#you start to wonder hey wait is this still ribbing?
cparti-mkiki · 2 years
tbh i am the first one to comment on viserys’ physical decay and meme about it but it does feel like a lot of the fandom isn't… lmao…. doing it from the same place of appreciation for the character and his trajectory. i mean. at some point you aren't making a comment about the show you're just mocking someone's appearance
he is a character in a work of fiction and as such we can discuss the narrative importance of his ailments and all that but there's a difference between idk, making a body falling apart/reign falling apart parallel or speculating about what it means according to asoiaf imagery/lore (because as opposed to irl, Things do Mean Things In a Story etc) ... and pointing at him & going EWWW and so gross and 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 and how much you want him off the screen etc etc. there are many real people in the world who aren't part of a story and don't look much different and i don't think 1) that they're disgusting 2) that it’s karmic 3) that it says ANYTHING about themselves besides just being a physical fact 4) that it’s like, lotsa fun to spout so much gleeful vitriol at how old and visibly ill and ugly you think they look — meandering point is, i don't think the majority of posters i’ve seen are very receptive or aware of how mean spirited and childishly unconstructive these comments are (nor would they care)
sure he’s a cringefail king. a guy with some extremely reprehensible character moments (as is anyone in asoiaf). he’s also chronically ill and getting worse — im not sure how this warrants so many “rotting corpse” point and laugh & point and retch comments
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mentally-gone002 · 3 months
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lovers in the night
summary: steve sneaks into his girlfriends room at night in secret so that they can be together.
steve harrington x henderson!f!reader. secret relationship!!!!
can be read in its own, or with this part 2 here, and part 3 here
a/n: reader is dustin’s sister so obvi. she’s gonna have like curly hair but no color is specified. also i L O V E a good henderson!reader with steve!! like idk why but it’s just a great pair since steve and dustin are already my fav duo in the show!! i love them sm😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
cicadas buzzed endlessly beyond the open window and cotton curtains swished back and forth like a chest heaving with slow breaths along with the late night wind. 
goosebumps rose on her bare arms as she sat with her back against her bed frame on the carpeted floor, slowly flicking through a book that dustin had forced into her hands earlier that day. it was actually really good, not that she didn’t trust her brother’s judgement on literature or anything, but some books he has lent her had been not worth the read. she should’ve read this earlier.
“hey,” a sharp whisper broke her focus on the words across the page and her eyes flew to the door. it was still closed. her eyes went back to the page, only to be interrupted by quiet tapping on glass. 
she turned her head and grinned widely at the barely visible sight of steve behind the glass. “what’re you doing here?” she hissed, still sporting a smile while she got up to place her book on her nightstand and then stand on her mattress and slide the window open wider. steve didn’t answer as he hoisted himself through the window which was far above the ground. he grunted and then fell through the window to land on his back on her bed, making her step back on the mattress with her hands covering her mouth to suppress a laugh. 
he sat up, huffing a little and pushing back his chestnut hair from his forehead as he watched her sit down beside him. “i missed you.” he answered and his hand snaked to hold the back of her neck, pulling her forward into a soft kiss. 
she laughed softly into it. “you saw me a few hours ago.” she whispered, trying to hint that they needed to be quiet. 
its been months they’ve been together and nobody knew that they were dating… yet. she was worried about how dustin would react, along with everyone else in his party; partially because they didn’t like steve until a few months ago. steve agreed with her, with some shock due to the fact that her brother and his friends only just started to like him, but wished he didn’t have to wait until they were alone to be as close as he wanted with her. 
steve shook his head slightly, honeyed eyes holding hers in an intimate stare. “i know, but we weren’t alone.” his fingers gently tangled in the hair on the back of her neck. “sorry dustin booted you to the backseat by the way.”
she chuckled at the remembrance. “it’s okay, he rides shotgun in my moms car too.” her voice was filled with fondness. “what isn’t okay is dustin almost catching us!” she whispered through a toothy grin because she can’t help but feel all giddy at the rush of secrecy with him. 
“well, what can i say? you looked really pretty.” steve whispers, leaning close to capture her lips with his again. he felt his heart race under his ribs the longer he kissed her.
she pulled away. “you can say ‘i’m sorry i almost jeopardized our secret relationship. it won’t happen again.’ or something like that.” her smile showed how she was teasing him while she spoke. 
steve shook his head, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “it won’t happen again.” he repeated back with a cheeky smile, playing along with her. 
she smiled back and brushed her curls back from her eyes. “good.” 
steve lolled his head to the side so he could just keep looking at her. he liked how her hair looked right now; it was all wild because she took it out of its previous style from earlier and didn’t seem to have tamed it. “how are you?” he wondered. 
she looked away from his eyes with an accompanied smile. her eyes landed on dustin’s book on the edge of her nightstand. “good. just enjoying the night, y’know?” she shrugged a little with a small grin. “dustin lent me a book earlier.” her eyes found steve’s again.
steve nodded and laid down on his back, stretching his arms above his head so that his hands bumped the wall. she stared at where his shirt had ridden up, the soft skin of his stomach was on display. “what’s it about?” he asked, looking over at where she was still sitting up. 
her body slowly settled beside steve’s before she answered. her head was resting on his chest. “it’s about a bunch of fantasy people going on an adventure.”
“is it the hobbit?” steve lifted his head a little to gaze down at her face turned on its side.
she looked up at him when he named the book just based from her description of it. “yeah, have you-“ a knock on her bedroom door had them both jumping in surprise to sit up.
“hey,” it was dustin. “can i come in?” he asked, voice slightly muffled by the door. 
steve looked at her and she put her index finger over her lips before pointing to her bed, intending for him to get under it. he did as she silently told him to do before she left walked to the door and opened it. “what’re you doing up this late?” she rubbed her hand to her eye, giving dustin the impression that he woke her up. he didn’t seem guilty as he walked passed her and into her bedroom, going to her closet and opening the doors. 
steve swallowed thickly, glad he didn’t hide there. it would’ve been cliche and embarrassing.
“i’m looking for batteries. my walkie died.” dustin explained, walking to look at the things littering the top of his sisters dresser after not finding any batteries. “jesus, why do you have so much jewelry?” he asked, lifting up a glass dish housing her rings. 
“i don’t have batteries, dustin.” she sighed and let her eyes slip to steve’s hiding place while dustin’s back was still to her. “why don’t you have spares anyway?” 
dustin faced her with a seemingly exhausted sigh. “i did, until i used them all. there’s been a lot going on, in case you forgot about the upside down.” he sassed with a tone. 
she rolled her eyes at him and gave her own exhausted sigh. “i didn’t, and like i said before, i don’t have batteries.” her eyes once again flashed down to the gap under her bed when she thought she heard steve shift or move around. 
dustin looked with her in confusion. “are you hiding a demo-dog?” he joked lightly. “why do you keep looking down there?” he stepped closer to her bed and she stiffened. 
“something probably just fell from how it was weirdly placed. you know… gravity.” nervous laughter ended her sentence. dustin cast her a look saying ‘you’re lying’ all over his face. he got down onto the floor on his hands and knees so that he could look under her bed. “dustin! get out of my room!” she hissed, kneeling on the floor beside him and tried, and failed, to moved him. 
he was too far into his investigation to be told what to do. he moved a box or two aside and then paused, redrawing his hand. “steve? what the hell are you doing under my sisters bed?” he asked, almost too loud. steve smiled with his teeth awkwardly and crawled out from under the bed to sit beside his (secret) girlfriend. dustin’s eyes traveled to his sister. “did you know he’s here?” 
she nodded. “yeah, he’s been here for a while.” her hand lifted to settle on steve’s shoulder. that was her way of silently telling him that it’s gonna play out fine. “why are you such a snoop?” that question was directed at dustin of course, who scoffed and stood up. 
“i’m not. i was checking for monsters so i don’t wake up tomorrow and find you dead.” he widened his eyes and shrugged, as if his reason was obvious from the start. he walked to the door after receiving nothing but an eye roll and her forceful ushering out oh her bedroom. “oh, and don’t like… do stuff.” he made a disgusted face at the thought. 
steve laughed with his hands over his face. he was still sitting on the floor. “we aren’t together, henderson.” steve covered. 
he nodded with half lidded eyes. “sure. and why would you be hiding under her bed then?” 
steve shrugged. “didn’t want the interaction with the other henderson. one’s enough.” 
she slapped the side of his head after she’d walked back to stand beside where he sat. her lips were pinned into a smile. “asshole.” 
dustin rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. “just be quiet.” and then he shut the door. 
steve stood up after the door shut and pulled her into him in a hug, still laughing slightly. “my hearts beating so fast.” he panted. “he knows.” 
“oh, he most definitely knows.” she nodded, pulling away. “might as well come out and tell them, but he’ll beat us to it with his radio system.” a shrug came from her shoulders. 
steve pursed his lips with a hum and a nod. “how much you wanna bet the group has bet on us?” he wondered. 
she blew out a breath in exasperation at the thought. “i can already see them all exchanging money with stupid smiles.” her gentle laughter filled the room. 
dustin didn’t knock before he opened his sisters bedroom door the following morning, and he wasn’t surprised to see that steve was still there. 
steve was flush against her as they both slept on well through the morning, his arms were wound tightly around her waist to keep her from moving away. 
dustin only shook his head with a sigh and maybe the smallest smile before leaving the two alone. he wasn’t going to tell the party about it, not until his sister was ready to because he respects her. but the party does already think that steve and her are together, so it won’t come as a shock. 
he’ll let him sleep a bit longer before he interrupts the peace. 
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aealzx · 12 days
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Update Post
Prologue | AO3
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It took some time to get Jazz to calm down enough that the others didn’t feel like they might scare her again accidentally. But by that time Alfred had come upstairs to fetch everyone for lunch, so they decided to wait just a little longer before they started looking more into Danny’s condition. Maybe after a good cry and hearty meal Jazz would be more at ease with the investigations. And once Damian was able to convince Jazz to leave the bedroom by having Titus and Ace watch over Danny they were all heading to the dining room.
“You guys didn’t find anything you like?” Tucker asked when he and Sam joined them again with Stephanie and Duke alongside them.
“Got distracted by the dogs,” Danielle claimed, knowing he was wondering why she and Jazz were still wearing the clothes they got from the safehouse. It was only part of the truth, but she didn’t want to dig into the mess that they were still trying to smooth over. Jazz didn’t need more opinions on her behavior to worry over.
“They have dogs?” Tucker asked, looking around in interest.
“Yeah, they’re watching over Danny while we get lunch,” Danielle confirmed, having to pause when they entered the dining room and noticed a few unfamiliar faces.
“Heyyyy, welcome back guys,” Stephanie chimed, cheerfully skipping slightly over to the four newcomers.
“YOU!” Tim accused, pointing his finger at Stephanie, offense saturating his posture. “You were supposed to come with us, and you ditched us! Do you know how annoying it was to pretend like Clark had no idea that I knew that he knew about the kids but I wasn’t going to say anything even if he asked?”
“Uhhhh…. No, because I have no idea what you just said,” Stephanie retorted shamelessly. “Also of course I ditched you. I knew you could handle it and I wanted to see how long everyone could last pretending the kids didn’t know them. They lasted about a minute and a half, if you were wondering.”
Tim seemed about to scold Stephanie more, but then got sidetracked by her announcement of the time it took. “Wow, that fast? What gave everyone away?”
“Jay jay,” Stephanie admitted easily. “Dani picked him out like a red apple in a barrel of grapes.”
“Hey! You’re the one that laughed first, so I say you get the blame,” Jason retorted, already finding a chair to claim for lunch.
“She knew it was you before I laughed,” Stephanie countered.
While they bickered Tim rolled his eyes and followed Cass’ lead in more formally introducing themselves to Jazz and the others. “Hey. Good to see you guys are settling in okay. My name is Tim, and this is Cass,” he greeted, holding a hand out to each of the four.
“The one in the black and red that wasn’t Jason?” Jazz asked, just to clarify.
“And you’re the one that almost dislocated my arm after I kicked you in the ribs when we first met. Nice,” Sam recognized, taking Cass’ offered hand and giving her a mildly amused smile.
It could have been seen as an accusatory comment, but Cass could easily see Sam wasn't feeling malicious about it. So Cass just nodded with a smile, shaking Sam’s hand before pointing at her face. “I like your makeup. Steph’s?”
“Yeah, I asked if I could borrow some since she had the colors I like. I have to say I’m really loving the lip gloss,” Sam confirmed. It was nice to feel more like herself again, having her hair brushed and pulled into an elastic, and face properly decorated.
“It looks good. So you like black and purple, and not just black?” Tim added, noting that Sam was also wearing purple in her clothes.
“As long as it’s dark enough,” Sam confirmed.
“Okay, so are we just supposed to keep pretending we don’t know about them, or are you going to introduce us?” The question came from one of the others who had returned with Cass and Tim, leaning in towards Dick after having conversed with him shortly and whispering loudly.
Dick just snickered, but Bruce was the one that responded first. “You two weren’t supposed to be here until this evening,” he chided, giving the two of them a stern stare.
“Ehhhhh, afternoon, evening, it’s only a few hours apart,” the blonde visitor dismissed, shrugging. “We figured we'd just follow the family home. Besides, this way we can get a headstart on what you wanted us for.”
“And we get some of Alfred’s cooking,” his companion chimed in, snatching a small sandwich from the platter.
“Iiii knew that’s why you followed Tim home,” Dick grinned, folding his arms and shaking his head at his friend. “Wally, this is Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and Dani with an I,” he finally gave in, gesturing to each of the guests in turn. “Guys this is my friend, Wally, and his mentor Barry.”
“Nice to meet you,” Barry greeted, offering his hand.
“Finally,” Wally chimed in, the sandwich already gone.
“Yeaah figures you already knew. Stalker,” Tim jabbed at Wally, earning a snort from Danielle.
“Stalker? What earned you that nickname?” Danielle asked, knowing there was a story behind it if they were still friends despite the accusation.
“Wally gets bored, so checks in on all of his friends throughout the day,” Dick explained, starting to usher everyone to join the others at the lunch table.
“Only because my friends like to get shot at, stabbed, thrown off buildings, and engage in various other activities that are generally detrimental to their health,” Wally counters, flicking the bandage on Dick’s head. “Seriously. I just checked on you this morning and then you went and got attacked by Slade.”
“Should have been on time instead of early then,” Dick brushed off, “We handled it.”
“Well, as far as the Justice League is concerned, you did. But I’m betting she helped,” Wally snickered, pointing at Danielle.
“You bet I did,” Danielle confirmed proudly while dishing up her plate with way more food than the others.
“Aw, you have a new sidekick, Dick,” Wally snickered, then noticed just how much food Danielle had. “Hey wait- She’s not another speedster is she? You’re not replacing me are you?”
The accusation caused Dick to snort, shoving his hand in Wally’s face. “As if,” he declined with a huff. “She’s not a speedster. Just eats a lot.”
“Bet I could eat more than you,” Danielle challenged, not fully knowing what she was getting into.
Wally belted a laugh at the response, but didn’t immediately turn her down. “HA! I doubt it, but it’s been a while since someone tried. You’re on!” he accepted, even if he wouldn’t actually compete with her. No one else would get any lunch if he ate everything he could after all.
While Dick and Sam shifted away from the two children who started devouring their food as Stephanie started taking pictures, Sam looked over to Barry. “So… why are you here?”
Instead of answering Sam, Barry just passed her question onto Bruce by also looking to the man for an answer. Tim told them to stop by this evening, but he hadn’t told them why.
“Barry works as a forensic chemist. I wanted a second opinion on the analysis I have of ectoplasm,” Bruce responded easily. He wasn’t above using the resources he had, especially when someone’s health was on the line.
“Ectoplasm?” Barry repeated, face scrunching in confusion. “Why would I know anything about that? Shouldn’t you ask someone like John for ghost related stuff?”
“No,” Bruce answered simply, not caring to elaborate while Jazz and the others could overhear, even if Jazz was currently updating Sam and Tucker about the diluted ectoplasm that he had managed to obtain.
It wasn’t much of an answer, but having known Bruce for as long as he did Barry wondered if it was because of reasons better not discussed right then. “Fair enough. Sure, I’ll take a look,” he agreed with a shrug, filing the conversation away for later and returning to the meal.
The rest of lunch was just another meal at the Wayne Manor. Once everyone had finished eating, with Wally deliberately making the challenge with Dani a slight win on his side, the kids helped Alfred clean up. Bruce was quick to head back upstairs with Leslie, Barry and Jazz, eager to start making more progress on getting Danny taken care of. It ended up being like they had thought, and now that Jazz had had a moment to cry and be comforted, and a good meal in her belly, she was a lot more patient and receptive to their explanations. It helped that Barry could explain the more chemical side of things when Leslie’s medical knowledge wasn’t quite enough. Because of them Jazz was easily able to accept them using a burn cream Bruce had added a plant toxin neutralizer to on Danny’s injury when Leslie changed the bandages and inspected it this time. And, with a little more explanation for why a blood draw was necessary for a metabolic panel to make sure they weren’t giving Danny too much vitamins as well as to help Bruce and Barry isolate a true sample of ectoplasm, Jazz allowed them to fill the vials they needed. Though it did take longer than Leslie was used to considering the ice fueled stasis appeared to be slowing his blood flow as well.
Something they would soon find was a good thing for more than just prolonging any natural deterioration from being in a coma.
“Huh, so this is the substance you’re looking for,” Barry commented, the tiny sample of blood enlarged under the microscope he was gazing into. Even without having seen various forms of contaminated blood and having to pick apart the details before, it was easy to focus on the brightly glowing green substance.
“Yes,” Bruce confirmed. “When the others treated the kids the first time they were able to get dead tissue samples from all of them, but only enough to run DNA tests to try to pinpoint their identities. There was residue of ectoplasm in the samples, but this was all I was able to gather for it based on that,” he recapped, passing the bottle with the remainder of the diluted ectoplasm to Barry when he looked up.
“Makes sense why she said it was like skim milk,” Barry noted, looking at the bottle as well as the microscope images of its substance that Bruce had pulled up on the computer. “I have to admit, I don’t think it’s a chemical. At least not in the sense that I’m used to. It isn’t like anything I’ve seen before- honestly it looks more like the magic saturated fragments I run across sometimes working on League stuff. You sure you don’t want to contact John, or even Zatana about this?”
“Constantine is an exorcist,” Bruce reminded tersely, “Manipulative personality aside, I don’t think bringing a ghost hunter to help with an injured ghost child would be a wise decision, nor make a good impression on the others.” Not to mention he just didn’t want to deal with the magic user if he could help it. “And Zatanna is trying to keep her distance from the Justice League. I’d like to respect that.”
“Good point,” Barry agreed with a wince, refraining from commenting that Bruce was doing surprisingly well about not completely avoiding the supernatural part of this situation.
“Should I contact Raven then?” Damian spoke up from where he’d been silently watching the process. He was curious about how this ectoplasm substance was apparently so different from the Lazarus pit water, but the current conversation had made him think of his friend.
“Raven?” Bruce repeated, prompting Damian to continue.
“She’s an experienced mage, who is also familiar with living and traveling between dimensions, like Zatara. She also has high empathy, and is closer to the others in age. They might be more receptive to her,” Damian responded.
Bruce was silent as he thought about the proposal, but eventually nodded. While Bruce knew Zatanna would help if she found out it was for Danny, someone who was severely injured, he would still respect her need for a break since they had other options.
“Bruce,” Leslie suddenly called over to them as Damian turned to his phone, sounding tense, borderline afraid. “Is that antitoxin you made safe for intravenous injection?” she prompted when Barry and Bruce paused to listen to her.
Instead of answering her immediately, Bruce stole the microscope from Barry and adjusted the dials. It was hard to tell at first, but there was definitely something else unfamiliar in the blood other than the ectoplasm. Something much smaller, but familiar enough to Bruce from his studies of the blood blossom toxin while he was trying to create an antitoxin. “...It hasn’t been tested for that. We shouldn’t risk it with the state he’s in,” Bruce finally answered, pulling back from the microscope with a furrowed brow as he realized what had Leslie so stressed.
“What’s wrong?” Barry asked, taking a peek at the microscope again, but figuring he should just ask to see if they would give him a quick answer.
“The toxin is in Danny’s bloodstream,” Leslie responded, raising her hands to her arms in stressed discomfort. “That topical cream isn’t going to be effective enough.” And they didn’t have an antitoxin they could give Danny either.
“Ohhh, that’s not good,” Barry agreed. So that’s what the bright red substance he’d seen was. “You said this toxin doesn’t exist in our dimension?” he asked, getting a confirming nod and hum from Bruce. “Trying to figure out an antitoxin injection would take way too long then. What other options do we have? Dialysis? If we can’t neutralize it then we should try to strip it out, yeah?”
“Dialysis is for fluids. But…,” Leslie half corrected, but the question did bring up another possibility. She had to take a moment to consider the effects it might have though, speaking up semi hesitantly. “Hemoperfusion could potentially work if we can find which resin the toxin will attach to.”
“Hemoperfusion resin, got it,” Barry nodded, ready to run off and find whatever he could get for them to test. They already had some of Danny’s blood, they could just test it under the microscope to make sure they were using the proper resin. But Bruce reached out to grab his shoulder.
“Hang on Barry. We agreed to talk to Jazz first before we tried anything with Danny. Don’t run off just yet,” Bruce scolded lightly, ignoring the subtly pleased expression Leslie got about him sticking to his promise to keep Jazz included.
“I’m worried about the side effects as well. If he needs ectoplasm then we have to make sure the resin doesn't also filter that out. And it’s common for hemoperfusion to strip out a percentage of platelets, white blood cells, and other components of blood that should stay,” Leslie admitted. There was a reason hemoperfusion wasn’t commonly used.
“We can monitor him closely during and after the treatment. And we can ask Danielle if she’s willing to give some of her blood for a transfusion if he ends up too deficient in anything,” Bruce offered as a potential course of action if the side effects were too much. Low platelets, blood sugar, or the like was better than being poisoned.
“Danielle?” Leslie asked, extremely uncomfortable with asking someone so young for a blood donation when they should have been looking for a compatible adult.
“Danielle is a clone. Obvious differences aside, she and Danny have the closest DNA match we could ever get. Plus her blood is already saturated with ectoplasm, so we won’t risk diluting what he already has,” Bruce responded, though it seemed just mentioning Danielle was a clone was enough for Leslie to understand.
“Very well,” Leslie sighed, accepting the proposed course of action. “Let’s talk with Jazz then.”
IIiiiii hit this story WAY too hard in the beginning and gave myself a slight burnout X'DDD whoops. And then this part just did not want to make pretty words in my head or on page, so I'm just dumping it like an overcooked potato
Having too many characters in a scene is haaaard yo. Also Wally seems to have an inconsistent appearance, so I hope he looks okay 8'D
I learned that hemoperfusion is a thing that exists because of researching for this X'DD
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @megacharizardx99
@bellathecatastrophe, @cj-ghostemoji-destielpie, @asexual-insomniac, @wolfeyedwitch, @tkiesai, 
@fanaroff, @raven1508, @nebulainajar, @serasvictoria02,@oliocelottafanfics,
@honeysuckletook, @omniithe-deer, @wolf-under-the-stars, @gingernutcalo, @that-random-fangirl,
@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics,
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lila-lou · 11 months
✨Needy - Pt. 1/5✨
Summary: Jensen finally comes home after weeks of filming and shows you how much he missed you.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Language, smut, pregnant reader
Word Count: 2477
A/N: No hate towards anybody. It's just fiction.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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"How do you feel?".
You were currently laying on your large sofa in the living room, your head resting on your left hand while your right hand caressed your belly.
“I’m fine Jay, really”, you smiled at your boyfriend, who was walking over to you with a beer and an orange juice. He looked beyond tired and exhausted. Not surprising considering he only landed four hours ago.
Austin wasn't known for large snowfalls in the winter, so this exceptional situation had led to complications with flights. Jensen's already long flight landed over three hours late, which didn't help his mood. When he saw his pregnant fiancée curled up on the sofa with a broken rib, he was more than pissed. Jensen had only endured the last few weeks on set because he was clinging to the thought that he would soon be able to hold you in his arms again. You and your unborn baby. You've been calling each other every night for the past two weeks to pass the wait, but not once have you mentioned your broken rib.
“Here you go”, Jensen tried to say as nicely as he could while handing you the orange juice, but all the words that came out of his mouth were mumbled. He actually knew that he shouldn't ruin the evening with a bad mood, but the last few weeks had taken a toll on him and his nerves were frayed. Not only was everything going haywire on set, but he also missed you. You were five months pregnant and he felt like he had already missed everything.
You gratefully accepted the glass and took a long sip before setting it aside. Jensen stared blankly at the television, which was playing a horror movie.
“Hey”, you sighed, taking his free hand in yours. “I just didn’t want to burden you unnecessarily. You were always so worried about me and the Baby and with all the stress on set, I thought you wouldn't have to worry about more. I went to the doctor and it’s not that bad”, you tried to explain yourself, but Jensen just rolled his eyes.
“(y/n), you are carrying our child! Do you really think there is something more important at the moment than you and your well-being?”, he replied, still slightly irritated. Of course Jensen was worried and you loved him more than anything for that, but sometimes he could be really overprotective.
“If I promise you, that I won't withhold anything from you anymore, can we please end the evening somewhat peacefully? You didn’t even kiss me when you came in”, you murmur towards the end. Jensen took a long sip of beer and sighed in resignation. Of course he knew he was acting like an ass and that you absolutely didn't deserve that, but he was just worried and stressed.
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just... the last few weeks have been really stressful and... I feel like I've already missed so much with the little worm", Jensen admitted a little desperately before gently pulling you into his arms. “Besides, I missed you terribly”, he kissed your head lightly.
“Jay… I’m only five months pregnant. We still have four long and wonderful months ahead of us before things get tricky with you being away. You haven't missed anything yet. Except maybe my morning sickness and trust me, you should be glad you weren't there". You tried your best to lighten the mood a little, even if it really wasn't easy. Slowly but surely you could feel him relax. “I hope so”, he murmured before pulling your face to his and finally placing his lips on yours.
“Now tell me about the shoot”, you whispered against his lips with a big grin. While Jensen started talking about his new colleagues and the set, you made yourself comfortable in his arms and pulled the blanket a little higher.
Almost a year ago you moved in with Jensen. You previously had a pretty stressful long-distance relationship. While you were completing your studies in Seattle, Jensen was mostly in Toronto filming “The Boys”. In his free time, he often took the opportunity to spend time with his three children in Austin. Since he was always on the plane, jumping from appointment to appointment, you were usually the one who visited him. It quickly became clear that Jensen wasn't leaving Austin to move in with you, so you had no choice but to leave Seattle.
Luckily you already liked Austin and settled in very quickly.
Jensen had no plans to have any more children, and you hadn't thought about children either. But after your delayed and somewhat escalated housewarming party, contraception wasn't particularly emphasized.
The moment you finally told Jensen about the pregnancy was probably the worst moment of your life. You were so afraid to tell him that it took you forever to say the words without them being swallowed up by your sobs.
Of course, Jensen was anything but enthusiastic, after all, he already had three wonderful children and after his divorce from Danneel, he was happy to take things a little slower with you. However, it didn't take long for him to come to terms with the idea of becoming a father for the fourth time. He still had bad days every now and then where he worried it would all be too much, but overall, he did very well. And now he couldn't wait to finally hold the little munchkin in his arms.
While Jensen told you about his time on set, now in more detail than on the phone, his hand, somewhat distracted, stroked your small baby bump.
“Are you coming to the doctor’s appointment tomorrow? My doctor said we might be able to tell the gender”. Jensen continued to hold you tightly in his arms, your legs crossed over his lap and your head resting lightly on his biceps as he looked down at you.
“Of course, I’ll come”, he kissed your nose. “It’s just the three of us for the next two weeks”. His gaze moved from your eyes down to your belly.
“Is it kicking yet?”, Jensen’s eyes sparkled slightly. You'd think that after three kids he would already know it all, but unfortunately, he was on set for most of his ex-wife's two pregnancies and so wasn't as involved as he would have liked.
“Well, I definitely feel the movements, but they are hardly real kicks. In about 6 weeks you should be able to feel the kicks”, you told him as you watched his hand move in light circles over your belly.
After a while Jensen looked up again. “Being pregnant suits you”, he grinned at you, making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
“You know how to make a woman blush”, you replied, playfully hitting his chest.
Jensen leaned down to you and pressed his lips lightly to the spot under your ear.
“I know damn well how to make a woman come too”, he whispered harshly to you.
You couldn't help but press your thighs together as a shiver ran down your spine. Despite the fact that you had been together for so long, Jensen still had a strong effect on you. "You think so?", You breathed as he started kissing your neck.
You giggled, your breath hitching slightly. You did not receive an immediate response. Instead, Jensen pulled you onto his lap in one quick movement. As you straddled his legs, he grabbed your ass somewhat roughly with both hands and pushed you closer to him. His lips slid down your neck, leaving wet kisses behind.
“It’s been far too long, sweetheart,” he murmured deeply, his breath hot against your soft skin.
While he kept one hand flat on your lower back, he slipped his other hand into your sweatpants before leaning in to kiss you.
“Actually, I imagined our reunion a little differently”, you whispered against his slightly parted lips, which only lightly touched yours. “With fancy and hot underwear, you know?”.
Jensen couldn't help but laugh lightly, but he stopped with a deep moan when he felt how wet you already were. “Shit baby, I’ve barely touched you and you’re already dripping”, he grinned slightly arrogant. If you weren't so incredibly turned on, you probably would have rolled your eyes. Jensen gently rubbed his fingertips over your soaked clit, making you moan immediately.
“Jensen”, you whined as he continued to tease your clit.
Your eyes were barely open, but you knew Jensen was grinning to himself. You could feel it on your lips.
“Pleaaaase,” you grabbed his thighs and leaned back further so he could get a perfect angle, despite your little baby bump.
“I´ve got you”, he grinned, slipping his middle finger inside you. A soft gasp escaped you as Jensen curled his finger and hit your sweet spot. As he added a second finger, you dug your nails into his skin. “Fuck”, you let out a throaty moan.
“You’re even tighter than usual, baby. I guess I really left you alone for too long”. Your eyes were closed as you were completely absorbed in the feeling your fiancé was giving you.
“Ugh… you did”, you agreed as your eyes met.
With a jerk he pushed your upper body closer to his again and pulled his fingers out of you. No matter how much he loved teasing you, it had been far too long since the last time he could truly feel you.
His arms wrapped tightly around you as he pressed his lips to yours again. “Shit, I missed you so much”, Jensen murmured against your lips, making your heart beat faster.
“I missed you too”, you answered barely audible.
Within seconds, Jensen laid you on your back, tugging your sweatpants and panties off your legs before kneeling on the sofa in front of you, looking at you expectantly. “Touch yourself”, he ordered before you watched as he deftly unbuckled his belt. He loved watching you, almost as much as you loved watching him.
Even though you did this a thousand times, you couldn't stop the blush from rising on your face.
Nevertheless, your fingers found their way to your wet heat as if by themselves. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you felt your own wetness. You carefully dip a finger inside yourself, making you breath heavily. By now Jensen already had his throbbing erection in his hand.
“Just like this Babygirl”, he groaned, switching his gaze between your heated face and your spread legs. Your head fell back into the soft couch cushions as you adjusted to the feeling of your finger sliding through your wet folds. Jensen tried everything to hold onto himself and watch you longer, but the desire to bury himself inside you overwhelmed him.
“Fuck it”, he muttered, freeing himself from his jeans and boxers before leaning over you and pressing his lips greedily to yours. You could already feel his hardness against your pussy when Jensen broke the kiss to take off your shirt. “Fuck, they’ve gotten huge”, he whispered as he massaged your left breast over your bra. You couldn't help but grin when you saw his lustful look. “Do you want to keep talking and teasing or finally start fucking me, Ackles?”, you challenged him, your hands sliding under his shirt and tugging at the hem impatiently.
“So needy”, he grinned down at you, pulling his shirt over his head so you could immediately run your hands over his strong chest and broad shoulders before pulling him closer to you by his biceps.
“I’m going to fuck your tight pussy so good”, he groaned, hovering over you again as he took his cock in his hand and lined himself up with your wet folds.
You shuddered as he pushed himself into you until he bottomed out, stretching you almost painfully and letting out the deepest moan you've ever heard.
"Shit honey, you´re okay?", he chuckled, but actually looked a little worried. It took a few seconds until you found your breath and therefore your voice again. "Yeah... I just... almost forgot how big you are", you admitted.
“Well, after tonight you won’t forget it in a hurry”, he winked at you with a grin.
With that, he withdrew completely and spread your wetness with his tip, sliding it between your glistening folds. Jensen's gaze was literally glued between your legs and you could see in his eyes how much that turned him on. “Jay…please,” you begged, wiggling your hips, trying so hard to get him back in. He responded instantly to your requests and pushed his swollen cock into you again, making you moan loudly. As he thrusted into you harder than he had since you were pregnant, he firmly grabbed your hips and pushed them up from the soft fabric of the couch to thrust into you from a better angle. He hit your sweet spot over and over again, which had got you close within a few minutes. “Jay… I’m…”, your hands grip his wrist as you arch your back desperately. "I know, baby. Just a few more minutes", he moaned, watching your breast bounce in your bra with every hard thrust he gave you. Your lips met again, taking the breath away from both of you. You could feel his hot breath in your mouth again and again as he tried to suppress his moans. “You’re so fucking tight, baby”, he groaned against your swollen lips.
By now you were just mumbling pleas and desperately wanted him to allow you to come.
“Cum for me (y/n)”, his lips trailed down your neck, sucking on your delicate skin. Those few words were all you needed to squeeze his cock even tighter. With loud moans and closed eyes, you finally came.
“Fuck baby”, his voice cracked as he felt you clenching around him.
Seconds later, you could feel him spilling his cum inside you as his head fell back down on your shoulder. His deep moan against your collarbone sends shivers down your spine, creating even more sparks in your stomach as you live out the rest of your orgasm.
It took you both quite a while to catch your breath, still overwhelmed by the feeling.
Jensen held his position a little longer. When you finally felt your heart stop racing, you let out a quiet chuckle, brought on by your thoughts, which you immediately said out loud. “I’m not on the pill”, you whispered, stroking strands of his soft hair while his face was still buried in the croock of your neck.
"Well, I can't knock you up any more than I already did, can I?", he grinned and slowly raised his head.
“I guess not”, you grin, pulling his face to yours and kissing him gently.
“I really missed you”, he whispered as your eyes met.
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I’m falling out of obsession love with konig..will you do me the favor and respark my love for him i need an obsessed in love man to match 😓
Word count: 1.9 k
Summary: He comes to see you after a mission.
CW: Mild smut, angst, fluff, emotions. +18 only
A/N: This is part of the Just Friends universe, but pov is 2nd person (you instead of she/her). I'm not sure if this is what you asked for anon...but it's what you're going to get 🥹 
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Rain drums your window. You've left it open a crack, and should get up and close it, but you don't have the strength. You can't sleep, you can't get up: it's the wolf's hour and the mood is heavy like the rain clouds that have circled the base for hours now.
It's the first time you hear him breaking in. Well, technically speaking, he's not breaking in anymore, now that he has a key. But it always feels like he comes to see you when you least expect it.
The five-day mission has turned into a four-day and half a night mission, then.
You feign sleep and listen how he takes off his boots. He's illegally quiet without them for such a big man. His shirt meets the floor, then he opens his belt – you know he's about to come and ravish you, and for the first time since forever you are not up for it.
The bed lets out a terrible creak of a wail as he crawls next to you. You fear it's only a question of time before the old metal and wood give in under you two. It's basically a miracle the sturdy bunk hasn't yet broken into pieces from your love.
His length touches you first as he settles behind you. It's hot and hard, lean and sleek, like the rest of the man that soon surrounds you like a copper cable with a pulse. His hand is warm as it slips under the covers and under your shirt. Or actually, his shirt.
"I'm home," he half whispers the obvious. Calls your room his home… Or perhaps it's just you. You're his home now.
The hand drifts to your hip, and it's possessive: he always starts there. You win nothing by pretending to be the sleeping beauty, so your hand comes to rest on top of his.
"Did you have fun..?"
It's a bit of a sick question. But it is what it is. And what's more, he doesn't even answer it.
"I need a fresh pair, Engel," he says with an odd honey to his voice.  "The last one is completely ruined."
You know he's talking about another pair of panties, a comfort object and a lucky charm he takes with him now that he's back in the field again.
The rain taps the window, and the darkness of the room is only pierced by distant hues of blue. The base is never dark, never fully asleep. His hand drags the shirt up, then stops on your ribs.
"You have my shirt on."
It's not a scolding, not at all. It's only a happy, shocked surprise.
"You… You left it here," you turn a little to look at him. You can see his lashes from the darkness of the hood as they drop: he's looking at you with tenderness, although the demanding flesh against the small of your back is far from tender. 
"Mm. You have my shirt and I got your panties... A good deal, eh?"
His hand wanders further under the shirt, cups a handful of your breast. You can feel the cords of muscle bunching against you: abs that contract, thighs that press and lift yours, his cock that gives a taut pull between you two.
Your nipple is caught between hard fingertips, as he twists it like a volume control. Your abs crunch too, out of the sudden sensation that bleeds.
"I can't concentrate on missions because of you," his voice drops another note or two. And now you are being scolded. But so, so tenderly still…
"Mh, König… Not–not tonight," you whisper, wondering if this man can even take a thing such as a simple no. He lets go of your nipple, but not your breast. 
Not you. Never you.
"You have worries?"
You. You're my only worry.
Your mouth closes, draws into a line. You can't tell him.
“No… No.”
"Let me have you, angel. I've waited so long." His breath is growing heavier, the lean pulse against your back, thicker. 
"I'll make you feel good," he tries to bargain when you're not responding. In a way, you want him too, but for the first time during your... acquintance, you would like him to just hold you. Without the need to throw yourselves off a cliff first.
"Not tonight." You move, then turn in his gentle, throbbing hold, and he almost draws his hand away. "Please, König…?"
"Ok," he says, but looks like he doesn't quite know what to do. Just...hug you? Go to sleep while holding you? It's a change in protocol, but he's willing to do it for you. For that knowledge alone, your hand slithers down, finds his length and wraps around it.
"I can help you? If you want?" 
The rain is thin now, as it bats the glass. He lets you go and gradually leans back, falls to the mattress and allows you to give him a good, long stroke.
"My saving angel," is the only thing he says as he falls as slack as he can – a state which can barely be called relaxed – under your palm.
He's a needy man, and deprived since the last time you saw him. Which is why you know it doesn't take long. You barely see him in the electrically illuminated darkness, but you can feel how the choked sighs ripple across his body. You feel everything: the tight trembles, the density of the air around him. You hear the moist click as he swallows, the panting that rises. The occasional groans that sound like he's crying although he's not.
It's the only way he knows how to feel good, and someday, it just might make you cry. Even the sky cries for him, it seems, because a sudden gust of wind sends an entire sheet of rain against your window.
He's exceptionally quiet, probably because you didn't let him inside you this time. But then you remember he's usually this quiet only when he's emotional.
He's missed you...
That's what this is about – the ever demanding furnace of flesh. He wants to drown in you, burn until there's nothing left. It's been days, and he might've found some privacy to fantasize about you while ruining your lace, but it's no substitute for the real thing.
His hand flies on top of yours after you find that perfect angle, the one he likes. A harsh moan coats the night air, and shoots fireworks inside your stomach. He moves your hand up and down his cock like you can't do it right, but the connection, in truth, speaks of intimacy. The touch is affectionate. It says: 'we'…
He hisses, as if he's in pain. But he's just close, and you up the pace: his own hand is now only a loose, gentle cage around yours. He's so long, it seems like it takes forever to travel from the tip to the base, and you're trying to be quick and strong on top of it all. Just milk him well so he can sleep. 
So that perhaps you can sleep.
He looks at what you're doing to him, then looks at you, and it's the vulnerability in that stare that makes you understand he feels equal to that rain. You're his only summer sun. 
Then those lashes flutter, and his eyes turn to glass just before he comes. He spills all over himself with a long groan and a soul-ripping jerk, a giant coming undone under your palm and on your poor bunk bed that has seen so much already. The load is so generous you wonder whether he has even had the time to jerk himself off during the mission. If your innocent lace has barely been touched…
The last spurts are sadder, a few gushes that float to coat your hand, and he finally stills into some form of peace. He breathes in the night, relaxed and empty. You feel like you just worked on an emotional volcano, but he gathers himself quickly, raises to a half sit and tears his shirt off and over your head. Using it to clean himself and your hand, he throws it somewhere on the floor and pulls you on top of him.
Your breasts meet the solid chest, your thighs barely have enough time to go about his hips as he closes you in one of those bear hugs. The half-hard tip of him still throbs against your folds, and only then do you notice you're wet.
"I missed you," he sighs through the mask as you're held tight against his slowly settling pulse. He holds you exceptionally firm, squeezes you against him like you're his favorite toy. He tightens the hold around your middle until you are forced to let out a whimper. Only then does he loosen the hug and give out a gentle chuckle.
"Immer so gut… You feel so good. Always."
His confession is such a normal and yet, such a fragile thing to say, that you feel tears burning in your eyes.
"I missed you too," you say while trying to hide your tears from him.
"If you have worries, you can talk to me," he then says and starts to caress your back. The window is open, and the cool night air rolls in but in his embrace, you don't feel cold. You squeeze your legs and arms around him, feeling like a leech who never wants to let go. Finally, he's holding you, just the way you wanted to…
"It's nothing," you say, when in truth this man has you worried day and night. He's like a fridge you stock full day after day, only to find it empty every morning. And the things he gives you, the things he stuffs you full with… It's like having a cat who likes to fall asleep with you, a tame, purring beast who brings you fat rodents. If you don't praise him for them, he starts to hide them around the house until you wake up one morning to a terrible smell.
"You're the first who's ever hugged me," he mutters somewhere next to your ear. The golden fire inside your stomach turns into pity, horror and pain. 
"Are–are you serious…?" You whisper in the darkness of his mask that's spilled all over your pillow. You know he has had women before you, but apparently, they have never attached to him like this. Like tiny little leeches to a bear.
"Didn't your mother hug you when you were little?"
He thinks on his answer for a second or two, maybe three. The fact that he has to think about it should tell you enough.
Then, "I can't remember…"
Your lip tugs, your lashes bat away the fire that burns. He's breathing calmly under you again, satiated by a simple handjob and a hug. Although it feels like he's the one hugging you while you're being held captive there on top of him… It feels like he doesn't even quite know what a hug is.
"She had her own troubles," he mutters, sounding like he's about to fall asleep. Even on the brink of oblivion, he defends the woman who didn't know how to hug her own child, because he can survive without touch. No matter what, he will survive. 
His breathing starts to even, and your tears begin to fall. You think of moving from on top of him, to give him space and comfort to get some sleep. But it seems it's not an option, the way he holds you like a plush toy he will never let anyone take from him.
"I think I'm going to sleep now," he rasps, somewhere between awake and sleep. The rain has stopped, and you wonder whether it has only moved somewhere else, if it's now raining inside you. His hold of you tightens just before he slips to sleep.
"Don't let go, Engel…"
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What if Price got migraines, so he came to your piercing shop to get a Daith put in to help (because he hates taking meds). But then, he decides to get more done....
"Sweet Relief" (AO3 Link)
The shop had been quiet all winter. It started with No Ink November, an inside joke you and your business partners laughed about every year. Money was tight, that was for sure, and no amount of Instagram deals or tell-a-friend coupons were going to dig you out. So, you’d been practicing with your piercing skills. Your shop had plenty of tattooists, and one girl was even a specialist in scarification, but no one did piercings. You decided to work hard and fill a niche. 
It was a cold January morning, and you rolled into the shop around noon, setting up your station for your three o’clock appointment, a daith piercing. The guy had booked online with some generic disciple name like Mark or Luke or something. You checked the sheet. 
Based on his questionnaire, it was his first piercing, but he’d been tattooed by your shop partner, Caitlyn.
“Hey, Cait!” You called into the back of the shop. 
She shouted back,
“You know a John Price?”
She poked her head around the door and came over to your station,
“Sure do. He’s a total hunk. Some army guy. Comes in about two or three times a year for work. Is he cheating on me?” She laughed, ribbing you. 
“He wants a daith,” you showed her the sheet. 
“Huh,” she shrugged, “Cool. Enjoy it, babe.”
Winking and laughing to herself, Cait ducked back into her station and you waited for the man to show up. 
Then, like he had been summoned, the shop’s door bell tinkled and an enormous, bearded man stepped through. He was in casual clothes, and he wore a wool beanie to keep out the cold. He looked around the space calmly, giving a polite nod and a wave to Cait. When his eyes found you, he smiled, 
Goddamn if his voice wasn’t like a warm fire on a snow day. It rumbled, low and deep through the room, hitting you right in your chest, surprising you. 
“Hey!” You recovered, “You must be John. Come around.”
“Yeah,” he made his way over to you and sat in your chair, “I’m here for the daith piercing.”
“Gotcha. I’m all ready for you. I’ll clean the site, mark it, and I’ll show it to you before we commit.”
You got to work, studying his face as you worked. There were little scars here and there, and a big one near his temple, ragged and rough. You rubbed cleanser on his ear and asked him,
“So, why this one? You get headaches?”
“Sure do. Don’t always have meds out in the field, so I needed something a bit more permanent.” 
You gave him a curious look,
“The field?”
“Army. Special Forces. That’s where I got this beauty you were admirin’.” He thumbed the large scar on his brow.
You blushed a bit. He sure was observant. 
“Ouch,” you said, “I promise this won’t hurt half as bad. Here, have a look.”
You held up the mirror to let him see the mark you’d made. He shrugged,
“You know best, love. I trust you.”
His words stirred something in your belly. You liked the pet name, and his ease with trusting you went right to your head. 
“Alright, hold still, John. You wanna count?”
“No,” he smiled and turned his eyes on you, watching you work on him. 
You shoved the needle into his skin and watched his eyes close as the pain washed over him. He took it in stride, smiling when you finished with the hard part. He opened them again to watch you, and he almost seemed to look at you with some level of desire. So, you tried out a pet name of your own.
“There you go, handsome. All set.”
“Cait should’ve warned me. Had no idea my pain would come at the hands of such a pretty artist.”
“Careful, soldier. Gonna get yourself a tongue ring on the house if you keep buttering me up like that,” you showed him the barbell you’d installed, and he took a cursory glance at it. 
“Maybe that’ll be my next one. I heard they work wonders.”
“On migraines?” You laughed, confused by his tone. 
“No,” he leaned forward, putting himself in your space, “On pretty artists.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
danny ... finding out the boy in the picture ... is the v card thief !!!! Kicking my feet and giggling !!
The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {7}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff, soft!danny WC: 2.5K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Fic Playlist: Die A Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
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The colour behind your eyelids dimmed and you opened them wondering where the cloud had come from in the endless blue sky. You immediately sat up and looked around for Danny when you found the cloud in your day was actually Andrew towering over your sun lounger.
“Uh, hi,” you said as he smiled and leaned in to try to hug you. “Woah, what are you doing?”
“We haven’t seen each other in like five years.” His arms were still open expecting to embrace you.
“Exactly.” You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around your body after seeing his eyes roam the skin that was visible.
“Hey baby, is this guy bothering you?” Daniel arrived at your back, his hands cold on your shoulders from going to the lakeside cafe and getting some iced drinks. “Wait, I recognise you - you’re the perv from the picture.”
“What?” Andrew chuckled in confusion.
“You were checking her out at the bar last night.” Daniel opened his phone and shook his head as he saw the picture again, confirming it as he turned it around. “Seriously?”
Andrew laughed and looked at you with a smirk. “I thought it was you but I couldn’t see your face. That ass though, I’d recognise it anywhere.”
“Danny!” you gasped as you leapt to your feet, turning and planting your hands on his chest at the first sign of movement. “There’s a crowd, you know what Christian said.”
“You think I care, kitten?”
“I think he isn’t worth it.” You looked over your shoulder to see an incensing remark about to be sent Daniel’s way. “Andrew, please leave.”
“Andrew huh?” Daniel echoed before his arms curled around your waist and he stared him down from where he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“She told you about me?” he asked with a cocky grin.
You sighed at the stand off you found yourself in the midst of and narrowed your eyes at Andrew hoping he would get the message to piss off but he wasn’t looking at you and seemed content to ruin your day. More and more cameras were coming out as the tension seemed to ripple across the surface of the lake. 
“Did she tell you I was her first?” he taunted with a smirk. 
“So? I’ll be her last,” Daniel laughed as his hand splayed low across your abdomen, his fingertips dancing across the top of your swimsuit bottoms and drawing Andrew’s eyes down to the movement. “That’s all that matters.”
“Drew, move it along,” your father stated as he arrived, soaking wet from leaving the lake to intervene when he noticed the three of you. 
“It’s public property, sir.” Daniel snorted at the switch in character while your dad found his phone with his belongings next to yours, already starting to dial a number. “Who are you calling?”
“Your father.” Andrew was gone before he could hit ‘call’ and he tossed it back on the sun lounger with a shake of his head. “That boy never knew when to walk away.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“It’s not a family reunion without some drama, last time it was Nessa and that boy - what’s his name? - I lose count,” he said with a roll of his eyes before pointing a finger at Daniel’s hand. “I know you’re marrying her, but she’s still my daughter, hands above the waist, son.”
His palms had warmed on your skin and they quickly shifted up to your ribs with a stiff nod. “Yes, sir.”
With your father heading back to the water, Daniel couldn’t resist whispering in your ear, “Imagine if he knew all the bad things I had done to his little girl.”
“I don’t think they are bad things,” you whispered back. “I think they are very, very good.”
“That’s because you are a filthy little minx, my kitten.”
You turned in his arms that remained firmly above your hips and bit your lip as you thought of all the filthy things you wanted him to do. “Wanna head back early?”
His smile turned to a chuckle and his head tilted slightly. “To an empty house? It would be very quiet.”
“Not for long, I’m sure you can change that.”
His hands started to drift to your ass and he swallowed as he watched your tongue wet your lips. “Just how will I do that?”
“I could tell you, or...I could show you.”
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“Any other ex-boyfriends I should know about, kitten?” Daniel asked on the drive home from the airport.
“Nope, funnily enough I wasn’t all that interested in dating and men before I met you.”
His eyes to you, quickly reading the honesty on your face before returning to the road. “Then how did Douche-Bag-Drew get a shot?”
You shrugged at the question and tucked your leg up on the seat to rest your chin on your knee as you watched the city come into view. “Naivety, YA books, I don’t know. I thought it was an experience you were meant to have before going off to college or uni. It wasn’t because I was ready or in love. Maybe that’s why it hurt so much, it was horrible.”
He reached across the seat and took your hand, bringing it to his lips so he could kiss your knuckles. “I’m sorry.”
Your brows pinched together in confusion at the apology. “Why?”
“Because you deserved better,” he said softly as he laced his fingers with yours and drove with one hand on the wheel. “I would have laid you down on a bed of rose petals and kissed every inch of your body. I would have made you comfortable and ready for me. I would have made sure you came before I even entered you, gentle and slow.”
His words were sweet and filthy, both making your chest swell with emotion and your pussy throb in reaction. “And that’s why I fell in love with you.”
You weren’t even home for 10 minutes before Daniel was out the door on an errand so you unpacked your bags before taking a shower after the flight left you feeling icky. You took your time assuming he would join you after hearing him pottering around in the apartment but after running out of things to wash and shave you turned the water off.  After towelling off, you stepped out of the bathroom and gasped at what you found waiting in the bedroom. 
Scented candles lit the room with the curtains drawn shut, the orange glow of each flame spilling across the quilt that was covered in red petals. The playlist you had made with love songs for your wedding was playing quietly from the speakers in the ceiling and Daniel hummed along as he entered the room with two wine stems filled with the special reserve wine of his you loved.
“Baby…” you choked as your eyes began to well with unshed tears and he handed you a glass.
“No bad things tonight, kitten,” he promised before sealing it with a searing kiss that almost made you forget you were holding a glass. You started to place it down on the drawers but he pulled back and lifted it up to your lips. “There’s no rush, love.”
The hint of cinnamon notes in the wine mixed with the rose petals on the bed and Daniel’s woody cologne drove your senses wild as you took a sip. This time he followed you as you placed the glass down, letting you set the pace as you took his hand and walked backwards to the bed. His arms curled around your waist and he picked you up to gently lay you down on the petals. They crushed beneath you and their scent grew stronger as Daniel started to kiss his way down your body.
“That tickles,” you giggled as he made it to your ankles before starting to make his way back. He smiled as he draped one leg over his shoulder and kissed your calf while his hand ran up and down your other leg, the contrast of his hard fingers stark against his soft lips. “I love your legs, kitten, they are stunning, especially when they are wrapped around me.”
Warmth prickled across your skin as his words filled your heart until you were certain it would burst with everything you were feeling. This was the side of Daniel only the people closest to him saw. Everyone else saw him as a comedian or their competition. Few saw the compassionate and caring man that was in front of you. There was a seriousness with his determination to make you feel the best you possibly could that he didn’t even have on the track. 
“Let me wrap them around your hips then,” you dared as you wriggled closer, but he just chuckled and shook his head.
“Not yet, I’m taking my time with you.” His hands caressed your thighs, his thumbs drawing soft circles that brought him closer to your core each time as he settled between them. His lips found each stretch mark and blemish, kissing them with sweet murmurs of your beauty and erasing every insecurity you had felt over the years. “I am the luckiest goddamn man in the world, kitten.” Your head fell back onto the quilt as his breath blew across your core and his palms reached the supple skin on your inner thighs, his thumbs spreading you open for him. “Only an idiot would let you go.”
You could only just think clearly enough to comprehend the shade thrown at Andrew but it was forgotten when his tongue teased your entrance, dipping inside to taste your essence before he hummed in contentment. He kept his promise and took his time, keeping you teetering on the edge of bliss until you were lightheaded from the shallow breaths you just managed to gasp. Only when you were begging him, your muscles constantly tense and shaking from how tightly wound up you were, did he press his tongue to your clit and give you the pressure needed for the orgasm to break free. 
The room reverberated your cries of pleasure and his tongue was there to lap at the fruits of his labour and elicit every last drop until he was drunk on your taste. Rising to his knees between your legs, you could see his jeans struggling to contain his erection and you begged him to hurry up and rid himself of the clothes he still wore. 
You tried to help, reaching for the zip as he unbuckled his belt, but he stood up out of your reach to pull his shirt over his head and then kick his jeans off.
You couldn’t believe this was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, he was more than you ever imagined a husband to be when you cast your eyes over his body and watched him fist his cock in his hand. Somehow you had been lucky enough to find a man who would not only die to protect you, but make you feel alive with every breath he had left; a man who could go 300 km/h on the track but take his time loving you in bed. 
“Daniel, I love you,” you whispered as if it were a confession and not something you told him everyday - but this was different. He was giving you the experience you should have had the first time, when you lost your virginity too soon and to someone you didn’t love. “I’m ready.”
The weight of his body on yours was reassuring and comforting as he lined himself up, still content to take his time, easing slowly into you until you both moaned when your bodies were completely joined. Your breath mingled as he pressed his forehead to yours and felt your hands dance along his spine, his eyes staring into your soul as he started to leisurely roll his hips, deliberately unrushed despite the primal urge to chase his own release. 
You had never felt such a shattering release as you did when his hand travelled down your thigh, gripping the underside of your knee and pulling it so you could wrap your leg around his hip. There was something so intimate in the way his hand glided over your skin, finding the swell of your ass and caressing it with the same softness that sent goosebumps rising along your skin and your heart fluttering erratically. 
“Danny,” you moaned as you tried to tell him what was happening, but the words were lost as he felt it for himself, your core clenching around him before erupting in undulating waves that tipped him over the edge of his own self-control. 
Your name tumbled from his lips as you felt his cock pulse with his release, feeling the heat of his seed as it filled you and he dropped his head to your shoulder with a peppering of kisses. “Now I’m your first and last, kitten.”
Click here for the next part.
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sexydoffyman · 2 months
Wondering, could you write a small fluffy oneshot with Simon Ghost Riley x Gender neutral reader (in a chill relationship)??
Plot+ reader rages during gaming and accidentally ribs a chunk of hair out of their head, and go to Simon for comfort and head rubs, as their head hurts.
(if ya want, this happened 15 mins ago, my head hurts-)
genre: fluff
characters: Simon Riley
A/N: If you want to stay anonymous next time you can use a different emoji or not use an emoji at all. It’s your choice mate!🦕
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He never understood why you even played those damn games. He always complained when you played your games. Especially when you rage quit.
He always sighs when he hears you yell or bang the table. But he lets you get your anger out. He remembers that when he was a child his father would hit him if he tried to express anger. He didn’t want to be like that. No, he’d be better than that. He would never yell at you and definitely not hit you. It doesn’t change the fact that he finds it very annoying.
He’s downstairs drinking tea and watching the news. He doesn’t seem surprised when he hears the usual bash on the table and he is getting ready to hear screaming. But nothing comes. He waits for a while. Still nothing. He gets a little worried even tho he knows that you wouldn’t just die from playing video games.
Suddenly his mind starts to race. What if you fell over in your chair and hit your head? You could be lying there dead. But no. He crosses that one out. He would’ve heard you fall. He surely doesn’t know what happened to you but he makes it his mission to get to you as soon as possible.
When he enters your room he sees you crouched in your chair. His shoulders drop with relief since he knows you’re not seriously hurt. He straightens up and asks you “Everything all right?” while turning the chair towards him.
The fact that he came to check on you made you feel loved, but the feeling soon disappeared when you remembered why he was here. You had a chunk of your hair in your hand which he noticed almost immediately after he turned your chair around.
You weren’t sad. You were angry. You were angry that you took your hair out because you were angry. Just like you did when you were a kid. You felt stupid. This feeling made the anger turn into soft sadness. Tears fell down your cheeks. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
He understands right away. You told him about it before. That you used to pull your hair out of frustration when you were small. It was an instinct at this point.
He simply lifted you off of your chair and put you in his lap, kissing your irritated head. The spot was barely visible. He let you cry it out. Later he took you to the bathroom to ice the red spot. “Let’s play a game together later, hey?”
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otomiyaa · 18 days
Ichikawa Giichi x Kikuchihara Jin
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A/N: I doubt theres anyone who would read this BUT all of a sudden this fic idea popped up in my head and jumped the to-write queue!!
all because of this tweet. I randomly picked this couple from Tasogare Outfocus to write it with.
Summary: What starts as an innocent moment enjoying their delicious popsicles, ends in something hot and sexy Jin will never ever forget. (Also on AO3)
Warnings: Smut, tickling, bj
Word Count: 1.4K
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Jin's popsicle was melting. He felt it drip on his hand, but he wouldn't even bother licking it clean. All he could do was stare in disbelief at Giichi.
Giichi didn't even realize he was staring. His lips and mouth worked on the popsicle of his own like it was- a, a.... Jin blushed and stared at the way Jin's tongue slid around the popsicle. The way he sucked on it, how a little drip made it out and ran down his chin.
So damn erotic. Giichi didn't seem aware, but he did notice one other thing.
"Eat up. Yours is melting."
Jin glanced down at the mess on his hand and pants, and he nodded. He licked his popsicle again, but geez, it was getting hot in here. He couldn't blame his popsicle for melting so soon. The way Jin was burning with lust and desire just from watching his boyfriend eat an innocent popsicle, it wouldn't be a surprise if the heat he was radiating would set the room on fire by now.
He had to control himself, contain himself, stop himself and- wait, but why actually? If Giichi was seducing him like this, even if unconsciously, as his boyfriend Jin had the right to respond. Right?
"It's for you," Jin huffed, shoving his dripping popsicle into Giichi's hand before cupping his cheek and inserting his tongue right away. Giichi moaned as Jin's hot tongue replaced the cold popsicle that was there just now.
"Hmmh! W-wh-hmmmh!" Giichi squirmed, both his hands each holding up a melting popsicle while Jin kissed him hungrily. He could taste the sweet flavors on his lover's cold and sexy tongue, he could feel him squirm underneath him, their lower bodies rubbing together and stimulating him even more. Ah yes, this was what he wanted and needed.
Jin brought his fingers to the edge of Giichi's shirt, lightly trailing against his warm skin before entirely sliding right underneath the clothing, pushing his shirt up and letting his fingers travel up his warm torso.
"H-hey! Wha... Ahh, no, w-wait. T-they're melting," Giichi whined as the sticky liquids ran down his hands and dripped onto himself.
"And whose fault is that?" Jin hummed in between fiery kisses.
"Yours," Giichi whined, but he refused to drop the popsicles and use his strength to shove Jin away. Jin traced little patterns on Giichi's bare skin under his shirt, and he could feel him jump and squirm. Heh, he was so sensitive. He wondered how much he would allow before finally discarding those miserable popsicle sticks.
"Hnghh! Jin- n-now's not... ahhehe, that.. it-!" Giichi's voice sounded so cute and pitchy that Jin couldn't help but use more pressure to tickle him on purpose. He lightly wiggled his fingers against Giichi's upper ribs and enjoyed to hear him giggle.
"It what? Tickles?" he asked, still pausing in between hungry kisses. Giichi nodded weakly.
"Do not," he warned, and yet he didn't seem to work that hard to prevent him.
"Or what?" Jin tickled him again, and he watched Giichi curl up helplessly.
"Nohoho! Waha- th-thehese are- ahahah!" He tried to cover himself up to protect him from Jin's fingers, and ended up covering himself with the sticky melted popsicle leftovers.
"You're making a mess, dear," Jin said jokingly, and dipped his head to lick at the tasty stuff that had dripped on Giichi's belly.
"D-don't ahah! Nohoho!" Giichi giggled adorably. He squirmed weakly but didn't make too much of a scene. In fact, his struggling was so limited that Jin could tickle and fondle him with ease. He brought his hand lower and rubbed against Giichi's crotch, and at the same time continued to tickle him with his tongue.
He dipped with the tip of his tongue into his belly button and smirked to taste some of the popsicle. Sweet! It had even gotten in there!
Giichi twitched and threw his head back. "Not thahat! Y-you're so- ahah!"
"So what? You haven't been speaking in full sentences love," he lectured while he continued to tease and please him at the same time. He could feel the clear bulge in Giichi's pants as he rubbed him, and he proceeded to unbutton his pants.
"You cahahan't," Giichi cried through the sweetest giggles, but his body wasn't telling the same. He was aroused, stimulated, and he even lifted his hips slightly so Jin could take off his pants.
There was no more trace of any of their popsicles on the miserable sticks in his hand, and Jin was pleased to lick the remains off Giichi's ticklish and sticky body while one hand tickled his side with soft scribbles, and the other grabbed his stiff erection.
"Why k-keep tihickling me- ahah!" Giichi protested, shaking his head and squirming when Jin's tongue and fingers continued to feel ticklish.
"Because. You look so sweet and erotic when I do," was Jin's honest reply, and he licked his way up from Giichi's tummy to his chest, where he started to flick the tip of his tongue against his nipple.
"Ahheh! N-not there," Giichi whispered, but he arched his back, meeting Jin's mouth eagerly. He also moved his hips, meeting the hand that was stroking his dick and demanding more.
He looked way too sexy for his own good. His face was bright red, his eyes teary, his hair messy, his glasses askew... Everything about him turned Jin on, so so badly.
"My dearest Ichikawa Giichi. Always erotic you are. When you are tickled," Jin spoke, and he tickled Giichi more aggressively to demonstrate.
"And when you're eating... that cursed... popsicle," Jin mumbled, kissing and licking his way back down Giichi's squirming body again until he was at the right height to let his mouth replace his hand.
"Wait wait - what... Aaah!" Giichi moaned. He was so hard and wet, and Jin enjoyed his familiar salty taste that mixed with the lingering flavor of the popsicle.
"What d-do you mean, p-pops-Ehh!" Giichi moaned. He was clenching the sticks still in his sticky hands, his body trembling while he shuddered from the pleasure.
Jin held both sides of Giichi's waist while he gave him the blowjob of a lifetime. And still those pesky fingers of his, hehe, they just couldn't help-
"Hyaah!" Sorry, Giichi. Jin smirked. He really couldn't stop himself.
Giichi unconsciously fucked Jin deep in the mouth when Jin tickled him with soft and gentle squeezes. Not that it stopped him. He felt Giichi collapse again, his legs stretching and bending uncomfortably as he continued to feel the combination of tickling and pleasure.
"Y-you're kihilling me ahahaha!" He finally let go of those dirty little sticks and moved his sticky fingers into Jin's hair, grabbing his hair strands tightly and tugging them while he continued to move his hips to meet Jin's needy mouth.
Now you know what it feels like - would have been Jin's reply to make clear that Giichi was killing him first by merely eating a damn popsicle, but Jin couldn't say anything with his mouth full.
And normally he would notice when Giichi was building towards his climax, but this time it came quite unexpected when his mouth was filled all of a sudden.
Jin swallowed it like a pro and only needed to cough once. Then he slowly moved back, his body a little sore from kneeling before Giichi like this.
"T-that was..." Giichi mumbled breathlessly while he caught his breath.
"Hot? Fantastic? The most incredible blowjob ever? I know. Learned from the best," Jin said proudly, and he licked his lips.
Giichi frowned and stared for a moment. "What do you mean?"
Jin shrugged. "Oh I don't know. The way you ate your popsicle just now truly inspired me."
Giichi continued to stare for a moment. Then his eyes widened in realization. "Y-you mean...?"
"I can't believe you didn't even realize. I forbid you to ever eat one of those things around anyone else. Got it?" Jin sighed, crossing his arms.
To Jin's surprise, Giichi suddenly reached out and grabbed Jin right where he was hot and hard, and Jin let out a soft mewl.
"Then now I think it is my turn... for a..." Giichi cringed visibly but said it out loud anyway: "...popsicle."
Jin snorted and they both started to laugh. "Did your BL manga teach you that?" he asked. Giichi shook his head.
"No, you did. Just now." And Jin was surprised when he was slowly pushed down, and then sucked off like never before.
Maybe it was because he felt those lips and tongue on himself after witnessing them do this and that to the stupid popsicle, or because Giichi's sexy moans and giggles were still resounding in his head, but he had never felt this good before!
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heich0e · 2 years
“i’m in love with you, you know.”
you don’t know that, actually. and neither does your heart, judging by the way it races to life under the arching cover of your ribs—hopeful and delighted and petrified all at once, you can feel the frenetic th-thump-th-thump-th-thump beating in your suddenly too-tight throat.
even in spite of the riot raging through your veins, you stay deceptively still as you lie next to suna, bundled under your blankets that have started to smell like him because of how often he’s been staying over lately. wrapped in his hoodie because you stole it off the floor when you shuffled into the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. with his teethmarks pressed into your still-tender skin from all the things he’d done to you before the two of you had curled up to go to sleep.
and now too much time has passed since suna spoke those ill-begotten words, but you haven’t offered anything up in response.
you could pretend to be asleep, you consider fleetingly, but you’re sure he knows the truth. you’re certain that he can tell your eyes are wide, in wakefulness as much as in shock, just like you can tell he’s staring at you even though you have your back to him. you feel the weight of his gaze as surely as every shaking inhale strains your aching lungs.
suddenly, you feel his fingers dance along the nape of your neck. they slip under the rucked up fabric of his sweatshirt's hood as his fingertips brush your skin in a ploy for your attention. goosebumps prickle in his wake. you wonder if he notices.
“stop,” you complain, lifting your shoulders up to your ears on instinct to shield your neck from his touch. it’s as much a reply to his graze at it is to his startling admission. 
“i can’t,” rintarou replies, inching forward to press himself closer to your back. he nuzzles his nose into your hair, and you hear him swallow thickly. his next words are barely above a whisper. “hey, can you like.... say something? you're kinda killing me here.”
it’s unfair that he would wager that accusation against you when you feel the exact same way.
but you don’t know what to say, what to trust, what to believe. you don’t know anything beyond your thundering pulse and the feeling of rintarou’s warm breath fanning against your ear, scorching even in its tepidity.
your face feels flushed and your head is spinning; that violently beating heart of yours has sent too much blood rushing far too quickly to your head. you hardly feel capable of stringing two words together coherently, let alone formulating a response that a confession like his might deserve were it truthful.
“don’t say things you don’t mean to me, rin,” your voice is meek when you finally manage to articulate your thoughts, and your tone is wary. “please.”
rintarou wraps his arms around you, pulls you into him until the only thing between you is the material of your (his) hoodie and the rapidly crumbling barrier of your resolve.
“but i mean it.”
his lips are right by your ear, his words spoken so closely that you know for all the people in the world they’re only meant for you. your heartbeat is so reverberant you feel it thrumming down your spine.
you press yourself back into suna’s hold. impossibly close. 
and then you realize what you’re feeling isn’t your heartbeat.
it’s his.
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silvernyxchariot · 1 month
Helloo :)
I was wondering if you could do Childe x Reader oneshot/ scenario where the reader gets injured and Childe helps or protects them. (Also if you don't do Childe, Kaveh would be good instead. And if you are more comfortable with doing headcanons instead then idm either)
Childe x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Reader is injured in combat, and Childe takes care of them
⚠️Warnings: sickeningly sweet/fluffy at the end, 2nd person pov⚠️
Word Count: 845
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What did he do this time? Wait, no. How did a Geo Vishap get into a Fatui base!?
For you and Childe, this was at best a mop up job, killing an elemental beast that threatened many of the other agents’ safety. Childe had been instructing his subordinates to exit the facilities and to get outside. However, his bow was ready, at his side and in hand. He trusted you to hold back the ferocious beast until he got there. “Don’t hog all of the fun for yourself now,” he said before unlocking the base. The doors to the outside world popped open.
Metal dropped down, shaking the base and resounding echoes, and scalding steam spewed from each broken pipe. The blocked your vision somewhat, but the massive beast flailing around made it all the easier to strike. But its armor and hide prevented you from causing any major damage. The Geo vishap swatted your attacks away like they were fruit flies, small and annoying.
A spray of cool mist crept up behind you, “Duck down,” Childe commanded. He leapt over you with a jet of water and fired Hydro arrows into the Geo vishaps eyes, blinding it. The beast roared and slammed the ground with its armored fists. Stalagmites thrusted out of the ground. They distracted you long enough. “Watch out!” Childe turned to you at the last second.
It struck you from the back. The Geo vishap controlled a chain of rocks and whipped it around like a tail. Bones crackled and snapped causing internal damage. You coughed up blood and got slammed into the wall. The impact on your head knocked you out and the last thing you could see were Childe’s boots, bow at his feet, and blades of Hydro energy manifesting into his hands before losing consciousness.
In the darkness of your consciousness, it felt like floating in the depths of the ocean. The weight of all the water around you kept you from moving or lifting a finger. But it wasn’t cold as one would expect.
The creaking of a wooden chair and the crackling of a fire nearby woke you from your slumber. You were buried under a thick mink blanket. Your torso was wrapped in bandages and dried blood. Someone was changing your wrappings while you were unconscious. When you opened your eyes, the décor indicated you were still in Liyue. Childe was sitting in a simple wooden chair, his hands behind his head, one leg over the other, and his eyes were closed.
“I knew you couldn’t be kept down by a little push.”
‘A little push’ was an understatement. Your body felt like it was dropped from the very top of Qingyun Peak. You groaned as you tried to move, but Childe placed a hand over your chest to restrict your movements. A little smile on his face teased you in your weakened state.
“Hey now. You’re tough, but I’m tougher. You’re not ready to start moving around.” Childe shifted your blankets and helped you sit up in the bed by stuffing pillows behind your back. “Three broken ribs,” Ajax raised his fingers as he counted your injuries, “a little crack above your orbital, and some ripped muscles. But we can always retrain them.” Ajax seemingly lifeless eyes softened, and a little shine appeared. He scooted into the bed with you, facing you with intimacy.
Ajax kissed the bandage that covered the healing wound above your eye and caressed your cheek delicately with his gloved hand. “Don’t worry me like that again,” he said with less authority or teasing. His soldier-like seriousness dissipated, and he gently placed a arm over your stomach area, avoiding your recovering ribcage.
“If you ever need to retreat, just know that I’ll be there to finish the job.” Another kiss but to your temple, “But you did well to hold off a Geo vishap until I arrived. It was unexpectedly larger and all the moodier than any normal vishap.”
“Ajax,” your sore throat let you croak out. Childe offered you a small cup of water from the nightstand by your bed, gingerly placing it against your lips.
“I’ll bring the world to its knees for you,” he said simply, like it was an everyday mantra, “you know that. And besides, not everyone can be a strong as I am.” A little hint of his usual over-confidence shined through. Ajax rested his head on his arm and sighed contently while he snuggled into your resting form. “Now rest,” he said sternly, “I’ll be here when you wake again. It’ll be easier to change your bandages when you can hold yourself up.”
Ajax pressed his nose to the top of your head and gave you a long, sweet kiss and trailed down to your cheek. A gloved hand cupped your cheek, a gentle finger dragged down until it was under your chin, and he tilted your head until you looked into his sapphire blue eyes. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to yours before tucking the both of you in.
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A/N: Teeheehee, 👉👈 I suppose this is repentance for my angst earlier.
On a side note, I really like how the CHN and JPN voiceovers are supposed to have a more "dutiful soldier" vibe for Tartaglia. The playboy mischaracterizations are just... disappointing but not at all surprising coming from the Genshin fandom.
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Warning: swear words used.
The team burst through Caretaker's office carrying something wrapped in blankets.
"Geesh, I don't need a heartattack you know", Caretaker held his chest, "what is that?"
"Not a what, a who", Leader laid the blob down carefully.
Caretaker jumped up quickly, "wh-who did we lose?"
"I don't know, it's not a teammate, but I couldn't leave them there. I didn't know if we could help them, but at least they won't die alone", Leader sighed, "th... they're in bad shape, I'm afraid."
The team and Caretaker started peeling away the blankets. The farther in they were, the more blood gushed out from whoever was in the cocoon.
Caretaker frowned when they finally found the victim.
Leader watched, "I'm sorry Caretaker, I feel like I bring the hardest projects to you."
Caretaker breathed a heavy sigh, "it's okay, um, I will try my best. I'll let you know what happens within an hour or so. Please give me some space to work."
When the team left, Caretaker peeled away a piece of tattered clothing from the person's ribs.
"You son of a bitch", Caretaker sighed, "I had a feeling this was your handiwork", he gently rubbed his finger along an old scar carved into their skin.
Leader came by a bit later to see how it was going.
"Hey Caretaker", Leader whispered as they closed the door, "how is it going? I know I'm early, I've been nervously pacing for the last forty-five minutes though. "
"They're still alive if that's what you're wondering", Caretaker sighed, "they're a fighter, I'll be monitoring them through the night, if they make it to morning I think they have a good chance of recovery."
Leader watched as Caretaker gently sponged away dried blood from the victims body.
"You are always so gentle, no matter what you are doing. You can see the care you put into your work", Leader sighed, "that's why I brought them. I figured you could either save them or give them comfort before they passed."
The victim whimpered a little at the last words Leader said.
"Please don't talk about them dying, it's a scary subject", Caretaker gently rested the person's arm on the table, then carefully moved to another part to begin cleaning, "you know of some of my history, and I had to heal my own wounds. When you know the pain first hand, you work hard to ensure you don't cause anymore."
Leader nodded, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying such negative things. We need to think positively", Leader gave a gentle smile.
"I'm giving them pain medication and something to help them rest", Caretaker pulled out some viles, "if you could wait for a bit, we need to talk."
"Yes of course", Leader sat down, "hand me that sponge. I'll start cleaning them up over here."
Leader stroked the sponge along the victims skin, they tried as hard as possible to be gentle.
The victim squirmed a little when Leader pressed a little to firmly.
"I'm so sorry", Leader quickly lifted their hands away.
Caretaker reached his hand over.
Leader started to give them the sponge back.
Caretaker gently grabbed Leader's wrist, "the idea is to gently remove the looser grime and blood", he guided Leader's hand down and showed how much pressure to add, "we may have to do several sponge baths before they start looking clean, and wait for them to be strong enough to do a full bath. This first sponge bath just helps feel better. You can also use this time to inspect the body better."
Leader nodded as Caretaker guided their hand along the victims body.
"Do we have a name yet", Leader took the sponge and eyed the victim, who seemed to be taking to the drugs nicely.
"They whispered it, I believe it's Whumpee", Caretaker took the dirty water to replace it, "I need to talk to you though. We have a problem."
Leader watched as Caretaker revealed the carved scar on Whumpee.
"Is that?" Leader whispered and quickly looked around.
Caretaker lifted their shirt to reveal they had the same scar etched into their rib.
"It's their calling card", Caretaker sighed and lowered his and Whumpee's shirt, "I knew right when I saw Whumpee that this was their handiwork. That asshole is back."
Leader frowned and looked at Whumpee, "I know you don't like talking about your past, and I respect that."
Caretaker nodded.
"What do we do now?", Leader frowned.
"We first help this one. This is a fresh victim. They only strike once a month. They've probably had this one for a week or two and had their fun, then left them. They will begin hunting for the next one soon. Who knows how many victims there have been before Whumpee."
Leader nodded.
"They are easier to hunt when they're hunting. They go into hiding with their prey", Caretaker explained.
"First", Whumpee mumbled quietly.
"What was that Whumpee?", Caretaker got down near them to hear.
"I... was.... the fir...st.... mmm...victim", Whumpee groaned weakly.
Leader nodded, "we've fought them before. We know what to do now. Caretaker, we will start looking for them. Please update me and let me know how Whumpee is doing in the morning. We are heading out now, we don't want to chance them starting early and taking someone else."
Leader exchanged a few more plans with Caretaker. They gently rubbed Whumpee's arm, then started to leave.
"Please be careful", Caretaker called after them, "all of you."
"Wh..at... if.... th-they... don't make it?", Whumpee gave a concerned look.
"We can't think like that", Caretaker frowned, "you and I both know what they have done to us. Leader and the team have faced them before they know what to do to stop them."
Whumpee weakly nodded.
"Let's get you cleaned up a little more, then we can have you take a nap", Caretaker sighed, "this will be a long night for everyone."
The next morning Caretaker called Leader.
"This is Leader, go ahead", they almost seemed out of breath.
"It's Caretaker... what's going on?"
"We found them... we have been fighting most of the morning", Leader answered, "how is Whumpee?"
"This isn't a good time.... I'll call back", Caretaker frowned, "I need you to be paying attention. That asshole is slippery."
"No its fine, we are almost done. How is Whumpee, you'll give me a boost of energy", Leader replied.
"It was a long night, but Whumpee made it. I think they will be just fine", Caretaker smiled, "please be careful, and kill them this time."
"Trust me, I plan on it", Leader chuckled.
Caretaker turned to Whumpee after they hung up.
"They are fighting them right now.. they seem to be winning", Caretaker smiled.
"Tha-thank... goodness", Whumpee whispered, "I... hope.... they're.... safe."
"Me too", Caretaker reached for a towel, "let's get a little more off of you while we wait."
Whumpee nodded.
After a few minutes Whumpee fell asleep again.
Leader came into the room hours later with the team.
"They're dead", Leader announced, "I made sure of it this time."
Caretaker looked over the team.
"Whoever has injuries line up", Caretaker watched as several lined up.
Leader went and sat on a chair next to Whumpee.
"I'll wait until they are taken care of, I just need some bandages and maybe some stitches", Leader smiled as they saw Whumpee looking at them.
"Tha-thankyou... for... saving... me, and... anyone... else...they could... have gotten", Whumpee whispered with tears in their eyes.
"You're welcome, I'm happy we found you, and brought you here. This is your family and home now.... at least if you want it to be."
Whumpee nodded again, "thankyou."
Caretaker glanced up at Leader and Whumpee while they worked on one of the teammates.
"Thank goodness", Caretaker mumbled under their breath, 'this is a better outcome than what I was dreading', they thought to themself.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
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@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
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@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Hey hey miss girl! Hope all is well!
For your little event, let's kick things off with some JJK
Headcanon (if everything bad didn't happen): Geto and Gojo r teachers together. On occasion, Gojo would rope in Geto to mess with the kids (Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji) by tickling them. The kids, ofc, thought they could outrun them or even fight back but they just can't handle the might of 2 of the most powerful sorcerers (so basically Lee(s)! Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji with Ler(s) Geto and Gojo)
Can't wait to see what you come up with 🫶🏾💖
GIRL I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS- The telepathy I swear- kjlarkearjkejrej but hey hey girl! I'm doing fantastic! I hope the same for you <3 Let's give this AU some much needed content!
“They’re coming!”
Nobara was running, her hand like an iron grip on Yuji’s wrist as they booked it from the classroom. Megumi had taken the opposite direction; yelling something about splitting up. Yuji frankly was ready to leap from the window before Nobara took him with her.
“Oo, there they go. I wonder who I should go after?” Geto-Sensei’s words carried down the hall, speeding up their pace. “Satoru- what do you suppose?”
Gojo-sensei didn’t say. Instead- Yuji heard feet rushing after them. “Kugisaki-” He tried to warn Nobara- maybe even grab her and run himself- but seconds later their path was blocked.
“Shoot!” She scrambled back as a long white body appeared- a dragon’s face staring them down. “Haku-”
“Gotcha!” Geto cried from behind. Yuji yelped when he was suddenly grabbed- pulled back into a broad chest. “Now- who am I gonna get first?”
“Wait, wahahhahahahhahait!” Nobara cried, kicking her feet with a squeal when the hand around her waist started tickling. “Gehehehheeto-sheheehehhenshehehehehei! Gehehhhet Iihihihhiihtahahahahdohohohori!”
“Are you kidding? Kurosaki- you trai-tohohohoohohohohor!” Yuji’s cries of betrayal were quickly tarnished as Geto dug into his ribs. “Eehehehehhe doohoohn’t liihihihisten to hehehhehr! Gehahhhaa!”
“Hmm..I’ve decided. I’m getting both of you.” He laughed softly, picking them both up with ease as he turned back towards the other end of the hall. “Satoru- did you get yours?”
No response. It was almost hard to hear over the kids' laughter. Then he saw Megumi flying around the corner.
“Geto-Sensei! Help-” He yelled out, but then there was Gojo. Pouncing on him like a white tiger pouncing on his prey- Megumi was brought down to the ground with ease. “Save me-EHEHEHHEHEHE!”
“Fuhuhuhuuhushigohohohoru noohohooohohohoo!” Nobara and Yuji cried out at the same time- not all that different from that one time. Geto laughed softly as he carried on tickling them, easily hiking Nobara over one shoulder and Yuji under his arm. “Gehehehheto-sehehehehensei!”
“Sorry kids. This is what happens when you challenge The Gojo-Geto duo.”
“Did they challenge us?” Gojo asked, still tickling as Geto walked over.
“Can’t recall. Still gonna tickle them though.”
“I like the way you think, Suguru.”
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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clangenrising · 8 months
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Month 12 - Leafbare
Leafbare had become increasingly lonely for Yarrowshade. The loss of both Nightfrost and Scorchplume had taken a heavy toll on his social life. He still went hunting with Pantherhaze and Barleypaw but the energy wasn’t there.While Pantherhaze was sweet, and practically his brother, they didn’t have the same back and forth that he had with Scorchplume or Nightfrost and their absence had left a void in him that no one seemed to be able to fill.
Normally he would have gone to Goldenstar for help with that, but she had become increasingly busy managing Floodpaw’s training and keeping up the alliances with the other Clans. Now that Smokyrose had gone back to work, the two of them had started making frequent trips to the other Clans to discuss policy and next moves. Goldenstar had even told him she was planning on introducing them to the system of Soft Oaths and True Oaths she had developed. That seemed like a risky idea to him but she was determined and once she got an idea in her head, it was hard to get it out. 
And so Yarrowshade had thrown himself into teaching Barleypaw. She was coming along so well - practically taller than him already and an expert at bird catching. She was maturing too. After the battle, she’d been so ready to fight if it came to it even though she was terrified and he had been so proud of her. He’d also felt incredibly guilty though, him with his bruised ribs and wounded ego, for throwing himself into a fight he hadn’t had a chance of winning. What would have happened to her if he had died there? The thought made him feel sick to his stomach. 
He lay awake one morning, stewing over that thought. He had always been happy to focus on hunting instead of fighting, to let cats like Songdust and Russetfrond take charge in battle, but now… He realized that was a luxury he didn’t have anymore. He was tired of losing cats and being helpless to stop it but he did have the power to try and stop someone else from losing him. He rose from his nest, resolved to do something about it. 
The day was unseasonably warm and lightly cloudy. Goldenstar and Oddstripe were talking softly near the Stoneperch while Smokyrose tried to detach herself from her kittens at the mouth of the nursery. 
“I know, I know,” she said, “but I have to go, my dears.”
“Are you coming back?” Slatekit cried, her big golden eyes wide. 
“Yes, of course I will,” Smokyrose soothed, licking the kitten’s forehead and then prying her tail free from her clutches. 
“Hey! Hey, mom!” Fogkit said, seemingly having an entirely different conversation, “Guess what!”
“What, Fogkit?” Smokyrose sighed with a smile. 
Fogkit bounced up and down on her paws and asked, “If- If you hold your breath too long, will you die?” 
“No, sweetheart,” said Smokyrose, “You can’t hold your breath that long, your body won’t let you.” 
“Really?” Fogkit squeaked.
“Yes,” nodded Smokyrose, “now I really need to go, but I’m sure Ospreymask or someone can play with you.” 
“Okay,” Slatekit whispered. Fogkit was holding her breath but nodded excitedly. Yarrowshade shook his head. Kittens… How did they have so much energy?
Stepping away, Smokyrose joined Goldenstar and Oddstripe, saying, “Alright. Let’s get going.” 
“Wait up!” Yarrowshade said, realizing he needed to be quick. “Goldenstar, do you have a moment?” He bounded up to join the three of them. 
“Um,” Goldenstar glanced up at the sky and winced. “Maybe. What’s up?” 
“I was wondering if you had some time to help me with some training,” he said.
Her wince intensified. “I’m sorry, Yare, we’re expected in EarthClan.” 
Yarrowshade looked at Oddstripe and frowned. “Is Stormwhisper still missing?” 
“Yeah…” the healer frowned, big ears folding back. “And Fishtrick has whitecough.” 
“Damn,” Yarrowshade wilted. What kind of healer just went off and didn’t tell anybody? He wondered if perhaps Stormwhisper had died but pushed the thought away. Despite being EarthClan’s current healer, he had once been a formidable warrior. It was unlikely he had been killed by something, or at least Yarrowshade hoped so. 
“Besides,” Goldenstar said, “I’m talking with Orangestar about our next moves today. We’ve gotta find a way to stop the rogues from stealing our prey.” She was right. Even though no city cat had been caught over the border since the battle, they still ventured into Clan territory to snag prey and food was only getting scarcer. 
Yarrowshade sighed and nodded. “Alright. Good luck, Goldie.” 
“Thanks,” she purred, bumping her head against his. “Why don’t you ask Russetfrond for help? I’m sure he’ll be able to handle whatever training you need.” 
“Oh,” Yarrowshade swallowed tensely. “I don’t know-” But she was already walking away, Oddstripe and Smokyrose close behind. He sighed again. “Great.” 
Behind him, Fogkit suddenly gasped for breath and said, “She’s right! You can’t do it!” 
Yarrowshade ate breakfast and watched as Sparrowpaw came out to entertain the kits for a while. Barleypaw eventually joined him and the two began tossing the kittens as high as they could into the air, a game which involved a lot of squealing and shrieking. By the time Russetfrond came out of the warrior’s den, Yarrowshade had withdrawn deeply into his own mind. He frowned as he watched Russetfrond pick out a fish from the prey pile, contemplating whether or not he should even try asking for help. 
Russetfrond was a huge grump, the kind of cat who took everything far too seriously. When they were apprentices, Yarrowshade had enjoyed getting on his nerves and pushing the boundaries of his rule following, but as they’d grown up Russetfrond had only gotten angrier with him and it had stopped being fun and started being annoying. He was a strong believer in going with the flow and Russetfrond’s rigid adherence to law and order drove him up a tree. How did Goldenstar expect such a strict curmudgeon to teach him anything?!
Still… He watched Barleypaw playing with the kittens and thought again about what she would do if he died. Reluctantly, he stood and crossed the camp to where Russetfrond was eating. The deputy looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Hey,” Yarrowshade said, then cleared his throat. “I was hoping to do some battle training today and Goldenstar said maybe you could help me.” His pride was writhing inside him but he kept his expression stoic. He couldn’t back out now.
Russetfrond grunted and said, “Sure, I can take Barleypaw out with the others today and-” 
“No,” interrupted Yarrowshade. “I meant me.” He took a deep breath and let it out, trying to muster the effort to continue. “I want to be a better fighter.” 
“You really should have thought about that while you were an apprentice,” Russetfrond said flippantly. 
“Come on, man,” Yarrowshade said, a growl edging into his voice. “We’re only gonna have more and more battles with these rogues. I want to be ready.” 
Russetfrond squinted at him for a long moment. “Say please.” 
“Ugh, are you serious?” Yarrowshade tossed his head back in frustration.
“Yes,” Russetfrond insisted. “If you want my help, you’ll ask properly.” His eyes narrowed, a challenge. Yarrowshade considered waiting for Goldenstar to get back instead but the idea of her being disappointed in him or pushing herself too far to add helping him onto her long list of responsibilities made his throat feel tight. 
Eventually, he sighed and said, “Russetfrond, will you please help me with my battle training?”
Russetfrond grunted and stood, twitching his tail to beckon Yarrowshade to follow him. “Alright. Come on.” Yarrowshade blinked in surprise. He had expected Russetfrond to nitpick his tone or say no anyways just to spite him. He wasn’t about to protest, though, and so he followed Russetfrond out into the fields to a sandy training ground near camp. 
“Alright,” Russetfrond said again, turning back to him, “Where did you want to start?” 
“Um,” Yarrowshade hadn’t considered it. “How not to get my tail handed to me by a pair of kittypets I guess?” 
Russetfrond scowled. “The first step is to stop underestimating your opponents. These kittypets aren’t pampered weaklings like we used to believe. Many of them are skilled fighters and if you keep pretending you’re above them they’ll beat you every time.” 
“Okay, fine,” Yarrowshade rolled his eyes. He didn’t care for the way Russetfrond was treating him like a little kit. 
“Pay attention!” Russetfrond said with a frustrated growl. “You asked me for help, okay? If you’re not gonna take this seriously you can leave.” 
“I am taking it seriously,” Yarrowshade groaned. “Don’t expect me to be all ‘yes, sir’ and ‘no, sir’ okay? In case you forgot, I’m older than you.” He huffed a bitter laugh through his nose, tail twitching, and started tearing at the sparse grass with his paws. Why was Russetfrond like this?
“Then act like it already!” Russetfrond snapped. “You make everything into a joke! It’s infuriating.” 
“Okay, whatever,” Yarrowshade shook his head. “You just like feeling better than everyone ‘cause your mom was leader.” 
“I have a legacy to maintain,” Russetfrond growled, his own tail lashing, “just like Wildstar of old. I have to make my mother proud! You have no idea what that’s like!” 
Yarrowshade grit his teeth furiously. As a kitten, he had been found wandering through the territory, starving and confused as to why his mother had abandoned him out in the grass.
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The Clan had taken him in, filled his belly, and treated his fever. They had given him a place to call his own and he had tried his hardest to make them proud, to make sure they never regretted their decision to welcome him in. For Russetfrond to insinuate that he didn’t have anyone to make proud filled him up with rage and indignation. 
“You badger-whelp!” he snarled. “I ought to shred your ears for that.” 
“Try it,” Russetfrond dared, arching his back into a battle stance. “You want some combat training? Let’s go.” Yarrowshade laughed. Russetfrond just bared his teeth. With a shock, Yarrowshade realized he was serious. 
“Alright,” he laughed again, rolling his shoulders and sinking into a stance of his own. “You asked for it.” The threat was all bravado - he knew he was outmatched - but the urge to get sent back to the healers’ den trying was too strong. Even though he had felt guilty about getting beaten by those kittypets, he had to admit there was something satisfying in the pain, something he deserved. 
Giving a yowl, he sprang, claws swiping for Russetfrond’s ears. Russetfrond, to his surprise, lunged up to meet him, crashing his skull up into Yarrowshade’s jaw which caused his teeth to snap down onto his tongue with a jarring ‘clack!’ He hissed, reeling back and spat blood onto the sand. 
“You fight like a hunter,” Russetfrond said, still in a battle crouch but not advancing. “You try to get a hit in before your target can notice but that doesn’t work with cats. You have to wear them down or wait for an opening, you can’t just win by being the first to make a hit.” 
Yarrowshade grit his teeth in pain and anger. Now Russetfrond was trying to teach him? He sprang again, this time going low to try and snap at his opponent’s neck. His teeth found purchase in Russetfrond’s thick ruff of fur. Pushing forward, he tried to topple Russetfrond onto his back, but the sturdy tom hunkered down and swatted him roughly in the eye. 
“Ow!” Yarrowshade cried out, falling backwards to nurse his wound. “Fox-dung, man, that’s not cool!” He groaned and cradled his paws against his eye. 
Russetfrond ignored him. “You’re still doing it. Don’t just rush in. Test my defenses for weaknesses first.” Yarrowshade took a deep slow breath to release the pain then slowly lowered his paws, blinking until he could see again. It seemed his eye would be alright, if a little irritated for a while. The moment of pause had already started to leech the anger out of him and, as he took another slow breath, he felt his temper coming back under his control. 
Fine, he thought, We’ll try it his way. He lowered himself into a more defensive crouch and started to prowl closer and Russetfrond shifted his posture to account for the change in tactic. Once Yarrowshade felt like he had closed enough distance, he darted in, one paw batting out, then hopped back. Russetfrond followed him with a few strikes which he dodged. He smiled. The tempo of the battle had changed significantly and he liked it. 
“Good,” Russetfrond said as they circled each other. “This part of the battle is like stalking the prey. If you forget to do this important step and just go charging in you’re going to lose your catch nine times out of ten.” 
“Right,” Yarrowshade said, suddenly understanding. He shifted his posture ever so slightly, keeping his body low to the ground and his limbs close to his body where it was harder to hit them. He was stalking his prey, metaphorically tasting the wind and accounting for the light. He lunged forward with another few swipes and two of them managed to hit Russetfrond in the head. Excitement rising, he pressed his advantage, rearing up to bring more weight down with each strike, but then Russetfrond lunged, tackling him to the ground. He writhed and scrambled and Russetfrond let him go. 
“Better, but you still need to have more patience,” Russetfrond said. 
Yarrowshade nodded. “Alright. How ‘bout this one?” He attacked again, leaping high into the air with the intent to land on Russetfrond’s head, and his opponent reared up to meet him. They met in a flurry of blows, claws sheathed, until Russetfrond hit him in the gut and he hopped back again to catch his breath.
“Not bad,” Russetfrond smirked, “but maybe don’t announce your attacks next time, yeah?” 
Yarrowshade laughed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, shaking out his pelt. “Let’s go again.”
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
go to frickin' bed ✩࿐࿔ (the captain says to)
hey kiddo. snuggle up in your favorite blanket. drink some sleepytime tea. stop doomscrolling. let rocket put on his dad-glasses and read you a bedtime story. captain's orders.
in honor of it being finals season for many of you, i'm resharing the go to frickin' bed already drabble/minific from ✩࿐࿔ take what you need here, in full. ao3 version here.
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fluff | gn reader | no use of y/n | drabbles | word count: 737.
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You almost don’t hear him at first.
“Hey.” Rock snaps his fingers at you. “You with me?”
“Mmm?” You pick your eyes up from your work, and you’re surprised by how much they weigh. “Sorry? What?”
Rocket’s standing next to the couch, staring at you. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Just catching up on some stuff,” you tell him, grimacing down at the Terran laptop cradled on your thighs. You close your eyes in annoyance, and wonder if you can get away with just, like, not opening them again.
“You look like shit.”
“And you know how to turn on the sweet-talk,” you say mildly.
“How much sleep did you get last night?”
You frown and reach for your coffee mug - take a sip before you realize it’s room-temperature, and grimace. You set the caffeine back down. “I don’t know. Like…” You try to calculate when you went to bed, then adjust for the time you probably spent scrolling on your phone, and compare it to when your alarm went off this morning. “Like, maybe fourish hours? Could’ve been five, but I woke up in the middle and it was hard to turn my brain off.”
His carnelian eyes narrow, and his ears flick toward you. “Aren’t you Terran humies supposed to get, like, seventeen hours of sleep or something?”
You choke. “What? No. That’s, like, cats or something. What the hell?”
“Well, how many, then?”
“Like - eight. Ideally. But I think some people need more and some need less.”
He eyes you witheringly. “I can tell you right now, you ain’t one of the ones who needs less.”
An exhausted laugh stumbles up your ribs and over your lips. “You’re such an ass.”
His eyes are still narrowed, tracking you. He pulls a thin piece of tech out of his pocket, then looks at you. “When d’you gotta get up tomorrow?”
You pull up your calendar. “God. Uh. Probably in like – ten hours?”
He holds up a clawed finger. “I’ll be back in one. Then I’m taking you to bed.”
You clutch imaginary pearls. “Buy me dinner first, dude.”
“Ohhh,” he drawls. “I see. You got jokes.” He’s still brandishing that single, sharp-clawed finger, extending his arm till it’s an inch away from the tip of your nose. “One hour. Get your shit together and in a good place to stop by then.” He snags your coffee mug. “And no more of this frickin’ poison tonight.” He gives you that stupid wink of his and turns to swagger away before tossing over his shoulder, “Captain’s orders.”
“Geeezus,” you groan, but as soon as he’s rounded the corner, you start trying to figure out what you can do before it’s time to wrap up. When Rocket gets an idea in his head, it’s not like you can do anything to stop him.
Sure enough, he’s back – too soon. You’d lost track of time once again, which is probably why you never go to bed at a reasonable hour in the first place.
What’s surprising isn’t that he’s back, but that he has a mug in his hands. From here, you can smell something peppermint-sweet, and you know it’s the Usarkian bedtime tea that Mantis brings you whenever she passes by Knowhere.
“C’mon,” he says impatiently, and you sigh and close your laptop. He stops you before you can bundle everything up in your arms, soundlessly handing you the tea while he collects your belongings and gestures for you to follow him with a brisk nod of his head. You sip the tea carefully as you trail after him – but he waits while you drink it, while you brush your teeth and get changed. “In,” he orders.
You want to tell him, This is fuckin’ ridiculous – but it’s also kind of nice. Meekly, you slide into bed, and he fully tucks you in, pulling the blankets up to your chin. Your eyes must be huge, but you let him, and you might think you had already fallen asleep and that this is all a dream – except he’s scowling and grumbling I gotta take care of everything around here while he fusses with the blankets, and that’s how you know he hasn’t been bodysnatched or something.
“All right,” he says gruffly. “I’m turnin’ out the lights.”
That brandished claw is back.
“And put your frickin’ phone-thing away, or I’ll turn off the Terran internet. You know I will.”
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remember: brains don't retain jackshit without sleep, nutrients, and moments of rest.
you got this. you're gonna win your finals.
check the ✩࿐࿔ take what you need masterlistfor more self-care reminders, including eat somethin, take a fuckin study break, and drink some goddamn water (yeah that still means you).
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Three times Alex denied being ticklish
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Anonymous said: Hi N! I loved your red white and royal blue fic! In that story you said, that Henry had to tickle Alex to pieces three times before he admitted to being ticklish. Would you be interested in writing about that as well?
Words: 800
The revelation had happened on a day like any other, only Henry had marked it in his calendar and Alex had whined about it for days because of it. A Tuesday, semi-cloudy, event after event lining up throughout the day, and all Alex had wanted was to sneak in some fun between them if you catch his drift.
He’d wanted slow kisses and quick hands. Hushed voices and Henry tugging lightly at his hair while a coat hanger dug into Alex’s shoulder blade.
What he’d gotten instead was Henry digging his fingers into his sides again with a delighted laugh, because Alex’s stupid body had been too eager and too tired to pretend the gentle squeeze hadn’t tickled the first time, and so of course Henry needed to be an asshole about it and do it again.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish,” he said, indignant and offended and whatever other emotion he managed to lace his voice with as Alex was too busy trying to shove him off.
“I’m not,” he said, knowing it was stupid to deny it, especially when Henry was just about to discover that his ribs were even worse as he climbed his hands upward, but he said it anyway.
“Are you sure about that?” Henry’s voice had a teasing lilt to it which made Alex want to both blush and tear his clothes off.
“Y-yes!” He tried to twist out of his grip, bumping into a broom or something which fell against the door. “Henry, they’ll hear us- don’t!”
“I think they’ll understand when I tell them of the earth-shattering information I just discovered about the first son of the United States.”
Henry stilled his fingers with a huff. “Fine. But your denial does not land with me.”
“Please shut up and just kiss me while you can, you idiot.”
The second time was much more private, which meant that Henry had much more time to explore his discovery, much to Alex’s dismay. He pinned him on the bed, Alex thinking for a second that this was simply Henry being impatient, only to realize that his wandering hands were aiming to tickle rather than to touch.
“Hey, wait, don’t do tha-ah!”
“Why?” Henry paused just at Alex’s upper ribs. “You’re not ticklish, remember?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Have fun having a whole nation after you.” Henry curled his fingers, grinning when Alex jumped. “What’s wrong?”
“I see. So you won’t mind if I do that again then?”
Alex leaned his head back, begging the gods for strength. “Of course not.” “Oh, good, because now that I think about it, I have noticed you twitching a bit when I kiss your neck.”
Alex’s breath hitched. “Right.”
“So be a good boy and keep your head just as it is.”
Alex was not a good boy, but Henry was strong, Henry was stubborn, and Henry was much too good of a tickler for it to be fair.
It was a miracle no one came to rescue him, because Alex was certain his screams could be heard throughout the whole of the White House. He needed new guards for sure.
The third time had Alex nervous, which Henry noticed and teased him about. “I wouldn’t be torturing you if you had just not kept this from me to begin with.”
“Sorry for not holding a press conference about being ticklish, your majesty.”
“So you admit it?”
“Then I reckon I have no choice.”
Alex tried to make a run for it this time, leaping over the bed with Henry right at his heels, both laughing, both young and silly and in love, and when Henry managed to grab him and pull him down into a heap on the floor Alex wondered if this was how the rest of his life would be and found he didn’t mind it at all. Not even when Henry started tickling his knees.
…and one time he admitted it.
In the end, Henry didn’t have to coax out the confession.
It was late, both were breathing heavily, and Henry was running his fingertips over Alex’s stomach without any real intention of tickling him. Alex was half asleep and wasn’t feeling ticklish at all until he hit a particularly bad spot on his lower belly, which made his hand shoot out to try to stop him. “Tickles,” he mumbled and he heard Henry laugh, something hushed and lovely.
“Knew it,” he said, and Alex whined, unwilling to open his eyes to glare at him. “Is this your official confession?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, rolling his head away from him and sighing happily when lips found his temple. “Don’t be annoying about it.”
Henry huffed. “I would never.”
“Not fun when someone denies the obvious, huh?”
“Shut up and go to sleep, your majesty.”
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