#you know meeeee. haha XD
slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
I wanted to send you this yesterday, but I got caught up in stuff as you know 😅😮‍💨😅😮‍💨😅😮‍💨 but now that I have a minute, here is something I hope comforts you ^^
How some of your F/O's help you sleep ^^ (I am not confident in characterizing some of your F/O's, so I can't do them all here 😅)
(iiiiii don't want to be disrespectful so I'm not gonna add how they'd react to your brother waking you up- especially when sick. It's up to you to fill in those blanks if you wish XD)
Greasy Weasel: C'mon, man. We know this weasel. He's gonna take this as an ~opportunity~ to exploit. Get you all nice and relaxed so he can strike 😅 if you're sick, he's a bit more focused on taking care of you.... Though those hands of his still wander 😅😅😅 though you're just as badass as you are sweet; if anybody can get him to act right, it's you Hannah... Though that all depends on whether you'd be willing to fall for his lack of subtlety 😏
Slenderman: Based on your writing for him... He's gonna be a grump about it 😅 like somehow your whirring brain in the middle of the night disturbs an eldritch creature like him (though he won't admit he just wants his favorite human to get her sleep). But hey, if you're up, let's have some tea. You got him hooked on that toast and jam tea, so you better have more XD you can listen to him moan about what his (children) pastas have done now, or how silly your stars look in your room. Or you guys can just enjoy the forest or rain ^^
Jim: Aw, you can't sleep? Here, how about some of the- no? C'mon, Hannah, it's his own brew!... Alright then XD yeah, he'll offer the contents of his flask to help turn your brain off. But hey, you got your cuddly, flannel wearing old man here. If he'll offer you some of his booze, you can steal one of his flannels to relax in XD don't worry, he thinks you look adorable ^^
Big Bad: idk of you consider him an F/O, but I think you could use a big, bad, wolf man who is very warm and plush. He probably had his arm around you already while you guys were trying to sleep. But he can tell something ain't right with his sweetheart. He'll crack some jokes to make you feel better, and pull you in closer if that's what you want (I warn you though, he is furry and had a big body, so it might be hot 😅), maybe even offer to you a midnight snack or something if that'll help.
I really really really wanted to add more like Cruella and Jafar, but I keep dozing off in the middle of writing this 😅 I need to go to sleep myself, but I hope you enjoy these! ^^
Ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Please! These are sooo warm and fuzzy, I feel like I just drank a hot chocolate with whipped cream (And some of that special b r e w, probably XD You know I don't drink but I'd take whatever he gave me, honestly- ). This totally made me forget i was heating up water for tea and a hot water bottle! XD
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These are all the best characters though!! Oh my goodness. Greasy 💚, Slender 🖤, Jim 💙, Big Bad 🧡-- I cannot express how much I love them <3 God, i wanna have a midnight tea with Slender in the spooky forest mansion so bad!! And I NEED to cuddle with the fat fuzzy wolf, damnit!! XDD 🧡🧡🧡
Thank you so much for these!! Especially with how your week is going so far too- it means so so much to me that you've sent me this even so. And they're so so good!! Really, oh my goodness- they're perfect and I feel so fuzzy now 💛🤍💛🤍💛🤍 XD ^^
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lazzarella · 3 months
Back again with my Wandee Goodday weekly rambling! I will say that, while I'm still adoring it, the editing is starting to feel weird? Like, I know there's not a cut and an uncut version but sometimes it feels like it.
But! I'm also the kind of person who can nitpick something I love to death, so I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to ~ac-cen-tchu-ate the positive as Mr Mercer wrote. And, like, I'm just here to see two beautiful idiots fall in love XD Anyway! Here we go:
- Dee going straight for the necklace! XD
- HAND HOLDING SHOT!!! Will never get enough of those!
- Love that they don't talk >:) (No, really, I'm not being sarcastic lol I love it haha)
- Aww, I want to know what the souvenir is!!
- Love their apologies! I especially love that he said he'd have let Yak beat Ter up if he wasn't a doctor 🤣
- Seriously, though, his apology made sense! I'm totally extrapolating(?) here but I almost feel like he didn't know why he acted the way he did in the moment
- Okay, kissing only once is silly 🤣 but I'm here for silly! And he did say Yak has to learn to wait, which must mean he does plan on kissing him again. At some point. I can just FEEL Kao's long suffering BFF senses tingling however many apartments away haha
- (I weirdly love being frustrated by shows I love??? Just me??)
- Awww! Love the scene with Yak and Yei <33
- Dee didn't feed him?? Tut tut, doctor! Not taking proper care of your boxer guy
- "Let's pound" uh, sure... But right in front of everyone? 🤣
- Lmaooooo, Cher! I love him! Telling Dee the necklace suits him better haha. I love the way that he and Yei have just accepted Dee into the fold and omg they don't know it's "fake" do they??? I would love to see their reactions
- I loved the whole som tam scene
- Hm. I guess Taem *does* like Yak then? Not really keen on that, but I'll just go wherever the show takes me, IDC
- Yak getting horny watching the others get oil massages lmao love that they used that 'o yeah' sound bite
- (actually, there's a bit in one of the songs that sounds like part of O Yeah by Yello)
- but he got his oil massage!! Dee is doing a thorough job
- Ahhh, Yak asking Yei about the consequences of him losing the fight!!! He looks so young there D: and I'm glad Dee asked some stuff, too!
- Okay, but what is UP with the Nazgûl dude???
- Dee knows Yak's lying!!
- ...wait, how does Dee know about the hallucinations to tell Kao? (Is it really a hallucination when you're asleep? Is that not just a dream? I'm guessing this is a translation thing though) Like, I can infer Yak told him at some point, but it feels like a weird choice to not show that. Whatever, I'm not going to think too hard about it
- Boo, Ter!!
- "No because I must bring my special someone" is the best response to Kwan asking if Dee was asking Ter out! Lmaooo (I paraphrased a bit I think)
- Okay, it's so funny that Dee knows Yak is his special someone and that's why he's asking him, and he's happy to let Kwan and Ter and whoever assume that, but he won't tell Yak 🤣
- "Just one more time" ??? One more time for what? Maybe I should stop watching this when it drops because I'm always half asleep by then lol
- Whatever Yak says about it would be nice to have someone cook for him every day and Dee's desperate 'oh pleeeease let it be meeeee' kinda look lol
- Costume time!!! They looked soooo good in the first ones (I don't know if they're specific characters or just traditional)
- I love how grandma describes dancing but I didn't note it down. Oops! It was lovely, though! And very true—you have to be in sync with your dance partner and you have to give and take equally, otherwise it's not going to work and you may hurt yourself or the other person
- Lmao, they're still pretending! So silly after the kiss and I LOVE IT! XD this is what happens when you don't talk. Please keep it up! lolll
- Tbh, I think Dee's equally afraid if he tells Yak how he feels he'll disappear now (he probably has abandonment issues, I get it! He said that thing about presents making him feel like he hadn't been forgotten about a child, so yeah...)
- Product placement time! There hasn't been much though
- Ooh, they're gonna get married :D
- Aww, that was a really sweet proposal!
- Thor is so much bigger than Fluke... Just needed to make a note of that lol
- More product placement!
- Dee! How are you going to feed your boxer man every day when you only have neatly arranged cartons of soy milk and a bowl of apples in your fridge??
- YAY ANOTHER HAIR DRYING SCENE!!! But this time with a hairdryer!!
- I knew Taem would be the reason Yak wasn't at the ball in the previews!
- gee, there aren't many people at the ball
- Yak is going to rock up at the very last second...
- ngl, I thought Taem was into Ohm as well!
- Just say no, Dee! Just say no!
- I mean, that's a pretty good speech, pity who it's coming from lol
- Phew! He pushed him away! I knew he would, but still
- Yesssss! I actually fist pumped at Dee telling Ter he wouldn't be a good dance partner and that HE'S TOO VANILLA bahahahaha
- He was very gracious about it, too, which makes it even better
- Ooh, Ter's crying! Tbh, I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a manipulative jerk XD he cries pretty, though
- Poor Dr Kwan!
- Dee waiting for Yak is breaking my heart!! Come onnnnn, Yak!
- YES!!! THERE HE IS! Cinderelly, you shall go to the ball! (IDK...)
- "My prince!" (x 2) Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! MY HEART!
- This is the most awkward dance routine lmao I kinda love it
- Ooh! Slow dance time!
- (So what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that there's no cure for, a love that I'm not sure of... Uh, ahem, where was I?)
- I think my whole heart leapt into my throat!! That was NOT what I was expecting at all and ahhhhhhhhh it was perfect! And Dee's happy little face!!!!! He's so amazed and happy and ahhhhh I don't want to wait seven days to see what happens next!!
-Also was that a new sing playing in that scene or something that already exists? Kinda sounded like Inn singing but idk
- Okay, but I am SO here for Yak trying to woo Dee next week lol like, he so doesn't have to, but I would definitely want to let the handsome man woo me for a little while too XD
- (I bet when Dee says enough and Yak's little face drops, it's going to be when he says the thing about loving Yak for who he is maybe, but IDK, I could be very wrong)
- Anyway. I THINK I LOVE YOU! Yesssss! Yak was so brave!! <333
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
My thoughts on Sonic Frontiers after watching cutscenes online:
Read at your own risk
Sage Robotnik make me go AWWWW, and also, she seems like a fanfiction version of My Metal Amy from Metallic Need,... but maybe great minds really do think too much alike? Haha!
Amy's story could have been a bit more, but there was a mix of 'this isnt like Amy, shes grown and is so mature now??? Why is she so reserved?' And 'yep, that sounds more like the Amy I know' lol her story arc doesn't make sense to me tho?
Tails and knuckles characterization and stories were spot-on in my personal opinion! I really liked the emotional talks they had with Sonic, but I worry the writing wasnt perfect. Still, I enjoyed those moments ^^
Eggman was Eggman, I thought his arc with Sonic could have had more time, but Sage grew on me with him xD When she considered orbot and cubot her brothers and wanted to meet them TAT oh mannnnn
I would have loved that lolol
I did like how they wrapped up some things, but are sonic and his really..?
No spoilers! But that was my take on Sonic Frontiers in just the hour of cutscenes I saw on youtube ^^ music seems killer at some points... but...
The lore tried to connect itself but it was contradicting already founded sonic lore, Sonic boom is canon??? No wonder they're hiring a lore expert Dx hire meeeee
Also, veeerryyy interesting how they look like Chaos god, gave me my Sonic And The Harmony Of Chaos The 8th Emerald fanfic feels (havent finished it yet).
It's just funny how like, Sonic IRL is a fanfiction I made of them all as data, Harmony has Chaos and angel island lore with harmony being a female counterpart to Chaos, and now you're telling me Metallic Need's Metal Amy also had ties to this???
Her want of family and observations, her feelings towards Sonic... you CANT tell me, after reading my works, that I wasnt on to something YEARS before it happened xD
Idk, it's just funny. They did their best to attempt emotion and drama, and I appreciated their efforts immensely. It wasnt super super bad in my opinion, but was reaching through space and found something... just needs more fine-tuning.
Very... interesting? Well, I thought it would be different, but I liked that Sonic traveled with each one of his friends and they helped him too. ;)b
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duesternis · 3 years
Hiiii! 😍 I missed talking to you! 😍
Okay, I'm not sure if you've played Mass Effect, but I'm gonna send you an ask about it! xD
My question: If you romanced Garrus, would you be jealous about the fact he's getting Turian chocolate from Dr. Michel? I mean...even Tali sounded concerned about it. :o
Thank you for the answer. :D
Hi sweetie and sorry for the delay!!
My best friend likes mass effect, so I think I know that garrus is the handsome alien man. Who I would have romanced absolutely. And I tend to be jealous haha soooo yeah. I'd probably be a bit pissed about that lol
But! I'd try to take it in stride, seeking assurance that he loves meeeee 💖
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pdaliceliveblogs · 4 years
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Oh, that’s really neat! I’m paranoid about spoilers so I’m not gonna go watch until I’ve finished the series, but I encourage other Revue/Utena folks to go check them out, they sound great!
And damn, that’s some stamina on Nana’s part. I’m amazed she hasn’t gotten tired of the whole thing....
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Yeah, my assumption was that because she requested that past stage particularly, she kind of broke the eternity clause? But also I have this creeping feeling that the giraffe doesn’t know as much about what’s going on as he claims he does, so....
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Haaaaahahaha if it was hard to  keep quiet with my mentioning time loops, imagine how much worse it would have been if I’d actually said so every time I had that thought! (I kept telling myself to tone it down bc I thought I was being too influenced by Madoka....)
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Oooooh, I like that thought! If it really has been sixty years, no wonder she might get a little sloppy eventually-- at least, enough for a canny wish-granter to worm in a loophole....
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omfg I love that. Frogs hoppin’ back a year....
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I love her phone case! I always thought it looked like a chocolate-dipped banana haha. And yeah, bananaraffe, after the ep some people on discord were telling me that it was a common fan theory as this was airing that Nana was the giraffe in humanoid form, with that as part of the evidence....
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“wasn’t *entirely* wrong” hahaha I wasn’t wrong ;) Connections go in many directions, and a connection isn’t a “rip-off”! I love it when stories touch on similar concepts, because it’s so neat to see how differently they can be handled. And I’ve heard of Kamen Rider, but haven’t seen it! I should get around to that some time....
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Yes, I know! Fun (tangentially related) fact, when I was blogging the manga I kept fighting with myself about whether to arrange my screenshots to be read left to right (like I do with anime caps) or right to left (like the manga itself)... I think I ended up with some posts of each xD;;
And, as you’re implying: yes! Nana facing ‘backwards’, wanting to return to the past, is awesomely done~
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Yeah, I know image colours are different from outfit colours, I just thought the outfits would be a good hint, bc many of them are the image colours. And... my screener let these by because I already figured it out, but please don’t answer questions for meeeee. I appreciate you trying to help and share! But I would much rather be left a little at sea so I can figure stuff out on my own <3
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opalai-pixel-witch · 3 years
Hiiiiiii!!!! ^^
Helloooooo! ^____^ I’m all right, I hope you’re doing well too!
–For now, yes! I sent a project and they finally accepted it! :D
Hmm, that does make more sense :o Although…Pesto skating could potentially be super cool >u>
–If it was up to me, Pesto would be great all over XD
I have doubts about that, because unlike the others, she has a clear passion: playing the bass
One of my headcannons for Pesto is that she has anxiety, so I think that fits in well with her ^_^ You might also recall the Bear Death chase sequence in the game: “There are fates worse than death, Bjoharn! Like unimaginable pain or going far far away for a long long time! You don’t wanna risk it!”
–Ja ja ja , that part seemed funny to me until she leaves me saying: Good luck getting mauled!
And me like: EY! HELP MEEEEE!!! D:
And yes, she fears that, but she exaggerates saying that she is going to die, after all, her minor wounds heal very quickly
I imagine her grabbing Death’s head, covering his eyes without noticing it, telling him to slow down cuz they are going to die
Death like: P, we’re already dead but we’re going to crash if you don’t let me see THE WAY!!!
Oh yeah, that’s the reason why I’ve been avoiding dA lately =A= Eclipse is the most inconvenient, hideous, and just absolutely horrid website design I’ve ever had the unfortunate displeasure of experiencing in my life. But they don’t even censor NSFW stuff anymore? What a complete mess >:| I only go there for this one webcomic I follow nowadays :P
–I don’t use DA as before, I would say it’s currently deserted; I check fanarts from time to time and also read some web comics too, also I read some comics in Webtoons ;)
Speaking about DA:
…OH HOLY GOSH DARN!! I love love love love love that picture of Milky and co.!!!! ♡♡♡♡ I’m guessing the lady behind him is Bat-Dung? And I wonder what Salmon Guy’s doing there o.o But oh my gosh Milkyyyy…pardon me, I’m in love |D
–I’m glad you liked them, and yes, I wanted almost the whole team, so I invented an image for Bat-Dug based on her voice and on the fact she investigate the paranormal, also what role she could play in the team: I assigned her to provides weapons and special equipment to her mates, and repairs technology ;)
I would have put Red Eye, but my story takes place after the events of MS and HH
And Salmon guy is there because Milky and company went after him (I’m still writing this story, it’s harder than I thought, I usually don’t write stories) ^^;
I just figured that Bjørn would probably be more used to writing in runes, or maybe did it as an inside joke o: I don’t think Pesto knows how to read it, but she didn’t really need to in order to know the gift was for her—but later on she might see the tag with the runes and be all faux-annoyed like “Bjoharn you cheeky little—“ |D
–“Bjoharn you cheeky little—“ *insert wheze meme* X,D
I’m imagining that scene from the simpsons where Flanders leaves Homer and Co at his summer house and  left them little notes everywhere, but with Bjorn and Pesto instead.
Pesto would be like: To hell with this! >:v
Heya!! I’m so sorry it took me a while to get to this message, college and real life stuff has been kicking my ass ;;_;; I’m glad to hear that things are going well for you!!
I mean...isn’t she? |D Jokes aside I agree with you, since the only talk of skating she’d done in the game was casually acknowledging the others’ obsession with it :P Still, I am super tempted to draw Pesto skating at some point >.>
That part always makes me nervous ;A; Pesto, I’ll never forgive you if you leave my son to die!! >:| (...let’s just...ignore the fact that he’s already dead...)
That reminds me of a weird headcannon I’ve been thinking about—I feel like with her being in charge of diseases and stuff, she has the power to remove an illness along with her ability to inflict it :o Maybe I’m just being dumb, but I thought it’d be cool...and yeah, I can totally picture that |D I dunno if I’d label the horsemen as dead though, I think they’re just some weird immortal entities :P
If dA is becoming deserted now, that only means their Eclipse scheme has failed =A= I wonder how long they’ve been banging their heads against the wall in regret...I’ve also been looking at comics on Webtoons lately, my favorite one there is probably Clinic of Horrors :o
Your new drawings are (as always) sooo cool!!!! O.O War looks super badass, and the one with Death casually approaching Sam is funny |D I also love the comic with his dad and Cobbles, the “you will have to believe me” line made me lose it >o>
I see o: I can definitely picture her as the weapons-handler of the group! Odd thing, though—I don’t think Milky actually had any weapons in the game...unless his pockets are somehow bottomless and he keeps them in there :P I can also see the motivation for them going after Salmon Guy—after all, he has encountered one of the horsemen firsthand! The best witness for them would be Sam with all his new info, but of course because he’s the ultimate rich kid it would be super difficult for them to get to him |D
Haha yeah, Pesto would have to go to that Valhyr site constantly to translate everything >u>
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ofargentum · 5 years
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Ignis. I loved him from the moment I first started the game. Oddly enough, because it was like I had found a video game version of you, except he was male and had a british accent. For that reason alone, my love for him knows no bounds. Rejecting Ignis would be like rejecting you, and thats just not possible. 
How they play them: I know you’re gonna shake your head and accuse me of playing favorites but .. flawlessly. I don’t know if its because you actually are ignis in real life (being the driver constantly, having a passion for cooking, your collection of knives, the list goes on .. ) or because you just mesh with him so well, but I can hear Ignis in every piece of your writing. From the prose to the dialogue to the way he conducts himself and the way he processes thought patterns .. its all there. You capture his dry humor, his heart and most of all his passion for the people he considers friends. I can’t believe this journey started all because I told you I wanted you to write Ignis in the middle of Michael’s while you were looking at beads. You seemed .. less than enthralled (xD) and your first words were ‘ okkkaaaay …. I guess I have to play the game” and you sighed really loud because you weren’t a fan of it. But look at you now. Obsessed. You’re welcome.
The Mun: hahahah 6 years, babe. Six fucking years ago I tackled you in a chatzy because i thought you were someone else and we haven’t looked back since. I still remember trying to convince myself that the feelings I had for you were just because we delved so deeply into the emotions of our muses .. and I also remember admitting everything to you when that lie I was telling myself failed so drastically. From writing together a year, from moving across the country to live with you for the past 4… I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you so much. The passion you bring to my life is unmatched and in you I have found my best friend, my partner for life - the one who will hold my hand through every thing.
Do I:
RP with them: I mean. I think across all of our blogs we literally have liek 200 threads and I don’t think thats an overstatement. It might be an understatement to be honest haha.
Want to RP with them:  I will never grow tired of it. Always.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Amy is a truly spectacular writer and she is a truly spectacular friend. Her ability to encapsulate every aspect of any character she picks up’s demeanor is truly astounding. Her writing has pushed me to better my own, and through that push I have grown exponentially. I owe every thing I am today, to her. Definitely worth a follow.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 11 liveblog/review thing
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hey, i’m not super late this time. XD yay for me. but actually, i’m not happy. i'm sad!!! the reason i’m sad is that this season is almost over. ugh i am so upset ;__;
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9)  (episode 10)
loooooool both girls glanced into the tokyo crowd for just a second and immediately found their perfect guys!! XDDDD
haha the newbies are so excited to meet makoto. they're all thinking like "HEY I WANNA TOUCH HIS HAND FIRST"
it's a little sad that makoto, rei, and nagisa are together but not haru =( i just want them all to be together again!
eating a good meal is the first step toward working toward your dreams? uhhh okay
that is the most muscular lock screen ever  o////o
"muscle freak" perfect name lol.
HAHA WOW: "i tried calling you a million times, but i could never get though." "that's because i was ignoring you."
"i know everything about you" is never really a comforting thing to hear someone say.
kids these days are saying "all the rage with the youth of today? lol wtf.
why does haru look sad when he thinks about iwatobi swimmers about to compete in tomorrow's tournament??? [EDIT: later i realized, he thought he would miss it. he hadn't yet thought about trying to get rin to drive him there.]
everyone around the whole table copied nagisa's pose. that was so cute. XD
rei giving nagisa a little pep talk is the sweetest thing ever!!!! ^___^
"i like the ones who struggle as if their lives depended on it" well you seem like a nice person...
"GOU-SAN!!!!!!!!" lol calm down man!
"my brothers talk about you all the time" hahahahahaha awkward
yes, rin has cleavage. this is an indisputable, scientifically proven fact. i just wanted to point that out.
i heard "cool down" so clearly. i love the fact that japanese has so many english loanwords! =)
wait, huh? what is happening? haru and rin talking on the phone, and then rei getting something from a vending machine, and then nagisa in a hotel room wondering where rei is, and then it's suddenly the next day??? that was weird. so many abrupt scenes.
now, rin is kidnapping haru??? rin kinda has a devious look on his face lol.
haru had a TINY little smile... it was so small but was there... i think.
haru wanted to cheer on his old teammates ugh this show is so sweet that it's giving me cavities.
rin and haru didn't tell anyone they were coming? omg, perfect. they wanted to suprise everyone aaaaaah i am getting so excited i hate this show.
sousuke is here too yaaaaaaay =)
wait, what was sousuke going to say?? don't cut to another scene.
this is the third time rei has disappeared and people were wondering where he was. it happened at the beginning of the episode, then it happened with nagisa in the hotel room. now it's happening at the tournament. hmmm...
"this is a pretty stupid thing to do!!!" rin says with a big smile on his face.
lol of course haru would say that something is "free."
all the people still stuck in traffic are like "we should get up and run like those guys."
rei needed to go outside and look at the butterflies. after all, the butterfly ghost has possessed him, you know!!
asahi's not-smooth backward hop on one foot, yeah i saw that.
awwww asahi and rei were such cute kids!!!!
omg i love this background music. it's so pretty.
perfect, rei just happens to run into asahi who is the perfect person to give him the advice he needs. "don't overthink it!"
so many reigisa flashbacks, i am too emotional uggghhh AND THE MUSIC IS KILLING ME.
yes!! chappy-senpai is here!!! it's true!! XD
“RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -makoto
haha now haru is yelling too. that is so unusual, but it is SO CUTE argh.
i knew rei would be awesome!!! he was feeling some stress before the race, but i think asahi really helped him.
rin cheering for ai ;___; <33333
nagisa and ai are so serious lol. but i can't take them seriously because they are both adorable. <3
rei cheering for nagisa loudly and more passionately than everyone i am dead i am dead.
aww i wanted nagisa to beat ai but i am also glad that ai won hahaha (that makes no sense, i know)
now the tournament's over... i tend to feel nervous every time there is a small amount of time left in an episode, especially when something really happy has just happened. i always feel like something bad's about to happen (even though that's not always how it goes, i still feel this way!!!)
"the whole time i was in the water, my heart was dancing." nagisa you are TOO PRECIOUS. STOP. JUST STOP. =)
sousuke is getting waaaaaaay too close to rin okay <33333
sousuke laughing is too much for my heart to handle, i don't know about you all. ;__;
"i would have regretted it more if i hadn't been here" haru awwwww. and rin talking about his bonds with his friends. it was such a wonderful thing to say!!!
the episode's over. hmm nothing bad happened like i felt. hahaha
just one more episode left!!! thank you, nagisa and rei, for narrating the previews for us. all the free! fans have appreciated it XD
so here are my thoughts: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well okay, i usually feel that way after free! episodes, so it's not surprising that i would say that hahaha.) this was an episode about friendship. yes, it's a common theme in many anime (and other stories in general), but i still like it, and i really ike the way free! does it. throughout free! in general, in all seasons, we've seen so much friendship beautifully illustrated and shown to us. it's not just characters TALKING about friendship (although there is a lot of that), but it's characters actually expressing their friendship in various ways, for example, haru and rin skipping their training in order to go and support their friends. we are seeing how much these characters mean to each other. i keep getting such a happy feeling throughout this whole series. ^___^ i appreciate the writers, animators, voice actors, and everyone else who came together to create this show, because i obviously love watching it and there are so many special moments that are heartwarming and touching.
the reigisa montage. i just... idk. that was... i am... *bursts into tears* there was this gorgeous music, and all these cute scenes with rei and nagisa... I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! <3 my heart exploded when i watched it. (maybe i need to go to the hospital for that?) those two are very, very, very sweet, and they are always so supportive of each other. the relationship that they have together is just so solid. they obviously have two different personalities, but they fit together very well and they both know that the other person will always care for them and be there for them. ;__; waaahhh i can't emotionally handle reigisa. reigisa is too overwhelming for meeeee!!!
here's something weird though: hiyori and ikuya have barely been seen in this show since their plotline got resolved. i know there are a lot of characters so there is limited time to squeeze everyone in. so i understand. however, it still feels a bit strange. i assume they'll show up in the next episode, though.
the next episode... ugggggh. i know it's the last one of the season. (hopefully not the last one EVER!!!!) i am dreading it. yes, there's the big showdown between haru and rin that i'm excited to see, but actually, i am not too happy about the next episode. i am going to have conflicting feelings throughout the episode. i am going to be both really happy and really sad at the same time. uggggh ugggggh ugggggh (uggggh is the sound of me groaning and suffering XD)
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First of all! I love you more for writing a fic of my art!!! OMG
I really loved it, I fell in love when I knew that Tony had aroom full of Steve’s merch, then watched CA:WS and weeeell that anon requesting was perfect XD now you took it into another level with this fic! So thank you so much!
Also, reading the part where they are in the kitchen just before reading the letter is awesome! I got hungry actually XD haha with all the narration I only could imagine the smell, the sounds and the texture of everyting… Now I want pastaaaa…. WHICH reminds meeeee SOMEONE owes me a salsa recipe!!
SO, back to the fic I really loved Steve ways to gets Tony’s confession XD and the confession itself was so sweet!! I can imagine Tony being all shy and stubborn on telling Steve the truth
- Yuki
I am glad you like it!! I admit it was supposed to be funnier, then become such a telenovela at the end D:
I love writing about food! I still consider as one of the best compliments I ever got on my writing was that one anon told me that they like my food preparation descriptions! sometimes I am tempted to write a chapter of DTR when they just cook together and write about food, haha
it was not salsa, but sauce! I mean, dunno, what you are talking about...
and yeah, Tony is one stubborn cookie, but Steve knows that it is worth to be patient with him!
thank you for the inspiration and thank to the anon who asked you to draw that comic!!
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tehflah · 7 years
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SOOOOOOO I did goto Bronycon 2017. I would’ve made a “Going to Bronycon” post, but the story behind this was that I was kicking myself all week for not making plans to go. And on Thursday, I simply decided “screw it I’m going” and drove up Friday morning! Next year I will plan better haha.
But holy moly am I glad I went! I met up with a lot of great artists and folks I’ve interacted online with over the years. The pictures above are from:
@minimummums - Was nice to meet you in person! You got some smooth lines on the angerbap! Thanks man!
@pich-un - It was fun rooting you on at the 100ft page at the draws meet; it looked great when you were done and so does the sketch you gave me! You’re gonna convince me to keep those bangs on Joy’s hair yet.
@phoenixswift - It was nice to meet you again! Thanks for the cutie patoot Joy!
@whatsapokemon - Wicky’s methods of happiness scares the locals, but adorable just the same! She looks so lively! Thanks whatsa!
@ciy-e - We were dodging each other all weekend, but thankfully met up on the last day! It was nice to meet you! And thank you for the double draws; your style is adorable!
@input-command - It was super nice to meet you! I absolutely adore your daily draw journal @dogstomp . You popped out these smooth inks on this so quick. Seriously, I was still drawing in your book and I think you beat me! Thanks for the arts!
@tallaferroxiv - Also graced my book with the double draws! I need to post more of the filly guide thing here oops. Gosh I still don’t know what to say about the Filly Guide; she’s too gosh darn cute. Totally surprised me when you handed my book back! Wicked being Wicked is so smooooooooth. Also BEEP BEEP! Thanks Talla!
And to all the amazing people who made Bronycon a wonderful experience, whom I was able to bump into (who aren’t already above!):
@malwinters - You helped me meet up with the group on Friday! I was a little lost and confused as to where you were and I saw a group but was walking around awkwardly and too shy to say anything until, TJ I think, shouted my name and I was like IT MEEEEE :V You were awesome to hang out with man!
@askpiratedash - Thanks for coordinating the group a bit when we were out of control. :p Also need to get you back as well on artsssss Sorry we didn’t book trade. I’ll make sure to hit you up first next year!
@princessmuse, @midnightrt, @askscribbly, http://darnelg.tumblr.com/ (@ isn’t working!) - Was nice chatting on Saturday at the Cheesecake Factory!
@goattrain and Vi - YOOOOO It was nice to finally meet you two! <3 (I met the goats! YEEEEE!)
@raeligath, @joeyh3, @dshou, @kawaiipony2 - Didn’t get a whole lot of time to chat with you guys, but I’m still glad we were able to chat some! Thanks for the kind words too kawaii!
@ask-wiggles - I was the idiot on Friday night doing my best wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-man across the way while chanting your naaaaame. I was tired, please forgive. XD
@twistedsketchproductions / @ask-twistedribbon - It was really nice meeting you at your booth! I recognized your style immediately! Super nice artsssss!
Valcron/Dreatos - Had a nice chat with you at your booth!
@rarijackdaily / WhiteDiamonds - Since I had such little time to prepare I had no idea you were there. But then I saw the booth and I had to meet you! I’ve been a super huge fan of your work forever! It was absolutely fabulous to meet you in person!
@dragonbeak - I’d never seen your art before the con, but now I gotta get more familiar with it! Thanks for the chat and the arts!
@bobdude0 - Was super nice to meet the Sweetie Belle super fan! It was really nice to meet you, been a fan of your work for quite a while!
@dawnf1re - It was great to meet you! I love your style and the marefriend blog cracks me up! Thanks for the small chat too!
Running a bit long, but I’m really thankful to who I met... There were so many nice people I shared small chats with that really boosted the whole experience too. Thank you to everyone I met and anyone I might be forgetting for making the whole experience amazing this year! This was easily the best Bronycon... Hek, best convention I’ve been to ever!
~Love you all! <3
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I’m trying to avoid studying right now haha ^^; soooo I decided to do this since I’ve been tagged by a few people! Thank you @softkillua, @unnoticed-and-necessary, and @sketchxhunter!!!
5 Things 5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag: 1. Laptop 2. Chargers 3. Gum 4. All of my textbooks. All of them. My roommate says I look like a turtle bc I carry around so many textbooks in my backpack 5. My glasses
5 Things In My Bedroom: 1. Funshine, my teddy bear! 2. My manga 3. A ton of post-it-notes with reminders written all over them 4. Artwork I’ve done over the years 5. My calandar
5 Things On My To-Do List: 1. FINISH MY FINALS 2. Write...more...killugon... 3. Sleep and not wake up tired 4. Get my CPA  5. Graduate!
Five Things People May Not Know About Me: 1. Ummmm I teach a spinning class three times a week at my college! I get to make my own playlists so....I have a bunch of killugon themed playlists and they’re amazing  2. I’m majoring in accounting XD Which is about as far from writing as you can get haha 3. I really, really, really love doing art! I’m trying to get better at drawing humans (bc I want to draw killugon basically lol) but I’m not that good at it, unfortunately. I’m trying to do more practice but I end up writing more than drawing ^^; 4. I LOVE HOT CHOCOLATE. I once ran ahead of my friends to get to free hot chocolate and they had to unlock the door I ran through to follow me hahahaha 5. I’m clumsy? Like, I never thought I was but I stumble into things all the time and accidentally hurt myself a lot to the point where my family starts to roll their eyes if I even stub my toe XD
I was also tagged by @unnoticed-and-necessary for this ask meme too!
1. Where is your phone? desk 2. Your hair? brown 3. Your dad? amazing 4. Your other half? IDK  5. Your favorite food? italian 6. Your dream last night? none 7. Your favorite drink? HOTCHOCOLATE 8. Fear? failure 9. Favorite Shoes? slippers 10. Favorite way to relax? computer 11. Your mood? exhausted 12. I love? family 13. Where were you last night? studying 14. Something that you aren’t? tall XD 15. Muffins? blueberry! 16. Wish list item? HXH 17. Where you grew up? beach 18. Last thing you did? study 19. What are you wearing right now? pajamas 20. Something you hate? inconsiderateness 21. Your pets? none 22. Friends? .....incredible 23. Life? good! 24. Regrets? some 25. Missing someone? always Tagging (only if you want to, of course): @rynnaminttea, @thekillua, @sketchbunny, @sheiireen, @honeybitz, @ctachibanana, @okami2506, @mizuri-chan, @authorout, @golden-chocobo, @emthimofnight
....okay I think that’s enough people XD thank you for tagging meeeee
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euphorica-smiles · 7 years
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So anyway, I am back again with a box split! But this time, it’s for an in-stock box split XD Chuya is mine ahem ahem. I mean seriously look at the crazy babu with wine just....LOOK at him *squishhh* 
But seriously also look at everyone else like freakin’ hell WHY YA ALL SO CUUUTESS I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS WJKGNWEJ HAHA
*ahem* Anyway let’s move on to selling deets: 
Price of the babies: USD4
Price for the babies to fly to you: USD5
How to pay for the babies: PayPal
Can you reserve the babies?: Yes, for only a week - Please make payment by then.
When will the babies be released?: RELEASED YO! They are cozy sitting in my room ohohoho
Can you pay half (baby first, ticket for the baby to your home later): Yep. If you prefer, you can pay for the merch first. Shipping later when the item arrives to me then I’ll send you another invoice for that.
List of babies taken and available:
striked = means taken
Chuya (meeeee)
Kunikida (karlegg)
Ranpo ( @yuuripean)
Atsushi (FB - shipped)
Dazai (FB - shipped)
Akutagawa ( @flowerboisuga)
Mori (Nie)
Kenji (rehaunted)
Bonus: Buy any charm, 2nd charm Mori or Fitzgerald = free shipping~ 
Anything else, please DM me or email me~
Reblogs much appreciated >w<~
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replies pt 2!
@owly-sims + @acquiresimoleons + @davidmont + @acquiresimoleons
@owly-sims replied to your post: Daisy is kind of upset that this baby seems to be...
I think there’s a fix for that shirt somewhere. It’s still freaky tho :[
I don’t think I really want to fix it, now. It suits Daisy, don’t you think?😄
acquiresimoleons replied to your post: Ralph went first…
LOL the kids face is like oooh it’s so shiny!
Finch always manages to hang around birthday celebrations and make the best faces xD
davidmont said: Lmao still poor, he’s not a fan of this lmao
Oh I know! poor Ralph just wasn’t feeling the island, at the beginning...
davidmont said: Lmao he does not want yo go to the sea haha
no, poor ralph was so tired
davidmont said: LMAO TAKE IT GURL!
I know! I was so happy that he got back at her :)
davidmont said: Cutie cutie I love her awww
meeeee too 
davidmont said: Wow they’re improving
it’s true! also, I just want to brag, in my game currently they have each mastered two or three skills, and I’m so proud
davidmont said: Lmao they get better every pic wow
I’m glad you think so!
davidmont said: Lmao I’ve seen quite a lot of miracles from him, first the tub, then the runner thing, then a building, I assure his Jesus lmao
you might be on to something there😉
acquiresimoleons replied to your post: why are the shadows in my game so awful and...
What graphics card do you have? Radeon/amd cards have this issue sometimes, i had to hack my graphicsrules to make them render properly
I think it’s an msi (don’t quote me on that). but yeah, I’m going to look into doing that kind of thing *sigh*
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sungchims · 8 years
44 (#help lol) questions tag
I’ve been tagged by @seoulhite @wonpilimiri @so-na-gi​ @youngk thanks, girls!!! :)))
a) Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. b) Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their questions.
Sana’s questions
10 minutes with your bias or one hour with the rest of day6 (your bias isnt there)? Mmm... I think 10 min with my bias (why do you all ask such difficult questions? TT)
Do you like sports? Some of them, yes
Are you looking forwards to valentines day if you celebrate? Well, too late to answer to this, but not really haha I’ve never celebrated it
How are you? Fine, I guess ^^
Whats your favourite colour? Blue, black and grey!
Whats your favourite season? Why? Fall, bc I like when the weather gets colder and I love the colours
Whats your favourite song? I can’t choose one, this is an impossible task lmao
Do you like bugs? I find some of them cute, and I don’t mind some others and I hate some of them too lol
Whats the best ice cream flavour? Omg idk... mint & choco chips or sth with caramel/vanilla/etc
Favourite album? Same as with fave song
Do you feel cold at the moment? Not really
Kristel’s questions (aka Kristel putting us in trouble lol)
The Day or Daydream? pfff we start strong! I guess The Day
Would you rather learn Korean from Jae or learn dance from Sungjin? Dance from Sungjin, ofc! (I could learn Korean that way too hehe)
Sungjin running his fingers through his hair or sleeveless Dowoon? SUNGJIN PLS (he gotta stop that for the life of us)
Briwoon or jaehyungparkian? -
You’re about to meet your ultimate bias and you can only wear either Wonpil’s pink sweater or one of Jae’s hawaiian shirts. Which one will you wear? Pink sweater all the way! With a black skirt it could look really cute, why not? ;D haha
Bandana brian or brian rapping about taking jackets off in hunt? lmao (and no. you can’t choose bandana brian rapping about taking jackets off in hunt) Mmm bandana Brian is sexy!
Between Pandora and You, which one would you rather have a studio version? You
Letting Go’s lyrics or Colors’ lyrics? Colors’ lyrics
Sungjin + Jaebum or Wonpil + Jinyoung -
You’re going on a road trip with DAY6 but only five people can fit in the car. You have to leave one of the members behind. Who will it be? Why? This is so cruel :O I would leave Brian, Wonpil, Jae and Dowoon and go alone with Sungjin hahaha that way we could all have fun! Or get my car and split in two teams. But I can’t leave just one person behind xD
You get to see DAY6 perform live but only to one of their songs. Which song would you want this to be? I think... Colors
Kris’ questions
Wonpil’s aegyo or Dowoon’s singing? Wonpil’s aegyo! hahaha someone’s gotta keep the aegyo game going in Day6 >w<
Baron or Baba? idk what this refers to :O (sorry...)
Who would you like to be siblings with? I think Wonpil, he seems to be a very cute and kind brother
Your top 3 covers from them? Bad Boy, Thank You, Good Night and Don’t Worry (걱정말아요 그대)
Wonpil’s hairstyle from WIN vocal battle or Broccoli Brian? Broccoli Brian
What’s your favorite nickname for each member? Do you have any special nicknames of your own for any of them? Mmm I don’t know, I like Wonpilimiri the best hahaha and for the others, I have no fave nickname and none of my own :)
Synth!Wonpil or Piano!Wonpil? Synth Wonpil! Or him doing both, he looks so cool
What concept would you like to see from them in the future? Mmm... idk maybe something harder? Something close to metal?
Your favorite lyrics right now? I can’t choose!
How many times have you changed your bias since you got into them? None, except for the usual “I have a hard time to choose” in the beginning (but Sungjin... <3333)
Your favorite funny moment I think when they showed their apartment
Liz’s questions
How are you? :) Fine I think haha
Who do you think dresses the best out of the 5? Mmm I think all of them in their own style! 
Would you rather sit down for a sweet latte with Sungjin or an americano with Wonpil? Sweet latte with Sungjin all the way
What’s your favorite DAY6 song? Whyyyy are you doing this to meeeee? Mmm... I think Colors, Sing Me and Winter Goes
You get to spend one day with your bias. What would you do? WHAT A BLESSING. I would do whatever, I wouldn’t care hahaha I would like to listen to him practice, go for a walk, go for coffee, eat together, take a nap.... just normal things
What kind of song do you want DAY6 to release this year? (Soft, sweet, hardcore, etc.) I think I said it in other question, but something more hardcore, even close to metal. That would be nice! (ofc also I’m in for more sweet ballads and happy cheery songs)
Who do you think is DAY6′s visual? (you can only pick one) I would have to say Brian (those prince looks are not from this world)
Dowoon singing “Sing Me” or Wonpil rapping “First Time”? Dowoon singing
Brian’s trumpet or guitar playing? Guitar
Jae when he sings or raps? When he sings
Sungjin’s duet on week 1 or week 2? Week 1, the song was so sweet
I did this not long ago and added my questions/tagged, so I’m gonna let it go this time (if not this eternal circle is not gonna close hahaha) ^^
But thanks for tagging me! :D
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tori-yaaaaaaa · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tagged by @stray-but-okay Thanks Love! This was really fun to do and made me squeal as I pictured everything. Haha
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
Im Jaebum from Got7
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
Noticed him when I was watching Dream High 2 and I just fell over everything about him (lol such a long time ago)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
Ugh I really can’t pick just one favorite Everything he does makes me so smile and his vocals are just the death of me.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
Looool probably meeeee since I’m a touchy person
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
ME cause I get cold so easily and then when I sleep I basically cover myself like a burrito
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
Again probably me since I’m so touchy. But knowing Jaebum, if someone is trying to hit on me I can see him be clingy and defensive.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
Probably me?? Honestly though if he said it first I probably would look at him silently and smile while tears would fill in eye for a good 5 minutes
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
SO JAEBUM!!! And I would have so much fun making him flustered even in public XD (He’ll probably get back at me later for it though)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
Well based off of that video for when Got7 becomes husbands, he’ll be hugging me when we sleep XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colors remind you of them and why?
Black because he is always wearing something black like that bowl hat and he just looks hot in black.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
I really like the summer, but I think I would like to spend winter with him cause it’s cuddle season whether or not you are at home or out in public. Also it would be so much fun to play in the snow together I can also see our Capricorn selves getting into a fight or something from the snow XD or share warm cups of hot chocolate.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
He can take all the batter because I never ate the batter growing up and I still don’t
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I suck at making puns so he’ll probably make then and I would either smile and laugh or just do a face palm.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
BOTH! I’m a huge dog person but I know he is allergic so I’m willing to get only cats.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
Honestly we both love to cook and know our way around the kitchen so idk??? I guess I could just say that maybe I would because I was half asleep??? and he came to the rescue. lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
I feel like depending where we are at it’ll go both ways and who ever is pulling the other back would be panicking and scolding the other for leaning over the rail.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
I hate horror movies but always end up watching them somehow so it would consist of me cuddling and hiding my face in his chest. And then after the movie I won’t sleep the entire night and he’ll be passed out. 
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I’m not smooth for shit but I feel like he would be both the cheesy and smooth flirt XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitive?
We are both hardheaded Capricorns so that’s so darn tough. I’ll probably let him win a couple of times though just so I can see that smile. (though the pouting and Jawbum ain’t bad either XD)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
Well I am one of the moms in my friend group so probably me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
We both will :)
I honestly love getting tagged in these cause they are so fun! Okay you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but I’ll tag @hannahdearr @aelasong @swweetlikesuga @jajajaebum
0 notes
quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
Buying Game 1 - Playing 1 and 2
Put these all together because they were so short... and not even really recorded.
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
(Backstory: Bardic feline and I have been talking about a fic she told me she was working one (Link here when i get it). Few about a week or so I’ve been motivating her to help her to finish it by the 20th, her deadline.)
Q: did you get the thing out?
BF: I didn't finish both parts of what I wanted to do, but i did enough to post the fic prologue on AO3
Q: yaaaaay that is something. Good job.
BF: thanks. ^^;;;
Q: yaaay can I have a link?
BF: Aaah hold up.  Also, going to warn you right now, it absolutely spoils the crap out of Farewell My Turnabout, aka 2-4
Q: dammit
I need to get the game how much is it and is it on steam or do i need to get it somewhere else
BF: Like it goes in assuming you already know the big twist
Q: welp I do not know
BF: You can get it on iOS or Android or from the 3DS shop
Q: I still call the people in the game "the objection guys"
BF: Hee hee fair enough
Q: dammit
well I have a 3DS so it can still work why not
BF: But when I say it assumes you know stuff, I mean it like straight up pulls the reveal that happens most of the way through the case
And yay!  That’s the easiest way to get it
Q: dang
I should've played the game yaaaaay :D
BF: You can get the whole original trilogy in one package on the e-shop
Q: Funny thing about the 3DS: I got it from a pawn shop for 60 bucks thinking it was a 2DS because well, it was. It is a 2DS it has that on the back it says everywhere on the thing it is a 2DS. When you open it though, it thinks it's a 3DS. This works out well because a 2DS has more power and the 3DS has more available games
I'll go find it. How long is it will I be able to play to the twist by the end of today?
BF: Unless you just fly through the first game?  It’s the last case of the second game
So...proooobably not
Q: dammit
do I have to pay for all three games??? Can't I just watch somebody else play it on youtube
BF: You can if you like? Or do an emulator?  I’m not gonna tell you how to do it.  Though I will say that that bundle is WAY less than what I paid for all three games used for the DS
They were probably about 15-20 bucks EACH individually
Q: dammit
well it's gonna be a while before I read that fanfic I helped encourage you to do. What out for that review 2-3 years for now.
BF: Hahaha awww
BF: It doesn’t take THAT long to play any of the games. XD
It’s just longer than a single night
Cause it’s like reading a book where you have to solve puzzles to advance
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Q: well it better be good if im going to end up spending 60 dollars on it. At least I get to understand yet another one of Zarla's interests so many of her comics are based off of
I don't even wanna read all of those fanfictions why couldn't it just be mostly comic based with like 6 fanfics like with the ladies
BF: It’s not going to be 60 bucks!
happy summer
3 games and they're like 15-20 something about a bundle how much is that
BF: That’s what each was a INDIVIDUALLY
By themselves
On the DS
BF: When you had to but the individual CARTRIDGES
Q: going in the shop to see if I can find it
ohhhh wonder how much they are now im looking in the shop
BF: The BUNDLE is all three games at once for like...16 or 20 bucks TOTAL
For all three games together
Q: :o that's not 60!
BF: That’s what I was trying to say haha
That it’s a BARGAIN
Even when it’s not discounted it’s a bargain
Q: im looking for it bleh i haven't used this thing in a while where is the search bar for a specific game
BF: Search “Ace Attorney”
And aww those eggs sound pretty
Q: where is the problem it just has filters
I remembered the thing about using vinigar instead of water for the color to stick on better and it worked very well
BF: Umm...there should be a search function
Q: there is one but that's just filters for some reason
I'm calling my brother one moment
BF: You may have parental controls on too high or something
Q: nope I got it
it's 30$...
bleh ill get it whatever
BF: Aaaah sorry
Q: it's fine!
BF: I was thinking when it was discounted, forgive meeee
Q: I'll probably like
BF: That’s STILL less than what I paid individually
And it’s a good series!
I really think you’ll like it
Q: yaaaay
BF: It’s so ridiculous and over the top Hahaha
Q: I can't face the shame I'm giving my brother the money so he can buy it
BF: Hahaha aaaah forgive meeeee
it is fine lol
BF: Ooooh!
Q: dumpster
it was your idea
it's downloading
Q: how many days do I wait before it's approprait to send Jaz another email
Q: I spent 30 dollars because of you
working on comic, very good progress. Got all of the backgrounds done and am doing pretty good on the characters.
Just when the game opened I saw what you meant by it being over the top this is great imma play it
Q: 2014???
must be when the bundle was released...?
BF: That sounds about right dang
Was it that long ago when the HD bundle got released
-Case 1-
Q: Back!
Finished chapter 1: I feel smart I very much enjoy this game. Wonderful. Good that I'm apparently better then most people at remembering names :D when will juan die
BF: last case of the second game!
hahah just settle in and enjoy a Juan-less first game
BF: and I really do sincerely enjoy every part of the first game
I do too it'
Q: It’s hard to believe Juan is even in the game
you made me spend 30 dollars on it and I am thoroughly enjoying it
(Edit: Thoughts i remember having but didn't record.
1st Case:
Hey look the tutorial person! She's a boob joke. of course.
I had no reaction to Winston, mainly it was just "objection guy".)
-Case 2-
Me: game about laywers. Somehow it was successful. Me later: and magic??? why is there magic why is there a chapter on why does this game exist it's so over-the-top I swear what was it's goal?
Q: the girl is too talkative
I should sleep >:( It's your fualt I can't
Q: why does the girl even call me nick
why does phoenix allow this his name isn't nick
(Edit: I refuse to call him Nick to this day.)
Q: where the hell is the save button i just wanna leeeaaave
>:( well I'm almost to a save point in the game
Q: dooone
Maybe I'm just tiered in the morning I won't despise the girl
BF: Hahaha aaah I love Maya, personally
BF: And yeah, there are times in the investigation periods where it’s all godammit where do I go next.  But half the fun for me is going around and poking at stuff just to see what Phoenix and Maya will say about it
BF: I guess Maya gets Nick from PhoeNICx...I dunno I stopped questioning it ages ago
BF: There is a way to save when you are investing though
BF: I’ll tell you where to find it in the morning haha
Q: I figured out it's the start button.
Maybe I could look up where she got the name. She just asked if she could call me 'nick' and phoenix had no objection so I GUESS IM NICK NOW. I really like seeing what characters say about stuff too, but sometimes you just wanna get to it and 'ohmygod just shut up i wanna be able to figure this out i've already heard this before what am I missing'. Also I was tired, but ya they are enjoyable for the most part. HONESTLY with Juan I see him as a Zarla character, him being in the game is just absolutely stellar... it feels like a huuuuge bonus. I know he originally came from here but I learnt about him from the ladyverse and a quick scroll through her ace attorney folder on devart. He seems like her character. Concept: The people making the anime actually did see one or two of Zarla's comics and liked the color she had for his shirt and kept that Me at first: ehhhhh i don't really like him. he should just... go over there. Me later: oooo cross universe? More interesting, still don't like him much. Me now: I WILL PROTECT WITH BOY WITH MY LIFE WHEN I FIND HIM AND HE'S ALREADY DEAD WHOEVER DID THIS YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE
BF: Hahahaha
Yeah, I kinda consider him to be more Zarla’s character than the game’s because of how much of a blank slate character he really is
BF: I know I’ve made up traits for him practically from whole cloth, or based on the smallest clues I can glean from the game script
Q: niiice
I'm getting through it, thankfully I'm not getting stuck as often as I did.
Q: "guess I better go there later..." YES, ALRIGHT, HOW DO I MAKE TIME MOVE FORWARD THOUGH?
BF: lol a lot of time when they say that, that means 'head on over to that location if it's on the menu"
(Edit: This goes DIRECTLY into my 1-3 reaction. The very next message.)
(Edit: Thoughts i remember having but didn't record.
2nd Case:
Sense the beginning I knew "IT'S THE WHITE GUY". The cutscene had what looked to me somebody with white hair but later i found a guy named Redd White and knew It was him because "HE'S THE WHITE GUY”
"Aw no looks like the tutorial girl is dead. Oh well."
"So she has a sister, okay."
"weird, i haven't seen this before. this is cool. (investigation mode)"
I absolutely hated April May. She was the worst character to me.
"HEY LOOK IT'S THAT OBJECTION BUDDY (Edgeworth) :D" I didn't have much thought on him besides that. He was the other objection guy. I knew him from the little I've seen of Ace Attorney beforehand (mainly one ace attorney tumblr post).
"There's magic in this game. guess her death meant nothing apparently.")
0 notes