#you must be a big fan of Mr & Mrs Smith lol
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jimxnslight · 6 months ago
next part of fools gold pleaseeeee i love itt.
Um you can totally ignore this and im really sorry if this is rude but um you should totally include more of oc being a badass and then when someone else comes along goes back to being ditzy and soft, i think people want to see more of that cuz it such an interesting take on a character because she has two different personalities and its totally crazy. Like you can have her try to kill jungkook again with force this time and then someone comes in the room and she hides the knife behind her back (that has blood on it. His and hers) and sweetly asks them about their day. I personally want to see her try to kill jungkook a bunch of times and then like the fifth time she realizes hes just as crazy as she her maybe even more abd kinda feels her heart swoon but pushes it deep deep down. Jungkook would be comepletely unfazed by the murder attempts and just go on with his day except for the entertainment and amusement he would get through out the day bcuz his tiny ditzy wife is trying to kill him and then at maybe an important event she would try to kill him and he'd get angry and show her some casual dominance and tell her to shape up cuz there are dangerous and important people there and she would listen yk cuz of the threats.
Btw ik he has dirt on her and is bkackmailing her to be a good wife but she can carry out the murder attempts in secret but he could 100% know whats going on but finds it super funny and just lets her do her thing.
But honey you do a great job alr and im not telling you how to write your story its just some ideas and im sorry if it offends you but i think you are amazing.
OMGG I don’t wanna spoil anything but there’s one scene that you described that I have planned for chapter 4. Not gonna say which one to keep at least some suspense but omggg you described it almost exactly lmaoo 😭
Ahh don’t worry you haven’t offended me at all! I guess I should mention that I’m very open to (respectful) recomendations and opinions as long as everyone keeps in mind that I’m not obligated to write the story the way they want. But aside from that I’m very interested in hearing what you guys think of the story so far, so don’t be hesitant or anything!
I don’t think I can say much in regards to the way oc will be without spoiling stuff, but I hope you guys will enjoy what I have planned. And tysm for the kind words 🥺
Anyways random little update: this ask motivated me to write 4.5k words in one sitting (yes my brain is currently fried), which means 8k words down and just 2 more scenes to go 🙏
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drprettyboyspence · 5 years ago
You’re a Hero, Spencer Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid/reader 
Summary: Late one night Spencer comes home from an especially difficult case. His girlfriend Y/n persuades him to talk about it. Inspired by the JJ/Will episode “Sick Day” (Season 12 Episode 2) This takes place during Season 15. 
words: 4.9k
warnings: mentions of violence, mental illness (basically the amount of violence in a regular cm episode), angst, very very light swearing,  nothing else to my knowledge! 
a/n: I honestly love that JJ and Will scene so I decided to right one about Spencer. This made up case took we way too long to come up with and honestly I know way too much about lobotomies now lol, but I hope you enjoy!! :) 
It’s 12:30 am, Spencer Reid trudges up the stairs to his second floor apartment which he shares with his girlfriend of 5 years, Y/n Y/l/n. His body on the verge of collapsing but his mind hyped up on adrenaline, Spencer pulls his key out of his pocket before unlocking the door, excited to finally be home after an energy-draining case. He knows he should sleep, the team very rarely gets much sleep during a case and the last one had been short but intense, so it’s been about 48 hours since Spencer has slept if he’s being truly honest. Spencer feels as if he’s in a trance, he’s exhausted but he just knows he won’t be able to sleep if he tries. His exhaustion leads him to crash into a chair near the table, causing it to scrape against the floor loudly. Damn it Spencer thinks, hoping he didn’t wake up his girlfriend but knowing he probably isn’t that lucky. 
“Baby, you’re finally home! I missed you so much!” Y/n says, appearing out of the shadowy hallway, obviously having just woken up. She gives Spencer a hug and notices the way he holds on to her extra tightly, like he does when he’s feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 
“I missed you too Y/n, so much.” Spencer whispers, still enveloping her in a tight hug. The last case had been harder on him than he’s willing to admit, but holding Y/n close to him makes him feel safe, he can’t lose her if he just never lets go, right? 
“Are you okay Spence?” Y/n asks after Spencer finally lets her go. She knows the tells, she may not be an FBI profiler but she can tell when Spencer isn’t okay, and right now is unfortunately one of those times. She can see the way he holds her just the smallest bit too tight, she can see his eyes, droopy from exhaustion but darting around the room at the same time, still hyped up on the adrenaline from the case, and the eye circles that have become a signature look for her boyfriend are even darker than usual, showing he’s been without sleep for likely more than a day. 
“I’m fine Y/n, really, you know how the job is, it's never easy.” Spencer replies, in a manner that shows Y/n he wants to talk about it, but he doesn’t know how to ask and doesn’t want to be a bother. 
“Are you sure Spence? We can talk about it if you want to-“
“I said I’m fine Y/n! Please drop it!” Spencer snaps back at Y/n, regret immediately flushing over his face. He doesn’t yell at her often, and they hardly ever fight, he says he’s seen too many couples separated by tragedy to waste time on silly arguments and quarrels. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to snap at you, I think I’m just high-strung and exhausted.” 
“You can’t keep it in Spencer, it will all build up inside and stay with you, you know that. We need to talk about it if it's weighing down on you this heavily, I’ll put the coffee on, it looks like we won’t be sleeping for a while.” Y/n says warmly, walking across the kitchen to switch on the coffee machine. “Okay Spence, start at the beginning…” 
40 hours earlier 
“All I’m saying JJ is that you aren’t even giving science-fiction a chance, its not all-”
“Spence I honestly don’t care, I refused to go to comic-con with you back in the day and I still refuse now, but you can take the boys, they’d love to go.” JJ and Spencer abruptly finish their conversation as they walk into the round table room and see the rest of the team staring back at them with solemn looks on their faces. 
“Let’s get started please.” Emily says promptly as JJ and Spencer take their respective seats at the table, everyone focusing their attention on Garcia.  
“Alright my crime-solving friends today’s devilishness comes to us from the one, the only, sin city itself, Las Vegas, Nevada.” Long-time members of the team glance sympathetically at Reid, knowing how difficult it can be for him to go home, especially now that his mother has been moved closer to Virginia. “Those pictures on your tablet now, they are of Dolores Smith, the fifth victim in a series of what appears to be lobotomies gone wrong.” The team winces, remembering the last time lobotomies had come up in a BAU case. 
“The fifth victim? Why weren’t we called in earlier, lobotomies aren’t exactly a common occurrence, even in Las Vegas.” Rossi asks. 
“This unsub has been driving his victims out into the desert, even crossing state lines, victim number two, Susan Atkins, she was found in Utah, almost 400 miles away. They simply didn’t put it together until the last two victims were found in Las Vegas.”
“Garcia, anything connecting the victims, they seem to be of different sexes and ages.” JJ asks. 
“Yes, this is where it gets tricky, all five victims were schizophrenic patients at Bennington Sanitarium.” It was like a chill went through the room.
“So they were all patients at a mental hospital?” Luke says, clearly confused about the strange energy currently in the room. 
“Tell them Spence” Emily urges. 
“Bennington Sanitarium isn’t just any mental hospital, it's the mental hospital my mom was in.” 
The coffee machine beeps, interrupting Spencer’s telling of the story, he moves to pour the cups. Y/n places her hand on his knee before he can move out of the chair.
“Sweetheart, let me do it, you just sit here and try to relax, you’ve been through enough, the least I can do is a pour a damn cup of coffee for you.” Y/n picks out Spencer’s favorite mug, a Doctor Who one she had bought him for the first Christmas they spent together. They both inhale deeply over the cups of steaming liquid, as good as gold on a late night like this, the 1:20 am flashing over the stove only showing as a reminder that this night won’t be ending any time soon. “Alright, continue.” 
36 hours earlier
“So here’s what we know. All five victims had recently been released from Bennington Sanitarium, they were schizophrenic, having been residents of the hospital for ten to twelve years.” Luke starts the discussion as the jet begins its descent into Las Vegas. 
“Why were they released?” Spencer responds. 
“Garcia, any information you can give us?” Tara asks the computer screen where Garcia’s face pops up. 
“My friends, unluckily because of the discreet nature of mental health records, the mistress of all things technological is having a little bit of trouble narrowing in on the information you search for, but from what I can see, all five victims were taken out of the hospital after responding well to medication, I haven��t gotten to those records yet but I will hit you back as soon as I hear anything, peace out.” 
“You okay Reid?” Emily asks Spencer as quietly as she can, knowing that this case is surely striking a nerve with him, all these victims sharing a very big part of their life with his mother, she probably knew some of them personally. 
“I just have a bad feeling about this, and I tend to listen to those feelings very carefully. Let’s finish this one quick and get back to Quantico.”
“You heard the kid, let’s make quick work of this case and put this bastard away before he can even think about taking another victim.” Rossi states, earning nods from the rest of the time. 
“I hate to burst your bubbles my friends, but a sixth victim has just been found in Las Vegas once again, 63 year old Barbara Sullivan.” Garcia popped in. 
“Alright change of plans everyone, Matt go to the 5th dump site, Tara and JJ, you girls will go to the most recent dump site, Luke and Rossi will go the morgue, try to get any information you can about the lobotomies, Reid and I, we’ll go to Bennington and get insight into why each of these victims were released and what medicines they were on at the time. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but why was Garcia having such a hard time finding the medical records, isn’t that type of thing usually a breeze for her?”  Y/n asks. She’d become quite close to Garcia in the years she and Spencer had been together and there was nothing that girl couldn’t do. 
“We were having trouble with that too to be honest, mental health records are usually rather secretive, but nothing a hacker like Garcia wouldn’t be able to crack in an instant. Can I have another cup of coffee baby?” 
“Of course Spence, anything you need.” Y/n say before filling up another coffee, glad he’s finally relaxed enough to talk freely about whatever happened on this case that was so clearly affecting him. 
34 hours earlier 
“Dr. Reid, good to see you again, I wish we didn’t have to meet under these circumstances though.” The main doctor at Bennington says, having known Spencer over the years Diana had spent at the hospital. 
“Dr., hello. This is BAU Unit Chief Emily Prentiss, we want to ask you some questions about the victims if that would be possible. I know it’s-”
“Excuse me Dr.! Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt! Wait, are you Dr. Spencer Reid of the Behavioral Analysis Unit? I’m a huge fan of your work. Work, oh god you must be here about the recent murders, tragic aren’t they?” A rather hyper man interrupts Spencer. Spencer awkwardly and reluctantly shakes the hand of the stranger, both him and Emily puzzled about this strange interruption. 
“Mr. Robbins, if you would, please leave us alone as the federal agents and I have some important details to discuss. Actually, you may go home for the day, your services are no longer needed, see you tomorrow.” The high-strung man nods eagerly before waving once more and leaving. “I’m so sorry about that Dr. Reid, that would be the new data collector and organizer, Mr. Robbins, a bit hyper for my taste, but that man is a wizard with anything technological.” Just as Emily is about to resume questions about the victims, Garcia calls. 
“What’s up Garcia? Anything you can tell us?” 
“Emily, my sweet, sadly I come once again bearing bad news. A woman has just been reported missing, 54 year old Dana Reeley, schizophrenic, reported missing by her son 20 minutes ago, says he left the house for no longer than 20 minutes, came back to an empty house no signs of struggle.” 
“Is it possible his mother is confused, left the house on her own?” Spencer asks, remembering times his mother had been so confused that she went off on her own. 
“Definitely not, the doors had protective covers, the mother couldn’t get out by herself, it had happened before. By the way, I’m still having an extreme amount of trouble trying to figure out why the victims were taken out of the hospital.” 
“Oh I can help you with that, each of the victims were taken out of this establishment due to the opinions of each of their respective children that they would be better taken care of under their own roofs.” 
“Well, uh- thank you unknown male voice that I’m assuming is the Dr. running Bennington Sanitarium, that’s helpful information.” 
“Dr. thank you for your time, but it seems we should we getting to the police station.” Emily says, realizing that this probably isn’t a good place for Spencer to be, and seeing his face becoming increasingly distressed due to the implications of the information the Dr. had just given them, if they’re going to need him to use his brain to solve this case they need to get out of here. 
“Woah wait one second Spencer, all of the victims were patients at the same hospital that your mom spent years at, they were all schizophrenic, and they were all taken out of the hospital by their children shortly before their murder, that’s a-“
“Hell of a coincidence, I know, and you know me, there’s no such thing as coincidences. This was weird though, like a very small chance that this could be about me, but it was seeming more and more like I was to be more involved with this case than I had thought.” 
24 hours earlier
The rest of the team had gone to bed hours ago, but Spencer is still awake, lying in the hotel bed staring at the ceiling. He debates calling Y/n, he tries not to bring his work home, he tries his hardest to keep the purest thing in his life away from the horrors and despair he sees everyday. He doesn’t want to put two and two together on this case, he doesn’t want to believe that this could all be because of him, all these victims, their lives ended early, simply because he decided to join the FBI those many years ago. It had happened before, Professor Rothschild back in 2009 and he doesn’t like to think about it, but Maeve was in the center of a case inspired by him as well. Spencer knows he’s overreacting, he knows he can’t blame himself, he didn’t kill those victims, and he didn’t force the hand of the unsubs, all he can do now is get some sleep so he can use his IQ of 187 to stop this son of a bitch, stop him from killing anyone else, ever. 
The sound of a stomach rumbling interrupts Spencer this time. 
“Spencer, when was the last time you ate? God knows how long its been since you slept and its probably been even longer since you ate. Tell me how long Spence, please.” Spencer looks down guiltily, knowing that Y/n is going to be mad when he utters his next words. 
“I don’t know um I’m having trouble remembering-“ Y/n’s face tells it all, the man with the eidetic memory can’t remember when the last time he ate was. “It was yesterday afternoon, there were bagels at the Las Vegas police station, terrible ones but I ate one of those, figured I shouldn’t be drinking five cups of coffee a day on an empty stomach.” 
“Yesterday afternoon? Spencer it’s 2:30 am!” 
“Okay so the day before yesterday afternoon I guess, sue me Y/n!” 
“Spencer Reid I know you aren’t trying to tell me you haven’t eaten in over 36 hours! You wouldn’t do that to me right? Sweetheart, you need food! What would you like?” Y/n notices that it’s strange, right now in this moment Spencer looks like a small child, shy and embarrassed. 
“Um, could you…make pancakes?” Spencer quietly asks. Y/n could laugh, Dr. Spencer Reid, renowned FBI agent who will walk into an interrogation room no problem, is scared to ask his significant other to make pancakes. 
“Pancakes is it? Sure thing sweetheart I’ll make pancakes.” 
“With chocolate chips?” Spencer adds.
“Now you’re pushing it.” Y/n retorts back with a giggle, beginning to make the batter, if Spencer hasn’t eaten in 36 hours he deserves better than some nasty boxed pancakes, that’s for sure. “So what happened next Spence?” 
17 hours earlier 
“Good morning Garcia, any information for us?” Luke asks in the morning. 
“Oh newbie how I wish it was a good morning, another victim has been taken, 43 year old Richard Saxons, his daughter reported him missing when she woke up to an empty house, hasn’t seen him since last night.” The team looks at each other with confused glances. 
“Another victim? But he hasn’t dumped the last victim yet, this is a major change in M.O., do we think the last victim is still alive, we need to rethink this.” Emily explains. 
“Okay why a lobotomy? That can’t be the easiest way of killing the victims.” Matt asks.  
“Here’s the thing, this unsub isn’t necessarily meaning to kill the victims. Lobotomies began in the 1880s when Swiss physician Gottlieb Burkhardt removed parts of the cortex of the brains of patients with auditory hallucinations and other symptoms of schizophrenia. Later in 1935 Portuguese neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz is credited with inventing the lobotomy. There are numerous negative effects and since the procedure literally involves drilling into the brain to slice up pieces of the frontal lobes, if it isn’t performed by a doctor there’s a very high mortality rate.” Spencer of course rattles off. 
“That makes sense with what the medical examiner told us, the lobotomies were crudely done but there was no reason to believe the unsub is a sadist, no signs of torture, the bodies were often dumped with what could be taken as remorse.” Rossi adds. 
“Okay so we’re looking at an unsub who’s trying to cure these victims of their schizophrenia.” Tara states. 
“We need to deliver the profile.” 
“We believe our unsub is a white male of medium build, we believe this because all victims have been caucasian and although there have been cases of serial killers crossing racial lines, overwhelming statistics show he’s most likely white.” Luke begins, 
“He has come into contact with all eight victims including the two currently missing, he knew all of them suffered from schizophrenia and were recently released, he waited until they were no longer patients at the hospital , meaning he most likely has a close connection to Bennington Sanitarium and could be tied back to the crimes, if he works at the hospital it puts him between the ages of 25 and 50, he could be the janitor, a cook, any job like that.” 
“We don’t believe he has official medical training because the manner by which the lobotomies were performed lacks the professionalism a doctor could use, but he also demonstrates knowledge of schizophrenia and lobotomies in general, which shows he isn’t dumb, most likely can hold down a job.” 
“Important as well, we don’t believe this unsub necessarily means to kill the victims, he is attempting to help cure these victims of their schizophrenic symptoms, he may have experienced a loss caused by mental health issues or believes the treatment each of the victims received was inadequate.” Tara finishes the profile, all of the team stepping back into the other room. 
“Hey Garcia you’re on speaker with the whole team here” Rossi answers his phone, 
“Hey guys, this is just getting more and more strange, I finally got into the hospital records, it really seemed as though someone was hacking me from the inside, but I finally got in and here’s the kicker, all of the records of the victims have been deleted, who would even have access for that.” Garcia says. 
“Okay we’ll looks into that Garcia, can you start looking at anyone who fits our profile, has access to the records at Bennington, and has purchased items needed to perform an at-home lobotomy in bulk over the last few months, if the missing woman has somehow survived, this unsub needs at least elementary medical equipment in order to keep her alive, hopefully we’ll see it in his credit history.” Spencer instructs to Garcia before Rossi hangs up the phone. 
“You know who might have some knowledge about all of this, that guy from the hospital, I know the Dr. osaid he’s only worked there a few months but maybe he’s seen something, or maybe he’s noticed someone snooping around the online files, we need to go back to the hospital, Spence lets go.” Emily says. 
“So Dr., you’re saying Mr. Robbins hasn’t been to work since you sent him home when we were here last? That’s odd. What did you say his name was again?” 
“Anthony Robbins, like I said before, he’s an odd guy but does good work, no one around here knows him that well though.” Spencer and Emily nod their heads to each other before Emily calls Garcia, 
“Garcia I need a background check on an Anthony Robbins, stat, and send Rossi and Luke to his house, we need to talk to this guy fast, he knows something.” 
“Agents, are you thinking he could have anything to do with this? I can’t imagine Mr. Robbins doing any harm to any one, especially not the patients at this hospital, he is always the kindest to them, the schizophrenia patients in particular.” Another call from Garcia interrupts Emily and Spencer before they can answer. 
“Things are starting to look a little weird, Anthony Robbins, 37 years old, native of Las Vegas, was born to Linda and Christian Robbins, he had a happy childhood, no signs of trauma or abuse that I can see. He doesn’t have a record, juvie or adult, but his life did change when he was 10.” 
“What happened then Garcia.” 
“Reid stop interrupting me, you know how I like to tell my dramatic story. When Robbins was 10 his 7 year old brother Charlie was diagnosed with schizophrenia, when he was 18 he was put into care at a mental hospital, not Bennington but a close by hospital.” 
“Any interest in alternative schizophrenia treatments?” 
“As a matter of fact my dear genius yes, Robbins has been publishing articles for years, and I’m looking at his recent purchases right now, Robbins has been purchasing health care equipment as well as tools needed for an at-home lobotomy, Anthony Robbins is your unsub.”
“Hey Rossi, change of plans, the guy’s our unsub. You sure? Alright you guys stay there in case he comes back, the guy must have a secondary location.” Emily says before hanging up her phone. “Alright Reid that was Rossi and Luke, Robbins isn’t at home and it looks like he left in a hurry, there’s gotta be somewhere else he’s working, Rossi also said he wouldn’t be able to hold anybody in that tiny apartment, there’s no room and neighbors would hear.” 
“Okay let’s think, we profiled he may have suffered some sort of loss. Garcia do you see any type of loss in this guy’s recent history.” 
“Charlie Robbins, his schizophrenic brother, died two months ago.” 
“That’s right before the murders started, that’s gotta be the stressor.” 
“Garcia what hospital was the brother treated at?” 
“Uh, it looks like a place called Smith Sanitarium, he was there was there for almost 20 years.” 
“Smith! I know where that is, it’s scheduled for demolition actually, closed down about a month ago and has been abandoned since, it’s only about a 15 minute drive.” 
“That’s the secondary location, let’s go Reid.” Emily says, the two agents rushing out of the room. 
“Spence, the pancakes are ready.” Y/n says, pouring syrup over the stack, just the way Spencer always likes them. 
“Thank you so much Y/n, I don’t deserve you. I know talking about the case is supposed to make me feel better but I just feel like an idiot. I mean, he was right there the first day we were at the hospital, it was so obvious, why didn’t I see it?” 
“Spencer stop that right now, you can’t blame yourself for any of it, you met that man for less than a minute when your mind was focused on researching the victims, there was nothing about him that should have screamed 'mad scientist performing lobotomies to mourn the loss of his recently deceased schizophrenic brother’, you can’t blame yourself.” Y/n reassures her boyfriend while reaching up to rub his shoulder. He begins eating the pancakes in front of him, groaning slightly at the taste of food after going so long without eating. 
“I love you Y/n, not just because you’re amazing at making pancakes, seriously these are so good, but because you somehow always know how to make me feel better.” 
“That’s my job babe, personal pancake chef and make-Spencer-Reid-feel-better specialist, now tell me what happened next, it seems like you’re almost at the end.” 
10 hours earlier 
“Alright Reid, the rest of the team and Las Vegas police are on their way and will meet us as soon as they can, but you and I are going to be on the scene first, they’re significantly further away than we are, we’ll have to wait for them of course, this man may not be meaning to kill his victims, but he’s killed at least 6 people nevertheless.” Emily says, driving as fast as she can through Las Vegas towards the abandoned mental hospital, Reid quietly looking out the window. Emily is strapping her vest on when she sees Reid walking towards the hospital alone. 
“Reid, no! I told you, we need to wait for backup, it’s too dangerous!” 
“Emily you know how much I respect you, but there’s two victims in there and if they’re on the brink of death, an extra 10 minutes is not something we have, I’m going in.” 
“Damnit Reid” Emily whispers before running after him.
“Anthony Robbins, FBI put your hands up”, Reid loudly speaks as he walks into the hospital with his gun in the air, immediately seeing two victims in chains. 
“Dr. Reid, I’m so happy you’re here! Let’s put the gun down so I can show you the medical masterpiece I have accomplished.” Mr. Robbins says while holding what looks like a grenade in his hand. 
“Mr. Robbins I know you think you’re doing what’s right, but this isn’t what your brother would have wanted, these people did not ask for this, they were doing well with the medication, now I need you to put down the grenade and let these people go.” Sirens can be heard from outside and Emily appears behind Reid as well, noticing the grenade in the unsub’s hand, but Reid’s eyes are completely focused on the female victim, a woman with extreme similarity to his own mother. 
“It’s such a shame Dr. Reid, I thought you of all people would understand, seeing as you went to Mexico to research alternative medication for your own schizophrenic mother.” 
“That was different Mr. Robbins, I was attempting to research homeopathic remedies for dementia, not performing life-threatening surgeries on mentally ill adults.” Emily can tell that Spencer is getting angry, this case being too close to his personal life, they should be stroking this guy’s ego, not angering him. 
“Mr. Robbins, Emily Prentiss here, I think what you have done is magnificent! I actually want you to come with us, the rest of the world needs to see this!” 
“No, too late, Dr. Reid doesn’t appreciate my genius, so no one will be allowed to. Sorry, agents.” The man says before dropping the grenade. Emily grabs Reid, pulling him out of the hospital while he’s screaming, still not taking his eyes off the female victim. They make it out of the hospital just as it explodes, Reid staring back into the burning building in disbelief while Emily looks at the rest of the team, shaking her head. 
At this point in the story Spencer’s voice cracks, tears start welling in his eyes. “I should’ve saved them, it was completely my fault. He was a classic unsub with a god complex and I did exactly what they teach you NOT to do. I let my emotions get in the way and three people died because of it.” Spencer gets out before he starts crying completely. Y/n enveloping him in a hug and allowing him to cry into her shoulder. 
“Oh Spence, shh, it’s okay, that was not your fault. That man was holding a grenade, did you force his hand? Tell him to kill those victims, no.” 
“But we should’ve been able to save them, we profiled him exactly right, and I ruined it all by raising my voice at him, plus I didn’t wait for the backup we needed, I was too focused on saving a woman who reminded me of my mom.” 
“Spencer Reid, I need you to listen to me right now, look at me, okay, you can do that right? Look at me sweetheart.” Spencer lifts his head to look at Y/n, his teary eyes matching her sympathetic ones filled with love. “You, Spencer Reid, are a hero. You’re my hero, you’re a hero for your team, and you’re the hero of all the people you save every single day. Today was not a good day, but how many victims would that man have killed if your team hadn’t intervened. Today you didn’t save everyone, but if you stop now, you’ll never save anyone ever again.” Spencer and Y/n sit at the table holding hands in silence for longer than either of them care to count, before Y/n hears soft snores, realizing Spencer has fallen asleep in her arms, exhausted from the past days and the emotional release of reliving it all in their kitchen. “Come on Spence, let’s go to bed” Y/n gently shakes him awake and helps him to their bed, knowing that what Spencer needs is a good night’s sleep and a lot of love, which she is more than happy to give him, for the rest of her life even. 
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years ago
Nancy Drew 2x12
Pls poor grant getting neglected 😩
Nick rly just hired him as soon as he could huh? Not that I blame him or anything. ACE NAMED THE DEEP FRYER RUTH OMG SO CUTE. I love that he names everything “you’re removing the flavour layer” THE WHAT NOW?! ACE WHAT- “your last restaurant closed due to lack of flavour” OW OKAY AGGRESSIVE MUCH?
Ace I like AC/DC too!!! Sorry I’m having a moment here.
SO GRANT IS HIS MIDDLE NAME? OK FRANK. (Sorry I’m sooooo rooting for the hardy boys to come in). Poor ace only being the link to nancy 😭
Pls the way Nancy’s like “Yeah... I get the life of lies thing.” SO CASUAL FOR WHAT- GIRL
“Stone Age of the 90s” WHAT NANCY-
OH M G. ODETTE LEAVING LOVE LETTERS TO BESS WAIT STOP- if there was no body timeshare I’d be here for it. SHES WRITING BACK AW
BROTHER MOMENT! That is not Florence.
OH SISTER MOMENT! “It’s bath time boyz” OMG PLS I SNORTED. omg bess about to get caught no 😩 FANSON CALL!! oh no nick dont get murdered pls.
Carson radiates wholesome helpful dad energy and I love him. Do I spy chemistry??? Maybe a lil?
“Is this a thing?” Nancy yes it is girl they need to figure each other out! They’re the hardy boys to be 😫
“Ace run!” Oh so grant can just go fuck himself I guess! Jkjk i know she grabbed grant lmao. BoyScout Ace returns!!! Oh heroic grant letting nancy go first omg, so sweet! I still think he’s frank, that’s a frank thing to do. “Trust me, I’m your brother” I SAY HARDY BOYS! Srsly though that was adorable. “Which ninja turtle?” ACE THE MAN JUST ALMOST DIED GIVE HIM A BREAK
Nicks phone must be tapped or something?? Idk but that’s a lot of red flowers.
NANCY’s THUMBS UP PLS! BAHHAHAHA I CANT they’re covered in dirt. “Ace don’t break my tv” mr. d, Ace is the least likely to break your tv come on, besides he’ll fix it if he did lmao OH NO THE DAD- COME THRU THOM!!!
YES THOM COME THRU!! Lyrics are good, DATE IS BETTER! Ace is boutta get kidnapped. Sir pls don’t steal my bf!!
He stole my bf.
Oh ok rly you could’ve called richboyryan but you called GRANDMA? WHY?
OH NO ACE IS ON A LEDGE- PLS NO STOP. who is he?? The actor looks familiar lmaooo SHIT NO- ACE DONT DIE BABE PLS. IM SO SCARED RN THAT DUDE IS SCARY AS HELL. OH THANK GOD. oh okay wow that was a big hug- ACE PLS I CANnOT.
this is gonna be a rough 2nd half of the season for ace. NO NO GRANT U HAVE TO STAY. YOU NEED TO STAY AND BE FRANK. FRICK YOU FOR GETTING MY HOPES UP AND LEAVING. oh no Ace is gonna hate that nancy owes Celia for him. Oh nancy and ace are gonna be pissy @ each other now 🖐😭 pls I like them as besties.
SISTERS FOR LIFEEEE I LOVE THEM! She sabotaged the clams omfg I love her! Aw nick is excited too STOP I CANT TAKE THIS IM LONELY AND FANSON IS CUTE. what did Ryan do. RYAN WTF DID YOU DO- Ryan doesn’t even know what he did lmao or is he lying lmao OMG R WE GONNA GET PRISON RYAN?
Okay so lastly I need to say I respect the nace and their shippers and I know the ship is probably inevitable, but I’m not the biggest fan of that ship so if we could keep nace to a minimum on my page that would be greatly appreciated!! Much love ❤️
Oh and lastly for real, lastly: I love all of them: Ace, Nick, Grant, Owen (rip), Riley Smith (Ryan kinda sucks lol), Carson on the dl 👀 THEYRE HOT OKAY? And the ladies too WOW they’re all so pretty and I am in loveeeee with George
Not many thoughts from my sister, just a lot of gasping @ grant and she also says he should be frank hardy. She also thinks prison Ryan would be interesting btw
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 4 years ago
Higurashi New 2 | Wandering Witch 2 | Moriarty 1 | Taiso Samurai 1 | Kamisama 1 | Munou na Nana 2 | Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25) | Yashahime 2
I’m trying a seasonal challenge this time...so that means I have to leave some Crunchyroll anime to the side. That’s why I’m putting in the tags now.
Higurashi New 2
Apparently, now this Higurashi is called “Gou”…I dunno what that means in the context of this series, but *Saitama face* OK.
Is this girl…Rika? Or this Hanyuu girl I heard of on ANN? Update: Wait a bit from that point. You’ll get your answer.
Do they ever examine why the girls in Higurashi are what they are? Rika seems to have something supernatural going on, but Rena…is just a psycho girl right now, so it’s hard to care.
LOL, I was wondering where this “nipah” Rika meme came from, but it is present in the dialogue.
I predicted that Gilligan cu-er, transition far too easily…
Why is that kid’s face so tanned (?) in comparison to the rest of him???
How did these girls get up the building so fast??? (LOL?)
Wow, the cicada noise was pretty loud there, so…props to the sound guys for making that sound stifling.
Can we really trust what Mion is saying about Tomitake…?
I thought we were going to see Watanagashi in ep 3, but…okay.
Satoko speaks rather formally. She says kochira de gozaimasuyo! instead of kocchi! or kochiradesuyo!.
Who’s that blonde lady? Someone from Umineko?
The bright colours really help to sell the ominous nature of this ED and anime. I don’t think I understand everything that’s happening in said ED, though…
Gonna pause it here because I heard you need to watch the OG and Rei to understand this, now that the new Higurashi is operating under its “proper” name.
Wandering Witch 2
…Elaina’s a bit full of herself still…
…what the heck was that instrument playing over the titlecard? Bagpipes…?
LOL, it’s the Attack on Titan world!
Did Elaina lose her hat when she fell? That must be a very stable hat indeed.
Ooh, particle effects! However…there’s CGI here, although it’s only kinda noticeable.
Have you never heard of money…?
Wait, witches get discounts???
It seems Saya comes from Japan.
LOL, this is basically Quidditch without a snitch!
I like mushrooms, so I don’t get why people kick up such a fuss about them.
Saya seems to act like this is yuri bait…*sigh*
Saya’s crying like her sister died…c’mon, it’s not that bad!
I’m hitting pause. If this is actually how the series is, then it’s primed for a drop, but I can’t help but keep it on for the spectacular visuals and the fact it’s basically anime Harry Potter.
Taiso Samurai 1
I keep swearing I’ll finish my old simulcasts…but then new ones pop up like daisies…(I guess it’s better than having no anime to finish, right?)
I just realised how pretty Jotaro’s eyes are…! The fact he just sort of splats and then doesn’t get up shows how weary he is, unlike Sakura from Moon Land, who would’ve probably gotten up and never tried doing gymnastics again if he were in the same position.
Just by glancing over the results when I google for this Montreal gold, it seems it was done by a Kouhei Uchimura, but I might be wrong on that front…oh wait, there are 3 golds, so it’s not necessarily just that one…
You can tell this is 2002 because of that flip phone.
Intai Zamurai…it’s constructed the same way as the anime’s title. Two characters and then “samurai”.
BB (Big Bird) on the side there is so goofy, he’s…kind of distracting. <- Note the official website refers to Big Bird as BB, hence my use of it.
I was wondering if Rei was the daughter or the wife…so it’s the former.
Kinugawa Ropeway…it rings a bell, somehow. Maybe the Boueibu crew went there as DVD/BD extras.
…does everyone know that a ryokan is like a mini hotel with a traditional set-up?
*snorts* LOL, Keanu (Reeves, obviously).
That montage was a bit worrying…maybe the CGI took out part of the budget? I was a bit worried when I could tell there was CGI in that one starting segment.
…LOL, wut. Agent Smith (from the Matrix)?
Yamakasi seems to be a parkour thing which has its own movie.
…I’m sort of wondering: was that ninja a woman? If Jotaro gets another wife…I dunno if I’ll like the anime as much. Things could become far too dramatic if he did. Update: You do find out later in this episode.
I think – from lip reading – the ninja used -de gozaimasu. I remember getting it drilled into me that people don’t use that these days, but in the time of ninja and samurai, they did.
…another anime set in Ikebukuro. I knew from the station, but…’bukuro must be a nice place if people are reppin’ it all of a sudden.
Was Tomoyo an actress…?
“Kinugawa, as in the river where ogres get mad?” – See, that’s the pun I made about Boueibu’s Atsushi years ago…
This Takizawa guy’s so expressive, LOL.
Gotta love a man in a suit, yes…
…they keep building up to this retirement, only for him to not retire??? Which is it?! (LOL) That declaration works better in Japanese because the -shimasen goes at the end of the sentence so the weird sentence structure in the English translation actually makes Jotaro look like he really messed up due to nervousness speaking in front of crowds. Update: He just sounds like he stopped in the middle of a sentence in Japanese, which he obviously did.
There’s no time travel for sure, but there are ninjas! Plus dudes in jumpsuits!...plus, of course, gymnastics! It could still work, but I keep swearing there’s something supernatural coming around the corner for this…Also, this “gymnast trying to retire” thing seems to be drawing me in because of my whole current lack of direction in basically everything, much like Rikuo of Sing Yesterday for Me.
Kamisama 1
Hmm…Kamisama ni Natta Hi…it doesn’t say the subject stating this became a god, so the pronoun could be “she” or “you” rather than “I”, which seems to be the current standard for it. Update: It says on the title card “I”, so it should have an I then…I guess(?)
There’s a fish on the logo.
…this girl, I already know her name is Hina. That’s the 2nd Odin this season (the first is in Sigdrifa…or however it’s spelt)…she’s gonna be annoying, isn’t she…?
What’s this about a date…?
There are two Izanamis this season, too. The second is Hifumi from HypMic.
Looks like there was an accident, according to one of the signs.
…This feels exactly like a visual novel. I’m surprised it’s an original.
I was wondering why “Key Ramen” (Kagi Ramen) sounded weird…then it hit me. Key! You motherf**kers!!! *shakes fist* You were hiding right under my nose all along!
Hey, Potato-kun! (I know his name is Youta, but…eh, aside from having a possible girlfriend candidate and being a Nice Guy, he’s still a Potato-kun.) Stop staring in disbelief and do something!
…Why Potato-kun, anyway? Is it because his name means “become god”???
…This Izanami is so emotionless…it’s hard to imagine her cheering, Youta was right on that front.
…that style in Hina’s background…I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it for Sailor Moon Crystal, but I’ve forgotten what the artist’s name is (the one that inspired that artstyle)…
I almost expected Hina to interrupt the confession, like Leo from Taiso Samurai.
I kinda just shrugged near the end of the episode and finished it just to see if the confession would be interrupted, so…big fat drop there. I must not like much Key beyond Angel Beats (and even then, it’s only okay because it’s the relic of a time gone by).
Moriarty 1
I’ve been picking up Sherlock-related things left and right ever since I was a fan of Detective Conan…not Sherlock, Elementary or that Robert Downey Jr. movie, but the stuff Conan Doyle had his hands in. (I’d also like to keep an eye out for that Miyazaki movie, but I don’t know if I can/should go out of my way for it.) Therefore, I was a pretty easy mark for a bishonen Moriarty.
Who’s this “El” guy anyway?
…That OP is basically Black Butler all over again. I admit I went, “Oh, stuff this” for a second when I saw Rasmus Faber’s name on credits – when I went to entire series for him, they always ended badly for me – but I couldn’t stop watching the episode (since I skipped forward to the actual episode due to background noise), so this might be the anime to change everything.
I’ll be real with you – aside from Japan, America and China (the former two of which I’ve gone to and the latter I’ve technically gone to Hong Kong, which I have stronger ties to anyway), I honestly don’t have anywhere on my bucket list. That said, anime (obviously, the London arc from DC was a big factor) and this one movie called What a Girl Wants have been pretty instrumental in making Great Britain…almost make the list of places I want to go to. Key word: almost.
…I want a dub. With accents like Princess Principal.
Also, I forgot Soma Saito was our Moriarty…LOL.
“…for Man of Standing” (sic).
Turn the other cheek, Mr. Tailor.
The eyes really tell you everything about a person in this anime.
Ooh, this has absolutely no holes in its logic. It’s a strong contender!
Yashahime 2
Holy s***, is that Kagome’s brother?(!) He kinda reminds me of Takagi from Detective Conan for some reason…
Come to think of it…writers like Takahashi don’t normally have androgynous leads like Towa, do they?
That was…not the best fight scene, man.
Ooh, naginata. I’ve read a bit about them, but I’ve never really seen one used in an anime before…not to my memory. Not even the naginata in Touken Ranbu (plural) can help with that.
…this Rainbow Pearl business reminds me of Sailor Moon’s…uh, whatever they’re called…Rainbow Crystals, that’s right.
There’s something oddly comfy about predicting the “it won’t be my crying face, it’s yours you’ll get!” line, as bad as that sign may be for predictability on the whole.
I’ve felt in the years leading up to now, the progressive nations are slowly causing the entire gender binary to unravel. The more I think about my own relationship with my concept of gender – I accept gender-neutral third-person pronouns because initially I wanted to be anonymous on the internet, but now I’m just generally fine with it, for instance – the more I can agree and yet also disagree because of the progress the LGBTIQ+ community has made in recent years.
Munou na Nana 2
Ah-hah! People were calling it that the enemies of humanity were actually the superpowered kids and this proves it.
Ah, I think this Shibusawa is Masuda. I was here for him, so here he is.
Nana just says konnichiwa, which is the most basic of Japanese greetings. I don’t think it was phrased as a question, so…why did the subbers go with that?
Nana keeps breaking her chopsticks by leaving a bit at the end.
Lemme guess…Shibusawa’s talent is actually reversing time, not stopping it.
Is…that Shibusawa Nana’s giving flowers to…?
Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25)
If this is episode 25, was this always planned as a split-cour with season 2? I wonder…
Lingonberries! Oh, lingonberries! They’re those berries Ikea puts into their jam, right? (I’ve never tasted a lingonberry, but…yeah. That’s how I know of them.)
The sign says “Hurep Honpo” (backwards, as some older Japanese/Chinese things do), so it really just says “hurep” (since “honpo” = main shop). Update: Hurep actually means “lingonberry” and not the berry wine like I thought it did here, so it says “hurep wine” after all.
Thank goodness for 2D bears! (LOL)
Ratel?...uh, honey badger! That’s what they’re called in English!
…uh, and then it turns out to be a wolverine. I don’t know my Mustelidae, it seems.
There’s nothing like someone throwing a wolverine to know this is Golden Kamuy…(as weird as that sounds.)
…what was that random line about boobs about…? (Maybe it was just said to be random…?)
…ohhhhhhhh. These yellow eyes work much better than the standard red eyes you see in Munou na Nana or Moriarty. They’re so sinister.
Why did it suddenly change to an interview style…? Weren’t we waiting for a fight? Update: Seems the answer is “padding”. Not that I mind, I think it was interesting actually. Do more of that if you can.
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yestolerancepro · 5 years ago
Tolerance Project in Lockdown Mode Updated
Behind closed Doors Tolerance Project in Lockdown
 The Doctor and the Tolerace Blog
 Hello there like the rest of the country The Tolerance Project is now in lockdown mode due to the Corna Virus outbreak hence the lack of updates to keep myself busy I have been watching TV and doing a lot of reading Last week I rewatched the classic Doctor who episode Caves of Andronzani  which was the last episode to feature Peter Davison and features the now classic regeneration sequence that episode featured a famous line which also gave me a title for our Tolerance Blog ( you can watch the regeneration sequence here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH1UPBxPFQs 
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 I am fan of the good Doctor and this would not be the first time he would appear in the Tolerance Blog he appeared again when I talked about Douglas Adams for our must recent Blog article on Disability in the media Don’t put your son on stage Mrs Brown I started the blog with this quote “The late, great writer, Douglas Adams, once said that good ideas and old ideas don’t die, they just gather dust on the shelf” Douglas was in fact talking about his lost Doctor who story Shada orignally shelved in 1979 not my blog.
Whats now Ironic about this quote is that Shada has now become one of the published stories in Doctor who history what with the video DVD and Bluray releases of the story it was also released as a novel by Gareth Roberts and as an audio play by Big Finish starring Paul Mcgann Lalla Ward and John Leeson
You can read about Shada here  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shada_(Doctor_Who)
I also included the classic companion Sarah Jane Smith played the late great Elizabeth Sladen who was companion to the 3rd and 4th Doctor between 1973 and 1976 she also returned to 21st Century Doctor who partnering David Tennant and Matt Smith as well as getting her own Spin off show with the Sarah Jane Smith Adventures When talking about my own employment experiences in the first part of gives us a job
The Master the evil Timelord from Galifrey will also turn up in the forthcoming blog Breaking the Bank all this goes to show that I really do have too much time on my hands ha ha lol
The Good the Bad and the great
I read this morning on the BBC website that the film composer Ennio Morricone had died at the age of 91 in Rome see here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-53305397  he wrote a lot of great film scores including the soundtrack for one of my favourites The Oscar winning film The Untouchables in 1987. His most famous film scores are probably the ones he wrote in the 1960s for a trilogy of westens for Sergio Leonie titled a fist full of Dollars for a few Dollars and of course  The Good the Bad and the Ugly This trilogy made a star out of Clint Eastwood who played the man with no name The  main theme from the film was so popular it was released as a single When it was re-recorded by Hugo Montenegro it was a number 1 in the UK and a top ten single in the US  I mention that one because we used it on the Tolerance film soundtrack to highlight blue badge abuse if you need a reminder of theme you can find it here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFa1-kciCb4
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Duglas Adams
Doctor who Caves of Adrozano cover from the recent DVD special edition Release and a poster for the Good the Bad and the Ugly
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ereribigbang · 8 years ago
Summaries Batch #5
Fic #21
GENRE: Modern AU, Teacher AU, Comedy RATING: T for strong language WARNINGS: No warnings needed! ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: No Additional Warnings
SUMMARY: Levi Ackerman is a struggling veteran who needs a job to support his teenage cousin Mikasa. His buddy Erwin Smith is more than happy to provide, in the form of a teaching assistant role at his beloved and prized elementary school, where Levi’s taken under the wing of sprightly and over-enthusiastic kindergarten teacher Mr. Eren Jaeger. This is the story of jumping jacks, juice boxes and unexpected joy, as Levi stumbles down a path that will ultimately transform his life.
EXCERPT: “And this—” says Erwin, opening the door leading through to the classroom - “is Eren Jaeger’s kindergarten class.”
Levi has no idea where to look. He’s surrounded on all sides by bright, colourful displays of scribbled schoolwork, glitter and crayons and paint - displays of shapes and crafts of animals and easy addition sums. There’s a height chart and a mirror in one corner, and a whiteboard at the front. Tiny square desks with tiny red chairs fill the classroom, with pots of pencils on each.
“Good morning, Mr. Eren,” chirp roughly twenty 4-year-olds in something resembling vague unison. “Good morning, friends. Good morning, everyone!”
“Very good,” says Mr. Eren. Levi turns to look at him, and is caught off-guard by the sight of a grown-ass man wearing dungarees. Dungarees.
Denim dungarees, and a goddamn striped shirt underneath. Dear Lord, he’s dressed like one of the kids.
He swipes back a mop of messy brown hair and grins at the children. He turns to gaze right at Levi with a pair of startling green eyes, and beckons him and Erwin in further.
“Come on in, say hi!”
Oh God.
“Erwin, no, I don’t—”
Levi’s quickly learning that the first rule of Shiganshina Elementary is you don’t get a choice, and he finds himself shuffling hopelessly further into the classroom behind Erwin. The teacher called Eren is still wearing that ridiculous goofy smile.
“Good morning, Principal Erwin!” sing the children, and Erwin gives them a smile to rival Eren’s.
“Good morning, my little friends! As you can probably see, I have brought a guest with me who wishes to watch your morning lesson.”
Erwin turns to face Levi, and with a horrible sinking feeling he realises what’s about to happen.
“Can you introduce yourself?”
No. No. Absolutely not. Under no circumstances am I—
Levi looks down at the children, and his legs almost fall out from underneath him. He’s met with twenty pairs of little shining, inquisitive eyes, and he’s certain that every last one will burst into tears if he does anything remotely unfriendly.
“The name’s Levi.”
“Good morning, Mr. Levi!”
Levi’s going to die. He’s definitely going to die.
Fic #22
GENRE: Alternate Universe - Pirates; Alternate Universe - Merpeople; Alternate Universe - Fantasy RATING: M to E WARNINGS: No Archive Warnings apply ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Implied Character Death; Smut; Alcohol Use; Violence; Piracy on the High Seas
SUMMARY: When Eren was eight, he met a boy who lived in the sea. When he was twelve, his mysterious friend saved him from the soldiers of the Royal Navy who were acting under orders from Eldia’s increasingly paranoid and despotic regent, Lord Fritz. Eren was taken in by Captain Erwin Smith, former Navy commander turned rebel turned pirate. Now a grown man and captain of his own ship within Erwin’s pirate fleet, Eren must figure out what the Royal Navy is searching for on the open sea, thwart the plans of Eldia’s rival nation, Marley, and uncover a secret that will end the rule of Lord Fritz. And Eren’s newest crewmember, Levi, just might hold the key to everything, including Eren’s past.
EXCERPT: Eren blocked a swing at his face and spun the new assailant around before giving him a nudge toward a different knot of fighting. He cheerfully introduced himself over his shoulder, “I’m Eren!”
There was a moment of silence behind him before a voice answered, “...Levi.”
“So, come here often?” Eren queried as the two of them continued to convince a steady stream of sailors and dockworkers that there were better targets to pick fights with.
“Oh, yeah, all the time.” Levi pressed against Eren as he dodged a fist. “It’s so quiet here; got a great ambiance.” A stray chair flying through the air shattered the mirror behind the bar along with several bottles. “Plus, the bathroom doesn’t entirely reek of shit, and the staff is friendly.”
At that moment, the barman leaped out from behind the counter with a short club in his hands and murder in his eyes.
Fic #23
GENRE: modern au, supernatural, suspense RATING: M - E WARNINGS:  graphic depictions of violence ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: No Additional Warnings
SUMMARY: Eren and Levi had met at a family run cafe in a small, isolated town. Levi had claimed to had lived there for most of his life, while Eren was probably staying for two weeks at the most. Eren hadn’t expected to find himself falling in love with Levi this quickly, and he finds himself struggling to keep up with this new relationship and continuing to hunt down demons with the rest of the Corps. A slightly darker take on the ever beloved coffee shop theme where Levi isn’t quite as human as Eren thinks he is.
EXCERPT: “I love you, Levi.”
But Levi didn’t say anything, he just gave Eren a gentle smile in reply.
“I’ve been around the world constantly searching for something, and it’s all lead me to you. I could spend an eternity with you by my side, and I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
Fic #24
GENRE: Modern AU, Drama, RATING: E WARNINGS: Graphic depictions of violence, Minor character death ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Graphic nightmares, Parental Abuse, Hurt/comfort, Smut, Underage drinking, TBD
SUMMARY: With the death of his father came the death of ‘his dream’, of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. A dream that he had truly believed was going to fill the emptiness within him, but really, it had only kept growing. He realized it before, but now… Now it had been simply too long to just throw it all away. Eleven goddamned years had really nailed in his coffin at that point, or so Eren had once thought. However, with one intimate night spent in a stranger’s apartment, one gloomy morning in a graveyard overlooking the town, and one person with piercing grey eyes and words that seemed to haunt him, his entire world had really begun to take form.
(Lol I swear it gets better because damn, those warnings)
EXCERPT:  ..And as he remembered, silent tears started to fall. Eren did nothing to wipe them away as they streamed down his face and unto the ground beneath him.
He hadn’t heard anybody come up behind him, but even when a voice spoke out behind him, he didn’t flinch. The sound, while clear and strong, blended in perfectly with the rushing wind and the leaves rustling alongside. Eren wasn’t sure he knew why.
“You’re that kid from yesterday.” His voice was deep, monotone. He recognized that voice and it wasn’t until he turned with his tear streaked face did he remember. It was that same man from yesterday he noticed, but he hadn’t spoken that morning, though he could never forget those eyes. No, he remembered that voice from that one night, a couple weeks back, where he stumbled into this man’s apartment, half drunk and more vulnerable than had been smart.
“Yeah.” Eren stood up. This man- he couldn’t quite remember his name- was clad in tight, black jeans, black dress shoes, and a dark grey, oversized sweater that hung loosely from his frame and hung down to mid-thigh and over his wrists. He wondered how he looked so impeccable after having walked up that hill. He wondered if he still had that leather wristwatch.
Nobody spoke for a while, the two not-so-strangers simply looking each other over. Suddenly, the man turned swiftly around and started walking back towards the path.
“Come to Cafe Rose, I’ll pay. And for the love of all that’s holy, wipe that snot from your nose- it’s disgusting.” He watched the man’s back. He never once looked back to see if Eren was following. He stopped. “It’s Levi, by the way.” And despite the crude words, Eren shook his head and jogged up to catch up to Levi. He bumped his shoulder with his, and as Levi cringed at the contact, a silly little smile found its way onto Eren’s face.
And little did he know that that was the moment his world would really start to take form.
Fic #25
GENRE: modern au, band au, angst RATING: M-E WARNINGS: No major archive warnings ADDITIONAL WARNINGS: Non graphic descriptions of violence, underage alcohol usage
SUMMARY: Eren is an aspiring musician from Shiganshina who moves to Trost, determined to make it big. He manages to land a gig as the opener for popular rock band No Name (currently one of the world’s biggest musical acts) but there’s immediate conflict between him and front man Levi, which stems from shared personal history. While trying to work towards a professional relationship, they are plagued by scandals, publicity stunts and one very dedicated, very creepy mega fan. Story follows Eren and Levi as they make it through industry shenanigans, a full blown stadium tour, stalker fans and zealous paps with their careers intact, all while trying (and failing) not to fall back in love with each other.
EXCERPT: If you asked anyone else, they would tell you Trost smelt like exhaust smoke and McDonalds. If you asked Eren he would say it smelt like open doors and opportunities. Armin called him an idealist, Jean called him an idiot, but Eren knew it was his time. The Grammys were calling and so, he’d packed up his stuff, grabbed his trusty old guitar Titan and set off towards Trost and his dreams. Stepping outside the station Eren, took it all in, the giant buildings, busy streets, honking cars-
The giant No Name billboard across from him. Eren grabbed his phone and hit a number.
“Trost smells like smoke and shit, I’ve changed my mind, take me home?”
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mydaisyelizabeth · 5 years ago
About $3,000 worth of property, including
About $3,000 worth of property, including a Coach purse containing credit cards and two TVs, were taken.. If trying the fishing on your own, then you need to be aware that Port Macquarie has a bar, which must be carefully navigated and can be dangerous at ebb tides if the wind is north easterly.. Fishman, on March 2nd, 2012 announces the massive bust. As far as the plastic surgery you know my take on that!LOL! I have said if we were rich I have this sucked and that tucked, but now I don think so. In a stock sale worth $140 million. Burberry handbags So, try to find the feeling of jaguars nfl jersey the sun cheap glasses through air max the steelers nfl jersey fingers, nike huaraches with a ralph lauren online sunny, can not be air max 90 copied in horloges the free run scenery, to the azcardinals nfl jersey depths salvatore ferragamo of salomon flowers. Include even the negative details! 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He is presently vice president of communications for Leaders Legacy, Inc., a non profit focused on mentoring and coaching business and professional leaders. You know the ones, they are either all white or all black, with the giant interlaced C Awful.. Wyndham denies any wrongdoing and is fighting the suit.. Breath. CONTINENTAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Rockford: Signed C Marcus Campbell. Police said the couple received a notice that their taxes had already been filed for the year. They arrested a Richmond woman for suspicion of battery and disorderly conduct. She is a coupon clipping Coach addict as well, who days later, got an e mail alert the outlet was having a super secret online sale. Part of the magic of the Camden Haven River is the network of the river into the Watson Taylors Lake and Queens Lake. Other than that, they look great!. Mademoiselle Duparc remained in oakley tumbler the kitchen to help Marie in serving up the dinner, oakley a frames and only took her place at table after the soup coach purse factory outlet had been put on. Anyone with information is asked to call Boulder Police Detective Scott Morris at 303 441 3482. The bigger problem is water, or, more specifically, a lack of it. The t manages Japanese is being assimilated by the Brazilian company, such its innovative content regarding productivity, quality and participatory involvement. From the date in which the Apprentice has obtained a licence to ride in races not less than the rates listed below:NB: Superannuation 9.25% from July 1, 2013. [The market] has a long history in the community," he said.The flea market's website says lists over 50 vendors at the 100,000 square foot space knives, pet care coach outlet clearance items, vintage collectibles, baked goods and maillot de foot pas cher snowballs.In November, Baltimore County police responded to the shopping centerafter a fight erupted between opposing motorcycle gang member. 23, Bike with Bud and Falcon Foundation night golf; Aug. She did not respond to email inquiries. Filed to spin off leather manufacturer Coach Inc. So call it a late Christmas gift if it helps you sleep better at night (for all of youGreys Anatomy fans). Last week students at McCaskey High School used cardboard boxes and tents to build "homes." For several hours, they were homeless in Hooverville. The tie was a gift. After the soup discount ray ban sunglasses for women had been taken away, and while Marie was waiting at nike shox pink table during the eating of the second course, young Duparc oakley outlet online shop complained that he felt something gritty between his teeth.
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