#you can take my headcanons out of my cold dead hands
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mikkeneko · 3 hours ago
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15m ago
Jan 30
Anonymous asked:
do you also think a lot about the time between when luo binghe was born and when his adoptive mother took him in? cause sqq says he was homeless before she came around which makes me wonder how did baby binghe even survived
waitineedaname answered:
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I AM IN FACT HAUNTED BY THIS. especially when you compare it to all the other little orphan boys in mxtx novels, like. Wei Wuxian had his parents taking care of him until they died. Hua Cheng had parents before he got kicked out onto the streets. we don't really know much about Yue Qi and Shen Jiu's circumstances, but presumably they had parents for a time before they were orphaned/abandoned. but Luo Binghe, we know he was abandoned at birth because Su Xiyan lived just long enough to seal his demon qi and send him down the river before she died. it would make sense if the washerwoman immediately found him in the river and started raising him (which is what the donghua changes, which tbh makes more sense) but no, he was living on the streets for YEARS before she adopted him. HOW!!! presumably somebody found this literal newborn floating down the river and made sure he survived, but like?? we know nothing about it???
in my mind, whoever took baby Binghe in and kept him alive was someone similar to the washerwoman, probably poor but kindhearted enough to not want this baby to die. maybe their circumstances were such that they couldn't take care of him forever, so the washerwoman took him in instead, maybe they knew her and asked her to take him in when they couldn't, or maybe they died and Binghe was left on the streets, slightly more capable of fending for himself now that he could like walk and talk and wasn't a day old. idk, it's all too tragic to think about. regardless, someone must have taken care of him and then couldn't anymore, which means Luo Binghe was essentially orphaned three times. fucking hell dude
Jan 30
-waves wildly at all of this- THIS is why I think that his mother broke through any spirit calming rituals and Su Xiyan became a river spirit. Just straight up possessed the river to make sure that he survived through first the winter, then the years that followed by making it so he had a safe place where he wouldn't drown and she could feed her qi (even if it was ghostly qi) into him to sustain him against the cold, or to drive fish into tiny hands that had no idea what to do with them.
It's a whole THING in my personal headcanons that basically, even if he was taken in that first winter and was released as soon as the person who picked him out of the water saw he was mobile, that there was a refuge for him to fall back on. Boy's got attachment issues, for sure, but he doesn't have the kind that come of being ignored. He can form attachments and that's an infancy thing. So if he was being cradled by a dead spirit? That's fine. That's good enough.
Hell, it might even be why he takes such a shine to Shen Yuan ultimately, because what is he if not a dead spirit? Even if he doesn't know, it's still true. But, well, that's another conversation probably.
#svsss#it’s entirely possible MXTX has never met a human child and didn’t realize that without adult human care#newborn babies just…die pretty much immediately#and didn’t think about it#but this is svsss!#so we can also just be like#*airplane* had probably never met a human child and didn’t realize etc etc#and furthermore#that the reason peerless cucumber didn’t roast the ever living fuck out of airplane for THAT major plothole#is that peerless cucumber had also never met a human child - via @cerusee
do you also think a lot about the time between when luo binghe was born and when his adoptive mother took him in? cause sqq says he was homeless before she came around which makes me wonder how did baby binghe even survived
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I AM IN FACT HAUNTED BY THIS. especially when you compare it to all the other little orphan boys in mxtx novels, like. Wei Wuxian had his parents taking care of him until they died. Hua Cheng had parents before he got kicked out onto the streets. we don't really know much about Yue Qi and Shen Jiu's circumstances, but presumably they had parents for a time before they were orphaned/abandoned. but Luo Binghe, we know he was abandoned at birth because Su Xiyan lived just long enough to seal his demon qi and send him down the river before she died. it would make sense if the washerwoman immediately found him in the river and started raising him (which is what the donghua changes, which tbh makes more sense) but no, he was living on the streets for YEARS before she adopted him. HOW!!! presumably somebody found this literal newborn floating down the river and made sure he survived, but like?? we know nothing about it???
in my mind, whoever took baby Binghe in and kept him alive was someone similar to the washerwoman, probably poor but kindhearted enough to not want this baby to die. maybe their circumstances were such that they couldn't take care of him forever, so the washerwoman took him in instead, maybe they knew her and asked her to take him in when they couldn't, or maybe they died and Binghe was left on the streets, slightly more capable of fending for himself now that he could like walk and talk and wasn't a day old. idk, it's all too tragic to think about. regardless, someone must have taken care of him and then couldn't anymore, which means Luo Binghe was essentially orphaned three times. fucking hell dude
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straneria · 1 year ago
TFSONG: Favourite Fruits
Nines: Cherries. I see him and Eyendi stealing them or chancing upon some and sitting on a rooftop eating them + spitting the pits at unsuspecting passers by below. Dahlia: Watermelon. She is a summer creature in my heart, I imagine her reclining in the shade near the food at a soiree and subtly hoarding the better fruit. Tove: Any berries. Tove is extremely not picky about it. Kiril: Nectarines & Plums. Something that is sooooo good but only if you eat it in the tiny little window between being sour and being rotten. Cricket: Apples & Pears. I see Cricket picking fruit in a family orchard as one of her happy memories. They didn't love her how she deserved or want her to show her face, but hidden among rows of trees she was free from judgement. Cricket deserves to lay in soft grass. Rao: Pomegranate. Delicious, takes patience, a vibe of sex and violence.
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dapurinthos · 8 months ago
forever annoyed at the lack of non-woven jedi garments. excuse you, fibrecraft is the basis of society. where are they getting their cloth from? are they weaving it themselves? are they spinning it themselves? where is the knitwear. you cannot tell me that there are no sweaters in the jedi order. there are probably hideous sweaters made from fourteen different colours of yarn because they're made from the wool leftover from other projects. all of the colours manage to clash. and embroidery is just too good for teaching patience. hand-sewing in general is good and meditative.
these people are going to be darning their own socks, patching holes in their robes. they are going to have needles and thread in their survival kits and know how to hold the cloth tension just right with the force so they can re-weave the bigger holes by using tiny, straight sticks to hold the warp in place.
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sarcasticallyexplicit11 · 29 days ago
All three Curtis brothers are autistic. Send tweet.
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eggcats · 11 months ago
contuing w/my headcanon that Alastor knows everything that plays over his airwaves, this gives him an almost encyclopedic knowledge of music
And so Angel starts using Alastor like a glorified dj, and any time Alastor is around, Angel will be like "hey play *insert song or as much as insert artist you know,"
But when Alastor only knows the like, main radio hits he's like "hmmmmm, Smiles, I need to expand your music knowledge"
"I beg your pardon, my dear?"
And somehow Angel discovers a hack (that even ALASTOR himself didn't know) where if he hooks up his phone to the radio in his room (one specifically given by Alastor), he can essentially inject his music directly into him, ready to play back at any time
Alastor discovers this one day when suddenly hours of Lana Del Rey is suddenly, and without precedent, playing over his airwaves and the next time he sees Angel he's Super Excited and goes "Hey Smiles, how's about you play some Lana Del Rey, as much as you know?"
Alastor shows great restraint in NOT killing the spider, but he does force a deal where as long as Angel doesn't TELL ANYONE about this blatant weakness in his powers, he will allow Angel to play "him" music he might want to hear again
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trash-opposum · 1 year ago
A Few Mephistopheles Headcanons
I definitely don’t have a character hyper fixation (That’s a lie)
• He’s a big fan of Musicals (Phantom of The Opera, Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, etc) he has memorized the soundtrack for almost every single one
• Sometimes he babysits Luke for Simeon
• Mephisto had a “rebellious” phase in his teen years. If you ask him about it, he will deny it
• He has a southern accent. He’s a southerner because I said so
• If he doesn’t get enough sleep or if he overworks himself, he will disassociate horribly (me too)
• Daddy Issues + Mama’s boy combo (me too bitch)
• If he has classes with MC, Mephisto will leave little presents for them in their desk. Of course it won’t be obvious who it’s from
• Dresses like every rich man in books/movies when not in school uniform
That’s all <3
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flippingfrogg · 2 years ago
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My Vitya brain rot is on high rn. Katsuki Yuuri is lucky man
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hexedevolution · 3 months ago
Viktor and Blitzcrank
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Special thanks to @valiantthearts for the idea
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// Due to the complete rewrite of Viktor's story in League of Legends, his more in-depth past has been eradicated. Including the creation of Blitzcrank - a fellow champion in the game.
// I'm not having it! 😂 I love the idea of inventor and invention, and how they share a rather interesting, almost human connection between them. I will be going over my headcanon's for Viktor's past heavily inspired by his old lore - because I still think it's important to remember who League-Viktor was before Arcane changed him almost entirely. I will write a full timeline for him soon!
// I'll be using direct references from League (thanks wayback machine) and some images too. I'll put it under the cut though because I'll probably ramble.
Viktor wasn't discovered by Piltovian scientists until he was nineteen (by Stanwick in his old lore, now Heimerdinger in new lore) - so what did he do before that to catch their eyes?
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According to his old lore, Viktor was very keen on helping the workforces of Zaun to avoid accidents/deaths in dangerous environments. Further into this lore, it states that after the Chem-forge gave him a chance, he had lowered the accident rates to 0% within a month thanks to his inventions. This caught the eye of other businesses that also started to request his aid.
Always keen to expand on his abilities and now having a chance to make a real difference to the people of Zaun, Viktor continued to create more machines and automatons to help those who needed it. As an older teen/young man, Viktor came across an old steam golem.
Golems used to be used throughout Zaun, designed to clear toxic waste and to enter environs too dangerous for people - but they largely had suffered from caustic damage and went unused.
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Viktor, believing these golems could be of use again with just a tweak to their designs, managed to find help to drag the machine back to his makeshift laboratory where he worked on it tirelessly.
In the old lore, Blitzcrank was brought to life due to Hextech - named after the lightning effect Blitz gave off. Since Hextech hasn't been invented at this point in Viktor's life, Blitzcrank's improvements were purely down to Viktor's intelligence in the automaton field. Blitzcrank was programmed, but had developed their own intelligence over the weeks and months.
Viktor instructed Blitzcrank to help those who were in toxic areas - such as chemical spills or gas leaks - that would have been dangerous for others to rush into. Blitzcrank was a great success, but often couldn't understand the requests they got from Viktor or other Zaunites. Couldn't get into your home? Blitzcrank may smash down your door.
Viktor had sent Blitzcrank into a neighbourhood that was suffering - the robot soon discovered the source; a chemical runoff coming from a factory. Taking Viktor's request too far, Blitzcrank tried to rid the area of pollution by completely destroying the factory. This factory belonged to a very dangerous Chem-Baron (let's say Renata Glasc for funsies).
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Viktor may not have seen Blitzcrank off - but had heard of their good deeds here and there. So had a Piltover scientist, who took a keen interest in the nineteen year old inventor that created the most dedicated, caring, hardworking Golem Zaun had ever known...
Knowing Blitzcrank would continue to learn, and continue to do good work whilst he was away, Viktor bid farewell to Zaun to further his prowess even more in the City of Progress.
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// Fanart by Gambler_carrd on Twitter / X
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raemeh · 1 year ago
I know i don’t draw Nicky often so this is just a me thing but but anytime I’m reminded of the Nicky canon art my brain just goes “What do you mean he doesn’t have a chubby face “
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the0maski · 2 years ago
Not me being sad, that the LoZ-Team ditched the Kokiri for the Koroks in Botw and Totk…
I get it, especially considered what the fate of the champion was. The Kokiri need to live in peace for once after Oot and WW…
But I am still mad that we lost some lore about them! Seeing how unique every race was in Botw, it really makes me wonder what the forest children culture would be like. The Korok ARE children, but the Kokiri were more, they just LOOK like children. WW Fado said it himself, he was older than what he looked like. The Kokiri seamed very responsible, considered they all raised Oot!Link to the point he was strong enough to fight. Seeing the Deku Tree was an honor and they respect to be summoned first.
The koroks make good weapons in Botw/Totk, and given Oot and Tfh the Kokiri made weapons: Swords and Bows. I never liked the idea of the Kokiri being helpless, because the are “children”. Why would Mido say one need to have a sword and shield to see the Deku Tree? Maybe to piss of Link, but it doesn’t make sense, he could also have said that Link needed to bring an offering, like with Lord Jabu Jabu. But no, one need to be able to fight to reach the deity! And in every game you get to see why Link knows how to fight: he is trained as a knight, he is trained in the village or they need to know to protect the village goats! But if the Kokiri were just peaceful children doing whatever kids in the forest do, then Link shouldn’t know how to fight? Why would the Deku Tree asked one of his children for help if he knew they don’t know how to fight? Also shooting three arrows at once in Botw is small reference to the Kokiri Clothing in Tfh! What I want to say is that the kokiri are not defenseless! They would had come out of the calamity fine!
There was so much potential for more! Why not have a race in Hyrule that somehow had no part in the calamity? They could had taken the role of storytellers! Telling the story of one of them being a hero, how three sages had helped the hero, maybe show Mido as the one who tells the tales? Every part of Hyrule was somehow suffering the lost of a champion, the Kokiri had know suffering the lost of loved ones the most! A beautiful way to show that life continues even if it hurts, there is a future! The Koroks always happy to see Link, is heartbreaking once I remembered Oot. Where the Kokiri would ask Teen Link if he had seen the Link they remembered. Worried about him, even if they were mad about the Deku Tree, they still cared deeply for their lost sibling! Being able to help the Botw/Totk Link had always seams like their despaired way of curing their grief! Even if the Koroks never knew why the did those acts of kindness, their would always do it until they lost sibling returns…
I love those poor children so much and they all did not deserve any of this :’( I could talk about the Kokiris, Skull kids and Dekus for hours!
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year ago
I also think Aleksi fell first because Olli is a handsome motherfucker 😂 I feel like they both have such strong bisexual energy / vibes so I don’t really know… but I think Olli fell pretty hard though because maybe the other members feel more like brothers to him as he has known them for a long time and when he spent the quarantine time with them he fell for Aleksi HARD I think 🥺
yeah I mean that's exactly my number one argument if someone was to say "ewww they don't like each other like that, they're almost like brothers to each other 🙄" and yeah maybe they are, but it's not the same as with e.g. Joonas or Tommi who Olli has known since when they were all literal children!! whereas Aleksi came to his life way later and he fit right in with the band, yet he's his own person and in a way very different from the OG Oulu gang, so it wouldn't surprise me if Olli was first very fascinated by him, and then that fascination turned into fondness which then turned into a tiny crush and then into a bigger crush and... 😭
also hell yeah they have bi energy, again in somewhat different ways, but they do 🥰
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jonny-b-meowborn · 2 years ago
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A conversation with Tim in my therian fic
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backpackingspace · 1 year ago
Okay so thanks to fics I've been reading I know headcanon that xie lian, when not up the mountain cultivating, had to wear a mask at all times. "So beautiful only the gods had the privilege to see"
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trash-opposum · 1 year ago
Music genres I believe Mephistopheles would listen to
Im not talking about “red neck I love my truck” typa country. I’m taking out Tomorrow by Chris Young or Do I by Luke Bryan typa country
My only explanation is I like R&B and I feel like Mephisto would probably vibe with some of the songs.
Divorced Dad Rock-
It’s definitely not his favorite genre, but my God does Lips Of an Angel fucking slap. Also Nickelback is cool ig (jk I fucking love Nickelback)
And while he may not be a genre he’s getting his own section:
Look me in my face and tell me Mephistopheles wouldn’t enjoy Hozier’s music. Meph would love MC like Hozier describes in his songs and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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marvelstan0905 · 8 months ago
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Random Kenji Sato Boyfriend Headcanons:
TW : fluffy/slight angst/ idk what else lmao
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"Small Gestures"
Kenji is the king of small gestures. This man be peeling your oranges. Feeding you. If you have your menstrual days, Kenji keeps a stack of pads, wet wipes, tampons and clean menstrual cups everywhere and in the car. Kenji is the type to keep notifications on when you have your days or when your ovulating [do with that information what you will😈]
We all know what happened in the movie. We all know that Kenji rarely cries and he holds in his feelings till eventually he kinda bursts. With you, yes you, the best partner, you'd kinda have to coax it out of him. Get him to tell you what's bothering or what's wrong. It would take a lot of patient and understanding. Kenji would really try is damndest to communicate despite his habits.
Kenji would be really patient and understanding when it comes to sex and intimacy. The man would praise and worship you all night. We all know this man would be the type to pin your hands above your head and make you look into his eyes. I definetly feel like a Kenji is a hard dom/brat tamer kinda guy. I can definetly see the daddy kink coming. He's definetly an equal giver and receiver. Man's is definetly kinky and I definetly feel like he'd very open to try anything, long as he's in control. And his aftercare is top tier. The hot bath and cuddles with loving affirmations.
"Love & Marriage"
Don't know why, Kenji gives off 'dating to marry' vibes. The man's been distant with everybody, keeping people away at an arm's leg but after finally finding that perfect person. Kenji is all the way. He's commited. Forever. As in you won't shake him off ,even if you try [you wont😑]. He's the most loyal sweetheart and baby ever. Hurting our man here is like killing a puppy. Don't do it. I feel like he'd dead deadass get a tattoo with your name and the date of your birthday. That's how commited he is.
I'm talking opening doors, sliding out chairs. Kenji will hold your hand when you go down the stairs and when you're sitting down just to make sure you're safe and make sure you sit nicely. If you wear a skirt and it's cold, he'll lay his jacket on your legs. If you're cold in general his jacket is yours. His arms are yours. He just wants to make sure you're warm and happy. God forbid, it rains. Kenji won't even allow you outside because he doesn't want you to get cold but if you were already outside. You'd have most of the umbrella.
"Clinginess & Attention"
Clingy. He'll never ever let you go. Once you're his, you're trapped and commited [a dream ,really😌] Kenji would always find some time of way to be touching you. Somehow. His pinkies linked with yours or you're feet are touching. He just needs the contact. He's a clingy, baby. He needs your attention and love. He's been deprived🥺 give him the attention he deserves.
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-What do you guys think? I've decided to open up requests but they'll be open starting 26 June at 5PM [MT ] up until 28th June 1PM [MT].I don't want to be overwhelmed or swapped!I've been feeling a little burned out nowadays hehe so I need to recuperate! Speaking of requests, If I don't feel like I can do it or it's just something I'm not comfortable with ,I will delete your ask! I'm sorry! Thank you so much for the love and support!
Gif credit @soranatus
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fuzedatti · 9 months ago
I was avoiding this ask because so many 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ideas got into my mind, but tumblr doesn't deserve my genious ideas ‼️
Human AM headcanons, in wich he can actually feel (suggestive?)
First of all he would be SUPER overwhelmed by all the new data being blasted into his system.
Like he is shocked. He can barely move the moment he can actually feel the heat, the humidity and the smell of his belly. Maybe his torture was waaaay too much.
AM's android/human body can't physically leave the monolith complex but his brand new nervous system allows him to experience a lot of things at the same time.
And of course, he can’t take his hands out of you.
His little pet, his favorite plaything. Oh how much did he enjoy the first time he could actually smell you. He was disgusted sure, but he loved it.
Also say bye to that straigtjacket, his hands are your new friend.
And he would force you to pet him.
His metal torso is so cold you almost refused to go further but his inhumane strength forced you to stay close.
Nuzzles, nuzzles and nuzzles.
"I WONDER HOW LONG CAN YOU HOLD YOUR BREATH". You look at him in confusion as he took off his faceplate.
Oh shit he does have a mouth. And a decent set of teeth.
He can't talk at all in this state but his tired gaze tells you everything, no turning back now.
Also cats are dead, silly, he will never know what it feels to hold one.
Anyways guys once we reach 10000000 suscribes and we will do part two!!! Dont kiss AM at 3 AM!!! (Gone sexual) /hj
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