#you win buddy you got me xD
zelda7999 · 1 year
I so badly want to know which mutual it is but i feel like this will somehow become a callout post to people who need to finish their stuff.
(ironically enough i also need to finish stuff so i'm using this as an excuse to get back to work)
You’re going on the list Anon. No posts from me till you finish your work.
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 701 first watch reactions
(I don't think I have the energy to write proper Buddie meta, so here's me randomly squealing instead...)
LMAO In case you were wondering whether s7 of 911 will be subtle about their gratitude/debt to ABC for saving the show, the answer is a resounding no.
Also, I have lost a lot of respect for Frank as a shrink, but gained a lot of love for him as a sass king. "Did she win!?" The murderous look Athena gave him was priceless. I love her, too. She doesn't even need words to rule.
Man, nooooo. Don't give me a mutual "I love you" between Bobby and Athena like that.
"Go ahead and cut the green wire." Everyone and their sister: "Green? You said Red."
9-1-1 is the superior comedy they slipped into our drink, while we were here for our weekly action, suspense, drama and familial love.
Buck broke off with Natalia, and the show really did it like that. XD Every single person who rolled their eyes at this pairing during s6, we were all justified, but wow. The show really is the only forum to respect the pair even less than fandom does. And of course we find out about it in the middle of a scene built around Eddie being half naked, Buck watching him, with the camera specifically turning so we can discover Buck was initially covered by Eddie's body, and the angle change reveals him, when the whole thing wraps up with Eddie welcoming Buck back to the land of the living... Yeah, wonder what made Buck feel alive again. Don't know. 'Tis a mystery. We were given zero clues...
"I want the honeymoon life." *cries* Chimney is just such a good, good man. And okay, expecting your whole life to be a honeymoon's a bit unrealistic, but Madney are living together and they have a child. They know this. Chim knows this, but he still wants to go for it. Aim for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars, right?
Bobby baffled by Athena's reaction to Norman and Lola is hilarious.
I like how Chim has a great idea, but it's still obvious that it's gonna go wrong, because he can't help going overboard with it...
OMG, that scene with Eddie recounting to Buck what Christopher's date was like... If I were to write my Buddie meta, I would serve a three course meal just from that. I mean, the fact that watching Chris hanging out with a girl he likes, makes Eddie compare it to "hanging out with his guy friends" (when there's no lack of interest in this girl... in fact, it turns out that if anything, Christopher's problem is the opposite of a lack of interest) is so telling. There's a reason why that's where Eddie's mind went.
But then also... Eddie's trust in Buck got to me, the way he went to his best friend (not his own gf) for help with Chris. But that was still played with half a smile. But then Buck sort of disses himself jokingly, and Eddie won't have it. "You didn't end up like you." He sees how Buck worked on being a better person, even when Eddie wasn't there for the worst of it, and he appreciates it, and won't let Buck forget it. Meeeep. I love them.
Oh Chim. I was giving you so much credit, and then you went and bought that outdoors jacuzzi. lol Still love him. That's what Maddie's reminding herself of right now, too. ;p
Poor Hen, she was great in this ep, but none of it was really about her, she was comic relief, both with Chim and with the red wire. Then again, she was amazing in this, like she always is with everything.
Eddie and Buck were both so good with Chris this ep, MY HEART. Buck with getting him to talk about what's really bothering him, and Eddie with realizing exactly what his son needs, and how to give it to him. They completed each other. Neither one would be helping Chris without the other one. Tell me again how they're not soulmates?
In conclusion, I love Bobby saying, "Let's go prove one of us wrong," when they're both right. Something WAS going on with Norman and Lola, AND Athena was using them to avoid him.
Argh. That scene of the ship and its passengers being hijacked was rough to watch. </3 I'll still be here to watch the conclusion of this. That's the power of 9-1-1 for you.
It def felt like a great kick to the new season. We had lots of comedy and fun, some great tension, some emotional moments (especially with Christopher), but all in all, it's still clear that the whole thing's a build up to next week. Are you excited?
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moxfirefly · 9 months
"I'm not letting them go. They're mine. They've always been mine."
For a bestie mikey who is jealous, someone's taking readers' attention away from him?
These quotes are hard to work with XD
Ray, my beloved. Always coming in clutch 🤌
Rated Mature (suggestive themes)
Mikey felt a stirring next to him that prompted him to open his eyes. The midnight nap he’d decided on when you had sat next to him was disturbed and he wanted to groan displeased.
“Sorry Mike, I gotta use the bathroom be back in a sec.” That gentle hushed tone only served to help him drift back, almost at least. Woefully he accepted his best friend having to leave for a few minutes.
It was something of tradition at this point, falling a sleep next to you during movie nights. Mikey had wordlessly cemented the fact that he got to sit next to you and you had reinforced it by always finding your place next to him.
He took the second to stretch out, enjoying the pops of each achy limbs, patrol had been a bitch a few hours ago. He saw Leo konked on the armchair, Donnie in the kitchen making more popcorn as a sleepy April scrolled through Netflix to find something else to play.
“—Well im gonna need you in a bit to measure again, probably tomorrow too”
Raph’s voice rang from behind where he was sat on the couch. Mikey looked back to see him talking to you and holding your arm extended.
“Remind me why I’m doing this again?” He asked mocked annoyed as he used his pointer and thumb to measure your arm.
“Because I wanna win $100 bucks at work” You laughed when he moved to your other arm to do the same.
“What fucking weird job makes an ugly Christmas sweater competition?” He used both his hand to grab your waist, using it as reference for the torso of the sweater.
Mikey raised a brow ridge, why had he felt a pulse of something when he saw his brother man handling you.
“Hey if I win you’ve got $50 waiting for you, so make it as ugly as possible.” You arched your neck when he wrapped a hand around your neck and mumble something, clearly mapping out the measurements in his head.
That, yeah that felt really weird in the bottom of Mikey’s stomach. Why did Raph have to loom over you, hand around your pretty neck and smiling to himself.
“Well come by this week, I’m gonna need you while I’m making it.” He finally let go of you, and it took a second of trying to think straight to not jump Raph.
“Mikey and I are playing that new game where you romance all the hot people—“
Donnie piped in, “Baldur’s Gate.” You threw him a finger gun for the assist.
“Well ya think you can detach yourself from numb nuts for a few minutes at a time?” He asked playfully.
“Well you’ve got her measurements what more do you need, dude?” Mikey finally spoke up, making Raph and you turn towards his groggy annoyed face. “I got an idea but I gotta re-adjust or re-make whatever don’t come out right.” He spoke matter of fact, his gaze was mocking him.
“I can’t just take breaks between.” You offered to ease the sudden tension in the air.
“I’m sure Mikey can survive five minutes without ya, right buddy?” He clamped both hands on your shoulders and smiled at his youngest brother. “Man quit being handsy with her.” It came out before he could really assess what his mouth had vomited out. Under a different tone of voice it could’ve been taken playfully but this was the full opposite.
“Chill man, I ain’t stealing ya girl.” He chuckled and if Mikey could blush he would. He glared at Raph, not noticing your own blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Looks like it since you wanna keep her all week.” He was getting up now, less groggy and more peeved than anything.
“Mike—“ Your voice was gentle trying to ease the fast approaching boiling tension in the air.
“Aww, Mikey’s worried his bestie’s gonna be my bestie all week? Man just let it go.” Raph wasn’t even remotely serious poking fun at his younger brother.
“Im not letting her go. She’s mine. She’s always been mine.” He shot a deep glare at Raph, who face quickly fell upon hearing those words.
It took a few seconds for Mikey to fully comprehend what he had said and the implication behind it. His eyes went wide, landing on your own wide eyes and the blush that scattered itself further down your chest.
Fuck, what had he done?
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pin-crusher2000 · 22 days
Thank you for answering my question but to be honest it's not what I had in mind. I was thinking about something along the lines of a tough day at school or someone said something that made either of them upset and withdraw. Or something happened to them that doesn't involve death or lethality. Something along those lines and I also mentioned for Wally West/kid flash and bart Allen/impulse to be part of this because (at least for me) even though they're cousins they fall under the sibling category too.
Ohhhh! lol you did said “shocking experience” though lol
Hmmmm let’s see if this is better lol 😅
Conner/Jon: Jon was being bullied at school, did some sobbing in conner’s arms.
Conner decided to take them both out to get ice cream (both had cookies and crème)
Dick/damian: I say one of Damian’s pet got sick and he got worried.
Dick helped Damian’s pet back to full health (I say since dick was raised in a circus with animals, he knows his ways around them)
Kaldur/Arthur Curry Jr:
While swimming in the ocean, Arthur saw an injured shark with hooks in it.
Using their magic, both of the aqualads nurse it to full health (I tried lol)
Wally West/Bart Allen:
Bart got in trouble at school due to running in the halls (normal speed of course lol)
To cheer him up, Wally created a race between them to see who’s the fastest (depending on what you choose either Wally won due to being the fastest or Bart won due to Wally letting him win)
Connor kept on missing the bulleye, so at the last second, Artemis knock Connor’s elbow to make sure he hits the target dead center (he did)
Hopefully this is much better (if it is thank god XD)
Let me know if you got more buddy! @we-cross-universe-king-relate
Or any comments or concerns lol
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Fire Emblem Boys! Parenting Headcanons!
Here’s a short collection of headcanons of how the fire emblem boys are as parents! Includes characters from fire emblem engage and three houses!
Characters are: Kagetsu, Ashe, Claude, and Diamant
Word Count: 896 (approx)
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Kagetsu: I saw a video of a man doing this challenge to hang from a pull up pole for 100s, and he did it with a baby strapped to his chest, yeah, that’s Kagetsu
Kagetsu would totally give his babies rubber knives and stuff for fun. He wants his kids to be powerful fighters when they’re grown up after all.
Speaking of that, Kagetsu would totally sword fight his kids once they’re old enough and have at least learned the basics.
Kagetsu when his kids are older: “Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!”
Kagetsu sometimes would go too far during training sessions, and his wife(you ;) ) would have to tell him to reel it back in. Kagetsu would feel bad and let his kids win after that. Pretending to be real hurt by their hits and all that. “Oh wow! Look at how strong you guys have gotten! You’re able to take even me down.”
Kagetsu’s wife would totally step in to have some fun as well with play fighting Kagetsu. And it turns into a real fun family bonding moment. “Aghast, my own love betraying me?! How could you!” Lots of giggles from the kids during and after.
Overall, very good dad 9/10.
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Ashe: Oh, you know he would just be the sweetest dad ever. Ashe’s kids would just be the cutest little angels.
He’d teach them how to cook and all teaching sessions would end up being a giggle fest in the kitchen usually with flour all over the place.
Ashe’s kid: pours 90% of milk on the floor and 10% into the bowl. Ashe: Great job buddy! :D
You know he would teach his kids to have the same morals as him. In that everyone deserves to be shown kindness and to have a second chance. He doesn’t shy away his past from them, and wants to make sure they understand how his late adopted father’s kindness changed his life for the better.
He really cant resist when his kids come home holding bunches of kittens or puppies, and even on one occasion a snake, and you’ll have to step in to be the voice of reason like “no you cannot keep 12 cats in our pantry, put them back.” Lolol
Ashe would give you the puppy dog eyes too when your kids start to pout, and it definitely didn’t work and you definitely didn’t keep one of the kittens
In conclusion, cinnamon roll dad 10/10
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Claude: Claude’s not a regular dad, he’s a cool dad XD
He wants his kids to be comfortable on wyverns so he takes them flying often. You worry of course, but he always assures you he is right there with them, and they are perfectly safe. Plus seeing the kids excitement as they try to explain to you how cool flying is, eases your worry plenty.
Claude’s kids would end up being little rascals, running around the halls of the palace, playing pranks on royal staff. Usual rambunctious kid stuff.
Claude has almost certainly assisted in their little tirades, especially on the ones directed at Lorenz. He once got them to replace all of the sugar in Lorenz’s tea with salt. Claude got quite the earful after from him, but Lorenz couldn’t prove anything.
That’s not to say that Claude can’t be a responsible parent when he needs to be. If his kids were getting involved in something that would put them or others in danger, you bet the stern dad voice is coming out and he’s teaching them why they can’t be doing that.
Very nice dad overall, his family wishes he could spend more time with them, but I digress 7/10
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Diamant: This one is a difficult one for me, as I try to portray them as the best dads they can be, however I see Diamant’s best as…rocky.
I feel like he would be overprotective, he’s very worried about anything bad happening to them. As a result of this he can be a bit overbearing.
On the other side of the spectrum, when’s he’s not being overbearing he can be distant. His anxiety over running the kingdom, and his own insecurity about being a father can cause him to push people away, and as a result you would be doing a lot of the parenting.
Of course all of these tendencies come from a place of love. He wants to be the best father he can, he’s just not great at navigating his emotions.
Every night, however, when your kids are tucked into bed you can hear him whispering stories about how great of a king his father was, and your kids fall asleep hearing tales of how amazing their grandfather was.
You also see them showing interest in his training. They love watching him train, and often times want to join him. which is great because he wants to teach all of his kids self defense. He wants them to be able to protect themselves when he’s not there after all.
In the end, his kids adore him even if he’s not the greatest parent at times, and you know that this is just another chapter of life you will be able to work through together. 5/10
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For thunderpride asks: 10 and Havoc + F :) thank youuu!
Thanks for the ask! I'm going to apologize in advance because my ridiculous self can't write a short reply to anything XD XD XD Full answer under the read more because it's a little on the lengthy side.
10) Describe an angsty moment for a favourite queer ship
So this question had me hemming and hawing. But I've decided to go with a ship that I have toyed with in my head but that I have never seen anyone else write (primarily because the characters never interact in the show lol). You're gonna get a little happy story (i'm sorry, I can't help myself and it's gonna be sketchy and unbeta'd) before the angst comes, so bear with me.
So for a little bit of background information, this guy right here:
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This gentleman is known by (presumably) his surname. He is only ever referred to as Kinnear. We see him in the episodes Skyhook, Impact, Weather or Not, and Bolt from the Blue. He works for Langstrom Fischler, who we know is a complete and utter idiot. But Kinnear seems smart, working initially as a researcher and later as an engineer. Why would someone with the kind of brain and level head that he seems to have work for someone who has no concept of safety?
Because he doesn't have another option.
Edan Kinnear was happily engaged before everything went sideways. He had met his fiance when he was in college.
He'd just come back from an engineering competition and was riding the high of their team's victory at the competition. The whole team went out for celebratory drinks. Most of the team invited their boyfriends and girlfriends along. Kinnear didn't have one of those, but he was well liked by all of the team and considered a part of the family. They also knew he was horribly shy when it came to the whole dating thing. The whole crowd was loud and rowdy and they all had a few too many drinks. One of his buddies made a bar bet with him, that he had ten minutes to get someone, anyone to buy him a drink, and he would win double if it was accompanied by a kiss.
Kinnear couldn't back out and still keep his head held high. So his shy ass looked around the bar and tried to find the most likely way to win some money. And in the back corner he found someone sitting alone. Not just anyone, though. He found one of the star athletes for their school. Lochlyn Rutherford, if he remembered correctly. One of the handsomest guys in school and one notorious for not entangling himself with romances. He was the only one already separated from the pack though, and Edan needed to not have to shell out the money for a lost bet.
So off to the back corner he went, sitting down at the table across from the athlete, who raised an eyebrow, the only change to his sullen expression.
"Do have a seat, won't you?" he remarked dryly as he took a drink.
"Look, I'm going to cut to the chase. You don't know me-"
"I do, Kinnear." This stopped him in his tracks. Lochlyn Rutherford knew who he was? He shook his head.
"Ok...so...maybe you do know me," he said. "I'm going to cut right to the chase. My buddies at the bar made a bet that I couldn't get someone to buy me a drink in the next ten minutes. If I can't get someone to buy me a drink, I'm out $150 to pay out to all of them."
"And all you need is someone to buy you a drink?" Lochlyn looked skeptical.
"That's all I need. I don't need to go double or nothing," he said. "I just need to not pay $150." He looked over his shoulder slightly to see his entire crew was watching. "Look, if you buy me the drink, I'll give you half the winnings." Lochlyn seemed to consider the offer a moment.
"What's the double or nothing criteria?" he asked. Kinnear's face reddened.
"Er...you'd have to kiss me," Kinnear said. Lochlyn let out a snort but got to his feet.
"What's your drink?" he asked. Kinnear gave a bright smile.
"Whatever the cheapest beer is," he said. He didn't care. He was over the moon that he wasn't going to have to pay up. Lochlyn went over to the bar and grabbed the drinks, setting the beer down in front of Kinnear. He looked up to tell him thank you when he felt Lochlyn's lips against his own, his hand coming down on the chair behind him as he gave Kinnear the soundest kiss he had ever received in his life. When he moved back, Kinnear's eyes were wide and he struggled for a response.
"I like the sound of $150 better than $75."
And that was how Kinnear had met his fiance. They'd graduated and Lochlyn had gone into the military, using his smarts as well as his strength to become one of the best engineers in his unit. They'd been together four years before Lochlyn had proposed. They were engaged another three years before things fell apart.
They told him it had been an accident. That something horrible had happened but, so sorry, military personnel and all. The project was highly classified. Something had gone horribly wrong and Lochlyn wasn't going to be coming home. They told him that his body hadn't been found after the accident. That there would be nothing for him to bury.
Kinnear was devastated. On top of it all, his brother and his wife were involved in a car wreck and neither one had made it out alive. He had lost his fiance, his brother, and his sister in law. He was a grieving man and he was all of a sudden the guardian of his young niece. He had to do something for money. He couldn't let his brother down. So he took the highest paying job he could find that he met the qualifications for: researcher and engineering personnel for Langstrom Fischler, a man who had more money than he knew what to do with.
The money allowed him to live comfortably and to take care of his niece so she wanted for nothing. His holiday bonus even ensured he could give his fiance a nice funeral. Kinnear had been the only person left in Lochlyn's life after he left his family and never looked back. So he had a headstone erected in the cemetery nearest where they had been living together.
Here Lies Lochlyn Rutherford Loving Fiance, A beacon of a brighter future "The Mechanic"
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F) At what age do they figure out their identity?
So my thoughts on Havoc's sexuality are colored a little bit by several of the headcanons that concurrently run rampant through my brain. And I think the one I settle on most often for her is a little on the darker side (nothing too dark, but a little on the cynical side).
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I think that Havoc figures out her identity long before she finds the words to label it. Havoc comes from want. She wants more than she has. She wants food on her plate, enough to satiate the hunger for more that burns inside of her. She wants her technology, enough for her to ensure no one can take from her what is hers. She wants safety, a safe place to rest her head, to feel protected, to allow her to protect others. These are what Havoc desires above all else.
For her, the sex was always more about what it got her in return: shelter, an advantage, an experience. She never did anything she wasn't comfortable with, and she was strong enough to make sure that anyone that tried anything she didn't want didn't make the mistake of doing it a second time.
She always thought that the fact that she didn't care about what was in someone's pants made her bi- or pan-sexual, and that's what she told people because the reality was a bit more complicated than that. Sexuality is intrinsically connected to the attraction one feels, but for her, sex was never about the attraction. Men, women, non-binary, genderfluid, none of it meant anything to her. She learned from living a life of not enough that sometimes sex, it's just a means to an end. She's never cruel about it, but she isn't one to form attachments like that. Feelings don't come easy for her.
But oh, when she does find those feelings, when she finds a deep connection with someone and learns about every little part of them, the dark secrets and the brightest joys, the sound of their laugh and the taste of their sadness, that's when she blossoms. She finds the attraction that lacked in her previous sexual relationships. She finds the most fragile parts in her person to be the most beautiful and she wants more than anything to be let in to those fragile parts of her partner. She finds her attraction in the deep, emotional connection to her partner. And it's much later, long after she discovers this, that she learns the word "demisexual" and decides this fits her quite nicely.
So the tl;dr is I don't think she figures out her identity until into her late twenties or thirties.
Thank you for putting up with this super long reply! Hope this answered your question!
If there are other questions you want to see answered, take a look at the question list linked below and I would love to answer more!
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destinygoldenstar · 4 days
☀️THE SLAY PASS GETS USED☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 13 “A Heart's Desire” PART 2
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<<Link To Part 1
Let's continue.
"I guess I should congratulate you two... alright moving on."
Come on, I think Miriam deserves a round of applause for that performance.
"But I don't know how to drive!"
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...you sure about that?
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Oh you asshole.
...wait, how do you know whose kart is supposed to be who's?
You could've sabotaged Fiore!
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So Miriam's gotta win now. There's no way.
...wait Tom might've committed child murder with this.
Eh, add that to his body count in VR.
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I hope Tom doesn't get arrested for this.
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Actually, yeah, RAM HER. What am I saying?!
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I don't necessarily care about Fiore's well being, I just don't want Tom to go to jail for child murder.
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God, I'm gonna have the police at my door now.
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Deserved, honestly. That's a winner I can get behind.
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At least she's alive...
I think Tom's going to jail, though.
"Uh, hello? Is someone gonna help me?"
"Help yourself."
I'm so conflicted right now. Do I pity Fiore? Do I not?? I don't know...
Demon Child is gonna haunt everyone in their sleep.
*Gets coffee creamer ad*
Fiore joins Jake at the coffee shop of depression XD
"Aren't you a little young for coffee?"
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"Yes Queen" XD
Oh no XD
"Vladimir Jensen, Trevor Mcgregor, and Derek Johnson. You are al under arrest for wildlife damage, destruction of protected property, and illegal deforestation."
"Well they really took their time, didn't they?"
I bet Tom is the kind of guy to say "COPS SUCK. OMG THEY'RE SO IMPOSSIBLE."
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"This is for killing the animals!"
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*cuts to black*
What just happened?!?!
'I think they died, what do we do?'
Oh my god no... THAT WAS TOO FAST.
"Where's Tom? Is he okay?!"
This is why Jake's horrible in Season 3.
He doesn't even get to make amends with Tom because Tom DIED.
They ended things on awful terms and then he died...
"Surely he's dead."
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"What happened?"
"I got on the bus. It lost control and I managed to jump just before it went off the cliff."
What about the other dude? DID HE DIE?!
At least Miriam got her money.
But I think she's gonna have to bail Tom out of prison for killing several people, attempting to kill a child, threatening a child at gunpoint that one time, battery for cutting off Ellie's arm, and being a spy.
"After I gave them info about these crooked TV hosts and Jensen, they decided to hire me."
...wait what?
"I hope to be a better officer than a spy."
How did that happen!? I'm pretty sure that's not how that works!
Oh my god, Tom is a cop... I don't feel safe now.
I feel like Tom would be the bad cop, as we've established XD
"See, EVERYTHING is legal for me! I can get a kid in a car crash and kill a man A-Okay! BECAUSE I'M A COP!!"
And just flash his badge everywhere.
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Aw, they're friends. That's sweet.
Oh Jake...
"I'm glad you're okay, Tom. Sorry, I just thought you didn't want to talk to me."
Oh he actually is talking. Okay?
"It's okay... I think everything happens for a reason."
"What do you mean?"
"We were both fools, Jake. I know I was harsh with you and the truth is... I'm not innocent in this. We both acted impulsively. We made mistakes. But I don't regret it. You helped me learn from those mistakes."
Awwwww don't do this to me 💗
"Will you still talk to me?"
Imagine if he said NO.
"Nah, fuck you. Bye. Gonna go live it up in the cop world now!"
"I think we should take some time and grow as people."
Oh he actually DID say no... oh...
So they're distancing themselves from each other?
Not saying that's a bad idea, but damn.
"We'll see where we are later on."
In Season 3 I guess, if they are keeping distance.
"I agree... no matter what, I'm glad I met you Tom."
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(Edit: Uh, Golden? Your reactions say otherwise... people are gonna bully you for this)
I have entered my denial stage of grief. Good lord.
If this is followed up by me going through the five stages of grief, good lord, I don't want to be on this ship anymore...
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Who are you???
"What happened to Jensen?"
"No one knows. They never found a body."
So he's not dead???
"How'd they let you run another season after this?"
Oh wait cause the old hosts got arrested, this is the new host. GOTCHA.
"What selection?"
"For the next season, duh."
Bring on the Season 2 cast.
"We need to decide the participants for All Stars."
Wait what? What about Season 2?
Does this take place AFTER Season 2??? Huh??? I am confusion.
And that's how it ends. Okay.
That was Season 1! We finished it!
That was... a lot. I can't even wrap my head around it.
I really enjoyed reacting to this. I'm glad I did too.
I'm definitely going to make a tier list after this. Thank you guys for supporting my reactions.
Like I said, this really does feel like a new era for my blog, and that's... insane to think about.
You know what?
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I wasn't subbed before XD
Now I am.
I like supporting indie productions, what can I say?
I do hope at least some of my followers, you know, take some sort of interest in this too. I can't promise this will work for everyone. Hell, it's got problems. I can't ignore that. But um...
So... yeah, I'm gonna react to Season 2 & 3 as well. Yay.
I salute everyone that worked on this show. With Hollywood and major corporations dragging artistic freedom and expression through the mud, you showcase with your efforts that there IS hope for animation. You're inspirations for people to make what they want and not be held back.
Regardless on how you feel about this show, you have to hand it to these producers for pushing boundaries like this. Not a lot of people have the guts to do what they do.
Anyway... that's it from me with this season. You can probably expect some more Disventure Camp posts from me in the future. Bye!
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Could you, instead of Bodyguard Sokkla AU, write Azula being famous, as she should, and Sokka being a huge overly smitten fanboy who gets to meet her irl by accident through Zuko? Zuko would obviously hide that he's related to someone famous to not attract attention on himself cause he can be somewhat socially awkward sometimes but what happens when his sister calls him one day while he's playing video games with his friends and without thinking too much he answers the phone and puts her on speaker so that his hand will be free to hold the controller and Sokka recognizes her voice?
This prompt has been sitting in my askbox for ages. Idk if you’re even still here xD but here it is. A quick little thing while I work on fandom events.
Katara thinks that it is embarrassing that he has so many posters of the girl. That one of them is even autographed. That he has a closet full of concert T-shirts and fanmade ones alike. That he has every single CD that Azula has ever appeared on. 
She doesn’t quite understand idol culture and frankly he finds himself rather embarrassed by it too. 
He would never let Jet or Zuko see all of this. Toph has already given him a hard time for being, as she so delicately put it, a total fanboy dweeb. But he certainly isn’t the worst out there. He can pridefully say that he doesn’t own a body pillow.
But he talks about her all the time. He’d like to meet her more than anything. He wonders if she is just as pretty in person. Prettier perhaps? She has such a nice smile and her voice is…
It’s divine. He has never heard anything like it; gentle and powerful all at once. 
It is a volcanic eruption and a quiet sunset breeze all at once. 
Sokka sighs, he almost puts one of the CD’s in the radio but he ultimately decides that doing so might ruin tonight’s livestream; pop music doesn’t exactly scream ‘epic fantasy-action background music’. Unless of course he and his gaming group are bold enough. He can’t imagine that they would be so brave. Not when Toph takes this whole livestreaming thing so seriously. 
Sokka puts on his headset and joins Zuko in the server. “Hey, Sokka.” The boy greets.
“How’s it going, buddy?”
Zuko exhales deeply. “I’m expecting a phone call tonight so we decided to postpone the livestream. Also, Toph can’t make it tonight, she’s got a headcold or something. So it’ll just be you, Jet, and I tonight.” 
“I think that we could use a stress free night of just gaming for the sake of gaming.” Just like in the old days, before they decided to start gaming for some extra cash. Not that Toph needs any. 
“What game are we playing tonight, boys?” Jet’s face appears on the screen. 
“Well Toph wanted to play ‘Night of Claw and Fire’. But I thought that we could play that one with the race cars that we used to love.” Zuko replies.
“Are we going to play the one with the shitty graphics? Or the new one.”
“Shitty graphics.” Sokka and Zuko say at once. Nothing like some classic, old school, boxy graphics. It has been so long since he has had a chance to glitch his character into oblivion. 
He knows that the game is all in good fun but Sokka can’t help but be at least a little frustrated at his losing streak. He hasn’t even been able to beat any of the NPC racers. They have been lapping him for the better part of the night while Zuko and Jet cackle. 
He wishes that Toph were here. 
Toph usually protects him from getting tag teamed. 
He puffs out another sigh and tightens his grip on his controller. He stares at its sleek, metallic navy blue finish. “Come on” he mumbles to the thing, “just give me one win.” 
He revs his virtual engine. 
Zuko’s phone rings and the game pauses just as Sokka’s character blasts off. “Oh come on, bro!” Sokka shouts. 
Zuko rolls his eyes and unpauses the game. Sokka’s race car slams directly into the barricade and Jet cackles as Zuko hits the speaker button. “Hello?” 
“Hello, Zuzu.” 
Jet too slams his virtual car into the barricade and snorts. “Zuzu?” 
Zuko’s face flushes. “I shouldn’t have put you on speaker.”
“You have me on speaker?”
“I’m in the middle of gaming!” He declares. “I’m in first place by the way.” 
“There’s a first time for everything.” The girl chuckles. 
And that is when Sokka’s heart skips. He knows that laugh. He has always found it to be so charming. “Zuko…” he swallows. “Is that…?”
“My sister? Yeah.” Zuko fills in.
“Azula is your sister!? And you didn’t tell me?”
“My sister isn’t…”
“Yes I am.” Azula cuts in. “I’m exactly who you think I am.”
And Zuko is blushing again. Sokka can’t begin to fathom why. Not until he grumbles a, “I���ve been trying to be lowkey about this. I don’t want attention.” 
“I do.” Azula declares. 
“Why do you do this to me? And what are you actually calling for?”
“Well, mother said to tell you that she found some of your old baby pictures. Like the one where you…” 
“Azula!” He shouts, his face now a vivid scarlet.”
“The one where you decided to use your underwear as a hat.”
“Dude, you used your underpants as a hat?” Jet chuckles. 
“No! She’s just trying to make me sound like a dweeb.”
“It’s working.” Jet cackles. 
To Zuko’s credit he is still in first place. “Alright, Azula, we’ll talk later tonight.” His finger hovers over the end call button.
“No!” She and Sokka say at once. 
“I want to talk to your sister!” Sokka requests. “You know how much I love her…music!” Oh, he’s such an idiot–just bursting out declarations of love. “I love her music.” He repeats. 
“It’s alright, you can confess your love.” Azula drawls. “Most people do.”
Zuko groans. “She likes attention. Stop giving her attention.” 
But it is much too late for that. He has already plunged right into a very stuttering, “c-can we hang o-out sometime. I mean if you want to. I wouldn’t force you to do that because I’m…I’m not one of those weirdos but I thought that it could be nice maybe…”
“I suppose that we can.” Azula pauses. He can hear in her voice that her face has lit up. “Oh! I can show you Zuzu’s baby photos! There’s this one where he’s trying to eat his own foot.”
“Alright that’s it! Conversation over!” Zuko strikes ‘end call’. 
And with the strike of a button his hopes and dreams deflate. But hours later, with the sounds of video game victory music echoing in his ears, he gets a text. It better not be Zuko because he is ready to give the boy an earful…over text.
He looks at the screen. ‘Tomorrow. 5:00. Jasmine Dragon.’ The phone dings again and a picture of a very chubby baby Zuko stares up at him, peeking out from under a pair of underwear.
Sokka grins. ‘How did you get my number?’ He texts back.
‘That’s for me to know and you to wonder about.’ She adds a little wink. 
‘Okay, tomorrow at 5.’ He clutches his phone to his chest. He is actually going to meet his idol in person. He just hopes that she will like him as much as he likes her. Maybe he should take some of the posters down so that he doesn’t seem creepy…
He takes a deep breath. They’re just meeting at the Jasmine Dragon. And, realistically, Zuko will probably be tagging along. He will cross that bridge when he comes to it. Until then he will relish in that he is actually going to meet his idol face to face!
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xatsperesso · 2 years
Ok I'm re-thinking about the Wicked Phase of the teachers and...
More about Orias
So he has two kind of Wicked Phase, because why it should be always the same?
If he was tired and grumpy before the start of his WP, having spending the night to play game and not sleep, then he’ll be in a very grumpy and tired WP. Gonna be feral if people bother him. He wants to be left alone. He wants peace and silence.
So he's staying in his room to sleep or play more games and he's literally hissing at Robin when he’ll come to force him to eat because sunshine Robin is too noisy. He’ll be a freaking gremlins, going out of his room to steal snacks and glare at people telling him “hey buddy, not snacks” or use his ability to have what he want before returning in his room.
Something he just eat the snack, looking/glaring right in the eyes of the guy who told him "hey not before dinner"
Feral Gremlin XD
Robin, using a flashlight to look under mound of blankets on the bed: Orias? are you ready to come out? I know that it's our day off but but it's noon and you need to go out of the bed and eat. Orias: [FERAL HISSING] Robin: …understandable, have a nice day. Robin: gets slowly out of the room Robin: close the door Robin, to the others teachers: guys I think that he's into his wicked phase.
And when Orias is not in a bad mood/tired before entering his wicked phase, he has another kind of WP: he's more playful. and i love the idea to him acting like FurFur (in a softer level). He's cheating, stealing money to his co-workers, playing tricks but compared to FurFur (who tricked kids) he only tricks his co-workers, not the students.
Well maybe because he can’t go out of the teachers dorm when he’s into his WP XD
He's a little shit, he does joke to his coworkers. EVEN Kalego. He's brutally honest. He does dark humor.
if he want to flirt, he'll do it aggressively (well that's a demon, right?)
He can appear suddenly behind a coworker in the dark to surprise them. They don't try to lock his door, because he can unlock it easily. They have to use magic to lock THEIR door.
If he fights, he'll fight dirty. Everything will be good to win a dual.
Surprisingly even in the WP, he still does his paperworks/corrects the students works.
We love us some feral orias
But I've seen some post about WP and i want to chip in
I think what a wicked phase does is just makes the demon act more on there impulsive thoughts, or more like become the person they want to be
Like that demon who was going to eat a student. He probably has a lot of impulsive/ intrusive thoughts, so in the WP he just acted on them
And if the person has yet to figure themselves out/still developing there personalities like teenagers (could be adults too. Just anyone who wishes they were more x) , there WP version will be the person they wish to be.
For example iruma is shy and irumean is a more confident version of him
Azz is kinda rigid. He always seemed to me like he's keeping a lot of things in, whether it is to keep people out or to maintain a good reputation, so when in WP he just let's loose.
But if someone has figured put who they are and are comfortable with their character, like sabro seems to be, then the WP will amplify their personality. Remove the restrictions put on them because they're out of the house.
Or in Sabro's position it allows him to overcome the unconscious limitations on his fighting ability and allows him to fight atori all out
So i think WP could change as someone's personality, wishes and thoughts change
I hope i got my point across
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fourthwonton · 1 year
Fourthwonton freaks out over the Our Skyy x Bad buddy episode 1 (real)
Squealed at the very first sec of the preview(I don’t rewatch my top shows so it's quite helpful)(and I got the feels)
The preview really reminded me exactly why I fell in love with this world
Ugh great (rolls eyes) Wai’s back yaayyyyy
Drake is really good at playing himbo
Wait… are Wai and Korn continuing the feud’s legacy?
Really a great start… the whole show began when Wai was cornered so it’s fitting that the special episodes start with the feud too
The staredown lol rofl…. The BGMI can’t
Right off the gate with the expectation subversion I can’t with P’Aof
The students really need group projects to hold them off from fighting
Why is Korn praying like Pat and Pran have died? Or is this P’Aof poking fun at all the romeo and romeo clown theories?
Prom really is accurate with the tea huh
Lol WaiKorn trying their best to get them all off the right track
Going off the track but damn Ohm’s eyes really shine at 5:06
They’re back at it lol just riling each other up
Never knew bickering could be foreplay but here we are
Lmao the stark difference between on screen and behind the scenes(hah get it)
I could swim in nanon’s eyes(swoons)
Aaa dimples is back
Neck cradle seemed like a chokehold lol well, Pran does have Pat in his chokehold
I’m so glad that the curtain drop has been redeemed
I freaking lost it when the intro started to play
I love the parallel so much! In ep 1, when pat punches Pran and he gets a bruise for which he gave him a balm. Now, it’s Pran who punched Pat and he’s the one icing the bruise. Ok guess I began rambling
The “I told you to punch me on one cheek and you punched me on the other” never gets old
Also pa knocking the door when they’re getting up to something is always funny
And she has got not even a shred of remorse for that XD
A brother always has to be annoying to his sister. HIA PAAAAAAAN is so hilarious
I love the found family dynamic of theirs. They’re getting dinner together! Ahh it reminds me of ep 9
Feeding shrimp to your loved one is always a win
Love Pa teasing them
And Ex-macho man Pat calling himself Nong is so funny
The moment Ink advised them to find a neutral party to help them decide was when I felt sorry for Ajarn Pichai
We really need more than crumbs!
Give me more InkPa!!!!!!!!
Is he doing a counting-out game to decide? What’s next, a game of rock paper scissors or an arm-wrestling battle between Pran and Pat?
I choked on my coffee when Pat said that Korn will play a dwarf
Ooh they have to get a sponsorship (evil Gru laugh)
Ooh Pat is sneaky
“Phuen khab? Phuen” and “Khab, Phuen”, very un-subtle title drop right here
Pran still has his high-school photo for his id
And we’re back with the crowded elevator(love everything about it)
I forgot that Pat’s sense of smell is as good as a golden retriver’s
Another rendition of just friend!
I don’t understand if Pran is trying to encourage Pat or scare him more
Also did he just say dog Pat?
I love their faculty pride
I knew something was going to go wrong when Korn mentioned downloading the porn
I snorted out loud at this scene
Damn Pran was really dying holding his laughter
Loved the lesson on perspectives.
I love the parallel to when Pat helped Pran visualize the bus stop
Aah Secret’s back
Nanon looks angelic at 13:09 part 2
Pat really be there convincing Pran for a honeymoon
Wait, Tian wrote a book?
The fistbump’s back aaaaaa
Pat really is a hopeless romantic. So sappy!
The fairy lights OwO
They really said me gustas tu
Pran really looks at Pat like he’s his world T_T
Fierce eyes became puppy dog eyes
Why do they have so many close kisses ughh
NONG NAO SLEEP MASKS!!!!!!! Soon available at GMMTV Shop pre-order yours now
Architecture students may plan an attack on me, but only elevators can bring me down
Poor Pran promoting skincare alone T_T get back here Pat!
Damn! Another eavesdropping misunderstanding? Please subvert this trope P’Aof T_T
Really subverted it in a moment thank lord Aof
Pran’s gone into plotting mode huh, I already feel sorry for Pat
He really saved Pran as Dimples such a sap
Why the fuck was Wai in there? XD they really traumatized each other
Really ran off to Chiang Mai to serve Pat a good bowl of lukewarm revenge
Really loving Pran’s fit again
Getting onto the wrong bus is so like Pat
No wait
I take it back
Making Pat get onto the wrong bus is so like Pran
Ohh Champ’s here!
Not the best thing to say in such a light-hearted tone, Yod. Pran’s already nervous about this
Pran really grabbed a walking cane off a fence XD
This is really the most crossover to ever crossover
Love the piano when Chief Phu turns
Did the sturdy looking Chief just faint?
Did Pran just shoo away Tian?XD
OMG Nanon’s just killing it with his eyes
The preview’s giving me life
Did the boys just strike up a fight between Phupha and Tian? And took it upon themselves to make them make up?
The top-notch face down is so funny
The way I cried all this time damn I missed this world
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Reviews while I watch Buddy Daddies: Episode 9
I really need motivation to watch anime again. Especially with the spring season coming with some bangers. 
Are they training Miri for something? Yeup. 
Why was my sound so high?
Rei got so serious about running so quick. It’s great. 
I’m glad they don’t have to hide from the bartender anymore. It’s really sweet. 
Things are 100% going to go to shit though. Everyone’s faces are looking sad. 
I really hope this show gets a second season. There’s still a bunch they can work with, but I’d understand if it only ends up being this one season. 
Why is Rei breaking into the Daycare? Is he trying to cheat for his child? Nope. They’re trying to get good seats, and Kazuki is in on this mission. 
Rei offers help and Kazuki thinks he’s sick. XD
There’s been so much progression. I love these two!
XD I can’t believe he straight up set up a war zone. 
The slight fear that they see him as a cool hitman. 
Are parents really this crazy with photos? 
These games are so weird but feel fit for such young kids. Also I’ve never understood tug of war as a game. Haven’t really ever found any joy in it. Actually except for one time but that was a special version of the game where instead of two teams, there were four and the rope was tied in a circle. You stood on the inside of the circle and had to get to a certain point. Each team’s point was in a different direction. So there is just so much chaos as one team gains vantage before another one pulls from the side and throws everyone off, just for that team to be thrown off by another. It’s a really fun version of the game if anyone wants to try it. Let me know if you want better/more details. 
Anyways, carrying on. 
Damn they are protective of her. 
Aww. So cute. And Rei is getting the appreciation he deserves. 
Rei is going to end up cheering by the end of it. 
Noooooo. He’s going to feel bad now. Nooooooo.
Ahhh. He’s starting to cheer again!
What does that paper say? She is really dedicated for this. 
They’re so happy!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It said family. She grabbed both her dads and they helped her win. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 
Hypocrite Kazuki
They’re concerned about the picture getting out but will still do anything for their child. 
We got so many Rei smiles this episode!
----after thoughts----
I am so scared of shit hitting the fan. We normally get a cute episode before shit happens. Concerned. 
Still absolutely amazing. I love the character development with Rei and Kazuki, they seriously have opened up so much since the start of the show. 
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siletreas-workshop · 2 years
Cult of the Lamb Cosplay!
In one of my most recent posts I gave thanks to VanhooverPE for the awesome convention I was very happy to go to! what I didn't mention however was that I was in cosplay! I was wearing my fully finished COTL Lamb cosplay and was super fortunate to meet amazingly talented VA’s such as Ellie Ray and Tabitha St Germaine and Mark Hamill and meet incredibly talented artists such as @therealakineko​ and Gobiraptor and BoomPOP  and Waffle Wishes  I also got to compete in the awesome cosplay contest hosted by Crackle’s Cousin Cosplay where I was overjoyed to win the advanced category and best in show! and now for what anyone reading this has actually been waiting for! THE PICTURES!!! (I took tons so I’m just posting some of my faves)
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looking fabulous as the Lamb!
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went with one of my besties @berushogunposts​
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was absolutely blessed to meet Ellie Ray!
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dunno who your fursona is but I love how they look!
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you were so nice and cheerful to chat with!
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one of the crackles cousin cosplayers!
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another awesome person!
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the con started on a Friday the 13th so this brilliant madlad combined Pinkie Pie with Jason!!! the chainsaw actually WORKS and plays music! they made it themselves and I was super lucky that I got permission to hold it for a few photos!
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this is Gobiraptor in her ADORABLE fursuit! (I bought a hanging wall-scroll version of the Velvet Remedy blanket behind her along with the matching enamel pin and a GORGEOUS Derpy Seraphim pin!)
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here’s a pic of all of the cosplayers all together for the contest! everyone here did a FANTASTIC job!
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here’s a pic of the Crackle’s Cousin Cosplayers striking a badass pose at the end of the convention!
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and then there's THIS gem! (you had to be there to get the joke XD ) overall Vanhoover was a ABSOLUTE BLAST! I also met and became friends with Gabishy and they Vlogged the entire Vanhoover convention! heres a link to it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmednveoybs
buuut it wasn’t the ONLY convention I wore it too! I just got back from FanExpo! (which is why it’s taken so long for me to post this! I wanted to share all the con pics at once!) it was SO busy but I went in a group with my friends and for one of them it was his first time EVER at a con AND he tried to cosplay!(and did a pretty good job too!) super happy for him!
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first person I met at the con was this creative fursuiter! they made their own suit themselves and it looks awesome!
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ran into another fursuiter right away and they also made it themselves!
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then met this outstandingly BADASS Jinx cosplayer!
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found Denki from Chainsaw man!
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then met this amazingly talented cosplayer Echo
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Nick cage with THE BEEEEEEES!!!
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adorable plauge doctor!
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FOUND WALDO! and this ones the “Apocalypse edition”
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then before heading downstairs I bumped into the amazing Clawthorne sisters Eda and Lilith!
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then found Makima from Chainsaw man!
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then had a visit with nurse Power!
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found Saitama in the crowd!
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I got a selfie with it!
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bumped into the mighty Skeletor!
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then I ran into a Nazuna cosplayer from “Call of the Night” along with these other 2 cosplayers! I have no idea where they're from but omg they look AMAZING!
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I got a quick selfie with Nazuna!
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found a Skyward Sword Zelda cosplayer! the detail that went into this outfit it astronomical! I adore every detail!
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so glad I got a selfie with her!
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found these awesome Cult of the Lamb fans! and learned there is infact 1 other Lamb at the con somewhere! I made it my mission to find the other Lamb!
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Playboy BUFFey (no joke this guy was RIPPED)
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a very small hero of time!
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bumped into Ravio! his prices may be outrageously high but the smile is priceless!
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the fairy godmother from shrek was fluttering around the hall!
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I almost got taken in by the SCP foundation!
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thankfully I wasn’t anomalous enough!
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MY BUDDY TOTORO! (no joke tho this cosplay was amazing and I got to see the setup inside when their handler helped them get a drink! they had a camera setup to livefeed to outside world to them through their phone inside the suit! absolutly amazing engineering!)
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another adorable plauge doctor (their buddy took the pic!)
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a very friendly witch who adored the Lamb!
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some awesome Black Clover cosplayers that my pals and I actually met on the ferry heading over to the con earlier that morning!
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ran into Zenitsu Nezuko and Inosuke!
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then bumped into the fabulous anarchy sisters Panty and Stocking! (with a tiny freddy fazbear plushie!) I even found BoomPOP again at this convention! scored some buttons and chatted for abit! they're super kind! and lastly!
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I FOUND THE OTHER LAMB! no joke I’d been looking for over 3 hours so it was awesome to finally find them right before we were leaving!
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they let me hold their sword too! overall I’ve had a blast being the Lamb! might wear this again for another convention in the future but for now I’m happy to post pics of my adventures wearing the second cosplay costume I’ve ever made in my life!
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madame-vera · 1 year
Summer Camp 2023! HW complete!
Yay! This years summer camp is coming around and my pledge and homework prep are officially complete! I was worried I wouldn't be able to participate this year because the router was on its death throes but we were able to get a new one just in time, so no worries here. Lucky me. XD So hyped! Camp feral for the win!
This year I'm aiming for Copper (hi fellow bronze buddies) at 8 prompts. I think I'll do well this year, so much so I might just pass the first 8. Why? Because World Anvil is trying out this super cool new theme setup. Instead of just the one overarching monthly theme they're giving us 4 themes (one per week) and 8 wild cards (2 per week), so there's 40 prompts to choose from. Not only do we get more options we're not completely stuck if a theme doesn't quite vibe with us.
The 4 themes this year are
I think I'm all set up for Relics and Communication. Power and Frontiers are going to be tricky but I've got some ideas up my sleeves. We'll see how it goes. Overall the WA team seems to have an overarching theme of how groups and individuals influence and react to each other, so that'll make for some interesting prompts.
And I've got the perfect book for Relics! Lucky me XD
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I'm kinda hoping for some geographic locations, technologies, organisations, species, materials and traditions. They'd help me build Vilyiterna well.
But yep! All done and raring to go! Got my notebook and pens! I'm looking forward to joining you all with my blankets and hot chocolates.
See you all there!
My notebook and pens!
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aroacerick · 1 year
pls tell me all about your superhero au
well i have 2 vers, 1 is an rp ver that i have with some buddies and the other is an au i have with someone very near and dear to me so u get to hear ab the rp one (the other au is secret /silly)
connoreatspants is the guy that I play and he is just some dude!! (he is a hero / understudy to his dad dxd!) he is also boyfriends with Wilbur and quackity :333 (they kiss alllll the time)
but basically, what recently happened, was that xd got into a fight with Wilbur bc Wilbur was gonna kill them bc they are corrupt!!!!!
but xd is about to win!! (on no!!!) so, connor, absolutely horrified and worried that his boyfriend is gonna Die, kills xd!!! stabs them in the back!!!
but that is what happened!!! connor is hanging out with wilbur rn bc he took him home :3
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running-with-kn1ves · 13 days
Read your "Rough day" one shot of yandere husband using his wife as personal stress ball and I. Am. Hooked ~(ง ื▿ ื)ว
but I really want to know how this story might unfold too! ///_\\\ any chances you might continue?
If you don't have any idea, you can have mine yes I spent too much time on this i am so sorry xD, if you dont like the idea you can throw it off a cliff, I am just letting my nervous energy out here as this is my first time asking in a yandere blog heh~ |・ω・)
I also understand if you don't want to write or are not in the mood to continue. No hard feelings here buddy! :3 it is absolutely your choice only, love your writing skill!
Have a cookie! (っ ᵔ◡ᵔ)っ 🍪❤
- wife is absolutely bored to be home alone all day and starts going to a housewife-club, her hubby isn't pleased at first bc it means she goes out but when he notices the changes at their home like better comfort food and her being in better mood in general, he starts to treat her a little bit better/reconsider his behaviour a bit
- (also she uses food to stuff him full in the evening *food coma* so it's harder for him to ride her at night lmao).
- When she notices the slight changes she starts to be determined to make things better aka a slow burn trying to save their beautiful sh**** marriage of an overworked tired murderous toxic husband and his little pure waifu who is trying her best.
Also he is overworking so much because he wants to have a damn house for his wife then he will chill his damn nuggets. He is yandere but absolute workaholic.
Basically the tables turn around when his wife starts having affection and slowly wins him over especially with teases aaahhhhh fluffy yandere basically ( 〃▽〃)
Thank you for reading and writing, I hide back into my corner |・д・)ノ🍪
This is too sweet and I'm sorry for taking forever to answer this anon!! it got lost in my inbox :'(. I absolutely adore this idea, I feel like, if I ever got the courage and motivation to write a full length book, this would be the plot. a lot could be done with husbands coworkers, readers housewife club, and their relationship growth! I'd love to write husband some more gentle moments-- from small affections and attempts at romance(maybe a little less murder..?) to prioritizing READERS needs(bedroom and otherwise)). So much of what you wrote cracked me up and got me thinking! Idk If I'll ever continue since it was just a random, guilty pleasure one-shot, but you've given me a lot to think about, and the fluffy potential for a yandere gives me the fuzzies
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kaynai-sama · 2 years
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Let me tell you how it was. First of all, I got there late and couldn't find my couch, but when I found him and my partner they called us over the speaker to make the forms. (Which are a ser of steps to simulate a combat, for those who don't know) And my partner and I were ready to do the seventh form; the one for my partner's level. (He's red bel second kup and I'm first kup) Buuuuut something happened.
After we got to the graphic area, where they put us up with an opponent, we were the only ones left after all the red belts, who left in groups of four, were gone already. Now, our couch told us to make sure we don't end up to compete with each other because we're from the same institution... Guess what happened.
Since we were the last ones and they couldn't put one of us to fight a green belt, we ended up against each other... Our couch was a little bit pissed off but ye didn't say anything.
We were warming up while watching other contestants. Since we both get along, there wasn't any problem.
So, let me tell you something, when you compete in forms, it's very strict , because they value martiality, precision and high kicks, the more it goes above your head, the better.
You start with a ten and going down depending on how many mistakes you make, even the ones that you think they will not notice. No one NO ONE has ever won a ten in forms, the most perfect score is seven. That's how strict it is. Since it's a military sport.
Anyway, my partner got a 5.74, which is good for him, but ME?! I GOT A 5.77. WON FOR THREE POINTS. He was all like "Shut the fuck up." And I was like "I FUCKING WON!"
Last time I was in a tournament I won third place in forms, well... I GOT FIRST PLACE
But then, we had to wait for almost three hours for combat, since we're red belts we go last along with the black belts because they always start from white belts.
How ever, I wasn't so good in combat.
There are twelve reasons why the judges will admonish you... But my couch warned me that we may wouldn't have good judges... He was right.
You see, they didn't count lots of the points that were made, including mine.
I got to be with a girl with my same size, same age and same height, kinda. But she was fast AF and since I am really rusty then she beat me winning 15/5 in the second round.
In the first round, the judges didn't count two points from me, she would've beaten me anyway but HEY! At least in the second round I was less still and did have her a little beating as well.
She won first place, but I won second place, which is definitely more than my first time, when I won third place. BUT HEY, at least I didn't just stand there like a training dummy.
My partner ran with my same luck, opponent was too fast, but ye was a little bit stiff, but the judges did something I just can't forgive; THEY DIDN'T COUNT AN OBVIOUS KICK TO THE HEAD FROM MY BUDDY. It was clearly there, OOOOHHHHH but they did count a kick that was more to the face than to the head from the other guy AAAHHHHH. (Context, a direct kick to the head is three points and four or five if you spin while kicking.) So it's a big deal.
He won second place just like me, but he did really good.
Ohhhhh but I saw something else, a guy, who was not wearing any protection, was kicked down there so hard, they had to stop the combat... I don't know if I should feel bad if laugh... Maybe both. The judges admonished that guy XD
Anyway, that was it, KayNai out 😎
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