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A spoiled milk with fandoms
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scarfear15 · 2 months ago
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Unexpected and unrequested Bowuigi be upon ye
They still tickle me from time to time. And I found these now years old sketches I never cleaned up, and decided to share cuz WHY NOT!
Its a good time thank everyone who supports my silly ideas LOL 🙇 ♥️ genuinely love you all sm
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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daisuke isn't dumb—he just has adhd and sometimes your brain wanders off while you're doing a task that's kinda monotonous and next thing you know you've put the legs on the chair on backwards and now your mentor is crying.
"why is swansea's hand bandaged up in the 2nd pic?" asked no one. this is because in my Responsibility AU, swansea burns both hands pulling curly out of the fire when they crash. they'll heal eventually, but in the meantime daisuke steps up to do the repairs n stuff under swansea's guidance/supervision. i NEED them to have more father-son bonding moments for my mental health ok? plus daisuke gets to do more things and show what he's made of. 💪 plus plus swansea gets to be a Proud Dad. :')
curly's injuries are bad but they aren't as bad as in the original timeline because he got rescued faster. he might lose a leg but the rest of his limbs are saveable. anya teaches him sign language once he gets more movement in his hands. jimmy's loser ass is still knocked out in the cryopod. at least he's supposed to be—the crash made the cryo room inaccessible so nobody has been able to confirm, but it's probably fine. probably.
yes i'm lining up a final big conflict with jimmy in which he gets terminated permanently this time
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
I've been binging Pitch Meeting videos so now I have to write a pitch meeting for one of my fics, sorry, that's how my brain works.
*A prince to forget a princess Pitch Meeting*
ao3: so you have a fanfic for me?
me: yes sir I do. It's called "A prince to forget a princess".
ao3: oooh and what's that about?
me: well this is a Mario Movie fic, and in that movie it was established that Bowser is in love with princess Peach, right? So I kinda have to make him get over her.
ao3: i get it, and who's going to be this prince Bowser falls for in the fic?
me: Luigi
ao3: but Luigi is not a prince
me: oh I know
ao3: but then why the title?
me: because I like how it sounds
ao3: well okay then
me: so anyway this starts some time after the movie ended and Mario and Peach are dating now. And Luigi is very happy for them but he's also like "huh I better find more friends if I don't want to be third wheeling all the time"
ao3: understandable. So who does he talk to?
me: Bowser
ao3: the monster that threw him into a cage and almost killed him? Why would Luigi do that?
me: because I ship them
ao3: that works
me: so Bowser is in jail and he's very bored and lonely so he tells Luigi to keep coming to see him and that's how they'll end up spending time together. And then one day Daisy is going to show up!
ao3: she's from the games!!
me: she is sir. And she's Luigi's most obvious love interest so we're going to mention how they'd make a good couple but then it's going to be revealed that Daisy is actually a lesbian here.
ao3: nice. So we're going to have a lesbian character as the main character's best friend just to support him but never to be the main character herself, I hope that's not like a trend or anything
me: yeah me too
ao3: so what else is going to happen?
me: well Bowser is going to escape the prison!
ao3: oh no
me: and he's going to kidnap Luigi!
ao3: oh no, i bet it's going to be difficult for Luigi to escape from Bowser
me: actually it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience
ao3: oh really?
me: yeah, Bowser is just going to release him immediately
ao3: why?
me: well because he wants to be good now. You see he's already paid his time in jail so he's going to improve as a person and be better now
ao3: but why would he want that? I mean, it didn't seem like the Mushroom Kingdom had any kind of reintegration program, they just shoved him in a tiny cage without even a bathroom and left him there to rot, I feel like Bowser would want to get revenge
me: listen sir I'm gonna need you to get all the way off of my back about that
ao3: oh sorry let me get off of that thing
me: thank you. So all these kingdom leaders start asking Bowser for compensations for the war he started, and they're all going to communicate with Bowser only through Luigi as an ambassador
ao3: why?
me: because I need the fanfic to happen. So then one of the things Peach asks him for is to stop pursuing her in marriage, she's done, she wants him to leave her alone
ao3: understandable
me: yeah but Bowser is going to be very sad about it so Luigi is going to smooch him!
ao3: wait what
me: yeah they're going to fully make out over Bowser's piano
ao3: oh my god. Isn't this still the monster that tried to kill him? Why would Luigi do that?
me: well you see, I saw the movie trailer and it completely changed the chemistry of my brain forever so now I can't ever be convinced that they're not at least a little horny for each other
ao3: oh okay, that makes sense
me: yeah yeah yeah. And then Luigi's going to decide to keep that a secret because it was probably just a one time thing
ao3: i'm guessing it's not a one time thing
me: it's not. And then Daisy is going to find out by randomly commenting how crazy it would be if Luigi and Bowser kissed and Luigi is going to get so flustered that he's going to give it away
ao3: but why would she say that out of nowhere?
me: because i wanted her to know. So now she knows and she's going to constantly fluster Luigi with her inappropriate questions
ao3: oh wow wow wow. Wow.
me: But then one day Luigi is going to have some flashbacks about that time he almost died and Bowser's going to be worried about him and care for him and make Luigi feel better
ao3: aaawwww
me: yeah but Mario is going to worry because Luigi's not coming back but he promised Luigi he'd trust him and in the end that only makes Luigi appreciate his brother more so that's a cute moment between them
ao3: that's cute
me: it is but Luigi is going to feel guilty about Mario worrying about him while he's having a great time kissing Bowser so he's going to tell Mario the truth
ao3: uh oh, how's Mario going to react to that?
me: off screen
ao3: huh, you think that's the best move? Don't you think the readers will be disappointed?
me: maybe. But I've already written three other fics in which Mario finds out about Luigi and Bowser so I just don't feel like doing it again
ao3: oh I get it, sounds like work
me: yeah yeah yeah
ao3: okay so anything else happens?
me: oh yeah actually remember the penguins from the movie? They're still mad with Bowser because he stole their Power Star and they want another one
ao3: but I imagine getting a Power Star for them is going to be very difficult
me: actually, it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience
ao3: oh really?
me: yeah, Daisy just finds one
ao3: oh okay
me: and then Bowser is like "okay I gave away all these compensations and even a Power Star so everyone better get off of my back already" and Luigi's like "yeah it's over you're a good guy now"
ao3: well great!
me: yeah so Bowser and Luigi are going to sleep together
ao3: oh my god, wait, is this rated E?
me: this is rated E sir
ao3: you almost fooled me with all the fluff and wacky adventure stuff but this was horny all along
me: it was horny all along, yeah yeah yeah. So they're gonna have a very detailed smut scene
ao3: oh wow wow wow. Wow. Well, that was a fun fanfic...
me: actually it's not done yet
ao3: it's not?
me: no, you see, cause just because some people sleep together it doesn't mean they're in a relationship so now I have to make them get into a relationship together
ao3: oh and how are you going to do that?
me: by changing the entire genre of the fic
ao3: wait what
me: now Peach invites all the kingdom leaders to a Tennis Tournament to celebrate the new peace
ao3: oh so this is a spokon now?
me: yeah because I freaking love spokon
ao3: well okay then
me: so Luigi and Bowser are going to spend more time together, and Mario and Peach are going to start forgiving Bowser...
ao3: this feels draggy
me: also Daisy is going to hook up with Rosalina
ao3: yeah that might as well happen
me: and then Luigi is going to realize he has feelings for Bowser!
ao3: oooh finally, and what's he going to do about that?
me: nothing, because the next day Bowser is going to see Mario and Peach kissing
ao3: oh wow that came out of nowhere
me: actually there was a chapter about their first kiss, they're kind of a side ship here
ao3: oh okay
me: so anyway Bowser's going to be confused because he should be furious with Mario but he's not, and you know what he's going to realize?
ao3: that he's not actually in love with Peach?
me: that he's not actually in love with Peach! And he never really was, because he didn't know her, he just thought she was pretty and fell in love with an idea of her. But do you know who he actually spent time getting to know for real?
ao3: Luigi?
me: Luigi! So he realizes he's in love with Luigi actually
ao3: oh wow wow wow. Wow
me: yeah I'm an amazing writer
ao3: it's not bad. So what's Bowser going to do about these newly discovered feelings?
me: oh you know, what any reasonable person would do. Just propose to Luigi right away in front of all the tournament guests
ao3: oh my god
me: and Luigi tells him they should date first and that's it, everyone lives happily ever after. So what do you think?
ao3: well I think it's a cute fic with a consistent plot, and the movie just came out, so as long as you finish it before the hype dies away it will do very well
me: no problem, sir, I will absolutely finish this soon
*Completion status: fanfic completed in October 2024*
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
Everything that made me go hjdshsk in THE bowuigi scene :
(in no particular order)
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the way he so carefully move the cap *inhale*
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he plays with him its so cute
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he's just showing of and i LOVE that
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come on luigi, we know you like that
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again, he's just playing with his little mustachioed green italian man
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THIS, this for f*** sake
they're gay, there is no argument to be made
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
Chapter 2 is here!! I apologize for the very late update, but finals got me VERY stressed, and I wasn't about to deliver CRAP QUALITY in favor of speed and schedule!!
Oh, and about that Wednesday upload thing. Scratch that. I lied 🤡🤡. Y'all will be getting content on the later days of the week!!
Enjoy, my lovelies!!
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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Nintendo really said: let 2024 be the year of bowuigi . i am so normal about this- (downloads the wallpapers ASAP)
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
New chapter of my Megamind-inspired bowuigi fic! And since we got to the comic that started this whole thing, I didn't have to draw a new illustration this time. 😂
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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Anya from Mouthwashing!!!! I love Anya 😭😭💖💖💖
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scarfear15 · 3 months ago
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scarfear15 · 4 months ago
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Peace girl
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scarfear15 · 5 months ago
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82 YEARS AGO - BATMAN DEBUTED FOR THE FIRST TIME Eighty-two years ago on March 30, 1939, Detective Comics #27 hit newsstands, introducing the Caped Crusader for the very first time in a featured story called “The Case of the Chemical Syndicate.”
“And for all that fierce exterior, I’ve never met anyone who cared as deeply about his fellow man as Bruce Wayne.”  - Amanda Waller, Justice League Unlimited, Season 2 Episode 13 (2005)
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scarfear15 · 6 months ago
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Two sketches of Blueberry Kong when she was younger and when she talks to Funky Kong (Funky was talking about something random.)
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scarfear15 · 6 months ago
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My Donkey Kong Oc, Blueberry Kong. She is a sassy yet reliable ape. She tends to be not as friendly as anyone else. But, she is straightforward and can be nice when she wants to be. She is a witch doctor with a lot of experience as a medic. She uses her trusty staff for aerial and far ranged combat. However, without her staff, she can use hand to hand combat.
Likes: relaxing, reading random medical books, surfing, and talking to friends and siblings(if she feels like it), fruits, funky music, and dancing.
Dislikes: the kremlings, King K. Rool, liars, blueberries(check it out in fun facts), and overly chatty people/Kongs
Love interest(s): Candy Kong (a slight crush but doesn't want to push boundaries) and Funky Kong(secretly likes him a lot.)
Height: slightly taller than Candy.
weight: nope (she's a healthy weight)
Fun fact: She smells like blueberries (she hates the smell of blueberries but she doesn't mind eating them.
She has 2 siblings and a mom (all named after “berries”). The sisters' names are Blackberry and Grape. The mom's name is Strawberry.
She has healing powers but doesn't use them unless necessary.
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scarfear15 · 7 months ago
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OUTTA NOWHERE some bowuigi doodles from patreon (originally posted about a month ago)
I post pretty frequently on there and most of my posts are available to the lowest tier sub, usually drawing whatever I feel like LOL
Sometimes I’ll get bit by the bowuigi bug now and again
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scarfear15 · 8 months ago
Two extreme pissed Dads....👑👿
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And they're coming to get their son back...
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I'm so not sorry 🫠
Interested in more?
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