#you already made him punch a boulder to dust with his bare hands
theonyxranger · 4 years
im sure this has been said already but capcom literally doesnt know how to make a new resident evil without making chris’ design somehow even worse every time
0 notes
dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Short Stack
Okay, so I recently started a series called Saving Her Sanity, and I had only gotten one part posted. But the more I reread it, the more I really hated the way I’d written it. So I’m postponing that and starting a different series. It’s gonna be a real rollercoaster ride of emotions, so buckle up.
Pro Hero! KiriBaku x ProHero! Fem! Reader
**18+ Fic**
Warnings: Angst, fluff, habitual self-harm, dissociation, swearing from obvious sources, alcohol. Coming up in later parts: smexy times, biting kink, double penetration, unprotected sex, more angst, traumatic past (but not super detailed cuz I can’t handle that shit my heart hurts already)
Word Count: 6.9k
Author’s Note: Alright folks, the reader is a fucking savage and stronger than the fucking hulk cause why the fuck not? Tbh body type isn’t discussed, the only thing is that she’s short af and the angry pomeranian and redhead boulder are freaking giants. Also, everyone’s in their mid-late twenties here. 
Part 2 - Part 3
Enjoy the read!
You dove out of the way of chunks of concrete, barely making it behind the corner of the alleyway. You took off sprinting, hopefully drawing the villain away from civilian activity. Thankfully he chased after you, onto an abandoned street, out in the open where you had the upper hand. Twirling around, you materialized a scythe and swung it straight at the enormous arm coming at you, nearly chopping off the villain’s fist completely. 
He stopped in his tracks and howled in pain, giving you the opening you needed. You charged him and dropped to the ground, taking his legs out as you slid under him. A chain materialized in place of the scythe and you wrapped it around his ankles and his undamaged hand, hog tying him in place. You’d only been fighting the villain for about five minutes, and backup wasn’t going to be there for at least another two, so you put a quirk cancelling cuff on him and began to wrap his bleeding wrist to keep him from bleeding out. 
As you waited for backup, you sat down and leaned against the villain, who’d passed out from blood loss, and tended to your own wounds from the encounter. Backup arrived, but it wasn’t what you expected. Instead of police, stomping toward you was none other than the number two hero Ground Zero. His vermillion eyes glanced between you and the villain that was quite literally twice your size, and the expression on his face looked ever so slightly confused at the scene he was witnessing. 
He stopped at your feet, glaring down at you for a few seconds, looked back at the villain, then back at you, and when he opened his mouth to speak the most absurd thing you’d ever heard came from his lips.
“How the hell did you do that?”
You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, slightly irritated at the implication behind the question. Without a word, you stood up and dusted the dirt off your butt. You walked a few yards away, pulled out your phone and dialed the police, making sure they came with a vehicle that could fit the huge villain. When you turned back around to face Ground Zero, you didn’t expect him to be so close to you. He leaned down so you were face to face, narrowing his eyes at you and letting out what sounded like a growl. “I don’t like being ignored, dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes and glared right back at him. “Well I don’t like to be undermined, Ground Zero. I may be small but I can handle myself in a fight.” And it was true. You were very small, at a whopping 5 feet tall (152 cm). His eye twitched and jaw clenched, and you could almost see the steam coming from his ears. Before he could retort, you saw something being launched from behind him. You swung your leg under him and pinned him to the ground just in time to dodge a manhole cover as it whizzed above your heads.
Without hesitation you launched toward the second villain that appeared and quickly had him immobilized and cuffed on the ground next to the first. You turned back to the number two hero, who was still on the ground watching you with wide eyes. You walked over and held your hand out to him, offering to help him up. To your surprise he actually grabbed your hand and let you pull him to stand. He didn’t let go of your hand, instead looking at it, bewildered. 
“Can I have my hand back?” you looked at him blankly. He blinked a few times before releasing his grip. Soon the police arrived to take the villains, and once they left, you began to walk back to the agency since your patrol had ended a little while ago. Ground Zero ran after you and grabbed you by the wrist, turning you around to face him.
“What’s your name?” You raised an eyebrow at the man. “My hero name is Inventory. Now If you don’t mind, I’ve got paperwork to fill out.” He let go of your arm and walked alongside you. You knew why he was walking with you, seeing as you worked as a hero at his agency. As you walked into the building he turned to you with a quizzical look. Without even glancing in his direction you gave a small sigh. “Why am I not surprised that you don’t even know I work under you?”
He seemed slightly shocked. He made it a point to know who was working for him. After all, he couldn’t have anybody screwing up his agency’s reputation. Somehow, though, you’d managed to slip under his radar. Though considering your stature, hero rank, and the fact that you hadn’t made a single mistake since your debut, he figured he’d just brushed you off.
After you filled out all your paperwork, you changed out of your hero costume and into workout clothes and hit the agency’s gym. Like you always did, you went straight to the separate room reserved for sparring, expecting to have to go back out and find a partner. Today, though, you didn’t. As you entered the room, there was a certain angry blonde and a very muscular red-haired man sitting against the wall. 
“Well if it isn’t short stack” Ground Zero called out to you. Well that’s one way to get you mad. You tilted your head sharply to one side, then the other, your neck popping loudly as you took a deep breath to calm your anger. “Hello, Ground Zero. I didn’t expect you to be in here. I’ll just leave you to it then.” The irritation seeped into your voice as you turned around to leave the room.
Of course, the jackass had to go and say something else. “What? You too scared to spar against me? Am I too big for you to handle?” God damn it. You both knew you had taken down much larger opponents than him, and you knew it wasn’t very smart to fight your boss, but at this point you were pissed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath through your nose.
He stood up and began stalking towards you, his heavy footsteps ringing in your ears. You dropped your duffel and whirled around, walking to him and meeting him in the middle of the room. At least sparring was only hand-to-hand combat, because you knew he’d easily overpower you if he could use his quirk. But you trained almost exclusively in hand-to-hand, because your quirk wasn’t combat related.
As you dropped into your fighting stance, he narrowed his eyes at you, clearly confused at the odd stance you were in. In all your years of training, you had developed your very own fighting style. He quickly shrugged off his confusion and put his arms up in front of his face, ready for whatever you were about to throw at him. The two of you stood there, waiting for the other to make the first move. As predicted, his patience ran out and you easily ducked and dodged the first few quick jabs he threw.
He kept throwing punches, each one a little more intense, and you could see he was getting irritated from how you were dodging every single one. Soon enough he was lunging at you with each punch he threw, his anger getting the best of him. Five minutes of him punching and you dodging had him fuming. You hadn’t even thrown a single punch. Still, it was a game of cat and mouse with you dodging everything he threw.
The whole time he’d been aiming at your face and shoulders, keeping his strikes high. But suddenly he launched at you and his right fist aimed straight for your stomach. Got him. You planted your right foot and spun counter-clockwise, grabbed his wrist with your left hand, grabbed his shoulder with your right, and used his own momentum to fling him over your head. He landed on his back with a thud, all the air pushed out of his lungs from the impact. 
You knew he’d have to take a few seconds to get up from that, and that meant you won the match in a single move. You stood over his head, smirking down at him. He glared up at you with eyes wide as saucers, wheezing from the throw, and the redhead cackled from his spot against the wall. You kneeled down and hunched over, your noses inches apart, and said, “Still think you’re too big for me to handle?”
Staring down at him, you stood again and walked over to the redhead. “Hi, I’m (y/l/n) (y/n), hero name Inventory.” You introduced yourself and held your hand out for him to shake. He took it and introduced himself as Kirishima Eijirou, a.k.a. Red Riot. You walked back over to Ground Zero and once again held your hand out to help him up. This time, he slapped your hand away and got up himself. “The name’s Bakugou Katsuki,” he said, scowling at you.
Kirishima got up and came over, “Come on Bakugou, don’t be a jerk just cause you lost. Sorry about that (y/l/n), he’s just prideful.” You chuckled lightly, waving it off, “It’s fine. I’ve heard ALL about Ground Zero’s friendly personality and peppy attitude. Anyway, It’s been fun, but I should get going.” Kirishima stopped you before you could walk away. “Hey, (y/l/n), we were gonna go out for drinks after this, you wanna join us?” You looked over to Bakugou, who didn’t give any input, choosing instead to glare at the corner. “Sure I’ll meet you outside in ten.”
You picked up your duffel and went back to the locker room to change into your civilian clothes. The bar was only a couple blocks away, so you all left your stuff in your cars and walked over. Bakugou didn’t say anything the whole way there, still wallowing in his humiliating defeat. You, being the smartass you are, decided to poke the bear.
“Stop sulking Bakugou, I haven’t lost a sparring match since high school. Besides, if we were to use our quirks you’d most likely win the match. You don’t gotta be all depressed about it.” His head snapped toward you and his hands popped and crackled at his sides. It was probably meant to scare you, but you only put your hands up in mock surrender. 
When you got to the bar you all ordered your drinks and sat down at a booth. Kirishima looked at you and started asking questions. “So, (y/l/n), if you’re so sure you’d lose to Bakugou’s quirk, what’s yours?” You answered him like you answered everyone else who’d asked you the same question. “Basically, it’s like an inventory in a video game, hence the hero name. I can “store” things in a pocket of space and materialize them whenever I need them,” then you held out your hand and materialized your car keys and cell phone.
His eyes went wide and he started gushing about how cool and convenient that is. Meanwhile, Bakugou just rolled his eyes and mumbled “showoff” under his breath. Kirishima elbowed him and told him to behave, making you giggle at the dynamic of the two. Despite being at a bar, the only one that drank any alcohol was Kirishima. What really shocked you was that he was a terrible lightweight, and getting him to walk back to the agency was proving extremely difficult, because he was leaning nearly all his weight on you and Bakugou didn’t bother to help.
In fact, Bakugou was busy snickering at the sight of you trying to keep Kirishima from stumbling out onto the road and taking you with him. You’d be lying if you said Kirishima wasn’t heavy, but years of weight training and hero work pays off cause you could easily squat over 200 lbs even if you were tiny. So about a block from the agency, you’d had enough of trying to keep Kirishima from falling over and you just stopped walking.
Kirishima was too out of it to notice. But Bakugou turned and started teasing you for not being able to handle the weight. You just rolled your eyes at him. Before Bakugou could move and take him off your hands, you took a deep breath, and hauled Kirishima onto your shoulders in a fireman carry. Bakugou’s jaw dropped, and he froze in place, just staring at the scene in front of him. That both annoyed you and made you extremely proud, cause you just impressed the number two hero. You were sure the scene was at least a little funny, a giant hanging off your tiny frame, but you ignored it.
Once you had Kirishima secured on your shoulders, you started the trek to the agency. Again, Bakugou was completely silent, but you could tell it wasn’t because he was sulking. Once you were back at the agency, Bakugo led you to his car and got Kirishima settled in the back seat while you stretched out your arms, popping your shoulders and neck. You were about to say bye and head back to your car when Bakugou stopped you. 
“Thanks for carrying him. It was impressive. Unexpected,” he said, not making eye contact, “And the match earlier…You did good. I haven’t been beat that bad in a while.” It almost looked like he was blushing, but it was so subtle you couldn’t tell. You smiled softly at the compliments. “Thanks, Bakugou. I had fun. I’ll be going now.” You turned to walk to your car, but he stopped you again. “Oi, short stack!” You froze at the name, and turned around with a sickly sweet smile on your face, “Yes, Bakugou?” “What’s your number?” It was your turn to be shocked. But you got over it and recited your number to him as he punched it into his phone.
When you got home it was just after midnight, so you got ready for bed and lay down to sleep. The next few days passed relatively quickly, occasionally running into Kirishima or Bakugou. There wasn’t any villain activity in the area, and your gym time was productive. You got a couple of people to spar with you when you needed it, and spent any extra time weight training.
The next day you were off, just like every day you had off, you went straight to the agency and hit the gym. You spent a solid hour at the punching bag and went to go spar again. This time there were five others in the room, which was extremely rare. Normally the room was empty. Two pairs were already going at it, so you asked the fifth if she wanted to spar. 
You’d already worked up a sweat at the punching bag, but you needed the spar, so instead of finishing quickly you made sure to take a couple punches and throw a few before ending the match. You kept the same partner for a few matches, winning each one, and soon the others were watching as you won two more rounds.
The partner you’d been sparring with tapped out to get water, and someone else quickly took her place. You immediately jumped into another match. And then another. And another. Soon they tapped out as well, and by then there were a few more people filing into the room to watch. It confused you, because you’d never seen more than ten people in the padded room, but you ignored it and began another match with yet another partner.
After another few rounds, your new partner tapped out, and you decided it was time to get some water. But it wasn’t until you stepped back out into the center of the room that you realised nobody else was starting a match. Nobody else was sparring with anybody, all their eyes locked on you. As you looked around the room, you noticed it was getting crowded with people, all your previous opponents had already left, and a new opponent stepped out to challenge you.
Now this was strange. Even with your opponent getting into his fighting stance, you looked around the room, confused as to why there were so many people. You dodged a jab, snapping your attention back to your opponent. Well that was a dirty move. At his next swing you ducked under his arm, lunged to his side and swept his legs out from underneath him, ending the match before he could even blink. Playing dirty gets you knocked the fuck out as far as sparring goes for you.
The crowd that had gathered cheered at the quick takedown, and yet another opponent stepped out. You lost track of time, sparring dozens of different opponents, never losing a single match. If you began to tire all you did was end the match quickly to regain energy. After you went to refill your water for what must have been the 20th time, you checked the clock. It was already noon. You’d been sparring for five hours. 
When you went back into the room, another opponent waited in the middle. You apologized and said you had to leave, and the crowd dispersed within minutes. You showered and changed, and as you left the locker room you got a text from a number you didn’t recognize.
Oi short stack, what are you doing right now?
Correction, you knew EXACTLY who this was.
Just got out of the gym. Why?
At the agency
You didn’t get a reply, but you didn’t need one, cause Bakugou was waiting for you outside the building, sitting in his car, with Kirishima in the passenger seat. “You haven’t had lunch yet right?” Bakugou asked. You shook your head no. Kirishima spoke this time, “Great! Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” Bakugou rolled his eyes and told you to get in, and you chuckled as you got into the back seat.
During the ride Kirishima asked about your day, and you told him about the strange occurrence while you sparred, with a crowd forming to watch and people popping out of nowhere to challenge your winning streak. “Wow (y/l/n)! You still haven’t lost? I should spar with you and see if I can win!” You giggled at that and agreed to spar with him next time. And you kept reiterating how strange it was that there’d be so many people in the room at once, when normally there’s only a handful at a time.
They both questioned it but soon shrugged it off as Bakugou parked the car in front of the sushi restaurant. Lunch was a whirlwind of Kirishima asking you questions, you asking them questions, and Bakugou bickering at Kirishima when he ignored Bakugou entirely. It was fun seeing the two so close. Eventually the conversation rounded back to your sparring matches earlier.
“So how long were you there? If a crowd formed you had to have been at it for a while.” Kirishima asked, trying to figure out how long you’d fought people. You answered sheepishly, a bit embarrassed that you’d lost track of time so easily, “Well...when I checked the clock it’d been about five hours.” Both of them froze, staring at you with wide eyes. Your face burned and you took a sip of your water. Bakugou was the first to talk. “You’re a fucking beast.” Kirishima’s expression went from shock to concern. “Are you ok? Like, how are you not passed out right now?”
You assured him you were fine, and explained how much time you spent in the gym nearly every day, even after patrol. Your gym time only seemed to surprise them more, and after they told you about their gym schedule, you realised just how much time you spent in the gym, and the more you thought about it, the more you realised how lonely you were.
Kirishima seemed to catch on to your stress and smoothly changed the subject. After lunch, Bakugou drove you back to the agency, and Kirishima asked if you wanted to go to their place for drinks. “Sure, as long as I don’t have to carry you again,” you laughed. Kirishima turned and looked at you, his cheeks nearly as red as his hair. “Wait...you carried me?”.
Bakugou barked out a laugh. “Yeah shitty hair, she threw you over her shoulders and hauled your wasted ass back to the car.” Kirishima’s face somehow burned brighter and apologized profusely, but you waved it off. “Nah, it’s fine! Besides, if Bakugou wasn’t being such an ass I wouldn’t have had to carry you. I just got sick of trying to keep you standing upright while he snickered at me being short.” Bakugo scoffed. “Well you’re definitely not tall.” “I don’t need to be to kick your sorry ass.”
At that Bakugou went silent and Kirishima exploded in a fit of laughter. “Put a sock in it shitty hair! And you!” Bakugou glared at you in the rearview mirror, “I’m gonna beat your stubby ass next time!” You looked at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “Is that a challenge, Ground Zero?” He growled at the mention of his hero name. “Yeah short stack, it’s a fucking challenge.”
Soon the car parked in the parking garage, and you all went up to their shared apartment. It was spacious, and very modern. Bakugou pointed out the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab three bottles of beer. The three of you settled into the living room and the conversation went just like lunch did. Most of the questions were directed at you, and you answered honestly. 
The questions were generic and friendly, what you like to do in your spare time (besides going to the gym), your favorite foods, colors, your likes and dislikes, your pet peeves. After the first round of questioning you’d only got through one bottle of beer. “Hey, what other kinds of alcohol you got?” you questioned Bakugou. He got up and listed his menu from the kitchen. You asked him for a glass of the cream liquor, and he returned with a glass filled with the liquid. 
After hours of aimless conversation and a few more glasses, you found yourself slowing as the alcohol permeated your system. That was your signal to ask for a snack and water, and you stopped your intake of alcohol. Bakugou caught on to your self cut-off. “You don’t need to limit yourself. We’ve got a spare room if you need to stay the night, and if you need to call in tomorrow the agency has plenty of people to take over your patrol.” His statement shocked you, and you looked at him like he was crazy.
He spoke again, “If you’re cautious about sharing a place with two guys, Kiri’s nearly wasted already, he can’t do shit, and if I were stupid enough to do anything I’m sure you’d kick my ass before I got within a foot of you. As for tomorrow, both of us are off, and like I said, the agency is not short-staffed. And i’ve got meds if you’re worried about a hangover, and I don’t mind lending you clothes if you need them.”
You were stunned. Completely and utterly bewildered. But he made good points, so you decided to take up his offer to spend the night. “You know what, I’ll stay. But I'm gonna slow down with the alcohol, because hangovers are a bitch to deal with even with painkillers.” And with that, the three of you continued talking. Soon Kirishima passed out and Bakugou hauled him into his room. Surprisingly enough, when he came back out he actually engaged the conversation.
He asked about your fighting style, how you developed it, how long you trained. Most of his questioning was about your physical strength and tenacity, nothing personal. But then he asked why you spent so much of your time in the gym instead of with friends. And you answered honestly and bluntly, probably mostly because of the alcohol. “To be honest, I’m not much of a social butterfly. I don’t really have friends, because I don’t ‘make friends’ with people. In fact, you could call me antisocial. I don’t really like talking to people. I don’t speak unless spoken to or unless speaking is necessary.”
And he only dove deeper. “Why not? The world too scary from down there?” he teased. You laughed darkly at the comment, choosing to drain your glass of alcohol in favor of answering the implied question. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“What is what?”
“You avoided the question.”
“Well it wasn’t really a question, just a jab at my height again”
“Yeah, and you didn’t jab back.”
You huff, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think I know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about.”
“Just drop it Bakugou.”
“I won’t drop it. Not until you give me some kind of answer.”
“Are you always this insensitive or is it just the alcohol?”
“Spill it (y/l/n).”
“Ugh fine! But I’m not giving you any details.” You crack your knuckles, take a deep breath, and a long drink of water before you talk again. “I used to like making friends. But all the friends I made turned out to be liars and fakes. I was used. A lot. After a while I finally had enough, so I stopped approaching people. I decided if people want to be in my life they can approach me. I got good at reading people, and I shut them out fast if they weren’t good for me.” You sighed, praying that was enough to sate Bakugou’s drunken curiosity. It wasn’t.
“And if people approached you with the intention of using you? If you read them wrong?” he pried. Screw it. You already spilled this much right? Might as well get it out. “I got really good at pretty bad things. I don’t usually read wrong, because I’m suspicious of everyone that walks into my life.” Internally, you prayed that was enough for him. “What kinds of bad things?” Well that’s unfortunate.
“Things like eavesdropping. Spying. Hiding. Manipulation. Lying. Deceit. Long story short, I have trust issues. It’s easier to keep people at arm’s distance than make friends that could hurt you.” At that, Bakugou goes quiet, his eyes studying your face. And you stare back at him, waiting for the judgement that comes with opening up to people. Waiting for the ‘maybe you should openup more’ and ‘just give people a chance’. But his answer is unexpected. His face softens ever so slightly as his eyes lock onto yours, his voice low, soft and somewhat comforting. “Sounds rough.” You look away, trying to keep your breathing steady, not giving tears the chance to fall, “I’m gonna turn in. Good night, Bakugou.”
Moving quickly, you disappear into the spare room and curl up into the bed sheets. Why the hell are you crying? You’d talked about this before. So why now, of all times, are you suddenly sobbing into your hoodie, clinging to it like your lifeline? You try your best to keep quiet, hoping the only other person awake doesn’t hear you. You don’t know how long it’s been, but you hear the door handle turn, and you freeze, closing your eyes and steadying your breath, going completely silent in mock-sleep. It was a technique you’d perfected long ago, turning off your emotionsin order to avoid confrontation.
You hear heavy footsteps, knowing who it is that just stepped in. He was the only other one still awake. You feel the bed behind you dip, and strong arms curl around you and turn your body, burying your face into Bakugou’s solid chest. His deep voice rumbles softly in your ear. “I know you’re not sleeping shorty. I listened through the door and heard you crying. Just let it out.” And before you can stop them, the tears you’d willed to disappear begin to pour down your face. So you sob into his chest, his arms tightening around you as your entire body shakes.
Soon you’re drifting into sleep, your body giving in to exhaustion. You’re in a deep sleep, and Bakugou stays there, holding you, until the last hiccups subside. He leans away to look down at you, and brushes strands of hair away from your face. “How long has it been since you’ve cried, princess? How long since you bottled up those emotions inside you?” He questions your sleeping figure. He presses a soft kiss into your forehead, gets up and tucks you under the blanket before silently leaving the room and going to bed.
When you wake up, your eyelids are heavy and swollen, making it hard to open them. You tenderly massage them open, remembering the reason they’re so puffy and sore. Despite the discomfort of your eyes, you feel refreshed and light, a weight lifted off your chest that you didn’t know was there in the first place. No, it was more like it’s been there for so long you’d gotten used to the pressure. Slowly, you sit up and blink away sleep.
You check the clock and it’s 8 am, a couple hours later than you normally get up. At the foot of your bed is a set of folded clothes. You quickly change out of the clothes you slept in, and into the t-shirt and sweatpants that you assumed were Bakugou’s. As expected, they’re giant on you, but they’re comfortable, and they smell like Bakug-- NO. Stop. You shake the thought out of your head as quickly as it came and go out to see if either of the guys are up.
You quickly get your answer when you see Kirishima lounging -- freaking SHIRTLESS -- on the couch. Talk about eye candy, damn. Like sure, his hero costume doesn’t exactly hide anything, but it’s different when he’s laying across a couch in nothing but gray sweatpants. Again, you clear the thoughts before they screw you over, and greet him. “Hey (y/l/n) how’d you sleep?” “Pretty good, thanks. I’m surprised you’re up so early Kiri.” He laughs at the observation, “Yeah. Bakugou got me up a little while ago and I couldn’t go back to sleep.” Yeah, that makes sense. You nod and make your way into the kitchen, and as expected, Bakugo is there.
“Good morning Bakugou,” you greet him. “Morning shorty. How’d you sleep?” You answer with the same reply you gave Kirishima a few seconds ago. You lowered your voice a little and leaned slightly toward him, “Thank you, by the way. For last night. I really needed that.” He just nods, focusing his attention to the fridge to find breakfast. Satisfied with that, you turn and head back to the couch and chill with Kirishima until Bakugou calls you to the table to eat.
You ask them what they do on their days off, and today the plan was just to stay in and lounge around the house, not doing much of anything and just relaxing. So, that’s what you did. As the hours passed, you found yourself liking the company of the two men, despite their imposing size. You didn’t feel small with them. But the question lingering at the back of your mind was why? Why were you so comfortable around them?
Thoughts buzzed around in your head like a hurricane, mixing with the doubt that they were in any way comfortable with you, and the fear that they were only using you for what men always seem to want. Soon you were telling yourself all the bad scenarios that would end in them leaving you all alone again. You didn’t even know them all that well, but you had become attached and were already bracing yourself for the inevitable loss of the two. The memory of crying to Bakugou last night swirled into your mind and wouldn’t disappear.
You were spiraling into a panic like you always did when people got close. But it was hidden, suppressed, contained. Whenever you panicked it never showed, the only telltale sign being your sudden need to scratch the soft flesh on the inside of your elbow. You hadn’t scratched in so long that any previous wounds had completely healed over, the only evidence left were small patches of discoloration, only evident if you stare long enough. That was about to change as your nails dug furiously while you stared off into space.
Kirishima was the first to snap you out of your spiral, grabbing your wrists and shaking you out, calling your name frantically. Your senses began to drift back, and the next thing you noticed was the sting on your forearms and the light stain of blood on your nails and fingertips. Your eyes drifted from your wrist up to your inner elbow, and you winced at the sight of blood seeping out of the shredded welts. It looked like it should have hurt more than it did.
“Bakugou! Get the first aid kit from the bathroom! (y/l/n)’s bleeding!” Kirishima called out to him. You heard quick heavy stomps and a curse from the blonde before he came over to examine your arms. He looked at you, and you looked back at him, still dazed from your inner turmoil. He knew from that look you were out of it. Instead he questioned the redhead to ask what had happened while he was in the kitchen figuring out what to make for lunch.
“I don’t know! I was watching tv and when I turned to ask her something she was staring off into space and scratching at her arms! She was bleeding before I even turned and I grabbed her before it could get worse.” Bakugou clenched his jaw and went to get a wet washcloth to clean up the blood. You were watching this all unfold before you, still not quite attached to reality. When he returned, he put the cloth on his lap and grabbed your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with calloused thumbs. He called your voice, attempting to ground you, and didn’t stop until you finally took a few quick breaths and blinked, answering him with a small ‘sorry’.
He grabbed your wrists, which Kirishima had already released, and spoke to you in a hushed tone, but still strong and intense. “(y/l/n) I need you to listen to me. Are you allergic to anything? Anything at all?” It took a few moments for you to regain your mental balance, but you shook your head. “No. Nothing.” He let out a soft breath and with that he began to clean and dress your arms, wiping away blood and cleaning your fingers and nails in silent concentration.
By the time the entire ordeal was over, the different sensations from the sting of the alcohol wipes to the cool ointment and the soft gauze had grounded you completely. As Bakugou went to put the first aid kit away, Kirishima reached out and gripped your shoulders, looking over your face and into your eyes with tender concern. “You okay little pebble?” He moved his large hands so they rested at the sides of your neck, his thumbs gently brushing at your jaw.
You blush lightly at the endearing nickname and the new sensation of his hands. Leaning slightly into one of his palms, you nod. “Yeah, I’m okay. I don’t really wanna talk about it, but I’ll be just fine. I just got distracted.” He looked at you with a face that said he didn’t believe your excuse, but he’d drop the subject because you asked him to. Letting his hand release you, he gives you a toothy, mischievous grin. He leans in closer to you and nearly whispers, like he was about to reveal the world’s biggest scandal.
“That was the most gentle I’ve ever seen Bakugou. Thanks for bringing that side out of him,” he says, flashing another smile. You giggle a little at the thought of the explosive male being gentle, not quite believing it if you hadn’t been subject to it. Then you remembered why he’d been there, tending to the wounds you’d subconsciously inflicted on yourself. Your eyebrows knitted together lightly, remembering the spiral and being shaken out of it by a panicked Kirishima. When Bakugou came back, you grabbed one of their hands in each of yours.
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” you say softly. After a few moments of silence, you decided you owed them an explanation of some kind. “And thank you for catching me. The scratching is a nervous habit when I’m stressed. I thought I got rid of it, but obviously I haven’t. It’s been a long time since it happened last, and it was triggered by my own drifting thoughts. It’s purely subconscious and I don’t realize what I’m doing until the pain becomes too unbearable and snaps me back to reality.”
By the end of your explanation, the two were looking at you with concern and understanding. Kirishima gently smiled, and Bakugou’s features relaxed, when you squeezed their hands appreciatively. The comfortable silence was suddenly broken by a low growl. You laughed at the comedic timing of your stomach and glanced at the clock. It was just after 12:30, and Bakugou got up to go make lunch. After eating you asked to wash your clothes, and asked to use the shower. Kirishima got you a spare towel and plastic wrap to cover your newly dressed forearms. Five minutes under the hot water and you were already feeling suffocated. The steam clouded your lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe.
You knew you had a problem with hot water. You always have. Jacuzzis were never relaxing for you, and you loved the cool water of the ocean the deeper you dove toward inky blackness. You turned the handle in the shower, letting the water turn cold. Your body shivered slightly from the sudden temperature change, but quickly relaxed as the cold water washed away all the stress from a few hours ago.
When you had finished up you went to go relax on the couch again, settling into the space between the two. Now with your mind clear, you began to wonder something that you probably should have wondered a while ago. How tall were they, really? They stood over a foot taller than you, so they had to be at least 6 feet tall. You looked from one to the other, your head swiveling back and forth, before you decided to just ask them.
Bakugou barked out a deep laugh, “Why you wanna know shorty? Finally realizing how scary we look from down there?” You rolled your eyes at him, but he answered anyway. “I’m 6 foot 4 (193 cm).” Kirishima looked down at you and beamed, “I’m 6 foot 6 (198 cm).” Bakugou scoffed, and you giggled at the blonde getting upset over height. Suddenly you bounced up from the couch and turned to the two, barely containing the thought that suddenly popped into your mind. Out of the two, the redhead seemed like the more likely to carry out your request, so you turned to Kirishima with wide excited eyes and a lopsided grin like a kid in a candy store.
“Can you carry me?!” you blurted out a little too loud. Kirishima blushed hard, and then you realized how ridiculous the request sounded and rushed to explain. “Sorry! That sounded weird right? I just wanna know what life looks like from that high up! I’m only 5 feet tall so…” you rambled a little before Kirishima laughed and stood up. “Sure little pebble.” He turned you around and squatted down, put his left arm around your waist and right arm against your thighs just above your knees and told you to lean back and sit on his arm. 
Once you were seated snugly, your back pressed against his chest, he stood up and you gasped a little from the new angle. The floor looked so far away, and you knew that if Kirishima decided to hold you by your armpits your feet would dangle a foot from the floor. Bakugou looked up at you from the couch and scoffed. “Alright shitty hair, put her down before you drop her and she breaks her legs from the fall.” Your hilariously rebellious brain took that as a challenge. You smirked at Bakugou, his eyes daring you to do exactly what you were thinking. But before you could move he looked at the redhead behind you, and the arm around your waist tightened as he reached to grab his right bicep. He slightly activated his quirk, locking you in place. 
“Aw, c’mon! You’re no fun! I’ve jumped from buildings before and landed perfectly fine!” You whined as you squirmed in Kirishima’s arms. Both of them laughed at your struggle, and once again, your brain instantly settled on ‘challenge accepted’. You quickly surveyed your surroundings, going about the best way to escape Red Riot without damaging any of the heroes’ property.
Before either of them could react, you materialized quirk-cancelling handcuffs and clasped one side around Kirishima's left wrist. The instant it went into effect, you brought your foot up and back down into the redhead’s stomach just hard enough for his grip on you to loosen up. When his right arm dropped to grab his abdomen, you slipped down along his body, grabbed the free cuff on your way down and snapped it around the leg of the coffee table, Kirishima landing flat on his ass with an ‘oof’.
Once again, Bakugou just stared in shock. You crossed your arms and smirked at him, “What was that about dropping me, Bakugou?” He was silent. Kirishima chuckled from his spot on the ground. “Damn, you’re a sneaky one little pebble.” You turned back around and took a deep bow. You materialized the cuff’s key and released him, storing them back in your quirk’s storage space. Finally recovering from his shock, Bakugou looked at the time and said, “Alright, short stack. Let’s go spar.” You turned to him and spoke what your brain had thought only moments before. “Challenge accepted.”
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope - chapter 1.5 - Practice Makes Perfect
Our heroes didnt get their powers and knew from night to day how to manage them, especially those who had physical changes to their body. Our soon-to-be heroes were all reunited in Maria's house, they had planed to spend the afternoon practing and exploring their new limits and abilities, all helping eitch other.
They decided since Griff had the biggest change, they would focus on him first. At the moment they were out in backyard, eitch one giving suggestions on what to begin first.
"Pick us all up at once with your new muscles!" Said Muffin excitedly. "That's still too light! Pick us all up plus Maria's car" Said Spike, chewing once again on a bubblegum.
"You all leave Hellride out of this!" Maria responded angrily. "That car was expensive as fuck and I refuse to go back to a life of Ubers!" She crossed her arms, indignified.
"You named your car?" Kip answered from high up a tree branch, as cats do. "I name all my belongings, what of it?" Maria answered. "And they're all cool names, too".
"Hellride? Really?" Spiked scoffed. "Because she rides fast as Hell! Look can we get back on track and find something for Griff to test his strenght?!" Maria answered nervously with a touch of embarrassment.
"Unless we find an Indiana Jones boulder for him to spin on his finger like a damn basketball we arent gonna get any damn progress!" Spike shouted back.
Maria sighed and shook her head. "I hate it when you have a point.." Griff nervously scratched the back of his head. "There must be something we can do.." He quietly mumbled out.
"I got it!" Muffin shouted, they all turned to face her. "I forgot Im a fairy! I can just poof something up!" She said excitedly. Everyone stared at her with either a confused or shocked look.
"..How... Do you FORGET that you're a fairy?!" Spike blurted out nervously. "You have fucking wings! How does one forget they have huge pink glittery wings?!"
Muffin just shrugged.
Maria smiled wide. "OK Muffin, give us something huge and heavy for Griff to use!" Muffin nodded and grabbed her wand which had a muffin on the tip. "Wand cook, beat and bake! Give us a big large and tasty cupcake!" She waved her wand and out appeared from a bunch of pink glittery smoke, a nearly two-story house tall chocolate cupcake.
"... Why a cupcake..?" Blink asked as she peeked behind her mask, in slight awe and wanting to secretly a bite out of it. "I can only make sweets!" Muffin said with a shy tone. "Im not a fighter like you guys, I only want to make people happy and eat candy!"
"That is certainly the biggest pastry I've ever seen! So large and beautiful, I bet tasty as well!" "Not to mention DIABETIC AS HELL!!! We could die from a heart attack eating that! Or worse, we could get fat! Even fatter! And become even uglier then we already are! This is too overwealming I need a nap!"
Rooko and Rooki suddenly spoke, almost taking everyone off guard on how their friend Rook is suddenly two split personalities now based on the Youtube character ENA, one is always happy while the other is always sad, and depending on the situation they can go Manic or Miserable.
"OK Griff, show us what you can do!" Maria shouted excitedly. Without missing a second, Griff bent over and gripped the edge of the massive cupcake, after struggling a bit he slowly but surely, lifted the entire thing over his head, smiling proudly.
His friends cheered and applauded proudly. Feeling satisfied, he dropped the cupcake and dusted the chocolate crumbs off his hands and fur. "Yokusei!" He shouted, and with a naruto-like smoke poof, he turned back to his human self. Maria ran and hugged him tightly, which Griff embraced and hugged back with a slight twirl.
"Griff you were amazing!!" Maria said with a proud tone, Griff slightly blushed pink at the small punk girl and her excitement. "Oh shucks, it was nothing.." He said with a shy tone.
"Well, and seems we concluded Griffin's training." Togekiss said as they took a sip of tea. "He jump twice as high as a two-story house, his punches and kicks can knock down brick walls and possibly more if we werent limited on objects to test it with, he can hear twice as much then a dog could with his ears, and his sense of smell is impecable. Truly Griff is a strong asset to our team."
"I can only train my powers at night.." Said Spooks, holding an umbrella to protect her from the sun, now that it injures her. "Muffin's power is only sweet making. Togekiss has exceptional I.Q and can see simulations in the future like Garnet in Steven Universe, along with their strong telekenisis, and Kip simply draws whatever she desires, whether alive or not and it becomes a reality... That means it's Rook's turn to show us what she can do" She finished.
"Wonderful! It's our time to shine!" "I-I-I not ready! Everyone's gonna laugh at us! I-I might piss myself in fear!" "Oh pull yourself together dear! Our friends wont laugh at us!" "How do we know that?! They're just waiting to correct us on a dumb mistake!!!"
Rook's body shook and twitched as her eyes turned to static, suddenly her entire eyes turned black with a blue iris, she turned Miserable.
"They're gonna laugh and point at our foolish selves, we're gonna be so embarrassed that we'll wish that the Earth will swallow us whole and just fucking kill us now!! Go ahead! Laugh at us and our misfortune!!!"
"ooh shit" Maria said. "can someone calm her down?"
Rook's eyes change to regular as her Miserable side went away. "No need my good Queen! We are completly fine! Now prepare to be dazzled as we show you all what we can do!" q
Rook pulled out a harry potter-like wooden wand, waved it around. "Bloom and Blossom and protect who I love! Rise my pretties, rise high and above!" Rooki shot an orange light at the grass, which made dozens of flowers bloom and grow around Spike and Blink.
"This is only one of my tricks! It's a shield that protects them from almost anything! My main weakness is fire, because while plants are beautiful, they are also sadly very, very flammable"
"Cool." Said Spike before using his bat to aggressivly hit the flowers and the vines aside so he and Blink could leave.
"M-M-My turn I guess!" Rook took hold of the wand and waved it in circles. "Razzle Dazzle Shine and Show, make their body move it low!" Rooko shot a blue light at Spooks, which made unwillingly and uncontrolably start dancing and as the spell said, make her go low.
"O-OH GOD SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP I DONT LIKE HOW MY BUTT IS MOVING THIS MUCH!!" She shouted in desperation as she made a split and moved it even lower.
"M-My deal is with music! I-It works as a way of distraction o-or hypnosis and it lasts for 30 minutes un-le-less I say otherwise! I-I know it's a sucky power!"
"OK COOL CAN I STOP DANCING PLEASE IM GETTING A CRAMP!!!" Yelled Spooks, practically begging. Rooko flicked her wand and Spooks fell on the ground, panting. "OH MY POOR HAMSTRINGS THEY ACHE!!" She yelled in utter pain, meanwhile Maria and Spike were absolutely losing it.
"O-OH GOD MY STOMACH HURTS-" Said Spike in between laughter.
"OK you guys cool it" Said Blink. "It's our turn to practice now. We're the only ones who use regular weapons." She said drawing her sword and positioning her mask back in place.
"O-OK! OK!" Maria said getting up, she pulled out a small staff and whipped it, making it stretch out wide into a full, large red and black scythe, with a rose print on the blade. Spike spun his bat and spat his gum out.
"So. Who's ass Im kicking first?" Said Spike. "Wait on second thought this might be unfair." Said Blink. "Me and Maria had blades while Spike has a bat, maybe we should-"
Before she could finish, Spike swung his bat and hit Blink sword, knocking it out of her hand before kicking her back at the ground. Blink fell back hard before she could even process what happen, dumbfounded but angry, she snarled. "Oh it's on now Motherfucker." She extended her hand and the sword flew back to her hand, as she charged towards Spike, who moved out of the way as soon as Blink swung her sword, which if he hadnt been for Maria's scythe, would have sliced her right up.
"Dude! Chill! This is a pratice!" Maria spoke as both of their blades were against eitch other. Blink hopped and flipped over her and landed on a tree branch, croutching like a ninja. She put her hands together and in a small puff of smoke and disappeared. Spike and Maria were back to back, ready to counterattack Blink, what they didnt expect was for her to attack from underground.
Buring up from the dirt, she got both of them off their feet and charged after Spike, who barely managed to regain his balance before his using bat his block Blink's sword. A back and forth of clash-clings-and-clangs between metal begun, one attacking the other but eitch blocking every attack again and again.
Spike ducked a sword slash and roundhouse kick Blink's leg, which was effective since she's practically a ninja. She backflipped back on her feet and kept attacking swiftly. But a sudden scythe blade cut in between them, stopping the fight.
"That's enough!!!" Maria shouted. "You both are gonna end up hurting yourselves or eitch other! im ending it now!!"
"Oh what the hell dude?!" Blink shouted indignified. "I was about to beat him!!" "Oh please." Answered Spike. "Was that the best you could do? Sakura could do a better job kicking my ass" He scoffed. They began to argue loudly, genuinely angry at eitch other.
"THAT"S ENOUGH!!!!" Maria shouted, making them, and everyone else look at her.
"It doesnt matter would win that fight! This was a practice and not a competition!! The point of us being a team and getting powers in the first place was for all of us to make the world a better place, but the only way that can happen is if all of us work together!! As a team!!!"
They stood in silence, listening to her talk and set them straight.
"As cheesy as that sounds, it's true!! We shouldnt fight eitch other like this, you're not just my friends, we're all friends with eitch other! We all go along well and we know that, that's why I got you all together, because no one can bond better in a team then all of us together!!!"
"... She's right." Togekiss added, walking towards them. "We all started as simple individuals with free time on a website, but we all shared common interests, we grew closer.. And suddenly like that, we all became friends.. A family, if you will."
"We take care of eitch other and look out for one another." Said Spooks.
"Just like how you all did for me.. When I almost died. Almost died because of the shit and violent world we live in." Maria said.. With a slight crack in her voice.
"You're bringing in the same violence that almost killed me.. So please.. Please stop fighting.. We're all in this together.. Right..?"
Spike and Blink dropped their weapons and hugged Maria, and everyone else joined in as well.
"You're right, we're sorry Queen." Said Spike. "We got overwhealmed and we didnt mean it. We wont fight again, because you're right." Added Blink.
"We only have eitch other in this world, and if we want to change it we have to stick together, just like you said." Spike said one more time.
"And we wont let you down.. We promise.." Griff finished, with everyone agreeing with what he said.
And so they stayed for a moment, embraced within eitch other in a group hug. A family isnt perfect, there will be disagreements, but a good bond will always overcome those disagreements, and that's what they had, a good bond.
A bond that's practically unbreakable and untaintable. A bond that will soon be ready, and fight together to make the world a better place.
A bond that will the world's Future Hope..
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smolthealmighty · 4 years
Spinaraki Week Level 2 Day 1: Chase
Give Myself To You
When Spinner had the idea to visit his hometown and show off his old hideaways to Tomura, he thought it would be romantic. He could turn these sad places where he went to cry into secluded havens where he could spend some quality alone time with the love of his life, and do something he's wanted to do since their third date. He was not expecting a neon orange pickup truck to interrupt the date by hurtling towards them at high speed.
In which Spinner's old bullies want to run him over with their truck, Tomura wants to beat the shit out of them for daring to try, and Spinner just wants to pop the question.
This was not how this date was supposed go. Spinner just wanted to show his boyfriend around his hometown, give him a tour of all the isolated spots he would hide away in before he eventually shut himself up inside the Iguchi house. It was gonna be a nice romantic getaway, where the places he associated with some of his worst memories could be re-contextualized as he turned them into secluded little havens where he could woo his boyfriend –and eventually propose to him– in peace.
There they were, sitting together at the edge of the forest that semi-surrounded the town, watching the sun start to set over the hilly meadow that lay below them. Tomura was fully relaxed for once, leaning heavily on his boyfriend as he reminisced about the utter disaster that was the one time they tried to go clubbing, while Spinner was mustering up his courage and fidgeting with the rings in his jacket’s pocket. Just as he turned to face Tomura and was about to start the speech he had been revising in his mind since –admittedly– their third date, he saw the unmistakable neon orange pickup truck that belonged to Spinner’s worst nightmares, Nōtarin, Iyaga, and Rase, speeding in the background. And the truck was gunning straight for them!
“Oh no.”
“Hm, what do you mean ‘oh no’?” asked Tomura, who also uttered an “oh no” once Spinner pointed towards the truck that was now only a hundred meters away. With reflexes that were still etched into his bones after years of dealing with the trio, Spinner clutched his boyfriend close and launched the both of them down the hill in a barrel roll, barely missing the thick tires of the truck as it blew past them.
“What the hell was that shit?” yelled Tomura, as Spinner shot up, grabbed his hand, and lead them towards one of the few trees that dotted the meadow.
“Those are the assholes I told you about, the ones who always went after me. One of them must’ve seen me and recognized me, and now they’re picking back up from where we last left off!”
“You last left off with them trying to turn you into roadkill?!”
As they ducked into the hollow, a chorus of brash voices with heavy country accents boomed across the meadow.
“Shuichi, you purse designer’s wet dream! Why don’t you let us mount your lizard head to the wall like the hunting trophy you are!”
“Nōtarin, I saw someone with him, hey gecko geek, do you mind if we mount your friend too?”
“Damn Iyaga, keep it in your pants. Though to be fair, compared to talon-hands you’d probably be a better fit!”
At this point Tomura was already struggling against Spinner to march out of the hollow and wreak vengeance. “C’mon Spinner, I’ll mount their heads on our base’s wall!”
“Would you just gimme a sec to cool down a bit?!” Tomura relented and stopped squirming, letting Spinner hold him as he tried to stop trembling.
“Ugh, I swear, they always know how to get under my skin. And I really thought I’d be over them by now.”
Tomura turned to face Spinner and squeezed him back, taking his boyfriend’s scaly beak and pressing it into his scarred neck. “You’ll be alright. You’re just a little stuck, I’m right here if you need a push you know.”
Spinner sighed as he nuzzled the curve of Tomura’s shoulder. “I know I’m not the pinnacle of dating material but damn, people can have different tastes.”
Tomura snorted, “Oh please, as if those hillbilly bitches know anything about ‘good taste’. If your loyalty and empathy for empty husks like me aren’t enough to prove ‘em wrong, then you having the muscles to be able to wield a giant ‘fuck you’ sword should’ve done the job. The fact they can’t see any of that just shows that their IQ scores are all in the negatives.”
Looking up and seeing Tomura’s self-assured smile, the smile graced his face whenever he was so sure that he was right, knowing that he truly believed that his boyfriend was really all that, melted Spinner’s heart into a puddle of goo.
“Marry me.”
Maybe melted it a little too much.
Realizing what just came out of his mouth, Spinner blushed violently and tried to start some damage control. “Uh shoot I mean um-”
“Hey Nōtarin, let’s ram into that tree! I think I hear them over there!”
Hearing that brought Spinner back to his senses, and he dragged Tomura out of the hollow, Nōtarin swerving just enough to only nick one of the headlights off the truck before resuming the chase.
“Son of a bitch, I had it all planned out and I messed it up!”
“Had what planned out?” asked Tomura, still in a whirl from what he was pretty sure he heard Spinner blurt just seconds ago.
“You know what, it’s fine, I’ll just do it on the fly. Follow me!”
They booked it across the meadow, Spinner weaving them around the hidden hills and valleys camouflaged beneath the waist-high grass. The truck kept slowly gaining on them, but the constant bangs and thumps of the truck bouncing against the uneven ground and the arguing between the driver and his passengers betrayed how little the tormentors knew about the terrain.
“Dammit, stay still you lizard-fuck!”
“Nah, let him keep running. Makes the chase more exciting!”
“Maybe if you’d gotten your driver’s license, you’d actually be able to hit him Nōtarin!”
“Fuck off Rase!”
Jumping over a particularly thick mud puddle, Spinner finally began the speech that had been previously interrupted.
“I’m sure you already know that I fell for you pretty fast-”
“Understatement of the year, but I’m not one to talk.”
The neon orange paint was splattered with mud, with the new coat of brown getting bigger as the wheels spun, sluggishly making its way through the puddle.
Spinner laughed breathlessly as he continued, “-yeah, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able put how much the love you gave me in return means to me into words. I couldn’t do it even if the ocean was made of ink and the earth was paper, it just wouldn’t be enough.”
“And, well, since I can’t use words, I thought I’d show my devotion with some kind of gift, but I don’t really have much to give you except myself. Still, I’ll give that to you for the rest of my life if you want it.”
By this point they had stopped just a few feet in front of a moss-covered boulder, one that blended in with the green grass and was in the direct pathway of the truck that continued driving towards them at top speed.
Ignoring the oncoming truck, Spinner took Tomura’s other hand into his own, and softly asked, “Tomura, will you marry me?”
The truck hit the rock, skyrocketing up and over the couple. The screams of the driver and his passengers fell on deaf ears as Tomura gazed into bright, cherry-petal eyes and answered the proposal:
“You’re more than enough for me, you’re more than I could ever dream of asking for. Of course I’ll marry you.”
Not even a moment after he accepted, a loud crash echoed across the meadow as the truck collided with the ground, flipping over as it did so. The bullies were quick to exit the wreck and make their way towards the still lovestruck duo to attack them. It was a farce from the start, the newly established fiancés barely paying them any attention as they began to brawl.
“Look at you all smiley and shit,” said Tomura as he kicked Rase across the field.
“Why wouldn’t I be all smiles? I’m gonna get to marry to the love of my life! You should see your face right now, looks like your smile’s gonna split your face in two with how big it is!” exclaimed Spinner, dodging Nōtarin’s sluggish punches with ease.
“Touché, fiancé. I bet you’ve already got a plan for everything that comes next, you gooey romantic.”
“Well, I was thinking we could have a small ceremony, just us and the league. Nothing too fancy, we’d just do the vows, ring exchange, ‘I do’s’, and sealing it with a kiss, all within fifteen minutes tops. That way we can splurge on the reception, the best music-” Nōtarin screamed as his arm was sliced by Spinner’s hunting knife.
“-the most delicious food and drinks-” Nōtarin gurgled as the knife ran through his neck.
“-and a cake so big that’ll make everyone sick. We’d just have to grab someone to officiate the thing and make it official.”
“We can get Giran to do it, he’s got just enough connections that he could make it happen.” Iyaga howled as his chest caved in.
“And for the honeymoon, I was thinking about taking a joyride on the coastline. We could stock up the van and make stops at all the beaches, and maybe get rid of a few heroes along the way if we’re up for it.”
“That sounds good to me, I’m certainly looking forward to having some fun alone time to ourselves!” Tomura cried happily, as Rase joined Iyaga in the pile of dust that lay at his feet.
By the time they came down from the high of the fight, the sun was dipping below the tree line, Tomura and Spinner sprawled out next to each other on the bloodstained earth.
“Ah shit,” said Tomura, “I just realized that there goes my future date idea of murdering your hometown bullies.”
Spinner chuckled at his fiancé’s annoyed tone, “That’s okay, we only murdered a couple of them. Next time we can take down the town leaders who encouraged everything, make a day out of it.”
“Hmm, alright, but I’m planning it. It’s only fair.”
Satisfied, Spinner let out a sigh before suddenly sitting up. “Oh right, I gotcha these,” he said as he pulled the rings out of his pocket.
“It’s just a pair of those plastic rings from the arcade we went to a while back, but I figure we’re not gonna wear these for too long because they’re just engagement rings. We can rob a jewelry store together to pick out the wedding rings.”
“Sounds perfect,” said Tomura, as they each took turns slipping the rings onto each other’s fingers. Taking a second to let the presence of a ring on his finger sink in, Tomura smiled and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful that Re-Destro only snapped off my first three fingers.”
“Well, that’s one way to say you’re happy to be engaged,” Spinner joked.
“Hm. Then I’ll say it more romantically, just for you.” This time, it was Tomura who took Spinner’s hands into his own as he spoke his piece:
“Shuichi, you are one thing in this world that I could never hate, and the only person I will ever promise myself to. I’ll do whatever it takes to give you the life you want to live. I love you, and I’ll continue to love you until the stars grow cold, and even after that.”
If that speech hadn’t already swept Spinner off his feet, then the deep kiss Tomura initiated sent his heart skyward with how much it fluttered. When they both came down to earth, they went about flipping the thoroughly beat-up truck right side up, and as the last rays of sunlight disappeared beneath the horizon, the newly engaged couple drove off into the ink and lavender sky.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Had That Comin’
Oh, look, Trick and Trouble didn’t wanna be left out of the @shepherds-of-haven​ holiday contest fun. :D   
Falling snow drifted to cover tree branches, various boulders, and the ground itself in a generous, muffling blanket. It was a picturesque scene, like something out of a portrait; quiet and beautiful, pristine white covering everything this far out from civilization.
And it went utterly unappreciated as Trick crouched behind one of the snow-capped boulders, ears pricked for the sound of footsteps and gaze scanning for movement as her hands rapidly formed functional if sloppy snowballs. There was the faint creak of snow being compressed under heavy boots, she caught the tail of a dark cloak and bright red scarf darting from tree cover to a boulder across the clearing, and she unleashed four of the freshly made snowballs toward the figure before ducking back behind her own cover.
Two of the snowballs spattered against the rock, but she heard Trouble’s laughing “Shit!” and smirked in satisfaction she’d gotten him at least once.
Trick peeked out to figure her next move, squinting at the boulder to work out where she’d need to go for a good angle--
--and jerked back with a yelp as an impressively large snowball whisked by her head, close enough it brushed the top of her hood before smacking against a tree behind her with a slushy ‘thud’. 
“Haelfire, Trouble, are you tryin’ to take my head off?!” she hollered, flicking residual snowflakes off her head.
“Why would I do that? Travelin’ alone’s boring as hael,” he yelled back, a grin in his voice.
Trick wrinkled her nose . A small clump of snow thawed and dripped down, grazing her cheek and making her flinch. Their current positions would just turn into a stalemate. That would make this boring.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, she encouraged herself, eyeing the distance between her and the massive fallen tree she was contemplating as cover. It was pretty far, relatively speaking, and she knew even with how fast she was Trouble would probably get her at least once. Bu it would make much better cover than her current spot. This boulder was barely bigger than her.
Trick huffed out a breath that briefly clouded the air before dissipating and lobbed two snowballs toward Trouble’s hiding place, just to keep him guessing. Then she tugged her scarf loose and used it as a sling to hold as many snowballs as possible, before sculpting a last rough one in each hand. (Those were more lumps than proper snowballs, but they would do the trick.)  She took a last deep breath and lunged into a sprint across the gap, praying her leg wouldn’t cramp like it sometimes did in this kind of weather.
It didn’t, even when she twisted to launch her barrage of snowballs in hopes of keeping Trouble behind cover while she moved. Despite her efforts, his first return shot caught her hood with the right angle and force to knock it back, and his second only missed because she ducked (and almost went face first into a snowdrift for her effort). Another laughing oath told her she’d landed a couple hits herself as she tossed the last snowball and skidded knees-first behind the tree trunk to start reloading.
Her panting breaths clouded the air in front of her, and Trick tried to slow them down even as adrenaline had her grinning. The cold stung her lungs, and they were loud enough in her ears to cover other sounds.
The sharp crack of a branch snapping forced her to look over the top of the tree, wisps of copper and white hair falling in her face as she did. She didn’t see anything.
Trick frowned, Subtlety and stealth had never been Trouble’s strengths Where’d you go? she wondered silently as she moved to the far end of the tree to peek from a different angle.
Nothing. No dark grey cloak, no red scarf, no tousled blond hair. 
Her frown deepened and she ignored every instinct screaming at her to hide as she stepped out from behind the tree, snowball in hand, to scrutinize the clearing.
She paid for her curiosity in short order, to the tune of a snowball--smaller than his others, but well-made--smacking her square in the face. 
It only stung a little, even heightened by the cold, but it caught her sufficiently off-guard to knock her on her ass. Trick laughed at her own hubris as she flung one arm up on the air. “Alright, alright, you win!”
Trouble emerged from behind a different boulder than where she’d last seen him, grinning with only a trace of smugness as he started her direction. “Had enough, huh?”
“Yeah.” She grinned up at him, brushing melted snow off her cheek and feeling a touch of smugness herself at the clumps of snow dotting his coat and cloak from her own good hits. “‘I had it comin’ for startin’ a snowball fight with someone  nicknamed Deadeye.”
Trouble laughed as he stopped next to her. “Good point.”
Trick rolled her eyes and soft-lobbed what was left of her snowball at his chest. It bounced off his heavy coat without sticking. Trouble grinned as he caught half of it and dumped it down the back of her collar.
Trick shrieked around a laugh--”Muti!”--and grabbed the back of his boot, yanking forward to land him on his ass next to her. 
“Okay, I had that comin’,” he laughed.
“Blazin’ straight you did,” Trick retorted with a grin.
Trouble’s laugh turned into a furrowed brow as he looked at her face. “Haelfire, did I getcha that bad?” He reached over to brush his thumb over her scarred cheek.
Twenty lyss says there’s a welt, Trick bet herself glibly as she shrugged off his chagrin. “Don’t worry ‘bout it; doesn’t even hurt.” She gestured at that entire side of her face with a wry smirk. “’Sides, I’ve done worse to myself.”
Trouble huffed a laugh and let his hand drop. “If you say so.”
“I say so.” She grinned and reassuringly punched his shoulder before flopping back in the snow. It was deep enough, and the right consistency, this should work...
“Whaddya doin’?”
“Snow angel,” Trick said, arms and legs already swishing through the snow. “I’m already wet, little more ain’t gonna hurt.”
Trouble chuckled, and after a beat, there was was a muffled whump as he joined her. 
They were close enough their hands brushed and they may have kicked each other’s  boots a couple times, but in a few moments’ time they were sitting up, faces pink from cold and snow clinging to their hair as they shared a grin.
“We better get movin’,” Trouble sighed, dusting the snow out of his hair as he pushed to his feet. “Blade’ll give us hell if he finds out why we’re late.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” Trick said drolly as she accepted the hand he offered and he hauled her to her feet. She steadied herself with a hand against his chest while she caught her balance.
““Deal,” Trouble said with a laugh. They shook on it with matching grins, then pulled their hoods back up and resumed their original course toward Haven’s gates.
Leaving behind two snow angels, so close together it almost looked like they were holding hands as the snow slowly filled them in.
So yeah, these two are just the biggest, most oblivious, idiots to ever fall in love. :P And unlike Shepherd’s Honor, this one is far enough through the story there are Feelings, just neither of them has realized it yet and they make me want to scream. xD  
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 (I do love that all my fic ideas for them so far have involved mental images like piggyback rides or snow angels, like they have FUN together. Just goofball best friends who somewhere along the line fell in love nbd)
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Avatar the Last Airbender - waterbending! Sokka x female! reader au
Specific/Warnings: fighting, violence, fluff, romance, race neutral reader, earthbending reader
Words: 2,562
Requested: sokka x reader who admits that she has ancestors linked towards the lion turtles and her bloodline has the ability to grant bending and to take it away just like the lion turtles and gives sokka waterbending after he was upset and felt useless for not being able to bend in one episode?
Authors Note: i know i said i wasnt going to do this but i couldnt resist; i posted this fic on my side blog but i deleted my side blog and im posting it here; skdgfdkgnfkg also my first au! hope you guys like!!! ;3
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You were all exhausted having been chased by Azula. All of you barely had any sleep. You made camp thinking she was far away when in reality she was behind you and following you. It was the same pattern, set up camp, try to sleep, see her and then run away. Even Aang was getting tired of the repetitiveness of it all and was seeking to fight her.
There were dark bags under your eyes. You felt your muscles begin to shake knowing you needed rest. You felt pity for your friends.
Aang langed in a small abandoned Earth Kingdom town. You all were about to fight but you didn’t know if you had the strength to do it.
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Azula was fighting Aang and her brother Zuko.
“I think he’s in trouble,” you shouted to Katara as she entered into the collapsed building to save Aang.
Azula stormed out and Sokka fought with her. He swung his boomerang back and forth, trying to cut or bruise her in any way.
You were stiff frozen. There was so much happening around you all at once. You heard nothing else except the beating of your heart. The thumps became faster and harder. Your friends were in danger and you felt useless.
Azula smirked as she pushed Sokka to the ground. He fell back and with fear in his eyes he brought his hands up to block his face. Azula felt powerful and that she conquered the world. Azula cackled as she lifted her hand to bring a igniting flame of fire to blow to Sokka’s face.
You sprinted as fast as you could and tackled Azula.
“Oh I see,” Azula shook the dust off her clothes, standing in a battle position with you opposite. “Is this your little lover boy? Do you care for this boy?” She scoffed.
You were shaking like trees in the wind. This was your first time going head to head with Azula, the fire princess.
“Well, come and get me.”
“No Y/N,” Sokka tried to stop you. He was immensely worried and had a strong bond, connection, with you.
With a loud shriek you sprinted toward Azula. She kicked fire towards you and you broke it with sprouts of rocks. Azula punched more short blasts to you with you successfully disinterested them with a wave of earth but then they became too much at a fast ongoing rate, so you produced a rock shield, separating you and Azula.
“Are you afraid? Scared to fight?” Azula taunted you. She wanted a reaction, she wanted you angry. To let go and forget the energy bond you created with the spirits.
You sat crisscrossed on the sandy dirt.
“What are you doing Y/N?” Sokka sprinted behind the wall you made. He brought your face into his hands and softly touched your cheeks. “If you stay here and not do anything, she’ll kill you. You’ll die.” Sokka’s voice was cracking. He couldn’t let another love of his life sacrifice themselves for others. He couldn’t go through with it again. He wouldn’t let someone so important to him lose their life. Sokka was frustrated and snapped, he punched the shield, feeling worthless. He watched those around him get hurt and he couldn’t do a thing about it. “I can’t watch you get hurt.” He coiled up into himself not wanting you to see his pain.
You lifted his chin so he could gaze into your eyes, “I’m okay Sokka. Don’t worry about me.” You beamed as you brushed his tears away. You inched closer as your lips made contact with his. It ended the minute it started. It was unsure. You were unaware if he liked you in that manner and your fate was unknown in this moment. You bent the earth with a stomp of your foot to make it pop from the ground and throw Sokka in the air to get him away from danger.
You closed your eyes and mediated on the energy within you. You felt the spirits opening up to you and allowing you to be one with them. It was such a light and good feeling. You felt you were flying though the clouds, your body felt weightless like a feather. You believed in them, in yourself, in your past, creating a connection with all life. You exhaled and to every present they were astounded when they saw you bend the energy to create an astral projection of yourself. Your earth bending walls crumbled and you grew bigger and bigger.
The others around you began to gasp and be in awe.
“I have never seen that,” Iroh spoke breathlessly.
Aang focused on you, speechless that you had that relationship with the spirit  world. “She’s amazing.”
Azula in that moment was more frightened than any time ever. Her eyes widened at your form. Now she was frozen.
In your new form you walked slowly, looking at your friends and some foes. You raised your leg high in the air and clashed it against the ground, trying to strike Azula. Azula dodged the attack and did a spiral of fire against you. It did not damage. You were able take the harsh beating. You moved your arms in unison above your head in a loop and one by one the pieces of the abandoned building were starting to come apart and rip from the dirt and they were floating high above you. Your astral form smirked and in a snap you threw the pieces of debris on Azula.
You thought you got her. You thought you won.
Your spirit walked back to your physical body, ready to be one again when Azula sprinted from out under the debris. You saw her through your peripheral vision. Your brain wanted to fight but your body said no. You knew the spirits were trying to tell you something. You were too exhausted from not getting enough sleep that bringing your other form out was too much for your body to handle. Your astral form got smaller and smaller, your body weaker and weaker. Azula was right beside you ready to ignite your body in flames when Zuko acted and swayed fire to her to protect you. You felt your body give out and became normal again. Your body became limp and you fell back into Sokka’s arm. “Y/N!” He shouted to your face. You had more bags under your eyes, exhaustion clear on your face. “What’s wrong with her?”
“She used too much of her bending,” Aang said as Zuko fought with his sister. “Her body is getting weak. She needs sleep.”
Sokka laid you to rest and saw red. He was angry with Azula that she tried to hurt you but he was also angry with himself. He couldn’t protect you like he wanted to and that killed him on the inside. Sokka cornered Azula and the others did as well. It was six against one.
She finally admitted her defeat. Iroh smiled as he looked at dear Toph and Azula knew that was her opening. He let his guard down and she took it. You opened your eyes to see she blasted Iroh’s chest with fire. Your eyes widened in horror not knowing she would go that far and your lips quivered. Zuko cried as the others unleashed their powers on Azula and Sokka used his boomerang. All the power becomes an explosion creaming smoke. Azula takes this chance and disappears with the smoke.
Zuko was by Iroh’s side, crying. You and the others go behind him to comfort him.
“We can help him,” Katara reaches for Zuko.
“Leave!” Zuko shouts with a gust of fire.
Sokka carried you back to Appa to depart. You wanted to help and worry about Zuko and Sokka knew this from your face. He laid your head on his lap. “Please sleep. You can worry about them later.”
You knew Sokka was right and you closed your eyes feeling the soft comfort of Sokka by your side.
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You were finally feeling better having slept for most of the day that it was already night. The others were sleeping and you thought to take it upon yourself to get items for the camp.
You knelt down to pick up water from the river. The night was peaceful and quiet as the wildlife spoke at dark. You were alone, thinking when you heard the crunch of leaves. You stood your ground as the figure stepped out from the woods.
“Woah, hold on there.” Sokka chuckled as he held his hand out in surrender. “I’m one of the good guys.”
You chuckled, “I know that. How’d you sleep?” You collected the rest of the water while Sokka sat on a boulder over looking the water. You sat beside him.
“It was okay. Appa keeps shedding though and it gets stuck in my nose.” Sokka wrinkled his nose, cross eyed.
You giggled in your hand, “its actually really soft.”
The splashing of water from playing fish could be heard. It was silent for a while.
“How did you do that?”
“Did what?” You asked trying to feign obliviousness. You were insecure about your energybending. You didn’t want to try to seem better than the avatar. You wanted to be normal and not want others to see you differently.
“You know what I mean Y/N.”
You bit your lip in thought, “when I was a baby I was born with unique bending abilities, ones that were granted to you if you so were chosen by the lion turtle and he had faith in you. My parents didn’t know until we were visited by the spirits and met with the lion turtle. He told my parents that our ancestors were one of the first men to have bending abilities and were favored by the lion turtle. Our lineage was one of the first and its been past down from generation after generation. My parents were shocked to know that they possessed this power but I possessed it with higher greatness in that I could take and grant others bending abilities. I’m sorry Sokka I didn’t tell you, I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what, Y/N? For me to love you any less? Not a chance,” he caressed your arms. Sokka shook his head as he kicked the dirt.
“What’s wrong, dear?” You asked. You were certain it was because of the aspect of that you didn’t tell him about your powers.
“It’s nothing, it’s just,” Sokka scratched the back of his head. “When I saw you almost get hurt by Azula I couldn’t do a thing about it. I tried fighting her earlier and you saw how that turned up, you had to save my butt.”
“Sokka!” You wanted him to quit talking that nonsense.
“Its true Y/N! You almost got killed by Azula and I couldn’t protect you. I had to just sit there and watch. I’m always too weak. I sometimes wish I was like you and the rest of them. I hate not being able to do anything and being useless!” He sat on the dirt, angry with himself.
You sat in front of him, touching his cheek. “I know what to do.” You stood up and put your thumb on his forehead.
“Woah, hold up, what are you doing?”
“I’m giving you what you want. Remember, I can take and give bending abilities. I’m going to give you one.”
Sokka’s eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face, “no way. You would do that for me?”
“Of course now hold still and just relax and let your mind be free.” You put your thumb on his forehead and your hand on his shoulder.
“Wait! Thank you Y/N.”
You grinned and did it once more and the power surged through you. Your hands began to glow as well as your eyes. You trusted the spirits and the energy and they knew who Sokka was.
Sokka invited the feeling. It was incredible! Sokka opened his eyes one second to take you in and you looked like a goddess granting him his wishes. You were so beautiful and concentrated. You were the love of his life.
You finally let go and felt a little drained. “I hope its what you wanted, I know you said you did but I just want to make sure its truly it. Oh wow I should of asked you before I didn’t mean-”
Sokka kissed your lips with a passion and force he almost knocked you off your feet. His smoothly glided over yours and bit your lip cutely. Your bodies were close as can be, faces flushed and nose bumping into one another. It was as if you both were each other breath of air. Your heart clashed against your rib cage from the excitement and adrenaline and out of love. You eyes became half lidded and you saw a circle of water around you two. You presumed it was Katara but realized it was actually Sokka. The waterbending was based on his emotions at the moment. He was still new and didn’t know to control it. You separated, “Look Sokka.”
Sokka saw himself waterbending and he almost felt tears come out of his eyes, “I’m actually doing it! I’m actually doing it!” He picked you up as he twirled you, you then two jumped up and down holding hands. Sokka leaned his forehead against yours, you both smiling like a bunch of silly love birds. “I love you Y/N. I love you more than anything in the world.”
“I love you Sokka. You did it my love. You did it.”
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Sokka needed training before any big fight so you along with the other decided to teach him how to use and control his powers. Sokka was giddy and ecstatic to use his waterbending that he was all over the place and jumping all the time.
“Now that we’ve taught you a lot I want you to use it on me. Give me everything you got!” You were the last class of the day and not only did this help strengthen Sokka with his abilities but it made you both get closer and fall more in love with each other. “You got this Sokka. I believe in you!” Your smile almost made Sokka faint.
“I love you!”
“I love you more!” A huge boulder came in Sokka’s path but he missed it just in time.
“What the heck was that?”
“Pay attention! No more talking, boy! Fight me!” You pretended to be the boulder.
“Oh my God,” Sokka tried to stifle his laugh. “You know you do a pretty good boulder impression.”
“Thanks, it comes from like the back of the throat and then you-” you shrieked as a huge wave splashed on you sending you away. You were angry. “What the heck was that?”
Sokka smirked seeing you soaked. “You’re good, but not that good.” With a wink he got on his hands and started to spin, sending a gush of a halo formation water above you from his feet.
You were proud of Sokka. Everyday he just kept getting better and you knew one day to the rest of the world Sokka would be a hero, a great legend but to you, he’ll always be your Sokka. The boy you met that was benderless and always carried around his trusty boomerang.  
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​, @fandomchick80​
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lailannajacobs · 4 years
An Unexpected Fight and a Fated Death | Counterfeit Criminals pt. 7
Pairing: loki x fem!reader
Chapter Summary: An unexpected fight comes to you, hitting harder than either of you realized. 
Warnings: Lil bit of violence/blood and some angst 
Word Count: 3.6k 
A/N: So far this has been my favourite chapter to write, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! I always love to hear your thoughts! <3 
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Counterfeit Criminals | Part Seven
The ringing in yours ears was deafening, and you slowly blinked the world back into focus. Everything spun as your tried to lift your head, the landscape blurring. Something grabbed your arm and you shrieked, scrambling to get away.
“You need to get up, Midgardian. Now.”
The words were barely more than a whisper, but you had a feeling he was shouting at you. Stumbling you somehow managed to find your footing, leaning on Loki to keep you upright. He practically ripped your arm out of its socket as he yanked you out of the way of another series of shots. You winced in pain, stumbling along with him. Your senses were coming back too slowly, and you couldn’t risk letting go of his hand. You swore.
Another blast nearly threw you off your feet and Loki lifted you upright without missing a beat. Before you knew what was happening, he pulled you into a tight alcove within the wall of rock, pressing your bodies in. The space was crammed, your chests were almost flush up against the other with barely enough space to tilt your head back. Another shot sent dust flying into the alcove. You ducked your head, coughing as you tried not to breath in the debris. For a moment, nothing happened.
“What the hell, Prince?” You growled.
He opened his mouth to answer but flinched away from the splay of rocks ricocheting from a nearby shot.
“Loki!” You yelled, “Why are we getting shot at?”
He turned so fast you barely saw him move. He shoved you against the back wall, shielding your body with his as the shoot exploded beside you, the sound deafening. His face was inches from yours, his hair forming a curtain, closing you off from the pain of the world around. You tilted your head back to look him in the eyes. They were bright green, dancing with far more amusement that you thought appropriate.
“What did you do?” You glared, your breath brushing aside a dark strand of hair.
He inched closer, his nose practically touching yours, “I may have angered some people.”
“You think?” You scoffed.
You shoved him back and tried to step past him, but he grabbed your arm.
“What are you doing, Midgardian?” His voice had lost some of its amusement, though none of its cocky edge.
“Fixing this mess,”
He raised a brow, “It’s not safe out there.”
“And who’s fault is that?” You pulled a gun from your waistband and shrugged him off you.
Firing a few shots around the corner, your retaliation provided enough cover for you to sprint across the valley to the nearby boulders. Shots whizzed past as you dove behind the boulders, the rocky terrain tearing at your palms. You scrambled to a crouch and checked the cabin of your gun, realizing you were going to have to make do with the five rounds and the daggers you kept in your boots. You’d chosen to wear protective gear before you’d left the ship because of Loki’s cryptic comments and you were damn glad you had. From what you’d seen, there were five of them, which meant that, unless they had backup, there was no room to miss. You swore as another shot blasted into the boulder, missing you by inches. You looked up to where Loki stood in the alcove, an unreadable expression on his face.
You flipped him the bird knowing he understood exactly what it meant.
A deep breath in and out calmed the adrenaline enough so that you were able to form somewhat of a plan. You grabbed a rock and threw it into the clearing. Shots echoed off the valley walls and the moment the firing stopped, you peeked your head over the boulder and fired at the first man you saw. You ducked before you could get a good look at what you’d hit, but you were pretty sure he was down.
You popped back up and find another two shots, one of their bullets singeing your ear as it whistled past. Ignoring the pain, you watched another man go down and slid back to a crouch. You’d missed the other one. Lifting your fingers to your ears, you swore as you came back with blood on your hand.
Before you could decide what to do next, you were jumped from the side, your gun skittering across the ground. You grit your teeth, wrestling with the man to get the upper hand. He knocked the breath out of you with a blow to the stomach, but you managed to stay standing long enough whip the dagger from your boot. Moving on instinct, you blocked and parried until you buried the dagger in his thigh, his cry of pain deafening. He doubled over and you kneed him in the face, the crunch of his broken nose a relief as he crumpled to the ground.
Panting, you whipped around, knowing you weren’t done.
An image of yourself striding across the clearing gave you enough cover to approach from the far end where the fog was thick and low. You caught the last man by surprise, but he was stronger and faster than the last one. He threw you to the ground and you scrambled to your feet as another punch sent you back down again. His dagger came down with blinding speed, but you rolled to the side just in time to see the metal embedded in the rock beside you. You kicked his legs out from under him, and rolled on top of him, your legs tightening in a chokehold until he passed out.
You shoved him off you with shaky legs, breathing hard as you pushed yourself up to a stand. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you searched the body for any hint of who they were or why they were here. There was no way you’d get a straight answer from the Prince, so you needed to find it yourself. You didn’t recognize the race of the attackers and there wasn’t a shred of evidence anywhere on him.
You placed your hands on your hips, taking a moment to breath now that the fight was over. Then you heart dropped in your chest, fear spiking through your body.
Four men. Four men had gone down.
You had counted five. Where the hell was the last one?
You ran through the fog, eyes straining to find the last man or Loki. Skidding a stop and the edge of the clearing, your head whipped around as if it was on a swivel, desperately trying to find either one of them. Then you spotted him.
Loki strolled out of the alcove, hands stuffed into his pockets, his eyes darting around as he looked for you. Fear exploded in your chest and you almost screamed at him to move but caught yourself at the last second. Yelling would only compromise both your positions.
You searched the fog, the backs of your eyes burning from focusing so hard. Maybe you’d counted wrong.
But you hadn’t. You spotted him too late, watching as he fired so close to Loki that even his god-like speed couldn’t stop the bullet aiming for his heart. You were frozen in place, trying to scream but nothing came out. The impact knocked him to the ground, a horrifying thud echoing off the rock walls.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, at the first sight of the blood pooling around his body, everything came back into razor-sharp focus and you flung your dagger at the man. It sunk clean into his hand and he stumbled back in surprise. Blinded by rage, you closed the remaining distance and knocked the man out before he even knew what had happened.
You gasped for breath, choking out sobs as you reached out for a nearby rock to keep yourself standing. You wrapped your other arm around your stomach, refusing to look back at his body, every breath harder than the last. You were too late. You were too late. You were too late. The words echoed over and over again until they were the only thing you could hear. You hugged yourself a little tighter. Eventually, your breathing slowed, and the words subsided.
The man groaned as you ripped the dagger from his hand, and you turned around slowly to face Loki. Your gut clenched all over again and for a second you thought you were going to throw up. And then the feeling was gone.
You rolled your shoulders back and tried to force all the tension from your body, strolling through the clearing to where the Prince’s body lay sprawled on the ground.  Blood pooled beneath his chest where the shot had gone straight through his heart. His eyes were open, unblinking and unseeing, and his skin had already taken on a blueish hue.
It wasn’t real, you promised yourself, the naive hope keeping the gut-wrenching sickness at bay. It wasn’t real. This isn’t real.
“If you ask me, this is all a little too theatrical for my taste, and quite frankly, a little unnecessary, but I will admit that it wasn’t entirely useless,” You nudged him with your toe, horrified by the solidity, holding your breath as you waited - hoped - for it to shimmer away. When that familiar green light surrounded the body until there wasn’t nothing but purple dirt under your foot, you started breathing again, filled with relief you couldn’t show him, “I mean, this way I did get the last guy and now that I’ve guessed your illusion, I can get my dagger back. Our little deal still stands, right Prince?”
“All this and you didn’t shed a single tear,” His voice drawled from behind you, “Should I be insulted?”
Even though your theory had been confirmed by the shattered illusion, seeing him standing behind you, hands stuffed into his pockets, head tilted to the side with that infuriating sly grin on his lips, made your knees weak. You almost ran to him, either to stab him or to wrap your arms around him you weren’t sure yet, but you forced yourself to stay still and impassive.
“Maybe you should be flattered,” You shrugged.
His head titled a little further as he inspected you, “How so?”
You shrugged again, not sure what else to do with yourself, “You taught me well enough to know it was an illusion.”
The corner of his mouth pulled up a little higher. The several feet between you suddenly felt like miles as you stared at each other saying nothing. Every inch of you felt drawn to him and your muscles itched to move, as if standing still was a million times harder than taking the few steps to close the distance between you. Those bright green eyes were all you could see, and he looked at you as if you were the only thing on Morag.
Then he took a step forward. Your feet reacted before your brain could until you were standing a foot away from each other, your gazes locked tight.
He opened his mouth to speak but before you realized what you were doing, you slapped him across the cheek as hard as you could, watching as he barely registered the hit. Instead, that roguish grin spread across his lips.
“I should have shot you myself instead,” You whispered, “You…You almost got us killed.”
“But I didn’t,” He leaned in a little closer and continued in a conspiring whisper, “And you took care of those inconveniences quite brilliantly I must add.”
You almost slapped him again at the words ‘inconvenience’ but you kept it together, answering coolly, “And you only faked your death.”
“I’m glad we know our roles,” He chuckled, as if he found this whole thing particularly amusing, “And you can’t blame me for using illusions. They work every time.”  
“You’re infuriating,” You ground out.
“I’m-” Whatever he had been about to say died on his lips and his hand immediately went to your arm, “You’re hurt.”
Your hand fluttered up to your ear, “Yeah, it’s nothing. It’s just a scratch.”
“No,” He shook his head, brows drawn over worried eyes, “Your arm.”
Confused, you glanced down at your arm held gently in his hand. A long gash had cut through your protective gear, blood still leaking out. By pointing it out, the adrenaline disappeared, leaving you with nothing but the pain, and you almost collapsed. The only reason you didn’t was because he held you upright.
“Sit,” He pulled you along to a small boulder.
“Loki, I’m fine,” You protested, trying to ignore the tingling sensation in your hand, “It’s just a scratch.
Your other protests died at the glare he shot your way. It wasn’t every day you were on the receiving end of that look, and it was enough to keep your mouth shut. He sat you down and crouched in front of you so that you were now at the same height.
“Take off your shirt,” He ordered.
You glared at him, “Not when you say it like that I don’t.”
“I won’t be able to clean the cut, and we need to,” He snarled, “If you don’t take it off, I will.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, not caring that the motion made you want to cry out. His wince was enough for you to know that he was aware of how much it pained you to do it.
“You will not do anything like that unless I say so,” You growled back, “Ever. I don’t care who you think you are, Prince. Ask nicely or I’m walking the rest of the way to the ship by myself and leaving you here to rot.”
He closed his eyes, taking longer than you thought he’d have to to steady his breathing, “May you please take off your shirt so that I may clean your wound, Midgardian?”
You grinned, “Yes, Prince. I may.”
You moved to take off your sweater and immediately realized that crossing your arms had only drained what little energy you had left. Lifting your arm above your head to slip out of the stiff, protective sweater was going to be impossible. You sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, hating what you were about to do.
“Hmm?” His eyes lifted to meet yours.
You forced yourself to say the words, “Help me out of my shirt?”
His lips spears into a slow grin that sent shivers down your spine. You weren’t sure if you wanted to stab him or close the distance between you two. Both were equally appealing.
“When you ask so kindly, how can I say no?” He said, eyes bright.
You rolled your eyes, “Just get it over with.”
“Midgardian,” He purred, “You’ll need to let go of that dagger first,”
You realized you were still holding the dagger and had it pointed in his direction. He eyed it warily as if he didn’t trust the idea that you weren’t about to stab him with it.
The thought was comforting.
You tried to muster the energy to put it on the rock beside you, but the dagger clattered onto the ground. Loki inspected your face even further, eyes searching as if he had a feeling he’d missed something the first time around. The look was so raw and captivating that you forgot about the pain for a moment, leaning forward slowly. He did the same until the distance between so you so small that it felt electrically charged. It would be so easy to close the distance and got lost in his comfort. But it was never that easy.
“I swear,” You warned, somehow remembering yourself and pulling back, “If you try any of that telepathy voodoo on me right now…”
With an arm out of commission and your energy level at an all time low, there was no way he didn’t know that your threats were empty, but if felt good to say the words anyways.
He narrowed his eyes, “I won’t have to if you tell me everything that’s wrong.”
“Can we just get this done and over with?” You muttered, looking past his shoulder to avoid eye contact, “I don’t have the dagger anymore if that’s what you’re worried about.”
With a sigh, he shook his head and mumbled, “That’s not what I’m worried about, Midgardian.”
His hand slid down your arm to your torso, fingers curling around the hem of your sweater. Pausing, he looked up at you for confirmation before easing the material upward. The movement was slow, almost delicate as he paused before and after movements that had you sucking in sharp breaths of pain. He pulled the sweater over your head ever so slowly, the material tickling your cheek as it brushed past. Teeth clamped tight, you focused on those green eyes as he pulled the sweater from your arm. When it was off, he gently placed your arm down at your side and you let out a shaky breath.
“I would have cut it off if you had something else to wear,” He whispered, eyes brushing over your sports bra and bare skin.
If it had been anyone else, you would have described the look on his face as sheepish, but this was the Prince, and you knew you had to be imagining things.
“Are you afraid I’m going to catch a cold?” You snorted, trying to hide how exposed you suddenly felt.
He rolled his eyes, “Forgive me. It is hard to remember exactly how fragile you Midgardians are.”
The Prince materialized medical supplies and began cleaning out the gash on your arm, working gently and methodically. He stopped when you hissed in pain, your nails digging into his arm to try and stop from passing out. Only when your grip loosened did he keep working. You were lucky he kept any medical supplies with him at all…but nothing with the Prince was luck.
“Loki? What are you doing with basic medical supplied in your magical pocket or whatever you call it?” You asked in a small voice, focusing on the movement of his fingers wrapping the bandage around your arm, “I know you don’t need it for yourself.”
He didn’t say anything, which was enough of an answer. He didn’t need the supplies, but you did. You had no idea when he had stashed it or how exactly his magical abilities worked, but he had done so on the off chance you got hurt. Or maybe it wasn’t an off chance. Maybe this wasn’t him showing that he cared, but rather a glimpse into another dangerous scheme of his that would most likely result in you getting hurt in the crossfire. And now that you thought about it, that was exactly what happened. Whatever it was he needed you for, he couldn’t have you die on him before he accomplished it. But you wouldn’t be blindsided again. This time you, you were going to figure out what exactly he was planning.
As if sensing your anger, he spoke up, “I couldn’t have the captain of my ride dying before she returned me to Asgard. It pays to be prepared.”
You shot him an unimpressed look, “Not pissing people off also pays off.”
“Like you would know,” He smirked, “Midgardian, know that I speak with all honesty in my heart when I say that you are wanted on more planets than I.”
Against your will, a smile tugged at the corner of your mouth, “All the same planets?”
“Unfortunately not,” He replied, that sly grin falling away into one a little more natural - more familiar.
You chuckled, “I doubt there’s a place in the universe that’s safe for both of us.”
“Your ship is welcoming,” He mentioned, lifting your arm gently and helping you back into your sweater.
You poked your head out and swatted his hand away so you could do the rest yourself, “We’d better find that missing piece and get back there before more of those people come after you, and by association, me.”
He nodded to the side, directing your attention to a black mass a few feet away, “It seems our little fight may have led us to it.”
“That doesn’t let you off the hook for your idiocy,” You pointed out before he could take credit for finding it, “And then you’re going to explain to me what the hell you did to piss them off so much.”
He stood and slipped an arm around your waist, helping you to do the same, “Can you walk?”
“Of course I can,” You scoffed, stepping away from him despite it being the last thing you wanted to do, “I cut my arm, not lost a leg.”
His hand lingered on your waist even though you were standing steady, "I'm certain you would have walked back even if you had.”
You grinned, “Damn straight I would have.”
“Midgardian,” You had no idea how to read his expression; the slight quirk of his lips at odds with the seriousness in his eyes, “You would have wreaked havoc if you had been Asgardian instead of mortal.”
“I would have been quite a match for you,” You replied, comforted - and honestly a little flatted - by the thought.
You turned back to head to the ship knowing he would take care of the piece. You were already a few steps away when you through you heard something like “You already are,” but dismissed it quickly as a trick of the wind.
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reyxa · 4 years
can’t we all just get oolong? ch. 2
title: can’t we just get oolong? author: Reyxa rating: T summary: au where zuko and iroh settle in ba sing se post-banishment. when a pretty water bender start frequenting the jasmine dragon, zuko’s world turns upside down.
note: slightly shorter chapter this time around but the next one will be Beefy so stay tuned!!
Chapter 2: White Tea
Katara has spent the whole morning distractedly tugging on her braid, a little anxious at the notion of returning to the Jasmine Dragon.
It’s less that she thinks it’s dangerous and far more that she’s nervous to see Zuko. She hates more than anything the way he stirs her chest, the way his name is etched across her mind right now.
“Katara!” Aang jolts her from her reverie, calling her name as he emerges from their bathroom. “You wanna go looking for your mom’s necklace today?”
She searches desperately for an excuse. She just can’t take Aang with her to the teashop. She wouldn’t risk it, especially since it seems like those two firebenders had ties to Azula herself. It would be too dangerous touting the Avatar around like that.
And maybe a part of her really just wants to scope out the teashop again by herself.
“We can’t, Aang.” Sokka pipes up before Katara can even begin to form coherent sentences. “I really want to go talk to some more aristocrats and government officials around here. Knock on some doors.” he combs his hair into his wolf tail as he speaks, squinting into the mirror. “Remember that one guy across the street who warned us about the Dai Li after Joo Di left that first day searching for Appa? I’m sure there’s more people around here willing to talk to us and having the Avatar around won’t hurt.”
Toph is toying with her headband, using it to poke between her toes. “I’m with Snoozles. We should really try to get our plans to the Earth King as fast as possible. Then we can get the hell out of this city.”
Katara hops off the couch to refill her waterskins at the basin, trying to hide her relieved expression. “They’re right, Aang. We should focus on finding Appa and figuring out the invasion first. I’m sure my necklace will turn up! It always does.”
Aang nods. “Yeah, I get it. But we’ll find it as soon as we can, okay?”
She smiles reassuringly.
Zuko peers into the teashop from behind the counter, counting the amount of customers who need serving. Sure that his uncle can handle it on his own for a while, Zuko slips out the backdoor into the alley.
The alley is empty save for a few abandoned carts collecting dust. The bustle of the main streets can be heard on either side but hardly anyone glances into the dark cove.
The mid-afternoon sun is high and heavy, but Zuko relishes its presence. He draws on its heat, feels it burn through his veins. Breathing deeply, eyes closed in concentration, he slides into a basic stance.
Drawing on his inner fire, he steps and throws a punch down the alley.
He opens one eye, praying for some sort of flame. His fist smolders, prickling with a fire that won’t burst.
He grunts and throws a regular punch at the wall, hardly feeling the skin on his knuckles split against the brick.
The one thing he was born to do and he can’t even do that.
Okay, okay, what would Uncle say right now? he contemplates, holding his mildly bleeding hand against his chest. ‘Zuko, it is not your ability that is wanting but your ability to look within yourself to seek your true abilities.’ he groans internally. That still makes no sense.
Shaking his head, he commits to working through a few more firebending forms, at most producing short erratic sparks. He isn’t sure how much time has passed but sweat is pouring down his temples and drenching his Jasmine Dragon uniform.
He throws in the towel, mounting frustration turning his mind to shreds. Wiping sweat with the corner of his apron, he slides back into the shop.
As much as he wants to rush upstairs and wash the afternoon off himself, his uncle is waiting by the door, tapping his foot expectantly. “What were you up to, nephew?
Zuko sighs. “I was trying to firebend.”
Iroh’s brow lifts in surprise. “Firebending? Any particular reason?”
Bracing himself for another lecture, Zuko stalks over to the teapots, pouring himself a chilled glass. “How many times do I have to explain, Uncle? Azula is on our tails! She’ll be expecting a fight, you know how she is.”
“This again.” Iroh shakes his head. “Prince Zuko, I understand I cannot remove this notion that the Fire Nation is chasing you. I know it is both what you fear and what you desire. But, please, at least do not let my teashop become collateral damage to your ways.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zuko storms out into the teashop, piling dirty cups angrily.
He feels like he’s teetering on the edge, like his mind is a hurricane thrashing away at his grip on reality. The last time he had felt so tumultuous, he was angry at being stuck here in Ba Sing Se, instead of being allowed by his Uncle to chase the Avatar. All he had wanted was to return home, Avatar in tow. He had been neglectful of his burn wounds, barely caring for his health and lashing out at his uncle who did.
It had taken a long time for that anger to turn to dejection to turn to acceptance of his circumstance.
But the sight of that girl, with eyes bluer than Ember Island oceans and fierce unyielding words spilling past her lips, had made him regress. She’s a curse, he knows it.
But something tells him she’s his answer too.
Katara knows breaking into an unsuspecting teashop full of firebenders in the middle of the night may not be her brightest idea yet but it’s too late to turn back.
The streets are emptied save for a few Dai Li posts but she fancies herself a master of stealth as she hugs the shadows. Her shoes are soundless against the stone-paved streets and she keeps half of her water tucked in the palm of her hand.
The gang still hadn’t really figured out what the deal with the Dai Li is quite yet but Katara does know she’d rather not get caught breaking curfew. She had noticed their piercing gazes and Joo Di’s tight smile when any Dai Li were posted nearby. Though the city was a refugee haven, something told Katara they wouldn’t care very much that she was the Avatar’s companion if she were caught breaking the rules.
The sound of feet slipping against stone whispers in her ear, sending her ducking into an alley until her heart stopped pounding in her ears. The patrol of Dai Li, marching in stiff lines to match their stern faces, pass by her hiding spot without glancing her way.
She steals further down the dark alleyway, not particularly sure where in Ba Sing Se she was. Navigation is Sokka’s thing and she’s only been to the Jasmine Dragon once.
Sighing, she heads back down the main street, still lurking in the shadows. Time passes her by but the moon remains high in the sky, lighting her path.
“Hey! You’re breaking curfew!” a voice shouts behind her.
Katara’s spine stiffens, heart pounding wildly. She draws the rest of her water from her water skin, its presence assuring her she would not be the captured one tonight. She pivots on her toes to face the Dai Li voice.
His rocks are poised to handcuff, feet already in an earthbending stance.
But it isn’t her he’s shouting at.
Dirt flies as she throws herself behind a vacant food stall. She counts her heartbeat as the altercation develops to blows.
“I need back up!” The Dai Li soldier shouts. Katara can hear the sounds of struggle but she isn’t sure who was on the other side.
Against her better judgement, she peeks over the dusty wooden table. The Dai Li soldier slides into his bending forms solidly, pushing rock after rock. Clearly trained well, he springs off the wall as he narrowly escapes the deadly end of twin swords.
Twin swords Katara finds a little familiar.
No way.
Scrambling on hands on knees, she crawls closer to the fight. Her head pokes out from the left side. Across the stone-paved street is the Dai Li agent, sweating under his green robes as he ducks under the reach of a broadsword. Two other agents run in from the far side of the street, faces illuminated beneath the street lamps. Between them is the swordwielder, a flurry of motion as he fights off the agents. A mask conceals his features, a taunting blue smile with tusks on each end.
The man hesitates just for a second before throwing one of his swords to pin a soldier against the wall. Katara can’t help but imagine golden eyes staring at her.
She wants to run. Go back home or keep skirting the streets to find the Jasmine Dragon but she feels glued to her spot as the swordwielder takes hit after hit. He remains soundless, even as a boulder to the chest takes him down. His last sword skitters out of reach.
The Dai Li wear triumphant smiles as they wrestle him to his feet to cuff him. The flash of Water Tribe lapis lazuli tied around his wrist winks at her for a second before rock binds his hands together.
Her heart stops, she blinks as if imagining it. Sighing, she rises to her feet, watching a Dai Li agent reach for his mask. I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?
Adrenaline is already filling her veins as her waterskins pop open.
Feet pounding against the pavement, she encases her arms with the water and reaches across the street to the agent. The water stretches, wrapping around his shoulders. Katara flicks her wrist, throwing the man against the wall.
Her water splashes over the masked man and the other agent who takes no time to summon a few boulders.
She skids out of their path, throwing ice shards at the agent. His distraction with her loosens the grip he has on the man in cuffs. She watches the rock encasing crumble away from his wrists as he slams them against the brick wall. Katara can’t help a silent smile as he rushes to grab his swords.
Dai Li agents seem to double in numbers every second that passes. They emerge from the shadows and Katara finds herself fearing arrest. For every single agent she knocks out, two others replace him.
She sweeps her leg, water follows its trail and knocks back several Dai Li agents. A presence at her back sets her spine straight but it’s only the masked stranger standing at her back, swords a swift blur.
Instinct takes over. Her body moves through bending forms on its own volition while overly aware of the potential firebender at her back.
A streetful of Dai Li agents either lying unconscious on the pavement or pinned to several buildings are left when they’re done.
Katara’s panting wildly, her heart pounding out of her chest. So much for a discreet heist.
“Come with me.” the masked man grabs her risk and drags her off before she can bother protesting.
Zuko tears off his mask as they duck into the alleyway behind the Jasmine Dragon. He waits for surprise to flicker over the waterbender’s face but it doesn’t come.
She simply looks at him, arms crossed. “I have questions.”
“It seems like you always have questions.” he rolls his eyes, sheathing his swords.
Indignation fills her voice. “Yeah, well you owe me answers! Why do you have my mother’s necklace? You took it from me on purpose, didn’t you? Of course you did, why wouldn’t you stoop so low, firebender? You know—”
He grabs her shoulders, hushing her quietly. “Please, stop. You talk more than my uncle.”
Her blue eyes blaze. “Fine. Say your piece.”
He shakes his head. She really is something. “Fine. I didn’t take your necklace, you left it here.”
“And you decided to comb the streets of Ba Sing Se looking for me?! Why?” she’s straining to keep her voice low.
“Let me talk!” Zuko didn’t exactly have an answer as to why he thought taking the necklace and sneaking out would be a good idea. There was a very slim chance he would run into her or find where she was staying but he had taken the chance anyway. He can’t help but feel a little smug that it worked out. “I needed answers. I needed to know what you know about Azula.”
“I’m still not convinced you’re not working with her. Your uncle is nice enough but you, I don’t know.” she steps away from him, eyeing the necklace dangling from his wrist.
“I’m not working with my sister and I never would!” he chews his lip, eyes flickering over her face. He sighs. “I just want to keep my uncle and his teashop safe from her. If she found out we were in the city…”
Her eyes soften a little and something in Zuko’s chest shifts. He throws the feeling to the back of his mind. There’s no time to analyze that. “I— fine. But I have questions too.”
He nods, feeling the pit in his stomach dissipate. He’ll finally get answers. He can finally find peace.
“Are you two going to keep shouting in the alleyway or will you at least come inside?”
Zuko jumps back at the sound of his uncle’s voice. The waterbender is holding fistfuls of his shirt, equally startled.
Iroh grins at them, still in his pajamas. He gestures for them to follow, humming as he leads them into the teashop.
Zuko and the waterbender girl glance at each other before she yanks back her hands and follows his uncle.
Zuko shakes his head and shuts the door behind them.
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alma-berry · 5 years
Kit’s secret Fire Message #22
This chapter contains sexual content. I’ll take this opportunity to remind you that this fic takes place in TWP’s timeframe, in which both Kit and Ty are over 18.
It’s not an overly explicit chapter, but if you are not comfortable with sexual content, I’ll advise you to stop after the magnificent word “Christopher”.
I really hope you’ll enjoy it 🖤
Iratze, blood replacement, strengthening rune, endurance rune, another Iratze.
Ty applied each rune with careful hands. Every mark stood a stark black across Kit’s chest, his arms, the side of his neck. Ty caressed them, like checking if the ink had already dried from a sheet of paper.
He was about to put an energy rune on Kit when Livvy stopped him.
“I think I should leave you two alone”
“Why?” Ty frowned at her.
Livvy surveyed her brother’s pursed lips, the dark, sunken hollows under his eyes and the delicate yet hungry way in which his hands moved on Kit’s bare skin, as if careful not to hurt him, yet unable to break away their touch.
It reminded her of when they were children, and they dared each other to write their own names without lifting the pen off the paper. Livvy’s always seemed like an unintelligible scribble, but Ty managed to write in a neat, elegant scroll that seemed like it was made by an artist.
She looked at him and knew that when Kit woke up, which would probably be as soon as the energy rune took effect, an important conversation would have to take place. They were searching for each other for so long, not in so many actions, but in their hearts. Whatever might happen in that conversation, couldn’t happen if she was there.
“I would come if you need me..” She looked at her twin with knowing sincerity. “But I don’t think you will.”
Kit lay on the damp grass and watched the sun play tricks on his half-lidded eyes.
He liked it, letting small rays of light escape through his lashes and paint beautiful, unrealistic images on the inside of his mind.
Sometimes, when he needed inspiration, he would lay there for hours and listen to the forest whisper a whole symphony in his ears, one he would never be able to replicate, but would always try.
As he felt the tips of his fingers bathe in the mid-days warmth, a shadow fell over him.
“Kitty!” his favorite voice in the world cried in ringing delight, and Mina jumped on his stomach with all her might.
Kit pretended to be fatally injured and called Jem for urgent assistance.
As he appeared, and a slightly worried crease pinched Mina’s forehead, Kit snatched her like she was nothing but a tiny, raggedy doll and held her close to him. She screamed in protest, and as retaliation, he tickled her until she surrendered.
Jem’s soft laughter made him look up. His head stood right in front of the sun and blinding rays of light weaved through the dark strands of his black hair, making him look like an odd, beautiful planet.
“You’ve caught some sun, Christopher”
Jem’s voice was amused, though Kit couldn’t manage to see his mouth move beyond the shadows that hid his face.
“Have I?”
“Yes, you’re practically glowing”
“Like a radiant bride?” Kit teased.
“More like the sun, I reckon.”
“Oh”. Something about that statement made Kit feel uneasy, but he couldn’t remember why.
“I believe you’ve spent enough time out here, son. I think it’s better if you wake up now”
Kit frowned in confusion. “Wake up? I’m hardly asleep, Jem. You’re all lovely to look at and all, but I doubt I would dream of Min kicking me in the gut.. maybe church. But if it was a dream, I would have kicked back”
He grinned at his father with innocent wickedness. But Jem still smiled serenely.
“No, my dearest. I assure you that this is a dream, one from which it is imperative you wake.”
“Because it’s time, Christopher.”
“Time for what?”
Jem wasn’t the cryptic type, and Kit still couldn’t see his eyes. He shifted his head, trying to see Jem’s expression in its fullest, but weirdly enough, the sun seemed to move with him and kept its safe place right behind Jem’s head.
“Kitty!” He suddenly became aware that Mina was still in his arms. He focused his gaze on her and watched in surprise as she lifted her small palms to his face.
Her grip was soft, yet strong as iron. She arched her red lips in a smile and whispered to his ear.
“Kitty, wake up!”
“Kit, wake up”
Kit opened his eyes to a whirling grey storm. They still stung from the brightness of his dream, and the sudden change made him flinch.
All of a sudden, his view cleared and he saw Ty’s sharp features leaning away from him.
“Ty!” He called in relief, and bolted to a sitting position, reaching to cup Ty’s face in his hands. The sudden movement made his head spin, and he staggered back on his elbows.
“Stay down, you need to rest your head.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. How did- are you okay?”
He tried to focus his eyes on Ty, but his vision kept blurring back to the black, blinding spots from the sun.
“Yeah, I’m... I’m okay. I came looking for you with Livvy. She helped me find you.” Ty’s voice sounded strained, but Kit’s ears kept ringing with Mina’s chiming voice.
“Find me? With Livvy? Where is she?”
He peeked through his lashes, trying to locate her white glow through the haziness.
“Livvy left for Jessamine. Apparently, she’s been frantic for hours, kept knocking off glasses and trying to demand that you were found.”
“Wow”, Kit gaped. “I didn’t know she liked me that much.”
And at that, Ty’s words sank in.
“Wait, what do you mean for hours? And.. find me? Why did you need to find me? you were right there and I-“
Kit’s words hushed into a confused silence as he retraced through his last recollections; Ty’s limp figure in the entrance to the hall, the ceiling raining down rocks and himself, trapped behind that massive boulder. He definitely broke something, maybe even a few somethings. He saw his left palm, pulsing with all the light and energy he could muster.. and he saw the darkness, lulling him to sleep like a soft blanket.
He opened his eyes, his heart hammering unevenly in his chest, and sat down slowly. He couldn’t look at Ty, afraid to see the knowing expression on his face, so he looked at his surroundings.
The first thing he noticed was the ruins. Everywhere around them were shattered piles of rocks, but he himself lay inside a neatly drawn circle of dust. It was too neat, too precise. He didn’t need to remember the night’s events to understand what happened.. and knowing Ty, neither did he.
Kit shivered. He lifted his arms to warm himself, only to find bare skin. He looked down at the disheveled remains of his gear and felt the burning crawl of shame and fear climbing up his neck. It was too much, it was all way too much.
He sank his face in his hands and tried as hard as he could to dissolve into thin air, like the ash between his fingers, like the dread that swallowed his heart whole.
It wasn’t until Ty’s touched his skin to his, prying his hands away from the barricading shield they created, that he felt the slick remains of his tears.
Kit didn’t cry much, there was a time he thought there was something wrong with him because of that. Then again, there were many reasons why something would be wrong with him… reasons he spent years trying to overcome. He felt the lucid cold of that night on Lake Lynn, and the flattened pain of his ravaged heart, twisting their way into his mind. He was, simultaneously, too much to handle and barely there at all to take notice of.
He was almost on that edge, his hands trembling like they were also trapped within Kit’s memories until the gentle embrace of Ty’s fingers pulled him back.
Kit straightened his gaze in defiance, ready for the sharpened questions in Ty’s eyes, but found nothing.
Ty’s eyes darted all around him, pleading worry plain and naked smeared all over his face. He wasn’t looking for answers, he wasn’t looking at Kit’s lack of clothing or at the stark evidence of Kit’s powers all around them. He just only looking for Kit.
The sudden rush of tenderness punched a hole through Kit’s defenses, shattering it completely.
“I didn’t believe them, Kit. You were trapped here for hours, and I didn’t even know... They said you were dead, and I was knocked out and couldn’t help you and I-“ his voice cracked, “I’m sorry, Kit. I’m so sorry. I should have been here to help you. It was all my fault.”
His voice died down to a whisper, and his eyes fell to his lap, burning bright with unshed tears.
“No, Ty...  You, you saved me, don’t you remember? You took a fireball straight to the chest for me, that’s why you were knocked down.” Kit traced a finger across his cheek like he was wiping the tear that wasn’t there.
“I didn’t believe them,” Ty repeated. “You said you would never leave me again, so I knew you must still be here. I didn’t believe them, because I believed you.”
Kit felt the sweet brush of Ty’s breath on his lips, making him shiver down to his toes. There was truth in him, that he never saw in Ty before. It wasn’t that Ty lied, he was alarmingly honest, to the point of bluntness. But that kind of honesty was from the inner layers of his soul, so much so that Kit felt like he was touching it with his bare hands.
“You’re right,” he swallowed hard, “I would have never left you. I never will.”
Ty’s face lit up with the ferocity of the sun, and Kit was mesmerized by the clean beauty of him. His lashes thick and startlingly dark against the silver in his eyes, feathering down across flushed, sharp cheekbones. His lips were slightly parted, stuck on their way from astonishment to a smile. Kit could see the small shimmering traces of his tongue, glittering like stars in the ever-increasing light.
But they were inside a dark, collapsed cave. There were no lamps or witchlights around them, but Ty was still glowing as the light came from right under him, where their hands were still clasped.
With a sinking realization, Kit lowered his eyes to find that, in fact, the light came exactly from between their hands. Between his hands.
With a yelp, he pulled his hands away and leaned as far from Ty as he could manage without falling to his back.
“No!” Ty called, the smile ripped away from his face and left an angry, desperate abyss. “Stop it, Kit!”
Kit froze and stared at Ty with horror.
“You don’t get to do that anymore” he reached to grab Kit’s hands in his. “You don’t get to shove me off like I’m-“
“Ty, please” Kit cried and tried to release himself from Ty’s iron grip, but couldn’t.
“You don’t understand, Ty... I’m- I can’t-“ he murmured with barely contained sorrow.
“So explain it to me, Kit.” He punctuated every word. “Explain why for weeks you keep pushing me away, just explain it to me, because you act like you can’t be around me but then you say these things… your screensaver is a photo of our beach, you wrote me these letters for years but after you kissed me you just.. you just sent me away.”
Ty’s voice was the hard, desperate truth that Kit tried to avoid until he could figure out on his own how to take control, but there was nowhere to escape.
“I-“ Kit’s chest was heaving, chasing one breath after the other before he could fully take them in. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me?” Ty touched his palm to Kit’s, and he could feel the wild current of energy going through Ty’s body like electricity.
“Yes!” His voice rose to a shout. “Look, I’m hurting you right now!”
“I don’t care, Kit!” He shouted back, the force of his grip making Kit’s bones grind against each other, though he barely noticed the pain.
“That’s why you keep avoiding me? That’s why you won’t even look at me?”
Every word Ty said hit Kit like a thousand rocks, tumbling down onto his heart. He managed to pry away his hands from Ty’s but Ty kept pushing him back until he almost hit a wall of piled stones.
“That’s why you won’t let me touch you?” Kit stopped thrashing and looked at Ty, his eyes wide with savage grief, like Kit’s words, not his powers, were breaking him apart.
In his heart, Kit heard the rumble of a shattering glass.
“Ty, you have to believe me, there’s nothing I want more than to-“ his whole body was vibrating from the effort to control himself, but energy flooded his veins, poured down from his skin to his fingernails. He had to make Ty understand.
“Every time I look at you, every time I hear your voice say my name or your hand accidentally brushes mine... the effect you have on me-“ Why couldn’t he find words? When he needed them the most, they failed him.
Kit clung to every movie he watched, every book he read, and searched frantically for the right thing to say.
“I know I’ve been hiding things from you, but it’s not because I want to keep you away… I swear. I wanted to protect you from it, Ty. I owe you that much. After everything I did, after all of my mistakes, I owe you at least that much.”
Ty lips curled into a grim smile, and Kit couldn’t bear it any longer. He shut his eyes hard and willed his heart to compliance.
“Kit,” his voice imprinted soft pedals across Kit’s neck. “I believe you, didn’t you hear me say that before?”
Ty carefully laced their fingers together, and Kit let him, too tired to fight him away.
“I believe in you. I believe in this. You can never hurt me.”
A hot tear melted on Kit’s cheek like a snowflake in the fire.
“Will you look at me? I need you to know that I mean it, Kit.”
Kit opened his eyes but didn’t look at Ty. He looked at their intertwined hands, and at the threatening glow that shined like a hidden candle.
Kit took a deep breath and listened to the steady beating of Ty’s heart. It was so implausible, that his heartbeats could be so calm… like a river, the unyielding flow of its temper beating down the night, that Kit had to try again. He focused on that rhythm with everything that he had and raised his eyes to face the man in front of him.
Ty’s eyes pinned him in place immediately, and Kit knew that there was nothing anyone could do to make him look away.
“I’ve known for a while that there was something that you’ve been hiding. At first, I tried to figure it out for myself, so I could protect you from whoever is after you.. but that only did the opposite of what I wanted. I needed you to trust me again, so I had to trust you. I had to trust that your secrets, whatever they are, are safer in your hands than in mine… and they are yours to give away. Don’t you see, Kit? I know… I know and I don’t care. I don’t care as long as you’re with me.”
Ty looked at him like he was the only answer he ever needed to know, like there was nothing more important than this very second, this very light, trapped forever between their hearts.
Kit breathed Ty’s words and felt again that calm sureness smoothing away the frayed edges of his anxiety. He would never hurt Ty, he couldn’t, and that plain knowledge molded into a glistening blazing light in the palm of his hand.
The light washed over them like a ray of distilled sunshine, clinging to every curve of Ty’s face like a ghostly whisper.
Without knowing how they closed the distance between them so that one couldn’t know who’s heart was beating the loudest.
Kit caressed Ty’s lips with his eyes, breathed the cottoned dimples on his cheeks and counted each marvelous shade of silver in his irises.
“Tell me,” Kit said. And it was barely a whisper, but he needed nothing more.
“I love you, Christopher.”
Ty didn’t hesitate, he didn’t miss a single beat before releasing Kit’s hands only to pull his face towards him, and steal his very last breath, straight from his lips.
It burned, it burned like the sun dug its way under Ty’s skin and everywhere he touched left a mark.
His tongue licked fire at the base of Kit’s throat, his fingers turned his bones to ashes as they sank lower down his back. And his heart, his heart was marked all over, with tears and rain and the smell of ink that didn’t leave Ty’s skin in the three years they spent apart.
Kit pressed his nose to the hollow above Ty’s sternum and breathed so deeply he feared he might faint. With another shaky breath, he clawed his fingers in the collar of Ty’s shirt and forced his eyes to stay still.
“I need you to tell me what you want, Ty.” His voice was horas, wanting, but he made every word count. He needed Ty to choose this, choose him.
“I want to touch you”. It echoed all through Kit’s body, like a desperate shout, reverberating across empty halls.
“You are touching me.” Kit answered with a small smile.
“I want to touch you more.”
Kit drew a sharp breath. Ty’s words hit him like a cigarette tossed into a pool of gasoline, flaring up the blood in his veins with unbearable heat.
He only nodded, there was nothing he could phrase that would explain the way he felt, so he pulled Ty into his lap and let his long fingers slide across his body like a tide over a helpless sea.
There wasn’t much left of his clothes, to begin with, but Ty made the remains of his gear crumble under his touch like smoke, evaporating with a blink of an eye.
behind the dark curtain of his lashes, Ty’s eyes gleamed bright and hungry like a panther’s as they slid down Kit’s naked torso, all the way to his naval. In the years since he found out that he was a Shadowhunter, Kit had a love-hate relationship with his own body. He was relieved every time he received any kind of appreciation for his appearance… not in the manner of beauty, but more in the way of finding his own place amongst the race of these super hot, highly maintenance angel warriors. But this, this, how Ty’s eyes drank every muscle and scar made Kit unleash a low growl of pleasure.
“Ty,” Kit breathed, and the soft hairs on Ty’s skin stood up in salute.
“I want to-“ I want to feel your skin under my mouth, I want to know how you sound when I graze my teeth across that jawline of yours, that jawline that can cut me without even noticing. I want to feel that you’re mine.
He couldn’t say none of these things, but Ty understood. He took Kit’s hand and tucked it under the hem of his shirt, guiding him upwards, until they rested over his heart. It slammed against his palm, an uneven dance of raging anticipation.
Kit peeled the fabric off, exploring inch by inch the wonders of Ty’s skin, admiring how every touch made his breath heavier and sweeter than the one before it. He buried his face in the wide field of Ty’s chest, inhaling his soft whispers, egging him on.
His body felt like it could no longer contain his heart. The violent joy of how Ty’s cherry red and swollen lips trembled as Kit found the buckle of his belt, made his blood burst like lava all through his quivering limbs.
Ty put both hands on the rock behind them and lifted himself so that Kit could remove the rest of their gear. Kit wanted to look at him, to see the places where his snowy skin was even paler, to look for scars and ask for every tale that came with them, but the look on Ty’s face was more important. He trusted Kit - with his body - and with his heart. It made him want to cry, to break down on the dusty stone floor and tell Ty that he loved him, that he loved him because his heart couldn’t bear not to.
Instead, he pushed Ty off him and down to the ground. He crawled up his body to meet his lips. Ty put both of his hands on his chest, both to steady him and to keep him at bay.
“Have- have you ever done this before?” Ty sounded almost shy, which was surprising to hear.
“Yes. So have you.”
It wasn’t a question. The confidence of how Ty’s fingers slid over his body made it very clear.
“Does that bother you?” Ty asked, his eyebrows pulled up against each other like a child’s illustration of a roof.
Kit paused, he wanted to give an honest answer, not an impulsed one. The thought of Ty with someone else made the fine hairs on his lower back stand like pikes, he couldn’t deny that… but what did he expect? He couldn’t reproach Ty for living his life, it’s not like he hadn’t. Ty never left his heart, but he tried with all his might to banish him away. He kissed and laughed and danced and fucked, he did everything he could think of, but he always remembered. He never made love before, a differentiation that used to seem overly romanticized to him, but now felt like all the difference in the world. He desired others, but he never loved.
So Ty might have been with a dozen other men, and it wouldn’t matter. Because he was now touching his lips to Kit’s temple and the memory of his words rang clear in his heart. Ty loved him, and that’s all he needed to know.
“No.” He said simply, and the relief was clear on Ty’s face. “I don’t care, because you are with me.”
Ty smiled as he recalled his own words from before, and pulled Kit closer, every inch of their exposed skin touching. He slid his fingers along Kit’s thighs and purred like a satisfied cat to Kit’s reaction.
“Besides,” Kit added with a choked voice. “Practice makes perfect, and this -“ he put his hands on Ty’s, guiding him to his pelvis - “is exactly that”.
They giggled until they couldn’t any longer, their bodies allowing only sharp moans and sudden gasps. The intensity between them was building up into a tangible need. Kit wanted him, but he didn’t intend for it to be over so soon… so he propped up on his elbows and held Ty’s gaze, and like untying a ribbon, let his tongue run slowly down his length, embedding every precious moan to his memory.
For a second, he felt like he was watching them from a distance, hiding behind one of the shattered rocks. And they were beautiful together, like an unavoidable collision between the sun and the moon. The light that was first caged in him spread out and surrounded them like a halo. Ty’s skin was a silvery silk, melting under Kit’s golden sun-kissed hands. It was like that old poem, Kit thought, as he drifted back to his own body, and knew that he would have died a thousand times for this night.
When Ty started shaking under him, Kit disentangled himself from his hold and sat breathless, watching Ty’s back arch, as if looking for the missing warmth of Kit’s body. His eyes were half-closed, unfocused, searching for him in his peripheral until he realized that Kit was not there.
“Something’s wrong?” He sat on his knees with a noticeable effort, his naked body covered in a thin layer of sweat and dirt.
Kit shook his head, trying to figure out a way to explain what he wanted, what he needed. He could feel his cheeks flare red with embarrassment, and cursed his self-consciousness.
“So come back to me” Ty whispered, and when Kit stayed where he was, he closed the distance between them and took his chin in his hand, lifting it up so he could examine his expression.
Understanding bloomed in Ty’s eyes, and they darkened in a sudden explosion of hunger.
“More.” He said, and Kit thanked Ty’s lack of need for unnecessary words.
He nodded, relieved and wanting, and crushed their lips together, licking and sucking everywhere his mouth could reach.
Between breaths, Ty whispered to him, and Kit could hear the effort it took him to stop and say these words.
“But it will hurt you, afterward. I don’t want you to be in pain, ever.”
Kit smiled to himself and nipped Ty’s lower lip, biting it, hard. Ty groaned in response, and it felt like the greatest victory of Kit’s life.
“We’re Shadowhunters, there will always be some sort of pain.” He sat on top of Ty and tightened his grip on his shoulders.
“And don’t forget -“ he added. “We have Iratzes for that.”
Kit lowered himself atop him and Ty cried out his name, running his fingers on his scarred chest like a caged animal, breaking free. He was glorious, from the soft feathers of his wet hair, the sharp ridge of his collar bone to the dimples down his hips, like two fountains - twinkling as a mirage in the desert of Kit’s life.
They moved together, slowly, their lips fused to an everlasting kiss, and Kit could hear the distant memory of waves crashing over the Los Angeles Institute’s shore.
He always remembered Ty as someone delicate, breakable, the person he must protect no matter the cost. But as he felt him, thundering inside him like a storm, stronger than any force of nature he ever encountered, he knew that he was wrong. When the pleasure inside him took hold over every other coherent thought that he had left, only one remained - they could protect each other.
They lay in silence, bodies laced together like vines.
Kit’s eyes were closed, his golden lashes almost white, illuminated by the witchlight Ty gave him so long ago. Ty nudged his nose in the faint stubble on his cheeks and relished on the prickling texture of it.
“Christopher,” He murmured.
“Christopher Jonathan Herondale.”
Ty tasted the words, slowly, mouthing them like they were a secret he wasn’t sure he was willing to give away.
Kit lifted one eyebrow in question, his eyes drifted open and focused on Ty’s lips.
“I remember that poem you sent me, a couple of years ago.” Kit’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Where the crows had not yet woken
And the dimmed, elongated seconds
Between one breath and the other
I whisper to the impatient sun
Your name
Your full name
As an ancient lullaby
Sung by the gods”
A loud silence crawled between them. He didn’t know what to make of it and was suddenly very aware of how exposed he was in front of Kit.
“Did- did you memorize it?” Kit’s voice was calm, measured. It sent shivers down Ty’s back.
“Yes. I memorized all of them.”
Kit’s gasp was audible, and Ty had to turn and search his face for any sign of distress. Did it scare him?
“Because I needed to understand them. It was.. maddening.”
Ty searched his face, the cobalt blue of his gaze made him feel like they were outside, under the night’s sky. He was even more beautiful like this, he thought, with his hair rumpled and his shoulders uncovered, glittering from the remains of dust and sweat and magic. He was so beautiful Ty ached somewhere deep within him. He never felt this way, and it was more frightening than realizing the shape of his feelings for Kit.
“And did you? Understand them, I mean.”
Ty ran his fingers through Kit’s curls and tried to make sense of his thoughts.
“Not until recently, no… and not all of them. But- but this one, in particular, haunted me. I used to say your name, when I was alone, even without Livvy… just to understand what you meant. It only made me miss you more, it made me angry and frustrated and… and it made me so mad at you. For leaving, for sending these letters, like you were deliberately trying to hurt me by reminding me that I lost you.”
Kit lifted his hand, it hovered above Ty’s heart for an excruciating second, and then rested on it.
“And now, when I say it, when I say your name.. I can still taste you in my mouth. I can hear you singing in the car, I can smell the sun on your skin and feel your heartbeat right here, in the palm of my hand.”
He looked into the depths inside Kit’s eyes, they were so vividly real Ty got lost in the middle of the ocean until he realized they were tears.
“It’s like a prayer, your name.”
Kit pulled him into a sitting position, planting his hands so hard through Ty’s hair he probably felt every bone in his skull.
“It wasn’t a prayer, it was a promise, Tiberius.”
And he kissed him. He kissed him for so long that when he came up for air, it felt like the first true breath he took in three long years.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
HI! I see you write for One Punch Man. Could I please request an anniversary date with Tatsumaki? If you don't write for her, maybe Fubuki? Thank you!
Anon, let me say, I’m so sorry I made you wait for as long as I did. I had the plot all decked out, I knew how I wanted to do this aNd YeT, it took me like three months anyways. Because I felt bad, you also now get to flat out have Tatsumaki propose to you too. I hope this was to your liking, I did my best to keep it gender neutral just in case. Enjoy!
Tatsumaki x Reader “A Perfect Night”
Tap, tap, tap
“Tatsu! Right on time,” You giggled as you opened the door. Your mint green girlfriend merely huffed and looked the other way.
“Of course I am, I’m not about to be late to our anniversary.” She stated cooly, but you could see the hint of a blush on her face. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at her flustered state. “It’s not my fault that it’s a cute nickname,” You sung and grabbed her hand. The action caused her to look back at you and her face softened.
Tatsumaki was never sure how you were able to do it, but even if she was in the most foul mood, as long as you grabbed her hand or kissed her cheek all of her anger would melt away. A small smile broke out on her face as she slipped a stray hair out of your face. “It’s only cute when it comes out of your mouth. Now come on, can’t be late for our dinner reservation.” The woman led you over to a limousine and you felt your jaw drop to the floor.
“Wait a second, we’re going in that? How much did that cost,” You exclaimed. The car was sleek and black, there wasn’t even a speck of dust on it.
A smug expression settled on your girlfriend’s face as she helped the both of you into the backseat. “(Y/N), I am the number two hero, that comes with a very pretty salary.” She stated before instructing the chauffeur to start driving, a pleased smile on her face.
However, her pleased mood didn’t last long.
The car started rolling before stopping abruptly, the engine coughing and spluttering. Quirking an eyebrow, she got out of the limo with the chauffeur to check it but it billowed out smoke. She was astonished. “What? No, this has to be perfect, dumb car!” She growled, summoning a rock and tossing it at one of the tires. “It’s fine, I can make this work… Call a tow truck, have them take it to the shop,” Tatsumaki ordered.
Once satisfied with her workers agreement she opened the door on your side. You let out a concerned chuckle. “Everything alright up at the front?” You asked to which your girlfriend shook her head.
“Well, no. The stupid engine broke down. But I’ve got a better idea anyway. Take my hand.” She tells you, waiting expectantly.
You take it with an excited grin and just like that you see a familiar green outlining your bodies and lifting you both in the air. Tatsumaki let out a small chuckle seeing the stars in your eyes. “I told you I had a better idea,” She smirks.
“Way better! This is awesome,” You laughed, watching the people on the ground grow smaller. “You know I wouldn’t mind one bit if this was our regular mode of transportation.”
The green haired woman rolls her eyes. “Keep dreaming, dummy. I’m not always going to abuse my powers like this for you.” You merely shrugged at her words, looking all around as you flew through the city.
It wasn’t long before you reached the restaurant and got yourselves settled. After ordering food, you went on a ramble about your day while Tatsumaki listened. Though she’d never fully admit it, she liked hearing you ramble like this. It was endearing that you felt comfortable sharing so much about your day with her. It was also relaxing, your voice always sounded so pleasant, and your sometimes ridiculous phrasing always had her snorting with laughter.
Just as you were getting to the middle of your story, the waiter came back with your food. Just as she was about to dig in, she noticed the faded smile on your face and she paused. “What’s wrong?” She asked and you shrugged.
“It’s nothing, they just put tomatoes on my food when I asked for none cause of my allergy…” You trailed off. Tatsumaki frowned and stood up in response, lifting up your plate of food.
“Then, I’ll be right back.” Before you could stop her, she had already disappeared into the kitchen. Damn it, this night was supposed to be perfect and yet here were these moronic chefs trying to kill her date! She smacked the plate on an empty spot on the counter and cast her stormy gaze out to the workers. “I don’t know which one of you idiots thought this was a good idea but you’re going to remake it immediately without a single tomato on it, do you hear me?” She shouted, bowls and ingredients whirling around the kitchen in her anger.
They all nodded, terrified of what she would do otherwise, and she huffed before slamming her way out of the kitchen and back to her seat.
Your embarrassed expression was waiting for her when she got back. You tugged on her sleeve, feeling the tips of your ears burn. “You didn’t have to make a scene! I could have just had the waiter take it back…” You whispered, ducking your head from any stares.
Tatsumaki scoffed in response. “No, that was completely unacceptable. You told them no tomatoes because of your allergy and they were idiotic enough to do it anyway. That cannot and will not be tolerated.” You merely whined and tried to swallow down your embarrassment.
The waiter came back, your dish with no tomatoes and the green haired woman smiled. Good, everything could go back to being perfect.
The dinner continued, with excellent food, before you both split the check as you wouldn’t let Tatsumaki pay for so much. Then you left, getting your dessert at a nearby sweets shop where you both got candy apples and took a stroll around a nearby park. Tatsumaki couldn’t help but smile. There were some bumps in the road but they still got to where she wanted to be. You caught her smile and took her hand. “What are you smiling about?” You inquired with a grin of your own.
Your girlfriend looked back up at you. “Not much, this was just a good night. But, I was hoping to make it better if I could ask you something?” She now avoided your gaze, feeling her face start to redden.
Curious, you nodded. But just as she was about to speak, her phone rang.
Tatsumaki growled as she fished out her phone. “Give me a second, it’s work.” She sighed, stepping away from you before answering the phone. “What do you want? I requested this night off for a reason!” She practically snarled.
“I’m aware, but there’s a villain in your area, and it needs to be-”
“Get someone else on it, there are loads of other heroes out that are, you know, on the job!”
“Tatsumaki, please this is very important.”
“I don’t care. Respect that this is the one time I’ve requested to be off duty,” She seethed. However, before she could hear another response, she was cut off by a scream.
Specifically, your scream.
Her eyes darted to where you were, on the ground having barely missed a boulder being thrown your way by a monstrous sized rat. She hung up the phone and stood in front of you protectively. “Get going, you rodent!” Tatsumaki antagonized, but the rat monster laughed, deep and mocking.
“I will not allow some little girl to tell me what to do.” He bellowed. The hero’s eye twitched.
She was only 90% pissed before, but that comment drove her all the way to 100.
She used her ESP to launch the boulder he had previously tossed at you straight into his stomach, sending him flying. She followed quickly after, pelting him with whatever she could find. When there was nothing round, she picked up a street sign and rooted it through his leg back into the ground. “First things first, I am not a little girl.” She bashed his head with another rock. “Second of all, you are ruining the night I had planned. I have been waiting to ask (Y/N) to marry me for a year, and yet you turn up and destroyed it all! You absolute bastard, die!” She screamed, unearthing anything she could to break the monster apart.
By the time her rage fell apart, the rat was nothing more than mangled muscle and blood. She huffed before floating her way back to you, checking you over for any injuries. When you turned up with nothing, she sighed and laid her head on you. Confused, you looked down. “Tatsu, are you okay?” You asked, even more concerned when you felt a wetness on your clothes.
“No, I’m not. This night was supposed to be perfect, but it all got ruined. Was it too much to ask for one even nice night? This was horrible…” Her arms wrapped around you tighter and you felt sadness stab at your heart as you returned the hug.
“Hon, I know you wanted tonight to be perfect. But it really wasn’t that bad. So what, the limo broke down, or food troubles, or a villain appearing. Either way, I got to spend time with you, I got to see you smile and that’s all that really matters. This was still a great anniversary to me.” You reply, gently rubbing her back.
She didn’t say anything for a moment before she pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “I don’t know how, but you always know what to say to make me feel better. Ugh, I don’t even deserve to ask you to marry me,” She breathed out. Then she took a pause, realizing what she said and proceeded to hide her face in her hands. “No, this wasn’t even supposed to come out like this! Damn it!” The green haired woman continued cursing herself before you grabbed her hands and pulled them from her face.
“You, you were going to ask me to marry you?” You stammered, trying to process it, a grin stretched out across your face when you saw her nod.
“Look I get it, I’m not ideal-”
“I said yes, Tatsu. I will absolutely marry you!” You beamed, getting even more excited when she slipped the ring she had bought you onto your finger. The rest of the night was spent with you being as gushy as could be and Tatsumaki waving you off with a blush on her cheeks.
Maybe the night was perfect after all.
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spideyspoods · 5 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers X F!Reader
A/N: I posted this and edited to add some tags and it deleted the ENTIRE (tout) the text. screw you, tumblr. Anyways I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Warnings: Endgame spoilers & angst!
Word Count: 2,129
Part One!
Part Two!
The minute each of them pressed the glowing blue button, they floated through the quantum realm. Admittedly, Y/N thought it was quite beautiful; blurs of blue and red circles whizzed past as they traveled at lightspeed. Beyond the beauty, she couldn’t quite shake the fear off her shoulders. Missions were never easy or safe, she knew that. But the realm itself was open. It spanned for who knew how long until you drift off into nothing.
It seemed that in an instant, they’ve reached Morag. Isolated and gloomy, a red beam of light was blocked by the dark clouds looming overhead. Rhodey looked over to Nebula, uneasy. “You’ve got this. Now go and kick some alien ass.” Y/N winked. Over his shoulder, Rhodey muttered, “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Both of them stepped foot on the rocky terrain and the remaining three still on the Benatar swapped positions. “Sorry, Y/N; Elders in the front.” Clint said as he dashed to take the passenger seat. Defeated, Y/N buckled up behind Natasha as she swiftly input the coordinates for Vormir. The ship trembled with turbulence once they sped through the universe at the speed of light.
“Looks like we’re a long way from Budapest.” which earned a chuckle from Nat. For the amount of times they’ve referenced it, no one truly knew what it meant. “What the hell happened in Budapest?”
The trio touched down on Vormir and it wasn’t any more welcoming than Morag. “With all of the alien invasions, you would think each planet would be crawling with them.” Y/N said. She stepped out of the spaceship and her sole of her boots slid amongst the mounds of sand. Natasha scoped, looking for the soul stone and ultimately pointed to the top of the only mountain on the planet. “Doesn’t look so bad.”
“Famous last words.”
It seemed like an endless trek to a summit that didn’t even exist. As they continued climbing upwards, it started to snow and the temperature dropped. At the top, each of them stopped to catch their breath. “Bet the raccoon didn’t have to climb a mountain.”
“Technically he’s not a raccoon.” quipped Clint. Y/N rolled her eyes, “You know her point, Barton. Let’s get this over with-”
“Who comes here?” A strained, hollow voice whispered. Like second nature, all of them pointed a weapon and turned. A ghostly figure floated in the air, a black cloak covering its features.
“Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith. Y/N, daughter of-”
“Let’s skip the pleasantries, shall we? Who are you?” Y/N stated rather impatiently. The figure seemed to drift closer.
“Consider me your guide. To you and to all who seek the soul stone.”
“Great. You tell us where it is and we’ll be on our way.” Natasha’s gun was still aimed at it, unwavering. Stepping out of the shade, it’s gaunt features sent a chill down her spine. With red skin and no flesh, it seemed to ring a bell in Y/N mind. She had remembered Steve mentioning Red Skull a few times, but wasn’t he already dead?
“If only it were that easy.”
At a slow and haunting pace, he stepped forward and gestured towards a cliff. Y/N shared an uneasy look at the two of them, feeling her heart drop to her stomach.
“What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear.”
“The stone’s down there.” Clint joined and looked down to the black abyss below.
“For one of you. In order to take the stone, you must lose which you love. An everlasting exchange,” he announced “a soul for a soul.”
Moments later, Natasha sat on a boulder deep in thought while Clint stood still. On the other hand, Y/N paced back and forth. “Maybe he’s joking, wouldn’t be the first time we’ve been played.”
“No. Thanos went here with his daughter and left without her.” Y/N turned around, grasping for anything. She couldn’t lose either one of them.
“Maybe it was just a coincidence, Nat.”
“Well I’ve never come across a coincidence I’ve liked.” She stood up as Y/N took a shaky breath. “Whatever it takes.” she echoed Steve’s words from moments ago, the weight of it all finally setting in. The pieces clicked together in Natasha and Clint’s minds and rushed towards the younger Avenger. “Y/N you can’t-” Clint grasped for her hand but she shook it off, “You can’t either! They can’t lose you, either of you!” she blinked away her tears before they could fall “The original six, there’s no way I’m letting you do it. Part of the journey is the end, isn’t that what Tony said?” Shaking her head, she defiantly stepped closer to the edge. “Y/N stop!”
“Your journey is just beginning, Y/N.”
“Clint, you have a family. Nat, you can finally find the peace you deserve. Safety. Home.” To that, the woman with red locks looked down, not being able to meet her gaze. Y/N had always been special to her. While they joked around, Y/N was always there for her no matter what. Clint held his head up. Ever since the day she joined them, he took her under his wing and made her feel at ease. He considered her one of his children, and he couldn’t possibly imagine saying his jokes to no witty responses anymore.
“What about Steve? You can’t leave him like this.” At the sound of his name, she stopped walking. Her heart ached, knowing that they’ll never reach their happy ending; but maybe happily ever after never existed. She thought back to their conversation just over a week ago, how they would reside in a small cabin in the woods and watch their children run around. She knew he would have done the same thing in her shoes. Maybe they were both reckless. It brought a somber smile on her face, to remember her last conversation with him.
“Wait for me?”
“I will.”
“Tell Steve to take all the time he needs. I’ll wait for as long as he wants.” with a teary eyed smirk, she composed herself.
“No! Y/N!” and she ran off the ledge, without looking back.
Present Time
With the press of a button, all of them were back in the Quantum Tunnel. Scott raised both his arms in the air and cheered, “Hell yeah! We did it!” shortly before everyone noticed someone was missing. Steve looked to his right, where Y/N should have been standing. Empty. “Clint, Nat? Where’s Y/N?” His blue eyes tried to find some answers in theirs, but to no avail. Clint dropped to his knees and Nat spoke barely above a whisper, “she’s gone.”
Hollow. That’s how Steve felt. He thought he knew what pain felt like; deep cuts and hits that would leave a mark on his skin. But through the entire century he had lived, he had felt nothing like this before. Steve felt absolutely shattered, depleting anything of his energy remaining dedicated to letting his anguish out on a few punching bags. Sometimes, he’d avoid walking past her old room in fear of reliving the times they spent together, not okay with the fact that they were nothing but mere memories now. He would grimace at the irony that he helped people cope with their pain, when it seemed that he lost any idea on how to. He heard a soft knock on his open door and he didn’t bother turning to check who it was. He found a photo frame perched atop the dresser. It was taken at the first ever Stark Gala they attended as a couple. Each of them smiled wider than ever as they looked into each other's eyes. God, he missed her.
“Steve, I miss her too.” Natasha sat on his bed, right next to him. His eyes were glossed over and bloodshot, dark circles around his eyes. She knew that he wouldn’t say anything, he hasn’t for the entire day. “You know she wanted me to tell you something before she,” she coughed “sacrificed herself.” He lifted his head up a little over an inch while turning to face Natasha. “She said ‘take all the time he needs. I’ll wait for as long as he wants.’” and to that, Steve let a tear drop onto the glass frame.
After collecting himself back together again, he jumped straight back into the mission. Y/N died for this, and he wanted to honor her. He vowed to give her a proper funeral afterwards, once the world went back to normal. After Bruce snapped with the gauntlet, their goal was over; save everyone else. The clear skies only lasted for so long before each of them realized that Thanos’ army would resurrect and wreak havoc. Steve didn’t really remember what happened, or if it even did. In the moments he would fall down, he’d think about Y/N and stood back up again. From the corner of his eye, he could see Tony wielding the gauntlet. He achingly got back up on his feet, in time to turn away from a blinding white light that lasted for a few seconds. Around him, aliens were reduced to nothing but dust. Thanos looked at his defeat, before his ashes fluttered away. For the first time in a while, Steve smiled. Quickly, he took in Tony’s pale and lifeless face. Steve watched from a distance, not wanting to interrupt his last few moments with the people he loved. Pepper pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek before the remaining life in his eyes faded away.
Tony’s funeral was merged with Y/N’s. Each avenger paid their respects as wreaths dedicated to them floated above the still water. A photo of Y/N was displayed on top of the wooden dock. Steve remembered how much she hated the photo; she would say that it wasn’t her best angle, but he loved it anyways. Her eyes sparkled and her smile brought the sun to shame. Steve finally came to peace with it, he’d meet her again soon; he just knew it.
With a briefcase filled with stones in hand, Steve looked to Bucky. He had told him of his plans already and with reluctance, Bucky ultimately let him. It was the least he deserved. “Don’t do anything stupid ‘til I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” They shared a brief hug before Steve stepped back into the tunnel. “How long is this gonna take?” “For him, as long as he needs,” Steve suited up hearing Y/N’s voice echo in Bruce’s words “but for us five seconds.” Five seconds pass and he hasn’t appeared. Calmly, Bucky pointed to a bench where an old man sat. Tentatively, Sam approached him.
“Hi, Sam.” Steve’s hair went gray, and his voice grew old.
“So did something go wrong or did something go right?” Sam immediately took in the fact that there was a solemn smile on his face. “Well after I put the stones back, I thought maybe I should try some of that life Tony told me to get.
“How’d that go?”
“It was beautiful.” Steve slowly reached for the circular bag and unzipped it to show a shield, in mint condition. “Try it on.” Carefully, Sam held it on his arm but it didn’t feel right.
“Thank you, Steve.” He caught a glimpse of a glimmering object on Steve’s ring finger; a golden wedding band. “Are you gonna tell me about her?”
“No. I don’t think I will.” Sam stepped back to Bruce and Bucky, giving the old man space. From a pocket on the inside of his jacket, Steve pulled out a photo that yellowed over time. He looked upon the figures on the sheet.
Y/N and Steve with their two children in their arms, relaxing near a picturesque lake similar to the one in front of him. 
He smiled, remembering the promise they’ve made to each other.
Thank you for reading! Feedback is greatly appreciated, but not required! My taglist and requests are open! :)
Taglist (sorry if you got the notif again!) @editsbyjenny @fashionlive15 @straightforwardly
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
I'm not sure if I already requested something, but how about poly Jim/Toby/Claire/Darci with Toby as the trollhunter?
Hello again Friend! Here’s another finished request for you. This one got a little long, but it may be one of my favorite prompts I’ve received. 
If anyone else has any requests feel free to send them my way! Also I wrote Claire using they/them pronouns, so if I messed their pronouns somewhere please let me know. 
A role swap AU. For once Toby beat his friend Jim into the canals. The amulet called his name. Jim found himself wielding a staff powered by dark energies, his fate marked by Morgana’s magic. Jim’s girlfriend Claire found a hammer with gravity powers. When Merlin convinced Toby to step into a bathtub filled with a black potion Darci dove in after him desperate to save him. Eventually Toby, Darci, Claire and Jim realized they all loved each other, and there was no sense in pretending they didn’t. This story takes place several years after they would have graduated high school, now all four of them living together. 
The rock they sheltered behind rumbled and cracked as another powerful blow landed on it. Toby crouched, Daylight in his hand. His horns and long arms made him look even more like his adopted father and wingman Aaarrrgghh. His lovers were hiding behind the rock with him. 
Jim held his staff, arcane runes carved along its length. It wasn’t as powerful as the Skath-Hrun was, but it provided an ideal focus for his sorcery. His short black hair with it’s white stripe fluttered with his magical energy. His eyes were filled with blue fire, and more of the cerulean flames washed down his arms. 
Darci flexed her wings her claws digging into the stone. When Merlin had tricked Toby into using the potion, Darci had dove into the bathtub after her boyfriend. She emerged with a troll form all her own. Claire had joked once that she looked like she could be Strickler and Nomura’s daughter. While Toby looked like a baby Krubera, Darci was skinny with black hooves and massive wings that could carry her through the sky. 
Claire twirled their warhammer in their hands. The massive weapon with its purple fires and gravity powers. They smiled grimly at the others, in their trademark Papa Skull sweatshirt. The sleeves were ripped off to show off their arms. Their black hair with it’s purple stripe was carefully pulled back and contained with multiple barrets. 
“This guy is huge! He’s shrugged off everything we’ve thrown at him.” Claire said. It was rare that monster they faced survived even one blow from their hammer, much less came back for thirds. 
“We have to hit him with everything we’ve got!” Toby said looking around at his lovers. “Darci and Claire when I give you the word, you two take to the air. Darci try and get behind him.” Darci nodded, stretching her wings then crouched ready to take off. Her twin swords were strapped across her lower back. “Claire when you see your moment you bring the heavy hits.”
“I’ll bring a few meteors with me!” Claire said as they crouched next to Darci. Their hammer in their hands ready to rocket towards the ceiling of the cavern. 
“Jim and I will give you a distraction to get into the air. Then Jim you bring the fire from the sides and I’ll go right up the center.” 
Jim nodded and began tracing arcane symbols into the side of the boulder they were sheltering behind. “And for godsakes don’t get killed.” Jim said. “At least stay alive long enough for me to put you back together.”
Toby allowed his helmet to cover his face, he vanished Daylight and pulled out his smaller blades, holding them ready to throw. Then nodded to Jim. 
“Azaz terra!” Jim cried. 
Toby threw both of his glaives so they curved around the boulder. The rock itself rocketed forward slamming into the massive troll on the other side. A curtain of blue fire rose up almost to the ceiling. Claire swung their hammer upward and took off with a roar. Darci leapt into the air and with a powerful beat of her wings soared off. Toby jumped in front of Jim slashing with Daylight as it appeared again in his hand. The slash was perfectly timed to split the boulder in half as the troll threw it back in their direction. 
The troll was huge. Possibly larger than Gunmar had been. And twice as durable. The massive creature picked up two more large boulders and pulled his arms back to throw them. 
Before he could release them Darci dove out of the darkness with a shriek. Her twin blades bit deep into his back. She hung on desperately as he tried to throw her off. Her attack left the troll’s front wide open. 
Toby flung Daylight with all his strength. It embedded itself almost up to the hilt in the troll’s chest. Then the Trollhunter slammed his fists together. The armor manifested a pair of studded gauntlets that covered him up to the elbows. Toby’s favorite stone for his amulet. He wasn’t as strong as Aaarrrgghh, but with the gauntlets he could hit just as hard. He roared and charged. 
Several powerful punches forced the troll to reel back. The troll tried to crush Toby in between the two boulders in his hands. Toby barely managed to stop the two rocks, but now he was exposed. 
Toby felt a foot land on his back and just like they had practiced he knelt a little then jumped, propelling Jim into the air. The sorcerer slammed his flaming staff again and again into the troll’s face, driving him even further back. 
“Everyone get clear!” Claire’s call was immediately followed by a thunderous crack above them. Darci pulled her blades free and dove backwards flapping hard to regain altitude. Toby flexed his hands and crushed the boulders into rubble. Jim stayed on top of the troll battering his face with his flaming staff, blue flames pouring from his eyes like tears. Toby vanished his gauntlets and grabbed Jim by the collar of his blue zip up and pulled him back. 
The Trollhunter covered his love with his body as a enormous stalactite driven down by Claire’s gravity powers crashed into the troll. Claire rode the rock down their hammer in their hand; they dove off at the last second. With a deafening crash the stalactite crushed the troll. 
The rumbling continued for several minutes as more and more rubble fell from the ceiling, dust filling the room. After the noise finally quit Toby could hear Darci’s powerful wingbeats blowing the dust away. He could also hear Claire calling for him and Jim. He stood up straight shoving some of the rocks off his back. Jim uncurled his body from where Toby had been sheltering him. 
“Oh there you are! I was afraid I buried you!” Claire said landing by their side. 
“You almost did bury Jim.” Toby said. “That whole don’t die part applies to you too, Jim the self sacrificing!”
Jim smiled weakly, “I had to hold him where he was or the cave in wouldn’t have worked.”
Claire glared at him. “You already got him in position, he wasn’t going anywhere.”
Toby carefully wiped a bit of blood from Jim’s brow. Now that he wasn’t performing his magic, Jim’s eyes were back to the regular blue. “Is anyone else injured?” Toby asked.
Darci landed carefully on a rock. “I think one of the stones hit me. I going to have bruise the size of your fist on my wing when we get back home.”
Claire was immediately at her side opening up the wing in question to inspect the bruise. “I’m sorry Darc! I didn’t want any of you to get hurt!” 
Toby stretched his back, twisting this way and that. Between his troll hide and the armor of Daylight he was mostly uninjured. A few bruises and scrapes, but nothing serious. He smiled at Claire and they tried to hide how upset they were that they had hurt two of their lovers. He summoned his blade back to his hand, then allowed his armor to disappear. 
“Alright everyone let’s get back to the house. We can talk more once we are away from the potential for a worse cave in.”
Jim’s eyes glowed blue and he clapped his hands together. As he slowly pulled his hands apart a whirling black portal opened, wreathed in blue flames. 
“Try not to get any dust in the house! I just cleaned.” He said as the portal opened large enough for them all to pass through. 
“Yes dear.” Claire said. They kissed him on the cheek and ducked under his outstreatched arm into the portal. 
“Yes honey.” Darci said and kissed him on his other cheek and ducked under his other arm. 
“Of course Jim.” Toby said as walked through the portal on the other side. 
Jim was alone on top of the rubble and allowed the portal to cover him bringing him into his basement. The others were quickly moving out of the portal corner of the basement. One corner had been designated as his portal location, always kept free of belongings and people so noone was ever injured from a sudden portal. 
“Jim if you were going to magically clean all of us with your portal anyways, why even mention the dust?” Claire asked their arms crossed. Jim could only smile and shrug in response. They all made their way out of the basement into the rest of their house. 
* * *
With four incomes they were able to afford a very nice place. It was far enough from Arcadia that they could be anonymous without the people they saved trying to worship them, but close enough that they could get back to Heartstone Trollmarket if there was a crisis. Like the houses in Arcadia the house had three levels. The basement was primarily used by Jim for his magic and portaling. There was also a tunnel that lead eventually to the Arcadia sewers. 
All four of them had different jobs, now that they were no longer kids. Darci had a job that Toby would have loved when he was a kid. She was a full time “Costumed” streamer. She played up her troll form as a monstersona, pretending her wings and horns were cunning prosthetics. She almost exclusively played horror games. Occasionally she would have her partner or boyfriends appear on camera. 
People laughed at Toby’s monstersona. How could two people who are willing to spend that kind of money for those quality monster costumes, just happen to fall in love? Toby is the one she brings on when she wants someone to scream for the camera. Claire usually makes fun of the goofy monsters in the games, though jump scares will get them as well. Jim doesn’t react at all to the monsters or jumpscares. Though he will make Darci stop in the middle of a game so he can critique the grotesque displays and summoning rituals the games use. 
Jim works as a P.I. He jokes sometimes that P.I. could stand for either Private Investigator or Paranormal Investigator. He helps people find lost relatives or catch cheating spouses. After what his mom went through with his dad, he wasn’t going to let anyone else get away with abandoning their family. It was also a job that allowed him some freedom, just in case the lost child he was supposed to return to her parents had a good reason not to be with them. Or if his eyes occasionally rolled into the back of his while he incanted in trollish noone would think twice. 
Claire had the most normal job of all them. They taught at the local school. Toby had laughed when he said at least one of them should have good health insurance considering their other job of protecting trolls. It had been a bit of a struggle for Claire to get their teacher’s certification but it was definitely worth the work. They were loved by their students, who knew they could bring anything to the them and Claire would have their backs. If any of their students happened to see something magical they could tell Claire that as well and their teacher would believe them.
Toby of course was the Trollhunter. They all realized that there was no real point in Toby trying to maintain a day job.  Especially once Merlin tricked him into giving up his humanity. Trollhunting was his full time job. Fortunately now with Blinky as the head of Trollmarket, Toby received a small amount of financial compensation for his hero work. That helped pay for Toby’s share of the mortgage. 
All four of them hung out in the kitchen while Jim saw to their wounds. He inspected Darci’s wing to make sure there wouldn’t be any lasting damage. Then he saw to Toby’s scrapes. He had managed to discover a much more effective way of caring for troll skin than molten metal, and less expensive as well. Next Jim cared for Claire’s bruised foot which they didn’t notice in the earlier excitement. Belatedly and at the insistence of his lovers he carefully bandaged the cut on his own eyebrow. 
Darci and Claire collapsed onto the couch, Darci’s wing a little stiff and Claire’s foot carefully wrapped with an ice pack. Toby walked in with his specially designed phone held up to his face. 
“No don’t worry, we took care of the bruiser!”
Aaarrrgghh’s concerned words could be heard on the other side. “You are OK?”
“Yep, no worries Dad! No reason for you and Blinky to end your honeymoon early.”
Toby kept walking into the kitchen, passing Jim going the other way. Jim had several trays laden with food, some that suited troll appetites, some for human ones. He sat down on the couch in between Claire and Darci. He paused to kiss both of them before getting comfortable. Finally Toby walked back into the room putting his phone on the table. 
“Is it time for a movie my lovelies?” Toby rumbled. He walked down the length of the couch giving each of them a kiss as he did. Darci caught him with her uninjured wing to give him a second kiss. Jim laughed and when he kissed Toby blew a small blue fire into the half troll’s mouth. He laughed harder as the tickle of blue flame came out of his nose. Toby teased Claire by staying just out of reach so she couldn’t get her kiss, that is until she used her power to increase the gravity of his head so he was within kissing range. 
Finally he sat down heavily on his side of the couch. The side of the couch that had been reinforced by every troll trick or magic his lovers could come up with. Sometimes it still sagged. He let out a deep purr of happiness as him and his three other lovers cuddled up in front of the TV, the sound of movie playing softly until one by one they each fell asleep.
You know what I don’t need right now? Another AU to write. I’m hoping this will be all I write, because I already have too many ideas. But I might come back to this idea later. 
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undeadpool · 6 years
pt. 5
     Through the looking glass of the medical facility, it would seem there’s no hope for what was left of Preston’s family-- Wade’s family. On one side of the glass, Terry, Terry Jr., and Ellie all lay in their quarantined pods, comatose and barely holding onto life as Wade and Preston stand on the other side of the glass, staring solemnly at their loved ones. He wonders how he could be so stupid, so careless, so reckless, to let this happen to his family, Preston’s family. He should have known, if he put a single ounce of thought into his actions this wouldn’t be happening right now. Everybody would be happy and healthy, enjoying their family game night and yelling at each other over Monopoly. Even the most ruthless games of Monopoly would be better than this.
     “I always wanted a kid,” Preston’s voice is pained and her fists are clenched as tightly as her android body can manage, “But Terry and I only wanted one kid, and Terry Jr. is just perfect.. When the chance to adopt Ellie came our way, I was so grateful. It made Being friends with you worth it.” Her teeth are grinding together, and it sounds a bit like a couple of boulders smashing together in passing. In a split second she has wade pinned up against the wall by the fabric of his suit, and the sheer strength of the action leaves a small crater in the wall.
     “Now look at what you’ve done to us!” She pulls Wade close so that their faces are within a few inches of each other, “Do whatever needs to be done to undo this. I don’t care what it costs.” She lets him go and as he slides down the wall onto his knees, she points towards the exit, “Don’t make these babies pay for your mistakes!”
     Wade has been running for some time now, the brisk New York City air acting as motivation to get to where he needs to go; a specific payphone near the old Mercs For Money base. Nobody ever used this phone because it’s had a weathered ‘out of order’ sign super glued to it for the past five years, and after so long of it being seemingly broken, people gave up on trying to get the city to fix it. In reality, it worked perfectly fine, so long as you had the means to remove the post-it note stuck in the coin hole. That post-it note is what Wade ran for an hour to get to.
     He reaches into his pocket for a bobby pin to pry out the note, unfold it, and set it down on the metal shelf below the phone. The cell number on it is fresh as day, and the signature is one he knows very well. Cable in cursive letters. He puts the right amount of change into the coin slot and punches in the number on the note. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, until the voicemail tone is heard, and he groans. Wade is desperate though, and smart sometimes, so he leaves a voicemail.
     “You said to call this number if I ever needed a favor.. Well, today is that day. I need a cure for the bioweapon now. Problem is the cure may.. May not exist just yet. I don’t know what happens now-- I don’t have much time, not that it matters to you, I suppose. Find me. Yesterday.” The phone is hung up soon after that, or, rather, slammed in its place in frustration. Wade feels like he’s wasted precious time on this cause, who even knows if Cable will even get the call, or when he will. He might as well be with his daughter in her last moments, though.
     As he walks away from the sound of the payphone ringing, a deep, almost robotic voice comes from a few meters in front of him, “No need to answer the phone.. It’s just me ringing you back to get the ball rolling,” there’s a blinding white and blue light forming a sphere around a dark silhouette, disrupting the dust and trash on the narrow sidewalk, “But I’ve come back in time, and I have what you want. I understand we’re on a bit of a clock?”
     The man standing before Wade is one he recognizes, but not familiar with. A shadow of Cable himself. He’s dressed in some kind of metal armor, with a red cape over his shoulders, and a spiked helmet under his arm. He holds out a thermal-sized metal cylinder for Wade, but before Wade reaches out for it, he tries to get on the guy’s good side, “First, let me apologize for the remarks I made when you gave me that number--”
     “Hah. Deadpool is desperate enough for contrition, huh?” He seems even more condescending than Madcap.
     “I gotta know,” the futuristic thermal is handed over to Wade, and he stares at it as he speaks, “What’s this cure going to cost me, Stryfe?”
     “Don’t worry. I have a plan for you to work off,” Stryfe’s smirk is so smug it can put most billionaires to shame, “I’ve saved four lives for you, in return you are going to claim four lives for me.”
     “Who do you want dead, Stryfe?” It’s almost as if Wade is contemplating the price of his actions, but not for long. Wade can and will do anything to save his family, so there’s no use in thinking about his actions now.
     “No need to worry about that now. I’ll be in touch. Think of it as a long-term payment plan.” Stryfe turns on his heel, with a flourish of his cape and a chuckle because he know Wade would never say no. And he won’t.
     “Yeah, well, maybe I don’t want to be your bitch. Maybe the cost will be too high--”
     “As we speak, a blood clot is forming in Mr. Preston’s right leg. He’s actually the first to die, by the way,” the blinding sphere of blue and white light appears in front of Stryfe, and he stops to face Wade one last time, “Your parents already paid the price for bringing you into the world. You really gonna let the next generation die too? Or are you prepared to compromise a little?” Stryfe is gone as soon as he finishes, leaving wade staring off to the side, brows furrowed under his mask.
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shelbyshoe · 7 years
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Rated: M
Synopsis:  Natsu and Lucy are swept away by a festival held by their wealthy client, Lady Nakahara. There is more than mystery and the scent of strawberries in the air as they find themselves intimately closer to one another. What they thought was a friendly feast turns into something more as the puzzling night goes on.
The dust cleared from Lucy’s gaze. Natsu stood before her. His eyes traveled up and down the newly formed crater in front of him. She didn’t know where Zulu had gone, but she thought Natsu's attack must have destroyed him. From where she sat she could see the shadows lingered over Natsu's skin. The creature who haunted their nightmares stood in his place. What Zulu had said took the dragon slayer over the edge. Lucy could feel his indignation as if it was her own. She was no longer sure where Natsu's emotions stopped and hers began. Her feet found the strength to move forward. Her footsteps echoed in the circular room. Each step felt like a weight strapped to her ankles. She was sure Zulu was now dead in the mound of rubble until Natsu turned to face her. His eyes were wide, swirling with red and green, and met her own gaze. She watched his eyes dart to something behind her, his mouth open, ready to yell out to her. A thin arm reached around her neck pinning her to a solid form.
"Not so easy," Zulu said. Lucy could feel his chest laboring behind her. His other hand took her wrist, and halted its decent toward the whip at her waist.
"Lucy," Natsu said. His voice a mix of the Natsu she knew and the shadow she knew was coming. It was easy to feel his panic. At first, she thought he feared the creature inside that threatened to consume him. What she felt; however, was not fear for himself. His gaze lingered on the tight arm around her throat.
"Don't worry about me," she said. The arm around her neck and the hand at her wrist grew tighter.
"Zulu only needs two," Zulu said, "they could be anyone." What did he mean? She didn't have time to figure out an answer. Natsu pushed off the ground toward them. His form blurred as his fist slammed into Zulu's face behind her. The arm and grip were gone. Her body felt as though it fell forward. Natsu's arm braced against her holding her steady.
"You okay, Lucy?" he asked.
"Did you get him?"
"Almost dragon child," Zulu said. She heard a soft pop of his jaw echo with his voice. They could no longer place where the man hid. Lucy peered up into Natsu's face. He appeared occupied on the source of the laughter. While shadows moved across his skin, and his eyes swirled with possession. He did not seem worried about it, as though he could control it.
"How?" she began. Natsu looked down for a moment at her face and grinned.
"Don't worry. I think I figured it out!" he said. The familiar grin felt strange on the face of a cursed man.
"What are you talking about?" she asked. Natsu nodded toward the center of the room where a familiar chest sat. She wasn't sure how it had hopped out of their heads, but it was there. It still had chains all around it, but she could make out the lid slightly ajar. He had only opened it enough to use what little power he could get. Lucy was awed. They could just get out of this without fear of the shadows. "Let me take it," she said. She wasn’t sure how long Natsu could manage to keep that up. The best she thought they could do was pass it between them. Natsu shook his head in reply. A frown spread across her face, and she was ready to make him accept when he moved in front of her. His large body was like a towering wall, as she witnessed a poison dart burned to ash in the air in front of him.
"Good luck doing that again!" Natsu called.
"Can you see him?"
"He's concealing himself from me."
"Just having a bit of fun," Zulu said. His voice bounced along the walls like a playful child. They both caught sight of the man who crawled down the wall toward the ground. He laughed as his bare ashen feet touched the stone floor. "Come out, come out dear servant." The man pulled a small orb from a leather pocket at his waist. The pair took a step back with its appearance. The orb seemed to beckon them. It reflected the small amount of light in the room, and swirled in pinks and purples. They watched as he clenched the orb in his fist. "It is time," he said to the orb. Beside him appeared a blurry figure that soon came into focus. Glace stood in front of Zulu, and bowed his head toward his master. His hands were free from the bindings that Erza had placed upon him. The servant took a moment to observe the room. Zulu held the book out to him. Once Glace took the worn tome into his hands, Zulu raised his arm, and slashed it through the air. For a moment, the sounds around them fell away into silence. Glace's eyes seemed to roll back in his head. A great gash formed at his throat. As blood poured from the wound, he dropped to his knees on the floor. A soft gurgle came from his bloody lips before he slumped over the book. Zulu's laugh seemed to overtake the room. Natsu and Lucy watched in horror as the blood pooled around Glace's body.
"He trusted you," Natsu said. Lucy saw his eyes narrow, and his jaw tighten. His irises a more turbulent scene. She placed a hand against his back. Their attention pulled to the crimson pool as it began to retract, as if sucked through a straw. Zulu paid no attention to Natsu's words. He walked to the body of the man beneath his feet. With a kick, he rolled Glace from the book beneath him. The blood poured into its pages like a man dying of thirst. Even from where Lucy stood she could feel the power radiate from the book. Zulu picked it up and dusted it off with an air of nonchalance. She could feel Natsu seething beside her. The entire sight was surreal.
"Now only one more," Zulu said holding up his hand in invitation. Lucy's eyes widened.
"Natsu," she said, "that's why we were cursed."
"What are you talking about?" Natsu said.
"The curse was only meant for two of us. He only needs two sacrifices." The idea gave her cold chills. Even if they died from the curse in Zulu's trap, all he needed was their blood. It didn't even need to be them. It could have been anyone of the people fighting to save their lives. They had walked straight to him. Straight into his trap.
"Lucy, I can’t fight him and keep an eye on that chest," Natsu said. Lucy already had her keys in her hand.
"I can help you fight him," she said.
"Please." His voice was a whisper. The sound made her take a step back. She wondered how much longer he could keep the chest chained up. Protecting it, keeping the thing inside at bay, was important.
Natsu waited for Lucy to walk toward the chest beside them before he pushed his feet off the ground. The wind beat in his ears as he tore through it. He swore he felt his fist hitting flesh. The quick yelp from the smaller man confirmed that he had, at the very least, grazed him.
"Dragon children are all so angry," Zulu said with his feet firmly in front of Natsu's crater.
"Maybe because there is so much cruelty in the world," Natsu said. He clenched his fists. He allowed the flame to emerge. The heat licked across his knuckles, bathed his body in heat, but this flame was ink. The shadows moved inside him-- wrapped around him like veins.
"That is funny coming from a murderer," Zulu said. Lucy watched for a beat as Natsu charged ahead with black flame. She knew some of her anger was Natsu's, but some of it was hers. She began flipping through her keys with her fingers. Lucy's eyes were still glued to the fight in front of her. She had memorized every ridge and angle of her keys. She grasped Leo's key and pulled it free from the rest-- her hand raised and ready to open the gate. There was a crack from beside her. She peered down at the chest at her feet. A crack had formed into the wood. Splinters jutted out in different angles from the fissure. Whatever remained inside of it was beginning to push out. Natsu was weak. She had to do something.
"What does that make you?" Natsu replied. He raised his hands to attack as he saw Zulu dodge his last punch. A burst of flame whipped across like wings slamming into the man's body. Zulu was sent soaring backwards. Lucy. The man's body was propelled in her direction. Natsu could hear his skin skid across the stone floor. His body tossed right through the chest where Lucy once stood. Natsu watched the chest glimmer like a hologram before Zulu hit the wall. The image of it still lingered between their subconscious like a fracture in their reality.
"It's funny what poisons make you see," Zulu whispered in his ear. Natsu was frozen, but not with fear. His muscles refused to move and his eyes still glued to the Zulu slumped against the stone. The poison was paralyzing. "This dragon child really believed it got me!" He laughed loudly beside him, and plucked the dart from his neck. Natsu inwardly cursed. He wasn't sure how he had missed it. Zulu stood in front of him before Natsu had a chance to look for Lucy. The small man raised his arm the way he had done before. "Goodbye, dragon child." Natsu played out every scenario he could—any situation where he won, but there was nothing. He was ready for the slash of his long nails. He was ready for the blood to pour from his neck like the body on the floor. Instead he found himself feeling light, as if a boulder was removed from his shoulders. A darkness encased Zulu, wrapped around him like long fingers that twisted across his skin. The book he once held slid from his arms.
"Get away from him," Lucy commanded. Of all the scenarios Natsu had come up with, this one never crossed his mind. He could feel her name form on his lips, but he never heard it leave his mouth. She stood behind Zulu. The shadows Natsu once carried drifted around her like smoke. Her eyes a pool of black and warm brown. The sight of her was like a horrifying mirror. In her hands, she grasped two black keys. They were like no other keys he had seen her use before. Natsu watched as Zulu was pulled back and twisted like a rag doll by the shadow arms around him. The two creatures held him firm. Lucy gestured to them with the keys, and commanded them without a word. She had summoned monsters. Their red eyes grinned back at the small man. "Release him from your poison," she said. Zulu only laughed-- a trail of blood trickled from the corner of his lips. He began chanting in a language Lucy had never heard before. She flicked her wrist toward one of her creatures. It seemed to grow another arm, and shoved it down his throat. Natsu felt his fingers wiggle, and his movement begin to return. Zulu's chants morphed into a sickening gargle.
"Lucy, don't," he said. Her face, once contorted in anguish, fell at his words. "Don't hold the regrets that I do." He watched as one of the creatures pulled its arm from his mouth. The other wrapped around his small body like rope.
"I could do it," she said. Natsu's arms were free as he worked on moving his legs. “I could kill him.”
"No, you can't," he said. Her eyes flashed and his heart hurt with her pain. "The Lucy I know wouldn't do this." He watched as one of the monsters morphed and twisted around Zulu like a cocoon.
"If I crush him it will all be over," she said. A small tear trailed down her face. "Our friends are safe. No one else has to die."
"Hey, Lucy. Listen to me," Natsu began, his legs beginning to move forward, "Are you listening?" A part of him wanted her to do it. He wanted the man gone just as much as she did. Her feelings swirled around them from the curse that started it all. Lucy's stare remained at the swirling mass of shadow in front of her. He was relieved when she nodded in reply. "Lucy, you are not a killer." She seemed to wince at the word.
"But he is."
"I know he is," he said, "I promised you." This tore her eyes from the scene in front of her. "I promised that I wouldn't let this curse take you."
"I'm still here."
"Not once you do this," he said, squaring his shoulders with resolve, "Lucy, there are a lot of things I like about you."
"I'm going to end this Natsu. You have enough blood on your hands."
"I like the way you laugh with all your heart."
"This isn't going to change my mind."
"I like the way you play with Happy, and the way you love the guild," he said. Natsu stood behind her, his hands at her wrists. His fingers stroked the soft skin of her hands imploring them to release the keys they held. There was a heat, a raging power, that radiated from her skin. He wasn't sure how long he could hold her.
"Stop it."
"I like your kindness, your forgiveness. I like your strength."
"Get away from me."
"I like when you cry over stupid things."
"You can't change this, Natsu," she said. Her hands raised to command.
"Lucy, don't," he said, "Doing this, this will change you. I can't let that happen." He felt her body shake against his chest, her palms tighten. "You know what I love the most about you?" She twisted her wrist without reply. He watched as the shadows began to constrict inward toward the man inside.
"I love the way you love me," Natsu said. He watched her for a moment. Her hands never wavered and her eyes cold in concentration. He wondered if it was too late. "Please, don't do this. We'll find another way." He closed his eyes dreading what she would do. If the one magic was real, if it was love as her mother had said, then he hoped that it would reach her. He hoped that she could feel it through him. He hoped he changed her mind. At first, he heard a soft sob. Her arms became limp at her sides. When her hands abandoned the shadow keys he sighed with relief. They watched together as the shimmering pool of shadow ceased its restriction.
"I was going to kill him," she said.
"We don't kill people," Natsu said, "The shadow does."
"I released the shadow. I let it take over me." Regret seeped into her words.
"You saved my life," he said. She knew she had done what she had to, but it all felt wrong.
"We have to contain it," she said. Natsu watched the swirling shadows of black.
"We have to question Zulu about this curse," he said. The turbulent dark mass stilled at his words. "Lucy, what are you doing?" He looked down to find her eyes wide and staring at the shadows.
"I haven't done anything," she began, "something's wrong." Her body shivered. Natsu could no longer touch her. The power she wielded had become too strong.
"Lucy?" She didn't reply. He watched in horror as the shadows that swirled in her vision began to emerge from her eyes, her mouth, and skin. They pulled away like smoke toward the shadows Zulu was been wrapped in. Natsu could feel the panic welling inside him. He couldn't touch her. He couldn't help her. Once her vision was clear her knees gave out. Natsu was close enough to catch her. He pulled her into his arms. Her eyes opened slowly. Her hand clutched her forehead.
"I'm okay, just dizzy," she said.
"What was that?"
"I can't feel the shadow anymore. It's gone.” She gave him a look of terror.
"Someone give this girl a prize," a voice said from the swirling shadow. It was raspy and echoed like the creature they had heard too many times before. The blob began to turn and mold itself into a human form. Although a man came through the darkness, they knew that he was not human. "Ah it's good to have a body of my own," it chuckled, "too bad for the man that gave it to me." It ran a hand through thick black hair. It's eyes a scorching red. Its features angular and menacing.
"How?" Lucy said.
"You helped me of course. Without giving me this man's body I would have never seen the light of day." It walked toward them. With its first step, Natsu pushed Lucy behind him and readied himself. "Don't worry, what did he call you? Dragon child? I am not going to hurt you." It walked past them easily.
"What are you?" Natsu asked. When the creature made it to the book that lay abandoned on the ground it stood above it, and held out it's palm.
"I am born of both of you, of course. Given form because of you." He slid a long nail across the palm of his hand. They watched as blood dripped from the wound onto the book below. The book took the offering greedily. "I suppose sparing your lives is gift enough for that."
"What are you doing?" Lucy asked.
"Raising the devil, of course," it chuckled, "Well, a demon actually. I'd love the power it holds." She watched the red iris of his eyes glow brighter with a sense of excitement.
"It won't work," she said, "You can't be a sacrifice. Someone has to die." Natsu nudged her back further. His eyes never met hers but she knew he wanted to destroy the thing in front of him.
"Oh, but it will. Zulu is already dead."
The vines around them slithered down the stone walls. Like arms they stretched out to meet Gray and Juvia. Lyon remained unconscious between them. Gray adjusted his grip on his friend. They made their way to the center of the room where the vines had not reached them. Their backs turned to the glowing orb they found.
"Juvia cannot fight these vines off," she said, "Juvia's magic is almost gone."
"Mine too," Gray said. His eyes darted around the room for the source of the plant. The vines were so dense that they encompassed the entire room sprouting across the ceiling. He knew Zulu had planted the orb there to teleport. They would soon be forced to touch its shimmering surface to escape. Gray cursed his lack of magic. Yet again, he looked to Juvia who had saved his life. Her eyes were wide with panic.
"Gray, please give Juvia some of your magic that is left," she said. The stone resolve in her voice was easy to catch.
"What is your plan?" Gray asked. He knew whatever she had in mind was the only plan they had.
"With the rest of my magic and some of yours Juvia may be able to control the vines." She extended a free hand to him without looking away from their current enemy. "The orb could take Gray somewhere Juvia cannot follow. That is not an option." Gray trusted her with his life-- knew she had a plan that had to work. She was right, he had no idea where the orb would lead. For all he knew, the journey could kill them. He took her hand, and closed his eyes. He envisioned his magic as a tangible entity. It rolled and spiraled through him. He concentrated on that movement. He pictured his magic traveling through him to Juvia's palm that was nestled in his own. Gray could only hope that doing so would work. He was rewarded with a gasp from Juvia. Her grip tightened. Gray opened his eyes, as she pulled her palm away pointing it toward the incoming vines. It began to feel drier to him, the moister sucked from the air around him. He watched as it accumulated in her palm. With a thrust, she moved the water through the vines. Their movements stilled.
"What did you do?" Gray asked. He felt exhaustion from his lack of magic.
"Juvia can control them with her water," she said. The vines moved with the palm of her hand, as though she had charmed them. "Take us to our friends." The vines wrapped around them.
"Are you sure they are listening to us?" he asked.
"Yes," she said, with a deep breath she moved her arms to signal the vines. She yelped when they tugged them up toward the ceiling. Gray put his arms above his head in preparation for the impact. He felt himself being sucked up into the vines, and pulled away from Lyon and Juvia.
"Juvia!" he called, outstretched an arm to find her. He had no idea where the vines would take them, but he hoped it was toward their friends.
"Erza?" The voice from behind her was weak, as it carried her name like wind. Erza’s eyes followed the voice. Wendy sat up in Mira's arms.
"Don't sit up too fast, Wendy," Mira said. She pressed her hand on the little mage's back.
"How are you feeling?" Erza asked.
"I'll be okay." Erza's chest filled with concern and pride. Wendy always exuded strength even in the toughest situations. She truly was a Fairy Tail mage.
"Don't stand up just yet," Mira said, holding her small frame as she began to stand, "You should rest."
"Where is Natsu and Lucy?" Her knees wobbled with the effort to stand.
"We all had to split up. I believe they will be safe," Erza said. She didn't know where exactly they were, or how they were doing. She felt a turbulent worry build in her stomach. For all she knew they had grown weaker together, and she had begun to regret their decision to split up. She focused instead on the monster in front of them. "This demon seems to be dormant."
"We don't know how long that will last," Mira noted. Wendy's gaze drew up to the stone monster. Her eyes grew wide at its sheer size.
"Where is this place?"
"Somewhere deep in the temple we were all brought to," Mira said.
"Do you hear that?" Erza said. She materialized a sword, and waited to hear the sound again. It was as though something crawled across stone above them. They all looked up toward the high ceiling as something burst from it. Rubble rained down onto the stone floor below. They all backed up and gazed up at the intruders. Erza placed herself in front of the other two, and waited for their enemy to appear. Soon vines descended out of the freshly made hole. They scaled across the stone walls, and down toward them. They moved like a single entity, and with speed.
“What is that?” Mira asked. Erza squared her shoulders to begin eradicating their new enemy, but ceased when three figures emerged from the growing cavity in the ceiling. Debris and rubble pummeled the floor below causing dust to rise.
“Gray!” Erza called, storming toward the familiar figure. As she reached out toward him she spotted the other two figures, Lyon and Juvia. “Help me Mira!” The two women dragged the three from the vines.
“Juvia did it,” Juvia said through heavy breaths. She pulled herself up with Mira’s hand, and leaned into her from fatigue.
“Oh Juvia, how much magic have you used?” Mira said. Her eyes furrowed and searched her body for any injuries.
“Almost all of it,” Juvia said. She found Erza pull an unconscious Lyon from the vines, Gray stood beside her helping as much as he could, but she could tell that he was just as out of breath as she was. Juvia held up her arms and made tight fists. The vines began to wither and die, as the water found its way from each vine to her palms. Juvia gladly took the water into her own body, and the plants stilled indefinitely.
“That was amazing,” Gray said, “Thank you, Juvia.”
“You were controlling them?” Erza asked. Juvia nodded and went with Erza and the others toward Wendy.
“You all look terrible,” Lyon said, coming to. Erza moved him to sit on the ground by Wendy.
“Speak for yourself,” Gray said. He took a seat next to Lyon and leaned back on his palms.
“Wendy, you need to rest,” Mira said. Wendy moved over to Lyon, and held her hands up to him.
“No one else is going to be able to heal everyone. Besides, he’s right. We are all in bad shape,” Wendy said. Erza nodded to Mira. It still awed her how mature Wendy was. Somehow, she reminded Erza of herself at her age. Part of her felt pride for her strength at such an early age, and another part was saddened by it. The world was a cruel place, and it showed in the weariness in her young eyes.
“Thank you,” Lyon said, and watched as Wendy worked, “Your magic is amazing.”
“Can someone explain what the hell that is?” Gray asked.
“We believe it is the demon that Glace talked about,” Erza replied. All eyes were on the stone demon before them. Wendy moved over toward Gray and began to heal. The ground rumbled. The dust kicked up again.
“Now what?” Erza said to herself. Cracks formed over the stone demon. They stretched and spread up and down its body. She knew what this meant. Zulu had succeeded, and Zeref’s demon would rise once more.
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rawcatlawnchair · 7 years
Chapter 8 - Trixi
Trixi was proud to be a gnome. Always had been, and always would be. His race was famed for their ingenuity, constructing bizarre magical contraptions for all the world to see. While they looked similar to dwarves, with their diminutive size, hairy arms and palms, at their very core they couldn’t have functioned more differently. While dwarves built big and impressive, with their giant metal citadels and over-the-top constructions, gnomes built small and practical. Everything was made for a purpose, and that applied to both contraptions and gnomes.
And right now, Trixi had become a scout. After millennia working in the mountains and mines, gnomes had developed impressive night vision, far exceeding that of any other race on the continent. He stared at the entrance they had passed through just under an hour ago, ears waiting for the telltale sound of horses galloping in. He mentally steeled himself. This fight wouldn't be like the one in the Chalice. This time they didn’t know their enemy, and didn’t know what would they would need to do to escape. They might be taking on five men, or fifty, and the uncertainty was killing Trixi. He knelt with bated breath, taking care not to make a single unnecessary noise, an art perfected after a lifetime spent in stuffy, silent libraries.
After what seemed like an eternity, he spotted several figures approach the fringes of the ruined city. One, then two, then five more behind, all on horseback, barely visible through the dark and the rain. A man at the front dismounted, dressed in a light-coloured hood, standing out amidst the darkness. He raised a hand and flashed a burst of essence, illuminating the area and briefly turning it to day. Behind him, the other white-robed man dismounted, followed by the other men behind him, dressed in brown. He strode forth, almost swaggering, as if he owned the whole place, waving his hand about to shine a ray of light wherever it faced, catching the raindrops as they fell from the sky. Evidently, the rain was letting up, which was bad news for them. The higher the visibility, the higher the odds they got spotted.
After looking around for a brief moment, he turned to face his men and began to bark commands at the five brown-cloaked men. “Fan out! Someone used essence here, they can't have gone far!” As his underlings drew their swords and lit their torches, he turned to speak to the other white-cloaked man.
“The Order of Lua,” Octavia whispered from behind him and he nodded in response. The telltale cloaks of the order not only carried their colours but also their insignia on the back, a winged fist with black trimming. Their agents were no pushovers, but weren't some unstoppable force either. Some quick thinking and good luck would bring about an easy victory.
But before taking down the agents, first the guards would have to be defeated. They had fanned out, trying to flush out the hiding escapees. One wandered over and then past them, aimlessly waving his torch about while walking on a side path. Just barely five meters away, not looking in their direction. It was time to get to work.
From their hiding place, Octavia threw a short quick essence-powered punch, firing out a shockwave. The blast flew out from the shadows, hitting its target and extinguishing the flame on the torch with a gust of air. He whirled around, sword at his side. “Who’s there?” He shouted, looking around in a panic. “Show yourself!” Trixi allowed himself a rare smile. Scaring this man would be incredibly rude, but also incredibly fun.
He raised his hand and began to cast a simple spell, one of the first he had learnt. Behind the man, he made several rocks vibrate, as if someone had ran past and knocked them aside. He immediately turned, but saw naught but upturned pebbles, the evident result of someone, or something running past. Initially used as an exercise in training an elementalist’s fine control of his power, now it was used to prey on this poor man. He constantly looked back to the main road, considering getting backup, but still he stood. Trixi admired his bravery. In the other man’s shoes, perhaps he would have had run already. But it was time for their deception to end.
Octavia rose from their hiding spot, flaring with essence. She stood with purpose, eyes shining bright in the darkness. Her opponent spotted her, and charged without hesitation. Trixi couldn’t see perfectly, but he swore he saw her smirk. Immediately, her hands too began to glow, and as the first strike came down on her, she casually grabbed the sword mid-swing, catching it as if it had been a mere stick, and stared the man in the eyes, drinking in his horrified look. She nonchalantly tossed it aside, and stalked towards him, one step at a time, like a tigress hunting her prey. Any sane man would have run, and so run he did, all the way back to his leaders. Trixi stood up, shaking in the slightest manner. He had known that the essence mage was a terror to behold in combat, but to witness it firsthand was an entirely different matter. Not for the first time, he silently thanked Master Kris for placing her on his side. “He’ll be back with reinforcements, you know.”
“That’s the entire point.” Octavia, still brimming with power, responded with as much nonchalance as she could muster. Elsewhere, he heard Ruzuli’s trademark crackle of lightning, crashing down from the sky, striking once, then twice, then a third time. He looked up and noticed the sky had cleared, the storm passed.
“That all the guards down?”
“Probably one more.” As if on cue, the final guard emerged from a doorway, sprinting towards Octavia’s blind spot, blade in hand. Her essence would protect her, but one clean strike could put her out of commision for a good while. Trixi couldn’t let that happen. And so he began to cast.
One of the core concepts he had learnt during his time in the Grey Tower was that of strength versus speed. Using the same amount of essence, one could shoot a pebble at incredible speeds, or toss a huge boulder, but only have it lumber towards the target slowly. Either strength or speed, never both. He had discovered during his own tests that bricks were nearly the perfect projectile, not large enough to significantly slow down the attack, and not too small to weaken the attack.
He yanked three bricks out of a ruined wall, and promptly plunged them into the back of the charging attacker, sending him sprawling on the floor. When he tried to rise, a fourth found his back, and he went down for good. He knew he shouldn’t have, but he felt good about it anyway. There was something about combat that engaged him in a way that no book could ever replicate. This wasn’t learning how to use a spell from a book, or planning a strategy. This was real, this was happening, and it made him feel in the moment. A pity he wasn’t very good at it.
Octavia looked down at his handiwork, unfazed by it. “I could have handled that, you know. It’s impolite to steal the fun from a lady.” She tapped her chin, powering down but not completely. Suddenly, the street flooded with light, a white cloaked man at its entrance.
“Surrender yourself! We know who you are!” He crouched into a fighting stance, hands already glowing with essence. Trixi frowned at this. Unlike the guards, he doubted they would win this fight with a couple of bricks. Before he could get a single word out, Octavia began the taunting, egging the agent on.
“Oh, then who am I? Or my companion, hm?” The retort dumbfounded him, as he dropped his arms to his side, confused for a moment. After realising he was being toyed with, he roared in frustration and wildly fired two essence blasts, shattering a wall near him, almost as if he was flaunting his might. “No more games!” He proclaimed, as he charged, fists at the ready. Trixi flicked his wrists, retrieving more bricks for his arsenal, before shooting them straight at the attacker’s head. To his horror, the bricks shattered from an essence blast, crumbling to dust before they ever reached their target. The man smiled menacingly, and then charged once more.
I take it all back about fighting. Please give me back my books. Trixi had painted a huge target on his forehead with his pre-emptive attack, and was evidently more helpless in close quarters. Octavia had leapt in first to take the hit, but she had been shoved aside by the larger, and clearly stronger opponent. She had taken several heavy hits with her guard down, and he had been unable to line up a clean shot to free her from his clutches. Now she lay aside, wind knocked out of her and out of the fight for the time being. Beneath the agent’s white robes was a well-trained body, clearly leaning towards raw strength over anything else. Trixi dodged behind a wall, trying to place some space between them, but the man broke the wall apart, smashing it like it was just a fly rather than a huge brick wall that had endured a thousand years of time. Before he could get another hit in, he quickly formed a platform from the earth beneath and pushed himself out of the broken building, putting far more distance between them. He landed on one knee and began to survey his surroundings. Down the street, he saw Jirei batting at the other agent with her vines, while Ruzuli peppered him with tiny lightning bolts. They were doing significantly better, and for a moment he considered abandoning his duel to help them turn the tides. Then he stopped to think about Octavia. While he still had his doubts about her, there was no denying she was a necessary part of the team. Without her, they would not be able to fight effectively, let alone activate the compass. And right now she needed him. As his opponent lumbered into sight, he stood up and wiped mud off his pants.
Oh. Mud. He had nearly forgotten that the pouring rain had turned the earthen roads around the ruins into mud, sloshy in parts and outright boggy in others. This gave him an idea. He was no hydromancer, but mud was more solid than liquid. He could work with this. At his command, two thin tendrils of mud rose from the ground in the most inelegant way imaginable, twin awkward tentacles hovering behind him, ready to strike. He swore he heard a scoff from his opponent, but he ignored it. When the next charge came, Trixi was more than ready for it. One jet of mud shot for his eyes, while the other went for his gut, aiming to either blind him or slow him down. And while sheer strength could overcome a physical attack, it could not defeat human nature. The mud attack to his eyes blinded him, robbing him of his senses as he haphazardly crashed past Trixi into a wall, crumbling to dust as he barrelled through it.
The satisfaction he felt was more a cerebral victory than a visceral one. He would never be able to match most mages blow for blow, but with some quick thinking, he could turn the tides of battle in an instant. “You fight dirty!” The roar shook the building, as the mud-caked man emerged from the ruined ruins. “But I don’t need to see you to hit you!” At first, Trixi took his words as an empty boast, from a man who had more muscles in his arms than his head. Then he realised he had been expending essence like no tommorow, and to someone so attuned with the raw nature of essence he stood out like a sore thumb. As the essence blasts flew towards him, he hastily threw up a mud wall, but it burst from the very first hit, leaving him open to the follow-up attacks. He took one square to the chest, and went flying backwards into a mud puddle. As the monk slowly walked over, he scrambled backwards, trying to find whatever footing he could, but failed. He closed his eyes and hoped for the worst, as the arm came swinging down.
The arm never connected, and instead a cry of pain reached his ears. He opened his eyes to see Octavia leaning against a wall, visibly injured but still able to fight. Her hands were emitting white smoke, as she continued to hammer a barrage of short bursts into him. He managed to keep his guard up, but his defences were beginning to fall. Finally, she dashed forward and planted a knee into his abdomen, breaking his essence barrier with a sickening crack. The man slumped over, essence all but exhausted. It hadn’t been a fair fight, but they had come out on top, and for the time being that was all that mattered.
Trixi had almost begun to celebrate when he saw Octavia wobbling about, dashed over to grab her before she fell. “Rest easy now,” he said, “We survived.” She weakly pointed over his shoulder, prompting him to turn around. Thankfully, the other duo had also managed to defeat their opponent, crudely dragging him along the muddy floor by his hood. “Jirei, see to Octavia’s wounds. Again.” Ruzuli snorted, then turned to look at the two fallen Lua agents.
“Someone wanted us dead.”
“Or someone wanted us captured,” Trixi said, pulling out a bundle of rope from one of their robes. “I can think of someone who might have wanted this.”
“Celice.” Octavia managed to force a word out, saying his name as if it was a curse. “The Order’s men are his men, and he knows we’re out here. All he needs is proof that you three helped me escape, and Master Kris will take my spot at the noose.” “Then let's not give them the proof they need.” Trixi got to work, propping the two unconscious agents up on the floor as he slowly swirled the mud around them, forming a makeshift sinkhole to capture them for the time being. Ruzuli took the rope that had been intended for them and began to round up the less-threatening guards, binding them to each other in a methodical manner.
Before long, the seven men that had been sent after them had been neatly captured, two men up to their chests in cakelike mud and five more tied up in a circle. They sat neatly at the entrance to the ruins, their horses long run away after the commotion. After confirming that Octavia was fit to travel, they gathered up their things and continued on their journey. Rest would have to wait until they were in the clear from their pursuers.
As they turned to leave, one more surprise lay in wait for them. “Octavia,” they heard from behind them. “Your name’s Octavia, and we’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth. You and your misfit friends.” One of their captives had come to their senses, snarling at them. “You think you can outwit Master Celice? He’s been playing these kind of games for decades.”
“I’ve done it twice so far,” Octavia called out behind her, “And I’ll do it as many times as I have to.” Trixi had to smile at that one. Octavia was absolutely fearless and absolutely focused, complete with a total disregard for her own safety. As she limped away into the darkness of the Walled Forest, Trixi didn’t see an injured essence mage. He saw the makings of a heroine, the stuff of legends. For the first time in their journey, he saw her as Master Kris had, not as some broken criminal, but as an ally in the quest for the gods. Not just some dumb brute after all, he mused, as they continued their twilight trek through the woods.
Next Chapter |Start from the beginning
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cloudaintfair · 7 years
The rest of Team Ebisu found Konohamaru unconscious, will they be able to save him?
Shisui saw Ebisu conjure up two clones, one immediately carried Konohamaru and exited the cave and the other followed suit.
“I got what I came for.” Shisui shouted. “So I’ll just be on my way.” He stated.
Shisui was still hidden, he can’t risk getting seen and put unrest in the peace the people had gained from the recent war.
“I can’t let you!” Ebisu replied. “What you probably have officially belongs to Konohagakure and it our duty to return that to its rightful owner! He explained. “If you would just return and we will forget everything that has happened.” He bargained.
A bluff.
Shisui knew that Ebisu was bluffing, even so, he can’t underestimate this man. That’s what he learned as shinobi of the leaf.
“How did you jump to the conclusion that I stole something?!” Shisui answered back. “For all you know, I was just in the cave resting from a thunderstorm.
Shisui knew that he can’t continue hiding from behind the rocks. He knew that he would have to be seen in plain sight if he wanted to exit the Uchiha cave.
“Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Ebisu yelled as airborne shurikens multiplied and began piercing everything in front of the Jounin sensei. “If you won’t come out then I’m forcing you out!” He declared. “Wind Release: Gale Palm!” The Jounin shouted as he weaved through the jutsu’s handsigns.
Shisui immediately used a transformation jutsu with his Sharingan eyes’ tomoes spinning. He transformed into a nondescript man closer to his age then dodged the now deadly shurikens normally.
As soon as the shurikens hit a solid object, they completely shatter. As a result, the cave was filled with dust particles, obscuring the visibility in the already dark cave.
Shisui used the natural smokescreen to his advantage and hid behind a box that was miraculously spared by the onslaught of powered shurikens earlier. He disengaged his transformation jutsu with a simple tiger seal and looked at his enemies.
The dust had settled in quicker than Shusui anticipated as the three members of Team Ebisu remained vigilant on their surroundings.
“I see them!” Hinata called out, her Byakugan active. “Ebisu-sensei is carrying Konohamaru.
“Can you lead us to them Hinata?” Sakura asked.
The Hyuuga nodded in response as they got closer.
“Well then, let’s speed up and meet with them at the next clearing.” Sakura declared as Hinata took the lead and she followed behind the Hyuuga.
Ebisu continued to run a much slower pace, in consideration with the unconscious Konohamaru on his back. He just can’t believe their luck. The first C-rank mission his team had after the war and it evolved into a B-rank at the very least.
As soon as he arrived at the clearing, he saw Sakura and the members of Team Kurenai descend.
“Ebisu-sensei we were sent for your aid.” Shino stated.
The Ebisu carrying Konohamaru nodded.
“My real self is in the cave beyond the cliff.” The Ebisu that lead the rescue party stated.
“You guys go on ahead.” Sakura stated. “I need to perform a diagnostics check on Konohamaru.”
Hinata, Shino and Kiba nodded as they and Akamaru followed the other Ebisu.
Sakura wasted no time and immediately prompted the disgruntled Jounin to do something. “Ebisu-sensei set Konohamaru down.”
Ebisu did as he was told. He was hoping that his student didn’t sustain any injuries, but considering the circumstances, he could only hope none of them were fatal.
Sakura on the other hand quickly did a single hand seal and her hands glowed a shade of bluish green. As soon as her hand glowed with chakra, she hovered both of her hands over Konohamaru’s body. She started on his head and went on towards his feet.
“No internal injuries detected, which is a good thing.” Sakura stated her diagnosis.” However, Konohamaru has a severe case of Chakra exhaustion.” She added. “I need you to cut his clothes and expose his torso for me.” She instructed.
Ebisu did not question Sakura. He immediately did what was instructed to him and used his kunai to cut the middle of the Sarutobi’s shirt and opened it, fully exposing the boy’s torso.
Sakura used her own kunai and nicked her right thumb, enough for her blood to seep through the wound. She then proceeded to write the kanji for ‘absorb’ on Konohamaru’s chest and navel with her own blood.
Sakura did a set of five handseals and placed her hands on the marks she made on the unconscious Sarutobi’s bare torso. Her hands started to glow blue green as if she was replenishing the boy’s chakra reserves.
A moment of silence followed as Ebisu hoped for the best and Sakura was locked in concentration. The squad leader stared at Konohamaru’s unconscious form while the medic simply closed her eyes as she transferred her own chakra to the boy.
“There.” Sakura declared as soon as her hands stopped glowing. “I managed to increase Konohamaru’s chakra reserves to the safest possible level.” She explained. “But he needs to be admitted at the hospital as soon as possible.” She added with urgency. “It won’t be long before his system would reject the Chakra I replenished him with.”
Ebisu nodded in understanding as he hoisted Konohamaru and carried him in his arms.
Shisui was attacking Ebisu’s team with a hail of kunais and shurikens in his disguised form. The team on the other hand were parrying and dodging the barrage of projectiles coming their way with the occasional counterstrikes made by Ebisu.
Shisui couldn’t risk being hit by any of the attacks but he knew he couldn’t just dodge and throw projectiles every time. He knew that he needed to go in and throw in some punches as well.
And the time was now.
Shisui used shunshin and appeared behind Udon, grabbed the boy’s hand and threw him in Moegi’s direction, who was caught off guard and collided with her teammate.
“Udon! Moegi!” Ebisu shouted as he appeared next to his subordinates.
Suddenly two spinning drill-like objects were coming at Shisui.
Shisui was able to use to substitute himself with a nearby boulder, which took the hit for him and was drilled to dust.
“Kiba! He’s on your right!” Hinata shouted.
“Right!” Kiba shouted as he and Akamaru emerged from the rubble and did a stance, along with his dog, and do the same jutsu again.
“Kiba stop!” Shino voiced out. “Any more and you’ll cause a cave in!” He explained.
“An Inuzuka and a Hyuuga?” Shisui questioned as he moved to another place.
“Shino! Kiba! He’s on the move!” Hinata shouted as she followed their enemy location.
“Like I’d let you!” Kiba shouted. “Akamaru!” He called out for his dog. “Dynamic marking!” He instructed.
Akamaru barked in response and jumped into the air. He did what his master instructed him by spinning and releasing urine at the direction that Hinata was facing.
Shisui found himself drenched in dog piss.
“Definitely an Inuzuka.” Shisui breathed out in disgust as he shook his head to whisk away the urine sliding down from his head to his face.
Shisui proceeded to conjure three shadow clones bearing his disguised form and all three of them ran in different directions.
“Damn it!” Kiba cursed. “This guy’s pulling a Naruto!” He explained. “The scent is going in different directions!”
“He made two shadow clones!” Hinata expounded, her Byakugan activated.
“Perhaps a retreat is in order.” Shino suggested.
“What?!” Kiba exclaimed. “Shino! We aren’t running away!”
A moment later, a barrage of shurikens and kunais, giving Shino no time to respond.
“Eight Trigrams: Rotation.” Hinata exclaimed as she erected a dome of chakra as she spun in her place.
Shino also took action and covered the dome with insects.
“An Aburame?” Shisui coughed out. “They literally sent a search and retrieval team after Konohamaru’s team?” He muttered. “I didn’t know Konoha clung to lineages this much after my death.” He mused to himself as he and his clones continued their rain of projectiles unto his opponents.
Shisui’s projectiles were either deflected towards the wall or fall to the grown as soon as they made contact with the dome.
A moment later the insects dispersed and left nothing in their wake.
“A retreat.” Shisui sighed as he released his transformation.
Shisui took a good look at the battlefield he just fought in. He noticed that Danzo’s corpse was missing zs well as some of the Uchiha relics in the place.
“They got Danzo’s corpse huh?” He commented as headed for the exit himself.
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