#you sly dog
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cyanocophrenic · 9 days ago
What's your dream scenario where practically every star has aligned to create exactly what you want to happen?
It's hard to pick just one, right? And even in just the last few days, I've had a couple of folks come thru and broaden my horizons more than a little, so these things remain ever in flux.
But I can share the one that's been haunting the deepest reaches of my mortal soul (it's a drama queen) for the last little while, but disclaimer: it's pretty cheesy, and not terribly exciting 😅
I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to just get to exist, day-to-day, as a berrygirl*.
I've had to do a lot of growing up in the last year, and the idea of getting to just... wear my truth on the outside... I want it, I crave it, I need it.
I want to take the berrygirl HRT, chew the gum, gorge on the fruit, drink the juice, whatever whatever whatever. I want to take some kind of Hormonal Girth Control (the puns must flow) that stabilizes my juices, and keeps them from being contagious (unless I've got a partner who wants me to go off that for whatever reason... 😳).
I want to wake up blue in the morning, look at myself in the mirror, and decide how big I want to be that day. Do I want to walk, waddle, rock, or be rolled? Do I need to get hooked up to my personal juicing machine, or do I need to get my juices flowing?
I want a closet full of clothes for a berry! I want outfits for myself at every size, things that look cute, or hot, or are even just practical. I can't imagine why a berry would need steel-toe boots, but my inner butch wants a pair to go with an excessively baggy boilersuit.
I want fashion for berries! I want clothes that compliment berry bodies from the girls who just want a chemical bbl to the girls who want that bloated, half-filled pear shape, to the girls who roll! I want stupidly expensive designer jeans meant to be worn with the fly wide open, cuz damn she's just too juicy~ I want dresses that can only cover so much, I want skirts that amount to just being wide belts... for some reason, I need a crop top that says "warning: contents under pressure". Thanks to drinkapus over on deviantart/bluesky, I also want some stupidly large white cotton undies. I want berry lingerie, and I want it to be so ridiculous, just oceans of cheap lace and spaghetti straps.
I want to just Be. I want friends who don't bat an eyelash at my strange wants and needs, at my most core self. I want a world I can move through as myself: large, blue, and unhindered (unhindered, by like, society. I can be a little hindered by my body, as a treat). Except maybe at the TSA lol some weird part of me loves the idea of the drama of having to juice way down to fly somewhere, and like... idk, ignore this part.
I want to be able to get on grindr and post pics of my tight, blue circumference and be desired, weird dick pics from faceless dudes and all. I want to go flirt in lesbian bars and be teased with popping talk! I want to be wanted for what I am when I'm my most fundamental self.
When I was little, I used to pray that I'd wake up and pokemon would have become real overnight (apparently, many trans women were praying to become girls? my priorities have clearly never been straight).
Now I just yearn for whatever heavenly realignment would allow me to be loved for who I really am... what I really am. The stars would literally have to rearrange themselves for that to happen. Hope that's an okay answer. Thank you for asking!
*(authors note: I, personally, need to find a term that uses 'woman' or something similar... the 'girl' suffix is totally fine, and I truly do feel the appeal! but, if i ever was a girl... i'm a woman now.
BILF? Does that scan? Does the concept even translate 😂
tbh if i really got to be extra, it would be BYLP: Berry You'd Like to Pop... but i think that's stretching the form a little too far. ironic that i'm worrying about stretching something too far, i know)
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spcctz · 4 months ago
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youjustwaitsunshine · 9 months ago
no way did seb time his instagram posts that abu dhabi 2010 is scheduled on his birthday
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illiana-mystery · 2 years ago
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That smirk tho...
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years ago
go on, claim my heart: chapter thirty-eight
see my masterpost for what came before this.
Keyleth cannot move, yet her heart thunders wildly in her chest. Her blood is rushing so fast in her ears that she can barely hear Vallen speak.
And he is speaking, leaned back against the wall of her chambers, arms crossed casually as if they were discussing the merits of a chess strategy and not his elaborate and violent scheme to take control of the Ashari Nation.
"You have no idea how long I have been working toward this, Keyleth—may I call you Keyleth?" His grin is carnal, bestial. "Anyway, yes, these pieces have been in place for some time. I suppose you ought to know; it isn't as if you'll be divulging my secrets once we're done here."
He means to kill her. Even beneath the blaze of terror, she cannot ignore the flick of annoyance at yet another attempt on her life.
She is sitting ramrod straight on the settee, and Vallen comes to perch just on the edge of the little table in front of her, so their eyes are of a level. "I suppose you ought to know that it is I who killed your mother."
Her heart stops.
"Not personally, of course. There are those who take money for such tasks—like that bastard assassin you married. That..." He chuckles, and the sound sours Keyleth's stomach. "...that was a surprise, to be sure. But then, you're full of surprises, aren't you, princess?" He says the word with scorn, with derision. "But yes, your mother. I know what you're thinking: oh, Vallen, but you're so young! Impossible for you to be involved in a murder nearly a decade and a half ago!" He gestures toward his pointed ears. "It's the gnomish blood, of course. I look far younger than one might guess.
"Ah, stay on task, Vallen." He stands and begins to pace, and Keyleth's eyes dart to the door. Surely Vax will be returning at any moment. He's already been gone for so long. "I meant to kill your mother before she could create a new generation of Zephran heirs, but there were political matters at home in Vesrah, boring affairs, not worth discussing, but it meant delaying my plans a bit. Now you might find my methods distasteful, and fair enough, but I would never kill an infant.
"So I waited until you were a bit older, no longer so reliant on your mother for survival, and then, well, poison looks quite a great deal like illness when no one is looking for poison."
Despite her inability to move, tears slip steadily down Keyleth's face. Her mother had been murdered. All this time, and she never knew. Her father died not knowing the truth, and now is she to take it to her grave?
"My plan for my own family took longer. Grandmother is a powerfully paranoid woman, and it took some...finagling, shall I say, to put all of those particular ducks in a row. She is finally of an age where death would not be a surprise, even if helped along by a brew of toxins, and then, of course, the family gathering in Syngorn was simply too good an opportunity to pass up."
"But you!" He gestures to her grandly. "You weren't even supposed to be there!"
Keyleth frowns, confused, but the confusion is swept away by the shock at being able to frown at all. Vallen's control over her is waning. She attempts to surreptitiously gather in a large gulp of air so that she may scream for help, but Vallen clicks his tongue and snaps his fingers again, and her muscles harden in place once more.
"My apologies! Such a brief spell, needs constant management. But as I was saying: yes, you, of course, were meant to die on the road to Syngorn. Serves me right for hiring cheap sellswords. It was part of my deal with Finefirn: his men kill my brothers and father and aunt, and I make sure that your death on the road was pinned on Draconia, thereby continuing the war that was so profitable to him.
"But you're like a little cockroach, aren't you, Keyleth?" The jovial, charming tone slips away, leaving an annoyed snarl in its place. "One wouldn't think killing a single silly, sheltered princess would be the hardest part of my plan. Wouldn't die in the woods, wouldn't die in Syngorn—hell, you wouldn't even die when Finefirn came after you!" She did die then, but there is a perverse satisfaction in knowing that he does not know that.
He sighs. "And then you had to go and spawn another obstacle for me." Keyleth feels as though she's been doused in ice water; there is so little distance between him and Vilya. "I told you, I'm not interested in slaughtering babies. My friends in Whitestone, however..." He trails off with a conspiratorial smile, waiting for Keyleth to put the pieces together.
Of course. She'd wondered how the Briarwoods knew about Vilya, why they would take such an extraordinary risk in taking her when surely other infants with magic in their blood exist in the world. They, too, had been one cog in Vallen's grand machinations. “They were good people, the Briarwoods.” He snorts. “Who am I kidding? They were terrible people. But then, so am I, and I’ve always appreciated the tenacity of those who will stop at nothing to achieve their aims. I’ve been helping them for a while—becoming immortal is no small feat, after all, and few deserve the honor more than my dear Delilah—and they, in turn, have been helping me. It was they who recommended Finefirn; apparently he’d done good work for them in their initial onslaught on Whitestone. I could never have made it this far without their help.
"Of course, once again you and your merry band of misfits meddled in my schemes. But at this point, Grandmother is almost certainly dead, and you'll be gone before the sun sets, and then, well, the young princess will need a regent, won't she? Who better than a minor duke who never had any aspirations for the throne?" He laughs at his own joke, then grows serious. "Of course, she'll have a terrible accident when she's, oh, seven or eight. Children are so clumsy, aren't they?"
He snaps his fingers again, and once more her loosening muscles tighten, and Keyleth wishes she could vomit. Vallen stomps over to her, fumbling about in the pocket of his trousers. "I'm done talking. This—" He pulls a stoppered vial from his pocket, and in it is a clear liquid, one that, if she had to guess, would turn to sludge shortly after being exposed to air. "—with any luck will actually kill you this time. It'll seem to the outside as if your heart gave out under the weight of your grief. Such a fragile thing you are." He traces a finger mockingly down her cheek, and she wishes she could snap her head to the side and bite it off. Her eyes dart to the door again, and he notices this time. "Don't worry about the guards." Another snap of his fingers, and a sound fills the room: weeping, quiet, feminine, hers. "They won't bother you in your mourning."
He seizes her jaw then, clutching it painfully in one hand as he jerks her mouth open. He thumbs off the stopper of the vial and pours the liquid, completely flavorless, down her throat. She has little choice but to let it slide down, seeping into her roiling belly. He grins. “Your destiny awaits you, princess. And I must go claim the one I built for myself.” He shoves her head away and she falls back against the settee. "Tell your father I said hello." He pockets the empty vial and strides toward the door.
Keyleth can no longer see him—can no longer see much of anything as blackness starts to creep in along the edges of her vision. Her heart races even faster now, the beating of it competing against the fast-acting poison seeping through her veins. She is dying. She can feel it. She can't remember if she kissed Vilya before Vax took her away. What was the last thing she said to her husband? She wonders if there is room for her beneath the twisting roots of the cherry tree.
When this darkness takes her, it almost feels like peace.
Vax takes long strides through the halls of the castle, guilt chewing at him like a dog with a bone. He shouldn't have taken so long to return to Keyleth's side, but once again, he found himself requiring near superhuman strength to pull himself away from Vilya. He knew that she was safe, could see the phalanx of guards surrounding the cottage and the sharpened blade hanging from Derrig's belt inside, and yet removing himself from her presence felt as impossible as removing the sun from the sky.
He nods his hellos to Grog and Jarett, who are stationed outside Keyleth's old chambers—it is so striking, to have once stood outside these same doors for hours on end, only to sneak in and fall in love with her every single night, and now he walks through those doors during full day, in plain sight of the guards on either side—and pushes into the room. It's quiet, save for the fire dwindling in the hearth, and he doesn't see Keyleth anywhere.
"Kiki?" He moves over to her dressing screen, thinking perhaps she wanted to change clothes, but no, nothing back there. He goes to the fireplace, then, and his heart stops in his chest when he sees her, slumped in a pile on the floor, very much not moving.
"KEYLETH!" He crashes to his knees beside her, knocking the table out of the way to gather her into his arms. His shout alerted the guards, who now rush inside, weapons drawn. He pays them no mind; Keyleth isn't breathing.
One of the guards behind him blows a terrifyingly familiar whistle, and the sound shatters Vax's ribs. He presses two fingers to the underside of her jaw, but his panic is overwhelming him. He shudders in the deepest breath he can manage, holds it, and lets it out. He tries again.
There is a pulse. It is thready and so very, very weak, but there is a pulse.
Vax brushes the hair from her face, which is clammy and pale, and rests his hands on her cheeks. Bowing his head, he prays with the force of a winter's storm to the Raven Queen. He pleads for the magic required to save her life, and, failing that, the mercy of his matron to spare her one more time. He feels that prickling cold emanating from his hands, seeping into her skin, yet her chest remains obstinately still, refusing to rise and fall with new breath.
Please, he prays, thoughts barely coherent through his own sobs and the shouts of guards behind him. Please do not take her from me. Do not take her from our daughter. Do not take her from her people. He feels the energy quickly sapping away, his finite magic reaching its limits.
He holds his breath. He removes his hands from her face. Her eyes stare up at the ceiling. They are glassy, unseeing, lifeless.
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totsandnuggsrebloggs · 1 year ago
right now, about how many fish could you put in your pockets? (the fish are whatever fish you like, and they will not b harmed from the pocket exercise)
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The bad news is that I have very small pockets right now. The good news is that I have six very small pockets :)
I could fit exactly 27 large goldfish in my pockets. Maybe 30 but that may be pushing it.
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vangh17a · 2 years ago
I am going to assume that you are a Zelda fan, and that you were the type that did art for a hobby as a child and took it more seriously as you got older!
I love your art by the way! Your colors look beautiful
hahhaha me? Zelda?? ...absolutely.
Zelda was my childhood and I still love it to pieces. Actually, you could say it was my special interest lmao. (cough twilight princess cough) I promised myself I was going to actually solve ToTK after I updated pt 18 for wanderer, so I know what I'm doing for the next few days >:)
And right you are! I always drew things when I was younger, but I really wanted to start getting better around late middle school years. I just wanted to draw more things for Zelda lmao
Thank you so much!! Colors are easily my favorite part of the art process, you can convey so much through them!
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lunarbun-ships · 2 years ago
I'm curious about Mod Bun's spooky month s/i (who I assume is the one on the left on your pinned post). What's their story, and how do they tie into spooky month?
ill be real, i lovee lovee sm but im just so hyperfixed on bob specifically so my sona(+their lore) just kinda revolves around him, theyre not close with the main characters nor do they really interact w any of them (unless you count the cult at all)😭 so they wouldn't really like effect anything really unfortunately, at least not majorly anyways
my sona ends up joining the cult after bob goes to jail to break him out (cause i think it was confirmed one of the members busted him out in ep4) and they fix him up and bring him back post tender treats but thats really the only major plot point dhjs, i have more sappy details but im shy
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babacontainsmultitudes · 2 years ago
Charcoal, lilac, but most of all raspberry
NNNGH!!! THANK YOU 💜💜💜 (and right back at you for all of those!!!)
🤔 You know, I said Raspberry to Happi, so maybe this… Maybe this is something…
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lillies-for-the-living · 5 months ago
...hey, wait a minute. So was mine. And I clicked on it twice
Your gender is now the first randomized wikipedia article you get. No rerolls.
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r4v3nr0s3 · 7 months ago
Pure empathy can assume any POV even ones that make most prior uncomfortable.
Perception is a tool that is pointed at both ends
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distantpagesandpapercuts · 2 years ago
I know too well how the past shapes us, and I will never ask her to forget it. I just hope I can make her present and future easier, less bleak. If that is all the good I end up doing before I die, I can pass easier.
Anonymous Thoughts
"Now who's being bleak?" She murmurs.
He can't fool her, Kira can point them shoulders out of a crowd. No matter how much grey paint he slathered on. But as long as they were pretending that they didn't know who each other was?
"You will though. I know you will, Mr. Hero. My stubbornness is only born from a sense of survival. I have to defend the things that I have built- small as they may seem compared to the grand scheme of your glory you spread. Otherwise-
What was the point of my struggle at all? To let you take the burden from me?
Maybe I don't want my life to be any easier or maybe I just don't know how to accept help with grace.
Maybe you should stop killing yourself for people who don't want or deserve the sacrifice."
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lowpolyanimals · 17 days ago
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Bulldog Guard from Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
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achillesunly · 1 month ago
Frothing at the mouth ISNANELY GOOD
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(continued under the cut ↓)
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did you hear about my amazing propaganda yet
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samijey · 1 month ago
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and that's the bottom line
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months ago
My mundane super power is that I love blue heelers so much that every time I see them I ask to pet them and their owners always warn me they’re not overly friendly which I know because my boy Sly was also very aloof but every time the dog feels my infinite love and always greets me warmly.
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