#yo kan
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sarkanyas · 1 year ago
Yo Kan
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İzmirli Drill ve Trap yapan bir rapçi vurdulu kırdılı parçaları var rapkology sayfasında bir klibini gördüm kendisini mahallede de görmüştüm aynı zamanda türk mitolojisinden bir tanrı adı da demekmiş
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dan-fei · 2 months ago
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kingkangyohan · 9 months ago
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My princess, who did this to you?
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illintentcomics · 11 months ago
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Yes~! Finally, new season later this year and new movie next year.
The fancy costumes are back!!
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wine-dark-soup · 8 months ago
Happy Birthday! My your day be blessed with beautiful WoLs and your year be blessed with Kan-E-Senna appearances in beautiful new cutscenes.
!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!! <33 JKDSHKJHDSKJSHD YOU KNOW ME SO WELL.
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thegoopershome · 1 year ago
that feeling when the judge doesn’t except “a yo-nah made me do it” as a valid excuse for me murdering everyone in that apartment building
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vgmthatmademe · 6 months ago
Mega Man 2 Air Man Manami Matsumae Capcom 1988
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year ago
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**the bad bitch in question being a man aged ~50+ who lives on the other side of the planet
guess who got some mdm merch in today 🫶
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claymton · 6 months ago
Kan, Clay, kankan, haz más dibujitos de Clay y bloberta que mi tilin y yo nos quedamos sin Match ikons 🗣️😭 saluditos, mañana es su cumple si quieres te damos torta y una bolsita de dulces
Ay anon. Realmente no he hecho mucho pero tengo esto, anda, hasta coloreé a bloberta por ti.
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Feliz cumpleaños a tu tilín
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pikahlua · 8 months ago
MHA Chapter 426 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 来なくて大丈夫って言ったのに! こなくてだいじょうぶっていったのに! konakute daijoubu tte itta noni! "I told you it's okay if you don't come!"
2 それを言うなら貴方たちもよ冬美 夏雄 それをいうならあなたたちもよふゆみ なつお sore wo iu nara anata-tachi mo yo Fuyumi Natsuo "If you say that, the same goes for you all, Fuyumi, Natsuo."
3 お母さんでも… おかあさんでも… okaasan demo... "Even you, mom..."
tagline 1 No.426 地獄の轟くん家・FINAL 堀越耕平 ナンバー426 じごくのとどろきくんち・ファイナル ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 426 jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi・FAINARU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 426 The Hellish Todoroki Family - Final Kouhei Horikoshi
4 それを言うならおまえもだ冷 それをいうならおまえもだれい sore wo iu nara omae mo da Rei "If you say that, the same goes for you, Rei."
tagline 2 集う轟家の面々向かう先はーー… つどうとどろきけのめんめんむかうさきはーー… tsudou Todoroki-ke no menmen mukau saki wa--... Where are the gathered members of the Todoroki family heading--...?
5 義務感で来たんじゃねぇから! ぎむかんできたんじゃねぇから! gimu kan de kitanja nee kara! "It's because I didn't come here out of a sense of duty!"
6 皆そうだろ みんなそうだろ minna sou daro "It's like that for everyone, right?"
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1 会話は可能ですが一日に数分が限界です かいわはかのうですがいちにちにすうぶんがげんかいです kaiwa wa kanou desu ga ichinichi ni suubun ga genkai desu "Conversation is possible, but [his] limit is a few minutes a day."
2 緩やかに死へと向かっている… ゆるやかにしへとむかっている… yuruyaka ni shi e to mukatte iru... "Slowly* headed towards death..." (*Note: It's important to note this word for "slowly" does not imply Touya is suffering slowly until he dies but that the wait is a gentle and easy one.)
3 それが今の轟燈矢です それがいまのとどろきとうやです sore ga ima no Todoroki Touya desu "That is Touya Todoroki now."
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1 ……………ぞろぞろと ...............zorozoro to "...............One by one."
2 ハハ… 観光名物じゃねぇんだよ……… ハハ… かんこうめいぶつじゃねぇんだよ……… HAHA... kankou meibutsu wa neenda yo......... "Haha... I'm not a tourist attraction........."
3 ゲホッ GEHO (Note: This is a sound effect for a coughing sound.)
4 ガホ GAHO (Note: This is a sound effect for a coughing sound.)
5 燈矢 とうや Touya "Touya."
6 今��の話をしに来たんだ こんごのはなしをしにきたんだ kongo no hanashi wo shi ni kitanda "I came here to talk about the future,"
7 燈矢 とうや Touya "Touya."
8 俺はヒーローを引退するよ おれはヒーローをいんたいするよ ore wa HIIROO wo intai suru yo "I'm retiring from being a hero."
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1 元より戦いが終わったらそうするつもりだったが もとよりたたかいがおわったらそうするつもりだったが moto yori tatakai ga owattara sou suru tsumori datta ga "I originally planned to do that after the battle was over."
2 最早自力で立つことすらXXXXX もはやじりきでたつことすらXXXXX mohaya jiriki de tatsu koto sure XXXXX "I can't even stand on my own anymore XXXXX" (Note: This speech bubble is cut off, so I cannot read the full line.)
3 ヒーローエンデヴァーは灼かれて死んだ ヒーローエンデヴァーはやかれてしんだ HIIROO ENDEVAA wa yakarete shinda "The hero Endeavor was burned to death."
4 おまえの炎は おまえのほのおは omaeno honoo wa "Your flames"
5 誰よりも強かった だれよりもつよかった dare yori mo tsuyokatta "were stronger than anyone else's."
6 そっか sokka "That so?"
7 ご愁傷様 ごしゅうしょうさま goshuushousama "My condolences."
8 事が済んでから諂うなよ ことがすんでからへつらうなよ koto ga sunde kara hetsurauna yo "Don't flatter me now that everything has finished."
9 卑怯者… ひきょうもの… hikyou mono... "You coward..."
10 そうだな sou da na "That's right."
11 燈矢は俺��ことをよくわかってる… とうやはおれのことをよくわかってる… Touya wa ore no koto wo yoku wakatteru... "You know me very well, Touya..."
12 ずっと見てたんだもんな ずっとみてたんだもんな zutto mitetanda mon na "You've been watching for a long time."
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1 XにXてほしかったんだもんな X ni Xte hoshikattanda mon na (Note: Most of this sentence is cut off and thus illegible to me. All I can tell is that he says someone, probably Touya, wanted something.)
2 なのに見なかった… なのにみなかった… nanoni minakatta... "But I didn't see it..."
3 俺はお父さんの子どもなんだから おれはおとうさんのこどもなんだから ore wa otousan no kodomo nanda kara Because I've got you for a father. (Note: This is the official translation of this line from chapter 301.)
4 おまえはエンデヴァーじゃない‼︎ omae wa ENDEVAA ja nai!! You aren't Endeavor!! (Note: This line is from chapter 293.)
5 誰が何と言おうと…… だれがなんといおうと…… dare ga nan to iou to...... "No matter what anyone says......"
6 おまえの炎は俺の「ヘルフレイム」だ おまえのねつはおれの「ヘルフレイム」だ omae no netsu (kanji: honoo) wa ore no 「HERUFUREIMU」 da "Your heat (read as: flames) are my Hellflame."
7 あの告発映像を あのこくはつえいぞうを ano kokuhatsu eizou wo "That accusation video,"
8 毎日見続けている まいにちみつづけている mainichi mitsudzukete iru "I kept watching it everyday."
9 おどおさん odousan Dad,
10 見で みで mide watch me! (Note: The line from speech bubbles 9 & 10 comes from chapter 387.)
11 これからーー… kore kara--... "From here [on out]--..."
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1 毎日来る まいにちくる mainichi kuru "I will come [here] everyday."
2 話をしよう はなしをしよう hanashi wo shiyou "Let's have a conversation."
3 あまりに遅すぎたけれど あまりにおそすぎたけれど amari ni oso sugita keredo "It's much too late, but"
4 話そう はなそう hanasou "let's talk."
5 心拍数上昇これ以上は負担が しんぱくすうじょうしょうこれいじょうはふたんが shinpaku suujoushou kore ijou wa futan ga "His heart rate is increased. The burden from any more than this [would be too much]..."
6 冷 れい Rei "Rei,"
7 夏雄 冬美 なつお ふゆみ Natsuo Fuyumi "Natsuo, Fuyumi,"
8 焦凍が… しょうとが… Shouto ga... "and Shouto..."
9 残してくれた時間で話X のこしてくれたじかんではなX nokoshite kureta jikan de hanaX "With the time we have left, let's talk*." (*Note: This line is cut off at the end, but it would just determine what conjugation the verb "talk" would be, so I'm assuming the conjugation will be "let's talk.")
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1 憎いなら…憎いと にくいなら…にくいと nikui nara...nikui to "If you hate [me]...[tell me] you hate [me]."
2 なんでもいい nan demo ii "Anything is fine."
3 ぶつけてくれ…! butsukete kure...! "Vent to me...!"
4 燈矢兄い私も…! とうやにいわたしも…! Touya-nii watashi mo...! "Touya-nii*, me too...!" (*Note: This suffix is an honorific to refer to one's older brother.)
5 話たい事たくさんあるの はなしたいことたくさんあるの hanashitai koto takusan aru no "There are so many things I want to talk about."
6 今日は止めにしましょう‼︎ きょうはやめにしましょう‼︎ kyou wa yame ni shimashou!! "Let's stop for today!!"
7 また明日にでも… またあすにでも… mata asu ni demo... "But again tomorrow [is fine]..."
8 最後に一ついいですか さいごにひとついいですか saigo ni hitotsu ii desu ka "Is one last thing okay?"
9 聞きたかったことあるんだ ききたかったことあるんだ kikitakatta koto arunda "There's something I wanted to ask you."
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1 燈矢兄 とうやにい Touya-nii "Touya-nii*," (*Note: Again, this is the suffix that denotes an honorific for one's older brother.)
2 好きな食べ物何? すきなたべものなに? suki na tabemono nani? "what food do you like?"
3 ……体力の限界ですね ……たいりょくのげんかいですね ......tairyoku no genkai desu ne "......[Seems like] that's the limit of his physical strength."
4 今日は眠らせてまた… きょうはねむらせてまた… kyou wa nemurasete mata... "Let him rest today, then again [tomorrow]..."
5 蕎麦 そば soba "Soba."
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1 おんなじだ onnaji da "[Mine is] the same." (Note: This line is spoken with a younger affectation, which adds a bit of charm to this line. It emphasizes that Shouto is the adorable younger sibling here. Thank you @bakuhatsufallinlove for the note!)
2 これ以上は平行線だ これいじょうはへいこうせんだ kore ijou wa heikousen da Running in parallel, but forever apart! (Note: The lines from speech bubbles 2-4 are from chapter 352. I've mixed the official translations from Viz with the official subtitles for the anime episode release.)
3 交わるよ まじわるよ majiwaru yo Our paths will cross,
4 無理にでも むりにでも muri ni demo even if it's forced.
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1 焦凍… しょうと… Shouto... "Shouto..."
2 ごめんな… gomen na... "I'm sorry..."
3 俺はここまでだわ おれはここまでだわ ore wa koko made da wa "This is as far as I go."
4 悪いけど気持ち変わんない わるいけどきもちかわんない warui kedo kimochi kawannai "Sorry, but my feelings won't change."
5 俺はもう付き合わなX おれはもうつきあわなX ore wa mou tsukiawana- "I won't associate with you anymore." (Note: This line is cut off, but I believe I have inferred the entire message.)
6 ああ aa "Right."
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1 彼女と籍入れたい かのじょとせきいれたい kanojo to seki iretai "I want to marry my girlfriend."
2 式は挙げない紹介もしない しきはあげないしょうかいもしない shiki wa agenai shoukai mo shinai "I won't have a ceremony, and I won't introduce you."
3 ああ…悪かったな ああ…わるかったな aa...warukatta na "Right...I'm sorry."
4 姉ちゃんは? ねえちゃんは? neechan wa? "[What about you,] Neechan*?" (Note: This is an honorific used for one's older sister.)
5 仕事やめたんだろ? しごとやめたんだろ? shigoto yametandaro? "You quit your job, right?"
6 うんでも un demo "Yeah, but"
7 生徒のお母さんが新しい職場紹介してくれてねサポートしてくれるって せいとのおかあさんがあたらしいしょくばしょうかいしてくれてねサポートしてくれるって seito no okaasan ga atarashii shokuba shoukai shite kurete ne SAPOOTO shite kureru tte "a student's mother introduced me to a new workplace. She said she'd support* me." (Note: I believe this implication here leans more towards the mother saying she wants to support Fuyumi's job aspirations, not that she's trying to support Fuyumi financially.)
8 ……………正直責任は果たしたと思う ……………しょうじきせきにんははたしたとおもう ...............shoujiki sekinin wa hatashita to omou "...............Honestly, I think you fulfilled your responsibility."
9 罰も受けたと思う…もういいんじゃねーの? ばつもうけたとおもう…もういいんじゃねーの? batsu mo uketa to omou...mou iinja nee no? "I think you also received your punishment... Isn't that enough?"
10 犯した罪の賠償と謝罪を��生をかけて続けていく おかしたつみのばいしょうとしゃざいをいっしょうをかけてつづけていく okashita tsumi no baishou to shazai wo isshou wo kakete tsudzukete iku "I will continue to make reparations and apologize for the sins I commited for the rest of my life."
11 見ていなくていい みていなくていい mite inakute ii "You don't have to watch me."
12 子どもたちに降りかかる火の粉をできる限り俺が受け止める おまえたちにふりかかるひのこをできるかぎりおれがうけとめる omae-tachi (kanji: kodomo-tachi) ni furikakaru hi no ko wo dekiru kagiri ore ga uke tomeru "I will take* the sparks that fall on all of you (read as: you children) as much as I can." (*Note: This word "take" means to "take a blow." In this case, Enji is saying any sparks that fall towards the children he will receive as blows to his body in order to spare them.)
13 生き延びた意味があるとすればそれだけなんだ いきのびたいみがあるとすればそれだけなんだ iki nobita imi ga aru to sureba sore dake nanda "If there's any meaning to that I survived, it's only that."
14 ………地獄だぞ ………じごくだぞ .........jigoku da zo ".........It'll be hell."
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1 ああ aa "Yes."
2-3 ダンスの誘いを受けたんでな ダンスのさそいをうけたんでな DANSU no sasoi wo uketande na "I received an invitation to dance." (Note: This is a reference back to Dabi's invitation to Enji that they dance together in hell in chapter 290.)
4 …初めてだよ …はじめてだよ ...hajimete da yo "...This is the first time"
5 お父さんの事 おとうさんのこと otousan no koto "that [I thought] father" (Note: As far as I can tell, this may be the first time in the manga Natsuo has referred to Enji as "father".)
6 かっこいいって思えたの かっこいいっておもえたの kakkoii tte omoeta no "was cool."
7 焦凍は? しょうとは? Shouto wa? "What about you, Shouto?"
8 学校戻るんだろ? がっこうもどるんだろ? gakkou modorundaro? "You're returning to school, right?"
9 うん un "Yeah."
10 乗ってけよ姉ちゃんも のってけよねえちゃんも notteke yo neechan mo "[I'll give you] a ride. Neechan*, too." (Note: Again, this is an honorific for one's older sister.)
11 ありがとう arigatou "Thanks."
12 親父 おやじ oyaji "Old man,"
13 お母さん おかあさん okaasan "mother,"
14 俺にはA組いるから大丈夫だよ! おれにはみんないるからだいじょうぶだよ! ore ni wa minna (kanji: EE-gumi) iru kara daijoubu da yo! "I have everyone (read as: Class A), so I'll be fine!"
15 俺は自分でなりてえようになれるから! おれはじぶんでなりてえようになれるから! ore wa jibun de naritee you ni nareru kara! "Because I can become who I want!"
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1 地獄…でも じごく…でも jigoku...demo "Hell...but"
2 おーう早かったな‼︎ おーうはやかったな‼︎ oou hayakatta na!! "Wow, that was fast!!"
3 大丈夫だったかあ⁉︎ だいじょうぶだったかあ⁉︎ daijoubu datta kaa!? "Was [he] okay!?"
4 おなかすいた onaka suita "I'm hungry."
5 見てる人がいる みてるひとがいる miteru hito ga iru "we have people watching."
phone text 1 ホークス HOOKUSU Hawks
phone text 2 面会どーでした〜〜〜? menkai doo deshita~~~? How was the visitation~~~?
phone text 3 なんかメンドーあったら言って下さいネ nanka MENDOO attara itte kudasai NE Please let me know if you have any trouble
6 ええ〜〜〜?出ていいって言われてンのに ええ〜〜〜?でていいっていわれてンのに ee~~~? dete ii tte iwareteN noni "Eh~~~? You were told you could leave though."
7 出ないんス��あ? でないんスかあ? denainSU kaa? "You're not coming out?"
8 "まだ"���"まだ"! "mada" ne "mada"! "'Not yet,' I said, 'not yet!'"
9 まだシャバはこわいまた利用されて繰り返すかもしれない まだシャバはこわいまたりようされてくりかえすかもしれない mada SHABA wa kowai mata riyou sarete kurikaesu kamo shirenai "The world outside of prison is scary. I might get used all over again."
10 色々助けてほしかったんですけどねーーー いろいろたすけてほしかったんですけどねーーー iroiro tasukete hoshikattandesu kedo ne--- "I did want your help with various things---"
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1 あの日緑谷出久が世界に示した"モノ"を あのひみどりやいずくがせかいにしめした"モノ"を ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga sekai ni shimeshita "MONO" wo "The thing Izuku Midoriya showed the world that day"
2 社会はどう受け取って変わるのか…そこを見極めてからだ しゃかいはどううけとってかわるのか…そこをみきわめてからだ shakai wa dou uketotte kawaru no ka...soko wo mikiwamete kara da "and how society will interpret it and change... We've still gotta see that through."
3 もうしばらく税金で飯食わせてもらうわ もうしばらくぜいきんでめしくわせてもらうわ mou shibaraku zeikin de meshi kuwasete morau wa "I'll be able to eat my meals off taxes for a while."
4 敵め ヴィランめ VIRAN-me "You damn villain." (Note: This is sarcasm.)
5 うおおおおお uooooo "Ohhhhhhh!"
6 ラブラバァ RABURABAA "La Bravaaa!"
7 ジェントルゥウウウ! JENTORUUUUU! "Gentleeeee!”
small text うるせえ urusee Noisy.
8 活躍が認められた形だ達者でやれよ かつやくがみとめられたかたちだたっしゃでやれよ katsuyaku ga mitomerareta katachi da tassha de yare yo "This is a form of recognition for your efforts. Be in good health."
9 ジェントルがかっこよすぎたおかげよ‼︎ JENTORU ga kakkoyo sugita okage yo!! "It's thanks to Gentle being so cool!!"
10 ラブラバがすごかったんだよ‼︎ RABURABA ga sugokattanda yo!! "La Brava, you were amazing!!"
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phone text 1 エンデヴァー ENDEVAA Endeavor
phone text 2 ありがとう大丈夫だ arigatou daijoubu da Thanks, we're fine
phone text 3 手を借りたくなったらい te wo karitakunatta rai I wanted to borrow a hand
phone text 4 言う iu Say (Note: The text messages are a bit short and lack context for me to understand completely what is being said. I don't know what this line is supposed to mean.)
1 どう変わるか… どうかわるか… dou kawaru ka... How will it change...
2 気丈〜〜 きじょう〜〜 kijou~~ [What] a strong spirit~~
phone text 5 そっちこそ大変だろう socchi koso taihen darou That must be difficult
phone text 6 新公安委員長 shin-kouan'i inchou New public safety commision chairman
phone text 7 わかくしてみこしになるかくご wakakushite mikoshi ni naru kakugo You're determined to become a warm mikoshi (Note: This line is a bit too vague for me to parse, but my guess is that it's directed at Hawks as a compliment that he wants to travel around and give people warmth. I'm not sure of this. The idiom here refers to a mikoshi, which is a portable shrine carried around town by parades at festivals.)
3 どう変えるか どうかえるか dou kaeru ka How will we change it?
4 あ もしもし目良さん あ もしもしめらさん a moshimoshi Mera-san "Ah, hello Mera-san."
5 ガチャ GACHA (Note: This is the sound effect for a door opening.)
tagline 一方、スピナーは… いっぽう、スピナーは… ippou, SUPINAA wa... On the other hand, Spinner is...
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dan-fei · 2 months ago
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cute-ellyna · 12 days ago
10 People I'd like to Know Better Tag
Oh my, thank you so much @mythals-whore for tagging me, I haven’t done one of these in literally ages and I’d love to get to know better new mutuals, too ❤️
Last song: the real answer would be “Get Lost” from Pixar Moana 2 OST cause my son is in love with it and we have it on eternal repeat in the car, BUT my personal last song is a cover of “Creep” by Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox and Haley Reinart which is totally a masterpiece (and I also headcanon is the kind of music which would play in Dock Town’s piano bars, while my Rook and Neve are there chatting about things :3)
Last Movie: fridays are movie night at my home, and we’re having our sons (6 and 2 yo) watch mostly Pixar movies. Last Friday they choose “Inside Out”. I’m trying to think about the last movie I saw without the kids, but truth is when I finally get some personal time at night I spend it playing videogame and/or drawing fanarts ;)
Last Book: Under Red Skies: The Life and Times of a Chinese Millennial, by Karoline Kan. Every 2-3 years I have these “waves” where I like to read books from asian writers, and this was the last book from one of them ;) I usually choose more historical settings, but this was more modern era and I found it super interesting :)
Last TV Show: husband and I are watching “The Boys” during lunchtime. I’m totally not into superheroes movies, so I was reluctant to start it, but it’s a total different take on the theme and we’re really enjoying it.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: definitel savory. I like sweet too, but I just can’t stop myself in front of some good pizza or “cicchetto” (I live near Venice, Italy, that’s how we call small snacks - goood snacks - you eat during aperitif… “tapas” is the word that maybe goes more close to it… whatever, I’m rambling XD)
Relationship Status: happily married with two kids :)
Last Thing I Googled: other than some words on wordrederence.com to write this post, last thing I googled were pics of Assan to use as reference for my last drawing.
Looking Forward To: whatever I’m gonna draw next (still haven’t decided among my long list of possible wips ^^)
Current Obsessions: Dragon Age, of course. Oh I just looove this period after I play one of my fave games where I just spend all my free time on tumblr sharing and creating things within the fandom, while the rest of the day I literally daydream and play scenes inside my head featuring my OC, their love interest and their friends <3
Oookay, I’m tagging some new mutuals, some old ones from ages ago I’ve seen posting again, and some cool people who don’t know who I am but hey I like you so if you fancy this and have time you can do it : D @lonyn @arches-of-moonlight-and-sky @cometeclipsewriting @thedissonantverses @skogrr @laprincesseecarlate @casa-dei-corvei @gugle1980 @ndostairlyrium @taashyvashedan
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itspikamefan · 4 months ago
Tetro Danganronpa Pink Real Quotes Definitely (Includes some spoilers)
Hiroaki: I have come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck Kamimura: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day. Okazaki: Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Wada: Change is Inedible Tsuno: ...Don't you mean 'inevitable'? Wada, with several Yen Spilling from his mouth: No I did not Hiroaki: You're right... Ojima: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it? Tamba: Hiroaki... Do you take constructive criticism? Hiroaki: I only take cash or Credit. Yanagi: So... Me and Hayashi were crossing the street... and this man drove by and honked at us... Ojima: sigh What did she do this time? Yanagi: S-she followed him to the next red light... Then reached into his car and... Hayashi: Who wants a steering wheel? Chiba: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Hiroaki: I'm the knife. Ojima, whispering: He's the little spoon. Hama: Me and Harada are having a baby. Chiba: Oh that's grea- Hama, slamming down adoption Papers: It's you. Sign here. Harada: WHY did you give Chiba a gun?! Okazaki: I'm sorry... She said she felt unsafe. Harada: She feels unsafe?! Now SAWA feels unsafe! Okazaki: Oh... I'm sorry... Okazaki: ...Would Sawa like a gun? Tsuno: You ever want to talk about your emotions Hayashi? Hayashi: ......No? Hiroaki: I do! Tsuno: I know Hiroaki. Hiroaki: I'm sad. Tsuno: I know Hiroaki Hiroaki: Tonight... One of you will betray us. Ojima: Is it me Hiroaki? Hiroaki: No... It's not you Takeshi Isono: Is it me Hiroaki? Hiroaki: No it's not you Miki... Sasaki: Is it me Hiroaki? Hiroaki:... .... Hiroaki: Is iT Me HiRoAkI?! Okazaki: I just ended a 4 year relationship today Wada: O-oh... I'm so sorry. Okazaki: Oh don't worry it wasn't mine. Cut to Harada and Hama screaming and crying in the other room
Watari: Yo, is Hiroaki dead or sleeping? Tamba: Hopefully dead, I hated his guts. Sasaki: Yeah, so did I. Hiroaki: SO FIRST OF ALL FUCK YOU! Harada: I've done a lot of Dumb Stuff. Hama: I witnessed the Dumb Stuff. Okazaki: I recorded the Dumb Stuff. Chiba: I joined in on the Dumb Stuff! Sasaki: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!!!! Dr.Haruka: ...Are we really going to let Harada keep Sawa? Kan: We kept Kuneyasu Chiba: What does take out mean? Tsuno: Food! Harada: Dating~ Hayashi: Murder. Okazaki: All three if you aren't a coward.
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klonoa-at-blog · 6 months ago
Wahoo~ Ondo from Taiko no Tatsujin: Appare Sandaime.
Lyrics under the cut:
わっふ~音頭で わっふらかんのホイ! ( Waffu ~ ondo de waffura kan no hoi! )
「夢の世界の皆々様  今宵も元気にルップルドゥー!」 ( `Yume no sekai no minaminasama koyoi mo genki ni ruppurudo~ū!’ )
まんまる月夜に みなみな集まれ ( Manmaru tsukiyo ni minamina atsumare )
手をふり足ふり 尻尾もふりふりと ( Te o furi ashi furi shippo mo furi furi to )
ワッフワッフ ルッパルッパ ワッフワッフ ルッパルッパ ( Waffuwaffu rupparuppa, Waffuwaffu rupparuppa )
陽気におどろよ ( Yōki ni odoro yo )
ワッフワッフ ルップルドゥー ワッフワッフ ルップルドゥー ( Waffuwaffu ruppurudo~ū, Waffuwaffu ruppurudo~ū )
ゲンキの合言葉 ( Genki no aikotoba )
わっふ~音頭で花が咲く ( Waffu ~ ondo de hanagasaku )
星のぼんぼり そよ風囃子 ( Hoshi no bonbori soyokaze hayashi )
あの子もこの子も ヤな子も好きな子も ( Ano ko mo kono-ko mo yana ko mo sukina ko mo )
ワッフワッフ ワニャワニャ ワッフワッフ ワニャワニャ ( Waffuwaffu wanyawanya, Waffuwaffu wanyawanya )
みんなに会えたら ( Min'na ni aetara )
ワッフワッフ トゥラッパ ワッフワッフ トゥラッパ ( Waffuwaffu to~urappa, Waffuwaffu to~urappa )
世界にありがとう ( Sekai ni arigatō )
わっふ~音頭で夢が咲く ( Waffu ~ ondo de yume ga saku )
「空も晴れたし 心も晴れた  夢のカケラで おなかもいっぱい  さぁさ皆様 手に手をとって  わっふらかんと 参りましょう!」 ( `Sora mo haretashi kokoro mo hareta yumenokakera de onaka mo ippai sa~a sa minasama-te ni te o totte waffura kan to mairimashou!’ )
わっふ~音頭で わっふらかんの ( Waffu ~ ondo de waffura kan no )
わっふらかんの わっふらかんのホイ! ( Waffura kan no waffura kan no hoi! )
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themarsbar · 4 months ago
thank you for tagging me my dearest @grapehyasynth 💜
booping and tagging @sillylittleflower @skibasyndrome @wilmon @bigalockwood @justfriendsbestthings
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apothecaryscript · 3 months ago
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Teaser PV 2 / 薬屋のひとりごと 第2期ティザーPV 第2弾
Please note that English sentences are just my translation.
“Shinsho, kaimaku――”
“New chapter begins――”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama, nanika goyo deshoka.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, is there anything I can help you with?”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Sukoshi, shirabete-hoshii-kotoga aruno-daga―”
Jinshi “Apothecary. I’d like you to look into something.”
猫猫(また面倒ごとか… いや、待てよ…)
Maomao (Mata mendo-gotoka… Iya, mateyo…)
Maomao (Another trouble again… No, wait a minute…)
Maomao “Sore, kuwashiku kikasete kure-masenka?”
Maomao “Can you tell me more about that?”
『原作 日向夏 『薬屋のひとりごと』 ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊』
Gensaku  Hyuga-Natsu “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto” Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan
Original: “The Apothecary Diaries” written by Natsu Hyuga, published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos
Katari “Kusuriya-no shojoga idomu, nazo-toki entāteimento-ga, ima, futatabi maku’o akeru―”
Narration “Now, the curtain is rising on another entertaining mystery for our young apothecary to challenge.”
“Kyuchu-ni uzu-maku an-un”
“Dark clouds, swirling in the palace”
Maomao “Kangae-sugi-dato omoi-taiga…”
Maomao “I’d like to think I’m overthinking it, but…”
“Futari’o machi-ukeru, aratana nan-jiken”
“A new difficult case awaits the two.”
Maomao “Nandaka hikkakaru…”
Maomao “Something’s stuck in my mind…”
Jinshi “Ittai darega……”
Jinshi “Who on earth…”
Maomao “Okusoku-ni sugi-masenga, kore, ano jikenni niteru-towa omoi-masenka?”
Maomao “This is just speculation, but don’t you think this is similar to that incident?”
Jinshi “――Masaka!”
Jinshi “――No way!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa. Kusuriya, ikuzo.”
Jinshi “Yes. Let’s go, Apothecary.”
“Doku’o, abake―――”
“Expose the poison――”
“Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto”
“The Apothecary Diaries”
“Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka (Kin) hoso-kaishi”
“Broadcast begins on Friday, January 10, 2025.”
Katari “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto, dai-niki. Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka, hoso-kaishi.”
Narration “The Apothecary Diaries, Season 2. Broadcast begins on January 10, 2025.”
『毎週金曜よる11:00より、FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT(フラアニ) 日本テレビ系30局ネットにて全国同時放送!放送終了後、各種配信プラットフォームでも順次配信予定! *放送日時は予告なく変更になる場合がございます』
“Maishu kin-yo yoru ju-ichi-ji-yori, Furaidē Anime Naito (Fura-Ani) Nihon-Terebi-kei sanjukkyoku-netto-nite zen-koku doji hoso! Hoso shuryogo, kakushu haishin puratto-fōmu-demo junji haishin yotei! *Hoso-nichijiwa yokoku-naku henkoni naru baaiga gozai-masu.”
“Every Friday night from 11:00 p.m., by Friday Anime Night (Fura-Ani), it will be broadcast simultaneously nationwide on 30 Nippon Television Network stations! After the broadcast, it will be distributed sequentially on various streaming services! *Broadcast dates and times may be subject to change without notice.”
『CAST  猫猫 : 悠木碧 壬氏 : 大塚剛央 高順 : 小西克幸 玉葉妃 : 種崎敦美 梨花妃 : 石川由依 里樹妃 : 木野日菜 小蘭 : 久野美咲 ナレーション : 島本須美』
“Kyasuto  Maomao: Yuki Aoi  Jinshi: Otsuka Takeo  Gaoshun: Konishi Katsuyuki  Gyokuyo-hi: Tanezaki Atsumi Rifa-hi: Ishikawa Yui  Rīshu-hi: Kino Hina  Shaoran: Kuno Misaki  Narēshon: Shimamoto Sumi”
“Cast  Maomao: Aoi Yuki, Jinshi: Takeshi Otsuka, Gaoshun: Katsuyuki Konishi, Concubine Gyokuyou: Atsumi Tanezaki, Concubine Lihua: Yui Ishikawa, Concubine Lishu: Hina Kino, Shaolan: Misaki Kuno, Narration: Sumi Shimamoto”
『STAFF 原作 : 薬屋のひとりごと(ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊) キャラクター原案 : しのとうこ…』
“Staffu Gen-saku: Kusuriyano Hitorigoto (Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan) Kyarakutā gen-an: Shino Touko…”
“Staff  Original : The Apothecary Diaries (published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos), Character draft: Touko Shino…”
I would like to ask if there’s better English sentence for the green-colored translation.
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