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toliek · 5 years ago
First dance with my hus🐻 was everything I could have asked for and more!
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indog · 5 years ago
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Graphic news made with Vidi Vaka: Persons Without Documents, Visible Problems But Inventive For Society.
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dark-hair-and-brown-eyes · 6 years ago
Young Marriage Sucks
I just want to quickly clarify that im not saying dont do it. What im saying is that this thing im doing for the first time on top of other things sucks. Its not what I wanted it to be. Its not what I hoped it would be. Its barely close. Id truly say 2 out of 7 days (maybe its exxagerrating but thats just how it feels) are pretty okay but the rest are filled with disagreements and attitudes that I dont want to deal with. If you have a God send praise Jesus and shout Hallelujah because youre truly blessed but if you just let things be, whew chile, its hard. Its the hardest thing ive encountered in my life, and Im going through midterm exams junior year of college. I cant believe this is what it is sometimes. I’d say i regret it but thatd just hurt my husbands heart but i do. Its terrible honestly. We’re a quarter of a way into our second year and believe me when I say its not only the first year but probably the ones to come. Now this is probably from the askwed perspective of someone currently having issues with their spouse but I feel like someone probably needs to hear it even if they wont believe it. Things change big time. Attitudes get worse. Quality alone time is practically nonexistent. The sweet nothings stop because theres nothing to look forward to after a few months. You’ll get through it. But if you already have a lot going on Id say wait on it. Because if its worth it, waiting will have been the best thing you coulda done. You can in the wait become a better person, be more reasonable and openminded, you probably wont (as a woman atleast) have birth control messing with your hormones. And youll be knowledgable enough to know what words to speak and what words to keep to yourself. Everything doesnt need to be talked about. Youll definitely fall asleep upset about something. And the chase gets tiresome. Get some rest. Find God truly. Find peace. Find yourself before you add someone into your life permanently because otherwise you have to do all these things at the same time. It sure aint worth the weight gain. Haha Goodnight or Goodmorning. Dont worry too much about it. Itll still be there when the time is right. (Notice i didnt say when the time is perfect)
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mellenwood · 6 years ago
In class on Tuesday, we discussed the short story “Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing. It is essentially about a young boy on vacation with his mother. This young boy sees a rockier beach and is intrigued by it. He asks his mother if she can go. She relents and he runs off excitedly. While he is exploring the rocky outcrop, some older boys come along; they invite him over and soon they are all diving off the rocks. Some boys disappear for a long time and then pop out the other side. This leads the young boy to do some underwater exploring, he discovers that he is unable to do what the older boys do and they leave him after this. The young boy practices for hours and eventually days, in order to swim through the tunnel that the older boys did. He eventually does and feels accomplished. 
We discussed the different tunnels in our lives that may be enticing us as it did for the young boy. These tunnels could be things that if we don’t do we will miss out or just obstacles in our way. This got me thinking about what tunnels there are in my life. 
I got married this past fall. I am still very young and still pursuing my degree. While getting married was the best decision I have ever made, it has been a really difficult transition for me. I have had to and still learning how to balance homework, housework, a job, and being the wife that my husband needs me to be. I sometimes feel alone because of it. None of my friends are married yet, while that is not a bad thing, they just don’t always understand why I am not willing to go out with them as much. Being the first in a friend group to do something big is really scary, there is no one to talk to who understands, no one to give you advice on something, and no one who can relate. It turns into a waiting game, waiting until one of your friends goes through the same experience. 
Do not get me wrong though, my husband is super supportive and I absolutely love being married! I would not go back and do it differently ever! It just is sometimes hard to juggle everything and still maintain a healthy lifestyle and GPA. 
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alexisshipping · 5 years ago
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Honeymoon S.coups Ambw (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UJVz82Lmb4 S.coups of Seventeen marries his wife Destiny. They go on a honeymoon. What adventure awaits them?
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persephonescrownofflowers · 7 years ago
Young Marriage In The Church
So I used to go to church and I was friends with so many bright, wonderful young men and women who were just coming out of high school, ready to start their lives and go to school, and use their high intelligence to start great careers.
As I drifted away and started to work as I got out of high school, I noticed that many couples at my church were engaged and married in under a year of knowing each other.
I am floored by this because I feel as if these young men and women are throwing their lives away and settling down too early as they became husbands, wives, fathers and mothers in less than a year. Why wouldn't you want to get your education and know yourself before getting married so you know who you are and don't have to form your identity around being a wife/husband and mother/father?
And why does the church condone 18/19 year olds marrying before they find and know themselves and better their lives before seeking a partner that will stand by their side as a unique person? They should be encouraging college and degrees, not wedding bells and babies.
It just makes me sad to see so many young people jumping into relationships and marriages before they truly know who they are.
For context, we are all around the same ages, from 18-21 age range, and out of all the married couples I know I only see one of them being married early because they have been together since they were young and waited their engagement out for at least a year before they tied the knot(which I am very happy for them because they are a couple I look up to!)
I am so sorry if I offended anyone with this post, I just needed a place to vent as I have voiced my opinions on this topic and only one person agreed with me. I'm not implying that I don't like the couples that married young and that I hope that their marriages fail, I was just raised differently, where education and work were put before finding the person you want to be with for the rest of your life.
Does anyone else feel this way?
-A.M.Warren signing off
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welldonemusthofa · 6 years ago
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Ahay 😂😂😂 . . #kutipanbuku #youngmarriage #renamayriska https://www.instagram.com/welldonemusthofa/p/BwYZdufB0eS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xxz55rfvg0pz
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discoveringcalico-blog · 6 years ago
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Young Marriage karya Rena Mayriska Harga 67.150, bonus tanda tangan, photocard Order di bit.ly/YoungMarriage . Nabilla sering melanggar peraturan dan tidak pernah kapok meski sudah mendapat surat peringatan. Sebagai ketua OSIS, Briyan harus turun tangan. Bagi Nabilla, Briyan musuh yang hobi mencari-cari kesalahan. Sudah sok ganteng, sok galak pula. Sialnya takdir justru selalu mengkonfrontasikan mereka. Saat jalan berdua mereka menemukan seorang bayi yang ditelantarkan di sebuah taman. Mereka tidak ingin menelantarkan bayi itu, seperti yang telah orangtuanya lakukan. Akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk merawat bayi itu bersama-sama. Tapi ... bagaimana mungkin mereka sanggup merawat bayi, kalau setiap hari kerjaannya perang mulut melulu? . #youngmarriage #renamayriska #pastelbooks #bukunovel #novelremaja #bukutandatangan #bukupromo #jualbukudiskon #bukudiskon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bubi0stBTL_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j1o80vc92kl4
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holanads · 8 years ago
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Akhir-akhir ini saya sering dihadapkan dengan perbincangan mengenai 'nikah muda'. Pengangkat topik ini bukan hanya dari kaum hawa saja, namun juga segelintir ikhwat yg ingin mengetahui lebih dalam pendapat perempuan mengenai young marriage. Apalagi semenjak banyak undangan pernikahan pasangan muda -malah masih kuliah atau baru wisuda- isu ini kian merajalela.
"Nanti nikah umur berapa? Mau nikah muda ngga? Kenapa?" "Aku tunggu dapet kerja dulu lah, lulus kuliah dulu" "Nikah bah, ribet kali. Santae aja dulu, puas-puasin masa muda" "Masih mengamati, manatau ada yg lebih bagus yekan" *versi ikhwat*
"Kalo aku sih tunggu ada yg ngelamar aja" "Tunggu dapet kerja kayaknya, lulus wisuda dulu" "Mencoba mengenal dululah, takutnya tiba-tiba ngga cocok, cerai. serem" "Wallahu'alam hehe" "Kakak itu uda nikah aja, padahal masih muda mck100x" *versi akhwat*
TELINGA kita seperti ASING mendengar NIKAH MUDA. BIBIR kita seakan ZALIM menceritakan SUNNAH. MATA kita tampak TERKESAN melihat ORANG PACARAN.
Beginilah kondisi yg kita alami, saat pacaran malah dibagga- banggakan. Sedangkan, saat sepasang sejoli ingin melakukan ibadah sunnah, malah kita caci.
Di sinilah hancurnya generasi muda yg berawal hancurnya konsep berumah tangga. Di satu sisi, para wanita sibuk memamerkan aurat yg menyebabkan syahwat para lelaki dibangkitkan sepanjang jalan, seluas media dan pergaulan. Di sisi lain, pernikahan usia dini disumbat.
Sampai memunculkan sebuah pemikiran yg hampir rata di masyarakat bahwa yg menikah muda, hanya satu di antara dua: hamil sebelum nikah atau tidak berpendidikan (astaghfirullah)
"Wahai para pemuda, barangsiapa di antara kalian yang mampu menikah, maka menikahlah. Karena menikah lebih dapat menahan pandangan dan lebih memelihara kemaluan. Dan barangsiapa yg tidak mampu, maka hendaklah ia berpuasa; karena puasa dapat menghalang gejolak nafsu” (HR. Bukhari, Tarmidzi, Muslim)
Pernikahan adalah ibadah sunnah, amalan penuh berkah, menyempurnakan separuh agama. Namun, banyak diantara kita yg masih mencaci amalan ini. Lalu, apa bukti dari syahadat kita? Apa bukti kecintaan kita pada Rasulullah? Bukankah Rasulullah Shallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam orang yg paling agung, paling mulia dan paling luhur akhlaknya? Orang yg paling pantas dijadikan role model? Lalu, mengapa kita masih saja mengasingkan diri pada sunnahnya?
Jikalau memang kita 'belum mampu/mau' menjalankan ibadah ini, bukankah alangkah baiknya kita mendoakan pasangan yg ingin menikah muda diberikan keberkahan dalam pernikahannya, mawwadah? Bukan malah mencaci atau menuduh yg tidak-tidak.
Haram love is just like salty water, no matter how much you drink from it, it will never quench your thirst. on the contrary, it will increase it. but, Halal love will not only quench you, but it will also refresh you. Halal love is just like fresh water,it is full of affection, peace and mercy.
Semoga Allah memudahkan jalan bagi para pemuda/i yg ingin menikah demi menjaga kehormatan agama, keluarga, dan orang yg dicintainya, dimampukan materinya, dikuatkan mentalnya, dikokohkan ruhiyahnya.
Dan bagi yg belum siap, bentengilah diri dengan iman. mohon petunjuk dari Allah. And stop insulting young marriage. Sunnah nih wee.
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royalbeautee · 4 years ago
We’ve been making the best of this crazy year by taking in all the extra time together❤️I can honestly say that’s been one of my favorite parts. Being given the time to slow down from our chaotic schedules and grinding to reminisce, focus on joint ventures and goals, tap into what makes us strong and ignite new flames to make the fire bigger🔥2020 has been madness and unfortunately it shook some ppl and I’m sure some relationships😔.. I’m grateful to God we are amongst the ones who bonded tighter 🙏🏾 . . So... Got to get a good ride in this past weekend.. giggles.. ok ok lemme stop being a perv👀🤣.. but yea. So much trust goes into riding with someone cuz that shi* gets real.. real fast ! 🥴Cheers to 12 yrs of trusting him to get me to ANY destination safe and sound 🏍 💪🏾🙏🏾#vroom . . . . . . . . #duduke #bikevideos #ridingvlog #ducatipanigale #coupleswhoride #coupleswhoridetogetherstaytogether #igcouple #goals💪 #citytripping #traveltolive #withbae #perfectmoments #marriedcouple #husbendandwife #wifeysworld #youngmarriage #marrigegoals #millenialmarried #blacklovematters #blackloverevolution (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEScOUAhBaJ/?igshid=9envx5jo0cup
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adrugcalledfashion · 5 years ago
S2 Episode 16- "Baby I've Been Making Plans" Featuring Andre & Erica Gladden
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wcatradio · 6 years ago
Special Guest Host Michael Horn Interviews Michael O'Keefe
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indog · 5 years ago
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Graphic news made with Vidi Vaka about: Young Marriage’s. 
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sighcotick-blog · 8 years ago
I love my husband. I honestly could not ask for a better partner in life. Every day I see him, I’m grateful for his existence and his place in my life. Whoever said young marriage was a bad idea–they had the wrong idea of marriage. To us, our marriage is rooted in Christ. He paired us together and I would never take that for granted. Be both have the same goals in life, we both want the same things. We both want a large family, but not yet. We both want to travel and are willing to do anything to make that happen. We both want to live secure, debt-free lives and are working on it. We are each other’s best friends. We tell each other everything, and miss each other every second that we’re apart. Young marriage isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. I’m still going to visit 100 countries, I’m just going to do it with my best friend. I’m still going to cliff dive in Greece, it’ll just be holding his hand. I don’t need to date a million men to feel I’ve lived life, that seems ridiculous to me. It may be for some, but it is not my preference. I found my One, and I’m not going to delay being with him just to sleep with someone else, there’s no one else I’d rather be with than him. Marriage isn’t something to fear. To be honest, it’s not that different than before. Just now everyone knows we’re together forever.
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streetordeen1 · 8 years ago
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1325895825 · 3 years ago
Instagram post added by gjensen25 https://youtu.be/nMKRmvN5g9c. Shock Talkin is tuning into Kimile’s professional advice, as a therapist, on SEX. The good, the bad and the ugly💗💗#missusa89 #shocktalkin #healwithkimile #podcast #podcastingwomen #weeklypodcast #funnypodcast #podcasters #sex #sexinmarriage #sextherapy #swingerslifestyle #cheating #healthysexlife #therapy #counseling #marriage #youngmarriage #selfishrelationships #billcosby #harveyweinstein #vegas #buffets #crazypeople #abusiverelationships #sexproblems #selfishmen - Gramhir.com
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