#you have amazing art❤💖
aclowntiny · 1 year
Hello 👋 I really love your writing like very very much 😊 ❤ 💖 if I can request can I ask for Ateez first "I love you " moment?? Like who said it first and the reaction ?? It's okay if you didn't though , i just want to tell you that you're amazing 🤗
Absolutely you can! Thank you so much love, that literally means the world to me 🥰🥰🥰 making things that people enjoy is my number one goal & hearing this is why I keep going 🥹 (also, I want one of those pearl teddy bears so bad 🥺 where's my man at)
First 'I Love You' With Ateez (Gender Neutral)
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It was date night. Nothing fancy, just a night in, but with a boyfriend like Hongjoong, even that was one of the most beautiful evenings you could imagine.
He squared off one of his building's balconies, draping the whole thing in fairy lights. He gathered an assortment of the most delicious hors d'oeuvres he could find, laid them out like art on a little table for you too, and finished it off with some of your favorite dessert from a little corner bakery you two had been dying to try.
You ate, you talked, just catching up on your days and your goals, Hongjoong’s free hand occasionally traveling across the table to run affectionately over the arm you had rested there. It brought a shy smile to your face each time, which brought a proud one to his in turn.
When your meal was finished and your conversation had lightened, Hongjoong rose from his chair, crossing your little paradise to a speaker, which he turned on to play some music. He made his way back to where you sat, stopping right next to your chair and extending his hand.
“May I have this dance?”
How did you get so lucky? “Of course,” you breathe, placing your hand in his.
He pulls you up, steadying you by the small of your back as his other hand slides out to hold yours. The music is soft, intimate as you sway together and gaze into each other’s eyes. Several songs pass like that, each blending into the other as Hongjoong draws your focus, expertly turning and dipping you, even stealing a kiss on one of them.
Finally, as one song ends, he speaks again. “There’s something I want to tell you.”
“Of course,” you whisper, daring not to break the fairy-lit magic of the night.
“I’m so glad you’re mine,” he says, and that’s when you know the magic will never break, not when you’re here with the man of your dreams, “you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. My hear, my muse. I love you, (y/n).”
Not a thought is needed before you reply that you feel the same, that you truly are his and only his. If you had any doubts, the smile he gives you shatters them completely, replacing them with the same butterflies he’s always made you feel as he pulls you flush against him. You’re barely dancing now, but neither of you care.
“What a beautiful night,” you gush.
Hongjoong turns, a hand tilting your chin towards him as he leans in all the way. “It’s trying to compete with you.”
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What did Seonghwa do to deserve someone like you? Someone who made him tea, sat with him while he built legos and recorded his ASMR, someone who gifted him with the greatest, most natural and unadulterated laughter accidentally recorded into said ASMR mic, someone who sent him the cutest pictures with encouraging words every day just because he was on your beautiful mind. How lucky.
With you, he felt...light. Euphoric. Like he was shown more and more sides of a big heart every day that you took care of him. And darn it if he wasn't going to be the one to take care of you, too.
He claimed the dorm kitchen, shooed any potential intruders out. Googled all your favorite things, made sure he wasn't missing a single bit of it. Called you and told you to be over for a surprise, that he couldn't wait to see you.
And tell you how much I love you, he wanted to say, but that was to come later. For now, he had work to do.
You arrived just as he finished, making the way toward the kitchen with widening eyes, first at the smell, then at the sight of Seonghwa laying out your favorite meal at the table, which was centered by a vase of your favorite flowers. With an exclamation of endearment you shuffled across the kitchen, jumping into his arms for a big hug.
"I know today was a long day," he told you, "so I wanted to surprise you. Make sure you didn't have to lift a finger for dinner after it all."
"Seonghwa, this is amazing," you breathed, making him smile with the way your body visibly relaxed, "I- I-"
"I love you," both of you said at the same time.
You felt your eyes widen, saw Seonghwa's do the same. Your hands shot up to your face in surprise, fell to reveal the big, gorgeous smile he loved being the cause of. Reaching out his arms once more, he pulled you into his chest, holding you gently there against his beating heart.
"Thank you."
"You're the one who did all this, I should be thanking you," you protested, though you made no effort to leave his embrace.
You feel his head shake on top of yours, the motion ruffling your hair a bit. "No, thank you," he insists, "you've just given me a much better gift. Now, what say we enjoy some dinner, hm?"
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Yunho knows he loves you when even a text from you changes the trajectory of his day. He knows he loves you by the way you know him so well, remembering every little thing about him. He knows he loves you by the way your smile is the first and last thing he wishes he could see every day.
He knows he loves you, now all that's left is to tell you. He asks you out to a nice dinner, and beyond your pleasant surprise at the proposed fancy outing, you don't seem to catch on to anything special. Yunho's just glad you can't feel how rapidly his heart is beating, even though he knows it's all anticipation. After all, once the decision came to his head, it was as natural as breathing, one of the easiest he's made- it feels right.
You walk into the restaurant dressed to the nines and the sight takes his breath away. It seems to show, and he's glad, because as his eyes land on you you give him the biggest smile, fondness and gratitude already present in your eyes. Yunho wants those things to always stay there when you look at him.
When he tells you he already ordered your favorite appetizer, you clap adorably. When he presents you with the bouquet and the pearl teddy bear, you light up even more, shining brighter than the crystal chandeliers adorning the ceiling.
"Yunho, this is all so wonderful- what is it for?" You finally ask.
He was going to wait until after dessert, maybe even until your goodnight kiss, but he's swimming in the highlights of your eyes and the opulent walls of the restaurant have faded out completely and he can't help himself. The moment is right.
"Because I love you," he replies simply, "no other reason than that."
You take his breath away again, this time by launching yourself half out of your seat and into his arms, crushing him in a hug he's happy to reciprocate. You're both warm, you're both giggling, and your scents are pleasantly mingled as you speak again.
"I love you, too."
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Yeosang wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he was sure why he was doing it. Shifting the box in his hands, he reached one up to ring your doorbell.
Your eyes widened at the sight of him standing at your door, but your lips immediately curled into a smile that went straight to Yeosang’s heart. If he had needed any more encouragement, he’d just gotten it. “Surprise!” He exclaimed sheepishly.
Your eyes travelled from his down to the white box he was holding. “What’s this?”
“It’s a surprise,” he teased, “you have to let me in to find out~”
“Oh, right,” you chuckled, stepping out of the way, “I’m sorry. Please, come in, go set it down! I hope it wasn’t heavy.”
Even if it had been, it would have been well worth it. Your adorable look of surprise, the way your home smelled just like you- even if that was weird to say, it was true and Yeosang loved it. Resting the box on your table, he swiveled to face you, to reach for your hands at your sides.
“I wanted to share this with you,” he told you, nodding at the box when you gave him a confused slight frown.
“Alright,” you nodded back, eyes not leaving his, “what is it?”
Fumbling toward the table, his hands found the top of the box. “I hope you love it!” With a proud smile, he unveiled the most beautiful cake you’d ever seen. Pink and white ombré frosting was piped along the top and bottom and dotted with heart-shaped sprinkle. Edible glitter dusted the white top, which had gorgeous calligraphy swirled on top. I love you, the words read.
Your hands just shot up in surprise. “Yeosang, I… this is beautiful. It’s really for me?”
“Well, as long as I get a piece too,” he replied, giggling as he pulled you in closer by your hands, feeling his heartbeat pick up the longer you went without addressing the words, “what do you think?”
You finally peeled your eyes off the cake, and when they fell on him it gave him all the answer he needed, the dull thud within him crescendoing into a soar. Your gaze darted between the loving stare he’s giving you and a bit lower, sliding along his profile eagerly.
“Well, I didn’t prepare a cake, but hopefully this’ll do as an ‘I love you’,” you answered, one of your hands leaving his to find the small of his back, bringing him as close as you could get him as passionately kissed him.
He giggled again when you separated, one of his hands gently playing with your hair.
“You’re sweet,” you whisper, doe-eyed at Yeosang’s affection.
He leans in to press his lips to your cheek. “Speaking of sweet…”
“Yes, we can cut the cake now.”
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Complete and utterly lost in you- that's the only way to describe how San feels. There are city lights and a gorgeous breeze and the smell of the sea all on different horizons of his little orbit, but they're barely perceptible in the face of your laugh, those eyes that San doesn't know what he did to earn such looks from. All he knows is that he wants to do it again and again in this life and the next.
You're warm at his side, an arm tucked in his as you stroll along the beach, another successful date in the books. You're telling him everything you love about the sea, how powerful it feels to you, how close to the very forces of nature themselves, and all San can think of is how you're describing is how his heart feels in the presence of yours. He can't keep this to himself.
"I know that feeling," he says.
You smile and his heart bursts all over again, his arm tightening just so around yours. Just enough to pull you a little closer.
"Right? The ocean is such a magnificent creation, it's just-"
"No," he shakes his head, "it's something far more beautiful."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "Oh? What's that?"
"You. You're far more magnificent than the sea could ever hope to be, and my heart feels just as drawn to the waves of yours."
Your free hand rises to your chest. "Wow. Is that from a book?"
He shakes his head again. "Just from me to you. Too much?"
"Oh, uh, no," you stutter, an adorable, just-barely-visible in the night's dim light flush dusting your cheeks, "I just wasn't expecting you to get so poetic."
"Neither was I," San laughs, reaching up to pinch your warming cheek, "but being in love makes us do funny things."
"It sure does," you agree, "like this."
Your free hand rises again, this time to smooth his hand over your cheek, holding it there as you kiss him. San releases his grip on your arm to pull you in closer by the waist, wasting no time in returning the passionate seaside kiss.
"No, seriously," he tells you as you pull apart, forehead resting on his, "I really love you."
Your gaze falters a little, but you smile wider and echo his sentiments as his hand finds yours, pressing them in their joined state over his heart.
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"Don't you want to finish the movie?"
Your whispered words tickle Mingi's cheek and the side of his neck as you lean down to his horizontal form. You two have a love seat to yourselves as Ateez hold their movie night, the film about halfway through now. Mingi, though, has just laid down, his head having drooped against you a few times before he stopped fighting it.
"Mm-mm," he shakes his head against the love seat cushions, snaking his arms against your waist to pull you closer into him, "you're comfortable. Better than the movie."
Having already been half laying down, you surrender, dropping completely to your side to assume the position as Mingi's little spoon. As soon as you've done that, though, he turns you around in his arms to face him, nestling his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder. Warmth rises to your cheeks at the feeling of his breath, leading you to exhale in a little chuckle as you reach around to hold Mingi, too.
"Well, good night, then," you tease, tilting your head to close your very tiny gap with a peck on his lips.
"Good night. I love you."
You briefly stiffen in his hold, leaning back to see if he's fallen asleep already, just saying whatever in his stupor. The moment you scan him, though, his eyes open wide, one falling shut in a wink. Suppressing a giddy laugh, you just smile, settling back down and snuggling even closer to him.
"I love you, too, Mingi."
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The stars hang high in the sky and everyone is fading fast save for Wooyoung and you, his other half. His better half, if you ask the rest of Ateez. The one who manages to simultaneously pump him up and calm him down.
Except right now, there's no calming him down-it's the last song of the night, but despite its many predecessors, your boyfriend is as hyped as if he'd just picked up the microphone. Grinning, you glance at the screen, expecting a party song, so surprise flits across your face when you see Wooyoung choose a song from a musical. He points at you with a wide smile, beginning an ostentatious, goofy comedic love song that has the other seven guys cringing and groaning.
You for your part just pick up a microphone and give it right back to your boyfriend, matching every sweep of his arm, finger heart, and ridiculous miming gesture as if you two had coordinated. He turns it into a skit, your singing melting into a very corny sung conversation that has your audience shaking their heads in amused exasperation. Only those two, you see their mouths saying, and that gives you a rush of joy. They may be embarrassed, but to you, it shows you that there's something special about you and Wooyoung.
He feels it too, clearly, as he grabs you and dips you the moment you finish your thought, sending a chorus of cheers soaring over you two.
"That was so much fun," he leans down toward you.
"It was," you agree with a big smile, gazing into his eyes.
"We play so well together," he continues, leaning even further.
"We do," you all but sigh, anticipation fluttering in your eyelashes.
"I love you." Your noses are almost touching now.
A fiery wave of joy crashes over you and you can't help yourself any longer, your hand finding the back of his head to tangle in his black locks and pull him all the way into you. Even more tired exasperation and mock-disgust sounds off around you, but beneath the dim purple light of the room and the dreamy red haze cresting your heart, you can't care less. They get a show.
"I love you, too," you whisper as your lips separate, Wooyoung's hand on your back gently raising you to your feet, where he wraps both arms around you.
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"Thank you for agreeing to this," Jongho says, turning to face you, to get a look into your eyes.
"Agree to this?" You snort. "You make it sound like some sort of procedure, not a date."
A smile rises to his lips. Alright, he'll give you that one. It did sound a little funny. "Well, not everyone enjoys going on hikes."
"With you, someone could sit us down and read us the phone book and I'd still have a good time."
Jesting as they are, something about your words strikes a cord deep within Jongho's fluttering chest. They're playful, but they boil down to a very specific essence what your presence is to him: comforting, the highlight of his day, easy, the joy of being in his element no matter what the situation, what went wrong, simply because it was you.
Should he say something?
"Well, come on!" Before he can, your fingers are intertwining with his, pulling him forward along the trail. Laughing, he picks up the pace behind you, stopping just as suddenly when you reach the trail sign and take a selfie with him.
Life with you is an adventure. Ugh, that sounds corny, Jongho thinks, but it's so true and he has to admit he loves it. No, not it. You. He loves you.
The hike is quiet, peaceful for the most part. Every now and again, one of you will point out a butterfly or a bent tree, stop to take a picture, crack a joke. No pretense, just the bracing air, the sunshine, and your hand in his. Jongho's heart is beating a little faster, but you aren't on a strenuous enough trail for him to play that off as exertion.
Soon enough, you reach the top, the trail bottoming out into a meadow of waving grasses dotted with adorable little wildflowers. Jongho stops to take it all in, but you run headfirst in, frolicking like a deer set free, and he can't help but smile and give a fond shake of his head as he follows you. When he reaches you, you've picked a mini bouquet of the tiny pink and yellow flowers, holding it so gingerly, clearly having the time of your life if your expression of pure joy is anything to go off of. Once again, it's like cupid's arrow is shooting straight into his heart.
"Isn't it cute? ...Jongho?"
He'd been staring off into space. Heck, he still is. You're not used to the dreamy look in his eyes, and it still feels new to him, but it takes him over anyway. "I love you."
Your jaw drops. "What?"
He blinks, snaps out of his love-drunk state a little, but all that does is return the words to his chest with a new fire. "I love you," he says, this time more loudly, firmly. Proudly.
You giggle, clutching your flowers a little tighter, still a bit giddy yourself. "And somewhere so beautiful, too?" Your eyes are shining more than ever, full of more love than Jongho had ever seen them shoot his was. "I love you, too. So much!"
The moment you turn around, he's ready to catch you, pulling you up from your hug until your feet lift off the ground and you give a little squeak of surprise. It's all a little corny, a little sappy, and yet as your foreheads, and then your lips, meet, all Jongho can think is how perfect it all is, how all he wants is to feel you in his arms.
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forsaire · 28 days
Artist recognition
Now that my fic is completed (and after a number of not so great commission experiences) I'd like to give recognition to the artists that I had an exceptionally lovely experience with ♥
@thirstykateyes - your sketches look really good and also the monochrome was done so well that my brain barely comprehends that there were only a few colours (and you drew a very handsome Gaz, seriously that image of him lives rent free 😌).
@yeshihellodani - you were the only person who gave me my two pieces of art within 24 hours both times! You truly expedited that, one-day delivery! And the shine on the urn looks damn realistic.
@s3rrrpentine - your $5 ghoap commissions were crazy and you added so many little details too. And i love all your little emoticons when we were talking (i would have yoinked that final commission slot, i would have i would have, my greedy hands would have been all over that 😄)
@you-may-call-me-meme - queen of all things cute. If you're looking for some cutesy, femme, pastels, pretty girls, definitely check her out! 💗 And the flowers you drew on the teapot looked so nice.
@emmster - you're the only person who gave me three sketches to choose from which is incredible! It really helped me picture what I wanted best and you always gave me more than I expected with the art!
@maicandy - the way that you draw ghost and soap 😍 The skin texture looked really realistic - the scars, the freckles, the hair, everything (which is good because it just so turned out that I made you draw two shirtless images 😅).
@lights-on-the-ridge - you're incredibly skilled and everything about the art you made for me is perfect. your lineart looks like hyper realism??? oh my god? oh my god? and the sketch versions are also of amazing quality? hello? WHAt? incredible
@rosefuckinggenius - that one you drew with Simon sleeping...he's so handsome, so HANDSOME. It's perfect, it's a perfect face headcanon. I understand why Johnny developed a little crush💖
@corvys-clover - you're style looks really amazing and unique and i know it look a while but you always communicated with me through the process so I really appreciate that ❤ and also you gave me multiple options to choose from for facial scars which was so cool!
@baklavasudarajako - your commissions are so lovely. The intimacy of the two of them in the shower makes me feral. And in both images Soap has a pretty little blush across his face 🤭 Both images hold so much t e n s i o n
@joongiey - You would give me updates every single day and I really appreciate the communication! I also got the art back really quickly 💚 and i love the detail of the smoke from the gun
@inkarmatqq - you drew my one spicy art and it looks sexy and amazing! the way you draw the skin is just so delicious and scrumptious with all the little details, marks, freckles, scars, etc. 😘
@2uhhyatko2 - i really enjoyed that we worked on a fun piece that was a little more abstract! Your style with all the textures is so unique and I love how the piece turned out, it just fit perfect with the idea I had in mind 😁 and im in love with that bonus image of Simon ♥
Thank you!
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elsa-fogen · 4 months
I just want to pop in and say how much I love your blog! Your art is amazing and the way you just portray characters is 🤌.
Not to mention the many AUs you have. Hard to keep up at time but each one is so unique I can't help but feel hooked! Your work is amazing ❤
This really means so much to me!!
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rayix · 6 months
MOOTIE HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY 🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳💗❤❤❤❤💗💕💗💕💗💗💕💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💗🪅🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎆🎇🎇🎇🎆🎉🎇🎇🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈
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I know we dont talk much, but seriously you are one of the best moots out there i ever had and i will be forever thankful that you followed me despite me being just a small artist who just started out 🥺💗💗💗💗 your comments, your asks AND YOUR OCS ARE SOOO FUCKING COOL AND I LOVE THEM SM!! you have no idea how much you have inspired me into making more cuphead art! (Looking forward to watch cuphead show when i am finally free in june lmao) but other than that, thank you for making me smile so many times when i needed 🥹🥹🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 istg i will do my best to make something for you even if it just a doodle cause you deserve it fjosfhoejdid
Happy Birthday again buddy ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝��� 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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I feel the exact same way to you! I am so glad you are my mootie. I love your ocs, your replies to me make me really happy (esp coming from someone who I looked up to and who inspired me to draw out ocs more in the first place!), your nice asks/tells I receive from you always motivate me and brighten up my days, and the generous amazing gift arts you blessed me with 🥹
You are always the sweetest!! Thank you a ton for these kind words, they made my entire day, my week, my entire year!!! I cannot tell you how excited this made me!! I am going to sob 😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Tysm again buddy! ^____^ ty for making me smile
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juliatv · 7 months
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Let's Party!!! 🎉✨💖
@oddpizza - Thanks again for the stunning art with Kate, I swear.. I have no words for how amazing this is, thank you for being there, I love you and you are literally angel! (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡❤🧡💛💚💜
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sha-biest · 1 year
I’ve got two questions !!
I’m ecstatic to hear that there might be another child woth Mikey and Gen, SO MORE BB’S UAAHAHA— ahem. Do you have any specific plans for the new baby specifically if it happens? Like what species or gender???
And my second question is, will Kendra and Donnie end up having any kids anytime soon, or are they happy just to be together as a couple with no children??
Thanks !! Love ur art btw, it’s absolutely amazing and it made me ship Gen x Mikey in the first place 😭💖 Have a great day !! :D
First of all: thank you so much!! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself and I definitely need to draw Mikey and Gen more again, I miss drawing them 😭❤ The new baby is gonna be created similar to Ammi and yet still a little different! I picked out the Amboina/Southeast asian box turtle for them and they will be the opposite to Ammi 😉 For now Donnie and Kendra are pretty happy without children but things can change! Or accidents might happen
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petite-madame · 2 years
I love that you are so kind to people. And your art is amazing! I enjoy it so much. Thank you for making my days better! ❤️
Hi anon ^^
Thank you so much for your very kind message and for taking the time to contact me. 💕
And your art is amazing! Thank you for making my days better!
Please! Thank YOU so much for enjoying my art and making my days better with a message like this one. ❤
Speaking of "art", I'm not working on anything "serious" at the moment. I'm just doing speed paintings/color studies with a lot of "John Watson in the means of transportation" (which doesn't really make sense because you don't see him a lot in the train/tube in the show. The characters use London cabs most of the time). Honestly, it's just an excuse to practice lights and texture. It seems "finished" but in reality, except for the face that I worked in detail, the rest is a speed painting done with texturized brushes (you also have a texture on the window to create droplets on the glass, but that's about it)
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I'm also drawing Lestrade in a phone booth at night, don't ask.
Otherwise, all the WIPs in this post are pretty much done. Some of them will be posted with ficlets like the Spideypool art I posted about two days ago. Everything is in betaing. However, the next artwork won't have a ficlet, it's the "Johnlock kiss in the crowded bus" (I also posted a vid about it here).
I love that you are so kind to people.
I'm trying. It's not always easy particularly these days. Artists have to fight (stubborn) reposters, people who sell our works without permission, NFT platforms, AI generated art, etc. It's exhausting but hey, we have to stay hopeful, I guess 😅
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season. Have a great day. 💖
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sayatsugu · 1 year
Hey, your art is seriously amazing. Any chance you could share the brush you use for your lineart? It looks very fun to work with. Have a nice day! 💖
Thank you! ❤
The brush I use for my lineart is this one: 神繪師G筆組(添加新筆) - CLIP STUDIO ASSETS (clip-studio.com)
which is in this collection: 神繪師G筆組(添加新筆) - CLIP STUDIO ASSETS (clip-studio.com)
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ruelin024 · 6 months
Jesus dude your arts amazing I have to follow back my god
*causally freaks out*/j
Heheh. (^///^) @switchthedragon
I just realized I think you my first ask. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) 🤣👌✨
So, it’s not much, but I draw this for you bruh. ╰(*°▽°*)╯
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You definitely made my day with such a funny compliment, you got me kicking my feet, scrambling and shiit.😂💖
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Every time I receive a compliment on my stuff, I go feral, I swear on every like, reblog, comment, mention, & follow. ♬*((o( ~▽~)o)) I’m easy to please and easily entertained.
To everyone that’s seen my posts and showed love:
[Not to get deep and serious😙🤭.]
If I had the time and energy, I'd make art for hours on end just to show my thanks to each and every one that took time outta their day, even a second to show me they took interest in what I post and all that. (❤´艸`❤) You guys give me back my motivation, inspiration, and love of drawing and creativity when I go empty.
There’s only so much I could convey through text and my limited dumbass vocabulary, so I’ll stop rambling before this gets wayyy too long. ~(‾▿‾~)
Anyway, so to those I may have left on read in the messages or not replied to in the comments yet… Imma get to ya’ll 💀 Gimme some time. 😂? (⊙﹏⊙✿) I get too shy and usually overcomplicate my sentence-making skills with all that overthinking business to give an instant or timely reply. So I do apologize. (T▽T)
In conclusion! Thank you for the Ask!!!! ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
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crezz-star · 7 months
Hello!! I heard that you like the fic "spill your wine" and I'm such a big fan too!! It's about that devotion and complete-and-all-encompassing love for me thay really drives it home for me, and therefore becoming one of my fave Zolu fics ever.
Whenever you're interested in reading a fic again, I highly recommend "let thy sword be thy tongue" by queerweather. This fic also quickly rose to be another fave bc of the amount of devotion Zoro has for Luffy, and the writer is so descriptive and amazing at portraying how much he loves him. It's such an amazing read that I just wanted to share my joy (and I have not been normal about this fic)
I just love portrayals of devotion in fics, and especially when someone emotionally kinda constipated like Zoro is doing his darn hardest to show how much he'd do for his captain, ahhh that ruins me. I figured you'd maybe be interested as well (no joke me looking through your art seeing how whipped you make zoro, you give me the same serotonin)
I wish you a good day! Thanks for reading my long message :> 💜
✨Kira kira Yoho!✨
Oh!!! I've seen that fic be recommended in my twt! I will try to read it if the time permits!
Indeed, loyalty of one of the characters in any pairing , in my tastes at least , is perfect and lovely. (❤´艸`❤)💖💖💖💖
Also emotionally constipated is such a funny way to put it > 7 <) but yes that's true! ahahahaha!
YESSSSSSS !! It's not just Zoro i make to look so madly in love to their other half. but my favorite other pairings as well. ehe.
u 7 u)/ I just LOVE a loyal LOYAL pairing with strong chemistry. i'm weak for it even. So I'm glad you understand that taste ! + - +)9
Thank you for the ask and recc!
Have a sparkling day!
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ta-ni-ya · 1 year
Hi summer here, I'm in love with your art! Though I have a question, how long did it take you to get that amazing like, you never failed to impress me and everyone in this community! Keep up the amazing work
Omg helloooooo ^^
Ok so- THANK YOU SO MUCH! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT 😭💖❤, love you so much-🤧
Yea sooo I'm still learning a lot, but I can sure see that I have improved alot this year actually, I think you've seen my demon slayer oc? I posted a 1 year gap one.
I think all artists say this but- practice is the only way 😗
I've been drawing for almost 3 years now, so you can see how much I've learned in these years. I never stopped but I did take breaks in between ofc ^^
Here are some of my old arts:
3 years ago (used base references)
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2 years ago(started watching anime lol)
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Last year (started creating my own poses without references)
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Also- references are very important, even if you use other artist's drawing as a reference it doesn't count as copying as long as you're not taking credit ofc- it's just for practice basis
I'm trying to start using references more this year because I want to learn different angles and poses- and I also would like to learn how to draw males too
So yea I'm still in my learning process thank you so much once again, ik you only asked how much time it took me but I wanted to let you know not only time but the way you do things also matters ^^
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jupiterix · 2 years
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Take A Hint | a jonerys drabble 
Summary: Dany’s days at the airport are monotonous and routine. However, all that changes when she comes across a handsome Northern pilot, Jon. But both need a bit of a hint to have their attraction take off.
She looks at the man before her, he is white and has very dark hair, and gray eyes. He has pouty lips and looks at her expectantly as he hands her his passport.
Surname: Snow First Name: Jon
Although his birth place isn’t in the North, because of his name (and accent) she knows he is from there.
After she scans his passport, Dany asks, “boarding ticket, please?”
The man smiles brightly and says, “I’m the Pilot.” Pointing to his name tag pinned to his well tailored blue suit.
Dany fights the smile pulling at her lips, because damn he is handsome and hot and has a beautiful smile. 
She gives him a half smile and says, “I still need the boarding pass to know where you’re going.” 
A/N: I wrote this drabble to sweet @evax3 💖 Thank you for writing so many amazing stories, and arts, and moodboards for us and for being so positive and supportive in our fandom 💖 hope you enjoy! And happy belated birthday! Thank you @moondancer71​ for the beta read, and for making this drabble infinitely better than it was in the first draft 💖 and also for putting up with my forgetful ass 😅 love you ❤
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crystallizsch · 3 months
Sorry for barging into your ask box, but I just wanna start with your amazing art, cause genuinely, you're doing GODS work my friend! Also, your art actually got me through a recent hard time so I really wanted to thank you for that❤
On a side note, if you dont mind me asking, what are your pronouns? Because I was talking with my friend about twst artists and I just went "oh no, I have no clue what to address crystal by" so I just used your name multiple times😅
(Please feel free to ignore this ask if its rude or imposing! Also, sorry for my bad english, it's my third language😅)
AUFHDJSK HI HI ANON dont worry this is not rude or imposing at all!! (aaah and for your third language, your english is pretty great in my opinion!)
ALSO im on the floor crying again thank you so much, i’m glad my art was able to cheer you up?? 🥺🥺 it makes me incredibly happy to hear that 😭💖💕💕
hfjhdjd anyways i usually introduce myself as she/her because that’s my preference / that’s just what i say when anyone asks specifically, but generally i dont really care at all so overall i dont really mind any pronouns!
thank you for asking and also for the kind words 🤧🤧💕💕🤧 and i hope you’ve been feeling a lot better anon!! 💖
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nightkit92 · 1 year
I gotta tell you two things.
1st: im an 12 year old (Pls dont hate me or block me =<)
Naw no worries I have another friend that's 12 (not telling their name for private reasons) I'm a little older but not saying my age (for private and safety reasons)
Thank you for saying my art is amazing, I really appreciate that so much, even though I do give up many times on my art, you inspire me and I'm so thankful for that!!!!💖❤🫀💖💗💖💗❤🫀💖💖💗❤🫀💖
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marypsue · 1 year
authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
If I have to pick just five...
the road goes ever on (Stranger Things, post-s3/alternate-s4) tops this list, every time. I will never shut up about this fic. This is the biggest, most ambitious writing project I've ever undertaken and actually finished, and for the most part, the finished product is a pretty close match for the version that lives in my head. (Apart from the fact that the version that lives in my head is, yanno, a fully filmed and produced TV show season, and the version that lives on AO3 is entirely words + a series of playlists.) I'm so unbelievably proud of this fic.
they never really go away (Crimson Peak + Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, sort of Eleanor Vance/Lucille Sharpe, sort of Hill House/Allerdale Hall, sort of a horror story, sort of a love story). There are some absolutely fucking fascinating parallels to be drawn between Lucille and Eleanor, as well as between the stories that feature them both, and I feel like I managed to do something interesting and artistic with the concept. I appreciate that this fic has an extremely niche target audience, but also, please read it.
Hive (Gravity Falls, post-canon, casefic) fell out of my brain fully formed over the course of like a week and it was all I could do to write fast enough to keep up. This was my first real foray into horror writing, while also trying to capture the warmth and cozy mystery vibes of GF canon and the atmosphere of Ian Worrel's fantastic art direction, and I still think it's a screaming success on all fronts.
Games (Discworld + The Sandman [comics]) was written not long after the death of Terry Pratchett. I believe that's all the introduction (and all the warning) it needs.
and, of course, Reincarnation Blues (Gravity Falls, Transcendence AU, Mabel starts unwittingly dating a Bill Cipher reincarnation and gives Dipper a headache). This fic was so much fun, the response to it was so amazing, and I swear I am actually going to finish the sequel. One of these days. Eventually. Pinkie swear.
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
Now that it's pride month, i have been wanting to put this out there cuz profile descriptions are too short for me to put everything i wanna put haha, but also hey, it's not been that long since i've been back to tumblr and a lot of you guys are new to me! I'm going to explain the terms i use because not everyone has knowledge of them and sometimes people think the term means something else! Feel free to reblog this with your Sexuality/gender as well if you are comfortable to do so ~ ❤
So here we go!
Hello! 💖✨ I am SasukiMimochi and you can call me Sasu!
I am Pansexual and Demisexual. *I don't love based on gender, and i also do not find myself attracted to strangers; aka i need to get to know someone before i feel attracted to them; so my sexuality is heavily dependant on getting to know someone properly and not really about the physical side of things.
I am genderqueer. *Which means i don't really identify with a certain gender and/or i'm not sure about it yet, it's really a blanket term but for me it means that. -i generally hate being referred to with female pronouns so i'm male-leaning. I go by They/Them, He/Him, or any! but i do lean more towards they/he.
I have always been out of the closet online/with friends as soon as i realized i wasn't straight, but i only came out publicly three years ago (actually the same year Eugene Lee Yang came out, in 2020, i highly recommend watching the video it is a piece of art).
And i wanna say, you're all amazing, stay safe if you can't come out, and i love you! I hope you all enjoy pride in your own way! 💖✨😊
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I'll do something for pride month i just haven't decided what yet 🤔 i will need to keep it to a one-time thing cuz i love doing prompts but i really pushed too much this past month.
If there's something you'd like to see me do this pride, reply, tag me, or reblog! Ideas are always welcome (but do not expect me to say yes, even if its a fantastic idea. It has to be something i feel i can do!)
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