#york county
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jadafitch · 6 months ago
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Whaleback Light, Kittery. In 1886 waves from a powerful storm broke the windows, and water poured into the lighthouse. Keeper Leander White used a blanket to signal for help.
Today on Maine Calling (Maine Public Radio at 11am), a special on Maine's Lighthouses! And tonight (Sept 4th) at 8:00 on Maine Public Television, the premier episode of, Safe Harbors: Lighthouses of Maine. Yay!
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yagodichjagodic · 9 months ago
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Storms & sunsets.
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pennsylvaniacore · 4 months ago
Shock’s Mill Bridge
Source: Greg Benic
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"CADI GIVES WARNING TO ALL FAST DRIVERS," Toronto Star. July 11, 1933. Page 2. ---- Ed. Minard Fined $21.25 for Going Sixty Miles an Hour ---- "Get it into your minds, all of you that you must keep your speed down," said Magistrate Keith, in county police court to-day, fining Ed. Minard $21.25 for driving 60 miles an hour.
Provincial Constable Art Runciman denied telling Minard that he would "turn him in at 55," the bench remarking, "You're not going to drive at that speed in this county again."
As the car in question was not available for a speedometer test, the court gave Minard the benefit of the doubt and did not cancel his permit.
Colin Howard, incensed because his baseball team lost a game in York township, drank some wine. He appeared, head bandaged, on a charge of being drunk in a public place, after a fracas.
"What's the matter? Can't you take a licking without getting angry?" asked Magistrate Keith. "I could up to last night." Howard replied, regretfully. He was remanded for sentence.
W. R. Barnes failed to appear on a charge of going 60 miles an hour near Aurora.
To Constables Fleury and Irvine, Barnes had explained that if he "didn't pass that line of cars," he wouldn't be home all night. "Twenty-one dollars and costs, and cancellation of the operator's permit for ten days," decided the bench.
Reckless driving in carrying four adults in the front seat of his car, cost J. A. Tanner $10 and costs. Nathan Rotenberg's fine for a 50- mile-an-hour burst, imposed in his absence, was $11 and costs.
On charges of reckless driving and failing to return to the scene of an accident in York township, David Bates was remanded on $1,000 bail for hearing July 18.
A serious charge against Patrick Gray will be heard Thursday in juvenile court.
For driving without an operator's permit, Henry Graham was fined $10 and costs.
After hearing considerable evidence, the court remanded Graham a week for judgment on a B.L.C.A. charge. Graham admitted having had a drink of wine earlier in the day, but could not explain how Provincial Officer Sam Irvine could detect its odor at 10 p.m.
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imiging · 7 months ago
by state-of-calamity
Daily original photographs and creations selected by the imiging team!
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York County, NB
14-Sep-2023 | R. Clark-Martin
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carmenmiller · 2 years ago
York County Councilman Tom Audette Update
What is happening in York County, SC as it relates to growth, roads, public transportation, libraries, and more? Patti Mercer interviewed York County Councilman Tom Audette to get his view on these issues and more. See time code below if you want to skip to a specific topic: 00:00 – Start00:44 – Intro Tom Audette01:03 – Where Tom has served01:53 – Why people want to come to York County02:25 –…
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conandaily2022 · 2 years ago
Maine AG Aaron Frey files civil rights enforcement action against Port St. Lucie, Florida's Vicki Lush
Born and raised in Dixmont, Penobscot County, Maine, United States, Aaron M. Frey, 43, was served as a Democratic representative in the Maine House of Representatives from December 3, 2014 to December 5, 2018. He has been serving as the 58th attorney general of Maine since January 2, 2019.
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emaadsidiki · 4 months ago
Hudson Valley At Dusk 🟠🔸🟡🔹🔵
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saywhat-politics · 2 months ago
A row has broken out in New York State's Nassau County after Republican County Executive Bruce Blakeman allegedly ignored a request to lower American flags to half-staff on county buildings as a tribute to recently deceased former President Jimmy Carter.
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alwaysbewoke · 11 months ago
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childofwonder · 10 months ago
When Mads dissed Hugh for living in America because he misses him was so funny. Like aweeee, he wishes they lived closer together
He literally blamed Hugh’s kids being born in America
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spaceshipsandpurpledrank · 7 months ago
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fatchance · 4 months ago
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From a day on the river.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"HOME BREW IN SHOP COSTS WOMAN $25," Toronto Star. October 3, 1932. Page 2. --- Didn't Know "Home" Had to Have Separate Entrance Under L.C.A. --- A fine of $25 and costs was imposed in county police court to-day on Mrs. M. Mackay, Weston, on a charge of consuming liquor. Chief of Police Holley testified that in the dwelling premises at the rear of accused's shop he found home brew beer. The accused possessed a license to brew.
Crown Attorney Frank Moore pointed out that since the dwelling portion of the building was connected with the store. Mr. Mackay was "technically guilty" of "having." The charge was reduced to "consuming." when the accused informed the court that she was ignorant of the clause of the Liquor Control Act which stipulates that a residence in which homeb rew is made must have a separate entrance.
Ill-Treated Horses Thomas Shepherd, former, of North Gwillimbury, was fined $5 and costs on a charge of ill-treating three horses.
A portion of 300 pounds of brass fittings, alleged to have been stolen from the Canadian Bridge Company and the C.N.R., was exhibited in court when Lewis Malie was charged with theft. An official of one of the companies estimated the brass to be valued at from $1,000 to $1,500.
Morrington Goodwin swore Malle called him on the telephone and the two moved the brass in bags from Leaside yards to a junk-dealer's shop. A charge of theft against Goodwin was dismissed.
Malie pleaded guilty to two charges and was found guilty on the third charge. He was remanded a week for sentence.
Argued Over Cow Found guilty of aggravated assault on Nick Nossy, Mike Woodchuck was remanded a week for sentence. Nossy appeared in court with bandages about his head.
Woodchuck, through an interpreter, said he visited a home near Nossy's late in the afternoon and offered a $5 bill in payment for liquid refreshment. There was an argument concerning the pasturing of a, cow, it was brought out. Heated remarks were made, and when the argument was renewed outside a brawl осcurred. Woodchucq struck Nossy "with something," K. Boyiack swore.
After hearing evidence translated for more than an hour the bench registered a conviction.
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amnhnyc · 1 year ago
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🍂It’s officially fall, so take a seat in front of the Museum’s Stissing Mountain Diorama! This scene is set on an October afternoon near Stissing Mountain, located 90 miles (144.8 km) north of New York City in Dutchess County. This region has mountains, natural lakes, forests, a variety of rock formations, and both wild and cultivated land, which is why it was chosen as the basis for our Hall of New York State Environment. Visit the Museum to see this autumn diorama—and other festive exhibits—up close, and learn more about New York’s living landscapes.
Photo: E. Louis/ © AMNH
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tanadrin · 2 months ago
new york has five boroughs: manhattan, the bronx, queens, staten island, and brooklyn. each borough is coextensive with one county of the state of new york. these are new york county, bronx county, queens county, richmond county, and kings county. why are three of the counties not re-named for the boroughs they are identical to? there is no "richmond county" government or territory distinct from the borough of "staten island"! new york has been consolidated under a single government for 126 years!
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