#you know...I thought I had more shots of the twins as toddlers
gerbits · 7 days
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shih-coulda-had-it · 9 months
the AU where Prime Torino time-travels to the Advent of Quirks era (a time period he did not study for) and picks up two street babies after recognizing one as a miniature AfO
context: Sorahiko's been in the past for less than year. He's been preventing AfO from picking up new Quirks for maybe two weeks, and has dropped off food for the twins a couple of times.
wc: ~1.1k
The children stared at Sorahiko with wary eyes, eerily alike for all that they differed in stature and eye color. He didn’t let himself move, save for a tip of his head. The bigger child, the one Sorahiko thought was a young All for One, mimicked him; the smaller boy said in a faltering voice, “Who are you?”
“Call me Torino,” he said. “How about you?”
The smaller boy bit his lip and gave his brother a nervous side-eye. Chibi-AFO ignored him; he only had an unblinking stare for Sorahiko, and truth be told, it was getting irritating. Don’t raise your voice, he heard Shimura chide. 
He sighed, then changed tack. “Did you like the food?” At the clear brightening of the smaller boy’s expression, Sorahiko lifted the plastic bag. The boys were younger than Kotarou, but he had vague memories of Shimura feeding her son soft foods before he turned a year old. Surely steamed vegetables and (slightly) overcooked rice was fine.
Chibi-AFO lurched forward without a sound, one hand outstretched, the other still holding tight to his brother’s wrist.
A curse slipped through Sorahiko’s filter; he dropped the bag and Jetted himself backwards, out of reach but not out of sight. The last thing he wanted was to be chased blindly by some murderous toddler.
The showing of his Quirk, however, sparked something in Chibi-AFO’s eyes. A different kind of hunger--one that apparently required both hands now, as he unceremoniously dropped his brother and doubled down on trying to grab Sorahiko. The smaller boy yelped as spikes burst from Chibi-AFO’s skin, and then showed an incredible lack of self-preservation by trying to intervene.
“No!” he cried. “No, don’t! He’s nice!”
Sorahiko dodged another lunge for his neck. Can I hit him now? he begged the Shimura on his shoulder. I’m justified in knocking him out for his own good, right? That’s how this works?
You can’t hit a baby! Shimura scolded. He doesn’t know any better!
Chibi-AFO, as if to refute Shimura’s sympathies, finally opened his mouth to screech, “GIVE!” He kept springing for Sorahiko with his tiny palms thrust outwards; the spikes on his body rushed unerringly for Sorahiko’s limbs. “GIVE IT!”
“Stop it! Stop!”
How much stamina could a toddler have? More importantly, how long did Sorahiko have until the civilians he’d ushered off the street rang the local police station? Sorahiko, out of sheer curiosity, started leading Chibi-AFO in a circle. It felt criminally easy to maintain a generous distance between himself and the toddler, even as Chibi-AFO grew more desperate and enraged at not having easy prey.
“IT’S MINE!” the toddler snarled, out of breath. “MINE! MINE!” 
Because Sorahiko wasn’t above taunting a baby, he upped the speed on his Jet. Chibi-AFO’s reliance on his spikes to propel him was the toddler’s downfall; as the chase continued, the production output and quality of the spikes diminished, until it was pure spite that powered Chibi-AFO’s bare feet.
The smaller boy had collapsed long ago by the food, gasping, but he seemed like he registered that Sorahiko wasn’t about to die, because he was now spectating with awe-struck eyes.
“Are you done?” said Sorahiko mildly, continuing to deny the toddler any hope of closing the gap. The boy’s face was getting redder, and scrunched-up, and then the funniest thing happened: Chibi-AFO tripped on his makeshift robe, face-planting into the asphalt.
Don’t laugh, Shimura said, in a long ago memory about Kotarou colliding into a glass door.
Chibi-AFO was trembling, every limb shaking. The smaller boy had shot up, renewed concern pushing him to his brother’s side and babbling something unintelligible. Sorahiko stifled the bark of laughter as Chibi-AFO gingerly lifted his head and goggled at the ground, like he couldn’t believe he’d fallen.
“Be nice,” the smaller boy pleaded, frantically patting Chibi-AFO’s shoulders. “Don’t, don’t, be nice.”
A tiny, minuscule drop of pity collected at the pit of his stomach. Sorahiko made the executive decision to sacrifice his cape, unpinning it from his suit and dropping the heavy fabric onto the boys before going to fetch the food. They startled at the sudden weight, but the smaller boy could only squeak and Chibi-AFO, thoroughly exhausted, could only twitch.
“Let’s try this again,” said Sorahiko dryly. He popped the plastic lids of the styrofoam containers and stuck spoons into two of them, situated both in front of the children, and took his own seat a full meter away. “I’m Torino. How’s the food?”
Huddled under his cape, the smaller boy looked bewilderedly from him to the food, and back again. “Um…!”
“Not hungry,” said Chibi-AFO.
“... Alright. You two have names?”
“No,” said Chibi-AFO, sullen. “Go ‘way.”
As tempting as it was, Sorahiko took a measured breath and let out a controlled exhale. “No. You’re hurting people being out here, and I can help you. Food, and a place to sleep. Do you understand me?”
The smaller boy fiddled with a handful of Sorahiko’s cape. Tentatively, he asked, “Safe?”
Chibi-AFO repeated, in the same tone as before, “No.”
At some point, Sorahiko thought, you really couldn’t justify letting a toddler steer the conversation. He considered his options, and responded to the smaller boy first. “Yes, it’s safe. I won’t hurt you, or him. I just can’t let him hurt anyone else.”
A small hum, and then: “Okay. We go.”
“No!” Chibi-AFO protested, and finally pushed himself up, wincing. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes, but Sorahiko would place a bet that they were purely reflexive. “No, I’m safe! He’s bad! He hurt me!”
“You hurt you,” the smaller boy sniffed.
The murderous intent flashed on Chibi-AFO’s face again, and Sorahiko hastily stepped in before more blood was shed. He snapped his fingers in front of the toddler. A malformed spike, sloppy in execution and sluggish in timing, tried to pierce Sorahiko’s hand and dissipated before he could even recoil. Exhaustion! Finally! 
“Go ‘way,” the toddler demanded.
Sorahiko simply leaned his cheek against his fist, propping his elbow on his knee. Either Chibi-AFO would recover and try for a second time to steal Jet, or he would pass out. There wasn’t any point trying to reason with the brat.
The smaller boy patted Chibi-AFO’s shoulders, but he too went quiet. Eventually, Chibi-AFO slumped flat to the ground again, and his slurred orders dwindled to a faint burbling snore. That was Sorahiko’s cue to creak upright, crouch down, and ask the smaller boy in a serious tone, “Can I pick you up?”
The kid looked at the food.
“I have more at home.”
“... Okay,” he said softly, and in swift order, Sorahiko resituated his cape so it swaddled Chibi-AFO, took him up on one arm, and hoisted the smaller boy in his other arm. There was that squeak again, and a nervous clutching at his flight suit, but Sorahiko’s attention was on thinking about the route back to his apartment.
It would be easier on the kid’s nerves if he walked, but the Meta X gangs were too troublesome to bother with tonight.
“Hold tight,” Sorahiko muttered, and Jetted for the rooftops.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
omg ok one shot idea- domestic adult leosagi
not adult as in yknow cuz that’s weird i mean like literally them as adults just being flirty and cute and living together
It was late. Well late for some of them members of the household. Leo came out of one of the bedroom and wrapped his arms around Usagi collapsing into his husband.
“The twins take that much out of you?” Usagi teased him while wrapping his arms around him and kissing his cheek softly.
“You know our girls. Full of energy but I think their finally down.” Leo replied and he snuggled into Usagi’s neck.
Usagi hummed but decided to tease more. “And their asleep in their own beds?” He felt Leo tense against him. He knew it.
Leo pulled back and one of his hands went to rub the back of his neck. “Well Ume-chan’s been having bad dreams lately and Sakura-chan didn’t want her to be alone.” Usagi softened at both his husbands words and demeanor.
“Will they be okay for the night?” He asked worries for their daughters.
“Oh ya. But I’ll check in on them later just in case.” Leo reassured. “How’s Jotaro-chan?” He changed the subject as he didn’t want his husband to worry about the girls or his insomnia.
Usagi let it go with a sigh trusting his husband. He pulled him close again wrapping his arms around Leo’s waist. “He’s sound asleep. He wanted to hear the story of how we met again.” Usagi smiled warmly at his husband.
Leo returned the smile, wrapping his arms around Usagi’s neck. “Really? How far did you make it into it this time?” It had been a running joke between them. Jotaro was three almost four, and he had become obsessed with finding out how his parents met and fell in love. He always insisted they tell him the story, even using his younger sisters as a way to prompt them to tell the story more. They always started in the same place though and were now seeing how long Jotaro and the girls would stay awake. So far the poor boy hadn’t made it passed the first time Leo woke up in Usagi’s world.
“You’ll be proud of him. Today we almost made it to your first pick up line.” Usagi said with a smirk.
Leo laughed but was quickly shushed by his husband who desperately didn’t want to wake their toddlers. Leo quited down but continued to giggle. “So he made it one line further then normal. I’m impressed.” The two shared a smile.
Leo sighed and pulled closer to Usagi resting his head against his. He started humming softly as he swayed them back and forth.
Usagi smiled and followed his husband’s lead. “What are you doing?” He asked fondly though he was well versed in Leo’s antics at this point.
Leo paused his humming to respond. “What? It’s been a long time since I got to dance with my husband.” Leo started up his humming again this time changing their swaying to a simple box step. Usagi followed without complaint.
“Funny I thought we danced all the time trying to get the twins to calm down?” Usagi couldn’t help but tease back though he was quite enjoying the quite moment with the love of his life.
“While I love the girls to death and will dance with them every chance I get, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to dance with just you.” Leo whispered quietly into his ear. Usagi paused their dancing to place a gentle kiss on Leo’s lips.
“Then all you had to do was ask my beloved.” And the two began to dance again.
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 338: A Saturday at Melissa’s, p13 (10:20PM: Dr. J)
I shudder to think back on it now, but I had my face buried in Melissa’s hair as we left the assembled crowd of my employees. They buzzed all around us in the great room of her house and I could hear them talking about me. But if this was embarrassing, being brought away from the evening party like a little kid, then the silken sea of her shampoo’d mane was a soft, scented sanctuary. She smelled of lilacs. I didn’t, at this point in the day, have the strength of will to look at anyone, but after only a few impossibly long strides of Melissa’s we were away from the crowd. I was carried the whole way, held against her side like an overgrown toddler. She took me from the great room up the stairs towards her bedroom. Each doorway we approached caused her to duck, unintentionally bouncing me as she squeezed my bottom even tighter. She was so tall in these platform heels that our heads rose more than seven feet above the ground. When she did duck under a door she would look me in the eyes, warmly, watching me appreciate her great height.  Finally, though, we were in her room. 
“Would you like me to put you down?” she whispered in my ear, her warm breath causing my skin and bones to shiver, her voice deep and rich and shaking me deeper still. 
“Y-you don’t have to,” I answered, surprising myself. Yes, I was feeling beyond humiliated but it was nice to feel the strength and size of her, her big left breast smushed warmly into my side through her thick knit sweater. She smelled great, and I felt safe and protected. I didn’t want to be away from her body.
She was happy, it seemed, to just hold me, hold me and carry me about her room, taking me on a little tour. She jostled me, at times, playfully, as she stepped about, showing me this thing and that, swaying me back and forth like a child. Her mother had moved just within the past couple of years into this home, and Melissa had never really lived here herself. But there were trinkets, photos, some nostalgic pieces from her childhood that had been collected. Photos from several different schools, a cheerleading trophy that read “Regional Runner-Ups”, a time-worn teddy bear sitting on a dresser, all things that called to mind a past that Melissa, really, had never told me much about. I knew she moved a lot as a kid, with her mom. Past that I was vague on the details. 
Alongside all the memories, though, I couldn’t help but notice one area, a section of shelving on the wall outside her closet that had a messy little pile of stuff. I spotted  a picture of me in a frame, a casual shot she’d snapped at the office a while back. Also in the pile were some movie ticket stubs, a receipt, maybe from one of our dates, and also a piece of my clothing. An old tee-shirt I’d been missing, now covered in what looked like lipstick surrounded by a toothbrush, also mine, a pair of white briefs and  several old, used tissues. 
“What’s all that?” I asked, as she carried me by it. 
“Oh, haha,” she laughed, “that’s my Jay shelf. Or, shelves. Stuff that makes me think of you.” She sounded a bit embarrassed but figuring…well, I don’t know what she was figuring. She carried me in for a closer look. “Isn’t that picture of you so adorable? I’ve got another couple I want to put up. And, can I keep your socks from yesterday?”
Huh, I thought, noticing the twin taper candles she’d stood in holders on the middle shelf, this is odd. But part of me warmed, seeing what this beautiful woman had done. “I’m…flattered,” I told her. She must really like me! “And, uh, sure on the socks.”
She giggled, thanking me. “Maybe someday I’ll just put you up there,” she beamed, “so I can take you down and play with you anytime I want!”
Melissa was funny. I sometimes didn’t quite know when she was joking, like this was just some “crazy girlfriend” shtick and I’d play along because she was just so fucking sexy. Honestly, if anything these games were either pretty sweet or smokin’ hot but sometimes she sounded just plain crazy. In the end, though, even that was all easy to ignore in a girlfriend when she’s as gorgeous as Melissa. With my girlfriend carrying me around her bedroom with her massive left boob squashed into my middle, who was I to complain? “Haha th-that’d be-” 
“Or maybe I’ll put you up on my dresser next to Ted,” she interrupted, as we were stepping away already. “He’s my first boyfriend. I keep him right…over…here.”
“Ted is…?” I began, having been turned to face a stuffed bear which sat, slouched softly, against the wall atop Melissa’s high dresser, “This guy?”
“Haha yes!” she giggled, reaching out with her free right hand to the teddy bear, a classic brown plushie. It looked old, worn, like it had seen a life full of cuddles. A childhood friend, perhaps. “Ted and I started dating before my mom let me have real boys,” she spoke in all earnesty, now holding the bear right up to her face, looking straight into his black, beaded eyes, “Isn’t that right, Ted?”
This, for example, was one of those times where Melissa sounded crazy. But, I thought, taking the moment to glance down at her big boobs, crazy girls are sexy, right?
At that she giggled, and bit her lower lip. “Yeah, we didn’t have much money. My mom didn’t get me a lot of toys,” she mused, her voice a bit faraway, “but I always had Ted to play with. And he was my first boyfriend.”
The fact that we were there, the two of us - this teddy bear and me - each held in our own way in opposite arms by this big beautiful girl, was not lost on me. She, in fact, turned him…it…to face me, to look in its beady, slightly off-center eyes. 
“You two should be introduced,” she continued, jostling me up at her side, resettling me, “Ted, this is Jay. My new boyfriend. Don’t be jealous, but he and I are in love.” She paused, as if listening to the thing’s response. “And, Jay…this is Ted. The first boy I kissed. The first boy who…haha got to sit on my bed and watch me change. The first boy who ever got to do…this.”
At that, Melissa took the teddy bear, still in hand, and lowered him a bit. Though she was cradling me in her left arm she was able to use her left hand to pull out the lower hem of her sweater and I watched as she maneuvered ‘Ted’ up under it, sliding him up under her heavy knit top. She released the hem, and pulled out her right hand, leaving him in there. 
“There you go,” she playfully spoke down to the thing, through her sweater, which she smoothed out over her big bosom with her hand, “right in there with my boobies.“
I swallowed, dryly, imagining the thing’s situation right now, shoved up in there, beneath, between and under Melissa’s breasts. I could barely see the extra lump under there, that’s how large her chest was. “H-he was the first boy who ever got to do that?” I found myself asking, my interest entirely too prurient, "Ha..ha…maybe I should be jealous…"
That made Melissa coo and squeal. “No, you don’t have to be jealous haha…he was the first and only,” she laughed, now turning to fix me with those big, glittering eyes of gold and green and brown, “unless you want to try?”
My heart- my heart was beating so quickly now, and I’m sure she felt me shudder up against her. Good god! I was struck speechless. 
Melissa continued, blithely. “But, I know being buried up in my cleavage like that, under my sweater, can get tooo hot. Isn’t that right, Ted? Are you hot in there?” she said, looking back down again at her chest, considering. “So, maybe someday I have a little chain made, and this clasp we can snap around you,” she continued, talking to me, musing on the possibility like it could be an actual thing, “I’ll wear it around my neck, and it’ll keep you from sinking too deep.”
Nnnghh. “i-i-into your cleavage?” I stammered, dumbly.
“Yeah,” she answered.
You don’t want to have me as a toy, a companion, like that bear, I thought, already hardened into steel against her left hip, you want to wear me like a necklace. 
“And,” Melissa continued, “I promised Ted that when we grew up and I married him, that he wouldn’t have to get a real job. That I’d take care of him.” Melissa bit her lower lip, watched my face. “He liked the idea,” she said, “but, how would you feel about that?”
“h-how would I feel if…?”
“I asked you this before, in the hot tub. Would you like that? If I kept you here as a stay-at-home husband?” 
Was she joking? Or was she serious? 
“I’m serious, I’d do that for you,” she said plainly, causing me to flinch at the timing “I’ve been so happy with you, with how relaxed you are away from work, with us, with the girls. I like how good you’re being, and I’m so proud of you.”
Oh my god, what..? Why did that make me feel so good??
“I love how you’re letting me take care of you, and I want to reward you,” she said, as the crazy fantasy of being a house-husband, waiting for my big, beautiful, head-of-the-household and successful, breadwinner wife to get home coalesced in my brain. Haha there’s no w- “in fact, that reminds me! I have presents!”
“P-presents?” I asked, ripped from my reverie by another change of topic. I was starting to realize that Melissa, here, was really getting worked up, more manic. 
“Yes! I’m so excited. Shanette and I, we were shopping earlier, and I bought you more cute things. I want to show you!”
Okay, the pajamas were new, she’d had me wearing those. They were a nice gesture, if a little humiliating, but she’d bought me more? Yes, I guess so, and she was obviously set on showing them off to me. She put me down onto my feet, first making sure I didn’t fall on my wobbly legs. Then she casually took the bear out from under her sweater and carelessly tossed him aside back onto the dresser. Next she retrieved several shopping bags full of clothes from the bed as she sat in a soft corner chair of white fabric, facing me. Melissa seemed super giddy, energized, maybe because everything was going so well. Was it because I was being a ‘good boy’?  
Eagerly, she waved me closer to her. But before I stepped forward, I took in a deep breath. Her enormous aura was filling the room, and I felt it swallowing my weak self. Seated there, smiling broadly with her statuesque and uncompromising posture, her firm bustline jutted straight out in her striped sweater, emphasizing enormous, unapologetic curves that no male eye could ignore…certainly not mine. Her figure made me docile, I realized it even then but didn’t mind; I counted myself lucky just to be able to be in the same room as that massively buxom body. Sitting up straight like this also had the unintentional effect of exposing her midriff, complete with its tiny waistline and gentle six-pack abs. Her shoulders, strongly squared, radiated quiet power, as did the twin pillars of her legs. She was not only mind-blowingly gorgeous and miraculously built, but as I stood humbly in front of her she just seemed so…superior. 
Again she waved me towards her, now a bit impatient. She began to show off the clothes she’d bought for me - pants, shirts, socks, a belt. Understanding that she wanted me to try them on, I began unbuttoning my pajama top. 
“No,” she directed, one large hand coming up to my chest to stop me. “Step towards me. I want to undress you.”
Without a word I complied, and let her start. As she unbuttoned me she noticed something on one side of my neck. She cocked her head with a wry little smile. “Who did this, hm?” she asked.
“Did what?” I asked, not knowing what she was talking about. 
Melissa reached for a handheld mirror on the bureau alongside where she was sitting, She showed me a hickey on the right side of my neck.
“Huh,” I muttered with a shrug. I don’t remember how that got there. “One of the girls?”
“Obviously,” she chuckled, “come here.” With that, an arm from behind me drew me closer, so she could inspect my injury. “Is it sore?” she asked. 
“Uh…a little,” I answered. It actually was a little tender, now that I knew about it.  
“Aww, poor thing, you have a boo-boo,” she cooed, “Here, let mama kiss and make it better.” Holding me steady with her right hand on my hip, Melissa then raised her free left hand to her lips. She kissed her own palm gently, with a luxurious <<smack>>, and then placed it to my neck, covering the angry bruise. I felt an unusual coolness under the touch of her hand, and my eyes shuddered from a new kind of sensation.
“There we go,” she said matter-of-factly, once again picking up the mirror and showing me the reflection of my neck again, “all better.”  The hickey was gone.
I should have been confused. I should have been bewildered, taken aback, and frankly terrified as I rubbed the side of my neck with my hand as I looked for any sign of the injury in the mirror. What I’d just witnessed was medically and physiologically impossible. But nothing about this woman surprised me anymore. She’d just healed me, like a saint, like some laying-on-of-hands. 
With those same miraculous hands Melissa put down the mirror and took back to the task of unbuttoning my pajama top. Soon she had me peeled out of it and turned her attention to my bottoms. Adroitly, she undid the button on my pajama pants and, without a word, they fell into a puddle at my feet.
For a long moment I glanced down at them, looking at the ground. I saw how big her giant feet, in those aggressively enormous stilettos, looked next to my bare ones. I felt naked. Well, I was naked, and my erection stood between us, a near-constant presence whenever she was in the room, or in my thoughts. It humbled me, a bit, and I kept my eyes on the floor between us. I could sense that it mildly annoyed her. She’d prefer if I’d been looking at her chest or focused on her face. And so, I looked back up at her. 
She rewarded me with a smile. 
“Do you like the clothes I bought you?” she asked, her hand reaching out to casually caress my hip, possessively. I could sense her resisting the urge to grab me by the cock. 
“Yes I… thanks…” I responded. I felt so shy, like I didn't even know how to make a conversation, or where to even start. But I knew Melissa didn't mind taking care of that. She liked it when a man allowed a woman to be the one talking.
“Shanette and I liked picking them all out, shopping for you,” she continued, her gaze drifting from my face to my eager cock and back again as she gauged my response. “Will you need my help putting them on?”
I know what you want me to say. “I, uh…maybe, yes please…” I replied. 
That got her even more excited, I felt it. It was like I didn't know how to dress myself and I was so shy when I spoke…she loved it. I was showing signs of my insecurity, and she was drinking it all in with pleasure. 
“This is it, this is the man I’ve taken home,” she said softly, as if to herself. Her hand still drifted lazily up my side, bringing quivers and shivers to the skin and bone of my meager body. She was thinking, ruminating on the day and on this moment. “Honey, I don’t know if I can take it much longer,” she said, exhaling a deep breath, “tell me again how you like the clothes.”
“I..I love them,” I said, again knowing exactly what she wanted to hear from me. That this…whatever this was…had become some sort of foreplay for us? It was weird, but it was so fucking hot. “Thank you for buying them for me.”
“Could you have afforded them yourself?” she asked, her deep voice quietly fighting to bridle her energy. 
Images of my bills, my bank statements and debts flashed through my head as I felt a pang of embarrassment slither through me. “N-no probably not,” I replied, “b-but…I can…I can pay you back?”
“No,” she said, plainly, decisively refusing my offer, “I’m going to buy your clothes from now on. And your groceries, and whatever else you need. I understand your financial situation, with the divorce. It’s a tough time for you.”
‘Tough time’? I was actually broke. “B-but…”
“But nothing. I’ve saved up over the years. I have my modeling money, and I make a lot now,” she explained, making me feel dwarfed not only by the impressive size of her body seated in front of me, but also now by the size of her bank account. “I’m happy to provide for you, I want to do it. In fact…”
I watched, in my humiliation, as she reached into a pocket of her girlish skirt to pull out a plastic card. 
“It’s a debit card,” she said, holding it out for me. It was red, with the symbol of that new bank that had opened a branch down the road. I knew it only took women as customers. “It’s got two thousand dollars on it. I want you to have it.”
“M-Melissa…” I began, blood rushing to my face and, to my chagrin, to my erection. 
“Shush, take it,” she said, shaking the card at me, “I  know you’ve been low on cash, and I don’t want you to suffer. This will help.”
“I can’t take your money…” I continued, eyeing the card and feeling myself shrink in importance yet again in this increasingly strange, increasingly female-dominated world. The truth was clear. It would help, a couple thousand dollars. “I really can’t…”
“Yes, you can,” she urged, her voice filled with new confidence and growing power as she heard my capitulation starting to surface. She realized, though, how fragile I was, and meant to reassure me. “Jay. I promise…no strings attached. If you stop wanting to hang out with me I won’t ever bring this up, or even hint at it. I just don’t want your worrying about money to be a reason you can’t spend time with me.”
“I…” I began, not knowing what to say. Despite what she said, I knew what this - and her insistence to buy my clothes, my groceries - meant. She wanted all my time, if she could have it, and didn’t mind if some of it was bought. You want to have me as a kept man. Despite the indignity, naked and trembling, I took the card from her. 
Inside, I could hear her squeal. She was thrilled, and she didn’t let up. “And, when you finish with that one, just tell me,” she said, watching as I warily inspected the card, “there can be so much more where that came from.”
I blinked, and though I felt her gaze on me I didn’t have the strength of will to meet  it. “o-okay, thank you…” I mumbled. 
“Yes, you just ask mommy for more,” she said, unable to resist the temptation to tease a little and giggling when I - now - looked at her. She was tickled, it seemed, by my consternation. “Or, we can do a little every week, if you like that better?”
Like an allowance? Is that what you mean? “n-no you don’t have t-“ 
“I insist,” she said, giggling, seemingly satisfied as my financial caregiver now. “I love having you dependent on me,” she beamed, “In fact, I can’t wait for the day when I can give you a much bigger card, so you can totally stop working and just focus on me.”
That did it. I groaned, and nearly sobbed. The waves of humiliation and seas of inferiority had crested their banks, overwhelmed my shores. “M-Melissa,” I began, “I don’t want to feel…u-u-useless..!”
'Oh honey! You’re not useless!” she exclaimed, hand coming up behind my head, guiding me to look back at her face, “I didn't know this would bother you so much! But I understand…” She looked at me, watched me, read the emotions coming over my face. She understood the folly of male pride, she saw it writhing and wilting inside me. She knew she needed to tend to it. “What if we were able to, I dunno, find a way for you to pay me back, return the favor?” she offered, “Would that make you feel better? If you felt like you could repay me…just not with money?"
“wh-what do you mean?” I sniveled.
“Oh, we could find ways,” she said, giggling, her free hand now coming to brush the inside of my right thigh. “I’m so busy these days, and you always help me relax. It’s sometimes hard being the one in charge…you remember that, right?” Her hand came to cup my swollen, distended sac. I flinched. “It’s stressful. But when you’re like this, when you’re making me feel big, when you’re making me feel strong and capable, I feel like I can handle anything. I love you for that.” Her hand had slowly, gently but casually, begun to fondle my golfball-sized testicles, sending shockwaves of electricity up and down my skeleton. I did my best not to writhe and groan. “You could do that, you can help me feel big.”
What she was doing, of course, was turning my insecurity into an understanding of her needs. She was giving me a way to contribute. “It could help us both, if you could do that,” she continued, “It’s you that gives me all my strength, and if you’re willing to help me relax, help me get stronger and do a better job, it would mean the world.”
“holy shit yes Melissa…” I heard myself agreeing.
She looked deep into my eyes, seeing that, yes, I was right of mind, unclouded. “So you’ll do it?” she smiled, “You’ll be the best little boyfriend and help me get better and better? Help me do what I need to do and always be there for me? So I can be there for you?”
“yes…yes of course…”
“And that will make you feel better about taking money from me?” She was massaging my balls firmly now, her hand at times squeezing, causing my stomach to clench.
“That’s great, that before you were distracted thinking about business, and responsibilities, all those little things that just got in the way,” she said, squeezing my sac again for emphasis, “but now I’ll have all of your attention focused where it should be.” She squeezed again. “On me.”
“o-o-on what’s important,” I followed without hesitation, as soon as I could speak again.
“Oh Jay oh god yes,” she lauded with a little moan, as if surprised by my eager response.
“j-just please…” I began, swaying on my feet as her hand’s attention on my scrotum became more insistent, “please don’t…”
“Please don’t what, sweetie?” she asked, cocking her head, watching my face.
“don’t g-get upset if I…if I…” What was I trying to say? I felt so inadequate, that even here in my ignominy I felt like I couldn’t live up to anything that was being asked of me.
“If you what? If you can’t do everything right? If you don’t pay me enough attention?” she asked, again half-annoyed that I was looking at the ground and not her. There was a slight shift in her voice, as if she was becoming a bit impatient, almost slightly offended. She gave my balls one firm, final squeeze and then released them. “Do you think I’ll be upset if I find you…what? Kissing the other girls? That it’ll make me cry?”
Here, again, was a change in her mood, and it made me nervous. She looked at me, and then slowly stood, suddenly looming over me in her tight knit sweater and short pleated skirt. Her enormous heels raised her to a height so great that I’d be staring at her midriff if my eyes could have left the ground. I’d backed up, reflexively, two stumbling steps, but she followed suit with one great one of her own. As she approached me she placed her hands on her hips and stood straight, to appear even taller. Then, towering above me, she asked: “Do I look like the kind of girl that cries easily? Hmm?”
She looked down at me. She knew what I really was. A scared little mouse. I  could just hear her thinking: you’ll do whatever the amazon says, won’t you little mousey-mouse haha?
“You like me in my heels, don’t you?” she asked, with a bit of a growl in her voice and taking a step towards me, watching me retreat.
I knew, immediately, what she was doing. She wanted it already; payback. She’d given me money, and now she wanted my attention. She wanted me to be a good boyfriend. She wanted me to make her feel huge.
“y-yes…” I stammered, “you’re so beautiful.”
I watched as she looked to her side, to the bureau onto which she’d thrown the teddy bear. Aside him lay two big white-and-blue pom-poms, nestled behind the cheerleading trophy. She picked them up, took one in each hand. 
“Does it turn you on?” she asked, stepping again towards me and shaking the pom-poms a bit, pushing me slowly into backsteps, “Me being this tall?”
“i-it does,” I agreed, watching her now shake the pom-poms at me again. I knew I needed to play into her desires, what she wanted here, or I’d face something I didn’t know if I could handle. My arousal, like so many times before, was seasoned with a palpable sense of fear. “y-you’re so tall, so strong. So big and beautiful.”
“Yesss…” she moaned, her voice deep. She continued to shake the pom-poms, aggressively now, looking for all intents and purposes like an overgrown, oversexed cheerleader, all boobs and curves in her sweater and skirt. She was shaking the pom-poms, and oh my god as she stepped towards me I felt it. Her feet were shaking the ground, rattling pictures in their frames. “And I make you hard, don’t I? Being this big?” 
“oh my god yes,” I replied, in all earnestness. I’d come up against something, a piece of furniture bumping against my legs. Maybe the bench at the end of her bed. Stopped in my retreat, I stepped to the side a bit, and took another step back.
“Oh, Jay, I love being this big,” she said, now stopping where she was, “I want to see how hard I can make you.” At that, she tossed the pom-poms aside and, in her next motion, grabbed the hem of her sweater and peeled it off, over her head. 
With the sudden appearance of her jaw-dropping torso I gasped, groaned. She was wearing a big, full-coverage white bra that lifted her enormous breasts into twin cannonballs bigger than human heads, sitting high and firm on her chest. With a shake of her head she fluffed out the raven mane of her hair and threw the sweater to the side. Good god this young woman was magnificent, standing nearly seven-and-a-half feet tall in her platform heels, white bra and short white skirt.
Instinctively, I took another step back.
“Stop…” she began, lazily taking one big step to plant herself right in front of me once more. The house shook again. “...running away.”
My heart froze at her command, and I stopped dead. My eyes were first planted at her glorious middle, ribcage barreled over an impressive thoracic cavity. Her waist, the narrowest part of her torso in circumference, was highlighted by abdominals like a gentle washboard. I looked up, and my vision was dominated by the white, mountainous swells of luminous satin that ballooned from her chest. My heart was racing, and I wasn’t thinking. I felt my left foot start to step backwards…
My feet kicked wildly, now more than a foot off the ground, and through her chest I heard her giggle, laugh. Around me her breast flesh jiggled, making me hyperaware of her mirth. In defense, and looking for support, I reached out and placed my hands on her, feeling them take purchase on broad hips. I felt her shiver at my touch, and for a moment she placed her hands behind my butt, holding me to her. My cock, hard and throbbing, pressed up into her skirt and lower washboard. Despite myself I ground into her, she pressing my hips into hers in response. She turned, I felt it, and took several steps, holding me to her.
“Oh, my god, Jay,” I heard her say, voice thundering through her chest in a basso profundo, “look at us.” I knew, I could tell, she was looking at us in a mirror. What I must look like from behind, bare of butt and shrunken and gaunt, strapped into the body of this Amazon. I felt her hands moving, one leaving me, and next thing I knew there was another strap, something coming around my waist.
“I’m…trying to get this around us,” she said, and I realized it was a belt. The new one she had bought me? She was trying to belt us together. My face, fully my entire head, was bound to her bosom by her bra. She now wanted to lash us together by the waists as well? I think she could tell I was getting frightened, and she didn’t want that. “Relax, honey, I’ve almost got it…”
A giggle, the sound of a buckle, and a little squeal of triumph. Yes, now we were belted together, bound. Or, rather, I was tied to her, attached to her. Made to feel even smaller than I already was. It was humiliating, but after a few moments and a few breaths I did start to relax, I did. Maybe it was by her command, or maybe it was her perfume, so strong off the skin of her breasts. But I felt my body loosen, hang, let the belt and the bra hold me. She had taken her hands away and began to walk around, chuckling and laughing, apparently beyond amused by what she could do. The thunder in my ears was her heart, her voice, her laughter…and the house rattling. And - was that the click of a phone camera?
”W-why is the floor shaking?” I spoke, into her cleavage. Would she even hear me?
“That’s you and me, sweetie,” she said, “And, the floor is nothing. You and me? Together? We’re gonna make the whole world shake!”
“oh please yes,” I moaned, imagining her as a titan stomping through cities, me nestled and lost hidden between her building-sized tits. “So big…” I said in a groan.
“AHG Haha!” she cried, maybe picturing the same thing herself. Whatever it was, she was suddenly overcome and between us I felt her hand tear away her skirt, and then her panties. My cock now throbbed, with all its monstrous size, up against her-
A hand, and shift of hips, and suddenly I was slid up inside her.
“Oh my god,” I groaned, sparks flashing before my eyes.
“Shhh…shhhshhhshhh honey,” she said, “just hold on and focus…” She was going to ….nnnnghh….she was going to fuck me standing up. Fuck me with my meager male body just attached to her. “Focus on enjoying yourself as…mmmnnh…” she continued, half-overcome herself, “as I just take care of everything.” 
I felt her hands on my legs, guiding them, encouraging me to wrap my legs around her. I did the best I could, until I was clinging to her like a baby monkey. I started to buck into her, awkwardly sliding my steel-hard shaft up, into her belly. On any other woman I would have been hitting cervix, but with Melissa I was just the right size. I thrust, grunting, again.
Gently, she shushed me. “No, shh…you don’t even have to do that…just let me,” she spoke, “Let me do you like this…” With that, I felt her hands behind me, big hands on my thin hips, cupping my scrawny butt. She used them to begin to move me, slowly but firmly into her, at her own pace.
“There we go, there we go baby,” she purred in obvious delight, “just hold on, hold onto me.”
NNngh NNgh NNgh…I grunted, little sounds into her tits. Her flesh was warming, around me, and my perspiration was beginning to mingle with her own. The scent of her perfume, strong to begin with, was growing stronger. It was like a drug, she was like a drug. I couldn’t get enough, and lucky for me there was always more of her.
I felt, as we stood there and fucked, one of her hands leave my rear. She continued to pump me into her with her left hand, but her right came up to peel one of my thin arms away from her torso and take hold of my hand. She directed it up underneath the sides of her.
“There you go, under the wings of my bra,” she said, now moving my other hand under that of the other thick, elastic side strap. Up past the wrists, now, my hands were slid under her bra, under her armpits. And then, with a soft moan coming from deep in her lungs, I felt Melissa swell. Though my vision was useless, my face plastered between her enormous breasts, I could tell what was happening. She was flexing, pumping up her body, bringing strength and blood to her muscles. I had sensed a change in her perfumes, which had grown subtly sharper, and under my hands and forearms her lats swelled. She was, in her intumescence, trapping them. With the swelling of her back muscles, her bra became so taut around my hands that I couldn’t move them if I tried. My head, as well, was pulled even more firmly into her cleavage by her expansion.
“I have you trapped,” she breathed, voice deeper and even more sonorous from under her ribs. I could feel the strength in it, as well as in her newly blossomed, rippling musculature. If I’d felt dwarfed before, I felt absolutely feeble in comparison to her now, plastered to her like a remora. “You…you can’t get away, can you?
“n-no…” I squeaked, into her tits, “I’m just stuck to you.”
“OH GOD, yessss…” she groaned, shoving my hips into herself more aggressively now, her rhythm quickening. “You’re stuck to me…you’re stuck to meeerrrrrRRRRRRARRR…!”
I felt her quake, her whole body convulsing, and suddenly we were moving again. With me still strapped and clinging to her, she was climbing onto the bed, onto her hands and knees. The bed creaked in complaint below us. One arm supporting her, she set up pillows under us, under where my head and shoulders would be so when - in her next move - she unclasped her bra I would fall, my upper body at least, onto them. My head was still cradled in the hammock of her loosened bra, but as she lowered it down her shoulders I fell the final bit down. My lower body was still lashed to her by the belt, my cock still inside her, my legs still clasping at her gawkily.
My vision back, the light of the room once again with me, I found myself staring up at the bare, enormous breasts of Melissa, my beautiful new Office Manager as she had her hands planted on the bed straddled above my head. They hovered in the air above me, hanging nearly to my face and I goggled at them in awe. My hips were aloft, strapped fast, and as I stared at her swollen brown nipples I felt her rearranging my legs, so that now hers were spread around mine. Somehow she did this without me ever leaving her hot inner warmth, just barely losing the rhythm of our lovemaking. Though her breasts dominated my vision, the glimpses I got of her forearms confirmed what I knew: she was pumped up, swollen in size.
“Melissssy’s grown so nice and big and strong for you, hasn’t she?” she purred. With her hands now supporting her weight, she’d stopped thrusting me into her.
“so big…” I groaned, feebly pushing my hips as much as I could manage upwards. I wanted to come in her! I wanted to come in her!
“So tall, everything, so big,” she continued, transported, “so much bigger than you.”
“yesss…” I admitted. I felt like I could burst at any minute.
“Yes, good boy, good boy,” she crooned deeply, “I’ve been holding back my excitement allllll evening. It’s been getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I don’t think I can do it any more.” She bristled with size, strength, barely contained emotion. “Are you ready for me?”
Around me and above me I could sense her body flexing, swelling even larger. “We could do so many things together, Jay. You just need to tell me what you want.”
“I…” I began, “I just want you to love me.”
That made her chuckle. “Oh,” she laughed, “I’m going to do that very, very well….”
I groaned. 
“Now, I want you to lay down under me and just watch my body, my breasts moving…” At that, she squeezed them together between her arms, blooming cleavage even closer to my face. She let me goggle, stare at the tautnes of her bulging, tumescent flesh and skin, the veins below it. Then she rose up a bit, so I could see her arms, shoulders. “Watch my muscles flexing, growing. Just focus on being underneath me, feeling my strength and size and how it’s all here to protect you. Okay? Can you do that?”
“yuh-yuh-yess…” I managed.
“Look at my biceps, my arms, my shoulders,” she directed, her voice gentle but still deep and consumed with passion, “watch them swell up and think about how nothing in the world is as strong as I am, how I’d never let anything hurt you. Do you understand?”
“Good,” she said. She knew I was learning. “How are you feeling?”
“Excited…thrilled. A little, uh…scared…”
Melissa giggled. “Shhh that’s okay, that’s natural,”  she said, “It’s natural, being as little a man as you are. It’s, like, an instinct.”
“yes..” I agreed. 
“But we need to weed it out. We need to get rid of any fear of me, any fear of being this close to a woman this much bigger and stronger than you.”
“U-understood…?” I somehow said. I was trying, at this point - and probably failing - to sound confident, maybe casual, part of the conversation rather than completely overwhelmed.
She giggled again.
“You sound terrified, sweetie,” she laughed from above, squashing my hopes, “But that’s okay. You’ve got a lot of instincts telling you this is a dangerous situation.” She considered me, as I trembled below her, still lashed to her by the waist, head and shoulders on soft pillows below her. “You know how I feel about you, right?”
“But you need to hear me say it, don’t you?” she asked tenderly, pausing for a moment before continuing. “I love you, Jay. I love you so much.” Behind me, she was pulling in more pillows, so I could rise up a bit more. “I’ll provide for you,” she said, as she sat up taller a bit herself, “and I’ll always protect you.”
“oh my god I know,” I groaned, taking sanctuary in her words. But jesus…now I was able to look up at her, her hands moving up to fluff out the luxury of her hair. She was…huge. Muscles danced in her arms, bulged from her sides. Her shoulders were flexed with might. I was balls-deep in her, strapped in, and though I was fixated and agog at her body I somehow still hadn’t come.
She saw me down there, and smiled. ”Is there too much of me?” she asked, now flexing her traps brawnily. They swelled like twin pyramids aside her neck.
I gasped, with a sigh, but then spoke. ”n-no, don’t worry,” I said, “I like having lots of you.”
She groaned. That made her happy.
“Mmmm, lots, huh?” she drawled, tilting up her chin and letting me gaze more upon her flared, muscular upper body. “Here,” she said, when she spoke again, “Give me your hands.”
I raised them up, offered her my arms, and she took my hands and placed them upon her breasts, over the engorged swells of her nipples. I felt them push into my palms, and still holding me by the wrists she pressed my hands in deeper.
“Now, look,” she said, “See how your tiny little hands just disappear into my enormous breasts?”
They’re sunk in, they look so little, like they’re being swallowed. 
“I know what you like,” she said with a smile, “Don’t I?”
“You like seeing how much larger I am than you,” she said.
“I’m so big, so so big,” she continued, “And that’s not all. I’m so much stronger than you. Look what happens when I tighten my pelvic muscles just a teensy bit…”
“Oh god!” I groaned aloud, feeling her inner walls squeeze in around me. Her coccygeus, her ileococcygeus - Jesus Christ!!
“You like that, don’t you baby?” she asked, laughing.
You’re so strong! You love doing this to me, don’t you?
She had me lashed to her, my waist to hers, my cock inside her as I all but hung from her body. And now she could crush me inside herself. She squeezed me again.
I groaned again, louder.
“You feel that? That’s my pelvic floor muscles.” She started, now, to squeeze me with them rhythmically. Oh, god, the pleasure! “They’re getting so strong, I feel like I could…” Suddenly she squeezed me with them hard. “...break you with them. But I won’t, I promise. Instead, let’s do this…”
Oh oh oh my god…what’s she going to do??
She began to undo the belt, the buckle behind her back. She was going to release me?.
“Ready, honey?”
”r-r-ready for what?” I stammered.
The buckle snapped open, I heard it. It loosened, I felt its leather slide out from behind my lower back. She showed it to me, and tossed it aside. 
I was still inside her, my hips still up in the air. I was being held up by my cock. 
“oh my god…” I marveled, eyes wide. My weight, some of it, was on my shoulders and upper back, on the pillows. But still - jesus! - she held me in the air with her vagina!
She giggled, amused both at my reaction and her own superhuman ability. How strong was this woman?!? “Does this hurt?” she asked. 
“n-no…” I answered. And, no, it didn’t. Maybe it was how my body was positioned, maybe it was because of my shrunken size and mass, or maybe it was something else at work but though I was being all but totally suspended in air by the root of my manhood I felt no pain. Pressure, yes, as gravity tugged on me. But her embrace was stronger than the earth’s pull. “No it doesn’t hurt.”
“Okay good,” she said, biting her lower lip as she sat up a bit straighter, rising up more on her knees and lifting me higher. My hips were nearly two feet off the bed, my upper back cradled in pillows. Suddenly, then, I felt it. Around my cock, where she’d had me grabbed tight by her vaginal muscles, she relaxed a bit. She let me slide out a bit, a couple inches, my hips slowly dropping towards the mattress. I hovered there, for a moment,  and then she pulled me back up.
“holy shit…” I gasped. What the fuck did she just do?!?
She giggled, and then she did it again. A few more inches this time, I slid nearly halfway out of her. She paused, and then with the unearthly control, unearthly strength of her pelvic muscles she slurped me back. Holy god!! She was lifting me up and down by my cock! My weight - meager as it was, but nearly all of it, legs, hips, torso - seemed like nothing to her! I began to stammer, blurting her name, maybe sounding panicked but as again she lowered me, sucked me back up, lowered me, sucked me back up, I started to realize: this is how you want to fuck me. She was laughing, amazed herself at what she could do, the strength and control she had. In and out, in and out I went, absolutely helpless. 
“How are you feeling now?” she asked. 
“l-l-like…like a rag doll…” I said. 
She giggled, and pulled me up into her tightly. My body hung from her. Though my hands were still on her breasts, my shoulders on the pillows, she bore and held nearly all my weight by the grip between her legs. 
“...being fucked by Superwoman,” I finished, and gave in as she screamed:
“YES!” she laughed.
 nnghh…You liked that a lot.
And then suddenly, I was down, and up, and down, and up. She was lowering me, and raising me, and lowering me, and raising me. With the strength of her pelvic muscles, up and down and up and down and up and down and omigod omigod omigod
“Come for me Jay, come for me,” she began to chant, as my hands fell away from her breasts with the turbulence of our fucking, and now we were connected only at the waist. Up even higher she sat so even less of my weight was on the pillows. But I slid up and in up and in to her without losing a beat and my climax - both of ours, by the sound of her - was imminent.
“YEs YeSS YESSS!” she screamed, shaking me below her now, my legs swinging loose wild behind her, my arms hanging limply, head lolling on my neck and I was a rag doll I was I was like her toy up and down and up and down
“oh my god oh my god Melissaaaa…” I groaned and - “ahhhhhhhhhhgggggggghhhhhhh.!!!!” I was pulled up into her, massaged by her walls, let slide, only to be pulled in again. She coaxed me in and out as I lay flailing there helplessly. Faster and faster as she watched my pathetic expressions as I tried not to come. My body was like nothing to her, I was her toy, a shell of a man, dangling but bringing her-
Women were laughing downstairs.
I couldn't take it…it was too much. My eyes went wide and, mouth agape in awe, I looked up into her eyes as I exploded inside her.
I was fucking hers.
big thanks to ResistanceIsFutile in bringing this one to life and cleaning up my messy edges
much more of the story at my patreon
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wessexroyalfamily · 8 months
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{Location: Red Drawing Room, Fogmorre Castle}
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Alberta, The Duchess of Chelsea: Margaret, so good to see you.
Crown Princess Margaret of Wessex: You look amazing for a mama whose just had twins.
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Albie: Well don’t look to closely (chuckles) I’ve had to squeeze every inch of me to fit inside.
Margaret: I felt the same way after Richie. I was an utter walking zombie. Congrats on the Insider article, by the way.
Albie: Ugh, those magazines are always exaggerating things. Only you and your husband know the truth about your marriage. Besides, the only thing they got right in my article was the part about the coffee addiction.
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Margaret: (sighs) I know, I know. I'm fine really. Just not sure if I'm ready to put on a fake smile during dinner. I've been mentally preparing myself all day.
Albie: It's okay not to be okay, Margaret. If you need a break during dinner, just give me a signal. We can escape to the kitchen for a "snack break."
Margaret: (smirking) You're a lifesaver.
Albie: Did Anne talk to you about it?
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Margaret: Of course not. I mean we had tea earlier.
Albie: And she didn't saying anything then?
Margaret: Well not anything helpful. She just encouraged me to talk to him. And I try, but he makes it so impossible.
Albie: George can be the same way sometimes. But seriously, we'll get through this dinner, and then we can have our own version of a spa night later, deal?
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Albie: Your Majesty…Your Royal Highness.
Queen Anne II of Wessex: Girls you both are looking lovely.
The Prince Christian, The Earl of Gloucester: And no need for such formalities tonight, it’s just family.
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Albie: Hopefully we’re not too late.
Christian: Nonsense, frankly you too are the only ones who could have a proper excuse for being late.
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Christian: Sorry I missed you for tea this afternoon dear. How is that grandson of mine?
Margaret: Sadly a bit nicked that his favorite Papa hasn’t seen him yet? But don’t worry I’m sure it’s nothing a bit of candy from you after dinner can’t fix.
Christian: Oh good it’s fixable (laughs) wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of a toddler.
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Christian: By the way, if you were looking for your husband he’s over there talking to cousin Arthur.
Margaret: Has he said anything to you?
Christian: Not anything more than you have.
Margaret: So nothing.
Christian: (disappointed) Though I wish one of you would.
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Anne II: What was that?
Christian: What was what?
Anne II: I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to meddle.
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Christian: I don’t think that’s meddling, just…merely stating facts of who’s in the room and who’s not.
Anne II: Yes we’ll, you’d do very good to keep your observations to yourself for the rest of the evening.
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Albie: Stop stalling and just go over there.
Margaret: I can’t now he’s talking to people.
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Albie: He’s only talking to cousin Arthur, and you know what a bore he can be. Probably babbling on about the old days of empire.
Margaret: Even so I just can’t…
Albie: As your sister-in-law, I’ll polite suggest that you sack up and go talk to your husband.
Margaret: *sighs*
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Prince Arthur, The Earl of Falmouth: I’m excited to be joining you on the upcoming Devon tour.
Crown Prince William of Wessex: I didn’t realize that you were coming?
Arthur: I was a last minute addition, so to speak. Extra support for your mother.
William: Yeah, the palace has already bumped up my list of engagements.
Arthur: The government advised the Queen to have you both out and seen more before the election. It seems the Republican National Party has a real shot of winning this year.
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David Worcester-Scott: Would that be so bad? If they won I mean.
Arthur: The Duchy of Devon is Wessex’s greatest crown dependency. As Duke it is the Queen’s job, and by extension William’s, ensure that our relationship with the Devonians remain intact as it has since the reign of Richard I.
David: But surely you agree that the Devonians deserve some greater form of free rule.
Arthur: Surely I do not.
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William: David just means he thinks the national council in Devon should have greater autonomy.
Arthur: A Wessex sovereign has been the nominal Duke for the last 12 monarchs. Give the Devonians more autonomy and mark my words, you my boy, won’t be the 13th.
David: And that’s another thing I never understood, why do they call The Queen, Duke there and not Duchess.
Arthur: (sarcastically) I suppose you wouldn’t. Clearly tradition and history is something that is lost on the minds of the youth.
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Margaret: Hope I’m not interrupting.
Arthur: Margaret me dear you’re looking beautiful than ever this evening.
Margaret: Arthur, so good to see you, Happy All Saints.
(William and David having inaudible conversation in the background)
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Margaret: William could I speak to you in private for a moment.
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Margaret: I figured I’d save you from cousin Arthur.
William: Yeah, save me but abandon cousin Arthur to more of David’s republicanism (awkward laugh)
Margaret: I also figured we could talk…about us.
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William: Oh come on Margaret not here. Honestly, we should have this conversation in private later on.
Margaret: Will we have it? You haven’t even been to see me or Richie yet.
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William: This is why I’ve been avoiding coming to see you, I knew you’d want to start fight.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
A match made in hell
A White dragon One-shot
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As betrothed couples the family expected they would... mingle, and what is best than make you do it in a ballroom with a dance?
Pairings: Aemma Strong (OC) x Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen x Baela Targaryen
Warnings: cursing, insults, minors betrothed!, some more insults haha, use of the word “cunt”, little violence, anyways…
Notes: I thought about this and couldn't shake it haha. This is in aemond’s POV, sort of… and in this, he is being really childish… like really… HAHAHA 
Aemma is 15 in this, Aemond and Jacaerys 18, Baela... 16? or 17? I don't know
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It was sickening
Thought Aemond
They are currently celebrating… something, his betrothal? perhaps?, it did not matter whatsoever… 
He was completely and absolutely in denial
He was not going to marry Daemon’s Targaryen daughter… he was going to marry Aemma…
So why was Moondancer’s rider seated by his side, and his adored Aemma was on the other side of the table?, she was clearly uncomfortable, as jace spoke over her like she didn’t exist, to Luke and Rhaegar
The woman despised him, she had said so herself.
According to her, he had ruined her twin sister’s life, she never claimed a dragon and that apparently was his fault.
So apparently Aemma, a ten year old could go and sneak into the Dragon Mount, the most dangerous place in the world and claim Vemrithor, but this Targaryen Velaryon couldn’t…
And it was his fault
Vhagar would have eaten her, as soon as she saw her, if anything, Aemond spared her…
And they took his eye, that should have been payment enough, wouldn’t it be?
No he was not going to marry Baela… Daemon himself had said it, he cornered him one time, grabbed him by the collar and spat the fact in his face, like it was some sort of punishment
If the Rogue prince gets him out of this engagement, he would offer himself to be his quire in gratitude.
“The engaged couples should dance”, he heard
“Aemond…”, he looked at her mother, who had her eyes on her and her fingers intertwined over the table, she looked at Baela then tilting her head, pointing at her, a clear command
So with a grunt, he stood up from the table, and without even asking, he grabbed his… betrothed hand and almost dragged her to the dance floor, joining other couples.
Other couples such as Jacaerys and Aemma. He placed his filthy hand on her waist and Aemond saw red, he himself didn’t dare to grab her in that matter… and that bastard dared to do so??, he, accidentally, squeezed his own partner on his grasp, making her wince, slapping his hands away from her own waist
“Aemond”, she growed in warning, and he hummed 
“Is Prince Aemond to you”, he said childishly
"Want to know what I think, my prince?", even a title she could make it sound like an insult, it was a talent inherited from her mother. 
"Mmm, please, enlighten me", he mocked, clearly amused, but not caring whatever she deemed so important to communicate him
"I think you are a man with irredeemable qualities, and I bit psychotic, and if you think this alliance is something I crave, then you are sorely mistaken", she for a second thought he would be insulted, but he only smirked
"Mmm, I truly believe, my lady, that you are the most boring and unremarkable person in this room, and there is a toddler", he said, and now Baela was the insulted one
"I am a dragon rider, from the blood of Old Valyria", she snapped, but Aemond only chuckled darkly, leaning in and whispering in her ear
"Look around love, you are not that special", every Targaryen in existence was in this room, even Late Queen Aemma's sister, the room was packed with white haired, purple eyed Targaryens all over the room
She showed him her teeth in a enraged grimace, but he only looked away from his partner, his eye connected with Aemma’s, but she immediately looked away from him.
She undoubtedly had seen him leaning into Baela’s face and whispering in her ear, of course from this angle she couldn’t see her disgusted face, but she saw him smirk… so…
His little dragon was jealous, he thought, amused
She kept looking at her, he didn’t care if Baela noticed, if Jace noticed, if the king or his mother noticed…
He did not wanted to marry Baela, he wanted to Marry Aemma
And in protest, he wanted everyone to know.
Was he being childish?
But the thing is… this is the only thing he wanted to be childish about, he wanted to protest, he wanted to go against word from his own father the King
He had always been the dutiful son, he had always done what he was told, he always did what was expected of him… But now…
He didn't want to do it
Not even if with this union all the problems in the world would find their solution
He didn’t care
He only cared about one thing
“Ouch!”, he could hear, “Jace you stepped on my foot”, Aemma whined, and Jacaerys looked comically frustrated
“If you moved them according to the rhythm of the song they are playing, I wouldn’t have!”, he defended
Aemond looked at the grand table, where everyone stood watching the scene, clearly entertained, he saw amongst them some sickening smiles… like the one of his father… or… Harwin Strong’s
His “father in law”, looking at Aemma and Jace dreamily
What was it with him? Aemond thought
Was the man so drunk with power he wanted his daughter on the Iron Throne no matter the cost?
Aemma and Jace were siblings…And not in a Targaryen way
It was a secret said out loud, everyone in the court knew it… 
Aemond truly thought less of Harwin because of this… 
“Everyone is looking at us, could you at least pretend we are having a good time?”, Jace asked gritting his teeth, Aemma looked away, ashamed, but she managed to draw a small smile on her face, as fake as it might be
“I’m sorry”
“I didn’t wanted this either, you know”, he said, resentful, “I wanted to marry Baela, so don’t pretend like you are the only one unhappy”, and then Aemma got angry, she looked into Jace’s eyes and growled
“Oh yeah?”, she asked, she released herself from his hold, and she trampled Jace’s foot with all the strength she could muster
Only two things could be heard in the hall
Jacaerys’ curse and Aemond’s laugh
“You little…!”, Jace stumbled away from the girl, 
Aemond looked down at Baela and her face was dead serious
“You are a child”, she accused him of laughing out of Jace’s trampled foot. Aemond rolled his eye
“Go Help Jace then, we all know you help him every night either way”, he said angrily. Baela’s angry face told him what was going to happen before it did.
Aemond’s face twisted at the slap she gave him, his left cheek stinging 
“Cunt”, she grunted, oh she was like her father
“You slap harder than Jacaerys punch, you two are made to be together”, he mocked, and Baela left him in the middle of the dancefloor to go help Jace, who limped away from the Hall
Aemond looked back at Aemma, who looked positively miserable, alone, in the middle of the dancefloor.
Aemond looked back at the table and they all looked away, luckily other couples had joined the dancefloor so it was easier to hide between the dancing couples. But Luke was laughing, he guessed that at his brother.
When Aemond looked back at Aemma, she was gone, and he saw her disappearing through the huge gates of the throne room.
He was going to follow her, but before he could do that, he offered the bard some gold coins.
He found her in the Gods wood, his little silver dragon was so predictable
“my dear”, he called, and his chest got warm when she looked at him with a smile on her lips and big eyed filled with hopes 
“Kepus”, she called. With a single finger, he commanded the bard to start playing a gentle song, and he offered his hand to her
“Would you do me the honor of a dance, gentle princess?”, he asked. And she with a wide smile, took his hand on hers.
He placed his hand on her hip making her blush, and like that, he twirls her over the soft grass of the garden. 
She giggled as he spun her around and then grabbed a hold on her as he guided her through the song. And then he hugged her against him. She placed her head over his chest, as they moved slowly.
“Aemond”, she whispered like a prayer
“My Aemma”, he answered gently.
When he had her in his arms, everything was alright, everything was better, everything was perfect. He leaned in and kiss her in the top of her head
“My sweet Aemma”
And only with the moon and the bard as witnesses, they danced in the Godswood. 
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taglist! @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed@notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss
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blucassiopeia · 1 year
Vanilla Twilight
ー requested by anon!
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warnings: angst, mentions of su!c!de, freak accidents, depression and moving on
a/n: um, anon, and all, i don't know if you can enjoy this but have fun reading! but don't let this piece confuse you, but it's okay to be confused, just ask me wink wink
listen to the song
Osamu remembered the frantic airport staffs, inaudible yellings, running around and incessant radio communication. He can just make up a little but got no clue what was happening.
Osamu remembered the cute giggles of the 5-yr-old twins, a reaction from a silly-faced Tetsurou that he wished he took a picture from to laugh at with the others later that evening.
And you. Osamu remembered your laughters, eliciting from the giggles of your twins, wrapping your arms around your 3-yr-old toddler dressed in Hawaiian shirt seated on your lap. He remembered that he grumbled at the thought that the six of you are seated on a bench just off the waiting area of the Okinawa airport and wearing the same Hawaiian outfits as a pun. He remembered he tried not to blame you for his outfit because you were very attractive in your sundress to blame at.
And thenー
And then, he achingly remembered you crying so hard, a face he and Tetsurou worked so hard to erase from you after being widowed exactly a year ago. You cried after hearing something so illogical for him to also process as he walked with the airport staff to wherever they are taking him.
He remembered bombarding the GC until someone anyone replies something, anything. Much to his dismay, the ones who replied are not with the others. He was shaking, kept guided by the staffs as they enter a frantic room. Some of them shot their eyes on Osamu and he remembered someone whimpered from the side but he didn't cared.
"Sir? Can you confirm things for us?" He remembered he heard a lady talking to him, asking. He nodded so absentmindedly as he stared at his phone, constantly dinging and ringing.
"The one flight you're waiting for is JP3749 from Tokyo to Okinawa flight time 8:45 - 10:30am, is that correct?" He nodded, eyes still in his phone. He remembered he didn't wanna look anyone in the eyes.
"It is a chartered commercial plane and you know everyone on board except for the crew, am I correct sir?"
He remembered shaking at the question. "Is my brother okay?" was the first question he administered to the staffs. It was hoarse, from pending tears and nervousness and anxiety dwelling from within.
"We have the list of the passengers listed from Haneda Airport. We need you to confirm it."
And a clump of paper was issued on his sight, across the table. He remembered he first recognized Yuu's name, followed by Koushi's and the list went on. His eyes scanned it fast.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Hirugami Fukuro
Hoshiumi Korai
Kageyama Tobio
Meian Shugo
Kita Shinsuke
Hinata Shoyo
Suna Rintaro
Miya Atsumu
Heisuke Riseki
Akaashi Keiji
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Yamamoto Taketora
Kozume Kenma
Tsukishima Akiteru
Tsukishima Saeko
Tsukishima Daiki
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Tanaka Kiyoko
The list was still long but his eyes were glued at his brother's name. He remembered blinking so hard, tapping so hard on the desk, shallow breaths, his shaking thighs and falling tears. He remembered wishing he was only dreaming.
"Rescue teams? Are the rescue teams going? Please take me. My brother's in there."
"The airline provided a rescue team, they're maybe en route the crash site, off the coast of Miyazaki."
He remembered asking for more rescue teams but they said they still have to assess the situation. What the fuck, he remembered cursing under his breaths, growling at them for more rescue teams. His friends, his brother needs every rescue personnel right at that moment. He remembered begging on his knees for help, on taking him there if it is what it takes, anything he can do to help save everyone, anyone, especially his brother.
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He remembered convincing himself that they are well, and they had a good crash if ever any crash was good and they're just not answering their phones because it's in flight mode probably. But the anxiousness he's feeling was off the charts.
He remembered the stinging sun and the wild August waves of Miyazaki and how he wished he had a picture of you to calm him down while heading to the actual crash site in a speedboat. He left you with Tetsurou and the kids in Okinawa, to peel you away from the anxiousness as remotely as possible though he knows that won't help. He remembered and regretted, he should've stayed with you instead.
He remembered his mom waiting for him in the port area where the rescue teams are gathering and he ignored her, still can't find the right words to say, and maybe a big bit guilty for dodging something like this alone. He remembered he stared at her eyes, promising to take his brother home, to which he knew was impossible now, but he had to at least try. His brother was his everything, though sometimes they may bicker but he loved him more than anything.
Six weeks in and still got a quarter of the bodies to recover. He remembered that for every body he saw and recognized, he prayed his brother was just alive and off a beach somewhere, keeping his silly smile intact. Every body he sees and recognizes, he cries for forgiveness and wishes to the stars for anything to quell his unsurmountable despair.
Then, he remembered seeing his shirt floating way off the crash site. He remembered jumping to the water, the yells of the rescuers far off behind him. He remembered grabbing it, paddling and crying, hugging it and whirling his head in search for the owner. He remembered diving, to which the rescuers forcefully grabbed him out of the water, scolding him but he didn't care. He was holding his brother's tattered shirt. He knew it's his, he has a matching dark one to which Atsumu gifted him three Christmas ago.
His world fell into pieces.
He can't remember the trip back to Okinawa, but he remembered wishing he was dead like what the others assumed the other quarter still missing. He remembered them assuming they must've been blown up due to the explosion of the fuselage of the plane, he can't listen to them anymore.
He remembered you, crying infront of him, begging for some good news but Osamu just hanged his head low in tears to which you cried your heart out with the others he didn't remember. He remembered the news declaring there are no survivors and how the country grieved for the young lives taken, for the still budding small families of Tadashi, Akiteru, Keiji.. how the Japanese Volleyball Association grieved for all the volleyball players, the bests among the generation. The world grieved with them, but he didn't care much of their sympathy.
He remembered you sleeping in his arms after a long day of crying, him waking up to your sobs and he kisses your head so tenderly to somehow comfort you but he knew he can't ever take the pain away, as much as it can't do to his. He remembered hugging you tight and letting you cry until you both fell asleep.
Then.. he remembered waking up at 2am, without you in his arms. He remembered searching for you in the bed and on the floor, only to find a closed but lit bathroom. He remembered dozing again to sleep. He remembered letting Tetsurou punch his guts out and yelling after Osamu saw your figure sprawled on the cold floor of the bathroom, blood covered the floor, already dried from your wrists. He remembered kneeling and begging for you to wake up, and Kenjiro dragging him away from your body to check some life outta you.
He remembered Kenjiro crying, padding your cold wrist and temples for signs of pulse, and yelled for an ambulance.
He remembered your kids crying.
He remembered that the already shattered world he has just shattered a bit more, now to dust and got blown by the August dry winds.
He remembered praying hard to the stars for one more chance.
He remembered praying hard, asking for a replay so maybe he can change what'll happen.
He remembered praying, crying hard to the dawn skies.
His reminiscing was cutted off by a very familiar giggle and he can't help but smile.
He turned his head to face your daughter, Hinata, running towards his sitting self on the beach, basking in the vanilla twilight. She was followed by a bullying Tetsurou and your sons, Takeshi and Mitsuki.
Hinata quickly sat on Osamu's lap and stared at his face, and immediately frowned, wiping dried tears off his cheeks. Osamu kissed her little hands and stared at your face in her face, a spitting image of her mother.
"Let's go. Doc Daisuke is already here to pick us up."
Osamu kissed Hinata's cheek to which she giggled again, her golden-hair blending to the pastel colors of the skies. He stood on his feet and picked her up, huffing as he took one last look of the shore you should've seen. He wishes you're here, wishes you're all here to witness this spectacle.
"I bet they're somehow glad we are still alive and kicking." Tetsurou mused as he too stared at the twilight, achingly slow on turning to a light blue hue.
You might've never known when you're still alive, that Osamu loves you, but he wonders that now you're in a much better place and looking after them, do you realize it? Of how he just wanted you to be happy even if it took a big toll on him? Of how your death, his last thread holding up his happiness, snapped in just one moment unannounced?
Maybe. And maybe he can move forward. It won't be the same anymore but as long as he don't forget his lost friends, his brother, you, it'll suffice, the memory will suffice. For as long as he thinks about you, he won't feel so alone. His vast feelings for the ones he has lost is as the ocean and it will keep him alive and moving.
He felt Hinata snuggle on the crook of his neck, and God he wished it was you. "Chamuu~ cold."
"Okay, let's go."
Maybe it's not so bad to stitch back his happiness, with the memories he won't dare forget, to the new ones he'll achieve soon, and to the new people he'll meet, and to the ones that remained, that you had left him.
"I'll reopen Onigiri Miya. What will you do, Tetsurou?"
"Open a volleyball clinic for the kids. Yuki will help after she retires from figure skating in two months, everyone left will help."
"I'm thinking of Fukurodani to be their school, can we finance it?"
"Doc Takashi and Doc Akaashi is going all out for the kids, don't worry."
And before Osamu knew it, they're heading back to mainland Japan after one and a half long year, Okinawa far behind, and plans for the future waiting for him to get signed.
Reblogs and interactions are appreciated. Theories will be entertained. Cassie 2023.
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sleepyselkiesims · 3 months
Part 30
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Teo quickly solidified himself as the little charmer and entertainer of the household.
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And there was nothing he loved more than hugs!
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Rapunzel loved her children so, so much. And now, it was time to fill their lives with even more love.
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Karim worked at the old Queen family haunt, so of course the kids had to visit him at work!
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Hey, that librarian isn't Karim!! What's going on??
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Karim, do you have an explanation behind that innocent smile??
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Ooooohhh!! I didn't know librarians had set work hours like that! No wonder I rarely see the same librarian twice! The family had arrived after 1 PM, so he was off duty.
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Ah well, Teo had already set off on a big library-exploring adventure, so might as well stay.
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The twins could amuse themselves in the library for a while, while the adults set the some things in motion.
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Time for Karim to join the household! And give the family a little extra of those sweet sweet simoleons.
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Uhhh..... ok. That's fine, Rapunzel has enough skills for 3 people.
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After getting a new job as an educator because sims still won't let me live my librarian dreams, Karim sat his kids down for their first real interaction together: reading a book!
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Tiana seemed to have inherited her mama's love of reading. And Teo.... who can say.
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Rapunzel hadn't just sat to read a book in a long time. Even after all these years, reading still reminded her of Christopher.
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And like Christopher, she was going to be an amazing parent! Especially with a great co-parent by her side!!
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.... I really should've re-thought making the "accept all invites" sim a spellcaster.
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Rapunzel was unintentionally acting just like her momma, leaving her kids behind.
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Ok ok, we'll just be there and back quickly!
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Unfortunantly, it did not go quickly; Rapunzel was still cursed to make every spellcaster want to fight her on sight. So she spent half the time just walking through the portal, as her taskbar got torn between the Main Duel and all the random ones.
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Finally the game settled on the Main Duel, and the cool action shots montage began!
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Wham, wham, blam!!
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In the end, despite a good fight, Rapunzel still lost.
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Ok anyway, with that out of the way, back to good old fashioned family time!
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Pascal decided the toddlers' room was his now.
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Tiana quickly put him back in his place.
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
so when are you posting the afterburn wednesday x uvc cairo enemies to lovers fic /j
I laughed for about ten minutes after I read this. It was a guilty laugh.
Don't think I haven't thought about a crossover, however that would be...somethin' else since they're the same fkn character, with few differentiating qualities. UVC Cairo is more talkative and casual, lugubriously loquacious like a typical Southern Gothic writer. AB Wednesday is...well, she's Wednesday. Sharper (in the head and on the edges, obvs), and doesn't tolerate who she perceives as imbeciles. But with UVCC practically being her twin, the competitiveness would be explosive. Wednesday is the better writer, too, and that would piss UVCC off to no end...and amuse Jon in the process.
...Damn you, anon. I have too much to write as it is. I mentioned it before, but I have multiple active 'Benson' files (UVC, though one of them isn't UVC universe, it's standalone one-shot "What If?" that centers around their confrontation/when Cairo is emasculating him). Look at this mess
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Damn you, mid mfkr...damn you to Hell. 💀🥲😭🪦🥀
I don't even know how many active AB files I've got going atm.
It is very rare that I go out anywhere, but I needed a walk/break from everything so I took the senior dogs (and the baby dog strapped to my chest) out in their stroller. Been struggling mentally with the non-writing shit that's been happening in my life. Every day I take care of the needy dogs (the seniors are both 17 years old this year...as old as some of the teacher crushers that I see on my fyp 💀 and a year younger than Wednesday). One of them has trouble with his back legs and sometimes energy. Anyone remember that Family Guy cutaway where Peter is holding an elderly Brian who is blind/deaf/senile by his water bowl so he can drink? That's me, except my boy is able to drink on his own. He just needs me to hold him up on his bad days. The other senior I inherited from a nasty (racist) old lady who passed away, but this dog is behaving more and more like her every day (won't let me cut her nails...same as Mommie Dumbest, who lived with a gross, yellowed, grown out pinky nail she wouldn't let anyone cut). And because she's 17, she has CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction, it's doggie dementia) and sometimes gets lost or stares at the wall even though she's blind. Both dogs can still eat/drink, potty in the right place, and still come when called (though they love sleeping 💤 ). My boy is still sharp in the head somehow. I can talk to him and he still understands. I never trained my dogs to 'obey commands', I just treat them like the mental toddlers that they are. They listen to me, though the old girl here has a little trouble orienting herself/figuring out where the sound of my voice is coming from (which is ironic, since for her mother, she was a Hearing Dog). Taking them all out at once is a big feat since I'm also disabled/walk with a cane, but thankfully the stroller worked well for all of us. It was a nice day to walk around the lake.
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Of course I got one fkn ass bish making a comment about how they're dogs and should be walking. Had to tell her that they're both 17 and the bigger one can't walk steadily all the time. And when I did let the little excited girl down to walk shortly after I took this photo, she couldn't get her bearings since she is blind. Yes, she looks like she's excitedly looking at something but she's not...she struggles finding treats I put down in front of her. BTW, the seniors are my babies, but my baby baby is the one everyone is enamored with, since she still looks like a puppy/has a baby face...hmm....
I played the AB soundtrack on the walk and it was a good motivator. I had forgotten what an eclectic collection that is, since I usually play the Gates Mansion Secrets soundtrack while we're out (blasting the Genitorturers while walking by an Easter Sunday church crowd was fun). I really want to get 8 done so I can move on to After the Burn/AtB, but there are small scenes that will be happening between her winter vacation and the start of the spring semester (which was/is January 2023). I'll have to decide whether they're going to be published in between 'the first season and the second season', or whether I'll keep them for flashbacks in AtB.
This is not to mention the other non-fandom stuff I've got in my notes/partially written. I'd love to improve one of my movie scripts, and I have ideas for a couple of others.
Anyway, TLDR; the 💩 that no one cares about: I know you were j/k, but exploring the F/F sexual dynamic beyond the Nighshades in AB isn't something I feel I need to do (...yet). With ABW and UVCC, I feel like it'd be a very slow burn. I can't slow burn anything besides what I have in the pipeline for AB.
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snowberry33 · 2 years
just one night.
Kayn/Akali -- 1,251 words, 1/2 chapters
Warnings/tags: modern/college au, established relationship, comfort/no hurt, drinking
Akali thought that maybe, just maybe, she could get one night without her boyfriend doing something stupid and pulling on her leg to help him get out of it. She was proven wrong when her phone started vibrating at two in the morning.
Modern/College AU scenario where Kayn gets super drunk with his friends and Akali has to rescue him.
It's been 84 years but here I am. A new bi4bi m/f ship has caught my attention and now you all have to suffer through it. If you follow me on Twitter (@/creeperpit) you know I have been on my Kayn agenda for a while and I believe he is a pathetic little man who deserves love. If you disagree you are wrong.
The interruption to her sleep annoyed her enough. But if he was calling this late, it must’ve been for a reason—which became abundantly clear when his slurred speech came over the speakers.
Akali is too tired to hide her exasperation with this man. “What’s going on?”
“I’m kinda… very… very drunk right now,” he says slowly, like he isn’t sure what he’s saying, which checks out. When she listens closely, she can make out faint party music and men speaking over each other in the background.
Of course. It’s a Friday night, and he’s a 21-year-old guy in his first year of college.
“How much did you drink?”
There’s a silence—at least, a pause. Not a single thing on the other end of the line is silent —before Kayn answers her. “...All of it?”
“I don’t know!” he shouts, pauses, then readjusts his volume. “There were shots, and they gave me shots, so I drank them, and then there were no more shots.”
“And why would you do that?”
“Nakuri said it would be fun.” his voice turns quieter, like a toddler being scolded for coloring on the walls.
“Nakuri’s an idiot.” 
An old highschool friend of Kayn’s that followed him into the same university. Akali’s met him once or twice, enough times to form the impression that he wasn’t nearly the star student his friend was, and she’s heard enough notable stories to confirm it. 
From the other end of the line, Kayn doesn’t answer except for a murmur that sounds vaguely like an agreement. His quiet tone brings to her attention the sounds of frat boy shenanigans; they’re far away, muffled, like he’s tucked himself in some remote corner of the house to have a safe place to call her.
Akali sits up in her tiny twin bed, rubs the remnants of sleep out of her eyes, and sighs. “Do I have to rescue you?”
The words are sarcastic, as they usually are, but they carry a weight of sincerity with them. As lacking in sense as he may be, she still loves him, for some reason, and wouldn’t want him to be miserable in an unfamiliar place. Even if he fails to properly communicate that, as showed by his long sigh and simple, resigned, “Yeah”
“Alright. Give me a few.” she breathes out before proceeding to scavenge for the most readily available outfit, something that really says ‘I’m just here to pick up my drunk boyfriend, if you look at me I will seriously murder you’ and, really, just serves to cover her better than the sports bra she wears to bed. “Don’t fall asleep there, alright?”
Kayn gives a mumbled confirmation, and that’s all she needs before she’s grabbed her keys and on the road to his campus.
The effort she puts in for this man.
After the fairly lengthy drive between Akali’s apartment and the frat house Kayn had found himself in, she had to drag him out of a bathroom and through the crowd of people to get him into her car. But once he was there, he hadn’t fussed; they made it back with no problem, and no one tried to hit on her while she was there. 
Overall, she’d call the mission a success.
With an exhausted sigh, Akali hangs her keys while Kayn stumbles to keep himself on his feet. She has to stop him from stripping his shirt off in the doorway after murmuring something about being ‘hot as hell’ and leads him to her room instead. Kai wouldn’t let her hear the end of it if she found him passed out on the couch.
He’s already sprawled over her bed by the time she finishes dressing down again and nudges him over, only to receive a stubborn whine in return. She lets out a huff and shoves him with all of her exhausted so she can climb in. And as soon as she’s even got half of her body on the mattress, Kayn rolls onto her and nuzzles his head in her neck, lazily mouthing at her skin and leaving a light pink mark there. 
Akali tilts his chin up and runs a hand through his hair, a welcome touch that he melts into before leaning up for a kiss, which she gives to him gladly. The taste of alcohol shocks her a bit—stronger than she expected, but she doesn’t mind. Even if his kisses are sloppy and the taste burns, his lips are soft, and he surely doesn’t lack for enthusiasm with his hands wandering up her sides, wrapping around her waist before he pulls away with a stupidly blissful smile and presses his forehead to hers.
“You are so pretty,” he slurs while he struggles to keep his own head up—and fails, burying his face back into the crook of her neck, trailing kisses along her shoulder with light grazes of his teeth. 
Akali laughs and runs her hand through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp, like petting a cat. “Hey, easy.”
He groans in complaint, but the soft touches ease him as he nestles into her, and his breathing slows to a steady, comfortable pace. Probably the most peaceful she’s ever seen him. As soon as she’s almost sure that he’s asleep, he murmurs against her skin—although the words are barely comprehensible.
“Thank you.”
“Of course,” she whispers, with a kiss pressed to his shoulder. “I wasn’t gonna leave you with a bunch of drunk college dudes.”
He breathes in deep, takes in her scent, and sighs it back out as absolute satisfaction, warmth on her neck. She can feel him smile. This time, when he speaks, it’s much quieter, slurred together, but it’s something she’s heard from him so many times she knows it just from the movement of his lips; “I love you.”
“I know.”
“So much.”
“I know, honey.” Akali says, barely a whisper. His warmth and weight and the feeling of his heart beating against hers softens her. She lets herself sink into the moment. The sound of both their breathing washes over her. 
In the morning, he’ll probably be gone. She’ll drive him back up to his campus where he has a place, other friends, and something to make out of himself. She’ll see him off and he’ll give her the same smile he always does, warm and humorous and only slightly oblivious, and she’ll act like it doesn’t ache to see him go where she has no idea what he could do or who he could talk to until the next night like this where he calls for her rescue. 
But he called her, didn’t he? Amid his new life without her, where he probably had plenty of people to bring him home, he thought of her first. That’s enough for her to set her worries aside for now.
For now, it’s just them. Him at his most vulnerable, and her more so than she’ll ever let on.
She can’t help the way her voice wavers as she wraps her arms tight around him and mutters back into his shoulder.
“I love you, too.”
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
History of Baby trunks (Dragon ball Z)
When I first started training with my hero and idol Son Gohan to battle the android, Of course my goal was to save the world. It became even more important to me after he was killed in a battle with the twin beasts. Ironically while I've failed to destroy them and lost more then I could ever thought possible, I've done just that since the androids are too busy with my ever lasting torment and humiliation to bother with the rest of the world. My name is Trunks Briefs, and THIS is my story.
It all started after my failed attempt to kill the androids. a young half super sayien giving it his all to avenge a fallen mentor, I had deluded myself into thinking a stood a chance. The notion I stood a chance was quickly beat out of me after they shrugged off my best attack and knocked me around like I was the red headed step child, then openly started to mock me and getting in my head. "Awww, Isn't that the toddler that used to hang out with lefty?" "Sure is! Look who graduated to big boy pants!" At this point I'd lost the ability to hold my super sayian form and had been hiding in one of the building they had cleared out, desperately trying to control my breath AND my bladder. "Awww, look who thinks he's the champ at hide and seek!" 18's voice rang out, making me look around, the bare control I had on my bladder starting to slip. "T-Their bluffing.." I muttered to myself, forgetting that among their many enhancements, hearing was one of them. "Peek a boo." Came 17's voice, a second before he burst though the wall behind him, stopping in front of me and looking over his shoulder. "I found you." even as he backhanded me, sending me flying though was was left of the wall and crashing onto the earth below, my bladder gave way and my light grey jeans did nothing to hide the fact. "Awww, did baby fall down and go boom?" 18's voice rang out. my eyes were closed in pain and shame and I was trying to get up, but her foot came down on the back of my head. "Awww don't worry, I'll make it all bet- ..Holy shit! 17! The bitch pissed himself!" 18 called out, going from condescending to outright amused, laughing. "No way!" 17's voice called out, then it was much closer. "Hahahaha! Oh wow! we have a widdle pants wetter!" "Sheesh, we better finish it off not before baby craps his underoo's." 18 said, and I managed to open my eyes enough to see her looking down at me with a sneer. Oddly 17 was brushing at that and then reached out and grabbed his sisters hand, pulling it back. "Wait.." He said. She went from confused to annoyed and let out a massive sign. "oh god, not again! This never works out and you know it! they break to easily!" She ranted. "But these golden haired weirdos are more durable! come on, Pleassse! I promise I'll handle everything this time!" 17 said and I was MORE then confused as he gave his sister puppy dog eyes and had his hands together. "I must have a concussion.." I muttered. "Hush babykins! Daddies bargaining for your life!" 17 said, shaking a finger at me then turning back to his sister. "You SAY that but then I always end up having to change them because you like them in droopy diapers for hours on end!" 18 said. Poopie diapers? Daddy? Babykin's? let's just say this red flag was fucking crimson and if I hadn't of been too hurt to get up I would of been flying for my life...not that I think it would of helped since I was pretty sure they were faster then me. "Please please please please please please plea-" 17 was saying over and over again until 18 let out a anoyyed sigh. "FINE! But if this one breaks, we're not getting anther!" she said and shook her head. "God, act your destination not your shoe size." "yay! your the better robo twin ever!" 17 said and hugged her then crouched down to look at me. "Welcome to babyhood little guy! Oh..and sorry about this." Before I could even ask what 'this' was, His fist shot towards my face and darkness took over.
when I woke up I had a splitting head ache..well ok I ached all over but I was alive. the room I was in spun around and I was forced to close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to fight off a wave of nausea then I started to sit up. the bed I was on felt super soft and had a fuzzy sheet on it and I'd been covered in a light blanket I tossed off, eyes still shut when I felt something weird around my hips, and heard a crinkle. "...Ohhhh no..." I groaned, recalling what 17 had said before he'd knocked my lights out. Slowly I opened one eye and took a look around my new room which just as I had freed, was a semi nursery though it had been set up in a cave. I already knew what I'd see when I opened my other eye and looked down, or at least had thought I'd known. Clearly I was wearing a diaper, from the feel around my hips and the crinkles I was making, but it wasn't really visible unless you counted the bulge that it made under the white diaper shirt with a dino print on it that I was wearing. "Ok..Ok. Don't freak out. Maybe your just in a coma, and this is one of those deep dreams.." I muttered to myself, taking anther look around my cave nursery. It looked like it had at one point been one of the cave lab's that every mad scientist worth his tittle seemed to have (Heck, Mom even used to have one!) but any lab equipment had been replaced with a changing table, a rocking chair, dressers and a toy chest and well, last but not least the crib my diapered ass was sitting in. almost as a after thought since it didn't extend to the walls a rug had been put down. Standing up in the crib my head swam for a second and I almost plopped back down onto my newly pampered backside but instead i just held onto the crib rail and shut my eyes again, swaying a bit. "Great..I'm dressed like a oversized baby and I have a concussion. can this get ANY worse?" I muttered out loud. As it turned out I temping fate and that was one asshole you didn't wanna tempt. even as i finished my statement my guts churned and I hunched slightly, a old familiar need taking hold. "I just HAD to say something didn't I??" I complained to no one, though as I would later learn the room was wired for sound and 17 and 18 had been listening in and watching from hidden cameras with glee.  (They've often joked about maybe selling the footage for a hit reality series on Netflix..I just pray they're kidding.) Just because I was wearing a diaper and the changing table and diaper pail told me what was expected of me, didn't mean I was gonna just sit back and crap myself however. I wasn't as bad as I've heard my father was but I still had my pride. It was easy enough to get out of the crib, I didn't even need to fly though the movement didn't exactly agree with my goal of trying to keep my pants clean and I let out a 12 second ripper that would of had my mom running for a window and Gohan chuckling and telling me to name that sucker. I was eyeing what I was gonna take a dump in as my hands moved down to open up the diaper shirt when suddenly there was a hard swat on my pampered behind that despite their thickness hurt and sent me stumbling forward and tripping, arms coming out so i didn't brain myself on the floor but ending up face down and ass up. it also made what little control I'd had left go out the window and my back door opened up and unleashed it's own take on a big bang attack. "Ah ah ah baby, no touching your dia- Heh..Jeez Kiddo, not wasting anytime huh?" 17 said, appearing in front of me and leaning down, going from wagging a finger at me to realizing what was happening. "I..I..Shut up!" I said, and followed it up with the cutting insult of "Stop watching me poop you perv!" I'm sure despite the look of amusement on his face, 17 was torn to spreads by my witty insults...  Yeah it's a nice fantasy world I live in. you should come and visit sometime. "Awww, Somebodies just cranky because Daddy had to scold him. it's ok..I know the next few days are gonna be rough so I'll go easy on ya." 17 said and ruffled my hair and patted my head in a manner that if anyone else had been doing it and I hadn't of been in the middle of shitting my guts out..might of been nice. "heh, oh yeah, I can see it in your eyes, your gonna be a hostage taker. you needy daddy boys are. just gonna have to crack though that shell first." 17 said. "I am NOT a daddies boy! and I will Never give into y- Ahh! Poopie!" while I had been in the middle of making my defiant statement and finished unloading into the seat of the diaper 17 had just smirked and reached back, and rubbed and squished the seat of the messy diaper in a way that was 70 percent gross and I hated it, and 30 percent  'oh, i could get to like that' Blushing I tried to will myself NOT to react with a stiffie from the wave of kinda nice feelings this was awake when a SHARP pain made me yelp out. "OW! what did you do to my dick!" I cried out. "Awww, did babykins try and get a widdle stiffie from having him's stinky butt pwayed wff? Ever kewt!" 17 coo'ed and chuckled, tickling my chin. "Answer the freaking question!" I huffed, trying to sound scary but I mean.. let's recap: here I was in a diaper shirt, a poopie diaper, and getting hot and bothered from having my stinky butt patted. Destroyer of worlds I was not. "Such a grumpy gus! Just for that you can spend a extra hour in your stinky huggies." 17 said. "Like hell he will! he's worse then the last one!" 18 said, making me look over at the door to my apparently new room. She was holding her nose and glaring at 17pointing at the changing table with her free hand. "Change his butt, NOW!" "Awww but sis, he's totally getting off on it! come on!" 17 pleaded. "Change his diaper or I'm taking him to the dog pound." "..She's joking right?" I asked. "I wish..Finnne be a bitch all your life! Didn't know Gero converted you when you were ridding the cotton pony." 17 snapped, standing up and was about to help me up when he took a kick from 18 that knocked into into the cave wall, leaving a dent. Glaring at him and standing where he was, 18 turned to me and smile. "Don't worry little guy, I'm not made at you. this is all on your daddy. ..You are cute..but you'll be cuter when your nott smelly. Auntie is gonna have LOTS of fun with you and had lots of butt plugs to keep you from stinking her room up." she said then walked away leaving me confused and 217 pulling himself out of the wall. "yeah you better run bitch!" He called after her, getting a middle finger as a response and then she slammed the door. "...Sooo any chance that didn't just ruin me being viewed as the most dominant member of our happy little family?" he asked turning to me. "...I mean.." "Damn it! you only get one chance to imprint with these things! fucking bitch!" Needless to say, this didn't fill me any sort of confidence that things were gonna get better for me.
the end for now
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mizutori-heiko · 3 years
Mizutori’s bakudeku fanfiction master list [complete works]
Really really good writing by these incredible authors. In no particular order! These are all Top!Bakugou and Bottom!Deku. If A/B/O dynamics then it’s Alpha!Bakugou and Omega!Deku. Yes, I have preferences.
Canon World – until 15k
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? by reading_raindrop | 8,303 | Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would.
Oh right, you were a little sh*t by SaysiWrites | 5,653 | When Midoriya Izuku gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, the last thing anyone expected to find out is that Toddler-Izuku is a little shit. Except for one Bakugou Katsuki, who has seen this phase one too many times already. (Bonus+ the entire Little Sh*t (Kidfic) series)
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean | 10,010 | Apply enough force, and something is bound to break.
And Atlas fell by supercrunch | 15,185 | They move in together, after a while. Katsuki joins Best Jeanist and Izuku trains under Gran Torino. They still take comfort in each other every day, curl up in bed and kiss and talk about how life is going. Their live are tumultuous, after all, what with villains and training and rescuing people every week. It’s nice to have something certain. At the end of a day filled with violence and adrenaline, Izuku knows he can come home to someone concrete. It’s perfect. Being a hero is scary and grueling and uncertain, but this part is just right. And then, one day, a child dies in Izuku’s arms.
be loved by bonnia | 5,403 | The kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands.
Big Protein by Mysecretfanmoments | 13,683 | Bakugou Katsuki has a thriving hero career, an agent to manage his famous attitude, and absolutely zero romantic interest in anyone. With the exception of his favourite health food joint refusing to expand to his city, his life is pretty damn perfect—so why does a viral video revealing Deku's stash of dirty mags involving him and Deku together turn everything upside-down?
Chocolate cake and resin preserved flowers by Anoksun | 11,396 | Izuku loses his memories. Katsuki struggles not to lose Izuku too.
Twin Stars by theperksofbeinglarissa | 8,435 | When Deku saves a woman's life, her quirk is accidentally activated. Her quirk? She reveals a person's soulmate. A star-shaped mark appears on Midoriya's left arm... and on Bakugou's as well. Kirishima is the only one who knows that Bakugou is Midoriya's soulmate, and Bakugou isn't taking the news very well. Can the twin stars of class 1-A work out their differences and find their happy ending?
Unhealthy Fixations by Thesis | 12,522 | Izuku is an adult who knows better than to crush on his childhood bully. AND YET.
Like the Moon by osakakitty | 14,781 | Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Worth a Second Shot by cinnabee | 13,080 | Katsuki and Izuku celebrate registering as a Hero Duo together with a big party. What could go wrong?
Like Something Out of A Shoujo Manga by Merrywetherweather | 2,971 | Deku ends up in a rather interesting quirk accident, one that triggers flag events as if he were the protagonist of an otome game.
Canon World – 15k++
Blood Moon by lalazee | 94,860 | The Thank-Fuck-We-Aren’t-Dead Sex had started then, and had never really stopped. Then came the feelings and the fights. The ego, the pride, the jealousy. And then there was Us.
The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh | 669,463 | During a battle, Midoriya gets hit by a villain whose quirk detaches his soul from his body. Stuck in a ghost-like state, the boy enters a race against time in order to save himself from permanently dying. Much to his luck - or lack of it -, the only person who can see and talk to him in this state is no one other than Kacchan.
Just Like Breathing by MD_Daydreamer | 35,423 | Izuku got engaged. He didn't mind. If that made Uraraka happy, he could do it. He thought his life wouldn't change much.But then, Kacchan went to live in the USA.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) by vannral | 15,951 | In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
"what's your type?" by sapphicflower | 20,192 | In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out. Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
and it was Just Right by cinnabee | 23,759 | Katsuki spends two years post-graduation in a furious one-sided competition with his childhood friend and rival's promotional photos - until they finally run into each other, and, well. You shouldn't believe everything you see in magazines. A love story about size differences.
Notice Me, Nerd by useless_donut | 40,000 | Bakugou is in love with Midoriya. He doesn’t hide it, in fact it’s so painfully obvious that the entire class of 3-A has him figured out in a matter of months (days, in some cases). Too bad Midoriya is the most oblivious motherfucker out there, and Bakugou is too damn stubborn to actually ask him out. A love story as witnessed by the class of 3-A.
in your dreams, nerd! by sapphicflower | 37,639 | In a strange and unexpected set of circumstances, Izuku and Katsuki find themselves sharing their dreams together whenever they happen to fall asleep at the same time. Being hopelessly in love with each other, they don’t mind it all that much. What better way to spend time with your crush than in a stupidly vivid dream?
Hear Me by my_name_is_Levi | 22,419 | It wasn’t as if nightmares were uncommon for the freshman class of Yuuei. They’d seen plenty of things, heard and felt and witnessed enough travesty in their lives to last them a lifetime. But Midoriya Izuku was screaming, and no one, not even Bakugo Katsuki could ignore it.
Bridges by supercrunch | 18,018 | Bakugou is signed up for a Calvin Klein modeling gig. The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart. So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.
objective truth by mamalade | 15,390 | Izuku gets hit with a truth quirk, as one does. He seems to be handling it well—until Katsuki shows up.
catharsis by dollcewrites | 15,071 | It's been six years since Izuku graduated.It's been six years since he confessed to his childhood friend; his classmate and his inspiration. It's been six years since he deleted Bakugou's number, asked his friends not to mention the name, spent every last effort of his heart turning off the TV and averting his eyes from the newspapers. It's been six, long, long years since he gave up on Katsuki Bakugou ever loving him back.
Here here, my friends and me (You are my familia) by Jeka | 128,832 | Bakugou Katsuki has made a great job of ignoring the fact that he is tragically in love with Deku, someone who could never love him like that and let's face it, he doesn't deserve. Now that he can't ignore it anymore, he has to find a way to keep his childhood friend and move on for his own sake. Or so he had thought, maybe he can have Deku, after all. Izuku has everything he always wanted in life. But suddenly he has to navigate the most important relationship in his life through different eyes.
Canon World – Jealous! 
Hands Off by SaysiWrites | 7,140 | When a new girl at school starts flirting with Bakugou, his friends quickly become invested in the idea of their friend experiencing love - even if he doesn't seem at all interested in her. What they don't see is Midoriya fuming in the background. But how can he get rid of her when they've spent so long keeping their relationship a secret?
Surfaces by surveycorpsjean | 25,225 | Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right. As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Green-Eyed Beast by SecretKiwi | 4,721 | Everyone wants a piece of Katsuki Bakugou, but they should beware of the Green-eyed beast always lurking close behind him.
Green with Envy by Sol_Morales707 | 2,611 | Izuku Midoriya is not as innocent and pure as everyone thinks he is. The truth was he was very jealous and willing to do anything for a certain blonde.
Happy Camper by Arysa | 7,074 | Wanting a break from the stress of dealing with the rookie Pro Hero grind, a handful of students from Class A decide to go on a camping trip. Izuku's excited to relax and catch up with everyone, especially Kacchan. But, well, Kacchan's... Kacchan. And dating Kirishima.
How to stop time: kiss by Teddingtons | 31,693 | Deku finally asks Uraraka out. Everyone's supportive except Bakugou who can't even look him in the eye. Deku seeks him out after and is hit with truth.
What I Deserve by s_the_queen | 16,671 | When Izuku starts dating a student in General Studies, everyone is happy for him. She's super sweet and really caring. But something doesn't sit right with Katsuki.
Deku's Already Fucking Taken by asdfjkl129 | 20,704 | 5 times people don't realize that Deku is already in a very happy relationship and try their hand at asking him out, and then in Bakugou's unique and special style, get very firmly corrected, +1 time where no correction is needed.
His by sister_elric | 6,206 | Izuku would like to consider himself a pretty level headed individual. Sure, he had the occasional tunnel vision, especially when it came to training. And hero work. And Kacchan. But, overall, Midoriya felt as though he typically kept his cool. Well, maybe that was a stretch. But, at the very least he could understand his own emotions. So, it surprised even him when an unfamiliar emotion coursed through him as a first year approached his boyfriend, Katsuki.
Down the Red Line by MinervaHope | 7,804 | Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
Canon World – Fake Relationship Goes Wrong
how he should’ve known (and how it turned out) by vannral | 43,918 | In which Katsuki and Izuku pretend to be a couple to avoid journalists, the plan backfires magnificently because of course it does, and the act goes on. Includes feelings, pining, domestic fluff and jealousy.
Vicious by feelslikefire | 105,173 | Midoriya and Bakugou wind up in the very last position either of them thought they'd be in: Hero Partners. It's not fun, but they learn to cope. Their first big assignment together takes them undercover to infiltrate a cult, but the situation turns out far more sinister than they first thought.
What I can never tell you by Mikacrispy | 27,067 | After living in the US for 5 years, Izuku returns to take care of a concussed Bakugou who believes they're engaged. Now, Izuku has to pretend he's in a relationship with the man he's loved for most of his life, knowing that it's just a matter of time until Katsuki gets better and realizes it's all a lie.
Not-Dating by MiraChaDoodles | 14,290 | Katsuki takes Deku on a not-date to save his career, only to find himself wishing it were real.
we'll do the things that lovers do by ethereals | 29,544 | Izuku gets an invitation to Shouto's wedding and Katsuki is PISSED that he asks Kirishima to be his date (also he wasn't even fucking invited
Canon World – Friends With Benefits (?) 
Four Times Bakugou Katsuki Doesn't Intend to Sleep With Midoriya Izuku (And the One Time that He Does) by fallingraine85 | 17,601 | He hadn’t planned for any of this. He isn’t about to go delving into the ball of yarn that is Midoriya Izuku’s heart; he isn’t equipped to try and untangle and make sense of it all. He isn’t about to try to analyze how he’s feeling about all of this, either.... How many times can you repeat the same mistake?
We Wear Chains on the Weekend by surveycorpsjean | 35,086 | Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare."Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways. Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
Just for Now by Shiro_Kabocha | 48,135 | Katsuki's parents are out of town over a school break and to keep him from getting up to any shenanigans, they ask Izuku to house sit with him. What are two teenaged boys to do when left alone to their own devices? (Bonus+ the entire Just for Love series)
safe in the darkness by yoonskisses | 20,855 | Izuku and Katsuki had been meeting up secretly for months, with absolutely no feelings involved. Or so Katsuki thought at least. The dorm gossip about Ochaco and Izuku's new relationship seemed to set a spanner in the works for their arrangement.
Alternative Universe – No Quirks
Bluebird by EtherealBeing | 53,108 | Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact. However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Someone Borrowed by mynameis152 | 138,996 | It felt like hours that he stared at Izuku, coming to terms with the fact that a man, his childhood best friend, whom he hadn’t seen since their senior year of high school, was there in front of his very eyes. Then his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched before he uttered through gritted teeth the very name Izuku had longed to hear for years. “Deku.”
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie | 51,598 | Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn't expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
Manage Me by Justaperson1718 | 10,756 | Izuku becomes Katsuki’s model agent.
Don't Set Your Drink Down by Crandberrycrush | 88,424 | With sudden clarity Izuku realized he had broken the first rule of going out. Never leave your drink unattended.
Livewire by pretty_rekless | 18,160 | Per Ochako's request, Izuku downloads a gay dating app in hopes to finally find a partner. Except every single one of his leads keep ghosting him or standing him up... That is until one hot, fiery blond enters the chat. Grindr/Tinder AU fic.
Drinking Watermelon by warschach | 8,906 | Katsuki works as a camp counselor, and Izuku is a boy made of summer heat and sunlight.
Precious Pet by Mikacrispy | 6,379 | When broke college student Midoriya Izuku found a job that offered lodging, food, and good pay for four hours of work each day, he thought it was too good to be true. But he called anyway. Turns out all he has to do is to be the spoiled little puppy of a rich businessman.
Our Eleven Summers by Dark_Mage_Ayumu | 34,472 | The first time Katsuki met Izuku was when he was eight. For the next eleven years, Izuku changed his life, and no one even knew. Their relationship was something they shared in secret.
sticky note crushes by ladyofsnails | 3,239 | Katsuki hates his roommate. The green-haired, freckled, artsy son of a bitch with his dumb pun t-shirts and paint-stained hands he can’t fucking keep to himself. Katsuki can’t leave a single assignment or paper out in his room because that idiot will just grab anything to draw on it. He’s like a shark that can’t stop swimming else it’ll die – he can’t stop drawing. Ever.
Don't Play Pretend by SweetSide | 10,103 | Actor AU: Deku and Bakugou get the leading roles for an upcoming TV Drama. They weren’t aware that they would be working with each other for who knows how long. It would’ve been completely fine if they weren’t exes.
97.6 FM by jamjars | 32,249 | Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Read {between} Your Lines by greatcloudninja | 52,252 | Midoriya Izuku, up-and-coming actor, has finally hit his big break (...), Bakugou Katsuki, who has been acting for over twenty years.However, Bakugou seems to have it out for Izuku, leading to tension both on and off set. When some incriminating photos surface, the studio suggests (...): having Bakugou and Midoriya fake a relationship to get ahead of the rumors. 
I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts by PassingShadow | 5,522 | Izuku is a professional cuddler and Katsuki is his new client that’s just a little rough around the edges, and needs a natural healing touch.
Alternative Universe – Quirkless Deku
A Good Old-Fashioned Tattoo AU by lalazee | 14,437 | After their paths had split, Bakugou & Deku meet again as adults. While Bakugou begins to repent for the kid he used to be, he also starts to prove himself as he the man he is now.
Call Me a Safe Bet (I'm Betting I'm Not) by WTTTD | 10,803 | He wished he had some sort of heads up before seeing Deku again for the first time after nearly two years, looking like the essence of a lazy Sunday, smiling and surrounded with brand new, adoring friends. It was a little fitting that Katsuki burned for him so badly. (Support Department Deku)
In Which Kacchan Has a Ruff Time by OneshotPrincess | 14,511 | Bakugou Katsuki gets quirked into a dog, gets adopted by an unknowing Izuku and generally has a very rough few days full of realizations
While You Were Sleeping by Belkacaramelka (annabelleg) | 71,197 | The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Let Me Assist You Personally by Seeress | 32,806 | Izuku is long-suffering Personal Assistant to #1 Pro Hero Dynamight.Dynamight can't keep a PA to save his career. They all quit crying after a few days weeks. Enter, Izuku—with enough money problems to brave the jaws of the cranky beast. Childhood friend turned glorified paid slave. Somehow it all works out. ‘Kill them with kindness’, his mom had told him once. If that were true, Bakugou Katsuki would be stone-cold dead by now.
Smile For The Camera by kurokonekokilled | 19,179 | Midnight has a cam site, home to millions of users, but one catches Katsuki's eye when he goes scrolled through it in search for something to help him release a little stress. A live stream and the best orgasm of his life later, his wallet is lighter, and he might be almost as obsessed with this Deku guy as the cam boy is with him.
Just Like The Comics by brichibi | 24,935 | Where Izuku works at a comic book shop because that’s as close to a hero as he’s gonna get, and Katsuki plays the part of heroic ex-boyfriend who is good at everything except winning Izuku back... maybe
Alternative Universe – Quirks
Get on my Level by Mikacrispy | 92,273 | Bakugou Katsuki is a Pro Hero whose boss demands him to take an intern. Midoriya Izuku is a UA student who needs an internship. When the two of them are put together, they learn about what it truly means to be a Hero and what it means to be in love.
A/B/O – Secret! Baby
Home by Emerald2402 | 87,214 | Midoriya Izuku left Japan in a rush, moving to America without a word to anyone else. But then almost 11 years later he arrives back Home and Bakugou Katsuki's Alpha is furious. Fuck that, Bakugou is furious, because Midoriya Izuku, an omega he tasted one time, has been keeping a very big, very blonde haired, green eyed secret.
Those Under the Same Stars by PerpetuallyPerturbed | 325,553 | When Katsuki Bakugo left Izuku Midoriya five years ago, he thought it was for forever. He put aside dreams and wishes of the omega to focus on his career. He was going to be the best hero, after all. He couldn't have an omega getting in his way. So when he's stopped on the streets one day by a pup begging for help for his mom, he isn't prepared to face what he gave up, and what the consequences of his actions were. (Quirkless Deku)
A/B/O – Quirks
Mark Me. Make Me Yours. by decadentbynature | 10,062 | Midoriya is the only Omega at UA and he's been hiding it well but there's one issue that threatens to expose him: his attraction to an Alpha, Bakugo. After being told to give some paperwork to Bakugo, Midoriya lets him into his dorm room and is immediately overwhelmed by his scent. Unable to help himself, he gives in to his urges, only to be discovered by Bakugo but instead of becoming enraged, Bakugo decides to give Midoriya exactly what he wants
Claim Me by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 114,449 | Being an Alpha has nothing to do with Katsuki's success as a Pro-Hero, the same way Deku's Omega status hasn't kept him from becoming Number Two. Secondary gender doesn't mean anything nowadays and “mating” is an antiquated practice. So when Izuku, his rival, asks Katsuki to Claim him in the middle of the night, there is only one logical thing to say. “What the fuck?”
Change of Plans by Mikacrispy | 185,965 | Alpha Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki never planned to get married to some random omega but what he wants isn't an option anymore. One for All wielder Midoriya Izuku has suffered injustice too many times and doesn't plan in allowing his secondary gender to dictate how he must live his life. Falling in love was never in the plans.
Going Feral For You by ANGIE_fic | 17,977 | Bakugou has an aggression problem that might have to do with his Alpha. His job is on the line because of it. So what do you do with a pent up Alpha? Yes.Rut. (Quirkless Izuku)
i live for you, i long for you by jeonjeonggukkkkkie | 19,165 | The five times Izuku hinted he wants Katsuki to spend his next heat with him, and the one time Katsuki took the hint.
Baby's First Bloom by ContraryBee | 44,945 | Izuku blooms for Katsuki one warm day in their third year of middle school. What follows is both boys learning about themselves, their bond, and the society they live in.
As Fate Would Have It by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 88,737 | Katsuki Bakugo had plenty of reasons why he wasn't mated yet, not that he was going to explain why to just anyone. But now, Ground Zero was running out of time. If he didn't find someone soon, he'd lose his position as a Pro-Hero and he'd never get to be #1. So, when he finds out there's a male Omega recently arrested for prostitution that's headed to prison if he too doesn't get a mate…well it must be fate. (Quirkless Izuku)
A/B/O – No Quirks
Gravity by warschach | 71,477 | Izuku is back in his hometown and plenty hasn't changed much from the 8 years he was gone. Except, Katsuki Bakugou, the alpha king of their small town. He's hotter- because that's fair, right, God? -, stronger, a now-famous pro fighter, and noticeably nicer this round.Not that he cares, pfft. (Fine, he cares.)
Nine Months by greatcloudninja | 23,303 | Omega Midoriya Izuku connects with Alpha Bakugou Katsuki through an online singles ad. Izuku pays Katsuki to help him with his heat, ending up pregnant in the process. What follows is a pregnancy filled with ups and downs, but whatever hurdles come their way, they can make it through together.
The long dark by Ominous-Anonymous (Ominonymous) | 13,289 | He could have been really dangerous. He could be a fucking murderer for all he knew. But Izuku Midoriya, ever the reckless daredevil, was not thinking of that when he got into a car with a complete stranger. Completely ignoring the part where his mother always taught him to never gets into cars with alphas he didn't know...
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blk-worth · 2 years
Dear KPTS fans
What are your thoughts on the ending? Think we’re getting a S2?
Imo a S2 is POSSIBLE because it was still a few unanswered questions for example…
KIM. KNOWS. SOMETHING. Like idc he HAS to know something
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When they announced Korns “death” it seems like he wasn’t fazed by it. And Ik he probably wanted to be the “strong one” in that moment but Even Kinn showed a little emotion and he’s the head of the family so for Kim to have THAT type of reaction is sorta…off
Was Gun as bad as we thought he was? Or was Korn painting him out to be the bad guy?
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Because if you recall when he was trying to tell his side of the story korn shot him in the head so unfortunately we will never know his part unless Vegas goes into his office and finds a journal with all the hidden secrets that Gun had to hide
Let’s be real. THIS. Isn’t going to end well… like atm it seems beautiful that everyone is hand and hand all sunshine and rainbows but eventually Porsche is going to take his lead role very seriously to the point that kinn won’t recognize who his love is anymore
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Remember it’s never right to mix business with pleasure
With Kimchay I definitely want to believe it’s an open ending because like come on now…Kim is whipped for chay, HE BODIED 6 OR MORE GUYS FOR THAT BOY. It can’t be the end with Kimchay it just can’t. Besides is it not weird that NOBODY has yet to find out abt their relationship?! Like did we forget abt that part? The fact that nobody has yet to find out they were once a thing….
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Now the Only thing for Vegaspete is WHERE TF IS VENICE 😂 IDC I NEED THAT BABY. AND I NEED IT TO BE A GIRL. Hell it can be a toddler if they do a “3 years later” storyline or something I JUST NEED THAT BABY
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But no In all seriousness this was so beautiful and pure and I’m so happy we got Vegaspete happy together ☺️🥰🥰
Now my last evidence on to why we might get a S2
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Like I understand it might be a little overwhelming for her to find out that she has two sons and wasn’t able to watch them grow because the family she was brought into but her vibes were just off…and remember Korn said she was adopted so what if that’s her twin? Or what if all this time she was pretending to loose her memory and is waiting on the right opportunity to let it all out? I truly believe if we get a S2 she’s going to be the key part to the story
Nonetheless this series kept me on the edge of my seat anxious to see the next episode. This series will hold a special place in my BL heart ❤️ 
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kids getting their quirks w/ Todoroki, Deku and Bakugou
Request: *cracks knuckles* uH may i pls have a headcanon for half half bastard, deku, and king explosive murder when their child’s quirk manifests? have a great day (or night lol) iajsmsjsnsk :D 💕- anonymous 
Okay my baby fever isn’t over but now I know the main factor. Apart from my new obsession with dad Nanami, my period is also here so yay. I’m in pain. SO let’s feed my baby fever even more with some pro hero dads bc I love them and cherish them. Nanami is still ruling my heart though. Love ya💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: babies!!!!, domestic au, dad au, fluffy, no warnings really, unless it causes you baby fever so beware of the baby fluffs.
Todoroki Shoto
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-Baby was called from the daycare because the twins teacher couldn’t control their quirk manifesting. 
-Daycares are ready for quirk manifestation but someone hurt Rei and Ren kinda exploded and they couldn’t control the fire. 
-Rei got startled and her ice blocked both toddlers from the outside world as they were now existing in their own little igloo. 
-He panics because he fears that they hurt themselves or each other by using their quirks. 
-Scenarios of them attempting to hug each other, a habit they’ve had since they were wittle babies, and burning their skin or causing frostbite. 
-He rushed to their daycare, paperwork long forgotten on his agency’s desk as he stormed inside the classroom the small ice barrier splitting the room in two making his heart skip a beat. 
-Motioning to the teacher to leave he approached the block of ice, touching it with his left hand watching the ice melt as he finally spotted his two little girls, huddled together in the furthest spot of their igloo, trembling in each other’s arms. 
-Shoto ducked inside, slowly approaching them as they untangled from each other and rushed to him, meeting him half way in a crushing hug. 
-They both sobbed in his chest as he rubbed their backs. 
-Shushing them he tried to get a coherent story out of them but the only answer he managed to pry from them was a jumble of sorries and sobs.
-Picking them up, he asked them where their stuff was and after getting everything he excused all three of them and left the daycare, leaving a now melting igloo for the staff to clean up. 
-Back at home he managed to get them to calm down completely and made them something to eat. 
- “It’s alright, you protected each other like we’ve taught you. Your quirk activating is not your fault so stop blaming yourselves.” 
-They didn’t seem very convinced and they reminded him of himself back in high school, when he wouldn’t accept his left side as part of himself. 
-Hugging them close once again he left a kiss on each of their little heads, blowing a raspberry on their cheeks making them giggle at the feeling. 
-He loves the sound of their laugh. 
- “You have no control over your powers and that’s okay. Me and mommy will help you with that.” 
-Deep down he was proud of his girls. 
-They didn’t lose complete control and Rei managed to minimize her ice from coating the whole classroom. 
-He was so happy to have these two little things as his kids. 
-They truly were his world. 
- “I’m so proud of you my little snowflakes.”
Midoriya Izuku/ Deku
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-He thought his son was quirkless. 
-You were quirkless, he used to be quirkless so the logical thing was for your kid to also be quirkless. 
-Nope you were wrong. 
-Turns out he took after his grandma and he has a form of telekinesis. 
-Nothing really strong since both of his parents are biologically quirkless. 
-It was triggered while you were all chillin in your living room. 
-Izuku was scribbling something in one of his notebooks while your son was playing with his hero figurines on the floor. 
-You were watching kitchen wars. 
-Izuku’s phone started ringing and he shot up to get it, sending the notebook and pen flying across the room. 
-You were ready for the inevitable crash but it never came. 
-Looking up you saw both the notebook and the pen, levitating a few inches from the floor a slight green glow surrounding them.
-You were shocked looking back and forth from your four year old to the levitating objects. 
-Izuku was still talking on the phone and hadn’t realized the revelation that was being displayed in the living room. 
-Finally the call was over and he stepped back in, letting out a fucking SQUEAK when he saw his son using his quirk. 
-That was enough to break his concentration and the items clattered to the floor, your toddler looking back at his father with huge green eyes, chubby hands reaching out for him. 
-In a flash Izuku was on his knees next to the little boy, hugging him so close you thought he couldn’t breath. 
-He peppered his chubby face with kisses, praise pouring from his lips like rain as he raised the four year old into the air, baby giggles filling the room. 
-You joined them on the floor taking your fill of baby Midoriya pampering before looking at your husband, tears flowing down his cheeks. 
-You hadn’t seen him cry ever since your son said his first words. 
-And even then you couldn’t blame him, his first word was dada who wouldn’t cry? 
- “He has a quirk! Oh my god he has a quirk!” 
-Izuku brought both of you into a hug, crushing you to his chest as he kissed both of your foreheads. 
- “Thank you thank you thank you.” 
-It hit him like a truck how lucky he was to have you both. 
-A beautiful wife who loves him for who he is and not for his fame *like many other pros had warned him about* and a son who adores him and asks for daddy every second of the day. 
-He didn’t care about a quirk.
-He was scared that his son would also get bullied if he didn’t have one. 
-Right now everything was perfect. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-If you asked him he didn’t want your son to get his quirk yet. 
-If he did that meant that he grew and he wasn’t his wittle baby anymore. 
-Your son was playing with his uncles outside while Katsuki was setting up the barbeque. 
-He was simultaneously holding your one year old and you were having a heart attack seeing your baby so close to a fire but you trusted him. 
-Your son was laughing his ass off as he was chased around the table by four grown ass adults. 
- “Be careful around the table.” 
-The fact that all five individuals said yes mom terrified you. 
-Heading back into the kitchen you only managed to reach the sink before a scream pierced the air and in a flash you were back outside, scanning the yard for who got hurt and where. 
-Then your eyes landed on your son who had a hand outstretched in front of him, smoke leaving his small palm while Kaminari was laying face down a few feet away from him, a groan leaving the pro hero as a palm shaped hole was etched on his shirt. 
-Everyone was silent as they stared at your four year old, eyes wide in awe at the sheer force of a singular explosion. 
-The person who broke the silence was Kirishima who let out a loud woah snapping all of you out of your stupor .
-Bakugou looked at you, pure disbelief in his gaze as his son turned to him. 
- “Dad I’m just like you!!” 
-You swear in his daze he almost yeeted your baby over his shoulder. 
-In one swift motion your son was in his other arm being swung around as their laughs synced into one. 
- “Hell yeah you are.” 
-Joining them you ruffled your son’s hair as you kissed his cheeks, a deep scarlet blush painting his plush cheeks as he hid his face in his dad’s shoulder. 
- “Bravo bud!” 
-Sero was next with the praise followed by Mina and Kaminari who also whined about his Hawaiian shirt being ruined. 
-For the next hours Katsuki didn’t let him go. 
-Didn’t want to let either of his kids go but it got kinda hard with the whole barbeque being his responsibility. 
- “We can train together, and work at the agency and go on patrols and…” 
-As your son rambled on about the things they could do now that he has his quirk, you looked at your husband, a soft smile plastered on his features. 
- “He will never stop needing you Katsu.” 
-You whispered as you kissed him softly on the cheek, catching a glimpse of a single teardrop leaving his eye before he quickly rubbed his face on your shoulder. 
- “I know.”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses
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fific7 · 3 years
Evil Twins - Part 2
Billy Russo & Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: When two worlds which have already collided then collide with yours - that’s an explosive situation.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with quite a lot of lemon zest 🍋 My Fantasy Punisher/Shadow and Bone crossover AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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The mutual staring contest went on between the three of you for some moments longer.
Then the one in the suit (character name - Billy Russo) cleared his throat and said, “Uh… hi.” He held his hands up, palms out, as if trying to calm you down although you hadn’t even uttered a sound.
“Don’t start screaming or nothin’, we’re not gonna hurt you.” “Speak for yourself,” muttered the other one, eyes still drinking in every inch of you. Billy shot him a dirty look, before turning back to you, “Now, sweetheart, I guess you’re wonderin’ why we’re here.”
Nodding, you felt as if you’d temporarily lost the ability to speak.
And you still weren’t quite sure if you were stoned or not.
“You are not the only one, moi krasivyy,” said the guy in black (character name - The Darkling or General Kirigan) managing to look you in the eyes for once, “we are wondering that too!”
“Ha! That’s rich, comin’ from you. This is all your mother’s fault!” snapped Billy. “OUR mother!” yelled the General. The two of them squared up to each other, glaring into each other’s identical eyes.
Oh this is ridiculous, you thought. You jumped up - praying your dizziness had gone - and clapped your hands loudly once. Their heads turned towards you immediately.
“Okay, that’s enough. Sit down please.”
To your surprise, they did as you asked. Side by side on your other sofa, looking up at you - they really were identical, hairstyles differing a little but apart from that - two peas in a pod.
“Here’s what I do know, although it isn’t much. I was watching two TV series tonight, and you are in one of them and you’re in the other,” you pointed at each of them in turn, “..you are Billy Russo and you are The Darkling. Well, that was in the book, you’re called General Kirigan in the TV series. And now you’re both here. In my flat.” You’d noticed Billy eye-rolling as you were speaking, and now he snorted, turning to the General, “The Darkling? What kind of fucking stupid-ass name is that?!”
The General jumped up off the sofa and so did Billy, and they were back to staring each other out, nose to nose.
You sighed, and folded your arms across your chest. That’s when you remembered you really were too scantily clad to be standing in front of two strangers like this, so without a word you stalked off into your bedroom to get your dressing gown. Putting one arm into a sleeve and pulling it round your shoulders to pull the other sleeve on, you turned to leave and found the two of them standing in the doorway, watching while you were putting on your robe.
“Out!” you shooed them in front of you, and they reluctantly walked back down the short hallway and into your living room. You waved them back onto the sofa, tying your robe, and they both sat down again.
“Now, where were we? Oh yes. How on earth did two TV characters end up in my flat? And why do you look like each other - I thought the two characters were played by the same actor. But there are two of you!”
They exchanged a glance, and Billy replied, “We’ve only just discovered that we’re twins. And I’ll tell you what we know but it won’t make sense. It doesn’t even make sense to us.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
About an hour later, the two of them were just staring at you again and you were staring back. You’d introduced yourself by now, filled them in on exactly where they’d arrived at, and made tea. They’d sat there on your sofa sipping from their cups, telling you their frankly unbelievable stories.
You’d listened patiently as they explained why they’d ended up in your living room, and when Billy had mentioned the part about his apartment being sealed so they couldn’t get out, you’d raced over to your front door. Heart sinking, you pulled uselessly at the door handle. It wouldn’t budge.
Sitting back down and giving a huge sigh, you sank back into the cushions and managed to calmly say, “You realise I still can’t get my head round this? You. Two. Are. Fictional. Characters! Do you understand? You’re not supposed to be real! But now it seems you are, and you’re sitting on my sofa!”
That’s when the staring had recommenced. Then Billy had simply said, “Sorry ‘bout that.”
You burst out laughing, and Billy grinned at you. The General looked annoyed and you heard him mutter, “He’s not that amusing.” Turning towards him, you said, “Now now, General, is that some sibling rivalry right there?” His dark eyes met yours, “Call me Aleksander. And no - we’ve not been ‘siblings’ long enough to feel any rivalry.” “Are you sure about that, Aleksander?” you asked.
Billy smirked at him, and Aleksander literally snarled, “He’s nothing compared to me!”
You sighed. You could guess what was going to happen next. Yes, there they go…..
They’d both leapt up and were doing their facing off thing, snarking and bitching at each other.
You did your hand-clapping thing and like good puppies they stopped and sat down, both still huffing though. “Billy,” you said, and he looked over at you, “Did you ask Baghra which Small Science you specialised in? Aleksander is a Shadow Summoner.” “The Shadow Summoner,” you heard Aleksander mutter, but you ignored him and carried on. “What is yours? You must be Grisha too, right?”
“Not necessarily!” Aleksander butted in, sulky look on his face, “he could be Otkazat'sya,” he looked over at you, “…that’s people without Grisha capabilities.” Billy glowered at him. “Was your father Grisha too?” you asked Aleksander. His face became stern and closed off, “Yes. A Heartrender. I don’t know anything else about him.”
Oh, you thought, think I touched a nerve there. “You said Baghra is a Shadow Summoner too, right? So is it not more likely that Billy would also have Grisha powers?” He sighed, admitting, “Yes, he probably does.” “I didn’t get a chance to ask,” said Billy, with a triumphant smirk aimed at Aleksander appearing on his face. You got the distinct feeling that he’d really wanted to stick his tongue out at his twin, but somehow he’d managed not to. Aleksander was glaring back at him, looking like he wanted to strangle Billy.
How long were these two going to be here? you silently thought. It was like you’d suddenly adopted two sulky teenage boys. Or two large toddlers. Either description would fit.
It was exhausting.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Earlier on, when their hostess had left them alone while she made tea, Aleksander had leant into Billy’s face and stated, “She is going to be mine. Just to make things crystal clear.” Billy had shaken his head, laughing, “Oh you think? Nah. She’s definitely going to go for me, given the choice.” “Ha! She needs a real man, not some…” he looked Billy over, “…pathetic idiot who dresses in suits. And as I haven’t had sex in decades, it’s only fair that I get the woman.”
Billy had been laughing out loud at this and was just about to reply when she’d returned with three cups of tea and some biscuits on a plate. She’d given them a strange look as she’d placed these on the coffee table, but Billy had quietened down almost immediately and both of them now had innocent smiles on their faces.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were yawning by now, informing them that you were going to bed and that they’d need to sleep on the two small sofas.
They’d exchanged glances, and Aleksander had smirked, “That’s a very big bed you’ve got in your room.” You nodded, stating firmly, “Yes, a king-size bed. It’s got a lot of space… and it’s all for me. I’ll get some blankets and pillows for you two.”
Noting their disappointed looks, you walked through to your bedroom and pulled some blankets out of the ottoman chest at the foot of your bed. You were in a bit of a temper. If they thought for one second that just because you were all stuck in here for however long you were going to open your legs for them, they would soon find out in a very painful manner that sex wasn’t on the menu. You weren’t dumb, you’d seen how the two of them - Aleksander in particular - had been looking at you like you were a snack.
Just as you were rummaging right down to the bottom of the ottoman for the spare pillows, you were suddenly aware of a figure next to you. You grabbed the pillows and stood up, scowling at Aleksander who was once again devouring you with his eyes. “I don’t need any help, thank you,” you snapped at him. However he moved even closer to you, “I was thinking more along the lines of you helping me, moi krasivyy.” “Moi what? What’s that mean?” you asked, sidetracked by curiosity getting the better of you. He grinned at you, “Moi krasivyy. It means ‘my beautiful one’. Because you are. Very beautiful.”
You suddenly heard Billy’s voice, “He’s just trying to talk himself into your bed.”
Aleksander whipped round, scowling at Billy. “Shut up!” he yelled at him.
“Ooh, touchy!”
“I meant every word I said. She is very beautiful!”
“Yes, of course she is, just like you said! But she doesn’t need you to tell her that.”
“Why shouldn’t I tell her she’s beautiful?”
“Because you’ve got a hidden agenda!”
“And you don’t?!”
“We both want to fuck her and you know it! You’re just being more obvious about it!”
They both froze as soon as those words came out of Billy’s mouth and their heads swung towards you, two sets of worried eyes meeting yours. You had your arms crossed again, and boy were you pissed.
“Firstly, I’m right here, you know. Standing right here listening to you argue about who’s going to fuck me.” They both looked somewhat ashamed. “Well, let me tell you…. that will be neither of you! The arrogance of the two of you! Not only do you land in my flat totally uninvited but you act as if I’ve been provided as your personal fucktoy. Not gonna happen! Have we got that clear?”
They both nodded, and you heard mumbled ‘Sorry’s’ as you stomped out past them to the living room. Both followed behind you, now silent. Dumping the blankets and pillows onto one of the sofas, you huffed a ‘Goodnight’ to them and returned to your room, firmly closing the door. Pity it didn’t lock, you thought.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was squirming about under his blanket, his long legs hanging off the edge of the too-short sofa. Across from him on the other sofa, Aleksander was doing exactly the same.
“This is your fault,” grumbled Aleksander, “…if you hadn’t inserted yourself into the conversation, I could’ve been sharing that lovely bed with that lovely woman.” “Dream on, jerk,” laughed Billy, “you don’t stand a chance.” “Of course I stand a chance! More than you do…. jerk!” replied Aleksander, adding, “Whatever that means.” “A jerk perfectly describes you…. a very annoyin’ stupid prick!” “It describes you perfectly too!” Voices rising, both getting ready to jump up yet again and really get into it. Which was rapidly becoming a thing with the twins.
“It perfectly describes both of you!” came a shout from behind the closed bedroom door. “Now just shut up and go to sleep!”
They exchanged guilty looks and settled uncomfortably back down on their respective sofas.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Emerging into the living room the next morning, you saw two dark heads peeking out from underneath their blankets and heard two sets of soft snores. Their feet were dangling off the ends of the sofas, and you momentarily felt sorry for them. Your furniture was not intended for six-foot males to sleep on.
Heading to your kitchen, you filled and switched on the kettle, then took a loaf of bread out of a cupboard and popped four slices into the toaster. Hmm… you didn’t have a huge amount of food in your fridge and cupboards. Before all… this had happened, you’d intended picking some more up today. How were you going to get more supplies? And what about your store! Everyone would wonder why it was closed. The store was only usually shut on Sundays, and today was Saturday.
This was a complete disaster. Sighing, you took out another two slices of bread to await toasting and as you closed up the wrapping, suddenly noticed that the loaf didn’t feel as if had got any smaller. You opened it up again and double-checked. You had previously only used a couple of slices, and no way was this loaf now 6 slices lighter, it was exactly the same as it had been. “Oh fuck off,” you muttered. What was this? Narnia? Alice in Fucking Wonderland? Oh well - maybe this meant you and your two ‘guests’ wouldn’t starve.
You jumped, startled, as you heard Billy’s voice behind you, “Somethin’ wrong, sweetheart?” He was leaning against the doorframe, wearing only a pair of tight black boxer briefs. Your jaw dropped as you took in this vision of masculine beauty. His smirk at you was totally self-satisfied, and you closed your mouth immediately. “Can’t you put some clothes on!” you snapped, and his grin got wider. “Only got my suit and it ain’t that comfortable for loungin’ around in.”
The toaster popped up at that point and you jumped again. “Am I makin’ you nervous, sweetheart?” he grinned. You turned away and took out the butter from the fridge. Placing the remaining two slices in the toaster, you began to spread the butter on the other 4 slices. “No, you are not,” you denied, looking defiantly at him, knowing it wasn’t true. The two of them were really hot guys, no denying that, but you absolutely couldn’t let them know that’s what you were thinking.
Aleksander now appeared behind him, likewise clad in just his underwear - black boxer shorts - and leant on the other side of the door, arms crossed on his chest. “You’re very kind, making tea for us,” he commented.
Oh good lord! your man-starved mind screeched, this is just too much first thing in the morning! Two male thirst traps, looking like they were currently shooting a Calvin Klein ad.
You hastily turned away and said, “Can one of you make yourself useful, please? Put three teabags into the teapot and fill it up with the hot water.” You hid a grin as they both tried to come into the kitchen at the same time and got jammed in the door. “Okay - Billy, you do it,” you said, “you’ve probably got more experience...” He chuckled, “Yes I have, angel. More than him, that’s for sure!” just as you added, “…of making tea.” Now it was Aleksander’s turn to laugh, “Yes… in tea-making only. Other people usually make my tea.”
“Now don’t you two start arguing again!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You brought the teapot, cups and plate of toast into the living room and put it down on the coffee table, noting that they’d folded up their blankets and piled them on top of their pillows on one of the sofas. Must be the military training, you thought. They were sitting on one of the sofas again, both still in their underwear. That was disturbing.
Now you were the one having to stop your eyes roaming over their bodies. Both of which happened to be lean, athletic and very nicely toned, commented your mind. Okay! Enough of that. Did you have any men’s clothes still lying around anywhere, you wondered? Quite possibly, and you decided you’d have a good look once you’d had your tea and toast.
Later on, you came out of your bedroom having found two pairs of grey tracksuit bottoms and a couple of black t-shirts, left behind by your previous boyfriend. You’d laundered them, intending to give them back to him but he’d moved out of the area so that never happened, and they’d lived in one of your drawers ever since. And just as well they had, you thought - I’ve got to get them into some clothes or else I won’t be responsible for my actions.
Handing them over, you remarked, “Hopefully these fit you.” Billy looked at them, nose wrinkling, “Whose are these?” “An ex of mine. Don’t worry! They’ve been washed.” They both stood up and pulled on the jogging bottoms, maybe a tiny bit short for them but not by too much. You smiled to yourself as you noticed one’s movements often mirrored the other’s. They really were twins in every way, although you were sure they’d argue with you on that point.
Both shook out the t-shirts and looked at the band logos on each. “Led Zeppelin?” queried Aleksander. “An old school rock band,” you replied. He looked none the wiser, shrugging but pulling the t-shirt on over his head nevertheless. “Queen!!?” howled Billy, “I’m not wearin’ that!” “Why not, Billy? I love Queen!” you said, offended. He glanced over at you, “Oh, do you? Well… alright then,” and on it went without further argument. The two of them stood there, looking each other over and arguing about which of them looked better in their new outfits.
This really is like getting the children ready for school, you smirked to yourself. Secretly you found it rather amusing that these two alpha males kept challenging each other. But it was just as well you were around to act as referee before they came to actual blows.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
After having put the TV on for the ‘kids’, you began to gather the tea cups, tea pot and plates back onto the tray, fervently hoping that your dishwasher was still working. You noticed that in the few short moments they’d been sitting on the sofas, Aleksander’s eyes were beginning to close. You called his name softly and when he opened his eyes again, told him he could go and take a nap in your bed if he liked. His eyes sparkling, he was off the sofa and sprinting through to your bedroom before you’d properly finished your sentence. The bedroom door slammed.
Billy huffed, “You know he was just doing that ‘dozing off because I’m so tired’ thing just so he could sleep in your bed?” You picked up the tray, “Really? Now, don’t be jealous Billy, you can join him if you like.” Predictably, as you turned to head to the kitchen, you heard, “I’m not sharing a bed with him!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy followed on your heels into the kitchen, and you jumped as you put down the tray and realised he was so close behind you.
“Sorry,” he shrugged, “I just wanted to say - while my delightful twin is out of the way for once - that I’m really truly sorry about what I said last night. About… you know, you and me and him, and.. uhh.. well, you know.” “Yes, Billy, I do know. Apology accepted.” You took the lid off the teapot and turned back to the sink.
He continued, “I really do wanna fuck you but I shoulda told you that in private.”
The teapot lid clattered into the sink, “Billy! Do you have to be so… so direct!” you yelled, while he just stood there, looking down at you with those liquid dark chocolate eyes, trademark smirk on his face.
“We keep movin’ universes, sweetheart! -so carpe diem, as they say.”
He moved his body forwards, pushing you against the sink and a big hand was pulling your head towards his. You were still both maintaining eye contact up to this point; long fingers slid along your jawline and you felt his lips on yours in what quickly became a heated kiss. You saw his eyes close, and allowed yours to slowly close too.
This is such a bad idea!!!
….screeched that nagging little voice at the back of your mind.
But oh my lord, did it feel so very, very good…..
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@aleksanderwh0r3 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @s1xthirty @tartiflvtte @slythvoid @edithsvoice @paracosmenthusiast
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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imaginationmess · 3 years
Vengeance (Toji Fushiguro X Fem! Reader)
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Toji Fushiguro X Fem! Reader
Mafia AU!
Genre: Angst
Warning: Gun Violence, blood/gore, multiple deaths, canon character death
Word Count: 1360
This is an overdue angst piece for @konoblog-simps server collab. Enjoy the angst train!
The loud clunk of the storage unit door slammed open only bounces back down to close from the amount of strength from pulling the heavy garage door. The dark, muscular, tall figure flicks the lights on. The room brightens to reveal numerous weapons from ninja stars, throwing knives to different sorts of gun machinery.
The eyes of this individual were void of emotion, but his aura that gave off was deadly. His clothes are covered in a dry substance that was uncomfortable to continue wearing, as he strips himself from those clothes. As he is pulling his head out of the shirt for his eyes to fall on an old photograph causing him to bite his bottom lip before turning away to continue what he is planning to do.
The photograph was taken months prior during his son Megumi's sixth birthday, where his son was being licked by their two puppies mixed-breed husky dogs, Shadow and White. The black dog, Shadow was energetic and playful compassing to their twin sister, White who was calmer and timid. His son was laughing and begging the dogs to stop, how much he wants to turn back time to those happy moments.
While he was gearing up and strapping numerous knives and guns to his body. He picks up the black duffle bag filled with machine guns. He takes a moment to look around to fall on a family photo which was taken years ago where his beloved wife stood beside him hugging his arm. He was holding their son on his hip and ticking the child to make the grumpy toddler smile for the photo. He was kissing his wife's head, causing his wife to smile brightly and staring at him dearly which he happily returned.
His small family was his pride and joy.
He was the happiest man in the world.
It was eventually, abruptly ripped away from him, literally ripping them away from his hands when he was far away from them to even protect them from harm’s way, more like his dark bloody past came back to haunt him.
He requested, however, more like ordering by the grumpy toddler to get his snacks from the store. His wife took that opportunity for him to go out on small grocery shopping.
“You have Megumi’s Scooby snack, and m-.”
The older man sighs and nods despite knowing she couldn’t see him. He unlocks the door of the old pickup truck and gets into place the grocery bags on the passenger side floor.
“Yes, I got everything on the list as requested. Don’t worry, your pretty little head. I know how to follow instructions.” He places the phone on speaker as he starts to drive home.
“Whatever you say, Toji. Megumi! No running inside the house!” Toji smiles at the imagery of Megumi running and you scold him. He stops when he hears the dog going wild barking until it goes completely quiet. It was unusual for dogs to bark in general.
“Hold on, Let me check on the dogs, they were going crazy ab-” There was a loud crash and screaming echoing through the home phone. As a response, Toji steps on the gas pedal to speed up going beyond the speed limit and cutting people off getting honked at as a result.
Toji shakes his head to get rid of the memory before reaching on the handles of the black duffle bag filled with weapons and takes the keys to his black motorcycle. He walks towards the door before coming back to the wall where his family portrait rips it off from the pushpin from the wall and slips it behind the bulletproof vest.
The scariest thing in the world was a man who has nothing to lose after losing everything he cares about.
As he was driving past the speed limit on his motorcycle, he could still feel his son's blood on his arms, barely conscious. He knew his son was not gonna make it seeing how much blood he had lost and how pale he was.
For the first time in his whole life, he felt so hopeless, and weak. The thing he could do was comfort him until he passed away joining his wife in the afterlife.
“Is Ma-Mama okay? Did I do good?” The small six-year-old coughs up blood as he speaks.
Toji looks to the side of him to see you lifeless and not breathing. He knows Megumi used the pistol seeing how close it was to his body and saw a man bleeding out a few feet away from them. Toji taught him behind his wife’s back in case of an emergency if he wasn’t there to protect them.
“She is gonna be okay. You did an amazing job protecting your mother. You are the bravest little boy I ever met. ” Toji was holding himself back from crying in front of him, but had to be strong for his kid.
“I am not li-little.” His son wheezed out. Toji chuckles softly as he continues to hold him in his arms not caring if his son's blood was soaking through his clothes and holding his hand that is so small in his large palm.
“You will always be our little blessing, Megumi.” He slowly rocks himself, as he sees Megumi's eyes closing. He is at least relieved at the thought that his little body numbs the worst pain that he could feel.
“I am sleepy.”
“Go to sleep, Megumi.” Toji presses a hard kiss on the dark blue-haired boy's forehead, letting him cry when he feels Megumi stop breathing. He was silently moaning over his family deaths, he was interrupted by a cough which caused him to freeze.
The assassin was still alive despite being shot numerous times by his son and his wife.
A sickening smile came across his face at the thought tormenting them for answers.
Nothing was holding him back from his inner demons, from being a father turning back to his dangerous, selfish, self who he was before he met the love of his life.
A dangerous, deadly assassin and gangster who was famously known as the Black Wolf of the Zenin Clan, who didn’t care about anything other than money. A man who has no soul nor heart.
If he did have a heart and soul, it has vanished in thin air after his dear family was murdered by his clan that he left on his own accord. He was refusing their offers of coming back because he wanted Megumi to have a normal life unlike his.
There was no amount of money in the world that would make him go back to that abusive hellhole.
The motorcycle crashes through the doors of the mansion, as he stands tall and takes out two machine guns.
“I AM HOME!” He announces loudly before letting out a fire of bullets, not caring who was caught in the crossfire.
He is gonna do what he should have done a long time ago.
Was to murder every single one of them that make his life living hell in the daily basics.
He should not have given them mercy back in the day. They do not deserve it.
The only image that was going through his mind was his wife and his son smiling brightly at him. The blood splattering was covering every surface that was within those walls of the Zenin Property.
They never learned to not mess with him after he declared. He was leaving this dangerous life behind. He granted their wish.
He is now home. Not as a father, but as the same monster they created and trained him to be.
The Black Wolf.
Breaking News: The famously known Shadow Mafia was massacre earlier this morning today. There was no survivor insight at the current moment. Over hundred fifty was found dead and still counting as they investigated through the property. From the camera footage of the residence, the culprit seems to be Fushiguro Toji, before dying from his injuries.
The news station reveals the man that is named the culprit. He was giving a smug smirk on his mug shot.
Thank you for reading!
Feel free to send in your request :D,
Comments/Reactions are greatly appreciated!
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