#your shading and style is simply eye candy
xx-sketchy-xx · 6 months
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@lizaisdrawing I just really love your style, and your ideas for welcome home. Like, absolutely obsessed.
you are so amazing, and I’m inspired by your stuff! 💜✨
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psychocharlie · 1 year
I had a dream last night in which Dethklok released deth-eyeshadow palettes. Everyone had their own personalized palette with colors that perfectly fit them and the names for each color in the palette were given by Dethklok themselves. Some refills had funny stamps embossed in the style of each of the band members, and the cover of the packs had their faces on it.
Nathan's palette was mostly black and blood red with names like Death, Murder, Crushed Skull (the only light color there, a milky white), Guts, Hatred, Bloody Vomit, and blue-black color named Abyss.
And when he saw Pickles' palette, he grumbled for a long time that his palette is "not metal" and looked gay, because Pickles' palette didn't have a single dark color, it had a few red-orange shades, but none of them were even brutal blood red (!!!). There was a neon pink shimmer called "Glam" in memory of snakes n barrels, a bottle-green shade called "Booze". The rest of the refills was some trippy bright colors with names like "Party", "Sex on the beach", and there were also a few drug-related named shades: I remember "Acid mushroom", "bad trip" and "cocaine". It looks pretty cool tbh. But Nathan was so fucking pissed off, he was like "Pickles, what kind of gay fucked up shit you put out, it's not even brutal! Okay with Toki put out his candy pink girl shit with glitter and unicorns, 'cause that's Toki, but what's fucking wrong with you? Now, of all the deth-palettes, only mine looks metal, it's fucked up!"
Toki's palette was cute and candy-colored, just the way he likes it. Ufortunately I only remembered a few color names – "Rainbow", "Candy Paradise" and "Magic Unicorn" and there were A LOT of glitter refills in his palette (besides Toki, only Pickles and Skwisgaar palettes had glitters in it, but even they had only one glitter per palette). The cover of the box showed Toki in a cat's body running through a rainbow like in the hamburger time song.
Murderface had the entire palette done in just yellow, ranging from regular yellow to acid yellow to a yellow with red streaks. All the shades were simply called "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "ACID PISS", "BLOODY PISS", "PISS". A single black shade in the bottom right corner with the name "Self-hatred" stood out against this. The package was also done in yellow colors, a bit in the Planet Piss style.
Skwisgaar had a cold colors palette.  There were various cold white, gray and blue colors with names like "Ice fjord", "Snow vortex", "Northern wolf", "Viking". There was also a very beautiful golden glitter named "Golden god", Skwisgaar said that it was made of real gold particles. 
Anyway, it's an incredibly cool concept and I woke up feeling really sad that these eyeshadow palettes don't exist in reality because I want to buy them all 😭
Upd: forgot to add another interesting detail. Throughout the dream Exitus from Brendon Small's Galaktikon II was playing somewhere in the background (I didn't fall asleep with headphones on, the song was part of the dream and existed inside it). Namely the lines from "hold my breath, look in my eyes" to "and you live, you live in your heart. And we live, we live with you". So when I woke up I had those lines running through my head.
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ghostykapi · 2 years
each member showing up for a school event that y/n thought no one would go to? like y/n invited their whole family to a musical/band concert/soccer game that they’re gonna be in and to their disappointment, their whole family said they couldn’t make it, so the members surprise them there instead
i hope that makes sense hxhdhdhxh
family woes and found family ties
10th!member reader & twice // hurt/comfort + fluff
i altered it a bit but i hope this fits in your request! enjoyyy
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it’s very much not fair, you think as the rain soaks your clothes. as much as you loved the rain during your playing days, it’s unfortunately not helping today.
today you’re at a field to play softball, just to participate in a tournament for celebrities. it wasn’t isac, but this tournament lets in all kinds of idols from every generation in to mingle with other celebrities through sports. as long as you had a spirit of an athlete somewhere with your idol spirit then they welcome you in with open arms
it wasn’t a surprise when you joined in as a representative from twice at an early age. you had always showcased certain abilities of an all rounder softball player even when training to be an idol. so you didn’t mind to join in once the company gave you the go signal
it’s been a few years and you’ve already been considered as a senior member amongst the idols, so much that you earned the title “twice’s athlete”. you’ve also won a few medals as well, as they’re proudly displayed in your room.
today you’re playing another game as your schedules have cleared up and it gave you time to enjoy this. you had hoped your family would come as they promised to visit you over at korea so they can support you in your games.
they had fulfilled half of their promise to you when they managed to get over in korea since last week. the only problem is that they didn’t want to go last minute due to the rain, complaining that ‘they might get sick’ despite having complete shade the entire time
the rain didn’t have that much wind too, so as you looked on to the sides where the spectators sat, you couldn’t help the bitter taste on your tongue when you saw how completely dry they were.
“so much for promising” you mumble as you look on to the field, formulating strategies for your team “but i have to focus”
you couldn’t let this feeling get you down, but it still managed to affect your skills and play style one way or another. your coach and teammates knew that you weren’t in the best headspace to play, but with the way your eyes focus on the game and the thin line sitting on your lips, they knew better to comment on it.
you became more aggressive with your throws and pitches, the glint of your eye shining through even with the tears and rain dripping down from your face. your aura a bit more intimidating than usual that left your rival team questioning if that’s really you, so different from your bubbly personality on stage.
it’s only then you snap out of your spite filled headspace when you finally look back to the sidelines and see all of your unnies cheering you on. they didn’t bother with disguising themselves at that point, as you notice at how easy it is to spot each one of them.
you notice the way two eldest still bicker at the sides with their respective signs, while jihyo simply sits in the middle of them, snapping pictures of you with a polaroid camera. you notice the way sana is and dahyun are cheering you on, their signs raised and their voices mingling in with the crowd.
you notice how momo already got her hands on one of the food stalls and is happily munching away with mina, who is also snapping pictures of everyone and you on their phones. you notice how chaeyoung and tzuyu are simply watching you on with smaller signs and a candy bong to wave around to show support.
you feel your heart burst with love at how they took their time off just to watch your game. you knew some of them still had individual or sub unit schedules or one or two plan to get back to their hometowns to visit. still they planned and took the time to watch and give you support
you don't win today's game and you can live with your coach scolding you for the nth time. your eyes going past him as you notice their energy isn't going down anytime soon. you can't help a tiny smile creep in even when he's rubbing the bridge of his nose out of stress
"you know what" he says in disbelief and points back to the locker room "just go take a shower and go to your members"
"thanks coach" you practically sprinted back in to take a quick shower. the water soothing down the last bits of your feelings of being upset
that however proved to be useless as you opened your phone by your locker, reading the latest texts that came through. your eyes blurry as the tears came back again
mama your sibling could have won that match
mama it's good that we didn't watch
mama could have been a waste of money
you take a deep inhale as you shove your phone back in your bag, shaky hands zipping it up. your aura switching back up to the one during the game, with cold and unforgiving eyes like a hunter catching it's prey.
the frown doesn't leave your face when you reach your members at the bleachers, shocking them as you rarely get this upset.
"sweetheart?" jihyo asks, her hands cradling your face, thumbs wiping away the tears "what's wrong?"
the words couldn't come out of your mouth, only small sobs escaping your lips. your whole body is trembling, not from the cold, but from the amount of hurt you feel today.
you can only register yourself crying softly into one of your member's arms when you've been squished into a group hug. you can't even tell which member is hugging which, the only thing keeping you from fully breaking down into a sobbing session is their warmth.
"we don't have to talk about it" mina whispers into your ear, and you only realize it was her that held you first in the group hug "but we're always here for you"
"we love you so much y/n" jeongyeon pats your damp hair down "we're always here for you"
"how about this" jihyo wipes the remaining tears away from your face and gives you a soft smile "let's have a movie marathon at one of the dorms and let you choose tonight's dinner"
you cry out of happiness and love and that startles the rest into thinking that made you more upset, sending them into a spilling more words of comfort and ultimately bundling you up back in the van like a baby.
wouldn't have it any other way, you think as you cuddle closer to sana, who's delighted to keep you company while the others prepare to cheer you up even more
this is my family
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splanana-bitz · 6 months
i am asking you about your special interests. rant about all of them to me if you wish. go off my friend :)
Holy shit, you are now my new favorite person-
A lot of my special interests right now mainly center around Will Wood, ROTTMNT, and human behavior as a whole.
With Will Wood's music, whether he intends it to be or not, is just so profound and well made and really makes me happy. The symbolism, the seemingly needless, lengthy words, and the themes he explores overall are just ground-breaking to me and I could analyze his stuff for days on end with a burning passion. And the way his music (both old and new) sounds?? LIKE WHAT??
I swear, no two songs of his sound the same, and I mean it in the best way possible. The pacing, the instrumental choice, really everything just feels uniquely respective to its own song and I am drooling over it.
Will Wood is easily one of the best musicians I have ever had the pleasure of discovering. When I found his stuff, I hadn't had a musical hyperfixation in actual years, but boy did listening to the normal album change that.
Like I said, the lyrics, the sounds of the music, and (what I believe is) the continued theme of normalcy while each song still tells its own theme/story?? It's just perfection to me, really-
As for ROTTMNT? Don't even get me started!
The animation is lively, colorful, and has a delightful, anime-ish style to it that just makes the whole show eye candy to me. The boxy(?) movement in certain scenes, the shading (especially in the movie), and the character designs?? Omg the character designs-
I love how Rise broke what I feel was the "copy-and-paste" style of design for the turtles, unlike the previous series (I'm not saying other TMNT shows were bad, but good lord the designs (looking at you, 2012) were...awful-). Each design feels respective to its own character and the diversity in appearance really helps the turtle's personalities, fighting style, and expression shine through.
And the turtles themselves? I simply just adore what the show did with their personalities and how they gave them more depth and really humanized them. Especially with Raph and Donnie. Especially Raph and Donnie.
Raph always came off as just "the angry one," and there was seemingly no reason for why and there was nothing else to him, when I tried getting into older series, and at times, it made me dislike him as a character. But in Rise? They made him into a gentle giant with different likes, dislikes, interests, strength, weaknesses, and gave him reason to be angry in certain scenarios, rather than feeding us the usual "pissed off all the time" Raph. In Rise, he just comes off as a reasonably tired, realistic older brother that cares about his family and just wants the best for everyone, even if there are times he comes off in the wrong way.
And I could go off about Donnie for days
But to keep it as short as I can; Donnie is to die for in Rise. He is more than just the "tech guy." He is shown to indulge in different interests and hobbies, he has vulnerable moments, he's sarcastically witty and deadpan, just everything I could want in a character like him.
And the way they handled autistic representation with Donnie?
*chef's kiss* 11/10 👌
He comes off a realistic, neurodivergent person that isn't weakened by his condition, and is instead just accepted as he is and plays a vital role to the brother's chemistry, unlike in most shows where the autistic character feels like an inconvenience, a man-child, an un-empathetic asshole, and/or too indulged in their hyperfixation to be useful, or that's all there is to them as a person.
Rise just got so many things right and I adore the show for it!
And lastly; with human behavior? It's certainly not as strong as the last two fixations, but I still find it rather interesting.
Everything we have been taught since birth feels black and white, especially with people's intentions and emotions. But, I don't think that's the case at all (in 95% of cases). People each have their own thoughts, feelings, and reasonings for why they do x, y, z, and I may not know everything about it, but Jesus Christ, it intrigues me so much.
Thank you so much for asking about my special interests =)
I apologize it took a while to answer, I've been busy with school, my job, and trying to finish the first part of the Black Box Warrior analysis (which I should hopefully have posted in the next day or two-)
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pykanico · 10 months
Day 23 - Familly
Fic if you want to read every posted day : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51386731/chapters/129854215
“Ingo this is verrrry ridiculous, I hate it”
“Emmy is right, why did you have to paint your hair black? it looks dumb”
“Yup, it looks dumb”
Ingo cannot believe that the first thing that his brother and Iris agree on is that they hate his new style, and it has only been 10 minutes since these two met each other.
Emmet and Ingo had just returned home after their visit to Nimbasa city to see how Elesa was doing and passed the day together, to discover than Drayden got himself a surprise visit from an old friend, who just happened to be the legal guardian of Iris.
And if his younger twin was already a menace to himself with his infuriating prank, then Iris, of her 4 years of existence, was by her guardian mouth ‘a hell of a Impidimp’ with her boundless energy, and they said all of that before promptly leaving their daughter here because of an emergency.
Now that the tracks of Emmet and Iris converge in one, Ingo is not sure if the world is prepared for it, He, is not prepared for it personally.
And it seems that they decided to direct their track in his direction full speed ahead, as Emmet was pretty vocal about his distaste with Ingo’s new interest in fashion and Iris seemed to hate it with as much fever as his brother.
“My outfit is in no point dumb, it is a perfectly adequate one that Elesa has approved as such, neither of your opinions have value for me”
The two troublemakers looked at Ingo with no emotion, betraying them before Emmet turned his attention to Iris with a mischievous smile, one that Ingo could recognize everywhere, his twin talking quietly as if he was sharing a secret but loud enough to be heard by every people who was in the room “Elesa did not approve his hair at all, yup, she only approve his outfit”
That seemed to be enough to make Iris grin like she found the last piece of candy, as she herself turn her head in Emmet direction and false-whisper to him “That explain a lot Emmy! Your friend did not want to say that he shouldn’t have painted his hair!!”
“I am Emmet, and I am sure that is the reason”
Ingo could only groan loudly at the shenanigan of the two, as they seemed to laugh loudly at his misery, With all of that, Drayden simply entered the living room with what seemed to be an amused expression as he put two cup of tea and one glass of orange juice on the small table.
“Emmet, Iris leave Ingo alone, I am sure you two have other things to talk about other than bugging him off?”
His younger twin rolled his eyes as he seemed to understand what their uncle was asking and reluctantly left Ingo alone, starting a discussion about Pokemon that seemed to perk up Iris attention.
“Thank you Uncle Drayden”
“...I must admit that your brother is right through, black hair does not look great on you”
“This is utterly stupid, Ingo you cannot walk around this house in that!! Come on !"
“I am Emmet, And I am utterly disappointed in you, how can you do that to us?!”
It’s only been one minute, how can they be already at him when he had just changed into the ONLY available outfit, who was unfortunately this for some mysterious reason.
“Maybe if someone didn’t stolen the rest of them, then maybe I wouldn't be on this track”.
The two culprits seemed to laugh at his misery as Drayden entered the room with the breakfast, Even years later, things really never change.
“Ingo, I thought you hated this shade of Green?”
“…” For once in his life, he had a sudden urge to scream more loudly than his usual volume.
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
another small part from that same scrapped fic because i think i'm hilarious 😭
The first thing Patroclus and Achilles learned about King Theseus is that he was, genuinely, truly, poor with directions in addition to being rather forgetful. Patroclus had thought (or rather, he hoped) that the king was exaggerating somewhat about his clumsiness, but the trio was led into a number of glades that definitely were not Elysium's library, including, but not limited to, a market selling children's toys, a small shop with a variety of candies (Pat may or may not have given into his impulses and purchased a few), and a shrine to Dionysus (which Theseus quickly led them away from the instant ritual instruments began to sound). By the time they finally made it to their destination, they were all quite out of breath.
("Isn't Elysium supposed to be an eternal paradise…? Why, then, do I feel so exhausted?" 
"You are a bit out of shape, Pat. Perhaps it's time you start getting some exercise?" mused Achilles.
"You should train with Asterius and I sometime! If you will not fight in the arena, you can at least bless us with a spar!" bellowed Theseus.
The fallen warrior groaned at both suggestions.)
“Observe- the great library of Elysium!”
The building before them was massive and extravagantly built in the style of Athenian architecture. A number of pillars stood tall beneath carved stone, and in the center garden was a bronze statue of Athena. The babbling of a water fountain rushed by; Achilles gazed downwards to see a number of obols hidden beneath the ripples, certainly thrown in by those seeking wishes. “Well! Now that we have arrived,” King Theseus exclaimed, “...Would you two mind going inside and fetching Asterius for me?” “You’re not going in yourself?”, asked Patroclus suspiciously. “Oh, no no no no. No!” Theseus waved his hands empathetically, shaking his head all the while. “For you see, I have been banned from the library! Did I forget to mention that?” “You’ve been...banned.” “Yes! For you see, the shades who work within it claim I am too loud, and too disruptive, and too argumentative! As if it is MY fault if some men are foolish enough to completely misinterpret the ending of a play!” “Well then!” The corners of Achilles’ lips twitched with a slightly delirious smile. “Aren’t you here for your friend? How does he know that you’re waiting for him, if you cannot enter the building?” “He does not! Most days or nights, I simply stand out here and wait for however long it takes! But with you both here, I have no need to! Of course, I am not in any real hurry, so feel free to peruse the facilities as well!” The king was now pushing the two warriors towards the library’s door with a surprising amount of strength, considering they were both much taller than he was. “Now go- find Asterius, and tell him that his dearest friend is outside waiting for him, and tell him that we four are going to ‘hang out’ with one another! Now, off you go!” With that, the champion shoved the two men through the doors, and into the vast library. It was just as spacious looking inside as it was outside, though the very first thing the pair laid eyes on was none other than a small portrait of King Theseus himself, with bold text scribbled underneath it:
Do NOT allow this man into the library under any circumstances, it read, May the Gods have mercy on his immortal soul.“Achilles…”, Patroclus sighed, already exhausted, “What have we gotten ourselves into.” 
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elsartzz · 1 year
I really love your art! your style is so pretty, it's like eye candy fr. you're such a skilled artist! also, I wanted to mention that I saw a couple of your thoughts posts and I wanted to suggest possibly investing into a journal to write them down into instead—I've found it helps to get the negative thoughts out, and then you're not broadcasting them to random strangers on the internet. not trying to throw shade, just genuinely concerned for your mental health. I really do enjoy your mha and genshin art, and it makes me happy when you post it! I love how you added both kaeya and klee in your recent contribution to the barbie meme lol. I hope you're having a good day, and if not, I hope things start looking up real soon! stay safe, and don't be too hard on yourself, alright? you're an awesome person 🩷 this is your sign to keep going
Hello!! Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m happy you like my art :))
Regarding the comment abt my thoughts posts – aw thanks for your concern! But first off, it’s actually been a while since I posted those (I checked and I think it was more than a year back? same w my mha art tbh– either you’ve been following for a while or you must’ve scrolled a lot LOL either way I’m impressed.) and I did delete a bunch of older emo posts and shifted some stuff to a more private blog, cos I realised it wasn’t too healthy to post everything online.
And I do have a journal!! It helps me a lot to get my thoughts out of my head and reason through emotional issues. I highly recommend keeping a journal too (even though I haven’t updated mine in a few days lol).
As for why I have the tendency to post more personal thoughts online… sometimes I want to share about smth ppl might find relevant, and sometimes I simply want the space to quickly vent about things that I can’t share with people in real life (for whatever reason). And I only do it cos I know I’m a small account (half my followers are bots) and it doesn’t really “endanger” my reputation and all that.
It’s a bit like shouting off a mountain or into a void, except sometimes the void speaks back and is kinda somewhat decent to you.
And occasionally people have replied!! (not on Tumblr tho lol) to share help/advice/support, which has been really nice.
But yes, I’m aware venting on the internet is probably not the healthiest and can be potentially dangerous as well. Also maybe it’s a bit of a turnoff if an artist you like keeps complaining about how miserable they are lol.
Don’t worry I’ll be sure to keep to myself more since my account is growing a bit, and draw a line between how much and what I share on the internet. I’m aware of Internet safety!!
…but just wanna say I’m probably not gonna stop random posting about unimportant things in life like how horrible my sweaty palms are lol they’re the literal worst FRRRR 😭😭
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13 Things About fake bags You May Not Have Known
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Selecting a 1:1 duplicate Chanel handbag might be a life-altering determination.​ After all, you're investing in what is likely your Main arm candy for your foreseeable upcoming.​ But it really’s worthwhile – In spite of everything, acquiring the common luxurious piece inside your collection will instantly improve your wardrobe and provide you with a timeless, effortless edge.​
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Superior yet, 1:one replica handbags from louis vuitton come in various collections Each and every season.​ So, your closet by no means gets stale and you will usually obtain a thing contemporary to match the latest trends.​ So, say goodbye to mundane moments with just one of such baggage with your arm.​
To help make things less difficult, these luggage are Tremendous sensible too.​ Straps which might be altered, or simply just carried about the shoulder and very well-crafted pockets to retail store your essentials are A part of the design.​ Let alone, these luggage astonishingly give a lot of storage space - allowing you to bring out the everyday living of every experience along with you.​
Allow’s be genuine here.​ Who wants to bother with scratches, Grime and indication of injury, when purchasing a bag that Price tag over a thousand? We all want for it to previous For some time - and This is when high quality reproduction handbags can be found in.​ Louis Vuitton replica handbags suitable for toughness and timelessness, surpass all silver linings and perhaps provide a two-12 months warranty on most items.​
Besides, these 1:one reproduction handbags don’t should just stay in your closet.​ Wear them with self-assurance for years, only wipe them and keep away for safekeeping.​ Convey them out on Distinctive events or to the next relatives collecting, and it begins to appear to be these luggage have been along with you continuously.​
When it comes to electric power dressing, practically nothing pretty provides drama to an outfit like these luggage.​ With capabilities like stylish quilting, signature components, and Tremendous structured styles, these one:one replica handbags offer the perfect spouse to a killer do the job outfit.​ As well as, they surely make their statement by Mixing tradition and up to date type.​
We’re already aware about the worth of owning a timeless and high-class bag.​ Decide on any from the large selection of louis vuitton one:1 duplicate handbags, and they’ll be your companion For several years to come.​ Toss away your dull bag fearlessly, and bask in some fashionable clichés.​
Confidence is the final word fashion masterpiece and these luggage never are unsuccessful to produce the wearer glance so put alongside one another.​ Whether or not you’re out for lunch or strolling round the town, make a statement and exude slickness using a 1:one reproduction handbag from louis vuitton.​
Obtaining a costly reliable Louis Vuitton designer bag is usually from reach For a lot of sadly.​ The good news is, there's a bevvy of top quality reproduction handbags to choose from.​ Currently being billed for mediocre excellent is not a thing any of us likes and louis vuitton 1:1 reproduction handbags enable it to be all so less of a challenge.​
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Blessed for manner lovers out there, these baggage You should not actually Price tag a fortune.​ With slightly smartness you could possibly individual a bag that looks like one million bucks - without the need to spend practically as much.​ So, make sure to grab your preferred 1:1 duplicate handbags now - never know once they'll be gone!
Do you're keen on the attract of proudly owning a designer bag, but can not convey yourself to overspend? Fret not, you could nevertheless have that luxurious experience without the hefty costs.​ Get the fingers on good quality one:one duplicate handbags louis vuitton and take pleasure in the sophistication - with no staying billed an outrageous amount of money!
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You'd be surprised to grasp simply how much of the effect these one:1 duplicate handbags make on men and women.​ No matter whether you show up at official functions or perhaps chill out with friends, louis vuitton reproduction handbags can complete your glimpse with out costing you a fortune.​ Don’t fail to remember to offer you a pat about the back for making the good conclusion of acquiring a reproduction bag, that as well through the phenomenal house of Louis Vuitton.​
Also, it can help to inspect the hardware.​ Zippers, rings, and buckles need to appear as normal as feasible; When they are also sleek or Possess a plastic-y feel, they might not be approximately Chanel’s signature high quality.​ Positive, a glossy end seems fancy, but it really’s an clear giveaway In the event the bag isn’t authentic.​
The shape on the bag is yet another vital component.​ An genuine 1:1 reproduction Chanel handbag should not be too structured or also slouchy - most of these bags may perhaps search very good in shots, but won’t pass a closer inspection.​ Sure, it’s tempting to acquire a cheaper knock-off, nonetheless it’s worth it Over time to speculate a little more for your own private peace of mind.​
Last but not least, take a look at the interior facts.​ It’s very easy to pass up this when browsing on the net, but you ought to usually Examine When the stitches tend not to appear to be uniform and reliable.​ If there is a slight big difference in the overall condition of your bag, it is likely an indication which the materials are certainly not of the identical high quality as the first.​ Moreover, Be sure that Each individual of the pockets and sections are finished in a similar fashion as the initial, despite dimension.​
In regards to picking out the appropriate one:one replica Chanel bag, it is critical to make certain that each individual element of the bag is as near to the initial as you can.​ From the material into the stitching and from The form into the hardware, Every of those features should be retained to the very best expectations.​ Have you discovered the right Chanel bag however?
Now, Let us take a look at the longevity of a 1:1 replica Chanel bag.​ Regardless of the retail cost, it’s crucial that the luxurious product lasts For many years to come.​ It may be very hard to ascertain the longevity of the handbag, on the other hand, a couple of important elements can provide you with a good sign of how nicely it can rise up to have on and tear.​
First off, consider the stitches.​ Lousy stitching is undoubtedly an apparent signal of the reduced-finish item, so be certain the seams are expertly sewn and secured.​ Next, inspect the fabric from the bag.​ If leather or material is too slim or weak, it gained’t be able to deal with any have on and tear that comes its way.​ In addition, inspect the hardware of your bag; although it’s excellent that the components looks shiny and new, it will not be an excellent signal that it'll final in the long run.​
Concurrently, it’s also imperative that you consider the craftsmanship with the bag.​ Try to look for imperfections or sloppy regions that will suggest the bag is made out of small-high quality elements.​ In the event the handbag is just too lightweight or if The form isn’t reliable, it may swiftly drop its attraction.​ Thesese particulars may appear little at first, Nevertheless they soon include up over time.​
Further, Check out to see simply how much the bag will stretch after some time.​ A one:1 duplicate Chanel handbag ought to have the ability to take care of each day use without having donning down as well swiftly.​ Goal for the utmost amount of toughness, so that you could hold applying it For several years to come back.​ Last but not least, when possible, Make contact with the retailer or inspect the product or service in person, as This can be the only way to ensure that it is good quality.​
In terms of choosing a 1:1 reproduction Chanel handbag, there are numerous factors that has to be taken under consideration, from the elements into the craftsmanship and further than.​ Want to make certain that the bag remains in prime situation after some time? Pay back near focus to the main points for a timeless, lavish piece that will add a contact of course and sophistication to any type.​
Now let's glance further than the aesthetic of the one:1 replica Chanel handbag and explore its functional strengths.​ Having a luxury merchandise in the selection right away permits you to Convey your type, regardless of whether that be through a common structure or a press release piece.​ But, a Chanel handbag will also be sensible, for equally day-to-working day use and Distinctive situations.​
First off, a duplicate Chanel handbag will give all precisely the same functions as the first, irrespective of whether that be an exterior pocket, a detachable shoulder strap, card slots or zip compartments.​ This makes it easier to keep items and Manage day to day objects, perfect for business excursions or evenings out.​
Following, a Chanel bag has an ideal sizing-to-type ratio, probably fitting into your Way of life effortlessly.​ Whether or not you’re looking for a modest wallet to work with as a clutch, or a larger piece for an overseas holiday, the variety of measurements allows you choose the right bag for your needs.​
In addition, the adaptable seems of a Chanel handbag indicate that it might be dressed up or dressed down effortlessly.​ From cocktails to Business meetings, a classic Chanel bag lends by itself to any situation.​ This can make it the ideal investment for those who love to showcase their person design without having compromising on high-quality.​
Type also performs an important part from the longevity of the reproduction Chanel handbag.​ Classic types won't ever go out of craze, so it’s worth investing in a bit that’s timeless and filled with temperament.​ Moreover, Chanel handbags have an awesome background for being in excellent situation even if utilised normally.​
Most importantly, however, fake bags a 1:1 reproduction Chanel handbag is an opulent piece that could switch any product into a press release piece.​ Despite the at any time-changing trend trends, having a timeless duplicate Chanel by your facet might make all the main difference and become a legitimate reflection of your own design and style.​ So, could you photo by yourself with all your Chanel handbag?
Finally, let’s analyze the widespread myths connected with one:1 reproduction Chanel handbags.​ Regardless of the title, this stuff aren't unlawful - the truth is, they are built to be really similar to the initial merchandise in phrases of fabric and craftsmanship, still retain the convenience of becoming offered in numerous measurements and colours.​ Contrary to well-liked belief, a reproduction Chanel bag is additionally constructed from higher-excellent material, offering the same degree of ease and comfort and luxury as the first.​
At the same time, a duplicate Chanel handbag is just not essentially a knock-off or “faux” product.​ In truth, it’s crafted with the same amount of precision and depth as an reliable bag, which makes it as close to the original as feasible.​ Moreover,
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Wholesale Green Teas Free Leaf Green Tea Bulk
In 2019 the export worth changed to $4.70 per kilo, by -4.664%. Since American shoppers are usually less educated about tea due to a lack of a robust tea tradition , there’s a tendency to skew toward manufacturers with pretty, eye-catching packaging. Of course, high-quality bagged teas are available; you simply have to know the place to look. Green tea accommodates a fair amount of catechin which inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans. This helps in reducing the risk of oral infection, thereby paving the way for higher oral care and therapy. Oh, there are a number of pieces of analysis that additionally counsel that consuming green tea is a good way to sort out bad breath. Like all types of tea, green tea is obtainable in all kinds of costs. You can decide up cheap bagged choices in your local grocery retailer or find extremely pricey loose-leaf varieties on-line or at tea outlets. Generally, you get what you pay for as far as quality, however luckily there are good choices in every value range. A listing of the most effective green teas wouldn’t be complete without at least one matcha choice.
It has tightly rolled leaves that unfurl as you brew, and the flavor is vegetal, barely smoky and bolder than many other green teas. You can brew these teas in a pot, but we’d suggest using a standard gaiwan if you have it, to extract probably the most flavor from your leaves. Popular Japanese teas are sencha, gyokuro, and genmaicha. It’s a lovely tea to welcome spring or brighten up a winter’s day. Gyokuro is a extra specialised tea because it is partially shaded through the rising stage.
Pineapple Papaya Green Tealoose Leaf
As an added bonus, the brand's bins are produced from recycled supplies. If you’re on the lookout for a refreshing, delicate cup of tea that balances candy and nutty notes, look no further than The Republic of Tea’s People’s Honey Ginseng Green Tea. The tea leaves are sourced from China, where green tea originated, and blended with a few tasty elements like Panax ginseng, linden flowers, and honey for a signature flavor.
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Well recognized for its antioxidant content, green tea has grown increasingly well-liked. There are a variety of green tea products in the marketplace, including normal tea bags, matcha powders, cold brews, and loose leaf teas with a spread of taste profiles. For cold-brewed iced tea, Teng recommends a ratio of 6 grams of unfastened leaf tea for each 25 ounces of water, or roughly 15 grams of tea for an 8-cup pitcher. All you have to do is go away the pitcher in the fridge for 36 to 48 hours for scrumptious iced green tea. Any longer than three days and the microorganisms in the tea could pose a well being danger. For hot-brewed iced tea, begin by heating four cups of water to your desired temperature. Jasmine and Sencha green teas are a number of the hottest, yielding balanced vegetal and sweet flavors with a smooth finish. Choose matcha if you are in search of a daring flavor with a higher caffeine and antioxidant content. The lemon and ginger notes in Kusmi Green Tea yield a complex flavor, elevating the pure taste of the green tea. Sunshine is French-made tea, sourced from tea leaves from all over the world, offering a wide range of thoughtfully crafted flavors. Try the Ginger Lemon Green Tea after mealtime to get the potential digestive benefits of ginger and the palate-cleansing style of lemon.
How Do You Make Green Tea?
Even if you’re new to matcha, you’ll benefit from the mellow, subtly candy flavor of Encha. Loose-leaf tea tends to yield a more complicated flavor, because the water can flow through more of the leaf's floor, infusing at a higher concentration. Climate-neutral and Fair Trade, Vahdam Himalayan Green Tea Leaves are sourced from the Himalayan area of India and have a candy and vegetal taste profile. Measure a 3 gram portion of the loose-leaf tea into a tea infuser and brew with 175 Fahrenheit water for three to 4 minutes, and pressure into a cup. Prior to 2019, a kg of green tea was going for US$5.48 in 2017 and US$4.ninety three in 2018.
These naturally occurring flavonoid antioxidants can cut back oxidative cellular damage in the body by blocking inflammatory pathways.
Tea leaves, when saved of their entire form, lure essential oils, amino acids, catechins and flavonoids.
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to assist the facts within our articles.
Rishi recommends brewing one sachet per eight ounces of water at a hundred and sixty levels Fahrenheit for two minutes.
I was told it was happy hour but once I ordered a cappuccino she only have me one.
However, sipping on green tea can be a half of a balanced diet, notably if it is offsetting consumption of sugar sweetened beverages. According to the FDA, as much as 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is considered safe for healthy adults. This is equal to about eight cups per day of green tea or four cups a day of espresso. You may need high quality and ethical issues when it comes to buying your green tea. If this is the case, look for licensed natural merchandise to ensure no synthetic fertilizers had been used to grow the tea leaves. Matcha also typically has a higher caffeine content material than other green teas.
Espresso Frappucino
The tea bags are bought in 40-count bins, and there is a K-Cup version out there for those who need their tea quick. Sencha is a Japanese green tea that's simple to determine by its long, thin leaves and easy to drink throughout the day due to its moderate caffeine content material. It can include a variety of flavors but sometimes leans toward the grassier, vegetal aspect. Rishi Tea's sencha strikes a great stability with a predominantly hearty style that is underlined by a lightweight sweetness.
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writerpeach · 3 years
Lights & Cameras
Jeon Somi x Male Reader
5575 words
Categories: smut, daddy kink, rough sex, dirty talk
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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Three hours. Endless outfit changes. Barely an hour for lunch.
Jeon Somi had done photo shoots before, both as part of a group and as a soloist, for commercials and for album covers, but she had never had the focus be on her just like this. Her beautiful face was going to be on the cover of a magazine for the very first time for the entire country to see.
It took countless people to make a magazine shoot run smoothly. Stylists, photographers, directors, makeup artists, interns, and a plethora of untold staff members whose titles were unbeknownst to you.
Somi’s first magazine shoot was exciting. If she was nervous, she hid it well, radiating confidence behind the camera as hundreds of flashes went off every second.
You had lost track of how many times you saw Somi disappearing from the set into her personal dressing room, reemerging in an outfit that either tantalized or confused you. Each ensemble brought out several emotions and at least one change that left you scratching your head.
Fashion never made sense.
There wasn’t a moment behind the cameras that Somi wasn’t swarmed by staff - fixing her hair, touching up makeup, and preparing her for the next set of blinding lights. Somi basked in it all, she loved the attention and loved every moment of being in the spotlight.
You weren’t hired by anyone, yet had one of the most important jobs in the building.
Your job was just to be there. You were a familiar face to the gorgeous young model, keeping the couch warm in the first-story studio where you could be seen at all times when Somi felt a pit in her stomach from being overwhelmed.
One look into your eyes across the distance brought a bright smile to Somi’s lipstick painted lips, one that melted you like a hot summer’s day.
Another outfit change. One more shade of lipstick applied to her lips, her cheeks now a shade of pink instead of red. The fumes of hairspray lingered in the air as her dark big brim hat was swapped out by a simple white ball cap and blue sunglasses.
Truth be told, Somi could make any outfit look good. Whether it be tall high heels that almost made her trip, short skirts that showed off her amazing legs, or puffy coats that she looked adorable in, anything and everything looked great on Somi. You’re pretty sure she could make an astronaut’s spacesuit look sexy.
Somi loved dressing up, wearing expensive clothes and outfits she only dreamed about, each time she was presented with something new feeling giddier than a kid in a candy store.
This outfit you particularly liked on Somi, a rather long green dress that almost touched the ground, perfect for summertime. At first glimpse it seemed to cover her up, the sacrifice worth it as it did a terrific job of hugging her body nicely, leaving her shoulders bare and just a tease of her exposed back.
The best part of her fancy dress was how good her tits looked in it. Her wide hips were plainly visible, curves everywhere and outlining her delicious backside, the perfect woman.
Four hours in, Somi's energy level was just as high as at the start. Perhaps it was your company, or the high of her first solo photo shoot that kept her spirits lifted, filling her tank to get her through the rest of the day.
Bright lights went off again as Somi rotated through a myriad of poses, from sensual, to serious, to downright goofy, conveying a multitude of expressions that seemed to please the director.
Somi was a natural, the camera was in love with her and the feeling was mutual. You couldn’t hear her cute voice over the constant shutter sounds of the camera drowning out her playful laughter, but you knew she was having the time of her life.
Sitting there for hours at a time might have been dull as a spectator, but not so much as you loved watching Somi in different outfits and different styles of makeup. She stepped back into the dazzling lights appearing as an almost completely different person.
The brightly lit set became flooded with staff again. Somi was handed a bottle of water to her left, while on her right someone wiped her brow carefully with a white towel, heading out of view as if that were their only job.
“Thirty minute break!”
An echoing voice from the director rattled the walls as a much needed break was called. Somi was filled to the brim with unlimited energy as she headed to catering and you followed in her footsteps.
The catering table was surrounded in no time flat, trays of pastries and sweets spread out, an assortment of fruits and cheeses, sandwiches and skewered meats all made up a fantastic spread.
“Oh my god, I’m starving,” Somi said as she picked up a plate, stuffing it as high as she could, not even bothering to take a seat as she stuffed her face, forgoing the image she was portraying as a model as soon as she took her first bite.
“What do you think so far?” Somi asked as she found you, mumbling her words as she talked with her mouth full as she approached your position.
“You must be bored out of your mind.”
You shook your head and smiled. “I don’t mind. You look cute wearing all these outfits.”
“Which one was your favorite?” she asked, practically inhaling a bite of strawberry cheesecake.
“I liked the pink dress. And the white top with the jeans. This dress looks really nice on you too,” you said, trying your best not to stare at her chest while dozens of eyes were on you.
“I like it too. It’s light and comfortable and I can move around in it freely. Some of those other dresses I could barely walk in,” she said, annoyed.
Somi waited for a handful of staff members to pass by, exchanging polite bows and smiling as they headed off with equally filled plates.
“I want you to take it off me,” she whispered, flashing a mischievous smile, one that had you seen before.
“You want me to help you change?”
Somi shook her head cutely, keeping her lips pressed close enough to your ear that you could feel her hot breath nuzzling your earlobe.
“I want you to fuck me in this dress, daddy.”
Thankfully nobody was in earshot.
“It’s going to be several more hours before I’m finished shooting. There’s a spare dressing room in the back that nobody is using...” she playfully said, her expression the same as when she tried to convince you her vibrator was a neck massager.
“You’re bad, Somi,” you said, her gaze agreeing with you as you stared into each other’s eyes as if you were wondering what you were about to get into.
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Lead the way. I’ll stay a few steps behind you.”
Somi nodded gleefully, putting her half finished food down on the nearest table.
“I’ll uh, be back. I think something I ate didn’t agree with me,” she announced, letting the staff know she wasn’t going to be available for the time being.
If your calculations were correct the break was called about ten minutes ago, leaving you with twenty minutes left, yet also Somi leaving herself an excuse if extra time was needed.
But twenty minutes was more than enough time for what you wanted to do to her.
You carefully followed Somi, taking care to leave additional space in trailing her as you weaved through makeup tables and desks full of equipment, disappearing behind the set as your heart raced at what was about to happen.
“Come on,” she said, waving you down a long dark corridor and looking behind her as she took purposeful steps. Shortly after, she opened a door and stepped inside, ushering you in as the two of you looked around, making sure the coast was clear before entering.
Somi entered first, locking the door behind you as her lips smirked. She placed her hat and sunglasses on a nearby countertop, ruffling her hair messily.
“You’re so naughty, Somi.”
“Am I? What are you going to do with me?” she asked, putting her arms behind her back.
Stepping closer, you moved her hair out of her neck, planting your lips on her soft skin and sucked for several seconds, careful not to leave a mark. You took each of her dress straps in your fingertips, playing with them as you looked deeply into her eyes.
She stared back as if to say do it as you pulled the top of her dress down to her waist in one swift movement, exposing her full supple breasts as they bounced freely. You kissed up her stomach, marking her soft skin with your mouth until you reached her large heavy breasts, practically drooling all over her chest.
It was regretful that you couldn’t spend the entire hour worshipping her perfect tits, lips closing around a sensitive nipple that had already hardened as you latched on, sucking gently while you squeezed her free breast.
“F-fuck, daddy,” Somi moaned, as you took your time in sucking her tits, enjoying the sounds of satisfaction she released as your lips wrapped around each of her nipples, covering them in your saliva.
You loved Somi’s huge breasts as much as you loved breathing, the threat of a deadline hovering over her almost didn’t deter as you devoured her breasts.
Your pants tightened as you alternated breasts, slurping loudly and slicking up her stiff pink nipples with your tongue, leaving them swollen and doused in drool as you gave equal attention.
“I wish I could suck these all day,” you said, giving a disappointed look as you kept your focus on her beautiful tits, squeezing and kneading them, never wanting to leave your hands from them.
“I want you to do just more than suck them, daddy,” Somi said, moaning at your touch. You simply couldn’t get enough of her delicious tits, biting her swollen nipples as she whined and threw her head back.
Somi’s attention shifted to the bulge in your pants, and without another word she lowered to her knees and began to undo your pants. Her needy hands cupped your crotch, giving a firm squeeze.
She looked up for a second before she hooked her fingers into the waistband of your thin boxers, yanking them down with power and unleashing your stiff erection as her eyes widened, her lips smiling hungrily.
Her gaze never broke as she rubbed your leaking tip on her stiff nipples, spreading precum on and using your shaft to slap her large breasts with your cock. Somi loved getting your hungry shaft ready for what she was about to do, but no amount of work would ever truly prepare you for what was next.
Somi opened her mouth without a word, spitting on your shaft several times and stroked your cock furiously, lubricating you nicely with her own saliva. She took control of your shaft, placing it in the comfort of her pillowy soft breasts, trapping it as you moaned at the warmth enveloping your hard shaft.
Her chest began moving slowly, massaging your throbbing shaft and causing a torrent of pleasure as she created orgasmic friction, causing your shaft to twitch. Your cock had no chance to escape, surrounded by flesh that wrapped around it, causing your breath to be taken away as several sensations flooded your body.
Somi had the biggest grin on her face as she squeezed her tits around your cock firmly, using her hands to cup them and make sure you weren’t going anywhere besides her abundant cleavage.
“How does it feel daddy? You love fucking my big tits, don’t you?” she pointlessly asked, picking up the pace just enough to drive you wild with intoxicating pleasure. Your eyes were glued to her huge tits, watching your cock disappearing, every inch of throbbing flesh being swallowed up by her lubricated cleavage.
“Fuck yes, baby. It feels so damn good,” you replied, matching her rhythm and helping pump your shaft in between her tits, so much warm flesh hugging you tight that never wanted to let you go.
You couldn’t help but moan freely at the intense pleasure. You loved the way your leaking cock felt snuggled in between her cleavage, you wanted it to stay there forever. Her breasts felt so soft, softer than silk as you thrusted endlessly, savoring every moment of ecstasy.
Somi loved the feeling of your hard cock trapped between her sizable tits just as much as you did, trying to lick the sensitive head of your cock when it showed itself again, adding additional spikes of pleasure each time she succeeded.
You were more than content to keep this up, keep the incredible pleasure going until you couldn’t take anymore, but things were just getting started.
“Daddy…” Somi whined, moving her breasts up and down as you thrusted in her deep suffocating cleavage.
“What is it, baby?”
“I want to suck your cock. I’m still hungry,” she said, anxiously waiting for permission.
“So suck my cock.”
Somi gave an ear to ear grin as you pumped yourself in between her chest a handful more times as she slowly let your cock slip out of her tits, rubbing it between her wet cleavage. Her delicate small hand wrapped around your shaft, throbbing at her touch as she stroked your cock up and down gently from base to tip.
"You're so hard, daddy,” Somi hummed, pumping your shaft and squeezing it tighter as you leaked over her slender fingers, giving your shaft a single solitary lick from base to tip, proudly tasting your precum.
“So yummy,” she said, giving repeated licks of your cock, teasing the sensitive underside of your shaft, causing more fluids to leak out of your slit.
You would have loved Somi to spend more time teasing your cock, but time was of the essence here. She planted a soft wet kiss on your swollen tip, followed by another, kissing up and down your throbbing shaft and leaving her lips everywhere she could.
“This is much better than our catering,” Somi giggled, her voice full of desire and need, her wet tongue roaming every inch of your shaft. She pressed her lips on your flesh for one more deep kiss, causing a loud smacking sound to escape.
Her beautiful lips parted as the head of your cock disappeared inside her mouth, Somi sucking ever so softly on your tip and nothing more, causing you to groan softly at the intense sudden pleasure.
“Fuck, baby…”
Nothing ever matched the way Somi sucked your cock. Her small soft lips wrapped tightly around your cock, staring intently at you as her cheeks hollowed, applying the perfect amount of suction. Her mouth felt incredible, warm and wet in all the right ways. She took you deeper into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down in a short rhythm and as she held her gaze.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good,” you moaned, scrambling for something to anchor yourself to. Thankfully you were inches away from the nearest countertop, finding the edge and gripping it tightly as Somi pleasured your cock expertly.
“I love sucking your cock so much, daddy,” Somi said as she lowered her head, nudging her nose against the base of your cock as she gave a few teasing licks on your tender balls.
“I love the way I can feel it throbbing inside my mouth. I love the way it tastes, it makes me so fucking wet, daddy.”
Somi’s filthy words aroused you even more as she dove her mouth onto your sensitive balls, tenderly sucking on them individually with just as much hunger. She kept a tight grip on your cock, giving slow strokes that accentuated your pleasure until your balls were doused in her warm saliva.
The combination of pleasure made you groan endlessly as she withdrew her lips from your balls after a few loud slurps, carefully fondling them.
“They feel so full. Is all this cum for me, daddy?” she asked, returning her focus to pleasuring your shaft, spitting on it several times and stroking it.
“Every last drop. They’re ready to be drained, baby.”
“I can’t wait, I want a nice big load inside me, daddy.”
Somi gave an approving smile, taking you back in the comfort of her wet mouth and sucking you off loud and wetly, lips almost to the very base of your shaft and leaving a glistening trail of saliva that followed.
Given the circumstances Somi wasn’t able to take her time with much regret. In a matter of moments she was furiously bobbing her head and taking every inch, letting out a shallow gag with every few strokes. She never quite conquered her gag reflex but didn’t seem bothered, she was just happy with every second her throat was filled.
Somi poured all her energy into giving you such a mind-numbing blowjob, moving her lips from tip to base, spilling saliva out of her mouth, covering your shaft in it. Her lips rested at the end of your shaft as her cute nose pressed against your stomach, smiling with a mouth full of a cock.
She came up for air, saliva dripping down her chin that she didn’t bother to wipe, her expression lust-filled.
“Fuck my face if you want,” she invited, taking your shaft and smacking herself in the face with it, rubbing it on her cheeks and lustfully grinning.
“I’d hate to ruin your makeup,” you replied, the one and only time you had that concern. Somi’s expression was full of disappointment, her smile fading and forming a pout.
“That’s the point,” she said, matter-of-factly. “My makeup artist can fix it later. She gets paid too fucking much anyways.”
Well, that settled that. Somi went back to slobbering on your cock as you placed your hands on both sides of her head, running your fingers through strands of hair and started thrusting inside her pretty mouth.
Consequences be damned, you were going to fulfill Somi’s wishes and desires, thrusting your hips back and forth and sliding every inch of your shaft down her tight warm throat.
Satisfied grunts and moans escaped your lips as you used Somi’s mouth for your pleasure, gagging her with your length as you struck the back of her throat to the point of tears from your forceful use, only encouraging you to give harsher thrusts.
“If only everyone knew what I was doing to you,” you said as Somi kept her mouth wide open for you as you furiously fucked her gorgeous face, slapping your full balls against her chin as she held onto your thighs and slurped hungrily.
“I bet that director had no idea what a cock-hungry little slut he hired did he?” you said, using Somi’s mouth as your personal toy, the constant sounds of gags and erotic slurps filling the small room as your pleasure sky-rocketed.
“Or your stylist unnie, she has no idea her cute innocent model loves choking on cock does she?”
Somi hummed around your cock in satisfaction, the vibration spiking your pleasure as you forced your cock down her throat, streaks of mascara starting to run and drip down her face.
Her makeup artist would certainly have her work cut out for her.
That wasn’t enough for you as you thrusted harder down her throat, slamming every inch nonstop without mercy, drool spilling out of her mouth and dripping onto her beautiful exposed tits as she choked and gagged on your needy cock.
“Take it all, baby,” you growled, holding the back of her head firmly against your crotch, not
caring if she could breathe or not. You desperately wanted to fill her messy warm mouth with cum, coating the back of her throat with it, but that dress looked so fucking sexy on her and you had other plans.
Instead, you savored the intoxicating warmth of her mouth for a few more thrusts, slowly withdrawing your drool-covered shaft as several lines of messy wet spit ejected from her lips, connecting to your swollen tip.
Somi gasped for air, rubbing her drool-covered face all over your wet shaft as she got the treatment she deserved, gargling the leftover saliva and spitting it onto your already drenched shaft.
You smirked at what you saw, once perfectly brushed hair was disheveled and out of place. Her eyes were still filled with tears, whatever leftover mascara she had staining her cheeks, drool glistening on her chin and her chest, an absolutely beautiful mess.
If only her staff could see her like this.
“Was I a good little slut, daddy?”
You nodded proudly and grabbed her dainty wrists and gently helped her to her feet, sharing intense eye contact as you kept the anticipation in the air high.
“I want to fucking ruin you,” you said, squeezing her breasts again, the drool coated on them making them glistening in the lights.
“Do it, please. Fuck me like the whore I am, daddy,” Somi begged, flashing the deepest set of fuck me eyes you had ever seen. You had gotten this far without getting caught, there was no reason to stop.
The dressing room was small with just two countertops, mirrors resting on top of each one waist high, used beauty products still scattered on both surfaces.
There weren’t that many options, no chairs in sight and the floor looked dirty and unkempt as it most likely hadn’t been touched in months if not longer. The counters provided ample space, but not enough for what you needed.
Somi looked at her designer watch she still had kept left on, and you saw you had ten minutes left before they would be looking for her. Plenty of time.
“How do you want it, baby?” you asked as you hiked her green dress up, surprised to see she had on a dark pair of blue panties for once.
“I don’t care, daddy, as long as you’re rough with me,” she said, biting her lip. You couldn’t help but smirk, roaming her tight body with her hands as you gripped her wide hips, harshly spinning her around as she gasped in delight.
“P-please, daddy. I need you. I need to be fucked so bad,” she pleaded, her eyes wide and bright. You kissed her bare shoulders, planting your lips behind her neck and whispered into her ear.
“I want you to watch me ravaging your pretty little cunt, baby.”
Somi dripped between her thighs and her muscles tensed up as you slid her skimpy thong to the side, exposing her gorgeous pussy to you, pink flesh dripping with arousal.
“O-of course, daddy,” Somi said, bending over the makeup countertop, sticking her plump round ass out and placing her palms flat on the surface, ready and willing to be taken right there.
Had there not been time restraints placed, you would have loved to make her beg and tease her pussy until she was as needy as could be, but unfortunately that wasn’t an option right now.
You spread her long legs, grabbing your throbbing shaft and rubbing her aching sensitive clit, pressing it against Somi’s hot wet flesh as she looked back, eyes full of desire.
“Fuck me, daddy. Fuck me like a whore.”
You didn’t hesitate for a second and pushed yourself in deep, her warmth suffocating you as you sank inside every inch of hot flesh, her cunt clenching hard as she moaned loudly. You didn’t waste time, thrusting immediately without any build-up, harshly gripping her hips as you began fucking her tight body from behind.
“Oh my god, daddy,” Somi moaned, her erotic expression visible in the mirror. Your rhythm was frantic from the very start, pistoning your hips and smacking them against her beautiful ass, causing her cheeks to ripple with every stroke.
“Such a tight little whore aren’t you? You like your pretty pussy stretched like this, baby?”
“Y-yes, daddy! You’re so fucking big, pound me daddy, pound me with your big fucking cock.”
“I’d fucking love to,” you replied, grabbing a rough handful of hair and wrapping your fingers around it, forming a ponytail and yanking back hard on it, tugging her head back. Her pussy clenched as she looked directly into the mirror, her eyes barely able to keep open as her mouth let out nothing but needy moans.
“Watch yourself, baby. Watch what I’m going to do to my pretty little cumslut.”
“Y-yes, daddy. R-ruin my pussy, please. Fuck my tight little hole until you blow your load in it!”
Somi’s filthy mouth only served to bring out your carnal desires, increasing your pace rapidly as you slammed her body against the counter, causing her back to arch perfectly as she screamed in delight. You really hoped the dressing room was far enough away from the rest of the staff to not be heard, but at this point you didn’t give a shit if they were listening right outside the door.
“F-fuck me harder daddy, p-please fuck me like the naughty whore I am!”
Your strong grip tightened on her hips, firmly pressing both thumbs into her toned back hard enough that you’re pretty sure was going to leave a bruising mark, one of the myriad of things Somi was going to have to figure out how to explain.
“Treat me like your pretty little fucktoy and break me!”
You watched intently in the mirror in front of you as Somi’s expressive features grew more contorted by the second, her lips only able to form breathless whiny moans and several strings of profanity.
Her pussy tightened to the point of almost causing pain, your shaft being lubricated thoroughly by her abundant slick that dripped down her thighs as you gave it your all, watching her breasts bouncing in the mirror in a way that hypnotized you into a trance.
“Choke me, daddy. Please, fucking choke your whore,” Somi said, as you seemed to be taken aback by every new sentence that left her lips.
You didn’t know what had gotten into her, but you didn’t have time to care as you dropped the bundle of hair you had, bringing the same hand to the front of her body, fondling one of her breasts before finding her warm, soft neck and wrapping your fingers around her throat and giving a gentle squeeze.
“More,” she demanded, and placed her small hand on the back of your own, increasing the pressure as she felt more airflow being restricted, thriving off the feeling she felt.
Somi’s dripping hot pussy pulsated wildly as you pumped into her, keeping a hand on her delicate throat as you looked at the sight in the mirror, something you’d never forget. Her chosen dress barely still on, mascara stains still visible underneath her eyes, her breasts bouncing deliciously with every rock of your hips as you choked her.
Somi kept her eyes focused straight ahead and loved every second of it.
It was hard to remember where you were, that this was still a designated break for Somi and that she would still have to return to work in a few short moments. Yet, you continued to pound into her tight cunt, giving such powerful hard thrusts she was liable to forget her own name.
“God, you’re so fucking deep inside my tight little pussy. Don’t stop fucking me, daddy, use me until you’re done with me!” Somi said, her words becoming an unrecognizable slur that all ran together.
Her warm wet walls grew wetter the harder you drilled her as the room became an orchestra of pleasure - the wet squelch of her pussy, harsh sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, and the constant rising volume of her loud needy moans and gasps, every second that went by without a knock on the door caused a sense of relief.
That satisfying smack of flesh grew louder and louder as you released your grip on her throat. earning a whimpering moan. Your hands weren’t kept idle as you grabbed Somi’s arms and pulled them back, gripping her wrists as her back arched even more, hammering into her pussy with as much energy as you could exert.
“Oh f-fuck, daddy! D-don’t stop, don’t stop fucking your slutty little whore!” Somi said, her clouded eyes barely able to watch herself in the mirror as you saw her vacant stare. You used her slender arms as handles to fuck her senseless, feeling her gripping pussy squeezing the life out of your cock as it pulsated wildly as the stale air in the small tight room grew hotter.
“I’m going t-to cum, daddy! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, daddy-”
Somi didn’t even have time to finish her sentence, her body already trembling, her held back arms shaking as her pussy tightened even more. Her hips bucked, toes curling into her expensive heels as she shrieked, juices flooding out of her cunt as she came the hardest she had in some time.
You didn’t let up, not that she would have wanted you to as you fucked her through her intense orgasm, pounding away and maintaining the same breakneck pace, harsh stroke after harsh stroke into her heat.
Somi's constantly clenching pussy sent tingles up your spine, and you weren't that far off from your own release if the aching tightness in your balls was anything to go by.
"I'm gonna fucking fill your needy cunt with cum, baby," you hissed, not asking for permission, hooking her arms and bringing her body upright until her back was pressing against your chest, making sure she wasn't going anywhere.
"P-please cum inside me, daddy. Cum inside your filthy little whore! Please, daddy, dump your huge thick load inside my slutty wet pussy, please!"
You loved using Somi like this, her pussy begging for cum as you railed her without mercy, the use of her arms taken from her and nothing to hold on to and at your mercy, taking every thrust into her body and pleading for more. You watched her lustful expression in the mirror as her breasts never stopped bouncing, chasing that sweet release you both desperately wanted.
It wouldn't be much longer now, your hips smacking harshly against her ass as her cunt was fucked so hard she would definitely have trouble not only walking out of her but for the next few days. Savoring every thrust into Somi’s tight warm body, you never let up, keeping the pace as fast your limbs allowed you to move until you finally were pushed over the edge.
“I’m fucking cumming!”
It took less than a handful of thrusts as you buried yourself in Somi’s wet warmth, groaning loudly as you spilled your seed deep into her cunt, throbbing with each shot of hot cum that you emptied into her inviting body, filling her to the absolute brim.
You used the last remaining energy in your body, hips tiredly working until you had no more to deposit in her. Thoroughly drained you never stopped thrusting, trying to fuck your hot deep as it possibly could go, spilling every drop into her womb.
Your moments slowed down little by little until they halted completely as you released her arms as she collapsed against the counter, both of you spent, filled with fatigue and gasping for air, an equally exhausted mess of bodies.
You rested inside her for one final moment, wanting to savor her smothering warmth for as long as possible as you gave her ass a quick smack and slowly pulled out, a flowing stream of thick semen dripping out of her roughly used pussy, staining her beautiful thighs.
“H-holy shit, d-daddy, you fucked me so well,” she said, her words trembling as you slid her thong back in place and pulled her dress down as she turned around to face you.”
“You asked me to.”
“I’m going to be so sore,” Somi smiled as she leaned in and kissed your lips, her bare breasts pressing against your chest.
Your breathing resumed gradually as you wiped the sweat off your brow. You wanted to say something but were rudely interrupted by a voice from the intercom.
“Jeon Somi to the set please!”
The two of you frowned as Somi took one more step, lips locking on to yours deeply, gasping for air as they withdrew.
“You really made me a mess, daddy,” she said proudly, as she pulled her top back up, trying to fix her hair as best as she could.
“I better get cleaned up. Fuck me again after I finish up?”
“Of course, baby.”
She kissed you on the cheek as she made her exit, walking gingerly and taking slow, tired steps out of the room.
You felt a little guilty that her staff would have to put in so much extra work, but that was their problem not yours. The fact that your load would be dripping out of her for the rest of the photo shoot, just the thought putting a smirk on your face.
You pulled your pants back up, stopping by the nearest bathroom to try and fix your hair, freshening yourself up before heading back.
Somi had a lot of explaining to do.
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fancuries · 2 years
Prettiest Cure
"Good evening, all," a girl says as she takes her place behind the mic, her warm, heavily accented voice echoing through the space, "And thank you for allowing me this position. I am Prixatha Stevenson, known sometimes as Cure Whirlpool, and I am proud to present our very deserving nominees for Prettiest Cure! So, let us begin…
"Our first nominee is AwkwardSauce's precious Cure Porcelain from Yes! Playtime Precure! Porcelain, I adore your elegantly simple design, and the shade of purple you wear is at once adorable and mature! I also read a little about you before now, and I appreciate all the thought that went into your design.
"Next, we have Imagination's Cure Crimson Happily Ever After! Fairytale Pretty Cure. You completely deserve the name you have chosen, Imagination. All of the ruffles make your design both cohesive and elegant. The symbols on your skirt are such a creative touch, too, and I love how you incorporated that corset!
"Cure Butterscotch from Candy Love PreCure, designed by IncognitoAlbatross, is our next nominee. Butterscotch, your Cure colors shine with such vibrancy, and the little details of your outfit—the hemming on your skirt, your headband—make your theme clear in a simply beautiful way. 
“She is followed by Cure Wish from Care!! Precure, designed by Salsa. First, I am happy to see a fellow blue Cure in this section! Second, I love your costume. Your ruffled skirt and little pops of yellow really make the design something special and unique!
“Next, Cure Dawn from Happy Winter Pretty Cure, as designed by seaponydreams! Your pastel tones are truly precious, and I love the way you've styled your hair. The ruffles of your skirt are also truly elegant!
"Finally, we have veroniquemagique's Cure Palette, from Masterpiece Pretty Cure! Now, you are stunning. The rainbow skirt is of course the most eye-catching, but I love your beret as well.
"Now, it's time for us to find out who our lovely winner is…"
Prixatha picks up an envelope from the podium and slits it open with her fingernail.
"This year, that winner is Cure Crimson! Congratulations!"
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ncssian · 4 years
A Favor: Part Seven
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: so this chapter doesn't exactly have a hay bale maze but it has something even better :)
Being a legal consultant is surprisingly easy.
Years of studying business law in order to take down big corporations in the courtroom is now being used to help a big corporation— Nesta wants to be disgusted at the state of her morals. Fortunately for her, all the issues that have come across her desk so far are minor negotiation matters. The way Night Court Inc. is run is virtually perfect, and she almost hopes a blatant lawsuit drops into her lap just so she can give Rhysand and his sycophantic workers hell.
Though Nesta knows better than to dream big. This is essentially busy work that Night Court’s actual lawyers don't have time to do, but she's grateful for it either way. She's grateful for the man who got her this job even more.
When her car finally gets back from the auto shop one sunny November morning, Cassian suggests they go out to celebrate.
“Celebrate what?” Nesta says. “Not having to rely on you for rides anymore?”
“Exactly that.” Cassian grins and leans his elbow against the kitchen counter. “There’s a fall festival an hour north of here that pops up every year. There's good food and hot cider. Let’s go.” He nudges her excitedly.
Nesta narrows her eyes at him. “You’ve been planning this,” she accuses.
“I go every year,” he shrugs. “Come on, we have the whole day ahead of us.”
He makes pleading puppy eyes that have absolutely no effect on Nesta, but she doesn't want to hurt his ego by letting him know that.
There is nothing appealing to her about going out into the cold and doing autumn-related activities, so she surprises herself and Cassian both when she agrees to go. He rewards her with a wide smile and tells her to get ready.
Nesta feels oddly giddy afterward. She can't recognize the feeling, so she tamps down on it while she gets dressed and braids her hair.
Outside, her burgeoning smile drops when she sees Cassian getting the truck started. “I thought the point of this was that we could use my car now.” She gestures to her beat up blue sedan, a sad little thing parked next to Cassian’s fancy truck.
“Nes, if I thought your car could go anywhere near a mountain road without falling to pieces, I would get in it without hesitation.”
It's as close to apologetic sympathy as she’ll get from him, so she only grumbles a little before climbing into the passenger seat she's gotten all too familiar with.
The door slams as Cassian gets in the driver’s seat, and something on the dashboard catches Nesta’s attention. Reaching out, she picks up one of her coloring books and her zipper bag full of markers and pencils.
She glances at Cassian. “Is this for me?”
He looks up from where he’s buckling his seatbelt. “Oh, I just picked it up on my way out. Cell signal gets spotty the closer we get to the mountains, so you might get bored.”
Nesta looks down at the coloring book she's clutching, surprised.
“Did you want anything else before we leave?” Cassian says. “I can run inside and pick up some books.”
“No— no, this is good,” she says softly. She flips the page open to a fresh landscape scene, black on white lines staring back at her. “Thank you.”
She unzips her pencil bag with a new reverence, barely noticing as they pull out of the driveway and head for the highway leading out of town.
Nesta is intent on her coloring the entire ride, falling far too easily into that little bubble of her own mind where she forgets that other things and people exist. Cassian, unlike most people, doesn't seem to mind this. He's content with driving in the quiet, the only sound the soft crackle of the radio and the scratch of Nesta’s pencils.
She’s trying to get the blue shades of the lake just right when she feels the truck start to slow, and she looks up to see that they're in some kind of parking lot. Ahead, a market-carnival setup sits at the base of the mountains, and it sprawls as far as her eyes can see. “We’re here already?”
“Yeah.” Cassian glances at her hesitantly. “Is it lame?” He gestures to the autumn-themed affair, as if he’ll turn around and drive them right back home if it isn't to Nesta’s liking.
Nesta can’t pay the festival any attention yet. “I’m not done with this picture yet,” she says simply. She holds it up for Cassian to see, even though he probably can't tell that the mostly-completed picture is still missing a couple of details.
He just says, “We’ll wait till you're finished, then.”
She brightens with relief, and takes her time adjusting the colors of the landscape to her liking. As soon as she's satisfied with what she has, though, she throws her pencils and book down like they're on fire and grabs her coat. “Let's go,” she demands.
If Cassian is surprised at her sudden change of pace, he hides it well and follows Nesta onto the fairground. “Slow down,” he calls for her.
Perhaps the fall season isn't terrible, Nesta thinks as they buy warm candied apples. The air smells nice and the weather is brisk and Cassian stands so close to her that she never quite gets cold.
It feels almost like a date.
Nesta glances at Cassian from the corner of her eye as she chews on her apple. Wind ruffles his hair and his brown cheeks are flushed red, but he looks content. It's too bad they're just friends, because this would have been a nice date.
She has to stop her train of thought before she gets distracted by how Cassian’s hand isn't holding anything, and how her hand isn't holding anything, and maybe their hands should—
She makes a fist with her free hand and shoves it into her coat pocket. This is why she doesn't usually have friends, she remembers— because she can never stop hungering for more.
Nesta and Cassian’s not-date is spent with Cassian throwing his money at every other thing he sees on sale, and Nesta biting her tongue at the unnecessary waste of it all.
“Eight dollars for a cup of cider? Come on, you're being scammed.” Nesta pulls at his elbow, trying to lead him away from the drinks stand.
“But it comes in one of those cute little jars,” Cassian protests as he’s pulled away.
There’s a laughably small hay-bale maze that they complete in less than three minutes, thanks to Cassian being tall enough to see over the hay bales. Then there’s a ferris wheel that Nesta adamantly refuses to get onto, regardless of how high it goes or not. And then, without either of them noticing, the sun starts slipping behind the mountains.
With her arms full of bags of snacks and random knickknacks that she’ll never need in her life, Nesta finds herself back in the market area.
There’s a painting at an art stand that has caught her attention. Something about the brush strokes and choice of color palette… it reminds her of Feyre’s art style. Amateur, but warm and comforting, clearly made with love and dedication. She approaches the elder salesman carefully, only wanting a closer look at the piece.
It’s of a glittering forest in the peak of autumn, ruby and flame-colored leaves littering the scene. An unwalked pathway cuts through the scene, and a longing Nesta can’t place swells in her stomach.
“My daughter painted this one,” the salesman says to her, pride peeking through his voice. She glances up at the kind-faced man. “Only this one?” she asks. The rest of the paintings don’t have the same art style, Feyre’s style.
“Yes.” He places a protective hand over the canvas. “She’s still learning, but she’s got heart and potential. One day she’ll be a better artist than me.”
Nesta blinks at his words. “How much is it?”
“How much do you have?”
She looks down at her hands full of shopping bags and realizes not one of them is carrying her wallet. “Oh, I must have left my money with my—” She glances up then and looks around. “Cassian?”
He was just here with her. They were walking together and she took note of the pretty fairy lights that were starting to turn on, and then she saw the art stand. She scans the milling crowd for a glimpse of his face, but it’s five p.m. and fully dark now.
Unease starts to pump in her chest. “Cassian?” she calls again. She wanders away from the art stand, painting and salesman forgotten. Maneuvering her full hands, she wrangles her phone out of her back pocket and turns it on. Just as she suspected— no signal. Waving it high in the air doesn’t do much for her either.
Shoving her phone back in her pocket, Nesta takes a strained breath and resolves to keep looking. If she can’t find him, she can always make her way back to the parking lot—
Something shoves hard into Nesta’s back, and her glasses slip right off her nose in the collision. She feels a metallic crunch under her boot and gasps. Suddenly there are people everywhere, heading in the opposite direction that she is, and whoever bumped into her yells a quick apology that gets lost in the crush of bodies.
Nesta stumbles out of the crowd, blinking quickly. She can’t see a thing, and the fairy lights are now blurry orbs. “My glasses—” she says to nobody. She scans the flattened grass and dirt furiously, squinting until she gets a headache, but she can’t find them. “Shit.”
She ends up roaming out of the market area, finding herself back on the fairgrounds. There are a few tents around her, but they're empty and the noise has died down. She doesn’t know where she’s going.
At one point, Nesta simply drops her bags and keeps walking without them. She barely notices leaving them behind. The magic has drained out of the festival, and she just wants to find her way back to Cassian’s truck. If the ferris wheel is that way, then the exit should be that way… she thinks.
She looks around in the dark, frustrated tears rising at her inability to recognize anything. She's alone. She’s cold. She was abandoned.
Nesta doesn't know how long she stands there, hopeless in some deserted corner of the fairgrounds. She forgets what she's supposed to be doing, and just stands there staring at nothing. Escaping to a numbing void in her mind.
The desperate call of her name brings her back to earth.
Blinking, Nesta turns around to find a tall figure heading towards her. Cassian.
He’s holding something in his hand, she can tell, but he drops it when he sees her face and breaks into a run.
“Nesta!” Hard warmth crashes into her as strong arms grab her and yank her close. Her face presses into his chest, and hot tears fall despite the lingering numbness.
“Where did you go?” Cassian is demanding. “You had me so fucking scared—”
“I lost my glasses,” she says weakly into the wool of his coat.
“I know.” He goes from stroking her back to clutching her face. His thumbs rub at the wetness beneath her eyes, and finally she can see his face. He’s close enough that she can read every detail, their foreheads pressed tightly together. He isn't letting go.
She presses her lips together. “I lost you.”
“I know.”
In the next moment, Nesta feels everything all at once: Cassian’s heavy breath on her face, his fingers digging into her scalp, his hazel eyes looking relieved and apologetic and terrified at the same time. His heartbeat racing beneath her hands.
For the briefest eternity, Nesta and Cassian share the same mind. They are thinking the exact same thing.
There’s a moment of painful hesitation, where Nesta has the opportunity to pull away. She doesn't take it, and by then it's too late— Cassian’s mouth is on hers.
Oh. Oh.
Nesta buckles a little under the weight of his kiss, but he holds her upright with his grip. His fingers wind so tightly into her braid she worries he might undo the whole thing, but then she's tucking her cold hands into the warmth of his sweater and wow, what a wonderful end to a terrible night.
His lips break from hers for a breath, only to come in again and kiss her deeper this time. A helpless noise escapes from one or both of them. She’s unraveling with every stroke of his tongue, and she thinks distantly that if kisses were flavored, this one would be sweet enough to make her teeth ache.
It's over far too soon, with Cassian’s series of kisses slowing until they stop completely. He pulls back far enough that they both have room to breathe, and with oxygen comes sharp reality.
For once, Nesta has no words. Her thought process is a tape jammed on a few moments ago, so Cassian is the one that has to slowly drop his hands from her hair and clear his throat.
“Let's go home,” is all he says.
The drive back to the cabin is silent. Nesta puts her earbuds in and turns on music as soon as they get in the truck, and halfway home Cassian glances over and realizes she's fallen asleep.
His knuckles are white on the steering wheel, and it's a struggle to keep his eyes on the headlight-lit road ahead.
Losing track of Nesta with no way to contact her was one thing, but nothing scared Cassian more than when his eyes caught the metallic glint of broken gold rims in the trampled dirt of the marketplace.
After running from stall to stall searching for Nesta, only one man was able to give Cassian a straight answer. “She was looking at some art and then she went that way,” the old salesman pointed. “She seemed upset; I think she was looking for you.”
The pieces of Nesta's glasses sit in a bag in the backseat now, tucked alongside a canvas painting of an autumn landscape.
The relief Cassian felt when he found her in one piece, when she turned to him with the saddest eyes— he was more cemented in his feelings for her in that moment than in any late night he’d spent dreaming about her.
And when she looked at him like that, fighting not to cry… it was over for him. Weeks of restraint that he hadn't even noticed building up snapped at the last second, until he was kissing Nesta like it was his final dying wish. All of it, utterly over.
He glances over to her now, where she sleeps with her head against the fogged window, exhausted after the day she's had. His hands twitch with the temptation to reach out and touch her.
Gravel crunches as Cassian pulls up into the driveway, and he looks at Nesta again and sighs. He almost goes to wake her, but changes his mind at the last moment and gets out of the car instead. Circling around to the passenger side, he opens the door and carefully lifts her out of her seat.
Her head lolls against his chest, but she doesn't wake. Stress and high emotions have no doubt knocked her out for the rest of the night.
Realizing there's no way to unlock the front door while holding Nesta, Cassian has to circle around to the back of the cabin, entering through the open kitchen door and carrying her on silent feet up the stairs.
Once she's safely tucked in her bed, Cassian can relax his shoulders for the first time all night. Later, he sits down in the half-lit kitchen with Nesta’s broken glasses before him. The frame is split right down the middle, but he already knows Nesta won't allow him to get her a new pair. He’ll need wire and some pliers.
Tying his hair back, he settles down and gets to work.
a/n: i'm trying to apologize less for my work but this chapter is not only short and late but also super iffy in terms of writing quality 🥴 so im sorry. if my secret snowflake gift has anything to do with it part 8 will also be a little late (i'm looking for balance guys i really am).
tagging: @ladywitchling @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @sensitiveillyrian @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
The Woes Of An Emo
Summary: Tune in this week for Virgil thinking this is all a coincidence! And some Logicality pining. As a treat.
Warnings: Swearing, not having much money(?). I think thats about it? Tell me if I need to add anything else!
{Masterlist} {Previous}
Thanks to @irritating-lady-knight for beta reading this for me!!!
Chapter 5: Maybe This Is Fine?
Princey's date was called off?! How?! Who on earth wouldn't like him?! Virgil was furious, who the f**k says that they don't like someone until after they accept the date?!
Virgil was such a hypocrite.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: what?! What happened?! Who do i need to murder
princeofyourdreams: no one, im fine. he was just too nervous to say anything
Virgil wished he didn't relate so much to mystery guy, then maybe he would want to punch him.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: well, are u ok?
princeofyourdreams: of course i am! I can conquer any challenge! Dont worry about me!
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: are u sure?
princeofyourdreams: seriously, anxiety, im ok. One disinterested boy isnt going to ruin me.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: ok, good. Hes obviously not good enough for you anyway
princeofyourdreams: shut up haha
Well, Princey seemed to be doing ok. And maybe Virgil was a tad more excited then he should be, but can you blame him? He's had a crush on Princey for a year, and he might actually have a chance now!
Well, as much of a chance you could have when you've never even seen each other.
Now all Virgil had to do was go on this not-a-date date and live. Yay.
"Ok, now if you run out of money, ask him to pay for you."
"Dad!" Virgil scolded. "I'm not going to leech off my friends!"
Remy just chuckled. "C'mon Virge, live a little! It's not everyday you actually step outside. With a couple of boys no less."
Virgil turned red. "It's a friend date, Dad." He grumbled.
Remy turned to where Virgil was in the passenger seat and tilted down his shades to look him in the eyes. "Sure it is."
Virgil grumbled something as Remy pulled the car in front of the mall. "Here's your stop, babe."
Virgil rolled his eyes as his mouth betrayed him by smiling. "Whatever, I'll see you later."
"Love you." Remy added while Virgil stepped out of the car.
"Love you too, Dad."
Virgil eventually made his way over to the food court, where everyone was meeting.
Virgil was also questioning why he suggested this hang-out anyway. It was going to be so awkward! How was he going to have a good time with the guy he rejected, a nerd who could probably kill him, and a "friend" he only started talking to two days ago?
Why did he do this?
"Viiiiiirrrrrrrgiiiiiiiiiilllllllll!!!!!" Patton was suddenly running towards where Virgil was standing in the food court.
"Uh- wait-" Virgil got trapped in a bear hug (how? Patton is so small!) as soon as Patton reached him.
"Patton, try not to kill the poor fellow." Roman chuckled as he walked up to the trap that Virgil was caught in.
Patton eventually let Virgil breathe as he let go. "Sorry! I just got excited! I don't normally go many places!" He exclaimed.
"Well, we'll have to take you to more places then, Patton." Logan smirked as he approached the small group.
Roman chuckled again as Patton blushed and silently thanked him. "Well then!" Roman announced. "Where shall we go first?"
"Hot To-"
"No, Pumpkin King, we're not going to Hot Topic." Roman immediately interrupted.
"Then why did I even come?" Virgil whined playfully.
"C'mon, Roman! Hot Topic does have some really good Disney stuff~" Patton pushed in a teasing tone.
Roman let out a long, exaggerated groan. "Fiiiiiinnnnnneeeee. We can go."
"Wow. Y'all are a bunch of nerds." Said Roman.
"Says the guy who cried when they changed Mickey Mouse's art style." Logan shot back.
"Roman, please, I don't want to spend twenty minutes talking about-"
Roman quickly pulled out his phone and displayed two Mickey Mouse pictures with different art styles. "Look, Logan. Look at how they massacred my boy."
And after that debate, they made their way to the dark and ridiculously edgy Hot Topic, unfortunately located next to the very bright and pink Justice store.
"I must go, my people need me." Virgil joked as he walked through the doorway.
"Of course this is where your people are, where else could you find the emos?" Roman rolled his eyes playfully.
"Oh, do you know people here, Virgil?" Logan asked innocently, clearly not understanding the joke.
"No- it's- it's a meme."
"Don't even try, Angstintator, no one could ever teach Logan the way of memes." Roman announced, slowly drifting towards the Disney section.
"Well, they are nonsensical. They make zero sense most of the time!" Logan defended.
Patton suddenly gasped like a little kid in a candy store. "Vi, Ro, Lo, look!!!!!!"
They all looked to where Patton was pointing, and saw it.
They holy grail of cute things. Something that could almost (almost) rival Patton himself.
A Pusheen plush that was holding a cookie. It was beautiful (to Patton at least).
Patton squealed and grabbed the closest person (which happened to be Logan) and held his hand while dragging him towards the plush in excitement.
Logan immediately flushed and trailed after Patton helplessly.
Roman chuckled at that and returned to looking at the Disney merchandise, while Virgil made his way over to the band t-shirts.
"Look!!! Look at it!!!! It's so cuuuutttteeee!!!!!!" Patton fawned. He checked the tag for the price and immediately frowned. "Shoot..." He mumbled under his breath.
"What's wrong?" Logan asked, then checked the price. $39.98. Not too expensive, but expensive enough to be a pain.
"Ah. Not bring enough money?" Patton slowly nodded at the question, looking...guilty? Or maybe disappointed? Logan didn't really know, only that it was making Patton upset.
Logan frowned at that. Someone as bright and kind as Patton shouldn't be unhappy! Patton deserved to be happy at least 100% of the time, Logan thought.
"Logan!!! Come here!!! Look at this!" Roman called from behind a shelf somewhere, knocking Logan out of his thoughts.
"Uh- excuse me for a second Patton." Patton nodded with a small (was it sad, too?) smile as Logan went to find Roman.
Roman was located behind a shelf filled with more Disney merchandise. "What, Roman? I was kind of busy." He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Yeah, busy failing at wooing him." Roman rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Seriously Logan, how could you be so dense?"
"Do you want me to provide a list of examples and events that you were being 'dense' at?"
Roman simply groaned. "C'mon Logan, think for a second! Patton doesn't have enough money for the plush that makes him smile. A smile which you love seeing. Therefore, what do you do with that fat wallet of yours?"
It suddenly clicked in Logan's head. "Oh. Oh! Do you think he'll be happy about it?"
"Of course he will! He'll adore you!" Roman pushed Logan out from behind the shelf. "Now go gettem!"
Meanwhile, Patton was talking with Virgil.
"Hey, Virge! Did you find anything?"
All Virgil had to do to answer the question was look at Patton with the pile of shirts in his arms.
"Uh. Yeah." Virgil replied, thinking of how embarrassing this was.
Patton giggled a bit. "Do you need help carrying that?"
"Please." Virgil sighed.
Patton took some of the shirts and other clothing items (were those fishnets?!) out of Virgil's hands.
"So, are you doing ok?" Patton asked.
"O-oh. Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just worried about...if Roman is. Like, what if he's mad at me? I bet thats what he and Logan are talking about right now-"
"Slow down, Virgil." Patton interrupted. "I'm sure they aren't, and I really doubt that Roman's mad at you. If he was mad, he seems like the type to show it."
"That's...probably right." Virgil mumbled.
"Just calm down a bit, and have some fun! You are having fun, aren't you?"
Virgil smiled lightly. "Yeah. I am."
Patton smiled too. "Then let's go have more fun!"
And with that, Patton grabbed Virgil's hand and dragged him to the next shelf, looking through more cute things.
Dear all of the people who thought Virgil would figure it out this chapter,
HA! Y'all thought WRONG! Virgil and Roman share the same brain cell, but neither of them use it!
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Here’s the next chapter! Hope you enjoy. Also a big thank you to @edward-or-ford, as always, for his invaluable feedback!
Chapter Five: Into the Night
It’s three AM, I’m outside your window. Jump the fence; dad will never know. And then you took control of the radio, turned up all the songs I know. I’m risking everything, and that’s alright with me. - The Summer Set, Passenger Seat
Mabel Caroline Pines, age seventeen, five foot three (and a Virgo, for interested parties) was positively average. As in, she was perfectly fine. Reasonably acceptable. Nothing to gawk at, sure, but certainly not a goblin or in any way repulsive.
Her face was average, her boobs were average, her hair was average, her butt was average. Even her feet were average-sized. There was nothing inherently wrong with Mabel’s appearance. Sure, she’d change the odd thing here and there if given the chance to do so (the length of her eyelashes, for example, or the natural shape of her eyebrows).
Of course, Mabel would never admit such things out loud. How could she? It would ruin the confidence she pretended to have, and that simply wouldn’t do.
To be fair to herself, which she always tried to be, Mabel was quite skilled at creativity-driven tasks. However, no amount of creative proficiency could have prevented the required sleuthing, as well as pre-sleuth planning and timing, that one particular evening required in order to be pulled off.
Mabel didn’t deign to share with Candy and Grenda exactly whom she was meeting (“I’m sneaking out to meet my brother in the dead of night” hardly warrants a forty-five minute shower where she spent the majority of the time shaving parts of her body that didn’t strictly need shaving as they wouldn’t be seen, thirty minutes of blow drying and styling one’s hair, thirty more minutes of makeup application, the nervousness, not to mention the outfit-picking-out process), but she did say she was meeting a boy she might’ve sorta kinda had a teensy bit of a thing for. Her friends knew her well enough to know she was understating her feelings a great deal, of course, but they didn’t pry. Okay, they did, but they didn’t pry too much.
In any case, Mabel was quite pleased with the results of her hour in the bathroom mirror. She’d drenched the ever-loving crap out of her hair in glitter spray as she brushed it, and the hot air of the hair dryer made the spray set in so it didn’t get on Candy’s fingers while she began a partial French braid at the crown of Mabel’s head.
Y’know, the sort of hairstyle that, to the untrained eye, didn’t look like it took a whole lot of time and effort, when in reality, it 100% did.
“Why can’t we use bright red lipstick again, or wing your eyeliner?” Grenda complained.
“Because,” Mabel said emphatically. “If Di-“ Cutting herself off and pressing her lips together tightly, collecting her thoughts. Candy raised a slender eyebrow before Mabel continued. “If he sees winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick, he’ll think something’s up! I don’t want him to know I’m interested!”
“But you want him to look deep into your eyes, and the eyeliner will draw attention to them,” reminded Grenda.
“Yeah, and bright red lipstick will draw attention to your lips, which means he’s more likely to think about kissing you,” agreed Candy.
Mabel sighed and held up a tube of lipstick that was just a few shades darker than her natural lip color.
“The pink will do that same thing without being too obvious about it. If he’s interested, he’ll notice my lips and my boobs, and if he’s not, then, well… then he’s not, I guess.”
“Fair enough, I suppose,” Grenda conceded.
Candy was silent for a moment, staring searchingly at Mabel’s face. “Who did you say you were meeting again?”
“I- I didn’t,” Mabel stuttered briefly, covering her discomfort by turning her attention to applying the lipstick. This was just as well, as if she had seen Candy’s highly suspicious expression, she would’ve been even more nervous than she already was, and it should be noted that that was no small amount by any measure.
Perfect. Just the right amount of “LOOK AT ME” vibes from her lips.
Grabbing a bottle of perfume, she sprayed a bit on her wrist, rubbing it against her other one, and then on her neck and under her ears.
“You guys sure this outfit isn’t too much? I don’t want him to think I’m trying to impress him, and the heels, I dunno...”
Both girls shook their heads furiously. “No, it’s perfect! And we already coordinated your makeup and jewelry so no way are we changing it up now!” Grenda exclaimed.
“Mhm,” Candy agreed. “And the heels are perfect! They make your hips sway extra when you walk and they make your butt stuck out a little bit! They’re not even that high, he probably won’t even notice you’re wearing them.”
Right. Nobody wore jeans when they were trying to impress somebody. Well, not when they were being obvious about it, anyway. And Mabel was certainly trying her hardest not to be obvious.
And she was 100% trying to impress Dipper. She wanted Dipper to see her and wish she wasn’t his sister, wish they shared a soulmark. She wanted him to ache so badly for her that it felt like his bones were trying to escape his skin.
She ached for him that way, after all. It was only fair she made him ache for her in return. Even if it was only once, only for a split second.
When Mabel’s phone chimed to signal she’d gotten a text, she snatched it up before either of her friends could sneak a peek at the screen.
I’m outside read Dipper’s text. Then a second one came in with a whoosh from her phone’s speaker. Lights are off so nobody can see my car but I’m here.
Mabel wasn’t sure where her heart was. It might’ve been in her stomach, or perhaps her throat, or maybe even Candy’s basement, but it most definitely was not in her chest.
“He’s here,” Mabel said quietly, standing on shaky legs. God, why had she worn heels? What had she been thinking?
“Are you ready?!” Grenda demanded excitedly.
“Nope,” Mabel squeaked out.
“Yes you are!” Candy said firmly. “You are absolutely ready! You look hot, girl, you’re gonna make him jizz his pants just from looking at you!”
Mabel seriously doubted that, and she would most definitely laugh if it happened. But yeah, it wasn’t gonna happen. Because no matter how much time Mabel spent on making herself look her prettiest, Dipper would only ever see her as his sister.
Still, though. A girl could dream, right?
Mabel has never really considered Candy’s first floor bedroom being an asset before, but it most certainly had become one. Climbing out a window was far easier if that window was on the ground floor.
Still, staring out into the blackness of the cold Oregon night as Candy popped out her window screen and set it to the side, Mabel wondered how she had gotten there. Thirteen minutes before midnight, done up like she was going on a date, about to climb out her friend’s bedroom window and tiptoe through the front yard to secretly meet her twin brother whom she just so happened to be in love with, praying to every deity she’d ever heard of that he hadn’t found his soulmate.
Not yet, she pleaded silently, staring at the outline of his car, just a shade darker than the trees and the night sky, barely visible at all. Let me have him to myself just a little longer.
She wasn’t ready to share him with another girl. She never really would be, but in time, she’d come to accept it. She had to, right? There was no other option. She wanted him to be happy. Even if it wasn’t with her, even if it made her feel like her body was consuming itself from the inside out, she wanted him to be happy.
“Mabel?” Grenda asked cautiously.
“I’m fine,” she assured her friend. She couldn’t mess up her makeup by crying.
Mascara and eyeliner were a bitch to fix.
Bracing herself on the windowsill, she put one jean-clad leg over and out the window, then the other.
Looking back at her friends in the light of Candy’s bedroom one last time, second guessing herself for half a second (she’d never snuck out before, after all), Mabel smiled shakily. Both her friends beamed back at her. Candy leaned down the couple of inches required to be at Mabel’s eye level.
“Knock ‘em dead.”
Grenda nodded enthusiastically. “And tell us everything when you get back!”
Grinning, Mabel hopped out of the window only to immediately realize that heels and frosty grass were not a great mix, and thus struggled to maintain her balance.
“Wait!” Grenda whisper-yelled.
Whipping her head around to look at her friends staring out at her through the window, Mabel smiled as Candy hastily squashed the essentials (phone, lipstick, tampons, breath mints, makeup remover wipes, and a compact mirror) into a purse before shoving it into the hand Grenda had stretched out behind her and was flailing about wildly, signalling to hurry the fuck up, Candy, time is of the essence here before finally tossing it at Mabel, who caught it with minimal fumbling and put it over her shoulder.
“We’ll leave the window unlocked. Let us know if you aren’t gonna come home tonight!” Grenda informed Mabel with an exaggerated wink and closed the window.
Mabel rolled her eyes affectionately and did her very best to hobble over to Dipper’s car with as much dignity as she could muster.
Heels and grass did not mix, and they extra-dextra didn’t mix when the grass was wet and very, very cold.
Reaching the curb, she perched her feet on it, and reached slowly, ever so slowly, towards the handle, and heard the click of the lock being undone from the inside. She couldn’t see in the windows; it was too dark.
The chill of the winter night bit into her fingers as they brushed the silver door handle, and she exhaled as she grasped it, her breath visible in the cold air.
Grasping the handle, Mabel opened the door slowly, and the overhead light in the car switched on automatically.
“Hurry!” Dipper whispered urgently. “Don’t want anyone to see the light.”
Mabel moved to sit in the passenger seat of his car as quickly as she could with the amount of shaking her limbs were doing, and settled in, closing the door behind her.
“Where are we going?” She asked, too afraid to look at him in the dim light of the streetlamp. She’d have to strain her eyes a great deal to see him, anyway.
“The woods. Not far from here. Just… somewhere nobody will see my car and recognize it.”
“Awfully recognizable, are ya now?” She tried to joke, but it came out stilted and awkward. Could he tell how nervous, no, how terrified, she was?
She could almost hear the shrug in his voice as he started the car, not turning the headlights on until they turned a corner.
“I mean… it’s a really small town. I don’t think there’s anybody here whose name I don’t know. So yeah, they all know what my car looks like,” he said it quietly, and it occurred to Mabel just then that he hadn’t turned on any music. The silence was suffocating.
Not knowing what to say, Mabel remained silent for a bazillion years, watching the trees pass them by. It was nothing like California, where the activity never stopped, just changed. It was quiet. Peaceful. Suffocating.
Okay, so it wasn’t actually a bazillion years. More like ten minutes. But hell if it didn’t feel like a bazillion years.
Dipper pulled into a clearing and put the car in park. It wasn’t a road, but it had clearly been driven over many a time.
The light came on again as he switched gears, and he turned the headlights back off. Turning to look at each other, really look at each other, for the first time since that afternoon, they found themselves speechless.
Dipper was, in a word, breathtaking. The soft glow of the overhead light lit the shadows on his face in such a way that his eyes almost seemed to glow, and his hair fell over his forehead in the most adorable way, and his lips were slightly parted and his cheeks were flushed from the cold.
It was warm in the car, but what else could his cheeks be flushed from?
“You look…” he coughed, looking at his lap briefly. “Nice,” he finished weakly.
“Thanks,” she managed to force out. Even a syllable was a struggle. God, how had she never been alone with him before? Why was the atmosphere so incredibly different? She didn’t even feel like herself!
“So… here’s the thing, Mabel…” he trailed off.
“The thing?”
“Yeah, the thing I wanted to talk to you about. Y’know. The thing,” he held his hands out and accentuated the last word with a movement.
“Errr… sorry, no. I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro-bro,” she shook her head. “You literally just left me a ultra-mega cryptic note saying you had to tell me something and that’s it.”
He nodded, ran a hand through his hair, and when he turned his head just so his jawline came into the light and- good god why? Why must the gods torture Mabel thus?
“Right. I guess…” he blinked rapidly, staring determinedly off in the direction of absolutely nothing. “I guess you wouldn’t, huh?”
“Is… is everything okay?” She asked him softly. “It’s gotta be pretty important for you to want a one-on-one meeting like this, so…”
“Yeah, I mean, no… I mean. Ugh. I dunno.” He ran a hand over his face, clearly agonizing over something.
What in the actual ever-loving fuck was going on?
“Dip,” she said, forcing a sternness she definitely didn’t feel into her voice. “What’s going on?”
“Right,” he said with a nod that appeared to be more to himself than to her, and then looked at her. There was something in his eyes. Mabel didn’t know what it was, but whatever was in his gaze, she knew in her very soul that it was the exact opposite of the frost on the grass outside the car.
Not that that made any sense, of course, but that was the only conclusion she could come to without at least forty-five minutes of analysis.
“Right,” he said again. “I guess… I guess it would probably be easier to just… show you, maybe…”
“Uh. Okay?” Mabel blinked. Show her what now?
Dipper held out his arm, palm up, except his fist was clenched so tightly his knuckles were white. His eyes were shut, too, and in much the same way, and then…
And then he took a deep breath, held it, and yanked his sleeve up.
Mabel’s eyes were fixed on the inside of his wrist. Dipper’s soulmark was a shooting star with the outline of a tree in the center.
Exactly like hers.
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livingcorner · 3 years
Transform Your Kitchen with a Fresh Coat of Paint
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Are you building a new house and planning your dream kitchen? Or maybe you’re craving a fresh, new look for your existing kitchen. It’s true what they say: The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where you and your family will spend lots of time, and where your guests will likely end up congregating. It should be a space that feels inviting and relaxing and also delivers the style and personality you want your home to reflect. Do you want a light and airy kitchen? A happy and whimsical space? Or a cozy, rustic kitchen? No matter the look, your starting point should be in establishing the color palette. An all-white kitchen will always be a classic, timeless look, but don’t be afraid to bring in some color, even in a small kitchen. The paint color—even the exact shade of white—you choose for the walls will instantly set the tone.
You're reading: Transform Your Kitchen with a Fresh Coat of Paint
One of the ways to make the biggest impact is to paint your kitchen cabinets. Whether it’s painting a dark wood a bright white to lighten your space, or taking white cabinets to a deep, saturated hue that creates a warm, cozy kitchen, or even a new coat of a bright yellow or blue to add a punch of personality, changing the color of your kitchen cabinets will instantly transform your room. (If you’re planning to go the DIY route, read this article for tips on how to paint kitchen cabinets. Yes, even laminate cabinets!) For even more inspiration, check out some of our favorite kitchens for many more kitchen decorating ideas, including kitchen island ideas, hardware inspiration, lighting, and even some ways to use wallpaper.
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Pale Blue and White
This blue and white combination brings us all the cool, calm coastal vibes in this kitchen designed by interior and textile designer Heather Chadduck Hillegas.
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This moody hue is making us crave a rainy day indoors with a cup of tea while bread bakes in the oven. It is the perfect dull blue that still feels warm and rich.
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Historic Blue
This timeless blue is be a part of Benjamin Moore’s historic collection. It feels traditional but fresh in this kitchen designed by Grace Mitchell, especially off of the copper and bronze lighting.
Get the look: Kitchen cabinets: Philipsburg Blue by Benjamin Moore
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Green and White
The white walls of this kitchen designed by James Farmer feel fresh and bright off of the rich green cabinets and pair perfectly with the natural wood shelves and oven hood.
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Dark Teal
These dark cabinets work beautifully off of a bright white marble sink and earthy green tiles.
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Gray and White
We love gray in any room and especially in this kitchen designed by Sara Davis. The soft gray cabinets pop against the dark brown wood floors, creating a modern yet simple combination.
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Canary Yellow and Blue
Read more: Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan – Wikipedia
Look no further than the classic yellowware bowl for proof that blue and yellow make for a timeless country combo, as seen here in this 98-square foot galley kitchen that features canary-yellow cabinets and quilt-like cement tiles. The petite 20-inch range maximizes cabinet space in the small kitchen.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color: Honey Bees by Sherwin-Williams. Backsplash Tile: “Tangier Primero” by Villa Lagoon; wayfair.com
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Pure Black
When homeowner Bailey McCarthy moved into her century-old Texas farmhouse, the wall were a boring beige and the cabinets, which vary in height, were white. “Painting everything black seemed like a good way to make the cabinets blend in with the wall,” says Bailey. She balanced the dark statement color with butcher block countertops and brass hardware and lighting.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color: Pitch Black by Farrow & Ball
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Soft Taupe
When you want to add little color but don’t want it to overwhelm, look to a soft taupe. The appealing neutral adds a warm, but airy, swathe of color. It’s a color that also pairs well with stained wood cabinets.
Get the Look: Kitchen Cabinetry Paint Color: Smoky Ash by Benjamin Moore
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Bright Blue
One Kings Lane designer Sarah Blank opted for a calming blue for the shelves, brackets, and walls, of this kitchen, lending more cohesion to the space.
Get the Look: Cabinetry and Wall Paint Color: Lulworth Blue by Farrow & Ball
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Sunny Yellow
Designer Alison Kandler and homeowner Jenn Chiarelli found the perfect sunny shade for the kitchen island in Jenn’s bright California farmhouse by pulling paint chips of colors that simply made Jenn feel happy. Then they found ways to incorporate the hues into the kitchen to create a look that is as colorful as it is cheerful. The black woven stools add a grounding element to the candy-colored space.
Get the Look: Island Paint Color: Tropical Moss by Dunn-Edwards Paints
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Gray Green
Designer Heidi Caillier chose a soothing green—that is a little bit gray and a little blue—for the Shaker-style cabinets. “It changes with the light,” Heidi says. “It also feels traditional to me, which is what I really wanted.” The color pairs particularly well with soapstone countertops and unlacquered brass bail pulls and knobs. Six-inch terra cotta hex tiles add distinct richness to the artfully layered kitchen.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color: Oil Cloth by Benjamin Moore. Hardware: unlacquered brass bail pulls and knobs; classic-brass.com.
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When you have a lot of natural wood in your kitchen, pure white walls can feel too stark, especially if you’re going for a rustic kitchen look. Instead, choose a warm white that has just a touch of gray in it for a color that complements wood tones and works well with other warm neutral colors.
Get the Look: Wall Paint Color, Fleur de Sel by Sherwin-Williams
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Turquoise Blue
You couldn’t pick a better blue than the color of the original paint found on these salvaged tongue-and-groove boards. The turquoise tone compliments the buttery-yellow appliances, knotty pine floors, and barn wood cabinets to create a charming rustic farmhouse-style kitchen.
Get the Look: Appliances: bigchill.com
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Pure White
There is nothing more timeless, yet completely fresh, than an airy all-white kitchen. The look works especially well with kitchens that have varying textures (both literally and visually), such as the shiplap planked walls and open shelving in this dreamy kitchen, which keep an all-white space from feeling stark and sterile.
Get the Look: Wall and Cabinetry Paint Color, White Dove by Benjamin Moore
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Washed Turquoise & Buttery Yellow
To give her kitchen cabinets a slightly weathered look, Jolie Sikes of the Junk Gypsies first coated the cabinets with blue interior oil stain, then used a rag to apply and partially rub off a layer of wood stain. “Embrace color,” says Jolie. “Just because kitchens are utilitarian rooms doesn’t mean they should be quiet, sterile, or boring.” The buttery walls, combined with the natural wood stain on the windows, trim, and beams, create a warm backdrop for the room’s bold cabinetry and accents such as Jolie’s barstool mix—a pair of swiveling red tractor seats plus a vintage vinyl-covered number.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Stain: Aquarius by Sherwin-Williams plus Provincial Wood Finish stain by Minwax. Wall Paint Color: Canyon Cloud by Behr. Wood Trim Stain: Pecan by Minwax
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Read more: Hell’s Kitchen: What Happened To Head Waiter Jean-Philippe Susilovic After Season 12
Bright Green
In her South Carolina home, homeowner Lauren Northup looked down for her color play. Taking her color cue from the grass green floors at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, she choose to paint the kitchen floors a striking green. “Blues and greens mean rest, home, and happiness to me,” says Lauren. “This color on my kitchen floor is a good balance with the bright white walls and cheerful checked curtains.”
Get the Look: Floor Paint Color, Arsenic by Farrow & Ball
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Sky Blue
In their cozy converted schoolhouse project, designers Jason Oliver Nixon and John Loecke of Madcap Cottage looked outside for the kitchen’s color inspiration. They removed the small room’s drop ceiling and installed tongue-and-groove rafters, now swathed in a dreamy shade of sky blue—a design trick seen on Southern porches. “The color draws the eye up,” says Jason, “which makes the room feel like it stretches to the sky.”
Get the Look: Ceiling Paint Color, Blue Ground by Farrow & Ball
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Crisp White
Don’t feel badly if you’re a bit picky. Marsha Ahearn, the owner of this summer retreat in Martha’s Vineyard, painted her kitchen with a 50/50 blend of two shades to get her ideal white. It’s the perfect backdrop to let your brightly colored accessories pop.
Get the Look: Wall Paint Color, 50/50 blend of China White and Linen White, both by Benjamin Moore
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Cheery Yellow
This sunny kitchen proves there is no such thing as too much of a good thing. Its Shaker-style cabinetry, as well as its walls and those of the adjoining breakfast nook, are all awash in a bright and cheery yellow. Glass cabinet fronts and white trim, fixtures, and appliances add a punch against the solid color and help keep the space feeling light.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color, Convivial Yellow by Sherwin-Williams
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Forest Green
Most people opt for white in the kitchen, but this rustic kitchen is bathed in moodier hues. The paneled cabinets are painted in an earthy forest green while the fir beadboard is a golden brown—giving the 75-square-foot small kitchen a jewel box feel. An ivory apron-front sink offers a burst of brightness.
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color, Mohegan Sage by Benjamin Moore
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Celadon Green
In this Massachusetts beach house kitchen, the Wood-Mode cabinetry is painted a pretty celadon green that is crisply set off by a white subway tile backsplash. It’s a pairing that brings a kitchen pretty color without overpowering. Cape Cod artist Tim Dibble custom-carved the kitchen’s slate apron-front sink to incorporate local icons: a windmill, whale, lighthouse, and the word “riptide.”
Get the Look: Cabinetry Paint Color, Coastal Plain by HGTV Home for Sherwin-Williams; lowes.com
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Bright Yellow and Blue
There’s nothing more appealing than a blue-and-white kitchen. And you can’t beat a yellow kitchen for a happy setting. We say combine the two for a true win-win. This Kentucky kitchen proves the point beautifully with its pairing of a warm blue-and-white quilt-patterned tile backsplash and a light and bright yellowy-green painted island. White wall cabinets and butcher block countertops keep things balanced.
Get the Look: Tile Backsplash: Snowflake in Azul; cubantropicaltile.com. Island Paint Color, Sweat Pear by Benjamin Moore
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Pale Pink
If you want to bring some color to your kitchen, but aren’t quite ready to fully commit, keep the backgrounds timeless and white, and then turn to appliances and accessories to add punches of color.
Get the Look: Wall Paint Color, Ultra Pure White by Behr. Refrigerator, SMEG; wayfair.com.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Kitchen
source https://livingcorner.com.au/transform-your-kitchen-with-a-fresh-coat-of-paint/
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dweetwise · 4 years
yes hello i am back on my bullshit again, presenting you yet another felix x ace! (also i’m taking the creative liberty to call the ship riconti because it sounds like a cheese or something and i found it funny) anyways, this one is just me thirsting over the oktoberfest skin through ace, ft. some suggestive language but no nsfw!
word count: 2781
Felix X Ace: Clothes make the man
The whole thing starts as an offhand comment.
"—I mean, it's clearly tailored. He pulls it off,” Ace is telling Meg, who has been complaining about Felix's stuffy suit and even stuffier attitude for five minutes straight. “But it's so impractical!” the girl argues. “Wasn't he on some kind of field trip when he was taken? What kind of guy wears a suit to that?” “I don't know, but I'm not going to complain about free eye candy,” Ace smirks, and Meg rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, I forgot rich snobs are your thing. Sucks you can't scam him for his money in here,” Meg snarks. “Excuse me for having taste,” Ace shoots back. “I wish I had a suit like that. Do you think it's Gucci?” “Burberry,” an increasingly familiar voice answers from behind him and Meg whips her head around to look at its owner, eyes wide in shock at having been caught gossiping. Meanwhile Ace, liking to think he has more self-control, schools his face into a pleasant smile and slowly turns around to face Felix. “Would have been my next guess,” Ace says, trying not to let it show that he's mentally slapping himself for essentially thirsting over Felix when the other was within earshot. “I like the cut. You've got good taste.”
He’s feebly trying to save some of his wounded ego, but probably ends up laying it on too thick. Felix fidgets a little, maybe not used to getting compliments, before he seems to catch himself. He meets Ace's eyes and the hint of a smirk tugs on his lip.
“Wish I could say the same,” Felix says, pointedly looking at Ace's flamingo sweater, before turning around and walking away and leaving Ace to gape at the unexpected sass from the normally serious man. “I take it back, I like him!” Meg snickers beside him.
The Entity seems to share Ace's enthusiasm for Felix's fashion sense, and only a few trials in Felix is already in a different suit, this one a grey plaid.
“Hmm…” Ace pretends to mull over when they're working on a generator together. “Did you see something?” Felix asks, hurriedly glancing over the top of the machine to try, in vain, to spot the killer. “I think the navy blue suits you better,” Ace smirks at his own pun. “Though the plaid certainly makes a statement. Shame that statement is ‘I'm a grandpa at thirty years old’.” “You know, in my job, gold is really only used for trims. Any more than that is just tacky," Felix deadpans, not even sparing a glance at Ace's obnoxiously golden silk outfit. “And it's thirty-eight.”
Ace doesn't bother suppressing his grin over the fact that Felix seems happy to go along with his silly banter.
It becomes sort of an inside joke between them, and when Felix shows up to the campfire in a porn stache and driving gloves, Ace chokes on a laugh.
“I’m sorry, is this an 80's theme party?” Ace jokes. “Careful you don't end up on a propaganda poster with a stache like that.” “Why are you wearing an eye patch?” Felix immediately shoots back. “Is this the 16th century? Should we break out the rum and set sail?”
Ace hears Quentin snort beside him.
“It's a pilot outfit,” Ace argues, pulling his jacket with the pin-up print tighter against himself defensively. “No, mine is a pilot outfit,” Felix deadpans, and Ace can't really argue, not when the other is wearing a bomber jacket and pilot glasses and leather gloves. “Yours is a blind truck driver.”
Bill coughs out something akin to a laugh on the other side of camp and Ace bites his lip to stop himself from doing the same.
“Can I borrow the shades some time?” Ace forfeits the argument, and Felix smiles just the tiniest bit. “Sure.”
And Felix actually follows through with the promise, switching sunglasses with him when Ace later complains his own don’t go with his outfit. It’s a pretty cute gesture, like they were close friends or even a couple, and when Felix snorts and tells him he looks ridiculous it just serves to make Ace smile brighter.
It’s not like the exchange or the ones before it mean anything, it’s just harmless joking with the occasional flirt. Ace still thinks Felix is attractive, but he doesn’t have any illusions that the man would be into him like that, with what having a girlfriend and unborn baby back home, not to mention Ace having a good ten years on him in age. Still, he appreciates that Felix goes along with his cheeky comments, at least not grossed out by or taking offense to Ace’s flirting.
He only gets to keep the shades for one trial, because the Entity has blessed Felix with another outfit for Ace to offer his unsolicited opinion on.
“Oh my god,” Ace comments when he spots the horrendous, grease-streaked mop in place of Felix’s normally expertly styled hair. “Are you a closet hipster? Is an avocado smoothie going to fall out of the hat?” he quips, eyeing the fedora that is, in Ace’s humble opinion, vastly inferior to all of his own hats. “I needed a disguise to lay low for a while, and what better way to hide in plain sight in a big city?” Felix defends his unkempt hair and dirty t-shirt. “What’s your excuse?” he shoots back.
Ace glances down at his generously open shirt—gold again, just to annoy Felix—and tacky sequin pants.
“Vegas, baby,” Ace grins. “If you’d ever been, you’d know.” “I’ve never been happier to say I haven’t,” Felix chuckles. “I don’t think I could handle more of… whatever this is,” he says, gesturing to Ace’s outfit. “When we get out of here, I’m definitely taking you,” Ace quips. “I just want to see you cry over all the flashy satin and fake gold.”
Felix doesn’t roll his eyes or make a sarcastic comment like Ace expects. Instead, he stares blankly in confusion for a few seconds, before his expression settles into a smile Ace can’t quite place.
“Alright,” Felix simply says, and combined with the soft smile it’s enough to make Ace nervously look around camp for a distraction. “Hey, Kate!” he hollers, spotting the songstress braiding Meg’s hair. “You got a hairband for our friend and his questionable hair style over there?”
He ends up regretting the question as soon as Kate insists on braiding Felix’s hair and the normally standoffish man, somehow, goes along with it. He can’t believe he’s jealous for someone getting to touch the grimy, unkempt strands, and it sure as hell doesn’t help that Felix seems to like it. Kate looks thrilled to get to spend some quality time with the man, chatting about this and that and taking way longer than necessary to make the hairstyle, and Ace ends up walking away and pestering Dwight to play some cards with him so he can at least win at something.
His win streak over the poor boy is interrupted when Felix later sits down with them, gesturing for Ace to deal him in, and Ace can’t quite hide his pleased grin that Felix would rather spend time with him than the beautiful girl who just played with his hair for half an hour.
“Better?” Felix asks him, turning his head to display the most pathetic French braid Ace has ever seen, ending in a ponytail that’s barely an inch in length. “Much better,” Ace says, definitely referring to the company and not the state of his hair, and even the normally diplomatic Dwight gives him a weird glance over his cards after taking in Kate’s handiwork.
Only a few trials after the incident, Ace has the pleasure of spawning together with Felix in one of the Yamaoka maps. When he sees a horrendous checkered pattern from the corner of his eye, he knows he’s in for a treat.
He quickly turns to face the man, nearly tripping over some shrubbery as the Entity decided to place him in some inconvenient bamboo. He meets Felix's eye, opening his mouth to start a snarky comment, when his thoughts come to a complete halt upon seeing the entirety of the outfit.
“Well? Get it over with,” Felix demands, crossing his arms self-consciously and—lord have mercy—blushing a little.
Ace's brain is reduced to white noise in the equivalent of ‘hhhHhhHHhh’ while he just stands there, feet still in the stupid bamboo, and stares.
Felix's hair is now an impeccable undercut, a few loose strands framing his features beautifully, and the perfectly trimmed stubble adds a rugged charm to his handsome face. The vest is stylish, a navy blue similar to the suit Ace likes, and the checkered shirt shouldn't work with it but it does, and there's even a matching handkerchief in his breast pocket. Ace's horny brain immediately goes to hanky code and shut up brain it's in the wrong pocket—
Ace mentally shakes his head and looks at Felix's pants instead. And that was a bad idea, because he’s wearing fucking. Leather. Pants.
Again, it should look ridiculous, but Ace feels himself start salivating at the idea of them hugging Felix's ass—ugh, focus!
The pants have small ribbons on the sides and the entire ensemble is so goddamn adorable and sexy that he can't even deal. And Ace has seen a lot of handsome men during his life, mostly in the mirror, but right now, Felix takes the cake.
Felix's attitude shifts from embarrassed to curious when Ace isn't immediately opening his big mouth like usual.
“If this is how all Germans dress, it’s a tragedy I’ve never been,” Ace flirts, his dick having taken over his brain and his mouth running on autopilot.
Instead of insulting Ace's panama hat and favorite pink shirt, Felix clears his throat and averts his eyes.
“You don't look too bad yourself,” Felix mutters, cheeks heating up again as he twiddles with the cuff of his shirt.
Ace idly wonders if the bamboo bush is big enough for them to make out in without being spotted—brain, focus! The guy is just being polite, no need to jump his bones!
They've got the usual back-and-forth out of the way, but Felix still isn't moving to start the trial, regarding Ace warily and fidgeting, and he's just so fucking hot—ugh, he needs to say something, doesn't he?
“God, the things I'd let you do to me," Ace thinks while he says ‘We should find a generator’ because he's not going to creep Felix out any further—
Felix chokes on nothing and his face flushes bright red, and Ace belatedly realizes his brain got its wires crossed and he definitely said the first bit out loud. Shit, that was definitely out of line, and if Felix hasn’t been offended before he sure as hell should be now.
There’s a screech from his left and Ace has never been so glad to take a bonesaw to the shoulder as when the Nurse teleports next to him and interrupts their awkward conversation, Ace finally running out of the goddamn shrubbery while clutching his injured shoulder. Strangely enough, the Nurse doesn’t follow him as he runs up to the temple, and soon after he hears Felix yelp instead, the killer chasing him around the shack.
Damn, now he somehow needs to make it up to Felix both to apologize for his foot-in-mouth syndrome and for him taking the Nurse off Ace’s back.
Unfortunately for them, the Nurse isn't playing around this match, and when she returns to tunnel Felix right off the hook, Ace barely even gets the chance to yell out a “Move!” and throw himself in the way of the attack, much less talk to him about what happened earlier.
Soon Ace is walking back into camp, the second to last to have been sacrificed, only Claudette remaining in the trial and trying to find the hatch. He's already prepared an apology, and hopefully he'll be able to joke it off and Felix won't be weirded out by him. Well, at least not more than usual.
But then he spots Felix talking to Dwight by the edge of the camp, and Dwight freezes mid-conversation upon seeing Ace, before his face twists into a—smirk? Since when has Dwight smirked?—and he says something to Felix before taking off, walking over to where Steve and Ash look to be engaged in a game of tic-tac-toe.
Ace doesn't even have time to ponder why Dwight suddenly seems like he knows way too much, because Felix is approaching him and he knows this is a make or break it situation.
“Dwight seemed awfully smug, huh?” Ace jokes to buy himself some time after his carefully crafted apology flies out the window when he sees Felix’s serious expression. “We need to talk,” Felix says, looking and sounding every bit the stern businessman Meg thinks he is. “Yeah, alright,” Ace agrees and tries not to deflate too much upon essentially being shut down before he can even try to make things right.
As he follows Felix out into the woods away from prying eyes, he considers whether it's even worth apologizing if their friendship is done with anyway. He just hopes this won't cause unnecessary drama within the group, the others sure as hell don’t need to get involved.
His train of thought is interrupted when he's suddenly pushed against a tree, letting out a startled yelp that he’ll later vehemently deny. Shit, is Felix going to beat him up?
An arm wrapping around his hip is finally enough to pull Ace out of his racing thoughts, and when he looks up at the man he finally realizes that Felix is definitely not upset with him, and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline upon seeing the clear bedroom eyes thrown his way.
“Is this not okay?” Felix asks, his dark gaze faltering from insecurity. “Naw, baby, just took me by surprise,” Ace practically purrs, a lazy grin spreading over his face as the familiar confidence returns, his hands running over Felix's shoulders appreciatively. “I thought you were upset with me from before, not that you'd take me up on the offer.” “Well, I—” Felix starts, clearing his throat self-consciously. “I've wanted this for quite some time, and Dwight said you probably wouldn't be opposed, so…”
That's what they were talking about? And Dwight convinced Felix that Ace is down to fuck? Shit, he needs to get the kid a fruit basket or something to thank him.
“He's definitely not wrong,” Ace says, trying for a seductive look but probably ends up leering stupidly from the anticipation instead. But apparently it gets the job done, because Felix pulls him tighter against him and leans in for a kiss.
And okay, wow, apparently he wasn't lying about really wanting this, because there's an urgency in the way he practically devours Ace's mouth, letting out an appreciative groan when Ace parts his lips and encourages him to deepen the kiss.
So maybe he should be worried about Felix's girlfriend or his sudden interest in men or whether he's looking for more than a casual fuck. But Ace has never been good at thinking certain things through and he's not about to start now, not when he has a breathless and flushed Felix pulling away from the kiss and looking at him with lust-blown eyes.
“I've wanted to do that for a long time,” Felix breathes, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a half-smile. “You really should have just asked,” Ace smirks, a little amazed that he managed to miss all the signs, because there’s nothing subtle about the way Felix looks at him now. “I was working up to it,” Felix argues. “But then you started practically eye fucking me—” “I was looking respectfully,” Ace corrects, causing Felix to snort. “You stood in a bush and drooled, and then propositioned me,” Felix points out. “Yeah, and you liked it so much you blushed like a virgin and started flirting and took the killer off of me—which, thanks for that, by the way—” Ace starts. “You're welcome.” “—and… why did I think you were mad at me again?” Ace realizes. “No idea. I thought it was pretty obvious why I dragged you here to ‘talk’,” Felix emphasizes, gaze roaming appreciatively over his body. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Ace encourages, flashing his signature smirk in challenge.
And Ace learns that no matter how much he likes Felix's outfit, getting to help Felix out of it is even better.
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