#Myshka and the secret of death
abyssal-endling · 1 year
Cw: death, violent reincarnation, cannibalism, mild gore, blood, torture
Being revived over and over messes you up. It’s not just the death and coming back and the feeling of nothing in your body feeling right. It’s the amount of food you need, the panic of waking up, the rage at the world around you, the feeling of the souls of the damned clutching your ankles, some telling you to run, others begging you to stay, never knowing if it maybe was a bad dream and nothing else.
The first time Myshka dies, they scream and don’t stop. There’s still blood dripping from their nose, eyes, ears. When they are finally sedated, a hefty dose of tranquilizers they’re too young to pronounce or spell the names of sent directly into their veins, they dream of reducing the Dentist’s watchers to nothing but a pile of flesh and bone. When the meds wear off and they’re left to wander, they come face to face with two, and the Dentist finds Myshka standing over near-unrecognizable bodies, blood dripping from their teeth, hands covered to the elbow. He’s amused, and proud. The first time they kill is animalistic, gruesome.
The second time, they’re despondent. Myshka doesn’t react, despite the blood covering their torso. They were dead for a bit too long, rigor mortis having set in.
The first time a partial body transfer is done. Myshka smiles when they realize the hand they were given is from one of the Watchers they killed, and the Dentist wonders for a moment if he’s gone too far.
The third time is a massacre. The Dentist barely gets control of the situation, and by the time he does, at least 22 people are dead. Myshka howls with laughter, childish glee at the carnage. The Dentist realizes they thought he would bring them back, too. It was a game to them.
He puts them in isolation for two months, reviewing the plans. He’s lost too much control, he won’t lose it again.
The fourth time, Myshka cries. Their friend tried to stop the Dentist, and dies in Myshka’s arms shortly after they wake up, leaving a handprint on their face. Myshka promises him they’ll find him.
More deaths, until they feel nothing about it. Nothing beyond a desire for true death. They don’t know how to react when the Payday gang becomes distressed at the near-death of their fellow heisters, stepping away in a quiet, confused bitterness. When Bain has been rescued, they simply offer a shoulder to cry on.
When a bullet pierces through their vest, dropping them during a heist after Bain’s rescue, they collapse, hearing Locke and Bain yell for someone to help, tell Myshka to hang on. Rushed to the safehouse, where Bain’s choice of medical team waits, Myshka feels that old feeling. Vlad holds them, trying to keep them calm as the doctors frantically get their equipment, nearly collapsing himself when Myshka whispers to him before they black out.
“I don’t want to die.”
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erenlevijeager · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences. 
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. 
Category: M/M. 
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV. 
Relationship: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia. 
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum      Gladiolus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Nyx Ulric, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.
Additional Tags: Romance, Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Humor Ignoct Secret Santa 2017, Mutual Pining, Age Difference, Arguing, Childhood Memories. 
Summary: Maybe there was something about consuming alcohol that made the mind weak, or perhaps he already was. Regardless, all it took was a little booze for the dam to break loose.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 7 years
Insomnia's finest alcohol, please.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Dag4Hi
by Myshka Caelum (hitori10)
Maybe there was something about consuming alcohol that made the mind weak, or perhaps he already was. Regardless, all it took was a little booze for the dam to break loose.
Words: 7464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Nyx Ulric, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Romance, Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Humor, Ignoct Secret Santa, Mutual Pining, Age Difference, Arguing, Childhood Memories
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Dag4Hi
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Nightmare tradition; Maximoff twins x child reader
Well this was my first time ever writing for the Maximoff twins Pietro and Wanda when I posted this up on Wattpad, I hope to write more of these guys and when the time comes for me to start opening requests I’ll accept either both or you just give me a name. Anyways I hope you all will enjoy this one be warned of major feels and tooth rotting fluffiness
I was in my shared bedroom with my brother Pietro and my sister Wanda Maximoff.  I was tossing and turning remembering all the terrible things that happened at the bad man’s lab back home.  I could feel the needles being punctured into my skin making it burn, I could remember snapping necks quickly and quietly with my bare hands, and the cold cell I was put in separating me from the only family I had.
I was always constantly reminded of our past.
I even remembered the war we had with the robot Ultron and trying to save out hometown and even remembering how my big brother Pietro almost died, sure the Avengers helped him and he was now alive but that pain both me and Wanda felt as he was shot by Ultron was unlike any pain we both had ever felt.
I couldn’t take it anymore so I shot up screaming and panting heavily, waking up my brother and sister.
         They immediately ran up towards my bed and tried to calm me down.
         “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay (y/n), it’s okay our myshka (little mouse), it’s okay”. Pietro gently cooed as he picked me up and held me close in his lap while Wanda sat down in front of us soothingly stroking through my dark brown hair.
         “Vhat is it (y/n)? Vhat happened младшая сестра (little sister)?” Wanda asked as her face grew with deep concern.
         “Nightmares”.  I whimpered as I held on tightly to Pietro’s night shirt. He gently rubbed my back in gentle soothing circles as he asked me.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” I shook my head no and whimpered out.
“Too—many…..bad things…..” I sniffled into Pietro’s chest further hoping that my brother’s presence would somehow chase the nightmares away.  Both my brother and sister looked at each other with deep concern, Wanda refused to read my mind because she knew I would never forgive her or Pietro for invading my thoughts without my permission so she didn’t want to risk that happening, especially since I was so vulnerable now.
It was then they both struck an idea.
“Hey (y/n), ve vant to try something vith you”. Wanda said to me lovingly.  I sniffled and peeked out from Pietro’s chest as my hair hide my eyes from her.
“Vhat is it?” I asked.  She removed my hair from my eyes gingerly and said.
“You may not remember zhis, but ve used to do it all the time when you vere younger, Pietro and I even did this to each other before you vere even born, cup out your hands together vith your palms facing up” Wanda instructed.  I turned to Pietro who nodded in approval, confused and still scared as I was, I obeyed my sister and held out my hands together with my palms facing up.
Wanda took my hands then began tracing a small circle at the center of my palm as she asked me.
“(Y/n), do you know vhat a Dream catcher is?”
“Not really”. I answered truthfully.
“Vell, a Dream catcher is an ancient tool that vas once used by zhe Indians to help children capture their nightmares and only leave zhe good dreams for them”.  She kept tracing the small center circle around the center of my joined hands as she continued, “zhe circle I’m tracing now is vhere your nightmares are at,” she then began to draw patterns and beautiful designs around the rest of my hands as she continued, “zhe rest of your hands form the space to vhere the good dreams are kept, notice how it’s a lot bigger than your nightmare space?”  I nodded feeling the difference in what she was drawing on my hands.
“Okay, now slowly open your hands to create a hole big enough to fit the nightmare circle Wanda drew, but not so that you ruin the Dream catcher she drew, you don’t want to lose zhose good dreams now do you?” Pietro said.  I shook my head no then I slowly opened my hands till they almost cupped each other but not so that I would dump out the good dream space.
I even took notice that Wanda and Pietro were doing the same thing.
“Now on the count of three, we blow away the nightmares into the air, vready?” Wanda asked. I nodded then each of us counted in our mother tongue to three then we all blew between the hole and opened out our hands so the nightmares could escape into the air before Pietro guided my hands back together.
“You said that zhere were many bad things happening in your nightmare, right (y/n)? Do you zhink you can tell us how many bad things you saw?” Pietro asked.  I lowered my head solemnly then began counting out.
The experiments, the needles, the war, Pietro almost dying, being alone.
That was five things in total of one nightmare.
“Zhere were five things”.
“Okay, we von’t ask you to tell us as to not bring the nightmares back, but vhat ve are going to do is replace zhem with good memories and dreams to replace zhe bad ones, okay?” Wanda said.  I nodded then they began to think about what good memories could help replace the nightmares.
Both Pietro and Wanda came up with good memories for me to dream about when I go back to sleep, like my first reading lesson, Pietro had stayed with me the whole time for 5 hours helping me read one book and didn’t get impatient or angry at me but helped me along the way and always encouraged me to keep trying.  Wanda came up with the time we came up with our secret handshake before we all volunteered to be Strucker’s lab rats.
Sunshine, sunshine, Ladybugs awake.
Clap your hands and do a little shake.
There was also the lullabies mom used to sing to us every night before we’d go to sleep or to comfort us when we were sad or afraid, the times we would make shadow puppets with our hands secretly during the middle of the night just the three of us after mom and dad were asleep only to get in trouble if we got caught.
But I don’t think any good memories could replace the one nightmare that almost came true.
“Now let’s see ve just need one more right?” Pietro asked.
“Yeah, but zhere is nothing that will replace this specific nightmare” I answered sorrowfully.
“And what’s that myshka?”
“Because it vas vhen you died in the battle against Ultron”.
It was then both Pietro and Wanda grew silent.
Wanda looked at Pietro with pained eyes knowing that she too still felt that pain from when he had sacrificed himself to save Clint and that child he went to save.  If it hadn’t been for Dr. Cho and her ‘Cradle’ Pietro wouldn’t even be here, but the two of us had to go through three months without a sign of Pietro responding to them since he was locked in a coma-state as he was being repaired. 
Wanda knew she couldn’t say anything to comfort me so she turned away from Pietro refusing to let him see her cry.
Pietro softly sighed then looked at the two of us.
“(Y/n), Wanda. I know you both went through hell vhile I vas in my coma state, but I’ll tell you both somezhing zhat I only knew about, I fought on to get back to you both. I promised myself zhat I vould protect you both, I’ll never break zhat promise to myself, and all zhat matters now to both of you is zhat I’m here now, and I promise to never put you both through zhat ever again”. He took Wanda into his arms as he held the two of us close to his chest.
“Cross your heart?” I asked.
“Cross my heart, dare I lie, zhen I stick a needle in my eye”. Pietro repeated the funny phrase he’d always say whenever me or Wanda would ask him as he crossed his heart. He gently placed a kiss on both mine and Wanda’s heads and vowed.
“I promise Мои сестрички (my little sisters), I’ll never leave you both to suffer like zhat again”.  He held onto us as tightly but still lovingly gently as possible when Wanda spoke up.
“Pietro, ve still have one last thing before we can send (y/n) back to sleep”.  They soon looked down at me with dark and mischievous smirks, I ran towards the door when Pietro using his speed immediately caught up to me and stopped me from leaving the room.  I struggled in his strong arms only to be put into Wanda’s who pinned me down on the bed with my arms above my head.  I struggled and struggled to get out of Wanda’s death grip but she was too strong for me to break free that’s when it happened.
I was being tag-teamed tickled.
I squirmed as both Wanda and Pietro tickled all of my easily accessed tickle spots like under my arms, my stomach, sides, and ribs.            
“Nohohohoh pleheheheasssseee! Stohahahap ihihiht!”            
“No I don’t zhink I vant to, vhat about you Pietro?” Wanda teased.            
“No definitely not, at least not after I do zhis” he lifted my shirt up and blew a raspberry into my tummy. I shrieked with laughter as he said, “zhat always gets her, even now”.  Wanda then looked at Pietro with a cunning grin and Pietro knowing what she was thinking was smirking back.             
Soon they both blew raspberries into my tummy.             
“Nohohoho! Piehehehehtrooo! Wahahahahnndahaha!! I’m too tick-ticklish!! Stohahahahpppp!!” Finally after what felt like forever they finally stopped tickling me and I was now laying inbetween them as they laid down on either side of me.            
“Bet you didn’t see that coming?” Pietro teased making the three of us softly chuckle.           
 I nuzzled each of them lovingly while they each wrapped their arms around me protectively in a safe barricade incase anyone tried to come and take me away or if any nightmares should dare try to enter my mind again.             
“Goodnight Pete-Pete, goodnight Wan-Wan” I whispered their nicknames as I grew tired and deeply desired nothing more than to go back to sleep.           
 “Сладких снов  myshka, sladkihk snov (goodnight little mouse, sweet dreams)” they both whispered to me in our Mother tone before they too fell asleep holding me close.            
I would never have to be afraid of nightmares haunting me any longer, because my brother and sister would never let anything or anyone hurt me ever again.          
 And we would always be together for as long as we protect each other.
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snarkyoracle · 7 years
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NINJA-K #1 Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Art by TOMÁS GIORELLO Cover A by TREVOR HARISINE Cover B by LUCAS TROYA Interlocking Variant by KENNETH ROCAFORT Ninjak Icon Variant by DAVID MACK Brushed Metal Variant by MICO SUAYAN
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November 2017 Solicitations: Valiant NINJA-K #1 Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Art by TOMÁS GIORELLO Cover A by TREVOR HARISINE Cover B by LUCAS TROYA…
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