#beltane+litha drabble game
cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
Can i pls pls get a hongjoong with nuber 2? Thank you :) Also that san fic was really good
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a gasp escaped you as you brought your hand up to cover your mouth.
“H-Hongjoong!” you called, quickly darting out of the room to try and find said man. how you found him, may not have been what you’d hoped.
“HONGJOONG! Th-there’s a cut up body in the-” your voice was caught in your throat, as you found him, washing the blood off of his hands.
“babe, i told you not to go down there.” he sighed, shaking his head as he dried off his hands. “what did you find?” he smirked.
“there was- dead- oh god so much blood- flesh everywhere-” you stumbled over your words as you backed out of the bathroom.
“oh, you saw all of it huh? whoops.” he giggled, slowly advancing towards you.
“…Hongjoong?” you murmured his name as you back hit the wall.
“shh,” he grinned, placing his hand on your cheek gently. “it’s okay. i’m not going to hurt you. you’re safe, okay baby?”
you slowly nodded, watching him closely, still in shock from the horror you had seen. he bit his lip, cradling your head lovingly. he shushed you once more, pulling you into his arms.
“it’s okay baby, it’s okay. you are safe. i promise.” he chuckled against your skin.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
Pretty pls request "lost" with Ten from nct🌹thank you💖
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“what are you doing here, little one?” the voice was curious as you looked up at the man.
“…I don’t know.” you replied, looking back out at the meadow. the sun dissolved into the sky, bleeding orange and red into the clouds.
“are you lost?” he asked, kneeling down to your level.
you gaze dropped to your lap. were you lost? you knew where you were, so the answer would be ‘no’. but, you had no home, nowhere to go, so you had come here. seeking sanctuary.
“…no.” you replied truthfully. “i know where i am…”
“but, do you know where you are going?” he wondered. you looked but up into the curious eyes of the young man.
“no. i’m not… i have nowhere to go.” you mumbled. he stood back to his feet, looking down at you with his head just slightly tilted.
“i see.” he nodded. “you should seek shelter soon, little one. the meadow will not protect you from nightfall.”
you furrowed your brows in confusion. “what do you mean sir?”
“this wood becomes a very dangerous place once the new moon begins.” he offered you a small smile, before replacing the hood of his cloak.
you watched his figure curiously as he stepped back into the wood, disappearing behind the trees.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
#2 of the Drabble game with Jaemin plz?
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“any last words.” you smirked, placing the gun to the teen’s head.
“whoops?” your furrowed your brows in confusion at his grin.
your head snapped over your shoulder at the sound of the explosion. the smoke becoming visible from the window.
“what did you do?” you growled back at the young man.
“i, didn’t do anything~” he giggled. “but, if you knew my gang a bit better, you’d know who we worked for.” you felt a sinking in your chest.
“you’re not gunna work for anyone after this.” you swallowed the rage in your throat as you pulled the trigger.
he anticipated in enough time for your bullet to miss his chest and lodge instead in his shoulder. Jaemin let out a yell of pain before bolting to his feet and making a run for it.
you followed him as far as you could, pumping more bullets into his back and leg, yet somehow, he kept running.
“shit.” you cursed quietly as he got away.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
Chenle and 8) "wait" please? Thank you sm!
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“but.. what do you mean you’re leaving?” Chenle reached for your hand, lacing your fingers.
“no Chenle!” you ripped your hand away, refusing to look back at him.
“but…” he reached for you once more but you were already walking away. “wait!” he called, trying to jog after you.
“i said, no Chenle.” you repeated, keeping your shoulders back and head up as the young man trailed behind you.
“at least give me a reason!” he begged. Chenle was blinking back his tears. why? why wasn’t he good enough? did he do something wrong? did someone make you do it?
“because you and i don’t hardly have anything in common anymore.” you sighed, slowing, but not stopping your walk. “you’re not a bad person Chenle, you didn’t do anything wrong. we’re just… not as compatible as i thought.”
“…oh.” his voice was small, gaze trained on the ground as he nodded. “i… i thought you hated me.” he mumbled.
finally, you looked over your shoulder to see him sniffling.
“no no, i don’t hate you. don’t be silly.” you looked at him in surprise, a pinch of guilt in your heart. Chenle looked up at you through tearstained eyes.
“okay.” he offered you a smile, one that pulled on your heart.
“hey, how about you go home, call Jisung and see how he’s doing okay?” you hesitated at first, but placed a hand on his shoulder. Chenle looked into your eyes, searching for something, before they dropped back to the ground.
“yeah okay. bye (y/n). i lo-” Chenle stopped himself, pulling away from you and walking away a bit. “i-i’ll see you later.” he smiled and waved.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
could i get number 5 with johnny or winwin of nct? thanks!
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“nope, try again~” you giggled at the young man laid out on the bed before you.
“is it… food?” he tilted his head curiously.
“nope.” you stood from your hotel bed and wandered over to where he lay on the other.
“well why don’t you just tell me then?” he huffed, his deep voice muffled by the sheets as he let his head drop from his hands.
you shushed him softly, sitting beside him and running a hand through his hair before pulling away.
“if i just told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” you smiled softly. he let out a sigh, rolling over onto his back and looking at you upside down.
“…please?” he asked simply.
“no.” you giggled at his little pout in response.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
“liar” and “please” and “forget” with Jooheon from Monsta X
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“i thought… i thought you forgot me.” his words were soft as he reached out for you. before his hand could brush you cheek, you stepped back.
“please Jooheon, please let me go.” you swallowed down your tears at the look of hurt on your face.
“what-what do you mean? i made a promise to you, i promised that i’d always stay with you, that i’d never leave your side…” he stepped forwards once more, reaching out for you.
“no Jooheon, you’re a liar. you broken your promise.” you stepped away from him again, rageful tears pooling at the corners of your eyes.
“what are you saying?” he gritted his teeth, his hands and his eyes begging you to let him touch you. to let him hold you. to protect you from the horrors of this world.
“i’m saying you left me Jooheon! you’re not real! you lied!” you finally broke from the pain at seeing his face again.
“…do you even hear yourself? of course i’m real! i’m right here!” he snarled as the tears slipped from his eyes.
“no Jooheon! you’re dead!” you screamed, running to him. he held his arms open as though to catch you in a hug, but you simply stepped right through him.
you fell in a sobbing heap to the ground, the man you loved dead on the floor behind you.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
hey sweetheart🖤can I request a drabble with mx changkyun + 10??
“Anonymous said to cloudycrystalkpop: Maybe “forget” with hongjoong or changkyun (either one works) with a masc reader? I love your works, keep at it!”
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“shit!” you jumped in surprise, quickly backing away from the mirror. you backed towards the opposite wall, eyes still trained on your own reflection. you were unsure of the black shadow you saw reflected there. frightened by its movement towards you.
“(y/n)!” you looked away from the mirror instead to Changkyun as he hurried towards you. “step away from that mirror babe, please.” he reached out for you, begging you to come to him.
“i swear i’ve gotta be seeing things.” you shook your head, walking over to your boyfriend. he quickly pulled you away from the mirror, planting a kiss to your cheek.
“what did you see?” he asked, his eyes full of ergentsy. you blinked in surprise at the worry in his voice.
“uh, some black figure standing on the stares. it reached down like it was going to touch me.” you furrowed your brows at Changkyun’s behavior. “hey, what’s wrong?”
“nothing. everything’s fine as long as you’re safe.” he dismissed.
“safe from what?” you questioned him, suspicion growing in the back of your throat.
“nothing babe, it’s nothing. i promise, just forget it.” he offered you a smile, letting you wrap your arm around his waist and lead him into the living room.
you shot a glance over your shoulder, getting the odd feeling of eyes on your back from the empty staircase.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
ooh can i request 7 with yunho from ateez if it’s still possible👀
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your footsteps echoed through the old house. “haunted” as most people said. wether you believe in ghosts or not, the cold and eerie vibe was very much alive there. you felt chills down your spine as you stepped into the room. books were scatered, chairs overturned, lightbulls shattered. 
you quickly turned over your shoulder, your mind believing it had felt a breath on your neck. you were met with a dark corner, the light from the shattered windows seemed to just barly fail to reach it. 
“hello?” you scolded yourself for the slight shake in your voice. 
“hello.” your blood ran cold at the unknown voice who answered. 
your body froze, your own heartbeat thundering in your ears. 
“are you scared?” the voice called from the corner. your own voice was caught in your throat, unable to respond. 
there was only one thought in your mind in that moment, ‘run’.
and so you did.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
“on your knees” and “love” with Leo from VIXX
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“on your knees, my love.” his voice was soft and gentle as he looked down at you. you did as he asked, offing him a kind smile.
“baby, why, why did you have to do this.” he whispered, taking your chin is his palm. “i just wanted you to be free. to have a chance.”
“i know, my lord. but i knew and understood the consequences for my actions.” you replied solemnly.
“you knew i would be forced to kill in infront of all of thes fat cats. you knew, that it would have to be by my hand.” he whispered.
“better to die by your hand, then live a lonely soul.” you replied in the same hushed tone. you watched as Leo choked back his tears.
“then i suppose i am now cursed as the lonely soul.” he spoke so softly you nearly missed it. clearing his throat, he now spoke to the crowd.
“(y/n), as punishment for your crimes against the country, i hereby sentence you to, death by decapitation.” he spoke coolly, taking the sword from his guard. “any last words.”
“god save the king.” you grinned, offing him a wink, before the sword was brought down on your neck.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
“unknown” and “lost” with Rosé from BlackPink
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“baby, i…” she swallowed, taking a peek out the window.
“what is it?” you called, trying desperately to type away at the computer. “i’ve almost over ridden the ship’s navigation. she’s nearly owers!”
“baby, look out the window.” you finally looked up, to see your teammate, your partner in crime, you girlfriend, standing with tears in her eyes.
behind her you watched as the planet, the place you had both called home for the better parts of your childhoods, was overtaken by a lazer beam.
“i think… i think we lost…” she sniffled.
“no, no no no no no no!” you growled as the warning lights began flashing. the ship was in great danger as it was stalled just a little too close to the planet’s gravitational pull. you glared at the words ‘UNKNOWN’ flashed on the screens, cursing the computer.
“goddamnit.” you cursed, running a hand through your hair, you felt a hand on your arm. you looked up to see Rose, tear stains on her face.
“we’re going to die.” her words were grave, but true.
“i know babygirl.” you stood, pulling her into your arms. “i’m so sorry.” she sniffled into your shoulder, before pulling away.
she lead you to the window, looking out at the asteroids, chunks of a once blooming and beautiful planet, now reduced to rubble floating in the vast void of space.
“at least… we got to go home.” she mumbled against your skin, arms wrapped tightly around your waste.
you swallowed, as a stray chunk of space rock began towards the deck.
“i love you baby, i’m so sorry.” you mumbled into her hair.
you pulled her in for one last kiss, before the asteroid broke through the glass.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
“liar” and “run” with Kris Wu from EXO
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“there’s some weird ass shit going on.” he huffed as he pulled his hood over his eyes.
“you’re being dramatic.” you rolled your eyes.
“am i?” he raised a brow. you suddenly felt a chill down your spine. Kris’ eyes moved from your face to just over your shoulder.
“…what is it?” you asked, about to turn over your shoulder.
“don’t.” you jumped at his tone, reaching out and grabbing your shoulder. his eyes flitted from your eyes to just behind you. “listen to me very carefully.”
you swallowed, but nodded.
“(y/n), i’m going to need you,” you felt something cold brush your back, causing you to stiffen. “RUN!”
Kris grabbed you arm and pulled you behind him. you let out a yell and bolted.
Kris stared at the creature, a warmth he’d forgotten about growing in his throat.
“you can run, but you know it’s hopeless.” the voice echoed. Kris scoffed in reply.
you looked over your shoulder, just in time, to watch a black hooded figure go up in flames.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
Hello! Can I get 4,5 and 11 with Wayv's Xiaojun for the prompt game please?
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“but that’s… impossible.” his voice was barely above a whisper. you looked down at his large eyes, worry and wonder reflected there. “how…”
“on your knees.” you shoved the man’s shoulder, pressing him down into a kneeling position.
a small gasp fell from his lips, his knees scraping on the floor. you smiled down at him as he tried to regain his balance, pulling at the chain that linked his arms behind his back.
“do as you are told, and you will not be harmed.” you pulled on the chain around his neck, causing the fae to gasp. “sit up.” you instructed.
Xiaojun let out a cough as you released his leash. he shook slightly, breathing in. you let out a growl as you watched the mist gather in the air around him.
“try again.” you snapped your fingers and Xiaojun let out a scream at the electrical current that ran through the chain. more gasping, shaking, and coughing as the magic quickly faded. “behave, fae. do as we say.”
“please, i haven’t done anything.” he looked up at you once more, pleading in his eyes.
“doesn’t matter.” you leaned down, petting his hair lightly. “you’re coven has.” you grinned.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
Can I get 8&9 for chanyeol? Thanks a lot
spell book | read Sterling for context
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“…why?” the creature spoke softly. you blinked down at your monster, gently placing your hand on his cheek.
“because,” you hesitated, your words stuck in your throat. to spite the clear success of your years of hard work, there was a part of you, who never thought it would work at all. “…i missed you.” you removed your hand from his cheek.
“wait.” he reached for you as you turned away. hesitating for a moment, you waited as he traced his hand from your wrist down to your fingers. “please?”
“please what?” you asked simply.
“please, help.” you turned over your shoulder alarmed as his gruff voice glitched into something unknown.
“Chanyeol?” you swallowed down the panic as your creature sat frozen, every muscle in his body stiff. “Chanyeol!”
“oh my,” you felt a spike down your spine at the haunting voice.
“Papa…” you breathed. “Papa, i have made my trade,” you began.
“yes little one, yes you did.” he let out a deep chuckle. “but, you understand the price to keep your monster around?”
“of course.” your body screamed to look over your shoulder and face the voice behind you. the deep hum signed Papa’s acceptance of your words.
the stiffness in your spine released, showing that Papa had left. you quickly rushed forwards and caught Chanyeol before he could hit the ground.
“…(y/n)?” he called in a small voice, clutching into your clothes as he shook slightly. you bit your lip, a sinking in your heart, remembering the soul of the boy you lost.
“it’s okay Chanyeol, it’s okay. i’ve got you, you’re safe with me.”
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
May I have "love" with shinee minho? Love your blog and you aus
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you pulled the blanket closer around your shoulders. sniffling, you tried not to rub your nose dew to the irritation. you blinked, the puffiness of your eyes made your face overall feel swollen.
“baby?” you looked up at his voice as he walked in to find you hidden away in the blanket. a small chuckle of pity left his lips as he came to sit beside you.
“how are you feeling, love?” he asked, rubbing your shoulders gently. you sighed, relaxing into his touch.
“sick.” you replied blankly. another chuckle fell from his lips.
“what did the doctors say?” he asked.
“wait it out.” you huffed. “they gave me some pills, but they haven’t started working yet.”
“ah, well,” he began, wrapping you closer in his arms, pressing a kiss into your head. “is there anything i can do for you?”
“…will you bring me a cookie?” you mumbled. Minho laughed once more, squeezing you gently before standing again.
“anything for my love.”
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
beltane + litha drabble game
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TEN | “lost” - coven au
WINWIN | “try again” - fluff
XIAOJUN | “impossible” “on your knees” “try again” - coven au
JAEMIN | “whoops” - predator au
CHENLE | “wait” - angst
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LEO | “on your knees” “love” - royal au
RAVI | “bingo” - fluff
HYUK | “unknown” - hell au 
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HONGJOONG | “whoops” - serial killer au
YUNHO | “run” - haunted house au
SAN | “on your knees” - smut
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JOOHONEY | “forgot” “please” “liar” - ghost au
I.M | “forget” - coven au 
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KRIS | “liar” “run” - coven au
CHANYEOL | “wait” “please” - sequel to Sterling 
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MINHO | “love” - fluff
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ROSÉ | “unknown” “lost” - star wars au
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cloudycrystalkpop · 5 years
can i get a 13 unknown with hyuk from vixx
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your fingers grazed the brick walls, the hallway was damp and musty from the years under the earth. you could hear a steady knocking from the other side of the brick. taking a deep breath, you let the remembered words of the tour guides, warning silly foreigners about ‘gateways to hell’ roll off your shoulders.
you knew why you were down here. who you were looking for.
the doors were numbered by romen numerals. some radiated heat, others left an unnerving cold on your spine. from some you heard whispers, from others the rhythm of tribal drums.
you followed the numbers down.
III was burning hot, the sounds of distant shouting could be heard, like that of thrilled teenagers on their favorite roller coaster.
II was misty, the green glow creeping around the hinges and kissing your cheeks. it smelled like a swamp, moist, full of thriving plant life.
I was cold. not in the freezing way of a snowy mountain. in the silence of a dead man. still, alone, quiet, and cold.
finally, you came to the last door. what should be zero. there was no number on the frame. instead, a small row of symbols you found unfamiliar. you took a deep grounding breath as you watched them shift and vibrate before your eyes, morphing into a word you could read. “UNKNOWN”
you gathered your courage, and stepped up to the door. there was no heat, no cold, the door felt… empty.
biting your lip, you raised your fist and knocked three times on the door. on the third knock, the door opened a crack. you stepped back to find a pair of eyes gazing back at you. the door creaked as it slowly opened, the darkness solidifying around the two eyes you saw, taking the form of a young man.
“took you long enough.” he offered you a playful grin, reaching out his hand in an invitation inside.
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