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minutiaewriter · 1 year ago
🍁 Autumn- and Halloween-Style Traditions Present on Planet Arsteine in the World of HERA 🌟
Harvest Festival/Spirit Festival
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This annual festival is similar in a few ways to the harvest moon festivals present in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese culture. Families and friends come together to make and eat (a lot!) of food, release lanterns and light candles to honor ancestors and the celestial goddesses, watch the moon and be thankful for their many blessings and a bountiful harvest. In the more rural parts of Arsteine this is referred to as the Harvest Festival, but in large cities like the capital, Thruhairth, city dwellers call it the Spirit Festival, which has the same festivities as its country counterpart but they claim they have the louder music, more confetti (Thruhairth dwellers love their confetti), and stronger hard cider!
March of the Masks
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Around the same time as the Spirit Festival, another spectacle takes place in the capital city and that's the March of the Masks. An entire parade of citizens dressed in traditional garbs who have donned (usually eerie and unsettling) versions of the elegant animal and mythic creature masks usually worn by nobles at balls. The March of the Masks originally started as a way that peasants would mock the nobles and royalty for wearing these animal masks, making their own mangled, startling versions of animals like foxes, deer, wolves, rabbits, etc. Eventually however, the all residents regardless of financial or social standing claimed the act as tradition and now the March of the Masks (complete with choreographed dances, music, singing, and sparklers!) is a much-anticipated event in the capital Thruhairth.
The Star Dance
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Meant to honor the seven celestial goddesses, the Star Dance is a peaceful, respectful homage presented to the stars in the form of an elegant march beneath the stars along holy routes the empresses were thought to have taken. Priestesses look upon the Star Dance as both a serious custom and also a party of their own, however, often opening the temple to host families and devotees for the night with tea, sweet cakes, and dumplings. Families often arrive in their best robes, with children thought to receive good luck if they can avoid eating sugar before the moon rises (which as you can imagine is like asking the stars themselves not to rise).
Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out HERA: To Catch a Star here and stay tuned for book 2 in the HERA trilogy coming very soon! Be sure to like, reblog, and share with friends!
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
-Yojackson Owens
a lot of scantily clad women with numbers in ther urls are following me lately. they must be smitten with my devilish charm
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Convincing you to read the Hera Trilogy purely based off its aesthetic (video)
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Heads Up, Seven Up
Tagged by the lovely @elizaellwrites , @axl-ul , @gracehosborn , @a-fox-who-writes
Tagging: @toribookworm22 @little-mouse-gardens @words-after-midnight
(Once again, I can’t keep it at seven lines) Hera: To Catch a Star excerpt - Rynn Gets Lost
Kilderan nodded and the two of them vanished, merging with the crowd and leaving Rynn to be swept by the whirlwind of armor and silk and baggage and trader carts. He glanced around, looking for the shaved head and earrings, or for the tousled brown hair, but to no avail. He took a few anxious steps forward and then tried calling out. “Yojackson! Kilderan! Hey!”
No reply.
He shoved through the crowd and past the booths, evading a little girl and her mother as he sped up slightly. He collided with a bulky man in a soiled tunic, who frowned at Rynn and then muttered something unintelligible as he stepped away.
“Kilderan! Kilderan! Yojackson! Where are you?”
He nearly ran into a second man, but this one was a merchant with greasy black hair and a light purple jacket wearing queer goggles who spun around before Rynn could plow into him. In one hand he stabilized a wheeled rack displaying a multitude of pairs of the same goggles he wore. “You look like you need some of these, son!” he said jovially.
“Um, no thank you,” Rynn said hurriedly as he broke into a run and continued to call out Yojackson and Kilderan’s names. He was beginning to grow distressed and he passed through a region of the spaceport where he wished he still had Asold’s staff.
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Hera: To Catch a Star releases Spring 2023 so stay tuned and reblog to spread the word!
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minutiaewriter · 1 year ago
Happy STS! Seasons are changing. Tell me how one or more of your characters would react. Are they dressing cozy? Obsessed with everything pumpkin? Have they been prepping for Halloween since last year?
Happy STS, I love this ask!!
Rynn is definitely looking forward to all of the candy and sweets he'll get to eat at the annual harvest/spirit festival! Aome would absolutely be addicted to pumpkin spice everything were the HERA characters to inhabit the real world. Yojackson still looks forward to the Dance of the Masks that happens every year on the streets of the capital city (very fascinating artistic theatrical display of various mythical and animal figures of legend. Highly recommend attending if you ever visit Thruhairth, Arsteine in the autumn). As for Kilderan, he's never really had a proper celebration but enjoys the smell of leaves and may be harboring a secret (intense) craving for apple cider.
Thanks for the ask! 🍁🎃☕️
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Be sure to check out HERA: To Catch a Star here and stay tuned for the upcoming release of book 2 in the HERA trilogy!
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
My fabulously chaotic space pirate, ✨Yojackson Owens ✨
Which OC
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
The Cast of the Hera Trilogy as Seasons
taken from a lovely post by @elizaellwrites
And how convenient that there are as many seasons as there are characters!
Rynn: Spring
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Kilderan: Winter
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Yojackson: Autumn
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Aome: Summer
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
"Sorry! Someone put a wall there!"
🤣 Yojackson Owens, ladies and gentlemen.
Yojackson Owens indeed!
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Thanks so much @caranox for the tag!! This was so much fun! <333
" There were likely a myriad ships beyond that peaceful atmosphere, gliding amongst the stars and flashing neon lights of spaceports, one step closer to the goddesses who had birthed the galaxy. "
" He screamed and stumbled backwards, nearly falling to the ground. He had seen his grandfather’s blood whenever he had nicked himself with a knife or pair of pliers, and the blood that flowed from Asold was definitely not anything like whatever flowed from Rynn’s arm. "
" Yojackson readily paid the hologram half of all of the credits in the pouch he had stolen from the bounty hunter on Ganymede.
"And, deal!" declared the scrawny man.
Yojackson sat back and sighed, carefully watching Gourlin as he dealt the cards. Smoke filled the atmosphere and everyone at the table continued to add to the already heavy air.
Yojackson received his cards and drew them to himself, making certain there was no chance anyone could tell the signs.
“Anyone backing out now?” asked the man.
No one did, and affirmed their wagers. 
“Dice!” called the man. "
" Rynn, arms full with a small basket of sweet cakes, set to chattering about how much he loved the town, and about Kazari, and how he did not understand why Asold had not brought him to the village sooner. "
" Rynn turned to the pilot’s seat. “Where did you learn to fly so well?”
[Priestess] eyed him briefly, and then, cocking her head, said, “Lots of experience, I suppose. Out of all the priestesses on Arsteine, I’m certain I made the most journeys that required me to travel by ship rather than speeder.” "
Thanks for reading! I'm going to tag @aquil-writes ! Your words are... spell, rain, letter, laugh, threat (and anyone else who sees this, feel free to participate!)
I haven't done a tag game in quite some time, so I thought I'd jump on @victoriacbooks open call using the words Tree, Bird, Star, Water, and Sky! I'm going to do my adult horror/thriller story, Parasite WIP (I'm keeping the title secret).
The figure, dressed head-to-toe in black, stood beneath a tree still caught in winter’s grasp.
The chirps of birds echoed in the wood as we pushed past the branches, a sure sign of the coming dawn.
The road was quiet, frost glinting on the street’s black asphalt like stars.
A dark, cavernous room opened, water dripping somewhere in the darkness, lit by a strange blue-green light.
Sky (and another Star)
The sky was a spectacular collision of blues and silvers, millions of little stars twinkling in and out of existence.
I'm going to tag @doom-inique-writes and anyone that is interested! Here are the words: shadow, light, power, study, and human.
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by @toribookworm22 thank you (and anyone else who may have tagged me in this)!
Tagging @creatrackers @imdefnotvanessa @little-mouse-gardens @gailynovelry @elijahrichardwrites @royal1asset-if and open tag
as always, i can never keep it under 7 lines... anyway, enjoy this excerpt from Hera: To Catch a Star featuring Yojackson Owens:
“I have money,” Yojackson promised. Reaching into his coat pocket, he produced a fistful of jewelry and set it on the table: a pair of pearl earrings and a matching pearl and gold necklace, a brooch of the emperor’s insignia, and then he pulled two diamond rings from his own fingers. “I got these directly from the palace.”
     Gourlin laughed and showed his slimy tongues again. “You expect me to believe that, friend? Where’s your proof?”
     “I don’t need proof. If you always win, why even bother?”
     The toad scratched his chin, contemplating. “Fine. Pay your fees, everyone.”
     Yojackson readily paid the hologram half of all of the credits in the pouch he had stolen from the bounty hunter on Ganymede.
     “And, deal!” declared the scrawny man.
     Yojackson sat back and sighed, carefully watching Gourlin as he dealt the cards. Smoke filled the atmosphere and everyone at the table continued to add to the already heavy air.
     Yojackson received his cards and drew them to himself, making certain there was no chance anyone could tell the signs.
     “Anyone backing out now?” asked the man.
     No one did, and affirmed their wagers.
     “Dice!” called the man.
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Heads Up, 7 Up
I was tagged by @vsnotresponding , thank you <3!!
But honestly guys I think we need to change the name of this tag game because I came never keep it at just seven lines lol
Here is an excerpt from Hera: To Catch a Star releasing this coming February
“I will not steal a speeder from a celestial temple.” [Priestess] released her hold on [Stranger] and stepped away from him and Yojackson.
“Ah, it’s not so illegal,” Yojackson assured her, “And speaking of sort-of-illegal things, I don’t know much about the creed of the celestial followers, but I’d like to know why you were in a tavern instead of a temple, priestess. And besides, the celestial child is in on it, so lighten up.”
[Priestess] glared at him, but her chagrin was ignored as the criminal helped [Stranger] into the speeder and seated himself in the driver’s seat. Rynn skirted [Priestess] and situated himself next to [Stranger], who seemed tired but hopeful.
Yojackson cackled and the speeder suddenly lurched forward, throwing them out of their seats. The dunes became a blurred smear of gold along either side of Rynn’s vision, and with every mound they crested the speeder threatened to fly into the air, only to come crashing down onto the land again.
“You couldn’t have done this when it was an emergency?” [Priestess] shouted, gripping the speeder’s wall.
“I had to be careful then. But this one’s stolen.”
I hope this piqued your interest and that you enjoyed! Stay tuned for updates on Hera: To Catch a Star coming in 2023!
🏷️ Tagging: @elijahrichardwrites , @writingpotato07 , @queenofimaginedworlds , @words-after-midnight , @elizaellwrites , @honeysoiair , @gailynovelry if you’re feeling like it, and also anyone else who sees this and wants to participate! The more the merrier!
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
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A journey across the galaxy to protect something everyone believed to be a myth
More details here
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Tea Picrew Tag 🍵
AH this is so cool! A thousand thanks to @writingforevren for tagging me!!
I’ve included all my main characters from Hera: To Catch a Star! First is my celestial priestess, Aome, who prefers any kind of refreshing, fruit or herb infused tea (as long as it’s caffeinated!) then Kilderan who rescues Rynn, a light anise espresso latte, then Yojackson Owens (usually he’d rather have something alcoholic, but strangely enough is totally down for tea) as an Earl Grey, and then Rynn who is a milky hot chocolate.
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I’ll be tagging @elijahrichardwrites @tzipor-feather-blog @words-after-midnight and anyone else who wants to do this! Link below <3
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Find the Word Tag
Thanks to the brilliant @tananaphone for the tag!
My words are: ring, lights, cheer, vow, kiss
Tagging: @arijensineink @writingpotato07 @chickensarentcheap @i-dont-write-as-often-as-id-like @elijahrichardwrites if you're interested <3
Your words are: snow, red, new, chill, heat
" Lehn slowly made her way over to the boy and knelt, holding his small hands in her delicate ones. The milky blue stone of the simple silver ring that she wore on her finger pressed into his skin. “The forbidden son,” she breathed. “You are such a magnificent child, Rynn Hera. And you carry such a grave burden.” She gave him a small smile. "
There were likely a myriad ships beyond that peaceful atmosphere, gliding amongst the stars and flashing neon lights of spaceports, one step closer to the goddesses who had birthed the galaxy.
He would merely watch, and not participate, but he was filled with some innocent, childish sorrow of the mature realization that he would also never join in the cheer and mirth that mortals would.
No vows? Not even Kilderan vowing to protect Rynn with his life? I can't believe this, Kilderan.
" Kilderan released Rynn’s hand to cup his face. He leaned forward and then bent, placing a chaste kiss against the boy’s forehead. When he stared into Rynn’s large brown eyes again there was a sort of tranquility about his features. "
Ok, so maybe this kiss also counts as a vow?
I hope that you enjoyed these snippets and that they got you excited for Hera: To Catch a Star coming this February!!
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minutiaewriter · 2 years ago
Incorrect Hera Quotes Tag, Part II
Tagged by the ever-fabulous @arijensineink 💖
Thank you sm babe I love doing these! I used the incorrect quotes generator you linked in your post and it's so so helpful! Link below:
Tagging with no pressure: @elijahrichardwrites @i-dont-write-as-often-as-id-like @bmaye15 @chickensarentcheap and anyone else who wants to participate because personally this was so much fun!
More incorrect quote scenarios assigned to the Hera: To Catch a Star cast under the cut! ;o
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Aome: Do you take constructive criticism?
Yojackson: I only take cash or credit.
Yojackson: Jail is no fun. I'll tell you that much.
Rynn: Oh, you've been?
Yojackson: Once. In Monopoly.
[he has actually been in real prison several times before, don't let him fool you]
Bounty Hunter, negotiating with Kilderan: We have Yojackson Owens. Give us ten thousand dollars and he will be returned to you unharmed
Yojackson: Whoa, whoa, wait, you think l'm only worth ten thousand dollars?
Aome: Are you an 'arr' pirate, or a 'yo ho ho' pirate?
Yojackson: I'm a 'I'm not paying $600 for photoshop' pirate.
Aome: I made tea.
Kilderan: I don't want tea.
Aome: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Kilderan: Then why are you telling me?
Aome: It is a conversation starter.
Kilderan: That's a lousy conversation starter.
Aome: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Kilderan: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Aome: I think you mean cards.
Kilderan, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.
Aome: Must be hard not being able to laugh.
Kilderan: I do have a sense of humor you know.
Aome: I've never heard you laugh before.
Kilderan: I've never heard you say anything funny.
(They have an actual conversation like this in the book, so!!!):
Aome: You know, not every problem can be solved with a gun.
Yojackson: That's why I carry two guns.
(And finally, a classic):
Kilderan: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Rynn: Plane tickets?
Aome: Concert tickets?
Yojackson: Prostitution?
Kilderan, holding his broken frames: Glasses.
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Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did :D
Stay tuned for Hera: To Catch a Star coming in February!
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