sammie-dae · 3 months
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ok it's done
im kinda proud of it
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minisandmonoliths · 4 months
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Having some fun with some Stormcast Eternals. I never used to like them until I painted a few models, and now I'm kinda fond of them. These are a few of my faves.
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joffdefense · 4 months
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I'm not sure if this is a repost but here are my stormcast!
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feyd-rautha-apologist · 4 months
Yndrasta done! (except for the base)
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
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Commission - Valkia vs Yndrasta, by Bolter-to-the-Kokaro.
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fiendishneko · 4 months
Over-analysing Stormcast Eternal character design
So we've gotten a good look at the new AoS starter box, right? No? Well you should, because for even those 40k die-hards among you, there's some absolute gold here.
Now this is coming from someone who's been into Stormcasts conceptually since the first edition, but seeing the "flawed forging" narrative come to fruition is SO SATISFYING!
(Very big, mostly coherent post under the break)
So first off, I'm going to show you the main character models from the 1st and 2nd edition AoS boxes: Vandus Hammerhand and the Lord Arcanum:
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So I don't think it's much of a stretch to say these characters are both "Hero Coded"; gleaming gold armour, weapons held aloft and sat atop a fearsome, yet noble looking steed. Hell, paint them entirely grey and they wouldn't look far removed from actual statuary we have in our world.
At this stage in the AoS timeline, the Stormcasts are still these nigh-impervious heroes, champions of Sigmar and civilisation itself, the flaws of their construction being apparent only to their creator himself. There's an underlying tone of something uncanny though, the human looking, but eyeless helmets feel familiar, but a little off...
Ah well, nothing to worry about, here comes 3rd edition, and champion of Sigmar, Yndrasta, along with it!
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So that's different. She's certainly brandishing her weapons, but her armour is dull and tarnished compared to the gold of previous editions (this is due to her being of a different stormhost, but the lack of gleaming gold IS of note here). Additionally, not only does she not have a steed, but it's her counterpart in the box set, the Orruk Kruleboss that comes saddled up, almost aping this cliche hero pose we've become used to.
Add onto this how Yndrasta is characterised, not as a proud leader or wielder of magic, but as a hunter prone losing herself in the act of slaughtering her prey and dumping their severed heads in Sigmar's throneroom. And to put a cherry on top, here's how she is depicted in art form, gorgeous, radiant and FUCKING TERRIFYING.
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So that leaves us at 4th edition, the Stormcast Eternals who have been killed and reforged so many times as to be nothing but a shadow of what they used to be are being called back into service against the Skaven. And who leads them this time?
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This is the Lord Vigilant. His weapon is lowered, his armour a dull, battered silver and his steed... oh his steed...
The side by side of this guy and the Lord Arcanum is pretty shocking to me. The mount of the Lord Arcanum is a Gryph Charger, and incorporates elements of horses and birds of prey like hawks and eagles. It reads as noble.
The Lord Vigilant rides a Gryph Stalker. It doesn't rear up like a knight's heraldry come to life, it stalks, hell it looks like it's staring you down through the screen! (Good job photography team, btw!) Like, I really need you to understand when I first looked at that thing, I was drawn straight to it's eyes and I got chills.
The use of colour here also feels like a natural conclusion. The bold colours have faded and worn, the armour's gold plating has been chipped and broken away from years of war, even the Gryph Stalker looks washed out.
Anyway, that's about as much as I can write on this subject without wanting to smack myself for being a pretentious art nerd, but there is a whole (half) box set of interesting model designs I'd be down to analyse if that's what you folks are into?
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lewdcookies · 3 months
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"Yndrasta? Yeah, I know her. One of the best hunters in the whole damn Realms if you ask me." "So what's she like?" "Oh you know, brave, bold and steadfast like the rest of us. Seen her face a rampaging daemon prince without the slightest hesitation, then nailing it between their six eyes with her spear." A smirk crept on Nalia's face. "Of course, what most people don't know that she has this sensitive spot on her inner thigh that will make her moan like crazy when kissed." "Bullshit, you're pulling my leg!" Nalia chuckled at her travelling companions surprised outburst. "No, honest. Get a beer and I'll tell you the whole story. And make a proper one, not that watered down stuff too that the tavern keep sells."
Right on the verge of the new edition of AoS coming out I manage to paint the centerpiece character from the last edition. That I also got back when that edition was hot and new.
Maybe if I get one of the Skaventide models I want, maybe that won't take me three years to paint.
The biggest challenge was removing the model from its way too large display base, without destroying it in the process. But, thanks to a sharp scalpel blade and some patience, went down without too much damage to either part. Who knows what I'll use that for.
Otherwise, an uncomplicated painting project. Wings took me two attempts because I wasn't too enthused with how they looked after the initial layering. But some reference pictures helped there. And the end result was pretty good too.
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bringdowntheskyn7 · 1 year
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Yndrasta the Celestial Spear
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patpaintsminis · 1 year
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Always end up touching her up. I’ll post her again in like half a year 😂
Yndrasta - The celestial spear
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sammie-dae · 3 months
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yndrasta day ??????
plant mode
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lolipop1920art · 29 days
Jokingly I would like to think Sigmar adopted the stormcasts of his inner circle.
Them being Celestant-Prime, Ionus Cryptborn, and Yndrasta.
One day he just looks at Emps and his children minus the fact it's a dumpster fire of a relationship and wanted something like that.
He manage to pass the bar it's a low bar but it's something
Techinally his maybe actual (it's complicated) child is in canon limbo along with the Angel.
Sorry about this
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Yndrasta and her buddies, by me.
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Finishes reading: Yndrasta, the celestial spear.
Wow, the hunter Saint is a bit h... But over the course if the book, gains a heart.
This is the story of survivors of one of the monsters Yndrasta is tasked to slay and how they help... Sort of.
Took me a while to warm to it, but in the end it was a satisfying read.
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rildag · 1 year
Pour changer j’ai peint Yndrasta ☺️
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theaceofskulls · 10 months
Because ADHD is what it is, I'm also working through a couple other audiobooks. Not done with any of them but quick thoughts
The Arkanaught's Oath is everything I want a 40k Eldar Corsair book to be so far and Guy Haley continues to be one of my new faves.
If you're a fan of Minthara from Baldur's Gate, Yndrasta's book is basically pure candy for you. It also shows off Emma Gregory's range and Noah van Nguyen continues to be one of the GW's best authors that I cannot recommend to anyone new to Age of Sigmar since he writes everything with the strictest of in-character ways. It's extremely funny to see a guest appearance from a certain character considering I'm also midway through...
Hamilcar! Yeah pretty much exactly the same vibe as that warhammer plus episode and it's bombastic and vibrant even though a large early part of the book involves him being captured by skaven. Honestly the contrast between these two stormcast books is great and makes me love them all the more
I have been advised by several people to not give my thoughts on the first Gaunt's Ghost book to the internet. Still I've never made the best decisions so: This comment is being written in an undisclosed location for safety purposes. ...Look, even fans of the series agree that it starts at book 3 I've learned. This one shows that it's among the earliest stories in Black Library and it was adapted from a collection of short stories. It's rough and I'm sorry to say that while it might be important to you and Dan Abnett's other rough early work, his Eisenhorn books, hold up rather well, this first book is actually boring me. It's everything I feared an Imperial Guard book would be so far and I'm not having a good time.
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farsight-the-char · 5 months
Codex Tau Empire, all the new Kroot, Combat Patrol Tau Empire (mark 2), and accessories. For The Greater Good, bitches.
Made-to-order metal Orks (Deffdread, Kommandos, Nobz).
Warhammer Heroes Series 4.
Solar Auxilia Basilisk and Hermes Light Sentinels.
Black Library stuff, including that Yndrasta book coming to paperback (getting).
Loremasters focus on Painboyz.
Age of Sigmar debuting more stuff (Skaven week, I think), and more on Warcom.
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