#young Charles Xavier
star-lights-up · 10 hours
so is this anything
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and-claudia · 3 days
Charles Xavier Headcanon
Warnings: spoilers for Logan, mentions of death (reader is dead)
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In his last moments Charles remembered what it was like when his wife, Yn had passed. He had sat her bedside as it happened, hearing her thoughts. He was scared for the moment he ceased to hear them anymore. She was asleep when it happened, but it was as if she knew it was coming and that Charles was listening. Her last thought was “I’ll wait for you, Charlie.”
Charles didn’t know what happened after death, but the hope of seeing her again brought him peace despite the circumstances. Logan pleaded with him to stay, but it was his time. He had to go. As his eyes shut for the last time, his only thought was of Yn.
When he opened his eyes again it was much brighter. He was also significantly taller than normal. It was then he realized he was standing. And not only that, he was standing in the driveway to the mansion. His back was to the massive house but he knew this land.
Slowly he turned around and there she was, waiting for him on the steps. She didn’t look like she had the day she passed, old, frail and sickly. No, quite the opposite actually. She just as she had when they were young and just opening the school.
“Hi, Charlie.” Her voice was also just as beautiful as he remembered.
He smiled, “Is this real?”
“Yes.” She said.
“So I’m…” he trailed off as she nodded.
“Well are you just going to stand there?” She asked.
He smiled even brighter as he hurried up the steps to her. Once he was close enough he pulled her to him, hugging her tightly before pulling back and giving her the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. When he pulled away, he kept a hand on her cheek and kept his forehead pressed against hers for a moment.
“There’s someone else you should say hi to.” She whispered.
He was confused for a moment before he heard his voice.
“Hi, dad.”
Charles let go of Yn and spun around to see his son. It was weird seeing him as practically the same age he looked now as well, but he was still overjoyed to see him. That was until he remembered how his son had died. He was one of many X-Men killed in the Westchester Incident.
“Nelson… I am so s-“
“It wasn’t fault, dad.” He said, stepping closer to hug his father.
Yn stood to the side watching as her husband reunited with their son. When they finally pulled away, Nelson spoke up again.
“No one blames you for what happened.” He said softly.
“No one? Who else is here?” He asked, looking over to Yn.
“Want to go inside and find out, we’ve all been waiting for you.” Yn said with a smile, holding her hand out for him to take.
He took it with a smile and put his arm around their sun as they walked up to the door. When it opened, Charles was met with all the friends that he had lost throughout the years. They all smiled and cheered when they saw him, welcoming him in.
He was finally home.
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heliads · 5 months
Hi!! So excited your requests are open! I was wondering if you write for young!charles xavier? Where him and fem!reader (who has similar telepathic powers as him, and often communicates with him this way, e.g. through some small quips that causes him to accidentally laugh out loud) have just returned from a really tiring mission back to the school, dealt with some of the kids, and just take some time to relax and just be with each other?
Thank you very much and have a lovely day!
'like me' - charles xavier
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Charles Xavier is stressed again.
You can feel it on your skin like rushing water, pouring around your brain until all you can think about is him, him– the way it always has been, the way it always will be. The divide between you and Charles has rapidly worn away until it is practically nothing at all. It’s you and him, him and you. Almost one person. Certainly one mind.
All your life, you’ve struggled with who you want to be. Discovering your mutation at the young age of ten years old only catapulted you into a life of confusion. At first, your telepathy was nothing more than a burden. The sound of everyone’s thoughts in your head was a crashing din of noise and exhaustion. You dragged yourself through every day, bothered to overstimulation by the never ending tumult of voices in your mind, but you could never sleep enough at night, kept awake by the dreams of those around you.
Only with time were you able to calm your mind down, to set up walls between yourself and others until you could finally experience some peace within the confines of your own head. On days when you’re sick or tired, the whispers find a way to sneak in through the cracks in your mental barriers, but for the most part, you’re okay. You block out the world, and even if it makes you lonelier, and even if shutting off your mutation makes you feel like you’ve cut off a limb, you’re less distracted. It was better.
So you told yourself, at least. You had assumed that shoving everything to the very periphery of your existence was the only way to live. It wasn’t as if there were any other mutants around to tell you otherwise, after all. Then, all of a sudden, there was. Appearing out of the blue, a stranger, dressed well, with a comforting air to him. A quiet smile directed towards you, a cup of tea cooling in his hands. Charles Xavier found you and told you were going to be alright. And you believed him. And he was telling the truth.
He often does. Charles is the rare sort of person that lives life as if it isn’t just a game. He abides by the rules, and whether he wins or loses, he doesn’t cheat. Not often, and never unless it’s absolutely necessary. Charles consistently looks for the good in people, and, amazingly enough, he has a knack for finding it. The idea of a mutant school was unfathomable– too risky, too many dangerous people in one place– but of course if one person could make it happen, it would be Charles. Charles was everything to you. Is everything to you. And always will be.
You were one of the first mutants Charles found. All of the others in the first round, he met with Erik, but Charles met you by himself. He said he wanted it to be personal. Really, Charles wanted to have this moment with you to himself. Apparently, he’d been able to sense that your mutation was just like his, and he was delighted by it, a child again. You could see it in the cherubic grin on his face, the bright spark in those shining blue eyes. After all this time alone, the two of you had finally found each other.
You can still remember every detail of that first meeting even all these years later. It was impossible to forget a single thing about Charles. You were practically starstruck to be in his presence. Here was this man who knew everything about the torment in your mind, who had found a way to live without suppressing himself. His control was incredible. He led the life you wanted for yourself, and best of all, he was willing to teach it to you.
Of course you would have gone with him to this idea of a school. You would have followed him anywhere if it meant being able to embrace your gift, and later, although you didn’t know it or perhaps weren’t willing to acknowledge it, being able to embrace him. When the two of you came back to the school, Erik initially didn’t believe that the two of you had just met. It was impossible, he said. The two of you spoke to each other like you’d known each other your entire lives, not just for the span of a few hours.
And maybe you had known him forever. It certainly felt that way. Charles understood you like no one else. The two of you developed a way of speaking that drove everyone else mad, half in your heads and half aloud. You’d go five minutes just staring intently at each other, then laugh and say a word here and there that revealed absolutely nothing about the conversation taking place. As your control over your mutation grew, your talks with Charles grew more and more nonverbal until they happened entirely in your heads save for odd exclamations here and there.
It tends to interfere with his teaching. Charles will be in the middle of a lesson when you’ll pop into his mind to report on a mission or tell him a funny joke. The students have come to brush it off when Professor Xavier starts laughing in the middle of an otherwise serious debate on ethics, or a long derivation of some physics formula. It’s you, again. Always is.
Charles pretends it drives him mental, but you both know otherwise. You can feel his delight in being able to speak to you in your mind, after all. It resonates through your head just as it does in his, warming your cheeks with his own rosy blush of affection. When the two of you fell in love, you could sense it instantly. His emotions were yours. Your love was his. All of the pieces of the two of you overlapped until there was no separation between yourselves, just one great person, one Charles-and-Y/N, Y/N-and-Charles, together until the end. You adore it.
And so it has been since the very start. The two of you as one, watching over the students as they enter your school. You teach them all you can, and say fond goodbyes as some pupils leave, ready to face the outside world, this time armed with the knowledge that they can take care of themselves and their mutations. Others stay for years, perhaps indefinitely, and you treasure them for as long as you can. Everyone leaves eventually. Everyone but you and Charles.
The school is not merely a school, of course. Your primary objective will always be to care for the young mutants of the world, but there is another facet to it, and that would happen to be your extracurricular activity of saving the planet. You’re a central part of the X-Men, and often find yourself shipping out on missions across the world with the others when you’re needed.
You’ve been on a particularly nasty mission for a few weeks now, but at long last, you’re on a plane headed home. You always miss Charles whenever you’re away; feeling his connection to you grow shakier the farther you’re apart before dropping away entirely once you’re out of range is nothing short of heartbreaking. Whenever you’re unable to communicate directly through your minds, you feel like a child again, utterly alone and with no idea that she could ever find someone to love and understand her the way Charles does.
You come back, though. You always come back. This time, it was a little less certain that you would, but after several harrowing weeks, you’re finally landing at the mansion, and you know everything is going to be okay again. You have a few minor injuries that need clearing in the medical wing, and there are reports that need to be written, but it is over, the fear is over.
Still, there is one person in the mansion who will not stop being afraid until you find him. You saw Charles briefly when you arrived, and eagerly fell into his embrace upon disembarking, but you were split up by the necessity of medical attention and wrapping up some lingering loose ends. Once the end of the day is upon you, though, and your bandages have been wrapped and wounds treated, you want nothing more than to find Charles again.
You can feel his stress pressing in on you from all sides. He gets like this a lot when missions are running, Jean has told you that, but this time it’s worse than usual. You were only able to send him quick, intermittent messages through the radio, and all delivered bad news. The odds that you would come back severely injured were high, and even if you managed to beat them, the possibility was still there.
You make your way out of the medical wing, walking through the halls of the mansion towards the living quarters. On the way, you’re stopped by several children who’ve waited up to see you, and after assuring them that you’re alright and will be back to training with them soon, you’re free to bid them goodnight and head upstairs.
Charles is waiting for you in your shared room. He’s been whispering to you all evening, making sure you’re okay and that you’re coming to find him soon, but once you open the door and come face to face with him once more, the whispers suddenly stop. All is quiet.
“I missed you,” he says aloud.
You smile. “I know. I missed you too.”
Charles’ face, a portrait of anxiety, cracks with relief at last and he holds out his arms to you. You release yourself towards him and let him embrace you. Charles’ breath is warm on your face, and his hand rubs calming circles on the small of your back. The comfort of finally being back with him is indescribable, closest to finally taking a breath after suffocating. The last few weeks have been tumultuous and torturous, but at long last, you know you’re going to be okay again. You’re with Charles. What could ever harm you?
requested by @fly-you-dam-fools, i hope you enjoy!
xmen tag list: @blondsauduun, @callsign-scully, @gods-fools-heroes, @deafsuperhero, @faerieroyal
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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bamffbamf · 10 days
thinking about young charles xavier;
he sneaks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you fix yourself some coffee. a soft hum leaves his lips as he starts to place kisses along your shoulder blade and neck. you can't help but lean into his touch a soft groan slips from your own lips. charles is a tease and can't help but nip at that sensitive spot on your neck before he pulls away completely. when you turn to him with a playful glare, you're met with his stunning smile as he quips at you.
"you'll just have to be patient if you want more from me, darling."
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keigohawks · 1 month
okay yall where is the young charles xavier content its dry as fuck on here. i need me some good shit to read.
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Days of Future Past
pairing: Young!Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
summary: What if Charles had a wife in the 70s? And what if she was pregnant when Logan came to visit?
word count: 5071
warnings: canon typical violence, pregnancy, addiction
part two
masterlist birthday celebration masterlist
"I got it!" Y/N yelled as someone knocked on the door. She wiped her hands on her apron, as she had been making dinner when the knock sounded, and went to go open the door. When she made her way to the lobby, however, Hank was already talking with the man outside. He forcefully made his way inside, and Y/N crossed her arms over her stomach.
"Hey! I said the school's closed. You need to leave." Hank yelled after the man, but he was still making his way inside.
"Not until I see the professor." The man said, and Y/N stepped forward.
"There's no professor here, sir. Maybe you should get along." She said, and Hank protectively went to her side.
"Y/N! I didn't know you'd be h - you're pregnant?" The man said, and Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know my name?" She asked, taking another step forward. The man sighed. He looked annoyed and worn out, but Y/N really didn't care.
"Look, someday, we're all gonna be good friends. You just don't know it yet." The man said to the both of them, before punching Hank in the face. Y/N dropped to his side as he fell to the ground, letting the man walk up the stairs. What did he mean by that? And if they were supposed to be 'friends,' why did he punch Hank?
"That son of a bitch," Hank grumbled out, rubbing his cheek.
"Professor?" The man called, and Y/N immediately rushed to follow the man up the stairs and to the left, Hank still on the floor. Charles was having a hard time, and he needed more help than Hank would.
"Sir, I don't know who you think you are, or who you think you're looking for, but-" Y/N cut herself off as a blue Hank went barreling past her. Her eyes widened, watching the two fight down the hallway. She stood with her back against the wall as Hank threw the man across the stairs, jumping after him. He then proceeded to throw the man all the way down the stairs, onto the table in the lobby. The door across the hallway from her opened, and Y/N was met with blue eyes.
"Charles," She greeted, surprised as Charles emerged from their room. They heard growling, and the two made their way to the main lobby, Y/N pulling off her apron and putting it on the bannister.
"Hank? What's going on here?" Charles yelled, and Y/N followed silently down the stairs.
"Professor?" The unnamed man said.
"Please don't call me that." Charles requested, and Y/N frowned. She looked at Hank, who was hanging upside down on the chandelier directly on top of the man. She put her head down, staying silent. When Charles first lost his legs, he didn't seem to care as much. It was only when his friends, his family, began to get drafted for the war that Charles fell, and hard. She had tried her best to get him to lay off the serum, especially because she was pregnant. She had found out a couple weeks after they had opened the school, right before people were getting drafted. She tries not to think about the fact that he may have been better off if she hadn't been in his life, if she wasn't carrying his child. She would never voice her thoughts, however, and it was much easier to pretend now that he no longer could read her mind.
Sometimes they even pretended she wasn't pregnant, that they weren't mutants.
"Why? Do you know this guy?" Hank asked. Y/N still didn't dare look up. She didn't want to make things worse, didn't want to set Charles or Hank off even more. Both were clearly stressed out, and she was stuck not being able to help either. The easiest thing for her to do was shut up and make food.
Speaking of food, she should probably go back there.
"Yeah, he looks slightly familiar. Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank." Charles said, his voice already slurring. If he hadn't been paralyzed and she hadn't been pregnant, he wouldn't have been drunk already. Hank flipped off the Chandelier, and the man began to slowly sit up.
"You can walk." Y/N heard the man say, and she snapped her head up. What did this guy know? Who was he to know that Charles hasn't always been able to walk? All thoughts of her going back to the food was abandoned in favor of backing up Charles.
"You're a perceptive one." She said, and Charles gave her a look as he walked down the stairs. She rolled her eyes, beginning to talk over the man that was already talking. She was breaking her number one rule, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
"I thought Erik-"
"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in." Y/N said, and Charles looked at her before finishing the talk.
"This is private property, my friend. I'm gonna have to ask him to ask you to leave." Charles sat down on the last step, and Y/N rushed down the steps to his side, grabbing ahold of his arm.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, because, uh, because I was sent here for you." The man said, and Charles looked at Y/N, but his expression was blank. He looked back to the man.
"Well, tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm-" Charles lead off, looking at Y/N once more. His gaze rested on the bump that was currently fanning out the dress she had on. "Busy, obviously." He finished, and Y/N looked back to the man.
"That's gonna be a little tricky, because the person who sent me was you." The man said, taking a deep breath.
"What?" Y/N and Charles said at the same time, although Charles seemed less interested than Y/N. She didn't quite understand all the things he understood, and right now she was lost.
"About fifty years from now." The man continued, and Y/N released Charles' arm to hold her head in her hands. How was that supposed to work?
"Fifty years from now? Like in the future, fifty years from now?" She asked, looking back up at the man. She knows she needs to stop talking, but suddenly life was flipped and she forgot to remember herself for a moment.
"Yeah." The man confirmed.
"I sent you from the future." Charles said. He definitely wasn't believing it.
"Yeah." The man confirmed again, and Y/N looked over to see Hank shaking his head.
"Piss off." Charles said, and Y/N stood, rising tall to intimidate the man. It wasn't working.
"You have some nerve showing up here, punching Hank and making fun of Charles. How did you even know my name?" Y/N asked, walking closer to the man, but he looked around her at Charles.
"If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth." He said, and Y/N punched him before she could even think about it.
"Woah, woah, woah." Hank said, him and Charles going to her side to pull her back. Hank hung onto her while Charles stared at him.
"How do you know I don't have my," Charles led off, and the three shared a look. "Who are you?" Charles asked again.
"I told you." The man said, but Charles didn't believe him.
"Are you CIA?" Charles asked.
"You been watching me?" Charles asked, and Y/N felt her heart rate pick up as she knew Charles' was as well. She got anxiety for Charles ever since he was shot, and she hated the feeling.
"I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were nine. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started, all the voices in your head. And it wasn't until you were twelve that you realized all the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?" The man spoke, and Y/N stared at Charles. After a moment, he turned to her, silently asking if she had said anything. She shook her head, because first of all, why would she tell, and second of all, who would she tell?
"I only told Y/N that." Charles said quietly.
"One day, you'll share your story." The man said, and Y/N turned to look at Hank, who was just staring. She was so confused and tired and she just wanted to go back to making dinner while Hank worked and Charles drank.
"Alright, you've piqued my interest." Charles said, and Y/N moved closer to him. She put a hand on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him.
"Charles, we don't even know who this guy is. He could be a telepath. We don't know anything except he came in here and started a fight with Hank." Y/N said, but Charles shrugged her off.
"What do you want?" Charles asked, and Y/N frowned.
"We have to stop Raven. I need your help. We need your help." The man said, and Y/N stared at Charles, heart breaking at the pained look on his face. He looked down. She knew how close Raven and Charles were, even mistaking it for romantic love and not sibling love. This man bringing her up did not help his case.
"I think I'd like to wake up now." He said, walking away. Y/N tried to grab his hand, but he slid out without so much as a look. She turned to see Hank's blue appearance going back to normal.
"You'll have to forgive him. He's going through some tough times." Y/N said, head down as she followed Charles' path. He was pouring himself a drink when she walked into the room. She leaned against the desk, trying to alleviate the pain in her feet from standing. She had been standing while making dinner, and she had half a thought to go finish it.
"I don't need my powers to know you're in pain. Why don't you sit down?" He suggested. She sat in his chair, close to where he was still pouring his drink. She almost put her feet on the desk, but thought better of it.
"You shouldn't drink so much. What are you going to do when the baby comes?" She asked, and he turned to see her slouching in the chair, bump stretching upwards. She had her hands around it, rubbing it, and Charles thought he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life.
It scared him to think that he was going to have to be in charge of another person soon.
"Drink more." He responded, and she frowned.
"Charles," She crossed her arms, and he turned and leaned against his desk to face her.
"You know I won't." He tried to comfort her, but she just shook her head.
"But you'll keep doing the useless treatments?" She asked, and he dropped his head.
"They aren't useless. You don't understand how hard this is for me." He said, and she rolled her eyes. She was tired of just letting this go because of him. She was hurting too.
"What, you think this is easy for me?" She asked.
be a good wife be a good wife be a good wife
The mantra repeated over and over in her head, and she took a deep breath. Charles was going through the hardest time he'd ever had in his life, and although she was too, she still needed to be there for him. It was her job.
"I'm sorry. I know this is hard." She said, and he shook his head, tears forming in his eyes.
"You shouldn't be the one apologizing." He said, but he left it there. Not too long after their conversation was over, the man walked into the room with Hank.
"Just let me explain myself."
"So they took Raven's powers and weaponized it?" Y/N asked, and Charles was already pouring himself another drink. They had only been talking for 10 minutes, and Y/N rubbed her eyes. The food she was preparing had probably gone bad now, but she knew she couldn't leave Charles alone, not while he was halfway to shitfaced before dark.
"Yep." Was all the man - Logan - said. He had explained the future, explained how the four of them were all friends and Charles and Y/N's baby had mutant abilities too, but it was a lot of information to take in.
"She is unique." Hank said.
"Yeah, she is, Hank." Charles said with a smile. Y/N looked back to Logan to continue talking while Charles walked across the room.
"Look, in the beginning, the Sentinels were just targeting mutants. Then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants, who would eventually have mutant children and grandchildren." Logan turned to face Charles, who was now sitting on the couch. Charles looked at Y/N, and she heaved herself up, shuffling to sit next to him on the couch. He put an arm around her, then set his drink down, the other hand resting on her stomach. Y/N closed her eyes, trying to take in the moment. He was at the sweet spot, when he was drunk enough to forget that he was upset but not drunk enough to dwell in self pity.
"Many of the humans tried to help us. It was a slaughter, leaving only the worst of humanity in charge. I've been in a lot of wars. I've never seen anything like this. And it all starts with her." Logan finished, but Y/N still didn't open her eyes. She moved a hand to Charles' chest, her head resting above his heart. She never wanted this moment to end.
But then Charles removed his hand from her bump and leaned to pick up his drink, taking a swig before talking.
"Well, let's just say for the sake of," He paused, his knee starting to shake and his other hand going up to rub his eye. "The sake, that I-I choose to believe you. Raven won't listen to me." He said, leaning further into the couch and putting his arm farther down now so that he could feel her bump as well. She sighed, still not opening her eyes. "Her heart and soul belong to someone else now." Charles finished, and Y/N could tell that Hank was upset without looking at him.
She'd honestly rather be anywhere else than there at the moment.
"I know. That's why we're gonna need Magneto, too." Logan's sentence made Y/N's eyes shoot open as she looked at him with annoyance and fear, and she felt Charles tense as he chuckled.
"Erik? You do know where he is?" Hank asked, and Charles continued his breathless laugh.
"Yeah." Logan answered, and Y/N moved as Charles stood, putting his drink down and moving further away from her, laughing like a mad man.
"He's where he belongs." Charles said, making his way to the door.
"That's it? You're just gonna walk out?" Logan asked, and Y/N stood, moving to see Charles when he walked all the way out the door.
"Oh, top marks. Y/N, you were right, he is perceptive." Charles was walking backward, away from them, and Y/N knew that she wouldn't get a peaceful moment with him again until he was asleep. Then, they would start the same day over again, until she had the baby. Who knows what would happen after that.
"The professor I know would never turn his back on someone who lost their path. Especially someone he loved." Logan said as Charles was almost to the stairs. Charles then stepped back, turning to the three of them gathered to the door. Y/N started talking, but Charles talked right over her.
"You have no right to-"
"You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then. Fuck off." Charles cut Y/N off. Before Y/N could blink, Logan grabbed Charles by his shirt and brought him close.
"Listen to me, you little shit. I've come a long way, and I've watched a lot of people die. Good people. Friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing, you understand? You wanna watch her die?" Logan jerked his head to Y/N, and her blood ran cold. Charles looked at her as Logan let go of him, and then looked back at Logan.
"We all have to die sometime." Charles said, taking a drink and turning away, walking up the stairs. Y/N felt her knees give in, but Logan caught her, leading her to the couch, where she laid blank faced.
"Told you there was no professor here." Hank said, and Logan turned to Hank.
"What the hell happened to him?" Logan asked Hank, but Y/N answered anyway.
"He lost everything. Erik, Raven, his legs. And then he finds out that not only has he lost his closest friends and is now paralyzed, he's also going to be a father." Y/N said emotionless. She was staring off, her face and mind blank. This happened often now, at times when Charles would stop caring about her. It was easier to shut herself off then deal with the pain. Hank knew what was going on, but he knew that there was nothing he could do for her, short of forcing Charles off meds.
"We built the school, the labs, this-this whole place. Then the war got worse. Many of the teachers and older students were drafted. Everything going on, it just broke him. He retreated into himself. I wanted to help, do something, so I designed the serum to help treat his spine. Derived from the same formula that helps me control my mutation. I take just enough to keep myself balanced, but," Hank trailed off as he walked around.
"He takes too much. He doesn't listen when we try to ease him back. He can't bear the pain, the voices." Y/N said, tears shrining to her eyes. As hard as she tried to bottle her emotions, it seemed the glass would always shatter and flood her mind anyways. "I want to be enough. I want him to be able to be happy without his legs, with a child, with me, but he's not. Why am I not enough?" She whispered, looking up to Logan. He sat in front of her legs on the couch.
"You are enough. He'll realize it. I promise." Logan said, thinking to his present, the world where Charles and Y/N lived almost happily ever after (minus the major wars they fought in). Y/N nodded, closing her eyes. She had barely drifted off when Charles' voice echoed through the room.
"I'll help you get her." He said, and Y/N sat up "Not for any of your future shite, but for her. And my," Charles lead off, and Y/N could tell he was trying to hold back his emotions. She stood to see him, but he didn't look at her.
"Son. For your son." Logan said, and tears immediately sprung to Y/N's eyes.
"We're having a boy?" Charles asked quietly. Y/N ran to him, and he wrapped his arms tight around her.
"I am so sorry, love." Charles said, and Y/N just shook her head against him.
She wished things would change, but change took time. She only hoped they had enough time.
She knew that although Charles was sorry, he was not going to stop. He was too deep now, it would take a lot more than knowing the gender of their child to get him to become sober once more. And although she wasn't allowed to go get Erik, she accompanied them on the jet to get to Raven. She despised staying alone while pregnant, and knew the others would take care of her. She'd be alright with them.
"So, you're pregnant." Erik said, looking over at Y/N. She sat on the couch with Charles, his arm around her loosely.
"Yes." Charles answered for her, and Erik continued to read the paper.
"And your powers?" Erik didn't look up again, and Charles' grip tightened on Y/N.
"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA." Charles answered simply, and Y/N cuddled closer, holding onto him tightly.
"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?" Erik asked, and Y/N shut her eyes tightly, hands gripping Charles' shirt.
"I sacrificed my powers so that I could sleep. So that I could protect and care for my son." Charles' voice faltered, and she looked up at him.
"Charles, you can still care for the baby without your legs." Y/N said, but Charles just held onto her tighter.
"What do you know about it?" Charles shook his head, and she knew he was talking to Erik.
"I've lost my fair share." Erik said quickly. Y/N looked up at him. Had this monster really lost that much?
"Dry your eyes, Erik. It doesn't justify what you've done." Y/N said, and Charles rubbed her back and bump, trying to calm her.
"You have no idea what I've done." Erik said, and Y/N stood, Charles trying to get her to sit down. She was too enraged though, at the man who had practically taken her life from her.
"You took Charles' legs, his power. You took away the things that mean the most to him." Y/N said with tears in her eyes. Charles frowned from the side, upset that she didn't think she mattered the most, because she did, her and the baby. Erik was enraging him too, now.
"Well maybe he should have fought harder for them." Erik responded, and Charles stepped in front of Y/N, as Erik was rising from his seat.
"If you want to fight, Erik, I will give you a fight!" Charles yelled.
"Charles," Y/N said.
"Sit down!" Logan commanded. All their voices were coming at once.
"Let him come." Erik responded, and Charles lunged forward, grabbing Erik by his shirt.
"You abandoned me! You took her away and you abandoned me!" Charles yelled, and Y/N sat down, feeling sick. It was as if she didn't matter, as if she weren't even there.
"Angel. Azazel. Emma. Banshee." The plane began creaking as Erik spoke, and Logan was next to Y/N, the two of them holding onto each other as the plane shook. She fought to keep the bile rising down.
"Mutant brothers and sisters all dead!" Erik yelled, and Y/N felt Charles at her side. She clung to him as Logan clung to the couch. The plane began to tilt, and they slowly fell to the other side against the wall. Y/N felt tears in her eyes as she held on to Charles as tightly as she could.
"Erik!" Y/N yelled, but it was like he didn't hear her.
"Countless others experimented on, butchered."
"Erik!" Hank yelled from the cockpit, and Y/N let out a sob. She had never been this afraid, not even when Charles had lost his legs, or when she found out she was pregnant. She tried to resit the urge to puke, and she could feel it in the back of her mouth.
"Where were you, Charles?" Erik asked, and they began falling toward the cockpit. They let out a groan as they hit another wall, Charles holding Y/N as close as he could. "Where were you when your own people needed you? Hiding! You and Hank and Y/N! Pretending to be something you're not!" Erik yelled. They were falling at a quick rate, and Y/N let out more sobs, silently praying.
"Erik, please, she's pregnant!" Hank bargained, and as the plane went back to normal and the two fell into a seat, Y/N felt dizzy. She was resting against Charles, but she knew it wouldn't last long.
"You abandoned us all." Erik said, and then he looked straight at Y/N. "And now you're abandoning her." Erik said, and that was the snapping point for Y/N. She stumbled to the bathroom, almost tripping multiple times on the short walk. She finally made it there, where she threw up, struggling to catch her breath. She felt someone bring her hair back, and she wiped her lips before turning and looking. She expected to see Logan, but she instead saw Charles. She almost started crying again, and he held her in his arms.
In the five months she had been pregnant, Charles had never come to her aid while she was sick. She knew it was hard for him, but this showed he was getting better. Maybe one day, everything would be okay.
They arrived back at the mansion after an unsuccessful mission, and Y/N felt the progress that had been made being washed away as Charles began struggling. They had just walked into the mansion when Charles fell to the ground groaning.
"Charles!" Y/N shrieked, going to his side. Hank went to his other side, grabbing him.
"What happened?" Logan asked, but no one answered.
"Come on, up." Hank heaved Charles up, and Charles began panting.
"Why can't he walk?" Logan asked, and Y/N put a hand over Charles' own, which was raised to his head.
"He needs his treatment." Y/N responded, Hank placing Charles against the wall.
"Hank, Y/N, I can hear them!" Charles groaned, and Y/N's heart dropped.
"I know, baby. It's okay. It'll all be okay." Y/N responded.
"Can you make it stop?" Charles asked quietly, and Hank was already walking away.
"I'll go get it." Hank said, rushing up the stairs. Charles grunted, pressing his hands against his head. Y/N pushed his hair out of his face, kissing his forehead.
"Hey, hey! Pull yourself together. It's not over yet." Logan said, and Charles opened his eyes and put his fingers to his temple, looking at Logan. Y/N sighed, licking her lips and then turning, because she knew that Charles was about to use his powers for the first time in awhile.
"You don't believe that." Charles said, and Logan's face changed. Y/N turned back to Charles, coaxing his hand down.
"How do you know?" Logan asked, and Y/N just kept caring for Charles, trying to comfort him. It broke her heart to see him in pain like this.
"As these go," Charles put a hand on his leg. "This comes back." Charles put a hand back up to his head. He pressed both hands back to his head. "They all come back." He moaned, panting.
"Hey, it'll be okay, Charles. You're gonna be okay, baby. Look at me, it's okay. I'm here." Y/N comforted. She hoped this would be the turning point, where he wouldn't take the serum again.
"Look, she's still out there." Logan said, and Charles reached down to undo his shirt sleeve, pulling it up his arm. "But we need your help, Charles. Not like this. I need you." Logan said, and Y/N continued to push the hair out of his face.
"Charles, slow down." Y/N stopped him from fully hitching his shirt sleeve up.
"We can't find Raven; not without your powers." Logan said softly. Y/N looked at Charles, wiping the hair out of his face.
"You're strong. Stronger than anyone I know. You can do this." Y/N whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. She just hoped it was enough.
"I, uh, I added a little extra because you missed a dose." Hank said as he bounded down the stairs. Y/N backed up, giving Charles room to make his decision. Charles grabbed the syringe, and Y/N turned her head, not able to watch.
"Charles." Logan warned, turning towards him. Charles aimed the syringe, and Y/N could hear his whimpers. She waited for it to be over, so when she heard Charles exhale and the clink of the syringe as he put it down, she turned to look at him. He sniffled, and she realized that he hadn't taken the shot. He looked at her, but then looked down, ashamed. Y/N grabbed his hand, and he squeezed hers, shutting his eyes tight before opening them.
"Uh, H-Hank, do me a favor. Would you help me to my study, please?" He looked so young as he shook slightly, squeezing Y/N's hand once more before letting Hank grab his arm.
"Come on, I got you." Hank told Charles. Y/N let her hand slip out of his, watching silently as the two made it to the study.
Only then did she let the tears fall.
"Y/N," Logan put a hand on her shoulder, and she lost it, falling to her knees as she sobbed. Logan kelt with her, keeping a hand on her shoulder but otherwise not getting to close. She had her hands covering her mouth, eyes squeezed tight as tears somehow still escaped.
"Thank you." She whispered through her tears, shifting to sit on the ground. She turned to face Logan now, eyes wide. "Thank you so much." She whispered. Logan nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line.
"Ya know, he would have eventually come off the serum, even if I hadn't been here. It was really you." He told her, and she just nodded. Logan helped her up, and she wiped her tears, sniffling as they made their way into the study. Charles was still shaking, sitting on a chair, and Y/N took a deep breath as she stood next to him. He slipped his hand back into her's, and this time she squeezed his as Hank opened the door.
"Are you sure about this?" Hank asked as they looked at the wheelchair in the closet.
"Absolutely not." Charles told him, but Hank got it out anyway. He helped Charles into the chair, and everyone was silent as they tried not to look at him. Hank and Logan shared an expression before leaving, Y/N sitting down in the chair across from him.
"I, um, just so you know," Y/N said, wiping her tears and hoping they wouldn't fall and cause Charles to think about it to much. "I've never cared if you could use your legs. Or, um, I never - I don't care if you don't want your powers. I just - I only want you to be happy. I don't want you to keep drinking. I don't want you to destroy yourself before your son even gets to meet you." She was struggling to keep her sobs in, and Charles reached forward and grabbed her hand.
"It's okay, Y/N, hey." Charles moved forward as much as he could to wipe her tears, and she grabbed one of his wrists.
"Charles," She whispered, and he felt the tears roll down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you." He sniffled, and she turned to kiss his palm. "I know that it wasn't easy for you. I know I haven't made things easy for you. But I still love you. And I can do better. I promise to do better." Charles told her, making her let out a sob.
"I'm just happy you're still the man I fell in love with."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @roxaya @thefandomplace @punzoquack
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X men on my mind
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heavenlytouches · 14 days
can you write a imagine about charles xavier? like, you and him are roomates on college and one day you just confess to each other? plsplsplsplsplsplsplspls
Hello dear and thank you so so much for a request! This idea is so so goodl :D. Also thank you for feeding my Charles Xavier/James McAvoy obsession xD Let’s goo :O El <3
Charles Xavier- mind games
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
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GN reader
<3 (SFW)
YOUNG!Charles Xavier
studying calmly until Charles suggests a "mind-reading" game ;)
HUMAN!reader doesn't know Charles is a telepath
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Charles Xavier
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The rain drizzled gently against the window, a soothing rhythm that filled the dimly lit room with a calming energy. The soft sounds of droplets racing down the glass played a subtle background melody to your weary thoughts.
The common room of your college dorm was strewn with textbooks, notebooks, and an assortment of empty coffee mugs that had once proudly proclaimed the need for caffeine during late-night study sessions.
Across the cluttered table, the ever-charismatic Charles Xavier was hunched over a thick volume of psychology, his brow furrowed in concentration. He looked beautiful as ever- his silky dark hair slightly damp from walking in the rain and his blue eyes alight with intelligence.
Charles was brilliant, charming, and effortlessly flirtatious; the perfect concoction of qualities that made it impossible for you to see him as just a friend. In a way, he knew it too, though neither of you spoke about the unspoken tension lingering between you.
As you flipped through the relevant chapters of your own textbook, you stole a glance at him—it seemed like a perfect time to study, yet the heavy clouds outside made everything feel a little too gloomy. You sighed, breaking the silence. You could somehow feel him in your head.
“I can’t focus like this, Charles. It’s too dreary.”
Charles looked up, his expression shifting from studious to mischievous.
“Oh, come on! That just means there are more interesting things we could be doing.”
You rolled your eyes, ready for him to suggest another one of his ridiculous distractions, but you had to admit that part of you was curious.
“And what do you have in mind?”
He leaned back, an easy grin spreading across his face. His ocean-like eyes gleaming.
“How about a game of mind reading?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. Charles was looking at you with amusement.
“That sounds like a terrible idea. You’d just end up winning—again.”
He said, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement.
“And it’ll give me a chance to demonstrate my exceptional telepathic abilities.”
“Telepathic abilities?”
You raised an eyebrow. He was always saying he's all that and a bag of chips, You adored that but sometimes, he could go overboard with making up stories.
“Are you trying to impress me?”
“Maybe a little.”
He replied, leaning closer. The space between the two of you seemed to shrink as his tone softened, and your breath caught in your throat.
You turned your gaze back to your books, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. His teasing flirtations made it difficult to maintain your composure, especially when you secretly harbored feelings for him that were only getting harder to hide.
“Alright, I’m game. Show me what you got!”
You relented, trying to keep your tone light, but the fluttering in your stomach said otherwise.
Charles’s face lit up with a playful glint as he shifted closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
“Okay, here’s how it works: I’ll guess what you’re thinking, and if I’m right, you have to concede that I’m the ultimate mind reader."
You rolled your eyes, thinking he's just messing with you. He caught your gaze and placed a finger to your lips, shushing you and adding, so self assured:
"But if I’m wrong, I’ll do your next homework assignment.”
You chuckled, pleased with the stakes.
“Fine! But don’t cry when you can’t read my mind.”
He faltered for a second, presenting a faux-stern expression.
“You underestimate my skills. Ready?”
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You were deep in your thoughts, something he will never guess. You remember watching a movie with him. You made a fool of yourself, snorting like an idiot. You're sure he doesn't remember that moment. You had your joker.
As he sat cross-legged on the floor, you watched him watch you, his gaze steady as if he were truly delving into your thoughts. He leaned on one hand, his slender fingers against his temple. You felt a strange thrill rush through you, as if you were participating in something much more profound. A moment passed, then he grinned.
“You’re thinking about the last time we watched a movie together and how I made you laugh so hard you snorted.”
You blinked, wondering briefly how he could’ve gotten that right—not that you’d ever verbally confessed. With shock, you replied:
“Okay, yes! But that’s just—”
He cut you off, waving his hand dismissively.
“Next round! This time, I’ll go deeper.”
You didn’t realize what he meant until the atmosphere shifted around you, a tangible tension wrapping tightly at the back of your mind. Suddenly, his smile faded, replaced by an intense look of focus.
You looked at Charles, his hair dry now collecing in small locks around his face, his blue eyes gazing at you. He was perfect. His freckles were gently glowing, dimmed light casting a warm shadow on his face.
His gaze held yours, something unspoken passing between you. After a moment, the corner of his mouth tugged upwards again.
“It's me huh? You like me. Like, really like me.”
Your heart raced, pounding like the rain outside, as embarrassment washed over you in crimson waves. You snapped out of your imagination, staring at him.
“No, I don’t—”
“Come on.”
He teased, his voice smooth as silk.
“I can practically feel your thoughts. I can navigate this storm of feelings you’ve got for me.”
You swallowed, trying to muster some semblance of dignity.
“That’s not fair! You’re a telepath!”
He said, his gaze softening, genuine warmth radiating from him.
“But I’d like to think—given the circumstances—you’d have just as much courage if you knew.”
“Are you… are you sure?”
You murmured, vulnerability flickering through you.
His grin turned sincere then, a vulnerable glimmer in his eyes.
“I felt the same way, believe me. I just kept hoping you’d figure it out."
He smiled softly, moving closer to you, his fingers still pressed on his temple.
"I'm sure can share our feelings without mind games.”
You nodded, heart racing as a wave of relief washed over you. The air around you buzzed with a new electricity, and for a moment, everything felt right.
“So, will you let me guess what you’re thinking now?”
Charles asked, a smirk returning to his lips, his characteristic cheekiness resurfacing.
You exclaimed, unable to contain your laughter.
“Though I think I have some mind games of my own that I could play.”
His laughter echoed through the room, merging with the sound of rain, filling the space with warmth and possibility. You knew this was just the beginning of something exciting and terrifying, and you couldn’t wait to unravel it further together.
“You’re on, mysterious one.”
He said, leaning back in expectation, as you both settled back, laughter spilling out like an open window to every secret and every future dream waiting to be shared.
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I hope y'all liked this one :D. Wow two James McAvoy connected posts in a row TwT (guess my fav actor).
Don’t forget, requests are always open and I can write for any character you’d like!
I love you guys so much <33
(@iseveryoneherederanged another one babes ^^)
El <3
(all images were made by: El via canva & paint)
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My current obsessions are just young Charles Xavier, Alex Summers, and James McAvoy. They have all taken over my life.
As Rihanna said ‘I’m in love I’m obsessed’
Might have to start writing fanfics for them cause I need more content 😭
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delyth88 · 22 days
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Random pictures of Charles Xavier.
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verkomy · 17 days
having a fixation on an character that you cannot figure out how to draw is like a torture
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star-lights-up · 2 days
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Sketchbook doodles of the lovely young Charles.
(the language is aurebesh, if you really want to read it i'm sure there's a translator somewhere, it's mostly just quotes from the movies and notes about the drawing style.)
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xxplastic-cubexx · 20 days
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i would like to draw him more i think..
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panbotter · 4 months
where the fuck are Logan, Morph, and Storm
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keigohawks · 1 month
rewatched xmen apocalypse last night and i have some words:
james mcavoy the man that you are.
the scene where hes fighting apocalypse in their minds and hes like "youre in my house now." IS SO FIREEEEE
seeing charles beat the fuck out of apocalypse like that did something to me.
i love seeing that man fight. its so odd because he is always such a pacifist for the most part so when he gets genuinely angry and fights its just wow. awakens something in me.
we need more young!charles xavier x reader fics PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IM BEGGING
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like you cannot tell me that this scene didnt go hard as fuck.
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xoxoavenger · 5 months
Hey! Since you’re taking requests, can I request a sort of part two (not necessarily it could jsut be a stand alone) to Days of Future Past where what if younger Charles had a wife in the 70s where reader decides to break it off with Charlie’s casue the love she had for him begun to slowly dwindle because of all the events that happened in the last fic. And while she does care for him as the father of her son and fully expects him to still be in his sons life, she can’t be with him anymore since it’s to much
pairing: Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
word count: 739
warnings: angst, no comfort
notes: Days Of Future Past was posted a year ago for my birthday celebration, so it's only fitting that I post the long awaited part 2 for another birthday celebration 🥰
Days Of Future Past (part 1)
birthday celebration main masterlist
The thing about change is that it doesn't happen overnight.
When Logan went back to his own time, Y/N never expected Charles to go back to normal immediately. She knew it would be an uphill battle. But she was pregnant and tired of waiting.
"You're joking." Charles says. They're in his study, Y/N standing even though she is due in a week. They haven't had any conversations that aren't about their son since Logan came, and they need to have this conversation before there's a baby taking up all their time. When she brought up her decision, he didn't seem to like it.
"I know you're on cocaine." She says point blank. She's known for awhile, but it's finally time to force him to get his shit together.
"If you're going to leave me, you might as well go before our son comes." He doesn't think she'll actually do it. He goes back to his work, sitting behind his desk as if she'll huff and walk out. But His words just make her more sure in her decision. She takes a deep breath and looks over at him.
"Charles. I am leaving you. We're not arguing about that right now. What we're talking about is if you're going to be in our son's life or not." She can tell this makes Charles mad, but she has to think of herself and her son. She can't stay with Charles, not when he continuously puts her through tough times. She doesn't know how she's even gotten through this pregnancy when all he's done is get high or drunk and act like she wasn't pregnant for six months.
"What the fuck?" Charles blinks, looking up slowly. "You can't just leave as we're about to have a kid!" His argument infuriates her.
"I'm not in love with you anymore!" She screams, the room going completely quiet. They stare at each other, both hurting.
"What does that mean?" He whispers, and she almost wants to take it back. She can't though, because it's the truth.
"I'll always love you, Charles." She tells him, walking closer slowly. "But after what you put me through, I'm not in love with you."
"I need you." He tells her, reaching out when she gets close enough and grabbing her hand. "I can't get through life without you."
"I'll be here." She assures, moving his hand to her protruding stomach. "There will be a piece of us in this world soon, and I would go through everything again for him. But you and I cannot work together. At least not now." Tears begin to fall from Charles' eyes.
"I can quit." He mutters, and she nods.
"I know you can. And you're going to for our son." She moves to sit on his desk. He puts his head against her stomach, tears soaking her shirt.
"I need you." He repeats, and she just shakes her head.
"Our son needs you." She cards her hands through his hair. "Maybe in another time, we can be together, but you've put me through too much."
"I'm sorry." He finally whispers, and she nods, trying not to cry. "I love you so much."
"I know you do." She tells him. A part of her feels bad. She knows he's trying. But it's too little too late, and she can't sacrifice any more of herself.
"I can change." He promises.
"Charles," She pulls away from him, looking down. "I know you can change. But I can't wait for it. I can't keep giving up pieces of myself to fix you." She feels the need to kiss him, for the comfort and the repetitiveness. But it'll only hurt worse.
"I don't need to be fixed. I just need time." He begs, and it's the same thing Y/N has heard over and over.
"I don't have time to give you." She tells him truthfully, moving away from him now. "Our baby will be brilliant. He will have two loving parents. But they will not be together. For their sake and his."
"Y/N," He starts, but he doesn't have anything left to say. He has nothing left to beg with.
"I love and care for you." She whispers. "But I am not in love with you. You have taken things from me that you cannot give back. Broken things you can't repair. And I can't forgive you for that."
She walks out without looking back, going to move her stuff out of their room. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace  @mcueveryday @icequeen1371 @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch
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