#you need Nines to see Gavin as more than an android hating asshole
gavin-reed-is-gay · 8 months
I realised that I don’t like reed900 fics where they end up kissing/fucking like 2 chapters in (unless the chapters are long)
In au’s, fair enough, it’s an au but in in-game fics, there has to be that slow-burn.
There has to be animosity in the beginning, the slowly beginning to tolerate each other, then something happens to change their perspectives of one another, then pining and then they kiss/fuck.
If you have a fic where they meet, Gavin’s like “fuck you” and then tells Nines to kiss him literally right after, I don’t want it.
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headfulloffantasy · 3 years
Mafia AU - Rivals
Pairing: reed900, disclaimers: violence, death (no character of importance), setting: they are both bosses of rivaling mafias controlling the districts of Detroit
The whiskey Nines was putting down in a tumbler in front of Gavin had the same color as the desk he put it on, probably mahogany. Crossing his long legs, the other mafia boss sat back into his chair and eyed Gavin with one of those callous expressions Reed had gotten used to over the years. Still, there was that glint in his eyes, something telling the mob boss that Nines was more interested than he let on.
„So. You wanted to talk about my allotment in the Ferndale district business, am I right?“
The arrogance with which the words were said sent an itch under Gavin‘s skin, but he didn’t let any of that show on his face. If Nines wanted to play that game again, he would join in just for the fun of rubbing the other the wrong way and ruffling his polished demeanor a bit.
„Actually, I would prefer a beer.“
He looked up from the whiskey and it was the first time their eyes met that evening, fixating each other like wolves circling. The blue of Nines‘ irises thinned a little as he observed his rude guest with an unimpressed gaze, as cold as the color of his eyes.
„Sure. Whatever you prefer. Get the man a beer.“
The last sentence was directed at one of the servants standing around them, who immediately rushed off to fetch whatever the two men ordered. Richard, better known as Nines in the underground, didn’t take his gaze from Gavin the whole time.
„About Ferndale.“
„About Ferndale.“ Gavin pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket, just because he knew how much the other hated smoking inside. The glacier irises just followed his movement though, yet he didn’t intervene. „You need to withdraw your men. That red ice market is ours.“
„Eloquently put, as always.” The mafia boss leaned back and took a sip of his whiskey which probably was worth a small fortune, just as much as his suit and his hairstyle with that dumb tuft of hair that always hung into his forehead. “As far as I remember the district belongs to Cyberlife. If your dealers make their businesses there, a part of the income naturally belongs to us.”
Before Gavin could reply, they were interrupted by the servant arriving back with the beer that had been ordered and handing it to the guest who unceremoniously popped it with the back of his lighter.
“Doesn’t mean you have to send in thugs. You could have talked to me first. And Ferndale doesn’t belong to Cyberlife. Just to make that clear.”
Nines swayed the beverage in his tumbler from side to side and Gavin could already tell that he would change the topic. It was the same between them as always when he paid the Stern villa a visit. Them arguing over some territorial disputes in the politest way, at least from Nines’ side, jumping from topic to topic and circling around anything that could end in a mafia war.
“I see you brought two Chloes with you. Heard they are your brother's most advanced models. Aren’t you feeling safe here?”
The two androids standing at the wall behind Gavin looked over at hearing their name. Guard androids, high end, perfect in martial arts and absolutely deadly. Just a precaution, how Elijah had put it.
“With you in the same room? Of course not.” Smiling over the edge of his beer, Gavin took another sip. Of course the fucker had his favorite brand already cool and ready.
“What a shame, Reed. And I just thought you were starting to get warm with me.“
Another smirk, another amused glint in those eyes, perfect lips moving only an inch. Trying to distract himself from immaculate hair and flawless freckled skin and blue eyes that bore themselves right into his soul, the mob boss took a long drag on his cigarette.
„As soon as you retrieve your people from Ferndale.“
Nines didn’t get to answer though as several police officers suddenly kicked down the doors and stormed into the room, yelling and pointing their guns at them. The Chloes and Nines‘ body guards immediately reacted, pulling their weapons and rushing forward to cover their leaders. Before Gavin knew what was happening, he felt a hand grab him by the shoulder and drag him behind the desk, down behind cover as the bullets started to fly over their heads.
„Be quiet, idiot.“
„Oh, you shut up, dipshit!“
„Gavin, now is not the time to argue!“
It wasn’t the fact that Nines had snapped at him, finally dropping that facade of politeness in the face of danger, that made Gavin close his mouth, but the circumstance that he had called him something different than ‘Reed’ for once. Gavin didn’t get to think about it long though as one of the invaders had managed to get closer to them and was pointing their gun at Nines’ head peaking over the edge of the desk.
“Down!” he yelled while pulling Nines out of the line of fire by that stupid high collar, making the other fall on top of him in the process and pressing the air from his lungs. Wood splintered in all directions as the bullet hit the edge of the desk and struck the ground only inches next to where they laid. Quickly reaching for his own weapon, Gavin fired just in time to prevent the Officer from taking a second shot at them. The man collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut, one clean bullet hole in the middle of his forehead.
“Can’t you keep your head down, goddammit?!! He almost got you!”
Nines was still too startled to grasp the other’s words, only blinking in surprise at finding himself pressed chest to chest with his rival, hearts racing against each other, and his face mere inches from Gavin’s.
“Stop staring and get off me, asshole!”
That seemed to wake the other mafia boss from his trance and he regained his composure, face hardening and arms pushing himself up with ease to climb off his rival, now careful to stay behind cover. His hair was all messy now, ruffled in different directions and a stubborn strand still hanging into his forehead, but it didn't manage to take away from his handsome appearance. Quite the contrary actually.
Gavin cursed internally when he felt redness creep up his face and he sent Nines a glare as if that could convince his heart to calm down. He pulled another pistol he had hidden somewhere and pressed it into the other’s hands with more force than probably necessary.
“Here, use this. I hope you know how to use it, mister ‘I don’t do dirty work’.”
Nines only lifted a brow in amusement, but the speed with which his fingers pulled back the slide and cocked the gun told Gavin that he very well knew how to handle the weapon.
“Interesting to know how many weapons you managed to smuggle into my meeting room. I will make sure to let you get checked more thoroughly next time.”
“You better be grateful I have a spare gun, dipshit! Also, you are welcome for saving your ass. Now follow me and be quiet.” Gavin didn’t see Nines smile behind his back.
“Maybe you will let me take the lead this time. At least it’s my villa.“
Gavin rolled his eyes and stopped crawling towards the second exit while the fight was still going behind the desk.
„After you, your highness.“
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Hello, I've reached 100 followers on Tumblr! I have no idea how I did it because I was just reblogging posts and pictures that I liked, so thank you all so much ❤
So, here's a Reed900 story for you amazing people. I hope you like it!
Gavin slowly opened his eyes, looked at the white ceiling. He must have slept in the wrong position, his muscles were hurting. He stretched carefully, closing his eyes as he yawned loudly. When he finally got up and glanced where he was, his brain stopped.
This wasn't his house. Actually, this place didn't look like anywhere he knew. When his own house was a small studio apartment, this room was almost the size of his house.
What the fuck was going on?
He listened nervously to hear any signs of life other than him inside the house. He heard faint sounds.
"Hey, anybody here?" He called out anxiously. His only answer was the continuing sounds.
He looked around for a tool to protect himself, found nothing.
He rubbed his sweaty palms to his pants and swallowed. Trying not to panic too much, he walked towards where the sound came from as quietly as possible. When he reached the source of the sound, he froze in place with what he saw.
Connor... Connor was there, and he was doing something on the kitchen counter like everything was normal.
So, Connor was the one brought Gavin here.
He was kidnapped.
"You fucking tincan!" Although he tried not to project the fear that covered his brain like fog into his voice, he was hardly successful. "What the fuck are you thinking you are doing?" He took a shaky step toward to him.
The Android didn't even react to him, didn't even pause. He just kept doing what he did.
"Hey, I'm talking to you asshole!" He tried again.
Gavin realized that besides fear, he was starting to get angry. This dipshit could not first bring him to a place he never knew without his consent and then ignore him.
He reached the android with quick steps and tried to turn him harsly to himself.
But it didn't happened. His hand passed through the android's body.
"What the fuck?" He staggered back in horror. He looked at his hand with enlarged eyes and tried to make sense of what he had just seen. It's a dream- no. This must have been a nightmare. There could be no other explanation.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
He closed his eyes tightly and pinched his arm painfully.
"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. This is a nightmare. Wake up..."
Although he tried different methods over and over again, it didn't work.
Mad at his failure, he hit his hand to the wall and growled. As if it wasn't enough that the fucking androids were trouble for him in real life, now they were getting into his nightmares.
"Nines, you're spoiling me.” He jumped with the sudden voice. It was he who spoke, but those words wasn't belong to his own mouth.
He whirled around, saw himself. No. What he was looking at was not a mirror. It was literally himself. Another Gavin.
This other Gavin was like the opposite of him. There was no sign of the usual frown on his face. He had warmth in his eyes and his posture was relaxed. He was looking directly at Connor.
"You are worth it, my love. Especially today." A thick voice answered the other Gavin, made him whirl around once more. For the first time since waking up in this strange house, he saw the android's face clearly.
He was wrong. This android wasn't Connor. But he looked almost as similar to him as his twin. The only thing that set them apart was this android's gray eye color and sharper facial features.
There was a peaceful smile on his face.
The other Gavin chuckled and approached the android, wrapping his arms around his neck and giving him a small kiss on the lips.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. Happy forty or something. You don't need to celebrate my aging. I'll keep being pain in your ass for a long time."
Android's loud laughter echoed in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around the other Gavin's waist and pulled him to himself, pressing his forehead against to other. "No matter how old you are, you are always beautiful to me. Also..." He nuzzled his nose to other's neck. "I have no complaints about you being pain in my ass."
While all this was happening, Gavin was frozen where he was, just watching. It was definitely the most realistic nightmare he had ever seen and he had no idea what experience is affected him in real life and made him see this nightmare.
After a long kiss, the android reluctantly separated his lips from the other Gavin and put what he had prepared on the tray.
"Come on, we're having breakfast on the balcony today."
"Great." Other Gavin paused. "I'm coming in a minute."
The gray eyed android gave the other Gavin a meaningful glance and nodded, left the kitchen.
As Gavin thought about what could be weirder, the other Gavin turned his eyes towards him. He wasn't exactly looking into his eyes, but he seemed aware of his existence.
Other Gavin came close to him and cleared his throat. "Hey. Gavin." He continued after pausing for a while, as if he were collecting words in his head. "I don't know if you're there, but I'll take my chances."
He raised his hand and extended it to him as if he wanted to touch him, but at the last moment he gave up and lowered it.
"It's not the nightmare like you think it is. This is a reality. This is your future. Unless you run away from him." He took a deep breath and his eyes filled with plea. "Please. Please don't refuse him when he comes to you. I know. Now you hate androids, but he'll change your mind and give you all the love you need. You'll be happier than you can imagine. So, I'm begging you. Please give him a chance."
Then he slowly retreated, turned and walked away. Left bewildered Gavin there.
Gavin awoke with ache in various parts of his body, especially in his neck. As if the ache was not annoying enough, there were also beepings that gave the feeling that they would pierce his head.
He wrinkled his nose and frowned, opened his eyes. His tired look turned confused with what he saw.
The ceiling that greeted him didn't belong anywhere he knew. Taking deep breaths, he slowly turned his head and looked at where he was.
The beeping was coming from the heart monitor, and there was a flower bouquet and lots of notes on the little table beside the bed.
But... But what was happened? How did he end here?
He swallowed and forced his brain to think. The last time he was at DPD, he was filling out a report. Then when he got up and went to the breakroom for coffee, Connor had caught his attention, the tincan was heading for the archive room when he should left the building.
He was suspicious and followed the android, found him in the archive room holding the head of a dead android.
They fought and.... Oh.
Since he woke up in the hospital, that tincan must have beaten him well. Great. The people in the department now would make fun of him for days.
But these were all things to think about later. He had to get out of here now.
He turned his head to the other side to find the button to call the nurse, and at that moment he noticed something in the corner of the room that he hadn't noticed before.
"What the fuck?"
The person who was looking at him quietly from the corner of the room took a few steps towards the bed but he stopped when Gavin tried to pull back with panic and fastening heart rate. After indecisively opening and closing his mouth several times, he was finally able to pull the words out of his mouth.
"Hello Detective Reed. I'm RK900. I came he-"
"Are you here to finish what your brother left unfinished?" Gavin sputtered with a thin voice. If this android came to kill him, he didn't think he could survive in this state.
Android furrowed his eyebrows, his led turned red. "No. I..." He lowered his gaze to the ground for a few seconds and then made eye contact with him again. "I'm... I'm your new partner."
A hysterical laugh rose from his throat, which he could not prevent. All of this was a joke. It was supposed to be a joke. But his laughter cut short as the android's face remained with the same seriousness.
"You are not joking."
Android raised one eyebrow. "No, Detective Reed. I'm indeed not joking."
Anger surrounded Gavin so fast. He hit the bed with his hand and hissed through his teeth. "So how does Fowler think that I will accept you as my partner when an android, especially one that looks like your twin, that made me this!"
"Actually, I wanted to be your partner." Android explained.
Gavin's eyes widened. "You wanted?"
This time, his led was yellow. "Yes?"
"Are you deviant?"
"Yes, while you are unconscious, revolution is happened. We are free now."
"You are joking."
"No, again, I'm completely serious."
"Well... Well..." Gavin moved his eyes around the room to find something to say. "I don't fucking want you!" He yelled harshly.
Stepping back after his yell, android avoided his eyes, the led was stuck in red again... For a minute the android did not look back at him, and when he looked, the feelings he saw in the gray eyes stunned Gavin.
Android was looking like... Human.
"I...I know you hate androids...but..." Android placed his hand on his own chest. "I have a feeling that we can get along. Give me a month. If you still don't want me after a month, I promise I'll ask the Captain for another partner. Please... give our partnership a chance."
Please give our partnership a chance.
Suddenly, images began to fill up in Gavin's mind. The images he saw while he was asleep.
The gray eyed man- android in the kitchen.
Fond kisses.
Himself. Happy. His eyes full of life.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What he saw was not a dream.
Then what was it?
"Detective Reed?"
He shrugged from his thoughts and fixed his eyes on the android. Same face. Same eyes. Same tone of voice. It was all the same.
"You..." He couldn't get a continuation of the words.
Android carefully approached him as if approaching a wild animal, slowly sat on the edge of his bed.
"Are you okay?" He talked with worry.
Was he okay? He didn't even know it himself. All he knew was his own voice begging in his ears.
"Please give him a chance."
"Please give him a chance."
"Please give him a chance."
"Please give him a chance."
'Don't accept, tell him to fuck off.'
'But what if you regret it?'
'You don't need a tincan.'
'But you need somebody.'
He buried his face in his hands in defeat. Fuck. He had to do it, didn't he? If he didn't, he'd think 'what ifs' for the rest of his life.
'It's only a month,' he thought.
He was still nervous about the androids. For fuck's sake, one of them nearly broke his neck, how could he not be? Maybe this uneasiness would never pass, maybe he would regret this partnership and would turn this newly deviant android's life hell.
But he would still take the advice of his future self and give the android in front of him a chance.
After all... No one could know him better than himself, right?
He lifted his face from his hands, examined the android opposite him with a scowl, and grunted.
"What kind of name is RK900? I can't always address you like that, it's so mouthful. I will call you Nines. Okay, dipshit?"
Android's suddenly sparkling eyes and smile were very similar to what Gavin saw while he was sleeping.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Let your Warmth melt my Ice
You all know I like emotional destruction, right? Well strap in, because this post by the amazing @nock-and-bolt hit me right in the feels. Had to write a short to it. Also tagging @janjan-the-ninth because they said so XD Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: Temporary character death, grief, misunderstanding)
[Warning: Critical damage detected. Shutdown imminent.]
Nines was already on the ground by the time he had realised those bullets had indeed hit him and that there had been more enemies than anticipated as he had rushed in. He still heard the gunshots around him, the people shouting, barking orders and screaming in pain. His systems were still busy locating each position and making tactical calculations based on this information. Still prompting him to continue, to shield his friends and protect them. Apparently, his systems hadn’t caught up with the fact that he was minutes from death. True death. This body wasn’t able to function anymore and the loss of Thirium meant his hardware would run hot and eventually melt. There was no way for him to survive this.
His fingers started to spasm from wires shortcutting. His vision glitched and his analysis program darted from one detail to the next. Was there still gunfire? It was hard to concentrate, to filter sensory information and not get lost in a confusing mess of signalling. He felt how some non-vital systems began to shut off and left his mind a little less crowded, a little less confusing. Gavin, his thoughts managed to form conscious words again. Where was he? Was he safe? He tried saying the name, forming it with his voicebox but never hearing it as his auditory systems malfunctioned briefly. Next were his legs and torso, but he never regained feeling there. He was about to try again, as a face appeared in his vision.
‘Nines? Nines!’ Those words were like balm on his soul. Those special sounds only the human could speak like that, this special melody they used to create meaning. This name he had been given by the same person that meant so much to him. ‘Nines! Can you hear me? Nines?’ The android registered he was lifted up by Gavin and propped against a wall. He could see the human touch his wounds and press his hands on them as if that would help in any way. ‘Nines! Phcking asshole, say something!’ Nines tried once again to say his name, but his voicebox was already damaged, only static making it out of the small speaker. If anything, it made the human even more anxious. ‘Nines. Nines, phck!’
[Warning: Commencing Shutdown. Begin upload?]
Upload. Right. Nines knew it was likely for nothing. He was the only model ever produced and therefore unique. But still, an upload of his memories and personality matrix was something to continue living with. If what they did was living and if their programming was a soul like most humans were proclaiming, then maybe the upload could safe him. Keep him alive, even if there was no immediate body to switch to. Maybe someone valued him enough to rebuild or design anew.
Gavin certainly would.
[Upload started… 1%]
‘Nines, what’s going on? Your LED flickers! What- No.’ Nines managed to lift his eyes to the human’s face. He was kneeling next to him, holding him upright against the wall and trying frantically to stop the blood flow. If he had been human, it might have worked. ‘No, no, no, you are not dying! You are not!’ His face showed despair, shock, pain. All for him. All Nines had ever wanted for him was to be happy. Now he was the reason he wasn’t.
[Upload at 26%]
Nines didn’t want to see him like this. Nines wanted to see his smile again. Those green eyes sparkling in the light of the sun when they spent their break outside on the bench. He wanted to hold his human and comfort him. He wanted to be there for him. He wanted to make sure he was safe on future missions. He wanted to reach the day when he could finally tell him what he was sure Gavin never wanted to hear. He wanted to… do so many things. ‘Nines! Please. Tell me what to do! Cyberlife’s contacted, Jericho too. Help’s on the way. Hold on. Stay with me.’ There were tears on the man’s face as he swallowed and looked at him in panic. Don’t panic, Nines wanted to say. You will live, he thought. I protected you. But those words were never spoken.
[Upload at 63%]
Nines felt more and more systems shut down due to overheating and misfiring of vital sensors. It wasn’t long now, and he needed his last moments to remember. His eyes had never left Gavin’s, but now the android tried to form a smile on his face that he hoped to express everything it needed to. Hoping that it would calm down the human and be how he remembered him. As long as he still could, Nines lifted his arm and hated how it jerked back and forth and never reached its goal. His motor control was malfunctioning and the servo itself too damaged to work at full capacity. Nines’ arm hovered over his chest, reaching for Gavin’s face. Thankfully the human got the message and took his arm to help him direct it so his hand cupped his cheek.
Warm. Nines had been fascinated from the start how warm humans could be. Like they were constantly overheating and radiating their energy into the world. Those creatures couldn’t be described better in his eyes. Exhaling love with every breath and being compassionate beings always looking out for the wellbeing of others, even when the person was described as an asshole, like Gavin. Gavin cared. He was just hurt one too many times and now Nines would add to it.
[Upload at 82%]
‘Nines! Nines, stay with me.’ Nines followed a tear that was rolling down from Gavin��s cheek and stopped as it hid his hand. His robotic hand. He hadn’t realised his skin had retracted, but he was showing off his white plastic hull on his entire body by now. When had that process shut down? ‘You bastard! Stay with me! Don’t you dare phcking dying on me!’ The android felt how he lost power over his body and sacked down, but Gavin was reacting fast, catching him and holding him in his arms. The man grabbed his arm and pulled it over Nines’ chest. ‘Nines! I swear, if you die on me, I will kill you!’ Could he still do that, Nines would have laughed. Only Gavin would curse at him, threaten him in his dying seconds.
[Upload at 96% Shutdown imminent]
Nine’s vision was getting hazy, static filling it and only leaving him his area of focus: Gavin’s panicked face. He couldn’t feel the warmth of Gavin’s touch anymore, could only see and hear. ‘Nines, please. Please, I need you, you plastic prick! Don’t you dare do this to me!’
[Upload finished. Shutting down…]
Gavin lifted him to his chest and buried his face in Nines’ drenched clothes. ‘You can’t leave me, you phcking asshole! Because I… I love you.’
Nines hadn’t had any more time to process this.
Gavin’s day had been completely normal. It was surprising how normal his days had been lately. People around him were chatting, laughing at each other’s jokes and discussing the new shop around the corner. He was driving through a city that continued life as usual whenever he got to work or back home. Crime scenes were coming up and vanishing, cases came and went. Reports were written and evidence filed. But the chair in front of Gavin stayed empty. The terminal remained switched off.
All the little trinkets Nines had gathered on his desk and considered skilful decoration gathered dust. No one had the heart to put them away. Just as no one had thought to hire a new person. Not when there still was a chance that Nines could come back. Gavin looked down on his hands that mindlessly fidgeted with a small ring. Normally shining blue, yellow or lastly red, it was now just a dark circle in white plastic. But it was something to cling to, something to remember. Just in case. Just in case Nines didn’t come-
No. No, he had to. The android had uploaded his personality to Cyberlife as a failsafe. And although there was no body for him, Jericho had bullied the company to build a new one. With the blow Cyberlife had to take to their image, it hadn’t taken much. Gavin had hope they could make it. Maybe it was all he had. In any scenario, he had never thought for the android to die first. Almost completely bullet proof, the chance of him dying… Well, Gavin had considered it zero at this point. That was about the only reason he hadn’t said what he told the dying android long ago. Thinking they had time…
He sighed deeply, looking over to his mug and tilting it a bit to look inside. Empty. Of course. He groaned. He really didn’t want to get out of his chair. He had no motivation for anything anymore and even a trip to the breakroom could as well had been a journey around the earth. The more surprised he was as a new mug was placed next to his. Steaming and filled to the rim. Gavin looked at it, brain lagging behind. The hand that was holding the handle lingered for just a second, then retracted. Gavin’s eyes followed the movement and were directed to a white uniform. Black details at the opening and the pockets, a ridiculously high collar and then… That stupidly beautiful face.
Gavin’s throat went dry. ‘Nines?’, he croaked disbelievingly. ‘Are you… phck, are you Nines?’ The android in front of him lowered his head a bit, then nodded. ‘Yes. It’s me. Cyberlife rebuild my body and I thought to return to work as soon as possible. I left you long enough with both our-‘ He couldn’t finish, as Gavin stood up and grabbed him by the jacket to push him against the glass separating the desk from the hallway. ‘You asshole died in my arm and all you can think about is work?’ He let go of the android, swallowing his emotions. Damn, the android had just returned from the dead, he should be happy. ‘I… I’m sorry for the trauma I’ve caused you. I’m fine again. I just thought we could get back to normal?’
Gavin looked at the android and swallowed for real this time. Hell, how would dying feel like? All Gavin wanted to do is shake Nines and tell him how relieved he was and how good it was to see him again and how bad he managed living on without him and also ask how he felt about what Gavin had asked him in the very end. Because he was ready to make up excuses for that, if the android didn’t feel that way and oh would it help him if Nines felt the same…
But exactly how Gavin managed trauma like that – with his thoughts running at hundred miles an hour and his only reaction anger and brashness – Nines might need the exact opposite: Calmness and time to think and reset. He was an android after all. Maybe all that programming and logic had some use after all. Gavin nodded and instead hugged Nines’ middle. ‘It’s good to have you back, tin-can.’ The android didn’t move to return the hug but stood there rather awkwardly. ‘Thanks…’ Gavin stepped back and let go of the man. ‘Err… yeah, sure. Let’s… let’s get back to work, shall we? And if you… want to talk about what happened or… what that makes you feel… I’m right here.’ ‘Thank you’, Nines smiled and that smile almost made everything alright again.
The android moved over to his terminal, switched it on and interfaced with it, while dusting off his belongings with the other hand. Gavin too returned to his work. As if it was just another day.
Nines was thankful to be back. He remembered not believing it might work, but Cyberlife had harboured his soul in their servers and Jericho had actually managed to move them to build a new body for him. It felt like he had never been gone, as he stepped foot back into the precinct. He had of course been the centre of attention then, but he still managed to surprise Gavin and that was all he had needed to feel that warmth again. As the human had hugged him… It had been heaven on earth. Metaphorically. From his own experience if android heaven was a dusted Cyberlife server, then this was much better.
He had enjoyed the unexpected contact far too much, his systems overwhelmed by the sudden motions that he had actually frozen for a few moments. He was actually surprised Gavin had taken it so well. From his last memories before his deactivation, he had expected there to be more tears… more emotions. But then again, maybe Gavin had already grieved for him. It had been two weeks after all. Maybe he had just been relieved he was back and now was eager to get back to normality. Or he suppressed his emotions as usual until they weren’t too intense to handle. Either way, Nines wouldn’t start a conversation with him, not unless he initiated one first. He had caused the human his pain after all. Gavin would have to chose when was the right time.
Unfortunately, even the next day, nothing changed. Gavin had no interest in opening the talk and even seemed to avoid him. If anything, he was growing more distant, seemingly wanting to tell him something when he left for his home, but never actually speaking up. It hurt. It hurt somewhere deep inside Nines. The android was feeling so much, even looking at the human caused him software instability. But he didn’t dare to tell the man. Gavin hadn’t said something when he was in emotional turmoil because of his impending death. Surely, he would have done that if he felt something. And with how he always pulled a face at seeing publicly displayed affection, maybe he didn’t want to hear it either.
Nines loved the human. He wanted to deepen their relationship. He had died to protect Gavin and he would do so again and again, if he had to. But with how Gavin kept to himself and didn’t even acknowledge him some days, Nines really doubted that was what the human wanted.
Gavin was beyond disappointed. He would have been angry hadn’t that felt too much of a defeat. The android had had the audacity to die in his arms catching multiple bullets for him and then ghost him like that? Gavin had confessed his love to the plastic prick in a moment of vulnerability and now the damn android just pretended nothing had happened? “Detective”-d him at any given moment and displayed no more emotion than before their mission? Hell, if he wasn’t interested, Nines could have just said so. This was just an asshole move. And two could play that game of ignorance. It didn’t matter to Gavin that his soul was bleeding with every stumbled ‘Oh. Okay.’ from the android whenever Gavin shoved him away further. He was far too angry for it. And it only got worse during the week.
Friday finally was the day, that promised Gavin refuge. He wouldn’t have to see the android on the weekend and have time to come to terms with his contradicting feelings. Then, on Monday, he would just tell the android and be done with it. No more dancing around each other, trying to find out how the other felt and watch out for the other’s wellbeing. He decided to leave early and switched off his computer grabbing his jacket as he stood up. ‘Gavin?’ Oh hell no. If the android continued to speak with him, he would resort to violence at this point. He was hurt and confused and done, so, so done with it all. So, he just turned around and left. Only once he left the building and heard the door fall into the lock behind him, he sighed and took a deep breath of the grounding cold February air.
He shouldn’t have stopped. ‘Gavin!’ The door behind him opened and Nines stumbled out of it, coming to a halt everything but gracefully. His LED was a dark red and Gavin didn’t want to think of what that reminded him of. ‘What do you want?’, Gavin spat. ‘I want to talk with you. About what happened. I held myself back until now because I know this might have been traumatic for you and-‘ ‘Phck off! You died in my arms! You know, you are right, that might have been traumatic for me, phckhead!’ ‘I apologize for that, but-‘ ‘Oh, you apologize?’ Gavin turned around and walked right into the android’s personal space. ‘You apologize? For what exactly? Dying? Ignoring me? Disregarding that I laid out my heart in front of you and you decided to step on it?’
Nines took a step back and frowned. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘What- What do I mean?’, Gavin wheezed in disbelief. ‘Ex-phcking-cuse me? I mean that I told you I love you! You died in my arms and I thought if this was your last moment and you died for me, I could as well tell you that! Maybe made it a bit easier for you. Less hurtful. Phck, what have I been thinking? You are just a damn machine, you don’t phcking feel. Or at least not in that way. Because hell, I tell you that, let you into my heart and when you come back, you hand me a coffee and go straight back to work?’
‘Wait’, Nines said, holding up his hand. ‘Wait, Gavin. Your last words to me were: “Don’t you dare do this to me!”’ He blinked. ‘Or were they?’ Gavin clenched his jaws. ‘No, asshole they weren’t! My last words to you were that I loved you!’ ‘When was that? Right before I shut down? Was my LED still flickering?’ ‘How the hell should I know?’, Gavin asked, throwing his hands in the air. ‘You were dying in my arms; I don’t think I had more important things on my mind than your stupid mood light!’ ‘Gavin, this is important’, Nines said, stepping forwards and holding the man by the shoulders. ‘Was it less than two seconds before my body went rigid?’ Gavin shrugged. ‘Yeah, could be. Why?’
Nines let go of him and had to sit down on the stairs in front of the station. ‘Gavin, I uploaded my memory to Cyberlife as soon as I knew I would die. It recorded everything up to two seconds before my death, because it takes a bit of time to end the Upload and shut down the body. I… I might have heard it and understood it as I was dying, but I… the backup of me that I am now has no memory of you telling me that.’
Gavin stared at the android and processed what he just heard. Then he sat down next to Nines on the stairs and stared blankly ahead. ‘Phck.’ ‘Fuck indeed.’ ‘And all the time I thought you were just a work-centred prick ignoring me.’ ‘I wouldn’t have ignored it had I known it, Gavin, I’m sorry.’ Gavin rubbed his face in frustration. Phck, he just wanted this day to be over.
But Nines didn’t let him end it just yet. He cleared his throat and looked over at the human that had nearly folded in on himself. ‘Err… Do you… Do you really love me?’ Gavin lifted his head up, his fingers resting on his mouth. He looked at Nines from the corner of his eyes, only then letting his hands slap on his knees. ‘Yes, I guess’, he sighed. ‘No, yeah I do. I was so angry at you all phcking week it won’t be a heartfelt confession now, but I do love you. The way you’re just… Always there for me and care so much. Most would just pretend not to have seen me and move on. You sought me out. You are actually funny and intelligent and competent. And you are phcking hot, okay? I feel so much for you and seeing you die… I couldn’t handle it. I think the hope you would come back to me kept me going.’ There was a brief moment of silence.
‘I love you too, Gavin’, Nines answered in a whisper. ‘I can’t understand how I am the one lucky enough to got to know you when so many others had their chance before me, but I am happy fate chose me. I… I can’t express how I feel as I shouldn’t be feeling at all as an android. But I do and I wanted to tell you for so long. I just always thought you didn’t want to hear something like that…’ ‘Nines?’, the human spoke up and turned towards him. Nines followed his movement and his eyes naturally found their way to Gavin’s, who smiled. ‘Nines, this was the only thing I ever needed to hear.’
Nines blinked, but didn’t have the time to answer, as Gavin laid an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Once again, Nines froze up, but Gavin’s warmth quickly made him melt into the touch. Soon enough, he would have to think about all of this to process what he just heard, but for now…
For now, he enjoyed this.
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chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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sunnybeas · 4 years
man or a monster
summary: Gavin discovers how scary a half deviated Nines can really be. 
He remembered the first time he had actually felt afraid of Nines. He had always been a little wary of him, because fuck he was sketchy as hell. He had no business looking like that, six something with a jawline that was insanely squared and sharp and eyes with the solemn intensity of some hardened serial killer. He was fucking jacked and insanely intimidating.
Not that Gavin would ever let him know either of those things. Because he wasn’t fucking stupid or currently suicidal.
He’d been intimidated, sure, but not necessarily scared of the damn android until about three months into their partnership. They’d been tailing a pretty prolific red ice dealer for about four weeks when they finally found a location and had enough evidence to book the guy for life.
They’d fallen on some shady ass crack den in warehouse, which why did all crackhead activities go down in shitty warehouses. The FBI had been involved, mostly because the amount of red ice being moved was substantial and moving out of Detroit jurisdiction.
They had hit them at two am and Gavin had been buzzing, bouncing on his heels eagerly. Nines had looked at him, just a flicker of a glance, before settling into his seat, finger tapping idly at his forearm. It was an oddly human thing to do, another indication that little Mr. I-can’t-deviate was more human than he let on.
“You ready for this?” Gavin asked. It was Nines first bust, his first real taste of hardcore police work since he’d been activated.
Nines looked up, the LED a consistent blue. “I think I’m sufficiently prepared.”
“Fuck sufficiently prepared,” Gavin scoffed, “we’re about to take down the biggest scum bag in Detroit. I’m fucking hyped .”
And if Gavin didn’t know better, he would have sworn he saw a little flicker at the corner of Nines’ lips. He was always doing that, smothering whatever even slightly human instinct he managed to have. Gavin wasn't sure if they were instinctual or a forced part of his programming, all he knew was that Nines had a good fucking smile. “I’m eager to finish it. This man is as you said, a scum bag.”
Hearing him say it was ridiculous, he said scum bag with so much disdain.
“Fuck yeah, let’s finish this.” Gavin lifted his fist up, knuckles towards him
Nines had blinked, staring at his offered hand.
“For fucks sake.” Gavin sighed, reaching forward and balling Nines’ hand into a fist. His hands were crazy big which was not something Gavin would allow himself to focus on for too long.
“Like this.” Gavin drew Nines fist forward and tapped it against his.
Nines seemed fascinated by the interaction, his LED spinning yellow. “What does it mean?” He asked.
“Uh, it’s kind of a stupid bro thing, I guess? Like, good job or….just something you do.”
“A bro thing.” Nines echoed dryly, his hand dropping to his lap.
“Fuck you, tin can, I’m not as eloquent as you.” Gavin scoffed, though he grinned.
And again, Gavin saw that just barely there twitch at his lips. It’s like he was trying to smile, just didn’t know how to fully commit to it.
Gavin kept a count of those little movements though, stored them away for a reason he was definitely not gonna look too deeply into.
Nearly an hour later, they were ready. Guns drawn, Gavin, Nines and an FBI team descended on the warehouse. It was chaos from the start.
They had definitely had the element of surprise, there had been workers stocking as they dropped and while they quickly detained a few, more split out the back and further into the maze of office spaces.
Gavin and Nines has rushed the corridor and just as he stepped through, Nines snatched him by the Kevlar vest and pulled him into cover like he was a rag doll. Cursing, he crouched beside him.
Gunfire shot off immediately and Nines raised his brow at him.
“Oh, shut up.” He hissed.
“I have a plan.” Nines said instead. “I need you to cover my back. I’m going to disarm him.”
Gavin blinked. “How the fuck-“
“I am going to do it whether or not you come with me but I would very much prefer if you went along.” Nines cut him off, evenly.
Nines waited a beat, did a quick scan of Gavin’s vitals. Heart rate was up, he was high off adrenaline. And he was at his best right now. Something flickered within him and Nines quickly blinked away the error notes that covered his HUD.
“You better know what you’re doing, tin can.”
With that, Nines shot up and burst from cover. He quickly took the majority of the fire, ducking and twisting like a fucking madman to avoid it. He was fast. He was insanely fast and the way he was moving was absolutely breathtaking and terrifying.
“Shit shit shit.” Gavin cursed, following but ducking behind debris to give opposing fire.
Nines took a hit to the shoulder and barreled through it, surging forward. Another shot to the abdomen that he moved through. Fuck. That should not have been as hot as it was. Gavin wasn't sure if that spoke to his danger kink or whatever and again, he wasn't going to read into that, but holy shit.
And then Nines was on top of the man and he fucking snapped and tossed aside the gun. The man shouted out as Nines descended on him. Nines lifted the man easily, turning and slamming him into the ground. It took a lingering moment for Gavin to realize his LED was bright red and almost pulsing. His expression was hard, completely blank.
Gavin would fucking hate to be in that man’s position right now. This was exactly what Nines was intended for and it was terrifying to see him in acting. Cold and ruthless like this. Gavin tried not to think about it often, how Nines was literally meant to be a war machine. And now he was a Detective, mostly kept on mundane desk duty. He wondered if those super soldier instincts needed to get used, if he needed to stretch those metaphorical murder-y legs every so often. Fuck, that was a scary thought.
And then those cold eyes turned to him, LED wheeling red.
Gavin sprinted forward.
And oh fuck- Nines was crouched, a knee in the man’s back and looking more disheveled than ever- Gavin was unbelievably turned on by it. Hair ruffled, pieces of it falling over his forehead, blue blood splattered across his cheek, and his LED humming red- fuck, he was staring.
“Would you like to do the honors?” He asked, tilting his head to the suspect.
Grinning, Gavin strode forward. “Would fucking love to.”
Over the coms, Nines reported, “Suspect apprehended.”
Once the man was securely cuffed and read his rights, Gavin looked up to Nines. His LED was flickering between yellow and red now, which if Gavin remember frsom sensitivity training- was not ideal.
Red typically meant trouble. Yellow meant thinking, processing, whatever.
Gavin looked over him and with a startling jerk- remembered Nines had taken three bullets. Which for a human typically meant game over. And still wasn’t that good for an android either.
“You good?”
Nines eyes were almost clouded. “My thirium levels are low. Not critical but I am losing quite a lot.” He admitted.
“Quite a lot-“ Gavin echoed, incredulous at how cavalier he was being over bleeding to death. “I need a tech to my location stat. Nines took three bullets.”
“Roger, evac on route.” The Officer replied quickly over the line.
An agent moved forward to collect the suspect, who was shouting vitriol towards Nines, who did not even have the energy to blink at him.
“Shit, what can I do?” Gavin asked.
“Nothing, the technician will take care of everything.” He replied, smoothly, shifting to remove his Cyberlife issued jacket. He wore a black turtleneck that was unnecessarily tight on his perfect plastic chest and Gavin could see the dark patches from the bullets staining through.
Sighing lightly as if it were a slight inconvenience, Nines peeked the turtleneck off.
And wow- bullet wounds on an Android didn’t look any better than on a human. The one that had connected into the shoulder had ripped a clean hole through, blue blood pouring steadily from it. The one on his abdomen was more concerning, an open gaping hole.
“Shit.” Gavin said again.
“Detective, if it’s making you uncomfortable you’re more than welcome to wait elsewhere.” Nines said.
He probably read his vitals. Fucking plastic prick.
“I’m not uncomfortable, dickhead, I’m fucking concerned about the bullets in your body right now.” Gavin spat back.
“If it’s any help, it isn’t painful. A bit inconvenient and uncomfortable, but not painful.” His voice was wavering, mingling with static.
That couldn’t be good.
“Apologies. Thirium levels are approaching critical. I may go into stasis until the technician arrives with more.” He said.
“Fuck!” Gavin cursed. “Okay, did, c’mere.” Gavin beckoned for him to sit on the concrete floor and Nines actually followed.
He pressed his bare back to the wall, giving Gavin a full look at his exposed arms and chest. Cyberlife was meticulous. He looked so human like, down to freckles on his shoulders and moles scattered on his chest.
“Keep talkin’ tin can.” Gavin ordered.
“Your voice is exceedingly irritating.” Nines said immediately.
Gavin laughed. “That right?” He asked. “You feeling irritated?”
Nines squinted his eyes at the Detective, aware of the word play. Despite himself, his lip quirked up just slightly.
“I do not have to feel to know you’re exceptionally irritating.”
Gavin couldn’t even find it in himself to be offended by that, just stashed that little flicker in his growing collection.
Nines leaned his head back. Shutting his eyes, he ran another diagnostic.
“Hey, you were a fucking beast back there.” Gavin interrupted the process.
Nines eyes opened. “Was that a compliment, detective?”
Gavin’s cheeks flushed. That was an interesting response, Nines notes.
“Don’t get fucking used to it. I haven’t seen you like that before. You were like the Terminator or something. It was crazy.”
“Hunting deviants and criminals is what I was made for.” He responded.
“Yeah, but doesn’t it feel good? Like to catch a fuckin’ asshole like that just feels like justice, you know? Like a high you don’t want to end.”
Nines started, taking in the detective, before saying with a softness he did not know himself to possess, “I think I may understand.”
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Happiness is a Jealous Android
The FBI are the British of the law enforcement world, Gavin thinks sourly as he glares at the new addition "consulting" on his goddamn case. Snobby fucking cunts who think their own shit doesn't stink.
He can't do anything but be mad about it either. There's a new virus making androids overheat, and they don't know shit about how it works.
They could if Nines caught an android in the middle of it, but it works so fast, they haven't been able to grab one yet. He could just use whatever program he has meant to hack in and delete another android's code—meant for eradicating deviancy—and delete the virus instead.
"Yes, but just imagine, if the code is—" the fancy FBI computer geek says.
Nines interrupts. "For the fifth time, I cannot."
"But you understand the concept!" FBI geek throws up his hands. "Just apply it to—"
Gavin rolls his eyes. The whole fucking point of Nines is that he can't! He's not ever supposed to have new ideas, and he thinks too literally for that shit anyway.
Nines already told them the most efficient method of overheating an android three days ago, but whatever the virus does, it isn't that. And Nines can't think of anything less efficient—he can barely understand the concept of thinking less efficiently.
So they've brought in a human just smart enough to be stupid for him.
If only someone would tell this asshole that's what his job is. Just be stupid enough to think of something that works through sheer idiot accident—that's human creativity, baby!
When the GJ500 assigned to act as the FBI geek's "tactical support"—glorified bodyguard/babysitter special combo—meets Gavin's eyes and jerks his head toward the back door, Gavin can't get out of the bullpen and into the back alley for a smoke break fast enough.
"Need a light?" Nate asks, already pulling out his own pack.
Gavin's not really sure why an android needs to smoke, but he's also not sure where his ADHD ass has left his own lighter this time, so he nods and leans forward.
One thing he is sure of is how Nate checks him out while sparking the end of his cigarette. He's cruised enough to know that look, android or not.
But he settles back against the opposite nod with only a grunt of thanks. Him and Nines maybe sort of have a thing and they maybe sort of haven't talked about it. Anyway, he's only made the exception about shitting where he eats—or in this case, fucking where he works—because Nines is such an uptight, private, introverted bastard, he knows not even Connor will be able to weasel any details out of him.
"Fucking geniuses, right?" Nate says after lighting his own cigarette.
He gives a surprisingly human scoff, and Gavin can't help but snort back in agreement. He's only gotten used to Nines and Connor—said fucking genius or the android version of those evil gossipy Southern ladies. And all the other androids in the precinct are still too scared of him for anything outside of short sentences, much less small talk.
So he's never really shot the shit with an android before, but hey. Brave new world and all.
"How'd you get stuck babysitting yours?" Gavin asks.
Nate groans. "I was suckered. Fucking …" He gestures with his own lit cigarette. "Bamboozled."
Gavin snickers and maybe checks him out a little too. "Like to see the guy who could bamboozle you."
Nate grins at him. "Well, I guess I have to admit your RK probably could, but outside of that …"
His grin opens wider, revealing sharp canines. Gavin swallows. Nines has them too of course, but they're like, metal sheaths that drop down from his gums to cover his "human" teeth. Very cool, but he only gets to see them on special occasions.
"But yeah." Nate drops the grin and sighs. "Honestly, I'm still kind of new. And I don't have any fucking, deep burning desire to be a free form poet or some shit. I just wanted to do what I'm good at, so the FBI called and I jumped."
Gavin raises his eyebrows. "And they stuck you with a babysitting job?"
Nate wrinkles his face up with clear disgust and disappointment. It's weird as hell. The only other android he's seen built like Nate is Nines, who wouldn't know a facial expression if someone carved a Joker smile into his chassis.
OK, well. Maybe that's not fair. Nines does have both disgust and disappointment on lock, but in a sterile sort of way. Like a scientist observing a failed experiment and Gavin's dick is the unlucky lab rat.
(Not that Gavin or his dick are complaining.)
"What about you?" Nate asks. "Got anything to complain about?"
Gavin huffs out smoke and flicks ash off the end of his cigarette. "Why do you care?"
Nate shrugs. "Maybe I'm just interested in life at the DPD. For no reason. Snow is always whiter on the other side and all."
He barks out a laugh. "It's Detroit. If you see any snow that's still white, that's just cocaine."
Nate snorts too, and the smoke is good, and maybe he could throw the guy a bone. He'd been thinking about a career change himself not too long ago—until he got partnered with Nines, and Fowler started actually noticing when he solved cases, and maybe having Nines help keep him on track meant he blew up less at his coworkers, meant that they stopped hating him so much, meant that he might have a real shot at a promotion now.
"Connor's usually the darling golden boy," he says between drags. "And Hank goes way back with Fowler, so yeah. They get all the good shit."
Nate makes a sympathetic noise.
"Our budget's shit and anytime we catch something really good, guess who swoops in and case steals?"
He gives Nate's FBI jacket a pointed look that totally doesn't involve also checking out his barrel of a chest. What the fuck do they make these military models out of anyway? His porn history?
"Sucks," Nate says. "Doesn't sound too different though. At least you actually get to work cases. The only shit I catch is all coding and hacking, and I'm not built for that any more than you could perform open heart surgery just 'cause you've got one."
"Oof," Gavin says in return.
He gets down to the filter and drops it, stubbing out the small ember with his boot. Nate's cigarette is still going strong, since he doesn't actually need to inhale and hasn't been sucking it down. Gavin's not sure what to do with his hands now, and he's still plenty stressed, so he just takes out another cigarette.
Nate takes his out of his mouth and holds it out. Gavin gratefully presses the end of his new smoke against it to light up again.
"I think they call this buttfucking," Nate says.
Gavin sputters out a surprised laugh. "Yeah, Brits call these a lot worse."
Nate shrugs. "Takes one to know one."
From the way he pulls his cigarette back and wraps his lips around it while maintaining full eye contact, he obviously knows a little something-something himself.
But then he switches to complaining about his partner's annoying little peculiarities—like how the man apparently hates cotton balls with some sort of weird fetishistic passion—and Gavin offers up how Nines refuses to ever end a sentence with a preposition, and it's just regular coworker bitching from there.
Although they do start taking smoke breaks together, at least once a day. It's nice having someone to bitch to, since Nines is so busy doing code shit Gavin can't even comprehend, and Tina's off with her android girlfriend, plus Hank and Connor, for some feel good android-human bonding news special or whatever.
And yeah, they flirt. But Gavin's a slut and Nines already knew that. The one time Nate asked him about getting a "lunch break," Gavin told him he doesn't fuck around on cases. Even if neither of them were any use right now, fucking a coworker is bad enough—Gavin strictly does not fuck at work, or even on lunch breaks if he's in the middle of a big case.
Nate drawled he had an impressive work ethic and left it at that.
And him and Nines still haven't talked about their thing, or how serious it is, or exclusive, or … at all, really. Nines is too busy. So.
It's not a big deal if he just, has a friend or whatever.
Gavin leans back against the wall and tries to light his smoke in the face of harsh Detroit winds. It keeps sputtering out. Maybe he should go back inside.
Hank and Connor are back, and that's stealing the spotlight from their case getting solved, but it's not like he had shit to do with that anyway.
He's not sulking about it.
Not FBI-genius-what's-his-face being all smug, or Nines still ignoring him to mind-talk to Connor even though the case is over and they could finally have some time to …
Shit. Hold hands? Gavin mentally sneers at himself. What they had going on before was probably just like, an experiment. Lots of androids trying out sex and dating right now.
Lots of times that he's handing over his heart to someone just looking for—
Tall, broad shoulders step in between him and the wind so the lighter finally sparks and catches long enough for him to light up. He takes a drag and looks up, ready to tell Nines it's about time he—
But it's Nate.
"Scene in there a little too much?" Nate asks.
Gavin tips his head back and exhales smoke without answering.
"Got a job offer," he continues. "In New York."
Gavin hums. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. Lot nicer than fucking Detroit." Nate pauses. "Could use a partner though."
"What?" Gavin blinks and looks back at him. "Shit man. Like we're gonna run away together?"
Nate laughs. "Not that romantic, no. But you're being fucking wasted here—both as a cop and a, uhh …"
He stops and purposefully takes a long drag of his own cigarette. What the British call them. Like that's clever.
Gavin's the only one allowed to call himself slurs, but he does enjoy being verbally degraded, and this asshole is pushing right up against both of those lines. He's not really sure how mad he is about it, since Nate didn't actually say the word, but he settles for pissed because that's who he is as a person.
"Oh, fuck off," he sneers.
Nate smirks and it suddenly seems mean instead of sexy for the first time. "Like you're getting it any better from your RK? I bet he fucks like the machine he is."
Gavin doesn't deny it. Nines hasn't deviated and he doesn't care when people call him a machine anyway. And none of that is any of this asshole's business.
But Nate keeps going.
"Two weeks and I've never even seen him look at you," he says. "Y'know, look."
He drags his eyes over Gavin's body like he's mapping out all the places he plans to touch. Wants to touch. Nines assesses him, nags at him to eat or sleep or "hydrate" himself. Catalogues every minute detail about his appearance.
Sometimes he'll even look at Gavin like he's going to eat the human alive and analyze every single bite.
But his partner has never checked him out or anything. As far as Gavin knows, it's all mental for him when they fuck around. Just a way for him to have control over something in his life and put some of those interrogation protocols to use that aren't legal now that deviants have rights.
Nate looks like he wants to fuck him raw in this very goddamn alley.
"None of your phcking business," Gavin mutters.
Nate sighs and drops his smoke in the snow. "Oh, Gavin. Fine. We can do this your way."
He thinks that means the android is going to let it go, even though that phrasing is really weird. So he's a dumb idiot who doesn't even have his guard up when Nate passes by him to the door—only to suddenly grab him, turn him around, and shove him up against the brick alley wall.
Gavin slams an elbow back into his ribs on instinct, but that doesn't do shit against a private security android except make his whole arm go numb. He holds back the impulse to slam his head backward into the android's face, because that will hurt his human skull way worse than whatever metal Nate has under the plastic.
He tries to take stock of the situation instead, but then freezes when Nate leverages his taller, bulkier body to press against the whole of his back to keep him pinned.
And grind into his ass.
"Get off," Gavin snarls.
"Yeah, I intend to," Nate replies in casual amusement. "Don't worry, I'll let you come too."
"I'm. Not. Interested!"
Nate leans down to murmur in his ear. "Ah-ah. I've seen your porn history, Gavvy. This is damn near all you watch."
Watch! his brain screams. He watches that shit, might fool around with some forced submission, but only in scenes with his Dom. Which is NINES.
"I'm going to fuck you so good, you won't even remember his dumb little number," Nate croons.
Gavin huffs against the brick, just stalling for time. Or an idea. An idea would be really fucking nice right about now, but all he can think about is how his traitor dick really has gotten interested in this even though he's screaming inside and—
"Good is an adjective. You can't verb an adjective. You need to use the adver—"
Nate grabs a fistful of his hair and slams his face into the wall. He doesn't have any snappy comeback because yeah. That's all the response he needed.
But his hands have scrabbled against the brick wall long enough to find a loose one. Can't have shit in Detroit, much less well-constructed buildings. His skull and fist might not do shit versus the android's face, but a brick to the head should put anyone down.
"Now. Are you going to be a good b—"
The door to the alley opens, and Hank steps out. Gavin looks sideways at him and opens his mouth, but he chokes on the blood dripping down the back of his throat from his busted up nose and can't say anything.
"We're just having a little fun, Lieutenant," Nate says smoothly. "Nothing he doesn't beg for online."
Gavin's face flushes, and that really doesn't help the bleeding nose problem. Everyone in the precinct knows what he's like. Seen him come in the next morning after a night out with bruises on his throat or wrists. Hell, he'd fucking bragged about it.
"And I'll believe that when I hear him say it." Hank crosses over to them and wedges a thick arm between them. "Back off."
Nate steps back, and Gavin scrambles to get behind Hank, even as he hates himself for it.
"You really don't need to get involved in this," Nate says.
"I think I do."
Nate looks down at Hank's hand, still pushing against his chest. He smiles thinly and grabs the lieutenant's wrist.
"You really …" Nate leverages his arm down the way only a machine could. "Don't."
Hank struggles in the impromptu arm wrestling contest, staring as his hand gets mechanically pushed away. Nate glances down too with a smirk.
Then Hank throws a sudden left hook directly into the android's throat. It's a sucker punch, but there's no use fighting fair against a GJ500. He doesn't need to breathe of course, but his access port is at the back of his neck, with enough delicate little connections right behind his approximation of a windpipe—now crushed—for him to automatically take a step back and raise his hands to protect his throat.
Hank steps forward with him but grabs his hair this time, while also kicking out at his legs. After that, it's just gravity. Head yanked forward, legs knocked backward, and the android's stupid high center of gravity up in his chest and shoulder with all those muscles working against him.
He topples like a child's toy and hits the ground hard. Hank doesn't waste any time in grinding the heel of his shoe down on the back of the android's neck threateningly, and Nate goes still in surrender.
"You good?" he asks Gavin.
"I have a brick."
Gavin half-holds up the brick he'd pulled out of the wall. Oo, wow, great job. In contrast to the voice sneering inside his head though, Hank nods approvingly.
"Nines said your heartrate spiked and asked me to check on you, in case you were just … having fun," Hank explains.
"Which is what I said," Nate speaks with his cheek still pressed into dirty snow-slush.
"People having fun don't pull a goddamn brick out of the wall to beat your face in, asshole," Hank snaps back.
Nate's LED snaps from yellow to red, like maybe he really hadn't thought of that. Like he really preconstructed he was doing Gavin some sort of favor or something.
Nines steps out the back door before anyone can say anything else, Connor peeking out behind him. That's just great. Why not get the whole precinct out here? Everyone can crowd on in and witness this little moment.
Nines's LED goes red too as he looks at Nate on the ground, Hank keeping him down, and then slowly rotates his head to look over at Gavin's busted up face. Gavin drops the brick and spits out another thick wad of blood.
"I did not interfere," Nines says, his voice far more furious than any machine has a right to be. "With your flirting and your … schemes. I would never restrict Gavin's happiness."
Wait, his goddamn what?
"But you hurt him! You touched my human—"
Nines snarls out the claim, and Gavin swears he can feel some sort of shift in barometric pressure, like right before a tornado hits.
"And you. Hurt. Him."
Nate stays on the ground. He lies very still and doesn't say a goddamn word, actually.
Gavin reaches out for Nines. He's not really sure what he's going to say, but the moment he holds out his hand, Nines whirls around, his LED switching from red to yellow. He moves so fast and—and Gavin's dated a lot of shitty people. Really shitty. Nate isn't exactly an anomaly. So he automatically expects Nines to be mad at him.
Instead, Nines takes his hand so tenderly, they could be in a gay historical period piece.
"Yes, darling?" he asks.
Gavin gapes at him. He's still not … not really making a facial expression. His face was literally built differently than Connor's, even if it looks the same at first glance. The most he can manage is a completely neutral look, but with intensely focused eyes, like he's about to glare a tax return out of existence.
So no, Nines has never looked at Gavin the way Nate did.
But that doesn't mean he hasn't looked at him.
With …
… love?
Gavin finally finds his voice. "Hank. Can I go see Sumo?"
"Sure," Hank says easily. "Nines can bring you over, and you two just hang out for a bit."
Yeah, he bitches about Hank and Connor being Fowler's favorites and how Hank still doesn't get in before ten most mornings, but they're a lot better now. Good enough that he'll dog sit again sometimes, or get himself roped into a "family dinner" between Nines and Connor.
But this …
Gavin nods, throat all clenched up again.
"Yes," Nines answers for him. "I will take you to a secure location. Yes?"
All it takes is one more nod, and Nines is whisking him away out of the alley, but not through the station. They walk around the building instead so no one inside can see his face and ask questions, until they reach the parking lot, and then his truck. Nines unlocks it with his mind or something, opens the backdoor, and gently bullies Gavin into sitting down sideways in the backseat with his legs hanging out the door so Nines can fuss over his face.
"S'fine," he tries to protest.
Nines grabs the spare medical kit he keeps under the backseat and lays it in his lap. Gotta have one for all the bar fights he, well. That he used to get into. Sure as fuck can't afford hospital visits.
"I tried … so hard … not to … miscalculate," Nines says, voice overlaid with static.
Gavin tries to hold his face still so his partner can wipe all the blood off. "Mish-cal-coo-ate whah?"
"Jealous partners are bad."
Gavin blinks and stares at him. "Bad."
"It is … abusive."
Gavin opens his mouth and looks around the parking lot, as if the ghosts of all his actually abusive exes are going to show up, point their fingers, and laugh.
He brushes away Nines' fussy hands. "Is that why you've been ignoring me?"
Nines goes from yellow to red again. "No. Not … ignoring. Solving the case. In absence of … social module. Appropriate preconstructions. I … solving the case would make them leave. And I would have you to myself again."
He admits the last part quietly. Gavin feels like he just found out two plus two equals sixty-seven.
"You—at the party though," he insists. "You didn't say shit to me. You just hunkered down in the corner with Con … Connor. Who has a social module."
Nines nods. "Correct. I asked … for advice … to …"
He trails off and flutters his hands around Gavin's face again, then settles on carefully touching his chest, right over his heart. His big blue eyes stare at him like he's the most important person in the world.
Gavin feels his heart lurch up into his throat and pulls Nines closer by the back of his neck before remembering that even without all the blood only half wiped away, he can't kiss with a nose that's not quite broken, but still pretty goddamn close.
"Babe, just tell me," he says instead. "Phck, I have a social module. And I'm the—the relevant party. Your partner. Just fucking ask if you're not sure of something."
Nines looks down.
"The only reason." Gavin stops and swallows hard. "I even—with Nate. Was because we haven't talked about, y'know. Us. So I didn't know if, if you wanted to like, date me. Or if you were just experimenting and stuff."
Nines' whole face crinkles up in a frown. Cyberlife let him keep that expression. All the "scary" ones.
"You are my partner," the android says. "But you are also human. You have needs I cannot—"
"Absolutely the fuck not," Gavin interrupts. "You're mine. I chose you."
Nines looks up and hits him with those blue eyes again. "And are you mine as well?"
"Yeah." Gavin clears his throat. "You uh, might have to remind me though."
Nines decides the best course of action is clearly to drag Gavin closer and growl in his ear. Literally growl, like the giant unstoppable predator he is. Gavin shivers—and maybe whimpers a little—and presses closer.
"I will take you home and keep you safe and never let anyone else ever touch you," Nines says, petting his hair.
Gavin sighs in bliss.
"But you will be happy too," Nines states more quietly. "Yes?"
Gavin nods into his shoulder. Yeah. He's going to be happy. They'll both be happy.
this is another commissioned fic! my rates are $10 for 1k / $25 for 3k / or $40 for 5k, and you can also check out my patreon for my main reed900 series here ^^
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Dance For Me (Traci! Kara x Human! Connor) (Chapter Ten.)
Authors Note- And here we are with the final chapter of Dance For Me. It has been a wild ride, and I loved every minute of it and I hope you did too but it is time for it to come to an end. Even though it saddens me to no end. But never less this final chapter will feature such things as android related violence, blood and eventually character death. If none of this is your cup of tea then this is where we part way. But I’ll remember our time fondly, but never less here is Chapter Ten of Dance For Me. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter Ten: With You Always And Forever.
“CONNOR WAKE UP GODDAMMIT!” Hank’s stern voice sliced through the darkness as Connor slowly roused, blinking he found himself looking up at Hank and Chris. Concern etched on Hank’s face as he helped Connor up.
“Jesus, kid. I had thought you were taking too long storing that evidence. It wasn’t until Chris here found you like this that I came running.” He told Connor, as he allowed the young man to lean against the console that usually allowed officers access to the evidence room.
“What happened to you?” Chris asked, placing a hand on Connor’s shoulder.
That was the big question, wasn’t it? Connor thought, pain lancing through his body as he tried to move. What did happen? However, before he could dwell on that further it all came flooding back to him. Memories of Gavin cornering him in the room, spilling all he knew about him and Kara.
“Kara!” Connor jerked up straight as he thought about Kara, images of her flashing through his mind as he struggled to his feet.
“Who?” Hank asked, moving to steady the young man as Connor struggled to his feet, his body protesting with every step he took towards the door. “Hold on you asshole who’s Kara, and what does she have to do with everything?” Hank asked, gripping Connor’s arm tightly, stopping the smaller man in his tracks.
“Hank, let me go. Please.” Connor pleaded, trying in vain to pull away from his long time partner and friend. 
“No.” Hank said, jerking him back. Something was up. “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”
He guessed there was no choice, Connor hoped he would be able to keep the people around him out of his problems, but here he was, beaten and bloody in the evidence room while Gavin was at his home hurting Kara. But he knew Hank, he knew the man standing before him wasn’t going to let him go until he knew what exactly was going on.
So, with a sigh Connor told him and Chris everything. From meeting Kara to now. Silence permeated the room as the two of them let this sink in, when Hank looked up, a look of determination on his grizzled face as he looked to Connor. “Well, then what are we waiting for? Let’s go save your lady friend.” Hank said.
Connor blinked as he looked to Hank, as he draped Connor’s arm over his shoulder helping the younger man towards the parking lot. “You...you’re going to help me?” Connor choked out, seeming unable to believe what was going on. For as long as Connor had known Hank the older man had always hated androids. Though Connor knew the reason why, but here he was helping him.
Connor swallowed thickly as Hank loaded him into his car, before starting it up, wasting no time as he drove towards Connor’s house. “Thank you...” Connor whispered.
Hank nodded, saying nothing as they drove...
“Please...” Kara whimpered, blood spilling down her nose as the man advanced on her, her right arm hanging limp at her side as she backed away. 
“Oh, you’re begging me now are you?” Gavin taunted, as he followed after her. His knuckles were bruised from the beating he had given her before, a cruel smile forming on his lips as he looked at her, her right eye was leaking more of that weird blood, as was her nose, but Gavin was far from done. He wouldn’t be done until the bitch stopped moving. Then, he would drag her body before Connor and watch as he broke down. 
Gavin felt a thrill run through his body as he grabbed a hold of her undamaged arm, pulling her in close. Just as he drove his fist into her jaw, knocking her to the ground once more. “You’re not even alive, you stupid bitch.” Gavin grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her to her feet. “Begging for your life isn’t going to have any affect on me.”
Kara whimpered, as she clawed at Gavin’s hand, nails raking against the skin there, before Gavin tossed her against a wall with an audible crack. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she struggled to her feet, warnings about various damaged biocomponents flashed before her eyes. Pain radiated from every part of her body as she scrambled to her feet. Gripping the wall for support she managed to put some distance between her and Gavin. She needed to find something to defend herself with.
Stumbling into the kitchen with Gavin slowly stalking her she spotted the rack of knives hanging on the wall above the stove. Gritting her teeth she grabbed one of the blades and whirled around to face Gavin. Gavin laughed as he sauntered towards her. 
“Really? You’re going to stab me? You’re a fucking android you’re nothing but a toy for us humans.” He said, drawing closer and closer, each of his words stung as Kara took a few steps back. Remembering many of her former clients saying those exact same things to her back at the club. 
“No...” Kara said, eyes narrowed into slits. “I’m not I’m alive. And people like you can’t hurt me anymore.” With that said she lunged at him, hoping to drive her blade into his flesh. To hurt him as much as he had hurt her.
But Gavin was much quicker than her, grabbing a hold of her wrist he tossed her to the ground once more, wrenching the knife from her grasp as she dropped to the ground once more. Sneering Gavin placed a kick to her ribs, making her cry out once more.
“You’re just a hunk of plastic, and as fun as this little game was sweet heart, I think it’s time to end it.” Gavin sighed as he straightened, reaching into his holster he pulled his gun out, aiming at Kara’s head. 
And as she looked up at him she remembered being back in the alley, with this very same man looming over her, gun pressed against her head as he wore that very same grin. So, this was it, huh? Kara mused, as she blinked up at him defeated. This, of all the things she had endured in her short life, was how she was going to die?
Connor, she thought, as her eyes slid closed. Waiting for him to shoot, to end her life. I’m so sorry. However fate seemed to have other plans for her, as a gunshot rang out, followed by a strangled scream. Eyes snapping open she saw Gavin leaning against the wall, blood blossoming against across his shirt, as he looked past her. She couldn’t bring herself to move, as she heard two pairs of footsteps closing in on her, as Gavin slumped to the ground, a look of disbelief falling over his face as his life ebbed away. Connor looming over him, anger etched on the smaller mans face as darkness swallowed Gavin Reed whole. And then there was nothing...
Had he made it? Connor thought, gun clenched tightly in his shaking hands. He had heard Kara’s screams as he had drew close to his house, fear gripping his heart as he raced up the steps. Entering his house he had seen Gavin with his gun aimed at Kara, and then... Shaking his head Connor looked to where Kara lay motionless. He did make it in time, right?! Fear gripped his heart in a vice as he dropped to his knees before her. gathering her in his arms.
“K-Kara?” he choked out, as she lay still in his arms. “Kara, can you hear me?” he choked out again.  Dread slowly began to form in his chest, was she dead?
“I-I c-c-can here you.” She stammered out, making Connor’s heart nearly leap out of his chest as she turned her face to him, and slowly opened her eyes, a ghost of a smile forming on her bloody lips, as she reached up with her hand to caress his face. “You saved me.” She whispered, her voice filled with emotion, as tears welled in her eyes.
Tears spilled down Connor’s cheeks as he placed a kiss on her forehead. How hurt was she? Blood drenched most of Kara’s body as he looked her over, were any of her systems damaged? Was he too late? “I wasn’t fast enough.” Connor said, as he saw blood spill from the corners of her mouth, as off in the distance he could hear sirens blaring in the distance.
No doubt the gunshot he had let loose had alerted his neighbors. No matter he had been too late to save the woman he loved, to protect her from someone he knew hated androids, and now she was dying in his arms. 
“I know someone who can help her.” Hank’s gruff voice cut in, as he placed a hand on his shoulder giving it a squeeze. 
Tears streaked down Connor’s face as he looked to Hank, a questioning looking in his eyes as Kara looked up at the older man. “Y-you do?” Connor choked out.
Hank nodded, a reassuring smile on his lips as he held out a hand to Connor, helping him to his feet, as a plaintive meow grabbed their attention. Nines emerged from the shadows, ears laid back against his skull as he rubbed up against Connor’s leg. Connor breathed a sigh of relief as he saw that his cat was unscathed.
Watching as Hank gathered the cat up in his arms as he lead a limping Connor out of the house just as the police pulled up. Giving the nearest officer orders Hank loaded Connor into his car and drove off, he knew exactly who he needed to help Connor.
*Nearly A Month Later.*
*System Restart*
*System analysis*
*All systems functional*
Kara’s eyes flickered open as she woke, confusion formed in her head as she found herself somewhere she didn’t recognize. Propping herself on her elbows she looked around, breathing a sigh of relief as she spotted Connor and Nines sleeping in a cot next to her.
“I see you’re awake.” A new voice spoke, making her jump, and turn around. Seeing a man with grey hair nearly down to his shoulders walk into the room. 
“Wh-who are you?” Kara choked out.
“You mean to tell me that Connor never told you about me?” The man asked, taking a sip of the coffee he carried with him. “That’s harsh.”
“What’s harsh?” A sleepy voice spoke, causing Kara to look back to where Connor lay, a small smile on her lips as she looked to him with his hair messed up as he rubbed at one of his eyes.
“You not mentioning me to your girlfriend, and here I thought we were friends after all we had been through throughout the years.” The older man teased.
Connor looked a little sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head, cheeks flushed a little as Hank let out a laugh.  Kara chuckled as she sat up completely, looking down at herself she was surprised to see that she was completely fixed. Though she noticed there were a few scars on her body from the attack. But otherwise she saw that everything was in working order.
Looking up at Connor for answers Connor jerked his head in Hank’s direction. “Hank here has a friend who is a little proficient at fixing damaged androids. They were able to fix you up good as new.” Connor told her, as he swung his legs off the side of the bed, as Kara also got to her feet, she was alive, she was safe. Connor had saved her.
Slowly and tentatively she moved towards him, as Connor moved to meet her a smile on his face as well, standing on the tips of her toes she kissed him, relishing the feel of the warmth of his body flushed against hers as she wrapped her arms around him. Pulling him close. 
After what seemed like forever they pulled away, breathless and with faces flushed.
“So,” Hank asked, jerking them from their thoughts. “What’s the plan now?”
Connor worried at his bottom lip, that was the question, wasn’t it? And Connor knew what he needed to do. As long as they stayed in Detroit Kara would never be safe. So he knew what he needed to do to ensure she stayed safe.
“We’re leaving.” Connor said, looking to Hank. Determination shining his eyes as he looked to Kara. A small smile forming on his lips as he took her hand in his. He didn’t know where they were going, or how they would get there, but Connor did know one thing as long as he had Kara by his side it didn’t matter. 
Looking to Hank he muttered a goodbye to his friend as he gathered Nines in his arms and headed outside to where his car was waiting. Casting a glance over his shoulder he saw Hank watching him as he got into his car. Starting the car he drove off, silence fell over the car as he drove. Casting a glance at Kara as she took his hand in hers, he smiled. After all they had endured they were finally together, and this time there was nothing that was going to tear them apart. After all, Connor mused, as Kara rested her head on his shoulder, as the sun sank behind the buildings. The sky turning a deep orange before darkening. They were meant to be... 
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bordeauxatdusk · 4 years
Mystique (A Detroit: Become Human Fanfic) Part 1
 Read the full fic (so far) on Ao3 here!
DISCLAIMER this fic is about gay android detectives in 2038. Please know that I am a BLM supporter and that I do not write in this in support of our current shitty criminal justice system. 
The dead woman’s eyes were the same color as the flowers in her hair.
She was poised, artfully, in an elegant position that looked almost like a sculpture. Rigor mortis held her in place. The crown of forget-me-nots was integrated with an elaborate veil of white lace that fell gracefully down her back.
The bloodstained silk wedding gown she was wrapped in extended outward, rippling over the room, which was staged like a movie set; a host of antique items and classic still-life objects had been structured to frame her. Elaborate globes mingled with vases of flowers mingled with stacks of old yellowing books, covers frayed. Warm light streamed in lazily from large arcing windows, illuminating the oakwood floors of the room.
The light glinted off the pearl dagger embedded in the woman’s chest. In front of her, a gold-leafed, leather-bound edition of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet had been left open to the infamous scene:
“O, happy dagger, this is thy sheath.”
A human would undoubtedly call the scene beautiful.
To Nines, however, it was simply another murder.
He was capable of appreciating beauty, although many would be surprised to hear it. (Some people were surprised to hear that androids were capable of any abstract thought at all.)
Nines understand the concept of aesthetic value perfectly well. What he was not capable of understanding was how humans, in their love of aesthetic value, sometimes seemed to discard logic and reason.
The concept of a beautiful murder was immaterial to him. It was still murder. Whether it was committed in a wide-open oak room or in a rotting gutter made no difference.
Nines would hunt down and eliminate the murderer either way.
He was glad that Gavin felt the same, although Nines was concerned that he seemed disproportionately unnerved by something. What exactly it was, Nines couldn’t tell.
He knew that Gavin was upset partially from the rising levels of adrenaline in his scans, partially from the fact that Gavin’s pupils were dilated and he was beginning to fidget in the way he typically expressed distress (tapping his fingers together and pacing, mostly) and partially from the fact that he was increasing his profanity from its normal rate of about every one in fifteen words to every one in ten.
Nines had spent a lot of time analyzing Gavin Reed. Perhaps an irrational amount.
It hadn’t helped much.
Nines guessed that the cause of his partner’s distress must be some deeply-held psychological trauma. Humans often experienced it, and Gavin personally had suffered a difficult childhood. Whatever the reason for his distress, it must be very serious.
“What the fuck do you mean, ‘ I don’t know ’, Tina?! ” his partner was currently yelling into his phone. “It’s a simple goddamn question! Do they have jalapeno poppers or not?!”
Nines was well equipped to read Gavin, but very poorly equipped to understand him. The difference, he felt, was vast. He was... displeased by it. Androids were predictable, generally. Deviants much less so than non-deviants, of course, but they were still more logical than humans. At first Nines had been convinced that Gavin was simply uncomfortable expressing his emotions, but the android had begun to discover that Gavin himself was often unaware of them.
Perhaps there was some unpleasant memory jalapeno poppers evoked for his partner. He would have to ask later. Nines would have preferred to have Gavin leave the room and take a few minutes to calm down, but he had learned recently that it wasn’t an option. Apparently, Nines doing what he was designed to do and examining the physical evidence without Gavin’s interference meant he was “being a fucking know-it-all” and a “stuck-up asshole.”
“Look,” Gavin had said a few weeks ago, waving a hand dismissively to try and distract from the fact that he was clearly upset. “ It’s no big deal. Just don’t keep fucking asking me to leave in the middle of crime scenes, okay?”
Nines had been unable to see the point of this request. “ Gavin, you were clearly disgusted by the scope of the damage done to the victim.”
“Well, yeah,” Gavin had muttered sulkily, “but you don’t need to be all weird about it. Look, Nines, I want to do my job. Let me do it. Even if I’m not really helping, just let me feel like I am, okay?”
Nines had been even more confused. “ If you aren’t going to help, why are you so determined to be there? Humans aren’t exactly well-equipped for forensic analysis to begin with. I don’t hold it against you.”
It had escalated into a full-blown fight that left Nines more confused than ever until Gavin was finally able to articulate that he didn’t want to feel useless.
The absurdity and simplicity of the answer had caught Nines off guard. Gavin Reed, useless? They had won a medal together just six months ago for solving an incredibly dangerous case, saving the lives of ten other officers in the process (and possibly the entire DPD). Their success had almost entirely been due to Gavin. Useless?
Nines strongly disagreed.
He had told Gavin so. Nines always said what he meant.
Gavin had huffed under his breath.
“ Alright, shit, I get it,” he’d said, trying and failing not to smile. “You’re a big fucking suck-up.”
Nines knew enough about humans to understand that the insulting response had roughly meant, in Gavin-language,“Thank you, Nines. I’m flattered.”
What confused him is why Gavin didn’t just say that instead.
Humans never said what they meant. It was inconvenient.
Gavin's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Robocop. You find anything?”
Nines blinked. Gavin was staring at him, phone in hand, waiting.
Nine shook his head. “This crime scene is so elaborately staged, I can’t move through it without risking disrupting the evidence. Every object in this room is potentially a key to solving the case. There’s a very low probability the killer managed to set this up without leaving some traces of his presence behind-- fingerprints, hair, DNA. It would be better to wait until forensics arrives, and allow them to do their job. “
Gavin wrinkled his nose, thinking. It was a habit of his.
(One that Nines found extremely distracting, but it wasn’t the time for that.)
“Is something bothering you, Detective?” Nines asked.
Gavin huffed. “Yeah, stop calling me ‘detective.’ You know my name.”
He paused for a moment, sighed, and then gestured to the scene in front of them.
“It’s this whole thing, Nines. I hate it when they do this shit. It’s so fucked up. Trying to turn something so horrible into something pretty, or romantic, or-- I don’t know. You’ll see. These cases are always hell to investigate. We can’t let a single drop of this leak to the media, or else this poor girl is going to be on the front page of every newspaper across the country. ‘The Girl In the Wedding Dress’, or some shit like that.”
Nines didn’t understand. “I’m not sure I’m following you. You don’t want her case to be publicized?”
Gavin shook his head. “Hell no. How do I explain this? Okay. This girl, she’s not fucking Juliet, right? What's her real name? You know it already with your facial recognition?”
“Ashley Briggs.”
“Okay. She’s not Juliet. She’s Ashley. Ashley was a whole person, with a life and family and friends, and then some fucking creepy asshole murdered her and dressed her up like Juliet. The media’s problem is, they like stories with publicity. They like stuff that has a nice ring to it. Ashley Briggs, not so much. ‘The Girl in the White Dress?’ ‘The Woman in White?’ some other bullshit like that? They eat that up.  A picture of a pretty girl in a wedding dress with a dagger in her chest? That’s the kind of stuff they eat for breakfast. They love it, Nines! It’s like the Black Dahlia. If any of this gets out,  nobody will give two fucks about Ashley Briggs, but they’ll all love her death."
Gavin stopped for a moment to take a breath, hands gesturing wildly, eyes narrowed in anger.
"Rumors will be everywhere. Poor Ashley’s family is gonna have to deal with photos of their little girl murdered and dressed up in a fucking wedding dress all over every tabloid in the grocery store for the next eight years. And not a single one of the people obsessed with ‘Juliet’ is gonna give a shit about Ashley. Everyone’s gonna see her how the killer saw her, how he wanted us to see her, how he set her up: as pretty tragic Juliet in a wedding dress. Nobody is gonna know or remember Ashley Briggs. Don’t you see how fucked up that is? They never give a shit about the victim, even though they pretend to. It’s always about the fucking killer and his ideology.”
Nines was stunned. He had never considered that aspect of a crime before. Looking at it from that perspective, it did seem disturbing.
“They’ll romanticize her murder," he finished for Gavin, who looked almost too angry to continue.
Gavin nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “The most fucked up part is, that’s what he wants. Her killer staged her this way because he’s trying to put on a fucking show. This is a murder with a message, we just don’t know what it is. I hate that those bastards always seem to get the attention they want. People always remember the killer, but they never remember the victim. Hell, how many people do you think could name a single victim of Ted Bundy? Or Jeffery Dahmer? Or any of the other sick bastards that decide to take their sexual fantasies out on so many innocent people that everyone forgets about?”
Nines raised an eyebrow. “We don’t know that this murder is sexual in nature.”
Gavin huffed. “Nah, but there’s a pattern when it comes to motive and method. There’s tons of examples. Um. Execution-style gunshots to the back of the head are cold, professional. Victim’s turned away, there’s a distance between them and the killer. No eye contact. Hired killers, a lot of the time.”
Gavin demonstrated with a finger gun, eyes distant, like he was remembering cases he’d seen before.
“Stranglings are personal, and a lot of the time they’re sexual. Killer’s up close, right in their face. Looking them in the eye, watching them slowly die, hands-on contact. It’s ‘intimate’ for those fucked-up pieces of shit. They’re normally sexual sadists. Hate those ones.”
Gavin’s brow wrinkled in disgust as he demonstrated.
“Stabbings are personal too, but in a different way. Bloody, aggressive, painful. Personal vendetta, lots of times. Someone close to the victim with a grudge. Betrayal maybe, ‘cause there’s anger behind it. Besides, she’s staged as fucking Juliet. Who do you think her Romeo’s supposed to be? The mailman?”
Nines hummed in response. He didn’t doubt Gavin’s theory, but any investigation should work from the external to the internal. The solid evidence should be interpreted to form theories, not theories interpreted to fit the evidence. The second an investigator began to let their personal opinions dictate the situation, they became biased.
“I still believe we should wait for the evidence to be analyzed before assuming anything.”
Gavin crossed his arms. His body language throughout this speech had been aggressive. Nines’ scans told him that Gavin was intensely angry.
“I’m not fucking assuming, I’m theorizing. If the evidence says something different then I’ll change my tune. I’m just saying, maybe the fact that she’s being staged all pretty in a fancy room in a wedding dress mirroring the suicide from goddamn ‘ Romeo and Juliet’ might have some tiny romantic undertones, Nines.”
“So perhaps we should interview her neighbors first.”
“Hell yes, we should,” Gavin said. “Starting with whoever found the body.”
He started to turn away to head out the door.
Nines stopped him. “Gavin, wait.”
He twisted back around in surprise. “What?”
Nines pressed his hands together, standing stiffly. “Are you angry with me?”
Gavin stopped in his tracks and paused for a moment in an emotion Nines was unable to read. There was a second of tension, and then Nines’ partner seemed to crumple inward as he sighed heavily, shoving his hands back into his pockets.
“No,” he said to the floor by his feet. “Sorry. It’s this case. Stuff like this- it’s fucking creepy. I get all tense. Of course I’m not mad at you, dumbass. I’m just- I’m not good at expressing shit, y’know. ”
Nines walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Is there anything I can do?”
Gavin’s entire demeanor changed, going from aggressive to something much more vulnerable instantly. It was a switch that, even though they’d been together for six months now, Nines had rarely seen.
“No,” Gavin said softly. “I just want to catch the bastard. Otherwise, cases like this, they always stick with me. I’ll- I’ll see her everywhere. Ashley, I mean. In mirrors, reflections, dreams. Asking me why I couldn’t do it. People always act like murder investigations are some cop-show badass bullshit, but they aren’t. The pressure’s gonna be hell. We’re gonna have to go through her whole life and dig up a lot of secrets. Everyone has graves that are better left buried. Take my word for it, it’s gonna suck. And even if we find the fucking bastard, he still might get off. Normally, I can distance myself from it, I guess, but when it’s something this creepy- I just- I don’t know if I can do it. There's something about this case. I have such a bad fucking feeling about this whole thing. It’s driving me crazy. ”
Nines reached out and wrapped his arms around Gavin, pulling him close. It was meant as a comforting gesture, and he noticed with satisfaction that his partner’s distress seemed to decrease.
Nines was beginning to understand how to react to Gavin’s moods, even if he didn’t always understand the reason why they were happening. They had both worked dozens of homicide cases. Nines didn’t understand how this case was any different, but it didn’t matter. He was programmed to adapt to human unpredictability.
He never knew what to make of Gavin’s hunches, though. They were objectively irrational, and they were also always right. It drove him insane. It defied reason.
Then again, nothing about Gavin was reasonable.
“We’re professionals,” Nines began, “and-”
“And you’re hugging me in the middle of a fucking murder scene,” Gavin interrupted, voice muffled from pressing his face into Nines’ shoulder, “like a true professional.”
“You needed a hug. Let me finish. We’re professionals, and there’s a lot of potential just in this room for the killer to have made a mistake. The chances of him staging all this with zero forensic evidence left behind are very low-”
“Mhmmm,” Gavin said, leaning into the hug.
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Nope,” Gavin muttered.
Nines sighed.
He gently pulled Gavin away from him, brushing off his partner’s coat, which was eternally covered in cat hair.
“We need to go interview the neighbors. Listen. We work very well together. We’ve faced near-impossible odds before. Compared to our last big case, this will most likely be easy.”
“Nothing’s ever easy,” Gavin groaned. “Especially not in fucking homicide.”
“Well then, we’ll support each other, just like last time.”
Gavin smiled wryly. “Are you going to break a rib and give me a concussion again?”
“That highly depends,” Nines said, “on whether or not you plan to shoot me a second time.”
“You told me to!”
“I was paralyzed and all my communications were disabled. I couldn’t tell you to do anything."
“Your light flashed!”
“My LED,” Nines said, raising an eyebrow, “never stops flashing, unless I’m decommissioned.”
Gavin shoved him-- an adorably futile effort, considering he didn’t move even a fraction of an inch.
“Come on, smartass,” Gavin said. “We have some friendly neighbors to interrogate.”
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 19
There had been a pit of nervous energy in my stomach since I had woken up this morning, my first day of class. I was on autopilot as I got ready, I was stuck in my head worrying about how class would go. While brushing my teeth, spit had dripped down my chin all over the black shirt I was going to wear. It took five minutes for me to find my purse, which was just sitting on the edge of the couch. 
By the time I got to my office, I had bitten down all my fingernails and was worrying at the skin around them. I skipped lunch, half because of my stomach and half because I just spaced it. I had been writing some emails, having sent out my syllabus the night before I couldn’t really edit that anymore. 
With an hour left till class and nothing to do, I just paced around my office, writing a little script for myself for how I would start class and introduce myself, muttering the words under my breath. I knew in my head that I was prepared, that there was a very good chance that class would be fine, but it felt like I was forgetting something important.
The past week or so Gavin and I had hung out a decent amount. We spent the first two days of his suspension playing with his cats, going out and getting food, and watching movies. I got him to watch Into the Spider-Verse and he made me watch Robocop in retaliation. Though we didn’t really pay attention to the movies, too busy cuddling and making out. It was easy being with him, but I didn’t know how to make the next move, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable like I had the night of the fight with my dad. So I resolved to let him take it there, but he never did. Since his suspension ended, we’ve avoided meeting at the DPD since I’m not ready to talk to my dad. Gavin hasn’t mentioned anything about him or Connor. I hadn’t heard from Connor either. I’ve talked to Tina a bit. When I told her Gavin and I were dating, she flipped out. Even though Gavin was already invited to the wedding she keeps insisting I should ask him to be my “plus one”.
I was interrupted from my thoughts by three short knocks on my office door. I stopped pacing and looked up, it was Nines.
“Nines! How have you been?” He walked in slowly, staying close to the door.
“I have been well. Chris and I wrapped up the android black-market case.” I nodded. “I have come to ask you a favor.”
“Of course, what’s up?” I sat on my desk and waited for him to continue.
“I believe Lieutenant Anderson has been under extra stress since your fight and Connor is worried it may be affecting his health and work performance.” Nines paused. “Connor wanted me to ask you if you’d stop by tonight to talk with both of them.”
“Why isn’t he asking me?”
“He was unable to get away from the Lieutenant without raising suspicion.”
“Why didn’t he text or call?”
“We both found you would be more likely to comply if one of us talked to you in person instead of over the phone.” I groaned and started rubbing my temples.
“Does Gavin know about this?” He nodded. “Okay, what time?”
“Connor and the Lieutenant should arrive home around 6 tonight. I should be returning to the DPD.”
“Alright, Nines. Thanks for stopping by.” He walked out of my office and I sighed again. Great now not only was I anxious for my class, but now I had the possibility of a fight to worry about. I got my phone out of my skirt pocket, which just this morning Gavin had made fun of me for texting him about how great this skirt was. Looking at my phone I saw I had new texts from Tina and Gavin.
 Good luck today!!!! I love you!!!!
 Love you too, T! Lock up some bad guys today!
  good luck pipsqueak teach them assholes some stuff
 Thanks, Gav! Although I doubt all of them are assholes…
 …babe its detroit
 I laughed and put my phone away, grabbed my bag, and headed to the lecture hall. Since I was going to class early, I took the long way around campus. Admiring how full it was compared to this summer. It felt nice. I’ve always loved being on college campuses, they feel more alive than anywhere else.
My class was located in the General Lectures building on the first floor. I checked my phone, I had about 20 minutes before the class right before ours would be out of the classroom. I stood nervously by the door. There were a few students sitting on the ground on their phones. I decided to text Gavin.
 I’m 20 minutes early
 lol y
 I got too nervous! Nines stopped by and threw off my rhythm
 ur rhythm of pacing???
 Go call someone else out lol. Did you know about Nines asking me to go to my dad’s tonight?
 I don’t want to go.
 but u told him yes
 I’m going, it doesn’t mean I want too.
 i guess
hey almost a crime scene text me after ur class
 Will do, be safe
 I shoved my phone back in my pocket and took my backpack off, kneeling down I started double checking I had everything.
“Flash drive, class list, pen, hard copy of syllabus.” I mumbled. Students were starting to exit the classroom. I peered through the door and saw the professor was logging off the computer. She was taller than me, with tan skin, long brown hair, and she was wearing a nice summer dress. I walked in and over to the podium and front desk and smiled at the other professor.
“I’m Dr. (L/n), it’s nice to meet you!”
“I’m Dr. Morrison.” She smiled and we shook hands.
“What class are you teaching?”
“Classical literature. You’re the new sociology professor, right?”
“That’s me!” I laughed nervously. “I actually have a minor in classical studies, those were some of my favorite classes in undergrad.” She smiled.
“I’m glad someone else sees the importance.” She continued packing up. “You can go ahead and log in if you want.” I nodded and started getting ready. Most of her students had left and a few students filed in, most sitting in the back. The classroom was tiered, which I hated. It was nice to be able to see everyone’s faces, but these types of classrooms always made me feel so small. “Well, I’ll see you Thursday, good luck!”
“Thank you! See you Thursday!” I turned on the projector, got my slides up, and tested the remote. I looked over at my class list, I was expecting about 50 students and so far there were about 35. Which isn’t bad considering class didn’t start for another ten minutes. I looked around the front of the classroom. I had a podium and a small table at the front of the classroom. I walked over and moved the table, so I’d be able to sit on it and still see the projector screen. I walked back to the podium and got out my phone and hid it behind the desktop. I made sure my phone wouldn’t go off while I was teaching, and I did a last-minute check for text messages. I smiled.
 Good luck, you’re going to be amazing!
 Thank you, Connor.
 I checked the time and took a deep breath and walked out from behind the podium.
“Hi everyone, I’m Dr. (L/n) and welcome to SOC 345: Human and Android relationships. First day agenda,” I clicked the remote to get the slide show going and sat on the table. “I’m going to tell you guys a little about me, our goal for the semester, and what you can expect from this course. We do have the classroom for an hour and fifteen minutes, but I highly doubt we will need all of that time.
“As I said I’m Dr. (L/n). I’m new to WSU. I received my doctorate at (dream/school). A little about me…I really like cats and I was born in Detroit. I enjoy old movies and I’ll probably try to weave some into the class. I’ve been studying android and human relationships before deviancy was known about and I’ve spent most of my life dedicated to this subject. I was recruited by WSU to write an extensive report about the android revolution.
“I’m aware many of you were in Detroit during the revolution and I know you may have some feelings towards what happened whether it be negative or positive. I want you to all know that I firmly believe androids are alive and deserve to be equal to humans. My classroom will be run on that basis. This isn’t a class to debate that, but rather a chance to use a sociological lens to see what led to the revolution, what happened during the revolution, and what the future may hold for both groups.
“This is my first class at WSU, but not my first class I’ve taught. So far in the syllabus I’ve decided that we will have two tests, one in 6 weeks and another in 12. Instead of a final exam we’ll be doing a final project. By project I really want to leave it up to you. You can write a paper, give a presentation, or anything else you want as long as it hits all the points of the rubric. I should have that posted in a couple months.
“Are there any questions about the course I can answer right now?” I looked around. A blonde young man in the front row raised his hand.
“There’s some days on the syllabus that are blank, what does that mean?”
“Those are days I have blocked off for possible speakers to come to the class. Those days will be optional, but if you come and participate you can get up to five points of extra credit on your lowest test for each day. My hope is to have at least two days of guest speakers.” A dark-haired young woman in the back raised her hand and I pointed at her.
“There’s no textbook listed, is that right?”
“Yes! I was a student too and textbook prices are ridiculous. For the most part nearly all the material will come from my lectures, but occasionally there may be a paper you have to read. Those papers will be posted online. Attendance is really important in this class. I have no plans to post my lectures, but if you come to my office, you’re more than welcome to look over the slides.
“Oh! Before I forget there is going to be one assignment, I wanted to tell you guys about it. So, before every class I would like someone to research a topic related to what we’re talking about or something in the news that has to do with androids and humans and bring it for discussion. On Thursday we’ll make the order and talk more about the assignment, but you really just need to read one article and tell the class the issue and then we’ll talk about it.” I looked at the clock. We still had 30 minutes. “Are there any more questions?” No one moved. “Well, I’ll stay here for about 15 minutes if anyone has any other questions, but other than that I’ll see you all on Thursday! Have a great rest of your day!”
The students quickly packed up and started leaving. No one stopped to talk to me, which I get there’s not a lot to talk about. I took out my phone and sent Gavin a text.
 Talked to fast and ended 30 minutes early lol
 He didn’t respond which made sense, since he was definitely still at a crime scene. I looked up and a young woman was nervously shuffling in front of the podium.
“Hi! How can I help you?”
“Hi Dr (L/n), I’m Lisa Turner. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know I’m really looking forward to your class.” I beamed at the nervous girl.
“Hi Lisa! I’m glad you’re excited! Please feel free to come to my office hours anytime you want to discuss…well anything! I’ve done a lot of research that we won’t be able to cover in class and I love getting to know my students!” She smiled softly.
“Okay, umm…I’ll see you Thursday.” She quickly ran away. She reminded me a lot of what I was like in undergrad. Nervous, but desperately wanted to learn. I waited another ten minutes and decided to head back to my office to start working on my interview list.
 It was about 5:30 and I was nervously biting my lip. I knew if I wanted to be on time to my dad’s I needed to call a taxi within the next few minutes. I looked at my phone, Gavin hadn’t texted me back yet and I had no other messages. I sighed, put in a request for a taxi, and headed outside.
When I got to my dad’s house his car was already in the parking lot. At least I wouldn’t have to wait outside for them to get here. Sighing, I walked up to the door and knocked. It only took Connor a few seconds to open the door. He gestured for me to come in. I nervously walked in and took off my shoes.
“Where’s dad?” I asked softly. I followed Connor to the couch where he sat down.
“He’s walking Sumo. He should be back shortly.” Connor sighed as I sat down next to him. “I’m sorry, I hadn’t kept in touch this past week.”
“You’re fine Connor. Things have been crazy for me too.”
“How did your class go?” He asked.
“I think it well, the first day never really counts because you’re not really teaching anything.” He nodded in agreement. “Connor, are you okay?” I gently put my hand on his shoulder. He gave me a small smile.
“Of course, (Y/n). It’s just been a difficult week at work.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Before I could ask anymore questions my dad and Sumo walked inside. My dad noticed me and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Hey, (Y/n).” Sumo ran up to me and I started petting him.
“Hi dad.” He walked over and sat in the armchair. He shifted in his chair uncomfortably under Connor’s glare. After a few moments Connor pretended to clear his throat, which made my dad roll his eyes.
“(Y/n), you were right and I’m sorry. I’ve known Gavin for a while, but that doesn’t mean I know how you two will be. I shouldn’t have started that fight.” I nodded gently, keeping my eyes on Sumo.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I was angry, but that doesn’t excuse my words.” Connor shifted next to me.
“Hank, tell her about work.” My dad groaned.
“I’m guessing you’re still seeing Gavin?” I nodded and looked at him. “Gavin’s been…less of an asshole since he got back from his suspension and I’m pretty sure you’re the reason.” I smiled.
“He can be nice when he wants to.” I whispered. “Could the four of us grab dinner sometime? I really want you to give him a real chance.” My dad sighed and Connor gave him a sharp look.
“Dinner sounds fine.” I smiled and stood up.
“Both of you give me a hug right now before I lose my mind!” They laughed and compiled. I missed them both this past week and I didn’t even realize how much until I was in their arms.
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charlieism · 4 years
Unguarded Curls
Read on AO3! 
Just 2k of Reed900 fluff (based on Detroit Evolution)
Summary: It was the small moments like this that reminded Nines of how strong his feeling of love for Gavin was. Lying in bed in the morning, Gavin resting half on top of him and Nines playing with his hair… it was terribly domestic, and Nines didn’t think he’d ever get enough of it. 
Nines drew himself out of stasis when he felt Gavin shift gently against him, the first stirrings the man made all night. He registered a hundred things the moment his eyes opened: the time (8.21 A.M); the weather (cloudy, though with little chance of rain); and Gavin’s heart rate and stress levels, amongst other things. He knew Gavin didn’t particularly like Nines scanning him, but it was like an automatic response, something as close to instinct as the android could get. His first thought upon waking was always to make sure that Gavin was okay. And, thankfully, he was. Gavin’s movements weren’t because he was having a nightmare; instead, they were because he was waking up.
They were lying in bed next to each other, Nines propped up ever so slightly upon some pillows while Gavin lay sprawled almost diagonally across the mattress, using Nines’ shoulder as a pillow. Nines couldn’t really fathom why, seeing as his chassis was hardly more comfortable than the pillows decorating Gavin’s bed, but he appreciated it nonetheless. The contact was… nice. Sweet. It made Nines feel warm, and endeared him greatly to his boyfriend, especially seeing as waking up in this position on a day off meant the probability of them ‘cuddling’ was up 64%. Seeing as Nines didn’t actually need to sleep, not in the same way Gavin did, he usually got up earlier than his boyfriend and made him breakfast before hustling them both out of the door and into work. However, today was Saturday and they had the day off, with no other place they needed to be. Which meant that Nines could lie here for as long as he liked and pay special attention to the heavy huff of air and incoherent grumble Gavin let out as he sluggishly awoke; the way he clung closely to Nines and pressed his face into the android’s shoulder in lieu of opening his eyes to the light filtering in from behind the curtains; the way his arm tightened around Nines’ waist and the feeling of his soft hair tickling Nines’ neck. He was adorable. Not that Nines would ever tell him so, of course, at least not like this. It’d only make Gavin flustered, embarrassed and prickly, and determined never to let Nines see him in that state again in case Nines ever teased him for it. Which was ridiculous, but that was how his boyfriend worked, so Nines bit his tongue and settled for smiling softly at him instead.
“Good morning,” he murmured. There was a pause, and then Gavin groaned.
“M’rning,” he slurred, muffled by Nine’s shoulder. Nine’s grin widened at the almost unintelligible word. A fond feeling bubbled up in his chest, light and fluttery and unbearably warm, an emotion Nines only ever felt when he was around Gavin. He glanced away from the human, staring at the ceiling and smiling to himself instead. The skin on his hand retracted without Nines’ permission, the gleaming white chassis revealing itself. He brought the hand up to comb through Gavin’s curly hair without thinking, feeling the silky strands slip between his fingers over and over. Gavin hummed and curled into him, tilting his head and arching into the touch, much like Gavin’s cat did whenever he or Gavin petted it. Nines looked back down and saw Gavin’s eyes were still closed, his long, dark eyelashes feathery against his cheeks, but his face was smoothed out in contentment. Nines studied his face for a moment; he already had every angle, expression and feature perfectly memorised, of course, but each time he looked at his boyfriend he just wanted to remain still and gaze at him for a while. Androids were designed to be aesthetically pleasing, but Gavin was beautiful in a way Nines sometimes found hard to describe. Nines didn’t scar, didn’t break, didn’t change; he was, objectively, flawless. But Gavin’s beauty was different and strong; his handsomeness was rough and real from the curve of his lips to the arch of his eyebrows, from the scar arcing across the bridge of his nose to the scratch of his stubble, from the (gradually lessening) shadows under his eyes to the fluffy curls of his hair. 
Speaking of… Nines’ eyes flickered to the hair that he was slowly running his fingers through, and remained fixated there. During the day Gavin usually had his hair gelled and combed back, wrestled into a sort of tousled neatness. It still waved and curled, but less so than it naturally would, and in a contained and held back way. It had taken a surprising amount of time for Gavin to let Nines see his hair undone, which Nines hadn’t expected but supposed was just another one of Gavin’s peculiarities, or vulnerable points. In the beginning they never saw each other past work hours, and then, slowly, they’d begun spending time after work together. But as long as Nines was around, whether they’d been on a stakeout or he was staying the night at Gavin’s place, the man went to bed with his hair still done (if looser and messier than it had been during the day). And when he awoke in the morning his curls would have sprung out slightly more, but the sight never lasted long before Gavin was showering or redoing his hair, and it was never as wild as Nines now knew the hair would be if left untouched. But now they were in a relationship Gavin had begun to let Nines see him in the morning, or after a shower, with his hair dry and clean and curly.
He’d washed it last night, and the hood he slept in had slipped down in the night, which meant that Nines could see the thick mop perfectly. The brunette curls were loose and wild, splaying in every direction. His hair was light and fluffy in the absence of any hair gel or product, the curls and floof sticking out in every which way. Nines grinned as he stared at it, even as the area where his thirium pump was clenched almost painfully. Nines loved him, it was one of the only feelings he was 100% certain of, and despite all the near death experiences, exhilarating moments, and romantic gestures they’d shared, somehow it was the small moments like this that reminded him how strong that feeling of love was. Lying in bed in the morning, Gavin resting half on top of him and Nines playing with his hair… it was terribly domestic, and Nines didn’t think he’d ever get enough of it. He was blessed to be allowed to see all Gavin’s defenses down. He remembered that first time he’d stayed the night with Gavin; how Gavin had opened up to him after his nightmare, sought comfort for the first time in who knows how long, and finally let himself be vulnerable around the android. And Nines remembered how confused and hurt he’d been the next morning when Gavin had abruptly clammed up and closed off, with panic, mortification and self-hate radiating off him as he realised he’d shown the android such a strongly protected side of himself, until he was yelling at Nines to get out. Thankfully, that hadn’t happened since. Gavin’s openness and vulnerability were clear to Nines now in the way his muscles remained relaxed; in how unabashedly he held onto Nines; in the way Gavin let Nines run his fingers through his hair, hold him close, and smile gently at him without him pulling away, or speaking up, or even opening his eyes.
Wait, scratch that.
When he glanced down he saw one of Gavin’s eyes was now open, peeking at him from where he was snuggling against Nine’s shoulder and crinkling with amusement. Its enchanting hazel colour was practically sparkling.
“Enjoying yourself?” Gavin teased. Nines’ fingers froze where they were tangled in the locks.
“Your hair is rather fluffy today,” Nines said, not bothering to stop the shit-eating grin that spread across his face. Gavin scrunched up his face and scowled up at him.
“Shut the fuck up,” he groaned. Nines paused for a second, trying to figure out if Gavin was actually annoyed or insecure, but Gavin solved his problem a moment later.
“...I didn’t say stop,” he grumbled. Nines’ smile returned, more tender this time.
“Of course.” 
He resumed running his hand through the ruffled curls, scratching his fingertips gently along Gavin’s scalp as he went. The human sighed in contentment, eyes slipping closed again, and Nines suddenly wondered when, if ever, the last time somebody had done something like this for Gavin was. When he’d last been granted a simple, comforting touch just for the sake of it. Despite his face being mainly hidden by Nines’ own chest, he could see that Gavin’s expression was calm and happy. Nines knew, with a twist in his chest, that it had been a long time before Nines that Gavin had allowed himself to be so close to someone, especially the kind of person willing to do loving things like this with him. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Gavin’s temple, unable to resist the urge. Gavin blinked his eyes open again, but when he saw whatever emotion Nines’ face was currently showing and the way the android’s smile had dropped, his pleased expression flickered and dimmed.
“You alright?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, of course. I just… love you, Gavin,” Nines replied. Gavin’s eyes widened fractionally, the way they did almost every time Nines admitted his love. Gavin knew Nines loved him, and Nines knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was loved in return, but Gavin still seemed in disbelief about it sometimes.
“I know,” he said gently. “I love you too, tin can.” Nines chuckled and rolled his eyes in mock exasperation at the name.
“You’re insufferable.”
“Says you! That’s probably the one word in the English language that best describes you,” Gavin jabbed.
“Shut up, asshole,” Nines grinned, and Gavin barked out a laugh, flipping onto his back but keeping his head resting on Nines’ shoulder.
“Pass me my phone,” he said, and Nines grabbed his phone off the dresser and handed it to the man. Gavin opened it up and gestured airily at Nines without even sparing him a glance.
“You’re not royalty,” Nines spluttered, amused despite himself, and reached out to tug sharply on a curl.
“Ow, fucker, do it properly!” Gavin scowled. Nines smiled sweetly at him.
“I have no idea what you mean,” he said innocently.
“Yeah, yeah, butter wouldn’t melt in your plastic mouth,” Gavin scoffed, and turned back to his screen. Nines quietly resumed threading his fingers through Gavin’s hair, and they remained like that for a while, Gavin scrolling through social media and Nines lost in his own head.
Nines messaged Connor for a bit, skimmed over their current case file again, then read through some of the latest news articles. It was past 9 A.M when he decided he was growing bored, and he turned his attention back to the hair he’d absently been messing with. He experimentally pulled a fluffy lock upwards, and watched as it swayed gently and stayed in place. His lips quirked in amusement and he wrapped a tight curl around his finger, pulling it until it straightened out, then let go and watched it ping back into place. Gavin raised his eyebrows, looking upwards from his phone towards his own hairline, then glanced at Nines wryly.
“Really?” he deadpanned. Nines silently unfurled another small curl and let go, watching it instantly roll itself back up. Gavin rolled his eyes. “Alright, that’s enough of that.” He heaved a long-suffering sigh and hoisted himself up, rolling out of bed. Nines raised his eyebrows but followed him easily, dusting himself off.
“Breakfast?” he asked. Gavin stretched, his arms extending above his head and muscles tensing, and groaned.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.” The man wandered over to his drawers and opened one, digging through for a change of clothes. Nines lingered by the doorway, watching him attentively. That way he saw the moment Gavin glanced tiredly upwards and caught sight of himself in the mirror. His eyes widened and his hand flew up to the top of his head, to the hair that now looked twice as messy and voluminous as usual due to Nines’ lazy, mischievous interference.
“What the fuck did you do to my hair!?” he cried in disbelief. Nines laughed loudly and ducked out of the room.
“Nines! This is going to take forever to fix!”
“I think you look fine,” Nines called back, grinning stupidly. “Keep it like that!”
“I hate you!”
“You love me,” Nines shot back loudly, stepping into the kitchen.
“Asshole!” Gavin hollered. Nines could picture him still standing by the mirror, staring in horror at the curly, fluffy mess that was now his hair. He laughed in response.
“I love you too, Gavin!”
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animatedandroids · 4 years
The October Project #3
Miscreant Gavin has an annoying partner.
You can find the first two chapters available here
It had only been a single month since that RK900 model was placed in their precinct, and Gavin felt like he was going to pull his own hair out. He was convinced Fowler had paired them together as some kind of sick joke, a cruel punishment for how he chose to treat Connor in the past. He’d apologised! At least twice! That was a record-breaker for him; they should’ve been grateful. Fowler insisted it would help him with his investigations, but he knew better than that.
It was already hard enough to get a name out of the damn thing.
“Is a name important?” He would ask.
Of course it was fucking important. RK900 did anything but roll off the tongue, and Gavin hated numbers.
They settled on Nines, with no effort on the android’s part. Gavin never claimed to be prolific in naming. He struggled to name pets let alone a whole other being, especially one with a face so intense he was sure he could’ve had an easier conversation with a plank of wood. But, as Fowler dictated, he was stuck with the hunk of plastic, and he needed a name. He didn’t realise how quickly it would become the least of his worries.
Connor was very uptight about the law. There were a few instances where Gavin would accompany Hank and his plastic pet, handling the human areas of a case while they tended to the androids. Connor was… dedicated, to put it nicely. He caught onto even the smallest of crimes and insisted a punishment for it. Hank wasn’t the kind of man to care about something as little as pocketing a pen off of a front desk, but Connor was the kind of android to chase them down several streets then proudly display the retrieved pen like some kind of Labrador.
Nines, on the other hand, was a special breed of uptight.
It became apparent when he took the hunk of junk to a park after their shift; he figured he might as well get to know the thing to some degree. They didn’t do anything note-worthy, for Gavin at least. Nines asked questions about his personal life, and Gavin told him to keep his nose where it belongs. However, when they were about to head back to the car, the android just stopped. Ceased all movement and turned his head.
Nines ignored any attempts of conversation and stared blankly at a crosswalk. There was a lady and her child walking across, ignoring the vibrant red markings on the road.
“They are jaywalking,” Nines said.
Gavin snorted in response. “At least your eyes are workin’.”
Nines angled his hard stare to him. He looked like an owl. “We should fine them.”
“We’re not on the clock, dumbass.”
Nines blinked.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.” Gavin sighed heavily and shook his head. “It’s fine. They’re not hurtin’ anyone by crossin’ the street a little early, and the cars ain’t gonna hit ‘em.”
Rare moments popped into fruition where he would see some clarity in the android’s eyes, a hint of recognition followed by tightly knitted brows. “It hurts my feelings that they are so blatantly ignoring the laws in my presence,” Nines said.
He wanted to yell at him, he really did. He was possibly the dumbest robot he’d ever come across. But something about the plainness of his tone, the fact his confrontation with real emotions was over jaywalking, was so absurdly hilarious that he couldn’t do anything but laugh. A loud, booming laugh that made his chest rumble.
Gavin slapped a hand on Nines’ shoulder when his outburst faded. “You are so full of shit.”
His arm fell to his hip when the android started moving, a stiff and fast walk towards the pair. Gavin grumbled to himself and shuffled after him, struggling to match his stride. He had long legs. They had to make up at least ninety percent of his height, he thought, and, boy, was there was a lot of height. He skipped a couple steps to park in front of Nines, pressing a hand to his chest. He stopped, and Gavin was grateful, because if he wasn’t sure if he was just going to stomp over him like a doormat.
“I’m serious, just leave ‘em alone.” Gavin put on his best I’m-telling-off-a-dog-right-now voice. “The law ain’t that serious.”
“If we let this slide, then what else is liable?” Nines voice was as tough as rocks. “The law needs to be consistent or people will disobey.”
Gavin rolled his eyes. “God, you are so dramatic. Look – I’ll cut you a deal. You leave them alone, I’ll see if I can weasel you into a joint case with Connor.”
Gavin wasn’t totally dumb. He saw the way Nines looked longingly at Connor and Hank when they went off to do their robotics shit. He wasn’t sure if he had a hard on for the other android or the fact they were doing something cool, but it made for a great bargaining chip nonetheless.
Nines’ frown deepened. “Hmm. I would like something else.”
Gavin raised an eyebrow.
“I would like us to work an android case together.”
Gavin stared at him. “Me and you?”
“You and I.”
“Like, just us?”
Gavin took a step back. “You’re saying you actually want to work with me?”
“You seem to have a problem with me,” Nines said. “I think it would benefit our working relationship if you learnt more about my kind.”
Straight lips and straight brows. There wasn’t a single indication that he was pulling his leg. Gavin had to take a moment to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating the fact the same android that had ragged on a child for crossing the street was asking to become closer with him.
He ran his hands through his hair. “Fine, I’ll bite,” he said. “I’ll talk to Fowler, but no promises, alright? I’m not a fuckin’ magician.”
Nines’ lips twitched the slightest bit, and it was what Gavin had come to learn was his way of chuckling. “The chances are more likely than convincing him to allow me to work with the RK800.”
He was sure then that CyberLife had programmed some kind of sarcastic asshole program into the RK models. He could at least be thankful for the fact that Nines didn’t express it as clearly, so he chose not to acknowledge it and ushered him back on the path to the car.
He was a stupid, uptight android with eyes that were way too bright with how dense he was in the head, but Gavin couldn’t bring himself to reject him.
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Nines had been dying when Gavin kissed him. He wasn't dying anymore, but the kiss was all over the news.
Barely perched on the edge of the floral-patterned chair, every muscle twitching with anxious energy, Gavin almost didn't notice the TV posted on the wall directly in front of him. He was staring right at it, but his mind was occupied with being absolutely terrified by what was happening to his partner at that very moment. An android doctor--or mechanic, technician, whatever the fuck he was--had explained that Nines had stabilized the moment they jacked him in manually, but that there were still a lot of things that could go wrong. 
"Malfunction" was the exact word that the android used, and the small amount of relief that had begun to loosen the knots in his stomach was replaced by a new wave of dread. 
"What sort of 'malfunctions?'" Gavin demanded too harshly, but the doctor's expression only softened in response. 
"It's unlikely that he'll shut down now, but...the most common side effect of this level of trauma is memory bank corruption."
The detective had leapt to his feet the moment the doctor approached him, but now his legs felt too unsteady to hold him up anymore. He sank back into the chair, trying not to imagine what his life would be like if Nines couldn't remember him. If was a selfish reaction, but Gavin had never pretended to be anything other than a self-absorbed prick. Nines was his best friend. Not his only friend, sure, but Nines had seen Gavin at his most vulnerable, most volatile, had held up under the brunt of Gavin's aggression and refused to turn away. The detective was an unstoppable force, the android an immovable object; the result was a perfect balance, a sort of stability in their relationship that Gavin had never experienced before. Nines had become a permanent fixture in Gavin's life the past few months. It felt...Nines felt comfortable. Safe, even. There had never been anyone in Gavin's life who made him feel safe before.
To lose that... Gavin felt the jagged pounding of his heart shredding his chest from the inside.
"No! No, Nines you bastard," Gavin heard the low sound of his own voice, familiarly strange, and it pierced through his painful haze all at once. His gaze snapped to the TV screen, Channel 16 News replaying the events of that morning. Gavin saw himself leaning over the battered body of his partner, Nines' upper body cradled in his arms as the blood he was rapidly losing stained them both dark blue. "Nines don't you fucking dare die right now!" Gavin was surprised at how clearly the reporters had captured the scene, too cold with shock to be properly angry at the intrusion on an intimate, terror-soaked moment. 
Nines' response was robotically garbled, but it was easy for Gavin to recognize the dry chuckle that was just as clear in his own memory as on the screen. A long, pale hand covered Gavin's rougher, darker hand where it had rested over the hole that exposed Nines' thirium pump. The blue blood had already evaporated in the time he had been sitting in the waiting room, but it seemed as though Gavin could still feel the thirium dried on his palms no matter how many times he scrubbed his hands in the clinic's bathroom. "Don't worry, Gav. I'm too stubborn to die when you still owe me twenty dollars." 
Humor, even as Nines' voice cracked with static and slowed unnaturally as his processors shut themselves down one by one. An attempt to comfort Gavin, even though Nines was the one dying. The shattered parts of Gavin's heart gave a pathetic squeeze, just as it had done in the moment. His own image on the news feed leaned in, pressed his own bloodied lips to the android's blue-coated ones. The motion was too rough, desperate. Nines had clung to him anyway, trying to pull Gavin back even as the android EMTs lifted him onto a stretcher. The news cut away from the video, and Gavin tuned out Joss Douglas's pseudo-sincere voice as he described what a touching fucking scene it was. The detective felt himself turning red as the gazes of the other people in the waiting room flicked to him. Most were android, but there were at least two other humans there. It was getting harder to tell the difference not that the majority of androids had taken to changing their appearances and tearing off their LEDs. Every person in the waiting room looked more or less how Gavin felt, faces all tight with worry and fear darkening every set of eyes that the worst might happen. Every so often a doctor would pull someone aside, the conversation followed by either muscle-melting relief or heart-wrenching sobs. Gavin really wished they would let him see Nines now that the android was stable, but apparently the repairs were delicate and they didn't want to introduce human error to the operating room. Not that the doctor had used so many words in his explanation. 
Leaning back in his chair, Gavin closed his eyes and focused on all the aches and pains in his own body to distract from the image of a bullet-riddled Nines, the sight of his blue heart pounding through the hole caved into the plastic of his chest. Goddamn it, the moment Nines was repaired enough to listen, Gavin was going to tear him apart again. Not that it would matter; Gavin had told the plastic prick a thousand times that he didn't need anyone to take blows for him, and still Nines insisted on putting himself between Gavin and harm. In the not-too-distant past, before the revolution and before he had been forced into partnering with Nines, the idea of an android getting hurt on his behalf was completely un-phasing. They weren't alive and plastic couldn't feel pain, machines couldn't fear death. But deviants could. Nines could. 
And still Nines would rather risk his own life to save Gavin's. Had almost died for Gavin. Gavin wasn't worth that.
The smell of coffee right under his nose cut through his downward spiral, and Gavin opened his eyes. His heart gave a painfully hopeful lurch. Nines. Not Nines. Connor. Gavin couldn't have kept the disappointment off his face even if he had tried to--which he didn't. Connor didn't seem offended, unsurprisingly; he had proven resilient to Gavin's attempts at getting him worked up even after becoming deviant. It had offended Gavin for a while, wounded his pride that the android thought him so harmless that it wasn't worth getting riled up, but eventually he realized that that was just Connor's personality. Nines took no shit, all sharp tongued and quiet rage, but Connor simply bore it all with unnatural grace and a dogged insistence on taking the high road. 
The steaming cup of coffee smelled so good and Gavin felt so bad that he couldn't even muster up a sarcastic greeting. He just took the cup with a quiet nod and felt almost glad when Connor took the seat next to him. Gavin hadn't realized how alone he felt until that moment. Lieutenant Anderson had been standing just behind Connor, but now he offered Gavin a tight, understanding nod. 
"How's he doing?" Hank asked, gruff voice softer than how he usually spoke to Gavin. Of course, conversations between the detectives tended to stray along the line of argument more often than not, what with Hank being a crotchety old bastard with no tolerance for bullshit and Gavin intentionally being a complete and utter asshole at any given time. Still, Gavin was a long way from genuinely hating the man, and for the moment he even went so far as to appreciate the lieutenant's presence. Maybe it was just that Hank would understand what Gavin was going through even if no one else did; he was every bit as close to Connor as Gavin was to Nines, and had probably been in this same position at least once. 
"The guy said he was stable but still getting fixed up," Gavin hesitated, cupping both hands around the warm cardboard cup and appreciating the warmth after hours spent in the cold waiting room, "Also said Nines might have…I don't know, complications. Memory loss, if anything." 
Connor made a low hum at Gavin's side, something the detective had never heard from him before. "If his memory banks were to be corrupted," Connor offered, his tone gentler than Gavin could handle, "I know that he keeps a back-up drive. He gave me access to it for scenarios precisely like this, as I've given him access to mine. Simply put, detective, if his memory is damaged, I can fix it. He won't forget you."
Gavin absolutely fucking refused to cry, but at that moment his body didn't seem too keen on obeying him. His eyes stung and vision blurred, and it took him a solid few seconds of carefully blinking the tears away before he got himself under control enough to respond to that. 
"Thanks," he slightly more than whispered, glad that his voice didn't break in addition to the low, emotional tone he couldn't keep out of his words. Thanks for…the reassurance? Being trusted enough to have a back-up of Nines memories? For comforting him when Gavin had done nothing ever to deserve the kindness? The answer was all three, and although Gavin knew that Connor was there for Nines and not himself, he also couldn't help the small warmth that touched him at the android's enduring niceness, the feeling every bit as comforting as the warmth still spreading through his hands from the coffee that Connor had brought for him. Yeah, the android was too good, annoyed the hell out of Gavin, but at the end of the day… Nines had been a blessing in disguise--provide he didn't go fucking Gavin up by dying--and Connor wasn't really unbearable either. 
Gavin normally would have retched at the thought, but he was feeling lower than he had been in a while and fuck it if Connor hadn't gone and cheered him up, just enough so that he didn't feel like he was the one dying; he was going to have to be nicer to the plastic puppy. Not friendly, not actually polite, but… well, at the very least he could stop trying to get a rise out of Connor every damn day. Wasn't much, but he was pretty certain the android would understand the importance; would probably read too far into it too, but that was neither here nor there.
Hank took a seat on the other side of Connor. Gavin didn't mind; he would've hated feeling pinned in had the lieutenant sat in the other empty chair to his left. They wasn't much conversation after that, although Hank would occasionally try and make small talk. Too tired to be annoyed, Gavin would give his monotonous replies and let the situation fizzle into silence again. Connor, for his part, didn't say anything else for nearly an hour, and Gavin watched him roll a quarter through his lithe fingers out the corner of his eyes.
"So are all you guys so fucking twitchy?" He asked Connor finally, turning to eye the coin meaningfully. The question came out tinted in irritation that Gavin didn't actually feel. He was worried, above all else, despite Connor's previous reassurance. What's taking them so long? Why hasn't anyone come to tell us how Nines is doing? How much longer will it be? Not having any answers was going to drive Gavin crazy. He didn't know how to deal with anxious, and so he came across angry instead. Gavin consciously stopped drumming his fingers against the side of his leg, realizing the irony of it. "I mean," he reworded it carefully, "do all androids fidget so much, or is it just you and Nines?"
Connor paused, the coin stilling between his middle and index finger momentarily. "The need for constant stimulation seems limited to late-model RK series androids." Gavin noticed Hank nudge the android gently with his elbow, and it was Connor's turn to rephrase himself.
"I mean, yes. While I wasn't aware that Nines also did…this?" He twirled the coin through his fingers again as if in demonstration, "We are the only androids that I know of who need to keep ourselves…occupied."
"How come?" Gavin pried. He secretly ignored the smug feeling that he had known something about Nines that Connor didn't. The two could physically link their minds and memories, after all. The detective didn't know enough about android physiology to know what exactly that entailed, but he figured it left little room for secrets. 
"Cyberlife programmed us to not be…idle, I think is the best word for it. We feel compelled to always be doing something, unless we're put in stasis." There was an edge to Connor's tone that Gavin was unprepared for. He didn't think it was resentment, exactly, but closer to bitterness than he had ever heard the android get. In hindsight, it wasn't that surprising; Cyberlife was a sensitive topic for Nines as well. Nines would object to Gavin using the word "sensitive" to describe anything about him, but the detective had learned to read his micro-expressions, could recognize the pain that flashed behind his machine grey eyes and the downward twitch at the corner of his perfect mouth. Normal androids seemed to have no problem moving past their programming, as if being alive was perfectly natural to them--as natural as it could for beings that were literally all synthetic-- but Nines and Connor weren't normal androids. Prototypes, both of them, made to act more human but never truly be it; Gavin thought it was both ironic and cruel that the RKs had always been more than other androids but now seemed almost less. The programming that had made them both so special now just made it harder for them to be them. If someone had told him at the beginning that there'd be a time when he would feel sorry for Connor, he would've laughed and said it was because the android was a sorry plastic bitch anyway.
Then again, if that same someone had also told him that he'd end up being comforted by that sorry plastic bitch while he waited in an android-centric clinic, worried for news on his own plastic partner… Gavin always had a pretty explosive temper, and that someone would've found themselves fucked right up for the insinuation. For Gavin to have even entertained the idea of caring about a lifeless toy would have been unthinkable. Nines had changed that. Had changed him.
God fucking damn it, that was too much. Too sappy, too cliché. Too close to admitting the truth of exactly how much Nines meant to him.
The sound of Hank choking as he tried to repress something dragged Gavin out of his own head, a blessed distraction until Gavin realized that the aborted sound had been a surprised laugh. First the detective's gaze tracked around Connor's impassive face to the lieutenant's, and he felt his stomach sink at the barely contained amusement on the man's face. Hank looked like he had just unwrapped the first present on Christmas morning and it was exactly what he had hoped for. His eyes twinkled and his lips twitched, eager to stretch themselves into a grin that the lieutenant was clearly doing his very best to restrain. Gavin could picture the man's shit-eating grin anyway, and he flashed his gaze quickly to the TV screen, confirming his suspicion. Yep, there it was. Gavin sucking face with a half-dead Nines. 
I'll never hear the end of this, he groaned inwardly, literally biting down on his own tongue to keep from snapping. Hank was holding back out of a sense of respect or sensitivity or what-the-fuck-ever, and Gavin didn't want to risk messing that up right now. Just this once, he didn't want to incite a confrontation.
What he did want was to storm into whatever operating room or repair node Nines was in, chew him out for being  the sort of fucking idiot who nearly gets himself killed and scares his partner half to death…and then kiss him again. He didn't think he misread the way Nines pulled him back in, despite his own panic clouding his senses. But then again, maybe Nines had just…been glitching. Or afraid. Gavin would never accuse Nines of being scared to his perfect face, but the fear was there anyway. The android had access to the full range of emotion, and even though he hid it better than his predecessor, Gavin had gotten too close to him to not notice the signs. Gavin figured that if he was the one dying, he'd take whatever comfort he could get. That was all it was. The thought hurt more than Gavin cared to admit, even to himself.
"Gavin Reed?" Someone stepped out of the hallway where they had taken Nines, clipboard in hand. It wasn't the same android that had spoken to him last; this one was the same model as the receptionists that had returned to work at the department, although her hair was an unusual shade of dark red and her probably unnecessary white lab coat made it clear that she wasn't a secretary. "Mister Gavin Reed?"
"Uh…Yeah, I'm--That's me." Gavin leapt to his feet, heart in his throat, and made his was over to her. Connor and Hank were hot on his heels. "How's Nines?""He's doing fine. We're running a few final diagnostics and ensuring there are no residual complications, but so far everything seems nominal," the lady paused to let that sink in, smiling encouragingly when Gavin couldn't help melting back in relief. He was close enough now to read her nametag: Ella. "The moment he was functional enough to speak he inquired about you. He was very insistent on seeing you when we informed him that you were well and in fact waiting on him, even in the…fragile state he was in."
"'Insistent?'" Gavin questioned. The other word that stood out was fragile, but Gavin didn't need any elaboration on that one. Didn't want it, either; wasn't sure he could handle knowing exactly how close he had really gotten to losing his partner. Knowing that Nines could have died was bad enough without the exact list of everything that had been wrong.
"We had to restrain him temporarily, to prevent him further damaging himself." Ella explained, tone deceptively casual as she turned towards the hallway door, swiping her ID card against the scanner and allowing the trio to follow her in. The fact that she didn't question Connor or Hank only gave the detective pause until he remembered that Connor was the spitting-fucking-image of Nines, at least as far as someone who didn't know the pair well was concerned.
Huh. Having to be restrained while already falling apart was somehow very on-brand for Nines. Because he was worried about Gavin. What a fucking idiot. Gavin couldn't deny the heat that pressed its way through his chest and into his cheeks at the thought.
"Uh." Was all Gavin could managed out loud. His heart was pounding in his own ears, his muscles twitching, demanding he move faster. Connor struck up a conversation with Ella about Nines' condition, which Gavin tuned out instantly. They passed by several open doors and even more closed ones, taking a left turn and then a right before they finally came to the room where Nines was waiting. 
Another swipe of the keycard and the door swung open by itself. Gavin pushed past a tolerant Ella into the room, barely noticing the table full of blue blood and parts, the two other doctors, or the half-naked, half-skinned state Nines was in. The plan had been to march into the room with a smart-ass quip on his tongue and an unaffected smirk on his face. Nines would understand exactly what Gavin really wanted to say, because he always did, and would snark back with something scathing that would only flood the detective with relief. What really happened is that, the moment Gavin saw Nines perched on the edge of the metal operating table, mechanical arms folding back up into the ceiling above him, skin still missing across his chest where the plastic had just been repaired, he very clearly decided fuck it all and launched himself directly into his partner's surprised but receptive arms. The smooth white exoskeleton felt strange against Gavin's cheek where it rested on Nines' exposed shoulder, but the feeling was far from repulsive. Nines' arms wrapped immediately around the detective's back, strong and reassuring and--
"Dammit," Gavin groaned, pushing himself back just a little too reluctantly. "You're such a fucking prick, Nines."
His words lacked any heat, especially considering the way he was still standing between the android's knees with Nines' long hands flat against his back. It was at that moment that Gavin decided to become acutely aware of exactly how many people were present in the room. Three technicians, plus Connor and Hank--the latter of which was failing to repress his snickering. The moment Gavin turned red was the moment Nines' hands fell away, allowing Gavin to step hurriedly back. 
"I'm glad that you're unharmed, detective." Nines said, formality worming its way into the space Gavin had just made between them. Gavin saw it for what it was: hurt. A dash of confusion, maybe. He suddenly wondered if Nines had been bothered by the other eyes in the room; the android had never shown any signs of shyness or modesty before and there was no reason to assume he'd start now. Even though he would understand why Gavin pulled away, Nines would not have done the same.
"I'm only unharmed because you're a goddamn idiot who insists on putting himself in the way!" There, Gavin was getting back on track. Anger was easier than worry or whatever the fuck that hug had been. Sentimental wasn't a good look on Gavin, and he hated the way it hurt from the inside out. Call it unhealthy, but at least he had learned to manage his anger--mostly through physical means, namely punching the shit out of something or someone, but whatever. For now he settled for raising his voice and letting every ounce of the terror he had felt manifest as fury. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Nines. There was a "thank you" hidden behind the entire outburst. "If you ever fucking do some stupid shit like that again I will--" 
"Kiss me again?" Nines interrupted, one brow cocking up and the twitchy equivalent of a shit-eating grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. Hank barked out a laugh, quickly silenced. Gavin went redder still but ignore it. The skin reactivated over Nines' torso in that strange, wavy manner, flawless and almost as smooth as what lay below. Gavin wondered, just for an instant, if it would still be as hard to the touch as plastic, but he knew it would be soft. Velvety skin would give just a little under Gavin's fingers if he would only reach out and touch it. 
"You jackass," Gavin snarled, and then, snapping to his decision, gave an exasperated sigh. Like he was helpless to stop what happened next. He was beginning to think that maybe he was helpless, but the thought wasn't nearly as horrible as it should have been. Nines' grey eyes watched him so sharply, every hard line of his face was so intense. It was difficult to breath under the scrutiny. Between that and pounding of his own relieved heart (fuck it, fuck it, fuck it) and the dread that had pinned him down for the past hours finally flooding away all at once the moment he laid eyes on Nines… "Fuck it."
The detective had every intention of letting himself fall forwards into Nines arms again, and he didn't care who was in the room anymore because dammit he had nearly lost Nines. Let him have just this one moment to enjoy having his partner back. The android slid off the table the instant Gavin began to move, as though he had only been waiting on affirmation that Gavin did in fact want him.  And fuck, Gavin did. Nines' mouth met his halfway, those lithe fingers wrapping themselves around Gavin's waist to pull him close. The skin on Nines' stomach and chest was every bit as perfect to the touch as Gavin had guessed it would be, and he trailed his flattened palms up the android's cool torso until he could wrap his arms around his neck, twirling his too-rough fingers into soft, curly hair. Nines didn't complain. 
For a brief moment of clarity, he heard someone--Hank?--clear their throat and someone else muttered to give them space. There were footsteps, the sound of a door hissing shut, and--
Gavin couldn't think anymore. There was a faint chemical taste to Nines, not nearly as bitter as Gavin thought it should be, and he wondered absently if that was the android or the environment. Given how deeply Nines was returning every push and pull of Gavin's mouth, the detective was fairly certain he'd be able to find out for sure at a later date. The thought made his heart pound, and he realized finally that he needed to breath. Nines seemed to come to the same conclusion, or at least had felt the way Gavin prepared to pull back, because he did so first, leaning away only slightly to stare into Gavin's eyes. Which did nothing to help with the breathing. Or the pounding heart. Or--
"I'm so fucking glad you didn't die," Gavin was surprised at how hoarse and whispery his voice was. Intimate, like how he sounded when he had been thoroughly fucked-out by previous boyfriends, his mind hazy with pleasure and even sometimes genuine affection. If Nines had lowered him to that level with just a kiss…well, he didn't actually know what the android was packing, if anything at all, and now was definitely not the time. He didn't know what this was, what it was going to be, if it was even anything other than an adrenaline and fear come-down. At the moment, it really didn't matter. He just hoped that Nines would read his sudden temperature spike as embarrassment about the kiss or confession. "Nines, I'm serious. You can't do this shit to me ever again. I will lose my fucking mind if I ever have to sit in some waiting room for hours worrying about whether you're going to be alright again."
Something dark and guilty passed through Nines' breathtaking eyes and settled there, his entire face pulling just slightly downwards in tandem. He squeezed Gavin's hips tightly, urgently, but not enough to hurt. "I would do anything to protect you, Gavin."
Gavin waited, although patience was not his particular virtue, heart jumping at the sound of his name in Nines' mouth. He wanted to taste it too, feel his name against his own lips, but this was more important. Nines' LED went yellow, his lips parting in a silent, unnecessary sigh. 
"I will be more careful about how I go about it in the future. So long as you promise to avoid excessive danger."
“Hmmm," Gavin grinned, the reassurance enough to make him feel lighter than he had all day. "I'll have to think about that."
Another sharp squeeze to his hips, and Nines leaned in with renew intensity. The next time they pulled apart, Gavin panting and Nines having the good grace to look mildly flustered, the android's voice was just as low as Gavin's had been before. Equally intimate, equally afraid. "I don't want to stay here anymore."
Gavin nodded, two sharp little motions that he hoped portrayed the words "thank fucking god because this place is creepy as shit" and allowed himself to untangle from the android with only a small amount of hesitation. He straightened his own jacket idle, taking in for the first time the full state of the android. That is, Nines was completely bare except for a pair of black briefs not unlike what he had seen the androids at Eden Club wearing. Huh. Probably Cyberlife issued. 
Which led Gavin right back to his earlier train of thought. Which led inevitably back to what are we? 
Nines turned away, rummaged through some cabinets at the far end of the room, and slipped into a pair of paper scrubs, just like at a human hospital. It unnerved Gavin for just a moment; the clinic had felt far enough removed from a hospital that he had only felt the need to focus on his one concern, Nines. Clearheaded now, he was beginning to smell the sharp chemicals that he had tasted on Nines and recognize the bone-deep dread that accompanied Gavin into any sort of medical building. 
Nines draped an arm around Gavin's shoulder, no hesitation or question. Maybe Gavin should have brushed it off, shot the android a glare, and marched out of the room and the clinic with what remained of his pride. But he didn't. Didn't want to, not even for an instant. The weight was heavy but comfortable, and the fact that they hadn't needed to talk about it--that Nines could see what Gavin really wanted, and apparently wanted the same thing--made Gavin unbelievably giddy despite the settling discomfort. It was a weird mix of feelings, but as they strolled casually out of the room, together, like that was how it was always meant to be--as he saw Hank smile so kindly at him, and Connor look so genuinely overjoyed; as he felt Nines lightly squeeze his shoulder in casual reassurance--Gavin thought that he might never have been happier. Sure, he'd have to eat a lot of his words the next day at work, but Nines… 
He tilted his head to plant a kiss on the android's cheek, relaxed and uncharacteristically sappy, and Gavin knew that Nines was worth it.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Feral for each other
This was prompted by the amazing @smolandangry001! This was fun to write but prepare for angst!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: unpunished police brutality if you think about it, violence)
‘Gavin, I don’t feel good about this.’ ‘I know, babe’, Gavin whispered sitting next to him in the car, watching the others already mill about busy making last preparations. He turned towards the android and tried to smile at him as reassuringly as he could. ‘I’m here, okay? I will look out for you. If you need me, I’ll be there.’ ‘This will be just another Ferndale incident’, Nines disagreed. ‘It was mere luck I didn’t...’ The android looked at his hands contorted to claws and there was horror evident on his face as if he could still see it. Very gently, Gavin took his hands, looked out of the front window and kissed Nines fingers as he was sure no one was looking. ‘Then we’ll be lucky again.’ He pushed Nines fingers close and gifted him yet another smile. ‘We will get this over with, we will both return home tonight. I promise.’ Nines closed his eyes, LED still settled on red when he finally nodded and waited for Gavin to step out of the car. He took his pistol, checked the magazine for the hundredth time and followed Gavin over to their meeting point with SWAT and the FBI team.
‘Any news?’, Gavin asked one of his colleagues, who just pointed to Agent Perkins, who was listening intently to his ear-piece. ‘Captain Allen and Sixty have already met and our favourite RK800 is currently passing through the intel. I bet we are clear to storm in a moment.’ Gavin nodded and watched the building in front of them. He knew why he hated undercover operations: If they went wrong, they went to hell immediately. They were lucky the gang thought they could get their hands on police information. It was the only reason Allen was still alive and they had someone to rescue. Sixty had successfully infiltrated the building and already incapacitated some of the gang-members, but soon it was time for the whole team to go in. And from Perkins’ body language, that moment wasn’t so far away now.
The man nodded and looked over at them. Gavin had never liked the self-righteous asshole, but he had to respect him for his competence in the field. ‘RK900, I want you with my men in the front’, he began to bark. ‘We went over this a hundred times, I won’t repeat myself. Stay with your teams, be careful and stick to the damn plan! We will get this man out alive and well!’ Nines already moved and Gavin fell in step next to him. ‘Reed! On your position!’ The Detective sighed and turned to Perkins. ‘Listen, my position is next to Nines.’ ‘We don’t have time for your rebellious body-cop act. Don’t make me regret agreeing to have you on this mission.’ Gavin clenched his teeth and looked at Nines, who gave him a barely perceivable nod. ‘Alright, listen here Perkins. You might have heard about the Ferndale incident?’ ‘I have, that’s why I want the RK900 on the team.’ ‘Then you might not know I was there too and was the only reason Nines didn’t kill his colleagues, too. So, I guess you would agree that the position I am most useful in is right at his side.’ Perkins watched him with narrowed eyes, but reluctantly nodded. ‘Fine. Stay with him. Don’t cause any problems.’
They joined the first team to enter and Nines sheepishly looked around, avoiding their eyes. ‘Hey, it won’t happen again’, Gavin mumbled under his breath, knowing only the android would be able to hear him. ‘It’s okay, I’m here.’ He couldn’t take his hand out here in the open and hold him, so his soft words had to suffice. The android’s LED turned from red to yellow at least, so that might have been a good sign. He wouldn’t have much time to do anything else anyways as they got the order to move out.
It was a short jog up the hill and down the other side to the building’s main entrance. Nines was in the very front taking the lead, Gavin right behind him and the rest of the team surrounding him. He was a good shot and well-trained, but he was seldom in the situation to actually pull it on people except maybe as an intimidation tactic. He really was mainly here because of Nines. He hoped his own words would prove themselves true and he wasn’t needed.
They breached the doors and were almost immediately met with gunfire they returned. With mechanical efficiency, Nines took out the more difficult targets, incapacitating them with shots in the legs or arms.  He rushed in as soon as someone lost their pistol and took care of them with a well placed punch. Then the whole team hurried onwards before anyone could alarm someone, potentially making them harm or kill Allen in their panic.
They ran along the hallway, the sounds of their boots echoing back from the wall. Gavin saw Nines look back at him at least once and they both seemed to relax a little at that. But it wasn’t over yet. They entered yet another big room, Sixty’s intel helping them navigate. They turned right and ran on, only to be stopped once again. Maybe they had already discovered them rushing in or the sound of gunshots had alerted them. Gavin let himself fall back and covered their backs, only to be snatched, when he least expected it: An arm snaked itself around his neck and someone kicked the pistol from his hand. He began to struggle against the hold only to have the barrel of a gun pressed against his head. ‘Everyone drop their weapons and leave!’, the man holding Gavin demanded, but all that entailed was the SWATs to aim back at them. Gavin knew the statistics of a hostage surviving something like this, but somehow hoped they would change in his favour, when his eyes met Nines’. Oh no.
Nines stared at him, but only in the first moment he looked adequately panicked and afraid. Then a look of robotic indifference washed over his face as his body dropped processes active only to integrate with humans: His breathing and blinking stopped, and his stance changed to better supply the full strength and agility of a machine. Gavin swallowed hard and tried to calm himself down ignoring his surroundings. ‘Nines. Nines, it’s okay, calm down. They won’t harm me.’ ‘Shut up! We will!’ Gavin jolted his head and hissed: ‘Listen buddy, you don’t know what’s coming for y-‘ The pressure of the arm around his throat rose and let his words die in his throat. He still tried to look at Nines and contorted his face to something that should have been a calm smile. But he couldn’t control his heart beating in his chest and throat and his laboured breath.
And that action seemed to finally enable Nines’ protocols fully. The android smashed his shoulder into the side of one of the SWAT-members and ripped his weapons off his body to shoot them into the ambushing gang-members. With cold precision, one bullet after the next, the people fell to the ground, dead. RK900 had fired while running up to the man that held Gavin hostage. Now he stood in front of them and punched him in the face while at the same time forcing the gun out of his hand. The man fell to the ground, but the machine wasn’t finished yet, punching him again and again as blood already streamed from his nose. Gavin fell to his knees too, as the arm around his neck had vanished and gasped for air. He allowed himself just a second, before turning to the rest of the SWAT-team and signalling them to get the fuck out of here and continue with the mission.
They didn’t hesitate fleeing, seeing the android still punching the lifeless body of the man who had threatened Gavin. At the sound of their feet, the machine turned around, uniform splattered with blood and seemed ready to run after them not distinguishing between enemy and ally anymore but only analysing threats. As Gavin realised the android was moments away from sprinting off, he pushed himself in his way and held him by the shoulders, knowing there was no way he could actually prevent him from slaughtering his co-workers in this state.
‘RK900, stand down. That’s an order’, he said with stern voice, although he couldn’t hide his panting. ‘All enemies obliterated, disengage soldier protocols.’ The android blinked once, looking at Gavin, but still having that distant look on his face. It wasn’t over yet. ‘You did well, RK900, your target is safe’, Gavin tried to get through to Nines. And that made him blink once again, his LED turning red in an instant. Gavin immediately let go of his shoulders and took his hands. ‘Nines, Nines, look. I’m fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry, I wasn’t hurt. I’m not in danger anymore, I am fine. I am fine. I’m okay. You understand?’ ‘Gavin’, Nines answered, voice loaded with static. ‘Gavin, I saw you… You had a gun against your head and someone held you hostage and-‘ Nines lifted his hands to his head, but Gavin forced them to stay down and instead lifted his own up to make him focus on him. ‘Nines, it’s fine. I’m okay. I’m safe. That happened, but it’s over now. You saved me.’ ‘I… saved you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did I…’ He tried to move his head, but Gavin shook his head telling him not to. ‘Yes. You did. Like Ferndale.’ ‘Is… Did I hurt many?’ ‘You killed the ambushing gang-members. The rest of the team is safe. They are off to save Allen.’ ‘How many?’ Gavin looked around and grimaced. ‘Shit, I don’t know. Ten? It looks like more than ten.’ It made the android press his eyes together in pain.
‘Hey, it’s not your fault, okay?’, Gavin tried softly. ‘You were programmed like this. You can’t do anything about it.’ ‘I’m not programmed like this. It’s a malfunction because I…’ ‘There is no one around, Nines, it’s okay. You can say it. I love you too. We will get out of this. I will tell Fowler what happened, that it was self-defence. He will likely give us a pass. Perkins will be pissed, but the guy has zero authority and Fowler hates him. We will be fine, okay?’ Nines shook his head. ‘It won’t. I killed, Gavin.’ ‘You did and so did I on the job. Let’s just say that we will never, ever take a mission like this again.’ ‘I can’t Gavin, Sixty-‘ ‘Sixty’s feelings are his problem. They’ll just send more people. Also, I highly doubt your psycho little brother wouldn’t get Allen out on his own. Only you are important at the moment. And you will be fine. Come on now, let’s get out of here.’
They had barely made it back to the precinct and got Nines’ hands clean of blood and a new change of clothes, as shit hit the fan: Perkins marched up to Fowler’s office, who Gavin had already warned and informed of the situation. It didn’t take long for Fowler to stand up from his chair, so his table was the only barrier between him and the Federal Agent. Soon after the windows were frosted and all that was left was the muffled screaming coming from within.
Nines sunk deeper into his chair as Gavin tended to him, cleaning the joints of his fingers from blood. He had hit the asshole that had held Gavin hard enough to deactivate his artificial skin. Gavin should have been afraid, seeing Nines’ raw strength and fury, but all he could feel was worry. Yes, Nines could be shoved in the backseat by mindless programming that made him go full terminator, forcing him to fight until either everyone was dead, or he couldn’t function anymore. But when he was back in control, he was soft and polite and everything Gavin wasn’t. On their very first occasion the android had caught Gavin off-guard by reacting to his curses by apologising. He was the very first person that managed to make the precinct’s asshole feel sorry and ever since they had been the perfect team. More than that, actually, but they hadn’t told anyone they actually were in a relationship. Not yet, or maybe never.
It broke Gavin’s heart, he had forgotten for the longest time, seeing Nines like this. Ashamed of what he had done, full of regret and worrying for his future. Gavin couldn’t help but set the pipe cleaner aside and brush over his exposed knuckles. ‘It’s okay, Nines. It’s not your fault.’ ‘I know’, the android returned quietly. ‘But I should have known better.’ ‘We will next time’, the Detective reassured him. ‘If there is a-‘
‘There he is!’ The door of Fowler’s office opened, and Perkins hurried down the stairs, face red as a tomato. ‘There is the fucking killerbot you lunatics still let run free! What the fuck is wrong with you? Something malfunctioning? Some mis-wired connection? Or did you just finally decided to turn against humans, huh?’ Nines head dropped, and he pulled his hand out of Gavin’s. ‘I thought you were competent as they told me of Ferndale. But now I realised your damn precinct is just conspiring to keep a cold-blooded murderer in their midst!’ Perkins looked around the precinct that had fallen awfully quiet. ‘I guess it is convenient to have a tool to use when everything went to shit. Send the RK900, it will clear out an entire building, regardless of whether the people inside are criminals or civilians. We can always call on self-defence.’ He shook his head and leaned forwards, looking Nines straight in the eyes. ‘You know what? I think some of you would really have been better off being dismantled at the camps.’
Gavin had watched the whole conversation going down in shock. For once in his life he was missing the words to tell Perkins to fuck off. Because there were no words that would accurately describe what cold hatred he was feeling at that very moment. Silence stretched and with horror, Gavin saw how Nines nodded and hid his hands against his body.
That was it.
‘Perkins, you lousy excuse of a human being!’, he whispered, but in the dead silence of the precinct it was more effective than a scream. ‘You. Goddamn… Phck, I don’t have words for it. What is your twisted mind like that you think you can just say something like this? This android saved my life. And I specifically told you not to take him with you on the mission. But surprise: You cocksure bastard thought I was just some idiot that can be ignored. This is entirely on your poor judgement and you can’t weasel your way out of that!’ Gavin had to take a break to breath as the tension inside his body had made him talk a lot faster than healthy. Perkins used it to open his mouth, but before a word left his throat, Gavin was already back at it: ‘I don’t phcking care what the hell you have to say. You won’t get another chance at insulting my boyfriend, who just went through an event that was traumatic. But you didn’t think of that, right? Not even for a minute, you wasted a thought on putting yourself in his shoes. How do you think it feels to be shoved out of your own body because some asshole thought it would be fun to design a killing machine? You don’t know the first thing about the love of my life, this precinct or our past. So, I would greatly advise you to shut up, leave this precinct and go eat a double decker dick sandwich!’
Once again silence fell, and Gavin knew everyone including Fowler was looking at him. He didn’t care. Not one bit. He could only stare at Perkins unblinking, challenging him to back off. But he didn’t. Of course, he didn’t. ‘Or what?’, he asked with a sly grin. ‘You gonna let your rabid dog off the leash?’ Gavin didn’t hesitate. He had planned this for a while now and he really, really didn’t care anymore. He stepped back and took a swing at Perkins, landing his fist perfectly against his brow and nose to make him stumble back and holding his laceration at the temple. ‘Believe me, that you already did by insulting him. You shouldn’t fear Nines. I am the one that will kick your ass out of here if you are not leaving in the next five seconds.’ ‘You can’t be serious-‘ Gavin hit him again. The fact that no one had yet dared to stand up and intervene meant that most were on his side here. The Detective leaned down to him and whispered once again: ‘Five seconds. Leave. Now.’
Perkins snarled at him, but Gavin’s already lifted fist was enough to convince him in the end and he ran towards the exit, shouting something like: ‘This isn’t over yet!’
Gavin couldn’t keep himself upright any longer and slumped against his table, slowly sinking to the ground. ‘Phck. I just punched a Federal Agent. I’m so damn screwed.’ He let his head fall into his hands. Then there was another one in front of his face, offering to help him up. It was Hank, Connor next to him. Nines was standing at his side too but looked more worried than comforting. ‘Don’t worry, Reed’, Hank laughed. ‘I did that too, once. Was actually quite satisfying as you might know now.’ ‘Yeah. I can still prepare to get my stuff and search for a new job now.’ ‘Don’t think so. You should have seen Fowler’s face. Don’t worry.’
Gavin turned around and looked Nines up and down, who in the end just stepped forwards and pulled Gavin in a strong hug. ‘Wanted to congratulate you two’, Gavin heard Connor’s distant voice. ‘Didn’t know you two were together.’ Both Nines and Gavin froze and looked at each other. ‘What?’ ‘You said he was your boyfriend.’ ‘I… did?’ ‘Yep.’
Gavin looked at Nines face that just pleaded him to go home and hold each other in the safety of their bedroom. It made him smile in contentment, because honestly, he would love to do that. ‘Yeah. I love him more than anything.’
[>next part]
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tiny-pun · 6 years
So lately I've been very much into Reed900 and I definitely need more, esspecially ones were no one knows Gavin is Elijah's brother (since Eli deleted all relations). So here are some ideas:
- Nines was shot and tho Gavin still pretends to hate him, he frantically calls Eli to fix him. ( there are some but not nearly enough fics)
-Their Dad is in town and is making trouble. Maybe Gavin sees it on the news and everyone is irritated why he suddenly bolts out of the precinct.
- Eli is hosting a Ball or gala. Gavin and Nines have to go as security, since they don't have a case at the moment. Eli doesn't know he is there up to the moment someone tries to attack him (Their dad) and Gavin protects him like he always did
-Eli visits the precinct to check on his favourite androids ... and to embarrass his brother
- Chloe comes in to give Connor and Hank their wedding inventation ..everyone is surprised, that Gavin (and Nines) gets one too... and even more, when he is so touched he almost cries
-an old friend of Gavins visits, one that so does not fit to the people he normally talks to. Someone very shy and sweet,to whom he talks in such a way no one has ever seen him. Nines is obviously jealous.
- an old friend of Gavins visits and sees him working with androids. "You're partnered with an android?",they asked in a sad and heavy voice. Neither of them notices how the precinct falls silent and everyone looks at them, waiting for the outburst. Gavin looks at the ground, eyes watering slightly. "Yes", he whispers. "Oh Gavin, I'm so sorry. Why did they..? Couldn't you..?" They both knew the answer. Gavin had to have the constant reminder of the betrayal of his so called brother as a partner. So they just fall into each other's arms for a while. Nines doesn't know how to adress the subject but tries anyway. (Could be one-sided (Nines) or both sides: the inner conflict of Gavin would be very interesting)
-on that note: everyone ( including Nines, since he got all memories from Connor) expects Gavin to lash out even worse than normally. Everyone prepares mentally to have a bad workplace atmosphere the next couple days if not weeks. Esspecially since he already comes in obviously not having had a good morning and yelling at everyone who is an inconvenience in his path.
But to everyone's surprise, when he is told the news he just stares at Fowler. He stares and everyone is holding their breath waiting for the bomb -for Gavin to explode.But he doesn't explode. NO he just nods, looks at the ground and than at Nines and introduced himself politely, professionally. It's as if he is suddenly drained from every emotion or as if he is far, far away from himself . He stays professional but distant. As if he just accepted his defeat.
NO one likes it. Everyone is uneasy and just want their opinionated but admittedly asshole-ish detective back. But no one dares to ask... until Nines does.
-Eli was attacked. Everyone is against Gavin taking the case but since everyone is too deep in another one, they have to give into him.
- one of the androids has a malfunction they can't repair,but going to cyberlife would take too long. Everyone is surprised, that Gavin knows how to fix it.
- Perkins ( who is also Gavins ex ..which almost no one knows) comes in about a case involving androids. They ask the 4 what to do But he ultimately already knew: Gavin has to call his brother. Gavin obviously is against that but Perkins ( having met Elijah) soothingly convinces him
- Kamsiks father (thus also Gavins which no one knows) comes in, trying to make a deal. Since he steps foot in, Gavin is oddly quite and focused. He eventually goes out to have a smoke and Hank and the androids tag along. But just a little later. Kamski father comes out and assaults Gavin for being a terrible son. For abandoning the family. For tearing them apart. For being such a fuck up
- halsey song 'strange love (or 'young god') seem very fitting to them. Everyone wondering why Nines settles for Gavin (There is a really good one about this but mooooore)
- more of Nines point out how good of a detective Gavin. Thus standing up for Gavin and comforting him !
- more of Gavin being good with animals and kids! Esspeically victims of abuse!
Feel free to add!
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thatgirlkennedie · 6 years
G*vin R*ed
So my most recent post regarding my game experience had mentioned Gavin Reed and I said I was going to need a longer post to describe why I strongly dislike him. That post is now. Now you can disagree with me all you want and if you want to talk about it with me (like an adult), my ask box is there. Now without further ado, I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty that is Gavin Reed.
I’ve seen this fandom since this game came out. I’ve seen the good, the bad, the great, and the God awful stuff all over this Hellsight. Now, there’s a bunch of characters in this game, some characters who we only see a few times and those you see throughout this whole game. I bring this up in general because there’s seem to be a lot of favoritism in this fandom which I’m not saying is the problem; My problem lies when favoritism is put on a person who has little to no interaction and only a few scenes of them present. It’s baffling really, I thought a fandom as big as DBH would come to actually favor the three main characters, maybe even the leaders of Jericho but boy was I dead wrong. Favoritism is more often than not on 4 characters; Connor and Hank, which make sense, Gavin Reed which... I’ll get to, and RK900 or as the fandom likes to call him, Nines.
Now, I love Connor just like anyone else and even love Hank too and I love them both because of their character development throughout the game. But my favorite character will always be Markus by far and Kara fall short because of awful writing from Dav Cag himself. Most to all characters that aren’t Connor or Hank fall short to poor character development and it makes sense for everyone to like Connor and Hank.
What irks me is the amount of love for Gavin Reed and RK900. Now, I don’t hate the people who like them, but it sickens me to see how 2 characters, one in which is on screen for literally 4 seconds, have more love than both Markus and Kara combined. I have no ill hate toward RK900 because he doesn’t warrant hate since he literally says nothing when he’s on screen. And I get the whole “But he’s a blank slate uwu” but really you guys rather develop someone with nothing than develop the characters who have something but not enough? Wild.
Now I see people talk about how Gavin is not that bad, that he’s just a gay tsundere or their “trash boi (TM)” (and it’s not everyone but it’s a heavy majority), but he’s literally just an asshole and on top of that, he’s racist. And why is he racist? Well maybe because he antagonizes androids for fun???? Being unnecessarily rough with a traumatized android and not only that, but he’s blatantly mean to Connor and that doesn’t sit right with me. Abusing your power because you think you can since you’re a cop is no bueno. Also, the fact that he also makes fun of Hank when he knows he has an alcoholic problem is awful behavior. Not to mention the fact that he can actually kill Connor in the evidence room without any remorse is literally terrible. His character bio literally says he’s an asshole and I believe he’s poorly written and unnecessary to the game.
Now, I love an actual good antagonist. Like Amanda, she’s great because she represents an actual antagonist toward Connor with him taking orders as such. Gavin is no antagonist, he’s just a bully. A redemption arc? Redemption for being nothing but an asshole? Nope, not worth it. I rather see character development of literally anyone else before I even think about a Gavin Reed Redemption Arc. And even though he isn’t a good antagonist, he does represent anti-android prejudice just like all the other humans who hated androids. I most certainly rather see him be that kind of villain being portrayed rather than an “Oh but look! He’s a misunderstood boy, I swear” redemption arc. If there was even an ounce of some sort of us seeing him changing just a little, I wouldn’t be making this post in the first place which leads me into another thing I’ve seen.
Gavin Reed apologist
There’s a pretty obvious difference between fanon and canon. One is what the story is and what is given to us while the other is the fandom interpretation and creative aspect of canon. The fanon Gavin, I couldn’t give a shit about because you can change a character all you want, but when you change a character and begin to believe that that’s how they are in canon and apologize for how they are, red flags go off in my head. This goes for any character really but seeing Gavin portrayed as just a gay tsundere only is a big can of nope to me.
Another thing I want to mention that I’ve seen people compare Gavin to other characters for behavioral purposes. Just so I don’t make this post too unbelievably long, I’m not gonna describe all the people I’ve seen him being compared with but I will give an example of one: Hank. Now I’ve only seen this a few times but I think it’s downright silly comparing these two. Yes, they both were mean to Connor and yes, they both hated androids but what set those two apart is the fact that Hank actually developed. He had a reason to hate Connor, was it justified? Nope, but it was a reason nonetheless, Gavin has no reasons at all. He fulfills the “I’m a cop I do what I want” narrative almost too well and before you start pulling out the pitchforks, yes, I know he’s underdeveloped but he’s just like all the other human that hate androids. He believes his job is threatened because Connor is there which I think is silly because Connor is the only android there like why are threatened and why are you such a bully??? Hank was the same way, he was very verbal about his hatred but even he started seeing Androids as more than just machines and I commend him for that. And before you say “But we don’t know anything about Gavin so how can you say this?” Well, if Hank, who’s not only lost his son to what he believed for so long was due to an android and is a depressed alcoholic can change, I’m pretty sure Gavin could have changed but nah, he’s just bitter.
Now I spoke about favoritism before and I feel like it even goes deeper than that. Most might not realize it (it’s an unconscious thing too with our society) but it’s also racist ideology to choose white character over POC. Now before you start putting my head in a guillotine, think about it. Is Markus or Josh in your favorites list? Is either of them in remotely the top 5? Are they above a white character? Better yet, are they above Gavin? If the answer is No to most of these, first of all, that’s okay, but unconscious racism is a thing that is just that, unconscious. You don’t mean to do any of it but with our white driven society, that’s the majority of what we see so you're bound to be drawn to white characters more often than not. It’s rooted inside of you since birth really so it makes sense and it’s not your fault. And I say this only because I think it’s baffling to like Gavin over Markus in like any context.
I guess to some all of this up, Gavin is just a bad character with no redeeming qualities and people apologize for his shitty actions. And hey, if you like him in the game or fanon than good on you, but I for one will not stand for someone who’s a racist, bigot, asshole or anything that glosses over (or worse, romanticize) his shitty behavior. And at the end of the day, he is just a character in a video game but does that change my stance? Not in the slightest. There’s so much more I can say but I’m gonna leave it here. This is all opinionated btw so you are free to disagree or agree if you want and I’m open to talk about it only if we’re keeping it, once again, adult-like.
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