whateatme · 10 days
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Are you ready to be spanked by mommy inbox mommy now for a session 🎀🍼🙈💩💖💋.
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whateatme · 14 days
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whateatme · 26 days
The perfect day starts with a big stinky in the diaper ☀️💩😌
Der perfekte Tag startet mit nem großen Stinker in der Windel ☀️💩😌
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whateatme · 2 months
Westfield city adventures part 1 (Follow up to white and crinkly Christmas)
Driving in the SUV, and hauling the U-haul behind them spirits were mostly high for the West family after the hell that had been the Christmas, and then all the teasing Kevin had gone through at school they were making their way to a new life in Westfield. Out of the three people in the semi packed SUV only one was pouting, but since it was HIS fault the move even had to happen he just sulked in silence for the most part in the backseat, said silence is broken only by the occasional slurp from his big gulp. The sulker had a name and it was Ben and it was because of him his big brother had spent most of Christmas day in diapers and even ended up having a few accidents and it was because of him that his brother had been labeled a diaper boy.
Ben DID feel bad, for the most part, but just didn’t understand why stupid Kevin couldn’t just grin and bear the teasing while Ben enjoyed the LARGE group of friends he’d made, bragging about how he’d put his brother back into diapers and had been giving tips to other little brothers on how to do the same (well, had been till daddy had found out and spanked him silly) the thought of trying to start over and get that popular again irked him, and he glared at the front seats and willed Kevin or daddy to have an accident… Only for his own bladder to start to twinge causing him to start squirming in his seat. Sitting shotgun was Kevin, the poor boy who had gone through all of that horrible diaper humiliation amazingly didn’t hold too much of a grudge against his little brother, and in the time between Christmas and now he had even gone through a growth spurt.
Thinking about all the teasing he had gone through he had developed a thicker skin for it but it was still hard at times and he knew he was the main reason behind daddy deciding to move to a different state. He did feel bad for Ben losing all of his friends and tried to cheer him up by reminding him that they could still stay in touch via Facebook and the like, but the brat had just tried to fart on him. Looking back at Ben he saw the little guy squirming again and turned back around, rolling his eyes. Ben who had actually gone up a size or two just had too small of a bladder for the big gulps he kept insisting on getting, and because of that, they were a good hour or more behind schedule, having to stop so often for Ben to take a whiz.
He toyed with suggesting they just put Ben in a diaper but knowing how bad that could be… He tried to hold off on that idea. While they still had SOME of the baby stuff that had been given to Kevin, it was mostly being kept to remind Ben of what could happen to him if he was bad. (They had gotten rid of the diapers, giving them to their cousins Alex and Justin.) Kevin was about to say something to his daddy when a police siren went off and they had to pull over.
Owen groaned, what else could go wrong with this trip? First, they’re moving guys bailed on them meaning they had to move everything themselves (Thankfully they had gotten rid of a lot of stuff to make room in the apartment they would have starting out, it was still three-bedroom at least.) and then Ben going into full sulk mode, and Ben having to pee more often than a nervous puppy… And now the cops. Pulling over to the side of the road, Owen rolled his window down as a young blond officer walked up, stopping to check their plates.
“Something the matter Officer? I thought I was going the speed limit.” Owen said, flashing a nervous grin. OK, he’d been going a little over it but come on, whoever heard of getting a ticket for doing 53 in a 50 zone? “You’re fine, we just had a report of a kid, not in a proper seat.” The officer said, and nodded to the back seat at Ben. “What?” Ben squeaked.
“Sir, did you know it’s illegal to let a toddler ride around in these parts without a car seat? Not to mention just plain unsafe?” The officer asked and glared. “…I’m not a toddler! I’m 8 you dingus!” Ben yelped out, crossing his arms and glaring, while Owen facepalmed. “I am SO sorry about that officer, he’s… Sensitive about his size.” Owen said. Thankfully the officer just smiled. “Well, that’s my mistake Mr.Eight. ” He said, talking to Ben then turning his attention back to Owen. “Still, he’s too small to be riding without some form of a car seat. Do you have one with you that can be used or do you need me to drive with you to the nearest store so you can pick one up?” “I… I-I have one in the U-haul officer. I’ll get him in it asap.”
“Sir, by law I’ll have to stay and make sure the child is secure.” The cop said again and smirked. “Whatttt? But I don’t wanna ride in a car seat! This is bulls-” “Ben buddy, I don’t think you wanna swear in front of a police officer.” Kevin said, interrupting his brother. “…Spit!” Ben groaned and sulked. As Owen and the cop dug through the trailer to get the car seat out, Ben and Kevin slid out of the SUV and headed to the back. “Uh, officer… Sir?” Kevin said, standing next to the squirming Ben. “You can call me Officer Tagger.” The Cop said and smirked. “I really need to pee, so I was wondering if it would be OK to do it at the side of the road while Ben here watches out for me.” Kevin said, a slight eye roll.
It was clear to anyone with a working set of eyes who really needed to go tinkle but the cop could see Kevin was trying to be a good big brother to the little dork. “Well, normally no… But I’ll let it pass just this once better make it count boys.” He said, and then turned his attention as Owen finally found the car seat. Hiding from the road on the one side of the trailer Kevin turned his back to try and give Ben more privacy to attend to his urgent business and heard nothing. “Any time now Ben.. We can’t wait out here all day with your willy in the air.” Kevin said. “I’m trying OK! I got all pee shy!”
“Ben, the next rest stop isn’t planned for like a half-hour… And I doubt we’ll get another chance.” “I’ll just pee into my cup if I have too!” “Just remember to toss the cup out this time if you do that…” Kevin snickered, recalling yesterday’s incident. “Shut up! That wasn’t funny!” Ben frowned and then finally, managed to get a few weak streams out… His bladder wasn’t emptied but it would last till the next fill up. Hopefully. By the time the boys were finished, the car seat was all set up and ready to go and Ben paused at the backdoor, looking at it, pouting. He had forgotten just how freaking babyish the thing was and looked over at Officer Tagger.
“I.. what if I just sat on some books instead!!” He asked. “I’m sorry son, that’s just not safe. Just be a good boy and take your seat.” Tagger said. Ben gave off a huge sigh, but, scared with the thought of going to jail (and of course not realizing it would just mean a ticket for daddy) he slowly climbed in and sat in the stupid baby seat. “I’m gonna complain the rest of the way there!’ He warned his daddy. “Because you’ve been a picture of sunshine up till now.” Owen muttered and buckled him in. Satisfied Officer Tagger nodded the family off and smiled. “…Cute kid. Almost feel bad for lying about the law.” He mused, having really been called on because his friend asked him to teach him a lesson after encountering him at a rest stop.
Sure it was a slight abuse of power but really, who would argue that with how pouty the little brat was, he didn’t kinda deserve it. Strapped in tight Ben was holding his drink with both hands and slurping on it again, clearly in a bad mood so Kevin didn’t even bother to try and tell him to hold off on the drinks. They were making good time and listening to an old 80’s rock station with Owen singing along and making a dork of himself in the process, which only made both boys groan for him to stop when they were coming up to other traffic.
Soon enough Ben’s bladder was full up again and he was squirming like crazy in the car seat. Thankfully they were at the rest stop by then and Daddy was parking the SUV, they didn’t need gas yet so this was a straight-up snack and bathroom stop. “Alright boys, I’m gonna go get us some munchies, you two go get drinks and use the potty.” Owen called out to the boys. Looking in the rearview mirror he spotted Ben struggling to get out of the car seat and smirked. “Kevin, you wanna go and help Ben out?” he asked, getting out and walking into the store after Kevin nodded.
Sliding out of the front seat Kevin came around to the back door and opened it. “Awww, is widdle Benny having troubles wiff him’s car seat?” Kevin asked. He was having a flashback to Christmas day, and him being stuck in the car seat and his own humiliation at a gas station… Though there was a bit more of a crowd around this time. “S-Shut up and get me out before I soak myself!” Ben grumbled and fussed with the buckles, to no avail.
“Well if you’d stop fussing and let me get at them I would!” Kevin said a sudden evil thought came into his head. Fumbling over the buckles Kevin made a face and then kept fumbling over them. “What are you waiting for!? Get me out of here!” Ben whined and kicked his legs, blushing and squirming like CRAZY now. “I think you busted something, they’re not coming undone!” Kevin said, faking a worried look on his face. “W-What!?” Ben yelped. “Hang on Benny! I’ll go get daddy!” Kevin said and took off, leaving the door open and showing off Ben in his car seat to a family of 4, who’s two girls were pointing and giggling.
Getting inside Kevin found his dad, having a casual conversation with one of the clerks while paying for some hot dogs and potato wedges and Kevin tugged on his dad’s leg, giving a perfect performance. “Daddy! I can’t get the buckles undone on Ben’s car seat and he’s gonna burst any second!” He said. “Crapppp! Kevin stay here and get our food when it’s ready!” Owen said, having been waiting on the fresh wedges to be done, and he dashed off.
Ben was on the verge of tears and trying to cross his legs, repeating a little poem out loud as he willed himself NOT to pee his pants. “C-Cross your legs, do a dance, that’s the way to keep dry pants..cross your legs, do a dance, that’s the way to keep dry pants.” Looking up he was glad to see daddy who smiled. “Heyyy buddy, relax… Well don’t relax too much… But daddy’s here.” he said and bent down, and pressed down hard on the buckles, figuring they had been jammed and Kevin just hadn’t been strong enough and the buckle clicked free. Scrambling out of the SUV Ben tried to get inside and to the boy’s room, making it all the way to door before well, the unthinkable happened. The pain in his bladder was JUST too much and as the bathroom door opened, and out came Kevin, there was Ben, soaking his pants like a toddler.
A few things happened rapidly following Ben’s soaking. A) He started to howl like a banshee as tears flooded his eyes. B) Daddy showed up and tried to calm him down C) Kevin ran out to the SUV to get Ben a change of pants and D) The workers at the gas station grumbled about another little friggin brat pissing on the floor.
Changed and in dry pants and undies, Ben was sulking big time and almost crying, holding daddies hand as they went back out to the SUV, glaring at the stupid car seat. “I don’t want to go back in it. It’s that things fault I peed myself!” Ben whined, sounding like a toddler. “Well, buddy it’s the law… But you’re right. It is the reason you had your accident… ” Owen said and ruffled Ben’s hair. “Well, what if I get stuck again!?” Ben huffed. “We could always just go get some diapers for Ben.” Kevin spoke up making Ben turn and glare at him. “Kevin, I don’t thi-” Owen started. “Hear me out, Ben’s not wearing them cuz he’s a baby he’s just wearing them so no more accidents happen and going in a diaper is better than getting it everywhere.” Kevin said, holding his hands up. “No! I’m not gonna! You can make me! Right daddy!?” Ben huffed and turned to look at Owen, who.. Had a thoughtful look on his face. “…Oh, shit..” Ben muttered under his breath.
It’s quite possible that at some point, there had been someone who had a much louder fit, or who squirmed, kicked and fought every second of a diaper change, but somehow Owen doubted it. In the end, it took three warning swats to Ben’s butt to get the diaper on him, and another warning swat for Ben not to remove it. That wasn’t even mentioning the crying fit they’d put up with in the parking lot as Owen had been forced to send Kevin in to buy the diapers. (They’d had no less then 3 people come over, sure that Owen was assaulting Ben from the screaming, and Owen had been forced to explain the situation out.)
Not helping matters was apparently the only diapers the store had, had were the thicker overnight diapers, which meant that the crotch and butt of Ben’s red shorts bulged with the padding and if he lifted his arms up too high his white t-shirt rode up and showed the waistband of the diaper poking out the top of his shorts. (Kevin had tried to tell him he could just lose the shorts, and well, that went over about as well as you could expect.) Right now Ben was munching lightly on his third hotdog, having demanded one of Kevin’s two as payment for having to go through all of this.
(Though it had been pointed out he didn’t normally have this big of an appetite and he might be overloading his tummy) He was also slurping loudly so as to annoy Owen and Kevin with it. “You… Might wanna slow down there on the fluid intake Benny.” Kevin tried to offer. “That’s kinda what got you int-” Kevin trailed off as Ben glared at him and raised his drink as if he was gonna toss it at Kevin. “Orrrr not, go ahead, chug.” Kevin sad hastily.
It was another 15 minutes after Ben finished off the last of his food and his drink that some soft snoring was head from the back seat and Kevin and Owen smiled. “Heh, stuffed himself and conked out. He’s actually pretty cute like this… When he’s sleeping.” Kevin chuckled softly. “Well don’t get used to it. You know we’re not gonna keep him in diapers.” Owen said. “I know daddy and I wouldn’t wanna make him stay in them anyways. I’m just saying, he’s pretty freaking adorable… Again, while asleep.” “Yeahhh here’s hoping he stays conked out till we get to the apartment. I could really use a break from the fits.” Owen agreed.
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whateatme · 2 months
Westfield City adventures part two
Y’all ‘menber how i did part one of a story for a follow up to the white and crinkly christmas story? well here’s part two ^^
An hour later they were stuck in their first Westfield traffic jam, as the traffic inched along and Kevin fiddled with the radio, Ben finally woke up from his nap, hastily wiping drool off of his face with a blush. His diaper felt a little squishy in the front as he wiggled around praying that, that was just from sweat, groaning a little as his tummy gurgled and rumbled. “Hey Benny boy, welcome back to the land of the living. Have a good sleep?” Daddy called back to him. “Ngggh… Kinda… ” Ben grumbled and wiggled about in his seat, his bladder was what had apparently woken him, though he could feel a second need building up. “Where are we?” Ben asked, looking around, spotting all the cars around them. “Westfield, apparently no one thought to warn me about their traffic jams, at this rate, we’ll be in Westfield City in about 40 minutes.” Daddy said. “Uh… Anywhere we could pull over and let me use the bathroom at?” Ben asked, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry buddy, we’re stuck in the middle of this.” Daddy said and glanced back. “If you have to pee, just go ahead and do it. There’s enough room back there Kevin can scramble back and get the wet diaper off. You should be good after that till we get there. ” “I-I can hold it!” Ben sighed with exasperation and crossed his arms, missing Kevin rolling his eyes in the front seat. “Ben it’s not healthy to hold it for too long, why don’t you just go pee and then you can go commando for the rest of the trip?” Kevin asked, turning around in his seat to look at Ben. Ben opened his mouth to reply and instead a loud muffled wet fart was heard, and Ben’s cheeks went super red. “I… I might have to do more than just pee…” Ben said in a babyish tone, squirming in his seat. “Oh…” Kevin said and then unbuckled his seat belt and squirmed his way into the back seat, taking up a spot next to Ben who was squirming and farting more and more often. “Look, Benny, if you have to do that… Just do it. It’ll only be worse if you hold it… Maybe you can just let out a little and uh… I’ll change you and you can hold the rest till-” Kevin was saying, stroking Ben’s hair. He knew just how awful it felt to mess a diaper when you didn’t want to. Still, he wasn’t able to finish what he was saying because Ben shut his eyes tight, with a loud cry of “NOOOOOO!!”  and with a sick sounding fart, Benny coated and destroyed his diaper with a wave of poop. He must have been backed up too as Kevin could almost swear Ben lifted up in his seat, Kevin hugged Ben and stroked his hair even as the smell filled the SUV. Owen didn’t wanna announce to everyone that one of his boys was filling his diaper, but he wasn’t about to sit and smell that for the rest of the trip there so he HAD to open the windows, he noticed some kids giggling at Ben as they began to take notice of the smell and spotted him in his car seat. “I-I’m pooping a diaper?… I’m pooping MY diaper… I-I’m pooping!” Ben whimpered, tears in his eyes as he just gave in and let it all come out, barley aware that Kevin was there beside him hugging him and petting his head. “Shhh it’s Ok Benny, just let it all out, it’s okay.” He cooed. The shorts which hadn’t hidden the diaper at all, to begin with, gave up the fight as Ben loaded the diaper making it balloon out way too fast causing it to rip open at the seams, Ben’s stinky diaper was now on display to anyone that cared to look. Kevin didn’t seem to mind the smell though whether that was from his own stinky diaper experience or just from babysitting Alex and Justin, Owen wasn’t sure. After a good solid ten minutes of grunts and farts from the little stinker, Ben was apparently done and had zoned out a bit as he poked dumbly at his diaper. “You uh… Wanna change him now?” Owen called back to Kevin. “Can’t do that dad not with the load he’s made no wipes and using anther diaper to do it with this toxic muck… I’d get it all over the back seat.” Kevin said and pet Ben’s head. “O-Oh… well… ” “Come on daddy, you need to man up. If you keep making a fuss about the smell you’ll make poor Ben feel worse!��� Kevin scolded the adult. “Heh… Yes, sir.” Owen chuckled and put a smile on his face. Though whew… Whatever Ben was eating, he wasn’t getting more of it. This was TOXIC! They were getting glares from the cars alongside them and windows were being rolled up, and all Owen could do was weakly wave sorry to the poor drivers who had their noses seared by the stench of Ben’s pampers. 15 LONG minutes later, they were able to get off of the main highway into Westfield City and finally came to a stop at the apartment in the parking lot. Kevin got sent to go and pick up the keys from the building manager as Owen came around to the backseat and got a good look at the damage and winced. It was clear to anyone who looked that Ben had loaded the overnight diapers, gone were all the ducky’s and sailboats and it’s once pure white color was stained a dirty brown. Ben’s eyes were semi-glazed over and he had a trail of drool going down his chin, dripping onto his shirt but he smiled around his thumb as Owen opened the back door and popped his thumb out of his mouth. “Da-da!” He cooed and held his arms out. “…Yeah buddy, da-da.” Owen said, figuring much like Kevin before him, the boy had retreated back into babyhood. Undoing the straps for the car seat and then getting back out of the SUV for a final deep gulp of semi-fresh air, Owen leaned back and picked up the little stinker who nuzzled into him, wiping drool on Owen and cooed softly. “Da da da da da…” Ben babbled and gurgled. Not trusting Ben to walk like this, Owen carried the little stinker over to the doors where Kevin met him (After locking the SUV up and having rolled up the windows… He’d have to go for a drive later and air the poor thing out.) Getting into the building, with a bag full of a change of clothes (And some more diapers in case it took Benny awhile to snap out of it) Owen was glad to be settling into the new life and sure that after today he’d be able to put all this diaper boy stuff behind him. Across the street from the parking lot was a playground where one young boy, by the name of James, had been watching with interest as the SUV had pulled in seeing an older boy getting out and heading for the office while the dad got out and headed for the back, James figured there was a baby in the backseat and waited to see the cute little guy or gal. What started out as a normal grin went to grinch levels however when he spotted the 7ish (maybe older) boy getting picked up and clearly in a destroyed diaper. Even though he was the only one on the playground at the moment, he felt the need to speak out loud. “I so freaking call dibs.” He said, loving the idea of having a little diaper dork to play with. After a few hours, Ben snapped out of baby mode (Though while under it he went through another two diapers and was eager to help get the apartment ready, and dispose of the diapers. A quick check with the local laws online (Once the computer was set up) showed that Benny didn’t need the car seat, though daddy insisted on keeping it at least for a little while just in case, promising to go and talk about the bylaw with the police the next day. Overall the boys were all settled in by bedtime, the apartment was looking good and Ben drifted off to sleep, having nightmares where he was just a big baby and would wake up in the middle of the night with a wet bed. Kevin had a perfectly fine sleep till Ben woke him up and they lo-key went and got the bedding washed and Kevin shared a bed with the little dork for the rest of the night. In the morning while having breakfast, Daddy mentioned that he had a lot to do today, and encouraged the boys to go out and make friends while he was gone. “This is stupid… I’m too old to be playing on a playground.” Ben huffed as they walked over to it. “…Dude your -8-. That’s a great age to be on the playground.” Kevin said, raising an eyebrow. “Whatever. I’m not putting up with any babies.” Ben huffed. “Wounded ego much?” Kevin teased and ruffled the little dork’s hair. “Ngggh whatever… Just don’t hang around me and make me look like a little baby.” Ben huffed and squirmed away, pointing at the other end of the park where he wanted Kevin to go. Kevin rolled his eyes. “Finnnne… But first, do you still have your keys to get back into the apartment?” he asked. “Nooo, I lost them in the five-minute walk from our apartment to over here dur a dur.” “…Smartass.” Walking off on his own Kevin made his way over to tree line, not because anything looked fun over there, but because he saw three boys trying to climb a tree while there was a sign by all the trees that were clearly marked ‘DO NOT CLIMB’. Now, he wasn’t trying to be a narc or anything, but he didn’t wanna see some kids getting in trouble either though as he got closer, he couldn’t help but feel as though he’d seen the three boys before. “Come on Mark, if you don’t make it up at least as high as Scotty did, you’re a total diaper baby!” The oldest of the three boys was taunting. next to him, presumably, Scotty, smirked and stuck out his tongue. “Yeah! you’re a diaper baby! Diaper baby, diaper baby!” The lil redhead was giggling like crazy. “Shut up! I’m gonna make it Higher than you did Keith!” the boy on the tree grumbled, struggling to get any higher as the bark on the tree was dead and kept crumbling. As Kevin got closer, he had a flashback and mentally groaned… It was the three brats from last Christmas, that had been at the gas station. For a second he toyed with just walking away but in the end, he decided to be responsible and kept moving in. “Hey, I don’t think you guys are supposed to be climbing that tree.” Kevin said Two of the boys turned around, looking at him while Mark, let out a yelp and fell out of the tree, landing on his butt. “Son of a-” He yelled then turned around. “Who the heck do you think you are, telling us what to do?” Keith asked, and puffed his chest up. “Yeah, what are you, a narc?” Scotty challenged, trying to puff his chest up like his big brother. “Look, guys, I’m not gonna snitch or anything, but these trees don’t look safe to climb and you don’t wanna get hurt do y-” “Holy heck! It’s the diaper baby!” Mark called out, still on his butt and pointing at Kevin. “What?” Keith asked. “Heyyy it is! It’s the gas station, diaper baby!” Scotty said excitedly and giggled. “Finally outta diapers or still bawling for your dadddddy?” The 8-year-old giggled like crazy. “…Look, guys, That was a one-time thing, and I’m trying to be nice here.” Kevin said, face flushing but he held his ground. “Yeah? Well, I think you need to go and find someone to change your diapies and leave us, big boys, alone.” Keith said and cracked some knuckles, sure that he could kick this diaper babies butt if he had to “Now you scamper off or we’ll tell EVERYONE about how you were in soggy Pampers!” Mark said, scrambling up finally, not noticing he had a brown stain on the back of his light blue shorts. Kevin sighed, and looked over the three boys, he was sure that BEN of all people could have taken on two of them himself… So he wasn’t worried about their tough-guy act. “Look, I’m TRYING to be nice here will you please just get away from the trees?” Kevin asked. “Make us!” Keith said and went to come in for a sucker punch. When he went to, because Scotty was over-eager, went to rush in too and ended up taking said punch to the side of his face, knocking him loopy and making him start to wet himself and fall down in his brother’s way so Keith tripped and smashed his face on the ground, sitting up quickly and grabbing his bloody nose, and starting to cry. “Muh… Muh nose! Ou bastard!” He sobbed. “Grrr, I’ll get him guys!” Mark called out and rushed over, with Kevin sidestepping him and then yanking him up by the back of his waistband. “Er, you know your messed yourself, little guy?” Kevin asked, holding the 9-year-old in the air and wedging him. “W-what? No, I didn’t! Put me doooown!” Mark huffed and Kevin shrugged and dropped him. He landed on his butt again and a loud gross fart was heard and if it had just been a wet fart before, Mark was clearly messing himself now. “I think you guys should go home.” Kevin said and put his hands in his pockets, then leaned down to the three dazed and beaten boys. “Or do you want me to actually start TRYING?” The boys gulped in unison, and still, sobbing Keith helped his smelly brother up. “This isn’t over! You’re gonna be sorry you messed with the Osweld brothers!” He promised as they headed back to the apartment building. Shaking his head, Kevin was surprised to hear clapping and turned around to see another boy, around his age there. “That was great man. Those little twerps are always trying to pick fights.” The other boy said then extended a hand. “Robbie Rogers.” Kevin smiled and took the handshaking it. “Kevin West, nice to meet you and… I wasn’t planning on hurting them or anything..” “Heh, I know, I saw the whole thing. Wish I’d recorded it. I could have put Benny hill music over it and killed it on YouTube.” “Pffft, nice.” At another part of the playground, still fuming over how horrible yesterday and last night had been, Ben brightened up as he saw some 5-year-olds playing in a sandbox, and the only other kid around seemed to be busy. ‘Time to have some fun, Ben style!’ He thought with a wicked grin and made a B-line for the two little boys. As his shadow fell over the lil guys, who were making forts for their toy soldiers, one of them looked up. “Do you wanna pway too?” The little blond asked with a lisp. “Yeah, sure! I’ll be the wrecking ball!” Ben said and getting on the edge of the sandbox he pulled back his foot to kick the poor kids fort down. Suddenly Ben felt himself lifted into the air, and not by the back of his shorts but by his SpongeBob briefs and he made a horrible mewing sound. “Tsk, that’s not very nice now is it?” James asked, being the one who had hoisted Ben up and was shaking a finger at him as the five-year-olds giggled. “Fank James! He’s a meaner!” The other boy said. “I think he’s just grumpy because he needs a nap.” James said and winked to the 5-year-olds, then bounced Ben. “Don’t you wanna say something to those boys?” he asked Ben. “S-Sorry!” Ben squeaked out. Setting Ben down on all fours James nodded. “I think you should follow me… And don’t stand up, unless you want me to carry you over to the swing sets by your undies.” James said, and started to walk, turning back to make sure Ben was following him, and of course… whistling the SpongeBob SquarePants theme. Ben fumed, but his undies were so far up his crack at the moment he could almost taste them, and ignoring the laughs from the little dorks he crawled on all fours behind James, his undies still sticking out of his pants as they got over by the swing set. “Now then, you wanna explain what that was all about? And where’s your diaper little man? You didn’t steal some other little guys undies did you?” James asked once they were thankfully out of earshot of the boys. “I-I don’t need diapers!” Ben huffed, getting on his knees and reaching back, to tug his wedgie out. “Really? Then that wasn’t you, in a super stinky diaper babbling and drooling yesterday in your dad’s arms?” “Y-You saw that?” Ben yelped, face flushing red and he whined. “Saw it…” James smirked and lied, waving a hand in front of his face. “I Smelled it! PU!” “I… Uh… Well, you see…” Ben whined super loud now and felt an overwhelming need to suck on his thumb. “-sigh- I’m sorry, where are my manners. I’m James, Your new daddy and your name is?…” James asked, sitting down in the dirt and tugging Ben into his lap. “My my what!? I have a daddy and I don’t need another one!” Ben yelped and squirmed, trying to break free and all that ended up doing was getting himself put over Jame’s lap and his butt swatted. “Clearly you need someone to be more hands-on, or you’d of known it’s rude not to introduce yourself.” James scolded. “And your name is?” And he swatted the brats butt again. “AH! Ben West!” “Well Ben, I think you and I should go back to your apartment. If you’re NOT a baby like you said, then I won’t find any diapers or anything like that there but if I do…” James trailed off. Ben, who knew he had tossed out the rest of the diapers, Nodded. “Fine! And after I prove I’m a big boy my big brother is gonna kick your ass!” Ben growled and yelped as his buns got another swat. Sure of himself and marching with pride, what little Benny DIDN’T know was that daddy had fished out the pack of diapers out of the trash, not seeing a point in wasting the money on them and knowing that Ben was bed-wetting again. So as Ben, so sure that there would be no proof of babyness in the apartment lead the way, he was going to end up showing James the still mostly full, but clearly some missing pack of diapers sitting on his bed.        
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whateatme · 2 months
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My personal favorite of the diaper roulettes I have created at www.faproulette.co
This one is designed to let you customize your diaper punishment. You choose which rules will be applied and you decide which rules are removed once you are allowed to do so.
Depending on the severity of your punishment and your luck with the rolls, this roulette may last from about a week to several months. And the best part: you never know how long it will be till you can stop.
Be careful though. Some of the options may prove rather intense.
My use page on faproulette.co may be found via the following link:
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whateatme · 2 months
Birthday Movie - The Complete Trilogy (NSFW 18+ Only)
Authors note: Hello everyone, I compiled each of the Birthday Movie stories here for easy access to the whole thing. If you’d like to view one in particular, each one is up on my blog separately. I want to thank you all for reading and liking my stories. I haven’t tried creative writing before and this has been a very validating and fun experience. You gave me the energy and inspiration to create this work. Shoutout to @paddedlittleparadise for reblogging my first story and helping me find an audience. Enjoy! 
***DISCLAIMER*** Everyone involved in this story is 18+ and is a consenting adult. 
My diapers crinkled loudly as I waddled through the door to my wife’s bedroom. It looked like she was just finishing up as I entered, applying a lascivious shade of red to her lips. I stood in the doorway, dressed in the dinosaur onesie she bought me for my last birthday with my teddy clutched tightly under my arm. It was my birthday and my wife/mommy had promised to get me an extra special present. I’d been beside myself with excitement all day, maintaining a strict regimen of extra good behavior as my thoughts filled with fantasies more suited to the big boy she let me be on very rare occasions. I even ate all the gross baby food she liked to feed me this morning without complaining. I glanced impatiently at the clock as she continued to work.
Finally, she looked away from what she was doing and noticed me, gracing me with a smile and drawing a twinge from my cage. “What’s wrong baby? Wet already?” she asked innocently, pretending not to notice my embarrassed blush.
“Of course not!” I pouted. “I just wanted to know when I was going to get my present. It’s already 6 and you always tuck me in at 7:30 so…” I drawled off, realizing I might be overstepping my bounds.
“Aww, don’t worry, baby.” She stood up and grabbed her purse off the nightstand. “Auntie Kaley should be here with your present any time now.”
I gripped my teddy nervously and shuffled, suddenly filled with dread. Kaley was my wife’s best friend, and she took special care to tease and humiliate me when she was over. She was slightly taller than average, with pert breasts and an ass she loved to show off, especially when she knew I was caged. The first time she babysat me I had gone to bed futilely rubbing at my caged member and wincing at the ache in my balls.   “You aren’t staying here?” I sniffled, hoping to win some sympathy and get her to change her mind.  
“Sorry, baby, Mommy made plans to go out with some friends.” She stepped up to me and hugged me close, nestling my head between her breasts.
I moaned and my trapped dick throbbed wildly in its prison as I inhaled her scent, a sweet mix of pheromones and spice. I squirmed and hugged my teddy tighter as I tried to restrain myself from trying to touch her breasts. The last time that had happened without permission, my punishment had left my bottom flaring red and stinging, covered in angry red heart-shaped marks from the paddle Mommy had bought for me last Valentine’s day.
The doorbell rang and she stepped back excitedly as I inwardly cringed. “Oh, that must be Kaley! Guess that means it’s time for me to leave.” She patted my butt with a soft thump. “You be good for Auntie. Bad little boys don’t get their birthday treats.”
I nodded quickly and squeaked out a hurried, “Yes, Mommy”. Soft crinkles followed me as I waddled behind Mommy to answer the door.
Mommy opened the door with a soft click and Kaley smiled brightly. “It’s so good to see you. You look amazing!”
It was true, I thought. Mommy was wearing a colorful low-cut blouse that highlighted the cleavage of her marvelous breasts and matching jeans that perfectly accentuated her curves. As if her perfect ass needed any more embellishment, she’d topped it off with a set of heels she’d bought last week that caused her to stand several inches taller and perfectly complemented her long legs. My cock dribbled uselessly through the cage as I stood behind her, wishing she would stay to play with me instead of with her friends.
“Thank you! I’ve been wanting to wear this top out for a while. I hope I don’t get hit on too much while I’m out,” Mommy said, giving me a wink. I blushed bright red and looked down. “Thanks for doing this, Kaley. I hope it’s not too much trouble.”
“None at all!” Kaley said. ��I love it when I get to spend time with the widdle birthday boy.” She blew a kiss at me and smiled as I blushed and shuffled awkwardly.
“Before I head out, do you have everything?” Mommy asked.
Kaley shifted the satchel she was carrying over her shoulder and began to rummage through it. “Hmm, some bottles, diapers for the little peepee boy, of course—” I shrunk. “—baby powder, wipes, a paci for when he gets fussy… and some other stuff. Yep, looks like it’s all here!”
“I guess I’ll get going then. Have a good night, baby. I love you,” Mommy said, blowing me a kiss.
Despite my embarrassment, I gave her my best smile and clasped my hands behind my back, putting in every little ounce of effort I could into getting her to stay. “I wuv you too, Mommy.”
 Kaley smiled and closed the door as I heard the rumble of the car engine begin to fade. “Well, now that it’s just the two of us, how about I cook up some birthday boy dinner? Would you like that, little buddy?”
I mumbled grumpily and traced little circles into the soft fabric of the carpet, disappointed by my failed bid to keep Mommy from going out to do grown-up things. She’s probably going out to have drinks and go clubbing and stay up past 10 and do other stuff grown-ups get to do… I thought, pouting. Grown-up things that I hadn’t been allowed to do since the last time I had accumulated enough good boy stickers to be out of padding for a day. And that was months ago. It’s so unfair! It was almost impossible to earn enough big boy stickers nowadays. Mommy only gave them out for nigh impossible tasks like keeping my diaper dry for a whole night or lasting longer than a minute during release days, an effort becoming increasingly more difficult as my days in the cage got longer and release days came fewer and further between. Mommy wasn’t compleeeeetely mean, though. She also gave out good boy stickers for… other things… like humping my diapers in front of her friends when they came over. Squirmy, fluttery things, like keeping my buzzy plug on for the whole trip when we went out shopping and wearing my little clothes under my outfit for work. I usually tried to avoid those kinds of tasks, though, because they either ended with me burning red in shame or exhausted and sore. Usually, it ended up being a mix of both.
Kasey startled me from my brooding as she addressed me loudly, “Hey, I asked you what you wanted for dinner, squirt.”
I looked up to see Kasey squatting next to me, wearing a short black skirt that reveled her long tan legs and a stylish red top with a cut that just hinted at the carnal pleasures beneath.  “I unno…” I mumbled as I blushed and looked away.
“Aww,” she teased, “is somebody upset his wife went out to do big girl things and left him with the big scawy babysittur?” She ruffled my hair playfully. “I was thinking about some birthday boy mac and cheese. How does that sound, sweetie?”
“Mac and cheese!?” I replied, perking up at the mention of big boy food. My wife always made my favorite mac’n cheese whenever she decided I deserved a little treat, usually saying it was ‘because I was just so darn cute’. “Can it be the ones with the dinosaurs in it?” I asked excitedly.
“What other kind of birthday boy mac and cheese is there?” Kasey said with a laugh. “Want to come and help me make it?”
“Okay! I’m really good at stirring the cheese!” I said happily, lurching up awkwardly as the bulk of my diaper resisted my movements.
Kasey giggled and helped me up, patting my bum affectionately. “I bet you are, sweetheart!”
I waddled to the kitchen and leapt up to one of the stools at the bar with a soft thump as Kasey began boiling the water.
“You stay there ‘til the cheese is ready to be stirred in, okay? We wouldn’t want Mommy’s precious boy to get bit by mean Mr. Stove,” she said smiling.
I squirmed a little in my seat. When I had told my wife about my desires two years ago, cooking privileges had been one of the first things to go. I was still allowed to hold and stir things, but cooking with the stove or oven was strictly off-limits to little boys according to my new mommy. The prehistoric pasta tinkled softly into the pot as I swung my legs and gripped my seat in anticipation. Kasey finished with her work and turned towards me, leaning over the counter and offering me a scandalous view of her cleavage. Eyes widening, I felt my cock swell against the walls of its plastic prison as I bit my lip in frustration. Kasey loved to tease me like this when she was over, taunting me with the promise of pleasures beyond the confines of my crinkly padding.
“Ooooh, what’s the matter, sweetie? Do you like what you see?” she purred, gently pulling the fabric of her shirt down with an elegant, manicured finger.
I blushed hotly and gripped the edges of the seat even harder as I began to squirm uncomfortably. Mommy hadn’t let me have release, let alone an erection, in so long… my balls ached and I began to emit pathetic whining noises as Kasey’s teasing revealed the soft fabric of her lace bra. She quickly covered herself up and booped me on the nose.
“Oops! Sorry sweetie, the rest is for big boys, and… well, I don’t think I need to explain any further.” She smiled sweetly, a sharp counterpoint to the agony of discontent in my swollen testicles and dripping cage. “Here, I know what will cheer you up!” She quickstepped to the fridge, opening it and bending over, flashing me another exciting view as a faint glimpse of her pantied ass peeked through the skirt.
I squirmed harder in my seat and began rubbing fruitlessly at the crotch of my diaper, desperate for any sensation at all to quell the throbbing in my cage.
Kasey stood back up with a bottle of milk in hand and sauntered back towards me, a devilish grin on her face. “Does Mommy’s little boy want his bottle?” she asked.
I nodded vigorously and began to hump the seat of the chair.
“Ohh, someone is excited for his milkies!” she said in mock delight. She leaned over the counter again and pulled back her blouse, again giving me what I both craved and feared. She began rubbing the tip of the bottle on her breasts, making soft sounds of satisfaction that set my heart to racing and tested the limits of my cage. “Does wittle baby want his milk?” she cooed, dribbling a droplet of milk from the bottle onto her chest. I watched in rapture as the drop disappeared into the abyss between her glorious mounds, irrationally wishing I could trade places with it so that I too could see and feel the secrets beneath. Just as I nodded stupidly and began to lean forward, she abruptly popped the rubber nipple into my mouth and skipped back to the hallway. “I already told you, silly baby, those are for big boys. Now be good and drink your bottle while auntie Kaley goes and gets some things from the car, ‘kay?”
Glumly, I nodded and began to suck.  
 I teethed at the rubber nipple sullenly as Kasey returned. Strangely, she had nothing in hand. “What did you have to do?” I asked, wondering why she had just stepped away for no apparent reason.
“Oh, nothing important,” Kasey said, shrugging off my question and tipping the bottle back into my mouth as she passed, a gentle reminder that little boys didn’t get to question adults. I suckled on the sweet liquid as Kasey checked her phone and giggled. She looked at me and grinned before looking back at her phone. I frowned unhappily and shifted in my seat as she continued to ignore me.
I stared at her suspiciously as she continued to smile, covering her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. I bet she’s talking about me. Why won’t she tell me what she’s doing? This is so unfair! The mixture of humiliation, frustration, and unfulfilled need that had been swirling inside me since Mommy left boiled over. I harrumphed and stood up, dropping the bottle to the floor with a clatter as I clomped around the counter directly into Kasey’s line of sight. Her head darted up from her screen as I stomped on the floor with a bootied foot.  
“Uh oh, what do we have here?” she inquired. Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips as she crossed her arms and began tapping her index finger against the skin of her bicep expectantly.
I squatted down angrily and began to push, my face scrunching with the effort. This will teach her to ignore me! The back of my diaper began to tent, pushing against the soft fabric of my onesie as I filled it with my indignance.
Kasey calmly watched me and continued to tap her arm until I was done, raising an eyebrow. “All finished?” she asked, unfazed.
My diaper crinkled as a I shifted to accommodate my mess. I balled my fists at my sides and nodded at her triumphantly.
“Oh, that’s good, then,” she said nonchalantly, turning her attention back to her phone. The hot, righteous feeling of my retribution rapidly cooled at her indifference and I began to shift uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“A-aren’t you going to change me?” I asked shakily, suddenly worried my terrible two had been a terrible mistake.
Kasey looked up and put down her phone, slowly advancing on me with predatory grace as she said, “No, grown-ups get to decide when babies are changed, and you are clearly a baby. I thought you were a big boy who could stir your own mac and cheese, but I guess I was wrong, huh?”
The fleeting memory of my defiance was banished as she continued to advance on me. I began to shrink inwards and made little steps back as I lost ground. “I’m sorry, Miss Kasey. I won’t do it again, please!” I begged as I backed towards the kitchen table.
“Aww, I know you won’t, sweetie. I know you’re just Mommy’s sweet little boy, aren’t you?” she said, words dripping with condescension as she closed the distance between us.
My back bumped against the tall frame of our kitchen chair as I shook in fear. Kasey finished closing the gap between us and pulled the chair out from behind me, the wooden legs squealing against the tiled floor. She grabbed my shoulder in one firm hand and pulled me close, her lips gently brushing my ear as she leaned in. My heart thumped wildly as my fear warred with the sweet smell of her skin and the hot caress of her breath assailed my senses.
“Shh, it’s ok, baby. I’m not going to punish you for lying to me about being a big boy. I already knew. I mean, do you know any other big boys that walk around in onesies and wear big poofy diapers?” She began to gently push on my shoulders, firmly guiding me towards the waiting chair as I squeaked and resisted weakly.
My warm mess spread disgustingly across my bottom as I made contact with the chair and my eyes began to tear up with regret. I’m sorry. This is so yucky. Please change me, Miss Kasey. I want to be big. Please let me stir my mac’n cheeses. I whimpered pleadingly with her as she held me in place.
“I’m going to go finish up dinner and you are going to stay right here. Hopefully, you’ll take the time to think about why you’re sitting there in a poopy diaper and not out on the town with your sexy wife.” Kasey turned to retrieve my bottle from the floor and popped it back into my mouth.
The following ten minutes passed slowly as I squished sadly in my cooling diaper and finished my milk. My tears had dried on my face and I sniffled, rubbing my puffy reddened eyes as Kasey returned with my birthday dinner. I meekly sat still as she fastened my bib, a white cloth rimmed in blue that spelled out in shiny blue letters Mommy’s Messy Boy. I winced at the irony. Kasey decided to revoke the big boy privilege of feeding myself as she situated herself next to me and began spooning up the steaming pasta. The rest of the meal proceeded without incident as Kasey fed me, making cooing, encouraging noises as she guided the spoon to my waiting mouth. I tried to be good and make sure it all got in, but I whined when some of the dinosaurs inevitably ended up on my bib. Sometimes I think Kasey purposely missed just to make me feel extra helpless. After the bowl was empty, Kasey began to rub my back, patting it occasionally and telling me what a good boy I was for finishing my meal.
“Did you like your dinner?” she asked.
I gave a small nod and smiled weakly.
She smiled. “Aww, you are so cute. I think somebody deserves a change for being such a good boy during dinner.”
I brightened at the promise of freedom from my predicament and gave her a bright smile, nodding happily.
“Oh, look who’s excited to get a new diapy!” she tittered. “Well, come on then, baby, let’s get you cleaned up.”
She led me by the hand as we headed upstairs, giggling at my awkward waddle as I tried to avoid contact with my mistake, the diaper drooping between my legs.  We finally arrived at the bathroom and she laid a towel down on the floor. My onesie snapped as she undid the buttons and my diaper drooped further between my legs, losing its support. I whined pathetically and she picked up her phone and snapped a picture, digitally memorializing my shame.
“Okay, Mr. Stinky, lay down,” she commanded playfully, taking enjoyment in my mortified response as I quietly hobbled past and avoided eye contact.
I sat on the soft fabric of the towel and laid back, focusing on the white plaster of the ceiling. My mind drew small patterns in the little hills and valleys created by the uneven coat while Kasey undid the tapes. Kasey hummed as she worked, rolling up the soiled garment and dropping it in the tall can Mommy had specifically bought for these situations. She chuckled at the sight of my jailed willy as she wiped, her efforts doing nothing to wipe away, more-so amplifying, the angry shade of purple in my balls.
“How long has it been since your last humpy day?” she asked tauntingly.
Too long, I thought. “Three months,” I said, covering my eyes as I tried to ignore the beautiful woman before me gently wiping around my crotch.
“Oh my goodness, well now, that is a long time, isn’t it? If it wasn’t for your Mommy giving you milkies every now and then, I bet these little things would have exploded by now!”
I winced in agony as she flicked my engorged testicles, seeing that superior grin Kaley always wore when she tormented me.
“I’m going to unlock you now so we can make your willie all nice and clean. No touching, though. Auntie Kaley will wash you, ‘kay?”
My head bobbed in confirmation. I knew the routine. Mommy always let me free when it was bath time, taking extra special care to gently wash my stiff cocklette throughout the routine, driving me wild with stimulation but always taking precautions to prevent an accidental spurt. When it was over and I was nice and clean, she would gently kiss the tip and apply ice to it. The ice always made me squeal and it hurt extra bad after a warm bath, reverting my cock back to babyhood as it shriveled and went limp. The faucet squeaked as Kaley turned it, steam rising as the hot water poured into the tub. Kaley stood over me, her lacey black panties clearly visible as she looked down. Oh my god… I whined as my cage immediately swelled to capacity and began to drop, my dick bobbing frantically at the sight as it tried to break free. Kaley smiled and lifted her dress, the light of the bathroom illuminating her silky skin. Slowly, she reached into her panties and bit her lip. Mommy, why did you leave me with her!? I despaired.
“Ah, there it is,” she exclaimed, letting her skirt drop and pulling her hand from her panties, producing a small golden key on a chain.
I looked at the key and back to her in confusion. Did she just…?
Kaley knelt between my legs with the key and inserted it into the infernal lock holding my cage tight. Seeing my questioning gaze, Kaley answered as the lock opened with a small click, “Your Mommy told me to keep the key where little boys like you couldn’t reach it. So I thought, what’s more out of reach for her little diapered hubby than a woman’s pussy?”
I cringed and she smiled maliciously as she slowly pulled the cage from my cock, gasping as it popped free, my arousal glistening on the tip. “Aww, it looks like its crying” she said sympathetically. She reached out and flicked it, laughing as I flinched and moved to cover myself. “Hmm, sorry, that probably didn’t help much, did it,” she said callously.
I sniffled and covered myself. She gripped my hand and pulled me up, helping me into the tub. I enjoyed baths. The hot water always brought me comfort and helped to somewhat alleviate the ache in my groin. It was one of the plus sides of being her little boy now, I supposed, as the attention it got me always made me feel as warm and bubbly as the bath she washed me in. Plus, it was always a bonus when I got to splash my wife “accidentally”. The wet fabric of her shirt always gave me a worthwhile view. Though, of course, the trade-off was usually a night of tossing and turning with a glowing red bottom accompanied by a raging ache in the cage. But it was worth it. Probably.
Kaley checked her phone and smiled again.
Why is she always doing that?
She tapped in a quick message and set it down, turning her attention back to me as she reached for the pitcher to wash my hair. I wasn’t allowed to stick my head under the water anymore. Mommy said it was dangerous for babies. “Looks like it’s about 7:30. Guess you’re going to be a little late to your bedtime. Oh well, it is your birthday, so I guess we can let it slide.” Kaley filled the pitcher and tipped it over my hair. I held my nose and kept my eyes shut as the warm water trickled over me. When she was satisfied my hair was wet enough, she reached for a bottle of shampoo and squirted a dollop into her hand, brusquely rubbing it into my scalp. “Who’s the clean little baby,” she cooed as she cleaned me. “That’s right, you are!”
I didn’t even say anything…
She continued speaking, though I didn’t respond. “I bet your Mommy must really love you, getting you this special no-tear shampoo. Now you can get your head all clean and you can make it through bath time without crying. Isn’t that nice?”
I pouted as she again poured the water over my head, rinsing away the sweet-smelling shampoo.
“Okay, little man, time to clean your little man,” she said, giggling at her own wit.
“That’s okay, Kaley… I can do that.” After all the torment she had put my penis through tonight, there was no way I wanted her to handle washing it.
“No can-do, buddy. Your mommy was VERY explicit in saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to wash yourself. She said something about you making stickies in the water when she wasn’t looking.”
I sulked and spread my legs in deference to Mommy’s wishes, though it was hardly fair. I’d only touched myself one time back when she had just become my Mommy and now I had restricted access even during bath time. So what if I touch myself. She gets to touch HERself. I started as Kaley reached a soapy hand into the water and began stroking my cock. My body shook with the effort as I tried to keep from cumming then and there. After a couple seconds of gut-wrenching bliss, she withdrew her hand and dried it on the nearby towel, acting as if nothing had just happened. As if she hadn’t just given a handjob, albeit a short one, to her best friend’s husband.
“Okay, baby, time to get ready for bed.” She rolled up her short sleeves and helped me rise from the tub. My dick stood horizontally and dripped what was mostly water back into the tub. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I waited for what came next.
“Let’s get you all nice and dry so we can get that cute little butt of yours back in a diaper before you have an accident.”
I opened my eyes as the thick cloth of the towel roughly rubbed against my skin, surprised it wasn’t the crippling cold sensation I was normally subjected to. Kaley helped me step out of the tub and continued to dry me, still ignoring my erect member. What’s going on? I thought excitedly. Kaley finished her work and grasped my wrist, gently pulling my naked form down the hall towards my room. My excitement grew as we got closer to the door. This HAD to be the present my wife had alluded to. I was naked, uncaged, and being led by the wrist back to my room by my wife’s beautiful best friend. I grinned wryly at the thought of the sex I was going to get to have, eager to prove that I was indeed a big boy. Kaley cracked the door and motioned for me to step through. I rushed forward eagerly, nearly tripping over myself in haste as I opened the door.
The room looked much like it had when I had left it to ask Mommy about my present. My changing table sat in one corner, its shelves filled with stacks and stacks of a variety of diapers—white ones, blue ones, ones with dinosaurs and spaceships, even some pink ones for when Mommy decided I wasn’t even man enough to be a little boy. The center of the room was covered with a dark blue rug ringed in black, the letters of the alphabet outlined in bright yellow along the dark edge. By my crib stood Mommy’s rocking chair, a soft cushioned seat next to which leaned the dreaded wooden paddle with the heart-shaped cutout. My bottom gave a twinge of the remembered sting as I finally noticed the difference. Behind the tall bars of my crib lay a gigantic teddy bear, a bright red bow wrapped around it. The stuffed animal was nearly three quarters of my size and lay on its back, beaded eyes staring blankly above to the dark ceiling painted with patterns of stars and moons that glowed in the dark.  More surprisingly, above the head of the teddy bear, atop the pillows at the head of my crib, was Mommy’s laptop. Its dark black screen offered no answers as I turned to Kaley.
I pointed to it and asked, “What’s that for?”
She giggled, “That’s your new teddy, of course, silly baby.”
I frowned as she deliberately misinterpreted my question but kept my mouth shut as she guided me to the changing table, dashing my dreams of adult fun. I hopped up to the table as Kaley perused the rows of diapers, finally settling on a thick pink diaper covered in images of hearts and unicorns. My heart sank as she unfolded it and maneuvered it under me. It looked like I wasn’t going to get to be a big boy after all, though I took some solace in the fact that I hadn’t been stuffed back into the cage.
“Are you ready for your present?” Kaley asked, beaming.
I propped myself up on my elbows as I shrugged, my enthusiasm dulled by a night of disappointment and frustration.
“Aww, you don’t seem very excited. Maybe I should just give your Mommy a call and let her know you don’t want it.”
The mention of Mommy rekindled my interest. The thought of disappointing her by rejecting her gift was too much to bear.
“No, please, Miss Kaley, please, I want it,” I begged, trying to sound cute.
“There we go! Okay, little one.” She reached down, and I held my breath in suspense. “Here it is,” she exclaimed as she held up a large silicone plug before me. It was at least twice as big as the buzzy toy Mommy used when she milked me and the end was a bright red bejeweled heart.
My throat dropped into my gut and I felt my hole tighten in fear. There’s no way that’s going to fit inside me!
Kaley kept that damn grin on her face as she began to lube it, squirting a generous amount into her soft hand and onto the toy. I begged and pleaded with her as she slipped a couple of fingers inside me, preparing the ground for the invasion to come. I closed my eyes and tried to remember that this was what Mommy wanted as she continued to stretch me, slipping a third finger in and causing me to gasp. She continued like that till she deemed I was suitably loose and began pressing the plug into my quivering hole. I made little squeaking noises and my cock twitched as she worked it into me, making soft encouraging noises and telling me how good I was and how my Mommy would be so proud. When the largest part passed my convulsing ring, I sighed in relief as my hole stretched to accommodate the intruder. My cock was limp now and leaked pathetically into my diaper as Kaley taped me up, trapping me with my new plug.
“Did you have fun with that?”
I shook my head a little and groaned at the full feeling in my tummy.
She cocked an eyebrow at me. “Well, it sure looked like you enjoyed it, your little pee pee told me so. Oh well, even if you didn’t like it, that was just part two of your present.”
This night is full of surprises, I thought as I sat up, my new fresh diaper crinkling as only a fresh diaper could. I winced as the movement disturbed the present inside me and looked to Kaley for more information. “What else is there?” I asked. Mommy had never gotten me a second, let alone a third present for my birthday. I must have been extra good. Maybe it was those pictures I colored for her.
“Come on,” Kaley coaxed, motioning towards the crib.
I grimaced as I clumsily made my way to the crib, nearly stumbling several times as the plug, combined with the thick padding of the diaper, made it even more difficult to walk. I climbed inside and Kaley pulled the bars of the crib up, isolating me with teddy 2.0 and the mysterious black screen. I shifted in the crib, trying to find a comfortable position with so much new stuff, and realized I could attain a reasonable level of comfy if I straddled my new teddy.
Kaley pulled out her phone and typed something again, nodding and looking back to me. “Press the power button and put in the password. It’s HappyBirthday123.”
My chin rested on the crown of teddy’s head as I did as she said and waited for the screen to load. Kaley took a seat in Mommy’s rocking chair and placed her elbows on her knees, perching her chin atop her hands and watching me expectantly. I glanced at her suspiciously and gave a small start as the screen flickered to life. Mommy’s radiant visage filled the screen and I felt my heart flutter.
“Hmm, is this thing on? Can you see me, baby?” she asked through the screen.  
I nodded dumbly.
“Oh, good! How is your night with Auntie Kaley going? Were you a good boy?”
I glanced at Kaley and she blew me a little kiss. I blushed and said, “Everything’s fine. Kaley made me dinosaur mac and cheeses and changed me when I made a messy.”
Mommy smiled. “Aww, did you say thank you to Kaley for changing your stinky bottom?”
I looked away and uttered a hasty ‘thank you’ to Kaley so I could answer back truthfully. “Yes.”
My wife’s eyes twinkled knowingly as she gave a soft laugh at my silliness. “Do you want to see your present?”
I nodded eagerly and my dick stiffened with excitement.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded again and whined, my diaper crinkling with impatience.
“Okay… well, if that’s what my little boy wants.” Mommy stepped back from the screen and my heart fell straight to my crotch. She was dressed in dark purple lingerie that did little but outline her womanly gifts. Her dark lace bra pushed her breasts up for display and the fabric of her garter belt teased the eye with a strip of black running down the center of her glowing skin to the connecting fabric beneath. I breathed heavily hugged teddy tightly as I pushed desperately against the padding of the diaper. Mommy turned around and bent over to show me the back, spreading her legs slightly to reveal the delicious surprise of crotchless panties outlining her damp kitty. I began to grind against teddy, my cock sliding against the soft padding. Mommy’s hands slowly drifted up her legs and she grabbed one ass cheek in each hand, pressing against the flesh and turning to wink at me.
Suddenly, she gestured off camera and I sat up in shock. From the empty space surrounding her a man suddenly stepped into frame. He was completely nude and his masculinity was a rival to my wife’s erotic grace. He was easily twice as big as I was, in several ways, and his stance spoke of a calm confidence I had only dreamed of. I felt my bladder let go as I realized what was about to happen, powerless to stop it as much as I was powerless to stop the rapidly swelling padding.
“Happy birthday, baby! This is your new Daddy!” Mommy practically pranced into his arms and laid a graceful hand on his well-toned chest.
I shook my head in disbelief and looked to Kaley. She had her phone in hand and smiled as I looked over, her fingers giving me a little wave. “Happy birthday, cucky-boy,” she taunted.
I looked back to the screen to see the camera had changed positions. Whereas before I had only been able to see a corner of the room, the new angle displayed clean linens spread across a queen-sized bed in what looked like an expensive hotel. Atop that queen-sized bed lounged my queen, her legs spread and rubbing her breasts in anticipation as she waited for her king to take her. I looked on despairingly and wished I could trade places with him. I wasn’t her king. I was her padded little prince. She threw her head back, her hair falling enticingly around her as she bit her lip. She reached a hand up to gently tease her nipple and looked back towards the camera, mouthing, “I love you.”
My mouth worked silently to repeat it as I watched him join her on the bed. He roughly grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her towards him, locking her into a passionate kiss as she writhed against him. He reached a hand up to fondle her breast and she dug her fingers into his shoulders as he handled her. He gave her nipple a sharp squeeze and she pulled back in surprise. My eyes were riveted on the screen as I watched him push her down, tearing the bra from her shivering form and taking her breast into his mouth.
Kasey startled me as she interrupted my voyeurism by slipping a pacifier between my lips. “Thought you might be jealous,” she explained with a giggle and showed her phone, revealing the same live-stream playing on the laptop. At some point she had scooted the chair closer to my crib, probably eager to see my degradation up close.
“Man, I sure am jealous, though. Your Mommy gets to go out and fuck that big hunk and I’m stuck here babysitting her pathetic little cucky. Oh well, I’ll just have to find other ways to entertain myself.”
I squealed in surprise as the plug in me suddenly began to vibrate, the powerful rumble reverberating through my hot mess of my soaked diaper.  Kaley wore a cunning smile and lifted her other hand, revealing a dialed remote. She turned it and I shook harder as the plug’s intensity increased. Kaley licked her lips and lifted her skirt, revealing she had taken off her panties at some point, showing me the angry red of her swollen cunt as she set her phone down and began to rub her clit.
“Mmmm,” Kaley moaned as I looked back at the screen just in time to see Daddy roughly thrust into my wife. My wife arched her back in pleasure and ground into him, looking back at the camera.
“I, ugnh, bet you wish you could, mmmmh, be – ah!- inside me right now, ba-aaaaah- biee. I’m sorry bu-uhht,” she panted as he continued to piston into her pussy, “but I just can’t sle- ohhhh, -eep with you anymore.”
He grabbed her hips and lifted her from the bed to wrap her around him as he continued to ravage her body. Unconsciously, at some point I had resumed grinding into my diaper, the sound of the plug’s vibrations peaking and plummeting as I furiously humped away, trying to mimic the motions driving Mommy insensate.
Kasey leaned in and began whispering breathily through the bars of the crib, stoking the fires of my shame. “Look how big he is! I bet your Mommy never looked like that when you put that little tinker toy in her. Oh, look, see how she’s looking at him? Doesn’t that just make you jealous?”
I moaned and tears pooled in my eyes as I buried my head in teddy’s fur.
Kasey continued to berate me, her hand moving feverishly as she rubbed at her soaking snatch. “I bet that wet diaper feels a lot like her pussy right now. Hot, wet, hugging your little dicklette while you thrust into it. Not that you would know anymore, I suppose. How long has it been since your Mommy had sex with you? Three months? No, she would have called me afterwards to tell me how disappointed she was. Six months? Hmm, that sounds right but it’s not quite… oh right! It’s been TWO YEARS since you were last inside her.”
My body began to shudder and jerk as I felt myself getting closer. On screen, Daddy was still steadily pumping away, showing no sign of slowing down as Mommy screamed quietly into his neck. The vibrations in my plug suddenly peaked and I squealed loudly into my pacifier as I felt my cock spurt into the soaked padding. The muscles in my abdomen continued to churn and clench as my neglected balls emptied their load into the padding, the vibrator shaking every last drop from my quivering button.
Through the haze of my orgasm, I heard Kasey groan and saw that she had her legs up on the crib. She was sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy while working her clit when I saw her begin to shudder and she jerked forward. Her legs slammed down from my crib and she pressed her legs together as she came hard, her eyes clenched tightly and her lips pressed together as she shook.
My eyes began to droop and I realized I was suddenly tired, exhausted by my monumental orgasm and the late hour. It’s only 40 minutes past my bedtime, I shouldn’t be this tired… The buzzing of the plug fell silent as I turned half-lidded eyes back to the screen. Mommy was on her back now, too lost in rapture to hold herself up as Daddy gripped her by the chin and forced her to look at him as he tore into her. I saw her delirious smile as she looked up at him, the camera completely forgotten. My eyes drooped and I laid against teddy, hugging him tightly as I began to drift. The last thing I heard before the gray haze overwhelmed me was Mommy’s stuttered screaming. “Oh my god you’re so bi-I – I – igggggg!”
I am big mommy… I smiled weakly and suckled on my paci as I fell asleep to the lullaby of my wife’s satisfied moans. Mommy’s big boy.
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whateatme · 2 months
Looks like a messy storm formed in my diaper. Better clean up on the poop deck!
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whateatme · 2 months
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whateatme · 2 months
big mess💓
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whateatme · 2 months
Birthday Party - Part 3
One Year Later
Sarah’s soaking wet diaper squelched between her thighs as she toddled into the kitchen where her aunt was making breakfast.
“Good morning, baby girl,” Helen cooed at her twenty-one-year-old niece, reaching out to cup a hand to the front of Sarah’s nappy through her baby duck patterned onesie. “What a soggy girl! But I don’t smell any poo-poos just yet. Go take a seat, little one. Auntie will have your num-nums ready in just a second.”
Sarah blushed furiously, but even though much of the hypnotist’s conditioning had been undone and control of her body had been returned, her resistance had long since disappeared. She clambered obediently into to her highchair, her breasts wobbling freely in her loose onesie, and sat down on her pissy diapered bottom, wrinkling her nose in disgust as her bum pressed heavily against the sodden padding.
A few moments later, the microwave tinged, and her aunt took out an enormous bottle of warm milk and plonked it down in front of her. Sarah looked at it with distaste. It was breastmilk, she knew. One of Helen’s friends was producing too much of it for her own baby to take, but she was more than happy to deliver a regular supply of bottles to Helen’s house to make sure it didn’t go to waste.
Fighting her revulsion, Sarah took the bottle with both hands and lifted the rubber nipple to her lips. Her mouth latched on instinctively and she began to suckle, feeling the warm, creamy breastmilk squirt across her tongue and flow down her throat. She sucked quickly, but the bottle seemed endless – even after fifteen minutes, she was barely halfway through the enormous thing, and she already felt full to bursting!
Sarah let out a feeble whimper as she thought about her once-tight, sexy tummy. Her mother and aunt were careful not to make her gain too much weight, but her formerly trim stomach was gone. Her belly had a cute layer of what Helen called her ‘baby fat’, perfect for tickles and tummy raspberries. Even her face had a slightly rounder, ‘cuter’ look to it. But Sarah knew better than to throw a fit over her baba. Her aunt was quick with a spanking, and looming over everything was the threat of being reduced back to being a helpless prisoner inside a baby-brained body.
After a few more minutes of mindless suckling, Penny joined Sarah at the table, flashing her babified older cousin a bright smile before tucking into a bowl of cereal with milk.
Sarah couldn’t help but notice how her little cousin’s table manners had improved. It wasn’t long ago that she’d ended every breakfast with soggy cornflakes and milk on her chin, but now she didn’t spill a drop. Straight away, Sarah felt something clunk into place inside her head. She let out a quiet little moan around her bottle, but there was nothing she could do – not all of the hypnosis had been removed, and when a compulsion hit her, she was powerless to stop it. Penny had done something mature, and that meant Sarah had to do something immature.
Immediately, she popped the bottle out of her mouth, blew a spit bubble, and dribbled breastmilk down her chin. She could feel it soaking into the collar of her onesie. Messy girl, a voice echoed in her head. Mucky tot. Dribbly, soggy, wet little baby. Penny giggled at her, and Sarah shoved her bottle back into her mouth to resume her sucking, her face as red as a tomato. No matter how much time passed, it never got less humiliating. She was a grown woman for goodness sake! She didn’t deserve this! Just because she’d been a little rude one time, it wasn’t fair to turn her into some kind of overgrown baby! She’d been taken out of university of course, and there was no chance of going back – her auntie said that if she was lucky, maybe one day she’d be allowed to grow up a little bit more and get a job pushing shopping trolleys at the local discount supermarket. But that was it. No more ambitions. No more dreams. Just minimum wage, and well-used nappies hanging off her hips.
Tears started welling up in Sarah’s eyes, but before a tantrum could really get started, she was distracted by another feeling. There was a sudden fullness in her bottom. Her bladder control was totally gone, and Sarah found herself helplessly dribbling pee-pee into her diapers on a near constant basis, but even after months as little more than an adult-sized toddler, she still had at least some control over her bowels.
With a hiss of air, she finished her bottle. Feeling almost nauseous at the amount of breastmilk now sloshing about in her tummy, Sarah gently lowered herself out of her highchair, clenching her bottom tightly.
“Um… Auntie…” she said, waddling up to Helen and putting on her best pleading look, “I really need to go poo-poo. Do you think maybe I could use the potty?”
“Sarah,” Helen said sternly, turning to look at her niece, “you know the rules. You get to have control over your body again, but you are not an adult anymore. Your mother convinced me not to make you act like a total baby all the time, but when it comes to your potty training, I’m putting my foot down. You will never use a toilet again, young lady. You wear nappies now, and nappies are for pooping in. Now squat down and make a messy in your pants right this instant, or I’ll call the hypnotist and have you cooing and gurgling in your crib by tomorrow!”
Her lower lib trembling pathetically, Sarah fell into a squat, all traces of the formerly proud, snarky young woman gone for good. With a loud fart, she started pooping her diaper. She could sense the smiles of her aunt and cousin above her as she grunted and strained to make yuck-yuck in her pants right in front of them. As the heavy, disgusting load dropped into the back of her nappy, Sarah burst into tears.
“That’s a good girl,” Helen cooed, her face alive with malicious delight, savouring the sight of her niece packing her adult Pampers like the ridiculous baby-woman she’d been turned into. “Get it all out. Right in your pants like a silly little baby.”
Sarah’s vision was blurred by her tears, but she felt her aunt take hold of her hand once she’d finished pooping. Helen led her into the living room and positioned her in front of the television, where some inane children’s program was showing.
“Be a good girl and watch your kiddie shows, Sarah,” said Helen, smirking. “I need to take your older cousin to kindergarten now, so I want you to stay right here. I’ll change your diaper when I get back.”
Sarah only sobbed.
“And your baby monitor will be recording,” Helen went on. Sarah felt her stomach plummet. “I’ll be reviewing the footage later,” her aunt continued warningly, “and if I don’t see a happy big baby girl dancing along to her silly programs, you’ll be getting a very nasty spanking when I get back. Is that clear, little miss?”
“Yes, auntie Helen,” Sarah whimpered, as the embarrassing, babyish music began to play. Helen and her daughter turned to leave, and Sarah started to dance. This was her life now, and she had no choice but to get used to it.
The End
If you want to read more evil stories about women being transformed into overgrown babies, I also post on SubscribeStar.
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whateatme · 2 months
Birthday Part - Part 2
Sarah’s Auntie, Helen, soothed her crying daughter and helped her out of her wet pull-up and into a fresh one. She was still furious at how cruel Sarah had been to Penny, but if all went according to plan then her three-year-old daughter was going to look positively mature compared to the little brat.
Helen was buzzing with anticipation. She couldn’t wait to go and see what Sarah looked like now. She knew how effective the hypnotist was – and this was exactly why she’d hired him. She’d been planning this with Sarah’s mother for quite some time. She’d given Sarah a final chance, just to be fair, but even she hadn’t expected the girl to be quite so rude. As far as Helen was concerned, her niece was getting exactly what she deserved.
As soon as Penny was in a dry pull-up, Helen took her by the hand and walked eagerly over to the back bedroom. There was a faint voice coming from within, followed by a high-pitched girlish giggle. Helen opened the door, and there she was... She smiled broadly sight of her bratty niece. The girl had been stripped of her crop top and jeans, and in their place was nothing but a glittering pair of fairy wings and a thick, white, disposable diaper bulging between her legs. Her bare breasts were out, and they wobbled on her chest as Sarah turned to face her with a dim, vacant grin on her face.
Helen couldn’t help but let out a cackle at the sight of her. “Hi sweetie!” she cooed tauntingly. “You’re looking very cute!”
“I’ve just finished telling little Sarah here all about how she loves being silly,” said the hypnotist. “Haven’t I, sweetie?” he asked the infantilized young woman standing next to him. “That nasty big girl is locked up inside your pretty little head. You’re just silly Sarah now, aren’t you?”
Sarah giggled again, nodding. “Siwwy Sawah,” she echoed.
“So she’s still conscious inside?” Helen asked the hypnotist while Sarah looked at them uncomprehendingly. Like Penny, who was still holding onto her mother’s hand, she looked as though she had no idea what the grown-ups were talking about.
“Oh yes,” said the hypnotist, smiling darkly. “The adult Sarah is still in there. She just can’t control her body at the moment.”
“Good,” said Helen in a satisfied tone. “I want it to be a punishment for her.” She looked into Sarah’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination, but she thought she could see a hint of fury and horror behind them. She smirked. “Come on then, sweetie! Let’s get you and the birthday girl back to the party, shall we? We’ve got all sorts of fun things to do!” She turned to the hypnotist. “And nobody will see anything wrong with it?”
“Nothing at all,” he said. “I sorted that out when I did the mass session earlier. They’ll know she’s supposed to be a grown woman, but they’ll just accept in their heads that she’s nothing but an overgrown baby. They won’t think twice about her cute little boobies bouncing all over the place.”
“Mummyyy!” Penny whined. “Wanna go back to the party!”
“Okay, princess,” Helen crooned. “We’ll go back right now!”
Helen took Sarah by the hand and led the two girls back into the kitchen, with the hypnotist following behind, his eyes on Sarah’s padded bottom. To him, there was nothing better than taking pretty young women with attitudes and transforming them into overgrown toddlers…
Sarah was angry and terrified, but she had no way to show it. All she could do was rage and scream inside her head while her body smiled stupidly and toddled along beside her Auntie, her bulky nappy crinkling loudly with every unsteady step she took. What was going on?! Surely hypnosis wasn’t powerful enough to force her to act like a giant two-year-old?! They entered the kitchen, and immediately all the adults were swarming around them, cooing at her and Penny. She could see people chuckling at the sight of her bare tits, and some even reached out to tickle her tummy, making her giggle and squirm as if she was enjoying the attention.
“Time for some music!” her Auntie announced, and she started playing some embarrassingly babyish nursery rhymes on speaker. The brats were all dancing, and that’s when Sarah felt it, a sudden restlessness in her arms and legs. Without warning, her body broke into dance as well, and it wasn’t the kind of dancing she usually did at the club. There was nothing sexy or seductive about the way she was moving now. Sarah stomped her feet and waved her arms and shook her Pampered bottom to the silly baby music, giggling and squealing happily while all the adults watched and laughed. Even with her bare boobs out, the way they jiggled and bounced about on her chest just made her look ridiculous rather than sexy.
Inside her head, Sarah was seething. She’d never been more humiliated in her whole life! And then something even worse happened. Quite suddenly, she started wetting herself. There was no warning, no chance of holding it in. One moment she was prancing about in a dry diaper, and the next she was pissing. Her body didn’t seem to mind – she kept dancing and grinning like a moron, but internally she was cringing in shame as she flooded her nappy with wee-wee, and her baby-pants became droopier and droopier. Her warm pee sloshed about in her pants, and Sarah felt like she wanted to be sick. Other people had noticed her way her diaper was sagging, and the way it had become discoloured with her pee, and they pointed and chuckled openly. Her Auntie stepped forward and slipped her fingers down the front of her nappy without so much as a warning, but she only laughed once she’d felt the wetness there, and let Sarah go back to her absurd baby dancing.
The afternoon didn’t get any better. Sarah had to play pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey, all with a soaking wet diaper squishing horribly beneath her bottom. She’d promised herself she’d leave straight away if anyone asked her to go near a used nappy, but she’d never imagined she might have her own soggy diaper to deal with. She wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. She wanted to beat her Auntie and the hypnotist to a bloody pulp.
“Alright girls,” Sarah heard her Auntie say, once they’d finished yet another childish party game. “Who’s ready for cake?”
Sarah started jumping up and down in excitement just like the others, even as her stomach turned at the thought of the rich, calorie-heavy chocolate cake. They couldn’t do this to her! But there was nothing she could do but allow herself to be led over to the enormous chocolate cake. The other children (not the other children, she told herself firmly – she wasn’t a child) were all served their cake on cardboard plates first, leaving her bouncing on her feet, making her soaking wet nappy swing pendulously between her legs.
Grinning, her Auntie tied a pink bib around her neck and handed her a slice of cake. Sarah tried desperately to control her body, but she couldn’t stop herself reaching out and grabbing the piece of cake with her fingers and cramming it messily into her mouth. Soon there was chocolate all over her hands and face. She felt disgusting. She hated being messy!
Her Auntie smiled sadistically at her while she stuffed her face, and reached out to poke her in the tummy. “At this rate you might end up with a little bit of baby fat on your body!” she teased, her eyes glittering maliciously. “Wouldn’t that be adorable?” Sarah felt her stomach drop at the thought.
Once she was done, Helen cleaned her up – or at least, she cleaned up her hands. Although she wiped away some of the cake from around Sarah’s mouth, she made sure to leave her lips and chin smeared with chocolate.
At that moment, Sarah heard her tummy rumble.
Her Auntie tittered. “You can’t still be hungry!” she said. “Unless…” She smiled again, a dark and slightly eager smile. “Does little Sarah have to do a whoopsie?” she cooed delightedly.
Sarah just looked at her blankly, but she wasn’t sure she would have been able to speak even if she had been in control of her body. She felt frozen. No… Surely she didn’t mean...?
There was a cramping in her tummy, and Sarah clutched her belly. NO!
Helen leaned in close to Sarah’s face, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Is the poopy express about to make a stop in your pants, Sarah?” she asked.
Shrieking inside her mind, Sarah bent her knees and stuck her diapered bottom out behind her. Then, with a loud grunt, the twenty-one-year-old started filling her nappy with a big, yucky mess. Her diaper bulged about behind her and sagged even more heavily between her legs, until it was halfway down to her knees. Her pretty face was screwed up with the effort of dirtying her pants. She knew she must look utterly absurd, a grown woman dressed in only fairy wings and a nappy, packing her Pampers like an oversized two-year-old.
She prayed desperately that this was all some sort of horrible nightmare, that she might wake up any second. But when she was done pooping her pants, she looked up into the smiling face of her Auntie and said, “Me made poo-poo!”
“You certainly did!” her Auntie laughed, taking her by the hand and leading niece through the crowd, into the living room. “Choo-choo!” she called happily. “Make way for the poopy express! Little stinker coming through!”
Sarah just stomped along happily, as if she didn’t care one bit that all these people were seeing were waddling along in a clearly loaded diaper. Everyone was laughing at her. Then she saw where her Auntie was taking her, and she felt as though a bucket of icy water had been dumped over her. There, in the middle of the living room floor, the hypnotist had just finished laying out a large, plastic changing mat.
Helen lowered her down onto it gently, and Sarah wrinkled her nose in revulsion as her bottom squished against the filthy mess in her pants. Then her Auntie leaned in close so nobody else could hear and said, “I hope you’re enjoying yourself, Sarah, because the hypnotist’s work isn’t just going to wear off. It has to be removed, otherwise you’ll just be stuck like this. And your mother and I have talked it over, and we think it would be best if you had a second try at babyhood. Maybe it will teach you to treat others with a little more concern. So get used to the feeling of a soggy, stinky nappy, Sarah. You’re not going back to normal for a very, very long time.”
Sarah’s lip trembled. It seemed that her hypnotised body had no intention of stopping her from crying.
“Oh Penny, princess!” Helen called, flashing a nasty look at Sarah before turning around. “Can you help me change your little cousin’s nappy? Just think of her as a great big dolly!”
Sarah saw Penny toddling over to her eagerly, ready to do what Sarah herself had been so disgusted by only a couple of hours earlier. As her legs were lifted into the air, and her Auntie got to work cleaning her up, Sarah thought about what her future would involve. She thought about all the messy mealtimes and baby dances and stinky diapers she would have to endure. Then she started wailing at the top of her lungs.
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whateatme · 2 months
Birthday Party - Part 1
Sarah attends her little cousin’s birthday party, but after she makes the girl cry, the hypnotist hired for the event decides she needs a little attitude adjustment. Sarah missed the hypnotist’s performance earlier, but that’s okay, because he’s happy to give her a one-on-one session to help her enjoy herself just as much as the birthday girl.
Sarah parked her car in her Auntie’s driveway and rolled her eyes at the sight of the decorations adorning the front of the house. Multicoloured streamers were draped over the hedges, and a large pink banner hung over the doorway – the words Happy Birthday Penny, written in sparkly silver letters, were flanked by a pair of cartoon unicorns. It was so embarrassingly girly that Sarah couldn’t help but cringe. She wasn’t a tomboy exactly, but she’d long since abandoned anything quite so pink and cutesy.
She got out of the car and huffed. She was twenty-one years old for God’s sake! She had better things to do than spend a whole afternoon at some stupid baby’s birthday party, but her mother had been insistent. Sure, Penny was her cousin, but Sarah hardly even knew her. She’d been away at university when Penny had been born, and Sarah had only seen her a handful of times. She didn’t like babies. Most of her friends thought they were adorable, but Sarah couldn’t get the thought of dirty diapers out of her head. Babies were so disgusting!
Sarah opened the front door and heard the loud laughter and shrieking of a little girl’s birthday party happening inside. How old was Penny anyway? Sarah looked up and noticed several pink balloons bobbing about on the hallway ceiling, emblazoned with the large number “3”. Surely she’d be out of nappies by now at least. If Sarah was asked to go anywhere near a used diaper, she was going to storm out straight away.
She walked down the hall, following the noise, and entered a spacious kitchen that was adjoined to the living room. The place was covered in streamers and balloons and confetti, and there was an enormous chocolate cake sitting in the middle of the table. Her little cousin was wearing a bright pink dress and a plastic tiara, running around the living room playing a game of musical chairs with her friends.
“There you are, Sarah!” came a voice, and Sarah looked around to see her Auntie marching towards her, smiling. “I was worried you weren’t coming!”
“Oh, yeah…” Sarah said vaguely. “There was a lot of traffic.”
Her Auntie’s smile became rather fixed, but she didn’t contest the lie. “Why don’t you have some cake?” she asked sweetly.
“No thanks,” Sarah said, glancing at the chocolate cake with distaste. Just imagine how many calories were in that! Her Auntie wasn’t exactly fat, but she was a lot plumper than Sarah’s own model-thin physique. She might be happy to risk her figure, but Sarah certainly wasn’t.
At that moment, the game of musical chairs ended, and Penny was left jumping up and down, squealing excitedly at her victory. Her mother went over to congratulate her, leaving Sarah to help herself to a drink.
She looked around hopefully for a sign of something alcoholic, but there was nothing. Already wishing she’d made up some excuse not to come, never mind how furious her mother and Auntie might have been with her, she poured herself a plastic cup of lemonade and lounged against the kitchen counter, examining the other guests. There was no-one else even close to her age. Everyone was either a brat or a parent.
Then a man strolled over and leant against the counter next to her. He was dressed very peculiarly in a tailed coat and bowtie, like a stage magician.
“Hello,” said Sarah, uncertainly.
“Nice to meet you, sweetie!” the man said cheerfully. “Are you enjoying the party?”
Sarah was about to lie and say that she was, but there was something about his overly bright tone that annoyed her. “No,” she said bluntly, sounding much more like a pouty child than she’d intended. She felt her face going red.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” the man said kindly. “It’s a shame you weren’t here earlier. I’m a hypnotist, you see. I’m very good with suggestions. I go around deciding what all the boys and girls should become, then I tell them how to act accordingly. There’s always at least one person who’s not enjoying themselves, but after a session with me, they’ll be running around and giggling as happily as anyone else.”
He smiled at her, and Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. The man was quite handsome, even if he was almost twice her age, but there was something a little unsettling about his expression. He was probably hoping to get into her pants, Sarah thought. But no… that wasn’t it. His expression wasn’t predatory. Not exactly. It was more amused, or condescending. He was looking at her in the same way all the parents were looking at their shrieking three-year-olds, and Sarah didn’t like it at all.
“Well anyway,” she said, thinking hard for an excuse to get away, but at that moment her Auntie reappeared, holding Penny’s hand. The girl was fidgeting with the hem of her pink dress and staring shyly at her shoes.
“Sarah,” said her Auntie in a whisper, “could I have your help? I’m afraid Penny’s had a little accident, and I could do with someone to help me clean her up.”
“She had a…” Sarah began, looking down at Penny’s waist. No pee-stained socks. No puddle on the floor. “An accident?” she asked. Surely this couldn’t be happening. Surely she wasn’t really being asked to do this.
“In her pull-ups,” her Auntie clarified.
Sarah looked at her in disgust. “She’s pissed herself and you want me to help change her fucking nappy?” she demanded, disbelieving.
“Sarah!” her Auntie exclaimed in a shocked voice.
“No way,” Sarah said firmly, “I’m not doing that.”
Penny started to cry.
“Now look what you’ve done!” her Auntie snapped. She turned to her daughter. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
“Oh come on,” Sarah sneered. “Can she really not use a toilet at three years old?” She felt a little guilty about making her cousin cry, but she was too angry to care. Her Auntie was acting like she was the one who’d done something wrong! Just because she didn’t want to change a disgusting, pissy diaper! “Maybe I should have brought some nappies for her as a birthday present.”
Her Auntie glared at her furiously. She’d just opened her mouth to say something when the hypnotist cut in. “I’ll take care of Sarah,” he said mildly. He exchanged a meaningful look with her Auntie, and Sarah was shocked to see a smile flash across the woman’s face. She nodded and led her crying daughter away by the hand, throwing Sarah one last furious look over her shoulder.
Sarah rounded on the ridiculous man. “What do you mean you’ll take care of me?” she demanded, raising her eyebrow in a superior way. “I’m not a… not a… What are you… doing…?”
Her voice faltered. The hypnotist had taken out a shining silver pocket watch, and was swinging it in front of her face. Sarah wanted to laugh, but something stopped her. Her thoughts felt slow and sluggish. The hypnotist was saying something, but she wasn’t sure what. The watch was glittering brightly. So, so brightly…
The hypnotist took her by the hand and started leading her further into the house. She tried to stop, but it was as if her body was out of her control. Her feet wouldn’t obey her! She felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach. What was going on?!
The man smiled at her over his shoulder. “Like I told you before, I’m very good with suggestions. I always have been! I know you’re scared, Sarah, but there’s nothing to be frightened about. I’m just going to help you have a lovely time at Penny’s party, and after that…” He paused, smirking. “Well, after that I suppose it will be up to your Auntie.”
Sarah tried to say something, anything, but no words would come out. Before she knew it, she was sitting in a comfy chair in the spare bedroom, the noise of the party echoing distantly. The hypnotist was sat directly across from her, his shiny silver pocket watch back in his hand.
He swung it gently before her eyes, and Sarah couldn’t tear her eyes away. So shiny, she thought. So pretty. Pretty pocket watch…
“That’s it, Sarah,” the hypnotist cooed. “That’s a good girl. Now, we’re going to have a little talk, that’s all, and see if we can make your behaviour match your attitude.”
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whateatme · 2 months
What's that noise little one? 😳💩🙈
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whateatme · 3 months
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whateatme · 3 months
Not gonna lie… This turned me the hell on… 😈
Bananas, Diapers and Enemas oh my!
This is not mine, but I have done it countless times over the last couple years. I find it best to use a Poise Medium pad instead of the flimsy maxi pads, but either way, Enjoy!
* 4 bananas - not too ripe, but not green either - break each in half * 1 Kotex pad – medium absorbencys fine (note: a disposable diaper liner is a suitable alternative) * 4 liquid fleet susuppositories- (note: not fleet enenmas and not solid glycerin suppositories)
(1) place banana halves in a glass bowl and nuke for 30 secs (optional)
(2) empty two of the fleet liquid suppository applicators onto the banana halves making sure the tips of each are lightly lubricated
(3) empty the other two applicators up the subs rectum
(4) slip the banana hahalves tip-first into the sub’s butt, one at a time (obviously). This may take a couple of minutes. It is a wonderfully strange sensation for the sub, so no need to race through this. the first banana will completely smush up. Push as much as you can in with your gloved hand. It’s weird, but believe it or not, they start to go in easier and easier. By the 3rd or 4th half, they pop right in. This is why you start with 8 hahalves. By the last half, you’re sub will be incredibly full.
(5) tightly roll the kotex pad in sleeping bag fashion. sticky plastic side inward; cotton side facing out.
(6) wipe up the glass bowl with remaining liquid suppository - if necessary, pop open another and thoroughly lube it up.
(7) insert the rolled-up kotex into your sub’s quivering (and very full) rectum. If necessary, use your finger to push it all the way in.
(8) tightly diaper your sub and finish it off with snug plastic pants.
(9) Allow your sub to lay calmly for a few minutes; then make him get up stand; answer questions; walk around; whatever.
Here’s what is going on. The sub is obviously incredibly full of very wet, warm and weighted mush. And the quick-acting suppository is screaming at the poor sub’s bowels “void. Void!”. But…as the kotex begins to absorb the moisture from the bananas, it slowly expands and forms a snug and incredibly effective plug.
The resulting predicament is that the sub feels that intense crampy and panicky feeling. If they try to tighten their sphincter, the intensity of the cramping actually grows. I’m not sure why, but it does. And if they relax their sphincter (and eventually they have to); they find that they are absolutely 100% sure they are about to fill their pants, but at the very last second…they don’t. The cramping and trembling subsides. They can actually stand and converse semi-intelligently. But then, in about 90 seconds, they feel it building again. That nasty wave of cramping. Everything goes crazy again. They can’t focus; can’t speak. It’s happening, oh my god, I can’t hold it….but then it backs off again. It’s like wave after wave of contraction. Each one gets slightly stronger. And each one forces the sphincter to dilate a tiny bit more. This can sometimes go on for 45 minutes or longer.
After 30 to 60 minutes, the sub is totally freaked out. This is supremely controlling for the domme. You own every part of their existence at this point. And there are all kinds of creative ways for you to intensify the mind fuck. Dress him up, take him for a walk, maybe grocery shopping, and watch him try to mask his contractions and misery.
This is as close to incontinence as most subs get. I mean, with a full enema, at some point, you release and soil yourself. But with this, even if you push down a little, the plug means that everything takes it’s own course. It will happen when it happens. And that’s that. You won’t know. And the big baby won’t be able to tell you either.
But then, at some point the sub’s tired and quivering little sphincter surrenders all hope, and involuntarily spreads and the sub’s diapers fill with a mass of warm, wet, steamy ooze. But that’s not it, in most cases, about 30 seconds after the pressure is releived from the prostate gland, the sub’s bladder will involuntarily empty as well.
This qualifies as an emotionally, mentally and physically intense experience. Sure to leave any bottom completely chagrined, humiliated and weakened. Most dommes who have tried this recipe have been utterly blown away that such an intense form of control and humiliation can be relatively easily orchestrated with common grocery store items.
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whateatme · 3 months
Special for the 20k in (X), this little baby, made the biggest BLORTT!!,
Pushing and feeling my diaper expand was great!
Being a dumb baby and crawling while I play in my mess is even better!! 🤎✨️
Did I earn a gold star?🌟
You can see more on my JFF☁️
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