#Eventually the embarassement of the situation hit me
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peanutseagle · 1 year ago
oh my god i gave him. this drawing i did of him. but its not just based of any picture - oh no - it's based on a 5 yo class photo. I explained to him that my friend, who was his classmate back then, showed me the picture. That I got bored and just wanted to draw something, so I drew his 5th grader self. He smiled funnily and said "Well, it's not bad. Thanks"
Then he went back to his bros.
Me? I hid in the toilet, called my friend, and screamed her ears off.
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nynxhaswritersblockk · 1 year ago
Think I need someone older
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader
TW: Mention of sleep paralysis & rape
Hope ya'll enjoy this a little regardless of the sensitive topic!!
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It was a quiet night at the prison, except for the uncomfortable feeling you've been having the whole time. You couldn't fall asleep like that, it was impossible, as soon as you felt tired and tried allowing your body to rest, your eyes shot up again. It felt as if you were being watched, as if someone or something was creeping over you, footsteps sounded and then whispers..
Your body shot up, it was early in the morning and you quickly realised that you experienced one of your sleep paralysis's again. Quickly you got up, getting dressed and grabbing your c/w, walking out of the prison cell you called your room. At breakfast you were quiet, not saying a word and it caused the others attention. "Why are you so quiet today?" Rick asked you, a worried look on his face. "Didn't sleep well" Was your reply as you began picking at your food. You didn't feel hungry, the memories of lastnights 'nightmare' repeating in your head over and over again.
After breakfast you went into the prison's garden, caring for some of the plants there as you constantly kept an eye out for any threats. A hand grabbed your shoulder, pulling you up and you shrieked out. "Woah, M' sorry, didn't know ya get scared this easily" Daryl's voice chuckled out, you turned around to face him. "What the fuck's your deal?" You shot back, making eye contact with him. "Listen Kid, something's clearly up with ya" He began, taking a step closer. "So why don't ya tell me what it is?" He finished his sentence, holding eye contact. You huffed out at him calling you 'kid', just because he was somewhere in his 40s and you were barely 21 doesn't mean he gets to call you that. "Forget it, you're the last person I'ld trust with my issues" You muttered back and rolled your eyes, returning to your work of caring for the tomatoes. A sigh escaped his lips as he kneeled down next to you. "Heard ya screaming last night, something happened?" He whispered quietly, making sure nobody else heard them. "I sure as heöl didn't scream" You scoffed at him, trying to ignore his presence. "Well, not scream, but ya know. I walked past your cell, heard ya sobbing and whimpering" He replied and sighed a little. "Sleep paralysis" You simply said, knowing that you couldn't hide it from him. He hummed in reply and got up again, ruffling your hair a bit. "Next time ya come talk to me, 'kay?" He said and stepped back a little, you nod slowly. "Mkay" You replied and went back to your work.
When you wanted to go to sleep in the evening you didn't know what to do, the same uncomfortable feeling in your stomach as the night before, when you fell asleep and had a whole ass sleep paralysis. You slowly got up, wearing a pair of pversized shorts and a T-shirt as you stepped out of your cell. Your bare feet hit the cold, stone floor of the prison, quietly walking by all the cells, until you came to Daryl's. His curtain was opened and he was lying on his bed, playing arounf with a ball he had found on his last supply run. "Come in, Kid" He said quietly and you hesiatted, thinking about leaving again, but eventually you stepped inside, closing the curtain as you sat down on his bed across from him. "What's up with ya? Ya look more disturbed than this mornin'" He said and let the ball fall to the ground, leaning forward a little to show he was listening. "I feel like I'll have another paralysis" You mumbled out, avoiding eye contact eith him. It was embarassing, this whole situation. Never had you told anyone about them, especially not some random guy you've been knowing for a week. To your surprise Daryl nod in understanding. "Why do ya get them?" He asked, his tone careful and for the first time he sounded actually worried. "Childhood trauma I guess" You mumbled and he looked at you with such interest in his eyes you almost couldn't believe it. "Uhm.. I don't know if you even wanna hear about this, I-" He interrupted you by saying:"No no, tell me." You took a deep breath. "My Mom's husband, he raped me when I was younger.." You whispered, tears forming in your eyes. Daryl stayed quiet, instead he pulled you a little closer, his arm wrapped around your body as his other one softly caressed your hair. "'M sorry this happened to you, It'll be okay, Baby. 'M here for you" He whispered quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he let you cry in his arms. Eventually you fell asleep and he let you stay, pulling the covers over both of you, as he held you close.
In the morning you found yourself still in Daryl's bed, but he was nowhere to be found, his crossbow gone too. He was probably on a run or just right outside the prison. A small sigh escaped your lips as you decided to just keep sleeping for a bit longer, enjoy the warmth and smell of Daryl's bed.
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One random funny shipping trope I like occasionally is when the same person ends up dating two members of the same family (either at the same time (dating the parent and their kid) or at different times (dating the parent/ancestor/elder and then dating the child/descendant/younger at a later date)
Some notable examples from my brain:
Urbosa x Botw Zelda's mother + Zelbosa
What can I say? I first saw the former on Twitter and loved the fanart/au ideas of this ship. Frankly, I like it on its own whether as an au where they got married/became partners, or even if it's a homoerotic friendship with unrequited feelings (on Urbosa's end at the very least).
As for the latter, it kind of just struck me when I first watched that memory in base botw where Urbosa is holding Zelda as she sleeps (tuckered out from surveying) and talks to Link about her. This scene really set Urbosa up as a comforting presence to Zelda, and the knowledge that Urbosa displays sets her up as someone just inherently close to her (or at least someone who has been watching her all this time)
Under the framework of this post though, I love to imagine that Urbosa either has/had a secret thing with Zelda's mother, watched over her diligently and tried to position herself as a helpful presence, and then once Zelda properly grew up and started to get older, feelings (on Zelda's side first) started to grow more uncertain. I'd like to think under this framework that once Zelda becomes an adult and comes to terms with these feelings, she becomes embarassed around Urbosa😂
Or, as someone I know once said "Don't you think it's funny? Urbosa had a thing with the mother and the daughter!"
I also can't help but think back to this post I saw on my for you page about how a "MILF" should specifically be a woman old enough to be your mother. So like. It's also funny to imagine like, a sweet childhood friends situation with past!Urbosa/Zelda's mom, but then Zelda being so down bad for a MILF with eventual Zelbosa
Botw Zelimpa + Zelpaya
Now, I've shipped Zelimpa in botw since Age of Calamity released. Real princess and her number one bodyguard kind of situation seemed to be going on there (for the record, I watched the trailer and played chapter 1 of that game). As for Paya/Zelda, I didn't really think much about it until I (1.) got into botw Zelimpa and (2.) went through Paya's diary in botw and it hit me that Paya could very plausibly be into both Zelda as well as Link.
Under the framework of this post, I really can't help but think of them like parallels to the movie Hook (Paralleling Peter/Wendy and Peter/Moira). In this case, it's funny to me to imagine Zelda having this deep bond and relationship between Impa during AoC era, and then 100 years later (post botw) when she finally meets Impa again, Impa introduces her to Paya. And while Zelda sort of slowly falls for Paya as they hang out and get to know each other and talk, the feelings hit Paya like cupid's arrow (I love you bi crisis Paya).
Nanago + Goyuu
This one sorta came about because (in addition to both of these ships) I like those aus where Nanami is Yuji's adoptive parent. And so it's funny to imagine a situation in which Nanago are exes and/or divorced, and then like years later Yuji and Gojo have one of those chance meeting x romcom romances where they both find out after the fact that Gojo was once with Nanami, but it ends up being Nanami who's the most annoyed and bothered about this situation in the end
Nanami really wishes his adoptive son would dump his ex's ass😂
Rigurd/Siguriddle + Hayariddle
This one's a bit different just because Hayato is Sigurd's reincarnation rather than Sigurd being Hayato's ancestor, but it’s close enough. And it's close enough because this is actually arguably pretty close to UR canon?😂
Like Riddle has an entire King and his most devoted servant/secretary thing going on. There is so much implying that Riddle was probably in love with him, if not that they actually were involved as a couple. And then after his lord (Sigurd) dies, he dutifully makes sure that his beloved's soul reincarnates properly. And then he watches over and protects Hayato (said reincarnation) as he grows up, sets his plans in motion and inserts himself into Hayato's life when Hayato turns 17, and then grows attached to him enough that when he finally ressurects his dear lord after centuries, he chooses his reincarnation over him. And if the ending of that manga tells me anything, it’s that Riddle really did get the King and his reincarnation 😂
Vintaker + R!Ciel/Undertaker
I haven't actually read far enough into BB to know a lot of details, but all I need to know is that the Undertaker may have been implied to be involved with generations of phantomhives, that he did canonically hang with Vincent, and that he's like the Sebastian to R!Ciel. Funny to imagine him involved with the father, and so too his precious dead heir that the undertaker went through the trouble of trying to bring back
Lansoni + King Sonic/Galahad
If you follow me you may have already seen me posting about them but regardless
Satbk is the only continuity where a version of Shadow (Lancelot in this case) is arguably Silver's (Galahad's) dad. I will be completely real with you it is so funny to imagine King Arthur "Sonic" Pendragon being involved in a relationship with two of his knights, both of which just so happen to be father and son. Shenanigans abound. It's funny to imagine
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corvus-frugilegus · 24 days ago
About your post about the Rookanis dynamic after the almost kiss... got any headcanons/thoughts about how Nazri specifically handles that whole situation and the aftermath you'd want to share?
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I have taken an AGE to answer this lmao because I've done a lot of waffling about the Nazri Mercar pov on this.
Their vision swims, a throbbing pain at the back of their head dragging them back to consciousness. As the world comes into focus the soft warm light of the infirmary is a small mercy.
The last thing Nazri can remember was Hossberg. Thanking Viago for ...his poison what did he call them? "Drakobliterators"??
Something about him "Tipping the Scales" because the fight was gonna "Drag on" without the crows?
The pained look on Lucanis's face juuust before it all went black.
Ah. Lucanis.
Nazri presses the heel of their hand into their eyes, rolling onto their back with a heavy groan.
"I am..." he pauses, "It is good you are awake."
They twist their head to the left and there he is. He looks tired. Well, more tired. Had he stayed with them? How long had they been out? Nazri finds themself at a loss for words. Only hours before they'd left for the wetlands they'd...
No. If they let themself go there, they wouldn't be able to stop thinking about his breath against their lips. How good he smells. The way every part of them had come alive with anticipation and desire.
Except even now, they smell coffee, leather, and thyme.
They meet his gaze, and the softness in his eyes clutches at their heart.
"Your head, is it still troubling you? In Lavendell, you fainted. 'Uh oh head wound' was certainly a way to warn us ."
Nazri groans again.
The fight. They'd been distracted. Two dragons was a bad fight on a good day and today... yesterday? Had been a complicated one. They couldn't get the look on his face when he pulled away from them out of their mind- he'd seemed hurt. During the fight he seemed focussed, he does love revenge, but Nazri had let their attention drift to him for just a moment and got knocked clean off their feet. Their head hit the ground hard, but they'd managed to get up and keep fighting.
'Uh oh head wound' was embarassing though. Not as bad as 'Sometimes a bad idea is better' but not great. Nazri sure wasn't giving their best today.
And how many more wounds could their head reasonably take?
"I've been better." They try to keep their tone light, but their voice is hoarse and a little uncertain. Nazri isn't sure how to... what to. Were they okay? Did they push him into something he wasn't...
Lucanis looks away from them but doesn't move to get up from the cot beside them. A positive sign. It's quiet. An awkward, tense kind of quiet. So the bad kind. The kind Nazri does their absolute best to avoid at all times.
An awkward chuckle passes between them.
"Rook. If I could... What I want... Forgive me. I am not certain what I wish to say."
With another groan, and an accompanying head rush Nazri props themself up on their elbow so they can face him properly.
"You don't have to... There's nothing to...Fuck. " His eyes meet theirs once more, and Nazri does their best to try again.
"I just... I don't want to push you into something and if that's what happened I-"
"No. I...It is not that."
Nazri doesn't miss the change in his expression, the way their concern for him continues to catch him off guard.
" Well. Good." They smile, its slight and its soft, but it's all for him.
"I'm not going anywhere so... Take your time. You'll know what you want to say eventually."
At this, he smiles, too.
The reality of a recent head wound catching up to them, Nazri sways on their elbow, face going pale. Lucanis is there instantly helping to ease them back down onto the bed.
"Emmrich has prepared a poultice for you. Allow me to-"
Nazri's hand catches his wrist, cutting him off as he's turning to leave.
"Don't worry about it. I'd rather have company."
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year ago
🌆for whomever you think would take Tidus out on the town OwO
How about one date?
I mean we had Tidus and Carol established so that.
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A deep breath escaped Carol as she clinged onto her book... she made up her mind if she does want to pursue her crushes she had to take the intiative... and given she finally made up her mind she only needed the courage to approach the situation... and so she waited for the Octavinelle lounge to thin out on customers and approached Tidus afterwards. Twirling her hair a little nervous and pursing her lips.
"Say do you have something to do on the weekend?"
"No actually... why do you ask?"
"Would you maybe accompany me to the cinema, there was this cultural movie I wanted to check out... maybe grab something to eat after..."
"And you ask me for this? I feel there is far better people to ask-"
"No... I want it to be you... I actually liked you for a long while... and I wanted to bridge the gap and maybe ask you out directly."
His face had a light blush and a face of disbelieve as the tutor put her hand on his. It was surprising to say the least given how many at the school were after her and wanted to ask her out but she rejected them. But still he gave a small nod.
"I would like that actually... on saturdays?"
"Sure... take my number I text you the details."
With a wink she may turned around but she herself was nervous the whole time but let out a sigh in relief after this.
On Saturdays she stood there... Lyla helped her pick out a pretty seafoam green dress with a lily in her hair... clinging onto her bag waiting a little as he showed up... seeing her smile up at him.
"Did you wait long?"
"Not at all... Its good to see you."
Her smile was bright, putting an arm around him which instantly go him a little nervous... but in a good way... as the two of them waited in the line chatting a little.
"Did you pick this movie for me or-"
"Don't worry about it... I didn't see it as well and I love any opportunity to learn something... but also I thought its been a while since I was in the cinema so."
"I still can't really believe it... that you had a crush on me..."
She blushed a little but leaned against his arm.
"You were always so nice to me, a good break between my tutoring... someone that listened to me."
"And you didn't find me intimidating or..."
She shook her head with a smile.
"Maybe its even something I find attractive... no matter the looks... if you are a sweet and good person... it will get me attached... but.. I did find you have something cute and handsome about you... "
Eventually he looked away letting out a little thank you cause he was embarassed about it as she let out a warm smile.
"Lets enjoy this date casually... maybe you will understand why I asked you in particular out."
They took their popcorn and drinks into the halls... sharing some accidentally touching hands which Carol didn't mind at all... eventually leaning back and enjoying the movie... before afterwards hitting up a restaurant of Carols choice.... as they both sit down excited chatting about the movie.
"I didn't expect it to be that in detail... I loved it... it was a good choice of yours."
"Hehe... I just guessed but I guess I was right."
Eventually as they both waited for the food she scooted a little closer to him and looked up as he still looked a little embarassed.
"I don't mind if you take time to understand my feelings for you... but do know I was serious about this date."
"Its just still a little hard to believe cause-"
She put a hand on his and let out a calm breath.
"We can take it calmer... I don't mind you making your decision up now... but know I will always have these feelings for you and care for you, Tidus. "
"No... I did actually enjoy this date with you I am just a little worried about you given you already get bothered enough... let me stay close to you and protect you were I can."
"That is sweet but... against some of them it be impossible... you seen the annoying reaper I have to deal with."
For once he took both her hands and smiled at her.
"Then this is now our problem, alright."
"Tidus... thank you. "
She instinctively accidentally hugged him... before noticing how he nearly passed out from it and moving away.
"S-sorry... but... I am happy... very happy to have you close."
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years ago
Chaeyoung (Fromis_9) as Your Girlfriend
“Hullooo can I request Fromis9 Chaeyoung as your gf pleasee”
“bro i love your work! not sure if you’re taking requests right now but can you do chaeyoung of fromis_9 as your gf?”
“PLEASE!!! Can you do a GF Chaeyoung/Saerom/Nakyung (Fromis_9)???”
A/N: i hope i did our lovely chaeyoung justice !! 
- C
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Chaeyoung Vs confronting her feelings instead of just teasing you constantly until you got the hint and made the first move
once she gets over most of her nerves her teasing tends to take on more of a flirty tone
leading to you turning into absolute mush and chaeyoung getting so cocky 😋
gets a lot more open with affection once you officially start dating,,, but mostly in private because she will NOT be accused of being whipped
(which she absolutely is but... no one needs to know that)
lowkey a sucker for cuddles, and her favourite is when you lay your head in her lap and she can play with your hair
and poking you teasingly when she catches you falling asleep, wanting to keep talking to you until she finally decides to let you nap against her
Chaeyoung is STRONK and loves to show off at the most random of times
You: *having absolutely no problem opening a jar*
Chaeyoung: "hey babe looks like you're having trouble there let me show you how it's DONE"
and proceeds to open the perfectly easy jar before flexing her biceps and making you giggle because. that's your mf girlfriend okay and if she wants to be a gentlewoman and open jars for you then. SO BE IT
dates can range from being at home and screaming at the cringy scenes in romance movies to dressing up to the absolute max and hitting the town,,,, both work for you guys
chaeyoung loves dressing up to go out, mostly because the way you look at her makes her feel like an absolute princess
actually, you look at chaeyoung like she's a princess whether she's in a dress or her pyjamas,, and it often makes her realise just how in love you are with her
which is a huge comfort for her, because she's absolutely head over heels for you, and navigating through these intense feelings feels a lot easier when she knows you're going through the exact same thing
those are the kind of thoughts chaeyoung only shares when she's wrapped up in your arms and half awake in the early hours of the morning, both of you too sleepy to feel the weight of your words,, while simultaneously feeling wide awake as you confess your love to one another
ok that was deep tf. anyways !
Chaeyoung very very very much loves sharing clothes
nothing gets her heart pumping like the sight of you dressed in her sweatpants and hoodies
as someone who can be a tad possessive at times, she loves to see you wrapped in her scent and she honestly thinks you just look so good in them
speaking of jealousy,,,, it is an absolute no no for chaeyoung if someone else even thINKS about flirting with her baby
she has never felt a love as powerful as she has with you, and no one, and she means no.one. is going to take that away from you guys
if someone did flirt with you in front of her she'd soon have her an arm wrapped around your waist and would say something like, "baby, is this person bothering you?" just to get you out of the situation
to which you would thank her, before reassuring her that you're absolutely all hers with a mind-blowing kiss that leaves Chaeyoung smiling like the love sick fool that she is
Tells you SO many stories of her members doing dumb shit omg they're basically your 8 new besties before you even meet them
Chaeyoung impersonating you whenever you do something embarassing my god will she just let you LIVEEE (no she absolutely will not)
she really random affectionate things that make no sense but also you know thats how she shows her love for you so???? you love it anyway????
like. imagine getting a message from her and its a picture of gum stuck to the floor in a shape that BARELY resembles a heart and she’s all like “babe... this is how i feel about you”
but you accept her for being the dork she is,, eventually turning it into a competition to find the most random thing around you that reminds you and Chaeyoung of one another
your relationship is unique, but it’s a perfect kind of love that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever Chaeyoung looks at you <3
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NSFW From Here:
i think i could see Chaeyoung preferring to be on top, always using her strength to get the upper hand and leaving you a moaning mess beneath her
does NOT stand for you being quiet; it's the little whines and moans of appreciation from you that drive her absolutely wild
once again with the possessive thing, Chaeyoung would definitely be one to fuck you while you're wearing her hoodie or her oversized t-shirt
or even when you’re clad in her clothes, rocking back and forth on her thigh as her strong hands grip your waist, Chaeyoung whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear
and you know just how much it drives her crazy, so more often than not you tend to text a few,,, interesting photos to your girlfriend, your legs spread wide open while you're clad in one of her shirts
and you know she'll be so on edge for the whole day, the image of you running through her brain on a never-ending loop
also absolutely loves when you tug on her hair, whether it's when you thread your hands in her locks while you're making out
or if she's buried in-between your legs and your gripping onto her hair for dear life as she brings you closer and closer to the edge
when it's your turn to please Chaeyoung the way she needs it, she always gets so flustered, trying her best to keep a cocky facade,,, but ultimately she always succumbs to the pleasure and becomes a whiny mess beneath you
has a thing for mirrors
imagine your back flush against her chest while you sit on your lap, your legs hooked open over hers as you watch her plunge her fingers in and out of your dripping core
this is also where Chaeyoung is a sucker for eye contact, her eyes darkened with lust capturing your own as you try not to squeeze them shut out of pleasure
for the times when she’s feeling less serious, you best believe Chaeyoung will be teasing you endlessly, laughing as she kisses you all over and can’t help but whisper against her skin just how much she loves you
if there’s one thing about Chaeyoung, it’s that she definitely knows how to make you feel good about yourself, with her endless kind words and soft kisses that make you dizzy
followed by endless cuddles and soft aftercare as she takes care of you, even going as far as carrying you to the bath after long nights where your legs fail to hold you up ;)
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wy-van-sunshine · 4 years ago
“Minor inconvenience: I fell in love with you” A Wesper fanfiction :)
“Say whaaaat now?!”
Wylan’s cheeks flushed with red as Jesper’s gaze studied him with something between shock and amusement.
They were in a bar together and Wylan had spotted a nice guy, but he hadn’t found the gut to go and talk to him because he had absolutely zero experience. Jesper had tried to encourage him and he’d refused, and after some teasing he’d finally admitted he’d never even given his first kiss. Jesper was absolutely incredulous: that smart, cute red-haired guy had never had a romantic past with anyone? Not even a flirt?!
“What do you want me to say?” asked Wylan, sinking in his own shame: “There’s just never been... the right occasion”
“I get that, but have you never wanted to try it? Even with a stranger, just to know how it feels!”
“I’m not that kind of person, I don’t kiss strangers for selfish reasons”
Jesper rolled his eyes: “Okay prince charming, and what about the guys you’ve liked in the past? None of them?”
Wylan scrolled his head: “I’m an introverted, Jes, you know that. If I like someone I’ll die before even talking to them”
“So what, you just look at them in silence and hope that they will miraculously fall in love with you?”
Wylan shifted uncomfortably on his seat, refusing to answer: yes, that was basically what he did. He was pathetic and he knew it, but what could he do about that?
Jesper stood up, grinning: “Well, Wylan Van Eck, your life as a virgin will be over soon”
Wylan’s eyes wandered fastly in the room, then went back to Jesper: “Don’t talk like that when there’s other people around us”
“My candor is my greatest power” answered the Zemeni with a wink: “I’ll teach you everything I know about flirting, and you’ll never be afraid to talk to a nice guy again”
“What- are you crazy?”
“Stop it! I’m serious!” Jesper smiled: “You are a great guy and I’m sure you just need to learn how to hit on other boys. Once I reveal you all the secrets of love, you’ll be the king. Well, the prince, after me, of course”
Wylan snorted: “Secrets of love? May I remind you we’re the same age?”
“Yes, but I’m fantastic. Learn from the best and you won’t regret it”
“All I’m going to learn from the sorcerer of love is how to be terribly sleazy”
Jesper clutched a hand to his chest: “That offends me! You’ll learn to be spectacularly amazing, just as I am”
Wylan facepalmed, but at the same time he thought: what the hell, what do I have to lose?
“Fine then, if you insist” he conceded with a sigh.
* * * * *
“And that concludes the small talk part”
“Ghezen, that’s so sad”
“Or amazing?”
“Or... amazing?”
Wylan sighed: ���Asking someone whether their parents were thieves because their eyes look like stolen stars is so sad. And old. And sleazy”
Jesper smiled, winking with his gleamy eyes: “I assure you it works. It might be obvious, but people just don’t know how to answer and stupidly smile at you”
“I thought they would throw their drink on your face”
“No, they don’t”
“I would”
“But not them”
Wylan sighed again, but this time a slight smile was touching his lips: he was secretly grateful to Jesper because he was teaching him things that were so basic, but which he didn’t know how to handle. Approaching someone, starting a conversation, sending signals of interest without being weird or disrespectful: if he had to be honest, if Jesper had flirted with him with all those techniques it probably would’ve worked. Sure, he would’ve thrown him his drink first, but he would’ve fallen for him, eventually. 
“Now the interesting part: kissing”
Wylan suddenly went pale: “What?”
“All that flirting and no action? That’s not what I want for my students to learn”
“But I- I’ve never-”
“I know, that’s why we’re going to find someone to practice with”
Wylan snorted: “I’m not going to kiss a stranger! Are you out of your mind?”
Jesper rolled his eyes: “Jeez, Wylan, you’re so prudish! Live a little!”
“I’m not kissing a stranger. End of argument”
Jesper huffed: he was loving to share his knowledge on the subject and he was also proud of Wylan for getting over his shyness at least with him. The merchling was a handsome guy and Jesper was sure that with a little more confidence the entire world would fall to his feet. But, jeez, how hard it was.
“I can’t teach you how to kiss if you have no one to do it with”
“I’ll kiss you then”
Silence fell between the two: Wylan had spoken before he could even realize what his words meant, and now he was terrified of what he’d said and trying to avoid Jesper’s eye contact; Jesper, on the other hand, wasn’t embarassed at all, just surprised at his friend’s suggestion. 
Wylan talked first: “I didn’t mean-”
“No, it’s fine by me” Jesper stopped him before he could get any more red: “It’ll be easier to understand whether you’re doing it right”
Wylan gazed at him, unsure of what to say: “Are you... sure?”
Jesper winked: “Anything for you, my friend”
They got ready to practice: Jesper explained some basic “rules” about kissing and some moves he thought were gracefully good and that would make the kiss unique and mostly unforgettable. He saw Wylan’s eyes gleaming at the thought of doing that and his heart softened: he was so pure, definitely too cute for this world. Jesper made a mental note to threaten every guy the redhead would find because they should treat him like a prince or else- 
The Zemeni smiled at Wylan, sure that what he was going to say would make his friend’s brain crash for some seconds. 
“Now we have to put all this in action. Time to kiss, loveboy”
Wylan shifted uncomfortably on his feet and his cheeks went pinker.
Predictable. Cute, but predictable.
“All right. What should I... should we...”
Jesper placed a hand on Wylan’s shoulder and he stepped forward to face him. He smiled, but not his usual, smart, all-knowing grin: the merchling had seen that emotion few times before on Jesper’s features. He was simply honest.
“Please, promise not to freak out. It’s just you and me and we’re practising. C’mon now”
Wylan nodded and took a deep breath, then leaned forward with his head and, after hesitating for the barest second, he gently touched Jesper’s lips for a brief moment. He closed his eyes and left a kiss there, then pulled away, his heart racing in his chest for no apparent reason.
Jesper felt something in his stomach as well: he felt like that sweet, innocent, small touch was the best kiss he’d ever had. And he’d had a lot. What was happening? He cleared his throat and laughed: “That’s all you have? I’ve taught you better, I hope!”
Wylan mentally asked his heart to please stop playing the rock ‘n roll like a drummer, then timidly smiled: “It’s not easy, give me time”
But Jesper didn’t want to wait: he knew what to expect, he knew how the kisses he gave were, and he really wanted that from Wylan’s lips. Just blind desire, he told himself. You just want a good old fashioned kiss, that’s all.
Wylan breathed again, then, with less hesitation than before, he met Jesper’s lips with his and started kissing him. He felt the Zemeni kissing him back, though not in the passionate way he’d expected: he was just answering to his movements, he wasn’t forcing anything. Such a good teacher.
When he felt ready enough, Wylan tipped with his tongue on Jesper’s lower lip and the sharpshooter opened his mouth and let their tongues touch timidly at first, the merchling experiencing all of that for the first time and taking his time to get more confident. He let out a shaky breath, insecurity already taking place in his body, but Jesper felt that and cupped Wylan’s face in his hands, gently brushing his cheeks with his thumbs and feeling his muscles relax.
Wylan summoned some courage then and deepened their connection, dancing in Jesper’s mouth, pushing forward for more contact, letting his instinct take control over his overthinking mind. He put his hands on Jesper’s chest and he pushed him with his back against the wall, something new blossoming in his chest, some unknown desire running down his spine. 
Wylan felt good. It wasn’t just the kiss - he had no experience, sure, but he was pretty sure he was making a pretty good job. The whole situation felt right: the fact that the lips he was kissing were Jesper’s, the fact that the body he was trapping between him and the wall was Jesper’s, just Jesper himself. It was all right because Jesper was the one there with him. And Wylan was starting to think it wasn’t because they were good friends. Almost definitely not.
On the other hand, Jesper was in a total black out, error 404, not found: he was lost in Wylan’s lips and he wasn’t going to look for a way back, he was just focusing on their moment, there and now, on Wylan’s sudden bravery, on the warmth of his body, on the sweet flavour of his mouth. He didn’t know what was happening - or better: he did, but he was too busy to focus on what his actual feelings towards his friend were. 
When Wylan pulled away, desperately looking for some oxygen to send to his lungs, Jesper leaned his forehead on Wylan’s, eyes closed, and he laughed: “Well, damn well done, I’d say. Looks like the student bested the teacher”
Wylan laughed, his cheeks already pink for the kiss, then leaned one hand on Jesper’s cheek, meeting his gaze: “That felt good. I think I’ve learned something, after all”
Jesper cleared his throat, then said in a whisper: “Gotta be honest, I’ve never had such a great kiss”
“Must be because I used your technique and you think you’re the best” answered Wylan, smiling.
“Well, I do love myself, but...” Jesper didn’t break the eye contact and smiled back “I don’t know what happened, but that wasn’t me. You were passionate, for sure, but there was something... I don’t know, soft? It was your kiss, your way to do it. Turns out you’re a natural”
Wylan laughed: “For what it’s worth, I think I was able to be myself just thanks to you”
“Well, then you should...” Jesper hesitated “Try it with someone else?”
The merchling studied the Zemeni carefully: he looked reluctant at the thought, he... didn’t want him to kiss someone else? He smiled, thinking about how his own heart raced, how his own body longed for that contact with Jeper again and again. Wylan also thought about how Jesper had reacted to his kiss, about what he’d just told him. 
What if the hearts going crazy in that room were two?
Wylan grinned then, an eyebrow raised: he took a step forward and he reached Jesper’s face, stopping a few inches from his lips: “What if I wanted to kiss you again? And not just to practice?”
Jesper softly laughed: “Saints, you’re savage, Van Eck, I’ve unleashed a beast”
Wylan couldn’t finish because this time Jesper kissed him first. He smiled in their kiss, and they both felt as good as they never had before. 
He’d learned well, after all.
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sohin-ace · 4 years ago
※ A walk with the Jojos
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Inspired by a 'A walk with BTS' meme scenario I found somewhere.
Gender neutral and Aromantics friendly :)
Jotaro: Puts his coat over your shoulders when it gets cold.
A gust of cold wind flew past you and Jotaro as you both strolled down the streets of his hometown peacefully. A sharp shudder coursed through you, goosebumps almost painful on your sensitive skin.
Oh how you wished you brought a jacket or at least your school uniform cardigan with you. The early days of spring had started sunny and trustworthy, but of course, the temperature had to drop on you on that very special day.
Your incessant rubbing of your arms and duck of your head didn't go unnoticed by Jotaro next to you. He was aware of the cold and could see from the corner of his eyes how flushed your fingers were and how you winced with every blow of the unforviging wind.
The boy didn't think twice and sighed, proceeding to shake his long gakuran off of his broad shoulders.
You didn't even notice he was disrobing until you felt heavy and warm fabric suddenly weight down on your shoulders, enveloping you, the loud clanking of chains accompanying the movement.
You looked up at the tall male, pleasantly surprised yet also confused, and he only grumbled in response, looking straight forward.
"Yare yare daze... You could have just asked you know."
You never dared. You couldn't dare. After all, it was your problem that you forgot your jacket at home. It surely wasn't Jotaro's job to fix your mistakes, you thought. You wouldn't bother him for such a trivial matter, no matter how close you were. Of course, Jotaro did not share that mindset at all.
You always wondered how he managed to notice every little changes about you and every single reactions while also acting so nonchalant and careless. Behind his rough appearance and act, you loved Jotaro for his selflessness and his unmatched kindness.
You sighed in bliss as you hugged his jacket closer, so warm and soft around you. What a relief it was for your cold skin, it felt like his very own rare embrace.
It smelled just like him, too. You usually weren't a fan of the smell of nicotine and would often tease him for it, but when it was so deliciously mixed with his foreign cologne and his natural scent, it felt like something close to heaven to you. Something comforting, safe, and incredibly gentle.
His jacket was gigantic compared to you and you were sure you looked like a fool wearing this unfitting blanket, swallowing you and making you look even smaller and ridiculous than you already were next to him.
"Thank you Jotaro." You grinned, appreciative towards this kind giant, who you were grateful to always have your back whenever you needed, without even having to ask him.
He responded with a subtle nod before grabbing your shoulder and keeping his strides forward, seemingly satisfied with his good deed and with your smile.
Joseph: Accidentally trips you when he turns to talk to you.
It wasn't unusual for Joseph to blabber on his bizarre adventures. With all the things he had lived, he always had something to recount.
You'd always tell him to write a book about all his plights, but then you'd remember the guy barely had enough braincells to even put two and two together and instantly drop the idea.
Today was just a normal day in New York City, you had been strolling around with the behemoth, listening intently, or rather, tiredly as he rambled ceaselessly.
You were stuck between loving all his crazy stories and being annoyed at his obnoxious and theatrical, 'Jojo-fied', as you liked to call it, storytelling.
"And then he said 'You'll never touch the ground ever again Joseph Joestar!' but look who's in outer space now, huh?!" He yelled out, making a few heads turn with his exaggerated hand gestures and booming voice.
You nodded your head and responded with very basic 'Uh huh's and 'Oh's, as well as 'That's cool' and whatnot. Not like you didn't care for what he was saying, but you just couldn't figure what to tell him. Also, the unnecessary attention you were getting was quite flustering too.
Before you could even process what was happening, Joseph forcefully turned towards you, gasping loudly and intenting to grab your already very well-gripped attention.
But the brute was so clumsy about it, he kicked his unreasonably thick leg in front of your much smaller feet, not warning you as you kept walking, only to trip over him with a yelp that you'd never forget.
With an even louder scream, Joseph tried his best to grab you before you could kiss New York City's piss tainted ground, yanking you to your feet as best as he could, which was more than enough with the strength the man had.
He eventually held you against his chest firmly, his arms belted more than securely around your shoulders and back, shocked and scared that if he loosened his grip even the slightest, you'd either fly away or just collapse.
You panted with adrenaline after regaining your  balance and barely left him any time to laugh at your demise or even react at all.
"JOJO YOU FREAKING DUMBASS!!!" You hollered all your fury, pushing yourself off of him, "I ALMOST DIED HERE!!!!"
Joseph cowered in fear as you proceeded your attacks on his poor arms, chest and face. He yelped in pain, desperately putting his arms up in front of him in hopes to shield himself from your unstoppable slapping. For someone with such small hands, you sure hit hard.
"Ow ow ow stop please! This is abuse!! I'm sorry-Ow! Please, n-not there~ ACK- OKAY FINE I'LL STOP!!!"
Josuke: Notices your shoe lace in untied and ties it for you.
In the small, crazy, noisy and bizarre town that was Morioh, there was a famous legend running.
"That if your boyfriend kneels down to tie your shoelaces for you, they'll never come undone ever again! Do you believe that?" You chuckled, barely paying any attention to your surroundings.
Josuke strolled mindlessly next to you, half listening, half not. You were well aware that boys like him often had a hard time paying attention for more than a minute unless it was about sports, video games, or a very big pair of boobs.
"Hmmh, yeah. Crazy stuff..." He mumbled, looking blankly forward, his eyes catching passing cars and boutiques but his ears catching none of your words.
"Hey... Are you even listening?" You glared suspiciously at him, frustrated already. This boy could never concentrate.
"Oh tell me about it." He replied, not even knowing what he was even responding to. Eye twitching, you tested him one last time.
"Rohan has a really nice ass and I'm much better at Smash Bros than you'll ever be."
"Oh, absolutely. You know it!" He nodded, much to your great offense.
"Hey.. Josuke...!" You growled, ready to give him a good slap of reality, "Higashikata!!"
As if on cue, Josuke glanced down and noticed that your shoelaces were untied as you walked.
Without even thinking twice about it, Josuke moved his hands from where they were resting behind his neck and instantly brought one to your chest, stopping you dead in your tracks.
You shot him a puzzled look at his sudden behavior and he immediately bent over, getting down on one knee, on the floor, in front of you, without a care in the world, right in the middle of the street.
You looked down at him and gasped as you noticed he started tying up your poorly secured shoelaces that you didn't bother knotting properly in the morning.
"Oi-! Josuke, what are you doing?! Get up, it's fine I'll do it mysel-"
"Oh shush." He cut you off, handling the chords into cute and safe little bows on your shoes, like a knight, or a prince, happy to fulfill his duty.
You couldn't hold back your blush at the embarassing and impromptu situation. Your heart raced as you tried to get him to stand up, but he was adamant on helping you whether you were embarassed or not.
The boy was completely nonchalant about the ordeal, never caring about the weird looks you both were getting and the many whispers of 'how cute' and 'what an adorabe couple' people were gushing out.
You couldn't reciprocate the indifference. You knew Josuke was the serving type, and this was normal for him. To make your life easy, to treat you, to protect you.
And to fix you.
"... Are you sure you haven't been listening to me? I feel like you're hitting on me right now Jojo." You raised an eyebrow as he got up, proud of his handiwork.
His expression soon fell into a shocked one and he visibly stiffened, "Huh? What? No I'm not?!"
"You literally tied my shoelaces right after I told you that's a boyfriend thing to do!" You shot back and he blushed deep red, gasping at yout sudden assumptions.
"What??! It's not though!! I'm not- I wasn't even paying attention!"
"You're hitting on me, I'm telling Mr. Jotaro."
Jonathan: Carves his and your initials into a tree.
Jonathan had invited you to join him one afternoon in the usual place you both loved to hang out.
You two talked and walked around a path that you could call your little escape route. One you've used so much, you were pretty sure to be responsible for green-less trail that longed the riverside.
Very suddenly, Jonathan stopped dead in his tracks, without saying anything, effectively grabbing your attention.
"What's wrong, Jojo?" You asked, looking back at him.
Without a warning, he took out a small object from his pocket, smiling coyly at you. You were confused but your expression soon shifted when he pressed on a small mechanism that swiftly revealed a sharp, shiny blade.
You flinched and gasped, bringing a hand to your mouth in shock. "Jojo!! Why are you walking around with a pocket knife?! Are you crazy??!!"
He panicked at your reaction and got flustered, agitating his hands around, a dangerous gesture to make for someone holding a knife.
"N-no no no! Wait, Y/N! It's just- I mean, it's useful sometimes... I mean..." He blabbered, not knowing how to breathe between words anymore, "I don't use it... Or- well... I don't do weird things with it it's just-... I would never-... "
He stuttered anxiously, trying to justify himself, getting more and more stressed with your lack of response. Oh no, God, he didn't want to scare you off or lose you over something like this!
He would never forgive himself if you ever thought he were a dangerous man, or a delinquent, or worse, that he'd ever hurt you, and in such a cowardly way too.
He stopped panicking when you suddenly chuckled.
"Ooouh~ Oh my~" You sang teasingly, before pointing at him in playful accusation "Am I hanging out with a baaaad boy~? Jojo you nasty man!"
"S-... STOP IT!!" He cried out as you laughed your heart out, scared that somebody might hear you and take it the wrong way. "Just... Hold on..."
With the knife in his hand, he turned his back to you and started carving something in the tree trunk. You approached and tried to look over his shoulder, wondering what kind of nonsense he could be drawing in there.
"What is this?" You gently tapped his busy arm and he tried to hide his work from your nosy eyes.
"Wait! It's a surprise! I'm almost done... Just... A little bit..." He grunted a bit as he finished carving the blunt surface, "Aaannd.... Done!"
He stepped back, wiping his brow and leaning his hand on the tree, letting you enough space to admire his little work of art. Proud yet also a bit anxious about your reaction.
You got closer to the little heart he drew on the tree. Heart with both your initials in it. For the sake of discretion, he rathered write your initials over your names, which made it all the more adorable, in your eyes.
You gasped lightly, not able to contain your giddy smile. "Jonathan! That's so cheesy! Who taught you that? Have you been reading those weird romance novels?"
"Yes- I mean, NO! No! I don't read that! I'm a man! Only girls read those!" He spat back, flushing a shade of red you wished you could paint.
"Hmmmmm yeah, right!"
He could only chase you around to hopefully make you stop teasing him. He knew he'd never hear the end of it.
Johnny: Grabs your hand and places it around his arm.
"I gotta say..." You started, happily sipping on your drink, "The best thing about your handicap is how we can skip the line for everything!"
You grinned behind Johnny as you pushed his wheelchair forward, walking around the city for the short time you were in Kansas.
"I know. You'll owe me one by the way." He blankly jested, his tone not matching his humour. You've known him long enough to catch on the little perks of his speech, making you chuckle again.
You balanced your cup with one hand to get a better grip on the chair's handles and got back to pushing him. Johnny was quick to realise you were slowing down every once in a while to drink up.
"Stop." He ordered and you obliged, surprised by the sudden request.
"Huh?" You bent over slightly to try to look at him. "Are you okay? Did you need something?"
"This won't do..."
You walked around to get next to him. You were used to him having his foot falling from the footrest and putting it back before it could hurt him, or needing to reajust his back seat from time to time.
Nothing out of the ordinary, you thought. You would have never expected his next request.
Johnny looked over at you, no words shared, and offered his arm out to you, like the perfect gentleman he was.
"I can move by myself. Drink your tea in peace." He blushed and looked away, sighing to himself.
You couldn't help your smile and endeared look. Your Johnny was always such a kind soul behind what he let show. He was observant and selfless. That's why he wanted to free you the burden of pushing his wheelchair, at least so you could enjoy your drink for a moment.
However it was obvious to you that he wanted you to hold him, so dearly, and had found an excuse for you to do so without asking you such an embarassing question.
You couldn't pass on the cute opportunity, but at the same time, you wanted him to make the first move.
You tilted your head, shooting him a faux confused and oblivious look, letting him know you needed him to be clearer in his request.
He huffed and held back on face palming, cheeks becoming redder by the second. Why were you always doing this to him? Teasing him to no end.
He abruptly grabbed you hand, softening his grip immediately after measuring his strength, and placed it around his arm.
You happily followed his lead and gently grabbed his arm, much sturdier than it looked, and gave him enough space to roll the wheels in pace with you.
"Thank you Johnny~" You chimed happily and he let out the ghost of a smile in response, smile that you sadly missed.
Giorno: Makes you dance with him when you walk past a busker.
You passed along a bay in Naples with Giorno, both of you exceptionnally finishing school early due to the surprising absence of your math teacher.
You both talked and suddenly heard the distant sound of accordion, getting louder and louder the more you walked.
You paused, much more intrigued by the musician  on the paved pedestrian street, playing a beautiful song for all to listen to. He was a sweet-looking old man, playing a traditionnal Tarantella, the iconic sound of Italy.
Giorno stopped with you, wanting to hear more of what this busker had to offer. You smiled, appreciating the sweet melody and calculated movements of the instrumentalist.
Giorno suddenly walked up in front of you, bending down at the waist to offer his hand out to you, his intense green eyes inviting you and snatching you out of your rêverie.
"Would you care to honor me with a dance, Y/N?"
You gasped silently and felt your cheeks burn at his words, his voice like velvet.
"W-... What? Right here, right now...?" You hesitated, but still gently laid your hand over his soft one, seeking reassurance in his hold.
Giorno was always a charming and extremely well-mannered boy despite the lack of proper education he had received. You would always tell him how princely he looked and acted, and he never failed to impress you by his eloquence, his broad mind, and his gestures.
But you surely did not expect him to propose you a dance, out in public. The sole idea was making you self-conscious, but also excited.
He ever-so-slightly closed his fingers around yours, expecting your consent with a soft smile. You were always at ease with Giorno, for the years you've known each other. Why would you ever refuse anything he asks you?
Like he had read through your heart, Giorno swiftly pulled you towards him, placing his hand right at the small of your back, keeping you up close and personal.
You giggled at the cheesy and intimate position, placing your free hand on his shoulder and ready to mess up the pace.
"I'll step on your toes!" You playfully warned him and he chuckled, endeared.
"Don't worry, Y/N. Just follow my lead."
The busker, noticing you two, smiled and finished up his song, immediately starting up a waltz, the nicest and sweetest of his repertoire.
Giorno confidently started in graceful and fluid movements. You followed him, guided by his assured poise. You tried not to stare down at your feet, which was easy task once you got captivated by his strong gaze.
You focused on your rhythm and his steps. You always wondered why he had randomly decided to teach you to waltz, but now you were grateful that he did, because you truly felt like royalty, and this feeling was priceless.
Pedestrians gathered, watching, amused by the splendid show before them. Two adorable teenagers dancing and living their youth, accompanying the busker.
You laughed, both from nervousness and happiness, knowing well Giorno would hold up the skies just to see you smile like this.
After stepping on Giorno's poor toes more than often enough, and after almost crashing down on him, you two decided it was time to go.
Giorno made sure to tip the gifted old man handsomely, much more than conventionnal, making him wonder how such a young boy could have so much money to spare.
Jolyne: Shares her headphones with you.
You walked side by side with Jolyne. You had planned on having a nice walk alongside the beach together, but the weather had seemed to betray you two, with unusually cloudy grey skies and cold breezes.
And thus, you were prompted to walk through town instead. You were happy either way, as long as you were with Jolyne, your most favourite girl in the world, it didn't really matter where you went or what you did.
The entire walk was silent and, as much as you knew Jolyne wasn't necessarily the most talkative type, the fact that she hasn't removed her earphones at all from the moment you both joined earlier really threw you off.
You guessed she wasn't in the mood for talking. You could absolutely understand that, but the way she seemed to completely ignore you and cross you out of conversing with her at all saddened you.
Maybe she didn't want to go out at all and she just didn't have the heart to cancel on you.
You looked down, with all these questions plaguing your mind, wondering if you had done something to make her distant.
Before you could drown in more self-doubt, she nudged your arm and grabbed your attention. She was smiling at you with her cute green lips.
You looked at her confused, like you had been dreaming it all about her being upset with you. She looked so excited, suddenly.
She pulled out her green iPod, one that she had decorated with tacky semi-permanent tattoos from an infamous bubblegum brand, and immediately gave you one of her earbuds.
"Girl, you have to listen to this. It's Jimi Hendrix playing, listen, listen!" You obliged and put the earbud on, listening to her song intently, "This man's crazy, what the fuck? And they say lefties can't play guitar..."
You kept on listening, the song in one ear, Jolyne's comments in the other. She was lost in the music, playing air guitar and singing bits of the song. It was absolutely endearing to see her so happy about such a little thing.
"So? So? Did you like it?" She turned to you with a big grin as the song ended, her eyes wide and starry with hope of your validation, "I love this song sooo much, I had to make you listen! How was it? Be honest!"
You chuckled, overwhelmed by her enthusiasm and adorable giddiness, "It was really cool Jolyne, you have nice tastes. Send it to me next time."
"Yess!!!" She cheered, pumping her fist in the air in victory. "Alright, let's get some bagels now, I'm starving."
She wrapped a strong arm around your shoulder, tired of the distance separating you. "My treat! Oh! And you have to show me that new group you told me about the other day. Even Hermes is talking about them now."
You couldn't bite back your growing smile as she squeezed you close. Not because of the very appealing call of bagels, even though you were more than looking forward to that, but because of how sweet Jolyne was to you despite what she appeared.
Showing her deepest interests to you when she wasn't much of a sharer was her own love language.
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gummy-friend · 4 years ago
23, 45, and 50 with piglin hybrid Techno and tiny avian hybrid Phil? ‘v‘ you don’t gotta do all or any of these! ALSO I WANNA SAY THAT I LOVE YOUR WRING SM ❤️💕💖💕❤️
Thank you so much, I'm happy you like my writings!!!! :DD
So sorry for the late answer, but know that I appreciate your ask so much
• "You're going to be okay, I promise"
• "Shhh, just sleep, you're safe"
• "No one is going to hurt you again"
Piglin hybrid Techno and Tiny avian hybrid Phil
Content warning: Calling a person as "It" and language
A gunfire shot echoed.
"There it is!" A shout echoed, a man pointing towards high trees. A dark green shadow— No, not leaves— floating limpingly amongst the brown of the branches and trunks.
"Is there a net?!" another shout. Another man. Panting as they chase the tiny flying figure.
"The last net has been fired two shots ago!" the first one called out
"Fuck— It's a hybrid tiny, too" A huff, a big one. Two people in arms finally stopping, holding their knees in exhaustion. "Damn it, that'll sell so well"
They stopped.
But not the tiny, though.
The occasional sharp small branch sticking out, the leaves that's positioned unfortunately fit for a papercut, and the eventual large branch finally hitting the golden haired avian hybrid tiny in his head. The injuries came together, the no-longer-shiny black wings finally gave up, and the flying figure of a tiny avian hybrid fell down. Now stopping after the hunters has stopped.
Being a piglin hybrid has its perks, Techno thinks. The piglin on the nether wouldn't go exactly after you unprovoked, you can still live in the cold (not advised, by the way, it sucks in the cold), and you can adapt to the overworld just fine— well, excluding the townspeople avoiding you, at least.
Of course, the good also comes with the bad. The piglin back at home absolutely despises you(because you look 'too human' or whatever), the nether temperature eventually became absolutely unbearable, and..
"Oooh, gold" The lingering feeling of attraction to gold. Except this time, it's not gold.
But a golden-haired tiny.
Listen, Techno's not heartless, there's no way he'll abandon another living being in help, no matter how awkward it may be— imagine waking up to a giant piglin hybrid, if that isn't awkward Techno doesn't know what it is (No, it's absolutely not fear, what do you mean) — So Techno took the tiny in.
After leaving the nether dimension, Techno tried living in a tundra biome. But it didn't work for him— he's not used to the cold— So he tried to live in the forest. It's a decent place, he figured out he can grow crops for a living— trading is also a steady source of income in the overworld. But getting back on the topic— Techno lives in a cabin in the woods, and is currently carrying a tiny home. It's a questionable situation, but hey, it's the thought that counts right? (or however the overworld saying goes)
Techno inspected the unconscious tiny— He's still breathing, fortunately. Techno doesn't know how to feel if he picked up a tiny corpse— Several cuts are visible on the tiny's skin. It doesn't look that bad— excluding the large cut on his side and the practically broken right wing— M-hm, not that bad.
Step one, Washing your hands before cleaning the injury. It's a fairly-large wound for someone so small, and fortunately, the wound has stopped bleeding, so Techno shouldn't worry about that.
Next step, applying antibiotic. Techno's certain he has a bottle of antibiotics— yeah, he has one— an almost brand-new bottle of antibiotics, he's glad he bought one yesterday.
As soon as the antibiotic made contact with the tiny's wounds, though, the tiny shot up with a hiss of "Fuck—!"
Phil woke up when Techno was washing his hands.
He had heard a stream of water and several footsteps— he thought he fell unconscious near a river. It doesn't matter, he can get up later, he's too hurt for getting up.
Until the stinging pain emerged from his side.
"Fuck-!" Phil cried out, moving away from the supposed source of pain
That fumkign hurts. Phil doesn't know what happened, it may be a bee— but bees doesn't attack unprovoked, then, what?
With each second passing Phil's head pounded even more, forcing him to focus and unfocus on his surroundings. A Wooden floor— Polished wooden floor, not the usual tree bark footing he occasionally sees— Unfamiliar surroundings— No trees or the usual greens he sees everyday, no, it's a human furniture surroundings.
As if his mind is saving the worst for last, Phil's vision finally focuses on the giant figure in front of him. The figure of a giant piglin hybrid.
Instantly, Philza's mind clicked. Human— no— hybrid furniture surroundings, him being unconscious, the stinging pain on his sides— Fuck— The piglin was going to eat him.
"Fuck no—" Phil breathed out, scooting backwards. Unfortunately, it's futile, as he quickly reached the edge of the wooden table. Phil looked at the drop, and fumk, it's a fucking high drop— his- his wings are broken
"Uh—" The piglin hybrid called out. Phil's head turned to look at him— head still pounding too hard to focus on the piglin hybrid's expression. "You're... you're hurt." The piglin hybrid gave Phil a sad excuse of an explanation. No shit, sherlock.
"S-so?" Phil glared, trying so hard to not fall off the table— or should he? Is one wing enough to shield his fall..?
"I'm... I'm trying to treat your wounds..?" the piglin hybrid said. Another look from Phil and he saw a white bottle of whatever— it's suspicious "Look, I found you unconscious on the forest floor, I'm just trying to heal you"
Phil is not listening to the guy, still scanning the things on the giant piglin hybrid's hands. A white suspicious bottle, a clump of cotton possibly doused in the suspicious bottle's content, and a wide, white, suspicious rope(..?) On the other end of the table.
"I'm not going to hurt you." the sudden voice from the piglin hybrid startles Phil. Maybe it's because of the reassuring tone of the man, suddenly, Phil's mind starts to focus more "You're going to be okay, I promise"
With that, the giant lowered the things in his hands. First, the suspicious white bottle. "Antibiotics" it reads.
"It's for cleaning your wound— it stings, that's why you woke up— but it's not a bad thing" The piglin hybrid explained, noticing Phil's confused expression (Antibiotics sounds fuckinh suspicious) "And to apply the antibiotics, I used the cotton" He lowered the cotton near the 'Antibiotics' bottle— but not too close to Phil. "see, I'm not trying to hurt you"
"...and that rope?" Phil questions. He's convinced about the antibiotics, but not the weirdly-shaped rope
"...rope?" The piglin hybrid blinked, confused.
"That!" Phil pointed at the weirdly-shaped rope "That weirdly-shaped rope!"
"You've... never seen a bandage before..?"
"That's- that's a bandage— it's for keeping the wound clean and preventing it from opening up again" He explained, a hint of amusement behind his confusion. Okay. "Are you satisfied now?"
Maybe it's because of embarassment, maybe it's because of finally feeling convinced, but Phil nodded to the human's word.
The consequence of agreeing fucking hurts— Fuck, it hurts.
The antibiotics really does fucking sting.
"Fuck!" another shout, and Techno— Phil had learned his name in the middle of the stinging pain (Saying Piglin hybrid man is too long and well, rude)— Techno finally finished applying the antibiotic.
"Done." Techno said, tone light like he never stung Phil. "You can rest there, I think I still have spare cloths for you to sleep on"
"Wait, sleep?" Phil spoke up, bewildered. Sure, he's exhausted after all of the things happening today, but that doesn't mean he want to sleep in a human— wait, no, Hybrid— but still, a Giant's house. That's a death flag right there.
"Ya" Techno said, Another light answer. "your body need to rest to have the energy to heal. Also, the bandage will need to be changed"
"Sleep here?"
"Ya" Techno's response is light. So light, no care for Phil's bewildered tone as he stuffed the tools he used to treat Phil back to wherever it belongs.
"And you're not going to hurt me?" Phil asked. No way. He's a fucking giant.
"That just sounds abyssmal— I've just healed you" Techno said, his tone still light as he rummages around his furnitures, looking for something.
"So then.. what are you going to do?" Phil asked, staring at Techno as he stacked several cloths together (what the fuck is he doing..?)
"Sleep, probably— I was actually going to trade new seeds since new season is coming up, but then you happened sooo" Techno trailed off, concentrating. "Done. Here— you can sleep here" Techno's figure moved away to reveal what Phil assumed was a bed— It's actually just several cloths stacked together— but it's nice.
"You made a bed for me?" Phil asked, looking at the bed Techno just made
"Yeah— do you need help getting here?" Techno gestures towards Phil's stature— small and has a broken wing
Phil looked at where Techno is gesturing. "..yeah"
"Should— Should I just.. pick you up at the back of your clothes or...?" Techno asked. He was expecting Phil to elaborate on how to pick a tiny up without being rude— but Phil's lack of elaboration speaks volume.
It ended up with Phil asking for Techno to give him his hand for platforming— Which after Techno quickly replied with a "sure", Phil became very anxious about standing on a giant's hand— Fortunately, Techno didn't try to hurt him or anything (Maybe it's Phil who scratched him— Bird claws as feet and all) and Phil reached the bed.
It's a fairly-nice bed, In Phil's opinion. Because it is practically just a ton of cloths stacked together, it became a very comfy bed. So when Phil rested his body on it, his exhaustion and thought caught up to him.
It's a first time for Phil. Being inside a giant's house, and.. being this near a giant. He's restless— he can't fucking sleep— he shouldn't sleep. The possibility of the giant hurting him, the possibility of another giant barging into this house and catching Phil... He's scared.
"Shhh, just sleep, you're safe" a sudden voice from Techno startled him. Was Techno there the whole time? More than that, did Techno realized Phil's worry? "I'm not going to hurt you— Like I said. You're going to be okay," Techno said, taking a seat beside the cabinet Phil's bed is placed.
What is it? Maybe it's because Techno sounds so.. reassuring, but Phil's heart solidified at Techno's word.
"No one is going to hurt you again" was the last thing Phil heard from Techno before Phil falling asleep.
Maybe it's trust that made Phil believe in Techno.
The dialogue prompts are from here, send in some prompts! :D
Masterlist (If you're interested in my writings! :D)
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babiesdreams · 4 years ago
Nct teasing their small s.o when they're trying to kiss them part 3
Part 1 Part 2
--requests open--
♡ My favs will be marked with this heart.
Renjun: You were on you tiptoes trying to reach renjun's face, while he kept laughing at you and tapping your head. "You'll eventually get it" he says in a teasing tone. "I don't think I can" you reply giving up on your intentions. He leans down and kisses you, finally, saying "you can still grow tho"
Jeno: "I didn't know you were sooooo small" He says looking down at you. "I didn't know you were so freaking tall" you say hitting his chest lightly. He chuckles and leans down a little, enough for him to kiss your forehead. "You are even cuter now" he says tapping your head. "Now here" you say pointing at your lips. He chuckles again and does as you told him "Too cute for me to handle" he says smiling.
♡ Haechan: "come and get it" He says raising his arm, still holding the ice cream you wanted to eat, the last ice cream remaining. "Lee Donghyuk I swear to god" you say jumping as you try your best to reach out to his hand. You change your plans when the boy laughs, admitting it was kind of impossible. You try to reach his lips now, in a attempt to distract him "Oh look at you, you can't even reach my lips" he coos you. You change your plans again and decide to go for hid neck this time. This goal is so much easier and you get it almost instantly. The boy melts with you wet kisses as you go lower through his neck and he gets his arms down, not worried about that anymore. You grab the ice cream from his hand and wink at the boy as you dissapear from the room. "This is not finished" He says pointing at you.
Jaemin: "Baby come on I know you can" he says reassuring you. "I can't" you reply giving up and pouting at him. "My toes hurt from trying" You say as you cross your arms. He sits down, next to you and taps his lap, as a signal for you to sit on it. You sit on his lap and smile happily before kissing his lips a hundred times.
♡ Yangyang: “Okay, no, so you really can’t reach me?” He says smiling. “Why would I pretend that???” You ask confused, looking up at him. “I don’t know, because it’s so cute?” He simply says looking back at you. “I hate you” You say frowning. “Too bad, ‘cause I love you” He says placing a kiss on your lips.
Shotaro: “I’m just saying, I’m not even that tall” He explains to you. You hide your face in your hands “Don’t make it worse please” You say embarassed. “It isn’t a bad thing, I think it’s so cute” He says kissing your nose. You can’t help but smile at his cute action. “You are cuter tho” you say touching his nose.
♡ Chenle: His dolphin laugh fills the room, previously silent. “No way!” He says in between laughs. You pout at him, which makes no difference at all. “You are tiny Y/N” He says mussing your hair with his hand. “I know Mr. Obvious” You say crossing your arms in an angry expression. “Okay, don’t get mad Mrs. smurf” He says laughing and you hit his arm jockingly. “Hey, that one hurted” You say offended
♡ Sungchan: “I’m not teasing you, I’m genuinely surprised that you don’t reach me” He says chuckling. “Sungchan you are a tower, and I’m a dwarf, now can you please just kiss me?” You say rolling your eyes. “Okay, okay, don’t get mad at me” He says finally leaning down and placing a smooch on your lips. “A dwarf” He repeats your words laughing loudly.
Jisung: “I thought you were taller babe, I’m sorry” Jisung says, still laughing about the whole situation. “I’m clearly not” You say turning back to look at him. “It’s just, you’re so small” He says chuckling. You sigh, counting on your head how many times, he said that today. “I think I got it Jisung” You say rolling your eyes up. “Don’t get mad Y/N” He says grabbing your arm and kissing your hand cutely.
Masterlist--requests open--
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cannibal-witchh · 4 years ago
Reader(Fem) x Alcina Dimitrescu
(PART 2)
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Written by cannibal_witchh
Part 1
⛓Trigger Warnings⛓
Story contains: Gore, sexual elements, vulgar language, violence, elements of sub/dom behavior, and captivity.
Notes: This is the 2nd part of the story and it will progressively get more sexual, and the elements between the reader and Alcina will become more dom/sub. It is a little bit of a slow burner so bare with me. It will get juicy soon! I want to add, I do not support in any fashion abuse, and or non consensual actions. ⚠️ I have clearly placed trigger warnings to indicate there may be elements that are not for every reader. I heavily gravitate with dominance and submission/gore so thats where the relationship in the story will go ⚠️ Again, limited information so nothing in the story really is canon.
The reader is referred to as:
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
She/her- in italics and bold
Her blood boiled as she felt the weight of humiliation and rage filter through her. She was in poor shape, bloodied up, bruised, and very little hope could be found within her. She stared at Alcina with a hateful expression, but the vampress had full awareness beneath that thin surface of loathing was absolute fear. "Don't be foolish. I will not say it again.", she continued a smirk as she rested her elbows up on the edge of the bath. Even in absolute indecency she was wicked and intense. Her body at full exposure, water glistening off her porcelain skin, and gentle beads of water trailing down her breasts. The moon was illuminating off her soft tall figure, as she tipped her head back and relaxed it on the edge. "I think I've been more than patient with you."
Y/N, had so many emotions cycling through her, there was disgust, hatred, and anxiety. But she had concluded that there was no point in stalling. Alcina would grow tired and eventually kill her if she wasted anymore time. She began to strip, peeling an article of clothing at a time, trying desperately to cling on to every second. Her hands trembling as she slid her panties down her ankles before the wicked vampire.
She submerged her body in the warm water, blood began to scatter out from her knee, and she watched fragments of the water become crimson. Fuck. "Relax, I'm not a shark. I can smell your wonderful nectar but I have no need to feed at this exact instance just because you're coloring my bath water red.", she teased pulling her head up. Loose black waves stuck to her wet skin, spreading out like a small web on her smooth pale skin. Her intense bright eyes focused on Y/N, her eyes looked so preditorial, and so hungry. Those eyes burned deep in Y/N's soul, it was haunting.
After about forty minutes of soaking and cleansing, Alcina decided to privilege Y/N by showing her the cellar room. She held a lit candlabrum guiding them deep inside. It smelled foul, there were variations of fresh corpses everywhere, limbs lost in other areas of the large hallway, and it was incredibly dark. The walls and floor were built with thick cobblestone, and there were numerous cellars with rusted bars. " Now, I believe I have treated you kindly with allowing you to stay in an actual guest room.", she said as she continued to lead Y/N deeper into the cellars. Abruptly, an incredibly dry groan echoed through the cellar, it sounded as if it was in absolute suffering and pain. Y/N darted her head in the direction she believed it came from but it was too difficult to really distinguish actually where it sounded. " Relax, I won't allow them to touch you.", she assured as she stopped and turned to face her. "Those are family.", she stretched a pearly grin, her fangs teasing under her satin red lips. Alcina instructed with just her hands for Y/N to come closer to her, and she obeyed the demand. "You look much better being cleaned up, pet.", that name alone flooded a pool of humiliation in her, being stabbed, bitten, and beaten countless times to this nonsense- it just delivered a wave of embarassment to her. Alcina let out a soft giggle, and for moments there wasn't words being exchanged.
Thud! With swift impact, there was a heavy hit that landed to Y/N's head, and she flew several feet back away from Alcina. She tried to gather herself but her vision grew blurry, and her knee still in poor condition to make quick movements. Dwindling in and out of clear vision, the sounds of agonizing groaning reverberated through the corridor infront of her. She felt shivers, hair raise, and another dose of adrenaline greet her. What could this be? Within moments, a strong smell of decay flooded through the damp cobblestone hallways, and echos of pain continuing to sound. A group of corpse like creatures swayed in, their bodies detierating, bones exposed, long sharp aged nails, and hollow dark eyes. Her family. Absolute horror welcomed Y/N, Alcina had lied, she wasn't going to protect her. The creatures began to hobble towards her, surrounding her, their stench choking her, and their groans ringing in her ear. She was fucked, no available escape was present for her to attempt. She closed her eyes and she felt the stroke of long thin nails brush against her face and arms. Felt the cold breath of their hissing near her ears, as she tried to control her panic. This was it. "Enough!", Alcina screeched, and immediately the creatures shrieked and fled away in the tunnels. She relaxed her hands on her hips and walked over to Y/N with a pleased expression. " This is what will become of you but worse if you do not submit to me. Do we have ourselves clear?", Alcina watched as Y/N nodded trying to control her panicked breaths, and maintain her shivering. "Good."
Without effort, Alcina had carried Y/N in her arms all the day back to her captive room. When they arrived, she locked the door, and rested Y/N on the sheets. Y/N felt some release of tension the moment she establish this was her room. She spread her arms out, tracing the creases of silk that collected under her. The presence of the fabric brought her slight comfort. "Honestly, you truely are pathetic.", she sighed as she sat the candlabrum on the wooden nightstand beside the bed. Y/N felt beside her sink, Alcina had sat beside her and began to run her fingers through her hair. Despite the cruel treatment, this minor kindness felt relieving to Y/N. She let out a small sound of relief as Alcina continued to lace her fingers through her hair. "I feel despite some tension, you have gathered an understanding of your place as my feeding pet. I appreciate that submission. I have mutually contributed. I awaited feeding until you were cleansed and in the comforts of your room.", a sharp spike danced in Y/N's stomach, she felt acidity well up, and her knee twitch with discomfort. It was time.
This time, Y/N did have opposition towards the situation this time. She fully gave in to the unfortunate circumstances. Her pants were removed, revealing a blackened knee with blood stains feathering out from the site. "I'm quite surprised how quickly you've adapted to your position to me. I have to admit, I am pleased with you.", Alcina leaned to her side, hovering over Y/N's wounded knee, her large breasts nearly spilling out from her nightgown. The closer she leaned towards her knee, the more her alluring breasts pressed gently against Y/N. "Despite my daughters, I have control over my hunger. I will treat you well, and I will know how to savor you slowly.", she looked down at her knee and let out a sound of disappointment. "So much for being patient. Its scabbed. I suppose I will make a new feeding site."
"My f-femoral atery?", Y/N muttered as she felt her cheeks grow hot. A major artery, not even her daughters had fed on. The violent feeding they did more than likely would've killed her if they attempted to. " Yes, now please relax. I have fed in this location before and no one has ever died. I have lived a long life and acquired quite the knowledge on self control.", she began to move close to her upper thigh, her nose brushing lightly against her skin, and her mouth leaving light streaks stained from her rouge. The sound of skin break was heard through the cold air, Y/N let out a pained moan and held her breath. The pain was unpleasant, it was like having a canine bite but with small thin teeth. She tried focusing on the candle wicks, watching them sway and dance softly in the distance. The warm occasional crackle it did from time to time. It was the closest thing to resemble peacefulness during this taxing time. Alcina began to feed, siphoning Y/N's blood, she made sounds of utter bliss as the sweet flavor danced along her desperate tongue. Her body stiffening in surprise as pure satisfaction greeted her mouth. Her nipples growing erect through her night gown, brushing against Y/N's leg. Y/N felt light headed, feeling blood leaving her as she grew quickly cold. Strangely, she had no presence of panic, perhaps, the loss of blood delivered her brief emotional insensitivity. Alcina stayed down there for quite sometime, muttering muffled sounds of bliss, occasionally latching off revealing a bloodied chin, teeth, and lips. She met Y/N's eyes and immediately flashed a wide smile, it was almost sickening but in a way bewitching. Maybe the lack of blood was making Y/N confused. " W-why am I so relaxed?", she muttered feeling a heavy weight of tranquility possess her. " Shh...its the lack of blood. Soon I will stop.", Alcina whispered as Y/N felt her tongue lick her inner thigh. Her long tongue tracing and prodding the bite marks. Desperstely trying to drain whatever was left of the site.
" I believe, I am full. Thank you for the meal.", she wiped her crimson stained lips and chin with the back of her hands ,now tarnishing it with red. " I believe, I owe you a thank you, pet. You have been surprisingly obedient the whole time, and quiet too.", Alcina slowly adjusted herself until she was on all fours above Y/N. Her large smooth breasts draping down reaveling down her well tailored gown. She began to crawl slowly towards Y/N's face, her chest lighting brushing against Y/N's body. It was incredibly soft yet cold. " I am going to need you to open your mouth, won't you, pet?", without hesitation, Y/N dropped her mouth open for her. Alcina licked her lips and pressed her right fang into her plump bottom lip. Blood began to trickle out and run down her chin and onto her chest. Her hand traveled slowly up to Y/N's neck, gentle gripping it, and holding it against the mattress. Her opposite hand, explored under her shirt, and rested on her heart. Y/N, felt the a wave of heat flush away the cold that was residing in her. What was she about to do? "Can't let my obedient food die on me, yet.", Alcina leaned herself forward, pressing her lips against Y/N's. Her tongue inviting itself into her mouth, brushing metallic crimson inside. The flavor was terrible but Y/N did not seem to object. Alcina continued to kiss her, muffled sounds escaping between their lips as a warm blanketed feeling continued to lay over Y/N. Blood had managed to escape their lips, trickling down Y/N's chin, it was incredibly cold as it traveled down. Alcina ceased the kissing, her face revealed itself to be flush and pink. Strange for a creature of the undead. She moved her long delicate fingers along Y/N's blood covered lips and chin. Collecting whatever escaped under her finger tips. "Don't waste it.", she whispered softly nudging her fingers against Y/N's lips, as they slipped their way inside her mouth. More of that bitter flavor met Y/N's tongue, and she felt her body grow warmer and warmer. Alcina took her fingers out after a few moments, examining there was no trace of remaining blood present. She made a sound of approval that trailed with a small smile. An overwhelming amount of insatiable hunger found Y/N, she felt her body perk with energy, her senses incredibly alert, and her heart accelerate as if it was injected with caffeine. She brought a hand to Alcina's cheek and drew her to her own. Lips reuniting again, her tongue pressing its way into Alcina's mouth, and Y/N biting her lower plump lip. She was hungry, the introduction to Alcina's blood was intoxicating, addictive, and restoring. It brought her energy and she needed more. A small line of red flowed from Alcina's lower lip, and Y/N quickly licked it from her face. Her tongue returning back to Alcina's mouth the moment she collected all of her crimson. Alcina muffled a small moan, as her hand tightened around Y/N's neck, the opposite hand no long resting on her Y/N's heart but traveling down her stomach. Her incredibly sharp nails dragging into her sternum down to above her navel. She felt blood seep from those insicions, and she let out a pained moan. She buried her lips against Alcina's for a few more passionate moments until she broke it. Her lips pressing against Y/N's neck and her tongue dragging down her neck to the freshly bloodied cuts on her sternum and navel. She kissed and licked the bloodied wounds hungrily. Little delicate moans left her mouth as she glanced up at Y/N with her appreciative smile. Still continuing to clean the newly made cuts with her tongue. "Dont act as if this is an invitation of making love, foolish one. Vampires have restorative blood that gives humans the ability to briefly recover, replenish energy, alertness, and on some occasions enhance their libidio.", she rolled her eyes, " In this case, you acquired all of it. What a headache. I just wanted to make sure you didn't die of blood loss.", She sighed. " I suppose I will find more uses for you, pet. But don't think it will entirely feel good."
To be continued...
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justsomefluff · 4 years ago
Can you do an ateez reaction where the reader gets jealous??
of course I can! took me a while lmao but thank you for being patient, here ya go, precious!
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Low-key super oblivious to your jealousy
Like he’s having such a good time at whatever event your attending
Kind of gets lost in the fun
Loves making new friends and meeting people who share similar interests
And don’t get me wrong, you’re happy that he is happy
And you are so proud and love listening to all the compliments he gets on his work
You know how important feedback is to him, but you also know that praise is his weak point
(He deserves every bit of it too)
But some people really just don’t know where to draw the line
Sometimes people skip past his work and start complimenting his physical attributes and making flirtatious remarks about his great personality
Like yeah… I know his personality is great he’s my freakin boyfriend
If you say something like that under your breath and Hongjoong catches it?
Giggling and excusing himself from the conversation immediately
Thinks its really sweet and funny, but also wants to reassure you
Maintains a steady balance of his attention on you and on networking for the rest of the night
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I feel like Seonghwa is the type of significant other to be really in tune to your needs and just generally good at picking up on what you’re feeling
So if he thinks that something is bothering you or making you uncomfortable in any way?
Bye. We are leaving.
If you are somewhere that you can’t really leave (like an important business gala or something idk what famous people do)
He will just take you outside for a breath and a conversation
Tries to take your mind off of whatever you were thinking
Assures you that everything being said inside is strictly business related
He chuckles at you a little bit and pulls you into a hug when he thinks no one is watching
Will lead you back into the event and just do things to subtly remind you that he’s there with you
Physically and mentally
Holds your hands, keeps an arm around your waist, or just stands close beside you during conversations
Super sweet and just wants you to be happy and comfortable
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Don’t take this the wrong way but…
He’s gonna make fun of you
Like for real
“Oh you thought-? HA”
And if you’re pouting at his teasing, he’s gonna laugh more
Even though he’s dying inside because you’re so cute
Will say stupid, annoying things the whole time
“Ooh, would you look over there? My ex”
“That person has been checking me out all night, maybe I’ll go say hi”
And you’d whip around every time like ??? ‘Scuse me???
You’re like two seconds from slapping him in front of his boss and all his peers
But then you see that adorable, goofy grin of his
And all your frustration just sort of melts away
You know he only jokes because he finds it ridiculous
Like why would he ever look for someone else when youre right there?
But I’m sure you’ll find a way to get him back for being a brat somehow
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This one will not understand why you’re jealous
More the type to let you simmer while simultaneously doing things to soothe you
Will rub your back or your arm during conversations
Will brush a hair back from your face every now and then
But he’s not just doing these things to remind you that he loves you
No no
He is also doing these things so that whoever is hitting on him will take the hint
Like?? Shut up?? Go away??
And in the end, you forget that you were jealous and you’re more just irritated
Like quit saying weird things to my man
When they finally go away, you both look at each other with big eyes and sigh really loudly
But then you’re laughing because did that really just happen?
And he’ll tease you a little bit for being jealous before you both go back to talking about how creepy the other person was being
Low-key making fun of them; making up new ridiculous compliments that fit their vibe
“Oh, Yeosang! You know I’ve been a fan for oh so very long and I’ve loved watching your muscles grow!”
Discomfort pretty much forgotten, you just go about your night like that didn’t even happen
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Okay this fool
He thinks you’re really cute when you’re jealous so he’s gonna make it worse
Will be super sugary sweet with whoever is flirting with him
Thanking them and complimenting them back
Too bad the compliments are empty and he’s only using them to make you pout a little more
Eventually he ends the conversation because he thinks you’ll catch on to his evil plan if he keeps this up much longer
Drags you away into a quieter area of the event
“Were you jealous?”
He’s smirking because I mean… duh
“You were doing that on purpose weren’t you?”
If looks could kill he would be belly-up in the pool rn
But then he’s laughing and apologizing and trying to justify himself
“I mean how could I resist when it makes you look like this cute baby oooo”
Full squishing your cheeks in public like… sir
But he does it enough that you’re smiling again and batting his hands away from your face
When he realizes that he was successful in returning your mood back to normal, he’ll pull you back into the party
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Does not realize you are jealous
Carries on the entire night like everything’s cool
Totally didn’t participate in mutual groping with some random fans
An awkwardly placed hand
An accidental brush against the wrong body part
I mean you know its not his fault
But ooooohhh did it make your blood boil
Literally doesn’t even mention it until you’re home because he genuinely doesn’t think anything happened
And you’re like??? Hello???
You touched their butt???
And then his face goes so red
Like you think for a second he’s gonna explode like those old airheads commercials
But then you’re laughing at him because he is more horrified at the situation than anything else
He face plants on the couch and just yells into the cushions for a minute because my god how could he not realize
And then you’re the one comforting him explaining how the fan surely knows it was an accident and blahblahblah
But at least there was an easy solution to your problem lmao
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I think that he will actually be concerned
Like if he realizes that you’re jealous he’s gonna think that he did something wrong
Even if its someone else’s fault that you were feeling that way
Hes gonna feel responsible
And he’s gonna wanna make you feel better
Will make some excuse about one of you not feeling well and hightail it out of there
When you tell him you didn’t have to leave the event just because of that he’s like Nono
And he’s gonna spend the rest of the night giving you his undivided attention and making sure you feel loved and cherished
Like I think he is gonna be genuinely worried about how this kind of thing will make you feel
Always wants you to feel safe and secure in your relationship
Never wants anything to damage your self esteem either
So if he thinks any of those things are in jeopardy, he’s gonna do something about it
Might tease you for it sometimes, but darker. emotions are something he tends to be gentler with and more serious about
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Does not get the memo
Jealous? Who?
Has to be told by the members lmao
And sees you sulking somewhere away from him
Then he’s rushing to you like a confused puppy
Sits with you quietly for a minute because he doesn’t even really know what to say
“I feel like a bad boyfriend now” is what he chooses to open with
And then youre not jealous anymore
youre in protective mode
“Noooo, baby, why would you ever feel like that youre the best boyfriend ever”
And then he’s like??? Thought you were upset???
And you’re like… maybe
But who cares? Because he’s still a good boyfriend
I mean you know he cant babysit you at events and stuff and youre always happy when he’s having fun
Youre just a little selfish sometimes and want him all to yourself
But who can blame you?
And he completely understands because… well he feels the same way about you <3
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mydayserenade · 4 years ago
My Dear Starlight
Yunho x OC
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rom, angst, fluff (???)
first time playing around w/ this kind of genre so apologies if its shitty
i suggest listening to Fix You by Coldplay cause it will definitely send you to sad hours while reading
"Do you remember the last time we went star-gazing? It was the night before I eventually confessed to you, we were lying on the grass and I was pretty much sleep deprived and alongside handling an empty stomach that was growling" he said and chuckled, reminiscing the sweet moment ever so vividly like it happened just yesterday. Yunho took his attention off the sky and watched silently as his fiance gaze the starry night without even noticing him staring at her like she was the brightest thing to ever exist as of the moment, which has always been a thing for them to do to each other... but mostly Yunho.
"I do dummy, can you believe it has been 5 years since then? Time flies so fast" Luna responded, leaning towards her right side to get a closer look at Yunho's visuals "And now here we are, engaged and a few months away from officially tying the knot." she giggled, toying with the necklace that he gave to her during their first anniversary and looked back at the night once more to admire it; the moon dawned on them like a bright spotlight, the sky was as blue as the deep sea, complimenting the shining stars that laced the sky, telling tales of long lost lovers which completed the visually angelic twilight that these two would share for hours.
Yunho looks over to his paramour with the endearment in his doey eyes and smiles ever so sweetly as she laid beside him, interlocking hands with one another and her hair that sprawled like beautiful waves; in a swift move he sits himself up and props Luna to lay down on his chest. Luna responds in a squeak, shocked by the sudden gesture her fiance did.
"Whenever you miss me" Yunho broke the silence between them and rested his cheek on the head of his soon-to-be Mrs. Jeong, she flinches as she felt his warm arms wrap around her chest, feeling his heartbeat going at a slow but steady pace.
"Um, where are you going with this?" she asked confusingly as Yunho snuggled on her neck, inhaling the delicate perfume that he oh so loved whenever she would put it on; he breathes in the intoxicating fragrance and lets out a satisfied sigh before he continued.
"It's just an intrusive thought" he replied and continued to snuggle, "but whenever you miss me while I'm away or when I suddenly get called by the House of Hufflepuff" he said jokingly in the last part, receiving a slap on the arm by her and continued on. "Look up at the night sky and think of me. My mom always told me that I had a special connection with celestial things most especially stars. I thought it was just nonsense she shared with me as a teenager but as I got older and took into consideration the feelings I had and enviroment or situations I was in, I did notice a few things that made me convinced that my mom was indeed right about her speculations." Luna was bewildered, all she could do was laugh. This was the first time she has ever heard of this story from Yunho considering the fact they've been together for 5 years, 24/7, 365 and he would often share his most atrocious memories; even his embarassing ones. She looked up at Yunho who was looking straight at her, showing how perplexed she was by her furrowed brows and confused grin.
"So you're telling me, God decided to make your bloodline 40% human and 60% celestial and as you age the more you feel connected with these things, will somehow tingle in your bones and signal you to shoot supernovas out of your hands like Starfire or some shit whenever it's nightime?" she asks.
"You're phrasing it like it's a crazy Sci-Fi movie Luna, I wasn't even finished." Yunho eyerolls and massages the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh of annoyance. Luna enjoyed teasing him and seeing him all fired up; even if Yunho had a fierce exterior that people would be afraid of approaching, only few knew his childish side and how young at heart he was for things that he loved and took interest in.
"Go on continue, I was just annoying you." she giggles at the sight of him pouting and scrunching up his nose, Yunho takes a deep breath before he proceeds to the next.
"Eversince I was a little boy and when there were times where I had no one to play around with" Yunho looks up at the stars and grows a grin on his face as he points upward "they were always my companion and relate to how I was feeling. Whenever I felt happy, it would always blink at me, become bigger in size and blind me with its light; however when I felt sad, it would always shrink and release very little light. It would sometimes respond to the many queries I had and decisions by its blinking, it somehow felt like I had a mood lamp with me everywhere I go." he crooks his head to the right, scoffing at the many memories of him that flashed in his mind. "Even if I had no one to talk to at that time, as crazy as it sounds, the stars comforted me in a way that is unexplainable."
"It felt like someone understood the things you were going through like no one else has, almost as if you had an alternate you up in the galaxies." Luna looked up at how Yunho admired each white dot with the happiness in his eyes, looking so astonished like a little kid who just visited a candy store for the very first time. She now understood the many moments where he would suddenly look up the sky while driving, walking or even eating and just stare for seconds before eventually returning to what he was doing, almost as if he was thanking the heavens above or checking up on them like they were part of his family.
"You understand now? Whenever that time comes, just look up and I'm there." He whispers in Luna's ear, hands interlocking with hers and giving her a soft kiss on the head. Luna couldn't help but tear up by the gentle gesture Yunho did, the tale he had told and the thought of not seeing him for even a second. He was her rock and she was his, not a day would go by if they did not see each other in between the hours.
"I do Yunho, I do." she sits up and faces Yunho, cupping his face with her warm hands with Yunho gently caressing it and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips.
6 years later...
"I'm here" Luna whispered, standing in the middle of the silent and deserted park which was quiet enough to hear her; holding onto her precious necklace, she looked up the sky, admiring the white dots that scattered the sky. The stars were a bit different from normal, they were shining and twinkling more and more, almost as if it was calling out to her in morse code.
"You should really try and hide your excitement to a bare minimum, see this is why I never planned any surprise parties with you" she scoffed and sat down on the grass, closing her eyes and completely taking in the midnight breeze that brushed against her skin and blew on her hair. She lets out a sigh and toyed with the golden chain that was entangled on her fingers, feeling every abrasion and imperfection this necklace presented.
"You're probably wondering why I am here at 3 am in the morning" she said, fluttering her eyes to a vast field with streetlights surrounding it, "Awww man" Luna laughed, "You're most likely gonna kill me if I went out especially in this hour, well truth be told Mr. Jeong; are you battling me now with this cold gust of wind you blow?"
No one responds.
"I thought so too." she said under her breath as she hangs her head down, taking a deep breath before she continued to talk.
"I came here because I couldn't really sleep well these past few days and" she starts to choke up, sniffling and trying her absolute best to not break down, that's the last thing he would want Luna to do... especially in a time like this. "I don't know" she shrugs, rubbing her hands on her face. "I've been in my head too much, I've been emotionally unstable for the first time in a long time and I'm just" she suddenly pauses while a million thoughts circulates her mind. She urged herself to keep a strong and stable state for the past 6 years in front of friends and family, always say she was doing alright and all but deep down inside she was suffering the greatest loss of all and couldn't even bare to hold it in any longer.
"Yunho I'm so so so sorry" she lets out her tears, hysterically wailing on the field. She clutches her heart, completely lost her sense of reality and just wanted to scream out the pain and tiredness she has been holding on for the past few years, hiding behind a facadé so that people around her would not have to feel the burden that she might put on them. The countless nights of tear stained pillows and fake happy days were all weeped away at this night, she looks up at the skies; frozen and chanting swear words like a maniac.
"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner how much you suffered on the inside, for being such an asshole to you during those times and for not being enough of a friend and wife to you." she whimpered, losing all her might to prop herself up. In a graceful fall she lands on the grass, curled up, shiverring and clutching her knees amidst the cold breeze and moist grass under her.
"I'm a terrible person, I'm a fucking disgrace, and yet somehow I still exist in this world when it should've been you who is still alive. I tried my best to not worry you every night by saying I was doing okay, that I was living good and this and that, but for the past few days..." she closes her eyes and squeezes the pendant with her palm as tears streamed endlessly down her cheeks, "The wave of guilt just hit me harder than ever and I honestly am not so sure I can carry on this shameful life that only keeps me breathing."
From the day she knew up until his deathbed, Yunho never wanted Luna to see him at his worst neither did he want her to struggle and pity him, but his condition allowed Luna to see her beloved slowly succumb bit by bit. As much as she wanted to help him; he would always brush it off, plaster on his dimpled smile and please her in the best of his abilities and strength even if his state wasn't the way it was before. He did not want Luna to regret the moments she had with him and only fill her memories with the pain that he had felt and the hardships he's going through. She didn't agree to any of his ordeals but he had tried and persuaded her to commit to his wishes, in the end however; it would only lead to many arguements and her cursing him out. Eventually she caved in and did the best she could to seize the days, nights and hours with the presence of her one and only love yet deep down inside she was guilty of not helping with his condition and wanted to cater to his medical needs even if she had to travel miles away to get what he asks for.
"I respected your wishes, I carried on the many months with you with a positive outlook and a cheery personality. I was happy during those times I'll admit, because I was by your side everyday until the last second of you breathing, but at the back of my mind I knew I should've gone against what you wanted me to do and assist to your needs." she runs her hand through her hair, fuming at the thought of herself not doing her part during the days of Yunho's struggles. "You told me that I shouldn't feel guilty as this isn't my fault that you were diagnosed with this and it isn't my business to meddle around something like this, but goddamnit Yunho" she breathes uncontrollably as tears yet again pools in her eyes "I'm your fucking wife! I'm your best friend! I have been with you for as long as I can remember and I have made a vow to you that I'm gonna take care of you and nurture you when needed until our hair turns gray and we are all wrinkled." She bursts into annoyance and disappointment. None of what she did made perfect sense to her, all she wanted was to cry and rewind time so that she can make up for the past mistakes she's done and the many regrets she wanted to be erased in her mind. Luna didn't have the energy to continue on and she just lied in the grass, sprawled out and cried until her lungs gave out. She felt pain, she felt disappointment, she felt useless, she felt defeated.
A blinding light then hovers over Luna's exhausted and tearstained body, at first she did not mind this but as the light lingered on her for how many minutes now, she was irritated to this God-like halo that did not want to leave her be. She then slowly opens her eyes and was immediately welcomed to a soft, bright and white light that the moon shined on her, way different from the previous. The stars then aligned, creating a mystical ceiling that somehow calmed Luna's nerves and distract her away from her thoughts, it shined excitingly but twinkled in a calm matter. Luna was in awe at how much beauty the sky emmited, she had completely felt relaxed and wiped the tears that streamed down her face. She goes on to bask under the moonlight and stars, breathing in and out and feeling liberated and worry-free, something she has never felt ever since Yunho was put to rest.
"Now I truly understand what you meant." she mumbled, feeling lighter than ever. Luna then proceeds to put back her shoes on and did a flying kiss to the air multiple times before she left the park. "I think I know what I need to do now." she smiled and took a deep breath.
"Thank you for giving me something I never believed in but eventually found myself with you, love." she sighs lovingly as she gets up and moves towards her car. She takes one last look at the stars and glances down the necklace she has been holding. "Thank you for tonight, see you soonest, my dear starlight."
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trafalgarlawsdepression · 4 years ago
hm okay so first of all it takes place a few years after the og series, I'm thinking like six to seven? point is the gang is all split up, maka was offered a teacher position at dwma but turned it down to travel a bit and consider if she's comfortable with working for dwma considering all the secrecy they're doing. soul is with her because that's what he does and crona is with her because Do Not Separate Them. blackstar and tsubaki are also out seeing the world but less to philosophize and more to get stronger because they're tsubaki and blackstar, possibly incorporating tsubaki's cool new forms from the manga. kid is still in death city and basically I think it'd be interesting if he's slowly preparing to take over as death god with full knowledge of what that would entail for lord death, since that would kinda put a new spin on it compared to the manga. also on the side he's also doing his own scheming because I think that would be fun.
anyway, plot stuff is that dwma have been using angela and mifune to get in contact with the witches and there's talk of a truce, once again incorporating stuff from the manga. the plan is to send kid to do some preliminary negotiations with a team to look out for him, and he asks to take maka and blackstar rather than like, stein or someone, partly because friendship and partly because they're more likely to go along if he starts scheming. this is how we reunite the gang, minus crona who would be wildly unsafe going into with territory considering their connection to medusa and because there's a chance the witches might want to study up on the black blood, in which case crona is the best test subject.
before they leave for the negotiations some way or another it comes out that kim is a witch, which the gang promises to keep secret also I think it'd be cute and sweet if the whole b-team knows and are looking out for kim. anyhoo through kim they find out a bit more abt what the current political situation in the witch world is, which angela and mifune had not been let in on since he's a human and she's like ten. basically, as eruka said in the og series mabaa is getting old so they're also prepping for a change in power, and the title of supreme witch or whatever is slated to go to one of three chosen young witches who have been trained from birth. the gang decide to keep this to themselves for now, partly to keep kim safe and partly because of kid's scheming.
(it should also be noted that there needs to be so many heartwarming reunions also also blackstar is still the shortest he's the token manlet of the group)
anyway they get going and eventually meet up with a witch who uses magic to transport them to where mabaa is hanging out, maybe the witches have a cool witch city that's like. a pit or something whatever it is it needs to be dramatic. negotiations start and kid reveals that he's not only interested in a truce, he wants an active partnership, hence the scheming. mabaa at least isn't outright opposed to the idea but notes that the dwma have been hunting witches for ages so the larger community is bound to be at the very least hesitant. the whole witch election is brought up and mabaa agrees to set up meetings with the three witches with the understanding that if the gang so much as lay a hand on them or in any way try to meddle in the process she will personally see to it that the dwma/witch conflicts escalates to an all out war.
after this I'm kinda fuzzy on the plot, but the first one they see is maggot witch, who's not interested in a partnership. she gives the group brain worms which they manage to get through by the power of friendship or something, and which blackstar has a problem with bc he has a hard time asking from help because that's a sign or weakness or whatever, once again I'm unsure on this. around this time is also where crona shows up because they only managed to keep still for like a day before they started worrying abt maka since they have a lot more experience with witches than she has. they've gotten a lot better over the years, they're still very sheltered but their partnership with ragnarok is much more stable and they can make a joke or two I think. I feel like they deserve it.
next they probably take a quick break at some kind of safe house to recover and build character dynamics, after which they go see bee witch. bee witch is a lot more fun to be around, she throws big parties and has a laff, and she says she'd be interested in working with dwma, because she has a personal loss in the conflict. here we find out that a witch she was really close to (maybe her mom idk) was the witch maka's mom killed to make a death scythe, which maka is smart enough to shut up about but which makes the potential alliance a bit shaky since it's one thing to talk abt it in abstract and a whole other thing to have a shot at revenge within arm's reach. they leave not feeling entirely sure and with crona deeply uncomfortable since they had to endure a party scene press f.
last with they see I haven't drawn or developed a whole bunch yet, but she's a dragonfly witch and doesn't really care either way abt working with dwma since she's not interested in the leadership position in the first place. she has a lot of feelings abt being raised for this One Purpose and not getting to be a person, especially with the risk that she's not even going to get to serve that purpose, which hits home with crona. after this I have. no idea what happens but probably something goes wrong, maybe because of kid's scheming since lord death is bound to find out at some point.
additional notes: I think soul and crona should get to bond over being the most introverted, like just seeing them look genuinely comfortable sitting away from the group and not saying a word to each other. maka's mom's achievements kinda coming back to bite maka in the ass I feel like would give some nuance to the way maka idolizes her mother and constantly tries to follow in her footsteps. I think maybe since this is soul eater season two that lives in MY head I should get to sprinkle in some romance who's to say. I could back it up with how it would add to the themes if I wanted to but it's embarassing and this post is already filling up my embarassment quota for the night, so ask me like. tomorrow if you want to know. I cherish you so much for asking me abt this though make no mistake. I dip you like a dancer
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omiscurls · 4 years ago
all of me - sakusa kiyoomi x reader
eehee here i come with another sakusa fanfiction because I CAN and I WILL!
i know it’s bad no need to tell me
so the volleyball player to fall for today is, obviously: sakusa kiyoomi
and the word count: 3889
and the summary quote:   If you'll ever see me acting like this idiot, it'll mean the world is ending.
and let's go!
You were completely bored. Like, totally, one hundred percent spiritless, sitting on the stands, and noting all the line ups the Itachiyama Academy's Volleyball Team tried, as they started to practice before nationals. You were already here for three hours, and they still didn't seem to be close to finishing, even though they still had plenty of time before the contest, and plenty of condifence in their own abilities, after all, they had both the best wing spiker, and the best libero in the country. As their manager, of course you knew that.
And yet still it appeared as if they didn't. They were still working overtime, though their coach already went home, you saw all of them upset and tired, but none of the players dared to tell captain Tsukasa it was already time to go home. How long are they going to overwork themselves, you though, until someone passes out?
"'Nee-chan!" Komori yelled, and you looked up from the sheet of paper you caught yourself doodling on, instead of noting. Were you his sister? No, but a childhood friend, so he reffered to you like that ever since you could recall.
"What's up, Toya?" you asked, leaning over the security bar to hear him better. Even from over there you saw him being all sweaty and obviously tired.
"Can you bring us our drinks, please? We don't have any time to waste" he requested, and you gladly nodded and started walking towards the locker room. It was finally something else than writing down everything they might need. You entered the room, and found the box with the watter bottles already set up there, relieved you didn't need to open any of these smelly boys' lockers.
You picked it up and left the room, stopping to lock the door behind you. The box was kinda heavy, but you didn't complain, since it was your only distraction from the overwhelmingly dull training session.
"Guys, have a break already, I brought drinks!" you shouted, smiling from ear to ear at the fact that someone is finally going to talk to you after three hours of sitting there alone.
In fact, you were so happy about it, you forgot one important detail, that you were on the court and they were still practicing.
You suddenly saw someone run right in front of you, as if he wanted to cover you, but he didnt make it on time, and the ball, approaching you with killer speed, hit you right on the head. You remember it hurting briefly, and then it all went dark.
"What the hell?" your childhood friend yelled, the rest of the team shocked upon seeing such a goofball upset. He looked over at the kid who was spiking, a first year, currently standing there and scratching his neck in embarassement, as the angry libero was killing him with his look.
But turns out he wasn't the angriest person in the room.
"I'm sorry" the boy mumbled, subconsciously hiding behind Tsukasa.
"As you should be!" the black haired boy yelled, getting down to his knees.
Ah yes, your another friend, Sakusa. He was Komori's cousin, but moved here much later than the libero, and even so, you didn't see him much before you went to the same high school. Motoya always said he was kind of shy, but you never noticed. If anything, he was confident about himself and even rude sometimes.
You never knew how they got along so well, but it was probably the same case as with many childhood friends - they got so used to each other, that they couldn't imagine a life where they're not friends, even though they were like fire and water. One was always happy and it was rare to see him without a smile painting his lips, and the other, well, it was even more exceptional for him to grin.
But at that moment, both the fire and the water were at unison, glaring deadly at everyone, as they kneeled beside you.
"Nee-chan? Can you hear me?" panic raised in his voice, as he got no response from you. "Nee-chan?! Kiyoomi, why isn't she answering?"
"Because she's unconscious, you idiot" he answered, but his attention was suddenly somewhere completely else, as he felt his captain's hand on his shoulder. He shivered, as he moved away, and the older boy kneeled down to you as well to guage the situation.
"Alright, let's not create fake crowd here. The team has a moment to rest, Komori, you stay with miss manager, and Sakusa, come get the nurse with me"
"Is the nurse still in office? It's really late" he complained, but got up instantly, and followed his older collegue."
Meanwhile Komori really didn't know what to do with you, so he just sat by your side and whined as if you were dead. The captain raised his eyebrow and looked at him with pity.
"You know what, Saku? You stay there, you're more composed than him." he told his spiker in a low voice. "Komori! I changed my mind, if you want to help, then come along" Upon hearing that, Motoya was hesitant, but eventually nodded and walked up to the captain.
Normally, Sakusa would ask if he really has to be the one to deal with the situation, but this time it was concerning you, so he walked over gladly, and picked you up, one hand supporting your back, and the other near our knees.
His heart beat like it was going to jump out, and he felt the need to be left alone constantly, already tired from practice, both physically and mentally, but realized he wouldn't have it any other way but to be the one to look after you.
He sat on the bench, and put your body over it, your head resting on his thighs, so it would be higher.
He felt the urge to run his fingers through your hair in a comforting manner, or at the very least squeeze your hand, let you know he was there waiting, but a sudden wave of doubts hit him, and he decided to stay still.
When you came back to your consciousness, the first thing you saw was his worried face. You freaked out, knowing how uncomfortable it made him, being this close to anybody, and tried to lift yourself back up, but your head hurted too much. You instantly went back down, but not because of the aching on your forehead, but because something forced you to, something being a strong arm.
"Stay still for a minute, would you?" your friend asked, a bit annoyed, but also concerned, from what you could read from his expression.
"What happened?" you asked in a faint voice, so weak, actually, that upon hearing it, he frowned and looked over at you.
"That included talking" he only added, but after a minute of silence, decided to explain "You got hit on the head with a volleyball by some idiot."
Hearing Sakusa speak, some of the first years came closer to look, including the one to blame for the whole situation.
"A-are you okay Y/N-san?" he asked quietly, and you nodded, but Sakusa waved his hand as if he was whisking away an annoying fly.
"Back off, idiots, let the damn girl rest" he growled, rolling his eyes. Truth be told, he was just trying to get them away from himself, because he started to feel uncomfortable having all of them looking down at him, but conveniently, you were now his shield. "If you're all so energetic, then come back to training, we still suck at blocking with the new rotation."
Then he noticed, that all the second and third years were already back at training, so the ones that were left were only the newbies.
Maybe one or two of them will get a place in the game, one in a starting line up, some will become pinch servers, but for them, this year was just a trial run of Itachiyama's discipline, before they get to the first squad eventually, or maybe never.
"Why aren't you training then, Sakusa-san?" one of them got the courage to say, before getting absolutely slain by his irritated eyes.
"Because I don't suck at blocking" he bit back harshly, and relaxed a bit on his chair, a newly found confidenve flowing through him after the burn he just did.
They all went silent for a second, and went back to training with disappointed looks on their face, mumbling something about their ace being a douchebag.
He wasn't, though, he was always really respectful, even with his insults, but all it took was to push him just a tiny little bit over his edge, for him to get not salty, but straight up rude, as it was his defence mechanism for having his authority undermined in any way, or his personal space interrupted.
"You're an asshole" you whispered, your voice still kinda sleepy, as you were overall shaken, and your forehead kept pulsating like crazy.
"And you're mean but we don't talk about that, do we?" he replied, eyes fixed or something far in the distance, probably the holes and errors in someone's spikes, so he could later "give his honest opinion" and roast only the people who pissed him off. You laughed, but suddenly stopped, when you noticed your head hurting more. "How're you feeling?" he suddenly asked very gently and softly, his whole expression changing when he looked you in the eyes, and then quickly faced away.
"My head hurts" you complained, and he chuckled.
"Yeah, well, I figured, they all have some strenght in their arms here, you know?"
"Why show it off on my head?" you whined, and he gave you a slightly condesending look.
"Well, he was practicing, and you weren't supposed to be on the court"
"You're saying this is my fault?" you wanted to get up and show your irritation, but he shook his head with a slight smile, and pulled you back to your previous position.
"Which part of resting didn't you understand, stop moving so much. And no, of course it wasn't, if he did it like I asked him to, he wouldn't hit anything but the floor. You were on the very edge of the court, if he aimed it right, it wouldn't even come close to you"
"If he did like you asked, huh? Are you suddenly a teacher, Omi?" he faced away, feeling heat coming to his cheeks, he didn't want to risk you seeing him blush at the nickname he pretended so hard to hate.
"No, but I am considered a better spiker than him, so why wouldn't I be giving advice?"
"And to think Toya described you as shy and humble, before we met" you recalled a moment from almost five years before.
You and Komori were sitting on the bench, waiting for Sakusa to show up, because for weeks your friend was trying to get you two to meet each other.
"So how is he, Sakusa-san?" you asked, even though you've heard thousands of stories about him. From what you knew then, Sakusa was a shy teenage boy, who doesn't talk much and prefers hanging out outside, rather than inside malls or café's, is very nice and polite, and plays volleyball really well.
"I told you a million times already, are you THIS excited to meet him?"
"You wish" you said, grinning widely "I'm just curious"
"Well, if you start off by saying you heard he's good at volleyball, he'll instantly say you don't know that because you never saw him play. If you say you've heard a lot about him, he'll turn red and will want to kill me. And if you ask him to say something about himself, he'll end up talking about Lady"
"His cat"
Then suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you, and turned around to see a tall thirteen-year-old, his curls everywhere around his pale face, probably in a mess because of the wind, a facemask lowered down to his chin, glaring over at Komori.
"Kiyoomi! Finally! Please, meet my friend, this is Y/N."
He gave you a slight bow, or more likely a nod, smiling politely as he responded.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi"
The first thing to pop into your head was obviously 'I know', but you decided not to say that, because of what your best friend had said a couple of minutes earlier.
"Y/N" you said, smiling back at him. "Nice to meet you, too. How're you?"
"Well I was just about to finish an episode, when this guy called me to come meet you two, so I'd say I'm not so great. Plus, what do you have to say about my cat, Komori?"
"So harsh, Omi"
He made a disgusted face.
"Don't call me that you idiot"
You smiled at yourself then, trying not to laugh at how different this guy was from his description, and smiled now, as you were laying in the same guy's lap, which he'd never allow to happen five years ago.
"I am humble" he responded "That's a fact, not an opinion"
"Sure" you mumbled, placing your hand over your forehead, as if you were trying to get the pain to go away. He noticed the movement, and turned back to you.
"If it's this bad then here" he said, leaning over to grab something located several seats away. Next, he put his cold water bottle against your head, and didn't even let you hold it yourself. "Does this help?"
"How should I know, it's only been like, three seconds" you responded sarcastically.
"Hey, stop being salty, I'm the one taking care of you"
"Are you, though? Or are you using me as an excuse to get out of practice?"
He was in fact, really tired, but would've keep practicing if it weren't for your condition. He had a habit of doing things till he finished, even if it meant passing out in the process, or something.
At that point, his mind was already racing in all the different directions. Were you seriously thinking he didn't care? Wasn't it obvious? Maybe no, and if someone is injured, then he must feel taken care of, but not overprotected, as his father always said, when he made him bandage his own aching wrists when he was younger.
"Alright, well, let's see if you don't have any concussion, alright?" he asked, but didn't wait for any answer. "Where are we now?"
"Itachiyama's gym?"
"What's my name?"
"Why would I forget your name?"
"Just answer, oh my god, I know what I'm doing" he sighed.
"Wakatoshi Ushijima" you laughed, and he gave you a disappointed look.
"Very funny, oh god, aren't you just the queen of humor. Is your vision blurred, or doubled?"
"No, I only see a huge jackass in front of me, is that a symptom?"
He didn't even respond, just hid his face in his hands and let out a supressed, exhausted groan.
"Alright, I see you don't have any trouble speaking either, so let's just say you don't have a concussion, and we can keep patiently waiting for the nurse"
After that, silence fell upon you two, both not knowing what to say. Here you were, laying on the thighs of your crush of four years, and even in a situation like this, you didn't know whether he wanted to keep it that way, or run off as soon as possible. You suddenly got embarassed, feeling the heat of the athletes body next to your cheeks, and were unable to say anything, at the same time desperately wanting him to maintain the conversation. He, on the other hand, was so fixed on keeping his heart rate at a reasonable pace, that he wasn't capable of doing anything more at the moment.
Because there he was, with his crush of four years,
And still didn't know what to say or do, mind still stuck at the thing you said about him only being there with you out of convenience, and at every time in that conversation that you called him a jackass, or an asshole. He really wanted to be sweet, but well, that wasn't in his nature. It wasn't like him, and even after spending all  these years with you, he still wasn't certain of anything he felt, didn't want you to feel the way Komori told him he made another girl feel, when he was nice to her all the time, and then declined when she wanted to go out with him. What if he'd say no out of nervousness and you'd get the wrong idea? It was too risky. Besides, getting this close to somebody meant going on dates, meant going somewhere public, meant showing affection, meant being there for someone at all times... all those things he had no idea how to do.
So I guess, he thought, I'd rather be the asshole.
"Hey, Omi?" you suddenly asked.
"Hm?" he mumbled in response, being pulled away from his rapid train of thoughts.
"Your undereyes are really dark, did you notice?" you said "And your hands look so red, and violet even, like if someone beat you up"
"Nobody beat me up, silly, that's how it is after practice"
"I always see you two after practice, and not once were they this color"
"Maybe you have trouble with vision, after all" he sighed, looking down on his hands, noticing they really are badly bruised. How come he didn't feel it before?
"Nationals aren't here for a long time yet. It's still four months until january, why are you already like this?" you asked quietly, but it was a different type of quiet. It was more of the 'tell me what you did now, you idiot, I'm already disappointed in you'. It must've gotten to Kiyoomi, because he avoided your sight, and clearly hid his hands behind him.
He left you without your reply for an awfully long time. Stared at the ceiling, at the practicing boys, even checked the time twice, but still didn't reply.
"Uhm, it's that, I always practice spiking when—" he couldn't finish, because there was your best friend, running through the gym, captain Tsukasa following him with an apologetic look on his face, two paramedics behind them.
"Thank god you woke up already, Nee-chan!" he yelled, almost falling to his knees when he tried to sit in front of the bench while still running. "How's your... how's your everything? How bad does it hurt?"
He was shaking your entire body, and it made your head hurt worse, but you couldn't help but smile. You looked over at Kiyoomi.
See, that's the reaction.
If you'll ever see me acting like this idiot, it'll mean the world is ending.
His expression said everything, as he helped you sit up, sitting very close to you, so you wouldn't fall if you suddenly felt dizzy.
It made him feel dizzy, though.
"Komori, pull yourself together, you called the ambulance for a reason" he reminded his cousin, tone as sharp as broken glass, and the libero only nodded, and sat on your other side.
For someone who hates hospitals as much as Sakusa does, he was very near the situation the whole time, he didn't go back to training at all, even though he technically didn't need to watch over you anymore. You wondered why, after all, he didn't care, right?
The men checked everything, and as it turned out, your forehead was already painted with all shades of purple, but there was nothing that required transporting you to a hospital right away. If you were to feel dizzy or have difficulties with walking or speaking later in the day, they made you promise to either get to the ER with your legal guardians, or call the ambulance once again, and after a ridiculous amount of checkups, they left.
It was already evening, when the boys also decided to call it a day and finish up the training. You saw how they were all exhausted and weary, and you somehow felt guilty for stressing them like that, so you wanted to leave as soon as possible.
"Hey, kid" you stopped the first year who hit you, when he was leaving the building. He turned around, his eyes puffy and red. "It was my fault. Don't worry about it" you smiled "I mean it" and turned away to go get your stuff. He ran off thanking you, and you shook your head while laughing.
Sakusa and Komori came back from the lockers a while later and decided to chat with you for a bit before going their separate ways.
"You feeling alright there, dummy?" the taller boy asked, his voice as casual as ever. You nodded, but Komori didn't find that enough of an answer.
"Do you want us to walk you home? We can surely do that, right, Omi?"
He looked confused.
"Uhm, sure we can. And don't call me that, you idiot"
"Guys, I'll be fine on my own, no worries. You're both exhausted, go and rest already" you really meant it for the both of them, but your eyes were fixed on Kiyoomi, who avoided looking directly into them as much as possible.
"Alright then. See you tommorow, remember we're doing a research paper together, so if you'll be late to class again, I will literally strangle you" Sakusa said, leaving you with your friend, turning around as soon as possible.
"Rude as always! Remember to actually rest, dickhead!" you shouted behind him.
"Don't move around too much, bitch!" he replied, waving, but not facing you, and closed the door behind him.
You laughed,  but it was bittersweet. You liked the energy and chemistry you had, the whole insulting each other thing, but you'd much rather stop being 'dickhead' and 'bitch' and start being 'honey' and 'baby' or something as sickly cheesy and annoyingly cute as that.
It was dumb, you knew that, but wouldn't it be fun to hear it from him?
Wouldn't it be... comforting?
"You know" Motoya said, smiling at the door, already closed shut. "It's not that he doesn't like you, or something"
You laughed again, and the sacrasm could be felt from a mile away.
"I know he does like me. I am one hundred percent certain he does"
I'd just like him to love me, is that too much to ask?
You left the big gym, Komori locking the door, and started walking towards your house. The sun was already halfway through setting down, your head still hurted, and you noticed you were terribly tired, to the point your eyes were half  closed, when you heard a sudden whisper from your bestfriend.
"It's not like he doesn't love you, either. I know my opinions about him aren't always accurate, but this, this I'm sure of. He's just afraid."
Afraid he'll be the asshole you call him as a joke.
Or maybe more afraid you'll be the bitch?
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moonprincemulti · 4 years ago
You Are Always Mine - Chappter 7
- 27 Apr 2021
- seventh chapter of a series (YAAM)
- catboy/shapeshifter hyunjin & music producer chan
- top chan x bottom hyunjin
Felix opened the door to Chan's apartment. He was glad that he had gotten a spare key, because after minutes of knocking and shouting, they still hadn't gotten a response. Minho felt guilty for disturbing the neighbours, but Felix was set on finding his best friend. Felix walked in, looking around. Nothing seemed abnormal, no sign of a break in, no sign of a fight or struggle. Felix sighed and bit his lip, making sure to check every inch of the apartment. Minho came inside too, trying to look for hints that they might still be here. Looking at clothes, jewelry, food, anything that might suggest that it was recently moved or touched. But it seemed like the apartment had been empty for days. Felix got more and more worried, knowing something bad had happened. The two boys looked at eachother, sharing the same thought. "We have to go to the police. They can't just disappear like this." Felix said, worry laced into every word. Minho nodded in agreement, tilting his head. "But how will we tell the police about Hyun? I don't know anything about him except his name." Felix gasped softly, realizing he didn't know much about Hyun either. Plus, he couldn't just tell the police Hyun was a shapeshifter. Minho didn't know about that either, it was just Chan, Felix and Hyun that knew about it. Felix took a deep breath as he decided on what to do. "We'll go to the police and report Chan. Hyun can't be far off, they stay together every second of the day."
Minho shrugged. "What if they've been seperated? We don't know anything about what happened to them." Felix sighed deeply. "That's true.. but.. if we find Chan, he might know where Hyun is." Minho nodded. "Yeah.. let's hope they didn't kill him." Felix gasped and hit Minho's shouder. "Hyung! Don't say that! Don't make it sound so.. horrible." Minho held up his hands in defense, looking at the freckled boy. "I'm sorry. I'm just imagining every scenario possible. They could've been kidnapped, murdered, taken by sex traffickers.. Anything is possible when you've got two handsome young men." Felix groaned and looked down. "We have to find them. I'm not giving up on Chan so easily." Minho put a hand on Felix's shoulder. "We'll find them eventually. I can't promise that I can predict what state they'll be in, but they'll come back." Felix huffed and pushed Minho's hand off, annoyed by his slightly negative response. "Stop saying that stuff. He's your friend too, you know." Felix walked to the door, taking one last look at the apartment. "I'll find you Chan. I will keep searching." Felix stepped out of the apartment, Minho following him. They locked the door, making their way to the nearest police station. Felix was determined. He had to find his best friend. He wouldn't forgive himself if he hadn't tried everything in his power. ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶ An overwhelming rush of emotions went through Chan's body. He couldn't believe it, this couldn't be a reality. His childhood friend, his cat and the handsome young male that had stayed with him for a while... they were all the same. One person, one creature. Chan's eyes filled with tears, remembering the sorrow he had felt when he first heard about Hyunjin's untimely death. It wasn't true. Hyunjin had been alive all along. Chan fought against his restraints, the only thing on his mind was having Hyunjin in his arms, close to him. Chan groaned, angered by the reality of the situation. "How could you?! Taking a kid from a car crash and faking his death! Do you know how much he meant to me?!" The doctor chuckled darkly and stepped to Chan, smiling at the tears that rolled down. "Oh poor Channie. If we succeeded in our plan, you would've met the same fate a long time ago." The doctor hummed and let his hand glide over Chan's chest. "This strong heart would be a part of a powerful hybrid duo. You would've been perfect together." The doctor glanced at Hyunjin. "You are perfect already. It's just a bit sad that you escaped our grasp. The outside world shouldn't have known you exist." Chan's eyes widened as he suddenly felt the hand of the doctor wrap around his throat, restricting the air flow and leaving him gasping for air. Hyunjin whined, fighting against his own restraints. "No! You let go of him! Don't hurt him! You can hurt me all you want but please leave him alone!" Hyunjin whimpered as couldn't get out from his position, feeling helpless and useless. The doctor ignored Hyunjin's shouts, just watching Chan fight for any tiny bit of air. "You should've never rescued that little kitty, Chan. You are the reason of your own doom." Hyunjin growled and did his best to get free, but he had almost no strength. The doctor watched Chan grow more desperate for oxygen, loving to see him struggling. "Wilson? Will you come back in and administer this youngster his first shot of hybrid juice?" The other doctor, named Wilson, came back into the room. "Yes sir. I'll prepare the dna. Which one did you have in mind?" The main doctor huffed. "I don't care, just get it done, will you?!" The main doctor finally let go of Chan's throat, who took a huge breath, having been deprived of oxygen for enough time to lose consciousness after that. Hyunjin bit his lip, anger welling up inside of him. "I hate you! You have no reason to hurt him like that! Please just, let him go. You already have me." The main doctor walked to Hyunjin, laughing softly. "Oh dear, you don't get it, do you? You never will." The doctor stroked over Hyunjin's head, who tried to pull away as much as possible. "Now, when Chan wakes up, we'll all watch how he experiences his first dose of hybrid dna. You remember how painful your shots were, hm? I always loved to see you in pain." Hyunjin looked at the doctor with big eyes, scared of Chan's and his fate. He wondered if they would ever get the chance to escape again. ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶ Felix and Minho waited at the police station, having been taken apart in an investigation room. They would speak to an officer soon, who would look into their case. Felix was nervous, Minho trying to console him. "It's okay. They'll find them." Felix glanced at the older, then taking his hand. Minho was surprised at first, but then relaxed, knowing the Australian boy needed skinship to be calmed down. Minho smiled gently at him. "I'll stay with you the whole time. We can ask the others to join in the search too. You're not alone in this." Felix nodded and sighed deeply, holding onto Minho's hand tightly. As the police officer came in, they both quickly got up, greeting the officer. After sitting back down, the police officer asked them to explain the situation. Felix cleared his throat, glancing at Minho before taking a deep breath and starting to explain. "Well, our friend, Bang Chan, he's been missing for days. We've tried calling, texting.. We even went to his apartment to check if something was out of place." The officer nodded, writing everything down. "How did you get into his apartment?" "I have a spare key. I can give it to you if you need it." The officer shook his head. "No need, just checking if you didn't break in." Felix chuckled. "Oh okay. No we wouldn't do that." The officer hummed and looked at Felix and Minho. "Can you describe the days before he went missing? What he looks like? If he had any connections that seemed suspicious?" Felix gulped, knowing they would be here for a while. He explained about the days leading up to the disappearing, and then told the officer he had been calling and texting every day since. How long had it been? Four, five days? Or was it already a week? Felix looked down, closing his eyes as he tried to remember what Chan had looked like the last time he saw him. Minho explained as well, helping Felix in creating an almost perfect description of who Chan was. They were still holding hands, needing eachother's strength to make it through this. As they had told everything they could, Felix sighed deeply and leaned back. The officer looked at the report, surprised at how much information he had gotten from the two boys. "Now, is there anything that we still might've forgotten? Someone he was close to? A detail that normally would be deemed unimportant." Felix bit his lip, not wanting to touch on the subject, but he hoped it would still help. "There was someone. Hyun. We met him weeks ago but... he's special." The officer tilted his head. "And what makes this Hyun so special?" Felix whispered something, being embarassed to even bring it up in front of a police officer. Minho furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what Felix wanted to say. Was there more? Didn't they already share everything necessary? Felix took a deep breath before talking a bit louder. "Hyun is a shapeshifter. He can transform from a cat to human and back." Minho scoffed, thinking Felix was kidding. Had he lost his mind? The officer seemed intrigued. "A shapeshifter you say? Like a hybrid?" Felix shrugged but nodded. "Yeah. Half human half cat." The officer nodded. "That might lead us to what we've been thinking of.." Felix sat up. "You.. you know about shapeshifters?" The officer hummed and looked at the two boys. "We know about people who've been used as experiments at this secret lab. We see victim after victim, and they're not always alive.. We think we have discovered the location of the lab, we have a raid planned in a few days. But with this information, we might speed up the process. An innocent life is at stake." Minho just looked at Felix and the officer with big eyes. Shapeshifters? Lab? What was this all about?
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