#young adrien victus
sol-consort · 8 months
Can you imagine the chaos if they did find out? Like, idk, a young turian adult from a traditional family is rebelling and googles human porn/erotica to spite his parents and stumbles upon something akin to AO3 with an entire tag dedicated to nesting and breeding? And then of course he tells his friends, and they tell their other friends, and then their siblings find out and all of a sudden a chunk of the new turian adult generation know about how some humans fantasise about nesting and getting bred.
On a completely different note, but turian related, have you met Adrien Victus yet? -blue anon
Oh my god imagine if they end up getting misinformed and start thinking ao3 and other sites contains actual accurate human sex, like how a lot of people who grew up watching porn start thinking it's realistic sex.
Turians spreading remours between themselves about "nesting" and "bite marks" and distorting their own views on humans and why they like leaving hickies on each other.
You invite a turian friend back to your home just to hang out, and they end up wandering into your room and finding 3 blankets and a bunch of pillows or plushies on your bed? Their mind immediately wins gold at the Olympics of jumping to conclusions, and they think you're nesting, obviously.
Suddenly they're affectionate and asking weird questions like is your neck okay or do they smell fine to you? You keep saying the room temperature is normal whenever they ask if you're in heat.
Going back home and calling their turian gaggle of friends and gossiping about it with them laying on the bed and legs kicking in the air and all. Exaggerating some parts about how they definitely just met a human in heat who was nesting and Ha! fuck you dad! Ao3 is a valid source for human sex educational.
Maybe you bite your friend as a joke, like their arm or something because they stole one of your fries. And the turians eating with the two of you look completely flustered and stuttering, not believing their eyes and immediately thinking it means you two are a thing now. One of them who has been clingy to you before, is suddenly dejected as if his heart shattered into a million pieces.
Also on that note, turians are offical creeps in the universe, like it is in their blood to be creepy fucks who walk the thin line of what's appropriate or not. Creepy nerds who keep reading misinformation about human sex and taking it as facts. Making groups and blogs, introduction guides and categorising our kinks as different types of human mating.
Completely becoming obsessed rather than, yk, having sex with a human to find out like any normal person would. No they rather argue in the comment section of a home-made Turian/human porno about how this isn't accurate and the human clearly isn't enjoying themselves because they aren't moaning like a porn star and the turian should be charged for war crimes and hanged because he is a shame to their species for letting this human down in bed.
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And yes I did meet him! I wanted to fuck him normally but then I found out he has a son and he became instantly ten times hotter to me and now I want to fuck him abnormal freaky style. Gonna have him lay my eggs.
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teamdilf · 1 year
turian world building gets me so excited! i’d love to hear anything you’d like to share about estate turian culture. i’d also love any fic links you’d like to throw up that explore this topic.
Ooh, I’ll bring you on a journey today!
The turian estate families are a small group of families (Victus, Sparatus, Malso, Kandros and Surcus being a few examples), who live in massive estates in an old neighbourhood in Cipritine. They are descended from soldiers whose actions were so heroic; so helpful to the cause during the Unification War, that the Hierarchy gifted them with large plots of land in what was, at the time, the edge of Cipritine.
Every one of them opted to build a house, with the mindset that it would be the family home. Over generations, the houses are expanded to accommodate the growing number of family members, but soon this idea becomes twisted as it becomes clear that they’ll never have a house large enough to fit everyone. So, someone comes up with the bright idea that the highest ranking child of the owner is the one who inherits it. Every other family follows suit.
The result of this is that there are different tiers in these families. There’s the family that resides in the home, and then those who need to either marry into another estate family home, or live as (mostly) ordinary citizens with a very good name.
Arranged marriages are common, and so are accidents befalling the top-ranked child. Adrien’s father, Erasmus Victus’ older brother fell victim to such an accident, when he and Erasmus were on the same mission. Just a tragic coincidence… right?
Over the centuries, some families fall on hard times and must sell their estate to a “new credits” family. No matter how long the new residents live in the estate, they’re never seen fully as part of this exclusive club, but it is common for less highly-ranked children to marry into a new credits family to take advantage of their wealth, increasing the opportunities for them and their children. This is what Sparatus winds up doing - he and his wife wind up becoming friends, and have two children, but never fall in love with one another. But, his wife’s wealth and influence allow both of them to go far in Hierarchy and galactic politics! Sparatus’ niece was initially promised to Adrien, who rejected an arranged marriage, estranging himself from his abusive parents for years because he fell in love with Tullia, who comes from an ordinary middle class family.
Adrien loathes his origins so thoroughly that he works to shake his upper class accent as a young man, adopting Tullia’s accent instead. It slips out when he’s been drinking - especially at formal events with estate turians in attendance and it pisses him off.
All but two of the estates are destroyed during the war, but the remaining families petition the Hierarchy to purchase government land outside the city, which they use to build gaudy new mansions. The official who made that call did not consult Adrien, and made the deal because they determined that they needed the credits more than the land. Adrien, who recognizes that his people needs land to grow food, is furious and tries to stop the deal, only to discover he’s too late. This both infuriates and devastates him.
A lot of my Victus-focused work gets into Adrien’s horrific childhood and the deep scorn he feels for the wealthiest in Hierarchy society, but here are a few that really get into it:
A Broken Old Estate - Adrien’s origin story, told through a mix of flashbacks and current events. CW: child abuse, death of a sibling, death of a child, and drug/alcohol addiction.
The Family Dinner - Tullia meets Adrien’s parents for the first time. CW: child abuse, and drug/alcohol addiction.
The In-Laws and the Grandparents - A minor deviation from my canon universe wherein Adrien’s parents attempt to assassinate his adopted daughter, Aurelia, with Adrien covering her and taking the hit. The focus is on their father-daughter relationship, but there is a heavy helping of estate turian culture and politics - and even more in a coming chapter. CW: attempted murder of a child, major character injury, medical procedures, PTSD, and child abuse.
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angelwingsl3 · 3 years
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Begin by @s0me-writer /  Some_Writer
Art by @palavenmoons
Adrien Victus’ origin story. <3 
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I feel like it gets overlooked a lot that it isn't that Garrus isn't a team player or bad at what he does. He's impulsive, yeah, and a hundred percent a hothead, but that doesn't really speak for his actual skill.
Honestly, looking back on it from the POV of my most recent playthroughs, it's more like... he's very much a younger version of Adrien Victus in some ways. He's unorthodox and unpopular with his peers, but those he works with find a loyal, intelligent young turian with a keen mind for tactics and exemplary leadership skills.
He has a sort of charisma of his own, swaying people to his cause when he needs to. Look at the team he put together on Omega! Disparate groups coming together for a common goal.
Was vigilante-ism a good idea? Absolutely not. But it let his real, genuine talent shine.
If you stop him from killing Sidonis, he's forced to stop and consider. Putting him in charge of the fire teams on the Collector base, then, lets him really show what kind of turian he really is. And I think that's what puts him in a better position to enact the kind of change needed on Palaven, even with minimal resources, to prepare them for the Reapers (with the help of his father, who - I think it always gets looked over - fully believes his son and trusts his trust in Shepard; we hear him say it OUT LOUD in one of the unlocked memories in Andromeda).
That being said, I'm sure if you'd asked Adrien in his younger years if he was a good turian, he very likely would have said no himself.
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Tarquin Victus, Adrien Victus, Grizz, Lorik, Rolan GO
Jsdjjd can we at least get a coffee first?
Rolan my beloathed little mrrp mrrp
Send me a character and I will answer these prompts about them
First impression
Tarquin: my mind was swarming:
Imagine waking up one day in the middle of the worst galactic war and finding out you're now the son of the new Primarch because everyone else is dead or MIA. What was it like being the son of Adrien Victus, did he always feel like he's living in his dad's shadow? His dad Primarch has just promoted him out of the blue so he can lead a super top secret mission on which the turian-krogan alliance hinges and isn't that a lot to handle? Of course he fucked up and misjudged, he's obviously young and inexperienced and trying to live up to his dad, but isn't Adrien somewhat to blame for putting this responsibility on his shoulders-
Adrien: every time I close my eyes I see that ass shot of him in front of Palaven. Like congrats, you're the Primarch now and here's your planet burning!
But also at the time I was so elated to have Garrus back I could only acknowledge that Victs was a hot older turian 😩👌🏻 but not much beyond that. Back on the Normany tho 😳
Let's just say that I keep thinking thoughts
Grizz: "I would work for you anytime 😏"
Lorik: Oh no 😳
Impression now
Tarquin: first impression but turn it up by 11 + Baby boy, you deserved so much better than this!!! You deserved to come home and to redeem yourself without being turned into a martyr 😭😭😭
Adrien: [REDACTED]
Also, Bioware really gave us a sad turian dilf and expects me to be normal about this???
Grizz: I hope you're getting paid a decent wage
Lorik: I know he's a businessman but he's so polite and endearing!! He just keeps trying to use human expressions but he's also terrible at it!! I love him!!!
Favorite moment
Tarquin: Garrus says it, he never hesitated. Tarquin saw what needed to be done and he did it. We spend so much time with him on that bomb and I think that was a genius decision. It shows us how young he's like in his early 20s and just lost pretty much his whole squad because of his mistake, because he tried to be clever like his dad but didn't have the experience to back it up and- and scared he is in that moment but he's also so determined to finish the mission now.
I think that scrombled my brain a bit.
Adrien: that moment when he's told he's the Primarch now because Fedorian is dead and pretty much everyone in line before him is either also dead or MIA. The shock and horror because he never expected it to happen, there were so many people better suited for the job but they're all dead now and he's a soldier not a politician. But he accepts it with determination because his people need him to be the Primarch now even if it means abandoning his squad on Menae to be quite possibly slaughtered by the Reapers.
It's the ruthless calculus of war. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Also the ass shot... I am looking (respectfully)👁👁
Grizz: kskdkd when you use a paragon option and he just "Alright fine u didn't hear it from me though"
Lorik: how fast he crumbles when you ask him to testify against Anoleis. Like yaas king, don't play hard to get 😩👌🏻
Idea for a story
Tarquin: he survives the Tuchanka mission. Just that. I want to see him live and get to see his dad again. Consequences be damned.
Adrien: what I said about Tarquin. I'm pretty sure he would rather have his son back that have a martyr.
Also @hanarinhightown's idea for Adrien and Castis being old friends who got back in touch because Adrien needed someone to show him some tough love and who better than that nerd Vakarian who kept bugging him about protocol back in when they were in basic who he also had a crush on.
So after the war they finally meet again and finally get to talk about everything and it culminates with Castis gives a handjob to the Primarch of Palaven
Grizz: Grizz's day off. I want to see how mundane life on Omega looks like for someone like him.
Lorik: I want the whole Noveria quest explored better and more in-depth with both his and Gianna's involvement as well as a proper dive into the class culture of Noveria (maybe even add Lilihierax into it 👀). I want the tension 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Favorite relationship
Tarquin: Victus
Adrien: Tarquin (and Garrus)
Grizz: hmmm maybe Aria? Or maybe he's buddies with Gavorn? 🤔
Lorik: either Gianna or Lilihierax
Unpopular opinion
Yeah idk
Favorite headcanon
Tarquin: he never wanted to be a soldier. I kind of believe he wanted to be an architect or something like that after his compulsory service except the Victus family is so synonymous with the military and war he didn't have a choice. And then the Reaper War started and he had even less of a choice.
Also he can cook good 🤌🏻
Adrien: used to be in the same unit as Castis back in basic and we're constantly bickering like an old married couple. At one point people just stopped recommending they settle their difference in the fighting ring and instead to do it in a more intimate environment.
Grizz: I like to think that he occasionally chats with Patriarch.
Lorik: he has a crush on both Gianna and Lilihierax and no, I am not projecting
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
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Archer Hawke & Anders
"Carolus Rex” by Sabaton
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Cyrion Hawke & Litriel Lavellan
"In My Daughters Eyes” by Martina McBride
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Dreag Hawke & Janus Lupus
"The Call Of Ktulu” by Metallica
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Lia Tabris & Rufus Trevelyan & Adrian Lupus
"Stargazers” by Nightwish
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Than Mahariel & Alceon Lupus
"I Wear My Sunglass At Night” by Corey Hart
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Sethius Amladaris & Narya Lavellan
"Dance Dance” by Fall Out Boy
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Elgan Lavellan & Kai Kresge
"Untouched” by The Veronicas
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Diran Lavellan & Dorian Pavus
"Sympathy” by Billy Talent
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Hjarrandr O Bearhold & Valerie An Zarda O Bearhold
"All These Lives” by Daughtry
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Lucius Veridio & Bella Lupus
"Shy” by Sonata Arctica
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Etienne De Lechanger & Appius Trius
"Already Gone” by Kelly Clarkson
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Nicolas Belmond & Merlyn Lavellan
“Cry” by Rihanna
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Malcolm Hawke & Nedra Surana
"Stronger” by Britney Spears
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Tomey Surana & Alan Ar Zara Bearhold
"Summerboy” by Lady Gaga
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Lyon Amell & Jacob Rivera
"One Day Too Late” by Skillet
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Solona Amell & Armando Fiorenci
"The Alchemist” by Rusell Watson & Lara Fabian
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Talar Adaar & Vixten Adaar
"Figure 0.9″ by Linkin Park
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Jerker & Lilah
"Cold” by Crossfade
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Eric Vanhallen & Adam Hawke
"Walking In The Air” by Nightwish
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Ishal Cyprias & Filip Blythe
"Fields Of Gold” by Sting
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Lorenzo Calcagnini & Lilo Young
"I’m Still Here” by Vertical Horizon
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Armadiel Mahariel & Mario DeVillacorta
"Living La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin
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Irius Sparatus & Nedra Shepard
"Family Portrait” by Pink
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Karnesh & Silia Salvilus
"Simple Obsession (What About Us” by Enigma
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Clavius Tarxis & Tibesius Suldonis
"Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell
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Renius Sparatus & Vivia Bonisis
"Crazy” by Simple Plan
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Torana Sparatus & Nigel Shepard
“Wishmaster” by Nightwish
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Jurdon Madadh & Nyx Avequa
"Legends Never Die” by Against The Current
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Raik Cagar & Nakmor Drack
"Seize The Night” by Meat Loaf
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Haral Nyras & Lisell Avequa
"Another Brick In The Wall” by Pink Floyd
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay & Han’Xanis Vas Astra
"Wake Up Call” by Maroon5
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Noah Shepard & Liara T’Soni
"Hope Vol 2.” by Apocalyptica feat. Matthias Sayer
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Marius Nyras & Lucius Suldonis
"Dying Life” by Keen
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Andrew Ryder & Pelessaria “PB” B’Sayle
"Born To Be Wild” by Steppenwolf
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tayus Draxas & Maxius Kryik
"Listen To The Rain” by Evanescence
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Macen Barro & Avitus Rix
"Do Something” by Britney Spears
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Sam & Salla Ryder
"Shame” by Robbie Williams
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tachyus Nyras & Garrus Vakarian
"Changes” by 3 Doors Down
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yandra Nyras & Nolus Abgius
"One Step Closer” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yaora V’Loar & Magnar Shepard
"Please Don’t Let Me Be Missunderstood” by Santa Esmeralda
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Urdnot Wreav & Jirida Avequa
"Into The Open Air” by Brave OST
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Adrien Victus & Camephilia
"The Rose” by Bette Middler
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Septimus Oraka & Serlio Salvilus
"So Cold” by Breaking Benjamin
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Belle Instance & Augustus Rookwood
"My Prerogative” by Britney Spears
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Pamina Siemens & Neville Longnbottom
"Little Bit Of Feel Good” by Jamie Lidell
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Fenrir Greyback & Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
"Centuries” by Fall Out Boy
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Amelia Fernandez & Willhelm Marble
"Deep Silent Complete” by Nightwish
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Connor Montgomery & Lassie Young
“No More Sorrow” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Carlisle Eastwood & Solje Henud
“Burning Bright” by Shinedown
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Daniel Speedman & Ellie Spindelweed
“Nobody’s Listening” by Linkin Park
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Carolus & Gilda Gloomsdale
“Starstrukk” by 3OH!3 feat. Katy Perry
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wafflesrock16 · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adrien Victus/Original Turian Female Character(s), Adrien Victus & Tarquin Victus Characters: Adrien Victus, Tarquin Victus, original turian characters Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, young Tarquin Summary:
Tarquin's graduation from bootcamp brings back fond memories for his father.
Written for Spec Recs! @angelwingsl3​ I was your gifter! Loved your prompts so much I had to write two of them <3
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lassieposting · 6 years
honestly tarquin victus makes me so sad because? ultimately this guy is a kid, probably in his twenties, who’s put in a position he’s not ready for by his father because he - adrien - needs someone he can trust implicitly
so he’s put in charge of all these people, some of whom are probably older and/or more experienced than he is. and it’s never easy to be a young person in charge of older people, even without the turian cultural pressure to instantly succeed. they probably second-guessed every action he took as squad leader. and he messes up, and people die
but? he was mimicking his father.
clever tactics and doing the unexpected is what adrien victus is known for. this is the person tarquin would have grown up watching, the example he’s been set. of course he’s going to follow his father’s method of doing things. and really, especially in terms of military command, he’s a bab. he’s going to screw up. you learn from your mistakes. like? look at how immature and naive garrus was in me1, compared to me2 and 3. and how much he matures - both through shep’s encouragement and teaching, and through the shitstorm he lives through on omega. victus would’ve grown up too, and learned better ways to lead.
but he’s got all his soldiers over here like “yeah do you think they’ll shoot or hang him for this?” and like? honestly the boy is trying his best and he’s owned up to the fuck-up despite the fact that it was a clever tactic and if the reapers hadn’t just happened to spot them it would have worked and just?
he’s a good kid and deserves so much better and im so mad there’s no way shep can save him 
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yes-this-is-sam · 7 years
Caeter and Vite for the OC asks
WOO Ok I’ll do Cae first. 
01. Full name: Caeter Octavus
02. Best friend: Jirr, though they’ve never met. Just bitch at each other on the extranet.
03. Sexuality: Fluid
04. Favorite colour: 
05. Relationship status: taken by Annamarie (Marie) Mariani
06. Ideal mate: Someone completely forthright and honest, who doesn’t pull punches. Likes to talk things through. Someone he doesn’t have to second-guess anything about. Independent, has their life together and owns their own decisions. Someone who can make shit work. 
07. Turn-ons: being teased, especially while he’s working and has to focus really hard on something. Also, super light touches, definitely on his waist and the hide between his plates on his back. 
08. Favorite food: He’s got a thing for fruit. Bit hard for him to eat and it gets stuck between his teeth but. 
09. Crushes: M a r i e (for like… two whole years before he finally approached her. they’ve been dating for a year and he STILL has a crush)
10. Favorite music: Old human rock songs from the 1950s-80s. He’s got a huge file full of them on his Omni and tortures the crew with them regularly. 
11. Biggest fear: Being led on by anyone friend/SO and finding out their relationship with him was either pity or deliberately done to trap/humiliate him. 
12. Biggest fantasy: He doesn’t really have one. He’s a very In The Moment guy and just being with his team, loving his girl, and having the time of his life fidgeting with gadgets and playing with cool new ships keeps him super happy and is the best thing ever. He’s got some small idea of settling down in a nice home with a family but it’s not well formed and he’s not sure if that’s what he actually wants.
13. Bad habits: Clicks his mandibles repetitively while he’s flying and checking dials and such (drives Marie batty). Acting before he thinks things all the way through. 
14. Biggest regret: Running away and enlisting in the Hierarchy. Should have run away and joined C-Sec instead.
15. Best kept secrets: a rather advanced skill in forging documentation, makes a lot of Jirr’s amongst other people. 
16. Last thought: “Who… who’s watching Tok right now?”
17. Worst romantic experience: His first. Just before he ran away to the Hierarchy, he was around 14 and a Turian girl 3 years older than him on the same vessel seduced him in order to steal launch codes so her father could steal control of the ship and join a mercenary outfit. He caught her before she left and managed to get them back but they both did a great deal of damage to each other.
18. Biggest insecurity: Not being good enough. 
19. Weapon of choice: His transport. If it doesn’t have guns, he’s happy to ram you with it. He has windshield washer fluid. 
20. Role Model: Decian Chellick
01. Full name: Vitetoria Tyrados - changed to Digeris
02. Best friend: Tiran Kandros
03. Sexuality: Demisexual
04. Favorite color: Deep purple
05. Relationship status: Single af
06. Ideal mate: Someone who values their path and pursues it without letting anything interfere but can still balance their personal life. Who won’t ask her to give up anything and is okay with separation for work purposes. 
07. Turn-ons: smart, fast, cunning, and driven. 
08. Favorite food: She’s pretty much a carnivore. If its meat, she likes it. Even Pyjak and Varren.
09. Crushes: None
10. Favorite music: Good beat and heavy bass. 
11. Biggest fear: Swimming.
12. Biggest fantasy: Becoming a Spectre
13. Bad habits: getting detached/apathetic when she’s under pressure. digging her talons into things whenever she’s bored or thinking too hard.
14. Biggest regret: Not mentioning her biotics when she’d noticed them showing. She let her worry that it would limit her ability to do what she wanted in the military cost her an entire extra year of training. 
15. Best kept secrets: She REALLY likes nice, fancy, sexy shoes. And dresses with high leg slits.
16. Last thought: “I’d kill for a hot shower. Maybe Tiran wouldn’t mind helping me get my back again.”
17. Worst romantic experience: Infiltration assignment. Had to act like a young, coy ditz and seduce a target so she could get into his room and hack his personal terminal to get information she needed. 
18. Biggest insecurity: Making a bad call
19. Weapon of choice: Biotics
20. Role Model: Saren Arterius, Councillor Sparatus, Nihlus Kyrik, Adrien Victus
Gods these were harder than I thought xD
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theravenofwynter · 7 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Tarquin Victus, Adrien Victus, Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Garrus Vakarian, Original Krogan Character(s), Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Amnesia, Attempt at Humor, Destroy Ending, Angst, Post-Mass Effect 3, Established Shepard/Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect 3, Family Feels, Angst and Feels, Canon-Typical Violence Series: Part 3 of Turian Machinations of Spectres and Primarchs Summary:
Crawling out of his unmarked, desert grave a young turian must struggle to carve out a new life for himself during the height of the reaper war. With no memory of who he is, he has little choice but to piece together the fragments of his past, not knowing if he'll like the picture that comes together in the end.
Excerpt: “Wait!” He called helplessly from his spot on the floor. “Wait! Come back!" Panic gripped his heart like a vice as he watched his answer-source slip away from him. "I don't know who I am! I don't know who I am!"
His voice fell on deaf ears, swallowed up in a chorus of moans and wails from the room's other occupants. His voice was just another drop in a sea of outcry for both help and answers.
  Now complete with amazing cover art by Beth Ad Astra.
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vikktus · 7 years
headcanon 002. 
just an info dump about nella pli victus, adrien’s beautiful and amazing wife bc she is one of my new favorite oc’s and /???? i love her. 
first of all: this is what she looks like, markings-wise. ( IM A BAD DRAWER, SSHHHh )
she was originally a field medic in the turian army, but eventually worked her way up to the chief medical officer of her platoon ( while victus himself was slowly climbing the ranks.  ) 
in 2160 CE, nella was chosen as one of several turian medical personnel to take part in a cross-species research program on earth. there she learned human anatomy and became invested in researching biotics. this is also where she reunited with adrien, as he was assigned as her military escort.
after about two years both nella and adrien return palaven and stay in contact. as it turns out, they both live in cipritine, the capital. they eventually enter into a relationship 
she retired young she joined a private research firm where she studied turian biotics and long-term affects of exposure element zero on turians
her birthday is the same as victus’s- the 35th day of the 11th month in 2140 CE !
she died under unknown circumstances in 2183 CE, at 43 years of age. 
she was very spunky personality, and is not shy it any way, which is a big part of why adrien loves her so-- their personalities match perfectly.
she sounds like fiona from tales from the borderlands.
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teamdilf · 10 months
1, 17 and 29 for ao3 wrapped please?
How many words have you written this year?
Answered here!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Aurelia Victus – both in my canon universe and my various alternative universes. In canon, we see how she’s grown from the young woman who so-lacked confidence into a leader in her industry on Tuchanka. In the Adrien’s Parents Live alternative universe, we see a whole different sort of strength, and the depth of her devotion to her father.
I’ve started another Aurelia-focused work in my canon universe but haven’t touched it in a few months, because it’s so sad and so tough to write (and because of BG3 brainrot). It may not ever see the light of day, but I just love writing her so much.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
This is the hardest I’ve ever laughed while writing something – from An Unfortunately Sexy Man (under a cut for mild NSFW):
“I’m a fan of orgasms and think they’re great but I’d sooner never have another if it meant I didn’t have to fuck Tann,” Addison says, taking a brave stance on the topic of orgasm. “Wow. Really going out on a limb here when you say you like orgasms,” Kesh says sarcastically.
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teamdilf · 1 year
Get to know your fanfic writer!
Tagged by @commander-krios - thanks!
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
2005 - it was for the Lost fandom and was a silly little one shot about Vincent the dog.
First Character(s) you wrote?
Captain Jack Sparrow, in a fanfic I wrote as a young teenager in a notebook I still have hidden away somewhere.
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Astarion, Karlach and Petra (my Tav) from Baldur’s Gate 3.
Adrien Victus, Castis Vakarian, Urdnot Wrex, Alec Ryder and Lora Shepard from Mass Effect.
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
He’s an OC, but Jan, who is Petra’s youngest brother! He’s a sweet bean of a person and I’m not sure if he’ll show up in Lost Souls Like Us or if he’ll make his first major appearance in whatever the sequel is, but he’s a lot more like Petra than her other siblings, and knows the pain of not fitting in with the rest of the family, as Petra does. He’s a lot younger than her (23 years younger!), so she’s very protective of him.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Baldur’s Gate 3, Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Castis Vakarian & Lora Shepard
Adrien Victus & Aurelia Victus
Castis Vakarian & Urdnot Wrex & Adrien Victus & Alec Ryder
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Castis Vakarian/Cecilia Vakarian
Adrien Victus/Tullia Victus
Your top AO3 tags?
Current platform you use for posting?
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
From an as yet untitled Baldur’s Gate 3 WIP:
“Be realistic. Don’t send your youngest son away,” she pleads, but Father gives her a sharp look and when he speaks it's stern; more like Grandfather instead of Father’s own gentle tone.
“You do not contribute more than the bare minimum to the household, therefore you do not get a say in how I raise my son.”
There it is: because she makes magic on stage instead of shoes, she’s not good enough to have an opinion on how her youngest brother spends Mother’s final days.
“Does Jan not get a say in how he lives his life?”
“He’s 14,” Father says, deflating. The carriage arrives to take Jan away and he weeps, wiping his eyes on the velvet sleeves of his black suit. Father told him to wear his nicest outfit for the journey to the academy. A dragon must make a good first impression.
Tagging @westernlarch, @thetrashbagswasteland, @outpost51 and @sparatus
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teamdilf · 1 year
For the fic writer asks:
👽 Strangest fic you ever written?
I think the strangest one has to be The Admiral’s Body in the Presidium Gardens with the Poisoned Syringe, simply because the premise is so out there - two minor characters and one of the game's companions getting pushed together against their will to solve a murder. Wrex & Adrien isn't a terribly uncommon dynamic to see in Mass Effect fanfiction, but tossing Castis in there livens up the party a fair bit!
🔪 The fic/chapter that hurt the most to write?
You totally asked me this because you know the answer, haha! 😂It's the last chapter of How We Met, that features a significant flashforward and shows Castis caring for Cecilia while she's terminally ill. It was devastating enough that I felt the need to warn people that the chapter before it was a perfectly satisfying close to the story if they wanted to skip the pain.
The last line of the fic is the proudest I am of any ending I've ever written, though I was sobbing as I wrote it.
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
I think my favourite fun fact is that the illness plotline of The Turian General, in the Parliament Building, with Knowledge of a Secret Turian Bomb was lifted from a cut plotline from my canon universe! The circumstances in which it occurs were quite different - Adrien's medication was tainted, leaving Castis and Lettie investigating to figure out who would want to assassinate a long-retired primarch (and to do so in such a cowardly manner!). There are still hints of the plotline developing in The Next Generation, and I'd be very curious if anyone ever picks up on what they are, given this information.
Ultimately, I decided that, within the canon universe, the Victus and Shepard-Vakarian families had been through enough, and tossing in an attempted assassination/major medical crisis a good 15ish years after Adrien retired was a bit too far. They've earned their rest and a happy, quiet life.
But the no-Reaper universe was fair game, and I think it honestly works a lot better there, because the threat to them is ultimately a far larger one and Tullia's vengeance is more satisfying, given all they went through. It also provided a nice opportunity to show Tarquin in a universe where he doesn't die young and is working to achieve the dreams he never could within the canon universe.
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teamdilf · 1 year
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
For Tullia and Sabina pls? 🥺 I’ve been rotating them around in my head this week
In general, Tullia is not a good liar, and rarely has reason to lie. She’s honest and unwilling to hide her feelings about someone (or something). Most of her lies concern how she’s doing on a personal level, which does make it easier for those who know her well to catch her in a lie.
Sabina is also not a very good liar - Adrien raised her to be an honest person, so she’s never had much need to lie, and prefers to be transparent with people whenever possible.
Tullia struggles to remain patient. She hates waiting and has a short temper, so often cannot control her feelings in situations that frustrate her.
Sabina struggles with guilt! She feels a lot of pressure to live up to her big brother’s example, and when she feels she falls short, is very hard on herself. The guilt she feels following two traumatic incidents in the AU where she does not die young weighs heavily on her, leading to depression.
Tullia tells it like it is and refuses to behave diplomatically towards those she does not like or respect. This can be jarring for those who don’t know her, or expect to be the quiet wife of an estate turian (LOL no, and Adrien loves that she’s loud).
Sabina’s sense of humour! She picked it up off her brother and she’s funny! She teases people that she cares for! It’s a bit shocking to those who first meet her; they assume that a Victus will be a stern, serious person and she’s very much not.
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teamdilf · 1 year
For the OC asks, please may I have: -💯, 💔and 💘 for Cecilia pls 🥺 and then maybe... -🥯, 🍃 and 🎮 for Adrien (I know it says OC but frankly you know him better than bioware shh)
She likes to sing! She's not an amazing singer, but it's one of her favourite ways to comfort her kids when they're young.
She's allergic to varrens and the thought of experimenting with allergy medication to find a combination that works exacerbates her anxiety. This is something that was missed during the gene therapy she received while her mother was pregnant with her, and her parents probably could have pursued some sort of claim, but figured a pet allergy is hardly the worst thing that could happen.
She's only had a few sips of alcohol in her life - after her anxiety disorder diagnosis, she resolved to avoid intoxicants. Plus she just didn't like the taste of it and never understood why people would want to drink something that (in her mind) tastes gross.
She's stubborn, and sometimes pushes too hard when she encounters red tape or a rule that prevents her from doing something. Garrus gets that from her!
When she's hurting, she can be blunt in a way that hurts those around her in an attempt to get through to them. This is most apparent following her diagnosis when Castis is struggling with the reality of the situation.
If you buy her the wrong brand of food/personal care products she gets cranky.
I'm gonna cheat and say Castis, Garrus and Solana. Castis would claim that she puts the kids above him (and believes that is the way things should be), but when the kids are old enough to be left with her sister, Val, once a year she travels to the Citadel to spend a week with Castis - just the two of them. Her marriage is important to her and she recognizes the need to have time alone.
Before having children, it was usually a protein bar as he was going out the door, but after the kids are born, he and Tullia really want to get their children into the habit of eating healthy meals for breakfast, so one of them cooks breakfast every morning. When he's home, this means he almost always has a hot breakfast - eggs, toast, sausages and dextro bacon are common breakfast items in the Victus household.
Military tactics and the pre-combat lessons he received in grade school before beginning basic training. He was obsessed with strategy - partially because he wanted to find a way to do things better.
Bad movies! It started out as a form of rebellion for him - his dad wouldn't let them watch action movies, indicating that they'd rot their brains, so as soon as Adrien left for basic training he downloaded as many action movies as he could get his hands on. Unfortunately no one intervened as he wound up with a bunch of really lame ones, but he discovered how fun it was to crack jokes while watching them, and it's something he got his sister, Sabina into, and then decades later, he started watching them with his daughter, Aurelia.
Exercise. Keeping in combat condition is a priority for him, which means he maintains a strict exercise regimen that includes an early morning run and at least an hour in the gym. He doesn't necessarily spar with someone every time he visits the gym, but he does several times a week, and post-retirement often finds himself fighting fairly green young people who haven't been around at the gym long enough to realize that he's really damn good at hand-to-hand. Most of the people his age at the gym are smart enough to stay well away from the sparring ring when he's around!
Photography. As a boy, someone gave him a camera and it became an excuse to escape the estate. He prefers landscape photography and enjoys hiking to photograph captivating views, sunrises, sunsets, and anything else that happens to catch his eye. He refuses to ever sell his photos - at least while he's still alive, because it's important to him that it remain a hobby and not an occupation.
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