#you guys can ALWAYS drop me a message about your headcanons or thoughts on ANY fandom I love to shoot the shit
The thing that always gets me is that when Wally was born, Iris was not that old, like she was 18 max and she still looked at Wally, this literal infant, who was placed into her arms for the first time and said to herself, “he’s mine.” Like she choose, completely and utterly, to in many ways be his mother, while still arguably still just a child herself bc on some level she knew someone had to love this child bc his parents sure fucking wouldn’t.
She choose to be there, she choose love, she choose that responsibility all on her own. She’s a fucking icon. She’s instrumental to Wally’s life and she fucking choose to be! Just 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!!
Canon is vague/wishy washy about whether or not Wally’s parents were actually abusive vs. just super neglectful, but we can infer a lot from what he says/how he views Iris. Iris, who he has said on multiple occasions, was the first person to ever show him what love really meant. Iris, who was still in college/barely out of it the first time Wally’s parents sent him off to live with her for the summer, and who still made that the most memorable and enjoyable time for him to the point where Wally couldn’t even be upset about being sent away, because he was so excited to see Iris. Iris, who “saved his life” by “getting him out of that house”.
I’m reading Williamson’s run on The Flash for the first time (finally) and oh my lord, the Wally and Iris feels. (For the most part, up until Vol 7, bc that’s where I’m at right now, but shit is about to go down in Flash War LOL) Wally has partly accepted his life being erased. His children no longer existing. His wife not remembering him. He even drops pursuing her. Hell, he like hardly mentions his parents/trying to make his parents remember him. But the one person he is still hung up on is Iris. The person he gets flowers for, just because. The person he refuses to confront because he physically can’t take the rejection of her not remembering him. I had the song “When She Loved Me” by Sarah McLachlan on repeat while drawing this, because that is *such* a good Iris & Wally song (from Wally’s POV), especially in Rebirth’s continuity.
I drew/headcanon Iris being around 15 when Wally is born, and it’s love at first sight. She is always so thrilled to have Wally. She loves the way strangers think he’s *her* kid (even if the stranger has a snooty comment to offer about her being too young of a mother). She’s the most important person to Wally, even surpassing Barry. But when Barry comes into the picture, he fits perfectly too. They become this inseparable little family unit. For all intents an purposes, Iris and Barry are his parents. They’re the people he talks most about when asked about his family. I headcanon that if he’s buying a present for Barry or getting flowers for Iris, he’ll just say “it’s for my dad/mom”.
It’s a major part of the reason the Flash is my fav dc line of characters: they are these wonderful little found family units that only get better with each edition to it (from Jay, to Bart, to Ace/Wallace, to Avery). But I will always have a special place in my heart reserved solely for Iris & Wally. The fic “reach for the sky” is one of my favs cause it’s got a lot of these tropes.
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daisiescomelate · 6 months
Hi I don't know if your requests are open or who you write for, but if you write for Shinsou can I get a Shinsou in love headcanon list? ♡
Hello!! I've never written Shinsou before but I'll try :3 It's a little bit longer than the post about Katsuki in love but I hope you like it ❤️
A/N: Shinsou always striked me as an overthinker.
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💜 Shinsou in love is very self aware. He was quick to admit to himself that you were his type since the moment he saw you from a distance, and even if it made him feel troubled, he noticed pretty much immediately when those feelings started to develop as something else, something more.
💜 Shinsou in love had never approached someone he liked before so he was kind of awkward the whole time until he decided there was nothing else he could do other than gather some courage and tap on your shoulder to just say whatever.
💜 Shinsou in love made a total of two attempts to strike a conversation with you, but because you didn’t completely understand how his quirk worked you got caught by it almost instantly both times. It was too embarrassing for him, embarrassing to the point he didn’t want to risk it again a third time; and to make things worse, it made him fall a little bit self conscious about his quirk like in the old times.
💜 Shinsou in love who dropped any thoughts of ever going to get anywhere with you because of this issue, and decided to let his crush die with time.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be the type to experience a pinch in his heart when seeing his crush from afar.
💜 Shinsou in love who after a few months thought of a different approach because giving up so soon seemed a bit lame. He came up with the idea of getting closer to you by trying to get along with the people who were usually around you and with whom he didn’t mind messing up with. He failed. He had never been the popular type, anyways –people were usually scared of him for being the quiet, serious guy with the bad attitude.
💜 Shinsou in love who called it quits and told himself this wasn’t that big of a deal.
💜 Shinsou in love who eventually stopped checking social media as often as he usually did because you kept popping out on his feed. He didn’t want to block you or unfollow you because he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. He got a new hobby instead, doing crafts. He wasn’t that good at it either to be honest, but he needed something to kill time –and to keep his mind busy, distract himself.
💜 Shinsou in love who began to avoid places you usually frequented because any progress he felt he made about overcoming his crush shattered the moment he saw you somewhere.
💜 Shinsou in love who accidentally made friends with someone you knew on a random day. He found out when that person introduced you to him during a friend’s night out and he couldn't believe his luck.
💜 Shinsou in love whose heart squeezed and whose stomach did a little flip when after a few outs together he realized you had learn about how to communicate with him without falling for his quirk. He suspected your common friend taught you how, after noticing the way Shinso went quiet around you not to set you up by accident.
💜 Shinsou in love who made his best to keep his face from showing what finally being able to have silly, random conversations with you did to him.
💜 Shinsou in love whose number you got from the group chat and you messaged once to send him a video you talked about to him during lunch.
💜 Shinsou in love who, despite himself, since then tried to come up with endless excuses to keep texting you in your private chat.
💜 Shinsou in love who at last found himself staring at his ceiling at three in the morning on a random thursday, his phone screen lighting up the dark of his room. He had realized what he felt for you was beyond a crush after he caught himself rereading for the third time the texts you two had been sending to each other until late hours of the night, when it became too hard for you to stay up and you had to apologize to go to bed.
💜 Shinsou in love who felt his chest hurt, laying on his bed and covering his eyes with both hands, trying to think how to get himself out of this mess. What hunted him the most was the fact that you were as nice and dedicated to everyone as you were to him. It was quite obvious to him that you just saw him as a friend.
💜 Shinsou in love that couldn’t think of confessing without feeling like he was overstepping and putting you into an awkward position.
💜 Shinsou in love who tried once again to swallow his feelings but started to feel suffocated by them.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be this kind of a coward.
💜 Shinsou in love who stood up, turned his nightlight on and grabbed pen and paper, and told himself to just ‘get it over with’.
💜 Shinsou in love who wrote his confession in the form of an apology and put it on his pocket. He told himself he had one week to give this to you because if he kept delaying this whole deal there was no way his feelings wouldn’t eventually mess with your friendship.
💜 Shinsou in love who gave you the letter feeling like an idiot one night outside of a restaurant after having dinner with your group of friends. As he handed it over, he told you that if you decided not to bring up the letter after that night he would know what it meant, and would do his best not to ever mention it again either.
💜 Shinsou in love who got startled when you suddenly jumped to hug him without even looking at the letter. You knew exactly what it said without reading it because of the way he avoided your eyes while he handed it to you, and because you felt exactly the same way.
💜 Shinsou in love who after his initial shock hugged you back and buried his nose on your neck.
💜 Shinsou in love who got just a tiny bit emotional about it but will forever deny it.
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pomogando · 7 months
OMG I JUST SAW UR REQUESTS R OPEN!!! Hiii!!! I was wondering if you could write (headcanons, or whatever you want!!) of Banhammer and an Artist S/O?? The gender can be neutral!! And like the S/O has a special sketchbook just full of Banhammer, and only him. But the S/O left it out on accident and Banhammer takes a little peek inside it 👀 And theres also like little side notes too!! Like, "Drawing the love again <33" or "Silly guy!! <3" or even like some embarrassing thoughts like, "WHY HE LOOK SO FINE AT 46 ✋" lmao Hope u have a good day!!!! Or night!!!
Banhammer and artist s/o
(No tws, romantic intended, fluffy, gn reader, a bit short..)
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If there's anything you found out from being with banhammer, it's that he was, by default, nosy.
You were always drawing him, usually when he was busy working out and you had nothing better to do. You liked being by his side anyhow.
He was covered in sweat when he saw you look up from your sketchbook, then quickly look down once you got your reference. He instantly jumped to your side to see what you were doing.
"Ew, banhammer! You're sweaty!"
You quickly closed the notebook, shielding it with your body as he pouted and asked to see what it was. You always showed him your drawings. Why was this one any different? "Let me see!" He whined, a big paw on your face as he tried to grab your sketchbook. You couldn't help but laugh. You wouldn't dare show him what you drew, your face turning red out of embarassment
He tumbles over his own weight, allowing you time to escape and hide the sketchbook.
He was lucky enough to see a glimpse of it, and the figure looked familiar, but it wasnt enough to satisfy his curiosity.
He didn't bother about it after, which was surprising. After another day of drawing, you huffed as you put down the sketchpad in frustration. It wasn't coming out how you wanted. He pulled you into his lap, gently squeezing you as he purred. It always seemed to calm you down despite being hotheaded. You laid on his chest.
You slowly drifted off to sleep. Banhammer was about to join you when he took notice that your sketchbook was right there, free for the taking. He quickly (but quietly) reaches for it, his hands shook in excitment.
He flipped through the pages impatiently, he saw the ones you had shown him first. Then he found the ones you hadn't, his eyes widened as his face started heat up.
He definitely didn't expect all these drawings of him. It felt like seeing a photo of himself. Each picture felt like a shot to the heart.
He ran one of his clawed fingers gently across the lines of a detailed sketch of himself. The attention to detail made him exasperated. What didn't help was the loving notes on the side of each sketch of him.
"My beloved ♥️"
"Love of my life!!"
He was practically a mess reading all of the little doting messages. He let out a small breath of air in an attempt to calm his beating heart. He wanted to pull you into a tight hug and never let go. He continued reading the small messages and the doodles of him doing mundane things. One of them drawn of him after one of his phighting matches. He remembered you eyeing him, at the time he thought maybe you were upset about something.
"How can someone be so perfect?"
He closed the book a bit louder than he meant to, unable to handle the praise.
The next time you draw him, you'll think he wasn't paying attention to you. Maybe he lost interest? The relief you felt quickly vanished when he looked at you with a smug smile
"Are you getting my good side?" He said proudly, posing for you.
Your pencil dropped to the floor as you gasped.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
headcanons behind fic: brother texting habits referenced in long & short
Chay holds up his phone sheepishly. “Also, your brother texted me. We’re invited to dinner.” Kim’s smile drops. He doesn’t need to ask which brother. “Did he type that out, or just send an emoji with a question mark?”
ngl, had i realized how much i'd expand this series, this is actually a scene i'd cut or at least heavily rework. it's the weakest scene of the story and its execution has only felt more clunky as time passes. hindsight! that said, i don't regret the scene either because the headcanons behind the premise of that scene are very near and dear to my heart, namely the texting rituals of Khun, Kinn, and Kim :D
the boys have a system to their texting. it's not anything as concrete as a code, that'd be far too dangerous and anxiety inducing. their system, naturally, revolves primarily around giving hints to Korn's mood without outright saying anything:
firstly, all brother invites to things go through Khun, because Khun's invites will only ever be invites and Kim's 'no's will only ever be 'no's.
anytime Korn demands Khun or Kinn (usually Kinn) drag Kim to a family thing for him go through Kinn, and 'Kinn's requests are always phrased as a question Kim can refuse. Kim once tells Kinn he'll show up if Kinn orders him to (because he doesn't actually want to get Kinn into trouble if Korn's being esp insistent), and Kinn smiles and tells him "thank you" and never ever once orders Kim join them, because Kim asked not to be involved in the family business and Kinn will take on any burden to keep Kim free of it.
Kinn passes along how insistent Korn's being through the overall tone and vibe of his messages, usually indicated by how much of it he types out. requests Kim join official functions sound like a formal invitation printed on a card, requests Kim indulge Korn playing family are much closer to Kinn's standard texting style;
because, and this is a silly headcanon i will have forever, Kinn fucking loves emojis. you know his whole "this could've been an email" vibe when he shoots that guy in the head ep1? same vibes except much cuter. Kinn thinks emojis are adorable and efficiency perfected. why send "thank you" when the 👍 emoji is right there? a picture's worth a thousand words and 🫂 is a thousand warm ones. he could send "wanna check out that new coffee shop by the studio next tuesday for brunch? their menu is 60% sprinkles so i'm sure you'll love it" but ☕🧋🎙️❔👑2️⃣🗓️🕦🍬👉💕💕‼️ is so much quicker. the only reason why Kinn's texts aren't 87% cute stickers is because he hasn't yet realized they come preprogrammed in his phone.
("do you think he speaks in hieroglyphics because he's secretly ancient?" Kim asks one day.
"how old does it make you to understand him then?" Khun snarks back.)
((Kim leaves Khun on read for a week.))
some bonus thoughts: Khun's a spam texter of the highest order. every one text is sent across 3.5 texts minimum. Kinn only ever sends one (1) text. if Kinn's replying to multiple messages in one go, he separates his responses in indv bullet points (if he's feeling petty towards Khun, he responds to every one of Khun's messages individually).
(Kinn's multiple messages to Chay in long & short are absolutely because he's watching Kim's live. for all Kim's snooping, he has somehow missed that Kinn has every alert and then some set for Wik news and while he can't make every live, he plans his breaks around them and even moved a meeting once.)
also, while Kinn pretends he's threatening/blackmailing with these baby Kim pics, this is 100% him taking advantage of the situation to gush about cute baby brother with a fellow Kim AppreciatorTM. Kinn has the cutest little brother, and he's gotta keep up with news of baby brother's current shenanigans somehow 😤👏 Khun is guilty of similar crimes ofc.
(Kim suffers older brothers so much.)
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
Hi there! I’m imagining this prompt, maybe for Rosie and Aidan in Young Vets au? Because not gonna lie, Rosie seems like a disaster when they first start talking 😂😂
person a finding any stupid excuse to text to person b, but person b doesn't answer. person a is freaking out when, in reality, person b just doesn't know how to talk to person a
(Or literally any prompt that inspires you with Young Vets Clegan. On my knees begging for crumbs from this au because it has me in a chokehold)
ahh rosie and aiden my loves. you're right about no rizz rosie there LMAO. god love him. (for new folks - here's rosie's young veterans au headcanon list that kinda explains his backstory in this au. + what aiden looks like in my head, and rosie's phone pov)
/ / /
"Hey, your phone's gone off like three times in the last minute,"
Rosie looked up from where he was picking toys up off the ground. Ken, occupied with Naomi, slid his phone across with his foot- it going off a fourth time as he did.
For a moment he was worried about the string of texts he was getting, thumb shaking against his screen as he unlocked it.
Had to go to Boston for work. Have you been here?
The next two messages were pictures, one of what looked like the intricate ceiling of some sort of city hall building, the second a mirror selfie in the reflection of a window.
I have to come back in a couple weeks. If you're free maybe you can come, lots of kid stuff for Naomi too.
Rosie swallowed, sucking in his bottom lip.
"Everything okay?"
Ken's voice pulled him out of his head and he snapped his gaze up, relocking his phone and shoving it into the front pocket of his sweatshirt.
"Yeah- just a bunch of robotexts."
He should've texted him back, that much he could acknowledge. Aiden didn't do anything wrong. It was sweet that he wanted him around- was still planning on wanting him around two weeks from now. But the longer he thought of what exactly he should say the more clueless he felt, ultimately deciding to let it simmer for a bit.
About an hour went by before Curt seemed to be getting a sudden string of texts himself, eyebrows furrowing when he looked at his phone. It looked like Ken was about to ask if something was wrong at the same time Rosie was, Curt looking back up before both of them could.
"When's the last time you talked to Aiden'?" He said, and Rosie's face felt hot.
"Uh," He stuttered, pushing a hand back through his hair. "I mean he texted earlier, about some- some work trip- didn't get back to it yet. Is something wrong?"
Curt stifled a laugh, exhaling with a head shake.
"Biddick, what."
Tossing his phone to where Rosie was standing, Curt crossed his arms. "Don't know what you did to the guy- never seen him like this over anyone."
You and Ken were going over to Robby's house today right? Has he said anything about something I texted him?
Then there was a screenshot of their text thread, followed by two more messages.
Was mentioning that there's kid stuff too much?
If he says anything about it can you tell me so I can take it back or apologize or something? Thx.
Rosie looked at the screen and looked away, sucking in the right side of his flushed cheek.
It wasn't too much- well maybe it was but not in whatever way Aiden thought it might've been. One of the better parts of the past couple months of this had been how he came around to his daughter like it was no big deal. Like that's exactly what he'd been gunning for when he agreed to let Curt set him up with one of his Air Force buddies, even though Rosie was near 100% sure it wasn't.
He liked that Aiden thought of her when he thought of him. It made his chest warm that his idea of down time on a work trip was shepherding a toddler around a major city.
He could see it when he squeezed his eyes shut and liked what he saw. But now when the other shoe dropped like it always did it wouldn't just be his own sorry self getting hurt.
That, he struggled to stomach.
Rosie sat down hard next to Curt on the couch, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling as he passed him his phone back.
"You sit there for much longer without textin' him back I'm gonna call him." Curt said with a nudge to his side, giving him a satisfied hum as he fished his own cell out of his pocket.
Sorry I took so long to get back. Been a couple times but not since Naomi, think I should be free in a couple weeks (:
A reply came within a minute, before he could even exit out of the app.
Great. Miss you guys!
He assumed Curt saw the way his eyes widened when he felt him leaning into his space to look at his screen. On instinct alone he went to shove his phone back away, the other man grabbing his wrist before he could.
"Nope." He said, pressing down the side button to unlock his screen. "3 words, and 'm gonna type 'em myself if you don't."
Huffing, Rosie shot a glare at his friend out of the corner of his eye as he reopened the text thread and started typing.
Miss you too.
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icharchivist · 4 months
i don't know how to say it because i'm not super good at drawing boundaries but sometimes you guys get overexcited and can be a bit too mean, and while i can't ask for everyone to like, read the mood, it does feel really disheartening when i'm clearly being emotional or tired that it's completely irrelevent if you want to have your fun.
and i'm sorry no, "you can answer later" doesn't cut it when i can like, have enough energy to indulge in answering one ask and then everyone suddenly start to decide it means it's the right moment to fly in and really go ham about it. and nevertheless i will see the notification, i will see the message in my activity page, i always clearly see when i'm posting emotional stuff and there's a long ask about horny headcanons dropping right afterward. Sure I can ignore the ask for later to answer but that doesn't change the initial feeling of disconnect.
it still is my blog, it's still is the place i manage and have been throwing my thoughts randomly in the void mostly for over ten years, it's really touching and humbling that you have found yourselves at peace talking with me and it's genuinely sweet at times, but eventually it adds this level of stress when i am just not in the mood or clearly doing something else and then the inbox gets to explode regardless, or about it even.
I'm not asking you to care about what i do or anything like that but this is a difficult position to be on for me and ngl it really does feel like at times it just totally disregards my feelings.
Like i spent the evening of the day i was talking about going through an emotional moment out of the death of one of my fav chara of all time, having to answer multiple horny asks. And like, i thought answering one or two wouldn't hurt at first but eventually it's when i was 10 asks in that it really sunk in and i started to feel really depressed.
I'm glad you have fun here and i do joke about being a clown putting on a show, but this isn't really a joke anymore when i genuinely feel like you go ham like that without consideration about how i could be feeling because you decided to come and and hit the funny box. Unlike any of you who can go on with their day or can decide not to read things, i have to read everything that comes into my inbox eventually.
It's really difficult to articulate because it's usually not so bad, it's been a whole ton of fun and i don't know how to word it in a way that wouldn't just scare people of. and a lot of the problem is more in the fact that there's a lot of you and what can be 2/3 asks you may send sometimes add up to 50 asks a day, if not more, and if it's less it's because i carefully been offline trying not to blog about anything unless it blows off again.
But getting the feeling that i'm an entertainer who has to always be ready for the direction you guys want to take regardless of what i may be doing or feeling is starting to genuinely weight on me.
idk how to fix it, it's not like i want you guys to just stop messaging all together, and i can't ask for this type of attentiveness, but a little consideration would be nice once in a while without me having to be hyper explicit about why i wouldn't feel up to the task, especially since i do have the habit to carry on regardless of my discomfort and only realize way later that i've been pushing myself then.
Like idk just. just chill a little?
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animeweebart · 10 months
Dekusqaud headcanon
before we continue I just wanted to thank YaLocalFanFicAddict for helping me come up with some- no that’s an understatement most of these I’ll link their tumblr here
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He would spend hours talking about all might
he would plan some really cute dates and then would always be fun
there are drawings of you in his notebook
Shows you his mom the first week of dating
That man has a separate notebook dedicated to you from your shoe-size to your favourite animal
Will not shut up about you when worried and you would get long text messages about how beautiful you are if you say something like “my hair looks bad today”
Bakugou smacked him when he nattered about you for nearly half an hour in the common room
for the female readers-ask this man for something he is stacked with different brands sizes he would have hot hands in his bag he only has this because the first time he saw blood in your trash he thought you were dying and you had to explain for an hour of what a period is
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you guys definitely bake together a lot and you always share with the rest of the squad
The smallest things that you do makes her flustered
She will float you up to get high things if neither can reach
Uraraka makes little home-made gifts to save money
Accidentally dropped something on you with her quirk once and wouldn’t stop apologizing for the rest of the day (it wasn’t even heavy)
Her cheeks are always rosier when you’re around
“Uh—uhm. Why’d I randomly call you sugar? It’s ‘cause you’re so sweet! Hehe!”
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he would make sure you get all your work done
Piggy. Back. Rides. Forgets that your quirk doesn’t need to work without orange juice so whenever you say that you’re tired, he gives you a glass and promptly apologizes when you remind him
He takes you to the library, the orchestra, and any museum as a date
He just lets you dangle off of him and carries you around like you weigh nothing
you guys would go on morning runs
you guys watched flash and he kept asking how he was like flash
for the female readers- just like Deku ask this man for something he is stacked with different brands sizes he would have hot hands in his bag
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Because of her hairstyle, she’s able to do elaborate hair styles not matter the length! (And if you have no hair, she likes to style wigs for you to use)
you watch the muppets
she has a frog swimsuit I dare you to try to change my mind
Literally attached at the hip for warmth in the winter-time
One time she locked herself in her room for nearly the entire day because you caught her licking her eye
Pool, Waterpark, beach, and lake dates are all you ever do during the summer
She got upset one time when she saw you catching tadpoles and nearly cried. But she was quick to forgive you when you gave her a toad plushie
You both have a frog hoodie
Headpats are a common way of expression affection in your relationship(I like head pats 🥰)
You and her danced in the rain coming back from a hero patrol once
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stealing endeavors credit card and buying stuff for you
he doesn’t really understand what love is
little spoon
Will bring you random cold soba when he catches you said
Your wish is his command, even if you’re joking or being sarcastic
Nervous to hold your hands because he doesn’t want to freeze or burn them
Literally won’t stop hugging you when he gets the chance, his arms are always around you once he discovered affection to the point that you have to pry him off you
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
hi! i just wanted to drop by and say, i think your last prompt fic rewired the chemistry in my brain. i've been rotating that interaction between finarfin and olwe in my mind for hours now. that's probably the best take i saw on them & and on why finarfin didn't return immediately after the first kinslaying. that was amazing and your writing is wonderful
also i'm in love with your "and all our towers cast down" fic, with your portrayal of finrod and his trauma, it's honestly fascinating
hope you're having a good day/night <3
omg tysm for this incredibly kind message!!!! it literally made my entire day. tbh i didn't expect much of a response to that ficlet bc it was such a struggle to write - Aegnor and Angrod are not characters I think about often and Alqualondë is so odd narratively to me bc it feels like it should be a major turning point for everyone but it kind of...isn't? So this was my best attempt at making it make sense in my own mind. I need to write a full meta post on the subject soon haha to put my thoughts in order. I'm so glad you liked it!! Though I don't really write about them much, Olwë and Finarfin are such interesting characters to me so I'm glad they came through properly.
And thank u so so much!! i have absolutely adored writing towers, it's so much fun to explore the character dynamics and really dive into leithian and make everyone's choices make more sense in my own brain. in my mind finrod's death is really what sealed the doom of nirnaeth, cuz politically fingon lost so much with finrod. so i am really looking forward to exploring the ramifications of his survival and how the events of tol-in-gaurhoth affected him. i really see his role in leithian as him finally snapping and being like I'm going to help this person I love no matter the cost. I've always headcanoned that a big part of the reason he went to middle earth was to support both the nolofinwions and his own people who loved feanor. and in middle-earth he's had to make the hard pragmatic choice so many times, between splitting from turgon pretty much forever, letting his brothers go to the front lines, sending balan's people to the front lines, constantly smoothing things over between the Fëanorions, the nolofinwions, the doriathrim, the bëorians, and the laiquendi, and at the point of leithian he's just seen so much of that work burst into flames around him and he basically pulls a fingolfin. he's like fuck what happens to me, fuck what happens to my kingdom: thingol is insane, two of my brothers are dead, pretty much all of balan's people that i worked so hard to help are dead except this one guy who is determined to go on a suicide mission. so im gonna help balan's descendant and no one can stop me.
But now he's survived and he's going to have to reckon with...all of that...with fingon who just lost his father to a similar impulse, and with orodreth, and with himself. and of course sauron's mind games didn't help him any. so he's in a pretty bad headspace right now and is going to have to deal with a lot of the losses he's just been shoving away and not looking at up until now.
Anyway sorry for the ramble! I'm just very passionate abt this project lol.
Also, I know you like Finarfin, and this ask made literally my whole entire day, so here's a Finarfin+Finrod snippet for you! I hope you enjoy <3
That morning, Arafinwë's eldest son does not so much walk into the dining room as swim. He is encased in layers upon layers of swishing fabric that billow before and after him, making it necessary to sway carefully to avoid tripping; his hair, loosed and straightened, falls nearly to his feet, and keeps tangling about his knees; and he looks inordinately proud of himself.
Arafinwë glances at Eärwen in bewilderment, wondering if wardrobe-related madness is a symptom among the Returned that he has forgotten about. She looks just as confused as he feels, if significantly more amused.
"Good morning, Finrod!" he says aloud. "Er - is there a special occasion?"
Finrod moves carefully to his chair, then sweeps his massive skirts behind him, swiftly moves the chair out, and sinks into it with a whoosh. He looks up cheerfully.
"Good morning, Atya, Ammë!" he says, beaming. "No special occasion - this is cultural. It is the latest in Vanyarin fashion!"
"Is it?" Arafinwë asks weakly. "It seems - difficult to move in."
"Oh, yes," Finrod responds, grinning even wider. The effect, in conjunction with the sparkling, billowing skirts and tangled hair, is nearly blinding. "That's the point, you see! It is intended to emulate the care with which the Valar must move, encased in the forms they take to walk among us. I thought the idea was fascinating. And the fabrics they use are so beautiful!"
"Ah - that is indeed interesting," Arafinwë responds, wondering who among his mother's people he will have to take aside later for a quick word on not telling Finrod about Vanyar fads. "Surely it is not intended to go out in...?"
"Oh, but of course it is!" Finrod says. "I plan to go out to market as soon as we are done breakfasting, to experience the full effect. Would you like to come? It could be quite interesting."
"Alas, your mother and I must hold court soon after breakfast, and cannot join," Arafinwë says without much regret.
"You must tell us about the experience, though!" Eärwen chimes in, sounding as if she is suppressing laughter.
"Ah, very well," Finrod says cheerfully; and after he has breakfasted he does indeed rise carefully - barely snatching his garment away from the remnants of jelly on his plate before it can be stained - and swim out of the room.
Eärwen and Arafinwë look at each other and burst into laughter.
"The skirts!" Eärwen gasps, "The folds! It will take him an hour to exit the palace!"
"Oh dear," Arafinwë says at last, wiping his eyes. "Oh dear. Was he like this before?"
"He was!" Eärwen exclaims. "Do you remember, he used to creep into your father's closet and try on his best robes? Then he would swan about the halls, trying not to trip."
"I had forgotten," Arafinwë admits, a smile curving his lips, "but you are quite right. He always did love beautiful clothing. I only hope that his pursuit of high Vanyarin fashion will not send him home with a broken collarbone."
"It is so good to have our son home," Eärwen says abruptly. "Our children gave me such joy. I had nearly forgotten."
Arafinwë reaches across the table to take her hand. "It is," he agrees. The image of Finrod leaving the room, having to angle his hips to fit through the door and bundling his hair about himself so as not to trip, floats across his mind and he chuckles again. "Do you remember when bustles were all the rage, and Artanis got caught on a turn of the stairway? She was furious."
Eärwen's laughter is a welcome peal, more light of heart than he had heard in years. "As I recall, it was Finrod who convinced her of their merits in the first place."
"She did not take his advice on fashion again, after that!" Arafinwë agrees. He cannot stop smiling as he begins to gather up the breakfast things and neaten his own robes. It feels as if his heart is singing within him: Our son is home. He is home. He is home!
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fervency-if · 1 year
You're such a kind soul😩Your words are healing my parent's issues(💀'cus it's both of them). Thank you for being so welcoming. Somehow, talking to you feels like I'm talking to a famous person😂I mean, in a sense you are famous, don't know how many readers you have but in my mind is a headcanon that you're known among the IF community.
Talking about our dear Elan, I saw that you updated the game🥰I'll play it as soon as I finish this message, I'm missing him rn😔I was romancing the Psysichian in my second playthrough, but as as soon Elan's deathbed scene comes up, I drop everything to save that man lol
Then I'll keep up supporting you guys💗I follow at least 12 IF blogs, I need to learn how to type faster if I plan on messaging all of you💀but the time I spend typing isn't nearly half the time ya'll spend writing those masterpieces🤌🏼
Is really nice, isn't it? Sometimes our names can tell a little something about us.
Oh! If you were in the Physician's shoes, what would do? Dying from plague really isn't a great way to go, but not everyone had the chance to say if they wanted the Nocturnal life for themselves since there's isn't much explanation before the bloodletting.
Kinda giggling now remembering Twilight because Edward spent 24/7 thinking about the dilemma of turning Bella, he felt as if he was condemning her soul to Hell😭
That's really impressive😮Writing is a skill that can be learnt and polished along the way, but I do think some people are naturally inclined to it. Is writing something you always liked to do?
I'm glad you're having fun with it, you're the author so you enjoying your story as much as your readers do is a must🥰
😔there you go again soothing my nerves in asking things, you feed your public way too good.
Oooh I see!I was quite surprised when Roswhen turned out to be a cannibal, I thought they would thirst for blood since I choose that option and was the one to bloodlett them. Kinda nonsense on my part since the Physician did the same with Aubrey and he turned to be a Cannibal lol
Hahah, a fun find indeed! Thank you for the bonus information, getting to know your characters and ideas has been quite fun 🫂
Oh! And I'd like to know, which one of your RO's would you romance? Since you like it so much making your audience thirst over the whole cast, let's turn the tables now🥸
Aah, right back at you, so are you! (Or bounce back, as our friend Elan would have said.) It's always nice getting asks from you! 🌸 (Aw...) Haha, ah, that is fun I must say! I am not one of the 'bigger names,' so to speak, but I definitely have more readers than I thought I would have, which, of course, is beautiful to me!
I'll put the rest of the reply below a cut, since it got long:
I hope you will enjoy spending some more time with Elan and the others - I bet he would be flattered to hear that people missed him! Oh, that's the 'trouble,' or how to put it, when a game has more than one love interest that one likes, isn't it! It doesn't always go as planned, haha! I certainly don't blame you!
That really is kind of you, to take the time to do that! 🫶 Hehe, aw!
You're right about that - sometimes little secrets, even, in a sense.
Oh, that's an interesting and tricky question, regarding what I would do if I were in the Physician's shoes... I would definitely want to be less secretive than her, that much I know; I would certainly try to be as upfront as I could from the start, and I would want people to be as well-informed as possible - not that it would be easy in certain situations, since many of her patients are delirious or actively dying without any time to think such a decision through. I would have too much of a bleeding heart to simply ignore the sick and go on with my day, even though the alternative isn't exactly ideal either...
Haha! I was unaware of that, I never read those books! Aah what a dilemma the vampires have...!
Aw, thank you! Yes, I have always been interested in writing; even before I learned how to read and write at age four, apparently I sat in my bed telling stories to my stuffed animals according to my parents, so it seems as if I have always wanted to get some stories out.
I feel very happy that I'm this motivated regarding my story - I think the fact that it's an interactive novel helps me combating writer's block since there are much alternative text and different ways to go; it's harder to find myself stuck when there is more to do, hehe.
You really are sweet! 🍀
I would say it made sense for you to be surprised about that even so, since it would have made a lot of sense for them to become a vampire, so I certainly wouldn't call it nonsense!
My pleasure - I'm glad you found it fun to read! 🫶
Ooh, let's see here! That's a tricky question in a sense, who I would romance, since I love all my character the same amount, but seeing this from an outside perspective, how I would have played the game if it wasn't mine and I didn't know what I know right now, thinking about the playstyle I would pick... I think I will have to say Aubrey, because I wouldn't be able to resist playing as an absolutely unhinged and ravenous character during my first playthrough, haha, just embracing each and every craving, and since Aubrey is and does just that, they would be quite compatible, my character and him... So chances are that his romance would come quite naturally to the sort of character I would amuse myself with!
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thecontumacious · 3 years
Hi again! I enjoyed the Vox headcanons! This time can I request luxiem just simping for their s/o when they do their streams because it’s always been us simping, now it’s their turn! Sorry I keep requesting because I can’t resist your writing.
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Luxiem simping/crushing over you
a/n: good to see you again, luna! and pls don't apologize for requesting! i'm always happy to deliver and it's frankly therapeutic for me too hehe~ please do drop in my inbox if you ever come up with any new scenarios for any of the boys ^-^
i also wanna inform you that i struggled with some of them, so i the word "simp" might be synonymous to "crush" in some parts. hope you enjoy <3
warnings: unseiso moments in vox's and ooc shu (IM SORRY TT)
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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this man
is a self-aware simp
is he embarrassed about it? no
is he reserved about it? nope
will he ever shut up about it?
you know the answer
all of his thirst, affection and aka supas only belong to you
there’s no talking him out of it┐(´~`)┌
the way he shows just how much of a simp he is going to be from not missing a single of any of your streams
okay he’s going to reconsider watching them all if the time zone is too different but you get the point
he’s going to send so many chats in there and maybe throw in some akasupas too just so he could have his name mentioned and have you read out the message he has
bruv aren’t you a mod???
bet vox is going to chat so many innuendos and pick up lines
i think he even challenges himself to send pick up lines that can make you flustered or mess up your game
“oh fuck me!”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 oh i will gladly fuck you
“i will gladly fu—JESUS VOX—OH SHIT NO”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 awe sorry darling~
he is a menace in the chats lol
“vox i’ll consider the option of unmodding you”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 i dare you, dearest
if you don’t manage to do it, vox is most likely going to bug you about it until he’s very satisfied.
he’s going to say that you’re just not up for the challenge and that you’re pretty much “wrapped around his finger” to do that
but if you actually do unmod him, well-
he’s going to bug you all the same HAHSHSHSH
only this time, he’ll think you’re playing hard to get with him
vox in his own stream:
“did you know chat? y/n unmodded me on their last stream. can you believe that? god, that makes me so fucking hard”
here we go with the yabai content☜(`o´)
have you seen him trying to propose to ike??? that times infinity
good luck dealing with him, y/n
if vox gets this bad in your chats, imagine what it’ll be like when you collab with him
“hey vox! do you have time for a collab anytime soon?”
*cue vox weighing his life choices whether to drop his fnaf stream for the next week*
vox: oh fuck it
“yeah, i have some slots open for next week! what are we doing?”
he’s got a long list of pickup lines for you, hoo boy. pls keep your body and soul in mind for the shit this demon can come up with
“hellooo, chat! hi, welcome~” you greet, smiling. “ah yes, i know, we do have a special guest today. would you like to say hi special guest?”
“if it’s for you, i’d do anything, y/n my dear,” vox chuckles and you see the chat exploding
“here come the clippers,” you giggle. “vox you’re making a scene on my channel this isn’t good.”
“isn’t good? you wound me! i thought you adored my presence,” he replies, frowning
“said no one ever.”
“y/n, my loveeeeee, why would you say that:(((((“
“guys please just ignore him whenever he says anything like that, thank you!”
when the vice versa happens, depending on what picture you allow him to use on his streams, vox will put your overlay on his shoulder or at the top of his head
if he’s feeling cheeky, he’s gonna place you super close next to him or literally in front of him just so he can say:
“hey, y/n, how’s my lap?”
i think he’ll generally just act like you and him are already in a relationship most of the time, to feed his simping needs
whenever you dodge his lines, it makes him wonder about how you really feel about him and it in fact, motivates him to try harder
but whenever you get the impact of his lines, whether he’s on stream with you or just in the chats to hang out, vox is proud of himself and is confident you’re weak for him
all in all he can’t get his head straight about how you feel about him and he loves it so fucking much
the chase, the back and forth game, the uncertainty
vox lives for it all
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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he won’t admit he’s a simp
he’ll continuously tell anything and everything that he’s not simping for you
but yeah, it’s pretty much obvious he is┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
there are so, so many clips of him being a total bottom simp for you
you bring out the barks from within mysta
and when you arrive in his chat-
“oh! y/n’s here????? chat, are they here???? hii!!!!”
Y/N L/N [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 : mysta you're falling!!!
i think this is almost like the opposite of vox
you have most of the power in this lil dynamic you have and in terms of all the other members, mysta has it the worst when it comes to simping
i don’t think he’ll be the most active in your chat but he will make himself present
it’s not because he doesn’t want to show his support or anything, it’s because he’s shy!
but again, it’s still pretty obvious he’s head over heels for you
you’ll tease him a lot in his chats and he’ll never get whatever game he’s doing done
“bark for me, mysta”
“WOOF WOOF WOOF” all day long 🐶
mysta continues to check his chat to make sure he didn’t miss any of your messages so that’s another factor to why he keeps getting distracted
in collabs, it’s usually more chaotic than that
but with you, compared to playing with vox or any other members of nijisanji, mysta is more… composed?
mysta rias
he also tends to give in more effort when you’re gaming together
obviously to impress you 🙄
there was one time mysta lost pretty miserably while you were around and although he was upset he didn’t get to impress you, he didn’t mind your amused reactions and offering sympathy for him!
“awee sorry mysta! but hey, you did really good in that round tho! you came pretty close!”
“ahhhh but still—that loss sucked a lot”
“don’t worry about it, mysta! it’s just a game ehe”
“said the person who won the round without breaking a sweat?????”
you laugh at his response, and mysta in actuality was glad he could make you laugh anyway
it’s his consolation prize :3
but when he does win
he’s pretty chaotic. the real mysta comes out here.
“congratz mysta! that was so cool!!!”
“o-oh thank you—“
okay maybe just a part of the real chaotic mysta comes out. he’s shy bcs of your praises
also, i forgot to mention that mysta reduces his unseiso tendencies and his cursing when you’re around
the chat and the members all notice this
vox: “wow you’re surprisingly very civilized today, mysta”
mysta: “huh—what’s that supposed to mean?? i’m always civilized!!”
ike: “he’s right tho. he hasn’t said anything unseiso today”
shu: “maybe he’s finally living his seiso dream”
luca: “yeah that’s super pog of you mysta”
mysta: “shut up guys, i’ve always been seiso!!”(⩺_⩹)
when you’re collabing with him, you don’t notice this, but when you’re talking and he’s not, he’s busy looking at your model moving around because he thinks it’s so pretty
he also likes to wonder what you actually look like under the model
mysta will sometimes retweet fanarts of you
“guys look it’s mommy/daddy” *mysta on a good day*
when you’re not around at all though, mysta is going to gush about you. whether it’s about a fanart he recently saw, or clips of your best moments on stream
yes i know i said mysta is actually really shy, but if any of his simping moments ever get clipped and you happen to watch them, yes he’ll get embarrassed but he doesn’t have to face you directly that way
in a way, mysta wants to hint at you just how much he admires you
in real life, mysta continues to wonder if you mean any of the things you said to him all this time
do you really think of him as cute from that one time you told him that? were your praises of his gaming genuine? do you actually put up with his shit???
it literally keeps him up at night and he’s waiting for the day he gets to know the truth behind it all
for now though, simping is his shield
other boys utc!
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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i cant say he has the real traits of a simp????
you can’t exactly tell probably because he’s just a natural himbo
okay i wouldn’t say simp, luca just idolizes you so, so much
whenever you see him and he’s looking at you or talking about you, you can see the stars twinkling in his eyes and you just wanna die from HOW FUCKING CUTE HE IS AHHHHH(iДi)
luca tends to hang out with you outside stream a lot since he thinks it’s way more genuine than doing things online like through streams or things
because of this, he’s stocked up on so many stories involving you with his chat
when he’s gaming and there’s something that reminds him of you, luca is quick to tell a story to chat
“chat chat i just remembered! the other day i was talking to y/n right?”
he giggles so much when he’s talking about you >:((((
luca loves collabing with people so he’ll constantly make sure he’s collabing with you enough, whether you on his channel or vice versa
he enjoys your company and although talking about you is usually enough, luca just can’t help himself!!
i can definitely see luca in a big collab with you and if he’s placed right next you, he’s more than likely going to lean his head towards you in hopes you’ll learn your head back
oh come on you definitely will won’t you??? how could you resist
if it’s not his or your turn to speak in a big collab, he’s going to message you through discord to rendezvous
“wtf luca”
don’t worry u still love him <3
luca is both rly enthusiastic and reluctant to give you any deez nuts jokes he finds
one half of him is rly urging him to tell you, see if you’d fall for it
but the other half doesn’t want to because he doesn’t wanna do that to you!!
pls luca don’t, spare us
depending on the time zones, luca will definitely show up in your chats!
he’s not crazy like vox to send you supas but if he came up with a rly good message to send you (could be a joke or just a congratulatory message for reaching a milestone), he’ll def send you an aka supa or a rainbow even
“oh luca‘s here! hey luca!!”
“hi y/n!!! sorry for being late :(“
“hey don’t worry about it!! you’re always welcome in my streams luca!”
all the pogging in the chats, sigh
“POG Y/N!”
when doing a horror game stream (inspired by his little nightmares streams), he will absolutely ramble to you about how scary everything is
“oh god y/n this is too creepy!!!”
“it’s okay luca we can do this!”
you help him however you can when he’s stuck on a level and he appreciates you not backseating <3
and when he has to face the mannequins (little nightmares 2), you’re there 100% to support him
the reason he invited you to his horror streams in the first place tbh
luca likes it sooo much when he’s being cared for by you, especially when he’s scared or creeped out by something
i think the most evidence you can find of him being a simp is when he goes easy on you in games
you’re offended, i’m offended, we all are
let’s say for example he’s playing friday the 13th with other people, HE’S FOR SURE GOING TO LET YOU OFF THE HOOK (literally?)
either he’ll do it conspicuously by taunting you out loud or warning you he’s super close by
or he’ll do it subtly by purposely ignoring you or turning a blind eye when you’re right there
in real life, luca just really adores you as a person and not just as the streamer you
he enjoys your company and all he wants is to make you laugh and smile all the time, sharing his happiness whenever he can and inviting you to his streams to have fun!
luca doesn’t realize this and someone really needs to tell him that he’s… feeling things for you and if he doesn’t sort it out with himself and you, there might be unwanted consequences
i say this because luca does seem like the type to mistake romantic love for platonic love so it might be either you or other members that has to tell him
sonny: someone has been violating the simping limit. please, simp responsibly.\(`0´)/
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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unlike vox and mysta’s uncontrolled manners, ike keeps his simping tendencies to a minimum to the point that no one really catches on immediately
you’d have to keep a really good eye on him
clippers do your job!!! expose him!!!
but anyway, ike might not seem like he’d hardcore simp but he does indeed worship you although lowkey :3
the way he does this is most likely going to be collabing with you a lot and mentioning you in his solo streams, similar to that of luca’s
ike’s a pretty busy guy, so he unfortunately cannot bond with you outside of vtuber work much (;﹏;)
thus why he really savors every second passing by whenever you and him collab
you could see the difference of aura radiating off this man whenever he’s on stream with you and when he’s with someone else
for example, when you try to flirt with him, ike doesn’t actually dodge it????? either he responds to it or gets really really embarrassed
he’s an absolute gentleman so he always tries to talk about you more than himself!
you got a story? he’s all ears and has a notepad ready to jot down any accumulating questions
the one obvious evidence he’s simping for you is when he really lets himself loose around you, letting his geekier side run free
another difference of how he treats you compared to anyone else is probably the teasing
ike is going to tease you a lot during streams cheeky bastard
he’s also going to challenge you to say things in swedish and or japanese
even better if you don’t understand either languages ;-;
if you speak a language he doesn’t know, pls do bully him back. he might not like it, but he’s too smitten hearing you speak in a different language
ike eveland caught simping in 4k 📸
another sign is when he chats a whole lot during your streams
as aforementioned, ike is a busy guy and he can’t interact with you outside of work unfortunately
him making time to send you chats during your streams is a big win right there bestie
he’ll say the sweetest things on there and maybe throw in an aka supa or two
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: hey y/n! i’m glad you’re having fun! 💙
“o-oh hi ike!! thanks for coming!”
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: no problem, y/n! i’m always glad to be here
even vox is jealous
speaking of chats, ike is also def going to respond to all of your tweets. repost, retweet, reply and all that good stuff
ike enjoys your streams too!
okay this particular simp symptom is something no one and absolutely not a single soul on this earth (not even you or the members) know
but he’ll absolutely listen to your streams when he works
yes he’s busy, can’t touch the keyboard currently
but listening to you game or have fun while he works? killing two birds with one stone if you ask ike eveland
did i also tell u that he excuses himself before leaving your stream and only leaves when you get the message?
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: “hey y/n sorry i have to go now:((“
he won’t leave until you read it.
“oh okay! thanks again for stopping by ike!! mwah!”
ike: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
now he doesn’t wanna leave sigh
ike adores you so much and he’s admittedly rly upset he can’t bond with you as much as he’d like
he’d love to know what you’re into, what your favorite foods are, what games you like the most if you’d ever consider collabing with him next week
so in terms of feelings beyond simping, ike is stumped.
one of the concerning factors is the fact he only interacts with you through streams and barely through real time hangouts on discord and such
ike is worried that he’s only feeling these things through a screen and he’s not getting enough of the real you without the streamer label. sure, you’ve been absolutely nice to him and have made flirtatious comments here and there, but weren’t you only doing that for the fans? only for the internet to see?
perhaps, it’s best he just listens to your streams and appreciate what he has already with you
ike doesn’t want to lose whatever you have with him already
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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here's the culprit that made me pull at my hair
this guy.
seriously, it might be me but he rarely shows really bad simp symptoms
he’s so much of a geek that he basically turns a blind eye to those kinds of things :”
i don’t even think shu is going to “simp” because he doesn’t really simp?? he admires ig
i can conclude that shu’s way of “simping” for you is basically befriending you more than he would with others
with that being said, the person he “simps” for will definitely get very very special treatment
in solo streams, shu is sure to use your model and just make it tiny, put it in a corner or something
*reading chat* "what's y/n doing there? nah, they're good. they're just chilling."
he's gonna mention you a whole lot
say like there's a character that you like or it reminds him of you, he's gonna say your name a lot or imitate you💀
in collabs, shu usually holds himself back or reserves himself when he’s with someone else
sure, he’ll crack a joke here and there, or add a commentary but it’s just not the same with you obviously
he tends to be more comfortable around you!(/ω\)
it doesn’t look like it but shu is actually always very excited when he collabs with you
“so uh guys,” shu laughs nervously. “you heard that we’re gonna have a guest today. say hi, y/n.”
“hi hello! hi yaminions! hi shu!”
and when you're teasing/flirting with him, he'll most definitely start messing up his words or just get super flustered(•゚д゚•)
and btw, when another vtuber asks him about you in a collab, he's more than likely going to either be shy about whatever it is or excitedly talk about you depending on the topic
i think shu will purposely have collabs with you for games that need more brain than brawn
he wants to be able to impress you just like mysta, but mysta wants to do it with games that are more hardcore, need practice and strategy
shu on the other hand is most likely going to do it with brain games like that one stream where he played the coding gameᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
no matter if you understood coding or not, shu figuring it out without your help blows your mind away
you praise him so much, but shu just laughs it off
when in reality, he’s pretty embarrassed but also rly glad he was able to impress you with his smarts
shu is relatively active in your chats!
he’ll stop by to say hi, or say he’ll come back again later
or he’ll just straight up announce he’s gonna barge into your stream—
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: yo y/n whaddup
“sup shu. not going to play getting over it with me?”
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: only if u swear to send me 10$ if i can get higher than u by the end of the stream
“oh it’s on yamino. get in here”
surprise collab?????
i think shu would submit to your art tag with a doodle of you ashjahj
the closest thing you can really see shu simping is when he sees your design and just rants about it on his stream
it lives in his head rent free
also, you two hang out on discord a lot
he sends you memes all the time only because he wants to be able to laugh with you
“hey y/n look”
the memes he sends can be corny sometimes but you appreciate him sending it to you nonetheless
because of these random conversations, you guys have your own inside jokes and when in collabs, shu will mention some and you’ll laugh
the chat will go bonkers on what you guys mean by that
4:36 minutes of shu and y/n being aliens
5:08 minutes of shu and y/n being best friends
in the eyes of the chat, you guys look like really fun best friends and that’s why until now, no one has really noticed or even called the things shu does for as simping
from the inside jokes, the times where you barge into his streams or when you ask for his help mid stream
“so like when—oh, hold on guys. y/n just asked for my help for their stream.”
he hides the fact he can flex his tech shupport skills to you
we love a man with a beeg brain
the only people who can notice shu actually “simping” is only within nijisanji
they notice how shu gets all cozy with you and just instantly warms without much obstacles
they notice how you and shu basically made a world of your own with your own languages and jokes no one else can understand
they notice shu being more like himself when he’s around you
is shu himself aware?
hard to tell
mysta has probably called him out once on discord that he’s down bad for you only to have shu brush it off
ike will say to him that he’s been really close to you and he thinks it’s very sweet, then shu will contemplate if that’s what it really is between you and him
a part of him says that what you have is nothing more than platonic
he enjoys your company and how you always laugh together, even if you’re in completely different streams
but then shu realizes just how right everyone was
how he has been treating you differently than anyone else
why do i do that? shu would think.
and he’s admittedly nervous of the answer
did he like you??? was what he had been doing all this time really just because he wanted to be friends??
or was it really simping just like mysta pointed out?
shu doesn’t want to think about it, really. so he tries to shrug it off. but when he sees you… well, there’s really no avoiding it
you guys, i'm gonna kick myself for doing this at 4 fucking am i have school in like 3 hours :D
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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voidmadisonrecs · 3 years
chris evans recs
these are more for me then anyone else but here are my fav chris evans (and co.) fics, blurbs, headcanons, etc.
feel free to message or comment with suggestions that i should read and make sure to check out these writers other works because they are all amazing <3
Chris Evans
butterflies - @chanelfaerie
chris has got butterflies for you—do you feel the same?
pop the questions - @angelkurenai
you are costars and in a relationship with Chris and while on the set of ‘Gifted’, you are very clingy. when Chris sees you interact with your youngest costar, he realizes you would make a great mother
white - @agentofbarnes
chris can’t seem to function while seeing you in a white dress
ask me properly - @twittytelly
while spending time with his family, chris realizes that it's the perfect time to put his 'plan' into action
red carpet w/ chris - @avenging-fandoms
your chris’s costar with Chris and you’re both tipsy in a red carpet interview and giggling together, making no sense but just being all happy and sparking dating rumours
happy goddamn new year - @fluffymisha97
the morning after your new year with the evans’ which doesn’t go all that smooth
sweet creature - @buckyhoney
domestic shit
ass man headcanon - @agentofbarnes
chris evans sure does love ass
and then he came along - @teebarnes
you haven't had the best record when it comes to relationships, you thought you couldn't be loved. until one day as you sat on the beach shivering, everything changed when chris came along
granola bar and lots of love - @planetofawe
with the kids away, you and chris have more than enough time to practice some aftercare (smut)
claim - @cloudystevie
your husband puts a baby in you (smut)
beer gut - @violetlilysunshine
chris gets self conscious after gaining a little bit of weight and not working out as hard as he used to during his Marvel days (smut)
dumb - @agentofbarnes
chris evans makes you dumb and you are a little touchstarved (smut)
red, white, blue’s in the sky, summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes - @cloudystevie
sunday’s are for football games and attention (smut)
the big 4-0 - @rocketrhap3000
chris being insecure for his 40th bday but reader makes sure he knows just how much she loves him (smut)
my girl - @punani
chris loves calling you his girl (smut)
the fluffer (masterlist) - @punani
it’s the 70′s and the erotic videos industry is experiencing another boom after the risen popularity in the previous decade. the studio’s are hot, gemini flanagan is a brand, and you’re a newly hired assistant at shaggin’ studios. chris takes a liking to you, altering your job description so that you get to work more closely with him. is this all just physical, or is there something more? (smut)
wedding shenanigans - @flowerbouquet
in which you and chris have a sneaky fuck in the bathroom during your best friends wedding (smut)
grocery run - @bucksfucks
innocently wearing chris’ shirt leads to you finding out just how much he can’t resist you (smut)
chain - @bucksfucks
chris tells you to bite down on his chain (smut)
home late (part 2) - @violetlilysunshine
severance - @punani
the divorce process with chris is messy, seemingly never ending, and ultimately: heartbreaking. you had to be strong for your son, yourself, and eventually you wanted someone else to be strong for you, so, it seemed only natural that you would venture into the arms of another. however, sometimes the line between something officially ending or simply taking a break blurs when you’ve known someone for longer than you can remember (smut/baby fever/ex!reader)
so beautiful to me - @uprootbasic
despite being broken up and coparenting, chris still want to show you how much he loves you (smut/baby fever)
sundress season - @jurassicbarnes
in which all it takes is a pretty little dress to break his resolve (ex!reader/smut/baby fever)
mwah - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
ur little bubba is obsessed with kissys and keeps leaning in to kiss you (baby fever)
long hair lover - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
chris comes back from filming red sea diving resort and his baby daughter is crazy in love with his long hair (baby fever)
slobbery kisses - @iguessweallcrazyithinktho 
chris wakes up to sloppy kisses by his baby (baby fever)
baby rose - @fluffymisha97
reader and chris had a little baby girl. but not everything is going that well, you're both trying to navigate life as new parents (baby fever)
eve - @kiwisomething
you drop your son off with his father and he invites you in (baby fever/ex!chris)
parenting is hard blurb - @lokiscu
chris and the reader have just had a baby and the lack of sleep mixed with lack of physical affection and time they have with one another gets to both of them and they end up fighting because of the stress (baby fever)
isla - @uprootbasic
the reader is a famous singer and always sings to her little girl. one night, chris and the reader decides to have this little jamming session with their baby. chris plays the piano while the reader sings I wanna hold your hand by the Beatles (baby fever)
the neighbours lights - @lokiscu
it’s your first Christmas with a baby (baby fever)
paparazzi - @ozarkthedog
chris evans and reader are both famous and one day they are out with their daughter when paparazzi start to follow them (baby fever)
thunder - @worksby-d
your daughter is scared of the thunder (baby fever)
she’s the one - @worksby-d
chris x singlemom!reader masterlist (baby fever)
protective stepdad chris x single!reader - @worksby-d
masterlist (baby fever)
truth be told - @kthynes
chris finds out he has a 6 month old baby because his partner didn’t have the chance to tell him that she is pregnant because they broke up (angsty??/baby fever)
not her - @agentofbarnes
chris wants a family and you just aren’t ready yet, but that doesn’t mean he wants you any less (angsty?)
the love we have - @kthynes
the reader is chris's ex wife and she's about to be married again to a guy she doesn't really love. so in the night of her bachelorette party she's really drunk and she ended up going to his apartment and tell him that she still loves him and that she wants to hate him because he was the one who file for divorce but she can't, then she leaves. on the day of the ceremony their 10 year old kid tells Chris that he should go after her before is too late (angsty??)
Frank Adler
i ruined our sweet tune - @rodrikstark
the last person you’d expect to see in florida is the hot professor from your undergrad philosophy class 
buttons - @rodrikstark
buttoning franks shirt headcanon 
waffles - @amylillian22
the morning after their usual saturday date night, y/n runs into mary unexpectedly. frank wakes up to find them making waffles
remember - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
frank wakes you up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 am and will not even tell you why
breeding kink - @stargazingfangirl18
as the hot single dad everyone wants to get with, frank turns a few heads at back to school night, and well, you may get a little possessive (smut) 
magic demeanor - @bloodiedskirtts
after moving back to Florida in the middle of a heat wave, things seem to be getting worse and worse. the only thing to make her days any better is her neighbour, Frank. with neither of them willing to admit that they can’t get enough of each other, a pesky shower malfunction may be the only way for them to tell each other how they feel (smut)  
Ransom Drysdale
2:27 am - @cloudystevie
it’s 2:27 in the morning when ransom shows up at your doorstep, and he wishes he could tell you why 
cold (third part of his return) - @kiwisomething
hugh is cold sleeping on the couch by himself 
new man - @worksby-d
ransom loves to pretend he’s not whipped for you, but here he is letting you do your skin care routine on him
morning dew - @agentofbarnes
it was only supposed to be one night, but ransom can’t seem to get you out of his head (smut) 
Andy Barber
the proposal - @fairyevans
andy takes the reader on a gorgeous vacation but everything goes wrong except the proposal 
consequences - @stargazingfangirl18
life after your breakup with ransom (smut)
yes, mrs barber - @jurassicbarnes
in which you’re down on your knees, about to suck his dick within an inch of his life because it was the only way to shut him up (smut) 
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oolongmilkteaaddict · 3 years
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genre: angst/fluff
warnings: cuss words here and there
characters: tsukishima + oikawa w/ gn! reader
a/n - i haven’t done any angst headcanons before so i thought i could try it out :) sorry for the heart aches. check out my other headcanons here !
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it all started when you both thought the other was cheating
at first you both wouldn’t be yelling only making passive aggressive remarks to each other
neither of you knew what the other was mad, there was no communication just anger
not even looking at each other, distancing yourselves
both laying as far from each other at night
sometimes he’d be gone or you stayed out too late leaving him to worry
it was just a mess
hey watch it tsukishima said as he made his way into the kitchen. you scoffed at his comment as you took up more space in the small room. didn’t you just hear what i said? you continued to make your food ignoring him. whatever, always acting so fucking rude. that final comment he made hurt you. this sharp pain entered your chest as you continued making you food. at least i’m not disloyal. he turned around, your back facing him. what do you mean disloyal? you’re one to talk.
you turned around to face tsukishima. yeah i am one to talk, don’t you think I’ve noticed how you laugh and smile wither whatever girl you’re talking to? i’m right there! it would be easier to do that in secret! god! you don’t even hide it! he looked at you with such anger and confusion. all he knew was that he wasn’t talking to anyone. but instead of saying that he wanted to make sure he had the last word. very funny y/n. what about all those times you’ve come home late?! huh? in some fucking mysterious car that drives you home! why can’t you hide it? his cheeks started to turn read just thinking about it. watching you through the window stumbling home as you wave to some guy in the nice shiny car. you know it’s hurts. the fact that you don’t even end this and instead keep on staying. pisses me off. he shook his head ready to leave the kitchen. you stood your ground raising your voice. oh yeah! why don’t you end this? go be with that girl!
oh yeah?! go be with that fucking loser you’ve been sleeping with! his voice cracked ready to cry. tears welled up in your eyes. what did he mean by that? you weren’t sleeping with anyone. he wasn’t messaging anyone, he wondered where you got that from. it hurt you both to see each other on the brink of tears. staring at each other waiting for one of you to crack. but you both were so stubborn. too stubborn to just talk and instead have the last word.
i haven’t been sleeping with anyone, it’s you who is cheating. you say so quietly not wanting him to hear your trembling voice. no it’s you y/n. you both looked at each other puzzled. how could you both be cheating on each other. so you decided to speak up. who was it that you’ve been texting then? you waited for his response. the group chat, the one i’m in with hinata, yamaguchi, kuroo, and bokuto. who did you think i was texting? he looked at you trying to figure out why you would think such a thing. i thought it was some girl. you looked down at the floor ashamed of your assumption. well then who was driving you home all this time? tsukishima’s heart beat sped up as he hoped his thoughts were a mistake. my cousin, c/n, she was dragging me out to party with her since her girlfriend and her broke up not too long ago.
so this was all a big misunderstanding? you finally looked up meeting his glossy eyes. yeah...i guess so. he whispered. you dropped whatever it was you were holding and ran into his arms. i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m so sorry. you said over and over into his chest. he hugged you right not wanting to let you go. i was hoping i was wrong and just getting in my head. his voice trembled. tsukishima lightly rubbed your back trying to calm your sobs down. it’s alright y/n, it was just a big misunderstanding. it not your fault. it’s okay. i love you. you know what right?
you looked up at him. i know that. i love you too
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he had been coming to the apartment very moody
throwing his stuff onto the couch, not greeting you back when you welcome him home
always coming home later than usual even though his practice ends earlier in the evening
you’re already in bed when he comes home
you try to confront him about it but he always brushes you off saying he’s tired or that he has to hurry and go out
he doesn’t even kiss you or tell you he’s leaving
you’ve had enough
what happened to you? you ask him standing in front of the door way blocking him from leaving. what’s going on? you’ve been out of it lately. he just stared at you holding his bag. what do you mean. i’m fine. now move, i’m going to be late. oikawa used his free arm to try and push you aside. no you’re not fine, you retaliate moving his arm away from you trying to reach for the door before he can. yes, i am! now leave me alone! stop acting like bitch! you stopped resisting and let him go. you knew those harsh words didn’t mean anything. he was just mad. but it really hurt knowing that he might’ve thought of you that way. no tears, no yelling, just silence. you sat on the couch and turned on the tv not saying.
*time skip*
oikawa barged through the door in anger. he had really hated the way he treated you before he left. he’d been beating himself up about it all day. truth was oikawa hadn’t been feeling confident lately, just recently he had lost a game and he never told you. he’d been bottling his anger up and ignoring you all week. all he needed was a hug from you.
he turned on the light to the living room to see you sleeping on the couch. the tv was on in the background playing one of the weekly dramas that you watched from time to time. he walked over to you. hey y/n, come to bed. he quietly spoke trying to carefully wake you up. you rose from the couch stretching your arms to see oikawa. you stared at him not uttering a word until you said no. turning your head away from him you laid back down on the couch and went to bed.
a bit panicked oikawa kneeled down on the floor meeting your face. come on honey. look i’m sorry. i know i’ve been acting unlike myself. i’m sorry for treating you that way this morning. you blinked a few times as you examined the look of regret on his face. sorry for this morning? how about sorry for all week! you got up again. you’ve been unlike yourself for a whole week leaving me to wonder why you were acting this way. you never told me anything! that apology is not going to cut it tooru. you crossed your arms maintaining eye contact with him. you felt bad for yelling at him like that but he needed to know how you felt.
oh y/n i am sorry for this week. we lost a game, and I’ve been taking out my anger on you. i apologize. i get it if you don’t want to talk with me for a bit. just know that i love you. i really do. oikawa got up and walked to the room you two shared. you waited until he went inside to follow him. he was getting ready to brush his teeth but you came up behind him giving him a hug. that’s all i needed you to tell me. you sighed into his back. you have to talk to me about these things otherwise we’ll fight. and i don’t like to fight. he turned around to give you a hug. i don’t like fighting either.
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shotorozu · 4 years
hellooo,, i saw another tiktok video(and since ur like the elite on writing this type of reqs im requesting to you aha) https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJYsk4CY/ for shoto, kaminari and monoma (if u write for him) ty 💕
‘bae lol’
(the greenscreen heart, then kiss tiktok trend)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] for monoma reader’s a part of class 1-A, they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : oh, i absolutely love AND hate this trend, it’s mostly bc im single though :,) not like i can get a partner in the pandemic. anyways! i love your thinking, anon <3 also no proofread bc its like,, 2am here </3 will edit later!
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todoroki shouto
he’s very aware of your tiktok antics, but out of all of the ones you’ve pulled on him, and asked him to do
he loves this one the most.
because shouto doesn’t have to get the lights scared out of him, and it doesn’t have a chance in ending terribly.
you brisk towards your room, knowing that shouto rests inside— “shou!” you call out to him, and he tilts his head up
“Y/N, tell me it’s not—”
“no, i swear!” you drop next to him on the bed, and you play the video. “this would be fun to do, right?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, but he definitely wants to do it, judging by the fact that he’s replaying the tiktok over and over again.
abruptly standing up, he tugs at your wrist “let’s do it.” he says with determination hinted in his voice
you’d think that he’d get the hang of doing tiktoks because of you but LMAO NO— the greenscreen failed you both multiple times in a span of 40 minutes.
the first take, the heart was blurry, the second take, the kiss was captured seconds before the kiss, and the third take— your phone fell 💀
plus, his movements were a little stiff the first few times, but after the third try— he definitely got the hang of it.
and,, he doesn’t understand tiktok effects, not even the slightest.
on the brighter note, he has more excuses to kiss you so,, it’s a win for him! he won’t get sick of doing any retakes :))
you knew the moment he focused on making the perfect heart, as he firmly pulled you close to kiss you
that, would be the perfect shot there. he almost forgot that there was a camera recording
shouto is seen replaying the filmed tiktok over and over again— and it might’ve looked odd to anyone else
but not to you, definitely. for you, it’s the norm to see him like that.
“do more trends where i could kiss you more.” he pecks you on the lips, before he leaves you be temporarily only to edit the tiktok, ofc
the tiktok itself blows up by a ton, gathering 2M likes, and 5M views, in a surprising amount of time, and you didn’t even notice how he placed his hand on your hip
until the comments pointed it out to him. which shouto replies with “i always do that. you just didn’t seem to notice.” it’s fine bc you do now
the comments consisted of “where can i find a guy like this 💔” “haha that’s so cool *blocks*” “okay but we sEE THOSE HANDS 👀”
nonetheless— please do more trends like that with him. don’t be afraid!
shouto rates the entire ordeal a ♾/10. can and will do it again. oh— and he saves his home and lockscreen as the final outcome from the tiktok. he did a screenshot it, and decides to keep it like that for a very long time
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kaminari denki
again— this man is ALWAYS on tiktok, so he’s aware of most of the trends there. but that doesn’t make them any less scarier
but oh wow, he loves this trend. denki was just praying that you’d see it— and ask him to do it with you.
he was grateful that luck was on his side, since he was ecstatic when you skipped over to him— asking him to do a tiktok trend
“oh, what tiktok trend? wait— please tell me it doesn’t involve me breaking up with you for a week so you could listen to drivers licenses—”
“what? no— let me show you” and when you showed him the tiktok, he showed you this cheeky little smirk
“let’s do it! the sooner the better!” he says, and he seems more excited that you 💀
denki’s so enthusiastic, to the point that the first few takes are a total fail— as he makes you fall over your feet, as the result of quickly pulling you onto him for a kiss.
“denki— one of these days, you’re going to shatter my face”
“sorry, sorry!” he grins sheepishly. and it’s a miracle that he didn’t accidentally short circuit!
you guys try again, still persistent in getting at least a decent video, and this time— when he yanked you, causing you almost slip
he tightened his hold on you, a hand pressed against the small of your back and another hand dangerously close to your bank
the kiss is eager, passionate— and he holds you like you’re on the verge of death
and this flusters you because MAMDKWDK what happened to the goofiness 💀 i suppose that’s what happens when you have an eager denki kaminari.
you upload the video, thinking it would only get 5 likes at the very most— but it exceeds your expectations
though most people couldn’t get a clear view of your relationship dynamic with him, denki’s enthusiasm did attract the attention of 2.8M people
and in a good way, because the video did get 800k likes
the comments consisted of “when he caught you when you almost fell :,)” “damn he was EXCITED” “hey, have you told us where you got your boyfriend? i need the link to find someone like him NOW‼️‼️”
the bakusquad fawned over the video weirdly, but it quickly gets overplayed by denki— since that’s all he watched for a week or so 💀
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monoma neito
bruh </3 as much as he loves you, you’re going to kill him with pranks one of these days.
he’s totally in on it if HE’S not the one being targeted, but most of the time,, neito’s the subject of your pranks
so he thinks it’s another silly prank, where you make him pick a number between 1-5 and ghost him for that many hours.
but when you show him the video one day, when you guys were chilling in your room— as per usual, he declined :,)
“sorry dear Y/N! but no. that’s my answer”
“but whyyy?? it’s so harmless!”
“the class is going to tease me for being a part with a silly tiktok like that.” and besides,, he’d be a hypocrite for participating in that kind of tiktok with someone from class 1-A.
in reality, he did want to do it. he wasn’t so sure on why he said no— but he does want to show that something so easy isn’t really a bother to him.
“oh- don’t be so sad about it! you know what?” he gently pulls you up, “let’s do it. i don’t care what those silly class 1-A kids will say anymore.”
“what? i thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“have you ever heard of a lie?” he clicks his tongue, but he’s glad that you’re feeling much better than you did 10 seconds ago.
when it comes to it, he’s actually really shy about it. not like a ‘i don’t want to be seen with you!’ more like ‘gosh, how many takes is this going to take? will i be able to kiss them properly?’
“what if i end up accidentally copying their quirk? neito— focus, damnit.” he thinks to himself, brushing the anxious feeling away.
he’s determined enough to stay focused— but man struggled a bit with cooperating with the heart shape.
“neito— not that heart!” “well, you said to make a heart, so i did!”
it takes a few tries for the greenscreen to cooperate, and for you guys to get in sync
and when he finally has to kiss you, he grins at you— a very obvious blush adorning his cheeks, as he smashes his lips with yours
then he remembers that he actually has to break free from you— and forces you guys apart, still trying to play it cool
“wow! i look awesome. only i could kiss you like that, right? i don’t need an answer, because i know it’s true!” he says with that proud laugh of his, but it immediately dissipates after the second replay
neito leaves you be, not only for you to upload the tiktok— but also because he needs to THINK WHAT JUST HAPPENED he’s running laps in his mind rn
you upload the tiktok, not worrying too much about it— as you wanted to let it sit for a while, before checking up on it
however— when you open your phone again, you get bombarded with multiple text messages from kendou, and the other class 1-b students.
“you and monoma went viral!” is what you can sum up about most of the messages, and you have to see for youself— wanting to know if the tiktok really did get 800k likes and 1.9M views in a short amount of time.
spoilers ‼️ — it did
the comments were mostly like “why can i smell the dynamic from a mile away 💔 i want that.” “he’s definitely annoying to everyone but you” “sHEESH the way he smirked before he kissed you 😩✋‼️‼️😔”
monoma flexes on a daily that he did that to your class— but he HATES how class 1-b wrecks havoc on him, by teasing him
in short— he does prefer this more than being scared. and! he didn’t have to verbally ask you for kisses 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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jenojaemssss · 3 years
nct dream as your boyfriend
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nct dream x gn!reader
fluffy boyfriend!nct dream headcanons because it's 2 am and i'm all up in my head <3 also because i have no motivation to work on dont need it and am holding it off as much as i possibly can before finalizing it <3
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lee mark
just the softest boy
we already know he really enjoys playing the guitar
so i feel like he’s the type to wake up at like 3 in the morning with a melody in mind
like he wakes up in cold sweat because he has such a good idea and he CANNOT forget it
he’d record a snippet of it and send it to you after he perfects it
but this is rare because he’d rather hear your reaction
mark isn’t the type to facetime; he’d rather just call you or just come over to see you in person
so a lot of the time you’d get an incoming phone call
at 3 in the morning
because he forgets the time when he’s immersed in his craft
and because it’s a phone call, he can’t see you squinting at your phone
but you’d try your best to not make it obvious that you were already asleep
and then he’d go on and on about how he was in the middle of writing something and thought about you
his voice literally just wakes you up because he’s so excited over his creation
“ready to hear it?”
and after playing it for you he’d have the widest, goofiest smile on his face
he’d be so proud of yourself after you give him a personal round of applause
but his grin doesn’t stay on for long because there’d be banging on his wall from his housemates telling him to shut up
this happened so often that they don’t even have to say anything, just forcefully tap their wall and he’d get the hint
usually then, he’d finally realize how late-or technically, early- it was getting
“ah shit, fuck were you sleeping when i called?”
and you’d just chuckle because he’s so damn cute
and then you’d remind him how much you love and enjoy his hobby
and how it makes you happy getting to listen to him play his guitar
“you do know you don’t have to pick up, right?”
but you’d just smile even wider and he could hear it over the phone and he’d smile too
your smile is so endearing to him
and when he was the reason you’re smiling, it sends him through the clouds
because how could HE be the cause of such a beautiful smile
“hey, baby?”
“yeah, mark?”
“i love you.”
and you’d giggle so hard because he still gives you butterflies
“i love you, too, mageolli.”
“bro, did hyuck teach you that?” he squeaks
another bang on his wall makes him jump and he ends up whispering to you for about another hour
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huang renjun
this man loves to read, so whenever he’s reading a book he really likes, he’d annotate it with the intentions of giving it to you
sometimes he’d highlight funny things and write little notes like “this made me laugh and i thought you’d like it too”
so fucking endearing let me tell you
and when he comes across romantic lines, he’d highlight them in pink and write little notes on how it reminded him of you
when he’s done with the book and gives it to you, you’d find cute little highlighted portions with notes and messages directed for you
sometimes, he’d write you cute little messages on the inside cover, kind of like an introduction to his annotations
he’d also write a mini introduction to the content of the book, but in his own cute way
“i found this book really funny (those funny scenes are highlighted in yellow) and there were a lot of scenes where the interactions between the two main characters reminded me of you and i, so those are highlighted in purple”
and a bunch of other notes related to his annotations
the back cover has a mini summary and all his personal thoughts after finishing the book
“could they BE anymore stupid? he should have confessed to her when…” and many more angry-renjun reactions
there was one time he was reading pride and prejudice and came across this line
“in vain i have struggled. it will not do. my feelings will not be repressed. you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.”
he was about to pull out his highlighter and smear the bright pink across it but pauses
and then he just slams the book closed because he remembers how much of an asshole mr. darcy was in this book
and how much he hated pride and prejudice
he was only reading it again because you asked him to read it with you
the two of you often picked out your favorite books and had the other one read it and discuss it with each other after you both finished
kind of like a personal book club
this time around you picked this wretched book and he was not having it
but then you pulled out the puppy eyes
he gagged in front of you and asked that if he’d read it with you, you wouldn’t pull that shit again
internally he loved it, he just doesn’t like showing it physically
anyways, after slamming the book shut he stood up from the couch but was so pissed off with the fucking book that he called you
“babe, why is lizzy so fucking idiotic?”
you’re just as confused as he is, but for a totally different reason
“i know we’re supposed to discuss when we’re finished but i just cannot read this book anymore.”
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lee jeno
the type of boyfriend that has a really hard time expressing his feelings in words
so he’d show it in his actions instead
his love language is most likely physical touch
but at the same time he seems like the type to not enjoy too much physical affection in public
yet he still needs to be touching you: always
just small gestures to keep in physical contact with you
it reassures him that you’re still there
in public, he’d make an effort to hold pinkies
like he’d interlock them when you’re walking around the grocery store or just when you go on walks together
oh yeah, jeno really likes walks
like when the two of you are having a really rough day or when you’re both just not in the best mood, he’d ask to go on walks to clear your minds
it’s his way of telling you that he’s there for you
on the rough days, instead of holding your pinky, he’d intertwine your hands instead
and when you guys argue over things and he doesn’t know what to say, he’d leave the room for a bit so that you don’t say things you don’t really mean to each other
jeno is a good man, he was raised right
so he KNOWS when he’s at fault
and when he realizes what he’s done and takes all the things you say into consideration, you’d hear the sink running or the vacuum turn on
he’d clean your apartment for you as an apology
back to the physical touch aspect of him
rare *public* back hugs here and there but only around people he’s comfortable with
but when you’re alone??
he would literally CLING onto you, personal bubble does not exist to this man
wraps his arms around your waist when you cook or do the dishes, playing footsies when you eat, all of that
sometimes when you’re both on the couch doing work on separate laptops he’d make it a literal mission to be in physical contact with you
like even if it interferes with his work, he’s gotta be touching you
he’d have one leg thrown over your torso if your hands are too busy with something
it’s really endearing because if you moved at all, like even just a little and he wasn’t able to have a part of his body on yours, he’d start pouting
he’d reach his arms or legs out in a grabbing motion and not say anything
and then you’d have to reposition yourself so that the two of you would be able to work and he still be able to touch you
and his smiles, the fucking smiles when he gets to hold your hand after you guys finish working on whatever you needed to work on
his cuddles are top tier too, and he’d make sure you guys get at least 30 minutes of cuddles a day
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lee donghyuck
the whiniest, most annoying (but adorable) boyfriend ever
like jeno, he needs to be in physical contact with you, but instead of quietly pouting or reaching for you, he’d YELL
“y/n! hold my hand!”
“but i’m typing-”
“babe, hold my hand!!!!” *intense pouting*
he normally drops it when he knows you’re actually busy, but when he knows you’re just watching a movie or something, he keeps pestering you until you hold his hand
and when you do, he takes the opportunity to POUNCE on you like he just deadass lays on top of you
and you let him because it’s actually really comforting having his weight on top of you
NOSE KISSES!!!!!! lots of those
and forehead pecks
it goes both ways, though, because he likes receiving those too!!!!! fairness!!!!!
he’s the type to play tricks on you, but never takes it too far because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way
and he spoils you a lot
like not with materialistic things (though sometimes he does) but more with arguments and when it comes to picking what to do/eat for the day
he’s the type to always think before his actions, yet when he’s around you, all logic is thrown to the side
“you wanna go bungee jumping? bet!” (even though he’s afraid of heights)
he gets two of everything when he goes to the store; one for him and one for you
and when you first started dating, you got a bit shy because of this due to the fact that he’s spending extra on you
you felt bad he was spending extra money so whenever you were buying things, you followed his habit and do the same thing
and for the first couple months he’d say that it’s fine and everything but when you both got really comfortable around each other, he’d be really witty with his comebacks
“no, i don’t wanna share with you” or “pay me back then”
sometimes the casual, “no, you’re gonna eat all of it and leave me nothing”
soon enough, the two of you fell into the habit of buying two of everything wherever you went (besides the things that you both know the other person hates)
also, when you first started dating, a lot of it was just casually hanging out at a park or walking around a random neighborhood and getting food nearby
street food you can take on the go >>>> food from fancy restaurants
and also, when you first started getting snacks for each other and he didn’t know what you liked, he got one of everything
like for example, the first time you guys had a movie night at your place, he went to the store but didn’t know what brand of chips you preferred so he bought both kinds
(he learned that day what your favorite snacks and brands were and he remembered it forever)
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na jaemin
jaemin is the king of hugs, like no one, absolutely NO ONE can beat him when it comes to hugs
they’re always so warm and he always knows whenever you need one
he’s kind of like a battery pack, so whenever you hug him, you feel recharged and energized
because all his hugs are full of love and you can literally feel it radiating off of him
“jaems, i need-”
you can’t even finish your sentence because he’s already engulfing you
“i know, baby”
sometimes you’d tease him and say things like, “i was gonna ask for some water” or some shit like that and he’d get all pouty
and when he’s about to let go, you just pull him into you more
so obviously, he’s another fan of physical affection
but unlike jeno and hyuck, he’s not quite the clingy type
he will give you your space and will not invade your personal bubble, but instead just show that he’s there by doing other things
whenever he sees that your water glass is half empty, he’d go refill it
would always ask if you wanted a snack
would feed you his food when you were busy working on your laptop
just little actions to show that he’s paying attention to you
you pick up on his habit and slowly become more tentative too
he’s also the type that shows the overprotective type of affection too
like, when it gets cold and he notices you shiver a little, he’d immediately take off his sweater/hoodie/jacket, whatever, and give it to you
or whenever your clothes seem to be bothering you, he’d offer you his shirt or pants or anything for you to feel more comfortable
he really enjoys cooking for you, so you’d have little cooking dates every once in a while where he teaches you a recipe or you teach him something
and it always either ends up in a disaster or a really appetizing success, no mediocre food in this household
the disasters are normally when you’re in charge of the cooking because you get distracted by jaemin’s crackheadery
he talks to the fucking vegetables and asks them how their day was before chopping them up, like what the fuck?
the normally tentative jaemin gets distracted because he’s making you laugh
he loves hearing you laugh, so he keeps doing what he’s doing to get to hear it more
so sometimes you forget you’re boiling something, you forget there’s something on the stove and shit starts spilling out
you’re both panicking and looking for the fire extinguisher
jaemin just ends up smacking it with whatever he’s holding and the flames go out and you both end up laughing and rolling around on the floor for the next 10 minutes
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zhong chenle
can be the most evil or the most adoring boyfriend, there is no inbetween
like some days, he’d tease you to the point you ignore him while other days he’s all cuddly, snuggled up against you while hyping you up like you’re some sort of insta baddie
but a constant is that he will ALWAYS call you cute
you say something stupid? “cute.”
you CALL him stupid? “how cute!”
you drop your phone in the toilet? “cute.”
he has an obsession with that word, but it doesn’t really bother or annoy you because you really like hearing him say it
even when you guys play video games
you’re both beast at battle royale games, so you’re both constantly playing with one another
you guys normally don’t play when you see each other/ meet up because you spend that time doing other quality couple things
like bicker over what to order or where to get boba from for the day
so instead you guys normally play video games together at 3 in the morning after finishing up all your work for the day
whenever you’d knock down an enemy, you’d hear him from the other end of the phone shouting things like, “y/n that kill was so sexy!” (he picked that up from jaemin)
when you make noises after either missing or hitting your target, he’d chuckle to himself and mumble a little, “cute.”
soon enough you’re also picking up the habit and calling him cute all the damn time too
at first, he insisted that you stopped calling him cute because it was HIS line
“babe, i know i’m adorable, but stop calling me cute.”
more bickering because he is so persistent
eventually got used to it and you two would have little squabbles over how the other is overusing it when you're BOTH doing it
not normally the type to be showing physical affection, but will cuddle when he’s sleepy
he feels safe when he’s holding you so he’s at peace and can fall asleep easily
he probably likes petting your hair when he’s the big spoon, and likes it when you pet his hair when he’s the little spoon
OMG WAIT he’s probably the type to have you lay on his lap (or vice versa) and just play with your hair (or have you play with his hair)!!!!!!!
like y’all are just chilling on the couch watching some basketball game and he just lays on your lap out of nowhere
“time for human contact!”
you’d just laugh and start combing your hand through his hair and he closes his eyes and ends up falling asleep
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park jisung
the best friend type of boyfriend where the most couply thing you end up doing is going yo the zoo and feeding animals
he really likes when you guys go to the gift shop and play with the little toys they have
he’s super interested in the little things and is fascinated by everything big and small
you find that shit so cute and secretly take pictures of him staring at the miniature figures of lions
he catches on after seeing you changed your wallpaper to a picture of him holding a giraffe puppet and having it look at him
he holds your finger when you walk around so that you both don’t get lost
but his hands are really big compared to yours, so you switch to holding his finger instead and he physically melts because he thinks it looks so cute
i think your typical dates are the ones that involve a lot of walking around BECAUSE of the fact that you hold onto his finger
(jk, but like...he just thinks it’s really cute)
(so much so that it becomes a habit when you’re just hanging out)
(watching a movie? here, hold my finger. grocery shopping? here, hold it.)
you guys go to the amusement park often too
you hold onto each other’s fingers and wander around the park looking for rides that jisung can ride because he's scared of action
but you like roller coasters, and jisung always feels bad because you never ride them when you two go together
so one time, when there was one you really wanted to go on but you knew it would have scared jisung
so you decided to pass up on it because you didn’t want to leave him alone
but he was noticing how your eyes kept lingering on the coaster and he broke
“y/n, i’ll go on it with you”
and you’re shocked because you didn’t even say you wanted to go on it, like you just looked at it but he caught on
and you tried to brush it off and insisting that you could go on a ride you both liked
but he was so stern about it because he knew how much you wanted to go on it
i think he’s the type of boyfriend that normally gets over his fears when he is encouraged by his partner, and in this case, his form of encouragement was making you happy
he just likes seeing you happy in general
so internally, he’s hyping himself up while you’re cheering for him
and although he’s scared shitless, he goes through with it because he knows that this is a fear he needs to get over, so might as well get it over with while making you smile!
and so when it’s your turn to get on the ride, he gets cold feet, kinda, but you grab onto his hand, not his finger, and rub your thumb over it to reassure him that it’ll be fine
and it was honestly not that bad because he felt safe with you holding his hand the entire time
and when the ride finishes and he sees how happy you are, he thinks to himself that it was so worth it because you’re beaming
he makes a note
holding your hand > holding fingers
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hqshine · 4 years
—Realising their feelings for you—
characters: Nishinoya, Tsukishima, suga
genre: angst to fluff?
type: headcanon
extras: wrote this cause i was in my angst feels guys, it’s raining what a mood. Anyways i’ve already seen all the requests and it’s gonna come slowly sorry ^^ Also i’m thinking about creating a tag list, if you’re interested please drop a message!
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The two of you were close friends
both mature yet childish and stubborn at the same time
you’ve always felt differently with suga
sure he was your go to friend for any of your troubles and you’ve shared secrets with him that it almost felt like he was more of a best friend
but your heart always skipped a beat around him
he was always welcome to physical affection
When the team has movie nights, they would invite their unofficial member, you
during movies, suga would hold your hand or hug your waist loosely while you slept on his chest
which always made your heart flutter and you couldn’t even focus on the movie infront of you
but you’ve always known that Suga never felt the same that you did
He’d always tell you about a girl from this other class
She was pretty, smart, mature, reliable, kind
he would say
you’ve always kept quiet about your feelings, even giving him advice when he consulted you about confessing to her
One morning, suga came up to you. “I finally asked her out” he smiled brightly
your smile dropped and your heart raced
we’re you hearing him correctly
yes, you’ve always known that one day he was going to find someone
even her
but you just
didn’t expect it
“She said yes, Y E S y/n. God i’m so happy” suga exclaimed
his smile was the only thing that kept you from breaking down in class
“i’m happy for you Suga, last long” that was the last sentence you said to him
it’s been a few weeks, close to a month now
you knew avoiding him was...immature
but listening to him ramble about her, was gut wrenching
you saw them a few times, walking down the hallway, in her classroom
Suga tried reaching out to you but never did you meet his eyes once in the past few weeks
but recently your phone has been buzzing more than ever
it’s been irritating you and you’ve hardly touched it after suga started dating her
you sighed once more as another notification was sent in, telling you that you missed someone’s call and that they left you a voice mail
you opened up your phone and your eyes widened at all the messages from Suga
you played his most recent recording
“Hey y/n i know we aren’t exactly talking now...well s-she wasn’t exactly honest. I guess to her using me to make her ex jealous was such a great idea. I-i’m sorry that i’m the reason we haven’t been talking much. Ah, i-i also heard from someone about your—your feelings for me and i know this isn’t the best way to tell you, but i’ve been thinking a lot about it. I missed you these past few weeks. A lot. more than you can ever imagine. I missed your smile, your rambles about the lasted mangas you’ve been reading about, your homemade bentos you shared with me, your laugh, everything. You know what this wasn’t a good idea—i bet you won’t even talk to me after this. I’m sorry for not seeing it before, that the girl i really liked. Was you”
Your eyes widened as your phone slipped from your hand
his voice was shaky and it was obvious that he had been crying but, his message was still clear as day
You ran, all the way to his house
“C-come out” you panted into the call
“Y/n—y/n? wha?” suga said as you heard shuffling in the background
he quickly exited, and met with you
Your hair was messy, you were sweating in your hoodie and pajamas pants but you were still gorgeous, how he had never looked at you clearly before he would never understand
Suga immediately wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your shoulder
“I-in your voicemail, is it really true, do you really like me?” you asked him softly, your eyes welling up with tears
Suga looked up from your shoulder and and hugged your cheeks with his palms
“I know, i know it hasn’t been long since i dated her. But please give me a chance, please wait a little longer” he pleaded
You wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him close
“I will” you whispered
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“Kiyoko-senpai, you’re so gorgeous as usual” Nishinoya exclaimed along with Tanaka, both following her around like a puppy
You bit your lip, looking down at your sketchbook instead to distract yourself from the pain
Harbouring feelings for the second year libero hasn’t been easy
Constantly hearing him compliment other girls, comparing yourself, new insecurities
you didn’t understand why you liked him to be very honest
but you were also lying to yourself
His energy, his comfortable vibe, his smile and his eyes made you fall head over heels with Nishinoya
“Y/n-chan, what’re you drawing today?” he shouted, coming up to you
“i’m not sure yet Noya-kun” The two of you were best friends since you two were young
He defended you against middle school bullies and the two of you have been inseparable ever since
You realised your feelings for him after coming into High school
which was when his crush for your senpai began
You had nothing against Kiyoko-senpai, she actually gave you some advice and helped you several times with your homework
but, it wasn’t nice hearing him compliment her, as selfish as it sounded, you wanted on of his compliments to be directed to you
After training, You and Nishinoya walked back home together since the two of you lived near each other
“Yuu?” you asked him as he hummed in reply
Your heart pounded, “c-can i tell you something”
it was now or never you thought.
He nodded and focused on what you were going to say, “I liked you since we entered high school”
Nishinoya’s eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks
you looked down, twiddling with your fingers
“i know you like Kiyoko-senpai, but it was something i just had to tell you because i didn’t want to risk our friendship.” you flashed a fake smile to him
“don’t worry, i never expected you to return my feelings. this won’t change anything, i promise. So, you can still continue to like senpai” you mumbled, feeling the tears pooling at your eyes
The whole time, Nishinoya didn’t say anything
his mouth was agape but he just couldn’t find the right words
you sighed, and walked away not before saying, “Have a nice holiday noya-kun” flashing him a fake smile
he could see your tears and he noticed your smile that was different
Nishinoya stood there, thinking about what you just said.
he closed his eyes and the memory of your tear stained face filled him with guilt
he knew he couldn’t return your feelings but, why did he feel so sad when you said “nothing is going to change”
The break wasn’t very, enjoyable
you worked different part time jobs while Nishinoya attended trainings
the amount of times he let the ball from the opposite team his the ground was uncountable
he could barely focus and he just stared as the ball hit the ground for the tenth time
everyone groaned, noticing how their libero wasn’t paying attention
he had even stopped giving out compliments to the beautiful manager during that time
the only thing on his mind was you
training ended early that day, as they wrapped up and Nishinoya apologised for not doing well
you blew out a breath of smoke as you stared at the christmas tree infront of you
It was huge and reminded you of the joyous occasion that was arriving
Usually, you and Nishinoya would be playing at the park, having snowball fights, making angels and snowmans, and falling sick together later on
You haven’t spoken to him since that day, because of your busy schedule and his trainings
You hid your hands in your pocket, noticing how cold it was
“Y/n” a familiar voice called out to you
You turned around to widen your eyes at the sight of Nishinoya slightly panting and in his training clothes
“N-noya? What’re you doing here, aren’t you cold?” he shook his head
taking out his gloves and reaching for your hand
“You always forget your gloves don’t you, ever since middle school” he slightly laughed at the memories
“i don’t like them, they aren’t comfy” you pouted and looked away
Nishinoya held your hands, “Y/n” you looked back at him
“it hasn’t been the same. Now everyday has been boring, distracting because i keep thinking about you.” he said
“i know i’ve always expressed my ‘love’ for Kiyoko-senpai, but the person that i really love is you” your eyes widen yet again. You shook your head
“No Noya, she’s perfect, good grades, the best looks, reliable, mature, kind? Why would you like me when you have her” you said sadly
“Kind, loyal, fierce, immature, stubborn, adorable, caring, beautiful, intelligent” he began listing
“Y/n, i love you and not because you’re perfect, you have qualities that make you, you. Qualities that i love about you. Most importantly, you’re you. The girl i had a crush on since middle school, since you offered me that star wars bandage after i defended you. I’m sorry for not realising it sooner, but please, let me make it up to you” Nishinoya said
his showed his desperation and his voice expressed his love for you
“of course, and i love you too yuu”
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You were always by his side
you’d greet him good morning at the lockers and even sent him home
Tsukishima hated it
he found you annoying
like a leech he can’t get rid of no matter what
you didn’t know how exactly did you fall deeply for the cold beanpole but you certainly liked him a lot
from his honey blonde hair, his taste in music, his intelligence, sassy comments and precious rare smiles
you’ve always tried to get him to notice you, making him bentos, reaching school early to greet him and even following him home after his trainings
one day
“Tsukki, i like you, would you please go out with me?” you confessed to him. Your blush could not get any redder as you bowed
Tsukishima scoffed
“with you? seriously?” your hopes fell as you stood up but looked away
“i would rather date the king rather than you. You’re annoying and if i could get rid of you, i would’ve done it earlier” he spit out
each word stabbing you deep in the heart
he turned around and left
you glanced at the macarons you made for him and the letter that you had written
they were all dinosaur themed, hoping to gain more of his attention
You were crying by then
he really thought you were nothing but someone annoying
From that day on, you hardly spoke to him
Everyday tsukishima would turn up expecting to see your face again, but you were no where to be found
in the beginning, he was satisfied, realising he was able to chase you away. But slowly, he realised how disappointed he felt when he didn’t hear you greeting him and the sight of your adorable smile adorning your face
he realised he finally chased you away
now he walks home alone, whenever he turns around unconsciously you weren’t there, he could only feel your presence in his memories
“Tsukki wait for me!”
“Good morning Tsukki, i made you some cookies today”
Tsukishima sighed as he packed up his books, he was too lazy to buy his food at the cafeteria and you didn’t prepare anything for him so he could only starve till school was over
“Tsukki i heard some boy asked Y/n out” this gained Tsukishima’s attention as Yamaguchi returned from the vending machine with drinks
“i was buying the drinks when i overheard them” yamaguchi said
tsukishima didn’t do anything except for opening his drink
“tsukki you should talk to Y/n” yamaguchi advised. “She hasn’t been herself lately and the whole class feels it too”
Tsukishima took a sip of his drink
“Tsukki, are you okay with some other guy taking care of her?” Yamaguchi questioned him
that was what made tsukishima put down his drink
jealousy was all he felt
he didn’t like the thought of someone else making you smile, making you laugh. What if you left forever? for another guy?
Tsukishima immediately left to find you and dragged you away from the guy
“what are yo-?” you exclaimed as tsukishima slammed you against the lockers and placing his hand next to the locker beside you
“i take it back” he said
You were confused, “i missed you, i realised my true feelings when i didn’t have you. I need you, please give me a chance. i like you Y/n” he says
you smiled as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him
“One chance”
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