#you can get good at anything if you do it often enough ig
yandere-daydreams · 10 months
hi!! i just wanted to say, i love your work so much. i rarely see such skilled writers and im honestly head over heels at every post you make. i wanted to ask, how’d you get this good? how long have you been writing for, and if you’re comfortable with saying, how old are you?
thank you for reading
well i used to eat a lot of paper. maybe that did something.
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
N/SFW. Minors DNI
CW: GN reader / Men's Mental Health IG ???
KNY characters that I think are more prone to cumming in their pants / NSFW
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-He's inexperienced.
-I admire the almost fandom consensus of him being either resident, sexy, black haired, quiet anime boy, and/or 'nobody likes this friendless loser, he definitely has a tumblr'
-Any attention, platonic or not, from someone he's attracted to is enough to make Giyu get an apparent boner. He's prone to them when the people he admires say genuinely nice things to him.
-He doesn't get to hear nice things a lot, nor does he take compliments easily, so when he believes them, his body can't help but believe them too.
-He'd rather it not be that way, but due to his floundering mental health, and general isolation, Giyu isn't jerking off very often, nor is he able to get it up when he wants to, so he just goes... months without thinking about it sometimes.
-Could definitely cum from kissing too hard. Not just kissing, but particularly the rough treatment.
-Giyu must be incredibly touch starved, I imagine. I can't fiction the last time he's hugged someone. That scene where he's holding Shinobu, perhaps?
-So when he's getting so much attention, especially so much positive, romantic attention, even if it's a little rough, I'm sure his dick would be at full mast.
-he doesn't think he's predisposed to masochism or anything. He'd hope he wasn't, but it feels better when he's kissing, and maybe his hair is being pulled on, just a little.
-he'd be very embarassed. He wouldn't cry or anything, but I think he'd get up and leave the room. He knows you knew what happened, he didn't moan, but he flinched because the build up was so immediate, and he just couldn't stop.
-How pathetic. He can't show his face infront of you ever again. All he does is ruin good things. You're definitely disgusted by him.
-Even if he didn't realize how pretty his face looked during his orgasm.
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-Everyday I fight the gyutaro incel allegations, and everyday I fail.
-Gyutaro is socially inept, to put it blatantly. He spends an incredible amount of time locked away in his sister, and rarely chooses to come out unless eating for the two, or-
-if he needs to jerk off. A rarity, nowadays. Looking the way he looks can do a real number on one's ability to self-pleasure. He also isn't able to seek out assistance from any brothels- He still looks the way he looks. He's no Muzan- blessed with the ability to change his appearance at will.
-So when you're on top of Gyutaro, and he feels the curve of your ass in his palm, and your sex is positioned right on top of his, just barely grazing his clothed cock, as you try and teach him how to kiss (he's doing his best, but he knows he's not good-)
-He cums, and he cums hard. He grips down on your hips, and goes wide eyed, unable to stop the moan that rips its way from his throat... and then quickly moves you off of him.
-He isn't even finished when he moves you, he's shakey armed, and he nearly drops you.
-he's mortified. After all this time, he finally gets someone willing to touch him, and he blows it. He's borderline inconsolable- switching between begging you not to look at him and begging you not to hate him-
-but the noise he made was just so... pathetic.
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-Men dedicated to their craft don't have time to cum? Silly of you to assume he's ever even seen another person naked. That would imply he looked away from a sword for long enough to register it.
-On a completely serious note (as serious as I can be writing this), It'd be quite awkward interacting with Haganezuka sexually. His mind has been so consumed by perfection that, even if he wasn't dedicated to the blade, he's almost prevented himself from ever being able to cum in a social setting.
-He's developed a phobia of new situations he can't control. Especially sexual ones. Swords are easy and gratifying. Why would he ever need to cum when he can just make a sword and have it be respected and revered. Wouldn't that be nice-
-So when you started rubbing him over his pants, he was, admittedly, panicking. It's not like he went nearly 4 decades without using his dick... He'd just... gone 2 and a half decades without using his dick. Nowhere near the same.
-You'd barely even touched it, barely even pressed your lips to his neck, and Haganezuka was panting.
-The fear coursing through his veins, and the attention his forgotten cock was receiving- He grew more unsightly by the second...
-and then you pressed a particularly soft kiss to the corner of his lips and he was done for. That was his first kiss-
-Though shocked, you'd pump Haganezuka through his orgasm. It'd be enough to go through his pants, and spill over your hand.
-He'd grip your robes, and will you closer to him. His heels would slam into the floorboard, and he'd try to bury his face in your neck, attempting to muffle the groan he'd loose, only to fail tremendously.
-He'd be huffy after. Mad at himself and disguising it as being mad at you.
-'Well, maybe you shouldn't touch me anymore, if you found it so gross! Did you consider that? Just not touching me- ever?'
-but you saw how sad he looked when you said you'd do whatever he wanted. What a simple man.
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joostsblog · 3 months
i loved to be desired sm omg. Could i request a joost x reader where reader is partying with joost and friends. they meet ski aggu and are chilling and they tell ski that they are super into joost but joost isnt into them and they are sad about it. The ski aggu makes it his mission to make joost jealous to get them together and there is a lil angst but reader and joost end up together and making out.
loved writing this request!! i love shy!joost in this, hope you enjoy!!❣️❣️
is this as good as it gets? ~ joost klein one shot
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x female!reader (also Ski Aggu x reader if you squint ig)
Description: When you almost lose all your hope getting with Joost, Aggu proposes an interesting idea to get the two of you together.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: title and also vibe inspired by as good as it gets by fizz so i highly rec giving that song a listen! again, you can still send in requests 💌
Warnings: consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, not proofread
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You should write Mel a thank you note, really. For one because she always lets you crash at her place whenever you visit Berlin (which happens to be very frequently, actually) but also for tagging along to her party nights with her Berlin friends which also include the famous German rapper Ski Aggu and his dutch friend Joost who you couldn't seem to keep your eyes from. Ever since you first met last time you were in Berlin (which was only three weeks ago) you were crushing on the man - hard. And suddenly you were pretending you knew more about music than you actually did just so you could try to hold a conversation with Joost. And you stepped out one time too many to smoke a cigarette with him when you usually smoked maybe two cigarettes within one year. And overthinking whatever you should wear to go out with Mel and all her friends without even knowing if Joost was gonna be there that evening as well.
And when you decided to visit Mel again just three weeks after having been the last time ("Already?"), maybe Joost was a deciding factor as well. You didn't even know if he was gonna be in Berlin around the same time as well but you were in luck when you and Mel walked into the bar and you could see Joost's figure sitting beside Aggu. You tried to play it cool as you greeted everyone and finally got to Joost.
"So nice to see you again," you said earnestly as you both hugged.
"Likewise," Joost said and gently rubbed your back. You hoped that he wasn't just being polite and actually remembered you.
You were also in luck when there was a free spot beside Joost which you could take as you tried to casually open a conversation with him, talking about whatever the two of you had been up to in the last few weeks. You talked about his hometown, your hometown, why you were visiting Berlin so often and how you were thinking of moving here. You could tell that Joost was taking interest in the conversation and by extension you, but it wasn't enough for you. You knew that you wanted Joost in other ways and you wondered how and if you could persuade him of you.
"I'm getting a new drink," you announced. "Does anybody want anything?" you asked and hoped Joost would say something or offer to come with you to the bar.
"Actually, I'll go with you," Ski Aggu offered instead.
"Alright," you smiled and you two headed off to the bar.
The bar was incredibly crowded and you could already tell that you would have to wait a while until the bartender would get around to take your orders. You leaned against the counter.
"So, does Joost visit here often?" you asked and immediately regretted it as it came out way too obsessively as you had intended to. Aggu laughed.
"Why do you want to know?" he asked amused.
"I don't know, just because I don't live here as well," you tried to casually explain.
"Yeah, well, he's working on new music currently, so he comes here a lot," Aggu said and paused as he seemed to contemplate for a moment. "Joost is cute, right?" he tested you. Blood rushed to your head.
"I suppose," you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Nah, come on, he's very cute, we can agree on that," Aggu pushed jokingly.
"I imagine most girls would agree," you said.
"Maybe, but I'm talking about you," Aggu said and poked your shoulder as he said the last word. "Do you think he's cute?" he asked again. "Or sexy or dreamy or whatever?"
"Yeah, I think Joost is very cute," you blushed. "Is it obvious?" you asked.
"Well, I think Mel mentioned how you're not a smoker when we first met and suddenly Joost is here and all of a sudden you're out with him for a smoke every hour or so," he teased and you hid your face behind your hands in embarrassment.
"Oh god," you groaned.
"Nah, come on, it doesn't matter," Aggu said. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," he insisted and removed your hands from in front of your face.
"Yeah, but Joost definitely doesn't like me," you explained with a saddened expression on your face. Aggu raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know that?" he inquired.
"I don't know, I just feel like he's deliberately treating me like a friend, you know, in a very platonic way only," you tried to explain. "Like he's very persistent about me just being a friend - if that," you said. Aggu looked sceptical.
"Listen, I don't know if Joost likes you back but I do know that he's a little awkward about flirting and expressing his feelings and whatever," he said. "He might need a little help to push him along," Aggu said with a knowing smile. You looked at him with a confused expression on your face. "You can say no to this if you want, but I have an idea for us," Aggu said and you nodded, indicating for him to keep going. "What if we both do a little thing to make Joost jealous?" Aggu proposed and your heart started racing.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Let's just try for tonight to spend a lot of time together, laughing a lot, sitting very close to each other, touching, flirting and just rubbing it in Joost's face that you're having a great time with me?" Aggu explained. "In fact, I saw Joost looking over at us standing here a few times already," Aggu pointed out and you looked over to the table where all your friends were sitting and as your gaze crossed Joost's eyes he immediately averted the gaze and looked in another direction. "We've got nothing to lose, either way the outcome, we'll just have a fun evening together," Aggu concluded.
You contemplated Aggu's idea for a second before you decided that he was right - you had nothing to lose. Aggu obviously was a nice and handsome guy so you wouldn't mind having a fun evening with him as well.
"Alright, it's a deal," you said with a smile and extended your hand before Aggu took it for a handshake.
"Alright, let's start with me buying you a drink," Aggu grinned and moved to stand closer to you. You casually rested your hand on Aggus bicep as you kept talking until the bartender finally took both of your orders.
"Is this okay?" Aggu asked as his arm wrapped around your waist to hold you.
"Yes," you said and you wondered whether Joost could see you right now, what he would feel at the sight of you two being so close to one another. "Thanks for the drink," you said and cheered your cup to Aggu's after you got your drinks.
"Scoot over," Aggu directed Joost as you got back to your table. You could read a confused expression on Joost's face for just a second before he darted his eyes back and forth between you and Aggu quickly. As Joost moved over from his spot Aggu could now sit beside him and you could take your seat beside Aggu.
As you were talking with Aggu you made an effort to seem careless and laugh at every joke he made, softly grazing his arm if the chance occurred or bite your lips as you watched his face. It took everything in you to look to the left of Aggu to check on Joost. You were so desperate to see whether he was fazed by your spiel. But you knew you needed to ignore him for the time being. Aggu took the biggest leap so far when he casually wrapped his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him as you giggled.
"Alright, I'm going for a smoke," Joost announced almost immediately after. Aggu's arm dropped from your shoulder as you both had to move over to let Joost out of the booth. After Joost got out he stood there for a moment looking down at you with a blank expression. Did he wait for you to join him for a cigarette as you always had in the past? Surely not, you thought before Joost turned around to get outside alone.
Joost leaned against the wall outside as his cigarette was slowly nearing its end. Usually, you would be leaning against the wall beside him as well and he would intently listen to whatever story you were telling him, always grateful that you were so good at making conversation. If it weren't for that fact you might as well would have never talked to each other. And although Joost tended to be a little quieter around you, he was hanging onto every word you said. The truth is, Joost was a little shy around you because you mattered to him. Because he liked you, he was way too afraid to mess something up. So he stood back instead.
But now he was cursing himself for doing so. Because apparently now you had enough of him and instead you were attached at the hip with Aggu. And the situation was made worse by the fact that Aggu was Joost's friend. He was annoyed at Aggu for snatching you away from him but he knew he shouldn't feel angry and instead be happy for his friend.
Joost flicked his cigarette to the ground and stumped it out before he decided to get back inside. As he looked over to the table where you and your friends sat he caught your gaze. You were sitting on Aggu's lap, your arm wrapped around his shoulders. Joost stood still, the sight really making him not want to sit back down beside you. Aggu leaned into you and whispered something into your ear as you were still looking over at Joost who couldn't hide the sad expression on his face.
Joost felt uncomfortable and looked down at his phone before he decided to step out again instead of sitting back down at the table. Time for another cigarette or just maybe go back home already. As Joost lit the cigarette in his hand, the door to the bar opened again and you stepped out into the cold.
"Hey," you said softly.
"Hey," Joost replied with a nod. "Want one?" he asked and held out his hand with his pack of cigarettes. Your arms were crossed in front of your body because of the temperature. You looked down at his offer before you declined.
"You know I usually don't smoke," you admitted.
"Really?" Joost asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "That's news to me," Joost said although it really shouldn't come as a surprise to him as he noticed that you never carried your own pack of cigarettes.  
"I know," you laughed. "Are you having a good evening?" you asked.
"Not really," Joost admitted honestly.
"How come?" you asked and Joost didn't answer. Instead, he just shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. You could feel an aura of sadness radiating from him and you suddenly felt really bad for the spiel you and Aggu had been doing tonight. Although you still didn't know how Joost felt about you, you wondered if you had somehow contributed to his bad mood tonight.
"How long are you staying in Berlin for?" Joost asked after he released a puff of smoke.
"Another two days," you said. "You?" you asked in return.
"'M leaving next week," Joost said. "You should come back soon," Joost tried nonchalantly, giving you a sign that he cared about you in some way.
"You think?" you said with a smile.
"Yeah, you're fun to have around," Joost said.
"Well, I'm sorry if I haven't been around you tonight a lot," you said earnestly.
"It's fine," Joost said. If he had the confidence of Aggu, Joost would only have to take one step forward to engulf you in a kiss. "Can't blame Aggu," he said and immediately realised the implication of his words. He looked up at you again and saw a smirk on your face.
"You know me and Aggu aren't actually-," you tried to explain. "We're just friends," you said and Joost could feel a blush creeping on his face.
"Oh?" Joost said.
"Yeah, I'm interested in someone else actually," you said.
"Oh," Joost stated.
"If only he would notice already," you said and looked Joost deeply in the eyes.
"Maybe he's too shy," Joost offered.
"He doesn't have to be," you said and stepped towards Joost. You reached out for his hand and took the cigarette before you put it to your mouth to take a drag. As you let it fall to the floor Joost slowly and carefully reached out his arm to your hip without actually laying his hand on there. You stepped just a little closer until his hand touched your hip and you were standing so close you had to look up to him. "He could just kiss me," you said and it wasn't long before Joost leaned down, his hand finding the back of your neck, and his lips attached to yours.
You approvingly hummed into the kiss. Joost's lips tasted of beer and smoke but it was a divine taste to you as your lips started moving against each other in sync. You rested your hands on Joost's chest where you could feel his calm breathing. Joost's hands tangled in your hair as your lips parted to taste each other on your tongue. Your head was spinning, heart racing as you finally got what you had been looking for since the night you first met Joost.
As you pulled back from the kiss Joost cupped your face and looked down at you with a sheepish grin on his face.
"We should've done this way sooner," he stated.
"That's what I've been saying!" you laughed before you leaned back in for another kiss.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
can we get some sub toby moments? like he’s on top and all that but he’s just so whiny
Gotcha covered! I hope this is good enough! Again unedited because I’m lazyyyy
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Fandom: Creepypasta
Plot: Toby loves fucking you so much that he becomes a whole new person when he does
Warnings: Soft sex, unprotected sex, that’s about it?
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You loved having Toby on top of you, honestly you liked having him wherever you could. Top, bottom, sideways, whatever ways, you didn’t mind. But what you loved more than that? When he actually starts fucking you.
That confident persona just melts away as soon as he bottoms out. Feeling your soft squishy walls around him just makes his mind fill with static. The good kind of course. You love watching the way he gets so damn pussy whipped for you. If you remember correctly he told you one time that “your pussy is magic”. And tonight you were working your magic.
Doing absolutely nothing.
You watched happily as Toby bottomed out, letting out a breathy moan. “S-shit babe- I’m not gonna last long at a-a-all…”
You could only chuckle as you stroked his hair softly, looking up at your pretty boy barely keeping it together and he hasn’t even moved yet.
He starts up a slow pace, rhythmic moans coming out ever so often when he hits that gummy spot in you. It’s almost as if your pleasure is his too. But as usual, it’s not long until he loses control of himself. Mind and body included. His pace has gone fast and heavy, hands planted on either side of your head as he fucks you relentlessly into the bed. His eyes flutter from the pleasure.
“Mm f-fuck, m’ gonna fill you s-so full… Buy y-you a bi-ig house… Fuuuuck- We’ll have b-babies together… Ahh, gonna ma-ake you s-so happy-“ He groaned out, watching through half lidded eyes as you nodded rapidly.
Oh how he loved it when you agreed so quickly.
“You’re so f-fuckin’ hot babe-“ Toby breathlessly moaned, leaning down to leave dark marks on your neck.
You found it so sweet how he saw you as the most beautiful thing in the world. And the best part was you didn’t have to even do anything. All you had to do was lay pretty underneath him and he did the rest. Just with some sweet praises.
He loved the way your back arched and your chest pressed against his. How warm you are and how your pretty nipples felt against his chest. Pulling one hand from its place beside your head, he tweaked your nipple softly, getting you to squirm just the way he likes.
“J-just like that babe- Sooo good for me. Come on, I know y-you’re close.” His thrusts continued to pick up pace, the wet sounds that came from between your legs only urging him on more.
You were seeing stars as you came. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths as he followed suit, filling you up until he couldn’t anymore.
He gave you a sloppy kiss before pulling out, leaving you whining from the empty feeling.
“Awww don’t whine b-babe! We got tomorrow t-too!” Toby said with that stupid smile, giving you one more kiss before laying down next to you.
The rest of the night was filled with soft kisses shared between the two of you, marking each other all over, and mumbled praises against flushed skin.
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sanakimohara · 3 months
can u do emo han Jisung x hello kitty person reader if it's okay??? (make Jisung Dom cuz, never seen someone make him🤷)
“SWEET N’ SOUR” H. J. Pt. 1
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Pen has returned to paper. Hope this fulfills your wish, my love…
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Jisung is slightly perplexed by how soft you are for him from the start. You're gentle, always curious, and slightly touched in the head. He can't tell if you mean to come off so nostalgic and innocent, second-guessing his assumptions about you anytime; a semi-violent threat towards another person trying to gain his attention leaves your cherry-glossed lips. You can be all giggly, obsessed with your stuffed animals, and snuggled all under him in one moment. Then, the next, you're glaring stubbornly, subtly clinging to him when someone you don't particularly care for is near or snapping back at him when he touches a nerve. It gives the poor man whiplash, but it fills his head with a particular strain of serotonin no one but you can produce.
Jisung is anything but frightened by your love for softer colors and little trinkets. He could tell you had a minor addiction to “cute” things early on, rather fond of seeing you bounce up and down on your tip toes when a new Sanrio item caught your attention and quickly getting used to purchasing it without you having to ask. Almost every little thing he bought for you furthered the addiction he had to see you all dolled up and content with adorable trinkets. There were times when a subtle perversion entered his mind. On more than a few occasions, he’d bought you things solely because his cock hardened seeing you so excited to have them. Other times, his selfish desire to see you walking around in nothing but the new Hello Kitty panties and matching cropped sweater drove him to order another box of pastel-colored items.
Jisung often doesn’t know how to handle himself when you simultaneously act so stubbornly and sweetly to him. You’re asking him to be mean to you more often than not, and he gives in without hesitation. “You can’t tell me what to do!” You huff loudly, upset that he’s walked into your room and shut your laptop, completely interrupting your binge-watching session. He smiles, snatching it from your tight grip before kneeling at the foot of your bed to be at eye level. You glare, moving to scoot away from him and get your computer back. It's not every day your favorite anime puts out a new season, and his intruding isn’t deterring you from watching the whole thing in one night. Or so you think…
Jisung has other plans for you both. You don’t have the chance to slide back from him, held in place by his right hand, which you initially thought was intended to caress your cheek but was instead fisted in your hair at the back of your head. He pulls roughly once, forcing your head to follow his grip as you yelp and claw at the pink duvet underneath you. “Thought I told you to start going to bed at a decent time, kitten. Why lie and say you were asleep when I called you earlier?” He tugs again, not ashamed to smile as tears well up in your pretty doe eyes, begging to slide down your face when you wince slightly from the pain he causes. “It was just for tonight, I swear! I…I just wanted to see it..” You squirm more, embarrassed that he caught you in a lie and frightened by the dead stare he’s been giving you. “Not a good enough answer, sweetheart. Why’d you lie..?”
Jisung is a liar, a convenient one in his own right, and you always fall for it. No matter how often you tell him the truth, he taunts you for a better excuse, feeling so much more authoritative in the confines of your cozy bedroom. In that little world between you both, he is, in fact, your villain, dark and cunning in the glow of soft fairy lights hanging from pastel-pink walls. Rough and demented with your gentler presence. You don’t mind being stiffly handled by him, putting up a small fight when he stands to flip you over on your back. He gives you a chance to win when you do struggle. His hand remains tangled in your hair, pulling the soft locks until your head lazily hangs off the edge of the bed and not letting go even when you reach to try pushing him away. “Jisung- ah! Mngh-“Your begging is reduced to a timid whimper as his free hand whips across your face. The oddly swift strike makes your body shiver, and a cold spark runs down your spine as he stares at you. “You had your chance to speak. Useless as it is, I think it’s pretty cute that you have so much to say. Why don't we fix that, hm?…” Your hands tremble as he grasps them in his free one, pushing them down to rest together on your lower stomach. The pit of your abdomen flips itself, feeling his touch tighten on you, amping up in frequency when he smirks at the sight of your new pastel pink panties hugging your hips and covering your soft mound.
Jisung is tempted to slip his hand past the thin fabric, wanting to feel your warm folds in his palm, craving to spread the slickness he knows is pooling between your legs all over his fingers. He takes a breath, reigning in the desire and focusing on what to do about your oh-so-snappy mouth. He has more than a few ideas visibly running through his mind, and they are all broadly humiliating to you. You keep your mouth shut, your heart thundering, and your body running hotter with each passing second. When Jisung stops talking, everyone is at an unease. Especially you. It only meant he was plotting to do something strangely frightful. Sadistic even.
“Open” is the first word he utters after a long, silent moment. His hand in your hair disappears for a split second, a familiar sound of a zipper being undone and a shift of clothing rearranging before his hold on your hair returns. Through the tears in your eyes, you get a view of the tip of his cock, swelling with pre cum, stiff and fully erect with purpose. You gulp, lashes lowering as drool pools in your mouth. It takes only one look at his cock to make you dumbfounded with lust. It's an automatic reaction he’s trained into you for months and one you sincerely enjoy. Not a single thought runs through your mind seeing his cum drizzle down the length of his cock, the creamy substance reminding you of sweet cream and urging you to obey his singular command for a good taste of it. “Mkay..” you mumble, in a daze as your lips part, and slipping deeper into it when he slowly sinks his cock in the warm wet cavern inch by inch with ease. Jisung watches intently as you take him in with a soft gasp, gagging slightly when his tip brushes the back of your throat. “See? You just wanted something good to suck on, kitten… feels good to be useful, doesn’t it?” He groans loudly, smiling wildly as you swallow him whole, accepting his cock with sloppy slurps and trying your best to breathe while he fucks your face at a set pace. You jolt and shift as he uses you relentlessly, spitting up a mix of saliva and his arousal with every other thrust he gives, but not once tapping out in hopes of him being lenient with you. Jisung refuses, mouth falling open to let out convoluted moans and pleased grunts of praise. “Take it deeper, sweetheart.. oh fuck, just like that..”
Jisung trees carefully with your newfound talent, proud to see you helplessly deep-throating his cock, enjoying the tightness of your throat whenever you gag reactively. He watches the imprint of his cock mold your throat, involuntarily twitching when he glimpses the blush on your cheeks and the way your eyes slot in the back of your head. You can’t bring yourself to beg for air, dizzy from the force of his thrusts and in love with the taste of him. Your body relaxes, your core blooms with need, and your head rapidly empties of thoughts. Jisung’s skin glistens with sweat, barely visible from his shirt, trickling down his temple the closer he gets to his high. The hand in your hair loosens, gently gripping the nape of your neck as he snaps his hips into your face faster, chasing his climax with a grave groan rattling his chest. “Gonna cum…”
Jisung takes a glance at your trembling legs, peering down between them to see your cum leaking past the Hello Kitty patterned underwear. Your hips raised for a sense of friction, desperate to have your cunt touched, “Someone’s ready to be stuffed full… gettin’ desperate so soon is pathetic, but you can’t help it, can you?…” “Mmm ngh-“ You choke, eyes sliding shut completely as he thrusts into your mouth one last time, keeping his cock deep in your throat until the last drop of cum slides down it. You swallow once, a lewd gulping noise hitting his ears and sending a shiver up his spine. Your chest heaves with air when he slowly pulls away, thick strings of cum and saliva connecting your glossed lips with the tip of his cock. “Well done,” he mumbles, breathless and trying to catch it quicker than you.
Jisung succeeds, moving faster than you, quickly slipping onto the bed before dragging you to lay under him. Your stomach flips when he touches your bare skin, tracing the dip of your hips, carefully avoiding your clothed cunt until you whine loudly and trap his hand between your thighs. You glare at him, wanting your way now but too spent to voice it properly. He smiles, a gummy, cute expression that doesn’t match the harsh way his hands pry your legs apart. “You’re being a real pain today..” he mutters in one breath, enjoying your defiance to a point, “Maybe I shouldn’t fuck you at all. I think you’ll learn to be a little nicer…”
You gulp, eyes softening immediately, “I’ll good…I promise.” A sultry gasp flies from your lips, brought on by Jisung’s hands groping the fat of your thighs, spreading them for a better view of the space between them. He ignores your promise, eyeing the glistening patch of wetness seeping through the soft fabric of your underwear. You watch him stare, face burning with sparks of shame running through you, turning into rivets of pleasure when he rubs his thumb over clit gently for a moment. The tight circles he makes on the sensitive nerves have your back arching and your hands raised to grip his forearms. Jisung chuckles lowly, glancing up to glimpse the look on your face, and he’s far from disappointed seeing the lost look in your eyes. “Didn’t I just buy these for you, lil one? I could’ve sworn..” he pauses, watching your mouth fall open with a high-pitched wail, brows furrowing in slight disbelief as his thumb migrates down to your entrance, pushing into it through the fabric. It’s an odd feeling, being finger fucked with your panties, but he makes it somewhat intoxicating. The thought of ruining something he recently gifted you made your head spin with embarrassment, but you couldn’t help but enjoy it.
“…you promised not to ruin them. Now, look at you, making a mess of yourself, doing exactly the opposite.” Jisung switched to fucking you with his index and pointer fingers, smirking when you tightened down on them and involuntarily soaked through the pink cotton completely. “Did…didn’t mean to…” you ramble while whining, writhing underneath him to keep from instinctively locking his hand between your legs again. He helps you settle down, absentmindedly pressing his free hand down on your left thigh, effectively keeping you open for him. “Little liar,” he muses into your ear, biting it gently as his fingers curl inside to hit a particular spot in your warm walls. Your eyes slide shut, listening to the sound of rushed breathing, wet fabric being forced into your cunt filling the room.
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Y'all, I feel a new hyper fixation coming on…ive already made another tumblr account for it...
You know, moaning his name might be the answer to all of your problems…;) Credits to creator 🖤
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hereisrachel · 11 months
Mw3!Makarov x reader dating headcanons
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Tws : Nsfw version below the sfw one.
Sfw >
He is way gentler than og Makarov.
Makarov's is more likely to taunt and threaten you than get violent.
Since he wouldn't give two shits about you if he has no deeper connection with you, let's say for the sake of the fic that you were his friend from early childhood or sum
He deeply cared for you since you were a part of his life, platonic or not, he was very protective of you.
(Assuming that his lore wasn't changed) He obviously dragged you into the whole terrorist thing. Living in soviet union times when you both were growing up, you just saw it as something good. So you joined him.
You'd also be friend with Yuri since you know Makarov.
He wouldn't get violent towards you, as his friend and ally, you always agreed with him.
You just did everything he told you, it was enough.
Back to protectiveness, it may be probably the only way he shows affection. He'd touch your cheek gently or play with your hair, but it would be at times when he needs to act good so he can manipulate you.
He knew you since you were a kid, he knew your fears, how to make you do something, how to have you in pocket.
You would probably never notice him manipulating you. "It's for your own good" he would always say, and you believed him.
Since you were a soldier, he was really torn between locking you up and sending you to missions.
He just figured that having you on missions and having you in the field of view, he would be with you everywhere. If someone sees you without him, they're probably about to die, since he is hiding somewhere, waiting to strike if you get too close.
It's hard to call your relationship with him somehow, he treats you like a sister, friend, he loves you very much. But you're not his lover. But you two care about each other, that's all that matters.
His feelings will become more romantic as he starts to get attracted not only to your personality but also your body.
You'd catch yourself thinking about him in sexual manner before he did.
Maybe this is why you were following him so much?
He was an attractive man, and most likely the only one you've met closer in your whole life.
You loved how differently he acted with you and other people. It seemed like there was no differences but you could see it.
How is eyes are soft when he is not talking about murder, how he makes sure you're beside him, if you slept well, if you're not injuried.
You honestly couldn't tell how your first kiss looked like. It just kind of happened?
He was talking to you in the evening, alone, looking deeply into your eyes as he usually did.
You were looking into his eyes longer than he spoke, not saying anything this time.
You glanced at his lips and he smiled gently, you leaned in, closing your eyes and softly kissed his lips.
Yeah basically that.
You both didn't talk about it at all (since your communication is on high level ☠️), it just became a daily thing ig.
He loved touching you, he often hugged you because you loved hugs especially from him. He felt proud that you officialy belonged to him now.
(Nsfw version starts here)
Makarov is not the typa of guy to rush anything but he is not holding back either. He wouldn't initiate sex on the beggining, but later on if he has a needs and he has you now, he will try to smash lmfao
He liked being dominant and don't get me wrong, he likes seeing you in the lead and intimidating other people, being the dominant one overall, but not with him. If you have no interests of dominating him, he'll be flattered that he's the only one you submit to.
He doesn't have a high sex drive, it's usually you initiating it, but he's down whenever you want it anyways.
Pretty much Vanilla, gives you oral, you give him oral, he likes to have you on his desk thought but besides it his fav thing is bedroom and missionary position.
Nothing much more to say on that. He is a casual dude, he has not much sex on mind, murder mostly.
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amourtoken · 4 months
Slut thoughts slut thoughts slut thoughts goddddddd
More toxic mentor Ruffilo x apprentice reader thoughts? This one's a little shorter but I'm planning to add to it as more thoughts appear.
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: Age gaps (legal, but possibly controversial? They're mentioned.), toxic Nicky, branding, exhibitionism, glove kink ig, he's a dick, raw sex (wrap it up bitch), oral (m receiving), love/hate (it's rlly love/love but shhhh that's a secret), Noah is here! (Nick is a cunt), degradation, dacryphilia, pining
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♡ Nicholas loves that he's got a few years on you, it really accentuates the whole mentor/apprentice relationship and he always pulls the "I'm older than you so I know what's good for you" card when you whine about things
♡ now that you've apprenticed under him a few months and he's got you melded into the perfect little cock sleeve, he's gotten a bit sloppy. Leaving hickeys just above where your shirt could cover and being just a little too touchy around the other shop guys.
♡ this normally wouldn't cause issues around anyone else however need I remind you your literal father is his boss and would skin him if he found out he so much as laid a finger on you in his dreams. That being said, Nicky didn't double check the schedule before deciding he was gonna have you on your knees. Who walks in unannounced? His boss.
♡ Luckily Nicholas' desk faced in such a way you couldn't see anything underneath unless you were literally in his chair, which spared you for the moment. To keep you quiet he used the hand buried in your hair to push your head entirely down between his legs, his cock filling your throat and making your eyes water pathetically. At this point he wasn't even truly doing it to keep you quiet or keep you hidden, he was doing it for his own enjoyment. Once his painfully long conversation ended and the room was clear, he pulled you off his cock and laughed at how messy you looked. (Asshole!!!! I fucking need to fuck him so bad hate him!!!)
♡ he made you get a tattoo of his initials after your "6 month anniversary" of being his apprentice. He said he wanted to brand you so everyone knows who trained you so well (this mf is not talking abt the tattooing I promise lmao). So now you have a pretty "NR" on your hip bone just barely low enough to be covered up by your clothing. He gets achingly hard whenever he remembers it's there.
♡ he claims you get on his nerves and swears up and down that he's definitely fucking other people cause he could "never date a random college airhead" (he's not, it's a lie, don't believe him lol) when he's talking to the other guys at the shop but if any of them so much as look at you in passing he has to actively restrain himself from jumping down their throat.
♡ speaking of this possessiveness, Nicholas ended up staying late at the shop one evening conveniently at the same time the new piercer Noah was there. Noah thought you were fucking gorgeous and had full intentions on asking if you had any plans this weekend so that you two could maybe hang out, unfortunately this plan was canceled cause Nicholas had you laid back on his tattoo chair split on his cock. He knew you two weren't alone, and made zero effort to keep you quiet, in fact he was encouraging the noise.
"Louder, can't fuckin' hear you- tell me how good this dick makes you feel"
"Bet I've ruined you for everybody else."
"Awe, are you crying? So fuckin' needy you're really crying for some cock?"
♡ afterwards he walked past Noah like literally nothing had happened even though minutes before he had you making sounds anyone else would've called 911 over. Safe to say poor thing didn't get his date.
♡ Nicholas loves playing with you while he's wearing his black latex gloves, he thinks you look pretty when his gloved fingers are forced down your throat and he's basically trained you to find them arousing cause he does it so often. He'll squish your cheeks in one hand before telling you to open your mouth so you can suck his fingers like you would his dick. (He literally stares at you like you hung the moon during this but God forbid he says he CARES ABOUT YOU)
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Pairing: OM!Brothers with GN!MC, may be read as platonic or romantic
Genre: Slight angst ig
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You walked into Purgatory Hall, which had been your home for the last few weeks, after making up with the brothers. Flopping onto the couch, you let out a deep breath. It was as if a weight was taken off your shoulders; a welcome change from what you felt before.
“MC, you’re home!”
You felt a weight on you, blonde tufts of hair revealing the person’s identity. You smiled, patting the head of the angel who become comfortable on you. “Hello Luke, where’s Simeon and Solomon?”
“We’re here,” came Simeon’s voice, and you registered the dipping of the couch near your head. Simeon ran his fingers through your hair, pulling a satisfied hum from you. Solomon took his seat at the chair opposite of the couch, looking at your form.
“How did it go?”
“It was fine. They surprised me, that’s for sure,” you answered, thinking back to how Belphegor had stood up for Lucifer. The sorcerer’s eyes softened at your clear happiness. “Well then, this calls for celebration. I’ll make my special Hellfire Mushroom Soup for dinner,” he said, getting up and walking towards the kitchen. A wave of dread passed over you and Luke, both scrambling from your comfortable positions to avoid having to sample another abomination the sorcerer would create. “Solomon wait!”
Simeon simply chuckled and shook his head, following you two to the kitchen.
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Your relationship with the Purgatory Hall Crew and Diavolo and Barbatos had always been good. They had been your support at one of your lowest moments, and you felt safe with them. Maybe that was why you now felt awkward talking to the brothers and making plans with them again. For the first few weeks, you tried to make enough time for everyone. But there are only 24 hours in a day, and only so much time you could spend with people. Not to mention, shifting to Purgatory Hall meant less time you could spend with the brothers, and often you found yourself gently refusing offers to hang out.
“Hey MC, I found this new cat cafe that recently opened. Want to come with me to check it out?”
“Huh? Oh, sorry Satan, Luke wanted to show me a new recipe he learned from Barbatos today. Maybe some other time?”
“Oi, MC! This new casino just opened up, ya comin’ with me?”
“Oh, Mammon, I actually promised Solomon I’d go looking for Infernal Fungi with him tonight… How about tomorrow?”
“MC, there’s a new kind of perfume that came in Majolish recently, could you come with me to try it?”
“Sorry Asmo… I’m going to buy tea with Barbatos. How about you buy it, and I’ll try it after? Does that sound good?”
No matter how much you tried, it seemed to the brothers that you no longer had time for them.
Expected it, but boy was his pride crushed.
He knew you weren’t purposefully avoiding him and his brothers, but it still hurt when you turned down his offers.
Realized that this was how you must have felt, and his pride plummeted another ten feet.
Doesn’t really say anything about it, but everyone can see that he is noticeably kinder towards you.
Angry at you at first. How dare a puny human not make time for the Great Mammon?!
That anger fizzles out just as quickly as it came, and then he becomes paranoid.
Do you not want to spend time with him? Did he already blow his second chance? Are you disgusted with him?
It can lead to two situations: 1, he becomes even more clingy of you and insists on accompanying you everywhere or 2. he just leaves you alone, thinking that you hate him
Treasures anything that you’ve ever given him more than he already does, and stops going to casinos as much as he used to before.
Oh boi
Drowns in an ocean of self-deprecation and self-hatred.
Of course MC doesn’t want to hang out with him, after all he’s just a yucky otaku who never leaves his room-
Deep down he wonders if this was how you felt when they all sidelined you
Tries to keep his envy in check whenever he sees you with Solomon and the others
He expected it as well, and isn’t too bothered by it-
That’s what he wants to show, but anyone who knows Satan can clearly see how longingly he looks at you when you walk back to Purgatory Hall with Solomon
He wishes he could have more of your time and attention, but he also realizes that this situation is a consequence of his and his brothers’ actions
Tries to spend as much time with you as he can
Acts as though he is not that affected you’re not spending time with him, but it’s just an act
Deep down he wonders if you still find him beautiful both inside and out, like you used to before
Mopes around Solomon a lot, so the latter suggests having a sleepover at Purgatory Hall
Ends up sleeping over at Purgatory Hall at least every weekend.
Doesn’t really notice it at first, mostly because you ask him to tag along to stuff if you’re busy with something and he says yes
Isn’t really bothered by it, he knows they broke your trust and it will take a long time for you to ever feel truly comfortable around them again
Offers to share his time with you with his brothers, he knows they must be missing you as well
Wants all your time for himself, but then feels guilty for wanting your time
Doesn’t know how to react to this situation, so he reverts to what he knows: acting like a brat to get his way
But once he finds that that makes things worse he’ll subtly try to cut back on his bratty attitude
Expect him to hover awkwardly around you when you’re doing stuff, trying his best to stay awake so that he doesn’t miss a single moment spent with you
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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dontsh0vethesun · 1 year
the principal's favourite
ava coleman x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, my poor attempt at humour ig? it was funny in my head :(, kissing, implied smut
word count: 1895
a/n: this is my first abbott fic so i'm still trying to get into the flow of writing for the characters
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Though Gregory was beyond relieved that Ava’s flirtatious attention was finally directed elsewhere, he accompanied the rest of the staff with the shock at the sudden change in behaviour. It started on your first day at Abbott, a couple of nearing laughs in the hallway before the two of you entered the breakroom. 
Glances were exchanged throughout the room at the way Ava’s hand touched your arm and you thanked her for giving you the tour of the school. The way she smiled at you was different to any smile they’d ever seen her direct towards a colleague; it was soft and genuine and for once her attention was focused on you rather than mocking quips towards Janine. 
“Oh, Janine, I didn’t see you there. Back from The Shire already?” She laughed and you bit back an amused smile as you took the hand offered to you. 
“Hi, I’m Janine, it’s great to meet you.” She spoke, ignoring the comment from the woman beside you. 
It didn’t go totally unnoticed when Ava lingered as you had your introductions with the rest of the staff, rather than escaping to her office she sat beside you at the table not saying much but hanging on your every word. Melissa and Barbara shared a look at the way she laughed at something you said, a raise of eyebrows in silent communication. 
“I can show you to your classroom if you want - it’s across from mine so we’re neighbours. We can-”
“Janine, she doesn’t want you breathing all over her with your nasty excited toddler breath.” Ava grimaced as she stood from her seat and gestured for you to do the same. “I’ll show her. I can probably give you some tips to avoid an invite to a playdate or something.” She added to you in a whisper loud enough to be heard. 
You threw an apologetic smile to Janine as you left.
“Okay, what the hell was that?” Melissa spoke as soon as you were out of earshot. 
“Lord help that girl if Ava’s taken a liking to her.” Barbara answered. “We saw what happened to Gregory.”
“Good morning, Ava.” Janine greeted with a grin as she bounced into the breakroom on an early Monday morning, expecting little of a response. 
“Morning.” She responded without looking up, instead focussing on the mugs in front of her with a quick glance towards the doorway. Nobody said anything about her greeting, wary of causing her to backtrack and Janine was more than pleased. 
There’d been hushed conversations on the woman’s change over the past few weeks. Less of her energy was directed towards witty insults, her eyes chose to look at you instead of her phone and she sat talking with you at lunch. 
When Principal errands needed to be done she’d actually begun to complete them, even going so far as to bring her laptop with her to work on tasks beside you. 
You weren’t aware of the strangeness of her behaviour, how it had changed because of you and nobody had dared say anything. She was finally doing her job beyond sufficiently, they didn’t want to risk spoiling it. 
“Morning, everyone.” You spoke when you walked in and suddenly Ava’s eyes were on you, no longer ignoring the others in favour of her phone that she slipped into her pocket. 
“I didn’t even realise you weren’t here.” She spoke to which you scoffed, a sound that was mirrored by a few others in the room. 
“Sure.” You uttered with a roll of your eyes as you walked over to the coffee machine. “So this mug you’re nudging towards me isn’t mine? You didn’t make me a drink and wait patiently for me to get here?” You teased her. 
You were the only one that could make her stumble over her words the way she did, she’d never thought it would happen, that somebody could fluster her. But for the first time, she’d met her match and it often served as entertainment for the rest of the staff. 
“I just accidentally made two.” She shrugged with a laugh as though you’d said something foolish. “Anyway, it’s your first day with your double class and I have a meeting to get to. And by meeting I mean an under desk foot massage.” She spoke as she poured the sugar you handed her into her cup. “You best be waiting under my desk by the time I get there, Gregory, or you’re fired.” 
You didn’t hear the exasperated whisperings between Melissa and Barbara, the comments on her reverting back to the comments about Gregory. But you had made her realise that perhaps what she was harbouring was more than a workplace crush and rather some genuine feelings.
She’d made your coffee just as you like it and you sipped it as you stressed about the day ahead. Just like Melissa, you’d been given an extra class to teach but unlike her, you’re still waiting on a teacher’s aide.
So by the time your lunch break came around you were slumped over with your head in your hands and your fingertips massaging your temples in hopes it’d will away the throbbing in your skull. 
“Oh, hon, I can lend you Ashley for the afternoon. We can have shared custody.” Melissa softly spoke when she took a seat at your table. 
“I can try and figure something out, I don’t wanna leave you without help.”
“Maybe Ava will hurry along the search for an aide,” Barbara answered but you missed the smirk that pulled at her lips. “Considering the soft spot she has for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t be that dense, ya gagootz.” Melissa chuckled. “She’s like a totally different person when you’re around.” 
“She actually does her job, for one.”
“Mhm, and Gregory isn’t being harassed quite as much.”
“I am,” Janine interjected, “But it’s fine. I’m totally fine with it, y’know I’m probably starting to like it now, actually.”
“So what the hell did she used to do?” 
“Pretty much anything the principal shouldn’t be doing-”
“What’s going on in here? Some kind of boring, silent, convention?” Ava commented when she strutted her way in, noticing the way the room was hushed. “Oh, is it a silent disco situation? I hope Barb’s not in charge, I don’t think I can sexy dance to gospel.” 
“This one has a headache.” Melissa answered with a nod of her head in your direction, easily noticing the way the woman’s expression softened at the slight pout on your lips. 
“If only there was something the Lord could do to help, huh Barbara?” Janine added with a poke of her elbow into the woman’s side. You laughed lightly at the scowl she received though she reluctantly went along with the comment.
“He works in mysterious ways, Miss Teagues. I’m sure some help is on its way.”
“Actually, an aide is starting next week. So I suppose God did do her job.” Ava bragged with a flick of her hair. 
“That’s still a week of what I can only describe as the inner circle of hell.” You groaned. 
“I’ll help.”
“You’ll what?” A chorus of three sounded out, watching her roll her eyes. 
“I’ll be your assistant - for a week only.”
“Ava Coleman, you’re the best.” You grinned, hopping up from your seat to pull her into an appreciative hug. The feeling washed over her, the feeling of your arms wrapped around her body and her hands on your back. She smiled at your closeness only snapping her eyes open to scowl at the table of people behind you. 
When you asked her to come with you to prepare your classroom for the rest of the day she followed willingly.
“What is it that the kids say these days?” Barbara asked. “Whipped?”
The two of you worked well together, you could bounce off one another with jokes and comments to amuse the children and you seemed to be the perfect pair to teach without much of a struggle. 
What had been an overwhelmingly loud heap of chaos this morning was transformed into an enjoyable afternoon, you even worked on a colouring page together at your desk. Of course she was adamant her side was the superior one, mocking the way you’d accidentally coloured outside of the lines a couple of times. 
Though you’d only smile the following day when you’d see it pinned to her office wall. 
“Thank you for today, Ava.” You smiled, she’d stayed behind after all the children had been dismissed home to help you tidy up.
“I actually had fun. I was kinda planning on scheduling fake meetings for the rest of the week to avoid it.”
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t. I think we’re a good team. And I don’t mind being in charge of you for a week.” 
“Don’t get used to it.” She scoffed, stepping towards where you’d perched on the edge of your desk. “Best believe it won’t be happening once the week is over.” 
You swallowed thickly at how close she was, at the way her voice lowered and her hand lay on your knee. 
“I can’t tell if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Usually people are lining up for my attention - as they should be - so it’s hard to know if you’re somehow immune to all this.”
“I’m definitely not immune.” You murmured sheepishly, suddenly wishing you could exude the same confidence as her. A hand on your cheek stopped you from hiding your face, softer than you could’ve hoped with a thumb swiping over your bottom lip. 
“Obviously. I was just trying to be humble.”
You laughed at her words, so perfectly Ava, and pulled her closer with a hand on her waist. She caught herself with a hand on the desk beside you; you felt her breath against your lips, air tense and thick with the delicate scent of her perfume wrapping around you before you closed the space between you. 
She wasn’t gentle with the way she kissed you, claiming your lips with hers in the way she’d wished to for too long now. You could taste the apple juice on her tongue, the carton she’d taken when you passed them around the class, and you could feel the softness of her lipstick you knew would be left behind. 
Her tongue pushed against yours while her hands held tightly onto your thighs, standing between your legs with your fingers tangled in the material of her dress where they clung onto her back. One hand dared to creep further up your thigh, sneaking beneath your shirt to rest her palm on the bare skin of your waist. The way you sighed at the feeling of the goosebumps she ignited made her ravenous for you, too hungry for your classroom. 
When she pulled away your breath was heavy and her eyes were dark and lusting, surging forwards just for a few more pecks, however many she could fit in without running out of breath. 
“Meet me at my car?” She breathed. “It’s the nice one in the parking lot.” She emphasised and you could only nod with a huff of a laugh. She planted one last peck to your lips before you parted ways to collect your things and she was waiting eagerly in the driver’s seat a few minutes later. 
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Geralt of Rivia NSFW Alphabet
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Summary: Geralt of Rivia NSFW Alphabet!!
Notes: this request has been in my inbox forever... sorry :)
Warnings: afab!reader, smut ig?
Taglist: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @lucyinthelibrary @sunndust (hmu to be added for any taglist!)
based on this request | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The BEST backrubs. He’s very quiet, but he takes care of you so so well.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his arms, just because he can pick you up/protect you with them and he knows that you like them so so much.
Loves everything about you, but especially your hips/bodyshape. Just loves to admire, yk?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s got a little breeding kink. He knows he can’t have kids, but he still likes cumming inside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Likes it when you get a little rough with him/try to push him around a bit. If he didn’t want to, you couldn’t, but the way you push him against a wall is still hot
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s old and looks good, so he’s got A LOT
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves something where you’re really close to him, maybe in his lap. Wants to be able to wrap his arms around you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It’s more serious to him, but he’ll joke around with you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet matches the drapes, and he’ll honestly groom however you want him to. Otherwise doesn’t really care that much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you’re fuckbuddies, then it’s just a hookup – no feelings, no strings attached. If you’re romantically involved oml. He turns into the biggest sap.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Idt he jacks off a lot. He’d rather just do it properly with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink for sure. Loves hair pulling, whether that’s on you or him, also enjoys scratching/biting. Loves to mark up your thighs.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Might sound boring, but in a bed. He’s on the road enough, so if he’s ever off it, he wants you to be comfortable.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Just catching a glimpse of you is enough, especially if he makes you laugh or happy, then he’s practically on his knees
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with too much liquid, especially blood. He doesn’t want to hurt you. Too much.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Will eat you out for days. He loves giving you head, between your legs gotta be one of his favorite places.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what you want tbh – he likes everything as long as it’s with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sure, why not? He’ll sneak them in all the time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’ll try out new stuff, but he’s tried pretty much everything. He knows what he likes, and usually sticks to that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s got that witcher stamina :)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Idt Geralt likes toys tbh, so none.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’ll tease you outside the bedroom to get you excited, but he’s too impatient once you’re kissing him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a quiet lover, he prefers listening to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’d go crazy for lingerie of any kind, and then he’d ruin it with his teeth right after.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Just like he’s got witcher stamina, he’s got witcher endowment
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high, especially around you, but he’ll make sure to satisfy you each time
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Witchers don’t sleep much, and Geralt prefers holding you anyway. He enjoys watching you fall asleep in his arms
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madame-fear · 11 months
Hello darling! I have another idea if you are interested- So, Luke and reader just so happen to be very competitive with each other. A surprise to everyone at first bc these two are so sweet, but now they can clear rooms in a matter of seconds with their "battles". Today, they are locked in a very intense competition complete with trash talk. Its the ultimate game of....Rock, Paper, Scissors- best 2 out of 3. Loser has to do something very....*interesting* for the winner *wink wink* The stakes are high!
Luke cheats all the time *shhhh*
-Hands on Luke Anon :D <3
amira speaks! : I LOVED THIS REQUEST and i hope it was what you were expecting my beloved! I made this as an imagine because I thought it would fit better than a one-shot. Also, I thought it would be good if Luke courted the reader, hope thats alright with you <33
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x fem!reader — genre : mostly smut/sexual innuendos ig? nothing too explicitly written, but they are there.
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Initially, Lucerys would be rather timid around you — barely daring to stare at you in the eyes, and being pushed by his mother to encourage him of talking to you.
But by the time he gets confident around you? Oh, he would be very cocky and competitive. The romantic tension between the two of you had always been notorious, always flirting with each other and playfully fighting even if your personalities often seem more introverted or shy. If he has the chance of courting you, expect this teasing to become a 100% worse just to play around.
Your competitions were always there, before and after courting. Everyone around you would never fight back a smile when seeing you and Luke doing silly little childish competitions, and they would quietly bet with one another about who will win whichever competition you are engaged in. Especially, when the trash talk begins.
“I could win this game blindfolded, pity you have to witness your own defeat!” “Defeat? Please! Your moves are more predictable than snow being on the North!”
They would be much worse than that, but they are often with a competitive-playfulness.
And oh, when he wins, he always asks sweet little rewards or favours from you. They are often innocent, but of course, there are time where he wishes more than mere innocent affection/favours.
I think you would’ve engaged in enough competitions, especially Rock-Paper-Scissors, to the point where Luke probably already knows your tactics, and which options you usually tend to go with first (whether you choose rock, paper, or scissors). So, of course, the young Velaryon prince always finds a way to discreetly cheat without you knowing.
A groan of annoyance would escape from you when you try 3 times to win, with the bst score being 2 out of 3, but getting 0 out of 3. A cheeky smirk would grow on the corner of his lips, with one or two ideas for his rewards. Of course, you always end with your face entirely flustered, nearly crimson at his rather dirty-minded cravings of a reward, denying your defeat. But he always gets to be the winner, or at least, most of the time.
Fortunately, most of the times you are alone doing your competitions, and he gets to choose whether he wants his rewards right there, or if he’s patient enough to await until the night arrives, and everyone is in a deep slumber. Don’t be surprised if most of the times you end on your knees, between his legs, using your pretty little mouth to satisfy him as a reward for winning in your competitions, and his hand would always be in the back of your head with his fingers interwined on your hair, controlling your movements.
Or maybe, you would even have to allow him to use his body as he wishes for his pleasure, and even, for your own (without doing anything that crosses your boundaries, of course). Perhaps even you would have no saying against the lovebites he notoriously leaves all over your body while pleasing you for everyone to know who you belong to, as you are forced to drown back your loud moans because he asked to.
You would probably even have to wear revealing clothing for him, or be tied to the bed as he does as he pleases — because its his reward! 👀
I just know the possibilities are endless when it comes to his needs, and the sexual rewards he would be interested in getting when he wins in your silly competitions. But you will find your way to pay him back the little times you win. 🤭
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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blortch · 2 months
You've probably answered a question like that before but what would you say was your favorite episode of each of the rlm "shows" (for lack of a better word) if you had to pick one from each? Interpret "favorite" however you want
I actually haven't gotten an ask of this sort before! The closest I can think of was when I ranked the Halloween BOTW sets. I know you prob meant like HITB, BOTW and Re:View but like I'm gonna go a bit more extensive and include other small series they have. I'm gonna leave out anything Spitballs bc idc and anything Plinkett-related bc in the 100 years I've been watching them I skimmed through like the first part of the phantom menace review and Nothing Else.
Going to start with Re:View bc it's fuckin' easy. It's Obviously the FWWM Re:View. It's what got me into Twin Peaks, and it means a lot to me. In hindsight Jay's kinda off with some of his takes (nothing Bad, just a different perspective as a massive Donnie Darko fan and projecting too much of that dynamic into the movie):
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BOTW-wise this might be a super normie pick but like it's a good BOTW for a reason. Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #16. Jackpots guy followed by Surviving Edged Weapons was too great. You can kinda see that They themselves Knew this was going to be a BOTW Classic because when Mike tells Jay to talk about the tape he's Legitimately Nervous over Talking about it. ("Oh man...this is a lot of pressure...I don't know if I can do this..."):
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For HITB...I'm sorry but this one's going to be a complete cop-out, (but hey at least I didn't choose the Death Cure HITB...) it's Half in the Bag Episode 138: 2017 Movie Catch-up (part 2 of 2). When I think of what I want from them review-wise it's honestly like... pointed discussions about a movie or show and this delivers exactly that. Whenever they go a little too deep they often dig themselves into a grave of either caring about something too small and inane or something they think is funny but isn't at all (cough Mike's tangents cough) so honestly letting them talk for only a few minutes tops about a movie is the absolute sweet spot. The reviews where the entire discussion is good are rare imo:
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Of __ and __ Talk About I wanna say... probably Rich and Jay talk about the Boys? Just because it's the only show/movie I gave a fuck about among this series? I don't get what Rich sees in Garth Ennis' work specifically bc he's kind of a suckass but the show itself was interesting to find out more about regardless through them:
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Of Nerd Crew I have to go for The Nerd Crew: Episode 2, the bit with the nerd box+geek crate was fucking hilarious. Not to mention the ending where Rich knocks over the cameras... I imagine Mike prepared the Nerd Box and Jay the Geek Crate? Just because Mike seemed to comment a lot more on the nerd box' contents (Rich said too that the knock-off Rey figure inside it was his doing) and seemed bewildered by the geek crate while Jay laughed nervously at everything Rich took out of it. Jay's such an asshole for making poor Rich gag uncontrollably with those sliced up sausages if so 😭:
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ig by now they've put together enough Mini Docs to have a playlist for them so I'll pick one out of those too - I have to go for We Finally Watched Nukie: The VHS Grading Video just because the fact that it lead up for years from them collecting all those Nukies to joking about donating to charity in their trivia video, their tape destructions etc...And the entire video is just legitimately well-put together:
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Talking about Trivia...of those videos I like the first one (Star Trek Trivia Showdown: Mike vs Jay (Episode 1 of 2,873)) the best just because it tortured Jay specifically. That's it that's the entire reason I shan't pretend otherwise. He was flustered throughout its entirety and also seemed smitten by the suggestion in the patreon bts of it to be compensated with a Twin Peaks trivia after:
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From the Dudebros I have to go for Dudebros Episode 3 - The Dinner Surprise, ig out of all of them it was on the meatier (no pun intended) side (unlike Too Glose for Comfort) and the choices in this one are the most bizarre out of all I think...I'd like to have been a fly on the wall as they decided that Nate should cum in his pants over watching Tommy and Ronnie eat:
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I'm not gonna name a season from the Grabowskis I think it would be too cheap for me to not pick a specific episode so I'll go for the third season episode where Honey gets chosen as the Face of the company Wings and Things and Cliff thinks she's gonna leave him. The whole ep makes me think that they cared a lot about the show at some point, or at least enough to make a cute little pigeon trap prop:
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Out of their horrible, horrible 48 hour film projects (Das Foot, The Great Space Jam, the Western Ore Musical) I'm gonna have to go for The Western Ore Musical... just bc it was like... something as opposed to Nothing... Das Foot is very Jay I think and respectively The Great Space Jam is very Mike which makes them both super embarrassing and unwatchable:
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ty for the ask! t'was fun to put together B]
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climbthemountain2020 · 4 months
Flame of Autumn - Chapter 25 Epilogue
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Part 26/26 | Ao3
[Thank you all so much for your words of kindness and support while I wrote and posted this fic. As someone new to writing, having you here with me was everything. Your interactions mean the world to me, and I hope you all loved Tilly and Eris as much as I do. The art is from the absolutely incredible @VFisch on IG. She is open for commissions and absolutely LOVELY. ] Epilogue
Four Years Later
“Kieran, wait please!”
The boy was off like a shot, tearing wildly out of the front doors of the Forest House and out into the lawn, the troupe of dogs bursting out behind him like a cloud of smoke and fur. Eris trotted after him, Tilly following slightly behind. The sun was bright, and the air was warm for Autumn, the scent of sun-warmed pine needles permeating the air as the leaves swirled on the wind around them.
“Dada! I can climb!” Kieran was already scaling up the stone wall near the training rings, taking careful but quick steps as he danced around the half circle, his mop of bright red curls flopping into his eyes. Eris was transported to a similar scene in his mind of another small redhead dancing around a crumbling stone wall once upon a time. He couldn’t help his smile as Tilly snaked her hand around his arm and leaned her head against him.
“You climb so well, buddy!” Eris shielded his eyes from the sun with his other hand, then said lower to Tilly, “He makes me so nervous when he does this, but I don’t want to keep him from doing fun things.” She patted his arm, laughing.
“I know, love. I know.” She took a few steps forward towards the wall and their son. “If we stop letting your brothers watch him, perhaps he’d be a bit less rowdy.” She shot him a grin over her shoulder.
“He’s got enough practice swords. I thought he’d be safe with Bray, but do you know I caught him scaling the library shelves the other day? The very top. And every time Azriel visits he just ends up taking him flying. Do you know how stressful it is to walk outside and see that great bat toting our baby through the air?” Tilly just sighed.
“Yes, yes, my dear. Very frightening.” She feigned a pout at him, but couldn’t keep the smirk from her face as he huffed indignantly. “Kieran, love, would you like to go on a special trip?” His sweet hazel eyes widened comically, his nodding so violent that Tilly couldn’t help but smile. He loved surprises and adventures and dragons, and he demanded lots of books and stories and playtime revolving around them. Tilly and Eris were both enamored with their son, finding very little fault in anything he did. He was always running circles around everyone in the Forest House, and Alanna liked to point out frequently that it was like seeing a small Lucien running around all over again. Ironically enough, Lucien and Elain’s daughter, Sirene, often reminded Alanna of a young Eris, brooding and quiet and full of fiery temper. Helion liked to joke that perhaps they’d been switched at birth, much to Eris and Lucien’s collective irritation and violent eye rolling. Kyra balanced the two out–a quiet and silly girl who loved climbing trees and painting, and who loved to herd the two younger cousins around the Forest House property.
Sirene, Kieran, and Kyra, despite their differences, were inseparable when the families got together. Lucien and Eris had been tentatively rebuilding a relationship and long-overdue conversations had been had. While there was some lingering awkwardness between all the brothers, apologies had been given and tensions had eased greatly in the past few years. They knew it did Alanna’s heart good to see them overcoming the walls Beron had tried so hard to build between them, so they tried to make an honest effort. To everyone’s surprise, the relationship with the Night Court and their children had evolved as well, the children and parents getting together multiple times a year to catch up on less-than-official business. Ever since Gwyn and Azriel began making more regular trips to Autumn, the hatchet had been buried, and everyone had done their best to move forward. Strangely enough, in the aftermath of war, they’d found themselves becoming less allies and more friends.
“Come on, Mama. Surprise!” He tugged her hand as he jumped off the high wall, and Tilly could practically hear Eris’ heart rate spike behind her. The male had seen centuries of war, torture, and horrors, but nothing gave him more fear than the safety of his rambunctious child. She didn’t think she’d ever loved him more than she did seeing him care so deeply about their son. She’d been right from the very beginning–he was the most wonderful father. She held her hand out to Eris and he took it, winnowing them all through the world to a quiet spot in the deep woods, another wall of stone standing proud against the forest background.
“Ooh, where are we?” Kieran looked around in wonder, the massive trunks of overturned trees and moss-covered rocks an entirely new world to him.
“This is where I first saw your mother.” Eris was smiling, looking at Tilly with love that only seemed to grow over the years sparkling in his eyes.
“Mama was here?”
“Yes, I used to come here to practice my portals when I was a bit older than you. One day, I had an audience.” She shot a smile at him while Kieran climbed the crumbling rock wall, resuming his antics.
“Portals, mama. Like this!” He threw an arm out, casting a circle of flame, jumping into it before they even had a chance to shout, and then dropping out of the sky into Eris’ panicked arms. “Portals!”
Eris and Tilly’s wide eyes found each other immediately while Kieran giggled wildly in Eris’ arms, flailing so he’d drop him back to the ground. Eris obliged, jaw still agape, and Kieran ran back to the wall to play again.
“Well…things certainly won’t be dull now, will they?” Tilly leaned in and kissed Eris on the cheek, then rested her head on his shoulder as he wound his arm around her and placed his hand on her growing belly.
“Things have never been and will never be dull with you, love.”
Taglist (lomls): @cauldronblssd @queercontrarian @byyalady @thelovelymadone @clockwork-ashes @lovingkelj @lilah-asteria
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bosinclairsgff · 4 months
hey there how are you doing ? :D hope everything is going great with you and in your life <3 i want to send a request if u still take these if not then im just dropping this words of appreciation and encouragment <3
lemme tell you that your writing is amazing and a super immersive experience with out fav slashers and your depiction are soo freaking accurate *_* , i was just reading your headcanons on how slashers smells like and how they react to self harm it brought tears to my eyes <3
i was like damn thats exactly how imagined it , tho the Herbert one was a little colder lol , i thought he would break at the end but he didnt (ouch) lol but ig actions speaks louder than words with him ^^
so here's my request if u feel like it <3 i just remember we never get enough of Herbert ,so , either a one shot or headcanons style, as you like ^^
so NSFW Herbert WestXFemreader who is his newly girlfriend , and his fan and numéro uno supporter to his theory (myby even helped alot as a scientist herself ,cuz i see him more likely to fall for someone like himself bcz look at the size of his ego lol ) but how would be like the touchy-feely side with him? the feelings side and the seggs in particular ;)), im curious about how u envision reader leading him to explore their sexuality and more kinks together 3:) ,,, like uhh idk bondage ?(him receiving) ik too basic lol but basically add any kinks you see fit him 3:)
Thanks so much for all the incredibly kind words! I hope I can give you what you want! I have a tiny bit of writers block so I’m sorry if this is t exactly what you wanted 😟🫶🏻
Herbert West NSFW Head canons
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- Herbert is definitely a virgin when you meet him. He’s never really cared much for sex or anything like that. Sure he’s jerked off a few times but it never did much for him.
- You are the first girl who makes him nervous and feel something he’s never felt before.
- Herbert probably doesn’t know a bunch about kinks and stuff, you’d have to teach him.
- The first time you guys sleep together your on top, riding him. He’d last surprisingly long. Herbert wouldn’t know how to touch you so you’d have to put his hands on your waist and tell him to help move you. He’d do as he’s told and make the cutest whimpers.
- His sex drive isn’t super high but now that he has you he finds himself getting horny more often. He still gets nervous about bringing up sex and other things so he usually hints at it but ultimately let’s you bring it up.
- You’d have to show him different kinds of kinks. Also, he’s a switch after a while he’d get more confident and would want to be on top, be in control. He likes it when you tie his hands to the bed frame and please him like that. He’ll struggle when he gets close to cumming and pull at the ties. He just wants to touch you so bad.
- I also think Herbert would like watching you touch yourself in front of him. He’d like to instruct you and tell you how good your being for him.
- Herbert doesn’t care for quickies, unless he’s very busy and will continue to be busy all night/day. Then he’ll bend you over his desk and fuck you real quick.
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a-random-weeb · 11 months
Okay okay, what about dazai with a lady (me) that had every month period super hard. Like she have a shitty doctor who doesn t help her. So each time she can t walk, she s suffering to death trying not to break into tears, unable to work even if she try to ( better if like you can do when she s in the middle of somewhere where she need to keep working ). Like she need to take some special meds to ease the pain that she often forget or just forget to buy but she need a prescription to have them... And in plus she s like super stubbornness and prideful always saying everything is fine until she break into tears, trying not to be a burden but the periods are just too strong. Anyway I m sure you see the picture, i would enjoy to see what kind of little ( writte as much as you want i enjoy reading you~) fanfic you can do with this~
Good luck (wish me luck too periods are near sniff) ❤
that sounds like a living hell, I feel so bad for youuuuuuu! I hope you get help, and good luck to you
Also I'm honored you enjoy my fanfictions, really :)
The oneshot part felt like I was writing for an emo teenager, I'm so sorry if it felt like it you were too emo 😭 also, Dazai is slightly ooc, I'm so sorry this fic is a hit mess... But ig everything I write is a hot mess anyway, so I hope you enjoy!
•Dazai feels so bad
•This is the one thing he doesn't tease or be an asshole enough
•He buys you a shit ton of painkillers and heating packs (if they help)
•he always keeps the special meds on him for you
•He hates seeing you in pain
•He doesn't let you go to work or do anything while your on your period
•He cuddles you and comforts you a lot
•He absolutely hates your stubborness though
•he wishes you would tell him when you're in pain
•He's constantly making sure you're ok
•He pins you against the wall and flustered/annoys you until you admit to the pain
•He hates seeing you cry, and takes your periods very seriously
•He observes your body habits and what little tics you have when you're in pain
•He knows when your lying, and isn't putting up with your prideful bs
•he probably gets really forceful 😭
•if you get uncomfortable, he'll stop
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"I'm totally fine!" You fake a smile despite the horrible cramp. You were doing an improvement work project thing but the cramps were killing you. Dazai knew you were on your period and came to check in on you.
"Oh Belladonna, you look like you're about to cry... do you want me to go home and grab your meds?" A look of pure worry spreads across his face
"I'm fine Dazai!... But I guess if you were to grab them it wouldn't hurt..." You blush and look away in embarrassment, trying to keep your pride intact. Dazai smirks, teasing you a little
"Oh? So you're making me run home for medicine you're not sure if you need or not? Are you sure I should grab them~?" The smirk is immediately wiped from from his face when you begin to cry.
"Please Dazai!" You beg "It really, really hurts..."
"... I don't think you should be working..."
"I have to be... This is important!"
He sighs "I don't have to run home, I brought it for you... I knew you wouldn't have it..." He hands you the thing of medicine, pecking your lips. "when you get home tonight I'll cuddle the hell out of you ok?"
𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*
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