left and right hands.
When she was a child she dislocated her right arm after falling from a tree, she started trying to learn to use her left arm to do things, and ended up being able to do various activities with both hands
She likes animals
She has a dog named Goliath who is the family's guard dog
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Goliath is an old lab experiment that ended up being saved by the family, and since then he has been part of the Yozakura family. No one knows how old he is, since he has been in the family for years.
30cm (Small Form)
100cm (Medium Form)
800cm (Large Form)
She likes anime, manga and manhwa as well as otome games
She really likes Disney and has a great knowledge about it
Speaks at least 5 languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin and Latin
When she arrived at Twisted Wonderland and saw the statues of the 7 greats, she immediately recognized them and explained a little of their history to Grim, which surprised Ace.
When asked how she knew this information, she didn't answer directly, she just said that they were also known in her dimension but that their stories were different from those that Night Raven knew, and she refuses to talk about it, no matter how much they insisted that she talk about it.
Even though she doesn't have magic, she ended up being great at history and potions. She also ends up doing well in physical education, but most of the time during Professor Vergas' classes she finds a way to hide.
Her characteristic colors are white, pink, red, black and gold.
She has a pet snake that she calls Jade.
The Havik sisters kind of adopted her, so they are always together.
After several events, the first-year class was mistaken for a gang. Yumi is the leader, the twins are her assistants, Ace and Deuce are her right and left arms. Jack and Sebek are the security guards. Epel seems to be the secretary and Ortho is the group's hacker.
To earn more money, she opened a kind of fight club in Ramshackle's basement. Almost all the dorms show up either to watch or fight, Leona usually shows up and stays in the VIP area watching everything. (And mainly because most of the people who enter are students from Savanaclaw)
Speaking of Ramshackle, the dorm is completely chaotic and it's not because of the ghosts that the dorm seems to be alive, besides the fact that the room and strange objects appear out of nowhere, there was one time when Yumi found her computer, she doesn't know how it got there but she doesn't complain.
She usually hacks into the school's system sometimes to bribe the principal, he's always crying because Yumi steals his money and can't even say anything, the last time she tried to complain, Yumi showed her evidence that Crowley was stealing money that the Al-Asim family donated to the school, and she said she would send it to the newspapers and ruin his reputation, he never complained again.
She uses the money she bribed from Crowley, and also from the fight club, to restore her dorm.
The first years are always having sleepovers, and at these parties they have discovered a bunch of secret rooms and underground passages that connect Ramshackle to the rest of the school.
Other information
•She doesn't fully understand some feelings. Yozakuras normally only know five feelings: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Hate and Love. Other feelings are confusing to them.
• The matriarch is the one who understands the feelings of others the most, but does not fully understand them like a normal human being.
• Yumi doesn't see any problem in killing or getting rid of something that bothers her. Despite being the most "human" of her siblings, Yumi also has great aggression and a huge hunting instinct.
• Regarding the hunting instinct, Yozakuras were created to kill and annihilate enemies. Not even Yumi is free from this factor in her DNA.
• Despite being a bit cruel, if you're not part of the family and you're not someone Yumi cares about, she doesn't even bother to remember your name.
• Yozakuras were created for battles, and because of that, they have an enormous thirst for blood, and they constantly get into fights to reduce this thirst.
•If they spend too much time without being able to release this thirst for blood and adrenaline, they become uncontrollable.
That's all for now, more information will be added over time, and I'll also make a new post about the Yozakura family, I'll also make a post about Yumi's dynamics with some characters, that's all for now, thank you for reading, I apologize for any possible grammatical errors, questions and suggestions are always welcome, and until next time
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fijiwater33 · 5 months
Just finished chapter 101.1 of Mission Yozakura Family, and I wanted to give my current thoughts on it at this point.
I’ll just say this now. THIS IS A HIDDEN GEM! I’ve really enjoyed reading this story, and now I wish I read this years ago. Around the time I started reading manga again when SxF re-ignited that love.
Taiyo has such a good story going for him. The way he’s taken in by the family makes me go wild. It really feels like he’s become their brother when he married Mutsumi. My favorite moment right now being him saving Nanao from having to dropout because he couldn’t control his form. But overall it’s nice to see someone who was devastated by loss be surrounded by love.
With Mutsumi I find her very interesting. Despite not having any special powers like her siblings, and also being very sick; she’s in my opinion one of the best leading female characters in shonen jump. Despite that she’s brave in the face of danger, a quick thinker, and a great leader with a big heart. The best part is we get to see this like when Shinzo because he ran out of ammo she comforted him with a story, or when she saved Taiyo from the killer in the library.
Now the juiciest part. Their marriage. Taiyo and Mutsumi are adorable together. They are just so sweet, and wholesome with how much they love each other. Honestly best romance in any shonen series hands down!
I’ll do a part two for my current thoughts just to not make this too long of a post. And I’ll definitely post more as I catch up.
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thelreads · 2 months
I luv futaba. On the one hand, I really wanted to see her True Spring Blooming, but on the.other it's also really really funny that Shinzo "this took me three minutes of using my 3rd Son of the 10th Generation Yozakura(TM) True Spring Blooming(TM) Destruction and Regeneration(TM)". And then futaba was like "you are like little baby. Watch this." and in ten seconds she defeated the asa wart with her regular technique.
I know Shion is the gamer chick of the family, but Futaba really pulled the Pro Gamer Move.
We really need to remember that Futabs here is the most powerful sibling for a reason
*shoves Kyo away*
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mojo72400 · 5 months
Kengo's biggest prank ever with the help of his siblings except Nanao
Taiyo: *on bed, naked with "Mutsumi"* Wow, that was terrific, Mutsumi. Kengo: *turns around to unmask himself* It was good for me, too. Taiyo: *screams* Kengo: *laughs* Got you again, Taiyo. Taiyo: You said you were my wife. Kengo: I lied. Taiyo: You jerk! Kengo: *laughs* I didn't feel anything, but you did! *The Yozakura siblings except Nanao enters the bedroom* The Yozakura siblings minus Nanao: *in unison* Happy Halloween, fuck face. Taiyo: *shocked* We had sex! Kengo: Yep. Taiyo: But how did you- Kengo: Duct tape and an empty Gatorade bottle. *awkward silence* Taiyo: You always knew how to commit to a bit, you son of a bitch! Bring it in! *opens his arms* Kengo: *hugs Taiyo* Everyone in the room minus Nanao: *laughing heartily*
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uenodivision · 3 months
The sun was beginning to set on the division of Ueno and Aranai Norikoru was lounging around in her room when suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. Aranai assumed that this was another person bringing her a gift and went to open it. When she opened the door Aranai saw someone she was pretty sure she knew from somewhere because standing in front of her door was a young male in black and blue punk clothing with a feral grin on his face along with a few gifts in his hands. It was then that Aranai realized where she knew him from he was Aruto Shinozaki one of Kaoru’s “cousins”.
“Sup.” Aruto greeted his inhumanly sharp teeth prominent in his smile. “Normally Ageha would deliver this shit but she’s busy with her spider boy toy baby daddy so she asked me to take over for her. These are from Kaoru and Kanra.” Aruto shoved the gifts into Aranai’s hands. “Anyway, my job is done see ya fucking later Motor Girl. Have a happy fucking birthday.” Giving a salute Aruto took off, leaving Aranai standing in her doorway.
Aranai blinked. For an AI known for ripping people apart, he wasn't that bad. Ah well, at least she got some gifts out of it and brought them inside where Aranai placed them on the counter and began to open the first one.
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Inside the first gift was a black multi-layer cake covered with chains and spikes all around it with a black Yamaha motorcycle placed on top. Looking at it, she noticed a letter that was attached to the inside of the box. Grabbing it Aranai began to read.
Happy Birthday! Congrats on leaving High School! I still have a few years left. Bleh! Anyway, enjoy the cake! See ya soon! 
– Kanra
Aranai turned to the second gift or giant case was more like it. This was Kaoru’s gift huh? She was curious as to what the unhinged genius had given her. Surprisingly tho the note was attacked outside the case rather than inside it and Aranai picked it up and began to read. 
Motor Girl,
Happy Birthday, girlie! Hope you like what I built for you. Word of advice hide it from your team because it's very illegal but when has that ever stopped you?
– Kaoru 
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Note now read Aranai opened the case and laughed because inside the case was a red long spear similar to one she had wielded during her Yozakura days if not more mechanical. Noticing a button on the shaft Aranai pressed it and to her glee, the spear lit up with pink electricity. 
Yeah, she could work with this.
"Oh, what a lovely looking cake!" Shisuta exclaimed, coming from the living room to see Aranai carrying a bunch of gifts. "Who delivered this, dear?"
"Uhh... the cake was from Kanra-chan," Aranai answered, holding the case behind her back so as to not alarm her mother.
"Oh, well that was nice of her!" Shisuta said, still looking at it, impressed. "Between her and Luis-san, I truly do not know who is better. Be sure to thank her when you get the chance."
"Uhh... yeah. In fact, I think I'll go do that right now!" Aranai stated, headed for the door.
"This late?" Shisuta questioned, slightly worried. "Are you sure that's wise, Aranai? The streets can be dangerous at night."
"Mom," Aranai said, frowning slightly at her adoptive mother. "Did you forget who it is your talking to? This isn't my first venture after dark, you know."
"Well... okay. Just please be safe. And come back soon, I really wish to taste this cake Kanra-chan made."
"Oh, you can go ahead and cut it, Shisuta. Just save me a piece for later."
"Are you sure, dear?"
"Yeah, go ahead and enjoy it, Mom!" Aranai stated, already heading for the door. She could have sworn she heard Shisuta respond, but she was already out half the door and heading to the driveway where her Yamaha bike was waiting.
With a smirk on her face, the former Bōsōzoku got on her bike and took out the case which contained the spear Kaoru had gifted her. She'd keep her promise and go thank both siblings. But first...
...there was a certain Katen leader in Yokohama that Aranai's spear was dying to get acquainted with...
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therealsoulking · 7 months
Mission: Yozakura Family Chapter 214
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However, this power comes with a price, y'all gotta remember that Hifumi's only this many ✋
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Looks like the kiddos will be running a glass cannon strategy in the war against Asa, I imagine they'll come in clutch when the others run into enemies who know their exact shtick.
I assume, after Kyoichiro gets his fight for the next week or two, we'll see Alpha undergo his Blooming too!
Until then, I can only hope Kyoichiro will spend the next few chapters being raw as shit instead of the freakish sistercon he is most of the time.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Various things I like from current manga
Witch Watch has a chapter where the teenage protagonists are kidnapped and forced into a Saw-style death game scenario, but they promptly derail things by criticizing and overhauling the game design. One of them asked the scary masked serial killer "did you even playtest this? :/" and I still haven't recovered.
Witch Watch also has a chapter where they discover a character with magic powers hasn't gotten anywhere with her longtime crush because she promised to be his friend ages ago and literally cursed herself into the friendzone. Hilarious twist.
Mission: Yozakura Family has a chapter all about a character being his siblings' servant for a day to do penance for a dumb self-sacrificial stunt (which he accepts as fair), but actually it's a concerted scheme on their part to get him tired enough to sleep for once because he never gives himself a break! But actually actually it's a once-in-a-decade chance to draw on his face while he's sleeping. I feel like they understood the assignment on family dynamics here.
Undead Unluck may or may not be its own time-travel fix-it fic, in a way I find very fun and satisfying.
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shysheeperz · 3 months
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Mɪssɪᴏɴ: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ🌸 Oᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 12: Pʀɪsᴏɴ Bʀᴇᴀᴋ Gʀᴀɴᴅᴘᴀ
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sage-reads-things · 4 months
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The way Taiyo INSTANTLY goes in for the kill after associating the little girl with his own little brother. His berserk button has proven to be "putting his family in danger," but unlike the threat to Mutsumi, this is something that triggers Taiyo's intense grief and guilt over not being able to save his brother. Nothing in the world could stop him from saving that kid once she called out for her onee-san. And obviously it's going to have immediate consequences, but hot damn, is it fun to watch.
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rose-in-the-snow · 2 years
fav manga ur currently reading?
Number #1 is definitely Magia Record! It's set in the Madoka Magica universe but has new characters and new story. The story was actually from a mobile app that has since wrapped (in the US that is) and has a hopeful ending which is just nice! Plus all the characters are fleshed out with their own motivations and wishes. Plus the art is just so pretty!!
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Other than that I love Mission: Yozakura Family and recommend checking it out! Mutsumi and Taiyo are childhood friends and Taiyo's only current friend. But Taiyo finds out that Mutsumi is the head of a spy family after being threatened by her obessively overprotective brother Kyoichiro and the only way he can avoid being killed is to marry Mutsumi and learn to protect her. All Mutsumi's siblings have special abilites too and lots of wacky spy gadgets. (There’s also going to be an anime coming out next year)
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10/10 very good (and bonus Taiyo I love my wife punch)
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Last is Shadows House. I watched the anime for this before the manga started to be published in English. Set in a Victorian manor Living Dolls are created to act as 'Faces' for the Shadows Family. There's a mystery to this manga (that the anime spoils due to it short length) that is intriguing. The style is more realistic and detailed than most other mangas that I have read. The backgrounds are just *chefs kiss* And Kate is best girl
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Thank you so much for the ask and letting me indulge in one of my favorite hobbies (talking about the copious amount of mangas I have on my bookshelf)!!
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butterfirefly · 6 months
ooooooh the yozakura siblings
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marinahavik · 9 months
presenting my Oc's
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Marina Havik
Age: 17
Best subject: animal language
Birthday: April 19th (Aries)
Class: 1 year 1 a
dorm: octanaville
Club: Board games
Height: 1.67
Hobby: drawing, (that's funny my oc likes to draw and I don't know how to draw) listening to music, singing, books,
Homeland: coral sea
Likes: shiny objects, music, cute things, cats, irritate Azul
Dislikes: Spicy things, High places, noisy places, being bored
Unique Magic: Heart of the Sea
ABILITY: creates and controls Water regardless of its state, whether liquid, solid or gaseous, manipulating the surrounding water as you wish (a bit like a waterbender from the avatar universe).
INCANTATION: “feel the waves moving, feel my heart beating, heart of the sea”
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Dione Havik
Age: 17
Best subject: alchemy
Birthday: April 19 (Aries)
Class: 1 year 1 a
dorm: octanaville
Club: Board games
Height: 1.66
Hobby: dancing, and anything related to music
Homeland: coral sea
Likes: cute things, old things
Dislikes: high places suffocating places
Unique Magic: Whisper of the Abyss
Ability: her magic, different from her sister's, involves curses, her unique magic is similar to that of vile, but because it is not as powerful, her magic has a limit, so the curse is not eternal and depending on the curse it disappears in a few hours.
INCANTATION: “those who arrived here beware, for you have entered dangerous waters, whisper of the abyss”
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Yuumi Yozakura (inspired by the manga mission: Yozakura family, a manga about espionage that I recommend because it's very good)
Age: 17
Best subject: alchemy
Birthday: May 21st (Twins)
Class: 1 year 1 a
Dormitory: Ramshackle (Mayor of Ramshackle)
Club: none
Height: 1.70
Hobby: reading books or manga, anime, watching Disney films, hyperfocus on Greek mythology
Homeland: Tokyo (Japan)
Likes: collecting Disney products, Disney films, manga, anime and Otome style games, collecting bladed weapons or firearms, his brothers.
Dislikes: people trying to rule her life, routine, her father.
She doesn't possess unique magic, but she is a very good martial artist.
A little about each
The twins are from an influential family in the coral sea in the jewelry business, they have an older brother called Adrian, their father is a fae falcon and their mother a nymph (it was explained better in the post about Marina).
Because of the beauty of the jewelry produced by the family, even important families such as the Kingscholar or the Al-Asim buy the jewelry that the Havik produce, giving them a high and influential status.
Yuumi has six siblings, three women and three men, she is the youngest in the family and the next head.
Unlike other families where the firstborn is the heir, the Yozakura choose only women to become the next leader.
The Yozakura family is a family with strength and abilities much higher than ordinary humans, normally the future head is the most human in the family, so Yuumi, being the most normal, is the future leader.
The Yozakura family is a family of spies and assassins for generations, even though they are the most normal of their brothers, they are superior to ordinary humans.
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