#yessss @ any muse you want
leagueofdccm · 5 months
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// cough cough --- like this for a SHORT RANDOM STARTER from any of these muses that I have higgghhhh feelings for, for when i come back from having dinner with my mom & step-dad !! maggie . daryl . rick . rosita . jack ( oc twd muse. maggie & negan child ) . caden ( oc twd muse . leader of vegas ) . jughead . betty . joe . joel . beck . jax . soldier Boy . Homelander . Starlight .
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potol0ver · 9 months
Hello! I've really enjoyed your hcs and requests for Erik and I was wondering, could you write one for Erik with a partner who is an artist that views him as a muse? Drawing his masked face and doodling his hands and figure silently all the time even if they don't tell him they find him beautiful outright, it's obvious in their secret artwork
Yessss this is adorable i love this
Tags; GN reader, artist reader, Drabble (I still don’t know if I’m using that word right-)
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Even before you and Erik got together, Erik knew about YOURE artistic skills. Always watching you from the shadows as you worked on your next masterpiece. No matter how “bad” or unfinished the project was, he adored it like it belonged in the museum. The older works that you forgot about he stole and put up in his home deep under the Opera house, he couldn’t help it, he needed to be surrounded by your brilliants.
After you two starting talking and interacting with each other he noticed how your works became a little more moody, or take more inspiration from the Opera house itself more. Erik entertained the idea that you’re doing that because it reminds you of him, but he snaps himself out of it thinking that he’s just showing you more of the Opera, of course you’re inspired. It’s not because of him.
Overtime the two of you became an inseparable pair, you can continue to work on your art in his home as well as he can work with you in there to, if anything it’s boosting both of your work ethics. Erik sitting at his piano and you sitting nearby with your sketch book in hand, how can it get any better than this? Perfectly domestic and calm as you two worked on your art. If only he knew, just like he’s writing songs about you, that you’re drawing him as your muse.
Sitting in your lounge chair off to the side of his piano room, you sat sketching him with a charcoal pencil. Slowly but surely capturing his appearance with small strokes and the occasional intentional smudge of the charcoal on the page for definition. You couldn’t help but have a small smile as you take a look at the page, you capture him perfectly in your eyes. His mask, his hair, even the disgruntled look of him as he focuses on his music, leaning over his piano.
Truth be told this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. You’ve say many times in this chair sketching him, let it be just his face, or maybe some anatomy practice where you focused on how he held his body. Like all artists hands were the bane of your existence, but you couldn’t help but try and tackle that subject to immortalize his, whether they’re in his leather gloves or bare, they were always intriguing.
Erik was always a muse to you, even before you ever saw him and only heard his voice. Those drawings of the opera house you did were made to try and capture him. They were always the places and moods that you felt like captured his unique aura and voice. The day you finally saw him even in the shadows you couldn’t help but try your best to get it on paper. Truth is you’re as infatuated with him as he is with you, but he’d never guess that.
Now that you’re spending most days with him, it’s hard to hide the fact you’re drawing him. As odd as it sounds you just didn’t want to be seen as a creep for it. Your sketch book quickly filling up with all the sketches you’ve done of him, and you still don’t feel confident enough to show him one. Maybe, in time when you create a masterpiece as him as your muse will you finally show him, but until then, he’ll continue to be your secret muse.
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heliads · 1 year
LISA YOU DID NOT GIVE ME TIME TO PREPARE FOR THIS!!! However, I already had a few ideas in mind for the next time you opened requests, so:
May I pretty please request a Thorin Oakenshield + gender-neutral reader where the reader is a fairy who comes along on the journey to Erabor because Gandalf thought they needed another magic-user? Reader is a very sweet sunshine who gets along great with all the other party members, but because Thorin doesn’t trust fairies the same way he doesn’t trust elves (because they didn’t assist the dwarves after Erabor fell the first time) he refuses to let them get close to him. However, he does start to get closer to them and develop feelings for them as time goes on, but after the Battle of the Five Armies (where everyone lives, obviously) they can’t find the reader for a while and Thorin is terrified they might be dead. And when they finally find them relatively unharmed Thorin freaks out and confesses his love because he doesn’t want to lose them, and then there’s a very nice fluffy ending??
Of course, if you don’t want to write this, that’s totally cool!! Thanks and I hope you’re doing well!! <3 <3
YESSSS i am ascending to a higher plane thank you for this SUBLIME request
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The water is wide, the mountains high; no journey worth taking was ever meant to be easy, so you may assume from the first few treacherous days of your travels towards the Lonely Mountain that this quest of yours will be quite worthy indeed. It is not in your nature to spend much time musing on the unhappiness of a time, only to find its merits, but, well, there are far more sources of unhappiness than happiness on this particular journey. 
It would not be too much of a leap for even your optimism to be brought down a notch or two, to say the least. Already, your smiles are lacking a little at the seams; your jokes, not among your finest work.  Patience is stretched thin amongst the company, and the shadow of Erebor is no closer to the tips of your boots than the Shire far behind you.
The Shire was not your home, though, only the starting point. The last member of the company was Bilbo Baggins, your burglar, and he took quite a bit of convincing before he was willing to set a single foot beyond the familiar confines of his home. You’re not sure he was wrong to question the idea of the quest, though, nor if he regrets it already or not. Danger dogs your heels like a bloodhound, plus the rest of the company is nothing like any of the hobbits Bilbo has ever met.
Bilbo Baggins would not be the only one confused by his company, however. As a faerie, you’ve had the opportunity to travel far past the bounds of your city, to meet characters both kind and cruel. The Fae cluster in settlements like elves, but they disperse themselves to the winds, too. Most of you end up tossed to the whims of Fate soon enough, anyway. This was your chance to get to know the world you inhabit, and it appears you’ll get far more of a tasting of it than you ever expected.
It’s not terrible. That should go without saying. You are not unhappy that you are here, nor bitter that you signed the contract to join the company of Thorin Oakenshield when you could have stayed at home to rot. It is a good cause, this, and it will bring you both glory and treasure, should you want it.
The biggest problem, if you were going to be completely honest with yourself, would be that dwarf tasked with managing all of you, Thorin. You get along splendidly with all of the other dwarves, and Gandalf has been a friend of yours ever since you wowed him with a particularly ingenious magic trick when you were small, but for some reason you have never been able to win over Thorin himself.
That is not for lack of trying, not in the slightest. Gandalf was the one who requested that you join the company, certain that having another magic user on their side would not be the worst thing in the world as you passed through dangerous territory and had to take on a dragon later on. You showed up to meet the company with the best and purest of intentions, but Thorin seemed unable to accept the fact that you really wanted to help.
In truth, you don’t think he wanted to accept it. Thorin is displeased with the faeries the same way he’ll never forgive the elves, for the same reasons he’ll glare icily at humans. When Thorin’s kin fell along with Erebor, the faeries didn’t help. Thorin begged for aid, but the faeries did not respond. You’ll never fully know why, nor were you personally responsible for the betrayal, but that does not stop Thorin from treating as if you were the linchpin keeping support from his people.
It doesn’t matter, though. It doesn’t have to matter. Thorin’s personal feelings are not why you signed onto this quest. You joined because an old friend asked, and because the idea of helping to liberate the dwarves’ homeland from a dragon seemed like a good thing to do and a fascinating way to pass the time. Faeries don’t take things seriously. They never have.
So, you let your caution with Thorin fly away from you on an eagle’s strong wings, and you throw yourself into helping whenever you can. Gandalf is pulled away from the company soon enough for a myriad of causes, and even Thorin can admit that your magical skills come in handy soon enough. You save all of their lives dozens of times over, and you find real friendship in the company while you’re at it. Nothing a little optimism can’t handle.
Some of the nights get long, though, and the warmth of a covert campfire can only keep your tired frame from shivering for so many hours. They say the bones of the Fae are hewn from diamonds, your blood, the eternal nectar of the gods, but at this moment, you want only the mysticism and riches of a good meal and clothes that actually protect you against the chill. The mountains only get colder as you travel through them, and you don’t think you’ll be able to shake the prick of gooseflesh for decades if not centuries.
You’re on watch at the moment, scanning the dark horizon around you for monsters or orcs while the rest of the company rests. You’ll have another hour or two before you have to wake the next guardian– Bilbo, actually, who’s still snoring with the rest– so you should have plenty of time to yourself until then.
You should, at least. You don’t, because someone here is still awake. You had cast a spell on yourself to amplify sound and sight at the start of your watch so you could spot intruders that much more quickly, which is why you’re aware of one heartbeat other than your own that isn’t in the lull of sleep. When you tilt your head to the side just enough, you can make out someone staring in your peripheral vision.
Thorin. Who else? At first, you feel a rush of indignation bubble through your veins. There’s no reason for him to be awake on a night like this. Everyone is exhausted from weeks of hard travel, but he’s forced himself to forgo rest so he can make sure you are actually doing your job. After all this time, he still doesn’t trust you to do watch properly. It’s infuriating.
Sick of pretending like you don’t notice, you turn abruptly to stare him dead in the eyes. You expect Thorin to do something:  address you, maybe, or do something to acknowledge that he’s been caught, but instead he just holds your gaze coolly for a moment longer before turning on his other side. Half an hour later, he’s asleep.
Heroes. You’ll never understand them. The Fae are not the stuff of legends; your people prefer to linger in shadows and sunlight both, existing for themselves and for the glory of magic. Heroes, quest-leaders, warriors, they were never someone you grew up with. They have different motives, ones you don’t understand. They think they need to watch your back just because it’s the right thing to do. It confuses you, makes you believe things that might not be true. You don’t need someone like Thorin messing with your head right now, but he seems perfectly content to do it anyway.
The rest of the night passes without issue. You finish your watch shift without anything impactful, and rouse a deeply annoyed Bilbo to take over after you. Thorin doesn’t trouble you again, and indeed, the next day he seems perfectly content to act as if nothing had ever happened.
No self-respecting faerie would ever let themselves drop a grudge, though, so you manufacture a way of bringing it up before long. The company disperses in a long line, the slower ones trailing behind while Thorin keeps up the charge at the front. You make your way up to him, waiting until everyone else behind you is sufficiently far away so as to not hear a word of the inevitable quarrel, then cast Thorin one sidelong glance.
“Would you like to tell me why you’ve been watching me?”
Thorin actually stumbles while he’s walking, but manages to right himself just in time. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”
You weren’t expecting him to outright deny it. This past night hasn’t been the only time you’ve caught his eyes on you. It has happened from the very start of the quest, actually. At first, his gaze was pinned to you like a wanted poster, full of judgment and suspicion. Recently, the hostility has gone down, but that doesn’t make him any less willing to look away. His gaze chases your heels as you clamber over rocks, lingers on your fingers as you fight. All this, and he still wants to act as if nothing has happened.
You scoff. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Let’s discuss last night, then. You keep staying awake during my watch. Why? Do you really trust me that little?”
Thorin shakes his head, keeping his gaze firmly trained on the horizon. “I do trust you.”
This does actually come as a surprise. He hasn’t been able to admit it aloud, likely because that would contradict his whole idea that faeries are selfish creatures who left his people to die in the fall of Erebor, but apparently he’s made an exception for you.
“Then why not let me conduct my watch in peace?” You pry.
Thorin jerks a shoulder up and down once, a taut and tense version of a shrug. “I don’t want any lapse in judgment to injure the people I care about.”
You feel your relatively good mood drop. Thorin lashes out often, most frequently when he’s sure he’s only leading his company towards their imminent destruction, so you shouldn’t take it personally. Kind of hard not to, though.
“So you think I’m blind to attackers and I’ll get everyone killed, is that what you’re saying?”
“No, I’m just worried that there are things out there worse than one of your spells,” Thorin argues, but he doesn’t sound too convincing anymore.
You shove your hands into the pockets on your coat. “You know, I just don’t get it. If you’re this opposed to faeries, why did you ever let Gandalf convince you to let me join your company?”
“I didn’t want to at the start,” Thorin begrudgingly admits, “but that was at the start, like I said. Things are different now.” He pauses, voice heavy with secrets as of yet left unsaid, then adds, “We’re different.”
You think this might be the most honest thing he’s ever shared with you. It makes you feel– a lot, actually. It makes you feel things you have not considered until now. Thorin does trust you and he does have reasons he wants to keep you around. In fact, he might even be counting you among the people he cares about and wants to protect.
You don’t have much time to think about it, not on the road and not even after you reach Erebor and immediately have to contend with an infuriated dragon. Thorin shows you the place after you have a moment of relative peace, pointing out the details his ancestors built into a home that has not been his in quite some time. It is as if he wants you to remember all of it. It is as if he wants it to be yours as well.
Peace does not last forever, it never does. One day, you’re exploring every room and corridor of Thorin’s home beneath the Lonely Mountain, the next, you’re watching army after army pour over the surrounding hills. No one likes power when it isn’t theirs. The thought that Thorin might finally have claim to his ancestral land wasn’t well favored by anyone in the vicinity, apparently.
That only means that you’ll have to fight twice as hard to keep Erebor in the hands of your friends. Even when the elves ride up to your doorstep with the humans, even when the orcs arrive out of nowhere, you stay and fight. Always. That’s what you do for the people you care about.
Thorin had asked once if you were going to leave. He’d posed the question slowly, hesitantly, eyes on any other object in the room except you, but you’d still had the perfect view of the relief on his face when you told him you would stay until it was done. There was still an open question of what you would do when it was over, but surviving a battle of this magnitude was the first crisis to deal with. Anything else could happen later, once everyone made it through alive.
That alone seemed like an impossible task, and by all accounts, it should have been. Never before in your life have you cast so many spells of such strength, saving the lives of your friends and ending those of your enemies all in turn. When it is over, you are covered in blood and ash, utterly exhausted, and injured, but your heart beats, at least, and that is enough.
You were separated from the rest of Thorin’s company during the progress of the battle, drawn out to find the best vantage point from which you could cast your spells. At first, you were going for long distance attacks, lobbing fireballs and extensive charges from a crumbling rooftop, but orcs quickly descended upon you and you were forced to resort to closer quarter magic instead.
Perhaps that is why they thought you were dead. When they could no longer see your spells from across the battlefield, there was no way to tell for sure if you were still alive. You were far away from them, fighting off the last of the enemy, and you didn’t find them for a while.
More specifically, they didn’t find you for a while. Later, you hear that Thorin had been in a sort of frantic haze, going over every rock and stone in his path in an all consuming quest to find you. You weren’t with Fili and Kili, who were immediately folded into the search party, nor were you alongside the other dwarfs. Bard had not seen you. Neither had some of the elves. By all accounts, you were gone. Vanished from sight.
That was the one thing Thorin wanted to hear the least. A body is something you can handle, a final decision. If he could not see you, he assumed you were either dead or about to be, and only his actions could save you. He would run himself ragged trying to find you and stop your death before it happened. He would have forced all the orcs in the land back to the fiery hellhole they came from, fought every monster and defeated every enemy, if it would have stopped a sword from piercing your heart.
And so, when he finally stumbled over a rocky outcropping and saw you calmly casting a spell of healing on one of his cousin’s soldiers. You had turned upon hearing him approach, and the last of Thorin’s terrors left him in one fell swoop. You were alright. He was alright. Everything, although damaged and broken and wholly consumed with ash and blood, would somehow end up okay.
Not much was said. Both of you lacked the words. Too many friends had been lost, not enough saved. Erebor would be protected, though. You swore that oath at the start, back when you joined the company for the first time, and you promise it again now. The Fae will have to wait a little longer to welcome you back. You would like to stick around a for a while.
requested by @starlit-epiphany, i hope you enjoy!
tolkien taglist: @rogueanschel, @retvenkos, @gods-fools-heroes, @crazyhearttragedy
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ihateapbiology · 3 months
hiiii would you ever continue „salt In the wound“? I luvvv the trope of her coming home from tour
I love your writing so much!!!!! ❤️
yessss thank you sm!
Stay down
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the converse of salt in the wound where it’s Julien needing some comfort
You absolutely adored the routine you guys fell into when she got back from tour. Whenever you weren’t at your work you guys were back to being attached at the hip. You always valued the little moments of just being in Juliens presence just having her next to you, which is what a lot of yalls time had been recently. She had been riding her own career high, feeling so happy to just be in her heart, having a beautiful muse (you) and just enjoying writing songs and producing. You loved just reading a book or doing work while she was writing away in your arms. You’d always try to read some of her lyrics and she’d giggle and close the notebook “you need the full experience baby” she’d giggle kissing your lips. You had never felt happier. But on the other end of the relationship Julien, had started to feel like a shitty person. There wasn’t a huge exigence for this but rather a build up of guilt which she’d push down and then it’d come back full force. From having to leave on tour, from your nerves about the salt in the wound kissing, to now spending more time on her solo career she somehow warped into her head she was neglecting you. As you’d happily lay with your head on her chest fast asleep she’d spiral looking up at the ceiling. She didn’t deserve you she didn’t deserve you she’d repeat. Until one day you get hope from work smiling and happy until you see her crying.
“Honey what’s wrong.” You ask alarmed.
“We need to break up.” she utters not even meeting your eyes.
“Julien what? What did I do wrong.” you ask immediately tears filling your eyes.
She then feels horrible for making you feel bad even furthering her guilt “I’m a terrible girlfriend you deserve more.” she gasps her breathing getting ragged.
You make a conscious decision to try and be logical. You can tell she’s clearly worked herself into a spiral and no way in hell were you letting that end your guys’s loving relationships. “First off no. Second off want to explain why you feel that way.” You ask sitting next to her.
“All I do is work and work and work and I never spend any time with you and you deserve someone who can give you 100% of themselves and I’m sorry I’m just shitty. I just we need to break up.” She gasps “it’s for your sake.” She croaks out.
“Before I say what I’m going to say do you love me?” You ask.
“Of course I love you I love you so much.” She says confused which momentarily breaks her spiral. “Exactly and I love you so much so whatever it is we can work through this because we both love eachother and no one’s made some grave mistake.” You smile. “Now about this false narrative of you being shitty.” You take her hand.
“Julien, you are not a shitty girlfriend or a shitty person. No one can give 100% of themselves to anyone if they did that’s codependency and that’s toxic. But you give me a perfect amount, being with someone means being able to be with them through all seasons of their life and right now your life you have so so so many amazing work opportunities. I’d never ever want to hold you back. Besides you’re perfect to me baby I love our time together sitting in the living room working, being a power couple. I feel your love through all the little things you do, and it makes me happy that we both are comfortable enough to have other projects and such going.” You smile getting choked up, not for sad reasons but for happiness.
“Thank you thank you I just I I never want to make you feel like I don’t care because I love you so so much.” She says her breathing going back to normal.
“Lovey you trust me right.” You say caressing her hair.
“Then trust me to communicate to you what I need.” You grin as you softly put her beautiful hair into loose untied braids.
You guys talk for more time discussing how both of you are feeling and then being a cheesy couple and discussing how much one loves the other.
“I’m sorry for trying to break up with you I never would’ve gone through with it I think it was a desperate cry for help out of a spiral thanks for not just up and leaving.” She grins.
“I can’t let my future wife dump me like that.” You grin absentmindedly adding wife.
“You still wanna marry me baby?” She says stars In her eyes. Marriage had never been something she NEEDED but with you it became something she wanted just to have that domesticity and privilege to call you her wife.
“Duh.” You grin.
Something sparks in her and she grabs her song writing note book and guitar. “Can I show you something.”
You nod excited to hear one of her elusive songs.
3 minutes later you’re sobbing at how beautiful the words were.
You know whatever thoughts spiral into your guys’s heads your love for eachother will help make it better.
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lambilegs · 6 days
When I get hyperfixated on a character, I usually make a playlist of songs I think they'd listen to and I dive DEEP. Like... embarrassingly deep on the research 😅 But idk Lee strikes me as a '90s alt girlie. Like Radiohead, Mazzy Star, Placebo, CAKE, Nirvana (duh), Cocteau Twins, Garbage, Elliott Smith, Mojave 3... That kind of vibe.
But I also think she'd secretly know every single word of Will Smith's "Miami" and have a blank-CD, bootleg-burned copy of Britney's ...Baby One More Time labeled something completely different so no knows she listens to it lol. Oh, and when she's mad or has a bad day at work, she rolls down the window and blares Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" or Rage Against The Machine's "Killing In the Name."
I LITERALLY LOVE THIS ASK SM. like omg please please send me any thoughts or musings you have of lee, I'm actually obsessed. and omg, it's not embarrassing at all!! you're breathing sm life into the characters, and it's so interesting to talk about it!!
YES YES. like, I can totally see her listening to Thinking About You by Radiohead and Fade Into You by Mazzy Star. I actually don't know much music from the other artists listed (if you wanna give any recs, I'd be totally open to them 👀), but I have seen lots of people say lee reminds them of elliott smith, so I'd love to ask -- what songs do you think specifically relate to/remind you of lee? :o
AND OMG YESSSS she would absolutely have a guilty pleasure for pop, and secretly listen to it all the time (I literally have a headcanon for this in my drafts so I LOVEEE that you also felt the same hehe). and I've never heard Miami, but I'm listening to it rn and the idea of her listening to it in the car, arm hanging out, maybe smoking, is sooo attractive to me omg. and I just briefly listened to both of those songs, and you are so right, I could totally see her blaring them in her little cottage as she takes a smoke and tries to calm down KDJKDJ. she's so cute, I love her.
ALSO I LOVED THIS SM. I absolutely love hearing thoughts and theories on lee in detail, so please send me anything like this if you ever want to!! I enjoyed reading this so, so much, I got so excited when I first saw it in my inbox. and if you have any other songs that remind you of her, you can totally talk to me about it because I'm truly so curious about what she'd be into.
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keilahseverin · 1 year
Spell your URL: keilahseverin
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by @humblemooncat and @bananarose yessss 2x tags means 2x effort let's goooo
My URL = one of my WOL's name because I am so very creative haha.
This was HARD, but uhhh I made it hard on myself. I approached this a little differently from the description above and built a "soundtrack" based on Keilah's story. I had several criteria for picking songs here:
Can't pick two songs from the same band or source.
The lyrics of the song, if any, have to be relevant to Keilah's personality or life somehow.
The overall vibe of the song has to fit Keilah.
No FFXIV OST, that would be too easy (but other FF titles were fair game... even though none of them made the cut, lul).
I think the criteria worked, because I was able to fish around in my library and memory for a collection of songs that I think represents Keilah well in many different ways! (Plus, new story brainworms moved in how about that??)
If you decide to do this challenge, I encourage you to find a fun way to represent your muse that makes sense for you! Song titles, songs from OSTs only, whatever :)
Here is the soundtrack:
K - Kid A, Radiohead - I slip away, I slipped on a little white lie
E - E. Is Stable, Menomena - Coldness sets in like fingernails raked across the door
I - I Walked, Sufjan Stevens - I would not have run off, but I couldn't bear that it's me, it's my fault
L - La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral), Debussy - The slow, quiet buildup conjuring images of a drowned cathedral slowly emerging from the sea... only for the waves to roll back in, engulfing the cathedral, as they ever have. I can't help but picture Keilah's big discoveries about her own past taking place during this song. Okay and maybe I cheated a little using the French version of the name "But Keilah there is also an S in your name" Yes shhh quiet it's okay shhhhh.
A - Area Zero, multiple composers/arrangers (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet OST) [potential Pokémon SV late-game spoiler!]- The mysterious feel of this track-- like you're stumbling upon knowledge you shouldn't be witness to-- fits well with Keilah's personal journey.
H - Hand in my Pocket, Alanis Morissette - I'm sad, but I'm laughing. I'm brave, but I'm chicken shit. I'm sick, but I'm pretty, baby
S - Sacrifice, The Weeknd - Every time you try to fix me, I know you'll never find that missing piece
E - Emil (Sacrifice), Keiichi Okabe (Nier Replicant 1.22... OST) - "There are as many ways to view the world as there are people in it."
V - Valley of Calm Trees, Klaxons - While passing through the clouds of diamond dust as two mock suns arise beside our one, the sun-dogs guide the way towards the east and set behind the valley of calm trees
E - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere, Camellia - keilahbossfight.mp3
R - Recover, Chvrches - And if I recover, will you be my comfort? Or it can be over. Or we can just leave it here
I - Invincible, Muse - Don't give up the fight. You will be alright, 'cause there's no one like you in the universe
N - No One Knows, Queens of the Stone Age - I drift along the ocean, dead lifeboat in the sun, and come undone
Tagging 13 people here we go, 0 pressure to do this especially if it's not your thing, more of an FYI hi this might be cool if you want: @archaiclumina @miqomonkly @gobbie-boom @ravendas-xiv @ishgardmuffin @umbralaether @irisopranta @emetkoto @arinaxiv @emc2beans @protection-and-pleasure @whimsyxiv @wingedasarath and of course anyone else that stumbles upon this and wants to try!
Feel free to do this with your character's name instead, whatever floats your boat really heh heh.
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lixenn · 5 months
You wanna write a little thing and ocs are okay? Then I’m curious on how you’d write Chief/Dan and Celeste interacting :3
If you want help with it I’m right here for ya!
Me: I won't promise more than a few sentences!
Also me: Writes a scene that's over two pages long
Here we are, one Dan and Celeste interaction fresh from the nonsense generator, please enjoy (also tell me if my try at Celeste is okay)
Tagging my buddy @myrmyrtheorca because she needs to know how worried she should be about Chief.
Dan has read the same sentence more than five times in the last ten minutes, and he still hasn’t made sense of it.
What was this report about again?
Something about the budget? Or property damage? He squints at the page, willing the words to stop dancing across the document. There aren’t enough numbers for this to be a budget report and he can’t spot any curses, so he doubts it’s from the Reps department.
Does he even need to check this? Has someone flooded his inbox with unnecessary paperwork again?
Well no, Dave sorts the documents landing on his desk by priority and this one was in the red folder, so it requires his signature.
What is he supposed to do again?
Dan sighs, rubbing his hand across his face.
He needs coffee.
No, scratch that. He craves coffee with his entire being but getting it would mean dragging his body out of his comfortable office chair and that sounds like an insurmountable chore right now, so he is stuck with his exhaustion. And paperwork. He’ always stuck with paperwork. Damn Squalo and his meddling ways. Damn his past self for being tempted by the pay raise and accepting the promotion.
A dull clunk distracts him from him from cursing Squalo’s whole bloodline.
There’s a cup of coffee on his desk.
Dan frowns and pokes the cup with his pen. Surprisingly, the pen is met with resistance.
Not a hallucination then.
Why is there coffee on his desk?
Dan shakes his head. No that’s not important. Better question: How is there coffee? Is he secretly a Mist and hasn’t noticed it? Can he just magic coffee out of thin air now? Why wasn’t he informed of this power years ago? Could have had access to magic coffee the entire time?
What a waste.
The tantalizing scent of the black ambrosia drags Dan away from his musings. Who cares where the coffee came from, it’s here now so he might as well benefit.
He reaches for the cup and takes a sip. The bitter aroma of ground beans fills his mouth. Dan closes his eyes and hums.
Yessss, that hits the spot.
A chuckle fills the room. “You looked like you really needed that.”
Dan’s eyes snap open but that’s the only sign of surprise his tired meatsuit would allow. There’s a person in his office. Since when? How long have they been standing there, watching him?
Wait, are there two of them? Dan blinks several times trying to get his vision to focus. The two blurry outlines combine into one. Just my shitty eyesight fucking me over again I guess.
Now, that he’s looking closer.
“Aunt Cel?” he murmurs, still too tired for showing any kind of enthusiasm.
The woman smiles at him, gentle but full of worry. “Hello there, dear. Having a rough time?”
Dan snorts. “Always,” he glares at the mountain of documents which haven’t had the decency to catch on fire while he was looking away. “What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to visit Skull this week.”
Celeste gives his messy office a brief once over and raises one of her neatly trimmed eyebrows at him.
“Yes, I was planning to depart today, but then I heard from poor Luss that you weren’t sleeping again. So, I figured it was time for a check-in.”
“You don’t need to worry about me,” he grumbles, miffed about Lussuria calling him out. Traitor. “I can sleep when I’m dead.”
“Honey, that kind of talk is the exact reason why I’m worried.” Celeste steps closer to his desk and cups his face between her hands. “When was the last time you had a full night’s rest?”
“I don’t know. What month is it?”
Celeste clucks her tongue at him, but she is still stroking his cheeks with her warm hands, so Dan will forgive her for the slight. “You’re going to bed, young man. Right now.”
“What?” Dan reels back from her touch, affronted and now slightly more awake. “No! Do you have any idea how much work there’s left to do? I need to finish these reports, then there’s the meeting with Squalo about,” he frowns, trying to remember the mail, “the panthers, I think? Well, anyways I have a meeting and I still need to go check on Bel, because he’s been awfully quiet lately and we all know that’s never a good sign and-“
Celeste holds up her hand, interrupting his babbling. “Stopping you right there. The only thing you need to do right now is get out of this stuffy office, lay down in your bed and sleep. I will take care of the rest.”
Dan gave his aunt the best glower he had in his arsenal. “No.”
“Daniele Costa.” The woman’s voice drops into a warning tone. “Don’t make me call your mother.”
He narrows his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”
The smile on Celeste’s face is as angelic as it is terrifying. “Try me.”
Dan knows when he’s beaten. Alerting his mother needs to be avoided at all costs. She will storm into the Varia compound, bury him under mountains of food and scold him about his sleeping habits in front of all the Executives. Again.
He shudders. One time is more than enough. Dave has been teasing him about it for months afterwards.
With that horrifying memory in mind, he heaves himself up from his chair, bids his aunt tired goodbye and trudges to his room.
It's only when he's finally tucked under his blanket, his heavy eyelids falling shut, that he realises:
She gave me fucking decaf.
Hope this makes sense, because I kinda reread this so many times it words have lost all meaning lol
KHR writing prompts
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townofcadence · 2 months
Yessss! If you have any ideas that stand out! :D
Send a ⭐ for Muse Combinations!
Cyrus I feel like could have a very interesting interaction with Francois-- It's hard because a fair chunk of my muses haven't experienced much supernatural, but at the very least I think if they met they would have snarky dialogue. I don't know if they'd get along, but funnily, that's because their personalities are kind of similar in being blunt and particular and not being always the best at emotions despite the fact they do care, but that could either mean they understand one another, or they just annoy the heck out of each other lol
With Thursday, it's hard to pick a muse at all-- I think a lot of them get along well with her. Jace would be curious and her energy would easily have him enthusiastic too. Opal would flirt, but back off if it was clear Thursday didn't vibe with it, since she's just here to have fun but doesn't want to put her in a weird spot. She could always meet Axel, who is a supernatural therapist, but something tells me that would be a hard one for her to even entertain, even if Axel might be understanding of some of her experience within the office. I also have lots of supernatural beings, mostly fae-inspired, that could be neat to meet someone new. I think Atlas would find her curious and interesting lol
I feel like with Stanley J., because he's so simple in his tastes and average in his life, he should meet someone zany just to see how he acclimates to it. Honestly Aiden might be a fun combo, because Aiden is so weird but also thinks mundane things are so interesting and beautiful, so that could be fun xD. He would draw something for Stanley J. to celebrate their time, and it would be terribly rendered with adoration xD
Doomsday I think could be a lot of fun with quite a few muses as well! Fox is already a lot of fun, but i think it'd be interesting if Artair met her. She'd probably remind him a lot of some people he knows. I think opal and her could get up to some vigilante style trouble for funsies and it would be a ball for them, much like fox but with both of them being more able to do stuff lol. Her and Caelan would be interesting because he's so stoic so it would probably be a little weird lol. Error could be interesting because they're both kinda edgy ghosts (ex ghost for her of course) lol
Dorian I think would just be really neat for Artair to meet. He loves architecture and he would find it interesting to see how a building feels about people and some of the stuff they do.
I do have a bunch of mischievous and even animal-coded muses, so I think Trent could be interesting! Mack, Fox, Scorpio, Kit, Io and Newt are all dog or foxes or wolves (though kit is more part kitsune yokai than lycanthrope. I also have Maneki who is a yokai of a cat persuasion too). I also have Bastion who is a raven, and Nox, Frankie, and Alistaire who are all familiars and cat coded. I think Fox and Kit and Maneki and Nox would easily get along with them as fellow mischief makers at least xD
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sammywolfgirl · 11 months
You know what, i'll ask some random questions for your vampire Au! I'm curious to see how it compares to mine. -are they immortal once they become vampires
-do their original powers exist in some form after becoming vampires (Would a paladin still be able to use light magic, would a shapeshifting one still be able to shapeshift)
-How do they eat, and are there 'moral' alternatives. (some vampire media will have vampires only consuming animals/wildlife instead of people, making this a more 'moral' option. Was curious if that was true/the case for your au, or if that was impossible for them)
-Is Vampire cookie still a vampire in your au, and/or would he have any special rules about him since he's the only actual vampire in cookie run.
No need to answer all/any of these! just thought I'd send you a pile of some random ones to muse on!
Yessss okay let’s see
- with only one possible exception, all vampires are immortal. Said exception is more a concept for what I’m calling ‘fruit bat vampires’ which are like diet vampires? And even in universe it’s probably debated if they’re actually vampires at all or just a different creature with similar traits.
-if the cookie who was bit had some ability beforehand they will still likely have it even after they become a vampire. Vampirism adds on magic wise not subtracts.
- in this universe, vampires primarily consume blood, though it can be human/cookie or animal blood. As long as they’re well fed their powers are at the strongest. However there are alternatives that are available! Though the effectiveness and wether or not they like it is up to the vampire. Some can consume red wines instead of blood and be fine, others prefer substitutes. I’m forgetting what it’s called I want to say cocoanut something but there’s some food out there that can be used as a blood substitute in emergencies? They can have that too. Some more traditional vampires will argue you can ONLY consume cookie blood and everything else won’t work but they’re cowards lmao
- vampire cookie exists pretty much with the exact same vampire rules I gave him for my main au. And honestly, unless I decide to do a story with him he probably lives in some castle in the woods with his sister. Alchemist might actually be a vampire too in this au though. Idk she can be one as a treat. I think they’re probably known by the tbd but since they’re harmless they leave them alone.
I will say, this au technically has two halves.
The tbd monster hunter half which focuses on worlds most girlfailure vampire timekeeper and the monster hunting organization they run, and explore other creatures and magic ideas outside of just vampires. Kind of has a monster of the week sort of feel.
The other half is the neon hellscape side which is still a different timeline but since time travel is a lot more limited in this au it’s just it’s own contained thing. It’s got more of a classic gothic town with a giant castle and ancient vampire gothic Victorian vibes going on. A bit more of a thriller and more explicit vampire action. Wrend is an elder vampire who’s at the top of their game compared to timekeeper who’s… baby vamp comparatively
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beautifulduckweed · 11 months
Dear Yuletide Author 2023
Shh! Listen—can you hear it? That weird humming sound? That's me, vibrating with joy and anticipation for everything that Yuletide brings, especially what you, dear Yuletide author, have in store for me.
I’m beautifulduckweed on AO3. Below is a list of likes, a short list of DNWs, as well as my requests for Yuletide. I've included prompts, but please know that they are ABSOLUTELY just suggestions and points of inspiration; feel free to deviate from them, or ditch them entirely and write me something else. God knows I can’t write my own dang stories without taking several wild left turns along the way.
Thanks so much for my gift, and I hope you have a blast writing.
💖🥰 Some things I like 🥰💖
Crackfic and mashups. No premise to stupid, no crossover too incongruous. Listen, recently someone in another exchange requested John Wick x Marie Kondo and I have legit lost sleep thinking about that.
Sexytimes. Please note that I absolutely do not require sex! Some of my favorite exchange gifts have featured absolutely zero sex on page. But if the smutty muse strikes—well, far be it for me to stop you. My tolerance is…high. No, higher. No, no, higher than that. Look, I’ve been a denizen of the Internet long enough that I subscribed to porn newsgroups, OK? My constitution is CAST IRON. I especially enjoy service topping, orgasm control (delayed? denied? forced? ruined? YES), femdoms, people coming untouched, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, improbable feats of horny stamina, people losing control while fucking, gangbangs, and threesomes/moresomes/orgies. I also really love first times, and people finally dropping their defenses and allowing themselves to be vulnerable during sex, and the STOP MAKING LOVE TO ME WHEN WE'RE FUCKING trope. I do have a small list of smut no’s in the Do Not Wants section.
Tropes. Some of my fave tropes are idiots to lovers (idiot4idiot4eva), friends to lovers, forced proximity, cramming attractive people into corsets, drag queen AUs, SFF AUs of every stripe (daemon? Pacific Rim? Superhero/supervillain? Vampires? Inception? Yes yes yessss). I absolutely adore the golden retriever/hissy feral cat dynamic. I also like two soft-hearted dinguses doing their best and trying to treat each other right. And ain't nothin' wrong with enemies who are obsessed with each other who OOPS realize their preoccupation may be more than mere antipathy.
I’d also like to note that much as I love a fic that’s like, a trope confetti cannon, I also really love having tropes (and expectations) subverted. Like, take your standard daemon AU. What would happen if the main character and their daemon…didn’t like each other? What if they were, in fact, mortal enemies? It would be so fucked! I would love to read about it!!!
Horror and gore. I love scary stories and horror; I have a really high tolerance for gore. If you want to lean into action sequences, gore, and body horror, I am (with a few exceptions, which I’m gonna list in the DNWs) gonna be totally cool with it. I basically jumped straight from Enid Blyton to Stephen King. My childhood media consumption was very normal why do you ask 😊
And other stuff. If you want to fuck around with the format of the fic, play around with structure, format, voice, POV, all of it, please do. Here for any weird shit you care to toss my way.
I also really love having my sense of what’s real and what’s not messed with. Like, is it ever possible to have a fully reliable narrator? What is the nature of truth and reality anyway? What role does the overall narratorial voice or framing device of the story play in our perception of the story? I regret to inform you that I'm writing this 100% sober; this is just how my brain is all the time.
😭🚫Do Not Wants 🚫😭
Pet death. I am totally fine with, like, random rabbit needs to be killed for dinner while out in the woods, or oh no, we have to defend ourselves from a charging hippo or hostile lizard from outer space.
Animal cruelty. Brief mentions of stuff happening in the past or whatever are fine; seeing an animal tortured on-page is a big no.
Major character death. Random minions, as always, can be sacrificed to the storytelling gods. NOTE: Major character undeath fine.
Kink and smut no’s: I’m not into blood, scat, vomit or piss. Please no noncon/dubcon where a woman is the victim. NOTE: sex pollen scenarios whereby everybody loses their mind simultaneously is totally fine, as is Fuck or Die.
Unhappy/hopeless endings. Bittersweet is fine; endings where it’s clear a cost has been paid and everybody’s changed etc. etc. also fine, but like, please don’t leave the characters absolutely miserable or unrelentingly tormented by their demons (unless the demons are sexy and the torment is also sexy).
Breakups without makeups: If I requested a canon pairing, or if you decide to write a shippy pairing, please leave their relationship intact at the end of the story. It can take a battering! Just don't break them—or my poor little heart—apart. NOTE: If you're writing a missing scene that takes place while or leads up to a period when the characters are canonically on a break, leaving them broken up or the fight unresolved is fine, because I know canon takes care of things.
🍪🧁Treats 🧁🍪
Are very yes. Love me some treats!!!
📝🎅The Requests 🎅📝
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Fandom: The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting - K.J. Charles
Characters: Alice Fenwick, Marianne Loxleigh
Thoughts/Prompts: I am a simple bean, and all I want is Alice and Marianne having adventures. Maybe some lesbian porn. Or platonic lesbian BFF vibes. You can have 'em fall in love, or become platonic life partners, or fuck a lot and never fall in love, or start an elaborate grift or heist together. Like, wouldn’t it be hot if Marnie decided Alice needed some tutoring in the ways of fuckboys, lured one in, and used him to tutor Alice in the ways of satisfying herself while not getting pregnant? I’m seriously down for whatever.
Also, as with all of my fandom requests, please feel free to drag in as many other characters in as necessary. The more, the merrier; I just want Alice and Marnie’s relationship front and center.
Crack Prompts: Hey what about a vampire AU? Marnie as a vampire would be hot—hundreds of years of grifting, and GOD what the hell is up with this entirely-too-nice nerd oh WHOOPS turns out she’s her generation’s foremost vampire hunter. Alice as the vampire would also be amazing—Marnie tries to con Alice and discovers she’s bitten off more than she can chew (ba-dum-tish).
Vampire AU not your cuppa? How about crossovers with literally any other KJC universe? Stick ‘em in Magpies, or have them tangle with the Lilywhite Boys, solve a murder mystery with Pat and Fen, cosh some villains on the head with the Will Darling crew, accidentally fall into an orgy with the Murder, be pulled through time by one of the Green Men. I have read all the KJC books and extras. Go nuts.
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Fandom: England Series - K.J. Charles
Characters: Bill Merton, Jimmy Yoxall
Thoughts/Prompts: Look, I love idiots, and these two are SUCH MAGNIFICENT IDIOTS. Jimmy is a giant doofus, and Bill thinks he's smarter, but all evidence points to him being at least as big an idiot when it comes to matters of the heart. I get all feral and heart-eyes over these two nincompoops. I will accept any and everything for these two: fics of the two of them getting to know each other during their university days, falling in love in London, THAT HORRIBLE FIGHT AFTER BEN HUR. Whatever. I ain't picky. I also said one time that they'd be great in Lower Decks and ever since then I may have brainwormed myself a little. They'd be so good in the USS Cerritos! Also down 2 clown with like, incongruous mashups---like John Wick? God, what if Jimmy Yoxall was just really weirdly good at murder, and Bill has to keep his stupid ass alive?
Opt-in for this specific fandom: waiving the breakup without makeup DNW for anything that takes place pre-Proper English events.
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Fandom: Fire Island (Movie 2022)
Characters: Noah, Will
Thoughts/Prompts: Goddd, over a year later and it's still my favorite Pride and Prejudice adaptation to date. The found family vibes! Noah explicitly being non-monogamous! The dynamics between ALL the characters, but especially Noah and Howie!!! I am down for whatever for this fandom. Wanna write a big ole sweaty orgy? Have the entire crew go on a giant chaotic family vacation together? (Maybe even…the following year’s trip to Fire Island???). Somebody somehow manages to dare Will into entering a drag contest, and it’s gonna take everyone’s help to make this happen. Noah suddenly finds himself a TikTok sensation and gets into a weird Twitter beef with Taylor Swift.
Crack Prompts: These fools would be incredible in What We Do in the Shadows and Our Flag Means Death.
ALSO, oh my god: since this is a Pride and Prejudice retelling, how about sticking ‘em in a Regency romance novel? I’m inordinately fond of Loretta Chase, and the thought of these four idiots running amuck in the ton is giving me so much glee. Like, think of the Lord of Scoundrels retelling: Will is determined to rescue his idiot friend Charlie from the toils of Noah, a notorious rake, only to find himself reluctantly falling for Noah’s charms. And in the meanwhile, Charlie is falling in love with Howie….
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damirosse-a · 2 years
oh we’re doing plot wishlists now ? 💌 don’t mind if i do. leave a like if any of these interest you and i’ll msg you !
f/f. give my female muses more girlfriends. that’s it that’s the plot. 
if you like vampires i literally have four ( 4 ) vampire muses so hmu
i want a confident girl to fall for one of my quiet guys. like he’s so shy and gentle and he will worship the ground she walks on and she makes him want to get better. i can see thaddeo or malakai work here.
anything with greek mythology
anything with dark magic 
corruption plots >:) 
younger guys and older women. something cheesy like pool boy or something scandalous like best friend’s son....i don’t mind which muse i am here !!
historical threads... you gotta plot with giovanni. he’s been alive since the 1600s he can fit into any era. bridgerton plot ? yes. wartime plot ? yessss. give them all to me.
oh but anything jane austen i’m still weak...namely emma, sense & sensibility, pride & prejudice
i miss using dolly...she’s a succubus so if you want some sm*tty k*nky stuff she’s there. or a jennifer’s body plot against a needy inspired muse. or maybe your muse is an incubus/succubus too so they’re in competition and they can hatef*ck ehe
messy exes, the fights, the screaming, the knock on my door that i’ll always answer because we always come back to each other
shady drug deals with some dangerous clientele, before they know it our muses involved with an underground crime syndicate and we don’t know who to trust but we get paid well...or maybe one muse has eyes for the boss’s arm candy...hmmm....
young single mom raising the kid on her own, the dad left due to whatever reason, but she opens the door one day and there he is. maybe he’s in a bad spot and doesn’t know who else to turn to...and maybe he doesn’t know the kid is his....i’d ideally like to use macy for this plot
“i used to have a crush on you in high school but you turned me down for another girl but it’s ten years later and i match with you on a dating app and we find we have a lot of common interests now and you’re a lot nicer than i remember you and still hella cute”
anything with assassins or spies.....buddies, enemies who are forced to work on the same mission together, undercover and assigned to kill each other, etc.
two actors who can’t stand each other but are always cast as love interests
give me final girl / slasher horror plots !! 
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ok bestie i’ve been thinking abt the setlist for so long bc i’m gonna be at the first show(!!) which is like. terrifying in a good way lmao 😭 i’m like “how much are they gonna damage me emotionally with this set?” so i have a Lot of thoughts lmaooo
for stardust songs, the title track would fuck me up the most, i’m SO hoping for that one… but if there’s only a few songs from it i think what a time to be alive is my other biggest hope just bc i rlly want to scream the bridge 😭 but i’ve Also been wanting i am my own muse as an opener… idc if it’s unlikely, that would go so hard!! tbh i’d be fine with any of the songs from stardust bc that album is glorious. pete could literally do baby annihilation and i’d be cheering lol
also YESSS to the idea of rotating songs!! especially if they’re like what tswift does for surprise songs. that would be amazing bc it makes whatever song u get special, yk? esp if they’re songs that haven’t been played in a long time (or ever! my tswift show got songs she’d never played live before and it was Fucking Insane, so i rlly want fob to do something similar and just go crazy w it)
also rlly excited abt deep cuts/older songs… if they do headfirst slide or calm before the storm again i think i’ll faint. absolutely can’t believe those are the realistic options lmao… everything abt that is insane. i think there was an interview from like last year where they got asked abt gin joints and were like “maybe we’ll have to learn that one again” so i’m also hoping for that! or if we’re getting more unrealistic… god there’s so many songs i’d wish for 😭 bishops knife trick or jet pack blues would actually destroy me. or lake effect kid!! and ofc, manifesting tkaa for u <33
- 🧋 anon
SO sorry for answering this two days late i got so distracted but AUGH i forgot you were going to the very first show that is SO scary and exciting, ur gonna have to come tell me all about it im living vicariously thru u going so im basically going too <3 fksjdnfs
i SO hope they do the title track but if theyre only doing a few from stardust like pete (known liar) said, i 100% feel u with what a time to be alive, that's my number one absolute hope to hear too, but yeah literally any stardust song would be great. i am a huge proponent of fob is so good they could play literally any song and i wouldnt fucking care it would be a joy to hear live!!!!
YESSSS i am so so manifesting something like that like. how special would it be if each show got a slightly different set?? esp if it was songs they never really do like u said!!! idk the likelihood of that but with how they're hyping up this tour, saying it's visually unlike anything we've seen before and that they're playing older songs idk... i feel like anything is possible!!!
literally if u told me a year ago realistic setlist options for fob were headfirst slide and calm before the storm i would pass out i cant believe that bro!!!! also cant believe gin joints is also a possibility??? like ohhh my god we r gonna be fed so well. im wishing for all the same unrealistic ones as u for real, i got to hear lake effect kid during my second mania tour show and my god i would LOVE to hear it again. also think them debuting like. bob dylan or super fade or something would be incredible but. very unrealistic kjfnsdkfj
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amordcine · 2 months
𝗮𝘂 .   forgiveless
[ the scrapped plot ]
solely based on this post. 
actual drama plot:  undercover cop infiltrates mob boss’ gang??? gains mob boss’ trust and then it turns out that under cover cops wife (who is also a cop) is actually mob boss’ first love. 
i didn’t care for that plot bc while im not opposed to love triangles i kinda wasn’t moved by this love triangle seeing as the guys seemed to have more chemistry than they did with the girl. so anyways. i decided to just make it gay. also i have not seen the drama in question so im missing a lot of the actual plot probably but i didn’t care enough to watch past the first 30 mins of the 1st ep.
original forgiveless au plot: mob boss x undercover cop. thats it. like they fall in love with each other and of course it’s a lil toxic but ultimately they love each other?? but also, a lot of internal turmoil for the undercover cop bc he’s ultimately the one that has the most to lose/sacrifice. like his morals, career, etc. but also, the cop being super manipulative and such a good liar bc ultimately he has to be. it’s literally his job. so it’s kinda like this relationship that is built on a big massive lie. and just the heartache and angst!!!
so this was completely unassigned meaning i did not have any muse in mind at the start. i literally was just like yesss gay mob boss and undercover cop yessss. but then like i started to think more in detail and of course i landed on crewe and that will always unfortunately for you also mean beau. again it’s not a serious au but ofc bc it’s me i have to make it make sense even if im not gonna do anything with it.
HOWEVER, before i move on to the revised portion of this plot i have to take some time to explain some of the posts in the tag. now, most of those posts were with the original plot in mind and while they still kinda fit the meaning/ideas have changed. so i would like to take this time to rant about how some of these posts would’ve fit into the original plot. ok thanks.
i want him next to me.
this is at the beginning of the plot where beau oh god it feels so weird to think of him in this context of him as a cop pls bare with me im sorry, is trying to climb up the ranks so to speak to get closer to crewe bc thats his target. obviously he does something grand and heroic like maybe save crewe’s life or something of the sort where he ends up being part of crewe’s inner circle.
how do you catch a fish that isn’t hungry?
you change tactics. you use live bait,
going into this beau is aware that he is the live bait. it’s no secret why he got chosen for this assignment. crewe donovan has a type and beau fits it best out of the whole department/unit? whatever it’s called.
crewe isn’t someone that gets close to outsiders. his entire inner circle is made up of people that have been around him for years. it’s people he knows like the back of his hand. cops have been trying to infiltrate that inner circle for years with no luck. no one’s been able to break through. beau is their latest attempt.
you have to create a reality where only you and the fish exist.
OOF THIS ONE. the manipulation tactics beau would have to exercise to make this happen & HE DOES!! slowly but surely he gets crewe where he needs him to be. slowly shifting the power balance to favor him but not obviously so. creating a sense of security he realizes crewe craves and becomes the very source of it.
your lure is the one thing he wants despite everything he knows.
even if crewe realistically knows that he can’t ever get too comfortable there is something so undeniably alluring about beau that makes him let his guard down even if it’s only for a few minutes throughout the day. it’s like beau is first breath crewe has taken in a very long time. the first semblance of peace and respite that he’s had in years and beau seems to be the first and only person to give him that. despite being a very suspicious and paranoid person, crewe comes to believe that beau can really be the one person he can come to trust.
is it better to out monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?
the more crewe steps into the illusion of beau, the more beau also starts to lose himself to his own lies. that’s what being undercover means though, right? he knows this. he trained for this for christ sake! so why is his mind and will breaking like this? why does he feel himself losing, coming undone? why is his mind starting to take his heart into account?
beau finds himself in murky waters and the only thing left to ground him are the words his late sergeant left him in a voicemail.
no one will ever recognize your efforts. that is not why you went into this line of work. you can’t be the good guy. good guys dont win against evil. it takes a devil to know a devil. only a monster can kill a monster.
i tore him to pieces.
beau evans finds out crewe donovan ordered the execution of sergeant x srry i dont have a name for him and at this point it doesn;t matter. & suddenly everything is crystal. he repeats the words of his late sargeant like a mantra. beau will take down crewe donovan. or die trying.
tell me we’re together.
by the time beau realizes he hates crewe, he also realizes that he is in love with him. more than that, really bc beau becomes the center of everything for crewe, but that also means crewe becomes the center of everything for beau. it’s a double edge sword and there is no winning in this game. if beau wants his revenge then it’ll come at the highest cost: himself. at this point there is not distinction between him and crewe. they are one and the same. whatever and whoever beau was before crewe doesn’t exist anymore, if he ever did.
( also please the gifset…. like the guy in the gs, crewe is completely oblivious to what’s really happening. he can see beau internally struggling with something but he has no clue the depth/reality of what’s going on in beau’s mind. all he wants is for them to be together and he wants beau to validate it too )
my biggest mistake.
oof. when the truth is revealed… the biggest blow crewe has ever suffered i cannot begin to explain. bc just imagine how much trust he has placed in beau’s hands…. like i know this is unimaginable given their actual plot but in this au he comes to trust beau completely and absolutely and fejkhkh. no words sorry.
it’s the only thing left between them. they have hurt each other in such irreversible ways— the damage will never be undone. & that’s largely in part due to the fact that letting go of that pain would mean having to let go of each other. but the pain and the scars thats all they have left. neither of them is willing to let go. even for their own good.
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byanyan · 7 months
i feel like they contributed a lot to what the interior of sunny’s looks like, he gets a lot of creative advice from them anyways, to where he’d actively seek out their advice. so i feel like there are fairy lights behind him, and something maybe a few things in the shop is pink. on the same note, a lot of their apartment is decorated in things they’ve picked out, all he’s done is said yes or no
send a headcanon you have about our muses' relationshipㅤ ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤomg yessss, i love that so much... they'd have been so happy to lend a hand in the shop's decoration?? especially because they wouldn't have been able to help in any of the work prior to that, aside from like... maybe moving some of the furniture in, or something. as much as they would have loved sticking him in a coffee shop that's all pink and cute and decorated entirely in their style, they 100% stuck with the vibe he was going for when suggesting and picking things out for sunny's. ...while sneaking in a couple things that were a little more their taste, of course, but only after making sure sol was okay with it. orrrrr buying it with their own money so they could just keep it for the apartment if he didn't like it smh. ohhhh and if he has any art hanging on the walls...... maybe one is a piece they did specifically for him, specifically for the shop.
and ofc i also love a lot of the apartment being byan's decoration choices. it absolutely started with them almost exclusively showing him things pink and glittery and cute and, while he said yes to a few of these things, they did eventually expand their horizons a little and suggest some more "mature" pieces that matched his style or blended both of their styles nicely. much as they'd love for the place to be entirely to their taste, it's obviously his home too and they want him to have a say in what it looks like. even if his tastes are kind of boring and sometimes they do get a thing he says no to behind his back anyway (like the giant hello kitty.......)
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Episode 2 Liveblog
Episode two, here we go!
I will admit, one of the only 'leaks' I've ever looked at was the copyright office one that gave the titles of season one since it felt like less of a 'leak' than the others, and I was so excited about early access because it pretty much said 'this episode will have at least one part be about Alastor and Vox'. VERY curious to see where this goes.
Oof, from the texts we can already see some of Val.
Hey, silver lining!
"Oh, there you are" he is ADORABLE and I LOVE HIM
Shadow-transport, fun! Also, Bella would still love him.
'Pent wants to take down Alastor to impress the Vees' makes perfect sense now that I think about it, as he did keep trying to get 'in' with them on the old instagram accounts. Still, F to the idea they used to be exes because I still think it makes their dynamic funny.
I am so charmed by Vox already. I love Vel's voice too.
One of the boards says 'trust us*' above '*with what? that's none of your business' and my theory that Vox uses his tech empire to gain energy/power and a cult-like following seems to be accurate, especially considering that electricity bit when it first cut to him. (It also makes me wonder- is part of the reason Alastor hates TV so much just because it might make him subconsciously susceptible to Vox's influence?
Oooo, he can travel through electricity like Alastor travels through shadows.
The fact that the dress seemingly inspired by her original one is the one she likes is a cute little callback.
Robofizz!!! Man, wouldn't it be funny if THAT was the 'character that's in both series' that Viv mentioned on a stream once? (I still figure it's likely to be one of the other sins since that's what makes sense.)
Also, not really what I expected for Val's voice? I suppose I didn't really have a concrete hc before, though, so I'll adjust.
So Angel used to literally live at the studio? They must have rooms there for the staff to keep a tighter leash on them.
That filter on Vox's voice the second he hears about Alastor... I think the fact that it seemingly only appears when he's knocked off-kilter makes an interesting contrast to the fact that Alastor's is always on.
The idea of making Alastor's little minions living inkblots is a fun one! Sort of an old-timey animation vibe?
Yessss Vox song
Wouldn't it be funny of Vox goes through a whole big musical number and Alastor just... doesn't even see it.
Oh, he saw it... and just chose to completely ignore it. Which fits what I've been musing on, how he refuses to let Vox know directly that he gets under his skin without trying to brush it off as not worth any real time or effort.
OH. OH THEY WERE A THING. Favorite song so far too!
Fuck yesssssss monster Al monster Al monster Al
They're gonna use Pent, aren't they. And he's going to be torn between their approval and Charlie actually treating him decently, I bet.
Also, sharks. I hope Vark was kept since the giant dorky cartoon shark was cute, but I love the robotic ones.
Puppydog eye Charlie is adorable. I love her.
Oh hey, Alastor has an official staff title now! I previously figured 'co-manager' (which would make him share with Vaggie, lmao) but Facility Manager makes more sense.
I love how into it Pent's getting.
Yeeeep, nailed 'Pent is happy to be genuinely praised'. Makes sense Angel might be kind of salty, though.
And the first showing of Fat Nuggets!
Bedhead Charlie and nightgown Vaggie are adorable.
I wonder if Pentious is immune to Vox's mind-control since he can do hypnosis himself?
I guess it does make sense the con got ruined pretty much right away, they do have a lot of ground to cover. It does feel a little odd to have him calling himself unforgivable when he's only been here for, like, a day, though. You fucked up too fast for them to get any real useful info.
I really like the harmonies in the song! It sounds really aesthetically pleasing.
Pfffft, Niffty. Her dreams of snakey bad boys shattered. I still think he should fill her with eggs though. Just once.
'Ol pal, huh?' You know, I WAS always curious why Vox was on the list of overlords that had been in hell 'for centuries' that Alastor toppled- I joked once that HE was the original radio demon before Alastor knocked him out and he pivoted to TV, but it sort of sounds like he latches on to whatever new technology there is to keep on top so it's entirely possible that they were both radio-themed at one point before some sort of fallout.
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desireandduty · 10 months
meme, all the even numbers (:
Romance & Relationships Headcanons Meme | Accepting!
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2. already answered!
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
Yessss she likes tall men with dreamy eyes and longer dark(ish) hair. Bonus points if they have plush, very kissable lips.
6. would your muse kiss on the first date?
I MEAN.... it completely depends on the vibes of the date. Sometimes she kisses before a date is even had (looking at you AOTC Padmé.) ANYWAY, Padmé is a good judge of people's character, so she knows pretty early on if someone is a good match with her, personality-wise. She does like physical affection, but she's also a person who needs to have an emotional connection along with it. She's not going to kiss someone just because she wants a kiss.
8. is your muse a good kisser? are they experienced or inexperienced?
Mmmmm this is somewhat verse dependent. GFFA Padmé has had less experience in relationships than modern Padmé. Meaning, she's spent less time in a relationship, and thus has had less practice of someone to kiss. Modern Padmé, especially verses where she's starting her political career, has been in a couple of longterm relationships already and has more experience. So... as for her being a good kisser.... I mean.. she is a person who pays attention to her partner and notices what they like/respond favorably to. So even if her first kiss with someone wasn't the best ever, she'd put effort into learning what makes them feel good.
10. has your muse ever been cheated on? would they ever cheat on their partner(s)?
In her modern verse, I headcanon that her freshman year relationship with Clovis involves him cheating on her over spring break with his high school girlfriend. In GFFA, she has not been cheated on. And in no verse would she ever cheat on her partner. Loyalty is paramount to Padmé.
12. does your muse get flustered easily? how would they typically react to compliments from someone they are interested in/dating?
She does not get flustered like... ever, thanks to a lot of effort and practice in perfecting her Queen Amidala and then her Senator Amidala mask. However, she is also very used to being paid compliments from all manner of beings, whether they have romantic/sexual intentions or are buttering her up to curry political favor. She can spot smooth talking from miles away.
She does need verbal affirmation, though, because her career involves being excoriated in the press and taking verbal beatings or snide comments from political opponents on the regular. When she gets genuine compliments from someone who is interested in her (even if they are very badly delivered, here's lookin' at you, Anakin) it gives her that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. In any other verse besides GFFA, she would react with a happy smile. In GFFA, it would depend on whether or not he said something to her in private or in public.
14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
Honestly? Girl knows her worth. She's not looking for a partner who sees her as subordinate or in any way beneath him. She doesn't want someone who talks down to or belittles her. And she doesn't want someone who lies or is disloyal.
16. what is/are your muse's love language(s)?
Physical touch and words of affirmation
18. how does your muse feel about marriage? would they ever want to get married?
Padmé has wanted to be married and have a family since she was 18. She grew up in a happy, warm, loving home, and she's something she always wanted for herself, as well as a successful career. In all her verses, Ruwee and Jobal both had careers, so she's seen that it can work.
20. how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them?
LMAO ok genuinely Padmé likes it. She would never be super in-your-face like... having her hand up his shirt (or Anakin's up her shirt) or her tongue down his throat in public. But, in general, she always prefers to have some kind of physical contact with him: holding hands, arm around the shoulder, etc. And when he makes her smile or she's particularly proud of him, grateful for him, what have you, her instinct is to give him a quick little kiss on the cheek, corner of his mouth, lips, etc. She's just... really happy and secure in and proud of their relationship.
OBVIOUSLY for GFFA verses, she has to keep those instincts in check for all verses except a happy AU where he leaves the Order and they can go public with their marriage. This is not easy for Padmé, and she definitely enjoys pushing the boundaries here. IE - renting a speeder for a date night so they can whizz around and then make out/have sex somewhere in an alleyway in the lower levels.
22. does your muse tend to take on a more dominant or submissive role in the relationship, or does it vary based on circumstance?
I mean this would vary based on her partner, but only in the sense of her being the dominant or just equal partners. She just doesn't have it in her to be submissive, nor does she think a dynamic like that is particularly healthy either. She wants an equal partner, someone she can depend on and who she can support in return. I think with Anakin specifically, especially GFFA Anakin and his background, their dynamic would tend towards her being dominant. But she is cognizant of this, and she tries very hard to not steamroll him, to ask for his opinion, etc. in hopes that he'll learn and grow in this area as their lives together progress.
24. is your muse proactive in communication with their partner(s), or is this something they need to work on?
For GFFA, this is something they need to work on. And part of that is because they're keeping it a secret. That necessitates all kinds of boundaries and code words and things like that, and I think that was a struggle for them early on. Another reason it's hard is that they spend so much time apart. Communicating with your partner is a learning process that you have to learn by doing, and since they don't have much opportunity to talk in GFFA, their communication I think takes longer to flow easily than it would have in a normal marriage where they live in the same house all the time.
For modern verses, I don't think this is as much of a struggle. Padmé values honesty in her personal relationships (and as a politician, but it's kind of inevitable that she has to hedge things.) She isn't one to lie, nor is she conflict avoidant. Honestly, she might be too okay with discussing problems or working through conflict for some more avoidant personality types.
26. is your muse more likely to be loud and proud about being in a relationship, or are they more quiet about it at first and open up about it over time?
In the very beginning stages, when she has first started dating someone, she would be more quiet about it, because she's trying to avoid a lot of press coverage along the lines of "heartbreaker padme amidala" etc. if she's seen going out with a lot of different people. But once she feels secure, like the relationship is going well and has good future potential (which happens very quickly with Anakin in any verse lol), she's loud and proud! Except obviously in GFFA for all the reasons.
28. would it bother your muse if they had differing interests from their partner(s), or would they delight in it?
No bother at all. She'd kind of expect it, because everyone's an individual who has different interests. She would try her best to learn about his different interests and participate in them if she can, but if there's something he likes that she just... doesn't, then she'd just be like "go have fun, Ani babe."
All that being said, she does need to have some mutual interests with her partner, because she'd want to have common ground to talk about/activities to do.
30. would your muse ever be in an open/non-exclusive relationship? would it make them insecure, or would they be open to trying it?
No way. PadBae is looking for her own BAE. It would definitely make her insecure being in an open or poly relationship.
32. does your muse have an ideal "type"?
Ummmmm I think she's looking for someone who's romantic at heart, who's loyal and devoted, tbh someone who will adore her. Not sure if that's a type/trope. She can get along with an awful lot of people. The one "type" she can't jive with is an alpha male or a bro type.
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