#you're all gonna be mad at me when dad is brought up
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eggofthefish · 1 year ago
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yeah so turns out being a bounty hunter as a teenager isn't so fun, accidents happen and things go bad. below is scribbled blood version.
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marleyybluu · 2 years ago
Oscar x pregnant!reader
Wc: 1.9k
warnings: daddy issues, use of OMB scenes so spoilers I guess, sad Spooky, shitty ending cus my attention span cut out
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"No, no, no! You can not put down two draw fours!" Yn shouted at Cesar while the two dabbled in an intense game of UNO. Cesar chuckled waving his one card in her face. "You're just mad because you're losing." He bragged. Though it was confirmed she would never admit it, she quickly pouted and placed her hand on her stomach, he chuckled shaking his head knowing the card that she was about to play. "I'm gonna tell your niece or nephew you didn't let their mommy win."
Her boyfriend Spooky could be heard letting out a bellyful laugh from down the hall, he emerged from his room making his way toward them where they sat around the table not too far from the living room. "Mamita, you can't say that every time you don't get your way." She stuck out her tongue. "I can and I will for the remaining six months."
He rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Fine," She reluctantly picked up eight more cards just for Cesar to dramatically slam his last one on the table. He stood up took the last swig of his beer and rested the empty bottle on the table, he was next to kiss her head before grabbing his things and heading out. "I'll see you guys later, I'm with Monse if you need me."
"Have fun." She called out. The door closed and the house was once again silent, Yn gathered the cards and packed them nicely back into the box they came in. She heard the sound of the front door opening and assumed it was Cesar, she said "What'd you forget knucklehead?" But frowned when she was met with their father, Ray. A few days ago the older gentleman had found himself across from the traphouse, Cesar panicked about a stranger just stalking outside so Spooky went to investigate, and with Yn's nosey ass at the window, she noticed Spooky's body language and he was not happy.
Spooky never spoke about his dad, maybe once, but that was it. She could tell he had resentment in his heart for that man, he was a stranger and for him to pop back up after all these years wasn't ideal for anyone in this situation. YN had to admit it was nice seeing Cesar happy and hearing him talk about all the things they were going to do and how much they had to catch up on but judging by the look on Ray's face right in front of her... those plans would never set in motion.
She pitied him a half-smile before dodging into the kitchen. Spooky sat in the background on the couch observing the cold interaction, internally smiling that she would be on his side no matter the minor details that she knew. Ray disappeared into one of the rooms, Spooky was curious as to what he was there for but was brought out of it when he was called to the kitchen. He got up and followed her voice, she was desperately trying to reach the third shelf and was failing miserably, usually, she'd grab a chair but with a baby inside she was more cautious of what she did.
"Can you grab a plate for me papito?"
"Of course, baby."
She squealed and applauded the small gesture as he handed the plate over to her. "Thank you." She blew him a kiss but he wanted a real one, his hand snaking around her waist he pulled her in tightly. Her hands ran up his neck and landed under his jawline. Their lips touched, fitting like pieces of a puzzle, melting together like it was the first time. She could feel his hands slide a little further down, she gasped at the hard squeeze he delivered she pulled back smacking his chest. "Why can't I have one little innocent kiss?"
"That question is what got you pregnant in the first place." He joked gently pressing his hand on her little belly. Yn shooed him off. Oscar laughed and left her alone only to return to the main area and see Ray with his duffle bag on top of the table packing his clothes up. "Finally cleaning up your mess?" He asked. Ever since he arrived it'd practically become a pigsty, his girl often complaining that she wasn't some maid for a grown-ass man, especially one she had no relation to. Ray avoided eye contact as he answered. "I'm leaving, think I've caused enough drama."
Leaving. All he did was leave, run away from his problems, and scram when things got serious. It wasn't the first time Oscar experienced it but there was no doubt that it still hurt, he felt himself shrink into that little kid again, watching the man who was supposed to be there for him vanish, the man who was supposed to teach him how to become one disappear without a trace leaving him and Cesar alone to fend for themselves.
"Good," He responded. "You tell Cesar your plan?"
There was a moment of silence, Ray had stopped packing and sighed making eye contact with his oldest. "I'll tell him when I get to Bakersfield, there's a guy up there who can help me out... help you out too-"
Spooky had turned cold, that scowl plastered on his face, the boiling hate flashing in his eyes. "I don't need help, I got everything I need."
Ray let out an amused chuckle. "The Santos? That girl?" Oscar took a step forward, fists balled up, father or not he would put down anyone that disrespected his girl. She was his home, his family, she was everything that he needed. "Her name is Yn, and she let you stay with us, not me... if it were up to me you'd be out on the street with the rest of the stray dogs."
Little did they know they had an audience for this performance, not too far off Yn had poked her head from the kitchen she had stopped what she was doing the minute she heard their voices. "I hope they don't sell you out, I hope she's good to you because one day all that love you think you're getting from them is gonna be gone."
"Ray." He warned. "This street shit isn't the life man, you don't have to stay here, go and make something of yourself."
Oscar's eyes softened, and he began to nod in agreement. "Thanks, Papa, you're right. I could be president or a fucking astronaut, maybe even a movie star right? Because I had such a great fucking role model!"
"I had a shitty dad too, mijo," Ray's tone was so nonchalant when he said it and something about it was making Yn's skin crawl it just sounded like he didn't care. "But you gotta let that rage go."
It took everything for her not toa put in her two cents. How do you let the rage from constant and consistent disappointment go? She could tell Spooky had this overbearing feeling that he was a failure, that he failed Cesar, failed the Santos and even failed her-- so how was he just supposed to let that go?
Yn had thought the fire between them had died down, that Ray had left and Spooky was just standing there disassociating at the fact that he was in his twenties and still being abandoned. But when she brought herself into frame the two of them had gone, their muffled argument had moved outdoors. Her feet carried her to the front door, where she stood behind the screen watching it go down from a distance.
"Everything bad that's ever happened in my life is because of you! You're gonna crush Cesar the same way you crushed me!" His voice weakened, almost cracking like he was fighting to keep that little boy inside. Ray was already at the end of the path, one foot almost on the black tarmac road, he dropped his bag and turned around to face Spooky. "You never wrote to me... you didn't call, you didn't even visit not once! Did you even think about me?"
YN placed her hand over her heart, she wanted nothing more than to drag him inside and coddle him for all he's been through but he needed to let this out he'd been holding it in for far too long. She looked as Ray walked back toward Spooky.
"Oscar-" He began but Spooky shut it down. "You wanna know the worst part about not having a father? I had to be a father to my brother without having been a son first!" He sniffled. "I have a girl in there who loves me, who taught me how to love since I didn't have you or mama as examples... she's having my baby and I'm scared that I'm gonna end up like you!"
Oscar broke, completely shattered. Yn didn't think there'd be a day when she heard her partner weeping from the deep sadness that he felt, the sadness that was cloaked in anger. Ray didn't say anything, he pulled Oscar in for a hug and he resisted at first but once again his inner child betrayed him and he loosened a bit returning the embrace and they stayed like that for a while. Oscar buried his head in his father's shoulder, nothing was said, it was a bittersweet and brief moment before that rage entered his system again. That wall reappeared in seconds.
He wasn't little Oscar Diaz anymore he was back to Spooky who aggressively shoved his father off of him. "Take your shit and go, make sure I don't see you here again."
And just like that, he was gone again. Spooky turned around with a pout on his face, he stopped at the front door seeing Yn through the screen. "Did you eat?" Funny that even in his obvious time of need he was still worried about her. She shook her head, stretched out her hand to his and gently pulled him inside. Once the door closed the tears that he had just soaked back up were released once again. Yn pulled him over to the couch, sat him down and then took her place beside him.
He fell apart in her arms. "I fucking hate him." She rubbed his back. "All he does is fucking leave me... what did I do?"
"Ay! You didn't do anything papito, he's just an asshole."
"Am I not good enough?"
She frowned. "You are more than enough my love, I promise you. You are more than enough for me, for Cesar and for the baby. You did a great job raising him and you will do an even better one raising ours."
He lifted his head from where it rested on her shoulder, she swiped her thumb across his cheeks to wipe his tears. "How are you so sure?"
"You already do enough for the baby and they're not even here. You make sure I'm eating enough, you make sure I'm relaxed. I wish you could've seen your face when I told you." Now she was tearing up. "I couldn't have picked a better person to make a family with."
He softly smiled. "I love you."
"Duh." She sarcastically answered which received a decent chuckle. "I love you too, we're good okay? I'm not going anywhere."
"I know." He mumbled. She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "Let's eat, yeah?"
I just felt like writing something kind of sad. idk why.
for the Pedro girlies im working on Truth or Drink3
for the Rio girlies, working on The Nanny 3
trying not to burn tf out lol just put me down at this point.
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love.
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hyunjinsbelovedamericano · 2 years ago
Annoying/cute things skz would do as boyfriends
Just pure fluff
proof read
i feel like he would just say a bunch of dad jokes and die at them,"What do you call someone with no body and no nose?","Idk what" "nobody knows".Then he'll start to cackle and roll on the floor,and you're just standing there like 🙂.He doesn't even notice that you don't find them funny because he's laughing too hard,but you don't have the heart to tell him that they really are not funny
We all know he's a butt abuser,so it's gonna be the same for you.He'll do it anytime,anywhere.You could be talking with you're friends and he'll just slap your butt.What can you do about it?You try to do it to him to get him back.It becomes a contest,you start to transform into Minho and do it anywhere.He could be about to take and shower and you just slap his butt,then he looks at you like 😒,you can't rest after that,you'll be sleeping and wake up to his hand slapping your butt
Put you in a headlock(playfully..clean your mind)when you're in pictures he doesn't let you pose and just puts you in a headlock,its either that or him flexing his muscles,you pretend you hate it but you don't but you can't let him know that.He knows you love his muscle so he'll never stop putting you in headlocks or flexing his muscles,he would wear short sleeve shirts just for this purpose
He would steal your food,you would be eating snacks then he would randomly come up too you and hug you so you would have to put your food down.He would then pick up the good then hide it from you and walk away.You would go back to eating your food then realise its not there,so you ask him "Where did my food go?" he just shrugs because his mouth is stuffed with your food.Or he would just snatch your food with no remorse,you start to chase him and he would.run away from you laughing.You get tired so you stop running and he'll eventually share with you.
He loves to go shopping with you so when you go without he gets extremely sad,if you buy food he would hide the food from you so you have to buy more and then he can go with you. "I swear I brought eggs,did you eat them?" Too that he shakes his head and says "I guess we have too go back to the shop and buy more food",You agree and just grab the shopping bags, he starts to do some victory dance,chant idk he's just happy.You start to catch on to what he's doing and just go shopping with him everytime you need too.
He would sike you,he would pretend to high five you and just put his hand behind his head,and he'll never stop.He would do the too slow thing,He laughs in your face when after he does it,makes you look like a fool,but when you do it to him he will look at you like this 😦 he wouldn't expect it from you."Why are you so shocked you do it too me every day" he won't respond because he knows you're right.This kind of makes you lose trust in him with these kind of things,he would say smth like "I'll buy you the 5 star album" you get excited but your face drops remembering that he might sike you,"What?"
I think that he would make food for himself and not you,then you look at him in shock when you see that he only made food for himself "Seriously?" "What" he says before taking a bite of his food,if he's mad at you he would make your favourite food and eat it slowly in front of you,bro would smack his lips but then end up laughing because of how stupid he probably looks.You would obviously eat his food whilst he not looking,because you can't just make my favourite food and then expect me not to eat it.
Everybody knows that Jeongin can be a menace,he would say i gotta tell you something and go to whisper in your ear except he doesn't whisper,he does the opposite actually.He just screams in your ear,yk his dolphin scream?yea.He would also ask you to review a song and once you put the headphones on it's just ear rape or a song thats so base booted that you can't even hear the lyrics.He would think that this is the funniest things ever and you would just side eye him.
this is my first post so sorry if it sucked
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stop-talking · 10 months ago
How do you think jhutch characters would handle a baby?
I'm not quite sure if you're asking "what would they do if you handed them a baby" or "what would they do if you told them you're pregnant" but I'm gonna assume you meant the latter. (feel free to send another request if I got it wrong)
Ranking Jhutch characters from worst to best fathers:
☆ Would play dumb when you hand him the pregnancy test.
☆ "What's this? Oh, you're pregnant? Can't be mine. My pull-out game is too strong." (literally has NO pull-out game, refuses to use condoms because he "can't feel" with them on)
☆ Basically ghosts you until the paternity test proves it's his. Then he actually ghosts you.
☆ Drops off the face of the fucking Earth for years. Doesn't pay a dime in child support.
☆ Maybe he comes back like 3 years later drunk and demanding to see "his" kid idk. Literally the worst.
☆ Honestly I headcannon he had a vasectomy at like 24-25.
☆ His mom hit him up once she heard about his prostitute scandals and chewed him out. Gave him "the talk" even though he's a grown ass man... finally got him to get snipped when she brought up the possibility of paying income-based child support for 18 years.
☆ Assuming he doesn't have one, though...
☆ He'd initially be mad and blame you. "I thought you were on the pill!!"
�� Then he'd be like "Is it too late to... you know... get rid of it?" (and kind of dance around the subject because he's too much of a wimp to just say the word abortion)
☆ Wallace and his mom would both force him to get his shit together and apologize. Eventually he'd come to terms with the fact he's gonna be a dad.
☆ He'd be the kind of bastard to throw an over-the-top gender reveal party. The kind that burns down half of California or pollutes a major water channel.
☆ I think he'd be a really good girl dad. He'd let her paint his nails and stuff. Spoil her. <3
☆ He would treat a son completely differently. Teach him to "be a man" or whatever when he's still learning to walk. Force him into random ass sports.
☆ He'd have them mostly taken care of by a nanny. That's probably how he was raised, anyways. Derek Danforth is NOT changing a diaper.
☆ Whether we're talking pre-show or post-show, he'd freak the fuck out if you handed him a positive pregnancy test. I'm talking full-on pass out.
☆ Pre-show Josh would be like "Babe we can NOT afford a baby I literally live at home with my parents and work as a janitor."
☆ His parents would be so crazy supportive though. They've been hinting that they want grandkids for YEARS.
☆ They literally clear out a room IMMIDEATELY after hearing the news and offer it to you to use as a nursery.
☆ His mom buys you more baby clothes than you could possibly need. His dad builds a crib from scratch.
☆ Overall Josh is stressed asf but he does his best to be there for you, and his parents are OVERWHELMIGLY supportive.
☆ Post-show Josh, on the other hand, doesn't have that support. But he's survived unspeakable horrors across multiple dimensions, how hard could a baby be?
☆ Extremely hard, apparently. One day he just loses it and makes a huge decision without asking you.
☆ "Josh WTF happened to our savings??"
☆ "TRUST ME BABE we need to invest in Apple!!"
☆ You're pissed but it pays off in a few years and you're both able to live comfortably.
☆ Then in 2015-ish he did the same thing again, pouring all your savings into bitcoin. This time you SWEAR you're going to leave him, but it all pays out in the end. He gets your kid through college with that money.
☆ Overall he's a really good father, too. He had great parents, and even if he's not experienced with kids, he's naturally a very caring and attentive person.
☆ Cries when he sees the pregnancy test. He's not even sure if it's happy or sad tears.
☆ Gets sick to his stomach overthinking about how he's going to be a terrible father. His dad walked out on him, so he has literally no idea how to act.
☆ Abby, on the other hand, is absolutely delighted. She's always wanted a "little sister". Mike has to remind her that technically it's her niece. Or nephew. There's no guarantee on the gender yet.
☆ Eventually he comes to terms with it all. He's taken care of Abby for ten years, he isn't completely clueless.
☆ Takes you to all of your Dr.'s appointments, checkups, etc. Holds your hand. Makes all of your weird pregnancy cravings and doesn't judge.
☆ After the birth, he lets you rest. Nearly works himself to death trying to take care of the baby all on his own because he wants you to recover.
☆ I'm talking getting up bleary-eyed at 2am every night to microwave some formula and feed the baby. After working a 10 hour shift.
☆ Pulls the "I have a baby on the way" card at work in an attempt to get a raise. It works, thankfully. (In the novel version of the movie; it says he gets a job as a contractor at the end. So hopefully he can afford a kid...)
[Remember: these are just MY headcannons. If you think differently that's fine. I didn't include Clapton because he's literally in highschool... and we all know Peeta is an amazing father.]
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nyaskitten · 4 months ago
Dragons Rising Episodes, But Only the Most Iconic Quotes
Episode 1: "The Merge, Part 1"; "I think that mask belongs to me!" (Or Ras' "You failed me... I do not like that.)
Episode 2: "The Merge, Part 2"; "Soon, Imperium will have enough Dragon Power to rule over all the Merged Realms!
Episode 3: "Crossroads Carnival"; "In first place is… Chef Grab-Barg! Congratulations!"
Episode 4: "Beyond Madness"; "Kai, you're still alive!" "I made a terrible mistaaaake!" "You brought the dragons right to us? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"
Episode 5: "Writers of Destiny"; "Is that Euphrasia?" "She's abandoned her scrolls. This is not our way, what is she doing!?" "She's saving us."
Episode 6: "Return to Imperium"; "I hate fireproof monsters!"
Episode 7: "Mindless Beasts"; "I love studying at school!" "But protecting innocents is also cool!" "Sound off!" "One, two!" "Sound off!" "
Episode 8: "I Will Be the Danger"; "Fa-mi-ly... family!"
Episode 9: "The Calm Inside"; "In life, there will be times of chaos, when everything around you is a raging storm. When there is no calm outside of you, you must find the calm inside of you."
Episode 10: "The Battle of the Second Monastery"'; "Do not free me."
Episode 11: "The Temple of the Dragon Cores"; "Nope, you've upgraded to Wyldfyre!" "Upgraded? Really?"
Episode 12: "Gangs of the Sea"; "Destroy the interloper!"
Episode 13: "Wyldly Inappropriate"; "No Core for you! No Core for you! No Core for you!"
Episode 14: "The Last Djinn"; "Uh, okay! I wish for you to help us kick these Howlers in their butts!" "Your wish is yours to keep!"
Episode 15: "They Call it Doom"; "As your teacher, it's vital I instill in you the knowledge that all life is important." "But that's Rapton." "HEY!"
Episode 16: "Land of Lost Things": "This Master Wu guy sounds like he has a lot of smart ideas. I might wanna hear more of them. Maybe."
Episode 17: "The Administration"; "Those two tricked us! They weren't authorized!" "They gave us... Fake forms!" "Ah, wait. We have to fill out trick-by-fake-forms forms first." "No time. Just fill out a defaulting-of-paperwork-to-a-later-date form."
Episode 18: "Absolute Power"; "You and I both know the dragon energy that has kept your kingdom running smoothly will not last forever." "If that were true, which it most certainly is not, what could an outlander such as you do about it?"
Episode 20: "The Power Within"; "And all you traitors to your Empress. You are no better than the ninja! No one will rule this kingdom but me, and I will destroy everyone who stands in my way!"
Episode 21: "The Blood Moon"; "The Blood Moon is coming... The Blood Moon is coming!"
Episode 22: "Shattered Dreams"; "It is a corrupted, advanced form of your beloved fighting technique, that has been long banned, forgotten! Shatterspin!"
Episode 23: "Beyond the Phantasm Cave"; "I've been here for hours, and nothing! Why do I have visions of everything that can go wrong, but none about how to make it right? Source Dragons, are you out there? Can you hear me? Is this just a game to you? I need answers!"
Episode 24: "Force From the East"; "We cannot ignore the threat the Blood Moon brings. With the realms now merged, the Five will have more to conquer, more to destroy. And all of our work, defeating them, banishing them, will be for naught, our legacy meaningless! We must train them."
Episode 25: "The Spell at the Waterfall"; "I await your instructions, master."
Episode 26: "To Mysterium"; "Faster! Quicker! Mental Strength! You can do this!"
Episode 27: "Fugitives From Madness"; "Stop thinking about you, start thinking about Countershot!" "The game we made up in dad's blacksmith shop? Wow, miss those days, not having to worry about saving the world..." "And who was your best Countershot partner?"
Episode 28: "Secrets of the Wyldness"; "UGH! My name is Jordana! You ninja, especially the one you call Sora, are my sworn enemies!" "Still not ringing a bell." "AHH!!!"
Episode 29: "The Forest of Spirits"; "You could be something special, too bad the ninja hold you back." "No, they don't, they're making me better!" "Then how come you aren't any better? I stopped you as easily now as the first time we met! I was weak like you once. My master found me, and taught me the most important thing in this world... strength! Maybe one day you'll find a true master, who can teach you the same."
Episode 30: "Rising Ninja"; "How dare you? You cut and run before you got the other four out!" "You will not speak to me like that, Nokt. You owe your freedom to me. I expect loyalty. And my control device will guarantee I get it... and you! You failed to keep the portal open Jordana! Do you hear me Jorda- AUGH!"
Episode 31: "The Shape of Motion"; "Cease Nokt. This is training, not war." "Everything is war." "Save your anger for when it matters."
Episode 32: "Enter the City of Temples"; "Oh yikes, a real ninja! Let us flee!" "That hurt my feelings!"
Episode 33: "They Gather for the Feast"; "One night before the new Tournament of the Sources, I'm reminded of what the Cragling poet Rockworth once said. Bwah bwahhh mbwhaw mbwahh. Bwahb bwahbhabwah"
Episode 34: "Inside the Maze"; "I am limber, I am loose... I am in trouble."
Episode 35: "United We Fall"; "Arin and his pet dragon, just like I suspected. Did your master Lloyd set you up for this?"
Episode 36: "Truth and Lies"; "Ras says everyone spends too much time trying to find harmony. But you can't passively wait for the world to harmonize, so you must take from life what you need."
Episode 37: "The Sword Shatters"; "Hey hey hey, stop! The game's already over!" "Lloyd, look out!" "RAHAHAHAHA!" "Ack ack, augh, aughhhh." (he died)
Episode 38: "Clues and Suspects"; "It was smart of Bleckt to hide the room's access in this old thing. No way Roby was gonna touch a rotary phone."
Episode 39: "The Final Game"; "In light of this, I declare the victory ceremony canceled! Security!" "In light of that, I un-cancel it! Finally, the powers I've always deserved."
Episode 40: "Elements of Betrayal"; "Get back here! Those elemental powers belong to me! RAHH!!"
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tinytalkingtina · 5 months ago
Born to Run
Part 1 of Running with the Devil, a Steddie role reversal series
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4k words | Rating: E
Tags/CW: Role reversal no upside down AU with some canon divergence, Jock/Track Star!Eddie, Metalhead/drug dealer!Steve, appalachian Eddie, confident bisexual Steve, Eddie has a sexuality crisis but is in denial, Eddie's sleeping mind decides to take matters into its own hands, wet dream (contains spanking and public humiliation), running of both the literal and metaphorical kind, child abuse referenced indirectly (physical beatings that happened in the past)
Read now on Ao3, and be sure to read @little-annie's Part 2 from Steve's POV, "Metal Health will Drive you Mad"
The sex dream within this fic is brought to you by the Week 4 prompt "slap" of the @steddiesmuttyseptember event
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Eddie was always a runner. If you asked Wayne, he apparently skipped straight from crawling to toddling around as fast as his chubby legs could carry him. When he got older, it was a release valve, for everything and anything shitty in his life.
He didn’t have to think about his mom pulling a disappearing act, or his dad getting himself arrested (again). The world would narrow until the only sounds he could hear were the rushing in his ears and the smack of his sneakers on pavement.
Running had brought him to where he was now, as he clawed his way up the proverbial high school ranks. Anyone at this party would look at him and only see the triumphant senior captain of the track team, fresh off a successful meet. Every keg stand, every heroic retelling of a close race, every sloppy makeout session with a cheerleader, kept the attention on the Eddie of the present. 
No one needed to remember the wide-eyed weirdo with patched baggy clothes, nearly ten when his classmates would only turn nine that year.
All around him, the crowd ebbed and flowed between the alcohol and the bonfire, the flickering flames and shadows making it hard to tell who was who. Someone stumbled into Eddie, breaking him out of his brooding.
“Whoops, sorry Eddie! Guess I’ll have to make it up to you later.” Before he could say anything, the giggling cheerleader pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. (He knew he went on a date with her about a month ago, but her name eluded him. Tina, maybe, or Vicki?)
He forced a grin back. “Of course you didn’t mean it sugar. Gonna hold you to that ‘kay?”
The girl possibly named Tina swooned at the tiny bit of accent he'd carefully slipped in. Just a touch could be charming to the fine folks of the Midwest, even if what he ended up using was way less Appalachian hick and more refined Southern gentleman than his momma's family had ever spoken in their lives.
As soon as her back was turned, he let the smile slide off. His post-meet high wore off too quickly tonight, and it left him well, twitchy.
An arm slung itself over his shoulder. "Ed my man, this party is wild! Your best work yet dude." Tommy grinned at him, already drunk. Neither of them commented on how close Tommy was pressing himself into Eddie. Or how Eddie wasn't quite moving away. But then again, the two of them had perfected the art of leaving things unsaid after what happened sophomore year, how close they had come to—no.
"Heh, yeah. Hey, where's Carol? She's gonna be pissed you abandoned her."
"Please, Carol's fine. She's busy talking with Lisa Carmichael. Speaking of which, she's really into you. Come on, get your dick wet, you deserve it after that 800 meter. We're fucking going to states!" His last sentence was said much louder, and a chorus of cheers and whoops predictably echoed back from celebratory partygoers. The twitchiness grew.
"I dunno man, not really feeling it tonight." Eddie tried to subtly back up a little bit, but Tommy just swayed forward into his space again.
“Trust me, you won’t be feeling like that when you're balls deep in a nice tight—"
"Tommy will you just fucking stop? What's with your obsession with my dick huh?"
A look of fear and hurt flashed across Tommy's face for a second, before it was replaced with a scowl. Fuck that was the wrong thing to say and danced way too close to the thoughts about—nope, they were not gonna talk about that.
Eddie carefully pat Tommy on the shoulder instead of thinking. "Shit sorry, it's fine, you're just looking out for me, right? I appreciate it, just not uh, really in the partying mood for some reason." 
Tommy managed to recover his grin. "Oh, duh, why didn't you say so? That fucking freak Harrington finally showed up about thirty minutes ago. Sure he's got something that'll make you unwind a bit. Here, have one on me.”
Eddie wanted to snap that he didn’t need pity money. He got the kegs supplied just fine on his own, hadn’t he? But Tommy was still holding himself tensely several steps away. Tommy, who in sixth grade biked over every other day even after his parents had told him to stay away from the trailer park. Who “accidentally” always had a second pudding cup tucked in with his lunch for sharing. Whose summertime freckles were just starting to fade but Eddie knew still trailed down all the way to his—. 
Besides, maybe weed would take the edge off whatever ugly thing kept rearing its insistent head inside him tonight. Help him forget about the looming pressures of the future and the things he wasn’t going to think about, help him feel normal again.
“Thanks Tommy, I’ll try and relax.” Eddie grabbed the money and set off down the path towards Skull Rock, where Harrington always held court. The chill wind rustling through the trees was a welcome respite to his overheated skin.
The walk over to the next clearing was only a few minutes, but by the time Eddie came upon it, the thrum of bass and general teenage debauchery had faded into a low murmur.
Instead, Skull Rock reverberated with the sound of tapping and gentle humming. Eddie’s heart picked up a little.
Steve Harrington made him nervous. It wasn’t necessarily how loud the guy was. Eddie could understand the need to fill a room up. He could vaguely remember a quieter pre-pubescent Harrington before his dramatic transformation, dressed in tiny polos and khakis and halfheartedly kicking around a soccer ball. Now, his entire wardrobe consisted solely of black and red accented with flashy gold rings. The thick combat boots he wore constantly made him tower over everyone else, and the ever-growing collection of tattoos scattered on his body thoroughly scandalized each and every teacher. What they all meant was a perennial topic of discussion amongst the student body.
A voice echoed down from one of the boulders: “Oh hey, look who showed up, it’s Eddie Munson himself! Heard from your sidekick Hagan you’re the reason Hawkins is going to States.”
Steve was stretched out, lounging on the top of the rock, a pair of drumsticks held loosely in one hand.
“Yup, we are. First time in five years actually.” The state championships. There would be college recruiters there, and with them the promise of scholarships that’d get him out of this town. Somewhere far away from the looming threat of the plant bending his back prematurely like it had Wayne’s. Somewhere no one had heard the name of Al Munson.
“Well then.” Steve practically purred as he smoothly jumped down to the ground. He gave his drumsticks a twirl before stashing them in his pocket. “You sure got ‘em, didn’t you Tiger.”
Yeah, there it was. Seemed like sometimes, Harrington could see right through him, like he knew about how his thoughts occasionally strayed to—nope.
Eddie crossed his arms and tried to keep his face neutral. “Uh-huh.”
“Don’t you know it’s polite to thank someone when they compliment you?” Steve’s eyes sparkled with amusement. The fucker was toying with him. Worse, he was enjoying it.
Summoning every ounce of cockiness he possessed, Eddie stood up straight. Sure, this close Harrington had several inches on him, but it didn’t matter. Only one of them could throw the party of the year, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be the unpopular weirdo in front of him.
“Shouldn’t you be the one thanking me? I let you sell your shit at my party.”
“Got a mouth on you, don’t you.” Steve smirked. “Tell me Munson, what’s stopping me from taking my goodies to, say, the basketball team’s next rager and skipping out on your little get together entirely? Don’t have to dirty my shoes at their parties. They choose to host at a house.”
Eddie gritted his teeth. “Hey fuck you man, not all of us have—”
“Didn’t say I minded,” Steve plowed on, interrupting him. “Maybe I like the fresh air and the…view. Just like to enjoy them peacefully.” He stood there with his arms crossed, one eyebrow raised in expectation.
Eddie could feel his face flushing but he held his ground. “Never stopped you from helping yourself to our beer.”
“Free shitty beer, just what I look forward to.” Steve said, rolling his eyes. “I gotta say, wasn’t really expecting you to come here. Don’t you usually send someone else to get your fix?”
Eddie shrugged. “Needed a change. And we both know you overcharge Tommy.”
“You’re not wrong about that.” Steve barked out a laugh. “But he deserves the asshole tax. Just weed for you tonight? There’s all kinds of ways to unwind if your usual methods are leaving you…unsatisfied there Munson.”
Vividly, Eddie was reminded of the graffiti scribbled on the walls above the urinals near the gym: Score a touchdown, then score with SH. More often than not, Steve could be found spectating the games, quietly dealing underneath the bleachers. On occasion, one girl or another could be seen emerging from underneath and brushing dirt off her skirt. But there was that other rumor, one that no guy would ever admit to having personal experience with. That if you won, Harrington would give anyone weed for free if they got on their knees for him and—woah there. What was wrong with him tonight?
“Th-think the weed is jus’ fine, ain’t lookin’ for much else.” he stammered out. Shit, why did his accent have to slip now of all times? “I mean, weed is all I need. Those fucking pricks from Greencastle got under my skin.” Assholes thought they were so big, mocking his out of style sneakers. Those shoes hadn't stopped him from shaving half a second off the regional record, but he couldn't help but still feel the barbs from their insults lodged under his skin, festering.
Steve cocked his head as he stared at Eddie with an unreadable expression on his face. Finally he broke into a disarming smile. Eddie couldn’t remember ever seeing Steve sincerely express happiness, at least not from this distance. He would have remembered how prett—how his eyes lit up.
“I’m in a band you know. Pierced Scepter. We play down at this shitty dive bar and yeah, usually it’s a crowd of four drunks and the bartender, but it doesn’t matter. Being on any stage is…fuck it’s awesome. But sometimes it’s a little too much to just pack it all up right after. So I come out here to scream my head off, get it all out. Better off terrorizing the birds than picking fights when my parents are around.” Steve unconsciously rubbed his palm as he laughed humorlessly. “Saves on the screaming matches at home and the. Well.”
“Didn’t realize rich folks got their own hands dirty like that.” Carol’s parents had left the task of punishment to her nanny, preferring to swoop in with carrots after the stick had been administered.
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure my dad would say something about how ‘real men are responsible for disciplining their kids so they don’t get soft.’ Though what he considers ‘soft’ changes a lot based on his mood. And whether he’s wearing a belt or suspenders that day.”
“G-d, who knew our dads have something in common then?” Eddie snorted. “Never could keep my old man happy, was always doing something wrong. He took the belt to me so often in third grade I barely could sit down the whole year.” His first time in third grade anyway, the one before he was whisked away to the safe haven of Wayne’s trailer.
“And…I have absolutely no idea why I told you that.” He barely talked about his dad to Tommy and Carol for crying out loud. On visitor’s days he always made up some lie about why he and Wayne were driving close to the state penitentiary.
Steve let out a weird little braying bark of a laugh and shuffled his feet. “Right, you didn’t come here to cry over our daddy issues. Gimme a sec to get your stuff.” Steve reached behind to grab the lunchbox he carried his goods around in. As he did, his jacket slid open enough to show the exposed line of his clavicle above the low-cut collar of his tee. Eddie swallowed hard. Against his will, his eyes dipped lower, noticing a design over the top of his pec in black ink. Oh, a new tattoo.
Eddie squinted trying to make out what it was. “It’s been a while since you gave O’Donnell a reason to lecture us on the ‘decaying morality of the modern day.’ Is that a two headed monkey?”
Delight flickered over Steve’s face. “This? Yeah, it’s new. Supposed to be Demogorgon, the ‘Prince of Demons.’” At Eddie’s blank look he chuckled. “He’s a monster from Dungeons and Dragons, you know, the fantasy game we play in Hellfire Club. It was the final battle of a months long campaign and our characters were trying to escape Demogorgon’s lair. Most of the party was close to death, but at a chokepoint, my character took a last stand and gave the others enough time to escape. Everyone else got out, even if the bastard got me in the end. So, I got this as a tribute to my character's sacrifice.”
Eddie spoke without thinking. “Oh, that’s kind of similar to what Gandalf did: facing off against the Balrog to save the rest of the Fellowship.”
Forget fleeting glimpses of real smiles. The look of surprise Steve gave him was almost comically out of place on his face. “You’ve read Lord of the Rings?”
“While ago, yeah. The Hobbit too.” Back when he first moved in with Wayne, the man had found an absolutely beautiful illustrated set at a rummage sale. Eddie smiled to himself, remembering how excited he’d been to get his first real present ever. “Spent a whole summer running around during the day, then staying up way too late reading all night. My uncle had to confiscate my flashlight eventually.”
A snort from Steve jolted Eddie out of his memories as he realized who he was talking to. “Don’t tell anyone that Harrington, or else,” he ordered as he flushed for the second time that evening, “The rest of your dorky club of nerds better not start bothering me in the hallway just because I’ve read Tolkien. Not going to step in to save them if they forget their place.”
Steve’s expression shuttered as he stood upright. “Right, wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation with the rest of your jock buddies.” Eddie was taken aback by the bitterness in Steve’s voice. “They might explode if you admit to having interests beyond banging chicks, sports magazines, and beer. Your secret’s safe with me. After all, who’s going to believe the Freakshow? Here.” He shoved a baggie in Eddie’s face. “That should be enough for about a week. Now get lost before I double the price.”
Eddie opened his mouth to apologize. But the artificial sneer on Steve’s face made him lose his nerve. He just held out his money as he snatched away the weed. “Thanks, uh, have a good night Harrington. Help yourself to something from the kegs.” He almost made it to the edge of the trees before Steve’s voice called out to him: “Hey, Munson!” 
He froze and turned. Steve had clambered back onto Skull Rock, moonlight and shadows making him look otherworldly and malevolent, towering over the clearing. “Keep that attitude of yours in check next time, or else I might take my services somewhere else. But, if you need more help…unwinding, well. You know where to find me.” That knowing smirk was firmly fixed back in place on his face. 
Eddie couldn’t help it. He finally gave into his impulses and ran.
He didn’t think about those plush lips drawn back into a genuine smile as he quickly navigated back to the party. He didn’t think about those amused eyes seeing right through him as he knocked back a few cups of beer and danced a little with anyone and no one. And he certainly wasn’t thinking about that tattoo surrounded by chest hair as he staggered home to an empty trailer and collapsed into his bed.
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“You look so good there, kneeling for me Eddie.” Steve looms over him, those ringed hands on his hips. Eddie realizes he’s naked in the clearing and flushes with embarrassment. When did he take off his clothes?
Any thoughts on how he ended up here are derailed when the wind caresses his body. Oh. Tendrils of air race over his exposed chest and glide over his heavy balls and dripping cock. 
“And look how much you’re enjoying it too.” He’s never been this turned on in his life, and it’s all because of Steve. All for Steve. He’s powerless to prevent a moan from falling out of his mouth. 
“You act so big at school, like you’re the top of the food chain yeah? A real king of the jungle. But you and me, we know better. You’re not a scary tiger at all are you. No, you’re just a cute little kitten.”
Eddie can’t help but whine as he spreads himself wider in invitation.
“Yeah, thought you’d like that.” Steve crooks a finger and gestures for Eddie to follow him. “Come on kitten.” Eddie begins to get up, his legs tingling with pins and needles.
“Mhm, no. I like you better down there. In fact, I think you should crawl.”
He shudders but obeys the sound of that voice, would do anything for it. He stays on all fours as the path unwinds before them, until they come to a door. Eddie moves as fast as he can to follow Steve through, tumbling into the void within. He flails, plummeting until a familiar wax-polished wood rushes up to meet his palms. Eddie doesn’t dare get up from his hands and knees as he lifts his head but-
The gym is filled to the brim. 
Their classmates sit silently, blank looks on their faces as they stare. They’re waiting for something to happen. White hot shame courses through his veins as he desperately tries to cover up.
The voice cuts smoothly through the haze of his embarrassment: “Look at them kitten, they’re all waiting for a show. Let’s give one to them.”
Steve nudges him onto his back. He grabs his wrists and pulls them away from his body, exposing Eddie to the crowd. No! His face is on fire as he tries to fight it, but he can’t seem to break free, his strength sapped away. Steve tightens his hold on his wrists.
“Settle down Eddie, let them see you. You love this.”
He knows Steve is right. He can’t hide how hard his aching cock is, slapping against his belly as he squirms. But he can’t help it, they’ll all know. Faint whispers drift down from the stands as the crowd watches him struggle.
“Please, don’t make me do this,” he begs, but the words get caught in his choked up throat.
“I think you’ve forgotten your place. Maybe you need a reminder that you can’t hide, not from me.”
Steve hauls him up and easily slings him over a shoulder. Eddie lays there limply, frozen and whimpering. He’s unceremoniously dumped on top of a teacher’s desk right at the center line.  Hands come up to squeeze at his nipples, hard. Just the way he does when he’s alone. His cock twitches and drools even more from the groping. 
Eddie blinks, and suddenly the bleachers are that much closer.
“Be happy kitten, all the attention is on you! Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?” Oh G-d. Every eye is fixed on him, the buzzing of interest growing louder.
“No, I don’t want this, I don’t want you!” He shouts as loud as he can but the words come out muted and garbled.
Steve barks out a cruel laugh. “God, you’re pathetic. But then you’ve always been so good at lying to yourself haven’t you? You were the one who kissed Tommy, not the other way around. But when he went in for more, you pushed him off and ran away.”
Through the blur of tears, he can just make out Tommy’s face in the crowd, wearing the same accusatory and hurt look he had two years ago.
Steve leans down to nibble at his ear. “And,” he whispers, his voice silky smooth. “Let’s not forget how in the back of your head you imagine me shoving you against a locker and making you take it. Or sometimes, I threaten you with my knife a little out in the woods, yeah?”
Without warning, Eddie is manhandled over Steve’s lap. “Good news, guess today’s your lucky day kitten. I’m going to make you take it until you admit to everyone what you really want.”
The first slap to his ass sounds loudly, echoing around the gym. Eddie nearly swallows his tongue trying to keep quiet. The spectators in the stands let out a gasp for him.
But Steve doesn’t stop there. He keeps going, until Eddie feels like his ass is on fire.
He finds himself pleading for Steve to have mercy, slipping back into the accent he tries so hard to keep a lid on normally.
“Ha, there he is, finally. You can dress yourself up in a varsity jacket all you want, but we all know what you really are. Just a piece of trailer trash. You can’t run from this you dumb hick. Tell me what I want to hear.”
Eddie shakes his head. He can’t. “Fine, then take your punishment.”
Smack after smack rains down on his ass. The pain builds and builds, and the crowd gets louder and louder. But underneath the humiliation, he remains hard and grows even more desperate. Every slap sends him thrusting, his cock trapped between Steve’s muscular thighs. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Ha! And you jocks call me the freak. You’re the one humping my leg and yowling like you’re in heat. Pain turn you on kitten?”
That’s all it takes to push him over the edge. 
He cums to the sound of cheers.
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Eddie woke with a jolt and a gasp, his whole body pulsing in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced. 
Trembling, he curled up into a ball and let the tears fall. This was nothing, just a passing thought his brain had gotten attached to. All he had to do was survive the year, and then he could be finally free of Hawkins, and the living ghosts that haunted him.
If only that had been the last time he dreamed of Steve Harrington.
Two weeks later, Eddie woke with a fuzzy head and even fuzzier memories of the night before, vaguely remembering a ringed hand stroking his hair. On his nightstand was a glass of water, some Tylenol, and a note from SH telling him to take it easy. 
After that his dreams changed. Sometimes he wasn’t humiliated at all, and those tattooed arms kept him safe and cared for. It felt worse almost, to have his subconscious offer up such happiness, only to snatch it away when he woke to an empty bed. He didn’t dare spend the night in the arms of a girl at her house, worried he’d reveal himself for the freak he was.
A full month of torment and countless hours of lost slumber later, Eddie finally had had enough. He grabbed his keys and tore off in the direction of Steve's house, praying that Carol wouldn't see his van in her neighbor's driveway at this time of night.
As he rang the doorbell, he didn’t know what to expect. But it certainly wasn’t the sight of a sleep rumpled Steve answering the door in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Somehow, seeing his bare hands felt more intimate than the lack of shirt did.
“Munson? Gave me a heart attack, thought my parents were back a day early. What are you—”
“Hey,” Eddie interrupted, wide-eyed and feeling slightly crazed. “Can we talk?”
Ao3 link
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It's finally here! This began life as a brain worm that Annie and I have turned into a whole fully expanded universe. We can't wait to write more with these two :D
Tagging a few folks who showed interest in the original Wiggly Wednesday post (but please feel free to ignore): @eyesofshinigami @augustjustice @griefabyss69 @hairstevington
@dreamy-jeans137 @eriquin @hbyrde36 @hotluncheddie
Thank you to steddiecameraroll-graphics for the runner divider!
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canirove · 1 year ago
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 14
Author's note: You don't want to miss Friday's chapter 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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When I woke up the next day, my head hurt like hell. Everything hurt like hell, to be honest, and I wasn't sure about where I was. That wasn't my room at my grandma's house, that wasn't my bed and... And someone's arm was around my waist.
"Shit" I whispered. What had I done?
I tried to move and turn to see who was hugging me, but his grip was too firm, and I couldn't move without waking him up. Because this definitely was a man's arm. 
I needed to remember. What had happened last night? I went to a party with Aaron Ramsdale. To Ben White’s house. So that's where we probably were. And we drank something pink, and then... Rúben. I remembered talking with Rúben. And dancing. But what did I do after that? 
"Fuck!" the man behind me said, both of us jumping when someone closed a door with too much force. "That was too loud" he said, his arm leaving my body as he changed his position. "Are you awake?"
I recognized that voice. Aaron. The man next to me was Aaron. Why was I sharing a bed with him?
"I am" I said, my voice sounding all cranky. I needed a glass of water so badly... 
"I need some water" he said as if reading my mind. "Do you want some?"
I felt him leave the bed and walk somewhere, turning a light that was too bright, both of us complain about it. While he cursed, I hid my head under the duvet. And that's when I noticed I was just in my underwear. Dear God, what had I done?
"Why are you hiding?" Aaron said next to me. 
"The light. Too bright" I said, still under the duvet.
"Happy hangover" he chuckled, leaving the glass on the bedside table before getting back in bed next to me. 
This was bad. This was so so bad. And my head hurt. And I needed to pee. Badly. So finding some courage God knows where, I moved from under the duvet, looking around.
"Morning" Aaron said. 
"Hi" I replied, not looking at him. "Bathroom?"
"The door in front of us."
"Thank you" I said, getting up from the bed. But the moment I was on my feet, everything started moving.
"Woah, careful there" Aaron said, holding me by the arms. "Slow movements."
"Slow movements" I repeated, getting up again. 
Once inside the bathroom, I made sure to lock the door. 
"Ok" I said, taking a deep breath. I moved to look at myself in the mirror, see if there was anything different about me. But beyond looking horrible, my hair being a mess and my eyes red and swollen, I looked like always.
"You took your time there" Aaron said when I finally came out. "Everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just too much liquid in my body."
"We drank a bit, didn't we?"
"I could drink a lot more. But just water" I said, getting back in bed and drinking the glass he had brought me in just one go.
"Same. Do you want me to get us something to eat? That will also help."
"Talking from experience?"
"I'm afraid so" he said with that big smile of his.
"Ok. But Aaron," I said once he got up, just wearing his boxers. "Can you see if my phone is over there? My grandma may be going nuts wondering where I am."
"She knows you are with me. When you were in the bathroom I checked my phone and I had a text from my dad saying not to worry, that they knew" he said, handing me my phone.
"Oh, great. Thank you." 
"You're welcome."
"This is the best meal of my entire life."
"It's just a breakfast burrito" Aaron chuckled before giving his a big bite.
"Best meal ever" I repeated. Ben had thought of everything, getting breakfast for those guests who had decided to stay. "Do you think he'll get mad if we get his sheets dirty?" 
"He'll probably burn all the sheets that have been used tonight" Aaron laughed.
"Do... Do you..." I mumbled, putting down my burrito. 
"Do I...?" he asked with a smile.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" 
"You don't?"
"I remember us dancing and calling..."
"I think he's gonna be a bit pissed."
"What?" I said, my voice coming out louder than I expected.
"We made out while we were dancing. Then we came here, we kept making out, ended up in our underwear, and then…”
“And then?” 
“Then I… I… God, this is so embarrassing.”
“What happened, Aaron? Tell me.”
“Well, I started touching you down there, and you basically moaned Rúben's name instead of mine.”
“Oh my God” I gasped. 
"You have gone so red" he laughed. "But it's ok, don't worry.”
“It is. It had never happened before, but there is a first time for everything” he shrugged. 
"I don't know what to say, I…” 
“You don't have to say anything. At least not to me.”
“What do you… Oh.”
Rúben. The call. He was going to ask me about what had happened after. And since I can't lie because my face gives it all away…
“Urgh, I'm such an idiot!”
"Hey, don't" Aaron said, holding my hand. "Not crying under my watch."
"But I... I just ruined everything before it even started!"
"You don't know that."
"Oh, c'mon Aaron. If the girl you liked got drunk and did what we did with a guy she just met, wouldn’t you be mad at her? Wouldn’t you feel hurt and betrayed?"
"He may understand" he said after a few seconds of silence. "You said you were single, it isn't cheating."
"We had something going on, Aaron. And now it is gone."
"Oh, fuck!" he cursed, hitting the bed and making the food go everywhere. We could add Ben to the list of people angry with us. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here, or told you to have a drink when you said you didn't drink, or..."
"It is my fault, Aaron. Not yours. I said yes to all of that, you didn't push me to do anything" I said between sobs.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" he said, moving closer and hugging me, my body shaking while I cried.
I had fucked up. And big time.
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callsigns-haze · 1 year ago
Pretty like a crime
Chapter 6
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Mentions of gun use, ptsd, mentions of death, mentions of shooting, flirting, mentions of abuse, description of dead body, death, blood, undercover work, alcohol use, smut, kissing
Prologue/ Part 1/ Part 2/Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5
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"Oh who is she?" You ask one of three of your brothers in-law. It was his own engagement party but the most lively thing here was the alcohol.
This place was full of snobs and people from the news. A Chevalier getting married is a big deal and you remember it quite well.
"She's dad's new lawyer or something." Joris spat each word out in hatred. She didn't seem bad, she seemed quite sweet, honestly.
Joris never accepts people well, it was a quite long bit till he started to warm up to you. This was his party after all so I guess unwanted guests from his point of view were annoying.
"Well Matt sadly can't defend you a lot or me either." There was some stupid rule that if there was a law case you couldn't interact with it if it involves a family member or relation but Matthew is still your parents lawyer due to prior signed contracts.
"I don't like her already," Joris snarled with his nostrils flaring as he put on his sunglasses. Anger issues is the definition of this man, mad as hell. You wrap your arm around his shoulder and whisper in his ear. "Truly I don't either."
He smiles at you while whispering back, "Well, at least we're on the same page of action."
Getting trusted by the Chevalier family was quite impossible if you were a total outsider. Your family knew them through business which quickly led you into Etienne's circle of trust but with this chick it will be different.
"Just play you like her, I'll do the rest." That's the last thing he tells you before he wanders into the crowd. What did you get yourself into…
"He's over there," Jake whispers to you as the two of you sit in two red velvety seats in the top private room of the opera. The guy you need is right there in front of you looking back and taking a glance at you. He knows who the two of you are, or at least your undercover characters.
"He's looking at us," Jake mumbles into your neck as you look into those clear green eyes. "I'm going to sit in your lap and whatever you need to tell me, kiss it into me." Usually you'd never say this but the two of you are pretending to be a sex full couple and right now, it was not giving what it was meant to be giving.
You get up from your seat and swing your leg over Jake's sitting figure so that when you sink down you're facing Jake this time. The second you lower yourself, Jake begins to attack your neck with kisses and love bites.
You let out a groan… That wasn't supposed to happen, your full focus was meant to be on the outcome of this mission but yet Jake's delicate lips upon your skin played a quite different role in this game.
"How do we act," Jake asks you while licking up your neck as you put your lips to his. So passionate and full of emotion. You didn't know what has got into you. Since you were a young child, when brought to the opera you could always fall asleep, let here you were so alive and awake.
"The longer we sit it's not gonna work on him, full contact straight away," you respond. You sink into his lap more though. You've melted into Jake's touch, it was like free sailing on an ocean free from storm so mesmerized in the moment that you didn't notice the time passing and that the guy you needed was tapping you on the shoulder.
"Y/N, stop moving your head," Anne laughed as you cocked your head from side to side. For a thirteen year old, you sure were stubborn. Tonight, your parents are holding an annual gala which means you had to be prepared like a jewel for the show.
"But I don't want some hair due," you groan, slouching your shoulders in the chair. Anne had patients with you, for all you were just a kid but she understands that you don't like the whole concept of being rich and looking it.
"You know, kiddo. Once you get there, you'll be so mesmerized in the moment you won't notice it pass, trust me there."
"Sir, Adanson," you say turning around in Jake's lap. You see this undercover wasn't a act like this was some sort of Shakespeare play but a game where the second he turns to you you blow of his damn head.
For years you've been hunting this man down and have been getting nowhere. For years you've chased after him, through continents, countries, capitals, towns and cities but all it took was to lure him into your reach and distract him with a inexistent personality.
"You have a lot of balls coming down here," Jake comments, tilting his head to the left as Adanson stares at him in disbelief. Nobody speaks to a man like that in such a way that he was standing his ground in his face that Jake was a different man with no threat on his life.
"Pardon?" Adanson asked in disbelief. No one ever tried to talk to him in such way, nobody ever wanted to mess with such man, let here the two of you where.
"You have no balls, walking up to two gods and thinking some manners are a shit that can protect you," you snap as the standing man growls at you, you were getting on his nerves. As you were planning to.
"Do you know who your talking to?" Wow, he thinks that kind of speech will scare you? A speech about a snob kissing his own damn ass.
"Oh, yes I do and I don't care."
With that you give your signal to Jake which represents the start of the fight. You pull out your gun and aim it directly at two of men. Jake throws himself at which causes you to be left with the sidemen.
"So we meet again." One of then howls at you. You've caught many men over the years so recognising these was impossible. You try to shoot him but he grabs your wrist, spinning you, causing you to scream horror in pain.
He swung you round, throwing you against the wall as you hit of one of the carved pillars. Damn the world is spinning or at least it's messed up, because now you see three of the same man rather than one.
You have very little energy but once the world stops spinning it's when you'll manage to get up straight. He wants the satisfaction, the pain of you getting back up since he doesn't attack but instead he waits, which gives you an advantage.
You run at him, the jump you take would most likely be compared to a leprechauns, and kick the bodyguard straight into the king's jewels where the sun doesn't shine. To this he hurls over and groans. You don't hesitate like he did to you, you ram him with your fists as he kept going backwards until he reaches the railing to which you respond, "Bon voyage!" As he falls to his death.
"Whose next boys?"
"Mr. Adanson, you in this case have NO right to a lawyer or to remain silent. Each question asked will b answered and no proper trial shall be held. The evidence of all your crimes is here and your name is written all over it, have a nice time behind bars."
You don't know who that officer was saying all those words, but you loved the guy, putting Adanson in his place was your dream for years now. Finally fighting out the justice and beating the hell outta that guy as well.
Jake wraps his arm around you as the sight is full of police and Agents. His touch is comfort, which you lean into with a smile as he says, "Let's go to the hotel, I think we both have enough for one messed up night."
You two turn, still with each others touch. The things you did together this night will never be forgotten by either. You sat in his lap and let him place his lips upon your body, wherever he wished. That will never be forgotten.
Even though both of you had enough for one night, the evening was still quite young.
"Come on, you guys really believe she should be trusted! We don't know the whore!" Joris shouts out quite frustrated. This was probably one of the dumbest things to possibly do, meet up without Etienne and Pene. If either find out you all might as well leave the planet.
"Joris, why the hell do you always judge people before you know them," Matthew sighs back into his chair looking at his younger brother Romain to help him in this unwinnable arguement. Usually he'd look at you to help him out since Joris trusts you a slightly listens but while they sit at the table, you stand staring out the big glass window looking down upon the big sea at view.
"Matt! The bitch appeared a week ago and now apparently she's in his 'circle of trust'!" I mean you could sorta understand the frustration that Joris had. You guys had no clue where Olivia came from but her backstory did check out so that at least could be slightly trusted but the rest, it could all be faked.
"Y/n, can't your Justin or whatever his name is friend, help us out?" Matthew rolled his eyes at that. He despised Justin more than anything. He hated his guts, name style, EVERYTHING. Technically to you Justin wasn't even a friend anymore, he stopped being that a long time back, now he's just an acquaintance. You turn around and stare at the three brothers out of four quite intensely, truly you were flaming at his idea.
"There is NO way on god's green earth that you'll drag me down into this. I've done things to people that I should be long hung for, for this family. You guys are lucky that. I even agreed to coming because once Etienne finds out we'll already be dead."
Romain finally speaks up and announces, "She's right. Let's give her a shot."
You knew you couldn't call in your car or in the house where the family was so you had to go out, out as far as possible. You go down to the beach to call her and once you do you only leave on message, "Olivia, they're onto you."
You always told yourself that adults do things that they regret but this now is not one of those situations
Jake unlocks the door, closes it, and places his items on the kitchen counter before approaching you two. As he scoops you up, he starts kissing you and forcing you to wrap your legs around his body. You can feel his delicate tongue pleading for admittance, which you allow. The kiss was ravenous, and even though he probed every corner of your mouth, it was insufficient.
He drags you into the master bedroom and lays you on the bed, then removes all of his belongings. Looking at his physique made you wetter; he had a mysterious effect on you.
After that, he lowers himself and kisses your jawline, neck, and chest. You groan at the slightest brush of his soft lips against your skin. He aids you in removing your garments, leaving you just in your pants, which he then removes.
He started sucking on your sensitive nipples. Swirling his tongue and blowing air on them, he knew it would drive you insane, arching your back and making you moan out in agony as your desire for him was unbearable. "Jake hurry" you say getting impatient, "how bad do you need me" he declares in a raspy voice looking towards you from smothering your chest.
"Really bad, Jakey," you remark once again, leaning your back to him. He hovers above you, holding his erect member and rubs it against your highly wet region, causing you to gasp. He begins to put it in with gentle strokes. Before he eventually says it all, you let out small whispers.
As you hold his arms, he places the top of his head against the curve of your neck. Returning to your lips, he runs his hand up your thighs, stroking the aching area. You arch your back in want for him as you feel yourself becoming moist. You grab hold of his hair as he starts sucking on your stiff nipples.
He groans with pleasure as he swirls the tip of his tongue around you. He kicks your pants to the side, inserting a pair of fingers and pounding in and out.
You whimpered and bit your bottom lip. He lifts his head to your ear and whispers, "I love to hear your purrs," in a deep rich voice that sends shivers down your spine. He pulls his two fingers out of you and licks the come off his fingers. "You taste heavenly," he adds, his eyes blazing with passion. You felt yourself on his tongue after slamming his lips into yours.
"Fuck me please," you beg, barely breaking free from the kiss, as he pulls you off the sink and flips you around, bending you over on the bathroom counter. Pulling his trousers down, he reveals his firm member. He teases you by rubbing it on your soaking wet area before carefully applying it. You moan with delight as he fully invests himself in you. He begins with small strokes and gradually increases his pace.
"Holy Shit, fuck," you gasp, as he rubs your throbbing area with his left hand and pounds you from behind. He takes his right hand and wraps it over your neck, allowing you to arch your back little more. As his strokes increase quicker and harder, your moans become uncontrollable.
You can only blurt out "I'm gonna cum" between moans. He pounds you harder while softly tightening his grasp on your neck, never missing your g-spot. As you get closer to your climax, your walls tighten.
You give out a loud gasp as you approach your peak, prompting him to halt his strokes. He unlocks your throat and emerges from within you. He turns you around and gently kisses you.
Guess he finally worked the charm.
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safyresky · 18 days ago
Wanna hear how UNHINGED Sunday was for me?
Got woken up at 6am Sunday morning to bring Dad to the hospital for a kidney stone flare up.
By a quarter to 7 he's like "I'm fine"
by a quarter to 8 he's like "nvm"
bring him through triage and all that, once he's ready to see a dr I dip to go shovel about. 7 driveways.
2.5 are already done. Finish the other 3.5. Grandma cancels hers bc her neighbour did it. Cool. Great. AH.
go home. have lunch. go to costco bc sometimes you just need to
(cheap gas)
(granola bars)
and you don't trust your grandma's neighbour to NOT half ass it so best be checking that out
it's fine. k great.
Pick dad up from hospital, prep dinner for the sickos since he's now on morphine while he passes the stone and mom's recovering from HIP SURGERY
leave to come home to ktown my beloved
only for my beloved (person) to suddenly get WILDLY SICK on the way back
get home and clear OUR driveway while husband explodes in the basement bathroom, only for neighbour-across-the-street's-dog who will henceforth be known as THE DOG to come barking when I get into my car to put it in the driveway
THE DOG is in the fenceless yard, off her leash, barking at me from across the street bc that's what she does. barks NON STOP.
her human does NOT come out to check on her when it's really important, like when he's literally being robbed or someone is on our lawn after breaking into the backyard
(true stories, both of them)
no. she just barks when we're on our own lawn
bc apparently our house is her house too (don't get me started. when we are asleep he is hanging out in our yard playing with his dog. I can see the damn tracks. Leading from his place to OUR PALCE since they never shovel the gd streets)
(I am this close || to building a fence in the spring)
nice dog. terrible human.
So SHE'S barking. Nonstop. A symphony. The Call Of Her People. It's echoing across the neighbourhood
her human does NOT come to check on her.
Old Lady Neighbour comes out to snoop. I sigh and tell her it's us we just got home and the dog is mad? excited? about that? who's to say
she claims she's just outside to bat carpets. at 10 o'clock at night. while looking w/concern over at The Dog (she is still barking)
okay Sharon, I see you! I know how to snoop on neighbours too!!!!
we start chatting
The Dog is still barking
Non-stop. NON STOP. at this point I am convinced she doesn't need to breath since it's just BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BAnd so on and so forth
Her Human is not in sight.
She keeps barking.
My Beloved (human) comes out and joins me, and says hi, and tells Old Lady Neighbour not to worry about leftover snow, he'll get to it
as if he wasn't just downstairs PUKING HIS BRAINS OUT
He goes to unload the car while I am slowly trying to escape the chat
The Dog is still barking
The Human is still missing
While chatting, suddenly Old Lady Neighbour looks over my head
"Now you see, that there is Hero, the dog three doors down from you."
"Huh? What?" I think. I turn around
The Dog finally stops barking as they greet one another, excited, and Dog #2 IMMEDIATELY MOUNTS THE DOG AND STARTS FUCKING HER DOGGY STYLE RIGHT THERE IN THE FRONT YARD.
In my soul, I feel like the side eyeing monkey puppet. thing. And I look away
Old Lady has pointed this dog out to me bc in a sly, clever way last Thursday I brought up the whole "neighbour across the street keeps running around our property while we're asleep playing with his dog like it's his"
mans didn't even ASK
I brought it up in a not-naming-names way and she immediately lists every single dog on the block and says maybe it's them, as if I DON'T know every dog on the block and that they are inside houses with fenced in yards and NOT being walked at 3am and then treated to a dog park on the way that is actually just MY YARD
I know it's creepy neighbour, Sharon. STOP DEFENDING HIM
I finally escape
Run to the car to grab my iced capp
the dogs are still fuckin
the human is nowhere in sight.
My Beloved (human) pops his head out from the front seat of the car, says something, and immediately stops dead bc he has just looked over my head (am short, he's a giant) and seen the dogs going at it
"Oh! Well I'm not even going to ASK" and he looks away
"Huh?" I turn back, remembering as I turn the the DOGS are FUCKING
"Oh. Right. Yeah that's Hero from 3 doors down, apparently."
"Ah! Great :) Let's go inside :)"
We do.
Husbando is stable, for now, and I say I'll finish putting the last bit of snow in the back and he can sit and rest
I go outside to do that and then fight to close the gate
the dogs have stopped fucking and are now play fighting.
after care, I guess
I go back to fighting the gate
Suddenly I am hearing the loudest, most UPSET french yelling in my LIFE
I look up.
A woman is running down the street in slippers and pjays
And she is YELLING at the second dog
He looks chastised, says bye to The Dog and makes his way over to the woman
The woman keeps yelling
The Dog's Human is still mia.
I run inside bc I do NOT wanna cross paths with the angry Quebecois lady and the fucking (literally) dog
My Beloved (Human) is at the door like "why is there yelling"
"Hero's mom picked him up and is v mad. I'm gonna do the front. Couldn't close the gate btw"
"I got it"
I go do the front. Angry lady and her dog are gone. I go inside.
My Beloved (human) comes inside.
"The Dog's Human?"
"YEP! The Dog's Human."
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mercymermaid · 8 months ago
well here's my full season 5 (nezha edition) rant bc what did i just watch
obvious spoilers 💀
what the fuck was that
blah blah animation, blah blah main character sacrifice, wowee
first off, the mechs?? yeah, i know it's just product placement, and i've never actually liked the concept. in a world of mythology and magic, something to technological belongs in a sci-fi movie, not among gods. and in season 5 especially, they feel *so* out of place. the only people who end up actually using their mech are nezha (twice) and mei (once.) i can't be mad at mei, since yeah it's just one time to have an epic moment and goes away after that, but it's nezha that i'm mad about. that standoff at the festival? okay, product placement, epic moment, never brought up again. but then during the battle thing against the chaos guy??? he's the *only one* using a mech and it ticks me off. i wanna see the third lotus prince not the third lotuce mech!! i wanna see him being all badass with his staff and firewheels (like sealing off the jade emperor's power in s4)
i'm gonna be so honest, i only watched the season (and show) for nezha, as i tend to do to medias when i have a top unbeatable absolute favorite. and the show did not deliver.
tldr; nezha had so much potential and all of it went right down the drain
speaking of the power
so you're telling me that mr. "my job is super duper important and more important than my life" would take lightly to his dad going "lmao no" and just taking his seal and reinforcing it with his little magic house?
i wanted a fucking fight scene SO BAD. SO FUCKING BAD. but noooOOOOOO you're DEFENDING YOUR BITCH DAD??? okay, i get it, power imbalance or something! give nezha a *reason* to be so buddy buddy with his dad, because he sure as hell wouldn't do it without one!!
that ties in to the whole pagoda thing, how fucking hurtful must it be for your dad, who you are far from on good terms with, to pop in, take the power you've put on your shoulders, deem you not good enough ("you got demoted!"), and push you around?? very! very very!
you do not understand what i would've done, what war crimes i would've committed in order for nezha to get some focus on HIM. specifically angst. with the shit that he went through in s3, being nerfed and having his long-term position as guardian of the map pulled out from right under him by his little friendly rival, and then *s4*, getting his ass absolutely kicked by the shit that went down with azure, being the most injured and put under the giant strain of containing the jade emperor's power, you're not gonna elaborate and give him some depth besides "big brother energy but distant and super 'regal'"?? (btw if you've ever EVER written nezha angst (or even some nezha-centric stuff in general) on ao3 i've probably read it and oh my god i love you so much for gifting it to the world, and if you read this far recs are always appreciated 😭)
actually on that note, mk is the one constantly making trauma jokes, and while i get that he's the main character, everyone's gone through shit. s5 at least kind of works with that, with mei's samadhi fire thing and wukong/macaque's death memory thing, along with pigsy's insecurity moment and sandy's little "i'm very very angry but i control myself" spiel, but like come on ☹️ (not a ruse to get nezha some angsty focus wdym)
ALSO mk breaking the seal? yk how in s4 we had that little thing where their eyes flashed and they felt the jade emperor die? i was lowkey expecting a little similar shot of nezha feeling his seal on the power break but no we needed the emotional moment 😒
i was so excited in the festival scene for nezha to go "yeah, okay, i see you", fight against his father, and join the MCG, but nooooOoo he gets sent to the celestial realm to not be seen until the end of the world
OH SPEAKING OF not nezha but red son??? what happened to the poor guy i feel so bad for red son enjoyers because he had ONE EPISODE of screen time. that's worse than us nezha fans. that little bit about the dog videos meaning help us could've so been used later, he literally joked about how this time he was invited and just. didn't show up?? there could've been such a sick moment of mei sending the dog video, and red son seeing it and coming in and being all badass with them but no he was just literally not featured again except for the 'world is ending/being saved' flash shots. (unrelated but please i want canon big brother nezha lil bro red son content those guys are Iconic)
ANYWAY it's coming to an end now, and boy oh boy
basically i have futile, naive hopes for s6 - please, PLEASE give nezha focus that lasts longer than 1-2 scenes. it literally does not have to be angsty, nor big brother energy, not even a badass moment!! just make it mechless and put the camera on *him*, and i will die a happy woman. (another badass moment, in which he wins for once, would make me cry for joy. a big brother, to literally anybody, specifically red son or mk, would make shake and snarl like a feral animal. an angsty moment would make me force the world to be puppies and rainbows. a nezha episode would make me implode and take the world with it.)
bring back li jing and do it *right*. make nezha bring up their horrible past, and at that point, i'd even settle for a corny talk-it-out session with wise words and an issue that gets resolved way too quickly, though an epic fight scene would be preferable. angst not optional, because you can't tell me that interaction would end without tears and breakdowns on nezha's end. (at this point, i'll write it myself)
LET NEZHA WIN. i do not care what he fights, who he fights, when he fights, why he fights, how he fights, let him actually cop a win for once. this fearsome general who was entrusted with guarding the samadhi map, is a protector deity, and managed to singlehandedly contain the jade emperor's power has never won a single fight within his show screen time?? bull fucking shit i tell you. stop treating this guy who carried the end of s4 like some shit side character who never gets his way, and start treating the guy right.
can you tell i'm mad about this
also ACTUAL s5 thing, not gonna lie, mk's decision is stupid. nüwa is trying to protect her creations like a good mighty goddess, and you go "erm actually me some random guy who you created to save the world and was about to do so is gonna undo all of your work and decide to make my own path and simultaneously create a massive crisis where i not only flip normal on its ass and give everyone magic but also potentially unleash the same cosmis horror you're protecting us from"
i'm kinda curious about this new magic tho... (pls have a negative effect or some sort of effect) (pls let nezha win)
yeah okay i think that's it if you've stuck around to the end here's a selection of desserts because you need it after the crash of the season ending 🍮🍭🍬🍫🥧🧁🍰🍪🎂🍩🍨🍧🍦🥠🍡🥮🍥
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dumbass-tumbler-cryptid · 1 month ago
Can you please give a snippet to anything (maybe cabin)
Sorry to disappoint but I don’t have a Cabin snippet. I work in a rotation so since I just posted a chapter of Cabin I’m not working on that fic right now. Currently I’m working on Mama’s Boy. I actually just tucked in to write when you sent me this ask. This is the passage I’m working on today. It still needs some tweeks but this is what I have so far.
As soon as they returned to base Quaritch dragged Spider to his room by the arm. He took away the remote to the t.v and locked him inside without a word. Spider sat on the bed, quietly fuming. Rat bastard, he thought glaring at the wall. Needing to move he paced around the room, slowly going stir crazy as time ticked by. After passing the desk for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes constantly catching on his downcast baby picture, Spider picked up the frame and hurled it against the wall. Fucking bitch. Keeping my picture as if he cares. He never even wanted me! And now he wants to try to pretend to be a dad by showing me mama’s videos and taking care of me when I’m sick. All he is, is a bitch ass military commander.
The beliefs did nothing to soothe him. It only made his rage simmer into a hollow pit in his stomach that made him feel sick. With his energy spent, he flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling until his eventual release.
After hours of listless day dreaming a knock sounded on the door. “Spider,” Quaritch called, “can I come in?”
Spider shrugged even though he couldn’t be seen. “I don’t know. You gonna let me out?”
Quaritch sighed, “I want to talk. So can I come in. I brought y’a dinner.”
“Oh yeah? What flavor of prison slop do I get tonight?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs. Now y’a wanna let me in?”
“It’s your base,” Spider said nonchalantly, though on the inside he felt dread.
Quaritch entered was a tray full of food and a big glass of water. He set it in front of Spider. “Eat up.”
Spider wanted to do just that. His stomach was rumbling and the meal looked delicious. But he couldn’t eat until he got the conversation over with. “You said you wanted to talk. So talk.”
Quaritch waved him off. “Eat first.” Spider opened his mouth to protest but Quaritch beat him to it, wagging a finger at him, “don’t even start by sayin’ you're not hungry. You’ve been in here for six hours and y’a eat like a black hole.” Spider growled but stabbed at his pasta, knowing the faster he did as told the faster he could get his father’s clone away from him. As Spider ate, Quaritch slowly walked the room, coming to a standstill in front of the broken picture frame. Spider held his breath as Quaritch carefully pulled the photo out of the shards of glass. When he flipped the picture around to see the image his face instantly lit into a soft, loving smile. Spider couldn’t stand the sight of it. Quaritch turned the photo toward him. “Look at this little cutie. What happened?” He said it with a joking smile. Spider ignored him.
Quaritch’s ears pinned back, his grin slipping. “Okay fine. I get it. You're pissed. I took you away from your videos, you got mad and humiliated all of us, which made me mad and now here we are.” Spider continued to stay silent, eating his spaghetti as if he were totally alone. It only made Quaritch’s anger spike. “Jesus kid can you at least look at me!”
“Why should I? I don’t owe you shit.”
“Oh don’t y’a? I’m the reason you're not a vegetable. I’m the one who got y’a out of Bridgehead. Twice! I nursed y’a back to health when you got sick. I cook for y’a, I clean up after y’a. I’ve been doin’ my damndest to do right by y’a and you disrespect me at every turn.”
Guilt started creeping its way in. “I never asked you to do any of that,” he mumbled, “you don’t owe me anything.”
Quaritch’s fingers flexed ever so slightly around the picture of his baby. He shrugged, trying to seem indifferent. “You’re right. I didn’t have to do any of that. But I did. So I would appreciate it, if y’a returned the favor.” Spider didn’t respond, setting aside his meal, to curl into a protective ball. Quaritch sighed, “I’m not askin’ y’a for much here kid. I’m just askin’ for an attitude adjustment. I know y’a think you’re a prisoner and all of that. But we got a good thing goin’ don’t we? Don’t y’a think you’ll be happier if y’a stop kickin’ up a fuss all the time?” Spider stayed quiet, thinking about it. Without an immediate answer Quaritch continued on, “you can not afford to be a hindrance to this mission. If Ardmore saw that stunt you pulled today you’d be in Bridgehead right now gettin’ your brain scrambled. Instead you're here, cozy in bed with a home cooked meal. Now I want to keep you with me. And it’s in your best interests to stay with me. So what do y’a say? You wanna cooperate?”
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 1 year ago
The Brothers Sun ep8
Understandable that the Tea Leaf guy won't talk unless Big Sun is brought down
Aw, they're staying in a motel
Mama Sun is so done that Bruce couldn't get the name for dragon head right 😂
She makes her son drive at night because she gets lost😭
She bought 6 pasta strainers just because they were on sale
"You are not a crime boss. You're my mom." She can be both
I get where she's coming from, but it never sits right to be mad at the kid who didn't
NOOOOOOOOOO Charles nooooooooooooooo
Oh thank god, he shot above his brother's head
The mom's hand on Charles shoulder 😭 I bet she came running
I love that Bruce said that it's going to lead to decades of therapy (that his brother was sent to kill him by their father)😂
Charles don't hurt your brother! He has a point about killing your father
The fact that Bruce said he'd do anything to protect his brother 😭
The way the mom admitted that the chairleg incident was a test and she didn't push back against the father when he forced Charles to kill the first time😭
At least she's showing the remorse and guilt she feels for sacrificing
"Forget dad, you can be Charles -churro baker Sun"😭
The way that the mom has a charger for her son's phone😭
Oh, Charles just realized how he was betrayed
Xing telling the Wang bros that they need to shut up makes me hope she at least feels some guilt for betraying
The dad is such an asshole
Good for you Charles, telling your dad you want to stay. I'm proud of you❤️
The way I cheered when Charles shot those douche bags😂
Oh no, Xing is going to kill the mother and brother 😭
Well fuck indeed, Charles, fuck indeed
Alexis saying that they don't have shrimp chips😂
Him asking for a charger is not permission to track his phone
Alexis is far worse than Charles ever could be
Mama Sun wearing an oversized jersey is so cute
Yeah, Xing sucks and blood boots would never
The fact that the mom is immediately chastising Bruce for getting the wrong milk😂
Bruce is absolutely playing her😂 the improv classes work!
I love how Charles is just as shocked that the mom can fight 😂😂
Bruce planning to kill their dad😂
I mean, him being good at Laser Tag and also beating his actual assassin brother at a shooting video game is hilarious and actually makes sense
Bruce: "Neither of us are who our parents thought we were."
Charles"Yeah, but both our parents are crazy."
Bruce: "yeah."
Bruce, hugging Charles: "I don't think we've ever hugged before."
Charles: "Well, you're probably gonna die, so might as well get one last one before you go."😂
Bruce: "Right."
Bruce, handing his visitor badge to Alexis: "The Brothers Sun don't work with cops." HA!
Oh no, Bruce don't listen to that serpent of a father who's telling you to join him.
I love that Charles made sure to shoot his dad and missed the internal organs 😂 It definitely pays
The way that Bruce said he'd use his spit to make his taco dumplings 😂
I'm pretty sure that it was Bruce's plan all along to get his brother and mom to cook for him forever😂
Awwwww she bought her son a bakery 😭🥺
Hopefully that other girl isn't
The way she brought gifts to her friends
I love that she wants her kids to have lives and be happy 🥺❤️
Good for Alexis that she got a tower of her snack
The pictures in the mom's room with both her boys🥺😭
I'm crying with Bruce and Mama Sun too😭 nothing bad better happen to her
Oh nooooo, Charles is leaving too😭 I mean I'm happy that he's gonna get some time with his mama and that she's finally getting what she wants
I love that June has dinner reservations already 😂 she's got her priorities straight
The fact that Bruce still struggles to drive his car is hilarious and relatable af😂
I really hope we get another season, just because this was so well written and I enjoyed this show so much. But it also ended on a great note.
Ooooooo I wonder who that guy with the sunglasses sounds like he's being sent after Tea guy
Also still curious about who the man was that Eileen had been dancing with in Taiwan
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months ago
I’m With the Band Part 32
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Words: 2.1k
I used this video of Bondy’s tour of the tour bus for inspiration when I wrote this part! 😂
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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It's a four hour drive up to Newcastle and by the time we arrive I'm feeling irritable. All I'd wanted to do was slip in my EarPods, sit back and zone out whilst blasting out my Arctic Monkeys playlist but Larry had other ideas. It was a good job that we arrived when we did as I'd have been tempted to wrench open the taxi door on the middle of the A1 and throw myself out on to the tarmac.
"If you come out with one more tour ground rule I think I'm gonna scream," I complain as I see a sign for Newcastle City Centre. "What're you expecting me to do? Sit in the tour bus on my own for three weeks whilst you lot are out having the time of your lives?"
"It's not like that at all Bells," Larry tries to placate me. "And I'm not the only one making all these rules anyway."
"Oh? So who is it then?" I ask, but before he can even reply I'm attempting to answer my own question. "It's Van isn't it? Oh god... I can just imagine. He always used to be such a control freak when he was younger and I bet that's not changed. I'm sure he's a nightmare when you're on the road... likes everything done his way I suppose."
"Actually it wasn't Van... it was your mum and dad."
This shocks me, making me fall silent whilst I mull it over. I've been away from home for over a week now and the only contact I've had with my parents was an extremely rushed phone call from my dad as he was on his way to a meeting after I'd texted him begging for an allowance top up, and a brief FaceTime call to my mum that got cut off by a poor connection after five minutes. She'd not called me back. Maybe they were both too busy enjoying a quiet life free from my frequent dramas.
"What? Mum and dad actually rang you? They can barely be arsed to talk to me!"
"Nah, Aunty Sarah rang my mum to find out if you'd been behaving..." Larry gives me a pointed look before continuing. "It's just a good job that none of the parents go on insta isn't it?"
"Portia deleted it!" I quickly cry but Larry remains unimpressed.
"Once something's been put online it never really goes away though does it? I just can't believe Sam was okay with it all. With his career flying the way it is you'd think he'd be trying to maintain a squeaky clean image." He looks slightly puzzled whilst I try to suppress a smirk. "I really thought he'd be mad with ya... thought we'd have to send Bond in to try and talk him round. Still don't know how you managed that one."
"You're really surprised he couldn't resist my charm?" I laugh, quickly distracted as the taxi pulls into a car park and I see a large double decker bus parked up with a small crowd gathered around outside.
When I scan the group I immediately recognise a tall floppy-haired, black-clad figure, an unexpected fizz of excitement shooting through me. I've not seen or heard from Van since I came back from Manchester as he'd travelled up to Newcastle a day early. He'd told Larry he was travelling ahead to meet up with an old friend who was in town and I'd thought nothing of it at the time, but my excitement at seeing him instantly falls flat as I open the taxi door and spot a pretty blonde girl cosying up to his side.
"Alright sern?" He greets Larry enthusiastically as he breaks away from his companion to jog over and give Larry a hug, then he makes to do the same to me but I quickly move back, leaving him faltering. "Err... alright Bella?"
His eyes are as bright as ever but there's an air of hesitance about him as I mumble a quick hello. I'm not sure whether it's the cool reception I'm giving him or the presence of the mystery girl who's watching me from afar with a keen kind of interest that immediately sets me on edge.
"You pair all set for tour then?" Van asks, looking between us both before his attention's back on me. "Heard you brought enough luggage to sink a battleship!"
"Well... I do like to have all my comforts with me. You weren't expecting me to rough it were you?"
I spin around as I hear a scuffling sound to see the taxi driver slinging my expensive luggage down on to the slabbing with little care.
"Oh my god!" I wince through gritted teeth, but Van doesn't give me chance to stress, quickly diverting my attention by hooking his arm through the crook of mine and steering me back in the direction of the bus. It's just in time to see the girl who caught my attention turn and walk towards the back of the venue, pulling open the door and slipping inside. Something that feels like relief washes over me.
"Course we wouldn't expect ya to rough it," Van grins. "Come on, come and see the bus. It's ace! I'll take ya on the grand tour. It's not often we have royalty on the road with us eh, Larry?"
Larry shoots forward to stand by the open door of the bus, bending down in a grand bow before he's straightening up quickly, pretending to play a fanfare on an imaginary trumpet. "Welcome aboard your majesty!"
"Fuck off!" I fire at him but I'm laughing, enjoying their playful teasing more than I'd like to admit, loving the attention really.
Larry leads the way and I follow with Van trailing closely behind, up a few steps and down a thin corridor which branches out into a living area with big comfy seats and a large TV set into the wall. I note a few PlayStation controllers scattered around and groan internally as I recall dramatic competitions between the boys on FIFA and Mario Kart on our childhood family holidays. The way that Van would whine and scowl if Larry dared to beat him, resulting in re-match after re-match until eventually he'd emerge the victorious one. I was sure that Larry just gave in and let him win sometimes to keep the peace.
"Please don't tell me you two still have your silly little rivalries on there," I gesture towards the console, rolling my eyes as the lads immediately launch into a row about who's the best player and who's going to trounce who in the next tournament.
Some things never change...
I leave the boys to bicker amongst themselves, moving forward into the cramped kitchen area which boasts a microwave, a fridge and a kettle and not a lot else. I pull open the fridge door, yelping in shock as the huge stack of beer bottles that had been balanced precariously topple over, one rolling out and on to the floor. I stoop to pick it up and that's when I hear another familiar voice behind me and I straighten up in a flash, turning around.
"I know you're a party girl but even so it's a bit early to be starting on the lager isn't it?"
Johnny's amiable grin's a welcome sight and before I can even remember that I'm supposed to be mad at him for setting me up with Sam I'm stepping forward to nestle into his outstretched arms, burying my face into his chest. He squeezes me tightly against his body, planting a small kiss on my head. "Alright love? That's a warm welcome I wasn't expecting!"
"Yeah, well... maybe I forgive you for your sneaky collusions with Sam's mates," I say, pulling away to look up at him. "Turns out you did do me a favour after all. Things are all good with Sam now."
"Oh aye?" He smiles curiously. "So, ya gonna tell me what happened then? Sam did say youse two had made up but he was pretty vague..."
I battle against the grin that's fighting to surface, shrugging lightly before I bend to place the beer back in the fridge so Johnny can't see my smug face. "Oh there's nothing to tell really... Sam's just a forgiving guy I guess you could say. I mean, who could stay mad at me for long, right?"
"What did I tell ya eh? Nothing to worry about after all..."
My eyes are wide and innocent when they meet his again, a subtle pout on my lips as I ask to see where the sleeping area is. I've got visions in my head of languishing on soft sheets in my pretty lingerie like a proper rockstar's muse, tucked away secretively for an afternoon with Johnny or sneaking stealthily to Van's bunk to tease him when he's all hyped up and buzzed on adrenaline after a gig.
All my fantasies are shattered though as he leads me up to the second level and down a narrow corridor lined with twelve of the smallest looking bunks stacked two high, one atop the other. There's barely enough room to roll over in bed, let alone re-enact the kind of sexual gymnastics that I'd envisioned. And as for privacy... it's non-existent. The flimsy curtains covering each bunk won't block out any amount of noise from the inhabitant above or below.
"You telling me you actually sleep in those things?" I groan in dismay. "Everyone's so close together... and the crew sleep here too?"
Johnny chuckles, patting one of the top bunks and I grimace at the scratchy-looking blanket. "Ahh it's not so bad... you soon get used to it. The crew are a sound bunch of lads when ya get to know 'em. And you get so tired you find you could probably sleep standing up by the end of the tour. You'll see."
"Don't knock it Bella!" Van's voice suddenly sounds out and I whirl around to see that him and Larry have followed us up. "This is luxury compared to what we used to have starting out. Slept in that rusty old transit Van plenty of times. It were fucking freezing in the winter!"
"What about the Travelodge days?" Larry pipes up. "Eight of us booked into one room to keep the costs down. You'd 'ave loved that Bells! Woke up with my face in Van's sweaty armpit more times than I care to remember!"
I give him a look of disgust whilst they all laugh. "You boys are gross. Seriously though... I really do need some space. A girl needs to do... girl stuff you know?"
Van steps forward then, pointing to a closed door at the end of the corridor. "Got the perfect solution for ya. There's a little lounge bit at the back, was gonna bag it for myself but you can stay there if ya like..." He pauses for a moment, a cheeky grin taking over. "Might get a bit lonely though... so if ya want some company you only need to ask... OOF!"
He's cut off abruptly by Larry digging him hard in the ribs with a glare.
"I was only joking!" He cries. "Jesus, keep ya hair on!"
I smirk as Van still manages to tip me a secretive wink when Larry turns away, opening up the door to reveal a compact room with two small sofas and a wall mounted TV. It's not exactly the luxury I'm accustomed to but it's better than nothing. And besides, the last thing I'm expecting to do is catch up on quality sleep over the next three weeks. My agenda looks much more exciting than that.
"Better get to the venue, we've got soundcheck in ten." I hear Larry say. "You coming Bells?"
"I'll be there in a bit," I tell him, flopping down on to the sofa, looking around and wondering how I'll make the small space more liveable. "Just gonna settle in first... can you get my bags brought up?"
There's no response, causing me to look up to see three faces grinning at me like I've just cracked the joke of the century. "What?"
"Will you be requiring room service too?" Johnny chuckles. "Glass of chilled champagne for your arrival?"
"Ooh that sounds nice!" I enthuse, completely missing the playful sarcasm in his voice until the sniggering starts up.
"Ha ha... very funny," I retort. "But I do need my luggage though. Isn't that what the crew's here for?"
"Don't let Dougie hear ya talking like that!" Van grins, shaking his head. "But I'll get yer bags for ya... just this once..." Then he adds with a sly grin, "You can pay me back later!"
The boys all turn and head off and I can hear muted laughter and Larry's huffed comments. "I told her she'd have to pull her weight... probably worried about breaking a nail or summat..."
I just smile to myself. I'll have them trained up in no time.
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kiankiwi · 1 year ago
Dad!jacob going w/us to baby girls 1st doctor appointment </3 she has to get some shots and we tell jacob to hold to hold her because she’s such a daddy’s girl and is more relaxed with him. But time the doctor comes in with the shots jacob is literally about to cry because he can tell babygirl is in distress from being in a unknown room with a unknown person with a needle 😭
Jacob is in a bad anxious mood the whole day and we have to give him a peptalk once we get to the parking garage because we know baby girl is gonna pick up on what her daddy's feeling and not be as distracted and relaxed with him. "It'll take 5 minutes and then we can go get breakfast and go on a walk.... She'll be fine Jake, I promise."
And she starts crying when they have to undress her to weigh her because she's cold and THAT'S when jacob gets misty eyed first and we give him a side hug and rub his back and we're like "baby, it's no different than her distaste for bathtime, she's okay." And he reaches out to let her hold his finger and of course she's fine again because she can see her daddy.
But once they put us in a room to wait for the nurse, Jacob is up and pacing with baby girl cuddled into his chest and just softly talking to her because if he talks, he won't be as anxious and distracts himself.
Jacob is spinning in the spinny stool to not think about what's about to happen and that's when the nurse comes in holding the injections and all the fun stops and Jacob can barely look at the nurse and she's very friendly and goes slow because she knows the parents can get emotional. She expects it to be us and not the big buff dude in the corner that can hardly say hello to her without crying.
"I figured I'm about to make you guys cry, so I brought tissues..." She offers them to us but we immediately push them over to Jacob who grabs one and smooshes it into his fist to fidget with. "Okay, I'm about to get her really mad at me. Do either of you need to leave the room while I do this so you don't hear her cry?" We see Jacob eye the door and we block the door. "No, Jake, she's calmer with you. She'll be fine baby." The nurse nods. "She'll be upset at the initial poke but as soon as you pick her up, she'll be fine."
While the nurse is about to poke the bubba, Jacob looks like he's about to vomit and we come over and hold his hand tight and rub his back a bit and we give him a kiss and we're like "hey, you're making this SO much worse than it is. Relaaaaaaax"
Just like she said, babygirl shrieks but as soon Jacob bounces her a bit and turns her around in his hold so that she can snuggle back into his chest, she significantly calms down and while Jacob calms baby girl, we calm HIM and just let them both cry for a minute. And the nurse comes back and even gives JACOB a "feel better" sticker too because that experience was painful for him as well as bubba.
I loved this blurb so much!
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five--losers · 10 days ago
Canon Divergence you say?
Copied from discord:
i never told yall the full story of the demon war
So after the first game like this is gonna be a lot After theyve all decided to live with Mika, a lot of time passes and things are fine, until one day they aren't and in the night this wave of MAD huge magic just YOINKS the boys back to the demon world, and as they're being freddy kreuger'd into the floor theyre like DONT COME AFTER US THIS IS DAD Mika of couse says I'm Going After Them and suzu and Naomi are like we're coming too! and Mika says the fuck you are you're just human and they say Bitch So Are You and then Andrew's like hey guys I have a bible from the pope can I come It takes a lot of arguing but eventually yes everyone can come Andrew prays first and asks for anything to help from the Lord to save his bf and his Guardian Angel comes down and says Here's a Necklace with a Cross and I'll come if you call, its complicated babe dont ask Mika isn't experienced with this magic yet and she tears open the portal and they all get flung across the demon world
Mika gets flung into the Abyssal Kingdom, Suzu gets flung into a devil rebellion camp, Naomi gets flung onto Diana's doorstep, and Andrew gets flung into an unassuming demon village they all have storylines Naomi is trained by Diana on how to use Sam's physical strength - a gift from him when they got together in a talisman - without hurting herself. And she becomes a shieldmaiden Suzu is trained by the devil rebellion, led by Eris, and they wind up kinda will-they-wont-theying Andrew is trying to find everyone else while protecting innocents with gods magic, but its holy and all demons are harmed by holy magic so how do you protect when you can only hurt people?? Mika... finds Malix in a cornfield
he's been crucified after he failed to bring back the boys in SM 1 Malix says hey girlie get me down from here and ill help you get the backstreet boys back alright mika doesn't trust him, but she has no choice, so she lets him down and he's good for it! he has to be. They made a Pact. and if you break a pact you die So they start running all undercover-like... and then this incident happens at the Dark Lake where Mika nearly dies and Malix has to save her ass... But they break at the devil compound in the outskirts of the Desolate Wastelands and its here where Mika learns that OH. Devils ARENT evil. they're just... people. And she starts questioning a whole lot of shit the boys have told her over the years of knowing them she ends the Pact, declaring it fulfilled, and tells Malix he's free and she's gonna go after the boys on her own as she should have from the get-go Malix is like :U U: frfr??
Mika enters the Abyssal Kingdom and allows herself to be caught, because she needs to get as close to them as she can and she knows theyre in the castle What she doesn't count on is the DL has heard about this human and takes extra care with her ((And does some serious SA because he wouldn't be the DL we know and love if he didn't SA a woman under him)) The boys know it happens too because of course he brags about it DL is done being a nice dad, the boys are in chains and pillorys he tells them that the more they struggle the worse things will be for their people and he means it. They all know he means it in different ways And he says to prove they have nothing to go back hoem to, that all of this is pointless, he's going to start by killing the one thing they seem to think is worth fighting for And he summons Mika to be brought out into the throne room for culling but the guards don't show He looks over his shoulder The massive door is open, where tf are his demon guards? Mika steps from the shadows, mouth full of blood from having her tongue ripped out and thighs covered in blood and two heads in her hands she tosses them at DL's feet, then does something that REALLY shocks him: She summons a magic he has never seen before And regrows her tongue Its painful, its sick, and it works Now, DL is still a charismatic demon. and he knows an opportunity when he sees it So he makes his case. She's more powerful than he had given her credit for. More promising. Perhaps we can help one another. You want these boys? Take them. I've no need for them. But stay here. all of you, here with me. I'll make you my grand Mage I can provide you with all the resources you'd ever need, all the reagents and blood, all the understudies to do your menial work. And you can have all five of my sires. Quite the deal But Mika knows better She frees the boys with one fell swoop and knocks the Demon Lord aside, blasting through the stone walls of a centuries old kingdom and they all RUN. So does the Demon Lord. Quite angry, mind you. and he's faster than them theyve all been locked away. their legs are sore and tired. They can't outrun him Which is how Malix finds them when he bails them out
That whole wing collapses with DL in it, not dead but definitely not able to follow, and Mika pulls Malix up before they can fall And they escape to the resistance compound. Diana has been moving in. Mika's sighting has been seen as a sign But the boys.... what on earth is Malix doing here? That Devil?? Mika shuts that shit down. You five have explaining to do and it will Not be at this man's expense But--! OUT. Tents are erected. The boys need healing at the triage tents so thats where they're relegated to for now Mika gives them a thorough earful But for now its important they heal. Andrew and Naomi and Suzu have been found They help share the load
A battle is on the horizon. Mika asks Malix if the Devils will help. He says he can't say. Duuyex is still a fresh Big Brother, its hard to tell how he'll swing
The devils have every right to not help all things considered Diana doesn't fault them But they gear up for a battle for the ages because the DL is rallying his troops like its end times
Mind you, these are our fighters: James, the crown Prince with a tri-tone bleat that can kill through brain melting and aim that can pin a fly to a tree from miles away Erik, a Life-Weaver who is capable of growing an entire forest in minutes, alongside deadly carnivorous plants that can and will eviscerate large prey Sam, the final manifester of the Ancestral Demon, the deadliest creature in the demon world Matthew, the Black Tarantula in secret, and capable of creating life And Damien, patron of one of the last Old Gods, Dark Matter, the only creature capable of taking on the Demon Lord one on one
The details of this battle are a blur but it is known that the Demon Lord was able to take control of Sam using the Ancestor to his advantage and gaining and upper hand at one key point but the Ancestor was given pause by a shieldmaiden who somehow parried his blows and managed to shake his disposition with her voice alone It is known that when things were looking sour, a hoard of demonic horses rained down from the mountains in a wave of stampedes, with devils riding them
Who struck the final blow is often debated but Dark Matter intervened It called upon Damien, demanding the final payment. It was ready to take the Demon Lord to his final reckoning and it manifests through Damien as a horror the Demon Lord is sucked into oblivion, and damien does not emerge from the viscera
Mika mourns, wails to the hells below his brothers cry for him, their youngest and beloved brother until an appearance is made by the Devil Princes themselves who are... celebrating like theyve been watching football apparently this was the best thing theyve seen in ages fuck that DL guy they never wanted demons to have free will in the first place Mika says hey, if theyre done being dads for a moment, can she ask for a favor? They go only if she does the usual pact stuff. Unwavering worship and loyalty and all that She says yes! Fine! just, bring back Damien yeah sure
hey guys
holy shit
back to the battle field with all yall
wait what
the battles over and everyone important survived Ezaeur is now the Queen of the Abyssal Plains. or what's left of it and her own kingdom the Devils, free of their oppressor, have the time to rebuild. It's not going to be easy as their numbers are dwindled, but with Duuyex things are looking okay
Mika returns home, with all her boys theres trauma to unravel, there's wounds to lick, and theres apologies for kicking off the revolution and bouncing...
... but things are set to be okay.
Which brings us to where we are now.
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lucius-morningstar · 9 months ago
Next Time Listen
Lucius decides to go to Cannibal Town with his mother, it goes about as well as you'd think. ----- Lilith: Lucius focus please. Lucius: Huh? Lilith: What did I just say? Lucius: Focus Please? Lilith: Before that. Lucius: You said my name. Lilith: .... Lucius: ..Sorry. Lilith: *Sighs* Look I get that cannibal town is piquing your interest but I need you to focus on why we're here. Lucius: Still don't know why I'm here, Rosie and you usually talk alone. What could I benefit from being here and why didn't Charlie come along. Lilith: ..The cannibals freak her out a little and I asked you to come along so you can learn more about your people. What I've been trying to do for a while but you've been insistent on staying close to home. Close to Charlie. Lucius: That bother you? Lilith: Not bother, more concerns me. You're allowed to make friends out here you know. Learn how people work. Lucius: Didn't dad say- Lilith: Your father speaks out of hurt, these are his people whether he likes it or not. Are you actually talking to him again. Lucius: Not as of late but on the times he tries to talk he's making sure we don't make deals. Like he thinks we're 40 or something. Lilith: ..He's just looking out for you in his own way. Lucius: Yeah well maybe if he made more of an effort to see us I'd believe that. Lilith: Lucius it's- Lucius: Complicated so you keep saying, so he keeps saying. Lilith: First of all, do not cut me off and second. It's more complicated then you think. There's a lot going on right now. Lucius: We're almost in our two hundreds and the most we get out of him is a text message, when he's not doing that he's asking for favors. Lilith: Yes, I know. Lucius: Just because he's choosing to be a shut in- Lilith: Lucius enough. I'm sorry I brought it up let's just.. Do what we need to do. Lucius: ... ------- Rosie: Why I can't believe my sore eyes. If it isn't the Queen herself coming to visit lil old me and did she bring herself a new man. I kid I know it's you, your highness. How are you doing Prince Lucius. Lucius: Fine Rosie, and you. Rosie: Oh you wouldn't believe it, a new overlord is rising the ranks and with two young girls no less. She's becoming quite the name for herself. Lilith: Is she now, do tell me more. Over tea perhaps. Rosie: You read my mind dearie. Lilith: Lucius, why don't you explore around town and please, do not cause any trouble. No flirting with any young debutants. Lucius: Oh mother I am hurt, do you know who I am. Lilith: Yes and that's exactly why I'm telling you to listen to me. No flirting. Lucius: Yeah yea, I'll see you in an hour. Rosie: ..He's not going to listen is he. Lilith: What do you think? ------ Lilith: Were you able to behave yourself. Lucius: Mhm.. Lilith: ..What did you do. Lucius: Nothing. Lilith: Then why are you sitting like that. Lucius: Promise not to get mad. Lilith: What'd you do.. Lucius: I-I met a girl. Lilith: What happened? ---- Lilith: Oh my satan, what were you thinking. Lucius: She was hot and when she offered to go down I didn't think she was gonna do that. Lilith: Oh for fucks sake-.. You're seeing Bel and you're telling her what happened. Lucius: Please don't make me do that, she'll tell Bee. Lilith: Good, then maybe next time you won't go shagging with a cannibal. I told you to listen! Lucius: I didn't think she'd turn my dick into a piccolo flute! Lilith: How did she even do that, you let her bite more then once?! Lucius: Well... Lilith: Lucius Morningstar, Next time listen to me!
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