#yosano deserves all the happiness
latapadraws · 2 years
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yosaanooooo qqqqq
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sparkinajar · 3 months
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Very artblocked and can't produce any full pieces but here are some headshots of Dazai and Yosano at 15 and 11 respectively.
I think about their backstories and want to cry
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Omega!Fukuzawa x Alpha!Reader
Maybe Every After
For the record Fukuzawa is a zaddy and I don't think anyone is going to argue with me on that. But he wasn't always a zaddy! You have to grow up a lot to earn the title and Fukuzawa had a lot of growing up to do even in his thirties.
Meet cute?-
Fukuzawa met the person who would become his Alpha at some stuffy local function he attended because of his status as one of the five greatest swordsmen.
While they hit it off well, commiserating over the oppressive self-congratulatory nature of these kinds of events, it was not love at first sight. Fukuzawa was able to carry on pleasant, engaging conversation with them
Fukuzawa was by turns a little awkward, eccentric, curious, and the sense of duty, justice and good judgment that characterizes his throughout his life permeated the conversation, leaving a lasting impression on you
Fukuzawa's work and his superiors are all top secret, but despite that, he does not try to make himself come off as an enigma and his intentions and ideology are largely transparent, which in the time of the Great War, the first ability war, and with Fukuzawa's position being what it was, was surprising and refreshing
You meet with him a few times as new friends in between whatever it is he does when he's not with you
Some time after those meetings begin would be around the time that he is ordered to begin assassinating war-hawk ministers
You see him change as those assassinations pile up and see him apparently lose the feeling of rightness that was in him when you first met at that party
He disappears soon after resigning his position in this mission, cutting himself off from the world that had descended into the misery and chaos of war, from the deaths he had caused, and from you, the person who had become important when he was still young and full of naive idealism
Meet again-
It's by chance you meet again when he is spending his work hours as a bodyguard.
Or maybe it's not chance. It's a certain circle of people that can afford the services of someone as skilled as Fukuzawa, as much as he tries to keep apart from those kinds of people. His reputation took a hit after he left his government position, although you don't know the circumstances around his departure, but people say it's because he isn't a patriot. The word makes you disappointed. The are parts of every war that are not about patriotism, where blood is no longer spilled for the love of one's country but because there are those who have lost their way.
Reconnecting is hard but maybe because you understand the rumors this way, it is not as hard as it might have been. Fukuzawa Yukichi is loyal, that you have known almost since you met him. He is loyal to the people who walk down the street and do not know him, he is loyal to all the people of the nation who make their way slowly through life alongside him, he is loyal to some ideal of justice that you don't necessarily understand but that you believe in too. You see sometimes the pain that the rumors cause him, but you believe in him, whatever that might mean, and so he lets the pain wash over him and away in the truth of his intact honor
It comes up at some point that you are still not a mated Alpha. There is no one else waiting for you as your tea times meeting with Fukuzawa continue. It just hadn't felt right, somehow, to try and make that kind of connection in the years that have passed. The great war turned everything upside down, including something inside of your good and most principled friend.
One day, he'll tell you about it, about what turned his heart inside out, but that is many years in the future
For now, you're the one who asks him if he wants to meet and restart first
He seems tired and you're surprised that he accepts, but he does. Once. And then twice. And then a third time. And it's almost like it used to be, even though you're both older and a bit more jaded, maybe with a few more hard edges. The meetings extend longer, and become more frequent. It is no longer tea on his days off or when he has time between jobs. There are late night meals after his employer dismisses him and lunches on the occasions he is released early. On one memorable occasion, you find yourself taking an early morning walk through a dew studded garden watching the sun rise pink and cold after a night on which you could not sleep
One thing led to another-
Eventually, Fukuzawa asks you to be his heat partner. It's a bit of a surprise and something that makes you nervous since Fukuzawa effectively ignored you for years.
You had once slept together in what was essentially a platonic way, or perhaps some kind of experiment. It was fine, oddly peaceful, especially at the end when you just passed a bottle of water back and forth, but you'd sort of wordlessly agreed to not do it again
He tells you he's sure though. His heats aren't frequent because he's on suppressants, but they do happen, and this is one of the different things. Fukuzawa seems to want, to have a restlessness that is more apparent to you, lingering beneath the surface
You already suspect it's the loss of purpose, the loss of public reputation somehow which had carried with it its own sense of purpose. He's a famous swordsman, one of the best in the country. Even a tame wolf desires to hunt.
So you spend his breakthrough heats together.
And you remember why the two of you never had sex after the first time. It makes you wonder if you remember the "silent agreement" wrong, or if he remembers it differently, and reminds you why you didn't dwell on it.
It's not earth shattering, the sex that is. It's just heat sex, just making sure he gets off so that he can sleep through the intervals between his body temperature spiking. Except you're in his home, the gauzy curtains drawn, scent patches off, and it's disturbing how clear the memory of the last time overlaps with this one, even after so many years.
It's like being in the middle of a monsoon storm, pressure and torn leaves, and summer heat and all. And while you thrust into his wanting body, he watches you. The heat-haze is obvious and his eyes are half-lidded in the associated exhaustion, but he tracks you when you lean back to swipe the back of your hand over your forehead and there's something hungry in his gaze when he looks down to where you're connected
You remember the first time and how intrigued you'd been by this particular mannerism of his, how he keeps his eyes open. He had been watchful and curious even as you'd laughed with him over your shared fumblings. His gaze had been heavy and consuming when he'd shown his aikido skills, at your request, and tumbled you from over him to pin you to the floor.
This time there's a lot more kissing because if you're close to his face, you don't have to see his eyes, but the way Fukuzawa opens his mouth for you with trust like you've been doing this for years makes the strategy nearly futile.
You have to work right after that first heat tapers off so he's still in his nest when you're putting on your shoes, weekend duffel in your hands.
It's late afternoon going on evening so the apartment is dark. His hair is splayed out on a pillow. You're satisfied though that he has pre-made meals in the fridge and you've changed out most of his nest bedding so he can rest in a clean spot after you've gone. Fukuzawa's not saying anything, watching while you rub a sore spot on your neck, which makes him smirk. You're convinced this will be another scenario just like last time where you don't talk about it, when he speaks up, stopping your hand on the doorknob. "Same in three months?" he asked instead. Despite the stab of apprehension, you smiled. "Same in three months," and left to catch a flight.
You don't let it get quite that long before you contact him again. You don't see him, but you text him and he texts back, which is at least a relief that he's not going to vanish again into whatever new twilight he inhabits.
It's the same in three months, apart from the weather outside. His eyes, blue like steel and watching you while you bring him over the edge, the sense of being in the eye of a summer storm, that feeling of trusting familiarity when you lick into his mouth and catch the sound he makes when you crook your fingers inside him. It's the same how it's only his response that changes when you kiss him later and are more gentle about it, running your teeth against his jaw before going to cradling his head and kissing the corner of his mouth.
There's laundry in the machine and porridge on the stove. Fukuzawa's heat had settled sometime in the very early hours of the morning and the two of you were more or less clothed for the first time in days. Fukuzawa was however leaning in the door, watching you put shredded seaweed, pickled plums, and katsuo tronçons on small plates already laid out on a tray. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, watching him almost lazily watch you. But, you paused in using a pair of chopsticks to pluck out a single ginko nut from a narrow jar. There was something almost tense in his posture. He was barely out of the thick of heat and you could see the faint tremble in his wrist before he folded his arms to hide it. You checked the pot with the still yet-to-boil rice and then ducked under his jaw to brush your nose against the scent gland there. The way he shivered, still sensitive, was almost enough to make you feel bad. "You should go lie down," you murmured, smiling in apology, "I'll bring the tray over." He hesitated, but then nodded. Something pulled at you behind your navel, similar to that familiar sensation when you had worked him through the heat. Only this time, out of the haze, you followed it and followed Fukuzawa to his nest. Its fresh linens were soft and sweet smelling as you guided him into it. He sighed when he was lying down again, a long exhale that gave nothing away. He was just watching. You tucked a blanket over his hips and let your hand linger a touch too long, feeling like you were falling into his eyes. He made no sound when you pulled away and did not return until the meal was ready. Although you did stand in the doorway he had just vacated, leaning so you could see Fukuzawa, loosely tied deep blue and light grey layers of his yukata falling half open as he rolled over to keep you within line of sight. He ate every bite of food, still maintaining that tense, anticipatory silence. You didn't remember this from the first time. His gaze only flickered from the tray and your hands to your eyes when you accidentally let out an encouraging rumble as he ate and immediately felt heat flash up your neck, mortified. The corner of his mouth twitched as he brought his chopsticks to his lips and nibbled at a bit of fish. You've read romance books, once or twice, seen the pervasive tropes pop up in just about every drama, imported or otherwise. People talk about finding someone that you feel you've known your whole life as something magical. No one talks about how unsettling it can be, how it could get all consuming all too quickly. It's disturbing in some way, the way you can sense the ease with which that could push into entitlement, envy, or just an endless fall. That is why after the first time you and Fukuzawa Yukichi had slept together, passing a bottle of water back and forth after and watching the rim indent into one another's lips when you took a mouthful, throats flexing to swallow, you had never spoken of the event again. You had never invited it happening again, and up until now neither had he. There's something at the bottom of that drop. There's always a hard landing. Somewhere. It felt too easy, being with him. You had fallen in as friends harder than this, feeling out the edges of one anothers' code and ethics, where you could push boundaries into asking about personal and professional interests. Although you never touch them, you knew where one anothers' cracks were.
Just as you never asked him directly about the things he had done in the war, about his suddenly cold reception among the circle you'd met in, he never asked you how you really felt about those people. He never asked if your heart too had broken somewhere during the Great Ability War. The stifling feeling of knowing both too much and too little about someone who trusted you far too much for what you knew suddenly stole all the moisture from your throat. A sip of tea helped, but Fukuzawa's posture had gone back to that waiting. Master swordsman: master at reading any opponent. You told yourself heavily that you were perfectly willing to continue being his heat partner, at least until the way you two distinctly did not push boundaries bored him. He had a competitive spirit to a point. There were goalposts that only he could see, standards to which others were not often held. Stagnancy had never quite suited him. Stillness did. Was that what was at the bottom? Was it the stagnant life of saying nothing and doing nothing and keeping a status quo? Or was it blissful stillness, knowing nothing would catch you and nothing needed to?
It takes almost a year for either of you to bring it up and it's only at the cusp of realizing this is becoming an unhealthy new normal that it happens. It is still incredibly difficult to broach the fact that the physical intimacy makes you feel like strangers but every conversation in between makes you feel like you could get to know him forever.
It's around this time you finally start to really talk. You know how you can know someone for ages, and even be really close to them, but there are long stretches of time where you don't talk about anything important because you're afraid of making the other person do emotional labor for you, and you don't know if they'll mind? That's the first year Fukuzawa and his Alpha have after he comes back.
He acknowledges that you've done things rather in reverse order, as far as the typical trajectory of reconnecting with friends goes. You start to date, more or less, making time to see one another every week or every other week as your schedules allow.
It's a bit strange, to suddenly realize the ways in which you both have changed. Fukuzawa is as principled as ever, but he's unmoored now, without the ties he severed to the military police and the mission it brought. You are somewhat more stable, older and more settled into your own career, but heavier in your soul, sadder. Yokohama is reviving, black towers and tidy apartment buildings rising on the horizon, but it took too much to get here, too much blood before the nation sickened of it.
Fukuzawa won't let you court him.
You're in one of the old cafes that survived all the conscriptions. The owner's son moves around with a tray and a flour dusted apron and the atmosphere is oddly cheerful, despite the recently terrible weather. The last of the summer storms are making a good showing this year and it's limited the places you and Fukuzawa can go. Museums, restaurants, the occasional wander around a particularly well constructed public part of an office building - usually places near your work or his.
You'd tried other things, shopping for food or clothes and paying maybe too much attention to his preferences. You'd tried things like flower viewing or afternoons trying wagashi in specialty shops. While Fukuzawa had seemed to enjoy them and settled easily into the traditional etiquette sometimes called for in these places, he never acknowledged that these might be early attempts at courting.
When you spent time in his apartment he let you scent items in his nest while lounging around or before his heats. If he was at the little rooftop house you were living in, he would sometimes choose one pillow or blanket to curl around and carefully leave it on your spot on the couch when he left.
You looked at him over the rim of your mug and one of his brows went up. When you said nothing, he looked away, tracking the movements of people on the street.
You still partner him when his heat hits, but the sex is worse, as far as that unsettlingly settled intimacy goes. It's wonderful, he's wonderful. Sex itself is not that interesting as a rule, and you're both too aware of the delicacy of the situation to attempt anything like adding toys during his heat or a simple scene to the build up or cool down. But every time after, you want to stay longer.
Fukuzawa shifts his nest, ever so slightly because he is picky about it, but enough so that he can always see you as you move about his home when you need to get food or nesting materials for him, so that you don't have to anxiously flit between the stove and the door in order to sate the need to know that he is safe and comfortable in the aftermath.
You think it's going to end, that the pained distance Fukuzawa now puts between himself and the world is going to pull taught against the growing need to be around one another, to care beyond the dedication of a close intimate friendship.
Everyone can see it-
And then he accidentally adopts a super genius.
This is one of the funnier things that's ever happened to your friend since you've known him and you make sure he knows you think so once or twice.
Once Ranpo is secure in his place as Fukuzawa's ward a few years later, you come up with a way to let Ranpo know he's the best thing to ever happen to your mate and also that you will never ever get tired of imagining the look of shock you know took over Fukuzawa's face when all four and a half feet of teenage whoop-ass came banging through the door of that office.
But that's years from now.
Ranpo peers up at you when you meet Fukuzawa for lunch and a film a week after he's started tagging along with your friend
The boy isn't very tall, but he's got a maturity to his features that you chalk up to either the orphan thing or the child genius thing. He had taken one look at you, seated at the back of the restaurant away from the windows, and it felt like someone crowding into your space even while he touched neither you nor Fukuzawa. You are perhaps overly sensitive of other people's attention. It's another thing that makes being with Fukuzawa comfortable somehow. He's observant, but not oppressive with what he does with that information. Only the second time you'd met he'd helped extricate you from an incredibly uncomfortable conversation with a junior minister in the local commerce department. Now the kid looks at you and at Fukuzawa and pouts impressively. "You're single." He says it like an accusation and an assignment and you could almost laugh at Fukuzawa's wide eyed expression if it weren't for everyone three tables deep around you staring. You raise an eyebrow at him. "He's allowed to be single," you chide, reminding yourself that you are talking to a child still. It's a bit funny, you admit, smiling when the boy glares at you. The waitress comes over when you beckon, bringing tea for Fukuzawa and a sweet layered sort of beverage for the kid. Fukuzawa had told you about the boy's obvious sweet tooth and even though he huffs at you, he takes the tall glass eagerly, poking a straw through the layers. "Does it bother you?" You can't help it. Fukuzawa had said the child was a genius, observant to the point of misunderstanding, his incredible intelligence looping in on itself and making the rest of the world occasionally incomprehensible. It seems unlikely for a child to hold the kind of incredibly conservative prejudice that says omegas should be mated, but he seems put out. Ranpo sulks behind a menu before saying, "I'm never wrong." The meal is quiet, and gradually people stop looking at your table. Fukuzawa excuses himself on the walk to the theater to purchase something from a convenience store. It's there you lean up against the mouth of an alley and look down at the kid. He's really short, you worry someone isn't feeding him enough and the realize that Fukuzawa is going to be that someone. "We're not together," you said. Ranpo looks up at you, clearly still sulking. "You don't have to lie to me," he says, but he sounds a little uncertain. "We're not together in the way you would understand it," you say, "or the way most people understand." Ranpo sees your emotions in your eyes, and suddenly wishes he didn't understand. Your gaze is filled with longing, but he doesn't know how you can't see it's for something you already have. Almost. "He's ashamed of something," Ranpo says quietly. You hunched over a little. "I know. Adults are often ashamed of a lot of things though." He looks at you and wonders what you're ashamed of. "You should probably ask him about this one. He's not very good at saying what he means, but most adults aren't." You're laughing when Fukuzawa reappears.
To everyone's surprise, he actually sits through the movie, happily demolishing the little fortune you'd bought him in caramel popcorn and boxed candies, even if he complains about figuring out the plot five minutes in when you leave
Ranpo doesn't parent trap you two exactly, he doesn't have quite that level of interest in involving himself, but Fukuzawa is good to him, and he sees you often and you are good to him too. Neither of you always understand what he understands, but you show him kindness without ulterior motive, you try and show him how to safely exist around other people.
Fukuzawa is asked to be a bodyguard for Mori Ougai and something about engaging with that man, even though he can't tell you about the job itself, makes him tell you, in a desperate whisper under the moonlight, that it was him who assassinated the war hawk ministers during the peace debates. It's him who is bloodying his blade for something he hopes will be better, even if it turns his stomach, even if it means he doesn't know who he is anymore.
"I know who you are." Fukuzawa tenses in your arms, and you think frantically that you have certainly made a mistake. But you don't take it back. You don't want to. You do know who he is, your friend. You know how lonely what he's done has made him. Only you didn't know what he had done. Now that you know, it doesn't seem to matter. It's distant, the way all bloody things are distant when you don't see them. You've never had all that fond a feeling towards the wealthy people that profit from the abject misery of others. All the hunger and desperation in the world are distant, abstract concepts to them. Why should their deaths not mean the same to you? Of course, you can't say this to your friend, your sometimes lover, lying in your arms. The moonlight drops over his cheeks, turning them pale. His eyes are closed for once, his face turned into your neck, as though he is afraid of what he will see in your eyes. You understand it was not simply one or two storybook villains. There is no human in the world who has done only bad their entire life. Fukuzawa was not prone to exaggeration, even if drama appealed to him. It seems likely he meant it literally when he speaks of wading through blood to put an end to those who whipped up the populace into a frenzy, who wanted for the death never to end. "I know." You stroke your thumb near the corner of his eye, brushing your cheek to his brow, pressing a chaste kiss to the curve of his cheek. "Honor doesn't always mean doing the honorable thing," you say softly. "It means making difficult choices. You regret having to make it, but do you regret the outcome?" He is quiet for a long time. You know he hasn't fallen back asleep, despite the languid warmth between your bodies. He's quiet for long enough that your heart rate returns to normal and you rub your knuckles up and down his back. An occasional burst of deep, faint purring lets you know this is at least appreciated, if not necessarily something he thinks he deserves. You've taken to sleeping together at this point. The mounting danger as different organizations wage new war across the city drives you both to it. Besides, it is simply easier to manage an antsy teenager if you're in the same place, wherever that might be, rather than passing him back and forth like the result of some amicable divorce as you both work to keep him safe and out of the hands of those who would use his intelligence. "No," he says, as you knew he would. "There is nothing to be attained in the way of peace by letting war simply continue until each side is beaten into exhaustion. Withdrawing with our strength intact is the only thing that would save the nation and its people." He says it like he's said it to himself many times. He goes nearly limp in your embrace, pliant as he nudges against you until your forehead is pressed to his. You wonder though- "Is this the first time you've said it out loud?" "What I did is a secret few are aware of." "But the investigations..." "They won't find me," he said, but you felt a shiver go through him, felt gooseflesh rise on his arms. If they did, it could open the possibility for those people to be made martyrs. It was natural for him to be afraid. "They won't," you said lightly. You didn't know what you could do to make that true, but some things needed to be said aloud. "If they catch me, I'll face whatever is decided," he said quietly. "But I won't get caught." "You saved a lot of lives." He sighed. "I know." You rubbed slow circles over the middle of his back. "The sword isn't meant to be used like that. They had lives, families, I-" he swallowed "-I ended that. I enjoyed it. And I have to live with that." His eyelashes too were silvered in the moonlight. "You have to live with it," you agreed, even as he flinched, "but you don't have to punish yourself for it every time you live." You pretend not to feel the wetness on your clothing as Fukuzawa shudders into your collar.
Forever love-
You're truly together and officially courting by the time the Agency is three years old, which is the first more calm year since the Agency opened. Turns out opening a business is a huge pain in the behind and that an ability user Agency with less than half a dozen workers, two of whom are genius teenagers who have totally reasonable problems with authority, is an even bigger pain.
By the time the Agency is four years old, you're mated to Fukuzawa, your mark on his shoulder and his on yours. Ranpo grouches something terrible that the two of you could only get your shit together before he turned eighteen, but he's not a legal adult yet, so you get to officially be one of his guardians for at least a few years. Yosano thinks Ranpo is being ridiculous, but she gives you the biggest bouquet of flowers for your and Fukuzawa's home and insists on choosing the restaurant where you all celebrate.
It's been a very long road. You've known Fukuzawa Yukichi for almost thirteen years, an unexpected friend you made in your adult years now your mate. Now someone who you feel, finally, you've started to earn the feeling you've know them all your life, even though you're still learning about him.
He takes you to his home near Osaka, to his family home on Kyushu. He meets your parents, who consider him a bit quiet, but very dutiful. You meet Natsume-sensei, once, and receive his very feline brand of approval and a quiet gift after your official mating. Fukuzawa takes you back to places he particularly enjoyed during those failed months of courting him. You spend season after season getting to know him, pushing boundaries, debating over philosophies, arguing over interior decorating, agreeing over meals.
Your mate, your partner, a soulmate if you have ever believed such a thing, let alone that it would come to you. You're watching white strands of hair like starlight shoot through his natural grey. The wrinkles around his eyes are deepening. It takes him longer to get up from bed than it used to. His silences are longer, but so are the times when he just looks at you, looks and looks like he can never get his fill. His voice is still strong, but you can feel that layer of age crackling under it. And you love him.
You love the man he has grown into, the one who can bear the weight of hard choices placed upon his shoulders, the one who can bear happily having people who work alongside him. You love his patience with Ranpo and his encouragement of Akiko. You love how he holds his hand out for you if you fall behind on your walks, or how he comes to you and stands close enough for his scent to wrap around you while you point out some small natural beauty.
Love can be horribly consuming, it can stagnate where it was once immediately comfortable or grow jealous at its own ease, unsure if it is charm or affection that ties you together. It can grow desperate and possessive. There are still things that can be so hard to say, old things that left old wounds that are still hard to talk about, but there's something to be said for age and wisdom.
Things aren't perfect, love should not be perfect, and something in you delights in knowing that with Fukuzawa it will always be incomplete. Things will not grow still, there will never be a moment there is nothing to know about him. You have grown into yourselves, the both of you, and this is the love you will grow old with.
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chuulyssa · 5 months
🇨​​ 🇴 ​​🇳 ​​🇫​​ 🇪 ​​🇸​​ 🇸 ​​🇮 ​​🇴 ​​🇳​ !
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↷ A/N ─ yes new divider again because im indecisive as heck
★ FT. ─ dazai , chuuya , ranpo , akutagawa , atsushi , fyodor
!! TAGS ─ mentions of suicide, insecurities, overall fluff
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"i love you."
promptly replies with, "i love you too."
he'll lean into you with an amused smile because he lowkey thinks you're joking
when he realizes you're serious about it he'll immediately stop the stupid grin
and look at you with this sincere look you've never seen on his face before
he'll hold your hand and everything while repeating "i love you too," for a second time, only this time he's serious about it too
definitely asks for double suicide later
"You know it's my motto to unalive myself with a beautiful woman. How lucky of you to have been bestowed upon this honour."
"I'll say yes if you join me in a double suicide," he asks with puppy eyes.
"Dazai, you already said yes."
"I'll say it again!"
he stops abruptly and half chokes on his expensive ass wine
poor boy is really confused 😭 because "where did that come from??"
he tries to play it cool but he's literally SCREAMING inside
we all know he's been betrayed a lot of times in the past so he feels hesitant about it
will decide to give it a shot tho
100% calls dazai to brag about it
"You may be taller or whatever (as if that matters in the first place) but were you the one able to steal her heart? Eh? I think not!"
You chuckle hearing him update his rival of his new relationship status.
"And anyway," he raises a glass of wine for toast. "I'd like to thank my good looks, good looks and did I mention my good looks (?) for making tonight the happiest night ever."
"i know."
he has always observed every single thing about you - how you behave around others vs how you behave around him, the little times you look at him like you want his attention etc etc
he's known about this since like soooo long
he defo also knew when where and how you were gonna confess
went to yosano for tips to react to it and bought you chocolates and stuff. he thinks it'll make you happy :D
eats all of that himself even tho he originally bought it for you but you let it slide because he's a cutie patootie
"You could at least have been a bit subtle about it," he says, munching on his chips. "I mean, anyone who saw you would've been able to guess. I didn't even need my ability for this!"
He lifts his chin up thoughtfully, fingers ripping open another packet of snacks. "You should be grateful I'm not a snitch. Eh, well," he shrugs, "You're now dating the greatest detective in the world! Congratulations!"
like chuuya, he's pretty confused too
"are you sure?"
tries to keep a straight face and hide his fluster
he'll narrow his eyes at you as if he's trying to read your emotions. he doesn't wanna get hurt if he gets too attached to you and you two end up breaking up
also how tf is he supposed to believe that someone like YOU like someone like HIM?
reassure him that he's perfect please :( poor baby deserves the world
"I am a lot of work. I don't think you can keep up with all of that," he says shortly.
"I'll try my best."
"You don't have to."
"But I want to!"
He stares at you for a few moments, looking like he's about to cry.
"Oh, alright then," he waves a hand around. "But don't you ever leave me."
jumps around everywhere in happiness
you dont even get a verbal answer the man's just dancing around
either that or he just faints
he's, like akutagawa, insecure about himself. but he's much more open to showing his emotions to you.
you end up cuddling the whole night or he calls off work to be with you for the rest of the day <3
"I..." he repeats the same word for the fifth time in a row.
"Don't mind me, I'm just trying to come to terms with the fact that I get to date you."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, no!" he panics, wringing both hands all over himself hastily. "I love you! Really!"
no reaction. im sorry
spares a small glance at you but otherwise doesn't get distracted from his work
you think he's gone deaf from the way he just ignored you cuz what????
will spend like 15 minutes that way before extending an arm to you and you lowkey DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO??? HELP??
he'll stare at you for a few seconds before pulling you onto his lap and continuing with his work
and that's his way of saying yes
He shuts the computers around him down and taps your outer thigh twice. You immediately stand up and help him up. He stares at you for a few seconds, contemplating something.
"You know, I never thought I'd enable others to call me a lovesick fool."
"Does that mean you are a lovesick fool?"
"A little, maybe," he turns around and walks out of the door while you follow him with a soft smile on your face.
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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elizais · 8 months
dazai who doesn't explicitly tell the agency about his lover
how dazai acts when he has a crush/partner outside of the agency reader doesn't work at the agency nor is given a part if that makes sense?? this is dazai not explicitly telling anyone about her but when the agency picks up on it fluff fluff fluff, dazai in love
dazai who walks into the agency day after day, sometimes much later than others but still there nonetheless. walking in and smiling to himself more, his silly little crush on his mind. his silly little crush who he would not let be a quick hookup. he genuinely couldn't shake her out of his mind.
dazai who leaves work giddy one day, excited to go on another date. after completing all his work on his own so he could talk about the case to you. he actually read all the paperwork so he could tell you everything in it! kunikida is a fool to think he actually just started being responsible.
dazai who is seen checking his phone whenever he gets a notification and smiling as he types out something. smiling to himself when he sees your simple or complex messages. despite knowing how much you value someone who cares about work, he is willing to message you all day instead.
dazai who doesn't tell the agency immediately because he doesn't want them to think you are just a fling. he definitely had a bad reputation but he was willing to change everything for you.
dazai who doesn't notice that ranpo notices all of his new mannerisms. fridays must be a date night as he chooses to dress a bit nicer, adjusts his bolo tie before leaving and doesn't just throw his coat around like he usually does. choosing that carefully hanging his coat up would be better to prevent wrinkles.
dazai who only starts telling everyone about his special lady when he is on his phone (messaging you) and is teased by ranpo across the room.
"sooo what is her name, dazai?" the master detective asked as he sat on his desk, kicking his feet. upon hearing his name, osamu was instantly snapped out of his trance. "have i not told any of you?" he smiled. the rest of the agency looked up from their work, confused.
"i thought you gave up on the waitress ages ago?" yosano asked. "i did, months ago!" dazai responded as he walked towards the coat rack that he hung his coat up on. pulling out his wallet, he took out the polaroid of the both of you.
"that's [name]!" he shown the room, kunikida didn't seem to believe him until he took the photo out of dazai's hands. "do you not believe me?" dazai asked, fake offense in his voice.
the rest of the agency began to gather around the photo, in awe of the adorable picture. they had to admit, the moment in time of the two of your heads squished together with grins plastered on both faces.
"my belladonna.." he whispered to himself. "now that i think of it, there have been less suicide attempts.." atsushi pondered. "why would i do such a thing when i have her? at first when she declined a double suicide i was disappointed as she is the most beautiful woman ever but her personality is even prettier.."
this whole new attitude was incredibly different from everything they knew about dazai but if anyone deserved happiness, he did. and if he talks about you like this, then they had to be happy for the both of you.
dazai who after that day, brings a framed photo of the both of you and places it next to his laptop. a messy collage of small photos smashed into a frame. another polaroid with you dressed up with him on halloween. (the statue of liberty and a tourist). another photo of you dressed up at a fancy restaurant. there is even one where you both have messy hair and you have pressed countless kisses to his face with red lipstick on.
dazai who will never let you be in harm's way. he made a promise to protect people and if he could let you meet the man who made him a better person, he would in a heartbeat.
dazai who goes to yosano when you get sick for advice because he will NOT take any risks even if it is just a cold.
dazai who does not wipe off lipstick stains before work, and takes pride in having faint marks on his face from you.
dazai who can't wait to let the people who take care of him meet you, the reason he carries on.
dazai who is so happy when you get along with the rest of the agency. although when you and the agency girls are hanging out he becomes the third wheel.
dazai who talks about you all the time to kunikida, claiming he was an "expert boyfriend" and is more than happy to give kunikida relationship advice.
a/n! so this won the poll!! as always, weekends are writing time for me so please excuse my lack of presence on here from time to time!
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suiana · 11 months
the way i look at you (various yandere! characters x gn! reader) (angstober day 10)
i see the way you smile at others, see the way your eyes crinkle at the corners every time you smile and laugh. it's precious. i wish time would just stop whenever you smile. because your smile and laugh should be preserved for eternity.
and your laugh- it's contagious. i find myself laughing along with you even when no one else is.
i relish in the knowledge that you openly love and adore me. i love it, love it more than anything. i love it when you call me yours. i love it when you get possessive over me, it makes me feel like you truly love me. with you, i feel at home.
i also notice how you hide your face in your hands when you're embarrassed. it's cute, really. when you get all red and flustered and try to hide it. i like being the one who gets to witness this side of you. not so much when others do though.
that's why I've taken it upon myself to get rid of those who've seen it.
they do not deserve to be alive after seeing something that's meant for me. no, not at all. so i drag them to our home and paint our walls red. it's a beautiful sight. that's why i show it to you. wouldn't you like it too?
but then i notice how you've changed. your behavior, your actions around me... they're no longer carefree and joyful. you're... scared?
i look into your eyes- they're shaking and fearful for their life. and it hurts me. am i scaring you? do my action terrify you?
i try to ignore it. try to push away the thought that you're no longer comfortable with me. but I can't stand the fact that you and i will no longer have the cute relationship that we used to have.
that's why I've decided to kill myself. I'm the source of your fear, no? so if I'm gone, you'll no longer be scared.
it's fine.
I'm fine, really.
as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
i just don't want to see you cry or scream in fear whenever you look at me.
death is nothing when i am the source of your troubles.
so I'll go. I'll leave this earth if it'll make you happy.
i just hope that in the next lifetime that i see you. I'll notice how your eyes light up in happiness rather than in fear, just like how they once used to.
yosano akiko, ryunosuke akutagawa, yuuji itadori, noelle your faves
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Ok ok ok!
I have curious for a while...
What if... The BSD Cast know that their Guiding Light is down bad for them?
Like- Y/n squeal every time they see a random BSD chars.
And when they finally have the access to their Guiding Light phone, browse on the Pinterest just to see most of them is the BSD Cast?
That would be hilarious 😂
Especially Dazai, when he browse the Pinterest, he sees that most of them (fanart or sum) were he being sussy and a BOTTOM👀
(Bottom Dazai is my life source 🛐)
How would the Cast react to this tho?
Also, yes, the reader just see the minors in BSD as platonic, the reader seriously want to kidna- i mean... Adopted all of them right away 🤡💦
Big fan
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Description: BSD Cast knew that they have fans from the real world. And, of course, they expect, that you are also one of the fans. But, yiu not a simple fan. Yiu are quite a fan.
Warning: OOC, English is my second language.
🪢🦀 Having fans became an expected, but, slightly unpleasant surprise.
🪢🦀 On the one hand, BSD Cast don't like to think about being fictional, but, it's the fact, they have fans, and, even after BSD cast reach the real world, fans won't disappear.
🪢🦀 On the other hand, fans were kind of interesting to observe. Fanarts were nice. Cosplay photos, while a little bit awkward, were fun to look at. Fanfiction... And some fun theories were interesting.
🪢🦀 So, they expect, that Guiding Light also will be BSD fan. They aren't against it. Because of that, they got you as the Reader, and they can't ask for a better person. And, hey, a reason for some friendly teasing.
🪢🦀 Yet, they have a feeling, that you really liked BSD. Otherwise, they can't explain, what happened few days ago.
They were close in getting full access to your phone. They were close to browsing the Internet without you. But, even right now, they can take a look at whatever you were looking at.
Someone posted a top twenty manga characters. Dazai, Ranpo, Yosano and Tetchou were on the list.
And each time you giggled, when you saw them.
You sounded so happy, when you saw them.
It happened before.
Each time, someone online mentioned Bungou Stray Dogs as a recommendation to watch, they heard you talking.
"That's right! BSD deserves more recognition!"
🪢🦀 So, they knew, that you were are devoted fan. Now, they wanted to find out, who is your favorite among them.
🪢🦀 So, the day, when they gain access to your phone, became a moment of truth. Now, they will see, who is your favorite.
You were... not just a devoted fan...
You were quite a fan.
You had galleries, full of arts, for all of them.
And you leave comments under every art!
"[Adult Character name] is so handsome/beautiful."
"[Child character name] is so cute. I want to adopt."
"[Old character name] looks cool."
The meeting room was silent. They were looking at the Screen.
"That's a lot of Dazai's fanart" finally spoke Kunikida, looking at your gallery with Dazai's saved arts.
You had galleries for all BSD characters. Dozens or hundreds of art. But, with Dazai... You had few thousands of arts.
And, on all the arts, Dazai looked... Soft to touch.
And your comments...
"Dazai looked so squishy. I want to squeeze him."
"Look, how soft he looks. Maybe, if you listen closer, you would hear him meowing."
You do have similar comments about others, but, it was clear. Dazai is your favorite.
🪢🦀 Dazai is in heaven. He feels so happy and proud of himself.
🪢🦀 He is your favorite! He! Others can gift you their cards or send you in-game presents, but, he will remain your favorite!
🪢🦀 Dazai is secretly training his 'soft face and eyes', so he can make you happy.
🪢🦀 Also, he is planning to tease you for years.
🪢🦀 Still, it's cute, to see, how much you love all of them. It feels nice.
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lu-zijing · 2 months
So.... BSD Chapter 117.....
But also... :D
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Ahem, big spoilers under the cut ofc- (If I didn't already ruin that—
Here are some quick thoughts about the new chapter, 'cause I saw someone do it and now I wanna do it too. Let's all suffer and glee together.
This is my first time reading a chapter the DAY it comes out and DAMN I got a FULL-SERVED PLATE With Anguish, Excitement, Undefined feelings, and just.. other feelings, as well, served dangerously close AND MIXED together.......
The whole thing about Aya and Bram is just so Heart aching and Beautiful..!!!!!
The fact that Aya did exactly what Bram's daughter had promised him, And that he then called her, his daughter.
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The meaning of what he said... ”YOU,YOURSELF,MUST BECOME THE KNIGHT.“
And This.... JUST THISSS
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Why does it always hurt so much more when there is a promise like this in a flashback right when a character dies.
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That did actually make me feel better.
"The first time" he died, I was definitely in the classic denial- you all know it- But this time I can accept it.
I really appreciate Aya and Bram got this talk, and that we got to see Bram go off like that. And like I have already seen some people mention, I agree that it's a good thing Bram really died.
Please don't come at me as well—
I am definitely not an enjoyer of character deaths, and in most cases, no- just all cases, I would just want to get them back, Don't get me wrong I REALLY hoped Bram would come back..!
But I also agree that sometimes, making a character die some kind of big death, (maybe self-sacrifice for example)and then just bringing them back without anything to it can be a bit - Unforfillling no matter how happy it may be they came back.
And now when Bram did die,
And since he got such a nice ending, talking to Aya and seeing his daughter, and wife(?) I can live with this. I wouldn't complain if he came back though- NO- I mean- He deserves his happy ending- If you could call it that given the circumstances.
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I can see Bram, but I did NOT expect Asagiri to do this to a main character like him- Kunikida was never really a character I looked that much into, but to you who did- I can imagine the self-denial must have hit HARD some places on earth right now.....
No- I REALLY LIKE HIM TOO WHO AM I KIDDING, I guess I'm just not crying as hard as I would if it was Chuuya or Dazai for example- Oh Dazai.
I am genuinely scared to see how he will react to Kunikida's death. They are close. We all know Dazai likes to annoy those close to him.
And the fact he may even blame himself for not figuring it all out sooner... I really hope he and Chuuya stay together for some time..
...Could this be potentially Dazai angst in plain view of everybody? Characters and readers as well? I wanna see both the Agency and Chuuya see him breaking down at some point..
Am I too evil considering the current circumstances-? Okay sorry, maybe not sorry-
On one side I really wanna see how well Chuuya would do in a fight against Amenogozen, and on the other, I am scared considering even a character like Kunikida would die. a MAIn-
To be honest, I am genuinely not sure whether or not he is really dead.
The Agency can easily survive a stab to the chest, and that's why this hits harder.
It wasn't the stab wound that killed him, It would have if Yosano hadn't come in time, yes, but that doesn't matter now, because rather it was because of the fact that the stab wound turned him into BUBBLES Amenogozen swallowed, that he died.....
Which makes me wonder.... We don't know anything about those bubbles. What if people who died like that can be brought back if Amenogozen is killed/defeated or something like that?
Maybe Amenogozen can bring them back if it's willing itself?
That may be a little too hopeful, but STILL!
It sure is damn SURE that we don't know anything about them yet, so I will keep a little hope for now.
And a last thing about Amenogozen, His EYES-
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Not alone the fact that meeting his- or its(?) gaze did that, but also the fact that its eyes are shaped like three "parts/spots" considering it is a "Tripartite Fusion" I found that detail pretty awesome..!
I guess if two things can then why not three but still!! It was a fusion between two Swords and a Human!!! This is really something to behold..!!!
(okay, to be honest, I am still not completely sure of how a normal singularity even works, so please excuse me if I'm wrong, and tell me how it works instead  🥲 ))
Haahhh, Okay let's end this on something happy.
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Someone better do a redraw or coloring of this Panel- Am already heavily considering it myself-
Akutagawa sure has had some serious character development in this story- AND. I. LOVE. ITTTT !!!!
I could not see him saying that at the start of the story, especially at least to someone he barely knew.
He even said "UNDERSTOOD" As if he not only promised but also, well.. Understood them.
I hope he and Aya actually get some kind of friendship and actually, well, talk, and it isn't just Akutagawa saying this and doing it, but never really speaking with her.
I am a BIG fan of character interaction between big/main characters or characters you like, that you maybe wouldn't normally think about interacting, with or just haven't really interacted with before -Like how I desperately hope Atsushi and Chuuya get to talk, and not just one time, but get some kind of at least somewhat good friendship- THAT WOULD BE AWESOMEEE
I really hope Akutagawa and Aya will talk now as welll!!! I hadn't even imagined this duo before, but I wanna see it!
And also guys, this panel is also stunning, let's all just get that settled.
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I LOVE the effect, but it doesn't beat the rendering in Akutagawa's comeback panel
I didn't expect Amenogozen to be able to talk. But ah well... I guess it makes sense. They still have a human body... kinda......
Anyhow, Thanks for reading! I would love to hear some thoughts in the comments, reblogs, or whatever, if you're wanting to share some thoughts about thisss!!
Oi, oi! And one last thing!
This panel:
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I find it incredibly Ironic that that even Bram who was called a demon, a devil- Vampires, that usually is the Enemy of god, yet he still refers to the Lord in Heaven himself in his despair.
To refer to god, like this in his despair -even as a vampire- just like any other, really hit me hard. He had feelings just like any other human.
Ofc, he does say it in anger, but a faithful human in this situation could easily have done the same. So whether or not he liked god before or even now, As a vampire, I just thought he wouldn't even mention god in a situation like that. But he did.
Also, both his daughter and likely Wife (or Lover) looked quite human, didn't they?
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It's hard to say with the woman, but at least the daughter didn't have pointy ears. So I guess Bram even fell for a Human back in the day, huh?
He was human himself in the past, but he must have already been a vampire at this point. He clearly has those pointy ears and the same looks as present, in the flashback with his daughter.
....Wow.. now that you think about it, his whole story must be incredibly interesting and sad....
Anyhowww, seems I could keep going, so I will wrap it up for now- Like I said, do comment or whatever, with your thoughts!! Would love to discuss this- We have a whole month until the next update guys. Let's get this talk going
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welivetodream · 2 days
✨ My BSD hot takes/unpopular opinions ✨:
1. Identifying BSD characters as Queer, is not problematic. STOP being so Heteronormative. Gay characters are not gonna kill you.
If I see another "BuT tHe ChArAcTeRs nEvEr SaId tHeY aRe GaY" I would bomb you 💣/j
2. Skk/SSKK/Fyolai/other popular ships, exist because people like it. If you don't ship them, don't engage with their content. Not all shippers act crazy and toxic. Stop blaming everything on shippers.
3. Atsushi/Kyouka is problematic, stop justifying it with "only 4 year age gap". Kyouka is a CHILD, ship her with Kenji if you want. Atsushi, like a normal 18 year old would never look at a highschool freshman and date her. Even if they date in the future, he knew her when she was younger and they had a sibling like dynamic. Lucy is a way better love interest to Atsushi (Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion tho, but I saw some people justifying it 😐😐😐)
4. DAZAI IS NOT EVIL. HE IS FAR FROM EVIL. He is, despite being super popular and the face of BSD, the most mischaracterized and villified character. Morally grey characters exist??!!!
5. Mori is a way worse person than Dazai ever was.
6. PM members get a free pass for any heinous crime they commit by being hot or babygirl-ified (still love them tho, we do not often discuss how bad their actions have been, you can like criminals and acknowledge they are criminals in fiction. I would add DoA to this too, but it's worse with the PM)
7. Akutagawa's abuse of Kyouka shouldn't be forgotten just because Dazai abused Akutagawa.
8. Mori emotionally manipulated and abused Dazai when he was a teen. Just because it wasn't physical, doesn't mean it was nothing.
9. Atsushi is NOT a soft boy, he is way bitter, salty and sarcastic than we give him credit
10. Poe is important to Ranpo and their friendship/relationship is wholesome as hell
11. Ranpo and Yosano's friendship is way better than them being in a relationship in the future
12. FukuFuku is better than Fukumori (imo!!!!)
13. Buying real authors work after watching BSD is actually a really good thing, since more Gen z kids (or other people) will read classics
14. There are layers to Atsushi and Akutagawa relationship/rivalry, and they have the MOST important relationship (not meaning romantic, just in general) in the entire canon.
15. Kunikida and Yosano could be a power couple
16. Fyodor is not a great villain (yet)
17. Nikolai CARRIES the DoA
18. Sigma shouldn't be in the ADA, he needs a happy home, family and some time to adjust to normal life
19. Q and Elise are both underused characters and could become a great dynamic
20. Ango deserves more love, the amount of pressure and stress he deals with is INSANE
21. It's OKAY if everyone joins the fandom for Dazai or skk (I did at first too!!)
22. Higuchi is annoying as hell. I do not get her hype, I like her but not as much as most people (just personal opinion, do not flame me 😭)
23. Everyone in The Guild is forgettable or boring (except Fitzgerald, Poe and Lucy. I like Louisa, but I forget her all the time)
24. Hetero ships are just not that great/interesting in BSD to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ (except maybe AtsuLucy or rare pairs) and female characters are not best utilised, I wish they play more major roles (can't wait for Agatha to arrive!!)
25. Some fan theories/arts get the story better than "canon" stuff at times. Fanon is NOT always the worst (sometimes enjoyable when the canon gets too dark or sad)
26. Toxic ships are okay in fiction as long as they are legal. Humans like toxic things, we consume it like junk food 💅🏻
(These are all personal opinions of mine and do not matter. Feel free to disagree. But, do not hate or be toxic!!!! 😇😇😇😇)
(PS: I compiled all these because of posts I have seen in, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter and sometimes Tiktok. These aren't really abt you Tumblr folks. I meant to post this on reddit but did not have the courage or mental strength lol)
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hi hi! can i request for bsd men x reader who is a doctor and have the ability like machi from hxh?
Thank you for the request!
'•.¸♡ doctor ♡¸.•'
Doctor reader
Feat. Fukuzawa, Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, Katai, Mori, Ace, Rimbaud, Akutagawa, Hirotsu, Kajii, Oda, Ango, Fitzgerald, Nathaniel, Fyodor
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
He finds your ability very useful and will employ you if you already aren't an employee.
He will be as careful as always, not putting himself in harm's way, but if he does get a limb chopped off by accident he will come straight to you.
Your thread is useful for combat and traps, which is something he takes into consideration when planning out his schemes.
You and Yosano often work together.
If you don't want to leave your job, he will understand and not force you out of your work.
Atsushi Nakajima:
This man's limbs grow back like nothing happened, so your ability is useless/j
If he gets hurt during a mission, he would go straight to you to take care of him.
He's way too shy to admit it, but he really likes it when you take care of him as no one ever did, and he was forced to look after himself, it's nice to have a break from worrying about yourself.
Make him a ball of thread to play with (like a cat), and he'll be very happy and entertained for some time.
Doppo Kunikida:
He also thinks your ability is quite useful, and despite how much he does not want you involved in any missions, your threads can be useful.
If you do not work in the ada, Kunikida would often visit you after work, if you aren't busy.
He doesn't really want to visit you when he's injured so as not to worry you and cause you additional work.
If you do end up taking care of him, he will be very pleased and find comfort in your soothing touch.
Osamu Dazai:
He takes your ability to his advantage.
He may become a bit more careless (as if he isn't already) and put himself in harms way more, just to see your worried face and for you to care for him. At least that's what he claims.
He does always love it when you care for him, even if it's putting a plaster on a scratch on his face, which he obtained by "falling."
Katai tayama:
Since he never leaves his house, you can tend to him whenever you need to.
Katai doesn't get injured a lot, so you don't have to worry about him.
Ogai Mori:
Mori, being a doctor himself, obviously does not need any help regarding himself, but it would be useful to have another medic in the mafia.
Your ability can also be useful in combat, so Mori wastes no time trying to convince you to join the mafia. You probably don't have a choice since he's the leader, and it would be quite difficult to be with the leader of a mafia without being a part of it.
A new torture method is now being used in the mafia, cutting somebody's limbs off :)
This little prick would put one of his collars around your neck, and you would be his personal doctor, tending to all of his wounds and stuff.
Don't worry, he won't exchange you for gems. You are just too valuable for that.
Arthur Rimbaud:
Maybe you could finally figure out why he's so cold all the time.
If you two are together, you probably work in the mafia, or the other place he's from.
He admires the work you do, human life (or any life really) is important, and you should receive the respect and loyalty it deserves.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa:
He could care less about your occupation unless it benefits him, and in this case, it does.
You would often help him with his wounds and coughing, reminding him to eat and drink, etc.
Your threads are quite useful to him, and he could strategize your ability into something.
Ryūrō Hirotsu:
What a silly old man.
You could be his personal nurse instead of sending him to a nursing home.
Motojiro Kajii:
Tbh, I'm surprised he isn't dead, ik he doesn't get hurt by his bombs but like still
He would always come home with some sort of scratches, which you will place a little lemon themed plaster on.
Also, you call him a mad scientist, and it was probably his idea.
Sakunosuke Oda:
Finally, someone norm- oh wait, he's a skeleton. Ig you'll have to help him not be dead.
You would always have plasters on you with an animal print or something on them, usually for the kids Oda takes care of, but it wouldn't hurt to help someone else out who needs one.
Oda loves what you do and wishes to help you when you come home tired from a long day at the hospital.
The kids Oda takes care of do get sick from time to time, so you will end up getting them to feel better.
Hey, maybe you could stich the kids back together after the little explosion? Pretty please????
Ango Sakaguchi:
He's too tired to realise his arms have fallen off.
He would get sick from the sleepless nights, and you'd demand him to stay home, but he would go to work anyway.
Ango respects your profession greatly and would never dream of getting in the way of your work.
He understands all too well how work can deprive you of everything, so he doesn't really ask you of anything.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald:
You are working in his team of Americans (ew)
/j I just don't think the food in America should be eaten.
You will be the doctor of the group, taking care of anyone who is ill.
He will find your ability useful and will certainly take it to his advantage, money is after all (one of) the most important things in this world and Fitzgerald will get it any means necessary, unless that means hurting you (or himself).
He cares about his family, so he doesn't wish for you to die :)
Nathaniel Hawthrone:
I'm surprised he isn't blaming the devil for everything tbh.
He can use this blood as thread so you can go away now. Your ability is not useful/j
Its great that you want to save people! (Or the children of God, I forgot how religious he is).
He can help by praying for you and your patients. that's it. God is the best doctor, after all.
He doesn't typically cut off his limbs whilst in battle, but if he does, he knows you will always be there to help him if he needs it.
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Your ability is useful to Fyodor and his gang of rats. You can stich limbs back on, and the nervous system will reattach itself like nothing happened, brilliant!
Fyodor claims he doesn't need a doctor or to be taken care of. In truth, he does, but he fails to admit it, fearing he may appear weak or dependent on other people. His feelings don't stop him from making you the doctor of a bunch of rats.
You may not be a vet, but it doesn't hurt to try!
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm sorry I couldn't include everyone. It would have taken too long, and u would just be repeating myself, even though I'm already doing so here.
Happy pride month, everyone! So many people have come so far to allow us to be ourselves. It may still be difficult, but that is why we need to celebrate everyone!
I was recently binge watching some shows, so I added some more to the fandoms I write for if anyone is interested. To find the list, go to the masterlist -> the bottom of the post -> press 'Fandoms I write for, rules & regulations♡'
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy pride month!
-love, Az
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cerebralinvasion · 2 years
Hiii! I have a BSD request! Its a bot dark but its related to something that Ive been working through lately. Can you do as many bsd characters as you can reacting to their S/O getting emotional on their birthday because they "didn't think they would make it this far"? Like they struggled with severe depression and suicidal thoughts/SH in their childhood and honestly didn't expect to make it to the age they are now? Its almost my birthday and I've been struggling with the same thing so i wanted some fluff with my favorite characters to help me through it! :) thank you so much!
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trigger warnings: mentions of past self harm, depression, and suicidal ideation (reader no longer struggles with those things for the most part)
characters: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, ranpo, yosano, poe, chuuya, jouno, akutagawa
notes: ack sorry this took so long D: i know it’s probably long past your birthday by the time i get this out, but i wish you a happy birthday and i hope you enjoy anyways :))
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♡ fyodor being fyodor knows exactly what you’re feeling
♡ he understands perfectly why you’re getting emotional and reacting the way you are
♡ and he doesn’t judge you for it in the slightest, he thinks that the way you feel is perfectly valid
♡ he’s just not sure exactly how he should approach the issue or how he can actually help you
♡ but he really does want you to feel well
♡ it’s likely he’d wait for a calm moment between the two of you when there’s not much else going on
♡ something like enjoying a cup of tea together during the morning
♡ he’ll very very subtly poke at the topic and wait for you to explain it all yourself
♡ and once you do he’ll take that chance to comfort you now that you’ve brought it up
♡ “there’s no need for tears, alright? the past is is past and you’re here and well now. that’s what matters. no matter what you thought, you did make it this far.”
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♡ nikolai is able to tell what’s up when you’re getting upset, even if you try to hide it
♡ but he’s not too keen on making you feel bad or being too blunt when it comes to this
♡ so he mainly tries to focus on distracting you and giving you the best birthday he can
♡ lots of surprises and things for you to enjoy, stuff that makes you personally happy
♡ he kind of pretends to be oblivious to the fact that you’re down for the most part
♡ because he doesn’t want to accidentally make you feel like your emotions are dampening the mood
♡ because they’re not!! your feelings are perfectly valid to him
♡ so instead he only subtly touches on the topic near the end of the day once everything begins to settle down.
♡ “hmmm… you had a good time today, right? so it’s a good thing you’re still around! and as long as i can see your smile then all is right!”
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♡ yeah dazai definitely gets the feeling
♡ but also… it’s dazai
♡ don’t get me wrong, he wants to be able to comfort you and make you feel better
♡ but he just… doesn’t know how
♡ he doesn’t need you to explain or tell him what’s wrong
♡ he already knows
♡ and he’ll probably try to make you feel better by diverting your attention
♡ making a big show of celebrating your birthday, giving you gifts and trying to make it the best birthday he can
♡ he wants to celebrate not only your birthday but the fact that you actually made it this far, even if you didn’t think you could
♡ so his cheesy over the top words proclaring him to be ‘completely at your service for the day’ and all the effort he put in to cater your birthday to you
♡ is kind of his way of telling you that he’s proud, and that he thinks you deserve to celebrate
♡ it’s not until later that night does dazai express his feelings directly
♡ when you’re both half asleep and holding each other under the blankets
♡ “i’m so happy you’re still here to celebrate. i hope you had fun today. and i want us to do this again.”
♡ again… that’s right
♡ he wants to make sure he can celebrate your birthday again
♡ and again, and again after that
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♡ despite his skills as a detective, ranpo can be pretty oblivious
♡ but he knows that somethings up, even if he doesn’t know what
♡ and he doesn’t like that! it’s your birthday! and you’re his partner!
♡ he thinks you really deserve to be happy and have a good day
♡ and he thinks that beating around the bush won’t help you feel better
♡ so while he will initially wait for you to tell him yourself
♡ if he decides your taking to long, he’ll just jumpstart the conversation
♡ so he very bluntly asks what’s wrong with you
♡ it might’ve come off as rude if you didn’t know him better, but you can tell he genuinely wants to know
♡ when you do tell him he’s kind of like ‘oh’
♡ and he sits there quietly for a little while
♡ because he doesn’t exactly know what to say
♡ it’s not often that he cares about being sensitive with others feelings and being careful about making them happy
♡ but when it’s you, he puts in a lot more effort to watch his words
♡ he thinks a lot more before he speaks, because he really does care about how you feel
♡ “you didn’t think you’d make it this far, but you did, didn’t you? you’ve made it through.” he pauses for a second before beginning to speak in a quieter tone. “and you’re going to keep making it through. so don’t be sad anymore… please?”
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♡ oh my god
♡ what’s this?
♡ a single person in this list that actually has good communication skills?? impossible.
♡ but for real, yosano doesn’t beat around the bush
♡ the second she gets an inkling that you’re not doing well, she brings up the topic
♡ in an actual normal way
♡ she’s not overly blunt to the point of rude, but she’s also not skittish around the topic
♡ a soft ‘are you alright?’ with a concerned glance to you
♡ when you do explain she’s very understanding
♡ while she may not specialize in psychology, it’s still something she has some basic knowledge of
♡ so even though she can’t say she’s experienced the same feelings you have, she very much so understands them
♡ “and yet you’ve persevered despite the circumstances. i know it hasn’t been easy, but you did it anyways. it took a lot of strength and i believe that’s more than enough cause to celebrate. because you deserve a wonderful birthday and many more.”
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♡ poe is really nervous about accidentally making you more upset when it comes to this
♡ he really wants to make you happy! and he hates seeing you sad
♡ but he just doesn’t know what to do, and is really scared of doing the wrong thing
♡ so he tries to be cautious
♡ being extra soft with you and making sure not to say anything that could touch a sensitive subject, for the most part
♡ though at some point, one of you is gonna give
♡ whether it’s you finally confessing to him about the way you’d feeling
♡ or it’s him just getting to worried seeing you so down
♡ whoever brought it up, when you do begin to explain he’s very quiet, encouraging you to speak your mind without interruption before he responds
♡ “i’m so sorry to hear you feel that way…if you ever need my help, please let me know. i really do care about you and i don’t know what i would do if you ever needed me and i wasn’t there for you.”
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♡ chuuya loves you a lot it’s true!
♡ but he definitely doesn’t notice you feeling down at first
♡ it’s not that he doesn’t care! he cares about you so so much
♡ it’s just that, he’s not very… observant
♡ he pays attention, yes, but he’s not the very best at reading people
♡ he might be able to tell that somethings up, but he won’t be able to figure out what exactly is wrong unless you tell him
♡ so as soon as you do explain why you’ve been down it instantly clicks for him
♡ and he feels like a dumbass for not getting it sooner
♡ he makes sure to let you know how genuinely proud he is of you
♡ and how happy he is that you made it to where you are today
♡ “you’re so strong, i hope you know that. i’m so proud of you. i’m so lucky you’re alive.”
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♡ unlike chuuya, jouno is very observant, especially when it comes to you
♡ so he was able to tell what was wrong
♡ especially since he was aware of your history with both self harm and suicidal thoughts before now
♡ does this mean he knows how to talk to you about it?
♡ absolutely not i’m so sorry
♡ while jouno is very much used to observing and being aware of how others felt, due to their heartbeat
♡ he’s not at all used to actually caring the way he does when it comes to you
♡ so he’s not exactly sure how to genuinely make you feel better, but that’s not to say he doesn’t try
♡ “you don’t have to explain anything if you don’t want to. but if you need to talk i’m here to listen, yeah?”
♡ like he said, he’ll listen if you’d like to talk
♡ but if you’d rather not have a discussion he understands that as well
♡ if you don’t feel like talking about it, his method of cheering you up would probably involve distraction
♡ telling you interesting facts and stuff to get your mind off of it
♡ because while he’s not the best at filling a conversation with comforting words he is decently adept when it comes to small talk and casual chatter
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♡ akutagawa is not a man who understands emotions very well
♡ not his own and certainly not others
♡ but if there’s one thing he knows it’s that he wants you to be happy
♡ and he’s worried because he doesn’t know how to do that
♡ but he really really wants to, more than anything
♡ he doesn’t know how to approach the topic
♡ even if he can tell you’re upset, he fears if he brings it up, he may make it worse
♡ so it’ll be up to you to tell him plainly how you feel
♡ “i… i can’t say that i will know how to help you when you feel this way, but i can say that i will always be on your side. and if you ever need it, i am always here to listen. i’m glad that you’re still around.”
♡ it’s quiet and mumbled, his words unsure and shaky
♡ he isn’t used to talking from the heart like this
♡ but every word is true
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imahinatjon · 9 months
Christmas Day with BSD
X reader
Only did some characters, not all.
Merry Christmas
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Dazai, Osamu
• He Wakes you up early Christmas day.
• Not intentionally, he's not TRYING to wake you up. No he's actually running a bath of cold water to sink into.
• He's sort of trying to commit s in there.
• You find him and pull him out though.
• That was your morning.
• You don't open presents yet. No, first, you make breakfast
• Breakfast consists of the left over takeaway you had the night before.
• He'll take you outside if it's snowing. He heard of a new met- what? Your not letting him? Wellll, he does suppose it IS Christmas and he can go the rest of the day without another attempt.
• So, because that plan was a no, he comes up with a other one? What plan was that? Snowball fight!
• That's how most your time does, he does not know when to give up. So he just carries on and on and on until you can't feel your fingers, your noses are bright red and it's way too cold.
• Eventually you go inside though.
• You don't have Christmas Dinner, unless someone else from the ADA (probably Atsushi or even Kunikida) brings something to eat over. You just snack on whatever is in the house. Which isn't much.
• You do eventually open presents. He gets you books, all books you've expressed interest in and don't have yet.
• He also hides dried pressed flowers in the books as bookmarks - a real bouquet of flowers wouldn't last being wrapped up for god knows how long ready to give you on Christmas, so he took the time to press and dry some.
• As for what you got him? It doesn't matter really. You could get him anything and he'd be happy.
• Might make a remark, but ultimately he's just happy that you even got him something.
• The night ends rather nicely. A cup of how chocolate as you sit in bed watching cheesy Christmas films on a laptop.
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Nakajima, Atsushi
• He Wakes up emotional. This is his first Christmas outside the orphanage.
• And he's waking up next to you.
• He isn't going to wake you up, he's just going to lie next to you for a while, enjoying the moment until you wake up.
• He's happy to do whatever you want to do on Christmas.
• Spoil him please, he deserves it.
• Presents are done in the morning.
• He got you Jewlery and Makeup - he consulted Naomi and Yosano on what to get.
• It's not super expensive, but don't forget he doesn't have a lot anyway. He also doesn't know a thing about brands and such.
• If it's pretty and he thinks you'd like it, he'll get it.
• As for what you get him? He's another one you can get literally anything for and he'll love it.
• He will cry.
• Don't worry about it.
• You have Christmas Dinner out. You go to a restaurant that does Christmas dinners. He made sure it was reserved weeks in advance.
• Snow! If it snows he'll get exited. Like, he wants to play in the snow, but be warn and wrapped up when he does, instead of freezing in some old thin clothes and not enjoying it.
• He's fun to play with in the snow, he just does what he feels like, which is throwing a lot of snow.
• He's happy to help build a snowman though - he's quite good at it.
• Also will make snow angels.
• If you ask, he'll turn into the tiger to play in the snow with you.
• He ends up going to sleep really early later that day, your cuddled up watching films on a phone, and he falls sleep 5 minutes in.
• He's had a busy day.
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Edogawa, Ranpo
• Up really early and waking you up with him as he begs for presents. He really wants his presents.
• So thats the first thing you do.
• He's easy to buy for. You get him anything related to sweets and he's ecstatic - especially if they're really hard to come by snacks, or imported snacks from abroad.
• As for what he gets you? Remember that really expensive thing you mentioned a few months back? How you were looking to save up for this very specific collectable item?
• Well, he got it for you, you can stop saving now.
• Dinner is early. He wants to eat dinner early because then he'll have more room for snacks later.
• You comply because its Christmas.
• You cook dinner. He tries to help but gives up because he's useless in the kitchen. He just watches you cook.
• He doesn't want to play in the snow, but will if you want to. Don't expect too much enthusiasm though.
• The snow it pretty and he likes it, but it's also really cold and he's kinda lazy.
• He'd rather just sit with a cup of hotchocolate and watch the snow with you.
• You two don't watch films. Electronics are banned!
• You play bored games instead.
• You invite Fukuzawa and Yosano and play board games.
• Fukuzawa will suggest monopoly - say no.
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Akutagawa, Ryuunosuke
• He's not getting up. Sorry.
• He's got the day off, like Mori has basically said - It's Christmas, don't do any work.
• Gin Wakes up early though.
• You spend the time up until Akutagawa Wakes up making breakfast with Gin.
• You exchange presents with the two siblings and its not really a momentous occasion, but rather just a small simple exchange - except you and Akutagawa banded together to get something really expensive for Gin, along with a few extra items.
• You get Akutagawa a new tea set. He won't say anything but you'll catch him using it later that evening.
• Akutagawa won't play in the snow, but he'll watch you and Gin.
• You can't convince him either.
• He looks so grumpy! Don't worry he's haply enough.
• You don't have a full Christmas Dinner, but you do have a small dinner in the evening. The rest of the day is snacks.
• In the evening everyone is doing their own thing.
• But Akutagawa will let you cuddle up to him if you want. It is Christmas afterall.
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Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
• I'm sorry but your not celebrating Christmas :'(
• OK, no, but seriously. You can get Fyodor into Christmas Dinner at least.
• He's not a festive guy okay? Can't force someone to celebrate Christmas.
• If you really want to though, he'll budge a little. He's not changing his mind, and you need to understand that, but he will get you a small present and have dinner with you.
• He's not decorated.
• He's not going out in the snow either. Partly for his own health.
• The night is like any other. If you want a Christmas film on, fine, but he's going to keep reading his book, he's not interested.
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Gogol, Nikolai
• He's all over Christmas.
• Decorations EVERYWHERE.
• He's got you a bunch of presents too - all last minute buys, some of it might be stolen. Who knows?!
• He's expecting something big from you, something great. Good luck finding something.
• Forgets about Christmas Dinner.
• Will drag you out into the snow and beat you at a snowball fight so severely that you'll never want to see snow again. (Not really, he needs someone to throw snowballs at next year)
• It's not that he loves Christmas or anything. It's just that it's an excuse for presents and celebrating, and if he gets even an inkling thay you like Christmas, then he's going to go overboard on the whole holiday.
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• Your probably the first person he's celebrated with
• He did a lot of research for this.
• So, the morning was an early wakeup,
• He got you a LOT of presents. Like, he had a list of things you'd mentioned over the year, and if you hadn't already brought it yourself, he went ahead and got it for you.
• It was excessive and your spoilt.
• You almost feel bad about what you for him because of it, but he assures you that you didn't need to.
• Still happy to accept your gift though, very happy.
• Dinner is actually rather simple. It's nice, quiet and it's just the two of you.
• He's taken measures to make sure Nikolai doesn't pop up and interrupt you.
• You can't play in the snow, considering your in the sky casino.
• But you do sit with him and watch from one of the many windows in a nicer part of the casino that's also private.
• It's calm and pleasant and relaxing and you'll probably fall asleep.
• He'll try and carry you back to your room, but probably won't succeed, he's too scared of accidentally waking you up.
• So he ends up falling asleep there with you.
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Suehiro, Tetchou
• You'd never realise it until the day, but he's actually pretty exited for Christmas.
• He Wakes up early, and when you wake up and question it, he plays it off like he's just getting ready for the day but the expression on his face tells you hoe exited he is.
• Presents - he made you something. It's not fantastic, but he put in a lot of effort, so you appreciate it anyway.
• As for what you got him? Something he can eat, like chocolate. He'd like that i think.
• As for dinner, don't let him cook! Or at least, let him think he's helping, let him do something he can't mess up and do the rest yourself. It'll be okay. If you cook it, he'll eat it, even if the colours don't all match.
• He's not interested in the snow. At least, that's what he says. It'll take a bit to get him to admit to wanting to go out in the snow
• Or you could just say you want to go out in the snow, and he'll insist on accompanying you.
• You both build a snowman each. A snow couple!
• His kinda sucks though.
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Jouno, Saigiku
• He's not bothered about Christmas, but if you are then he's going to spoil you and be mean about it.
• He Wakes up at his usual time. Of course, if you got up early, he stirred a little, but didn't get up.
• When he does wake up he doesn't say much, just a small comment or reply to your questions here or there.
• He's another one who's spoilt you.
• He had a list of things to get you that he'd remembered.
• He brought (dragged) Tetchou along to buy those gifts.
• They were all things you liked too. You haven't exactly mentioned the things he got you, but he knows you well enough to be able to come up with things you never even realised you would've wanted
• He does make fun of how exited you get, only lightly, and the smile on his face is genuine - he's happy.
• He asked you not to get him anything, wether or not you bother is up to you. It'd be nice if you did though.
• You two don't have Christmas Dinner.
• You do have A dinner, it's just something small, homely, easy to make that both of you like. No need for a big dinner.
• The night ends with cuddling. He'd quiet, holding you and simply listening to your heartbeat as it slows and you fall asleep.
Might be a lil out of character, but oh well, it's Christmas.
Masterlist :3
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Atsushi doesn't understand the Agency.
At the Orphanage no one had any expectations of him. He was to be neither seen nor heard, like a ghost that haunted the place.
Dazai grins when he'd spot Atsushi walking in and call him over. He always did, no matter how quiet Atsushi was.
He'd be pulled into a debate, or rather be stuck watching Kunikida and Dazai argue.
Atsushi didn't understand why they wanted him around. No one had ever wanted him around. The fact they smile at him too, like they're happy to see him.
It was strange.
Kyouka tugs on his arm when it was time for lunch. Atsushi never realised the time, he wasn't used to eating regularly.
The idea he could eat food every day was something he didn't think he'd ever get used too. And good food too, not leftovers thrown at his feet.
Lucy would give him a knowing look and push the plate infront of him. Atsushi never knew what to get but he trusted her choices.
He'll never forget the day he didn't like something and how Lucy had quickly swapped with something a lot more his taste.
Atsushi didn't understand that. At the Orphanage you were supposed to be greatful for any food. To complain would be to lose the luxury of a meal.
At the Orphanage whenever something went wrong, it was Atsushi's fault. No matter what, even if Atsushi wasn't around it was always his fault.
The Agency don't let Atsushi take the fall for anything he hasn't done.
Ranpo admits to leaving a case early to grab sweets before the words could even leave Atsushi's mouth.
A suspect got away and Atsushi was mid apology before Kenji said it was his fault for losing them.
And while all true, Atsushi doesn't understand why they didn't blame him.
They didn't get punished for it, that was a relief. In fact no one at the Agency gets punished. Unless you counted whatever Kunikida does to Dazai.
Which Atsushi didn't, it was different.
Fukuzawa always had the final say, but even on the rare occasions he was genuinely mad... Never did he raise a hand at anyone.
Atsushi didn't understand why no one punished him here.
Atsushi was only ever hurt during fights and even than Yosano always checked him over. She even told Atsushi to tell her if he was ever hurt, no matter how small.
Atsushi didn't understand.
Shouldn't he be trying to not be a burden? That's what the Orphanage would want, they didn't dress his wounds or care about his pain.
Pain was his oldest companion, to the point it wasn't so much punishment as it was what Atsushi deserved.
And Atsushi agreed even if he wasn't a fan of it.
But the Agency did not punish him, ever. They didn't even have a cage here. He'd asked about it once but Kunikida assumed he was joking.
Atsushi was not but didn't ask any further.
It all seemed too good to be true. Maybe it was, but Atsushi supposes he should enjoy it for however long it's lasts.
Because as much as he'd like to hope otherwise it won't.
His parents were kind once.
The Headmaster was kind once.
Shibusawa was kind once.
Atsushi only drags the people around him into darkness. He brings only misfortune, and to save themselves they abandon him.
And one day even the Agency with all it's kindness and strength will not want him either.
That, is the first thing about the Agency that Atsushi understands.
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osarina · 2 months
So, it's not really a request, just kinda? Idk, i just want to share this little idea with you and you can do with this anything you want!!
So reader and adazai are dating for a while rn and they are happy and all and dazai decides that he wants to propose reader. He has the ring and all planned out. But before he could, reader is sent to a mission and dazai be like: "okay, i'm gonna wait til she is back."
The only problem is that she isn't back in a good shape :') Something went wrong on the mission, there were stronger ppl than reader and the ada obviously didn't know abt it (let's just say that ranpo didn't know abt it too for the plot, okay? :')) and they all freak out and everything. Reader is sent to a hospital (yes, yosano's ability doesn't work on her. No i don't know why and how. It's just ✨plot amour✨)
But anyway, reader gets better and wakes up from her coma. But! She lost her memory. So when she finally wakes up and dazai is holding her hand while half asleep and the others are here too and when they notice that she is awake she just be like: "Huh??? Who are you all??"
And dazai of course heartbroken. The love of his live, his reason to live, his soon-to-be fincée doesn't remember him?? That's the end of the world. But ofc he doesn't show it that his world crumbled over, instead he tries to win over reader's heart again. And it's all fluffy through reader's recovery. Ooooo and i have this very very very cute scene in front of me.
Imagine: Dazai and reader are sitting on a rooftop, it's after some time when reader finally remembers her name, age, family, job etc (expect dazai, we love angst :p) so the basic things and there's a moment when she says that: "My mind may not remember you, but my heart could never forget."
And it's just shows that how domestic are they really that even if tragedies try to force them away from each other, their heart, their soul will always find the way back bc you only find true love once. And the right person (or people) will always came to you (i'm delulu.)
But let's not forget abt dazai and his self-blaming tendencies. My man here would be so crushed that he couldn't save his beloved. So maybe, at first, he wouldn't try to make remember their relationship. After all, if the only person he loved romentically forgets about him then that must be fate, no? A reminder that he doesn't qualified to be called human, so ofc he shouldn't enjoy such a human things as love. That he should cherish the time that you two spent together but should never reach out for you. After all, he might get his dirt on your freshly started new life. And he also wasn't sure that you would even want him with all his mistakes, inperfections and that ugly, broken soul of him.
So i think reader has to make some moves first too. Just from instinct. Bc loving him is like a second nature to her. But aftet reader defeats dazai's self-sabotaging attempts, the cutesy recovery would start <33
OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Someone should check this out bc my love for him is starting to get a little unhealthy 💀
Anywayyyy i wish you the loveliest, most beautiful day ever bc you deserve it. And again, feel free to ignore this rant, no pressure <333 i'm just so down bad for him, ughhh. I want to squeeze him so bad <33
Also, if it's not a big problem, can i be 🍄 anon? If it's taken then 🎶 anon?
Much, much love!!!
(Pls ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes, i'm running on 4 hours of sleep each day this week and english is my 2nd language)
AHHHHHHHH NONNIE UR SO IN MY BRAIN I'VE BEEN DYING TO WRITE AN AMNESIA FIC FOR DAZAI. the way i was going about it, i was thinking maybe we could do an ability user that targets reader and their ability causes reader to completely lose memory of the most important person in their life ... except this was going to be set pre-relationship but they were both sooooo clearly in love with each other but neither wanted to make the first move. so reader would come into work like usual and nothing seems wrong until she sees dazai and she's like ??? who are you and dazai is just CRUSHED and the whole fic is set around him trying to hunt down this ability user to make reader's memories come back but it's like they've vanished off the face of earth. eventually he comes back to the office when he gives up because he literally CAN'T find this ability user and then we follow reader re-falling in love w dazai and dazai self sabotaging because he's dazai
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shiveringgroovy · 7 months
bsd social media hcs who uses what/ what do their profiles look like
HELP oh my god. i'm gonna do the ADA and maybe later on the other organizations :3
got really into the internet after being picked up by the ada but lost interest in it after a while
probably browses tumblr casually and likes cat videos or things of that nature
dazai made him a twitter account that he never uses
basic/default account style, he's not flashy about it and doesn't care to personalize his account. if he did, his pfp would probably be a cat or a low quality chazuke pic
inat casual. just there to see cool animals (i headcanon him as a naturalist so hard nobody understands)
twitter user and not ashamed. posts the stupidest shit and has like 20k tweets. probably didn't use socials at all until he left the port mafia but this guy is always tweeting
he's got some stupid ass layout like my priv twitter.
either 3 followers or 5k followers. no in between
has gotten sussed multiple times
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Casual reddit user and once did an "am i the asshole for punching the shit out of my coworker for being suicidal" and got put in one of those subway surfer text to speech things
and dazai found it, IMMEDIATELY recognized who it was, and would not let kunikida live it down
he's afraid to post anything now
same as atsushi, default settings
not a big social media girlie!!
probably has instagram and posts stuff she likes on her story, only two posts on her profile
pfp is a picture of a butterfly with blood on its wings because it goes hard
LOVES the internet. specifically pinterest and the girlie side of tumblr (naomi introduced her)
pins are very aesthetically pleasing, she's got a nice following on pinterest for posting pics of her snacks from outings and such
let her be happy and girlie and full of whimsy she deserves it :3
i'm tired of naomi slander. she's the victim of HORRIBLE writing and i hate asagiri for making a character that's otherwise a sweetheart into one unfunny "joke."
sorry rant over
she introduced kyouka to the internet and helped her set up a pinterest and tumblr (also warned her to stay off tumblr because shit gets icky QUICK)
same sort of stuff as kyouka, but likes posting her fit checks rather than food
has a twitter, doesn't use it often
idk what to say about him i don't think he's into socials all that much
voted for sans
fairly popular on tumblr, has a picture of karl in a chip bag as his pfp
has insta only to follow yosano
pfp on insta is probably a cute picture of him and poe :)
considers the mycelium network a social media
but yeah he has an inaturalist
identification GOD. like holy hell how did you guess the exact species and sex of that spider little farm boy
also another one of my naturalist headcanons except it's like?? basically canon idk
you thought i was gonna forget a woman didn't you. no girlie left behind it's women's month
has the most aesthetically pleasing instagram ever
large following on insta, pinterest, and twitter
she's just a really positive person :)
shares pics from the agency that she thinks are cute
what do i even say here
he has whatsapp that's fucking IT
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This may be very very triggering and uncomfortable so you don't have to do this.
A teen reader who got r@p3d by a p3d0ph1le and got pregnant. She didn't abort her child and tried to give them the home they deserved. But her parents disapprove of her option to keep the child and doesn't really help reader with taking care of them. Which ends up with reader working part time jobs while also taking care of her child. All of this makes her burnt out but to give her child a happy life she stayed positive on the outside but had lost hope in the inside. The p3d0 was put to jail but not for long as he comes after reader again. (You can choose the child's gender and name)
They heard The Monster
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Fem! Teen Mother! Reader
TW: Forsed Pregnancy. Teen pregency. Bastard, who is interested in underage girls. Struggling of a teen mother. Bastard's fate is worse than death.
English is my second language.
A/N: Got this request after asks were closed. And had some ideas about how I want to write about it. So, decide to do it.
When they start working together to try to find the way to your world, they heard it.
The Monster.
It pretended to be human. To be your father's friend.
Its words were so sweet.
It tricked your parents. They believed the monster.
And let it stay with you all alone.
They heard what It has done to you.
When they have no way to help you.
They feel hatred. They wanted to slay the beast that dared to touch you. To make you cry. To do this to you.
They are disgusted by themselves. Because they couldn't save you.
The monster was captured.
And then they learned, that a baby was growing inside your womb.
They heard it all.
Your decision to keep the baby. The disappointment of your parents. Your sadness.
And nine months later - your happiness, when your daughter was born.
But happiness was short-lived.
Because you were the only one, in the real world, who cared about this child.
One part-time job. Second part-time job. Sleepless nights.
And sorrow. You were loosing hope. The bright outside were just a cover to a starless abyss of lost hope.
And then they learned, that The Monster has been set free.
Almost a year ago, they couldn't do anything to help you, when The Monster attacked. When it was torturing you.
But this time, they could slay it.
The Monster's fingers grasp your arms.
The white light of the portal shined.
Oda was the first one, who attacked the monster.
You have a new home.
You and your daughter have a new family.
They love and support you.
Your daughter will be the most spoiled baby in the world.
New house is big. Great to raise a child.
Just, don't go into the basement.
There is The Monster down here.
He has no arms or legs. But they can't let him die just yet. At least until they killed them at least a few thousand times.
Bless Akiko Yosano for her ability.
This Monster won't hurt you. No one will hurt you or your daughter.
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