#yet this person feels the need to call me that
tan1shere · 2 days
I'm Sorry
Billie Eilish x female reader !
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A/n: saw this video on tiktok of this girl accidentally breaking a gift her bf got her and her being so apologetic, and I can just imagine how bill would be with you:(
Summary: Billie reassures you when you accidentally break her gift.
Warnings: none just fluff ! Kinda angst tho ??
It was time again. Your birthday, just another year of getting older. You were currently laying in bed, half asleep as the sun was shining through the curtains. You then feel hands on your shoulders. "Babyy, its your birthday!" Billie sings as she says that. You cover your face. "Does it have to be." She plops down on the bed. "Oh come on, it's not every day you're 21!" You open an eye to see she had a few gifts. Your other eye opens as you look at her. "Bubba, I thought we agreed on two at most." She puts her finger up to your lips. "I couldn't help myself."
You sigh with a bright smile, sitting up to prepare for her little gifts. She hands you the first one, some clothes you had been wanting. Next up, some skin care. She was always so thoughtful of the things you needed. And lastly, maybe your favorite. You open up the wrapping revealing a glass red rose. You marvel at it. "I know how much you love roses and how upset you get when they start to die, but this way you can have it all the time." She smiles at you. Your eyes meet hers as you almost have tears in them. You leap over to hug her tightly.
"Thank you baby! I love it so so much." She smiles. "Knew you would." Her hands grab your face, thumb swiping over your cheek. "Happy birthday angel." She leans in to kiss you softly, so glad you like the gifts. "Some of them came from your mother. I put them in a vase already for you." You then kiss her cheek, placing the glass rose down on the bedside table. "Thank you babe, I'll go smell them soon."
A few days pass and you honestly had the best birthday ever, Billie was spoiling you like crazy. Took you out for a nice meal too. Today you were working from home, doing some needed chores along the way. Bill was at Finneases working on some stuff in his studio. You did take a small break though. Getting into bed and scrolling for a glass case to put around your new gift. Just to make sure it's safe. You go to grab your water, but as you do. Eyes glued to your screen. You hear a shatter. Uh oh. Your head turns slowly.
Panic rising within you. "Fuck. No no no." You say frantically trying not to freak out. You get on the floor picking up the pieces. Shit. It was really broken. You cry. Cry because you broke the sweetest gift, given by the sweetest person and you broke it. You curse at yourself. You feel so stupid. You're an idiot your brain tells you.
You grab the pieces, but as you do you accidentally cut your finger. "Shit!" You winced. How could this get any worse. You pick up any remaining shards. Standing up and contemplating. She was gunna hate you. You thought. You don't blame her, you had only just got it. Your hands go to your hair, all these bad thoughts rushing through. You were going to have a shower after you got the case. But now you don't even need the case because you stupidly broke the rose. So. Stupid. Your tears still streaming down your face, you felt so awful. The image of Billie being so hurt right after she was so excited giving it to you.
You get into the shower, sliding down the wall. All you could think about was how she was going to react when she comes home. The hot water ran over your crying form. You hadn't even heard the front door open and Billie calling out like she always does. Until you hear faint footsteps and the bathroom door open. "Baby?" Had she seen it yet...
"Y-yeah.." You reply, she opens up the curtain to see you in the position you were in. Confused as anything. "What's going on love?" She always knew when something was bothering you. "I'm so sorry." You pathetically cry out. "Baby, talk to me." She says stopping the water from running. You just shake your head, lip quivering. "Sweetheart, please." You take a moment. "Don't hate me." You weakly say. "How could I ever?" Her bewilderment made your heart ache more for what you are about to tell her.
"Go look on my bedside floor." Your voice was hushed. So incredibly worried as she goes to do so. Her eyes land on the last little bits of glass, looking at the shattered mess on your table. Her heart breaks, but not because you broke it and most definitely by accident. It was because you were so upset, she hated seeing you upset. She comes back in the room to you still in tears. "Bub, hey. It's ok." - "it's not. Im so sorry I'm so-" She stops your apologies. "Baby. We can fix it. It's fixable. And if not I'll just buy you another. I swear to you. It's all ok."
Her voice was tender. So soft and reassuring. Your crying settles just a bit. "Are you sure?" She nods. "So incredibly sure. I'm not mad my girl, never ever would be." Her hand extends out for yours. You take it and get out of the shower. "Are you hurt?" You pout at how sweet she was, you loved this woman to absolute death. "What?" She chuckles. You just shake your head. "Youre just so kind, I love you." She brings you in for a hug, you wrap your arms tightly around her. She couldn't give a single fuck that your body was dripping wet.
It lasted for a long time, before she pulls back and looks at you. "I did just a tiny bit but I'm ok." You state. "Where abouts?" You show her the red mark on your thumb, she grabs it. Bringing it to her lips as kissing it gently. "Like I said before if we can't fix it I'll buy a new one, this time with a case."
"Great idea."
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novemberheart · 6 hours
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{overview} You get a promising call from Simon. You get offered a job.
{warnings} fem reader, a/b/o dynamics, innuendoes, soapgaz
Chapter 29 <- Chapter 30 -> Chapter 31
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“I have a hand that works, you know?” He half-teased. The said hand was resting against your hip, making no move to leave.
“I like doing this for you,” you replied, holding another bite of mashed potatoes in front of his face. Kyle made a face- not at you but at all the carbs that have been shoved in his face the last few days. He was able to leave the hospital yesterday, all the traveling nearly undoing all the progress he had made. He adjusted himself on the couch, a pained groan escaping him.
“Would help if you didn’t have to move all the time,” you whined, his groan making you wince.
There had been quite a few differences from when Simon was hurt. With Simon you were unattached, with Kyle you felt everything. Not physically, all the pain you felt had been self imposed from feeling bad for him. That only made you feel worse when Kyle pushed down his pain to comfort you.
“Do you want to sit out on the patio tomorrow? It’ll be sunny.” You hummed, walking back over to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
“Didn’t you just get onto me for moving?” He chuckled, trying to slyly get comfortable on the couch again.
“Yeah, but this will improve your mood,” you shot back.
“I’m alright,” he yawned, running a hand over his face. “Just need my girl,” it was so quiet you almost didn’t catch it. You smiled, bounding back over to him. You just got comfortable when your phone went off.
“Simon?” You questioned. There was a sigh on the other line. They had all only gotten a few days off at the hospital, Simon and John being shipped back out to where they were, Johnny filling in for Kyle after he helped transport him back to base.
“Pup,” he mumbled. “You being good?” He hummed.
“About as good as you,” you snickered back.
“Not what I like to hear,” he tsked back. “Your fever go away?”
“It broke this morning. Hasn’t been back since,” you explained, curling up against Kyle’s good side. The pressure and exertion of trying to heal Kyle had caused you to have a near constant fever. “I went out with Anais and Jane yesterday,” you continued.
“Talk to me,” he grumbled. You heard some adjusting on the other line. You wondered where he was. What it looked like. If it was cold or hot. You weren’t even sure if it was day or night.
“We just walked around in the rain yesterday. Vernie likes that rain. She got all wet and muddy,” you yawned. Even just knowing Simon was there made you relaxed. “Simon?”
“Yes, pup?”
“What does it look like where you are?” You questioned quietly. You expected him to shut you down, especially after his sigh.
“You wouldn’t like it, pretty girl,” he replied. “Bare and hot.”
“Is it nighttime?”
“Early morning,” he murmured. You could hear him yawn. You seemed to be relaxing him too.
“I miss you,” you mumbled.
“You’re a tough girl,” he assured. You whined against Kyle, his good hand resting on the back of your head. Why couldn’t he say he missed you? Maybe he didn’t. Yet why would he call you?
“Bye, Simon. Get some sleep,” you mumbled, hanging up.
“Don’t take it personal,” Kyle spoke. He had fallen asleep during the interaction, still filled up with pain medication. Your whine had woken him up.
“Sorry for waking you,” you soothed, cuddling under his chin. Your phone started ringing again.
“What’d I say about hanging up on your alphas?” His voice was rumbly and went straight through you. “Hmmm?” He pressed.
“Not to do it,” you mumbled back.
“I’ll be home in a week,” he told. “I’ll show you how much I miss you then.”
He hung up. Giving you no opportunity to respond. Your mouth fell open, a warm storm beginning in your lower stomach.
“Thanks Simon,” Kyle grumbled, your melted scent making the hairs on his arm stand up.
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There was a soft knock at your door, making Kyle’s eyes flash open. He’s been skittish since he’s been back. You weren’t sure if it had to do with the accident, or the fact he was your only line of protection should something happen while the others were away.
“Just Anais,” you soothed, pressing a kiss against his heated forehead. You pulled yourself out of his arms, his grip on you unrelenting. Vernie followed you to the door. “We’re going to go for a walk!” You shouted, grabbing Vernie’s leash.
“I’ll be watching you!” He shouted back, making you roll your eyes. So bloody protective.
“Hey, beautiful,” you smiled opening the door.
“Hello my beautiful girls,” she cheered, a wide smile lighting up her face. She eyed both you and Vernie, the puppies teeth already digging into the toe of her shoe.
“Vernie,” you whined, pulling her away. Anais just giggled.
“Hi Kyle!” She shouted. You turned, seeing Kyle’s arm waving as far as he could reach.
“Hey, Anais,” he greeted. “You girls be safe!” He pressed.
“Dammit, no talking to strangers,” you cursed, closing the door behind you. Anais giggled, interlocking her arm with yours. Jane was waiting by the elevator. You wondered when she would stop being so shy with you. You supposed she has come a long way since you first met. You should just be satisfied that she looks happy to see you.
“We have exciting news!” Anais practically shrieked.
“Oh really?” you hummed, pressing the close elevator button.
“Remember when we entered that baking contest and won?” She questioned.
“We got third place,” Jane corrected a furrow in her thick brows.
“That’s a win to me,” Anais shot back. “Anyways the person who ran the contest, he was also one of the judges- the one with the spikey hair- anyway he's opening a small bakery just outside of base and he asked if we wanted to work there. It would only be open on the weekend, but we'd have to come in on Fridays and get some baking done,” Anais explained. Something in your stomach didn't feel right. Your cupcakes had been so good that someone wanted to hire you? You barely even placed. Maybe the two other teams rejected his offer.
“I don't know if my alphas will let me have a job,” you replied honestly. Omegas working were uncommon. You had to have an alpha sign-off on it. Omegas weren't allowed to have bank accounts either- well without alpha approval. That doesn't even include the act of convincing your alphas to let you go off base, by yourself, working for a man they've never met. It didn't seem feasible.
“Well, can you at least try?” Anais pleaded.
You suppose you could.
“It's really not even working. Just five hours for three days. Fifteen bucks an hour,” Jane added.
“Sounds like he just wants cheap labor,” you sighed. You felt bad once you saw Anais' face turn. “Sorry,” you apologized. “I’ll talk to them, okay? I promise,” you swore. The happy smile returned to her face.
It might be a good thing. Getting out of the house a bit. It would provide you with some sense of routine. You would also be able to make a bit of cash and you would be with Anais and Jane.
It might be a good thing.
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“Do you think John and Simon would let me get a job?” you asked. Kyle choked on his tea.
“Why do you need that?” he questioned, wiping his mouth.
“Spending money?” you teased.
“That's what mine and Johnny’s paycheck is for,” he huffed back. He leaned down, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. “I can say without a doubt they would not let you have a job, sweetheart,” he sighed.
“You don't even know what the job is,” you whined.
“Lovie, it could be popping bubble wrap and they wouldn't let you,” he reminded. “What is it though?”
“At a bakery. It's with Anais and Jane too. Just for five hours, Friday and the weekends,” you explained.
“Fridays are Johnny's “day off” you know he’ll pitch a fit,” Kyle reminded. It wasn’t really his day off, just the days he worked the night shift so he got to spend the day with you- instead of sleeping like he should. “What would you be doing? Baking or selling?” Kyle continued.
“We’d all be doing a bit of everything,” you explained.
“So it’s a new business?”
“Off-base?” he questioned, making you chuckle nervously. This would be the final nail in the coffin.
“Yes,” you sighed.
“Might be better actually,” he sighed. Your eyes widened.
“Really?!” you gasped.
“Yeah. The clientele will be way different. Won’t be a bunch of worked-up alphas going just to please their omegas. Instead, it’ll be families with kids and people with boring office jobs.”
Why didn't you think of that?
“You think I have a shot?” you pressed, your hands resting on his good knee.
“Not saying that,” he mumbled. He winced when you saw your face scrunch. His hand rested on the back of your head. “You might though, lovie,” he soothed.
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You gasped when the front lock clicked. You could hear Kyle shuffling in the living area, like he was trying to sit up. Johnny poked his head in, a happy smile on his face when he caught sight of you.
“Macky!” you shrieked, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled, his hands grabbing the back of your thighs hoisting you up.
“Missed you,” he growled, his teeth playfully nipping at your jaw. He walked you both over to the couch, flopping down with you pinned under him. He purred low in his chest, your scent mixing perfectly with Kyles. The two of you must've been inseparable. Speaking of Kyle, his hand rested on the back of the Scot’s neck, sending a shiver down his spine. “How’s the patient doin’?” he smirked, pressing a kiss against the frown adoring Kyle’s face.
“Was peaceful,” he sighed, going wide-eyed as his lips got caught with Johnny’s. He quickly relaxed, his hand gripping the back of Johnny’s mohawk. They both groaned, sending a shiver down to your toes. You were broken from your trance by the sound of a quiet thud. You looked over the back of the couch, watching as John kicked off his boots. You quickly slunk down not wanting to be seen. Guilt ate away at you as soon as you did it.
You two had made up- kind of. Yet, you wondered if it was just because you were feeling so weak at the time. You dabbed at your eyes, hearing the sound of his bedroom door closing. He had made no effort to greet you. Maybe because he was so hurt you didn't even notice he was there.
Or maybe he was having second thoughts too. Maybe he was caught in a moment of weakness when he apologized to you. What if he lied to you? What if he just said all those things in the hospital to keep you from spiraling so you could focus on healing Kyle? What if he was still just using you to heal his pack?
You couldn't live like this. You pulled yourself off the couch, the heated betas finally pulling away from each other, watching with careful eyes as you approached their alphas- your alpha's door.
His heart was like stone in his chest. If it wasn't for the teeth-gritting pain in his chest he would be completely numb. You didn't even look at him and you went out of your way to hide when you saw him coming. He felt sick. That sickness grew when he opened his bedroom door his eyes immediately falling on the one thing he hoped he wouldn't see.
Your nest was gone.
There was no trace of you in his room. In the whole time he's been away you hadn't stepped foot in it. He bit back a whine, his thumbs clawed at his sore eyes.
There was a soft knock on his door. He sighed, taking a few deep breaths to steady himself. He assumed it would be Johnny, checking up on him or asking if they could order a pizza.
You stared at him, a little nervous. His breath hitched, his first reaction to grip you as tight as he could and apologize profusely until you loved him again.
Did you still love him?
Could you?
Your eyes welled up at the sight of him. He was exhausted, beaten down by the world and you. You didn't want to prolong this anymore. The hurt and sadness. He had been punished enough. You forced yourself forward, your arms reaching up towards his neck.
“Alpha,” you whined. His knees felt like giving out and your mind instantly shut off when he tucked you into the safety of his arms. He shut his bedroom door with his foot, his large hands gripping onto any part of you he could reach. He pressed you against the mattress, his body covering every inch of you. He murmured against you, soft apologies, honest compliments, and assurances. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. He shook his head against your neck.
“I need my omega back, pretty girl,” He sighed. His teeth scraped against the spot he envisioned his mark going. Your heart twisted. Your hand gripped the hair at the base of his neck, pulling his face up to yours. Your placed an experimental kiss against his lips, which he deepened.
You felt complete again.
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Hi friends!!!! Hope you liked this next chapter! 🧡See you in three days for Chapter 31! And let me know…….how long would it have taken you to get over the situation with John? Lots of love!
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cvrsedslytherin · 2 days
I’ll Fuck the Depression Out of You
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Professor!Sebastian Sallow x FemaleStudent!Reader
Minors do not interact.
Professor Sallow knows exactly how to cheer up his perfect little student; the two indulging in their usual sexual acts. It was the only way she knew how to counter the depression. Getting fucked by her favorite professor. The only man to make her feel anything else and he certainly didn’t mind. As she was the only woman to make him feel alive again.
Warnings: Age gap, size difference, unprotected sex. Just jumping straight into the smut. PWP ish.
There is fluff too.
Disclaimer: University AU; characters are adults. This is just a work of fiction.
Divider Credit: @/thecutestgrotto
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Sliding in and out of her slick and warm tight heat had him a groaning mess. One strong hand of his, firmly pinned her delicate wrists above her head as he pounded into her with enough force to make the bed creak and almost shift across the wood of the floor.
“Bloody hell… you’re so fucking tight, love.” He rasped out, thrusting with reckless abandon at this point. Making sure that she felt every inch of his cock in that tiny cunt of hers. The other hand gripping her hip strongly, enough to leave a mark.
To go along with the other various marks he left on her earlier; love bites, little bruises. A little pain mixed with the pleasure, just as his petite beauty wanted.
She loved it when he called her ‘love’… or any pet name that felt like a sign of affection. That made her feel utterly wanted by this man, in more ways than one.
“Ngh… mnn… a-ah…”
Incoherent moans and whines escaped her pretty, swollen red lips. Swollen from all the kissing and biting he did previously. Her pleasure reached a new height and he could feel it in the way her pussy wrapped so tightly around his cock, wanting to milk everything out of him.
As his hips kept rocking back and forth, making sure to hit every delicious spot inside of her—he would grind his cock wherever she felt most sensitive. Knowing every part of those warm walls that engulfed him, what made her writhe. To feel destroyed in orgasmic bliss.
A face so innocent; so fine like a porcelain doll yet underneath that mask of flowery visuals was filth. A corruption that she only shared with him, her favorite person in general, not just a professor anymore. Granted, he was the reason she got so corrupted in this world of sexual satisfaction.
“Hngh! S-sir…—” She started whimpering but he stopped her, giving her a forceful deep thrust that hit her womb; which made her cry out.
“Sebastian… sweetheart. You don’t call me that when we’re doing this,” he hissed out, not stopping as she shuddered under him. There were no formalities in this yet she still would accidentally let it out.
“You call me by my name… haa, only my name because right now, we’re two humans, sweetie. Not a professor and student— fuck,” he asserted a bit breathlessly, jaw almost wanting to clench. He couldn’t halt pumping into her; she just took him so well as if he was made to connect with her. He never experienced such fantastic gratification before; never. Only with her.
“After hours… you’re mine,” the utter need in his voice was oozing out and she shivered now. Goosebumps of delight all over her arms; her pussy almost vibrated around his large shaft for a moment.
“That’s right… you felt the truth…” a low growl as he rolled his hips more; his hand squeezing the wrists above her head.
“Mine and I’m yours,” another groan left his mouth. Every urgent movement of his causes a groan out of him and a wanton whine from her.
The tightness of her walls squeezed his cock even more than before; his eyes almost rolled back, “fuck… keep, ah…” he panted, “keep squeezing, such a good girl.”
At the praise, a needy wail came out. He knew she loved it… loved hearing it from his low-toned voice; the Scottish drawl when he was just as wrecked as she was. Her praise kink only made an ego grow; the fact that his words meant so much to her.
“That’s right… my good girl.” He pulled all the way out for a moment; making her hips buck up a little, seeking him out. He smirked then plunged his cock right back in, to the hilt.
“Ohh, gods… Sebastian,” she choked up, eyes rolling back in ecstasy and he almost let out a needy whine at the way she sputtered out his name. His name sounded so beautiful coming from her lips; as if it was a prayer made just for him.
This had become a new recent routine; fucking like frantic lovers who couldn’t get enough. Fucking her until her cruel depression numbed out, making her incapable of feeling anything but him and these moments.
She was his best student, a model example of intelligence and hard work. With that deep set of knowledge came a depression though. The other students envied her for constantly surpassing them in grades. Then it was the way she looked… a haunting little beauty, only planting more seeds of jealousy to grow.
Which had caused her to be quite isolated from the rest of her peers plus she did not think like the rest of her generation did. Loneliness would accompany her, reminding her that she was a misfit. She was somewhat of an old soul as well and Sebastian noticed immediately, slowly getting close to her without meaning to until one day, their desires spilled out in his empty classroom. He would never forget the first time he fucked her… the first time he made her cum and not even once but multiple times. The way her virginity got stretched out by him although he was hesitant that first time. Not wanting to cross that forbidden line despite being adults. Not wanting to hurt her either but he did enjoy being her first. A primal urge had escaped though, unable to resist her. It was those damn stunning eyes… those big, doe-like orbs making him feel like all she saw was him. The disappointment on her face when he resisted a bit at first, trying to hold onto morals. The way she began to accept it and walk away. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel that way.
Not when he needed her too. So he showed his desire again, coaxing hers back out. It was a first time she’d never forget either. A memorable one.
Never did he think… this would happen. A reoccurring routine of ruining her, helping her get out every wild fantasy she ever had but never acted upon. That he’d be fucking this perfect, doll-like young woman frequently. This woman would go far with all the wit she carried but he should have expected it, he thought to himself.
That he’d get to have her in his bed often once the classroom, bathrooms or his private office weren’t enough. That he would feel the way his cock just perfectly molded into the tightness of her—it almost felt like a crime for the sex to be this amazing. And a crime to get to have her always.
The way her tight heat would just swallow his cock up, every single inch until the lewd noises of flesh slapping against her ass would fill the room too.
She was everything, brains and etherealness. Almost a Goddess that he felt lucky to know. Sebastian wanted to worship her, praise her… remind her that she was perfect. Even that raw, dirty side of her was magic. Every part of her soul collided with him, igniting a flame that never burnt out but only grew stronger.
He couldn’t believe that this small Goddess wanted him. He was about twelve years older than her; freckled faced with tired eyes from countless tasks with his job and diving into books and research of his own. He felt his age very slowly catching up to him though he was not old at all. She was twenty years old but still; he thought she should meet a man her age. Someone who would age the same with her, alongside her.
He was devastatingly handsome; everyone knew; the other professors, the other students. Despite the slight cloud of darkness around him, he had the charm and looks. A brain that attracted his perfect doll to him first over anything. The way he’d teach… the way he’d sometimes mix in some fun and banter. He could be serious, lightly aloof yet attentive and engaging. Words flowed out of his mouth so poetically at times; it made her feel like a moth to a flame. Wanting nothing more than to listen to him for hours—he made learning better. His looks were just a bonus. That brown hair, stylized in a slight swoop showed some messiness still. He probably had curls but didn’t know how to properly work them out. That was okay since this worked out too. Deep-set brown eyes that appeared dark but would glow honey-like in the lighting, nice lips; the bottom half was plump. Freckles peppered all over that face like constellations in the night sky. Then that body… strong from his achievements in dueling and such. He was tall and built well as if he was sculpted by the Gods themselves.
Despite being confident and sometimes cocky; he had also been a man with deep insecurities and doubts. Almost feeling as if he didn’t deserve this, didn’t deserve her. He was a single man; not ever having a serious relationship yet. A man who was once lost in trauma but became a respected professor. He was known for going stoic, being hard to get close to fully. The hardships of life got to him from childhood to now but this woman stepped into his classroom, entered his life, and brought back the soul in him, gradually.
Maybe it was love because it wasn’t only during sex that he felt alive. It was any single moment with her. A person never impressed him as much as she did. It was so much more but those deeper feelings stayed unspoken between them for now.
“How does my perfect girl feel right now?” Words punctuated by his movements, “You better feel nothing but this… hngh, all that sadness, I want it fucked out.”
He hated her depression; didn’t want it to capture her and demolish her down the line—she was made for so much and had proven it. If this was what helped then he promised to her, ‘I’ll fuck the depression out of you.’
Who needed medicine when you had Sebastian Sallow?
Her back arched a bit, her hands trembling in his grasp—mind gone almost fuck dumb as he succeeds in his promise.
“Y-you… I only… feel you…” her broken yet lust-filled voice croaked out, “Sebastian…”
“That’s my princess… so fucking proud,” he beamed almost. “Letting my cock steal away any hurt… letting me fill this sweet little pussy of yours… gods, this pussy that was made to be fucked by me.”
That got her arousal at a fever pitch now; “fuckkkk… Seb…” and his cock almost felt like it grew larger inside her at that reaction. He was absolutely throbbing now.
“Nnn… you like it when I say dirty things to you, don’t you? You like hearing me confess filth… huh?” His eyes darkened slightly as that came out in an almost feral sound.
“Y-yes… yes.” She barely strained out, “I- I do…”
A young woman who can say so many words during class hours; someone so sophisticated… now unable to form many words at all.
Leaning his face down as his thrusts started to get more needy, knowing he would be close soon but he wanted her to cum first—he captured her lips in a burning kiss, tongue diving in to remind himself how divine she tasted. So sweet, like a freshly picked cherry ready to be eaten.
He felt her tongue try to swirl against his in an attempt at dominance. He found it cute, grinning a bit against her lips until he won that battle—showing her who was the dominant one here. Muffled moans came from her throat.
Swallowing up her moans like a starved man who needed to feast on her. His hand on her wrists let go, slipping down to find her perky breast; to knead it. To make sure more parts of her body felt worshipped. Even though he gave her plenty of foreplay and action beforehand, the tender love marks on her body as proof.
With her hands freed, they latched onto his upper body; nails digging in to mark him in scratches he’d proudly wear. He groaned into her mouth, lifting his lips off of her.
“You’re driving me mad, you know that?” His voice rasped more and then he felt it—her cunt tensing up around him; pulsating with need and the way she squirmed with her body… then the look on her face.
He knew what it meant.
He stared at her for a moment; panting harshly as he admired how she would look before coming undone. His eyes trailed down her body… the way she was much smaller than him. His heart rate increased more at the sight. He looked at his cock working into her… the size difference of it all made him feel a bit animalistic.
‘She’s gorgeous… perfect… fuck… how did I get so lucky…’
“That’s it, darling, let go for me.” His voice was hoarse because he knew he would be coming right after her.
“S-Sebastian.. I’m… ah—!” She could barely finish that sentence as the orgasm hit and her release coated him. Her back completely arching in the bed; nails dug in deeper, drawing out a little blood which he didn’t mind.
The flooding sensation of her release pushed him to the edge this time; he pulled his upper body straight up, still rutting into her through her orgasm as he felt himself about to explode. His cock was throbbing so violently now, the buildup forming viscously in his balls. Her body went slightly limp, loosening as her nails left his skin—dropping to her sides, lying on the bed. Her pussy waiting for him to be next, still a bit tight even after she came—always relishing it, the final piece of satisfaction.
“Fuck, where… where do you want me to…” he managed to get most of that sentence out, holding back until she answered. He always asked her… despite the answer being the same every time.
“Inside.” Without hesitation she moaned out, seeing slight stars in her vision.
“With pleasure, love,” and he finally let go. Spilling waves of hot cum into her; making sure to fill her to the brim so that she knows, they belong with each other. That only he can fill her like this. His hips jerked and cock twitched inside as every drop was taken by her. He always had so much cum to give her and hearing that final cry of his name from her when it happened made it end perfectly.
He gently collapsed onto her; their breaths erratic, chests rising up and down, and bodies covered in sweat. Glistening in the light they tried calming down. They felt beyond satisfied and spent—nothing else was in this moment.
He was still buried inside her as he didn’t want a drop of his cum to slip out yet; he thought he could stay inside of her forever.
Oh, how he wished.
His face nuzzled into her neck as he lay there, peppering light kisses when they started regulating their breathing better. Making sure she got delicate aftercare of love, only some small pants and gasps are still around.
“You were amazing… took me so well, as always,” he murmured against her skin and she smiled softly to herself, eyes half-lidded and dazed. A hand of hers moved up to his back, to rub soothingly up and down.
“You’re amazing too… you make me forget the world.” She whispered sweetly and he let out a soft breath against her neck.
“You do the same for me… beautiful.” He whispered back, slowly lifting his face off her neck so he could look at her properly. When he got some strength back, he moved to not smush her with his weight.
She was blushing at the compliment and looked at him with hearts in her eyes. It was at that moment that he realized, he really did love her. He needed to say it, the feeling was gnawing in his chest.
“Gods, I’m in love with you…” The sincerity in his voice was heard, “Not just when we do this… not because of sex, but because it’s you. You make me feel everything…” he took his hand and caressed her cheek tenderly, gazing at her with sheer fondness.
Her heart skipped a beat; a soft exhale escaped as she had waited for that… prayed for those words one day, “I’m in love with you too… there’s nobody but you for me. You make me happy, Sebastian. You make me want to fight in life, you give me strength. I can unapologetically be myself around you.”
His hand trembled a little on her cheek as he melted at her words, “I don’t deserve you but I sure as hell am never letting you go.” A possessiveness overcame him and he pulled out of her, fluids spilling a little to drip down her inner thighs. Had he stared there, he would have gotten hard again but he focused on her eyes, the confessions they finally shared.
He moved to her side, laying down in bed and taking her easily to make her lay on top of him now. Wrapping his strong arms firmly around her waist, “my love.”
She leaned her face to give him a chaste kiss on the lips, whispering against them with the same words, ‘my love.’
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Honestly, this was the first smut I wrote & completed. I considered it just a tester… 😅 To see if I could actually write some type of smut lol. A little dip into. I don’t consider this that well written and from my recent fic, you’ve seen the direction I’d kind of like to go in now. Exquisite Hell… is my best work after all.
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thepersonperson · 1 day
Thoughts on JJK's ending and my Dream/Delusion Theory being wrong.
Original Theory
Follow-Up on Characters Feeling OOC
(Written using TCBscans. Click images for captions/citaitons.)
I want to say that this ending could’ve worked if it were given more time. The majority of my complaints are the rushing which I mostly blame exploitation at the hands of the manga industry and predatory contracts.
Here are my original thoughts on JJK 268 when it released and JJK 269 when it released. I've basically reverted to those opinions.
Examining JJK 268–271 as Presented
When the last chapter of Umineko came out, its author Ryukishi07 very much spat in the faces of fans. He mocked them mercilessly and it was glorious. Every single criticism he lobbed at them was warranted because he targeted the fans that refused to see the love he put into his work or engage with the story on its terms.
“Without love, it cannot be seen.”
Ryukishi gave you all the tools to solve the mystery. He told you exactly how to do it. And yet some weren’t satisfied. They wanted everything neatly handed to them in a bow. Ryukishi denied them that simple ending in favor of sticking to his vision and rewarding the fans that accepted Umineko for what it was.
I have my own issues with the ending, but none of my complaints are related to that. I can also say with confidence what happens is completely in character, it’s just not something I personally vibe with.
When I read JJK 268–271 I feel that same creator frustration. I see Gege’s fatigue with fans who care only about the surface level presentation and nothing else. There’s been so much fun setups and follow throughs. So many subtle characterizations and symbolism that goes unnoticed by those who are unwilling to see the love Gege puts into his craft.
“JJK fans can’t read.” This is a fandom joke that is very true. A massive part of the fanbase ignores subtlety and gets upset or confused by Gege following through on it. The entire Sukuna battle was like that. You could pick out all the reasoning behind their actions if you paid close attention.
But then we get JJK 269 where Gege does something he's never done before—over-explain everything bluntly in a way that adds more plot holes and hinders character development. It feels like Gege is going “You don’t understand what I put down? Ok fine! Here are the answers!” It feels like getting to tell those fans off was more important than everything else.
Instead of doing a Ryukishi where he tears into uncharitable critics and rewards those who gave him a chance, Gege just abandons it all and makes an ending that won’t fully satisfy anyone. 
With my theory, I decided to look past everything I hated. I decided to trust that if a mistake was made, Gege would call it out like usual. I decided to trust that the inconsistent locations were intentional because Gege has not once ever flubbed them. I decided to trust the clever set up and follow through that’s always been there, even when Gege’s health problems were at their worst.
I decided to look at Gege’s work with love and my heart was trampled for it. My post now serves as glaring proof the ending is botched and nothing makes sense. All the plotholes I found solutions for are bigger than ever. JJK 269 in its entirety is utterly pointless narratively. It could’ve been spent on political fallout, grief, or villain backstories, but instead it reads like a defensive Reddit post.
JJK 271 isn't Satisfying
JJK 271 made everything about JJK 269 worse and then added some more nonsense. Sukuna’s last appearance really sucked for me. I found his entire interaction with Mahito to be grossly OOC.
Mahito is a character who finds humans disgusting and doesn’t care about their opinions or what they do. They also don’t like Sukuna. When Jogo believes that the age of curses needs Sukuna to work, Mahito says they can surpass him. The very idea that Mahito would be upset by Sukuna becoming more human goes against their entire established character.
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And more continuity errors!
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This conversation is actually their 4th. Here are the other 3:
Sukuna warning Mahito not to touch him.
Sukuna punishing Mahito for touching him.
And Mahito telling Sukuna to shut up and watch him be even better.
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Their relationship was antagonistic and Mahito desired a world without Sukuna. Why would Sukuna be with them in the afterlife?
And if Sukuna was going to change his mind it should’ve been with someone he cared about. Jogo and Gojo would’ve been great candidates. Or you know…it could’ve been Uraume themself. In the way Yuji voiced his feelings to Megumi and reached out to him, Sukuna could’ve done the same with Uraume. It could’ve been a thing that expanded more on their relationship and how it came to be. But Uraume doesn’t even get to voice how they feel about anything.
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What we get is Sukuna talking to someone he doesn’t like about his emotional issues he has been suppressing and then deciding to live for a person whose history we know nothing of.
I knew him being an unwanted child screwed him up. But that kind of stuff takes a long, long time to unpack. And Sukuna, up until this point has given no indication he was ready to acknowledge his trauma, just like Gojo. Even in the end Gojo can’t admit to Toji and Geto traumatizing him. Sukuna knowing his heart and being so casually open about it just flies in the face of the subtle characterization that existed up until that point. (I wanted Hidden Inventory Arc type reveal you know! But tell not show is prevailing seemingly out of spite.)
He dies stubborn and hateful towards Yuji. He lies to him about feeling nothing and not liking flowers. For him to turn around in death and go I was wrong the entire time no problem to someone he has an antagonistic relationship with is extremely OOC because it wasn't earned. 
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And since when did Sukuna fear his own curse? When was that ever hinted? All that was suggested was Sukuna having a rough childhood and being exploited by others until he had enough.
Even for all the characters that survived, this isn’t a satisfying ending. Their coping with trauma is unrealistic and contradicts earlier characterization. Their relationships are not explored further. All their arcs or goals are neglected, save Yuji. Nobara didn’t even get to meet up with her childhood friends like she always wanted to. Just the mom letter.
It’s also jarring to see that a series that began with mourning, a series that made itself different by having children deal realistically with traumatic things, end where that heart no longer exists. We have so many characters who are explicitly motivated by their trauma. And we get to see them cope with it in their unique ways and still choose to chase joy through the hurt. 
And these final 4 chapters? It’s gone. Yuta being so distressed over everyone treating Gojo like an object and not acknowledging his personhood? Gone. Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara sucking at dealing with death? Gone. They all act like none of it really mattered and won’t affect them for the rest of their lives. Those who were lost are forgotten quickly and their efforts are not remembered. (At this point, everyone ignoring Choso hurts worse than Gojo tbh.)
The Totally Not Kenjaku surviving decapitation and brain eating makes no sense if that's real. And the implications from that are horrible. All Gojo wanted to do was mourn Geto’s body. All we wanted was to see someone mourn him or acknowledge his efforts. I was hoping they’d be buried together. The idea that Geto’s body is possibly being used by a the master manipulating rapist while everyone is ok with that sickens me. (Does any remember Choso?! But hey, let’s kill all the incarnated culling game players who were victims of manipulation or outright helpful to the protagonists’ victory!)
It’s also why Mei Mei surviving and going unpunished or criticized for her treatment of Ui Ui sucks to see. And I guess while we’re at it. Kusakabe really did tell a 15 year old to his face he should’ve died. (And he was wrong about that like the higher ups. Yuji and Sukuna were a backup plan and the fingers were getting stronger all on their own. Gojo was the only adult who took productive action against it.)
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The revolution really did die with Gojo. His dreams were good and noble. Resetting the Jujutsu Society and its exploitation was needed. But he gives up on them and asks to be forgotten. It's done in a way that feels like Gege is addressing his fans directly and telling them to get over him too.
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I knew Gojo was suicidal, don’t get me wrong, but he was characterized as someone who had a hard time understanding that others did care about him. I was hoping for the revelation his intuition was wrong via a funeral or mourning. That didn't happen and it breaks my heart. 
Yuta tried to empathize with him. We see it with the Yujo plot that goes nowhere except to disrespect Gojo’s body one last time. We don't even get to know if he was cremated or buried or how Yuta felt about that experience. It is extremely hard to see this all as anything but Gege expressing resentment for Gojo’s popularity.
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And I’ll give Gege credit for that. The only theme that stayed consistent was Gojo being seen as an object to be exploited by everyone, except Sukuna. (I’m not even sure if I can include Yuji and Yuta in the cares deeply for Gojo anymore. It’s so OOC for them to be like this that I want to ignore it.)
The balance of the world changed when Gojo was born. We had several chapters dedicated to how this impacted various people's lives from Toji to random curse users. His death should be just as impactful.
But you know. Kenjaku was proven right. The cycle of curses will continue on because the systemic problems were never dealt with. 
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The conditions that allowed for Yuji and Sukuna to be created still exist.
I understand why people like myself want to reject this ending. It doesn’t feel like Gege put love into it. All the fun little quirks this series had are flattened and discarded in what feels like spite. Not even the final battle has the fun energy that was present just 4 chapters ago. 
I’ve decided that I’ll accept these last 4 chapters for what they are, but reject everything they stand for. They’re more interesting to discuss and pick apart than actually read…which ironically is how I feel about Umineko’s final chapter.
And speaking of Umineko… My favorite thing about the reaction to my Dream/Delusion Theory was this—the people who said, if they can’t handle what’s in the catbox, this is their canon. 
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The fans who love the series and want to weave their own tales based on this in a way that helps others cope, please tag me in your creations. (Especially you @rosemaryreality!) It’s all incredibly Umineko and I’m forever grateful I got to experience the Rokkenjima Incident in real time.
Very important to Umineko’s themes, there was a common sentiment type across those that were dismissive of my theory vs those who were receptive to it—their perception of the mangaka, Gege.
To those that believed Gege was a bad writer, the idea that he could be clever and put love into this series was impossible to them, and therefore my theory was impossible. To those that had faith in Gege as a writer, my theory was solid, even if it needed a little tweaking.
I had the most fun with those who cited manga at me to make corrections like @runabout-river. Or those who wanted clarification on the holes I missed.
The ones that were entirely dismissive? It was boring. Their arguments mostly amounted to “Gege bad”. (I won't post screenshots here because I don't want them harassed, but they are there if you want to verify them.) Not a single person offered me an interpretation where the events were literal and took place in reality using manga panel citations in a way that tied it all into JJK’s themes and characters.
That disappointed me immensely. I wanted someone to prove to me my reasoning was wrong with a similar methodology. Instead they drew rebuttals stemming from their perceived flaws or outright dislike of Gege.
This is quite literally what happens in Umineko. It’s a murder mystery that can only be solved if you consider love. Both the love within the characters themselves and the love the author has put into his creation.
Is it magic or is it a simple trick? Is it a delusion or is it reality? Depending on how you answer and solve the mystery, your interpretation of the story itself changes too. 
I wound up being wrong of course, and Gege really did screw up everything in the end. But while that delusion was real? I had a blast.
I’ll be forever grateful to everyone that proved Ryukishi right about Umineko’s core theme.
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novaenocyon · 2 days
We need a Wonderlandian word for Princess! Help me out...
As someone who loves the idea of there being a Wonderlandian language (or at the very least, a pseudo-language) that they speak in throughout the Underland, I think there needs to be a word for "princess".
I mean, just think about it---Red is always calling Chloe 'princess' and 'boo', so Chloe needs something to call her as well! And I mean, I know Bridget's title 'Queen of Hearts' is more an ode to her whole cards theme, and she's actually the Empress of Wonderland. While that would make Red an heiress more than a princess, I still think there would a word for it! Plus, Ella might have called Bridget by this term at some point, so it can be used in that way too.
If you look below the cut, there's a few words I've collected (some are canon within the Alice In Wonderland world, others are my own ideas which you can feel free to nab and use yourself). Use those as inspiration and use those beautiful brains so we can think of something cute for Chloe to use to refer to Red as!
I also have a hell of a lot more hc ideas so @ me or reblog this if you want more (BEG FOR IT MWAHAHA /j)
• Regions ~ Witzend (Hatter Land, mountainous), Queast (a brimful land to the East), Snud (Southern land, home to Grampus Blues/Trotter's Bottom), Salazen Grum (aka Desert of Crims), The Tulgey Wood (Tove/Jabberwocky/Jubjub /Bandersnatch territory), Gummer Slough (viscously muddy swamp), Iplam (SW near Tulgey), Caterpillar Bush (within Cheshire domain, near Iplam), Bramble Bay (on the other side of Tulgey Wood), Looking Glass Mountain, Vorpal Mountain, 
• Language (Outlandish) ~ Tulgey (Twisty), Wanderer/Wonderer (Any Wonderlandian visiting Auradon), Futterwacken (joyous dance), Futterwack (one who is excitable) Brillig (almost supper; a time), Ezel (all that way; "You want to go up ezel?"), Fairfarren (farewell), Frumious (filthy/smelly), Gallymongers (crazy), Guddler (theif), Guddlegud (grabby hands; nickname) Gyre (spin), Klotchyn (Listen up), Mimsy (flimsy & miserable), Noge (get/go down), Nunz (not yet), Orgal (to the left), Stang (to the right), Outgribe (bellowing whistley sneeze), Saganistute (sage/astute person), Scut (vulgar word for butt), Slithy (lithe/slimy), Yadder (past/beyond), Zounder (behind/behind you), "Naught for usal" (no use in it), "Slurking urpal slackush scrum" (bad word of the most worst meaning), Temmut/Temnut (hero), Temsil (liberator), Gordazzlous (gorgeous/dazzling), Futtertitilles (butterflies), Titilleskips (palpitations of the heart), Titiller (flirt), Crims (grasp/hold or center/heart depending on context), Gnasher/Gnawer (Social terms for fanged Wonderlandians that act differently during teething season; One tears things to ease the ache in their gums, the other prefers to gently hold things in their mouth), Chumbler (A durable & bulky teether for gnashers), Grawnib (A delicate & intricate teether for gnawers), blockspade (blockade), 
• Plants ~ Prank Rafflesia (long tendrils, hangs people upside down), Fluttneb nuts (an unusually unimpressive nut with a sweet, caramel center), Nerghumfop poppies (explode with a sticky red dust), Pippernuttle (vibrant & colorful sticky-burrs), Besifentuc root (an ingredient in the WL fever medicine), Chawgritt trees (Grow in the Crims of Salazar Grum; Shed tough, high-nutrience bark that is often used in teethers),
Also a little extra thing, here's a little idea dump on the different card types:
~ Hearts = Status, (telethesia*) ~|~ Diamonds = Protection, (invulnerability) ~|~ Spades = Influence, (teleportation) ~|~ Clubs = Labor, (telekinesis)
*telethesia = the ability to know that something has happened or is in a place without the use of the five main senses. This can be used to slightly predict an outcome or stay in touch with Wonderland when on the surface (Auradon), often in the form of calls or a looking glass.
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penelopepine · 2 days
I love your work so so so so much 🩷☹️‼️
I would absolutely love to see a fic of Graves in the delivery room while his wife is in labor and how he takes care of her in the hospital after their baby has just arrived, I imagine he’d feed her with his own hands and would be so so so over the board with caring for her 🥺🩷
AHHH I love to hear that! Thank you so much!
Delivery Room
You had woken up this morning to a sharp pain in your abdomen and wet sheets below you. At first you embarrassingly thought that you had wet the bed, but when another wave of pain hit you quickly realized what was actually happening. 
Looking towards your left you see your husband, Phillip, still sleeping soundly beside you. Reaching out to him it only took you softly calling his name and a light shake of his shoulder for him to wake up. 
"Wha- What is it? What's wrong?" He asks with concern once he notices how you're clutching your stomach. 
"It's go time!," You hissed in pain, "My water broke and the baby's coming!" 
Without another word Phillip is instantly out of bed, and by your side helping you stand. “I’m here, sweetheart, I’m here. Let’s get you to the car now.” 
“It’s not time yet though; the baby isn’t due for another 2 weeks.” You hold on tight to Phillip’s arm as he leads you out to the car. Realistically you knew that the baby coming 2 weeks early is completely normal, and something your doctor had even brought up as a possibility during an appointment. Your pained and hormone filled brain couldn’t stop thinking about all the negative reasons the baby could be arriving early though. 
"Sweetheart, everything is alright with the baby. We're getting to meet them a little earlier than planned." Phillip says soothingly to you as he helps you inside the vehicle. Once you're fully inside you watch as your husband runs back inside, and grabs the hospital bag before climbing inside as well.  
The entire ride to the hospital Phillip was doing breathing exercises with you, and doing his best to comfort you. You didn't even realize you had arrived until your door was being thrown open by Phillip who was now ushering you to sit in a wheelchair. 
It only takes a few minutes of talking with the nurses for them to lead you both down the hall, and get you set up in the delivery room. You start to feel much better now that you're in the hospital knowing that the professionals are there to help you. 
The doctor comes in almost immediately after you've changed into the hospital gown. They say you're about 2cm dilated right now, and encourage you to try and get some sleep since it's the middle of the night. 
"Well you heard the doctor, sweetheart. Baby's not coming anytime soon, and you need all the energy you can get." Phillip sat beside your bed; one hand in yours and the other on your stomach. 
"So do you," You nod towards the couch in the room, "Get some sleep; I'll be fine laying here."
"That is not how this is going to work. I'll sleep once I know you are." He states, his voice not allowing any arguing of any kind. "I'm here to help you with whatever you need. Now, tell me what can I do to help you sleep?" 
"Just- Just hold my hand." That was all you needed right now. To know that the person you loved most was by your side during one of the biggest and scariest moments of your life. 
And for the next hour or so that is exactly what he did. Phillip didn't leave your side for more than a few seconds at a time getting whatever you needed to feel more comfortable until finally you fell into a sleep. 
You wouldn't say it was deep sleep, but even the few hours of sleep you got did manage to calm your panic from before.  Your head felt more clear, but now the pain was worse - 5cms dilated now, the doctor said. 
For the next 6 hours Phillip did everything in his power to make you comfortable, and help with the contraction pain. He put on music, gave you a massage, and even helped you with your exercises on the birthing ball. Until finally it was time to start pushing. 
"Just keep breathing, sweetheart. You're doing amazing." Phillip whispers to you. He's currently leaning towards you, and his hand is being crushed in yours. He doesn't complain once about you doing so - encourages it even. 
Phillip spends the next hour of you pushing standing by your side. Whispering praises into your ear; wanting you to know just how much he loves you. 
For as long as this whole thing was, it was worth it when you finally heard the shrill cry of your baby taking its first breaths - it's the most beautiful sound you've heard. With the baby now resting on your chest you take this chance to close your eyes and breathe. While you do so Phillip has grabbed a damp rag, and begins wiping your face of all the sweat and tears. 
"She's beautiful!" You stare teary eyed down at the newborn in your arms before lifting  your head to meet Phillip's gaze.
"She is," He instantly agrees with you. His eyes now move from the baby to you. "How did I end up with the two most beautiful girls in the world?"
You give a breathless chuckle before telling him, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, sweetheart. I love you too."
The rest of your time at the hospital was filled with you and Phillip taking in the presence of your new baby. This was something the two of you had wanted for so long, and it felt magical to finally have it. 
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iguessitsjustme · 1 day
I don't think Diew is getting enough credit for how good of a communicator he has been this entire show. I know God is upset right now because he thinks Diew is just going along with him and isn't saying when he doesn't want to do something, but we have been shown time and time again that Diew does not do things that he does not want to do.
From the very beginning, Diew has had no problem establishing firm boundaries. It's the main reason that we all call God a giant green flag. Because some of Diew's boundaries could have been ignored and called ridiculous, but they never were. God went out of his way to make sure he did not see Diew face to face because he knew Diew was not ready for that. And he knew Diew was not ready for that because Diew had clearly communicated and established his comfort level.
We even see it outside of their relationship when Diew tells Jane no. Even after being pressured by her. Even after she bullies him. He tells her no. He also tells her that he does not view friendship the same way she does and he's perfectly happy with the few close friends he has.
Diew and God had a wonderful conversation last episode when God was making Diew uncomfortable with how he was treating him while on their vacation. Diew waited until an appropriate moment when they were alone to bring it up and God sat and listened. Even if he felt a little defensive because no one wants to be the reason their loved one is uncomfortable, he listened, he apologized and he fixed it.
Which is why it was so painful to see Diew incapable of communicating to God when it came to Dr. Pee. We all watched those flashbacks and know how poorly Diew was treated by that man. But I think the most telling thing for how badly it affected Diew and how much he still struggles with it is that he did not tell God. Not because he didn't want to, but because that hurt is still so deep that he could not.
God has every right to be upset. Not only does he have Pee telling him falsehoods about Diew and how Diew just goes along with whatever which tugs and one of God's insecurities, but God also does know that Diew lied about how Pee was to him. That one little lie that Pee was just a senior opened the door for God to believe what Pee told him. Despite all of the communication that those two have had, one little worm of doubt found it's way into God's brain and now he doesn't know if he can trust Diew's feelings for him. God still fully trusts Diew, but he doesn't know if Diew truly loves him or loves Pee. We all know, but God does not. And when God gave Diew the opportunity to say anything and Diew did not, the worm buried itself deeper. Then buried itself deeper still when God called out Diew on his lie and made assumptions about the bracelet and instead of telling him anything, Diew left.
What I love about this conflict is there is no right or wrong person. They are both flawed human beings that are hurting because they love each other but they don't know how to approach this issue yet. Because Diew is traumatized by Pee and is shutting down whenever he has to be vulnerable because of Pee but God has no way to know that. So it just seems like Diew is shutting him down and shutting him out. Were there ways that both of them could have avoided this conflict? Absolutely. Diew could have said "This is a hard topic for me to talk about. I want to tell you but I need time to be ready." God could have not made assumptions about the bracelet being given to Diew by an ex. But that's not who they are. They are both flawed and beautiful and in love and sometimes being in love makes things certain things harder and makes people behave irrationally.
But I fully believe that these two can get through this. Please don't break up. And once they make it through this conflict, they will have a better understanding of each other and will know exactly how to handle similar conflicts going forward. Because that's the thing about this conflict. They need to work through it as a team. As partners. And if any couple can do that, God and Diew can.
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deadguywalkin · 24 hours
nsfw hcs for seb/sam/alex both solo & together because i’m gay and still evil, just more evil this time
mdni with this post, cw nsfw, mostly mlm
i won’t be posting any more nsfw content beyond this, i just felt silly today
top, versatile but mostly dom, doesn’t mind bottoming
HUGE size + praise kink. wants to be praised as he’s fucking into them, to be told that he’s the best. also just thinks it’s really hot when he’s a lot bigger than someone
gets pent up very often which just leads to him being very rough and aggressive, in contrast to his warm and loving personality
very handsy and grabby, can grip a little too hard and leave bruises accidentally because he doesn’t know how to balance controlling his strength while focusing on the other person and himself, and just generally everything going on at once.
too embarrassed to just outwardly say ‘i need you’ since guys still make him nervous. he only knows how to talk to them in a bro way. will get eventually get desperate and then end up texting because he can’t say it face to face
also wants his face to be held gently while he’s looking over them as he’s told that he’s doing a good job. just loves being the golden boy
needs lots and lots of tight cuddles after so he can be reassured he never did anything wrong
the most versatile/switch man you’ll ever meet
‘hold on, i gotta get the right music’
usually very gentle and tender, gets insanely rough and messy when pent up
also really really enjoys being called a good boy while fucking into them 
bite bite bite bite. lots of biting. he just REALLY likes biting
pleasure top.. no words. he just wants to study their insides and see what makes them feel the best
really vocal. cracky and whiney voice
loves his mullet being pulled/tugged/gripped on
hints at wanting to fuck by grabbing at thighs, just being very handsy and giving them the look™ (fuck me eyes)
though he loves praise, he also heavily enjoys being threatened. throat grabbing and the likes
mostly dombot, but also pretty versatile and switchy
he has a smoking addiction.. he also probably has a huge oral fixation.
pierced nipples. do NOT argue with me on this he so would
opposite of alex’s size kink, loves being smaller and overpowered. being carried, beaten in arm wrestling turns him on significantly 
has a thing for bruises. he definitely loves getting off of his knees to see them all red or the occasional bruises on his hips/wrists
doesn’t mind whatever kink/thing his partner has and honestly just doesn’t care as long as he’s getting fucked stupid
not vocal. low and deep groans, and the very very occasional quiet breathy ‘hmmh.. hah..’ >> sounding like he’s full on sobbing pipeline
loves torturing them. just loves it. ;; he quickly lets go the second he feels a slight twitch. ‘not yet. good boy..’ he says, with a little ruffle to the hair. 
also enjoys watching them cry from overstimulation. he’s pretty sadistic when it comes to stuff like this
doesn’t hint, he just outwardly says it. but if they aren’t dating yet he gets flirty and uses his narrow eyes with a relaxed voice
all 3/general
wear their bruises/hickeys/bite marks like medals of honor. don’t even try to cover them up.
seb loves being able to just turn his brain off while being with those himbos and just open up his mouth. he usually has to do all of the thinking around them, but now he gets to just shut them up
samalex would probably be lying if they said they didn’t love seb being trans a little more than they should.. save me boypussy, save me..
seb rides them into oblivion LMFAO
sambastian just. love being overpowered by alex. they need to be put in a headlock
alex having many many gay and questionable thoughts about emo/pierced boys
sebalex are batshit insane about vocal guys
surprisingly very warm, gentle, loving, but interchangeable with being batshit horny and just fucking each other. 
can’t keep their hands off of each other. really really touchy
a lot of ‘is this okay?’ ‘sorry..’
‘mmhf.. you’re doing.. so good, bro..’
they switch often
sam takes a while to figure out what alex likes (with alex insisting he can just do whatever he wants), but eventually does figure it out and adjusts to it
wrestling to see who gets to top. a lot of wrestling.
they’re giggly and soft together
a lot of oral, seb enjoys torturing him and sam enjoys giving him what he likes/wants
they baby each other. they’ve known each other all their lives, so they’re just really comfortable acting like/doing whatever together. 
seb convinces sam to let him just give him what sam wants sometimes, not for him to just people please 100% the time
get high >> have sex while listening to csh
very handsy aswell
teasing selfies. they’re competitive and like riling each other up
they often fight for who gets to dom
>> often ends up with alex getting to fuck him stupid or seb getting to ride him mindless
‘fuck, good boy.. you’re doing so.. good..’
they just love being really risky with it
fighting/arguing >> angry sex
based off of the hairgel joke LOL but alex probably would infact keep hair products at seb’s house
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gffa · 21 hours
Hey, I saw an interesting discussion about the relationship between Leia, her fathers and Obi-wan in reference to her son(s). I never read some of the older books so I was surprised that she has a son called Anakin. The discussion is about the fact that she asked Obi-wan if he is her father and that she later gave her son his name. I have an opinion about this but it would be interesting to hear yours! You know so much about the books, interviews etc.
Hi! I was never too deep into Legends, so I knew about Anakin Solo, but I barely read anything with him (I barely read any Legends books, I tried more than once, but they just didn't take until I got infected with prequels brain, no shade, just personal preference). So, my area of expertise (such as it is, I mean, this is the pew-pew franchise lmao) is more with Lucas continuity (the first six movies + first six seasons of TCW) and Disney continuity and, to be honest, I've never been that wild about the idea of Leia naming her son 'Ben'. I think it works better after the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, where it gives her more of a connection to him, and in theory there's something interesting to play with on the idea of naming him 'Ben' after the person that brought them all together (I forget if that was from an author interview or in an actual book now), but it never just quite coalesces for me. I do like that it works better in that it's not just that Ben rescued her, but that he settled a huge question in her, that even as a little girl she ached to know more about her birth parents, she was turned around about how she wanted to move forward as a princess of Alderaan and what to do with her path in life--and she decided those things for herself, but he helped guide her along that path. I really do like that it helps smooth out why Leia would name her son after him! I just don't feel like it's quite there yet. What I would actually love to see is a story somewhere (in a post-ROTJ novel or comic or something) where Obi-Wan appears to Leia as a Force Ghost and talks with her occasionally, as he does with Luke. To tell her more about her parents (all of them), to provide someone to listen when she needs a calm voice in her life. Not necessarily that he's there constantly, just once in awhile to have a conversation with her, to show he still cares about her and watches over her, I think that would go a long way to making me believe she would name her son after him. I end up kind of in the middle re: Leia naming her son after him. I see potential, I can make it work, but it's also something I feel like was just a remix of Legends (Ben Solo instead of Ben Skywalker) rather than because it felt organically connected. But I can be convinced in multiple directions with a little nudge here or there!
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katyspersonal · 3 days
God, not to be one of those "hateful anons" but you really need to drop the "holier than thou" type thing on all of your lore posts. As much as I'd love to debunk why half your arguements are overused and don't work, I'll save that because that's not my point.
On almost all of your lore posts you mention at least once how "people aren't ready for stories of this level" or some shit along those lines, and let me ask you this: Why do you think people like you can digest these stories better? You would probably answer something like "Because I can understand these stories unlike these stupid from haters" or something.
You aren't digesting these stories better then anyone else just because you spend 1000 hours looking into what Morgott's moldy toe item description mentions. Like seriously, all this complaining about why the fandom sucks yet youre just like all those "holier than thou" people in the fandom who keep mentioning how THEIR perspective is better then someone else's.
You also keep acting like personal interpretation doesn't exist on some note. Saying how [X] is actually what happened and that people are denying [X].
I looked into your blog because I thought some of your posts were interesting, but it turns out youre literally just like all the other fromsoftware fans you complain so much about. Hopefully this gives you some perspective, I guess.
Nah, it "didn't give me the perspective", because you are the one seriously misunderstanding here. I say that we as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories SPECIFICALLY to criticize fandom behavior.
We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because there are people who claim that "Miquella's character was assassinated by bad writing because in the base game he was hyped up to be kind and compassionate", when his arc was a fall from grace. How falling from grace equals writing him to never have had that grace to begin with? We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because whenever Fromsoft does not directly state something, fandom splits into two hostile groups each accusing another of media illiteracy or even various -isms and -phobias. (I advice you to ask Gehrman fans from Bloodborne fandom for extra insight on this one) We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because when they DO state something directly, the "cool kids" of the fandom decide it was either a bad writing or that they know better, and start to side-eye everyone who prefers canon over their """improved""" fanon. We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because Miyazaki's brand of moral ambiguity, admission that there is no clear solution to world's problems and questioning the nature of humanity itself OFTEN falls on the deaf ears.
Like... you do realize that I still consider myself part of the fandom, despite not engaging beyond what is on my feed? That I do not claim that /I/ am ready for Miyazaki's writer genius? Just like everyone else, I can only do my best to TRY to understand him! Nonetheless, I am trying my best to be mature, and encourage maturity in others. It is hard to remain always calm and nice in a fandom that feels like a battlefield, everyone will get a bit rude! The point is to TRY to be better, which most people don't see the need for! I am calling out fandoms bad behavior and refusal to look deeper into story and characters than their habits and preferences, especially because these preferences often lead to conflicts and toxicity, not claiming moral superiority over my headcanons!
Personal interpretations are fair. What is NOT fair is when someone harps on a very well-researched post with easily debunked arguements, basically doing the "your post is nonsense because in my fanfic things are different" on them, and then another person that did not even read the post nor actually researched the lore beyond their preferences passionately agrees.
I'll have you know that I never spent "1000 hours on analyzing". I am autistic, you goddamn coward. I understand some obscure detail in a flash by just looking, or suddenly come up with an insight while busy at work. Sometimes I literally dream a theory or observation! I do not understand where the misconception that everyone needs to spend a lot of time to be hyper-observant about their special interest comes from. However, you believing that about me makes your claim even worse. You seriously just said that analysis of someone who.... well, analysed the lore, is not as valid as analysis of someone who just took scraps of lore they personally enjoyed to create their own thing. How does this make sense, exactly? Again: you'd have SOME point if you spoke against a stuck-up Reddittuber who makes it their daily mission to ruin someone's joy if their headcanon is not 100% accurate to the source, however, so far the inverse has been happening. People who decided something about lore just because it appealed to THEM will go and be rude to people who are trying to be objective. Not only this; I've had my headcanons (!) "corrected" multiple times because they were different from popular fanon!
.........speaking of certain people who think it is okay to harp on someone's lore post to downplay it when they are not even lorediggers themselves.... -_-
The way you glazed through my blog and jumped into an extremely inaccurate conclusion about my personality and attitude reminded me of the same impulsivity when someone took "stop treating Marika as noble hero against Hornsent evil, here are bad things that happened during her reign" as as "just another poorly researched Marika hate 🥺". 🙃 Your obvious vitriol for thorough lore research, your poorly disguised manipulation (you clearly did not think my posts were "interesting" with how much disdain you just expressed FOR them, but you wanted to wound me by faking "disappointment"), and above all, timing. My tone in yesterday's Marika and the fandom rant was in no, NO way different from how I usually speak in my blog! My mutuals (all 8 of them lol) can confirm! Yet I've never received (inaccurate) anon hate for this.. until now. Until recent very unfortunate encounter with extremely shallow individuals that started a debate yet refused to finish it when hypocrisy of the both was pointed out. 🌛
I think I know who you are. :/ 🤔 I'll keep that in mind, and being "prepared" will definitely lessen the effect if you try anything of the sort again, be sure of this.
(At the same time, IF I am wrong and you are just a fan that found me through that interaction, I'll have you know that your lowly cowardice by using anon instead of showing your face has put someone else under suspicion, and it will remain so unless you show yourself. In which case, hope you are proud of yourself. 🤦‍♂️)
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demigods-posts · 3 days
i���m confused. you are a huge fan of pjo characters right? so how do you sit there and not call out a problem? you claim percy to be smart, but when rick writes about percy being an idiot and annabeth deeming him as one for an entire book, you are fine with that? youre fine with how she was shocked at him being smart? why are you pretending like everything is fine? inlike most of us, you have a platform. you can reach people. the only way to make things change is to speak up. aka the only way for rick to change is if we tell him what’s wrong. just like we told him to represent nico better and he did.
it is not okay for him to write annabeth like he did. he butchered her character and make her treat percy terribly. the annabeth haters are going to actually get a platform now. you have to call rick out!!
I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I haven’t said Percy’s portrayal as unintelligent is a good thing — I just haven’t had the chance to share a full review yet. I actually agree with you that it’s disappointing how often Rick makes Percy the butt of jokes about his intelligence, and I think Percy (and Annabeth) deserves better representation too. But it feels like your message is coming at me as though I’m opposed to this view, when I’m not. I also want to highlight that I’m just one person, and while I appreciate passionate discussions about representation, I don’t appreciate being spoken to in a confrontational way, especially when we’re on the same side. I support speaking up when things need to change, but it’s important to approach these conversations respectfully.
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bidisasterevankinard · 14 hours
I'd have put my money on the conflict being Buck charging full speed ahead with the relationship (eg wanting to move in) while Tommy sort of puts the brakes because of past relationship trauma and not fully believing Buck's committed enough. BUT a bigger storyline wouldn't be just about this so I'm very curious
I see your vision and I agree I'm sure the main problem wouldn't be the argument itself, yet I don't think it's gonna be helicopter crush, but some other thing or maybe car crush or bad call, but I'm not sure it's Buck who will run too fast. Because he tried to commit to fast (Abby), to commit slowly (Ali) and commit in good tempo but because of bad reasons (Taylor) and because of different reasons it bit him in his ass. Ofc he wasn't the one who was on the blame relationship fall(with Abby and Ali it's hard to find his fault at all) but it still I'm sure it made him scared bc he doesn't know how to commit to a person as he should in good tempo bc of good reasons. I kinda feel it's gonna be Buck's problem. To be able to say why he wants to be "it" with Tommy, but not to get back to his clinging phase (also btw 8x5/6 it's time Gerard is back so maybe he will add to the problems for Buck to get over. Now i also think maybe Buck will be met with the close to Athena's situation in season 2 when she had a chance to get new higher job but she loved her life like that and only Bobby wasn't the one to tell her to go and change her life. Maybe Gerard would offer Buck smt in the other station and it will lead to Buck need to address what he wants from his future and from his life rn)
As for Tommy it's harder to say anything bc we don't know his love life story except that he came out only in 2017. There's a lot of hcs and I see Tommy as the person who had little slut phase but then tried serious relationships and bc of smt it never clicked. Is that possible he wouldn't want to be more serious with Buck? Ofc, but there's also can be that he actually the one who feels like Buck is less commited after he went over his panic and trying to chase Tommy. Maybe Tommy would feel insecure about smt
Everything is possible. Also ofc i wouldn't be so against moving in in episode 6, but my gut tells me it's not gonna be it. I think I love you scene more possible. And i bet moving in it's at least middle season finale if not the season finale. Bc how Tim and Oliver talked about this season I feel like they would try to get Buck and Tommy to get to know each other really really good and overcome some difficulties first, before moving them together(especially if they would decide bucktommy it's not it break them before they moved on together would be easier. I see bucktommy moving in together close the them getting engaged). Madney and BuckTaylor both moved together only in second part of the seasons where they officially dated (3 and 5s), bathena also moved together only in second part of the season they officially dated (2s) but yeah it was definitely faster. My bet bucktommy gonna move together around 10 months of dating, not 6 as I suspect it's gonna be in 8x5-6
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trivialbob · 1 day
As I mentioned recently, I have been going downtown to the office a few times a week to work. I'm not required to, but I miss downtown (or at least what I remember it used to be like*) and I like riding my bike to get there.
You know how easy it is to flip off or scream at another driver? Most people don't behave like that to another shopper who is in the way in a grocery store aisle. Face to face changes how people interact with each other. Inside a locked car people are fearless, easily and loudly explaining to a fellow motorist how stupid they are.
I've noticed this phenomena at work. There's a woman I recently met in person for the first time. For no valid reason, other than her voice and mannerisms annoy me, I've disliked her immensly.
When I finally got a chance to speak in person with her, it was clear she's super nice. She gladly helped me with something that saved me a lot of time. I'm relieved I never yelled at or flipped her off in a video phone call.
There are two other people I have been around in the office. Neither is familiar to me; we don't work in the same divisions. I don't know their names, but they both sit near me.
One is quiet. Except for when he drinks out of his insulated metal water bottle. He shakes and twirls it, making the ice cubes clang against the side. It's horrible. I've silently harbored ill feelings about this man.
Then one day he overheard me talking to a close coworker about something in our building. He politely added to our conversation some useful information. Suddenly he wasn't this awful person, because I finally chatted with him. The guy is actually nice. The water bottle noise is still annoying, but I lost the urge to dent his head with that bottle.
The other guy who sits by me, well I haven't found a reason to talk to him yet. Every morning he walks in holding a Clorox wipe in each hand. Every surface of the desk gets wiped before he sits down. The rest of the day he will touch other surfaces with bare hands, even the handle to the rest room door. If he's a germaphobe he's not good at being one.
For breakfast this guy eats some slurry out of a Mason jar at his desk. Even now I can hear the metal spoon scraping against the inside of the clear glass jar as he tries to get every last drop of whatever is in there. I don't know what he's eating but I assume it would make me barf. When the jar is empty he sets it aside then lets out a small belch every time I am there. When I notice he's almost finished I walk away, knowing the little belch is coming.
I really need to say hi and introduce myself to him, before I'm fired for assaulting a fellow employee.
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cherryrikis · 1 hour
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OPERATION: LOCKDOWN - 008 ! mickey and minnie
pairing -> gamer!riki x beauty influencer!fem reader
synopsis -> you hated gamers. riki hated ulzzang’s (except you). so after weeks of fighting to be the top streamer, (and riki’s poor attempts to charm you), he suggests to collaborate so you could both be number one. you tried to keep it professional. but the more time you spent producing content together, the more you realized just how much nishimura riki really meant to you.
previous <> masterlist <> next
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“riki! give me back my phone!” you gasped, seeing as he was texting minjeong and karina in the group chat. you didn’t bother asking if he saw any of your texts because you had nothing to hide.
riki pouted playfully, but still put the device into your open purse when you put your wallet away.
“here.” you said, taking the mickey ears out the plastic gift bag. “i wasn’t sure what you wanted but i knew you didn’t want something basic. so i got you this pirate themed one.” you showed the headband to him, lightly toying with it.
“it’s perfect.” riki assured as he gently held your wrist. “sorry..”
“let me put it on for you!” you squealed. you tapped his shoulder, gesturing for him to bend down.
“one sec.” he muttered, before taking off his current headband. “okay, go.”
you replaced his sweatband with the mickey ears, lightly fluffing up his hair as it was flattened by the headband. “looks good. thank you.”
“yeah of course. see, look! now we’re matching. we’re like mickey and minnie.” you exclaimed. riki smiled at your enthusiasm, but quickly stopped as he felt his cheeks grow warm.
“i never understood the concept behind these headbands anyway. but, it’s cute.”
“well it’s your first time at disneyland! i thought i should make it special for you.” “you’ve definitely succeeded so far, y/n.”
“hi guys! this is the first vlog after a long few months, since i’ve been so busy with modeling. nevertheless! this is a very special video. as you can see, i’m here at disneyland. but i’m not alone! because im here with…” you introduced, before the camera was turned around. “yo, this is nishiriki2005. you can call me riki.” he waved with a peace sign, before focusing the lens back onto you.
“we just got off pirates of the caribbean, and we’re about to get in line for haunted mansion. so stay tuned.” you smiled. “aaaaand, cut.” riki droned on, before signaling the recording ended.
“your online persona really is different from your real personality.” you hummed.
“you said that when we did the baking live. which do you like more?” he raised a brow with genuine curiosity.
“i like both. but the real you is my favorite.” you whispered as you held his hand tighter.
wait. pause. when did you start holding hands?
“now let’s go! i need content!” you laughed, before dragging him into the line.
“this is my favorite part of the ride.” you said to riki, not realizing you were yelling because of how loud the music was.
you quickly started recording and flipped the camera around to the grand hall scene, making sure your lens picked up the ballroom ghosts.
“how do you feel riki?” “yeah, i see why you like it. it’s beautiful.”
he gently took the camera out your hands as your vehicle moved past the scene. with his right arm, riki held the camera out facing you both. you stifled a chuckle as he grew startled, when the ride turned backwards and dropped.
riki wasn’t aware that his fingers were still interlocked with your warm ones. but you didn’t mind. his hand was cold. you liked the balance.
after you cleared a few more rides (including indiana jones, big thunder mountain, matterhorn, etc.), riki wanted to skip fantasyland (and whatever else you hadn’t gone to yet) because he also bought tickets to go to disney california adventures.
so, you left disneyland, and walked to the other side of the entrance, to california adventures.
originally, going to both parks wasn’t the plan. you didn’t want riki to spend so much on you, (even after you insisted to pay him, he refused), but riki heard so much about the latter park, he was certain he’d like it just as much.
he was right, almost. he liked it even more than disneyland. the rides were so much bigger and more intense.
currently, it was around 10pm. the park wouldn’t be closing until midnight seeing as it was a saturday. you two were stationed across from each other, outside of the restaurant ‘lucky fortune cookery’ in san fransokyo square.
the camera was propped up on a napkin holder, slightly facing away from you. riki was doing a mini mukbang segment for his channel (and a small part of your vlog), while you were eating in the background.
“so, riki.” you started speaking before taking a bite of your birria ramen. “what are your top 5 rides from both parks as a first time enjoyer?”
riki put his potsticker down and gasped. “that’s such a hard question! i can’t even decide right now with all this good food overwhelming me. you go first.”
“alright.” you chuckled. “in order, probably.. radiator springs for sure, and toy story mania second. hmm..” you hummed in thought.
“see! it’s a tough situation.” he laughed.
“alright! okay, i’ll prove it’s not. haunted mansion, star wars, and incredicoaster, that’s 5.” you exclaimed. riki lifted one hand up, giving you a high five.
“okay now me! definitely guardians of the galaxy as number one. then, incredicoaster second. matterhorn, radiator springs, and indiana jones!”
“perfect.” you said in awe, reaching to high five him with both hands. riki interlocked your fingers with his, but then reality hit you.
you froze, before gently pulling away. you realized you were getting too close, too comfortable. and you shut down, like you always did with any boy after gunwook. even sometimes seunghan.
you looked down, too scared to make eye contact. but when you did, riki smiled at you, before going back to eating his food.
it was silent for a moment, but not awkward at all. it was slightly comforting, even after the little moment you had.
“y/n..” he started. “i know, i’m sorry. i don’t know why it happens, i just-” you cut him off, beginning to ramble. but riki stopped you. he reached for your hand, holding it softly. “it’s not that. i just think that i know why.”
“you do? how..?” “it’s some kind of trauma response to gunwook. you shut down because you’re scared it’ll happen again.”
he took note of your silence. riki knew what you were thinking, it was written all over your face. “yeah, i know. sunoo and sunghoon told me.”
you nodded in response, before mumbling something. riki almost didn’t catch it, but hes glad that he did. “can i sit next to you?”
“of course you can.” he whispered back. riki pulled out the metal chair next to him, so you can take your place.
slowly, you leaned closer to him, before finally resting your shoulder in the crook of his neck. riki slightly flinched at the contact, but instinctively wrapped his arm tight around your waist.
“i’m tired.” you mumbled. “it’s okay. i’ll wake you up when it’s time to go home.” he said, bringing his free hand up to cradle your cheek.
“riki?” “i know.” riki sighed. “but you can trust me. i’ll never hurt you the way he did.” he muttered, before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. and that’s all you remembered, before falling into a deep sleep.
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paddysol · 1 day
unstable universe is unstabling my universe p1
Everyone say thank you Pluto for encouraging my insanity! Please note I'm solely discussing Wemmbu’s character (and PrinceZam somewhat) in Unstable Universe from a lore standpoint. (This will be a mix of my own hc and how Ive perceived the events on the server- also i've literally only watched Wemmbu and am doing this from memory so bear with me)
God I have so many thoughts on UU!Wemmbu (and Mutiny Duo) dear lord. Like, the necessity of constantly being forced to put up a front due to the hunger games-esque environment of the server, the paranoia that has you looking over your shoulder, presenting yourself as a threat, making sure that you can back that statement as much as you can because if you’re seen as weak then you’re might as well dead. 
We see this in Wemmbu who, let's all be honest with ourselves, cares about the people around him (obviously to a degree, bc of the nature of the server) and the struggle between showing that care and taking care of himself. Like, the amount of times Wemmbu has threatened to ban someone and yet never followed through is Crazy. This man literally has never carried through with a death threat, and the reason why no one realizes that is because of the “infallible” persona he plays up, and his team-up with Zam’s crusade where they chunk-banned several players. Chunk-bans!! A temporary removal!! Someone needs to call him out for his empty threats. This man literally jumped into an arena to save Roshambo from FlameFrags because it was a losing battle and Roshambo was in danger of getting death-banned. He didn't need to. He already confirmed ManePear’s information and solidified their allyship. He didn't need to stick around. He didn't need to put himself in danger. Wemmbu knows he can't fight Flame and win, he actively compensates for those situations and avoids them without extensive planning Because he knows that. 
(Note: I am aware that he killed Tyrad, but consider that was a 3? 4? vs 1 fight on a server where players expect you to fight tooth and nail to live whether it be through totems, stasis chambers, escape, etc. When Wemmbu drops Tyrad there was genuine shock, muted or not. He didn't expect someone to Actually die. Reflecting on it is obviously not an option, he’s in the middle of breaking into a prison with several guards on his tail. Guards, who mind you, are stocked with the necessary effects for a fight. Additionally, when engaging in pvp Wemmbu tends to fight with the intention of escape, not actually killing his opponent.)
Of course, despite the violent nature of UU, developing a genuine relationship with other players is inevitable. Wemmbu makes several comments about ‘if he wanted to play alone, he'd load a single-player world.’ (Obviously a bit meta, but you know what I’m getting at.) And we see him do that. I’m mostly going to be focusing on PrinceZam and Eggchan as those (at least to me) are the most developed relationships, but there are hints of thought and care aimed at players we don't see too often. 
As I mentioned before, there's a struggle to show genuine care for a person on a server that will see that as a weakness and immediately exploit it. And we see that struggle between Zam and Wemmbu, who, despite consistently being at odds with each other, find satisfaction in that relationship. Sure, both of them are walking red flags, but there is genuine care in how they feel about each other, even if they're constantly holding back in order to maintain whatever image they've created for themselves. They're rivals. They constantly snarking, they're at each other's throats, they call out for each other in a fight, they make sure they have a full inventory (potions, gaps, enchant bottles, etc). They dress their worry with a lackadaisical attitude and are steadfast in believing that it's just that, even when their actions become entirely unnecessary. Wemmbu had a monopoly on the elytra, makes a point about it, yet easily gives one to Zam at the most logical opportunity (and then proceeds to give literally all of them to him sir wtf?? Crazy behavior I would never). Zam allows Wemmbu to treat him as someone other than a king, he lets him use the mace even if he was the one who got the heavy core; he trusts Wemmbu to have his back. Wemmbu traded the mace for Zam’s life not even knowing if it would work. They show love in the only way the server allows. And sometimes that care becomes too genuine, and they force themselves to pull back. 
“I’d never betray you- unless it's convenient.”
To reiterate, both Wemmbu and Zam have a plethora of issues, both are incredibly unreliable narrators who barely trusted each other but got very close. “I’d never betray you,” Wemmbu was too honest, that’s dangerous. “Unless it's convenient,” while definitely holding a modicum of truth, the statement feels so tacked on. Letting players know that you're attached to someone or something? Hell no. But even if he didnt mean it entirely and was mostly trying to save face (dare I say warn Zam from getting close?) he still said it. And of course Zam, who came from nothing and has built an empire, who has successfully worked to become someone who cannot be taken advantage of, who knows exactly how soft his underbelly and how to ensure no one else finds out, fixates on that. How can’t he? This is a man who, with every step, is looking back and allowing his history to haunt him. This is something that clashes so loudly with Wemmbu, who can't afford to think about the past, who can only change the present, who must persevere forward. Until Zam blows up the kingdom he asked Wemmbu to build. 
(Note: This analysis? Idk what im doing anymore im just yapping- Is more focused on Wemmbu than Zam, but I am aware that he likely has own complicated perspective that plays into his actions.)
At first the change in their relationship is subtle, small shows of power from Zam, a reminder that he is a king. Then it becomes sickly familiar tactics, tactics that Wemmbu has always accompanied, never faced. Their rivalry turned sour, every interaction they have haunted with what used to be. Wemmbu, who cares so much, watches the physical manifestation of his loyalty to Zam be blown up and thrown in his face, ‘my sweet, sweet Wemmbu’. He was used, manipulated, underestimated by someone who he, against all odds, cared for. Hate begins to fester, Wemmbu calls it a betrayal. You can't betray someone who didn't mean anything to you first. 
And then we’re able to witness unfiltered care between Wemmbu and Eggchan. We watch the pretense of the “infallible” player fall as he dresses himself in diamond, giving the netherite to his friend instead. As he ensures Egg’s safety in his schemes, as he trusts Egg to have his back, takes fights he knows he cant take so that Egg has more time to get out. And that loyalty is reciprocated tenfold. Egg is allowed numerous opportunities to leave, yet he chooses to stay despite the hardships. It's everything that was just out of reach for Zam and Wemmbu. (There's definitely a lot more to talk about but this is already gonna be so long). Egg won't stand by as his friend begins to come undone at the seams. He wont play into the cutthroat game this server has spun itself into. Which of course has consequences. While off on their chunk-banning crusade Zam and Wemmbu inevitably learned what made the other person tick. Kidnapping Egg was just another move on the chessboard bc god forbid that even if they hate each other, they take their eyes off each other for a second. 
This functions as the last straw, one last ditch attempt from Wemmbu in his war with Zam, he can't promise success but he sure as hell makes sure that he hits where it hurts. He blows his kingdom sky-high. And eye for an eye and a debt settled.
And then Zam apologizes. It's not necessarily out of the blue, for all the hurt he’s enacted on Wemmbu he's kept him alive for one reason or another (they are emotionally constipated dumbasses who care about each other and refuse to admit it). This changes everything and nothing. Despite the genuine admittance of grief and regret, the two don't pull their punches. They can only guess how many totems they've popped and how many are left. They switch foils. For a brief moment Zam does not allow his past to haunt him, ‘I don't want to accidentally kill you.’ Wemmbu, for all his persevering, for all his ability to focus on what he can do now, cannot let go of their past. For the first time, Wemmbu does want to kill a player. 
We’ll never find out if he wouldve carried through.
(ending this now bc this is too long and i have even more to say about the prison eps tbh, havent written in out yet tho T-T)
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kantynavi · 1 day
kaedehara kazuha x reader: suggestive, mean!kazuha, gender neutral/fem/male!reader, inspired by my literature major! kazuha smau 
“Kazuha?” you ask, puzzled, shifting in your seat. “What’s wrong?”
He’s silent for a moment, but the tension in the air is thick. Finally, he speaks, voice low and clipped. “Did you submit our thesis to the professor?”
You blink, your mind racing. Did I? No, you haven’t yet, but you figured you had time. “Not yet,” you admit, frowning slightly. “I was going to—”
“You were going to?” Kazuha’s voice rises slightly, a rarity for him. His tone is biting, underlined with irritation. “The professor cornered me in the hallway today, demanding to know why it wasn’t submitted. I had to deal with all of it, and you couldn’t even bother to tell me you hadn’t done it yet?”
Your heart stutters at his sudden sharpness. Kazuha, the one who was always patient, always understanding, now looking at you like you’ve personally wronged him.
“I didn’t think it was that urgent—" you start, but he cuts you off.
“Not that urgent? Are you kidding me?” His hands clench into fists at his sides, the tension in his body radiating as he paces a short distance in front of you. “You’ve been procrastinating for weeks, and I trusted you to handle it. I thought—” he shakes his head, “—I thought you had it under control. I didn’t expect to be called out in front of everyone!”
Anger surges up in you, matching his. “I said I was going to submit it, didn’t I? Just because you’re feeling the heat now doesn’t mean you get to dump this on me! You could’ve asked me earlier if you were so worried about it!”
“You shouldn’t need me to ask!” His voice reverberates through the room, his chest rising and falling faster now as he stands right in front of you, glaring. His eyes, usually so soft, now pierce through you with a rare intensity. “This was your responsibility.”
You stand up, heart pounding, unable to stay seated in the face of his anger. “I’m not a child, Kazuha! I know my responsibilities! Don’t you dare act like I’m incompetent!” Your voice is louder than usual, the argument heating up between you two.
But instead of backing down, Kazuha takes a step closer, invading your space. The proximity only heightens the tension. You’re both practically nose-to-nose now, and you can feel the heat radiating from him.
“You’re not acting like it,” he growls, his voice dropping low again, dangerously soft. His face is inches away, his breath fanning over your lips.
“And you’re acting like a complete ass!” you snap, your own frustration flaring to match his.
There’s a brief silence. His eyes flicker, darkening, and suddenly, you can’t tell whether the heat between you is from anger…or something else entirely.
Before you can think, Kazuha’s hand shoots out, gripping your wrist—not hard enough to hurt, but firm enough to make your breath hitch. His touch sends a jolt through you, unexpected. His gaze drops to your lips for a split second, and the air between you shifts, electric.
The next words out of your mouth come out breathless, almost taunting. “What, Kazuha? You’re going to yell at me some more?”
His grip tightens ever so slightly, and his other hand snakes around your waist, pulling you sharply against him. “I should,” he murmurs, his voice now low and rough, the anger blending into something hotter, more dangerous. “But maybe I have another way of getting through to you.”
Your pulse races as his lips hover just above yours, teasing, waiting, as if daring you to make the next move. You can feel the tension in every fiber of your body—an unresolved argument hanging in the air, but also something else, something far more primal. Your free hand curls into the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer without even realizing it.
“Maybe I’ll teach you how to focus,” Kazuha breathes, eyes locked with yours, and then, with no warning, his lips crash into yours.
It’s not gentle, not like the Kazuha you’re used to. It’s hard, demanding, full of the frustration and anger that had been boiling between the two of you moments ago. His hand slips into your hair, tugging just enough to make you gasp, giving him the opening to deepen the kiss, his tongue sweeping over yours in a way that makes your knees weak.
You push back just as fiercely, the argument fueling the heat between you. Your back hits the edge of the desk, but neither of you care. His hands slide down, gripping your hips, pulling you impossibly closer as your fingers dig into his shoulders, trying to ground yourself against the intensity of it all.
When he pulls back slightly, his lips brush your ear as he whispers, voice still laced with that heated edge, “Still think it’s not urgent?”
You barely manage to catch your breath, eyes hazy as you glare up at him, refusing to back down. “Maybe you should remind me again.”
He smirks, and in the next moment, his hands are on you again, pulling you into another searing kiss that leaves no room for argument, only the raw, undeniable need between the two of you.
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