#you're already pink
theangelofbrahma · 6 months
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gus-dix · 1 year
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love those characters, love this family, my favorite parts are when yor goes crazy murder mode
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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asurrogateblog · 6 months
I need to know.
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sceletaflores · 3 months
it's about that time...need...need...need to change my whole tumblr...need new color scheme...need new header...need new pfp...need...new...things...send help…
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why did he do this (rhetorical) (profoundly affected)
#obviously referenced from start to finish. half second shots that kill#you go ''i was already Changed by the mere socked glasses flip / kick gifs. i'm ready'' but you are actually collapsed on the ground#raising my hand as one of the handful of randos who stood up suddenly these past few months like why yes i Will watch your films then#and also as [guy lecturing & emphatically pointing to laptop] i have to do everything myself the undereye coloring is a distinctive trait#fashion icon shit around here also i'm not kidding in the least#i want well another pair of glasses for one & graphic tees short shorts a fanny pack a calculator(?) buttonsy digital watch i completely do#also again with the adhd these flashbacks were beautiful. inspiring. revelatory. profound (cont.)#it's also occurring to me that i've watched a couple movies for the first time recently and it was like. man cmon#one horror one that was like. I Said Man Cmon. another non horror one that was just like an unending shrug#all the more appreciation like yeah hey a horror movie and also just a movie where it's like yes i'm completely along for the ride wahoo yay#raising my third hand as a correct opinions about media haver#corned beef#it#no time to be coy i was here three and greater than three years ago. and just nowadays; evidently:#reddie#online listicle video voice The Couple Of Dozen V Varied Moments From The IT Movies That Drew Blood (Mine)#whoever came up with this sequence i'm kissing on the mouth like my god. again: profound#the power of the rileable using their end of things as their plausible deniability. like oh god i hope he thinks i'm cool. ok asshole Enough#being the guy Just Standing There like fellas the boy you're in love with very insistently did this wyd (only caring abt literature)#adding a 50% pink overlay like it comes time to make these coloring choices & i put on a vivacious song to inspire having fun / being myself#great choice imo. now to slide right under that midnight est wire
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frecklystars · 1 year
I fucking love Ryan Gosling in these Barbie interviews. Someone asked "hey what would Ken say in his bio on a dating app? what kind of person is he looking for?" and Ryan's like "uh... well before he even looks for a Type Of Person™, he's gotta be real up front that he's got no job... and no house... no real prospects of any sort, really, he just kinda sleeps on the beach, and -- you know what, he doesn't even have a phone? I... I don't know if he can even sign up for this app?" and Margot said "oh but he has abs. That should get him somewhere" and he said "no, no, I don't think he even has an email address, I don't think there's any way to contact him??"
and it's like three minutes of them talking about Ken not even having any pickup lines because his way of flirting isn't even flirting, it's him picking up something Barbie accidentally dropped (even though Barbie doesn't make mistakes) and saying "oh hey you dropped this 😳" and then offering it to Barbie and then when Barbie says thank you while making eye contact he's shaking and thinking "oh god what a perfect day Barbie looked at me" and then he'll ride that high the entire day. and the interviewer was like "but that isn't a pickup line" and Ryan said "no I don't... I don't think Ken does that, I think he just creates moments with Barbie and cherishes them" WHAT THE HELL SIR YOU'RE MAKING ME FALL FOR KEN EVEN MORE
#'the dude is homeless and unemployed basically. and has no phone'#'and he wouldnt even flirt he will pick up something you dropped and stare at you'#im already on my knees with a wedding ring in my hand#ken will you do the honor of being my malewife#my horsegirl boyfriend pathetic wet piece of paper of a malewife#i promise i'll make eye contact with you the entire time despite the obstacles my autistic ass trying to prevent me from doing so 😳#love notes#💕 I'll fight for you!! - ̗̀🐎🏖️✨ ̖́-#the fucking way ryan is like. tired. sipping coffee and his voice is husky#bc he JUST FUCKING WOKE UP#nd theyre asking him these questions and hes politely like... ken would not do these things#every time someone asks him abt ken he's politely saying. oh. youre wrong FJDHGFKD#hes like. ken is the most loyal devoted motherfucker and his entire life is dedicated to Barbie#someone's like hey what's ken's favorite food and ryan is like ANYTHING BARBIE LIKES#i love the running joke in all these interviews that kens just huddle on the beach#margot jokes that they literally just go completely inert#while the barbies get beauty sleep the kens just stare into space completely immobile#and then snap out of it when the sun rises#i think thats more merciful than literally sleeping on the plastic pink sand#god i love these interviews im having a field day#ALSO in the beginning of the interview#margot was like 'wait why would barbie need to be on a dating app?'#and ryan's like 'HM. YEAH. WHY.' side glacing at her LKFDJJLSDFKJ#and he said 'ken picks up your phone you dropped and sees YOU'RE ON DATING APPS'#love notes: ken ♡#love notes: barbie ♡
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yorupie · 5 months
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Wee NEED them all to meet
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
there are literally SO MANY squares in the shinx blanket that are the wrong colour and sometimes that is even on purpose because i didn't want to wind another fucking bobbin about it
i only change it if it's actually noticable and makes it look somehow 'off' but otherwise eh. what are you gonna do meticulously compare it to the chart i think not
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swiftcast-selene · 7 months
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Day 13: Color
"for someone who likes to blend in, you sure are wearing a lot of colours." "ah, but i didn't tell you what i'm blending in with!"
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Sora: Warrior Of The Sea
Random Trivia!
Sora & Sora: Future
The manga ran for over 40 years. Meaning, yes, it was around before Law could even read it, and yet was still being written when he was in high school. A second run, acting as a wrap up to many of the incomplete plotlines, was started some 12 years after the original creator's death, taken up by his adopted daughter with her wife acting as the artist. Though the story picked up right where the original manga run had suddenly cut off, it also flashes to some undated time when Sora was much older, earning it the fan nickname "Sora: Future".
The (Non Destroyed) Novelizations
While the main storyline of Sora takes place in the manga, there are four or five - depending on the source - novellas that act as either prequels or simply companions to the main plot. The most well known of which is simply "Sora!" A novelized version of the first three manga arcs, written by his aforementioned daughter and published prior to the 8th arc as a sort of promotional event. Two of the other novels - "Poison: A Study In Pink" and "Blackest Heart: The Story of Santeki Vinreykur" - were written in a similar fashion, though in this case both of them told the events from major arcs through the perspective of Germa 66, with Blackest Heart often considered to be not only the best of the novels but a must read for fans of the White Lake arc.
Then there is the prequel novel, or novels depending on who you ask. You see, while the Sora manga is obviously not based on real events - that would be ridiculous, I mean, have you read them, they are pure fantasy! - there are certain aspects that borrow from real life. For instance, the hero is a marine, and the depiction of the Marines in the manga is largely taken from real life, including the presence of characters from outside the North such as Vice Admiral Umiko (Calm Belt) and her assistant (West blue) as well as Daichi (East Blue) due to the location of a major naval school in the North. Also, you know, a kingdom of evil technological mercenaries on an island that moved around the sea. Who, for whatever reason, seem to take issue with certain depictions of their kingdom in the manga (in general, they saw the fear instilled in Northern youth by the work to be a good thing, but every now and again the anonymous author who published the comics appeared to cross an unknown line and when Germa took issue with something, they made their displeasure very, very clear).
The first prequel, "The BoX Of Pandora" was widely panned as an unnecessary money grab from the author's estate; it was written between when the Sora comics had stopped being produced and the future manga. It took a true fan to appreciate the work and how it informed Pandora's character (quote Trafalgar Law every single time the issue came up). The story itself is the first Sora property to be female dominated, centering around Pandora's childhood, her becoming a pirate, and her eventual rise to being named a Titan (a title somewhat between to shichibukai and yonko but only within the North Blue). The other novel was written about Daichi and is something between a prequel and retelling, in that the climax of the novel retells the story of Sora first stealing the raid suit from Germa 66, but leading up to that is mostly new material exploring Daichi first arriving to North Blue and his time at the naval academy, meeting Sora as well as Doctor Hart (at the time still merely a marine doctor) and how these friendships would end up shaping him and the path he took after academy.
If you are wondering why there is no title it's because, well, anything sold under the original title simply doesn't exist anymore. Who can say which part of the book set off Germa 66: was it information about their base revealed during Sora's breakin that was absent from the manga but strangely detailed in the novelization or the multiple discussions of the raid suits abilities including having certain elements explored by more scientifically minded characters such as when Dr. Hart is allowed to inspect what he is told are scraps of a shot down Germa drone - to inspect the life support capabilities of the suit. It could have been something as meaningless as when Stealth Black allows Daichi to go in one of the later chapters, with the narration heavily implying this is due not so much to his inherent mercy (though that is a trait we have seen Stealth Black/Santeki show many times and that Germa has taken some issue with in the past) but more his.... Interest in Daichi (no, it all but right out states that if Daichi were not as attractive and likable as he was, he would be dead). Then again, it could be something as small as when it's revealed that outside of the North Germa's name holds no power. It's impossible to tell with a group like Germa, but regardless of the cause, the first printing of the book went nowhere, due in large part to the explosion of multiple publishing houses. These days, the only way to acquire a copy is on the black market, and you always run the risk of buying one of the many falsified editions that people have put out over the years.
(Law despises the people that would put out what is basically fanfiction, getting true fans hopes up by claiming it to be actual copies of the original Daichi novel. He has also read 8 different versions of the book.)
Sora! Panto!
Every year, around the start of winter, North Blue holds a big celebration. Other blues see it as a sort of holiday before their big hibernation, mistakenly believing that in the past, Northerns simply SLEPT the entire winter, since certain areas of the North barely even see sunlight for those months. That's pure nonsense, of course, Northerns simply respect nature and the power it has over their lives. Or at least they used to, way back when, and from those days the celebration of Yule Eve came with a whole feast of different celebrations of festivities. One of which is the art of the pantomime.
While Sora: Warrior of the Sea is comparatively rather new, that hasn't stopped people from incorporating the sea wide famous manga into various forms of entertainment. The first adaptation of Sora ever created was not, as many believe, of the Saturday morning cartoon - and don't make the mistake of implying this around Law, not unless you are ready for a four hour lecture on the history of Sora and North Blue culture - but was a den den radio play called "Sora of the North Sea" and simply due down to the production company and the actors who worked there, the part of Daichi was played by a female actor (though the character was still male). For whatever reason, this carried over to the stage, where it became something of a popular meme to have Poison Pink played by a younger male cast member, while Daichi was played by a woman.
In fact, in his first year on the cast, Zoro was invited by his best friend/rival to a Northern pantomime based on Sora. Kuina, a fellow stunt actor who had recently had a small burst of fame in the North as one of the few performers able to properly pull off Santoryu (well she better be able to after beating Zoro so much when they were younger, right!) Being cast in a few minor action movie roles and subsequently asked to perform in a major panto product of Sora where she was cast as Daichi.
Zoro isn't sure he got it. Kuina was awesome, no doubt, though most of the sword work was pretty cheap and uninspired. Still, she did some amazing flips, stage dives, even some cool wire work in a scene where she had to jump into the sea to save Sora. He was just confused why everyone seemed so amused whenever they made it obvious she was a girl. They obviously knew that when they cast her, what was the big deal? He also didn't quite understand why the actor who played Sora kept giving Kuina these LOOKS. The audience found it hilarious but Zoro just didn't get it. What he did take from the play was that he was never kissing Perona. NEVER.
Northern culture is weird sometimes.
[Edit: Apologies to @devilfruitsaladfordinner who wanted Sora content and instead of anything, like, decent gets this random one off about how most Daichi's wear skirts.]
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seventeendeer · 2 years
hey. hey actually. people on here who have old chicken smoothie accounts they don’t use anymore?
y’all should consider passing on some of your old pets to me and in return I’ll draw you a little creature in the style of these adoptables I made recently. will go more complex for higher value pets/ones I want more. I’ll draw your OC, take prompts, anything under the category of “guy on a white background.”
dm me to negotiate >:3c
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actias-android · 2 years
So I heard through the grapevine a bit ago that there's been some certain people with an axe to grind for whatever the hell reason I can't fathom considering I haven't talked to them in multiple years going around saying, 'lol Nevi doesn't know shit, he's basically kin-for-fun, he thinks you can just say you have a kintype because you want to be a thing, how stupid is that.' Like, I must be doing something right if I've got hate-followers letting me live rent free in their head, and given who it was (no I'm not sharing) I'm personally flattered that they dislike me so much. It's a good sign.
And if you thought I was going to refute that, no, fuck the law, you really can just be a thing because you want to be the thing, but there's also a lot more nuance in that than certain people are giving me credit for.
It starts with trusting people, and that includes yourself. You have to trust people to know what they want. You have to trust people to know why they want something. You have to trust them to make accurate statements about themselves in good faith, even if they might later conclude that they were wrong or that their situation has changed. (You also, as a corollary, have to trust that a situation can in fact change, and why wouldn't it? Things change. Identities fluctuate. That's just life.)
Obviously this doesn't include trolls, because they aren't making a factual statement, nor are they acting in good faith. But it does include people whose criteria for judgement may not match yours. It also doesn't mean that you cannot ask constructive questions, or offer other ideas.
I sincerely don't think it's possible for someone to really, wholeheartedly want to be nonhuman if they don't have some kind of connection to the type in question to begin with. Wanting to be a thing is a major symptom of being the thing. You don't claim an identity because you don't see yourself in it, you claim it because you do. And if you feel you're nonhuman enough to say that you're nonhuman, and not be completely lying, congratulations! You're nonhuman. It's literally that simple.
This also doesn't mean that it's impossible to realize you're a kind of nonhuman that you aren't excited about. That happens. I legitimately was not very interested in fae and even now I don't feel much kinship at all with other fae. It's whatever to me. But I still see myself in that as an identity and I still want to say that I'm fae. I can say that I am and I feel truthful, or I can say that I'm not and I feel dishonest. That's literally enough right there.
You also don't have to claim labels that you don't want. Nobody has to be otherkin. That's just a word. Nobody has to subscribe to the entire ideology, and make no mistake, it is a heavily prescribed ideology, with a ton of social and cultural norms. You aren't obligated to follow them if you don't feel like it. You can just not do that. On the flip side, because forcing labels onto people is shitty, nobody is otherkin unless they say they are and actively adopt that label, which hilariously enough makes being otherkin entirely, 100% voluntary. Go figure.
But at the end of the day, if you can say, in good faith, that you are this or that or the other thing? You are. That's it. That's the whole bar you have to step over and it's not high. There's no way to conclusively prove or disprove someone else's entirely internal, subjective experience anyway and that's fine. You can just say you are a thing, and you are the thing. Boom. Easy.
Assuming that I'm out here proclaiming that people are allowed to invent falsehoods for shits and giggles kinda says more about the person making the assumption than it does me. Nobody is saying that, but go off I guess. I'm saying that if someone really, sincerely feels it's true, and they want to assume this identity as a result, then yeah, it's true, because that's all any of us are working with anyway. All the 'proof' in the world amounts to a fuckin' hill of beans, in which the beans are various little thoughts we've decided to see patterns in and assemble in a certain way. That isn't different regardless of if you just got here or if you're the grayest of muzzles. Nobody's got shit over each other, here.
(Also maybe if we haven't spoken in years and I'm still coming up in your conversations as some kind of bogeyman who is simultaneously too stupid to live and yet also somehow menacing your identity with my big smart mouth words, you may be sorely in need of a thing called 'a life.' 'Cause that's kinda sad and I guarantee I'm not thinking about you.)
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asurrogateblog · 7 months
I like pink floyd lore because its like a reverse iceberg where all of the metaphorical scary deep sea creatures are at the top and the lower you get the more silly and unserious it all becomes
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
I never realize how unevenly pigmented my skin is until someone has to put me in makeup lol
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peachcitt · 2 years
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normally i never make resolutions because im of the opinion that you can change your life whenever you want and technically speaking any day of the year can be the start of a new year. that being said. my past year was kind of garbage.
so! i have decided to be more keen on new years resolutions, especially making ones that will hopefully make me feel better if something i can't control affects me negatively. i actually made a huge list of resolutions, more than i put here, that all kind of boil down to trying out ways to make my life more comfortable and fulfilling for myself and the people around me.
happy new year everybody i hope this year treats us all kindly :)
#new year's resolutions#new year's resolutions 2023#my art#peach stuff#also i know it's a scientific fact that if you write your goals down you're more likely to achieve them#have i ever written my goals down if i wasn't forced to before? no. and maybe that's why ive been so shit at reaching my goals<3#also about the goal that's about finding a hobby that uses my hands: ive realized recently that both of my main hobbies#(reading and writing) are both very brain-heavy things to do. like those are both two things that require a lot Being Inside My Head#and you know! maybe ive realized that it's Not Good to be in my head so much!#so i want to find a more tactile hobby that won't require so much brain time and can connect me more with the physical world#also i drew this all in ms paint with my new laptop and laptop pen and maybe i just don't understand ms paint enough#but this was kind of a bitch to draw. where is the layer function. why was my laptop screen still registering my skin when i was using pen#but still i like how it looks. especially the peach and my hair. the peach just because it looks cute and peach-like#and i think this is the first time ive drawn/colored my hair since i died it this past summer so it was fun to experiment with#how to make it accurate but still cohesive with the colors i already had down#my hair is actually variations on an auburn sort of shade since its faded from a really shitty (self-done) red dye job#but the pink here is fun :)#anyway. that's all
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simptasia · 5 months
i'm getting my cervix poked today and not in the fun way. nevertheless it must be done, and i highly recommend cervical screenings to anybody that procedure applies to. early detection is so so important when it comes to cancer, my mum would still be alive if they found it in stage one, so i implore you not to ignore your body
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