#you never realize how much you want to plan out a heist until someone brings up planning out a heist
Silly Game Time: I feel like stealing something. TIME FOR AN ELABORATE HEIST ... AND YOU WILL HELP ME!
First of all, what should we steal? Jewels, art, antiquities, weapons, specific objects, straight-up cash, or something else? (I'm not picky)
Second of all, what role do you see yourself filling on the heist team? Mastermind, procurer, techie, distraction, muscle, infiltration, lifter, getaway, or something else?
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Firstly, based on the accounts of people who actually work as security guards or are a doctor or a scientist in any field, the key to a heist is confidence. Whatever place we pick, whatever time we go in, we walk in like we own the place. For example, the door's locked and someone's inside? You act like you're needed inside. “Yeah man I'm such an idiot, I guess I just forgot the key today. Thanks so much.”
And, of course, depending on how security-cammed the place is, we're gonna want a high level of disguise. Gloves, face masks, wigs possibly, glasses, you get the picture. Won't keep us from serving if need be.
Now, unfortunately, the best places to go to would narrow down depending on who we have on the team. My lock-picking skills are not yet advanced enough for certain things (someday…). Even if we act like we belong, malls have all these separate locked doors for the various stores. No mixture of Panda Express food and Hot Topic merch today, I'm afraid.
… Unless?
Many mall stores also have large glass windows for displaying things. If we bring the right equipment, breaking into various places could be easier than I thought. With a mall, we'd have the best of most worlds. Jewellery, art, antiquities, weapons? How about all that and more?
The key, then, would be doing a sweep around the mall first. Because breaking glass multiple times is not exactly stealthy. We'll probably need some chloroform.
Really, I'm realizing that heists require a budget. Maybe this would be something to work our way up to.
[sips tea]
In the meantime, maybe robbing a Walmart would be good in terms of raising the budget, and also getting food should any of the team require it.
As for roles, well. While I have come up with a plan, multiple brains are better than one. Whoever else we have on our team, I hope we can all come up with a strategy that suits all our wants and needs. Cool code names may come to mind on the way. But as for my role when the heist is played out, I'll likely be both helping break into and carry out things, also acting as a distraction should the situation require it.
[sips tea again]
For legal reasons, this is entirely hypothetical.
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batgirlsay · 1 year
Misplaced Arrows
"In Love with the Mark" Playlist for Obiyuki Trope Madness 2023 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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Initially tried to make an all Motion City playlist with early assassin Obi vibes and then included a few other songs to fill in the blanks. The songs transition from the usual Obi self-doubt as he falls for her to realizing he can’t follow through with his assigned task by the two songs from “Even If It Kills Me.”
Misplaced Arrows
Broken Arrow- Motion City Soundtrack Gravity- Motion City Soundtrack We Dreamt in Heist- Anberlin I Can Feel You- Motion City Soundtrack The Samurai Code- Motion City Soundtrack Can’t Finish What You Started- Motion City Soundtrack Even If It Kills Me- Motion City Soundtrack You Kill Me- Paper Route
Summary lyrics are cited below the cut:
Broken Arrow- Motion City Soundtrack
How many times do you lose what you find? Does your shadow keep bringing you down?
Everywhere you go I follow You treat me like a broken arrow
Torn from the page like a knife cuts the rain Every instinct screams "where are you now?"
There's a love for valediction When you're stranded on the shore
Our lives are intertwined You learn to live, you learn to die
Gravity- Motion City Soundtrack
I didn't want to be the anchor in your heart I only wanted you to notice me
Sometimes it carries you out Sometimes it buries you under It's not the weight of the world It's just the way that I am
We Dreamt in Heist- Anberlin
We'll stay here until someone falls in their own snare I had this planned all along, and I brought you here for this So tie your mask on and pretend that nothing's wrong
And I'll try to stay awake as long as I can And I'll try to stay here, here with you
This is a black market reformation How does it feel to be under the gun? Last ones to laugh pull the trigger here on the run You can hide the money, I'll mark an X I'm above the law and you're the order You make everything make sense
I Can Feel You- Motion City Soundtrack
All this time I've wasted Waiting for the world to end
Dizzy indecision Veering off the open road Anchors away Lack of infrastructure
There's nowhere to hide Oh, where do I go? Get back in the cage Just keep me away I'm staggering
Easy to resemble Hard to learn the workings of This lonesome charade I'm filled with hesitation Staring down the tide
It pulls you apart It stabs in the dark It carries away
I never know who I am I only know what I'm not It doesn't make any sense It doesn't further the plot
I never learned how to love I only learned how to fight I only see in the dark But never get through the night
I've got a flurry of words But I've got nothing to say I try hard to let go but the pull is too great Consumed with the promise
The Samurai Code- Motion City Soundtrack
I had a dream now it's gone So I'm going it alone today Trapped all the driftwood thoughts I'd rather just ignore
I had a plan but it turned Now I'm bleeding it the other way Can't quit, lost cause, non-stop Anywhere but here
I tried to run from the thought, it unraveled me And here I stayed
Finding the time to embrace each moment Shouldn't be hard, it's the hardest thing
I'd like to anchor some day I'd like to anchor and stay
Can’t Finish What You Started- Motion City Soundtrack
Why can't you finish what you've started? Why can't you try and understand? It doesn't make a bit of difference if you start what you can't finish Every story needs an ending, after all
I think I've known it for a long time Suffice to say, it's been a while You're too afraid to face the outcome Quite likely, you're a failure
I thought of all the things I'd like to say Cramped up and couldn't write a word all day I'm just waiting for my world to fall apart That's why I'll never finish anything I start
Adaptation and retribution If you truly do believe in something Somehow it all works out
Even If It Kills Me- Motion City Soundtrack
I'm not saying that I'm giving up I'm just trying not to think As much as I used to Cause never is a lonely little messed up word Maybe I'll get it right some day
For the first time in a long time I can say that I want to try I feel helpless for the most part But I'm learning to open my eyes And the sad truth of the matter is I'll never get over it but I'm gonna try To get better and overcome Each moment in my own way
I sure want to get back on track And I'll do whatever it takes Even if it kills me
You Kill Me- Paper Route
Hold your head up, dear I’m the one who's wounded here But I love you still the same
There’s patterns on the floor When I can't look at you anymore That's when you look at me
You pull me down, underneath In my head, I can't breathe I can't sleep, I can't dream And I can't stop loving you kill me
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plooto · 2 years
DIPPY ! pt 2
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[ l. chrollo x reader ]
[ description ] : after a while, chrollo realizes his attraction to reader is deeper than the surface, and he’s unsure how to handle it.
[ look out for ] : ditsy ! reader , small ! reader , f ! reader , readers doesn’t know what the phantom troupe is .
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after that meeting, you ran through his head unlike anything before. had him fumbling over plans of his next heist to bring up to the spiders. he put his pen down, opting to take a break from planning to get his head straight, yet he was only able to think about the next time he would see you.
the two of you sat at a booth, your hands tucked under your bottom as the cafe was a bit on the chillier side. you already knew what you had in mind, just a small slice of vanilla or red velvet cake was enough for you, maybe just a cupcake or two. you would make your mind up when the time came, so for now you looked at the pretty man sitting across from you.
“ you’re very pretty~ ” you mumble to him, chuckling he thanked you looking back at you, he tilted his head to the side,
“ what’s your name, ” you sat up straighter,
“ l’n y’n ” you said with a tilt of your head and a smile. he breathed out, replaying your name in his head,
‘ y’n huh ? pretty. ’ he thought to himself, you opened your eyes and looked at him,
“ hello, sorry about the wait, what can i get for you both? ” when you turned your head to the waitress to order, you took your hands out from under your bum and paid close attention to the words you were saying, yet he didn’t hear any of them. he was focused on your features, how soft your lips looked, how your eyes smiled when you talked, or how much you fidget with your fingers. he didn’t notice that you were done ordering until your hand rested on top of his,
“ i’ll have a strawberry parfait. ” he nodded to the waitress, giving her a small smile before turning his head back to you.
the two of you talked more until your orders came, you laughed at small joked he made and he vowed he would never forget the sound, when you both finally left the cafe you turned around,
“ oh! i didn’t’ catch your name ! ” his heart stopped for a moment, before accepting the truth that you just might never want to see him again,
“ it’s chrollo. chrollo lucifer. ” he said.
“ chrollo hm. it suits you. ”
after that you two decided to meet again the following tuesday at the same cafe. and then the week after that, and the one after that one. soon you invited him to your house, just cause you wanted someone else to cook for, cooking for yourself every day or every other day got repetitive often and boring, so you’d eat out. that was the reason you gave yourself.
“ sure. ”
he showed up to your house, unsure what to wear he opted for something not to dressy nor too casual—a simple button up and dark loose pants.
arriving at your door, he felt a chill go down his spine, he stood confused, yet knocked on it anyways, there was no point of being shaken by something, someone so small and powerless.
“ chrollo ! you made it ” you pulled him in for a hug as you did many times before now and his hands found their place on your hips, acknowledging the new perfume you were using,
“ you smell nice. ” he mumbled in your hair, pulling away. your face heated up and you looked away from him, mumbling a soft thank you before inviting him in and locking the door behind him.
“ your house is lovely. ” he said as he took in your studio apartment.
“ thank you, it’s not much but it’s home. ” his lips curled at your sentence,
‘ home ’ he thought to himself
snap out of it.
dulling the voice in his head, he turned to you, gesturing for you to lead the way. you guided him to your dining table. you had already placed the food down, but you were missing the final dish, it was a small plate of veggies and that couldn’t leave out.
“ oh, i forgot something. ” you made it to your kitchen right behind your table and picked up the veggies, his body moved on its own and he found himself behind you.
no matter how many dates the two of you had, you never found yourselves this close.
“ y’n, ” his voice was soft behind you, it did startle you but you eased into his body heat, letting out a soft hum in response, unable to form proper words.
don’t ! your style of living will kill her !
“ i have to let you know how i feel. ” your breath hitched in your throat,
“ what do you mean ? ” you began to turn around to face him,
“ don’t, i’ll back out of you do. ” he wouldn’t. he didn’t want you to see how red his face was.
you weakened him, you’re his weakness, his sliver of sunshine in his dark world, his late night thoughts, his past time.
“ o- okay.. ” you placed the veggies down or else you would have dropped them on the floor.
“ you’re in my head from the moment i wake to the second i fall asleep. i think about you constantly and i’m asking you to be my girlfriend. ” you ignored his previous wish and turned around, your eyes locking on his to see if it was true, once you realized his words were sincere you smiled and nodded before you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
“ what’s your answer, princess? ”
“ yes ! ”
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published . september 24 , 2022
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waywardxrhea · 8 months
Part Forty-Five: See You in a Minute
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence.
installment list
Word count: 3.8k
The Time Heist project is officially underway, but Bruce needs a guinea pig to test it out.
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The next morning, Emma is running the final time machine parts for Tony and Rocket when she decides to take a breather for five minutes. While wandering she finds the others in a lab creating the suits they'll use for the time travel trip. Curiously, she asks, "You guys have a test subject yet?"
Bruce shakes his head and says, "We did but Scott here kinda, well..."
"I messed up," Scott admits quickly. "So we need someone else to test it out."
"Could I?" Emma asks. Ever since Tony came in with the working idea for the time machine, she hasn't been able to shake an idea out of her head that she can only accomplish if she can go back in time herself.
Natasha looks at her and says, "Steve would never let you test something as potentially dangerous as this Emma."
"So keep him distracted while I'm gone. I already have a time and place in mind."
"Sounds like her mind's made up," Clint tells Nat as he walks up to the group. He offers a small smile to Emma as he says, "I say let her take it."
Natasha sighs and says, "Fine, I'll make sure Steve stays busy until you're back." She hugs Emma and tells her, "Stay safe and get back in one piece, you hear?"
"You got it," Emma replies with a nod. "I need to grab something to change into real quick, I'll be right back," she tells Bruce before running off to the medical wing of the Compound.
When Emma comes back to the area to change into the suit, Clint pulls her aside to talk. He sees the scrubs and remembers her all those years ago telling him about her grandmother. Upon realizing where her mind might be at, he asks quietly, "You're going back to see your grandma aren't you?"
"Yeah, I...I wasn't there the day she passed and I've felt so much guilt and regret almost every day since. I need to see her even if it means I'm in a disguise," she tells him.
"I get it," Clint replies and pats her shoulder. "I was coming in here myself to volunteer so I could see my kids one more time just in case this crazy plan doesn't work."
"Oh, well if you want to go, don't let me get in the way, Clint. I know how much your family means to you," Emma tells him, feeling suddenly guilty for taking up the guinea pig spot.
"No, no, this is all you, Emma. If this plan works, I get my family back. This trip through time won't bring her back to you though so the spot's yours."
"Thank you, Clint," Emma says and gives him a hug.
Tears start to fall down her cheeks and Clint tells her, "Here, I'll bring you the suit. You get yourself calmed down and ready for this trip."
Emma nods and focuses on calming herself down as he brings the suit for her to put on. When she has it on, she emerges back to where the others are, asking Bruce, "So what's the plan here?"
"Just like with Scott, we're gonna send you back for a little while and then bring you right back. It'll be a max of a few seconds our time. Got it?"
"Got it. How long will I be on the other side?"
"Well since this is just a test it won't be too long, so if you have a plan make it quick. Also if you can try and bring something back so that we can make sure that you and whatever you're carrying will make it back intact," he tells her.
Emma nods and takes a deep breath. "I'm ready to go," she says.
Rhodes speaks up and tells Bruce, "Let's head to the hangar before Steve finds out what's up. I have a feeling he isn't gonna be happy with her going, Bruce."
"Fine, let's walk and talk."
"So are there any like...rules I have to follow while I'm doing this?" Emma asks.
Scott speaks up and says, "Yeah you know so she doesn't completely change the future."
"Yeah, the whole butterfly effect thing," Rhodes agrees.
"Butterfly eff- no, no," Bruce mumbles. "Changing the past won't change the future guys."
"But if we go back and get the stones before Thanos does then he doesn't get them and he can't snap his fingers. Problem solved right?" Scott asks.
"Bingo," Clint agrees.
Nebula speaks up, telling them all, "That isn't how it works..."
"Well, that's what we all heard," Clint says.
"What? By who? Who told you that?" Bruce asks.
Rhodes starts naming off movies, saying, "Star Trek, Terminator, Timecop."
Emma piggybacks, adding, "Time After Time, A Wrinkle In Time."
Scott nods and continues with, "Quantum Leap, Somewhere In Time."
The three of them look at each other and laugh as they say together, "Hot Tub Time Machine!"
Rhodes ends the statement with, "Basically any movie ever that has dealt with time travel says that if you change the past, the future changes."
Bruce shakes his head, telling them, "I don't know why everyone believes that but it isn't true. Think about it: if you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes your past. You can't change that new past by doing something in your new future!"
"Exactly," Nebula mumbles as they reach the doors to the hangar.
Scott is rendered speechless for a second before asking, "So Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?"
"It's starting to seem that way huh?" Emma asks as she tries to wrap her mind around what she was just told. She decides not to worry too much about it though knowing that she won't be changing the future by accident with whatever she does on this trip.
When Tony sees Emma in the suit, he says, "Spangles isn't gonna like this."
"That's what we said, but she's dead set on going," Rhodes tells him as Emma walks up the ramp and onto the machine's platform.
"I'm a grown woman and can make my own decisions guys, now let's get this over with," Emma tells them.
"So what now?" she calls to Bruce once in position.
"Just give me the time, date, and coordinates and we'll be on our way. Good luck Emma." After Bruce says this, he is echoed by a chorus of others wishing her luck on the trip.
Emma tells him the details and takes a deep breath as he hits the buttons on the machine to activate it. Without any warning, she's swept into space and time, being tossed around like a ragdoll until she is dropped into the middle of her desired location: Grammie's retirement home.
Knowing that she's operating on borrowed time, Emma quickly hits the button to make the suit disappear so she's only wearing the scrubs she put on before she left. She disregards the discombobulation from the trip and grabs a mask out of the pocket of the scrubs to hide her face before throwing her hair up and making her way to Grammie's room.
Once at the door, Emma takes a deep breath and knocks. She hears a faint, "Come in," and is almost in tears hearing her grandmother's voice for the first time in person in years.
"Hello Ms. Carsons, how are you today?" Emma asks as she walks in, grabbing the clipboard posted by the door.
"Oh hello, I don't quite recognize you, young lady, are you new here?" Grammie asks.
"I am, yes," Emma replies quietly.
"Oh I love meeting the new nurses, could you take down the mask so I can properly meet you, sweetie?"
"I can't do that, I'm sorry. Admin just told us that there have been some bad cases of the flu going around and they tell us we can't be too cautious."
After hearing Emma speak in length, a look of recognition hits Grammie and she says, "No, Emma, you can."
Panicking, Emma says, "Oh I'm sorry, ma'am, my name is Natasha, perhaps you're mistaking me for someone else?"
"Emma Baker, I may be old and on my last leg, but I know my grandbaby's voice anywhere. You just...you look a bit different. Has work been stressing you out? Is everything okay honey?"
Emma tears up and takes off the mask to reveal herself to Grammie. She nods and smiles, saying, "Work has been pretty stressful, yeah, but I just wanted to swing by and talk to you before I have to head back to DC."
Grammie smiles at Emma with pride in her eyes and tells her, "I'm so proud of you Emma." She pauses to catch her breath and adds, "And I love you. To the moon and back."
"To the moon and back," Emma says, trying to keep her voice steady as she checks the clock and knows that Grammie's time is coming. She sits in a chair beside the bed, grabs Grammie's hand, and asks, "Hey Grammie, do you think I could finally have that necklace of yours? The one that your mom got for you when you married Gramps?"
"Oh honey, you know that's for when you get married." In response, Emma squeezes her hand and brings her attention to the ring adorning her finger. Once Grammie sees the beautiful ring, she smiles from ear to ear, saying, "Well isn't that lovely? You never told me about this young man, do I know him?" After she says this, she leans up and takes off the necklace to hand to Emma.
"Not personally no," Emma tells her as she grips the necklace in her other hand after it's given to her. "I met him at work. He's super sweet, kind, caring, loving, and supportive. He means the world to me."
"Well I'm glad-" Grammie is then cut off by a coughing fit for a few seconds. After the fit is over and she gains her breath back, she continues with, "I'm glad that you finally found someone who treats you right. You'll have to bring him by sometime so I can meet him."
"I will, Grammie," Emma replies quietly. She makes note of the time again and can tell that she is fading away fast, so she quickly adds in, "I love you. Across the universe and back."
"Across the universe? That's a good amount."
"Because that's how much I love you," Emma tells her, looking into her beautiful green eyes one last time.
"And I love you that much and more, sweetie." Right as she says this, Grammie's vitals begin to fade out and her grip on Emma's hand loosens as she passes away with a very peaceful look on her face. Emma knew they reported that her death was sudden, but she didn't realize how true that was until that very moment.
She finally lets the tears fall freely from her eyes as she grips Grammie's hand in one of hers and the necklace in the other. Without another moment to be with Grammie, just as suddenly as she was brought there, Emma is swept back into space and time before being tossed back onto the floor of the time machine in the present day. Not having the mental or physical strength to stand up after that trip, Emma just lays down on the platform and lets her tears fall.
Scott quickly runs up and asks, "What happened?"
This is followed by Clint asking "Are you okay?"
Bruce butts in with, "More importantly, did it work?"
Before Emma can respond to any of the questions, Steve comes into the area followed closely by Natasha who says, "Sorry, I tried to keep him distracted, but he could hear the machine working."
Steve spots Emma and quickly runs up the steps to be beside her, putting an arm around her and pulling her into his lap. He asks Bruce, "Why the hell did you let her go?"
Emma doesn't give Bruce time to respond, instead telling Steve herself, "I wanted to go, Steve. I needed to go."
"Sweetheart you could have gotten hurt or lost in time," he mumbles into her hair, trying not to let the thought of potentially losing her get to him.
"That was a risk I was willing to take," she tells him quietly. She then speaks louder and holds up the necklace, "After all, it worked." The others all smile at the words and success before Natasha ushers them all away, sensing that Emma needed some time alone with Steve after what happened.
"Is that...?" Steve asks, looking at the necklace. He recognizes it from pictures around the lodge.
Emma nods and replies, "Grammie's necklace, the one she promised me for my wedding day. She was buried with it, so when I went back to be with her one last time, I asked her for it."
Steve pulls Emma close and asks, "Well how did all of that go?"
Emma takes a deep breath and says, "It was nice actually. I always regretted that I was in DC working when she passed, so I'm glad I got to speak with her one last time." She then pauses and sighs, saying, "She...she died while I was there."
"Oh God, I'm so sorry, Emma," Steve tells her.
"It's okay. That's why I went to that exact day and time. I wanted to be there so she didn't have to face her last moments alone."
"You're an amazing woman, Emma Baker," Steve tells her and kisses her forehead.
Emma smiles weakly and puts the necklace on along with the one that holds Sam and Steve's dog tags. "Soon to be Emma Rogers," she tells him and turns her face to kiss him.
"I can't wait," Steve mumbles before kissing her once more.
Out of nowhere, Tony reappears and asks, "Are you two love birds done here? After that success, I think it's time to start brainstorming a plan to get these stones and half the population of the universe back. No rush or anything."
"On it," Steve calls back, helping Emma to her feet so they can meet with everyone else to start brainstorming ideas to get the stones and bring everyone back.
Emma tells Steve that she needs to grab something to eat real quick after that little adventure, but tells him to go ahead to the meeting room. Once she arrives in the conference room with some orange slices, Steve commences the brainstorming session. "So we know that the machine works. Now what we need to do is figure out what time we need to go to and where to go in order to get the stones. Almost everyone in here has had an encounter with the stones-"
Steve is interrupted by Tony saying, "Well we can also substitute 'encounter' with damn near died because of any one of them."
"I haven't," Scott says. "I honestly don't even know what the hell you guys are talking about."
Bruce speaks up after this, saying, "Regardless of knowledge of the stones, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each and even then that's leaving one of us out. These stones have been in a lot of different places over a lot of different years."
Emma asks, "There really aren't a lot of convenient places to drop in, are there then?"
"That just means we have to pick our targets carefully," Clint tells her.
"Well let's start with the Aether," Steve says. He turns to Thor and asks, "Thor, what do you know?"
When he doesn't get a response, Nat asks, "Is he asleep?"
"No, I'm pretty sure he's dead..." Rhodes sighs.
"Here, I got this," Emma says while standing up and walking a few feet to where Thor is sitting. She waves the strongly scented orange under his nose in hopes of waking him up. "Hey Thor, we need some help here. If you could wake up that would be great," she says quietly to him. Ever since Bruce and Rocket brought Thor back to the Compound, she's tried to be gentle with him, knowing that he hasn't dealt with his trauma as well as some of the rest of them had through the years.
The smell of the orange rouses Thor and he mumbles, "Are we making drinks?"
"No, we just need some of your knowledge of the Aether," Emma tells him.
"Right, where to start," he says while suddenly standing up and stumbling for a second. "The Aether, first of all, isn't a stone. Someone called it a stone before... It's more of an angry sludge, so someone's gonna need to amend that."
"Angry sludge, got it," Scott mumbles thoughtfully.
"Here's an interesting story about the Aether. My grandfather, many years ago, had to hide it from the Dark Elves. Scary beings. So Jane, actually...do you guys remember Jane? Here she is." He pulls up a picture of Jane Foster on the screen and gets emotional mentioning her.
"Oh come on, we need to get a move on," Tony mumbles.
Emma shoots him a look and whispers, "He's dealing with things differently than you, Stark, let him be."
Tony disregards her and stands up to stop Thor from talking, asking him, "Do you want eggs? Breakfast? Anything?"
"No, I'd like a Bloody Mary," Thor counters.
"I'll go get some food for everyone," Emma says, trying to be helpful and make the meeting run smoothly. "Someone text me what everyone wants and patch me in on my tablet so I can listen in while I'm gone."
"You got it," Natasha calls and grabs a tablet to patch her in while Steve starts passing his phone around to text everyone's food orders to Emma.
Later while Emma passes out food, Rocket discusses the Power Stone and where one of his teammates Peter Quill found it originally. After hearing this, Emma starts trying to do some research in any database she can find about all the places being mentioned. Soon after, Natasha comes over to her with another place to look for called Vormir.
The two of them sit on one end of the room while Steve and Rhodes stand on the other discussing the Tesseract. "So tell me again what happened to the Tesseract the first time you saw it?" Rhodes asks Steve.
"It was on the plane with me when I crashed it into the Arctic," Steve tells him. "It might have fallen out. There was a lot going on that day."
"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask, why did you have to crash the plane?"
Steve sighs and says, "Bombs on board..."
"Bombs on board," Rhodes replies with a nod. He then asks, "And you couldn't have just jumped out of the plane before you crashed it?"
Steve opens his mouth to reply, but as he turns his head to Rhodes, he sees Emma in the background fidgeting with her engagement ring absentmindedly. He smiles at the scene and replies with, "Well I think everything happens for a reason..."
A few more hours of racking each other's brains pass before there is a solid plan made up to successfully pull off this Time Heist. Before gathering everyone back together, Steve approaches Emma and asks, "Hey, can I talk with you?"
"Of course," Emma replies as she follows him out and into the hall. "What's up?"
"Well as you know we only have so many Pym Particles to go around for this mission so we need to have someone stay back and make sure things don't go awry on this side of time..."
"And you want me to stay back, don't you?"
Steve nods while taking Emma's hands in his, telling her, "It's not that I don't want you involved, I promise. It just scared me so bad when I saw that you were the test subject earlier and I just can't stand the thought of possibly sending you off to some far-off planet in a completely different time than me where I can't protect you. I just-"
Emma cuts him off by kissing him quickly before saying, "Steve, love, I understand. I went behind your back earlier and I'm really sorry about that, I just needed closure with Grammie. If you don't want me to go on a team for the Time Heist, that's okay. I feel as though I contributed enough already with the test run anyways." She laughs at the last part before squeezing Steve's hands in hers. "You just have to promise me that you'll stay safe okay? I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"I promise I'll be safe," Steve replies. He quickly pulls Emma into a hug and has the same feeling of anxiety he did that day Thanos snapped, dreading the thought of leaving her due to something going wrong in the mission.
Natasha peeks her head out the door and asks, "You two coming?" When she asks this, Steve and Emma let go of each other and he subtly clears his throat from the emotions building up before telling her that they'll be right there. 
When they get into the conference room, Steve goes into captain mode, informing everyone, "So we have six stones, three teams, and one shot at this, got it? Five years ago we lost, all of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of us. Today we have a chance to bring it all back. Thor and Rocket, you two are heading to Asgard in 2013 for the Aether. Rhodey and Nebula you're heading to Morag in 2014 for the Power Stone. Clint and Natasha are going to Vormir for the Soul Stone in the same year. Finally, myself, Scott, Bruce, and Tony are going back to 2012 for the Time Stone, the Space Stone, and the Mind Stone in New York. Look out for each other all right? This is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes."
Everyone nods in determination, all hopeful for the first time in years. As they walk to the hangar, Bruce gives Emma a crash course on how to handle the basic controls of the machine for if something goes wrong in the few seconds they're all gone.
Before Steve gets suited up and onto the machine, Emma pulls him aside to hug him before they depart. "Oh you'll see him again in no time," Natasha teases her.
"I just worry," Emma admits quietly. With this anxiety building up, Emma hears for the first time in years, the soft instrumental music coming from her earpieces that calms her down a bit. Once she gathers herself, she turns to Natasha and gives her a hug, saying, "You get back here safe okay? We still need your help with flower arrangements for the wedding."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Natasha mumbles as she hugs Emma back.
Everyone gathers on the time machine and Emma follows Bruce's instructions on how to get the machine functioning. "Good luck everyone!" she shouts before she hits the final buttons.
"See you in a minute," Natasha calls back with a smirk before they all disappear into time and space.
a/n: and now we ask ourselves this - will Brooke deviate from canon or stay true? only time will tell (aka 24 hours, there was more suspense when I was uploading weekly on the other app lol)
next chapter
taglist: @mrsevans90
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abyssal-endling · 1 year
Cw: death, violent reincarnation, cannibalism, mild gore, blood, torture
Being revived over and over messes you up. It’s not just the death and coming back and the feeling of nothing in your body feeling right. It’s the amount of food you need, the panic of waking up, the rage at the world around you, the feeling of the souls of the damned clutching your ankles, some telling you to run, others begging you to stay, never knowing if it maybe was a bad dream and nothing else.
The first time Myshka dies, they scream and don’t stop. There’s still blood dripping from their nose, eyes, ears. When they are finally sedated, a hefty dose of tranquilizers they’re too young to pronounce or spell the names of sent directly into their veins, they dream of reducing the Dentist’s watchers to nothing but a pile of flesh and bone. When the meds wear off and they’re left to wander, they come face to face with two, and the Dentist finds Myshka standing over near-unrecognizable bodies, blood dripping from their teeth, hands covered to the elbow. He’s amused, and proud. The first time they kill is animalistic, gruesome.
The second time, they’re despondent. Myshka doesn’t react, despite the blood covering their torso. They were dead for a bit too long, rigor mortis having set in.
The first time a partial body transfer is done. Myshka smiles when they realize the hand they were given is from one of the Watchers they killed, and the Dentist wonders for a moment if he’s gone too far.
The third time is a massacre. The Dentist barely gets control of the situation, and by the time he does, at least 22 people are dead. Myshka howls with laughter, childish glee at the carnage. The Dentist realizes they thought he would bring them back, too. It was a game to them.
He puts them in isolation for two months, reviewing the plans. He’s lost too much control, he won’t lose it again.
The fourth time, Myshka cries. Their friend tried to stop the Dentist, and dies in Myshka’s arms shortly after they wake up, leaving a handprint on their face. Myshka promises him they’ll find him.
More deaths, until they feel nothing about it. Nothing beyond a desire for true death. They don’t know how to react when the Payday gang becomes distressed at the near-death of their fellow heisters, stepping away in a quiet, confused bitterness. When Bain has been rescued, they simply offer a shoulder to cry on.
When a bullet pierces through their vest, dropping them during a heist after Bain’s rescue, they collapse, hearing Locke and Bain yell for someone to help, tell Myshka to hang on. Rushed to the safehouse, where Bain’s choice of medical team waits, Myshka feels that old feeling. Vlad holds them, trying to keep them calm as the doctors frantically get their equipment, nearly collapsing himself when Myshka whispers to him before they black out.
“I don’t want to die.”
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Riddler, Scarecrow, Harley, and Ivy with an s/o who is into magic. Not like, shows and performing, like ACTUAL magic. Like Constantine/Zatanna/Endless REAL type magic. And they really want to study and get good, even if it means stealing sacred tomes and artifacts. S/o wants to bring it up to them, but is ashamed. 1. Because s/o is worried their partner might think trying to learn or even believing in magic is stupid. And 2. S/o doesn’t want to take advantage of their partner, even if committing an illegal act isn’t exactly out of the way, they just feel bad.
S/O would take care of sacred tomes by themselves and do their heist in secret
Writes down notes in journal but forgets about it once
Edward sees it laying on floor and when he realized what is written down he is baffled
Why didn't they ask him for help?
Waits for them to come back and when they do S/O holds bag to their chest and part of their clothes are burned
"How was your heist?" While sitting in the arm chair.
Asks what was so important and S/O slowly shows him the book
While reading through it he ask if that's real magic and S/O explains how much they wanted to learn
He tells them that it's nothing to be ashamed of, heck, he would like to know how to do it
Helps to wipe off traces of them doing robbery and sits with them trying to understand the writing
If there's something they need he is ready to get it for them
He saw how longer they stay to read but doesn't pays much mind into it
That is until there's so random guy looking through his S/O stuff
Gets offended and throws toxin just for the guy to teleport
He asks where the book is and Jonathan has no idea what he is talking about
Still fights him off until S/O comes and do some spell sending him off somewhere
Is just shocked and sits with them trying to understand what is happening
They explained they might have stole some ancient tome of magic from someone because they wanted to learn
He isn't much into magic but doesn't understand why they didn't just tell him
Just calms down when S/O said they didn't want to be a burden
They would never be burden to him and he assures them of it
They need to find a way to get rid of that guy though, so they start planning
Would smile at how eager they are to learn, he wished his students were like that
Harley Quinn
She did saw how S/O looks with Stary eyes at Zatanna girl and thought she's attracted to that
They paid much attention at her
Might get jealous
Would wear similar outfit to surprise S/O
They are suprised but don't understand why she did that
"If you like this type of outfit then it's better for you to admire it on me and not that magic lady."
S/O gets red and debunks her claims
They explained they were interested in her magic, not her they were just embarrassed to say it thinking it's weird
Harley immediately tells them it's not weird, she can get them some books to learn it if they want
Just comes with some weird books not explaining how she got them
Super supportive
Poison Ivy
She was aware of their interest in magic and had nothing against as long as they don't make elixirs with plants in them
They learn in their own way but that makes it hard
Makes deal with someone to take books for a flavor
Ivy finds out they made a deal and breaks translation
She doesn't trust these shady fuckers and have conversation with them
Calms down when found out she didn't wanted to take advantage of her
They're together, they help each other and S/O shouldn't be afraid to ask for help
Gets them those goddamn books no matter what
If there's plant magic to make make them grow she would like to learn a few tricks
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
Hi! How are you?
Could I get a Kaz Brekker imagine where he opens up to the reader after a job about his past and the next day he tells her it was a mistake and a lapse of judgement, quite harshly. And then the reader gets hurt after a heist and he realises how much he actually needs her.
Thank you <3
i’m doing pretty good! first kaz fic tehe, i’ve been waiting to do kaz brekker one-shots since i read the books. he is v much a comfort character. i understand his aversion to physical touch ( i have panic attacks at times because of so ), his humor, and inner dialogue so he is v dear and near to my heart yeeee
i switched up the next day bit and did it as the same time since it made more sense to me?? i’m not sure how to explain it haha
pairings! kaz x reader / jesper x wylan + nina x matthias ( with inej third wheeling because she’d so do so. ) 
reader is female in this, but i can make it non-gender specific if one would like me too! just let me know i’m very flexible in my writing!
warnings! talking about jordie, ptsd, trauma, talk of death, loss of a brother + mother, swear words, kaz being sad, panic attacks, blood, near death experience, pekka a-hole rollins,
word count; 2610 ( proud again haha )
one-shot under cut!
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The Slat had become uncharacteristically quiet. A successful heist on part of the Crows made for easy celebration amongst the Dregs. Most sat gambling at the Crow Club, drinking the night away. Jesper had been having a weirdly lucky night, the money in front of him displaying such. Wylan had been on Jesper’s leg the entire night, and the occasional ‘This is my lucky charm’ could be heard from Jesper. Inej and Nina sat drinking together, Matthias looking like an unwilling bystander to the girls' fun. And yet, Y/N found herself back at the Slat after the long day. Her back screamed at her to call it a night, but instead, she found herself in front of Kaz’s door.
It was a routine the two had when they were the only ones at the Slat. Y/N would sit on the bed, head in a book, and Kaz would sit quietly at his desk planning whatever it was Kaz Brekker decided to plan. It seemed the same tonight, with Y/N quietly reading, until her head lifted to see Kaz rubbing his eyes.
“You need to get more sleep. The amount you manage is minimal. I’m surprised you’re not dead yet,” Y/N commented, her book falling into her lap, the page she’d left off on now folded at the corner. It surprised her how Kaz managed to live off of his, if lucky, two hours of sleep. She’d never understand it. Granted, she slept less than the suggested as well, but she always made up for it with at least a nap during the day.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” 
That might be sooner than you think at this rate. But Y/N wouldn’t take that for an answer. She wasn’t usually a pushy person, especially with Kaz Brekker. She’d learned being pushy with him was never a good idea, considering the amount of people who did were left with a ruined reputation and nothing to live with.
“Sleeping when you’re dead isn’t an option in Ketterdam. Even when you’re dead here, you’re really not. Especially when people know of you. And last time I checked, the entire city knows you, and half of it wants your head on a silver platter. I’m actually sure people outside of the city know you, and may want the same,” Y/N said, standing and moving over to the wooden desk, sitting across from Kaz. Her eyes landed on the work Kaz worked on, seeing another heist plan he was drawing out.
Kaz wasn’t going to give in easily, anyone who knew him knew he was stubborn. One of the most stubborn people who lived in Ketterdam, but he knew what Y/N was saying held some truth in it. One was never truly dead in Ketterdam. He suspected people would dig up his body to hand over to Pekka Rollins - no, he wouldn’t die before Pekka Rollins did, that was a promise he’d made himself after Jordie. Brick by Brick. He couldn’t pull Rollins apart if he was dead. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t dead yet: his vigor to destroy the man who’d killed his brother. But he did suspect that when he, Kaz Brekker, was dead, he’d never truly be dead.
“Even so, I have things to do, plans to make-”
“At 1 in the morning? I’m sure such plans aren’t going to disappear overnight.” Being cut off, Kaz casted Y/N a glare, eyes narrowing. Why she had such influence over him, he’d never know. Or, maybe he did know and wasn’t going to express why. Because why would he? Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason after all. He always had reasons though.
Finally, Y/N sighed. “I don’t expect you to listen to me, but I’m not going to let you rot away from the lack of sleep you get, Kaz. I am just as stubborn as you, and if I must? I will sit here and bug you about your lack of sleep until sunrise. Or until I inevitably fall asleep.” The smallest glimpse of a smile reached Kaz’s lips, an instinct to roll his eyes almost playfully too. Stubborn about the well-being of her friends was a Y/N special. Kaz had simply thought he’d have time before she got on his ass about his own health.
She’d already gotten on Wylan about his self-destructive habits. His tendency to blame himself for not being good enough. Y/N had practically choked him out once when he’d gone on a rant about how he was a problem for the Crows. A burden. Kaz himself had been somewhat frightened. She’d found ways to help Jesper and his gambling addiction, which usually included them gambling, but in ways that didn’t involve money. She’d gotten on Matthias for his excuses to not kiss Nina.
If Kaz remembered correctly, she’d called it ‘redirecting the issue’.
“You’re avoiding something,” Y/N then spoke, crossing her arms. Weren’t they all avoiding something? Kaz thought, huffing as he sat back into his seat. This was Ketterdam after all. If you weren’t running from some rich merchant, then you were running from their son. Wylan had simply been a lucky break in that usual streak.
“You say that as if we all aren’t running from something,” Kaz finally said out loud, his eyes casted downwards.
“Avoiding, Kaz. Not running, and something tells me the thing you’re avoiding isn’t something, but someone.” Y/N knew the look Kaz had on. She’d worn it herself dozens of times.
“I had a brother.” Kaz couldn’t bring himself to look directly at Y/N. It would make talking about this all too real. Too much. Was this a lapse in his judgement? Why was he telling her this? Had she managed to get so under his skin? 
“We moved to Ketterdam after my father died. My brother . . . Jordie-'' the name came out with a small crack in his voice. He hadn’t said that name out loud since he’d laid on his sick brother’s chest. “Was hopeful about what the city would bring, and it brought peace for some time. We worked with a man for some time, and my brother was in on a deal. One that seemed too good to be true,” Kaz scowled now, his anger seeming to rise as he spoke.
Y/N sighed, knowing where this was going now. “When an offer is too good to be true-”
“It usually is. That man went by a different name then. One to scam people for their money to rise through the ranks of the Barrel.” Kaz finally lifted his eyes, seeing the realization rush over Y/N’s face.
“Pekka Rollins.”
“Pekka Rollins is the reason my brother is dead.”
The room fell silent for a few moments, Y/N contemplating what to say. She had a feeling she was among the few who knew Kaz’s story. She was tempted to ask how Joride died, but she could infer. She’d been around Ketterdam during the time firepox had plagued the city. Her mother had been taken from the disease. She’d been the same age as Kaz. It began clicking in her head too.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured. “I know you probably don’t want my pity, but really, I’m sorry.” It made sense why Kaz felt like he needed to best Pekka Rollins. He wanted revenge. He wanted Rollins to be just as down as him and his brother had been.
Kaz sucked in a deep breath, standing and running a hand through his hair. His regret for telling the woman before him began to consume him. This was a mistake. Why had he told her? A harsh look fell over his face, looking down at the plans he had laid out. “I need to finish these plans, and I’m sure you need some sleep,” his tone was harsh, but it was clear there was hurt underlying it. He wasn’t going to be an outright asshole, but he needed his space now.
“You need sleep too, and I doubt you’re in the right headspace to try and make plans-”
“Y/N, leave.” He internally was begging. And Kaz Brekker never begged . . . but Kaz Rietveld would, and that’s who was begging. 
“Leave.” Anger washed over his features, his eyes directing Y/N to the door.
Y/N sighed, walking towards the door. Before she turned the knob, she stopped. “You know being open about your past doesn’t make you weak, right?” But Kaz said nothing, afraid his voice would fail him. With no words spoken for a beat, Y/N opened the door, shutting it as she paced down the steps.
Her book still lied on the bed, the folded paper to the chapter she was on prominent. Kaz took one look at it before sighing and sitting in the chair, one tear making its way down his face.
It was supposed to be in and out. Another job. Another however much Kruge. Where is she? Kaz thought. Y/N was never one for being late. Sure she was working with Jesper, who was notoriously late, but she should’ve been out before Jesper was, and she wasn’t.
It’d been a week of no speaking. Kaz couldn’t speak to her after revealing so much. He feared it would become all too real. A common fear he had. Stealing, picking locks, it was all real to him, yes, but he never experienced reality when he was on a job. It was his way of ‘avoiding’ as Y/N would put it. But now, he couldn’t avoid the reality of this job.
The reality was: He’d ignored Y/N for a week in fear, and now she wasn’t at the rondevu point.
She’s Y/N, she isn’t dead. But that may not be true. She could indeed be dead. She could be, She could be, She could be.... Dozens of potential outcomes came to mind.
The world seemed to spin as he paced. Nina and Matthias had already tried to calm him. Nina had even tried to calm his heart rate down. Wylan seemed to be just as worried as Kaz as well, Jesper still out there alongside Y/N and all. Inej was calm, but it was clear she was worried too. They all were, but Kaz was being unusually emotional. 
“At this rate, you’re going to have a heart attack Kaz,” Nina had said.
And if he did, then that’d be a first for the Bastard of The Barrel. 
“And you’re not close to having one?” Wylan asked, shooting a glare over at Nina.
Kaz mentally thanked Wylan. At least he wasn’t the only one close to breaking down. Get in and out. In and out. What had gone wrong?
But then he heard the sound of boots running across the muddy ground, his eyes shooting up to see Jesper carrying a bleeding Y/N.
She’s bleeding. Who had hurt her? Kaz wasn’t sure, but anger filled him. That was until he fully internalized that Y/N was bleeding.
“Jesper, what happened?”
Jesper helped Y/N into the safe house, his breathing heavy as he helped her onto the bed of one of the rooms. “Rollins. He got word of the job. We became overwhelmed and Y/N here took a bullet to the shoulder.” Then Wylan was practically engulfing Jesper in a hug.
How? Was Kaz’s initial thought, but with a huff, he closed his eyes. Moving over to follow Jesper, he took off his coat. Upon entering the room Y/N was sitting in, he nodded towards her good arm, silently asking for her to take off the sleeve of the arm that was hit.
“I thought we weren’t speaking?” Y/N asked, groaning as she pulled the sleeve of her bad shoulder off with some help from Inej who pushed everyone else out of the room. Inej left as well, but gave Kaz a nod to let her know when he would need help.
Kaz didn’t lift his eyes to look at Y/N, his eyes steady on the bullet lodged in her shoulder. He pulled out the medical kit under the bed. Always prepared, Y/N thought.
“How did Rollins find out?” Y/N asked, watching Kaz pick up tweezers from the small medical kit.
“I’m not sure, but I plan on figuring it out. Stay still.” And Y/N did, knowing this was hard enough as it was for Kaz, she didn’t want to make it any harder. Squeezing her eyes shut as she prepared for the pain. She gripped onto the bed, seething as Kaz took the bullet out with the tweezers.
“I hope you know, I didn’t mean any harm last week.” Kaz knew what Y/N was referring too, and he simply nodded for the moment. Picking up the bandages from the kit, Y/N shook her head.
“Get Inej to do it, you’ve already pushed yourself enough.”
“It’s fine,” Kaz spoke, his voice firm.
“Kaz, don’t-”
“I want too.” His eyes lifted to finally look up at Y/N. She looked down as well, silently nodding. She understood Kaz enough to know this was his apology for ignoring her the past week.
“My mother, she died from firepox,” Y/N spoke quietly. She didn’t know how Kaz would take her bringing it up, but she felt that if she didn’t, they’d build up all this anger again. They’d ignore one another again. Kaz stalled. Flashes of Jordie and Reapers Barge consumed him for a few moments. Y/N’s skin turned cold, icy and raw. He flinched away from the feeling.
Then he heard it - Y/N’s heartbeat. She was living. She wasn’t a corpse. The heartbeat and blood were testament to that. She isn’t dead. 
“I never told you how he died,” Kaz spoke quietly. He wasn’t used to talking about such subjects with anyone. It was the reason he’d taken on a different surname. That way he could cut ties with his past.
But for some reason, Y/N was able to make him feel . . . though begrudgingly, open with his past.
“I can infer, Kaz,” Y/N said with a small hiss as Kaz finished with the bandage, his hands shaky. “Now, you can continue ignoring me if you wish, I imagine you enjoy avoiding me.”
“I don’t enjoy it.” Kaz now had someone he connected with on a level he wasn’t used to. He wasn’t going to enjoy being apart from that.
“I know, I was simply making sure,” Y/N teased, her lips quirking in a small smile.
Kaz gave a small shake of his head, his lips pulling into a smile as well for just a moment. Then he picked up his coat he’d taken off. “I imagine you’re cold, here,” he spoke then, watching as Y/N took it and wrapped it around herself.
Then the door swung open, Nina rushing over to give Y/N a hug. “Kaz here almost had a heart attack. Wylan almost did. Jeez, never do that again,” she said, laughing a bit.
“Ouch, ouch, Nina,” Y/N spoke, referencing the still open wound on her shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry. We made food for you,” Nina said, smiling before handing Y/N a tray of food.
Kaz exited the room, allowing the others some time to talk to Y/N. Inej followed him, her arms crossed as she leaned against one of the walls.
“What information do you want me to get on Rollins?”
“Whatever you can find.” You’re not taking her from me Rollins, and you’d better be ready when I do come for you. Brick by Brick.
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mindofasupernova · 3 years
Someone you loved
Kaz Brekker x reader
Mr. Sandman Part 2
Inspired by the song "Someone you loved" by Lewis Capaldi
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
Kaz's mind was a raging storm, an ever-shifting landscape. His heart was madly racing and he feared that if it didn't stop soon, it'll burst out of his chest.
Two days had gone by and yet there was no information about Y/N's whereabouts. No one had made an effort to contact him asking for money in exchange for her safety, no blackmail, nothing. Kaz knew the probability of Y/N being alive was shrinking as the days passed.
Kaz felt terrible, guilt crushed his heart in a vicious grip. If he hadn't kicked her out, if he had taken back his words, if he had just... No, thinking about what ifs wouldn't bring Y/N back home. If she's still alive a cruel voice whispered in the back of his mind.
His mind drifted to his darkest memories, horrible images plagued his mind. Rotting flesh beneath his fingers, icy hands grabbing at him, threatening to pull him under the waves. Water filled his lungs, consuming his oxygen and living him in the dark. His head broke the water, gasping for air, Kaz looked around, trying to find something, anything to grab to avoid drowning. Only that now instead of his brother's corpse, he saw Y/N's limp body floating above the water.
Kaz fell to his knees, the pain brought him back to reality. He was trembling, sharp gasps left his body, black dots covered his vision. Y/N would have told him to focus on reality, take in the details, count every little object he could find in the room. But Y/N wasn't here, and it was all his fault.
I need somebody to heal, somebody to know
Somebody to have, somebody to hold
Y/N talked passionately about her latest read, making wild gestures with her hands as if to prove a point. Jesper's arm was slung across her shoulder, head thrown back in a laughing fit. When his cackles died down, Jesper leaned his head on Y/N's shoulder and started mocking her for being able to remember the exact place where phrases were in the book.
Kaz watched silently from his seat in the Crow Club, he knew those touches were purely friendly gestures, and still he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
On many sleepless nights, Kaz thoughts had wandered down a treacherous path, always finding their way to Y/N. His mind had been invaded by images of her: the smile she always wore when she was about to make a witty comment, the way she pursed her lips whenever he asked her to memorize an important document, the furrow of her brows when paying close attention to Kaz's plans.
He snapped out of it, angry at himself for thinking about her, he couldn't afford those thoughts. Kaz's life was dangerous and he had many enemies who wouldn't hesitate to use anything or anyone against him. If he left himself feel, if he let her in, he knew there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.
He had tried. He had tried to distance himself, push her away until his feelings dissipated to nothing. However, every time Y/N appeared in his office late at night just to talk about her day, every time she called his name, every time she sent a glorious smile his way, Kaz couldn't bring himself to say no.
And now, looking at Y/N from across the room, a sense of longing clouded his vision. Thoughts of sitting next to her, no space between their bodies, with no fear of touching reminded him of how miserably he had failed.
It's easy to say, but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain
Since Y/N's kidnapping, Kaz had gone completely feral. He had looked for anyone who could provide information. He had kidnapped, tortured, and even killed members of any other gangs he had his suspicions on. He was unstoppable, he wouldn't rest until his Y/N was safe. She isn't even yours because you kicked her out a scornful voice reminded him.
Kaz's whole body hurt, his limp was more prominent than usual, his knuckles were bloodied and a purplish bruise contrasted against his pale skin from a blow he had taken when he was beating the life out of one of the Dime Lion's informants.
How he wished Y/N was there. No matter how many times he came back to the Slat, covered in blood and clutching at his wounds, Y/N's gaze always turned into one of horrified worry.
Y/N had always healed his wounds after a mission, wiping the blood away very carefully in order not to touch his skin. Even when he wasn't bleeding and it was just his leg giving him a bad day or a headache that refused to leave him, Y/N always brought him medicine or tea depending on the situation.
But Y/N was gone and he might not ever see her again. His thoughts lurched him back to the ocean, dead things suffocated him. He clutched his cane tighter, he couldn't have a panic attack now, he needed to find Y/N.
Now the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to get me through it all
The night wrapped the dirty streets of Ketterdam in its wicked hold, the moon loomed ahead casting a palish glow through Kaz's window. Another day had passed and he was no closer to finding Y/N.
He was alone in his office, clutching his cane tighter by the second, its sharp edges bruising his skin, and yet, the pain wasn't enough to keep the waters from rising, Y/N's form surrounded by corpses.
No, he couldn't think of her this way. He had to remain positive, he needed to hope Y/N was still alive somewhere, but for someone like Kaz, remaining positive wasn't something he strived on. Instead, Kaz looked inside his brain, searching for a memory of Y/N to avoid passing out and when he found it, he seized it and hung to it for dear life.
Kaz had heard people say love arrived at the most unexpected times, bloomed in the most unlikely places. People said love wasn't something you chose, something you could control, not a concept you could welcome or shut out of your life at your convenience.
Kaz deemed those people foolish, weak for not being able to control themselves, and as the cold mastermind he was, Kaz brushed off all of their comments. And he would have kept thinking that way if it hadn't been for Y/N during a warm summer evening.
The Crow Club was surprisingly empty, everyone was in a relaxed state, currently resting after a successful heist. Kaz had been working in his office, signing contracts when a soft knock sounded against his door, Y/N peered inside and after receiving Kaz's consent, stepped through the threshold.
Y/N sat in front of his desk, a small smile playing on her face, ensued by a moment of silence, Y/N started talking. Kaz's head perked up at the sound of her voice, eyes leaving the papers to direct his whole attention to her but he had been completely caught off guard by the sight before him.
Y/N's mouth was moving but Kaz's couldn't hear a thing, it was as if someone had stolen the sound so he could only focus on Y/N's heavenly form.
Y/N's hair was slightly disheveled, gusts of wind occasionally brushing lonely strands into different directions, soft locks swishing in compass with a nonexistent melody. Sunset rays filtered through the window, lighting up Y/N's features. Sunlight beams fell gently down the slope of her nose, gently caressed her long lashes, and kissed her tender lips giving them a reddish hue.
At that moment, Kaz realized how dreadfully unjust the world was. How come was the wind able to run his breezy fingers across her beautiful hair? How could the rain brush her skin lovingly without repelling at the idea of skin contact? Why could the Sun kiss her graceful lips and he couldn't?
Kaz wanted to hold her, reach for her whenever he wanted without fear of drowning. He wanted to hug her and nuzzle his nose in her hair affectionately. He wanted to know what her skin felt like under his fingertips. Kaz wanted to know the taste of her lips.
Because he was in love with her.
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Y/N laid immobile in his bed, her skin almost as pale as his sheets, soft breaths escaped her lungs. Kaz sat in a chair near her fragile body, his frown deepened every time his eyes landed on a different wound.
Kaz felt like in a déjà vu, a vision that had happened exactly three weeks ago. This was the reason why Kaz had pushed her, why he had evicted her from the Slat, the one home she had ever known. But did it matter? All his efforts to keep her safe had been in vain.
That fateful night, when she had been the distraction in a supposed easy heist, everything had come tumbling down. The nightmares had started back then, where he first saw her all bloodied and beaten and unconscious. They didn't know if she would ever wake up. Kaz had refused to visit her, images of his nine-year-old self seeing her amongst the corpses in the Reaper's Barge haunted his days.
When she had woken up he'd wanted to see her, but he couldn't bring himself to because he knew what he had to do. Kaz couldn't bear the thought of her dying, he couldn't imagine her gone, but if he gave her hope, if she saw how much he cared, she would refuse to leave. He needed her to stay away for her safety
So he had done that, he had ruthlessly yanked his heart out of his chest when he had kicked her out. The words he had said to her tortured him since that day: "Do not think that just because I have kept you around for this long you're irreplaceable." And when he thought he couldn't feel more pain, Y/N had started crying. Silent droplets fell down her cheeks and Kaz felt as if the most savage assassin had ripped his heart into shreds.
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Seating there, silently watching Y/N's closed eyes, he was experiencing it all again. When they had found her she had been tied to a chair, unmoving, in one of the Dime Lion's warehouses. He swore his heart had stopped beating, she couldn't be dead, when Nina had checked for her heartbeat and announced it was still there, Kaz's heart reanimated.
Nina had done her best to heal her and now the only thing there was to do was wait until she woke up. This time Kaz had refused to leave her bedside. This time he would do things differently.
He had been a coward, he now realized. He should have never let her go. He should have been braver, stronger, he should have protected her. Now he realized he wanted, no, needed her with him. He had been too scared worrying for the future that he had forgotten to enjoy the present. He wouldn't make that mistake again.
His head shot back to Y/N. She was awake, she was alive and he would never let her go.
And with such a fervent emotion, he couldn't have thought himself capable of expressing, he said "Please, don't ever leave me again. "
Thanks for the song recommendation @itsemy01
@getawayfrommewerewolf, @lady1505, @rika90, @thedelusionreaderbitch, @coffeewithoutcaffeine, @aleksanderwh0r3, @princessleah129, @subjecta13-thefangirl
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
Oh! Sorry! I just thought you did write imagines...but I will tell you my idea...I was wondering how the mud dogs would feel having a kindhearted girl in the group that is a nurse and and each of them (separately) have a crush on her? (can this be a headcannon?) but it’s ok if you don’t do it. I also like your blog and your drawings of ocs! They’re very cute!
Rottmnt Mud Dogz! Headcanons!
If you were the kindhearted nurse of the team and if the Mud Dogz started to develop feelings for you!
( I decided to do this gender-neutral so everyone can get their love from the Mud Dogz! Hope that’s okay!)
Also, anyone can make requests or asks! The reason I don’t really have it placed in my blog is because there are some requests where I just stare and I’m like: I don’t have enough creativity to come up with anything oh heck I don’t want to let someone down. So, don’t be afraid to send anything!
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Loathsome Leonard 
-He didn’t pay no mind to you at first, his group was okay with you joining in seeing that they were going to hurt on most heists so he respects you.
-It takes a long and hard time to get close to Leonard, he’s the leader after all, and he doesn’t want to continue adding people to his group and then see them either leave, die, or backstab them. 
-Of course, he isn’t rude to you, he just doesn’t talk much about plans and heists when you’re around at first and there is barely any small talk between the two of you in the beginning. 
-Until one night he goes off on his own without the other guys knowing and stumbles back terribly wounded and can’t make it back to their apartment, but your place is closer. 
-You were asleep when you heard the strangled yet urgent knock on your door and you quickened your pace when it started to repeat in more rapid strings. 
-You can’t help but gasp at the sight of Leonard, beaten and bloody as if he had just starred in a horror movie and you rush him in, setting him in the chair in your kitchen before gathering your medical supplies you had in your home. 
- In silence you help him take off his shirt and put yourself to work, cleaning and dressing his cuts and gashes, all while handing him water to drink and a towel to play with when the pain gets unbearable. 
“Where are Danny and Mickey? Are they wounded as well?”
“No, it’s only me.”
“Did you...did you go out on your own Leonard?”
-Your once nice outlook is now casted with anger as you stand and throw the damp cloth you had used to clean his shoulder wound into the trash with such force that it almost startled him.
“You know, for someone who works so hard to make sure his teammates don’t do stupid stunts, you suck at taking your own advice.”
-That causes a surge to burst through him; he had never heard you speak like that before, never spoken your mind with such raw rage. And when he goes to fire something back, your hand is under his chin and shushing him, taking a new wet rag and cleaning a cut that sliced down his cheek. 
-”Next time, just tell them, and me. Trust has to go both ways, and since I trust you -” You tilt his head until he is looking up at you, the first prickle of tension bubbling his skin. 
“You should trust me.”
-And oh he’s hooked now and nothing can smother it. 
-He’s sudden embarrassed and possibly even scared to be around you alone, afraid that his words will slip up or he'll do something stupid in front of you. 
-You’re just so smart and kind, but that more dominant and stronger side of you has caused his heart to beat faster when you enter the room and he despises it. He can’t let his emotions get caught up in the missions and...you deserved better, someone who just wasn’t a lowlife thief. 
-But, he’s warmer around you,  and will actually create a conversation with you about yourself and how you are doing instead of just talking about the next heist. 
Dastardly Danny
-For once, the rat yokai doesn’t have to play doctor in the group once you join the band of thieves. It’s a great change of pace because for one he never went to medical school and only learned to clean wounds just by experience. 
-He would be super intrigued by your understanding of the yokai and/or human body and how to treat and dress each different type of wound. He would probably ask to be placed under your wing in case you were injured or couldn’t make it in time (also to spend time with you). 
-He’s a huge talker with you and would possibly be the one in the group who would fully understand the scientific words you spit out sometimes. 
-Danny knows and understands his feelings pretty well, and once he realizes he has developed an infatuation with you, he falls head first into it. 
-He’ll go to you and make the cheesiest and gooiest jokes that play in with you and your job profession and boy does it make Leonard and Mickey gag.
“I don’t think you can diagnose me because there’s no treatment for being madly in love, dollface.”
“Danny, sit still, you keep reopening the cut!”
-Instead of getting you flowers and chocolates, he understands the expense of medical supplies and you come by to find new needles, clean cloths, and antibiotics all wrapped up and presented nicely with your name on it. 
-After hours of sewing cuts and bending arms back into their sockets, Danny would still crawl over to the kitchen and make you your favorite drink, even if he broke both his legs. 
-Of course, he loves to make you a flustered and stuttering mess, especially during dire moments such as him with a bullet wound and you’re desperately trying to seal the blistering hole. He’ll look right at you and horsley state, “Bleeding out like this doesn’t seem too bad if you keep touching me like dat’.”
-Would def. Give you the nickname doc, nothing will change that. 
Malicious Mickey
-Honestly, you can impress this sweet guy with anything, from knowing what ointment to apply on certain cuts and then easily telling him facts about his internal organs, you make the guy have that astounded look of a child. 
-He probably wouldn’t understand a single word if you explained to him how the body works or why certain medicines only work for certain illnesses and infections, but he will certainly show his wonderment in the information. 
-He would probably start falling for you since you are kind, you place care in his wounds. Not saying Danny didn’t, but you placed colorful stickers on his cuts and then started to bring pieces of candy only for him (for a second, he believed you only saw him as a brother and it worried him).
-Mickey would be the only one in the group to remember the most random facts you have told that shocks everyone, even you. It shows that he listens, just doesn’t understand.
-He would try to make jokes like Danny does when he’s wounded but he’s just so baffled at how fast and calm you work on him that he will just state how pretty you are or how your nose will ruffle up when you’re concentrating on something. 
-Will probably come and visit you at your workplace and you will have to hide him because he’s a literal criminal like jeez Mickey someone can recognize you. 
-When hanging out, he’ll ask certain questions about his specific internal workings and then about Leonard and Danny, and then what were your favorite things to learn from medical school. It feels great for someone to be interested in what you know, and even though you will go into a huge rank about certain things and he just stares at you, you know that he cares. 
-The poor sweet boy would die inside once you two started to date because you got to kiss his bruises and smaller cuts before continuing on to the bigger wounds and he would play with your hair and curl around you after a hard day at work. 
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klbwriting · 3 years
Unexpected Allies - Chapter 3
Fandom: Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone
Pairing: eventually will be Kaz/female!Reader but for now nothing
Warnings: I mean, Kaz Brekker is involved, someone is getting maimed
Summary:  Fawn makes good on her promise of a safe house and a power struggle begins
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The rest of the journey to the safe house was mostly in silence. They spoke only when asking for relief or water breaks, picking berries and sharing some of the rations Y/N had brought on the road with them. The had to cover their tracks as much as possible, staying mostly in dense foliage to be better concealed from the roads. Soon they approached a rundown cottage deep in the woods, no roads led to or away from it. It was just getting dark again and Y/N knew that they were all tired and that Kaz's leg must have been in immense pain. She let them in the cottage and smiled at their surprise. She kept the outside looking dilapidated, but the inside was fixed nicely. She told the others where rooms were, that there were fresh clothes in each and sent them away to change before getting a fire going in the hearth. Once it was ready, she put a pot of water on to boil and assembled a small meal for them to have now that they were safe. No one knew about this place, she was confident about that, they could rest here for a few days, visit the town a few miles away to resupply, and then travel north.
"How did you know what clothes I normally wear," Kaz asked, voice suspicious, as he entered the room again in black slacks and an almost fitted black button-down shirt. She looked him over and made a face of annoyance, she thought she could tell his size better, but he must have lost more weight in prison than she thought.
"I asked to search your discarded clothes upon arrival, its how I got Jesper's guns, your cane and gloves, I noticed what your color was," she said. Black, like the Darkling, but not for the same reason she thought. The Darkling wore black to assert a fear over people, fear of his power, fear of what he would do if you hurt his people, Kaz wore black to give the appearance of someone who's soul was dark, who had an empty dark hole where a heart should be, and for a short time Y/N had believed that might have been the case. Then she saw the look in his eyes when he asked her for Jesper to be put in his cell. He hid his emotions well but that one millisecond of true love for his missing friend had confirmed her suspicion, Kaz Brekker had a good heart and soul buried deep under his emotional baggage. She didn't need to bring it out or make him somehow whole again, she just needed him to have enough of a soul to help when they got to the resistance, his brains and ability to strategically mastermind almost any heist would be such an advantage to the group, they needed this man.
"Thank you, for the cane and gloves," he rumbled, turning to the take the boiling pot off the fire. Y/N almost moved to help him but realized if she did she would need to get close enough to touch him so she let him handle it, standing nearby in case the pot dropped. Kaz surprised her with how much he pushed himself, she knew he must still be in pain yet here he was working, keeping himself busy, probably trying to not think about his now decimated home. She knew how much that must be weighing on him. Her own home had been eviscerated by the old king of Ravka a few years before the civil war, when Ravka was only at war with the Fjedans. She had been in training at the Little Palace by then and her teacher had had to tell her about her family's death. It was devastating, she still couldn't bring herself to hurt anyone, much to the Darkling's annoyance. She was useful for her way of getting information, but she could always avoid hurting someone, she couldn't destroy a family like that, not like hers had been destroyed.
"I thought they might be helpful in the future," she said. "I need Kaz Brekker to be back to full power when we get to the resistance." Kaz eyed her and she couldn't tell what he was thinking as he went back to filling a kettle with hot water. She went to the cabinets, getting cups and tea. Jesper finally came out to join them, smiling like old times now that he was in proper clothes.
"You should change," Jesper said to Y/N, motioning to her still being in the prison tunic. She nodded and went to her room, changing into a pair of pants and white button-down shirt, putting on her vest of pockets and jacket. She loaded up the pockets of her vest with her gloves, some small irons ball bearings, a vial of water, and a few things for first aid. She looked in the cracked mirror on the dresser and saw she looked a mess. She washed her face in the basin of water and brushed out the newly short hair she had, putting it up in a small ponytail to keep it out of her face. She shrugged at the reflection. She was trying to escape a prison, not win a pageant so she just grabbed her guitar from the room before heading to join the others.
Kaz and Jesper were already halfway through the meal before she arrived so she just sat down at the table. Jesper passed her a bowl and some bread they had saved, she smiled at him. Jesper was such a sweet person still, ready to kill a man on site for trying to cheat at cards yes, but still so kind.
"Thank you Jesper," she said, taking up a spoon and starting to eat. After they had filled themselves, she sat back in the chair, picking at the last of her bread. "We'll stay here for a few days, rest, get supplies for the town nearby."
"We should keep moving, they probably know where you live," Kaz said, looking at her as if she were an idiot for wanting to stay in her home. She sighed; she knew they would butt heads, but did it have to start now?
"This isn't my home Kaz," she said. "I live here in secret sometimes, when I say that I am visiting home, but I have no home to visit anymore thanks to the previous king. No one knows about this shack and I have made sure that it is not easy to find. The nearest town is five miles away and they have many travelers and shouldn't notice use as long as we take precautions." Kaz didn't look convinced.
"I know in the prison you oversaw my movements, but out here, I am back in charge, it is two against one in this room so we will follow my lead. Tomorrow we get supplies, then we leave. We will go to this resistance to find our crew and until we arrive you will follow my lead," he said, voice rasping with authority. Y/N had had quite enough men trying to rule over her for her lifetime. She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Look, this town is a well-traveled area, if we go in tomorrow then it will be swarming with Grisha looking for 2 escapees that killed a high-ranking member of the Darkling's inner circle, if we stay here a few days those Grisha will have left to search other towns and we can freely get supplies and head out on our journey. I know that prison has addled your brain but even Jesper knows that this idea of yours is foolish," she said. Both turned to look at Jesper who was trying to sneak out of the room.
"Jesper, tell her she's crazy," Kaz demanded. Jesper opened his mouth.
"Please, his plan is idiotic..."
"No one has ever said called me idiotic..."
"Maybe not to your face..."
"YOU'RE BOTH WRONG!" Jesper finally said, voice loud and clear, startling the two of them out of their argument. Kaz and Y/N looked at him again. "Look, we do need to lay low, but we still need to get out of here quick. So we should take a day, regroup and set out a plan to get north, but we can't just stay here for days, they will find us, you think that the Darkling, with all the betrayal he's suffered, is just going to let his new girlfriend disappear to a shack for a few days and not know where it is?"
Y/N saw Kaz grip his cane tighter, mirroring the look on her of annoyance on her face. Jesper was right on both accounts, a day would clear out most Grisha from the town, giving them a chance to resupply and maybe get lucky and steal a carriage out of town, and he was right about the Darkling. She was an idiot to think he hadn't tracked her to the shed when she disappeared. She looked to Kaz and he nodded at her.
"We stay in tomorrow, the day after we get supplies, and we get moving," Y/N said. Kaz agreed. "Now, get cleaned up and get some sleep."
 Kaz had noticed the guitar that Y/N had brought out to the living area the night before but he didn't ask her about it until she began to strum it around midday. They were in the middle of their rest day and Jesper was still sleeping so it was just Y/N and Kaz sitting by the fire. Kaz had been thinking about what he planned to do once he found his crew again, how to get them out of the resistance, maybe find a new city they could run. Y/N had been humming to herself, picking at the guitar for some time now. Kaz found that the music was soothing to him, her voice deep and calming, it seemed to be helping him think. After a time he heard her mumbling some words.
"What is that?" he asked, looking at her finally, finding her looking at him as if in a trance. She shook herself and looked at him blinking a few times before her face reddened a little. Surprisingly Kaz felt his face getting red also, but he wasn't sure why. She had an attraction to him, that was clear now. He had thought perhaps at the prison she had been acting well, but clearly she did find him entrancing for some reason. And strangely Kaz found he liked that. He had known other women in the past had been interested in him, or well at least, interested in his power within the Dregs. There had been something he felt with Inej, but they had never explored that and honestly now that they had been apart it seemed perhaps those feelings were more friendly than he had previously believed. This that roared up in him now was new, strange. He had been in prison too long, he needed to focus. Y/N finally had pulled herself from her own mind, letting out a chuckle as she picked a couple notes.
"O, I used to write songs all the time, its been awhile but something just came to me last night," she said. "Do you like music?" Kaz should have just dropped it and not answered but he wanted to talk to her.
"Sometimes, but we didn't have a lot of music at the Crow Club, it was more gambling than entertainment, but what you were playing sounded nice," he said. She smiled at him and his mouth twitched up into a smirk.
"You never smile do you?" she asked, setting the guitar flat in her lap. He could see that there was writing on it, signatures. She followed his eyes and her own eyes turned sad. "My family...friends from my village, they signed it when they gave it to me. It was a present when I left to do my Grisha training." She looked back at him, her dark eyes a little watery. "My older brother taught me to play it when I was 4, couldn't even reach the strings." Kaz looked at her, a memory flooding back of being back on the farm, he was with Jordie in the barn, around 6 and Jordie was showing him how to tie a fishing line so he could go fishing for the first time.
"You're right, I don't smile," he said. He knew he should keep his mouth shut but he couldn't help but ask. "Do you know if Pekka Rollins survived the assault on Ketterdam?"
"I don't know, I don't have a list of names and I wasn't there," she said. He could tell she was lying, probably thinking he would hate her for being present at the destruction of his home but he didn't hate her. What he hated was the idea that Pekka Rollins could be dead and he hadn't been the one to kill him. "Was he a friend of yours?"
"No, his death was supposed to be at my hand," he responded, voice rasping in anger. He ran a hand through his hair, noting it was significantly longer than it was before he went to prison. When he glanced up at Y/N he saw she was watching him intently again. "It's rude to stare."
"Ya well then don't do that to your hair, makes me want to touch it," she responded. He looked at her, expecting her to giggle or blush and look away but instead she just stared right back at him. He swallowed hard. Why did her eyes have to look through him? It was almost like she could see what he was thinking. The thought of someone touching his hair made him shutter internally but he couldn't lie when he thought about her doing it, it wasn't as repulsive as everyone else, it almost seemed like it might be nice. She smiled at him.
"If you are ever comfortable enough let me know, I can give you a haircut or something if you want," she offered. He was going to answer when Jesper came stumbling out of his room, shirtless wearing one shoe.
"Is anyone making dinner?"
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikevamp Guys as Villains
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Warnings: Mass Murder, Gore...
Tagging: @aurora-morning @delicateikemenmemes @writer-akihiko @nafeary
Napoleon would be a royal dictator. He is the leader of a corrupt, authoritarian regime, hellbent on conquering the world. Think Hela (Thor: Ragnarok or The Darkling (Shadow and Bone). He controls people with his massive armies, and believes he is the only rightful ruler in this world. He believes that the world should be remade in his image so it can be restored to its former glory. He craves power and he will stop at nothing to get it. His armies are tools that swore their lives and souls to his cause. He feels no remorse in sacrificing them for his greater good. The only thing that would satisfy him now, is seeing the world crushed under the heel of his boot.
Leo as a villain would be like Iron Man gone bad. He does what he does simply out of curiosity he wants to see if it would even work. Cyberterrorism is just a tool for him. He would make modifications to his own body so that his eyes can see x-Ray, night vision, and other people’s biological information, and his brain is directly connected to the internet. He would create an entire army of robots like Ultron (Marvel) or Terminators. He hacks into government servers and international television broadcasts. He takes over entire governments simply by sitting in his lab controlling his army from a tablet. He can destroy anything connected to the internet with a flick of his finger. He wouldn’t even have to get up out of his chair. His plans would be so well thought out that no one would realize what happened until they’ve already lost.
Dazai would be unhinged and reckless. He’d completely detach himself from human emotions and commit as many insane heinous crimes as possible till he does something bad enough that he would get killed for it. He creates an alternate persona for himself like the Joker or Hisoka (HxH), and at that point he has buried his emotions so well that he fails to differentiate between his persona and his true self. He may not actively acknowledge it but his true goal is to just go out in a blaze. It doesn’t matter how many lives it costs to do so.
Jean would be walking a fine line between villain and antihero. His main motivation is wiping out the people he considers evil, to make the world a “better place”. However, he would take it to a point of mass murder. There would be major battles breaking out between the people that support him and the people that believe what he is doing is evil. He believes he is bringing divine justice upon those who deserve it and thinks this is the way to atone for his past sins. Sound familiar? Jean would be Kira (Death Note). He is also similar to The Hood (Arrow). He has no mercy and he will not hesitate to kill.
Comte is rich enough to buy world leaders. He is the puppet master behind every single nation of the world. No one suspects him, however he slowly takes over countries one by one. He would also run some kind of underground mafia operation that’s involved in pretty much every kind of trade there is. He gets his money from so many sources that even if one is cut off, he is still rich enough to maintain his control over politicians and famous businessmen. Comte is the leader of the secret societies that the world’s richest people are involved in. The world answers to him and you would never even know. (Similar to Kingpin (Marvel) and the Court of Owls (DC)
Sebastian was adopted by Comte after ran away from his family. When he was young, hs saw firsthand how cruel the world can really be. He wholeheartedly believes the world is better off being run by Comte, and has pledged complete loyalty to him. He is Comte’s right hand man and he runs most of their underground mafia operations. He is incredibly versatile and does whatever Comte needs from him. Acting as a proxy? Assasinating a world leader? Leading a heist? Sebastian can do it all. His ideals have been so skewed growing up with Comte, that he sees himself as an extension of Comte’s power. Nothing more. He is a loyal weapon to be used by his boss.
Vincent would release his emotions and would be unable to handle it mentally. He would be a serial killer who escaped from an asylum after losing his mind. He would kidnap his victims and slowly bleed them out as he paints with their blood. His specialty is carving designs into his victims after they have bled out and died. He leaves a sunflower at every crime scene and each new murder is just his latest artistic masterpiece left for the world to see. One way or another his art will be remembered, and it will cause the whole world to feel as much as he does.
Theo is driven by rage. Rage towards the world, towards the way he and Vincent were treated. His strength and anger would translate into him having an incredibly powerful monstrous form. His only goal is destruction. He wants to tear apart the society that allows people to get hurt like he did. He would be similar to Venom (Marvel), Abomination (Marvel), or Eren (Attack on Titan). Blinded by rage, he looses sight of his original goal and devoted himself to destroying everything he sees. It doesn’t matter who gets killed, they’re just collateral damage.
Isaac can be two different types of villains all in one. On one hand, he’s a mad scientist who happened to discover a chemical combination that can be weaponized. However his insatiable bloodlust drives him to weaponize his discovery for himself. He wants people to know fear like he does (think Scarecrow (Batman). I can see him laying with Leonardo and helping upgrade his robot army with that chemical. On the other hand, when he lets himself give in to that bloodlust, he won’t stop unless he is stopped by someone else (like ripper Stefan from Vampire Diaries). He rips apart his victims like a wild animal. His crime scenes are covered in blood with dismembered body parts.
Mozart would be an assassin for hire. He’s like a ghost. There have been stories about him but no one truly knows who he is. He works in the shadows and kills efficiently and without hesitation. One of his specialties is creating various sound waves that can kill his target. For those type of kills he doesn’t even need to leave his base, he can simply hack their device and cause it to play that frequency. Comte has hired him before to carry out certain kills he couldn’t do himself because of his position. Mozart is extremely devoted to his job will kill anyone who gets in the way of him and his target.
Arthur would be a mix between Moriarty and Kilgrave (Jessica Jones). He would have some kind of mind controlling ability that allows him to create loyal puppets for his elaborate schemes. He loves playing games with the people suspecting him and he leads them in circles with their investigations. Sometimes he will even offer to personally help investigate cases he is responsible for, just to lead them into dead ends and plant fake clues. Every crime of his is a masterpiece with countless layers going into it. He does not see the people involved as humans. They’re just his pawns in his game of chess. Arthur just wants to see how far he can go before he finds a worthy opponent that can solve his cases.
Shakespeare would be a theatrical serial killer who later escalates to mass murder. He would start out by abducting people he believes to “fit the role” he has planned for them. He would then kill them, replicating famous death scenes from plays and movies he admired (or his own plays). Each crime scene would be perfectly set up with lighting, makeup, and costuming. This would escalate later on to him and his troupe taking massive groups of people hostage, forcing them to read lines and act out various gruesome plays. When someone dies in the play, the actors have to murder each other. If they refuse, Shakespeare murders them both out of rage and brings in new people to replace them. He will not stop until he creates his perfect play.
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between a heart & a hard place
♛ 5x05: Teresa and James plan the heist (1.9k words; rating T; tags: missing scene, weaponized jazz music, angsty dancing)
➢ read on ao3 or below the cut:
The Van Gogh was beautiful. It was a shame they’d have to cut it from the frame, yet Teresa knew better than most that no beauty survived long in this world without collecting a few scars. So while it was a shame, it wasn't enough to stop her. Indeed, it’d be one of the only decisions she’d been forced to make lately that she wouldn’t lose any sleep over tonight.
Losing Kostya wasn’t an option. The pain of lost beauty was nothing compared to the pain of lost power.
They gathered in the hotel lobby, using the private concert by a semi-famous jazz pianist as cover for some recon. Kelly Anne gamely chatted up the hotel owner while Pote stifled a yawn and nursed his beer. James leaned casually against the bar, seemingly entranced by the music. It was only because she knew him so well that she could see the relaxed demeanor hid a man at work, busy formulating a plan. He hadn’t said much about his time away, but it was hard to believe any of it had involved art heists.
She felt a frisson of worry about putting him in unfamiliar, possibly dangerous territory but she knew better than to underestimate him. It was a lesson she’d learned the first day they’d met.
She followed his gaze to the piano, wondering what he was studying there. Teresa had never thought herself a jazz fan before moving to New Orleans, but it had become the soundtrack of her triumphs and heartaches over the past year. She found herself drawn to the melancholy of it, the soaring heights of a trombone, the plaintive pleas of a piano. Rising, falling, rising again. Even now, each soulful note plucked at her heartstrings with the simple strike of a key.
The song was beautiful, perhaps James was merely getting lost for a moment in the music. He’d said she’d changed and she had, but she wasn’t the only one. When he’d left, there’d been sharp edges, edges that should have been honed to lethal blades by his work with Devon and yet the James who had returned had a softness she was unprepared for. A sort of fragile vulnerability that made her want to shelter it from the wind like a flickering candle flame, to nurture and feed it until it was strong enough to warm her too. Her throat ached at the knowledge of how easily it could be snuffed out.
She’d almost done it herself this past week. It’d hurt to see the light in his eyes dim when he looked at her but that had been what she wanted, hadn't it? This distance between them. If it wasn’t easy, it was necessary. She’d rather let the sun set between them than watch the light in his eyes permanently go out because of her.
Emotional attachments equaled vulnerability. Romantic attachments could get you killed. She had needed someone once and his loss had nearly destroyed her. She felt in her bones she wouldn't be able to survive losing James. If she let him into her heart, his death would take that vital organ with him. For as much as she thought about the future these days, there was a part of her relentlessly certain in the knowledge that they’d never get there. Not in one piece.
That didn’t stop her from wanting to reach out to him though—for comfort, maybe, or reassurance.  Perhaps it was the thought he no longer understood her that hurt the most, that made her want to seek communion with him skin to skin if not soul to soul. But that wouldn’t be fair to him, to push him away then pull him close just because she desperately needed someone—him—to tell her it’d be okay. That it was all worth it. She suspected his silence these last few days was answer enough.
It was for the best. The higher the climb, the longer the fall. She couldn’t afford weakness and neither could he. If he was no longer able to be as ruthless, then she would have to be ruthless enough for the both of them.
The song ended and she turned back to James to find that he wasn’t studying the room anymore. He was studying her, his expression inscrutable.
His gaze, like the silence between them, was heavy with unsaid words, words that might never be spoken at all but most certainly not here in public. Best to get back to business.
“You have a plan?” she asked, grateful that her voice remained steady.
He nodded.
“Walk me through it,” she murmured, eyes drawn back to the painting in question.
“Dance with me.”
Her attention snapped back to his face at his surprise counter offer. She’d expected a cool recitation of information—sight lines, security cameras, escape routes—not a softly uttered invitation to be close to him, to touch him for the first time since that night in New York.
“James,” she began, not sure if she meant it as the prelude to a warning or an apology.
A flash of emotion was quickly smoothed away by his normal mask of professionalism. “Relax,” he said, pushing off the bar. “I just need a reason to be in the northwest quadrant of the room.”
She shot him a questioning look and the corner of his mouth ticked up in muted amusement. “The dance floor,” he clarified, holding out a hand.
Right. Of course. The plan. Just business, just how she wanted it. She ignored Kelly Anne’s double take and took James’ hand, letting him lead her to the far side of the small dance floor.
Once it would have been a simple thing to step into his arms, but as the first few notes of the next song began, she hesitated. He might not recognize the tune, but after being a bar owner in New Orleans for over a year, she sure did.
They’re writing songs of love, but not for me. A lucky star’s above, but not for me.
If he noticed any significance, he hid it well, guiding one of her hands to his shoulder and holding the other against his chest. His other hand found her waist and turned her smoothly in the direction he needed to surveil.
She didn’t speak, letting him work in silence. She tried to concentrate on the people around them, the sound of the piano, the lights of the city beyond the windows, anything but the warmth of his body, not under the usual leather jacket, but the expensive fabric of his suit, his scent of new cologne and old cigarettes as foreign as it was familiar.
After a moment, he pulled her closer, leaning down to murmur near her ear. “We’ll do a smoke bomb, smash and grab. Extract the painting, ditch the van. Travel by motorcycle to the drop-off.”
“We?” Teresa asked, a little breathless. Some not small part of her wished she could watch him in action, especially in the kind of situation when no one was shooting back at them.
“Me,” James corrected. “You’ll be at the rendezvous point with Pote. I’ll use a two-man team—”
“One of the men?” Teresa asked. She trusted the crew that had accompanied her to Berlin to handle security but wasn’t sure who she’d recommend for a job that required the finesse of art theft.
“I know a guy nearby,” James told her and she let out a breath of laughter. Of course he did.
“You know everyone.” She turned to smile up at him but was taken aback by the seriousness of his expression.
“Not everyone.”
His words, or maybe the weight behind them, had her wondering if he was thinking of her.
She had done her best to hide her inner turmoil over the events of the last week. Suppressing her guilt and remorse over turning in Marcel. Hiding any misgivings she had about ordering the hit on the crooked cop with defensiveness or dismissal. She was la Jefa, it would do no good for anyone to see her doubts. So she'd put on strong front but hadn’t realized until now how much she’d depended on James seeing through it.  He always had before.
“You think we made a mistake,” she ventured, allowing space for his answer to clarify what was specifically bothering him the most. Perhaps it was vindictive of her to use “we” but distance or not they were still in this together.
James looked away. “It’s over now.”
“That’s not an answer,” she pressed.
He frowned, hesitating. “I did. I don’t know. You were right, the feds were ready to raid us. Bringing in Gamble would have been their next step.”
It was almost shameful, the intensity of the relief that washed over her at his words. But by James' grim expression, it seemed he grew even more troubled by the admission. 
He glanced at her, eyes bleak. “His wife was home. She found him while I was still there.”
Teresa’s heart dropped in her chest. She knew from the news reports that there’d only been one victim that night but looking into James’ eyes she saw that it haunted him. The future that might have been. He’d have killed the wife too if she’d caught him. He’d have killed her for them.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, letting her hand find the tender skin of his neck and the staccato rhythm of his heart beat. “I’m sorry. But…”
His eyes briefly fluttered shut. “I know.”
If she couldn’t help herself from holding onto him a little tighter, it seemed he welcomed her momentary lapse. His hand sliding to the small of her back to draw her nearer until they were touching the entire lengths of their bodies, their only attempt at dancing a slight swaying from side to side.
“I just want to keep you safe,” he said, resting his cheek against her temple. She felt the old familiar panic at the implied even from yourself, but this wasn’t like Phoenix. He wasn’t trying to make decisions for her.  
Couldn’t he see that she wished the same safety for him? That everything she did was in pursuit of this shared goal?
“I didn’t think I’d be back here,” he continued, slowing their sway until he was just holding her. “And now...hope is a dangerous thing. It draws your attention to the horizon instead of keeping it on the danger right in front of you.”
She wondered if he was feeling it too: the walls closing in from every angle, the same echoing dread that haunted her midnight hours.  The ever narrowing window of daylight to that future someday.
But as the final notes of the song were played, even as the distance between them didn’t seem as vast anymore, even if for a moment she entertained the idea of not letting go, of leading him back up to the suite to finish repairing with their bodies what she’d bruised with her words, she knew that if they had any hope at all of that other life, they had work to do now.
James, as always, understood that better than anyone. He released her and smiled, eyes once again lit from within.
Many, many hours later while she waited in a safe location as he once again risked life and limb and freedom at her request, Teresa tried not to give too much credence to the sickening feeling in her stomach that the danger he’d mentioned earlier, the danger right in front of him that threatened their much dreamed about future…
....might end up being her.
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child-of-hurin · 3 years
Dark Narn AU
Recently I mentioned I had some ideas for a Dark Narn AU and @outofangband  expressed curiosity, so I decided to copypaste my notes here :)
The reason this AU was conceived was that I wanted Túrin and Nienor to get buddy buddy with Gothmog and Glaurung…. Literally my motivation for this lmao.
1. This is almost 3 pages long on Gdocs 😭 2. This is actually dark, so mind yourself. CW for mentions of nonconsent, manipulation, murder, slavery, the whole nine yards and, of course, incest.
And btw, this relies on my headcanon/understanding that there were mortal slaves in Angband as well as elves.
When teenage Húrin and Huor are cornered by orcs in Brethil, they are in a dense spot. Húrin stays behind to hold the orcs while Huor runs up the hill. Huor would never have left his brother behind, but it’s a mess and he doesn’t realize what happened until he’s being carried away by other soldiers/rescuers and screaming his lungs out for Húrin, who’s pulled back by the orcs and then taken captive to Angband.
There he undergoes some brainwashing by Melkor, who, true to the essence of their Narn interactions, sees he can profit more from corruption than from killing this agent. By this point Húrin is a teen and hasn’t met Turgon yet. He breaks eventually and becomes Melkor’s champion. 
We have Húrin, and now we need Morwen. To keep the chronology, I prefer having her be captured during a raid on Emeldir’s group of refugees, when they’re migrating west to escape the Battle of the Sudden Flame; that can also have Rian either being captured as well, or escaping and following canon and marrying Huor and mothering Tuor, which I prefer for this AU (also casts a shadow on them as… replacements for the true heirs, sort of! Both having dear family members, who are also the eldest and the legitimate heirs, captured by Morgoth). Either after his brainwashing is complete, or during it, she is given to Húrin to marry as a token of Melkor’s regard: Morwen the beauty, the heir of the House of Bëor, the only fitting consort for the heir to the house of Hador, etc. Túrin is born in 464.
Lalaith is born two years later, which is a weird year because that’s when Beren and Lúthien steal one of Melkor’s silms! Angband has never been more somber, but there is talk of hope among the slaves, of which Morwen hears some, as well as the name of Beren her kinsmen who she knows and loves. She’s fiercely proud of him. But then Húrin, who is head over hells smitten with her, but who’s still wary of her loyalties, casually mentions in bed at some point that Beren was killed by Carcharoth (a lie meant to shake her/destroy any hopes of rescue), and that despite the loss of the Silmaril, Melkor is somewhat satisfied that the whole ordeal ended up dividing the elven kingdoms further apart, and confides in her about some of the plans for the following war (Unnumbered Tears).
The very next day, Morwen kills Urwen. She knows how other female thralls fare, and she knows that as soon as Húrin is dead Melkor would have no more use for them. Like canon, better dead than a thrall. To her, killing Urwen is not only a mercy, but an act of love. I think Morwen was about to end her own life too, or maybe end Túrin’s, but they caught her before she did any more. Maybe she locked herself with her children in a bedroom, ready to off all of them, and someone intervened before she could.
This sends Húrin into a rage out of despair because he really dotes on Urwen no matter the AU, and Túrin takes it all pretty hard, as he adored his sister and feels betrayed and confused. Melkor ofc enjoys the opportunity to turn Húrin even more towards him, and encourages him to get another child from Morwen to make up for the one he lost, whether she wants it or not. 
In this AU Niënor is conceived (at least) nine months before the Unnumbered and not nine months later. During all the pregnancy Morwen is watched, to make sure she won’t do anything drastic. Túrin is one of the people keeping tabs on her. Morwen names her Niënor, lamentation, and instead of being offended, Húrin laughs and says it’s an appropriate name for a warrior that shall bring woe to her foes, who will lament upon seeing her. Morwen is forbidden to be alone with Niënor and they are closely watched; as a result, they aren’t very close in this hc, as opposed to canon.  Niënor grows up being reminded that her mother wants to kill her, never wanted to conceive her in the first place.
Both Túrin and Nienor have strong mommy issues. Túrin is always keeping Morwen company and they have a very similar temper, but he tries to keep his visits a secret from Nienor. Nienor loves Túrin enormously but confronts him when she learns he still visits Morwen; also I think she sees Morwen in Túrin a little, too, because they’re so similar. It drives her mad. There’s a lot going on here with sibling competition / possessiveness / jealousy; Nienor doesn’t want Túrin to get along with Morwen, against whom she has a big grudge; she also doesn’t like that Morwen gives to Túrin the love she has always denied Niënor (according to how Niënor perceives the situation). She wants Túrin to choose her but Túrin just evades the question or gets angry and they fight. 
I like the idea of Húrin heading the fight against mortals in the Unnumbered, and him and Huor meeting on the battlefield, and killing each other. 
Túrin is crazy about Nienor, though you wouldn’t guess it by looking. Not only they’re the only mortals around who are equals and thus relatable on any level, he projects a lot of his Urwen grief on her and is very protective and possessive. There’s a lot of unresolved tension that they don’t even acknowledge. When they’re together onlookers get a feeling like there isn’t space for anyone else - though Morwen is an always-felt presence and the only crack in their bond. Túrin is stoic and reserved and his canon obsession with fighting Melkor is changed into a type of family pride. Right now I think he’s really mad that Dor-Lómin was given to the Easterlings and his mistrust of Melkor grows. He’s also concerned with the hidden elf cities, especially Nargothrond and Doriath because of their ties to the Silmaril heist. 
In this AU Túrin (and Húrin before he dies) is buddies with Gothmog who is sort of a mentor to him, and Nienor has a great friendship with Glaurung, whom she rides on sometimes, maybe into battle. 
I had considered the idea of either Túrin or Nienor meeting Gwindor by accident on the woods and goading him and fooling him, following him until they got the path to Nargothrond, while the other sibling followed them from afar. One sibling goes into the town and the other comes with the army down on them, no need for bridges I guess. Or the bridge can be deliberate sabotage. Since I like Nienor riding Glaurung, it can be Túrin who goes in, as in canon - OTOH idk how good Túrin can be with deception no matter the AU, so maybe it is Nienor... though, really, is she any better? Also, would she have a voice in council? How sexist are they? Maybe if she got Gwindor’s ear somehow… idk, thoughts!
Anyway, Finduilas is captured and not killed, though I’m not sure how much better this is. Maybe both Túrin and Nienor take her for consort in a smoking hot, nonconsensual, incesty edain sandwich. 
I haven’t thought ahead of this yet, that’s all I have! They need to have a cool and tragic ending, though I’m still unsure how. I feel like they need to fall with Brethil, but then I’m unsure what happens. Also I really don’t want Túrin and Nienor to have a permanent falling out and dying hating each other, it’s not my thing. I feel like they need to die together, like in canon. 
Things to consider:
>> Tuor and Aerin as kin who are held captive. Do Túrin and Nienor know they exist and are there? If they do, how do they react?
>> Morwen + other mortal thralls, or maybe Morwen + having ELVISH thralls to serve her, which Melkor does to show Húrin how much he honors him bla bla. I love this concept.
>> Húrin and Gothmog banter, Gothmog warming up to the mortal once he sees him being an absolute savage in battle, Húrin and Gothmog competing to see who causes more havoc
>> Glaurung is super mean to Morwen once and that tickles Nienor so much she just gets attached to him. Nienor joking with Túrin that she rides a dragon (Glaurung) and he is ridden by one (the dragon helm of Dor-lómin)
>> Gurthang???? I think Túrin needs a black sword. I’m SUPER attached to the visuals of Nienor using an axe though.
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arianajbb · 4 years
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A road trip to Arizona goes wrong when you catch the attention of a familiar looking dark haired man with steely blue eyes.
💕 Tell Him, Not Me by @zsiopao
here y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.
💕Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
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💕 What Could’ve Been by @you-are-my-sanctuary
Steve stays in the past when returning the stones, leaving you behind and erasing everything you two were to each other. Decades pass and he wonders if he made the right decision. Especially since the memories of you still lingers in his mind years after.
💕  Let Your Spirit Fly by @starlightcrystalline
At the end of a long week, all you want is to get home. Fate has other ideas.
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In which Bucky kidnaps you in order to get close to his enemy, Steve, but realizes that Steve isn’t the hero he used to be.
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HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
💕 Sleeping With A Friend by @wkemeup
You wake up in Bucky’s bed after a night you’re certain will only break your heart.
💕 An Unpredictable Reunion by @head-always-up-in-a-dreamworld
💕 American Boy by @quarantined-with-bucky
Request: So basically buckyxreader where she is a super successful businesswomen and awfully confident but when she’s with bucky she feels insecure as many women want him and she’s insecure of nat. Based on “American Boy” by little mix where bucky is her american boy and the other girl in the song is nat. So like angst with a happy ending (maybe smut if you’re comfortable idk idk).
💕 Uptown Girl by @brooklyns-boys
You’re a spoiled, shallow party girl who enjoys pushing any button you can find. When your parents put their foot down, giving you the choice between marrying a suitor of their choosing, or being cut off from your money, you’ll have to decide between luxury and the only person who’s ever given a damn about you.
💕 pictures of girls by @subtlebucky
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💕 don’t forget to sing by @sunmoonandbucky
You meet someone new in the most unlikely of ways during the quarantine in New York City.  An alley is six feet apart, right?
💕 bloody by @buckycuddlebuddy
he looked feral; his eyes black, face contorted in something devilish, lips blood red and shiny and the smirk on his face was promising more than he already had given.
💕 Home by @softlybarnes
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
💕 Kiss Me Better by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky has your heart, but he seems to despise you. Loki comes up with a plan to make him realize just what he’s missing.
💕 x by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky receiving his first piece of fan-mail.
💕 My Roommate’s Boyfriend by @angstysebfan
Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
💕 life with tiny and beefy by @wiensrsoldier
💕 Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances
You and Bucky are both standing up for Steve and Peggy’s wedding. Checking in at the hotel for the weekend, you’re horrified to realize there’s been a problem. A big problem.
💕 A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Female!Reader is an Omega. Alphas and Omegas are rare, and Reader’s been able to avoid alphas through sheer force of will and luck in equal parts.
💕 we’re up all night to get lucky by  @nsfwsebbie
Your soldier comes home after his prevailing victory.
💕 Jealousy Looks Good On You by @tinymalscoffee
You go to your favorite coffee shop after your date from the morning before never shows up.
💕 x by @sinner-as-saint
uni!seb having a thing for boobies.
💕 Everything by @mariessecretfantasies
💕 Stardust And Starfish by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
“Hey we kissed once in kindergarten but I haven’t seen you since and I couldn’t remember why you were so familiar.”
💕 The Flaw Of Belief by @winterdaybreak
Y/N and Bucky fight over who can be more spiteful, who hates who more. Neither really mean it, but Bucky might just win.
💕 dear... whoever by @whistlingwillows
a mandated series of long and short diary entries from the new head of R&D for Stark Industries.
💕 starring role by @baezen
in which Hollywood’s former hottest movie star faces his biggest challenge yet – proving that he’s still worth the starring role
💕 Mr. and Mrs. Barnes by @cherrypickertheory
You and your husband, Bucky, live a normal life in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Or you did, that is, until you both realize that the other is a spy.
💕 kitten by @buckycuddlebuddy
“you know,” bucky started, voice low and raspy. “i think i have spoiled you too much lately.”
💕 Summer Days by @sleepypanda27
You meet a handsome stranger at the beach.
💕 Power Over Me by @sinner-as-saint
CEO James Buchanan Barnes is a dominant. And he’s spent the last 5 years searching for his perfect submissive. Then one night, he finds you. He thinks everything will fall perfectly into place now; but he thought wrong. Turns out your unfortunate past which still haunts you to this day, and some of his enemies are, well, connected. Things go wrong. And your bond with your dom is tested in many ways…
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💕 House Pride by @delusionalwriterr
After encountering Bucky during a Quidditch game, both of you grow attached to each other. But is the attraction enough to overcome the disapproval of your brother, Tony, and the messy past between your families?
💕 Meet Me In The Hallway by @yikeswtfmate
Y/N and Bucky have hated each other since they were children and now they’re forced to live together, whether they like it or not.
💕 Postcards by @sebbytrash
Takes place after Civil War. Bucky is your best friend but of course you’re in love with him. He goes off to travel the world and rediscover himself, sending you Postcards along the way, whilst you struggle with your feelings.
💕 x by @moteldwelling
(this isn’t a fic but it’s amazing omg)
💕 Helpless by @prongsies
Sirius loved you. Loved you enough to let you go. Loved you enough to selflessly step back, allowing you to love someone he knows could give you the love you deserved - even if it hurts.
💕 What Is, And What Should Never Be by @whoisbxcky
You wake up one morning to find yourself in an alternate reality, in which the Avengers never came to be, and your friends are living perfect civilian lives. However, things are not all they appear to be, and you find yourself facing the worst fear you never knew you had.
💕 Impaled by @revengingbarnes
You’ve been pining after Bucky for months. A compromising situation during a mission brings you a lot closer to him than you expected.
💕 Helpless For You by @sgtjbuccky
A blind date has lead you and Bucky to the fourth date. Each one proving that you’ve got it bad more than prior and it doesn’t quite matter what will happen - you will keep on falling for that handsome devil and you don’t even mind.
💕 Flowers by @bucky-the-thigh-slayer
Love can take a while, but the right love is always worth time, and some old fashioned gestures.
💕 The (not naked) pin-up calendar by @bitsandbobsandstuff
When you ask for a favor, Bucky (very) grudgingly agrees. What can you do to thank him? Return the favor, of course.
💕 Rogue Angel by @harryspet
Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier. Will he be able to show he cares for you as his Daddy or will your training stop you from seeing the truth.
💕 Saving The Day by @jbbmoved
On your way back home, you are being followed by a couple of creeps. When your eyes fall on the most impressive and handsome Avengers, you don’t think twice and find yourself a fake boyfriend and savior.
💕 Hidden Lagoons and Seashells by @after-avenging-hours
💕 my heart, my angel by @paintedface
valentine’s day candy grams basically show how popular you are in the school, so you expect to get none, however, one, extremely sweet one, turns up on your desk. except you have no clue who it’s from.
💕 Like Silver Glass by @thejamesoldier
Out of all the things you have seen so far in your life – a colorful plethora of alien species, artificial intelligence, an imaginative array of mutants and their abilities, cyborgs, superhumans, assassins, geniuses, etc. – merpeople fell actually pretty low on your ‘Shocking Things That Exist’ list.
💕 Holiday Heist by @avengerofyourheart
When the art gallery you manage is robbed on Christmas Eve, you suspect the handsome stranger who flirted with you earlier in the day, but instead of involving the authorities, you take matters into your own hands with surprising consequences.
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pedroalonso · 3 years
it’s so funny to me how the fandom is so divided about palermo’s development there is no middle ground in any of the arguments i’ve seen so far
Martín has always been a divisive character from the start and I honestly love that for him. lmao. But yeah, In truth, I can’t scroll through the LCDP tag without seeing someone ranting about Palermo, either negatively or positively regarding his arc this season.
And after thinking about it for a while, I realize that a large chunk of people’s arguments (my own included) are deeply rooted in personal interpretation and biases. We all have our own takes on a character. We project either our likes or dislikes on them, depending on our own life experiences and beliefs. It’s not wrong to do so, it’s literally a normal thing humans do. To personalize a story in a way that resonates with them.
But at the end of the day, characters are not sentient beings. They are narrative tools to tell a story and move the plot forward. While we can get a gauge of the “basics” of a character from the stuff we are presented with in canon, we can never really be certain about “who they are” because they aren’t real. Their development is dependent on what kind of story is being told, and writers will always adjust their characters to fit the current narrative.
In terms of Volume 1, the writers have always hinted that they wanted to make the final season “an explosive one”, meaning they wanted to make it more action heavy. And looking back on it now, they succeeded in doing what they set out to do. The new season was like an action movie. Lots of gunfire. Explosions. It’s easy to brush it off as LCDP mimicking another Hollywood blockbuster to increase viewership, but I think it made sense. It showed us how dire their situation is in the bank. How much deep shit they were in that the military was willing to bomb the building and inadvertently kill hostages just to catch them. And the first volume ended with the MAIN CHARACTER getting killed off. Like the stakes were so high not even the goddamn narrator survived. The show is literally telling us how fucked things are for the band.
So with that said, the characters adjusted to this “action” movie vibe the writers wanted to go with. And I think they all acted accordingly. There was less conflict within the group because they worked together to beat a common enemy, setting aside their personal issues to get the job done and survive. And while it’s true that some character arcs (Palermo’s especially) had to be set aside, it was because they HAD to in order to move the plot forward. How much sense would it make if Martín kept raving on about the gold when the Bank was literally exploding around him? He’s a chaotic asshole, yeah. But give him more credit than that, he’s not an idiot. The gold can wait. He needs to survive NOW.
And again, narrative wise, who he is in Part 5 directly connects to his last scene in Part 4. He made a promise to do better and they followed it through in literally the first episode of Volume 1, where he’s shown to be more remorseful for his actions. If he just went back to being an angry asshole, it wouldn’t have made sense because otherwise, what was his last scene in Part 4 supposed to be for?? Just for funsies?? No, of course not. They were already foreshadowing where his arc was heading in Part 5.
And I know LCDP sucks at maintaining continuity. There are a lot of plotholes that haven’t been addressed because they probably forgot about it or deemed it unnecessary. (Like me, for example, wondering if Martín knows it was Helsinki who blew up the tunnel that resulted in Andrés death??? Like I want that angst PLEASE).
But, hear me out. What LCDP fails in continuity, they make up for emotional terrorism. Not only are they more than capable of killing off likable characters (NAAAAIROBI), they are also very good at making unlikeable characters… not always loveable. But understandable, in a way. More empathetic. For example: Berlin was 100% a disgusting dipshit in the Mint, yes, but in the end when he sacrifices himself to save the gang and you find out he and the Professor were brothers this whole time? That was a twist. Maybe you didn’t end up liking Berlin, but you felt pain for Sergio for losing someone so obviously dear to him. They made you feel sorry for seeing this asshole go.
Which brings me to my final point. Characters are used to convey a theme. What do they represent in the story? Berlin’s thematic arc in the first two seasons, for example, was him going from a villain to an anti-hero. From the moment we find out about his terminal illness, we knew he was going to die either way. You can see him grappling with his mortality — about the inevitability of his death. And it seemed like he was planning to live out his last remaining years being an asshole surrounded by a shitload of money, until he ultimately dies from his illness.
But then, he sacrifices himself. Not only does he escape the “humiliating” decline that was to befall him when he escapes, he also gave meaning to his death. He, the heartless evil bastard, made himself the hero in the end. How rude!
So, when it comes to Martín, we have to think: What is his purpose in this story? What is the theme he’s trying to convey? Is it the tragedy of an unrequited love? Or is it learning to let it go?
Because looking back in episode two of Part 3, Sergio recruits Martín in a dirty flat in Palermo, littered with empty liquor bottles and Martín himself looking like a mess. When he broaches the topic of the heist, Martín can barely mention Andrés without his voice cracking. And when he and Sergio do discuss Andrés, he screams and gets angry and cries. He was obviously still mourning Andrés, who at this point, died FIVE YEARS AGO. That is not… a normal grieving period. May it be due to the lack of a support system after Andrés’s death (since I doubt Sergio visited), or the lack of real closure between him and Andrés, or something else, the point is… Martín Berrote was not okay. He was still clinging to Andrés in some way. Still unable to move on.
So when Sergio proposes to do the Bank of Spain heist and Martín accepts, his thematic arc began. He is introduced as Andrés’s long suffering best friend who was in love with him for years until he was eventually discarded. A lot of his moments in the show discuss and convey this dynamic. From him telling Sergio he loved the plan as much as he loved Andrés, to Nairobi confronting him about Berlin, to Martín himself telling Helsinki how Andrés leaving him made him the “asshole” he is today.
His theme is not just about his love for Andrés, but his grief and suffering because of it. Where the show will eventually take it is still debate-able, and we’ll have to wait for Volume 2 for that. But viewing Martín’s whole arc in this way, through the scenes they chose to put about him, and the way they connect it to the main plot — his development this season did not come out of the blue. It made logical and narrative sense. It all connects! This was the kind of story they wanted for him from the start.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
iii. the dinner date.
ocean’s eleven au, aaron hotchner x female!reader. the dinner date.
inspiration from this prompt. some of the dialogue is taken directly from the film. 
i. // ii. // iii. // iv. // v. // vi. // vii.
it’s morning. that’s what hotch sees when he blinks awake.
there’s an upside to infiltrating a five-star hotel and casino you mean to rob, and that’s that the beds are often perfect, and sunlight comes through the windows at the ideal time of day. early enough that the visitor doesn’t feel like the day is wasted, but late enough to encourage going down to the floor, hitting a couple of rounds after a much-too-expensive brunch. 
aaron hotchner is not the target demographic. he knows too much about the behind-the-scenes of this particular place to linger in it, but he is... fond of the bed all the same. there’s something about a hotel bed, the way the sheets feel against his skin, that makes everything feel, at the very least, okay. after all, there’s no personal history in a hotel. there’s only what you wake up to do and fall asleep doing. mistakes left behind for the housekeeping to wash away.
and god knows he has a lot of mistakes to wash away. 
he sits up. moves to the bathroom, to the shower. dresses in a decent suit, because anything less would make him stand out the same way anything more would, and his job isn’t to stand out. his job is to relax, and observe, and remain behind the scenes until he needs to step in. by the time he looks in the mirror, his armor is on, and the sun is a bit too high in the sky for his liking, but he quickly makes his way to the adjoining room, where dave and some of the others are lingering. 
“what’s the problem?” he immediately asks. because alvez and simmons are here, and they shouldn’t be here. they should be on the floor, causing a distraction, because that’s what they do. that’s the plan. 
“i don’t know, boss. garcia said to wait, so i waited,” alvez tells him, shrugging, which earns him a hit from simmons. 
“oh, so garcia said?” simmons rolls his eyes. “i told you we should’ve gone. you know jareau and lewis are waiting for us.” 
“and get caught? come on, man, that’s stupid -” 
“you’re stupid -” 
“hey,” rossi says, firm, and the two of them stop shoving and just glare. hotch just looks between them, finally meeting rossi’s eyes for a casual, silent conversation. 
rossi just smirks. 
you hired them. 
yeah. he did. 
he turns to the other person in the room, gives her a steady gaze. “garcia. what’s the problem?” 
she’s fidgety. hands playing with a flamboyant pen that matches her extravagant necklace. she forces herself to stand out, and it’s why her best work is behind the scenes. “foyet doesn’t want anyone touching what he’s got,” she says. “obviously. so the only way for someone to get in is to get me a hardline wired. that way we have control of visual and audio. it gets us a secure and steady in, rather than me having to fight foyet’s firewalls every time i want to change camera angles, or replace a video - “
hotch lifts his hand to stop her. he doesn’t need the details. he just needs to know if it’s feasible. “so. a hardline would get you what you want?” 
“if we want to finish this recon, yes. it’s the only way for me to get all of the sightlines we need.” she looks frustrated, but lifts her chin to look at him anyway, dips it in a nod. “sir.” 
so hotch thinks. he thinks, because he’s the idea man, and when he nods, it makes garcia raise her brow.
“get changed. you’ll go in yourself. dave will get you a uniform, and you’ll install the hardline. alvez and simmons will provide the distraction, which was their... original goal, and you will go in and get what you need.” 
her eyes widen, and had been progressively growing to the size of dinner plates during his plan. “sir, i’m not... i’m not meant to be out there. in the field. in the casino. i’m supposed to be here, behind my screen, looking from a distance -” 
he offers her some vague reassurance, with a smile and a hand on her shoulder. “and you will be. as soon as you finish, you’ll be back here, but for right now, what we need is that direct wiring into the system, and i don’t trust these two to get what you need.” 
that gets the attention of the men, who both lift their gaze to glare at their boss. but it’s not a real glare, just like hotch’s slight is not a real slight, and eventually it gets sorted. aaron steps back and watches the inevitable happen, watches alvez and simmons shove each other again on their way out the door. he rolls his eyes, looks at dave again, before taking his own leave. 
“where are you going?” rossi asks, moving towards the bar as garcia sits silent. new for her, with the new role, as hotch starts to move out of the room with a purpose. because hotch is through with watching, after a moment, when another plan springs to mind, another moment formulating in hs brain. 
“going to check on lewis, prentiss, and morgan,” he calls back. “and then i have some... business.” 
hotch and rossi work because they have trust. so there’s no questions, just a brow raise, a nod. 
“leave them be, aaron,” rossi calls out after him, which gets no reply. after all, no one else needs to know that it’s not morgan and prentiss and lewis he’s keeping an eye on, and it’s not alvez and simmons he’s tailing. 
leaving hotch to take care of... business. 
it’s evening. two days until their plan kicks into action. but hotch’s mind isn’t on the upcoming heist. no. his mind and his eyes are on you. 
after all, prentiss, playing the big spender, has foyet’s attention. alvez and simmons are working the security, the ins and outs of the place, especially after getting garcia settled in.. reid is on foyet, marking his every move, and jareau and garcia are getting the looped footage for the big day. lewis is at one of the tables, dealing good hands, learning that system.
it works. the team works. 
because while foyet is preoccupied with satisfying a vital customer, it means that he’s late to dinner. and at 7:16, hotch can see the way your head tilts to the side, just a little, the way your eyes start to scan the restaurant with a purpose. his eyes trace the line of your dress, your back dotted with beauty marks that he once had the privilege to put his lips on. 
a privilege he lost. threw away. tossed aside. 
he comes up from behind. walks with slow, deliberate steps, an unconscious attempt to mirror foyet’s gait, and as he moves close the burden of tension in you shoulders releases. you’re smiling, because your ears lift, ever so slightly, and when you turn to face him he pretends for a moment that it’s all for him. 
“one minute late. for a moment there i thought i’d have to start a search...” 
but the smile’s gone. you see him, and your vision goes a shade of red, surely, because your beautiful smile turns into a mouth agape. brows furrowing, eyes wide. your hand clutches your clutch, nails digging into the bejeweled bag, and hotch tries not to think about how in love with you he is but finds himself falling all over again. 
he says your name. gently, like it’s the word of god. “i got out,” is what he follows it up with. not exactly the smoothest opening line. 
“you got out?” you’re still shocked to see him, so your voice is weak.
“of prison.” 
realization settles over you like a veil, closing you off. “aaron.” 
his given name. the only person who says it much anymore is dave. but in your mouth, it’s the only one that fits. 
shock turned into realization, which is now morphing into indignation. it plays out like a symphony on your face, and he moves to take a seat on your table, looking towards the waiter. he waves him down. “whiskey, and a whiskey.” he pinches his fingers, showing the sizes he wants, turning back to you with an elbow on the table.
there’s no more vulnerability on you. his eyes trace the line of your dress, meeting your eyes with a smile playing on your lips. 
“it’s good to see you,” he offers, but you don’t take the bait. 
“you shouldn’t be here.” 
“i got parole. as long as i call...” 
“i mean here, aaron. at this table. sitting down.” 
there’s faux and real hurt in his gaze as he sits back, your glasses set in front of the two of you gently. “so. no time for old friends?” 
“believe it or not, the less time spent with you the better.”
you lean back. lounging almost, in your chair, like you belong. your chin is raised, meeting his eyes, defiant, and he just sighs. leaning forward to take a drink of the amber liquid.
he didn’t think it’d be easy. bringing you back to him. but damn, if he didn’t think it would be easier. looking you in the eye and realizing he lost so much more than he realized. the room feels like it’s disappearing, and the only thing is the two of you sitting and this table. 
but he pretends. he’s good at that. offers a small smile, a signature of his, and he watches as you tense at the sight that used to bring you so much... comfort. “so you think that foyet is the person who deserves your time? you don’t know who he is. if you think you’re free from a liar and a thief -”
the look you shoot him is nothing short of furious. “i think i’m free from you. and george... george cares about me. which is more than you ever did.” 
he leans back in his seat, too, and looks you over. looks over your dress, the way it shines, the pretty blue, and tries not to reason that you chose blue because he told you once that it was his favorite color on you. because you were more than that now. separate from him. no matter how much he wished it different. 
“the museum upstairs looks great.” his mouth feels dry, but he manages to put something hard in his tone. “tell me, what’s the differnce, between monet and manet?” 
“one that you never bothered to learn,” you quip back, and your hand squeezes your bag just a little bit more. “aaron, you need to leave.” 
“and you need to listen. he doesn’t... care about you.” 
“and you’re one to talk about what it means to care about me, right? the expert?” 
aaron doesn’t know how to respond to that. he was hoping there would be some tact, but you’re doing what you’ve always done. getting to the heart of him, pulling down defenses. but he can play that game, too, looks down at your left ring finger. “what happened to your ring?” 
and because he knows you, he sees the look. the glance towards your own hand, the catch of your bottom lip between your teeth. you’re fighting something, and you must win so you can look him in the eyes once again when you say it.
“i sold it. or did you not get the papers?”
the papers. divorce papers. ones he turned over his hands a few times before walking out of the place. “i did. my last day inside.” he smirks with it, and your eyes drop, not looking at him, looking at almost anything else. 
“i told you i’d write,” you finally whisper. with a sigh, you release your clutch, and glance behind you. waiting for a rescue. 
“i’m sorry,” he tries, earnest. he means it. he doesn’t lie anymore, like he told you, but your eyes just roll. 
“i’m sure you are, aaron. but i’m not.” 
he knows he deserves that. and yet he still pushes. leans close. this is a game, the two of you are playing, and he’s good at those. always has been. “i’m here. for you.” 
it’s the truth. bald-faced, almost as much as his lies before this whole mess, and that irony seems to settle with you, your open mouth closing tightly, jaw clenching. 
“you’re a liar, and a thief. i don’t think i should find it a habit to believe what you say.”
“i don’t do that anymore,” aaron sighs out.
“what, steal? get hunted down by the FBI?”
“no. lie to you.”
you scoff. shake your head. “so you just lie to other people to get what you want?”
“i lied to you because you were all i wanted.” he leans forward, and his hand reaches for yours. by some miracle, you don’t pull away immediately, so he can savor it. your hand in his, like old times. “i’ve changed. i’m not putting up a front anymore. this. this is who i am.”
your jaw clenches. you almost seem to think about pulling away - there’s an aborted twitch of your hand, and his hold on you is loose enough, but then... then it stops. your touch lingers.
“y/n. look at me.”
and you do. turn your eyes on him, and he feels bare. he is bare. there’s no walls up, anymore. no more armor. 
“you’re not the person i thought you were,” he says, brow furrowing as you scoff out a laugh. his thumb catches on your knuckle, and your shiver... disgust? “you’re... more. you’re you. please. come with me.”
“no, i’m just not the person you wanted me to be anymore. the girl who knew nothing because she wanted to know nothing.” your hand pulls from his with a sharp twist of your wrist, and he tries not to think too much about the ring he still has on, the one that you sold. “i didn’t ask questions, and that ended up with the FBI on my doorstep. so. i think i’ll pass.”
his eyes close. “i told you, i’m not lying to you. so i would ask you do the same for me.” 
“i’m not lying, aaron. that was your job.” 
he thinks. thinks about you, and foyet, and how it makes his stomach churn. “does he make you laugh?” 
you push forward now, making sure he hears every sound you make. “he doesn’t make me cry.” 
there’s a silence in the heartbreak. so quiet that neither of you notice the new set of footsteps apporaching the table. 
“mr. hotchner. what a... surprise.” 
the voice makes aaron tense, makes you lift your head with a smile that begs him to set you free. 
“george,” you say, and it’s warm. he reaches for your shoulder and you don’t tense, you move into the touch. 
“foyet,” hotch adds, and it’s polite. civil. cold. 
“sorry i’m late. i was settling things with an influential guest,” he returns, and when he looks at aaron hotchner, there’s something there that sends hotch a chill down his spine. “i guess i didn’t know we’d be having a guest.” 
hotch lifts from his chair, so that he’s eye to eye with the man. george foyet, in the flesh. he’s shorter, up close and personal, but his presence seems to fill the spot by your side. his grip on your shoulder is firm, and one of your hands has lifted to cover his. 
“george, this is aaron,” you tell him, through your teeth. 
when foyet laughs it’s grating. “i see. the criminal.” and even with, he extends a hand, a hand that aaron takes, shakes with a small smile. “the elusive aaron hotchner. it’s a pleasure.” 
hotch’s mind is racing, thinking of how many millions he is going to pull out from under foyet’s feet. but for now, politeness. charm. “of course. lovely hotel you have.” 
“made all the more beautiful by her,” the man brags, and when he leans down to kiss your cheek you smile, ducking your head. when foyet moves to sit aaron doens’t impede him. doesn’t dare disrupt the dinner. “are you enjoying your stay so far?” 
he is, in a way. but not right now. not as he watches foyet take your hand, stretch your arm across the table, kiss your knuckles. “i am. i was just leaving my own meal when i saw my ex-wife and wanted to... just say hello.” 
“exactly. he was just saying hello,” you agree, and when the two of you meet eyes he doesn’t miss your pleading. 
leave, aaron. you need to leave.
“exactly. we were simply catching up. thinking about... better days.” 
a dig that earns him a glare from you, but foyet seems unbothered. 
“well, i hope you have a wonderful night, mr. hotchner,” foyet tells him, and it would almost be sincere if not for the fact that his eyes don’t leave you. “i don’t want our appetites to spoil.” 
aaron’s fingers twist around his ring. 
“of course. goodnight, y/n.” 
“goodnight, aaron.” 
hotch leaves the two of you behind. doesn’t look back, even at the sound of your voice lilting in the dining room, the sound of foyet’s arrogance not too far off either. walks quickly towards the stairs, moves up them with purpose, single-minded and not bothering to think about the lanky rookie trailing a distance behind. 
after all, aaron is good at games. he knows how to play. and in the end, isn’t that what a heist is? a game that aaron knows how to win? 
tag list: @blakeprentiss // @genevievedarcygranger // @quillvine // @falcon-arrows // @afuckingshituniverse // @sercyan // @sparklingkeylimepie // @kianagilder-blog // @alexxcorona113 // @mandyandy22 // @thedeaddrop // @angelsbabey // @lolychu // @icyprincess // @gabbygabbie // @cevanswhre // @roses-and-grasses // @mayaaaa // @baadmaxx // @ssaic-jareau // @mooneylupinblack // @rachelxwayne // @greenie128 // @dilaudidwinchester // @stylesboy // @grandpascurtains // @softbibxtch // @winterscaptain // @hurricanejjareau // @evans-dejong
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