#yes this is nowen
starryluminary · 4 months
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coleslawr02 · 1 year
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no idea how to use tumblr, just going to use it as an internet art archive
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
the thing about (the most prevalent) noah ships is that he's paired with exclusively powerful girlbosses and/or cringefail men.
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skrimblobimblo · 7 days
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The Noah and Owen Show
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total-funger-island · 9 months
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More funger au dump :D
I made other design and Alenoah I will post more daily
(funfact sierra worship Rher btw)
Also sketches of some moonscored still beta, I imagined how they would look like if they scored. Most designs are inspired/influenced from my fav medias
TW : Body Horror
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why fight about ships when they can all hold hands and kiss in the same room? (Noco, alenoah, nowen and nemma)
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misiahasahardname · 10 months
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they mean so much to meeeeeeeeeee
like a birthday or a pretty viewwwwwwwww
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postive-td-takes · 4 months
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canonically47 · 1 year
i have just come to the conclusion of nowen = togakure and i cannot believe how big my brain is
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actually all the tdi contestants have even just the slightest bit of gay stuff going on between them. i mean i ship nowen but that won’t stop me from also thinking noah would be so good with alejandro, duncan, harold (yes harold bite me) and also all of those three are kinda gay too. the reboot is the same way, wayne may be aromantic to me but that doesn’t stop him from being gay as hell with zee and damien AND damien and zee are dating. and don’t think i forgot the girls??? gwen heather and courtney have an insufferable thing going on and somehow bridgette can also be shoved in there. izzy gets to have eva and owen as a treat. eva can also have bridgette and courtney as a bigger treat. while we’re at it. justin has two hands and they are for trent and ezekiel. trent may extend another to gwen. and ezekiel may have some homosexual tendencies with harold too. maybe duncan as well. who the fuck knows what’s going on there. total gay island amirite fellas
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td-rarepairs · 11 months
Describing every single rare pair of total drama I have, if you hear the name Ezekiel a lot, get used to it:
Ezekiel x Harold:
This is one of my favorites, Yes, I was the previous Harzeke anon
Ezekiel x Duncan:
Opposites attract? Lemme consume all the art of it (I don't even like one of the characters here, but I still ship it)
Ezekiel x Justin:
Anyone here who shipped this before slimeysoda's au?
Ezekiel x Geoff:
It all started when I saw a funny looking piece of fanart, then I went down the rabbit hole, and now I ship it.
Ezekiel x Noah:
This can also be used to summarize most of the ships here, because I can
Ezekiel x Tyler:
The first guys who fell for Alejandro, you guys mainly all talk about "I like girls!" Meanwhile Ezekiel doesn't even deny it, just that "Wow eh..." IT FEELS LIKE I'M GRABBING AT STICKS TO SELF PROJECT- Wait, where am I? Or right, Ezekiel x Tyler, dumbass x dumbass
Ezekiel x Alejandro:
Same as above, just minus the Tyler specific part, and directed specifically at Alejandro.
Ezekiel x DJ:
They both love animals, and you can't rid that headcanon from me (on Ezekiel's side, DJ's love for animals is canon).
Ezekiel x Trent:
Ruined character gang.
Ezekiel x Eva:
Last one with Ezekiel, Ok? Anyways, this is the only straight Ezekiel ship I like, Lifts them like some grapes x some grapes, anyone?
Harold x Lightning:
Blame Totaldramarama for this, but you can't explain that "Your handso- I MEAN AWESOME!" Line, and the blush afterwards without at least a little bit of contemplating if that was a childhood crush representation.
Owen x Justin:
I'm starting to see a theme with kinda canon but not explicitly stated, Owen is a Bi-con and no one can change my mind.
Izzy x Eva:
It just works imo.
Katie x Sadie:
I eat up friends to lovers for diner
Raj x Wayne:
Same explanation as Katie x Sadie, just less annoying.
Wayne x Damien:
Himbo x Smarter, Gotta love that dynamic, also, enemies to lovers too! Well, I still feel like that whole enemy thing with Damien was meant to mean like Wayne doesn't see him as an enemy, instead he has one giant crush, but he doesn't wanna feel like he's copying Raj by having these feelings too, so he pretends it's an enemy thing.
Dave x Shawn:
I hate Dave with every inch of my body, but I accidentally fell into this rabbit hole, and now I ship it, trust me, this is the only Dave ship I have.
Alejandro x Tyler:
It's a great dynamic, but in the end, the video we shall not speak of messed it up.
Geoff x Brody:
I wanna see them marry all over again.
And that's all that I have that I'm not questioning the rare pair validity of, I have two more I'm questioning and I'll mention them here:
Thank you for listening to my rare pair list.
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
TD World Tour AU, where Noah is Chris’s Assistant from the start of World Tour, instead of a contestant ... Alejandro tries to charm Noah, like Alejandro had charmed Chef, but Noah is immune to his charms... What if Assistant Noah still told Owen that Alejandro is like 'an eel dipped in grease' and Alejandro CAN'T get rid of Assistant Noah for saying that?... Would they have a weird frenemy relationship for the rest of the show?... With Alejandro sometimes teasingly flirting with Noah, like he does with Heather? 😘
In my take on an Assistant Noah AU, Noah would be entirely immune to Alejandro's charm, not because he's switched on to The Archvillain's true colours (which, he is, but I digress) but because Assistant Noah is The Saltiest Bitch.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that you've landed yourself a pretty sweet gig; you're the personal assistant of an A-list celebrity who's only real job at the moment is hosting and directing one (1) reality TV show. The pay is really good and the job itself comes with a tonne of benefits, plus it's the perfect position for you to develop networks within the business (Noah canonically mentions "working his way up this 'biz", implying he has a desire to continue in the field of showbusiness).
Now imagine with me that said celebrity is Chris McLean, renown sadist and all-around disaster of a man. This guy absolutely pawns off the majority of his work onto you, meaning it falls onto your shoulders to; corral the on-set interns into some semblance of competency, make sure that each challenge is properly set up and ready to go, make sure Chris himself is set up and ready to go, and put up with regular coffee run requests. That's a lot of work for one 16~17 year old, even if you are a certified genius.
You're overworked, sleep-deprived and two seconds away from snapping at the nearest intern at any given moment.
And then, during the filming of the latest season, the guy you hand picked to star in the non-existent "Total Drama Dirtbags" (mostly because he was better looking than his brother, who also applied) tries to charm and flirt his way into you giving him advantages in the competition- or at the very least, trick you into divulging information on their next challenge. It's as if he thinks you're somehow not aware of the fact that he's a total scumbag, despite knowing you work on the show and therefore have seen both his acts of sabotage and the confessions in which he plots them.
Suffice to say, you're kind of insulted. I mean, really? Flirting? You don't even have time for something as trivial as a relationship, or even a fling! There's challenges to set up, international negotiations to suffer through, and unpaid interns to boss around- your schedule's booked!
And yet he keeps flirting with you, even after you've snubbed him multiple times. At this point you're pretty sure it's become a point of wounded pride for him, instead of the game tactic it started as; after all, his charms have worked on pretty much everyone on the cast, what makes you so different?
Eventually, as the herd thins, you decide to warn your best friend (who's somehow miraculously remained in the competition, despite his 'team leader's' obvious dislike of him) about Alejandro's less-than-noble intentions. Owen misconstrues your selfless act of solidarity as a sign of jealousy, or god forbid 'denial of your feelings', towards Alejandro. Which, what? No, that's not it at all! The one time you try to be a good friend and this is how you're repaid?
Alejandro overhears this, unfortunately, and seems to take the fact that you're not fooled by his obviously fake mask as some sort of personal affront. Of course, as the person who's essentially running the show, there's not much he can do to you besides carry on being the nuisance he is- which is exactly what he does, but more.
Suddenly, his flirting from before seems like nothing, because now he's really trying to get under your skin with that same plastic charm; it's like he took the dial to his natural flirtatiousness and turned it to eleven. It's annoying. And worse, it's getting in the way of your work flow.
You'd love to stage his elimination, but you know the public outcry from his untimely departure from the show would outweigh the relief of being rid of him, so you resolve to do as you have been; ignoring Alejandro until he gets bored. (That's easier said than done- he's really good at getting under your skin, like the thorns on a rose bush.)
To make matters Even Worse, your elusive appearances on the show- as Chris' personal assistant it would be impossible to avoid the cameras entirely, but you'd bribed the editing team to cut as much of your unwitting footage from the final edit as they could- paired with your 'entertaining dynamic' with Alejandro has the viewers clambering for more, so now you're obligated to act as a de facto co-host alongside your boss.
So now you're stuck having to at least acknowledge Alejandro, if only to give the editors something to work with. Great.
At least, that's what my take on an Assistant Noah AU would entail.🤷‍♀️
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saccgiriangel · 19 days
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
big trans man he/him pronouns
A ship I have with said character:
nowen, dowen/duncowen, aleowen, alenowen, ozzy and geowen!!
A BROTP I have with said character:
I know i ship them but Noah and him are of my favs friendships of the show! I like too his hate/love dynamic with Heather and his friendship with Gwen (+ Lindsay and Trent)
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly none, i dont have many ships with him but i cant think in an one who i hate or i really dislike
A random headcanon:
He knows how to play Chess thanks to his father although he never remembers the names of the pieces but that does not mean he is a bad player.
General Opinion over said character:
I LOVE HIM!! yes, i dont like very much the fart jokes but its more the fault of the writers than the character /srs
Owen is a character who (aside from his food jokes and farts) I quite enjoyed having on screen at all times, his personality and moments in general as well as all his relationships and friendships he has with the other contestants have endeared him to me throughout the show. He is a character who fulfills his stereotype well and who as the show progressed has given the best of him. I definitely consider him a great character that you can easily get attached to and I would probably not mind having him as my friend.
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alemonyoyo · 2 years
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This image single-handedly fuels:
Codejandro (yes I made this name up but I've seen the ship)
And Noco
And also Noah x Tyler but y'all aren't ready for my rarepairs just yet.
Therefore they are in a big poly relationship that I am titling
Case rested.
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hi hello there it's me back with another silly idea
team escope (+ ezekiel and owen) hangout which is basically just an evzeke and nowen double date. ezekiel's just happy to be there, noah's complaining about the book he's reading, izzy lights noah's book on fire as a result, eva's restraining izzy so she doesn't do anymore damage, and owen just came back with icecream for everyone.
evzeke and nowen double date????? just marry me already /j
but seriously. YES to all of this. I love the ideaof Izzy fifth wheeling purely to cause chaos lmao
(can someone make this into a oneshot. like now. please)
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
First impressions on every contestant!
Warning this gets long.
Was really interested on the possibility of a nerdy character from her introduction, but I feel like my biggest gripe with her is the whole “my generation” thing, it just feels slightly mean spirited and not realistic for a personality trait. Teens generally don’t like being told that their generation sucks or that they’re all dumb or have their use of technology criticized. The ones that do dislike their generation are those either trying to receive approval from older people or “I was born in the wrong generation” type kids. She’s just, unrelatable.
Her voice is higher than I expected, I like the survival theme and was surprised we got another zombie conspiracy nut in the cast (so happy we got a Shawn cameo/reference as well!) she really is like a mix of Jo and Eva with a sprinkle of Shawn and I wish we got to see more of her!
Super interesting to see a contestant raised by TD fans, and her intro was amazing! Baby and toddler Priya! Owen reference! She is 100% going to be an interesting character. I guess there’s also a subversion of a big Desi stereotype with her, she wants to go to med school but her parents want her to enter a more unconventional and unstable field, I don’t know exactly how to feel about this, specially since I’m not desi myself.
My man!!! I love me a skater/surfer dude and the Jude vibes are impeccable!! He is so chill and just here to vibe. I’ve audibly laughed at multiple of his lines and just love him so much. I also think he’s neat amputee rep, he’s casual about it and was just born that way, but can make fun stories up about it.
Am I disappointed by the fart and potty jokes? Yes, but besides that I actually really like his character! An annoying bully who despite his best efforts is a loser. Also if his voice doesn’t fuel the nowen child headcanons out there I don’t know what will.
A total newbie! Very opposite to Priya in this case and also super interesting character trait for him, I hope both him and Priya can function a bit to show off the POV of both old and new fans alike. He’s also very entertaining :)
Scary girl
Exactly what I expected from her and more! She is very much one dimensional compared to most the rest but I love her! I love wildcards! So excited to see her shenanigans
Introducing yourself as the first openly gay contestant is definitely a first impression! I’ve got to say I adore his competitive and scheming nature and you can tell he’s in it to win it, he also has amazing social skills and is overall an icon. I know not everyone will be into the idea of the first openly queer contestant being very stereotypical but I’ve always thought that just as while his sexuality isn’t the center of his personality and there’s at least another queer character that isn’t as stereotypical it’s all good, and by the looks of it that will be the case. Also I know multiple gay dudes that act just as him so I have a bias.
Did not expect a stunt Youtuber type guy but I definitely should’ve seen it coming, also DRAMA?? Pre established EXES??? I am so interested in seeing how this pans out
I love her voice first of all and I did not expect her to have been part of the stunt Youtuber group, hope the ex drama isn’t all there is to her character and I really enjoy her friendship with Bowie so far!
Oh I love her, we haven’t seen a character like her before and she has so much potential! A character that knows she’s underestimated and takes advantage of that? Yes please!
Pretty much a Justin copy, I can’t really say much about him and we knew how things were going to pan out so I can only hope he’ll make if farther and get more development next season.
Wayne & Raj
Hockey dudes! They’re such jocks and can sense the “makes fun of me lightly for being unathletic but cheers for me when I finally start participating in sports” energy from them so hard, they’re fun guys and feel so much like real teen boys.
An actual TV star! I didn’t see that coming but I love it! Love seeing the little flashbacks to her shows and movies and seeing someone in the show be treated as an actual celebrity, she’s also as far as I’ve seen pretty smart, level headed, and humble for a TV celebrity! So interested in seeing her work!
The influencer chick! Her intro was amazing and I definitely didn’t expect her to be into healing crystals, feel like she’ll be a very interesting character and I await her interactions with Nichelle.
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