#you do NOT put a flute in your mouth
seospicybin · 1 year
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Felix x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Felix become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (9,7k words)
Author's note: I'm sorry guys but I have to leave you with another cliffhanger. The last part will be posted this weekend, feel free to vent in my inbox and enjoy x
Content warning: This is entirely a work of fiction and not affiliated with real Too Hot To Handle show.
FELIX: I'm just your uh... normal guy. [smiles] Just trying to be a nice guy and do something my mum would be proud of at the end of the day. [snickers] I don't really have any lines, I don't have, like, a strategy to attract girls. Basically, I just walk into a bar and they heard my voice and accent, sorted. I wouldn't say how many girls I've been with [chuckles] uhm... people only focus on the numbers and a gentleman doesn't say. [laughs]
Felix has been staring at the surface of the pool long enough that it starts to calm him down. He was nervous a minute ago, waiting for you in anticipation even though he should be relaxed knowing that you said yes to having a date with him.
The date is set in the pool of the villa with a fruit platter and a bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket of ice served at the side of the pool. It's not the first time he's going on a date but his pattern of dating is casually meeting someone someplace and taking them home for a hook-up, that's it.
It's going to be hard to change that pattern, especially when he's been trapped in it long enough that it's comfortable. Going on a date and try not to do any physical touches? Felix already has a hard time imagining it.
"Hi, hello!"
Felix's head snaps in your direction and he almost chokes on air seeing you walking toward him in a crimson-red bikini.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.
Felix quickly offers his hand to help you get into the pool, slowly engulfing both of your bodies in the lukewarm water from the chest down. The lights from the bottom of the pool casts a bluish glow on your face and with this proximity, he can see your face up close and observes every facial feature you have.
Felix slightly shakes his head in disbelief. You're so perfect from head to toe that he's having a hard time wrapping his head around it and you're right in front of him.
FELIX: She's lush! In that red bikini looking like a forbidden apple and I just want to take a bite.
"Aren't you going to pour me a drink?" You're eyeing the two empty champagne flutes.
It's obvious he's too busy lusting over your body that he forgot to be a gentleman. You hold the glass as Felix filled them with bubby wine and pours himself a glass after.
"It's so nice!" You compliment.
Again, Felix has to force his brain to cooperate and actively stop himself from looking at your body, "Huh?"
"The date," you say, picking a grape from the plate and shoving it into your mouth, "I've never been on a date this nice before."
Felix gulps his wine to fuel his guts, "me too," he says, reaching for the grape but you get ahead of him.
"Here," you say, bringing a grape close to his mouth and feeding it to him.
He's more than eager to eat it right from your hand and grins as he chews on it while you refill both of your glasses with more wine.
"Thank you for picking me for the date by the way," you tell him with a smile.
Felix clinks his glass with yours, "thank you for saying yes," he thanked you back.
After taking a sip, you put the wine away and focus on him instead, making him nervous as you tilt your head low and look at him through your lashes. It's the classic trick in the book of seduction but you do it effortlessly with a hundred percent rate of success, making him feel like a special man, the only man in the world.
"I was surprised when Lana told me you asked me for a date," you explain.
The water is still enough that Felix can see you scoot closer to him that your knees bumps with him and it takes everything in him not to put his hand on your thigh, "May I know why you chose me?"
Felix has to force his brain to work extra tonight and rakes his hair to the back as if it would help, "I have my eyes on you on the first day," he admits.
Your lips curl into a smile and it's a familiar one that tells you're not buying his words, "yeah?"
Good thing Felix has just the proof of it, "I'm the one who kissed you at the blindfold game," he confidently spills the truth.
You hold a gaze for a moment then look away to get your wine glass, "I know."
If you know, then why you didn't react the way Felix expected to? You hold your wine glass close to your mouth but not drinking it, "What I want to know is why you didn't make a move on me until now?"
Felix finishes his wine before answering, "I have my reasons," he answers.
Your hand reaches for the fruit platter next to his shoulder and picks a slice of strawberry, "is it because I'm your second choice?"
"No!" Felix immediately denies it.
"The boys talked about which girls they were going for. You are Alex and Jamie's choice, then Jamie partnered up with you so I–I uh..." he stammers as he watches you eat the strawberry, then wash it down with the wine.
FELIX: Sitting this close and not able to kiss her? Impossible. She's irresistible, my gosh... [sucks air through teeth]
When Felix talked to you in the firepit that night, you have your guard up because he knows you were with Jamie but now, look at you! Your head is slightly tilted and flutter your eyelashes at him. You got game and Felix likes having all of your attention just for him. He's more than eager to give you all of his attention, that wouldn't be hard, you're the only one he's seeing.
Felix licks his lips as his throat got dry from watching you and quickly recovers by splashing some water into the back of his neck, "I think compared to them, I don't think I'd have a shot with you," he furtherly explains.
You stare into his eyes and locked them in an intense gaze, "why? I think you're attractive," you tell him.
He unconsciously reaches for his ear as he gets flustered by your compliment.
"I think you know by now that three of the girls are chasing after you. Shouldn't you be happy?" You share the news Felix already knew. He wants to know something else, something more important, "depends," he says, "If one of the three is you then yes, I'd be happy."
A laugh burst out of you and Felix is elated to know that he's the one who made you laugh like that. There's something else as important he needs to know, "so what's your type?"
You fix the strap of your bikini and Felix reflexively looks at your cleavage, glancing at the soft mounds inside your bikini top, then quickly shifts his eyes back to your face.
"On the paper, no, you're not," you honestly answer.
Felix's smile fades a little but he keeps his disappointment to himself by sipping his drink.
"But I'm attracted to you," you add.
He swallows his drink at once and almost choked on it, the scintillating smile returns to his face.
"The fact that you're not my type but I'm attracted to you... I think that says something," you tell him with a sly smile. You hold his gaze before looking away and it's cute that you can be bold then shy the next minute.
He sees that you're eyeing the fruit platter next to him, "want something?"
You lowly chuckle and shyly say, "I was looking at your biceps actually but yes, okay, I'd like a strawberry, please?"
You always seem to know what to say and how to make his heart flutter, he can't help but softly laugh, flustered. You hold his hand by the wrist and steady his hand as you eat the strawberry right from between his fingers.
Felix briefly feels how your mouth and lips feel like. It's not technically a rule break and he was playing it safe until you did that. He clears his throat to steer his mind back on track, "Uhm... is that what you like about me? My biceps?"
You lick the juice escaping the corner of your mouth with your tongue, "you have a great body but what I like is the freckles," you share.
Felix unconsciously reaches for his face, "Yeah?"
You pull your hand out of the water and touch his chest, "I didn't know that you also have freckles on your chest."
Is it the beads of water slowly trickling down his chest or it's your fingertips that are lightly touching him that make him tingle inside? Felix feels the need to do the same with you. He reaches for the stray hair escaping your messy bun and tucks it behind your ear.
Instead of retracting his hand, he keeps it there, holding the side of your face.
FELIX: [Hisses] I want to kiss her so badly.
Felix may as well take his chance, leaning in close but doing it carefully as he seeks permission from you. He leans in closer to whisper in your ear with his hand still holding one side of your head, "Should we kiss?"
You put your hand on his thigh underwater and seductively chuckle, hinting that you probably think it's not a bad idea after all.
"I just got out of this thing," you avoid mentioning Jamie in the sentence, then you smile as you say, "I don't want to rush things."
Felix nods in understanding, "That's fair."
However, the hand resting on his thigh tells him otherwise.
FELIX: The chemistry we have is electric. I get the feeling that he can't resist me for long.
The date ends since it's about to be curfew soon. You and Felix exchange a hug, a long one that he gets to feel your body against him.
"That was a nice date," you mutter with a hand around his neck.
Felix uses the opportunity to draw you closer until your breasts squashed between your chests, "Yeah, indeed."
Being the gentleman he is, he gets out of the swimming pool first, then immediately offers his hand to help you. You take it without complaining, letting him hold you until you got out of the water.
Felix watches as the streams of water trickle down your body and your bikini stick to your skin, leaving so little to his imagination. He grabs a towel from a stack prepared on the lounger and put it around your shoulder.
"Thank you," you thank him, then he grabs one for himself and walks back into the house together.
FELIX: She refused to kiss but I’m confident to say the date went well.
The date may have ended but the night continues.
You both go straight to the bathroom with water dripping down your bodies and it's empty since everyone else is tucked in for bedtime. The spacious shower stall gives Felix an idea crossed but he's afraid of crossing the line to ask you.
"You can go in first," he offers.
You drop the wet towel and put it on the edge of the bathtub, "how about we shower together?"
Are you reading his mind? Because that's exactly the idea he had in mind. Felix suddenly doesn't know what to do with himself, aimlessly pacing around the bathroom.
"You can use my nice-smelling shampoo," you offer with a playful laugh.
"I can't say no to that," he replies.
Felix has to calm himself as you enter the shower after him, turning your back to him to help you untie the straps of your bikini. He puts all of your hair away and carefully works the knot open, you take it off yourself after. He watches as you hook your fingers around the sides of your bikini bottom and slide it down your legs, putting the bikini aside with your feet.
It's when you turn around to face him that he starts malfunctioning. There's nothing left to imagine now he sees all of you, that beautiful body of yours that he wants to explore if it wasn't for the stupid rules. You step under the shower and tilt your head up to let the water rain down your chest.
Felix has never been this jealous of the water for being able to be all over you.
"Want me to wash your hair?" You ask, taking the shampoo out of your toiletry bag.
Unable to verbally answers, he stifled a nod.
FELIX: I don't know how I'm still alive after seeing her phenomenal body [whistles]
It's the way you stare up at him with your hands slowly massaging his scalp and standing so close to him that it alarms him that he's rather in danger.
"Is it good?"
He's not sure what you're asking, the way you shampoo his hair or how your body makes him feel. He chooses to compliment you instead, "You're good at this."
"Yeah?" You ask with a grin.
"Mmh, yeah," he tries to distract himself by talking but not long after, he found his eyes looking at your breasts, hung so beautifully on your chest, merely inches away from his chest.
"Time to wash it," you inform, pulling him under the shower and washing all the suds away from his hair while brushing it clean with your fingers.
As you intently clean his hair, Felix braves himself to put his hands on each side of your waist and reminds himself to not go lower than that.
"It smells nice," he comments, opening his eyes from closing it for too long.
You drop your hands on his shoulders then clasped your hands together on the back of his head. With his proximity, your hardening nipples are lightly grazing his chest, raising the goosebumps on his arms.
"You're lucky I let you use it," you say with a sweet smile on your face and your eyes staring back at him. 
This is it. Felix has hit his limits. He can't resist it anymore.
FELIX: Oh fuck, I'm in trouble.
"I'm glad we didn't kiss on the date," Felix says.
You chuckle right at his face, "Huh? Why?"
Getting bolder, Felix wraps his hands around you and pulls you even closer, "Because now is the right time to do it."
Your teeth faintly biting your lower lip and he can see the lust in your eyes. Once you close your eyes, Felix knows that he just got your permission. The sweet smell of your breath welcomes him as he kisses your slightly parted mouth. You kiss him back with the same eagerness with a broken moan slips out of you between kisses.
Felix expected sparks but what he gets are far greater, fireworks getting off inside his chest.
FELIX: The kiss is such a long time coming and I just don't care about the rules at that moment. It feels so right.
You pull away first with a gasp and an open mouth, keeping your hands looped around his neck
"Wow. We made that kiss worth the six grands."
Felix grins in agreement with you, except that for him, the kiss is worth more than that. He'd pay with his own money if he had to, it was special, one of a kind. Then another problem appears, Felix craves for it more than before. He leans in for another but you're quick to turn your face to the side, sending his lips landed on your cheek.
"We can't break another rule today," you whisper into his ear.
Defeated, Felix drops his head on your neck and holds you close.
You reach for the faucet and turn it to the side, "How about a cold shower, mmh?" 
FELIX: A part of me is glad that she stopped me or else, we would have done everything by now [shamelessly laughs]
It was too late to have you sleeping with him last night.
Hopefully, later, he can fix this bed situation so he can wake up next to you and probably, sneaks a kiss or two. Seeing your face and exchanging a secretive smile is enough to gather his spirits to last the day.
Cole is going through his routine and asks everyone the question of the day, "anyone breaks any rules last night?"
He scans everyone to spot any guilty faces and Felix knows that he's safe from his suspicious eyes since Cole is his bedmate.
"You guys are looking guilty over there," Heidi points at Jamie and Mia's bed.
Fuck Jamie, he's so stupid to let you go but smart enough to leave you because you deserve better. Felix is confident that he is that 'someone better'.
Unlike everyone else, Felix can't wait for everyone to know that he kissed you and gets jealous of him.
FELIX: Another day, another chance to break the rules [winks]
Too bad that despite his excitement, Felix can't spend time with you as you are being called to the front yard for a workshop with the other girls. He has no other things to do but join Alex working out and at the same time, helping him with some lower body workouts.
"You didn't tell me about your date last night," He says as he's taking a minute of a break between sets.
Felix counts the time and at the same time answering to his question, "It went great, man."
Alex is the one who encourages him to keep trying even when you were still with Jamie.
"Told you," he says with a triumphant smirk and getting up, grabbing dumbbells in both hands.
"Did you do anything?" Alex glances at him to get any hints from Felix's expression.
Felix refuses to answer but the grin on his face gives it away.
"How much did you spend?"
He's bad at lying and it's not like he's talking to Cole, which reminds him to look around, "Just one kiss," Felix answers after steering clear that Cole is out of his earshot.
Alex laughs and puts the dumbbells down, "just get ready, bro."
Surprisingly, Felix doesn't care so much about what everyone is going to say when they know about him breaking the rules.
"As an experienced rulebreaker, do you have any tips?" Felix playfully asks.
Alex laughs again and plops down on the hot sand, "I hate to tell you but the only way is through," he says with a stupid grin.
"Thank you, Dorothy!" Felix jokingly responds.
FELIX: I missed her even though I know she's only on a different side of the villa [chuckles]
Felix can't hide his smile when he sees you back from the workshop.
Moreover, he doesn't want to be around Jamie. The fact that he left you for someone else leaves a bad taste in him. Or maybe it's just that Felix grows protective of you that makes him feel that way.
"It's so hot. I'm thinking of taking a dip," you tell him.
He glares at you, "And you're not inviting me?"
"Yes. I'm not inviting you," you tell him with a sly smile, walking to the pool while dragging him along behind you.
Seeing your wet body only reminds him of last night, except that you have not even a thread covering that beautiful body of yours. He's standing next to you inside the pool, facing the view of the beach. He should distract himself from looking at your body by starting a conversation, or anything to keep his head occupied.
"So uh... how was the workshop?" He asks.
You turn to face him when he wishes that you didn't, "basically that when we let men into us, we also absorbed everything about them," you answer.
Your hand is floating on the surface of the water and drifting close to him, "it taught us that we should be more selective of the men we let in," you finish.
Can't help himself to touch you, he places a hand on the arch of your back, "that sounds great," he comments.
You nod and prop a hand under your chin, looking at him with a soft smile.
"What's your verdict on me?" Felix asks.
You tilt your head with a questioning look on your face.
He pulls you close and allows himself to place a kiss on your bare shoulder, "will you let me in?"
You shyly chuckle while putting your hand on his shoulder, "We'll see..." you vaguely answer.
FELIX: She may have not fully recovered from the previous thing but I think we're off to a good start.
You turn him around and jump onto his back, "get me there," you order.
"To the end of the pool?"
You nod, "and back," you continue.
"I didn't know that I have to do lower body workout," he says.
You throw your arms around his neck, "Go! Go! Go!"
Felix hoists you higher on his back and slowly walks to the end of the pool, carrying you on his back.
"Am I heavy?" You lean in close.
"If you're asking of we can do the wheelbarrow position, the answer is yes," he shamelessly pulls a lewd joke.
FELIX: It's so hard to not think about sex when she's walking around being the hot temptation she is.
The firepit is your favorite place in the villa and it unconsciously becomes his favorite place too.
"We're matching!" You exclaim, spotting the navy blue shirt he's wearing and pointing at the dress you're wearing.
"We're meant to be," he coyly responds.
If only you knew that he took a peek at what you'll be wearing tonight and purposely matches his clothes with yours. You sit next to him on the long sofa, lounging with him under the moonlight with the fire keeping the night warm for both of you.
You're lying sideway facing him and resting your head on his arm, this way, he can see the curve of your body wrapped in a skin-tight dress with thin straps.
He takes this chance to ask the question he's been wanting to ask, "Will you sleep on my bed tonight?" 
Your fingers are busy playing with the button on his shirt.
"For the rest of the retreat too?" He asks again.
You lowly chuckle, "No."
Felix jerks his head away, refusing to believe that you just rejected him.
You look up at him and say, "But you can sleep on my bed."
He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and dryly laugh, "Oh yeah, we're going to evict Heidi tonight."
FELIX: The bed situation has been sorted, there's one more thing left to do now.
Felix runs his hand up and down your arm, "it's a nice dress," he compliments.
"I borrow this from Laura," you share.
The strap accidentally got caught in Felix's bracelet and pulls it down your arm, almost spilling your breast out of your dress.
"Whoops," Felix cheekily responds. He carefully fixes it for you and slides the strap back to its place on your shoulder.
It seems wrong to be this close to you and not kiss you. Not when that's what he thought about all day, the taste and the softness of your lips. Felix tilts your head and seeks your permission with a thumb that tenderly brushes your lower lip.You close your eyes, once again, letting him get what he wants and hopefully, it's what you want too.
Felix doesn't need to worry as you return his kiss with the same eagerness. He can taste your lips with a hint of mint that he believes is coming from your lip gloss. A hand wraps around your neck to keep you still as his tongue pries open your mouth so he can deepen the kiss and tastes you wholly. 
Everything else doesn't matter at that moment, it's just you and him, encased in a breathtaking kiss.
FELIX: I'm willing to pay with my own money just to kiss her again [shrugs]
"Do I have your lipstick on me?"
You nod as you wipe your smudged lipstick.
"Does it look good on me?" Felix leans in close so you can clean it for him.
"Yes," you reply, intently wiping the lipstick mark you left on his lips with your thumb.
With you still leaning close and your finger brushing his lips, Felix is tempted to kiss you again. You quickly sense his intention and look away to prevent it from happening. One kiss is enough, for now.
FELIX: I just can't stop... oh, my God! I don't want to stop.
It's only about time that Lana comes and announces the damage you both did.
Before that, you fix your dress and hair, leaving nothing that will give anyone the impression that the two of you have kissed. Felix holds your hand as you both make your way to the cabana and sit on the smaller sofa on the side of the room. He leans in close to the side of your head and softly asks, "Are you nervous?"
You take a deep breath and answer, "Yeah."
It would be a lie to say that he's not as nervous. This is his first time being on the hot seat but he knows what to do, he has his defense at the ready.
"It'll be fine," he comforts you while tucking a hair behind your ear.
The sweet smile you give him puts him at ease. Then you take his hand, clasped it together with yours, and rest it on your lap.
"Hello, everyone!" Lana greets with her computer voice.
"Hello, Lana banana!" Heidi being the loudest of us greets her back.
"There have been breaches of the rules," Lana announces.
Cole brushes his hair to the back in frustration and leans back on the sofa, "I'm so done with y'all."
Felix decides to own up to his mistakes and comes forward, "We kissed. Twice," he concisely admits.
Felix glances around and sees that Jamie is grinning, probably going to enjoy that he's not the one about to get shouted at. Instead of that, there's a moment of silence and he's not sure if it means good or bad.
"Well, if it's you guys..." Laura says, flipping her hair to the back, "I think you deserve it."
Alex nods, agreeing with her and Felix appreciates that Alex has his back like a good friend he is.
"I agree," Maeve adds with a smile shot at you.
FELIX: Whoa, what was that? That is not the reaction I was expecting we'd get [eyes widens]
"I feel like... you guys are building connections so..." Heidi gives her opinion.
Felix lets out a quiet sigh of relief and smiles at everyone, "Thank you, guys. We appreciate it," he says, shaking your clasped hand in giddiness.
He looks at you and you look back at him with a sweet smile. He feels more certain about his choices, this is right, you are right for him.
"But that's not all..." Lana drops a sudden announcement.
FELIX: Oh... fuck off, Lana!
"We have reached the middle of the retreat. However, certain individuals haven't shown the growth we wanted," Lana continues.
Felix feels your hand holding him tighter and he puts his other hand on you, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand.
You put your head on his shoulder, "Is she sending us home?" You meekly ask him.
Considering that he has broken the rules that automatically put both of you on Lana's naughty list, his heart races in his chest. Felix doesn't want to leave yet. Now that he's with you, he wants to stay for as long as he could.
"I'll be sending home two people."
"Two? Right now?" Cole gasps in pure shock.
You nuzzle your head further into his neck, "what the hell," you softly murmur with a restless sigh.
Felix lets go of his hand to put his arm around you. He can't say much because he's not in a good position to know for certain that it's not you or him Lana going to send home.
"Oh, fuck!" Heidi sighs into her hands.
The situation turns even more bleak as everyone got hit by the realization that they can get kicked out at any moment and they should have taken the rules seriously.
FELIX: I'm absolutely shitting it.
"Come on, Lana! You can't be serious," Cole says with a nervous laugh.
"The guests leaving the treat are..."
Felix hears your panicked whine on his shoulder and reflexively pulls you closer to him, knowing that you seek comfort from him.
"Daniel and Aly."
"Oh, my God!" You mutter, slung your hand across his shoulder.
Everyone is in complete shock while a few of them kind of figured that they're the ones who have been fooling around the retreat and not taking the process seriously. Despite all of that, it'll be a loss not having them again in here. Felix cherished the time he spent with them even though he doesn't know them on a personal level.
"Since arriving at my retreat, you have ignored my rules, dismissed my teachings, and failed to grow. And pursued your own desires at the expense of those around you."
Everyone gets quiet as Lana explains the reasons why she sends them home tonight.
"Daniel and Aly, you must now leave my retreat."
FELIX: I think Daniel had a problem following the rules and always chose to be selfish.
"Love you," Aly mutters to you as she hugs you.
You sniffle and say back to her, "Love you, Al!"
Besides Maeve, Felix has seen you hang out with Aly a few times so he understands that it must feel like you're losing a friend. That only proves what a caring person you are and he's lucky to be with you.
After watching them leave, you turn to hug to seek comfort from each other.
FELIX: I hope they continue to grow outside of the retreat. I wish you all the best, Daniel and Aly! [smiles]
It's bedtime and he feels bad if he has to evict Heidi, he turns to Cole, kindly asking him to sleep with her.
"Don't let me down, okay?" Cole warns before taking his pillow with him to Heidi's bed.
He saw you're chatting with Maeve in the make-up room and that explains why it's taking you long to come to bed. He's listening to everyone else talking about Daniel and Aly leaving one bed unoccupied for the night.
When you finally appear, you're smiling as you make your way to his bed. You toss the cushion onto the floor to make some space on the bed while he's puffing your pillow for you, then puts his arm out for you to rest on.
Felix doesn't wait to kiss you on the cheek, "you smell so good," he says.
You smile and say, "I'm pretty sure it's the moisturizer."
FELIX: I'm sharing a bed with her and she smells so good [hisses air through teeth] It's not going to be easy tonight!
There is not an ounce of privacy in the villa but as time goes on, Felix has come to the point that he stops caring about it.
The lights are out and as you turn to your side, your body instantly molds against him. Felix almost lets out a lewd groan the moment your ass is rubbing against his crotch. His self-control is being put to the test tonight and he's most likely to fail at it. He plants soft kisses along your shoulder and up the column of your neck, "I'm so happy that we're sharing a bed," he whispers into your ear.
Felix hears you softly giggling and if only you knew how much he likes hearing your giggles.
You slightly turn your head to the side, "Me too."
He plants his mouth on your neck again and tries not to think about kissing your lips that are mere inches away from his.
"Mmh..." he hums as he plants his nose in your hair and the smell of your shampoo brings him back to that night he showered with you. He hums again but it comes out as a low growl with the deep voice he has.
You look over your shoulder and gently grips his chin, "let's not break any more rules," you lowly say.
He nods and hastily kisses the nape of your neck, "mmh... 'kay."
It's like his hands have their own brains, they start to roam around your body, feeling your clothed body all over. Well, he can vividly picture it in his head without looking, you're wearing a white, thin tank top with boxer shorts that barely cover your body.
"You're so beautiful," he seductively says into your ear.
Sensing that he's close to danger, you take his hands and clasped them with yours to prevent them from wandering around. Felix sighs in defeat, then breaks into laughter as you caught on to his bad intention.
You laugh along and turn to softly kiss him on the jaw, "Goodnight."
He returns it with a long kiss on your cheek, "Goodnight, babe."
FELIX: [sticks tongue out] It's clear that she has better self-control than me [laughs] 
You look adorable with your hair tousled, barefaced, and disoriented like an angel who has just fallen from heaven.
"Morning," he forgot that his voice is even deeper in the morning and slightly surprised you with it.
You sleepily smile at him, "Morning."
You reach for his head and slip your hand in his hair, lazily scratching at it.
Felix is smitten, he can look at your face for hours without getting bored. If only he could kiss you while he's at it, it would be perfect. He notices that your tank top slides to the side, almost exposing your breast. He immediately helps you fix it before anyone can see it.
Cole is calling for Felix across the room, "Are we good, bro?"
He chuckles knowing that he's asking whether he broke rules or not, "Nothing happened. I promise you," he assures him.
FELIX: I had the hardest yet the best sleep I had so far in the retreat.
"How are things going, my friend?" Killian asks.
Felix leans back on the sofa and looks at the beach with its postcard-worthy view.
"We've been good if that's what you're asking," Felix playfully replies then shot a glare at Cole.
"I have no problems with you breaking rules if you like each other," Cole defends his strict policy about rulebreaking. He stares at him and with a serious face asks him, "Do you like her?"
"I do," Felix replies without a beat.
He smiles out of the blue like a fool in love he is, "I started to notice these little things about her and find them cute."
Cole and Killian break into laughter in unison but Felix is too happy to feel offended and laughs along with them.
"Oh, boy!" Cole exclaims, enjoying making fun of him too much.
FELIX: [Covers face with hands] I like her so much it's so stupid. I don't know if she likes me back, I'm sure she is but... [shrugs] no, I actually don't know.
Seeing that you're done giving your daily interview, he begins searching for you in the house.
Instead of you, he bumps into Maeve and she knows right away he's looking for her best friend.
"She's in the bathroom," she informs.
"Thank you!" He quickly mutters to her, heading to the bathroom, seeing you standing by the sink and lathering your body with sunblock. It's time that he returns the favor you've done to him once.
"Need help?"
You smile the moment you see him standing in the doorway, "yes, please!"
Felix enthusiastically takes his position behind you, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder before lathering the skin with sunblock. Not that he's no longer attracted to your body, unfortunately, he will always be but he's getting better at controlling his impulses.
Sure it's tempting to untie your bikini and with everyone out of the house, you and him could have another round in the shower. He takes a deep breath when the urge comes up and reminds himself that he shouldn't break any rules, he's aiming to form a genuine connection with you to get a green light
He slips his arms under and around you, "you're so beautiful, babe."
You giggle in response and look at his reflection in the mirror, "Thank you!"
Without warning, he lifts you and carries you out of the bathroom like a sack of potato, sending you squealing, "I'm taking you with me everywhere.”
FELIX: Things are going better between me and her. We're happy with each other.
Knowing that none of you break the rules, Felix can relax when it's time to get to the cabana. He's sitting next to you, putting his arm around you and fiddling with the strap of your bikini, twirling it around his finger.
"Hello, everyone!"
"Hello, Lana!" He half-heartedly greets her back. From the sound of her ever-the-same computer voice, Felix gets the feeling that she's going to share the good news.
"I'm about to initiate my test."
FELIX: Oh shit. I was wrong to think that it was going to be good news.
"With the help of two new arrivals."
With Daniel and Aly left, it only makes sense that Lana brought new contestants into the retreat. Felix should have seen it coming and now, he's just nervous, afraid that it's going to be what he thinks it is.
"The first new arrival is Poppy."
Everyone starts to guess what she looks like just from her name.
"The second new arrival is Josh."
Now this is what Felix fears the most: what is Lana going to do with them? Because if it would be like the last time, Felix dislikes the idea.
"Two of you will be going on private dates with the new arrivals."
FELIX: Whoever this new guy is... I don't feel threatened. At all.
This is not good.
Things are looking up for him and Lana decides to stir things up by sending new guests which he's sure, not only going to change the dynamic in the house but possibly, cause some chaos too.
"They have selected the guests they are most attracted to from the choice of those in relationships."
Did Felix accidentally manifest it into reality? 
FELIX: Josh, my guy, you'd better not step on my toes.
"Josh has chosen to go on a date with..."
Felix's heart is beating out of control, it's like his body is telling him that his worst fear is about to come true. He closes his eyes and tries to be cool if it's you who gets chosen.
When Lana calls your name, his heart leaps and he closes his eyes.
"Of course!" He mutters under his breath. He didn't intend for you to hear it but he's a bit upset about being put in this situation.
FELIX: I trust her. It's this new guy that I don't trust.
Felix looks at you to see your reaction. You seem to be at a loss for words and turn rigid next to him. Unlike him, you probably didn't expect to get picked.
"You may now leave to get ready for your dates."
He pulls you into a hug and reluctantly lets you go, "See you later," he says and manages to put on a smile for you.
"Bye," you say to him.
He watches as you leave to go on a date with someone else.
FELIX: If she goes for this new guy, I'm not going to lie... [licks lips] I'll be absolutely heartbroken.
"How are you feeling, Felix?" Maeve asks from the end of the sofa, curious about his feelings about this situation as if his face didn't tell how worried he is right now.
"It's not easy," he answers, "I trust her but I can't lie, there's a little part of me that's worried."
Maeve gently pats him on the knee, "Well, Lana said it's a test so..."
She shifts on her seat to put her feet up, "it wouldn't be easy."
Felix's head is in overdrive. There are so many thoughts inside his head and most of them are not doing him good.
"Yeah..." he half-heartedly answers.
"But I know her and I'm sure she'll stay faithful to you," Maeve tells her.
Considering that it's coming from your closest friend in this retreat, Felix decides to hang on to those words. At least, after this, he'll know whether he can trust you or not.
FELIX: This guy chose her for a reason and that makes me restless [drops head into hands] 
The boys agreed to wear matching black shirts tonight. Felix just picked whatever piece of clothing he has in white color and put it on, having no energy to dress up for tonight.
Killian offers him the extra black shirt he packed with him, "You can wear mine, mate!"
Cole can only laugh seeing him so restless as they're hanging out by the fire pit and talking about the new guy when that's the last thing he wants to talk about.
"Are you nervous?" Jamie asks.
Felix knows that Jamie tries to take a dig at him, "not really," he coyly answers.
If only he knew that Felix is so close to losing it.
FELIX: My head is all over the place right now... I refuse to show it. I don't want to show my weakness.
Felix tries not to think too much about it. However, when you show up linking your arm with the new guy, he slouched down on the sofa to hide himself.
"Ooh... she's smiling," Killian quietly informs him.
He tries so hard not to look no matter how much he wanted to. He doesn't want to see you're happy with someone else.
"This is not good, man!" Cole adds, putting Killian's words deeper into him.
Felix covers his eyes as if it would stop him from facing reality. Cole aggressively pats his knee and not stopping until he snaps his head his way.
"They're coming this way!" He informs.
"Oh, fuck!" Felix curses under his breath and sits straighter on the sofa.
Good thing that with the job he has as a model, he knows how to put on a good front even though he's dying inside. He takes a deep breath and put on a straight face.
"Hey, everyone," you greet them as you descend the stairs to the firepit.
"This is Josh," you introduce.
Instead of parting ways, you decide to sit next to each other on the sofa across from him.
FELIX: Fucking hell, man?!
Jamie decides to be the one breaking the awkward silence, "How was the date?"
Josh nods with a smile on his face, "it was good."
The answer doesn't quite give Jamie the satisfaction, so he turns to you for another answer.
"It was nice. I think we got on well," you answer and glance at Josh.
"I've chosen her for a reason and I enjoyed the date. I think I'm going to try, get to know her better," Josh adds after you.
It takes everything in him to not go at him or snatch you away, out of this retreat. Felix starts to heat, inside and outside.
FELIX: Josh is a nice-looking guy and I can see that he's on a mission. Well, he's going to be a big problem to me [gulps air]
"I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about," Cole kindly put the conversation to an end.
"Josh, right? We'll introduce you to the girls," he gets up, indirectly telling everyone to come along as well so you and Felix can talk.
Once they left, you walk over and sit next to him. He takes your hand resting on the space between you and him, "it's nice to have you back," he says with a smile.
You lean on the sofa and sit facing him, "yeah?"
He swallows air before asking you the question he's been dying to know.
"How was the date? Really?" He asks and nervously gulps air, it's like no matter how much air he takes, he stays breathless.
"Well, I did tell him about you," you begin.
That's a good thing but it's too early to celebrate yet, "yeah?"
"But he said he doesn't care," you continue with an awkward laugh.
FELIX: Oh, Josh, man, I'll never let you step on my toes.
You fiddle with the end of your hair before looking him in the eyes and continue talking.
"Josh is a nice guy but..." you put all of your hair to the side, "we didn't do anything."
Felix can't help but let a smile blooms on his face hearing your words.
You playfully grab his biceps and squeeze on them, "No one was going to change my mind."
The smile grows wider on his face and he can finally breathe for the first time.
"I know we have something great going on and I don't want to throw that away," you say with a soft smile that matches the gaze.
But Felix has one more question to assure him that he's made the right choice, "Does this mean you like me?"
Your forehead wrinkles in confusion, "Of course, I like you. I wouldn't have tried if I don't."
FELIX: Tonight, I am the happiest man on this retreat. Possibly the luckiest too [grins]
Ecstatic, he throws himself at you, sending both of you toppled onto the sofa. He rests his head on your chest and lets you brush his hair like you always do, "You're sweating," you tell him.
Felix laughs his embarrassment away, "I tried to stay confident but I was struggling."
You coo at him and brush his hair to the back, "Well, I kind of want to make you sweat a little."
He puts his arms around you and nestles his head in your neck, "I'm glad to have you back, babe," he says.
He gets carried away that he leans in to kiss you to abruptly stops as he remembers Lana's rules and gasps in shock, "Oh, fuck!" 
You cradle his head and kiss him on the cheek to compensate for it.
FELIX: I can't believe I'm about to thank Lana because this test only brought us closer, stronger. So thank you, Lana! [Blows a kiss to the camera]
The two new arrivals don't make a significant change except that the empty bed is now occupied.
Yeah, he's happy that Alex also stays with Laura and proves to everyone that he has a connection with her. However, Felix is too over the moon to even think about everyone else. His cheeks hurt from smiling non-stop and now he's about to spoil you with cuddles as you climb onto the bed.
Cole warns the new arrivals that he's watching even though his eyes are closed, earning a series of laughter from everyone.
The lights are out but with his heart full to the brim, Felix can't sleep. He touches you all over and places kisses on the skin he can land his lips on. He likes you so much and he always thinks that just saying it is not enough. He wants to show you with actions.
FELIX: We've been good lately so I don't see why we can't spend a little money [smirks]
Felix waits until the night got late.
When he deems that everyone is fast asleep, he begins by disrupting your sleep with slobbering kisses on your neck and face. His hand is placing fluttering touches on your body and once in a while, squeezes on the flesh.
He doesn't stop until you wake up from your slumber and when you do, he whispers into your ear, "Baby?"
You turn your head on your pillow and look at him with half-shut eyes, "why are you still awake?"
Instead of answering you, he kisses the nape of your neck, knowing that it's your sensitive spot.
"I like you so, so, so much," he whispers into your ear and emphasizes the words to you.
You lowly giggle, then tangle your hand in his hair, softly tugging at it, "I like you too, baby."
Catching you off guard, he turns your head by your chin and crashes his lips against yours.
FELIX: I'm so happy she chose me and I want to show her that [raises an eyebrow]
Felix gives you no time to stop him. He distracts you, keeping your mouth busy while he slides his hand down, swiftly sliding his hand inside your silk shorts. You whine against his lips as his hand makes contact with your sex, so soft and warm.
"Shh..." he hushed you.
Felix touches you as he would to a delicate flower, doing it so carefully and with so much tenderness. You pull the duvet to cover you and muffle any noises that may come out of you even though you have planted your mouth on his neck.
Felix hovers his head above you, watching your face in the dark as your breathless moans echo under the cover. He traces your fold, fingers lightly circling your clit and applying gentle pressures when he knows you're getting closer to coming undone, "Close?"
"Mmh," you hum in answer.
He keeps doing the same thing with more intensity and adds more speed to it. From the way your cunt pulsates under his touch, you're on the brink of your release. He kisses you whole to contain your moans and stops moving his hand once you hit your high, feeling your hand clawing at his shoulder.
As it gets suffocating staying under the cover, he retracts his hand and put the duvet away. He hovers above you and tenderly caresses your face with his knuckle. 
"I'm so happy that you're with me," he tells you just in case, what he just did, did not quite deliver the message to you.
You put both hands around his neck and pull him close, sending him collapsing on top of you. You turn your head to only give him a chance to capture your lips in a rapturous kiss.
Felix doesn't even think about the money at that moment. All he thinks about is you, you, and you.
FELIX: Let's think about the money later, when it's time.
It's his bad behavior last night that makes you act super careful today. You're sitting on the far end of the sofa even though he's patting the space next to him.
"Why are you sitting so far away, babe?"
You shrug and adorably pout, "I'm setting uh... a safe space?"
He laughs at your excessive effort to not create another damage to the prize fund, "Come here!" He insists.
"I wouldn't do anything," he promises, "at least not in here."
You refrain from coming at him and remain where you are, shaking your head at him. Felix eventually comes to you and puts you on his lap.
"I didn't mean to break the rules," he explains, "I wanted to show you how much I like you."
You're poking his freckled cheek with your index finger, "we have to be good from now on."
He nods in agreement, "I agree."
You hold his chin and turn his head to face you, "I'm serious!"
"I'm serious," he convinces you.
You cover his mouth with your hand, "then stop pouting your lips at me."
He chuckles and puts your hand away, "My lips have always been like this."
You put his hand to cover his mouth this time, "From now on, you have to talk to me like this."
He refuses to obey, then puts his hand away, "No, I don't want to."
You try to get away from him but he's quick to hold you down, not letting you off his lap.
"Where are you going, mmh?" He's tickling your neck with his nose.
FELIX: Lana called us to the cabana and I am shitting it because of what we've done last night.
"Somebody better not ruin my good mood," Cole says once he's seated.
Felix shoots an uneasy glance at you and you turn his head away, avoiding looking him in the eyes. Nothing wouldn't change, he's ready to defend himself and you for what he did.
"There has been a breach of the rules."
Lana doesn't dillydally, she goes straight to business, and by business, he means putting him at a stake and about to set him on fire.
Heidi looks at everyone and coo, "Who's been bad?"
Felix remains calm despite his heart feeling like about to jump out of his chest. It's always better, to tell the truth fast than prolong the pain.
"We kissed last night," Felix blurts out.
"Again?" Laura asks with eyelids fluttering.
He takes a deep breath before coming up with his first defense, "I was so happy last night and got carried away, it felt right in the moment to do so."
Cole gives him a death glare, "Was that it? Just a kiss?"
Felix hates to disappoint him but he can't lie, he doesn't have a good poker face.
"Something else also happened last night," Felix's voice goes lower than it already is.
"Oh, no..." Killian exclaims next to him.
Lana takes control of the situation, "Last night, the two of you kissed multiple times."
Cole's eyes widen and are about to pop out of their sockets.
"But that's not all they did," Lana continues.
Here it is, Felix squeezes your clasped hand and braces himself for what's about to come.
"They're engaged in a prolonged, manual gratification."
FELIX: I'm not sorry for what I did but I admit I feel bad for letting everyone down by being selfish.
"You have cost the group a total of $33.000."
Felix turns to you, seeing you wince in both pain and disappointment. But he appreciates that you don't blame it all on him even though it wouldn't happen if he didn't lead you to it.
"I'm speechless as to how much we've lost money this fast," Heidi says with her voice heavily tinted with disappointment.
"The prize fund stands at $86.000."
Everyone gasps in shock and face-palm hearing the announcement.
Cole shakes his head and sighs, "We lost more than half of the money, fuck... sake..."
FELIX: Hearing it makes it real and I genuinely feel bad.
"Today, I asked you to respect my rules but instead of building deeper and meaningful confections, you have continued signs that you may not be here for the right reasons."
Felix's heart drops and his head goes straight thinking that he'd be sent home tonight. He holds your hand tighter because this probably would be his last to do so.
"Therefore, I'm setting you the ultimate test."
Oh? He can breathe a little knowing that it's not elimination.
"To see if you can adhere to my retreat rules under the most trying of circumstances."
You slightly shift on your seat and scoot closer to him.
"Tonight, you will spend the night alone in the private suite."
FELIX: I'm screwed. I don't trust myself, that's the problem.
It doesn't take a genius to know that everyone is too haste to pull a conclusion: that Felix will fail.
"To be honest guys, I've always been the one who initiated it but not tonight," Felix makes a promise to himself and everyone.
"I'll not break any rules," he states and hopes that no one hears how his voice is quivering at the end of the sentence.
"If you did, that would be the most disrespectful thing you do to us," Cole says.
Felix raises his hand as if he's making an oath, "I promise."
"Please make your way to the private suite!" Lana orders.
FELIX: The pressure is on but it's the only way to prove that we have a real connection.
You jump onto the bed the second you both entered the private suite.
"Oh, it's so nice," you sigh, laying on the bed with a sheer dress on and looking at him with dreamy eyes.
"Stop looking so sexy," he says, getting on the bed and lying next to you.
The bed is much softer than the ones in the shared bedroom and covered in silk sheets. He looks around and sees sex toys, condoms, and even lubricants provided at the side of the bed.
"What do you want to do first?" You ask with a sultry voice.
Felix is not sure if you're being playful or trying to seduce him. Either way, he decides to play along with you, "First, I'll take your clothes off."
He glides his hand down your curve, "Then I'll give you head."
"And I’ll return the favor after," you continue with a sly smile.
That gets his eyebrow raised in excitement, "And after that…"
"And after that?" You repeat his words then bite your lower lip.
This is a dangerous game but Felix wants to test his limit, sees how far he can go, "We'll do some more foreplay, use a sex toy or two," he's eyeing the selections of sex toys on the bedside table.
You delightfully hum and turn over to lay on your stomach, "And after that?"
He takes a deep breath as he can vividly imagine it in his head in real-time, "Sex, " he lowers his hand to the curve of your ass, "Lots and lots of sex," he shamelessly adds.
You locked in an intense gaze with him and purposely lower your voice as you ask him, "What are you waiting for then?"
FELIX: Lana, what makes you think it's a good idea to put me in a room with her and not do anything? [Shakes head in disbelief]
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
Hi!! I'm sososo obsessed with Satyr König oml you're a genius (also I've binge read your whole yandere könig tag it's so perfect). Okay so sorry in advance for my English, but:
I can't stop thinking about a shy (and kinda pervert lmao) nymph reader who sees him, sees how big and strong he is and how well he secretly protects all her sisters (and how irresistible his big, thick cock is) and really falls in love and is wildly attracted to him, BUT she's very shy and the idea of telling him her feelings is too mortifying, so when he's out in the woods she sneaks in his den, tidies the place up, brings him some flowers as gifts (yeah im inverting the usual roles lol), snuggles in his bed of furs (maybe touches herself fantasizing about him-) and König, well, notices the changes in his house and is VERY perplexed, so one day he returns earlier than usual and sees this cute, soft and unaware nymph moaning and whimpering in his den, her face against his furs, all wet and willing and ready to mate while she quietly moans his name, eyes closed and face red- he'd go FERAL
The idea of desperately horny satyr König with a more than willing needy nymph makes my brain melt oml
(And btw, do you think you'll ever write Satyr König again, in general?)
Satyr!König goes absolutely feral, yes.
He noticed the lingering sweet scent at the mouth of his den already, a sugary, floral scent that he knows so very well. He knows it to his core, because his nose wants to follow that scent whenever he catches it.
Only nymphs smell this sweet, like flower meadows and moonlight, like spring water and honeycombs. The distinct scent of a kore is eerie, and only gets stronger when he walks further into his lair, but what’s more is that he recognizes who this particular scent belongs to… He has memorized her in his loneliness, and every time he catches a whiff of her in the air outside, he can’t help but grow hard.
He barely even notices the absence of his usual mess, that someone has washed all his cups and put his wine pots in order. His den has seen a lot of brooming, and there are fresh flowers placed on his oaken table, thoughtful bouquets hanged from the roots of his oak. But before he gets to inspect those odd little things further – he’s used to trampling flowers out in the wild, he never even thought of using them as decoration, but they do look kind of nice, don’t they? – he hears a soft whimper from the back of the den.
From where he sleeps, and isn’t it peculiar how he can now smell something else, now, too… Something irresistibly heady, something that demands action at once, making his cock stir and swell to the point where it’s almost painful. There’s another soft moan, calling to him like an enchanted flute: his whole den has changed from a dark dungeon into a soft, scented temple, echoing with the sounds of a maiden in heat.
He finds her spread over his thick, musky furs, furs that have seen countless lonely nights, and have to be changed every turn of the moon because they’re so grimy. She doesn’t seem to have any trouble with laying down in his filth, the rough furs that smell of seed and satyr sweat, of old musk and maybe a few tears. Satyrs cannot cry, they say, but that’s only because no one ever sees them do so. He’s spilled more than his fill of salt on that makeshift bed, and not all of it was ropes of hot seed…
She sees him, sees how surprised he is catching her here, in the place all nymphs always try to evade. She sees how hard he is while watching her bare and panting there, all over his furs, lips swollen from lust. Both up and down, her lips are wet and quivering; she’s completely ready to be taken, and only the tiniest sliver of respect prevents him from fucking her senseless right here and right now.
“Please, I beg of you…”
But when she begs for it like that…?
He doesn’t hesitate a moment longer. He simply cannot.
And why waste time on thinking how she got here (or more importantly, why she got here?) Why mull on the hot question of why isn’t the loveliest creature on earth trying to get away from him?
“No need to beg,” he grunts as he lays himself upon her, cock hot and already leaking as it finds her entrance.
The smell of ambrosia envelops him as he glides inside, the whimper from his nymph a song of paradise. She smiles softly at such immediate lust, or is it the sun that comes out of the clouds, somehow reaching under the branches of this oak?
She welcomes him with open arms, a tear falling down her temple and into her hair as he tries to be gentle with her. But it’s not really his size or his lust that makes her cry. Her hands trail up and down his sides, they try to desperately wrap around his wide torso. She looks into his eyes while he starts to rut her, amazed to have been granted such a blessing at all.
“I’m in love with you,” she sighs into the air between them, her eyes glimmering with worship in the dim, earthy dusk of his den.
He messes up with his thrusts, breathing out his shock while hovering over her. She’s so delicate and frail, and so desperate for a nymph who’s supposed to be frolicking in the open fields… She should be climbing in the tall trees and giggling at centaurs from there, she should be admiring the full moon and the stars, she should be playing in the freshwater with her sisters.
He always thought this one feared him the most, slinking into the shadows beneath the trees whenever she saw him. Casting her eyes down as if she didn’t want him to notice her at all, never mocking or teasing him like the others did. That’s why he left her alone: because he didn’t want to break her. She was far too pure for someone like him.
But now she’s here, with flowers and a hot, wet body, trying to grab him so hopelessly in her fragile embrace…
“You can’t say things like that, little one,” he warns, feeling something akin to fear for the first time in his life.
“Why not…? It’s true,” she chimes there beneath him, a few more tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.
His chest is burning, but the only sound that comes out of him is a low growl. A warning and a plea.
“You shouldn’t tease an old faun.”
“And you shouldn’t stop what you only just started...”
He blinks at her answer, at her soft smile.
Then, he shoots down to kiss her neck.
She moans from love when he opens his mouth, careful not to puncture her delicate flesh with his teeth: he only devours his nymph with soft hunger, licking and sucking her soft skin. Her giggles and sighs drive him to the sweetest madness as he starts to make love to her under the earth.
His home has never heard such cries of joy, felt or seen such displays of devotion… He returns her confessions thousandfold, in every way he can. These silly little creatures always fear a satyr’s love is only about lust, and therefore escape such hollow adoration, but he’s not here to just ease the pain in his sacks.
He’s now forever bound to her, whether she knows it or not…
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i4oba · 6 months
nct dream as… / times of a day 𓈒✳︎🚃
[— might be a little suggestive here and there!]
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✰ 6:45 am .. jaemin
helios, through the half lidded eyes of yours was there to greet both of you at the same time—you could feel its hands coming near your bare body, the rays of the sun hugging your shape perfectly, casting such beautiful silhouettes behind, you and jaemin blending all together in your hazy state. you could feel the weight of his arms on your waist, hugging you so tight, sweet nothings leaving his lips, barely above a breath, hoarse voice laced with sleep. his scent, the sweet fragrance is dizzying, the warmth of him engulfing you just as much as helios’ breath of the morning; the sky is rosy, as if it was blushing while taking its time to fully wake up, faint shades of orange and yellow dancing through it endlessly. it’s such a beautiful way to start a day, with your lover all over you, deeply ingrained in your existence.
✰ 1:20 pm .. chenle
with the fierce determination of hermes, an arm slung around your waist; you were there—sun burning the uncovered skin of your shoulders, sweat making its way down on your temples as you took a look at the beautiful postcard in your hands, quickly snatched from a souvenir shop you passed barely twenty minutes ago. with such beautiful words and phrases, cursive letters and the scent of blooming flowers, you handed it over to your lover, hands aching to intertwine. he takes it, honest smile on his face, mumbling something along the line of “i’m the luckiest guy around”, wanting nothing but strolling around the foreign city for the rest of the day, stopping just for a minute in front of a pastry shop. there are freshly baked croissants!
✰ 3:25 pm .. jisung
was it all just a coincidence or did he know about all of it, you cannot be quite sure of but you, in fact enjoyed the way he pulled you straight into the sudden dancing flashmob. the sun was shining, birds singing endlessly along with the folk music played by a kind-looking band of teenagers, flute and harp harmonising together with the occasional sound of the guitar; you did not know how to dance or what kind of dance you should think of, but your lover pulled you closer to himself and took the lead, precise moves following one another as you felt yourself become a gracious nymph all of a sudden, trapped in a human’s fragile body. “honey, you’re doing so great,” jisung beamed happily, hands travelling lower on your skin, smile so wide and heartwarming. “i love you, so much,” he mumbled into your ears, voice losing the battle against the beautiful music.
✰ 7:05 pm .. jeno
with dionysus musing in your ears, you take a sip of the rich, sweet red wine your lover poured a few seconds before. the important event you two should have gone to long forgotten, with absolutely lust filled intentions you touch jeno’s rosy lips, tugging at his messily made tie, thighs rubbing against each other as you pulled him closer to yourself. the voice of dionysus slowly fading, you could feel the inviting hands of eros, guiding every movement of yours with extra care, fully planned with a hint of sinful acts. you sighs against your boyfriend’s mouth, not caring about consequences, reputation nor anything else, as you put his hands on either side of your hips. you wanted him—you needed him at that exact moment, the taste of his lips intoxicating, almost too permanent.
✰ 8:50 pm .. renjun
with lips slightly parted, tongue darting out to wet them quickly, renjun focused on the way your bare body looked behind the canvas. he couldn’t keep his eyes off of your curves, the way your hands did such a bad job at hiding yourself, timid reflection making it all too complicated to even think about anything but you. he felt drunk, as he watched your neck, the beautiful thighs of yours, wanting nothing more than to look deeply into your eyes and touch you, touch you everywhere he can and everywhere you’d let him to do so; you were everything and even more, compared to helen of troy, magical and enchanting, alluring. “can you please finish that painting, my junnie…” you mumbled quietly, shaking your head slightly. “i need you.”
✰ 10:45 pm .. haechan
“you should never come back to this studio, man, taeyong will kick your ass,” you laughed so hard, tears were about to fall out of your eyes, replaying the freshly made song of your boyfriend. he was a self proclaimed master producer but the thing is—it was rather funny than good. of course you appreciated his effort in making a lovesong for you, to confess for the hundreth time and once more. you were his muse supposedly and even if it was unlistenable, you loved it. at least more than taeyong, who would be furious if he knew you two were there, late into the night, making out on the couch of his studio until your lips were swollen, out of breath and with only one thing in your mind: love, love and love. you would never do anything else, even if it meant taking the risk of battling twelve times like heracles.
✰ 11:35 pm .. mark
being faced with the rolling credits after god know’s how many movies being watched, you slowly rested your head on mark’s shoulder. you reached out for his hand so you could take it in yours, not caring about silly actors’ and actresses’ love affairs or the world ending in front of you. all that mattered was the two of you, the adoration you felt for him, how he needed to have you close to him. his hair falling into his eyes, you tried to brush it away from there cautiously, caressing his cheek ever so lightly. you’ve never wanted to kiss him more than you did at that moment, every rational thought vanishing from your brain at the beautiful sight of him, as if he was the long lost son of the oh so wonderful aphrodite. “do it, love. kiss me and i’m yours,” was all he said quietly.
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minniesmutt · 4 months
hai hai haii bangchan + mamacita 👀
﹙ 🪐 ﹚
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐚
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: BANG CHAN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: MAFIA!AU, MAFIA BOSS! CHAN, MISOGYNY, GUNS, ORAL (F. REC), FACE RIDDING, UNPROTECTED SEX, ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.2K ☾ ━━━ NOTE: not me listening to MAMACITA when you sent that hbjad ☾ ━━━ send me Chase Atlantic songs and a member to write a blurb about ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     The only person Chan trusted more than his seven friends was his girlfriend. Especially when he needed to give people a little push. Maybe because she was just the right level of crazy to date— let alone join his gang— a mafia boss.
     He had her on his arm at a banquet for the underground world. Security was tight for the event and Chan knew coming in, he was fine if someone tried something. Y/n stuck close to him the whole time. Her arm wrapped with his while she held a glass of champagne in the other. He watched how many other men looked at her as they walked by. It boosted his ego more.
     “Mr. Bang! How nice to meet you finally!” Something he’d heard all night
     “Mr. Lee. It’s nice to meet you as well,” Chan greeted the target, being the cordial businessman he was.
     It wasn’t long before more men he’d spoken to over the phone had joined his conversation, including some sons who were due to take over their father’s spot. He’d proudly introduced Y/n as his girlfriend to the group when asked. Y/n smiled and gave a small wave to the group.
     “How do you manage to pick up such a pretty lady Mr. Bang?” One of the sons asked
     “Pure luck,” Chan answered
     “You have her well trained. Been quiet as a mouse all night.” Mr. Lee joked causing the other men to laugh
     “Maybe you’re just not worth speaking to Mr. Lee. Your fourth wife seems to think so at the moment,” Y/n smiled as she sipped her drink
     “Excuse me?” Mr. Lee looked shocked
     “Obviously not trained enough,” Another remarked
     “You let her speak this way, Mr. Bang?”
     “I prefer she does,” Chan smiled
     Chan didn’t worry about his girlfriend mouthing off. He’d thought it was attractive to watch her do it to others. It’s how things seemed to get done.
     “And you’re the current head of the underworld bosses? Can’t believe you have such a mou—”
     “You can finish that sentence if you prefer glass in your throat,” Y/n interrupted
     The look in her eyes alone kept the men silent for a moment.
     “I believe the council will need to discuss our leadership now,” Mr. Lee said
     “You’re just looking for an excuse to take out Chan, Mr. Lee.”
     “I most certainly am not!”
     “It’s really amazing what a few high ranking members of your family will say with a good drink and a pretty face in front of them.”
     “I beg you’re pardon?”
     “Then get on your knees and beg.”
     Y/n watched as he reached behind and pulled out a gun. Point it at her, which just made security— all who worked for her boyfriend— pull theirs out and surround the group.
     “Thank you, for showing you’re true colors, Mr. Lee. If any of you would like to join Mr. Lee, please feel free too. But let this be a warning not to question my leadership.” Chan smiled
     One of the security guards grabbed the gun from the man while he was escorted to a different room.
     “You let yourself get—” one of the sons started speaking put was cut off by Y/n’s champagne flute colliding with his head
     “Deal with them,” Chan sighed and escorted his girlfriend out of the room. Bringing her back home and carrying her up to their room.
     “Chan!” Y/n squealed
     “What?” He laughed as he walked up the stairs
     “I can walk.”
     “Mm, but I know you’re feet hurt from those heels baby.��
     Chan opened their bedroom door before setting her on the bed and kneeling infront of her. He quickly slipped her heels off and set them in their closet. Y/n smiled as he turned back to her. “I’m so glad I get to call you mine,” Chan said as he crawled over her and pressed his lips to hers.
     Y/n moaned into his mouth and pushed his blazer off his shoulder. Their hands roamed the other’s body, pulling off the fabric of the clothing. Tossing them somewhere in the room for someone to deal with later. Y/n managed to get her boyfriend on his back as she grinded herself against him. 
     “Let me prep you baby girl,” Chan said as she kissed down his neck
     “Let me ride that pretty face tonight?” Y/n asked
     “Whenever. Get up here.”
     Y/n moved up his frame. Wet pussy hovering over his face before he pulled her down to his mouth. Tongue sliding into her and coating her walls with his saliva. Y/n grabbed onto their headboard. Rolling her hips against his face, nose hitting her clit while his hands gripped her ass. 
     Y/n moaned into the large room. The tip of his nose hitting her clit with each roll of her hips. “Channie.” 
     Chan moaned into her as his hands had migrated to her hips and helped her rock against him. Her moans were muffled from him by her thighs. Her legs got tighter around his head with each swip of his tongue and nose.
     “Need you inside, Channie,” Y/n moaned
     Y/n peered down at him. Eyes closed as he ate her out. Enjoying the taste of her to the fullest. Chan kept her flush against him as she whined. The knot in her stomach tightening with each motion. Y/n moved her hands to grip his wrists. Holding on to him as he orgasm washed over her. A loud moan ripping from her throat. 
     Chan helped her through the high he set off before letting her off his face. Y/n sat up a bit and caught her breath as he moved her back over his hard cock. Y/n lifted his leaky dick from his stomach, positioning his tip at her entrance, and slowly sinking down. Chan held her hips as she sat down on him. Watching her head roll back as she took his size. 
     “Such a good girl for me,” Chan praised her 
      “Only you,” Y/n hummed as she placed her hands on his chest. 
     Slowly she started bouncing along his shaft. Chan took in the sight of her. Just like he always did in bed. His hands caressed her sides as she squeezed him just right.
       His hands grabbed her hips again as she picked up her pace. Helping her bounce on him as her nails left crescents into the skin. Dragging her nails down his chest. Chan moaned under her as she smiled down at him. Dick twitching inside as she clenched around him for fun. Rolling against him as Chan tilted his head back into the pillow.
     “Fuck baby. ‘M close,” Chan moaned
     “Fill me up Channie. Pretty please.” Y/n begged 
     “Whatever you want.” Chan sat up and pressed his lips to hers.
     Y/n wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her tongue slipping into his mouth and playing with his tongue as his hands gripped her hips tighter. Burying himself inside her as his orgasm washed over him. Whimpering into her mouth as she tried rolling her hips against him.
     He flipped her onto her back, leaning down to her neck, “You’re turn baby.”
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kotias · 6 months
Ineffable Rockstars
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Time to properly become creatively feral about the Ineffable Rockstars project with @vavoom-sorted-art, @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist , @daneecastle, @moonyinpisces and Stitcherydoo!
Summary of the story: human!AU, Crowley and Aziraphale are rockstars in their respective groups, Celestial Harmonies and Hell's Rebuke. Word is out that those two groups have bad history together, and therefore the two of them, while shamelessly talking to each other any festival they get to meet at, do have to be careful about being seen together by their own bands.
Summary of this excerpt: Aziraphale explains the story of the two bands to Crowley, who has arrived after everything went down and was kept in the dark by his mates.
Lyrics: written for the purpose of this fic.
Word count of the excerpt: 872 words
Crowley sat down next to Aziraphale, whose eyes laid probably a second too long on those long fingers, on this chest showing so proudly from behind his open shirt- He coughed and drank a large gulp from the flute, clutching at the glass like a lifeline.
“It’s- it’s alright. Are you feeling comfortable? How was the concert?”
“Hah, acting like I didn’t see you in the audience, are ya?” Crowley asked with a smirk, and Aziraphale looked away, feeling the heat building up on his face.
“Well, we do need to keep it silent, don’t we?” he answered nonetheless with a coy smile, sipping on his drink.
“Why, though? It’s completely beyond me; Bee recruited me right after the split between Celestial Harmonies and Hell’s Rebuke, but there’s always been… you know, a feeling that it didn’t happen for no reason.”
“They haven’t explained it to you?” Crowley shook his head, and Aziraphale sighed. “No wonder you’re lost. Well, to put it simply… Hell’s Rebuke’s members were part of Celestial Harmonies, a few years ago.”
“Yes, I know that-”
“Let me talk, please; I would like to make sure we work with the same information.”
As he began explaining the official history of the two bands, he was cut by a thunder of clapping as the concert was coming to an end, and he and his counterpart felt compelled to stand up and join the applause.
When you reached Summer,
You lost sight of the star lights,
Questions died in your throat,
Cursing a future that is naught
And the night falling upon you
Left you laying awake with open eyes.
After two encore songs and enough clapping to make their hands and wrists sore, Crowley and Aziraphale walked towards another scene and stayed in relative distance, ensuring that they would hear each other. “So, you were saying, Hell’s Rebuke and Celestial Harmonies.”
“Ah! Yes; so, this is fairly public knowledge.” Crowley nodded impatiently. “At least, it is not something that we are actively hiding, neither of the two groups; somebody who knows how to Google us would be able to find this information.” Aziraphale frowned, crossing his arms. “Honestly, that is why it concerns me a little that you have not been informed of this; it is a fairly common question that people are trying out on us, asking about the other group to see how we react. Anyways-”
The vendors just a few metres from them had started cooking a few crepes, and Crowley did not miss the eyes darting towards them. “Want some? C’me on, it’s my treat,” he insisted as Aziraphale’s eyebrows raised -and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to refuse such an offer.
“Well, if you insist,” he answered, the corners of his lips curling up and his eyelashes fluttering; Crowley’s heart missed a beat, his fingers pressed against his flute, and he barely managed to keep a groan from reaching out of his mouth.
“You do have to tell me more, though; ‘specially if you think my ignorance could bite me in the ass.”
“Yes, of course.” Aziraphale’s voice dropped as they reached the line, keeping it to the level of a private conversation. “Bee and Gabriel were… an item.”
“Oh, excellent start. If that’s only the beginning, I might have to stock up on popcorn with that crepe of yours.”
“Heh, well, it might be one of the more interesting aspects of this entire story, so do not keep your expectations too high.”
“No, no, don't kill my hopes, now. Go on, tell me everything, I’m sure it will be full of riveting details, Bee’s never been good at keeping things tidy anyways.”
Aziraphale groaned. “Oh, you should see Gabriel when he gets involved… Ah- one crepe with sugar, thank you,” he said with a bright smile to the vendor. “Alright, so- long story short, the band was originally founded by the two of them; excellent musicians those two are, and the band did have quite the promising future before it. We started having a fairly good reputation.”
“Black coffee and a serving of fries. The name’s been around for a while now, that’s right- I remember seeing it ten years ago on some festival announcements in my city. Cash, thanks.”
“We have, yes. We were very local for a long while, but…”
“What changed?”
“Gabriel and the others were wishing to go professional; Bee and who are now Hell’s Rebuke were not willing to do that.”
“Ah, I see. Well, they didn't change much in that aspect,” Crowley mumbled sourly, extending his arms to grab the crepe and coffee. He gave the dessert over, then took his serving of fries, and they left the vendor’s stand. “Wait, where did you stand? You stayed with Celestial Harmonies, after all.”
“Hm, well…”
That did not sound like somebody who was fully happy to have stayed, Crowley thought, and he crept closer to Aziraphale, nudging him with his elbow. “Come on, spill the beans! Honestly, I’m looking to go in that direction, if there’s anything I should be aware of…”
“Being professional was, and still is, something that I hold dear,” Aziraphale explained, his slow speech feeling heavy, like he was choosing every word carefully.
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Members Only 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, cheating, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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“Tommy knows the owner,” Grace trills as she leads you upstairs, “he’s around here somewhere, I’m sure.” 
“Right,” you follow her up into the violet-tinted lighting of the private room, “Mr. Shelby must know a lot of people.” 
“Mm, yes, that is the upside of our marriage. There isn’t a single restaurant or shop in this city where they don’t know his name,” she boasts as you stop at the door and she struts across to the slender bar. She hums, a hint of disapproval in her tone, and she pops the cork of the bottle. “That and the drinks.” 
She catches the foam from the neck in her mouth, her lipstick staining the torn edge of the golden seal. She gulps and puts the bottle down, blotting her lips with her knuckles. She turns and strolls around the curved sofa and looks through the windows that peer into the flashing club. 
“Pour me a glass,” she demands, “it isn’t my brand but good enough.” 
You obey. Mrs. Shelby is very precise in what she wants. She never leaves you in need of further directive. Your previous employer often expected you to know what they wanted without saying so. That stint did not last very long. 
The private room is decorated in silver and gold banners, vases filled with matching confetti, and an ivory cake with a big ‘40’ mounted on top. The decor clashes with the rest of the club. This isn’t a refined venue, it’s a place where coeds come to wile away their weekends. 
You fill a stemmed glass with champagne and bring it to Grace as she toys with a pale blonde wave. She is a pretty woman. She has all the elegance her name would suggest. Still, there is a staunchness to her that keeps you diligent. 
“Hmm, I do wonder why my husband is so fond of this place,” she tuts, “though I might guess it.” 
You peer down at the writhing bodies dancing below. Skimp skirts, crop tops, flirty moves; it isn’t your sort of place and you didn’t think it was hers either. She turns and struts away, sitting on the sofa to nurse her champagne flute. You turn to face her, staying by the windowed wall. 
“I won’t complain. Charlotte will appreciate the effort. It might even bring back a few memories for her,” Grace continues on, twirling the glass between her fingers. “The rest of the ladies should be content enough with the champagne and—oh my, please, go to the kitchen and inquire after the appetizers. I was promised brie and crustinis.” 
She sighs as you move for the door and she slurps loudly. As you reach the door, you hear her mutter, “...ever trust him...” 
You leave her there, wallowing with her golden nectar. It is no secret that the Shelby’s are facing marital woes. Even beyond the scope of Mrs. Shelby’s personal assistant, it’s obvious. Their last dinner party erupted in an argument which had their social circle whispering even months later. She blamed the alcohol and he blamed her. 
You find your way to the kitchen, past the burly man serving drinks behind the upper tier bar. You’re permitted past upon the mention of your employer’s name. Within, a man lines trays with tidy hor d’ouevres. Despite his greasy apron, his work looks no different than the private chefs that often serve the Shelbys. 
You hate to ask but you have to. Your ‘when’ is met with a ‘soon’ which sounds more like ‘can’t you see?’ You thank the cook and quickly retreat.  
As you get back to the stairs, you see Mona, Lilian, and Charlotte. The latter looks confused at her surroundings. She has no idea why she’s there. The surprise has worked. You linger then follow up a few steps behind. 
You can hear the furor as you approach the door. Charlotte’s squealing and as you enter, unseen, she hugs Grace who looks more irked then endeared by the embrace. Your employer’s eyes lock onto you and he gestures to you. You serve the other ladies; Charlotte first as guest of honour. 
“This is quaint,” Mona preens. 
“It’s exactly Charlotte’s taste,” Grace snipes, “if only you’d known her twenty years ago--” 
“Grace, I am a married woman now. No need to bring up the past,” Charlotte girds. 
“Oh, tell me the first note of Britney won’t have you undone,” Grace challenges as she lets you refill her glass. 
The woman chirp and giggle. Your employer faces you, “well?” 
“The cook is finishing up. They’ll be here shortly,” you keep your voice low, an expert at not disturbing the others. 
“Mm, it better be worth it.” 
You don’t mention that it hasn’t cost her anything. It’s isn’t your place to say so, or to speak unless spoken to. Some may think your job oppressive but you don’t mind so much. It’s easy to be told what to do. You’ve never been very good at decisions. 
She sips and scrunches up her nose, “ugh, this isn’t dry enough. Go, find my brand. Ugh, he knows what I prefer and he just doesn’t care.” 
“Yes, miss,” you take her glass as she hands it over and you leave it on the bar. It’s miss, not ma’am. Ma’am makes her feel old. When her birthday comes around, it will be her fifth fourtieth soiree. 
You leave the room again and venture back down. You go to the bar and wave your hand at the tall, blond bartender. He nods to show he’s seen you as he continues to serve his current customer. You wait, bobbing impatiently. He forgets you as a flurry of babbling young girls approach from the other side. He takes their orders and you sigh. You put your hand up again. 
“Oi,” a voice sounds from behind you and a whistle cuts through the thrumming din. The bartender turns and his blue eyes flicker in the club lights. He nears, looking behind you, almost through you. 
“Mr. Shelby,” he greets. You tense and glance behind you. It’s him. Thomas Shelby. Your boss’ husband. In essence, he is your boss, he pays your bills. 
“She’s been waiting,” he points down at you. 
“Of course, sir, apologies,” the bartender looks down at you, “what can I do for you?” 
“Er, I'm looking for champagne. A specific brand--” 
“Taittinger,” Mr. Shelby calls over your head. 
You nod in agreement. That’s the one. He knows but he didn’t have it in the room. Is his wife correct in his disregard or was it merely an oversight? 
“Quickly,” Shelby demands and shoos the bartender with his fingers. “My wife is here?” 
You face him and confirm his assumption. 
“Mm, I forgot it was tonight,” he says, though you hardly hear him over the music. 
You don’t know what to say. There isn’t anything to say. You rarely, if ever, speak to Mr. Shelby. You’re usually just treated as part of the decor. 
“Keep an eye on her for me,” he reaches past you as the bartender returns and he takes the bottle of champagne, “better get this to her at once. Guard it with your life,” he intones as he stares you down, “she does prize her little indulgences.” 
“Yes, sir, thank you,” you make sure he can hear you above the pulsing noise. 
He tilts his head and steps aside, “on you go.” 
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astralaffairs · 1 year
hi!! before i go i jus wanna say, I love your work 🙏🏽 and I finally watch hamilton last night so I might write for it as well 😋😋 but i have a drabble idea.
anyways— thomas having a dance/ball for a campaign during the election and he meets aaron’s little sister, mc, who snuck in. and he can’t help but take interests in her.
“Now, what’s a lady like you doin’ getting a drink just for yourself? Nobody’s offered to do that for you yet?”
Y/N froze as her fingers met the stem of the champagne flute. She had promised herself she would stay to the outskirts of the ball, and her only goal for the night had been to avoid courting attention. However, the packed room was warm, and it was only more so at its perimeter under the lights, and the crisp bubbly had looked oh-so-inviting.
She turned with a polite smile as she picked up the glass, but her eyes widened when she saw the man behind her with his gleaming smile and his velvet suit. She recognized him instantly; after all, she’d seen him before, and he’d even been in her home, but they’d never formally met. He raised an eyebrow when her smile faltered. “I’ve only just arrived. I haven’t had a chance to speak to much of anyone just yet.”
“Then I’m gonna have to count myself lucky to have found you when I did. Thomas Jefferson.” He offered her a hand as he introduced himself, and when she took it, he dipped down to press a soft kiss to her knuckles. Her eyes went even wider.
She cleared her throat as he drew himself back up to his full height, still holding her by the fingertips, and it took a moment for it to occur to her to withdraw her hand. “You’re the host of this ball, then, if I’m not mistaken. Thank you for opening your home to us like this.”
“Believe me, sugar, the pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “Who’re you here with? Feel like I’ve seen you around, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
“Oh, um, my family’s here somewhere. I came on my own, though, and I was planning to meet them here.”
“Your family?” He pursed his lips. “You’re not a Schuyler, are you?”
“No, no, certainly not,” she replied before hastily adding, “although the Schuylers are lovely people, of course. To be a part of their family would make one lucky.”
“So you know the Schuylers, then?” he mused, and she nodded. His growing smile was making her mouth go dry. “I know where I recognize you from; you’re a Burr, aren’t you? Aaron’s sister?”
“I am, yes.” Her smile was tense, laced with unease. His grin was bright as he plucked a drink for himself off of the table behind them.
“So why haven’t I seen you at one of these before? Your family trying to keep you locked away from all the politics?” he asked, and as her eyebrows fell, he could see the look in her eyes sour.
“They’ve decided I can’t be trusted at this kind of event,” she said bitterly, and he quirked a brow. “Aaron claims he’s afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and jeopardize his career, but really, I think he just can’t deal with the idea of splitting people’s attention between us.”
“But you finally proved yourself trustworthy?” he asked mildly, taking a sip of his drink, and she shrugged uncomfortably.
“I suppose so.”
“Then where’s your dear brother now, hm? Why aren’t you here with the rest of your family?” He watched her expectantly, and when she didn’t answer right away, his grin broadened. “They don’t even know you’re here, do they?”
“No, and you’re not going to be the one to tell them,” she said sharply, pointing her champagne flute at him. He raised his eyebrows, amused by the fervor in her tone. “I had to walk miles alone in the dark to get here; I am not being thrown out as soon as I arrive.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you’re not with them, then really, I should be sendin’ you on your way.” Despite the threat, his voice was breezy, and she frowned.
“And what do you have to gain from kicking me out?”
“The respect and appreciation of your family,” he suggested blithely. “The knowledge that I’m not leavin’ a young lady to walk home alone ‘n vulnerable at the end of the night. ‘S just the right thing to do, really.”
She eyed his small smile for a moment before slowly asking, “But despite that, you’d rather I stay, wouldn’t you?” He shrugged unabashedly. “You’re quite shameless, aren’t you, Mr. Jefferson?”
“Only on a good day.” He winked as he took a sip of his drink. “After all, you went through all that effort to get here. There’s gotta be a good reason for it, huh?”
“Of course. I’m here to expand my mind just like everyone else," she said, and he raised an eyebrow.
“And not for the charming future president we’ve got roaming the ball?”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware there was one. Let me know if you see him?”
His full laugh proved him undeterred, and Y/N’s self-satisfied smile was reluctant. "'M glad to see you inherited more of the family wit than your brother seemed to."
"Please, don't tell him that. A lady needs to keep some things a secret."
"It'll stay between us, then," Thomas said, "but I don't think I ever got your name."
"Why, so you know whose presence to report to my brother?"
"So I know who to ask after the next time I see him." His response was quick, and it had Y/N on her heels. Her eyes were wide, eyebrows raised, but when she opened her mouth to answer—
"Y/N." Both she and Thomas turned on their heels at the loud voice to find her brother striding across the room toward them, and her groan was unchecked. The fury in Aaron's voice was barely contained. "What in the world do you think you're possibly doing here, sneaking out after dark? How did you even get here?"
"I brought myself, since nobody else was willing to take me," she bit back, and Thomas raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his drink.
"That wasn't your decision to make," Aaron snapped. "We are a family, and you have to respect that—"
"Respect what? That you have total control over my life in the name of family values? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" she asked. "I respect that you have a career and a reputation to maintain, but I am a person, and—"
"And nothing, Y/N. Put the drink down, and leave Mr. Jefferson at peace," he demanded, and Y/N narrowed her eyes, her jaw set. Aaron turned to Thomas, and much of the fire in his voice had subsided when he said, "I'm sorry for her intrusion, Thomas. We didn't know she had followed us here, and we'll send her home at once."
"Now, Aaron, what makes you think she's uninvited company?" Thomas asked, and both Y/N's and Aaron's brows were raised. "Y/N's my guest here this evening; 's the opposite of an intrusion."
He frowned, glancing between Thomas and Y/N. "You mean you're responsible for her presence here tonight?"
"Well, I invited her, so I suppose you could say that," he said casually, and if he winked when he caught Y/N's eye, Aaron didn't think anything of it. Aaron's lips were pursed and his shoulders tense as he glanced between them.
"Why didn't you tell me Thomas had invited you?" he asked Y/N, and she shrugged.
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it, and I didn't want you trying to prevent me from coming."
"If I'd known he asked you to come—"
"So, what, my personhood is dependent on his permission now?"
"Your presence here is, at least."
"As a Burr, I would've been welcome either way."
"Not unattended, however."
"I can attend to myself just fine."
"You know that isn't what I mean when—"
"Aaron, was there somethin' else you needed?" Thomas cut him off, and Aaron's gaze was affronted when it snapped to him. However, he held his tongue. "I was just about to ask Y/N to dance, assuming that's her decision to make 'n all."
Y/N had to bite back her smile at his words, and although Aaron seemed to recognize the challenge in them as his jaw ticked, he said, "Of course. I'm sorry to have interrupted."
"Don't sweat it. Your concern for your sister is awful sweet, even if it isn't needed here," Thomas responded, his smile warm.
"'Concern' isn't how I'd describe it," Y/N muttered bitterly, and Thomas nudged her with his elbow. She frowned.
"Carry on 'n enjoy the rest of the ball, though, and please send my best to your wife," he said. Aaron could only offer a tense smile in response.
“You as well. I suppose I should go find Theodosia.” He looked down skeptically at Y/N. “How are you planning to get home?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, I…” She hadn’t thought that far, so her gaze was hopeful when it snapped to Thomas, who held her with a hand at the small of her back.
“I’ll arrange for a carriage to take her home,” he promised. “Don’t you worry, Burr. She’s in safe hands.”
“Right,” he said hesitantly, looking Thomas over. “I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything stupid, Jefferson.”
“‘S like you don’t even know who you’re talkin’ to,” Thomas said incredulously, and Aaron scoffed.
“I’m sure.” He barely spared them both another glance before departing unceremoniously, shaking his head all the while, and Thomas chuckled. Y/N turned back toward him.
“You’re a regular local hero,” she said sardonically, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her bored tone. Thomas grinned.
“I do try, sweetheart,” he said lightly, “maybe even in a way that deserves a ‘thank you’?”
“Thank you.” Her voice was sincere. “Really. I owe you.”
“Well, if you mean that,” he said, and his eyes were shining as he looked down at her, “I wouldn’t mind making good on that dance I mentioned. Unless you’re in a real rush to get back to your dear old brother.”
He offered her his arm with an eyebrow raised, and she left her empty glass on the table behind them when she took it, drawing a wide grin from him. “How could I say no to our charming host?"
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princessbrunette · 7 months
bodyguard!jj pulling his gun out on someone who’s all up in your face 😳😳 It would be so hot Id probably have to change my panties
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trying to be ‘respectful’ on the job could be a pain in jj’s ass — and he’s not just talking about trying to be professional around you. you were sociable, too sociable, so more times than not the weekend would come and you, millionaire kook-nepo baby turned social media whatever would come dragging your bodyguard anywhere and everywhere that you could.
but like jj always told you, you could take the man out of the cut but you couldn’t take the cut out of the man. it was often his actions would come across brutish, irrational, aggressive— but he did what he could to protect you. maybe he cared about protecting you a little too much, for selfish reasons instead of professional.
he stands a few feet back, giving you your privacy at this networking party you’d dragged him too. don’t get him wrong, he loves a party— when he gets to smoke weed and drink beer. coming to a party strictly to stand there and stare at one girl all night wasn’t exactly his mojo.
his bodyguard senses that he’d gained from working for you started to tingle as he snapped out of his thoughts, eyeing your body language. you were stiff, and whilst your back was to him he somehow knew the exact face you were making. this guy, the asshole you were speaking to was all up in your face, too touchy, a totally weird and off putting vibe. jj didn’t wanna come across as overbearing, but then again — he was doing his job.
he arrives at your side within a millisecond, staring down the guy in your face. “step back a little for me, bro.” he tries to be civil about it all whilst standing his ground, his small unblinking smile a thinly veiled threat. the guy scoffs, clearly off too many of the free champagne flutes being liberally handed out.
“babe, why is the help talking to me?” he sneers, amused and jj’s eyes flutter, taking a deep breath to not cuss him out.
“thats my bodyguard.” you frown, meekly — but you defend jj anyway. that calms him just a tad.
“thats your bodyguard?” he smirks, finally letting go of your arm to stare at jj. “what are you gonna do if i don’t step back, huh?”
the blonde bodyguard is done with the games, whipping his pistol out from its holster and holding it directly to his forehead, collecting a sea of gasps and shrieks from decorum-obsessed party goers. “i’ll light this god damn room up, that’s what i’ll do dude. you gonna step back? or am i gonna have to blow your brains out infront of a pretty girl.”
“jj!” you clutch your glittery necklace, stepping behind him nonetheless. the rich asshole has no idea what hit him, backing away and scurrying off with piss in his overpriced boxers. jj licks his lips casually as he looks around at the scene he caused, tucking the gun back into its holster as he turns to look down at you.
“we done here? think it’s time to peel, unless of course you’d rather be escorted out by the actual security guards. they look pretty mad, so…”
you nod, wordless as you process what just happened, letting him guide you away from the party by the small of your back. maybe it was the champagne talking, but seeing jj protect you like that seemed to go straight to your panties, your thunderous heart beat having nothing on the pulse through your clit. you bite your bottom lip, turning to look up at him as he walks you out the building.
“don’t give me that look. was doin’ my job, cupcake. the dude was pushin’ his luck.”
“i can’t believe you did that.” you let out in a breath, and it’s only then once you get outside into the cool evening air he slows his pace, turning to look at you. his face falls a little, wondering if you were really mad. he says nothing, awaiting his scolding. “i… can’t believe you did that.” you repeat, this time falling into a fit of giggles, covering your mouth.
his brow raises, sizing you up.
“uh, how much of that champagne did you drink?”
“you were really gonna shoot that guy just for standing too close to me?” you’re elated, approaching him with a doe eyed grin looking nothing short of a disney princess. he shrugs, not understanding the hype.
“i mean the guy was practically begging for it.”
“thats so hot.”
“what now?”
“cool, that was so cool.” you correct quickly, stepping back. “thank you.” you smile and he blinks at you at few times, knowing exactly what he heard.
“yeah, don’t sweat it… just doin’ my job, sugar.” he starts to walk you to the car — this time with a smirk on his face that you daren’t question.
୧ ‧₊˚ 👠・₊✧
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fic-over-cannon · 9 months
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Strawberry Pie
jason todd x gn!reader
summary: you spend a lazy morning finishing baking the pie that Jason started
tags: kissing, fluff, domestic jason todd
rated teen | wc: 1.1k
a/n: a loosely inspired song fic. can be read as a future scene from A Soft Touch or as a standalone. just wanted something light and fluffy and was possessed with the urge for pie so here it is.
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It’s warm this morning, but there’s a cool cross-breeze coming in through the open window. It’s not late enough in the spring to start turning on the AC yet, the breeze currently lifting the sheer curtains enough to keep the apartment fresh. You reach over to the empty side of the bed, let your hand bunch up into a fist before pushing yourself upright and out of bed. Jason had told you, between parting kisses, that he’d be late coming home, the planned stakeout likely to go on until noon. You’d expected this, unworried by his absence but still secretly hoping he’d have returned safe to you.
You make yourself a cup of tea and drink it leaning against the countertop, the Formica countertop digging into the small of your back, the thin cotton of your tank top barely blunting the edge. Feeling hungry, you go looking for breakfast ingredients in the fridge. There’s a note from Jason, stuck to the top of the strawberries you’d bought at the farmer’s market yesterday. For pie, do not eat! signed off with a little heart and smiley face. A few shelves down is the pie dough, covered in plastic wrap and exactly where Jason had left it, in a hurry to follow up on the lead his lieutenant had called in.
It’s a lazy Saturday morning, time stretching out in front of you. You pull out the dough and berries, set them onto the counter. Go rummaging through Jason’s box of recipe cards, one of his last keepsakes from his mother and added to by Alfred, until you can find the one for strawberry pie. The recipe is easy enough, Jason having done all the hard work of making the dough.
You start by turning on the radio, an old analogue thing that Jason had been determined to fix by himself, and setting the oven to preheat. The strawberries go into a colander, washed and ready for slicing. You pop one into your mouth and it just about bursts on your tongue, bright and sweet like sunshine. They’re smaller than the kind you can buy at the grocery store, seeds more prominent and scent stronger. It’s a shame that these wild strawberries are only available a few months of the year but it makes them that much sweeter. Humming, you slice through the quart of berries, juice staining your fingertips. Put them in a bowl with cornstarch and sugar, a dash of lemon juice to finish.
Turning to the dough, you start rolling half out onto the floured countertop. It fits into the pie dish Jason had brought back from one of his missions almost perfectly, only a few hanging edges in need of trimming. Feeling adventurous, you decide to braid some of the lattice work for the top. It comes out a little lopsided, but it’s a good first attempt. Fingers pinching, the fluted edge of the pie takes shape. A light hand with the egg wash and a sprinkle of Demerara sugar later and it’s done. You step back to admire your work. It makes a pretty picture, the pie on the marbled countertop, white tulips in a vase from your one foray into pottery, mid-morning sun bright and white through the kitchen windows.
The pie goes into the oven, and you start cleaning up the evidence of your morning’s activities. The dishes go into the washer, the countertop wiped clean, leftover berries into your stomach. So engrossed in your tasks, you don’t hear the door open or the duffel bag hit the floor of the entryway. Arms circle around you, pick you up and spin you in a circle. Jason sets you down, buries his face in your neck.
“Something smells good,” he murmurs into your hair. And it does, the air filled with the scent of golden pastry and roasting strawberries.
“It should. I’ve been working away on that pie all morning.”
“Thought that was my job.” He tries to pout, but you swat at his hip with the dish towel. The timer on the oven goes off, interrupting the moment.
“Well that,” and you gesture at the oven, “can be your job now.”
He accepts his new job with minimal pouting, scooping up the bee-patterned oven mitts and taking out the pie. It’s perfect, golden with rich red juice bubbling through the lattice work. Steam rises off the top in a way that’s got both of your mouths watering. Jason reaches out to pinch off a piece of crust with his bare hand, but you swat his hands away before he can burn his fingers.
“Not yet! It’s got to cool first Jay.” Looking him over, you finally catch on that he’s still got his jacket on and fully zipped up, despite the warm day. He only ever does that when his shirt’s got bloodstains on it. “Go on, take a shower. By the time you’re done the pie’ll be ready and you can have some for breakfast.”
Jokingly holding his hands up in surrender, he starts heading for the bathroom. “Okay, okay, I’m going!”
“Oh and don’t forget to throw anything bloody into the washer, not the laundry basket! I want to run the next load before the stain really sets in this time,” you call over your shoulder. Last time Jason had left it too long, had ended up having to throw away a previous favourite shirt when neither of your combined efforts had gotten the dried blood spatter out.
He makes a noise of assent and you get busy unloading the dishwasher as you can hear the spray of the shower turn on, leaving out two small plates beside the pie. Some forks, a large knife, and an ice cream scoop join them on the counter. You’re just getting the ice cream out of the freezer, the expensive kind with real vanilla beans that Jason splurges on, when he walks back into the kitchen. He hasn’t dried his hair properly, a habit you haven’t gotten him to break in all the time you’ve known each other and grown to just accept.
You hand the knife over to him with a careful kiss, let him carve up slices for the both of you, hands sure and steady. You’re struggling with the ice cream, frozen solid and unwilling to be scooped. Jason notices, gently nudges you out of the way with his hip and takes over, depositing two perfect spheres of ice cream on top of each slice of pie.
Picking up a fork, you feed him the first bite, hand cupped below it to catch any droplets of ice cream. He closes his eyes, goes silent for a moment. You start to get worried that somehow you’ve messed it up, maybe mixed up the salt with the sugar but you were sure it had tasted just fine when you’d licked the filling syrup off of your wrist.
“So? What do you think?”
He smiles before opening his eyes. “I think it tastes like home.”
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lostloveletters · 15 days
Something Borrowed (Michael Corleone x Reader)
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Summary: Michael Corleone is the last person you expect to see at your best friend Connie’s wedding, and the last thing you expect to happen upon seeing him again after so many years is spending the night together. Maybe, it'll turn into something more.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. No hate to Kay, she’s my girl, but wedding scene Michael drives me crazy🤭 She’s off living her best life elsewhere in this. Also, it was a lot of fun writing pre-everything Michael. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Sexually explicit content involving unprotected sex. Light play fighting.
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Champagne and giggles overflowed at Connie Corleone’s wedding to Carlo Rizzi. Plenty of red wine was passed around in pitchers for the old guard, of course. For you and the other women conscious of not staining the rainbow of cocktail dresses and flowing gowns that dotted the backyard, you opted for lighter fare in tall flutes that sparkled in the early autumn sun. 
Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the drink offerings, having already exchanged three empty champagne glasses for ones filled to the brim with glittering gold when the bride engulfed you in a hug. With a delighted laugh, you returned the gesture, kissing her cheek.
“I wanted to say thank you one more time for coming!” Connie exclaimed, her cheeks flushed pink from the excitement of the day. “God, it breaks my heart we couldn’t have gotten you a bridesmaid dress in time, but you look gorgeous.”
“Me? Connie, you look like a princess.”
“I feel like one,” she giggled.
“When you see your gift from me—I’m sorry it’s not more, I haven’t—”
“Stop it!” she scolded. “You came all the way from Europe just to be at my wedding. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
You didn’t bother correcting her. Her version of events sounded much nicer than you just got lucky with when the Red Cross put you on a boat home. “Anything for you.”
“I won’t keep you. This is probably the first time you’re eating real food in years. Mama, Sandra, and Theresa made most of it.”
Connie was right. You tried to savor your plate, packed with pasta drowned in homemade sauce, antipasto and crusty bread, and sandwiches that towered with fresh cold cuts. The Corleones knew a thing or two about good food, and had the means to pull the strings for the unfathomable ration books such a feast required.
A familiar yet unexpected voice startled you when your fork pierced a piece of mozzarella. “Is this seat taken?”
“Michael,” you practically gasped, taken aback by his even attending the wedding in the first place, but also how good he looked in his uniform. Cap tucked under his arm, medals and decorations on his chest, the photos you’d seen in the magazine didn’t do him justice. Finding yourself again, you gestured to the empty seat across from you. “Go ahead.”
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you, but you look great,” he said, his gaze fixed on you as he set his plate and glass down. He took you in, the girl he’d grown up seeing around the house and at school, now, without a doubt, a woman.
“You too, Captain,” you said, nodding toward the double bars on his uniform.
He snickered at your little joke, making you feel a bit more at ease in his presence. “I’m surprised you aren’t in the wedding party.”
“Honestly, I wasn’t even sure I was going to make it until a few days ago. I only just got back to New York on Thursday,” you said.
“You volunteered with the Red Cross, didn’t you?”
You nodded. “I was in England, and then France after the liberation.”
“Clubmobile, right?”
“Did Connie tell you?”
He shook his head, smiling the slightest bit. “All the pretty girls worked the Clubmobile.”
A mortifyingly girlish giggle escaped your lips. You quickly brought your glass to your mouth, though the champagne in it was likely the culprit of your embarrassing reaction to Michael’s compliment. Averting your eyes to the dancing guests, you tried to ignore the warmth that spread across your face.
You allowed yourself to look at him again a few moments later, relieved to find he was still sitting in front of you, amused, maybe even endeared, by you.
“You’re such a jerk, Michael,” you mumbled, only because he was your friend’s older brother, and when you were younger and starry-eyed and figuring out what it meant when your heart wouldn’t quite beat right around a boy, it was him who those tender emotions were kindled in secret toward—until you had your first real boyfriend.
He grinned at your remark, and the two of you ate and caught up in between his various family members stopping by the table to say hello. You weren’t sure what to make of his seeing you before any of them—flattered, a bit confused as well, but he laughed at your jokes and moved his seat closer to yours, so you must have been doing something right when he finally asked, “Do you want to dance?”
“I’d love to,” you said.
The chaos from Johnny Fontaine’s unexpected arrival and impromptu performance subsided when Michael led you out to dance. He held you close, the way soldiers had at the dances the Red Cross put on for servicemen, all to boost morale, or, as the war went on, to offer a break from reality. Among the many rules meant to be followed—and typically broken in one way or another in the haze of war—was to keep some emotional distance from the enlisted men, for your sake and their own, but with bodies so close together, tender touches and soft whispers over songs of twilight and moonbeams, it was tough not to be caught up in romance’s alluring snare.
Even then, with the war behind both of you, something about being in Michael’s arms made you truly understand why some girls risked their assignments for a man. There was something in how he looked at you, different from your childhood together, even from a few minutes prior. You felt breathless despite the slow song you swayed along to.
“Did you like Paris?” he asked quietly, throwing you for a loop.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Paris?”
“You were in France, weren’t you?”
“Not Paris.”
“Where in France were you slinging doughnuts, then?”
“Little villages a few miles out from the front, mostly. More cows than people, but nice enough once the fighting stopped, and it was finally quiet—as quiet as it could get, anyway,” you said. “When Connie wrote you’d been wounded, I couldn’t help but think the worst. Plenty of guys out there—well, that article sure put me at ease. All the girls were jealous when I said I knew you.” You smiled. “I’m glad you’re alright, Michael.”
He glanced at your lips, and for an aching moment you were sure he was going to kiss you, but instead he gave you a smile, one that was real and made your heart flutter nevertheless, but left you disappointed.
“Where are you staying since you’ve been back?” he asked.
He seemed familiar with the hotel you were staying in when you mentioned it, offering to drive you back after the reception ended, and Connie and Carlo left for their honeymoon. 
“It’s only until I can find a boarding hotel that has space,” you said. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be the Barbizon, but I’m not moving back in with my parents.”
“Here’s to that.”
The rest of the day and into the evening, Michael hung around you, unless he was pulled away by members of his family, each instance an annoyance to him. You knew they weren’t exactly supportive of his enlisting, but the situation couldn’t have been that bad, not since he was home, safe and sound at his sister’s wedding.
The Corleones, though endlessly kind to you, always been an odd family, and you learned through your friendship with Connie not to ask too many questions.
But Genco Abbandando was dying, and Vito insisted Michael go with the rest of the Corleone men to pay his respects to the elder. When you offered to take a cab back to your hotel, Michael promised the visit wouldn’t be long, suggesting you wait at the house with his mother until he returned to drive you into the city.
Your foolish desire to spend more time with him led to your waiting in the Corleones’ kitchen for a little over an hour, when you likely would’ve been showered and in bed in your hotel room by the time he arrived back for you, in one hell of a hurry to get you into his car and presumably get away from his family.
“Do you ever think about leaving New York?” he asked when the house was out of view.
You laughed. “Michael, I only just got back.”
“That’s not what I mean. The war—it wasn’t going to be forever, but it let you see what life could be like away from all of this, didn’t it?”
“Of course it did. I’m honestly not sure what I’m going to do with myself now,” you said. “How about you? Are you going back to school? Dartmouth, I mean.”
He nodded. “I start again the spring semester.” At a red light, he glanced over at you. “New England’s nice. Better than French cow country.”
“And do you suppose I could study in the department of pouring coffee and serving doughnuts?”
“You’re smart. I think you have a real future,” he said, the sincerity in his voice startling you. “All of that back there, that’s not for us. It never has been.”
You were silent for a few moments. “I guess you’re right.”
The city lights twinkling in the distance took the place of the stars they blocked out from the sky, growing larger as Michael crossed the bridge into Manhattan, the center of the universe. You’d never tell a soul how you cried just a few days prior upon seeing it again for the first time in years.
Besides his talk of the future, Michael kept the conversation light, and you could’ve sworn he was flirting with you. Working the Clubmobile, you learned quickly how to pick up on it, some men laying it on thick while others were irresistibly smooth. Michael could’ve easily just been teasing you, the way a friend’s older brother would, but when he pulled up to your hotel, either your ego or curiosity prompted you to invite him up for a drink.
You sobered up on the drive into the city, enough to remember you didn’t have any drinks in your room. The two of you would have to go to the hotel bar for that, but then you and Michael wouldn’t be alone, not how you wanted, anyway.
To your relief, he agreed.
With Michael in uniform, few questions would be asked by hotel staff as to why you suddenly had a man with you when you checked in on your own. It would have been easy to lie, claim he was your fiance who had only just gotten back Stateside. But you supposed you and Michael already looked the part, walking arm-in-arm through the lobby without an issue.
Your confidence soared on the elevator ride up to your modest room, which you let Michael into, knowing he wouldn’t judge the state of your accommodations.
“Mind if I make myself comfortable?” You didn’t wait for his answer, pulling your blouse from where it’d been tucked in your skirt. Slipping out of your heels, you sighed softly in relief.
“It’s your place,” he said, setting his coat over the chair in the corner and loosening his tie.
You grabbed his cap from where he set it down and placed it on your head, tilting the brim over your face a bit and posing in front of him with a hand on your hip. “How do I look?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, giving you a once over, “I swear I saw you pinned up in some guy’s tent looking just like that.”
You laughed, taking the cap off and flinging it aside. “Oh, I don’t even know why I invited you up here!” Your laughter faded as something in your stomach turned sour, the situation feeling achingly too good to be true. Alone in a hotel room with Michael, the two of you entirely capable of making your own mistakes on the off chance he wanted you too. “Or why you even agreed to come up.”
“I didn’t come up here to drink.”
“No, you did it to be nice, because we’ve known each other for so long…” You sighed, sitting next to him. “I always figured you thought of me as your kid sister’s annoying little friend or something.”
He shook his head, saying your name softly in either protest or reassurance. His hand cupped your face as he turned it toward him, his thumb rubbing soft circles in your cheek. “Not for a long time. Especially not tonight.”
You kissed him, hands gripping his shoulders, closing your eyes as you melted in his embrace. Your skin feverish at his touch, you shuddered when his hand slipped up your untucked blouse until his fingertips reached your bra.
To say you hadn’t fantasized about Michael would have been an unconvincing lie to anyone who dared ask, but even in your wildest dreams, it was never quite like this, so bold and irreverent in the face of the tradition the two of you had just spent the day celebrating.
“I came up here because you’re beautiful,” he confessed against your lips, “because you’re the only familiar face I saw at my sister’s wedding that didn’t make me wish I were somewhere else.”
Silencing him with another kiss, your fingers raked through his soft black hair as your body pressed flush against his, unsure if you could withstand hearing more of his tender words without falling to pieces. You couldn’t, not so early in the night, but his desire grew difficult to ignore when he pulled you onto his lap. The pressure against your pussy made you moan, and with a hasty desperation, you shimmied out of your panties as he unbuckled his belt, freeing his hard cock within a few moments.
You slipped a hand between the two of you, pumping his length, feeling the way it twitched at your touch and gasping when Michael’s hips bucked. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, a whisper of an intent to devour you.
“I need you, sweetheart,” he groaned. “Need to feel you.”
Lifting your hips, you whimpered upon feeling his head brush your clit as you positioned yourself, slowly lowering as he filled you, cock throbbing against your walls that clenched around him. He assuaged the pain of taking all of him with a gentle kiss and soft praises, urging you to take your time, that you had all night together.
All night. The promise he would stay, at least until the morning, sent a teasing wave of pleasure through you. Gripping his shoulders, you tried to keep a steady pace as you rode him, wanted to show him that staying would be worth his while. He’d been right in the car, you wouldn’t be a virginal, wedding white bride. The both of you had seen and experienced too much to be considered innocent any longer, but it was something you shared, that no one else from that day would have understood.
Your thighs ached as you neared your climax, desperately chasing it despite the exhaustion that was creeping up on you. Crying out in frustration, you buried your face in the crook of Michael’s neck.
“I’m close,” you whined. “Michael, I—”
“I’ve got you,” he assured you, his hands making their home on your hips. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you let him guide your body, his thrusts doing most of the work while you rocked against him, seeking the friction against your clit that would bring you to release. It caught in your throat, a broken groan from your lips to his ears as you came, clenching around him, pleasure rolling through you, rattling your body like thunder. You barely caught your breath when he came, shuddering against you, practically cradling you against him as he filled you.
With a whimper, you lifted yourself off of him and rolled back onto the bed. Placing your hand on your chest, you felt your rapidly beating heart beneath your fingertips, focusing on it as it slowed the following minute or so and ignoring the stickiness between your legs, the evidence you slept with your best friend’s older brother. 
Michael leaned over, brushing back the hair that stuck to your face. “What are your plans tomorrow?”
“Looking through the classifieds for a job,” you said honestly.
“Wanna put it off for a day?”
“With what money, Michael?”
“I’ll give you a line of credit.”
You grabbed one of the pillows from behind you, throwing it at him with a laugh. “Jerk!”
He grinned, pushing it aside to grab for one of your arms. You put up a weak fight, your breathless laughter giving away his almost certain win.
Having pinned you down beneath him, he pressed you for an answer. “So?” He kissed you. “What do you say, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling despite yourself. “I guess I can clear my schedule for a dashing war hero like you.”
“Dashing, I like the sound of that,” he murmured, bringing his lips to yours again, softly, with a tenderness that promised more for tomorrow, and even the day after, if you’d have him. 
You smiled. “Me too.”
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seospicybin · 8 months
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Seungmin x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Seungmin become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (12,7k words)
Author's note: Sorry for making you guys wait so long for this one but hope you like it? Be careful with the angst though >,<
LANA: [Chimes] It's quite clear from their multiple rule breaks that they're not taking this process seriously. What they don't know is that this is their last chance to prove they're here for the right reasons. If they fail in the suite, then their time at the retreat will be over.
You gasp in awe at the romantic setting in the private suite, with candles lit and the sight of the bed scattered with rose petals on top. You turn to look at Seungmin and delightfully sigh, "This is nice!"
You waddle to the end of the bed to grab a bucket of chilled champagne, handing the bottle to Seungmin so he can open it for you.
Feeling mischievous, he holds the bottle with both hands and aggressively shakes it with a devilish smirk on his face.
"What are you doing? Why are you— Ow!" You squeal as the wine sprays out of the bottle and you reflexively take a step away to avoid the spillage.
You already know that's something he'd most likely do and only laugh at it, holding the glasses high so he can fill them with the white wine.
"Cheers!" You both exclaim, clinking the champagne flutes together before taking a sip.
You look around the room and notice all the things displayed on the bedside tables, a whole bowl of condoms, a selection of sex toys and you take a closer look to read the bottles, finding out they are lubricant and massage oil.
You pick up a heart-shaped whip and swing it in the air, "Are you going to use it on me?"
Seungmin leans against the frame of the bed, "I'll think about it," he coyly answers.
Everyone else must be restless with the two of you are alone in a private suite and potentially break more rules but that's something you can think about later. For now, you want to enjoy your time here with Seungmin and he's looking effortlessly hot in his fitted white shirt that enhances his broad shoulders.
You walk back to your champagne and stand in front of Seungmin, putting your hand on his waist as you ask, "So, what's our game plan?"
He calmly sips his wine and holds it down, "I think we should keep our clothes on," he suggests.
You let out a low chuckle at his foolproof suggestion and sip your wine.
Seungmin puts his glass away and comes up with an idea, "Stay here!"
You obey him and stand where you are as he pulls the duvet, sending the rose petals littering the bedroom floor. He then takes your wine glass and starts putting it around you. You're laughing as he keeps wrapping you in the duvet and with your hands stuck to your sides, limiting your mobility.
"This is your best plan?" You doubtfully ask.
He nods as he observes his work then smiles in satisfaction, "We're not going to rule break," he confidently says.
You tip your head to the side and sigh, walking in tiny steps to plop down on the end of the bed. Just from walking a few steps away, you can already feel your body heating, "Then how am I going to drink?"
He finishes his wine to help you drink yours, instead of taking your glass, he grabs the bottle.
"Open your mouth!" He says.
It's unclear why you always submit to his wishes, you open your mouth and slightly tilt your head to the back. Slowly, he pours the wine into your mouth.
Seungmin is softly laughing at how you allowed him to do this to you and he hurriedly tips the bottle as the wine spills out of the corner of your mouth.
You burst into laughter once you swallow the wine with your chin wet with the sweet wine, "I can't even wipe it," you whine.
"I'll help you," he says, holding your face by the chin and he leans in to lick it clean.
Since it is not against the rule, you let his hot tongue lick the corner of your mouth then wipe it with his thumb after. Frankly, that feels a lot more sensual than a kiss.
"I'm getting hot," you honestly tell him, feeling your neck and back start to damp with sweat.
Seungmin knows that you also meant it figuratively, that your body not only getting hot outside but also inside. A smirk forms on his angular face that takes his attractiveness to a whole another level.
"I know," he casually says as he gulps the rest of his wine.
YOU: Lana, I can only handle so much. Sharing a bed with him is already hard and now you let us alone in the suite?
"Seungmin!" You softly call from the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a bathrobe on.
With the open bathroom, Seungmin sits on the bed and watches you dipping your hand in the warm, scented water to get the bath ready for both of you.
"You know what time it is, Seungmin?" You ask with a seductive daze.
Seungmin is too busy watching you to answer you, he leans back and spreads his legs open as you come up to him. You slowly walk with your hips swinging, teasing him with the ties around your bathrobe. Leaving only a few feet of space, you stop in front of him and answer your own question.
"It's sexy time!" You announce, untying your bathrobe and letting it fall onto the floor, exposing your naked body except for the thin white underwear you're wearing.
You put all of your hair to the back and then take another step closer to him, presenting yourself to him with eyes that stir something inside of him.
Seungmin tries too hard to remain calm but how? You look so undeniably beautiful and sexy, he wants to make love to you and ruin you at the same time.
You take his hand and put it on your left hip, "Do you like what you see?"
He wants to test his limits so he bravely puts his other hand on your waist, drawing you closer until you sit, straddling him on the edge of the bed, "I'd like it more if I can touch it," he answers.
You put your hands around his neck and drop your voice low, "You can touch," you say.
Then tilt your head to the side as you continue talking, "But it comes with a price."
He uses his knuckle to rub it up and down your spine, feeling how soft you are under his touch. He draws a breath and slowly lets it out.
"New game plan," he suddenly announces.
"Okay, let's hear it," you enthusiastically respond.
"How much do we have left?"
"Of the prize money?"
He nods to answer your question.
"70 grand something," you vaguely answer.
He rests his hand on the arch of your back as he uses his other hand to support himself, "How much for sex?"
"40 grand," you shortly answer.
He bobs his head as he calculates everything in his head, "If we had sex then what can we do with the rest of the money?"
You let out a chuckle hearing his rough calculation that goes against the initial plan, "You want to spend all of it?"
"Why not?" He coyly answers.
There's no use in making his answer make sense so you play along with him, "I mean... we can use it to give each other head?" You give him ideas.
He places his hands on each side of your waist, planting his fingers deep in the flesh, "And that would be how much?"
"Mmh... like 20 to 30 grand, I think?" You wildly guess.
He likes how your hand softly scratches the hair on the nape of his neck as you speak and he's afraid that he'll be too relaxed to even think about the money at stake. He decides to put his arms around you once more and clasps them together on your back.
"And we'll still have $4,000 left..." he simply resolves, tightening his hold around you and sending your breasts squashed between your chests.
"Before we get to do all that..." you pause to place a kiss on his neck and tilt your head to the side, "The bath is ready."
With another soft kiss on his jaw, you slowly get off his lap and hold your hand out at him, leading him to the bathroom. You turn around and place your hands on his chest, begin unbuttoning his shirt.
"I know how to take my shirt off," he says, taking the duty off you.
You narrow your eyes at him as he unbutton the rest and when Seungmin thinks you'll find something else to do, you hook your fingers in the waistband of his jeans, then pull him close.
"Let me help you take this off then," you murmur, swiftly popping open the button of his jeans then slowly, you unzip the fly.
Seungmin subtly smirks at you and continues parting open his shirt, putting his shirt away next to the sink. He hurriedly takes your hands away from anywhere near his crotch and puts them around his waist instead.
"I'm just trying to help," you innocently say with a sly smile.
He knows exactly what you're doing. You want to tease him, test him, and keep pushing him to the limit but you know what? You're not going to be the only one having fun here.
Without warning, he puts his arms around you and lifts you bridal-style, you're squealing not knowing that he's about to put you into the bathtub. The water sloshes out of the tub but Seungmin is too busy laughing at how the water gets all over you, but he didn't expect to get this view of your body drenched and soaked in scented, milky white water.
You splash water at his legs as a way to try to get back at him but Seungmin, an athlete with a good reflex he is, quickly steps away to avoid it.
"I'm just trying to help," he says back to you with a coy smile.
SEUNGMIN: No, I'm still not going to break any rules with her.
"Which one are you going to use?"
Seungmin probably doesn't hear you as he's focusing on which sex toy he wants to use on you, observing every toy meticulously like he's never seen it before.
He picks up the fuzzy handcuffs and hands them to you, "Here."
You take it from him and laugh as he gives an unclear instruction on whether he wants you to wear it or want you to put it on him.
"What do you want me to do with it?" You ask, sitting in the middle of the bed dressed in the tiniest night dress you took with you to the private suite.
Seungmin ignores your question again as he rummages through the tray of sex toys. After a moment, he puts his attention back on you, "Put it on!"
You're confused as to why he's not the one doing it, "Why don't you...?"
He gets on it, puts the handcuffs around your wrists, and makes sure it's locked.
"Oh, I've never been handcuffed before," you share while checking the strength of the cuffs around your wrists.
"Me too," Seungmin says.
"You're going to get handcuffed next," you blurt out.
"No," he deadly refuses.
"That's not fair!" You complain.
Seungmin seems to have settled his decision on the sex toy, picking up the heart-shaped leather whip with him as he climbs onto the bed.
"Get on your four!" He orders.
"Why?" You ask yet you're obeying him, propping your elbows and knees against the mattress.
Seungmin places his hand on the nape of your neck before dragging it down, tracing the arch of your back. Just the simplest of his touch is enough to send a shudder down your spine. He grabs a fistful of your silk night dress and lifts it to your waist, exposing your bare butt in thin black underwear.
You look over your shoulder to see what he's doing, "Be nice, pl—"
Before you can even finish your sentence, he uses the leather whip to land a slap on your buttcheek, "Oh!" You gasp in surprise.
You're still processing the first slap when he lands another one on the other butt cheek and skin slapping sound echoes in the room, "Oh..." you gasp again.
It stings a little but bearable, you wiggle your butt and decide to provoke him, "Harder, come on!"
Seungmin glides the leather whip down your thigh and slaps you there, twice and harder as you ask.
"Harder! Don't be shy!" You encourage.
It doesn't take long for Seungmin to get the hang of it, discovering your sensitive places with the leather whip and enjoying every second of it. When he hears you yelp in pain though, Seungmin abruptly stops to check on you, "Did it hurt?"
"Mmm-hmm," you confirm with a hum.
He then uses his hand to rub the skin, it works to soothe the pain but feeling his big hand rubbing your butt cheek makes you flutter inside.
"I'm going to continue, okay?" He says, indirectly asking for your consent.
"Can you grab the pillow for me first, baby?" You sweetly ask.
He does what you said, taking the pillow and placing it under you as you get tired from propping your elbows against the bed.
You hold the pillow under your chest but keep your ass jutting up for him, "Okay, you can continue now," you tell him.
You feel his hand rubs up the back of your leg and stops at the back of your knee, "Open your legs a little wider," he orders.
You immediately obey, putting a gap between your legs and adjusting yourself to the new position, "How long are we going to do this?" You casually ask as Seungmin is touching you all over with the leather whip.
"Until I finish," he simply answers.
"Then when are we going to spend the $40,000? I thought we— OW!" You yelp again as he slaps your inner thigh without you knowing.
He knows where your limit is and only slaps you hard enough that you can tolerate it, but it seems like he doesn't want to keep going, he only uses the leather whip to touch you. It's getting dangerous that it's going between your legs and he rubs it against your clothed core, making you giggling in response.
"Baby, I'm getting horny here," you shamelessly admit.
But that makes him want to tease you more as he lands a gentle slap on your clothed core.
"Oh..." you moan.
There's no stopping him now that he knows your sensitive spot, you let your body collapse onto the bed and shut your legs as a way to stop him.
"That's enough," you tell him, burying your face in the pillow to hide your flustered face.
He gets rid of the whip and hovers on top of you, his hand removing the hair covering your face so he can place a kiss on your cheek, "We're going to spend $40,000, remember?" He murmurs close to your ear.
Seungmin holds your hair so he can plant his mouth on your neck and places kisses there, hot and wet like your situation down under.
You lowly giggle as he switches to the other side of the neck and does the same thing, he doesn't hesitate to put his body on top of you as he kisses your neck.
"Mmh... baby," you breathlessly moan.
Even though you're handcuffed, you keep gripping the pillow to resist the urge to touch him. You start to your senses the more he plants kisses on you.
"We have to be good," you remind him.
"We have to— Oh!" Your eyes are fluttering open and close as he nibbles on your ear.
"We have to what?" He asks with his hot breath fanning your cheek.
You rake your brain to recall what you were trying to say to him earlier, it takes you a minute to finally get it, "We have to get those watches, baby," you say.
His body is pressing on you yet you like how you can feel his whole body behind you, including his hardening member against his boxer. He curves his arm around your neck and grabs your chin, turning your head at him so he can make a trail of kisses along your jaw.
"Fuck the watches," he says with his lips only inches away from yours.
You have your eyes closed the whole time but you dare yourself to open them, looking at him as you say, "Mmh, yeah, fuck the watches."
YOU: I really want the watch but... [shrugs][smirks]
It must be the nicest sleep you ever had because why it feels like it was only a minute ago you went to sleep and you already woke up again. It couldn't get better as you wake up to Seungmin looking like a fluffy puppy with his bare face and tousled hair, you can't help but smile at the sight of him.
"Morning, fluffy baby," you croak.
Seungmin opens his eyes for a second then turns over on the bed, resting his head on your chest, and closes his eyes again.
"Do you want to go back to the villa?" You randomly ask as you play with his dark hair.
He doesn't answer but quietly breathes, syncing it with the falling and rising of your chest.
"You know what, let's just stay here," you playfully say with a quick kiss on the top of his head.
A few minutes pass with Seungmin taking a short nap on your chest, he drags himself out of the duvet and sits with his back against the headboard.
You follow suit, sitting next to him and gently resting your head on his shoulder, quietly relishing all the feelings from last night.
As you look at him, you're fluttering inside and it's been like that since last night, like a kaleidoscope of butterflies flying around in your stomach.
"Last night was amazing, don't you think?"
"Mmh," he hums in agreement as his mouth is full of water.
You put your hand on his and it turns into comparing hand sizes, surely, his hand is bigger than yours and that's exactly why you like it.
You like it more when his hands are on you, touching you all over like he did last night, his fingertips on your skin. What you like the most though is how he knows when to be rough and when to be gentle, or how to mix those two to make you all sort of things.
"I'll always remember it," you mutter with a delightful sigh.
He turns his head at you, "Remember what?"
"Last night," you answer.
"As what?" He asks with a sly smile on his face.
The sun is shining bright outside but his smile is brighter. You can't help but smile too and before he notices, you quickly clear your throat.
"As the first time I got handcuffed," you answer.
Seungmin nods in approval of your answer. He takes another sip of water and licks his lips after.
"We should spend $30,000 before we go," he says.
It's not about the money anymore, you feel a bit sad that your alone time with him is going to end soon. Then again, how can you say not to get a head from him?
You put the duvet away and spread your legs open, "You can take the first turn to give me head."
YOU: Last night, having Seungmin all to myself... whew! [Fans neck]
As the two of you are having breakfast on the balcony, Seungmin can see that everyone is heading to the cabana and that could only mean one thing: Lana is calling them there.
"They're going to the cabana," Seungmin informs you.
You dust off your hands and join him, looking down from the balcony to see everyone is already gathered in the cabana.
"Oh, fuck..." your curse gradually turns into a low sigh.
"We should tell them right away," he suggests because admitting it right away is a safer choice, or that's what Seungmin reckons.
You tug at the sleeve of his t-shirt and meekly say, "I'm scared."
Seungmin understands what you feel but there's no need to be scared, you're not the only one doing it, you're in it with him. He places his hand on the small of your back, "We got this," he comforts you.
The trip to the cabana is like a drag down to hell, Seungmin can see that you're tempted to retreat the closer it gets to the destination. He firmly holds you back and encourages you to keep going.
"We can do this," you mutter to yourself before entering the cabana.
"There they are!" Adriana exclaims at the sight of the two of you.
Everyone must have been waiting and anticipating, he can feel the intensity of the situation which is a contrast to what he felt back in the private suite.
"Why do you look guilty?" Lili innocently asks you.
Adriana scoots forward on her seat and clasps her hands together in front of her, "Why aren't you looking at me?"
You answer with a shrug then take a seat next to Seungmin and face the cone on the table.
Thankfully, Tom sits on the far end of the sofa from Seungmin. However, he can feel his laser glare at him, boring a hole in between his eyes.
"I hope you guys didn't do anything I wouldn't do," Tom says in all seriousness.
You both decide to stay quiet and Seungmin offers his hand for you to hold which you gladly take.
Not long after, Lana lights up and chimes.
"Hello, everyone."
"Hello, Lana!" A few are replying to her.
Seungmin's heart skips a beat when Lana calls both of your names right after the opening greeting. This is it, he tells himself to get ready for what's coming.
"Last night, I gave the two of you a test to see if they could make a deeper connection without surrendering to their physical desires."
Seungmin turns your hand over on his lap and slips his fingers between yours to intertwine it together.
"If successful, they would each be given a watch. If unsuccessful, not only would they not be given their watches, but the usual fines for rule breaks would be deducted," Lana reminds everyone what is at stake here.
Wait, additionally? There's another thing to this? What is Lana not telling you both? Seungmin hates being kept in the dark like this and his heart starts to race in his chest.
"What?" You ask in a panicked voice.
"There's something I did not tell you," Lana confirms Seungmin's fear.
You drop your head on his shoulder and whine, "Oh, no..."
"After numerous rule breaks, I wanted to know how committed they were to my process. That's why if they fail to adhere to my rules in the suite, proving that they're not here for the right reasons, I will be sending them home."
SEUNGMIN: Wow! That's a plot twist.
How could Lana do this to you?
She sent you to the private suite and told you nothing about sending you home if you messed up. That wasn't a part of the deal, the deal is either you get the watch or not. And obviously, you don't want to go home, not when things are going well with Seungmin.
"You were very busy last night," Lana discloses to everyone.
Elliott chuckles and looks at you, "You went a little naughty, did you?"
You skip on answering and look away, getting back to the matter at hand.
"The question is did you break the rules?"
You admit you did a lot of things in the private suite with Seungmin, in fact, you did too many that you weren't sure if any of them were against the rules or not. At this point, you can't know if you're safe so you can only hope that Lana has mercy on you.
"Please pick up the packages to find out your fate!" Lana orders.
You don't notice the gift boxes on the table until Lana tells you to pick them up. You let out a breath before picking up yours as Seungmin takes his gift box as well.
"Watches mean you have passed. Tickets home mean you have failed."
This is it... you either get the watch and continue growing your connection with Seungmin or you go home. You turn your head at Seungmin and exchange a look with him, seeking encouragement from him.
Seungmin signals you with a nod and at once, you both open the lid and find the watches inside. You show the content to everyone and everyone bursts out cheering. Lili and Adriana come and hug you while Seungmin takes a lap of celebration, giving everyone a high-five as he goes.
Everyone gets back to their seats after the short celebration of money stay intact and no one is going home, including you. You and Seungmin help each other put the watches on.
"Congratulations! You may move to the next stage of the retreat."
Not only you have successfully passed the test but everyone acknowledging that what you and Seungmin have is not merely a physical connection feels like an exceptional achievement. Overflowing with happiness, you press a kiss on Seungmin's cheek and immediately rub the lipstick mark with your thumb.
"Please use your time wisely," Lana ends the session.
YOU: I got the watch, bitches!
After last night, Seungmin is convinced that what he has for you is more than just an infatuation or a passing fancy. He feels something close to something real which he hasn't felt in a long time. He obviously likes you, he's comfortable with you and even though the two of you are together, you always respect him and his boundaries. You're not taking things seriously but at the same time, you're someone he can have earnest talks with and that's something he rarely finds in a person.
He is not one to doubt his feelings, he knows what this feeling is and he wants to let you know that.
What you'll do with it, it's entirely up to you but he's not going to lie that he's nervous about how well you're going to take it.
The hand scratching the hair behind his ear startles him from his deep thoughts.
"You're so quiet," you say with your breath tinted with the sweet smell of the wine you're drinking.
He only realizes that he's in the presence of other people and sharing the sofa with Adriana and Vale with Devon and Elliott also there cuddling on the other sofa.
"What's on your mind?" You softly ask while caressing the hand resting on your stomach.
As he sits next to you with your back facing him, Seungmin leans in close to your ear and whispers, "Let's have a chat?"
Your eyes waver like you just heard a piece of bad news, "Right now?"
Seeing that everyone else is engaged in a talk and you're a part of it, Seungmin thinks it's not the right time to pull you aside. He certainly can do it later.
"No, it's okay, we can do it later," he says with a soft rub down your arm.
But you seem to sense the urgency in his words, you stop resting your back against him and look at him, "Let me finish my wine first," you say.
You drain your glass of wine and pull down the hem of your dress before getting up from the sofa.
Seungmin chooses the bedroom since everyone else is out of the house and the two of you sitting on the end of your shared bed, facing each other. You're nervously picking at the tassels of the cushion as you're waiting for Seungmin to start talking and after a moment, you ask, "It's not something serious right?"
He lets out a chuckle as he brushes his hair to the back only for his hair to fall back on its place, "Serious as in..."
"I don't know. Maybe you suddenly grow feelings for Tom?" You jokingly say with a crisp laughter followed after.
He props his hand against the bed, sending him into the same eye level with you, "Your guess is almost right," he says.
"Oh?" You think for a moment and come up with a different guess, "Is it... Blake?"
He lets out a laugh and starts playing with the tassels on the cushion you're holding on your lap, "I grow feelings for you," he finally lets out in a very casual manner.
But that seems to take you aback that you only blink your eyes and look at him with a blank expression on your face.
Seungmin's hand finds your hand and intertwines them together, "What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to continue to open up myself to you," he remarks.
A smile blooms on your face and it warms his heart like the first ray of sun, "That's so sweet of you," you say.
"And I want us to get a green light," he adds.
After the private suite, you understand that getting the green light is another challenge to tackle to prove that you both showing growth in your relationship.
"Oh yeah, this," you say, tapping at the screen of the watch with your fingers.
Seungmin lightly shakes the hand he's holding, "And what do you think?"
"About the green light?"
"About us," he answers.
"I like where we are now," you sincerely say with a smile that proves your words.
"I like us, I like what we have, our connection," you pause to draw a shallow breath, "I love that we have this amazing dynamic."
Seungmin likes what he's hearing from you but that many positive words are usually followed by a certain word.
There it is, that word.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready to completely open up myself to you, that's just so scary to me, I... I just need more time," you explain.
The sad smile on your face tells him that it's not something you wanted as well and he understands that something must have made you act this way, but that's okay, he can prove to you that he's not like the previous guy or even any other guy.
"Do I scare you?" He jokingly asks.
"A bit, yeah," you joke back.
You both share a laughter then you reach for the collar of his shirt, then lay your hand flat on his chest, "I had unpleasant past... experiences? I just... the last time I opened myself up, I got hurt and that hurtful feeling still haunting me to this day," you honestly share with sadness that clouding your sparkling eyes.
It's something that Seungmin can understand, he knows he's not the reason why but knowing that you have a trust issue doesn't please him either.
"That's okay. You can take your time," he assures you.
You let out a low sigh and look into his eyes, "This doesn't mean that I don't want to, I'll keep trying to open up myself more to you," you reassure him.
And mostly, Seungmin doesn't want to force you to do something you're not even ready to do. He reaches for the side of your face and endearingly caresses your cheek, "Thank you for trying for me," he sincerely mutters his gratitude to you.
The smile returns on your face and he likes it whenever he sees it. You suddenly throw your arms around him and hold him close, taking him by surprise.
"Why are you so sweet, mmh?" You say then land a soft kiss on his cheek.
You put more of your weight on him, sending the two of you to topple on top of each other on the bed. You're laughing as you pin him under you and stare at his face with such fondness in your eyes. This is one of the moments where Seungmin is sure of his feelings.
"Stop looking at me with those eyes," you say with your face hovering only inches away above his.
Seungmin doesn't know what kind of eyes he's giving you right now but maybe it's one where you can see through him. You tenderly caress his face and trail the outline of his jaw with only your fingertips, making him tingle inside.
"I want to kiss you so bad," you murmur with your eyes looking at his lips.
"We should wait for the green light," he reminds you.
"Should we?" you playfully say then press a gentle kiss on his jaw.
It's easy to fall into temptations and it's even easier because you are the temptation itself. The way you look at him right now, how you look in your dress tonight, how your teeth faintly bite your lower lips as you look at his lips, you best believe that Seungmin is this close to falling right into your enchantment.
"I think we should wait for the green light," Seungmin stands firm on his ground.
You mask your slight disappointment with a light chuckle then press another kiss on his cheek.
"My sexy, dandy boy," You mutter as you lean in close to nuzzle your nose with his.
Seungmin holds his arm out, inviting you to rest your head on it. You carefully lay yourself down while keeping the hem of your dress down and snuggle into him.
"I feel sleepy already," he sighs as he closes his eyes.
"It's only 9," you tell him.
He drags his hand down your back and rests it on your backside, resisting the urge to grab the flesh or to land a slap on it.
"Are you wearing underwear?" He asks out of the blue.
"Why don't you check yourself," you dare him.
He's not one to be challenged, Seungmin lowers his hand until he meets the hem of your dress and does not hesitate to slip his hand under. Before he can check whether you wear underwear or not, you pull his hand out and rest it on your waist.
"Wait for the green light, remember?" You say his words back at him with a sly grin on your face.
SEUNGMIN: I hope she and I go the distance but I know she's a free spirit, I can't hold her down or put her in a box.
There's nothing wrong between you and Seungmin. However, you can't say that everything is well either. Seungmin has been doing nothing but showing more of himself opening up to you, and trying to get the same out of you.
Every time you try to do the same, there's this fear that looms in the back of your head and gets you thinking, ‘What if he doesn't like that part of you? And what if it makes him leave?’ You can't bear thinking that this amazing thing you have with Seungmin will walk away with him because the last time you did that, that's what happened.
It's not fair that you compare him to your previous partner but it's not about him, it's you, you've been living with this demon latched onto your back and it's so hard to shake it off. When you look at him as he's still sleeping soundly next to you, Gosh, you wish you find the bravery to just do it.
"You've been watching me sleeping," he mutters with eyes still closed.
"Yes. Yes, I am," you immediately admit.
You gently rub his cheek and then rest your hand on his neck, "because you're so gorgeous, babe," you compliment with a small smile.
He inhales air and pulls himself closer to you, burying his head in the crook of your neck to surprise you with a gentle bite. Instead of pushing him away, you wrap your legs around him and hold him close while he playfully bites on the skin of your neck.
You keep your giggles to the minimum to not disturb everyone else who's still sleeping in the room even though it's about time to wake up. Shortly, the lights are on and flooding the room with fluorescent light, waking everyone from their slumbers.
Lana chimes in not long after for her usual morning greeting, "Good morning, everyone!"
"Morning, Lana," you reply while half yawning.
"I would like to inform you that many of you are showing signs of emotional development and this is most encouraging," Lana says.
Oh, that's how you want to start the day: with a piece of good news.
It may be one of the few good things Lana has said in the retreat so it means that everyone is indeed doing a good job at nurturing their relationships and showing actual growth and that's including you.
Even though you're not sure you have shown significant growth, it feels good to know that Lana acknowledges your effort.
As you both brush your teeth together by the sink, Seungmin teases you by slapping the strap of your tank top against your skin. You get back to him by doing the same to the waistband of his boxer once you're done brushing your teeth.
He's glaring at you through the reflection in the mirror, "I dare you to put your hand inside," he says.
"Oh?" You exclaim.
Seungmin has no idea what he asked you to do, you don't hesitate to slip your hand inside his boxer but he catches you right before you can slip your hand inside.
"You're asking for it. Let me in!" You grumble with your hand still caught on the waistband of his boxer and his hand pins you there.
Seungmin finally gets your hand out only to put it on his chest and clamp your hand under his arm, not letting you take your hand away.
"You're annoying," you tell him but stand behind him so you can put your other arm around him.
The morning continues with a workout session by the beach. Everyone else apparently opted for the swimming pool today, you only found Vale meditating in the gazebo nearby. You do some yoga and teach Seungmin a few yoga poses you usually do in the morning.
"We're going to finish it with a savasana," you instruct him.
Seungmin sits on the mat waiting for your next instruction with hair tousled from the sea breeze and a sheen of sweat forming on his forehead. He looks handsome nonetheless.
"What's that?"
"It's basically a corpse pose," you inform.
He slowly blinks his eyes to process your words, "Don't tell me I just need to lay down..." his words trail off as he takes a sip of water from his tumbler.
"Yes, that's exactly it," you confirm.
You sit on your mat and wait until he's ready to tell him what to do next, "Lay down on your back!"
Feeling mischievous, you force him down with a gentle push on his chest, laughing when he accidentally hits his head hard against the floor.
"Now stretch your arms and legs out and away from your body," you furtherly instruct.
Seungmin follows your instructions well, stretching both his arms and legs out.
"Close your eyes..." You run your fingers down his face to make sure he closes his eyes, "And breathe..."
He stays still in that position but it only lasts for a good minute, "What to do next?"
You lightly chuckle and sit next to his body, "Next, I'm going to get on top of you..." You joke yet you sit on his abdomen and can actually feel how hard his abs are.
"And then?" He asks.
"Then..." you lean in close and gently kiss his cheek, dangerously close to the corner of his mouth.
"To be continued," you seductively whisper into his ear.
He suddenly sits up and wraps his arms around you, "but I want it now."
You shake your head and loop your arms around his neck, "No, you have to wait."
He lets out a sigh then licks his lips, "You suck!"
"I'll suck you too but not now," you simply respond to his jeering.
Somehow that earns a wave of laughter out of him and he's the most beautiful when he's happy.
YOU: Seungmin has a spot in my heart that no one has ever come close to [smiles] ... which also scares me [sighs]
It's been a good day, well, so far.
When it's time for everyone to come to the cabana, that only means Lana is either going to make it a better day or make it worse. You want the former but you never know with Lana. You take the sofa on the side with Seungmin while everyone else takes the long sofa and Blake sits on the single sofa on the other side of the cabana.
Lana chimes not long after everyone settles in, "Hello, everyone."
"Hi, Lana!" You weakly reply.
So is everyone, they're replying to her with an edge to their voices, sensing that Lana has something important to announce.
"I am pleased to see that several of you have developed romantic connections during your time here."
Okay, that doesn't sound bad but Lana is sinister, you know there's always a catch to it.
"But for these relationships to succeed in the long-term, it is vital that you trust each other to resist temptation."
Now that's more like it. 'Resist temptation' are the two words that you never get along well and whatever Lana has planned, you're not optimistic about it.
"Today, I'll be putting that to the test..."
And there goes the word you despise the most: test. You never do well at tests, you barely made it on the last one and she's going to put you on another one?
"I'm nervous," Issa says with a blank expression like her soul has left her body.
"I think I'm having a heart attack," Devon dramatically adds.
You don't want to add to that despite that you're just as nervous as them.
"...With the help of two new arrivals."
Groans are spilling out of everyone's mouth but you're still busy processing the words to react to it. New arrivals mean new temptations and you're not ready for it.
"I knew it!" Tom says with a heavy sigh.
You look around and the couples are looking nervous, including you. You're not that worried about Seungmin, you worry more about yourself and whether your head will turn or not.
"Oh, shit," you quietly mutter to yourself.
"The first new arrival is... Zane," Lana announces.
Zane sounds like a dangerous man or you just made it up in your head, gosh, you hope it's something you made up in your head.
"The second new arrival is... Margot."
You secretly glance at Seungmin and see if he reacts to the name of the new arrival but he seems calm, unfazed more like.
"Two of you will be going on private dates with the new arrivals," Lana says.
YOU: If Seungmin got chosen for the date, well... that sucks.
Not this again.
The first time, you weren't with anyone so that got you exempted from being picked and now that you're with a partner, it's more likely that you'll get chosen, and that scares you more than you let it.
"No, thank you," you immediately respond and earn a chuckle from Seungmin.
"They have selected the guests they are most attracted to from a choice of those in relationships," Lana informs.
Now you can't decide what to worry more, you get picked for the date or Seungmin?
"Zane has chosen to go on a date with..."
The males are looking antsy in their seats, you can't say the same about Seungmin but then again, he always looks calm. Unlike you, you hold your breath until Lana announces who gets picked for the date with this Zane guy.
"... Devon."
It shouldn't be a surprise that the popular girl got picked but you're not jealous at all, you feel relieved that it's not you.
"Girl, you keep getting picked for dates, Lana should start charging you for the food," you joke.
Everyone is laughing at that except for the person sitting next to Devon. Elliott is rather nervous to know his partner got picked for the date.
"Margot has chosen to go on a date with..."
Oh, you forget about the other new arrival and it gets you nervous once again but you convince yourself that Seungmin's head won't turn. Then again, that's just your wishful thinking.
You let out a low sigh of relief and melt into Seungmin's shoulder, feeling good that you're not chosen nor being tested with the new arrivals. It's better to stay away from temptations than to try to resist them.
"Devon and Jeff, please now leave the cabana and get ready for your dates," Lana orders.
Jeff and Issa have been the most consistent couple in here and even that doesn't keep the insecurities from residing in Issa's head and you can see it in her eyes.
"Remember the rules, you guys," Tom warns them before leaving the cabana.
You're glad that either you or Seungmin doesn't have to deal with Lana's test but that doesn't mean everything is going to be a bed of roses from now on. You are aware that you still have not yet done your part in nurturing this connection with Seungmin and if you want this to work, you know you'd better start working on it.
In the evening, you get away from everyone and sit by the side of the pool with your feet dipped in the water. Maybe Elliott misses the signs that you need the time alone as he casually sits next to you, looking so restless and his beautiful eyes seem to have lost their glints.
"I'm shaking. My head is scrambled like fucking eggs, honestly," he says with a ragged sigh.
You were too deep in your own business that you forgot that Devon is having a date with the new arrival and that explains the distress drawn on Elliott's face.
"This is a fucking test," he doesn't hold back from using the profanity and curses it out loud into the night.
All this time, you think their connection is merely physical but now, seeing how stressed Elliott is about Devon going on a date with someone else, proves that they do have something genuine going on.
"If she moved on with this new guy, it's going to be a tough pill to swallow," he shares with you.
You've been quiet and you think it's time you respond to him so he feels heard and supported.
"Yeah," you meekly say.
Elliott sighs and rubs his chin as he stares blankly at the swimming pool.
"Just thinking of that makes me feel sick," he mutters with a groan. His face indeed looks a little pale without the lights of the swimming pool which casts a bluish glow on his face.
Not long after that, you see Devon has returned from her date and bringing the new guy behind him, the first thing that you notice is her holding his hand.
"Oh my God," you lowly gasp out of reflex.
You nervously glance at Elliott and hope that he doesn't notice the handholding thing. You find something enlightening to say to him but nothing comes out of your mouth.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, man!" Elliott exclaims but keeps his voice low.
Guess he noticed and it's too late for you to distract him, he may sit on the far end of the swimming pool but he can see the new guy and how attractive he is. Zane is tall, lean yet muscular, with gorgeous brown skin and big, round eyes that look too pretty for a guy but a weapon if he knows how to use them.
"He looks good," you unconsciously mutter, not realizing that what you said would make Elliott feel more sick.
"They had a great time, you reckon?" He asks you.
You don't want to pour salt on his wound but you can't sugarcoat it for him either because Devon is seen smiling as she introduces Zane around to the people gathered on the terrace.
"I think, yeah," you meekly reply.
Then a while later, you see Devon is coming this way and probably going to talk with Elliot.
"She's coming over here," you mutter at Elliott.
Elliott fiddles with his shirt as he turns around to see that Devon is indeed coming to him.
You take it as your cue to leave the space so they can talk privately, getting up to get yourself out of there.
"I'll just excuse myself," you say as you turn to leave.
YOU: This guy is a real temptation so I wish Elliott the best of luck.
Seungmin has met the new guest, Zane. He's attractive, yes, it's obvious from how he takes all of the attention away and it's also because everyone is just so happy to see a new face.
You're the last one to get introduced to him as he saw you talking with Elliot by the side of the pool, you make your way to the terrace and see the new guy. He sees how Zane offers his hand first at you as he says his name to you with confidence and you take his hand but instead of shaking it, he uses it to pull you into a quick hug.
"Nice to meet you," you beam with a smile.
"Likewise," Zane says back and subtly takes a look at you, up and down in a few seconds.
Once you introduce yourself, you walk your way to sit next to Seungmin, squeezing yourself into the long sofa. You smile as you settle yourself next to him and place your hand on his forearm. Seungmin hasn't seen you for the rest of the afternoon and not expecting to feel like he hasn't seen you in ages. He misses you, so he puts his hand on yours and smiles as he looks at you.
"You look gorgeous," he compliments.
You put your hair to the back and give the end a quick brush with your fingers, "Thank you, baby."
He offers you his wine because it seems like you need it and you gladly take a small sip, tainting the rim with your lipstick mark. From his peripheral vision, Seungmin can see that the new guy has been looking at you ever since you stepped into the room.
"So, who do you find attractive?" Lili asks him.
Zane is probably aware that Devon has something going on with Elliot, he can see that as they're deep in talk by the side of the pool or Devon told him about it during the date.
Zane stays quiet for a moment, "I'm open to everything else," he finally answers.
That seems like the safest answer he could give, keeping his options open until he adds something to that sentence.
"But I have my eyes on someone," he adds, not so subtly giving you the eyes to let everyone know who it is.
Is it supposed to hurt him or what? It seems like Zane doesn't mind stepping on anyone's toes and from the way he openly declares that he fancies you, he doesn't mind stepping on Seungmin's toes especially. Everyone is aware of it thus explaining the awkward silence that resides in the room.
"Oh, shit," Vale quietly mutters before he sips his wine.
He sees that you notice the eyes Zan has been giving you and quickly looks away, trying to act like you don't know then sip your wine.
You lean to his side and lowly whisper, "He's eyeing me."
What people do with their bodies including their eyes is not Seungmin's business and considering that he knows you're with him yet he blatantly flirts with you tells him that it's useless to tell him to stop. It's up to you now, whether you want to stay with him or not.
SEUNGMIN: She and I are going strong right now but I don't know. Maybe I should be a little worried.
Thankfully, Jeff and the new girl, Margot return and burst the palpable tension from continuously forming in the room. You just want to get the attention away from you and Seungmin, not feeling like dealing with it now or ever.
The new girl is beautiful, a petite girl with dimples, and from the way she speaks, you catch that subtle Spanish accent which only makes her cuter. There's this slight fear that Seungmin is going to be attracted to her but he's not looking at her at all, he stares into his drink before taking a sip of it.
Issa wastes no time to pull Jeff aside to have a talk with him and everyone's attention is on Margot.
"So, tell us what's your type?" This time it's Adriana who asks the question.
Margot sheepishly smiles and points at Jeff who has left the place, "He's exactly my type," she confirms.
"Him? Oh?!" Adriana gasps, sensing another drama brewing in the villa.
They know about the rules of what the retreat is about but it seems it doesn't stop the new arrivals from getting what they want. Or in this case, getting the person they want.
When it's close to bedtime, you just can't wait to end the day and sleep the tension away. You and Adriana are the last ones left in the dressing room, cleaning our make-up while simultaneously talking about everything.
"Zane has been giving me the eyes," you keep your voice down in case Seungmin is around.
Adriana stops dabbing her eyes with a cotton pad, "Maybe he does want to fuck you," she jokingly says.
It's a joke if you're not feeling those eyes but you do, the way he looks at you, oh, you can feel how he wants you and you like that kind of attention.
You take a break and lean back on your chair, "I like Seungmin so much but I think Lana sent that guy to mess with my head," you share.
Adriana dumps the dirty cotton pads into the trash bin and ties her hair into a low ponytail, she seems to have something to say but holding herself back from saying it. After a while though, she can't herself ask, "Would you jump ship with him? With Zane?"
That's supposed to be a question that you can easily answer but you can't seem to give a definite one. A part of you don't want to be a hypocrite and says that your head is not turning when in fact, your head did turn a little.
"I don't know," you sigh, letting the doubts cloud your mind.
Adriana's jaws drop, not expecting to hear your hesitant answer and you feel the need to explain yourself that it's not Seungmin, it's you.
"I always do this, you know and I'm scared that I may do this again," you honestly admit.
People know that bad habit dies hard and your bad habit is being a serial dater, you jump ship whenever a guy strikes your fancy and never have any problems doing it because there's no emotional attachment whatsoever.
But it's different now because you have to think of Seungmin's feelings.
YOU: What is wrong with me? [sighs] Just know that things are going to be hard for me.
The morning comes and your heart somehow feels heavy.
You turn on your side to see Seungmin who's busy rubbing the sleep off his eyes, your feelings remain the same for him but at the same time, something shifts inside of you. What scares you is that you don't know if it's good or bad.
Seungmin catches you looking at him and you smile once your eyes meet.
"Morning," you croak with a gentle ruffle on his hair.
"Morning," he says back, catching your hand and keeping it close to his chest.
You stay snuggling close to him until the lights are on and everyone wakes up on their beds as Lana chimes in the corner of the room.
"Good morning, everyone," Lana greets with her robotic voice.
"Morning," Everyone replies in unison.
"Zane and Margot, I hope you enjoyed your dates yesterday and your first night in the retreat," Lana's message is aimed at the new arrivals who share the bed.
"I slept so well," Zane shares with a sheepish smile. He then subtly glances your way and your eyes meet, he holds your gaze for a moment before looking away.
Jeff says something but you can't hear what he said but you notice that he's eyeing Margot.
"I hope the other guests have been making you feel most welcome," Lana continues.
"Yeah, mostly," Margot responds, returning the eyes towards Jeff and completely ignoring that he's there with Issa next to him.
"As you approach the latter stage of my retreat, I have noticed that some of you still need to fully commit to the process whilst others need to fully commit to each other."
It's a mere warning from Lana but it feels like a dig at you, she knows you're faltering, having doubts about everything.
"The decision about what to do next is yours but I will be watching," Lana concludes.
And just like that, your heart grows even heavier.
You decide to start your morning by swimming, putting on your swimsuit, and then heading to the pool while everyone else is either working out by the beach or still having their breakfast. You take a few laps around and take a break on the side of the pool, enjoying the warm morning sun with the sound of the sea waves crashing in the background.
Then temptation comes when you least expect it, you look over your shoulder to find Zane is making his way towards you. You get tongue-tied as he appears in front of you with water streaming down his body.
"Hey," he greets you with a sweet smile that showcases his neat row of teeth.
"Hi, hello," you greet back, raking your wet hair to the back.
He wipes the beads of water gathering under his chin, "Saw you swimming and I must say you have good form," he says.
"Thanks," you mutter, flailing your hands in the water and suddenly don't know how to act around a guy.
"Not only that, you have– you work out?" He asks in curiosity.
"I jog, I do yoga sometimes but I like swimming," you answer.
Zane nods as he checks you out even though he has to see through the water to see your figure, "So it's all natural, huh?"
"Yeah," you proudly confirm.
"You look good, really," he compliments.
"Thank you," you sincerely thank him.
"I see that you're with Seungmin," he says.
You nod.
Zane licks his lower lip before talking, "Are you connected with him?"
"Yes, there's a connection there," you shortly answer because you're not the type to beat around the bush. It's obvious to him that you're with Seungmin.
"So... there is a connection," he says, repeating your words back at you with a hint of doubt in them.
He turns his body slightly to the side to face you and takes a step closer, making you nervous in this proximity.
"Am I still allowed to get to know you, though?" He asks with the corner of his mouth curls higher than the other.
That sounds like a harmless question because getting to know someone is not a crime but you fear what's going to happen once you get to know each other. But saying no would make a bad impression on you like this guy only wanting to know you better and maybe it leads nowhere.
"Seungmin got plenty of time to get to know you. Don't you think it's my turn now?" He says with a sly smile on his angular face.
You dryly chuckle to hide your nerves, "Sure, yeah, I don't mind," you finally answer.
Zane triumphantly smiles hearing your answer, his tongue slightly poking out the corner of his mouth before he licks his lower lip again.
"Then can I feel those back muscles?" He shamelessly asks.
"You want to feel them?"
"Okay," You turn around and pull your hair to the side, presenting your back to him.
"May I?" He asks for your permission to touch you.
"Yes," you allow.
Zane uses his hands to feel the muscles on your back and you're aware that he's seizing the opportunity to touch you. He delightfully hums in approval as he applies gentle pressure on your back shoulders then backs away to stand next to you.
"I like that," he comments with an intense stare into your eyes.
It's the way that he sees you that makes your stomach tighten and loosen in a second. Worse is, you forgot all about Seungmin when you're with him.
YOU: I care about Seungmin but I didn't expect Zane to walk in and look like that and messing with my head.
Seungmin thinks that the two of you have been connecting and growing together so much more than he anticipated.
However, ever since Zane showed up, you've been acting a little differently. Seungmin always knows that you're a free spirit, you can't be tied down and he doesn't intend on holding you back.
Seungmin is sure what he feels about you but he needs to know if you plan on reciprocating it back to him, or else, it'll be just a waste of time. He doesn't want to force you by taking this connection further if you don't want the same thing with him. But honestly speaking, Seungmin wants you to stay.
Then again, the decision is on you, you're the only one who knows what you want and he'll respect whatever your decision is.
Freshly showered and dressed, Seungmin heads out of the villa to search for you. Even though most of your body is engulfed in water, he recognizes the back of your head and how you always tilt your head slightly to the side.
What he least expects to see is who you're with.
Zane is barely here for a day but Seungmin must admit that he is quick to make a move on you, touching your back and making you laugh faster than what he did to you.
Without him realizing it, he starts comparing him with Zane and looks down at himself when he does nothing wrong but does his best to grow with you in this retreat. This is why he hates competing with other people to get a girl. He knows his worth, he doesn't hang around for someone who doesn't know that.
Seungmin quickly turns around and heads back inside. He ends up spending the rest of the day by himself, he's feeling emotionally drained and not in the mood for everyone else right now.
However, Lana decides that it's the perfect time to throw a party in the villa.
SEUNGMIN: I'm honestly so disappointed but I don't know where to go from here.
It's exciting to get ready for a party because the last time Lana threw a party, it was that day you found out you were in Too Hot To Handle.
Lana sends a box full of costumes for everyone to wear for the party to welcome the new guests tonight. They're of the same designs of colorful birds and you put on matching eye makeup while for the hair, you get help from Adriana.
"So, the new girl..." Devon opens the conversation since there are only her, Issa, Adriana, and you in the dressing room.
"She likes Jeff," Adriana continues Devon's sentence.
"She wants to go for him but I hope Jeff won't let her," Devon adds as she draws her left eyebrow.
You've been enjoying the dramas from the sideline but now that you're part of the drama, it genuinely sucks. Now, you feel like you're missing out on everything.
"Did he say he's going to stay with you?" You ask out of curiosity because everything seems to be going well between Jeff and Issa.
Issa takes a breath before answering which only hints that she has sheer faith in her answer, "Yeah."
"Okay, good," Adriana says, twirling your hair with a curling iron.
Devon pauses filling her eyebrow and looks at Issa, "I hope he stays with you."
"I hope he does," Adriana agrees.
Even the most consistent couple in the retreat has its trying times and what makes you think that you're the only couple having issues right now? It's part of the growth. For tonight, you allow yourself to stop thinking, you want to have fun, have a few drinks, and dance the stress away.
You don't stop Zane from coming at you and having a dance with him, there's nothing wrong with being a girl having the time of her life. Seungmin would understand, he knows it's nothing deep, it's just a—
There goes the chime that abruptly stops the music playing in the villa.
What is a party without Lana crashing it? Everyone knows where to go whenever they hear that anxiety-inducing chime, heading to the cabana while still dressed in costumes and taking seats facing the cone on the table.
"Let's get it over with Lana so we can go back to the party, please?" Tom pleads.
No one is in the mood to deal with Lana's shenanigans right now, everyone just wants to go back to the party and have some more fun.
"I hope you enjoyed the party," Lana says, skipping her usual greeting and that never means good.
There it is, the word that you hate to hear out of that cone which confirms that whatever she's going to say, it's not good.
"Was there any breach of the rules?" Adriana asks.
Everyone's eyes are shifting to Devon and Elliott since they're the ones who constantly break the rules.
"You can take your eyes away from us 'cause we did nothing," Elliott casually says, looking as innocent as his words.
"This morning, I stressed the importance of being committed to my process. Unfortunately, some people are still falling short of that goal," Lana announces.
All sorts of thoughts are rushing into your head, most of them are bad and you start to get anxious thinking if you've done something wrong in this retreat that you're not aware of.
"Therefore, tonight's festivities will also serve as a leaving party," Lana continues.
"Fuck, no," Tom sighs, raking his curls and tugging at it.
Adriana looks at you and reacts the same way, "That's messed up," she murmurs.
Vale shifts on his seat and rubs his bearded chin, "This could be any of us," he says.
You put your hands together on your lap, fisting them into balls as you try to suppress the thought that it could be you going home tonight and you're not ready for that.
YOU: My head is turning since Zane came into the picture so yeah, I'm scared that it's going to be me.
"Exiting the retreat tonight is..."
Your knee is bouncing and you keep squeezing your hand until your nails dig into your palm, trying to prepare yourself when Lana calls your name.
"I did not see that coming," Elliott says with his jaws hanging open.
Your heart skips a beat and your eyes automatically search for Lili who sits next to Vale, she seems to have expected to hear her name.
"I wasn't open to finding a connection anyway," she says as Vale puts his arm around her shoulders.
She looks at everyone and then at the cone sitting on the table, "There's no bad blood, Lana."
You stretch your hand out at her and Lili grabs it, taking your offer of comfort with a sad smile on her face and you can't help but feel sad to lose her tonight.
"We'll always be friends," Lili concludes.
And when you thought she was the only one going home, Lana has another name.
"The second and final person leaving is..."
And you fear for yourself again, but also for the person sitting next to you.
You didn't think that Seungmin could be going home too and you don't want that either, amidst everything that is going on between the two of you, you want to stay together with him.
You let go of Lili's hand and grab Seungmin's hand, either you offer your comfort for him or it's the other way around. You don't want any of you to go home tonight.
"Oh, my god," Devon gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.
Blake takes it well, he forces himself to smile even though it's obvious that he wants to stay but Lana is the one with power here.
"It's been a good time, everyone," he says while exchanging a fist bump with Jeff.
Everyone rises from their seats to bid their farewells to Lili and Blake. You hug Lili and wish her all the best things you could think of with tears pooling in your eyes. You're not that close with her but the memories you've shared here will remain in your heart.
You give another hug to Blake and despite the thing that happened, you wish him well too. You hope that the lesson Blake learned here will help him change for the better.
Lana continues with her announcement even after Lili and Blake leave the cabana.
"For my remaining guests, let this be a reminder that the choices you make will ultimately seal your fate."
This feels like another dig at you and that you have to be careful with the choices you make from now on or else... you don't want to think of anything else, honestly.
YOU: I have to be honest with Seungmin about Zane and this is probably the lesson Lana wanted to teach me.
"What a day!" Devon sighs as she climbs onto the bed.
"It's one of those night, huh?" Tom adds as he lies his head on Adriana's lap.
It is one of those nights and you feel inexplicably drained, both physically and emotionally. You can't wait to forget all about it and sleep on it.
It's close to lights out when Seungmin gets on the bed, he gets under the cover and rests his head on his pillow, brushing the hair falling over his forehead. He's been so quiet and you're afraid of intruding, so you subtly place your hand on his chest while staying on your side of the bed.
The silence falls not long after the lights are out and everyone mutters goodnight to each other in the room. You gently rub your hand on Seungmin's chest to give you a sense of ease to help you fall asleep.
Then he catches your hand and holds it, "I feel like we need to have a conversation," he says.
Refuse to talk is supposed to be the best answer but you remember what Lana said, your choices determine your fate and you have to be honest with him.
You nervously gulp air and meekly answer, "Okay."
Seungmin turns on the bed to look at you, even in the dark, you can see his gleaming eyes staring into yours and it's making you uneasy, especially knowing what have you done to him.
"I know we care a lot about each other. I've never been in this place before, I've never felt this way about someone but there's just too many question marks," he says, keeping his voice low just so this conversation stays between the two of you.
"I know you have something going on with Zane, whatever that is... I just need the truth."
You're glad that you can't see his face in this little light or else you'd be broken down and crying with the guilt stirring inside of you.
You know he saw you dancing with Zane, everyone saw but you feel sick knowing what you did before that. It's time to swallow the hard pill and take the bitterness that you deserve.
"The dance, that wasn't just it..." you keep swallowing down the lump forming in your throat.
"Zane flirted with me in the pool this morning," you admit once more.
"Yeah, I saw," he simply responds.
It hurts even much more knowing that you did that right in front of his eyes. You lay on your back and feel the lump burns the back of your throat.
"That was very selfish," you mutter with a quivering voice, "I'm sorry you had to see that."
You feel the tears coming and you put your hand across your eyes, not wanting him to see you cry. You feel his hand rubbing your arm.
"It's okay," he softly murmurs.
How come he tries to justify this? Even you realize how wrong this is, how unfair this is for him!
"No, it's not okay," you croak as you struggle to speak between your cries.
He gives you a moment to calm yourself before continues talking, explaining how he wants to handle it.
"Let me tell you where my head's at with things," he says.
He holds your hand and lets it rest on the space between your bodies, "I have genuine feelings for you that I've never felt for someone else before."
Hearing him saying that should make you happy but you feel devastated instead, knowing that you can't even try to appreciate his true feelings for you. You quickly wipe the tears rolling down the side of your face and try to fathom your thoughts into words. All you have to do is to be honest even though you know it's going to hurt him.
"Truthfully, I like you so much Seungmin," you pause to sniffle, "to the point that... it scares me."
Saying that out loud makes your heart quake like you can feel it surging through and all over you.
"But there's this part of me that's so scared of giving a part of myself to someone," you explain the thing that holds yourself back from letting him in.
You wipe another tear roll down your cheek and look at the clasped hand he's holding close to his chest. You still want this but another part of you wants to know for sure that what you have for him is real and true.
"I just think that... I need to step back and think for myself, ask myself is this really what I want," you tell him.
Seungmin draws a shallow breath and lets it out, his thumb has been gently rubbing the back of your hand as he speaks.
"If you need space, I will give you your space," he says, "but you need to tell me what it is that you want and how you want to go about it."
He sounds calm when he deserves to be upset, "I can't keep wondering if it's between me and someone else," he finishes.
You understand what he's asking you and you remember well what he told you the first time you got together that he doesn't like competing with another guy and hangs around for someone who doesn't acknowledge his worth.
You nod and respond, "I know."
You gather your thoughts and keep your emotions to the side for a moment. You think of what you want right now and let him know that.
"The truth is Zane fits my type and I feel like I need to get to know him before I make a decision," you draw a shaky breath and sniffle, "I just– I really need to think."
He squeezes your hand and brings it close to his mouth to kiss it, "Then sleep on it," he softly says.
But how can you sleep on it when you know you have big decisions to make?
YOU: I tend to doubt myself whenever I give myself to someone. I feel so bad for Seungmin [cries] I–I need to think it through before I hurt anyone.
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lilacliquors · 8 months
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pairing: billy butcher x reader
sweet or spicy: spicy
word count: 975
prompt: [MUFFLE]: sender puts their hand over receiver's mouth to keep them quiet - billy butcher x reader
notes: here's day four! thanks for all the love on yesterday's smoke fluff piece, i had such a nice time writing that one &lt;3
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it was supposed to be a simple infiltration. you and butcher were supposed to go in, get intel, get out. that was all mallory wanted from you, and yet, you couldn’t accomplish something so small. you just had to go and look so incredibly irresistible, you just had to attract the attention of several supes, let them whisk you away, chat you up … you were enjoying the attention, it wasn’t hard to deny. you’d never been the center of it before, but if there was anyone with a jealous streak to rival the essence of envy itself, it was billy butcher. he was damn near close to shattering the champagne flute in his hand as he saw you laughing at something someone had said to you. he could feel the vein in his forehead pop, his jaw clenched, and that was enough for him. you had no right to be enjoying yourself with anyone but him. and this wasn’t even supposed to be a fun time. dropping his glass off on a waiter’s empty tray, he made his way to you, grabbing your arm gently, though it was clear in his eyes he meant business.
“sorry, need to borrow them for a brief spell,” he said, and the way his eyes narrowed, you could tell he was practically begging for a challenge. when no one stopped him, he nodded with a humorless smile and tugged you away. he didn’t stop marching with you until you reached a secluded office. he pushed you inside and followed, shutting the door behind him.
“the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he snapped.
“sweet talking a few dipshits. what does it look like?” you asked, rolling your eyes.
“looks like you’re whoring yourself out to people who aren’t me. and we can’t have that, now can we?” he asked, his voice dangerously low.
“what’re you gonna do about it?” you asked, your hands settling on your hips. you two glared at one another, and he grabbed you again, hardly giving you time to react. he pressed you up against the desk, face down, and he hiked the skirt of your dress up.
“‘m gonna show you why you shouldn’t be fucking pulling these stunts. actions have consequences,” he growled, and you heard the buckle of his belt come undone. you shivered as his hand dipped between your legs, under your underwear, to tease your already slick folds.
“would you look at that … someone’s enjoying this. or maybe it’s from all those cunts out there? guess we’ll never know,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust. you heard his pants drop, and the groan that came from him could only mean that his hand hand wrapped around his aching cock. you felt his fingers continue to toy with you, and you let out a whimper. your hands gripped the edges of the desk as the head of his cock teased your folds. his free hand grabbed your hip as he pushed into you, and you mewled. he hadn’t prepped you like he normally did, so the initial entry felt tighter than usual, but it was clear he didn’t care at the moment.
“keep it quiet, don’t need anyone knowing what’s going on in here,” he whispered. he was kind enough to let you adjust to the feeling before he pulled out a bit and began to set a steady pace. gasps left your lips and he thrust into you, his grip bruising as his hips met yours over and over. you were doing a decent job of keeping quiet, until his other hand dropped back between your legs, and his fingertips brushed your clit. a shaky gasp left your lips, followed by whimpers and whines as he let his thumb trace over the sensitive nub, up and down and up and down. you swallowed and nearly groaned, your head bowing as his continued to pound into you. the desk moved along the ground, creaking under the weight of you both, and you felt his arm wrap around your middle to pull you up. he had you pinned against this chest as he fucked into you, and your noises were growing louder and louder. 
“what did i just say?” he grunted in your ear. when you didn’t answer, he slammed his hips into yours, and his hand left your cunt to cover your mouth, muffling your moans. it stayed there as his pace turned brutal, and all you could do was cling to him, your nails scratching his arms.
“that’s it. can’t keep it down, i’ll have to manhandle you. and i know how much you love it, huh?” he panted. you nodded, your eyes rolling back as the muscles in your stomach tensed. your cries were muffled by his hand, and your body shook as your orgasm suddenly rocked your everything. your legs practically gave out, but he kept you upright, clearly not finished with you. he continued to fuck into you through your orgasm, and your oversensitive cries were muted music to his ears. his thrusts grew sloppier over time, with one last powerful thrust, he spilled into you, burying his face against your neck as he groaned. it was a miracle he could keep you both upright, but he managed, and he took a moment to admire the way you looked: fucked out and weak in his arms.
“let that be a lesson to you, hm? not just anyone gets to sweet talk you,” he murmured, pulling his hand away from your mouth. you simply nodded, and he lowered you back down against the desk as he pulled out, making you mewl quietly, which earned you a sharp smack to the ass.
“you just don’t listen, do you?” he asked, and you whined quietly.
“sorry, sorry,” you murmured, and he chuckled.
“oh, you will be …”
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ninjatrashpanda · 2 days
The Other Shoe (Waiting for it to drop)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2! Today's prompt is "Coming Out Scenes!"
Read it on AO3 here.
“I, uh, I think it’s time to face the music,” Buck whispered, tugging on Tommy’s sleeve. His eyes wandered over to his parents, who had watched him and Tommy like hawks throughout the entire reception, though Buck had a hard time predicting what they were thinking. On one hand, therapy had been going well, and while The Buckleys would probably never be the big happy family Buck had wished for as a kid, Mom and Dad were trying. They had been nothing but supportive about him being Connor and Kameron’s sperm donor last year, and Buck would be lying if he said he hadn’t felt a pang of appreciation when they had stood up for him against Chimney’s father and stepmother.
On the other hand, well, these were his parents, and old fears die hard. While they had apologized for how they had treated him and Maddie and become better, there was a little voice at the back of his head that told him they’d just be disappointed again. The fact that his mother hadn’t managed to get rid of the bewildered look on her face since he had dragged Tommy into Chimney’s hospital room didn’t help.
“Should I be scared?” Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Buck chuckled, though it sounded more like a nervous exhale. He stole another glance at his parents, then shifted his gaze to the floor, kicking at an imaginary speck of dust. “Nah,” he said, though he admittedly wasn’t even able to convince himself of that. “Not scared. Just... prepared.”
Tommy followed Buck’s gaze across the room, where Buck’s parents stood stiffly by a wall, half-empty champagne flutes clutched tightly in their hands. Buck knew they had been mingling just a few minutes ago, but he still couldn’t help but feel that they looked, well, out of place. While they were nothing but polite, they didn’t really mesh with anyone else, and always seemed a little awkward.
“They don’t seem like they bite,” Tommy observed, in that casual, dry tone Buck had grown to appreciate over the past few weeks. In an instant, a part of his anxiety evaporated and bubbled to the surface in a barely held back snort.
“Not literally, no.” Buck ran a hand through his hair with a shake of his head, the slight smile Tommy had brought to his face staying on his face. “It’s just... history, you know? They’re trying, and I get that, I do. But sometimes it’s like...” He trailed off with a shrug, struggling to find the right words. “It’s like I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
Tommy nodded, his hand reaching out to squeeze Buck’s. Buck had told him the basics, how Maddie had practically raised him, how their parents had been neglectful and controlling. He vaguely knew about Daniel, too, though Buck hadn’t delved into the whole Savior Baby thing yet. The subject was…touchy, to say the least, and while he knew he had to breach it at some point, he wanted Tommy to have as neutral an opinion on his parents as possible. They were putting in the effort, so Buck figured they deserved that much.
“Well,” Tommy said, squeezing Buck’s hand again, a bit firmer this time, “if things get weird, you’ve got me for backup. Just say the word, and I’ll distract them with my fake mouth static.”
Buck couldn’t help but let out a genuine laugh at that, which surprised even himself. Tommy had a knack for diffusing tension, and Buck was grateful for it. It was one of the reasons he had gravitated toward him in the first place. He tightened his grip on Tommy’s hand, drawing strength from the contact, before letting go and straightening up.
“Good idea. You’re renowned for your fake mouth static after all.”
“Damn right I am.”
They stood there for a moment, neither quite willing to take the first step towards the inevitable conversation. The reception was starting to wind down, (because the nurses were kicking people out now) so at least if this developed into a scene, not too many people would end up seeing. Chimney, now recovering well after the whole viral encephalitis debacle, was in high spirits, chatting animatedly with Hen and Karen. Maddie was close by his side, smiling brighter than he had ever seen, seemingly refusing to let go of her new husband’s arm.
The love between them gave Buck a tiny surge of courage. If Maddie and Chimney could find happiness after everything they had been through, then maybe things could work out with his and Maddie’s parents too.
“Alright,” Buck said, straightening his posture, bracing himself for impact. “Let’s do this.”
They crossed the room together, Tommy a step behind Buck, offering silent support. Buck’s parents straightened as he approached, their faces neutral masks. They clearly didn’t know how to react, and Buck could hardly blame them for that.
“Hi,” Buck said, forcing a smile. “You probably have a few questions.”
His mother’s eyes softened, but there was still a glimmer of uncertainty in them. His father cleared his throat, his grip on the champagne flute tightening just slightly. The atmosphere was stiff, and the air felt thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Hi, Buck,” his mother replied, her voice wavering just a bit. Buck was actually (positively) surprised that she used his nickname, though he had to admit it sounded almost foreign in her voice. “Yes, we, uh…” She glanced at his father, who nodded, urging her to continue. “We do have some questions, but—”
“We don’t want to push,” his father interjected, his tone uncharacteristically gentle. “We’re just… trying to understand.”
Buck nodded slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing just a fraction. They weren’t throwing accusations and bad faith arguments around, so that was a good start. Still, Buck knew that they weren’t out of the woods yet. He hadn’t spoken about the big B yet, after all.
“Yeah,” Buck said, rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit he hadn’t quite outgrown. “I figured. And, uh, it’s okay to ask. I know this is… a lot.”
He could see the moment his mother tried to put on a brave face, her lips curving into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “We were surprised, that’s all,” she said. “When you came into the room with…”
She trailed off, her eyes moving over Buck’s shoulder to where he knew Tommy stood just a foot or two behind him. He took a deep breath. This was it. No going back. He had thought about it for weeks at this point, had said it out loud to himself in the mirror, but not to anybody else, not even Maddie or Tommy.
“Tommy.” He turned slightly, reaching out his hand out to Tommy, who took it into his own with a smile as he stepped up. “Mom, Dad, this is Tommy Kinard. He’s my date. He, uh… he’s the reason I figured out that I’m bisexual.”
The words hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. Buck could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the sound of his blood rushing through his ears almost deafening. He knew this moment was pivotal (one of the most important in his life, probably) and the weight of it pressed down on him like the world on Atlas’ shoulders.
His parents exchanged glances, and Buck could see an onslaught of emotions flitting across their faces: surprise, confusion, and perhaps a flicker of something that could be hope. His mother’s fingers tightened around the stem of her champagne flute, and his father took a small step closer to her.
Tommy, for his part, stayed by Buck’s side, his presence a quiet but powerful anchor. He gave Buck’s hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent promise that he was here, and that he wouldn’t leave. Buck was grateful for that; it reminded him that no matter what was going to happen, he wasn’t alone.
His mother was the first to speak. “Bisexual,” she repeated, as if testing the word on her tongue. Her brow furrowed slightly, but there was no trace of anger or disappointment in her tone. Instead, she seemed...curious. “I…well, I didn’t expect that.”
Buck could see his father’s jaw tighten momentarily before he let out a slow breath. “Buck,” he began, his voice careful, deliberate. “This is…this is a lot to take in. But I want you to know that we’re listening. We’re trying to understand.”
Buck nodded. This wasn’t a rejection, not outright. But it wasn’t exactly acceptance either, not yet, at least. Still, it was something, and in this moment, something was better than nothing.
“I know it’s a lot,” Buck said, his voice quieter now. “And I don’t expect you to get it all at once. I only figured it out a few weeks ago, too. I just wanted you to know, because…because it’s who I am. And Tommy… he’s important to me.”
His mother’s eyes softened at that, and Buck could see her shifting, recalibrating her thoughts, trying to process this new piece of information about her son. “Tommy,” she said, as if tasting the name for the first time. She looked at him then, really looked at him, and there was something in her gaze that was almost…gentle. “It’s nice to meet you, Tommy.”
Tommy smiled, his usual confidence replaced by an almost shy nervousness. “Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Buckley. And Mr. Buckley,” he added, nodding respectfully toward Buck’s father.
Buck’s father gave a small nod in return, though his expression remained unreadable. “Tommy,” he repeated, his voice a bit more measured. “You’re… Buck’s boyfriend?”
Buck sucked in a sharp breath. Obviously that question would come up. He should’ve been prepared for it, but he wasn’t. He and Tommy hadn’t even really had that conversation. He’d certainly like for Tommy to be his boyfriend, he just wasn’t sure if Tommy was at that point yet. It had only been a few weeks after all. They had been on four dates, one of which was a complete disaster, and another that hadn’t even been a date at first, but an apology for the date that had been a complete disaster.
“Yeah,” Tommy said, his tone steady. “I’m his boyfriend. And I know this might be surprising, but Evan…he means a lot to me. I care about him.”
Buck’s breath hitched in his throat. He hadn’t expected Tommy to say it outright. He had expected a lighthearted “Not yet” or “We’re seeing each other.” That he’d gone right ahead… Buck’s heart swelled just a little bit. He squeezed Tommy’s hand a little tighter, grateful beyond words. Tommy’s answer made Buck just a little braver.
Finally, his mother spoke again. “I…I see,” she said, her voice softer now, almost hesitant. She looked at Buck, her eyes searching his, as if trying to reconcile the son she knew with these new things she was learning about him. “And you… you’re happy?”
Buck felt a lump rise in his throat. It was such a simple question, but it carried so much baggage. She wasn’t asking if he was happy with Tommy. She was asking if he was happy with himself, something that would’ve been absolutely unthinkable just three years ago.
“I am,” Buck replied, his voice growing more assured. “I’m happy, Mom. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.”
His mother’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and she nodded slowly, as if coming to a decision within herself. She reached out then, tentatively, her hand hovering in the air for a moment before she placed it on Buck’s arm. “That’s all we want, Buck,” she whispered, her voice wavering a little. “We just want you to be happy.”
His father, who had been silent for most of the exchange, cleared his throat again. “It’s…a lot to adjust to,” he admitted, his voice gruff but not unkind. “But if this is who you are, and if this man makes you happy, then…well, we’ll do our best to understand.”
Buck felt a surge of relief wash over him, so powerful that it nearly knocked him off his feet. It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but it was something. Something good. It was yet another step toward healing their relationship, and for that, he was grateful.
“Thank you,” Buck said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you for not, like, freaking out.”
His father gave a small nod, and his mother’s hand tightened on his arm, a silent reassurance that they were, in fact, trying. Tommy smiled and wrapped his arm around Buck’s shoulders, Buck leaning into his side almost automatically, enjoying the warmth of their connection.
His mother glanced over at Tommy, her expression softening further. “You’re welcome to join us for dinner before we fly back to Hershey, Tommy,” she said, a small, tentative smile tugging at her lips. “We’d like to get to know you better.”
Tommy’s eyes widened at the invitation, and Buck didn’t blame him. It was already unusual that Tommy had met his parents this early, but getting invited to family dinner? That was big. “I’d love to, Mrs. Buckley. Thank you.”
Buck’s father gave a curt nod, not quite ready to add anything further, but his stance had relaxed just a little. There was still a long way to go, a lot of conversations to be had, but in that moment, Buck knew they were moving in the right direction.
As the reception continued to wind down, Buck stood there with Tommy by his side, his parents before him, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a cautious sense of optimism. The journey ahead would be challenging, there was no doubt about that, but they were all still here, still trying, and that was more than Buck could have hoped for when he first approached them.
As they exchanged a few more words, lighter now, less fraught with tension, Buck realized that this was what he had been waiting for all along. Not just acceptance, but the willingness to grow, to move forward together. And maybe that was enough to help the wounds of the past heal.
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
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Traveling artist Lee Minho x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT MDNI
Genre: Strangers to lovers (Minho belongs to a clan of traveling musicians)
Summary: A music festival hosted by your little seaside town brings in a caravan of traveling musicians and performers. That's how you meet Minho, a dancer who steals the show, and your heart.
You step out of your little bed and breakfast that you run with your mum. It's a beautiful sunny morning and you were on the way to your friend's flower shop to buy some flowers for the guest rooms.
Your quaint seaside town shines like a beautiful gem with the salty breeze and the sound of crashing waves echoing through the air. The scent of freshly baked bread wafts from the kitchen and you poke your head in through the window to let your mother know that you'll be gone for a while.
The bed and breakfast was actually your mother's old family home. With it's whitewashed walls, blue shutters and breathtaking views of the ocean, it was such a cosy and homely space for the visitors in your town.
You walk to the town center, where businesses were starting to open for the day. Jisoo was arranging some flowers in the display carts outside the shop when you arrive, and she waves at you excitedly.
'Y/N!' She said with a wide smile.
'Good morning, Jisoo.' You say, hugging her before you both step into the shop.
'I have your usual ready.' Jisoo said, handing it over the counter and you pay her before noticing a flyer lying on one of the crates near door.
You pick it up and say, 'Moonlit Music Festival?'
'Someone slipped it under the door, I think? Saw it when I opened this morning.' Jisoo said, giving you your change.
'Wow. It's been ages since we had something like this.' You said, excited to see something new in your otherwise monotonous life.
You loved it here. You were'nt complaining, really. You loved helping your mother with the bed and breakfast. From preparing hearty breakfasts for your guests to doing everything to see that they're happily looked after, you enjoyed it all. But your town was all about routine. It was just the same thing everyday, day after day. You never saw a change. And you craved change.
You were happy about the opportunity to actually have some fun. Putting the flyer back on the crate, you bid Jisoo goodbye before returning home.
You step into the kitchen after putting the flowers in place. The warm scent of cinnamon and vanilla welcomed you, making you smile. Your mum asked if everything was ready for the breakfast rush, and you nod. She tells you something about bringing the bread out of the oven, but you're so lost in thought, you don't hear her. She sighs before asking one of the kitchen helpers to do it.
You were at the market the next morning, when the you first heard the flute music. Turning around quickly, you see the most beautiful and colourful sight - a caravan. You mouth hangs open as you realize they are here for the festival. And in the days that followed, they set up camp at the edge of the town. Beautiful tents, teeming with singers, dancers, and performers, who brought with them a spirit of their nomadic lifestyle.
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The town buzzed with excitement for the festival. You and Jisoo went dress shopping, wanting to wear the most exquisite attire for the show. There was an air of mystery surrounding the vibrant tents and you were eagerly waiting for a chance to witness their magic.
A day before the festival started, a makeshift stage was set up, against the backdrop of the ocean. Colourful banners and streamers adorned the arch that led to the venue. Many of the townspeople had set up their own refreshments and souvenir stalls too.
Your mother watched in interest as you and Jisoo fussed over each other, doing your make up and hair. You never really got a chance for this, so you made the best of it. Dressed and ready, you leave for the show with your mother and best friend.
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The performers wore vibrant, flowing costumes adorned with intricate embroidery and shimmering beads. The riot of colors and textures had you captivated the minute you had stepped into the venue. You found a good spot for the show, close to the stage, thankfully, and was looking at everything in awe when your eyes fell on a particular man, dressed in a red outfit studded with black stones. His dark hair and the playful smile on his face had you ogling at him.
You watch him as he speaks to his fellow artists and they get around arranging things for their act. Your eyes follow him around, to a point where Jisoo clears her throat teasingly.
'You're staring, Y/N!' She sniggers and you blush, looking away quickly.
The show begins with your own local singers and artists and then he gets on the stage. Your heartbeats are wild as he sings and dances. His movements are so fluid and mesmerizing, you are totally lost in him. The dancers clear the way for a lead singer to enter the stage and your heart skips a beat as your eyes meet his.
He holds your gaze, mouth slightly open as he pants, but the intensity of his gaze was enough to make you pant without even doing anything. You try to look away (you wanted to), but it was almost impossible. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and you thought you would faint. Looking down at your hand quickly, you feel your cheeks grow warmer and warmer.
After the key performances of the day were over, the festival continued with music, dancing and food. You stuck with Jisoo as your mothers went to try some of the food stalls set up by the elders of the music clan.
Jisoo brought some cotton candy which you were both eating, when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turn around to see a young girl, who gave you a wide smile.
'Hello. Did you have a good time?' She asked, tilting her head cutely. She was also dressed in a red stone studded attire, which meant that she had performed with him.
You smile and say, 'Of course we did. You were amazing!'
'Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed it.' The voice that answered wasn't the girl's. You gulp and look up to lock eyes with him again.
He gives you a warm smile and says, 'I'm Minho and this is my sister, Hana.'
Minho looks at you expectantly and you say, 'I'm Y/N and this is Jisoo.'
Jisoo pitches in with her praises for their act and they smile sweetly at you both.
'May I ask you to have dinner with us, if that is ok?' Minho asked, his eyes not leaving you.
You and Jisoo exchange glances before nodding yes with excited smiles. Minho and Hana introduced you and Jisoo to delicious meat stews, spicy soups, mooncakes, stuffed peppers, and rice puddings, which you two gobble up. You also bring your own traditional food to the table, which the siblings wolf down eagerly.
You feel such heartwarming joy as you watch them eat with the biggest smiles on their faces. Minho looks at you and you could see that he felt the same connection that you did. The four of you talked for hours before finally your parents wanted to leave.
Minho and Hana shake your hand as you leave, with him not letting go as you try to step away. You glance at your mum, who was busy talking to an elderly lady and turn back to Minho.
'Do you have to leave?' He asked in a small voice.
'My mother...um... ' You weren't sure what to say.
His eyes drifted over your shoulder to your mother and then to you.
'Ok.' He said, looking dejected.
'Come visit my flower shop, tomorrow.' Jisoo said quickly. 'Both of you.'
Hana giggled, and Minho looks between you and Jisoo, before nodding with a smile.
'Good, we have to go now.' Jisoo was pulling you away. 'See you tomorrow!'
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The next morning, you walk towards Jisoo's shop, excited and anxious. You didn't know what you were doing, exactly. When you are near the shop, you find Minho by the display, looking at some orchids. You stop walking and he turns to look at the same time, as if he could sense you. The smile he gives you is so gorgeous, it makes your knees weak.
'Hi.' He says, his sweet voice giving you butterflies in your tummy.
'Hi Minho.' You say and the two of you step into Jisoo's shop. Jisoo and Hana are talking, and they both smile as they see you.
Jisoo starts a conversation, thankfully, since you couldn't even remember your name at this point. You didn't know what was happening to you. Your town had enough lovely men (not to brag), but none of them had ever made you feel like this. And Minho wouldn't stop giving those looks, like he was addicted to you.
Before they left, you couldn't bear to see the sadness on his face, so you ask Minho to meet you at the beach near your house after midnight. You didn't know where you got the courage to even suggest such a thing, but Minho was smiling again, and for now, that's all that mattered.
Jisoo was surprised and she said she will go to keep watch. You told her not to take a risk, but she waved you off and said, 'Better for them to catch me with you than you and Minho.'
As the night wore on, you were jittery and scared to death. What if your mum woke up and saw that you were gone? But the thrill of actually sneaking out to meet Minho was far too delicious to give up.
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You find Minho sitting on the sandy beach, watching the waves as you walk towards him slowly. Jisoo waves at you from far and you feel at ease. Minho turned to find you approaching him and he held his hand out for you. The touch of your fingers to his sent shivers down your spine. You sit, gazing at the moonlit beach, relishing Minho's company.
He told you all about the close-knit community he came from and how hard it was sometimes to have any dream of his own. You tell him how similar you were, because your town held some of the most strict rules - not set in stone, just some things that has been followed over generations.
'I've never felt like this before.' He said, watching you dig your fingers into the sand, holding some in your palm. 'No one has ever affected me this way.'
Then he placed his hand on top of yours, lacing his fingers with yours, tightly.
'I am afraid to think of what will happen when it's time for me to leave.' He continued.
'Minho, I don't know what this is, but I feel the same way. I don't want you to leave.'
Your eyes meet and he sees unshed tears in them. He reached forward to wipe a tear using his thumb. You hold his hand to your cheek before bringing it to your lips, placing a soft kiss on it.
He swallows, looking conflicted. You look away, wiping your tears away quickly.
You found yourself meeting Minho in secret in the days that followed. Sweet moments with the man who had managed to steal your heart in such a short time. One night, he kissed you while you sat at the beach. His lips were so soft yet hungry for you. You held on to his strong shoulders as he pulled you closer with his arms around your waist.
You loved the taste of his mouth and the feeling of his tongue against yours. It was a bit messy, but you loved it. You couldn't get enough of him - every time you met after that, your kisses grew more needy and rough.
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One evening, Minho snuck you into their camp, and into his tent. It was late, so everyone were fast asleep. You loved how simple everything was. You smile as you run your fingers through the black stones of the red outfit he had worn the first time you saw him, which was hung on a rope in his room.
Minho watched you lovingly as you took in your surroundings. He knew that he was risking everything by loving you, as his clan had strict rules about marrying within their own. But he couldn’t deny his feelings for you. Every time he kissed you, it became harder and harder for him to see you walk away.
'Y/N, I have something for you.'
Turning around, you look at him, as he brings out a small velvet pouch from his pocket. Inside was an emerald ring, its deep green stone shimmering under the light of the lantern.
'I want you to have this, Y/N. As a symbol of my love and my promise to you. I want to marry you, at any cost, because I cannot think about a future without you in it.' Minho said and you are so shocked, you couldn't move.
You stare at him, your heart racing.
'I love you, Y/N. I want you to be mine forever.' He whispered, and his tension seemed to dissipate as you let him put the pretty ring on your finger.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you look at the ring. You felt so much love for this man, yet the fear consumed you.
'I love you too, Minho. But what if our families never accept us?' You say, and Minho shook his head.
'We’ll face it together, my love. No matter what, I will fight for us.' He said, hugging you close.
You nod, and he kissed you. His lips were warm and desperate. You found yourself raising you arms for him to lift your dress over your head, and you watch as he strips before he pulls you into his bed. He shows you how much he wants you, as his mouth and fingers reached every inch of your body.
You suck in a breath as he kissed you softly against your warm core, before closing his lips around your sensitive bud. You've never experienced this before, so you are shocked when he draws an orgasm out of you with just his lips, leaving you shaking and crying, tears running down your cheeks. His lips wreck more havoc as they find your nipples and suck on them.
'Minho!' You place a hand over your mouth, so that you don't cry out. He his hovering over you with a fond smile on his face.
'Can I?' He asked softly and you nod, holding on to his arms. He pushed his length into you slowly, to help you adjust to him. The sting had you crying all over again. But he talked you through it. You are breathing heavily as he takes a minute to gather himself, and then as you nod, he moves. He sets a slow rhythm at first, and then picks up speed. You bite your lip as the pleasure hits you.
Minho smiles as he sees your sweet expressions. And then you came again, gasping as you did, and Minho captures your lips in his before he came, filling you up.
'I love you so much, my princess.' He mumbled, and you hum, way too tired to speak.
He cleans you up with a wet cloth before he helps you dress up again. He kissed you again and again before he snuck you out and walked you to the beach near your house.
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As dawn broke, casting a golden glow over the town, you knew you had to speak up fast, before Minho had to leave. You and Minho bring your families to the little secluded beach at the back of your bed and breakfast, declaring your love and intention to marry.
Your mother broke out into a fit of sobs, crying out about how this would create a scandal and your simple life would be destroyed forever. Minho's parents were outraged too, and they lash out at him for threatening their traditions. The elders demanded you two to end things then and there.
You couldn't stop crying as your mother forced you to give up Minho's ring. He looked at you with such pain in his eyes as your mother hurled insults at you for being so selfish.
'Please, please, mother.' You whimpered, holding your hand over your heart as she threatened to disown you and told you how Minho's family didn't want you and you'll be left to fend for yourself.
Minho spoke up, saying, 'That would never happen, because I promise to be there for her. Always. And my people, we always keep our promises. We don't abandon our own, no matter what.'
Your mother gave him a tearful look.
'She's not your own, son. Your people won't accept her.'
'She is mine, from the moment I gave her that ring and told her that I wanted to marry her. I will marry her. With or without anyone's support.' Minho said firmly. 'We wanted our families to be a part of our love, but if you cannot see the beauty of it, then it's better if you don't linger to portray it as something ugly.'
Your mother let's go of your arm, falling silent. Minho helps you up to your feet and hold you close to him.
'I'm sorry.' He whispered, rubbing your back gently. 'I promise, you will never regret being with me. I promise.'
You nod, already sure of that.
There was silence, then murmurs, and finally, Minho's family starts walking away. You mother sets off too, leaving the two of you in your embrace. He promises to make every thing right and then you are left on your own, hoping and praying that he will.
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Hana watched in silence as Minho packed his belongings.
'What are you going to do, Minnie? Where will you two go?' She asked, worried.
'I don't know, I will figure it out.' Minho said, shaking his head. He saw his father approach his tent, worry etched on the old man's face.
'Minho, son, this is very reckless of you. You know how we are. How could you even think of bringing an outsider amidst us?' He asked.
'I'm sorry, father. I'm not bringing her here. I'll take her somewhere.... somewhere it's not a crime to be in love.' Minho said, not looking at the man. 'I know I'm honouring the values taught to me. I will keep my word and love and protect her until I die and beyond.'
Minho's grandmother entered the tent at that moment and said, 'You should be proud of your son. Our culture must be protected, but not be separating lovers, but by imparting it to anyone who wishes to join us and keeping it alive. With love.'
Minho's father is shocked.
'I accept your decision, my dear boy. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I hope you will teach your children the right ways of our life.' She continued, and his father left, head hung.
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You were in your room, trying to think of what to do next, when your mother came came in, with a little package in her hand.
'I want you to have this. It's not much, but your father and I had saved up some money so you could leave here when the opportunity came. And I think, this is it.' She gave it you with a small smile. 'I want you to be happy, child. I'm sorry I said all those things. I was scared, and I didn't know what to do. But I'm with you, if you're sure this is what you want.'
You hug your mother and cry, totally at a loss of words.
Jisoo appears at your door just them, panting.
'They're here. They're here!' She said, face bright with excitement.
You and your mother are on your feet. You find Minho's family at your front porch, with Minho smiling, face pink with happiness.
His grandmother, the woman whom you had seen speaking to your mother on the first day of the festival, stepped forward to ask for forgiveness. And then everything was a blur.
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Though there was an initial confusion about the whole thing, the townspeople and the visitors all got together to celebrate your wedding. Your bed and breakfast was transformed with garlands of flowers, tables decorated with the best linens and laden with dishes from both cultures: fresh seafood, roasted meats, puddings, dumplings, cakes and wines. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and the sea.
You wore a flowing white dress, simple yet elegant. An emerald pendant, a gift from Minho's grandmother adorned your neck. And Minho was dressed in his traditional vest and breeches. The emerald ring he had given you shone brightly on your finger, as you placed your hand in his.
Minho's grandmother came forward and held both your hands as you exchange your vows by the sea, with some tears, but lots of excitement for the future. Surrounded by your family and friends, you knew you could face anything in the world, long as you had each other.
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themaevethcometh · 3 months
okay i've had this scene from an au stuck in my head recently so here's 3k of timkon identity shenanigans where kon has been recently taken in by luthor for nefarious reasons and is forced to attend a gala where tim and bruce show up. robin hasn't revealed his identity to the team yet even though they've been friends for years. canon/timeline has been put in a blender and liquified.
Kon takes a deep breath in through his nose, holding it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out of his mouth.  It’s a technique that Robin taught the team when he was trying desperately to get them on a more bat-approved training regime, including meditation and an acrobatics routine that Nightwing allegedly used on the Teen Titans years ago.  Kon is fully aware that he’s got weird stuff going on with his body’s organs and systems compared to humans, but the slow, rhythmic breathing still brings comfort and helps center him, slowing everything down enough so he no longer feels like he’s going to accidentally fry someone with his heat vision.
He tugs at the collar of his dress shirt, gulping and taking a deep breath again.  The shirt and tie feels so much more restrictive than his Superboy uniform, tightening like a noose around his neck, and the inflexibility of the suit coat makes him feel like a stiff, awkward mannequin.
“Stop that,” Luthor says, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder.  Kon immediately stills, straightening and trying to relax at the same time.
“These people are vultures,” Lex says, voice low.  Kon tries to focus his super hearing on him, rather than the woman with the loud laugh across the ballroom or the clink of glasses down the hall where the staff is continuously loading and unloading equipment.  He can hear the steady beat of Lex’s heart, the rhythmic whoosh of air traveling in his lungs, the slight gurgle of his stomach (gross!).  Kon decides he doesn’t like listening to Lex Luthor very much.
“Remember what I told you,” Lex is still saying.  “Be on your best behavior.  Today is about getting your name and your face out there.  Be polite, but not a pushover.  Never let them see weakness.”
Kon forcibly bites back the retort that his only weakness is kryptonite and makes himself nod instead.
Luthor leads him over to a group of people with his hand still clamped on Connor’s shoulder like a shackle.  From there, it’s an exhausting parade of schmoozing with millionaires and billionaires, shaking hands firmly (but not too firmly!), laughing at unfunny jokes, and pretending that he loves dear old Dad instead of wanting to punt him through the nearest wall.
Kon is charming.  He knows this.  It’s something that he’s known since he freshly came out of a test tube, and it’s something that he’s perfected with smiles and body language and a well-placed word or phrase.  Kon can get most people eating out of his hand with barely any effort, but it’s usually normal people a little closer to his age, not rich, egotistical, out-of-touch old people who want to pinch his cheeks but absolutely cannot be allowed to due to his invulnerable skin.  Kon forgets everyone’s name almost as soon as he hears it, clutching his flute of sparkling cider like a lifeline (but not hard enough to shatter).
Kon doesn’t know how long he gets paraded around as Luthor’s newest pet, but it feels like forever.  Everyone talks around where he’s been for the past 17 years of his life (nonexistent and then in a lab and then gallivanting around with superheroes and then, finally, as of two month ago a little farm in Kansas until Lex Luthor uprooted everything with a few well-placed threats), and Kon lets Lex tell the cover story about how he didn’t find out about Connor until recently, but he’s happy to be reunited with his son now.
Son.  Connor isn’t anyone’s son.  He was maybe getting to be a family member to the Kents finally, but Luthor threw a wrench into all of that.
Connor had a room at the farm.  He had a chore list to do and homemade meals to eat, and Clarke has finally stopped flinching when he sees him.  Clarke grinned at him the other day, not his public smile or a small, polite thing, but an actual, honest to goodness grin.  Connor bets he can kiss that goodbye now, just like he can kiss goodbye ever knowing Robin’s real identity, because there’s no way that Batman will let him tell Kon now that Kon is semi-legally under the guardianship of a supervillain, and just like there’s no way that Kon can have anything remotely resembling a normal teenage experience as the ward of a billionaire and forced showpony, and just like–
“I’ll be damned,” Lex breathes next to him, interrupting Kon’s spiral.  Kon follows his gaze to the entrance of the ballroom, ears picking up the loud, boisterous laugh of Bruce Wayne clapping someone on the back a little too forcefully.  Kon has never seen Bruce Wayne in person, but he’s difficult to miss in the papers, especially with how often he finds himself in trouble.  Robin has told him of a few instances when he or one of the other Gotham vigilantes has had to rescue him, and Kon knows that Lois interviewed him once and Clarke has informally run into him at a gala such as this.
Clarke says he tried really hard to be the journalist from the Planet here tonight once Lex demanded that Connor be there, but it was too late notice.  Neither Clarke nor Lois are among the reporters clustered in the corner.  Kon is alone.
“He didn’t RSVP,” Lex says, miffed.  Kon immediately likes Bruce Wayne significantly more because of it.  “Oh, and he brought a friend.”
Kon peers around the crowd that has quickly amassed around Gotham’s favorite billionaire and finally spots the person Bruce Wayne has a hand on the shoulder of.  It’s a teenage boy, dressed in a dark suit with dark hair parted in the middle to keep it out of his eyes.  He’s slight, but not skinny, and he’s not overly tall, probably closer to Robin or Bart’s height than Connor’s.  He doesn’t show any signs of discomfort at the press of adults around him, offering polite handshakes and letting the women kiss his cheeks the way some of them have tried with Kon.  Bruce doesn’t stray far, taking the boy with him when they finally finish with the crowd near the door and head to the bar.  The boy doesn’t seem to mind the attention.  Kon, however, does not appreciate the tone of voice that Lex used when he said friend.  He’s ready to do some superheroing if he needs to.
“Let’s go,” Lex says, putting his hand on Connor’s shoulder again to steer him through the crowd.  “Let me handle Bruce Wayne.  The kid is Timothy Drake.  He recently became the head of his parent’s company when his father died.  This is the first time he’s been seen at an event since the death.  Bruce is almost certainly going to adopt him.  Timothy stayed with him when Jack Drake was in a coma, plus he has the dark hair and light eyes and Brucie favors in his kids.  He’s your focus for the rest of the night.  Forget about everyone else.”
“Lex!  I didn’t know you’d be here, you old dog!” Bruce calls before Connor has time to process all of that, slinging an arm around Luthor’s shoulders and seemingly crushing all of the air out of him in less than a second.
“It’s my party,” Lex wheezes.
“Good thing I’m here to liven it up, eh?” Bruce asks, elbowing Luthor in the ribs.
Kon really hopes that Bruce Wayne’s obsession with dark haired, light eyed boys is an innocent coincidence, because he doesn’t want to apprehend him for being a pedophile when he’s pissing Lex off so easily.
“Hello, Timothy,” Luthor greets, holding out his hand.  Bruce pouts at being ignored while Timothy shakes politely.  “May I just say, it’s refreshing to see you out and about.  I’m sure running your parent’s company is stressful all by yourself.”
Timothy tilts his head, reminding Connor vaguely of a bird.
“I’m happy to do it,” he says, polite but firm.  “It’s what my parents would have wanted, and they left things well organized for me.”
“And I suppose Bruce here has been giving you advice?”
“Now Lex,” Bruce says, wagging his finger at him, “you know that’d be a conflict of interest.  Besides, Tim could run circles around me.  I should be asking him for advice!”
Connor feels his eyes start to glaze over as Luthor and Bruce volley back and forth, seemingly forgetting that he’s even there.  Having Lex’s attention off of him and on someone else is a much needed break, so he’s not about to complain, but it’s also really fucking rude.  Connor hasn’t even been introduced to these two.
Timothy catches his eye, sweeping his gaze over to Luthor and Bruce and rolling his eyes.  Connor smirks.  Timothy raises an eyebrow and Connor mirrors him, just a slight quirk.
Timothy looks pretty nice, up close.  His eyes are the promised light blue, but his dark eyelashes are long and thick, framing them beautifully.  He’s pale, almost reflective in the glittering chandelier light, and he carries himself with a self-assuredness that Connor envies in this environment.  The suit fits him really nicely, hugging his shoulders and accenting his trim waist and long legs.  When he raises his flute to take a sip of the drink inside, Kon finds himself tracking the liquid as it disappears past his pale pink lips, his throat flexing as he swallows.
He’s not bad to look at.  He could easily turn out to be dull as a brick or a total douchebag, but so far first impressions are good.
“And who is this young man?” Bruce asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.  Luthor puts a hand on his back to push him forward a step, and Kon doesn’t have to move, but Lex is going to be mad if he doesn’t and the situation is delicate.
“This is my son, Connor,” Luthor introduces.  Kon offers his hand with his most charming smile.
“Nice to meet you,” he says, shaking first Bruce’s hand (better grip than he expected) and then Timothy’s (rougher than he thought it’d be, skin warm).
“Son, eh?  He must take after his mother!” Bruce laughs.  Lex’s face pinches, but Connor doesn’t have a chance to relish in it before Bruce is sweeping Luthor away with another arm around his shoulder, talking loudly about secret children and parenting hacks.  Luthor tries to protest, but it’s quickly drowned out by Bruce, and he doesn’t have a chance to so much as glance back at Connor before they’re swallowed by the crowd.
Kon blinks.
“Bruce will keep him busy for a while, sorry,” Timothy says, not sounding very sorry.  He takes another sip from his glass, then leans in.  Cologne tickles Connor’s nose.
“Hold your drink by the stem, not the glass,” he says quietly.  “It’s supposed to keep your drink from getting warm, an old etiquette thing.  It’s small, but it’ll help you blend in a little more.”
Kon looks around the room, taking in the people with flutes like him and where they’re holding it.  The majority are holding the stem, and the ones that aren’t are people that Luthor hasn’t bothered to introduce him to yet.  Kon adjusts his grip accordingly, off-balance and embarrassed.
“Thanks,” he says.  Timothy tilts his head.
“You want to get some air?  There’s a balcony over there.  Your father will be able to find you easily once Bruce releases him.”
“Yes,” Kon agrees immediately.  He’s used to not fitting in, but having the eyes of so many judgy rich people on him when he’s pretending to be Lex Luthor’s human son has been exhausting.  No one has been too rude so far, but the weight of Lex’s hand on his shoulder is heavy, and this complicated set of social rules that he still doesn’t understand puts him on edge.
Normally he’d say fuck the rules and do what he wants, but the situation is too delicate for that.  Clarke and Robin both told him that he needs to be careful and think twice about every move he makes, and for once neither of them sounded condescending about it.  He could tell that they don’t like the situation, either, worry and sympathy clear in their faces.
“Come on,” Timothy says, heading towards a set of double doors.  He doesn’t glance back, trusting Connor to follow him, and Connor does, stepping in his footsteps as he expertly weaves through the crowd, deflecting anyone trying to stop to speak to them with smooth excuses and a well-placed smile.  In no time at all he’s pushing open the large french doors, releasing them from the ballroom and into the cool night air.
Kon tilts his head up, blinking at the night sky above him.  It’s cloudy, obscuring what few stars manage to make their way through the light pollution to reach Metropolis.  Connor wishes he could fly up there, feel the dampness of early rain on his face, burst into the dark and escape everything.  For now, he keeps his feet on the ground, instead joining Timothy by the railing.
“So, how often do you come to these things, Timothy?” Connor asks, leaning back on his elbows.  The other boy perches with a hip pressed against the railing, arms crossed over his chest.
“Tim, please,” he says.  “Timothy makes me feel like I’m in trouble or you’re trying to swindle me out of a business deal.”
“Okay.  How often do you come to these things, Tim?” Connor corrects, testing the feel of it in his mouth.  Tim relaxes at the sound.
“Decently often, but I usually stick to Gotham,” he says.  “I’ll have to start coming to more now that I’m in charge of Drake Industries, but I grew up going to galas.  Is this your first one since Luthor found you?”
“Is it that obvious?” Connor asks.  Tim smirks, but shakes his head.
“I think I’d remember if I’d seen you at one of these before.”
Connor flashes him a charming smile.
“I bet you say that to all the boys.”  Tim’s cheeks turn pink, his blush noticeable against his pale skin even with the limited light out here.  Kon takes a sip of his sparkling cider, satisfaction making it taste sweeter on his tongue.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but we’re probably the only people under thirty in the whole building besides some of the catering staff,” Tim says. 
“You missed the toddler earlier,” Connor hums.  “She was throwing a tantrum.  I very much sympathized.”
“Did I really?” Tim asks dryly.  “What a pity.  Oh no.  How unfortunate that Bruce likes being fashionably late to everything.”
Connor snorts.
“Bruce Wayne, huh?” he says.  “How’d you two meet?”
Tim shifts so he’s leaning back against the railing like Kon.  Kon takes a moment to drink in his profile, tracing the sharp jut of his nose, the hair shielding his eyes from him at this angle.
“He’s my neighbor,” Tim says.  “I’ve kind of always known him, but our families weren’t really close until a few years ago.  When my dad was in a coma, Bruce took me in.  My uncle was supposed to get custody of me now, but…”
Tim trails off, searching for words.  Eventually, he shrugs.
“He’s fostering me right now.  We’ll see where it goes from there.”
“Do you want to stay with him?” Kon asks.  Tim considers his words carefully.  Connor’s mouth is always running away with him, but Tim seems to have the opposite approach.  Everything is measured and careful, cold and tactical.  It reminds Kon of Robin in the middle of missions, keeping his reactions even and methodical to counteract the impulsiveness of the rest of the team.  Kon wonders if Tim is the type of person to let himself be stupid and emotional around friends like Robin is, or if he always keeps everything bottled up.
“Yeah, I do,” Tim breathes eventually.  “But it’s complicated.”
“What do you mean?”
Another pause.  Kon does Robin’s breathing exercise, staying patient.  Some people need time to talk, and Kon can’t help if he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
“I guess I don’t want him to adopt me because he feels obligated,” Tim says.  “He has a family.  There’s–It’s a long story, too long to explain now.  Sorry, this is a weird first impression, huh? But enough about me!  What about you?  Where were you before Luthor found you?”
“Uh,” Connor says, still recovering from the whiplash of topics and searching for Luthor’s cover story.  “Kansas.”
“Kansas?” Tim prompts.
“Yeah, Kansas. I was in the foster system for a while, then I got adopted by this nice old couple who live on a farm in Smallville, which is just as small as it sounds.  I didn’t know anything about my birth parents until Lex showed up.”
“Wow,” Tim says.  “This has to be a big adjustment, then.”
Connor scratches the back of his neck.
“Yeah, kinda.”
Kon’s whole life feels like a big adjustment, from adjusting to existing and Clark’s negative feelings towards him, to adjusting to working for Camdus and living in Hawaii, to adjusting to Young Justice and Teen Titans, to finally trying to adjust to Smallville, only to be ripped away from that and forced into Metropolis high society.
“Do you miss them?” Tim asks.  “The old couple who adopted you?”
Kon swallows against the unexpected pang that rolls through him.  He can almost taste Martha’s pancakes on his tongue and hear the crinkle of the newspaper as Jonathan hands him the cartoons.
“I wasn’t with them very long.  Only a few months.”
Tim tilts his head.
“That doesn’t answer the question.”
Connor shrugs.  He doesn’t know what the right answer is here.  Martha and Jonathan are the closest thing he’s ever had to parents, but part of him never expected to stay with them.  When Luthor ripped him away from them, there was a part of Kon that wasn’t surprised at all, even if a bigger part was in agony.
Martha kissed his forehead when he left the farm and gave him a sad smile.
“You can always come back here, okay?  This is your home, no matter what Lex Luthor has to say about it.”
“If they formally adopted you, Lex Luthor’s claim as your biological father isn’t enough to force cut contact,” Tim says, pushing off the railing and taking a few steps closer.  “Trust me.  I researched this stuff when my dad came out of his coma.”
Kon frowns.
“He didn’t like Bruce?”
Tim wavers.
“It’s complicated,” he offers.  Kon snorts.
“Yeah, I get that.”
Tim’s mouth quirks up, giving Connor the shadow of a smile again.
“It’s not really a first meeting story.”
“Guess we need a second meeting, then,” Connor says.
“Yeah?” Tim asks.  “My weird family dynamic really captivated you, huh?”
“It was your eyes first, actually,” Connor says.  Tim opens his mouth, then closes it again, eyes wide.  Kon holds his breath.  He says flirty things all the time, both to his friends and to people he rescues who seem like they need a pick-me-up, but it’s been a while since he sincerely flirted with someone he plans to see again.  He almost never does it with someone who only knows him as Connor rather than Superboy, much less a boy.
If this goes badly and Tim tells the entire Metropolis elite that Lex’s son is a homosexual, maybe the scandal will be enough for Luthor to send him back to Smallville.  If it goes well…
“You have… very nice eyes, too,” Tim says eventually.  Connor beams, then beams even more at the sharp inhale Tim draws in response.  Tim shifts.
“Hey, do you want to get out of here?” he asks.  “There’s a decent ice cream place open late a few blocks away.  We can be there and back before anyone misses us.”
Connor glances towards Luthor in the ballroom.  He’s still talking to Bruce Wayne, and they’ve amassed a small crowd around them.
“Bruce will keep Lex busy for a while.  He likes to talk.  Besides, you can always tell him that you were networking,” Tim offers.
Luthor said that Tim should be his focus for the rest of the night.  He never said that they had to stay at the gala.
“Lead the way,” he says, gesturing grandly towards the French doors.  Tim blinks once, then again, then smiles.  His eyes light up with it, and Kon suddenly understands why Tim had to inhale before.
“Come on,” Tim says, leading the way.  Kon follows just as closely as he did before, trailing him until they spill out into the Metropolis night and he can stand next to him, almost close enough for their arms to brush.
Maybe living with Lex Luthor won’t be so bad if comes with seeing Tim Drake, too.
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Re your dream: That smacks of MobBoss!Thor. Your current boyfriend is one of Thor's higher-ups and he brought you along to a dinner meeting and Thor is immediately taken with you. Thor is of course very charming and starts working on how to steel you away from your boyfriend.
Take a Seat
Warnings: allusions to mafia/crime, intimidation, suggestions of verbal and mental abuse, toxicity.
This might just be a drabble, but I'd appreciate a reblog and some feedback! You are loved and appreciated. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
"Those are mostly capos," Travis keeps his voice low as he points to the table nearby, keeping the glass in hand to hide his gesture, "I think…" he cranes around, "I might be the only soldier here…"
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"Really?" You raise your brows but quickly resume your neutral preen.
You're intimidated as it is. You don't know much about Travis' business, and this is your first time seeing it from the inside. However, it doesn't seem to be anything more than an overly fancy dinner party.
"Oh, and that's Loki," he darts his eyes sharply to a slender man strutting at the other end of the room. He has a short liquor glass in hand and stops to lean on close to a blond man along the head table, "the boss's brother. The one he's chatting up right now." Travis leans in, "Thor…" he explains, "hon," he puts his hand on yours, "try not to stare. Lot of guys in here don't appreciate it."
"Sorry, I…" your eyes catch the pair of blue irises at the near table. The ones set into the chiseled face of that man proclaimed boss, Thor. Your lips part in surprise before you quickly avert your gaze. "I'm just nervous."
"Yeah, uh, well, try not to look like it," he reproaches. "Maybe…maybe I shoulda come alone."
You try not to frown. He does that. When you go out to dinner, if you don't keep a smile pasted on, suddenly the night is spoiled. Or even at home when you're having a quiet night in, you can ruin the night with one wrong word.
"I'll keep my eyes to myself," you promise, "okay?"
"Right," he nods past you and greets another man as he passes by. "Make sure you do. And if someone says hi, don't be so shy. I don't need you getting on the wrong side of these guys." He grabs his glass and takes a gulp, "this could be my in."
"Got it," you pinch the stem of your champagne flute and draw it closer but don't drink. Better not, sobriety will keep you out of trouble.
Travis ends up at another table, enthralled in conversation with a pair of greasy haired gangsters in patterned velvet jackets. You stare at the table, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. Dinner is over and dessert has mostly gone untouched. You're just waiting for the end.
Thinking of the drive back, you should try to hit the bathroom before that. You peek around cautiously and stand, hugging your clutch to your side as you carefully sidle out from between the table and chair. You keep your head down and make your way to the wall, following it to the short hallway that leads to a set of restrooms.
Inside, you take your time, relieved at the moment of privacy. As you wash your hands, you watch your reflection. You look tired even through your makeup.
You grab your purse and go back out. You hold back a yawn as you get to the end of the hallway and you stop to search the room, making sure Travis is where you left him. You take a step, nearly tripping as a deep voice rumbles from closeby.
You think of ignoring it, assuming they're speaking to someone else, but then you remember what Travis said. You turn and look around.
The blond man, the one with the burly shoulders that threaten the seams of his tailored jacket, grins at you. His fingers are woven together and his elbows rest on the table. He winks at you as you peer around in confusion, expecting someone else to be closeby. It's only you.
"You," he separates his hand and points in your direction, "I do not know you."
You open and close your mouth. You step closer as you swallow and find a smile through your nerves. You grip your purse tight and pronounce your name.
"I'm with Travis. Er, Mallory. My boyfriend. Uh, sir."
His eyes twinkle with amusement, "Thor," he introduces, "sir? Please, none of that is needed. Not for a pretty woman like you."
"S-thank you, Th-Thor," you sound utterly stupid as you try to keep your calm. If Travis saw you talking to this man, you know it would be bad. He wouldn't want you messing up his prospects.
"Sit," his invitation is more a demand.
You can't refuse. What little you know of this business suggests he is even more dangerous than Travis. You go around the table as Thor stands and pulls out the empty chair next to him. You sit and make yourself breathe.
"Boyfriend?" He resumes his seat, angling to face you, "not husband?"
"Not yet," you say.
"And why would he wait?" He wonders as you wilt against his handsome gaze.
"I'm sure he'll propose soon," you shrug, "dinner was great."
"Ah, it was delicious," he sits back, "though my company was not so pleasing." He bends his arm against the table, "not like you."
"I… thank you. That's very, uh, flattering."
"It's the truth. I'm afraid I was probably poor company myself. Being as distracted as I was," his eyes cling to you, "wondering who this beautiful stranger is."
You look away. He's charming, if not a touch cheesy. You don't know how to handle it.
"There you are," Travis saves you from your conundrum. "I was just thinking we should–" he stops and clears his throat, "sir," he stands at the end of the table, "hi, er, I didn't see you there," it's obvious his surprise is fake, "Travis Mallory, I work with Haakonson."
"Ah, yes, he is a reliable capo," Thor shifts and puts his hand on the back of your chair, "I was only just having a discussion with your… girlfriend."
"Oh? That's…great," Travis is less than convincing.
"Yes, I was just agreeing with her that it's really too bad you haven't proposed," Thor asserts and your eyes widen. "A girl like her should have a ring on her finger."
"Yea, sir, I agree, I, um, I was… trying to surprise her–"
"Ah, so you have a ring? Diamond? I think a teardrop becomes this one but she might do well with a princess cut," Thor proclaims as he takes your hand, drawing a wince from you. "She should be adorned in gold and gems."
"Sir, I know, I've been working on it–"
"Ah, ah," Thor keeps his hand on yours, "I don't like excuses. And she shouldn't settle for them."
Thor raises your hand and kisses your knuckles. You can only let him. Your scalp spatters with heat as you nearly combust between the two men.
"She deserves a throne… look at her, a queen."
"Sir, thank you. She is. I take care of her–"
"Do you?" Thor accuses, "how do you take care of her?"
You don't dare tug your hand away despite the urge to do just that. You sit frozen as his hand crushes yours. You slowly turn your head to glance at Travis, his cheek twitching in agitation.
"I…" he swallows and tries to wet his dry mouth. He can't yell this man into submission and he knows it.
"Let me give her the throne she deserves," Thor snickers and leans over. His nose tickles your ear and he lowers his voice to a whisper, "come, kitten, sit in my lap."
He sits back and you gape at him, shocked by his suggestion. No, it's an order. You blink and look at Travis again. Thor hits the table with his large hand, the plates and cutlery clattering.
"You don't need his permission," he pulls on your arm, "you need only my word."
"S-sorry," you slide forward in the seat and stand stiffly.
Thor releases your hand and shoves his chair back, running his large hands over his thighs. You step in front of him and he frames your hips, pulling you down before you can think to refuse. You fall into his lap, bracing his forearm to keep your balance.
"Now that is where a woman like her belongs," Thor leans into you and rests his chin on your shoulder, "with a king, not a peasant."
You look at Travis, horror pumping in your veins, a fear reflected in his drawn face. Thor brushes a hand up your stomach and turns his head to nuzzle your neck. The tickle of his beard makes you moan.
Thor lifts his head at last, his arm hooked around you as he clings to your tightly, "what a wonderful gift you brought me, soldier."
Travis does not move. He just stares, blinking as his fingers twiddle at his side. Your lip trembles. What do you do?
"You are dismissed," Thor enunciates harshly.
Travis bites down, jaw clenching tightly, and he murmurs, "yes, boss."
His sole scuffs as he drags his foot back. You watch him in disbelief. He's just leaving you there.
"You see, kitten," Thor reaches to pet your head, "he is not good enough for you. You deserve more than a coward."
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