#your boyfriend and his mom can't even understand but she can tell when you're talking bad about yourself and comforts you even though 5/'?
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terrortwinunicorn · 1 month ago
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Two Pink Lines
The test sat on the sink. The time ticked away slowly. If it hadn't been for Demi Bennett aka Rhea Ripley , y/n would have probably been curled in a ball on the floor. Demi had been the one to convince y/n to take a pregnancy test. Y/N didn't know what she was going to tell her boyfriend of a year Luis Martinez aka Damian Priest if two pink lines showed up. They hadn't even talked about marriage let alone children. They were both into their forties. A geriatric pregnancy wasn't in her plans. That was for sure.
"Y/N. If Luis doesn't step up. You have Matt and I. I promise. We will help you with the baby," said Demi rubbing her back.
"Demi. It's not that simple. I'm forty one. This. This isn't something I planned on. I was perfectly content not having kids. I was fine just being Luis's girlfriend. We haven't even talked about marriage let alone kids," said y/n.
"You don't know Luis will react badly to this. He's great with kids. You have seen for yourself. Look how he is with Roux. She thinks after her daddy he hung the moon. Or the countless kids he meets during the meet and greets and make a wishes," said Demi with a smile.
"Yeah. That's because he can hand the kids back to mom and dad. If I'm pregnant he can't hand this one back," said y/n.
Damian's POV
I walked into the house I shared with my girlfriend of a year, y/n. I knew she had to be home because my best friend Demi's car was parked in front of the house.
"Babe?!" I called out "Babe. I know you're here. Your car is in the garage and Demi's car is parked in front of the house. Where are you?"
I heard muted voices in the bathroom. I walked to the door and knocked. More muted voices and footsteps before the door opens part way.
"Hi," said y/n with a smile "You're home early."
"Yeah. My trainer got a call. His mom fell and was being taken to the hospital," I said "Everything okay?" I asked as an alarm went off. Y/N's eyes grew big.
"Everything is swell," she said as Demi coughs behind the door.
"Why is Demi in there with you?" I asked.
"Y/N," said Demi. Y/N tried to shut the door but I stopped her and opened it.
Demi and y/n both stood there like a deer in the headlights as Demi tried to hide something behind her back.
"What do you have in your hand?" I asked.
"Nothing," said Demi as she hands something to y/n before showing me her hands "See."
"Yeah because you just handed it to y/n. What aren't you telling me? Y/N you have been acting off for weeks now. You won't let me touch you. You hardly eat anything and when you do you get nauseated," I said "Is there something wrong? Are you sick?"
Y/N took a deep breath before showing me what is behind her back. It's a stick.
"I'm pregnant," she said.
Those two words ping pongs inside my head.
"Pregnant?" I said finally finding my voice.
She nodded as tears spilled down her cheeks.
"Look Luis. I understand if you don't want this baby. I get it. We have-" I held up a hand and she stopped talking.
"I swear Luis. If you abandon y/n at this time you will have me to deal with," said Demi.
It is because of Demi that y/n and I met.
"I'm not going to abandoned y/n or this baby. Is this baby planned? No. But this baby is part me and part y/n and we made him or her because we love each other," I said looking at y/n "I know we didn't even talk about kids or even marriage but if you allow me. I want to be a father to this baby and a husband to you," I said.
"Luis? Are-are you asking me what I think you are asking me?" asked y/n.
I nod "Granted I don't have a ring on me at the moment but," I said dropping to one knee and taking her hand "y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
"Yes," she said.
I smiled before standing and cupping y/n's face and kissing her "Thanks for making me a Papá," I said.
"Thanks for making me a Mamí," she giggles.
7 months later......
We are in the hospital y/n has been in labour for hours. Our daughter is as stubborn as me. She didn't want to come.
"I think she likes her accommodations," I said as I am wiping y/n's brow.
Y/N shot me a look "Luis. Kindly shut the fuck up," she said.
"Sorry," I said knowing this wasn't her. It was the pain talking.
"Come on Mrs. Martinez. A couple more pushes and your daughter will be here," said the doctor.
A few minutes pass and then the room is filled with cries and our daughter is born. They place her on y/n's chest and we both look down at this perfect little human we made.
"Look at her," said y/n smiling at me "She has your nose," the nurses are cleaning our little princess up.
Half an hour later.....
The nurse hands me this little bundle. I look down at my daughter. The daughter I made with the love of my life. Was she planned? Again no. But she was a miracle and a blessing.
"Hi. I'm your daddy," I said as tears fill my eyes "I know you know my voice. I am the one who read to you every night. You don't know this yet but you're already a pretty well loved little girl. Me, your Mommy, your uncles both biological and chosen and your aunts again biological and chosen," I walked to y/n "We all love you so much," I placed her in y/n's arms "this beautiful woman is your Mommy."
"Hi. Oh my sweet baby girl. You don't know how much I love you. You're the reason my life is complete it's because of you and your Daddy," she smiled up at me "Luis. We made her. Can you believe that?"
I shook my head "No," I said kissing the side of y/n's head "She's perfect like you."
Y/N smiles at me "No like you. But what should we name her?" she asked.
I looked at our daughter before smiling "Schuyler Marie Martinez. Since you were dressed as Elizabeth Schuyler when we met."
"Schuyler. I love it," said y/n looking at me with nothing but love in her eyes and then down at our daughter "Welcome Schuyler Marie Martinez. Your daddy and I are so happy to have you join. We love you always and forever," she kissed her forehead as Schuyler yawns. I put my finger in her little hand and she took it.
"Thank you Schuyler for making my life complete. I couldn't ask for anything else. Your Mom gave me everything," I said as I leaned into y/n and we kissed.
Yes. Life threw me for a loop seven months ago but now I'm absolutely happy it did. It gave me my wife and my daughter. I was a happy man. A very happy man. Life could not be any sweeter.
Tag List: @eringobragh420 @magicalbuttertarts @madhatterbri @keekee-23 @loki69zowens @caramara3 @bloodlinesbabe93 @miss-kuki-nz @surdelcielo
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 11 months ago
This Is Where You Stand With Me (part 2)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
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Part 1 here
"Hola madre!" I say jokingly as my mother answered the phone.
"Too much influence from Sophie's boyfriend or what?" She chuckles.
"Yeah, something like that." I laugh adjusting myself on the couch. "How are you? What's new?" I ask.
"Nothing much, I'm just going back home from work. What's up with you?"
"I'm enjoying my day off from work." I say biting my lip not sure how's she going to react to my new "job" which I haven't told her about yet. But I'm certain she's not going to be thrilled about it.
"What do you mean y/n? What work?" As soon as she says "Y/N" I know there's no joking anymore.
"Well," I take a deep breath before I continue. "First of all, don't freak out, it's only my temporary job, you know while I'm here in Monaco with Sophie. And second of all, I started working for Ferrari practically. I'm managing their social media."
"Explain it a bit better, please. What does that mean?" She asks confused.
"Basically, I'm spending a lot of time with their drivers. I'm filming them for social media, like when they're getting ready for the race, asking them some questions, filming behind the scenes like what happens before the race, filming them training and stuff like that you know. And I edit those videos and then post them." I try to explain to her as simply as possible. but my mom, like most others, is not on the internet, she is not interested in the world of social media and probably still does not understand why anyone would be interested in any of this.
"So who are you filming then? Sophie's boyfriend and?"
"Carlos and Charles." As I say his name my mind wanders briefly to Charles and the grand prix from last weekend. I wonder how he is, and if he talked to Ava. and what happened between them afterwards. I also wonder if he has already thrown somewhere the bracelet I gave him. As I've already said, you just never know with him.
"Y/n?" My mom's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Sorry my thoughts wandered for a moment. What did you ask?"
"I asked if you are satisfied with that job? Are you treated well? What are those boys like?" Like any mother, she worriedly asks a million questions and I, like any other daughter, of course, will not tell her everything in detail.
I have always been close to my mother, but I never liked to share every detail of my life with her, even though she wanted to know it. But I just wasn't comfortable with her knowing all my private things. I believe that you can be close to your mother, without her being involved in all your decisions, attitudes and thoughts. We talk more or less about everything, but I have set some boundaries for myself about what I want to share with her and I think that's exactly why we have a relatively good and healthy relationship.
"Yeah, I mean it's not something I'll do forever, it's just a temporary type of thing, so while I'm here I might as well earn some money." I say. "And everybody's nice to me, of course, I already told you that Carlos is a wonderful person and boyfriend to Sophie, and Charles..He's not so bad either."
"You don't sound so convincing with the other one." She says referring to Charles.
"Don't worry really, both of them are very nice, it's just that I don't know Charles very well yet and I haven't spent much time with him so I can't say much about him." I say honestly.
While talking to her on the phone, I get up and head to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. While walking to the kitchen, I pass by the mirror and almost get scared when I see what I look like. Shaggy hair in a bun, without a hint of makeup, braless in an extra-large t-shirt with a print of Los Pollos Hermanos that also serves as my nightgown and house slippers on my feet. I guess I'm not one of those ex girlfriends that has a glow up after a breakup, but oh well.
"Well, as long as you're happy and safe, I'm fine with it." My mom says. "And besides, I think it's good for you that you left Manchester for a bit. Stay as long as you want."
"Really?" I am a bit taken aback and surprised by her words. "How come you think so?" I ask while waiting for coffee to be poured from the machine into the cup.
"I-I.." Just as she was about to say something the doorbell rings. Sophie went to lunch with Carlos, I doubt they forgot their keys.
"Mom, there's someone at the door, I'll have to call you a little later, okay?"
"Okay, we'll talk later, bye." She says and I hung up the phone.
I leave my phone on the kitchen counter and just as I'm about to go into the hallway to open the door, I accidentally pull the cup with my hand and spill hot coffee on my right thigh.
"Ouchh!" I almost scream in pain while the hot coffee continues to pour down my leg. "Fuck!!" My eyes get watery from the pain and stinging. Cursing my clumsiness I grab a cloth and wipe my thigh which is burning more and more and the doorbell keeps ringing. I go and open the front door when none other than Charles is standing leaning against the door frame.
"Charles, what are you doing here?" I ask with a sniff. I don't open the door all the way, but just peek out with my head. The last thing I needed is him here while I'm crying over my coffee burn and looking like I got mowed by a tornado.
"Y/n, are you alright? Why are you crying?" He asks, his expression immediately turned serious as he tries to enter.
"I just spilled hot coffee on myself. Please don't come in.." I really don't want him to see me like this.
"Let me help you." He says ignoring me and coming in anyway closing the door behind him.
"No, Charles..I-I'll be fine." I say pulling my t-shirt down with one hand and still holding the cloth with the other one.
"Let me see." He bends down and removes my hand with which I'm holding the cloth. "You got burned well." He says.
"Yeah, I can feel it. It hurts pretty bad."
"Come here." He waves his hand for me to follow him into the bathroom. It seems like he has already been in this apartment before. They probably had some gathering at Sophie's, so he knows where everything is.
"Sit there." He says pointing to the tub as he takes a small towel from the shelf under the sink and soaks it in cold water. I briefly feel a sense of relief as he kneels down in front of me and places a wet towel over my burn.
"You know, I really appreciate your help, but I feel terribly uncomfortable-"
"Yeah, I already saw that you don't have a bra on." He cuts me off and my cheeks instantly get as red as the burn on my thigh.
"You don't have to point it out like that.." I can't help but chuckle a little at his nonchalant response.
"You really do have to stop embarrassing yourself in front of me." He laughs.
"Why did you come here in the first place?" I ask shaking my head.
"I'm here to pick up Carlos. We agreed to go to the gym together, and he said he would be at Sophie's." He says taking the towel off my thigh and soaking it again. "So here I am. Where are the two of them anyway?"
"They went out for lunch. I think they should be back any minute now since they've been gone for a while." As he comes back with the cold towel I notice that he's wearing the red bracelet I gave him last weekend. He puts the towel over my thigh again and gently presses it.
"And what are you doing alone in the apartment, except destroying it?" I really like this funny side of Charles. For I moment I wished he could be like this all the time.
"Certainly not waiting for you." I playfully answer back.
"Yeah, sure you aren't." He says confidently and I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going to clean up that coffee you spilled on the floor." You can see the kitchen from the bathroom, so he definitely made sure I knew that he saw the mess I made.
While Charles is cleaning up in the kitchen, I quickly go to my room and put on shorts and a bra under my t shirt. Since he's already seen me at my worst, I decide not to fix my hair but to leave it messy like this. It's already too late now to look presentable anyway.
"Have you put on a bra yet?" He asks shamelessly as I enter the kitchen.
"Has anyone ever told you that you can be very inappropriate?" I honestly ask him.
"Quite rude thing to say to someone who just helped you."
"Thank you. Charles. For your generous help." I say slightly sarcastically through gritted teeth. "Do you want me to check when they're coming back?"
"Why? Can't wait to get rid of me?"
"No." I roll my eyes. "I'm just asking if you're in a hurry."
"I'm not. I'll wait for him. I hope they'll be back soon." He says taking a seat on the high chair at the kitchen island.
"Do you want something to drink while you wait?"
"A glass of water will do."
I reach for a glass from the top kitchen unit and in the process I scratch the injured thigh on the handle of the lower element. I wince in pain and curse under my breath.
"Be careful, where is your towel?" Charles asks me getting up from the chair. Before I can say I left it on the tub, he's already back from the bathroom with it. "Sit there." He almost orders me and I do it obediently while he soaks the towel again in the kitchen sink. He moves my hand from my thigh and puts the wet towel over it.
I don't know why, but I decide not to tell him that I can do it myself. And he doesn't say it either but proceeds to hold his hand a little longer over the cold compress looking down at it and gently pressing on it. I lift up my head to look up at him and for a second we lock our eyes together without saying a word.
"I-I.." In a moment of nervousness I wanted to say something just to break the silence, but luckily I hear the front door open. Charles quickly moves his hand away and goes to the opposite side of the kitchen island clearing his throat.
"Hello..guys..?" Sophie says as Carlos and her enter the kitchen looking very confused at the scene before them.
part 3
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bugboysgf · 2 years ago
Hate + Love
Chapter 3
series masterlist 
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Previous chapter 
Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Do you think that's his boyfriend?” Q asked.
“I don't think so,” Kitty said.
Right now you,Q, Kitty, and Min ho were sitting at the lunch table having lunch, you were too busy on your phone laughing to even hear what they were talking about.
“I don't see the problem, just ask if he is seeing anybody.” Min Ho said.
“If only it was that simple.” Q huffed. “What do you think y/n.”
You didn't respond, you were smiling at your phone not having a care in the world. Min ho thought it would be a good idea to throw a chip at you to get your attention.
“What the hell dickhead.” you glared at Min ho.
“Why do you keep smiling at your phone?” Min ho asked.
“Oh Derek was sending me pictures.”
“So what's going on between you?” Kitty asked
“Nothing really, he asked me on a date yesterday.”
“Wait what?” Minho looks at you in shock.
“You heard me.” “When's the date?” he asked.
“If you must know it's on saturday.”
“I'm so happy for you.” Kitty said.
“I don't get it.” Min ho said to Q.
“Get what?” Q sat up on his bed.
“Why is y/n going on a date with Derek.” “I don't know. What's the problem with it anyway?” Q asked, confused.
“Why would she choose him, that's all.” Min ho wondered.
“Maybe because he gave her his number.” Q said like it was obvious. Minho just stared at the wall thinking. “Listen man if he bothers you that much just tell her.” “It doesn't bother me.” Min ho said a little too fast. “You're lying, it does.” “I don't understand why I care so much.”
“Maybe because you like her.”
“I will not stop saying that.” Min Ho said, clearly annoyed.
“There's obviously something there, if it does bother you.”
“It doesn't, I was just thinking.” Min ho defended himself, but deep down he had this feeling about you and he couldn't figure out what it was.
“Q come on, open the door.” you said knocking on the door. You heard footsteps so you stopped knocking on the door.
“What are you wa- wait are you crying?” Min Ho asked.
“No” you swiped your tears. “Where Q” you asked.
“He's not here, he's sleeping at his friend's dorm tonight. What's wrong.” Min Ho asked concerned.
“Nothing, I'm going to go.” you turned around but Min ho grabbed your hand pulling into the dorm. He shut the door and looked at you.
“Just tell me what's wrong, I'm not going to make fun of you or judge you.” all you did was look at him, you were not believing that. “Pinky swear.”
“I'm not five Min ho, can i just go, it's not a big deal.” you explain to him.
“If you're crying, it has to be a big deal,” he says.
“Okay…it's my necklace my dad gave me.” you open your hand and show it to him. “I broke, and i don't know what to do, it was the last thing he gave me and-”
“Slow down y/n, its okay”
“It's not,” you said in a weak voice. “I can't tell my mom, she's going to be so mad, and i dont have the money to fix it.” Min ho looks at you not knowing what to say, he's never had a girl cry in front of him.
“I'm sorry for putting this on you.” you apologize.
“I'll fix it.” Min Ho said.
“Give it to me, I'll try to fix it.” you had no choice to hand it over to him, you didn't know what to do.
“I should go, it's past curfew.” you said.
“Stay here”
“I just want to make sure you are okay,” he says.
“What if I get caught?”
“Nobody is going to see you plus there's no class tomorrow. You can take my bed” he explains.
The next morning you woke up in his bed, then it hit you that you cried to Min ho last night about a necklace. You cringe at the fact that Min ho saw you cry. You get out of the bed and go into the kitchen and sit down.
“Good morning.” Min Ho says.
“What time is it?” you ask. “2pm”
“Oh my god, I have a date at 5.” “You have time,” he says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and hands it to you. You look at him confused but you open the box. In the box was your necklace that you gave him last night.
“Oh my god, you fixed it.” you smile. “How?”
“I went to a jewelry shop early in the morning.”
“How much was it? I will pay you back, I swear.” you tell him.
“Don't worry about it and I apologize.” “Apologize for what?” you asked him confused.
“Apologize for bumping into you at the airport.” “Who are you and what have you done with Min ho.” you joked.
“I'll take the apology back.” he smiles.
“I'm nervous.” you said to Kitty.” “Dont be you look good.” She says.
“He's supposed to be picking me up any minute now.” you tell her.
10 minutes go by and he doesn't text you saying he's going to be late. You text him ‘hey when are you going to be here?’ but you get no response.
Another 20 minutes go by and you finally get a message
From derek: Sorry but I can't do this, i dont think it's going to work out.
“What did he say?” kitty asked
“He says it's not going to work out.” you say quietly.
“Oh I'm so sorry y/n. He doesnt deserve you.” “Min ho was right, it had to be a dare.”
The next day you decided to not let it get to you. Kitty asked if you wanted to go to breakfast most of the time you skip breakfast but you were really hungry.
“What are your plans for today?” Kitty asked.
“Not sure.” you said. Kitty looks behind you and sees Derek walking towards you.
“Don’t freak out but Derek is walking this way.” “Oh my god.” you roll your eyes. He sits next to Kitty and gives you a look that's supposed to say ‘I'm sorry.’
“Save it, I don't want it here,” you cut him off.
“y/n i really wanted to go but Min ho-” “Min ho? What does he have to do with it?” you cut him off once again.
“He threatened me, he said he would release a video of me. I can't let it get out it would look bad on my parents company.” he explained “So he threatened you to not go on a date with me?” “Yes and a lot of other guys.” “What the hell, why?” Kitty asked.
“I'm not sure but he doesn't want guys dating you.”
“This doesn't make any sense.” you said.
next part
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kingkat12 · 7 months ago
I have had this idea for a fic forever but it's probably lame. What if witch!reader met Olivia Godfrey and could tell she was rotten. That she just had the worst intentions for everyone. So the reader spelled protection charms (like jewelry or trinkets) for Roman, Peter, Letha, Shelley, ect. to try to keep them safe?
now this... this is something I can work with lol, enjoy!!!<33
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safe (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: none lol (can you believe it)
summary: when you get confronted with your boyfriend's mother, your existence is threatened. but no matter the dangers, love will always prevail; your love will always come first to you.
word count: 1,191
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"So you're not going to tell me what happened?" Letha said, watching me with a worried look on her face. I could barely sit still, watching other students pass us by as I anxiously ripped at my nails, hoping our lunch break would never end. 
"Well, dinner with his family went well," I mumbled, making myself comfortable on the bench in the courtyard. "But I could just feel it in my bones that something was... wrong."
Letha put away her lunch, turning to me. "In what sense?"
"His mom-- Ow, fuck!" I hissed, realizing I had ripped too deep into a nail. I also didn't know how to explain this properly to Letha without giving away too much about my identity. "It's just this... This feeling I haven't sensed before. I can't put my finger on exactly what was wrong with her, but it was something dark, something ancient." 
"Okay..." Concerned, Letha put her hand on my shoulder. She obviously thought I sounded like I was having a manic episode, but Letha being who she was, she still found a way to approach me with kindness; "I hear you, and I get that meeting Roman's mom must've been quite intimidating for you... However, I still think you should answer his messages. He's going a bit crazy," 
I shouldn't. "I don't know," I breathed, reaching into my purse. I had spent the whole night trying to put some protective spells on a couple of rocks I had found in my backyard, having found nothing else. Finding a small, round rock, I handed it to Letha; "Keep this in your purse. Or in the front pocket of your jeans. Just... keep it close, okay?"
Understandably, Letha grimaced, taking the little rock into her hands. Judging by her facial expression, I realized I probably sounded absolutely insane. Still, she smiled back up at me with the same soft smile as always; "Uh... Thanks. It's very sweet of you to give me this... rock, but--"
"No, I'm not talking to Roman," I said, getting up from the bench. "I can't. I seriously can't." Having been born into ancient magic myself, I knew I couldn't get involved with anything as big as upirs without any backup. And currently, I didn't have any. After having been forced to move from one state to another because of a neighbouring witch-clan, I somehow found myself in Hemlock Grove, once again feeling remnants of something supernatural in the one guy I had somehow gotten feelings for. However, I had forced myself that I was just imagining it, that I was being paranoid, that upirs were just legends-- until I met his mother. I had sensed specks in Roman, but nothing compared to her.
Even worse, I knew Olivia Godfrey could definitely sense something in me as well, and that put everyone around me in danger. I had to protect them somehow, didn't I?
My locker slammed shut right in front of me just as I was about to take out my history book. I yelped, taking a startled step back as my eyes darted up at the culprit. 
Roman's big, green eyes were staring down at me with anger I hadn't seen in them before. It made me want to turn around and run for my life, save myself from whatever was about to come, but instead, I froze. I couldn't move, not even if I wanted to, as my eyes widened with a mix of both shock and fear.
Roman stepped forward, cornering me back up against my locker. "What's wrong with you?" he said, voice low. "You think you can just disappear on me like that?"
I succumbed to a slight tremble, at a loss for words. I knew a guy like Roman wouldn't take a situation like this lightly-- he had his pride to protect, after all. 
"You think that ignoring me for two days is okay?" he sneered, his eye twitching just slightly. "That's not how this works. You don't get to do that."
I held my breath-- he was right. My heart thumped hard in my chest as I pushed away all thoughts of how gorgeous he looked right now, his hair styled back as always, his pink, plush lips pursed in anger.  "I'm sorry," I breathed, not knowing what else to say. This was absolutely killing me; I was crazy about this guy. This was not how I wanted this to go down. 
"Seriously? That's all I get?" Groaning, Roman ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated with me. "The one time I take someone seriously, and you pull this crap on me?"
It felt like he was ripping my heart into hundreds of tiny pieces, the remnants scattering across the floor of the busy hallway. Roman had been the one good thing in my life since I left everything behind and moved-- I didn't want it to end like this. I didn't want it to end at all. 
I just didn't want to move again; I didn't want to have to never see him. In my mind, it would be better to break it off now and watch him bloom from afar, than to get myself deeper into the dark shit I knew would follow if Olivia found out her son had serious intentions with a fucking witch. I doubted that she wanted anyone foreign like that in her territory. 
"Roman, I..." With a sigh, I reached into my purse once more with a trembling hand, fishing out another protective stone. This was all I could do. I had to do something to protect him, didn't I? I was praying to all the Gods in the world that Olivia wouldn't find it in his pockets or anything along those lines, but I couldn't let him walk around unprotected with a creature like her roaming the halls of his own home. "Take this. Keep it close. I can't explain, but I need you to not let your mom find this."
With a huff, Roman took the rock into his hand, our fingertips touching during the exchange. If only we could stay here like this forever, touching, close-- but I knew fate wouldn't allow it.
"A rock? A fucking rock? And what does my mom have to do with this?--" Suddenly, he froze, eyes rounding out as he balled his hand around it. Something told me Roman could feel the spell, that he knew what it was and why I had given it to him, but I told myself that it was just my wishful thinking trying to soothe me. 
"I'm sorry I can't explain," I breathed, letting out a shaky breath. "You're wonderful. You're gentle, you're kind, and I... I just don't think we should be together. I don't think it would be good for us."
Roman stared down at me with an expression mixed with disbelief and shock. His hand clenched around the rock, slowly opening his palm to glance at it once more. "You... Wait, is this thing seriously what I think it is?--"
I frantically shook my head, stepping away from him. "It's nothing. Just stay safe. Please," He didn't need to know. It wasn't safe for him to know.
And I needed him to be safe.
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fruchtfliege · 3 months ago
🐺🤍💋🫡🧪 ALL!!! I NEED THEM ALL!!!
...ask from this post...
🐺 - stuck as a wolf!theo
“And if ever it becomes too much in there, then we'll just leave. Leaving is always an option,” Mason adds with a kind smile. “And you won't be alone for the pack meeting. We're all coming. And we'll all have your back! Mostly. We'll mostly all have your back!”
Liam straightens himself a bit, nodding at the logical and calming words.
“Honestly, I'd be more worried about your boyfriend potentially biting Stiles' head off if he says something mean to you.”
Liam sends him a smile.
“Thanks, I needed that,” Liam says and, with one final exhale, he finally looks confident enough to face the day.
Mason frowns at him. That wasn't… the last one wasn't supposed to be a comforting statement. He was serious!
🤍 - first chimera!liam
Theo can't help it. He looks back and freezes when he spots Liam already staring at him. It had been difficult to really see him yesterday between the chaos and the obscurity of the night but, now, it's undeniable. Liam is hot. Like hot hot. And he has a smile that makes him look like he's got nothing between his ears. Theo didn't know that could be a positive attribute but it's now at the very top of his list of “must have”s.
💋 - petopher mean girls!au
“If ever you think I'm slipping, like… if I forget the plan and I'm letting Peter have his way again… I'd like for you to tell me,” Chris admits with more vulnerability than he'd like. He's not used to asking for help. It feels wrong in his mouth.
Melissa nods, understanding the seriousness of his request. “You're slipping.”
“Yeah, just say it like that, it doesn't need to be a big-”
“No, I mean it. You're slipping.”
“What!?” Chris can't help but scream. “But we barely started and I'm… I’m fine!”
She keeps her spoon in her mouth for a few more seconds just to slap his arm. Then, she takes back her spoon.
“I know you didn't put up a fight at Halloween,” she scolds him.
“I did!”
Melissa gives him her mom look. It's terrifying. It's a “I know you better than you know yourself, you can't fool me” look. The worst part is that she's right.
🫡 - the caretaker
“And don't ever talk like that about my best friend or I swear it won't end well for you,” Theo warns Liam, still haunted by his words, the self-loathing not sitting right by him even an hour later. 
Liam is shocked and he makes a pleased little gasp, a grin on his lips for the first time tonight. He tilts his head to the side. “I'm your best friend?”
“Not much competition these days…” Theo tries to mock but it's too vulnerable for it to have any punch. “I know I'm not yours, that's fine.” 
“Well, I can have two best friends!” Liam says, very excited about this new genius idea of his. 
“No, I- Liam, the fucking point of a best friend is that it's the best of all your friends. The point is to have one.” 
“I have two best friends,” Liam repeats to himself like he enjoys how it makes him feel. Happy, Theo guesses by his goofy expression and the content chemosignals.
Theo sighs, pretending to be annoyed, but it's the first time he can sense any type of positive emotion from Liam tonight so he takes it as a victory. In the darkest corner of his heart, he's secretly pleased by the idea of being Liam's second best friend. Even if it's definitely not a thing!
🧪 - re-animator au
“Well, as you said, officer, we weren’t close.”
The officer raises an eyebrow at Theo's smug attitude. “No, but I know at least one of you was close to Ms Romero,” the cop says, shifting his gaze to Liam who starts sweating out of fear. Lying isn't his best skill.
Just as he opens his mouth to try and spin a story that doesn't involve necromancy, Liam spots a hand – as in only a hand – running loose on their living room floor. Liam screams, instinctively moving closer to Theo who, judging by his shocked but amused face, has also seen the experiment running free. The hand sprints everywhere on its little fingers but thankfully makes its way behind the couch before the two cops can see it.
“Oh… A spider! He’s very afraid of-” Theo says smoothly before he gets a rough elbow jammed into his ribs.
“What did you do!?” Liam whisper-screams at Theo.
“Nothing!” Theo says, his eyes never leaving the two cops in their apartment. “It’s not like I control the spider population in the house, Liam!”
Liam gives him a mean glare like he knows damn well Theo is responsible for this. As if they didn't have enough problems with the cops asking questions! Before he can think of a way to subtly say all of this without alerting the two police officers taking notes of their every move and word, Liam sees the hand creeping out of the couch, its fingers making the faintest tap tap tap on its way to the kitchen.
“Well, can you go and control this one!?” Liam snarls through gritted teeth.
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0-animelover-0 · 2 years ago
Poly!Kiribaku x Chubby Reader
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A/N: Remember you are beautiful just the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you are being abused in any way, please talk to an adult you trust or someone who could help.
Warnings: mention of suicide, cutting, bullying, verbal abuse, foul language.
Masterlist is -> here
It was a normal, sunny day, at least for you. You woke up to your alarm blasting by your ear. "Shut that damn alarm off!" You heard your mom yell at you from her room. She always made you get up early because your mom says 'even though your still ugly, doesn't mean you can't make yourself more presentable'. You sighed turning it off and sliding your feet off the edge of your bed. This happens a lot of the time but every time it hits you harder than the last. Your mother was always like this towards you.
But nobody knew about this not even your boyfriends. Except Shinsou who was like a brother figure to you since your first year of U.A. You started dating the famous hot-head, Katsuki Bakugou and the supportive, Ejiro Kirishima six months ago. You got up off your bed and got ready to go to U.A. "Get ready and get out of my house! Grab whatever you can find to eat! You're good at that!" Your mom yelled from downstairs, then you heard the front door shut meaning your mom left for work.
You looked at yourself in your mirror. You started crying while looking at the figure that looked back at you. You were always chubby since you were younger, always being bullied because you were never as skinny as you wanted to be. You were curvy with chubby cheeks and (e/c) eyes. You were very insecure about your thick thighs and your plush stomach. You always wondered why Katsuki and Eijiro would date you or even love you. You glided your finger tips over the fresh cuts on your arms.
Flashes of past memories crossed your mind then you saw them, the hot-headed blonde of class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugo, and the kind red-head, Ejiro Kirishima. After dating them for a couple of months, these thoughts and your cutting slowly eased. But the bullying did not stop. You would think people going to U. A to become heroes would understand that bullying can lead people to doing something like self-harm or worse.
You wiped the tears that poured from your eyes off of your face using your arm. You looked down at your scared wrists and arms, and saw the newest cuts you made last night. This made you cry even more. You collected yourself and started to put on your school uniform. You never liked the skirt because of how short it is showing your thighs. You ran down the stairs towards the kitchen. You looked around the room and thought against the urge to eat and ignored the growl coming from your stomach.
You started walking out the door but not before locking the door behind you. You were walking down the street when you heard someone yell your name. "Y/n!" You turned around looking back only to see the group of girls that bullied and still bully you from middle school. "Hey Sara." You said, trying not to make eye contact. "Ha! Can't even look at us without crying!" The girl next to the blonde said. The two girls next to Sara laughed at your teary eyes. You took off into a sprint towards U.A.
Once you got to the large gates, you tried to make it look like you weren't just crying. Making your way into the school towards your class, Class 1-A, you saw Bakugo and Kirishima with their friends that others call 'The Bakusquad'. Bakugo looked like he was going to blow up Denki while Sero, Kirishima and Mina were laughing at the angry expression plastered on his face. "Hey, Y/n!" Mina yelled spotting you walking towards them. "Hey guys."
You said, now standing between Bakugo and Kirishima. Bakugo wrapped his arm around your waist while Kirishima hooked your pinky finger with his. "Awe! You three are so cute together!" Mina said, practically gushing. Kirishima chuckled while Bakugo grunted but still kept his arm around your waist. "Let's get to class before we're late." Bakugo grumbled while walking towards class while holding hands with you and Kirishima on both sides of him.
Later at lunch:
You were sitting with your friends and your boyfriends during lunch like usual. You didn't feel like eating even though you knew you were incredibly hungry. "Oi, are you going to eat anything?" Bakugo said, looking at you and your untouched food. "Yeah, I noticed you haven't been eating that much lately. Are you okay, baby?" Kirishima, who was sitting on the other side of you, put his hand on your shoulder. "I'm just not hungry." As you said that, you spotted Sara and her group laughing across the cafeteria looking in your direction.
"I-I will see you guys later! Sorry...!" You stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria. The group of 1-A students all looked at each other confused and then they heard laughter from not so far away. "Oh no..." Mina starting to catch on to what was happening. "Oi! What the hell are you laughing at!?" Bakugo yelled which gained the girls' attention.
Sara looked him up and down while admiring his looks. They could tell she thought he was hot. "Why hello there, hot stuff." She said, twirling her hair with her finger. "It's not very nice to hit on someone who's in a relationship." Kirishima spoke up. Bakugo looked at her in disgust along with the rest of the bakusquad. "Get lost." Bakugo said. "Yeah, he is in a relationship!" Denki added.
"Oh, do you mean that pig that was sitting there?" Sara pointed between Bakugo and Kirishima where you were sitting before. Kirishima squinted his eyes into a glare. "If you mean our beautiful lover, then yeah, she's our girlfriend." Sara looked at them and scoffed swaying her hips while walking with the other girls following behind. "Lets go find her" Bakugo said turning to his boyfriend and then walking out with Kirishima beside him.
* * *
You ran passed other students in the hallway, not caring who saw you. You just wanted to get away from Sara and her 'friends'. You ran outside of the school. You leaned back on a wall sliding down it, tears flowing down from your eyes. You brought your knees up to your chest and put your head down, continuing to cry. Nobody was outside since students were still either in class or at lunch. 'They probably think I'm ugly too. Maybe even my friend's do too.' You thought, looking up from your knees.
Then you heard someone calling your name. They sounded worried, frantic. "Y/n! You out here?!" It was Kirishima. You looked in the direction of his voice, seeing him and Bakugo at the front doors of U.A. "If your out here, get back inside! They are just some extras who think they're all that!" Bakugo yelled. Him and Kirishima started looking around for their lovely partner. You wiped your eyes, slowly standing up. They haven't noticed you yet so you decided to wait a few more moments to watch them.
"Shit! I'm going to explode them to a million pieces." Bakugo said clenching his fists. Kirishima looked at Bakugo. "I'm mad at them too but we really need to find Y/n instead of threatening them." Kirishima put a gentle hand on Bakugo's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. Bakugo slowly unclenched his fists. "Fine. C'mon, shitty hair." He said turning around to face the school.
"You don't need to. I'm right here." With a deep sigh, you got out of her hiding spot. "Y/n!" Kirishima engulfed you in a strong hug. You hugged the red-head back and buried your head in his chest. "You idiot. Don't scare us like that again." Bakugo said, hugging you from behind.
You all stayed in a group hug for a while, enjoying each others embrace. After what felt like forever, you pulled away from the two boys. Tears pricked the brim of your eyes as you looked between them. "Do you..think I'm ugly?" Your voice sounded so broken which made Kirishima's and Bakugo's faces fall. "What? Of course we don't think that." Kirishima said before caressing your cheek. "Your're beautiful just the way you are. Inside and out."
This made you start crying again but not from sadness this time. "I love you guys so much." You wrapped her arms around both Bakugo's and Kirishima's necks. Kirishima and Bakugou hugged her back, both their arms around her. "We love you too." They said at the same time. "Now let's get back to our friends." Kirishima grasped your left hand while Bakugo grabbed your right one. "I bet those idiots are worried."
You three entered the cafeteria walking to the table you were seated at before. "Y/n!" Mina stood up fast right after noticing you first. Denki and Sero turned around hearing Mina yell your name. "Oh thank goodness. You're alright!"
You shrugged and nodded your head. It still hurt from how hard you cried. "Sorta." Sero and Denki walked up to you with relieved smiles. "Happy to have you back, dude." Sero said as he playfully punched your shoulder lightly. "Mhm" Denki nodded, agreeing with Sero. "C'mon girl! I'm going to get you fixed up! Your mascara is smudged. I'm surprised your makeup is not runny." Mina started dragging you to the closest bathroom.
The four boys watched as Mina and you was out of their view. "You three are a great couple. So who is going to propose?" Denki asked Bakugo and Kirishima. Bakugo quirked an eyebrow and Kirishima blinked at him in surprise. Bakugo's facial expression changed to a more cocky one. "Me of course. I'm the only one who is brave enough to do it." Kirishima grabbed Bakugo's chin and turned his head to face him. "You sure about that, babe?" Kirishima said, winking. Bakugo scoffed and pushed Kirishima's hand away with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
You and Mina returned from the bathroom. Your eyes softened and your brows furrowed in concern. "You okay, Katsuki? You look a little red." While reaching up to touch his forehead, Bakugo swatted your hand away. "Tsk! I'm fine." He said as he avoided eye contact with you. The last lunch bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Bakugou put his hands in his pants pockets, walking away.
Sero, Kirishima and Denki all laughed confusing you and Mina. Mina's eyes shifted from each of them and she crossed her arms. "What happened while we were gone?" The boys looked at each other knowingly. "Nothing! Come on, baby. I'll explain later." Kirishima said putting his arm around your shoulders starting to walk away from his friends. You looked at Mina, and Mina just shrugged her shoulders still confused.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
I would like to know how Sanji feels regarding Yasopp from a Sanuso perspective. Because there are two situations that I would love to write in a fic format but I'm not sure which one would fit best.
1. Sanji resents Yasopp more than Usopp does. Usopp explains to Sanji that his father left him and his mother to become a pirate and that's fine with him because he left to follow his dream, a dream that now Usopp is achieving too by his own hand and that will get him to see his father again. And even if there's resentment there, he's always like: "Well, he left us and I found out he spent time with another kid that is coincidentally our captain and my best friend but, y'know, it's fine because I know he loves me and at the end of the day we will find each other again. And my mom was the one to support him on his adventure, I can't really complain about that, can I?". And Sanji doesn't take that well because he knows how little Usopp thinks of himself and he knows that, behind all of that, there's more pain than what he says out loud. The mere fact that Yasopp dared to leave him behind makes Sanji's blood boil and he can't accept that Usopp isn't angrier. He should be angry! Furious! His father, the one who left him on his own with his sick mom, does not deserve Usopp's forgiveness. He makes Usopp know this: "What?! Usopp, mon trésor, you cannot possibly be saying this right now." / "What? I- It's not like he left me because he didn't love me, he left me to follow his dream. I think you of all people should understand that." / "And I do, dear, but- His dream should not have been more important than you in the first place and what he did is disgusting and outrageous and he doesn't deserve-!" / "Sanji, don't-" / "Somebody that leaves his child behind is not a good perso-" / "Could you shut up?! The fact that your father doesn't love you doesn't mean that mine is the same! My dad had a dream to follow, yours just didn't want you!" Oh. And that's when Usopp knows he's fucked up real good. But Sanji doesn't get mad and doesn't accept Usopp's apology because he's aware that he's been acting like a jerk too, talking without knowing anything about Yasopp, actually. They end up talking things out, of course, they make up. Usopp keeps telling Sanji that he's dying to see his father only to tell him that he's okay and, whenever he isn't, he has his boyfriend with him who will protect him even from his own father if he hurts him. Which is not the ideal situation, but at least Sanji is ready to do anything to anybody that hurts the love of his life.
And then there's the second possibility, which is still angsty and follows the same dynamic except that it's reversed:
2. Usopp is being insecure about what Yasopp feels for him. He's always known his father loves him and only left to follow his dream. He knows his mother is the one who supported him, too, and it's not Yasopp's fault that she got sick and he wasn't there. But sometimes the thoughts of not being wanted by his own father (especially after knowing that he enjoyed his time with Luffy, of all people) haunt him. And, you know, sometimes Sanji just can't take it. Seeing his boyfriend drown in self-deprecating thoughts and the assumption that his father doesn't love him is his nightmare. Because it's exactly what has always happened to him, and Usopp doesn't- He just doesn't know. "Usopp, I know- I know that what we did is fucked up and you're allowed to be mad-" / "I am not mad, Sanji! I am- How- How am I supposed to react when I see him? Uh, yeah, it's totally fine that you left me and mom alone. By the way, she's dead and you weren't there! But guess who was there? Me! A kid! On his own! Thank you very much, how's the pirate life treating you? Remember Luffy? Well, I'm sure you fucking do-" / "Darling-" / "I know he loves me, Sanji! Or whatever! He said he did. Was it that hard to show it a little bit, though? Because whenever I think about-" / "At least your father wants to see you again, doesn't he?! Okay, he might've fucked up big time and I get it, Usopp. I fucking get it. But he's out there and he's probably waiting for you and he tells people about you! He told Luffy about you, goddamnit. He loves you. If Zeff hadn't found me if- If for God knows what reason Zeff hadn't found me, I wouldn't even have had the chance to call somebody that truly loves me 'dad'. So stop complaining that he wasn't there and start thinking about how he's probably waiting for you. He had to make the hard decision to leave you with your mom, my father didn't fucking think twice before locking me up away from the rest of the world." Sanji knows he has talked too much when he sees Usopp's startled face. And following the last idea, the ending is pretty much the same. Apologizing for things they probably don't even truly think and accepting that they both have different experiences and that they're allowed to feel the way they do.
I honestly prefer the first one for a lot of reasons, especially Sanji's protectiveness and sense of justice and also the fact that I think Usopp's behavior is closer to canon. However, the second idea explores more the envy Sanji could probably have when it comes to biological fathers (which can still be there even if he doesn't consider Judge his father at all and has Zeff. He's still haunted by his past trauma, yay).
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catoslvt · 2 years ago
Ethan Landry x Reader
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Dewey and Gales daughter.
Afterscream 6, he wasn't ghostface.
Woodsboro isn't far away from New York.
You're both 21 here 🫶
"Ethan?" I quietly say as I look up at him, my voice almost a whisper as I'm not sure if he's sleeping.
"Hmm?" He responds.
"Did I wake you?" I ask him and he looks down at me and shakes his head.
"I've been up for a few minutes." He answers as he presses a kiss to my head.
I smile at him before gulping slightly, I've wanted to ask him for a while to visit the my dads grave but I never did ask, I think it sounds absurd for my boyfriend to visit my dead dad.
"Would you like to visit my dad's grave with me? I normally go to his grave every month and place new photos and flowers. If you think it's weird, then it's okay. I understand, but I just thought I should ask." I cautiously ask, and ethan smiles widely at me.
"Y/n, it's not weird. I think it's cute what you do for your dad, I'd love to come." He answers and I smile and pull myself closer to him.
"We don't even need to be there for long. It's just so I can give him the flowers and photos, oh and also give my aunt tatum her flowers." I tell him and he shakes his head.
"We can spend as long as we want there, I know how close you two were, especially after the divorce, so if you want, we could take some picnic stuff." He offers and I quickly sit up and stare at him, my eyes watering with happiness.
"Are you sure? Because right in front of his grave, they built a bench for him because he helped stop the murders for so long but you don't need to come just because you feel bad." I quickly tell him, the happiness almost radiating off of me.
"Y/n! I'm one hundred per cent sure I want to come." Ethan says before he sits up and carefully cups my face before kissing me.
Minutes later, I'm running into the kitchen where my mom stares at me confused.
"What's got you in such a good mood?" She quizzes and I jump around the kitchen, almost crashing into ethan when he walks up to us.
"Ethan is coming to see dad with me." I exclaim happily, and my moms face quickly turns into a smile.
"Is that okay if I go today? We're gonna take the train to Woodsboro, and we're also gonna pack a picnic to eat at dad's bench." I tell her happily, and she pulls both ethan and I into a tight hug.
"Of course it's okay. He's your dad, y/n." My mom says, and I look at ethan once my mom lets go of us.
"I'm gonna go get changed whilst you eat breakfast, then once I'm done you can get changed and I'll pack stuff for breakfast." I tell him and he smiles and nods.
"You're eating breakfast too though." He quickly says before I can walk off.
When I get into my room, I close the door, and as I begin to walk to my chest of drawers, I hear my mom talk to ethan, so I hurriedly rush back to the door to hear.
"Ethan, I just want to thank you for agreeing to go to her dad's grave with her. Every month since he was killed, she's gone and placed flowers for him. She's always done it for her aunt tatum, although she never knew her. She asked Tara to go to her dad's grave multiple times, but Tara always said no, and I thought that was disgusting because dewey died saving Tara, the last thing she could've done was gone once. I don't mean to talk bad about her friends but I can't help it." I hear my mom say and then I hear ethan let out a small laugh.
"I just want to be there for her, I know they were extremely close. Whoever y/n loves, I love." Ethan tells her, and I hear my mom sniff, almost like she's crying.
"You make her really happy, since we moved here you were all she spoke about, it was always 'Mom I love ethan so much!' Honestly, I was getting a little sick of hearing about her crush on you, so the day you asked her out, I almost drove to your dorm to thank you myself. When her dad died, she completely changed. She never smiled and kept to herself, but you got her out her shell, and im so glad she found a boyfriend like you. Her dad would've loved you, ethan, and I'm so glad that one day I'll be able to call you my stepson." I hear my mom cry as her sobs suddenly get hushed by ethan talking again.
"I love your daughter and you so much, and I'm sure I would've loved her dad." He says, and when I feel tears threaten to spill, I decide that that's maybe the chance where I should stop eavesdropping and get changed.
When I walk out of my room, I see my mom stuffing some stuff into a backpack.
"Sorry, I know you're not good at packing picnics, so I did it myself, I also put in the photos for your dad, and I've sat out some money so you can buy him some flowers." My mom tells me and I shake my head.
"Mom, it's okay, I can buy them with my own money." I tell her laughing as ethan walks into my room to change. He's got his own little chest of drawers that my mom bought him for my room, I used to think my mom would never have let me have a boy stay over but she trusts ethan and I enough to not do anything in my room whilst she's home atleast.
"Y/n, please. It's my treat for you." My mom begs, and I let out a sigh.
"Okay, fine." I tell her as I go into the cupboard and pull out a breakfast bar.
"Did ethan eat?" I ask her and she nods.
"Yeah, he had one of those, too." She tells me as she motions to the wrapper on the top of the bin.
"Good." I quietly say.
As I walk into the large Walmart, I make my way to the flower section where I stare at all the flowers.
"What flowers do you normally get him?" Ethan asks as he stares between me and the flowers.
"Sunflowers for my dad, because when I was a little girl, We once planted one in our back garden, and it grew taller than me, and then he'd always call me his little sunflower. It sounds stupid, but they've always been my favourite flower since then, so I'd like to think they're his too." I tell him with a small smile on my face before I bend down and pick one of the nicest looking sunflowers bouquets.
But my face turns into confusion when I see ethan bend down and pick up one of them before he picks up a bunch of the most beautiful red roses I've ever seen.
"Eth, I already have some." I say as I stare at him confused.
"I want to get him a bunch of flowers too, for raising the most perfect girl." He tells me with a cheesy grin on his face.
I smile widely at him before my eyes fall on the roses.
"What about those?" I quiz and he quickly gulps, almost as if he isn't sure himself.
"Your mom wanted me to get him some flowers from her." He tells me, and I nod before I begin to look at the range of flowers for my aunt tatum.
"I don't know what flowers to get her, I always struggle trying to think." I sigh, and ethan looks around.
"What about some lilys? They're really pretty." He tells me, and I follow his eyes and gasp when I see the bouquet of lilys he's staring at.
"They're perfect!" I exclaim as I bend down and pick them up.
As I approach both my dad and aunts grave, Gran begged for him to be able to get buried next to Aunt tatum.
"Your dad's grave is so nice." Ethan gasps and I nod.
"You might think im insane for talking to his grave in a minute, but sometimes it's like he's actually there listening, so I can't help it." I quietly tell him and he just looks at me and smiles.
"Y/n, he's your dad. You can do whatever you want at his grave, I won't judge." Ethan promises before I quicken my pace and run to infront of my dad's headstone.
Here lies: Dwight Jessica Riley, more commonly known as Dwight by his peers, he was a loving dad, son, and brother. He was loved by everyone and was a true Woodsboro hero to all of us.
I smile and crouch so I can gently touch the small photo of him with the tips of my fingers.
"Hi dad, I can't believe it's been a month already." I say as I smile widely, so he doesn't see me upset before ethan crouches beside me.
"Hi Mr riley." He quietly says, and I begin blushing.
"Dad, this is ethan, my boyfriend." I say smiling before I press a kiss onto my fingertips before pressing it onto the cheek of his photo.
"I brought you your flowers and photos like always." I then go onto say as I place a bunch of Sunflowers at his grave before opening the bag on ethans back and pulling out the pile of photos my mom printed out for today, and when i see it I let out a small gasp,
It's a photo of my dad and I with our sunflower.
I set all the photos out nicely before I walked to my aunt tatums grave and sat the flowers at it before walking to the bench that was made in my dad's honour directly infront of his grave, so I can see ethan staring at all the photos.
"I also got you some flowers, Mr. riley. I hope you like them. I heard you were a really good man, and i hope you like me enough to be able to continue dating your daughter." Ethan says before he places the flowers next to mine before he walks to the bench and sits with me, and I notice he still has the roses.
"Y/n, what's that?" Ethan asks as he points over towards a tree, the opposite direction of him, and out of curiosity, I turn and look, and after a minute of staring, I turn to face him on the bench.
"I don't see anything." I say laughing before I realise ethan isn't on the bench anymore, he's on the ground down on one knee.
"What're you doing? Get up." I tell him as I smile.
"I know this probably isn't the most romantic place to do this, but I knew you'd want your dad to see." Ethan begins as he hands me the roses and I tilt my head to him, extremely confused on what he's doing on the ground.
"My dad to see what?" I quiz and ethan just lets out a small laugh at how clueless I am.
"I knew since the moment I met you, that you're the girl I wanted, you're the girl I wanted to marry, so when you were sat next to me in English I was so happy, I felt blessed. And when you first spoke to me, I was even happier, every happy memory I have has been with you, has been with our friends, has been with you and your mom, when I say I love you y/n, I mean I love you. And not just like, a replaceable love, I could never replace what I have with you." He begins as he grabs my hands, and I look down at him and nod. He's clearly nervous, but I'm now starting to understand what he's doing.
"You don't need to be nervous." I tell him with a small laugh, and he nods and gulps slightly.
"I am so grateful to have you in my life y/n." He continues, and I nod again before he releases my hands and pulls out a small box, and he lets out a nervous laugh.
"So, uhm, what I'm trying to say is will you marry me? I've wanted to ask you for around a month now, and i knew here would be the perfect spot, so i waited until you asked me to come visit your dad with you." He asks, and my eyes widen as I stare down at him, before I grab his face and kiss him repeatedly, and I don't stop till I'm running out of air.
"Yes! Is that even a question!" I scream before I kiss him again, and he kisses back before he grabs my left hand and slides the ring onto my ring finger, and I sit and turn bright red at the sight.
The ring is beautiful, and on each side of the diamond, there's small engravings of Sunflowers.
"Your mom told me about the Sunflowers when I asked her if it was okay if I could propose." Ethan tells me when he moves back up on the bench.
"I can't believe you waited, so you could propose infront of my dad." I say as I begin to bawl.
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pascaloverx · 10 months ago
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Fifteen — Season Two
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character called Enzo, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. To the readers who supported a new season of this fanfic, my heartfelt thanks. I will be writing more chapters like this one or even shorter, as long as you continue to engage and enjoy what I'm writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
warning chapter sixteen
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It's been a month since the official start of your relationship with Pedro Pascal. Until then, unfortunately, you had few moments together. At the moment your relationship is being a little more virtual than you would like. But you can't complain. Dating a celebrity is a challenge that you are very willing to take on.
"Mom, I need to talk to Pedro now. You can very well open the door." You say, trying to connect your cell phone to the internet at your mother's house. She decided to pick some apples to make a pie to welcome Enzo here at her house. You came to visit her this weekend after she practically accused you of abandonment.
"My daughter, your boyfriend can wait. Open the door quickly before I go crazy." Your mother shouts from outside. You take a deep breath and decide to put down your cell phone for a moment.
"Did I arrive at a bad time?" Enzo asks, entering his mother's house with a bouquet of flowers. He hands it to your lap and you hug him.
"Who are the flowers for?" You ask without even answering Enzo's question, who smiles pointing at your mother. You lightly hit his arm.
"Enzo, are you flirting with my mom?" You say as you put the flowers in a flower vase and put some water on them.
"Idiot of you to assume that I only present my romantic affairs." Enzo says and you look at him judging him.
"Hey, do you know why I can't make a video call here? I tried fixing the wifi but it always fails." You tell Enzo by showing him your cell phone and he immediately manage to fix the connection issue on your phone. Moments later, you were in a video call with your boyfriend Pedro Pascal. Or what you thought was him. Since he was all dressed up, looking like a cowboy, wearing a hat and all.
"Darling, did I catch you at a bad time? You seem all dressed up to reprise your Kingsman character. Agent Whiskey, right? By the way, you're a sight for sore eyes." You say, laughing a bit but also speaking the absolute truth. Even his mustache is perfectly groomed. Pedro lets out a hearty laugh as soon as he hears you say that, then he sits down on a couch.
"That's my surprise for you on our one-month anniversary. A bit cheesy, but I know my fans love it when I'm dressed like this." Pedro says, smiling, holding his phone in the most awkward way possible. You prop your phone against an object on your mother's table as you sit in a chair nearby. Unfortunately, you came in such a hurry to your mom's place that you forgot your computer at home.
"My love, you look great. If your fans see this they'll go crazy. But how's the recording going on the set?" You ask as you watch Pedro adjust himself in the tight pants he's wearing. He finally managed to put his cell phone in a position where you can see his entire body. And to your surprise, he even has a rope attached near the belt around his waist.
"Other than the fact that I'm in London and not at home with you, everything is going well. I have great scene partners and getting around the city has been nice." He says while giving you a mischievous smile, which you understand as soon as you hear music in the background. He starts dancing to the music and you can't stop laughing. "Hey sexy lady" playing in the background of a Pascal video call wasn't in his plans but it's really fun.
"What are you doing?" You ask as the music starts to stop playing and you manage to stop laughing. Pascal sits down after breaking out some of his best dance moves.
"I was challenged to dance to this song every time it comes on set. So far it's been fun. Apparently they want me to record a TikTok to the song. I wish you were here with me, you would have so much fun." Pedro speaks and you feel as if your heart is going to explode. He really misses you and you're definitely not used to it.
"Maybe next time. Oh dear, I need to expose you to your biggest fan now." You say running towards Enzo who is helping your mother make her apple pie in the kitchen.
"Hey man, you're great with that characterization." Enzo says as soon as you show Pedro to him and Pedro smiles relaxed.
"Thank you, were you helping my mother-in-law or just visiting?" Pascal asks and his mother immediately clears her throat loudly and gives a grumble.
"Tell him that if he wants to consider me his mother-in-law, he should marry my daughter. Where have you ever seen a man break up with you, then get back together with you and abandon you?" His mother speaks loudly, to make sure Pedro hears and then she leaves the kitchen, leaving Enzo in charge of the pie.
"I'm here for the pie. And if you want my advice, when you come to see your mother-in-law, bring a gift. She won't resist." Enzo speaks to Pascal and then I left the video call to go put the pie in the oven.
"When were you going to tell me that your mother is mad at me?" Pedro says when it’s just the two of you on the video call. You let out a sigh.
"My love, when has my mother not been angry with me and you since we both started dating?" You ask and he smiles but a worried smile.
"I need to win her over. How are we going to tell her that you're going to live with me if she hates me?" You find it cute that Pascal thinks so much about your mother’s opinion regarding your relationship. You remember how funny it was when he asked if he should ask her permission to date you. You joked that he should only do that if he had a death wish. The truth is, you’re still trying to convince your mother to accept Pedro. It shouldn't be difficult because he’s kind, handsome, and funny. Most importantly, he makes you happy. But the reality is that your mother is obviously not ready to get over Enzo.
"Don't worry about that, Pascal. I'll talk to her about it when the time is right. Until then, focus on finishing your filming and coming back home. I miss you." You say, and soon after, you hear someone calling for Pascal. It feels like your conversation was far too short.
"Love, I have to go. But I promise to call again when I have some free time. I love you." And with that, he ends the video call as if he didn't just say he loves you for the first time. You smile, feeling all flustered, and start humming as you walk around your mom's house, thrilled that Pedro Pascal loves you.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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delicate-luv · 2 years ago
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Two Become One ~ Chapter Five
Summary: reader and Eddie find out life changing news. They have to break the news to a very dreadful person.
CW: 18+, MDNI, abusive ex, pregnancy, abuse, fluff, violence, fighting, mention of murder, threats, mention of death
You sat against the edge of the bathtub, waiting for the results. You wanted to find out alone. Eddie waited outside the bathroom door for your signal.
After a few, painstakingly long minutes went by, you quickly flipped the test over before you could have any second thoughts.
Two pink lines.
"Eddie?" You called out for him while you couldn't help but start to cry.
"Yes? Can I come in?"
"Yes." You sniffled and glanced up at him entering the doorway. He looked at you with worry in his eyes as he closed the toilet lid and sat down on it.
"So?" He anxiously bit his lip as he sat down adjacent from you on the edge of the bathtub.
"I'm pregnant."
"Woah." You both saw it coming, but didn't know how to react.
"Eddie. It's yours. You know that, right?" You wiped a tear. "the last time my boyfriend even touched me was at least 6 months ago."
"Ex-boyfriend, right?" He corrected.
"Actually.." you mumbled, rubbing your arm.
"Fuck. What the fuck?" he threw his hands up in defeat and then covered his face in frustration.
"I know I have to leave him. I didn't know when would be the right time to."
"I can't officially be with you, or officially care for our baby when I know you're with someone else. It's time to break it off with him." He managed to stay calm, although he was obviously disappointed. "and you thought I was married? You're the one who has a boyfriend!"
"I know." You stared at the ground. "anyways, can you tell me more about the pregnancy with Otis?" You needed to change the subject, needing something to reassure you that Eddie had been through this before, and knowing that he knew what he was doing.
"Okay," he sighed, rubbing his hands down his leg. "right after we got married, she fell pregnant. We planned it from the beginning. I just wasn't expecting her to leave so soon, not after we had been through hell together."
"Can I ask what her name was? Why did she leave you as a single father? Isn't that quite selfish of her?"
"It's not selfish of her. She would have stayed," he became more serious and stared right into your eyes. "She was murdered. They never caught the guy. Her name was Chrissy."
"Eddie.." You we're at a loss for words. "I'm so sorry."
"It's all in the past now. For so long, I blocked it out." He stood up and rubbed his forehead. "I'm done talking about it, you don't need this kind of stress. Get up off the floor."
You stood up and you walked into the living room together.
Eddie knew he had to start to get Otis comfortable around you. He knew you two would be living together fully in no time.
"Do you have anyone you want to tell the big news too?" He asked.
"I have to tell Scarlett. And Ezra. I don't want to tell my mom, she'd make it all about my dad. She's also very old fashioned, plus we're still grieving and we haven't spoken since he-." You seemed to have choked on your own words. "I know it's not ideal to tell your boyfriend you're leaving him because you got pregnant with another man's baby."
"Scarlett will be happy for you. Won't she?"
"Yes. Although she may kick me out of the apartment. She's the one who pays most of the rent after all." You sighed, thinking at all the setbacks this has already given you. "do you have anyone you want to tell?"
"My bandmates, Steve, uhh i don't know." He made it clear that didn't want to tell Otis until he could fully understand what was going on and when he got to know you a little bit more.
"You don't have any family?"
"Otis is my only family, really. I lived with my uncle. He passed away not too long ago."
You nodded, ready to face what was your greatest fear these past couple of weeks. "I better go tell Ezra."
"I'll come with you, just in case."
"Okay, just don't bring any weapons." You laughed. "We're still somewhat strangers, I don't know what kinda stuff you're hiding."
"I don't need to bring any weapons, one punch wearing these bad boys, and you're out cold for days." He pointed to the various silver rings that covered his fingers.
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"If you're not back in under 2 minutes, I'm coming in there." He rubbed your leg for reassurance. "remember, keep being your sexy confident self."
You stared at the brick house, gaining as much courage you could in that moment.
"Wish me luck." You unbuckled your seatbelt and walked up the steps to Ezra's house. He lived in a fairly big house, with lots of steps leading up to the front porch.
He opened the door, eyes widening when he realized it was you on his doorstep. "Finally. You've come to apologize."
"Actually Ezra, I need to talk to you."
He gave you an evil smile, "come inside."
You had no choice but to follow his lead.
Eddie watched from the car. "shit!" He whispered in frustration. He had lost his view of you. He got out binoculars from the center console and looked into the window, making sure to keep a careful eye on you. There was not a peep of noise coming from the car, only Eddie's heavy breathing, due to being so concentrated. Along with Otis babbling in the back, despite knowing how to talk.
"Please sit." Ezra demanded you sit on the couch next to him, but you refused.
"Ezra, I'm leaving you."
"What? Why? Don't act like you're the victim, you b-"
"I'm pregnant, and it's not yours. I don't love you anymore. I don't think I ever loved you, in all honesty."
"You're the one who treats me like I'm a piece of shit!" You yelled back. It felt good.
"BECAUSE YOU ARE! SO YOU GO AND GET KNOCKED UP?" He slapped you across the face.
You fell to the floor, crying. You were begging him to stop.
Eddie could hear your screams and cries from inside. He was fuming. He jumped out and ran over to the front door, busting it down with all of the built up adrenaline and anger.
Ezra jumped back. "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS? THE FREAK WHO KNOCKED YOU UP?" He threw a punch right at your head, but luckily missed. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN AWFUL MOTHER, YOU SLUT! YOUR KID IS GOING TO HAVE THIS LOSER AS A FATHER?"
"I'd regret doing that if I were you." Eddie ran over and punched Ezra right into the stomach. He then got a hold of Ezra's neck and pushed him against the wall, in a chokehold.
"If you dare to say anything about my girl again, I'll make sure those are your last words." He threatened.
Ezra was very intimidated, he immediately became so small again. "Please, Im sorry. I'll stop. I will treat you better this time. I will love this baby, even if it's not mine."
"My mind has already been made up. I'd rather spend a life time in hell than ever get back with you."
Ezra was choking up, almost to the point of passing out. Eddie let go of him, having him collapse to the ground, barely breathing.
Eddie chimed in. "I'd agree with her. But, hell already is being with you." He grabbed your hand. "I'd never put a woman through what you put her through."
He held your hand as you escaped his home, not looking back. You jumped into the car, not waiting another second to speed out of there and never looking back.
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There you sat at the tv, waiting for the children's channel to come on.
You were still trying to recover from what an exhausting and anxiety ridden day today when you heard Eddies coming down the hallway, talking in his soft voice. "Otis, can you meet someone special for me? She's going to love you and take lots of care of you."
You weren't supposed to hear this, you knew if Eddie knew that you had overheard, he would be so embarrassed and pretend it didn't happen. You smiled once you saw Eddie holding hands with Otis, slowly walking towards you. He had hair that was a little lighter than Eddie's, a light brown. It was obvious that he had inherited Eddie curls, along with his eyes.
You spoke sweetly. "Hello Otis. My name is y/n. It's so nice to meet you." Even though you had met the little boy multiple times before, this was the first time you properly introduced yourself.
"Your name might be a little hard for him to pronounce." Eddie quietly whispered to you.
"Well then, you can call me whatever you'd like." You smiled at the little boy.
"Hi." He flapped his hand trying to wave and immediately held out his small arms for you to give him a hug.
You hugged him back. "how old are you?"
"This many!" He held out two fingers.
"Wow! That's so old." You gasped, getting a giggle out of him.
"I know, he's getting so big." Eddie kissed him on the side of his head and sat down on the couch next to you. He slowly wrapped his arm around you.
Otis jumped up onto the couch, wanting to sit on your lap.
The kids channel soon came on, Otis immediately sitting up and clapping his hands together. His attention was fully tuned into the little animal-like cartoons that were dancing around on the television.
"I'm so excited for us." Eddie turned to you and spoke in a deep, almost whisper.
"Me too." You glanced over to see a big wide grin on Eddie's face.
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As the night went on, Otis was slowly beginning to fall asleep on the couch. He had soon fallen asleep, clung to your lap.
“He’s so sweet.” You whispered to Eddie.
“He is. He’s my boy.” He wore a proud grin on his face. “Let me take him to bed.”
He swiftly scooped him out of your lap and whisked him into his bedroom. He returned a few minutes later, urgent to get back to spending some quality time with you.
“He was really excited to sit on your lap.”
“He was.” You nodded.
“Do you think he knows?”
“Who knows? Kids his age are supposed to be super intelligent with that kinda stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised.”
You agreed with him and reached for the remote. “What do you wanna watch?”
“Up to you. You’re the woman of the house now, you make all the big decisions.” He joked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and cuddling up to you.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” You slithered your arm around his chest.
“I don’t think forever would be long enough.” He sank further into your touch.
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cookieswithay · 1 year ago
🕷"No...no way"😈 Part 3
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42 & 1610 Miles Morales x fem reader
"For real?"
• Miles asked. You were powerful, but they're times when he couldn't be swayed. Was he actually legit? Surprisingly, the prowler's eyes softened.
• "For real."
• He replied. That... was strangely reassuring. The doppelgangers stared at each other awhile, having a unspoken understanding. Maybe this wouldn't be so ba-
• "Miles, over here."
• You said, motioning for him to come over. Absentmindedly, he dropped his clone, made his walked over to you.
• "Honey, I want both of you to come."
• He grumbled and hauled Miles over his shoulder. You snickered while your other boyfriend rolled his eyes. (Is this how Ganke feels when he shows off to you?) He set him down.
• "Can't you just untie me?"
• The hero muttered.
• "Alright, kids gather around,"
• Uncle Aaron said, (finally) turning the lights back on.
• "I already got a plan."
• "First things first,"
• Everyone held their breath.
• "All y'all are going to bed."
• "What!?"
• You all shouted. He nodded.
• "It's 2 right now."
• "Not only do you two have school tomorrow,"
• He said, pointing at the 42ers.
• "But that one definitely needs a break."
• That...was a MASSIVE good point. Now that everything is (somewhat) chill, dude felt super tired. Let's see here, he outran over a hundred spider people. Suffered from heartbreak. Fought a crazed adult and got degraded. Landed in the wrong dimension and was almost killed by his "evil twin". It's a miracle he's still awake. Feeling something, he turned to see the other Miles staring at him.
• "Jeez, what tore you up?"
• "Before or after, I met you?"
• "Well excuse the hell outta me."
• "I wasn't being rude!"
• "Ahem."
• You cut in. Their uncle wasn't done talking. Unfortunately though, that didn't shut up one of the Miles.
• "Uncle Aaron, with all due respect, we really need to get going."
• "We don't have a ton of time and-"
• He slowly lost her nerve to speak as his uncle stared at him down.
• "I know that."
• He replied calmly.
• "That's why I need you to get some sleep, so we can work fast tomorrow."
• "You can't protect anyone half awake."
• His eyes locked with Miles's.
• "A'ight?"
• He nodded slowly. Maybe because it's his undead uncle or cause the adrenaline's gone, but he felt relieved. Like a WAVE of relief.
• (...No one shot him with a nothing, right?)
• "Okay,"
• The ex prowler said, sitting down.
• "Miles, take Y/N back to her room. And go straight home afterwards."
• "It's late enough."
• His nephew grumbled something under his breath but stood up. Miles snorted. He knew what that meant. The goodbye kiss can last awhile. His good times were cut short when Uncle Aaron looked at him.
• "And you're staying with me."
• "I am?!"
• "He is?!"
• He nodded.
• "We can't tell your mom she has a new son."
• His counterpart wasn't happy about that. He starts arguing with their uncle, but Miles couldn't hear it. He was gonna spend the night at Uncle Aaron's! Just like old times...
• "I spend all my time with you and you getting mad over one night?"
• The prowler sucked his teeth. Just because he agreed to help that punk save his old man, does NOT mean he'll let him get cozy with his uncle. They're not even tight yet. Let alone acquaintances.
• "I'm just saying-"
• Suddenly, he was cut off by an odd sound. Like a computer screwing up or something. Miles turned around. The other Miles...was glitching. Like, hard.
• "What the?"
• You turned, as well.
• "Miles?"
• He wasn't responding. You began to panic. You wanted shake him or something, but you didn't know what that glitch stuff would do to you.
• "Miles!"
• Your boyfriend walked over, but he knew you weren't calling him. He crouched down next to you. ...He wasn't gonna die from this, right? Just like how it started, it abruptly stopped. Miles gasped, finally free from the crippling pain. You grabbed his hands.
• "Are you okay, now!? Or...better than before?"
• The hero nodded. Despite the lingering pain of his atoms decaying, he was okay.
• "It's just something that happens when you're in a different dimension."
• You smiled and told him you were relieved it was over. But, your eyes said something different. It was obvious what happened really freaked you out. Your hands were shaking. How could he reassure you?
• "Hey."
• Miles's turned.
• "How many more glitches you got in you?"
• Miles knew what that meant. How many more glitches 'till you die? (Props for not spilling the gory details in front of you, though)
• "Dunno, I never counted."
• The prowler stood up and looked over at his uncle, who was silently processing the situation. This plan is gonna need some more tweaking.
• "Tell Rio I'm picking you two up from school tomorrow, okay?"
• "Got it."
• "Don't forget."
• "I said I got it."
• As Miles and Uncle Aaron conversed, you hung back with the other Miles. You were scrolling through your phone. This was the first time in awhile he felt nervous around you. It's not like you were completely different, but you still felt new. "So, um..."
• What do you like to talk about here?
• "How'd you and this Miles meet?"
• He mentally slapped his forehead. For the love of god, why did he say that? It was obvious it was at Visions. You chuckled.
• "He saved me."
• Wait?
• "So he's not a bad guy?"
• He said, obviously not believing you. You nodded. Miles looked past you and at your boyfriend. Yeah...he didn't have the demeanor of a good guy.
• "Y/N, come on!"
• "Welp, time to skedaddle."
• You said, getting up from the couch. Miles nearly reached out to you, but stopped himself in time. This Y/N wasn't his. And he SHOULDN'T pull up because he needs your reassurance. That's trashy.
• "Real quick, sweetie!"
• He heard you say. Did you leave something-
• Suddenly, he was smashed against you, embraced tightly. You let him go and tilted his chin up.
• "Everything,"
• "Is gonna be okay."
• He looked up at you, not sure what to say.
• "Your shoulder,"
• "Your nose,"
• "And most importantly."
• You placed your hand on his chest and stuck your other one in his hair.
• "These are gonna be okay."
• You stared into his hazel eyes, hope starting to burn in them. That's what you wanted to see.
• "Okay?"
• Miles smiled, confidence and gratitude now flowing through him.
• "Okay."
• "Ahem"
• Your boyfriend coughed in the background. You're sure taking your sweet time.
• "I'm coming, pretty boy, I'm coming."
...The way I lowkey don't like how I'm writing this one.🤣 Anywho, thanks for tuning into part 3, this a gonna be a long ride. And as usual...
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(Pt1, Pt2, and Pt 2 1/2)
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gremlin-writes-angst · 2 years ago
Knowing is Safe Ch.3
2858 words
Fandom: Redacted ASMR/ Redacted Audio / Redactedverse
Couple: Cutie/Geordi
TW/CW: Parental Emotional abuse/ Neglatful parents/ Divorce / Anxiety/ Paranoia / Talk of Non-consensual mind reading
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
This timeline is different than the original so I'll explain it
First the video "Your boyfriend asks for your trust" and then Knowing is Safe Chapter 1 is what's going through cuties mind that night/ video. Knowing is Safe chapter 2 is a couple weeks later. Then the video "Your Boyfriend final draws the Line" and about three months later Knowing is Safe chapter 3.
Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism or point out my mistakes, I want to improve.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
It wasn't the first time.
And yet every week, every Saturday, when you saw him, in front of that building. always dressed semi-formally. A button-up tucked into some nice pants. With his lips downturned, not a full frown but it still pained you to see it.
When he sees you it changes. His face fills with love before quickly disappearing again. 
You hold onto that second of love. You have to. It's why you're here.
It's why you started
Now it's for you
As you get closer to him, he backs away.
He's running away
He can't stand you
He's scared of you
You breathe, deep. You recognize your thoughts as anxiety. That's the first step. 
You take a moment and watch as he grabs the door and holds it open for you.
A gentleman, he's always been
"You first."
You smile and then duck your head slightly. Not wanting him to see the pain in your eyes.
Geordi approaches the receptionist, he's always the one who checks in.
You still find it scary. To express to this almost stranger that you and Geordi need outside help.
You know he knows that, you never told him but, he knows you.
He loves you
Does he?
He does.
" They'll call us when they're ready."
He tells you before sitting a chair away.
I want him
Why won't he sit next to me?
You know why 
It's your fault
It is
Your names are called, and you both follow the therapist down to the same room as always. Geordi makes small talk. 
He's changed
He's more sociable
I'm glad
He seems to like it
Like clockwork you and Geordi sit on one couch, each at a different end
Too far
For you
He needs the space
He deserves the space
You deserve the space.
"Have you two decided if you're ready for the memory extraction? It is often very emotional, we discussed last session how it works and why we do it. It's always up to you."
"I'm ready."
You typically aren't this outspoken in theory, but you've been wanting this for a while, you recall how your therapist explained memory extraction as a way for them to help you understand your own memory. She explained that most people are blinded by their own memories because it's the only life they've lived so everything seems normal, even when it's not.
You never can quite understand your memories or yourself. You always preferred others, to the point it became an addiction. one that harms your thoughts, feelings, and memories. Along with harming Geordi. Someone you never want to hurt.
"Okay then, I'll get started."
Please open the door.
You were knocking on your own house door. Crying from fear, shame, and confusion. All you did was go out with your friends, with her permission for a few hours.
That's not why she locked you out
You blocked her, of course, she's mad
Remember what happened to Lanie? 
Blocking was a trick your older sister Lanie taught you, to prevent other telepaths, such as your mother, from reading your mind. You'd done it before but never for this long. It was the first time your mother had no contact with you.
She's not going to let you in
She did last time
And the time before that
And the time before that
And all the other times
She's tired of it
But she threw us out
It's not our fault
Yes it is
We blocked her
We stopped her from reading our mind
Stopped her from protecting us
But I don't want her to continually be in my mind
I want privacy
I want to feel like I can
Think without being heard
Be Myself
You can
Not with her in here
She's your mom
But it hurts
What was that?
A twig
A person?
I can't see
It's too dark
I'm scared
I want mom
Your sister
She's safe
She taught us how to block mom
She did this
No, she helped us
She can help again 
You stop knocking on the door and start walking away. waterfalls fell down your face as you walked Away from home, away from your mom. You walked the streets in the dark, with no phone, no flashlight, just the clothes on your back. Summer clothes.
It’s cold
I know
I wish we had a jacket
Is this the street?
You turn down the street, wishing you were wearing warmer, longer clothes. When you picked out this outfit you didn't think you'd end up out this late, in the cold. 
Its a group
Brown bags
Eyes down
Keep walking
What do I do if they approach?
I don't know
No weapon
Just our hands and feet
Keep walking
Keep walking
Speed up
You open the door to the building your sister lives in quickly rushing to her apartment, even though no one was following you. You hoped you remembered correctly you'd only been here once before. Tears from earlier sprung back to life as you frantically knock on the door. Deja vu from minutes ago, days ago, and weeks ago floods your mind as you recall all the time you were at your house door, begging, crying, and screaming for your mother to open the door. Today was the worst of it, she'd never lock you out for this long, or this late, your knuckles were never this red and your voice was never this hurt. 
When the door opened, you were so relieved you gasped for air, air you needed from the crying. Your sister's tired face was washed away when she saw you. Her arm instantly pulls you in for a hug. You cried harder, ashamed of how emotional you were in a public space.
People are trying to sleep
I don't care
Your sister whispers in your ear
“It's okay. I know, I've got you.”
She slowly walked backward, you still in her arms, following her. When the two of you cleared the doorway she quietly closed the door.
“She- she locked me out-”
Your sister didn't need you to tell her that, she'd been through this before. 
“She- again-”
Your sister's head spun at that word and you could feel the heat her anger produced. Lanie had been kicked out once, it was a hot day and she ended up having a heat exhaustion, lucky your father arrived before she could have a heat stroke. Your father was a water elemental, he was able to hydrate your sister and cool her down. That week your father left your family. Later when your parents divorced, he lost custody of both of you. Though your sister, Lanie was 17 at the time and left as soon as she turned 18. Your mom doesn't know that she still lives in town, she told you it was because she didn't have the money to go further but, you know she's here for you. Though she didn't feel safe enough to contact you till last month. She hates that she didn't help you sooner.
“Come on baby, let- let's sit you down.”
She guides you to her couch and leaves to the kitchen, you can still see her as she fills a glass of water for you. You start to regulate your breathing, taking in the smell of your sister's apartment. It smells like brown sugar, she used to have a brown sugar candle she always lit in her room, and it's comforting to smell it again. Brings you back to talking and giggling in her room.
“Here. Drink up.” 
“ Ok I think that's enough”
You shook your head and looked up, dazed at the sudden pull from your memories. You look at the therapist. 
“What for?”
The therapist was taken aback by your question.
“Well, I figured it was a good stopping point, especially considering the content of this memory.”
You feel a hand squeeze yours, turning to see Geordi, closer than when you started. Till now you had forgotten your partner was even there. you become ashamed realizing he witnessed everything. he had seen how bad of a kid you were. You turned to him slowly.
“Are you ok?”
Confused, you didn't answer. His hands find one of yours, his hands are tight and shaking. Before he looks into your eyes.
“I'm sorry. “
You looked away, not having an answer. The therapist took this time to interrupt.
“This is the reason we do this, as Geordi and I see it, you were mistreated by your mother. She used her telepathic abilities to control and shame you. It also appears you saw this as normal or acceptable to an extent. Would you share why you felt that way?”
" She was protecting me, she just- she wanted- she told me she needed to know everything, to keep me safe, she kept me safe."
You feel Geordi squeeze your hand, but when you look over he's looking away from you.
"Your mother taught you that."
" Yes, it's how I've lived, I can't be safe if I don't know anything, I can't be clueless, I have to know everything, knowing is safe."
"Your mother brainwashed you into believing that you could only be safe if you were constantly using your ability. That's why there's such a disconnect between you and your own brain. You aren't used to spending time with your own thoughts. It's probably why you have so much anxiety when you're not in others' heads. I'd say it's why you became so dependent on Geordi and developed that separation anxiety."
The therapist took a quick look at the clock
"Our time is almost up. I think next time I should see you separately."
I just got him back
He's touching me again
I can't let him leave again
Let him?
You don't control him
“Wait, why?”
“I think it would be best for you to talk about this alone.”
“I don't understand!”
“ We can do what you two prefer but often when one client has suffered abuse it is best to discuss it separately first before with your partner.”
“ Abused? I wasn't abused.”
The therapist took a breath and she almost seemed to expect this reaction. You frantically looked over at Geordi.
Does he think I was abused too?
You were
I was?
“I'm sorry we need to go - let's go home Geordi.”
“I understand. I'll call to discuss the next appointment.”
You made your way through the building and parking lot to your car, getting into the driver's seat. Geordi is a little behind. He opens the passenger door but doesn't get in. 
“Are you sure you should drive? You seem a little on edge. I could drive you home.”
“ I need to drive, I can't not be in control.”
That was all he could muster to say as he climbed into the passenger seat, even if his car is a few parking spots over and he doesn't live with you anymore.
When he is buckled you started the engine and leave the parking lot. You always play music when you drive, but right now I don't care. Your brain was swarming with so many thoughts. You couldn't even understand most of it, so you just drove. You could hear a few words from Geordi but didn't pay much mind to them. 
When you pulled into the driveway you were pissed. You did everything aggressively, parking, turning the engine off, slamming the car door. Geordi stopped talking and started yelling. You were already in the house as he was getting out of the car. You left the door open pacing and waiting for Geordi to walk through the door. When he did he was still yelling, laced with worry and fear, little anger.
“Cutie what-”
“Do you think I was abused?”
You questioned him, your eyes swirled with so many intense emotions but your voice stayed even. 
He shut up and stared, he started to stutter trying to answer but nothing came out. To you, that was answer enough. You moved to the couch, sitting down with your head in your hands. Geordi moves to close the door before sitting in front of you. 
He gently moved your hands out of the way, looking into your eyes.
“I- I can't decide for you. How you should feel about your mom. But I know that the way she treated you and your sister was wrong. So -so wrong.”
“I'm wrong?”
“What? Baby no?”
“I did what she did. To you. I always - I'm always in your brain, listening. Like she did.”
Geordi takes a breath. You're right and he wants to hold you accountable but with your state right he wants to be careful.
“ It was wrong. But you stopped right?”
Your words come out fast and panicked
“Yes, I promise I haven't read yours, or anyone else's mind in- in a long time. I only use it for work. Work only”
Geordi knew of your new resistance to using your power but didn't realize that you were completely abstinent outside of work, which worried him. Quitting cold turkey doesn't sound like the best for you. He'll have to remember that for later.
“I believe you. But that's something your mother didn't do, she never learned, and she never tried to get better, like you are now. From what I saw, she used her powers to control you, you never did that to me. Tell me why you are always reading my thoughts and others.”
You took some time to breathe before answering. 
“ To protect you.”
You were hesitant but want to be as honest as possible.
“And myself. People- they lie, all the time, and it's hard to trust them. I just wanted to know the truth. To be safe.”
“See your reasons are justifiable, you just took it too far. And I think, well I'm no therapist but, maybe your trust issues are what you should focus on first. Because it seems that's the root of your addiction.” 
You nod and laugh.
“ You're better than a therapist.”
He laughs
He is so beautiful
I love him
I miss him
" I'm not sure I am. I mean you've really improved,y'know working with her. You can always talk to me."
"Thank you. it's easier to talk to you about how I feel, you're not professional, you're comfortable, even if it's just our hands-"
You pull your hands out of his. Just realizing that you were touching him.
"I'm sorry, I - I didn't cross a boundary did I?"
He looks deep into your eyes and takes your hands again.
"No, I did this, I wanted to touch you, to comfort you. I’ve "
He clears his throat
"I've missed it, a lot. Every session the urge to comfort you and touch you becomes stronger."
You smile.
"Me too. And thanks, for comforting me, even though you have every right not to."
"I still love you."
You look away, your eyes catching the brown sugar candle.
Geordi follows your eyes, realizing now why that scent was your favorite. He was slightly grateful to say this without looking you in the eyes. it felt like he was saying it for the first time, even though it used to be so common.
"I do, I Love you so much, it's why I'm still here, it's why I'm comforting you, it's why I left. I know for you, it's hard to feel or remember your love if it is not constantly in front of you. So I thought I'd remind you. I love you cutie. I'm proud of you. I've missed you."
He sees a few tears roll down your cheek. You nod. He counties.
"I've missed sharing a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, I've missed sharing a home with you."
You whip your head back to face him.
"Geordi, you don't live here. I basically kidnapped you."
He laughs, your brain was previously occupied, you'd forgotten he didn't live here anymore. You start to panic again.
"Hey it's okay, I got in the car willingly, I chose to come with you. You're not a kidnapper."
His smile calms you.
'I'm sorry I wasn't thinking properly, I thought, y'know, that you lived here."
"Maybe I should?"
Your body fills with excitement. So does his. 
You're not ready.
"I'm not ready."
Geordi's face falls a little but rises back.
" That's ok. I’m - I’m impressed."
"What? Why?"
" Because you clearly want it, but something told you that it wasn't time. And you listened"'
"I didn't think I'd be able to stay out of your thoughts...sorry. I do want to be with you again but, I can't hurt you again."
He pulls you into a hug. A soft whisper leaves his lips.
"Thank you, for protecting me"
He pulls away.
" You can protect me in other ways. And I can protect you. I will protect you."
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themusingsofafanficwriter · 9 months ago
The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 4
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: Omg we're at chapter 4! Thank you for reading the fic, I hope you're enjoying it. If you didn't see the first three chapters, you can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here and chapter 3 here. Let me know what you think <3
T/W - Mentions of death and emotionally abusive relationships
"Okay, everything is okay. Everything is okay right? Please someone in this car tell me that this is okay!"
"Ophelia, don't worry, everything will be fine. You have Sam, Cas and I and we're not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." Dean reassured Ophelia.
"You promise do you? Is that why Cas had to resurrect you in 2008? Because if you ask me that doesn't sound like a small risk." Ophelia said to the man that sat on her left.
"Damn it Cas you told her?" Dean said with anger in his voice. He turned to face the angel in the back seat.
"She asked how I knew you both, I didn't see a reason to lie to her. She is your sister after all. The chances are that I'll end up bringing her back at some point too." He replied.
"Hey, how about we don't say things like that while I'm driving. Do you guys know not to distract the driver or does that not exist in the States?" Ophelia raised her voice above the argument that had erupted between Cas and Dean.
"Do they always bicker like an old married couple?" Ophelia asked Sam.
"Yeah, they do." He replied in a voice that seemed to say he was tired of it.
The men settled down again. "To be honest, I'd rather die trying to help people than from old age." Ophelia continued in a softer voice. "If I do help you guys, then I know that that'll be a risk."
The car ride was quiet for the rest of the journey.
"Right, now, I've not had a chance to warn my mum that we are coming. Cas, would you mind not coming in? I think it might overwhelm her." Ophelia asked looking into the rearview mirror to make eye contact with the angel.
"Yes, I understand. Would you like me to wait in the car or would you like me to go home?"
"Oh well, that's completely up to you. Is there anything you need to do?"
"Not really, Ophelia. I will go back to the bunker and wait for one of you to call me."
"Wait… Can I do that?" Ophelia asked
"Of course you can. I will listen out for your calls now Ophelia. If you had needed an angel beforehand though, I would have been there." Cas replied.
A smile creeped across her face. It was nice to know that someone was watching over her even if she didn't know it.
"Can you tell us a bit more about the situation with your mom and her boyfriend?" Sam asked cautiously.
"Hmm… Yeah well now seems like as good a time as any. It's kind of silly really. Brad, her boyfriend, is a really shit person. While my grandad was alive it wasn't too bad but since he died six months ago it got worse." Ophelia took a deep breath and glanced at the photo of her grandad William.
"Brad was emotionally abusive to me. I think he has been physically abusive to my mum and if he hasn't yet I think he will. It got really bad once Grandad wasn't there to protect us."
Dean reached out and patted Ophelia on the knee in reassurance. She continued. "About five months ago we got into an argument, I can't even remember what it was about, and he threatened to kick me out. Mum wasn't strong enough to stand up to him. So, I left."
"You said you were mending things with you mom though right?" Sam asked, hoping he was remembering right.
"Yeah, the day I replied to your letter I stayed at her place that night. We talked, I don't know if she really took in what I said but it's a start." Ophelia's smile came back to her face. It occurred to both Sam and Dean that Ophelia was putting on a brave face for them.
Ophelia pulled into the same spot she filled the last time she was outside her mum's house.
"Well, this is it guys." She announced turning the car's engine off.
"It's a nice looking place. Bigger than I thought it was going to be. I thought all English homes were small and joined up." Dean remarked.
"This house would have been for someone very wealthy back in the day." Ophelia said laughing. "Probably an old slave trader as we're so close to the sea. Grandad picked it up really cheap when him and my grandma were first married. It was in such a state, practically falling apart. He fixed it up."
She locked the car behind her and they all said goodbye to Cas before he took off. Ophelia hadn't realised that he made a whooshing sound when he took off.
The three Winchester siblings walked towards the front door. Ophelia had that familiar sick feeling in her stomach again. She hadn't been home since her mum gave her the letter. It was enough to make her feel light headed.
Dean was the one who knocked on the door. He stood slightly in front of Ophelia while Sam stood behind her.
They all waited for the door to open. Dean looked back at Ophelia and smiled, she looked nervous. This was the first time Dean had felt slightly protective over Ophelia, despite only knowing her in person for half a day.
When he first found out about Ophelia, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know her, at the end of the day it would be someone else to look after. He considered not telling Sam about the pages about her in a diary he had never seen before. At the end of the day though, he couldn't keep that secret from Sam.
They talked about it for weeks, going back and forth on if they should send the letter or not. Sam was all for it from day one and once Castiel had said the angels had been keeping an eye on her Dean realised that she could possibly do with knowing about them on their terms and not on some monsters who wanted information.
Ophelia smiled back at Dean and went back to chipping at her deep red nail polish.
A man opened the door, Dean assumed that this was Brad. He was shorter than Dean was and had dirty blonde hair that looked greasy as he had slicked it back.
"Hi Brad." Ophelia piped up from behind Dean. It was as if she was hiding behind him. "Is my mum there?"
"Ophelia, yes she is. Who are these men?" Brad replied with a strong tone of detest in his voice.
"Oh, we're her brothers." Dean said in a commanding voice. He extended a hand towards Brad and continued. "My name is Dean and that's Sam. I believe what Ophelia is too afraid to ask is can we come in to see her mom?"
Brad cautiously shook Dean's hand. He winced as Dean gripped his hand tightly.
"Yes, well, um. I believe she is in the garden. I can take you there if you want." Brad said, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Oh no. That's okay. I think Ophelia knows the way to the garden in the house she grew up in." Sam replied in an equally stern voice.
Brad just nodded and stepped aside for the three of them.
Ophelia walked into the house first, followed by Dean and then Sam. She kept her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with Brad. Dean and Sam didn't take their eyes off him as they followed Ophelia down the hallway.
When they were alone Sam spoke in a hushed tone. "Are you okay Ophelia? That seemed difficult for you."
"Yeah, it was Sam. I just don't need the greef from him today. If you guys weren't here I know for sure he'd find something to have a problem with."
"It's okay. We're here for you. We've got your back." Dean added.
They continued through the kitchen and out into the garden. As it was about three in the afternoon the winter sun was getting low in the sky.
"Hi mum, what are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold." Ophelia said to get her mum's attention.
Sandra was sitting on a woven outdoor chair, wrapped in a bright yellow blanket. In the low light she looked quite ill and worn down.
The boys stood by the back door while the daughter greeted her mum. It was nice to see a genuine parent and child relationship. Dean didn't remember when that last happened. He came to the conclusion that it was probably when Bobby was still alive.
"'Phelia, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." Sandra said with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, about that mum, I'd like to introduce you to two people." Ophelia beckoned Sam and Dean over to her. "These are my brothers mum, this is Sam and that is Dean and we all need somewhere to stay for a few nights."
Dean reached his hand out. "It's lovely to finally put a face to the name Ms Humphries." Dean said. His voice had more of a southern twang now then Ophelia had heard previously.
Sandra shook Dean's hand. She looked shocked and as if she had seen a ghost.
Sam also extended a hand. "Hi Ms Humphries, Ophelia is a lovely girl. We're so happy to have her be a part of the family."
"You both look so much like John…" Sandra said in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I loved him very much and he gave me the most precious thing in this world." Sandra glanced at Ophelia. "You say that you need somewhere to stay for a few days. I think I can manage that."
"Are you sure Brad won't mind?" Ophelia asked sheepishly.
"I won't give him a choice. Sam and Dean are as good as family and I won't have him drive away any more of my family." Sandra had a firmness to her voice that Ophelia had not heard in a few years. "Now, lets get back inside. I'm making a lasagna tonight so you guys came on the right day. 'Phelia, darling, could you go put the oven on? I'm making homemade garlic bread too."
The girl gave her mum a deep hug before walking into the house again.
"You boys will look after her won't you?" Sandra asked.
"Of course we will but I don't think she needs it Ms Humphries, she seems like an incredibly strong young woman." Sam replied.
"She is, but I don't want to lose her. I lost your dad and I cannot lose her too. My dad told me what John had told him, I didn't believe it but when I talked to John it all made sense." Sandra admitted to the two men in front of her.
"And you didn't tell Ophelia?" Dean questioned. "Why?"
"It was for the best, I didn't want her to go into the industry. I expect that you've told her and that's why you're here? For protection?"
"Yes ma'am, we had a little scare at the hotel we were staying at. Thought it would be best to come here to regroup." replied Dean.
Sandra nodded her head, it made sense. Ophelia wouldn't just turn up out of nowhere unless she had to. She wouldn't risk it.
The conversation was interrupted by Ophelia calling from the back door. "Hey guys, you might want to come back in as Brad is getting bitchy about how cold it is with the door open." Her face gave the impression that she didn't care that much.
Sandra wrapped the blanket around her tighter and headed back inside followed by Sam and Dean.
The afternoon turned into the evening. It was filled with laughter, cooking and childhood memories from all three Winchester children.
"I remember dad teaching both Sammy and I how to drive and oh man, it was bad to begin with. Sandra I don't know if dad drove you anywhere but that man did not drive well in his old age." Dean said through laughter.
"Well at least you didn't have grandad teaching you. Imagine it, I'm 16 years-old and I get into the front seat of his car for the first time and I get this lecture."
Ophelia composed herself and mimicked her grandad. "Now, Ophelia, this car is my one pride and joy other than your mother and you, but if you scratch her not only will I never talk to you again but I'll leave her to a local car buff." She burst into laughter as soon as she finished the impression. "Obviously he was joking, but it was enough to make me do fifteen in a twenty mile an hour zone."
"He gave me that same speech when I learned to drive!" Sandra added. Ophelia could see genuine joy and happiness on her mum's face, this wasn't something she was used to seeing.
A timer pinged and Ophelia stepped away from the large oak table that stood in the kitchen. She picked up a tea towel and pulled out the fresh baked bread. She carried it over to her family and placed it on a board in the center of the table.
"That smells amazing Sandra." Sam said.
"Oh, you're too kind, it's a simple recipe really. Have I taught you how to do it 'Phelia?"
"Yeah, mum, it's in the recipe book you made me last year."
"Can you keep it down. Please. Some of us still have work to do." Brad interrupted the jovial mood. He works from home occasionally.
"Sorry, Brad. We'll keep it down." Sandra's face dropped at the request.
"I expect you to. Unlike some, I have an actual job that isn't just a glorified hobby." He replied. He gave a stern look at Sandra and headed back to his office.
"What was that about?" Dean asked cautiously. He knew something was not quite right about this whole situation and could understand why Ophelia was so uneasy about leaving her mum alone with Brad.
"Mum is an artist. In recent years her business has taken off, she makes prints and paintings as well as jewelry and soft furnishings like bedspreads and stuff." Ophelia remarked with great pride.
Sandra looked at her daughter's face and smiled. "I've even been talking about branching off into interior design. Everyone compliments me on how I've designed this home so why not do it in other people's homes too."
"Well I think that deserves a toast!" Dean said. "What drinks do you guys have in?"
"Well, we have real British ale, Scottish whiskey and Irish whisky as well as some other spirits. Oh and there is a cider in here, no idea how long that has been here." Ophelia said while ratcheting around in the cupboards and fridge.
"I'll have some Scottish whiskey please Ophelia." Sam said. She filled a glass with a large measure and passed it to him.
"I'll have one of the ales kiddo." Dean said. Sam looked shocked at this. "What? You were the one who said when in Rome right?" Sam just shrugged his shoulders at his brother.
Ophelia poured a glass of white wine for herself and Sandra. "Hold on there kiddo, wine? At your age?" Dean said slightly shocked.
"Dean, the drinking age here is eighteen. I've been having alcohol from probably the age of sixteen. It's okay man, I'm almost 20." Ophelia replied.
Dean looked embarrassed and raised his glass. "To newly found family and new business ventures." They all clinked glasses in celebration.
The night continued on. Brad said he was too busy to join them for dinner so he took a plate of food to his office. Ophelia was annoyed by this. Her mum had put so much work into making everyone feel welcome in their home. Secretly, she did like it that he wasn't there. She could relax.
It was getting late and Ophelia felt herself getting more tired. It was probably the wine that she had, it always made her sleepy.
"I can show you guys to the spare rooms if you want?" Ophelia said, hoping the boys will pick up on the hint she was dropping.
Sam did pick up on it. "Yeah, sure that would be great. Lets go get our bags."
The three of them headed towards the front door. "Oh are you guys leaving so soon? We didn't spend any time together." Brad said pretending to care.
"Actually, we're just going to get our bags from the car. We're staying a few nights." Sam replied.
"That's odd. Sandra didn't run this by me."
"Does she have to? I mean, it is her house and we are family." Dean added to the conversation.
"No you're not family, Ophelia is family and she doesn't even stay here do you Ophelia?" Brad stared at the girl.
"Anyway, that's beside the point. Sandra has said we're staying for a few nights and as this was her fathers house and not yours." Dean continued. His voice was harsh and protective against Brad's confidence.
Accepting defeat this time, Brad turned and walked into his office which was just off the main hallway.
Sam opened the door as they headed towards the car. Once outside Ophelia thanked her brothers. "It means a lot to me for you guys to stick up for me like that. He really knocked my confidence when I left and I know my mum isn't as strong as she used to be. Every time I go to open my mouth I stop because I know I can't win."
"Don't worry about it Kiddo, like we said, we're always going to be there for you." Dean ruffled her hair, disturbing the curls which now found themselves in Ophelia's eyes.
She reshaped her hair and playfully slapped her brothers hand away from her hair. She had known these two men for all of nine hours and yet it felt like they had known eachother since birth.
After collecting their stuff from the car, Ophelia showed the boys to their rooms. "If you want clean towels there are some in the bottom draw in Sam's room. Oh and if you get cold there are blankets in the airing cupboard in the bathroom."
"Hey, Ophelia, sit with us. We should start talking about what we're going to do." Sam said in a soft, caring voice.
Ophelia nodded slightly and sat cross legged on the end of the bed next to Sam. Dean perched himself against the draws on the wall opposite the door. The tree looked at eachother, unsure who should talk first.
Sam took the first step into a new conversation. "We don't feel comfortable leaving you sleeping in your car or in random hotels."
"It's not that bad, it gets a little cold at times but it's not too bad." Ophelia said, she was fiddling with her hands, picking at her nail vanish again.
"We know exactly how bad it can be. Don't pretend with us kid." Dean said "We had eachother so it wasn't too bad. You don't have anyone when you're out there."
Ophelia shrugged "What do you suggest I do?" Her voice was wobbly.
"Well, there are two options. You either promise us to move back in with you mom." As Sam said this he saw Ophelia tense up slightly. Brad really frightens her more than she outwardly lets on. "Or" Sam continued. "Or, you come to America with us."
She looked up at Sam and then at Dean. "You guys can't be serious… I can't just up and move. What about school? And mum, what's going to happen to her? I can't leave her here on her own."
"Well then, looks like you're moving back home then." Dean said with some humour in his voice.
"Dean this is serious. You both hardly know me and you'd take me in?" She ran her fingers through her black curls, unsure what to say next.
"You said school is online right? So you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection. The bunker has that. As far as your mom goes, she'll be fine as long as she doesn't move house. We can get Cas to drop in on occasion too if that makes you feel better." Sam made the argument for the move.
"Can I sleep on it? This is a lot to take in… It's been a long day." Ophelia finally replied.
"Look, take a few days if you need. We will stay with you until you have made up your mind." Sam said.
Dean nodded in agreement. Ophelia got the impression that they really wanted her to go with them.
"Won't it be dangerous?" She asked.
"Most likely, but don't think you're coming out with us on hunts until we both think you're prepared. I'd personally be more than happy for you to never come on a hunt with us." Dean emphasized the point of being prepared.
Ophelia would love to go out with them at some point but she understood that she is both mentally and physically not capable of doing that at this moment.
"Look, it's getting late, go get some rest kiddo, and we will talk more in the morning." Dean said.
Ophelia stood from the bed and wrapped her arms around Dean. This didn't take Dean by surprise but what did was how small she was. She was much smaller than he thought she was, he had met women her size before but none that looked as delicate and helpless. He leaned into the hug and placed his chin on the top of her head.
She let go of Dean and hugged Sam who had also stood up from the bed. Sam put his right hand on the back of her head to hold his baby sister close. He had always wanted a little sister and was secretly loving every moment of being in Ophelia's life.
Sam squeezed Ophelia just for a little longer before letting her go. She headed towards the door but before she left she turned back towards the brothers.
"Thank you both. I'll see you in the morning, sleep well." The two men nodded in response.
Ophelia headed back towards her room but before she could get to the door a noise distracted her.
"You let them stay? Two strange men that Ophelia brings over and you let them stay?"
"Brad don't be ridiculous, they're her brothers. I'm not going to say no to them."
An argument had erupted between her mother and Brad. Ophelia sat half way down the stairs so she could hear what was going on.
"You didn't have the decency to run it past me. How am I meant to trust you if you're just letting any Tom, Dick or Harry stay."
"Again, they're her brothers and she trusts them and if they're anything like their father they're good natured men." Sandra fired back. Ophelia hadn't heard her mum talk back to Brad like this ever. She was proud of her mum.
"Oh, like their father huh? You mean the man who left you with a newborn baby to go back to his family in America?"
"We both agreed he should go back. That was a mutual thing that took a lot of talking about. Do not speak on things you don't understand."
Ophelia was peering through the bars on the banister to try and get a better look at the argument.
"Well, Sandra it seems like you're getting everything your way, like usual. You have no thought for anyone but yourself. You're a selfish woman."
That was the last straw for Ophelia. She ran down the rest of the stairs to be by her mum's side. "You need to leave Brad. Get out of this house." She said with a confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Oh is that right Ophelia? I need to leave do I? We already kicked you out once and we will do it again."
"No, there was no 'we' in that situation Brad. You kicked her out and I was too scared to stand up to you. It was my biggest mistake." Sandra used the confidence her little girl had shown to stand her own ground.
"Oh come on Sandra, you're a grown woman, you can stand up for yourself." Brad said with a cocky smirk on his face.
"No, not if she's scared of the abuse you'd give her." Ophelia grabbed her mum's hand and squeezed it. "Mum, go up and see Sam or Dean. Brad is going to need help taking things to his car."
"Are you going to let this child talk to me like this Sandra? In our house? There is no way I'm leaving, you're a spoiled brat who thinks she can always get what she wants." Brad said with ease.
"My house." Sandra simply replied.
"I'm sorry?"
"This is my house Brad. My family home. Ophelia is right, you need to go and you need to go tonight. Go pack some clothes and some of your things. We can sort the bigger items once you've got a more permanent place to stay."
Sam slowly walked down the stairs to see what the commotion was about.
"Is everything okay here Sandra? Ophelia, are you alright?" Sam joined his sister next to Sandra.
"Oh this is just what we need. An American butting in where they don't belong." Brad gestured at Sam in disgust. "Listen, Sandra, you're blowing everything out of proportion. We can work things out."
"No, you're leaving today. I'm done with all the abuse. Go pack." Sandra squeezed Ophelia's hand for support.
"Right, well, I'll give you some space for a few days but once you've come to your senses and realise that you're over reacting maybe give me a call and I'll think about moving back in." Brad replied.
By this point Dean had joined the group "Do you need help?" he said feigning sympathy.
"I think I can manage thank you. I don't expect I'll need much as I won't be gone for long." Brad said as he walked passed the group and up the stairs.
Ophelia hugged her mum tightly. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered into Sandra's hair. "I know that was hard for you but it's for the best."
"I never thought I would be able to stand up to him like that." Sandra whispered back.
"I think we should move into the kitchen so we're not just standing next to the door." Sam said. Ophelia let go of her mum and took her by the hand. All four of them moved from the hallway to the kitchen.
A short time later Brad came down the stairs, dragging a large suitcase behind him.
Dean gets up from the kitchen table and heads towards the front door.
"Now, I don't want to be hearing that you've wormed your way back into Sandra's life." Dean said while leaning up against the wall.
"I'll be back, Sandra won't cope without me."
"You seem to not know her very well. I've known her for all of an evening and she seems to have a plan for herself and her future. I mean, have you even talked to her about her plans?"
"Oh her silly art business? Please, that's a glorified hobby." Brad snorted. "Don't humour her."
"I think that it's time for you to go. If you can't support her passion and business then you don't deserve to be with her." Dean replied. He pushed passed Brad and opened the front door. He gestured to the darkness outside.
Brad took his suitcase and walked towards his small silver car.
"Oh before you go. I'll take your house keys too." Dean said.
Brad chucked the keys at Dean before getting into his car.
Dean slammed the door and walked back into the kitchen. He placed the keys in front of Sandra before sitting back down. Ophelia hugged her mum one last time.
"Everything is going to be okay mum, I promise."
4 notes · View notes
keepyourpantsongohan · 1 year ago
Ayesha Liveblogs Devil is a Part Timer S2
"He had four trusted generals: Lucifer, Adramelech, Alciel, Malacoda." Where does Camio, Big Bird Friend, fall into the order of generals
This is such a wildly different experience than watching the first season because I know EXACTLY who is coming into the Devil's Castle and what's about to happen. I am THRILLED
It's gotta be a different animation studio for this season; they've fallen into the trope of making everything shiny and round (just googled: It is)
I do admire Japanese animation's approach to censoring insects. Me as an animator kjghgkjhg
"I can barely remember my parents." I love foreshadowing
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"Papa is... Satan." "I see, your Papa is Satan. Huh?" HAHAHAHA I love how quick everyone is to believe Maou has been spending his Devil days philandering
"Her father is the Devil and her mother is the Hero?" ENEMIES TO LOVERS COPARENTING; ALL I'VE EVER WANTED
I also love how quickly Emi folds and agrees to be Alas Ramus's mama
"If you are willing, once King Satan gains power in Japan and forms his new Devil's Army, I'd like to see you in its highest position." Ashiya said: After you finish school please consider pursuing full-time work at Demon Inc., Chiho!!
"You and Mr. Maou have a kid?" Rika continues her spot-on assessments
"Have you two ever stopped to consider how it looks for a high school girl to come in and out of a man's apartment, taking care of a baby?" Manager Kisaki raises a very fair point
"I don't know enough about society to confidently dismiss it." I feel like this is somewhat a thesis statement for Maou's time in Japan
I love that Emi is denying being the Devil's wife, which no one has accused her of, to herself
Maou petting Alas Ramus's hair as he talks <3 I love his Dad era
"Of course she's not my kid," said Maou, to a montage of him working hard to support Alas Ramus, installing a children's bike seat and integrating her into every part of his home:
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"That outfit would be hard to fight in." That's okay Ashiya she's going on a family date
Maou making a life-altering confession that he's no longer interested in leading the demon armies while he and Emi go hat shopping
"Even if I got all my magic back, I couldn't conquer the world the way I am now." "Very true. If all the demons are dead, you can't be their lord anymore, either." It kills me that they're having this conversation in front of the hat saleslady. Does she think they're talking about D&D LMAO?
"I wanted to know what Emi's face would look like on a date with a man." Family date confirmed by Rika ahahah
Rika asking Chiho what she's doing here as if Chiho does not follow Maou literally everywhere he goes
Alas Ramus's calls for 'Mama' after waking up are very telling
I'd ask why Ashiya seems to be majority comic relief but I guess he plays a similar role in the manga; it just feels less concentrated
I love one (1) set of parents and child. Look at this silly family!!
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"You're frowning, Mr. Boyfriend!" Hahaha I love this photographer giving everyone titles by how he thinks they're related to one another. First Emi (Mom) and Maou, now Ashiya (Mr. Boyfriend) and Rika
"Because I was crying, she said. Because I was the first demon she'd ever seen cry." Maou being human before he was human <3
It does make me laugh that Maou and Emi bop each other on the head when the other is being ignorant
"They're all names of sephiroth, the cosmoplastic orbs in the Tree of Life. Alas Ramus may be an incarnation of Yesod." You know, no matter how many times I hear this explanation, I still don't really understand what Alas Ramus is LOL
It is killing me they're having this kidnapping threatening conversation while Maou is holding a bunch of balloons. They were passionate for the continuity of it
"What parent would exchange their kid for pizza money?" You know, it probably wouldn't be the first time, Maou
It also makes me laugh that all members of the Devil Family are making the exact same >:( face at Gabriel:
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"You may end up with all of Heaven as your enemy." "I'm not about to make a kid cry just to save my own life." Maou said: I've only had Alas Ramus for a day but if anything happened to her I'd demonic force everyone in this room and then myself
Chiho said: I can tell you're an angel 'cause you're MEAN, Gabriel
Hahahaha, Chiho used her most powerful move to get Gabriel to go away! The tears of a teenage girl
"At times like this, an adult plans for the worst and manages risk. Emi, you sleep here tonight." I wish all risk management plans came in the form of a slumber party
"I figure I'm reaping what I sowed. But I think the ones who died during my invasion of Ente Isla probably would've put their lives on the line to save their kids. If they could do it, surely the Devil himself can do it." Maou said: A custody battle is step one in my Twelve Step Program For Balancing Your Karma
Ashiya's explanation to Suzuno that they invaded Ente Isla because demons are naturally poor gkjhgkjhjgh
No offense but this is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life:
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Emi asking about the bedtime story because of how desperately she wants to understand Maou ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Maou bowing his head to beg for his daughter's life 😭😭😭😭
"Er, could you have your marital spat later?" Even Gabriel sees what's happening here
"Get away from Alas Ramus," said Emi to Gabriel as her daughter sucker punched him through the sky with a beam of light
HAHAHAHAHA Lucifer intimidating the nameless soldiers of the Heavenly Regiment just by telling them to get lost
Maou offering to have Emi kill both him and Gabriel just to get Gabriel away from Alas Ramus is both Incredible Teamwork and Strong Co-Parenting
"'Til death do us part," said Emi about Maou, both as a marriage vow and a threat
So consumed am I in the plot of family shenanigans that I don't have all that much to say about Gabriel as guardian of the Yesod. I guess it's very Naraku in Inuyasha of him to try to take advantage of the shard collection that Team Devil and Hero have formed
I did already know Alas Ramus was going to eat the sword, but it's fun to see how they animated it as a little chomp, like a teething toy
It's honestly very fair of Emi to teach Maou to feel a fraction of the loss he caused by not telling him where Alas Ramus is right away
"I'm not cryin'," said Maou, while actively wiping tears away
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Djdjlkdjdkjd Maou cackling to himself over how beautiful his kid is. 10/10 first-time father, no notes
"You said 'three'—that means you're counting Mr. Urushihara, right?" Urushihara has cultivated a reputation for himself as incapable of completing manual labour or social interaction
Also, to be fair I just remembered he's a wanted man HAHAH
"You were very cooperative with the Devil today." Why DID Emi need to be there for them watching the job opportunity video tape? Maou: Emi is short for EMotional support
Sariel really thinks he should be congratulated for not trying to kidnap a child
"If you give me a good answer [about your romantic feelings], I'll have to duel Miss Yusa for you someday." Real and true
The blind loyalty Chiho has to Maou is very funny. She said (lightheartedly): I don't care who you're trying to conquer, I'll be your informant
They talk about the nostalgia of trains like Ente Isla isn't comparatively in like the 1800s hahahahah
"No wonder your mother trusts you." Emi really embracing Mum Mode too even with Chiho hahahah
I will always love the assumptions about the relationships in this friend group:
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"House dirty." I wonder how Amane feels having her business location roasted by a toddler
"I just don't get the trope of dead people coming back and doing bad things." Amane said: Maou, Emi, you can't raise your daughter to be ghostophobic
"That startled me! It sounded just like a dragon." Maou casually implying he has a history in Ente Isla with dragons???? Elaborate
"What are demons doing here in Kimigahama, Chiba?" asked Alciel, as if he were not also a demon hanging out in Kimigahama, Chiba
I adore that the Devil's Army immediately forms a protective circle around Camio. They're just one fucked up family:
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I know these four were technically the pillars of a demonic plague on their society but I do have to laugh that Maou and his generals can be described as: Part-time MgRonald's worker and doting father, chronically-ill househusband, teenage shut-in with a criminal record and shopping addiction, and Big Bird
Camio with tears in his eyes because he missed his little Demon King 😭
I loooooove them all working together in the beach shack. They are so good at teamwork!!!
I cannot help but realize, since these patrons are going to later be revealed as ghosts, that at least four of them are dead children
"Tomorrow we might have customers who come to get a look at you!" said Maou, like that wasn't a weird thing to say about a sixteen-year-old
"Well, I'm grateful and everything, but there's nothing to compliment." Maou said: I'm actually tiddy man myself (but as a demon he does have enough tiddies for the both of them)
"Why does Olba want to negotiate with Heaven so badly?" Because he's a rancid old man
Emi gasping at insult that she herself uttered at Lucifer who burned down her village kjhgkjhg she truly oscillates from incredibly polite to incredibly sassy
"But Camio survived through intelligence instead of violence," said Maou, as his 1-year-old chased Camio through the room with nothing but argumentative peeps to defend himself
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"The cute baby and the woman are the Sacred Sword and the Hero," said Maou, refusing to explain his relationship to either
"Remember how we took over the Demon realm. I had a dream that maybe we could do the same thing with humans in this country." Maou fully telling Camio AND Emi that he is aiming for an enemies-to-family narrative
"After all, the Hero and I never planned to work together, and we still manage okay." YEAH YOU DO!!!!!!!!! Also Emi blushing 👀💗
"You and I brought our war to this country. It's our responsibility." Emi ❤️
"I've only spent two days with you, but I know what kind of people you are." Bold of Amane, but I do love how Team Devil and Hero emanate good vibes
Amane clarifying she could kill them all with one finger but chooses not to:
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Emilia thinking of ways to avoid killing Cirriato and the Malebranche!! I love how their approach to conflict develops over time
"He's doing Mito Komon on purpose, right?" I had to Google this reference but as suspected, it is Emi laughing that her homies' dialogue sounds like a shogunate period drama
"Cirriato, may I see your pendant?" I love how politely Emi asks her demon opponent, who she was struggling not to kill mere minutes ago, for his magical-jewel-tracking necklace. And he just hands it to her!!!!
"And when you get back to the demon realm, tell everyone that King Satan lives. And that one of the sacred swords is already in my possession." I do prefer the manga's translation of this moment, which is a more literal, 'one of the sacred swords is already in my grasp':
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"I'm going to sever the Gate from this realm. After that it's up to you." "Can you do that?" [Smiling] "I'm telling you that I can." [Smiling back] "Yeah? That's a scary thought." Maou said: Mark me down as scared AND horny
I wish desperately I could've seen Emilia rescuing three grown men by herself from the middle of the sea and dragging them unconscious to shore hahahah. Little Mermaid: Extreme Edition
"They went boom, and then there was a big whoosh and then a hug." Alas Ramus is happy that her parents are getting along
"But the powerful magics you were flinging around yesterday have distorted this sacred place." [Merlin from Shrek voice] Please leave any bad vibes outside the healing vortex
"My enemies became my friends, and now support me in my conquest. Don't you think humans could do the same?" "I see. Perhaps so." This is Maou telling Alciel he wants to make Emi a General
I looooove when Maou romanticizes humanity 💘 Something something inherent beauty of being a person
Maou politely handing Emi a crystal which will now make her 3x stronger than him ❤️ Supportive Spouse Behaviour
"Better be ready, because when I get my power back, I'm gonna dominate you and everyone else." Why say it like that, Maou?
Emi genuinely baffled that the pressing news of the Devil's Castle is that Ashiya tightened the sink and their daughter learned a new word:
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"Well, I guess the moral is that even dark lords get heat sick and carsick." "What? 'Dark lords'?" Maou is SO used to saying insane stuff in front of people and never getting called on it because they're all also freaks of nature or retail workers
"By the way everything in this area other the public roads belongs to the Sasakis." Devil's Army learning that Chiho was born into wealth
Chiho's family is quite eager to meet Maou as her coworker and crush but lack the context that he is, technically, an unwed father
The Devil's Army has been felled by one (1) day of farm work
"Mama! Papa's here!" The unwed father's out of the bag HAHA
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"But Miss Yusa looks just like her mom, so when Miss Yusa visited, Alas Ramus got attached." Riho said: Sounds like bullshit, but I'll allow it
"I was raised on a wheat farm. I think I can be more useful than they can." Emilia has some farm-related trauma to work through
"I'm sorry I came here looking like this," said Chiho, about her pretty modest pajamas, as if Maou does not chill in his apartment in far less in front of all of them LOL
"We destroyed her home life. Of course her reaction would be, 'How dare you do farm work?'" Something something a fundamental desire to understand each other 💘
I love how Suzuno is consistently the only one who uses first names for everyone (with a semi-archaic honorific)
Emi giving Maou a horticultural lesson while they pick eggplants 🥺💔 Both useful and a way of processing her anger
"But if you start regretting it, my thirst for revenge might waver a tiny bit." Babygirl. You are co-parenting a child, who is the sword you wanted to use to kill him. You go everywhere together, including family dates and sleepovers. You fight enemies together. Your thirst for revenge HAS wavered, and you are a full-on team now
Fjkjfljf I see they cut out Hinako joking that Emi was Maou's wife to get a rise out of Chiho hahahaha. They don't have time for every line, I suppose
I love that Emi and Maou agree to send the others away and take the bear on, but then Maou, who isn't really at his strongest anyway, does absolutely nothing in this fight
It was just as thrilling as I imagined to see Emi body slam a bear:
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"However, neither he nor the good Hinako disclosed the details of the fight even to me, let alone the public." Sasaki fam said: Grandma didn't raise no snitch
"As long as there's enough magic in the air, demons don't need to eat. I bet a world that doesn't produce food can't create societies." The mechanics of the demon world fascinate me to no end
I love how demonstrably intelligent and good at leadership Maou is 🥰🥰🥰 Even in his human body, he is the first person to start organizing people, figuring out strategies to get customers or to protect the Sasakis' produce! It really gets to me how he approaches every task with equal sincerity
"Maybe ya aren't normal people," said Grandma Sasaki, in the understatement of the century
Lucifer said: Let me give you some insight into the mind of a criminal who is taking the path of least resistance
The reason the thieves took a watermelon is maybe for a Thieving Trophy but mostly for the plot convenience of allowing Suzuno to get a good look at the thieves rolling up to the farm
I adore the imagery of these two young woman absolutely destroying this car with minimal effort:
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God I'm fucking enamoured with the teamwork of this whole sequence. Urushihara as the tech/commander centre, Ashiya as capturing the first thief, Suzuno and Emi as the vengeful apparitions, Maou as the demon who delivers the final blow
"You four will spend the rest of your lives paying the price for hurting people. Just like us." Maouuuuuuuu 😭💔❤️‍🩹
"I can feel something cold from way down the mountain. Everything is over now." Grandma Sasaski said: I'm a little psychic, what about it
"Ya used to see folks like that sometimes, way back when." WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WERE YOU HANGING OUT WITH, GRANDMA SASAKI???? HOW MANY ENTE ISLANS HAVE BEEN TO EARTH!!
More family photos for Maou's MgRonald's comfort album ❤️
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"Emilia, I'm pretty convinced this weirdo is your mother." What a way for Emerada to break this news hahahah
We cut to: Gabriel just living life at his temp agency
"Be quiet, Emilia! I secretly don't want to buy a TV!" It's killing me that this mundane conversation between demons is irrepressibly honest
"I spend a lot of time thinking about whether there's some way that all of the people I love can find happiness together." "There isn't." Chiho 🥺 Also Emi and Maou responding to this question the exact same way kjghjghg. They're self-aware of their 'it's complicated' relationship status 💞
"As long as the Devil is in Japan, he's hardworking and safe. And you and I get to enjoy an easy life in an unbelievably rich culture, blessed with good friends and confidants." Suzuno cutting straight to the heart of their situation ahhhhhhh
Between Emi and Rika having problems and 'Don't do that to me,' I wonder if Co-worker Maki thinks that Rika and Emi are dating
"Way better than sitting around in that empty space for so maddeningly long. I couldn't take the boredom anymore, so I joined Satan's plan." The mechanics of Lucifer's fall from Heaven make even LESS sense given the events of the manga
Can we take a minute to note the absolutely haunting background music to Emerada's phone call. For why????
"I invited her to stay the night, and she moved herself in with me..." Why does Emerada phrase it like she's been fucking Emilia's mum LMAO
Whoever decided to take the creative license to make Chiho's friend a fuj*shi. Thanks I hate it
I love the implication that Rika and Ashiya have a budding phone call relationship where they discuss things like the trip to Choshi
Maou explaining his ability to speak English with 'I've had a lot of situations' me too man hahahaha
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"Have you by any chance, fallen for Ashiya?" Maou doesn't believe in beating around the bush
"It's not my place to say this, but isn't it boring to live life alone?" Maou said: Ashiya should have a girlfriend, and you should get on an app or something, Suzuno
Ashiya answering Rika's questions as honestly as possible because he wants to tell her someday 💕
I wonder what the people of Japan think about the exploding TVs that have no consistency in brand. Seismic event?
"Raguel and Sariel worked as a pair. They'd strip angels of their immortality, banish them to Ente Isla—" Lucifer dropping the incredibly wild lore that they will not elaborate on
"You, who keeps together two beings that by rights should be incompatible... may one day become the mother of a new Daath." Lailah, I feel like this is giving Chiho a lot of credit for something that's not even mostly on her. Emi and Maou have persistently tried to understand each other, regardless of if Chiho was there or not. Besides that, you'd think that if you were gonna credit someone for bringing them together, it'd be Alas Ramus
Lmao @ Emi being the Heavenly equivalent of a Zonkey
"If people knew that angels were the same as normal humans, humanity's faith and worship would crumble." I don't know, the cross-form courtship didn't seem to bother followers of Zeus. Tales told, he'd impregnate anything
"She says to say, 'leave me alone, dummy!' and stick out my tongue." Lailah confirms via Chiho that sass is genetic
"I now begin your trial!" is actually a sick as hell way to declare a fight, go Suzuno
Emilia having a crisis of morality about Maou not actually having killed her father while Maou and Alciel are literally transforming into demons in front of a crowd of people
Maou bursting a cola bottle out of concern for his Not Wife:
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Also also. Is the implication here just that Lailah had Chiho throw a magical dust storm over various parts of Tokyo in the hopes some would hit Maou. Bold. I like it
"But if I hadn't been the Hero, I probably wouldn't have met you, so I don't hate it so much now." Emi is such a good mum 💞 She said the absentee parenting ends with me
"You recovered fast. Processed all your emotions already?" "None of it makes sense, so I'm putting it off until later." WOW WHAT A LIFE MOOD EMI HAHAHAHA
"Are there fees in Heaven?" Even angels cannot escape capitalism
Maou reasonably points out that Chiho is way too chill about being possessed hahahaha
"Surely haven't forgotten me... Satan Jacob." I fully forgot that Maou has a real name
"As the househusband, Ashiya manages the Devil's Castle's finances," I love that the recap special is calling it like it is
I enjoy the description of Alas Ramus as "taking the Devil and Hero for her family," because it has the double meaning of 1) assuming they are their family and 2) making them her family by force, they must obey the toddler
I know the implication is that Lailah is Alas Ramus's metaphorical mother, but I do like both Alas Ramus and Emi's bond and also just the idea that Lailah has essentially strong-armed Emilia (and Maou) into giving her a grandbaby
Lailah, probably: I can't wait to be a grandma
Emi: I'm not expecting any children
Lailah: You should be 🥰
"They managed to drive off Gabriel with the power of family." What an accurate and funny way to describe this fight
Say what you will about Gabriel, he's not above a tactical retreat
"Of the two of them, the one we really need to watch out for is Alciel." Suzuno said: Ladies, ur man is gullible he'll be fine
"Tailing them was going a bit far." Hahahaha Maou is one of the only people in this friend group who isn't possessed of the urge to relentlessly follow the other friends for entertainment or suspicion
I said this 3 minutes before he sent Ashiya to tail them again hahahaha
I love that Suzuno and Emi's excuse for where they're going is just "girls talk." What you gonna do about it, Demon Boys?
"That your wife?" "She's the mother, but not my wife." I do appreciate the town being under the general impression that Alas Ramus is the product of Emi and Maou having a one-night-stand
HKJFHFKJFHKJFH I guess they cut out Alas Ramus joining Maou at the bathhouse, because reasonably, even if one of them is her father, they didn't figure it was best practice to animate her hanging out with three grown men at an onsen
"I can't think of anything more touching than someone wanting power not to leap into danger, but to escape or help her rescuers." Chiho ❤️
Also lmao @ them having this very sober conversation about Chi's motives for learning magic all dressed in their towels:
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REAL QUICK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THE NEW OPENING THEME FUCKING RULES?????? HELLO!!!!!! It is every AMV I've ever mentally made for this series
"My goal is to become a barman." Love this for Kisaski
"The Devil turned out not to be the father-killer that Emilia wanted revenge on." [soft gasp] I kind of forgot that Chiho wasn't privy to this news LOL
"Why do I have to go through this headache to protect the devil?" Because you loooove him, Emi
Maou trying to protect Emi's feelings by suggesting he'll do evil things again 💘 Insane, but sweet
"If you really were just a cruel, bloodthirsty demon king, I wouldn't... I wouldn't be struggling with this so much! You never wanted to conquer the world! I think you just wanted someone to recognize you for doing something big!" EMI 😭😭😭 Something something a fundamental desire to understand each other
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"Maybe that saved me from saying something I shouldn't." I desperately want to know what Maou's response to this was going to be before he got barrier-kidnapped
"If we refuse to change the path we walk, the world won't change either!" Maou being determined to learn a better way of life for his demon subjects
Fjfjlfjf Chiho popping up in the barrier to explain sumo idioms
Emi finally deals with some consequences to having a sentient toddler sword: Sometimes she won't want to fight ur enemies
Sariel said: I've turned over a new leaf, I'm in my helping era
"Yes, adults have dreams for the future too, you know?" How old is Kisaki supposed to be to be calling Maou kid LOL? I didn't peg her as any older than mid 20s
I love how much Maou looks up to full-time manager Kisaki
"Why else? To figure out why it went wrong, so I can help with Satan's dream." It's unclear to what degree Chiho is pro-world conquest hahahah
Immediately she clarified she's aiming for a happy, cooperative family dinner kind of conquest. Like being the president, but of your family, I guess
"What can such a thing [as currency] mean in the face of true might?" "Nothing, but I'm out to give it meaning." Somehow I don't think capitalism is the solve for Maou's problems
Maou turning himself into a demon using Suzuno and Emi's celestial force as a poison is one of my favourite mechanisms in this show kjhgkhgkj
HAHAHAH I love Maou declaring the girls as part of his Four But Actually Five Great Generals. Perfect writing. No notes:
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Maou trying to relieve some of Emi's struggle by inviting her to find out who he really is and how he views the world 😭❤️
"Emilia the Hero, follow me," said Maou, accidentally proposing to his Not Wife
"I've given up on that closet. That's where we store Urushihara," said Ashiya, like he was a bag of flour and not a fallen angel in the body of a teenage boy
You know, I wasn't sure they were going to adapt the futon story because I believe it's a bonus chapter but I am sooo glad they are
I think this 'Emi has to be two train stations away' max sounds like something they made up for the show, bc I don't remember it. But I love it, more sleepovers!
"You mean the best course is to have Alciel and Lucifer sleep in my apartment like when Gabriel came?" Mama, Papa, and Baby sleepovers no less kjhgkgh. Emi could EASILY stay with Suzuno
"Parenting is a series of surprises, huh?" said Maou to Emi, about Alas Ramus getting a booboo, like their daughter hadn't arrived to them via giant apple with arms through a dimensional gate
Emi having an existential crisis every time they act like they're married with a child, which, they kinda are
When they lift Alas Ramus together over the staircase!!!! :')
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"What's tough is deciding whether I should prioritize 'Hero' or 'Mama,' that's all." "I'm sorry. Both of my priorities work pretty much the same, so..." Maou apologizing for being fully oriented towards his family when Emi can't be ❤️‍🩹
Maou smiling while he thinks of their first human interactions, which consist of him giving Emi an umbrella and her trying to shank him ❤️ Insane Boy Behaviour
I truly can't remember where this udon B-plot is going LOL
"The sleepover can't happen!" said Ashiya, as if they were in grave danger
"You're usually pretty at home in Mom Mode yourself." HEE HEE Maou also calls it Mom Mode!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA Emi and Maou trying to manage both the feelings of their daughter (who wants them to get along and sleep as a family) and Chiho (who wants them to get along but also really doesn't want them to sleep together)
Maou 🤝 Alas Ramus 🤝 Lucifer: Being sensitive to ginger
Emi going to stay at her parents' place to get away from her feelings circles back to Romantic Drama: Family Edition
"Is it me, or you all acting like Emi's definitely in trouble—and like I have to go save her?" She is and you do, Maou
It's really very interesting when Ashiya and Lucifer show their political understandings of Ente Isla and the consequences of naming Emi general, but also her overall chance of survival. A foresight that Maou is trying hard to emulate
Maou convinced that Emi is going to come back 💔
Hahahaha, Tsubasa/Acieth just sniffing Maou in a public place like that's not a weird thing to do
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Hfhgghkgjh I forgot that Acieth is the younger sister in the Yesod girls equation
Maou just plopping Emi's dad in their living room via magical flight while Ashiya is trying his best to explain why Suzuno and Urushihara could ALSO fly is peak comedy
"When a chosen one is prepared to expose the truth of the world, bring the wings to our daughter." Nord. Did your wife make a prophecy? Elaborate
Also. Also. Also. I know I shouldn't be phased by this. But WIFE? WHO OFFICIATED THIS WEDDING BETWEEN A FARMER AND AN ANGEL?
HAHAHAHAHA Libicocco pausing his terrorizing to teach Chiho how to say his name
"If you don't like what I'm doing, Miss MgRonald's Barista General, then force me to stop." Libicocco believes in addressing people by their correct titles
Obsessed with the implications of Rika's surprise towards Emi not being Japanese. What is the racial delineation of Ente Isla? Do all people in Ente Isla look ethnically Japanese? They have different skin tones, certainly, but do they generally appear some variety of features we would categorize as East Asian? Because Japan is one of the most ethnically homogenous places in the world, so either everyone looks like they're from Japan, or we have abandoned the structure of race entirely
"This is an oversimplication, but you can think of Yusa as an alien." [X-Files theme tune plays]
Rude of them to attack Ashiya, chronically-ill househusband
Maou's love for Alas Ramus is only matched by his irritation towards Acieth Alla
"I'd rather regret being betrayed than regret losing faith." 💗Suzuno
Lucifer protecting Suzuno/Bel and Chiho with his wings 😭 Their relationship has come so far
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"We're just putting them back where they belong." They belong with the people they love and with those that love them!!
"I can't believe I'm letting the ruler of demons have my body... I'm sorry, Mom." Maou said: Thank you for making every interaction as weird as possible, Acieth
Suzuno giving her whole life to protect Chiho!!!!!! I love one (1) found family
"Bold of a mere Malebranche leader to take that tone with me, don't you think?" Maou said: Do you know who I am? Ur about to find out Libicocco
Maou has been here for a minute and a half and he's already managed to bring up Emi twice, I think he misses her
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Also the fact that the sword they share is named Better Half. COME ON. COME ONNNNNNNNNNN
"Trying to fight you seems like a losing proposition." Amane defeats Gabriel based on pure vibes
"I'm sure you've got some conflicting duties here, but I don't care. Make one wrong move and I'll punish you," said Maou to Libicocco, as if he had not already chopped off his arm. We have reached the end of his near-infinite patience 💖
Chamuel is living out his Old King Satan beef vicariously through Maou
Props to Ashiya to share coded messages while being kidnapped
"We're gonna go rescue Alas Ramus, Nord, Ashiya... and Emi." YEAH YOU ARE
I fully also forgot that Emi's hometown is named Sloane LOL
"Lisen, Alas Ramus... What's your mama's name?" "Lailah!" Their family tree grows more fucked up by the second LMAO
Also how does Alas Ramus know EVERYONE'S name but Emi's!
It's tough managing tantrums as the parent of a supernatural toddler:
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"But I've made up my mind: I'll accept Emi and Mr. Ashiya no matter who they are, and I want to do what I can." Rika said: Count me in for Team Devil and Hero
"In fact, given Emi's strength, it worries me that she hasn't come back." [Everyone in the room gawks] They are unused to this level of emotional honesty from Maou about Emi hahahaha
Do you think Kisaki genuinely doesn't see the magical shenanigans or just pretends not to?
Maou is also forced to empathize with the experience of having a young girl inside his head with little-to-no impulse control and an angel vendetta. Co-parenting at its finest. This is like those people who do labour simulations for their partners hahaha
"I left Heaven before you guys started doing that stuff," said Lucifer, 'that stuff' being the creation of human beings from jewel fragments in their spare time
"I don't want to go back to a world where Heaven's safety is prioritized above all else." Sariel said: Ente Isla is LAME, I love tiddies and fast food management now
Rika constantly roasting Maou for not living up to his reputation both as a human and a demon. It's a fun little dynamic
"Why do I always want whatever I can't have?" said Emi, about a dream that ended with Maou stabbing her to death
"Once this mess is over, we'll have to have a big family meeting." I know they literally refer to each other by familial terms but it makes me happy to hear Maou say it
"My unification of the demon realm brought about order and peace, and fear and despair gradually disappeared. As a result, our magical reserves began to rapidly decline. Which was inevitable in hindsight, because we'd gotten rid of its source. It was my fault, and the realm would have starved if I didn't do something." I genuinely fucking love this world-building. What a paradox!!! To desire peace to have more of your people continue living and be driven to famine by its existence
"I forgive you, though. Satan, king of demons, I have heard your confession. I have judged all your words true, and I absolve you in my name, the name of Crestia Bel... regardless of whether God or anyone else in the world refuses to." This is one of my favourite conversations in this series. Suzuno having them back-to-back so Maou is better able to share, Maou's confession, the absolution. IT'S GOOD WRITING!!
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Emi trying to prevent the army from killing any more demons!!! I love her
Emi crying over her fallen enemy she didn't even face because now in every demon she sees her friends 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Albert, join forces with us. Rescuing Emi won't be enough to settle this." Maou said: I can go on a rescue mission AND make friends! Multi-tasking
The revelation that sephiroth are not inherently holy is very interesting but I am distracted by Alciel walking around with his pants unbuttoned bc they don't fit LOL
"But I wasn't born directly from sephiroth like they were. My dad came from a sephirah, but my mother is human, so I guess you can think of me as biracial." So race does exist, but in the weirdest way possible
Alciel using the MgR's shifts to calculate their date of rescue
LMAO @ MAOU ready to throw hands with Acieth over his magical impotence
"Adramelech wouldn't follow a King who was some bloodthirsty beast. So when Emilia said she wouldn't kill Satan, I figured I was okay observing just what sort of people these 'demons' really are." Albert admitting he already empathizes with demons, at least a little 💗
"Those are for warding off evil," said the barkeep, like the King of Demons wasn't sitting at a table right beside him getting a to-go box
"Who is Emi to you, Maou?" "Good question." IT IS A GOOD QUESTION
"Emi treats me like she's my equal or better. Everything I lack, she has," said Maou, in a very normal and chill way to describe your rival
Ashiya and Emi being used as pawns against each other 😭
"Why are you coming so deep into my heart?" said Emilia, in a decidedly even less normal or chill way to describe your rival
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Alas Ramus coming around to remind Emi she's never alone 💝
"I let a lot of demons die by obeying Olba. I doubt the Devil and Alciel will forgive me." 1) Babygirl that is not your fault and 2) They absolutely will forgive you, you guys have written the masterclass on coexisting with people who have been party to your hardship
Alciel is SO GOOD at coded messages HAHA Emilia just had her sense of hope regained by a tofu-related threat
"The Devil is coming. For me," said Emi, with tears of happiness running down her face. Also. Why say it like that, Emilia
You see, I KNOW, I KNOW. I am being set up for disappointment, because while there's every indication in this arc that Emi has (at the very least) started to fall for/acknowledge her feelings for Maou, I have gathered from where Maou is at, and various little jibes on the internet by viewers (no spoilers pls), that that's probably not the way the light novels go. Which like. A damn shame. Because you have 36 episodes and 20 manga volumes of these two people giving each other a second chance, raising a child together, operating as a team, sharing powers, understanding each other's burdens in a way no one else possibly could, even being called numerous times husband and wife, AND YET. And yet. They will not go all-in on the relationship they've built. Call me a romantic, or barking up the wrong tree, but it seems WHACK
It's Hinata's Law. Wherever there exists a passionate but kind, mildly submissive, busty unacknowledged love interest with unparalleled loyalty to the protagonist, the writer will have to use them as an endgame relationship LMAO
"I need a shoulder to lean on." [Hops on his shoulders] I love Suzuno hahahaha
LMAO @ Albert and Bel getting sent back to start
"Emilia the Hero, you come to challenge me despite knowing the power of my hiyayakko (tofu) and ginger bud? How foolish!" HAHAHAHA THIS IS MY FAVOURITE FIGHT
Olba really miscalculated thinking demons would be loyal to him more than Alciel hahahaha
"Since our hands are tied, we'll dance until our strength runs out!" ❤️ We love a play fight
It is funny that Maou and Acieth are literally allergic to bonding
"Don't damage the place too badly. Nord Justina is being held in the Cloud Retreat." Alciel helping Emi to keep her dad safe 😭
"They've been fighting for seven hours now. Talk about energy!" OMG props to Emi and Alciel for keeping it up so long
"Alas Ramus, Ashiya, Emi—I'm here!" shouted Maou, with literally no current assets to fight beyond a sick sword-girl
"Just do your best to avoid hurting anyone!" Maou is so excited to be able to 'threaten people only' hahahah the benign evil of it all
"If I ever return to Japan, I'll make all those apologies I owe you." EMIIIIIIII 😭😭😭😭😭
"Ashiya, don't you think Emi's acting weird?" It's called emotional honesty, Maou, you should try it sometime
"Emi, I don't expect forgiveness for what I did back then either. But I found a lost treasure of yours, so I'm giving it back to you as a token of my apology." MAOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘
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Maou, trying to explain that their daughter has a little sister who looks at least a decade older, who is also kind of the daughter of Emi's father, and Emi knowing Emi's mother is also kind of the mother of Emi and Maou's daughter: We'll trade diagrams later back at home xoxo
They finally have lyrics on the OP and I'm AHHHHHHHHH ("I was still pretending to fight alone / Would life be easier if I just let go" and "I tried to stay quiet but my voice rang out / I sang the song I couldn't forget about / I smiled with you, and that alone lightened my load") I want to tattoo this whole OP to my body
Maou telling Emi repeatedly to stay out of the fight so she doesn't compromise her position in Ente Isla by helping him 😭😭😭😭
"I don't understand, but I shall assist," said Suzuno, summarizing the plot of the whole series
Emi giving Maou a Yesod fragment 😭 SYMBOLISM
"Yesod is branches. They tie life and life, heart and heart." !!!!!!!!!!!!
"Very well, we shall obey you, New General." Farfarello said: Okay Suzuno, you've charmed me
"There can be no genuine angels in this world." I can't believe we're about to unlock the most ludicrous origin story since the Naruto war arc
ACTUALLY THEY'RE NOT GOING TO? THEY'RE NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN THE WHOLE [REDACTED] STORYLINE? OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!!!! That's so fucking funny. The animation studio said: That's not my problem. Goodbye 💖
"Papa's gonna work even harder than usual—My daughter is watching!" Maou in his ultimate Dad Era
"Human, I don't know what you intend to do next... but don't die." Libicocco said: I would like to be friends with Suzuno also
"Nothing about our relationship has changed," said Maou, like they hadn't had to face and resolve every trauma in their friendship on this one road trip
"I'm giving you the right to choose what I call you from now on, Miss Emilia Justina!" I love Rika 😭
You know, regardless of all other factors, I do find every part of these characters a delight. IT'S A NICE STORY!
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zalrb · 2 years ago
the summer i turned pretty 2x03 review -- belly is legit terrible, tho.
I'm sorry, he's the best actor on the show?
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This should be angsty and painful
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The tension between Conrad and Belly should be like
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and Conrad should be Chuck where even if his expression is a mask, his eyes tell the real story
and Belly, your expressions are the same, your tone of voice is the same
"Man, Susannah used to have this place filled to the brim before we got here" "Mom used to have the [beds] ready before we got here" WELL YEAH. She got it ready for the summer. Did you all forget that this was an impromptu visit?
"Kick ass or whatever you're supposed to do at these things." "Your guess is as good as mine." Ma'am, aren't you a professional author? This isn't your first rodeo.
Taylor, why do you need to go to Cousins. Why do either of you need to go to Cousins. For drama that won't happen.
Lol at prom I forgot my boyfriend's ... the flower thingy you put in his suit pocket.
OK she wants to have fun at her junior prom which is valid but it's also so clear that my guy doesn't want to be there so her being like "I thought you were going to spend the night" sis, does it LOOK like he wants to spend the night?
Sooooooooo are you going to talk?
for the love of god
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can i have some chair energy please?
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with their very undramatic, contained version of promicide, which i don't even think is warranted tbh, conrad wasn't great here but his mother is dying, belly.
"conrad just pushes people away when he needs them the most" HE ASKED YOU TO LEAVE WITH HIM AND YOU WERE LIKE BUT PROM! Lol ok.
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He told you he was worried about his mom being on new meds and you were like oh pfft, she's probably fine,
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which was supposed to be trying to stay positive but comes across as dismissive. You're actually pretty bad at being there for ... anyone it seems, belly.
"i didn't have the best year" the weird/funny thing about tsitp is that they keep mentioning susannah over and over and over again and how different life is without her or how different the house is without her, like they talk about it a lot but it doesn't feel like they've actually lost her, like i don't feel like i'm watching two sons whose mother died, the grief isn't done well enough because belly is over here babbling about how she lost a volleyball captaincy when jeremiah literally lost his mother. and it's like they're saying her pain about susannah is equal to his and conrad's pain and it isn't?
"i really missed you, jere." DID YOU?
oh, how i don't care about taylor and whatshisface. skipping.
like are you frenzied to keep this house or not? because you're fucking surfing, man. like??
"we'll use our trusts to buy this house" is that enough to also pay the mortgage, is it enough for insurance, is it enough for property taxes, is it enough for repairs...? how much is this trust?
I'm just watching them at this funeral and I'm like ... when I had Buffy?
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when I had FNL?
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I've had conversations about users about appreciating something for what it is or liking something for what it is and I can understand that but when I've something done better, I can't help but contextualize what I'm watching with what I've watched before or what I'm watching at the same time.
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You are a literally at a WAKE, Belly, this couldn't wait?
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I don't care how old you are you're old enough to know better, this is RIDICULOUS. And I thought Lorelai interrupting Sookie's kid's baptism because Rory was there was horrible.
You are not NEARLY embarrassed and/or ashamed enough about how you acted here.
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Oh no, she fell after telling the son of a mother who DIED to go to hell because he was resting his head on another girl's lap.
Nah, I am a grudge person, I am never speaking to her again after pulling THAT at my mother's WAKE? You are dead to me, sis.
Oh, a panic attack on the beach because he bottles everything up and doesn't let anyone help him except he kind of does and everyone knows he's upset anyway because he doesn't try to hide it, which is the thing, he should be constantly acting like everything is normal and/or he's adjusting super well and then do something like break up with Belly out of the blue because he's actually not fine and he actually is shutting her out by pretending everything's fine and does things like go to the beach to have panic attacks.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year ago
20 || The Serum
Series: Trust | Maze Runner (Thomas x OFC)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
Later at night Gally and Thomas were going to get Teresa while we waited. When they get back we all, me, Newt, Fry, Brenda, Jorge, Gall, Thomas, and Teresa all sit in a room.
"Gally?" She says as the sack comes off her head.
"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?" Gally grabs a chair to sit in front of her.
"You guys don't seriously think..." She looks at Thomas.
"Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Don't look at him. Look at me. He's not gonna help you. Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally sits down in front of her.
"He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three." She tells him.
"How many others?" Newt asks her.
"28." She sighs and we look over at Brenda.
"I can make that work." She tells us.
"No. No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa tells us.
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas tells her.
"Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her. Right? Not all of her. We just need her finger." Gally gets up but I knew that was too much.
"Gally, back off." I calmly tell him.
"What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho." He points at her.
"That's not the plan. Back off." Thomas gets up.
"It won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the..." Thomas cuts her off. "
"We know. We're tagged. Property of Wicked. You're gonna help us with that, too." Thomas gives her the scalpel.
"Who wants to go first?" Newt asks as we all look at her.
"I'll go first." I take the seat in front of her.
"How does it feel seeing Gally again?" She asks messing with my neck.
"Good. I missed him. Will you just hurry please? Sorta don't wanna have a conversation with you." I'm straight up with her.
"I'm sorry about your mom. I didn't kn-," She says as she finishes but I cut her off.
"Don't. Because you're the reason she's dead. You didn't pull the trigger but you helped in the situation because you called them. I'll never forgive you. And on top of that, I'm sure you, Wicked, have done terrible shit to Minho." I get up up from the chair leaving her and Gally takes the seat next.
"She enjoyed that." Gally says making Fry and me laugh.
"You're probably right." Fry tells him.
"Here see if these fit." Newt gives us Wicked soldiers uniforms.
"Thanks Newt." We tell him.
As we get things ready I eavesdrop on Thomas and Teresa, "She should have turned by now. There's no way she could possibly still..." I'm sure she was talking about Brenda. "You do t believe me?" She follows him as he stands up.
"Do you really expect me to? You made your choice." Thomas tells her as Gally goes to check on them then takes Teresa out so I go with them.
"You were in love with her, weren't you?" Brenda asks Thomas as he joins her side.
"No. It was someone I was close with and that was a good friend but got backstabbed." Thomas explains to her.
"Just be careful. You sort of have this problem where you can't walk away from people. Even when you should. You can't save everyone, Thomas." Brenda hands him the gun.
"I can try." He tells her.
"Are you in love with Liz?" She asks him walking away some then turns to face him.
"Yes." He nods his head.
"You should tell her as soon as you can. Don't wait for everything to be over because she'll think you don't actually care about her that way. Plus Gally is an ex she'll always have a special place in her heart for because he was her first boyfriend and first love she can fully remember. If y'all truly had something before the maze, it doesn't matter if she can't remember it. Don't waste time." Brenda tells him so he'll think about as she leaves.
As Thomas joins the group he walks straight up to Elizabeth giving her a passionate kiss. "I love you. I know I should tell you that now and not wait." He explains to her so she laughs at him.
"She loves you too, trust me, but we gotta get going." Gally tells Thomas making Elizabeth hit him.
"Gally's right so let's go." She gives Thomas a smile.
"Which part?" Thomas wants to be sure.
"Both Thomas so let's go get Minho." She walks ahead of the group.
"Say it at least." He grabs her hand.
"I love you too." She pats his chest before climbing down into the hole.
Back in the city Elizabeth splits off with Gally and follow behind him till they meet up with the other three. "Hold on. Hold on. I can get in here." Gally stops as they get in the stairwell.
"Stay there. Throw me the walkie." Thomas says then goes to check the rest of the stairs as Newt starts to cough.
Elizabeth starts to get worried walking over to him placing her hand on his back and sees Teresa staring at him. "Don't you start to cry on me." He looks her in the eyes.
"Frypan, we're in. How you doing?" Thomas walks around. "Hang in there, buddy." He tells Newt while Liz stays close to him.
"This'll work." Gally tells Thomas.
"Brenda, what's your status?" He asks her.
"All right, let's go." Gally tells them.
When we get to the room the four of us shoot at the soldiers taking them out. "It's okay. You guys are okay. Come on." Elizabeth opens one of the door helping the kids out.
"The vault. How do I get in?" Gally asks and the guy said he can't. "Guys, this might take some time." Gally tells the group and Liz sees Minho still wasn't here.
"Shit. He's not here. Where is he?" Elizabeth tells them going up to Teresa so she looks on the computer.
"Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." She tells her and the guys.
"Okay, take us to him. Right now." Elizabeth tells her.
"All right. I'm coming with you." Newt grabs his things.
"Newt, no, you're not. You have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum." Thomas tells him and Elizabeth agrees.
"Minho comes first, remember?" Newt tells them and they hate that deep down.
"Just go. We're wasting time. I'll get the serum. We'll meet you out back." Gally tells them.
"Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on." Thomas gets Teresa.
The three put their masks on and follow Teresa through the building. As they get into the elevator Janson stops the door getting in with them. It takes everything in Elizabeth not to shoot him right then and there.
"You're working late." Janson looks at Teresa. "See, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just... Well, you never give up. Times like this, you need a friend that you can count on." He tells her.
"I'll bare that in mind." Teresa finally speaks up.
"There is one thing you should know. One friend to another. Thomas is here." Janson says making the three slightly look at each other. "A surveillance picked him up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know it but there is a chance that he may try to contact you... and if he does... we'll, I'd like to think that I'd be your first call." Janson explains to her.
"Are you going to kill him?" Teresa ask looking at him.
"Would that be a problem?" Janson asks before they all get out of the elevator.
"Thomas you have to listen to me. Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might by him time, but..." Newt cuts her off.
"Just ignore her. She's trying to get inside your head." Newt grabs her.
"Thomas, listen. You know what's going on out there. People are dying. The world is dying. There's something about your blood I don't understand." Teresa says and Elizabeth starts to think about it. She had a point because Brenda has been completely fine for months.
"Let me run some test. I promise I can protect you." Teresa tells him.
"Yeah? Like you protected Minho?" Thomas takes off his mask making Newt and Liz ask him what the heck.
"How many people is it gonna take? How many more people do they have to round up, torture, kill? When the hell does it stop?" Thomas gets in her face.
"It stops when we find a cure." She tells him.
"There is no goddamn cure!" Thomas shouts at her.
"Thomas, there actually might me... Brenda hasn't ha-," He cuts Elizabeth off.
"You're letting her in your head."
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