#you can take this headcanon from my cold dead hands
taibu · 2 years
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mmmmkay so ya'll remember this from DBS? Right?
Yeah, it's a screenshot of our boy Piccolo singing karaoke so badly that literally everyone else except his son eternal wing man right hand man student Gohan is reeling over it. Very funny and very much in character blah blah blah BUT!!! You know what I think?
This is all a ruse. This one moment here? Piccolo is faking the whole thing! He's actually a great singer!
Now we know that this isn't the only time Piccolo has canonically sang in BDS, as he has somewhat admitted to singing to Pan in this episode:
Now you may be saying; "but Taibu you dumb fox, kids don't care if you sing good or bad" and you're absolutely right.
HOWEVER! I have some sort of proof for my theory. And that proof is, believe it or not, Krillin!
In the 1994 Broly-movie (which I know isn't canon and all but I have a habit of combining non-, semi- and fully canon things together in the franchises I like so sue me I suppose lol) Krillin sings to the other fighters, and while the English version made a joke about how bad he was, in the original Japanese version; people actually marvel at how WELL he is singing, hell even Vegeta is jealous!
Now, Krillin's OG VA is Mayumi Tanaka who is also known for voicing Luffy in One Piece. The connection between the two characters had actually been hinted a few times in DBS with Krillin's phone playing the One Piece opening theme.
Either way, we know for a fact that Krillin, at least in the OG Japanese dub, is a good singer. But what does this have to do with Piccolo?
Well, Piccolo's OG VA is ALSO known for voicing a One Piece Character!
Toshio Furukawa has voiced Piccolo from pretty much day one (with the only exception being when Pics was just a baby, where he was voiced by Hiromi Tsuru, who also voiced Bulma until her passing in 2017). Furukawa also voices the character Ace in One Piece.
Many OP-characters have one or more character-themes performed by their VA's, and Ace is not an exception to this, having two songs dedicated to him, and being performed by Furukawa: Save my Heart and Living Fire. Furukawa gives both characters pretty similar voices, so it is a safe assumption that Piccolo's and Ace's singing voices are also similar. And if you listen to these songs, you can hear that they are really freaking well sung!
But why would Piccolo pretend that he can't sing well? Because THAT is the most in-character thing for him to do, innit?
If people knew how good his voice was, they would ask him to sing more often in Bulma's many parties, right? Hell, they must have pestered for HOURS to get Piccolo there even once! And once he did, he probably foresaw a lot more pestering in his future, so to stop it immediately, he faked one bad performance, just to stop people from ever letting him on the stage again, for the sake of their ears. The only one who thought it was great was Gohan, most likely because of his endless respect for his teacher, or perhaps he has heard Piccolo sing to himself in the wastelands and knows he can actually sing well.
So TL:DR-version: Piccolo actually has a REALLY nice singing-voice, he only faked to be bad to spare himself from ever having to stand up on a stage again. He preserves his singing to Pan and potentially other babies he has to look after in the future, and no-one else. Gohan knows he is good, due to him walking in on Piccolo singing a lullaby to Pan a couple of times, but keeps his friend's secret because it is clearly very important to him.
And that is the long-winded way of me telling that I whole-heartedly head-canon that Piccolo is a good singer. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk.
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hanakihan · 7 months
since it’s annual dishonored brainrot period
you know Corvo either being mute from birth OR losing his tongue due to his torture period makes much more sense when Burrows confesses everything to Corvo
It becomes less stupid in way of ‘you’re gonna be executed tomorrow anyway it’s not like you’ll escape’ and more in a way of ‘you aren’t able to talk anyway, who you will tell?’
That way it starts to look like even more of a mockery from Burrows, spilling everything to a man who won’t be able to tell anyway not because he’ll be dead next morning, but because he literally can’t tell anyone
Like yes I know second game straight up denies such possibility with Corvo now being officially voiced, but before second game was even announced it was a solid (and still is honestly) head canon for me when I play Dishonored
There’s also something absolutely terrifying at meeting this masked man and he literally doesn’t answer anything you tell him
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violetjedisylveon · 2 months
New Wukong headcanon!
He is a huge plant nerd, in jttw he's canonically very smart and well studied under subodhi so he's already a nerd, but all that cranks up to 11 with plants.
He collects all sorts of plants from all over the place and sets up habits on his island to let them thrive and he just really enjoys tending to them and watching them grow and thrive, he is the same way with the plants already on the island.
He gets super excited when he notices the plants adapting to the island and changing and becoming something new. One of the coolest things about immortality is seeing plants evolve!
He just thinks they're neat.
He's the nerdiest plant dad ever.
He's also really shy about showing people his plants because he doesn't want anyone messing with them or making fun of him for it (it happened more when he was younger).
When he did show MK his plant hyperfixation, MK quickly clocked it in as very not neurotypical behavior.
Wukong is in fact, not neurotypical.
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hedgehogcryptid · 4 months
AU where the family insist on bringing Jason's identity back to life thinking that being in the public eye will make it more difficult for him to crime lord. Except every time they do he just very convincingly fakes his death (because fuck them. If they don't actually want him in the family then he's not giving it to them). It gets to the point that the public is convinced something is very wrong with the Waynes, who have tearfully welcomed their dead son/brother back to the living five times in a row. The three leading theories are:
- they're cloning him and the clones eventually kill themselves when they find out
- they're gaslighting/brainwashing body doubles to believe they are a dead guy (who then kill themselves when they remember their actual lives)
- the family falls for it every time a half convincing conman approaches them saying he's the dead kid, and they kill him when they find out the deception, making it look like a suicide to avoid further investigation.
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coin-z3fs · 5 months
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Another messy MCD doodle that will hurt your eyes (Irene edition)
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atanxdoesstuff · 1 year
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-- Rockstar by N.E.R.D.
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...back on my bullshit about the fact that Stiles would be/is also friends with the local Leather Daddy/Biker Bears AS WELL AS the local Drag Queens.
yes, he does have all their numbers. and yes, he does text them on the regular.
that's it. that's my post
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bridgyrose · 5 months
I don't usually ask for prompts starring a villain, but this one seems an interesting concept to me:
Cinder meets her biological parents in Atlas. They're not what she expected Atlesians to be.
(You know, I always thought of her parents as being from Mistral all things considered. That said, I do have a bit of fun with this)
Cinder paused in her step as she watched a woman who looked similar to her walk down the street in front of her. It had been years since she had thought about her parents, who they were or what they did, and for years she had always imagined she’d be angry at them for dumping her off at that blasted orphanage. And yet, as she watched this woman, she wasnt sure why that anger seemed to disappear and instead curiosity took its place. 
“We have a job to do, dont we?” Neo signed as he tried to get Cinder’s attention. 
“Give me a minute,” Cinder said as she pulled away from Neo, her eyes stayed on the woman as she watched her walk away. She didnt know when she had started to walk after or when her pace started to pick up as she moved her way past a few people who walked the street. Her heart raced the longer she followed, uncertain what to say as she tried to think about what to tell her. “I hate you,” and “Why did you leave me?” ran through her mind as she tried to think of other things to say, words caught in her throat the moment she saw that she was spotted. Cinder froze in her tracks once more, eye locked on the woman’s as she took a step back. 
The woman stepped forward with a smile. “Ed, is that you?” 
“E-Ed?” Cinder repeated slowly, her voice cracked as she tried to find the other words to say. “I-I think you have the wrong person.” 
“I’d never forget those amber eyes, Edwin. They look just like your father’s.” 
Cinder took another step back as she listened to the woman, her voice sounded just like hers yet calm. Looking at her face was almost like looking in a mirror from before she had the maiden powers, blue eyes instead of amber. And yet, it was all real. From the way the woman rushed over, footsteps clicking against the stone road, all the way to the way the woman pulled her into a warm hug. 
The woman squeezed Cinder in the hug, holding her tight. “I thought I’d never see you again after I had to give you up.” 
“You… you had to?” Cinder asked quietly as she watched her mother cry against her, her fingers shook as she wrapped her arms around her mother. “Why… why did you… why did you leave me there?” 
“I didnt want to, but… but I couldnt afford to keep you around either.” Her mother pulled back and gave Cinder a warm smile as she wiped away a few tears. “I couldnt give you the life that you deserved, so I left you at the orphanage so someone else could give you that opportunity. I only wanted the best for you.” 
Cinder slowly frowned as she pulled away from her mother as she held back her maiden powers from manifesting. “The life I deserved?! You left me with a matron that would beat me if I so much as tried to defend myself! And then when I was finally adopted, I was treated like a slave, a collar put around my neck to shock me every time I did something she didnt approve of!” She pulled down the collar of her shirt to show the scarring from the shock collar. She panted in anger as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, her frown softening a bit as she watched her mother slowly reach out for the scars and quietly spoke. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Cinder went quiet and her body relaxed as she hid her scars again, caught off guard by those two little words. “I’m sorry” ran through her mind over and over as she felt a few more tears run down her cheeks, her legs shook as she stared at her mother. And yet, no matter how angry she had wanted to be, that anger faded away. Her words stayed caught in the back of her throat for what almost felt like an eternity. “C-Cinder.” 
Her mother looked at her curiously. “What was that?” 
“Cinder. I go by Cinder now.” 
“Cinder. Its a pretty name.” 
“Thanks…” Cinder wiped away her tears and sighed. “I should get going-” 
“Why not come home with me for dinner? I’m sure your father would want to get to know his daughter just as much as I do.” 
Cinder stopped mid step as she turned to look at her mother, almost surprised that she’d ask her to join her for a meal. Though, what surprised her the most was the answer that left her lips without even a second thought. “I’d love to.” 
Her mother smiled and reached for her hand. “We have a small apartment here in Atlas until we can get everything moved over from Mistral. Its a bit small, but we can fit you for dinner as long as you’re not too busy.” 
Cinder pulled back for a moment as she looked at her mother’s hand, then looked behind her towards Neo as she hesitated, almost hoping that her partner would be able to save her. Then, as she watched Neo disappear for a moment, she took her mother’s hand and nodded. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’ll only be for an hour or two, right?” 
“Unless you want to stay longer.” 
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purplecelestial-buddy · 8 months
I recently saw this and besides how accurate it is, I need us talk about how Kagi is heavily k-pop idol coded.
Here he was drawn in the same way people draw idols such as JK or Chan and who more to be cute but also ripped than a kpop boy?
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Having said that, my friend and I came with the headcanons that he envies kpop idols' bodies so he ends up copying their exercise routines.
How did he come to discover kpop you ask? Niibashi, ofc. And yeah Niibashi is more of a girl group stan but he was watching random choreographies to practice anatomy (since he's a member of the art club)
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crayycrayon · 4 months
okay guys gonna say it
transfem arthur
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tirsynni · 6 months
I've seen some people talk about the in-fic possibilities of Hyrule Warriors not being a canon game, but I remain fond of two thoughts:
1) that HW!Link isn't a "canon" Hero because he isn't a born Hero like most of the others or a self-created Hero like WW!Link but was a forced Hero because the Goddesses needed Cia to target the era with the only army which could defeat Cia's and needed bait to do it
2) that the war was born of a divine failure, of a Goddess-chosen sorceress being corrupted by their greatest enemy and the timelines being epically messed up due to it, leading to a divine mess and things being crossed and connected which never should have been.
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incorrectv7kquotes · 1 year
*Hugo is cooking*
Varian: Any chance that’s for me?
Hugo: It’s for Nuru. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need her on my side.
Yong: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment
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tankvine · 11 months
*joker voice* say shiver's a trans man or nonbinary and no one bats an eye....,, say shiver is a trans woman,,, and society goes WILD
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2 tickets to the Barbie movie please. 
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aza-trash-can · 11 months
Thinking about Egeria giving Neuvillette his name.
He doesn't even know about the concept of names when she first finds him, the vishaps never bothered with it and so he didn't either. But then Egeria finds him, this little child in a world of darkness, and offers him a name. She tells him how names are unique, how they are special to each and every creature that has one. How they mark the uniqueness of the creature they are attached to. And she offers to give this nameless child something to mark his own uniqueness, to mark his own personhood.
And he happily accepts, taking this very first thing that he can claim as his own. His name. A gift from the hydro archon, but his nonetheless. And he cherishes it, treasures it, loves it.
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Say what you will about country music, but I don't know any other genre of music so full of women passionately singing about murdering their scummy husbands, and I love that for them. Girl power! <33
All this to say I think North would love country music. Church Bells by Carrie Underwood is her go to song.
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