#yifan drabbles
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
hi, chelle 🖐 how's everything in christchurch? wishing you, all of your family, & your loved ones the best ❤ may i have a drabble of bad boy kris wu yifan going soft on his s/o? thanks beforehand 🥰 have a great weekend & much love from jakarta ❤❤❤
Hey sweets, thanks for your message. To be honest, I’ve tuned out from the news. I know there’s been more stuff happening, and the helicopters are back in full force because of it. I’ve just tried to ignore it because I was getting too anxious when following the news. Thank you for asking though! I appreciate it.
If this sucks, I’m sorry. I’ve never written Kris before >_> 
Pairing: Kris Wu x reader
Word count: 165
“Could you come now?” you asked and he sighed into the receiver, his face creasing up with concern. Ignoring the jeering of those around him, he nodded even though you couldn’t see him.
“I’ll be there soon, baby.”
Hanging up the call, he turned to the older man in the room and took out his in-ear piece. “I have to go.”
“You’re kidding, right? We’re working on the next heist and planning our positions. You can’t just walk out of here!”
“I can and I will,” Kris told them, removing the remaining equipment he had on him. “I’m needed elsewhere.”
“Ever since that-” 
“Don’t finish that sentence,” he warned, stalking out of the operation room and over to his car. Kris was growing tired of playing the same old game. You were a breath of fresh air in his stale routine and meant more to him than anything else now.
You opened the door as soon as he knocked and Kris smiled warmly. “I’m home.”
My requests and ask box are open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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optimizche · 4 years
Angelic: The Mythology (The First Son)
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A three year old Yifan walked in silence in the shadow of his father, following him with rapid, shuffling steps.
Attempting to keep up with his father's long strides.
"Papa! Papa!" the little, dark haired boy kept exclaiming intermittently, desperately trying to get his father's attention.
But Jiyong ignored him, determinedly walking forward, his long crimson hair billowing behind him.
The little boy was crestfallen, sadness growing in his heart with every passing moment. He never understood why his father was always like this around him.
Always paying him no mind.
Always so disinterested, no matter how hard he tried.
Always so profoundly... disappointed.
Up and up Jiyong climbed, steadily making his way up the spiral staircase that led to the top of the highest tower of his castle, the soles of his snakeskin boots making a hypnotizing rhythm against the cold stone floor.
Yifan climbed behind him, as quick as his little feet could carry him. Gasping quietly from the exertion, trying so hard not to let his father hear, lest he was disappointed by his weakness.
At the top of the stairs, double doors made of pure gold swung open, admitting the King of Demons into an immense room constructed purely of marble.
Ever the curious child, Yifan followed his father, his eyes darting left and right as he observed the room he had never been in before.
Two female demons, inhumanly beautiful, with horns peeking out from under their long hair bowed deep before Satan.
"Rise, Chaelin and Sandara," Jiyong commanded and the women stood up with bowed heads.
"She has passed, brother," came a deep voice from the left hand corner of the room.
Yifan recognized the tall man standing there as his uncle, Seunghyun. His father's second in command. The Keeper of the dungeons of Hell.
"Uncle Seunghyun!" Yifan exclaimed excitedly, wanting to run toward the imposing dark haired man. But he was silenced, once more, with a glare from his uncle.
"I don't care," Jiyong spoke for the first time, his voice cold. "Get rid of her body."
Yifan watched as the women, Chaelin and Sandara, nodded and scurried toward the bed in the middle of the room.
Sprawled upon the bed, Yifan saw, lay a woman's lifeless form. A succubus. He had never seen so much blood in his short life.
He remained quiet, containing the horror inside his heart, watching as the two female demons carried her body out the door, in preparation of the disposal.
"He's here, Jiyong," Seunghyun spoke and Yifan turned to see that his uncle was pointing proudly toward something lying inside the golden crib at the left hand side of the bed.
Within three eager strides, Jiyong swept toward the crib, reaching out with leather gloved fingers to lift something out of the crib.
It was a tiny bundle, Yifan saw, wrapped in the finest Egyptian cotton.
To the young boy, it looked like a doll.
Pale-golden skinned.
Crimson haired.
Just like his father.
"Oh," Jiyong sighed, looking fondly down at the bundle, his eyes brimming with tears.
And then the most alarming thing happened.
Jiyong smiled.
It was an expression that was foreign to Yifan. He had never seen his father smile.
He had never seen his father smile at him the way he was smiling at this red-haired bundle.
"You should have heard him cry when he came tearing through his mother, Jiyong," Seunghyun spoke excitedly. "So loud he was!"
Yifan heard his father laugh, tenderly reaching out to stroke the little bundle's hair. "He is a strong one. Just like me. My heir. From today, he shall be known as my oldest son."
At the age of three, Yifan was far more intelligent and perceptive than the rest of the children he played with.
And the way his father was speaking of this boy, it made his blood run cold.
"Come here, Yifan," Seunghyun's voice cut through his thoughts. "Say hello to your little brother."
A wave of pure anger and jealousy coiled through Yifan's blood at the sight of his father cooing at the baby boy.
His brother.
"I hate him," the three year old boy muttered, angry tears running down his eyes as he bolted from the room...
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Welcome to the World
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Kris x Reader
A little short story about the arrival of Mei inspired by an anon ask and a little bit of Kris feels! (moodboard reacted by amazing admin s at @wolveswithblackpearls​!)
It was supposed to be a normal day. You were still two weeks away from your supposed due date and, to be honest, it couldn’t come soon enough. You were swollen pretty much everywhere, but mostly in your legs and feet. Feeling like a balloon was an understatement. You missed being able to get around without help, to sleep in a comfortable position, and to be able to fit into your normal clothes. But it was all worth it; you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
Sitting there on the couch you stared lovingly at the large bump that was your little bundle of joy. While you and Kris (mostly you) decided to stay surprised, you were somewhat regretting it. You wanted to know what name to call your baby. The possibilities had been picked out months ago; Limei if it was a girl and Jian for the boy. For now, though, you simply referred to them as your “xiao lang”- your little wolf. 
“We don’t know if they’ll be a wolf,” Kris minded you again. He was leaning his head on your shoulder while he ran his hand over your stomach, the smile on his face growing each time he felt a kick or nudge. 
“I know,” you giggled. “But it’s what your mother used to call you, so I want to pass it on.” The light faded a bit in his eyes and his hand fell down to his lap. “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Kris kissed your cheek before pushing himself up so he was sitting up all the way. “Don’t be. She would want you to use it. I just wish she could be here.”
You reached out and cupped his cheek. “I do, too. But you-” You paused, and odd sensation warming between your legs. “Uh-oh.”
A few days ago, you’d felt strong contractions that made you think that the baby was coming. However - after Kris drove like a madman to the hospital in town - the doctors determined that it was a false start - simply your body getting ready for the real deal. The painful cramps had started up again a few hours ago, but you mostly ignored them since they faded as quickly as they’d arrived. They continued to come and go and you didn’t want to waste another trip to the hospital. However, it seemed this time, it was not your body simply doing practice rounds. 
“Baobei, what’s wrong?” Kris searched you over until his eyes landed on the wet spot on your sweats. “Is it time?”
You nodded. “Yeah. It’s time.”
“It’s time!” Jongin nearly tripped over himself as he scrambled in from the kitchen. He was closely followed by Baekhyun and Chanyeol. 
“Chanyeol, call Junmyeon and let him know,” Kris ordered as he helped you up from the couch and across the living room. “I’m taking (y/n) to the hospital.”
The gentle giant’s face fell. “Can’t we go, too?”
Kris called out over his shoulder, “You can meet us there,” before shuffling you onto the porch. By the time you reached the stairs, he scooped you up in his arms and took you the rest of the way to the car that was parked as close to the front door that he was able to get it. As soon as you were buckled in, he ran to the driver’s side. 
You held on for dear life to the door handle, but it wasn’t Kris’ speed that made you do so. The contractions, although not too close together that you’d have to give birth in the front seat, were rising in pain. You made it to the hospital and the nurses helped you to a room right away, leaving poor Kris out in the hallway while they helped you get changed into a hospital gown. When he was allowed back in, he sat down next to you in the chair provided, holding on tightly to your hand. 
Hours passed by. You knew from your constant reading beforehand that this wouldn’t be the quick process the movies made it seem like. But living with the contractions for this long period of time was something you could never have prepared for. You tried to hide the amount of pain you were in from Kris. You didn’t want him to worry anymore than he already was. Currently, you were bent forward, trying to keep your breathing even while he rubbed your back in a way to comfort. Nothing really helped, but you were thankful for him and the fact that he was there. 
The other boys arrived a few at a time, obviously unaware as well that this was not a quick process. They drifted in and out, none wanting to make the trip back to the house in case that’s when the baby decided to arrive and they’d have to turn right back around to meet the newest pack member. You heard several of them mention their thanks that their mates had places in town to crash at. 
About nine hours into labor, the nurse came back to check how far dilated you were.
“It’s time,” she smiled at you. “I’ll be right back.”
“Right back” turned into ten minutes, but when she did return, she had another nurse and the doctor with her. They propped your legs up and Kris took his position by your side, holding your hand in both of his. 
“Remember,” he said quietly as leaned his forehead against the side of your head, “you can squeeze my hand as much as you need to. I’m right here.”
You nodded in reply, a little too focused on the oncoming pain. 
“Okay,” the doctor encouraged. “Push.”
You obeyed. The pain was incomparable. You didn’t want to try again. Shaking your head, you felt the tears falling down your cheek. “I can’t. I can’t do this.”
“You’ve got this, baobei,” Kris whispered in your ear. “I know you can do it. Just a little more. You’re strong. You can do this.”
As much as you didn’t want to, you decided that you had no other choice. You pushed again. Twice. Three times. 
Then you heard the cries. 
Your baby’s cry echoed through the room. The tears from your own eyes flowed even harder now, but these were from pure joy. 
“It’s a girl,” the nurse announced as she held the newborn up for you to see. 
“A girl,” Kris half sighed, half laughed. “It’s a girl.”
“Limei.” You held your arms out for your baby. The nurse helped Kris cut the umbilical cord before handing Limei over. You laid her on the exposed are of your chest, letting the skin to skin contact create the bond between mother and child. But too soon, they had to whisk her away to make sure she was fully developed and there were no complications. 
You were completely exhausted, but you refused to rest until your baby was back in the room with you where you could see her. A sigh of relief left your lips when the nurse wheeled Limei back into the room in a hospital infant bed. She left the bed beside you, congratulating you and announcing that she was medically sound. 
Kris wasted no time rushing over to her side. However, his hands hovered over her, hesitating. 
“What are you waiting for?” you giggled. “Pick her up.”
“What if I break her?” You wanted to laugh, but Kris’ face was serious, stopping you. 
Reaching out, you took a hold of Kris’ hand. You waited for him to meet your gaze before saying, “You won’t hurt her. She’s lucky to have a father like you. We’re not going to be perfect, but we’re going to do the best we can.”
Eyes glistening, Kris leaned over and kissed you deeply before turning back to your daughter. Slowly, he scooped her up, careful to keep her head cradled. For the first time in a very long time, you watched a tear run down Kris’s cheek.
“She’s beautiful,” he laughed with surprised. Glancing up at you, he added, “Just like her mother.”
“I think she looks more like you,” you argued. 
With a roll of his eyes, he came closer to your bed. Careful to avoid giving yourself more pain, you scooted over in the bed and patted the space next to you. Kris took the hint and sat down beside you. It was your turn to lay your head against his shoulder as you gazed lovingly on your sleeping baby girl. 
“Did we miss it?!”
The whole hoard of mates and wolves alike came stumbling into the room, tripping over each other and fighting to be the first to the bed. 
“Shhh!” Kris hissed. “She’s sleeping.”
“It’s a girl?” Jongin whispered in amazement. 
“That’s definitely going to be interesting,” Tao grinned. 
Looking at all the family that surrounded the three of you, you couldn’t help but agree. Every one of them was already in love with her, you could tell that much. She would have plenty of protective uncles to watch out for her and keep her safe. 
You turned back to your daughter, running your finger down her soft cheek. “Welcome to the world, Wu Limei.”
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thealexalcala · 4 years
@uwu-yifan so, you really wanna know about the sequin vest-lamb situation?
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
L.U.C.K.Y. | unforgiven
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pairing: Kris x doctor! reader
summery: L.U.C.K.Y. au | a hidden file on Subject 76
warnings: male reader, violence
words: 557
“That’s enough.” the deep growling voice of subject 76 entered the room. he faced off against subject 42, bristling angrily. 
“leave him alone.” 76 warned again, taking another step towards your crumpled form. 42 simply scoffed.
“please, don’t waste your time defending him. he deserves every bit of pain, every broken bone. he’s a coward.” 42 hissed. 
76 growled low once again. he had placed himself between you and the man who had attacked you. lacking the strength to crawl away, you simply lay there helpless, trying not to whimper from the intense pain of your broken leg.
“you are the coward Luhan,” 76 taunted. “you are the one who lay there, the one who didn’t protest. how can you expect better from them if you never raised a complaint. you just lay there, still, taking it and quietly planning your revenge.” 
42 bristled, fits clentching at these acusations. 
“you bastard.” you gasped as subject 42′s finger twitched, sending a chair hurling through the air right for subject 76. 
76 acted quickly, scooping you up in his arms and leaping into the air. your good arm shook as you clutched onto the front of the man’s shirt eye just barely peeking over his shoulder. 
he guided you down softly, floating until his feet touched the floor, gently placing you on the ground outside the broken door.
“it’s alright Doctor, you’ll be safe out here.” 76′s eyes were hard and angry, but his touch was gentle as you hissed from the pain. 
“i-i’m so ss-sorry,” you cried, clutching onto his sleeves. he leaned down and shushed you softly, shaking his head. 
“now isn’t the time. i just saved your life, i’ll decide whether or not to accept your apology later.” he clenched his jaw hard and stood above you. 
you felt small, helpless, and so very, very frightened. you had never wanted to cause your subjects pain. you were simply too frightened of your superiors to stop them. and... maybe just a little too curious to see what would happen. 
“Kris!” you jumped at the shout from inside the room. 
“get out!” 76′s eyes filled with panic as he rose off the floor. before he could float away however, some invisible force seemed to take him by his arm, dragging him back into the room. 
you shouted for him, but the once destroyed doors were shoved back into place and braced with metal. 
sobbing, you tried to crawl away, tried to block out the sounds of yelling, shouting, and blood curdling screams coming from inside the room. 
had it been worth it? always a curious man, when the prospects of studying these people with these extraordinary abilities fell into your lap, you had pounced on it. now however, with your leg broken and your arm still dislocated, surton only one of your subjects would walk out of that room alive, you wondered. 
every file you had ever found in L.U.C.K.Y’s facilities had been top secret, no one was to know about anything going on. you weren’t government funded, as surely what went on here wasn’t government approved. therefore, you were a private organization... so... what was L.U.C.K.Y. doing with what they were learning. and... you had never bothered to ask so, you didn’t even know where your ‘Subjects’ came from...?
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kplotbunnies-blog · 6 years
one of those nights
junmyeon didn't understand where the temptation came from, after having it buried for almost an year and a half. he knows he still have the small picture album of them on the lowest drawer on his wardrobe, and just the thought of taking a peek sends pangs of unidentifiable emotions through his being.
all those days and nights, he'd pretended to be strong, like it didn't effect him when it effected him the most. yifan took half of his soul when he left, without a word, without goodbye, and junmyeon felt broken. he doesn't say it though, he acts like it barely fazed him, he had to be stronger for his members. so he buried them, all their precious memories and all their moments, the shared kisses, stolen glances and jokes, he takes it all and buries it deep in his heart so he could be strong.
but when nights like this come, temptation knocking on his door and junmyeon just gives in to the sadness that's created home in his soul and takes out the album. the blurred pictures, emotions and actions captured in frozen still moments where everything felt perfect and right.
at that moment, everything he's built up over the year comes crashing down in a matter of seconds. the emotions pour, like water from an open tap, trickling into his hands, filling up and overflowing at the edges and spills down. junmyeon wasn't so strong anymore, as he clutches the pictures to his chest and cries in the darkness. it's one of those nights, where he can't stand being the strong leader he was, standing up for 10 others, looking and caring after them yet neglecting himself in process just to forget the memories, to forget the happiness, to get rid of the sadness and emptiness.
he can't always be strong, he can't seem to bury kris deep inside his heart, he can't get over those hurtful feelings, that used to make him so happy yet. he can't stop being sad tonight.
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instakpop · 6 years
Kris scenario - Partnership deal
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Not requested
Genre: angst, SMUT, boss x assistant
Warnings: mile high club ;)
Bosses are can be fairly intimidating, but it just comes with the job. Or so I thought. Being selected out of hundreds of applicants to be an assistant for none other than Wu Yifan or Kris as he prefers. Of course, with that, comes the great responsibility of the job. The first five minutes of Kris coming into work dictate the entire day. If he's in a bad mood, he makes it known.
It all started yesterday when I showed up about twenty minutes before Kris did and checked his schedule for the day. Soon enough, he burst through the doors, walking quickly to his office and not slowing down for anyone. I jumped up and handed him his morning tea.
"Good morning Mr.Wu-"
"Not for our client it isn't." He said, cutting me off. I hurried my step to keep up with his long strides. "Any weekend plans?" He asked.
I was astounded by what he said, but I had to say something before he disappeared into his office. "N-no. I'm not-"
"Good. I need you on the trip to New York with me tomorrow at three. Parker Industries wants to discuss a partnership project. I want my assistant there."
"Yes, sir." He walked into his office and nearly closed the door behind him until he opened it again. "Y/n, what's this on my desk?"
"Oh, that's the file for the Smith/Anderson divorce case. Mr. Anderson called yesterday after you left." I got up and followed him into his office.
He closed the door behind me, holding my waist to guide me in. We stopped in the middle of his office, pressing himself to my back, causing me to smirk.
"I missed you." He whispered.
"You saw me yesterday." I held his hand while his hot breath tickled my neck.
"No. I saw my assistant yesterday. I missed you, like this." His hands started to hike up my skirt but I stopped him.
"Not here. Anyone could hear us." I warned.
He turned me around kissing me passionately. I was moved back against his massive desk, pushing his phone and a few picture frames out of the way. We couldn't go too far, being in the office and all, but I just can't resist him.
We always end up like this, ever since that tension-filled interview, then the sexually charged first day, by the time the weekend rolled around, we ended up in bed. No one else knows, naturally. I would hate for someone to think I got the job because I'm sleeping with the boss, but it's not that way at all. We've been enjoying each other's company for a couple of months now with no strings attached. In fact, this trip to New York is our first weekend away together. Wait... This is our first weekend away together!
Our lips moved in sync up until that thought burned into my head. I couldn't help but be entranced by the age-old question: what if? What if it's too soon to get this personal and something goes horribly wrong?
Kris pulled away and looked at me. "What's wrong?"
"I just... Is it too soon to be taking trips together?"
"Y/n, it's a business trip, anything else that happens- well... I won't object." He laid a sneaky kiss on my neck.
"Kris, I'm serious."
He backed up, leaving me to sit on his desk. As he reclined in his guest chair, he sighed, knowing my previous mood has changed. I began to feel bad about raining on his parade, so I walked to him and sat on his lap.
"I just want this to be real. I can't just be in a physical relationship." I placed my arm around his shoulder and Kissed his temple.
"You're right. How about, we just keep things professional for the rest of the day and during the meeting this weekend. Then by the end of it, we can know for sure if we want this enough to take it to the next level."
"Which is?"
"Commitment. Either fully invested or not at all. Sound good?" He asked.
I gave him a nod and kiss, agreeing to his terms. He let me off his lap and stood up to walk me out. I went to open the door, but Kris held me back. I smiled at his playfulness and turned to him.
"One more kiss?" He asked, pulling me in.
"Hmm." I hummed against his lips.
We broke apart and I reached for the door handle. He pinched the side of my ass from behind the door before I walked out of his office, sneaking one more touch.
Today began with an early morning wake up call from Kris. I turned over, groggy and sluggish. I picked up my phone to see Kris's text displayed on the screen.
Kris: Rise and shine! Don't wait until the last minute to pack, I'll see you at one
Y/n: Okay. I'll see you then
I gathered all the things I would need for the weekend and packed them into my luggage. I made sure to bring plenty of work clothes, but the dirty side of me ended up packing my matching lingerie sets as well, just in case. My morning routine went by much faster than I thought, so I went over my copy of the project proposal from Parker Industries.
My phone buzzed, meaning that Kris texted me to say he's here and sure enough he was. I grabbed my bags and locked the door as I left. When I met Kris outside he helped me sore away my luggage and ushered me into the back seat with him while the driver took us to the airport.
Kris's hand wandered to my knee, moving to my upper thigh and in, close to my center. He gripped my leg, making my beating heart quicken. We locked eyes at that moment, fighting the urge to attack each other with lust and hunger for sex.
I snapped out of his hypnotic gaze when I noticed the driver pulling into the airfield. The gates opened, showing a fleet of jets.
"Wait. We're taking a jet?" I questioned.
"Yeah, Parker's letting us use his private jet for the flight there and back," Kris smirked
The smile on my face grew as the car stopped and Kris came around to let me out. We boarded the jet, sitting comfortably in the seats while the airline employees loaded the storage area below. Kris got up briefly to get us both a glass of champagne. He handed me a flute and I got curious.
"Are we celebrating?" I asked.
"Not necessarily. I'm just feeling really good about this... partnership." He explained.
"But you haven't signed Parker's deal yet." I pointed out.
"I'm not talking about Parker." He smirked.
The captain turned on the fasten seatbelt sign with perfect timing.  I locked my self into the large seat and got ready to lift off. My nerves started in like they usually do, but Kris's hand held mine to calm me down. He really could read me like a book.
Once we were in the air, Kris and I could walk around freely. We went over some of the cases he was working on and challenged me to come up with strategies in the courtroom. I didn't realize how close we were until I caught a whiff of his intoxicating cologne.
I could feel his warmth hovering off his skin. His nose brushed against my cheek before he kissed my jaw. We couldn't care less about the case at that point. We just wanted each other. I straddled his hips tossing the file on the floor and kissing his heavenly lips with desire. Kris's hands rested on my ass, giving it a good squeeze.
My skirt started to glide up to my hips and I grinded down on his growing bulge.  I couldn't handle all this friction. I wanted more. Kris practically read my thoughts and unbuckled his pants, pulling them down just enough to free his throbbing erection.
"I want you now." He whispered.
He moved my panties to the side and massaged my folds, wettening his long cock before pulling me down with a harsh thrust. I nuzzled my face into his neck, muffling my moans as they came pouring out of my mouth between profanities. I bounced on his hips, taking his entire member inside me.
I shivered at the sound of him whispering dirty things in my hear, telling me exactly what he was going to do to me the moment we got off this jet and into the hotel room. I held onto his shoulders as we erupted into orgasm, moaning each other's names.
When we came back to reality, Kris helped me off of him as he pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants while I re-adjusted my skirt and panties. He pulled me down on his lap and kissed my lips again.
“I’m really glad you came on this trip with me.” He said, looking into my eyes.
“Of course. And for the record, I’m feeling good about this ‘partnership’ too.” I said.
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maximum-salty · 6 years
Exo Reaction to Their Sibling Running Away From Home
Request: May I request an Exo reaction to their sister running away from home (she had a fight with their parents and ended up at the Exo dorm)? If reaction requests aren't open, I apologize!!
A/N: Hello! So the only modification I made to this request is I made it gender neutral bcs that’s how we roll here (lmao) but other than that I hope you enjoy! (yes yes i know long time no post but i’m trying~!)
He’s originally confused when you show up at the dorm, but when he notices you crying he instantly turns into protective brother mode; asking you 10,000 questions to figure out what happened. When you tell him it was a fight with your parents, he reluctantly agrees to let you stay the night, so long as you promise to try and work things out with them in the morning.
“okay... get some rest tonight and get your head straight, but tomorrow you have to try and resolve this.”
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Honestly the second he saw you crying he didn’t give two shits about what happened, he just wanted to know who he had to murder for hurting you. As you explained, though, he sighed to calm himself down before pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey, time will work things out for you, okay kid? for now you can stay with me.”
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Kris would probably be confused originally, wondering why you thought the only option after a fight with your parents was to flee to his dorm, but eventually as you explained the severity of the conflict, he would shrug and let you stay for as long as you needed.
“You can crash with me ‘til you get it figured out, alright?”
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He would stare at you wide-eyed as you explained your situation, swallowing as much of his mother-instinct as he could to hear your side of the story. After you finished, though, he would insist you at least call your parents and let them know you’re safe before he let you stay.
“They’re probably worried sick about you! Please, let them know you’re okay and then you can stay the night, but you have to work things out eventually, Y/n.”
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Lay’s heart would instantly drop at the sight of you crying. He wouldn’t care so much about the details of what happened rather than comforting you until you felt better. Once you calmed down enough he’d (finally) release you from his bear hug and prepare a bed for you to sleep in.
“I don’t care what happened, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
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His first instinct when he saw how upset you were was to try and make you laugh. Anyway, anyhow. He pulled you in for a hug, tickling your sides in the process, eliciting a silent giggle from you. He would continue making faces, cracking jokes (often at his own expense) and randomly tickling you throughout the night until he was sure your mood had shifted.
“Turn that frown upside-down, kid.”
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Similarly to Baekhyun, Chen would try his hardest to ease your sorrow. Often using tickling or jokes to make you smile. Once you were calmed down a bit, though, I think he would try to get you to at least contact your parents and let them know where you were so they wouldn’t be worried.
“Ahh, don’t make me tickle you again!”
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I could see Chanyeol handling this one of two ways. Either just like Chen and Baek, doing everything in his power to lighten your mood as fast as possible, or instantly turning serious and comforting you with advice and hugs. Most likely a mix of the two, though.
“You know I’m always here for you.”
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Oh boy. His face would drop the second he realized what happened, going silent for a moment as he processed everything. Kyungsoo would let you in and sit you on the couch, giving you a stern but loving lecture of sorts about how dangerous running away could have been, and that leaving a conflict without a resolution is never the answer. Once he finished that, though, he would hug you and prepare an area for you to sleep.
“It’s too dark out for you to go back home at this point, but I hope you’ll never get in this situation again.”
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Initially, Tao would be upset at your parents for making you so mad that you resorted to running away, but after that resided he would rationalize with you about why you shouldn’t have run away. On this inside, he would be glad that you at least came to him.
“I’m sorry this happened, Y/n, but running away wasn’t the answer.”
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I feel Kai would try to relate with you a little, maybe sharing about a time where he ran away from home or got in a bad fight with your parents. The point in this being him wanting to show you that 1.) you’re not the only one who’s done this before, and 2.) it will get better eventually.
“So this one time, mom made me so mad that I...”
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He probably wouldn’t completely grasp the situation at first, not understanding why you would run away from home over an argument. Nevertheless Sehun would attempt to comfort you the best that he could, and let you stay at the dorm for as long as you needed.
“I mean hey, I’m always here for you.”
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-Admin Yeonie
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hallyureactarios · 7 years
EXO REACTS TO: You cuddling up to them in your sleep.
Luhan, Yifan & Jongin
Anonymous said: Could we get Kai, Luhan, and Kris's reactions to when you cuddle up to them in your sleep? thank you
LUHAN – 루한
Everyone knows the stereotypical ‘perfect morning’ music, right? That sweet calming flute, gently waking you up in the most harmonious and calming way possible. That’s how he feels right now. His mood is literally musical perfection. He’s peaceful. The sun trickling in through the curtains, slowly casting light against his face, his mind not yet catching up with the waking world, blissfully unaware of the little creature wrapped around his waist...? Until it nuzzles him and tickles his belly... Now. He’s a rational man. He knows that there is no such thing as monsters, ghouls or gremlins... And that is definitely not one snuggling around his middle. He lifts his arms up above his head, groaning and stretching off the sleep before looking down. Well... Three things have come to mind.
You are the most adorable koala of a partner he’s ever had.
He loved how you crawled into his bed and snuggled up to him when you finished on your laptop.
He can’t remember feeding you after midnight.
Even through the mass of messy bed hair and slightly smudged makeup, he could tell you were getting a well-deserved rest. Using his abs as a pillow couldn’t be comfortable but he couldn’t bear to move you. He reaches down and tentatively admires you, softly combing your hair with his fingers and chuckling at the puffy mess.
As if hearing him, you giggle a little in your sleep, smiling a little more brightly as he keeps lazily showing you affection.
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YIFAN – 크리스
He wakes with a jolt, your little whimpers of distress rousing him from a deep sleep. He raises his brows in an attempt to open his eyes, his lids having other plans as they flutter blearily. He frowns as the bed sheets quiver, looking to the source where you lay, facing away from him, curled up on your side and trembling. Initially, he was going to wake you, his voice soft, not wanting to startle you as he says your name and rolls onto his side to get closer to you, but then you whimper again, roll to face him and get his torso in a choke hold... if torsi could choke... Either way, there was no escaping your tight grasp on him. He looks down at you, cupping your cheek and checking if you were okay. You’d stopped shaking, stopped whimpering and had a little smile on your face as you sigh deeply and snuggle up to him.
He purses his lips, glancing at the clock before looking down at you again. Should he wake you? You seemed fine now... Nah, you’re too adorable. He kisses your forehead and wraps his arms around you, holding you close after draping the covers over you both.
“You’re too cute for your own good, you know that?” He mumbles. You sigh softly and nuzzle his chest. Yep. You knew.
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Life is made up of moments. The heated entanglement in the back seat of a taxi, kisses too desperate to be precise and anything but controlled. The moment your heart pounds so hard it echoes in your ears, almost drowning out his trepid voice as he confesses his love for the first time. The stillness of dawn breaking, lovers entwined after a night of passion, breaths panting against lips.
This was a moment. Not the most peaceful, but he found serenity in the recognition of yet another time he wouldn’t forget easily. You’d been traveling for hours across the country, so far out into nothingness that milestones had soon disappeared along with your patience and the sun. You’d begged them to stop at the next- if any- rest stop. Everyone needed it. He didn’t want to admit it, but his legs were dead from the hours of having you on his lap, refusing to let you be uncomfortable, squished in the backseat between him and Junmyeon.
Now? It’s more of the same, a tacky little booth to yourselves- he wanted you to have some semblance of silence from his bandmates- the uncomfortable cheap diner bench is scarcely noticed as you rest your head on his bundled up coat on his lap, legs bent in the vacant seat next to you. He couldn’t quite explain it, but looking down at you- lashes fluttering, pouted lips slightly parted, watching your gentle breaths, he felt like the strongest man on the planet.
He felt like your protector, your partner, he saw how safe you felt with him, letting your guard down in the middle of the diner, late at night, trusting him to watch over you.
When he hears your gentle mewling, he can’t help but let the smile threatening to tug at his lips take over, a dopey expression on his face as you shuffle onto your side and snuggle up to his body. He’s almost sure you just mumbled his name. He very softly brushes the hair from your face and chuckles, leaning down and pressing his plush lips against your hair, whispering.
“Right here, baby...” You mewl again and wrap your arms around him, smiling to yourself. He stays holding you like this until his members call to him from another booth. The moment ending, but he knew much more were lined up in the future.
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Admin Mimi
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Magic Kingdom
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Kris x Reader
A/N: @smut-wars Bee made me this moodboard a while back and I’m feeling self-indulgent and in need of Kris fluff, so I added this little story to it! Enjoy!
Laughter and joyful yells echoed all around. Smiling faces and lasting memories were being created on every corner. No wonder this was considered the happiest place on earth. Or, at least, one of them. 
It was Kris’ idea to take your first big family vacation to Disneyland in Hong Kong. At first, you were worried that people would be crowding the three of you given Kris’ celebrity status, but you were left alone for the most part. Several people stopped, pointing and whispering giggles to each other, but they kept their distance, allowing you to enjoy your time together in peace. 
“Tian, slow down!” you yelled after your rambunctious five-year-old. As she came to a stop, she turned around and giggled at you, pointing excitedly at Belle. You couldn’t help but beam at her enthusiasm. “Yes, but we have to wait in line,” you told her. 
“You can go ahead,” a woman offered, waving you in front of her to greet the costumed princess.
“Oh, thank you so much, but we’ll wait! Her father has the camera.” Speaking of which, you searched around the area, frowning. Kris had left nearly fifteen minutes ago to grab water for the three of you. How long could that take?
“I’m here, I’m here,” Kris chuckled as he approached. In his hands were three bottles of cold water to chase away the heat of the island summer.  
You took one, unscrewing the cap and gulping down nearly half of the contents. “Thank you.”
“Mom! Dad! Hurry up!” Tian whined. 
“Hey, now!” you scolded. If she kept this up, you were going to have stop letting Tao babysit. 
“Tian, you can wait,” Kris added as put the water bottles into the bag slung over your shoulders. Tian pouted, but stopped trying to rush. You wanted her to enjoy these days where the three of you were together since Kris traveled so much, but it was hard to contain her excitement. And it was infectious. 
The three of you waited in line to meet Belle, turning down all offers to allow you to skip ahead. After about the third offer, you explained that you wanted to teach Tian patience and the surrounding parents understood. 
“Well, hello, there,” Belle greeted as Tian shyly stepped up. 
You were crouched down behind your daughter. You tried to be encouraging as you rubbed her back. A broad smile stretched across your face as how adorable she was being. “Are you going to say hi?”
Tian lifted her hand and waved.
“What’s your name?” Belle asked.
Immediately, Tian hid her face in your chest. Neither you nor Kris - who was capturing the whole thing in pictures - could hold back the laugh. Your daughter was always the more outgoing type so to have her suddenly be shy was shocking, but no less a bit entertaining. 
“Do you want to just get a picture?” you asked Tian. Still not showing her face, she nodded. 
Breaking character for only a second, Belle sent you a knowing look. 
“Thank you,” you mouthed to her, gaining a nod in return. 
“Tian, you are very pretty,” Belle complimented. “I love your top!”
“Thank you,” Tian mumbled when she finally emerged from your arms. “My mom has one, too.”
“I see that!”
You threw Kris a look, who beamed at the praise. The matching outfits of simple shorts and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt had been his idea. You weren’t one of those moms who had matching outfits with their kids, but you gave in since it was Disney, after all. 
Afraid that you were holding up the line, you shuffled Tian a little closer and all three of you smiled at the camera and you went on your way. 
Tian’s earlier energy was back when she spotted a new ride she wanted to go on and took off through the crowded street. But she wasn’t fast enough for Kris’ long legs and he caught her in no time, scooping her up in his arms as she squealed with joy. 
“You know better than to run off like that.” That rare fatherly tone was evident in his voice, but the effect was lost as soon as he smiled. 
“That one! That one!” Tian yelled, pointing to the ride. 
Kris turned to you, that childlike excitement evident in his own eyes. “Mom?”
You nodded. How could you say no to those two?
Still carrying Tian, Kris hurried along to get in line with you right behind. 
Several hours later, the sky was dark and Tian was fighting to stay awake. You tried to convince her it was time to go to bed, but she wanted to see the fireworks, so you agreed to wait a little longer. As soon as the first boom sang across the sky, she gasped and clapped loudly at the pretty colors. Kris, too, watched the display in amazement as he blindly took your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
It was moments like these you wished could last forever. The three of you as a family, happy and together. You knew it was inevitable, the going back to reality. Kris was scheduled to leave for the States next week, right after getting home from vacation and it would be just you and Tian again until he came home. 
Leaning your head against Kris’ shoulder, you sighed. It might have been childish, but you wished that time could stop, if only for a little while. If it were to ever happen, this could be the place, right? After all, it wasn’t called the Magic Kingdom for nothing. 
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
“liar” and “run” with Kris Wu from EXO
spell book
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“there’s some weird ass shit going on.” he huffed as he pulled his hood over his eyes.
“you’re being dramatic.” you rolled your eyes.
“am i?” he raised a brow. you suddenly felt a chill down your spine. Kris’ eyes moved from your face to just over your shoulder.
“…what is it?” you asked, about to turn over your shoulder.
“don’t.” you jumped at his tone, reaching out and grabbing your shoulder. his eyes flitted from your eyes to just behind you. “listen to me very carefully.”
you swallowed, but nodded.
“(y/n), i’m going to need you,” you felt something cold brush your back, causing you to stiffen. “RUN!”
Kris grabbed you arm and pulled you behind him. you let out a yell and bolted.
Kris stared at the creature, a warmth he’d forgotten about growing in his throat.
“you can run, but you know it’s hopeless.” the voice echoed. Kris scoffed in reply.
you looked over your shoulder, just in time, to watch a black hooded figure go up in flames.
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polyexobookshelf · 6 years
Party Favor (777 words)  by thesockmonster Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: M Relationships: Luhan/Yifan/Jongin Characters: kris luhan kai Genre: smut, pwp AU: canon Warning Tags: dubious - drunk sex Summary:
Holiday fun times.
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carolchii-hime · 7 years
Good Night, Park Chanyeol
It was 2:00AM and Park Chanyeol couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned under the covers, kicking furiously at his sheets before sighing and finally sitting up in bed. Why was he so worried? What was he even worried about? He himself didn't even really know. But he knew what could help him and he wasn't about to waste the opportunity, even if it was a bit selfish of him. Within minutes, Kris was knocking at Chanyeol's door. "What's going on?" Kris stared worriedly at his best friend as he stepped inside the apartment. "Are you okay?" He tried not to seem too concerned as he waited for Chanyeol's reply. "I'm fine," the younger man stressed, plopping down on the couch. "I just can't sleep is all". Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, as Kris took a seat next to him. "Oh." Chanyeol heard a deep chuckle escape the older man and he was about to get angry and tell him he could just go if he felt his time was being wasted, when suddenly he felt a warm arm wrap around his shoulders and a low whisper in his ear. "I know you can't stop thinking about me. I AM pretty attractive." Chanyeol blushed and Kris pulled the shorter man's head to his chest. "Relax. Let's watch a movie, yeah?" The two lay sprawled out on the couch as they talked through their movie. Chanyeol was shy, keeping his eyes on the screen as he talked. He told Kris how he didn't feel right unless the other was around, and Kris had told him not to worry, that he was only ever a phone call away. Before long, Chanyeol was sound asleep and the older man smiled lovingly, planting a light kiss on his forehead. "Good night." he sighed happily, closing his eyes as he nestled into the other man's warmth. "I couldn't sleep either."
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exhoe-imagines · 4 years
Since I am in the midst of wedding planning, would love to hear what you guys think each of the EXO boys' wedding would turn out like (assuming their partners give them total control 😂)! But also an important lesson I learned: social distancing doesn't stop people from reaching out virtually to you so me time became so much more essential these days!!
teehee we’re still so excited for your wedding 🥺🥺🥺 and we had a lot of fun discussing this crackhead shit LOL – also you’re SO right. texting is suddenly blowing up and i’m like “time to check out” JKDSJFAKWE
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minseok ✧ i feel like he’s a great middle ground. he’ll keep you sane and handle the stuff that you don’t have time for, he’ll give valid and real comments, but won’t be controlling. it’s very much a team effort. unless you want like a candy bar or something bc “darling, that’s a little out there.” and you’re like minseok, have some FUN. live your best LIFE. but it’s ok bc he’ll get you everything you want as a surprise and you’ll cry like “omg” and he’ll just PREEN bc YES he IS the greatest husband 😌
luhan ✧ im sorry you’re giving HIM control? u want him to go into CARDIAC ARREST??? if you want your wedding to take place in a shack with 6 people attending, then sure, by all means, give lu control. but if not, please for the love of GOD do not ask him. he’ll put in comments every now and then (for cake flavors definitely or like. his tie color or some shit like that) but if you ask him to pick between maroon and rhubarb he’ll ERROR 404: LUHAN IS NOT RESPONDING. and just stand there like a mannuquein 😳😳😳
yifan ✧ oh christ don’t do that to him, he can only handle so much LOL. he’ll defintiely tag along for everything bc he’s clingy and he wants to see the dress/tux/whatever you pick and you’re like “it’s a surprISE YIFAN” but he does Not Care. but he doesn’t know the difference between silk or satin so he’s basically no help KAMFKSFJKE. he does pull up with the hella gaudy shit tho and you’re like “yifan you cannot have GOLD CHAINS as part of your outfit” and he’s like “but babe,, the swag” 😎
junmyeon ✧ ok myeon is the MVP. he’s like Peak Husband Material. he’s picky but sweet – makes sure you get what you want but isn’t a groomzilla u feel? like he’ll send that sickly sweet smile to the dress/tux assistant and be like “my love asked for the WHITE piece, not the IVORY, thank you :)” and they’re like “o-of course mr. kim!!” and you’re like “omg junmymeoN PLS.” but everyone loves him bc he tips well and is geniunely kind when he isn’t standing up for you LMAO 😂 
yixing ✧ ok definitely another good balance one. he’ll let you know who he wants invited, what kinda traditional things are a Must Have, etc. but he’s SO SUPPORTIVE of what you want. like you can geniunely pick ANYTHING as long as he gets his like,, two small requirements. you could walk out in a trash bag and be like “i want this” and he’d tear up like “anything you want, baobei” and drop $4k to get a gucci plastic bag. deadass. and god he CRIES at the wedding bc you do SO well and keep his wishes in mind and WOW he loves u 😭
baekhyun ✧ ok he wouldn’t do a HORRIBLE job if you gave him all the control -- who am i kidding. your wedding would end up looking like a frat party. however, he do got POPPIN ideas. he will be zero help for the vital shit, but if you want some crazy shit, he’s the man. he’ll be like “ok babe don’t be mad -- i forgot to book the venue BUT i found a tiny dog tux for Mongryong so he can be our ring bearer what do you think!!” and for a moment you consider what it would be like to live in widowhood ☠️
jongdae ✧ the PICKIEST motherfucker. ik i mentioned that in the drabble i wrote you, but like i am SERIOUS. you will go to like twelve bakeries before he finally settles on some BASIC ASS FLAVOR like vanilla and you’re like “i might murder you.” but he makes sure you’re picky too so you get EXACTLY what you want and the day of, when everything is set you’re like Hol Up. this do be poppin. it’s everything you dreamed of and you DO be having to thank jongdae for his brattiness after all 😪
chanyeol ✧ honestly bold of us to assume he’d have any role in the planning bc he’s too busy teasing you over how seriously you take it all. to keep you from going crazy tho, he pulls a few pranks and you’re 🤏🏼 this close to calling off the wedding when he makes you think the decorations came in the wrong color or some shit. but on the acutal wedding day, he surprises you with a new song/dance and you realize he’s actually been taking care of something very important this whole time too ❤️
kyungsoo ✧ god you have chosen the BEST man to plan with. he’s so patient and attends EVERY appointment with you. he takes SUCH good care of you and makes sure you’re never stressed or piling too much on your plate. just a total gentleman. he’d book you a huge bridal/groom suite for the night before the wedding with white roses and all this cheesy shit and he would NEVER LIVE IT DOWN. and then when you think he can’t get any better he surpries you with a secret honeymoon trip and you’re like “god is real huh” 🙏🏼
zitao ✧ hahaha you think you GIVE him permission and he doesn’t just TAKE it? hahaha. that’s a GOOD one. prepare for the most extra reception and ceremony you have EVER seen. but don’t worry, you and tao will be the only ones who have any opinion on the planning. your friend will be like “what if you guys-” and tao’s like “did someone say something.” so by all means, tell him everything you want, bc he WILL get it for you. and on the special day he cries like a baby and you’re like AW bc u think he’s being all lovey-dovey but he’s just like “wow i did SO good” 😢
jongin ✧ wedding? did you mean an excuse for a huge party? do not, and i can not stress this enough, do NOT give him all the control. the second you do, he’s inviting every friend and family member to come help him bc he has NO CLUE what he’s doing. but it’s ok you keep them all in check and you’ll get what you want bc your manz is whipped. and when you and your wedding party get stressed, he just hands you $15k and is like “go on a shopping trip babey ily” and you’re like “maybe you’re not THAT bad, kim” 🤑🤑🤑
sehun ✧ he INSISTS on being included in every MINISCULE step. i mean EVERYTHING. and so you’re like “fine baby, what do you want?” and his mind goes blank. he truly has no opinion. no help whatsoever. you’re like “cream or ivory?” and he’s like “what’s that.” so he ends up flaking and you plan most of it – thankfully !! but when you walk down the aisle he SOBS and you’re like “ok fine you’re redeemed” 🥰
bro.. this was a Blast. ily and ur asks and im sorry we take 100 years to answer them MFJAKLFJEAWKGJWE - admin ruby and admin jewels
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kwanisms · 4 years
Day6 Masterlist
Updates can be found here. ~𝐤.♡
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[A] - angst || [F] - fluff || [M] - mature ✦ - series || ★ - oneshot || ✶ - drabbles ✎ - in progress || ✓  - complete || ✗ - on hold
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𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯
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★ The Summoning - [M] ✎     - part of the Creature Feature Halloween collab w/ uwu-yifan​ 
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✦ Photos of You - [A] ✗     ➥ genre: angst, fluff, social media au     ➥ summary: [REWORKING: COMING SOON] ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ★ In the Fox’s Lair - [M] ✎     - part of the Creature Feature Halloween collab w/ uwu-yifan
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★ Bad Moon Rising - [M] ✎     - part of the Creature Feature Halloween collab w/ uwu-yifan
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𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯
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yehet-me-up · 4 years
*busts through the door like I'm the Kool-Aid man* BONJOUR FUCKERS I'M BACK!!! It is I, the Theatrical Gay Anon™! I hope you're ready to endure my endless babbling for a bit cuz I've got lots to say holy shit. Consider this part 1 of like, 1000 cuz I think Tumblr got rid of the submissions feature. I apologize in advance for the spam hehe.
Okay, with that out of the way. Ms. Yehet-Me-Up, may I call you Sarah? Sarah, what the fuck!? I can't even rn. I I give you a simple suggestion, no expectations behind it. I say "Hey, don't you think it'd be cool if Zitao was in the Exodus Mall universe?" to which you said "Yeah, that'd be neat, I might do that. Perhaps make him work at an Irish pub or something" and then I flip out with gratitude and excitement thinking you're gonna do like, a DRABBLE. 500 words at MOST -Theatrical Gay Anon
Imagine my SHOCK, my STUPEFACTION, upon realizing that you wrote OVER TEN THOUSAND WORDS about Huang Zitao aka the wind beneath my wings, the rain to my drought, the corny joke to my Junmyeon. And not only that! But you did this A MONTH AGO. I could've been reading this for so long and I had no idea! How foolish am I? I can't believe you wrote all of this based off of a silly little suggestion I made. I feel like bowing over how not worthy I am Wayne's World style -Theatrical Gay Anon
NOW IN REGARDS TO THE CONTENT OF THIS MASTERPIECE OH MY GOD WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? I am floored by your preeminence. First things first, the title? Perfect. Full disclosure, I suck at titles. I've been writing for over a decade now and I'm still shit with titles. It's so hard to come up with just a few words to encapsulate everything you wrote but you do it SO WELL. The moodboard? Amazing. I've always loved that picture of Zitao and it fits so well with the pub setting -Theatrical Gay Anon
I'm afraid you've written "Fractions of Tomorrow" so well that I don't see there being a need for anyone to write anything else...ever. Stories? CANCELED. Poetry? CANCELED. Biographies? CANCELED. It's all over folks. Sarah has written The Best Thing Ever. We've peaked as a society. After I finish writing these asks I'm gonna become a hermit in the woods and make friends with all of the woodland creatures that inhabit it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
But seriously though, I love absolutely everything about this story. As a Zitao fan, I'm used to getting breadcrumbs. Not a lot of ppl write fics about him. I can count on one hand how many long fics of his you can find on Tumblr. But THIS?? This was no breadcrumb, this was a whole fucking bakery. And it all appeals to me so much oh my god? The sappiness of it all, the flowery prose, the rebellious rejection of cynicism, it's all so beautiful I want to marry it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
If I discussed all of the sentences in this fic that made me giggle with joy and kick my feet around I'd be here all day so keep in mind this is just a FRACTION of the ones I loved but I couldn't go without mentioning at least some of them so here we go. "It’s not his first time here, but it’s his first time paying attention" SHUT UP this line is go good it's so simple yet so nuanced I adore it. Seriously, why hasn't anyone hired you to write a screenplay? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"He wonders if you ironed the collar of your shirt to be that precise or if you simply move through the world without acquiring any wrinkles" God, this line is so CUTE it's DISGUSTING he's fond of the reader's un-wrinkled clothes that's such a specific thing to like and is totally the type of thing I've done with the ppl I've crushed on throughout my life. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Zitao,’ he says finally. ‘Cute.’ You say" this is such a little thing but I love that you included his full name in this. I love his full name so much it sounds really pretty. Whenever I hear him refer to himself as "Huang Zitao" in interviews my heart soars. Hearing him speak Mandarin in general is a delight as well. It's an audibly gorgeous language and any racist who says otherwise can EAT MY ENTIRE ASS -Theatrical Gay Anon
"For someone who’s been in love for as long as you can remember she fights awfully hard against Baekhyun’s romantic nature" DEAR GOD I LOVE THESE TWO! I love these movie loving lovesick fools. I love that everyone in the world knows they love each other except them. I love seeing bits and pieces of their story throughout this written universe. I can't wait to see it all come together in Baekhyun's Exodus Mall fic. It's gonna be GLORIOUS -Theatrical Gay Anon
Also! I know you enjoyed my song recs that I thought fit perfectly with All Our Broken Places so here are some for when the Baek x Hitchcock fic drops. I know it's not done yet but I just *know* what it's gonna be like I can feel it in my bones. "Sidekick" by Walk the Moon and "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove. As for Fractions of Tomorrow I knew right away what songs I'd pick. "Dreams" by The Cranberries, "Jumpstarted" by Jukebox the Ghost and "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey -Theatrical Gay Anon
Gosh, this fic filled me with so much energy and joy I feel like a toddler on caffeine. But I really should sleep now though. It's gotten so late that I can see the sunrise peaking up sdksdksl. I'll see ya soon! I will be spamming you with more compliments about this fic once I wake up though! - Theatrical Gay Anon
Hi! I'm back. Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about some of my favorite lines from the story. "‘Hey man, how’s it going?’ Baekhyun reaches out and does a complex handshake with the man before you. ‘Oh, you know. Just working at the salt mines,’ Tao says with a laugh." I LOVE that you made Baek the one Zitao was close with. I miss the beef brothers so much. I'll never forgive SM for what they did to OT12. They were all such good friends 😔 -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘I’m not sure.’ For a flash Tao’s eyes linger on you once more. ‘I think it would depend on the person.’ And then the bastard goes and winks at you." GOD, HE WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! HE'S SUCH A SHAMELESS FLIRT I HATE HIM *narrator voice* This was of course a huge a lie, he in fact loved Zitao immensely -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Sweetheart, I’m everyone’s type.’" You've captured Zitao's unlimited confidence so well and that makes me really happy. It's one of my favorite things about him. The man truly loves himself and I think that's awesome -Theatrical Gay Anon
"Tao looks at you through his lashes, bending close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips when he speaks. ‘Words are just the appetizer, darling. I prefer to have an entire feast.’ 'Any other questions or can I grab your orders?’" ASDKDSDSL SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA SAY THAT PANTY DROPPER LINE AND GO BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL ZITAO???? HUH??? IS THAT WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO??? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Oh, nothing.’ He looks like the cat that caught the canary. ‘I just love being right.’" Something I love about EXO fic writers (myself included lol) is that despite all of the different ways they'll write the other members, there is one member who is always written the same and that's Baekhyun. He will always be written as a cheeky little shit cuz he *is* a cheeky little shit. That's just who he is. Messing with ppl is a favorite past time of his. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"'So, love, huh? There’s not some girlfriend or boyfriend of yours waiting for you at home?’" Thank you for not being heteronormative with the "are you dating someone?" convo. I know it might not seem like much but I really appreciate it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"The beginning of love is always a lightning bolt. If that’s all it ever is you never have to deal with being knocked on your ass by the resulting thunderstorm" OOF, this one got me. So very true. The beginning of love is so scary! -Theatrical Gay Anon
"I could argue that anarchy still is love. Love of your beliefs and love of a person or a place or a thing so much that you’re willing to fight for it" OKAY BUT PASSIONATE LEATHER JACKET WEARING ANARCHIST ZITAO IN A ROCK BAND IS SUCH AN ATTRACTIVE CONCEPT!!! There's nothing sexier than a bad boi that will hate capitalism with you! He'd probably be the one to give ppl rides to protests and stuff I LOVE IT -Theatrical Gay Anon
"If we say love is a feeling, who’s to say that we aren’t in love? If we decide it’s an action then which one is it? A kiss or a commitment or - maybe it’s nothing more complicated than putting words to the way I feel when you look at me?" Listen I don't mean to be dramatic or anything (wait, who am I kidding? I'm literally the Theatrical Gay Anon being dramatic is like my Thing) but if a guy ever said that to me my trans boi pussy would be open for business IMMEDIATELY
Alright, so, uh Final Thoughts. This may be my new favorite work of yours, and no it's not just cuz it's got my ultimate bias in it lmao. This year has been so shitty and it's made my depression + anxiety reach the highest possible levels but reading this, this love story filled with hope and certainty despite not knowing what the future will hold for them, made this year seem easier to cope with. Thank you so much for making this, it means the world to me. -Theatrical Gay Anon
ALRIGHT, LAST ASK AND THEN I'LL SHUT UP I PROMISE but I personally headcanon that Double Shot + Zitao stayed together till the very end. They didn't get married cuz they hate formalities but they got matching tattoos and even when they're old and grey you can still them clear as day on their wrists. When they're asked how they met no one believes their answer lol. And when Double Shot died of old age before Zitao he would sing her favorite song by her grave every Saturday -Theatrical Gay Anon
OKAY SO I know I said I was done and I know I've already sent in like, 30 bajillion asks but I'm curious does Yifan or Luhan also work at the Irish pub?? Or do they work somewhere else in the mall? Inquiring minds want to know -Theatrical Gay Anon
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When I tell you this made my entire month (when you sent it weeks ago, I’ve been hanging onto these because they seriously bring me SO much joy holy crap) I am not remotely kidding j;oaisjdflkasdjfa
I am absolutely going to put on these song recs while I work on the next chapter! 
a;osdfjlaksdfjasl the fact that you stayed up late to read this warms my heart so much. It reminds me of all the times I stayed up til the ass crack of dawn reading fanfics because I simply could NOT stop reading, so the fact that you enjoyed this like that makes me helllllaaaa emo 🥰
I just??? 2020 was indeed such a long year and affected my energy and creativity and honestly don’t really remember writing this hahaha. I kind of go into a fugue state with these longer fics and they just EMERGE. So to see you reflecting back some of what I wrote allows me to enjoy the process so much more. Makes writing and tumblr fun and I seriously wish everyone writing and creating could have someone as passionate and thoughtful and hilarious as you hyping them up 🌟 it honestly feels like a GIFT and I will absolutely keep writing this series and hoping to be worthy of it 😘
We will definitely get to see more of these two in the finale fic! I got into EXO after Tao, Yifan, and Luhan left so I’m not quite as familar with their personalities, but I could definitely see Yifan working at the US Bank haha. Business suit by day and partying/flirting by night. As for Luhan I feel like he’d work somewhere like the bookstore or the music store?? somewhere quieter and more contemplative. 
Thank you again for sending this and for being you <3 I hope 2021 is a wonderful year for you and that you know how AMAZING you are 💖💖💖💖💖
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