#you'll find something. maybe you can make noodles.
transgenderboobs · 3 months
something that really Gets Me about dungeon meshi is how like. the narrative is so Kind to everyone.
characters will fuck up and do unkind things and hurt each other and do things that are horrifying and the plot will still kind of hold out its hand to them all and say hey. let's share a meal together and talk it out. let's just rest for a minute. you deserve gentleness, we can figure this out together if we take care of ourselves
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boowritess · 6 months
bonus part 2
simon can't cook-
okay no he CAN. okay? but it's very much- chop up whatever the fuck is in the fridge throw it in a pot, add as much meat he can find. then he's sorted. creating some sort of stew. but if not that. he thrives off 2 minute noodles.
listen, he's a working man. he can't be fucked thinking about what to make.
and if he needs to eat while not deployed and wants something, he'll get takeaways so he doesn't have to think about it.
and if ya'll are together - whatever you make... motherfucker eats that shit up like he's in a 5-star fucking reasturant.
you made scrambled eggs with bacon??? he's astounded. absolutely in love. has never been more satisfied in his life.
but oh lord. when he retires..
retired!simon fucking riley finds his fucking calling in cooking.
you no longer have to worry about cooking. nah-uh. not with this man who has all the time in the world to hone in on this new culinary world.
idk i just think it's so cute to think about simon going from beans on toast for breakfast to fluffy buttermilk pancakes or french toast with bacon a berry compote.
then for dinner; it's suddenly a whole line of sushi with all your favourites, dumplings to follow and a beef udon recipe dish. or maybe it's a simple roast - however, a perfectly seasoned meat has been sitting for a while in the oven for so long that when you cut into it, it's juicy and tender. and simon fucking beams at the faces you make.
dessert is a whole other game that simon fucking mastered. seriously. because he's placing down a skillet brownie, topped with ice cream and cream. And when you put a spoon into it, it fucking drips with chocolate ya'll.
just rahhhh retired!simon that turns into chef!simon. who just spoils you day and night with food. who gains the ability to make whatever dish you want, whenever you want. 3am and you want a grilled cheese? he can whip it up in seconds and it'll taste like the most gourmet grilled cheese you have EVER had.
btw, i'm torn between making him a gordon ramsay in the kitchen or him being the complete opposite and being so sweet and patient with you when you want to help him.
WAIT- speaks like gordon ramsay but treats you softly. like, you're not cutting with the knife correctly you fucking donkey. but instead of taking it off you, he presses up behind you, gently cups your hands with his and shows you how to do it safely. and he's speaking so sweetly and softly. a stark contrast to when he called you a fucking donkey - but hey you'll get your bite back. ;)
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a/n: i can't fucking breathe this was so funny to write. i'm sorry idk why he called u a donkey. i'm fucking hungry if it wasn't obvious with this post.
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dira333 · 1 month
Of Worries and Dejavu’s - Sugawara x Reader
for @iiwaijime (not a drabble, but I don't think you'll be mad)
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“What are you worried about?” You ask in the awful lighting of a 7-eleven after midnight.
“Hm?” Koushi asks, slurping up noodles, spraying himself and the table with Chili oil.
He looks nice, from this angle. Your face pressed against the table - disinfected beforehand - squinting up. You’re too tired for this, yet forever unable to say no.
“You don’t take me all the way to a 7-Eleven because you’re sleeping like a baby,” you defend your question.
“A lot of the underclassmen are taller than me,” he offers, offering you a bite of his Mapo Tofu. 
You open your mouth despite knowing it’s going to be too spicy for you. It’s too spicy for him, you know, he’ll complain about his numb mouth for days.
“Too spicy?” He asks just seconds later, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“You’re the worst,” you sniffle, pushing yourself up to take a sip from his drink.
Sometimes you wonder how often you’ve indirectly kissed him. How many of those indirect kisses do you have to trade for a direct one anyway?
“You love it.”
“I love you,” you joke, but his face falls, visible even in this terrible light.
“My mouth’s numb.”
And it feels like a dejavu. Like something you’ve lived through before. Because you have, every month since you’ve turned fifteen.
Graduation is just around the corner though. Who knows what’s going to happen after that. Maybe he’ll finally confess to someone he likes.
Maybe that won’t be you.
Your hand curls into the fabric of his shirt, pulling him forward even as your brain screams in panic, a frantic, capital-lettered “NO!” right behind your eyes.
Koushi tastes like Mapo Tofu and sugar-free ice tea, like exhaustion and the thrumming fear of growing up.
“Still numb?” You ask when you pull back, his eyes wide open, brimming with emotion.
“Think so,” he mutters, his lips red from the Chili Oil. “Can we try again?”
Summer break means loose limbs, napping in the sun as the boys train behind you.
Sometimes it feels as if you’ve always spent your breaks to the sound of Daichi cursing, Asahi panting and Koushi egging both of them on.
“Hey,” today his face appears above you, blocking the sun.
“Hey,” you blink back lazily. “Done already.”
“No, I got bored.”
“Hey, get back here!” Daichi calls from somewhere but Koushi just leans down to kiss you, the angle so weird that your nose hits your Adam's apple and he coughs, falling into you.
“Dork,” you complain, his head on your chest.
“Hmm,” he snuggles into you, pretending not to notice Daichi stomping over to get him. “You love it.”
“When did you fall in love with me?” Koushi asks, legs dangling out his window. You’ve chosen the relative safety of his bed, huddled into one of his sweaters despite the warm weather. 
“Don’t know,” you admit. “One day I found you annoying, the next you were irresistible.”
“Irresistible?” You can hear the grin in his voice and the worry he tries to hide with it.
“Wanna go for a ride?” You ask before he can make a joke. “I’ll pay. I’m kinda craving Super Spicy Mapo-Tofu from 7-Eleven.”
He’s quiet for a while, swinging his legs in only after a full five minutes. “Sure.”
His hand finds your thigh while driving, curled around it as if it’s the lifebelt keeping him afloat. You draw a heart onto the back of his hand, feel the tension bleed out. It returns and you draw again, repeat the cycle until you park the car.
“We kinda have to get out if we want to eat,” you remind him, drawing a heart and an arrow going through and his name and yours, not once letting go of the hand curled around your thigh.
Koushi’s staring through the windshield, motionless.
You hold your breath, checking to see if you can hear his, the slow intake and the slower exhale, the almost not-there rise and fall of his chest.
He blinks and the tension shatters around him, though his smile does little cover his unease.
You don’t know when you met Koushi for the first time. To you, it feels as if he’s always been part of your life, like a tree that has dug its roots into your body, has grown so close you no longer know where one part ends and the other begins.
Still, there are shadows to him you have yet to see, secrets he has not yet uncovered.
But you’re not scared. Never of him.
“Hey,” you breathe against the soft skin of his cheek, “did you know I can read your mind?”
“Yeah? What am I thinking about?”
And if you’d have to guess, you’d come up empty, because yesterday he told you about mermaids and the day before he was dreaming about curry buns the size of Volleyballs. 
But you keep talking, a fear spilling out you didn’t know you had, hid it so well you forget it existed.
“Do you think we’ll be together forever?”
And in the way he blinks, the lights of the 7-Eleven no longer mirrored in his eyes, you can tell he’d been thinking the same.
“I hope so,” he admits. “But I don’t know.”
“Wishes do count, right?” You tell yourself more than him. Because there’s College for you and training for him, an unknown nothingness stretching out in what others call future. “Because I wish to be with you.”
“I wish to be with you too.”
“Good,” you swallow thickly, picking his hand from your thigh and kissing the back of it. “What more do we need?”
- - -
And isn’t this Dejavu?
Finding yourself under the unflattering lights of a 7-Eleven, sharing Super Spicy Mapo Tofu and Sugar-free Ice Tea?
“Don’t spill on my dress,” you tell him as haughtily as you can manage at three in the morning, half drunk on champagne and cake, the ring on your hand glittering. 
“Wouldn’t dare,” he bites back, grinning from one ear to the other like he’s drunk. Maybe he is, he had more Champagne than you.
But you doubt it, because you feel it too, the happiness bubbling in your throat despite the late hour, despite the spice you still can’t tolerate, and the bright lights blinding you.
“Miss Sugawara,” Koushi says at that moment, pushing himself up and toward you even as you eye the food in between and its dangerous red pigment. “Care to give me a kiss?”
“Your mouth is numb?”
“Never too numb for a kiss from you.”
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fawnfictions · 1 year
Saw the thing of the monkie trio with reader who falls asleep in random places and.... can I ask for the same but with Red Son?
Platonic is fine but..... maybe also a lil bit romantic? :3
sleepier findings
— red son x gn!reader
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ofc ofc ;P
i'm actually happy you requested red boy for this, this'll be fun hehe
;; romantic, fluff, no warnings.
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- the first time he finds you sleeping in some weird location, he sputters and his brain short circuits.
- what... what are you doing, sleeping in a GUTTER?
- he is IMMEDIATELY picking you up and taking you to either his house, or yours.
- don't worry, if yours is closer, he has a spare key ;))
- he's very concerned about your wellbeing, though; similarly to MK, he'll be worried that you aren't sleeping properly, or that you lack the proper vitamins that you need.
- prepare to be bombarded with questioning when you wake up.
- listen,, he just wants to be certain that you're okay <//3
- will scold you if you're sleeping somewhere public,, like if he ACTUALLY found you in a mf'ing gutter, he'd lose his temper a little, "You could've fallen into the Spider Queen's lair! And you're clothes are all dirty—you don't know what's touched the gutter!"
- after a while, he'll start keeping a closer eye on you, and checking up on you in case you've put yourself in danger.
- if you fall asleep in bad places a little too many times, he'll make you promise to be more careful.
- but, the times he finds you in safer places, like in Pigsy's Noodles or in his own house, and he's a lot calmer about it.
- call him weird for it, but he likes to stare at you as you sleep; you look so peaceful, and he adores the little expressions you unconsciously make.
- if he's been in his workshop all day, where you've kept him company off to the side, and he turns around about to call it quits for the evening and you're asleep?
- he might give in to the possibility of cuddles.
- ONLY at times like these, though; he's got a reputation to keep up as the Demon Bull King's son, and he can't be caught slacking like that ❌❌
- either way, he'll sneak a kiss on your head, though.
- if anyone catches him doing it and points it out, he'll fluster SO BADLY and nearly drop you.
- cue him yelling, causing you to stir, and shutting himself up in fear of waking you.
- he will go off at anyone who dares to even threaten waking you up, you need your sleep? you're GETTING your sleep >:(
- he'd be a great cuddle buddy, though.
- but he's reluctant to—Red Son hesitates with PDA in general, he's going to be very unsure about any sort of cuddling.
- it's easier to convince him if he's been busy all day, or if he was particularly annoyed about something/someone.
- he's very warm, given that he's a fire demon, and it is WONDERFUL for winter, horrible for summer.
- you'll wake up hot and sweaty in the worst ways, but you'll fall asleep like a baby.
With a sigh and a wipe to his forehead to rid it of a buildup of sweat, Red Son admired his work. He had spent all day tinkering in his workshop, busy on producing a vehicle to counter the Monkey King's little successor.
As much as he cherished inventing as a hobby and a skill, without you to keep him company, he'd definitely be far from completing it; easily growing bored when working on the same part for hours. Your wilful chattering and teases were keeping him sane, albeit that he constantly comments that it 'distracts' him.
Speaking of you, he realised that you hadn't spoken a word for the past ten minutes. Whilst you may have simply gotten distracted by another of his creations, he knew you well-enough to be doubting the chances of him turning around to you being anything but conscious.
And, as expected, he whipped his head around from where his back was facing you, attention caught on closed eyes and light breaths.
Lo and behold, your body—on the floor, curled up around the leg of a chair that he kept down here on the, not unusual, occasions that you would join him. The position didn't seem particularly... Uncomfortable, as your head was supported by the cushioned seat of the chair, but Red Son couldn't imagine that the concrete floor would be as soft.
Whilst tutting at your state, he stepped towards you. Leaning down, Red Son wrapped his arms under your legs and across your back, supporting your head in the crook of his neck. He couldn't lie; he loved carrying you, it boosted his ego to hold you like the innocent mortal you were.
He briefly gave a light kiss to your forehead, smiling down at your peaceful expression and holding back coos at the quiet snores you let out. He continued to the door, pushing in open with his foot and electing to finish up and close it later on. He had more pressing matters to attend to, at the moment: you.
You, who had softened his heart enough to lead to him carrying you towards his own bedroom with the intent of sneaking a cuddle in with you. A light blush dusted his cheeks, somewhat embarrassed at the prospect of snuggling to you whilst you were already asleep.
It wasn't as if you hadn't consented to it; countless times had you awoken, playfully scolding Red Son for not cuddling up to you to 'keep you warm', or to 'protect you from the bed bugs'.
Therefore, as he gently placed you atop his mattress, stealing another kiss from your forehead, he moved to the opposite side and pushed himself close to you. Red Son pulled the blanket up, ensuring the both of you were equally covered and that you seemed comfortable enough.
His face only grew hotter; carefully gathering you in his arms. Unconsciously, you grasped his shirt in your sleep, shortening the distance between your bodies until he was pressed up against you. He barely held himself back from stuttering at you.
Accepting his fate, albeit never planning on rejecting it, Red Son wrapped his arm over your side and felt you nuzzle your face into his chest. The exhaustion he felt from his hard work, matched with the peacefulness you seemed to radiate, he, too, found himself drifting to sleep. With red cheeks and a genuine lift of his lips, Red Son slipped out of consciousness with you in his arms.
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jtl07 · 1 month
oooh anon this works well with a little noodle i had recently for a coworkers/office au!
the sun is out, her hair looks great, the weather is perfect for her new outfit, she feels good, she looks good - but the one person she wants to look at her isn't here.
"Beatrice is out today," Lilith had said from across the table, not even looking away from her computer screen, "maybe you'll get some actual work done while she's gone."
Ava had rolled her eyes and accidentally tipped over Lilith's jar of pens as she'd passed by her desk but even that hadn't been satisfying as she'd stepped outside of the office by herself.
she isn't mad - really, she's glad that Beatrice was taking time off. ever since Ava had started at the company at the beginning of the year, she hadn't once seen Beatrice take a day off from work. sure there were appointments here and there, but Ava saw see her at least once a day everyday, on her way to grab a snack from the pantry, or offer to get some coffee, or ask Beatrice to look over a document that had nothing to do with her department.
Lilith always rolls her eyes when Ava comes by but the thing is, yeah people say all the time to "reach out anytime!" but Beatrice is different. when Beatrice had been assigned as her 'onboarding buddy' for her first month on the job, Ava had learned that a) Beatrice knew everything there was to know about the company and b) she actually means it when she says to come to her for anything. no matter what Ava has for her, no matter the time of day, Beatrice has never turned her away - at most has had Ava wait as she finishes an email or come back if she's on her way to a meeting, but she always, always makes time for Ava. so excuse her for feeling off for not being able to see her favorite person.
Ava huffs, pouts to herself, then decides fuck it, she has no meetings, nothing urgent this afternoon: she's taking gonna take a long lunch. so she heads for a park a couple blocks from the office, the one Beatrice had pointed out during her first week and she finds the fountain Beatrice had mentioned with that small smile that had made Ava a little breathless and a lot enamored.
she can tell why Beatrice likes this park - it's a lot like her, Ava thinks as she eats her sandwich. it's quiet but full of all sorts of beautiful things if one looks closely enough, waits long enough - the birds hiding in the trees, the sparkles in the fountain, the soothing summer breeze. she can imagine Beatrice sitting at one of the benches, maybe reading a book, or a cup of tea, or in a soft hoodie and red eyes -
Ava blinks. realizes she's not imagining things at all.
she swallows down the last of her sandwich, watches Beatrice carefully. there's a heaviness about her, a weight on her shoulders and yet she doesn't seem truly there - eyes distant and unseeing, or maybe seeing something that isn't there.
and Ava gets it. she gets needing to be alone and it feels like she's intruding, sitting here, seeing Beatrice like this. she gathers up her things as quickly and quietly as she can, turns to leave -
- and trips over the bench she'd just stood up from, introducing her face to the grass.
"excuse me, are you alright?"
Ava groans because of course Beatrice would help; of course she'd have to see her like this.
"yep, I'm good. just bruised the ol' ego."
she groans again, rolls over, squints into the sun - realizes, fuck, there goes her perfect outfit - and smiles to hopefully ease the concern on Beatrice's face. "hey Bea." she gets to her feet with Beatrice's help, brushes off the worst of the dirt, holds back her sigh at the grass stain on her pants. "so uh, I thought you were on vacation."
Beatrice purses her lips together and shrugs. "not really. I just - it's easier, to just take this day off."
Ava racks her brain for all the facts and trivia she's learned about Beatrice over the past few months, but nothing comes up in connection to this particular date. "okay," she says, still watching carefully. "do you - do you want me to pretend I didn't see you?"
something bewildered passes over Beatrice's face and Ava just - keeps going. "I can if you want - because you're supposed to be on PTO and all, like, I don't know, do we need to sync our alibis like on those detective mystery shows or something?"
Beatrice raises an eyebrow; Ava tries not to swoon. "you think I'm taking time off to commit a murder?"
"shh, we're in public, you don't know who might be listening!" Ava flaps her arms as if to wave away any spying ears.
Beatrice stares at her for a moment then softens; laughs. "you're ridiculous."
"and you haven't denied it," Ava says pointedly. "but nah, you're probably the red herring character, like you're helping the victim's family by doing something not exactly totally legal but you give the investigators a really important clue that helps them find the asshole murderer, so technically you're a hero in the end."
Beatrice sighs, heavy and curling into hoodie, into herself. "I'm nothing of the sort, Ava."
Ava leans into her for just a moment, just close enough to bump shoulders. "yeah you are, Bea. you're a hero to me."
there's disbelief in Beatrice's eyes so Ava keeps her gaze as steady as she can, thinks: i know what you are. thinks: i believe it even if you can't yet.
Beatrice looks away. Ava waits, watches as her fingers play with the hem of her hoodie, listens as she takes a deep breath, feels something shift when Beatrice meets her gaze once more. "you know I -" a flash of white as teeth sink momentarily into her bottom lip; Ava again tries not to swoon - "I don't think I'm familiar with those shows," Beatrice says.
it's hesitant and indirect but Ava knows an offer, recognizes a heroic effort when she sees it. "do you wanna watch some episodes together?"
"you don't have to go back to work?" Beatrice asks but Ava is already typing out a message on her phone.
"nope. and Cam just said I'm good to take the rest of the day so I'm all yours." Ava pockets her phone just as she realizes her word choice; decides to just lean into it and waggles her eyebrows for good measure.
she's rewarded with another laugh and the faintest pink across Beatrice's cheeks. Beatrice looks away again, looks back and smiles. "thank you, Ava."
and because she can't help herself, and because she wants Beatrice to know she means it, Ava reaches out to take her hand. "anytime, Bea."
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feyburner · 2 months
a while ago you shared your rice onions bell peppers chicken recipe as your go to meal and i made it last night and it was amazing!!! tysm for sharing it. do you have any other chicken recipes that can be made in a wok/kadhai? I don’t have an oven so I was pleasantly surprised to make sth that actually tasted good and not just sth i whip up for sustenance 😅
Yeah for sure. I rarely use the oven when I’m cooking dinner, I do pretty much everything on the stovetop in a wok or frying pan. It's faster and gives me more control.
I think the best thing you can do is learn basic techniques. Once you have the basics down, you don't need a recipe to whip up a quick weekday dinner. You can just cook whatever you feel like cooking, with whatever's in your kitchen: whatever cut of meat, whatever veggies, whatever spices in your pantry.
99% of what I do is just the same basic techniques with different seasoning profiles, veggie sides, and carbs (rice, flatbread, potatoes, noodles).
Here are 4 things to do with chicken in a wok.
Dry Rub + Saute
The easiest and fastest. Simply make a spice mix, massage it into every nook and cranny of the meat (whole or chopped, either way), let it sit for a bit while you get other stuff ready and heat the pan (ideally you'd let it rest in the fridge for a few hours, but it's not necessary), then saute in oil.
The spice mix can be whatever you want (or a premade one, who cares). It's honestly hard to find a combination of random herbs and spices that doesn't taste good. After all, the basis of all cuisine is "doing stuff with whatever we have around," and I've never met a cuisine I didn't like. My go-to spice mix is 1 spoonful brown sugar plus roughly equal parts (1-2 tsp each) paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, chili or cayenne powder, salt, black pepper, plus 1-2 dried herbs. (Basically Cajun spice mix.)
How to saute (it's one of those things that everyone just assumes you know how to do, but maybe you don't!): First, heat wok over high/medium-high heat. You know the wok is nice and hot when you flick a couple drops of water in there and they instantly evaporate. Then, drizzle in enough oil to give the bottom of the wok a solid unbroken sheen. Swirl the pan so the oil coats the whole bottom. Watch the oil. When the surface is shimmering/trembling (should be very quick if your pan is already hot), it's ready. Carefully add your chopped meat or veggies in a single layer--don't overcrowd the pan, the meat will steam instead of brown. Let the meat sizzle untouched for like 2-3 minutes, then flip to brown the other side. You don't need to constantly stir or toss--that just lengthens your cooking time because the meat isn't touching the pan long enough to brown. That's how you get tough chicken! For chopped chicken, 6-7 minutes of pan-touching is plenty of time to cook through.
Marinate + Saute
Same thing as a dry rub, just wet. There are lots of ways to marinate chicken. The thing to remember is marinade = acid. Acid breaks down proteins, which tenderizes the chicken/meat.
Typical marinade acids: lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce, buttermilk, yogurt. Simply pick one and build the rest of the marinade around it. If you use something very acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar, you'll want to balance it with fat: roughly equal parts lemon juice and olive oil. For soy sauce, it's really salty, so you'll want to balance it with something sweet: honey, brown sugar (i.e. teriyaki). Buttermilk and yogurt are great bases for a spice mix--think US Southern buttermilk fried chicken, or Indian yogurt marinades.
Once you have a balanced base, you can add whatever herbs and spices you want. Then just make sure all the meat is coated in marinade, cover, and chill in the fridge for a few hours. Then saute as usual (though you might want to use a little bit more oil to avoid bits of marinade sticking and burning).
Very easy and delicious. There are 1 million kinds of curry. This is just me but I think of it as a spectrum from thin to thick. "Thin" would be like Japanese or Thai style, where the base is primarily broth or stock (sometimes with coconut milk/cream) thickened or flavored with roux or curry paste. "Thick" would be like certain types of Indian curry, like makhani style with the blended tomato-onion base, or yogurt base, or creamy cashew/peanut/etc. base.
The main building blocks are gonna be onion, garlic, ginger. Then spices and other seasonings, obviously depending on what kind of curry you're making: curry powder, garam masala, lemongrass paste, cumin, coriander, cardamom, chili, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, etc.
If you are making "thin" style, you might want to make a roux. A roux is just equal parts fat and flour cooked in a pan.
How to make roux: 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup butter. Melt butter in pan, add flour, stir constantly over medium-low heat until desired color. Light roux = cook 5 min just until blond/golden, use for white sauces like bechamel. Brown roux = cook until caramel color, use for curries and soups. Dark roux = cook until deep chocolate brown, use for gumbo or jambalaya (mostly for flavor, not thickening).
To make roux for a curry, make a light or brown roux and add curry spices near the end. Let it fry for 1 minute or so to bloom the spices. Remove from pan and set aside to cool.
Another way of thickening curry is to cook chopped or diced onion until softened, then sprinkle on 2-3 Tbsp of flour + whatever spices you're using and stir for 1 minute or so to cook the flour and bloom the spices. Then add liquid.
3 basic curry methods:
Japanese style. Make curry roux. Heat oil in a wok. Add chopped onion and cook until softened. Stir in minced garlic and ginger (or ginger-garlic paste). Add chopped chicken and cook, stirring, until white on the outside. Add 4 cups chicken stock. Add chopped carrots and potatoes. Season with soy sauce, honey, etc. Simmer 15-20 minutes, uncovered, until chicken is cooked and veg is softened. Take 1 ladleful of cooking liquid and whisk into your roux until smooth. Stir that mixture back into your curry. Simmer, stirring, 5-10 minutes until thickened.
Thai style. Heat oil in a wok. Add curry paste or ginger/garlic/lemongrass paste + curry spice mix and fry 1 minute to bloom. Add 2-3 cups stock a little at a time, whisking, to avoid lumps. Add chopped chicken, onion, potato, whatever else you want, plus 1 can coconut milk/cream. Season with fish sauce, tamarind, sugar, etc. Simmer 15-20 minutes, uncovered, until chicken is cooked and veg is softened.
Indian tomato-base style. Marinate chopped chicken in yogurt marinade with curry spices for a few hours. Heat oil in a wok. Add minced garlic and ginger (or ginger-garlic paste) and curry spices. Fry 1 minute to bloom. Add chopped onion (and bell pepper if you want) and stir together. Add 1 x 28oz can tomato puree. Cook, stirring, 5 or so minutes until slightly darkened. Carefully transfer to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer back to pan. Add 1 can coconut milk/cream or 1ish cups heavy cream. Simmer 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, in a separate pan, sear chicken on both sides just until browned and caramelized. Add to curry and cook for 10 minutes until cooked through.
All of these are very hard to fuck up, since they're so similar to soup. Pick a style, pick some spices, go for it.
Stir Fry
Who doesn't love stir fry, the world's most versatile food. "Stir fry" as a technique is different from "saute" in that it uses a bit more oil and a slightly lower heat, so there's a slightly longer cook time. (And you're stirring more.) For stir fry, you'll want to velvet your chicken to make it super tender and juicy. Otherwise, all you're doing is making a stir fry sauce and then cooking chicken and veggies in stages.
To make a stir fry sauce: The equation is: Water + fat + balance of sweet, salt, spice, sour + thickener. My go-to is like 1/3ish cup water + 1-2 Tbsp sesame oil + brown sugar, soy sauce, hot sauce, lemon juice or rice vinegar + 1 Tbsp cornstarch mixed with 1 Tbsp water to create a cornstarch slurry. Just mix everything together and set aside. Then saute your chicken first, remove from pan. Add your veg to the pan in stages depending on how long they take to cook: first something like broccoli or carrot, cook for a few minutes, then onion and pepper, then minced garlic and ginger at the very end (garlic burns easily). Add your chicken back in, give a stir, pour your sauce in, give it a stir, done.
Good god this got long. Sorry. Work was slow today so what else am I gonna do.
Anyway, hope this helps! These 4 basic things, in combination with the wide world of seasonings, can create infinite easy meals. Let me know if you try anything. Good luck!
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jillsandwhichs · 20 days
aeon oneshots/au's , chap 1 , getting used to it all
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Pairing: Leon S Kennedy & Ada Wong
Summary: Ada cooks dinner for both her and Leon. They spend some quality time together
Status of their relationship in this one shot: Dating
WC: 1.8k
Type: SFW
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
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'Sleepwalk' by Santo and Johnny played hushly in the background, it wasn't too quiet nor too loud, it was at just the right volume. Ada often enjoyed music from the earlier decades such as the 50s, 60s and 70s. Music then was just better, more from the soul than just to make money and be on their merry way. This song was one Ada enjoyed in particular. The sound of it was catchy, made you want to get up and do something.
It was the perfect song to play while she cooked some dinner for her and Leon.
Her slim hips swayed back and forth as she stirred the pot of pasta. For their dinner, she plans to make green pesto noodles, one of her favorites. As a side, she is making sauteed green beans and steamed rice, both are very tasty. Her and Leon only recently began to truly date and live together, it all seems sort of rushed but at the same time, they've known one another for so long, it just feels right. Ada feels that maybe this is a way to make up for some of what she's done to Leon.
Their agreement is that she can still work as a mercenary, him an agent, and if they cross paths during work, they'll act as if they don't know each other for safety precautions.
It's been hard - Staying away from Leon. Ada does truly feel something for him. He's a noble man, she has honored that since the day she met him. He's also so sweet, another thing Ada admired about him. It was very hard. Her line of work doesn't make it easy, not at all, but she's willing to attempt to make this work with Leon.
Currently, he's driving home from a day at the D.S.O HQ. Ada hasn't been on a mission in some time, she hasn't had to be on one. It's different though, this environment. Being in a home with another person and not utterly alone, it isn't something she's quite used to yet; Especially it being someone such as Leon. Being around him however is lovely, she really enjoys it. He's a spirited man, she loves that about him. He's just different overall.
Picking up her glass of red wine, Ada sipped it casually as she checked on the green beans which were being fried up - They looked good so far. The entire kitchen smelt amazing, like real food for once. Ada rarely gets a chance to cook for herself. She's either too busy, on the run or is too sore to even try. This domestic bliss she's experiencing is intense but not necessarily in a bad way, she just isn't feeling it completely yet. But being able to make a real dinner has been a catch.
The sound of the front door opening then closing was heard - Leon must be home.
"Ada?" He called out. He set his briefcase by the front door and took of his jacket along with his dress shoes. When being in the presence with someone such as the President, Leon must dress with more elegancy, it's just a requirement. "In here." She called back to him from the kitchen, standing in front of the heated & turned on oven. Leon made his way to where the sound of her soft yet seductive voice was at.
Ada gazed at him as he walked into the room, his steps becoming slower as he caught onto what was going on.
"You're making dinner?" "I am." Ada replied with a nod, her head turning back to the three different pots/pans resting on the stove top. Leon wandered towards the oven, making a humming noise as he smelt the food. "Smells great. What are you making exactly baby?" Ada still isn't entirely used to his use of the words 'baby', 'love' and 'honey' yet but it'll come to her. "I am making pesto pasta, sauteed green beans and rice... Does that sound okay with you?" "Sounds perfect." Leon responded quickly, kissing the top of her head before walking out of the kitchen for a brief moment.
She didn't know where he was off to, but also didn't really care and she just proceeded with her cooking.
Shortly after he left though, Leon came back. Now, he was dressed in much more casual and comfy attire. "Just had to change. You look good in that, I don't think I've ever seen you dress in anything other than red and black." He teased. Ada snickered. "I am capable of wearing other colors and style of clothing, yes." Leon wasn't in the wrong here. Anytime Ada is out and about on a mission, it's a red and black combo and the outfit was either seductive-like or very modest.
Right now though, she is wearing a black T shirt with pajama pants, something she is rarely able to even put on.
"Do you know when you'll have to leave again?" Leon popped the question.
Before all of this, Ada warned Leon of the fact that she'll randomly be called in to conduct a mission and that it won't be something she can just call off, she'll have to participate in whatever the mission may be. She did make him an oath though.
"No matter what Leon, I'll come home safe to you and even if I don't, know that I'll have died being in love with you."
Those words broke Leon's heart when he first ever heard them. In Ada's defense, she was a tad bit drunk when saying that. Then again, a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts. Ada does truly love him.
"I don't know Leon, I do not have a schedule as a mercenary." "I know." Leon mumbled, "I was just wondering." Sometimes, his tone got quiet and timid, as if he was suddenly nervous to be around Ada. "You okay?" "I am. I just don't want to wake up one of these days to you out of the house." Leon admitted, a deep sigh coming from him. His words showed he cares immensely, which he does, but actually hearing them help Ada feel more secure about all of this. "Leon, I will not leave this house without a goodbye." Ada spoke with a more serious tone, setting the wooden spoon down.
Leon's head went up as she said that, his heart slightly touched. Ada is really not an affectionate person, so Leon doesn't think she realizes the things she says are sweet sometimes. "You won't?" "I will not." Ada reassured up, her motions towards him slow. Leon stood up and placed his hands on Adas waist, causing her breath to shutter. Ada doesn't know why she hasn't yet gotten used to his touch at least - He touches her often. She likes it, but it's just so different.
Leon took notice of her uncomfortability.
"Do you want me to stop touching you, Ada?" Leon asked her as he was about to remove his hands from her midriff. "No, it's okay, you know that Leon." He kept his hands there. "If you say so." "I mean it. You just have to understand Leon, this is not something I am used to." Ada pleaded to him, hoping he does understand. "I do, trust me, I do." Leon chuckled, the situation becoming more light hearted than anything. "Let me finish up our dinner, I'll bring it out to you." Ada stated to him.
With a nod, Leon brought his face to Ada's. He was hesitant. Would she want a kiss at this time. Instead, Ada sealed the kiss herself. She pressed her lips against his, her hands resting on his chest. Leon breathed in deeply, his eyes closing slowly as he withtook this kiss.
After a couple more seconds, she pulled away, a smile on her face but she soon wiped it away. "Go to the living room, I'll bring your plate out to you soon." "Ok." He nodded, kissing her forehead briskly before ambling out of the warm kitchen.
Ada went back over to the oven to attend her food. All of it was almost done. If her calculations are correct, the sauteed green beans will be done first, then the rice and lastly, the pasta. All of it looked delicious too, luckily. It has been some time since she's cooked any of this, so she really hopes it'll taste good. In the pan, Ada shuffled the beans around, making sure they were coated in the garlic and butter, it would enhance the flavour immensely.
Then, she worked on the rice. Rice is super easy to cook, for her she supposes. Since she was a little girl, it was the only food she grew up consistently knowing how to make, no matter what kind it was or what stationary she had, she'd make it work. She's specifically making jasmine rice - Her favorite. Hopefully, she really hopes, Leon will also take a liking to it.
Lastly, the main course, the pesto pasta. She bought everything for it earlier today, she didn't miss a single ingredient for it either.
The sound of the television that is in the living room began to become audible, indicating Leon was simply relaxing and watching a show of sorts. Ada never was one to sit and enjoy TV. In her life, in total, she's seen maybe twenty movies, some she never completely finished. She's been on the run since she was a child, how could she be able to have the time? Per chance, with this new living situation, she'll be able too.
For now though, Ada plans to focus solely on her task at hand - Dinner.
7:30 PM and the food was ready.
Ada arranged both plates to look neat. Both plates had a perfect amount of each dish, the pasta was the only one with an extra amount considering it is the main course of the night. Ada also poured wine for her and Leon, knowing he'd like it a lot. With both hands, she managed to carry everything out and set it on the coffee table. Leon glanced up at her with a smirk. "Thank you honey." "You're welcome lovely." Ada whispered softly; 'Lovely' is a nickname she's had for him forever now.
She sat down beside him, getting comfortable on the couch. Leon did the same, excited to finally get some home cooked food in his system. "It smells good." "Thank you." Ada accepted his compliment with grace. The fact he thinks it smells good means so much, but the initial taste it was truly matters.
Ada couldn't help but watch Leon intently as he took a bite of her home made pasta. At first, there wasn't a reaction, his eyes were glued to the TV. That was until he nodded and went in for another bite quickly whilst saying, "Tastes great too, thanks." Which made Ada want to coat his face in kisses. She's never came to terms with it but it's obvious her form of love language is receiving words of affirmation.
With the fact Leon enjoyed her dinner, she could now easily eat her food too.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hai! Been regressed all day because I’ve come down with a icky sickness and i dont feel so good :< Could I maybe get some Mk11 Kano Cg hcs of him looking after a sick/ill baby regressor?- ✨
No cause like, I've been sick for almost a week and it's only gotten worse, especially in the past two days >:(
There's some silly virus going around, and I'm sorry you caught it, darling :(
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kano w/ Sick Babyspace Regressor Hcs
⚔️ Kano, as much as I love him, isn't the best person
⚔️ Probably teased you for being sick when it wasn't that bad
⚔️ Like, come on, you aren't that sick, stop being all dramatic
⚔️ But when your symptoms began to worsen, he actually became super worried
⚔️ At first you just felt a bit icky, but now you can't feel half your face with how congested it is, your throats all scratchy, it hurts to talk, you're practically panting because you can't breathe through your nose
⚔️ ^ Apologies, I'm projecting, I feel incredibly icky rn
⚔️ He feels really bad that he didn't take your sickness seriously when he could have helped you when it wasn't that bad
⚔️ He feels even worse when you regress really tiny because of how icky you feel :(
⚔️ Don't you worry, Uncle Kano's gonna take good care of you now, Sweetheart
⚔️ Since your really tiny, he'll swaddle you in your favorite blankie and rock you, gently shushing your cries
⚔️ Kano's got a pretty tough inume system, so he doesn't get sick easily
⚔️ Because of this you get all the cuddles you could ever ask for
⚔️ Usually when you two cuddle he calls you a Clingy Koala but will die down his teasing because you feel icky and just want some lovin’
⚔️ Ans how could he make fun of you for that? Poor thing
⚔️ Kano, surprisingly, is a pretty decent chef, and will make you some bomb chicken noodle soup
⚔️ ^ I recommend Princess Chicken noodle soup, it makes me feel a bit better
⚔️ He'll spoon feed you so you don't spill anything by accident
⚔️ He'll get you some yummy Sprite and saltines if your feelings hungry
⚔️ Like, he'll get you actual food if you'd like, but those are some of the go to sick snacks he knows of
⚔️ Will not let you have munchies if you can't stomach anything though, he doesn't wanna make you throw up on purpose :(
⚔️ He'll clear his entire schedule just to make sure he can look after you
⚔️ Kanos not a very nice man, but he refuses to leave his bab’s side when they feel all icky like this
⚔️ Plus Kabal can do all the Black Dragon work for a few days <3
⚔️ Unfortunately, you might need to have some nasty medicine :(
⚔️ He'll get you some yummy water afterwards and cuddle you
⚔️ He knows some medicine doesn't taste great, but somehow all the yucky ones make people feel better quicker
⚔️ If your little enough to use diapers, he's more comforting about it than usual because your all sick
⚔️ If your throat hurts, he'll make you some warm milk or get you some throat medicine
⚔️ Is also a lot more patient than usual
⚔️ He knows your sick, and he knows you might be already sensitive than usual
⚔️ He also knows that crying because you couldn't find your hair tie isn't something that you'd usually do, but you better know he'll find that hair tie for you (he was probably sitting on it)
⚔️ Usually he'd encourage you to babble, laughing and having conversations with you
⚔️ But now you sound like Bi-Han, all raspy and almost drunk (very bad overall)
⚔️ So he probably expects you to go somewhat nonverbal, cradling you and letting you huff and cry into his chest
⚔️ It's never nice, feeling all icky and bad
⚔️ You'll never have to worry about going through it alone though, he'll become your clingy Koala
⚔️ He'll put on your favorite cartoons or movie, and you two will cuddle in bed
⚔️ He'll try to make you laugh by making jokes or jabbing at one of his friends
⚔️ But if you get irritated at them faster than usual, he'll stop
⚔️ It's no fun making a joke if you both can't laugh about it
⚔️ Kano isn't the best person to help you get better, since he doesn't actually know what he's doing half the time and is completely winging it
⚔️ But he's there for you, thick and thin
⚔️ Your his baby after all, you can't be sick alone, what kind if Dada would he be if he left you all alone? >:(
⚔️ He'll gently clean your face and shush you when you start apologizing
⚔️ There's so need to apologize, your body just feels a bit icky, Sweetheart, no need to be sorry
⚔️ If your too woozy or small to stand up, he'll carry you around so you can feel a bit better by brushing your teeth or taking a quick short
⚔️ Highly encourages sitting under a steamy shower so your face gets unclogged from all the bad stuff in it
⚔️ He'll even help you brush your teeth!! You really don't gotta lift a finger around this man, especially when you're this sick and small!!
⚔️ You becomes his new Teddy bear, and he becomes your new Teddy bear (and servant), that's how the world works <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope you feel better!!! <3
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loversipod · 2 years
Christmas friend
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Summary: Y/n is Harry's friend and found through him a new friend. Niall told you he never celebrated Christmas so you invited him to decorate your Christmas tree and the two of you baked some delicious cookies.
Pairing: deaf!niall x fem!reader x best friend!harry
Wordcount: 1k
Trigger warnings: mentions of deafness, Harry gets hit once briefly, deaf Niall.
A/N: I really appreciate it when you give me some feedback. I tried my best to write something related to Christmas. I was horancinema :)
It's Christmas time, again. The worst time for you, your parents ask all the time, if you have a boyfriend and if you would like to join them on their vacation, to some expensive place in the world. You never said yes, they always talk bad about you. Everyone in your family did but in a nice way. You sit there and they give you nice criticism if you can call it that.
Well, Harry decided for himself that you'll celebrate Christmas with him. You are not in a good place right now. Your boyfriend of three years cheated on you with your best friend. Three years you never get back. He also decided for you that you move in with him.
Harry often has friends over and you already know that you spend your Christmas in your room alone. Today was a day when he was gone and a guy waited in the living room for him. Sometimes you don't know if he hooked up with some of his friend's the way he acts around them you can't tell the difference.
You stared at the back of his brown head. You can't remember if he introduced you to that guy. He introduced you to a lot of his friend's. They were all nice, but he's the only one he didn't introduce you to. You can't recognize him. Harry likes you a lot and he wouldn't introduce you to any guy you might fall for.
You continue to make yourself dinner. You make some noodles look like you have to give him some as well. You tried to call Harry but he didn't answer his phone, typical. After you finish them, you put some on the plate with cheese, make him a glass of water and walk with everything into the living room. All he does is give you a welcome smile and a nod. "You're welcome."
"What the actual fuck was that?" You whisper yells at Harry when he comes home after hours with the stranger in your living room.
He grins at you, "you need to get out of your 'I'm done with dating phase'," you slap him across his face. "Ouch," he rubs his cheek due to the sting he feels.
"I didn't want a stranger here for hours," you grumble hotly.
Harry shakes his head, "he's the perfect guy for ya." He says gently.
"I tried talking to him for an hour," your voice comes out crossly.
"He doesn't talk." He laughs at you.
The brown haired guy was here all the time. Harry said you should try to be his friend. It's Christmas time and you need a distraction. That was his suggestion. Maybe you just need to hook up with someone and everything is fine. That's one of his other suggestions, you did that but it didn't help you.
You started talking to him a lot but no answer. All he does is have a stupid smile on his soft lips. You find it rude. "He's deaf," Harry whispers low in your ear. That's the moment you realize you never have luck with guys. "But Niall 's the best guy f'you." You turn around and hug him.
Over the weeks you learned your own way how communicating with him. Niall told you how he never did anything related to Christmas. He never decorated a Christmas tree or baked Christmas cookies so you invited him over for today.
Harry told you to not buy a Christmas tree and place it in his flat, but you do whatever you want anyway. Niall was surprised when he saw the tree and all the decorations. His blue eyes light up, and his lips curl in the adorable smile he has. You even bought him an ugly Christmas sweater as an early gift and he couldn't be happier. You don't know him for a long time, but it seems like you know him forever.
You have a notebook where you write your conversations down, you start learning for him and try your best. Today you wanted to impress him and show him what you can. "I remember you never did that. Do you want to catch up with me?" His smile grows. He can't believe you remember something this simple. He only mentioned this one time. He thought it was the sweetest thing someone has ever done for him.
'I'd love to,' you took a deep breath and tried your best to shut your thoughts down. You have too many and a lot of them is what Harry will say about this.
Sometimes he's like the Grinch.
You lit a pastille before he came and now it smells like incense all over the living room. Everything is prepared for your afternoon together. Cookie dough is also already mixed to cut out. Niall will love the different shapes, angels, Santa Claus, gingerbread men, and much more, which he will find awesome. You can make him happy so easily.
He looks at all the Christmas balls you have not used. 'The tree looks really good.' He enjoys the time with you. He loved the baking and decorating of the cookie.
You are tired, your head rests against his shoulder. His soft fingers stroke your scalp, and his fingernails scratch your head softly. It makes you sleepy. You tried your best so that your eyes don't fall shut. You wanted to spend more time with him. You want to finish the movie with him. Harry was right, he's the perfect guy for you and everything will work out, somehow. He's deaf maybe he'll talk someday with you.
You didn't notice how he brought you to bed but you remember the kiss on the forehead and the little note he wrote for you, that you found the next day on your nightstand.
One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over. Turn the page, there is so much left you don't know yet. Today you wrote a new chapter. Thank you for the wonderful day.
Ps. We have to make a gingerbread house as well.
Nialler xx
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princescribbler · 1 year
Fun 'Little' Activities for Playing At Home!
Run out of fun ideas for entertaining your little one, adult baby, or regressed subby partner? Here are some very quick and easy at-home activities that'll make almost any Little feel extra cute, regressive, and happy!
Treasure map: hide an object (like a stuffie, key to their cage, or diapee change) and leave a ridiculously convoluted set of clues. Make a treasure map, give riddles, make something cute and fun and I guarantee your little one will remember it for ages! The more complicated and silly, the better! Maybe it's a map to "mommy cove" or "the dead pirate snugglebeard's" lost treasure! Have fun with this!
COLOR MATCHING! This is easy: use any colored markers, pens, or pencils to make a nice long list of colors... and send your little out to find matches. Perfect gray rock, little one! Aww the red of your apple isn't quite the right fit, go look for something else red! Seriously... it's a short and simple activity to set up but leaves the little feeling special, cute, and blushy for their caregiver! Plus... it's silly little fun!
PAPER AIRPLANE CONTEST! EVEN IF it's just you two alone, make it fun! Tape a landing zone goal on the ground across the apartment, give your little a sticker for the "best designed" paper airplane, see whose can go further... and then help your little win, so they feel cute and pandered to and adorable! You'll notice them making lots and lots of paper airplanes for weeks after, because it made them feel so cute and special and little!
"Kid" science projects: from the baking soda volcano to growing your own rock candy, it's all available online, will make your little one feel silly but cute, and let them indulge their curious, wondrous little side a bit! Extra points if it's something really fun like the rock candy or something new and cool they've never seen before!
Biodegradable bird feeders: from orange peels to larger veggies, you can make a simple bowl or small bird feeder that's biodegradable and isn't a commitment to keeping a permanent bird feeder. BUT... since it's biodegradable and cheap, you won't mind if your cute little one goes a bit crazy and makes 3, or 4, and excitedly points out every bird that stops for a nibble. If you need extra detailed instructions, just look up biodegradable feeders or 'orange peel birdfeeder' and you'll get plenty of online advice!
Pool (or bath) party! By which I mean things like issuing craft supplies to make a cute boat out of a pool noodle, or letting your little cut up a sponge to make it a cute animal shape, or let the little one specially decorate and color on a favorite pool/ bath toy for them to play with at bath time! It's even more fun if you can enjoy a little VERY MINOR splashing and playing in the water.
MAZES! Well, drawing them at least. Have you and your little sit down and draw a maze for the other person... extra points if the big uses nice fine pencils and pens and the silly little only gets thick markers and crayons! Maybe even a competition: who can finish the other one's first! And obviously: no cheating!
Kink bucket list! Have the little and/or caregiver make a fun list of neat activities, kink included, they've always wanted to do and make a goal to check one off the list every month! Maybe it's very 'mature' like a daddydom wanting to make their little one climax with no touching... or maybe it's cute and silly, like wanting to take a little to the zoo with pullups under their big boy/big girl clothes! Regardless... it's never too early to start ticking things off your list!
There's no time like today for making your little feel loved and cute and regressive and special. And there is generally nobody that your little one wants to play with more than their caregiver! So have fun, let yourself be cute and silly right along with them, and as always...
Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, and Stay Kinky!
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Not sure if requests are open but...
Kanade with a reader who are in a relationship and Kanade finds the cup noodles taste better when reader makes it.
They were when you requested so here we go! And to be honest, I had lots of fun writing this one so hopefully you'll like it too hah ^^
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Kanade finds noodles tastier when reader does them
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @hakulivesformusic
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Kanade was in her room, working on newest song for Nightcord. It was already after 16/4pm and yet, she didn't had her dinner yet. Some may think it's nothing unusual as she often skips meals but this time was different... she promised not only Miss Honami but also her lover to eat properly but she just coudln't find the motivation to reach for that noodle cup knowing she can get the noodles made from heaven in just few minutes...
You on the other hand were just on your way to visit your girlfriend and see how she's doing! Unfortunely because of bad weather, you're few mniutes later than you told her... but let's just hope she won't mind!
You entered her house using spare keys she got for you and made your presence known when you saw no one in the sight, figuring the girl you're looking for must be in her room.
"Hey Kanade! It's just me!"
"I'm in my room! Just give me a minute!"
She probably just got some nice idea and wants to write it down, it happens often to everyone! So you took care of the kitchen, thinking you might need to clean some stuff but it ended up it wasn't much... that's when you began to wonder if she eats properly...
Once the gray haired girl comes out of her room, you immidietly asked her about your doubts after short greeting hug.
"Hey Kanade... just a question... did you ate today?"
"Yes I... ate breakfast..."
"And dinner?"
"Well, I waited for you..."
You only sighed in response, it was truly a sweet gesture of hers but you didn't wanted her to starve just because of you!
"I'll make you something quickly. Do you want anything specific?"
You kind of expected that honestly... you didn't put up any talk about how she should eat healthier tho, at that moment you were just happy she agreed to eat anything and take a break from her work.
Blue eyed girl handed you 2 cups of noodles, you knew she wanted you to eat properly too so you just nodded with a smile and filled them with water as soon as it boiled.
It was a calm moment between you two, when you were just enjoying your meal, sometimes not even talking but none of you really mind. And your girlfriend? She felt like she was eating noodles prepared by God himself! She made sure to watch closely but you never add anything to it... then how do you make it taste to heavinly!?
After you two were done with eating and cleaned up a little, she came up to you to ask you something that seemed like a very serious question to her.
"Y/N, I have a small question... how do you always make noodles taste so good?"
"Huh? What do you mean, K?"
"It's just that... whenever you do it, they taste heavinly but when I do my best to recreate it, it's not the same..."
"Is that why you waited for me with dinner today?"
The girl looked away with very faint blush, only assuring you that your guess was indeed correct. If that's the case, you might as well think of it some more... or maybe you already know the answer? Maybe it is love that counts?
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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akesdraws-blog · 2 years
🤧How would the Bayverse boys take care of their sick partner? 😷
I do this because I got sick and I felt horrible, runny nose, closed throat, it hurts even to cough 😭, so this is something sweet just to distract me from all this sickness.
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💙 Leonardo 💙
When this guy found out you got sick, he immediately consulted Donnie. (We all know that Donnie is the Family Doctor)
• Prepare to drink lots of tea and water. (it will keep you very well hydrated)
•In case you have a fever, they will put cold compresses on your forehead and on the soles of your feet, they will also wipe your chest and stomach with a damp towel. (This is something we do a lot in my family to bring down the fever)
•Muscle pain? No problem, Leo's hands will be like the finest silk you can feel on your body. (I'm sure Leo knows certain points for your body to relax properly)
•He is a true believer that sunbathing will help you a lot, so he will move your sofa to a place where the sun enters perfectly through your window.
• And if you are too sleepy because of the medicine, this guy will tuck you in perfectly in your bed or sofa, he will defend where you start to fall asleep.
• Comply with the schedule of your medications, if you must take your pill every 3 hours, it will be every 3 hours, not one minute more or one minute less.
• It will be very difficult for him to give you your medicine if you are asleep, he knows that you must rest but you must also take your medicines at the right time, so he will be in a dilemma. (She will call Donnie to solve his little dilemma)
• And if you can't fall asleep, this huge turtle will read you one of his favorite books, which is about Japanese poems.
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💜 Donatello 💜
This guy could know you were sick before you knew you were sick, and it's easy, I notice the constant sneezing, your temperature change, etc; So he's the first to know you were sick.
•Doctor Donatello has entered the chat.
• Donnie will first start by reviewing and taking notes on your symptoms.
• Once that is done, he will have a complete treatment so that you can get better quickly.
•She asked Abril for a favor to buy certain medicines so you could take them.
• He established the time you should take it and will take your temperature every 10 minutes.
• Water, lots of water, and maybe a mint tea.
• When your fever rises it will help you take a bath, warm water can regulate your temperature.
• He's not the best cook so he'll ask Mikey for chicken noodle soup so you can eat something light.
• Don't expect hugs, this guy won't get too close to you, he doesn't want to get sick too so you'll see him all the time with a huge face mask.
• While you sleep, they will take your temperature to make sure it doesn't rise again.
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♥️ Raphael ♥️
He was in a dilemma when he found out you got sick, he wanted to see you and make sure you were okay, but at the same time he didn't want to catch it, one of the things he hates is getting sick. (In the end he went to see you)
• He consulted with Donnie that he should take you and his brother in purple made him a list of things to take you.
•I arrive at your house with a large sports bag full of tissues, cold compresses, water and a movie stop.
•When you told him that you already had some medicines, he took the box of each one to be able to read the instructions. (the font was too small so he asked you to tell him what time you should take your medicines)
• he kept you warm with a blanket you had in your room.
• He is not a fan of tea but he will prepare one for you to warm you up, surprisingly he made you a very rich lemon tea with honey.
•You have a movie marathon in your living room of the entire "Fast and Furious" saga.
• Although he looks tough this guy will be a real teddy bear to take care of you.
• If you fell asleep rest assured that he will take you to your room to tuck you in and you can rest.
• He will not leave until he is better. (besides, no one enters your apartment)
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🧡 Michelangelo 🧡
He finds out that you got sick when you didn't go to the lair for a few days, so he sent you a message to find out what was wrong.
M- Is everything alright, Angel Cake? Will you be late for our video game night? 😔
Y/N- Sorry Mikey, it's cancelled, I'm so sick 😷
M- What?!?!😱
• she Literally kicked in Donnie's bedroom door to tell him that his Angel Pie was sick.
• After a quick explanation from Donnie, he went straight to your apartment.
• It will fill you with pampering that could even be too much.
• Are you cold? He is already looking for blankets to wrap you up, are you hot? You will have some cold compresses and the fan on, even a palette too.
• he makes you some chicken or rice noodles so you can eat, but don't think he did it like always, I ask Donnie what he should take and what he shouldn't take.
• If your medicine tastes horrible he will give you a sweet to take away the unpleasant taste.
•He will love to hear you talk, if you are a little hoarse he will find it very funny to listen to you.
• It is you who should tell him that he can't kiss you or he will catch it too.
• Although this causes the "puppy eyes", you will have to resist as much as you can not to succumb to that look of your beloved turtle.
•If you can't stand it, I'll just say that now they are two patients being cared for and scolded by Donnie.
He tagged the people who inspired me to start sharing my writing, plus I love his work.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch .
In case you don't want me to tag you, tell me without any problem, in the same way if you want me to tag you, you can tell me in comments.
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sundropmoondroplover · 10 months
Protect The Starlight Sun/Moon x Reader Chapter 6
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Sorry about the wait everyone and that it's so short. This is a filler chapter as I've been swamped the last few months. I will try to update as much as I can! 
      It has been a few weeks since your first day at work and everything seemed to be going great. Moon would sometimes threaten to hurt you now and then. You had been asking Sun for tips to get Moon to trust or even like you. You remember what Sun had said the other day that had shocked you. "You think Moon doesn't like you? No, no, no... it's not that he doesn't like you. He's afraid to put his trust in people." Why would Moon be afraid to trust people? Did something happen to Moon that made him like this? You were going to find out, but unfortunately, you can't do that today. Today was your day off, and you had already promised your best friend you'd hang out with them. Currently, you are waiting for them. You looked at the time on your phone and let out a sigh. Where are they?
        You lay down on the couch for a quick minute closing your eyes. After a few minutes, you heard someone knocking at your door. You got off of the sofa, walked over to the door, and opened it. There standing was your best friend. "Finally, B/F, what took you so long?" you asked, letting them in. "So sorry, Y/n. I had something come up, but I'm here now, and you need to tell me everything," they said, smiling. You started to tell them everything about your job and how much you needed to do. You didn't leave out that you worked with Sun and Moon in the Daycare. "Oh my god! You met the daycare attendants?? What were they like? Did they like you at all?" B/F bombarded you with questions. You laughed a bit, knowing that only a few people went around Sun and Moon to drop off their kids. 
        "Well, Sun was nice and friendly. He was always helping me out and gave me great tips. But Moon, he was a different story. He was always cold and distant. He would even threaten me sometimes. I don't understand why he's like that and why he doesn't want to trust me." You tell your best friend. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe try talking to him? Show him that you're a trustworthy person and that he can depend on you. You won't know until you try," B/F said, smiling. You thanked them for their advice and said goodbye. You were going to take their advice and try to get Moon to trust you. No matter how long it takes. 
        After hours of hanging out with your best friend, you decided to make yourself some food. You look through your cabinets and decide to make some chicken noodle soup. Sure it wasn't much but hey it was simple to make. While making the chicken noodle soup you noticed a notification come up on your phone. It was a text message from your boss. 'Due to something happening in the Daycare, you do not need to come in tomorrow as the Daycare will be closed. However the day after tomorrow you will need to come in to do some work on Sun and Moon. Thank you for taking the time to read this and see you in 2 days!' You were confused. What happened in the Daycare that led it to being closed? Did a child get hurt or did something happen to Sun and Moon? Guess you'll figure out when you go to work in 2 days.
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Slashers (& Friends) Taking Care of Sick S/O
Yeah guess who's ill. It's me... I'm a big baby when I get sick and I get really emotional and just wanna be cuddled so this is comfort for me.
Warnings: Mentions of being sick, otherwise none just fluff. Besides slashers who are their own warnings
Jesse Cromeans:
Doctor. Now. He wastes no time in getting his private physician to come examine you. Doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is
If it's something mild like a cold or flu he'll take over caring for you. Sure he could have some gourmet chicken noodle soup brought up to your room but no. He's doing it himself
If he can, he's postponing all work until you're better. He won't let you out of his sight. He's waiting until you wake up from your nap to offer you some water. He's not scared of getting sick either so if you want him to cuddle you in bed, he's doing it. Anything for you
Corey Cunningham:
Poor thing is worried sick (lol). He'll ask you multiple times if you want to see a doctor and if you do he'll take you pronto. If not he'll worry but you just have to remind him it's just a cold and you're not gonna die
He knows he's gonna get in trouble for it but he's calling in sick to work until you're better. His mom is gonna be shrieking about him spending so much time away from home but he doesn't care. He's your bedside nurse. He'll spoon-feed you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
You don't even have to ask. He's burrowed under the mountain of blankets with you. Here, have the remote. You can watch anything you want. He'll just be here in case you need him. Please need him. Taking Care of you makes him so happy even if he hates to see you feeling miserable
Erik Destler:
Is kind of oblivious at first. Won't really pick up any coughing or sniffling to start with. Once you start visibly looking ill and your symptoms worsen, then he gets nervous. He doesn't get sick too often himself so he doesn't know what to do
Will offer to find a doctor for you if it's serious, otherwise he'll need your guidance on what to do. He's got the basics down of fetching you a glass of water and food but that's kind of it. But just ask, once you ask for something he's more than happy to get it
Sadly he's got things to do throughout the day and frankly, he doesn't want to catch whatever you have. Can't make music if you're busy puking. So he won't be glued to your side. But he's attentive in nursing you back to health and if you plead and hit him with the puppy eyes, hell snuggle you at bedtime
Asa Emory:
Not at all concerned. At least not outwardly if he is at all. Takes you to the doctor if you need it. Otherwise that's about the extent of it. Or so you'd think
Surprisingly shows a bit of a heart during your illness. He's not going to be doting by any means, but he's on point with your care. Meds are offered on the clock. Hearty meals and your glass never gets below half full. He'll ask about your symptoms to gage your improvement
Sadly no, no cuddles for you. He's a professor and he can't really afford to get sick and miss work. You can't be sure- maybe it was just the fever- but you could have sworn you felt soft lips on your forehead before you fell asleep
Brahms Heelshire:
Panic time. He doesn't know what to do. He's baby. People take care of him when he's sick not the other way around
You gotta help him if you want any assistance. He's more than willing to do it, much to your surprise, but he's absolutely clueless if you don't specify what you need
Will absolutely stay in bed and cuddle you the whole time. He'll do what you need him to do like bring food but he's not doing house chores. He ends up sick from being in such close proximity to you for so long so now you both feel like shit
Karl Heisenberg:
Tries to hide his concern. Fails miserably. He'll say things like "oh you're fine. Just take some herbal tea you'll be ok tomorrow." Then when you either get angry at his insensitivity or try to power through it and it's painfully obvious how sick you are, he changes his tune
He won't take the whole day to dote on you but he does what he can. Actually pops by fairly frequently to check up on you. He'll surprise you by bringing you some treats, if you can stomach it. He'll also make a trip to the Duke for medicine
You'll wake up later on in the day to him having already crawled into bed with you, his head laying on your chest or shoulder. He does care about you but he's just weird about showing it. Please get better he misses you hanging out with him during his experiments
Thomas Hewitt:
The whole Hewitt house is in a tizzy because of him. He's frantically trying to explain to his momma what's wrong. And if you're anything beyond some allergy sneezes, your ass is staying in bed. Tommy will absolutely throw down if Hoyt tries to bother you about doing chores
He's doing double duty now because you're sick. And he's more than happy to cover for you! But it does mean he's more busy so he can't take care of you like he'd prefer to. He'll sneak off every 30 minutes to come check on you and see if you need anything
You can be sure however that once the days over he's all but diving headfirst into bed to snuggle up with you. He's not at all worried about germs. He's giving you all the hugs and kisses
Pyramid Head:
Clueless. So clueless. What's a germ? Why do you look like you're about to pass out? He doesn't know how humans work at all. He won't know what's wrong with you until you tell him and even then, he's not going to fully understand
He does understand, however, that you're weak and in need of care and that's going to make him super protective of you. Other monsters would swoop in to grab you in a second if he wasn't careful. He won't let anything get near you and he's more than happy to cradle you to his chest and carry you around if he must
Won't know how to help you much beyond protection. You'll have to ask him for food and water and... Well.. Silent Hill is lacking in the good food department. It's probably what made you sick in the first place. He'll scrounge around trying to find whatever he can for you tho
Michael Myers:
This bitch. He knows you're sick and he doesn't really care too much. Not unless it's serious. Then he's going to carry you to the ER and dump you right outside the doors so you'll get some medical care but otherwise? He's useless
He'll watch you and when he finally sees just how under the weather you are, that small almost hidden human side of him will try to help. Soup from a can that's been microwaved to lukewarm is about all he can manage
He's very observant so he'll see all your symptoms. But he'll just grab literally all the bottles of medicine and dump them on your lap for you to pick out the ones you need. He'll be surprisingly willing to let you cuddle him while you're sick tho. Gross sick things don't faze him in the slightest
Bo Sinclair:
Germaphobe. The instant you have a nasty cough, sneeze one too many times, or tell him you're sick, he's taking a good two paces away from you. You can keep your nasty germs away from him thank you
On the bright side, you actually get some peace and quiet so you're able to rest. He feels a little guilty about being mean so he will check up on you everyone once in a while, ask if you need anything. Don't be surprised if he makes one of his brothers take it to you tho
He'll try to refuse to to start with but if he sees that's upsetting you he eventually gets over himself and holds you tight. Will absolutely bitch and moan if you get him sick
Lester Sinclair:
I think this man's a walking petri dish so you probably got it from him. He'll be pretty level headed about it really. If not slightly upset cuz he's worried about you not feeling well but he won't lose his head unless it's serious
You're getting the finest dishes he can muster up. Are they good for a sour stomach? Probably not. But it's comfort food and he's worked so hard on it. He'll bring you all your favorite snacks
He'll take you into town to see a doctor if he has to. Bo won't like it but he's willing to face Bo's wrath for you. Or he'll go get medicine and bring it back. He's more than happy to pamper you throughout everything. Constantly holding you and pecking your face with kisses and saying "hope you feel better soon darlin"
Vincent Sinclair:
Doctor Vincent is in the house. Instantly asks you to list all your symptoms and gets to work trying to make you well again. Which sounds sweet and it is but he will force you to drink the nasty cough syrup no matter how much you protest
Keeps you in the basement with him so he can keep an eye on you and be within earshot if you call for him. He won't smother you but the instant you groan out his name he's there, ready to help
Will fix up dishes specifically for you and not share with his brothers. Bo's pissed cuz he wanted some of that delicious smelling gumbo. Vincent will happily put down anything he's working on to come sit or lay beside you. Whatever you need, he's got it covered
Jason Voorhees:
Another one who panics. Is it serious? What is he supposed to do? He only has limited supplies and he's not really in a position to get you to a medical professional. Are you going to die?? Please calm him down before he combusts
Every other second he's standing beside you, wanting you to tell him what you need. He'll make anything you want to eat. Might not be the best but... It's edible so there's that. Bless his heart. He'll even find an old teddy bear to tuck under your arm so you don't get too lonely while he's away in the kitchen
Not that it matters because he's instantly right back and not leaving your side. You want to cuddle? Absolutely he's right on it. Take a nap, he'll be right here when you wake up
Harry Warden: 
Surprisingly sane as long as it's mild. He'll get worried if you need to go to the doctor because he can't be there with you so he'd really rather avoid that if possible. But otherwise he's calm about it
He'll have you lay down and get you anything you need. He makes sure you're alright and ready for nap before he leaves again. He doesn't see much need to stick around and hover over you when you're just snoozing so he'll be back later to check up on you
Beauty of the gas mask is he doesn't have to worry about germs. But honestly he'd be unconcerned about it anyway. He asks how you're feeling and when you answer him he's kissing your forehead. He says it's to check your temperature but the soft touch of his hands on your cheek reveal he's caring about you
Totally unbothered. Any illness you have is probably non-transferable to him anyway. And on top of that, his people's medicine is so advanced even a serious illness is nothing to worry about. He'll offer to have you seen by a physician but if you refuse and simply want to fight it off naturally he respects it
He doesn't really know what sick humans need so please tell him. He'll make a special trip all the way back to earth to get your favorite snack if that's what you want
He'll let you sleep when you want it but he's happy to entertain you by your bedside. He loves reading to you in his native tongue. You don't understand it of course but you like the sounds of all the clicks and find it soothing. In fact if you tell him about how earth cat purring has healing properties, he's scooping you up and nesting in the bed with you, purring up a storm. You don't know if it actually helps fight your illness but you both enjoy it regardless
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books-and-dragons · 11 months
Ik it's been awhile since I have dropped a HC on you, but consider: Akira doing some unnecessarily dangerous stunt in the Metaverse and feeling so proud of himself... and then he's shocked when the team gets angry/worried that he risked his own safety like that.
"Guys, it's fine, only I would have gotten hurt!"
And then they just get even angrier and he's confused and startled they're so worked up about it. He's not used to people worrying about him.
omg june, hi!!! aaa i yelled when i saw your user pop up, hope you're doing well!!
your brainworms are angsty as ever and oh how i love it
i'm such a believer in the akira-is-passively-reckless-about-his-own-life concept, you'll have to rip it from my cold, dead hands
considering the in-game clues we get about how he's not great about keeping himself well-fed and has an automatic tendency to throw himself aside for the sake of other people's safety, akira's probably got a huge lack of self preservation to add to that (maybe even, a complete lack of care for his own wellbeing) (i'm absolutely blaming his home life for this)
which works well enough for someone in a leadership position, he'd make sacrifices for others very easily and yeah!! he's just so used to not putting himself into consideration- he doesn't even think about his own safety. nobody else ever has, so why should he?
it trickles into everything he does. the last healing item goes to a teammate, whatever funds he makes from part-time jobs goes into the phantom thieves (nevermind that he's living on sojiro's patronage curry and instant noodles, that's unimportant, he's unimportant), he offers unconditional support and a listening ear to every confidant he meets, and helps them with all their problems- even if it is to his own detriment. on the battlefield against a new enemy, joker will do his best to find the weakness- because if they repel anything, at least then he carries the brunt of the backlash. it's natural, instinctive, and therefore he sees no wrong in it.
and for a long time, he gets away with this reckless abandon for his own safety.
except he goes a step too far, maybe he decides to distract another hoard of shadows on his own? or makes what should be an impossible zipline move to cross to the other side of a chasm. against a rampaging enemy, he throws himself in the firing line. after months of excusing the passing recklessness, this is a step too far for the phantom thieves.
when they're reunited with joker, he's not greeted by praise for his dramatic flourish, or impressed and spirited cheers for carving a path deeper into the palace, but instead worried frowns and scolding reprimands. flurries of hands which search for his injuries and want to heal, and he doesn't need it he's fine-
and oh you're so right it would hurt so much because akira would be so confused by their concern!! at first, he probably assumes they're talking about anything but him. did he accidentally break a treasure on his landing? for some reason, had the thieves not wanted that shadow hurt? what was it this time, what had he done wrong- because he had to have done something wrong he always does something wrong, eventually
when it gets through to akira that no, they're worried about his safety the boy blue-screens there and then.
it's not something he's ever been used to- care, affection....attention. nobody's cared enough to look close enough before, and suddenly akira doesn't know what to do with this worry, with this obvious sign that people care about him, that someone values akira kurusu....he's in a bit of a fugue as the diarahan washes over him, so much do he can't even scold what he'd deem an unnecessary use of energy
they call it a day in the palace not long after.
learning to value your own life isn't something that's easy, but akira's surrounded by people who care about him now- they can be patient. this time, they're taking the lead to help akira, not the other way around.
maybe makoto challenges him to find a more safe plan, that doesn't involve reckless action. ryuji helps him be more open about his feelings. ann teaches akira how to appreciate himself. futaba shows him how to trust in what people promise. yusuke guides him through self-appreciation in his own, artistic style. haru helps akira define himself, outside of the parameters his parents set for him. morgana stays at his side through it all.
in their own way, they'll help akira find some self-worth, and hope to see the fruits of their labour in akira guarding a bit more often in battle, turning to his teammates instead of charging in headfirst and bearing the weight of shadows' attentions himself. they'll wait patiently for the day he asks for help, and be proud when he does.
for now, they'll accept the occasional willingness to head back to a saferoom, or retreat from battle. they'll mentally cheer when he uses one of their few healing items to patch a gash in his side. it's all about the small steps.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hii! Idk if you’ve done this one before but I have a horrible cold rn so my request is: how would the rogues take care of a sick reader? I love your work and I’ve been dying to request something for a bit now
Sick Reader
Rogues Headcanons ok i love offering a lil bit of goodness and comfort for people when they're feeling shitty so i have tried to get this out as soon as possible for you! i hope you're better now though!! 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, some sexual stuff i mean it's me
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he's actually very calm about it, very structured and prepared
sickness is something he dislikes, so he's sympathetic
and knowledgeable in prevention as well as curing
so you'll be sent to bed with a hot water bottle and a tea
and nursed softly back to health by him until he decides you're well
which he monitors efficiently and obsessively until you call him off
mr freeze
there's a slight panic to him when someone close to him is sick
he wouldn't want it to get too serious, or life-threatening
so he's on it immediately, offering you medicines and comfort
trying his best to make sure you're seen by medical professionals
and ensuring he does his best to get you better as soon as possible
but he'll sit by you, holding your hand, until you're feeling good
he's not sure about how to fix it, which he finds infuriating
but his main focus is making sure you're at least not suffering
so he'll be fumbling, distressed, waiting on you hand and foot
literally giving you everything you could possibly want
it's so sweet it heals you quicker, maybe a placebo
or maybe it was the four blankets and ten soft toys he piled on you
groggy people kind of annoy him, but for you he'll tolerate it
his sympathy is somewhat limited though, it's just a bit gross
he'll still pass you a tissue, at arm's length, and with gloves
and he'll remind you that he's excited for you to get better
not just because you are literally a walking germ right now
but because he misses you at your best, and misses kissing you
poison ivy
natural and herbal remedies are something she's clued up on
so get ready to feel even better than before you got sick
she's going to heal everything in you, from top to bottom
inside and out even, because what couldn't a warm hug heal?
so quick, sip up that weird green tea with leaves in it
and let her just hold this soup in a vine so she can stroke your head
what sickness can't you talk about until it's cured? laryngitis!
ok it's probably not that, less serious... but who knows!
not helpful... hm... what about a hot drink and a hug?
but what about just one more riddle? it would help distract him
of course, you are the sick one... but if you must know!!
he's very worried about you, don't mention that again though
he's a busy guy, but he's calling every meeting off to sit by your bed
whatever you need, whatever you want, he'll get it for you
or rather, he'll have some poor henchman rush out for it
you want soup? something sweet? a new blanket? a new bed?
you want new pyjamas? something softer or warmer?
spoiling you won't cure you, but it will make it easier to cope!
harley quinn
it's chicken noodle soup time, and she'll be hand-feeding you
don't argue, you lie completely still and she'll do everything for you
ok, listen, she's a doctor, but maybe she could be nurse harley
just for you. get a little cute outfit and tend to your every need?
whatever makes it easier for her to force you to just lay back
let sweet nurse quinn take your temperature huh?
mad hatter
every morning he's just glad you haven't died
very dramatic of course, it's just a common cold, but still
you're precious to him, and he'll make sure you get better
how much tea can you stomach? because... get ready for a lot
something hot to soothe your throat, to heat you up
and a kiss on the head to soothe your heart and comfort you
two face
harvey is all about playing nurse and keeping you comfortable
harv on the other hand thinks you should power through it
a combination of both actually works very well it turns out!
being filled up with cough syrup and pain meds is great
but being forced to go for a drive with the window down
while you get hickies at red lights? perfect cure for what ails ya
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