So taeils a sex offender.
I'm insanely shocked because this was so out of nowhere, this just proves that you can't trust everything you see online, first it was seungri,kris wu and now it's him.If you still support him after this I hope you take a shower and go outside and see the sun, he's really brainwashed you if you're still defending him after this, SM didn't even try to defend him themselves and went straight to kicking him out, so what he has done must've been so horrible they couldn't even try to negotiate around it.All I know is that he better get the punishment he deserves because sa, especially to a minor, is sick and disgusting.
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They really think we're thirsty like that 💀
Why is hybe giving away pieces of enhypens clothing that they're worn b4 and I'm not talking about shirts I'm talking about ACTUAL scraps of their clothing.... Is that not a little weird??
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The moon and the sun

Angel felix x reader,angstyyyy,reader is suicidal,
You used to be happy,you used to be able to enjoy life freely,you used to be able to smile,you used to be able to talk.So where did it all go wrong?
Well,you know where it did,you were happy up until high-school,leaving your old friends and starting a place full of strangers went worse than you expected.No matter how hard you tried,no one included you.You were just left to the side like a dirty rag,everyone had their person but you.
Eventually,your only friends outside of school ghosted you.They just never replied to any of your messages, maybe their phones were broken?You thought but as time went by you realised they probably got bored of you and saw you as burden,just an extra person who they don't need.
Life was lonely,you had no one.No one to laugh with,no one to complain to,no one to call a friend. No one at all,is this a punishment?Were you a murder in your past life?You must've have something to earn this type of treatment!Watching everyone have someone to hold hands with and talk to,seeing your old friends post pictures with your replacement hurt harder then being hit with bricks.
What did you do to deserve this?
As time went by,nothing changed.It was an endless cycle of pain you were going through, every spark of hope inside you was destroyed.Nothings new.
You walked to a nearby park and plopped on the bench,staring off into the sky admiring the stars that decorated it.The last few years of your life you felt like a huge inconvenience,life would be better if you weren't alive,you were just extra weight someone had to carry,you weren't necessary or needed to be cared for.
Suddenly,you saw a shadow appear next to yours,turning your eyes to the side,they captured a beautiful young boy,his long blonde hair shaping his face perfectly.Freckles dotted all over his face,he was so mesmerising....
"The moon is so beautiful isn't it?"
His deep voice shocked you,how could such and innocent face pair with such a low voice?
However,you would be lying if you said you didn't like it. His deep voice was so soothing, if he sung a lullaby you'd fall asleep instantly.
"Mhm, it really is, too bad it only shines when no one sees it"
Little did you know, the man beside you was an angel who has been ordered to watch after you, he knew everything about you and your story. He was sent to fix you,he must fix what's broken.
"My names Felix, I've noticed you sat here a lot,just thought you maybe wanted a friend.. "
The man who you now know as Felix smiled, exposing his pearly white teeth and cute little dimples.
"How did you know I needed a friend?"
You questioned,was it that obvious?
"Well everyone needs a friend,even the sun and moon"
Since then,you and felix would sit in that same park on the same bench, at the same time to admire the stars.You couldn't believe it, you finally made a friend! Felix was all you could ever ask for,you two became inseparable. Physically and at heart, its almost like you two were magnetic.You and Felix stuck together every chance you got.
It was another normal night of the two of you stargazing, the moon laying in the mind night blue sky the shinning stars complimenting it.
"You know... You remind me of the moon" Felix commented, his eyes not leaving the crescent moon
"Really, why?" You turned your head to him, his elegant face now in your vision.The moonlight shining on his face, exposing all of his delicate features
"It only shows it's grace when no ones there to see it. Reminds me of you and your shyness. And all versions of the moon are pretty,just like you"
Felix's head turned to you,his eyes locking with yours
"The moon isn't all that, I'd say the sun is better,it can shine when everyone's watching. I'm jealous of it's confidence" you replied,you tried to ignore the warm feeling in your cheeks and the way your stomach was fluttering when he complimented you
"Yeah but.. Only the moon can bring out the stars at night" Felix said in a soft tone, staring back to the stars
This was way past it's due date I'm so sorry about how slow updates have been recently :(
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Im trying to prove a point to my mum
Repost if school has caused:
Anxiety Depression Suicidal thoughts Social anxiety Eating disorders Self harm Stress
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New fic on the way :p
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destined at the VMAs

stray kids x musician!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none.
word count: 1.7k
summary: a musician under the name CLOVER is starstruck when she meets her favourite group Stray Kids at the VMAs, only to find that they're big fans of her too
This imagine is written in first person under the name of an artist called CLOVER.
As voted for by you! Make sure follow to have a say in regular polls for what I'll post next!
Or if you have any ideas you want to see them you can send in asks!
Hope you enjoy!
"Okay guys, I'm really excited right now because we have the one and only CLOVER, all the way from the UK and making her debut American television appearance here at the VMAs!" an interviewer for Entertainment Tonight introduced me to the camera whilst other celebrities arrived and walked the pink carpet.
"Hi!" I greeted her politely and waved at the camera. I felt so excited to be here at the VMAs, my first time in America and it was on such a well known awards show, I couldn't believe it. I hoped my fans liked my bold type of outfit too, a beautiful black gown with a daring slit up the side where it rested against my thigh.
"Welcome to the US, CLOVER! We're so happy to have you here, how are you finding it?" the interviewer asked me, holding the mic out.
"It's big. America is so much bigger than I expected it to be, especially compared to back home," I said with wide eyes, wearing a shocked expression on face which made the woman opposite me laugh.
"That's right, you've come all the way over here from England, right? How excited are you to perform here?" she asked me.
"I'm incredibly nervous, if I'm honest haha. There's so much talent here so I just hope that people will enjoy what I bring too," I smile, wiping my hands down on my dress awkwardly. I really hoped the camera didn't somehow pick up the sight of my sweaty palms.
"Well I've seen some of your performances before and let me just say, I'm a big fan myself!" she confessed, which made me heart feel warm.
"Wow thank you so much!" I blushed, hands clasped together now. I really couldn't stop fidgeting with them.
"I mean, you've been nominated for best new artist! That must feel amazing right?" she smiled at me.
"It really does, to be nominated for an award, let alone perform here is just beyond my imagination. Like Ice Spice, Peso Pluma, Pink Pantheress my UK sister is nominated too! It's crazy!" I exclaim, hoping I'd meet my fellow UK artist too, not realising that later on I'd meet a different honorary British artist.
"Speaking of, is there anyone else you're excited to see here today?" the interviewer leaned towards me, like she was ready for any gossip.
"Wow, pretty much everyone!" I laughed, "but I'd have to say Demi for sure! I'm excited to see them perform I've loved their music for years! Also Maneskin and there's Stray Kids and TXT too! I'm so excited for Stray Kids oh my god..." I ramble, waving my hands in the air as I talk excitedly, unable to hide my big smile.
"Stray Kids certainly seem to be stealing everyone's hearts this year, I spoke to them earlier, and... wow," the interviewer laughed with me, and it felt like having a conversation with a friend at that point.
"I don't blame you haha," I giggled.
"Well, thank you so much for chatting with us, CLOVER, we'll see you out there later tonight, best of luck!" she smiled at me before turning to the camera and ending the interview. I waved bye to her and the camera and walked round the corner, heading backstage with my manager and taking a deep breath in.
It all felt so surreal, I was sure I caught a glance of Taylor Swift and waved and smiled at her, shocked to have gotten the same actions returned and squealed, unable to help myself as I jumped around and bumped into someone behind me.
"I'm so sorry!"
"Oh my god sorry!"
We both apologised at the same time. And when I turned around to see who it was I thought I was going to spontaneously combust right there and then.
It was Felix of Stray Kids.
What. The. He knew who I was?
"Oh, you know Stray Kids?" he asked me shocked, an adorable expression on his face as he helped me rebalance myself, I was wearing heels after all.
"I should be asking you the same question, I've been listening to you guys for years!" I gushed, probably embarrassing myself a bit but Felix didn't seem to react to that, seeming to get excited himself.
"You have? Wow... Stray Kids are such huge fans of your music, we really love your songs," Felix happily explained to me, still holding onto my hands as he waved them excitedly.
"No way... that's insane!" I couldn't put everything I was thinking into words.
"Tell me about it," he laughed, pulling his hands away to scratch the back of his neck.
"Felix!" the other members walked over, not noticing me at first, which was lucky otherwise they would have seen me looking at them like they were ghosts.
"We've been looking everywhere for you!" Bang Chan patted his shoulders, speaking in Korean and then turned to see me, a shocked expression painting his face.
"Sorry I didn't mean to be keeping Felix," I then spoke back in Korean, some of the members seeming to jump back in shock at hearing their native language.
"Woah, CLOVER?! Wait, you speak Korean?!" Han bounced on his feet, beaming at me.
"Yeah my best friend is Korean so I ended up learning it, definitely helped when watching you guys. This is just like a dream, I can't tell you how amazing it is to meet you guys!" I felt myself getting almost hyper by seeing them in front of me.
"We could say the same to you! We're all big fans of you!" Changbin stepped up, whilst some of the other members stood back nervously.
"If I'm being honest I didn't believe Felix when he told me that," I shook my head in disbelief.
"Well believe it now," Seungmin laughed, seeming to feel more comfortable now.
"I'm so hyped to see you guys perform tonight! How are you feeling?" I asked them, feeling more confident now as the ice had been broken.
"I think we're nervous but we're going to do our best out there," Lee Know shyly admitted.
"We could do with some words of encouragement, could you say Stray Kids hwaiting?" Han asked cheekily.
"Han we've just met her, don't scare her away," Hyunjin did his iconic laugh.
"It's fine, it's fine haha. Stray Kids hwaiting!!!" I cheered for them and they all clapped for me after, making me blush and hide my face.
"Your Korean is really good," Jeongin commented.
"Thank you, well, like I said, it's all thanks to my friend. She's so cute, she'd cheer me on before every gig I used to do like, CLOVER hwaiting!!" I share, hoping they wouldn't find it weird how I'm rambling on.
"Hahaha, that's cute, is she a stay too?" Bang Chan asked hopefully.
"Oh, big time! She's the reason I got to know your music and watch your variety stuff too," I nod back at him. They all let out sounds of amazement.
"You watch our other stuff?" Changbin asked shocked.
"Yeah! I'm a big fan of SKZ Code!" I admit sheepishly.
"Wow that's a good friend you got there," Seungmin nods, smirking.
"She's the best, she's supported me through my music the whole time," I grin, thinking about my best friend. I wish she could have come to America with me but she was too busy.
"Are you planning on releasing any new music soon?" Felix asks me.
"Well, I'll let you in on a secret, I'm working on some right now!" I fake whisper to them, but it didn't really matter. I was speaking to them in Korean at this point so it wasn't very likely anyone backstage would expose the fact.
"You are? Wow I'm looking forward to it already, you have such a unique sound," Han praises my music, making me a hold a hand over my heart.
"Wow that honestly means a lot coming from you guys. You have such a unique sound too and it inspired me to go with the direction I really wanted to in my music," I compliment them, seeing their eyes light up.
"Thank you! Have you ever thought of collabing with another artist?" Changbin asks, seeming to be hinting at something as Minho pats his shoulder warningly.
"Well, now that you've brought it up, I've always wanted to make some songs with you guys," I confess shyly, blushing even more when they all ask 'really'?!
"That would be amazing, I think we could create something great together," Bang Chan nods, a more professional tone as he thinks about their music.
"Perfect! Well I have to go now, but I could get our managers to exchange numbers?" I say, realising I should be getting ready to find my seat.
"We'd love that!" Felix claps his hands together happily.
"Great! Well it was lovely to meet you guys!" I wave as I start to walk away, before I turn snack around quickly and call over to them, "oh, by the way Han, thanks for representing us British Stays, your accent is the best," I daringly tease, giggling to myself as I walk away.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. I met my favourite people in the world... and we were going to try and collab together. It really doesn't get better than this.
Except it does.
For my performance I had changed into a beautiful green dress to match the nature filled scene behind me, performing one of my songs called 'Salvia'. It was a reassuring song to comfort a partner, before the scene behind me started showing dying flowers as I transitioned into a song called 'Rotten to the Core', the pure opposite of the first song. As I ended the performance I saw Stray Kids up and applauding for me, and I smiled and nodded in their direction.
Then I saw them perform too. And the remix they did blew my mind. I was so happy they were getting recognition from other artists too, who may not have seen them before. And I returned my admiration for their performance as I gave a standing ovation of my own, seeing them look my way too.
It all felt like a dream. The future was really looking up, especially with a collaboration with my favourite people in the midst of it all.
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hi i love your user 😭
Ahh tysm🙈
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I have a question how'd you get the bokki text on the top of your blog like that?? Can I get mine like that and I'm being dumb orrr?
I'm curious hehe 💜
Can you elaborate more? I just typed bokki as the title and it appeared like that :)
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Awkward silence?!!
*screams in happiness*

moots as songs><
I’m not gonna do any of y’all justice but I’ll try 😭😭😭
@kaiyaba ‘Circus’ (Stray Kids)
@hyuuukais ‘Get Cool’ (Stray Kids)
@ashitshowforalot ‘COMFLEX’ (Stray Kids)
@straykidsholicleigh ‘Ghost’ (Justin Bieber)
@sona1800 ‘The View’ (Stray Kids)
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano ‘Awkward Silence’ (Stray Kids)
@jinnie-ret ‘Grow Up’ (Stray Kids)
@queen-of-hobgobblers ‘Go Big or Go Home’ (ENHYPEN)
@atinyniki ‘Youtiful’ (Stray Kids)
@writingforstraykids ‘Polaroid Love’ (ENHYPEN)
@puppysmileseungmin ‘Poppin’ Love’ (WayV)
@michelle4eve ‘As If It’s Your last’ (BLACKPINK)
@godlyaxolotl ‘All Star’
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AWH TYSM POOKS,I try my best😋
-~*The people who either fuel my insanity, or try to keep what’s left intact*~-
@kaiyaba We met through this one thing about killing people (thanks for that post btw, @cinnamostar) and now we’re friends. Through murder ☺️ (she also has way to many pics of Hyunjin)
@straykidsholicleigh Also another person who helped me and @kaiyaba commit a crime! Her blog is 18+ so can’t read any of her fics 🫠 @queen-of-hobgobblers One of my few, non-kpop friends, but she’s Polyjamorous (her words, not mine) and does enjoy Blackpink and other groups! She’s also a pjo fan, so you know she has taste 💕
@sona1800 Probably one of the sweetest people on this platform 🥹 like I know you’re older but I just wanna put you in a pocket
@lilmisssona Mutual friend of Jinnie! Make sure to check out her new series, pure talent 😁
@jinnie-ret She was actually the reason I started writing for Stray Kids! Her works are actually so fucking great, and she just hit 1k followers! 🥳
@michelle4eve The only words I can use to describe her is sweet and funny. Literally one of the best combo ever. She also started writing, and I’m just…. Amazed 😙
@godlyaxolotl My only IRL friend here! He’s chaotic. That’s all I’ll say on that matter. Also really likes axolotls 😄
@atinyniki we barely talk, but all her sfw works are ✨amazing✨ and I will fight with anyone who says otherwise. They are so fucking talented and kind 🩷
@puppysmileseungmin shubs you are so cute I just wanna keep u in my pocket forever 🥹 ily pookie
@ashitshowforalot omg rain u are so chaotic and I love that about you, you are so cute and amazing istg ❤️
@hyuuukais you are so fucking talented bbygirl, keep on going! 🩷
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano pookie I have read all your works and OMFG HOW ARE YOU THIS TALENTED??? stop making me cry 😭
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1%?, I feel so special 🤭
@jinnie-ret @star-sim
came across this and had to try
taglist: @astraysimp @atinyniki @bangchansgirlsblog @cinnamostar @cheesemonky @dazed--xx @engenemoabunnie @jinnie-ret @kailee08 @le3lyntv @minholing @michelle4eve @resident-danmei-enthusiast @snug-gyu @skzoologist @skz-streamer @stayinhellevator @tonkatesuramen @tadashisdisaster @viviworkshere
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Sometimes I read my older fics and is like damn. Where was I going with this
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Sickfick :p, mention of fainting,sick Minho :(
Fluff, not proofread
Trying to post more frequently 🫡
Minho always presented himself as tough and strong, whenever his soft side came out it would be treasured knowing the next time would be in ages. Minho hated being vulnerable, he didn't ever want to be seen as weak so whenever he was in pain he'd keep it to himself
What Minho also loved was being a hard worker, he would work as hard as he could, push himself as far as he can. He is not one to dissapoint. This only becomes an issue when he is in need of help but too stubborn to ask for it, he'd try and gaslight himself into thinking he's fine when in reality all he wants is to be cuddled and taken care of
Minho had fallen sick a few days ago, but he refused to slack off, he had many things on his to-do list and the group had to work hard for an upcoming album there's no way he could just take a break! Even though he felt light headed as he danced, he didn't stop. He wouldn't stop.
It began to worry you as you noticed Minho has been acting different, he'd always grab onto something every time he got up, staring off into space whenever he was doing something. You knew Minho was overworking himself, I mean this isn't the first time this has happened. But, this time it's different, he seems off.
You tried to talk to him about it but it only resulted in him saying 'I'm fine' or 'I'm just tired'. Minho only seemed to get worse only stressing you out even more, you told him many times to take care of himself and give himself a break but it was like talking to a wall ; he'd never listen.
One day, Minho stumbled into your shared apartment, he barley made it into the bedroom before he started feeling dizzy, stars corrupting his vision. Before he even knew it he collapsed on the hard cold floor a loud bang spreading throughout the house. This startled you and distracted you from whatever you could've been doing
You rushed to see what happened and your eyes found a tired Minho laying on the ground. Gasping, you lifted him up off the floor quickly laying him on the bed he was probably aiming for when he entered
"Oh, Minho what happened? Minho? Can you hear me?"
Minho eyes slowly fluttered open, he seemed to be a bit confused. What happened? Did he faint?
"What happened sweetheart? How are you feeling now? Are you hot? "
You put your hand on his forehead, frantically checking his temperature, you were worried sick about him and this just set you even more off edge
"What happened" Minho mumbled softly
"You collasped Minho! What's going on with you?"
Minho sighed as he recalled the past week, he stayed up late at night doing dance practice beside the fact he could barley breathe.
"I-i'm just a bit sick, I'll be fi-"
"Don't even try saying you'll be fine when you just fainted do you think I'm an idiot?You're obviously too sick to be overworking yourself, I'm taking care of you until you get better"
Minho was too weak to refuse and he let you transfer him onto the couch and cover him in fluffy blanket,turning on the TV for him and cooking him some chicken noodle soup.
You spoon-fed him the warm broth before feeding him some medicine,he kept on turning his head and whining about having to eat the medicine,saying it taste like feces and he'd rather lick the bottom of a shoe.
You both cuddled up together,with your eyes stuck on the television you failed to notice Minho dozing off on your chest. But once you did your eyes sparkled with awe, he looked so delicate, soft even. His pink lips were slightly parted exposing his cute bunny teeth.
He is oh so perfect
Haven't posted in a while😞,but this month I swear I'll try my best
#skz fluff#skz x y/n#stray kids fluff#skz#lee know x reader#skz minho#minho x reader#skz imagines#skz scenarios#skz angst#lee know fluff#lee know imagines#lee know x you#lee know x y/n
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I've got to be more active on here omg
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💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Stawp, you're too kind🙈
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