#you’ll see men saying stuff like ‘ oh she probably did something to deserve it’
iceyrukia · 8 months
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Why are men so obsessed with getting to hit women for the sake of “gender equality”? “Equal rights means equal fights!!!111” As if they aren’t physically violent with women in the first place as a means of control.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
//extra toxic fuckboy behaviors especially at the end, impreg, slutshaming, blackmail, mildly sexist But anyway instead of Childe drugging post have Childe drunk sex post Childe with a cute fem subordinate darling. The thing is, he doesn't actually drug you, per se. It's a little more deceptive than that -- you're certainly under the influence, though. Like Kaeya, he's only doing this if he's reached a point where he's desperate. You've turned him down over and over, he's tried everything he can to get you to fuck him and you won't. He's frustrated and blueballed and that's a very unfortunate combination for poor darling, because he's considerably less nice when he's frustrated. But that's what you deserve. If you were good and just let him fuck you all those times he tried before -- and believe him, he tried a LOT -- then this wouldn't have to happen. He tried so many times, and he tried everything he knows! All the lines he rehearsed in his head didn't work, and he came on pretty heavy, leaving him just feeling sad and bitter. Obviously you want him, how could you not, so he’s just doing something wrong. He's your superior, he could just, dunno, demand it? But that would feel kinda emasculating, to be honest, at least, more so than the plan he does settle on. And that's why you won't be knocked out, not all the way. He's very particular about it. He doesn't have anything against this morally, no, it's normalized to him, and it's not like he'd get in trouble. Granted, he has plenty of drugs available. It's pretty well known that the Fatui guys do this kind of thing pretty frequently, the men go in groups to taverns in Mondstadt and pick through girls and even some young guys to find the most naive and gullible to spike and lure away when they start swaying. Luckily for those, at least, it's a one time ordeal they can forget and move on from, but you aren't going to be so lucky. Nor does he need to drug you to get what he wants. He thinks you're a little stupid, really. You accept his invitation so quickly. Camped out in the wilderness with nothing but liquor and your own two selves. For a moment, it occurs to him he doesn't even need to put you under the influence, he could just force you right here and you couldn't do a thing. Still, he did have to pay a bit to get this nice stuff, so he might as well, and he can't afford you screaming and drawing attention from a potential passerby. So he watches you take the cup designated as yours, and before you can even take a moment to question or doubt, he challenges you. You can't outdrink him, he says. Bet you're a lightweight. You'd probably get sick a few shots in. Where he's from, people actually know how to hold their alcohol, unlike you weak-livered people. And of course, you scoff, you fold your arms, you insist he's wrong, just as he knew you would, just as he hoped you would. And he just smiles at you. Ok, prove it then. You glare back and say you're on. You don't question that he's pouring out of two separate flasks. You can't see the color difference between the liquids in the darkness of the night sky, nor the grimace on his face as he drinks -- maybe he should have brought water from the town rather than filling his flask out of the river, yuck. Your determined face is so cute. Your eyelids start to get heavy. You scrunch your face as your blink and try to stay alert. You drop one of your shots on the ground and he smiles and says maybe you should just accept defeat. You shake your head and keep going. Admittedly, he's actually a bit impressed, you got more than he thought you would by the time you finally drop the glass for good and slump on the ground. Whew. About time, he was starting to get sick of drinking so much water. And you do twitch a bit, open your eyes and stumble around and mutter something about not accepting defeat, you'll prove him wrong, but he just laughs and picks you up and drags you into the tent with ease. He likes it when you're not blacked out all the way. That's why drugging you would have been no fun. This way, your eyes open just a bit, heavily lidded and blinking, you mumble out incoherent words. You protest just a bit when you feel your clothes slide off -- what are you... but you don't finish the question. He's a good guy, really, he cares about you, which is why he does a quick check and feels your skin to make sure you're not actually under any alcohol poisoning or something, but your skin is warm and dry, not clammy. Good, now you can get to the good part. He thinks about how grateful you should be. His friends and subordinates even have teased him for the longest time because he won't just go out with them to try to get lucky somewhere or participate in their drugging of randoms, no, he's whipped, they snicker, obsessed with this one little bitch that just won't put out. He can't say they're wrong, and that irritates him even more that you humiliated him like that. Which is why this isn't just a one time thing, no, this is part of the plan. He talks to you while he fucks you, maybe you'll remember some of it, maybe not. Actually, hopefully not everything, since he more or less admits how desperate he is in his lust-hazed rambling, how much it's irritated him that you wouldn't just be his and let him fuck you. Why can't you just admit you like him? Why do you have to play hard to get? He rambles about how soft your body is. How good pussy really does feel, holy shit, those guys were right, it's so warm and grips his dick so nicely. Not that he'd limit himself to that, while he's got you like this he might as well put his dick in your limp mouth, but admittedly he imagines that would feel a lot better if you were awake and actually sucking on it. Your mouth moves just a bit, and in your nearly-blacked-out state your tongue runs over the intrusion and you let out the softest confused little sound, but that's all you do. But he makes sure to breed you, cumming several times, all deep deep deep inside of your tight cunt. Again, part of the plan. Just not the most important part of the plan. The most important part is the kamera. It captures moment after moment. The first round he just leaves it aside, takes time to really just live in this sweet, precious moment... and then he breaks the kamera out. Gets all the nice shots with his dick in your holes. Gets a few full body ones, makes sure it's unmistakable as you. Captures your cute drunk face, with your eyes open just a bit, it looks like you're just awake but eyes lidded from arousal. You look awake. Willing. And so, when he finally goes to sleep, he does so very very happily and confident. And when you wake up, he was so rough that there's absolutely no doubt as to what transpired. Your throat and pussy are sore as hell, you're both naked in bed and his cum is still leaking out of you. The regret and shame comes crashing down, holy shit, you slept with your boss that's been trying to fuck you for ages now and your life is over. You'll have to transfer or something. But then... you know you drank on your own choice, but something feels... wrong. He's heavily snoring away, so in morning light you spot the flasks from last night. Your head is pounding, but you make your way over to the first one, and take a swig and spit it back out, yeah, that's the stuff you had... and then take a swig from the other... and when you taste water it all clicks. Bastard. You shake him awake in fury and immediately start telling him off, cursing and snarling. He was half expecting that, to be honest. Sure, obviously you want him, but he gets that you'd be a little mad over the way you got what you wanted, and you’re just embarrassed because you were so dumb, you're just hysterical like that. And you’re just naturally ashamed after fucking, like most girls apparently are, he gets that. But he just smiles and laughs in your face. It cuts deep, it's like a knife in your stomach, because you know why. He's untouchable, even if people believed you, nothing will happen to him, and he knows that. He has nothing to fear. You grit your teeth and your eyes tear up and your lip quivers and you finally drop your head and sniffle, asking him to just take me back. You'll quit, transfer to another department, and then, you tell him bitterly, I'll never have to see you again, at least. And that's what makes his smile drop. You're not gonna do that, he says. Your eyes widen with some new horror when you see the pictures. He talks to you like a child, in that dumb oversimplified way of speech, it's degrading and dehumanizing. Explains that this is how it's gonna go. You're gonna keep being his little subordinate. You're gonna be his girlfriend, publicly. And you're gonna fuck him whenever he wants. If you decide you don't like that, the entire branch, hell, the entire organization sees these photos. You have a very easy, simple choice. It's up to you to decide what happens. Oh, and you're probably pregnant, by the way, he timed this whole thing based on that calendar you keep that he snuck a look at. Would hate for you to have to deal with that on your own, right? People do envy you, down the line. How easy your job must be, since you're nothing more than an assistant now. Everyone knows you're just fucking the boss, that's probably how you got that position in the first place, right? And it's not like he doesn't make it obvious. Whenever he gets with the group of guys at his own level, when they all start saying horrendous things about the women they work with and sharing over-embellished tales as men do, he has plenty of very detailed stories to brag about the cute girlfriend he has. How she drops to her knees at any given moment, and how good and tight she is, and how eager she is, how much she loves fucking him, worships him, he's not like the pathetic bastards that have to go drug some poor unsuspecting thing once a month or so, no, he can get all the sweet, devoted pussy he wants at any time. He has the pictures to prove it! They roll their eyes because they've seen the pictures a hundred times now, everyone has, he shows every guy he works with, and they all know not to tell her that they've seen them. Even if they did, it wouldn't matter, she'd be dumb to leave him this late into pregnancy anyway.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
A Well Rounded Education (4): Equality Statement (Fem!Reader x Naoya Zenin, 7.5k)
series synopsis: you are a teacher’s aid to teacher Gojo Satoru, training to be able to take over your own class next year by shadowing and helping him out. gojo, unfortunately, does not make things easy for anybody.
chapter synopsis: you make the mistake of crossing naoya zenin at a sports festival and are forced to apologise. but as you well know by now, nothing ever seems to go to plan where any of your student’s fathers are concerned. 
NSFW. MINORS DNI. AFAB reader, fem pronouns. misogyny, weird power dynamics, hate-sex, piv sex, blowjobs. naoya.  
(a well rounded education m.list and navigation)   ♡  (jujutsu kaisen masterlist)
The Saturday morning that your first ever undokai is scheduled for dawns bright and early, and you can’t help the little thrill that goes through you at the golden fingers of dawn lighting up your room. There’d been talk of the weekend bringing rain, and things needing to be rescheduled – but it’s perfect weather, as you put on a comfortable tank top and shorts instead of your neat pencil skirt and suit jacket combination.
This will be your first event of the kind, and you’re excited about it. The kids in the class have been practising all of their cheers and routines and the like constantly, whilst the ones involved in the competitive sports have been cheering one another on and snatching time when they can to race against one another in preparation. It’s been nice to see all of the camaraderie between them – even some of the quieter ones have seemed to come a little bit out of their shell, with so much team spirit in the air.
Well. Most of them have. You’ve noticed Junpei still hanging back, face sad, uncomfortable when other boys crowd him and tug him off to who knows where – probably to get him involved in their own practises or rehearsals.
It’s been long and hard preparing for it, but even Gojo has been focused on something for once.
“There’s just something about events like this!” Gojo chirped to you, once, as he’d held up a megaphone he did not really need and called his class back into formation in front of him. “You know! The joy of youth! I want them to have the best time possible! They deserve it.”
Seeing Gojo’s mischievous eyes sparkle with determination instead of humour had made you smile at him, and you’d felt a strange pull in your chest when he’d smiled back, needing to pull your gaze away to ask Yuuji to stop poking Megumi in the back to get him to look at a weird caterpillar he’d found on the ground.
As a junior high undokai, things are a little more competitive than they might be if this were an elementary school or even a middle school event, but there’s still a big emphasis on the teamwork and the cheering on portion of the day. You’ve watched and applauded what feels like a hundred practises for the cheering section, confiscating whistles when they’re sneakily blown whilst you’re trying to teach a mathematics lesson.
Still, you’re not surprised to see that Gojo’s class have been corralled into his classroom whilst your vivacious teacher and mentor gives them a rallying encouragement that seems to contain a lot of bigging up the fact that they are, in fact, his class.
“I thought the pep talk was for them,” you say, as heads turn to you when you walk into the room. It’s strange to see all of the faces dressed in their gym uniforms instead of their school uniforms – and it’s even stranger to be wearing an approximation of it yourself.
“You look nice!” Yuji pipes up, and you smile at him.
“It is for them,” Gojo brings a hand to his sunglasses to push them down a little, giving you a charming smile and the full force of the galaxies swirling in his eyes. “I’m just reminding them that as Satoru Gojo’s class, of course they’re going to do well! We’re going to be the strongest, and win!” He looks at all of them – bright shining faces turned to him, all lit up with the excitement of competition. There’s something in him that you rarely see right now – something encouraging and bright and compassionate. He genuinely seems to want them to do well. “I believe in all of you!”
The warmth spreading through your chest at Gojo’s words is a new experience. You’re far more used to exasperation and frustration where he’s concerned.
But now, you can’t help the infectious smiles of the children and the determination in their face to do well enough for everyone to be proud of. Maybe Gojo isn’t so bad after all, you think, as he bids the children in the class farewell and tells them to go and join everyone else outside in preparation for the day’s events.
“What d’you think?” He asks you, as Junpei leaves the room, still dragging his feet a little. You can’t blame him. He’s involved in the cheering section, as so many of the less athletic kids are, but the undokai is not optional and you think that Junpei is the kind of boy who hates being looked at. “Are we gonna win?”
“I don’t think that’s quite the point of the exercise,” you say, eventually. “We’re supposed to be fostering team spirit and co-operation--”
“Yeah,” Gojo wrinkles his nose and grins. “But we’re still gonna win, right?”
You sigh.
“With Yuji and Maki? Probably. But that’s not the point!”
Gojo stands up and stretches his arms out above him. He’s in a shirt that clings tight to a surprisingly muscled abdomen,  and dark grey sweatpants. He’s never been the ‘formal wear’ kind of teacher, but it’s still jarring to see him dressed so casually – and even more jarring to realise that he’s handsome, despite the fact you’ve spent most of the last few months rolling your eyes and sighing and cursing the world that you’ve ended up having to endure Satoru Gojo so much.
“I know, I know – but it’s nice to think about, right?” His grin is infectious. “Did you have time to have breakfast this morning? I know it’s an earlier start than usual, I’ve got a spare blueberry muffin in my bag – hope it didn’t get crushed too badly by my stretches--”
“I’m fine,” you tell him, already dreading the idea of him pressing a crumbled muffin into your hand. “I had a healthy, nutritious breakfast.”
“So did I!” He says, hotly. “The blueberry muffin had fruit in it, croissants are glazed with egg so that’s protein, and I had a slice of honey on toast too just because I felt like I’d have to keep my energy up today--”
You are constantly impressed by how he manages to consume all of this sugar without going into overdrive – then again, maybe that does explain a lot about him.
“I don’t really know what I’m supposed to be doing today,” you admit to him. “I mean, I know I’m here to cheer on the kids and stuff, but I don’t know what my role’s supposed to be--”
“Oh!” He comes around and begins to walk out of the classroom, beckoning you to follow him. “Didn’t I tell you? They told me ages ago--” He did not tell you. You don’t know why you find this a surprise. “You’re gonna be in charge of the refreshments table for the first half of the morning – Yuta, you know, the other teacher’s aid, he’ll relieve you for the second half so you can cheer us on and help me a bit. Not that I’ll need it! It’s not a hard job, just be polite to anyone who needs to use it, most of ‘em bring their own lunches and snacks but we find that it’s always good to have a table with some extras – especially when it’s so hot outside!”
“You didn’t,” you say, but you follow him anyway. You have learnt by now that the most you’ll get from Gojo is a shrug and an airy ‘sorry’. And you suppose, in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t so bad. It’s not like you needed to have time to stop and prepare yourself to give people a polite smile and ask them if they’d like you to pour them a glass of water.
The two of you spill out into the grounds of the school, which is already full of excited students and proud parents. You recognise a few of them – your face heats up as you see Nanami forcibly pressing a bottle of sunscreen into Yuji’s hands, and as the two of you walk past Geto who is tying back Mimiko and Nanako’s hair, ensuring the team hats that the students are all wearing sit neatly on their heads.
There’s a man stood with Maki and Mai who you assume is their father; a blond with a sneering face and a presence that makes you feel like you shouldn’t even be looking at him. Maki has her arms crossed, her chin jutting forward – the two of them are clearly involved in some kind of argument. Even as you watch, some other men are walking towards him with their heads bowed, like he’s something special.
You vaguely recall that you’ve heard some tell about the Zenins being a very rich, very old, very respected family. Judging from the way he carries himself and the way people keep looking at him, you think that must be it.
“Is that Maki and Mai’s dad?” You ask, curiously, as you’re pushed past him towards a collection of tables beneath a bright yellow awning. Gojo makes a noise that sounds like a sigh.
“Yep,” he says, sounding short. There’s some kind of history there, you think. “That’s Naoya Zenin. Better for you to avoid him, if you can – he’s not the kind of guy you want to cross, y’know?”
“But Maki’s--”
“Absolutely nothing like him,” Gojo deposits you in front of a table heaped with water jugs, ice cubes and plastic cups. “Really.”
You wrinkle your nose as you look around. At least everyone else seems happy – excited, buzzing with energy and the promise of an exciting day ahead. You can’t help but worry about Maki’s expression, though. She had looked like her and her father were having an argument that had been going on for months--
Gojo waves at you as he jogs across the field, moving surprisingly quickly for a man who ate nothing but sugar for his breakfast. You watch him go, unable to stop a smile forming on your face as he pauses by Maki and Mai. He slaps a hand onto Maki’s shoulder and says something with a bright grin that she seems to respond to with a smile, turning to follow him. Her father’s eyes narrow, as he spits something that even you can work out is venomous at the retreating backs of one of his daughters. He sighs as he says something else to Mai, a smile almost tugging at the corners of his mouth as his attention shifts back to her.
It’s clear who the golden child is there, then.
You try and shake your thoughts away from Naoya Zenin and his two girls and concentrate on the place that you’ve been given, reminding yourself that even if it doesn’t seem like a big role, you all have to work hard to make sure that today is a success. Your students have been practising and getting excited for this event for weeks, and you want all of the parents to be as proud of their students as you are.
You have a good view from the refreshments table of everything that’s going on. You watch a few of the races, a few cheering displays from the other classes to the beat of the drums – and when kids run up to you, sweaty and panting, you hand them a plastic cup full of cool water and they thank you as if you harvested it from a spring yourself instead of merely pouring it out.
Some parents ask you politely who you are, and you tell them with a smile and a bright look, hoping that you being friendly and polite will get back to other people. A few of them exchange looks when they hear that you’re attached to Gojo’s class; the man has a reputation that follows him everywhere. You give out oranges and other pieces of fruit to some of the students who need an extra sugar boost, or the ones who have a bandage wrapped around their knee or grazes from falls that have recently been cleaned. Shoko is busy today, and you often see her direct these injured children to you as a rest stop, and so their parents can find them easily.
You pause for a moment as the names are called for a relay race, and you hear Maki and Mai being summoned. This is the first race that they’re taking part in – if their team wins this one, they’ll qualify for the final this afternoon. You can see Gojo lifting his arms and hollering and hear his loud, excited voice even with all of the other people crowding into the school grounds to watch, and despite yourself you feel a smile spread over your face.
You’re still smiling when you hear a scoff.
You turn around to see what the fuss is – only to see Naoya Zenin, holding a plastic cup of water as if it’s offended him mortally. Seeing you looking at him, his lip curls.
“Is this tap water?” He asks you. He has a curious accent; slow, drawling, and clearly much superior to your own. It’s not an accent that Maki and Mai have inherited – and as he raises one eyebrow, the sun catching the rings in his ears, you find yourself glad of it. “Well?”
“I think so,” you say. You are on edge. He peers into it, and sighs.
“Don’t you have anything better? Cell-gen or Tennensui or even I LOHAS, at least?” He speaks to you slowly, like you’re a child, or as if he’s not sure whether a peasant like you would even know the names of any bottled water brands. You can’t stand being talked down to, and you curl your hand into a fist as you say, trying to keep yourself polite;
“I’m sorry, Sir. There’s just this.”
“You’d think with the money pumped in-- fine.” He sighs, taking a sip of the water, his face scrunching in displeasure at – you don’t know. The disgusting taste of tap water, you suppose. You try not to look at the bob of his throat as he swallows. Everything about this man seems to be unpleasant except the way he looks.
You take your own cup of water, just to quell some of the dryness that has made itself known in your throat at interacting with him.
The cheering gets a little quieter, and you turn to see what’s happened. As it turns out, all that’s actually happened is Gojo has stopped putting forth his own shouts to the fray, his eyes focussed on you and Naoya, a look that you think is almost sympathy spread across his face. You see that the race is about to begin, and you don’t look at Naoya as you say;
“You’re Maki and Mai’s father, aren’t you? Their first race is about to start. Maki’s been training really hard, I think she’ll pip it for us—”
A dark presence at your shoulder, and a sneering, uppity drawl.
“I gather you’re the teaching aid I’ve been hearing so much about from everyone.” he says. It does not sound like a compliment. “Maki has really found you . . . encouraging.” He says it like it’s a dirty word.
You force yourself to remain cheerful, and not ask him what the fuck his problem is.
“Maki’s really talented,” you say. “Mai’s fast, too – they’re both really good representatives for the class--”
Naoya snorts.
“They should be on the sidelines,” he says, coolly. “Supporting the men. Not running. Not getting all sweaty and hot and messing up their hair and their pretty faces.” He shakes his head. “It’s unwomanly, and if Maki listened to a word I’d said, she wouldn’t be doing it.”
“Mai is doing it too,” you point out, hating yourself for getting involved in this. But you just can’t let him stand there and be such an asshole, spewing his narrow-minded ideas when there are impressionable girls around.
“Mai’s already agreed that if they win this race, she’ll ask one of the boys to switch in for her. I’ve sorted it with the principal. It’s not ladylike for her to do any more than she has to. She’s not going to get a husband in good standing based on her athletic prowess--”
Oh, this is too far. You’re seething, though you’re trying to keep your respectable face on. You’re at work, you’re at work, you’re at work--
“Perhaps there are some other things they consider more important than finding a husband, at the age of twelve?”
Naoya’s laugh is nasty, mocking – and you hate that there’s something in it that sends a curl of heat right through you, blooming between your thighs.
“The younger a girl learns her place,” he says, his voice very slow. “The better it is and easier it is for a man to be assured she’ll do her duties. I don’t see a ring on your finger, Miss – I’d hate for them to end up working some dead-end little job just because they don’t have anyone to cook and clean for--”
You can’t take it any longer.
You turn and you throw the cup of ‘shitty tap water’ in your hand right over Naoya Zenin’s stupid, smug, asshole face.
Gojo, for what you think must be one of the first time in his life, looks uncomfortable.
“I didn’t know you were going to throw water on him,” he tries to say, weakly. “Look, we all hate him, but . . . ugh. This is so frustrating! I hate all of this bureaucracy bullshit--”
It turns out that Naoya Zenin’s family – and Naoya Zenin himself – donate rather a lot of money to the school for such functions as the one you’re all currently attending. It turns out that nobody wants to piss off the bank-roll that’s keeping their gym maintained, their events fancy and expensive, the library well-stocked – and you get that! You really do! You know that school budgets are overstretched already, and that donors like the Zenin family are something to be gently courted and kept around for as long as humanly possible.
You just wish that the big donor for this school was anybody else.
“I didn’t know all of this,” you say, reasonably. “I know I shouldn’t have thrown a drink over him, but Mr. Gojo--”
“How many times? You can call me Satoru.”
“If you’d heard the way he was talking--”
“Oh, believe me,” Gojo’s full lips press into a thin line. “I know exactly what Naoya Zenin’s modus operandi is. Let me guess: he was all on at you about how Maki’s not a proper young lady, how the boys should be doing the hard work, how he’s trying to make sure his daughters get a proper start and a rich husband – ugh.” Gojo tugs at his shirt, clearly frustrated. “I’ve had it way too much.”
“Yeah,” you say. You find yourself sighing too.
“The Vice Principal’s in his back pocket,” Gojo says, taking a seat on top of the desk that you’re currently sat behind, cooling off some of your anger – Principal Masamichi had sent you inside to calm you down, and Naoya himself had been escorted into the building by Vice Principal Gakuganji to dry off, all the while saying placating things to calm down the school’s meal ticket. “They want you to apologise to him.”
“I suppose I should,” you say miserably. “But it’s gonna feel like swallowing gravel.”
“I certainly don’t blame you,” Gojo says, with a smile, trying to cheer you up. “Hell, I know some of the other staff members have been dying to do it--”
“Ugh,” you bury your face in your hands. “This is a horrible impression in front of the whole school.”
He pats you gently on the shoulder.
“Hey,” he says, “when this is all over, I’ll take you out for ice cream. I know the best places in the city, and they all know me too!”
You summon a smile for him. He’s not so bad, really – sure, he’s chaotic and thinks too highly of himself for his own good, but . . . at least he’s nothing like Naoya. You stand up and pull down your shorts, wriggling your tank top down to cover you as much as you possibly can. You feel a bit exposed, not in heels and stockings and a blouse.
“I should get this over with, then.”
Gojo has too much to do back on the field to escort you to Naoya himself, so he tells you that Naoya’s in the Vice Principal’s office and gives you another friendly squeeze on the shoulder.
“Good luck,” he tells you. “Remember: ice cream at the end of this!”
“Ice cream at the end of this,” you repeat, as you watch him jog out of the corridor. You’re almost tempted to tell him off for running in the halls – Gojo moves so fast that sometimes you lose track of him entirely – but you push back the urge. Gojo is being decent today. You’re thankful to him for sitting with you and helping you calm – and also, evidently, for being one of the things that keeps Maki’s fighting spirit inflamed.
You stand there for a moment, in front of the door to the office, balling up your courage tight and hot in your stomach. You do not want to have to apologise to Naoya, but you know it’s for the best. The sooner you can put this sorry incident behind you and try and avoid Naoya at every single function from herein, the better – so you tap hard on the door and wait until you hear his slow, drawling voice.
“You can come in.”
At first, you’re surprised to see that he’s alone in there – sitting in front of the desk in a comfortable chair, clearly at ease with everything. His arms are sprawled over the back of it, his legs wide apart. You chastise yourself for thinking it immediately – of course the vice principal is busy right now, of course he trusts someone as well-known to the school as Naoya to be alone in his office.
It’s hard not to think about every other time you’ve found yourself alone with the parents of your students, though. A heat crawls onto your face at the very thought of it. You find Naoya repellent, disgusting – but then again, he’s also (and you’re not being glib about it) handsome. You’d be lying if you’d said you sometimes hadn’t ignored a man’s personality for a night in favour of a face and a body that had drawn you in.
Not now.
You close the door behind you, clasping your hands together so you don’t clench your fists, and bow your head so that Naoya can’t tell that you’re grinding your teeth.
“I’m sorry for letting my emotions get the better of me, Sir,” you say, though it really does feel like you are gnashing ice to get the words out. “I should have been more polite. I can assure you it won’t happen again.”
“Mmm,” Naoya says, and you peek up at him through your lashes to see that he’s clearly enjoying having you at his mercy, his lips tilted into a smirk. His hair is still a little wet at the ends, but all that you throwing the water over him seems to have actually done is made his shirt cling tight to a surprisingly chiselled chest and stomach. Asshole. Fuck him. “Yes. I should hope not.”
You straighten yourself up, still a little stiff.
“I hope you can forgive me,” you say. “I . . . I am still learning my place in the establishment.”
He laughs, low and soft.
“Your place?” He asks, the words dangerously sweet on his tongue. “Yes. I can see you still need some help on that one.”
His eyes crawl over you slowly, dragging up and down the length of you, lingering over where your shorts cling to your hips and the tank top hugs your chest. You resist the urge to shift – you don’t want to let him know that he’s making you uncomfortable. You know, though, that he can sense that you have gone hot and prickly all over. He has that smug air; the one men who know what they do to people always seem to have cultivated. The knowledge that they are good-looking.
You suppose for Naoya, it’s the heady combination of knowing he is good-looking and powerful and rich, and you breathe through the force of all of his attention concentrated on you.
“Seeing as you’re still . . . new to all of this,” he says, bringing an arm forward to tap his long fingers on the desk. “And you did apologise prettily, I suppose I can forgive this transgression – just this once, darling.”
The pet name crawls up your spine like ice. He’s still staring at you, enjoying the view like you’re a piece of meat on a market stall he’s considering purchasing.
“Th-thank you, Sir,” you say, hating yourself a little bit but hating him all the more.
“You know,” he says. “You’re not exactly bad-looking.” He stands, rising to his full height, stretching out, frustratingly comfortable in this environment when you feel like a deer who’s about to turn tail and flee at any moment. “You’d be much better off at home raising children than here.” He wrinkles his nose. “Working for a living.” The way that he says the words makes it clear that he considers this a task far beneath the likes of him.
He’s moving towards you now, and your breath seems to get stuck in your throat as he’s suddenly in front of you, stalking elegantly. You want to snap back something about how you’d rather work for a living than have to rely on the whims of a man, much less a man like him – but as he grabs your chin to tilt it up to the light, you find that the words seem to die in your throat.
“Hmm,” he says. “Not bad at all.” He makes an approving noise that sends a flutter right through you, making you dully aware of a pounding ache between your thighs. He leans a little further in, until he’s so close that you can see the pale colours dancing in his eyes, the way the light hits his high cheekbones. “You’re trembling with rage, you know. It’s adorable.”
“You’re very easy to be angry at,” you half-breathe, half-hiss, and Naoya’s smirk is going to be burnt into your memory forever and ever.
“If you’re so angry,” he murmurs, “I can certainly think of a way I wouldn’t mind helping you work out your aggression.”
You shouldn’t do it. But your heart is beating a frantic rhythm against your ribcage and your breath is short, and part of you wants to wrestle him to the ground and dominate him so that he can have a taste of his own medicine. You grab a handful of his hair and drag him down into a bruising kiss.
Oh, and he kisses back. His mouth is soft against yours, but the kiss itself is rough – both of your tongues fighting for dominance, both of you trying to nip at one another’s bottom lip and seize the victory. You’re practically shoved backwards so that your ass catches the edge of the Vice Principal’s desk, even as you tug hard on Naoya’s hair to tell him that you’re not going to be overpowered by him so easily. You feel the feral curve of his grin as he pulls back just enough to whisper;
“Oh? You really think you’re going to get the better of me? You’re cute--” and then you push his shoulders hard, and he stumbles and falls back onto the chair he started this whole escapade sat in. You reach down to tug off your shirt, dropping it onto the floor beside you – Naoya looks for a moment like he’s going to stand back up and resume trying to wrest back the situation into his favour, but as he sees the slight bounce of your breasts in your bra he seems to decide it would be more interesting and beneficial for him to stay exactly where he is and watch you disrobe.
So you do, wriggling your shorts down past your hips – he lets out a low groan at that, as you stand before him in nothing but your underwear with your fists clenched on your hips.
You feel surprisingly powerful like this. It definitely makes a difference from all of the other ways you’ve felt when you’ve been alone with somebody’s father--
“Take off your shirt,” you tell him, and you’re almost surprised at the imperious tone in your own voice. “It’s your turn--”
He raises an eyebrow at you, but he does as you ask. Long fingers curling around the hem of his shirt, taking his sweet time pulling it off his body – and yes, it’s a nice one. Nice, too, are his thighs as he undoes his trousers that probably cost more than you make in a year and pushes them down, sitting before you in nothing but his equally as expensive-looking underwear – an impressive looking bulge outline pressed against the fabric. Even as he looks at you, he takes hold of himself through it and squeezes it, his grin crooked.
Your body does a throb of need.
“Oh,” you say, feigning surprise. “I didn’t realise you were so needy already--”
“Like you’re not dripping,” he says sharply, his eyes zeroing in on the space between your thighs. “Don’t flatter yourself. I can see the damp patch from here.”
“Who’s to say that’s for you?” You walk towards him. You can’t help but feel powerful and in control at how his eyes follow you with rapt attention, how his tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip as he drinks in your form in front of him.
“Please,” he says. “As if there’s anyone here more deserving.”
He reaches forward and his hands settle on your hips, dragging you closer to him – hot fingertips brushing your waist, the bare skin beneath your bra before he’s unclipping that too and your breasts are bare. He breathes in deeply.
“Pity,” he says, though his voice is thick with his own arousal. “You’re such a cute little thing, if only you didn’t open your mouth--”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me opening my mouth to do something else,” you breathe, and you reach down to ghost your fingers over his cock through the tent in his underwear. He hisses through his teeth, his eyes half-lidded.
“Don’t just say it, princess,” he says. “If you’re going to run your mouth, the least you could do is make it do something useful--”
“I’d rather die than get on my knees for you.” Your mouth is very close to his neck – to punctuate the statement, you give his earlobe a tug with your teeth, and he practically groans. You’re almost straddling him on the chair, and you do not miss, either, the twitch that his cock seems to give at the tug.
It seems like for somebody who really wants to be in control, and wants women to know their place so badly, Naoya actually is rather enjoying somebody giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He grabs your underwear and pulls it down, clicking his tongue as it bunches about your knees.
“Just give into what your body wants,” he says, all saccharine sweetness in that slow, deep voice. “You’ve made a mess.”
You know you have. You can feel slick when your thighs press too close together, hot and wet between your legs. You really are practically dripping. But it’s not just from Naoya, you don’t think – it’s from the sudden power you’re feeling, the rush of being an equal participant in everything, in feeling like you have the upper hand. And not a small part, you think, is because of the adrenaline that’s coursing through your veins at the thought of putting Naoya Zenin in his place. You tip your head to the side innocently.
“What about you?” You ask, with a mean shade to the pitch of your voice. “You’re so hard it’s a wonder you’re not in pain--”
He grabs a hank of your hair with one hand whilst spreading your legs further with the other, so strong that the breath’s knocked out of you. The tip of his finger skims the outer lips of your sex, gathering your slick arousal on the pad as he growls;
“I’m still a man, darling. I see a pretty cunt to fuck and a pair of nice tits and I want to bury myself into it until the bitch remembers her place--”
“Good luck,” you breathe. “I think you’ll be the one remembering his place, here.”
He laughs breathlessly.
“Oh,” he purrs. “You’re going to be singing a different song when you’re begging me to fuck you harder.”
You give him a smile with your teeth bared; the challenge is obvious. It’s a smile that says ‘we’ll see’, even as you both tug at his underwear to pull it down and reveal what he’s been hiding beneath it.
You don’t want to admit that he’s got a pretty cock, but he has. He’s not the biggest you’ve seen, but it’s still impressive; a slight curve giving it an elegant angle that you realise with a clench will hit you exactly in the right spot when you take it inside of you.
He’s slick with his own pre-come, bubbling from the reddened slit – and as you shift forward and trap it between your thighs, he groans aloud again.
“That’s right,” he grunts, as the tip catches on your entrance and you begin to sink down upon it. “This is what you were made for, princess--”
“What?” You pant. “That would be disappointing. You barely fill me up--”
He grabs you and pulls you into another kiss as you finish off sheathing his cock inside of you – perhaps to save his pride, perhaps to muffle the noise that comes out of him, transferred into your mouth instead of his own. Whichever it is, you hate that you were right about the angle of his cock – you can feel it pressing snugly against the spongy G-spot even now, threatening you with a better time than you’d like to have.
You break the kiss to pull yourself off of him and sink back down, forcibly taking the lead and setting your own pace. You know it’s fast, you know it’s greedy – but fuck, if you aren’t boiling over with need.
You splay your hands across his shoulders, nails digging into his skin with little care to how you might mark him. You need him for leverage, as you continue to bounce up and down on his cock. Naoya tips his head back and groans, enjoying the feeling, before he remembers that you two are engaged in a battle of wits and attempts to get the better of you once more.
“I-is that,” he groans, coming to cling onto your waist and force you down on him with even more strength, helping you along in the too-fast rhythm of your thrusts and bounces. “The best you’ve got?”
“Come on,” you say breathlessly, as his cock continues to stroke that spot. You can hear the sounds of him sliding in and out of you, shamefully loud – too, you can hear the sounds of your skin slapping against one another, echoing and mixing with the breathless pants and the attempts to trade barbed insults. “Y-you’re making me do all the work?”
“Fucking pity you’ve got such a nice cunt,” Naoya snarls, his hips flexing, somehow managing to hit you deeper even as you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet and straddling him on the chair. His words are starting to sound very far away. “You should be in my fucking bed, keeping it warm, better off than wasting away here--”
Both of you are running your mouths, overwhelmed by how close one another’s bodies are and the intense heat radiating from you. There’s a frisson of electricity in the air, showering sparks, as the two of you continue to snatch words in between moans and groans and pants and whimpers--
“You’re pathetic--”
“You’re so fucking tight, I shouldn’t be surprised when you’re such a bitch--”
“F-fuck, harder, c-can’t you even keep the momentum going? You’re weak--”
“Baby girl, you’re fucking shaking – you gonna come first? Women are so predictable--”
You can feel your release hovering on the edge of your vision, blurring it as your eyes squeeze shut and you feel tears threatening to roll down your cheeks. There’s a heat inside of you that’s close to overspilling – and as you come down on him particularly hard, the head of his cock rolls over your g-spot just right, and you feel a dam inside of you break as your nails dig hard enough into his shoulders to draw blood. You bury your face into his neck so he doesn’t get the satisfaction of hearing you cry out his name, teeth worrying into his neck to leave a love-bite reminder of exactly what transpired between you two in the Vice Principal’s office.
You feel yourself twitch and tighten around him as your orgasm rocks your body, heat running through you like veins of marble. You can’t breathe – all you can do is bite, your hips chasing the final aftershocks.
Naoya is still hard inside of you as you lift yourself off him, letting his cock slip out of you as easily as butter. His own hands clench around your hips.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He asks, his voice rough and hungry. Despite that, though, you can hear the thread of some other emotion sewn in to them – and with a shiver of delight, you realise it’s neediness. He’s been left wanting, and you’ve been handed all of the cards. “I haven’t finished.”
“And you won’t finish inside me,” you snap at him, enjoying the longing in his voice. “Ask me very nicely and I’ll finish you off with my hand.”
“Mouth,” he demands – and he grabs your cheeks, squishing them, pulling you down and reminding you of all of the power that he has even though it’s your body that’s got the advantage of the high ground. “You don’t really think I’m going to be satisfied with your hand, princess--”
“You don’t deserve it,” you spit at him, but you sink to your knees anyway.
You’re not entirely lacking in manners. You suppose you did get to come. It would be rude to just leave him like this. Especially when the whole reason you’d ended up in this office in the first place was to apologise to him politely.
“This is the perfect position for you,” he sneers, as you open your mouth and envelope the head of his cock within it. You can taste yourself on his shaft. “Fuck, that’s right – put your mouth to good use for once--”
You give him a mean, slow lick along the slit of his cock head that makes him groan in the back of his throat. He wraps his hand around the back of your neck, fingers digging into the nape so he can control you at least a little bit, pushing you a touch too far so you almost choke. You pull off it, drooling.
“Choke me again and I’ll bite,” you snarl, and he pats your cheek like you’re an obedient dog.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he says – and you narrow your eyes at him in a way that says ‘try me’ before you return to sucking at him, hollowing your cheeks. You want to do a good job. A part of you wants to make him come so hard that he regrets being an asshole to you, even though you know that’s ridiculous and not going to happen.
Still. You’re not going to back down from a challenge, so you use your tongue to play along as much of his cock as you can.
“Fuck,” Naoya breathes. “Good . . . good fuckin’ girl—”
You’ve been hearing that low, polite drawl swear and curse for what seems like hours, but that one sends another pulse of heat through you – at your heart, you can’t argue that you love being praised. You whimper against his cock, glad that the fast pace you’ve managed to establish and the wet noises of your mouth around him muffle the noise so Naoya can’t dangle it over your head.
The hand on the nape of your neck jerks, so that you’re forced to look up at him and meet his eyes proper. His hips are slamming to meet your bobs now, the noise of him fucking your mouth filling the room. His teeth dig into his bottom lip and you feel him twitch, his voice pitching--
Salt coats your tongue as he fills your mouth.
But he doesn’t let himself finish there.
He pulls out, and he pumps his cock himself two, three times – coaxing out the other ropes of come, that hit your neck and chest and breasts hot and white and glistening. You’re too surprised by it to do anything – you’d expected him to keep your mouth on him, make you swallow down everything he gave you. He seems the kind of guy who gets off on that sort of thing--
But instead, he’s sighing, relaxing back into the chair as he looks at you with lazy eyes.
“You look cute like that,” he says, his voice low and sated. “I should take a picture.”
“Fuck you,” you breathe, getting off your knees. You are so fucking thankful for the box of tissues on the Vice Principal’s desk, as you reach across and grab some to dab at yourself so you’re not sticky and disgusting for any longer than necessary.
If you leave them in his pedal waste-bin, you hope that the cleaning crew will dispose of them before the Vice Principal is even aware that they’re there. Your lip curls as you wipe your mouth. You wish you had a mint – or at least a glass of water. Even tap water would do.
For what it’s worth, Naoya seems a little agitated as he puts himself to rights too. Evidently he was not expecting you to fight back so much – he places a finger on his shoulders and scowls when he sees that you made him bleed.
“I should sue you for assault,” he says. You tap your own body, at the curve of your hips and waist.
“I’m going to bruise,” you tell him. “So I guess it would be self-defence.”
“You’re too smart for your own good,” he tells you, with narrowed eyes – and you give him another smile, one that is clearly fake, as you pull your tank top and shorts back on and re-tie your shoes.
You’re surprised as you go to leave the room and he sets a hand on the small of your back in a mocking echo of polite manners. As the two of you walk down the corridor towards the exit, he does not remove it. To the assembled crowds, you hope it will look entirely innocent – like the two of you have merely had a little chat and come to an agreement instead of heatedly fucking one another’s brains out.
You blink as you emerge out into the light, your eyes taking a moment to adjust. You see Principal Masamichi give you a sympathetic smile – and there’s Gojo, immediately charging towards you like an overprotective bear. He slows down as he sees the way that Naoya is still touching you.
“I hope everything’s alright,” he says, sounding stiffer and more formal than you usually hear. Naoya’s smile towards him is cold.
“Everything’s fine,” he says, “Perfect. You apologised beautifully, didn’t you, Miss?” Naoya looks down his nose at you, a conceited smile on his mouth. “I’ve decided to overlook this little transgression.” He leaves a pause, and you swallow as you realise what he’s waiting for.
“Thank you so much, Mr Zenin, Sir,” you say. Again, it feels like you have to force the words out through a mouthful of marbles – but they make it out of your mouth.
“Oh, don’t be so formal, Miss,” he smirks. “You can call me Naoya. I look forward to seeing you again – soon, I hope.”
“You’re just in time,” Gojo says coldly. “Maki just won the final race of the day for our team.”
Naoya’s gaze is sharp as he looks at him. His lip curls. You can tell that both of them want to do something – maybe have an out-and-out fist fight on the field. But Naoya manages to get a grip (you’re glad about it; you’re not entirely sure whether Gojo would have been able to hold back) and turns on his heel to stalk away.
He does give your ass one last squeeze, though, that you desperately hope that Gojo doesn’t notice.
Gojo’s shoulders stay set, his chin thrust proudly forward, until Naoya has been swallowed up by the crowd at large – and then, he turns to you. For the first time, you see his normally humorous eyebrows draw in with worry.
“You look upset,” he says. “Sweaty. You smell terrible. Do you need a minute?”
Your shoulders fall. Gojo gives you a sympathetic pat on the back.
“It’s a rite of passage to deal with someone from the Zenin family,” he says. “You’re just unlucky it happened to actually be Naoya today. He usually sends an underling or an uncle or someone to pretend to care about the girls.”
Wow. You sure hope the rite of passage has gone differently for everyone else.
“Why d’you think he came here today, then?” You ask Gojo. He looks at you strangely, a spark of something you can’t quite read in his eyes.
“Well,” he says, “he’s related to the Fushiguros, you know. I heard he and Megumi’s father have met up recently for drinks – it ended in a fight, of course, it always does. But maybe he expected Megumi’s dad to be here too?” He shrugs. “He can never resist an opportunity to relish over someone in his family winning, even if he doesn’t want Maki doing anything unladylike. Megumi’s dad isn’t here, though, so looks like that backfired on him--”
Your face feels like it’s on fire as you think about Megumi’s father fucking you on Gojo’s desk – and the lingering way that Naoya had said that he’d heard so much about you from everyone.
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Birthday girl
I can't believe I did that, but here we are. This fits the "Multiple partners/gangbang" square from the Summer Bingo. With our favorite boys; Mike, Rafael, Sonny & Mike.
Words count: 3,9k
Warnings: Gangbang, p in v, creampie, spanking (slightly)
Sorry if there's any typos...
You had a lot of hopes for your 30th birthday. Not just for the celebration itself but also in general. You thought that by now, you would be in a serious relationship, maybe with a kid or two, or at least planning on having one. You had many things you wanted to do before you were 30, but now that you think about it, you didn’t do much of those things. You’re actually far from it.
It just hurts to see people around you having their life together. Your best friend is married to a lovely man, she has a two year old boy and is pregnant with a second and she owns her business. Your sister - older than you - is traveling all around the world with her husband and their dog. And everytime you meet with your mother, it’s like she has to put pressure where it hurts. Every single time.
The only thing you can’t complain about is your job, and the people you work with. Being a detective at SVU is hard, it’s challenging, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. And you have the most amazing squad with you. Also, the most handsome men you ever met. Seriously. Mike, Sonny, Rafael, Nick. How could you not like your job when you see those faces 24/7?
You had expectations for your celebration party. You invited the squad to a beach house that you rented. They became your family, they are the ones you want to celebrate with. But little by little, it was falling apart. First, Amanda had to cancel since her sister is in town, and everyone knows Kim is a handful. Then, it was Liv turn. The day before, Noah got sick, so she decided to stay at home with him. That’s fair, Noah’s health first. And last but not least, your best friend and her husband canceled too. “No one to take care of the kid,” apparently. Is that what it is to have kids? Not having fun anymore? Cause if that’s it, maybe you don’t want one.
So, in the end, it’s just you and the boys. Not that you mind that thought at all.
You left early in the morning with Sonny. He offered to help you prepare the house, and go grocery shopping. “How’s the birthday girl?” he asked, gently as always.
“Kinda upset that everyone canceled. But I won’t let this ruin my day!”
“You’ll have fun anyway. We planned a few things with the guys,” he teased.
You spent the entire day annoying Sonny so he would talk. But he didn’t say a damn thing. Whatever they have prepared, you have no clue. It does stress you out a little but one thing is sure; you can trust them with your life.
Everything was ready when Mike, Nick and Rafael arrived. When Sonny opened the door to them, their arms were full. You saw booze, food, and gifts. Way too many gifts for one person. “What the hell is all of that?” you exclaimed when they dropped everything on the floor, in the living area.
“Everything we need to celebrate your 30th birthday. You will remember this weekend,” Mike said with a huge grin on his face. He walked up to you and hugged you softly. “Happy birthday Y/N,” he kissed your forehead.
Nick and Rafael did the same as Mike. Then, they quickly put their stuff in the bedrooms, before joining you and Sonny on the terrace, facing the ocean. The weather wasn’t the best, but you couldn’t care less.
“One rule for this weekend; not shop talk,” Nick warned and everyone agreed with it.
The evening started pretty smoothly. You were having drinks, eating the apéritif you and Sonny prepared earlier and chatting about nothing and everything. At some point, Rafael came back with a bottle of champagne and poured everyone a glass. “To our amazing Y/N,” he said, holding his glass in the air. “You probably have no idea what you mean to all of us and that’s actually what makes you even more lovable. We care about you more than you know. Happy birthday, querida,” he smiled and toast with you.
You looked at Rafael with puppy eyes. He and the three others know you’re not used to being praised like this, even though you deserve any less.
“This is nice! Mike, your turn,”
The sergeant obliged. He stood up and cleared his throat, “Everyone knows that me joining SVU was my dad’s idea, but honestly, I can’t thank him enough for making me. Cause now you’re in my life and girl, you won’t get rid of me. I can’t imagine my life without you, Y/N,” he paused, “and without those idiots either, but that’s not their birthdays,”
“You said it anyway,” Nick teased Mike.
“Shut up, Nick! Let him finish,” you elbowed Nick.
“Well, I was done actually. Happy birthday, honey,” he bent over to kiss your cheek and then toasted with you.
“I love you,” you mouthed to him. “Nick, now you can talk,” you were excited about this. The past weeks before your birthday hadn’t been easy, you overthink a lot about your life. You actually cried yourself to sleep the night before, but none of them know. Their words make you feel much better. You’re lucky to have them.
“Thank you, Ma’am,” he said before standing up, “We didn’t start on the right foot, you and me, probably because you never chewed your words with me and I hated it. But you were right on most of the things you ever told me. You’re - without a shadow of a doubt - the best friend I ever had. I can’t wait for us to fight like cats and dogs at the nursery home. Feliz cumpleaños, cariño,” he smiled at you and extended his glass so you could toast together, “Also, you’re hot as hell,”
It was an understatement to be honest, but Nick added this comment because he saw the tears forming in your eyes and he refused to see you cry on your birthday, because of something he said. Fortunately, it worked and you laughed instead of crying. “He’s right,” Rafael added with a wink. Of course, none of them missed how your cheeks turned bright red, even if you tried to play it cool.
“I guess it’s my turn now,” Sonny spoke and stood up. But he stayed silent for a moment, “What they said,” he simply said before sitting again.
Mike, Nick and Rafael immediately started to playfully boo him, “You suck man!” Nick exclaimed.
“You usually can’t shut up and now, that’s all you have to say?” Rafael teased him.
“Y/N should have the right to punish you,” Mike added.
“Oh yes, please! Can I punish you?” you eagerly asked.
“Oh honey,” Rafael grabbed your attention, “you don’t ask someone if you can punish them. You just do it,”
“I know, Rafi. But he’s a good catholic boy, remember? We can’t have him running out of the house, praying for our souls,”
“Y/N. You know Sonny is worse then all of us reunited,” Rafael said this so casually, he didn’t realize how it sounded.
“Dominick Carisi, you’re such a liar!” Mike shouted, “you told me you and Raf didn’t hook up!”
“Yeah well, about that? I lied,”
Sonny and Rafael exchanged sweet looks, while you were silently drinking your glass of champagne.. “Are you two dating or something?” Nick asked.
Rafael was about to say something, but Mike stood up in one quick motion and shouted even louder, “Oh my god!” The four of you looked at him, “I think what you should be asking, Nick, is if the three of them are a thing!”
One thing you hate about Mike is how he can read you like an open book. It was hard to hide from him, the night you had with Sonny and Rafael a few months ago. Now, there was no point to lie.
“I can’t believe you three hook up and didn’t say a damn thing,” Nick said.
“To be honest, I’m more offended about not being invited,” Mike added.
That’s how the night took a very different turn.
“I think all the attention should be on the birthday girl,” Rafael said as he was unbuttoning his shirt. You and Sonny were kissing on one side of the couch while Mike and Nick were making out on the other side.
“Raf is right. To be fair, we have an entire weekend in this house,” Mike added.
In a matter of seconds, you were standing in the middle of the master bedroom, with the four men around you. “Mike and Nick need to know the safe word.” Rafael commented, and Sonny took his tongue out of your month to let you speak.
“Armadillo,” you said.
You can’t even begin to describe how you feel about all of this. Those four men just for you? All of their attention on you? That thought only could make cum on the spot. You had to remember the ground rules you had with Sonny and Rafael a few months ago, and the first one is not to overthink. You all know you can trust one another. You’re more safe with those four guys than with one single random guy.
Once the safe word was known to everyone, Sonny remained kissing you. You immediately granted access to his tongue, it was sloppy but passionate. Meanwhile, you felt a pair of hands taking off your top and another one taking care of your pants. “Matching underwear,” Mike commented, as he was the one staring, “You hoped for this, didn’t you?” You smiled against Sonny. You didn’t hope for a gangbang, but yes, you did hope to get lucky. But this was better than anything you hoped for.
“Of course, she did,” you heard Nick’s voice coming from behind you. He gently unhook your bra, freeing your tits and he didn’t waste a second before playing with them. Your nipples were already hard, craving for attention. “She knew she could have any of us,”
“Oh Nick, that’s worse than that. She knew she could have the four of us,” Rafael added, as one of his hands slided in your panties, feeling how hot and wet you were. “Guys, she is dripping,” he let the others know, and he gently started to tease your clit with his thumb.
As Sonny kept kissing you, Nick kept playing with your tits, and Rafael kept teasing your drenched entrance, Mike got undressed. You saw him from the corner of your eyes, and your attention quickly fell on his rock hard erection. He smiled when he noticed where you were looking and started to stroke himself. You locked eyes with him while tentatively trying to touch one of the guy's cock. Your hand landed on Sonny’s crotch and he groaned at the sensation, even through the fabric of his jeans. But Rafael used his free hand to grab your wrist. “Such a needy cock slut,” he said, right next to your ear.
“Maybe Sonny should replace his tongue with his cock,” Nick offered and he felt you nodding. So Sonny stopped kissing you, he briefly took a look at your swollen lips, and your naked body being taken care of by Rafael and Nick.
“Well, Mike, get closer,” Sonny said as he undressed himself, “She loves having two cocks in her mouth. Am I right, Y/N?”
Everything that was happening was too much, you struggled to find your words, so you nodded. But it wasn’t enough for them. “You want to hear you say it,” Mike said after he finally got closer to you.
“I--I want your cocks--” you moaned as Rafael finally entered your core with one finger, “in my month,” you moaned even more when Nick pinched both of your nipples, just enough to make it hurt, “All of them,” you finally added.
To make sure Rafael and Nick could still work on your body, Mike and Sonny stood up on the edge of the bed. Your face was right at their crotch. You took one cock in each hand, gently stroking them, “I think Mike should be first. I already know how your mouth feels,” you agreed and focused on Mike’s cock, but with your other hand still stroking Sonny’s. You softly licked the head, tasting the precum coming out, before taking him in your mouth. Mike let out a huge groan at the feeling, “Man, when was the last time you had a blowjob?” Nick joked.
“Way too long,” he managed to say.
You have to admit, it’s hard to give a good blowjob to a man, while two others are worshipping your body. But Rafael decided to withdraw his hand from your panties and quickly after, you felt a cold breeze as Nick’s hands and body drift away from you. “Don’t forget about Sonny, babygirl,” you heard from the other side of the room.
Your jaw is going to be sore as fuck in the morning as you opened your mouth as much as you could, to take both Sonny’s and Mike’s cocks in. Obviously, they can’t both fit in but it is mostly about playing with the heads and your tongue.
You jolted when you felt a very warm body against your back. You recognized Rafael’s smell. He was fully naked. He held your hips strongly, sliding his hard cock in your panties and stroking it against your ass. You felt his hot breath in your neck before he planted a few wet kisses there.
Your face was a mess. It was a mix of saliva and precum from both men. Your pussy was a mess too. You were so wet, you could feel it on your thighs. You kept sucking Sonny and Mike for a short moment before they made you stop. Mike got down from the bed and kissed you deeply, enjoying the mixture that was there.
Someone finally took your panties off, you don’t know who and you couldn’t care less. You were desperate to be fucked.
The first to get inside you was Nick. You were lying on the bed, a complete mess already, and Nick got on top of you. He gently kissed you, teased your entrance for a short moment before sinking inside your pussy in a slow motion. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned as he bottomed out. He started to thrust you, slow and deep at first.
The sounds you were making were such a turn on to the four men. As Nick was fucking you good, you had no idea where Mike, Sonny and Rafael were, until you felt someone climbing on the bed. When you opened your eyes, you saw Rafael’s face above you and his cock was a few inches from your mouth. “Open that pretty mouth for me,” he said and you obliged. As Nick was fucking your pussy, Rafael was facefucking you. And this was a lot to handle. It didn’t take long for you to feel your orgasm coming up. Your cries were muffled by Rafael’s thick cock as you came, and it brought him an overwhelming sensation that made him groan hard. “Such a good girl, creaming my cock like this,” Nick said. He wasn’t far from coming either. He buried his face in your neck, and he felt your nails crashing on his skull. It took a few more thrusts before he loaded his hot cum inside you, crying out your name.
He stayed on top of you for a moment before pulling out, at the same time Rafael stopped facefucking you and you cried at the emptiness.
“Someone doesn’t like to feel empty?” It was Sonny who talked. He was sitting next to you and he pushed two fingers inside your pussy, taking Nick’s cum back where it belonged. Your body arched at the feeling and you moaned deeply. “So worked up already. But we’re not done with you,”
“You better not,” you laughed.
“Oh, she’s teasing!” Mike exclaimed. “Babygirl, when we're done with you, you won’t be able to sit for weeks. Everyone at the precinct will wonder what happened during the weekend,” he kissed you while Sonny added a third finger inside your core. You felt a second orgams building inside your belly.
“You better not come on Sonny’s fingers,” Rafael warned you, “You’re only allowed to come on our cocks,” you found him in the room and locked eyes with him.
You knew from his expression what he was waiting for, “Yes, sir,” you agreed.
“That’s our good girl,”
Then it was Sonny’s. The man has a soft spot for a good doggy style, so he ordered you to get on all fours and you obeyed. He stroked his cock between your ass cheeks for a moment before sliding inside you so easily. “God, you take us so well, baby,” he said as he started to thrust. He was faster than Nick, and you know from experience that Sonny has incredible stamina. He can rock inside you hard and fast for a long moment.
“You feel so good inside me,” you moaned, “Fuck, Sonny! Yes!”
“That’s right, take that cock, doll,” he said, slamming harder.
As you grabbed the sheets into your fists, you felt someone crawling under you. It was Nick. He laid down and brought your mouth to his in an eager kiss. Sonny kept fucking you, his hands were strongly holding your hips, so you understood it was someone else that spank you. Mike or Rafael, you didn’t know - although, you had an idea; Rafael does love to spank you - and you cried inside Nick’s mouth. Then you felt someone grabbing your arms to lock them in your back. Nick held you close against him, stroking your hair as your second orgasm hit you hard.
Feeling your pussy clenching around his cock, and hearing you cursing non sense, sent Sonny over the edge. He almost collapsed on you as he came deep inside you.
You felt the emptiness when Sonny took his cock out of you but it was quickly filled by someone’s fingers. You were just a pile of lambs on Nick, but you jolted when one of them curled two fingers inside your pussy. “You love that, don’t you? Nick’s and Sonny’s cum mixing inside you,” You don’t know if that’s Rafael that is fingering you but he’s the one talking. You were still catching your breath when the fingers were replaced by a cock teasing your entrance.
“Do you want to keep going, babygirl? We can st--”
“I didn’t say the word, did I, Mike?” you shot.
“Right. Then it’s my turn to fill that pussy,” he didn’t give you the time to answer, he shoved his cock inside your cunt.
“Oh fuck! Mike, yes!”” you cried.
Nick stayed under you as Mike fucked you hard. Mike’s short nails scratched your back as he went in and out of you. He withdrew completely before sinking back and bottoming down. He did that a few times, enjoying your noises every time he hit your sweet spot. “Damn, that pussy is so perfect,” he growled.
“It was made for us,” Sonny said.
On your left, you saw Rafael standing there, stroking his cock as he watched Mike fucking you. You extended your hand to replace his and he let you. “You can’t get enough,” he teased you.
“Never,” you grinned.
Mike grabbed your hair in his fist, bringing your back to his chest. That new angle almost sent you over the edge again. “Holy shit, this feels amazing,” you breathed out. You didn’t notice the look Rafael and Sonny exchanged. You sloppily kept stroking Rafael, while Sonny’s hand found its way to your clit. Mike had to hold you close to him as a third orgasm arrived.
Nick was still laying on the bed, an arm under his head. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s like my very own porn movie,”
“Get ready to take a new part in it,” Sonny winked at him.
“Working on it,” he said, stroking his semi hard cock.
Sonny chuckled before burying his face in your chest. He sucked on your nipples, and kept playing with your clit. “Jesus, fuck! I--I’m--coming,” you managed to say as your third orgasm hit. You held onto Sonny’s shoulder for dear life, Mike was slamming so hard and fast inside you, chasing his own orgasm. He bit your shoulder as he emptied himself deep inside you, adding his semence to Sonny’s and Nick’s.
You collapsed in Sonny’s arms and he gently laid you on the bed, next to Nick. Mike was catching his breath on the edge of the bed. “Water,” you managed to say.
Not that it mattered, but Nick seems to be the best for the aftercare. He gently stroked your hair, and planted sweet kisses all over your face. Sonny came back with water for everyone. All of this is more than amazing, this can’t be compared to anything you ever experienced before but you gladly enjoyed the water break.
As you were sitting on the bed, Rafael grabbed your face to kiss you. It was soft, almost loving. Your hands traveled his hairy chest as you granted access to his tongue. You fell on your back, taking him with you. “You okay?” he whispered.
“Never better. Fuck me, Raf,”
On the other side of the bed, Nick chuckled. “Three cocks, three orgasms and she is still asking for it. You’re such a pretty slut, Y/N, aren't you?”
“I’m your slut. To the four of you,” you smiled at him.
Rafael teased your entrance with his cock as he was kissing and nipping your neck. Your pussy was a wet and sticky mess. The other men fucked you open, Rafael slided inside you so easily. To be honest, he wasn’t far from coming already after everything he witnessed and you wrapped him so perfectly, it was overwhelming.
You moaned loudly in his ear, your nails digging in his skull. As he thrusted into you, he couldn’t help but to slap your thigh, since he can’t reach your ass for a proper spank. But you could reach his, so you returned the favor. It took him by surprise, so did the growl he let out. “Someone likes to be spank,” Sonny commented, before duplicating your action on Rafael’s ass.
Another spank, but this time from Mike. And one from Nick. You loved having all the attention from the guys, but you have to admit that this brings something else to you. Hopefully this will be repeated before you go back to New York, but this time, this will be an orgy, instead of a gangbang.
You bit Rafael’s bottom lip, as he thrusted fast and hard inside you. “Give it to me, Raf. I need you to cum inside me, just like them,” he crashed his lips on yours, as a hand traveled between the two of you to play with your clit. You were oversensitive, and exhausted, you weren’t sure you could have a fourth orgasm before it hit you. You wrapped your arms around Rafael’s neck, “That’s right, babygirl, let it go. Cum on my cock,” he said in your ear, huskily.
That was exactly what you needed to cum one more time. Rafael’s thrusts became sloppy as he chased his relief. Finally, he added his liquid to the mixture and collapsed on you.
“I have to admit, I’m so glad everyone else canceled,” you confessed, laying like a sea star on the bed. Obviously, the four men agreed with you.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” they all said at the same time.
Best fucking birthday ever.
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thetoadghoul · 3 years
Volunteering: (Ohtani x Reader) <333 (Part - 2)
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part 1!
plot: Wednesday’s game arrives which Ohtani invited you to, some bonding time before the first pitch <3 slowwwburn, long cause idk details are fun lol
Wednesday quickly arrived, made much faster by the crazy amount of work you were required to do for your ‘actual’ job. The last three days had been spent with you running around the LA area, as well as cyberspace, to serve your role as interpreter. It was hell, for more reasons than one. The biggest of all being that even though you were not in Japan at the moment, you were still required to wear a proper suit. That meant a tight navy skirt, stockings, and some blasted heels. Sexist men, long meetings, and endless paperwork aside, you enjoyed your job for the most part - but this aspect really wore on you. However, the pain in your feet wouldn't damper your excitement for tonight’s game. Today you were not actually volunteering at the Angels stadium.
The day before yesterday, when you were actually volunteering, a bashful Ohtani had tapped you on the back while you were picking up baseballs from the batting cages. When you turned around the giant man was holding out a lanyard with an attached document, marked ‘VIP Guest of Player’. It took all you had not to let your hands shake with nerves as you reached out and grabbed it gingerly.
“Uh, see you on Wednesday.” The man looked to the side awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.
“...Yeah.” You responded with a small smile, feeling stupid, but it was all you could think of.
“Well, uh, I better go...” He motioned behind his back with a lazy thumb, staring to jog backward.
You nodded quickly, rushing to go back to picking up balls before you said something super lame, or weird.
It wasn’t till you were on the way home did you take a look at the back of the stadium pass. It read ‘Guest of Shohei Ohtani’. So he had put in the request for you, that was just like him, so kind. It would be an understatement to say you weren’t excited for tomorrow.
Currently, your heart was still racing, but for another reason other than a certain super cute and insanely talented baseball player. It was because it was almost three-thirty in the afternoon and you were running around your company-provided apartment, trying to get ready as fast as you could. Ippei let you know you should get there around four-thirty, by then the team would have been done warming up and starting to enjoy a pregame meal while the away team got the field to themselves. From that point onwards, pretty much everyone was free to relax in the clubhouse till just before the first pitch.
With little time to consider, not even enough time to take a shower after having just got off work, you went with an oversized red T-shirt, baggy jeans, and some cool Jordan’s. This was your go-to, and it was comfortable. You don’t have many clothes anyway, living out of a suitcase.
Right as you were about to run out of the door you remembered to grab your standard Angels cap, it had been provided to you as part of your volunteer uniform a while back, slipping it on over your tight work bun. You would let your hair down later.
All right, everything was in order, Uber scheduled, lanyard secured.
It took about half an hour to arrive at the stadium, and once it came into view, you instructed the driver to let you out in front of the ballpark entrance. It had been a long time since you got to go through the gates as a member of the audience, it actually gave you a wave of nostalgia seeing everyone in their gear, so hyped up for the game, tailing gating outside for what was probably hours.
Once you were through, you started walking through the concession stands and various other stalls, dodging around the fans that were already inside watching the warm-ups, as well as hanging out drinking and eating. There were pictures of Ohtani everywhere, people taking turns snapping pictures of each other in front of the various cutouts of him. The air was buzzing with energy, and it seemed like all for that guy. Honestly, you had worked for a couple different teams over the years, but you had never seen hype like this. It was surreal, seeing a legend in the making.
You smiled, gripping the lanyard around your neck, making your way through the stadium. Shohei was super nice to do this for you, really, you should show him your support. Maybe a quick peek in the team store would do? Plus, you deserved to spend some money on yourself. After all, this was the first time you had really been ‘out’ in the almost three months you had been in California. Your free time was either working, volunteering, video games, or sleep.
You took a couple moments in the Angel's merch shop, quietly perusing the aisles, keeping an eye out for any Ohtani-themed items. Unfortunately, there weren’t really that many, probably sold out by the fans. What was there, was way too small for you.
“Y/n, you here to watch the game?” A young voice sounded.
When you turned to see who addressed you, a familiar girl was standing there grinning.
“Hey Jordan! I didn’t know you were working tonight.” You grinned back.
Jordan worked at the store as a stock manager, she was close in age to you so the two of you often hung out. You had invited her over a couple times, both bonding over your love for crappy reality TV, beer, and of course, baseball.
“Yeah it was last minute, a girl was feeling sick and there wasn’t anyone else cept’ me.” She sighed.
“Bummer, text me if you need help?” You offered, to which she waved you off.
“Nah, you enjoy being here and NOT working.” She chuckled, walking over to organize a messy shelf.
“So, you looking for something in particular?” The girl glanced over her shoulder.
“Uh yeah, you recommend any cool Ohtani stuff? Or is there any at all... seems wiped clean in here.” You said while looking around.
“Ohtani? You here to cheer him on too then. Wanna catch his eye.” She teased.
“Don’t say it like I’m just here for my like, prince charming.” You snapped back playfully, but, maybe a little too fast.
“Aren’t you?” She pressed with an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You pouted, fake walking away.
“I’m just kidding, actually, stay here for a second I might have something you’ll like.” Jordan yelled as she jogged off to the back room behind the counters.
You did as you were told and when she came back there was a large white Angels jersey in her hands.
“Ta-da!” She grinned, twisting it around to show the player’s name on the back.
“Oh, it’s in Kanji? That’s cool, I didn’t know these existed?” You questioned, running your finger over the ‘tani’ character of Ohtani.
“It’s the last one on the floor, had to grab it off the mannequin. Hope it’s not too big? It’s XL?” She questioned, passing it to you to hold.
“Nah it’s perfect, can’t you tell.” You joked holding the jersey next to you, while you showed off your oversized clothes.
“Figured it'd be fine, wanna get rung up? I’ll give you that ‘good good’ employee discount. But, don’t tell anyone.” She smiled, heading to the register, to which you nodded and jogged after her.
After you finished your purchase and waved bye to Jordan, it was time to head to the clubhouse. It was around five, so you were later than you planned but Shohei usually practiced batting in the cages a little while longer while everyone headed in. Slipping the plastic shopping bag into your purse, and ripping the tags off your new jersey, you slipped it on over your T-shirt, smoothing out the material as best you could. It felt great to finally have some real merch from the team, and part of you sort of wondered what Ohtani would think when he saw you. Hopefully, it wasn’t too much to just show up in his gear after he pretty much randomly invited you, let alone in the stadium-specific one, as you just learned from your colleague.
After you got to an employee-only doorway, you pushed on it hoping it was actually open. Ippei had also let you know via text that it would be unlocked for you. Another kindness of Shohei, not just inviting you, but making sure you had access to all the catering and AC inside the resisted area of the building. You slipped in and locked the door behind you, not wanting to encourage some intoxicated fans to follow. The hallway was empty and cool as you started making your way to the clubhouse.
You were admittedly a bit nervous by the time you got to the doors, feeling a bit awkward about strutting in as anyone other than a volunteer for the first time. Carefully you pushed open the door, making sure not to hit anybody. The room was full of chatter, some players eating, some playing cards, others watching TV on the room's monitors. You looked around for Ohtani, but he wasn’t there yet apparently. No matter, you strolled in and went for the snack area. Truthfully you hadn’t eaten since that morning, and that was just a toasted bagel. Turning your back to the rest of the room, you began filling up your plate with cocktail shrimp and grapes.
“Nice jersey.” Ippei said, coming up next to you, grabbing small sandwiches for his plate.
“Is that sarcastic?” You questioned with a smile, finishing your plate.
“Nah, I’m sure he likes it.” Ippei jerked his head to the left.
He? You leaned back to see around the man, meeting Shohei’s surprised face almost immediately. Had he been standing there the whole time? He had obviously been staring at your back, at his name, bashfully looking up to your face when you moved, blinking a couple times to clear his eyes.
“I uh, got it ten minutes ago.” You grinned awkwardly, pointing your thumb proudly at the jersey, hoping he wouldn’t think you were a weirdo.
The large player didn’t say anything, blinking more slowly this time before opting to just nod gently, with a quick “thanks for your support”, hurriedly leaning forward to start filling his plate with all kinds of foods.
Once everyone had their food the three of you found a place to sit while you ate, it was at the back of the room away from the noise, and where the two usually sat before a game anyways. A small conversation started while the three of you ate calmly.
“Why... do you only have grapes, and shrimp?” Ohtani questioned suddenly, looking at your plate baffled. You looked down at it as well, pausing for a moment trying to find out what was so weird about that.
“Uh, well, it’s because... these things are... super expensive in Tokyo. It’s like a rich person food to me.” You smiled, eating a couple shrimps happily.
“Wow. That’s so sad.” Ippei chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Shohei on the other hand burst out laughing at your response, making you laugh a bit too at your pitiful confession.
“Seriously, I feel like a mega-rich, and very posh, Ginza lady right now - eating nothing but shrimp and fruit. So fancy right? ” You exclaimed, popping a grape in your mouth.
The Japanese player laughed even harder, tears building up as he wiped his eyes.
“Those people wouldn’t touch that stuff with a three-meter stick.” Ippei stated, letting out a small laugh.
“Just let me have my moment.” You pouted through a smile, shoving more shrimp in your mouth.
The other man calmed down finally and was now sitting there smiling while he ate.
“So, fancy y/n, are you okay to sit in the dugout tonight. Not too unrefined for you?” Ippei questioned with a smirk.
“That’s, allowed?” You asked, surprised.
“Yeah, if you want to. Can’t stay there the whole time, but.” The man responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s the best place to hear, ‘the surprise’.” Shohei added, food in the process of being shoved in his mouth.
“Well, doesn’t seem like there’s any other option.” You smiled at the player, who nodded in acknowledgment.
“He’s batting first tonight, you won’t have to wait long.” Ippei spoke, starting on the next sandwich.
“Hope me being in there won’t be bad luck.” You joked.
“You believe in that?” Ippei smirked.
“My family ingrained it into me, wasn’t allowed to watch a single super bowl game in the living room till I literally moved out.” You frowned, stabbing a grape.
“Harsh.” The man smirked with a small laugh under his breath.
“You will be good luck, for sure.” Shohei leaned forward in a hunch to take another bite of food, smiling sincerely at you as he looked up from his food.
“Then, I will see to it that will become a very good omen. Please believe in me.” You responded in the highest form of keigo you knew, bowing rigidly from your seat for comedic effect. Since you never studied that level of grammar, it was really freaking bad, causing the two men to laugh again.
“You’re funny.” Ippei chuckled.
“Yeah, and your Japanese is so good though?” Shohei exclaimed, eyebrows raised, eyes wide.
“Nah it’s pretty bad, I fell off the study wagon a long time ago.” You laughed awkwardly, waving a hand in front of your face.
“You’d be there forever if you stayed on.” Ippei chuckled again, while Shohei nodded in sullen agreement.
“Writing would be nice though, having to look up every other kanji at the doctor's office, or like city hall makes me literally sweat, like, a lot. Buckets. But when I look around, I'm the only one.” You giggled.
“You’re so honest.” Shohei chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin, still leaning forward in his chair, you grinned back at him. Your eyes locked for a while, you had never noticed, but his eyelashes were sort of long.
At that moment Ippei had to take a call, letting the two of you know he’d be back in a bit, walking off. The two of you looked away and finished eating in silence.
When you looked up from your empty plate, the large player was now staring at you with a soft expression. The warmth in his eyes made you blush, he didn’t even break his gaze once he was caught like he usually did. You responded back to him simply with a shy smile, before being the one to avert your own eyes to the floor again.
Thankfully at that moment, a group of Angels came over, slapping the Japanese man on the back, starting up a conversion. They were going over strategies for the game and overall just getting hyped up. You didn’t have much to input, so you just kind of sat there enjoying the excited chatter. Shohei smiled merrily the whole time, inserting little jokes, completely affected by their excitement. The way he carried himself really reminded you that the essence of baseball was really just about having fun with your teammates and giving it your all. He looked simply happy to be there, and it made you smile too, just watching him goof off. It was charming to see his duality of being a just big kid with endless laugher, versus the super-serious, and seasoned player he was on the mound.
You were really trying hard not to but, you were rapidly developing feelings for Shohei. The last three months of volunteering here, you of course thought he was really cute and kind, classic boyfriend material. A simple crush, like many of the girls working around him, surely had as well. However the possibility of you two actually dating had always been a foreign concept, one which stopped you from even considering it, at all, you just didn’t know if you even could. With you both traveling for work, how would there be time? Plus, what about the media? His family? Yours? All those things seemed unscalable walls, that is, until this moment, when you could feel his gentle eyes on you once again.
Maybe, there was something? Or maybe, he was just a super nice guy, and you were treated no different than anyone else.
When you snapped out of your thoughts, Shohei was starting to stand up, grabbing everyone’s empties plates. He reached his hand towards you, asking for the one in your hand with a tiny nod of his head, to which you thanked him, stood up, and handed it over.
Either way, you were so screwed.
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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New World Order - TFATWS Rewrite Chapter One (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
[Marvel-Masterlist], [TFATWS Rewrite-Masterlist]
Next Chapter
Summary: You were an Avenger. That was how the world viewed you. Nobody else knew about your past & it was for the better. After all, you had Sam. You had Bucky. That had to be enough. At least for now.
Words: 6,214
Warnings: language, sarcasm, expect some sort of slow burn, there are hints already, this is a Bucky fic, which means that it'll focus on his scenes more, spoilers for TFATWS, (Y/E/C) = your eye color
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were no superhero. At least, you would never say you were one. Your past was filled with actions you regretted. None of it was your fault. It was not your decision to be the child of the leader of a HYDRA base. It was not your decision to grow up like a warrior. Fighting. Killing.
Your father was the bad guy. You knew that now. As a child, you did not see through his facade. How could you? He was your dad. Someone who was supposed to love you endlessly. Those years had shaped you. Into the person you were today.
Deep down, you wished there was a way to make you forget. Forget about your past. Forget about the pain. Forget about it all. Hell, you were a laboratory experiment. Those powers did not come from nowhere. No. They came from tons of needles, pumping a toxic serum into you veins. You should not even be alive anymore. Not by what now flowed through your body. Apparently, it was for your own good. That was how your dad put it. Absolute bullshit. Growing up isolated from the world, being trained to fight, to kill, daily. Your own good my ass. If it did one thing, then it ruined your damn life.
But at least you had powers, right? Blue flames you could control. Those blue flames that were hotter than anything else in this world. It took an awful lot of time to fully have control. Truthfully, you hated that part of you with every fiber of your being. It had been the cause of one too many deaths. You had been the cause. But weakness was not in your nature. If you did not show strength you would be a disappointment. Something you really did not want to be.
Bucky was the reason you got out of this life. He was the one to rescue you out of this hell hole. He was the one to show you an entirely different part of this world. And for that, you could never thank him enough. If it were not for Bucky, you would have gone insane ages ago. Who knew if you were still here today?
The Avengers were aware of your past. Of you being a part of HYDRA back in the days. Yet, you had never elaborated this any further. If there was one thing you were good at, it was keeping things to yourself. No need to burden others with your struggles. And you did struggle. Every single day. Because your mind was filled with memories. Memories you had tried to burn. Memories you wanted to erase. Memories of you being the bad guy. Just like your dad had been.
Your life changed when you were introduced to the Avengers. They did not trust you. Not right away. But during the fight with Thanos, the one after the Blip, you proved yourself to be worthy of their trust. Especially Steve. He had been there for you. When everyone else failed to believe in you. He was gone now. And it hurt like hell. Giving up was never an option. And the universe did not plan on giving you a break anytime soon. For now, you had to bury your feelings as deep as possible. Your focus should solely be on the new threats of this world. Threats, that seemed to increase daily.
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“Bucky is an asshole.” you were on the phone with Sam & the fact that the super soldier had been ignoring him for a while did not leave a good feeling inside his chest.
“What a revelation.” sarcastic comments were part of your life. It was your way of coping with everything. Frankly, it worked. More or less. “Give him some time.”
“More time? No.” sighing loudly. “I have other things to focus on.” he was referring to the mission he was about to perform.
“You sure you’ll be fine on your own?” it was not like you did not believe in his abilities. Just, life had not been the same ever since billions of people came back.
“When have I ever not been?” you could think of a few times but Sam ended the call before you even had the chance to answer. Typical.
Luckily, Sam usually told you about his missions. And you were proud of him. You really were. The situation you found yourself in? With Bucky & him? Well, it was everything but good. Bucky called you. You called Sam. Sam called you. You called Bucky. A circle you kept alive. And it sucked to be their only way of communication. For now, though, both of them were too stubborn to change anything about it.
“Enjoying the Tunisian sun I hope?” whenever Sam went on a mission, you had him call you after it. Simply because he knew you worried.
“You know it.” in the far background you could hear him working on something.
“Is everyone alright? That trainee of yours? What’s his name again?”
“Torres.” he sighed, frustrated by your question. You had asked him about a million times & apparently, you still had no clue. Truth was, you just liked messing with him. “Redwing is hurt.”
“Naaaw, poor baby.” giggling slightly. That man cared more for a piece of tech than he should.
“Shut up.” okay, better not mess with Wilson if it came to Redwing. Got it.
“When are you coming back?” your voice turned serious again. Having him gone for so long did not stick right with you. Obviously, you knew he was doing it for the greater good. But still. “I swear to all the Gods, if you say when we’re done here…” mumbling quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
“When we’re finished here.” a chuckle could be heard from his side. By the way it sounded, you assumed Torres was laughing as well. Rolling your eyes at his antics. He could be such a child sometimes.
“Oh, fuck off, Wilson.”
“Hey, language!” Sam had fun. Yeah, you were the one cracking jokes all of the time but he could deliver, too.
“Okay, you know what? Bye. Text me when you’re back.” now, it was you who did not give him enough time to respond. After all, he would have clapped back with another snarky remark & you were not in the mood for it. At all.
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“Steve represented the best in all of us. Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he mastered posing stoically.” everyone chuckled at Sam’s description. Of him. Steve. Rhodey was standing right next to you. In that suit of his. The one that made him look way more approachable than you. No need for people to approach you. They did not know who you were before. And they sure as hell did not need to. It would turn things complicated. Humans did not like complicated. You did not like it. “The world has been forever changed. A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after five years away, sending the world into turmoil. We need new heroes. Ones suited for the times we’re in. Symbols are nothing without the women & men that give them meaning. And this thing…” he paused briefly, let out a short chuckle. The shield. “I don’t know if there’s ever been a greater symbol. But it’s more about the man who propped it up, & he’s gone. So, today we honor Steve’s legacy. But also, we look to the future. So, thank you, Captain America. But this belongs to you.” the crowd erupted into cheers. Applause was filling the room & you felt out of place. What was he doing? When Sam asked you to join him here today, he left out the fact that he wanted to give away the shield. The shield Steve had trusted him enough to own. And the people surrounding you? They…celebrated him for it? This entire speech was proof enough that Wilson was worthy of this job. So why the hell did he make that decision? Watching the shield being put into the showcase, you could hardly hold in the tears that formed at the corners of your (Y/E/C) eyes. Rhodey nudged you, sensing that something was wrong. Head hanging low, you ignored him, walking out of the room as fast as possible. If you stayed here any longer, Sam would have bruises for sure. Bruises caused by you. You would not risk that. Though, he kind of deserved it.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” Sam asked Rhodey when he finished with the press. You had told him you would wait here for him. There was no sign of you.
“Left a while ago.”
“What do you mean “Left a while ago.”? Did she say where she was heading?” why did you decide to leave? Had anything happened while he held his speech? All Rhodey could do was shrug. An explanation was not given by you. And he knew better than to ask.
“Take a walk?” Rhodey suggested, completely unaware to your weird behavior. The two of you were not that close. So he did not know you like Sam did. You were an adult, after all. If you wanted to go somewhere without asking someone first, then you were allowed to do that.
Disappointment was flooding through your body. Friends told each other stuff like that, right? So why did he keep it a secret that he planned on giving away the shield. With that action, he broke Steve’s trust & you were livid. If only Steve were here right now. You missed him. So much. Next time Sam met you, you could not promise anything. Because anger was all you felt. Anger & disappointment. Grief. But that one you could keep to yourself. At least for the time being. Shit. Bucky. One hundred percent did he watch Sam giving away the shield. Oh, he would be filled with hatred. Compared to that, you were only a small threat. Bucky was the one Wilson should keep an eye on. Well, he had been trying to get a hold of him. So far, without luck.
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A gunshot blasting woke Bucky up from another night invaded by nightmares. His changed hair did not put his demons at bay. His look was different but there were some things he could never get rid of. His past. The past he dreaded as much as you did. Probably what you two had in common. Being part of HYDRA & all. His breathing was irregular & there was no way in hell he could go back to sleep. It was in the middle of the night & he hated himself for relying on someone else. But he would go insane if he did not call another person right now. If he did not call you. The only one who seemed to understand what he was going through. The only one who never judged him because of his nightmares. The only one who made him feel like he was a good person. Not the killer he once had been. When HYDRA controlled him. Back, when he was called “The Winter Soldier”. Would he ever move on from that? Grabbing his old phone, he did not overthink too long & dialed your number. One, he knew by heart. Because he had called you so many times. It stuck in his head.
“Buck? Is everything alright?” concern was present in your voice. Usually, when you got a call in the middle of the night, it was him. And you were fine with it. If he trusted you enough to help him with his demons, than you were more than happy to come to his aid. No matter the time.
“I-I…it’s just, ugh, I-“ still shaken up from his nightmare, you did not need him to finish his sentence. You had been in this exact situation so many times. You knew what he needed. Your presence. Your voice. Your comfort. You.
“I’ll be there in a few.” assuring him, you were already grabbing the stuff you needed & walked out of your apartment. Only one destination in mind. Him. “Do you need me to stay on the phone?” it was a simple question. A stupid one, too. Usually, he would not say a word until you were with him. But it felt right to ask him what he wanted you to do. Needed you to do. When he did not answer for a few moments, you guessed he only nodded, not realizing that you could not see his motions. Yet, he did not hang up. Neither did you. Your breathing was enough for him. At least until you were in his apartment.
Knocking softly, as to not wake his neighbors, the door opened almost immediately after. Squeaking ever so slightly. Taking in his appearance, you could tell that it had been a bad nightmare. No, not a nightmare. A memory. You knew that because it was the reason you woke up most nights as well. If it were not for him feeling miserable, you would have drooled by the sight of him. No shirt. Hair sticking around so beautifully. Eyes you could lose yourself in. But it was not the right timing. Besides, Bucky & you were just friends. That was it. Just friends. Though, you would lie if you said that you did not feel butterflies whenever he shot you one of his charming smiles. Whenever his body brushed against yours on accident. Yes, he did have that effect on you. Hell, that was not what he needed right now. Your feelings could be dealt with later on. Bucky was all who mattered now. There was no conversation. No words exchanged. It was enough for him if you were with him. A sign that he was not alone. That he still had you. Even after everything. Even after calling you, night after night, disturbing your own rest. Not that you got much to begin with but he did not need to know that. It had always been a mystery to him. Why you stuck around still. Though you had assured him thousands of times that you were in this for good. If he needed you, you were only one call away. And he appreciated you for it. More than he would ever like to admit. Friends. You were friends.
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“So, Mr. Barnes, are you still having nightmares?” another session with Dr. Raynor. Another dreaded session. It was stupid to Bucky. But there was no way out of this. He had to. Seconds of silence went by before she spoke up again. “James, I asked you a question. Are you still having nightmares?” what kind of question was that? A stupid one. That was for sure.
“No.” simple, short. Sufficient. Not for his doctor, though.
“We’ve been doing this long enough that I can tell when you’re lying. Well, you seem a little off today. Did something happen recently?”
“No.” what an answer to move this session forward. Clearly, he was not in the mood to talk today. Not even you were able to get his mind off of things. Though, you definitely made his night easier.
“You’re a civilian now. With your history, the government needs to know that you’re not gonna…” her hand motioned stabbing. Awful action but who were you to judge? Bucky nodded with that look on his face that showed how completely done he was with this situation. Yet, she kept going. “It’s a condition of your pardon. So, tell me about your most recent nightmare.”
“I didn’t have a nightmare.” well, it was worth a try. After taking a deep breath, she grabbed the pencil, ready to start writing into that notebook of hers again. “Oh, come on. Really? You’re gonna do the notebook thing? Why? It’s passive aggressive.” looked like the two of them were going back to the roots.
“You don’t talk. I write.” Bucky sighed at that. He knew he would not get out of this.
“Okay. Okay. I crossed a name off the list of my amends yesterday. Don’t worry. I used all your three rules. Senator Atwood. She was a HYDRA pawn for years. Helped her get into office when I was the Winter Soldier. And after HYDRA disbanded, she continued to abuse the power I gave her.”
“So, rule number one, you can’t do anything illegal.”
“All I did was give some intel to the aide to convict her. And I wasn’t involved in anything else.”
“Rule number two?”
“What was rule number two?” his gaze drifting off, showing he thought about it deeply. How ironic.
“Nobody gets hurt. It’s a big one.”
“Then why isn’t it rule number one?” he did have a point there. No room left for arguing about that. “I didn’t hurt anybody. I promise.”
“And what about rule number three?” Bucky’s mouth opened, yet, nothing came out. “The whole point of making amends is to fulfil rule number three.”
“You know, you’re a cynic, Doc. Of course, I completed rule number three. I am James Bucky Barnes & you’re part of my efforts to make amends.” words followed by that smile of his. That smile everyone could tell was fake. Almost creepy. But efforts, right? It was all about the efforts.
“So, you did it all right, but it didn’t help with the nightmares.”
“Well, like I said, I didn’t have any.” Bucky Barnes, everyone. Still trying to fool his doctor.
“Look, one day, you’re gonna have to open up & understand that some people really do want to help you & that they can be trusted. People like (Y/N).” the mention of your name made his eyes snap up.
“I trust more people than her.” it sounded more like he tried to convince himself more than anyone else.
“Yeah? Give me your phone.” an order. Grabbing it out of his pocket to hand it over. A short look was enough. “You don’t have ten phone numbers on this thing. Oh, & you’ve been ignoring the texts from Sam. Look, you gotta nurture friendships. I am the only person you have called all week. That is so sad…Oh, that’s not right. You called (Y/N) last night. Anything you wanna tell me about that?” closing the flip phone, she threw it over to Bucky which he caught with ease.
“What? Do I need to justify calling a friend?” chuckling & shaking his head slightly, he brushed his hands over his thighs.
“If you call that friend at 3 am, then yes. Because you should sleep at that time. Except if you had a nightmare which you claimed that you didn’t.”
“We just talked. That’s all.” he thought that brushing it off as if it were nothing was enough to get her to shut up. Hell, he had brought you up during his sessions way too many times. After all, he still wanted the situation between you guys to be subtle.
“You’re alone.”
“A minute ago, you said I had (Y/N).” he tried arguing but his attempts failed.
“You’re a hundred years old. You have no history, no family…” right, pouring salt in the wounds. That usually worked.
“Are you lashing out at me, Doc? Because that’s really unprofessional, you know? When did that start? Yelling at your clients?” she seemed to have enough & again went for the little book next to her. “Oh, the notebook. That’s great.” sighing deeply, he braced himself to take her more seriously. “All right, give me a break. I’m trying, okay? This isn’t…This is new for me. I didn’t have a moment to deal with anything, you know? I had a little…calm in Wakanda. And other than that, I just went from one fight to another for 90 years.”
“So, now that you’ve stopped fighting, what do you want?” he had an answer in mind right away. Never ever would he say it out loud. It took him a second to reply. Because what he was about to say came in union with his first thought.
“That is utter bullshit.” what a nice way to bad talk his answer. Maybe she was expecting something else from him. Maybe she knew the answer just as much as he did. The real answer.
“You’re a terrible shrink.”
“I was an excellent soldier, so I saw a lot of dead bodies, & I know how that can shut you down. And if you are alone…”
“Which I’m not because I have (Y/N).”
“…that is the quietest, most personal hell. And, James, it is very hard to escape. Look, I know that you have been through a lot, but you’ve got your mind back, you are being pardoned. I mean, these are good things. You’re free.”
“To do what?”
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Wednesday. Bucky usually went to Izzy. Today, he asked you to join him & Yori. Why he wanted you there with them? No clue. But it was not often he asked you to go somewhere with him so you agreed on meeting them there.
“Take a look.” Yori was a cute, old man. Reading his newspaper like a good citizen. Bucky had yet to give you an explanation as to why you were here right now. But for now, you just sat next to him, quietly observing your surroundings. “Nobody made it past 90 this week.” it was funny, to see Bucky trying his hardest to sound interested. Like he understood.
“So young. Such a shame.” his words made you scoff. Apparently, once you hit the 100 mark, you turn into a sarcastic piece. If you were not one before. If you ever made it to 100? Only the Gods knew what would come after that. Most people called you a sarcastic asshole now. Could that be topped?
“You guys didn’t order the usual, huh? Feeling a little adventurous?” the woman behind the counter directed her words at the three of you.
“Um, actually, I’ve never been here before, so…” you chuckled to avoid the awkwardness that would sure as hell build if you kept quiet now.
“You should ask her out.” Yori leaned over to Bucky & you almost choked on your food at his words. Bucky asking her out? Her? Yeah, she was beautiful & all. But her? Really? Seemed like that Yori dude did not know Bucky as well as he claimed to. You, on the other hand, were aware that nothing good would come out if it. Besides, they would not even make a nice couple. Shit, were you jealous? Oh no. Glancing over at the man next to you, his face showed just how much he despised this idea. At least something.
“Mm-mmm…” shaking his head frantically, he shot you a quick look but before his eyes locked onto yours, your gaze fell down to your plate. Slightly embarrassed. Scared that, if he looked at you, he would notice something behind your look. Something more. Something, that you wanted to keep hidden. For everyone’s sake.
“He would like to take you out on a date.” oh fuck off, Yori. You had nothing against this man but he was pushing your buttons. Could he not see that Bucky was incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of going on a date? With her? “Maybe to bingo or a night of pinochle.” hiding your laugh behind one of your hands, you could not believe that he was serious. Bucky & bingo? Well, it was for old people so you guessed it fit quite well. Not with her, though. Oh no, you really were jealous.
“I’m really sorry about him.” Bucky apologized for his friend’s behavior. Yes, you were sorry for him, too.
“Why are you sorry?” of course, now the woman was flirting with him. It got better & better. Taking a deep breath, you tried to keep your emotions at bay. You could not lash out in the middle of this restaurant, after all. Even though you were this close to doing just that. Deep breaths, you got this. “I’m game.” sure she was.
“Wow.” really? Bucky was impressed? By this? Oh come on, why would he settle for less when he could have so, so much more. But it was not your decision. He was not yours. You did not own him. Neither did you make the decisions for him.
“Tomorrow night, then?” Yori leaned over the counter.
“Tomorrow night’s great.” she replied with a bright smile.
“Hey, I just remembered something.” you spoke up all of a sudden. Bucky’s eyes met yours now & he saw that you were uncomfortable. Though, he could not pinpoint why. “Um, I-I need to go. See you, Buck. Bye guys.” sprinting out of the restaurant, you hoped nobody would follow you. Not in the mood to deal with anyone right now. All you wanted was to be alone right now. Your mind the only one keeping you company. But your mind was not really the kindest to you. Not in this particular moment. So what? Bucky had a date. You knew that would happen sooner or later. He was a good looking man. More importantly, you just wanted him to be happy. Genuinely happy.
Fucking great. Who could you talk to? You still were not done being mad at Sam. And now you were mad at Bucky for something he did not even do. He sort of did. He could have said no. If he really did not want to, he could have said no. Bucky was enough of a man to speak his mind, you knew that. Maybe he did want to go on a date with her. What was her name again? Not that you cared too much. But still. Blinking away the tears that had formed at the corners of your eyes, you kept on walking. Without a real destination. You were stupid. Friends. Why could you not accept this? Usually, you would call Steve in such a situation. Or even Tony. But it was too late now. They were not here anymore. You had to deal with that sooner or later. Whether you liked it or not. Contemplating calling Sam, you eyed your phone carefully. One more button. But nope. The anger was bigger than the need to talk to someone. Stubborn you. Wilson could make you feel better. But you would most likely end up yelling at him. And you knew you would regret your words later on. So might as well stay silent for the time being. Until you calmed down enough.
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It was 10 pm. Date time for Bucky. That same restaurant. Being the gentleman that we was, he even brought her flowers. Like it used to be back in the 40s.
“Well, if that’s not the most adorably old-fashioned thing anyone’s ever done.” Bucky felt lost. In her company. “Grab a seat, I’ll be done in a few.”
“Okay.” he could up & leave. It would not be too late. All he knew was that it felt wrong.
“So, have you dated much since half the fish in the sea came back?”
“Not really. I, um…tried the whole online dating thing. (Y/N), the girl who was here with me yesterday, she set up a profile for me because I didn’t understand a single thing.” laughing at the memory, he thought back to when he called you to ask you for a favor. How you laughed at him for wanting to try this whole bullshit. “It’s pretty crazy. A lot of weird pictures.”
“What kind of weird?”
“I mean, tiger photos? Half the time I don’t even know what I’m looking at. It’s…It’s a lot. When I showed (Y/N), she simply said that this was what I signed up for.”
“You sound like my dad.” definitely something a man did not want to hear while on a date. On the other hand, he did not even want this to be a date. “Wait. How old are you?
“A hundred & six.” only he could make it sound so casually. Like it was the most normal thing on this planet. Both laughed at his words. Simply because it was so absurd.
“What’s up with your big gloves?” a sensitive topic she just touched.
“I, um, have, uh…poor circulation.” sure thing.
“Hmm…Hey, what is it about this (Y/N) girl & you?” his eyes widened at her question. What was she getting at?
“She’s my friend. Why?” his dumbfounded expression made her chuckle.
“A friend, huh?”
“Um, yeah.”
“You sure about that?” an eyebrow raised. A questioning stare was sent his way.
“Why does everyone think I don’t have friends?” throwing his head back in frustration, he let out a long sigh.
“It’s not that.” she stopped briefly, thinking about her next words carefully. “Just, you guys seem pretty close.”
“Well, we’ve known each other for years.” he reasoned, gesturing with his hands to bring his point across.
“Yeah? And the looks you’re shooting each other when the other one’s not looking?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You two aren’t really subtle about this, you know?” she wiped the counter & did not even look at Bucky. He, on the other hand, started sweating.
“Subtle about what?”
“Oh, come on. Who are you kidding? I don’t even know why you’re here right now.”
“Because Yori set you & me up on a date.”
“And why did you agree?” she crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an explanation from the man in front of her.
“I-I don’t know.” he responded truthfully. Because he thought it to be polite? Because Yori was the one who suggested it? Honestly, he was not sure.
“That’s what I thought. Look, you’re a nice guy & all but…just, listen to your heart from time to time. It’s late. You should head out. See you.” she turned around & walked further into the restaurant. Leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts. It was clear what she intended. Did not mean that it made this entire situation any easier. Bucky left without another word. Fresh air would help him think straight.
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Your phone rang & you sighed when you checked who decided to annoy you. Bucky. Of course. But wait. Should he not be on his date right now? Did something go wrong? Not that you wanted it to but if you were entirely honest, you would not be mad about it either.
“Hi Buck. What’s up?”
“I need your help with something.” there was no hesitation in his voice. Just him being straight forward.
“Please don’t tell me you need help on how to get the girl.” it was your way to lighten the mood. You did that because you could tell that he was incredibly serious. Usually, this was never a good sign.
“Can I send you an address? Can you meet me there as soon as possible?” his voice was low, deep.
“Um, sure thing. But just to set things clear…I won’t join in on your fun, Buck. That’s between you & her.” again, sarcasm was your way of coping with emotions. Though, it was not the right time to use it right now. His next words were proof enough. You should not mess with him. Not in this moment.
“Can you be serious for a second?” he raised his voice a little. It was not much but it was enough to leave you confused. Bucky was not the person to yell at you. Especially not like this.
“I’m sorry…Um, yeah, tell me where & I’ll get there as fast as I can.” gulping down, you waited for him to give you more information.
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Arriving at an unfamiliar building, you could make out Bucky’s form in front of it. Why would he want to meet you here? Where was his date?
“Buck?” your voice barely above a whisper. The night sky only illuminated by the moon that shone brightly. Providing just a tiny bit of light. Enough, to let you notice your surroundings.
“Thanks for coming.” you could tell that he was stressed, tough, you were not sure why.
“Is everything alright? Because I swear, if that woman did anyth-“
“No, she didn’t. Promise.” his warm smile was encouraging enough. It was clear that he was not lying to you. “Just…didn’t work out. But that’s not why you’re here.”
“My last nightmare. Do you remember?” nodding for him to continue. “How I killed that innocent man?”
“It wasn’t you, Buck. You were being controlled.” touching his shoulder softly, squeezing it to reassure him.
“Whatever…That guy, it was Yori’s son. I want to, need to, apologize. Even though the apology comes way too late.” you nodded at him, your eyes meeting his briefly. Now you knew why he called you. He did not want to do this alone. No. He wanted you by his side. To support him through it. Entering the building together, Bucky led you to the apartment Yori lived in. His hand raised to knock on the door. Surprisingly, he did not waste any time. He wanted to get this over with. Understandingly so. No words were exchanged. You being here, with him, that was more than enough.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Yori opened the door, his face showed confusion by the appearance of you two. “How was the date?” you could not help but roll your eyes at the old man in front of you. Looking at Bucky, you were worried when you saw him having an internal conversation with himself. Mouth opening & closing again. No words coming out. Risking a look inside the apartment, you noticed a small picture frame with who you assumed to be his son. The one Bucky killed. No. The one the Winter Soldier killed.
“It was…It was good.” Bucky mumbled.
“Bullshit.” you followed after. None of them heard you, though. Luckily.
“Forgot I owed you for lunch.” Bucky handed him money. If you were not mistaken, this was not a form of apologizing. He had a hard time, though, that much was obvious. Afterwards, Bucky turned around & walked away without another word. Which left you alone with a confused looking Yori.
“I’m sorry for the disturbance, sir. Have a good night.” plastering on the sweetest smile you could offer, you followed Bucky outside. Jogging to keep up with the super soldier.
Back outside, you saw Bucky holding his little notebook in his hands. You knew about it. Because you were the only person he talked to when it came to his therapy sessions. A look over his shoulder could tell that his eyes were trained on the name being circled. His body was tense. That was not what he planned.
“It’s okay, Bucky.” your hand stroked over his lower back in a comforting way. Your forehead rested against his shoulder, hoping, that it would ease him a little. You could feel him calm down at your touch. “Give yourself some time.” you mumbled quietly, knowing he could hear you clearly due to the calm night. You just hoped that he would not beat himself up too much. Not more than he already did.
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You were back in your own apartment. Still no words from Sam. But that was nothing new. Sometimes, he would go radio silent for a few days but after that, he would always check in with you. Maybe he figured that you were mad at him. For giving away the shield & all. And he probably was busy with work. The work he did with Torres. If he needed your help, he would call you for sure. Your TV got your attention again. Something told you to watch closely. So you did.
“Unrest, in the wake of recent events, has left us vulnerable. Every day Americans feel it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend this country. We need a real person who embodies America’s greatest values. We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense & our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America.” the crowd cheered loudly & someone walked through the door. You could not believe what was happening. Please, this had to be a bad dream. When would you wake up form this hell? A man, wearing his suit, holding his shield, greeted the people. Looking at your hands, you could see small, blue sparks forming at the tips of your fingers. That only ever happened when you had no control over your emotions. Right now, you were everything but in control. Of course he had to wink at the camera like the sick person he was.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me…” breathing out lowly, you put your head into your hands, completely ignoring the sparks there. You did not feel them anyway. If you ever met this son of a bitch it would not end well for him. And the next time you would meet Wilson? Fingers crossed he could deal with your angry & disappointed self. Because you were seething.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter
Published (04/02/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @taina-eny​, @tanyaherondale​, @cool-ultra-nerd​, @toribentleyva, @buckyandlokirunmylife​, @annadier​, @howlongtillidie​, @mizz-kraziii, @theetherealbloom​, @millenniumloki​, @marvelbros-oneshots​, @ajbwasnthere, @bilesxbilinskixlahey​, @mystictimetravelcolor​, @dbrees256​, @sxpxrnxturxl, @dreamydreamerwriting​, @dolllstyles​, @angelicastiel​, @prettysbliss, @infinitelyforgotten​, @sweetserendipity65​, @lilystilinskicullen���, @partypoisonsblog, @btdsprayberry, @sarai-ibn-la-ahad​, @deamus-liv​, @simplybarnes​, @sethcohenluvr (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
New Life
Summary: Finally you will move to Duskwood and start a new life. A moving with the help of the chaotic Duskwood Squad and a shamed hacker with the wrong moving box, can it be more beautiful?
Pairing: Group & Fem!MC x Jake
Words: 4,4 k
A/n: Welcome to this OneShot. After a long time something of my own. I dreamed about it and so the idea came. So I hope you’ll like it and have fun. Excuse the mistakes etc etc etc.
Take care and stay healthy! Much love.❤️
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4 a.m.
"Shit" you hiss annoyed and look at the stain of coffee on the floor, which was sweped in your haste over the edge of the cup, "My poor coffee".
Because of sorrow you forgot again why you even walked to the door.
You want to make your way to get a cloth when it rings again, "Oh right" you shake your head over your forgetfulness. It’s just too early for you.
Quickly you open the door to your apartment and look in two radiant faces belonging to Dan and Richy, your heroes of the day.
"Good morning" both say at the same time and you would just like to crawl back into bed.
"Good morning guys, come in. Careful not to step on the coffee, he did not deserve it"
Hectically you put your cup next to the door on the small dresser to go to the kitchen and get something to wipe away.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Dan asks you as you come back with quick steps.
"You look tired, haven’t you slept?" Richy asks, grinning, you shake your head.
"Only about half an hour and that was an accident. I didn’t want to sleep," you explain.
"Why?" Richy looks around the almost empty apartment. All that’s left are only the biggest furniture you’ll be taking with you and a lot of moving boxes.
"I had to pack so much stuff and besides I was really excited. Do any of you want coffee? I made more, and I left two more cups outside." You’re offering.
The eyes of both men grow big,"I certainly don’t say no to coffee," Richy jokes and follows you into the kitchen.
"Just take what you need. I still have to pack the rest of my clothes and the stuff from the bathroom" You already ran off only to then make a 180 degree turn, "My cup" you mumble and grab it.
"MC, let’s take it easy, we have all the time in the world," Dan rebukes you and you sighing.
"I’m sorry, I’m probably more excited than I thought," you apologize and drop into the chair at your kitchen table.
"This is normal. You don’t move to a completely strange and creepy city every day," Richy throws in and immediately gets a nasty look from Dan.
"Are you serious?" he asks, "You’re not making it better!"
Richy looks embarrassed in your a little desperate face, "But for that, this will be the coolest time of your life!" he tries to save the situation, "Hey, think about it, the Duskwood Squad is finally completely united in a few hours!"
The prospect of the time you are about to be with your friends, and that always without having to go home, also makes you smile like the two men
"But it’s about time, Shorty, we miss you at our place.
A visit every few months is simply not enough, or just for one night over the weekend. You should have seen the girls the last days, there was no rest"
Dan finds just the right words to calm you down. You’ve waited so long to move to Duskwood, and now it’s finally time. A new phase in your life with a group of good friends that you met during a worst-case similar situation.
Since then, there hasn’t been a day when you haven’t written or spoken on the phone. You’ve played so much Doodle Splash to pass the time for your next visit that you feel like you’ve painted more than Picasso ever did
"You are right! " you agree resolutely, "time for the best time of my life! "
"I actually thought you had a few less things," Richy stands breathless in your apartment door. Of course, the big things, like your couch, your bed and your desk, were brought into the truck first which Richy borrowed from a friend company for removals.
And now for about 20 minutes you’ve been carrying one box after the other downwards to store it. In between, even one of your neighbors came to help, who actually wanted to go to work but still had a few minutes.
"That’s because the boxes are too small," you joke, and Richy looks at you with a look that clearly says 'You don’t believe that yourself'.
Defending you raise your hands and push with your foot another box over to him, which he can bring down.
About 10 minutes later, in which you had to take out all the boxes again, and put them back in, you put down the last box in your hallway. Behind you, Dan and Richy come up the stairs as you pull the little key to your former apartment out of your pocket and sigh.
"Finish!" Richy cheers and puts an arm around your shoulders, "Are you ready?" Dan asks you and you nod. A little sad, you put the key in the keyhole one last time and lock up.
Dan takes the last box from you and you go down the stairs together. You throw the key into the mailbox as agreed with your landlord and turn around one last time.
Determined not to be sad or rather melancholic, you climb forward into the truck behind Richy while Dan closes the big cargo hatch.
He himself gets into the driver’s seat.
"Let’s go into your new life" he announces solemnly as he starts the engine.
"Into a new life"
"I wanna be the very best!
Like no one ever was!
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause" you all shout the theme music of Pokémon.
Richy has turned on his playlist where all the songs you can only imagine are. You’ve been driving for about an hour and a half.
"POKÉMON!" Richy screams and throws his hand into the air.
"Don’t shout!" Dan grumbles and gives him a annoyed look, "You just screamed too!" the mechanic defends himself and twists his eyes. "I need another coffee, I’m driving to the next rest stop, otherwise I won’t make it for the next two hours," says Dan and you agree.
At the gas station you get yourself a new coffee and a snack. Actually 3 hours are not so much driving, but with the grumpy Dan and the lively Richy, who are two clowns at the same time, it can be exhausting.
After you get back to the truck, and this time Richy drives on, you actually managed to fall asleep after half an hour.
"Wake up, Shorty" you hear the voice of the bearded man far away, "We are almost there," he explains and you open your eyes. You need a short moment to realize where you are and what’s going on, but then you straighten up. Your head was lying on Dan’s shoulder.
"Sorry" you mumble and stretch as much as possible with so little space." It’s fine. I almost slept myself" he waves off and you just nod. No wonder, the two boys also left at 1 a.m., to be with you in time.
In fact, you can already see that you will reach the entrance of Duskwood in about 5 minutes. You’ve been driving this way so many times, you know the way around, like in your own hometown.
"I’m so glad I don’t have to drive any further," Richy whines and drums with his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that sounds quietly from the radio.
"When the truck is empty, you have to bring it back" Dan reminds him. Without going into the mocking comment, the mechanic turns the radio a little louder.
When the sign 'Welcome to Duskwood' appears in your sight, you start to grin broadly. Nervously you slide back and forth on the seat and bite your lower lip.
Richy crosses the border into the small town with secrets you still have learned to love.
"Welcome to Duskwood" Richy congratulates you and you happily clap your hands.
Welcome new life.
When you turn into the street where your apartment is, very close to Jessy’s, you almost jump up from your seat. Just the seatbelt holds you back when you see the rest of the group standing outside the door: Jessy, Cleo, Thomas, Lilly and Hannah.
All 5 wave wildly and Richy pushes twice on the horn to greet. As far as the side of the road goes, Richy stops the truck and you quickly unbuckle yourself. You rip the door, and without using the stairs, you jump out of the car, "Leave the door where it belongs!" you hear Richy shout, but you’ve been on your way down for a long time.
"Hello" calls all of you in a choir as a tight and not quite gentle hug with the 4 girls takes place. All at the same time you fall into each other’s arms. Compliments are exchanged and joy about the move announced.
"You pretend you haven’t seen each other for four years!" you hear Richy laugh and roll his eyes. "That’s how it feels," Hannah chuckles next to you.
"Hello MC" Thomas shouts amused and you stretch an arm in the air and waves in an indefinite direction, "Hello Thomas, I don’t know where you stand but HI!"
After you finally broke up from each other, Hannah holds out your new front door key that she kept for you. She was the one who looked for apartments for you on the spot when you couldn’t be here. She took over the visits and took pictures. If it was possible, she took you with her through a video call.
"Congratulations MC, welcome to the family" she smiles.
"Thank you folks, it’s so nice to finally be here!"
After you have arrived correctly and you have looked at your apartment once again in empty state, you have started to bring everything into the apartment. Now, of course, things are moving much faster with more people.
You’ve built up in the stairwell to the second floor: Dan, Richy, Thomas, Cleo, Lilly, Jessy, Hannah and you.
In a row your carton reaches from person to person and quickly most of it is done. From your apartment comes music that you run via a Bluetooth speaker. Fortunately, you have labeled everything so that after all the boxes are in your apartment, you only have to push them into the right rooms. And then the big things come.
The three of them, Thomas Richy and Dan carry the sofa upstairs.
You just stand by with a slightly nervous face and hope no one gets hurt.
"You have to be careful! The sofa is tipping!" Dan shouts loudly as Richy tries another handle.
"I know! But I don’t want this thing to fall on my foot," Richy hisses. Thomas, who supports the side, only twists his eyes.
All the important parts are now in your apartment. Now, the truck is empty and ready to be brought back.
"Okay, I’ll bring the truck away, and you start here. I’ll come back when you’re done and I can get the beer I earned," Richy jokes as he takes the key off the kitchen table.
"You get nothing" you call laughing after him, "Oh wait until the man Without Face learns of your sin. To deny a working man his beer is bad!"
Laughing, you shake your head, "I’m waiting for the next new moon."
"How can you always joke about it?" Jessy asks without understanding.
"Well, that’s just relief," you explain and smile at her calmly.
4 hours, a lot of laughter, bad jokes, quarrels and almost broken furniture later, the most important is on the right place. The bed is built up and ready for the first night in the new apartment, in your new life.
"How’s your thumb, Richy?" Ask the sulking mechanic carefully.
"All right, I can take a lot, I’ll survive," he calms you down and presses the cooling pad more firmly on his finger.
A lot went wrong trying to build your wardrobe. Someone had forgotten a screw when the ceiling was mounted.
The moment Richy tried to hit a nail with a hammer in the lower area, the ceiling came loose and fell down.
Both side walls of the cabinet fell into each other, and Richy accidentally punched hit his thumb. For a few seconds you were all just staring at each other and then laughing. Fortunately, Richy’s injury wasn’t that bad, but you gave him something to cool down with.
And now almost everything is ready. There are only a few boxes missing, but you will take over yourself." Thanks for your great help, guys! Many thanks to Richy and Dan who picked me up and drove so long. And of course, thank you all so much for helping me here!"
You’re all sitting around the table in your living room. You’re sitting next to Jessy on the floor while everyone else is comfortable on the sofa and armchair.
"And again, for the thousandth time today; Welcome to Duskwood MC" Hannah cheers and keeps her beer up. All together you toast.
"I’m so tired," Dan mutters, sipping his drink." Oh yes, so am I," joins Richy and you nod.
"But it was worth it" Lilly smiles and looks around, "And as soon as it’s done, it can only be great!"
"Perfect!" Hannah improves her sister.
"Indescribable" agrees Jessy.
"See you guys tomorrow!" you call after the group and close the door.
Just a short and quiet moment you close your eyes exhausted. Preferably you just want to go to bed, but first you still want to unpack a little more.
The sound that tells you that you have received a message pulls you out of your mind.
You pull out your phone and smile when you see that it is Jake who wrote to you.
Jake: Hello, MC.
Jake: How did the move go?
MC: Hi, Jake. Pretty good, I’d say, exhausting and stressful, but good.
Jake: Have you finished?
MC: No, not quite, I do the rest myself, the others have done enough.
Jake: Do you like the apartment?
You grin, he has improved his skills for small talk since you met and Hannah return.
MC: Yes, it’s really nice, do you want to come? You can look around.
Hopeful you stare at the screen. It would be really nice to see Jake today.
What this is between you, you don’t know for sure, sometimes it goes ahead and sometimes back. You’ve seen each other a few times since Hannah was rescued. Mostly here in Duskwood.
After a difficult time between the three siblings and still the problem with Jake’s pursuers, everything has improved.
However he did it, he managed to turn all the tracks that linked him to the suspicion so that they no longer point to him. He is still very careful and occasionally travels from town to town for a few weeks but most of the time he is in Duskwood. This is where you first met.
After the first conversation between Hannah, Lilly and Jake and a lot of explanations, the hacker decided to take an apartment here to catch up the time with his sisters. Since then, he has also become a little more open and better in interpersonal relationships.
At some point he was in the vicinity of your old place of residence and then it happened that you have a day to drink coffee. And the next day in your apartment. The beginnings were sometimes a little difficult because of him because he really didn’t talk much, but after some time it became really nice. There was even a kiss. Your first kiss together.
It was on your balcony and it was at night, under the stars. But since then, not much exciting has happened, unfortunately.
Jake: I think I’d just bother you unpacking.
MC: Bullshit, of course not, I could use a little quieter company after the whole group was there :)
Jake: Don’t you want to go to sleep soon? You must be tired.
MC: Jake, don’t make excuses, if you don’t want to, you can just say no, that’s not bad for me. But I promise I’d be happy if you were here.
You watch him start writing and then delete the message.
Jake: I’m on my way :)
Without answering his message, you close your phone and stare at the bare wall facing you for seconds.
Then you can’t stop yourself from doing a little joy dance, "Yess!" you hisses and grins all over your face.
Jake won’t be long before he gets here, so you decide to clean up the empty bottles and candy that are still on the table.
Although it’s only about 10 minutes to wait, it feels like a half an eternity until it finally rings.
Before you open the door, shake all your limbs to loosen up and clear your throat.
Then you open the door.
The hacker, dressed in black as always, stands with a slight smile in your hallway, "Hello MC" he greets you with his melodic voice.
Immediately you get very warm and you try to keep your own smile small, "Hi Jake. Come in" you walk to the side to let him in.
Jake actually knows your apartment already.
Officially, you don’t know anything about this. But off the record, Hannah told you.
You couldn’t handle the handover of the apartment yourself, so Hannah did it for you, and Jake was with her. He had only told her that he was bored and wanted to come along, but when he looked around and said some things like, "MC has enough space here" and "This will be a good place for her" she realized that he just came to make sure the place was nice enough for you.
Nevertheless, he now curiously lets his gaze wander through the now filled apartment.
"When it is done, it will look really nice" he confirms after you have shown him everything, as well as explained the room layout.
"Yes, I think so," you agree and smile.
"What are you going to do next?" he asks, pointing to the boxes in which your clothes are still to be cleared into the closet.
"That’s exactly what" you answer and kick one of the boxes, "You can sit on the bed if you want, while I unpack," you are proposing and tear the tape off the cardboard.
"I can help you if you don’t mind," he offers and you nod, "Sure, if you want"
Cleaning up with the group was really fun, but now with Jake, it’s beautiful. The atmosphere is calm, not stressful or a mess. You talk about everything that comes to mind while Jake keeps holding clothes in front of your face so you can tell him where it belongs.
Two boxes are already empty. In your second one there is still a little bit inside and Jake is also on his way to get a new one. You watch him as he opens the box, only to close it again immediately afterwards. His cheeks turn pure red and his eyes squint nervously at you, "Uhm, I think I’ll take the box first" he mumbles and you can hear the trembling in his voice only too well.
"Why? What’s going on?" you wonder about his reaction.
"Nothing at all, everything okay, here’s another one" he scratches nervously in the neck and does not look at you when talking.
Skeptically you walk over to the box to take a look inside. When you open it, you quickly realize the reason for his shamed behavior.
Your underwear. You decide not to say anything to make it even more unpleasant for him, but you cannot hide the smile on your lips.
For the next few minutes, it’s quiet until it rings at your door. You look at your watch in wonder. It’s just before 9, and you’re not expecting anyone today.
"Be right back," you inform Jake, "And keep your hands off my underwear," as you disappear out the door, you can see him raising his head in a flash, staring at you with big eyes. Laughing you open the door, "Phil?" you ask surprised when you see Jessy’s brother standing there. Phil has also become a good friend of yours, you visited Aurora as a group several times when you were here.
"Hi MC" he greets you, "I hope I’m not interrupting? I actually have to leave right away again, the Aurora is crowded today.I just wanted to stop by and greet you in Duskwood and congratulate you on your move" he smiles his typical charming smile as you hug briefly, "Thanks Phil" you nod grateful. He separates from you and then does not joyfully pull up an eyebrow, he looks behind you and you turn around as well. Jake is standing in the living room and has the same annoyed look as Phil on his face.
"Have fun, you two," Phil grins a little cocky and puts his arms around you again, just quick.
As he disappears down the stairs, he still calls, "We have to do something together in the next few days."
You slowly close the door and turn around with a wide grin to Jake, who still looks dark at the door. Yeah, that Phil and Jake don’t like each other hasn’t changed. On the contrary.
Jake finds Phil is the most unsympathetic person in the world, and Phil thinks he’s better for you than Jake is.
When Jake frees himself from his rigidity, his attention falls on you. You bite your lower lips and put a hand in front your mouth to stop your next words. Even the hacker seems to know what is going on and looks warn, "Don’t say it"
Innocently you raise your eyebrows, "What? I don’t know what you mean, do you mean? -"
"Stop" Jake stops you and heads back to the bedroom.
"What? Shouldn’t I say that you-"
"MC" he threatens.
"Are you jealous?" it bursts out of you and groaning Jake drops his head in the neck, "You really need to say this, don’t you?"
After you keep teasing Jake with it, you decided to stop for today. You two ordered a pizza and a drink, because you don’t have much here, except for the beer Hannah bought.
You had the TV running quietly but didn’t pay attention to it. Jake asked you what your wishes and hopes are in for your new life, and you talked about the time with the Man Without a Face. Until now, you’ve only talked to him about it. Just a little bit with Hannah but somehow you’re still not ready to deal with all this. The occasional jokes about it will help you soothe your thoughts a little.
During your conversation, you accidentally fell asleep. The hacker didn’t know what to do, he doesn’t want to wake you, but he also doesn’t want to leave without saying anything. After watching you for 20 minutes and thinking about your relationship, he felt weird just looking at you while you're sleeping. So he decided to leave.
However, you seem to have noticed this immediately because the moment he opens the door, your eyes open.
"Wait" you stop him and he looks at you frightened, "If you leave now while I sleep, then I feel like I was a one night stand," you joke and and he grins.
"You’re much more than that," he replies quietly. You raising your upper body, and a little shy, stroking the fluffy pillow on your couch.
"Can you.. can you stay, Jake?" Your voice is quiet, tired and a little nervous, "I feel uncomfortable being here alone the first night," you admit. You had this feeling the first time while you built up the bed. Even though the Man without a face is in prison and you’re safe, you still have this unpleasant ulterior motive.
He seems to think about, but without you telling him, he understands what you’re worried about.
"All right" he sighs and closes the door again.
"You can sleep in the bed, I’ll take the couch," you say and get up to get a blanket and a pillow.
"No, the other way around. You should sleep in your bed, your day was exhausting and you need to rest"
Before this discussion can be extended, you decide to make a short process, "Okay, you have two options now. Either you sleep with me in bed, or we both sleep on the couch. 'Cause I’m not gonna ask you to stay here for me, and then let you sleep there!"
The hacker stops briefly, turns slightly red but then grins, "I don’t have a chance anyway, do I?" he asks.
You shake your head, "Not without a war"
Luckily, you are in possession of a much too large sweatpants which fits him only narrowly, but fits.
The room is dark and it is completely quiet in the whole apartment. You try to be inconspicuous, and slide a bit towards him. You know he’s not asleep yet, and when he doesn’t try to stop you, you get a whole lot closer.
You hear Jake lifting the blanket, the invitation to come to him entirely.You don’t take your time but slide so close that you can put your head on his chest and he puts an arm around you. Immediately its beautiful smell envelops you and your pulse accelerates many times. Even his heart you hear racing what makes you smile.
"Do you know how many times I dreamed about it?" he whispers into the darkness and your heart makes a leap, "No, but if it was only half as often as I did, then I can imagine it," you answer and a quiet laugh vibrates in his chest.
"Good night, MC, see you tomorrow"
"Good night, Jake," you whisper, and then you feel his lips flapping softly over your forehead, just a touch, like a breeze. But for you, it means the world.
Welcome new life, you mean well with me.
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (2/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Warnings: not rlly anything
A/N: a lil bit of a deeper dive for these two’s relationship👀... enjoy!
Your apartment is nice. Very you.
Sam invited him out to some restaurant, but after the last one he suggested, he decided to pass. And when Sam asked him what he was doing instead, if he was seeing you, Bucky lied and said yes. It made Sam happy and got him out of going to another ridiculous restaurant, so he saw it as a win-win.
Once Sam left, though, his thoughts did drift to what you were doing.
You two exchanged numbers at the pizza place after your date, but you two haven’t texted much. He texted you making sure you got home safe, which you did, and a day or so after, you texted him a picture of some advertisement with an awfully cheesy pick-up line written on it, which even he agreed was awful.
But that’s about it. So, he texts you.
Hey. What are u doing?
About to make dinner. Y?
Told Sam I was seeing u. Wanna hang out?
Come over.
Simple enough, he thinks.
You two haven’t had the most meaningful text conversations, clearly, but it’s still nice. No flirting, no typing and retyping messages in order to hook, line, and sinker, no ghosting. No relationship texting.
It was a dream for him. To have a new friend. He’s made plenty of friends, both in New York and in Wakanda. But it’s all under the same… umbrella. Always an agent, a fighter, an analyst of some sort. Someone to train with, to fight with, to fight for. Never someone like you. Someone that works a mundane job and lives in a mundane part of New York where her weekends are filled with going on mundane blind dates or otherwise cooking dinner for one.
It’s a breath of fresh air to not talk about fighting or missions or press or media or anything else he has to hear about at work. The only connection you have with Sam is that you met in a coffee shop a few years ago that has since closed down. He was one of your first friends here.
You could care less about Captain America, too. Which hurts Sam’s ego, and in turn, makes Bucky smile.
So, he goes over to yours.
He’s not sure what you’re making, but he brings a bottle of red wine as a courtesy. You are making dinner after all. Besides, women love wine, right?
Your apartment is nice. Very you.
Enough going on to show that someone does indeed live here, but also enough to show that you’re not exactly swimming in riches, like most people that live in this city.
The place smells like garlic and basil, and he’s glad that he brought the wine.
Shoes discarded at the door, he helps chop up the rest of the ingredients while you put a pot of water to boil. He chops up mushrooms, onion, pancetta, eyeing the bottle of vodka out on the table and tube of tomato paste next to his hand.
It's an understatement to say he’s excited. Most of the pasta he makes is from a bag of precooked noodles and a jar of tomato sauce.
Basic small talk floats through the air as the two of you dance around one another in the kitchen. Even though you’re “dating”, you don’t know much about each other. This isn’t too uncommon from how dating was for Bucky when he was a teenager; you’d marry women knowing very little about them.
Your favorite color is orange. You played violin in grade school. You had a childhood dog named Chowder. Bucky tells you his favorite color is green. He played a little bit of piano when he was younger, but did boxing in his late teens and early twenties before the war. You poke fun at him when he can’t remember the name of his own childhood dog.
“He’s probably rolling over in dog-heaven.”
“Good boy; he’d deserve a treat.”
You laugh.
Easy conversation continues on the couch as bowl after bowl of pasta is eaten and replenished. As fun and seemingly simple questions are asked, like each of your favorite movies or whether or not you pour the milk before the cereal, the room that’s left is used for deeper questions.
“What’s your most embarrassing moment?” You ask him.
He thinks for a moment before opening his mouth, only to close it again. “One time when Princess Shuri was fixing my arm it wasn’t secure completely, so it flew off while I was playing with some of the children.”
“That’s not your most embarrassing moment. I know it’s not, now you have to tell me what it really is.” You tease him.
He’s never been the best liar.
“You’re right, it’s not my most embarrassing moment. My actual most embarrassing moment is just kind of… sad. And I didn’t want to ruin the mood or anything.” He explains, hoping you’ll accept that but instead you give him an encouraging smile to hopefully give him some comfort that whatever it is he wants to tell you is safe in your apartment.
“Okay, uhm. So, in the 40’s, after I was rescued by Steve, but before we shipped out again where I was recaptured for the second and final time. We were all holed up in this little dance club, all the soldiers and their gals. And in walks Peggy Carter in a pretty red dress,” He begins, only glancing at your eyes periodically as if to make sure you’re still there.
“I know she’s Steve’s gal, he told me all about her. I wasn’t flirting with her because I wanted her, I was flirting with her… to make sure I still could. I mean, after being held in that… place… they injected me with stuff, told me things that weren’t true, I mean Steve told me I was repeating my number over and over again when he found me, I didn’t even remember doing that. I felt… violated, used, not like myself. I felt like I wasn’t me anymore.
“So, when Peggy walked in, I thought about how everyone always called me a ladies man, how good I was with women, I mean, I’d take girls out about every damn weekend, you know? I wanted to feel normal, so I flirted with her, tried to get her to dance with me. And she completely ignored me. She never even took her eyes off of Steve. It’s like I was invisible. And it just sort of felt like the nail in the coffin for whoever James Barnes was before the war. It was a realization that I’m never going to be that person again. And it was embarrassing for me.” He explains.
He hasn’t looked up at you again, but he heard your fork stop moving around your bowl a minute or so ago. He feels a lump in his throat thinking about that time, how he knew he’d never get back the man he was, even before knowing what was in store for him after falling off that train. How he used to be this man that wanted a long, happy marriage, six or seven kids running around a big backyard, a white picket fence surrounding a big two-story house in a neighborhood of identical homes. He wanted the cheesy life, at one point. But the same man that wanted that life died falling off a train many years ago.
All of that’s forgotten, though, when you open your mouth, and seem to say the perfect thing to make him feel better.
“One time in the third grade, this girl pulled my skirt down in front of my crush, and I wasn’t wearing any undies.”
A snort escapes his throat as you, somehow, after he’s shared something so deeply personal, something he never even told Steve or Sam about, still found a way to make him laugh. Which is what he wanted, he realizes. The comfort of moving on from that confession and not having to wallow in it like other people would try to. His hand leaves his fork to cover his face as tears threaten to leak out from how hard he’s laughing.
He took that secret to the grave, even if it wasn’t his own. He told himself he’d never tell Steve about how he felt in that situation, and he never did. He never told Steve that he didn’t enlist, either. He couldn’t imagine how Steve would’ve felt knowing that the army would’ve rather taken men that didn’t want to go to war, men who were terrified to go to war, had too much to lose and wanted to be selfish and stay home, than men like Steve who would do anything to enlist. Including lying on the damn enlistment form.
He wonders if Steve is looking at him now. Watching over him as he shares something that he never did with his best friend, with you, a girl he’s met barely a week ago, on your couch over bowls of pasta while he points out leftover sauce on the corner of your lip.
“What’s your greatest fear?” He asks you next.
“Dying alone. Actually, no. Getting kidnapped, probably.”
“Oh, mine’s spiders.” He shares.
It’s so easy to laugh with you, he finds. He jokes with Sam a lot, all the bickering and teasing all in good fun at the end of the day, and it’s mostly pretty funny. But laughing with you. He feels like a teenager again. Somehow, everything is funny; he doesn’t remember the last time he’s laughed so much, especially about things that aren’t even that funny.
It’s raining at the end of the night. Early morning, rather.
“You can take the couch, if you’d like.”
“Nah, I don't mind a little rain, and I like the ride home.” He fed Alpine before he left, but he imagines his cat misses him, even if she’s probably busy licking herself to even notice he’s left.
“Suit yourself.”
You don’t push him. A simple pleasure that’s more of a luxury for him. There’s no pushing or convincing or Are you sure’s with you.
Certainly a luxury, you are.
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
A Hunch - Jason Todd × Reader
You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you.
Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping, Light swearing. Angst with comfort/happy ending. Reader is unintentionally a badass.
A/N:I....might have gotten a lot a bit carried away with this one, but I am really happy with the way it turned out.😁
Also Don't blame me for the spelling mistakes and grammar coz I am TIRED OKAY?! But do tell me if you find any
This was your second day on work and you would much rather be anywhere else, right now being kidnapped by The Joker himself would feel like a field trip.
When you decided to work in a café, you expected to smell the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans all day long, to see happy faces of customers and co-workers alike, and to get the amount of money which can cover your expenses since all Jason does is sleep all day and kick the crap out of people all night. One of you had to be the responsible one. What you didn't expect however was that you'd have to deal with whatever the hell this guy in front of you was trying.
"Sir, I already gave you what you ordered can you just stop holding up the line now." You were sure everyone except this dumbass could see the vein popping on your forehead but you guessed he couldn't see past the forced smile plastered on your face.
"Oh come on babe, It's not like these people have anywhere important to be. Now have you been covered in bees recently?"
Oh god no. No. No. No. NO. If he uses a cheesy pick up line I am going to KILL HIM.
He continued "Oh you know I just assumed, because, well you look sweeter than honey." The guy winked and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
'THAT'S IT I AM KILLING HIM. Sweeter than honey?!!! Seriously!!!! Wait, What if throw his coffee in his face? Nahh I will probably get fired. Damn you manager!! This day cannot get any worse.'
You raised an eyebrow at him and sighed to yourself. This is gonna be a loooooong shift.
After going through this torturous day, safe to say you were more than relieved when you got back to your shared apartment.
Maybe if I am lucky enough I will catch Jason before he leaves for his 'night job' You thought to yourself as you unlocked the door and stepped inside.
As soon as you entered, you noticed the dim lights and the smell of freshly cooked food. You assumed it was one of those nights in which Jason behaves like a hopeless romantic and it turns into a cliché dinner date followed by a movie marathon while being cuddled up on the couch.
You smiled to yourself at the thought.
"Jay you will not believe what happened at work today." You started babbling the way you usually do as you made your way to the kitchen. "There was this really weird guy who kept flirting with me and--" You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
This was all very, very wrong. There was an uneasy silence which was soon however, broken by a groan, you whipped your head around at the source of the sound.
There he was Jason. Your Jason. All battered up and tied to a chair. Just as you took a step towards him a hand was placed on your lower back. You froze completely. Another hand made its way up, tracing up your spine, the palm of the hand was then placed on the back of your neck.
You were wrong. This day just got a helluva lot worse.
You were yanked forward and now you could see Jason up close. He looked at you with dizzy eyes, "it's going to be okay" he spoke softly, there were clear indications that he was disoriented, no wonder he didn't get out of his bonds yet. Jason's gaze shifted towards the intruder behind you. He gritted his teeth and spoke in a low and dangerous tone.
"Sionis this is between you and me So. Let. Her. Go."
"From where I am standing, you are not in any position to make demands, Red. And a word of advice, you really shouldn't make promises you can't keep."
The hand on your lower back disappeared and before you could even blink, you felt the muzzle of a gun being pressed on your temple. Your eyes widened in fear. The only thing keeping you from a full-on panic attack was Jason's presence. You knew, as long as he was there, you were going to be just fine.
"We could have done some good together-- you and me. We could have rebuilt Gotham in a way she deserves." You gasped as Roman's fingers tightened around the back of your neck. "You see Red Hood you took my beautiful Gotham city away from me and now I get to take this beauty away from you."
The fingers on your neck were now threaded through your hairs. Tears welled up in your eyes as the stinging sensation in your scalp intensified. For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you. You meant the world to him. At the same time he refused to give Roman the satisfaction. Jason made sure his face wouldn't show how much pain he was in, seeing the tears in your eyes and the absolute fear behind them.
"You are the most feared crime lord in the Gotham underworld Sionis, or well atleast you were, and this is the best revenge plan you could come up with? That's just...sad." You could tell Jason was taunting him. He was trying to get the attention off of you and surprisingly it was working. You went along with his idea and bit your lip to stop any and every sound that can come out of your mouth.
Roman was already blinded with the rage he felt towards Jason and the mocking tone in his words was the last straw, he threw you to the side and got in Jason's face, a gun was placed underneath your lover's chin as you stumbled to the floor. The tension in the room was thick. Both men were defiantly staring each other down. Even though Jason managed to get you free, there was no after plan, there was no way he could take on Black Mask in his current state, so he did what he does best, he got on Black Mask's already ignited nerves.
"Are you going to shoot me or what Blackie? Because if I get back to my senses before you kill me, I will fill you up with so much lead Superman won't be able to see through you."
Roman seemingly calmed himself down, stood up straight, aimed the gun straight at Jason's forehead.
"Here I thought you were special Jason, that you were worthy to be my heir, my friend. What a waste. Now you will die like any other disappointing employee of mine."
As soon as you were free and you saw Jason distracting the crime lord, you quickly scanned your surroundings; you could get a knife from the kitchen counter but you'll probably be shot down as soon as you try to make a run for it. There is also a spare gun in the bedroom but that's not happening because well the same reason.
And then your heard it, Black Mask cocked his gun and seeing the gun pointed at Jason something in you snapped, there was no way in hell you were going to lose the one person you loved more than anything in this world. Not again.
Thankfully there was a chair within your grasp and before anyone could register anything you jumped to your feet, grabbed it and swung it hard.
"HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!", Your voice was heard in what seemed like forever, as the hard wood of the chair connected with Roman's back. He fell to the floor as pieces of the chair dropped down around him. You reared back your foot and before he could get back up, the heel of your foot connected with his jaw and just like that, he was down with a thud.
You heard Jason mutter a surprised, "Well wasn't that anticlimactic", as you stood there looking at the unconscious body on the floor, unable to wrap your head around the events of this evening.
By the time you turned around to untie Jason, he was already free and you were pulled into a hug as your face pressed against his chest, you inhaled his familiar scent and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"(Y/N) I was so scared. That bastard got the jump on me. I wanted to do something. I wanted to stop him. I couldn't see you get hurt but I couldn't move. I-I love you more than anything I have ever loved." Jason buried his face in your neck.
You just hummed as Jason soothingly ran his fingers through your hairs. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you hugged him tightly, keeping him impossibly close to you. You knew there was nothing you could say to make him feel less guilty so you both just stayed there for a while, feeling safe in each other's embrace.
"We are getting reports that earlier tonight after a deadly run in with a bat-vigilante, the notoriously known crime lord of Gotham Underworld, Roman Sionis aka The Black Mask, was apprehended today, The Batman himself was seen handing this dangerous criminal over to the Blackgate prison guards our sources tell us--"
You saw Jason switch off the headlines, he was sitting on the bed's edge, he squeezed his eyes with he heels of his palms. Seeing his distress you made your way over to him with a first-aid kit and a few extra bandages. You stood in front of him and for the first time since the fiasco, you were able to see how bad of a shape he was in and a frown made its way on to your lips.
Jason looked up at you and brought both of your hands towards his lips. As he kissed the knuckles of your hands, he whispered, "I'll be fine. Don't worry. I am in this condition every now then...But Lets talk about you." You raised an eyebrow at his comment as your hand moved to dab the alcohol swab over his wounds. Getting the hint, he further explained himself.
"I mean how did you take him out? Like did you take some self defense classes while I was away or Cass taught you some stuff or...?"
"Oh That! That was just instinct, my love. I saw him point a gun at you and I just--I just lost it I guess. Plus I had a hunch, the chair was sturdy enough to knock him down, the kick was just reflex so...", you shrugged.
"So you mean to say you took out someone from Bruce's Rogue Gallery on the basis of a hunch? A. Frickin. Hunch?!"
You grinned and pecked his lips, moving away to get some supplies for stitching up the bigger wounds.
"(Y/N) you are insane!"
"Says the one who wears a mask underneath a mask, thinking it gives him a dramatic flare", you smirked at his dramatic gasp.
"Just so you know it more of a helmet than a mas--", you cut him off by a playful smack on the chest.
"Todd, I swear I can make this stitch much more painful for you if you don't shut the hell up right now"
"Yes ma'am", He gave you a mock salute as you smiled went back to tending his wounds.
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Toxic + Toxic = Healthy
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Summary: You and Loki break up. Both of you deal with it uncharacteristically. Loki sleeps with girls that look like you and you mess around with Thor in retaliation. It’s all very healthy stuff here.
You and Loki had had an unceremonious falling out a couple weeks ago and called it quits on the relationship you had built. You had been dating for 6 months but Loki had started an argument about how you didn’t love him, that you lie to him, that you probably sleep with men behind his back. Everything was false, of course, you’d never do that to Loki and it hurt that he even thought that. So, you told him that you need some time to think and Loki having to have the last word said maybe breaking up is the best option. You agreed and while you saw the shock in Loki’s eyes at your agreement you were too pissed to care and left. 
What makes it awkward is that you both live in Stark’s tower and still have to interact with each other. What makes it even more awkward is that the rest of the Avengers walk on egg shells every time they’re in the same room as the both of you. 
You’re taking it like a champ, you feel. You only cry about it when you go to sleep at night, in the privacy of your own room. Sometimes when you spar with your teammates you might hit a bit harder than necessary. You even manage to speak with Loki civilly. On the outside it would appear that you’re completely fine with the break up, but on the inside and behind closed doors you’re literally falling apart. You’re sure the only person who realizes this is Natasha because that woman sees everything. 
You almost lose your composure the first time you see Loki bring a girl back to the tower. It’s only been three weeks and he’s already whoring around. You’re livid, he claims to love you then gets over you in three weeks? Bullshit. 
What you fail to realize at first is that the girl he brings to the tower kind of looks like you. It isn’t until you’re in the kitchen eating breakfast that you realize this. She comes in, only wearing one of Loki’s too large t-shirts and enjoys a bowl of cereal with you. 
You don’t get mad at the girl, you’re mad of course, but she’s not the problem. She doesn’t know what happened between you and Loki. She has no idea you even dated Loki. So you talk with her like you would any stranger. With a happy smile, a joyful voice, and morbid curiosity about having a new person in the tower. 
“It’s really cool to see the tower from the inside. I always look up and imagine what you guys live like.” The girl says with a smile at you. 
You smile back, “It’s pretty laid back, honestly. Nothing too exciting happens around here.” 
“That’s what it looks like,” The girl laughs a light laugh, “I doubt I’ll ever come back, Loki said it was a one time thing, but I’m happy I got the chance anyways.” 
You squint at the girl when she’s not looking at you because she’s eating her cereal and question everything. Loki doesn’t do one night stands. That’s what the god had told you the first time you both fell into bed together. He had explicitly stated. “If I bed you, I mean to have you forever, I do not play games when it comes to courting.”
You hum at the girl and truly look at her. Her hair is cut at about your length and although the color is a tiny bit off it’s still in the same general shade as yours. Her features are vastly different from yours but her body shape is almost exactly like yours too. 
At this conclusion you’ve thought of three things. One, Loki is trying to make you jealous. Two, Loki is showing there are many other girls just like you he can use. Three, Loki is still hung up on you and has really bad coping skills. 
You bring you mug up coffee to your lips as you ponder over your conclusion and raise your eyes when Natasha walks into the kitchen. She raises her brows at the girl, with a glance to you, who introduces herself as Nat reaches in the fridge and pulls a carton of eggs out. 
As Natasha waits for her pan to heat up so she may cook her eggs she questions the girl. 
“What is it you do?” 
“Oh, I’m an accountant for a small company here in-” The girl stops and looks at you, concerned when you start choking on your coffee, “-are you ok?” She asks, you nod still choking a little but get it under control. 
“I used to be an accountant, I started out with a small company based in Colorado then moved here when Stark offered me a better job.” You tell her. 
“Oh! I just started my job seeing how I just graduated, but it’s my dream to work for someone as significant as Tony Stark.” 
You smile and nod, “I’ll put in a good word for you, see if we can get you a promotion you can’t deny.” You say, glancing at Nat who is smirking devilishly at you. You truly do want the best for this girl but at the same time you’d like to see Loki squirm with his one night stand working in the same tower he resides in.  
The next time it happens is two days later. This time you’re in the common area with Bruce, teaching him how to play Minecraft at night when the elevator dings. You both look up and see Loki ravishing some poor girl on the elevator’s wall. They let out small moans and gasps. Then Loki turns and looks out the elevator to see you and Bruce staring at them, game completely forgotten. 
You’re sure Bruce is wide eyed and blushing like crazy, you can’t see his face seeing as he’s turned towards the elevator. However, you control your face and look bored with a raised brow at Loki. 
“My apologies, I thought I had pressed my floor.” Loki says.
The girl he was just basically eating up giggles and pokes her head around his body to look at you two. 
“We’re really sorry!” 
They both pull from each other but don’t truly stop touching, they’re just in a presentable position now. Loki pushes his correct floor number and you watch as they disappear in the elevator. 
When Bruce looks at you he’s not blushing or wide eyed. He actually looks a bit green in the face. 
“You ok?” You ask, confused. 
“It’s wrong of him to do that to you. He’s smart, has to have his floor memorized. The only way he’d hit this floor was because he knows you’re here.” Bruce says with a sigh, the green hue in his face receding. 
You chuckle, nodding to the controller in Bruces hand so he can continue harvesting his wheat. 
“It’s ok, he’s always been really bad when it comes to coping skills.” 
Bruce watches the TV as he harvests wheat but gives you a glance with a raised brow. 
“The women he’s bringing to the building look like me. Or at least the first one did for sure, I wasn’t really looking at this one. The last one even had the same job I used to have.”
Bruce frowns at the TV then realization dawns on his face. “Now that you mention it, this girl did have the same characteristics as you...” 
You hum with a small smile. “Loki is going to be Loki, I’m just trying my best to get over him and move on.” 
You watch as Bruce pauses the game and looks at you with an evil grin. You’re a little shocked because you’ve never seen the doctor show any emotions like this. His eyes are far away in thought, but he smirks with malicious intent. 
“What if you dated one of us? Not really, but in public you would kiss and hug, hold hands do all the couple stuff in front of Loki?” Bruce asks. 
Your face must be shocked because Bruce chuckles. 
Breaking from your shock you smirk back at the doctor. “And just who would I date?” 
Bruce thinks for a second, “Well Loki....” Then you see a sinister look come over his face. “Thor.”
You gasp and slap Bruce on the shoulder, “That’s evil, Bruce!”
Bruce chuckles and shrugs his shoulders with a now timid look on his face. 
“I live with a bunch of people that have perfected getting under each others skin, I’ve picked up on how to do it too.” 
“I’ll talk with Thor later. Tell him of your nefarious plan, it’s genius!” You say relishing in the fact that you’ll be able to break Loki’s heart more, the god deserves it you justify. 
You talk with Thor and kickoff the plan right away. The next morning, Loki actually comes in and has breakfast with his one night stand across from you at the table as you enjoy staring at the newspaper, waiting on Thor to come in. They’re being sickly cute, feeding each other, giggling, and just overall making you want to throw up. You know Loki is truly nothing like this, he’s just putting on a show for you. 
When Thor walks in he gives a big good morning, throwing you a smirk Loki misses because he’s too busy kissing ass to his girl. Thor makes coffee for you and brings it over to you. When he sets it in front of you he says, “Just how you like it!” 
Then Thor leans down and takes your lips into his. Thor really puts on a show and brings a hand up to caress at your jaw as he delves into your mouth with his tongue. When he pulls away you’re breathless and look up at him with adoration. Both the gods really know how to use their mouths...and tongues for that matter. 
You lick your lips and look at the girl Loki brought home when she makes a remark. 
“Looks like we’re not the only ones who got lucky!” She giggles. 
You smile at her, glance at Loki who is glaring daggers into you, then look back up to Thor as you raise your coffee mug to him and say, “Thanks, sweetheart.” 
Thor smiles down at you and offers to make you breakfast but you decline saying you need to help Tony with something. Before you leave the room Thor pulls you into another kiss, lets you go, and slaps your ass as you walk away. You give a small yelp and giggle. Enjoying every second you feel Loki glaring at you before you leave the kitchen. 
You spend a few hours with Tony just talking as he works on his suit. You came down here to hide and be happy at the whole situation that had just happened. Tony laughs uncontrollably when you tell him what’s going on. 
“This is either gonna turn into amazing make up sex or a really big argument.” Tony says, wiping a hand over his face, smearing it with oil. 
You laugh as you sit on his work table, swinging your legs. 
“As long as he hurts just as much as I do, I don’t care which one happens.” 
“That’s toxic.” Tony states without malice. “But so is Loki so it kind of cancels each other out, right?” He asks, throwing you a devious look tapping his wrench to his chin as he does. 
“Ya, we’ll go with that.” You say, jumping from the table, getting ready to leave the lab.
“Thanks for letting me hide for a bit.” You say.
“Anytime!” Tony says over his shoulder as you leave. 
You’re walking down the hallway to your room when Loki materializes out of nowhere and pins your to the wall. His left hand pins your waist to the wall, his right hand is balled in a fist and rests on the wall next to your face. His face is inches from yours, absolutely livid. 
“You play with fire without thinking about the consequences, sweetheart.” Loki spits out the nick name you used earlier.
“What? You didn’t expect me to fight back when you started fucking girls three weeks into our break up?” You ask through gritted teeth. “You were supposed to be in love with me Loki, if you were really in love you would have waited a bit longer.” 
Loki’s face turns to regret before he gets angry again. 
“You could have went for anyone other than my brother, you can’t act like you’re holier than me.” 
You scoff and push at Loki who doesn’t budge. “You started it when you brought home girls that look like me. Making me think I was expendable, replaceable.” You say, your voice cracking when you say replaceable. “I may act like I’m fine all the time but my heart is in pieces Loki. You decided to take my heart and step all over it like I meant nothing to you!” You begin crying.
Loki furrows his brows at your tears, like he actually cares that he’s the one who made them fall. 
You close your eyes so you don’t have to look at his face anymore. Silently crying there. You feel Loki wipe your tears with his right hand, his left hand keeps you pinned though which is smart because if you could break his grip you’d run from the situation. His right hand stops wiping at your tears when they stop falling and slides his hand down till it’s cusping your neck.
“That was not my intention.” Loki finally says in a soft voice. 
You open your eyes and frown at the god. “So it was just you trying to cope in a really bad way...” You say, deflating in his hold but leaning into his hand. You haven’t felt his touch in weeks and your body is practically craving it. You hate that you react like this. 
Loki gives a sad smile. “We are a concoction of toxic chemicals. We may not get a happy ending...” Loki whispers, his thumb caressing your jawline where his hand holds your neck, his eyes roaming over your face, “But I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re worth every second.” Loki finishes, closing his eyes and kissing you.
You lean into the kiss, tasting Loki and losing yourself in his mouth as he dominates your weak fighting with tongue. His left hand comes up to grab your hair and pull at it causing you to gasp into his mouth. He practically swallows the gasp and moans. His right hand squeezes your neck then drifts down over your breast, making sure to flow over your nipple, and then grabs your hip in a bruising grip and pulls your body to arch into his. 
When you pull from his kiss you look into his eyes and see nothing but love and lust. Then it changes to a frown and insecurity. 
“Did you sleep with him?” Loki whispers, not sure he wants to know the answer. 
Loki sighs and uses both hands to hug you into his body, burying his face in your neck. When he pulls away to look at you you see the love there again.
“I love you.” He says sweetly. 
You smile up at him, “I love you too.” 
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spine-buster · 4 years
peaceful easy feeling ft. b.boeser | one
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A/N: Here’s the beginning of my new mini-series!  I hope you all enjoy it.  It will definitely be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, so be prepared!  There will be five parts!
SUPPORT MY WRITING HERE: https://ko-fi.com/spine_buster
CONTENT WARNING: parents with disease/sickness (Parkinson’s); swearing; sex; alcohol use; lots of emotions.
                                                                   *     *     *     *     *
Brock Boeser felt like he was at some sort of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, with everybody around the circle introducing themselves and their similar predicaments.  The group was in a big meeting room at the local community centre, and when he walked in, he saw a group of dads playing basketball in the gym.  He sort of wanted to join them instead of being here, in this room, with all these people that he didn’t know talking about what they were going to talk about, but he’d done this back in Minnesota, at his mother’s behest with his siblings, and he was going to do it here, too, in Vancouver, to make her happy and ease her mind and to make sure that he was easing his own mind.  
“Um, hello everyone.  My name is Brock Boeser.  I’m from Minnesota, but I’m living in Vancouver.  And um, I’m here with you all because my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.”
“Hello Brock,” everyone smiled at him, and he smiled and nodded back.
“So it was your dad that was diagnosed,” the leader, a kind, older woman named Esther who had greeted him at the door and stuck with him until everybody sat down, egged on a conversation.  He knew she was doing it because he was new; everybody in this room probably already knew each other.  A part of him actually wondered if anybody knew who he was.  “When?”
“Um, he—he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2010,” Brock revealed, stuttering it out.  He knew he’d have to be open at these things – open so people could empathize with him, open so he could empathize with others – but it was still tough for him to do so.  “But he—it’s—it’s not just Parkinson’s.  Two years after he was diagnosed, he was in a car accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury.  In 2017, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.  He beat it but then in June it returned to his liver and chest.  In July, he had a heart attack and his heart stopped beating for 15 minutes.  I was with him and—I—it’s—it’s a lot, as you can imagine,” he tried not to start crying right then and there.  Imagine that – first meeting with a Parkinson’s Society of BC support group and he’d bawl like a baby.
“Goodness me, Brock,” Esther said.  “He has support at home?”
“Um, well, money isn’t an issue now, but when I was growing up my mom worked three jobs to make sure we were all taken care of,” he revealed.  “I’d pitch in too wherever I could, obviously.”
“But it’s been tough for a number of years.”
Brock paused.  It had been tough for a number of years.  It had been really tough for a number of years.  He nodded his head.  “Yes ma’am.  I try to take it day by day.”
Esther nodded as well.  “I don’t know if you pray, Brock, but I know a couple of members around the circle do, and, well – you’ll be kept in all our prayers.”
Brock saw a few people nod their head.  Another older woman, probably his mom’s age, clutching a rosary; a Sikh man dressed in a casual suit; a younger woman, probably in her thirties, with short blonde hair.  He appreciated the sentiment.  He knew that people took prayer very seriously – that people suffering took prayer very seriously.  It was, realistically, one of the kindest things somebody could ever say to you: “I’m praying for you.”  “Thank you very much,” he said, nodding his head once.
There was an arrangement of cookies at the end of the meeting.  Even after the 90 minutes of everybody talking about their experiences and emotions, they apparently liked to stick around afterwards as well just to mingle.  It didn’t all have to be doom and gloom, he thought.  It didn’t all have to be about Parkinson’s or about sick people or losing your loved ones all the time.  Maybe some people just wanted to talk about the news.  Maybe some people just wanted to talk about sports.  The weather.  Anything.  Anything to make a connection with someone beyond something so tragic.  
After stuffing an entire Fudge-O cookie into his mouth, he looked up to see a young woman staring at him, holding her trenchcoat in her arms.  She was smiling to let him know she was friendly.  He was embarrassed because he knew she just saw him stuff an entire Fudge-O into his mouth.  “Hi,” he said, his mouth still full of cookie, the sound of his voice reflecting that fact.
“You’re Brock Boeser, right?” she asked sweetly.  “You play for the Vancouver Canucks?”
“Yeah,” Brock couldn’t help but smile.  He swallowed the rest of the cookie even though he didn’t really finish chewing it.  “That’s me.  Are you a fan?”
“My step-brothers are more so than I am,” she said.  “But I’m a fan of the team, yeah.  I’m Grace Gillespie,” she extended her hand to shake his.  “God, they’re not gonna believe me when I say I met you.  They’re gonna freak.”
Brock couldn’t help but chuckle slightly.  “Do you—I mean, do you want a picture?  I don’t mind at all.  I’ll sign an autograph on a napkin if you want me to.”
“Well…it’s a bit awkward to ask you at a Parkinson’s Society of BC meeting, but we could go to the Starbucks down the street and I could buy you a coffee.”
Brock was slightly taken aback at her forwardness.  He shouldn’t have been.  Girls came up to him all the time.  All the time.  And they were most definitely not shy.  But he wasn’t exactly expecting it to happen here, of all places.  A bar, sure.  Out with Petey or any of the other guys, absolutely.  But not here.  “Yeah…yeah sure,” he stuttered out.
“Then we should go,” Grace smiled.  She turned to look behind her.  Brock saw Esther picking up a few Oreos.  “Thank you for leading another great session, Esther,” Grace said.  
“Oh you are most welcome Miss Gillespie.  How is Hamish these days?  You didn’t speak much today.”
“He’s been doing fine lately.  His caregivers have been working around the clock for him.  They just work wonders, don’t they?”
Esther nodded.  “They are angels on Earth.  Anyways – we’ll catch up next week,” she said, leaning slightly on her leg to look beyond Grace and to Brock.  “I hope to see you here again next week, Brock.”
“Thank you, Esther.  See you next week,” he said, realizing he made the commitment before he could even realize what he was saying.
“I take that was your first meeting?” Grace asked as she set down the two lattes on the table against the window where Brock was waiting.  
“Was it really obvious?” Brock asked.
Grace shrugged her shoulders.  She didn’t want to make him feel self-conscious.  “It was the stuttering that gave it away, at least to me.  I know I stuttered a lot the first few times I came to these meetings.  I wasn’t the most comfortable talking about my dad’s condition to a room full of virtual strangers.  But within just a few months I realized the people in that room are the kindest, most empathetic, most amazing people that I’ve ever interacted with.  So I became a lot more open.”
Brock was transfixed by every word that Grace was saying.  “So you’ve been coming here a long time,” he said.
Grace nodded.  “My dad got diagnosed with Parkinson’s when I was fourteen.  I didn’t start coming here until I was about eighteen, though.”
Brock knew he shouldn’t ask.  He knew he shouldn’t.  But his brain had ulterior motives, and his mouth – well, his mouth listened to his brain, because it apparently needed to know.  “Is your—is your dad like my dad?” he asked.  “Does he have, like, other problems complicating things?”
Grace shook her head.  “No,” she said softly.  “But the Parkinson’s is enough for him.  I mean he was diagnosed just short of ten years ago and he’s already on puréed foods.  It’s not—I mean, you know as well as I do that it doesn’t regularly develop that fast.  But that’s…I don’t know how you do it.”
Brock didn’t know either.  Some days he didn’t.  “I just take it day by day,” he said simply, just like he said in the meeting.  “If I think about it too much…that’s when it’s bad.”
“I hear ya,” Grace said, taking a sip of her coffee.  “But let’s…not talk about this for too long.  Do you like Vancouver?  Do you find it nice?”
Brock appreciated the change in topic.  “I love it here,” he nodded his head, smiling.  “The city’s great.  The fans are great.  My teammates – I mean they’re amazing.  What do you do?”
“I’m a dance teacher at Goh Ballet – little kids and teens, mostly.”
He wasn’t expecting that.  She was drop dead gorgeous, sure – Brock wasn’t blind – but he wasn’t expecting to hear she was a dancer.  “Do you, like, dance in the real ballet?”
Grace snorted slightly at his phrasing of ‘real ballet’.  “No.  I pursued it only up until a certain point.  I was good, but uh, I stopped when my dad got diagnosed.”
“Why?  Don’t they always tell people like us to have, like, an outlet or whatever?”
“They do.  But I loved my dad more than I loved dance.  And I would have rather spent the time that I was spending on dance with him instead.”
He understood where she was coming from, and he wasn’t there to judge her.  “And your brothers you mentioned, did they help too?”
“Oh no no no.  Sorry – I should have specified.  I’m an only child.  Like, the only child between my parents.  But they divorced when I was six and when my mom re-married I gained two step-brothers, Jasper and Theo.”
“How was the divorce?” Brock found himself asking.
“You ever see footage of a nuclear bomb exploding?” Grace giggled as she asked the question.  It caused Brock to laugh too even though the analogy she was making was dreadful.  “It was awful.  The type of divorce nobody deserves, you know?  I became a pawn, basically, and my parents would only speak to each other through lawyers.  Even stuff concerning me.  It was bad.”
“That sounds horrible.”
“It was.  But it’s the only life I know,” she said.  “He was lucky my mom ended up marrying another rich guy.  I mean, my mom only marries rich men,” she giggled slightly again.  “That’s how Jasper and Theo became my step-brothers.”
“So your family has money?” Brock clarified.  “What’s it from?  Dad a lawyer or something?”
“Not exactly,” Grace said.  “My dad and his brothers own a private equity firm that started like this,” she pinched her fingers together, “and went like…” she continued, spreading her fingers and moving her hands around her like a bomb explosion.  “Gillespie Brothers Investments.  I’m sure as a Vancouver Canuck you’ve heard of them.  I mean they wanted to buy the Canucks before the Aquilinis.”
Brock hadn’t heard of them, but he now knew he’d have to do some snooping when he got home. “I haven’t heard of them.  But I mean – sounds like they were successful.”
“Three billion dollars is pretty successful to me,” Grace quipped.
“B—Billion,” Brock sputtered out.  “With a B.”
“With a B,” Grace nodded.  Brock had no idea he was sitting across from the daughter of a billionaire.  She didn’t act like a billionaire.  Not like Brock knew what billionaires acted like.  He’d never met one before in his life.  Well, besides Francesco.  “But tell me more about what you like about Vancouver.  What about the nature?  I always kind of fine a good long walk along the Seawall or through Stanley Park really clears my mind from all…this.  What about you?”
Brock smiled.  “I find the white noise of downtown clears my mind.”
“You want my number,” Grace said as a statement rather than a question as she and Brock exited the Starbucks.  They were kicked out.  They’d been there for so long that they’d been kicked out because they were closing.  Their coffees had gotten cold.  They hadn’t ordered new ones.  And now they found themselves on the deserted sidewalk, jackets put on hastily, and Grace came up with that.
Brock looked down at her.  They’d been able to look into each other’s soul for the past few hours.  “Of course I want your number,” he said.  There was no reason to hide it.  No reason to deny it.  No reason to have to wait until next week to see her again as they sat around in a circle in a community centre talking about their parents.
He took out his phone.  She gave him her number.  He texted his name to hers so she’d have his.  When that dance was done, she looked up at him.  “I’m really glad I met you tonight,” she said, her voice sincere.
Brock nodded.  “I’m glad I met you too.  I—I really enjoyed this.  And I mean—I needed it.”
Grace smiled, nodding her head.  “I needed it too.”
“D’you—” Brock stopped, trying not to get too far ahead of himself.  “D’you need a ride home?”
“Oh no no, my driver is right there,” she motioned her head towards a black Mercedes waiting by the curb.
Brock hadn’t noticed the car until now.  “Chauffeur?”
“Billionaire dad,” she winked.  Brock understood.  She took a few steps back before smiling one more time.  “Call me,” she said, before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking towards the Mercedes and getting into the backseat.  Brock watched as it drove off, making a right at the end of the street.
He would definitely be calling.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
restart | eleven
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↱ SEQUEL TO PERFECTLY WRONG  |  series masterlist ↰
summary: as you and taehyung start to build your life together post graduation, things become more complicated than what you expected it to be. while taehyung struggles with his inner demons, you’ve become the sole supporter, the pillar, juggling different jobs to keep you two afloat. your love for each other has been put to the test as your relationship continues to face hurdles - hurdles that have you questioning whether or not your relationship will make it through.
pairing: reader x fiancé!kth
genre: post grad au, established relationship au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.3k
warnings: cussing/mature language, angst, thoughts on overdrive, anxiety
notes: um, there’s about 3 chapters left ☹️ i won’t be taking drabble requests right away just to give myself a little break and work on bands for a bit, BUT-- i think i might be working on something else in the meantime? i’ll let you guys know lol ily a milli 💗
tags: @enchantaeduniverse​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @jeontier​ @jwlmnbt​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ra-mun-e @brightcolorsoffendme​ @jungcrookthecookbook​ @sunniejinnie​ @littlewolfieposts​ @vanntaesworld​ @thebeebi​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Look, I—"
"No, Aiko. You know damn well I deserve to hear this from you too no matter what the outcome was. It takes two to tango." You step a little closer to her as you feel your bottom lip trembling. Just looking at her makes your stomach drop. You remember all the times that you felt insecure, and truly inferior especially after those nudes she used to send.
Fuck, Taehyung.
Maybe she was just always going to be a weakness for Tae, and that was it.
God, you want to hurl. But you keep yourself composed because it's here now. There's really no turning back.
"Hey." Jin gently squeezes your wrist and gives you a reassuring look. "It's okay." He mouths out.
"Do you have to be here while we do this?" Aiko shoots Jin a look.
"Of course I do. I'm not leaving her side. Why are you suddenly so shy when you've been sharing your nudes with everyone, let alone men in relationships?" Jin snaps back with that glare of his. But this didn't surprise you, Jin was always direct. He would never shy away from telling you like it is. All Aiko can do is roll her eyes at him before letting out a small sigh and bringing her attention back to you.
"Can we just cut to the chase here? I'm not exactly here to be friends." You say as calmly as possible. "Why did Taehyung come to see you?" Which, you curse yourself under your breath once you ask the question because why the fuck else would he come and see her? You were just too busy trying to sway away from the truth.
"He just asked to come see me. For specifics, I'm sure you and I both know what the intention was behind it." You feel sick, but you swallow the lump in your throat and slowly nod your head.
"So, um—"
"No, he didn't Y/N." She cuts you off and looks at you, her facial expression softening. "He didn't do it."
"He came here and left. Said this was a mistake and that he would never do this to you." Jin's grip tightens around your wrist for whatever reason, you can't really decipher the signal right now. You honestly had a hard time believing her at the moment, and it has even gotten to the point where you think they've both created this story to tell you. However, when you look at her, her body language isn't defensive, nor does she seem like she's hiding anything. There's a small frown creeping up at the corners of her lips as she watches you.
She watches how you fiddle with your fingers, and how you always seem to swallow the lump in your throat every 5 seconds, slyly looking up to prevent the tears from coming down.
"Look, I'm really sorry for having caused any trouble and I know I'm probably still not going to be on your favorites list for the way I acted with Jin—" She quickly looks at him. "And with Taehyung. But, if there's really one thing that I help with right now, I can tell you that he truly does love you." She tightens the way her arms are crossed close to her chest as she lets out another shaky sigh. "I know it's terrible that the thought was there for the both of us, but he would never do anything to hurt you. He can't. You mean too much to him, Y/N."
"I— don't really know what to say."
"He's set on you. There's no changing that for him." She says, and you can catch the hurt in her voice. The way her tone dips a little when she tells you there's no changing that for him. She still had feelings for him, and this shouldn't be anything new to you.
"Thanks." Aiko does nothing besides purse her lips into a tight line.
"Yup." You look at Jin, and he simply nods at Aiko before he's slightly pushing you to walk away from the door and down the stairs. But, before you could fully get yourself down a step, Aiko calls out for you both. "Hey."
"He's lucky to have someone like you. I hope he learns from whatever he's going through." You take one last look at her before you silently head down the steps with Jin and situate yourself in his passenger seat.
"So, what now?" Jin asks as he drives off.
"I honestly don't know." The scene of him begging you not to go replays in your head and your heart shatters all over again. You don't know if you're upset with yourself or if you're still upset with him. Actually - yes, you still were upset with him because he had the fucking nerve. The fucking thought. You couldn't get over that. But part of you felt relieved knowing he didn't move forward with it? Or, that he was fucking smart enough at the very least to fix himself the very last minute.
"You can't avoid him forever."
"No, I know that. I just don't know what to say to him." You turn to Jin. "Is it really bad for me to want him to make this work? I don't wanna be the one that goes to him first, not after all of this. I'm tired. I just want to believe that he still wants me the same way he did before."
"I'm sure he hasn't changed."
"Jin, the thought still crossed his mind."
"I know and it's not okay whatsoever but I do have to give it to him for realizing it before."
"I don't know. I guess, yeah." You look down at your lap. "What if he just doesn't fix this? I'm scared of being upped and left again." The sudden thought of your ex popping up, along with all the nights you cried yourself to sleep - waking up with a pounding headache and dry eyes.
"He's not going to." Jin says reassuringly. "I really do believe he'll get this right, but just like you needed time, he does too. I know you had a hard time and a lot of things hurt you, but Taehyung had his own demons to battle and that's never easy. He's trying."
"Yeah." Is all you respond with.
"Do you need more clothes?"
"No, I don't think so. If anything I'll just ask one of the boys to grab me something."
"Okay." Jin continues to drive off and back to his apartment. You keep your gaze outside of the window until your phone vibrates in your lap.
[taehyung♡] 6:05pm: can we talk tonight? i know you might not be ready, but i honestly don't want to put this off any longer. i need to see you.
Your breathing hitches and Jin can feel that something has suddenly changed in your mood. You stare at your phone, unsure if you want to cry or if you're relieved to see Taehyung pop up on your screen. You wanna cry cause of course it still hurts to know the thought crossed his head; you'll never forget that for a second, Taehyung thought about risking everything you've built together just to feel wanted, needed, whatever the hell it was. For a second, he pushed you aside because he was ready to let Aiko back in.
But then you also are relieved because fuck, even if it hasn't been long, part of you felt like he was truly going to give up. That he wasn't going to try anymore. That he didn't think this was worth fixing. That you and him just weren't meant to be together. After all this, of course you still loved him. You loved him deeply - so, so deep, that thought of you without him is probably what hurts the most. He meant everything to you.
"What is it?"
"He wants to talk tonight."
"I'm telling you, you can't avoid him forever."
"Should I do it?"
"Are you ready to? Just because I say you can't avoid him forever doesn't mean you have to talk to him right at this moment, especially if you aren't ready." You look at Jin.
"This is so fucked up, because after everything, I still miss him. And I want to see him. I just don't know what I'd say though."
"Why don't you be honest about everything, yeah? How it made you feel, you confronting Aiko. Let him know that if this does work out, he'll really need to learn from it and understand how hurt you were."
"I know."
"So are you going to see him?"
"Yeah, I think so." Your hands became clammy as you picked up your phone and responded.
[y/n] 6:11pm: yeah, sure.
[taehyung♡] 6:13pm: is it okay if i pick you up from jin hyung's?
[y/n] 6:15pm: yeah, that's fine.
[taehyung♡] 6:16pm: be there in about 15 minutes.
As soon as you put your phone down, Jin is turning into his parking garage and parking into his assigned spot. You quietly walk up the steps, feeling the anxiety settle in. How was this night going to go? Were you going to have to move your stuff out permanently? Move in with Jin or Jungkook until you could figure things out? You already felt terrible enough having spent these past nights in Jin's bed while he slept out on the couch. He insisted he was fine with it, but still.
What if Taehyung really just wanted to talk to tell you that this was done?
Your anxiety is bubbling in your stomach as the minutes go by, 15 minutes seemingly coming a lot slower than it usually does on any other given day. But, it eventually comes and it comes by Taehyung texting you that he's downstairs. You zip up your jacket, fixing up your appearance just a teeny bit because this was still Taehyung. Jin is eating dinner as he waves you off, setting your bowl aside on the kitchen counter for you to eat later when you get back [if you're hungry].
You feel your pulse on your neck, and your ears are slightly ringing because of how nervous you are. You catch a glimpse of him through the lobby doors and you instantly feel weak, and you fucking hated that effect he had on you. He looks at you as you near the passenger door, slipping yourself in without making much eye contact.
"Hey." He says softly as he drives off.
"You eat already?"
"Nope, haven't been too hungry." His heart sinks at the statement.
"Let me know if you want me to stop by anywhere afterwards to get you some food."
"I'll be fine, thanks." You say, keeping your eyes on the passing view outside of the passenger window. The ride is awfully quiet, nothing but the thoughts in your head making noise. You realize he's taking you down towards the nearby beach, parking his car in front of the ocean view. When he shifts the gear to park and shuts off his lights, he slightly sinks in his seat and lets out a sigh.
"Y/N." He says, breaking the silence. You slightly turn your head towards him, eyeing him every now and then through your peripherals. "I'm sorry." He says, close to a whisper as his head drops and he begins to cry.
"Do you even know what you're sorry for, Taehyung?" You ask, your voice cracking when you look at him to see how torn up he is.
"Baby, of course I do." He looks at you through his teary eyes. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for ever making you question your worth, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble and pain while all you've done was be there for me. I'm just.. sorry for not being there when I should have been. I should have never let you go through this alone."
"You have no idea how it's been all this time. I was your fiancé, Taehyung. I was trying to be there for you through everything you were feeling, experiencing, whatever it was. I tried. And all you did was push me aside and you still ended up pointing your fingers at me. Almost cheating on me, even? The thing that feels so unforgivable and so painful is the fact that for a second, you really believed risking everything we've built together was worth it."
"I know and I fucked up. That was on me, 100%. I let everything get to the best of me and I was too dumb to see it right away. I fully acknowledge it and I never want to make you feel that way again. I miss you so much. You being away has been so difficult because I feel empty without you. It's been hard to be without you because I never pictured myself to be without you. I still can't."
"We were planning to get married, Tae." You begin to softly cry. "This isn't something you do when you get married to someone and build that life together with them. You can't—" You wipe your tears with a quick pause. "You can't just run off expecting things to be okay after they get brushed under the rug. How are we supposed to have a family together, grow old together, if we can't even fix these kinds of issues together?"
"Baby, I'm ready to do this with you. It's been a hell of a ride and I'm learning as I go. I know I haven't been perfect, or the best fiancé, but know I'm learning from this because I want to be the best for you and give you the world like you rightfully deserve. I'm so, so sorry, my love." He responds, wiping his tears in between before reaching for your hand and grabbing it. He brings your hand to his lips and presses a kiss against it, causing your heart to flutter. "I love you so much, I'm not giving up on us. I want to do better and you help me be a better man every day that we're together."
"I just want you to understand how much of a toll this took on me and our relationship. You really hurt me, and all I hope is that you do learn from this and become better from it. I love you so much, but I can't always save you. I can be there for you, but sometimes you have to help yourself and I don't know what I'll do if I have to go through this again."
"I know. And I said I wanted to do better, I'm gonna do this for us. I don't want to do this with anyone else. I'm ready to do this ride with you." You don't really have anything else to say, because you feel like you've made your point time and time again. Now, you just didn't know if you'd take this leap of faith again and trust him, or if you should let it be. You simply lean over to wipe his tears, but he keeps your palm against his cheek, pressing a kiss against it as he leans into your touch. "I'm in love with you, Y/N. More than you'll ever know." You sit back into your seat and give him a tiny smile before letting out a breath. You were nervous for what you were about to say, but you needed to say it. You just needed to be honest. This is what this time was about.
"I went to see Aiko earlier." His eyes shoot right at yours, but he doesn't say anything. "She told me you didn't do anything and that you left." You slightly nodded. "It's gonna be hard for me to let that go. But I hope you understand that I want to be the person you go to if things get rough, no one else. I want you to confide in me and tell me what you need so I can better provide. I don't want my man to be running off to someone else because they feel like they can't get a certain feeling or emotion reciprocated, especially without discussing the issue."
"I know, love. I know. I understand and hear you. I'm going to show you that you're the only one that matters to me, and I'll never make you doubt yourself ever again." You sigh and nod. He leans over to kiss you on the forehead, but retreats back to his seat without kissing you anywhere else because he still felt the need to give you space. The kiss sent shivers down your spine though, and it only really solidified the fact that he was the only one you still wanted. "I—um, talked with my parents."
"You did?" You ask softly. For some reason, this was something you weren't expecting to hear. You truly and honestly didn't think Tae was ever gonna try to mend his relationship with his parents, but this showed you that he wanted to try - with you and with them. Hopefully, at least.
"Yeah. I stayed there for a bit." He slightly smiles. "I'm gonna start working with my dad next week. We've been trying to do a lot to mend our relationship and spend more time together."
"I'm happy to hear that, Tae. I really am."
"Thank you for always pushing me to do better with them. There's a lot on their side that I had yet to better understand and vice versa."
"Of course." You say softly as you look at him. He was still the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on, even under the moonlight.
"Do you wanna head back to Jin hyung's now?"
"Sure. I think I've said what I needed to say."
"Come home, please." He says softly as he begins to drive off. "I want to work on mending us, and our relationship."
"I—I don't know. I want this, I do. But I think I just need time to process this? I don't really know. I have to be honest, I'm scared."
"That's okay, I understand. You have every right to feel that way, but I'll show you that you don't have to be. You know you're always welcome to come back whenever you're ready though, baby." But fuck, everything about this makes you so weak. You really did want to go back home and work on this. You just wanted to be with him. You were just scared. There's really no other way to put it. Scared of getting hurt, scared of falling into another trap.
The rest of the ride is quiet again, but it's obvious that the both of you feel a little better getting things off of your chest and talking things out. It didn't mean that everything was fixed though, but you could at least say you both were on the same page of working this out and fixing your relationship. And even though you weren't going home with him that minute, Taehyung can't help but feel hopeful that this will work out in the end. He wanted to do right by you, and he was going to. He was going to fix this, marry you, have a family with you, grow old with you - he was gonna do whatever it took to get you both back on track.
When you unbuckle your seatbelt, you turn to face Taehyung. He simply gives you a tiny, toothless smile before cupping your cheeks and kissing your forehead, then nose.
"I love you, babygirl." He kisses your nose once more, thumb lightly caressing your cheek. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too." You respond before quickly hopping out to prevent yourself from crying even more. You don't turn back and simply head into the elevators up to Jin's floor, straggling tears able to leave your eyes and lightly stain your cheeks.
"How was it?"
"Good, I think."
"What's the plan moving forward?" Jin asks as he leans onto the kitchen counter, watching you wipe your tears and nose.
"I think I'm gonna go home."
even when i'm on my own, i'm never alone and the silence sounds so loud, i'm feeling bound by the words i can't get out
track six: me and my mind - jazz morley
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
That Escalated Quickly
Summary: Reader goes to a party with her friends to gather info on a new group of vampires in town that want Klaus dead. However, she’s kidnapped and Klaus must rescue her. The result? An eternity with the love of her life I suppose.
TW/CW: Klaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader. Canon violence ig? Blood, gun and gunshot wound, knife and stab wound, yeah canon violence about sums it up well.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,788
A/N: So, I googled whether a human dying with Klaus’s blood in their system would actually make them a vampire but I didn’t find anything so let’s just assume it would lol. Also, this turned out way longer than I had expected/planned. It’s been quite a while since I’ve watched tvd so I apologize if the transition is inaccurate :/ Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read! Requests are open and as always, love to all! P.S. when I say I would simp for this man... he and Elijah would be the death of meeeee.
Prompt: “Too bad the party is going to be hosted by people who want you dead. I heard they have a chocolate fountain.”   “Don’t tempt me.”
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Your POV
    I adjust my outfit in the mirror as my boyfriend enters the room behind me. “My don’t you look ravishing,” he says as he wraps his arms around my waist and places soft kisses along my neck. I giggled at the tickle of his stubble and worm my way out of his arms to add the finishing touches to my outfit.  
    I notice him pouting out of the corner of my eye and make my way back to him as I finish my outfit, “Too bad the party is going to be hosted by people who want you dead. I heard they have a chocolate fountain.”
    “Don’t tempt me,” he responds as I kiss his cheek and make my way out of our room to head downstairs and join the others. He follows closely behind and when I finally come to a stop downstairs, he wraps me in his arms once again and this time he full on buries his face in my neck. I can tell he’s not happy about the current mission. There’s a new group of vampires in Mystic Falls, the leader of which does not like Klaus at all. From what I heard it’s probably for a good reason but I’m not exactly keen on letting my boyfriend get killed for a mistake he made in the past.
    Klaus is under orders to stay home and Elijah and Rebekah are staying behind to ensure that he follows said orders. Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Matt, Alaric and myself will be mingling among the party guests in attempts to pick up any information we can about the new vampires but of course at the request of Klaus and supply of Alaric and Jeremy, we’ll all be armed with stakes. Damon, Stefan, Caroline, and Tyler are all tasked with discretely patrolling the perimeter and listening for whatever they can. For the most part, they’re there in case we need back up.  
    I take the stake offered to me by Alaric and stuff it into the sleeve of my jacket and look around to make sure everyone is ready. As they are, I pry myself away from Klaus and press a quick kiss to his lips before heading out, “I’ll be fine, babe. Try not to worry too much while we’re gone.” I join the others outside and then we head off for the party.
    Upon entering the house, my senses are already overwhelmed by the smell of booze and the deep bass thumping music. I follow Elena and Bonnie off towards the kitchen for a drink and leave the guys at the door looking around like lost puppies. I glance back and chuckle at the looks on their faces before turning back around to make sure I don’t lose Elena and Bonnie. We somehow manage to find something non-alcoholic in the kitchen and pour each of ourselves some to drink before departing the kitchen to wander among the crowd filling the large house.
    Everything goes without a hitch for quite some time but the information pool is pretty dry. Finally, I decide that my bladder can’t take much more and head for the bathroom with promises to Elena and Bonnie to meet them and the guys back in the kitchen when I’m done. I find the bathroom without any issues, do my business, and then start to head back to the kitchen when I bump into a man who’s blocking the long hallway. “Uh, dude? Could you move? I need to get through,” I say as I try to go around him but he sidesteps to block my path.
    “You’ll make excellent bait,” comes a scratchy voice behind me.
    I turn around to face the newcomer, “Excuse me?”  
    “His scent is all over you. Don’t act stupid,” is his only answer. Shit. I drop the stake out of my sleeve and into my hand but before I can even begin to think of an escape plan, the man behind me grabs the stake and tosses it off behind him. Next thing I know, everything goes black and I have a splitting headache.
Third Person POV
    Elena and Bonnie pause their conversation as Alaric, Jeremy, and Matt make their way over. Elena tilts her head, “Hey, did you guys happen to see (Y/n) on your way in here?”
    They all shake their head and Alaric answers, “No, why? Should we be worried?”     Elena and Bonnie share a look. “Possibly,” Bonnie answers, “She went to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago and still isn’t back.”
    “I’ll go outside and let Damon and the others know. You four split up and see if you can find her,” Alaric orders before heading to the front door, the others splitting up to search as he does. Once he steps outside, Alaric pulls his phone out and dials Damon’s number.  
    It only rings once before the oldest Salvatore picks up, “Yeah, what’s up?”
    “We’ve lost track of (Y/n) the girl’s said she went to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago but they haven’t seen her since. They’re inside with Jeremy and Matt looking for her now,” Alaric answers promptly.
    “Alright, looks like they took the bait. I’ll let Elijah know, we’ll need Klaus to track her down,” comes Damon’s response.
    “Are we sure that’s a good idea? This guy wants Klaus dead,” Alaric inquires once again for the third time this evening.     “I told you, Klaus can handle himself. The only reason he’s not here is because (Y/n) insisted that he stay out of danger,” Damon replies with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
    “Okay, if you say so. I’ll round up the others and we can head back to the house for him,” Alaric says before hanging up the phone and heading back inside. Almost immediately he finds Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Matt waiting for him.
    Elena who’s on the phone perks up, “Hello! (Y/n)? Where are you?” She’s quiet as whoever is on the other end of the line says something. She looks at the others with concern plastered across her face, “I swear if you hurt her-” she’s interrupted and listens for a moment before hanging up the phone angrily and storming out of the house with the others in hot pursuit. Elena stomps over to where the vampires and werewolf have gathered, “They have her. They gave an address and said to make sure Klaus comes alone.”
    “Oh, he’s going to be pissed,” Tyler adds.
    “What are we going to do? We can’t just send Klaus in alone, can we?” Caroline questions the group.
    Stefan, Damon, and Alaric all seem to share a look before Stefan answers, “We’ll leave that decision up to him.” With that, everyone climbs into the vehicles and heads back towards the Mikaelson’s home.
    When the group piles out of the vehicles and steps inside the house, Klaus storms over, “Where is she?”
    “Klaus, would you slow down and get your head on straight before you go barging into danger?” Rebekah pleas with her brother.
    “Where. Is. She?” Klaus barks.
    Everyone exchanges glances at each other, silently arguing over who will be the one to tell him. Finally, Elena speaks up, “There’s an old warehouse just outside of town. They have her there. They said to come alone.”
    Without saying another word, Klaus is gone. Everyone looks to Elijah who takes a deep breath, “We’ll follow but we’ll keep our distance. If I know my brother, he won’t want to put her in any more danger than she’s already in, even if it means risking his life.”
    As they all head off in pursuit of Klaus, Rebekah speaks up again, “Surely, they can’t actually kill him, can they? He’s a bloody Original for crying out loud.”
    “I don’t know, Rebekah. All we can do right now is hope for the best,” Elijah answers.
Your POV     I open my eyes slowly but the bright lights overhead still hurt my eyes. I look around and find myself in an old abandoned warehouse. My arms are chained to a rafter above my head and my feet are shackled to the floor. A tall, scraggly looking man steps into view, “Ah you’re awake.”
    I recognize that voice as one of the men that ambushed me, “You’re pretty brave, you know that? You must be to kidnap the girlfriend of an original vampire.”
    “Awwww boo hoo, he’s getting what he deserves,” the man mocks. Then the front door of the warehouse is kicked down and in walks my boyfriend.
    I glare at him with a frown on my face, “I thought I told you to keep your ass out of danger?”
    “Did you really think I’d listen?” he responds before launching himself after the men around me. It seems almost instantly that the men are wiped out. However, not before one of them manages to run me through with a knife. I can tell I don’t have long but Klaus breaks the chains holding my arms up and gently lays me on the ground, placing my head in his lap. He bites a gash into his forearm before placing it to my lips. I can sense the others gathering around us as I let Klaus’s blood enter my system. Within mere seconds the wound on my abdomen closes up and stops bleeding. Klaus helps me to my feet and we begin to follow the others back out to the vehicles. Suddenly, I hear a gunshot and feel immense pain in my back.  
    The man swears but is quickly cut off by Elijah who rips the man’s heart out of his chest. Klaus clutches me close to him, “I’m sorry, love. I should’ve been more careful.”
    I laugh softly, “It’s alright, this was bound to happen eventually.”
    When I wake up again, I find myself in mine and Klaus’s bedroom. Upon entering the room, Klaus notices that I’m awake and offers me a glass of what’s presumably blood. I down the glass as he climbs into bed beside me and wraps his arms around me. He presses a kiss to my forehead before asking, “What did you mean when you said that this was bound to happen eventually?”
    I shrug and wipe my mouth, “It’s not like I want to grow old and die when I have such an amazing boyfriend and friends that I’d leave behind.”
    “I suppose that’s fair, but I’d much rather you not have to go through all this,” he replies quietly.
    “Don’t start blaming yourself. That will only make matters worse. Besides, I have basically have the professionals of how to be a vampire to teach me, I’ll be okay,” I laugh softly and cuddle closer into his chest before dozing off to sleep.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ @akshi8278​ 
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 12
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever @toodaloo-kangaroo @khneltea @raeuberprinzessin
Tim had exactly zero idea what was going on.
Marinette had disappeared into the shower so he’d figured that, hey, work was over and he was 90% sure it was the day she usually shaved (something he knew because every time she shaved she excitedly asked him to touch her leg because it was smooth) so he had time to kill…
He walked over to her jewelry box.
He’d already bugged all of the new jewelry he had bought her but her old stuff was perfectly intact and he kind of wanted more insurance. Sure, they lived together now so it was unlikely she would have much reason to leave without him, but he was known for his millions of plans and contingencies and he wasn’t about to mess up when it was someone he cared about.
So, he went to work on the first necklace he grabbed. It had a tiny cat with green emeralds for eyes.
He looked at the tiny black pupils that the cat had. He pulled a tiny pick out of his pocket and carefully started carving a circle in it for the bug.
And then a bug-shaped god came flying out of the door for something.
There were a few beats as Tim and Tikki stared at each other.
Tikki broke it with a loud groan.
He watched her float past him for the towel hung on Marinette’s bedpost and then go back inside.
He darted towards the bathroom, only to pause at the door. He really didn’t want to burst in while Marinette was probably naked, that was a huge breach of privacy, but he also didn’t want Tikki to tell him about all the bugs he was planting! Shit! He bit his lip, considering.
“Here’s your towel, Marinette,” Tikki said with a sharp edge to her tone.
“... are you mad?”
“Not at you. Where are the cookies you baked last night?”
“Uh, the fridge --?”
“Thank you.”
Why hadn’t she told her? Tim wasn’t complaining, of course, but he was a little confused. She was clearly mad about it and he doubted that Marinette had made some rule that said ‘you can’t tell me about people bugging me’ because that was oddly specific and not a very good idea… so… what?
He didn’t know. He was just going to thank the god of luck -- he was pretty sure that was Tikki -- and continue what he was doing.
Marinette didn’t have to struggle to keep everyone inside the first night. She liked that. More time to plan.
But how did she get herself let out, you may ask?
Remember how Tim had said that all-hands-on-deck situations are the only exceptions to the Stay Inside While Injured Rule? Well, guess what had happened.
Arkham had had a huge breakout and Marinette wasn’t going to complain… even if her kwami might be a little disappointed in how happy she was about it.
She was even happier when she’d found out that one of the people that had broken out was Scarecrow. She’d been meaning to tell him about her guesses about his brownie recipe for a while and she hadn’t really had a chance to do it when she was talking to him through a phone with a thick glass between them.
Batman -- Bruce? -- didn’t need to know that they’d broken into a bakery for the night to test out their theories before she had taken him back to Arkham.
He’d thank them when he got the brownies (the missing ingredient was Mexican cinnamon!). Or, at least, she hoped he would.
Tim had to say… Marinette's plan to get everyone in her house was working.
He could warn his siblings but, honestly, he found it kind of funny.
He was surprised to see Jason show up first. He raised his eyebrows at his brother. “Didn’t know you were in town, Flamebird.”
Jason did an exaggerated eye roll that Tim swore he could see despite the domino. “Marinette said she had something she wanted to show me.”
And she did. She walked over and dropped the Harry Potter books onto the window ledge beside him. “This is terrible and I hate you for making me read them.”
“It gets better later on --.”
“I read two books. That’s six hundred pages. If you can’t get your shit together in six hundred fucking pages then you don’t deserve my time.”
He scoffed. “They’re not that bad.”
“Oh yeah? Read it. It’s been years for you, right? Get to book three and tell me it’s good.”
Jason scowled and grabbed the books, taking a seat in the armchair.
Tim grinned and rested an arm around his girlfriend. “You don’t actually hate Harry Potter, do you?”
“Only the book version.”
He frowned. “I think we need to break up.”
“Nope. Not allowed to break up with me.”
“Oh, well, if I’m not allowed then I guess I won’t,” he said, leaning down to press a tiny kiss to her lips.
There was a groan from the window and they both rolled their eyes, turning to look at Damian.
“Why must you sully my good mood so early on with your disgusting displays of affection?”
“It’s our apartment, you just so happen to be here,” said Tim, glaring at his brother. “We can do what we want.”
Marinette, bravely, stepped between the two of them with a bright smile. “Now, boys, it’s not the time.”
“It is not the time for your libido, and yet...” argued Damian.
“Please, that isn’t even close to libi --,” Tim started, only to get elbowed in the stomach.
She gave him a look that told him to let her handle it and, while he didn’t think that was a good idea, he held up his hands in surrender.
“Robin, it’s unbecoming of you to argue with everyone you meet,” she chided lightly.
… did she speak Damian or something? Because Damian actually looked a little reprimanded at that and Tim needed to learn her ways.
Then, she leaned down with a grin. He could see her hands start to rest on her knees but she thought better of it at the last second. “I got some new stuff from the pet store and I wanted to know if you wanted to help test them out on Vanelope.”
Damian narrowed his eyes slightly. “What kinds of new things?”
“A bunch of cat toys.”
“... I suppose I can test them out for you.”
“I mean, I said you could help --,” she started, but Damian was already heading towards Vanelope without her.
Tim looked over at his girlfriend. She didn’t seem all that put out by this.
“You really had something planned out for everyone?”
She smirked and took a seat on the windowsill. “Yep. It should take Flamebird about two days to finish the first two books -- assuming he can even get through them that quickly -- and Robin is sure to be very thorough in his testing of all the cat toys.”
“Oh? And what’s your plan for everyone else?”
She shrugged just slightly. “Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
When Dick appeared she set him up with Beat Saber, saying that she was curious about why the VR glasses gave her a headache and wanted to see if he had the same problem. Tim knew the problem was that they were made for men and therefore sometimes had negative side effects for women, but he bit his lip before he could offer to get a set custom-made for her in favor of watching Dick select the poppiest pop song in existence and instantly get addicted to the game.
Tim raised his eyebrows slightly when Steph appeared, textbook in hand.
“How did you know everyone would show up?” He asked once Marinette had set her up with a particularly long and difficult worksheet to make sure she got the lesson.
“Well, Spoiler shows up every Saturday night for tutoring, Robin comes by every other day or more and he didn’t stop by last night, Nightwing pops by most weekends, and I called Flamebird over myself… speaking of which…” She pulled out her phone and tapped a few buttons. “Right, Signal said he’ll be here in ten minutes seven minutes ago… so, he’s almost here.”
Tim grinned. “You forgot Cass.”
“She only ever really shows up to get away from all of you guys so, with everyone here, she’d have no reason to come over.” Her face split into a sheepish grin. “Also, she’d see through me pretty quickly.”
“Don’t you want B to have no help?”
She shrugged. “It should be a light night since almost everyone important is in Arkham right now but that doesn’t mean that the two of them can deal with all of Gotham’s petty crime on their own. I give them until three or four before they crack.”
“... you might be a little scary.”
“You don’t last long as a vigilante if you’re not at least a little smart,” she chirped. “I just choose to turn my brain off most of the time.”
He smiled. “Oh? And the exception is what? Making you stay inside?”
She waved him off. “Kind of. It’s more that I only put effort into making sure I’ll never be bored. What’s the point of thinking about anything else? All that does is make you sad.”
Well that didn’t sound healthy, now did it? Tim was pretty sure that was just repression but, honestly, he had no clue. His family famously did not use therapists.
Before he could figure out how to address that there was a knock on the door.
Marinette grinned and opened it to reveal Duke, who was holding a computer.
Duke looked around the apartment, raising his eyebrows at all the people there. “Uh… should I ask?”
“I’m spiting Bruce.”
“Wild. Whatever. Ready for GBBS?”
“Sure. Tim, you gonna watch it with us?”
He hesitated. Steph had been sending him pleading looks since she had gotten her worksheet and he felt kind of bad for her… but then Duke and Marinette sat on the couch and she rested her head on his shoulder lazily to get a better view of the computer and Tim figured that Steph was smart enough to do the worksheet on her own if she really tried.
He took a seat beside her and smiled a little when she switched to lean against him instead.
“So, who’s your favorite person for the season?” He asked.
She thought for a minute before shrugging. “The guy that always wins but keeps being anxious about his bakes. Forgot his name, though.”
“Rahul?!” said Duke.
Duke frowned. “I’m not sure whether to be happy you like at least one contestant, be proud it’s Rahul, or be annoyed you didn’t remember his name.”
“Character development takes time,” said Tim wisely.
Marinette scoffed a little. “Just put on the damn show. I’m tired of listening to you assholes talk.”
Duke grinned. “Fine. Fine.”
Time passed as the three of them watched the show.
Other family members slowly made their way over one by one. Damian brought the cat with him. Jason came over to give his brain a break after all the reading he had done (and then, when Marinette pointed out that you never take breaks while reading good books, had gone straight back to Harry Potter). Steph decided she didn’t want to pass her class and came to lay across the top of the couch. Dick eventually got tired and rested his body after the intense game that is Beat Saber.
… B released her at almost exactly three thirty. They ignored their comms in favor of continuing to watch the season finale.
Marinette bit her lip anxiously as she preemptively turned off the notifications on her phone. Tim did the same.
They typed up matching tweets about how they were moving in with their partners, tagged each other...
Their fingers hovered over the tweet buttons.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’m sure one of my siblings will do something stupid in a few days and the media will leave us alone,” said Tim.
She smiled awkwardly. “That isn’t what I’m worried about.”
He frowned just a little and slipped his arm around her. “Well, can I help with whatever it is?”
She hesitated. It would be better to warn him, she supposed. “Not really. You’re going to get the ‘shovel talk’ --.”
“My dad is Batman, Bean, I’ll live.”
“-- by the person who currently controls the embodiment of chaos and destruction.”
His face paled a little (which is dangerous, considering he was already pale enough). “Does Chat Noir not know we’re dating yet?”
“... so he’s going to find out through the media?”
She nodded her agreement, curling into his side and glaring at the phone.
Adrien was going to be pissed. Especially since he was going to learn through the media. Sure, that was the intention, she was hoping that Tim would be left more or less alone because her friend would be too busy being hurt about not being told to focus on his anger at her boyfriend… but, yikes, she didn’t really want to deal with that just yet.
Also, she thought with a wince, Adrien was going to be even angrier when he figured out that she hadn’t exactly given up, as he called it, ‘stalking’ the people she was interested in. Marinette was pretty sure that Tim already knew about some of it but she wasn’t completely sure and, just in case, she wanted to keep it a secret for a while… a few years, at least, and she wanted to be the one to tell him because she was sure that Adrien would be a lot harsher about it than she would. He already called it ‘stalking’ when it was clearly different, she didn’t want to know what he would say if she let him talk about it in more depth.
Unfortunately, though, Adrien wasn’t stupid. He’d eventually catch on. The longer they dated without him knowing the guiltier he would assume she was.
She sighed and took his face in her hands. “I’m leaving it up to you. I’m not sure. I’m leaning towards being public but...”
He bit his lip as he considered it. She fought the urge to stretch his face until he let go.
He smiled hesitantly. “Well, I’ve lived long enough, I think.”
“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll summon a lucky charm for you,” she half-joked.
He gave a puff of laughter that wasn’t quite real and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thanks, Bean, but I doubt that’ll be necessary. This is Gotham, no one dies here.”
“We don’t know how long that’ll take, though,” she said with a pout. “I’d prefer to have you back as soon as possible.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’ll always have my siblings.”
“But I want you,” she huffed. “You’re my favorite.”
She felt his cheeks warm beneath her hands.
“I’m your second favorite,” he reminded her. “Cass.”
She snickered. “True. You’re my favorite until Cass accepts my proposal.”
“Hm. I’ll have to enforce the bro code to make sure that never happens.”
“Oh no! I guess I’ll be stuck with you forever, then. What a shame!”
He smiled brightly. Sometimes she lamented the fact that he didn’t give a lot of genuine smiles. The grins and smirks were nice, of course, but she liked to watch the way he would duck his head slightly to try and cover his face with his bangs. Still, in the privacy of her own head, she had to admit that the fact she could get such a smile out of him when few others could made her heart rate spike. He smiled for her. Who wouldn’t be flattered by that?
She pulled the smile that she loved so much down for a kiss.
The first time they stepped out the door as an official couple they were hounded by reporters.
Tim wanted to ask how they knew where they lived. He settled for asking them to blur the area around them.
It was more than a little annoying to be harassed on your way to the grocery store. They had just wanted eggs, milk (Marinette kept leaving it out for some strange reason), some cat food, and enough miscellaneous snacks to keep Cass occupied. They did not want cameras shoved in their faces.
But years of being public figures had trained them to keep pleasant smiles on their faces and to answer questions with as little information as possible.
Finally, though, they made it inside and a manager kicked out the reporters.
Marinette let her shoulders slump a little beneath his arm and Tim flexed the muscles in his face before it could get stuck in that awkward half-smile forever.
He squeezed her a little. “You alright?”
She shrugged as much as she could without displacing his arm. “Yeah. Just… hate reporters.”
He nodded his understanding. He pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Want to buy some Oreos while we’re here?”
Her face lit up. “Can we?”
“I’m rich. Of course we can.”
And, so, they did. He made a mental note to start buying oreos in bulk. All the flavors, just in case she ever got sick of the normal version.
They glanced out the door and, though they couldn’t see the paparazzi waiting just outside, they were sure that they would be back soon. They ducked through back alleys to try and get away.
Only to stop in the middle of a dark alley at the high-pitched cry of: “Give me your money or else!”
Tim sighed and set down the cat food to hand over everything in his pockets. A glance back at Marinette confirmed she was doing the same --.
And then he stopped short. He turned more fully to look at their mugger and then started to laugh.
“I’ll… I’ll kill you!” Said the mugger, who was just a kid. They might not have even hit puberty yet.
“With a pocketknife?” Tim said.
Marinette turned around as well at that and a grin spread across her face. “Oh my gods, that’s so lame.”
“It’s Gotham, you gotta do better than that,” said Tim. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a butterfly knife. He handed it over. “Here, have this, at least. Christ, that’s terrible.”
The kid didn’t seem to know what to do about the fact that his would-be victims were laughing at her and apparently helping her mug people.
Marinette handed over everything except for the necklace Tim had given her. “Here, kid. And get a mask or something to hide your face, it’s not nearly dark enough in here for you to just go with a hood.”
“Oh, and here’s my address,” added Tim. He typed it into his phone -- damn, he should have brought more than a pager -- and then handed it over. “We always have a lot of extra food, so if you ever need it just knock on the window.”
“... thanks?” said their now adoptive kid (they didn’t make the rules, this kid was theirs now).
“Yeah, yeah, no problem. Can we go now? One of his siblings is coming over soon and he will start our show without us.”
“Uh… sure?”
Marinette sat on the kitchen island, squinting at the cast on her arm. Was it worth taking off for the sake of doing work? Maybe --.
Tim’s voice crackled through her ear and she perked up a little at the sound, smiling. He was talking, greeting guests it seemed. Right. He had a meeting today, Janet had mentioned it earlier that morning.
Marinette sighed a little at the reminder that, while she might not care about her broken arm, her boyfriend did. Yeah. Tim would probably be stressed if she took off her cast before the doctor said it was okay. She settled to lay back on the counter, head resting on her good arm, and stare at the ceiling as she listened to his voice...
Only to dart up when she felt a tap on her arm.
She looked over, eyes blown wide, and only relaxed slightly when she realized she recognized the person.
Adrien stood over her, arms crossed over his chest despite the glasses/miraculous he had hooked to the collar of his shirt, but he apparently wasn’t angry enough to not accept the usual kisses on both cheeks that Parisians did as greeting.
He said something that she couldn’t really understand with the part of her brain still concentrated on Tim explaining some sort of chart.
She sighed and reached a hand to her ear to turn off the bug. “Hey, can you repeat that?”
He didn’t. Instead he squinted at her ear suspiciously. “Does your ear hurt?”
“... no?” She said slowly, a little confused.
“Whatcha listening to?”
She paled. Shit. He was going to be pissed (or, at least, more pissed than he already was) if he found out that her supposed ‘stalking’ was getting worse. She needed an excuse.
“Uh, that one rapper, uh --.”
“BS. You don’t listen to rappers.”
He held a hand out and, reluctantly, she handed it over to him. She might as well get her murder over with.
He set it in his ear and, after a few attempts, turned it on. His face soured even more, somehow.
“This better not be who I think it is.”
She gave a tentative half-smile.
That was all the answer he needed. He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and started dragging her through the streets.
No one helped. Not that she expected them to, it was Gotham, but it was still a little hurtful.
Adrien stopped suddenly after a few minutes of walking.
“... wait… where’s his office?”
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queenofspades20 · 4 years
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Synopsis: Y/n is the shy lab tech that is the only one in the tower that knows how to work on Bucky’s new arm. Bucky has a crush on Y/n and vice versa. Y/n gets abducted and Bucky and the team go to save her.
Warning: angst, fluff, violence, torture, mutual pining
Word count: 5.8k
So, from a melatonin-induced crazy dream, came this fic. I get the strangest dreams when I use melatonin. I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head, so I just went with it. The ending is a little rough, so sorry. Hope you enjoy!
Bucky was sparring against Steve when his arm made a strange grinding noise. Steve had just landed a punch near his shoulder. They separated and Steve grabbed his hand towel and wiped his face. “Uh, Buck. You should probably get that checked out.”
“You think?” Bucky asked sarcastically. “You mean new noises are a bad thing?”
Steve laughed and threw his towel at Bucky. “Jerk.”
Bucky caught the towel and threw it back. “Punk.” Bucky looked at his arm. “I think I’ll probably wait awhile.”
“I don’t want to bother Y/n. I just saw her a few days ago for an update to the arm.”
“Buck, she’s the only one other than Shuri that can work on that arm and Shuri is in Wakanda. I’m sure she’d be happy to help you. She’s really nice.”
“I know. That’s the problem.” Bucky groaned in frustration.
“What, she’s nice? I fail to see how that’s a problem. You’d rather her be mean to you?”
“No! I forget what to say to her when I talk to her.” Bucky ran his hands through his hair, pulling it out of the bun it was in. “She’s really sweet and so smart. But I also think I scare her or something.”
Steve was genuinely confused. “Why would you think that? I’ve never heard her say anything like that about you.”
“She doesn’t really make eye contact with me. She’s never rude or anything, but she doesn’t smile when I’m around. I’ve seen her interact with you, Tony, Nat, and the others. She smiles with you guys, but not me.”
Steve smiled knowingly. “Y/n is pretty shy. It took her forever to warm up to us. When she first started, I don’t think she said more than a couple of words and that was usually restricted to ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ You’ve only been here a couple of months. She might not feel ready to be more open with you just yet.”
Bucky thought on their interactions. He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a bit of a crush on the technician. He thought she was really pretty and she was definitely smart if she could keep up with Shuri and Tony. “I don’t know.”
Steve looked at his friend. “You know, she loves [favorite hot beverage]. I think if you brought her some when you went to get that arm checked out, she would really appreciate it. The café down the street knows her order pretty well.”
Bucky looked at Steve. “You think that would get her to feel more comfortable around me?”
“Sure! Can’t hurt anyways.”
“Thanks, Steve. I think I’ll do that.”
“You better hurry though,” Steve said, looking at his watch. “She usually leaves in a few hours, but who knows how long she’ll need to work on that arm. You don’t want to keep her super late.”
Bucky grabbed his stuff and ran towards the exit. “Thanks, Steve! I’ll see ya later!”
Bucky ran to his room for a quick shower. He looked at the time and saw he had just enough time to run down to the café to get Y/n’s [favorite hot beverage]. When he got to the café, he told the cashier what he wanted to get. Luckily, he knew Y/n and was able to ring up the order without problem. Once Bucky had the drink, he went back to the tower and took the elevator to the floor Y/n worked on. When he got to the lab, he saw Y/n through the little window on the door. There was no one else in the lab with her. She was hunched over the worktable, tinkering with something. Bucky walked into the lab, trying to not be too quiet as he didn’t want to scare her. “Hi, Y/n.”
Y/n jumped and set her things down. She turned in her seat and saw Bucky standing in the doorway. “Uh, hi, Sergeant Barnes. Is there something you need?” Internally, Y/n scolded herself for sounding annoyed by him. She loved when he stopped by the lab. He always seemed interested in what she was doing, even if he didn’t ask any questions. Y/n had the biggest crush on the super soldier, but didn’t think he would ever notice her like that.
Bucky held up the drink and walked over to her. “Steve told me this was your favorite. I thought I’d bring it by and ask if you could take a look at my arm? It was making a weird noise when I was sparring with Steve a little while ago. And how many times do I have to tell you, you can call me Bucky.”
Y/n gifted Bucky with a rare smile and took the drink. “Thank you! That’s really sweet. You didn’t have to bring me anything though. I’m always willing to work on your arm. Sit on this chair and we’ll take a look,” Y/n said, rambling with nerves. She gestured to the stool next to her. “And you’ll probably have to tell me a few more times, Sergeant.”
Bucky felt his face heat up and managed to smile back. He really did love her smile. “Thanks,” he said, sitting down.
Y/n rummaged through the table drawer for the tool kit she had specially put together for Bucky’s arm. “Okay,” she said, turning to him. “Let’s see what’s going on.” Y/n moved her stool closer to Bucky’s and grabbed one of the tools that would allow her to remove one of the metal plates.
Bucky, trying to think of something to talk about, blurted the first thing that came to mind, “What made you want to work here?”
Y/n was startled. This was the first time Bucky had tried to start a conversation with her. She felt her face heat up, not used to his attention being on her personally. “Um, I like working with my hands, but love developing technology. Tony found me working in a lab at my old university and convinced me I could do a lot of good here.” She looked down to his arm, to see what the problem was.
Bucky smiled, happy he got more than a few short words from her. Maybe she wasn’t scared, like Steve said. “I think you do.”
Y/n, who had been focused on some of the wires in the arm looked up, “huh? I do what?”
Bucky gently smiled. “You do a lot of good. I know I would be lost without you here. You’re the only one who can work on my arm.”
Y/n felt warm at Bucky’s smile. “I’m glad I can be of help.”
Bucky, who felt a little more confident in speaking with Y/n asked, “did you figure out the problem with my arm?”
“Yeah. Some of the wiring got knocked loose. I’m going to make a fix for now, but I’m going to shoot Shuri an email to see if we can figure out a way to make it so it doesn’t happen again. Or at least make it harder to happen.” Y/n finished replacing the metal plate. “How does it feel?”
“Perfect. Thank you.”
“Any time, Sergeant Barnes.” Y/n grabbed the drink Bucky had brought her and took a sip. It was exactly how she loved it. “Thank you again for the drink.”
“If you start calling me Bucky, I’ll bring you as many drinks as you want,” Bucky said with a cheeky smile.
“I wouldn’t want to take advantage.”
“You wouldn’t be. You always make me feel welcome and I appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to buy me drinks for me to be nice to you. But thank you for this.” Y/n looked at the clock on the wall realizing the time. “I should be getting out of here. I got here pretty early and I need to get some things done at home.”
“Oh. Well, have a good night, Y/n.” Bucky felt dismissed. He thought they were making really good progress.
Y/n smiled up at Bucky. “Good night. Take it easy on that arm until Shuri and I can come up with a better fix.”
“See you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here. Have a good night.” Y/n grabbed her bag and drink and made her way to the door.
As she got to the elevator, Bucky slowly made his way out of the lab. He decided to take to the stairs to the main residence floor, where he figured Steve would be. As he walked into the common room, he saw Steve sitting on the couch, reading a book.
“Did you visit Y/n?” Steve asked, without looking up.
“She fixed it.”
“And what, Steve?” Bucky wasn’t sure how much he wanted to reveal of their conversation to Steve.
“Did you at least talk to her this time?” Steve asked, exasperated.
“Yes. She really liked the drink.”
“I told you it was her favorite. She’s slow to warm up to people, but she gets there when they show they can be trusted. She knows you’re not a danger to her. As far as anything beyond what you’ve had with her, it just takes time.”
Bucky nodded. “She smiled at me. I forgot to breathe. She’s so pretty and smart.”
Steve smiled at his friend. “You’ll get there with her.” Steve was confident that Y/n had as much of a crush on Bucky as Bucky had on her, but he wasn’t going to tell Bucky that. Y/n deserved to be the one to tell him, if his friend ever got the courage to talk to her. “Come on, let’s go make some dinner.”
Bucky and Steve made their way into the kitchen to make dinner for the night.
   Y/n was lost in thought as she made her way home. She was happy Bucky had actually talked to her more today. She knew she was more shy around people she didn’t know as well. Too many people had let her down before and it was hard to trust people. Y/n was happy to have the friends she did, but she also knew that her reserved nature prevented her from having more friends. It was just hard to open up to people.
Y/n made her way to the subway station from the tower that would take her to her apartment. She was so lost in thought that she failed to notice the van following her. As she crossed the street, the van pulled in behind her and men jumped out. Y/n felt something hard hit her in the back of her head. A bag was placed over her head and two men grabbed her by the arms and dragged her into the van. The van quickly sped off. A few people saw the incident but no one knew what to do.
Y/n awoke with blinding pain in the back of her head. She tried to move her arms and legs, but found they were tied to the chair she was sitting in. Though it pained her from the light to open her eyes, she peeked them open and looked at her surroundings. She was clearly in a warehouse, but she had no idea of where.
“Ah, you’re awake. Finally. I thought we had possibly killed you.” A voice came from behind Y/n. The pain prevented her from turning her head. She could hear footsteps echo in the room. A hand fell to her shoulder and moved to under her jaw. A man lifted her head and looked at her. “Kind enough of you to join us.”
Y/n jerked her head away from him. “Who are you?!”
“Someone who needs some information on the Asset.”
“Asset? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/n was terrified. She had no clue what the man was talking about and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this one.
“The Winter Soldier, of course.”
“Sergeant Barnes? I’m not telling you anything about him!” Y/n felt white hot rage. She would never betray Bucky.
The man laughed and raised his hand. He swung and backhanded Y/n in the face. “I have ways of making you talk.” He walked over to a tray that was set up a few feet away from where Y/n sat. He picked up a pair of pliers. “I wonder how long you’d last if I removed your fingernails.”
Y/n’s screams could be heard throughout the warehouse for several hours.
 The next morning at the tower, Bucky was looking forward to seeing Y/n. He had her drink ready for her and he was determined to have a non-work related conversation with her. Bucky had practically interrogated Steve and Natasha about what Y/n enjoyed, so he could try and find some common interest to talk to her about.
“Okay,” Bucky whispered to himself. “Just go in casually and chat her up. You used to charm the ladies in the 40s all the time.” He huffed out a sigh and opened the door to the lab. He looked around but couldn’t find the Y/H/C woman anywhere. Bucky did see Tony sitting at a table towards the back of the lab. Tony looked up when Bucky walked in.
“Hey, Manchurian Candidate. What’s up? What do you need?” Tony and Bucky had a generally good relationship now, though it had been seriously strained when they first met. Tony knew Bucky was responsible for his parents’ deaths, but also knew Bucky had no choice in the matter as a brainwashed assassin. It took a lot of individual and group therapy to work through their issues.
Bucky wasn’t sure he wanted Tony to know he liked Y/n. He was worried Tony would tease him or Y/n and that might scare Y/n off from him. “I was, uh, just looking for Y/n. I brought her a drink as a thank you for fixing my arm last night.”
Tony smiled. “She hasn’t made it in yet. But you can put it on her desk and I’ll let her know you brought it.” He looked at the clock and frowned. “Though, she is late, which isn’t like her. Maybe I’ll shoot her a text to see where she’s at.”
Bucky hesitated. “Do you mind if I wait? Just to make sure she’s okay.”
Tony, who was sending off a text to Y/n, didn’t look up as he answered. “Sure. I’m sure she’ll run in here any minute, apologizing for being late.”
After about 15 minutes and Tony didn’t get a response, he began to worry. “It’s not like her to not respond. Even if I text her in the middle of the night, she responds almost right away.”
“Why would you text her in the middle of the night?” Bucky felt a wave of jealousy.
“Because I don’t sleep much and I do a lot of work at night. I’m usually texting her thoughts of stuff for us to work on the next day. Sometimes I get an ‘okay,’ other times she’ll tell me her thoughts. She doesn’t always sleep much either.” Tony said matter-of-factly.
“Oh. So, do we call her?”
“No. If she didn’t respond to the text, she won’t answer the phone. I’m just going to pull up her tracker.”
Bucky just stared at Tony. “You have a tracker on her?”
“Everyone does. It’s a safety protocol. You and the rest of the Avengers have one embedded in your bodies. Y/n and other employees like her have one in a watch I give everyone that also works for communicating within the tower. I know Y/n only takes her off to charge it. She always keeps it close.” Tony pulled up her information on the computer. “What the…” Tony’s brow furrowed.
“What is it? Did you find her?”
“The signal isn’t coming in. That means either her watch is dead or it’s in an area that is blocking the signal. Either way, I don’t think she’s okay.”
Bucky felt panic rise in his chest. “How do we find her?”
Tony started typing. “I’m going to see if I can find where she was last seen.” He pulled up cameras on the streets. “Do you know what time she left yesterday?”
“Yeah. It was around 5 or so.”
Tony pulled up the time frame and went towards the cameras near the subway station he knew she always went to. What he saw filled him with dread. He saw Y/n get knocked out and then taken into the van. Bucky dropped the drink he was still holding. The hot liquid splashing onto his pants.
“We have to find her. Tony, tell me you can track her.”
Tony was frantically typing in the computer, trying to pull up a map of her tracking. Her signal tracked to a set of warehouses about 20 miles from the tower before it stopped. “I think she’s in this area. We need to get everyone together to go after her.”
Bucky ran out of the lab and went to find Steve and the others. As he was nearing his room to grab his gear, he heard Tony’s voice over the intercoms. “Avengers, we need everyone on deck. Emergency mission. Suit up and meet me on the landing pad.”
Steve came around the corner the same time as Bucky and they crashed into each other. “Bucky, what’s the emergency?” The super soldiers got up.
“Y/n got taken. We have a general idea of where she is, but she was taken last night. We don’t know if she’s still there or not.”
Steve ran into his room that was next to Bucky’s to suit up. They ran up to the roof, where the landing pad was. Everyone was there, ready to go.
“What’s the emergency?” Clint asked as he adjusted the quiver on his back.
“Y/n got taken,” Tony said as he strode towards the group. “We have a general idea of where she was but it was hours ago. We have to hope she’s still there.”
“Then let’s get going already!” Natasha exclaimed. She ran up the boarding ramp. Everyone followed her. Tony went to the pilot’s chair. He typed in the coordinates of the warehouses and set the quinjet to auto-pilot.
“Okay, Avengers. Here’s the plan. There are about 10 warehouses in the area. We don’t know how many hostiles are there, so we’re going to have to go in stealthily. That means landing a couple miles away and running in. We’ll have to eliminate each warehouse. I suggest we team up in pairs and keep in constant communication.”
Steve looked to Tony. “Sounds like a plan. I suggest Nat and Clint, Tony and Rhodes, Sam and Wanda, and me and Bucky as teams.”
Everyone nodded their agreement.
The auto-pilot alerted the imminent landing and Clint ran to the front to handle it. After the quinjet set down, Clint activated the cloaking and everyone disembarked. They took off in their teams in search of Y/n.
 Y/n felt nothing but pain. The man, who she came to know as Zemo, had been relentless in his torture. After pulling out her fingernails, he took to cutting and punching her. When that didn’t work, he started waterboarding her. Y/n knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. She didn’t think Zemo could do anything more to her. Y/n was wishing for death.
“I’m not telling you anything. You might as well kill me already.” Y/n groaned out. Her throat was hoarse from the screaming. She could feel blood dripping into her eye from a cut on her forehead from earlier in the torture.
Zemo laughed. “I think I just haven’t found the right torture for you yet. I think I know what might work. Have you ever seen the movie, Misery?”
Y/n felt her stomach drop. If he was talking about what she thought he was, the pain she had endured earlier would be nothing compared to what was in store for her. She watched Zemo walk over to a table and pick up a board that would keep her legs about shoulder width apart. Y/n felt tears gather in her eyes.
Zemo moved over to her and placed the board by her feet. Seeing the panic in Y/n’s eyes, he smiled sadistically. “I see you have. Then, you know what I’m planning.” He moved the bindings on her legs to up around her knees, so she wouldn’t be able to kick him again. He had learned his lesson around hour 3 of the torture. He placed the board between her legs, making sure it wouldn’t fall.
Zemo went back to the table and grabbed a small sledgehammer. Y/n struggled against her bindings as best she could. He made his way over to her, raised the hammer, and slammed it against her leg, just below the board. Y/n screamed louder than she had all night.
 Bucky could hear a scream pierce through the air. “I think that was Y/n.”
Steve looked at his friend. “I think it came from over there,” he said, pointing to the warehouse that was at the end of the row. He tapped his coms and signaled everyone. “I think we just heard Y/n screaming from the warehouse at the end. Does anyone copy?”
“I hear you. Clint and I are making our way over there now,” Natasha said.
Everyone circled around the building, looking for any guards. Clint took out the two that were standing outside. Natasha and Sam dragged the bodies away.
Bucky slipped into the building, running, determined to find Y/n. Luckily the building appeared to be one story, so he didn’t think finding her would be too difficult. He quickly made his way down the halls. He could hear sobbing. He quickly took out anyone he came across. The other Avengers were making their way, clearing the bodies behind him.
When he got to the last room, he could hear Y/n’s voice.
“I don’t care what you do to me. I’m not betraying Sergeant Barnes,” Y/n spat at Zemo. He had only broken one of her legs so far, wanting to see if he could get her to talk.
Bucky felt his heart drop. She was taken because of him. He couldn’t believe that she had held out for so long. Bucky knew he had to get her out of there and find a way to make it up to her. He tightened his grip on his gun and kicked the door in.
The door slammed against the wall and Zemo jumped up and turned to face Bucky. “Ah! Asset! How kind of you to join us.”
“Let her go,” Bucky growled. He was seeing red.
“And what, you’ll let me live?” Zemo taunted with a smirk.
“And I won’t prolong your death.” Bucky glared at him. He glanced over at Y/n. “Doll, I’m going to get you out of here. I promise.”
Y/n, who felt delirious from the pain, looked at Bucky. “I didn’t tell him anything, Sergeant Barnes. I promise.”
Bucky felt himself shake with anger. He did his best to convey he wasn’t mad at her. “I know, Doll. Don’t worry.”
Just then Tony flew in through a window behind Y/n. Zemo turned to face Tony.
“Y/n, you’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna get you out of here,” Tony said, staring at Zemo to make sure Zemo didn’t make a move towards Y/n.
Zemo laughed. “Ah, the Avengers. I wonder how you found me.”
The rest of the team made their way into the room. No one made a sound as they surrounded Zemo and Y/n. Y/n felt herself starting to lose consciousness, the blood loss and effects of the last several hours taking its toll on her. Natasha looked at her worried. “Y/n, I need you to try and stay awake for a little longer for us.”
Y/n struggled to keep her head up. She looked around the room as best she could. Her eyes found Bucky. He tried to look reassuringly at her.
Zemo, realizing he was surrounded, felt he had nothing to lose. He lifted up the sledgehammer, turning towards Y/n. Clint nocked an arrow and let it loose. It embedded itself in Zemo’s shoulder, knocking him down and away from Y/n. Bucky rushed forward and kicked Zemo away. He knelt down in front of Y/n. Bucky shouldered his gun and carefully moved the board away from between her legs. One of Y/n’s legs was bent at a sharp angle, clearly broken.
Bucky felt himself tear up. “Oh, Doll. I’m so sorry.” He untied her from the chair, mindful of her numerous injuries.
“S’not your fault, Sergeant Barnes,” Y/n slurred. She could feel herself getting weaker by the moment.
Bucky carefully lifted Y/n up. She let out a moan in pain. “I’m sorry. We’re gonna get you treatment, Sweetheart.” He looked over at Tony. “I don’t want to hurt her further. What’s the best way to get her back?”
Tony held out his arms. “I can fly us there. It’ll be less jostling. Let me take her to the medbay.”
Bucky carefully handed Y/n over to Tony. Y/n, moaning in pain at the movement, turned her head against Tony’s shoulder. Tony looked down at her. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m gonna be as careful as I can. Just hold on.”
Natasha rushed forward. She had a scrap of fabric and the board. “Wait! I hate to do this, but we don’t know the extent of the damage to her leg.” Natasha fashioned a splint and tied Y/n’s leg. Y/n moaned in pain, unable to scream any longer. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. I know you keep hearing that, but just hold on a little longer.”
Tony took off, careful of Y/n’s leg. He had FRIDA Y alert medical to be ready for them. Y/n was rushed into surgery as soon as they landed.
The quinjet landed about 20 minutes later, Bucky running down the ramp. “Where is she?”
Tony, who had already gotten out of his suit and met them on the landing pad, gestured back behind him. “She’s in surgery. They think it’ll be awhile. She was in rough shape.”
Bucky dropped his head. He was struggling to keep it together. Steve came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, Buck. Why don’t you go change out of your tac gear and we’ll wait by the medbay for updates. If it’s going to be awhile, you want to make sure the first thing Y/n sees when she wakes up is you in your uniform.”
Bucky nodded. He couldn’t form the words he wanted to say. Tony felt him struggling. “Hey, I’m not moving away from medbay until you get there. Promise.”
Bucky looked at Tony with gratitude. “I won’t be long.” He ran to his room to change as quickly as possible and get back to Y/n.
As he neared medbay, he saw Tony sitting on one of the chairs with Steve, Clint, and Natasha next to him. Steve looked up. “She’s still in surgery. No word yet. We’re just waiting. Sam and Wanda are upstairs getting changed.”
Bucky settled on the floor, next to the chairs. He stared at the doors to the medbay. Bucky hadn’t felt this helpless in a very long time. He was so scared to lose Y/n before he could really get to know her.
 After a few hours, Dr. Cho came out. She looked exhausted. “We did all we could. We almost lost her a few times because of the blood loss, but she’s a fighter. I’m going to have her in the cradle for a while for the smaller wounds. Her leg, I’m afraid, will need to heal more on its own. She has a long road to go, but she should make a full recovery.”
Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Bucky looked up at Dr. Cho. “Can we see her?”
Dr. Cho smiled at them. “I would advise one or two at a time. But she’s still under anesthesia, so it’ll take some time for her to wake up.”
Steve looked at Bucky. “Go ahead, Pal. I know you want to be there when she wakes up.”
Everyone looked at Bucky either smiling softly or nodding.
“Just make sure you let us know when she’s awake, so we can all see her,” Tony said. Y/n was his favorite person to work with and had been so scared to lose someone who got how his brain worked.
“Of course.” Bucky made his way into the room where Y/n was. When he entered the room, his heart broke at the sight before him. There were wires and sensors all over the place. Y/n looked so still. Even though he remembered what Dr. Cho said, he was scared that Dr. Cho had gotten it wrong. He moved a seat next to the bed and took her bandaged hand in his, mindful of the wires.
“Hey, Doll. I know you’re asleep, but I wanted to tell you. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s my fault you’re in here. I know you didn’t tell them anything. I wish you had. Maybe they wouldn’t have hurt you so much.” Bucky felt tears running down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”
Bucky sat there for a few hours, never moving away, never letting go of Y/n’s hand. Steve and Tony both came by to check on them. Around the fourth hour of Bucky sitting there, he felt Y/n’s hand twitch in his. Bucky sat up in the chair and looked at Y/n’s face. Her eyes, while closed, were scrunching further closed.
“Y/n?” Bucky said softly. “Hey, Doll. You’re safe.” Bucky didn’t want to speak too loudly, for fear of startling her.
Y/n’s head turned towards Bucky and her eyes fluttered open. “Sergeant Barnes?” Her voice came out croaky from dehydration. Y/n started to sit up, Bucky immediately helping her.  
Bucky looked around and saw a cup of water on the table. He reached out and grabbed it, tipping the straw towards Y/n’s mouth. After taking a few sips, Y/n sat back against the pillows that Bucky had propped behind her.
“How are you feeling? Are the pain meds working well?”
Y/n was quiet for a moment. “I think they’re working. I don’t feel much of anything,” she said as she looked down at her hands. Both hands were bandaged pretty heavily.
“Dr. Cho said you’ll make a full recovery. She put you in the cradle for a bit after the surgery to help with some of your injuries, but some just need to heal on their own.”
Y/n nodded, still quiet. “Thank you, Sergeant Barnes.”
“For what?”
“For saving me.” Y/n looked up at Bucky, tears in her eyes. “I promise I didn’t tell that man anything about you.”
Bucky was flabbergasted. “Well, you wouldn’t have been in the position if it weren’t for me, so there’s nothing to thank me for. And as for the other thing, Y/n,” Bucky said, putting a finger under her chin and lifting her gaze to his. “While I trust you didn’t tell him anything, I wish you would have. Then you wouldn’t have gotten so hurt.”
Y/n shook her head. “No. He would’ve just killed me. And it wasn’t your fault. I think I was chosen because I work here. It was probably a matter of first opportunity.”
Bucky wasn’t sure about that. “But, Y/n,” he started.
“No, Bucky! It isn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself.” Y/n insisted.
Y/n using his nickname got Bucky to stop. He looked at Y/n with a small smile. “You called me Bucky.”
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up and she looked away from Bucky. “Did I?”
“I really like hearing you call me Bucky.” Bucky felt his smile get wider.
Y/n looked up at him. “Well, at least it got to stop blaming yourself,” she said shyly. She looked down at her hands, getting lost in thought.
Bucky gazed at her. She’s so beautiful. He thought.
Y/n’s head whipped up. “You think I’m beautiful?”
Bucky’s eye widened comically. “Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes. Did you mean it?”
“Of course I did, uh, do. I think you’re beautiful and smart and probably the strongest person I know. That’s why I like you so much.”
“You like me?” Y/n asked, incredulous.
“I, I like you, too, Bucky.”
Bucky felt like he had won the lottery. “Really?” He felt as if his smile couldn’t get any wider.
“Really.” Y/n looked at Bucky with a smile, biting her lower lip. She didn’t think he was playing a joke on her like so many had before. She decided to take a risk with Bucky. He had saved her from Zemo and his words when he was getting her made her think he was sincere.
“Oh, Doll. You’ve just made me so happy. Can I hug you?” Bucky asked earnestly. But then he worried that he was moving too fast. “Unless, you don’t feel comfortable. I know with your injuries,” he trailed off.
Y/n smiled. “I would love a hug, Bucky.”
Bucky moved close to Y/n. He sat on the edge of the bed, as close as he could get. He didn’t want Y/n to have to reach far. As they were leaning in towards each other, the door flew open and hit the wall with a bang. Both Y/n and Bucky jumped.
“You were supposed to tell us when she was awake, Manchurian. We could hear you talking from down the hall.” Tony walked in with Steve and the rest of the team trailing in behind.
Steve looked between Y/n and Bucky. “Uh, Tony, I think she probably just woke up. Actually, I think we were interrupting something.”
Tony waived him off. He walked up to Y/n’s free side. “How are you feeling?”
“Not horrible, Tony.” Y/n looked at Bucky apologetically, sad that they didn’t get their hug. Bucky smiled back ruefully. There would be plenty of time later for him to hug her.
The team gave their well wishes and hung around for about an hour. Y/n started fighting yawns, not wanting to appear rude. Bucky noticed how tired she seemed and got everyone to leave, with promises to visit later. He lingered by the doorway, not sure if Y/n was interested in picking up from when they had been interrupted. Y/n noticed him, seeming unsure.
“Yeah, Doll?”
Y/n felt her face heat up at what she was about to ask. She was worried that he had changed his mind. “CanIgetthathugnow?” she rushed out.
“What?” Bucky, even with his super soldier hearing, was unsure of what she said.
“Can I get that hug now?”
Bucky strode over to the bed and then gently moved closer to her. When he wrapped his arms around her frame, Y/n felt as if her heart would beat out of her chest. She wrapped one arm around him, mindful of the IV sticking out of her other hand.
Bucky moved his lips near her temple. “When you get out of here, would you be interested in a date?”
Y/n nodded. “I’d love to, Bucky.”
The next week, Bucky and Y/n had their last first date.
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Hogwarts Champion
George Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader
Fandom: Harry Potter
Note: FUCK JK Rowling. Trans rights are human rights <3.
This can be read as a sequel to my fic, Bottoms Up. Reader has put her name in the Goblet of Fire.
Summary: When you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, mostly as a joke, you never imagined you’d get picked to represent all of Hogwarts. Thankfully, you have the ever-supportive George Weasley by your side through it all.
Warnings: None? Goblet of Fire spoilers!!
Word Count: 1.9k
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It was after dinner that Dumbledore announced the champions that were fated to compete for eternal glory. And god, were you not expecting what came next.
“(Y/N)(L/N)!” He called, holding the piece of parchment you’d scribbled your name on in his hand. Your blood ran cold. Your eyes widened and across the Great Hall, you locked eyes with George, who looked just about as shocked as you felt.
“Oh fuck.” You murmured before standing up.
Fred and George were going nuts, cheering very loudly, as was all of Ravenclaw. You walked to the front of the great hall, shook Dumbledore’s hand, and then went back to wait with the other champions. A few minutes later, Harry came down, standing awkwardly before a pack of teachers followed him down. It was chaotic to say the very least, all of them questioning Harry while he stood there floundering.
You didn’t know Harry all that well, but the twins were fond of him. You knew he was a good kid, he just always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You had no doubt this mishap was another case of that.
You listened while they debated and inevitably decided that yes, Harry would be forced to compete, although it didn’t seem that he was down with that decision.
Dumbledore went on to explain that each of you would be allowed to use any natural gifts you possessed as well as your wands for all challenges. He looked at you when he said it and you nodded. That had been your question, too, but you didn’t intend to ask it. You were a little different from the other students at Hogwarts, but it was something you’d kept quiet throughout your time there. Now was the time to unearth it, you realized. Well, if you wanted to survive the tournament, that was.
You left the meeting feeling nervous, but also the tiniest bit relieved. At least you wouldn’t be going through it alone. Fleur already seemed really nice, and on your way up the stairs back out to the Great Hall, she introduced herself.
“It’s very nice to meet you. What house are you in?”
“I’m a Ravenclaw.” You told her, holding up your tie. “I really liked your dance earlier. It was beautiful.”
“Thank you. We’ve been practicing for weeks.” She smiled warmly. When you got back out to the Great Hall, Fred and George were waiting for you, and as soon as George spotted you, he picked you up and spun you around.
“There’s my little champion! Are you excited, love?”
“I’m nervous.” You laughed, your arms settling around his shoulders, your feet still dangling from the ground thanks to your notable height difference.
“You’ll do great.” He reassured, pressing a long kiss to your cheek. “I’m sure of it.”
Fred watched as his brother kissed you and gasped. “Since when?”
“Whatever do you mean, Fredward?” You asked innocently as George set you back down.
“Since when are you two kissing each other?”
“Since you had to go ‘polish your broom,’ you git.” George laughed, slipping his hand into yours and intertwining your fingers. “I am now the proud boyfriend of the Hogwarts champion.”
“One of the Hogwarts champions.” You were quick to correct. You sighed. “I feel bad for him. This stuff always seems to happen to him.”
“Tell me about it.” Harry said, coming up the stairs a little while later. “It’s always me. Why is it always me?”
“Who knows, mate.” Fred shrugged.
“Whatever happens, we’re here for you.” You added, giving Harry a playful nudge. “No one deserves to go through this alone.”
“Thanks.” Harry smiled. “I appreciate it.”
“(Y/N).” George peeked into the Ravenclaw common room. He spotted you on the couch, still up studying at the ungodly hour of three in the morning.
You jumped, staring at him for a second before ruling that he probably wasn’t a hallucination. “How the fuck did you even get in here?”
He grinned mischievously. “I have my ways.” He reached out with a large hand, making grabby fingers at you. “Come with me.”
You were more than used to George’s spontaneous antics at this point, so you closed your text book, set your quill in your inkwell, and got up from your seat, slipping your hand into his and letting him lead you through the quiet castle, out onto the grounds, and then down into the woods.
“My brother Charlie wrote me. He’s over there somewhere.” He whispered, crouching in the brush with you as you both watched a group of men handling dragons. “They’re for the first task.”
“Dragons…” You whispered, paling at the thought. Your stomach dropped. “Holy fuck.”
“Figured you could use a heads up.” He spoke softly, his thumb rubbing yours comfortingly. “Harry’s over there somewhere with Hagrid. Ron told him.”
“Thank you, George.” You sighed, your teeth chattering slightly in the cold.
“Of course.” He looked down at you, his expression softening. He should have given you some warning before dragging you into the woods in your pajamas. Almost as though he was acting on instinct, he shed his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head. “You look good in my clothes, love,” he whispered.
“Maybe I should wear them more often, then.” You laughed softly, surrendering yourself to his warmth, his long arms wrapping around you.
He chuckled and you felt his chest vibrate against your cheek. “That can certainly be arranged.”
You decided in that moment that your favorite place in the whole wide world was right there in his arms.
You stood in the tent nervously, pacing back and forth a bit as you waited with the other champions. You had a game plan. You were confident it would work. However, this plan meant you’d have to spill your secret to the entire school and then some and you weren’t quite sure how to feel about it. No one knew. Not your friends. Not your roommates. Not even your boyfriend.
You stopped cold in your tracks. You recognized that voice.
“Hey, love.” He pushed the curtain open a little further and stuck his hand through. You took it quickly, and he squeezed your hand for reassurance. “How are you doing?”
“Not great.”
“You’ll be fine.” He spoke softly. “You’re the strongest witch I know. And besides, I have a good feeling about it. Put money on you and everything.”
“Wow, reassuring.” You laughed, rolling your eyes.
“I mean it. You’re going to be fine out there.”
You took a deep breath. “Think I could…get a kiss for luck?”
He tugged your hand, pulling you out of the tent and right into him. He kissed you softly, one hand rising to brush the hairs out of the front of your face. “You can have all the kisses, love.”
It was when you went in for the second kiss that the camera flashed. Rita Skeeter. Figured.
“Thanks for the exclusive, darling. You can look for that picture on the front page.” She stepped past you and George and into the tent, where the other champions still were.
“Always in everyone’s business, she is. Doesn’t know when to quit.” George scowled, shaking his head. “Sorry, love, I know you don’t like that sort of attention.”
“Well, no, but I’m proud to be your girlfriend, and I got myself into this tournament, so this was to be expected, honestly.” You giggled, but your smile quickly faded. “George…”
“What, love?” Concern found its way onto his face.
“When I’m out there…something is going to happen that…I didn’t tell you about. I need you to promise me that you won’t think any differently of me.”
“Nothing could ever change the way I feel about you.” He spoke softly, leaning in for another kiss. “When it’s over, I’ll still be your proud boyfriend no matter what. Now go show that dragon who’s boss.”
“Champions!” Dumbledore called.
“That’s my cue.” You exhaled shakily, leaning up on your toes to kiss him one last time. “See you out there.”
“Good luck. Not that you need it.” He winked before wandering off towards the stands to reunite with Fred.
George wasn’t quite sure what to expect when you told him you had a secret that was about to be unleashed on the entire school, but it definitely wasn’t what unfolded in front of his very eyes. Once you stepped into the ring, they unleashed the dragon on you, and as soon as that happened, two massive feathery wings sprouted from your back.
His jaw dropped. His heart pounded, and in time with Fred, he whispered, “Wicked…”
Fred looked at George and asked, rather loudly. “Did you know?”
“I did not.”
“D’you reckon it’s a spell or a potion or something?”
“Don’t think so…” George shook his head, unable to take his eyes off of you, his badass winged girlfriend as you gracefully dodged the dragon racing at you.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have bet on the dragon, then.” Fred chuckled, shaking his head. “You had the right idea.”
“Oh, I’ll always bet on my girl.” George grinned. He watched you take flight and swoop down, grabbing the golden egg in record time. He cheered loudly, pride swelling in his chest. That was his girl. You were his girl and you’d just outsmarted a dragon. He was absolutely blown away.
As soon as the event was over, he found you. Your wings were still stretched behind you, absently moving from time to time, as though they had minds of their own. He stared at you for a long moment, admiring you quietly before he scooped you up into his arms and spun you around.
You exhaled a long sigh. Everything was still normal. Nothing had changed between the two of you. He was still your George and you were still his (Y/N).
“That was unbelievable, love!” His expression was ecstatic, stars in his eyes when he finally pulled apart to look at you. “You were brilliant out there.”
“I did my best.” You shrugged, ever the modest one, even after pulling a feat like that.
“And you won me quite a few galleons I’ll be using to treat you at Honeydukes this weekend.” He reached forward and gently booped your nose with a long finger. “Anything you want, darling. It’s on me.”
“Aww, thank you, Georgie.” You hugged his side, one of your wings wrapping around him.
He was quiet for a moment before finally caving and asking the obvious question.
“So…how do you, um…?” He pointed to your wings. “That.”
“My parents are both Metamorphmagi. When they got together, which is pretty rare to begin with, they had me and their powers kind of fused and gave me, well, magical super powers in a sense.”
“So you can give yourself whatever you want, then?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” You shrugged and your wings shrank back into your body. “Horns, a tail, claws, fangs, you name it, I can do it.”
“That is wicked.” George slung a long arm around your shoulders. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cooler.”
“What can I say, I’m quite a catch.” You winked.
He tugged you closer to his side and tilted your chin up, pressing a fierce lingering kiss to your lips. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his long hair hanging in your face. “Yes you are. And you’re all mine.”
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