#you just got latinized
fluentisonus · 5 months
everybody's a theatre nerd on here until it's time to appreciate that comedy as a medium is just as rich & fascinating & culturally important as tragedy
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sickfreaksirkay · 6 months
when people say it's stupid to learn latin because it "isn't useful" i literally go crazy wild like i get violent and aggressive and start gnashing my teeth looking like a dog with rabies or something
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pumakaji64 · 7 months
Chicos... I think I won the game 😎
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cometrose · 10 months
i’ve got two zhongli origin theories
1. he’s a fallen star or a piece of the sun that fell in teyvat or a sun god/solar chariot
2. hes a servant of celestia but was banished/demoted for disobedience
theory 1 is an old theory but i always feel he’s an astral body of some sorts “planet befall” is his burst name “stars dim light fades” is his namecard description “gold is the tears of the sun” this is what the melusines say after being handed a piece of cor lapis the fact the solar chariot crashed when rex lapis was young and then zhongli is always symbolized by the sun with gold as his signature item. All the other archons (ei, rukkha, nahida, furina etc) are represented by the moon as are many other deities or divinities (azhdaha, guizhong, xiao and ganyu) zhongli is one of the few immortals to fully embody the sun
theory 2 has more to do with his connections to celestia. while super subject to change and not at all reliable i always think about one of zhongli’s beta lines is about celestia and he speaks very fondly of it stating he hasn’t been there is a long time next is the mora he produces with the triquetra symbol associated with celestia
then in chinese it states zhongli was demoted 6000 years ago when he arrived in teyvat as opposed to the eng version of ‘descended’.
In his 5th character story prior to rukkha getting erased it stated that barbatos and morax were the only original members of the seven and now it states that they were the only two in positions of leadership but isn’t that the same thing? not to mention barbatos fell asleep the same time nahida was born so in reality of the original 7 only rex lapis was in a position of leadership and then in the same text later down it still says that “The seven seats changed and again were changed, till five of the seven at the table were all departed” but if he really forgot rukkha shouldn’t it be four not five? this section of text is the same pre and post sumeru so long story short i think he remembers rukkha to some extent so he didn’t come straight from tevyat
and then even though he states he’s eroding he is very confident in his memories likely due to his contracts so i think erosion effects him differently and then their is his connection to the heavenly principles he specifically states erosion was imposed on him by them and then he praises furina for deceiving them and then there is his contract with them that stops him from talking about the cataclysm all in all i believe he’s familiar with the heavenly principles on a deeper level like he’s playing both sides
bonus: i think it’s neat zhongli is always associated with life and creation much like celestia (and the sun), he gave azhdaha eyes and created the archaic petra flower he created whales and eagles and beasts made of stone granted the adepti illumination and a mastery over alchemy
bonus bonus: morax was alive during the age of the 3 moon sisters and there are few stories were it’s implied he mentions them directly anyway this just means he’s far older than 6000 and has lived through numerous tevyat societies so he’s got a very long lifespan not as much as an elemental being but he knows far more about this world
bonus bonus bonus: zhongli’s 6th constellation is “Chrysos, Bounty of Dominator”. Chrysos is latin but is borrowed from ancient greek meaning Gold (Khrysos). Khrysos is a daimon which are lesser divinities in greek mythology and often a personification of abstract concepts. Daimons were great and powerful figures who after their death were granted divinity and some were transformed by Zeus to guide humanity. Khrysos is son of Zeus and the personification of gold and wealth ‘that cannot be devoured by moth or rust’. Son of Zeus? Free of impurities? Tasked with guiding humanity? Very similar to the relationship to the archons and celestia and could mean zhongli has very divine origins.
anyway that’s what i got, as to what he *is* maybe he’s a celestial dragon that got demoted.
or i think about heavenly chinese immortals who, when they commit crimes, or want to grow as a person, may be sent to the human realm to go through trials and suffering that comes with living and guess what zhongli does in his free time.
May he’s a piece of the sun that crashed down in teyvat and got assigned godhood hence his dedication to the future and seeing a new day
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allieinarden · 4 months
A dirge for those whose lifetime greatest one-liner occurred under circumstances too specific to explain without a PowerPoint.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
i was looking up tips for formatting bilingual books (for example, a copy of idk the iliad with ancient greek on one side, english translation on the other), but i didn’t know the word describing this kind of format 🤔
so i was stringing together keywords like “book with two languages” and one of the results was a reddit post with someone trying to find a book that alternates between multiple languages, i.e., there are no translations, it’s it’s one text, but half of the story is in english, then the other half, or interwoven throughout, is in french or whatever
and it took strength to not suggest the hussite trilogy 🥴
#the elbow-high diaries#i need to read it a second time for the more bg characters and the politics. and i need to read it a third time for the dante.#and im chewing away at manuscript discovered in a dragon’s cave rn and#im kind of torn between trying to read it quickly (learn the content) and trying to dissect sentences and spelling (learn some vocabulary)#so you could say im half of the time trying to pay attention to words and their spelling and learn them based on the translation given#and then i get caught somewhat off guard#im like ‘ok that spelling is… that’s not polish. what is this. german.’#‘okay got it. alright [moves down page] ok now he’s just speaking latin for fun now’#i’m not complaining to be clear i just find it funny because there’s so many damn references and weaving together of different#languages cultures literary traditions canons mythologies etc.#it reminds me when i had just started reading interviews with sapkowski#and before then i had just read season of storms and i was like ‘what is all this latin how pretentious is he’#and then i read the interviews and i was like oh. that’s just how he talks#when the intellectual regis randomly quotes cicero in lotl… i can see where that came from#also again to be clear i don’t think it makes one particularly uniquely intellectual to know and use multiple languages#i think its probably what the global norm is#but what makes it funny with andrzej sapkowski is that#as dandelion said about regis: ‘(he) was an intellectual. and liked to demonstrate it’#but i think this is what i like about his writing—particularly bc i never was especially close to anyone like this irl#though i think this is maybe for the best… sometimes… intellectuals are best read and not known 😬😅
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seedlessmuffins · 3 months
anyways fuck argentina and most importantly fuck the referee we've still got third to play for 🩷
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peanutseagle · 11 months
oh my god i gave him. this drawing i did of him. but its not just based of any picture - oh no - it's based on a 5 yo class photo. I explained to him that my friend, who was his classmate back then, showed me the picture. That I got bored and just wanted to draw something, so I drew his 5th grader self. He smiled funnily and said "Well, it's not bad. Thanks"
Then he went back to his bros.
Me? I hid in the toilet, called my friend, and screamed her ears off.
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nova-they-exist-yup · 6 months
today i learned theres a fandom for the latin textbooks i read in class and tbh im kinda living for it
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i-ideate · 2 months
woosh! Thankfully my countries back to the good old stuff. It was being stable for a bit too long and just wasn't behaving like itself! Glad to see the true venezuelan spirit shinin through! Hating Chavistas and Maduro are a staple of the Venezuelan migrant (refugee according to some sources) lifestyle, so seeing them start tearing down statues makes me so proud of my good ol yellow blue and red! You keep it goin, busters! (ventish in tags, btw)
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Natlan is not even out and there is already discourse on it. Like BRUH
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//For once; I actively agree with a side#//How in the FUCK did you expect Natlan to be ONLY volcanos and destruction and complain we got Rio basically#//and it was only a lil SNAPSHOT of the place too! Like BRUH; It is based in Latin America/African cultures and nations#//OFC there will be places that resemble tropical areas & have creatures that suit it. Of course there will be DIVERSE & LIVELY BIOMES#//Like; even with my hopes of it being like Atlantis from the movie; thought it’d be like the sequel#//& Sorta envisioned there having vibes like. Tenochtitlan but a lake of lava. but still so full of life and flora/fauna adapted to it#//The place itself elevated high enough above the lava so the ppl wouldn’t get crispied; ofc. but STILL#//Even with volcanic activity & war; the ENTIRE nation can’t be a fucken desolate wasteland; like come ON#//Do you think LATAM was a fucken ravaged wasteland before/after the conquistadors swung by to fuck shit up?? NO#//Y’all want the Mare Jivari or smth. Which we could still get; bc it’s supposedly NEAR Natlan#//Like I wouldn’t be surprised if there WERE part of the Nation of War that were ruined and desolate#//Every nation had SOME part of it that look like that. But to expect the WHOLE place to???& get upset at the life and color of the place??#//And to top it all off; WE HAVE NPCS WHO TALK ABT HOW MUCH THEY LIKE NATLAN. Do you think they would if it was just WASTELAND??#//B r u h. Wheres that one I think it was a tweet. Abt Natlan being inspo’d by LATAM/Africa not fuckin HELL#//Rare angy ranting mkfhfb#//But yeah; I’m holding fast to this. What the fuck
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only good thing abt the vous situation is that it lets me experience tecteun calling 13 the child that im 100% convinced she actually would bc shes the only one who uses tu for her
#what language do you think theyre actually speaking#bc like on top of all the other um disconcerting stuff abt the whole situation on that spaceship for 13#iamgine walking into that tree room and refinding that woman there and then she starts talking to you in like. this ancient gallifreyan#like old high gallifreyan hours#a language you only kinda learnt at school a couple millennia ago#im a big believer of the doctor and the master speaking gallifreyan when theyre alone i have fun with that in fic#(i dont think they speak entirely the same native language i think gallifryan is a diglossia but not the point)#but neither of them Speak old high like thats a dead language#i think 13 would drop into gallifreyan after opening in english#'hello im the doctor' in you know good old sheffield english#and then tecteun responds with 'i know' but in like....fucking latin#latin is probably not the best analogy but i dont know the history of english#old english i gues but we dont really learn that in school#anyway imagine how disconcerting#and i imagine she'd switch to gallifreyan sure but like. her modern mountain gallifreyan from lungbarrow right?#that vs tecteuns fucking classical dead textbook gallifreyan#or thats how it would feel to the doctor bc tecteun is pre-timelord. this is just her language#or....her language would be what would later become old high#so maybe she speaks to her Child as she used to actual eons ago#and to the doctor the closest this sounds like is old high gallifreyan bc she doesnt remember this language any more than tecteuns eyes#it's close-enough-sorta-dead-gallifreyan-???#so she switches to the closest shes got. which is just. lungbarrowian#tecteun trying to rewrite history and the doctor not-entirely-on-purpose re-establishing the one she has/knows/remembers#holding on to her actual history#which tecteun tries to rewrite/unwrite/dig out from under known history with this old old gallifreyan#anyway. more language thoughts of this evening
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Trying to cut down on making kms jokes so I’ve come up with a solution: say I’m gonna kill god instead
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lonestarss · 2 months
i wanna learn arabic...
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
I don't wamt to bother you :(((((
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necromancy-savant · 2 months
That one poll reminded me of how one time in high school one Ms. Pease saw me quietly listening to my ipod in the hallway waiting for my next class and she just ripped it out of my hands. And I was staring in pure dumb shock for like 30 seconds and she was like "are you coming or not." She then proceeded to explain, once we walked the whole fucking school to her shitty little office she shared with 15 other people, that ipods aren't allowed in hallways. Which was news to me on account of everyone had them or cd players. She was known for being horrible for no reason but damn. I wish it was her who got arrested for cocaine
#it was a Spanish teacher. and not even the one I had whom everyone immediately suspected#let this be your sign that if you hate high school kids don't be a teacher#that was my one and only interaction with her miserable ass and I literally hope she died horribly years and years ago#a history teacher who caught me smoking once was sympathetic about my stolen ipod and helped me get it back and she was a literal angel#more of her and less of Pease in the world#people used to joke about the language department's food based names. Like Mr. Crabb and Ms Pease and Mr. Kofi#Mr. Kofi was a native French speaker from Cote D'ivoire. he was my French teacher and he was awesome. And they pronounced his name wrong#I was lucky I got him. We also had a teacher who taught French and Latin and spoke both with the strongest British accent ever#not to disrespect her or anything. She let us watch Gladiator in class. And I told her after like 3 weeks of class I finished the book#and she said ok here's the next one. if you get through that you can move up a whole year and go from Latin 1 to Latin 3/4#after winter break. and I did do just that and I got the best grades in Latin 3/4 too#at Latin day I was a junior so I didn't get picked for the kartamen team (sp?)#and they lost first round#meanwhile I took multiple choice exams all day. My favorite. and I got 1st 2nd or 3rd place for every single one#so I literally won 10 awards all my myself at Latin Day. Just by taking multiple choice tests. they must have felt so stupid#I received those awards onstage at school the same day I got like 3 or 4 medals for the National Latin exam and the state exam#and the mythology exam#so I went home with like 15 awards that day so fuck you everyone who didn't want a junior on the kartamen team. I destroyed your sorry asse
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