#you know what i kinda forget how fucked up my family is till i write it down bc like in the moment
p-t-f-s · 2 months
everytime i make a new friend or i open up about shit it /always/ ends up at one point or another they say my life is like a tv show or i should write a book or pitch my life - like more a handful amount of times, like damn near every time i make a friend. and like. i wish they were wrong when i try to look objectively at what im telling them and not just. my life that i wake up and live and go to sleep with every day. but also like. thats also a looooooooooot of people ive met??? everyone has interesting and fun stories, but most of life is so similarly repetitive that we forget it more than we experience. also i do believe it is my autistic rizz. and ability to self sooth and parent.
[its all just personal life bitching/discussion/musings below]
anyways i wish life would be calm for like. a couple months pls. i know a year is too much to ask but literally this year has been a lot. like last year was a lot but it wasnt a fucking competition. getting my car stolen again, then losing my job in what was supposed to be my 5 year anniversary, and then finding out my uncle had stage 4 cancer. then it was spring break and i got to visit my cousing with a thankfully preplanned and prepayed vacation during the midst and height and she and her husband were like "heres our cocktail maker. get as drunk as you want" which was nice of them so i stayed tipsy half the time i was awake instead of high while in seattle. went to a wine tasting expo. got throw up drunk. my cousin was very impressed by my ability to keep my manners while drunk past my tits and wait to throw up till after id rolled the window down and stuck my head out. i was getting blackout drunk bc id apparently texted my friends i loved them which i had no recollection of doing considering my phone was actively dying while i was still only actually tipsy at that expo. i was also less stress then bc my car had been found. totalled, crashed and smashed in the front which thankfully i owed less than it was worth so they payout covered the downpayment for my new car. rip to not getting my personalized horse license plate with my name on it. then i get back home and my uncle is now dead and the whole family is in town for the funeral. its been a cascade of em for a few years now since my mom started the party back in 21.
by the viewing id started a new job for a week. close by home and only a dollar less than previously. they were asking a whole lot for shit pay in truth. and NOW. I FIND OUT THE JOB I STARTED WHILE TAKING A FRAUD ACCOUNTING CLASS. MIGHT BE VICTIM TO FRAUD. POSSIBLY SINCE INCEPTION AND IN THE MOST TERRIBLY HORRIBLY OBVIOUS WAY THAT JUST KEPT SLOWLY AND SLOWLY GETTING PEELED AND REVEALED. I love it when the head of one department tells me hes in cahoots with the head of another dpt and a few workers from their and others about the terrible company shit they found and are kinda looking at other jobs. ofc he did say that after i said to his face that i was spending a bit every morning applying to other jobs after learning of the possible fraud VIA OUR """CONSULTING CFO""" having been previously convicted of fraud. twice. over a decade between convictions. were getting drinks later this week for him to tell me everything else hes found and lurked about in the system. and how no one understands what accounting is or does or how i actually spend half or most of my day playing solitaire or watching anime. bc they want me to be a controller but are calling and paying me at the clerk level. so thats what they get. i love the phrase act your wage.
theres still so many other things that have happened this year too that i still havent mentioned. like the moon hole. passive aggressive fighting with my upstairs neighbor who said i was "delusional and fucking hallucinating" bc i said he stomps in the middle of the night. and literally as i typed that there he went above my head at. ah. 10:58 pm. since my second talking to him in march i know ive not been the only one to talk to him about his shaking the goddamn foundations of the building or waking the toddler constantly in the apartment next to his, diagonal from mine. the surprise birthday party my friends threw for me after literally freightening me when i came home with surprise and each giving me different hearfelt and attentive gifts of all my different interests. weekly dinners with my dad on the same days he was court ordered to have my older siblings and i during the week as he lives 10 minutes away taking care of our grandfather. hes the only reason i get updates on my older sisters life as she blocked me on all social media and cut me from her life before our mothers death for our differing political beliefs. infighting truly is the death of leftists as out beliefs were always closer together than to that of our very republican parents. but im also not an american government shoe loving authority cuck like most the rest of em. "you know what its like to be a minority bc you were a literal minority of being white kids going to a majority black school in the city." to my fucking FACE. not only is that incredibly dismissive on so many levels but like with how LEGITIMATELY my siblings took and NOODED THEIR HEADS?????? TO IT. truly fiction is a joke compared to life.
anyways this is the most any of you will ever get from me here on tumblr in months, good luck to any of my followers seeing this who were unaware i am a person and wassup to my mutuals entirely unaware of my life and smooches to my dear dear friends who are all very aware of all of this. everyone else. idgaf, this was for me to vent and proclaim. bc i lay down in my bed with my cat looking very disappointed that im not asleep despite how late it is and i have to go to sleep keeping all of that with me for the rest of my life. oh it may not stay close, it may not be completely there by the end, but i know i will always be aware even more so than before when i was living out of my car, of what i keep in and am willing to leave in and with it. I have somehow kept that cute little cactus my friend gave my for my birthday alive still, i now have a whole wall of plants that ive kept alive for over a year, and i plant to keep that as long as I can. I have presents and gifts and memories that i plan to look fondly on tomorrow and the day after and the day after that and so on. afterall. I need to check on my plants and water them, and feed my cat. everyday a tragedy happens and still i must feed my cat. my mother was dying, and still i had to feed my cat. was she suffering? no, she was not even there anymore to be suffering and still i must go home and feed my cat and sleep and wake up and there is my cat to welcome my mornings after guarding my nights, a clear agreement that she must be fed once pleased with her pettings. my elder sister blocked me and cut me from her life before our mothers death and even during she did not change, strong in her stance and belief not even grief would change or ease her foundations. nor would my grief stop my cat from being fed. every day i wake and sleep with all these things and one day my cat will die. and i will grieve. and it will not be her that gets me through it, but she will never be parted from me again. i will wake up and make the same sleepy motions that indicate her morning ritual that will not be performed. my day will be as different and as same as it was before. i will sleep and i will wake with it all and i will meet someone new and tell them the first time i really got into energy drinks was after getting a whole case for being a smartass at 7am to emergency driving instructors. that i only started drinking coffee bc a boy who liked me worked at starbucks and so gave me a large giftcard and an in to getting my first job at starbucks. you never know why or how somethings started.
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rome-roy · 1 year
wowowow fun :) my only remaining friend from high school (and real life) has now blocked me on instagram and privated her account. I guess so she can chat shit about me! And like I’m sad to lose her but also…
I’m definitely in the wrong myself but to just drop me? ok sure… that’s reasonable.
I want to rant for a sec. You don’t need to read this but feel free to tell me if I’m the asshole. I know I am a bit but… yeah. I feel guilty but not enough to warrant her reaction? Maybe?
So we’ve been friends since HS, but I left school and moved away. So we’ve kept in contact on and off over the years. Saw each other rarely but it sometimes it happened. I could probably count on my hands the amount of times we’ve seen each other (less than 10.)
One thing that is clear about me to anyone and most certainly her: I am terrible at staying in contact.
I’ll see a message and say I’ll respond later. And then it gets too late. Weeks go by. Most of the time I completely forget about it. And I end up not responding at all. I dislike this about myself. A lot of the time I don’t respond because I need time to think about the message or time where I don’t have distractions around me. The only time I can guarantee this is when I go to bed, and sometimes I’m just too sleepy or want to chill. Tough cycle to break.
Anyway, she knows this about me. I’ve been like this since high school. She’s never been mad about it, or at least she’s not said anything. We usually fall back into old ways before I lapse again.
Before lockdown (or the year of?) we decided to try writing some scripts together. We’ve been trying to do it for ages, but it’s hard to pin me down. I have no schedule, I cannot ever guarantee her a time in which we can both hop online and write. This especially got harder when she moved to Korea. Like where my life is at the minute… I don’t think anyone really understands how it makes me feel and how I feel I can’t do anything. I cannot dedicate my time because I don’t know what’s happening week to week, and I don’t want to inconvenience anyone else around me. I already feel like such an inconvenience to them.
ANYWAY, I told her this a few months ago, along with the fact that I’m just not feeling the story anymore and I’m struggling to be creative. I hoped that would be it, I’d have some space from the writing till I was able to think again. I was also kinda annoyed that we weren’t starting from scratch like we said we would but just editing what we had. We both agreed it needed to be completely rewritten… but no? She sent me a couple of voice notes, I didn’t have the time to listen to them straightaway so I put it off… we know how this goes.
So instead of just leaving me be for a bit she continues to message me. She messages me when she sees I’m online. Keeps trying to catch me out. And this kinda pisses me off. I don’t like that behaviour, just because I’m online doesn’t mean I have to talk to her. She doesn’t know what’s going on in my life. Having constant access to people online has fucked the world up a little - being online does not mean fully available and at your disposal. Oftentimes I wouldn’t actually be online. I’d click onto messenger to check the family groupchats and then go off… but it still says you’re active for a little while after that. I guess it’ll say you’re active if you have the tab open too. Not only did I not have time to start up a conversation with her but her trying to make me respond to her made me put it off even more.
Eventually she just messages me and says, to sum it up, ‘bye.’ I’m like… okay so… is this it?? She’s dropping me? None of my behaviour is out of the ordinary for me, I’ve never argued with her, never said a bad word, never fallen out with a friend before. After a few weeks she tries to catch me out some more. There’s a bit of attitude to her words and I’m not about that.
ON MY BIRTHDAY she posts a very plain ‘happy birthday!’ on my page. I honestly thought she wouldn’t bother. I can’t avoid it any longer, I say thanks and that I’m going to reply to her and explain. But it’s my birthday, I plan to do it the next day. No. That night she messages me after seeing I’m online and says ‘I thought we were friends??’ I’m tired and honestly just doing a quick scroll on insta before bed but I write back to give a brief summary and that I’ll reply in full later because I’m tired. I tell her that I see I’ve caused her pain and how terrible I feel, which I 100% do. She doesn’t respond straightaway so I go to sleep.
Next day I see she’s said that ‘it hasn’t caused [her] pain it’s just fucking annoying, do [I] want to write with [her] or not?’ and… I have been so so tempted to say ‘do you want a friend or do you a writing partner?’ but I can’t bring myself to do it. Because this is the only reason she’s been messaging me - so that I will write with her. The only reason she’s been in touch with me for a long while. I’ve been telling myself that people only want me around so they can use me for something that they want. She only talks to me because she wants to write this thing, for her benefit. Never about me, never reaching out for me. She has a fancy to start writing this again and that’s when she reaches out. That message really highlights that point to me, and the fact that the potential that she may have lost my friendship hasn’t actually caused her pain? But it’s been hurtful to me thinking she’s done? Like… do you actually care about me or do you just want me so you can write?
The story isn’t even what we started out with and has been really dominated by her and she’s never truly listened to anything I’ve said. I’ve tried to make her follow structures (and I hate structures usually but we really needed them) and suggested helpful things. It kinda means nothing but I do have a masters in creative writing, I know what I’m talking about. Yet all my suggestions go unfollowed.
She has not been the greatest friend to me (her 2019 birthday is a while other story), but I still love her. So I’m hurt. But in some respects I do wonder whether it’s for the best to maybe let her go. She’ll be fine, I know. She has lots of other friends and she has a boyfriend now. I don’t think she needs me… and I don’t think she’s wanted me for me in quite some time.
It’s a bit much for her to just go and block me. Like. I’m literally doing nothing. I’m not even posting, haven’t watched her insta story in a long time. But whatever. If she wants to go drastic and cut me out of her life like that so be it. I wonder if she’s going to unfriend me next?
I do plan on messaging her, maybe it will end up being the last time, but I don’t want to argue. I hate arguments so much, especially when we should be able to communicate like civilised adults.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
History 3: Make Our Days Count
I don’t actually know much about what this is about except the ending (I’m gonna watch till ep 9 I think) and I think this is high school + one of the mains is some kind of delinquent? 
Ep 1 (Nov 13) 
Haoting the class hero in rebelliousness 
Haoting’s girlfriend so pretty. i haven’t heard of a cheating plot, so I assume they break up?
wait are they getting frisky in the nurse’s office lol 
dang they really went for it
lol I like that we get to see Haoting’s dynamic with his family
are this gym people a second couple? I forget those exist sometimes
Sometimes the subs are missing for a sentence or two and it greatly annoys me, should I try to see if the Viki version is free with VPN. aghhh Switzerland does have free MODC but it’s like no you’re using VPN, so you can’t watch
Ep 2 (Nov 13)
The drama with the girl is kinda interesting like she’s Haoting’s gf, Haoting’s ambivalent towards her so she starts liking Shi-gu
second couple older guy being like “he’s at the age to like something quickly and move on quickly” about his younger love interest, okay, i like that
lmfaoo not the 2nd couple younger guy (i keep forgetting his name rip) going to surprise his crush but seeing him with Shi-gu and being upset
Ep 3 (Nov 13)
lmfao Shigu so funny, he got harassed by two guys in the same friend group for trying to 1) steal his older male crush and 2) steal his current girlfriend. whole time Shigu doesn’t like either lmfao
huh [BoXiang?] just kissed Chigang randomly like that? agh
What did Hiaoting write on Shigu’s desk
loll now that Shigu told her he doesn’t like her, the gf went back to Haoting 
lmfaooo Boxiang tryna get Haoting to apologize to Chigang on his behalf but Haoting’s first like loll wait you fr like a guy? and then after pointed out who it is, he’s like wait he’s kinda old? 
wait Boxiang has a little mushroom that gives him luck/strength/smth? 
bro Boxiang’s giving me such a headache, do I skip their storyline...
also I think Boxiang’s name means Sun or smth, the subs refer to him as such
Ep 4 (Nov 14)
Haoting preventing Shigu from taking an exam... death
y’know when Shigu was running to school I was like wow... running across on street with cars coming... and now Haoting actually saving Shigu from getting run over by a motorcycle... they really were foreshadowing this to hell and back (although idk who actually even dies)
i just don’t care about the side couple agh, so sad because I love an age gap w younger seme 
bro BoXiang (Sun) is so annoying, idgaf about this side couple
Ep 5 (Nov 14)
lmfao not Haoting literally having dreamy thoughts about Shigu while watching him sleep at the nurse’s office
loll it’s cute that Haoting’s asking Sun about how he feels about Shigu and how to know if he likes a boy
aslkd;fj the little mushroom was referring to their dick?
Haoting’s wildass methods of confirming and then confessing his feelings
lmfao I’m dead at Haoting buying food for Shigu and doing pushups as he waits for him at the nurse’s office, whole time Haoting has a gf
Ep 6 (Nov 14)
I’m so done with Haoting, why is he getting overly worked up and accidentally outing his friend Sun Bo aghh
I’m kinda skipping through Sun Bo and Chigang but some of their convo during that confession is interesting
Haoting tryna convince Shigu to eat his lunchbox lol kinda cute in its ridiculousness + the “hmm if we 2 guys start going out, won’t the pressure be too much? but to make an enemy of the world feels pretty nice” lol
Haoting is so fucking hotheaded, I can’t do this anymore. Just straight up punching a guy at the bar because he was touching Shigu but I’m pretty sure it’s just his employer or smth
fuckkk seeing Shigu kneeling in front of Haoting and begging to be left alone and confessing that he has no fucking money I’m so askdlfj
I was supposed to either go to sleep or watch 20 mins of one of my lectures but I guess I’ll watch ep 7
Ep 7 (Nov 14)
for sure going to sleep after this 
Aw, some brother sister bonding even though it feels unearned to heart the sister talk about Haoting’s good qualities and praise him
bro Haoting breaking up with his gf (only good thing he’s done so far) and her crying face D: oh noo so cute and pitiful. i’m just soooo susceptible to girls who are pretty but unfaithful (Ploy in Love Mechanics, the gf here)
it’s so tiring to just have either Sun or Haoting get angry or impulsive and do something that makes it bad for themselves, their love interest, or each other. like haoting rlly just started yelling in the middle of chigang’s cafe even though he was literally regretting being cocky and inconsiderate last night after doing smth similar at shigu’s workplace like i’m so done
am i supposed to be happy for Sun Bo and Chigang like idcccc
Ep 8 (Nov 15)
soft ‘i don’t like men, i just like him’ trope
loll Haoting’s friends reading yaoi to understand things better
okay acc i can forgive the ‘i don’t like men, i just like him’ soft trope here bc it’s not acc saying that? before he was more like ‘i only like him rn so i don’t like men’ and with the friends supporting Sun for liking men, Haoting said he also likes men
Chigang was out of line with the way he spoke to Haoting; should’ve explained the situation and how Haoting can support Shigu, not insinuate that his presence in Shigu’s life can only be negative
Ep 9 (Nov 15)
dang, Shigu waiting for Haoting to show up
bruh, everything became so complicated. hope the gf gets ting-an to confess that he’s the one who mocked up the photo (all this over a pic in front of a gay bar lol)
i love haoting and his sister’s dynamic ahh siblings 
Ep 10 (Nov 15)
Shigu in Haoting’s bedroom
aww Shigu being envious of Haoting’s freedom to do whatever the heck he wants and tearing up thinking of how it would’ve been different for him if his parents didn’t pass away when he was younger
how old is Chigang btw like I’m assuming the high schoolers are 17/18 bc it sounds like they’re in their final year but is Chigang like... 20 or mid-20s
Shigu so cute and smiley around Haoting now
loll I think I’ve seen a bit of a clip of when Shigu comes to Haoting’s house and his parents’ reaction on tiktok before
Wooa, Haoting kissed Shigu
lol Sun and Chigang making out in the bathroom
Ep 11 (Nov 16)
dang the Sun and Chigang scene just continued lol I’m kinda just not into them so i skipped it  
damn haoting is so enviable for being able to just be #2 in terms of grades at school whenever he wants
them messing around like this in Haoting’s living room is making me so nervous like bro what if ppl really are still home + they even talked about not locking the front door
‘damn, they’re really going at it’ i say as i forward through it bc i’m anxious and yep, here the parents are
i will say though, haoting’s shirt baring his shoulders while he’s on shigu’s lap is interesting; it’s a v uke trope 
oh fuck, the parental homophobia. the recent shows i’ve watched have had supportive parents or no homophobia (like LITA, The Eclipse, Star in My Mind) so this is... :’)
once again, i love sibling relationships ah Haoting’s sister being there for him :(
okay mom pls come around quickly and also convince the dad pls
Ep 12 (Nov 16)
sun bo’s cousin giving chigang the safe sex talk (i think? based on the skimming)
oof, that phone call. shigu not speaking
woah shigu coming to ask permission from haoting’s parents, a very seme move, i guess it’s bc taiwan doesn’t really do as much seme/uke so it’s really fun to see the tropes be spread across both characters (as if they’re real people and not archetypes lmfao)
the parents realizing Haoting listens to Shigu... hope this means they’ll allow them to date and not that they’ll 
Ep 13 (Nov 16)
okayyy the parents are gonna talk to yu shigu,i believe in their approval
i was wondering if shigu and chigang-ge hanging out will cause problems bc sun and haoting are fucking impulsive and angry but seems like it went well so far... who knows tho
why the fuck is the side couple getting engaged or smth
Ep 14 (Nov 17)
so haoting and shigu are talking about how they’ll go to college/workforce etc whatever if the parents don’t agree and are planning for “forever” but like... it all feels so serious considering they’ve dated for like 2 days bruh
girl that convo b/w haoting and sun bo about first time... so awkward T.T but endearing too i guess. same with sun bo then inquiring to chigang ge whether that time in the shower had hurt or felt good
Ep 15 (Nov 17)
Haoting just annoys me. he did bad on the placement test and instead of studying keeps wanting ‘rewards’ from Shigu like bruh focus on your fucking studying
this ep really makes me realize how much idgaf about anything
Ep 16 (Nov 17)
i was wondering if they’d make Haoting be unable to get into a national uni but guess not
2 more half-eps left
Ep 17 (Nov 17)
i would maybe care more about this interpersonal turmoil if i cared about the characters but rn i’m just like agh, all this drama over not wanting to have sex? grow up
they kept talking about it raining but am i blind or was it just not raining?
Ep 18 (Nov 17)
lmfao haoting pretending this 18k rent is actually 8k, can he afford this?
the friends coming over is cute
lol now i’ve gotten to witness the crime of the salt
in the beginning i was really annoyed by several characters (esp Haoting and Sun Bo) and after I stopped being annoyed, I also stopped caring oof. Don’t think I’ll think about the show or characters ever again. Also am not gonna watch ep 19/20. I liked the occasional scenes of Haoting and his sister; I am lover of sibling relationships.
I actually didn’t have this show on my to watch list for so long but I added it recently because I thought I’d still really enjoy it as long as I don’t watch the last part but meh. idc
Rating: 5.5/10
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sawamono · 3 years
genshin nsfw hcs pt 2
read part 1!!
warnings: nsfw, MINORS DNI, drugging, bdsm, perv albedo, stalking ment, light talk on blood kink, cum play, exhibitionism, wax play, degrading, breeding kink, hair pulling
notes: i kept thinking of that fred song “my babysitters a vampire” while writing this and im sorry this is so late i meant to post this like 2 days ago
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i just wanted to touch more on pervy albedo
can u imagine it.
albedo probably takes pictures of you and says their “for the memories” or “something to remind me of you when you leave mondstadt”
but he really only has them to jerk off to them cmon now
this is gonna sound stalker-ish but albedo probably watches u change through ur window
it’s such a funny thought to me omg
you see him outside ur window with his dick in his hand and he’s a stuttering mess LMFAO
you’ve probably caught him staring at ur ass a couple times too
if you ever go to the beach with him.. i’m praying for ur safety..
i feel like albedo would be a little bit of a family guy too
imagine babysitting klee with him and he’s just watching like “yeah.. i’m gonna have a family with u..”
breeding kink imo
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arataki itto
i love him.
if you look closely on him you can see he has a spiked collar
pull it i DARE YOU
slaps his whole abdomen
probably big enough to kill a dragon
he probably has a blood kink
just a lil one
like he’ll scratch up your thighs or bite you till you bleed bc he knows the mark will last
loves when you ride him
all of it can barely fit so he has to help you out
when he sees his dick imprint on ur stomach he’s going wild
he WILL go many rounds too
rip you and your holes bc he will fill ALL OF THEM
cums a lot
an unrealistic amount because i said so
if you don’t like cum play or any mess, he’ll TRY to stay clean
he fails in the end but he gets A for effort
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my boy toy.
idk if i covered this already or not but enjoys wax play
he’ll light a candle and hold it over u and just watch it melt onto u
probably likes it on himself too
(if ur ever fucking him and he’s comfortable with it do it he’ll love you forever)
whether you’re top or not, give it a nice lil tug
he may or may not moan
i forget whatever i said about him in the first hcs but this man is my whore idc
yes, he’s fucked you in the tavern
he’s fucked you while on the job too
he’ll take you to the back and give you that dickmeister9000
don’t play with him!!
doggy style, his favorite.
i feel like while diluc would fuck you in the tavern, he’s shy so he likes to keep you in the winery
the maids have definitely walked in on it more than once
it was just awkward staring before the poor maid just left
at this point adelinde is used to it though
so while it’s happening she just acts like normal and leaves
it’s scary as fuck
diluc probably got a few tips from albedo and may or may not have added a little extra sumthin sumthin to a new wine he wanted you to try
he’s experimental let him live
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if this mf don’t get some damn official art
an absolute menace.
and he’s so mean too
he will degrade you to all hell
and he’s rough omg..
deadass i think his dick is like 7 inches
idk them short people be packing sometimes
hate sex is like normal with him
i’m a genius
probably into bdsm too
will tie you up
so u know how he kinda drugged mc in that place when we meet him again
what if he does that to u…
spoilers over
i feel like scaramouche would actually be really big on consent
safe words with him are a must
he wants u to feel safe and comfortable
he’ll fuck you into oblivion yea
but only if ur okay with that
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it’s long.
like you would never imagine it
but it’s long
he’s very. very. fast.
lighting mcqueen don’t got shit on him
cums a moderate amount
probably has a thing for exhibitionism
he will dead ass fuck you in windrise
like just out in the open like that
will probably grope you at angels share
he’s very touchy me thinks
ooo pull his braids
he will love it.
fucked him so good he wrote a song abt it
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
It all tastes like poison.
Part 5.
previous chapter
Pairing: Homelander x fem!reader / Solider Boy x fem!reader
Plot: based on this request: “can you please write an imagine about someone who use to be with soldier boy before he "died» which left her broken, but she still worked with vought for years because she ages slower than normal and she meets homelander who she kinda falls for, but when ben comes back she gets mixed emotions till he tries to kill homelander and then she'll have to work with everyone else to get him back into the box, which she doesn't want to do. LIKE ANGST?”
warning: f-bombs, mentions of death and murder, mentions of torture, mentions of starting a family, mentions of cheating (i don't know if I can call it that)
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"So you were fucking Homelander?"
A defeated sigh leaves your lips as you look everywhere but your Ben. "I mean, I-.", and Billy shakes his head in disbelief:" I can't believe I am going to defend a Supe, but that cunt is your replica." Soldier Boy furrows his eyebrows:" My replica?" " He is the new you."
"No one's the new me, pal."
Homelander stares at the TV. The video of you killing Black Noir is haunting him. Last night John even dreamt about it. In extreme detail. About how his friend turns into this green puddle of slime and he wonders if it hurts.
"Sir?", a voice asks and when he turns he notices the Deep standing in the doorframe. He clears his throat before he looks back at his wife. "Tell him.. what we figured out." He nods: "Right. We think that Crimson Countess was just the start. We think, that he is going after his whole team. The good news is, that means we know where he is probably headed next." He pauses and licks his lips:" The twins. TNT. They're the closest. Vermont. And if we find Soldier Boy, we will most likely find Y/N as well."
Homelander watches him for a moment before he closes his eyes:" Okay." He walks over to Deep and puts his shaking hand on his shoulder:" You go there, and you check it out. And if Y/N shows up, then... uh... you call me."
Soldier Boy turns:" I fought for this country! And what did I get for that? Forgotten. Left to rot by my team." He sits down on the edge of his bed.
"Y/N didn't forget you.", Hughie replies, while the small machine in his hand makes static noises. Ben chuckles dry:" I know, I can't use it against her- because she didn't know I was alive... but she moved on."
"Every year, whenever it's the anniversary of your death Y/N lays flowers down by your statue. You know, the one in front of the Vought tower. A-And every year Paparrazi are like camping all over the district so they can be the first ones to get pictures of her 'glowing' tears." Ben's head turns to face him. "They are always on the front page that day. They call her 'the never dying widow', you know - ever since the news broke that you two used to date. Homelander absolutely hates it."
Soldier Boy stares at him for a moment before a small smile appears on his lips. "You know I wanted some rug rats of my own- with Y/N, of course. Yeah. You know, a couple of little boys. Raise them up to be men. Y/N and I would talk about that whenever I sneaked into her room. Those talks- they helped me survive." A silence falls upon the room before he continues. "She hated it. Because she always said that she wanted two girls. And you know, I would joke about it- tell her, I am not someone who could raise girls. But deep down the thought made me so... happy, two little Y/N's. Gosh. I already love her so much, I don't know if my heart could have survived two more of her."
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Mob bucky/seb or mob chris/andy recs??
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Updated 07/04/21 ✨ = Just Added
To be added please tag me in your future works!
Hey Anon! I’m so glad you asked this because Mob/Mafia! Any version of those boys is my favorite. In my previous fic recs I recommended...
If love was an option by @mianorth » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Part 1 🦋 Part 2 🦋 Part 3
Good Little Wife & Good Little Girl by @donutloverxo » Mob!Andy Barber x Reader – A little dark and it has some really good smut in it.
Blackmail by @stargazingfangirl18 » Soft!DarkMafia Andy Barber x Female Reader — You were just doing it to protect your family, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself, especially once you started to like it. (One-Shot)
Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Bucky is having a bad day, you can help him feel good. (Part of Mafia Monday’s)
Run To You by @bestofbucky » Mob!Boss Bucky x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. (Series)
Can’t Run, Can’t Hide by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!MafiaBucky Barnes x Reader — When you get noticed by the infamous mob boss, you flee. But Bucky doesn’t like to be denied anything and he’s coming for you. (One-shot)
Six Feet | Ch.1 ⚰️ Ch.2 by @queenoftheworldisdead » Dark Mob!Steve x Reader + Dark Mob!Bucky x Reader — Your family’s small funeral home comes into financial trouble. In desperation your father finds the most unlikely solution to solve his financial problems. | (Short Series)
Bankrupt by @mypoisonedvine » dark!40’s!Mob!Stucky x Reader — Your husband’s gambling addiction quickly got him in hot water with the mob, and you by extension. When some debt collectors come by to settle what is owed, you realize that you have a lot more to worry about than money problems.
Partition by @angrythingstarlight » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky comforts you after a bad day, and your boss learns why no one messes with his girl. —> Part 2: Let Me Show You — You wanted to know what your mobster boyfriend did, lucky for you he’s more into the show then tell.
Say the word and it’s yours by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mobster boyfriend rescues you from a long, boring day at work. Bucky always said, “ask and its yours”
Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky Barnes would be lost with you. You’re his everything and he plans on spending Valentine’s Day proving it to you.
All Dressed In White by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!Mafia Bucky Barnes x Reader — You were going to marry someone else, Bucky won’t let that happen. You belong to him now and forever. Till Death Do You Part.
Thick As Thieves by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mafia!Steve Rogers — The only thing the Mafia hates as much as snitches are thieves. And you’re planning on stealing from Bucky and Steve, what happens if you get caught?
Won’t Let You Go by @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay » Mob!Bucky Barnes x OFC!Kori — Kori met Bucky in one of his clubs, out to get shit-faced with a couple of friends to forget about her worries and maybe take home a guy to further rid herself of her numerous frustrations. Little did she know that the one-night stand with Bucky would turn into so much more than that.
Tell Me What You Want by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader; Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mob boyfriend, is none other than Steve Rogers and he is willing to get you whatever you wanted, all you have to do is ask. And be careful what you ask for because he’s going to give it to you over and over again.
To Have & To Hold by @slyyywriting » Bucky Barnes x Mob Boss!Reader — Bucky is trying his best to provide and care for his daughter who just entered first grade. Everything was alright until she asks why everyone else seems to have a mom except for her. You’re just a plain mob boss who wants to turn a new leaf. Challenges arise when the world refuses to let you take a softer, non-violent route. A little girl helps you navigate a compromise.(series)
✨ Mob!Sugar Daddy!Stucky Moodboard by @brattycherubwrites » Mob!Stucky x Reader
✨ Laced Around Your Throat by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve x Reader, Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Your Mob boyfriend knows that the only thing that looks even better than his hand around your throat is his custom made necklace. You’re his girl and the world needs to know it.
✨ Hidden Gems by @jtargaryen18 » Mob!Steve Rogers x Mob!Daughter Reader — Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
Necessary Arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18 » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x (Different) Fem! Reader ft. Ransom Drysdale » One of my favorite series, chapters are decent sized and the smut is so good!
Hugs My Love by @thatfuckingweirdo » Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You just really need a hug, and Bucky is the only one you want it from.
my old man is a tough man, but he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam by @cloudystevie » Mob Boss!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader — steve gives you what you want… kind of.
Brooklyn Wars by @world-of-aus » Stucky x Reader
Petals and Bullets by @revengingbarnes » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader (One of my all time favorites series)
I would check out @sinner-as-saint’s Masterlist they have quite a few Mob!Bucky series and one-shots that I have loved in the past.
Special by @buckycuddlebuddy » Bucky Barnes x Reader — this one-shot is really hot.
Love, Honor, and Obey by @constantwriter85 » Bucky Barnes — This one is good and I need to catch up on.
Mafioso by @captain-barnes-writes » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Please do yourself a favor and read.
Lipstick and Crayons by @oneoftheprettynerds » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader - In Progress
A really good DarkMob!Steve Drabble called Please Hurt Me by @gotnofucks *chefs kiss*
The Mobster’s Little Girl by @smutsonian » Steve Rogers x Reader
off to the races 🐻 off to the races 2 by @harryspet » Soft!Dark Steve Rogers x Reader
The Ignorant Beauty & the Beast by @mysterioh » Steve Rogers x Reader – With 21 parts sadly it hasn’t been updated in 8 months, it’s one of my favorite Mob!Steve Roger fics out there. *Thanks to @inactivewhore I found out this story was moved to AO3 and is now called where angels fear to tread it was last updated on 13/11/20*
What It Takes by @cherienymphe » Bucky Barnes x Reader — You left Bucky once you found out who he really is. The one thing you thought would guarantee your safety ends up sealing your fate.
Welcome Home by @punani » Chris Evans x Black!Reader — He’s been away for awhile, but he knows that his girl’s loyalty to him knows no bounds. Knows she’s been waiting for him after her adamancy in telling him there was no other option. It’s only right to make the reunion a memorable one. | So, so, so, so freaking good!
These are what I found on Tumblr that I plan on reading.
Handmaid by @extremelyblackandwhite » Sebastian Stan x ingenue!Reader — y/n works as a handmaid for the daughter of an influential mob leader who is promised to the new boss of the most powerful mob family in new york, sebastian.
AO3 Website Reccomendations
Satellite Heart » Stucky x Reader — You used to be Steve and Bucky's girl. Then they fucking left without saying goodbye. Little did they know, you were pregnant. But life went on. You raised your Talia to the best of your ability. But one day, everything goes to shit. Now your boys are back in your life. And they're not planning on leaving anytime soon.
Little Fox A/B/O Series » Soft!Dark Bucky Barnes x Soft!Dark Natasha Romanoff x OFC! & Peter Parker x Soft!Dark Tony Stark — So I can’t stress this enough you need to read the tags for this series and I kept getting confused as I read this story as to how old Violet Mason is. But this series takes you on a roller coaster, I like it, my cousin didn’t finish it, I need to catch up.
Pelmeni *finished* » Stucky x Reader — James Bucky Barnes has a good life, as a member of a powerful organized crime syndicate. His best friend Steve is a member too and his literal partner in crime. Bucky's got a problem though. You. His longtime love and secret girlfriend. Unfortunately, your father is his boss and has plans for you that involve normal life. Steve has a problem too. Steve wants in on your relationship and more than the semi-regular/occasional steamy threesomes. You don't have a problem, you're just busy with a big mob wedding coming up, which means a big celebration, that you're busy catering for.
Dying For This Love » Dark!Bucky x Reader — That was before. When you were Bucky’s girl. Now, you have a score to settle. That’s why you’re wearing Bucky’s favorite red satin dress, the one with the cuts that reach right up to the tops of your thighs, the tennis necklace he gifted you for your anniversary, and are fresh off of a mani/pedi and hair appointment. He’s going to regret the day he fucked with you. | This one is intense and a tad bit dark, but the smut is good.
off to the races » Steve Rogers x Reader — In which you call the kingpin your Daddy.
The Mobster’s Little Girl » Steve Rogers x Reader — what happens when the big bad mobster gets blackmailed by your father to marry you? (kind of fluffy kind of not. kinda dark kinda not.)
Brooklyn Sweethearts » Dark!Stucky x Reader — Bucky and Steve had always been meant to keep her safe and happy. As far as anyone else was concerned, that was their sole reason for being alive. Unfortunately, the things that kept her safe were not always the things that kept her happy. Lately, she was making it pretty damn hard for them to compromise. | Probably one of my all time favorite Mafia!Stucky stories I have ever read, just sadly it also hasn’t been updated in like 8 months and I keep hoping it will get updated.
Hot Doll » Skinny!MobBoss Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve Rogers is on the rise in the New York underground as you’re trying to keep your own place there. | Dark and good!
Doctor Doctor » Steve Rogers x PlusSize! Reader — (1940 Mobster AU!) You're a war widow down on her luck; and the King of Brooklyn, Steve Rogers, takes notice. | Another one of my favorites. A little bit dark as well.
The Widow » Dark!MobBoss x Reader — It’s the 1920s and everyone’s having a roaring time but you. | Trust me it’s just dark enough.
Those are just some on AO3, I would just go through Mafia AU tag and go to filter and click Avengers or Captain America.
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booksweet · 3 years
wildest dreams ft. Suguru Geto
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summary: You never thought of getting along with anyone else, or even getting a tattoo. However, Suguru Geto came and changed your perspective on these matters.
wc: +9k
warnings: tattoo artist! Suguru Geto x professor! Reader, fem!reader, smut, MINORS DNI, nipple playing, fingering, oral (fem!receiving), penetration, kinda "slow burn", mention of family issues, praising, grammar mistakes
a/n: first of all i want to say that i don't know what the fuck happened that i wrote 9 fucking K words, but I'm very happy with the outcome. Second, I wanna thank @https-jane who came into my dm and sent me this amazing prompt of tattoo artist! geto (I'm really sorry I took that long to finish writing). Third, I'm no specialist into tattoos or whatever, so, please, don't mind if there's any mistakes about it, it's purely fictional. Moreover, thank you everyone for the support and the patience, I love you all <3
tagging:@noritoshiikamo @laudthingcat @half-baked-biscuit @hisvillainess @bubblebeemie @https-jane @savantsoulfinder @milksuno @fiona782 @cursedmoonchild @sunascumdoll @sebbyzoldyck
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Your high heels rattled against the white hallway’s floor. Clipboard on your right hand a bag of your personal items on the left as you found your way to your next class. Your black pumps heels matched your outfits, beige suit with slim-fit pants and, for sure, you couldn’t forget your favourite turtleneck black shirt underneath. It wasn’t easy for you to be this younger in such a honoured position, professor of the best College of your country, you built your reputation with your blood, sweat and tears and everyone knew how severe you were about your job. Earn respect wasn’t easy, but you managed your way till you reach the highest place you could ever think of.
That said respect displayed now when you walked past some students, they would avoid your way and stare at you with esteem. You didn’t, though, frightened them at all, no, they respected you for who you were while teaching: be it with iron fist or not on your subject, you were the one who supported your students the most at the College. They were not wrong, indeed, passing through your lessons were water divisor, if that was the saying, in your student’s life. And you promised to do what was your best: teaching.
You stopped in front of your classroom, the wooden door lightened by the light all over the hallway and inside the room. One of the wonders of being a professor was that you could watch your students from outside, not in a strange way, but somehow you ended up knowing their mannerisms in class and how they reacted through life, and you always noticed when something bad or good happened to them. In other ways, you used to reach them so easily due to it, there’s no way you’d see on of them low-spirit and do nothing about it. Your soul wouldn’t allow it.
However, right know, you stood up and looked on your students, girls and boys, men, and women. Either younger or older than you, messing around the chairs. Loud laughs reached your ears, muffled by the walls. I could let them enjoy more time, I guess… You thought before you gave a sight at a talkative couple at the hallway. You stared at them just for a second, mind architecting your train of thought for the class you’d given right away.
Well, you had your relationships before, but none of them that remarkable. You don’t remember the butterflies on your stomach, romantic shivers down your spine or whatever anything related to romance fall back to the ones who truly fall in love – or met love in real life, out of books and movies. And you didn’t expect to feel anything at all, you didn’t need to. All you have to focus is job and only your job, who needs more than that? You only have to do what you love and look after your students, so they’ll have the bright future they deserve, that’s all you need.
Time to go. You thought when you held the doorknob and turned it, a flimsy click! echoed through your class and your students hushed their loud voices. How you enjoyed first day classes with freshmen, they were so curious and eager to learn and discover. Well, that’s how it goes when you stare at each one of them as they came back to their desks. Most of them were sure your age, and you smiled at the realization that many of them could be your classmates if it was another moment of your life.
“Hello, my newest students.” You greeted them as you placed your belongs on your own desk at the center of the room and then you found yourself walking in front of it just to lean your back on the wooden, just to be face to face them. You posture lazy, yet your Aurea still affected them. “Since it’s our first day meeting, how about we introduce ourselves, huh?” They nodded simultaneously and you almost laughed at the sight, no reason needed for them to be this nervous, you were sure of that. “Fine, I’ll go first then.”
“I’m Y/n L/s, 26, I’ll be your professor this semester. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ride!” You chuckled and their expressions softened a little. See, I’m not that monster y’all paint me. “Now that you know me, who’s next? C’mon, c’mon, I wanna know you!” You clapped your hands, and, for a moment, they stared at each other in panic, before a white-haired tall man stands up. He wore jeans and a white shirt that matched his hair, and you wondered why he had his sunglasses on.
“The name is Satoru Gojou, miss L/n. 27 years.” He took of his glasses exposing his deep blue eyes, and you couldn’t help but to find their colour exquisite. He pinned the object on his collar and stared back at you with cheerful eyes. “May I ask you a question, miss L/n?”
Here we go… You knew that kind of student, they always pop up each new wave of freshmen with the same old question in their eyes. “Of course, Satoru. Go ahead.” You crossed your arms on your chest, waiting.
“You’re so young. How did you get there?”
“Satoru, haven’t your parents told you we don’t hurry things?” You clicked your tongue and then left out a slightly laugh. “Boy, my path was long and hard, that’s how I get there. I’m sorry, dear, but this all you’ll get from me.”
“Thank you, miss L/n.” He nodded in respect and, before he had his seat, he said. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Satoru.” You faced the whole class with a bright smile. “Y’all, indeed, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Now, may we go on?”
And that’s how it goes for a long time, each one of them introducing themselves and you, they’ve made their questions and you’ve answered them the best way possible. By the end, you got their attendance list and checked it out. There was only one name that wasn’t spoken of the whole dynamics. Suguru Geto.
“Who’s…” You frowned your brows, pencil in hand and his name underlined. “Who’s Suguru Geto?”
“Miss…” Gojo raised his hand the moment your lips vocalized that name, he looked a bit worried for you about this matter. However, he couldn’t spill his words, since a knock on your door won everyone’s attention.
“Later, Satoru.” You dismissed him and raised your voice to the one behind the door. “Come inside, I want to begin now.”
Once again, you heard that click on the doorknob just for it to be opened. You weren’t ready for that sight. Not really.
He was tall, probably your age, with long, really long dark locks falling on his shoulders. His dark hair sculpted his beauty and something inside you shook, and his eyes fell on you. His voice was hoarse when he turned to you on an apologetic way. Fine, stop, he’s your student and you don’t even know his name. Stop it, y/n, remember your career.
“I’m sorry, miss L/n. I’m late for you class.” He gave you a bow and you tried not to focus on his long-sleeved black shirt. Seems that he liked the colour and how it fitted him. You coughed a little trying to recover and find your voice. A man like that can’t have you instable. No one can.
“As long as it doesn’t get usual for you.” Now you were showing the professor everyone talk about. The fierce and exigent one. “But I’ll watch you…”
When he stood up, his eyes travelled up and down your body and you swore to all existing deities for him to stop. You felt like Lucifer himself sent this one to your class just to destroy everything you built up along these years.
The silent class watched you both and you nod you head to him. He frowned his eyes in confusion and you chuckled. “You’re late, but we were introducing ourselves. I’ll go again. I’m Y/n L/s, 26, your professor.”
“Oh, sorry.” He laughed unease and you smiled at him. “Suguru Geto, 26.”
Oh, so there he was. Why is my heart beating like this? Stop! Stop! Stop!
“Just when I was wondering where you were, Suguru…” You checked his name on your attendance list when he rubbed his hands, ready to say something. You pointed the pencil at him. “I’m not kidding when I say I’ll watch you next classes. Fine?”
“I’ve never doubted your words, miss Y/n.” He placed his left hand above his chest, right on his heart and you almost fluttered at his words. The way he said your first name should’ve been interpreted as disrespect, but for you… You enjoyed the way your name echoed from his lips. You enjoyed too much for your taste.
Your sight caught a glimpse of the back of his hand when his sleeve fell on his wrist as he moved. What was that? A stain? A mark? You wanted to know, but maybe it was your eyes playing with you. However, you ran out of time, anyway. He was already leaving to his desk. Not before whispering.
“A pleasure to be watched by you, y/n.”
Suguru Geto watched you with eager eyes the whole time. You felt it burning your skin, and your mind couldn’t help but wonder what was behind those eyes of his. He himself took notes and tried to pay attention to what you were saying, however, it was hard to think when you looked so fine in your business clothes.
“What were you doing?” Satoru’s voice took him from his reveries. The white-haired man seated next to him gazed at Suguru with wondering eyes. “And now, you don’t seem to be paying attention… Not at all.”
Suguru rolled his eyes. “I was at the Studio” He rested his chin in his palm, his gaze locked now on your movements in front of the class. “A lot of people booked this week, so I had to organize and schedule them. Anyway, you-“
“Suguru Geto” His heart beat fast when you called his name, your annoyed tone thrilled something inside him that, right now, he couldn’t name. “And Satoru Gojo, is there a problem?”
“No, not at all, miss Y/n.” Suguru bowed, and he felt this weird urge to tease you. Not the moment. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, m’sorry too, miss L/N.” Satoru followed him, and you nodded your head in disapproval. Disregard the whole situation, the black haired one chuckled and he found himself looking for your eyes – he expected them to meet his. Somehow, you got his attention. And, dear, he wanted to know you even more. Even mark you…“This is it, for now.” You finished your lecture and smile at them. Their tired expressions made you feel sorry, it’s never easy to understand, neither to get everything you’ve spoken the past hours. Needless to say, that you were tired as well, but there were some matters to overcome by now.
“Geto Suguru?” You called him out loud while you packed your things. Your back facing him and his classmates. “Still there?”
“Yes, miss y/n.” His voice resonated from your right. He probably was heading to the door by now. Yet here you got him stuck, he must wait and listen to what you have to say. Even if it means to face the curious eyes of his classmates. Not that he cared about them. He didn’t care at all.
“Stay there, I want to talk to you in private. Got it?”
“I’m all yours, miss Y/n.”
You shouldn’t say such things to your teacher, Suguru… You thought as you finished and then had a sip from your water bottle. Now your hips rested on your desk, and you were face-to-face with him, arms crossed on your chest.
“So…” You coughed. His eyes were deeply on you. Now that the two of you were alone in the classroom, you realized that he was far tall from you. His sleeves emphasized his muscled arms and torso, black fitted him so well… stop daydreaming, y/n! “I don’t know who you are or what you do with your life, but I don’t accept anyone messing with my classes. You gotta follow the rules, Suguru.”
You don’t know how it happened and why it happened, the means didn’t matter now though. Suddenly, Suguru’s fingers fondled your cheek’s skin just before pulling a strand of your hair behind your ear. They burnt all their path and you felt yourself blushing, no words available on your brain for you to say anything. You were locked within that moment, and he knew it. His closeness could make you even more flustered. He found it adorable the way your mouth opened a little – your shocked expression, mainly – as he ran his fingers on that single strand of hair. Your bottom lip an invitation for him to taste you. But not now. “Sorry, miss. I overstepped, but this strand seemed to be annoying you.”
He stepped back and then you got a broken spell. You shouldn’t let him affect you this way. You uncurled your arms and dismissed him with a wave of your hands, you tried to ignore the way your heart slammed your ribcage. “Look, Suguru, I just want you to behave on my classes, here’s my domain.” Your voice was harsh now. You wouldn’t let him mess with you. No one messes with you. “So, please, avoid it and we’ll not trouble each other. Fine?”
“Fine, miss. I won’t trouble you, neither me.” He nodded before a goodbye escaped from his lips and then, he left. He footsteps echoed on the room even after he closed the door. You released your breath – air that you didn’t even notice you were holding back. What the hell…
First step: you’ll stop thinking about him. You don’t need it. It’ll only break your heart and mess with your plans. Just focus on teaching him and his classmates and then the semester will end.
Second: why the hell he is so good looking? It should be a crime. And… “I forgot to check that mark on his wrist…” You closed your eyes and placed your hand against your forehead, praying for whoever were up there in the skies to look for you through the next weeks and months. “Fine, you gotta recompose yourself, y/n.” You slapped your cheeks with your hands, it burned a little, but you felt yourself back to action. “Now, head to the next class…”
On the other hand, Geto Suguru met Satoru on the hallway. His friend asked him so many questions. But all he could think about was you. You and how flustered you got. He barely touched you, yet he managed it… He found himself looking at you, no, staring at you, your eyes and then… your skin.
Your skin was so empty. Like a blank canvas. Each part of you. Even if he hasn’t seen underneath your clothes, he knew it. Somehow, he had an eye for it… And, he was a tattoo artist, he absolutely had an eye for it.
He longed for you, to touch your skin and mark you. Paint you and discover unknown places on your body. Just some ink on your skin would thrill him, for him to paint your silk and warm skin… A delicate flower on your nape, maybe a small sun behind your ear… A snake in between your breasts or around your wrists… An anchor just right on the bottom of your tummy… And if he was lucky enough, maybe a four-leaf clover on your pelvis as charm for whoever got to see you and what you hide underneath your serious facade.
That must be me…
Some weeks later
You ambled away on the counter, a glass of some coloured drink you found yourself enjoying too much for your taste. Your eyes roamed over that place you were with your friends, Utahime and Shoko, when they finally stopped on them.
“Y/n, you’re so serious. What’s up?” Utahime raised an eyebrow at you. The black-haired wondered what made you get so silent today. You were oddly quiet for a Friday night.
“Nahh, just chilling.” You dismissed her and took another sip of your drink. “Tough week at work, ya know?”
“Her students got her crazy, Hime, don’t mind it.” Shoko walked past you to lean on the same counter as you. With challenging eyes, the brunette stated. “Bet we could make her forget about them.”
Take that long black hair out of my mind and then we talk, you rolled your eyes.
“Agreed.” Utahime smirked and, before you could protest, they had you by both your arms dragging you to the dance floor.
“Hey! No, Hime, Shoko, I don’t dance!” You tried to reach them, however, they were invincible on they will. “Let me go!”
“No way, baby, we’re going to dance” Utahime said when the three of you stopped at the middle of the dance floor. Some random song playing out loud made your body tremble. Too loud.
“Come on, y/n, it’s Friday, forget about work for a night, okay? For us, please.” Shoko said as her body started to move. You laughed at their faces and followed their pace. Yeah, maybe it was really good if you forgot School for a night, right?
Right, I might even get someone who will make me forget him…
Soon enough you felt yourself hot, maybe it was the tight dress you decided to wear this night, maybe from the amount of bodies that were dancing vividly there, you didn’t care. It felt good, you felt free, and, for a moment, you forgot everything but your friends and dancing along the song. You were not drunk, but surely the alcohol got its effects on your body, you felt light. Happy.
You needed one more drink, for sure. There’s no way you wouldn’t enjoy this night without one more, you licked your lips in anticipation already feeling the taste on your tongue.
“Girls, I’ll get some alcohol, y’all want more?”
“No!” They said in unison, you laughed out loud with them and left to the bar again. There you found the barista and ordered one drink for you. Meanwhile, you gazed him. He was fine, had a black stripe tattoed on his face that made him sexier than ever and a long black hair tied into a bun…
Black hair.
“Fuck” You muttered when his face showed up on your mind again, couldn’t you just stop thinking about him? “Please, get me the strongest you have there.”
“Mmm” He stared at you with interest. “Such a change of choices, what happened?”
“I’m trying to have some fun, what about you?” You smirked at him and raised an eyebrow. He had a nice smile too, nice lips… You might have some fun tonight.
“Bet my night could be better with someone by my side.” You found yourself watching him prepare your beverage, nice and pretty arms…
“Mmmm, who could have the pleasure to?” You stated and leaned more to listen to his reply, he’s on your hands you know it. And you just need him to answer your signals and you both will have some fun…
“What about it to be y-“You would never know the man’s answer, since a pair of blue eyes and white hair popped up out of nowhere in front of you. Needless to say, you found yourself back into your sober state instantly.
“Miss l/n? The Miss L/n?” A shocked voice fulfilled your ears and both of you and the man turned to see who it was. Satoru Gojo. Your student. At the same bar you were. Calm down, y/n, you’re the same age, of course this would happen someday.
“Just Y/n, Satoru, we’re out of professional place” You sight and smile at him. You can feel he’s analysing you and your clothes, your state. Fuck. “What brings you here, then?”
“My friend’s studio is just by the end of the avenue, he wanted me to get us some alcohol for when he’s done with his job.” He gave you a mischievous smile. “And you, y/n, what are you doing here?”
“It’s Friday, Satoru, I have friends.” You said sarcastically as you picked up your drinks from the barista, his eyes said something to you, but you were not in the mood anymore. “I can think of other stuff than college, you know?”
“I know, miss, don’t worry.” He laughed while he crabbed some beer. You wondered which one of his friends he was going to meet… No, you were now following that train of thought. “Anyway, I’d be please if you introduced me to some of your friends…”
“Mmm, nope. Bye, gotta go.” You waved at him and smiled sadly to the barista. “My friends are waiting for me.”
“Y/n!” You heard him protest, but you were already on your way to the dance floor. Why had it to be Satoru Gojo? What did he get eyeing yourself? Was his friend around? You didn’t want to find out if he was, not at all.
Maybe you want…
“Girls, girls” You called them, and they turned to you, their skin bright with sweat. “We gotta leave. Now.”
“Oh-wait? Leave?” Utahime complained. “Why? Don’t tell me you want to go work-“
“No, it’s not it!” You said it louder. “I was getting along with the barista and…”
“The barista, uh?” Utahime giggled and Shoko sent you that smile.
“Shut up, Hime.” You rolled your eyes and, drink in one hand, and her arm on the other, you pushed them outside. “One of my students is here.”
“Oh, so it’s job related.” Shoko pinched the bridge of her nose. “Why would you care about a single student, y/n?”
“Uhm, ah…” You stumbled with your words, and their pissed expressions suddenly changed to curious ones. “How can I explain…”
“He’s the one who clearly flirted with you in classes?” Utahime spitted it out fast and clear, you couldn’t help but blush a little. Hell.
“Wait. Is that the reason? He flirted with you and now you’re running away?” Shoko glanced at you with unbelievable eyes. “That’s not the y/n I know…”
“Fuck you two!” You almost screamed and you hung your hand above with middle finger in the air to them. “No, he’s not the one who flirted with me, he’s his friend. And I’m sure that mother fucker will call him there. And, yes, I don’t want to meet him here, I don’t know if things would get professional still.”
“So… You want to make out with him, but you’re still afraid of how it’ll affect your job.” Shoko stated. You nodded and you felt your cheeks warm at the realization. “Hm… Not only make out, I see.”
“Y/n, please, fuck your job. Won’t this be an only nightstand? Go fuck that man if he shows up, I’m sure you’ll spell him…” Utahime said with a laugh. “I want to go back inside…”
“Nope, I won’t be going back.” You plodded down the road, getting away from the bar’s entrance. They followed you complaining, but not letting you go alone. “Do you have anything in mind for us to go now?”
“We’re too beautiful and hot to go home now.” Utahime enounced, her index finger on her bottom lip. Her thoughtful face serious when she stared the dark sky.
“What if we get some tattoos?” Shoko said, her arms crossed on her chest and a challenging look at you and Utahime. “I heard there’s a good studio near here…”
“But…” You tried to argue, and she raised an eyebrow.
“Afraid, y/n?”
“What? No!”
“Then, you and I and Hime are heading to the studio. What about it, Hime?” She turned her head to Utahime who was smiling devilish.
“Great, great.” She spread her arms wide. “This is just the beginning of the night.” And then she smirked at you. “We might even find someone out there.”
If luck’s on my side, nope. We’re not.
Well… Luck isn’t on your side. Not at all. However, it depends on the point of view, right?
Getou Suguru saw when you got into his studio from inside his place. You were… stunning. And these were not the proper words to describe you, but he found himself speechless. He daydreamt of you, of your skin getting painted by his hands the whole weeks past your first met. And there you were. What reason would bring you there if not to ink your skin?
“That’s interesting…” He whispered when he watched you and your friends sit down on the coach, he wondered why you seemed so pissed with them. They mocked with you so many times about something that a sweet pout formed on your smooth lips. He wanted to stain your lipstick…
“Sugur-!” Satoru called him too loud, however the dark haired one hushed him before you realized who were inside that place.
“Shut up, Satoru” He whispered, and Satoru shut his mouth. His blues eyes curious about the sudden behaviour of his friend.
“I brought the beers you asked me… Why are we whispering?”
“Look out there.” Suguru prodded his head, his hair falling on his side on the loosen bun above his head. “We have interesting costumers tonight…”
“She ran away from me… At the bar.” Satoru said and smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. “Don’t look at me like that, Suguru, bet she was afraid of finding you after all.”
“Why would you say that?” He placed his recently cleaned equipment on his working table. Everything organized from the last customer he appointed. I wasn’t expecting to work more tonight, guess I’ll open exceptions…
“It’s been weeks since our first class with her, and it’s clearly that she feels uneasy, in the good way, when you’re around.” He smirks and roll his eyes. “I’m sure you don’t need me to say this, you know it yourself. And… I’d pay to see her reaction to that…” He pointed to the other’s arms.
His right arm from wrist to his right chest was full of ink. The biggest and largest one a snake that wrapped all that extension, that’s the one you saw a hint of ink on your first class. He will never forget your curious eyes. He wanted to tease you so bad about it, but you were already on your “professor” facade, it would only mess with him. And there’s his favorite one, a dragon on his forearm. Would you like this one as well? And the smallest ones? He wondered…
“Yeah, but you’ll not have this pleasure, only me.” Suguru flexed his arms and stretched himself. “Now, stop staring at her friend, you’re going to mess with my carpet if drool slips from your mouth.”
“Yuck, why did you have to say that?”
“Get out of here, Satoru, we gotta work.” He stared at your face from behind his door, you were worried about something. It was probably about getting your first tattoo, but it doesn’t matter. He would make it a special moment for you, very special.
You almost cursed when you saw Satoru once again that night. He’s here. I’m sure. Oh, my fucking God.
He showed no reaction to you at all, he was dressed up as the same he was at the bar, however, he politely greeted you and your friends. He guided you three about the process and the payment. When he finished, you three nodded in understanding.
“Fine, last warning: we have only one tattoo artist at the house in the moment.” His eyes ghosted over each one of you, but you’re sure they took longer at Utahime’s, the bright on her eyes said she noticed as well. “So, who’s going to be the first one? Shoko? Utahime?’ Her name slipped from his mouth like honey, and you almost blushed for being the third wheel there. “Or miss y/n?”
“Satoru, I’ve already warned you before, there’s no miss out here.” You complained lowly, however your girls listened to you, their bodies turned to you in a rush as what do you mean you know this hot guy and haven’t told us. “We know ourselves from College…”
Satoru giggled at their expressions since their mouths formed a perfect ‘o’. You rolled your eyes and huffed. “Okay, who’s going to be the first one?”
Shoko answered you first, with a devil-may-care expression. “I already have one, I wonder what your reaction to your first tattoo will be, my dear girls.”
“I have some stuff to do…” Utahime dismissed you both with a wave of her hands. She was clearly flirting with Satoru and now ignored you both.
“Fine, so there’s only me.” You gulped your fear while you held your hands together. They were sweaty, an unease feeling rose inside you. You weren’t supposed to do that, instead, something brought you there. Not your friends’ will, but your own. “Who’s in charge?”
“It’s me, teacher.” You froze in place when you listened to his voice. How could you not recognize him? The one who’s been on your mind ever since you first met. “So, I’ll get the pleasure to mark you, miss Y/N.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Ah-uh- “You stumbled with your words before turning around to meet him. Nothing prepared you for the sight. Nothing.
He was wearing a black tank top, so dark as his dark hair could be. They highlighted his muscled arms and his… tattoos. You found out what you’ve been dreaming of, what he hid underneath his long sleeved shirts.
His skin was art. There’s the only way to describe it. Art. Inked from his wrist and meandered to his covered chest. You wondered if he had more of them that were covered… Fuck.
“Miss?” Suguru Geto called you back from your reveries and, by the smirk he wore on his lips, he knew what you were thinking. “Aren’t you coming in?”
“Okay.” You coughed; mouth dry from nervousness when you stepped closer to him. Not before you said to the girls. “If you need something, call me as soon as possible, right?”
By their expressions, you were sure they knew who he was, and you wanted to punch their faces more than anything. They dismissed you with jiggles and ‘it’s okay, enjoy your time.’
You rubbed your hands in order to recompose yourself before looking straight at him. Your bodies were close when you walked next to the door he was leaned on. You’d show him no fear. I’m Y/n L/s, I fear no one. “So, Suguru Geto, how do we begin?”
“Please, make yourself at home.” He smirked and his eyes had a dangerous bright when he opened his arms showing you the way. Gee, make me not regret this, please.
“So… Tattoo artist?” You stared at him with curious eyes, an attempt to hide your nervousness to be not only around him, but to get your first tattoo.
“Mmm” He muttered as he picked up his books with designs and settled them on your lap, you were seated on his armchair, he crouches in front of you and opened them before his eyes meet yours. “Yes, this is how I gain money to pay my bills and more.”
He observed you as you flipped through the pages, you tried to avoid stare at his arms or anything but his face. His designs were… beautiful. More than beautiful. “What do you think about them?”
“Art.” You breathed out when you passed the tip of your finger above the lines. “They’re art.”
He left out a muffled laugh and kept staring at your reactions. You were exquisite. Someone who lived so much to rise as a teacher at that College, but amazed by his simple stuff. “Miss.”
You turned your face to him. “Suguru, you don’t need to call me ‘miss’, we’re not in class.” You frowned your eyebrows in annoyance. “There’s no need for formalities.”
“I’m quite into our formalities, y/n” He whispered, and you felt your heart racing inside your chest. The way he looked at you messed with your mind; he couldn’t be staring at you like that. No one should’ve stared at you like that.
“M-mm, which one do you think I should do?” You stuttered showing him his own designs. Changing the topic for the better, always.
I see what you’re doing, y/n. And I quite enjoy the road we’re taking.
“Okay, allow me to show you�� He stood up and took the books off your hands. “Is it your first one?”
“Ye-yes, and my friends brought me here. I can’t just go away, otherwise they’d kill me.” You laughed while he put away his books, just to show with a small mirror in hands.
“Hold this.”
“Why haven’t you tried before?” He tightened his bun above his head when he walks behind the armchair you were settled. “I wouldn’t let them kill you, for a matter of fact.” He whispered when he placed himself behind you, hands hovering your nape. “Allow me?”
“Wha-what?” Your cheeks were reddish. You were sure. And fuck Suguru geto for making you stutter. He indicated that he was going to hold your hair behind your ears, a raised eyebrow for you. “Oh, right, sure.”
“Look, first I thought you could have one here.” His fingers fondled the skin behind your ear, that was hard not to shiver. So hard. “Maybe that sun you saw previously, what do you think?”
“Maybe.” You muttered. “I don’t think it is a good idea, since… you know… The teacher thing…”
“Mmm, fair point. So, on your nape is out of question?” He lowered himself and you felt his breath against your skin, he pulled your hair higher to expose your skin. “I have a flower… Maybe a sunflower that would fit you right for there.”
“Please, no. Not yet.” You bit your lips, this was going way to far, maybe if you set off the thing…
“Why not? You aren’t afraid, are you? Of the pain? What is it that you’re hiding, miss y/n?”
“What?!” You jumped on your place when he whispered that on your ear. He was so close, you heart beating so fast. You felt hot, something inside you felt hot and you had to cross your legs. “I’m no-ot hiding anything, it’s nothing.”
“Tell me, miss y/n. Why are you so nervous around me? If you have no secrets to hide…” He let go of your hair, his palm ghosted your spine till the bottom of your back. “If you tell me, I might even show you other places I’ve dreamt of tattooing you…”
“Where?” You muttered, afraid of his answer, but your curious heart and mind spit the words out. Your hand reached his wrist, his inked one. “Where do you want to do it?” His skin was hot under your touch. You felt hot, your breath was heavy. You were more awake than ever before, all your senses enlightened.
“Darling, you have to say the words first.” He teased you but didn’t move away from your touch. Despite the fact that you were really nervous about getting your tattoo, this… provocation with him made adrenaline run through your bloodstream. It felt right. It felt good. “Tell me, what secrets do you hide underneath this fierce of yours?”
“My parents” You mused, avoiding his gaze. “I’ve always done my best, I escalated higher and higher with my efforts, but none of them were truly mine, just a few. Mostly I was afraid of their judgment, yet here I am. That’s why I hesitate so much about getting a tattoo in some exposed part of my body.” You released your breath; it was too much. You’ve never told anyone this, but him. Here’s gone all the foundation I’ve built, he’s going to tell everyone how weak I am…
“If you’re thinking I will expose yourself because you’re going to get a tattoo with me, you dead wrong, miss y/n.” His eyes are serious when he turns around to be face-to-face with you. His big hands settled on both of your shoulders. “You did think it, right?”
You nodded slightly; you couldn’t bear his gaze. Not at all. “You think I’m stupid, for sure. What kind of woman would say that?”
“No, not at all.” He shook his head and gave you a careless grin. “I wonder if it isn’t the time for you to be a little more rebellious… is it?”
The tension against your shoulders got easier with his words, you smiled, and he caressed your shoulder blades with his fingers. Good. “you said you were going to show me the places, Suguru Getou.” You teased him now, mirror placed somewhere else forgotten when you placed your hands against his biceps. “I demand you, so show me then.”
“So, demanding, miss Y/n” Suddenly, his hands were not on your shoulders anymore, but on your waist, holding you in place while his face hovered over yours. His dark eyes shining with something dangerous that made your core ache. “Darling, I think you have forgotten about your words to me…”
Meanwhile, he locked in place with one hand, the other got along the sides of your dress just to stop above your neck. Your back against his work armchair, his lips so close to yours and you wondered how they would taste, how would they feel in other places….
“Miss? Cat got your tongue?” He smirked and your eyes came back to his, you could slap him if you were not in that position. How dare him smile like this to you.
“Don’t. Call. Me. Miss.” You muffled and squirmed your body underneath his. He laughed and his following words sent shivers down your spine.
“I’ll do whatever I want to, darling, this is my domain. You’ll do as I please.”
You didn’t have enough time to react, no when his lips swallowed any words you could spit up.
His kiss burned your lips, your body. His hand tightens on your waist, while the other enveloped your neck and his thumb rested on your cheek.
Your first kiss with Suguru Geto could burn down the world if you meant to. And, for some reason, you matched. Your tongues fighting together made you embarrassingly wet and you knew your panties were stained with your slick. Fuck.
His body rubbed yours, your fingers grasped on his black tank tops while he leaned down on you to kiss your neck. He nibbled your sensitive skin and you mewled. A small whining echoing your lips.
“Miss, I’ve been dreaming of it for a while ever since we met” he said against your neck, his lips touching that place, feeling your heart rate so fast. This is how he got you, and he felt proud of himself. Only him. “That sweet red of your cheeks, that sounds… Don’t try hiding them from me, I forbid you. Show me everything you are.”
“But-but what if they hear us…” You swallowed a moan when he came back sucking your skin, his hands hovering your sides and legs in between yours, spreading you apart. You bit your lips when his knee rubbed the inner part of your tights, you were shamelessly wet and now the friction almost made you wheeze.
“Would you feel comfortable if we went to my place?” He suggested, an unease sweet action of his right now, since you were… you know… “It’s right above the studio, they won’t mess with us.”
You nodded. Mind still numb when his hands stood you up. He’s strong. “Come on, baby, I haven’t finished with you yet.” He walked with you by the hallway. His hand on the bottom of your back, fingers caressing your covered skin with sooth movements. He turned you on more and more.
“Don’t forget to show me where you want to get me tattooed, Suguru.” You whispered when you two got in front of a door, he stood behind you while he searched for his keys. However, your words twisted his insides, his cock throbbed against his clothes. His trousers too tight and dry for his taste, he wanted you.
With these words, you were pinned against the wooden door, his hands locked yours above your head. His lips against your nape, sucking and biting. Another hickey to be added with the one lower on your neck. You felt his crotch against your ass cheeks, and he was hard. Painfully hard. You moaned at the feeling, if he was that big, he will surely destroy you somehow. “Come on, Suguru, do your best and open the fucking door.”
“Fine” He growled. In a wink of an eye, he opened the door and closed it. He pinned you against the wall and kissed you harshly, his massive hands grabbed you by your ass and squeezed your flesh. With your back against the wall, you wrapped your legs around his waist.
His tank top lost somewhere next to the door and now you could see all his tattooed chest. Black ink covered his skin, it was beautiful, pretty. You wanted to kiss that snake that came from his wrist to near his nipple, that one dragon on his forearm. You wanted to kiss him entirely.
“Enjoying the view, miss?” He provoked you while nibbled the bottom of your neck. He handled the strap of your dress down, just to reveal your bra. Your favourite red one that matched with your panties. It was like you predicted you were to meet him this night. “Needless to say that I am, right?”
He feasted with your body. Biting and sucking the skin of your neck and collarbone, you whimpered every time he moved, and his crotch rubbed your clothed pussy. You were hell wet and he knew it, yet he neglected to touch you where you needed the most. “Suguru, come on…”
“There’s no need to rush ourselves, darling.” He whispered against your skin and his hips were moved just to tease you, his cock rubbed against you clothed folds and clit again. Damn bastard.
However, when he kissed you, you felt yourself being carried away from the wall. He made himself to his room with you on his arms, non-stopping his kisses on your skin. When your back touched his mattress and his bed, he moaned with the way your boobs bounced.
“I swear, I could cum only with this.” He said while taking off your bra, exposing your bare tits to the cold air. You shivered but you had no time to react, only moan, when he pinched your hard nubs in between his knuckles with both of his hands. “Yes, sweetheart, you like that, right?”
His ministrations didn’t stop when he leaned down to lock his lips on yours once more, his teeth biting your bottom lip and his body shook in pleasure with the muffled moan you left out. He wanted more and more of you. More. “Sugu-suguru, ah!”
“I said I was going to show you the places I wanted to tattoo you, remember?” He muttered; his teeth nibbled the shell of your ear while you mumbled a week ‘yes’. ‘” I’ve already shown you two: one there” his fingers touched the skin behind your ear, and you shivered in anticipation. “Then here” he slides softly till he settles on your nape. He plays with your hair there, in love with the sensation of you and youonly. He’s hard as rock, he wants to take you and make you his. But not now, he has to wait. And he is a patient man.
“Then I’d slide there… slowly…” His hand fell down from your nape, sliding through your neck, collarbone, you felt hot underneath his touch and loved to see your eyes darkening with desire while his cold fingers ran down your skin till the middle of your two breasts. “There, there’s the place I’d love to tattoo.” His index hovered up and down from your collarbone to the bottom of your chest, you were speechless. Everything was hot and you were so turned on, although he hasn’t done nothing yet. “I’d love to see you with a snake tattooed all the way here” He played with your nipples, not touching them properly, but playing with them. Your core throbbed with his words. “Or a dagger, you’d be even sexier, if that’s possible. What do you think?”
“Yeah, sounds good, good.” You mewled when he kissed your mounds again, teeth playing with your hard nubs. You knew he will leave marks on your body, but you didn’t care. You’d leave yours too, his back, his neck, your claws covered all his bare skin with red. But, again, he wouldn’t complain even if you craved your name on his skin.
“And the last one for today.” He smirked when both of his hands grabbed the hem of your dress and he took of your dress and panties together. You tried to close your legs and hide yourself from him, however, he wouldn’t let you deprive him from such view. No way. “Darling, you trying to hide yourself from me?
“Mmm” You moaned when his thumb played with your clit, circle movements and he felt how wet you are.
“So wet for me… Tell me, miss, you desired me since the first time we met? You wanted to feel full of my cock on your wet pussy? Tell me, or you wanted my mouth to play with you, to taste you and make you feel good?” His cock twitched while he felt your clit throbbing against his thumb, he pinched your honeyspot and his name echoed from your mouth. Music to his ears. “Answer me, miss y/n, otherwise I’ll stop touching you.”
“Ye-yes, ye-yes, please don’t stop.” You cried out and he couldn’t say no to you. Not when his wet dreams were becoming true, not when he thought of you so many nights and got off on his hand all alone thinking of you underneath him, crying out his name.
He collected your juices, his fingers played with your slit. You were so soft under his touch and your whimpers… God, he will never get over you. He leaned down and kissed your tummy, then his tongue played with your skin just to stop by your pelvic bone to say “here’s where I wanted the most, a place that only I could tattoo and see, only this way someone could find out about the four-leaf clover, the luckiest one to see this is me, and me only. Right, miss?”
You babbled your answer to him, a song of ‘yes’ and ‘more’ when he kissed your folds. His tongue opened you up to him, he held your legs spread while he feasted himself with your juices, slick all over his face. And you screamed when he sucked your clit. God, you are just so perfect to me.
“Su-suguru, a-ah!” You felt yourself spacing out, the knot on your tummy tightened and you gasped when he inserted one finger inside you. “F-fuck.”
“Is it of your liking, miss? Should I put one more inside you?” He pounded that one finger in and out of you slowly, his voice reverberated throughout your sensitive cunt and you cried out in agreement, he stretched you out and it burned a little, but you were having the utmost pleasure.
“Faster, faster…” You begged and he heard you. Two fingers in and out of you, his tongue sucking your clit and you felt yourself snapping when your orgasm came. Your high made your sight blank and your breath heavier when you called out his name. his ministrations didn’t stop till you almost felt overstimulated when he rode you through your orgasm.
When you were back, you had the sight of Suguru Geto kneeled in between your legs. Your slick drowning his face and a mischievous smile on his lips. “Like it?” You nodded, still numb when he stood up and placed his index finger above your lips. “Suck. Now.” You shivered with his orders and, when he inserted it on your mouth, you licked it whole. “Good girl, see, how good you taste?”
“I want more” you said and stared at the bone on his trousers. “I want you, Suguru. I want you here.” Your fingers played with your lips, exposing your cunt to him. He got rid of the rest of his clothes and now you saw him at his fullest.
His body was sculpted by some divinity, you were sure. His tattoos made him even sexier. And his cock… it was so hard, the tip red and glistening with precum. You licked your lips at the sight, he smirked at you. He was big, length and shaft, and he knew it. You were salivating.
“Hold on, little girl, you’re having it all for you.” He found himself unfolding the condom against his shaft, you throbbed while watched him. Anticipation filed your guts. When he was done, he folded your legs up, his hands on your tights holding you in place while your knees were above his shoulders. “Come on, take me all, take me good, baby, I know you can do it.”
His tip slid in between your wet folds slowly, you felt your wall clenching in order to accommodate him. It burned, you felt tears filling your eyes. “Y/n, baby, I’ll stop if you want to-“
“Don’t you dare.” You hissed. “Go on, fuck. Go on.” He stimulated your clit again, to make this easier. It wasn’t your first time, you had sex before him. Still, you struggled to take him. When he finally made himself into you, it felt like paradise. He was in heaven itself, and heaven’s in between your legs. “a-ah, y/n, you’re taking me so well.”
You moaned when he folded your legs even more and leaned to kiss you, his hips moving slowly in and out of you. You felt full and warm. You saw starts every time he reached that spot you loved the most. “Su-suguru…”
“Yes, yes, y/n, good girl.” He moaned when your walls tightened around his shaft again. “You like it when I praise you? Good. Fucking. Girl. Taking me like this.” He pounded harder against you each word said. He was right. Being praised by him was one of a kind thing you’ve never thought it would make you feel good.
“I’m- I’m” You babbled when you felt your high coming again. The knot on your belly getting tight and tight. “Suguru-“
“Yes, baby, come on, cum with me. Let’s cum together.” He hurried his pace. Lewd sounds echoed all the room from your bodies meeting against each other and your mouths from where your moans escaped from. “A-ah, darling, you ha-have no-no idea of how many night I dreamt of this alone. You’re so go-good to me, come on, cum, cum around me, make a mess of me.”
Your high and his snapped together. You two moaned and both of your movements got sloppy all along. He fell above his arms not to hurt you and kissed your swollen lips. “This was the best sex I’ve ever had, miss.”
“I think you can stop calling me miss by now, don’t you?” You jiggled and kissed him back. He laughed when he fell to your side, he threw the used condom on the trash can near his bed and then turned to you.
“No, I can’t.” He placed you in between his arms. Now you two were cuddling, his dark hair like a curtain against the pillow. “It’s to sexy to call you like that after we fucked, so, nope, I won’t be stopping. You’ll have bear your sexual memories while I call you miss during classes.”
“No, way!” You laughed out loud, and the thought of classes seemed so distant. “I don’t want to think about college and work now, let us be together still. And, you dreamt about me all those months and weeks?” You raised an eyebrow at him
“Fine,” he kissed your forehead and then whispered again. “Yes, miss, I’ve been dreaming of you since we first met. You have no idea how hard it is to pay attention on what you’re saying when you walk around so beautiful and hot like this.”
“Mmm” You drowned yourself on the crook of his neck. “If you wanted to get me flustered, fine, you won.”
“HAHAHA!” He laughed against your hair. “Darling, I want so many things from you, I don’t plan on letting you go.”
“What first, then?”
“Have you decided which tattoo you want?”
Monday again and you watch your students come in your classroom. You managed to get your things ready earlier that day. Your phone rang out loud and you see Utahime’s name on the display, you smile remembering that she spent the whole weekend with Satoru Gojo while you, on the other hand, spent it with Suguru Getou. Your memories still bright on your mind when you answer her calling.
“Morning, Y/n. How’s my girl doing?”
“I’m fine, dear. Students getting into class, right now.”
“How’s your new tattoo, tell me you’re taking proper care of the stitches.”
“I am, baby, don’t worry.”
“mm, great. What is it, by the way?”
“Surprise, Hime, surprise.” With your lips curled up you watch Satoru and Suguru getting into your class and found themselves some place to settle down. Satoru’s speaking energetically to Suguru, but the dark haired one just has his eyes on you. “You have no idea of who arrived…”
“I wonder why you would think I’d be interested if Satoru’s on your class now.”
“Who said it was him?” You smirked
“Fuck you, y/n! How about the tattoo artist?”
“we’re…” You smiled at him while he greeted you with a muffled ‘miss’. “Getting along well. That’s all I can say.” You checked on your clock. “Hime, gotta hang out. Time to class. Bye, darling!”
“Bye, baby”
When you turn yourself to greet them, you felt lucky. Suguru smiled proudly of you, and you felt so lucky to have him, to have met him. And, well, the four-leaf clover on your hip bone had so many meanings to you and him. But mainly to you. It was a part of you now, a part of your story. And you’d be proud of who you were.
“Now, class, shall we beging?”
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kaiorik · 4 years
Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento with a S/O that flinches when they're arguing
Request: Halo! Can i ask gojo and nanami reacts to reader flinching while they are arguing? Angst is my life😺. Thank you, have a nice day<3
Angst; fluff; mentions of domestic violence; mentions of dead parents; swearing
Autor's note: this is the second request akwvsiw, i hope you can enjoy it!
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Gojo Satoru
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The two of you really never argued with eachother, but when you did, from your perspective it was very scary.
Gojo would look at you with his big blue eyes, and you could feel the anger of his self.
The reason for him it wasn't that much of a deal, but for you it was important and you feared you could lose him one day because of his "job" wich was literally fight with curses.
"You can't do this to me Satoru! I need you to understand that i'm scared i might lose you one day!" You said while your eyes got tears on them.
"And i need you to understand that it isn't a big deal! I'm fine you see?! I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN THE REST! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TRUST ME!" Gojo had screamed back at you. By that time, you already were scared, and the thoughts of your parents dying on a mission started to get in your mind.
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO HAVE THE SAME FATE AS MY PARENTS! THAT'S WHY!... Gojo... Can't you see that all of this is hurting me? It's hurting us." You could already feel the tears running trough your face. You just couldn't live without him.
"For fuck sake y/n! I'm not weak like that "parents" you had" Gojo was obviously irritated, why couldn't you just believe him when he promised he would always be by your side?
With anger running trough his veins he lifted his right hand to cover his eyes with such force, it made you flinch.
Gojo just couldn't believe what his eyes saw, you had flinched, you tought he was going to hit you? No way... no way... no...
"Y/n, did you just-" He tried to talk to you.
"No! Don't worry Satoru... i'm fine" You just stared at the floor. "Uhm, i'm going to sleep, good night and don't stay up until late ok?" Without waiting for his response, you went to your room and closed the door.
After Gojo cleared his mind and knew what to do, he went to the shared room you had, when he entered, he expected you to be asleep, but to his surprise you weren't.
"Hey...", ... after waiting for you to talk back, wich you didn't, he saw your puffy eyes and he remembered you were crying, he didn't noticed it at first, but when he imagined your beautiful face covered in tears his world fell down.
"Y/n i'm sorry, i'm so sorry i screamed at you, i'm so sorry i made you worry about me, i was just angry and my day wasn't that good, i made you flinch and i don't think i can forgive myself after that, but please talk to me y/n" He pleaded while he ran to you and hugged you from behind, hiding his face on your neck.
When you felt the tears on your shoulder you faced him back and hugged him. "Listen Satoru, i care for you and the simple thought of losing you beacuse of a curse is destroying me, i love you, and i need you to understand how i feel."
Gojo just nooded and you two fell asleep, after that day, he made sure to give you a goodbye kiss and reasure you that he was going to be okay.
Angst; mentions of death; cursing
Nanami Kento
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You knew that Nanami was always safe, that he could face any curse and he would still be okay.
You wondered why Nanami didn't came home for days, you were worried.
You two just had a fight the day he left the house and didn't came back, was it your fault? Bet you didn't knew what exactly happened.
Nanami came home at late hours, 2 am, 4 am, even 6 am, but he always left at 7 or 8 am, and you understood it, he had a job, and he kinda loved it, but sometimes you wondered if it wasn't too much presure for him.
You couldn't even remember the last time you saw his face so that night you waited for him. He entered the house and saw you sitting in the couch.
"What are you doing awake at this hour? Let's go to bed, bet you're tired" You could feel how he was worried and sleepy at the same time.
"Yeah uhm, can we talk?" That phrase made Nanami get palid, he thought the worst and with fear in his eyes he looked at you.
"Yes, what you want to talk about?" Nanami tried his best to keep himself calm.
"Well, i have noticed that you come home at late hours, and i understand!, but we barely see eachother, and you know... i miss you, so... i was wondering... if we could spend more time together?..." Oh, so that was it, what a relieve.
But he really didn't understand, he was right there, so why can't you be happy with it?
"Y/n i'm here with you, let's just forget that, and go to bed, it's already late and for sure you're tired"
"No Kento, i'm done with this, i just want you to be by my side and you just talk to me like it is nothing!" You were angry, how could he?
He was more angry than you, he thought you were selfish, why did you asked for more? Wasn't that enough?
"FOR F SAKE Y/N I CAN'T WITH YOU ANYMORE" After that he lifted his hand. He was going to hit you?
You fliched back and tripped with the carpet, that made you fell, but you didn't get up, you just covered your face and tears started to leave from your eyes.
Nanami noticed you on the floor, he had lifted his hand to brush it trough his hair, why did you flinch? Why were you now on the floor?. Realization punched him like cold water, and when he tried to get you up you just stared back at him in horror.
The next thing he did was leave the house, and day after day after day you knew nothing about him anymore, he didn't came home after that.
After one month.
You were shopping in the mall, you still missed Nanami, and you were searching for him. You heard voices talking.
X person: "Hey did you heard the news?"
B person: "Oh, about the man that died because of a curse? Yeah i heard that, i wonder if his family knows he is dead."
X person: "What was his name? Nanami? Namani? Nami?"
B person: "It's Nanami i think, poor man, i wish someone could have saved him."
He... was dead? Was that the reason you didn't knew anything from him for days?
No, it's a lie, couldn't be dead, he wasn't dead right?
You conected the dots, and you knew. The days he didn't came home, he didn't send you messages, you waited for him, but he never showed in front of you.
It was true.
When you got back home you cried, you felt like you wanted to die just to be with him, why did that happened? Why the last thing he had from you was an horror face and not a goodbye hug?
Till this day, you still regret it, even if you weren't selfish, you wish that in another life or another world, you and Nanami could still be together, and you tell to yourself you won't commit the same accident. For now, you need to live with the regret and with the sadness of his departure.
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This was so sad to write, once again sorry if i have grammar errors.
This is for @lonely-dreamer , i hope you enjoy it! If you have any recomendation and you want me to change some parts just tell me and i'll do it.
Another person requested to @ them in this work, so @inumakiful here it is :)
Thank you for the requests!
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callivich · 3 years
This took me a while because I am terrible at coming up with prompts, but I wish you would write a fic where, Lip and Mickey acknowledge that they are friends and are important to each other. 🖤👬 I loved your post-anniversary fic and I just need more mickey & lip content!
Aww, thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed the post-anniversary fic. So, here’s a little sequel to that, set the morning after:
(This is canon-divergent as I’m changing it so either Frank doesn’t die or they aren’t informed until after this.)
Lip (8:42am): need me to come and get one of you to pick up the ambulance?
Mickey frowns at the message on his phone that had woken him up. It’s too early for this. Ian is, of course, already awake and….changing into his running clothes? Ugh. “Your brother texted.” Mickey mumbles, watching Ian pull on a t-shirt.
“You’re awake.” Ian smiles at him and throws himself on top of Mickey, kissing him softly. “Happy first day of our second year of marriage.”
“Mmm, yeah. Same to you. You seriously going on a run?” He hooks his fingers into the waistband of Ian’s shorts and begins to pull them down.
“Yeah, only because I thought you’d want to sleep for longer. Was gonna come back, wake you up nice and slow and then-”
“Well I’m awake now, no thanks to Lip.”
Ian fumbles for his own phone, smiling as Mickey’s hands go lower, he reads the message that Lip had sent to both of them. “I’ll go.”
“Nah, man, go run. I’ll pick up the ambulance. Haven’t got any pick-ups till 11, so,” he smacks Ian’s ass, “we can start this second year of marriage off with a bang. Literally.” He wiggles his eyebrows and bites his lip.
Ian smirks at Mickey’s cheesy line and kisses him, “Sounds good,” before rolling off him, and pulling his shorts back up. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Don’t shower when you get back. I like it when you’re all sweaty.”
Ian laughs as he leaves. Mickey grins as he thinks of the fun they’ll be having later.
Grabbing his phone, he fires off a quick text to Lip - (8:50): meet you out front in half an hour?
Lip (8:50): k
Mickey showers quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and one of Ian’s hoodies, and drinking the cup of coffee Ian had left him on the counter in the kitchen - next to a note that says ‘🖤 love you :) 🖤’ Fucking dork, Mickey thinks, but he smiles and shoves the note in his pocket.
Lip is already waiting for Mickey when he makes it outside. In the past, he would dread spending any amount of time alone with Lip. But as he slides into the passenger seat, he finds that he doesn’t feel as annoyed as he usually does and Lip’s stupid smirking face doesn’t make him want to throw a punch. Maybe it’s the promise of sex with his husband that has put him in a good mood? Or maybe he doesn’t hate Lip as much as he thinks? Nah, that can’t be right.
“Morning. Surprised it’s you up this early and not Ian. Thought you’d be worn out after last night?” Lip begins the drive towards the Southside, his fingers tapping on the wheel.
“You really wanna know if I’m too tired after getting railed by your little brother?”
“Mickey.” Lip groans, “Fuck no. I was asking if you were hungover. You were wasted.”
“Oh. Nah. M’fine. Ian’s gone for a run. He was gonna let me sleep in but you woke me up with that text.”
“Hazard of having a baby, you forget everyone else isn’t awake at the crack of dawn everyday.”
Mickey shrugs, and they fall into a comfortable silence, and he notices that he’s still not feeling that familiar sense of annoyance that he usually does with Lip. He’s definitely going soft. Ian’s fault probably. He supposes that Lip has been alright recently - helping with the wedding anniversary as though it was no big deal, acting like it was normal that Mickey had asked him for help. There were no sarcastic comments or dirty looks like Mickey was intruding in the Gallagher family. No, he just asked what he could do and helped round up the other siblings to help too. He treated Mickey like he was part of the family. Even Mickey can reluctantly admit that. Even if it is through gritted teeth.
“Thanks for…y’know, driving us home last night and helping me organise the party.” Mickey is staring out the window, his voice low. He doesn’t know why he’s saying this, but he knows Ian would like that he did. And maybe there’s a tiny part of him that likes that he can say this and it doesn’t feel awful. “Especially after that…uh…fight.”
Mickey’s words take Lip by surprise and he’s speechless for a moment. He supposes this is as close to an apology as Mickey would ever give him. And to be fair, Lip knows he needs to say sorry too. But he realises he can’t quite say it either. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. And it won’t happen again.”
Mickey snorts, “Don’t know how you can be sure of that.”
“Well, Ian said - and I quote - ‘hit my husband again, I’ll fucking kill you’. So. Yeah, ain’t gonna happen again. At least from my end. And he’s right. Shouldn’t be getting into it like that with family.”
Mickey is silent for a moment, sneaking a quick glance at Lip. “He said that?”
“Ok. Then, yeah, I won’t hit you again.” He says it easily, with a firm nod. “Probably. If you don’t do anything to piss me off.”
Lip rolls his eyes, “Yeah, because it’s me who’s the annoying fucker.”
“Glad you can admit that.”
And he can’t believe it, but he genuinely laughs at that. Lip can count on one hand the times he actually found Mickey funny. Most of the time he thinks he’s a dick, but lately….well, there’s been moments when he’s not been that bad and, dare he say it, he’s actually not minded being around Mickey. Sure, these have also been countered by moments when he absolutely wants to kill him but there are less and less of those. He must be adjusting to the fact that they’re family now - Mickey’s not some scary, dirty kid from the neighbourhood anymore, he’s not just Mandy’s brother, he’s Ian’s husband. He’s Lip’s brother-in-law. And that means something. So, yeah, he’s gonna treat him like a brother, like family. (As much as he can that is, because Lip isn’t a saint and sometimes Mickey really is very fucking annoying.) But he’s gonna try. That’s the important thing. And it seems like Mickey is going to try too.
“You’re a dick.”
“Yeah, well, got a reputation to uphold. Can’t let you think I’ve gone fucking soft or some shit.”
“Wouldn’t ever think in a million years that the guy who planned a romantic surprise anniversary party for his husband with accordion music and dancers was soft.”
“Fuck off.” But there’s no heat in his words, he’s just got a pleased look on his face. Probably thinking back to the night before.
They get stuck in traffic - due to roadworks where there seems to be less work and more standing around going on. Mickey checks his phone and scrolls through the pictures he took last night, that get steadily and steadily blurrier as the night goes on. It really was a great night. He feels his face flush in happiness just thinking about it. He can’t wait to get home.
Lip is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel again, Mickey notices he looks tired. He thinks back to Lip’s admission that he’d slipped up and had beer, and wonders if he’s had another slip. He could ask him straight out, Ian probably would, but that feels like a step too far. So he decides to hint at it.
“Everything alright with you and Tami?”
“Oh, yeah, you know….just a lot going on.”
“Right.” He shifts in his seat, glances towards his brother-in-law, and sighs. “Yeah, lot of difficult shit going on. Stressful shit.”
Mickey thinks he’s going to have to say it but apparently it’s obvious what he’s thinking. Lip stops tapping the steering wheel. “You fishing to see if I want a drink?”
“Do you?”
“I….sometimes. A bit. I’m going to meetings so.” He shrugs, avoiding Mickey’s eyes.
“Tami know?”
“Sort of.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“There’s just been so much going on. We’ve kinda talked but not properly.”
The traffic starts to move and soon they are almost at the Alibi. “Talking…communicating. All that shit, it fucking sucks but it’s important.” Mickey feels awkward talking to Lip like this, but strangely it doesn’t feel too uncomfortable. “Don’t put it off, it’ll be worse the longer you wait.”
“I know.” Lip pulls up in front of the ambulance. “Thanks.”
“Whatever.” He peers at Lip cautiously. “You’re not gonna tell me you love me again are you?”
“Was hoping you might not remember that considering how drunk you were last night.”
“You’re soft as hell. I’d stick around to make fun of you but I gotta hot date with my husband.” He moves to get out the car, “Thanks for the ride, man.” He gives Lip the finger and a cheeky smile as he walks over to the ambulance, shouting “see ya!” over his shoulder.
For the ask meme: I wish you would write a fic where….
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aquarii-writes · 4 years
Dsmp Headcanons
So ngl I've been really into the dream smp recently and I've been doing a bit of art for it so why not give my headcanons? Also all of these are for the characters not the content creators
Notes: the song referenced in Karl's headcanons is seasonal feathers music box version. This is all I have for now. I’ve lurked around the fandom since about early February and beware this is fucking long
WARNINGS: In some of these I do mention dead parents(various), death in general and as an entity(Philza), alcoholism(Schlatt), and traumatic experiences. None are in detail but just beware. Oh and a slight suicide warning for Dream
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Dream got his mask from his father and Drista got hers from their mother
His mask is specifically a gift from his mother after his father died
Dreams mask is infused with dreamons. His parents made a deal with a few dreamons and the dreamons now live in the masks
He will never say what his eye color is because he doesnt care, but if you can catch him without the mask you'll see his eyes are an amber color
He watched his mother commit when he was about 12~ and when Drista was 6. At the time he didnt want to understand why
WILBUR SOOT(plus Ghostbur)
Wilbur's mother is a fox hybrid(cause ya know I live by the saying that canon is my sandbox and a fuckin fridge doesnt make sense)(Momza anyone?)
His beanie is from his mother along with his love of singing
He has records of his parents singing
He has wings it's just that he never learned to fly
Ghostbur can see various other ghosts he just doesnt realize that no one else can see them
Ghostbur has selective amnesia. He genuinely cant remember parts of his life but some moments are too vivid to forget
He can partially shapeshift to make himself bigger or smaller(23 fuckin feet tall without changing height)
His son, Foolish jr, is biologically his and Jr is a demigod
Jr is too small to see the world yet so Foolish keeps him in an enderchest
Foolish is fully a god
He really likes turtles no damn reason
Aside from keeping his son in a chest, Foolish is a relatively good dad
He's a very good builder and rarely takes time to sleep when hes working on a commission for someone
He is most certainly strong enough to break the egg though he doesnt want to get involved for his sons sake
He is a hybrid blaze born
BBH found Sap in the middle of the Nether playing with a few baby piglins
He met Quacky before Karl but Karl is the reason the three got together
Dispite how loud the voices can be sometimes l they can be rather peaceful. They really only get violent during fights
(Based off my techno design) the skull techno uses as a mask is a hoglin skull
Personally I dont think Philza adopted Techno as a son but Techno kinda became friends with Philza when he was just a kid
Techno was a very small child: especially in comparison to the village he came from in the Nether
Piglin hybrid piglin hybrid
Does not know who his parents are all he knows is that his glasses are from his mother
He has a baby sister(the two are half siblings; they have the same dad)
He literally doesnt need the glasses he just keeps them for the aesthetic and because its the only thing he has from his mom
He has a soft spot for Michael and Michelle since all three of them are forms of piglins
He has very vague memories of his mother
Looks stupidly similar to is grandmother; momza
He has a picture of Philza and Momza on their wedding day
One day when he was just a kid,like 14ish, he found an old sword that used to be Philzas and just never told Phil that he took it
He's time traveled less after getting engaged to Quackity and Sapnap
Most of the books he writes never see the light of day again
Some of his books were actually found by one of Ranboo's descendants(not Ranbob)
One of his more scary experiences is when he accidentally met Dream when he was little. Momma Dream almost killed Karl
He's slightly immune to the effects of dreamon possession
He once found an old music box within the inbetween and he hasnt found a name for the song on the music box
He's known as the Angel of Death, or Deaths Angel for a reason(go look at @resonating-kitty s headcanon post about this. Ngl I love it and think it needs more attention)
After the 'death' of Momza, Philza swore to never love till he met Death once more
He remembers a time where hybrids used to be a lot more common: humans will fuck anything remotely humanoid
He doesnt remember if he has parents. By the time Wilbur was old enough to ask about them Philza made up the story that his parents went on to greet death when Wilbur was a baby
He's the reason for Momza's 'death'
I really like the idea of Schlatt being Tubbo's dad even though it probably wont be canon
When Schlatt was little he watched his father but heads with other ram/sheep hybrids(he found it very funny)
He has a horrid tendency to headbutt people he has strong emotions towards
How hard he headbutts you really depends on what emotions he feels in that moment. The more loving/kind the emotion is the softer he'll be
When in a good mood Schlatt would let Quackity touch his horns
Glatt is a dick head and he knows this. He plays it up to piss people off even more
He comes from a rather large community of ram/sheep hybrids though his family in particular was a little violent
Schlatts first name is Jamison
He has a small ram plush from when he was little: his mother gave it to him before she died
His mother was an alcoholic before him though she was a very sad drunk
Herobrine is their cousin
He is very willing to do next to anything to succeed at something
He doesnt remember his family name
As a kid Eret's mother used to tell them stories of kings and queens. She told them that they could be a ruler one day if they worked hard enough
Their mums name was Elenora
(Based off of @/sctbrr on Twitter. I adore the au they made off this) George is a reincarnation of DreamXD's past lover.
Heterochromia heterochromia
His eyes are brown(left) and blue(right)
His clout glasses allow him to see color
Because he can’t remember his other half he doesn’t know what all he can/can’t do
Though one thing he’s noticed is that he can see much better in the dark than actual people; doesn’t know if he’s half enderman or his other half
As a kid he would pretend to be a dragon with someone. He has a feeling that the person was his father
He has two crowns. One from Techno and one from his mother; it’s one of the few things he genuinely remembers from when he was little
He sees a lot of Tubbo in Michael
Speaking of Michael, the lil one is only about three
He doesn’t know who his parents are and really only saw Philza as a father figure
He’s a ram hybrid like Schlatt
For the longest time he thought bees could understand him
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ga-yuu · 3 years
I have been wondering for a while now. What characters from otome have taugh you valuable lessons? Is that characters your favorite or not?
Actually, now when I think about, I was a really horrible person back in school. I was selfish, I loved manipulating people for my own benefit, I was fake and sometimes I break people's hearts without second thought. Now you might be thinking 'Woah! This girl used be an asshole in school.' Yes! I was....and now when I think about it.....I hate myself.
Now that I'm an adult, I think it's not only otome games and anime that played a part in changing me. It's just, once I became an adult I left behind my childish behavior and started....to be a better person.
Usually when I play an otome game, or watch an anime or even a movie, I do end up learning a thing or two but most of the time I forget about the movie after 2 or 3 weeks, but that life lesson always follows me everywhere. Now otome games, has played a big part in my life but I don't remember every otome games story clearly now....but I'll try. Also most of them might not be my favorites!!
Also !!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!
Lance (Nameless) - I learned how to cherish even the smallest thing that happens in my life.
There is a scene if I remember correctly, where Lance was standing near a trash can in the rain and sees a barbie doll in the trash can.
I felt really bad when I saw that. A doll for me used be a thing that never had feelings. Even if break it or throw it away, it would never cry or even curse me(unless it's possessed)
But now, after seeing that scene, I started to put myself in it’s place and I started to feel how worse it was. A doll you loved so much as a kid is now thrown away like a piece of trash.
From then on, started loving everything I have whether it’s a living thing or non-living thing. Even the laptop I used to write this, even the phone I used to play games, even the pillow I cuddle with in my bed are all precious treasures to me and I want no one to even touch them.
This might sound like I’m crazy, but I don’t care. I love everything that my parents offered me and will cherish it till the end.
Also, do I like Lance? Yup. He’s my 2nd fav. of this game!
Soi (Nameless) - Looking at your own self before criticizing others.
Soi might be an extra in the game, but I still loved her every time she showed up. She’s always shown to be a true friend towards Eri(MC) and always liked her for who she is.
I haven’t played the entire game, but in one route, when Eri tells her friends that she has a hobby of collecting dolls and was ready to hear her friends bashing her about being childish and stuff, Soi was very casual about it and didn’t say anything.
When Eri asked if she was weird for having such a hobby, Soi gives a savage reply like “Dude, I already have many problems in my own life to deal with. Why would I want to increase my burden with yours’= too?” or something like.
That was a very good lesson for me to learn. Before you go out and tell people how should they behave or criticize them, first check yourself. Are you a good person? Is your life problems already solved before you go out and solve other person’s problems?”
Seriously, if you have these kind of people in your life, tell them to FUCK OFF! because they’re toxic as hell.
Lucette (Cinderella Phenomenon) - The person you love and trust might not always be a good person.
Everyone has a person they trust and love. For some, it might be their friends, for some it might be siblings, or for some it might be their pets. No one has the right to judge. But the person you trust might not feel the same way for you.
In this beautifully made game, the MC, Lucette is disliked by everyone because she’s rude, arrogant and never trusted anyone other than her mother. But in the end of the story !! SPOILER ALERT!! her mother was the villain in her entire life.
 Her own mother made her not trust anyone, even her own father for her entire life. When she learned about this truth, she was literally heart broken because the only person she ever loved didn’t love her back. But life doesn’t end there. She stands up again and tries to reconcile with her father, stepmother and step siblings.
Going through betrayal and experiencing heart breaks is traumatizing but it’s also a part of learning....you will learn to not trust anyone blindly. Life doesn’t end there, you have to keep moving on and one day you’ll surely find a person you can trust and rely on.
If you’re still alone, then keep a pet. There is no rule that you should only love humans, right?
Sovieshu (The remarried empress webtoon/ interactive game/light novel) - It only takes one small mistake to collapse your entire world.
It takes great hard work and time to create an strong Empire, but did you know that one small mistake is enough to destroy everything in your life. The webtoon Remarried Empress is a right example of that. (If you haven’t read this, I highly recommend it.)
Sovieshu is piece of SHIT! I won’t lie, but he has thought me this lesson. Sovieshu is a Great Emperor along with Navier, who is the Empress of their country. They both were trained to be the king and queen since they were children and both were the best of friends. Even if they were not lovers, they were still married and Navier has always been faithful towards her husband and the entire Empire.
But one day, Sovieshu happened to meet tRashta(slave) and fell in love with her at first sight. Without doing any background check of her past or anything, he brings her home and makes her his concubine. Navier was kinda sad but she didn’t want to show it because she was the Queen and she had to, you know, keep her public image at the top. But Sovieshu on the other hand started becoming abusive and compared Navier with tRashta. Even though Navier didn’t do anything, he  kept on accusing her for bullying tRashta everyday. It’s like he would wait in the corner, hiding, looking at Navier and tRashta interacting and when he see tRastha crying, he comes running to her and starts to scold Navier in front of the whole public. He’s such an asshole. Later he does give her a divorce (stating that she’s infertile) because, tRashta was pregnant with his baby and he didn’t want to make her baby, a bastard because, tRashta is not his wife. But on the other hand, he also didn’t want to leave Navier because she was a perfect Queen in every way. So his plan was to divorce her for one year, and marry tRashta till the baby was born, so the baby becomes the princess. Later he’ll annul their divorce, so by doing this he has both tRashta and Navier. He’s such an asshole.
But Navier had other plans. So right when her divorce was agreed by the priest, she requested for a remarriage. From here own, Sovieshu’s tragedy starts. Later in the story he finds out that, it wasn’t Navier who was infertile but it was him all along. Even the baby tRashta carried was not his. After this betrayal, Sovieshu lost his mental stability and went through severe depression. See! That’s all it takes for your world to collapse. One single mistake is what is needed.
Kurama(Ikemen Genjiden) - What’s wrong with being yourself?
IDK if your family is like this, but my family is like “You have to learn to eat everything. Like vegetables, meat etc etc” with a reason that you’ll be able to live any circumstances.
I would like to say that, I’m a very picky eater. I hate vegetables, especially tomatoes. If I even see one small piece of tomato in my food.....I won’t throw the whole food away, I’ll just take the piece and put it on the side of the plate and also yell at my mom for putting tomatoes in my food. I’m also a vegetarian. I hate tasting meat but I don’t mind eating food in the small table as my non-veg father. Also, unlike my family members, I’m very punctual. (because I’m an introvert and I don’t like getting the extra attention when I’m late!!)
These are just some of the facts of me being me. My family always complains that I shouldn’t choose how I want to be and must always be perfect in everything because I’m a girl and girls are married off when they get older, right? (It’s bullshit.)
The only people who loves me for who I am are my parents. They never once told me to do this or that like my useless uncles and aunts who have never ever contributed anything in my life.
Kurama as a character, I love him, because he is just being himself. He’s like ‘I’ll do whatever I want and no one has the right to stop me.’ 
That quote is so beautiful. I mean, why are you being fake for the sake of being accepted by the society. The people who truly loves you will love you for who you are. Do the things the way you like. Eat what you like, drink what you like, watch whatever you like. If you like anime, and your friend wants to watch sports, watch anime in your phone with your head phones. It’s better than watching sports you don’t like and creating an awkward environment by acting you know every player in the team, right?
No one has the right to judge anyone. If anyone does come and tell you “Hey, you should not do this like this way, but you should do it this.”, tell that person “ I’ll do whatever I want and no one has the right to stop me. “
Yoritomo and Yoshino(Ikemen Genjiden)- Not everyone is perfect.
I never understood what is the meaning behind being a perfect man or perfect human. Does it mean you have good figure on the outside but at the same time you’re toxic as hell inside? or does it mean you’re very intelligent but at the same time you’re socially awkward? 
Not everyone is perfect. Not everyone is good at every single thing and not everyone has to be good at everything.
Yoritomo as a character, always wears a perfect smile indicating others how good he is. But in reality, he’s very lonely and also needs someone to look after him just like anyone else.
There is nothing wrong with being independent and doing everything on your own. But there is also nothing wrong in depending on someone for things you can’t do. If anyone boldly claims that “I don’t need anyone to love me, I’m fine without anyone” it’s all bullshit! Don’t believe in that kind of nonsense.
Even if you’re the king of the world or even if your a roadside homeless puppy, everyone needs love and support in their life. Everyone needs some one they could talk to, even if it’s just trivial.
It will at least give them a small amount happiness even though it doesn’t worth anything. That’s why I’m telling you, if you don’t have a lover or friends or parents or any human being to talk to, adopt a pet or something.
I hope I was able to answer everything you wanted to hear. ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Salutations! I was wondering if you could write a multiple character headcanon for Will Graham, Alana(because ✨women✨), Hannibal, & Atticus Finch(because that Atticus fic was something I didn't know I needed until now😳) where the reader kinda surprises them with breakfast in bed. Hope you have a good day & thank you💛
Yes!! All of these people slap. Very excited to be writing these kind of format requests again. I hope you enjoy love! 
I wrote it and the saved the draft and tumblr didn’t save it so fuck you tumblr
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- the kindest man in the world who has to much going on and literally cannot make himself food to save the world
- that was what made you make him breakfast
- you knew that if you didn’t make him any food he wouldn’t eat anything till you forced him (mostly out of sheer forgetting to eat) 
- so you made something very simple, eggs, toast, sausage and some orange juice
- he slowly got up and saw you walking into the room with the plate and he honestly thought you had just made yourself breakfast
- he was so utterly surprised when you handed it to him with a gentle smile
- ‘for me?’ he asks groggily
- ‘duh’
- you explain a little bit why you did it but honestly it was nothing 
- this boy borderline cries
- you made that for him? for HIM? 
- thinks its the best food he has ever eaten in his entire life because it has the thought behind it and also you’re the only person who ever cooks in the house and your food is always good even when it isn’t
- blows his mind that you made it for him still
- tells hannibal about it in a session
- also tells alana about it and she thinks its the sweetest thing to but is really just happy Will seems so happy about something 
- you do it every once in a while as a nice surprise when you can and he just is amazed that you think about him, no matter how many times you tell him that all you think about it is him sometimes
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- you know going into it that Hannibal is probably going to critique your cooking skills
- you are prepared though
- plus he’s naturally a very polite man, especially when it comes down to you
- so you whipped up a simple breakfast, nothing overly fancy
- you thought about adding some spice people but decided against it
- you came in at an ungodly hour (you had to get up hella early because how early he gets up naturally) and placed it on the night stand
- he sits up and looks over at it with a raised eyebrow and kind smile
- ‘is this for me?’
- ‘no it’s for my other husband yes Hannibal it’s for you’
- he is very pleased and touched as well
- you had never cooked for him before and even if the breakfast was simple, he thought that it was the kindest thing someone could do for him
- Hannibals love language is food
- he shares with you and makes you come back to bed to sit with him
- you probably rant about how hard/easy you thought it had been to make it and he listens happily
- he adores you so much
- after that he tried to get you in the kitchen more often with him, if nothing else to try and watch to learn
- you are very flattered because you know he doesn’t do that with just anyone
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- Alana can cook
- she just chooses not to
- it’s kinda the situation where she knows she should have more than a cup of coffee for breakfast but simply does not
- she has the time too
- she’s a bad psychiatrist to herself
- you are ready for her to get her shit together but you just do it for her
- so one morning you get up early and get her coffee from her favorite place and donuts
- you don’t even bother trying to make anything cause she’ll wake up
- she’s a light sleeper
- you figure the donuts and coffee are good enough anyway
- and you were very right
- she is sooo happy to see it
- she sits up and you’re just standing there
- ‘this is here for when you want it’
- and she just sits there with a line, serene, half asleep look and messy bedhead, in absolute love with you
- ‘you’re the best’ she says after a second and grabs her coffee
- jack is confused on why the heck she is so happy at work that day
- he reminisces on those days with Bella and is over all very glad Alana found someone to make her happy
- she deserved it
- you and Alana try and cook dinner that night together too and it end in take out and lots of food on your clothes but it’s overall worth it
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- poor tired old man
- needs someone to make him breakfast every once in a while
- you had the idea spontaneously and decided to inlist the help of scout and Jem who are up to early as well
- and you make a decent breakfast together and bring it in for Atticus
- he’s so HAPPY
- literally hugs the kids so hard and gives you such a loving sweet appreciative look
- 10/10 would pay to see that face again
- even if the breakfast is meh he loves it so much and let’s the kids sit on the bed with you and him to chat
- he rarely gets those family moments cause he’s so busy and really savors in them when he can
- adores you so so much because of it
- absolutely tells people at work about it
- even clients although he isn’t really planning on it when he does it
- is just very happy to have everyone at home waiting for him
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saksukei · 4 years
mermaid yeosang au
[plenty of curses lol and also this is hella long ,,,,, so I'm sorry] This was once again inspired by warmau, please check them out! I love their writing.
other mermaid aus; yunho san
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when your friends said you were a dumb fuck you begged to differ but now you just agree
because really– you have proved how low your IQ level is when you went to the beach
It was a cloudy day and it was supposed to rain later on but you and your friends were already at the beach– so you decided you might as well enjoy
you wanted to go for a swim but all your friends refused and said that they preferred to stick to the shallow water
you went in for a swim in the deep water, where the waves form because you go out to swim pretty often ,,,, especially this place
but then it started raining cats and dogs
and the current started becoming stronger
your grade A swimming skills couldn't save you because even as you were trying to swim against the current, the water was just sweeping you away
The only thing you could hear were your friends screaming for the one second you managed to get out and then you were back in
salt water going through your nose
and you felt like this was it
because getting out of the water is impossible and you've heard countless stories of people drowning, never thinking you were going to go be one of them
and this isn't some movie where you get washed up on some shore on an island and find your way back home
and so you just let the water take you with itself
Till you felt a strong grip on your wrist
you couldn't see clearly because the salt water and the sand was hurting your eyes
but you felt something wrap it's arms around you tightly and drag you away with full force
you felt everything fade away as you lost consciousness
you eyes fluttered open and you jolted up
you found yourself on this flat rock on some unknown shoreline?
“oh good– you're up,” you heard someone say from behind you.
You turned around to see a white haired boy, prominent cheek bones, angular face, melanin skin, a weak smile on his lips
and then you noticed–
the huge gash that went from his ankle to almost his knee
“w-what ,,,,, how did this happen? Are you okay?” you asked, worryingly, as you inched closer to him.
“oh I'm a hundred percent fine!” he replied in a sarcastic tone, pointing towards his leg
“rude,” you hissed, as you tore your sleeve, wrapping it around his leg to cover the wound
“please stop– this ,,, it won't help,” he pointed towards the bandage.
“i know it's not great but it'll be worse if I don't do this now,” you answered.
“no you don't understand,” he interrupted, his tone stern.
“what do I not understand? This is one of the things I've been taught to do in case someone gets wounded and this prevents bacterial infection from happening–”
“I'm a mermaid,,,,,,” he confessed.
and you stopped dead in your tracks
“y-youre a ,,,,, what?” you asked him again
“don't tell anyone please,” he grumbled. “I don't want a fanclub”
“oh my god ,,,, you're a mermaid but you're also a dick, congrats!” you replied, clearly annoyed.
and he just rolled his eyes
“why don't you just tell me how I can help because I don't want to be responsible for murder,” you hissed.
Yeosang scoffed and kept thinking of a solution, till an idea popped into his mind, a smile on his face
You could see the light bulb over his head
“well- there are these things we use to heal and keep ourselves strong ,,,,, they're a type of seashell.....”
“oh god– this will be like finding a needle in a haystack,” you sighed.
“no actually the shell is the color of my tail which is emerald green, with white lines and we don't carry these shells with us, but rather– they find us when we are in need,” he explained.
“so can't it just ,,,,,, I don't know pop out of the ocean right into my arms?”
“if that's how it worked, do you think I would have entertained you all that long?”
“fine, you win,” you admitted, gritting your teeth
“dont hit your head on the rocks or drown like you did before–” he jabbered.
“you know ,,,,, I really miss two minutes ago when I didn't know your existence,” you retorted, as you dived into the water, missing the smirk on his face
After several minutes, you found the shell and you swam back to the silver haired boy
“y-you found the shell?” he gulped
“yeah, why do you sound so panicky?” you asked, as you handed it to him, noticing the change in his tone
“nothing,” he scoffed. “I thought your intelligence quotient was so low that you would drown again,”
You only huffed in annoyance as you watched the gash on his leg disappear in an instant
“how did you get hurt anyway?”
“i was trying to save your dumbass from drowning.....”
he stood up and mans was taller than you
“the wound is fixed, the attitude comes right out huh?” you snapped.
“this isn't attitude, this is just–”
“no, you're just a jerk face” you interrupted, getting up.
Before you could utter another word, in one swift motion he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him
“first of all, it's not jerk face– it's Kang yeosang and second of all, I didn't have to injure myself just to save your petty ungrateful ass, but I still did.”
“well, god wanted me dead and now you get to find out why,” you managed to choke out, hoping he wouldn't notice how fAST YOUR HEART WAS RACING
He let go of your wrist as he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time
“do you want to get back home or not?”
“yeah, so that I can forget your existence.”
He mumbled a ‘fine’ and jumped into the water
and you jumped after him
you could see his dark emerald green tail and as it came to the middle part, it become almost white, similar to his hair color
“hold on tight and pray that I don't strangle you,” he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest
I mean ,,,,,, dude was a dick but he looked hELLA FINE AND YALL SEE HIS CHEST??
he swam at literal lightning speed like you were there before you even knew it??
the storm had passed and you could see lifeguards, friends and family on the shoreline
You were in still water, small waves here and there but nothing too strong
“the coast guard is going to come here for another round to search for you–pretend you're unconscious and just let your body float,” he instructed.
“what if I get only farther and farther away from the shore?” you asked and he rolled his eyes
“you need to stop asking me stupid questions ,,,,, and- I'll be here to supervise.”
“okay then um- thank you ,,,, yeosang.”
“you're welcome–” he let go of your body and you let your body float on the water, till you felt a boat near by, eventually taking you out of the water
you eventually pretended to regain consciousness and was happy to be reunited with everyone
you also got scolded by everyone but you felt as if something was missing
sure you didn't like yeosang but he still saved you and you just ,,,,, kinda liked having him around even if he was annoying
I mean he made your heart race and get you all giddy for some ,,,,,, reason
this incident happened a little over a month ago and you spent all your time missing yeosang?? even though you like barely knew him and he was a dick lol
you went back to the beach, without anyone around and just walked along the shoreline till you felt your foot hit something
it was emerald in color?
yeosang's shell??
was he in trouble?
you panicked internally because you hoped he was okay
you picked up the shell and looked around,
but you still couldn't see him
you saw a rather large rock so you decided to swim towards it in hopes of trying to spot him from the top
and you got there but unfortunately the rock was too steep and slippery and so you were trying to find an edge where you could get on top from
unaware that Yeosang was watching you struggle and grinning at your stupidity
“you do realize– I have been looking for that ,,,, every where,” you heard someone say, making your heart race and you ended up bumping into his chest ,,,,, again
“you dick– if you were here ,,,, why couldn't you help me?”
“sorry it was fun watching you struggle–” he smirked
“rude– but I found your shell so- are you okay?” you asked with geniuine concern
He sighed, “oh god- I have to tell you something....”
“you see ,,,,, I had originally sent you on a wild goose chase when I sent you to find my shell–”
“what do you mean?”
“actually no one except the mermaids themselves can find their own shell,” he scratched the back of his head. “unless–” he paused.
“unless they are your significant other....”
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oksana-moods · 3 years
Ghost of you - Part 9
Summary: Ghost realizes that, no matter how hard she tries, she can't run away from her past. When Carol's presence do more harm than good, the only way to come clean is to take a dive. A/N: Thank you again for all the support, and to let you know that we reached the point where things start to change. Starting for the song theme. Now we’ll go with ‘Writings on the wall’ from Sam Smith. We’re halfway through, lovelies. Trigger Warnings: Violence, language (a bit too much, I believe), mentions of death… if you find others, let me know. Oh, sort of WandaVision spoiler. Angst. “I've spent a lifetime running, and I always get away”
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With my hands involuntarily clutching the tag, I’m sitting at the roof watching the sun slowly but inexorably going down in the horizon. Once, I heard that this is what life feels like. We born just like the sun raises, we reach our greatest point then we start to set till night embraces us. Death, just like the sunset, is inevitable. I find myself agreeing with this metaphor.
It’s been a few months since our futile attempt to overturn Thanos’s snap. And now, each one of us went different ways to try to cope with this catastrophe.
Steve, Natasha and I were still living at the compound we had nowhere else to go so we’re pretending that we were taking care of things, that we’re moving on.
Tony and Pepper are about to get married and, honestly, I hope they find happiness. While Bruce went missing again, Thor went to New Asgard, he lost everything but still had a Realm to rule; Rhodey was working for the Government in a high position, or so I heard. Wakanda lost all the royal family but Okoye was holding on, as best as she could. Rocket and Nebula stayed a bit but returned to space with promises of visiting whenever they could.
Oddly, the logo ‘Avengers’ was scattered all over the universe. We were broken, but we would still protect whom needed protection.
And there is The Avenger, the original one. Carol barely touched the ground coming back from Garden and took-off claiming she needed to check on Skrulls. Not even three weeks later she was back, and that caught me off guard. I’ve never expected for her to return, not that quickly, at least.
She’s been trying to talk to me, but I dodged all of her attempts.
Until now.
 “Hey, Mav.” I close my eyes when her voice reaches my ears. “The view from here is amazing.”
I was sitting at the edge of the roof and Carol was leaning with her elbows at the rampart.
“Yes. It is.” I answer. “What do you want, Carol?” We both know she’s not here for the view.
“To talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” I got up from my seat, I’m standing in the roof starting to make my way to the door. I flinch away when her hand touches my metal arm. I shoot an outrageous look at her.
“Please.” Her eyes are so soft against my gaze that something inside me stirs. “You’ve been avoiding me. Natasha told me that you lost most part of your memories.” Her brows are so furrowed that is clear she’s upset. Why is she? I turn away from her, I’m looking at the horizon once more. Her gaze was too overwhelming, right now.
“What do you want to know?” I shove my hands inside my pockets. Damn, why am I so nervous? “Most of my memories are gone. The last four years is all I have without gaps. Wanda…” I close my eyes, still hurts to think about her. I think it always will. “She helped me to unbury whatever she could.” I saw Carol leaning at the rampart. She was trying to get closer, but I needed distance.
“I crashed after your crash.” She nodded, of course she knew this. “Whatever happened to you with the tesseract, spattered in me too. That’s why I haven’t changed, just like you.” I could feel my hands shaking inside my pockets, I was uneasy. Something about her was pulling me to the edge.
“But, what about…” She hesitated “What about your arm?”  Why is she pretending to be concerned? She’s getting under my skin and I’m feeling cornered. So, I do what every cornered animal do. They attack.
“Will you fucking stop beating the bush? Ask me what you fucking want to ask.” Oh and so she did, she was exasperated with me acting like an idiot. What was she expecting?
“I came to earth around 2007. I went to Maria’s and she told me you were at war but never make it back. I… I saw your stone. I… I…” She ran a hand through her hair. “I thought you were dead.” Her voice was a whisper but that made something burst inside me. I grieved her, even when I knew she was alive. She chose to go away and wanna play the broken-hearted role?
“You and me both!” My voice was harsh and loud, but I wasn’t yelling yet. Yet. “What do you expect me to say, huh? That I am sorry someone lied to you? That I am sorry you were sad?” The setting sun illuminating her face, making her look gorgeous than ever, made me hate her even more. “Well, news flash for you, hon. YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE! I still see you die every time I fucking close my eyes.” I yelled. I couldn’t take this anymore. “I SAW YOU DIE OVER AND OVER AND OVER.” Her eyes were glossy, there was something shining inside them that I couldn’t decipher. And, Fuck. It hurt so bad. They hurt me so bad. She hurt me.
“I… Lara, I am so, so sorry they did this to you” She whispered again. She didn’t want to fight, but all I know is fight. And I only stop when I see blood.
“When I was taken by Hydra, they made me watch you die, they made me watch you leaving." My voice was low and hard, this time. "So no, I can’t stand this. Hydra took everything from me. They beat me and oh, they hit me hard. They cut off every single piece of me, and they put me through hell. But you Carol, you broke me first.”
I turned in my heels and left the roof. Each step my feet tried to betray me, make me to look back, but I kept going til reach the door. I knew I was far too harsh, my words probably cut her, but if she was bleeding so was I.
 Days went by and I didn’t see Carol since that day in the roof. Steve told me she took a room for her at the compound, she’d be staying a bit longer. Of course she is. Like I didn’t have a lot to deal with already. Since there weren’t any assignments going on, all the workout in the world couldn’t help to ease my mind. Or heart.
  I park my motorcycle at the parking lot and pick up the flowers from inside my jacket. I check it to see if they still look good. I shrug, they’re good enough.
I walked inside the Hospital and expertly made my way to my friend’s room. It pained me to know she was sick, but she was too strong to give in that easy to cancer. She was a fighter. She inspired me. If she could go on even with her decease and losing her child, so could I.
“Buying flowers became a struggle nowadays.” I said with a smile.
Her smile lit up the whole room. “Good thing you’re not going out on dates, then.” My laugh filed the room.
“Please Maria, you’re too old to be that sassy.”
“You’re just as old as I am. The difference is just that you still look good.”
“You still look good, Ma. I’d take you out on a date.” And it was true, she was around her sixties but still look beautiful. Few lines near the eyes, but only complimented her.
“Awn, you flatter me” She put a hand on her chest, faking innocence. “I don’t go out with women, hon. But I’d definitely accept the invitation, I’m craving real food, not whatever this hospital calls food.” Instantly, this blows the air out of my lungs and I’m forced to face reality. My friends are gone and soon, Maria will be gone too. Carol told me once that her biggest fear was to bury all her friends. Fuck. I understand what she meant now.
“Geez, Mav. It was only a joke. Next time, don’t bring me flowers unless you’re bringing fries too.”
I forced a smile at her.
After the whole ordeal with the ‘Accords’ I was arrested alongside Clint, Scott and Sam. Cap came and rescued us, but I went on the road since I was an outlaw too, so my visits to Maria and Monica stopped despite keeping in touch. I wouldn’t forgive myself for the time I lost.
“Carol came to visit me yesterday.” That’s the Maria I came to know, never holding back her words. “Apparently, you’ve been giving her a hard time.”
“Oh. Did she come to cry on your shoulder?” Every time Carol’s name was brought up, I felt my brain short-circuiting. I don’t know why, but I hated it.
“Naa. I was just gossiping around, I’m an old lady, after all.” She laughed lighting up the mood. “Does it feel better to yell, to be a bitch with her?”
“C’mon, Mav. You changed a lot, but I can still see through you. You need to vent whatever is stuck in your chest; you need to put it out.” I was frowning at the floor. “That’s the only way both of you will move on.”
“I hate her, Maria. Seeing her makes me feel like my wounds are cutting open once again. I don’t see how we can move past this, how I can forgive her.”
“If that’s true,” She pointed at my chest, and I knew what she was going to say. “Why do you still wear her tag and yours together?” All of a sudden, the Tag was heavy in my chest. Tons and tons of unspoken words, feelings, and pain weighting too much.
“I… I don’t know. It kinda feels right.” God, I’m so confused. Is it possible to be friends with Carol Danvers again? Will I, one day, forget everything Hydra made me feel with those memories? I wonder if that hopeless feeling will ever go away. Because right now, all I can think of is that, at any moment, she’ll turn her back on me or she’ll die. It’s hard to look at someone expecting, waiting for the pain that usually comes with their face.
“I know it does.” And she changed her tone to her bossy one. “So, stop acting like you have a stick shoved inside your ass and talk to her. Promise me you will.”
“All right. I promise.” I answered, it was no use try to avoid this. Maria wouldn’t drop this.
“That’s better.” She had that look like she knew that I’d comply with her request.
“Doesn’t upset you? That she left and forgot about us?” I was looking out of the window, looking at the cars outside, people were, slowly, trying to find their bearings. Trying to figure out what should be normal now. They were trying. Should I try, too?
Maria’s voice made me look at her when she replied. “It used to hurt, yes. But I’m dying, Mav, I don’t have time or patience to fight anymore.”
 After Maria scolded me enough for not talking to Carol, our conversation was lighter. She complained about the overprotective nurse, she complained that tv never had good things to watch, gossiped about other patients, and when I said my goodbyes, she made me promise to sneak some food for my next visit.
However, all the way home I kept overthinking these things I’ve been building up inside me. Something about Carol made me uneasy, like I’m exposed in a field filled with enemies, with nowhere to hide. And I don’t like it on bit. There’s something about her eyes, and I hate the intensity in them when she looks at me, it’s like they can pierce your soul, see what’s underneath… And I’m way too afraid of all the terrors that she might discover. I’m not Lara anymore, I’m not who she thinks I am, no. I’m someone else.
 “You stole my spot.” I said as I reached the roof. The woman who I was addressing to, turned her head to look at me.
She was wearing a simple jeans with a blue t-shirt and her hair was framing her flawless face, how this woman could be so beautiful even with so common clothes was beyond me.
She gave me a tide smile that never reached her eyes, they were somewhat tired.
“Oh. It wasn’t my intention; I’ll leave you to be.”  Yes please, leave me alone. I thought to me myself, but then my conversation with Maria from last week came to my mind. Fuck. I hate making promises. She was preparing to leave when I spoke.
“There’s room enough for both of us, though.” I said with a shrug, pretending that I was okay with her company, pretending that I wasn’t uncomfortable with this proximity. Her head snapped at me, she looked at me like I had grown two heads.
“Okay.” Her voice was so soft that immediately put me on edge. I felt exposed again. What was happening with me?
 We stayed there for a while with a heavy silence between us. The tension was so thick that I’m sure we couldn’t move, that’s probably why none of us left the roof yet. There was a sea of unspoken words and as much as I hated it, we couldn’t ignore this anymore. If she’s going to stay, we’ll have to dive into this. We’ll have to work together at some point, this wouldn’t be healthy during even the simplest mission.
“You know, I’ve been in a lot of places, but none of them had such a beautiful sunset.” Her voice startled me; I wasn’t expecting at all.
“Well, it does have something peaceful, doesn’t it?” She seemed to ponder what I just said.
“One may say that this might be a spell. That there are a lot of beautiful places out there, but nothing compares to home.”
“Is it?”
“What?” She looked at me, confusion written all over her face.
“Is Earth you home?” At this, she frowned.
“Look, I know what you’re implying. I… I don’t know how much you remember from… before.” She seemed nervous. “What do you recall?”
And that’s it. There’s no turning back now, I needed to dive into this sea and hopefully I’ll reach the other side alive.
I looked forward; eyes set at the setting sun. I couldn’t deal with this and look at her at the same time. My hands started to shake so I wriggle them together to stop them, somehow.
“I remember us.” I felt a pang in my chest. Shit. What is this? “I remember you were always going back and forth to Earth. I remember when you went for good, ‘we’re too good at goodbyes’, yeah?!”
She signed heavily. “While helping Talos, I realized that a lot of people needed help. I wanted to stay, but I just couldn’t ignore innocent people dying.”
“People were dying here too.” She was frustrated, she threw her arms around impatient, but I continued before she could speak. “I know, I know you wanted to bring peace to whoever you could. And Earth already had its saviors.”  
“It’s not just like that, I…” She turned to fully look at me. “After I found out about your… death,” She struggled with the word, it fell heavily from her tongue. “I felt so helpless, so stupid for wasting away the time I could’ve had with you, I…” She was staring at me, eyes locked, and I felt myself being dragged inside. “I couldn’t forgive myself for loosing you for good.” She half whispered as if afraid of this becoming true. Like I could turn into a mirage, out of blue.
She was diving in the sea of what was left unsaid too, there’s no going back. “And when you died, part of me died too. Then Earth wasn’t home without you on it anymore, that’s why I never came back after. But then I received Fury’s emergency call, only to learn about Thanos… only to find out that you were alive this whole time.” Her eyes were glowing with such intensity, that my feet were glued to the ground. I felt a hand wrapping around mine. “I wanted to come back, back then. After I went through your door, I regretted at the very same instant, Lara.” Her voice was so soft when she spoke my name, it was like her tongue was made of velvet and it took the air out of my lungs. “After all, I wanted… I wanted so damn hard to be happy… with you. But I couldn’t find my way back, it didn’t seem right. I didn’t want to hurt you. I’d only do more damage than I already had. And I’m so, so sorry for hurting you.”
I was so entranced in her eyes while she was speaking that up until now, I hadn’t realized how close she was, or even that her hand was gripping my flesh hand. She’s so close that I could see the fading sunlight brightening her freckles. She was so, so close that my brain was at loss.
I didn’t know if the sun was illuminating her face or if it was the other way around, but such perfection made something inside me stir, I felt strange. I felt an urge to reached out and touch her face, like I needed to feel her skin under my touch just as much as I needed oxygen.   “Why are you here now, Carol?” My voice was so soft that felt foreign, almost like a whisper. “My heart is at Earth.” She whispered back, like she was afraid of breaking this spell, this trance that was keeping both of us from moving away.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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Writers notes: My brain today : Hu? I wonder what’s benny watt’s backstory? who knows... Lets make him one! that's sad and tragic and kinda adorable... lets do this. 
I sat against the harsh plastic chair, my feet against the ice cold stones of the basement floor, the chill coming under the door spreading across the whole apartment, the windows dark rain battering them every so often thunder cracking across the sky, I sat up a little in my chair and moved a piece playing the toughest game I could play, Against myself. I pulled my shirt over me a little more but not wanting to do up another button, it wasn't that cold. I was lost in my own world a while my mind started to wander. 
One of the first things I can recall, it was a bright sunny day, the sky blue, the warmth of mid July in full swing, The tall buildings around all shaken and half broken, all the windows taped up, many of them blacked out, The sweet sounds of the radio playing some nice tunes, I was hopping along the tall fence posts jumping from tall wooden post to tall wooden post down the long garden, trying not to fall. I saw the door to next door open, her hair up in a bun, her dress half torn and repaired, the washing basket on her hip,  she was shocked but then her face softened as she smiled at me 
"Benjamin watts? what are you doing up there?" she laughs 
"Playing" I told her 
"what are you playing?" she asks coming over 
"Well alright," she laughs putting her basket down by her washing line string, she got her little cloth out her apron pocket giving it a lick and cleaning some dirt off my nose "You be careful Little man"
"I will Mrs Linley" I smiled hopping to the next post 
"why don't you go out and play with the other kiddos?" 
"There not as fun as playing by myself"
"Why don't you go with little Lilly take her to the park for an ice cream"
"Lilly's boring"
"BENNY!" I heard the harsh male voice yell so I quickly jumped down from the fence seeing him stood looming over the backdoor of the house in his usual suit with his cane, his belt done tight with his knife sat there as usual "Dinner" He says so I nodded heading inside sitting at the table where he set down a bowl of gross smelling soup I instantly turned my nose up at it "Eat it. You're lucky I even feed you" He says muttering to himself as he usually did "Ungrateful little bastard, You know I don't have to. I could have sent you to the poor house with the other kids, not out the goodness of my heart I look after you"
"Then why do you Papa?" 
"Because your mother asks it off me." he sighed sitting at the table with his own soup and some bread "We've been over this" He says "I want nothing to do with my daughter, never was my business, and if she wasn't so busy I wouldn't be the one taking care of you, You little bastard" 
"What's a bastard Papa?"
"You are a bastard benny. By definition, Maybe you wouldn't be if your mother kept her legs shut and had some idea who your father was" He sighed "if your mother wasn't so busy, taking care of the soldiers I'd leave you with her," he explained "eat your dinner"
"Yes papa" I sighed "when will mummy be back?"
"When the war is over," he says "your mother as much as we have our differences, she does a good job, and an important job. Nurses are usually good girls, your mother… happens to be an exception, but nurses are good girls, you'll marry a nurse one day"
"Will I?"
"Course you will. You'll get a war at your age Benny, you'll meet a lovely nurse, get married and have your own little kiddos" he says "Watts always have nurses"
"What if I don't wanna be a soldier?" 
"Then you and your mother are dead to me" he says before the sound of the warning erupted across the city, he stood up and grabbed the bag by the door pushing me out the seat I nodded and ran out the house And into the garden as the sun was setting, he slowing followed as he locked the house up, I ran down to the shelter jumping on my little bed, he followed and locked the door up behind him sitting on his own. It grew terrifyingly quiet as for moments the world sat on the edge “Benny, Play” He ordered clicking his fingers pointing to the little chess board he had set up on the table between the beds, I happily smiled going and playing against him. He would often try to trick me but I always beat him “Good game kid” He cracked a smile shaking my hand 
“Can I papa? Can I?” I asked bouncing my on the bed 
“Alright, until the raid’s over” he says taking his hat from the side and sitting it on my head “Again?”
“Again” I smiled excitedly setting the board up again, 
“But not to many, you need to get to bed”
I sat at the table the chess board set, waiting. It was getting so late now I wonder what was happening, Someone had come to the door before we had began our game I didn’t know why, My grandpa just took them to the other room I could heard talking, arguing even if I tried not to listen. 
“Why can’t his father take him?”
“There’s no mention of him anywhere we can’t find him” “Well he has to be somewhere” “Noel. If you don’t keep him. He’ll get swept up with the rest of the kids, There’s hundreds, maybe thousands of them, homeless, lost there families, you know if he goes into the system, he won’t get out till he’s eighteen.”
“I don’t see why I should keep him
“He’s your grandchild” “He’s a bastard! I never much wanted anything to do with my daughter why should I clean up after her mess”
“Because she’s not coming back. Not for him. Not for you. You’re all he has in the world.”
The door opened moments later the woman from the door came over to me touching my hair moving it out of my eyes for me “Hi Benny”
“Hello” I answered not sure what was going on 
“Benny, I need you to answer something for me” she smiled moving to her knee
“Okay” I nodded seeing my grandpa stood leaning on the door to the other room 
“Would you Like to stay here? In this little house with your grandpa? Or would you like me to take you to a nice place with lots of other children… lots of nice children who, Have lost their mommies too” 
I looked to my grandpa and he seemed to be waiting for the answer too, I didn’t know what they wanted from me…
“I would like to stay here with papa” 
“Okay sweetheart” she smiled “Then he stays with you” 
“What if I said… you’d be better off there Benny?” He asks
“I’d still rather stay” 
“Fine. But I hear a word of complaint out your little bastard mouth, one tantrum, one teenage rebellion. You’re going. You choose to stay here with me, and don’t you ever fucking forget it” He warned 
“Yes Papa”
“Go to your room” He ordered and I nodded going out the house and out to the little shelter, our house had only ever had one bedroom and there wasn’t much space for me, even so he would rather I sleep out here said I was safer to always sleep in here, were I couldn’t get hurt, My boards sat along the other bed, my trophies lines along the little wall, I shut the little door and got cosy in the little dark shelter. 
I sat in the old beaten up pick up listening to the radio on low, I was going over the games of the people I was to play against, running through it all in my head. 
“You gonna win?” He asks
“I’m planning on it” “Don’t get cocky.” He warns “worst train in the world cockiness. Gets you into trouble. Don’t write checks with your mouth that your ass can’t cash benny” 
“I know,” 
“I know you know. Doesn't it mean you shouldn’t listen” He says “You're going out after?”
“No, home. Do some work” “You’ve never gonna met a girl at one of these things” “I know,”
“..... If there’s a boy-” “I’m not Gay Papa” I laughed
“Aren’t you? You're fourteen, how do you know?” 
“Because I like girls”
“You’re fourteen. You don’t know what you like. I thought alot like what then I was your age”
“And. You shouldn’t set yourself up to fail, I was married when I was not much older then you. Don’t… rush yourself with things is all I’m saying” “Is that why you didn’t wanna be with grandma anymore?”
“Somewhat, there was a lot of things between me and your grandma. Don’t worry about it” He says as he stopped at the little hotel doing the tournament “Hey,” He says stopping me from opening the door “Good luck you little bastard” He laughs putting his hat on my head 
“I thought I don’t get it till I win?” I asked fiddling with it 
“You’ll win. You’re a Watts, Go on you’ll be late” He says 
“Thanks Papa” I smiled 
“Go on run along you little bastard” 
I tried to force it all away, I didn’t want to think about it. I folded the letter up and left it on the table, the cold chill of the apartment starting to get to me. This place was small, dirty, cold, and depressing but… I liked it. It felt like home, all the years of sitting playing chess in bomb shelters because he was too scared to let me come out, I wish I could have seen him again… I wish we hadn’t lost touch, then again he never liked how I went on from there, much less everything else, I had seen him a few times at key moments but he rarely spoke much, or phoned much, he kinda just… backed off. Knowing I had my own life and my own things, I don’t think he minded, but still. I would have liked to have seen him again. 
“Benny?” I heard making me sit up a little seeing y/n stood at the bedroom door dressed for work already in her little blue and white dress, her hair done up in beautiful braids, minimal make up as it would get ruined on her shift anyway “Can you settle him? Else I’ll be late for work” she smiled 
“Course I can” I laughed getting up and taking our little baby from her sitting him on my hip “Hey kiddo” I laughed giving his head a kiss trying to make him settle down. 
“He won’t stop fussing” she laughs 
“Boys do” I shrug 
“Ummm… are all watts boys such fussy little monsters?” she laughs 
“We are assholes” I sighed 
“Umm Have to make sure I have a girl this time then” she smiled tapping her tiny little tummy she wasn’t even a full three months yet, “Are you okay benny?” she asks
“Yeah, I’m fine” I shrug 
“Alright, don’t get wrapped up about it okay,” she smiled giving me a hug “Milks in the fridge, I’ll be home for dinner” she smiled giving me a kiss 
“See you later darling” I told her 
“Love you” she giggled 
“Love you too” I laughed giving her an extra kiss, she smiled back and gave his head a kiss too before she got her bag
“You boys have fun” she laughed as she opened the door and hurried off to work, I smiled taking him sitting in his high chair by the table, he liked watching my play chess even if was only just about a year old. He kept making grabby hands towards the side of the table where my hat sat so I laughed picking it up and sitting it on his head even if it was miles too big for him 
“It’s okay luke. You’ll grow into it” I laughed “But you're not having it properly, till you win. That's the rules, same for you as it was for me. Hey. You’re a watts. And that's the one thing no one can ever take away from you” I told him 
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palettepainter · 3 years
Coming out
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A quick message before you get into the story - I really wanted to do something for LGBT cuz I always end up forgetting or not having time to finish any drawings, most of the time I just do art about my OC’s and what their cannon sexualities are - but this year I wanted to do something a bit more serious, if that makes sense I’ve always been told by parents and friends that as long as you are coming out to people who you trust and people you know who will support you, then in the end, everything will be fine. I’ve always thought that if I where to ever be bisexual, gay, asexual or any other LGBT term that I would be comfortable to open up to my family. My preferences for who I like romantically aren’t really something I think all about that much. I’ve never dated and thus far all my luck with crushes and boys has just been really bad - and as someone who was and still is incredibly shy about dating and pretty much anything romantic I’ve learnt to not rush into things, I’ll find out who/what I like in time Now that I’m older I’ve been thinking more on it, and though I don’t want to go too deep into this stuff since it is personal, even with a supportive family I still have that fear of talking about these sorts of things. I wanted to write this story to show that even despite the fact someone may have a supportive family, supportive friends or even just that one supportive person in their life - overcoming that hurdle of fear and exposing a part of yourself that is so personal and dear, is terrifying. It’s a big relief to finally talk about these things yes, especially if you’ve been forced to shut these kinds of things away (in which case I hope you are in a happier healthier environment). But even with that in mind it can be hard for anyone to open up about these things, even those who know they’re in a safe environment and know they have family to support them. I don’t know if I got that message into this story, this is my first time writing something that tackled LGBT this seriously so I hope I was able to do it right. Okay message over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A story between Jaakuna (Comoress x Kashu, oc) and Jizuko (Monoma x Pony) Jaakuna in my cannon NGAU is gay, whereas Jizuko is bisexual. Jizuko if the first person Jaakuna comes out to, and Jizuko is fiercely supportive. So here’s a little coming out story between my OC’s!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jizuko had been happily doodling away idly in one of her notebooks when the door to her room suddenly opened, and none other then Jaakuna stepped inside. She rose a brow, watching as he stepped inside without a word and bumped her door closed with his heel “Ever heard of knocking?” She asked, brow cocked as she moved her head up from her notebook “I could have been changing or something” Jaakuna, still not saying a word, walked over to her bed, sat down, and then let his body flop backwards against the mattress. Jizuko rose a brow further, examining his face, though his gaze was skyward there was something distant about it, as though he was lost somewhere deep in thought. She titled her head, nudging his shoulder with her foot “Hello? Gunna answer me??” She asked, honestly not caring about her previous questions, but now just curious to see if he’d speak. Jaakuna behind closed doors with close friends, to her, was a much more quite and chill person, but that aside, he was never totally silent. When she got not response, she put down her notebook and shuffled on the bed, sitting cross legged besides him while she hugged an one of her many plushies to her chest “..You wanna talk about it?” She asked, resting her head a top of her toys. “Mngh..” Jizuko moved and picked up another one of her plush toys, and placed it ontop of Jaakuna’s chest, where his hands reached up to hold it, lazily running his fingers through the soft felt - something she’d learnt he liked to do with her toys and pillows, but something he’d always deny when she asked about it. “Something happen??” She continued, arms returning to her own plushy “...I think I might be having a mid-life crisis” Jizuko blinked “..Well, that’s something” she clarified with a slow nod. Jaakuna replied with a small hum “...Wanna talk shit about it?” She asked innocently Many where surprised when Jizuko would say Jaakuna was one of her closest friends, the two couldn’t be more opposites if they tried. Jizuko was small and dainty looking, she liked cutesy things, her dorm itself was full to the brim with things that she loved: manga volumes, cooking books, plush toys and pillows, all the listed items for a typical ‘cute’ person. Jaakuna was dark and grumpy, often brooding in the corner silently or cussing out something or someone. Years ago, Jaakuna would have been someone she would avoid in the hallways - but beyond that edgy shell was a genuinely sweet and caring person. Jaakuna was caring, very caring, perhaps cared too much about his close friends. Deep down he had a big heart, but like many typical boys, he struggled to verbalise those feelings, and thus ended up getting angry. Jizuko and him shared a connection with that, both cared a lot for friends and family, and yet both felt as though they could only be heard by yelling their opinions. Their bond was what Jizuko would call special - Jaakuna had let his walls down a few times, letting her see him at his most vulnerable. She felt flattered he trusted her enough, and in turn she never told a soul what he would share with her - what he told her would stay with her till the day she died, Jaakuna had made her promise that. “Mngh..” Jaakuna all of a sudden looked..she couldn’t put her finger on it. He hugged the plushie to his chest, peering away from Jizuko. “Uh..it’s kinda complicated..” he started “Yeah, a life crisis usually is” Jizuko reasoned Jaakuna’s cheeks flushed a light pink, Jizuko quirked a brow but didn’t comment on it, not yet at least. Finally Jaakuna sat up, toy still held to him. He rubbed at his neck with one hand “I’m..kinda struggling with this one, more then the others I’ve had” “Well, are you gonna bitch about it or not?” Jaakuna gave her a look “Whaaat! It’s your fault for getting me all curious! And why come here in the first place?” Jaakuna opened his mouth to speak, but growled in frustration and then shuffled the other way, crossing his arms over his chest. Jizuko shimmied down the bed on her knees until she was sitting besides him, and then waited for him to start. “..So Uh, you remember how last week I mentioned I got invited to Yurei’s birthday?” A bit random, but she nodded “Yeah..” She pointed a finger to her forehead, where a small grey horn sprouted out next to her bangs “Guy with the horn?” Jaakuna nodded and Jizuko lowered her hand “Why? Did something happen??” She paused, before her eyebrows scrunched like gathering thunder heads, checks puffed out with a clear scowl on her face “Do you want me to punch him for you?” “Wha- No!” Jaakuna waved his hand and shook his head wildly, caught off guard at her sudden declaration of violence though not surprised, tiny people where a force to be reckoned with. “Uh, anyway: I went to the party and Uhm, well..I-it was me, Yūrei and a few others..” Jaakuna tucked his legs up to him, leaning back against the wall as he still refused to look at her. “And maybe like, an..hour or so into the party we-Uhm-“ jaakuna gulped, Jizuko watching the movement of his Adam’s apple before looking back to his face Jaakuna’s face and tips of his ears where flushed red, as he looked like he was trying to hide behind her plushie. Jaakuna groaned when he caught Jizuko’s confused gaze on him, and then muttered something under his breath “Uh..What was that?” Jizuko asked. Jaakuna groaned louder before repeating, in the same mumbly dribble “I can’t hear you” Jizuko said after shaking her head, having heard what it was Jaakuna had said just as clearly as the first time. Jaakuna snorted through his nose, pulling his head out from the toy he was practically burying his face in “Ugh! I said we...w-we got round to playing Uh, truth or dare” “..Okay well, that’s not unusual” Jizuko said with a shrug “And I Uh- May have, Uh..I-I got dared to..t-to Uh..” The more he spoke the redder his face became, and he seemed to become more fidgety and nervous, looking like a skittish animal that would flee at any second. Jaakuna cleared his throat, praying his embarrassment wasn’t as obvious as it felt “..I-I got dared to..to kiss...Yu...rei...” For a whole minute Jizuko didn’t emote, the words processing - she let them digest, sink in - and when they did, she gasped “You kissed Yūrei?!” “NO!” Jaakuna snapped at her like a mad dog Silence “....M-Maybe..” he repeated in a whisper, as though admitting it was some crime. “..On the lips or?” Jizuko elbowed him playfully with a wink, and Jaakuna bristled, leaning away “T-That ain’t important! Ya little pervert!” Jizuko cackled her usual crazy giggle, covering her mouth with a hand, clearly finding amusement in her best friends embarrassing story. When she was done laughing at him Jaakuna continued “Anyway...Ever since then I’ve been, feeling...like-weird...it’s not a-“ Jaakuna seemed to be struggling to grasp the right words, and yet Jizuko had an expression that said she already had it figured out “It’s not a BAD weird- well, sometimes it is? Like, some days it’s bad others it’s like..not as bad??” He began to gesture as he spoke, going off on a tangent, almost forgetting entirely Jizuko was there “And it’s been bugging me for the whole week, and it’s so fucking embarrassing and, like!..You know what I mean??” Jizuko hummed with a slow nod “Oh I know exactly what you mean” she said matter of factly Jaakuna didn’t like her tone of voice, or how she was looking at him as though she pitied his own obliviousness. “Well- what is it then wise guy?” He challenged boldly, leaning back and raising a brow. Jizuko held her hands together as though she was praying, and inhaled, before she dipped them “Jaakuna, you’re gay” “WHAT?!” If Jaakuna hadn’t been sitting with his back to her wall he would have for sure tumbled off the bed with how hard he jolted, bristling like a raged cat as he bared his teeth like some aggressive animal. “I AINT- what for- F-For that?? That- THAT SMUG LORD?!” He barked a loud laugh, and rolled his eyes “I ain’t bloody gay” Jizuko remained calm as ever “And yet I don’t recall you ever having a crush on a girl before” she said, raising a brow in thought. Jaakuna slowly turned to her, eye twitching, Jizuko failed to cower “And you always spend a lot of time with Yūrei, he even sits with you to eat lunch! That’s only a specialty reserved for very close people” “That doesn’t prove anything!” “Oh yeah?” Jizuko asked, not believing him “Name one girl you’d like to date” “Wha-“ Jaakuna gagged “Ew! Gross! You girls are disgusting..no offence” he added the last part with a small frown. Jizuko hummed again, and Jaakuna felt nervous, feeling like a corned animal while she was some predator, contradicting with how Jaakuna looked to be the more intimidating one of the two. “Come on! Admit it! You like him!” “I don’t.” Jaakuna gritted his teeth “I don’t..like like him” he clarified, cheeks going redder “Fine” Jizuko leaned back, relaxed, and crossed her arms, a shifty smug grin on her face “...Name a girl you’d wanna fu-“ “Name a girl you’d wanna date” she repeated, holding up a finger “Name ONE girl - and I’ll believe you don’t like him” Jaakuna snorted “Hmph. Okay, FINE. I will” he held his nose high, as if to look down on her. Jaakuna sat back, and opened his mouth...before closing it, and licking his lips, mouth suddenly dry. “Uh..” Jizuko’s brow rose further, watching his flustered suffering as Jaakuna struggled to think of an answer “I-Uh-...uhm, R-Runa, I guess?” “You guess?” Jizuko tilted her head “Or you know?” “W-Well-“ Jaakuna made a gesture with his hands, looking more lost then before, Jizuko’s staring wasn’t helping him “I mean- she’s cool! T-Theres nothing wrong with Runa! She’s got..uhm, she’s..” Jaakuna trailed off, looking to be struggling “...Got nice eyes??” He said, sounding just as confident as Jizuko expected him too “Mhm, yeah, red eyes right?” She asked, tilting her head and leaning closer. “Not quite like the red eyes of your classmate who’s seem to brighten whenever they land on you” Jizuko said coyly. Jaakuna shot her a sharp warning glare, Jizuko dared on “Mhm, yes sir you’d love yourself a tiny little goth girl. With nice skinny hips and arms. Arms that aren’t strong enough to lift you off the ground ever so slightly when you hug. With no nice flat chest to rest your head against, no no. And no smugly charming smooth voice chuckling ‘JayJay’ to you in greeting..” Jaakuna gulped, mouth suddenly dry, face as hot as the sun as he became lost in his mind...Jizuko had possibly the most obnoxiously smug grin on her face that it could put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Jaakuan’s cheeks flushed a deeper red so quickly he saw tiny white dots “I-I..” his throat was dry “...I don’t get what you’re implying” he muttered “Yeah, that blush on your face doesn’t say anything~” ‘Shit!..’ “Jaakuna, it’s okay..” Jizuko’s tone took a turn as she patted his shoulder soothingly, the smugness gone from her face entirely “You know your friends and myself will support you!” She chuckled lightly “Sides, I’m in the same boat as you..” Jizuko pulled her legs up to her chest, pressing a pink cheek into her knee “Crushing on your best friend and being too chicken to tell, sucks doesn’t it?” With a small smile she peered back up to Jaakuna, who’s scowl has lifted a little “What I’m saying is that I think you’ll be happy with Yūrei and you can make him happy. You guys are practically a duo! Hell, for the longest time I thought you two where already together” Jaakuna has fallen quite, half lidded eyes boring into the floor with an intense look to them, hands clutching at the pink blankets on Jizuko’s bed. “I’m. Not. Gay.” He growled, shoulders shaking “Not for him. Not for anyone! I like girls. Period.” Jizuko gave her best friend a flat look and rose a brow, mulling over what to do “...Okay then” Jizuko unfolded her legs to hang off one end of the bed and all of a sudden stood up “I’ll just go ask Yūrei on date~” “Wot?!” Jaakuna practically exploded from the bed, jumping across the room to splat himself against the door, blocking Jizuko’s only means of exit. Jizuko rose her brow, smirking “What’s the issue? Yurei’s a cute guy, and if you’re not taking him..” she waggled her brows and Jaakuna bristled, squawking like a turkey “I-you- Dont you dare!” He barked “You’re doing this on purpose!” “Doing what?” Jizuko asked, tilting her head “You’ve said you’re not gay so there’s no issue! I’ll just go and ask Yūrei on a date” Jizuko took no less then a step forward before Jaakuna tried to push himself further back against the door “Fuck off” “I don’t see why you’re being so dramatic: you’ve said you’re not gay, and that’s fine!” A smug smile pulled at her lips and Jaakuna growled, spreading his arms further over the door as if to hide it was even there. Jizuko peered skyward and then slowly rolled her eyes back towards Jaakuna “Unless of course..you have a problem with me asking him out” Jaakuna’s lips pulled back into a grimace, baring his teeth like an angry dog. Jizuko was unfazed as she turned to idly walk about her room “I mean, have you seen him?? That body?” She questioned “Damn, he’s really bulked up since the start of the year huh? Not that you would know” Jizuko shrugged “Of course, I’m sure all his fans know. I bet Yūrei gets tones of love letters! You know?” Jaakuna dragged his nails along the door, something in his gut twisting - where was she going with this??.. “Mhm, I bet he’s a good kisser. He looks like the type of be good at kissing - you know? The typical jock hot guy that’s all good with romance stuff? He fits the bill!” She turned to peer at Jaakuna over her shoulder, making sure their was enough distance between the two. Jaakuna’s eye twitched, the way she was talking about Yūrei was starting to really tick him off. He tried to brush it off and act indifferent to what she was saying, but that was becoming increasingly hard. His body was tense, his breaths deep as he tried to keep the wildfire in him at bay ‘She’s starting to get real annoying. If she says ONE more thing about Yūrei..’ “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already..had thoughts about him” Jizuko turned around once more, and was met with Jaakuna’s chest. She peered up, where Jaakuna was glaring down at her coldly. It was like staring death itself in the face, what she was expecting. “Listen here you pintsize twat” Jaakuna growled, voice like venom “You say one more thing about Yūrei I’m going to drag your ass six feet under!” Jizuko hummed, calm in the face of danger. A passive look on her face “Well it’s a good thing he’s not my type” The change in expression was so drastic on Jaakuna’s face it would have given anyone whiplash with how quickly his glare fell “...But- You practically just said you like him!” “And that, my naive friend, was a lie” “...A lie?” Jaakuna repeated, blinking “Duh” Jizuko said with an eye roll as though it was obvious “Yurei’s too full of himself for me. It was all fake, just talk.” Jaakuna worked his jaw, numbly pointing to Jizuko “S-So...so everything you just said was too-“ “Get you angry so you’d finally realize YOU have a crush on Yūrei? Yes” Jizuko finished Jaakuna sucked in a breath, flinching back a little. Jaakuna liked girls. He loved girls! There was plenty to like about the girls in the hero courses: Furora was smart and clever, yet fair and pretty. Runa was quite and brooding like him, with a cool quirk he genuinely admired! Furu was tough and caring, her witt as smart as her combat skills. Jizuko was hard headed yet kind, she was sweet, she let him open up about things he wouldn’t to anyone else. Above all the other girls, Jizuko had his respect. Liking girls should be easy, yet he felt a knot in his stomach, something clenching in his gut...like a weight holding him back. His stupid, stupid traitorous mind flashing with images of soft, curly hair that smelt of too much hairspray. Beautiful ruby eyes. A kind smile, bright enough to rival that of the sun. And a voice, as smooth as honey and as joyful as new lambs in spring calling out ‘Jaakuna!’ Yūrei “...Jaakuna?” Jizuko’s voice was gentle. She stepped closer to reach out for his hand, giving it a careful squeeze God dam it. God fucking damn it. What was wrong with him?? He grit his teeth, wanting the floor to swallow him. His cheeks became warm as, to his shame, hot tears began to blur his vision. He wanted to snarl at her, to curse Jizuko to hell and back, to trap away these stupids thoughts and feelings...but deep down, Jaakuna knew she was right. She had found the chip in his armour, she’d seen right through it, and unraveled the deep, very real truth. “Jaakuna nothing is wrong with you” Jizuko stepped closer and gently grasped his other hand. “Everything is gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay, I promise” Jizuko’s eyes shined with kind, comforting light. Jaakuna shyly met her gaze, his tears swelling when she gave him a soft smile...something fell from his eye. A tear, followed by many more - the internal battle surfacing “..I am Jizuko..” “Oh Jaakuna” Jizuko was on him in an instant, tugging her taller friend into a warm hug, nestling his head in her shoulder as she rubbed her arm on his back. Jaakuna’s grasped at her desperately, ashamed to be crying, ashamed Jizuko was seeing him like this, ashamed she’d been right. Ashamed he.. “I like Yūrei..” he whimpered, the rest of his sentence ending in weeps and sobs, as he let himself cry.
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