#you know who are bish i see you 👀
"I just want to suck your dick peacefully, is that too much to ask?"
"Merlin! That's, that's inappropriate talk!"
"What? Like you don't do similiar when I'm trying to work but you're grabbing my arse, calling me your magical cock-sheath—mmpph!" – Court Sorcerer Merlin and King Arthur
[Arthur knew he should've kept Merlin gagged, plugged, and prettily tied up in their chambers so he could finally focus on not being distracted by his warlock temptress. Well, not for long, he'd replace the wooden plug with himself soon enough.]
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat: The Trial (Spoilers)
Imma split my Loustat musings into 3 parts, cuz there's A LOT to unpack. So I'll do the Ep3/4 & Ep5 revisits in the next posts; this is just general/initial Louis & Lestat stuff I wanted to respond to.
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They beat the dog snot outta Louis, omg. They nearly snapped his neck! Louis was barely conscious, ofc his memory's spotty.
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I LOVE how they're emphasizing the physicality of the Maker-Fledgling bond, first w/ Lou & Madz, now w/ Les. It's ofc all wrapped up in how much Loustat loves e/o, but its also their blood connection thru Amel. (I wonder how Louis Merrick'ing himself in Ep5 affects his connection to Amel if his heart didn't stop, cuz Armand stopped him from burning too much?)
And I love what Jacob said in the Insider, afterwards.
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Fear that Lestat's come to exact revenge; excitement (a frisson of both negative & positive emotions, excited to see Les just cuz of the tension of having not seen him in so long, but also having all his nerves & senses tingling cuz of the tense anticipation & not knowing what to expect--hence: fear); fury cuz this whole mess could've been avoided if Les had told them WHY European vampires should be avoided at all costs; and relief cuz Les's' alive, his husband's ok.
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But this time Lou KNOWS he's the real deal, cuz he can FEEL it--"it wasn't NOT his hand." And Dream!Stat jumpscare in Dubai, well well well; I thought Lou'd stopped seeing him on that Parisian bench? 👀
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Here we effing go, whatever this French bish has to say better be good 🍿🍿🍿
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I HATE HIM YOUR HONOR 🤣 Omfg take ONE thing seriously! Not the Roland-Garros, STFU! XD Lestat going off script got the coven like WTF?!
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OML 🍿🍿🍿
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Well that's not helpful at all--WHICH ONE!?
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Les was asleep for the whole 100 years b4 he went to NOLA--but we KNOW this can't be true, cuz Les met Marius after he left Paris❗ SAM (the vamp) has been mouthing the words to this whole script, so I wonder if that's just what Les was TOLD to say, OR! It's what HE told THE COVEN, so they wouldn't know about TWMBK❗❗
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Awoke in 1908 & disembarked in humidified daughter of Paris, NOLA--but Les told Lou he was headed for Saint Louis, Missouri. 👀
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"And who did you meet there?" DANG this is TENSE--Loustat finally making eye contact for the first time, Les having to see his husband all beat up & sad; as Claudia languishes in the background, as usual.
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Not Louis with the cigar 😭
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"The ACCUSED," LOL, Santiago had to catch himself--stay dehumanizing the violent evil Black man whydontcha; we see you. And Lestat had to feed him his own lines after derailing everyone with that homophobic soldier's evisceration.
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Omg this sounds like every court case b4 they throw the book at a Black man. And the bored unaffected way the white audience just rolls their eyes & shakes their heads & smokes--they DGAF about Lou; they've already decided he ain't ish--A STONING.
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LOUIS FACE. This is EXACTLY how folk in the fandom talk about Lou--and it came back with a vengeance during all that Loumand Maitre/Arun crap, as y'all were QUICK to jump on Lou being an evil pimp, even though your fave Daniel literally said that was just kinky roleplay Armand didn't take seriously when ish got REAL.
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I thought y'all were just bartering for the "last bouquet of lilies"!?
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Oh great, the coven's making Louis look like a perv predator. 🤦‍♀️ And the visual centering of Lou's dastardly mind-control waves like a halo over sweet innocent victim Lestat's blonde head, I CANNOT.
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Omfg Louis face, SAME! If this crocodile-crying liar don't take his To Kill A Mockingbird, Central Park Five lookin arse off that stage! 🤬
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Omfg Lestat I'm finna kill you myself. Omg this nonsense is too much; I know Lou, speak up, YES! But also, STFU, Les is actually tryna save your life by tearing your reputation to shreds. 😬🤦‍♀️
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I loooove this effect when the coven uses the Mind Gift on them. They effed him up so bad his left eye started hemorrhaging. 😭
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Armand don't you look away for an INSTANT, don't you even BLINK! You could've prevented this, EFF ALL Y'ALL in this nasty AF Theatre!
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This gaslighting is hitting way too close to the way IRL court cases go when the innocent get the book thrown at them for crimes they didn't commit.
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This is so painful to watch, but Sam Reid you better werk; the way he was yelling those lines had me shook, oml.
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Les knows he's effed up, but what can he do? His eyes are going red; he's gonna cry. (His contacts look different, I thought they said they were gonna stick with purple eyed Les?) "I offered it to him in the church on the altar: My companionship." And Lou nodding along, cuz that was their wedding! 😭💔
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I was wondering how these frames would be used. It's about the Ep3 race riots and vampire loneliness, the night Louis left & Claudia was made. But I love the implications, cuz how could humans know ANYTHING about hows vampires feel--which is SO important when they start lying about everything else that went down with how Claudia was made and how it would affect her as a "defective" vamp.
Even the VAMPIRES don't know how other vampires feel, and the capacity they have for enduring--Armand said it over & over to Louis in Ep3 and Madeleine in Ep6. Lestat came closest in S1 when he commented on Claudia's eternally 14-yr old metabolism & needing to eat more than an normal vamp, but beyond that none of them had a effing clue what Claudia was going through. They don't know REAL loneliness, even with her diaries telling them what she thought, not HOW SHE FELT.
(And I'm reminded of what I said here about Gabrielle telling Lestat what her loneliness felt like. I think "vampire loneliness" is different for every vampire; which is precisely why Gab (and Claudia) was able to walk away from her Maker/son & live alone; while Nicky & Louis went crazy.)
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Lestat crying blood tears, daaaaang 😥
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Kill this dude (but I stan a Loustat ally, LOLOL).
Imma stop here, cuz I've run out of Tumblr's stupid 30-pics per post, and the Ep3/4 revisit that "took all the pieces of Louis life, defiled them, bent them into a Lestat-shaped effigy" is IMO the JUICIEST part, with the most new meat to chew on.
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ladybugsimblr · 8 months
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simshaderoom #SSRBreakups #DeangeloBolton has filed for divorce from #LunaVillareal, his wife of just over a year. Infidelity is listed as the reason for the split, but no word on who was doing the cheating. D-Lo wants full custody of their two children together and we are told a prenup was signed. Single D-Lo was a menace in these sim streetz 😏. Do you think he is a changed sim? Will Mizuki get her man back? We miss both of them. Please come back to simshaderoom.
dizzydes Wow. Another marriage over because these wives don't want to be faithful anymore. See what you started Queen... Y'all can keep knocking on my door though. I'm happily single and have enough love to share. Good for you with that prenup bro!
skyeisthelimit Bye ashy!
rubberbandshan Ooop! Skye! Is that for dumbass Dizzy or your step mom?
skyeisthelimit EX step never my mom 😉
kingb Dizziot. Sirrr. It’s giving BK is paying you dust and you're sick over it. Saying anything at this point. Just admit you fucked up including the Queen in your stay relevant by any means necessary actions. And then please keep her name out your mouth.
anon Not to be messy but who do you think D-Lo cheated with? You think him and his “business partner” were making beautiful music in the studio?? 👀😏😅
b&qforever Absolutely not Anon. Ain’t no BK cheating or divorce happening. Ever. And I think Luna cheated. How you get them is how you lose them…
wildbutterfly I don’t care who’s cheating. Someone tell me when they’re casting for D-Lo’s bachelor challenge. I would cut a bish to find out how does it feel.
soheaux Ha! The way I too would be a heaux on national tv for my man D-Lo…. Sign me up.
kingb I’m here for this reality show. For the Love of D-Lo! I need BK to be the host. You think he would accept a male contestant? Asking for a friend…
c.spiracy Hmm. I would like to see this. If I could reveal my identity, I might even apply. Unfortunately we all know D-Lo’s one true love is Bailey Kay. He’ll never be happy with anyone else. Maybe he'll settle for a clone version so Lo and B can finally live their happy ever after.
rubberbandshan I caaaan’t with y’all or this idea. Ok I’m lying. I might could tune in if this became real. I like a little mess from time to time. d-lo i know you’re off simshaderoom shenanigans right now but would you be down????
d-lo 👀
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crimeronan · 1 month
Imagine Luz waking up in the in between realm and seeing the fight with the cubes. Seeing Hunter’s desperate fury and Belos’s struggle to finish him off 👀. The fight could probably be big enough to alert some people. Perhaps… even Lilith and Amity? Who just arrive and see Luz lying there…? Belos being like “he killed the princess, get him”, while Amity and Lilith know that’s not possible and are just shellshocked. All the while Luz is in the in between watching everything go down and desperately wanting to go kick Belos’s ass and tell everyone she’s actually ok and the titan is cool.
When she eventually comes back as Titan Luz, Belos’s christian puritan ass being so freaking shocked he’s like wait a minute you were dead. What did you see? How are you back? And then she delivers the final blow, “i can talk to the titan bish and he hates you” and bam destroys him.
What would even go on in Hunter’s mind? Belos’? Amity’s? Luz as she wakes up and realizes she’s dead? OooOooOoo goodness I LOVE THIS
HELL YEAH, LET'S GET LILITH AND AMITY IN HERE. always need as many people to witness the temporary character death as possible. Maximum Drama Baybey
belos going from trying to kill hunter to an immediate "he's MURDERED my POOR SWEET DAUGHTER" as soon as there are witnesses.... jesus christ. yeah that's on brand.
i think lilith would freeze and not know how to react, at first. but amity.....
this is back early enough in the timeline that amity and hunter aren't yet friends -- if anything, they're the Opposite of friendly. so hunter shouts at amity that he's Lying, he's making it up, he killed luz, don't LISTEN to him-
but he doesn't expect it to Work. because amity is a coven soldier before she's anything else. and amity only knows hunter as someone who can be violent, and nasty, and cruel.
except, like. amity has Seen hunter interact with luz. she knows he loves her, even if she doesn't exactly Get It. and more importantly, hunter is clearly out of his fucking mind with grief. and pain. while belos is clearly trying to save face.
so amity is like. yeah. alright. the emperor is full of bullshit.
time to wreck my entire life for a guy i hate!!
and she jumps into the fight. to protect hunter. i'm particularly fond of the idea of her dragging him across the room with teleportation magic & hunter being like "no, blight, you've gotta believe me, LISTEN to me" while she's like SHHH. SHUT UP SHUT UP DUMBASS. LET ME GET YOU OUT OF THIS
except belos makes it clear that he intends to execute hunter on the spot. and amity is like. well. unfortunately i will Not be holding him still for you. so. i guess we have to fight :/
and you Know that the moment belos lashes out at amity, lilith is going to go apeshit. the luz situation might make her freeze in horror/uncertainty, but when amity is threatened, lilith can move So Fucking Fast.
SOOOOOO fucking fast.
Delicious. touches the soil.
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
Some drinking headcanons with Todoroki Shoto!
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Summary: What’s Todoroki Shoto’s reaction to drinking?👀
Warnings: Drinking, underage drinking, partying, lime, spicy, no actual smut, puking, hangover
Paring: Todoroki Shoto X Reader
Word count: 843 words
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The first time you went drinking was when you graduated from Class 1-A to Class 2-A! The Bakugo squad decided it would be really cool to drink to your heart's content as a form of celebration
Mina your bestie for life, wanted you and your bf Shoto fucking hammered, seeing as it was his first time drinking
Your first time drinking was on your birthday last year, while Todoroki was doing his retake for his license
Safe to say Mina got you drunk so she was the one to take care of you the whole night
You guys drank at a club btw, Momo’s cousin was the owner so you girls had a night out, while a few guys from your class came. And by few I mean Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari
Someone had to distract Iida and lie about going somewhere else
Good thing Shoto wasn’t there or he’d freeze and burn the 5 guys who tried to flirt with you
Ok so you guys end up keeping the night a secret from everyone who was excluded from that night, which included Shoto😭
Well all of that was true up until tonight at the graduation party, when Kaminari was yelling for everyone to take advantage and drink while Iida and Aizawa were out
Bruh, Kaminari slung his arm around your shoulder and began recalling your birthday and how you drank at least 10 glasses of different cocktail drinks
Shoto was like 👁️👄👁️😐🫤😑😯
Asked you why didn’t you tell him, you said it was a secret from everyone who wasn’t included that night, Shoto was sad at first why you didn’t tell him but all of that was erased when you gave him a peck on the lips
After that Mina and Kaminari were behind you and legit made you drink
This was done by Kaminari grabbing your arms from behind you, holding you back and making you tilt your head back
Mina from in front of you quickly with ninja moves poured the whiskey into your mouth, straight from the bottle
Shoto stood there in shock and not sure what to do
But he was sure about one thing
Kaminari wasn’t going to hold his girlfriend ever again
Legit shoved off Kaminari and took his place, giving him a harsh death glare when Kaminari pouted, like his quirk, this boi literally bolted off to hide behind Kirishima
Midoriya who watched the situation unfold was like 😨😰
Uraraka was like 🫢🫣
Bakugo cackling on the ground- Bish can’t even breathe anymore
Mina made you down the whole bottle, getting you fucking hammered
Next thing Shoto knew was that you were on him
Nuzzling into his neck while whispering compliments and love confessions to him
He was turned on-
He was so smitten with you, he would do anything for you
And that’s how he ended up drinking, Mina passed you a very expensive whiskey bottle
Courtesy’s of Endeavours black credit card ofc-
You asked him with puppy eyes to drink with you, no questions asked. He just drank it.
Midoriya tried to get him to stop but Shoto just brushed him off
Bakugo was cheering for Shoto because he was also so drunk
Ok so you and Shoto being drunk together was chaotic. So fucking chaotic
Which made it so fun-
On the dance floor dancing to whatever song they were playing, didn’t matter what
Shoto can’t dance, we all know this. But lemme tell you this, this little shit. Was dancing like he was born for it, he freaking matched your energy
You guys took more drinks throughout the whole night but that’s fine
Class 2-B entered the dorm and brought more drinks! Yayyy!!
More drinks!!🥳🥳🥳
Mina suggested you guys play 7 minutes in heaven, good idea??
Hell NAH!! That’s cuz you landed on Monoma Neito from class B, Shoto legit picked you up and threw Monoma the middle finger, carrying you bridal style to the closet
So many hickeys were visible on you after that
Lots of moans and groans came from the closet- oops
Everyone was cheering from outside cuz they were all drunk, even the innocent ones like Midoriya😤
They recorded having to pull Shoto off of you, and drag you guys out of the closet-
Damn that vid could go viral yk and his dad would be pissed AF lmaoooo
You and Shoto ended up passing out together on the couch, with a blanket wrapped around you guys
Everyone else passed out on the floor-
Woke up around noon with a major headache, running towards the toilet and throwing up
Shoto was besides you in an instant and held your hair back, rubbing your back in comfort
His turn was next. He also puked like A LOT.
But yeah, that’s ok because you guys had a really fun night last night!
Aizawa walks in on the dorm with everyone passed out
Legit closes the door and walks away
Iida goes in and is pissed🤬
Everyone kicked him out for being loud- lolll
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
how do you think the denalis would react if the reader sneakily got a tattoo? If it was of their initials or their symbol would the reader get out of trouble?
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Do you think MC has a death wish?
Jk. 🤓
(Bish will do as she damn well pleases, tyvm.)
(...And pray to God her wives are in a forgiving mood.)
(Better to ask for forgiveness than permission anyway, right?)
Tanya Denali:
*affectionate* excuse?
her darling did what?
don't get her wrong
ofc her mate is allowed to, yknow, be her own person and stuff
she'd never forbid her precious girl anything
unless it's dangerous ofc
or foolish
or reckless
(or doesn't 100% match up with what she has envisioned)
(jk jk)
(or not)
(she can be a bit...overbearing, at times)
so, yknow
all things that she associates with getting a tattoo
how foolish
how reckless
how dangerous
she just doesn't understand why her darling would want to tarnish that perfect skin of hers
and risk it getting infected
or worse
why must this world be so cruel?
why is-
*stops her ranting because that eyesore starts to look familiar*
is that-
*recognizes the eyesore as their family crest with the first letters of their names (T, K, I) wound around it most artistically*
(she´s already obsessed)
just this once
(also because her letter comes first, as it should)
don't get used to it though
(how about "Tanya" for a next tattoo? quite a nice ring to it, if you ask her)
excuse her-
*proceeds to drag MC away to a place where she can thoroughly inspect the eyesore*
yknow, just to make sure it looks...as it should
no infections or anything
that´s her job, after all
ensuring the safety and well-being of her coven members
especially her mate
she´s just the best leader, is she not?
and the best mate
so very...thorough
Kate Denali:
unlike Tanya, recognizes what the tattoo is meant to represent immediately
are you kidding her?
how fucking awesome is that??
she loves it
especially the way the "K" wraps around the other two letters, partly covering them
(besting her sisters in everything, it seems)
(who´s the top dog now? 😏)
she can´t get enough of it
(she just wants to lick-)
also because she kinda thinks of it as war paint
MC strutting about, showing off her clan as well as her wives like a true Warlord
her little warrior
(so hot)
also because MC´s now literally saying "I belong to Kate Denali"
and to her sisters
but still
(the "K" covering the other letters is all she needs to see)
she fucking loves it
in fact
she already has an idea for the next tattoo
"If lost return to Kate the Great"
don´t that sound nice?
"Kate the Great" will do too
she´ll also make do with "Kate"
oh CMON!
(this world is cruel)
Irina Denali:
what is she to say to that?
has her sweet baby become a punk now??
did Kate encourage her??
(she wouldn´t put it past her rowdy sister)
they´re going to have a serious conversation about this
what´s next??
a piercing??
one of those dreadful tunnels??
green hair???
not on her watch-
*sees MC blinking at her with those big innocent eyes*
*sees MC pouting at her with those lush lips*
*sees MC looking all hopeful, most proud of her newest...addition*
she just can´t deny her Angel anyth-
...hold on
...is that-
her name??
well, the first letter of it, but STILL-
what an honor
her sweet girl putting herself through agony, just for her??
...well, and her sisters
she´s a (huge) sucker for symbolism
to see her name, even if it´s just a part of it, forever engraved into the skin of her darling mate?
she´s always known their love for each other is as timeless as their existence
but now it has been visualized
not that she needed any kind of "proof"
she gets to look at her darling mate every day, after all
that is all the proof she needs
but this? it´s just...different
also because others will know as well now...
(not that anyone with eyes would ever doubt it...or dare question their love)
she´s speechless
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
The sisters would be most accepting, btw. (Not that they have a choice, lol.) In case anyone has doubts about that.
They might feel a bit smad about it first because MC got a tattoo in secret though. Like, MC should know (and she does) that she can talk to them about anything without fear of getting judged.
Ultimately though, they´ll accept her choice. ✌️
...After some sighing, crossing their arms, muttering under their breaths probs, lol.
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Hello my dear ❣️. Still love your writing and I’ve been missing it dearly the last months (that’s totally on me, not on you 😘). Can I make a request for Bish with prompt 3. “I’ll wait out here all night. I ain’t leaving until you listen to what I gotta say.” And could you make it dark? 👀
Love you ma’am! ❤️
Hello my sweetheart! Anything for you, so here we go, some dark n' angsty with Bish for you. Love you, too!
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The house feels empty without him and his possessions, every last trace of him packed into boxes and left on the drive, waiting for him to collect. You would have tossed it all out there with as little feeling as he showed towards your marriage vows, had you not been so insufferably neat.
Looking around, the spaces where his things once occupied feel vast, the way his interests mingled with yours always seeming so perfect, from the artwork by Mexican painters he was always so proud to display, to the music collection that once took up a now baren shelving unit, the separation of possessions is what hammers home the separation of you and him.
It still makes you feel sick to ponder, the reason why your six year marriage came to such a screeching, abrupt halt. How could he? How could he do that to you?
This Obispo, the one whose infidelity finally surfaced just five days ago, is not the same man you married. Well, you tell yourself that. The evidence suggests otherwise. When headlights beam in through your living room window, that sickness you feel rises like a tide, your estranged husband arriving in a van to collect everything out there waiting for him.
Your heart lurches when you see him step out, the part of you that still loves and misses him despite who he truly is beneath it all longing for his arms, the place you always felt so warm and safe.
Never, ever again. Not after this.
You watch him load the boxes into the van, making short work of the task, hoping that he makes an equally speedy retreat. No such luck. Your jaw sets and your heart somersaults with sadness when you watch him approach the front door, knocking upon the glass panel.
"Fuck off, Obispo," you call, knowing your voice will carry through the open living room window.
"Sweetheart, come on. We gotta talk."
You scoff, unable to prevent anger and indignance from propelling your feet across the floor, flinging the front door open, your face tightly pinched with incredulity. "We don't have to talk at all, and I am not you're damned sweetheart. Not any longer, you sack of shit."
He sighs, scratching his stubbly face. He finally shaved the beard off, of which you never thought suited him, much preferring the thick mustache and heavy stubble he now sports once again. “I’ll wait out here all night. I ain’t leaving until you listen to what I gotta say.”
"Listen to what you've got to say?" Your statement is delivered through gritted teeth, taken aback and awash with rage that this man truly thinks anything he has to say will improve upon the mess between you both. "There is nothing you have to say that I could possibly want to hear. Nothing can make what you did better!"
"Baby, please, let me explain. I..."
"Stop it!" you scream, your fists balling. "There's nothing to explain! You can't explain away the fact that you've spent the entirety of our marriage fucking other women behind my back! You can't explain away the fact you had, what was it, seven side chicks over the course of six years, and Christ knows how many other bike bunnies you poked your dick in, too!
"Let's not forget the fact you got one of them pregnant, of course, her and her big ole' baby bump showing up here to tell me all about it! How is Maria, by the way? Still out of her damned mind to be shacking up with you? In fact, don't even answer that. I don't want to hear it. Never wanted kids with me, but when some little nineteen-year-old tramp comes along, oh yeah, that's good enough for you, isn't it?"
Slamming the door, you leave him there on the porch, tearing through the house as the bile rises in your throat, throwing the bathroom door open to expel the contents of your stomach into the toilet. That's what makes you the most nauseous, the fact his side piece had the gall to turn up at your home and gloat to you, show off the full swell of her pregnant belly, something you've wanted with him for the entirety of your marriage, something he always said 'maybe one day' over whenever you brought it up.
He's off playing happy fucking families with her, and where are you? Crying on the floor of your bathroom, the taste of vomit like poison upon your tongue, all alone. No husband, no baby, no nothing.
Maybe the fact you never had children together is a good thing, though, so they didn't have to grow up with a man like that for a father. You pity his unborn offspring, with those two as parents, a man who can't keep it in his pants, and a woman so adept in moral turpitude that she'd weaponise her pregnancy purely to hurt a woman she doesn't even know.
Despite his statement that he wouldn't leave until you'd heard what he had to say, you find him gone by the time you arrive back in the living room, sitting down with your head in your hands, tears falling over the wedding band and engagement ring you're still not strong enough to slide from your finger.
Diamonds might be forever, but the man who gave them to you certainly isn't.
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x16
*this episode put me through it, also the character building for Lois is perfection (also, if you see any typos just close your eyes, it was late and I was emotional)*
Clark looks so suspicious😭😭 Jonathan too, the way he's eyeing that food lmaooooo
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"I'm willing to sleep in the barn." "No that's okay, Lois can sleep in the barn." LOL Clark
sass levels through the roof today for him
Look at how proud Lois is listing all of Lucy's achievements😭 She's the best wtf I love her
"Wow, that's impressive. What happened to Lois?"
He has the time of his life dragging her PLS
"You're gonna find that Clark's charm is an acquired taste, much like his sense of fashion." he had that coming
Lois said TRY ME BISH
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pls even Lucy is noticing the tension😭
she wasn't playing with that shoulder punch💀
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Yeah, Jason is not letting those stones go💀
I really feel for Lana, I feel like she just lives in constant fear bc there's always some weird shit happening around her
Lucy flirting with Clark, just pls no💀
"Lois I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but ever since Lucy came to town you've been grumpier than normal."
I love this whole conversation between them🥹
Also Clark making it so obvious he's an only child from a loving family, bless him
"You might be a little rough around the edges but as far as sisters go, Lucy could do a lot worse." EXACTLY
anyone who has Lois in their life won the lottery, not even an exaggeration she's the absolute best🤷🏻‍♀️
"I guess there was just a part of me that was always jealous she got out and I didn't."
the way she's like 'oh fuck I was vulnerable, gotta blast🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️', same Lois, same
Clark looks so worried too😭
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this is so wholesome🥹
I think those electric shocks left him with some permanent damage because Jason seems obsessed now👀
Okay let me rephrase, he doesn't just seem obsessed, he's completely unhinged. They fried his brain🤡
Clark is in disappointed dad mode again, he's so natural at it too😭
"You're not mom alright, so stop trying to be." That hurt me personally, goddamn
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also, is this the first episode where we see Lex and Lois in the same frame?👀
Lucy you snake
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To everyone who contributed to her feeling this way, I just want to have a talk
This is breaking my heart, the world doesn't deserve her😭😭
Their dad really failed at parenting HARD
no because this hurts fr, I want to hug her so bad
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she deserves to know that she's wanted and loved, SOMEBODY TELL HER
I can't get over the fact that she thinks that her life is less important than that of her sister
Clark defending Lois is something that can be so personal😭 (She deserves a good support system and friends who have her back idc)
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I'm getting very emotional about this excuse me
You know I love a character when I need everyone else to love them too. Like I need every other character on this show to appreciate how amazing Lois is.
"I'm a product of my father's breeding. He needed an heir. But your parents chose you out of love."
No because that's so important and I think it explains why both Lex and Lois are so (for the lack of a better word) fascinated with the Kents.
(ok I paused the episode and wrote like 4 paragraphs of character analysis prompted by that quote but idk what to do with them and if they make any sense, maybe I'll make a separate post🤡)
I need you guys to understand how much it means to me that he really cares about Lois😭
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Not even in any sort of romantic context, just that someone genuinely cares if she's okay or not because she's obviously never really had someone take care of her😭😭😭
I mean listen, good for Lionel that he's not an absolute monster anymore but he really needs to stay out of Lex's business💀💀
Did Lana vandalize her own apartment? Or did she just hide the stone and whoever searched for it didn't find it? In any case she's learning how to play the game, good for her😌😌
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Okay, first of all: More reasons to love Lois, she's self-aware and she can admit when she's wrong about something. Seriously I love her.
Second: Again, they way she's ready to be kicked out of the farm for something that wasn't even her fault??? MR. SAM LANE, SAMMY, GENERAL LANE, I'D LIKE TO HAVE SOME WORDS WITH YOU. Seriously though, this speaks volumes about how she grew up and it breaks my heart.
Third: The way she tries to be so casual and 'Lois' when she says it, I have very similar defense mechanisms and again, it hurts my heart.
"Yeah... actually I came here to tell you we have food in the oven if you're hungry."
Lois learning what unconditional love looks like through the Kent family is the only thing that matters to me, actually
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"You know, all these years I thought I had my sister pegged but... in reality? She's a complete stranger to me." "Even if that were true, I think that if she called you tomorrow you'd be there in a second to help her."
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"I guess that explains why we're friends." "Oh, we're friends now?" "Well, I mean, I won't tell anyone if you don't."
Yes you are and I'm so glad bc you're the most amazing people to ever exist😭
Clark deserves someone like Lois in his life and Lois deserves someone like Clark in her life, yes I'm on the verge of tears AND WHAT ABOUT IT
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shoulder punch my beloved🥹
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do you think these people knew they just created perfection?😭
🎶now it all begins🎶
written in the stars and all that, I love my OTP
More importantly though, I love Lois Lane she's everything and she deserves all the love in the world.
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1, 2 and 25 for Lite Sneeze 💕
Princess, I took my sweet time with this. But you know me, I'm a tease. Thank you for inquiring about the bebbies 🧡
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1. What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
Short version: it's complicated.
Long answer:
Macha has a big family but not a whole lot of contact with them. Her parents disapprove outwardly of the relationship because of Vinnies occupation. They don't know what Macha does since leaving Arasaka. She's told them she works in Viks clinic.
Her dad sees how happy she is with him, so he's happy for her but would never say so. Her stepmother finds Vinnie very attractive (because he's a bad boy and she's a stuck-up bish that wishes she had some of dat ass) so there's a lot of awkward silences when they meet and Macha usually avoids bringing him although he likes to go because he wants to cause a *ruckus* (he has not yet though in consideration of Machas feelings, but it's just a question of time till something is going to happen). Hopefully, he'll be a catalyst to something new, who knows!
Her mom (her parents are divorced) is jealous af and tries acting nice but is seething beneath it. She does not want to see Macha happy, and Macha only brought Vinnie one time to show him off and show her just *how* happy she is with him.
Her siblings are pretty much "whatever floats your boat sis as long as you're happy". Her brother bonds with him over motorcycle talk, and they both like and respect each other.
Vinnie doesn't have a whole lot of blood family left, only a couple of distant cousins he does like to party and hang out with and he introduced her to all of them, making sure to tell her beforehand that none of them are more awesome than *he* is. And to not believe them if they tell her differently.
2 . Do they like each other's friends? Do their friends like them?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer:
Vinnie has a lot of acquaintances and a handful of close friends. He doesn't introduce Macha to them right away because he wants to keep her for himself for a whole while.
There is one particular important friendship Vinnie has that has a whole lot of implications for their story. Villiam"Villami" Bryant is one of Vinnies closest friends, and they've known each other for a long time. He's the first person he introduces Macha to as his girlfriend - only to find these two already know each other 👀 which is a surprise for all 3 parties.
Macha has a few very close friends and they all like Vinnie because she sells him well lol - she makes sure everyone knows what an awesome choom he is and how much he loves and cares for her and that's really all her friends care about.
They all know about her relationship history, so they see the difference not only in their dynamic but also in Macha being her most authentic self with him around.
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25. Who said "I love you" first?
Vinnie. And he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, but he meant every single one of them.
And Macha said, "I'll believe you when you say it outside of the bedroom, and he laughed and made sure to tell her again as soon as possible after they were *done*.
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lolishdes · 1 year
Soooo after reading part 2 of the story i fell asleep and gawd dayum when i woke up i suddenly had an idea well more likely my brain created a plot, so the plot goes like this
The divorce was processed and now the reader is successfully out of diluc's clutches (tho the divorce created so many backlash but that doesn't matter anyways so-) and after some therapy and comfort from Alhaitham they are now a couple, 5 years later the reader was sitting in a park bench (lol cliché i know) and suddenly someone approached her lo and behold it was diluc (oh my gawd so effin clichéééééé) he was like "y/n is that you?" (Like bish use your eyes) and the reader was like "oh it's you, good afternoon mr.ragvindr" and diluc asked if he can sit beside reader and the reader said ok and then diluc proceeds to ask how they've been and the reader said that they've been happier after the divorce and the reader also proceeds to ask the same and made a remark that diluc must've married jean after the divorce and that he also has a family that he's been dreaming about because jean also revealed that she's pregnant after they got divorced and diluc answered "actually no i did not continue my relationship to jean because she cheated on me with my half brother, kaeya and she's pregnant with his child" and then you said "oh that's so sad, well maybe that's your karma(lol not me being petty), I'm just kidding" and then diluc laugh's and said that it's alright and that he agrees that maybe it is his karma for what he did to you back then, and then he proceeds to tell you that he's been looking for you and that he's sorry for what he did and that he regrets it (yeah BS i know) and that if you wanted to start over again and some other cliché shit like that, you stood up and was about to answer his disgusting question when you suddenly felt something wrapped up around your waist and then you heard "mommy!, we're sorry that we made you wait" and then followed up by "yes we're sorry my love, there was a kid throw a tantrum because the ice cream that he wanted was out of stock" and when you turned around it was AlHaitham carrying nahida (the youngest 3yrs old) and the one who's hugging you is yaoyao(the oldest 5 yrs old), Alhaitham noticed diluc's presence and he looked at diluc and said that why is he here and what does he want from you but diluc was not listening as he has his focus on yaoyao, and yada yada yaoyao is the child of diluc and since that I'm petty yaoyao knows what his father did and refuses to acknowledge him as her father and that her only father is Alhaitham and that made diluc more miserable and ofc diluc tried to take yaoyao through court but that didn't happen because Haitham is a lawyer a smart one at that and diluc lost the case and now he miserable for the rest of his life lol
I actually wanna write the full details but my braincells suddenly reduced from 100 to -1 so yeah HAHAHAHA i know that this shit is cliché AF but hear me out-💀 btw i stalked your acc and dayum i love how you write your smuts😩🫶
HAHHAHA no no its okay if they can be cliche, just speak your heart out! And yes I did somewhat have a similar idea to what you have! A happy ending for Reader and Haitham, but as for Diluc and Jean? I don't have a definite ending for them, actually I'd rather they just erase themselves and stay away from Reader and Haitham's lives.
Reader already had enough shit coming from Diluc and Jean, its her time to just move on and look at the future she and Haitham would share. But id definitely give an ending wherein those two get their karma for what they’ve done.
But anyways you guys can interpret what happens to Reader and Haitham in anyway you all want! After all, although Haitham dropped the love bomb, reader never explicitly said she loves him back too so 👀 ooohh drama~ HAHA Just know that theres no definite ending that I give in these stories so you guys can brain rot away haha (Also there a low chnace for a part 3, but we'll see. I want to focus on other works thats why hehe)
Also eeepp!! You checked my other works? 🥺 I am so glad to hear that, expect more in the future then! 💕
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
listen babes I know 100% it was you but I ain’t saying who you flirted with because I don’t want you bringing shit on her. I know you know her and you know me so I ain’t saying but maybe you should take responsibility for the fact that you’re a little cunt who flirted and tried to sext my girlfriend. Anyway she’s so out of your league it’s unreal. Bye bish💋💋💋
I have a feeling I know exactly who you are since I talk to your “girlfriend” (my friend) all the time, and if my suspicions are true well damn are you deluded honey. 😮‍💨
I am almost certain you’re on the discord chat now because I have hardly any interactions with people outside of the server. All that flirting that took place in there awhile back, that you also did a lot of 👀, was playful and was going nowhere for anyone.
I’ve never in my life tried to sext anyone without consent to do so / a willing participant. The only thing your “gf” and I have ever done that would be remotely close to that is brainstorm fics and write some smutty dialogue because it applied to the fic at hand.
Anywho, maybe you need to reevaluate the situation, just take a step back and see the full picture because I have not, and will never be the bitch who flirts with someone who’s not interested/taken. I respect boundaries, I did it for my current relationship when she wanted to be friends, and I would’ve done it for your girl if she expressed to me at any point that she was uncomfortable. (Which mind you, the “flirting” wasn’t even something one could classify as such 😂. A fucking “good girl” in response to lessening a bratty response is not flirting.)
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
hi!!!! I just saw your “Marc and Steven with an ex-Black Widow!Reader” and I loved it!! but I couldn’t help but wonder, what about them with a scarlet witch!reader? 👀 how would khonshu react to them being with someone so powerful?
A/N: First, that is so sweet of you, thanks - and thanks for letting me know. It's always nice to know people enjoy these, so of course I'd love to do another one. 🥰 I also love having an excuse to research more about Ancient Egypt - I did a whole unit at university on the history of witchcraft and magic in ancient cultures and found it fascinating, so this was right up my alley.
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Considering all the crazy in Marc and Steven’s world, you having magic powers isn’t that surprising. Sure, Steven would be mostly terrified at first, but he’d warm up eventually and actually thinks it’s pretty cool. 
“It’s like some Harry Potter level, shit.” 
“Except I don’t need a wand or a broom.”
“But - wait. You can fly?”
Cue a deep dive into the history of magic, and those with it, in Egyptian heritage. You better believe Steven has a whole library of stuff waiting for you, each with notes scribbled in the margins, and a heck of a lot of questions to go with it.
“Did you know that, in Egyptian myth, magic - or heka - was one of the forces used by the creator to make the world. Through heka, actions could have practical effects, although it was mostly used by trained priests, but also by pharaohs, magicians, and ordinary people-“
It’s actually kind of cute when Steven gets all nerdy about it (especially with his reading glasses perched on his nose), and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it at least a little bit interesting. 
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Marc would also be a little wary of the whole magic thing, but only because he knows if you did decide to turn on him he’d be in trouble.
Yet, like Steven, he’d come around pretty quick. If anything, he likes seeing what you can do. 
Just as they try to work out what’s happening with them, and the gifts they’ve been granted, you also try to fully understand your capabilities. If anything, you’ve all become like a weird little magic school of your own - something that, you firmly warn Steven, does not mean he gets to make any more Harry Potter jokes. 
“What do you mean I’m a Ravenclaw? I’m Slytherin-”
“Nah, Hufflepuff.” 
“How come he gets to be Hufflepuff?” 
“I swear to god”-
You’d also help and use your abilities to try and see what’s going on in their head, tracing memories and helping them control it. 
Khonshu would probably be wary of you but would accept that you’re a useful ally for his avatars. He’s probably wary of you, in the beginning, and despite eventually accepting your presence, would try to get rid of you initially. 
“Heka is but white or black. Red is unnatural… unstable… you cannot trust a sorceress of such power but with no pledged loyalty, no master.” 
“Woooow, you really can’t hear how crazy that sounds, can you? You may be a God and all, but you’re scared? Of her? Jesus. No wonder people stopped worshipping your sorry asses.”
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I mean, imagine it with that gif: "You gonna listen to this bish? Just cause her fingers glow?" 🤣
Still, historically, Egyptian deities would use protective magic to help humans, as well as their own powers. That is why he permits you sticking around as he can use all the help he can get, especially when it comes to handling the other gods and their avatars. 
He has enough on his plate with his avatar and keeping them alive, so who is he to deny the help.
Hell, he’d even consider asking you to be one given your gifts - if everything with Marc and Steven goes to shit.
Yet you’d turn that down pretty quick.
You only agree to help him in that you wish to help Marc and Steve, and seek to prevent crazy people like Harrow from taking over the world. Other than that, he’s on his own. 
And if you’re being honest, you’d probably be scared of Khonshu in return, as magic is one thing. But a real life god? … it’s a lot to take on, even if you soon learn that your powers, and Marc / Steven’s help, makes you stronger than you think. 
Strong enough that Marc would feel less concerned about dragging you into danger if he knew you could handle yourself. If anything, you’re a big help considering you can hold your own against most adversaries. 
You can also heal which always comes in handy given your lives and the situations you end up in. 
You also try to bring joy into Marc and Steven’s lives. Your magic makes for amusement too, not just a weapon or tool. You love making them both smile and aren’t above making a tea cup float, or causing a prank every now and then. 
Plus you can think of some other uses for your powers around the house... particularly when it comes to the bedroom ;)
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breanime · 2 years
I saw you reblog someone else do it, so now I need to know your opinion: how many shots to hook up with the Mayans men 👀👀👀
Oof... wow... okay, so, keep in mind that I'm a Whore and I don't like shots so... also I'm high, so my bad for any typos
Warning: Horny Thots
Bish: Three shots, but I KNOW he would buy me more... and I would take them. I would also take him. In a backroom or the bathroom or behind the club in the alley. It'd be a nice, hard fuck and we would laugh together while we fucked, but once it was done, I probably wouldn't wanna see him again... I'm lying, I'd hit him up like once every three months for a booty call till he gets too drunk and yells at me and I have to kick him out at 3 in the morning and then I'm not gonna fuck anyone else for like 8 months cause of the drama. So. Thanks, Bish 🙄
Taza: Three to five shots, just to get the courage to approach an older man who, you know, looks like Taza. I feel like we'd talk the whole night, and by the end of it I'd basically be willing to kill for this man. I have no doubt he holds his liqour better than me, and he's so well spoken and has such an interesting vibe, I'd listen to him tell stories till the bar closed.
Hank: Honestly, maybe two or three. He isn't my type at all, but if he could guarantee some good dick, drunk me would be into it for one time.
Gilly: Five. Maybe more. Probably more. Definitely more. He isn't my type physically, and I don't think I'd like his personality. I'm not even interested in what he's got under the hood, if ya know what I mean. Not for me.
Creeper: Three shots, maybe less. He's cute and I bet I could tease him and make him flustered, so I would take maybe two shots, one for courage, and the other would be an excuse to go back up to the bar where I asusme he'd be chilling so I could strike up a conversation. The third shot would be the one he buys me. We'd go back to his place and bang, and he'd be super cute asking for my number after and he would want to take me out for breakfast and he'd consider it a date and oh wow, I'm dating Creep now. Okay!
Coco: Two shots. Both for courage because he looks intimidating. I'd get close to him and encourage him to touch me when he's ready, and then next thing you know, I'd be halfway in his lap making out in the bar. I'd have to blow him in the bathroom, which isn't ideal, but I think he's the type to kiss you after he's come in your mouth, so yay. Anyway, we'd go back to his place and fuck a few times before he passes out and I go home. But he'd probably text the next day asking when he can fuck me again, and it'd be on from there 💗
Angel: Not a single shot. I know Angel.I have meet many Angels. I am well versed in Angel. Hell, Angels love me. I would sip my little cocktail and flirt with him until he straight up tells me he wants to stretch my pussy out and when I tell you we would break LAWS speeding to his place and he would put me on my knees in the entry way of his house because he's been rock hard since the bar and he can't wait to get started---anyway. Yeah. I. Uh. I would fuck Angel if I had the chance.
EZ: One shot because he's pretty and I'd be afraid he wouldn't be interested in my basic ass lol. BUT one of us would drop a random fact, and that would become our thing. I'd be slurping him down like a red popsicle on a hot summer day and then stop like "hey, did you know emus can't walk backwards?" And then he'd be drilling my shit, have me face down in the mattress and he would say, "Did you know that the Pope declared war on black cats in the 13th century which lead to an increase in rats and then the plague?" And we would do that forever and ever until we died.
Nestor: Three shots, especially if he's wearing his sunglasses because why would he wear those? What's his deal? He's mysterious and I want to know what his dick looks like. And I will. I will.
Miguel: Three shots. He's intimdating, but he's also perfect and if I saw him, I would never forgive myself if I let him get away. After the three shots, I'm putting anything else he gives me in my mouth. And once we leave the bar, he will have full access to all of my holes. Matter of fact, might need another shot just to help numb me up a bit cause I'm in for a long night.... anyway....
Manny: You already know. It wouldn't take me a single shot, the things I would do to that man, what I would let him do to ME, no question, we fucking. I'm gonna perform magic on his dick. I'm gonna do acrobatics on his dick. I'm gonna put a spell on his dick, he's gonna wanna kill me before he lets another person have me. And I'll be stone cold sober when I spring the trap, babyyyyyyyyy
Felipe: Three shots... might play up how drunk I am a bit, cause I know he's a traditional gentleman and will then take it upon himself to look after me the rest of the night. He wouldn't take me home, he'd probably hump me in the back of the carnicería and then apologize for it after. We'd never hook up again, and he'd feel guilty as hell, like he cheated, but he would still be fond of me and we would become friends. And he'd have to introduce me to his sons and then they'd introduce me to the club and then....
....we're back to taking shots and getting slammed, baby! 😎🤙🏾🤙🏾
Did I forget anybody?
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Hiii! Can u do beomgyu as a boyfriend too? 🥺
heyyy, of course!! I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️
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ღBeomgyu as your boyfriend
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Beomgyu as your boyfriend would sure be... interesting 👀
before you started dating, you felt like he hated you :')
at first he seemed uninterested, but don't be fooled, it was all a facade to avoid catching feelings 😤
even tho he failed miserably 😚
once you got to know him, he wasn't the introverted boy anymore, oh no
he was full on chaos
now when he actually asked you out, he was confident af, like dude spare some self confidence 🙇‍♀️
i think he's into fun outdoor dates like the mall or an arcade
it may seem kinda basic but who cares, as long as you're having fun
besides, there's never a dull moment with Beomgyu
he knows how to make you smile and uses it to his advantage :]
y'all are either polar opposites or twins, there's no in between
you think he'd be your usual relaxed bf?
hell nah, he loves annoying you soo much
especially if you're naturally calm, the more patience you have, the more he teases you
and not just annoy you, but clown you as well
he clowns you in literally everything you do, like bish he won't let you breathe 😟
pet names? nope, he calls you all sorts of weird ass names or playful insults
and if you do it back, oh its on, some people question your relationship tbh 😀
he's all in for that PDA
he has to be touching you in some way whether it's for comfort or to annoy you
now hear me out, touch his hair
he loves it soo much and it relaxes him and makes him sleepy af
so now for the cute and cuddly stuff
even if it seems like you hate each other, you're actually inseparable
he gives the best advice and is always there for you when you need it most
along with his amazing hugs
like, he gives the best hugs, end of discussion
after long and tiring days at work, all he wants is to lay on you, feeling the way you run your fingers through his hair and compliment him
he needs lots of reassurance and compliments, as big of an ego as he may seem to have, at the end of the day, he wants praise from you the most 🥺
let's not forget the guitar sessions
he loves playing the guitar for you and softly singing to songs with a soft smile while you stare at him in awe
and lots of random kisses :]
he kisses you randomly, mainly to surprise you
his kisses mostly depend on his mood
the could be playful, wanting to tease you by barely brushing his lips against yours
other times they're soft yet passionate
he tends to express his emotions through your kisses this way
he's a sleepy boy so expect him to sleep a lot on your lap or shoulder
ok so one thing i see him doing a lot is randomly back hugging you and nuzzling hid face into the crook of your shoulder
it always makes you laugh and it warms his heart sm, he loves hearing your laugh and being the cause of it 🥺🥺
also, lots of late night drives
he loves taking you out at ungodly hours and vibing in his car driving around
you don't seriously argue much, usually it's over petty things
but you do argue playfully a lot
like i said before, it seriously makes people question whether you actually are dating
Beomgyu isn't one to get seriously jealous too
mostly territorial
and he trusts that you can handle things yourself, but if he has to step in he will
you're only his and he isn't afraid to show that to others 😤
your relationship is overall really playful and fun yet loving and caring at the same time
it's hard not to fall for him, who can possibly be to blame tho, he's an amazing boyfriend :))
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
For filth hours,, skz reactions to you teasing them all day, like when they finally get you alone and 👀👀👀 I feel with the dualities most of them have this could go a variety of ways
Hi darling! I got you!
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Bish, you betta run. Lol, and good luck. He's amused with your antics but he gonna get ya.
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Oh you are picking a fight that you can't win. Or maybe you can... if you're into a frustrated Minho taking all that frustration out on you later. 👀
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He knows what you're up to and it amused him because he knows you wanna play later. So he will keep his cool... for now.
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If you think for one second that he is going to be upstaged... you are sadly mistaken. He'll flip that shit on you so fast. Now who's being teased?
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Instantly in your face. "You clearly wanted my attention, baby. You have it. Now what are you gonna do?"
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Flustered but also excited because he knows this means play time later. He'll be cute and shy all day. Cuddlier as the day progresses and the second you get some privacy... you ain't going nowhere.
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Run, bitch. Because you gonna get it.
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Challenge accepted. Let's see who can last longer?
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