#yonderland fanfic
viola-halogen · 2 years
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 9: Hurt-Comfort/Elders/Snow Day
[AO3 link]
Relationships: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan/Wise Elder Vex, Scribe Elder Ho-Tan & Wise Elder Vex
Characters: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, Wise Elder Vex, Chief Elder Choop, Vice Elder Flowers, Lord Elder Pressley
Summary: When Ho-Tan gets hurt sledding, Vex takes care of her.
A/N: Me and my family usually go sledding whenever we get a lot of snow so it was really fun incorporating that into this fic as something the Elders and Youngers would do together.
A ten minute walk from the Elders’ Chamber there was a steep hill that sloped downwards into a narrow dip before coming up again on the other side, and sometimes on days when it snowed properly the Elders and Youngers would go sledding there.
It was a popular destination on snow days, and they would usually be joined by families from the local villages, which meant that they had to get there first thing in the morning to be sure of the best spot. They’d done well this year, getting up at the crack of dawn and dragging their sleds through the woods by the light of the moons, so that it was still mostly dark by the time they set up their camping chairs at the top of the hill. They were all wrapped up warm in coats, scarves and gloves—even a begrudging Flowers—and Ho-Tan had made hot chocolate for all of them. While they waited for it to get light enough to start sledding, they huddled together for warmth and talked excitedly about the day ahead of them. Before long other groups started to show up, and when the hilltop was starting to get crowded, Choop leapt to his feet.
“Raise you to the bottom!” he announced gleefully, positioning his sled to get the best takeoff and sitting down.
“You’re on, old boy!” Vex said, struggling to get into his sled. Irk sat on his lap and took the reins of the sled, as everyone else got into position. Only when they were all ready did Choop push off, flying down the hill and gaining speed as he went. Vex gave a push with his legs and then they were racing off after Choop. The sled was slightly too small for both of them and rocked from side to side, so that they both had to fight to keep their balance.
“You remember how to steer this thing, right?” Vex yelled in Irk’s ear as they swerved dangerously around Pressley and almost went flying.
“What?” Irk turned around to shout, and at that moment the sled spun out of control, flipping over and dumping them both in the snow. Luckily Irk was still holding onto the reins, and the sled didn’t continue to slide down the hill.
“Are you alright?” Vex asked his son as he dusted snow from himself.
“That was awesome!” Irk cried. “Let’s do it again!”
Vex grinned and got to his feet, taking the sled from Irk and beginning the trek back to the top. Unfortunately going up the hill was a lot harder than going down, and by the time they made it he was out of breath and feeling rather warm in all his layers.
“Here’s an idea,” Vex said, gesturing to a sled that lay on its side, currently not in use. It belonged to Ho-Tan, he was pretty sure, and was a lot bigger than the one he and Irk had been sharing. “You take ours, I’ll take this one, and we’ll race to the bottom.”
“Deal,” Irk said.
They sledded for hours as the sun gradually made its way across the sky. At one point it clouded over and began to snow again, and the kids made a game of trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues. They were beginning to carve out tracks in the snow where it had been compressed under their sleds, which only seemed to make them go faster. A steady stream of people had been arriving all morning now, and the sledders were becoming increasingly packed together.
Vex had just made it back up to the top of the hill and was pausing to get his breath back when it happened. One minute he was watching Choop and Ho-Tan sledding along next to each other, and the next Ho-Tan’s sled ran over a rock, diverted violently from its path and crashed straight into Choop’s. They went tumbling down the hill together, coming to a stop in a small ditch near the bottom, and Vex was horrified to hear a cry of pain from one of them. He didn’t hesitate, abandoning his sled and stumbling down the hill, using his hands for grip on the ground, his boots ploughing the snow as he half-ran, half-slid to where they had landed. When he got there both Choop and Ho-Tan were sitting up, their sleds cast to one side. Ho-Tan was clutching at her head and wincing, while Choop held her other arm and turned it this way and that, examining her wrist. He gave it a small twist, and Ho-Tan cried out in pain, biting down on her lip.
“Alfie! Are you okay?” Vex cried, and they both looked up at him.
“I think her wrist is broken,” Choop said. “The sled ran over her arm on the way down. She hit her head on the ground as well.”
“Let’s get back up to the top,” Vex said. “We can come back for the sleds.”
Ho-Tan nodded somewhat dazedly and leant on Vex to stand up, and the three of them began the trek up the hill. When they got there Vex sat with Ho-Tan, while Choop went to get the sleds.
“You need to go home and get that seen to,” Vex told her. “I’ve got a potion to fix broken bones somewhere. I’ll come back with you.”
Ho-Tan shook her head. “No—I don’t want to ruin your day,” she said. “You stay here and have fun. I’ll be alright on my own.”
“Nonsense,” Vex said. “I can’t leave you to go off on your own when you’re hurt, what kind of a jerk would do that? And I’m sure Flowers won’t mind keeping an eye on Alvin and Irk while we’re gone, will you?”
“Of course not,” Flowers chimed in. “No brother—or sister—should be left to suffer alone.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Ho-Tan said. “Okay, let’s go.”
Vex and Ho-Tan headed away from the group and began to walk back towards the Elders’ Chamber. The walk seemed considerably longer with Ho-Tan shivering by his side and desperately trying to conceal the miserable look of pain on her face from him.
“How badly does it hurt?” he asked her gently.
“My head feels worse,” she said. “My wrist just feels sort of… funny. But it hurts when I try to move it.”
Vex reached out and put an arm around her shoulders. “We’re nearly there now,” he said. “Just a bit further.”
Ho-Tan nodded, but said nothing. When at last they rounded the corner and found themselves outside the front door to the Chamber, Vex pulled out his keys and let them in. He took Ho-Tan straight to the kitchen, where there was a fire still blazing in the hearth, and sat her down in front of it.
“Stay here and get warm,” he told her. “I’ll be right back.”
He made his way to his room and started rummaging around for the healing potion he knew he had somewhere—he’d bought it on a whim from Wizard Bradley a while ago and since forgotten about it. Finally he found it, stuffed at the bottom of his emergency supply kit (it was mostly spare buttons and a bag of dried fruit) and rushed back downstairs to Ho-Tan. He found her cradling her broken wrist in her lap and wincing in pain. It was already swollen and bruised, and the sight of it made Vex’s heart pang with sympathy.
“I found it,” he said, dropping into the chair next to her and uncorking the small glass bottle. “Here, drink this.”
Ho-Tan took the bottle with her good hand and necked it, grimacing at its foul taste. Then she put it down and turned to face Vex. “That was really disgusting,” she said. “What’s it made of, fish guts?”
Vex laughed. “I’ll make us hot chocolate in a minute, that’ll take the taste away.”
“Aah!” Ho-Tan cried suddenly, clutching at her wrist in pain. Vex had only taken that kind of healing potion once before, but he remembered exactly how painful it could be as your bones magically underwent the months-long process of repairing themselves in a matter of minutes. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Ho-Tan, stroking her shoulder.
“It… it hurts…” she said.
“That means it’s working,” Vex said. “I know it’s horrible… just hold on, it fades pretty quickly.”
Ho-Tan nodded and buried her face in Vex’s chest. He could tell how much effort it was taking her not to cry out in pain, and he felt a rush of admiration for her strength and perseverance. A few minutes passed like that, but eventually the pain seemed to abate, because she sat up and managed a watery smile.
“How do you feel now?” Vex asked her.
“A lot better,” she said. “It’s still kind of numb, but I can move it again.” She bent her wrist gently to demonstrate. Vex took her hand and felt it gently, to confirm that the break had been fully fixed. Then he examined her forehead as well—it was going to bruise spectacularly, but there was no serious damage done. The best thing to do would most likely be to let it heal on its own.
“That’s good,” he said. “You might want to be careful with it for the next few days, but other than that you should be completely fine.”
Ho-Tan smiled weakly at him. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she said. “It was very sweet of you. I’m just sorry I ruined your day—I know how much you love it when it snows.”
“Don’t be silly,” he said. “Nothing is more important to me than making sure you’re okay. There’ll be other snow days. All that matters now is looking after you.”
A warm pink colour spread across Ho-Tan’s cheeks, and she leant her head on his shoulder again.
“You’re the best,” she told him. “Thank you.”
He wrapped his arms around her, and leant down to kiss the top of her head. “No problem,” he said. “I’ll always take care of you.”
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angel-abound · 8 months
my new hyperfixation over anything six idiots related could not have come at a worse time,, i have deadlines for uni coursework in the next couple of days and instead i'm sat here running through every vocal stim i've absorbed from all their content
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having a blast though!!! so swings and roundabouts i guess 🙃 my uni work will simply have to suffer
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ginzburgjake · 9 months
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i’m doing a crack fic and i’m only marginally sorry. the more i write the worse it becomes.
update: added a holiday version
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 months
Playtime (Gore AU)
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(Follow-up to @idiotwithanipad 's fic The Woods, featuring her oc Amy and one or two Yonderland references)
Amy's finger practically stabs Silver's palm.
"Don't....want....dress....Just....want....home." the blind witchling interprets before giggling, inwardly cursing her body for the impulse. This is the worst time to laugh; "Oh, Fizzy, I dunno how to tell you this but...we can't leave here. Trust me. I've been here probably since before you were born. Hehehe! I mean...it be one thing if it were just my mummy and your daddy dragging us back...But it's more than that..."
She holds onto Amy's hand.
"Fluffy Friend, can you lead us to the magic wall please?" She asks.
A grunt comes in response.
Silver gently tugs Amy along as she follows her nose in the wake of the trail Ra's body leaves behind as moves on. It's only a few yards into the woods until they stop.
Mummy's ally grunts again to confirm they've arrived.
"Thanks a bunch! Hehehe." She turns back to Amy, letting go of her hand; "I used to try to run away from Mummy many times. It was so silly! All I knew was the people who stole me from her who said they were my parents. It didn't make sense to me that my real mummy was a four hundred year old witch, hehehehe! So when my brain stopped being all fuzzy, I'd run as far as I could....but I could never make it past here, or anywhere the magic wall is. Haven't you been here before? You might have done but maybe you forgot, hehehe....This place is fucked up like that."
A gurgled murmur. A stomp of a heavy boot. Silver can tell her friend is frustrated and upset. The fact she can't talk must make it all the more maddening.
Amy grabs her hand again and writes three letters.
"Bye?...Oh." She just gives a sad smile.
Amy lets her go. Silver hears her footsteps quicken as she rushes forward.
A whoosh.
Another run. Then whoosh.
And again. And again.
It takes every ounce of restraint for Silver to contain her giggles. Last thing she wants is for Amy to think she's making fun of her for what she herself did all too often.
"See? It's not just them. It's this place. Hehehehe." Like holding in a breath, she has to let it out before she combusts, "We're trapped here, and so are they."
Ra lets out a grunt to confirm that fact. Feeling her heart ache for him, Silver reaches to stroke his mane.
"I bet you've lost count of how many times you've tried to cross the magic wall, haven't you, friend?" She smiles sadly.
Another gurgle and stomp comes from Amy before a soft thud. Silver tentatively reaches her hand out to find she's sunk to her knees, hands over her head, rocking a little.
"Hey, hey," She kneels down with her and takes her hands; "Like I said, it's a pile of wank. But...it doesn't have to be. It took me some time, and perhaps a dash of Stockholm Syndrome hahaha....But we can make the best of it?"
Her mind's eye sees Amy frown at her as if to say 'are you for fucking real?'
Silver's laugh is genuine that time.
"I'm serious! Come on, I'll prove it to you! You don't have to have a pretty dress, you can have...Hmm...."
Her hands pad up Amy's arms, feeling the fabric of her hoodie, as an idea begins to form in her damaged brain.
With a squeak of excitement, Silver claps her hands.
"That's it! Hahaha....Okay. Mr. Floof, I'm about to do something incredibly stupid so if it goes tits up then please get Amy somewhere safe, okay? Ta!"
Ra's grunt sounds like an agreement, but with a touch of hesitation. For good reason.
Amy mumbles, and she can almost hear in the confused tone. 'What are you-?'
Silver takes a deep breath.
The response is instant, as it always is. Less than a second after she's made the call, making sure not to sound too afraid or hurt, but still rather urgently in need, it works.
She hears the rush of wind and feels the sudden waft of heat, followed by the crackle of embers and the scent of burned toast up her nostrils.
"Darling girl, is everything....?" Mummy spots the person at her side and her loving tone hardens to stone; "What-."
Silver raises her hand; "Mummy, just let me explain, please!"
While she was ready for her mother to erupt, she's taken off guard by the gurgled scream from her friend. Liquid sloshes to the ground at their feet.
Turning around, Silver reaches for her friend's face, her thumb feeling a damp on her chin.
"Oh dear, are you okay, Amy? Were you sick?" She frets.
Amy shakes her head and grabs Silver's hand.
"Witch....will....get....me." She frowns, then giggles again; "No she won't, silly! It's only Mummy. She wouldn't hurt any friend of mine. Would you, Mummy? Tell her!"
She looks towards the tall figure of flame and smoke that glows in her blotched vision. The silhouette of a protective mother goddess who has been one of only two constants since she fell into this mad other world.
Faintly, after a rather long pause, she sees her mother smile.
"'Course. No harm shall befall any companion of my little'en." Mummy promises, stepping forward.
Amy trembles more as Mummy approaches. Silver sticks close to her, squeezing her hand.
"But tell me now, girls. What is thou doing here without my foreknowledge of such a meeting?"
"It was my idea, Mummy. I crept towards the house." Silver lied, quickly, before either Amy or Ra felt compelled to tell the truth.
No reason for either of them to get in trouble.
"Again, child?!" Mummy grits her teeth, exasperated.
"Yes, hehehehe, I'm sorry, I am, but I didn't go in this time, honest! I just went to Amy's window and convinced her to come out to play was all. I told her that you said it was okay..."
She feels Mummy's bony hand touch her chin.
"Hmm. You be the worst liar, Silver Guppy, you knows that?" Mummy's chiding is not unkind.
Silver blushes. Worth a try.
A shuffle, and Ra lets out a grunt.
"Yous? You lead the girl here? To Hades, the pair of ye!" Mummy sighs, throwing her hands up.
Silver reaches to stroke Ra's mane in thanks. So long as the blame isn't put on Amy for running away, it's not like she was trying to meet her. She only wanted to be free. A yearning that Silver remembers all too well.
"Explains why your da be making such a noise from the window and sending his husk roaming for you!" Mummy says to Amy, who shivers again.
Silver links her arm through her friends.
"Mummy. You said foundlings can only be taken from their parents if the child wishes to leave and they're not being nice. Well Amy isn't happy with her daddy! Let her stay here, even if just for a little bit...Like a sleepover! Except without me sleeping tonight, hehehe."
"T'is not that simple, darling girl. It must be Amy's choice if she wishes to remain. And whilst you twos may have many a jape together, what about whilst you be asleep, hmm?" Mummy challenges.
"I...I didn't think about that."
Fuck. Stupid sleeping curse. It would suck for Amy to be by herself in the forest for a month until Silver woke up again. But at least she'd have Ra, who is learning to be kinder. A little.
And Mummy would look after her, wouldn't she? Amy must see that she's not scary.
"But surely it's better than her being trapped in that room all day! Especially when she has the choice to leave the house, unlike poor Kitty."
Amy makes a confused hum.
"Oh! Remind me to tell you about her later."
Mummy clicks her tongue; "Sweet girl, the only one who can break a foundling bond is the child and she wouldst have to confront the Headless one herself. But I sense her feelings towards him be more complicated than she let's on."
Amy made no sound of response but Silver could feel the slight slacken of her grip.
Oh. Of course, this place's influence would already be affecting her, as it did Silver. If her mind has already started to be warped to think of the headless man as her dad then it will only solidify as time goes on. Silver knows this all too well.
"Well....if that's what she wants to do then I'll be at her side. And if she wants to go back to her daddy and only visit once a month, that's okay too..." Silver states. That's fair, isn't it? "But, just for tonight, please Mummy...Can I give her a present?"
Mummy tilts her head; "A present?"
Silver let's go of her friend and skips to her mum's side, reaching up to whisper something in her ear.
"Oh..." Mummy says, "Well. I 'spose that be doable."
She walks towards Amy, who Silver can hear trembling again. Her mind's eye sees Ra creep close to her and nudge against her side, for support and comfort. Good boy.
Mummy stands over the girl and speaks; "I....apologise, young Amy, for any intimidation I mays have caused with my behavior before. Please let it be understood...all I cares about is the safety of my family. Sometimes I do go to extreme lengths to succour that."
Amy seemed too frozen with fear to respond.
"However...if you be my daughter's companion, whether that be in living here or the odd visit, I concede that makes ye family too."
Silver can't contain her squeal of joy, jumping a little on her boots.
"My daughter wishes to bestow a gift upon thee. To do I require access to your mind again, but have no fear. I willst not intrude on your memories. I only need to open your third eye."
The mute girl grunts in confusion again.
"T'is the eye of imagination in your brain. T'is what allows my Silver, whose human eyes be rotten, to see the world which I have made for her enjoyment. Might need more focus from you, as you be cursed with the opposite affliction of being unable to close your eyes."
Mummy raises her hands. Tendrils of smoke coil around her wrists and then slowly wriggle towards Amy's head.
Silver sees her shiver, can smell the sweat of panic.
"Look at me, Fizzy Girl! Please trust me. It will be okay. You'll like it. And if you don't then you only have to tell Mummy and it will stop, hehehehe." She tries to assure.
Mummy's magic forms a smoky veil over Amy's eyes while the rest slithers into her ears and her brow. She then moves one of her arms back and directs some of the energy towards Silver, who eagerly embraces it like an old friend, instead of squirming away in fear as she once had.
The darkness shrinks and her home, her enchanted forest, returns in full technicolor.
For Amy, the bleak and mundane English wood of brown and black would be transformed into a grove illuminated by floating balls of fae light, the moon shining bright silver down through the emerald leaves. The common moths and other insects become cheeky sprites and nymphs perched on branches, peeking in on then. The witch who cast the spell, the walking husk of bone and crispy flesh, is now as Silver always sees her. Whole and unmarked, a tall woman with a round face and twinkling eyes, thick dark hair cascading down her shoulders, her tattered peasant dress replaced with a black and ember orange gown.
Silver giggles as she twirls in her own gown, a similar style to her mother's but matching the hot pink and ebony of her hair. As she twirls, she shows off to Amy her feet, clad in even chunkier black boots then she wore before instead of tiny heels.
"Isn't it amazing?! I told you! Here, have your present! Go on, Mummy, give it to her!"
"Patience, little'en, for Hecate's sake." Mummy tuts.
She waves her hands over Amy's form.
Her hoodie transforms into a long hooded cloak, with glittering electric blue stars down the sleeves and the same trim on the hem. Her boots are also given a small upgrade, blue scales like armor on the toes.
"Hahaha, you look so fucking cool! Like an apprentice sorceress or something!" Silver bounces up to her; "Do you like it? You can change it however you want, or wear anything you want, you just have to let Mummy know how you want it!"
Amy pulls the hood up, but just seems to be testing how it feels before lowering it again, then checking out the blue stars that seem to grow and shrink, and then feels the scalded armour on her boots.
"It's...it feels so real. Wait. What the fuck-?" She touches her mouth, that remain firmly closed, and yet; "How am I speaking?!"
"Hehehehe, you're not, silly, you're thinking! Mummy's spell connects our thoughts. The magic let's me see and it gives you a voice....sort of. Still wouldn't recommend trying to open your mouth. Soz." Silver turns to her mother; "Please, Mummy, can me and Amy just play together for a little while before she makes her choice! Can I at least show her the dragons? Please, please, please!"
"All right, all right, if it stops ye mewling like a kitten for food, ye pest." Mummy pokes her nose; "Just don't stray too far!"
Silver grabs Amy's hand, giggling as she leads her through the forest. They have to jump over a shallow stream, barely a muddy trickle in reality, now appearing as a tiny sparkling river home to water nymphs and toads that walk on their hind legs.
The fairy creatures don't flee from Silver as she rushes through, instead they wave to each other.
"Hi, Fred! Hi, Betsy! Ooh, I love your new wings. Can't stop, Kirsty, promise we'll catch up later. Hehehehe." She greets them as they pass.
"I...It all looks so real...." Amy's inner voice echoes out, stunned.
"It's as real as you want it to be! Hehehe. When the real world is shit, why not escape to a fantasy world? We're dead anyway, not like it's gonna do us much more harm."
"Yeah but....I dunno if I like this, Silv. Don't like not knowing what's real and what's not..."
"Oooh, I'm guessing you never took much drugs. Good for you, hehehe."
"Monster drinks were more my addiction."
"Oh? What's that?"
"You...didn't have energy drinks in your time?"
"In my time! Hahaha, only died in 2003, I ain't ancient! Haha. We had Red Bull? Is it like that?"
"Yes and no....Fuck, I wish I could have some now. Might help me to enjoy this. It's weird coz there's a whole load it it in my mouth right now but I can't swallow."
Silver huffs on her friend's behalf; "That is a bummer. Here, you might like this!"
She guides her friend towards the lake, now surrounded by mountains at the other side where giants can be seen roaming the peaks, and elves and high fae lounge on the banks, dipping their toes in the water or having a swim with the merfolk.
Silver guides Amy to the shallow most part and they kneel down.
"This water can taste of anything you like! Watch!" She scoops up a handful and sups at it; "Ahh! White Russian Vodka, hahaha. But if Mummy asks, it's root beer."
"But how am I supposed to-?"
Silver pushes her friend's head into it. Amy splutters and then pushes herself back up.
"You bitch, that went right up my nose!" She glared at her, mouth still sealed shut.
"Hehehehe, and what can you smell?"
"I....Oh shit." Amy blinks and stumbles back, as if having taken a hit of something noxious; "Oh sweet Mango Loco, I've fucking missed you!"
"Hahahaha, see!" Silver claps her hands; "Worth the dick move, yeah?"
Amy repays her by shoving her head down too. Silver opens her mouth to swallow a mouthful of sweetened spirits. A shame she can't get drunk but being eternally high is just as good.
After Amy's taste had been literally sated, Silver walks with her around the lake, introducing her to some of the others.
On their way, two men dressed as cavaliers nearly bump into them, then apologise and proceed to struggle to decide which of them is more sorry.
"No, good sir, twas my fault for not moving aside for the fair maidens!"
"How wrong you are, my good fellow, twas my doing! I am the one to apologise!"
Silver tugs Amy's wrist; "Don't worry about them, they'll be here all day, best to leave them to it."
A petite figure with silky hair and wearing a blue robe smiles at her.
"Ah, Princess, are we still up for our shopping trip tomorrow? Trevor wishes for me to get him some clogs while we're out and about." She asks, demurely.
"How does a blob wear-? Never mind. Of course, Ho-Tan, wouldn't miss it!"
Amy can only stare at all the strange people and things surrounding them.
"Are they all...like us?"
"You mean dead? No, silly. They only exist in Mummy's world for us." Silver answers, when out of earshot from her 'friends'.
"So....they're not really here? You're just talking to air?"
"Sure, if you wanna spoil the fun. How real did that Monster drink smell to you?"
"....Real enough." Amy concedes.
Exactly. Silver giggles again and finally they arrive at the foot of the mountain.
In a small undergrove, rest a nest of baby dragons, no bigger than cats. They lift their long necks as the girls approach, each one a different, vibrant color from scarlet to onyx to emerald to violet and more.
"Aww, look how big you guys are getting! Who wants a cuddle?" Silver reaches for the one who is the first to move closer, the violet beast most eager to stretch her wings. "This is Amy! She's our friend. I know you're still practicing your fire so don't singe her."
The girls sit and crouch beside the dragons, all of them eager to crawl and nuzzle the new human. The sapphire one seems most drawn to her cloak, attempting to crawl up on her shoulder.
"This...is so fucking weird." She looks at Silver, those clenched lips turning upward slightly, a tiny glint in those strained wide eyes; "But it's a cool weird."
"Told you!"
Their mum soon arrives, a thirty foot tall giant beast of bronze scales and fiersome wings. She doesn't seem the least bit threatened by the girls playing with her litter.
Instead she lowers her head for Silver to hug her massive nose.
"She says we can go for a ride if you want? What d'you reckon?"
"....Ride a dragon? Seriously?!"
"Hehehe, what's the worse that could happen? Hahahaha."
The mother dragon rests her head on the ground so Silver can use her horn to hoist herself up and onto the back of her. She reaches a hand down for Amy.
"Come on, Fizzy Girl! Die a little! Hehehe."
Amy shakes her head at the sheer insanity. Then she takes her hand.
Mistress is struggling, that he can see.
It took her long enough to master creating and controlling a fantasy world for the dancing girl to enjoy. Something far more visceral and tangible than the soft medicine she seeped into his brain to ease his thoughts. Over the years she seemed to have managed it.
But now, with two?
Ra watches as his Mistress stands, smoke and embers decorating her aura, moving her hands as if kneeding a ball of dough, her eyes two black coals.
Her magic, her dark energy, cloaks the two young girls, manipulating their senses to create the fairytale world around them. Her fire helps with the illusion of friendly dragons that the Moonah Girl seems to enjoy the most. The smoke lifts them up off their feet to give them the sense of flight. Silver laughs, as she always does, but with shining sincerity this time as she rides through the air with a real friend at her side. The hooded girl with the stompy boots spits up some of her drink as she struggles not to cheer from the terrifying yet undeniable thrill of flight.
Part of him, that fun loving side buried deep beneath his hardened shell, envies their childlike delight and innocence. He could ask Mistress to create such delights for him but he's satisfied with what she already provides.
This will be too much for her. He can hear it in the crackle of her embers.
Ra nudges her side.
"T'is all right, dear ally. I has this in hand. It be worth the effort..." She responds, straining, doing all she can to keep the world as real as possible for the children; "Listen to that, ally. Hear their laughter. There be no sweeter sound, is there."
He grunts, inclined to agree, wishing the moment could be frozen forever so that the two would always be this happy. But he knew, with the curse of accepting reality, Mistress would not be able to do this all the time. It's easy enough with Moonah Girl only being awake three nights a month. But if the stompy girl wished to stay...He thinks he'd be rather poor company compared to her friend.
Another problem arises when he hears a shuffle nearby and his hackles raise, sensing an intruder.
When he turns, his pose protectively guarding his Mistress, he sees the blood-soaked body of the cloaked one stumbling towards him.
"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" demands the head held tight in the crook of his own elbow.
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xnumb-little-bugx · 1 year
I never unsubscribe from anything on AO3 - which means it's a nightmare trying to find anything but it means I get the absolute joy of discovering that the author of a story I loved from one fandom is also writing a story I love from another fandom. Nothing nicer than discovering you have fandoms in common with authors you love! <3
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ao3feed-yonderland · 1 year
by Ailendolin
A series of ficlets based on prompts. Series 1 can be found here, series 2 is here and series 3 is here.
01. Ho-Tan/Vex (Moon and Stars) 02. Mary & Annie (Birthday) 03. Robin/Julian (Home) 04. DI Bones/Mike Peabody (Comfort) 05. Ian/Gabriel (Trust) 06. Humphrey & Sophie (Trust) 07. Robin/Julian (Moon and Stars) 08. Ian/Gabriel (Home) 09. Dissectus/Voltari (Rain) 10. Julian/Thomas (Hug) 11. Robin/Julian (Smile) 12. The Captain/Havers (Promise) 13. Robin & Humphrey (Holding Hands) 14. Thomas/Nigel (Birthday) 15. The Captain/Havers (Surprise)
Words: 715, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Ghosts (TV 2019), Yonderland (TV), Bill (2015), Horrible Histories
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, Wise Elder Vex, Annie (Ghosts TV 2019), Mary (Ghosts TV 2019), Julian Fawcett, Robin (Ghosts TV 2019), D.I. Bones (Horrible Histories), Mike Peabody, Ian (Bill 2015), Gabriel Montoya (Bill 2015), One Whole Humphrey Bone, Sophie (Ghosts TV 2019), Dissectus (Yonderland), Voltari (Yonderland), The Elder Youngers, Thomas Thorne (Ghosts TV 2019), The Captain (Ghosts TV 2019), Lieutenant Havers (Ghosts TV 2019), Nigel the Plague Victim (Ghosts TV 2019), Rachel Fawcett (Ghosts TV 2019)
Relationships: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan/Wise Elder Vex, Annie & Mary (Ghosts TV 2019), Julian Fawcett/Robin, Julian Fawcett & Robin, D.I. Bones/Mike Peabody, Ian/Gabriel Montoya (Bill 2015), One Whole Humphrey Bone & Sophie, Dissectus/Voltari (Yonderland), Julian Fawcett/Thomas Thorne, The Captain/Lieutenant Havers (Ghosts TV 2019), One Whole Humphrey Bone & Robin, Nigel the Plague Victim/Thomas Thorne (Ghosts TV 2019), Julian Fawcett & Rachel Fawcett
Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family, Presents, Child Loss, Birthday, Sickfic, Hugs, Trust, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Grief/Mourning, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Rain, Surprises, Kissing, First Kiss, Promises
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devotedtomarvel · 2 years
It’s been over a year since my last list soooo…..
If you’re here to request a fic, here are my yeses and nos:
YES (fandoms) -
Doctor Who
All Creatures Great and Small
Horrible Histories
NO (fandoms) -
Real person fics
Minecraft RPF
YES (tags) -
Light smut
Some kinks
Any AU
NO (tags) -
Hardcore smut
A/B/O dynamics
Multi chapter fics
Own characters (unless requests are made with my oc request form below)
Reader insert
Graphic r*pe or non-con
Graphic violence
If your request has been rejected when you didn’t request anything I wouldn’t do, drop me a message and I’ll review it again or give you a reason.
This account can be hard to manage sometimes, so I do have helpers and they can get things wrong sometimes!
If you made a request, it was accepted and it hasn’t been written yet, drop me a message and I will let you know when it will be posted and why it took so long.
The bets are, I probably forgot and your message is exactly what I needed to remember.
So, let yourself go!
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Yonderland dudes, in a need for Bombero fanfic (Mat's character from Ennythingos) where he falls in love and for the first time is scared of doing something in his life
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! This was one HECK of a week, and it couldn't have happened without all of the submissions I received! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: Vermillion (Clone OC Specter x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover ✨ The Den (Kix x OC Nihlus Brek) by @for-the-sake-of-color ✨ Dancing Lights (Wolf!Wolffe x f!Reader) by @the-bad-batch-baroness ✨ I Yearn, And So I Fear (Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ✨ Man on the Moon (Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @emeraldvsociety ✨ In Command (Rex x OC Senna Aven) by @wild-karrde ✨ Eight Shades of Blue (and the Touch of Orange) (501st Legion x f!Reader, Cody x f!Reader) by the_rain_on_kamino (AO3) Crèche to Command by Boredom (AO3) The Commander Swap by @brainrotrants Dominoes by meridianpony (AO3) Fox Hates Red by @stormyblue90 Dead Dog by @corvod
The Bad Batch: ✨ Stars Beyond Number (Echo x Riyo Chuchi, Gregor x OC Cerra Kilian) by @dystopicjumpsuit Tooka Dad (Crosshair x OC Rayla) by @drafthorsemath Sunflowers & Blasters (Crosshair x OC Isabella Ramót) by @523rdrebel Low Battery (Crosshair x gn!Reader) by @523rdrebel ✨ Cleaning Up (Tech x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Secret Kingdoms (Knight!Hunter x f!Reader) by @jedipoodoo/@lizartgurl A Cosy Bed: A Stardust Conspiracy Fanfic by @just-here-with-my-thoughts
Call of Duty: ✨ If I Had a Heart (Ghost x Soap) by @cod-fishing
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Marvel/MCU: Black and Tan (Bucky x Sarah Wilson) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Crossovers: The Misadventures of Cosplay Man (Danny Phantom x DC Comics Crossover) by Shynnohwen (AO3)
The Clone Wars: How Dominoes Fall by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Temeura Morrison Study by @keldabekush Cody with Long Hair Art by @rochenn Commander Cody Art by @captora Blade to Blade by @rackcty Anakin and Ahsoka Art by @finpews
The Bad Batch: The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Character Introduction by @amorfista The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Introduction by @amorfista Hunter and Omega Art by @eggdrawsthings Tech Art by @talesfrommedinastation
Critical Role: Caleb Widogast Art by @middimidoris
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Artwork by @chiptrillino-art
Yonderland: Cake Bake Lady Edith Art by @bahoreal
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carmillas-girlfriend · 7 months
Does yonderland fanfic exist?
Can I write some?
Does smutty yonderland fanfic exist?
Can I write some?
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viola-halogen · 2 years
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 1: Found Family/Elder’s Youngers/Holiday Jumpers
[AO3 link]
Relationships: The Elder Youngers & Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, The Elder Youngers
Characters: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, The Elder Youngers
Summary: It's the Youngers' first time spending Thanktival away from home, without their parents. Alvin has an idea to cheer them up, which ends up bringing them closer together as friends.
A/N: This is based off of a headcanon I have that each of the Elders comes from a different one of the 12 realms and normally the Youngers would grow up at their parent's home in whatever realm they come from. However when Imperatrix started invading the other realms all of the Youngers were taken from their homes and brought to live together in a safe house in Yonderland until the war was over.
I used @ailendolin’s amazing headcanons for the Youngers’ names.
“I don’t want to spend Thanktival here! I want to spend Thanktival at home with my friends!”
“I know, darling. But remember there’s a war on, and it’s not safe to go back to Hitherland yet,” Alvin’s mum said, ruffling his hair as they headed for the front door.
“Yeah, I know, the war,” Alvin protested. “But you said it would be over before Thanktival, mum. You said we’d be home by now.”
Mum looked sadly at him for a moment, before pulling him into a tight hug. “I know, hun,” she said. “We all just want things to go back to normal. But until then we have to be strong, and not lose hope, okay? And someday we’ll all be able to go home again.”
Alvin buried his head in her chest. “It would be better if you were going to be here with us,” he said.
“You know we have to work hard all Thanktival to keep the realm safe,” mum said. “But I promise I’ll come and visit you on Thanktival morning, okay?”
“Okay,” Alvin said glumly. Mum pulled back and ruffled his hair again.
“And maybe in the meantime you could at least try to make some friends?” she said. “You’re going to be ruling the realm with your fellow Youngers one day.”
Alvin shrugged. He and the others had mostly kept to themselves ever since they’d all moved into the safehouse. He suspected that like him, they were all hoping this situation would be over before they were forced to get used to it.
“I love you,” mum said as she went to the door. “Be good, and pay attention in your lessons, or Imperatrix will come and turn your fingers into spiders and your brains into sprouts.”
“Muuum.” Alvin rolled his eyes. “I’m too old to believe in your stories anymore.”
“That’s what your Uncle Tim said when he was your age,” Mum said.
“I don’t have an Uncle Tim.”
“Exactly.” Mum winked. “See you on Thanktival morning.” And with that, she stepped out into the cold and shut the door behind her. Alvin let out a small sigh and turned to head back to his room.
“Okay, that’ll do for today,” their history tutor said from the front of the schoolroom. “Don’t forget to read pages 71 to 80 by Monday.”
Chair legs scraped along the floor as the Youngers got up from their seats and started gathering their books. They filed out of the schoolroom in an orderly queue, and began walking silently towards the dining room. Their history tutor, Mrs Crabapple, was an old-fashioned woman who believed in children being seen and not heard, and none of them were eager to risk getting shouted at by starting a conversation. They picked up their plates and cutlery by the door to the dining room, and lined up to be served their lunch. The food was one of the worst things about living here, Alvin thought. Surely with all the money the Elders had, they could afford to hire a good cook.
“What are you guys hoping to get for Thanktival this year?” Daisy asked as they waited. “I want the new Spiders and Garfunkel album. My dad promised me that one day when I’m older he’ll take me to see them live.”
“I don’t really care what I get,” Calyx said. “It’s only going to get eaten by Chompus anyway.”
“Yeah, but it’s part of the fun imagining what present you would have had,” Alvin said. He took back his plate, now heaped with pasta, thanked Cook and headed to his seat.
“I don’t like Spaghetti,” Barry said, dropping his fork with a clatter. “Why do we never have anything other than Spaghetti?”
“My dad says that if you don’t tidy your bedroom Imperatrix will turn your toes into Spaghetti,” Daisy said.
“That’s not true,” Calyx interrupted. “You’re not five anymore. You should know better than to believe what your dad tells you.”
“It is true!” Daisy protested, banging his fist on the table.
“No, it’s not,” Alvin said.
Irk sniffled suddenly, and the four of them turned to see him sitting with his knees tucked up to his chest. “I don’t want Imperatrix to get me,” he said quietly, his voice tear-filled. “I just want to go home!”
Everyone fell silent. After a short pause, Irk said, “I’m scared.”
Alvin got to his feet and rounded the table, sitting down next to Irk and putting his arms around his shoulders.
“I want to go home too,” he said. “I’ve never spent Thanktival without my mum before.”
“I’m scared,” Calyx said. “I’m scared that I’ll never get to make snowmen with my dad on Thanktival Eve again.”
“I’m scared that Imperatrix will win the war, and that I’ll have to go and live somewhere far away and never see anyone I know ever again,” Daisy said.
“I’m scared of Mrs Crabapple,” Barry said. Everyone let out a small laugh, and even Irk managed a smile.
“We’re all scared,” Alvin said. “We all wish everything would go back to normal already. But we aren’t alone. We can be scared together.”
That afternoon, as soon as their lessons were over, Alvin went up to his room and pulled out the drawer underneath his bed. He rummaged through his collection of wool until he found his crochet hook, and then picked out as many festive colours as he could and got to work. He kept at it all evening and throughout most of the night, until his fingers were stiff and his back ached. He worked until the candle on his bedside table had burnt down to the wick, then lit a new one and kept working. He locked his window and drew his curtains when he noticed it had gone past midnight—he knew Imperatrix wasn’t really coming to turn his fingers into spiders, but he wasn’t taking any chances. When he was finally done, he folded his creations into a neat pile at the foot of his bed, and was able to get about two hours of sleep before he had to get up for breakfast.
Despite the almost-all-nighter, he practically leapt out of bed when he heard the bell ringing downstairs to wake them up. He quickly changed into a clean set of clothes, before shoving his creations into a satchel and taking the stairs two at a time to get to the dining room.
“Woah, Allie, are you okay?” Barry asked as he joined the breakfast queue. “You look like you’ve barely slept at all.”
“I’ve been working on something. A surprise for all of you,” he said, and refused to clarify any further. They lined up to get their breakfast—leftover Spaghetti from yesterday’s dinner—and only once the others had all taken their seats did Alvin step up to the head of the table.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what Irk said at lunch yesterday. And I know… I know none of us want to be here, I know this isn’t how we’d have chosen to spend Thanktival. But… that doesn’t mean we can’t still make the best we can of the situation. So… I made you all something.” He reached into his satchel. “Calyx, this one’s for you… and Irk, this one’s yours… Daisy, this one’s for you… and Barry… and this one’s mine!”
“What are they?” Calyx said, holding his up to look at it.
“They’re Thanktival jumpers!” Alvin said proudly, beaming at his fellow Youngers. “It’s a tradition from the Other World that I read about. They’re supposed to be Thanktival-themed, normally, but I made all of yours unique for you.” Calyx’s jumper showed a snowman, like he’d mentioned making with his dad. Irk’s had a ruff around the neck, of the kind Vex usually wore. Daisy’s had lyrics from a song off of the new Spiders and Garfunkel album. Barry’s had his dad’s war medals across the chest. And Alvin’s own jumper had the design of a quill, like the one his mum carried.
“So it’s like a Thanktival present?” Daisy said. “But it’s not Thanktival Eve yet.”
“No, no! Don’t think of them as Thanktival presents,” Alvin said. “I don’t want them to get eaten by Chompus. I want you to keep them.”
“Why?” Calyx asked. “You didn’t have to go to all this effort.”
“I… I wanted us all to have something to make this Thanktival special for a good reason,” Alvin said. “Something we could all be happy about.”
“I love it,” Irk said, pulling his jumper over his head and messing up his curly hair in the process. “Thank you, Allie.”
“Yes, thank you, Allie,” Calyx agreed, and the others followed suit. Alvin grinned and began putting his own jumper on.
Maybe this Thanktival wouldn’t be all bad, he thought to himself. Maybe just because he wasn’t at home with mum didn’t mean he wasn’t among family.
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exchangell · 1 year
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hello! my name's chiara, and welcome to my blog :) im really uncertain of how everything works since its been a WHILE since i was last on here, but here's some information on me + a masterlist of my stuff :)
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first off, imaginary person i came up with for this post, rude!! im british asian, and pretty much all i do all day is write. however, the important part of this blog is that, once every blue moon, i take the initiative to actually post some of it on ao3. here's what i can offer you:
too much religious imagery
too many literary references
too many titles from song names (psst my last.fm is exchangel!)
too much vague dacryphilia (i'm not making the last part bold)
too much gushing over female characters
always open to fanfic requests!
i'm mostly active in these fandoms as of 15/05/24: i have no mouth and i must scream, yonderland, bbc ghosts
i never shut up about sir francis walsingham, harlan ellison and franz schubert, so.... yeah!
now, prepare yourself for....
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pretty girls make graves - ghosts au (series on hiatus)
in your lap - sir humphrey bone/reader
letters from bone hall - sophie/humphrey
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sins of the flesh - am/reader
points of authority - am/reader (ongoing series)
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an arrangement for voice and piano- beethoven/schubert
a poet and his pianist- franz von schober/franz schubert
and i shouldn't cry (but i love it)- amadeus! salieri/mozart
chopin and liszt at mcdonalds- no ships
and teach you how to be a holy cow- beethoven/schubert
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RAMMSTEIN (ignore this, i woke up and realised this wasn't the hill i wanted to die on)
liebe an der leine- frau schneider/pussy!flake
hands on your knees (you can braid my hair)- flake lorenz/reader
crime and punishment- flake lorenz/reader
bückstabü - flake lorenz/reader
führe mich - flake lorenz/reader
liebe an der leine- frau schneider/pussy mv flake
hands on your knees (you can braid my hair)- flake lorenz/reader
crime and punishment- flake lorenz/reader
bückstabü - flake lorenz/reader
führe mich - flake lorenz/reader
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deftly- dano!riddler/fem! reader
house of flies- murphy!scarecrow/dano!riddler
how the tables turn- murphy!scarecrow/dano!riddler
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sardanapalo- liszt/fem!reader
down once more- mozart/schubert/beethoven, poto au
let's get mischievous (and polyamorous)- multiship (abandoned series)
blasphemie- multiship, unfinished series, 3/6 chapters
variations- headcanon series, beethoven/reader so far
on a cold night by moonlight- chopin/schubert
o mozart! immortal mozart!- mozart/schubert
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FNAF masquerade- ballora/springtrap, william afton/clara afton
BLUEYCAPSULES chicken tikka masala- william afton/gn!reader
DINOVERSE- so anxious- dr. albert krueger/gn! reader
OKJA- top 10 cool facts!!!- jay/gn!reader
HETALIA- god save the queen's jewels- no ships, crackfic
AMADEUS- and i shouldn't cry (but i love it)- mozart/salieri
SPIDERMAN- schokolade- doc ock/fem! reader
LOTR- meet me in the pale moonlight - frodo/reader
something about you- rouxls kaard/gn!reader o holy knight- multiship, (abandoned) stargirl interlude- rouxls kaard/fem!reader
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debbeh · 9 months
Never thought this would happen but alas, I have found Yonderland/Ghosts ships that I am all for like, Chess husbands? Yes please! Debgatus? Where are the fanfics???
Yeah I’ve only found two…
But still…
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historicalsnail · 2 years
What I'm saying out loud: Doctor, I'm tired all the time and having trouble concentrating, which lessens my ability to work.
What I really mean: Doctor, I'm tired all the time and having trouble concentrating, which lessens my ability to write Yonderland fanfic.
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yonderghostshistories · 5 months
Can someone in the fandoms please update me on whether somebody finally made or will make a:
Monty Python x Six Idiots crossover fanfic where the Monty Pythons (from the late 1960s/early 1970s) accidentally time travel to the future, overhear some young Six Idiots fans talking about how the "Six Idiots are this generation's Monty Python!", to which the Pythons misunderstand this as being that the Six Idiots have apparently uhh "replaced" Monty Python (to which John has a massive problem with but the other Pythons are cool/at least a bit more nonchalant with the idea, but they have to go along with John's massive fit about it in order not to escalate the problem even more than if they refused), so the Pythons go with the young SI fans to the BFI Southbank where the Six Idiots are doing a QnA session about/are talking about their new (in-universe of the fanfic ofc) TV show about time travelling wizards. After the Pythons (in disguise ofc cuz of uhh reasons relating to not drawing too much attention to themselves) ask a few (albeit a bit weird) questions (apart from Eric and Michael as they're really interested in the Six Idiots and think they're pretty cool and so ask the more sensible questions from the gang) about the new SI TV show about time travelling wizards, John finally has enough of it and so loudly announces that he and the other Pythons have accidentally time travelled to the future and are here to confront their "plagiarising bastards" that are "The Six Idiots" (to which John uses air quotes to sarcastically mock the troupe's name, not knowing that the name "The Six Idiots" is just a fan nickname and that they're legally known as "ThemThere"). After each Python confronts their Six Idiot member equivalents, John proposes that both troupes have a "Comedy Troupe Dual", in which the challenge is to see which comedy troupe can write the best comedy material of all time, and whoever wins gets (insert whatever the prize is which is also narratively fitting for the plot). After that sudden announcement (which was also recorded as it was happening and uploaded to the BFI YouTube channel), the Pythons hang out and stay at one of SI fans' house and the fans introduce the Pythons to the Idiots' filmography (such as Horrible Histories, Yonderland, Bill (2015), BBC Ghosts, plus other projects starring/featuring one or two of the Idiots). Meanwhile, the Six Idiots have to deal with the added pressure of not only being compared (and shouted at) by the Monty Pythons, but also have to try to write the best material up against the Pythons themselves.
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xnumb-little-bugx · 1 year
I've been feeling super guilty for the last month because I've not had time to update my story, and then that guilt decided to invite its friend Writers Block to join the party. But I finally edited and uploaded the latest chapter in my WIP last night and woke up to the nicest comments <3 I'm so excited to keep writing and I'm looking forward to branching out into other fandoms that I have plot bunnies for.
I was so nervous to put my work out there but I've found the nicest people, who help to build my confidence, share my love for fandoms and are so generous with their praise (and they also write some of the best fanfiction I've ever read!).
Thank you so much to everyone who reads fanfiction, writes fanfiction, leave kudos, leave comments, and everything in between - you're all amazing <3
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