#you walk into his office he’s just staring at case flies intensely while protect me from what I want is playing loudly
transk0vsky · 4 days
Last rb related since I don’t wanna be cringe in ops tags and mention a non canon character so making my own post but like in a modern au in a ‘family’ group chat falin would be the ‘child’ who never replies to anything but likes messages solely on a blue moon
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - when you tell him cheesy pick-up lines
This work, 当你对他说土味情话, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Shaw makes reference to something NSFW but it isn’t graphic. I think minors should skip it just in case!
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“Victor! Victor!” You burst into the study room, settling yourself onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“What do you want to eat now?” He encircles your waist with his left hand to prevent you from slipping, while his right hand flies across the document as he signs his name on it.
You sulk. “To you, is eating the only thing I know how to do?”
His left hand drifts to the side of your waist, giving it a pinch. “Is it not?”
His actions are accompanied by a teasing lilt in his voice, causing you to take revenge by nipping his lower lip.
“There’s something I want to buy.”
“Isn’t my black card with you?” He touches the place where you just bit him, then pinches your cheek. “What is it?”
“I want to buy a plot of land.”
“Land? What for?”
You take his hand off your cheek, then point at his chest region. “The area in your heart.”
He lets out a soft laugh, taking your hand into his. His slender fingers entwine with yours.
“That plot of land already belongs to you.”
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Today, Officer Gavin finally gets a day of rest from his diligent and hardworking service to the citizens of Loveland City. After watching a romantic movie, the two of you are seated in a dessert shop.
“Gavin, what’s your blood type?” You ask casually, stirring the tapioca pearls in your cup.
He answers without a moment of hesitation. “B.”
“Nope,” you smile, bringing the straw to your lips and taking a sip of milk tea. “You’re my ideal type.”
“Cough...” A faint crimson tinges the tips of his ears, and his hand finds yours from underneath the table. “Ever since high school, you've been my ideal type.”
You giggle, continuing your line of attack. “My blood type is AB. Remember that. If a day comes when you harm me-”
“I’ll never hurt you!” He cuts you off, his tone frantic and sincere, amber eyes brimming with confidence. “Back then, I didn’t have the strength to protect you. But now, I do.”
I really shouldn’t have joked about this with him, you think to yourself, patting his hand reassuringly. 
“Of course I know you’ll protect me. But... you’ve already started hurting me.”
You take his hand in yours.
“I like you so much that it hurts~”
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Leisure time over the weekend is typically spent huddled together with Lucien, and reading a book with him - from “One Hundred Years of Solitude” to “The Newcomer”, and from murder mysteries to philosophy. The day passes by slowly and quietly.
Very often, you’d end up leaning on Lucien’s shoulder, in a deep sleep. By the time you wake up, you’d find yourself on the bed, with him watching you from the side.
Right now, you’re snuggled up against his shoulder, biting back a yawn.
Lucien senses your slight movement, tousles your hair, and smiles. “Just sleep if you want to.”
You lift your head, rubbing his neck. “Lucien, I think you’re just like a book.”
“Hm? Is my wife complimenting me for being an erudite?” He props up the spectacles on his nose.
“Nope.” You sit yourself upright, looking at him half-seriously and half-jokingly. “I suspect that deep down, you’re a philosophy book. The more I look at you, the more I feel like sleeping~”
Upon hearing this, he shuts the book he was reading, “Journey Under the Midnight Sun”. He stands up, lifts you into his arms, and walks towards the bedroom.
“My wife has always been bold. Since that’s what you think, I’ll put it to practice.”
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[ KIRO ]
During lunch break, you’re discussing Kiro’s new movie with Kiki and some other colleagues. Just as you start talking about his role, your ringtone sounds - it’s the male lead himself.
Signalling Kiki to keep quiet, you pick up the phone. “What’s up?”
“Miss Chips, I’ve been trying to find a shop.” His tone sounds as though he’s in low spirits.
What’s wrong with your Little Sun? 
“You can’t find it? Do you need my help? What’s the name of the shop?” You ask gently.
This, however, makes Kiro sound even more upset. “I was waiting for your call. Since you didn’t call me, I had no choice but to make the first move.”
It’s true that you haven’t given him a call today, but...
“Kiro, when did you learn how to be so greasy?”
He becomes even gloomier.
“QAQ Miss Chips doesn’t love me anymore - you even called your Kiro ‘greasy’...”
You let out a laugh to pacify him, then ask, “Will you be back early today? There’s a new dessert shop around the corner, and Kiki and I will be heading there to give it a try. I’ll buy something for you?”
“Okay okay, just get a less-sugar cake for me. That way, Miss Chips wouldn’t find me greasy~”
Did Kiro misunderstand what you meant by the word “greasy”?
[Note] In Chinese slang, the term 油腻 (“you ni”), which means greasy, used to refer to people who are coarse and live sloppily. But nowadays, it’s meant to describe male stars who are excessively handsome, narcissistic, and are always immersed in their own beauty LOL
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[ SHAW ]
“Why do you keep staring at me?”
Under your intense gaze, Shaw tugs at the collar of his shirt, feeling a little suspicious.
“I think you look weird,” you confess, propping your chin on your hand.
“It’s always a little weird wearing new clothes.” Shaw puts on his metal bracelet. “In what way?”
You blink innocently, letting the words slip out.
“Weirdly handsome.”
“Oh, so now you realise that I’m handsome?” 
Evidently pleased, he paces back and forth in front of you, the corners of his lips curled upwards.
It’s rare to see him act in such a manner, so you strike while the iron’s hot. “I also think that you remind me of someone.”
The thought of a lookalike upsets him. 
“Who? Which celebrity?” He adds, “Is that person as handsome as I am?”
“Nope. You look just like my man.”
Not expecting such a response, Shaw is dumbstruck for two seconds before reacting. “Tch. I don’t look like your man. I am your man.”
You shoot him a glance. “You’re shameless.”
“All right, Mary Sue.” Shaw removes the new shirt he was just wearing. “I’ll give you a car then?”
It’s your turn to be stunned. What’s with this change in heart? He’s actually treating you so well? 
“What brand is it?”
“It’s Shaw’s brand. An Old. Man’s. Cart.”
[Note] This doesn’t translate well in English, but Shaw says 老汉推车 (“lao han tui che”), which is a sex position where the guy... does it from behind :>
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More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The Paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
My work can be found on AO3 (Use the title above)
Please note all this is a series and after the events of Resident Evil 8. Everyone has survived and lived. I’m still open to requests but I’m writing two stories on the side so your request may take an extra day to write.
Requests: Open
Word Count: 4.3K
Being in the chopper held no safety over the male blonde. He could have been dead, free from all this mess but plans had been changed last minute to ensure his safety. And now, he was sat next to his wife, Mia, cradling their child close to himself as he became derealisation. Just under the 24-hour mark, the male had to repeat the worse of his days once again. It seemed no matter what breaks he was given; he was never able to truly escape the grasp of lies being floated around him. Even having his child in his arms, knowing his understanding of being all mold, he felt as though something was still missing- he knew something else was missing...but what?
Light taps had been hitting his shoulder, yet he chose to ignore them. He wouldn't be able to pull out his mind for a while to come, and yet he didn’t see why his thoughts that engulfed him should be interrupted. He had every right to ignore everyone. All the thieving liars. “Ethan, we know your mad.” His wife’s words had reached out to him, leaving him to hold their child closer to his chest. The movement went unnoticed by his wife luckily. He wouldn’t let his baby girl go, not after everything that had happened to them both in this shithole of a village. “Please Ethan, speak to us.” Mia’s voice had sounded desperate, as though she truly meant she wanted to hear him talk back.
“Tch.” The simple sound left his lips as he moved to look upon his once everything, the person he was really meant to truly love yet couldn’t find the lingering feeling of that word at the given moment. To him now, it seemed Mia was nothing but a classic wolf in sheep’s clothing. “And say what exactly,” He sneered, shaking his head as he gazed down to stare at his daughter who was sleeping soundly as she cuddled closed to his sanded coat, she was wrapped in. “And say I forgive, that we can be a normal happy family.” Mia bit her bottom lip, fingers twitching to place on her clearly shaken husband’s arm, yet she didn’t dare to touch him anymore after his words directed at her show no mercy in actually wanting anything such as a civil conversation with her.
“I know I lied- many of us did to you, but we are trying to protect you!” She leaned forward in her seat, trying to capture Ethan’s attention. His eyesight never left the bundle of his girl but his facial expression shifted into furrow brow and a forced small smile.
“Protect me. Everyone says that- even in those cheap romantic movies they say that. How can I be the one to be protected when our daughter here was almost killed for someone else’s sickening needs. That someone you knew clearly well. You're protecting me? Since when have you ever protected me. All this trouble, everything that has happened was all because you let yourself get mixed up in all the trouble you see.”  
“Ethan,” A deep warning tone came from the front of the chopper. A wider male leaned his body to the side to peer over the chair he was sat in. He stared at the two partners that sat on a metal bench with an intense glare that was mostly was directed at the male. “Anger doesn’t get any of us anywhere. We have explaining and so do you.” His words cancelled out any further arguments between the married couple, leaving them all in silence as the mixed of harsh and soft breathing had been heard through the headsets they all wore.
Ethan took a deep breath in and out, calming his racing heartbeat that was making him feel slightly dizzy “Is there anything else I should be aware about,” Thankfully, he was quickly responded back by Redfield, the wider male at the front who wasted no time in explaining everything that seemed important.
“Those...Lords have been found alive and are being taken by other members of my squad to be reported back at the base. Seems you never actually killed them. We are planning to run tests on them and then we will let the higher ups decide what out next move shall be with them.” The mention of those Lords sent a sick bug down Ethan’s throat. Knowing they were alive had him questioning his own safety now. Would they want to kill him for trying to kill them? Because they are mutated like himself would he be placed to go against them, for all of them to become Lab Rats to the BSAA? What would happen to his daughter-
“I do not give any consent for my daughter to be used as some Lab Rat,” his lips became dry as the words left him. No, he wouldn’t allow his daughter to have such tests run on her. She was a baby. A small, fragile, and the only person Ethan felt like needing in his life.
Redfield had moved to face forward, not wanting to respond to the father’s words. The BSAA would surely need Rosemary for a few days to make sure everything for her was okay, was stable and that she could be placed into a society where she could be kept safe. Chris sighed and leaned back, watching as the horizon of the sky lightened up. Soon...soon things will calm down and until then, there was sure to be violence between all parties in this situation. The Lords, Mia, Ethan and of course himself. “I mean it Chris; any sort of harm that comes to my daughter I will have to do things I wouldn't regret.” The tone of venom hadn’t been ignored by anyone that was listening in on the headsets. Ethan had truly changed; he was no longer the sweet loving husband everyone knew of- instead he was rather the hunter, the lion willing to protect its cub.
Ethan stepped into the base of the BSAA. Mia had been moved by other agents to go somewhere else to split the two and to ease the tension both of them brought and Ethan was glad for that move to be made. The shining lights and its agents running about had him questioning how much actually were these people prepared for. Looking around, checking for any danger, Ethan followed Redfield and a few agents into an elevator with Rosemary in his arms still. He had refused to let her out of his sight until he knew she was truly safe. The elevator had taken them up 30 floors in total and the ride had become very uncomfortable for the standing agents. They could feel the anger flying off between the two men only for it to be cut short when they finally excited the cramped space. Ethan had once again followed Chris to a room where more agents stood and two lone white coats around a large office table with a whiteboard at the furthest end from the door. “Ethan, I want you to meet the people who would be working with you.” Ethan sent a short nod to everyone in the room, adjusting Rose in his hold to have a secure hold around her small body.  
A woman outstretched a hand towards Ethan with a bright smile. “I’m Sherley, I’m somewhat a case worker for you. Any troubles you want speaking about; I’ll will send them to our higher ups for the matters to be discussed.” Ethan ignored the hand, choosing to sit down around the large wooden table.
“I apologise for Mr Winter’s manners. He has been through a lot.” Chris responded, sending a kind smile to Sherley who nodded and began to sit down as well, sitting closer to the head of the table at the other side facing Ethan. Chris sighed and shook his head towards Ethan, showing his disappointment in the lack of manners before going to sit at the head of the office table. Other agents and the scientist sat down in the unoccupied seats, however leaving Ethan’s side empty. Raising a finger to his earpiece, Chris sent a quick message to all responsive. “Send them in.”
Ethan glared at Chris, his words finding more questions to raise into the father’s mind. Who was ‘Them’? It seemed he didn’t have to wait long for the familiar voices to catch his ears. Before Ethan could speak up in any protests, a swarm of flies had swarmed in with crackling voices. They were soon followed by the familiar Lords Ethan had tried killing- but leaving them alive. Lady Dimitrescu walked in first, her eyes ignoring the sitting blonde and instead standing behind her three daughter who had placed themselves together in three seats. Next to walk in was Moreau who held a metal container in his hands. Ethan dropped his gaze to his little Rose, who was slightly awake but dropping her eyelids to sleep again. Soon more people had entered, the high pitch doll had Ethan looking up and glaring at the doll with a glare that would’ve killed her. “Keep her quiet, my daughter here is trying to sleep.” The power of his voice sent Angie to be silent, she still knew what Ethan could do if he wanted to- she held tightly onto Lady Beneveinto finding fear for the blonde who had almost killed her and her Lady. They sat closest to Chris, Angie prompting Donna to do so, so she could stay away from Ethan’s murderous glare. There was only one empty seat next to Ethan now, and he could hear the boots of who would occupy that seat coming closer.
“Am I late to the meeting,” The voice had crackled out, stubbing his cigar against the door frame and dropping it to the ground before entering the room seeing everyone together. “Ooo, everyone looks scary,” His sarcasm had left him with an angered Vampire and a sigh from Redfield. Finding amusement in the situation, he plopped himself in the chair next to Ethan and gave him a flashy smile.
“Look at me again and I will make sure to finish the job,” Ethan smiles back, watching as Heisenberg’s face shifted from his flashy smile to a croaked smile. He slowly faced away from Ethan, his eyes landing on his ‘older sister’ who was holding back an amuse smile of her own.
“Maybe the father isn’t all bad,” She cooed, watching as Ethan messed with his daughter’s outstretched hands.  
“So, I’m glad you’re all here.” Redfield spoke, getting rid of any attention on Rose and her father. He stood up out his chair and placed his arms behind his back in a soldier-like manner. “We are all here to discuss what will happen with you all since...you know-” Chris struggled to find the words, what was he supposed to say? What should he call their indifferences?
“Because we are all monsters?” Ethan piped up, his eyes still not leaving his daughter who brought a weird warmth into his heart that only a child could achieve.  
“I wouldn’t say that but because you’re all different from regular people.”  
“Just get on with it, I haven’t got the time.” Ethan had really changed in Chris’ eyes. He was more demanding, only now taking power over any situation and wanting to have control of it. ‘Father Instincts’ Chris had brushed it off as. He was sure Ethan would go back to being the man he first met after the incident at the Baker’s house- well he hoped he would go back to that version of himself anyway.
“Right. So, for starters we are placing you all in a close proximity neighbourhood for safe checking and safety for you all. Any arguments against that?” Suddenly the Lords begun arguing and Rosemary had started to cry. Dimitrescu was stating her daughters would easily die. Moreau was stating he had no home since he was a water base monster, Angie was speaking up for Beneviento stating being close to anyone in general wasn’t good on her Lady’s health and lastly, Heisenberg had shouted out over everyone else that he had no need to be kept a close eye on as he was the safest one of them all- the statement got a lot of eye rolls over from everyone in the room. One by one, Chris had silenced them to the point he could be heard again if it wasn’t for the cries of Rose and Ethan’s gentle vice soothing her down. He raised his hands to his temple to rub away the headache he was getting from the loud noises before speaking again after Ethan had successful quietened Rose. “It’s just for now, other living arrangements may be made later on in time. Please, be the grownups you are in this society and accept what you are given. Now agents, is there anything you want to speak about with the Lords of the Village?”
Ethan watched as his daughter fell asleep, he toned out the agents talk. He couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips, seeing his daughter so peaceful away from danger now gave him a reason to also feel safe. He will protect her, not the protection Mia had provided him but he would do better for his baby. Ethan rubbed his mutated hand against her cheek, watching her smile in her sleep and rub against the trunks of his loss two fingers. “You’re not a bad father,” A voice spoke next to him. Soon his smile changed to a scowl, he looked over at Heisenberg watching as the rugged man looked down at the sleeping Rose.
“And what would you know about fatherhood?” Ethan snarled back, keeping his voice quiet to not draw attention to himself. Heisenberg released a chuckle that only Ethan heard and leaned back further in his seat, letting himself slouched down backwards.
“I know to be a father you need to place your children first...which is exactly what you did,” He mummed out, looking back at Ethan to see him no longer looking at him and rather back at his daughter. Ethan slowly nodded, giving his face a break from having an angered look at the other and instead rested his expressions.
“If you know little, then why did you try to use my daughter as a weapon?” He questioned the Lord, looking towards him still ignoring the speaking agents who were now speaking more towards Angie than Beneviento. The room felt a little more open now, being settled around enemies was a scary thought at first to the father but now, it seemed as though he may be settling down fine with them seemingly, they all now shared a sort of connection. The Lord had lifted himself out from his slouched position and sat straight, completely facing away from having his chair facing the other side of the table to now be facing Ethan fully. Heisenberg, having his back turned facing Redfield, used this opportunity to talk to the father he so desperately wanted on his side for the fight.
“I never wanted to hurt your daughter, I’m not like that bitch Miranda. I just needed to use her to break Miranda’s powers. I’m not good at socialising with good words, I probably phrased my needs wrongly and I never wanted that. We were supposed to be a team Ethan, you and me destroying the Bitch of Crows.” Ethan fell silent, watching as Heisenberg stared at him from behind his shades.
“You need to work on your social skills.” The point that came from Ethan had Heisenberg holding back a loud chuckle. The father was right but the sudden response of that sentence had put Heisenberg off his serious demur.
“I’ll work on them one day. For now, how about we start over?” His question lingered between Ethan and himself. It took a few short seconds and careful thinking before Ethan had responded.
“Maybe...” Although Heisenberg didn’t get a full ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, he was still pleased either way. He and Ethan could do so much if he agreed. Heisenberg was already strumming ideas in his mind such as them building together, or annoying his ‘older sister’. So much now that he had some of his freedom he could do- and who better to spend his freedom with the man who saved them all.  
“Are we interrupting something?” Chris had spoken up with a raised brow. Ethan shook his head, staring at the other man. Heisenberg moved his chair back to its original position and also shook his head, tilting his hat to cover a little more of his face feeling the eyes on him by the agents. “Okay...so you will be going to the neighbourhood after this meeting and settling in your homes. Please note you may be moved in the future depending how well all this goes. As for you Ethan,” Ethan had physically shrunken back at the mention of his name. Why did he have to be a part of all this? “You need to decided whenever you want Mia living with you since that flight you both seemed a little distance from each other.” The blonde had wasted no time to answer, having no second thoughts.
“I want nothing to do with her.” Chris was taken back from Ethan.  
“A-are you sure? She’s your wife-”
“No. I want a divorce this minute. I can’t handle any more lies Chris. And I certainty can’t stand her own mind games.” Before Chris could ask for further explanation to his reasons, Sherley spoke up.
“I’ll have the papers sent to her straight away Mr Winters.” She had quickly gathered her own folders off the table and left with two agents trailing behind her out of the meeting room. The three daughters had begun to whisper amongst themselves, Ethan hearing the sentence of ‘what is a divorce’ coming from Bella’s mouth.
“E-Ethan. Think about this.” Chris wanted answers, he wasn’t going to be left out. He wanted to protected Ethan and now he was going to make sure that Ethan’s happiness was also something to be thought about with all this.
Ethan looked down at Rose again, not daring to look back up. It seemed Rose gave him the calmness he had been searching for all his life since meeting Mia. “She’s a bad person for me Chris. I believe I’ll be better off without her.”  
“But what about the young one?” It was a scientist that spoke up this time, pointing with a pen at the baby cradled in her father’s arms.
Ethan swallowed, he needed to think. And quick. There were really only two options to that question and he could either be a bad parent, or be the decent guy. “She can have half custody over our child, but I wish for her to not be anywhere near me or my home where I’ll be keeping Rose safe when she is with me.” The agents and scientist were jotting down notes, clearly his every movement was being recorded and Ethan was stuck thinking if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Clicking the pen down, the same scientist spoke back up.
“Okay and that’s all we needed to know. Please remember Lords that you will have tests run on you to ensure our safety as much as your own. There is only so much we can give you at the moment until you complete all tests. Your first tests will start tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day.” They all quickly packed up, leaving Chris, Ethan and his spawn as well as the Lords alone in the room. However, the room wasn’t completely private, a small camera being in the corner watching over the whole table.
“So... this is it?” Angie asked, looking around the whole table. “We will be kept alive?” Hope was evident in her tone, it seemed she was just as glad as the others to be alive.
“You are allowed to be spared. I’m not going to lie, at first the BSAA were going to make sure every last one of you were dead for caution reasons...but it seemed Winters had the better judgement of the matter and the actions has led the organisation to believe you are allowed to live because of his judgement.” Chris smiled as he saw a small amount of red leak onto Ethan’s cheek. He hated having attention brought onto himself, and Chris knew that all too well.
Moreau was the next to speak up. “So, because of him, we are allowed to live?” Chris answered with a nod of the head. Moreau started to jump up and down in his seat, clearly excited at the news. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Mr Winters, I have so much to thank you for! Even if I did follow mother’s orders a lot...”  
Ethan’s face flushed a darker red, only on his ears however as he tried his best to shake off the words of Moreau. “Don’t thank me- who knows what they’ll put you through with the tests.”
“It doesn’t quite matter yet though. You’ve practically gave us freedom we all never thought to ever have.” Dimitrescu leaned back up to stand, after leaning over all three of her daughters in the meeting, placing a hand on her hip as she faced Ethan who was sat down and trying to turn away from all the attention. Dimitrescu bowed slightly, earning a gasp from all three of her girls. As she stood straight back up, she coughed into her closed fist and gave a warm smile. “Thank you for giving us it.”
“Guys honestly, don’t thank me. There is nothing to be thankful for,” His whines came out of deaf ears as Angie was next to scream out appreciative words to be joined in with Moreau after and Dumitrescu daughters. Chris smiled, finding all this amusing and... warming almost.  
‘They really are just people at the end of the day’ He thought, frowning a little at the realisation that they are only like this because of what Miranda had done. True people stripped of their right and humanity all for a small girl to come back... it all failed either way. “As much as I’m sure Ethan enjoys the attention, it's time for you all to head to your new housing area. Leave the meeting room and agents will escort you to cars that will bring you to your neighbourhood. Any requirements you need, state them to the agents in the car and we’ll do our best to bring them to you over time.” Chris nodded his head to the room before being the first to leave. Next to follow was Angie with Lady Beneveinto, next after them was Moreau with a scowling Dimitrescu following behind complaining about the stench he was carrying. Her daughters followed her also, asking if they could have their coats that were taken off them when they set foot into the building.
Left in the room was Ethan with his child and Heisenberg who didn’t make any sort of movement of leaving. Ethan waited a few minutes before starting to get a little annoyed with his presence. “Aren’t you going to go?” He asked, looking towards the Lord who seemed to stare into space. Not getting an answer, Ethan huffed and adjusted Rose to lay in one of his arms before using the other to shake Heisenberg’s shoulder. It worked as the Lord was taken out of his mind.
“hm? What? W-What did you say?” He asked, taking his shades off and placing them into his trench coat’s pocket. Ethan resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“I asked aren’t you going to go as well, to your new home?” Heisenberg rested his eyes to stare at Ethan.  
“Are you also coming papa?” He asked back, smiling as Ethan groaned.
“Stop calling me that, just call me Ethan.”  
“Okay...Mr Winters.” The lord teased watching as the other was getting riled up. With a kick of the leg, Heisenberg laughed as Ethan laid back on his chair and started to kick one of the Lord’s knees. “You call that a kick? C’mon you hurt a lot more back in the Village.”
“Just go Heisenberg, you got your freedom now go.” Ethan stopped kicking the other Lord, resisting the urge to smile. It felt nice to be playful...even if it was with an enemy of the past. Heisenberg had a kind smile, it wasn’t his usual smirk but something much different, a lot better.
“And do I get the honours of spending my freedom with the man who gave me it?” The question left Ethan speechless. Heisenberg wanted him to be spending his life with. The lack of an answer left Heisenberg's smile to falter a little, seeing the father so hesitant with his words. “It’s aright if you don't want to. I get it, you got a lot going on and I’m sure me being there will worsen things-”
“We are neighbours remember?” Ethan spoke up, standing out of his seat and looking down at the shorter male. “I suppose you can pop around whenever, just don't do anything that will get you into trouble with me.”  
Smiling again, Heisenberg stood out of his seat with much enthusiasm and nodded sharply. “Yes, sir no sir, there will be no trouble with me.”
“You’re an idiot,” was Ethan’s last words as he spoke in a happy tone before he left the meeting room with Rose cradled in his arms just about waking up.
“Wanting to be your idiot.” Heisenberg spoke to no one, plotting more ideas for himself and the father. Maybe after tomorrow’s first test, he could give the blond a visit.
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
For Your Eyes Only– bodyguard!ashton [Chapter Eight]
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Summary: Ashton Irwin is the head of security for Princess Alouette who is a kind, gentle young woman. Secretly pining for one another, those feelings will soon come to light as an occurrence will change Alouette’s life forever, and Ashton’s.
Word count: 2338
Warnings: slight smut in the beginning, softness and a poor (unplanned) reference to the notebook near the end
Chap. 1 || Chap. 2 || Chap. 3 || Chap. 4 || Chap. 5 || Chap. 6 || Chap. 7
It’s been a week since Alouette came back home from the lake, she’s still having her advisors handle her duties but she’s a bit more involved than before she left. She still didn’t want to be seen in the public quite yet and Ashton senses the looming storm still within her. 
He hasn’t asked her what happened to her in that room again, for fear of her completely shutting down and away from him. That’s the last thing he wanted. Calum is still interim head of security with Ashton delegating here and there while also trying to find out who instigated her kidnapping.
It’s as if an unspoken law has been bound between Ashton and Alouette, because they’re always together. Whispers are spread throughout the castle of their tryst but with the amount of respect each worker has for their Princess, they never bring it to light. 
Sunday mornings are reserved only for Ashton and Alouette, with absolutely no interruptions. 
Her fingers are light as they dance up the center of his back while he’s breathing heavily above her. Their hips moving in slow, tantric pulls. Ashton nudges her nose with his then stretches his lips to hers for a passionate kiss. 
Alouette moans beautifully inside his mouth, and Ashton drags his fingers along the creamy skin of her thigh. His thrusts are precise, hitting her in the right spot each time. 
“Angel,” he whispers when he feels her clench around him. 
“Alouette Jolene!”
Alouette’s door flies open banging the wall and causing Ashton and Alouette to break their kiss in startlement. He covers her out of instinct and respect because her staff know better than to come bursting in her room. Especially on a Sunday. 
He covers himself with the sheet quickly and Alouette does the same but peers over Ashton’s shoulder to see who the intruder was. She sighs disdainfully next to him and Ashton peers behind his shoulder to see a tall, narrow eyed brunette glaring at the two of them.
“Aurora, what are you doing here?” Alouette asks sitting up a little straighter.
Ashton’s ears perk at the familiar name. She’s a cousin to Alouette who married a Prince of her own from Norway, the only way she was granted a title. Ashton stares at her disdainfully, he’s heard stories about her from Alouette and Michael. Not only does she think she has control over Alouette but she’s ruined their perfect Sunday morning. 
“Coming to talk some sense into you! This is what you’ve been doing for the last five weeks? Sleeping with the help?” Her voice cuts like knives and her words are going in for the kill.
Ashton sets his jaw, his fist clenching the bed sheet between him and Alouette. Her fingers rub the backs of his knuckles. 
“Aurora, you have no business being here. For one thing, it’s rude to barge into someone’s room unannounced and for a second, you have no jurisdiction here. Not over Chadria and definitely not over me,” Alouette’s tone is firm and authoritative. 
Ashton stares at her in awe, he’s never heard her speak like this with anyone before. 
“Suitors are sending in requests from all over for your hand, you need to stop messing around and get back to your--”
“In case you hadn’t heard,” Ashton speaks over Aurora sitting up so he’s blocking Alouette, “the Princess was taken hostage a month ago and she’s still recovering.”
Ashton will always defend Alouette even if the situation is compromising such as this.
“You have no right to talk to me like that, guard,” Aurora scorns. “I’ll make sure you’re fired for forcing my poor, sweet cousin to fornicate with you.”
“Aurora, that’s enough!” Alouette shouts. She shuffles from under the covers and stands, her sheets covering her like a toga. Her hair is a bit messy but her eyes are a fierce blue. 
Ashton can’t look away.
“You may have married a Prince, but like I said, you have no jurisdiction here. This is my kingdom. I don’t know what made you think you had to come here but you can go back to Norway. Your presence isn’t welcome at this time. Now please, leave.”
It’s a stare down between both women. With one last disgusted look to Ashton, Aurora huffs and stomps out of the room slamming the door in her wake. 
“She seems lovely,” Ashton jokes trying to lighten the mood. 
Alouette sighs falling to the bed and Ashton scoots closer to her and kisses her shoulder. 
“I’m sorry about her.”
“You don’t need to apologize, angel,” he continues to skim his lips over her skin. 
Alouette turns quickly, the sheet falls from her chest as she links her arms behind Ashton’s broad shoulders. Her eyes are intense as she stares into his.
“You know you’re more than help or a guard to me, right? That you’ve been more than that for a long time?”
Ashton smiles softly tucking her curl behind her ear and admires her. Her cheeks are tinted pink from their intimate moment, her rose colored lips are parted slightly and her eyes, her beautiful eyes are filled with remorse but also hope. 
“I do know,” he nods cocking his head to the side, “because you’ve been more than just my Princess for the same amount of time.”
Alouette smiles joyously then presses her lips to his. Ashton falls back against her bed and they continue where they left off before they were so rudely interrupted. 
 Alouette and Ashton were sitting out on the swing bench by the lake, cups of tea in both of their hands as they gazed across the water. Ducks and swans were gliding lazily over the water, their feathers glistening in the sun when they’d bathe themselves. Her fish were reaching the surface now and then as well, bursts of oranges and yellows touching the water.
Alouette sighs taking a sip of her tea.
“Swans have always been my favorite kind of bird,” she says.
Ashton looks at her when she speaks but her eyes stay glued to the two swans floating underneath the willow tree. 
“Why’s that?” Ashton asks, setting his cup on the small table in front of them. He rests his arm on the back of the bench, his thumb touching her shoulder. 
“Because they’re graceful and beautiful but fierce when it comes to protecting their young. Did you know that swans have one mate for life? And if one of them dies, the other could die of heartbreak?”
“I didn’t know that, no,” Ashton murmurs watching her steadily. 
While she described the white feathered birds to him, he couldn’t help but compare the exquisite bird to Alouette.  She’s the epitome of beauty and grace and only recently with Aurora he’s seen how fierce she can be. 
“You’re my swan, Ashton,” she confesses tearing her eyes away from the two birds. Her eyes are full of love and sincerity from her proclamation. 
“Ashton, Princess,” Calum says from behind them. They both turn to look at him.
“What is it, Cal?” Ashton sighs rubbing Alouette’s shoulder with his thumb.
“The Queen is here and she’s requesting you both,” Calum relays the information, there’s a slight falter when he says the word queen. 
Ashton’s heart plummets and Alouette sighs again.
“Thank you, Cal. We’ll be right up.”
 Ashton’s palms are sweaty as he follows Alouette to the Queen’s office when she visits Alouette. So many thoughts race through his head for what she could want to discuss with them both. 
Will Ashton get fired because of his lack of judgment back in Paris? He had to speak with Queen Helene first before he was placed as Alouette’s head guard and being the Queen she could easily strip him of that title, and his job in general. 
Peter, Queen Helene’s head bodyguard is standing outside the closed white oak doors, hands folded in front of him. He smiles warmly when he sees Alouette and opens his arms.
“Princess,” he greets and Alouette walks into his embrace.
“Hi Pete, it’s so good to see you.”
“It’s wonderful to see you. The Queen wanted to see you as soon as we heard of what happened but--”
“I understand, Pete, it’s okay. I’m glad she didn’t have to see me like that.”
Peter glances up at Ashton who is going paler by the second because of the thoughts running through his mind. 
“She’s waiting for you, Princess,” Peter continues then releases his hold on her. He eyes her appearance. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“You have Ashton and his team to thank for that,” Alouette smiles at Ashton. “I’ll be right back.”
Peter steps aside and opens the door letting Alouette walk inside. 
Peter closes the door then turns to stare at Ashton. Ashton gulps.
Queen Helene and Alouette hold each other for a long time until tears spring in Alouette’s eyes. Her grandmother’s lilac perfume brings her back to when she was younger and would spend the summer’s with her at the palace. 
“I’m so glad to see you mon chérie,” the Queen breathes petting her granddaughter’s soft hair. 
“I’m glad to see you, too,” Alouette whispers.
“Come. Sit with me, mon chérie,” the Queen takes her granddaughter’s hand leading her to the soft pink couch near the window. 
Alouette notices she can see the swing bench by the lake from the view of her window, her heart races. Did her grandmother see Alouette and Ashton?
“How are you faring?” Helene asks, eying her granddaughter’s face.
“Each day gets better,” Alouette nods. “Dr. Hunt has been wonderful. I know I’ve been neglecting my duties, I know how disappointed you must be--”
“Not at all, Alouette. I was terrified as soon as I heard the news of what happened and then to hear that Ashton found you? I’m so sorry it took me so long to see you until now.”
“You wouldn’t have wanted to see what I looked like before,” Alouette sighs. 
“I came here because I want to discuss a few things with you. First and foremost, as soon as you’re ready to fulfill your duties let me know. They are being taken care of so you have nothing to worry about and the people of Chadria are more than willing to wait for your return.”
“Thank you,” Alouette mutters, tears welling in her eyes yet again. 
“And I’ve already spoken to Aurora, she won’t be bothering you again,” Helene adds grimly. “But that does bring up the subject of you and Mr. Irwin.”
Alouette gulps then nods. She knew this would be coming. She braces herself for the command of not seeing him anymore, to let him go.
 “Do you love him?”
“I’m sor--what?” 
“Do you love him?”
“I . . . I do, yes,” Alouette swallows confused at the unexpected turn of this conversation. 
“Good. That makes me happy,” Helene grabs her granddaughters hands giving them a squeeze. “And he loves you, too?”
“He does, grandmére,” Alouette finally relaxes. “I’ve never loved anyone like I do Ashton. He’s been with me everyday since the kidnapping helping me through it. He’s wonderful.”
“That’s all I needed to hear. Can you bring him in? I’d like to speak with you both.”
“O-okay,” Alouette nods then rises from the couch. 
When she opens the door she’s beaming at Ashton who is still white as a ghost standing next to Pete. “Come with me,” she says holding out her hand. 
Ashton glances at Pete then hesitantly takes Alouette’s hand following her into the office. His heart is racing when he becomes face to face with the Queen. 
“Your Majesty,” he greets bowing slightly. 
“Hello Mr. Irwin,” Helene smiles motioning to the couch next to her. “Please, sit.”
He follows Alouette and sits rigidly on the couch. Alouette rubs his hand in hers.
“I’m aware of the relationship you have with my granddaughter, Mr. Irwin and I wanted to tell you both that you have my blessing. But I’d also like to know both of your intentions as this appears to be moving forward. As you know, when Alouette turns twenty-five she will become Queen.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Ashton says swallowing audibly. His heart is still racing. 
“Would you like to stay on as her head bodyguard or down the road become her Prince Consort?”
Alouette and Ashton squeeze each other’s hand at the same time, inhaling deeply. 
“We haven’t really discussed that yet, grandmére,” Alouette licks her lips. 
“Ah,” Helene smiles serenely but she can sense the tension she inadvertently caused. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. But as your birthday is approaching shortly, I’d like to know what you’ve both decided so we can move forward. January is your coronation, mon chérie.”
“Of course,” Alouette says. 
“Wonderful. Well, I’ll let you two continue on with your day and I will see you both for dinner,” Helene rises and so do Ashton and Alouette. She holds out her hand to Ashton who hesitantly takes it. “Thank you for all that you’ve done for my granddaughter and for the love I can clearly see you have for her.”
“Th-thank you, Your Majesty,” Ashton stammers but shakes her hand. 
Alouette pulls Ashton from the office and once they turn the corner down the hall from Pete, she sprints into the nearest room which is her small library. She launches herself into his arms and Ashton lets out a loud sigh.
“That was horrifying, I thought I was walking into my beheading,” he chuckles nervously into her hair. 
“I’m sorry she brought up the coronation and the whole Prince Consort thing,” Alouette shakes her head leaning back to look at him. “We don’t have to discuss--”
Ashton presses his lips to hers feverishly, his hand holding onto her neck. It took Alouette’s breath away. 
“We can discuss that, angel,” he breathes once he breaks the kiss staring into her eyes. “You’re my beautiful swan, I’ll follow you wherever you choose to fly.”
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @wokeupinjapanisabop @myloverboyash  @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings
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jeromesxreader16 · 6 years
Request: reader has a past with Jerome, but he screwed up the relationship and did something to make her scared of him and now she's with Jeremiah, so he does everything he can to protect her??
tagged : @centerhabit
Jerimiah x reader
slight Jerome x reader
 Jerome and I run through the open field on top of the hill laughing. Being free for each other. Jerome tackles me onto the blanket we have laid on the ground along with our food. He sits with his face close to mine. “You truly are the most beautiful creation in the universe.” I blush and lean up to kiss him, but right before I can his mother comes rushing towards us. Screaming unholy words and fazes no lady should say.
Jerome stands quickly and goes to her. I watch as the scene plays out. Trying to not draw to much attending to myself from Lila. Jerome comes back to me and opens his bag pulling out a small hatchet. Why did he have that? More importantly why was it with him when he planned this morning with me? Was he going to hurt me?
He runs to his still screaming mother and swings. Her blood flies onto his clothes. Again. Again. He strikes her over and over. I freeze and try my best to stand; my knees weak from the travesty my eyes have just witnessed. Jerome steps to me and I take one back. “No hey look. Don’t be scared. I mean come on! She deserved it!” he laughs and tries to step to me again. I put my hand in front of me and step back even more. “Don’t come any closer.” He narrows his eyes at me and throws the weapon down. “You don’t love me? You said you’d always love me!” He screams at me and runs to me. I knee him in the groin and sprint down to the rest of the trailers. I gather my things as fast as I can and leave without any explanation.
“Dick! Please! Drive me into town!” I cry running to my fellow friend in the circus. “Hey clam down what’s going on (Y/N)?” I shake my head. “Please. If you care for me in anyway just take me into town. Drop me off anywhere. Please.” I say franticly scared to no end.
He drives me into town and as my eyes meet a motel I sigh and smile at my friend. “pull over here.” He does as he is told and pulls into the parking lot. “You going to be okay?” He asks as he looks at me worried. “I just needed to get out of there.” He nods in understanding and smiles lovingly. “Good luck (y/n).”
After that night spent in the cheap motel I get a bus ticket to the next city. Central City to be exact. Working in a high-end lab designing buildings and more efficient way to preserve energy is definitely making more then being an acrobat!
A few years after I got a call for a big project along with my boss. A call to go and give input on a project building in Gotham city. The city I left in fear of being found by Jerome.
Walking into the sky-high building we are greeted by lots of professional men and women. As were led into the meeting and discus the positive and negatives of the building the door opens, and a blonde woman walks in. “Mr. Wild would like permission to give his opinion if allowed.” The man at the head of the table nods and smiles. “Always happy to have his input!” He cheers. Suddenly a hooded man in a suit dashes in. As he sits he begins to remove his hood and the sight in front of me burns me. My hands shake, and my blood runs cold as the face of Jerome appears in front of my eyes. My ears are broken, and I say nor hear a thing as he speaks. I feel like I’m going to puke. As my head becomes lighter I go to stand up catching the attention of every person in the room. “(Y/n)? Are you alright?” I hear my boss ask. My eyes fade back and forth from clear and blurred. Quicker then I can even comprehend, my legs fall limp and I go with them.
Jerimiah POV: I rush to the falling woman catching her just in time as she almost bangs her head on the table. The meeting is dismissed while myself and the woman’s boss stay by her side. “Was she dehydrated?” I ask looking at her pale face slowly start to gain color back into her rosy cheeks. She is beautiful no doubt. I brush her hair slightly out of her face. So soft her skin feels. Her boss looks at me with a side eye confused slightly, and I pull myself away from her embarrassed.
She opens her eyes and blinks rapidly. She tries to sit up, but I stop her. “Whoa there. You should still be lying down. You sit up to fast and you’ll be out again.” She stares at me and beings to hyperventilate. “Hey shh no it’s okay. Deep breaths love. Deep breaths.” Her eyes remain wide as she slows her breathing.
She points her finger at me shaking slightly. “Y-Y-You. Lila.” Lila? She shakes more, and I grab her hand to try to calm her, but she continues even more. “J-Jerome.” She says quietly and fade out again. Lila… Jerome… This girl knows him. She knows my mother! We quickly get her to a hospital.
I stay put right in the room as she sleeps. “You really don’t have to stay here Mr. Wild. I’m sure they’ll contact us.” I stare at her in amazement and wonder. This young woman knows my fears personally. She looked scared of me. I swear if Jerome did anything to her I will get to him faster then he’s ever dreamed of.
“Does she have any family?” He shakes his head. “From what I understand she fled her home. She started working for my company as a lower level engineer. She didn’t have much credentials, but we could tell she was one of the brightest individuals we’ve seen in years.” I nod in understandment. Hours later I still sit in the chair watching her rest. She steers in her sleep turning her head to face me. She begins to quicken her breath mumbling cries. I place my hand on her face and she quiet down. She places her hand on top of mine and opens her eyes. “J-Jerome?” I sigh and shake my head. “We need to talk Ms.(Y/L/N).”
(Y/N) POV:
“His twin? He never told me anything about having any siblings!” Jerimiah shrugs his shoulders and rubs his neck. “I assume he never would’ve spoken of me after I left.” “You had to get away from him too?” Jerimiah nods and shutters slightly. “Did he…hurt you?” I shake my head. “I ran before I had an idea to. I watched him… kill Lila.” Jerimiah lets out a shaky breath and covers his eyes as he slightly weeps. “I’m so sorry Jerimiah.” I say and touch his shoulder. “It’s alright (y/n). He has it in his blood. He was born bad.”
Two Years Later:
Jerimiah and I sit in our living room watching the latest episode of modern family. He laughs as Phil says something to completely ruin the moment. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. He has built me back up and cured me of my depression and anxiety, and I hope I’ve done the same for him. His phone rings and he look down at the buzzing device on the table. “It’s Echo.” I smile at him and nod at him. “I’ll just be a minuet.” He stands and answers his phone walking away from the room, and into the maze.
Every time his phone rings with that blonde assistant on the line he leaves the room like it’s some big secret. Is he cheating on me? I mean whenever it’s a business call he always involves me. We’ve always shared a business together. I’m his partner!
I go to his office where the door is shut tight. I press my ear against the door and listen intensely. “No, I don’t want her involved. This will break her faith in me. If she finds out it will hurt her more than you understand.” My heart begins the crack at those words. “Just get here after she’s gone. She’ll be leaving around 7. It should be plenty of time.” The call ends there, and I hear his footsteps towards the door. He opens it and is surprised to see me standing there. “What did Echo want honey? A new offer?” He gulps and smiles awkwardly. “No. just running some new names by for employment.” He’s lying.
I nod and make my way to our shared room. I walk into my closet and pick out his favorite dress of mine. He likes it best when I wear it just for him. I walk out and place my heels on my feet. “Whoa. Where are you going?” I look at him clueless and shrug my shoulders. “The benefit. Where else would I be going? You asked me to attend and swoon other offers.” “Yeah… I didn’t mean for you to swoon the men too love.” I pat his cheek and kiss him. “See you tonight.”
Jerimiah POV:
After (y/n) left Echo came and sealed my brother in his room as I told her to do. “How’s (y/n) been?” I smile as the thought of her beauty enters my mind. “Just fine. She acted strange when she left for the benefit.” “Maybe she was tired.” “No. something was bothering her. I could tell.” “She’s smart you know.” “Of course, she is. What are you getting at?” Echo looks at me and sighs shaking her head. “Jerimiah really, you should’ve involved her in this. She knows she’s just not saying anything. You getting your brother after his break out is the last thing she would think you’d do.” “So, if she’s acting strange she most likely thinks something is wrong.” Echo shakes her head in agreement. I sigh and rub my face in disgrace. “Oh Echo. What have I done?”
(y/n) POV:
“Oh, Echo what have I done?” I hear him say in a low voice. He sounds stressed and upset. “You have to let her know what’s going on. You can’t keep her in the dark with this. Given how close you two are it would just be disrespectful.” He sighs. “I’ll tell her once she gets home.” I step in the door way in view of the two. Jerimiah sits up from his sitting position on the desk. “No need. I understand what’s going on.” I laugh and shake my head at him. “I’ll be gone in an hour.” I step down the concrete floor leading to the bedroom I’ve shared with Jerimiah for two years in this underground home. “Whoa! Where are you going?” He asks as I open the closet and grab my suitcase out. I open the case and start putting my clothes in it. “Stop (y/n). Please. Let’s talk darling please!” I slam my shits down and stare at him. Tears streaming down his face knowing his mistake was taken to heart. “You want to talk? How could you not tell me? How could you so easily let yourself fall into lies? We’ve been through everything together! You could’ve at least told me straight and ended this before you started anything new with her!” I scream at him my face turning red and my eyes being to pour.
He stops and the wheels in his head turn quickly. “You- you think I’m cheating? With who?” He asks franticly grabbing my hands. “Echo! Who else! Every time she calls you leave the room! That little stunt you pulled earlier? Real nice.” I roll my eyes and zip my case. “No darling. No, I promise. Nothing has ever happened. I would never be unfaithful to you love.” Jerimiah holds my face in his hands and looks into my eyes. His beautiful innocent eyes filling with tears. “Please don’t leave me.” I place my hands over his and sigh. “Then why all the secrets Jerimiah?” He sighs and grabs my wrist pulling me down to the office. Echo now gone and the screens off as well.
He grabs the remote and sighs. “I didn’t want to involve you in this because I knew this was going to be tough for the both of us. I thought I could handle it, but you do deserve to know.” He flips the screens on and the black and white pixels clear into a picture of the nightmare of my life. The nightmare I thought I had pushed out of my mind forever. He sits on the ground meditating. “I will get out of here brother.” He says.
I look at Jerimiah my eyes wide. “Why?” I say scared and step back from the screen. Jerimiah wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. “Because if he is in here. There is no chance of hurting you love. If he’s in here he can’t get to you.” I look at this man in front of me. This man who is so smart and passionate for math and science. I hug him tightly and look up to him. “I love you Jerimiah.” He smiles and runs his fingers through my hair. “And I you darling.”
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ashxketchum · 7 years
The Switch - A Taiora crackfic(?)
I started writing this last year sometime after Soushitsu was released but never got around to finishing it until today (yay me). It’s a confusing-ass crackfic where Sora and Taichi switch bodies, so proceed with caution.
word count: 4,739
Set somewhere in between the first 3 tri movies, take your pick. Ff.net link, in case someone wants to leave a review. 
Frankly, there are quite a few things in this world that are completely unexplainable. You might try your very best to use logic and be rational, but there are some problems that just can’t be solved by using one’s brains. These strange problems appear out of nowhere and just when you start getting used to them, they vanish. Having travelled through dimensions into a world different than ours, we usually assume that no matter what happens now in our normal lives we would rarely ever be surprised by it. Unless the problem is related to the said different world, also known as the Digital World, we don’t really pay that much attention it. Could there really be anything more important or interesting than having a digital monster as your best friend and travelling through uncharted territory to fight other digital monsters? I bet you tried to oppose my statement, but the truth is, there isn’t.
Unfortunately that’s the mistake the eight of us made too. We were so concerned about our Digimon and all the commotion the infections etcetera were causing that we forgot to pay attention to our normal lives. What follows is a story which can only be termed as bizarre and you may not believe it, but I assure you, we eight chosen children stand witness to this strange occurrence. There might even come a day, when we might forget certain things about Digimon and Digital World but I doubt we’ll ever forget this day…
The brightly lit room was filled with just the sound of fingers furiously tapping on the keyboard, the occupant of the room was a lone high school boy diligently analysing some new data that he had recently acquired as he waited for his friends to arrive. Lately, with the sudden comeback of the problems of the Digital World, it had become a custom for the eight of them to meet at Koushiro’s office after school. Sometimes they were even joined by the newcomer, Meiko, but usually it would just be the usual gang. Koushiro was looking forward to share his newfound information with Taichi and the others. He took his role as the decoder and the information gatherer of their group very seriously and every time he figured out the right answer, he’d a feel a little proud of himself.
He glanced at his wristwatch and then again at the empty room in front of him. His friends sure were taking their time coming over today. A scowl appeared on his face suddenly, when he wanted peace and quiet they’d all hang around annoyingly, messing the whole place up and now when he actually wanted to talk and interact with them, they were all late. Koushiro sighed and wondered if he should just play with the Digimon while he waited when the door to his office opened and in walked Takeru with Hikari right behind him.
“Good evening!” Takeru chirped, grinning.
“My brother and everyone else isn’t here yet?” Hikari asked, looking around the empty room with a quizzical look on her face. She took a seat on one of the sofas and Takeru came and stood next to Koushiro behind the monitor.
“I thought we were the ones who were late.” Takeru stated, chuckling.
Just then, a flailing and heaving Jyou entered the room apologizing for being late, the other three smiled courteously as Koushiro pointed out to their senior that in retrospect, he was actually on time. Jyou sat down next to Hikari, having not being able to keep in touch with the others because of his busy schedule, he decided to utilize this time to chat and catch up with her. Some time passed, as the four friends talked casually about school and other things happening in their lives. Koushiro was just explaining to the others, a new idea he had for a phone app when the door to his office burst open and there stood a red-faced Mimi, looking nervous.
“It’s terrible!” She exclaimed, “Taichi-san and Sora-chan fell down the stairs and lost consciousness. Yamato-san and I need help carrying them back here.” She shouted hurriedly, and dashed out as quickly as she had entered leaving the other four completely stunned with their mouths hanging wide open. Takeru recovered first and grabbing Jyou by the arm he followed Mimi out of the room swiftly.
Hikari paced around the room, and Koushiro nervously fidgeted in his seat as they waited for everyone to return. After some excruciatingly long minutes, Yamato and Takeru entered his office carrying a knocked out Taichi, and right behind them was Jyou carrying an unconscious Sora in his arms with Mimi hovering around them. Hikari gasped and a concerned look clouded her face as she watched Yamato and Takeru set her brother down on one of the sofas, Jyou did the same with Sora on the other side. All of them crowded over the two unconscious friends, observing them closely.
“Isn’t it better if we take them to the Nurse’s office?” Hikari asked worriedly, gazing over her brother’s expressionless face.
“It’s closed. We already checked.” Yamato muttered in reply, his blue eyes fixed on the unmoving body of his best friend.
“Well then what are we supposed to do?” Koushiro questioned no one in particular as he shifted his gaze from Taichi to Sora.
“Wouldn’t throwing water at their faces work?” Mimi wondered out loud, having seen that trick work in countless movies and dramas, she figured it would work in real life as well.
The others were at a loss so they thought there was no harm in trying her idea out. Hikari sprinkled a few drops of water on her brother’s face and Mimi followed her lead and did the same to Sora. The six of them waited, intensely staring at the unconscious duo’s face, hoping to catch some kind of reaction, but there was none.
“I’ve heard making them smell something stinky works too…” Takeru suggested, unsure if anyone would actually pay attention to it.
“Okay, I’ll take one for the team.” Yamato smirked, as he took off his left shoe preparing to put it over Taichi’s nose.
“No, wait!” Hikari shouted, “His eyes twitched!” She wasn’t sure if she was seeing things in order to protect her brother’s nose or if they actually twitched but Mimi also shouted excitedly at the same time about Sora moving her hands, and relief washed over Hikari.
Six pair of eyes intently observed as the two people lying on the sofas slowly started to stir. Taichi and Sora’s eyes twitched and slowly opened at the same time. Relived sighs and happy gasps covered the room (Yamato dejectedly put his shoe back on) as they moved and slowly sat up straight. However, the other six were still unaware of the real problem that now, slowly unfolded before their eyes.
Taichi and Sora turned around to look at each other and their eyes locked. Silence fell over the room as everyone else was confused by the sudden staring contest happening between the injured two. But as they paid more attention, they noticed that their faces were no longer holding blank expressions but that of disbelief, terror and desperation.
“What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?!” Taichi was the first one to move, shouting maddeningly.
Confused looks dawned the faces of the other six as they tried to understand what was wrong, they turned towards Sora who was still sitting normally and sort of looked like she was spacing out.
“Onii-chan, are you okay?” Hikari asked reluctantly, not sure of what to make of her brother’s actions.
Taichi faced her, still looking terrified, he shook nervously as he tried to answer, “I’m…I’m…I’m…nnno-“
Very abruptly Sora stood up and everyone’s attention immediately went back to her. She looked herself over once and then glanced at Taichi, suddenly she grabbed her own chest with both her hands and grinned, “Sora your boobs sure have grown in these past few years.”
A different kind of silence enveloped the room. The sun had set long ago and the scenery outside the window was dark and sinister, just like the changing atmosphere of the room. For who knows how long, nobody moved a muscle. They just stared open mouthed, at the auburn haired girl standing in front of them fondling her own chest. As the situation slowly settled in their minds, Hikari, Takeru and Koushiro turned red as they continued looking at Sora. Jyou covered his face with his hands and turned away as Mimi leaned in closer, a glint in her eyes indicating that she was probably interested in figuring out her friend’s size. Yamato’s head swivelled from Sora to Taichi as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Taichi sat there white faced and trembling, from embarrassment or rage, no one could tell just yet.
“I still think mine are a little bigger though.” Mimi muttered thoughtfully.
“That’s what you’re concerned about in this situation?” Yamato shot a furious glare in her direction.
“The situation is quite obvious isn’t it.” Mimi replied, scowling at the older blond.
“What is so obvious about this, please do tell Mimi-chan.” Yamato dragged the out suffix in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Taichi-san and Sora-chan have switched bodies.” Mimi stated simply.
The disbelief, surprise and at some level, maybe even fear, was evident in everyone’s voice as they continued screaming and turned their heads from one side to the other, trying to understand what exactly was happening.
Sora removed her hands from her chest and grinned widely, making victory signs with both her hands she exclaimed, “I’m Taichi.”
It wouldn’t have been a surprise if some of them would have swallowed a few flies that day as their mouths continued to hang wide open and their eyes settled on the now extremely energetic Sora who was now jumping up and down and giggling happily. The only one who wasn’t as surprised as the rest of them was Mimi, who was playing along with this development quite calmly.
The morose whisper made the heads turn towards Taichi, who was sitting with his head bowed down and still trembling with what can now possibly be defined as rage.
“You’re dead!” Taichi screeched as he leapt at Sora from across the room, his face was flushed and his eyes looked glassy, almost as if he was about to cry. He stretched his arms ahead in order to reach Sora’s neck, but luckily for the latter Yamato and Jyou reacted swiftly pulling him back down to his original position as he screamed curses and death threats at the girl while still remaining slightly teary eyed, the other two boys managed to hold their own against him and restrain him and Sora took this opportunity to move backwards so that she wasn’t within her raging friend’s reach. After securing a safe position she chuckled and replied, “Sora, if you kill me now, you’d basically be killing yourself. It will be like committing suicide!”
“Like I give a damn about that right now, you freaky-pervert-monster-idiot-bastard!”
The other six watched this exchange silently, Koushiro, Takeru and Hikari still looked dazed and it seemed like they still couldn’t believe what was happening. As soon as Jyou and Yamato realized that they weren’t technically touching Taichi but rather Sora, their faces turned red as they hurriedly let go of him(her) and looked away, embarrassment eating away their voices. The only person who looked like they had something to say was Mimi, her face was filled determined contemplation as she glanced at her two friends and then sighed heavily.
“Firstly, Taichi-san, please apologize to Sora-chan for what you just did. That wasn’t fair and it kind of makes me think you’re a disgusting person on the inside.” Mimi folded her arms across her chest as she looked at Sora(Taichi) sharply. Hearing Mimi’s words something stirred inside the little sister of the group as the dazed look vanished from her face and was replaced with one of disgust.
Pointing an accusing finger at Sora(Taichi), Hikari shrieked, “Onii-chan, you’re disgusting. I’m so disappointed in you.”
Instantly the look of excitement turned into that of regret as Sora(Taichi) started blabbering, trying to explain to Hikari how it was just a joke and she shouldn’t hate him for this and that he loves her very much.
“Uhm, you should apologize to Sora-chan first.” Mimi repeated, rolling her eyes at the scene in front of her.
“That’s right.” Hikari added, scowling deeply at Sora(Taichi), though she still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her brother was currently inside a girl’s body Hikari somehow managed to maintain the death glare long enough to turn her brother into a nervous puddle.
Sora(Taichi) clapped her hands together and facing Taichi(Sora), she bowed her head and shouted, “I am really sorry for what I did Sora. Please forgive me.”
Taichi(Sora) quietly seethed a little longer before giving up and accepting the apology.
“Well then now that this is settled, we need to figure out how to deal with this situation.”
Everyone faced a triumphant and hopeful looking Mimi, internally surprised by the fact that she was being the voice of reason in a stressful situation like this.
“I’m at a loss really…” Jyou murmured quietly, quickly excluding himself from the conversation.
“Same.” Takeru smiled and pulled back as well.
“Maybe this is just a dream… That’s right I fell asleep on the desk while waiting for everyone to arrive. Wake up me!” Koushiro mumbled to himself as he got up and resumed his position on his desk, behind the huge monitors.
“Dream? This is a freaking nightmare.” Taichi(Sora) hissed angrily.
“Get a hold of yourself, Koushiro. You’re supposed to be the smart one right?” Yamato glanced at the genius, he didn’t want any part in trying to figure this shit out so he thought he might as well put Koushiro in the spotlight.
“Huh?! That has nothing to do with it! I have no idea what’s going on or how this even happened!” Koushiro retorted but it was too late, because of the older blond’s words everyone was now looking at him with intense expectations in their eyes. He groaned realizing that he wouldn’t be able to wriggle out of this one.
“Well let me explain what happened,” Mimi started, still looking unaffected by the bizarreness of it all, “Me and Sora-chan were on our way to your office when we ran into Taichi-san and Yamato-san so we all decided to come here together. We were making our way up the stairs with me in the lead when Yamato-san insulted one of my favourite mascot characters,” She paused to glare at the blond who just rolled his eyes in response, “So I turned around to tell him to shut his tsundere trap when I lost my balance and slipped. I was about to fall down but since Yamato-san was right behind me he somehow managed to catch me, despite of how weak and puny he looks-“
“Are you blind or what Tachikawa?” Yamato interrupted her furiously, his ears had turned a light shade of red from feeling rage and embarrassment at the same time.
“But in the process, he accidentally shouldered Taichi-san in the face leading him to lose his balance and roll down the stairs, grabbing Sora-chan along with him as she was right next to him. Next thing we knew they were lying on the ground, on top of each other and were unconscious.” Mimi finished, ignoring Yamato’s interruption completely.
Everyone quietly processed the information, despite of wanting this to not be real, each of them looked deep in thought as they tried to look for an explanation or solution. In order to clear the awkwardness and make things easier to understand they made Sora and Taichi sit on one sofa and the rest of them took their seats on the opposite one, with Yamato and Jyou standing behind it.
“Okay, so we can assume,” Koushiro began maintaining eye contact with the two sitting across him, “That this phenomenon occurred when you bumped into each other.”  Taichi and Sora nodded seriously, and Koushiro turned to look at his other friends to see if they had a different idea or theory, but it looked like everyone pretty much agreed with him, “So the question now is, how do we reverse this?”
“We should get them exorcised!” Jyou gasped excitedly but he was met with seven clueless looking faces so he explained further, “You see, it’s kind of like Taichi’s soul is possessing Sora’s body and vice versa so we can just get an exorcist to make them go back to their original bodies.” The dark haired senior looked quite proud of his idea, but everyone else in the room had already rejected it in their heads.
Takeru sighed and bravely took up the task of breaking it down Jyou, “Uhm, senpai, I doubt we’ll be able to find an exorcist nearby. So we should look at more easily accessible options…” he trailed off, smiling politely at Jyou hoping that the older boy would catch his drift.
“Since it happened because of them bumping into each other, why don’t you try it again?” Hikari suggested.
“Try what again?” Sora(Taichi) asked, looking puzzled.
“Push them down the stairs? I’ll do it.” Yamato smirked, earning a glare from both Taichi and Sora.
“What Hikari-chan obviously means is that they should bump their foreheads together again or something like that. But I didn’t expect you to understand Yamato-san.” Mimi stated, shooting a condescending look in the blond’s direction.
“I guess we can try that…” Taichi(Sora) muttered unsurely.
The two then faced each other, jaws set and eyes determined, it would be difficult to put into words what was going on in their heads at that time. Taichi(Sora) balled his fists and took a deep breath, Sora(Taichi) on the other hand looked like she was spacing out, again. There was a long silent pause, in which everyone kept their eyes fixed at the strange couple but neither made a move.
“Okay are you guys going to do it or do we need to push you down the stairs?” Yamato muttererd angrily, losing patience within a minute.
“It’s difficult! I know it’s going to hurt so my body isn’t moving,” Taichi(Sora) replied, shooting an exasperated look in the blond’s direction.
“Ready, when you are,” Sora(Taichi) chuckled lazily.
“Okay, but think about it Sora-chan, if you don’t move now you might stay like this forever,” Mimi started, “Imagine, living in Taichi-san’s body for the rest of your li-” She didin’t get to finish her sentence as Taichi(Sora) grabbed Sora(Taichi)’s shoulders by her hands and forcefully banged their heads together. There was a bit of shouting and groaning as the two teens buried their face in their hands and moved away from each other.
The other kids waited with bated breath to see if the two had succeeded in turning back but as Taichi(Sora) raised his head and looked at his hands miserably, it was obvious that the head-banging accomplished nothing except creating the now prominent bruising on their foreheads.
“Now what?” Hikari voiced out what they were all thinking in an unsure voice and was met with uncertain murmurs and more awkward silence.
“There’s no other option, we have to kill ourselves…” Taichi(Sora) muttered quietly, his face was laden with disgust as he studied his hands.
“Sora, don’t be ridiculous.” Yamato rolled his eyes,
“Yes, Sora-san, please don’t say such things, you’re forgetting something,” Koushiro said, he motioned to where Mimi was standing as if she was the answer to everything.
Mimi on the other hand was grinning with excitement, an evil twinkle in her eyes she began “I have waited all my life-”
“For Taichi and Sora to switch bodies?” Yamato interrupted dryly.
“I have waited all my life,” Mimi started again, shooting a glare in the blond’s direction, “for something like this. Watching all those dramas and movies and reading those countless shojo mangas and doujinshis will finally pay off.” Mimi cackled, making everyone move slightly away from where she was standing.
“Get to the point already.” Sora(Taichi) muttered.
“Sora-san.” Mimi faced Taichi(Sora) with a determined look, and the latter backed away a little further, not expecting anything helpful to come out from her younger friend’s mouth.
“There is no other option,” Mimi said, and surveyed everyone in the room with a grave look on her face. Jou seemed to be the only one who was still buying into Mimi’s flair, returning her intense look.
“You have to kiss.”
Mimi’s words were met by another shocked silence as everyone in the room processed her statement. Except for Yamato, who rolled his eyes and threw up his hands in a ‘I could care less about this’ gesture, everyone else turned furiously red.
“Are you crazy Mimi?” Taichi(Sora) shouted, he stood up and put some distance between him and Sora(Taichi).
“I would highly recommend not doing that.” Jou nervously piped in.
“But, it’s the only way senpai!” Mimi reiterated restlessly, “The pattern is right in front of us, in every body-switch comedy, this is how they always resolve things.”
“I don’t think you should call this situation a comedy, Mimi-san.” Takeru grinned, clearly enjoying Mimi’ antics.
“It doesn’t hurt to try.”
Everyone turned to look at Sora(Taichi), she was still sitting on the couch and rubbing her bruise from before, looking calmer than ever.
“It doesn’t hurt to try?” Taichi(Sora) seethed through gritted teeth, “Do you even understand wha-”
“Yes Sora, I do understand what kissing is,” Sora(Taichi) spat back fiercely, “I’m a 17 year old boy, what do you think you’re gonna find in my search history.”
Another long awkward silence followed Sora(Taichi)’s statement as everyone tried very hard to not think about their self-proclaimed leader’s search history. Taichi(Sora) was more or less rendered speechless, and was now too tired of the whole situation to actually bother replying to her (ex)-friend’s statement. In the past hour nothing had made sense, except maybe Mimi’s weird excitement and the fact that everyone else was more or less internally enjoying this mess, but one thing that Sora was sure about was that she would never forgive Taichi for his behaviour in her body, she would hold it against him until her very last breath.
Taichi(Sora) took a deep breath and cleared her throat, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen over the room and grabbing everyone’s attention. Mustering all the courage that resided in this body, Taichi(Sora) announced her decision.
“Okay, what?” Sora(Taichi) questioned, tilting her head slightly out of confusion.
“Okay, let’s kiss.” Taichi(Sora) repeated, his voice breaking slightly at the end.
The squeal Mimi let out over this statement could only be considered unhealthy, but was also currently the only trace of happiness in Koushiro’s office. The office’s owner himself looked extremely sceptical with his brows furrowed deeply as he feebly attempted to think of a better solution. Jou looked just as unimpressed as Koushiro, shaking his head in defeat and passing a warning look to his two friends in front of him and one of annoyance towards the giddy brunette. Although Takeru did not look like he was enjoying this situation, anyone who knew him could tell from his eyes that the cogs were already turning inside his brain on how to adapt this situation into a fruitful work of literature.
Hikari raised her eyes to the heavens, praying that when she woke up tomorrow she would’ve forgotten all about this and never have to face the sleazy side of her brother ever again. But Yamato was the only one who looked truly uncomfortable, the whole conundrum of his best friends switching bodies had already given him a headache of a lifetime but watching them kiss would really take the cake. The blond was sure that the scene would kill his appetite for at least the next week or maybe even months to come.
The whole situation was stressful yes, which is why Taichi was trying to lighten the mood with his antics, attempting to keep Sora from spontaneously combusting in his body from hyper-stress. Suggesting to go along with Mimi’s plan was just a teasing remark he made to make her angry and not tense but he never expected her to agree with him. In theory, there was nothing wrong with kissing Sora, but Taichi would have preferred to do that while he was in his own body, and not kiss himself as Sora. This would basically be nightmare material for the rest of his life. But if Sora was desperate enough to try this, it seemed that there was no other option but to go ahead with it. He hoped that when they returned to their bodies they wouldn’t retain the horrific memories of the kiss.
“Of course, you all need to leave.” Taichi(Sora) added, motioning towards the door of the office.
“Uhm, it’s my office?”Koushiro’s mutter went unheard as Yamato and Jou heaved huge sighs of relief and started walking towards to the door, Takeru, a little disappointed followed his brother’s lead.
Hikari passed a worried glance in her brother’s direction but then remembered that that was Sora, shaking her head she sent a feeble thumbs up in the latter’s direction who replied with a nod and a nervous grin.
“Okay maybe I should stay behind to make sure that it’s a success,” Mimi started, folding her arms into a stance that said ‘I’m not moving’. Koushiro rolled his eyes and linking his arm with the brunette’s, dragged her out of the office followed by Hikari, who closed the door behind them without sparing another glance for the unfortunate souls.
“Okay, then.” Sora(Taichi) stated blankly.
“Yes let’s get on with it,” Taichi(Sora) murmured.
They stood facing each other, with just a few inches of space between them. What seemed like hours but were only seconds passed as neither made any attempt to move. Sora was well aware of what they were supposed to do but it’s as if every muscle in the body she was possessing had frozen in that very moment when she locked eyes with her own self. She’d watched enough romance movies to know the fundamentals of kissing but to practice it in reality was seeming much more difficult especially since she was inside one of her closest friend’s body and was supposed to kiss herself, she could only hope that she wouldn’t puke the minute their lips met.
“Sora, you know how this works right?” Sora(Taichi) asked, raising an eyebrow, an impatient look settling on her face.
“Of-of course I know how it works!” Taichi(Sora) squeaked back, his cheeks now covered in a deep shade of red. Sora(Taichi)’s expression worsened at this, the google-head was not happy to see himself blush and stutter and look like an all-around idiot.
“Well, you’re in the taller body so please take the first step,” Sora(Taichi) rolled her eyes, and began tapping her foot impatiently, a regular habit of Sora’s that her body was now unconsciously performing.
“R-right, I knew that,” Taichi(Sora) replied nervously, watching herself do something so normal and familiar as tapping her foot flooded her with willpower, she would do anything to go back, even move this body that felt like it was being pushed down by gravity itself.
Taichi(Sora) started to lower his head, unsure of where to look. Looking into her own eyes was terrifying especially since she knew that the determination cast in them was Taichi’s and not hers. Sora(Taichi) also started to raise her head in order to meet him halfway, and it was when their lips were mere centimetres apart that they both came to a halt, their gazes fixed on each other. Just a little bit further and their lips would touch, Sora thought, she couldn’t bring herself to look at her own face like this any more so Taichi(Sora) nailed his eyes shut and took a leap of faith.  
Neither were sure about the exact moment that it happened.
Was it after their lips touched, or just a second before it?
Taichi was himself again and his lips were still pressed against Sora’s.
When Sora opened her eyes, she was on her toes, her lips still touching Taichi’s.
They’d solved the riddle, prevented a catastrophe but the only question remaining was who’d pull apart first?
27 notes · View notes
andya-j · 6 years
Green Eyed Boy 1. “The police are across the street.” Cal stood in front of the bathroom mirror, face covered in white shaving cream and an orange razor in one hand. The room was full of warm steam from the long shower he’d taken, but after his wife’s statement he’d gone cold. She knocked on the door again. “Did you hear what I said?” “At the Daniels’ house?” “Yes,” she said, “and there are a lot of them.” In other words, hurry up. He thought of the black notebook he kept in the bottom drawer of his desk, the Journal of Dead Animals. Cal was trembling. 2. The kitchen smelled like bacon. A plate of cooked strips was on the table, covered with paper towels that glistened with grease. Saturday breakfast; eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon was their tradition. Julie stood at the windows, peering across the street. He joined her. “Morning,” he said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Two police cars were parked in front of the Daniels’ house. Another, a sleek grey color with no light bar on top, was angled in the driveway. A detective’s car, he thought. Or the coroner. “They’re pretty old,” he said. “One of them might have passed.” “Are you going to check?” He nodded. “Where’s the kiddo?” “Sleeping in.” Cal grabbed his coat from the mud room and exited the house. It was getting colder. The furnace needed an inspection, probably some repairs. Need to get that done before too long, he thought as he left the front yard. Cop cars at the neighbor’s house never meant something good had happened. When they’d bought the house, the Daniels had been the first to welcome them. They’d become friendly acquaintances. Kyle’s peculiarities had never pushed them away, making them true friends. He hoped everything was okay. The cop cars were black with white emblems on the door. Why did they make them so ominous? He stepped onto the Daniels’ walkway and saw the group on the side of the house. The Daniels, both white haired and stooped over with age, stood next to two police officers and a man in a suit, probably the detective. The formed a semi-circle around something on the ground. Cal approached, walking heavy so that they’d hear his footsteps. “Everything okay?” Stupid question. Old man Daniels waved and stepped away from the circle. Cal saw the dog. Rather, he saw what was left of her. She lay in a heap, blonde fur matted with a crust of blood. Parts of her internal organs lay on top her carcass. She’d been gutted. All that remained whole was her face and she stared into nothing, eyes vacant, dull and dead. “Oh no,” Cal said. “Something got a hold of my dog,” the old man said. Cal joined their circle, but only for a moment. Black flies hovered over the dog-corpse. One landed on something white, a sharp piece of broken bone maybe. Cal’s stomach flip flopped. He backed away. “You hear anything last night?” the detective asked. “I heard the dog barking, but not like it was being hurt.” One of the cops, he looked only a few years older than Kyle, said, “I’m calling this one a Code WTF.” Indeed. 3. Kyle shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs in his mouth. He’d covered them with hot sauce and the splotches of red, like watered down blood, against pale yellow egg triggered Cal’s gag reflex. “So what happned?” Julie asked. “Something killed the dog.” Julie sucked in a breath and covered her mouth. In that gesture, he knew that she knew. “No way!” Kyle said. “Tore it inside out,” Cal said, “must have been a wild animal.” “I want to see.” Kyle’s chair groaned as he backed up from the table. “You may not,” Cal said. They’d wanted a house full of children, a tribe of noisy boys and girls. That had been the plan when they’d bought the fixer-upper in Manitou. “I’m not a little boy,” Kyle said. That was true. He was twelve years old, almost a teenager. “I’m old enough to see crap like that.” “I don’t want you to,” Cal said. “It’s nothing you want to look at, believe me.” Julie put both hands on his shoulders, her protective touch keeping him in his seat. “You have enough bad dreams already, honey.” Children had not been in their destiny. Julie could get pregnant, but her body rejected each baby. Her womb cast them out, the pain a little worse each time. But Kyle survived. He was their sandy haired miracle, this handsome green eyed boy. Cal sat down at the table. The smell of breakfast, however, made his head spin. 4. Later, when Kyle locked himself in his room, he took Julie by the hand. He closed their bedroom door quietly, so that the boy wouldn’t hear. “It’s happening again,” he said, his voice a tight whisper. “What are we going to do?” “Don’t be ridiculous. He was home. I sat up with him for at least two hours.” The shock was gone. She’d had time to find denial and lock onto it like a life preserver. “What time was that?” “It was around three to five,” she said. “He wasn’t roaming around the neighborhood, all right?” “After he’d had the bad dreams?” “Yes.” “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. When Kyle has nightmares, bad things happen.” In Manitou, when Kyle was ten, dogs had died. Not died – been butchered, that was more like it. A poodle behind a tool shed, a pug on someone’s porch, both had been shredded into ribbons of meat. And as the murders went on, the neighbor’s had blamed Kyle. He was the weird kid on the block, the one who faced the world with an intense, silent stare. Julie described his quiet look as one of depth and creativity. “He’s a sensitive child,” she’d say, “and so very bright.” Cal thought it was just plain strange. So did the other kids, he guessed, because they stayed away from Kyle. “You sound like one of the crazy people in Manitou.” “It’s never been a large dog before.” If any of the kids that lived on the block were capable of sneaking out in the middle of the night and turning someone’s beloved pet into a mangled pile of guts, they’d reasoned it was him. He’d never left the house, not once, after bedtime. Back then his screams had awoken both of them when his night terrors overwhelmed him. The neighbors didn’t believe that spooky- eyed Kyle remained tucked in his bed at night. They pictured him hunting, sneaking into their yards, a silver knife reflecting moonlight as he went about his work. “It’s always been something small,” he added. “The Daniels’ retriever must have weighed a hundred pounds. Whatever it is, it’s getting stronger.” “You said yourself it must have been a wild animal. You’ve heard the coyotes. A den of them must live close by.” “No coyote would torture a dog like that.” “But our son could do it while he was asleep? You’re crazy.” She headed toward the stairs, conversation over. It had been the beagle’s death that had frenzied the neighbors. That dog had died inside. And the neighbor’s couldn’t stand the image of Kyle breaking and entering to do his killing. Had we not moved, Cal thought, they would’ve attacked us with torches and pitchforks. Maybe they should have? “I’ve kept a journal. His bad dreams coincide with an animal’s death. I can show it to you.” “As his parents it’s our job to protect him,” she said, “just in case you didn’t know that.” “Please, I know you love him. I love him, too.” “Do you?” “Of course I do.” “Then shut up about the stupid journal, please.” 5. The house in Evange was smaller. With one kid rather than a tribe, a few bedrooms was all they needed. The house needed work, but he could do most of the repairs himself. Best of all it was next to a forest. He’d imagined taking Kyle on long walks amongst the trees, the smell of earth and trees inspiring father-son talks. But that hadn’t happened. Now he told his boy, “I want to talk with you about the dog across the street.” It wasn’t normal for a boy to spend all of Saturday in his room – was it? Boys had sports practice, friends, something to lure them into the world. Not Kyle. He’ demerged from his room, his eyes red from computer burn, as the sun began to set. Kyle looked back, his expression indifferent. “What about her?” “Let’s go for a walk, just you and me.” He put his arm around the boy’s shoulders. Kyle looked up at him, a thin smile tugged at his lips. “When you were younger, before we moved -.” “Yeah, the neighbor’s dogs got creamed. It wasn’t me then and it wasn’t me last night. Sorry if you don’t believe me.” He’d said it without a change of expression. Anger would’ve been normal, the healthy kind of rage that accompanied denial when an innocent person was accused of something monstrous. He’d said it all so matter-of-factly. “I know you don’t mean to do these things,” Cal began, aware that his arms were shaking. “I wouldn’t hurt Macy. I liked that dog.” Macy – remember that for the Journal of Dead Animals. “I also know that something very frightening wakes you up at night. When you have these dreams terrible things happen. Do you realize that?” Kyle’s feet snapped over twigs and fallen branches. The woods thickened here. A man could get turned around in these woods, especially after dark. If the weather was cold enough, he could freeze to death a mile from home. It could happen to a boy, too, especially one unfamiliar with the woods. “I guess I do,” he said. “Can you tell me what you dream about?” “No.” “No because you don’t remember or no because you don’t want to?” “I honestly don’t know what I dream about. I know you don’t believe me. Besides, I’ve already talked about all of this with mom.” “If you dream of something… Vicious, something that wants to cause harm, maybe you can control it.” “Dad,” Kyle said, stepping out from under him. “You wouldn’t hurt me, would you? I mean you wouldn’t dig a hole out here and drop me in it, would you? I really didn’t do anything, seriously.” “God, no,” he said and shoved his shaking hands deep into his pockets. Kyle gazed at him, his green eyes shone like emeralds and, like gemstones, they showed no fear. “Okay, good.” “I would never hurt you,” he said. “Would you hurt me? Or your mom?” “Can we go back inside now? It’s getting cold.” “Sure,” he said. “Answer my question first.” “Never,” he said. “I swear.” They returned to the house, father and son. Cal wondered if Kyle couldn’t remember what he dreamed about, then what had he talked about with his mother? 6. The year’s first snow arrived later that week. Cal worked late, waiting out the traffic, and got home late. “I invited the Daniels over for dinner this Friday,” she said. “And?” “They’re busy.” So now they were friendless – again. “The heater’s on the fritz,” she added, changing the subject. “The heat’s been on and off all day.” “I’ll look at it this weekend,” he said. Nothing died for a while and, because of that, denial came easy. Cal watched Julie dote on the boy. She spoke to him in sweet, hushed tones, one hand on the small of his back. “What should we get him for his birthday?” she asked one night. All the years of longing for a child made her immune to him. “He’s been asking for a couple of new video game. I don’t remember which ones, though.” Cal rolled onto his side. “All of those games are violent.” “A little violence is normal for a boy his age.” She saw nothing but beauty in his strange green eyes. Cal worked late as often as he could and drove home long after dinner was over. Sometimes, he worked until exhaustion numbed him, then spent hours awake in bed, staring into the dark and listening for the bark of frightened dogs. 7. Kyle turned thirteen. He unwrapped his presents with methodical care. They’d bought him the video games he’d wanted, a couple of sweaters, new jeans and an expensive pair of shoes. “Do you love your presents, sweetie?” Julie asked him. “I do,” he said and smiled back at her, green eyes ablaze. “Maybe we should’ve got you a puppy,” Cal said. “You’ve always wanted a dog of your own, haven’t you?” Kyle looked to his mother, then shook his head – no. “Not since I was little.” He scooped up his new belongings. Cal heard his bedroom door shut a moment later. “What was the puppy comment all about?” “He wanted a dog at one time, that’s all.” “You know what I’m talking about. How could you bring that up? What if you’d ruined his birthday?” She left him alone. Cal watched cable in the living room, one mindless program after the other. On his way to bed, he saw a sliver of light from Kyle’s door. He paused at the doorway and listened. He heard only silence. Cal opened the door. He saw Kyle kneeling on the floor. The boy wore only boxers and his pale skin was wrapped by ribbons of shadow so thick they looked like tar. The black strips clung to his flesh, knife-like points stuck to his boney shoulder blades. It retreated, whatever it was, to the darkness under Kyle’s bed. Cal thought it looked a family of octopuses scurrying to their lair. “Hi, Dad.” The boy turned and looked up at him, a slow smile spreading to show white teeth. Cal blinked. A fluid coldness washed through him. Kyle’s bedside lamp glowed in warm yellow. No monstrous shadows lurked anywhere. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked, maintaining steady eye contact. “I thought I saw something.” “Mom’s right, you’re putting in way too many hours.” “Why are you on the floor?” “I was stretching,” he said. “My back was sore.” He stared at the boy. The boy gazed back at him, pleasant, somehow patient. “You look tired, Dad.” “Yeah,” he said and backed out of the room. 8. The furnace gave out the first week of December, right after they’d set up the Christmas tree. Cal stayed home to fix it. “Enough already,” Julie said, “call a professional.” They’d slept under extra blankets, but Julie still caught a cold. The repairman arrived late afternoon. “Wiring’s shot,” the guy said. He wrote a quote that Cal barely glanced at before handing over a credit card. The repairman went to grab his tools and he went upstairs to check on Julie. She had a space heater cranked on high. “Want some medicine?” She sniffled. “Please.” He poured her a cup of orange liquid. “Where’s the kiddo?” “He’s in detention.” Detention! So he’d misbehaved. That was something normal boys did. That was good. And for a moment he forgot about the cluster of shadows he’d seen clinging like a parasite to his young son’s body. “Really? What’d he do?” “I doubt that he did anything.” She downed the cold medicine like a shot. “He tells me that Mr. Bonner has it in for him.” “Which one’s Bonner?” “Algebra,” she said. “You’d know these things if you talked to him once in a while. And what are you smiling about? For God’s sake, Cal, he’s being punished.” He sat with her until the medicine’s deadening sleep took hold . It took only a few minutes. Kyle made it home before the repair was complete; and Cal saw something new in the boy’s green eyes – rage. He let the boy slide past him, watched him sulk to the stairs and ascend to his room. His hideout. He thought about following his son. For a moment, he even imagined having a fatherly talk while sitting together on the bed. But Kyle’s slouch and sullen expression kept him downstairs. Let him calm down, he thought, get over himself. Then we’ll talk. The heat kicked in an hour later. 9. “The police are here.” On Saturday morning, Cal stood in front of the bathroom mirror, face covered in white shaving cream and an orange razor in one hand. The room was full of warm steam from the long shower he’d taken, but after her statement he’d gone cold. She knocked again. “Cal?” “What do they want?” “To talk to us.” Cal dressed and went downstairs. He recognized the paunchy man in the kitchen. He’d been at the Daniels’ house, investigating the dog’s death. “We met across the street,” the man said. Cal eyed the fat automatic holstered on the man’s hip. “I remember.” He joined Julie. “Who could forget a thing like that?” “The detective says there’s been a homicide,” Julie said. The man nodded. “At your son’s school.” Cal said, “My, God.” “When I saw the body, I couldn’t help but think it looked a lot like the dog at your neighbors.” Cal thought of the black notebook he kept in a drawer in his office, the Journal of Dead Animals. I’ll need to change the title. He was trembling. Maybe shorten it to Journal of the Dead. “You don’t say,” Cal said. “I do say. The man was torn inside out.” Cars passed on the street outside, their tires hummed against the asphalt. “So you’re visiting us… Why?” Julie said. “What do you suppose it is?” “Something evil,” Cal said. “What teacher was killed?” “Who said it was a teacher?” “I just, uh, assumed.” “David Bonner,” the detective said. Algebra. Detention. The cold fury in Kyle’s bright green eyes. The detective made small talk for a long time. He asked what grade Kyle was in, when he’d be up, if he was one of Bonner’s students… The cop’s instinct, Cal thought, would lead him to Kyle, to all three of us. He’d have no evidence, no case to take to court. But he’d know. Just like the neighbor’s in Manitou had known. Just like the Daniels’ knew. Kyle was a different kind of boy. It was clear by his disturbing, unblinking gaze. He was dangerous. “May I speak with him?” “I wouldn’t want you to upset him,” Julie said. “Let us break the news about his teacher first.” The man’s right hand moved toward his gun and Cal thought he was going to draw and fire. He dipped into his pocket, though, and pulled out a business card. “Sounds like a fine idea,” he said. “Call me when he’s ready to chat. Nothing serious, just want to know if he ever saw anything unusual.” Cal thought of shadows so thick they looked like strips of tar… The detective left and Cal asked Julie, “Now what?” “Now you make him breakfast. I still feel terrible.” 10. He’d dreamed of a son. He admitted this to himself for what felt like the first time in his life. He’d longed for an athletic, straight A student, one that loved to watch football games on Sundays and didn’t mind his father’s company. “You’re not spending today in your room, kiddo,” he told the boy after breakfast. “We’re spending time together.” “Why?” “Because we’re father and son and we should.” “But what will we do?” Cal didn’t know. “I love you, Kyle.” Automatically, the boy replied, “I love you, too. But what are we going to do?” “There’s enough white stuff on the ground to make snowballs. You think you could beat me in a snowball war?” “I know I can.” “Grab your coat. Let’s see what you got.” Cal wanted to hear the sound of their laughter mixed together in the cold winter air. Kyle remained stoic, however, his gaze unbreakable. “For a boy who hates sports, you throw pretty good.” “This is weird.” “What is?” “Hanging out with you, I mean we haven’t done anything like this for a long time.” “That’s my fault.” “It’s okay. I’m getting kind of cold.” “You want to teach me how to play one of your video game?” Together, they gunned down zombies, breaking only to warm bowls of canned soup. The sun set early and, as darkness filled the room, Cal rose to finish his plan and murder his family. “I’m going to check on your mom.” “Kay.” Kyle’s avatar smashed another zombie into chunks. “Why don’t you meet me in the kitchen and we’ll dig something up for dinner.” The bedroom smelled like sweat. Julie was on her back, sleeping. He pulled the blankets up to her chin and kissed her fevered head. “Good night,” he whispered. “I’ll love you forever.” Then he swiped her bottle of cold medicine, scanned the instructions and went downstairs. Kyle made it to the kitchen as Cal set two glasses on the table and filled them with juice. He inhaled deep. He pushed one toward the boy. “Your mom will kill me if you don’t get your vitamin C,” he said. “Drink up.” He gulped his own juice down. Kyle did the same and Cal glanced at his watch. The boy weighed less than Julie, maybe a buck ten with his pockets full of rocks. He’d just had four time the recommended dose of a do not operate heavy machinery will cause drowsiness across the counter drug. It wouldn’t take long. Cal turned the stove’s burner to ignite. The pilot ticked twice, then blue flames whooshed in a circle. He adjusted the knob, lowering the fire. “Do you want to tell me why you got a detention?” “Oh, so that’s what this is about. I didn’t do anything.” “Your teacher’s dead.” Kyle kept eye contact. “You already know that, don’t you.” “He shouldn’t have punished me. It wasn’t fair.” “Do you feel bad?” “He deserved it.” “So you feel nothing?” “Why would I feel bad if he deserved it? Dad, why…?” Kyle’s eyes went glassy as his body registered the drug. “I’m going to put you to bed, Kyle. Then I’m going to blow out the pilot light on the furnace. The house is going to fill with gas and we’re going to blow up.” The headline – Family killed by faulty furnace. Nobody the wiser. A tragedy. Kyle’s lids fluttered closed and his head dipped toward his chest. “Dad…” His head jolted up. Cal saw the panic. His eyes were round and frightened. He looked more human that he ever had. “I’ll always love you,” he said. “Daddy…” Kyle slumped in his chair and Cal caught him before he hit the floor. He cradled the boy in his arms, walked him to the living room and laid him out on the couch. Kyle mumbled something and opened his mouth as if to call out. “Go to sleep,” Cal said. “It won’t hurt. I promise.” Kyle moaned, “Ma…” Cal turned to the furnace room. He was almost there when the shadows seized him. They came from all directions, stripes as thick as tar that wrapped around his chest and torso, slithered around his arms and legs, pinning him in place. The shadows lifted him off the floor and then they pierced through his body. They felt like shafts of ice cold air and he knew, when they retracted, they’d rip him inside out. “Cal.” He tried to turn in her direction, but the shadows held him tight. “I told you it’s our job to protect him.” The shadows tightened. Cal gasped and tried to breath. “He’s just a boy and he’ll learn to control it.” The coils released him. He dropped to the floor and fell over backwards. The shadow tentacles retreated into darkness. “Just like I have,” she said. He watched her go to the sleeping boy on the couch and stick her finger in his mouth. The boy gagged. She positioned his head so that he spat up juice and cold medicine onto the floor. “Help me get him upstairs,” she said. “The poor boy’s exhausted.”
Green Eyed Boy 1. “The police are across the street.” Cal stood in front of the bathroom mirror, face covered in white shaving cream and an orange razor in one hand. The room was full of warm steam from the long shower he’d taken, but after his wife’s statement he’d gone cold. She knocked on the door again. “Did you hear what I said?” “At the Daniels’ house?” “Yes,” she said, “and there are a lot of them.” In other words, hurry up. He thought of the black notebook he kept in the bottom drawer of his desk, the Journal of Dead Animals. Cal was trembling. 2. The kitchen smelled like bacon. A plate of cooked strips was on the table, covered with paper towels that glistened with grease. Saturday breakfast; eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon was their tradition. Julie stood at the windows, peering across the street. He joined her. “Morning,” he said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Two police cars were parked in front of the Daniels’ house. Another, a sleek grey color with no light bar on top, was angled in the driveway. A detective’s car, he thought. Or the coroner. “They’re pretty old,” he said. “One of them might have passed.” “Are you going to check?” He nodded. “Where’s the kiddo?” “Sleeping in.” Cal grabbed his coat from the mud room and exited the house. It was getting colder. The furnace needed an inspection, probably some repairs. Need to get that done before too long, he thought as he left the front yard. Cop cars at the neighbor’s house never meant something good had happened. When they’d bought the house, the Daniels had been the first to welcome them. They’d become friendly acquaintances. Kyle’s peculiarities had never pushed them away, making them true friends. He hoped everything was okay. The cop cars were black with white emblems on the door. Why did they make them so ominous? He stepped onto the Daniels’ walkway and saw the group on the side of the house. The Daniels, both white haired and stooped over with age, stood next to two police officers and a man in a suit, probably the detective. The formed a semi-circle around something on the ground. Cal approached, walking heavy so that they’d hear his footsteps. “Everything okay?” Stupid question. Old man Daniels waved and stepped away from the circle. Cal saw the dog. Rather, he saw what was left of her. She lay in a heap, blonde fur matted with a crust of blood. Parts of her internal organs lay on top her carcass. She’d been gutted. All that remained whole was her face and she stared into nothing, eyes vacant, dull and dead. “Oh no,” Cal said. “Something got a hold of my dog,” the old man said. Cal joined their circle, but only for a moment. Black flies hovered over the dog-corpse. One landed on something white, a sharp piece of broken bone maybe. Cal’s stomach flip flopped. He backed away. “You hear anything last night?” the detective asked. “I heard the dog barking, but not like it was being hurt.” One of the cops, he looked only a few years older than Kyle, said, “I’m calling this one a Code WTF.” Indeed. 3. Kyle shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs in his mouth. He’d covered them with hot sauce and the splotches of red, like watered down blood, against pale yellow egg triggered Cal’s gag reflex. “So what happned?” Julie asked. “Something killed the dog.” Julie sucked in a breath and covered her mouth. In that gesture, he knew that she knew. “No way!” Kyle said. “Tore it inside out,” Cal said, “must have been a wild animal.” “I want to see.” Kyle’s chair groaned as he backed up from the table. “You may not,” Cal said. They’d wanted a house full of children, a tribe of noisy boys and girls. That had been the plan when they’d bought the fixer-upper in Manitou. “I’m not a little boy,” Kyle said. That was true. He was twelve years old, almost a teenager. “I’m old enough to see crap like that.” “I don’t want you to,” Cal said. “It’s nothing you want to look at, believe me.” Julie put both hands on his shoulders, her protective touch keeping him in his seat. “You have enough bad dreams already, honey.” Children had not been in their destiny. Julie could get pregnant, but her body rejected each baby. Her womb cast them out, the pain a little worse each time. But Kyle survived. He was their sandy haired miracle, this handsome green eyed boy. Cal sat down at the table. The smell of breakfast, however, made his head spin. 4. Later, when Kyle locked himself in his room, he took Julie by the hand. He closed their bedroom door quietly, so that the boy wouldn’t hear. “It’s happening again,” he said, his voice a tight whisper. “What are we going to do?” “Don’t be ridiculous. He was home. I sat up with him for at least two hours.” The shock was gone. She’d had time to find denial and lock onto it like a life preserver. “What time was that?” “It was around three to five,” she said. “He wasn’t roaming around the neighborhood, all right?” “After he’d had the bad dreams?” “Yes.” “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. When Kyle has nightmares, bad things happen.” In Manitou, when Kyle was ten, dogs had died. Not died – been butchered, that was more like it. A poodle behind a tool shed, a pug on someone’s porch, both had been shredded into ribbons of meat. And as the murders went on, the neighbor’s had blamed Kyle. He was the weird kid on the block, the one who faced the world with an intense, silent stare. Julie described his quiet look as one of depth and creativity. “He’s a sensitive child,” she’d say, “and so very bright.” Cal thought it was just plain strange. So did the other kids, he guessed, because they stayed away from Kyle. “You sound like one of the crazy people in Manitou.” “It’s never been a large dog before.” If any of the kids that lived on the block were capable of sneaking out in the middle of the night and turning someone’s beloved pet into a mangled pile of guts, they’d reasoned it was him. He’d never left the house, not once, after bedtime. Back then his screams had awoken both of them when his night terrors overwhelmed him. The neighbors didn’t believe that spooky- eyed Kyle remained tucked in his bed at night. They pictured him hunting, sneaking into their yards, a silver knife reflecting moonlight as he went about his work. “It’s always been something small,” he added. “The Daniels’ retriever must have weighed a hundred pounds. Whatever it is, it’s getting stronger.” “You said yourself it must have been a wild animal. You’ve heard the coyotes. A den of them must live close by.” “No coyote would torture a dog like that.” “But our son could do it while he was asleep? You’re crazy.” She headed toward the stairs, conversation over. It had been the beagle’s death that had frenzied the neighbors. That dog had died inside. And the neighbor’s couldn’t stand the image of Kyle breaking and entering to do his killing. Had we not moved, Cal thought, they would’ve attacked us with torches and pitchforks. Maybe they should have? “I’ve kept a journal. His bad dreams coincide with an animal’s death. I can show it to you.” “As his parents it’s our job to protect him,” she said, “just in case you didn’t know that.” “Please, I know you love him. I love him, too.” “Do you?” “Of course I do.” “Then shut up about the stupid journal, please.” 5. The house in Evange was smaller. With one kid rather than a tribe, a few bedrooms was all they needed. The house needed work, but he could do most of the repairs himself. Best of all it was next to a forest. He’d imagined taking Kyle on long walks amongst the trees, the smell of earth and trees inspiring father-son talks. But that hadn’t happened. Now he told his boy, “I want to talk with you about the dog across the street.” It wasn’t normal for a boy to spend all of Saturday in his room – was it? Boys had sports practice, friends, something to lure them into the world. Not Kyle. He’ demerged from his room, his eyes red from computer burn, as the sun began to set. Kyle looked back, his expression indifferent. “What about her?” “Let’s go for a walk, just you and me.” He put his arm around the boy’s shoulders. Kyle looked up at him, a thin smile tugged at his lips. “When you were younger, before we moved -.” “Yeah, the neighbor’s dogs got creamed. It wasn’t me then and it wasn’t me last night. Sorry if you don’t believe me.” He’d said it without a change of expression. Anger would’ve been normal, the healthy kind of rage that accompanied denial when an innocent person was accused of something monstrous. He’d said it all so matter-of-factly. “I know you don’t mean to do these things,” Cal began, aware that his arms were shaking. “I wouldn’t hurt Macy. I liked that dog.” Macy – remember that for the Journal of Dead Animals. “I also know that something very frightening wakes you up at night. When you have these dreams terrible things happen. Do you realize that?” Kyle’s feet snapped over twigs and fallen branches. The woods thickened here. A man could get turned around in these woods, especially after dark. If the weather was cold enough, he could freeze to death a mile from home. It could happen to a boy, too, especially one unfamiliar with the woods. “I guess I do,” he said. “Can you tell me what you dream about?” “No.” “No because you don’t remember or no because you don’t want to?” “I honestly don’t know what I dream about. I know you don’t believe me. Besides, I’ve already talked about all of this with mom.” “If you dream of something… Vicious, something that wants to cause harm, maybe you can control it.” “Dad,” Kyle said, stepping out from under him. “You wouldn’t hurt me, would you? I mean you wouldn’t dig a hole out here and drop me in it, would you? I really didn’t do anything, seriously.” “God, no,” he said and shoved his shaking hands deep into his pockets. Kyle gazed at him, his green eyes shone like emeralds and, like gemstones, they showed no fear. “Okay, good.” “I would never hurt you,” he said. “Would you hurt me? Or your mom?” “Can we go back inside now? It’s getting cold.” “Sure,” he said. “Answer my question first.” “Never,” he said. “I swear.” They returned to the house, father and son. Cal wondered if Kyle couldn’t remember what he dreamed about, then what had he talked about with his mother? 6. The year’s first snow arrived later that week. Cal worked late, waiting out the traffic, and got home late. “I invited the Daniels over for dinner this Friday,” she said. “And?” “They’re busy.” So now they were friendless – again. “The heater’s on the fritz,” she added, changing the subject. “The heat’s been on and off all day.” “I’ll look at it this weekend,” he said. Nothing died for a while and, because of that, denial came easy. Cal watched Julie dote on the boy. She spoke to him in sweet, hushed tones, one hand on the small of his back. “What should we get him for his birthday?” she asked one night. All the years of longing for a child made her immune to him. “He’s been asking for a couple of new video game. I don’t remember which ones, though.” Cal rolled onto his side. “All of those games are violent.” “A little violence is normal for a boy his age.” She saw nothing but beauty in his strange green eyes. Cal worked late as often as he could and drove home long after dinner was over. Sometimes, he worked until exhaustion numbed him, then spent hours awake in bed, staring into the dark and listening for the bark of frightened dogs. 7. Kyle turned thirteen. He unwrapped his presents with methodical care. They’d bought him the video games he’d wanted, a couple of sweaters, new jeans and an expensive pair of shoes. “Do you love your presents, sweetie?” Julie asked him. “I do,” he said and smiled back at her, green eyes ablaze. “Maybe we should’ve got you a puppy,” Cal said. “You’ve always wanted a dog of your own, haven’t you?” Kyle looked to his mother, then shook his head – no. “Not since I was little.” He scooped up his new belongings. Cal heard his bedroom door shut a moment later. “What was the puppy comment all about?” “He wanted a dog at one time, that’s all.” “You know what I’m talking about. How could you bring that up? What if you’d ruined his birthday?” She left him alone. Cal watched cable in the living room, one mindless program after the other. On his way to bed, he saw a sliver of light from Kyle’s door. He paused at the doorway and listened. He heard only silence. Cal opened the door. He saw Kyle kneeling on the floor. The boy wore only boxers and his pale skin was wrapped by ribbons of shadow so thick they looked like tar. The black strips clung to his flesh, knife-like points stuck to his boney shoulder blades. It retreated, whatever it was, to the darkness under Kyle’s bed. Cal thought it looked a family of octopuses scurrying to their lair. “Hi, Dad.” The boy turned and looked up at him, a slow smile spreading to show white teeth. Cal blinked. A fluid coldness washed through him. Kyle’s bedside lamp glowed in warm yellow. No monstrous shadows lurked anywhere. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked, maintaining steady eye contact. “I thought I saw something.” “Mom’s right, you’re putting in way too many hours.” “Why are you on the floor?” “I was stretching,” he said. “My back was sore.” He stared at the boy. The boy gazed back at him, pleasant, somehow patient. “You look tired, Dad.” “Yeah,” he said and backed out of the room. 8. The furnace gave out the first week of December, right after they’d set up the Christmas tree. Cal stayed home to fix it. “Enough already,” Julie said, “call a professional.” They’d slept under extra blankets, but Julie still caught a cold. The repairman arrived late afternoon. “Wiring’s shot,” the guy said. He wrote a quote that Cal barely glanced at before handing over a credit card. The repairman went to grab his tools and he went upstairs to check on Julie. She had a space heater cranked on high. “Want some medicine?” She sniffled. “Please.” He poured her a cup of orange liquid. “Where’s the kiddo?” “He’s in detention.” Detention! So he’d misbehaved. That was something normal boys did. That was good. And for a moment he forgot about the cluster of shadows he’d seen clinging like a parasite to his young son’s body. “Really? What’d he do?” “I doubt that he did anything.” She downed the cold medicine like a shot. “He tells me that Mr. Bonner has it in for him.” “Which one’s Bonner?” “Algebra,” she said. “You’d know these things if you talked to him once in a while. And what are you smiling about? For God’s sake, Cal, he’s being punished.” He sat with her until the medicine’s deadening sleep took hold . It took only a few minutes. Kyle made it home before the repair was complete; and Cal saw something new in the boy’s green eyes – rage. He let the boy slide past him, watched him sulk to the stairs and ascend to his room. His hideout. He thought about following his son. For a moment, he even imagined having a fatherly talk while sitting together on the bed. But Kyle’s slouch and sullen expression kept him downstairs. Let him calm down, he thought, get over himself. Then we’ll talk. The heat kicked in an hour later. 9. “The police are here.” On Saturday morning, Cal stood in front of the bathroom mirror, face covered in white shaving cream and an orange razor in one hand. The room was full of warm steam from the long shower he’d taken, but after her statement he’d gone cold. She knocked again. “Cal?” “What do they want?” “To talk to us.” Cal dressed and went downstairs. He recognized the paunchy man in the kitchen. He’d been at the Daniels’ house, investigating the dog’s death. “We met across the street,” the man said. Cal eyed the fat automatic holstered on the man’s hip. “I remember.” He joined Julie. “Who could forget a thing like that?” “The detective says there’s been a homicide,” Julie said. The man nodded. “At your son’s school.” Cal said, “My, God.” “When I saw the body, I couldn’t help but think it looked a lot like the dog at your neighbors.” Cal thought of the black notebook he kept in a drawer in his office, the Journal of Dead Animals. I’ll need to change the title. He was trembling. Maybe shorten it to Journal of the Dead. “You don’t say,” Cal said. “I do say. The man was torn inside out.” Cars passed on the street outside, their tires hummed against the asphalt. “So you’re visiting us… Why?” Julie said. “What do you suppose it is?” “Something evil,” Cal said. “What teacher was killed?” “Who said it was a teacher?” “I just, uh, assumed.” “David Bonner,” the detective said. Algebra. Detention. The cold fury in Kyle’s bright green eyes. The detective made small talk for a long time. He asked what grade Kyle was in, when he’d be up, if he was one of Bonner’s students… The cop’s instinct, Cal thought, would lead him to Kyle, to all three of us. He’d have no evidence, no case to take to court. But he’d know. Just like the neighbor’s in Manitou had known. Just like the Daniels’ knew. Kyle was a different kind of boy. It was clear by his disturbing, unblinking gaze. He was dangerous. “May I speak with him?” “I wouldn’t want you to upset him,” Julie said. “Let us break the news about his teacher first.” The man’s right hand moved toward his gun and Cal thought he was going to draw and fire. He dipped into his pocket, though, and pulled out a business card. “Sounds like a fine idea,” he said. “Call me when he’s ready to chat. Nothing serious, just want to know if he ever saw anything unusual.” Cal thought of shadows so thick they looked like strips of tar… The detective left and Cal asked Julie, “Now what?” “Now you make him breakfast. I still feel terrible.” 10. He’d dreamed of a son. He admitted this to himself for what felt like the first time in his life. He’d longed for an athletic, straight A student, one that loved to watch football games on Sundays and didn’t mind his father’s company. “You’re not spending today in your room, kiddo,” he told the boy after breakfast. “We’re spending time together.” “Why?” “Because we’re father and son and we should.” “But what will we do?” Cal didn’t know. “I love you, Kyle.” Automatically, the boy replied, “I love you, too. But what are we going to do?” “There’s enough white stuff on the ground to make snowballs. You think you could beat me in a snowball war?” “I know I can.” “Grab your coat. Let’s see what you got.” Cal wanted to hear the sound of their laughter mixed together in the cold winter air. Kyle remained stoic, however, his gaze unbreakable. “For a boy who hates sports, you throw pretty good.” “This is weird.” “What is?” “Hanging out with you, I mean we haven’t done anything like this for a long time.” “That’s my fault.” “It’s okay. I’m getting kind of cold.” “You want to teach me how to play one of your video game?” Together, they gunned down zombies, breaking only to warm bowls of canned soup. The sun set early and, as darkness filled the room, Cal rose to finish his plan and murder his family. “I’m going to check on your mom.” “Kay.” Kyle’s avatar smashed another zombie into chunks. “Why don’t you meet me in the kitchen and we’ll dig something up for dinner.” The bedroom smelled like sweat. Julie was on her back, sleeping. He pulled the blankets up to her chin and kissed her fevered head. “Good night,” he whispered. “I’ll love you forever.” Then he swiped her bottle of cold medicine, scanned the instructions and went downstairs. Kyle made it to the kitchen as Cal set two glasses on the table and filled them with juice. He inhaled deep. He pushed one toward the boy. “Your mom will kill me if you don’t get your vitamin C,” he said. “Drink up.” He gulped his own juice down. Kyle did the same and Cal glanced at his watch. The boy weighed less than Julie, maybe a buck ten with his pockets full of rocks. He’d just had four time the recommended dose of a do not operate heavy machinery will cause drowsiness across the counter drug. It wouldn’t take long. Cal turned the stove’s burner to ignite. The pilot ticked twice, then blue flames whooshed in a circle. He adjusted the knob, lowering the fire. “Do you want to tell me why you got a detention?” “Oh, so that’s what this is about. I didn’t do anything.” “Your teacher’s dead.” Kyle kept eye contact. “You already know that, don’t you.” “He shouldn’t have punished me. It wasn’t fair.” “Do you feel bad?” “He deserved it.” “So you feel nothing?” “Why would I feel bad if he deserved it? Dad, why…?” Kyle’s eyes went glassy as his body registered the drug. “I’m going to put you to bed, Kyle. Then I’m going to blow out the pilot light on the furnace. The house is going to fill with gas and we’re going to blow up.” The headline – Family killed by faulty furnace. Nobody the wiser. A tragedy. Kyle’s lids fluttered closed and his head dipped toward his chest. “Dad…” His head jolted up. Cal saw the panic. His eyes were round and frightened. He looked more human that he ever had. “I’ll always love you,” he said. “Daddy…” Kyle slumped in his chair and Cal caught him before he hit the floor. He cradled the boy in his arms, walked him to the living room and laid him out on the couch. Kyle mumbled something and opened his mouth as if to call out. “Go to sleep,” Cal said. “It won’t hurt. I promise.” Kyle moaned, “Ma…” Cal turned to the furnace room. He was almost there when the shadows seized him. They came from all directions, stripes as thick as tar that wrapped around his chest and torso, slithered around his arms and legs, pinning him in place. The shadows lifted him off the floor and then they pierced through his body. They felt like shafts of ice cold air and he knew, when they retracted, they’d rip him inside out. “Cal.” He tried to turn in her direction, but the shadows held him tight. “I told you it’s our job to protect him.” The shadows tightened. Cal gasped and tried to breath. “He’s just a boy and he’ll learn to control it.” The coils released him. He dropped to the floor and fell over backwards. The shadow tentacles retreated into darkness. “Just like I have,” she said. He watched her go to the sleeping boy on the couch and stick her finger in his mouth. The boy gagged. She positioned his head so that he spat up juice and cold medicine onto the floor. “Help me get him upstairs,” she said. “The poor boy’s exhausted.”
From Horror photos & videos June 09, 2018 at 08:00PM
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