#you read the news stories and you can see those up top are TERRIFIED for how we all backed this guy up
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yappacadaver · 3 months ago
oh no not people falling for propaganda abt the shooter's alleged politics and handwringing about violence when this one guy and his action have done more to bring people together against the ultra rich ruling class and make them fear working class power than any number of peaceful actions and lukewarm philosophizing in the past 5 years
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spitdrunken · 1 year ago
notes: power imbalance, sexual harrassment, murder mentions.
rotating a thought in my head where 'you' are an increasingly popular erotica writer from the pride ring. with writing, you've hit a bit of a niche, as a lot of the big porn producers (VoxTech's subsidiaries) are not exactly known for their riveting dialogue or personalities. no one's there for anything more than that, but there are demons who do want a bit more 'meat', so to say, with nowhere else turn. that is where you come in!
it's not enough to make a steady living off of, not even when you start taking incredibly specific commissions, but it's never been more of a hobby anyway. you are completely anonymous online, keeping care to use throwaway emails and accounts for everything. still, voxtech's products are utterly inescapable: it's either using them, or using nothing at all. (and those rumours about their boss vox having complete control over his technology, even after selling, has to be a rumour... you hope.)
meanwhile, as your penname continues to grow more and more recognizable, it falls in the vees' meeting room. valentino's immediate suggestion is just to kill you. people in the comments keep comparing his dialogue to yours. what the fuck is that about? who the hell watches porn for the DIALOGUE in the first place?
velvette, while shrugging her shoulders, only adds that their new releases tend to go trending, prior to release. fucking far from the top of that list, but still. trending is trending.
vox, sighing internally, plasters a smile on his face. there's really no need to kill new up and coming talent, val. we should suggest them to work for us instead. and if they don't... we can simply prevent them from working. they'll make up their mind, then.
you return to your laptop to an utterly inescapable pop-up describing the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to work at voxtech! it's a whole wall of text, describing your pay (higher than you would have expected), where you will be living (in one of the appartment buildings owned by voxtech), and when to head to their main office. there is no word on denying the contract, an utter impossibility, it seems. not that you'd dare. vox's and the radio demon's showdown was the talk of the ring for days, and apparantly, all that rancour was the source of alastor denying a contract of his own. that really is more shit than you can handle in your undead life now. so, you take the job.
as your stories are starting to get heavily promoted, velvette absolutely insists that you add in at least a couple of looong clothing descriptions, based on her tastes. she's such an overwhelming, pushy presence, that it's hard for you to say no. she goes on about how, if it gets popular enough, people might be interested in somewhat similar outfits. probably not, though, let's be honest with ourselves. she makes you model them, all the while telling you that you really wouldn't be allowed to breathe in the direction of her studio otherwise. when you ask her why you absolutely have the one modelling, she just rolls her eyes. you based large parts of their appearances after you, didn't you? might as well make you look the part.
valentino is one of the worst parts of the job. compared to everyone else, he hardly pesters you, but he's still a terrifying presence. he'll give you 'suggestions' and make you steer your work in certain directions, getting too close and blowing smoke into your face. he gives a graphic description of how he jacked off to one of your stories, just to see your response. (this is a lie: why would he jack off if he can just call some stupid whore over to do it for him? also, he doesn't read.)
if a part of one of your stories ever gets a 'porno adaptation', he's having you play the part of the director, and has you sit in during the entirety of the viewing. you can tell he takes great pleasure out of any of your discomfort, or any of your fumbling- until it's too sloppy, and then he gets mad, of course, and you end up leaving the room with shaky legs.
vox seems to be the nicest one out of the three of them. really, he's only ever been courteous to you. but you've seen him flip his lid during the aforementioned 'radio demon fiasco', which you have been wise enough to never mention, so you still walk on eggshells around him. he can also get pretty pushy about deadlines, so you're not taking any chances.
he insists on having semi-regular meetings with you about the sales figures of your most recent works, wherein you also have to describe your process on other projects and pitch new ideas. frankly, you wish these meetings could be an email! but even when you tried to broach the subject, telling him that, surely, the company leader's time is much more important than this?
he simply brushed you off, telling you that he can decide for himself who and what to spend his time on, thank you very much. now, please continue. he'll inform you of the latest kinks and dynamics that have been most popular, though with some peculiar additions as well. you swear that, sometimes, the main character really does seem to resemble yourself in those suggestions, and the love interest a member of the vees...? you're certain you're just imagining it.
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detshin · 11 months ago
uhm, how exactly will gosho develop the cousin thing in the manga.
I mean, I wouldn't know, honestly. What goes on in the mind of that man only he knows (and sometimes I doubt even that).
My opinion under the
Personally, I've already stated many times that it's a trope I've liked and headcanoned for a long while now, and it's not like it's COMPLETELY out of the blue. The whole "they look the same" is a big factor, there have been references to them having some sort of "ancestor" in common, the Toichi and Yusaku tease was already there in the childhood case of Shinichi (where Toichi appeared and called Shinichi big bro btw 👀) and there was a time long ago that Gosho said something about it in an interview and that it was going to be talked about.
Anyway, point is, I could see this going in different ways. I would LOVE to see this being explored and dealt with nicely and seriously, but my hopes for that are low. He'll either just have it mentioned and never more explored or talked about (like with akemi and akai), or maybe in the mk manga now to talk about Toichi, I don't know?
Because honestly, I feel like people are getting hung up on the cousins thing and are forgetting about the confirmation of what we all have been fearing and it's that Toichi is indeed alive and both of Kaito's parents suck ass. And what scares me is the possibility of it being comedic or Kaito being okay with it or something when he deserves to have that be explored. He became a criminal because of it! And his parents know and aren't doing ANYTHING!
I've said this before, MK is not as shits and giggles as it seems. Story is pretty darn dark if you think about it. Kaito is one of if not THE most solitary (lonely) character of the dcmk universe. He is not as the fandom tends to represent him sometimes. That's not Kaito. The over the top, flirty, pompous one is Kid. It's a mask. A facade. Kaito is not like that, he is just a teen who is struggling to make real connections with people and who is terrified of being found out as a criminal and cannot for the life of him let people IN because they'll see right through him and whose "dead" dad taught him NOT TO SHOW HIS EMOTIONS.
Kaito NEEDS some support. Jii alone is not enough. His own parents have lied to him his entire life and he's constantly alone, grieving for something that is not real. He has Aoko, but he CAN'T let her in completely for obvious reasons. Hakuba's there, but same thing. And I'm sorry but Akako I don't really think counts either, he actively seems not to really even like her or whatever...
MY POINT IS. If Kaito can get some new family members that could support him... Why refuse it, no? I'm not talking about Yusaku because he's also been keeping him in the dark and all and hasn't really seemed to do anything about it. But Yukiko (yes I'm choosing to believe she's also oblivious to Kaito being put in that situation) and Shinichi? Oh, those two could do wonders for someone like Kaito, in my opinion. Because Yukiko is Yukiko (she was born to be the cool aunt), and Shinichi is... Well... Shinichi. He could understand Kaito and actively show him support and help. They COULD be amazing as family.
Now it's all just a matter of... Does Gosho WANT to go that deep into this? Or is he going to continue to disregard Kaito's suffering and not give him anyone to lean on?
Anyway, cousins Kaito and Shinichi rule!
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taergalive · 1 year ago
So I'm being brave and sharing some of my self-indulgent scenarios with yall.
So in my self-indulgent scenario, Alastor basically saves some 7 year old sinner and said kid is like glued to his side because he saved her, and he's like, cool, free lackey. And of course, we're a sucker for the old "grows to care for them" trope so that happens. Because you can be a scary overlord and read bedtime stories to your kid. And the kid also likes Lucifer because he's all like "Hey watch this!" And oooh pretty magic~!
(I know. My details are great. I'm being vague on purpose lol)
Well, basically this leads to Lucifer and Alastor butting heads as they co-parent this child. And then whoopsies emotions happen. Alastor's all like "What the fuck is this feeling?" Because as a fellow Ace who was suddenly confronted by feeling sexual attraction for the very first time in your life, I know that feeling and it is terrifying. Like that person now owns your soul because no one else in the world ever made you feel that way what is happening??? So anyway, he and lucifer start a sort of relationship where Lucifer takes it slow so Alastor can assess these feelings and blah blah blah.
That was all just background information for the real thing I wanted to share so if you made it this far, congrats!
The hotel is having a party of some sort. Alastor has like one or two drinks, and Angel instantly notices that Alastor is actually kind of fun when he's got booze in him. So he tells Husk to keep Alastor's glass full. Any time Alastor's drink is done, suddenly another glass appears in his hand. He is bubbly, jovial, and even fun. He and Luci have been "seeing each other" for a lack of better words. Lucifer knows this is all very new for Alastor and is going at his pace while also respecting his privacy, so they've kept in on the downlow. Charlie found out and asked her dad about it, and he made her swear not to tell anyone, and especially not to tell Alastor she knows.
Anyway, Drunk Alastor is really touchy. Like really. And he starts getting all touchy on Luci, which Luci is eating up because he's a little tipsy too and loves attention. Angel notices and mentions it to Husk. "Fifty bucks those two are fucking." Husk likes those odds so he takes the bet.
At some point, Angel gets Alastor over to the bar. Angel's trying to weed it out of Alastor. "You and Short King were getting kind of handsy there." Alastor's all giggly and doesn't deny the accusation. So after a minute or two, Angel's like "So, who's topping?" And Alastor's confused and just laughing because he just enjoying himself at this point. And Angel's like "You know…" And makes a lewd gesture.
"Oh! You mean like intercourse?" Alastor waves him off. "No, no, we haven't done anything like that yet."
And it's that yet that makes Angel slam his hand on the bar top. "I told you, Husk! Pay up!"
And Husk is like "Ah, ah, ah, you said 'fifty bucks they fucking.' THAT doesn't sound like they fucking to me." He holds his hand out. "You owe ME."
And anyway, that's the scenario I had in my head last night as I was going to bed.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 1 year ago
I’m not sure if you’ve ever said anything about this, but the first time I read new moon, the vote chapter, there was one bit that really stuck out:
(from Bella’s point of view) Edward grabbed my face in his hand, forcing me to look at him. His other hand was out, palm toward Carlisle. Carlisle ignored that.
Bella later went on to say it was hard to talk clearly with how Edward was holding her jaw. I don’t know if I’ve misunderstood what exactly was happening, but why did the entire family watch that and do nothing? I’ve read the metas where you’ve said it’d take a lot for Carlisle to realise what Edward really is, but surely that’s a pretty massive indicator and Carlisle actively ignored it?
Anon, you're hilarious.
An Aside in Which I Say "Look in the Mirror"
I've been running this blog for a few years now (a terrifying thought) and I'm both a) one of the most critical of Edward in this space (which is not a bad thing, mind, people are free to do what they like) b) often get asks in which I am asked by anons to justify why I think poorly of Edward.
This is on top of the thousands of metas I've written pointing out various things from canon, where I've presented many arguments, and anons still will ask me to make more arguments.
This is fandom, anon, relatively objective observers who are privy to information the characters in the story don't have. We know Bella's exact thoughts, we know how Edward has interacted with her in private, and we even know Edward's private thoughts for at least the duration of Twilight because of Midnight Sun.
And you ask this as if it should be obvious to the most casual observer.
Back to Your Ask
I've discussed this at length in posts I'm too lazy to look up at the moment but the crux of it is that
a) Edward's a beloved family member and it's deeply hard to think ill of those we love and we want to justify their actions
b) the family doesn't see most of what goes on with Bella and are only told things by Alice and Edward with Alice being firmly on Edward's side
c) Due to his having previously had a redemption arc in which Edward came back unprompted to the diet even though it must have been not only humiliating but terrifying, Edward comes across as one of the Cullens who best understands that human life is worth protecting and just why they're all doing the diet.
This particular moment though, I'd also give Edward a pass if I was present. To touch Bella at all, to move her like this, Edward has to be extraordinarily gentle and careful. If he was at all rough with her, at all, Bella would be dead or seriously injured (with her jaw crushed between Edward's fingers, her neck snapped, etc.) Basically, for Edward to do this at all, he's being incredibly mindful and the Cullens as vampires are very aware of that.
Add onto that that Bella can speak, when this is a guy who's hand is made of stone, he has to be holding her incredibly gently from his perspective for her to be able to speak at all (and not have a broken jaw).
Also from the outside perspective, where Bella and Edward are in this romantic relationship (even though they just got out of being broken up) and they all know Edward's deeply in love with Bella, this looks like an intimate gesture than it does a "LOOK AT ME" gesture. It's not something any of them would do, or a normal person would, but they're also not dating Bella/convinced they're soulmates with her.
Add into that that they're in the middle of a very intense day, in which Edward had just tried to kill himself and is very emotionally fragile, Bella's now asking to be turned directly, the Volturi barely pardoned them, and Edward is coming unglued with the idea that Bella's going to be turned and the Cullens aren't at the top of their game.
They're just trying to get through the conversation where they tell Edward (and Rosalie) that, yes, they actually do have to turn Bella.
This doesn't register as physical violence to them, and I don't blame them for this one.
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gtbutterfly · 19 days ago
Quincy and the forest giant part 12
Hey! I'm back from my writing hiatus with a new part of the story I was writing before it. It should be finished in a few parts I think. Before that, I'm gonna try writing one-offs again. Anyway, hope you like this part, criticism is appreciated!
I couldn’t get any sleep that night, neither did Ella, from what I could tell. After our talk, she placed me before the window like the night before, on top a blanket for me to sleep on. She went on the couch across the room, but she didn’t fall asleep, nor was she trying to. I could see the back of her head where she was sitting on the couch, normally. She was looking down at something, I wondered what it was. There was no light in the room, apart from moonlight coming from outside, which barely made it to where she was. Laying down, I heard some sound coming from where she was. It was something like paper flipping almost, except the paper sounded thicker and less floppy almost. Ella is reading something, I thought to myself. How could she be reading with no light though? I thought about her eyes, how big they were, almost like puddles. Owls can apparently see in the dark with their big eyes, that is what they said in school at least. The bigger eyes allow more light to enter, essentially giving the owls night vision. Ellas eyes were way bigger than an owls, I thought. They were at least bigger than the size of someone's head. She would definitely be able to see in darkness like this easily. I thought to myself and stared upward at the ceiling, the sound of her turning paper every so often behind me. 
I wondered what she could've been reading, maybe some classic novel that whatever company had her stuck here printed out a giant copy of for her to read in her off time. Maybe it was something specifically made by the company, like a manual, or directions of some kind. Maybe it was a childcare book she was reading to take care of me, I thought to myself. Ella said they wanted me to stay with her to deal with her isolation, and to end up doing something to me, possibly similar to what they did to her. I was worried about that, being grown the same way she was. I thought about what it would be like to experience the growing process. To be stabbed with some needle or shot with some growth-ray or whatever. And then to go through “growing pains,” as Ella called them. She said they weren’t that bad when she was describing them to me, but the way she looked, the way she rubbed her arm, how she shuddered thinking back to them, it was obvious she was lying. 
What would it feel like, I thought. The bones become bigger, the muscle stretching under the skin, causing it to break. Pain in your arms and legs from using them while they're growing, your spine becoming longer, it didn’t sound pleasant. Not to mention Ella said that Derrick went through the same thing, and didn’t survive. That scared me the most, dying from your bones or muscles becoming too big for your skin and breaking out, or starving from not eating enough after your body uses up its energy growing, that would be terrifying. There was a pit in my stomach from thinking about it, imagining how it would feel. I shuddered. Ella said that those people, Amber and whatever company she worked for, wanted to do that to me. I didn’t want that to happen, solely because of the pain and risk alone. I didn’t really know what I wanted at that point. I thought I wanted to go home, but what would even be there for me, I thought. Going from home to home in foster care, never talking to anyone, I was alone there, just like Ella was alone here. I guess I still had it better there, I thought, but there was something about things that made me feel…weird…at the thought of going back. Something that made me feel apprehensive about it. I sat up, still on top of the massive folded up blanket on the window still, 2 stories high on a table before it. I could see the back of her head still, she was still sitting on the couch, reading something presumably. She looked awake. I said her name,
“...Ella…..” I said. 
There was no reaction. The back of her brownish hair barely moved at all to my speech. I spoke again. 
“Ella,” I said, a bit louder.
She must have heard me that time. Her ears perked up and she slowly glanced behind her, before silently getting up from the couch, putting down whatever massive book she was reading, and walking towards me, getting on her knees before the table I was on. Her eyes reflected the moonlight. I could see bags and wrinkles under them. 
“Quincy, what's wrong? Did you call for me?” she asked. Her voice was soft and tired, but still loud enough due to her size that I heard it fine. “Why are you still up?” the giant asked me.
“....I can’t fall asleep,” I said, looking up at her. She sighed.
“Me neither,”
“Can we talk for a little bit?” I asked. Ella leaned on the table, sitting her head on her arms.
“Yeah…what's up?” she said, still tired.
“...so…earlier, when you were telling me about..what happened to you…” I started, “when you lost your temper…you….hurt someone…didn’t you….?” I asked sheepishly. Ella sighed and closed her eyes. She looked sad, almost regretful. 
“I hurt a lot of people,” the giant said, “I didn’t want to….it was like I wasn’t thinking…like I was blind….I still don’t know if it was because of the side effects or if it was just me…they never told me,” Ella took her head off the table and switched to holding it with her hand while leaning on the surface with her elbow. “You….can guess what ended up happening, right?” she said, sorrowfully.
“...when people disappeared in the wood to investigate the sounds coming from there,” I said, knowingly, “...yeah….I…figured that out,”
“Quincy,” Ella looked down, her voice pleading, “....I….I really am….I….I’m so….sorry….I’m sorry about what I did,” she said, holding her head with both hands now, “...the people from your town…your parents….”
“It's okay,” I said, touching the bottom of her elbow as it was against the table, still looking up at her. “It's okay, Ella. it's not your fault it happened,”
“It is…” Ella said, covering her face with her hands now, “I…I… killed people…I didn’t even realize it….I was killing people…”
“It's not your fault Ella,” I said, not knowing what else to say to console her, “you were changed into something, and you lost someone, and you were sad…and the hormones from what they put in you…they…” I tried thinking of the right words, my mind blanked. “It's not your fault, Ella.” I said again. “You…you don’t deserve this.”
“I killed people, Quincy.” Ella said, tired and weakly, her voice a mix of sadness and emptiness- depression, “I killed random people in the woods during a rampage without realizing it…I killed your parents without realizing it,” she said, her voice cracking, “yesterday I nearly killed you. Nothing changed.” she looked down, her hair blocking some of her face so I couldn’t see it.
“Ella…” I said, worried.
“I’m a monster, Quincy.” she said, empty. “I deserve to be alone. I deserve to be here, I deserved to have this happen to me, but you don’t.” the giant said, “you don’t deserve to be trapped here with a monster,” she said, pausing for a moment. 
She looked at me. Her eyes were wet. Her voice was still calm, her lip washing shaking, she wasn’t gasping for air between words, her eyes were simply watery. 
“I promise I’ll get you back home. I promise. You don’t deserve what happened to me.” she said quietly, before standing up to her full, towering height, and walking away from the window still.
“Ella…” I said, reaching out my hand as she walked away. She went back to the couch and laid down, falling asleep. I kept standing there, not being able to see her any more. The words still laid on my tongue and repeated in my head.
“You're not a monster…”
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samobservessonic · 3 months ago
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We’re here! This story on its own is most of the reason that I decided Sonic was the coolest thing ever that I needed in my life. And I’ve just always loved the visual of the Master Emerald surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds in that beam thing
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Porker: There’s just no nice way to tell you that Knuckles gets the best stories in your comic, Sonic
On that note, there sadly isn’t a Knuckles story in this issue, but I’m sure that would’ve doubly sealed the deal for me carrying on reading StC back then if there had been
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This works both as another “It’s not like I like Knuckles” SonKnux hint, but also as a great moment to show Sonic caring about his friends. As a kid, it brought me up to speed with the situation with Porker and also painted Sonic as someone who checks in on his friends and doesn’t think of Porker as a coward for not being able to carry on working with the Freedom Fighters. The Sonic & Porker friendship has always meant a lot to me and that can probably be pinned back to this issue
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Aww, Porker & Amy friendship is also great!
Anyway, a seemingly small shock sees Sonic fall off the ledge and if you think dropping StC Sonic into a vat of chaos energy won’t end well for anyone then… you’d be right :) 
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This whole page deserves to be shared as it is, because Porker’s breakdown really sells just how dire the situation is. That even a soft-spoken character like him gets frustrated with the robot head. To me as a kid, just Sonic falling off a ledge seemed kinda bad, but this page hammers home that it’s terrifying for reasons I didn’t know about yet
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Like this reason! I’m glad there was no one there to tell me back then that this is not a thing that Sonic can do in other versions of the series. I’m even more glad that Elson was there to draw this issue
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He was thinking of how annoying he’s found Amy lately right before he fell in. So I’m sorry SonAmy fans, this isn’t one of those lesser-spotted StC SonAmy moments. Though I guess if you wanna read it that way, feel free
More than that, just look at the sheer power of Super Sonic blasting out of the Emerald Chamber in that bottom panel! Like holy shit, this guy is powerful! We’ve had a few Super Sonic appearances before now, but I do think this is the first one that truly puts across the scale of his abilities compared to regular Sonic. And also his abilities compared to, well, most other characters in StC
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Adding to the previous point: This whole page of Super Sonic wiping out an aircraft full of robots without even noticing just because it happened to be in his flight path
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Amy, please don’t say ominous things like that Also, Tails is here like “Thanks for letting me be in the team for this issue, guys. I feel like I haven’t been able to hang out with you all for ages, but maybe there’s impressionable new readers who need to know I’m part of the Freedom Fighters”
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Honestly, after how Sonic treated Amy on the Miracle Planet last time I’m not surprised she’s glad of a break from him
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But here it is, the big cliffhanger that got me to come back! I’ve talked about this full page spread a lot in the pinned post and everything I said there holds true. Even looking at this some 28 years later, this still radiates the same raw awesomeness that it did when I first saw it. Super Sonic just bursting through the trees and making a sharp angled turn to come at Amy at such a speed! On the surface, it seemed like Amy had no chance - but she already seemed so cool and capable in this story that I had faith she’d be okay and had to see how that worked out for her next time
You know, if I one day wanted to make some sort of top ten of my favourite moments in Sonic Comics overall, I’d need to reread a lot of stuff from Archie to refresh (as well as properly read the various Sonic manga), but I’m certain that this moment would rank very high, if not take the top spot on that list. Just… glorious!
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hard-core-super-star · 1 year ago
get her back! [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: you and hailee try to get your relationship back on track while shooting the sunkissing music video. it’s easier said than done though, especially since the line between love and hate blurs more and more every day.
warnings: still a chaotic mix of angst and fluff; stubborn idiots finally admit their feelings but keep arguing because it's easier than figuring out how to make things work; mentions of crappy PR stunts; R being lowkey petty + hailee being absolutely clueless why; some metaphors get repetitive but it's part of the plot, i promise
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: this is part two to one step forward, three steps back. slightly inspired by both get him back! and logical by olivia rodrigo because guts has taken over my life in the best of ways. thank you for all the love and the requests for a part two, i see you and i am eternally grateful to all of you. i love writing about these stubborn idiots and i can only hope you enjoy reading about them just as much <3
* * * * * * *
Working with Hailee and being in love with her are two very different things that should definitely not mix. Not just because it’s incredibly unprofessional but also because it’s way too easy to pretend like you’re mad at each other because of the work you’re doing and not the messy way you’re handling being back in each other’s lives.
It’s immature and stupid and somehow not surprising at all considering the way you two act around each other. You both know what you want and yet neither of you wants to be the first one to take that leap. Which just leaves you with moments like these. 
“You know what your problem is?” Hailee asks, her eyes narrowed and filled with a certain fire you can’t quite explain.
You’ve been on set for the SunKissing music video for about an hour and you’re both already at each other’s throats. The entire week has been filled with random arguments, borderline ridiculous complaints, and total radio silence on Hailee’s part about your relationship. Radio silence that should make working with her easier just like all the times before.
Instead, it’s just become the newest reason for you to push her away again. And okay, maybe you’re still pissed about the countless articles you’ve had to read about a supposed ‘love triangle’ because, for some reason, Hailee’s PR team insists on keeping the QB story running. Everyone knows it’s faker than the brunette’s heterosexuality and yet you’re still here.
Fighting for her attention like always.
You force yourself to push those thoughts away and focus back on the conversation at hand.
“No. You don’t know how to let yourself be happy.” It suddenly dawns on you that you’re not arguing about the music video choreography anymore. “You can take it out on me and on the job and on whatever else you want to make yourself feel better but don’t act like everything's always my fault. You’re the one who said you’d give me a chance and yet you’ve spent the entire week looking for reasons to push me away.”
She's right.
You both know that. 
Of course, she's right. Because at the very top of the list of reasons why Hailee Steinfeld is the most infuriating person you've ever met is the fact that she knows you. 
She understands you in ways you never thought anyone would. And it's just as terrifying as it is wonderful. 
It's exactly that mix of feelings that makes you react in the only way you know how. 
You lash out at her despite the voice in your head that tells you to suck it up and apologize before you take things too far. “So, if it’s not your fault then whose is it? I’m not the one ignoring your existence the second you leave or letting people write articles based on ridiculous lies.”
She groans, the sound so out-of-character for her it almost makes you forget about your complaints. Almost but not quite.
“Putting up with stupid rumors is part of the job, y/n. It’s nothing new so why does it bother you so much?”
The question is valid. Or at least it would be if you hadn’t made your feelings explicitly clear the day you agreed to help her with the music video. You’ve worked with her for years, most of which have been spent straddling the line between friendship and relationship, but this time was supposed to be different. 
In a way it was different. You couldn’t deny how you felt about Hailee anymore and you couldn’t act like it didn’t bother you how clueless she was still acting about it.
You swallow back your cutting remarks and instead mumble out the only thing you can think of. “You know why.”
She stares at you for a few seconds, her eyes seem to almost look through you as if she's trying to figure you out. You don’t know what she’s looking for since your feelings aren’t exactly a secret anymore. 
The silence lasts a second too long and you decide to walk away before you make things worse. It’s a move you learned from the brunette herself and one that’s driven you down this dead-end road you can’t seem to escape from.
For a second it seems like she’s going to let you go without a fight but then you feel her grip your wrist. Her hold on you is surprisingly soft like she’s wordlessly begging you to stay despite how much better it would be for both of you if you just walked away now.
Unfortunately for the logical part of your brain, you’re never able to say no to those stupidly soft hands and ridiculously warm eyes.
You turn around to face her again, trying to act like the close proximity isn’t making your mind swim with bad ideas. You’re definitely the worst actress out of the two of you but at least the brunette doesn’t comment on it.
“You’re a jerk,” you whisper, your voice lacking the usual bite it carries when you’re trying to piss Hailee off.
“I literally haven’t said anything yet.” The subtle smile on her face makes your heart skip multiple beats in the span of a few seconds.
You wait a bit before you respond, distracting yourself by shrugging her hand off your wrist so you can hold onto it instead. Hailee doesn’t rush you, seemingly understanding the storm of feelings in your head better than you do.
“I know.” You tilt your head down to avoid those brown eyes you fell for all those years ago. “That’s the problem. All you have to do is look at me and I forget all the reasons why I’m mad at you…why dating you would never work.”
“I don’t think your feelings for me are the problem, y/n.” 
You’re well aware of the way she’s redirecting the conversation back to the dumb argument you were having mere moments ago but you don’t fight against it. All you want is answers and if it takes you tearing down your walls for her so be it.
“Why? Because I’m the problem?”
“No.” Her voice is so quiet you have to force yourself to fully focus or risk missing out on her vulnerability. “It’s because I messed up so badly that you feel like you can’t trust me again.”
She’s right.
You wish you could say you were surprised.
Your silence speaks volumes, at least to her, and it’s not long before you feel her free hand nudging your face. You lean into her touch and let her tilt your head up until your eyes meet again. You don’t want to ruin the moment but the need to be witty outweighs your need for honesty. “Is this supposed to be an apology?”
The question earns you a chuckle and the sound is more than enough to ease some of the tension that’s gathered inside of your chest. “Something like that.”
She leans forward the slightest bit, giving you the chance to put space between the two of you if you want. You appreciate the gesture, and all the sweet parts of her it represents, but you’re tired of running. Tired of tiptoeing around a truth so obvious it’s painful to deny.
You lean in the rest of the way and gently press your lips against her.
It’s not exactly fear that holds you back. You’re trying to show her you want more than the fleeting moments of passion and the heated arguments. You want the real thing. Even if it means you’ll get hurt even worse in the process. Anything is better than the months you’ve spent ignoring her existence.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles against your lips. “I’m an idiot and an asshole but I really, really, want to be with you. For real this time.”
You lean back just enough to properly look into her eyes again. “Hailee-”
“I know, I know.” She silences your worries with another sweet kiss. “I thought it would be easier if we took our time with this but it was just an excuse. I don’t think I know how to be with you if we’re not arguing about something stupid all the time.”
“That’s because you’re immature,” you reply with the tiniest of smirks on your face. “And an idiot. And annoying in all the best ways.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
This time you're the one who laughs. It's insane how quickly you can go from total sincerity to playful jabs at each other. If you're being honest though, that's exactly why you love her. Because neither of you has to hold back around the other, even when it's infuriating.
“It’s supposed to be me telling you I’m okay with taking things at your pace. As long as you stop acting like we’re just friends.”
“You don’t want to be my friend? I’m heartbroken, baby.”
“I’m going to leave if you don’t stop.”
“Okay, okay. I’m kidding. But what do you want to be? Just so we’re on the same page ‘cause-”
You roll your eyes and shut her up with your lips. You have a feeling that’s exactly what she wanted you to do but you’re not about to complain. Especially when it results in her wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close.
You don't have all the answers you wanted, and there's still a lot the two of you have to figure out, but one thing is obvious. You're in this together. No matter how much you annoy the other or how scary it is to be completely honest after years of lies.
She's with you. For real, for real.
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lilac-ravenclaw · 5 months ago
The Picnic 🧺
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC, (Raven Fawlty)
Summary: Just a couple weeks before their sixth year starts, Sebastian takes Raven on a picnic and finally tells her how he feels.
Content Notes: Fluff💕, brief mentions of abuse.
Word Count: 3,083
Author’s Notes: Been thinking about this little story for quite sometime, and apologizes for me taking forever to post it! Thank you so much @justadreamer20 for taking the time to proofread, I really appreciated it! I know this story isn’t perfectly written, so would love some feedback. I have an idea for another short story that I will start soon. There are references from the movies Annie (1982) and Matilda (1996)(anyone remember Ms. Trunchbull’s Chokey room?). Thanks so much for reading!✨
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They had been hiking for quite awhile and even though Raven was a bit tired it did not matter because she was with her dearest friend, Sebastian, again after weeks of being apart. She had not left on the train after the school year ended like most of her friends did, but instead used her new shop in Hogsmeade as a place to stay for the summer. With all the practice she had in the Room of Requirement, conjuring the shop with a living area and bedrooms for her and Penny was simple.
Sebastian said he needed some time to think and reflect about everything that happened last school year. As much as she wished she wanted to see him, she respected his wishes. With Penny running the shop most of the time, it was easy to also get some much-needed alone time as well. Everything had changed in just a year... from simply being an orphan to finding out she was a witch and going to Hogwarts. Also being able to wield Ancient Magic. On top of all that, dealing with a goblin rebellion. That doesn’t even include helping countless others and trying to catch up with four years worth of studies.
The past several weeks was certainly a nice break from all the chaos and hardships experienced. She was used to solitude from the orphanage. Her caretaker usually isolated her for her disobedience. Then, there was mourning the loss of Professor Fig. He was the first person to believe in her and had quickly become a father figure. Therefore, she understood why Sebastian needed and wanted time to himself.
���Are we there yet?” Raven hollered at Sebastian who was ahead of her. She was now regretting wearing a dress for such an occasion, but in teenage boy fashion, Sebastian had not specified that they would be hiking to their destination.
Raven noticed Sebastian had certainly grown more over summer. Definitely grown more, she told herself.
“Shut it,” Raven abruptly hushed herself as if anyone heard her thoughts.
“What was that?” He turned his head towards her while still walking.
“Nothing!” Raven quickly called back. Merlin, keep it together woman.
Even though she had not grown much since she was 13, she still noticed how much he had changed. That boy she first met last year was almost gone, and he was turning into a man. Especially with his strides being longer compared to hers, therefore, she felt she needed to take extra steps just to keep up.
“Just a bit further, we’re almost at the top!” he turned to see she was a bit behind and stopped for a moment to wait for her to catch up. “Why are you all the way back there?” he teased her.
“Oh, you know, I just love making you wait for me. Sorry I cannot take troll size steps like you.”
Sebastian made a soft laugh, “Or maybe you’re just too dainty and small. How do you expect to keep fighting poachers or Dark Wizards if they can see right over your head?”
“You of all people should know I’m not dainty. I have crushed enough poachers AND Dark Wizards with ease,” Raven countered with a slight smile and raised her head as high as she could, finally catching up to him.
“You’re right, you are not dainty. I’ve seen you fight and to be honest… you can be quite terrifying. Yet completely brilliant.” He stared right at her, Merlin I have missed those eyes, he thought, without breaking eye contact for what felt like ages. She stared right back, blushing, and was trying to think of something to say but before she could he continued with, “But you’re still small though.” Sebastian said, clearing his throat and turning to continue walking. Not before Raven nudged him with her elbow.
As they continued on the trail, it was finally starting to even out and they were now walking on a plateau. The sun was getting lower but with no trees on top of this mountain there was plenty of light for a couple more hours.
“Why didn’t we just fly up here?” Raven asked, still regretting wearing a dress.
“Because half the fun is getting there. Wouldn’t be much of a surprise!”
As they kept walking, Raven could start to see Hogwarts coming into view in the distance. Hogsmeade was just below them, yet it still felt so far away with all the hiking.
“This is where we’ll stop,” Sebastian said as he put down his backpack and started pulling out a large blanket and draping it over the grass.
With a sigh of relief, Raven put down her pack and took out some tea he asked her to bring from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. She brought some iced spearmint tea and lemon slices, which was perfect for a warm summer day. As Raven sat down and was taking off her shoes Sebastian continued to take out more items from his pack, some chicken salad sandwiches, deviled eggs, and some fruit salad.
“Did you make all this?” Raven asked, surprised.
“Yes, my mum would teach Anne how to prepare and cook when we were younger. I paid attention.”
They both sat down on the large blanket and stared at the sun setting behind the castle. It looked like a painting with all the vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows glowing in the sky, the castle just a darkened silhouette and the distant sounds coming from town. The last of the sun’s rays were sparkling along the Black Lake. As they were walking up Raven realized that she had been to this very spot before. It had been a couple of months, but she would fly her broom to the top of this mountain every so often and just look out at the landscape to think. But being here with Sebastian for the first time, it felt different. She did not want to ruin how happy he looked to have planned this, much like how she didn’t want to ruin their friendship if she told him how she really felt about him.
“I would like to learn how to cook. There wasn’t much opportunity at the orphanage as I was usually cleaning the linens/clothes. Then I came to Hogwarts and well… even less opportunity.”
“A Ravenclaw wanting to learn more?” He said, pretending to be shocked. “I’ll have to teach you.”
“Ooh would you please, Chef Sallow?” she said sarcastically, batting her eyes at him.
They both laughed and went back to staring at the view ahead. Indulging in the picnic treats and iced tea. They discussed what their schedules would be like and what career paths they might choose.
“To be honest I’m not too sure...” Sebastian said. “I spent so long trying to find a cure for Anne... I forgot to do things for myself. To think about things for myself… and now… I do not know if she will ever speak to me again after…”
“I am so sorry about what happened. You only tried to do your best and what you thought was best. I don’t know Anne very well, but I feel that she will come around. She just needs time. Solomon should have been more supportive and helpful. Instead, he was cruel and projected whatever problems he had onto both of you. That was not fair.” As Raven paused for a moment, staring at the blanket, Sebastian turned to look at her waiting for her next words. “Some people can only dream of having a family, having people to love and support you… some people will never have that.”
She could feel the tears forming on her eyes, but she quickly brushed them away. He knew she was referring to herself, it suddenly hit him how selfish he had been until that point. He knew he was in love with her, oh if he only had the courage to tell her. He knew her habits, her quirks, her laugh, her perfume, the way her dark hair falls so perfectly around her face… He knew all those things, yet he didn’t truly know her. Her past and her life before Hogwarts. He knew she lived in a muggle orphanage, and she ran away after something bad happened before Professor Fig found her. She had only spoken of it in passing before but he never questioned it, as he was so caught up in his own problems most of the time.
Since he first saw her walk into the Great Hall he was captivated. Then there was their trip to Hogsmeade, where he had spoken to Professor Weasley beforehand and offered to help her should she need it. Little did he know he would be called upon that same day to escort her to town. It was then he noticed the lovely lilac color of her eyes when the sun hit them exactly right. The way they shimmered and were so happy that day. Much like how they were shimmering right now with the sun getting lower, however, right now there was a sadness to them. He could not help but feel it was partly because of him and the pain he had caused her last year.
“I’m sorry…,” Sebastian said quietly, as Raven kept staring at the blanket, tracing the earth tone plaid pattern details with her eyes.
“It’s all right… it’s not your fault—” Raven began, but he cut her off suddenly.
“No, I’m so sorry. I feel like the whole time we have known each other I haven’t taken the time to ask about you. You have done everything to help me without even questioning it and I feel like I have not been a particularly good…,” he struggled to find the right word but landed on, “friend at the end of it all. Please know I am always here for you Raven.”
She looked at him from the corner of her eye, her heart beating a bit harder. You have been the best of friend to me, she thought. She noticed how he paused before saying “friend” but didn’t read too much into it. He probably did just mean ‘friend.’ “Well, what would you like to know?”
He thought for a moment, “What is your favorite book?”
She was a little taken back by the question, honestly no one had asked, nor had she given it much thought. She loved all sorts of books, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, ironically, Lois the Witch. But there was one piece of text she always went back to. “Well, if I had to pick a book it would be Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. But as for my favorite piece to read it would have to be The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. It was first published on the 29th of January… which, as you know, happens to be my birthday,” she said a little proudly.
Sebastian sat there frozen in total shock because he did not know when her birthday was. “Oh yes of course!” He played it off casually. Merlin’s beard, you are such a bastard, he thought to himself. He also noted to himself to find this poem and read it.
“What about you? What is your favorite piece of literature?” She asked.
“Well to be honest I don’t remember when the last time I read an enjoyable book. I have spent too much time reading tomes, scrolls and other research papers to help my sister. Plus, with studying I lost track. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.”
They had gone back and forth asking each other questions before he started asking more serious ones.
“What was it like at the muggle orphanage?”
Raven paused for a moment. She had not thought of that place in a long time that it almost felt like a lifetime ago. Someone else’s life perhaps. “It was… grim, to say the least. It was all girls there, and we had basic studies such as reading and writing. Ms. Tilcott would give the older kids to other families to work for as servants. That’s how she got the money for the building, but she mostly kept it for herself. When we weren’t working, she would… discipline us if we were ‘out of line.’ There was a small closet in her office that smelled so bloody fowl and had nails sticking out in different directions. She would always find someone to punish and leave them in there for hours. I found myself in there most days. All because I couldn’t stand to see her beat any of the smaller kids.”
Sebastian was tense with anger. His knuckles white from how furious he was just thinking about it.
“Did you know any of your family from before?”
“I did not, I was there since I can remember. I didn’t even have a real name when I was left there. Ms. Tilcott had to give me one. ‘Faulty’ is what she would call me. Because of my appearance…,” she gestured at her eyes, “and abandonment. ‘Why would anyone want to adopt you,’ she would tell me.”
How could anyone think she was “faulty”? Why would she keep that name? She was the most incredible woman he’s ever known. Fearless, headstrong, smart, always called him out if he was being a twat, yet so gentle and kind. Part of him wanted to know where this hell hole was and give this Ms. Tilcott a taste of her own medicine.
“So, your last name…?”
She knew what he was getting at. “I know it’s spelled wrong, all part of Ms. Tilcott’s plan to humiliate me. I kept it because I wanted to prove I was worthy. Maybe someday I will mean something to someone.”
You mean everything to me; he thought letting out a long sigh to himself.
They sat in silence for a few moments as Raven knew he was thinking about his next question. “Why did you let me cast Crucio on you?”
The memory quickly flashed in Raven’s mind and of the pain the spell caused. “Because… because we needed to get out. We would have been trapped down there. I couldn’t ask Ominis to cast the spell let alone suffer through it again. You had only just taught me the spell, so you casting it on me was the obvious choice.” She turned to face Sebastian, “I couldn’t do that to….” She trailed off and went back to look at the sun. Which is just sitting on the horizon now.
Sebastian moved a little closer still staring at her. “It still pains me that I did that to you. That’s my fault. I should’ve been better as I was so selfish then. I didn’t truly mean it, only enough to get us out of there. I couldn’t stand inflicting that much pain onto you even for just those few moments. I am so sorry.”
The sun finally finished dropping below the horizon. The stars were becoming more visible, some lights were shining from the town now. “Sebastian, it is ok. I’m all right. We are alive because of it and— “
He interrupted her again and placed his hand on top of hers moving closer to her. “I sound so repetitive… again I’m so sorry darling.” Raven could feel the tears building up again.
‘Darling’? Is that what he just said? she thought.
“You have done everything for me. I can never repay you.” He gave her hand a light squeeze and she reciprocated. “You are incredible and have overcome so much. I don’t deserve your kindness or friendship. I have done quite a lot of thinking over the summer…” She turned her head to look at him, but Sebastian was now staring at the blanket. Raven could feel her heart pounding and she had to remind herself to keep breathing as she waited for his next words. “I made a lot of mistakes last year. Everyone tried to tell me to stop but I was too bloody stubborn to listen. Without even knowing me you risked so much.” He looked up at her and gently caressed her cheek. Stop being a coward and just tell her, he told himself. “I’m not sure how much longer I can go without telling you how much you terrify me. You appeared out of nowhere and I was enamored with you before I could truly admit it to myself. Not being with you over summer was quite difficult because I love you, Raven.”
It felt like time had stopped and she truly forgot to breathe. Raven could feel the tears pooling on her eyes as she sat there in disbelief but so happy to hear him say he needed her as much as she needed him. All this time, he felt the same way.
The distance sounds of Hogsmeade and crickets chirping were filling the evening air. Sebastian was feeling more nervous the longer the quite lasted. He looked deep into her lilac eyes getting lost in them; he could stare at those eyes forever. “…Sweetheart?” he broke her rapid train of thought and brought her back down from the clouds.
She was trembling lightly and kept opening her mouth trying to find the words. “I… I feel the same way Seb. If I had to do it all over again, I would not change anything. I loved you since you took the blame in the library. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”
With a feeling of relief and joy, he placed both hands on her cheeks and brushed the tears away with his thumbs as she closed her eyes in comfort. To Raven his hands felt so warm and safe. He stared at her for a moment before kissing her gently, and he could feel her cheeks forming into a smile. His kiss felt like a small electric current running through her body.
They touched foreheads as he continued, “There no need to cry, my love.”
“I’m sorry I’m just so happy. I have dreamt of this moment for so long. When did you know?” she asked.
“I have loved you since you threw my arse off the Dueling Table. I didn’t think love at first sight was possible.” Raven snorted a breathy laugh.
“You do not have to feel alone anymore. I am not going anywhere. I hope I am not out of line by saying someday you will not have the name ‘Fawlty’ anymore. I will make sure of that.”
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berie-kat · 8 months ago
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Lore (part 1/2)!
Santiago Corvus ( Bernie Corvos) Story
Born to the Rich Corvus Family, Bernie, or Right now known as Santiago Corvus, was raised to take over the family business of Wine and Crow Messengers. He followed the role he was meant to play for a few years till he found himself intrigued with chemistry and alchemy. In secret he studied books on the magics of the world. He finally found a passion in life that he wished to pursue.
Soon his parents found out his secret and disapproved of his dreams to become a rogue scientist. After long arguments that lasted for weeks they told Santiago that he had to leave if he wanted to pursue this ‘insane’ dream of his, and he did.
He left at the age of 15, with nothing but his books and some pocket money. For a few months he lived on the streets till one day he met a lady named Alexandra who was a fellow scientist, not exactly a rogue scientist but a scientist,who offered him to stay with her. He was grateful and started to get on his feet.
They lived together for a few years in peace. Alexandra allowed him to use her laboratory for chemistry, he did do some chemistry but also worked on Alchemy in secret. He worked through many nights while taking notes on what he learned and what he wished to improve in his mixing.
Santiago saw Alexandra as mother for taking him in, but he was still distrustful to show her his work because he thought she would kick him out. Finally at the age 19 he brought up the courage to show her his work that he was proud of.
But, the moment he showed her his books and potions she was shocked and terrified. Santiago panicked at her reaction and tried to stop her from leaving. In a rash reaction he tried to show off what he could do but instead he dropped a bunch of chemicals and caused a great explosion.
He was hit by the explosion on his back and soon the building caught on fire. He was on the ground from the explosion and developed burns. He tried to pull himself up, but he couldn’t from shock and he called out to Alexandra for help.
She was gone, he looked up to see she had left him in the burning building alone. He felt betrayed and heartbroken.
Slowly he crawled out the building before it collapsed. He laid on the ground crying from pain, not only physically but emotionally. He was abandoned again by someone he trusted.
Later on the news of a rogue scientist burning a building down and Santiago went into hiding trying to figure out what to do. He thought for a long while, and finally decided.
He was going to give up being a scientist. He blamed science for everything he lost. Changing his name and deciding to study medicine he started his journey to become a doctor.
He refused to make relationships of any kind and became cold hearted.
He believed trusting others is only for idiots, and never got along with his fellow colleagues while studying. In the end it came with a positive effect, he was the top of his class and became versatile in many subjects.
Finally graduating he worked at a clinic for a few months, but one day everything changed. He got a job offer to work as a doctor for society. At first he refused but after many calls and raises in pay he agreed.
He soon arrived to see he was going to work for The Society for Arcane Science. He immediately regretted his decision and tried to leave. But he realized he already signed the contract so he couldn’t leave even if he tried.
After that he officially became the Doctor of The Society for Arcane Science. He does monthly checks on each scientist, yes monthly, in his words “ if I could I would do it daily because how reckless those damn fools can get”.
Bernie Corvos( Mf couldn’t think of a different last name so he just changed a letter) soon became a permanent resident of the society against his will! :)
( he is secretly growing to love the place)
If ya read all this, congrats, wow, I really appreciate it :D
Thank you for reading
Soon Ales story will be told!
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loominggaia · 7 months ago
What would happen if Cerulea daughters were teleported to their aunt
If they were all magically teleported to Uekoro, I think the first thing they'd do is complain about the heat/humidity. Average temps in the Blue Valley are around 50-70f, while Uekoro is more like 80-100f. They'd all be sweating buckets in their layered dresses, thick makeup running down their faces, wishing to dress modestly because of their culture but suffering miserably because of it.
Azura's wearing a typical Matuzan crop top and loin cloth. "If you ladies want to borrow some of my clothes, just say so. You must be dying in those dresses!" she tells them.
Scandalized, Lazuline's like, "But auntie, we can see your...[whispers] knees!"
Saphirra tries seducing Jelani, but just creeps him out. He's been around the block enough times to know batshit-crazy when he sees it.
Clementino has attached himself to Teal and cannot be extracted. He's like a barnacle. She just has to carry him everywhere now or he starts screaming louder than a volcanic eruption.
Cyana is a little too intrigued by the harem ladies...
Marine and Tyger are raising hell together. They cause 400k in property damages within 10 minutes.
Skylie is reading to Rustafi. He throws a tantrum because he didn't like how the story ended. Skylie makes up a new, better ending on the fly and he instantly calms down.
Cobalt is terrified. He's scared to move, speak, or do anything at all, because he's never been away from his mother before and everything here is so alien to him. Eventually Azura reassures him and he ends up having the time of his life at the palace. He never wants to go home.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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keepingupwiththecullensblog · 7 months ago
🌟🚗 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens”! I never thought I’d say this, but Midnight Sun actually got… good? Yes, you read that right! After trudging through Edward’s endless brooding and inner turmoil, the book finally delivered moments so intense and relatable that I had to pause and really take them in. These chapters are a must-discuss because they shed new light on Edward’s character, and trust me, it’s a perspective I haven’t seen explored enough! 🧛‍♂️💋 Honestly, I love it because it shows that even sparkly vampires can have teenage meltdowns. 😂✨
Let’s kick things off with the most ridiculous, over-the-top car chase in vampire history. Edward, in full-blown panic mode, doesn’t just drive fast—he goes full-on action hero by stealing a flashy car to speed across town and save Bella from James! 🚗💥 I mean, who knew Edward had a secret need for speed? It’s like he’s suddenly in a vampire version of Fast & Furious, but with a lot more angst and existential dread. You can almost hear him muttering, “Outta the way, mere mortals!” as he zooms through traffic like a bat out of hell. 😂 Seriously, this whole scene is so over-the-top that you can’t help but laugh and cheer him on. Edward’s driving is described as borderline suicidal—he’s pushing the car to its limits, and you can feel his sheer desperation with every reckless turn. He’s absolutely terrified he won’t reach Bella in time, and it’s honestly like watching someone try to beat their own high score in a racing game, except the stakes are a million times higher. 🏎️💨
But after the car chase, the story takes a much more gut-wrenching turn when Edward arrives at the hospital. For once, Edward is acting like a normal, concerned boyfriend, and it’s both shocking and refreshing. Charlie’s not there to help with Renée—he’s stuck dealing with a court appearance, which totally sucks but also makes sense. So, Edward steps up, making sure Renée has everything she needs and is comfortable, just like any boyfriend would. It’s kind of surreal to see him in this role, especially after all the dramatic vampire stuff. He’s navigating Renée’s thoughts, which are practically screaming at him, but he still manages to keep it together. Renée, of course, is immediately suspicious of this perfect, polished young man who seems too good to be true. Edward can barely keep his anxiety in check as he tries to maintain a calm exterior while internally, he’s a wreck. 😅💖
And then there’s the chapel scene. Edward, our brooding, angst-filled vampire, actually prays. 🙏 Yep, he’s praying to Bella’s God for the strength to leave her because he’s convinced that staying with her is too dangerous. “I prayed to a God I wasn’t sure existed, to the God of her people, that he might give me the strength to leave her.” This moment is so gut-wrenching because it shows just how much Edward is willing to sacrifice for Bella. He’s not just some cold, immortal being; he’s deeply conflicted and desperate. You can feel his pain as he contemplates a future without Bella, even though it’s the last thing he wants. 😩💔 This prayer scene is significant because it humanizes Edward in a way we haven’t seen before. He’s acknowledging that he’s out of his depth, that he needs help from a higher power to do what he believes is right. It’s a raw, vulnerable moment that makes his internal struggle so much more real. It’s one of those moments where you realize just how deeply he loves her, and it honestly makes the eventual breakup even more heartbreaking. 💔😭
I seriously teared up. 😢 I’m not very religious, and most people would be shocked I even pray when I need strength, but Edward praying and then lying to Bella is my absolute favorite part because it’s the most human thing. After seeing Bella’s anxiety in the hospital, Edward decides that this isn’t the time to leave her. He knows she needs him right now, and he even lies about staying with her forever because he can’t bear to tell her the truth. “I couldn’t tell her that I wouldn’t stay. I couldn’t tell her that I didn’t have forever to give. But I had to let her believe it, because the truth would destroy her right now.” This is gut-wrenching because Edward is trapped in his own emotional turmoil. He absolutely hates lying to her—seriously, I don’t know how he’s doing it. 🤯 The fact that he’s staying while she recovers, knowing he’s going to leave, is just heartbreaking, especially since he’s seen Alice’s vision of Bella being comatose and depressed after he’s gone. I wanna cry just thinking about these hospital scenes. 😭💔💔
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Their conversation in the hospital is filled with so much tension and love that it’s almost unbearable. Bella, still weak and in pain, tries to comfort Edward, who is wracked with guilt. “Don’t I taste as good as I smell?” Bella tries to lighten the mood with a joke, but Edward can’t even play along. His love for her is so intense that he can barely contain his emotions. When Bella asks him why he didn’t just let the venom spread, Edward’s response is heartbreaking: “I can’t do it, Bella. I won’t do that to you.” 💔💬 You can feel the struggle in every word he says—he wants to give her everything, but he’s terrified of what that would mean. It’s in these moments that Edward’s true nature shines through; he’s not just a vampire, but a man deeply in love and profoundly conflicted about what that love means for Bella’s future. 😢💔
And let’s not forget the little moments of humor sprinkled in. When Edward is pushing Bella in a wheelchair, he actually growls at people who stare at her too long. “A low, warning growl slipped through my lips when anyone looked too long at her fragile form.” 🦁 It’s such an overprotective boyfriend move, but you can’t help but smile because it shows just how fiercely he cares for her. Edward’s protective instincts are in overdrive, and while he’s usually so controlled, the thought of anyone causing Bella discomfort sends him into a near-animalistic rage. It’s almost like he’s a regular guy, freaking out because his girlfriend is hurt, and he doesn’t want anyone making her feel worse. 😂💪
The prom scene is another bittersweet moment. 💃🕺 Edward takes Bella to prom, not because he’s into it, but because he wants to give her a good memory—something she can hold onto when he’s gone. “I wanted to give her something to remember me by—something she could hold onto when I was gone.” 🥲 This is so sad because Edward is already planning his departure, even as he’s trying to make Bella happy in the moment. It’s that classic vampire dilemma—how do you balance your love for someone with the knowledge that your very existence puts them in danger? The prom, with its lights, music, and human warmth, contrasts sharply with Edward’s cold, calculating decision to leave. He’s trying to give Bella a piece of normalcy, something she can look back on fondly, even though he knows it will only make his departure that much more painful for her. 🥺💃
Finishing Midnight Sun has left me with so many emotions. 😵 Just when the book finally started diving into the parts of the story I was most curious about—Edward’s POV during these critical moments—it ended, leaving me craving more. Meyer did a fantastic job of humanizing Edward in these final chapters, showing us that even a century-old vampire can have teenage meltdowns, moments of doubt, and flashes of humor. 🧛‍♂️✨ I have so much more to say about these chapters, but I’ll save that for another post… or maybe two. Stay tuned for more deep dives into Edward’s surprisingly human moments and all the drama that comes with being a sparkly vampire in love. 💔✨
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callmewrinkles3 · 2 years ago
#ciwyw is my all time favourite fic on this site! I have read and re-read it so many times and each time I find something new to appreciate and each time I am totally blown away by your creativity and story telling. Thank you for sharing Dan & Em’s (and Blake’s & Charlie’s & Lulu’s) stories with us! The social posts and timelines and all the extra content are cherries on the top of a delicious literary masterpiece!
Anyway, would love to see what you come up with from these prompts:
5. Can you hear me?
30. Let’s burn it down.
Much love.
You are the sweetest! Thank you so much for the sweet words. We really love knowing that you enjoy the story.
Also for this one we didn't include n.30 because we already used it on another prompt, but there you have number 5!
September 2025
As soon as Dan signed the contract for the AlphaTauri seat they had to plan it all out. They knew it was going to be so, so hard on the road with one baby, two would be impossible. So the plans were made and deadlines set, and those plans included no more kids until Dan was retired. Or at the very least the summer break in 2026. But best laid plans.
Em knew nearly immediately. She couldn’t explain how, she couldn’t verbalise it to anyone, but she knew that she was pregnant. It felt exactly like the last two times, especially when she’d realised that she was pregnant with Lulu. The problem was that she had no idea how to tell Dan that they had to change all of their plans. He was supposed to be racing until 2026 with her and Lulu by his side, and then they were going home. That’s when they were going to have more babies because they wanted Lulu to have at least one sibling.
It wasn’t supposed to be a year earlier, and Em had no idea what to do. More importantly, she had no idea how she was going to tell Dan. She didn’t know if she could even wait until she had a pregnancy test in her hand. That involved leaving the apartment, buying one in the Boots down the road, coming back and taking it. And it also involved lying to Dan’s face when he was just in the living room playing with Lulu and she couldn’t. She just couldn’t.
So instead she took a deep breath and decided to leave the bedroom to go to her husband and toddler.
“Mama!” The first thing she heard was Lulu’s excited voice, hands reaching out like always to grab Em and pull her to sit down on the floor. How could she say no to her favourite little face?
“Mama’s finally here so I’m not relevant anymore, hey?” Dan joked, making her laugh when they both knew that Lulu was a Daddy’s girl through and through.
“You know that’s not right. We’re both your girls.” It was the perfect moment of sitting in Dan’s lap with his arms around her, Lulu clambering in to sit on Em’s and get cuddles from her parents. Em loved every second of it. She loved being wrapped in her husband’s arms while they got to hold their beautiful, active, brilliant daughter. It was the perfection that made Em terrified of ruining it, but they promised. No secrets.
“Hey love? I need to tell you something.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah. I think so. I just…I think I’m pregnant.”
Emmy could see her husband’s jaw drop in slow motion. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him react like this. They’d been there before when Dan was the one who realised first that she was pregnant with Lulu, but she could see the way his brain was trying to process the information and the idea of a second baby. As the silence dragged on Em began to freak out, especially how he was just staring at her but not saying anything at all. He was never silent, never quiet for more than a few seconds, especially not at home. Em always said that the reason he snored was because he couldn’t be silent even while sleeping. Even with the noise and how he was always talking she wouldn’t change her husband for the world, except for right now when she wished he’d say something to her.
“Dan? Babe? Can you hear me?”
“Daddee!” It was Lulu’s hand on his cheek and her call that made Dan react, Lulu holding Ony up asking him to play with her and her favourite teddy. He grinned at her as he pulled her in.
“Just a second, Love,” he replied to Lulu, pressing kisses to her curly hair as he kept his eyes fixed with Em. “Emmy, are we having another baby?”
The sparkle and happy smirk from the first time they got confirmation that they were going to be parents spread across his face, and that was all Em needed to know that it was going to be more than fine. Whatever they had to do would be worth it for their babies.
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hidden-poet · 1 year ago
I just finished reading chapter 3 & 4 of commander snow and WOW!!! How are you not on New Yorks best selling author list? Jesus your writing is AMAZING!!! 
Okay the way he grabbed her neck and kept kissing and biting her neck while she was searching him for morphling in so much distress was so hot 🥵🥵 (I mean all the sexual content in commander snow is so hot; don’t even get me started on him eating her out and forcing her to give him 2 bjs in less than 24 hours 😂 soooo much to unpack there in those scenes *CHEFS KISS* MUAH)!!! He’s so proud of himself after that too with digging into that apple pie and feeding it to her 😂 And what’s this whole deal about him not fucking her until he goes back to the capitol? What does this man have planned for her?
The way he has this constant need for validation to feel love and nurture from the her warms my heart 🥹 even tho this man delusional as fuck and I shouldn’t feel bad for him but you got me conflicted over here and I WANT HIM TO CORRUPT ME😭 He’s so possessive over her and her independence 😫🥵
Coryo really out here using readers toothbrushes in both commander snow and snow lands on top 😂 but I find them sharing it so hot. I also love how this man has a constant slapping kink in each of your fics hehehe 🥵
Idk why but the way he takes over her whole bed is so funny to me 😂 but him taking her wrist and rubbing it 🥹 even though he’s the one who damaged it in the first place 😂 and the tending to her mother and comforting her (again his own damn doing LOL) 
When he says “I’ll never understand why they run.” Really boy? Really? Are you really that delusional?
I really appreciate you making these super long cause that’s my jam and can’t get enough!!! Also what I love about your dark coryo work is that you make them DARK DARK which is my absolute undoing in the world of dark fiction 🫠
I am missing so much moreeeee here but your work is making me go FERAL RN I HONESTLY CANT THINK STRAIGHT WITH THIS MAN ROAMING AROUND IN MY HEAD 247😫
I also wanted to talk about snow lands on top real quick. I LOVE Mabel absolutely love her. (Bad bitch fearless energy) especially when she drops his clothes on the floor refusing to wear them "no, thank you" 😂 And can we take a minute to acknowledge how CUTE the name Mabel is?
The way you portray Dr. Gaul is soooooooo scary scary ACCURATE to the tea! That woman truly terrifies me 😂
The way he just threatens her and her family and commands her what to do and what not to do 😫 the asking her to help him with his sock made me giggle lol.
I see grandma’am is still the same bitter old lady 😂 And the whole thing at the dinner table with the bread is so funny yet so cute on Mabels part🥹 coryo was getting really agitated at that 😂 she definitely tests his limits which is why I love Mabel sm!!
Okay him teaching her how to read and write 🫠 he's basically training her like a dog 😂 from district scum to captiol gal!!
And not this man drugging her and sprinkling his manhood all over her stomach while she’s laying there like sleeping beauty 😂 still have to give him some respect for not going all the way with her whilst in her deep slumber 😂
I cannot WAIT for the next part to drop on both these AMAZING stories!!!!!!!!!!!
This is possibly my favourite ask ever 🥺😭 you are far too kind!
Thank you for taking the time out to read my work, and further time to write out this lovely comment! It’s means so much.
Commander snow is only nice when you are nice. Which is so hard because he is so terrible!
I am really trying to link his sad backstory as to why he acts certain ways towards the reader.
I did not even pick up that both Coroys used the same brush! Good eye! I suppose it is just super hot!
I think he is more cocky than delusional in that scene.
“I never understand why they run” because I always catch them.
Coriolanus snow also haunts my head! He’s got free realestate there.
Thank you again! Please let me know what you are thinking about each chapter, I love your thoughts ❤️❤️
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lcatala · 1 year ago
My top 6 movies discovered in 2023
I watched 52 new-to-me movies in 2023. Not nearly enough , as I could only find 6 movies that stood out sufficiently to be worthy of a personal top, in what was otherwise a pretty meh year — yes I'm a picky watcher — and yeah The Boy and The Heron didn't make the top, you can read the long rambling I wrote about it if you want to know why; I haven't watched Barbie, Oppenheimer or the Super Mario Bros. Movie, and haven't watched any Marvel-related movie since 2015.
6: Nimona (2023)
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I didn't really expect to like the animated adaptation of N. D. Stevenson's comic, and I went in reluctantly, only because a lot of people who seemed trustworthy recommended it. Despite having some of the flaws I've come to expect in modern 3D animation, this was a very good surprise. You can read my detailed review here.
5: Suzume (2022)
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The plot of Suzume stays very much within the bounds of the "modern artsy anime film", with a rather predictable 3+1 acts structure and an exploration of themes and human interactions which has some subtlety and nuance but overall stays very safe and on-the-surface. Nothing offensive, but nothing truly groundbreaking either.
Suzume had, by far, the best animation of any movie I've seen this year. This movie is an absoluteely beautiful, every-frame-a-painting kind of deal. If I was to rank every animated I've ever seen solely by the quality of their animation, Suzume would easily be in the top 10.
4: Cape Fear (1962)
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American cinema achieved maturity during the New Hollywood era that started in the late 1960s, marking a shift toward more naturalistic and more adult filmmaking and themes. But there were a few notable precursors before that.
The most famous of those is of course Psycho (altho tellingly, it was from a British director). But Cape Fear followed close behind, and is another example of an early 60s movie which you don't expect to be this dark and this raw, starring an absolutely get-under-your-skin-terrifying Robert Mitchum — if you thought he was creepy in The Night of the Hunter, you haven't seen nothing yet…
3: The Outwaters (2022)
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This was the biggest surprise of the year, watched the same day it was recommended to me, having heard absolutely nothing about it before that (I didn't even know this movie existed). I got treated to a no-budget yet beautifully-shot found-footage horror movie — in fact the best found-footage movie I have ever seen, with a lot of attention put toward making the gimmick plausible, making the characters realistic and likeable, making this look like the kind of actual footage you'd find on a personal camera — while also having amazingly beautiful cinematography — all while slowly building up the tension.
Because that's just the first half.
Oh yeah, it's one of these horror movies in which you think you know where the story is going, and then second half just explodes in your face and becomes completely, utterly batshit insane. This is on par with Men (2022) for how weird and fucked up the climax is. Don't expect any kind of explanation or closure here, the second half of this movie turns into one of the most fucked up and bizzare horror movies you'll ever see.
2: Godzilla Minus One (2023)
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Yeah so this one was a surprise late-year hit for everyone, not just me. First live-action Japanese Godzilla film in 7 years, with rather tempered expectations — we all knew that Shin Godzilla was an odd one out, that the average Japanese Godzilla movie is not like that, that we shouldn't expect this kind of quality on a regular basis.
Well we played ourselves.
This was incredibly well made as a blockbuster — Japanese cinema has completely caught up on American cinema, for a fraction of the budgets — one of the best Godzilla movies ever made from an action and visuals point of view, and a reminder that Godzilla, as a character, can also be scary, a terrifying incarnation of destruction and disaster.
But somehow this also managed to be a powerful and well filmed drama — no lazy endless shot/reverse shot dialogues here, a lot effort is put into framing choices, blocking… — a movie that actually touches on difficult questions and goes against the message of many other war or action blockbusters.
When so many stories glorify the idea of sacrifying your life for a greater cause, here's one movie that says "hey maybe expecting people to sacrifice their life for your cause is actually pretty fucked up, and maybe it's actually better to choose to live for the sake of your loved ones than to die for the sake of your own pride". Yeah a Japanese movie is saying that, a Godzilla movie is saying that.
1: Skinamarink (2022)
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So, speaking of low-budget independent horror, back in 2022 I had foolishly overlooked Skinamarink. I had vaguely heard that it was good, but no particular detail was mentioned that would have picked my interest, and the poster looked fairly generic, so I skipped it, even tho I should have been more intrigued — 2022 was already shaping up to be a really good year for horror films…
Skinamarink was a tough proposition from the get go, in the "experimental" kind of tough: an entire film made in the analog horror genre — usually short videos made to ressemble old media from the 80s and 90s, advertisements, warning messages, weather channels, documentaries and informercials, with a disturbing twist; a format usually made of short segments. Trying to tell a film-length story in that fashion is an entirely different exercise, but that's fine, I've sat thru Begotten (1989), I can do this.
Right away, this is not framed like a movie: it's more as if someone had negligently left an old camera on the floor — but this is not even found-footage, there is no camera in-story, we just happen to be seeing this world thru stolen, furtive points of view. The image is grainy, the sound is bad quality (subtitles are provided), the frames are often askew, you never even see the actors' faces. We get no narration, no exposition, just a succession of disjointed scenes that slowly form a story.
This shouldn't work. And for many people, this will not work. Most will turn this off not even 5 minutes in. But if you're among the exceptions, then howdy does it work. The format is not a gimmick at all — it's completely in service of the story. The grainy image, the low quality sound prey on your pattern recognition, never quite certain if something is there or not; the framing by a "forgotten" camera contributes to make the atmosphere hyper-real in its intimacy, yet alienating and uncanny.
The director of Skinamarink deals with one very specific topic: nightmares. Not the idea of nightmares, not the heightened nightmares of fiction, but the literal nightmares that real people have; he started by making short videos representing common nightmares that people would tell him about. When it came time to make a full-length feature film, he kept the same approach. Skinamarink doesn't really use any of the classic themes or structures of horror movies; it largely ignores that folklore and instead focuses on deep childhood fears, the kind of stuff your mind used to conjure up long ago and that you have forgotten but not erased from your brain.
If you manage to enter into this very peculiar format, this very unusual and seemingly disjointed way to tell a story, and if you identify with the kind of fear material the movie is drawing on, this is a truly scary experience. Not really in a jump scare or suspense way, more like a deeply haunting and unsettling atmosphere, a strong ambient uncanniness where things are almost normal but just broken enough to give you a constant feeling of unpleasantness, of wanting to run the hell out of here while being trapped, a sense of horrible lurking threat while having nothing concrete to fight against or protect yourself from.
Of course, this isn't exactly a fun experience. This is very, very intense, I'm talking Antichrist-levels of playing with your nerves, and the story, as simple as it is, is tragically harrowing and cruel — you're essentially watching two young children getting psychologically (and eventually physically) tortured by a sadistic, unseen entity for a hundred minutes.
It's hard to recommend, and yet recommendations is how this movie ended up grossing 2 millions on a 15k budget — promotion included ! Most people actually didn't like the movie, but those who liked it liked it so much they can't shut up about it (case in point!) It's one of those horror movies that completely break the boundaries of the genre and do something truly new and unique. It's what horror should be for: imagination gone wild, format-breaking fantasy, and realism thrown out of the window.
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bookaddict24-7 · 8 months ago
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Every week I will post various reviews I've written so far in 2024. You can check out my Goodreads for more up-to-date reviews HERE.
223. The Departure by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️
The MC of this book being the only Black character in this series is both inspiring (especially because of when these books were first published), and a little sad because she's the most frustrating.
It is pretty well-known that Applegate's series is anti-war, which is great in itself, especially when considering that these are kids with some pretty great moral mentalities. But this MC is, in my opinion, the most self-aware character of the group. I think this because she is the one who is always reminding everyone that there are solutions that don't involve killing or hurting others. These are VERY important messages for readers--no matter the generation. My biggest complaint with this, however, is that sometimes all the moral questions and nay-saying can be over-the-top.
Which leads me to some of the questionable choices made in this book. Whenever a book is in this MC's POV, things can get either a bit frustrating, or just plain annoying. I'm sure many love her and the way she is, but I wish I could just fully explore why she does the things she does.
I just wish I could enjoy her POV more.
224. All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Bringley--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm torn on ALL THE BEAUTY IN THE WORLD. On one hand, it had some seriously gorgeous moments (see, favourite quote from the book: Daughters who looked like their mothers' pasts, and fathers who look like their sons' futures." UGH this quote. I am in AWE.) But it also had moments where I seriously questioned why I continued reading.
I had this discussion with a coworker recently (the one who mentioned the book to me, actually) about how it wasn't at all what she was expecting. While I didn't have the same expectations as her, I DID have something else in mind. I didn't expect the essays to be a little heavier on the historical aspect of things and less about the stories of every day security work. All of the people watching could have and should have led to some more exciting or intriguing essays.
What I WILL say, however, is that Bringley explored the difficult journey of grief beautifully. I teared up a few times, especially when he was detailing his brother's last moments before his death. The emotion surrounding Bringley's grief was palpable. I could feel that pain jumping from the page.
While I wished I DNF'ed it various times, something about ALL THE BEAUTY IN THE WORLD kept me reading. Maybe it was that underlying sense of grief I could feel from the beginning, or the fact that some of the writing was admittedly beautiful. I just wish it was more engaging. Most of the essays dragged and I'd catch my attention slipping away.
If you like history thrown into your essays and a wonderfully heartbreaking exploration of growth and grief, then I think you'll like this one.
225. Behind You by Catherine Hernandez--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Catherine Hernandez never misses.
I've read most of Hernandez's books (I think I still have just one left) and I'm not being facetious when I say that all have been mind-blowing reads. Every single one of her books has left me with heavy thoughts and a new perspective on society and the way I interact with it.
BEHIND YOU explores what it means to be not just a girl in society, but a foreign girl in society. The sexualizing of young non-white girls by adult men (who feel like they're owed something from said girls), and the bullying those same girls get from classmates who don't look like them. Adding in that this mostly takes place in Scarborough was an extra touch because of the diversity there.
There are some seriously creepy moments in this book that help exemplify what it means to exist in a young girl's body; what it looks like to not be believed when you mention a situation to someone you hope would be on your side. All with the extra terrifying mystery of a serial rapist/murderer, who I immediately connected to the Barbie & Ken murders.
Taking place both in the late 80s-early 90s, and in present-day Ontario, Hernandez's novel was also an ode to young girls who are just trying to find themselves in a world that is determined to keep them down. From a very verbally and at-times physically abusive household (that I presume heavily discriminated against the MC because of colourism), to a present where the adult MC is spiralling into a dark hell of trauma, triggered by a re-exploration of the case that haunted her childhood, Hernandez gives us an incredibly fleshed out story that refuses to miss out any details.
The parallels between the MC's past experiences, and the present struggle she encounters with her own son, wife, and still abusive family, and the past that still haunts her were incredible--especially when we see certain interactions between the MC and her wife regarding their son's behaviour.
Hernandez doesn't hold back any punches and I think anyone who can handle those punches should pick this book up. It's important, poignant, jarring, and just an absolutely incredible piece of Canadian literature.
226. Clueless Puckboy by Saxon James & Eden Finley--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Probably my least favourite one of the series, tbh. But still cute!
I think the main reason why I wasn't as big a fan of this one was because of the miscommunication trope, which I never thought I'd see in this series.
But other than that, this was still as fun as the other books--especially watching the one MC win over the other. The whole "forbidden" aspect of their romance was one of the things that made this one so much fun.
I did feel bad for the hockey MC because of how insecure he was about his career, even though he is a professional hockey player. His character growth was nice to watch because he was probably one of the tamer players of the whole series. He wasn't cocky or someone who flaunted his good looks, he was just a nervous ball of insecurity. Also, I'm so glad he got his story--I'd been waiting for it since we were introduced to him in book one.
I won't lie, of all the books in the series, this one took me the longest to remember what it was about. My non-five star rating for this one makes a lot of sense now.
227. The Dixon Rule by Elle Kennedy--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was not expecting to cry as much as I did. Thanks Elle Kennedy.
I was excited to pick up THE DIXON RULE because I LOVED the previous one in this sequel series. I love how spicy these books get, but I especially love the emotional connection between the characters. And while this book definitely had that enemies to friends to lovers aspect that I love and that spicy tension between the two MCs, I found this one a LITTLE hard to fall for.
Book one had this great enemies aspect that had me rooting for both characters, but it took me a while to fall for the FMC. She was such a bitch to the MMC from the get-go. Like, I get that he was a hoe, but she just immediately thought the worst of him? To the point where it verged on bullying, especially with some of the antics regarding the other people who lived in their condominium. The important thing is that they finally communicated and a lot more made sense for the two of them.
THE DIXON RULE also explored some more darker aspects tentatively introduced in book one. Super trigger warning for stalking and physical abuse. Those scenes were hard to read, I can't even imagine someone who could be triggered by it. I don't think I've read a Kennedy book that had the very dark side of romance (and not in that "sexy dark romance" way.)
Also, bring tissues, because damn. This book.
By the end, I was a fan of these two characters together--especially because of how they took care of each other, how they showed each other love, and just how much understanding there was between the two of them.
I'm wary of the third book, but it has already been ordered LOL.
228. Bromantic Puck Boy by Saxon James & Eden Finley--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pleaseeeee. This was so much fun and so cute. Watching these two idiots figure themselves out was adorable af.
When I saw who this book was going to be about, I giggled so hard--especially because of how the one MC talked about the second MC in the last book. I knew it was coming, but I was still thoroughly entertained.
I know a lot of people didn't like how this one wasn't as outright romantic as the other books in the series, but I actually really liked this one because it was so different. I also liked how these two became inseparable best friends first before they fell into this messy friends-with-benefits situation.
In fact, while yes the spice was spicy, it was their relationship that really drew me in. The way the one character hated others using the same nickname his love interest called him, or how they did the most extreme or silliest things for each other. I loved it all. I literally read a story about two best friends falling in love when they didn't even realize they were doing exactly that.
I also really appreciated the topic of parents who may or may not be accepting, because it showed us (the readers) how that anxiety can grow so much to the point where you either ignore who you are or you pretend you're not the way you are, which can be extremely painful. It was a very vulnerable moment.
And BROMANTIC PUCKBOY also reminded me that I need to read FRAT WARS by Saxon James since a bunch of characters are mentioned in this one!
229. The Jock by Tal Bauer--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tal Bauer is an incredible author. He somehow always captures the deep romance of a story and then manages to rip your heart out of your chest.
I'll admit that I was a bit skeptical of THE JOCK at first because of that prologue. I think this book didn't need it and if anything, it made me almost not want to pick it up. But I'm grateful that I pushed through it because this love story was incredible.
The heartbreak in this is palpable and the way the characters live through made me want to sob. The selflessness of the one MC was incredible, but the understanding of the other was inspiring. Another thing that I love about Bauer's writing is how he can create these characters who jump of the pages to profess their love for one another. He's just so...romantic? It's incredible.
I appreciated, too, how the football MC was being realistic about his future and what he wanted. He was always questioning everything and trying to find a way to attain that future he wanted so badly. Although, I think that coach needs to kick a few rocks for putting that pressure on him.
The other MC has his own complex circumstances with family and his heartbreak, but the way he was there for the man he loves? Incredible. He was also great because he knew what he wanted for his future and he also fought for it. I liked that these two characters didn't fall completely into each other to the point where they lost sight of who they were (this is why I keep mentioning this aspect of the story).
There were some pretty heavy things that happen in this book, some triggering, and some anger-inducing. But THE JOCK is definitely a must-read for anyone who is just a huge romantic and a fan of sports romances!
230. Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan--⭐️⭐️.5
I don't know what I was expecting from VERONA COMICS, but it wasn't this. I think this is my first Jennifer Dugan book and I've always been curious about her stuff, especially because she always has such great covers.
I originally wanted to read this book because of the Bi rep, so that part was cool. I understood the MC's internal questioning regarding her identity and how she's dated only guys, even though she has had crushes on other girls. What I didn't understand was the Bi-phobia coming from her Lesbian best friend and how it wasn't really explored or commented on? In fact, her best friend being not the greatest friend in general was never really addressed.
While VERONA COMICS had the important topic of co-dependent relationships and the dangers of said relationships, I also think that it is a dangerous topic to not handle with care. Especially when young readers pick these books up. The way the relationship is treated at the end of the book is slightly troubling for me. It's good to get the mental health care needed, but that whole "let's give this a happy ending" aspect of it weirded me out.
There are also a plethora of other topics that were thrown at the reader that at times felt overwhelming and heartbreaking: emotional and verbal parental abuse, suicidal ideation, depression, and anxiety. This book was DARK and you know, this is fine. There are some seriously dark YA novels out there. My issue with this, though, is that this novel does not give any hint that this is one of those books that take you on a very serious mental health ride down a dark pit.
I kept reading because I couldn't look away, but the book now sits on my unhaul book stack. I can understand what the book was trying to say, but it was A LOT.
I didn't give this lower because even though the darkness of the story was overwhelming, there were moments of brightness and some cute moments between the characters. Also, half a star for the one friend who didn't try to manage the FMC's life. I get that the one friend was protective because of the FMC's shitty treatment of her friends when in a relationship, but her attitude was so bad that I will admit I thought she had a thing for the FMC.
I just wish this was just the cute book the cover hinted at, but knowing that this is a Romeo & Juliet adaptation should have hinted at how dark this was gonna get.
231. This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, I finally understand the hype for Carley Fortune.
When I read the first book by this author, I was underwhelmed. Not only did it have a really shitty twist, it felt like three different books that were already written made into one. Needless to say, I wasn't super impressed.
But THIS SUMMER WILL BE DIFFERENT? Yes, please. This was such a great and emotionally fuelled read. I could feel the tension between the MC and the love interest; I could feel the history between them. I wanted them together, but I knew they both had some serious hurdles to get over.
I actually enjoyed the back and forth of the past and present because it helped me further understand these two characters and why they are the way they are, especially when they're interacting with one another.
I think I was expecting something cheesy, or a really horrible twist, but what I got was actually a fantastic summer read that makes me really want to visit PEI.
After reading this book, I was curious about others' thoughts. I read one of my friend's reviews and she mentioned the weirdness of friendships and how extreme they can be and I have to say that I agree. Half of the tension in this book wouldn't be so...tense if the best friend didn't set such a rule from the first summer that the MC meets her love interest. It was a great point and now I'm sure I'll be thinking about it with every romance book I read. The friendship in this book is sudden and intense, but I won't fault it because it gave us this love story.
Loved the ending, loved the obsession with flowers, loved the missed opportunities and surprisingly spicy bits--I just loved how this felt like such a call to summer (which I know sounds weird, but it's how it felt).
Also, I'm a fan of the MC's character growth and her figuring out that in an attempt to find herself, she should probably stop being a workaholic and worrying what her parents think of her career choices.
Anyway, I highly recommend this book. It was fun, sexy, and incredibly addicting.
Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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