#yoshi ohara
asteroidbluues · 5 days
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Day 1 aka the final day! My most recent flower study from this year, using this Japanese woodblock lotus print by Ohara Koson as reference.
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10 11 (but who's counting?) QL actors and characters that make my brain vibrate in interesting ways.
I haven't been tagged directly, but I want to do it, so I'm taking @blmpff's post here, @my-rose-tinted-glasses's post here, and @colourme-feral's post here as permission to do what I want. 😏 (Yes, it took seeing three posts tagging everyone to get me to do this - thank you)
Look, my ass is mostly ace, but these people have me leaning into the horny. They could all probably and for different reasons get me to say yes, under the right circumstances.
In no particular order:
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Billy Patchanon (as Nuea in SCOY and Phaya in The Sign) - this kiss rewired something in my brain. There's just something about a person who oozes desire. And he does it so well. Also, also, that saunter while taking off his vest in the rooftop fight scene in The Sign 🥵
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Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) and Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) Semantic Error - No, you can't make me pick one. Disaster bisexuals with piercings and tattoos and attitude. I realised I was some flavour of queer due to a very pretty lady with lots of piercings when I was in uni, so piercings are my forever weakness.
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Tiffy (Zorzo Nathanan) in Lovely Writer - bisexual biker, yes please! Perfect character, no notes.
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Poppy Ratchapong (in anything ever, but especially in YYY) - dude is ripped as hell, so good at character acting, and so pretty in a dress. Ummm, I'm looking disrespectfully, sir.
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Mild Lapassalan (Miw in 3 Will Be Free) - I will watch anything with Mild in it just for her. Miw in particular could step on me and I'd thank her.
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Ohm Pawat (Pat in Bad Buddy) - I've had a thing for him since Make it Right (I know, I know) and it's just gotten bigger with Bad Buddy. His shirtless gym videos, you agree.
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Joss Wayar (Neo in 3 Will Be Free) - yes, yes, I know the gif is from the Vampire promo trailer, but! Hear me out - anyone who can make Gawin look small is tall enough to climb. And that does things to me.
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Yoshi Rinrada (Sand in The Sign) - She's just so pretty 😍 and her banter with Yai is so real and fun.
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Maeda Kentaro (Ohara Yamato in Kimi ni wa Todokanai) - There are beauty marks on his face. And he is a ballroom dancer who also has a blackbelt in karate. You know he can move.
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Xiang Hao Ting from History 3: Make Our Days Count (Wayne Song) - Yes the end of this show leaves me in tears every time (that's why we have fanfic). This giant puppy deserves so much better! Also excellent at the making me believe he wants his acting partner carnally.
Ok, I'm going to stop there. If you see this and want to do it, but haven't been tagged - what are you waiting for???? This is your invitation to join us in horny jail 😎
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deadpoolcom · 7 months
For the character x reader sadly I’m only doing M/N and characters I’ll allow the characters to be female but I probably won’t write for them without a request to.
Mind that i write M/N X (INSERT MALE CHARACTER) females please dni bc I feel uncomfortable with females reading and interacting with my stuff that’s specifically made for the pleasure for male people who can’t rlly find m/n x a male character so-(sorry if it makes little to no sense bc my eng isn’t rlly gud-)
I will Most def make some fluff/sfw fics.
I will do nsfw but if the character you request for is under 18 then I will NOT write for them.
Here’s some characters I will write nsfw/sfw for M/N x male character below
PETER PARKER (any ver especially spider-Noir bc hes my fav)
HOBART BROWN (spider punk)
HAL JORDAN (green lantern)
MARTIN MAN HUNTER (I fr forgot his actual name 😭)
DOG POUND (Both ver)
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masqsims4 · 3 months
Royal News Roundup
As the ninth generation becomes old enough for their first day of school, and the world waits with baited, paranoid breath for the next Mother Plant Invasion, we now turn to the world's royal families for hope and distractons.
Willow Creek
The Royal Summit to meet over world events and discuss future policies just ended. It was determined that a new kingdom and royal family would not be realized unless it was owned for three generations. Which means that the new Henford Kingdom and New Windenburg would not be recognized by the Council of Kings, until the grandchildren of King Blair Yoshikawa and King Kolt Seindu V can prove ownership of their respective lands.
Another policy discussed was potential heirs and the process of officially naming them publicly in succession. This policy was drafted by Vengeance Ando Strangreix, who famously was put into a foster home known for erasing royal titles upon enrollment when he was a young child. This was also to curb the now constant stream of royal children coming from New Sixam Empire constantly being named the new heir upon birth.
Upon conclusion of the summit, each ruler publicly declared an heir to the throne and rate of succession for other children:
Braieforma Alliance: Crown Prince Caden Braieforma, first born of King Samson and Queen Samantha Braieforma
New Sixam Empire: Crown Prince Kolt Seindu "Jericho" Beerloith VI, seventh born child to King Kolt Seindu "Caesar" Beerloith V, and fourth born to his second wife Queen-herald Aragonta Faltal-Beerloith.
Seindu Kingdom: Crown Princess Winter Seindu II, second born to King Ari Seindu and King Mamoru Yamaguchi-Seindu
WhiteTree Coven: High Apprentice Celestine WhiteTree, only child of late High Witch Samara WhiteTree
Eighth Bastion: Countess Athena Lamia, only child of Grand Count Nicolai Lami and Grand Countess Fuyuko Kiraseindu
Komorebi Empire: First Prince Ohara Yoshi, first born child of Empress Ohara Nadeshiko and Emperor-consort Kiraseindu Isamu
Tartosa Duchy: Archduchess Minervina Vakki, first born daughter of Duke Coriolano Vakki and Duchess Cleo Aoki-Faltal-Vakki
Maximus Corp: Granville Maximus, first born son of CEO Clementia Bongrin-Strangreix-Maximus and COO Xzav Maximus
Faltal Industries: Tarquin Faltal Uchibayashi, fifth born son of CEO Balor Faltal and first born son to one of his two mistresses, Veloronia Uchibayashi
Strangreix Syndicated States: Vindi-retribute Petra Strangreix, first born daughter of Vengeance Ando Strangriex and Vindicate Aarom Fid-Drodhoth-Strangreix
Strangerville Military State votes on the next Ruling General based on military school performance, combat skills, and leadership capabilities, and has declined to name a next in line
The position of Head of Entertainment has been officially disbanded, leaving a free market of possible entertainment moguls in Del Sol Valley
The Island Divine of Sulani were not recognized as a ruling power, nor were any representatives present at the summit
Another royal summit would be called after the next Invasion to discuss other matters that came up within the meeting.
Syndiated States of Strangreix
Vengeance Ando Strangreix has not only cemented his Blinddeaf daughter as next in line, but has also proposed dismantling the current royal titles as the age of revenge is long left behind in the Strangreix royal family. The changes will begin with the rule of Vindi-retribute Petra Strangreix, and the family would privately convene and vote on the best titles to use.
Within the next generation, the Syndicated States of Strangreix would be changed to the Strangreix Republic.
The public is giving mixed reactions, with some agreeing to leave the past in the past and the country could benefit from change. While other opposed are very used to the system and titles as they are, having been used for generations despite no longer respecting their origins.
Eighth Bastion
As the Lamia family have announced their heir to the Bastion, they have also announced the arranged marriage of their little countess.
When they are grown, Countess Athenia Lamia will be wed to Barnabus Thornwing, son to the royal advisor, Hesparia Thorne.
The news has been met with positive reception, as not only is there a clear line of succession to the throne but old traditions of combining last names to children have resurfaced after more than a thousand years.
The people of Sulani are slowly gaining back their islands from the Island Divine as the infamous cult begins to crumble from the inside. Many members are fleeing the cult mansion to distant islands, seeking refuge where they can. Only the most outspoken or those born into the cult have opted to stay. The current leader of the Island Divine, Divine Kiraseindu Megumi, has been increasingly hostile against those outside the cult speaking about it, positively or negatively. There are talks with local conservation groups looking to take back the McClure-Hidu Conservation Society and keep it from cult control. Talks are currently underway.
Meanwhile, on Lani St. Taz, a new and popular resort has started to buy up land and give proceeds back to Sulani locals. The resort, Sapphire Shores Resort & Spa, was situated far enough away from Divine lodging and meeting spaces and has been slowly encroaching onto other islands for several years now. The owner of the resort, Princess Narni Strangreix, has been very vocal against the Island Divine and has offered lodging and safety to those wishing to flee and leave. Many other activists who are against the Divine have backed up her cause, and many prominent members, including influential mermaid leader, Kishi McClure, have left the cult.
Despite the many setbacks the cult is facing, the vocal minority of the Divine have promised that they are not going away, that their core values are to the preservation of Sulani's nature and fragile ecosystem, and will defend themselves while defending their home.
The moment the Strangerville Armed Forces declared the foundation of Britechester stable and safe to return to, reconstruction of the two prominent universities has begun. Overseen by educational entrepreneur Garrett Ircids, the universities will also be adding their own virtual classrooms to campus for those who do not wish to set foot on campus.
Ircids has also invited many professors and teachers from around the world to back the two universities and provide the world with the higher education they missed out on for a full generation. Many high schools around the world had created their own virtual academies to provide higher education, and some places starting smaller local colleges of their own, but the allure of a prestigious school is too hard to ignore. The first round of students have already signed up and are ready to earn their degrees and make a place in the world again.
Ruling General Phoenix Hakzar held a press conference confirming that the new wave of vaccines has been the strongest so far against Mother Plant Infection, and has dismissed claims that the vaccines are causing some to turn into plant people. They strongly urge others to do their proper research and make informed decisions going foreword.
On the subject of Infected, Ruling General Hakzar has also mentioned a successful treatment clinic on one of Sulani's distant islands. They urge anyone deemed Infected to be shipped to said clinic immediately for treatment.
They also mention that research into the Mother Plant has been going well and soon there should be mention of a Permanent Solution. They regret to mention that this Solution will not be ready when the Mother Plant reemerges, but it has always been defeated and with each defeat comes new information and advancements, bringing the world one step closer to ridding the planet of the Mother Plant once and for all.
The former High Witch Rhomani WhiteTree, and her wife, the High Witch regent Yuna Okada, not only formally announced the heir to the WhiteTree Coven, but also announced the birth of their daughter, Amari.
They also announced changes to membership of the coven due to wavering loyalties. With some deciding to become "royal wizards" to other royal families, the White Tree decreed that those who leave the coven are not welcomed back. This move had been highly controversial, creating some splits between the born family of the White Tree and those who had joined over the years.
The White Tree had also announced a strong separation between themselves and a member called Imari Xesuvixes. Xesuvixes had been a long participating member of the coven, with constant research into magic and other occults, but had a reputation of being eccentric, promiscuous, and neglectful as a friend and mother. She also was an anarchist, anti-monarchist, and radical movement leader, calling for all the world's royalty to disband and give the earth back to the people. Because of her harsh criticisms, the coven revoked her membership and many around the world have dismissed her as an unnecessarily loud voice screaming into the void.
New Windenburg/New Sixam Empire
With the Windenburg Divide, many people had taken sides and in-fighting has started to happen. Among these divides were the laws that the new King Kolt Seindu V put on his kingdom of New Windenburg. Bigamy was no longer allowed, all households were to have one spouse in his rule. And the heirs to his kingdom could be any gender, as long as they were the first born in their family, ending the generations of King Kolts on his side of the family. That being said, despite not being recognized by the Council of Kings, he named his only son, Prince Kolt Seindu VI, as his heir to his kingdom. The people of New Windenburg are very passionate about their new King and are eager to see change and common sense in this new era.
However, the New Sixam Empire has become isolated on the Crumbling Isle, and those who noticed King Kolt "Caesar" Seindu-Beerloith V using his power to abuse those below him. The people of New Sixam are clinging to their only known ways of life of isolation and luxury, denouncing those who decided to leave for the "weaker" kingdom. But those who did not agree with New Sixam at all have fled the island for greener pastures, leaving mostly members of the royal family and their very loyal staff and followers.
King Kolt "Caesar" Seindu-Beerloith V also had his third wedding recently to former White Tree witch Edassaem Payne, making her Queen-herald of the New Sixam Empire and his third wife. She has also become the new royal wizard of the New Sixam Empire, promising to keep the island and its inhabitants safe.
The jungle nation continues to recover after the last Mother Plant Invasion destroyed much of the natural habitat and the old Omiscan temple. Many families were displaced and remote villages were either destroyed or deemed too unsafe to return to.
Like many after an invasion, some have decided to move further inland and form a home somewhere the Mother Plant can't put her roots. Vista Hermosa, an old settlement of five hundred people quickly found itself the place where Selvadoradans put down their own roots and quickly started to build larger settlements to accommodate. The Seindu Kingdom offered to help with setting up the area with the latest technology and sound architectural design to make the small town a bustling city for all to flock to.
The new city in Selvadorada is quickly becoming a place to bump elbows romantically and find what the heart wants. The locals have started to call the new city paradise, Ciudad Enamorada, the City of Love.
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ahi-inc · 7 months
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2024/03/30 (Sat.) 18:00-06:00 第2回 桜逢祭 at OKUTAMA+ (Okutama, Tokyo) Advance: 6000 JPY Door: 6500 JPY Ticket: Passmarket 桜逢祭:文化祭実行委員: HIROSHI WATANABE Hiroshi Okubo yohei HIBIKI TAKAMI TAK666 Takayuki Kamiya みさきち Hedonist LZD Yamajet crakka 後藤王様 Fish&Chips TAICHIRO お父ちゃん。 HokBoy DJ 01 杉並技研機動二課 forest. mizm アツシオハラ spacetime KAZUMiX KNOCKHEADZ まぐかべ Re:kei zibasiri Mitsuaki gekko
全押し/半押し(音ゲー): BlackY B kazpulse Bun-K ROTKAR 5h!nku とらすけ D’s ダイダイモン ぶぶ Anvil YOSHIMIZ HIBI ユタカ p6p WISE mekagami VJ GAS まぐかべ
Old School(懐古): WAN リズマニ SO-1殿下 shotac Sweet Sling Singapore(犬重 & ISHII) Dychu M-U Mackey はいごっぐ tonio たけもし
CUERaider x patchwork: cartax droplamp Hylen KAMIN Musicarus Nemonoika nia Nizikawa Oblongar pokob proof Qreme Logic shiki SMILEVIDEO crew yamakagebeats カルト 鴨居 ИULL maya_Alukas M/EDJed raccoon yoshi presented by mopp & neru_kun
DualStack(VR): DJ SHARPNEL Quarta 330 YAKORUSU SHIRIA@ 邪神 ういにゃん kokou DJ電撃姫 FOXYUN EBIMAYO たまP KURAYAMI あきな Dai3110 Fukuro DENPARADE voxupper Illust: きりく
Logo: k-two https://ouhousai.com/ 弊社より、TAKAMI、KURAYAMI、Atsushi Ohara、Takayuki Kamiya、KAZUMiXが出演いたします。
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pwrestlingxpress · 1 year
NJPW Match Card Set for June 17 + Match Predictions for NOAH's Green Journey in Nagoya 2023
Earlier today, NJPW announced match cards for their televised events in Chiba (for June 10th and 18th) and Hachioji (for June 17th). Down below is the official match card for their June 17th which is part of their "New Japan Road: Road to Strong" tour which starts in Chiba on June 10th. There will be a total of 8 matches on the card 4 of them are pictured down below:
Opening Match: Kosei Fujita vs. Master Wato
Match #2: Yuto Nakashima and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Boltin Oleg and Tomoaki Honma
Match #3: EVIL, SHO, Yujiro Takahashi, and Dick Togo vs. Hirooki Goto, Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, and Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Match #4: Dan Moloney, Clark Connors, and Gedo vs. Great O-Khan, TJP, and Francesco Akira
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Match #5: Alex Coughlin and Gabriel Kidd vs. Oskar Leube and YOSHI-HASHI
Match #6: Shota Umino, Ren Narita, El Desperado, and Tiger Mask vs. Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii, and YOH
Semi-main Event: Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, and BUSHI vs. Taka Michinoku, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, and Taichi
Main Event: Yota Tsuji and Hiromu Takahashi vs. SANADA and DOUKI
"New Japan Road: Road to the Strong" in Hachioji airs on NJPW World at 6 PM Local Time/5 AM Eastern/4 AM Central/2 AM Pacific.
But before that, we will have Pro Wrestling NOAH's "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023" which will air on ABEMA and Wrestle Universe at 5 PM Local Time/4 AM Eastern/3 AM Central/1 AM Pacific on the same day as "New Japan Road" in Hachioji in which right now I will give you my full match predictions for the NOAH event as promised when the match card was officially announced last week.
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Opening Match Prediction: I can understand that Hiroki wants to prove himself but by leaving Kongo, he has left a big hole. Already knowing he'll lose to Kenoh, losing to Hajime Ohara is not a option but...with the way he's been going, can't see him beating Ohara. Hajime Ohara will win the opening match.
Match #2 Prediction: This match is very intriguing but if I'm to pick a side then I'm going with the team of Mohammed Yone, Super Crazy, and Alejandro for the win.
Match #3 Prediction: Apparently Hideaki Suzuki is not happy about this match and based on how he is. I'm expecting this singles bout against Shuhei Taniguchi to be a brawl. Hideaki Suzuki will dominate and win in easy fashion.
Match #4 Prediction: When this match was originally announced, I thought that this would be used to determine Hijo del Dr. Wagner's next challenger for the GHC National Championship. But with Kaito Kiyomiya's participation in the G1 announced, this is his chance to show his 7 block opponents (which will be announced on June 10th) what he's made of. I still see Kiyomiya winning and at the same time make a statement as G1 Climax 33 looms for him.
Match #5 Prediction: This is no typo everyone, Naomichi Marufuji is actually teaming up with Eita against Daiki Inaba and Atsushi Kotoge in which I see the crumbling of Kotoge continue. Eita and Marufuji with the surprise victory.
Match #6 Prediction: Welcome back Jack Morris, we missed you. GLG vs. Stinger and Sean Legacy is sure going to be something. My prediction on this match will be very interesting for I have Stinger and Legacy continuing that momentum they've been having since May 4th in Ryogoku. Stinger and Sean Legacy with the win.
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Match #7 Prediction: A rematch from May 14th and a preview match for June 22nd all in one match. AXIZ returned on May 14th in a losing effort as Go Shiozaki was pinned by Kenoh in the main event. Since that loss, AXIZ has won their next two matches and it is expected by the time they get to Nagoya they will be 4-1 since reuniting. My prediction is that AXIZ will get the win here but it will be interesting to see if this match will be for the AJPW World Tag Team Championship by then. Also, note...Go Shiozaki has never defeated Kenoh in singles competition. A win here in Nagoya could boost his confidence to get that first win over the Kongo leader in Korakuen Hall five days later.
Match #8 Prediction: Very hard match to predict here but one thing is clear, Dante Leon will do whatever it takes to win back the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship and though I can see him winning somehow I don't. HAYATA will retain but how though remains to be seen.
Semi-main Event Match Prediction: My expectation here is that whoever wins between Kongo and AXIZ two matches earlier will be the next challenger team for the GHC Tag Team Championships. This match is hard to predict because when you have Saxon Huxley in the ring, he's out of control. He's the true definition of being the savage David Finlay wants in his Bullet Club. Anyway, this match...I'm predicting as of right now new tag team champions with AXIZ coming out as the next challenger team. However, should the champion team retain, this could be the chance for Go to exact some revenge because it was Timothy Thatcher that put him on the shelf in Osaka back in September. Nonetheless...here I see new champions but always expect the unexpected when it comes to Saxon Huxley.
Main Event Prediction: There's a saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. My prediction here is a very intriguing one for I see Jake Lee retaining despite being dominated by the challenger Takashi Sugiura throughout most of the tour. Jake Lee's toughest challenge will result in his toughest victory and should he emerge victorious be interesting to see who' will be next.
So, those are my predictions for Pro Wrestling NOAH's "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023". Sorry but no predictions for "New Japan Road". The next NJPW event that I'll do predictions on will be their "Forbidden Door" event at the end of June and their two Independence Day Events during the 4th of July 2023.
"New Japan Road: Road to Strong" in Hachioji airs on NJPW World this Saturday at 5:00 AM Eastern while "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023" airs the same date at 4:00 AM Eastern on ABEMA for Japanese Commentary and Wrestle Universe for English commentary.
Go to timeanddate.com, type in the city you live in to find out the start time to these 2 events in your area.
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anamon-book · 4 years
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スイングジャーナル 1981年11月号 スイング・ジャーナル社 表紙:中本マリ & ドン・グルーシン(写真=Yoshi Ohara)
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olivesjaw · 5 years
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River Phoenix by Yoshi O’Hara
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90sclubkid · 7 years
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Leonardo DiCaprio, 1994
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sendaidivision · 2 years
Kotono's Thoughts on Akihabara Division
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Keiko Yumi
"Keiko is one of my better students, I'll admit. She's very diligent and studious. ...But that also makes her kind of annoying. She constantly hounds me about either her grades, or tests that I completely forgot about giving out. And no matter how many times I tell her to just call me 'Kotono', she still insists on calling me 'Ohara-sensei'. I know she means nothing by it, and she's just being polite and respectful. But does she not realize how old that makes me sound?!"
Criss Hiromi
"Criss, I'll admit, is one of my better pupils. Yes, she does have a bad habit of skipping class, but when I hear its cause she's often exploring some dark or mysterious place, I just let her off with a slap on the wrist. Plus, it's not like she's missing anything important. And she does well in my class anyway, so what's the harm, you know?"
Nikki Yoshie
"Despite how uncharismatic she was, I actually liked young Nikki. Though she had problems with participating in class, I wasn't bothered by it. I hear she's currently making a killing on the 'E-Gamer' scene. Good on her!"
Otaku Corps
"At first, I was shocked when I realized Otome sent HypMics to my students, of all people. I didn't know if she was just desperate to have more divisions participating in her tournament, or if she was trying to get back at me for leaving. But after I did a little research, I found out that the reason wasn't about me at all. It was because of my own students was working for Chuohku. I could scarcely believe it...
"As much as I don't want to harm my own students, not only because that would look bad on my record, I have my own goals to fulfill. And if my students happen to get in the way of that, well... I'll try to make their defeats as quickly and painlessly as I possibly can."
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depper-than-you · 8 years
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rivjudephoenix · 8 years
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River in an LA hotel room, 1988
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axxxxier · 6 years
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2nd is better
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curewhimsy · 6 years
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Where does Mari (Mario Hara) fit in all of this!?
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pwrestlingxpress · 1 year
Match Card and Order set for June 10 Events
Last Thursday, Pro Wrestling NOAH announced their match card for their June 10, 2023 event entitled "Sunny Voyage 2023" taking place in Yokohama. In case you missed it, here's the match card down below:
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Opening Match: Eita vs. Seiki Yoshioka
Match #2: Atsushi Kotoge and Junta Miyawaki vs. Yoshinari Ogawa and Kai Fujimura
Match #3: Chris Ridgeway vs. Tadasuke
Match #4: Manabu Soya and Hajime Ohara vs. Go Shiozaki and Katsuhiko Nakajima
Match #5: Sean Legacy vs. Kaito Kiyomiya
Match #6: Masa Kitamiya, Yoshiki Inamura, Dante Leon, and Alejandro vs. HAYATA, Daiki Inaba, Super Crazy, and Stallion Rogers
Semi-Main Event: Takashi Sugiura and AMAKUSA vs. Jake Lee and YO-HEY
Main Event Match: Hiroki (aka Hi69) vs. Kenoh
Earlier Today, NJPW announced their match card for the same date with their event entitled "New Japan Road: Road to the Strong" which will take place in Chiba. Down below is their full match card in which only the last four matches are pictured below:
Opening Match: Kosei Fujita vs. Yuto Nakashima
Match #2: Boltin Oleg and Oskar Leube vs. Togi Makabe and Tomoaki Honma
Match #3: EVIL, SHO, Dick Togo, and Yujiro Takahashi vs. YOH, Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano, and YOSHI-HASHI
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Match #4: Dan Moloney, Clark Connors, and Gedo vs. Francesco Akira, TJP, and Aaron Henare
Match #5: Gabriel Kidd and Alex Coughlin vs. Ryohei Oiwa and Hirooki Goto
Semi-main Event: Shota Umino, Ren Narita, El Desperado, and Tiger Mask vs. Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii, and Master Wato
Main Event: Elimination Match: Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Yota Tsuji, Hiromu Takahashi and BUSHI vs. SANADA, Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, DOUKI, and Taka Michinoku
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Also in Chiba, NJPW will be announcing the 4 blocks as well as partial match cards for the G1 Climax 33 Tournament which begins on July 15th. This block announcement will most likely determine Kaito Kiyomiya's possible participation in the N1 Victory which starts on August 6th. Their participants will be announced again on June 22nd in Korakuen Hall.
"Sunny Voyage 2023" in Yokohama airs on Wrestle Universe this Saturday (June 10, 2023) at 4 PM Local Time/3 AM Eastern/2 AM Central/1 AM Pacific.
"New Japan Road: Road to Strong" in Chiba airs on NJPW World in Japanese Commentary that same Saturday (June 10, 2023) at 6:30 PM Local Time/5:30 AM Eastern/4:30 AM Central/2:30 AM Pacific.
Go to timeanddate.com, type in the city you currently live in to find the start time of these two events in your area.
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uenodivision · 2 years
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 2 (Cont.)
The Four Guardians
Kisouna "Verdict" Yuzairu
Shisuta "The Saint" Heisha
Kotono "Shiki" Ohara
Aira "Nightingale" Otonashi
Never Deviate
Dec@yed 0ri9in5
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Nikki "1-Up" Yoshie
Criss "Paradox" Hiromi
3nd 0f b361nn1n6
Anger & Fury
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Wet Em' Up (Pow, Pow!)
Black Cherry
Suzuki "KiraKira" Kirara
Miyazaki "FASHIONISTA" Aimi
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Aikawa "Helios" Maki
Shine Brightly
The "New" Yozakura
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
License to Kill
Chuohku's Jinchū
Ritsuko "Strychnine" Okada
Ryoko "Orion" Minamoto
Ayama "Amaryllis" Miyazaki
Keiko "Mangaka" Yumi
Message to All Divisions (Don't Fight Us) (Femme Fatale, Starlight Specters, Cherry Go Round!, & Oculus Diss)
Light & Dark
Asato "AR Master" Rikiya
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Kensaku "Dr. K Tone" Morimoto
Silent Tragedy:
Hojo "Mz. Hyde" Kanon
Aichi "Belladonna" Reika
Kito "Renegade" Sakura
Vivid Angels:
Aira "Nightingale" Otonashi
Mitsuru "Odette" Tenjo
Katsumi "Espada" Kenzaki
Tetsuya "FЯE4K" Yashiro
Min "F4NXY CH!LD" Jinwoo
Minato "MIN-K" Kanzaki
Pride for the Mic (Outro)
Bonus Tracks!
The Brotherhood
Ryuūnosuke Sekiguchi
Yuki Kuraokami
Asato "AR Master" Rikiya
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
Haruto "Phoenix" Hirabayashi
Akira "Poisonous Petal" Arai
United Emceez
YWIA (Young Women in Action)
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Lana "Facade" Alarie
Yuriko "Black Dahlia" Kuromiya
Kiera "Freyja" Yoshioka
Anika "Rush Hour" Kiyozaki
Queen Card
United Emceez (The Response) (Chuohku Diss)
Femme Fatale
Sayaka "Rhopalocera" Miyuki
Lola "Aphrodite" Takahashi
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
The "Real" Femme Fatale (CodeX & Chuohku Diss)
@sendaidivision @nerima-division @saitama-division @akihabaradivision @suginami-division @edogawa-division @urayasu-division @shinagawa-division @takatsuki-division @sumida-division @toyama-division @shizuokadivision @kagoshima-division @naha-division @sapporo-division @nagasakidivision @chiyoda-divison @kyoto-division @miraiodawara @minato-division03 @akihabara-division03
Most of the costumes used in the music videos were designed and created by Ramuda "easy R" Amemura, with assistance from Evelyn "SPIRIT" Rose.
The dance scenes in "Words I Couldn't Say" & "You Are (My Bright Star)" were choreographed by Yeong "9-Dan" Hajoon.
The rap sheets shown before "Revenge (This Is How We Do)" were all fabricated. Probably.
The 'as you wish' and 'yes sir' parts of the chorus on the song, "Obey Us" were delivered by Miho "Iron Maiden" Kobayashi's butler, Goro Eguchi. He went uncredited in the album credits.
Due to high approval from the first shuffle album, more songs were included, along with more artists from different divisions.
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