#mari nakamoto
originalharmonysalad · 11 months
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Eiji Kitamura & His All Star Sixtet  With Vocal By Mari Nakamoto – Micro Live Session At The Hotel New Ōtani (1973)
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flashfuckingflesh · 13 days
Sacrifice and Intestines Make Great EVIL Slashers! "Ikenie Man" and "Harawata Man" reviewed! (Wild Eye Releasing / DVD)
“Ikenie Man” Available on DVD Home Video! “Ikenie Man” Four university friends involved in a movie making club trek deep into the remote, phone service-snuffing forest eager to make their esteemed stamp on the slasher genre, or rather just the director does, as frustrations build between them, exploding furiously into an inability to find cohesive creativity, and their lead actress quits and…
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prismatoxic · 4 months
Laios Touden - Larry Thorton (he's smart and knowledgeable about monsters and his friends always support him) Falin Touden - Felicity Thorton Marcille Donato - Mary DiMaggio (she's more italian now. refers to felicity as her "bestie" on numerous occasions. heavily implied to be in love with larry) Chilchuck Tims - Charles Chuck (he has a goatee and all instances of his age being questioned in canon are replaced with him being made fun of for his bad facial hair. all mentions of a union are gone) Senshi - Samuel Izutsumi - Isabelle (was tulip in the old party)
Kabru - Kyle (very overtly an evil antagonist who wants to hurt larry, also openly in love with rebecca) Rin - Rebecca Holm - Harold Daya - Denise Kuro - Fido Mickbell - Maddison (a girl now and HEAVILY gendered so nobody is confused)
Mithrun - Michael (also blatantly evil, like kyle) Pattadol - Patty Cithis - Cindy Otta - Oswald (a man now, and given pants) Fleki - Fran (a crazy lady now, but not because of drugs! she's just kooky and silly) Lycion - Lupin
Mr. and Mrs. Tansu - Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Kaka - Kenneth Kiki - Kennedy Namari - Nancy (her dad vanished one day without a trace for unknown reasons and she's been trying to get him back)
Toshiro Nakamoto - Thaddeus Nicholson (everyone thinks his name is chad, he and felicity are openly engaged) Maizuru - Marigold Hien - Holly Benichidori - Bluebell Inutade - Ivy
Sissel/Thistle - Poppy (a girl now) Delgal - Dennis Yaad - Edward The Winged Lion - Leo, until his true nature is revealed, and then Lucifer
and now, some screenshots from @sleepiercreature:
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
(Bsf brother! Yuta x Black Chubby reader)
Synopsis: Yuta, Y/n’s best friend's brother just came home from college to a beautiful surprise in the form of thick thighs, stomach pudge, puppy eyes, and a little bit of lies.
Warnings: Mentions of a kn*fe, smut and lies.
Word count: 1.8 k (ik I went overboard)
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“Oh, Yuta’s coming tomorrow” My best friend of 6 years says to me in the most casual way possible.
I turn to look at her in shock “What?”
We were seated in a booth at our favourite diner ‘PHUCK ONMEI’.
Yup, its exactly that
We were having our weekly tea pill over some cherry cokes and cheesy fries when she just dropped this bomb.
“Lisa, I’m not fucking with you. What do you mean your brother’s coming tomorrow?”
She rolls her eyes and slams her tall class of coke on the table “My brother, Yuta Nakamoto - the man you’ve been wanting to jump your draws since first year high school - is coming tomorrow”
I slapped her hand at the rude but true comment.
I’ve had a crush on my best friend’s brother since the first day I saw him.
Lisa and I were 16 and chatting up in her living room and 16-year-old Yuta had walked out of his room shirtless with bed hair.
That was 7 years ago.
Ever since then, every time I saw him, I stared.
Back then, He confronted me many times about it.
He tilted his head and smirked
Holy fuck.
“See something you like You like Y/N”
“Shush bitch. At least pretend to be disgusted or something.” I stated.
You’d think someone would be upset at their best friend having a crush on their sibling but nope, not Lisa.
Matter of fact she encouraged it.
‘You lie when you’re flustered, and he lies all the fucking time. Match made in Heaven’. She would always say.
“I thought he couldn’t take time off this year” I said still trying to digest the news. Yuta had moved away to college three years ago and was currently studying to become a doctor.
More specifically a Gynaecologist.
Lisa slurps the last of her drink and says, “That’s what he said but mom misses him and y’know when mom wants something she gets it”.
“True.” Was all I could say as my mind started to fill with thoughts of him.
I picked at my food for the rest of our little ‘gossip date’ until it was time to go.
The minute I stepped into my apartment I screamed in excitement.
“Holy shit!” I ran around my apartment smiling like an idiot.
“I’m seeing him tomorrow for the first time in three freaking years.”
As the evening went by my excitement began to be replaced by fear.
‘What If he doesn’t remember you?’
I feel like he does. He has to.
‘What if he brushes you off?’
 I mean we aren’t exactly family.
‘What if he hates what he sees?’
My skin crawled at my last thought.
Yes, my body changed over the past few years, but I wasn’t insecure about it.
My hips filled out nicely, my boobs were alright, and my ass was heavenly.
It rested on thick thighs that complimented my stomach pudge and back rolls…I was Hot.
“What’s not to like” I said out loud to no one in particular.
“Wear something sexy but cute tomorrow, mom wants you at the welcome dinner”. Was the last thing Lisa said before we parted ways.
Thank God I went shopping last week I know exactly what to wear.
://///////:::::::/::::::////////////////////TIME SKIP
“Hail Mary mother of G-” I was interrupted by a smack on the back of my head.
I rubbed my head trying to quell the pain “OW!”
“Cut that shit out. It’s just my brother not the coming of Jesus” Lisa hisses as rolls her eyes.
We were currently sitting in her living room surrounded by what Mrs. Nakamoto called ‘simple decorations’.
They were not simple.
Blue and white Balloons were all over the floor and there as a fucking 7-foot standee of Yuta at the front door.
Scared the living shit out of me when I got here.
“Mom says he’s on his way here.” Lisa says as she idly kicks a balloon.
I shrugged “Whatever.”
“What? All of a sudden, you’re not trembling in excitement anymore? That’s weird.”
I shrugged again “I wasn’t excited.”
Lisa looked me up and down and threw her head back laughing “Liar.”
//////////////////////////////TIME SKIP///////////////////////////////////////////////////
He came.
He fucking came like a storm.
He changed.
So damn much.
He walked through the door and heart fell to my ass.
Yuta Nakamoto did the fucking impossible and became hotter.
I watched as he hugged Lisa and his mother before turning to me who was standing behind Lisa.
I waited for him to say something…anything.
Instead, he did the unthinkable
“Who’s this?”
The world stopped.
Shame and embarrassment clawed at my chest.
Lisa gasped in shock and Mrs. Nakamoto swatted his arm.
“You don’t remember Y/N?”
His eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“This is Y/N?” he gestured to me in disbelief.
I smiled shyly and looked down “Yes, its me”.
I could feel his eyes on me. Taking me in.
I hope he likes what he sees.
We had dinner in comfortable conversations, revelling on past memories and Yuta’s school life.
Throughout the entire meal he didn’t even spare me a glance.
I felt dejected.
Soon it was time for dessert but Mr. Nakamoto who was supposed to be here earlier had called.
“Your father needs to be picked up from work again so I’ll have to go get him”. Mrs. Nakamoto said slowing standing from her chair.
“I’ll come with” Lisa said also standing from her chair.
“There’s cake in the kitchen” Mrs. Nakamoto says grabbing her coat and car keys, Lisa following close behind.
“Oh, I’ll cut it” I offered.
I needed to get away from him and take a damn breath.
I got up from my seat and headed to the kitchen leaving no room for Mrs. Nakamoto to object.
“Alright then, we’ll be back soon.” Mrs Nakamoto shouted out before closing the front door.
I grabbed the oven mitten and pulled the cake from the oven and setting it on the countertop.
I heard a chair scrape the ground and footsteps making their way towards the kitchen.
Soon, there was a presence beside me.
"Missed me?"
I peered up at the man I'd met a thousand times before. Before he left for Uni his hair was shorter
and he was slimmer. Now, his body was lean with muscle and his hair was so long that he gathered it
in a ponytail at the back of his head.
Nakamoto Yuta was a sight to see.
“N-no I didn’t”
Then he did that thing, the thing that almost made me loose my shit about a hundred times
He tilted his head and smirked
“Liar. I know you did”
I shake my head “You’re so full of yourself”.
 He chuckled “I know.”
I rolled my eyes and turned around reaching for a knife to cut the cake.
I could have imagined it.
I really could’ve.
But I’m pretty sure I just heard Yuta do a sharp intake.
I turned around to face him again “Are you okay?”
“You changed a lot” He ignores my question.
“yeah, I guess.” I said simply said.
He nods.
“And this dress…did you wear it for me doll?” He questions as his fingers skim across the fabric covering my breasts.
My breath hitches as I feel my nipples getting hard under the fabric “N-no I did not.”
He grips my chin causing me to look directly in his eyes.
////////////////////////////////////// SMUT! NSFW SMUT! //////////////////////////////////////////
“You taste so fucking good baby” Yuta says gripping my thighs pulling them further apart as his tongue works between my legs.
We were still in the kitchen.
I was now on the countertop with Yuta between my thighs.
I could her him sucking and lapping at my juices.
His face was glistening and covered in it.
my mind was so foggy I could barely understand anything.
Suddenly my lower abdomen started to feel cramped, but I could tell something was different.
More intense.
“YUTA! WAIT!” I shout as I try to squeeze my thighs shut.
He uses his strength to keep them open. I try getting up only to be held down and pulled closer
“Don’t you fucking run from me.” He grunts.
Tears were streaming down my face “Yuta m’gonna make a mess”
“Not yet baby. Not fucking yet” he says standing up.
I whine in protest.
He pecks my lips to shut me up.
I can taste myself on his lips.
He grips my waist and helps me down form the counter
“I want you to sit on my face.” He says as I watch him lay on the kitchen floor.
“What?” I ask in disbelief. Staring down at him
He grunts and pulls me down by the hem of my dress making me fall on top of him.
“I’ll crush you” I state.
A sharp slap to my thigh causes me to screech “Sit. On. My. Face.”
I hesitate but go to hover over his face anyway.
“Y/N I said sit. Not hover” he says sternly
“But I don’t wa-” I was cut off as he grabs my hips and pulls me down immediately. His mouth latching to my pussy.
He continues licking and sucking eventually adding a finger.
“Oh fuck!” I shout as my eyes roll back at the intensity.
“Did you miss me?” He asks again.
“NO!” I shout
“Liar” he says adding another finger causing my body to jolt.
His fingers pressing into my Thighs keeps me in place as my thighs tremble and my orgasm builds.
“Yuta I’m gonna cum! I wanna cum!”
“Did you miss me? Ill let you cum if you tell me the truth doll.” He says as he places sloppy wet kisses on my clit continuing to pump his fingers in and out of me.
I shut my eyes tightly as a stray tear rolls down my cheek “YES! YES I FUCKING MISSED YOU!”
“Atta girl. Cum for me baby” he says from under me.
And I did.
I roll off to the side beside Yuta.
I was panting and so was he. Except I look like I just rana mile and he looks like he just had the best time of his life.
“I missed you too doll.”
///////////////////////////////////////END OF SMUT///////////////////////////////////////////////////
“Y/N! YUTA! We’re back!”
Lisa says as she walks in her Mr. and Mrs Nakamoto behind her.
Yuta and I already cleaned up and were watching TV.
“Hey!” I say smiling at them.
“Dad, you’re late” Yuta says mischievously causing Mr. Nakamoto to laugh heartily.
Yuta and his parent walk to the back patio to catch up leaving me and Lisa in the living room.
She takes a seat next tom me on the couch and says
“Bitch, the house smells like sex.”
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tgyverse · 4 days
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publicado el día 01 de octubre de 2024.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
André Travers ― no ha iniciado actividad.
Peter Pettigrew ― inactividad.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Elliot Fletcher.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Pedro Pascal.
Dorcas Meadowes con Lovie Simone.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Nicholas Galitzine.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Zhong Chenle.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Alexandra Park.
Choi Jihae con Kim Sowon.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Danny Griffin.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Severus Snape con Mark McKenna.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
André Travers con Froy Gutierrez.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Camila Mendes.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Scott Welch.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Drew Starkey.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Christopher Bang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Keira King con Paris Berelc.
Kenta Akiyama con Nakamoto Yuta.
Lenore Bagman con Hannah Dodd.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lorenzo Bullstrode con Simone Baldasseroni.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Virginia Gardner.
Ludo Bagman con Taylor Zakhar Perez.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Melissa Greengrass con Eva de Dominici.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Mookda Narinrak.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Madelyn Cline.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Renée Rapp.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 93 personajes ocupades.
¡Buen martes! Dejamos por acá el recuento correspondiente después de un atraso. Les recordamos que, a pesar de que nuestras reglas de actividad son laxas, es necesario cuidar de sus personajes y mantenerles actives. Si por alguna razón no les es posible, estamos a un mensaje de distancia, no lo olviden. Como se indicó, los eventos correspondientes al mes de septiembre finalizarían y se principiaría con memes, los cuales estaremos publicando en unos segundos en el Blog de Intervenciones. Sin más que agregar, esperamos que se encuentren muy bien ¡Saludos y que tengan un bonito mes! Viva la spooky season. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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ruparupablog · 14 days
Sejarah Cryptocurrency: Dari Ide ke Revolusi Digital
Cryptocurrency telah mengubah cara kita memandang uang dan transaksi. Mari kita telusuri perjalanan menariknya!
Awal Mula: Ide yang Menginspirasi
Konsep uang digital sebenarnya sudah ada sejak tahun 1980-an dengan munculnya eCash dan DigiCash. Namun, ide yang benar-benar memicu revolusi ini adalah publikasi Satoshi Nakamoto pada tahun 2008. Dalam whitepaper berjudul Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, Nakamoto mengusulkan sistem yang memungkinkan transaksi tanpa perantara, menggunakan teknologi blockchain.
Bitcoin: Pelopor Cryptocurrency
Pada Januari 2009, Bitcoin diluncurkan sebagai cryptocurrency pertama. Dalam beberapa tahun, Bitcoin menarik perhatian banyak orang, terutama karena sifatnya yang desentralisasi dan terbatas. Pengguna dapat melakukan transaksi secara langsung, tanpa perlu lembaga keuangan.
Era Altcoin: Diversifikasi Cryptocurrency
Setelah kesuksesan Bitcoin, berbagai altcoin bermunculan. Dari Litecoin yang menawarkan transaksi lebih cepat hingga Ethereum, yang memperkenalkan kontrak pintar, cryptocurrency mulai beragam. Ethereum, diluncurkan pada tahun 2015, membuka peluang baru dalam pengembangan aplikasi terdesentralisasi (dApps).
ICO dan Hype Pasar
Pada tahun 2017, fenomena Initial Coin Offering (ICO) mulai merebak. Banyak proyek baru mengumpulkan dana melalui penjualan token, yang seringkali mengakibatkan hype berlebihan dan banyak penipuan. Meskipun demikian, banyak juga proyek legit yang lahir dari periode ini.
Regulasi dan Masa Depan
Dengan semakin populernya cryptocurrency, banyak pemerintah mulai memperhatikan dan merumuskan regulasi. Tahun 2020-an menyaksikan pergeseran ke arah DeFi (Decentralized Finance) dan NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens), yang memperluas penggunaan teknologi blockchain ke bidang baru.
Sejarah cryptocurrency adalah perjalanan inovasi yang terus berkembang. Dari Bitcoin hingga berbagai altcoin dan teknologi blockchain lainnya, kita berada di ambang era baru dalam sistem keuangan global. Bagaimana menurutmu, apa langkah selanjutnya dalam evolusi cryptocurrency?
Ikuti terus blog ini untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru seputar dunia cryptocurrency! 🚀💰
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cdbrainrecords · 30 days
Mari Nakamoto - Something Blue (LP, Album)
Vinyl(VG++) Sleeve(VG+) Insert(VG++) Obi(missing) // missing Obi 帯なし / No scratches on Vinyl, VG+ or better. in great shape / / nice sleeve except for some minor foxing. / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について   [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Zen (3) – ZEN-1011 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP, Album 生産国 : Japan 発売年 : 1980 Recorded Edited & Mixed at…
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mainsvein · 3 months
¿caritas que mas le gustaria ver?? ojala habran pronto!
¡Gracias por los buenos deseos! Cualquier carita será más que bienvenida, pero, como ayudita en caso de no decidirse, te dejo una lista sin orden específico: Felix Mallard, Simone Ashley, Ryan Destiny, Maris Racal, Choi Soobin, Jennie Kim, Imada Mio, Lee Chaemin, Keith Powers, Rome Flynn, Cemre Baysel, Esther Yu, Jonathan Daviss, Paul Mescal, Rudy Pankow, Nicola Coughlan, Ashley Moore, Nicholas Galitzine, Grace Van Dien, Dev Patel, Camila Mendes, Samantha Logan, Madison Pettis, Cha Eunwoo, Fivel Stewart, Im Jinah, Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen, Choi Yeonjun, Vernon Chwe, Kento Yamazaki, Wi Hajoon, Drew Starkey, Jaz Sinclair, Eva de Dominici, Brenda Asnicar, Valentina Zenere, Lee Dohyun, Anthony Keyvan, Jack O'Connell, Nakamoto Yuta.
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❦ Amaia.
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de hikaru satō para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando artes plásticas en st. ignatius of laconi y ha sido asignade a la mansión seis. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
CARO, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
NOMBRE: caro
PRONOMBRES: ella/suya
EDAD: 25+
PAÍS / ZONA HORARIA: chile / gmt-3
TRIGGERS: abuso sexual
NOMBRE COMPLETO: hikaru satō
FACECLAIM: nakamoto yuta
EDAD: 25 años
FECHA DE CUMPLEAÑOS: 30 de octubre
DESCRIPCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA: protector, tolerante, inquieto, desconfiado, impulsivo, deshonesto, desafiante.
DESCRIPCIÓN FÍSICA: tiene el cabello teñido de color rojo, los ojos marrones oscuros, mide 1,76 mts, en una oreja tiene tres piercings y solo uno en la otra (estos solo los usa cuando no esta en clases), además tiene un piercing en el obligo, tiene tatuajes en su abdomen y brazo, una mariposa y una serpiente respectivamente ( x y x )
UNO. hikaru nació en una familia adinerada, hijo de un chef famoso en japón y una heredera de una cadena de hoteles. aunque sus padres lo aman y quisieron tenerlo, siendo las personas que son, la prioridad de ambos siempre fueron sus trabajos por lo tanto no tenían demasiado tiempo para estar a su lado. prácticamente fue criado por múltiples niñeras y otros empleados en su hogar, a quienes muchas veces se sintió más cercanos a ellos que a sus propios padres. pero si era un hijo ejemplar quizás eso haría que desviaran su atención hacia él, podría convertirse en algo de lo que estuvieran orgullosos… como sus trabajos. otro trofeo.
DOS. a temprana edad descubrió un interés por las artes, de pequeño le encantaba que le leyeran cuentos para luego él hacer dibujos al respecto o incluso hacer los personajes en plastilina para luego jugar con ellos, recreando la historia a su manera. desde ese puntos sus intereses siempre alrededor de cosas parecidas y su talento continuó desarrollándose con el tiempo. pasaba muchas horas practicando diferentes técnicas de dibujo para mejorar. a tal punto que logró conseguir ingresar al internado de arte, para hombres, más prestigioso que su familia pudo encontrar y costear.
TRES. ser criado dentro de valores religiosos no le pareció un problema mientras aún era un niño, todo aquello que le enseñaron sonaba correcto, ¿por qué no lo haría? no tenia razones para cuestionar cada oración, cada verso. eso hasta que curiosidad cosquillea al florecer la adolescencia. mientras sus padres le preguntaban si habia alguna chica que le gustara, quizás la muchacha que vive en frente de ellos que siempre pregunta por él cuando hikaru vuelve del internado en el que es educado en la diferentes artes. y seguro, hikaru creía que era bonita y parecía amable pero no le interesaba demasiado, quién capturaba su atención era el hermano mayor de la chica bonita, deseaba que él lo mirara, que él lo buscara. ¿cómo se sentiría si él lo besara? experimentar la respuesta a esa pregunta lo aterro en un principio porque en ese mismo momento se dio cuenta de algo más que escucho al crecer: que dios no lo amaría si pensaba en los chicos en la forma que debería pensar en las chicas. no es correcto dijeron. bueno, no importa. quizás no necesita a dios después de todo.
CUATRO. sus deseos ameritaban penitencias , castigos y el arrepentimiento que hikaru no sentía. lo hizo cuestionar tanto su mundo… se volvió bueno al mentir y encontrar formas de esconderse, se volvió desafiante y a cuestionar muchas más cosas que antes consideraba la verdad y lo justo. comenzó a notar las grietas en valores religiosos. la hipocresía. quebró ese mundo.
CINCO. aceptó venir a la universidad por sus padres solamente, su padre estaba orgulloso de que el talento de su hijo fuera reconocido y su madre esperaba siguiera su legado al asistir a la misma universidad que ella en su juventud, hukaru quería que estuviera orgullosa. podia soportar un par de años más con tal de conseguir el prestigio que le daría el final de una educación privilegiada.
FACULTAD: st. ignatius of laconi.
CARRERA: artes plásticas.
AÑO DE CURSO: tercer año.
EXTRACURRICULARES: miembro del club de escritura, bailarín en el club de teatro musical, miembro del club de alemán, miembro del club de boxeo.
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anamon-book · 4 years
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スイングジャーナル 1981年11月号 スイング・ジャーナル社 表紙:中本マリ & ドン・グルーシン(写真=Yoshi Ohara)
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nawba · 5 years
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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@zhousui @ethaeriyeol @chaotic-fairy YUTIGER 🥺🥺🐯🐯
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💅 💅 💅    Let’s go girls !  💅 💅 💅 
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tgyverse · 2 months
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publicado el día 10 de agosto de 2024.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Andromeda Tonks, Daisy Hookum, Molly Weasley, James Potter, Emmeline Vance, Yvette Lévesque, Frank Longbottom, Minerva Macmillan, Pandora Lovegood, Darcy Brown, Charity Burbage, Nicholas Macmillan y Dedalus Diggle ― 20 de agosto.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Pedro Pascal.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Zhong Chenle.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Alexandra Park.
Choi Jihae con Kim Sowon.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Danny Griffin.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Severus Snape con Mark McKenna.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Camila Mendes.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Scott Welch.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Drew Starkey.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Christopher Bang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Keira King con Paris Berelc.
Kenta Akiyama con Nakamoto Yuta.
Lenore Bagman con Hannah Dodd.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lorenzo Bullstrode con Simone Baldasseroni.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Virginia Gardner.
Ludo Bagman con Taylor Zakhar Perez.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Melissa Greengrass con Eva de Dominici.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Mookda Narinrak.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Lucy Boynton.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Madelyn Cline.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Renée Rapp.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zabrina Davies con Elizabeth Lail.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 95 personajes ocupades.
¡Buen fin de semana a todes! Queremos recordarles dos cositas: La primera, los eventos del Profeta finalizan el día 16 de agosto, de modo que estaremos haciendo una encuesta sobre cómo gustarían proceder a partir de aquel día. La segunda, es necesario que, a pesar de nuestras reglas de actividad laxa, cuiden de sus personajes. Hemos llamado la atención por privado a algunas personitas que no se han encontrado actives y no nos han comunicado porqué (de 7 días en adelante). Por favor recuerden cuidar a sus personajes, es muy importante. Sabemos que son quince días de tolerancia, pero les pedimos que no olviden las reglas (activarse al menos dos veces a la semana). Muchas gracias, esperamos se encuentren muy bien. ¡Saludos! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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uranustuff · 6 years
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🐺 › 。 Like or reblog if you save, the ask is open for requests!” › ♡˖°
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cdbrainrecords · 30 days
Mari Nakamoto - Aphrodite (LP)
Vinyl(VG++) Sleeve(VG++) Insert(VG++) Obi(missing) // missing Obi 帯なし / No scratches on Vinyl, VG+ or better. in great shape / / nice sleeve, more than VG+ conditions / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について   [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Zen (3) – ZEN-1010 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP 生産国 : Japan 発売年 : 1979 ジャンル : Jazz, Funk / Soul スタイル…
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