#yes this is how you guys learn what my design for sasha is
the-lantern-lights · 1 year
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Didn't have the braincells to finish my vampire/werewolf au comic today, so here's some cute post reveal archival assistants
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sarah-kings · 1 year
It'll be a long while until I'll be able to properly get back into more art related posts, mainly due to the little time I can spend on art at the current time, so I figured in the meantime I'd just resort to making one of those OC asks I always wanted to give a shot, even if it doesn't involve all of the OCs I'd like to include as extra.
Here is an OC ask game that looked fun, feel free to ask away :)
Here's some of the OCs who you could ask stuff:
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You might recognize these two from my "Lost and Found" comic with the addition of one extra fella.
They so far have not been introduced by now, so now is a better time than never: the new giant is called Yuto, he's the kind of giant to look at a human and look at them the same way as looking at a puppy and yes, he is trying to convince his fellow friend Aegir to keep said human, who totally would love to do that who doesn't want to keep the small stranger and just wants to get back to his normal routine.
Meanwhile the little guy in question is called Jonas.
He has nothing to his name but a bow and arrows as weapons from when he still was on patrol duty with his team, and he doesn't understand a SINGLE word what the giants say, so do they, and, in the end, they just settled on referring to him as "the little Archer", though in the end it just ended up being "Archer" for short.
The language barrier is a huge issue they have to work through, so you can be sure that a lot of confusion and misunderstandings will ensure.
Some other OCs that I have to offer are Robert, Patches and the random borrower that got stuck to him, who I for now at least am referring to as Sasha, though I do want to update their design to be some sort of dragonfly/borrower hybrid, kind of like a fairy and, quite frankly, they are terrible at being stealthy and are very loud, the perfect recipe for chaos for an old man such as Robert who only wanted to travel around the globe WITHOUT being caught by a bean, but now he also has to act as a babysitter of some sort for this random stranger who won't leave his side.
Now, we have Jon, Liam and Gael from my "Curses and Thimbles" writing, by far they are some of my OCs you know the most of XD
There will be some more OCs added, as it has been hinted before, but I think for now the three of them are enough.
Now, the backstory for Jon has been revealed so far, he's simply a kid who was cursed and had to live amongst borrowers ever since, Gael acting as his father figure who took him in alongside Berry and Asha, two borrowers who were out on their own when they were younger and became part of this little family of sorts.
Meanwhile Liam is an FBI agent who constantly gets dragged into the supernatural but, unlike in those fantasy TV shows, he isn't able to convince anybody of his experiences and largely is seen as more of a joke than anything and fellow colleagues avoid working with him on cases as much as possible because they are convinced he's just mad.
Lastly, here's two OCs of mine I'm largely sharing with a friend of mine, Roman and Birch, who are more of the symbiotic type of relationship in terms of a g/t trope.
Roman may be the bean but, unfortunately for Birch, the borrower who got "adopted" by him, is an utter idiot.
This leaves Birch to be the only braincell Roman has and, on top of that, the only reason why he keeps passing his university exams; how Roman even was able to enter university is still the biggest mystery to Birch bigger than the mystery than why humans need to know so much about random numbers they call "Mathematics".
In the beginning Birch is making it VERY clear that he's only staying for the food and shelter, after all, living in the forest of England isn't the easiest at the age of 16, that and he CAN'T really just magically teleport himself back home from all the way in California, where Roman lives, although he certainly is trying to learn that spell alongside his other magic studies to finally bail, but eventually Birch comes to realize "oh no, I'm getting ATTACHED to that idiot!'
*looks at Roman falling down the stairs with a bowl of ramen, mourning his spilled food*
"…how could I REMOTELY feel sorry for this poor idiot?!"
As you might guess, a lot of chaos is involved with these two, as Birch is the single braincell and voice of reason that tries to get him through college while Roman is…doing what Roman does best, whatever that is Birch isn't sure of yet, though his guess so far is "correcting" him and whenever he speaks British English and refers to certain objects differently, like chips instead of fries.
That's all the OCs for now, so I am hoping you can find some of them you'd like to know more of and I'd be more than happy to answer some asks :)
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
Bad Timing (Levi x reader) Part 11
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brother’s best friend? 
Word Count: 8.2K (longest one yet) 
The next few days flew by in a snowy blur. Most of your time was spent wrapping gifts and packaging baked goods to deliver to family friends. You grunted as you leaned heavily on top of the Tupperware container as you shoved in more sugar cookies. This particular batch was going to Erwin's coach and his family. The sound of wrapping paper tearing made you cringe, turning around you saw Hange holding up the two uneven lengths of paper. She smiled sheepishly at you before shrugging and taping the pieces together once more. Your mom and Erwin were currently out shopping at the mall, which was a good hour away from the hick town you lived in.
You and Hange had already been out shopping the other day. It had been very stressful shopping for all your friends and family. You were glad to have gotten the ordeal over with. Although it was stressful, you had enjoyed picking out the perfect gift for your loved ones. Some highlights included: a camera lense for Armin, a set of chain necklaces for Mikasa, a turkey hat for Sasha, a safari hat for Connie, and your personal favorite was a set of fancy tea cups for Levi.
You really had outdone yourself this year, even going as far as buying Erwin supplies that he would need for College. For Hange you had purchased her a fresh set of glassware for her experiments, since she was majoring in Chemistry and enjoyed doing work outside of the classroom you thought it was a fitting gift. Hange held up her finished product proudly, judging by the size of the box you guessed it was a pair of shoes.
"I can't wait to give these to him!" she gushed as she set the box to the side and began folding a sweater that the two of you had purchased for your mom.
"Yeah I'm sure he'll love them." you agreed. You weren't the only one who had splurged this year. Hange had bought Erwin a fresh pair of cleats for his freshman season at college.
"I hope so!" she chuckled as she boxed the sweater and the pair of earrings for your mom.
"What did you ask for this year?" you asked as you set the stuffed container of cookies to the side.
"Oh nothing special." Hange waved her hand dismissively. You weren't surprised, she wasn't exactly interested in possessions. She valued knowledge above most things, so the closest you could get to filling that need was to give her books or items that helped her learn and shit. You had learned that the hard way, a few years ago you had given her a nice bracelet, which was currently collecting dust on her dresser.
"Well what about your parents, are they doing something special this year?" you inquired, you knew that she had learned to appreciate knowledge from them. They used to go on trips and spend Christmas soaking up the culture of wherever they went. One of their most notable trips was to South America, Hange's favorite trip to date. They hiked in the jungle and learned about the environment and shit.
"Aw sadly no, they wanted to take a break and focus on their research here." She shrugged as she wrapped the box in snowman wrapping paper.
"Really?" you mused, although Hange's family was unconventional you admired their free spirit.
"Yeah, I'm particularly interested in my mom's project, she's studying these penguins in South America right now-" she continued to ramble on about her mother's studies and her father's work. Both of her parents were very active in the zoology community. Hange's rant was cut short by the sound of her phone ringing, she apologized before answering the call, walking out of the room for some privacy. Which you thought was odd, she usually wasn't so private with her phone calls, which at times could be annoying. You brushed it off as most likely being a conversation about gifts. You picked up your phone, taking the opportunity to answer the text that Mikasa had sent you earlier that morning.
"We'll be over around 7." her text made you feel giddy with excitement. Although this year would be a bit different you were still excited to see all your friends.
"See you soon!" you responded, you realized that it was probably a good idea to start dinner for your mom. She should be home any minute but still you set about preheating the oven for the casserole and the ham. Thankfully the Jeagers brought dishes as well, Carla made a mean pumpkin pie. You weren't expecting Kenny to bring anything other than booze. You fell into an easy rhythm as you prepared the vegetable casserole. It couldn't have been more than an hour later that your mom and Erwin stumbled in the door and dropped the bags down by the card table where we had been wrapping gifts. Your mom was quick to wash her hands and start the mashed potatoes as you checked the ham. Hange had began to set the table with Erwin, a christmas playlist had been playing to set the mood.
The Jeagers arrived right at 7, just in time. Grisha's arms were full with gifts, Carla toted two pies, Eren held a board game, and Mikasa had two bottles of red wine with ribbons around the necks of the bottles. Hugs and formalities were exchanged as they entered and put their gifts under the tree. Carla joined your mom in the kitchen to finish carving the ham. You and the other teens finished setting the table as everyone trickled into the dining room.
Just as the ham was placed on the table and glasses of wine were poured, the doorbell rang once more. Kenny had arrived, surprisingly only thirty minutes late. He had a huge bottle of vodka and another sizable bottle of whiskey. Your mom greeted him, taking the liquor from him and pointing him to his seat. Now that all guests were accounted for you began to dish out food and recount the past holidays that your families spent together. It didn't go unnoticed that Kenny was a tad uncomfortable, but thanks to Grisha's easy going nature and Carla's friendliness, he slowly eased up. Of course you and the other teens had your own conversation separate from the adults.
"-Do you remember that one year that I creamed you guys in Just Dance?" Hange gloated as she waved a forkful of ham in Eren's face.
"Ugh yes, but only because that was the year that Mikasa's ankle was sprained." Eren deflected, lifting his own fork to push hers from his face. Mikasa blushed and shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth.
"Well I guess we'll just have to see if that was the real reason after a rematch!" Hange teased before biting into the hunk of meat.
"I guess we will." Eren narrowed his eyes as he watched Hange chew the meat.
"We should play Mario Kart first, I want to redeem myself." Armin was quick to change the subject. Always quick to avoid possible conflict.
"Yeah I totally creamed you last time!" you gloated a cocky smile on your lips.
"W-What! No I had the most wins!" Eren's eyes were alight with anger. He was too easy to piss off.
"Wrong!" you said in a sing song voice.
"Knock it off you two." Erwin scolded from across the table, Eren's cheeks flushed when Erwin scolded him but you simply rolled your eyes. In the last few months Erwin had taken to hovering over you and your friends. It was strange, he had never shown so much interest in your social life until recently. At first you had been eager to tell him what was going on in your friend group, but now it was becoming annoying.
"Lay off Erwin, it's all talk." you scoffed with a roll of your eyes. Erwin's eyes hardened at your snarky tone, your guests eyes flickered between the two of you as you glared at one another. Until finally you snorted and looked away with a shake of your head.
"Uh...so who wants pie!" Armin, ever true to his anti confrontation nature filled the thick silence between the teens. Meanwhile the adults had continued to yammer on about all the hot hospital gossip.
"I-I would." Eren played into Armin's excuse to change the subject.
"Yeah sounds good." you sighed, defeated. Armin scrambled out of his seat and ducked into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with the pies. He dished out three pieces onto you and Eren's plates before serving himself. By the time he had returned, Hange had already changed the topic to the party the following day. You sat in silence as she rambled about the logistics for the party at your house.
"I think that Nanaba is bringing mac and cheese, Mike is probably going to bring those snicker doodles that he always makes-" You tuned her out, not interested in her current rant. Tomorrow's party wasn't the party you were really excited for. So you instead turned to Mikasa, hoping to talk about your plans for the 26th.
"So what time are you going to Annie's? Would you like to ride together?" you asked as you angled yourself to face her to better tune out Hange.
"We are heading over around 9, and sure I'm driving." Mikasa responded as she stretched to serve herself a piece of pie.
"Perfect, are you spending the night there?" you quizzed, unsure if you also wanted to spend the night there.
"No, we were going to go back to Armin's but I can drop you off here if you want." Mikasa answered as she took a bite of pie.
"Alright that sounds good!" you agreed, knowing that Mikasa was always a reliable designated driver.
Dinner had gone relatively smooth, despite the tension that now hung in the atmosphere between you and Erwin. The rest of the evening was spent in the living room opening gifts with a Christmas movie marathon playing in the background. The Jeagers left around eleven, which was later than they usually stayed. Kenny took the guest bedroom in the basement, since he was spending Christmas day with your family anyway. You checked your phone with a heavy sigh, already it was twelve am. You contemplated texting Levi to tell him happy birthday, but you weren't sure he would be awake. It was already six in the morning in France, and usually he got his three hours of sleep between four and seven in the morning. But you decided that if he didn't answer you could leave him a voicemail or shoot him a text. So after you changed into your pajamas and had snuggled beneath your covers, you pulled up Levi's contact, your thumb hovering over the small phone icon. Finally you just said 'fuck it' and pressed the button, the phone rang three times before he answered.
"Hey." his voice was thick and gravely as he spoke, immediately you felt bad. You knew that you must have woken him up and you cringed internally.
"Hey happy birthday!" you greeted, making sure to keep your voice low so you wouldn't disturb Erwin and Hange.
"Tch thanks." Levi mumbled, you pictured him running a hand down his face as he tried to wake up.
"you're welcome birthday boy." you teased as you fell back onto your pillows.
"shut up." Levi scoffed, you could hear his footsteps as he walked through the apartment, presumably to get his morning cup of black tea.
"you know you love it." you sighed.
"keep telling yourself that." Levi's voice was becoming clearer now that he was more awake.
"I think that I will." you answered with a light laugh.
"you still going to that party tomorrow?" Levi interrogated, you groaned. You had almost forgotten how he liked to stick his nose in your business, even when he was across the fucking ocean.
"Yeah what about it?" you huffed, feeling a bit defensive.
"Shouldn't you stay with your family or some shit." Levi sounded frustrated.
"My mom said I could go." you pouted childishly.
"Whatever." Levi grunted, and you frowned, unsure of where his frustration was coming form.
"Aw come on no need to be jealous, I'm sure you can find some rager in Paris. Not like you'll be missing much here." you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Hmph." Levi scoffed, you could hear the tinkling of his spoon as he stirred his tea.
"So....when are you due to be home?" you asked, deciding it was best to change the subject.
"Next week." Levi's tone was clipped.
"I'm so jealous." you sighed dreamily.
"Yeah Paris is way better than Shiganshina." Levi responded nonchalantly, you weren't sure if he was being serious or sarcastic. Either way he was telling the truth.
"No need to rub it in my face." you chuckled.
"Tch." He scoffed, you liked to imagine him smiling as he did so, even if he wasn't.
"Well I hope that this next week goes by fast, as much as I hate to admit it I've... missed you." you confessed, the tips of your ears scorching hot with embarrassment. The silence was deafening as you waited for him to say something, hell anything even if it was making fun of you.
"Whatever." he huffed, the butterflies in your stomach fluttered at the sound of his baritone voice.
"Just don't stay out late tomorrow." he quipped and you frowned, why did he care how late you stayed out?
"No need to worry about me, I'll probably just stay sober with Mikasa." You told him, only half honest.
"Never said I was worried about you." Levi sighed.
"Hmph fine be like that." you scoffed and rolled your eyes, not surprised with his response.
"Be like what?" He asked, genuinely curious what you meant.
"Like an ass." you quipped.
"Tch I'll quite being an ass when you stop being such a brat." Levi snapped, clearly you were approaching dangerous territory.
"Okay okay chill." you muttered, backing down before things got too heated.
"You're the one that brought it up.." Levi pointed out.
"Yeah and now I'm regretting that" you sighed, wishing he wouldn't be so stubborn for once. He sighed as well and you heard a small clatter on his end of the line, you figured he was starting the dishes.
"Look I've got some shit to do, I'll call you later okay?" Levi's voice was a tad strained and in the moment of silence you heard the sound of Isabel and Farlan bickering in hushed tones.
"Y-Yeah sure of course." you couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.
"Happy birthday Levi." you wished him once more.
"Thanks, talk to you later brat." and with that he hung up, leaving you totally alone in your dark room. You plugged your phone in and rolled over onto your side, he could be so annoying. You inhaled sharply and decided that you would enjoy the party tomorrow to it's fullest. What he didn't know wouldn't kill him.
"Hey can I borrow your lip gloss?" you asked Mikasa as you leaned forward to apply another coat of mascara to your lashes.
"Sure which one?" she asked as she pulled her hair into high pigtails on top of her head.
"The cherry one." you answered after a moment of contemplation. She finished her hair before reaching into her makeup bag and pulled out the tube of clear gloss.
"Thanks." you said as you took the make up from her. You didn't usually put this much effort into your appearance when you went to parties but you figured since it was the first time you would be going to Annie's that this was a special occasion. Also you had a sneaking suspicion that two of your exes would be there and you at least wanted to look hot if you were going to get black out.
Plus Mikasa was also dressed up, she wore a tight fitting black top with long sleeves and a low cut neck line that showed off her pale collarbones and neck. She had chosen to wear a choker that had metallic studs surrounding the black leather along with some other layered necklaces. To match her top she had selected a red plaid skirt and some torn tights. You weren't dressed nearly as edgy as she was, but you too had gone for a grungier look. You'd opted to wear a tattered pair of mom jeans along with a black cropped tank and an oversized flannel to cover your shoulders.
You sighed as you finished applying the gloss and frowned, Eren and Armin were in the next room over blasting Post Malone. You assumed that Eren was on aux since Armin usually listened to Surfaces or Khalid.
"You ready?" Mikasa asked as she pulled on her Doc Martens and double checked her earrings.
"Yeah." you assured her as you stood up to grab your small backpack with an extra change of comfy clothes in case you ended up staying the night. The two of you left the room and knocked on Eren's door that was down the hall.
"Just a minute!" Armin's shrill voice sounded a bit panicked but Mikasa simply shrugged and headed towards the kitchen. The Jeager's house was a ranch style house with one main floor and a nice basement. The two of you waited patiently in the kitchen for the boys, it was already well past nine. You scrolled through your snapchat, most of the stories were the regular group picture of friends having a sleepover, the druggie kids showing off their weed, and of course Sasha and Connie posted a video showcasing the house party at Annie's. From what the short video showed, her house was dark except for some LED lights that flashed through multiple different colors. The music was deafening, and the kids that you could see seemed to be swaying to the pulsing music.Sasha spun the camera around as she knocked back a shot with her arm around Connie who blew a puff of vapor at the camera.
"Looks fun." Mikasa scoffed, you knew that she preferred more low-key parties.
"If you end up not liking it we can always dip." You shrugged, knowing that this wasn't exactly your speed either. Mikasa hummed in agreement and turned to look down the hallway as Eren's door opened. The boys emerged from Eren's room, Eren wore a pair of black jeans and a dark forrest green long sleeved shirt. Armin wore a baby blue knit sweater with a collared shirt underneath and black jeans as well.
"All set?" Mikasa asked as she turned to pull out a bottle of titos with a cute little sweater over it. You smiled at the cute accessory and nodded.
"Yep!" you said popping the p as the four of you all made your way out to Eren's car. You slid into the back seat next to Armin who was fiddling with the hem of his sweater nervously. Eren resumed his hype music as Mikasa backed out of the drive way. Eren pulled out his puff bar as soon as the car was out of the drive and took a long drag. Mikasa scoffed and cracked the window for him. He blew the billow of smoke out the window and reached to turn the music up. He reached back and dangled the puff for you to take, after a brief moment of hesitation you accepted it and cracked your window before taking a hit. Armin watched with wide eyes as you inhaled and blew the vapor out the crack.
"Since when did you vape?" Armin asked, his mouth agape in awe.
"I don't...at least not regularly." You admitted sheepishly.
"That's what they all say." Eren chuckled, smoke curling out from his lips as he smirked.
"Shut up I'm serious!" you snapped a playful smile on your face. Thankfully Annie's house wasn't far away, about a twenty minute drive. You pulled up to the house, it was huge. Standing at least three stories tall, with a long winding driveway. Mikasa pulled up behind one of the many cars in the drive way and parked the car. Mikasa led the way around to the side door, which was unlocked, piled of shoes littered the hallway. The sound of loud music greeted you as you walked into the kitchen on the main floor to set the alcohol you'd brought down. The real party was in the basement.
The lights were off, leaving the only source of light to be the flickering LED lights, you couldn't even tell who was who. The air was heavy with the mingling aromas of cologne, vapes, and weed. Armin practically clung to you as the four of you waded through the crowd to get to the seating area in the center of the room. As you got closer the overpowering scent of weed assaulted your nose. There on the large L shaped couch was Annie, she held a large bong to her lips as Bertolt held the lighter under the weed, she inhaled deeply and the bong bubbled. She pulled back and blew a puff of smoke right in Reiner's face, the blonde's face scrunched up in disgust as he turned away to cough.
"Yo." Annie greeted Mikasa who leaned down to dap her up. Once Annie had greeted Mikasa she turned her attention to Eren who was eyeing the bong.
"You want a drag?" Annie offered, patting the sofa next to her. Eren nodded and dropped down between her and Bertolt, who once again struck the lighter for Eren. Mikasa rolled her eyes and waited patiently for Eren to finish his drag. Once the bong was out of the way she lowered herself down onto his lap and pulled her puff bar out to take a long drag. Armin shifted awkwardly behind you and tugged on your sleeve.
"Want to go get something to drink?" he yelled over the booming music, you glanced at the bong longingly but decided that Armin needed you right now so you nodded in agreement.
"Sure." the two of you pushed through the crowd to the minibar where an impressive amount of liquor was waiting. You poured some Bacardi into a glass of and added some pineapple and orange concentrates before handing the cup to Armin. He thanked you and quickly got to work on finishing the mixed drink. You poured yourself a rum and coke and then two shots of Malibu for you and Armin to take. The two of you knocked back the shots before wandering back over towards the couch. The crowd had thinned out a bit, something about watching a movie in Annie's in home movie theater.
"-No that's bullshit, I know for a fact that you pissed your pants in the second grade Eren!" your eyebrows shot into your hairline at the words leaving Annie's mouth.
"Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I don't notice shit." She huffed as she lifted the juul in her hand to her lips and took a long drag.
"Just take the L Eren we all remember." Bertolt shook his head and chuckled at Eren's flushed cheeks. You glanced at Mikasa, usually she would defend Eren but she seemed content to let him struggle through this one on his own, still perched on his lap.
"We've all had accidents before." Armin said with an awkward chuckle as he sat down beside Annie, who looked at him with a blank expression.
"Like that time you tripped down the stairs and broke both your legs in fourth grade?" Annie quipped, a small smirk curling onto her lips. You choked on your drink at Annie's remark, she was an absolute savage.
"Exactly..." Armin flushed, lifting his own cup to his lips. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you were too invested in the conversation to be bothered to pick it up.
"Want a hit?" Annie offered the bong to you, you nodded. Although you'd never had weed before, you'd tried asking Levi for some of his but he always denied you. Annie held her hand out to Bertolt who placed the lighter in his open palm. She packed some more weed into the bowl before handing you the bong.
"You ever done this before?" She asked as she kneeled in front of you. You shook your head,
"Okay so I'll tell you when to inhale, and you've got to take a huge breath so you can get the smoke in your system. But then you'll have to take another breath to get it in your lungs." she instructed as she pressed the weed deeper into the bowl.
"Okay." you agreed, she nodded and struck the lighter, holding the flame over the weed in the bowl. You pressed your lips to the mouth piece and waited for her instructions.
"Inhale." she said once the weed was lit. You sucked in a big breath and the water in the bong bubbled. The smoke burned the insides of your throat as you inhaled it, you pulled the bong off your mouth and sucked in once more to get the smoke into your lungs. She nodded in approval as you coughed, smoke curling out of your mouth.
"Not bad for your first time." she commented as she took the bong from you and passed it to Mikasa who took a long drag before passing it to Bertolt.
"Thanks, that stuff burns." you coughed, Annie sat down next to you on the couch and draped her arm over the back. You felt the buzz from the weed and the shots you'd taken earlier, making your head spin a bit. Annie's thigh brushed against your own, you tried to focus on what she was wearing, a pair of grey sweats and a cute cropped peachy colored tank top with spaghetti straps.
"I like your top." you complimented, her hand fell from the back of the couch to your shoulders.
"Thanks." she said, turning to gauge your reaction to her touch. You swallowed a bit nervously, you'd known Annie since kindergarten, but you'd never really been friends before, she was always so quiet.
"I always thought you were a good kid." Annie smirked, her eyes a bit playful.
"What made you think that?" You giggled, shuffling closer to her.
"Your brother is like the school's golden boy, and you are always in all the honors classes." she shrugged, you frowned. You were used to people coming up with these assumptions. She was right though, you did take honor classes, but that didn't mean you couldn't party!
"I guess...But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy partying." you countered.
"I suppose." she chuckled, taking a hit from her juul and blowing the smoke away from your face. Your phone rang in your pocket and you frowned, as you dug it out of your pocket. Your frown deepened at the sight of Hange's contact lighting up your screen.
"Hang on I should take this." you apologized, moving to stand up to find a quiet place to answer the phone. Annie snatched your wrist and pulled you back down on the sofa, the room spun as you fell back down and slumped against her shoulder.
"Slow down there sweetheart." Annie chuckled as you leaned against her.
"I got to go answer my-"
"Nah just stay here, enjoy yourself." Annie pulled you closer, but your head was too foggy to protest, thoughts of your phone already fading into the back of your mind as Annie held the bong to your lips once more.
"She's still not answering." Hange chewed on her knuckle as she glanced at Erwin who was gripping the steering wheel. His brows were knit tightly together with worry, Levi shifted in the back seat, tapping his fingers impatiently.
"This is stupid, she can wait until tomorrow to see me." Levi huffed, trying his best to sound indifferent.
"Oh don't say that Levi." Hange frowned as she looked back at Levi, her eyes deep with worry.
"Don't worry about it." Levi grunted, turning his attention back to his phone. He opened snapchat, and scrolled through the stories. His eyes widened slightly when he stopped on Sasha's story, the video of the party played, he found himself looking for your silhouette among the swaying bodies. He tapped on his screen, expecting to move on to the next story, only to find a new video, added to her story less than ten minutes ago. A video of you with a red solo cup in one hand, and a juul in the other. You were leaned up against a blonde girl who was pushing a bottle of Pink Whitney against you, the pink alcohol sloshing in the glass.
"Come on (Y/n) finish it off!" Sasha encouraged as the other kids on the couch picked up on her chant.
"Finish it, Finish it." the crowd cheered as you sat down the cup and took the bottle from the blonde. You looked at the camera as Sasha shuffled closer.
"No pa-paparazzi please." you giggled, hiccuping half way through your sentence. You lifted the bottle to your lips and tilted your head back, the liquid spilled down your front, making your skin glisten in the colorful lights as you chugged the alcohol you managed to get in your mouth.
"Fuck yeah!!!" Sasha jeered, spinning the camera around to her face. The video ended and Levi felt his blood boil. He'd never seen you so out of it before and he hated it. He hated how easily you had given into doing something so stupid, he hated the sight of the juul in your fist, he hated the way the girl's arm was tightly wrapped around your waist, but most of all he hated that he wasn't there.
"Wait, I think Sasha's snap map is on." Hange mumbled, her phone screen casting a pale glow over her glasses as she zoomed in on Sasha's bitmoji. Sure enough Sasha's bitmoji was on the map, surrounded by at least twenty other bitmojis gathered in one location.
"Okay let's head that way then." Erwin sighed as he started the car and backed out of his parking spot in the airport parking lot. Erwin pulled out of the small airport that was about thirty minutes away from your town and set off towards Annie's house. Thankfully Annie lived on the outskirts of town so it wasn't as far of a drive. It wasn't long before Erwin was pulling up a long winding drive that was full of cars. He parked at the back of the line of cars and got out of the car with a heavy slam of his door. Levi slammed the back door of the minivan as hard as he could, the two of them marched up the driveway silently with Hange following nervously.
"You guys please slow down it's icy out here." Hange begged as she slipped on one of the steps to the side door. The three of them piled into the house, Hange knew it was bad when Levi didn't bother to kick his shoes off before continuing towards the basement steps. Erwin stormed down the steps, the music getting louder as they descended. Erwin paused at the bottom of the steps to take in the scene, cups littered the floor, the room was hazy with smoke from juuls and the scent of weed clung to the air. A group of partygoers was crowded onto the couch, Levi's eyes narrowed onto the back of your head.
"Yoooo that's ice cold." Eren's loud voice could be heard over the music as the teens passed the bong between one another.
"No it's the truth." you slurred, the empty bottle of alcohol still in your fist.
"Well sorryyy that I forgot that I had gum in my mouth." Connie said, waving his hands in front of his face.
"You're an idiot." Sasha laughed boisterously as she shoved a handful of pretzels into her mouth.
"damn straight." Annie agreed, taking the empty bottle from you and setting it on the coffee table. Erwin stalked across the room and stood behind Bertolt, who was now on the floor. The conversation came to a halt at the sight of the uninvited guests.
"Woah I think I'm seeing things." you said, tilting your head downwards as you tried to understand why you were seeing your brother.
"Me too." Reiner agreed, his own distant gaze honing in on his team captain.
"Get up we're going home." Erwin's voice was cold and commanding as he glowered at you.
"I don't wanna leave." your eyes hardened with denial. Erwin stepped over Bertolt, once he had moved your eyes landed on Levi, who was glaring at you with those dark eyes.
"I'm definitely seeing things." you grunted as Erwin pulled you off the couch and away from Annie's warmth.
"Hey man she said she didn't want to go." Annie snarled, jumping to her feet, her icy blue eyes sharp.
"Yeah well she's drunk as shit and doesn't know what she's saying." Levi snapped back at Annie, who had a hand clamped down around your arm. Hange shifted nervously behind the couch as she watched the scene unfold.
"You need to leave." Annie growled, pointing a finger at the stairs.
"That's what we're trying to do dumb ass." Levi growled, taking a step closer to the circle of teens.
"Leave her alone she can make her own decisions." Reiner quipped, rising to his own feet.
"Stay out of this Braun." Erwin ordered, releasing you so he could turn and face Reiner.
"I'm just saying, she chose to come here on her own and she's enjoying herself so let her be." Reiner shrugged.
"She's had enough tonight." Erwin countered, shifting his gaze back to you as you swayed on your feet.
"No I haven't" you frowned up at Erwin.
"Yes you have. We're leaving end of discussion." he said with finality, once more reaching for your wrist.
"I'm not leaving Erwin." you protested, pulling yourself free from his grasp. He snatched your wrist once more and tugged you away from the circle. You gasped and stumbled after him, the protests of your friends echoing loudly in your head. Erwin hauled you up the stairs and out the side door, Levi and Hange close on your heels. He only slowed once you were walking down the driveway. You wrenched yourself free once more with a strangled cry.
"I said I don't want to leave!" you screamed, a few tears sliding down your cheeks.
"You always embarrass me in front of my friends just give me this one night!" you cried, the cold air making your face beet red.
"You'll thank me later." He said simply before turning to continue down the driveway.
"No I won't I'm going back inside." you turned on your heel and marched back towards the door, only for Levi to catch your wrist.
"You've had enough for one night." He scolded as you struggled against his hold. Hange chewed on her bottom lip with worry at the sight, this was not how she planned your reunion.
"Levi let me go." you said with finality as you met his eyes.
"No, you're going home." Levi's voice was tense.
"No I'm not."
"(Y/n) you're going home and that's final." Erwin sighed, running a hand down the side of his face. You spun around and glared at him.
"You're not my fucking dad Erwin so quit acting like it! Jesus it's so annoying I'm tired of it!" you screamed, your chest heaving with frustration, your breath coming out with puffs of vapor. Hange and Levi stood deathly still, knowing that the topic of your father was a sensitive one.
"Fine be that way." Erwin snarled and marched to the van and climbed in with a slam of his door. Hange rushed to get in the car without a second glance over her shoulder. Levi remained firmly rooted to the ground, his hand still wrapped firmly around your wrist as you cried.
"Get out of here Levi." you sobbed, shaking your arm to throw his hand off. He finally let you go, his head tilted down to the ground. You huffed, wrapping your arms around your chest before turning on your heel and stalking back towards the house. Levi stood there a moment longer just listening to the sound of your receding footsteps before he padded back to Erwin's car and slid into the backseat.
Your head was spinning as you pressed your back against the bathroom door, your lip quivering as you tried to contain your tears. You knew that you'd hurt both Erwin's and Levi's feelings, you also knew that they were only trying to help you. But there was only so much help you could except from them without them toeing the line between helpful and overbearing. You slid down the door with a whimper, you hugged you knees to your chest and rested your chin on top of them. A knock startled you out of your moping,
"(Y/n)? You in there?" You groaned when you recognize Jean's voice.
"Open the door please." He said softly and you felt more tears fall down your cheeks as you reached up for the knob to unlock the door. The lock clicked and you shuffled to lean agains the wall so he could open the door.
"Hey" he said as he stuck his head in, his amber eyes soft with worry.
"Hey" you sniffled, turning your head up to meet his gaze.
"What's wrong?" He asked, slipping into the small bathroom and closing the door behind him. He crouched down in front of you, his elbows propped on his own knees as he got onto your level.
"Well for starters, you kissed someone else when we were talking." you said a bit venomously. He cringed and plopped down to sit criss cross applesauce instead.
"I'm sorry I know that I shouldn't have done that but, I've been really confused....like sexually I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and your frowned.
"I know, but it still hurt my feelings." you mumbled, a few fresh tears falling from your watery eyes.
"I shouldn't have led you on like that, it was a real jerk move." Jean agreed, his eyes still soft and comforting. You'd missed being his friend you realized as you sat on the cold tile.
"I've missed talking to you." you spoke your mind, managing a small smile.
"Me too, let's be friends again?" he proposed, offering his hand to you. Your smile grew wider as you extended your own hand to grasp his. You shook hands briefly.
"So are you and Marco a couple now?" you asked.
"Sort of.." Jean chuckled.
"You want to go back to the party now?" He asked, jutting a thumb towards the door. You nodded, although now you were beginning to sober up. He stood and offered his hands to help you to your feet. You accepted his hands and he pulled you to your feet. The two of you walked slowly down the steps to rejoin the circle of teens in the living room. Jean stopped at the bottom of the stairs his hand held loosely in your own. He squeezed your hand, asking for your attention. You turned and faced him, a questioning look on your face.
"You've got some-" He chuckled, lifting his thumb to his mouth and licking it before wiping away some rogue mascara off your cheeks. You gasped in mock offense as he wiped away the makeup.
"You're not my mom." you teased, pulling your face free as you turned to head back into the fray, trusting that Jean got all the black marks off your face.
"Nobody could replace Angie." Jean agreed as he followed you into the basement. The group of previously rowdy teens was now subdued due to your brother and his meddling party crasher friends.
"Hey look who's back!" Reiner greeted, causing all the heads to turn back to you. You smiled sheepishly and dropped back into your seat next to Annie.
"You alright?" She asked, her eyes scanning you meticulously for any signs of injury.
"Yeah I'm- I'll be alright." you stumbled over your words as the group watched you carefully.
"You want a uh beer or something?" Connie asked, lifting up an unopened can.
"No she doesn't you idiot!" Sasha snapped, elbowing Connie harshly.
"Ow well I was just trying to make her feel better!" Connie cried, turning to tackle Sasha. The two began to tussle, rolling around on the floor grunting as they struggled. You smiled, the pair never failed to make you happy. Annie draped her arm over you again as the boys began to place bets on who would come out victorious.
"If Sasha wins you've got to drink one of Connie's mixed drinks!" Eren said, leaning over to Bertolt who scoffed, his boyish features contorting with disgust. Connie was known for making the worst mixed drinks.
"You're on Jeager." he reached over Reiner and the two shook in agreement before turning their attention to the scuffle.
"Come on Sasha!" Eren jeered as Sasha bit down hard on Connie's hand. The boy yelped and tried to desperately pry her locked jaws off his hand. He gave up quickly and resorted to hitting her head with his closed fist, his face wild with panic.
"Tickle her neck" Mikasa suggested as she lifted a red solo cup to her lips. Your eyes widened in surprise, Mikasa usually kept quiet during these scuffles, unless of course it was Eren being thrown around. Connie's free hand flew down to Sasha's armpit and immediately Sasha released his other hand to roll away from him. Connie regained the upper hand, pinning Sasha beneath him as he tickled her ruthlessly. Jean groaned and slapped a wad of bills into Reiner's open palm as Sasha slapped the ground in defeat. Connie threw his hands into the air and rolled off Sasha who was fighting for breath.
"Traitor" she moaned, her brown eyes glaring at Mikasa who shrugged indifferently. Eren groaned and frowned at Mikasa.
"Why'd you do that?" He asked as Bertolt looked relieved. Mikasa shrugged once more a sly smile on her face as Eren pushed her off his lap.
"So" Connie jumped to his feet and clapped his hands together.
"About that drink." he turned and strutted over to the mini bar, followed by a sulking Eren and a smug Bertolt. You turned to Sasha who was now straddling Mikasa her hands around Mikasa's shoulders as she jostled the girl.
"Come on Mikasa why'd you sell me out like that?" she whined as she shook the girl, Mikasa's drink sloshing in her cup. Mikasa smiled as her eyes drifted to the group of boys, Connie had a large bottle of Tito's and a two liter of Mt. Dew in his hands as he inspected the two, his face scrunched up with concentration.
"Come on Sasha it's not like you wouldn't do the same if it were me." Mikasa scoffed with a roll of her eyes. You snorted at Mikasa's response, knowing that she was indeed correct. Sasha gasped and shook Mikasa harder.
"I would never do that to you! Besides you would win in any fight you fought." Sasha objected, leaning back on Mikasa's lap her arms extended.
"Psh whatever." Annie scoffed, a playful smirk on her lips.
"Not all of us are masters at kickboxing." Sasha pouted as she climbed off Mikasa's lap and dropped onto the empty space next to her. You knew that Mikasa had participated in the sport for the past few years, but you were confused when Sasha looked between Annie and Mikasa.
"What you didn't know?" Annie asked with a smirk. You shook your head,
"No I guess I don't know." you laughed as Annie licked her lips and she threw her arm back over your shoulders.
"Mikasa and I are on the same kickboxing club." She shrugged as you settled back into her side. Your mouth opened into an 'o' shape in realization as Annie dug her juul out of her pocket and took a hit. Mikasa nodded in agreement, her eyes shifting back over to the boys, who were laughing loudly as Eren chugged a cup of mystery liquid.
"Really? I had no idea." you said as you followed Mikasa's gaze. Eren was now leaned over gagging as Armin patted his back with a worried expression.
"-You dodged a bullet there!" Reiner quipped as he patted Bertolt's back as the tall boy watched with a disgusted face.
"Hey where did Ymir and Krista run off to?" Sasha asked, whipping her head around to look for the pair.
"Probably making out in some corner." Reiner scoffed as he dropped back onto the sofa, the rest of the boys rejoining the group as well. You nodded in agreement, it was no secret that the pair had been seeing each other recently.
"Guess so." Sasha sighed, slumping back into the sofa, throwing a glare at Connie who was now seated next to her with an arm over the back of the couch. Eren and Armin were the only once unaccounted for, you assumed that they had fled to the bathroom given the state Eren had been in after drinking Connie's concoction. Jean had managed to slip away with all the commotion, probably to return to Marco. Annie sighed, glancing at her phone with a frown, it was well past three at this point and you were starting to feel the fatigue.
"Well I think that I'm heading off to bed." Annie yawned, the others seemed to be mellowing out as well.
"You guys can crash here or my brother's room is open as well as my sisters rooms." She said as she stood up. You immediately missed her warmth as she lingered by the couch.
"I call Eric's room!" Sasha perked up, also standing up to run towards Annie's younger brother's room.
"No fair!" Connie yelled, giving chase. Mikasa sighed and stood up as well.
"I'd better go check on Eren and Armin." She mumbled as she stalked off towards the bathroom.
"Are you staying the night then?" Annie asked you as you also stood up, not sure if you should go after Mikasa.
"I'm not sure, Mikasa was going to take me back to her place..."
"You can sleep in my room with me." She offered, tilting her head towards the stairs. You bit your lip as you weighed your options. Mikasa had been drinking and smoking and you knew that she wasn't stupid enough to drive so you figured that you weren't leaving any more.
"We'll sleep in Sarah's room." Reiner said as he and Bertolt began to retreat up the stairs. Leaving just you and Annie in the basement living room, she raised a brow as she waited for your answer.
"No pressure." She said as she began to walk towards the stairs.
"Yeah I'll sleep with you." you blurted as you jogged to catch up to Annie. She smirked at your wording and you flushed.
"Not like that!" you slapped her arm as she led the way up to the top floor which was a maze of closed doors. She slipped into one of the closed doors, into a large bedroom with a queen sized bed in the center of the room. She emptied her pockets before climbing into bed, pulling the covers back for the both of you. You slid into the open side and sat your phone on the bedside table. Annie sighed with relief as she nestled into the covers, scrolling through her phone as you closed your eyes in an attempt to sleep. After a few minutes Annie put her phone down and rolled over, now her front was facing your back.
"You awake?" She whispered, you rolled over to face her as well.
"Yeah" you answered, resting your head on your arm as you focused on her features as best as you could in the dim lighting.
"You wanna make out?" she asked, your eyes widened in shock. You weren't sure if she was being serious or not.
"For real?" you blinked rapidly as Annie shuffled closer and pushed a lock of hair out of your face.
"I mean yeah." she huffed a shy smile on her face. You pursed your lips in thought, you had never kissed a girl before, and it wasn't like the thought of doing so had never crossed your mind. You shrugged and leaned slightly into her touch.
"Yes or no." She said as she propped herself up on her elbow so she was looking down on you.
"Sure." you agreed, she leaned down as soon as the words left your lips. Her lips were so soft compared to the boys that you'd kissed in the past. Her hand that had been in your hair now traced over your cheek bones as she licked your bottom lip. You opened your mouth for her to slip her tongue in, the taste of weed and pink whitney mingling on her breath. You met her tongue a bit timidly as she licked your bottom teeth. She pulled back after a moment to readjust herself so that she was now laying down on top of you, caging you in her arms as she leaned down to kiss your chin.
"You're so cute." she mused, her lips pressed against the corner of your mouth.
"You're really pretty" you breathed as her lips hovered over your own once more before connecting her lips with yours once more.
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polar534 · 4 years
Jersey Stealing Pt. 4
Titan, this was a lot longer then I had ever planned on it being. I started writing Jersey Stealing I want to say MONTHS ago. You guys have only recently seen the parts that have been sitting done for ages. I guess it's just a side effect of this being my secondary, recovery project. Something fun I can write up while I'm at work.
Anyways, I'll stop babbling now and let y'all get to the well deserved end to this arc. This one is long. It's got a lot of loose threads tied up and it's also got my first instance of me ever typing out 'I love you' in any sort of writing... so that's a thing. Hopefully I did it alright.
(If you like this/want to read the other parts/want to figure out what the heck this Hockey AU is in the first place, consider checking out the MasterPost.)
Amity tapped her fingers, the sharp sound echoing loudly throughout the empty house. Sighing, she pushed her chair out and set aside the homework she was working on. The quiet nature of the house was almost physically bothering her as she walked to the window.Opening up to the sounds of the street below and woods behind, Amity took a deep breath and let the sounds comfort the growing restlessness creeping into her bones. Normally on the days she didn't have practice, both her and Luz would spend the evening in the Boiling Isles, visiting Lilith and Eda at the palace. There was always something to do, and Eda in particular was always looking for some excuse to sneak away from her duties even for just a little bit. It was something they both looked forward to. A time in which everyone could catch up, Gus and Willow included, outside of school or Willow and Amity's games.
However, today was different. Luz had a lot less shine in her eyes as Amity said goodbye to her at the portal, something that rarely happened. It only furthered Amity's resolve in her decision to stay behind and find some sort of resolution to the incident that now had been plaguing her girlfriend for almost a week.
The itching in her bones began to crawl into her skin as Amity felt her restlessness increase. Moving to the bed she grabbed some shoes and slid them on, making sure to grab her stick and jersey on the way out the door. Even if it was late, she knew Luz wouldn't be home anytime soon, and there was no telling when Camilla would be off of work. Equipment in hand, she moved down the street quickly, the daylight slowly fading behind her.
The slam of the puck against the stick offered little resistance to Amity's swing as she continued the course she had designed for herself. Lapping the rink she crashed into the football training dummy she and the team had borrowed (stolen) from the local highschool. Feeling the weighted dummy barely move against the slick ice had her hitting the next lap even faster then the first.
This time the swing was straight through the puck, almost as if Amity was merely cutting through the air with her motions. The puck flew through the air and pushed the netting of the goal to it's limit as the witch ducked her head down and lapped the rink a second time, building up speed to once again charge the dummy. Her chest heaved as her feet slowed in their steps, the ice now almost like water under her skates. There was no more traction to be gained and she instead allowed her body to continue it's momentum as she practically soared towards her goal. Her mind emptied as she plowed into the object in front of her, shoulder out, intending to cause as much damage as possible. This time, the metal sled holding the dummy up slid effortlessly through the ice as it flew backwards. The force of her impact wasn't clean though. Losing her balance and with too much speed to stop, Amity careened around the edge of where the dummy had stopped and she hit the ice hard. The green-haired girl barely registered the pain as her stick flew from her hand and she was left spinning out on the ice.
The witch panted heavily as she lay on the frozen rink, completely dazed, her heartbeat thudding so loudly in her ears that she could barely think.
As the pain of her fall caught up with her, so did the emotions she had tried to outrun for the past week. She wasn't aware of the first tear that slipped down the side of her cheek, but the many following after had her face almost bitterly cold in chilly temperature of the arena. A question repeated in her mind over and over.
The tears didn't bother her. Neither did the reason she was shedding them.
What bothered her most was Luz. Why was this the thing, this hope, this person, the one thing to break Luz like Amity had never seen? Why did this emotion, this defeat, seem to haunt Luz like a ghost that was all too familiar? Amity's heart broke for Luz, and maybe she was finally allowing herself to feel the pain, the burden she had tried carrying since she had seen it. Her mind raced to fill in the gaps and answer the questions as the adrenaline from her training began to crash and her body melted further into the ice.
She thought about all she knew and had learned about Luz's history in her own world. This world that Amity now had become a part of. It seemed like every day was a struggle for Luz, her wild and dangerous ideas being so obviously unappealing to others. Forcibly being isolated, even when you are trying to reach out was a lot different from how Amity grew up. She was always welcome, but never felt like she belonged… never wanted to.
'I think that’s why Luz held on to the hope that one day they could be friends'
It was Luz's connection to Amity that severed the last chance of her bonding to her past. It was the step over the line for Sasha, the person Luz had hung her last hopes on before she met Willow, before she met Gus, before she met Amity.
The adrenaline was gone. Her body aching, Amity crawled her way to her feet feeling more hollow then ever before. Slowly, she slid the training dummy off the ice, and grabbed her stick. Her eyes glanced to the puck that was still in the empty space of the goal as she packed the last of her equipment away. Glancing at her phone she saw that there were missed messages.
-I'm home now.
Missed Call from Luz
-Where are you?
-I hope you're ok.
Amity took one last look at the ice behind her before she tapped out a quick response, slinging her jersey off and over her shoulder as she walked out of the building.
-Sorry. I was practicing.
-I'll be home soon.
Amity crept up the stairs and to the bedroom. Peeking open the door slowly she saw that Luz was curled up on the bed, wrapped up snugly in a blanket and using a small lamp to read by. As soon as the door opened her eyes shot up and the ghost of a smile lit up her face in the relative darkness.
"Ahhh, there she is!"
Amity smiled back as she wormed her way further into the room and set her equipment down. Kicking off her shoes she sat down on the edge of the bed as Luz set her book down and clung onto her back, her head resting comfortably in the crook of the witch's neck.
"I'm sorry I was late." Amity mumbled quietly as she leaned her face into Luz's, enjoying her girlfriend's warmth as it chased away the bite of cold that still lingered from the rink.
"I am too." Luz rumbled back into her ear as she squeezed her arms tightly around the witch's torso and pulled her fully down onto the bed.
"Oh? Miss me much Noceda?" Amity teased as they both wrapped the blanket around them and settled in, Luz in Amity's arms.
Luz merely responded with a low growl as she snuggled further into the other's girls embrace, making sure her face was buried into Amity's chest. After a moment of enjoying being close and together again, Luz finally lifted her face. Her eyes were tired, but they held the shine of curiosity that Amity was used to. Deep in those wide brown eyes there was a flicker of the Luz she knew and loved.
Then that flicker faded.
"So… you were out pretty late."
Amity nodded. It wasn't an accusation, just a comment. It didn't stop the guilt from rushing in however.
"I know. I'm sorry. I was caught up in practicing and didn't realize the time."
"Lokte's brother stopped by earlier." Luz said calmly.
Amity's blood froze. It wasn't as if she wanted to hide what she had been up to for the last few days, but rather didn't want to worry Luz any more then she already was. It was too late now though.
"He wanted to apologize. For what happened at the game. He looked pretty spooked. Guess Lokte didn't go easy on him."
"I wouldn't either." Amity growled stiffly. It may have been a genuine mistake, but that didn't mean the threat didn't bother her. What was worse was that Luz still seemed completely calm. Amity didn't know what to expect. Would she be mad? Or just disappointed?
Silence fell between the pair.
"You talked with them today… didn't you?"
There was another moment of silence before Amity nodded. Luz continued to face away from her, but the witch knew that her girlfriend knew the answer before she had asked. After a few more agonizing seconds, Luz finally faced her. The smallest sliver of a smile crept it's way on her face, and the light in her eyes seemed to come back ever so slightly.
"Sooo… just how obnoxious is Bryce?" Luz asked, gently teasing. Her light voice instantly broke through the stiff air between them.
Amity let out a sigh of relief as she laughed a bit to herself.
"I have no idea how you put up with him at all. He's got to be one of the dullest people I have ever met. I told him multiple times I was your girlfriend and he still couldn't take the hint! He kept trying to ask me out." The witch growled lowly, unconsciously squeezing Luz tighter.
"Oh. Huh..." Luz hummed thoughtfully.
"Luz there was no way I was going to say yes. You know that right?"
Luz sat up and waved her hand as if dismissing Amity's thought.
"Yeah of course I know that." She assured the witch almost like an after thought, now looking curiously out the window. "It's just weird. Bryce isn't the type to ask girls out. He just hasn't ever been interested in dating before."
"Could've fooled me." Amity grumbled unhappily, Byrce's aggressive way of flirting still very much prevalent in her mind.
Luz turned back to her with another smile, this one supportive and warm.
"Oh Ami. He's still very much a trashbag." Luz said slowly, her distaste for Bryce very barely hidden. "You didn't have to go talk to them for me you know." She added after a pause, her voice growing quiet.
"Well. Let's see, they threatened you, called you a liar and then tried to go on with their life as if everything was ok. As if there wasn't any consequences." Amity listed as she stared at the ceiling and counted on her fingers. After thinking for awhile she stared hard at Luz. "Yeah. I wasn't about to let that happen."
Luz's smile grew a little more genuine as both girls looked at each other. She leaned back up against Amity as they settled back down into the bed. There wasn't anything more to say.
"So practicing huh? Did you use the football dummy?" Luz asked suddenly and excitedly.
Amity couldn't help but smile, it had been Luz's idea to use it (steal it) in the first place.
"It was a little weird to use, but honestly on the second try I sent it flying."
"Awesome." Luz breathed. "I demand you take me along next time."
Amity laughed. "You've been spending too much time with King." She teased gently as she sat up to lean against the bed frame. Luz promptly flopped across her lap and uncovered her book from earlier to flip open.
"Nonsense." The human girl dismissed as her eyes began to scan the pages again.
"What are you reading anyways?" Amity asked after a pause told her the conversation might be over.
"Shhhhhhh." Luz reached over and lazily flopped a hand against Amity's face in an attempt to gently shush her. "I'm almost done with this scene."
Raising an eyebrow, Amity patiently waited, unaware that she and Luz would soon spend the next 2 hours getting into the first book of a brand new series. After thoroughly researching to find out that yes, the rest of the series was available at the library, the two girls settled in for the night. As they were drifting off, Luz holding Amity tightly to her chest, the witch had almost completely forgotten about the trials they had both been through. The weight of their trauma seemed so far away, lost in the warmth of the blankets and her girlfriend's arms.
No matter what happened, if every day ended with Luz right beside her, Amity knew they could and they would survive anything that life threw at them.
Above her, Luz buried her face into her hair, breathing in deeply as sleep overtook her.
"…mity…" She mumbled sleepily.
Amity couldn't help but giggle a bit. Luz hated falling asleep, always clinging to her consciousness despite how exhausted she was. Always finding some excuse to stay up just a little longer.
"… thanks."
Amity's ears twitched before a small smile appeared on her face. She snuggled into Luz further.
"Anytime." The witch reassured her as she heard her girlfriend sigh happily above her. The room grew quiet once again and Amity was almost fully asleep by the time Luz spoke next.
"I love you."
The heat rushed to Amity's cheeks, as it always did when she heard those 3 little words. Her heart skipped a bit as it beat faster in it's desperate attempt to return the affection.
"I love you too Luz."
Luz didn't return to normal right away, though the night clearly had an effect on her. However, it never took long for the unbreakable spirit of Luz Noceda to rear it's head again and soon enough, The Otter's hockey practice was once again filled with the sounds of rambunctious applause and cheering. The entire team seemed to be effected by the return of their number 1 fan as they all began to work harder, feeling the hope return. After all, they were 4-1 and were still riding high on their winning streak.
Amity and Lokte especially felt the effects of Luz's return to form, not only on a personal level, but also with the renewed gusto of their team.
Which is why, on the last practice before their big game, everything came to an almost halt as the door of the rink opened and a stranger appeared looking very lost.
It wasn't as if the majority of the team knew this new person, but they recognized the bad news this person brought as their star player completely froze. Amity recognized the figure immediately. She was already furiously skating off the ice as they started to approach Luz, Lokte quickly calling for a 5 minute break behind her. Up in the stands, Luz looked up, surprised to see a face beside her in the usually barren stands. She was even more surprised by just how familiar the face was.
Beside her, Sasha was clenching tightly to her arm, looking absolutely everywhere but at Luz herself. She looked like she was trying to form a sentence as the commotion on the ice finally caught up to them. Both girls turned to see Amity, desperately pulling off her skates in the players box, her face furious.
"Wait! Wait! I can explain!" Sasha called out as they watched Lokte skate up next to Amity who growled out a quick response. Now both players seemed set on heading up to the stands, completely uncaring about the former bullies cry.
Luz didn't know what to do. Her mind had frozen when she saw Sasha and not knowing what to think, she didn’t know what to say. Her eyes were locked on Lokte and Amity as they started climbing the stairs to where she was, feeling almost grateful that she would have some sort of backup in just a few moments.
It wasn't that she was scared, but her chest seemed to ache the same way it had the last couple of days and she was acutely aware that she seemed to shrink in Sasha's presence. Luz knew that she hadn't been herself in the days following her encounter with Sasha and Bryce before. It had taken a lot out of her, and although she always wanted to look for the best in people, she wasn't keen to repeat that experience.
Especially with how worried Amity had been.
"Ok. Well since it definitely seems like I'm about to be chased from this place," Sasha spoke up, interrupting Luz's fleeting thoughts and quickly turning to her with wide eyes. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Really. I'm not looking for any sort of forgiveness. I don't… I don't deserve that. Not yet. Maybe not ever. I just… I was hoping we could talk."
Luz merely blinked, her mind swirling. She was still very much aware of her girlfriend closing in on them, and Sasha's already flighty behavior. She knew she needed to make a move to stop something from happening but she couldn't think past the girl's words.
'I'm sorry'
"You… wanted to talk?" Luz finally choked out, finding some sort of sticking point to allow herself to speak again.
Sasha almost looked a little sheepish, her fearful eyes darting back and forth between the hockey players quickly coming up the stairs and the girl she had hurt.
"Yeah. For all the years I've known you… I realized I know absolutely nothing about you." The blonde haired girl laughed.
The laugh was so genuine that Luz couldn't help but laugh with her. After all, everything she said was true. They had known each other for a long time, but they were still practically complete strangers. It was Luz who had always wanted that to change, but Sasha had never made an attempt to fix anything between them before. Time was running out however as Sasha turned to leave, clearly afraid of the players coming up the steps.
She was quickly stopped by Luz's hand on her arm.
"Hey! I thought I told you not to go near her again!" Amity snarled, now being close enough to yell.
Luz could feel the shiver of fear that shot through Sasha as Amity bared her fangs. Again, she couldn't help but smile, after all, Amity was pretty terrifying when she wanted to be. Looking absolutely ready to bolt, Sasha turned to Luz with wide eyes, clearly praying that this wasn't some big trap. Luz only winked as a response.
Letting her arm go, Luz stood up and put herself between Amity and Sasha, holding her arms out to the side to fully block the girl behind her.
Amity froze as Lokte stopped on the steps below her, their arms crossing in frustration.
"Luz?" The witch asked tentatively. Her voice was full of concern and worry, all traces of anger almost completely fading as she stared at her girlfriend in confusion.
Luz took a deep breath.
"It's okay Ami. She just wants to talk."
Amity bristled in anger, but she did her best to remain calm. "Are you ok?"
Luz glanced behind her and took note of Sasha's wide, shocked eyes. Her face was blank as she turned back around to face her girlfriend.
"Give me a stick and I'll make sure she doesn't get too out of line." Luz smirked after a short pause.
A startled gasp from behind her had Lokte and Luz both laughing while Amity merely rolled her eyes. Taking a step forward she planted a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.
"Let me know the moment she starts bothering you, ok?" Amity whispered. Luz caught her hand as she backed up again and held it tight as she flashed a confident smile.
"Of course." Luz grinned at her as she swung the witch's hand and let it go. "You just get back to practicing. No need to stop on my behalf."
"I could name several reasons." Lokte interjected, still looking rather distrustful of the girl tentatively peeking out from behind Luz.
Despite their reluctance, Amity nodded at Luz and dragged her friend back down to the rink. Luz watched them leave for just a bit before turning to Sasha with a grin.
"Alright. Crisis adverted." She laughed playfully. "Just be grateful she didn't jump at ya from the ceiling. I've seen it happen. It's not pretty."
Sasha laughed nervously. "So… does this mean we can talk?"
Luz laughed again as she fearlessly grabbed Sasha and forced her to sit next to her on the bleacher.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear you ask me that?"
Amity slid into the seat next to Luz as she watched her teammates wrap up on the ice. Sasha had left only a little while ago and the witch could see a noticeable slouch to her girlfriends shoulders. Despite that, Luz barely moved as Amity gently reached for her hand.
"How are you doing?" She asked quietly, weaving her fingers through Luz's own.
After a short pause, Luz squeezed her fingers back and looked up at her with watery brown eyes. Amity immediately tensed. She didn’t trust that look and if Sasha had hurt her again…
Well the girl hadn't left that long ago, if she hurried, there was still a definite chance that the witch could catch her. She was preparing to grab her stick and hurry out the door as Luz finally spoke.
"We aren't friends yet…" Luz stated slowly, the light in her eyes vibrantly bright as she spoke.
"But it's a start."
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sepublic · 3 years
New Wartwood, Friend or Frobo!
           This was ANOTHER great episode you guys, two exciting things culminating, and I just… YES!
           I love how a recurring theme in both parts of this episode is two strangers who are added to the Plantar family and status quo in Wartwood (I mean Marcy technically isn’t a stranger but she’s a new addition in terms of permanence), and how both episodes have the townsfolk react suspiciously! The people of Wartwood calling back to Anne’s own destruction was neat, it was nice to see Anne guide someone else through the same things she went through, except Marcy doesn’t quite have to do it alone- And Marcy herself seems pretty mature! All things considered, it wasn’t like she just chose to renovate the town against everyone’s wishes, she was following Mayor Toadstool… Which granted, she should’ve listened to Anne’s warning, but still!
           In general, I like how this episode has both the gags of the townspeople being ready to be an angry mob, but also there’s this sense of… Newcomers like in the beginning of the show, except we have a more developed Plantar family to help them through it! It’s incredibly sweet and I love it… And I’m SO hyped to see Marcy and Frobo interact more, I was looking forward to her reaction to them- And I want to see the two bond over being the newcomers to Wartwood, as recent adoptees to the Plantar family, more or less, etc.! I want to see Marcy freak out over Frobo and help them explore their abilities and function, and add her own knowledge and research…
           …But I AM wary of Marcy inevitably writing back to Andrias about the whole thing. Goodness, what if Frobo is broken down for spare parts, or used to help power and heal his master? Is there some connection, would Frobo recognize the Night- Will the Night possess Frobo like Calamity Ganon with the Guardians? We already have so many Breath of the Wild parallels, in addition to Frobo having destructive laser beams… We could get a tragic Iron Giant plot, with Frobo struggling against the Night, maybe even a permanent destruction! That’d really hurt, while also providing more context and background to what the Night was capable of and probably did, what happened in the past, etc.!
           I like how Marcy had the maturity to learn to apologize herself, instead of hiding behind Anne- And it’s neat seeing how she tries to earn love with big, grandiose gestures… I wonder if she learned this from Sasha? Who seems like the kind of person who’d make friends by doing things for people, given how rich she is and how kids are invited to her parties and so forth; And what with it being part of Sasha’s manipulative nature, innocent Marcy picked up on it? Thought this was normal? OH DANG, that could be a toxic trait she learned from Sasha, and we could see her unlearn Sasha’s toxicity the way Anne did! Again, it’s fascinating to see this same storyline redone but with a different character, it’s almost like watching an AU but within canon!
           Also, I know Toadstool insisted that he wouldn’t learn, but he went out of his way to try to vouch for Marcy at least a little, or at least take his part in the blame; And what with his upcoming redemption episode, it’s neat to see him slowly grow as a character too! Again, I liked the callbacks and seeing Anne become more of a seasoned veteran whose seen things for people, like how she warns Marcy about Toadstool’s schemes… But just in general, like how she lectures Sprig and Polly about how they need to know Bessie’s story to drive her, and so forth! It’s this proud sense of people growing up, and then passing things on to the next generation, a passing of the torch and maturity!
           Speaking of which- We also get to see that with Polly! Polly learning to be an older sibling to Frobo is great, that’s such a neat idea we’ve never seen before, and it adds to her character’s development as she continues to appreciate what others have to go through with her! I like how Frobo is technically younger than Polly in a sense, but also incredibly destructive like her, so you got the baby siblings being destructive… And again, seeing our main cast teach others is incredibly heartwarming, it makes the journey feel all the more well-rounded and nostalgic; We’re seeing how they’ve grown by watching how they become mentors to others, I love this SO much!
           Also, I like how Marcy and Hop Pop are getting along more! We got a glimpse of this beforehand, but now we’re really getting into it, especially with Marcy’s fascination with Wartwood- I think it’s neat the detail of it essentially being a bunch of buoyant sod and topsoil placed over swampwater! It doesn’t add much beyond the peril of this little episode, but it’s very neat worldbuilding and a fun concept, and it reminds me of how some cultures created floating gardens! Which, fits Wartwood being an agricultural society, and it just fleshes out how the Amphibians manage to interact with the wild and cultivate it more, it’s so fun! I wonder if this subterranean swamp has anything to do with the various animals we see… Were the herons attracted to the water and perhaps fish beneath? Those monstrous lampreys that flooded the basement, was that from the swamp below? It’s all incredibly fascinating worldbuilding with so much fun, neat implications, I’m genuinely obsessed with it!
           But, back to Marcy and Hop Pop- It’s neat that Hop Pop is finding someone who can appreciate his old-fashioned interests more… It feels like this family is becoming more fulfilled and less lonely as people find each other and bond, fulfill one another in different ways! This old frog is being understood more and more, and now he has a fellow nerd! I’d love to see Marcy learn how to drive Bessie, and I like that Hop Pop has another human stranger who’s enriching his life, and acting as someone he can count on to help him with his grandkids, an older child he can relate to! It just warms my heart after seeing him get along with Anne during the trip back to Wartwood, the more the merrier! And it’s incredibly sweet that Marcy gets the Fwagon all to herself… Which again, would make it hurt if it got destroyed, but whatever;
           My point is, it’s neat how this journey in this home that brought them to Marcy, it ends up being for her too! It’s like the journey hasn’t quite ended yet, they brought someone back with them… And Marcy gets to sleep where Anne slept, get to live where the others lived! It just feels incredibly heartwarming and it’s such a kind and homely, nostalgic gesture… Again, she really feels more like a part of the family, so I can see things changing where Marcy doesn’t just want to be with Anne, but the rest of the Plantars too! Seeing her develop her relationship with them is great.
           Again, I’d like to see Marcy maybe interact with Sprig and Polly more too- Maybe she and Polly can bond over liking Frobo? Frobo and Polly become friends? And while Frobo as an individual does not concern me in regards to intentions; Their design is a bit sus, given the eye-lasers. Though, Amphibia is such a dangerous place that Frobo having defensive capabilities makes sense… But the idea of there being an entire army of Frobos, many of whom could’ve gone destructive and ravaged Amphibia? Genuinely terrifying with how powerful, with such a diverse range of abilities, that Frobo has- They could lift all of Stumpy’s casually! Again, like the Guardians from Breath of the Wild…
           But yeah, it’s really fun these evened-out, pairings among the family now; You have Sprig and Anne… Hop Pop and Marcy… And Frobo and Polly! But also, Marcy and Anne are close to one another as well, Hop Pop has everything with his pre-existing kids… So it’ll be fascinating to see Frobo adjust, and maybe see Marcy try her hand at being a guide to them as well! Maybe they can both bond over being clumsy and not meaning to cause accidents, but also being adept and having a wide range of skills, and perhaps being seen as ‘robotic’ in the sense that they don’t understand social cues and are figuring them out… It’d be SUCH a neurodivergent mood! Then we have Anne, Marcy, and Frobo being the local freak shows and adopted family, Hop Pop, Polly, and Sprig the ‘normals’ acclimating them to Wartwood, etc.!
           All in all this was another fascinating episode, in terms of character dynamics, themes, the development of our protagonists getting to shine, glimpses into lore, changes to the status quo… It’s all wonderful, I knew I’d love this episode, but WOW it was good! Animation for Frobo was superb and I loved Marcy’s outfit from Toadstool, and Mrs. Croaker’s little joke about being suspicious with Marcy for a while, it reminds me of the fandom in a meta sense! Here’s looking forward to the next one, F-Anne’s!
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Attack on Titan S4 Ep6
Ya know... i thought i wouldnt make another one of these but OH WELL EP6 OPENED UP MORE THINGS ABT THIS AMAZING STORY SO I’M MAKING ANOTHER POST TO RANTTTTT
So again SPOILER WARNING I’m gonna be talking about Attack on Titan: The Final Season Ep6
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FIRST OF ALL can i just say the war hammer titan LOOKS SO FRICKIN COOLLLLLL like that is the coolest frickin ability BY FAR THAT WE HAVE EVER SEEN
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Eren’s hot.
Ok but also i just wanna comment on the fact that he’s changed SO MUCH like PHEWWWW the character development is amazing. He went from such an energetic kid to this stoic, always analyzing, ‘i have no choice’ man and it gives me SO much whiplash.
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Mikasa’s hot
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Jean glowed up and is now hot
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Floch’s hair isn’t that weird spiral thingy i’m proud 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Whatta glo up connie Y E S 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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ok THE PARALLELSSSS this ss alone holds the same vibes as eren on the boat in 845 and he was swearing he’d kill every last titan. GOSH YES I LOVE THESE PARALLELS SO MUCH.
This part hurt my heart so much bc we know that THIS ONLY HAPPENED. BECAUSE THE MARLEYANS WANTED TO RETAKE PARADIS FOR DUMB RESOURCES so they were like ‘AIGHT LETS GO KILL EVERYONE ON PARADIS’ and then that just triggered the chain reaction of the walls being broken down and eren’s rage being sparked etc etc like i imagine none of this wouldve happened if they WEREN’T GREEDY. I mean sure grisha might’ve done smth if wall maria’s first breach didn’t happen but it wouldn’t have had as much of an influence as wall maria’s breach had
Oh yea ALSO i’d like to give ayaneru (gabi’s seiyuu) a special mention cause the scream gabi let out around the time when udo was getting trampled and it was just settling in that zofia and udo were dead was executed SO. WELL. The TERROR in her voice was *chef’s kiss*. (weird sentence but seriously her scream along with the screen showing eren just perfectly juxtaposed the situation. Eren’s gone through this shiz before. Oh he knows what every single child that’s being orphaned right now is going through. But GOSH DANG IT HE HAS NO CHOICE CAUSE ALL THE PARADIS PPL WANT IS FREEDOM AND THEY’RE NOT GONNA GET IT UNLESS THEY LITERALLY STOP EVERYONE TRYING TO GET IN THEIR WAY BUT THE PEOPLE GETTING IN THEIR WAY ALSO HAVE THEIR REASONS AS WELL)
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O H ?
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Gosh he looks so hot. I love how he’s called by name probably cause zeke, pieck, and reiner were like ‘YALL BEWARE OF THIS GUY AIGHT’
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aND I KNOW everyone’s made connections to mikasa wearing eren’s scarf still and levi wearing the og survey corps cape to represent erwin and every single life they ever lost in the walls BUT GOSH DANG IMMA PUT IT HERE CAUSE IT DESERVES TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED. GOSH. AND NEXT EP LEVI IS GONNA FIGHT ZEKE AGAIN I AM SOOOOOO READY FOR LEVI VS BEAST TITAN PT2
Oh yea also, I just love the added detail of basically everyone using the interior police 3DMG equipment that was “specifically designed to kill humans” along w the thunder spears. BUT THEN LEVI USES THE OG 3DMG EQUIPPED W ONLY SWORDS CAUSE HE AND HANJI ARE THE LAST REMAINING OG SURVEY CORPS MEMBERS AND TO SEE HIM REPRESENT EVERYONE THAT HAD TO BE SACRIFICED TO MAKE IT TO THE MAINLAND IS JUST *CHEF’S KISS*
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THIS. T H I S FRICKIN SCENE. Porco’s like ‘what?! these humans know i’m a titan right? they know that and yet they’re coming to kill me?!?!’ MY GOSH YES OFC THEY ARE.
All humans learn to adapt to their environments (i’d like to believe) faster than any other species on this earth AND GOSH DANG DUMPING HUMANS IN A PRISON FILLED WITH TITANS THEY’RE BOUND TO LEARN HOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES EVENTUALLY. As eren once put it, the survey corps are made up of a bunch of weirdos. But that’s what their world needed. Weirdos brave enough and stupid enough and curious enough to want to figure out how to kill titans and figure out their certain quirks and behaviors.
Totally understandable how, if s4 was released first, we would see the paradis ppl as demons bc titan killing humans?! That’s never been SEEN in Liberio or all of the continental mainland for that matter. ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO SEE HIM FREAKING OUT like that’s what DECADES of living with titans has done for the humanity within the walls hehehe.
ALSO i bet the rest of the titan shifters are gonna be like ‘wtf’ seeing LEVI (who is one of the shortest among them) WIELDING BASICALLY TOOTHPICKS in their eyes. O H my gosh i really wanna see more reactions from the titan shifters cause it’ll be HILARIOUS. Their minds being absolutely blown after only believing that the only thing that can kill titans is other titans is just so funny. YALL’S HIGHER UPS WERE THE REASON THEY EVEN ADAPTED IN THE FIRST PLACE BC THEY WERE FORCED INTO THAT HELL AND NO WAY DID THEY JUST GIVE UP.
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And ofc this beautiful frame. I personally absolutely frickin love the cgi that they implement. IT LOOKS SO COOL AND EVERYTHING from the TITANS to the 3DMG just looks AMAZING
Gosh this episode, again, reinforces the idea that both sides are fighting for their own justified beliefs. Like ofc i wanna root for the paradis ppl and honestly they kinda deserve the victory after so long of just losing countless and lives and hope. Liberio and marley in general hasn’t faced that kind of loss yet. Like all theyve ever fought is PEOPLE. Imagine fighting against an enemy that is SO much more powerful and unpredictable than you. BUT on the flip side on the mainland, everyone still has loved ones they dont want to lose. And eldians are still highly persecuted as well so they have also fought to win favor with the marleyans and not get killed for the shallow reason that their ancestors killed many people and that they should take responsibility for that. For example falco (and his brother) is trying to protect their family and the girl that he likes. And gabi herself is probably being held on high expectations cause she’s related to reiner. Everyone has their struggles. It’s just... whose side do you want to be on?
Anywaysssss cant wait for ep7 :3
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shewritestheblues · 5 years
Old Thing Back (2)
Erik Killmonger x Reader
Erik runs into his old high school girlfriend and realizes how much love he still has for her.
Please Note: In this series, there was never a fight for the thrown between Erik and T’Challa. It’s all good between them. Erik became a Seal and used his pull to go to Wakanda in the hopes of just finding his family. Together, he and T’Challa founded the Wakandan Outreach Center in Oakland.
Thanks for the feedback and love. :) excuse any mistakes. enjoy.
It had been weeks since you ran into Erik… or since he literally ran into you. Good thing you only went running on the weekends. That made it easier to avoid him if you spotted him again. But luckily, you didn’t. You purposely waited until about 9am to go running and you were sure that was why. If he was an early bird, he wouldn’t catch you.
The weekend at come to an end and you were successful yet again at not being run over by your past. You were ready to get back to work to be with your favorite mini humans. You had been a kindergarten teacher for five years and each year, you’d fall in love with your tribe of five year olds like they were your own. This year, your God Daughter, Bella was one of your students. You wouldn’t let Kelly enroll her into any other school. You practically demanded that little Bella be your student. 
You had just picked up your daily Chai Tea Latte from the cafe near Kelly’s house and you were arriving at her home to pick Bella up for school. You were running behind. Your class would be taking a field trip today and you took it upon yourself to make lunches for each student.
As you pulled into Kelly’s driveway, she was rushing out the door with Bella, running late herself. She was called into work early this morning.
“Thank you so much for picking her up, girl. I needed this morning shift.” Kelly says, strapping Bella into her carseat.
“Not a problem. Bella is my baby too.” You smile at the toddler. “Ain’t that right baby girl?”
“Yes.” Bella was all smiles.
“Alright.” Kelly sighed. “You will be a good girl today on your trip.”
“I will, mommy.”
Kelly kisses Bella and closes her door. She waves at you and you pull off, going to school.
When you get there, the bus taking your class on their first ever field trip was there waiting. You get Bella and the lunches out of the car and rush over to find your other students and your teaching assistant, Liza getting settled. You do a headcount to make sure everyone is there before the bus heads to its destination.
“I’ve heard so much about this place and what they’ve done over the summer for kids.” your TA states.
“Hmm?” You were zoned out, enjoying your morning drink.
“The Outreach Center.”
“Oh yeah. Me too. When I heard they were opening this Early Child Development Studio, I knew I had to bring our babies to see what it’s about.”
“I wonder if the King of Wakanda will be there today.” Liza sticks her tongue out making you laugh.
“He is fine ain’t he?” you smirk. “I would not mind becoming a Queen for him.”
“Miss Y/N? Are we there yet?” a small voice from behind you asks you. It’s Tyler. He’s one of your busy body students. He doesn’t like sitting in one spot for too long and is always asking a lot of questions.
You smile at him. “Almost Tyler.” You stretch your neck over the driver's seat to get a good look at the road. “We’re a few blocks away.”
And in just a few minutes, the bus turns into a parking lot next to the building. Glowing blue letters sitting above large, glass doors reading, Wakandan Outreach Center.
“Okay boys and girls. We’re here. Is everyone listening?”
“Yes!” they all answer you.
“Great. We're going to be good guests here. We will stay in line and stay together. Today will be a very fun day. If any of you have to use the restroom, come to me or Miss. Liza and we will find the nearest restroom. Are you guys ready?”
“Yes, Miss. Y/N.”
One by one, the kids jumped off the bottom step of the bus. They made a single file line and followed you into the building with Liza behind them, carrying the lunches. You were met with a beautiful, tall woman in red. Her smile was as bright as the sun. Her presence was breathtaking and even the kids noticed her. You and them were in awe of this gorgeous woman.
“Hello, I’m Mia. You must be the kindergarten class that’s supposed to visit the new Studio today?”
“Yes.” you excitedly shake her hand. Which was amazingly smooth and warm. “I’m Y/N. This is Liza and these are our shining stars.” You turn to your students. “Class 104, this Mia.”
“Hi Mia.” their tiny voices rung out, echoing through the lobby.
“Hello Class 104. Nice to meet you all.” Mia turns to you again. “We’re excited to have you today. Unfortunately, our tour guide, Sasha won't be in today but our Director of Youth Development is here and he’s offered to show you guys around today.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Who is--”
Mia looks to her left. “Here he is now. Mr. Stevens.”
Her words shocked you like lightening. But the person she referred to as Mr. Stevens, made your heart sink into the pit of your belly.
“Good Morning.” his deep voice boomed in your ears. The smile on his face was just as bright as Mia’s. He reaches out to take the box of lunches from Liza. “Could you take this to the cafeteria, Mia?”
You took a few deep breaths, calming your nerves. How is this happening? Why is this happening? You look to Liza who is gazing at him. He reaches his hand out to Liza.
“Good morning. I’m Erik.”
She shakes his hand and her bright cheeks begin turning red. “Um, hi. I’m Liza.”
Erik turns to you with a smirk and his hand out. “Y/N.” he states your name so matter factly.
“Hi, Erik.”
Liza looks confused now. How did you two know each other? She thought.
The smile on Erik’s face was contagious and you couldn’t help but to smile too. Your cheeks going against you. Allegedly. You playfully roll your eyes and avoid meeting his eyes. Your eyes meet with one of your students, Jonathan. He bounces his little brows up at you and winks. You bite back the laughter that threatens to come out.
“Class 104, this is…” You turn back to Erik. “Do you prefer Mr. Erik or Mr. Stevens?”
Erik drags his tongue over his bottom lip, eyes trained on you. He's aware of your struggles. “Mr. Erik is fine.”
“Class… Mr. Erik.”
“Hi, Mr. Erik.” your class sings in unison.
“He’s going to be showing us around today. Are you guys and gals excited?”
“Yes!” the cheery five year olds jump and clap.
A small girl from the back of the group makes her way to the front. She introduces herself to Erik.
“Hi, Mr. Erik. I’m Melody. I’m the line leader, so you can just show me where to go and I’ll take it from here.”
She places her small hand into Erik, shocking him. He didn’t know five year olds could be so damn bold. But he smiled at her and decided he’d go along with it. He gives you a knowing look. You shake your head and look over to Liza, who is trying everything in her to hold back her laugh.
Melody snaps at her class. “Get in line. Me and Mr. Erik will lead the way.” Her class follows her demanding instructions. Erik begins walking with Melody down a large hallway. You watch in disbelief at how your young student took charge as the line began walking away from you. You and Liza catch eyes again and this time, snickers escape from the both of you.
“I can’t lie,” Liza began, “Melody has game. I respect it. She just took your man right under your nose.”
“My what!” your words coming out a bit louder than expected. You see Erik peak behind him to you and Liza. The two of you were trailing the line of jumping kids.
Liza cuts her eyes at you. “You can play stupid with these babies but you can’t play stupid with me Y/N. I peeped how y’all were looking at each other. All cheesy and shit.” Liza swayed her body adding emphasis on her words.
“That’s a bad word, Miss Liza.” Tyler barked.
“My apologies, Tyler.”
You and Liza bite back more laughter.
Erik leads the class to two large doors with glowing blue lights and Wakandan symbols engraved on them. Early Childhood Development Studio. When Erik opened the doors, it was like a kindergarten teacher's dream classroom. It was neat with a modern decor style but still colorful to draw in a child's attention. The ceiling mimicked a dome with animated visuals playing on the tiles. Rows of white tables with small stability ball chairs. Each table paired with a collection of Crayola Crayons, Markers, Pencils and Erasers. In front of each seat, sat an iPad full of learning apps. To the right of the room, there’s a dry erase board and learning posters. To the left, shelves and shelves of children's books, neatly placed toys--Including a play kitchen, salon, tool boxes. There was an open space covered with a mat that would glow with the same blue color that was on the entry doors.
You and Liza were intrigued to say the least. Your students were in aw as well and being very vocal about it. Erik was pleased to see everyone approving of his design.
“As you can see here,” Erik began explaining, “each student would have their own iPad to stay up to date with the new learning apps that we are developing. We have plenty of utensils here for drawing and expression. The dome is designed for the children to gain an understanding of how the sky and the galaxy works.” he takes a step back to grab an iPad. He taps a few buttons and suddenly the room is darkened and stars and planets paint the ceiling. It’s so realistic that even you, for a second, thought that you were just casted into space. The children voiced their ohs and aws.
“Wow.” you mouthed, looking around you watching a meteorite pass by you.
Erik taps the iPad again and the ceiling goes back to normal. He walks over to the glowing mat, tapping on it and holographic visuals of a young woman with braids pop up. She jumps with joy.
“Hey Shuri, meet Class 104.”
“Hello class.” Shuri waves. The students are bouncing with excitement and wave back to Shuri.
“We have an experiment set up for you.” He tells the class. “Are you ready?”
“YES!” their screams bounce off the walls.
“They’re ready, Shuri.”
“Alright you little geniuses. Have you ever seen a volcano erupt?” Shuri asks as she walks over to a table.
You and Liza are completely mute. You couldn’t believe what your eyes were seeing. Is this real? Like live footage?
Shuri pours a liquid into the top of the volcano and it explodes a lava colored foam.
“Oh my gosh!” one kid yells out.
“My mama won’t believe this.” another says.
Erik laughs at the joyful reactions.
“There’s more where that came from when you guys come and see me later.” Shuri smiles.
“Thanks Shuri. I’ll let you know when we’re ready to come down.” Erik says.
She gives him a thumbs up and Erik taps the mat again and the hologram disappears.
“Erik!” you were stunned. “That was live?”
“Yes. We use holograms to do most of our communication. The mat is designed with vibranium, so it can’t be destroyed and we can use it for science experiments, communication, building blocks… I could go on but I’d rather show you over time.”
“Wow. This is perfect. More kids that come here and we’ll have hella little scientists running around Oakland.” Liza says.
“Why don’t we get them started.” Erik leads the children to the tables. Each of them picking a seat and tapping on the iPads. Erik gets each of them set up with a different app to explore their little brains.
You and Liza help with the set up and before you knew it, each student was in their own little world learning and actually enjoying it. You and Liza were probably enjoying the Studio more than the children.
To reward your shining stars for being the amazing little learners they were, you and Liza figured that they should have some play time. This would be good for them to use up the rest of their energy before lunch, as well as give you and Liza a break.
As the children played with all of the high tech toys, Liza couldn’t help but to notice the set of eyes trained on you. She hid a knowing smile behind her water bottle as she pretended to take a sip and pretending even harder at listening to whatever you were talking about.
“Mhmm.” is all Liza offered to you.
Liza always has commentary to whatever topic you were babbling about so the lack there of caught your attention.
“Liza, are you listening to me?” you snapped with a bit of attitude.
Her eyes meet yours. “I’m not understanding how you are able to listen to you right now.”
“Excuse me?”
Liza scrunches her nose up. “You don’t sense the demon eyes glaring at you from across the room? Melody may have Mr. Erik,” she adds emphasis to his name, “wrapped around her little finger, but that man has been hawking you since we got here.”
You scoff. “No he hasn’t.” You look up and lock eyes with Erik. He’s sitting on the floor with Melody playing in his dreads like she’s his hairstylist. Just before you could react, Bella approaches you.
“God Mommy… I’m hungry.” she whines.
Saved by the Bella.
You look at your Apple Watch noticing that it’s just passed 11a.m. Lunch Time!
“Okay, baby girl. It’s lunch time anyways.”
Bella waste no time turning back to her fellow classmates and yells, “IT’S LUNCH TIME!”
The children go up on roars. It was adorable how thrilled they were about food. That’s something you could relate to on a soul level. The students line up with joy in their eyes. Erik walks toward you and Liza. Your heart begins picking up its pace.
“Hey. So, I figured we could squeeze some time in to visit our labs after lunch before y’all have to go. That’s cool?” he asked mainly you.
You simply nodded your head. You snapped your neck at Liza when you heard her snickering. Of course Erik noticed and he gave you a very toothy smile. His dimples were on full display and you did the only thing you thought you could… run!
“Alright 104,” you step around Erik and Liza. “Mr. Erik here is going to take us to the cafeteria.”
Bella takes your hand into hers. She looks up at Erik. “Hurry Mr. Erik. I’m dying.”
“Let’s go.” he leads you, Liza and the class to the enormace cafeteria. You were impressed. It was like a mini airport in there. Multiple food options. You immediately set your mind on Stir Fry. Liza’s eyes were glued to the pizza.
Mia met all of you with the class’s lunches. As the children got settled in their seats. you and Liza handed out each lunch and watched as they dug in. You and Liza sat at the end of the table to keep a good eye on the kids. As you began eating your food, a large presence approached behind you. You hear a clearing of a throat. You look up and see Erik with sly smirk painted on his lips. His hands were behind his back.
“Do you ladies mind if I join you?” he asks.
“Nope. Y/N doesn’t mind at all if you join her.” she winks at you. She doesn’t care that you were shooting daggers at her. “My baby-loves need me anyway.”
She rises from her seat next to you and she joins the class. Erik takes ownshipship of her chair.
“I have something for you.” In his hands held a box of brand new AirPods.
“Erik… You really didn’t have to do that.”
Ignoring your protest. “I was expecting to give them to you weeks ago but I guess I scared you away from the park.”
The disappointment in his eyes made you feel bad. “Thank you…”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
It was more of a statement than a question.
“No--No. It’s just… you have to admit, it was kinda weird. Ya’ know, with the way things were the last time we saw each other.” You found the courage to look in his eyes again. Guilt. Regret. “You were the last person I thought I’d see. A lot of feelings that I thought were dead, surfaced and I--.”
“I understand.” he bit the side of his cheek. He felt the awkwardness between you two when he ran into you. He couldn’t deny it if he wanted to.
“But, the universe has a funny way of doing things.” you added.
“Yeah… I’ve always lived with that regret though. I wish I would’ve said something. Ran after you. I don’t know.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Where did you go?” you finally spoke up.
“College... Naval Academy and MIT.”
“Damn, Erik. I knew you were smart but I didn’t know you were that smart to just go to college at 16.”
A low chuckle escapes his mouth. “Yeah, “he continued, “When I became a SEAL, I got curious. I knew I had family in Africa so I decided to go find them. When I got to the Wakanda… they uh, they accepted me with open arms. My uncle--”
“Wait, wait.” you interjected. “You’re Wakandan?”
“Yeah.” a sly smile crept onto his face.  “T’Challa is my cousin.”
Your shock took over you. You had forgotten where you were and who you were with.
“Ohhhh, Ms. Y/N. That’s a bad word.” one of your students yelled out, bringing you back to reality.
You slap your hand over your mouth. “I am so sorry. I will not say it again. I promise.”
“You have to go in the time out chair, Ms. Y/N.”
You felt foolish for not keeping it together in front of your students. “I’m sorry guys, okay? Forgive me.”
Bella approached you. “I forgive you God Mommy.”
You rub her big puff on top of her head. “Thank You, Bella.”
“God Mommy?” Erik looks between the two of you.
“Yes. This is my GodDaughter who is also my student. This is Kelly’s daughter.”
“Kelly! Big mouth Kelly?”
“My mommy doesn’t have a big mouth.” Bella gathered Erik very nicely.
Erik throws his hands up in surrender. “My bad Miss Bella. She doesn't. I’m sorry.”
You send Bella back to sit with her class. You and Erik play catch up until lunch time was over. He took all of you to Shuri’s lab. Shuri showed the kids some of her gadgets. Before you knew it, it was time for you to load your class up on the school bus and take them back to school for them to be released to their parents. Strangely, you weren’t ready for the trip to be over. You internally told yourself that it wasn’t because of Erik but Liza made sure to constantly remind you that Erik was definitely the reason. You felt butterflies every time your eyes met his. It was like no time had been missed between you two. Yes, there was still an elephant in the room between you but this felt nice and if you had to be honest, that could wait. You liked the way he was making you feel.
You were doing your head count when Erik made his presence known just outside of the buses doors. You kindly asked Liza to make sure all of your students were counted for and you stepped off to talk to Erik… again.
He laid down a fly away from your bun. That took you by surprise.
“It was nice seeing you, Y/N. For real this time.”
“Same. I’m glad we were able to talk and things not be, ya’ know, weird.”
They exchange smiles before Erik spoke again.
“I know I’m shooting for the moon right now but I don’t want to miss this moment.”
You waited for him to continue.
“But um, I would like to link up with you again. Minus the work and students.”
He immediately noticed the look of uncertainty forming over your features. He was definitely shooting for the moon, you thought.
“I don’t know, Erik.”
“Hear me out. It’ll be just two old friends catching up and plus… I want to formally apologize for some things.” He slipped a folded piece of paper into your hands, making sure to allow his fingers to linger over yours. He looked you dead in the eye. “You don’t have to figure it out now. Just promise me that you’ll at least think about it, okay?”
A nod was all that you could produce as a reply.
He leaves you with a wink.
When you joined your class on the bus, Liza made kissy faces at you. You blew her off. Unfolding the paper revealed Erik’s phone number. You would think about it. It was the least you could do.
You were arriving at Kelly’s to drop your God daughter off to her. Bella was great on her first field trip and you wanted to tell Kelly all about her growing little genius.
You relaxed back onto her couch, cuddling up with Bella. Kelly joined you two, thrilled to hear about their adventure. You went on and on about the Children’s studio, the amazing food and science labs. Kelly loved the futuristic things you were telling her. She wanted so badly to take a personal trip to the Outreach Center just for herself. She was a science lover and that was right up her alley.
“Oh my goodness, Bella baby. It sounds like you had so much fun today.” Kelly doted on her young daughter.
“I did, mommy. I even got to meet God Mommy’s boyfriend.”
Your head snapped to look at Bella like she had six heads.
“Her what!”
“Yeah. Mr. Erik.”
“Mr. Erik huh?” Kelly looks at you with raised eyebrows. “Tell me more Bella.”
“He was nice. He let me and Melody do his hair. He took us all around and showed us a volcano.”
“That’s nice baby, but tell me. How do you know Mr. Erik is God Mommy’s boyfriend?”
“You’re going to listen to a five year old, Kelly?” you question.
“Hush up! Let the child talk.”
“Well,” Bella throws her hands up. “They were looking at each other like this.” She dramatically blinks her eyes and smiles really big.
You cover your face with your hands. You couldn’t believe your god daughter was throwing you under the bus like this. It really be your own people.
“Bella, why don’t you go change out of your school clothes and let me God Mommy talk.”
Bella runs upstairs to her room. You peak between your fingers to see if Kelly was looking at you. Of course she was with a devious smirk, waiting for you to spill the tea.
“Spill it bitch and don’t leave nothing out.”
You sit still in the hopes that you’ll disappear and she won’t press the issue anymore. But no luck. You were still very visible and your best friend was extremely patient. You pull yourself up on the couch.
“Fuck it. There’s no way out of this.” you say to yourself. “Mr. Erik is Erik Stevens.”
Kelly’s eyes damn near pops out of her head. “Erik fucking Stevens? You are lying to me.”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Amphibia: Marcy at the Gates
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Marcy arrives! The Plantars make it to Newtopia but first have to deal with a slight ant problem and a new addition to the family, as we finally meet the adorkable Marcy. Legs in two months under the cut. 
So as you could probably tell by the tone the last few weeks, doing this has weighed on me a bit. While I do love talking about this show week after week, as well as having a recurring series here to bring in readers, the split quality of the Season thus far has been a challenge. Now when I say split I don’t mean like star vs season 3 where it was either really damn good and some of the show’s best writing or “oh god what have they done to marco’s character this time”, it’s more either really good standout episodes ore more forgetable average ones. See a good episode I can gush about, dive into big charcter stuff, motviations, that sort of thing. I defintley will with owl house at some point and have with other shows. A bad episode can be taken apart and taken to the cleaners, which I haven’t done much of but probably should and if you want any taken to task yourself, I do comissions. But self promotion aside, the point is a meh episode just dosen’t leave me with a lot tot alk about and hte recaps became really dry as a result as I just couldn’t find a lot of jokes, and having a busy few weeks on top of that didn’t really help, nor did the antipciation for this week and the intersting setting of newtopia. 
Thankfully a combination of a really good few days, a better sleep schedule, and a really good episode this week, and a pile of scary go round collections for a dollar have reinvgorated me, so hopefully I can get back to doing what I love: Overanalizing children’s cartoons. So with that we can dive right into the episode. The keithdavidpocalypse is upon us! Pitter Patter! We open with Spring and Anne in the cart. Their close to newtopia, but Anne is worried they never found Marcy, while Sprig isn’t because her last friend turned out to be “Evil”... which Anne harshly rebuffs. And both sides are understandable: To Anne, Sasha was her friend.. a manipualtive and bossy friend sure but one who genuinely cared for her, she just may not know how to deal with people. To Sprig, Sasha is some asshole who abused his friend, tried to murder his Pop Pop, and works for a guy who tried to murder his whole town. It’s really understandable he woudln’t have the same warm fuzzy feelings Anne has.. insert your own Sashanne joke here.  We also get our first actual look at Marcy who to my suprise, rather than be another form of manipulative.. is simply an awkward nerd, constnatly playing video games, reading books , cataloging shit, and trying to get her friends to play d and d. So me if I knew what d and d was in high school. 
Anyways, the family finally DOES make it to Newtopia, impressive as you’d expect when the guard won’t let them see the wizard no way no how. Antique references aside, the guard at the gate actually has good reason for not letting them in as they have a tiny barbari-ant problem. A species Hop Pop is, in a nice touch, unfamiliar with due to the Valley not having them. We quickly see them in action as one approaches the plantars, basically a giant ant with ant-lers. Yes I used a pun there sue me. Anyway, our heroes ward off the ant they do find with some really cool team manuvering, and Polly showing she has spiked teeth. It’s a cool sequence. However they quickly find themselves outgunned, outplanned, outnumbered and outmanned. They gotta make an all out stand. Their gonna need a right hand man. Also I finally saw the film version of hamilton, as you can tell. Utterly magic. 
Said Right Hand Man, er woman, er tween comes in the nick of time as a cloaked Marcy sprays some black goo and sets it ablaze, scaring the ants off, snatching a stalemate from the jaws of defeat,  then rappeling down on a rope shot from a crossbow, also making polly want one because of course. She then.. Faceplants. Still a solid 8/10 entrance Marcy.  Marcy is played by Haley Tju who you may remember from such shows as The Loud House. And that’s all I know her from but given Stella’s one of my faviorites and Haley’s performance is part of that, so it’s unsuprising she’s great here. Also fun fact I learned by looking at her trope page: She actually played a younger version of London, brenda song’s character, on the Suite Life I Pray for Death but Death Won’t Come.. or On Deck for those who’ve never watched it. But I like the fact two londons are now on the same show together.. and an actually good noe at that! Horay. But yeah Haley is a great VA and what little i’ve seen her in and a welcome addition.  Marcy and Anne happily reunite once htey both realize who the other is, and hug and etc, before Marcy decends on the plantars, talking on and on and on about geeky stuff and how she likes the found family trope. ... I may really relate to this  mediums sized child, as I too am a huge nerd with no filter and was probably a lot like her at that age. It’s also clear she very transparently sees this as a combinaton of a video game and a d and d session, but said skills have actually benifited her as rping a rogue allowed her to easily bluff her way into the kingdom’s good graces and now she’s a sworn agent of the king as we’ll find out.  She quickly wins over the Plantars, measuring hop pop’s head, gushing over him being a farmer (which he almost instantly adopts her over and asks to point blank later), and then noticing Polly’s legs are about to come in and giving her the note seen in the review image, my faviorite gag. Sprig however is more out and out hostile and has his reasons we’ll get to in a second.  Marcy escorts her new family and sorta girlfriend to the makeshift war room set up by three scholoary newts who quickly resolve their planning disagreements by beating the piss out of each other. Just like real politics.. and that’s not a cheeky jab between the actual caning in the sentate that happened once and the various duels in the revolutionary and early america eras.. yeah the only reason the preisdent hasn’t been shot for challening one of hte many people he hates for a duel without realizing he really can’t see through that squint too good is that it’s now illegal and not the kind of illegal he can hide like usual.  Anyways after the Newts scoff at our heroes, but Marcy vouches for them and reveals that the ants are getting closer because i’ts gotten warmer....
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Marcy has a plan though: Spread scentshrroms around that will release a pheremone which will drive them off, having throughly studied Amphibia’s various flora and fauna and thus knowing how to deal with them. I’ts something I like about the character and how she adds to the other huamns group dynamics. Alll three deal with issues diffrent ways; Anne has plans, but rarely thinks them through, Sasha does think hers through and is a master manipulator while Marcy is a ballance between the two: She does throughly think things out and have well thought out clever plans.. she just also tens to rush into things or go forward with a nose in a book or without a thought to how dangerous soemthing is. She’s prepared, she’s just not very aware of her surrondings, which is amood. 
But Anne is nervous about her coming along as is sprig which sets up both’s conflicts with her for the episode: Anne wants to protect Marcy, since she just got her back and her only other remaning friend now clearly wants to stab her and she has a better option now love interest wise. However Marcy convinces Anne, 2nd capefire this episode nonwithstanding, she can handle herself. She also calsl her annabannna which is fucking adorable.  The other conflict is that Sprig dosen’t trust her.. he has no rational reason not to give she’s a sweetie, but is a bit gunshy about another human girl working for a dictator popping up in their life. And while he’s probably wrong, while I think Marcy isn’t working for the best people probably she’s likely too oblivious to genuinely relaize she’s doing crimes if they have her doing them or was given a fake justification. I could be wrong, and will gladly eat crow. Metphorically i’m not going to bake a real crow. I don’t have the right seasoning. And i’d also be cursed but eh I doubt I can get poorer. But it’s understandable he has reservations, especially since while he dosen’t say it he’s likely worried Anne will get hurt again. He’s a good boy, he’s just being paranoid over probably nothing.  Anyways onoto the plan: The plantars and new girl marcy are gonna:
Okay phermone them whatever, the point is they head into the Ant Hole, witht he conflicts continuing as the plantars progress; Sprig is naturally suspcious and Anne is worried about her precious gurl. The group fight some more ants, and Marcy seemingly wonders off.. only to instead BLOW THEM A FUCKING TUNNEL with some chemicals from some flowers she found, then instant sprout a plant cage.. and accidently trap polly. NOOOOO.> Thankfully she frees her and tosses some plants on the ants, which is fun to say.  We then get to our climax. OUr group find the queen who ihs horrifying.. a good mom as sprig points out but horrfing. Nice design though i’m just.. not an insect guy and sometimes this show leaves me in abject terror. this is one of those times. Our heroes plant the mushrooms, phrasing I know but this review is late as is and i’ve already used up my archer refrence for the day.  Anne dives to Save a seemingly oblovious Marcy.. whose mad at Anne over it.. while Anne is udnerstandable Marcy wants her , NEEDS her to understand...
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No not that erik. That, much like Anne herself, Marcy’s grown and changed over these past three months. She can handle herself now and she needs her ot see that. Also sprig gets attacked by an ant baby, which not only wakes up the queen, who can hear but can’t see but now knows something’s arry, but causes said queen to unleash a hoarde of ants.  Marcy however naturally has a plan: She’ll dive into the queen’s belly and get sprig, the plantars will hold them off and Anne finally trusts her lady enough to fiht off. I don’t have a lot to say I just really like this character arc and Marcy’s character: She’s a bit oblivious, ab it obessed with nerdy things which again relate.. but when push comes to shove she’s also clever, a master planner and has clearly studied her ass off about this world and knows it well. She’s throughly likeable.  And that likeablity finally gets through to sprig when she gets him out and swings him. Trust earned, anne’s faith in her gained and the mushrooms go off and send the ants running. Misson Complete.  With the mission complete our heroes finally enter Newtopia and meet the mysterious Lady Olivia, whose been sending Marcy on her missions, and is likely her spymaster. Not that i think Marcy realizes that but Marcy��s love of midevil fantasy means she blends in well with thier courty apperance and introduces anne and co to her.. Olvia isn’t impressed but is cordial about it at least.. even with Sprig breaking shit. And yeah , Amphibia has a king over all of it, as Hop Pop puts it “We aren’t savages”. It does make sense it woudln’t come up every day though, it’s not as if the king really cares about the valley... but more on speculation about him in a minute. Hop Pop wisely gives the two “Friends’ some alone time, and the two talk things over: Anne explains how she found sasha.. and it didn’t go great, and Marcy vows that the two of them can go their own way now. Maybe iwth tounge. we dunno. The two then look over anne’s phone while anne recounts her anne-tics.. and we get to the king. And it’s KEITH DAVID BITCHES AS WAS PROHPISED A FEW WEEKS AGO. And he has myserious plans and wood carven figures of both our heroines and possible gaybies. “The game can finally begin. “
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Final Thoughts: This was a really damn good episode. Whiel I summarized more than usual , both conflicts were great, all the plantars got to shine, there were gags a plenty, an intriguing new member of the main cast and a mysterious new antagonist. I mean given it was revealed the Newts were behind Toad tower a few episodes back, I figured Andidas wouldn’t be a good guy, even if he’s played by upstanding gentleman and god among men keith david, , but it’s a question of what his end goal is, how the girls got here, and what his plan ofr them is that i’m curious to see play out as the season goes on, as well as see if Marcy is a pawn or not. Newtopia also looks intresting and i’ts nice to have a new solid setting to build on now we’re here, as well as new mysteries to unlock> Ther’es also the honest possibliity marcy, who claims to have found bubkuss, might simply want to stay in a world where she gets to live out her dreams and isn’t picked on or bullied. Again we’ll see all speculation but this episode was damn good. For now this is the clear highlight of the season and i’tll be intresting to see where it goes from here. Until next time courage. 
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Dancing With Ben Week 1
A Ben Hardy x Reader Story Opening Night - Foxtrot
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Summary: Reader is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With the Stars. It’s her second season on the show, and this time, her partner is none other than Ben Hardy. Will they win the Mirror Ball? Maybe they’ll win something even more meaningful!
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: I know this story seems odd, but I wanted to do something unique! Also, for each part, I’ll embed the routine I have in mind, so you other visual people can imagine it as well. The video will be found in the part of the fic where they dance for the best flow, I suppose. Also, her previous partner is a person I made up. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this!
Tag List: @psychosupernatural @someone-get-a-medic Let me know if you want to be added!
Week 1 let’s go!!!
A shiver of excitement traveled down your spine. You opened the door to the studio to begin your second season as a pro coach on Dancing With the Stars. Your last season went so well, you weren’t sure you could top it. Your partner was James Tyler, a soccer player, who you adored. Together you had made it to the semi-finals before being voted off. It only made you want the Mirror Ball even more, having been so close.
This year, you hoped you had a partner who was just as dedicated, and you had a similar - if not better - connection with. You were all finding out your partners today, so your stomach already had butterflies. You were so ready to start this new season. 
You walked into the hallway where Sasha and Emma promptly pounced on you, gathering you in their arms. You shrieked with fright at first, but it turned quickly into laughter as the couple embraced you. They were like your parents. Or your really cool aunt and uncle. 
“Welcome back, Y/N!” Sasha said sweetly. 
“Thanks, Sash,” you replied. 
“Are you ready for the new season?” Emma asked.
You clapped your hands and rubbed them together. “I’m ready to find out who my freaking partner is!”
They laughed. 
“Soon, babe,” said Sasha. 
“Any guesses who yours will be?” you wondered. “Another gymnast for Sash, I bet.”
Emma snickered.
“Hey, they’re always really good,” Sasha said. 
Next, you saw Val and Jenna, who you hadn’t seen since their wedding. You hugged each of them and kissed their cheeks.
“You guys look so happy,” you said. “Is there such thing as newlywed glow?”
They smiled and told you how happy they were to see you, and thanked you again for your attendance at their special day. 
You greeted the rest of the pros as you all gathered, only to be dispersed into rehearsal studios to meet partners. Some of the pros were traveling to meet theirs, so they were receiving those instructions from producers. You went into your designated studio, where a producer quickly got a mic on you and then you got in place to begin filming your package. 
“So, tell us what you’re most excited about this season,” said the producer behind the camera.
“Oh, I’m coming for that Mirror Ball,” you said, challenging. “I got so close last year, and I have a good feeling that it’s my turn.”
You continued to talk about the training you had done before the season started, so you developed a ton of new ideas for choreography. You just hoped your new partner was ready for it. 
“Have you spoken to James since last season?” the producer asked.
You released an irritated huff. It seemed everyone thought you and your old partner were an item. You knew, however, that James was gay. He told you that in strict confidence, off camera, late after rehearsals one night. He was not ready to come out since it was tough for athletes to do so and be accepted. You had kept your word and said nothing. Only, more and more rumors swirled about the two of you being in a relationship.
“James and I do talk,” you said. “But we’re just friends. He’s busy, I’m busy, and he lives on the other side of the country.”
“Do you think he’ll be jealous of your new partner?” he pressed.
You frowned. “No, I think he’ll be excited for me and cheering me on.”
The door to the studio creaked open. You whipped around eagerly, at last coming face to face with your new partner. You gasped and covered your mouth when you saw who it was. He grinned at you as he came through the door. 
“No way!” you cried. “Ben Hardy?!”
“Hi!” he returned, opening his arms to you.
You ran up and hugged him, jumping up and down a little as he laughed. He was so much handsomer in person. His eyes were such a vibrant green. His blonde hair swooped perfectly across his forehead. His smile was to die for. 
“Oh my God, I am having such a fangirl moment right now,” you said, breathless as you broke apart. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
You shook hands. 
“It’s great to meet you,” he said in that deep, smooth voice of his. 
“You too!” you almost yelled. “God, I loved Bohemian Rhapsody, it was so amazing.”
“Are you a big Queen fan?” he asked.
“Hell yeah!” you assured him. 
“Favorite song?”
“Radio Ga Ga. You?”
“White Queen.”
“Oh, bold choice.”
He laughed. “I like to be bold.”
“I guess that’s why you joined us here on Dancing With the Stars,” you said. “Have you ever danced before?”
He shook his head. “Not even a little bit.”
“Well, good! That’s what this show is about!”
You continued to chat back and forth for a few minutes to get a feel for each other. Of course, Ben was ridiculously handsome, but there was something beneath that. He was passionate and kind. Smart and funny. You got all this in the first five minutes of knowing him. Eventually, the producer urged you to talk about the competition. 
“So, for our first dance, we have a foxtrot,” you said. 
“Okay, I’ve heard of that,” he replied. 
“Great,” you said through a chuckle. “If you’re ready, let’s get started.”
“I’m so ready!” he said enthusiastically. 
You started off talking about frame. When people who had never danced before started, you found they get so caught up with their feet that they forget about the hold. You drilled that into James when you first started with him, and you would do the same with Ben. You walked him slowly through the basic steps, watching him in hold. You pressed a hand to his chest, and you gasped a little. He shot you a questioning look.
“That’s...that’s firm,” you said, pink creeping over your cheeks. “Oh! I’m sorry, can I touch you?”
“Yeah, do whatever you need to,” he assured you.
“Okay, let me know if something makes you uncomfortable,” you said, glad the moment of awkwardness had passed. 
He nodded and you resumed your lesson. 
“Just doing the frame, I feel like I’m using muscles I didn’t even know I had,” he said after you had been at it for a little over an hour and were taking a water break. 
“Just wait until we get to the footwork,” you said. “Then you’ll really feel it!”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he replied. 
“So, why did you decide to come on the show?” you asked, knowing it would be good footage for the video package. 
He considered it for a moment. “Well, I’ve never done it before. I like new experiences and challenging myself. I like finding new things I can strive to be good at. In school, I played all kinds of sports to keep myself occupied. I was injured enough times that I had to stop, and then I found my passion for acting. Which was - again - something new and exciting.”
“I like that answer,” you told him. “What about dance drew you in?”
He also had to think about that one. “It’s athletic, but more than teamwork.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Elaborate on that.”
“It’s partnership,” he explained. “You really have to trust each other. And you’re creating art instead of scoring goals. I like that.”
“That was very insightful,” you remarked. “Although, in this competition you earn points, so keep your competitive edge.”
“You got it, coach,” he said with a cheeky salute. 
“You can call me -” you stopped yourself. “No, continue to call me coach.”
He chuckled. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon on the basics. Most of it focusing on getting Ben’s body to do what it was supposed to before getting into choreography. You had two weeks to learn the first dance, which you appreciated, especially for people like Ben who had no experience. He picked up on things quickly though, and you were impressed. It helped that he was athletic and an actor. It meant he had a lot of awareness about his body, and he had control of it. That came in handy when instructing him. It also meant he trusted his body to do what he was telling it to. He kept his head up in hold, although he didn’t always look to the left. You reminded him though, and you were sure he’d have it down in time for the premiere. 
You called it a day around nine that night. He seemed disappointed as he removed his mic pack and gathered his things.
“I still don’t feel like I’m any good,” he said.
“You’re not going to be perfect in one day,” you reminded him. “But if it helps, you were pretty damn close. My last partner was really good, and you’re already leaps and bounds ahead of him.”
He smiled and your heart skipped a beat. You shook your head. Yes, Ben was attractive, but you would not and could not allow yourself to go there. Not after all the drama and speculation around you and James. It would be too much. 
“I’m not quite ready for this to be done,” Ben said. “You wanna grab dinner?”
“Sure,” you agreed before thinking. You mentally kicked yourself. “Although, it needs to be somewhere casual so we can go y’know, looking like this.” You gestured to your leggings, sports bra, slouchy crop top, and sneakers. 
“You probably know LA better than I do,” he said. “You choose.”
You picked a casual sushi place you visited regularly. It was lowkey, but the food was great. As you sat across from him at the booth the hostess led you to, you opened your menu and began looking it over, although you always got the same thing. You felt Ben’s eyes on you. After several minutes of trying to ignore him, you looked up.
“What’s up?” you asked.
“I want to know more about you,” he told you.
“Ben, the show is about you,” you reminded him.
“We’re not on the show right now,” he argued.
You sighed. “What do you want to know?”
“What got you into dance?” he asked.
“Oh, I’ve been a dancer since I was a little girl,” you said. “I started with ballet, but switched quickly to ballroom when I was eight or so. It’s just...I dunno, it’s a way to express myself and be creative and have fun.”
“I looked up your dances from last season and watched them,” he said. “Each one was amazing.” 
“Thank you,” you said. “But it was James who was amazing. He was like you, he had no experience, so he had to work really hard. It was my first season as a pro instead of in the troupe, and we got to the semi-finals. I was so, so proud.”
You held his gaze for a long moment.
“I’m gonna get you that trophy, Y/N,” he said. 
You reached across the table and took his hand. “Is that a promise?”
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s a promise. Even if we lose, I’ll steal it for you.”
You laughed. “I’ll hold you to that.”
The next day, before rehearsal, you had a promo photoshoot. All the stars and pro pairings had to go and take photos that ABC could blast over social media for the official announcement of the cast. This was also the time when you chose your team name and hashtag. You and Ben had discussed at dinner and decided on Team Queen. It worked for both of you because Ben was in Bohemian Rhapsody and Queen was your favorite band.
You sat in hair and make up, your favorite part of this whole process. It made you feel like you were being pampered. Like a queen, so to speak. Your hairdresser was putting the final touches of spray in your curls when Ben walked over.
“You look great,” he said.
“So do you!” you returned, looking him over.
Everyone had on all silver outfits. Ben just had a loose button down that was not buttoned, exposing his toned torso. He also had on billowy silver pants and shoes. You had a leotard with a poof on the butt and heels. 
“You’re ready, Y/N,” your hairdresser said. 
You checked yourself in the mirror once more before Ben helped you out of the chair and together you walked over to where the photographer had a background set up. Sharna and her partner were wrapping up and you and Ben were on deck. 
“What kind of poses should we do?” Ben asked. “Should we go all senior prom or do I need to look tougher than that?”
“Just do what comes naturally,” you said through a giggle. “We just need a few of us interacting and then a few looking intense and sexy at the camera. The photographer will instruct us through it.”
“Right, I can do that,” he said. 
When it was your turn, you took his hand and you walked up together. 
“Aren’t you two a cute couple?” the photographer remarked. 
You resisted a brutal urge to roll your eyes.
“Okay, Ben, I want you behind Y/N, arm around her waist, free hand by her neck,” she instructed. “Kinda look like you’re sniffing her hair.”
You and Ben followed her instructions. You felt his breath on you and goosebumps popped up where it hit the skin of your neck. You were to look down at the floor, while Ben looked at the camera. You took a few like this. Then she wanted a couple of Ben dipping you. He held you securely and you kicked your leg out and let your hand drape to the floor above your head. Then she had you right up against him, your leg up on his hip, his hand securing it on your thigh. You had one arm wrapped around his neck and your free hand rested on his chest. You both looked at the camera. 
Being this close to someone was not unfamiliar to you. After all, you had danced with many people throughout your career. Ben felt different though. You were already friends, and you felt that through the easiness of his presence. But you had not yet gotten this close, pressed up against each other and smoldering, even if it was at the camera. It made your heart rate quicken and your stomach do a flip.
When the photographer was satisfied, you went to get changed so you and Ben could go to rehearsal. You needed every second you could get to practice. While the foxtrot was not a terribly difficult dance, you were still working on the basics, and you had to have a routine down in two weeks. 
“You guys look really good together,” Lindsay as you entered the women’s dressing room. “Ben’s so handsome.”
“I am drinking a lot more water in rehearsal than I used to, that’s for sure,” you joked, and she snorted.
You drove Ben to the studio with you. On the way, you went over the things you’d be working on that day. You even allowed him to reach into your purse, take out your notebook, and flip through the notes you’d written down and the sketches you’d done. 
“Does your mind ever stop?” he teased.
“I’m winning this year, so nut up, Hardy,” you returned. 
“Yes, coach,” he agreed, smiling. 
You arrived at the studio and got straight to work. You went over the things you’d already learned and introduced new material as well. Ben was incredibly focused, hanging on your every word with those beautiful eyes of his. You did your best not to lose yourself in them while you were explaining something. You must have been doing a decent job because he seemed to be learning the steps. 
The two weeks seemed to fly by this way. You instructed Ben, he made you a little flustered at moments you least expected it, and he somehow learned the foxtrot routine you put together. It was simple, but with enough substance to be entertaining and tell a sweet story. You and Ben bonded quickly. You spent a lot of time in rehearsal laughing together as you took him through each step, each section of the dance until he could put it all together. He got it right every time. 
When it was time for camera blocking and dress rehearsal, Ben shifted nervously beside you in his seat. He was watching the other couples perform their dances, and you could tell it was shaking him up. He gulped and looked at his hands in his lap. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“Hey,” you said. “Don’t worry about what they’re doing. You and me have something else entirely. Stay focused.”
He could only nod, but then he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. 
When it was your turn to practice on the ballroom floor and do camera blocking, you weren’t worried. You ran through it and he performed it exactly how you rehearsed it.
The next day was show time. You were buzzing with excitement to show off Ben and all his hard work. You were going third, which you liked. Sasha and his partner were first, followed by Lindsay and her partner. You clapped and cheered for your friends, Ben along with you. You honestly couldn’t stop smiling. You could feel him shaking with nerves beside you. 
Finally, you and Ben were up. Your video package began, and then you would dance together. He looked on edge now, despite the high energy of the night, so you pulled him into a hug, lifting yourself to whisper in his ear. 
“Ben,” you said. “You’ve done this a hundred times and nailed it. It’s just like rehearsal. Ignore the cameras. Ignore the crowd. Just look at me, okay?”
He nodded again, and you kissed his cheek. It was not something you had done before but it felt quite natural. 
“Give me everything you got,” you said, offering one last assuring smile. 
Then you led him out to the dance floor, taking your places as the video package faded to black. You looked at each other, standing a few feet apart. The music began, and you made your way to Ben’s arms. 
You danced. You held his gaze whenever you could and mouthed a few steps and counts to him. But he didn’t miss any. You floated through your foxtrot, feeling like a princess as you went. Ben was excellent, and as you swept across the dance floor, you actually laughed with joy at this moment. You twirled, turned, and dipped. When you hit the last beat, ending up enclosed in his arms with your hands against his chest and your foreheads touching, you beamed at him. You were out of breath. So was he, but then he picked you up and spun you around.
“You were incredible!” you told him. “I don’t even care what the judges say, I’m so proud of you, Ben!”
Tom Bergeron ushered the pair of you over to receive judges comments. Carrie Ann was blown away by how great Ben was on night one, and advised him on his posture. Len liked the amount of “real foxtrot content” and said Ben needed to work on fluidity. Bruno adored it, praised Ben’s natural talent, and only told him that his lines could be better as well. They all scored him a seven. 
You jumped and hugged him again. He squeezed you gently before setting you down so you could both go to the skybox to do your post-dance brief with Erin Andrews. She greeted your warmly and also told you what a great job you’d done. She looked at Ben.
“How are you feeling after that first dance?” she asked.
“Oh, incredible,” he answered. “I never thought I’d do something like this, but it’s all because of Y/N. She’s honestly the greatest coach and so patient with me. I just want to keep dancing with her.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet!” Erin cooed as you hugged each other again. “You guys are adorable. Y/N, how do you feel?”
“I just - I can’t even describe it,” you said. “He’s so much fun and I hope we can keep dancing together too.”
You left as she started telling the audience how to vote for the two of you. You led him away from the cameras and hugged him again.
“Do you see how amazing you are?” you asked.
“I want better scores,” he admitted.
“Then keep doing what you’re doing,” you said. “We’ll be getting a perfect score before too long.”
He smiled at you. A smile that was different from what you had seen before. It had youthful, exuberant energy, with a pure joy. It made your heart stop. You could dance with him forever if he would keep smiling at you like that. 
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incandescent-eden · 5 years
A (not so) comprehensive list of all the things I write about, all of which are subject to change at any given time because I do a lot of refactoring!
LOOOOONG POST INCOMING I write... a LOT, and I have... MANY projects :) Feel free to ask me about any of them! :)
With love <3 Continue reading below the cutoff if you want to know the basic rundown of my worlds and works!
This universe encompasses all of the angels and demons I like to focus on. Works in the angelverse will likely be about Faraday (formerly known as Efrem), a demon lieutenant, Ezekiel, a young angel, the archangel Uriel, or angel Raguel / angel Sophia (their stories are intertwined).
The main concept I have on Angelverse surrounds Faraday, who has grown into himself as a demon and made something of himself. He finds it impossible to shake who he was before. The question comes up during an important meeting between Heaven and Hell of whether he is truly Faraday or Efrem, his own self that he has shakily become, or the self he inherited from being his father’s son. There’s also brotherly angst between Faraday and Ezekiel, who refuses to let go of the past. (If you look at my old works tagged ‘ezekiel,’ you’ll see Ezekiel used to be a part of Faraday/his ‘ideal’ self, which is why new Ezekiel, separate from Faraday, reads so differently.)
The Raguel and Sophia stories are also closely linked to characters Andromeda and possibly Zachariah. Andromeda’s father runs a cult and has captured an angel in his attic. When Andromeda finds the angel (Sophia), her otherwise “normal” life is thrown into disarray as she starts unraveling threads about her father’s actions as a cult leader. If Zachariah is to be a part of it, he would be living with Andromeda’s family, having run away from his past.
Prominent characters in Angelverse include: Faraday, Uriel, Ezekiel, Stena, Michael, Ramiel, Raguel, Sophia, Zachariah, Ambriel, Ruhiel, Gabriel, Raphael, Luci, Bee, Sasha, Saoirse, and Heather. With the exception of Sophia, all names ending with “el” are angels, while the rest are demons. Also, I say prominent, but like half of these characters are from a bygone era (2018 when I first created them).
TW/CW for heavy religious (Christian) imagery, emotional abuse, violence, transphobia mentions and cult talk. Additional content warning because I tend to write angels as LGBT, but I recognize that some people are not comfortable with this affiliation with Christianity.
Luxtrura is the name of a fictional country in ye olde European fantasy style, and I haven’t thought of a title for the WIP yet, so I mainly tag it ‘luxtrura’ or ‘luxtruran trio.’ This WIP is a fantasy / dystopian / political intrigue about an uprising in the kingdom of Luxtrura run by an inexperienced king and corrupt nobles all vying for the crown.
Luxtrura (at the current moment) follows the life of His Majesty Devron Fharren, the Eighth Fharren King, who inherited the crown by kingdom decrees at the age of 21. Unlike most kings, Devron has only had seven years of proper royal tutelage on statecraft, having only been named heir to the throne when he was 14. He soon finds he has inherited a kingdom that has been deeply wounded, that his people hate him, and that he has few allies among his own country’s nobles, his friends, and neighboring royalty. Revolution is brewing, and he has a choice to make: to claim his birthright or to help his people.
Prominent characters include: Devron Fharren, Eden Barison, Mili Starr, Plumeria Rwalke, Lilia Tao, Rassaya Tao, Andrea (a mysterious stranger who gives only her first name), Jakob Fiyre, Cordelia Fiyre, Liseline Fiyre, Sonja, and Orange and Rouse (the dragons).
TW/CW for violence, sexual assault mentions, transphobia mentions, political talk, blatant classism, and death.
A “what-if” scenario where Victor Frankenstein and Dorian Gray had met and become friends and also Frankenstein wasn’t a man and was named Viola and was not a pleb weakling like Victor. Also Dorian Gray is fat because I said so.
This story reimagines the Frankenstein and Dorian Gray cast as students in their final year of the prestigious University of Ingolstadt, with Frankenstein having returned from a year off during which she was suspended for [redacted] reasons. The vibe we’re going for is dark academia, but I don’t think they ever actually do any learning?
Prominent characters include: Viola Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, Elizabeth Lavenza, Henry Clerval, Basil Hallward, Deukalion, and special shoutout to Justine Moritz and Sibyl Vane because I didn’t want to put them in, but they definitely deserved better in the source material.
TW/CW for death, violence, toxic/obsessive relationships, grave-robbing, body part mentions (eyes, limbs, etc), and mentions of the Devil. Basically, if it was a concerning part of either the Frankenstein or Dorian Gray stories, it will still be concerning.
Fun fact, there is a Glowing Eyes playlist that I am NOT too ashamed to share with the public! :D
A retelling of the Helen of Sparta story that explores Helen’s thoughts and motivations. Who was the woman behind the face that launched a thousand ships? And did she ever even want those ships to be launched? (Spoiler alert: the answer is no.)
Helen of Legend gets pretty heavy handed because I get really mad about people lauding the Greeks as the end all be all of culture, and I’m still really mad about how people dress Millie Bobby Brown up like she’s 25-40, so make of that what you will.
On the bright side, Helen of Legend is a sapphic retelling!
Prominent characters include: Helen, Leda, Menelaus, Clytemnestra, Penelope, Theseus, Aphrodite, Paris, Cassandra, Hector, and Hecuba.
TW/CW for misogyny, implied past sexual assault, sexual assault mentions, mentions of spousal and emotional abuse, people being generally creepy about bodies, people being creepy toward children (Theseus), cities burning, subtle classism, and death.
A musical about Anne-Marie, a non-binary Vietnamese lesbian born into a wealthy family, and Jules, a Tunisian baker’s daughter who is working her way into the Paris ballet. Anne-Marie wants to be a designer, but their mother, Mme Trinh, has other plans. The year is 1884, and it was hard for the Trinh family, as immigrants, to establish their foothold in society, and Mme Trinh will not have her child throw away the family’s hard work. One day, while at the ballet, Anne-Marie becomes smitten with Jules, a ballerina with the most dazzling smile. They find solace in sharing their passions with one another and become friends, each eventually realizing they have fallen for the other in a time that is unfriendly to both of them.
Prominent characters include: Anne-Marie, Jules, Victor, Mme Trinh, and Amandine.
TW/CW for subtle homophobia, classism, mental illness, and parental guilt tripping/emotional toxicity.
A play about life after death, and what it means to live and love. This play follows Patroclus upon his death, desperate to return to Achilles. He meets the reluctant Eurydice, embittered by decades alone in limbo halfway between life and death. Together, they almost throw someone off a boat (is it really murder if they’re already dead?) and have a chance to tell their stories, stepping out from the shadows of their more famous lovers.
I took a lot of liberties with this, so Orpheus is a woman (wlw OrphEurydice), and I would like for both Achilles and Patroclus to be played by trans men, and for all of the characters to be played by non-white actors.
Prominent characters include: Patroclus, Eurydice, Achilles, Orpheus, Apollo, Hades, Charon
TW/CW for talk about death
Here Lies Forever - a story focusing around two young people, Medb Flaherty and Virgil Sutherland, growing up at an orphanage amid war, abandonment, and sickness. Medb is a blind writer who dreams of traveling the world with Virgil, her best friend since their teen years, but when the war strikes too close to home, Virgil leaves Medb and their peaceful student life behind to join the army. Unwilling to let go, and recognizing the pain Virgil is in, Medb takes it upon herself to save Virgil, the both of them haunted by the ghosts of their pasts.
On the Corner of Maple Street - short stories about the lives of Sarah and Evangeline together, two lesbian women who met when Sarah was 28 and Evangeline was 31. Sarah was a toy maker and Evangeline was an actress. They have a son named Oliver, who’s now in his forties, and they’re grandmas to all the neighborhood children. They live on the corner of Maple Street :)
Partager Un Reve - short stories, often romantic, about two circus performers, Alyona Ledbedeva (who does aerial silks) and Li Mey Ri (an acrobat). They’re cute together, there’s not really much to say here.
Claire  - there’s a really old novelette floating around on my account and you can find it if you search Claire, but like it’s OLD. An 18th century French lady who contracted TB and died but was brought back by a necromancer named Cecil (Cecil is the character of my friend @sinnabon-cosplay !) and is now immortal. Fun times with Claire and Anthony usually involve lamenting the fact that they’re stuck as teenagers.
Miscellaneous - miscellaneous demon and monster characters like Alexander, Felicity (both vampires), Sparrow (succubus/Heather’s youngest sister), Zephyr (fae, husband of Spar), Lycan (she’s... a werewolf), and so on. Not really connected to a plot
Performing Possumhood - uh this was a play I wrote with my friend @holdingonmyheartlikeahandgrenade for a 24 hour play festival, it’s about a guy named Thomas who becomes herald for a kingdom and then on his first day of work, the king dies, and his son becomes king, except the new king??? is a possum???? and like no one does anything about it, so Thomas just feels like he’s going insane, poor guy (also everyone else is named Thomas except the king, whose name is His Majesty King Parthur Pencildragon of Alpacalot)
Nordic questing team - I’ve literally written nothing for these fools, but I’m tempted to make it into a dnd campaign! The characters I have are Val (short for Valnotte) (she’s a nokke), Hanne (human poison seller who wears an eyepatch just because), Fur (short for Bjorgolfur, he’s a werewolf who left his pack because he was too good at being alpha wolf but he didn’t want to be alpha, he wanted to press flowers and have a cute little cottage by a cliffside with a pretty garden damn it), and Bo (full name: Boscobel Blue, he’s a cow boy. Literally. He has cow ears and a big septum piercing and a tail. Also he’s a shepherd. His sheep are carnivorous :))) Make of that what you will)
Alice x Secret Garden - another play but where Alice Liddell and Mary Lennox are 18 years old and find themselves in Wonderland, after Mary is jaded from the end of WW1 and is frustrated at her friend Dickon’s marriage proposal, and Alice runs away, trying to retain her childhood as best she can
Retellings - I do myth and fairy tale and folk retellings! :) You can search ‘Tithonia’ for my sleeping beauty retelling, and I wrote Orpheus and Eurydice a while back. Still working my way through Icarus :’) Also ‘Mermaids Can’t See’ is a retelling of the classic mermaid story but written as a ??? field guide? journal entry? notes about mermaids?
If there’s a work you want specifically about a character, I always tag characters, and I also will tag character introductions and pictures/references of them as “beanpuff char[]”!
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madlori · 5 years
Unveiled - Chapter 2
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Epilogue
by MadLori Word Count: 2800 Fandom: Men’s Hockey RPF Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Rating: NC-17 (like, heed this, please) Tags: Arranged Marriage, Modern Royalty AU, Mpreg, Not Omegaverse, No Consent Issues, Veiled Sex, Weird Traditions, Don’t Think Too Hard, Handwavey Biology
Read it on AO3
No sex in this chapter, sorry. Next time!
The Duke and Duchess of New Scotland arrived at Zhenya’s drawing room at the arranged time, the day after the wedding. Zhenya shook their hands and invited them to sit in what Sasha called the “conversation area.” Tea was ordered, and Zhenya tried to look as responsible and respectable as he could for these people who had just entrusted their son to him. He watched them as the footman served their tea, trying not to be too obvious about searching for clues to his consort’s appearance in their faces. They were both perfectly nice-looking people. The Duke seemed athletic, the Duchess was well turned-out.
“I’m so glad to finally have the chance to talk with you,” Zhenya said. They had met, just long enough to shake hands, when they’d arrived, but no more than that.
“So are we, Your Royal Highness,” the Duke said.
“Please. Call me Zhenya.”
“We would have been glad to meet with you before the wedding,” the Duchess said.
Zhenya shifted in his chair. “I’m new to embargoes, but I was advised that given how little time you have with your son before his marriage, such intrusion on my part wasn’t -- polite?”
The Duchess nodded, looking a little sad. “We appreciated having those days with him.”
“Has he has been pleased with his stay here so far?” Zhenya asked, cautiously.
“Oh yes,” the Duchess said. “It’s so much grander here than at home. New Scotland is a modest dukedom.”
“Ah, but grander doesn’t always mean better.”
“That is so. But everyone has been very welcoming.”
“I hope he wasn’t frightened, coming so far to a strange place.”
“I think you’ll find that not much frightens our son,” the Duchess said, pride beaming from her face.
“I look forward to the chance to learn about him. As long as the embargo is in place, I will have to rely on third party accounts, and even those are frowned upon.”
The Duke nodded. “He is prepared for the realities.”
Zhenya shifted. “When my parents began their search for a consort for me, I made it very clear that I would not accept a spouse who had been coerced, or who accepted marriage to me under duress. My father has assured me that he did not. I will ask you to make me the same assurance.”
They both looked shocked at the very idea of their son having been forced. “Oh, not at all,” the Duchess said. “Our son has ambitions to help others and be an active part of a responsible government, and given our relatively modest position, his best chance was to marry into such a situation. He had a number of offers, and he found your parents’ proposition appealing, so he accepted.”
“He had many offers?”
There was the pride again on the Duchess’s face. “Our son is very…” she began, but then the Duke put a gentle hand on her arm and she stopped.
“He has long been considered a very desirable prospect,” the Duke finished.
Zhenya nodded. “It seems I have gotten the better end of our arrangement.”
“Oh no, sir. We did our homework, and so did our son. We all felt that you were an honorable man, kind-hearted. So far, nothing here has made us think we were mistaken.” She leaned in a little, as if sharing a secret. “Our guards and valets have talked to the palace staff -- we know that’s the way to find out the truth. They all speak highly of you.”
“That’s very gratifying to hear,” Zhenya said. “We are committed to treating our staff fairly and respectfully.”
The Duchess winked at him. “I would be lying if I didn’t say that our son found your height and your, uh, general form to be pleasing.”
Zhenya felt absurdly fluttery to hear that his consort found him attractive. “As I’m sure I will his,” he said, thinking back to the one part of his consort’s body that he had seen. If that were any indication, “pleasing” would be a wild understatement. “I am conscious of what it must mean to you to deliver your son to a stranger for marriage, and to leave him, and hopefully your grandchild, in the care of others. I will do my best to deserve his trust,” he said, hoping they could hear the sincerity in his voice. “And yours.”
“So you think it took?” was Sasha’s first question when Zhenya met him at the stables for their lunchtime ride. “The consummation, I mean.”
“How am I supposed to know that?”
“Don’t you have a divine intuition or something?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Well, so far I’d say you got lucky. That guy’s got the juiciest ass I’ve ever seen.”
“That’s my husband you’re talking about, fucker.”
“Like you didn’t notice. You had a half-chub going the second you laid eyes on it.”
“You like women.”
“That doesn’t make me blind.”
“I’m trying not to objectify him.”
“Isn’t that the whole point of embargo?”
“Not to me.” Zhenya hesitated. “What do you know about the offers he had, other than mine?”
“Just what I hear, you know, round the lamppost.”
“Which is?”
“Apparently there was some oil billionaire from Texas who was very keen. Kept sending him cars and horses and such. One of his guards told me that the guy came to visit twice, and the second time, he got his hand on the consort’s ass one time too many and ended up in a chokehold.”
“The guards put him in a chokehold?”
Sasha grinned. “Your consort did.”
“Oh,” Zhenya said, blinking. “So he could have married very well without having to go through an embargo.”
“Yeah, seems like. You weren’t the only crown royal, either. Word around the campfire is that Princess Amaruq made him an offer.”
“He was accepting offers from women?”
“According to one of the Duchess’s maids, he prefers men but was willing to consider women. Amaruq’s lovely, and she’s really sporty, which apparently he likes.”
“Maybe he just didn’t want to live in Fairbanks.”
 Sasha was eyeing him. “Why all these questions?”
“Just...his mother was talking about how he’d had a lot of offers, and she started to say something like ‘Our son is very…’ and then the Duke cut her off.”
Sasha gave him a dry look. “Sounds like your consort’s a snack.”
“You think?”
“Well, what else was she about to say, other than he’s very attractive? Do you think he had a lot of offers because he was very well-read or very punctual?”
“Some people value punctuality.”
“Yeah, but the Duke wouldn’t have stopped her from saying that.”
“Well, no matter what, I won’t find out for at least three months, so there’s no use wondering. There’s more to a marriage than that.”
Sasha shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt, though.” 
They rode out on their usual route, out around the lake and through the orchards, skirting the gardens behind the palace as they returned. Zhenya’s hat flew off and he drew his horse up short, handing the reins to Sasha and hopping off to run back and retrieve it. “Zhenya,” Sasha muttered, jerking his head toward the garden.
He looked and saw his consort walking in the garden with his guards, five of them. One walked abreast and seemed to be talking to him, then two in front, two behind. The guard walking alongside wore extra decoration on his uniform; must be the captain, Zhenya thought. Now that the wedding was over, the consort was wearing less elaborate daily-wear veils; they fell only to mid-thigh, flowing over his face and torso. Zhenya could discern nothing of his face or body. Zhenya recognized three of the guards from the ceremony yesterday. The captain had been inside the bonding chamber, and two of the others had been outside. The other two were new to him -- of course, he thought, they can’t all be on duty at once. He must have a rotation. One was a strong-looking woman with a blond ponytail, the other was a square, bow-legged man with one of the handsomest faces Zhenya had ever seen. If he’d met him in a club, he’d have sidled on up and tried to find out which way he swung, for certain. 
Zhenya looked away and chastised himself. He was a married man; he shouldn't be ogling his husband’s good-looking guards.
When he looked again, the head guard was watching him and directing the consort’s attention to where Zhenya and Sasha were, on the far side of the garden. Caught off-guard, Zhenya lifted his hand in a lame little wave; the consort inclined his head in acknowledgment. The group kept moving and were soon out of sight.
“Wow,” Sasha said. “I’m going to report you for violating embargo with that embarrassing display of excess.”
Zhenya rolled his eyes. “Just trying to be civil.”
Soon after returning to his office, Zhenya’s private secretary, Alex, poked his head in. “Sir, the head of the consort’s guard wishes to speak with you. Shall I tell him to make an appointment?”
“No, I have time. Please show him in.” Zhenya got up and straightened his waistcoat, overcome with the desire to impress this man. Which was ridiculous -- he was the crown Prince -- but it couldn’t be denied.
The guard entered, hat under his arm, and saluted him smartly. “Your Royal Highness,” he said. It was the same man he’d seen earlier with the consort, who he’d deduced to be the captain. He was slender and handsome in a sharp-featured way. All the men in the guard seemed to be handsome. Zhenya wondered if that was by design.
“Please, come in, have a seat.”
The guard looked like he might prefer to stand, but after a brief hesitation he moved to the chair Zhenya indicated and perched ramrod-straight on the edge. “Thank you for seeing me, sir. My name is Fleury, I am the captain of His Highness’s guard. I thought it appropriate that we should meet.”
“I agree, Captain Fleury. I would have sent for you myself, but I didn’t think it my place.”
Zhenya blinked. “That’s not what I expected you to say.”
Fleury smiled; Zhenya detected a mischievous twinkle in the man’s eye. “That’s one of the things I wanted to talk about. It’s already come up a few times so I thought I ought to make sure everyone here is aware that my guards and I do not work for you or the Palace. We work for His Highness, and we answer to nobody else. Our loyalty and obedience are to him and him alone.”
Zhenya nodded. This was, indeed, a good point to clarify. “Understood, Captain. I will make this clear to all the Palace staff, including my own guards.”
“Once the embargo is lifted, His Highness will be under the protection of your guard just as you are and our jobs will be complete, but until that time, he is our responsibility.”
“Thank you for taking that responsibility seriously.”
“I take it very seriously.” Fleury cleared his throat. “Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but His Highness and I are longtime friends and he is very dear to me, and to my guards. So we take his safety and well-being personally.”
“Good.” Zhenya held the man’s gaze. He did not acknowledge the implied threat to himself in that statement but he heard it clearly, and Fleury obviously knew that he’d heard it clearly. They understood each other.
Fleury gave a little nod, as if to close the topic. “Okay. Onto the practical stuff.” He pulled out a notebook and a pen. Zhenya half-wished he had the same; he felt like he ought to be taking notes. “His Highness wants to know what time of day you prefer for sex.”
Zhenya blinked. He hadn’t expected such frankness, but it was a relief to hear it. “Um...I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“He likes to maintain a routine, if that’s okay with you.”
“If he prefers that, I’m happy to go along.” He thought for a moment. “Would midafternoon suit him? Evenings are so often taken up with state functions, and I am usually tired afterwards.”
Fleury smiled, and Zhenya sensed that he’d passed some kind of unannounced test. “That sounds good. Let’s set a daily appointment at 3:00 pm, with a confirmation by messenger at 2:30 and an option to postpone, but no later than 4:00 pm.”
Zhenya nodded. “Your master is very organized.”
Fleury chuckled quietly. “Oh, you’re going to find out.” He looked up at him. “He also wanted me to tell you that he really appreciated your gesture at the consummation, when you asked him for consent? It surprised him and put him at ease.”
“I’m glad to hear that. It was important to me and continues to be.”
“He thought so. So he’s got an idea for that, going forward. For -- intimate moments. If he makes this gesture…” Fleury held out his hand in a thumbs-down…”that means he wants you to stop whatever it is you’re doing. If he does not make that gesture, you may assume you have his consent to proceed. And you should use that signal for yourself, too.”
Zhenya hadn’t really known what to expect of his new husband, but it certainly hadn’t been this. “He would seem to be a thoughtful man of foresight.”
Fleury nodded. “He is, sir. Does that work for you?”
“It does. Please thank him for giving me a way to know how he’s feeling.”
“I will.” He hesitated. “And look, just -- thanks. From me, and the rest of us who care about him. I didn’t know what to expect of you. We did our research and you seem like a decent man, but many highborn people, even decent ones, when presented with a consort, would often take the opportunity to do as they liked with no thought for the consort’s wishes.”
“I am not such a man,” Zhenya said, firmly.
“I can see that. And so does he.” Fleury seemed about to go on, then harrumphed and checked his notes. “His Highness is very interested in contributing to the good of the kingdom. He knows that he can’t start up any charitable works or civic responsibilities under the embargo. So he would like to ask if there is anything he can do to help either here in the palace, or in such a way that he would remain anonymous.”
“If there were, my knowing about it would be a violation of the embargo.”
“Correct. Is there someone we could go to in your stead on this matter?”
“Yes, I think so. My executive secretary, Mr. Gonchar, is often my representative in matters of this nature; I’m sure he can find a way for His Highness to contribute without my knowledge or anyone else’s. You may tell him that both he and His Highness have my permission to undertake whatever projects they deem appropriate.”
“Very good. We will consult with him.” Fleury rose to his feet. “That’s all I have for now, Your Royal Highness. Thank you for being open to my comments.”
Zhenya rose. “I…” He sighed and looked at his feet. “Please tell my husband that my greatest wish is that he be comfortable and content here, and that our embargo may be brief.”
Fleury’s eyes narrowed. “That’s pushing embargo, don’t you think?”
His gaze warmed a little. “Even if I can’t pass your words on to him, I have heard them myself. That isn’t nothing.” He winked, then turned and took his leave.
Cheeky, Zhenya thought. But he liked him.
Fleury had not been gone half an hour when a messenger appeared with a card. “From His Highness,” the messenger said. “He awaits your reply.” He stood back while Zhenya opened the card, glancing at the clock. Sure enough, it was 2:30 on the dot. The card was a quaint touch, but a necessary one -- the embargo forbid them from texting or phoning each other, so this was all they had.
Your confirmation is requested for today’s scheduled appointment with the Prince Consort at 3:00 p.m. in the Royal Bedchamber. Please indicate your response below.
____ Accepted
____Postponement to _____ o’clock requested
Yours very sincerely, The Prince Consort
Zhenya stared at the card with its neat lettering and multiple-choice responses, feeling an absurd lump rise in his throat. He could fall in love with this man and his endearing routines without ever having seen his face or heard his voice, embargo be damned.
He placed a check mark next to “Accepted” and sent the messenger back, then headed to his own chambers. He wanted to shower before his appointment.
Next Chapter
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EMA conflict full text translation by yours truly
Four sit at the table, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Gabi. all have their hands on the table
Armin: Was that Floch’s voice? Are he and the others here?
Eren: Yes.
Eren: I wanted to talk to you guys. I want to speak about it quietly. Battles aren’t necessary to resolving the issue with Eldia. Hanji and the others are fine, we just had them moved from here.
Armin: …
Armin: We’re actually the ones who wanted to speak with you. We wanted to know what you are thinking. Why you decided to go to Marley and attack on your own. If you truly won over Zeke and Yelena.
Eren is silent.
Eren: I am free.
Armin: …
Armin: What?
Armin and Mikasa stare at Eren.
Eren: Whatever I do, whatever I decide, it is all of my own free will.
Armin: You secretly met with Yelena on the night of the railroad opening ceremony, didn’t you? Was that of your own free will?
Eren: Yes.
Mikasa: No. You’re being deceived.
 Eren looks at Mikasa emptily.
Mikasa: You aren’t the kind of person who involves the lives of innocent civilians and children who have nothing to do with the conflict with an enemy nation. You’ve thought of us and cared for us more than anyone else… Haven’t you? You, who saved me when I was kidnapped. You, who wrapped me in this scarf because you are kind, isn't that so?
Mikasa rose from her chair to say this, clutching her scarf. Eren stares are her cooly.
Eren: I told you to keep your hands on the table, didn’t I?
Mikasa looks hurt and sits down, placing both of her hands back on the table.
Eren: I hid in Liberio to speak with Zeke, one-on-one, as brothers. I learned quite a bit then. Zeke has more knowledge than Marley is aware of.
Gabi appears surprised by this.
Eren: Armin. You still visit Annie, don’t you?
Armin: !!
Eren: Is that your conscious who is visiting? Or is it Bertolt’s?
Armin: !! W-what?
Eren: People are shaped by their memories. And you have his. Part of you has become Bertolt. An enemy soldier with romantic feelings for another enemy solder has considerably impacted your judgment. As one of the Nine Titans, you bear the duty as an officer of Eldia.
Eren looks at a shocked Armin coldly and continues.
Eren: You’re supporting the enemy. Armin, you didn’t used to be someone so lax and naïve. You had always been the one with the determination to lead us to the correct decisions. And yet now your favorite phrase to rattle off is, “Let’s talk it out?” That shit’s no fucking use to anyone. Armin, your mind has been compromised by Bertolt. The one being deceived by the enemy is you.
Armin is stunned. Mikasa speaks up in his silence.
Mikasa: Eren!! What is it that you want to do?
Eren: I just wanted to discuss how nothing gets in the way of freedom more than ignorance. I also learned about the Ackerman clan. The reason behind your strength, Mikasa.
Mikasa: !?
Eren: It turned out that Marley scholars knew next to nothing about titans, but they did know something else.  Within the long history of Eldian Empire has been experimentally tinkering and playing around with The People of Ymir. By sheer chance they created something in the form of a human that brings out the strength of titans, the Ackerman clan. Most importantly, the Ackerman clan possess the drive to protect the royal family, as they were designed to. They possess an innate mechanism where a host is recognized, and in that instant the instinct to fulfill their purpose for their host is incorporated into their blood.
Mikasa: …
Mikasa: What?
Eren: In other words, the reason for your attachment to me. The Ackerman trait is in effect.
Eren: When you were in an extreme situation potentially facing death, you heard my order.
Eren: “Fight.”
Eren: When those various conditions are met, the instinct of Ackerman blood is awakened. Physical abilities are pushed beyond their confines, but it’s not only that. The previous accumulated Ackerman clan combat experiences are accessed with Paths, leading to greater combative knowledge. I had coincidentally been viewed as a host to escort, or so the illusion went.
Mikasa: That’s not true. Eren: Not true? What isn’t?
Mikasa: It wasn’t… coincidental. Because… Because you’re Eren. I got stronger for Eren. Because of you…
Eren: It’s common that an Ackerman who has awakened their trait experiences sudden headaches. It happens when there is something resisting or preventing protection of the host. Sound familiar?
Mikasa: N-no.
Mikasa denies, looking physically pained.
Eren: In essence, the original Mikasa herself… Disappeared in that mountain cabin at the age of nine.
Eren: What was left of you was the loyal Ackerman instinct.
Mikasa: You’re wrong… I…
Eren: Losing their original self. Simply a clan meant to follow orders. That is, a slave.
Armin: Eren, stop!!
Eren: Don’t you know what I hate most in this world?
Eren: Those in ignorance. Or livestock.
Armin: Eren!!
Eren: When I’d see it around me, I’d become so pissed off that it was unbearable. But I finally understood the reason. I couldn’t stand to see someone obeying orders without a second thought. Eren: Mikasa. Ever since I was a child… I’ve hated you. Armin leaps up, lunging for Eren.
Armin: Eren! How dare you- Armin is slammed onto the table by Mikasa.
Armin: …Mikasa?
Mikasa: ?!
Eren: Just like that, that’s how you’ve been living, responding with your Ackerman blood.
Eren: That’s all you are.
Mikasa: That’s- that’s not true…
Armin: Aaaaaah!
He lunches, and punches Eren square in the face.
Yeagerists run in at the commotion.
Yeagerist: Mr. Yeager!
Eren: It’s nothing.
Eren: Armin, in the past, we never fought, had we? Armin grits his teeth and goes for another strike, Eren counters him.
Eren: Do you know why, Armin? Because it wouldn’t be much of a fight of me against you.
Eren hits Armin, who falls to the ground.
Mikasa: Please… stop.
Eren: I had told you from the beginning, I will tell you where Zeke is. So settle down and come with us.
Eren speaks to the Yeagerist now in the room
Eren: Take them with you.
Yeagerist: Yes, sir.
Eren: Take the kid who killed Sasha, too.
A bloodied Armin is helped up by Mikasa.
Armin: And? What is it you wanted to say? Is hurting Mikasa the freedom you claimed? Who is bastard salve who succumbed?
Eren is angered.
Eren: Who is the slave?
Eren: We’re going.
Armin: Where?
Eren: To Shiganshina, where it all started.
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shy-magpie · 5 years
RQG 145
My first EA episode and I'm getting to it 4 hours after release because I'm so excited about joining the Patreon I can’t focus. Its silly but hey birthday money well spent if it makes me this happy right? Ok I think I'm centered enough to hit play.
Eee its going to be my name there someday!
Poor Cel! Poor Azu!
I'm impressed, Alex managed to summarize pretty well given  the circumstances.
Hamid: oh dear! Skraak: Skraak, pressure equalization, Skraak!
What! I was right - he has been getting clearer! Did Alex imply he has been playing up how drugged is? Smart way to get a sense of the party while he gets his feet under him if so.
Thank you Alex, we need those numbers. Oh poor Hamid is confident on a 3.
Skraak is helping! Hamid is listening to him!
~~~Party time~~~
Blast doors? Yes! They won't drown!
Azu! Cel! Zolf!
Point Cel, Shoin seems actively against being useful
Nice, Salt Beard coming up properly after all this time! Scary sounds! Bubbles! Thats got to be a good sign right? Loving the bit with Zolf's thumb!
Not clear what happened plot wise, but Ben did some nice work showing Zolf’s emotions in ways I can’t put into works. Healing time! It is a very Cel, TBF, to quantify their health
Speaker time! Oh thank goodness everyone is healed up. Yeah the food's poisoned we got that with the brunch Hamid was dragged from.
Sweet, torches in the bags of holding are fine.
Loving the character interactions, especially Zolf and Cel bonding over Shoin’s bad design.
Bryn! Alex! That is an actual crime! Conspiracy to commit angst!
I love Zolf's growth!
I will need a transcription of this scene!
Cel was in war zones?
Speakers again
Hamid is humming opera music (Carmen?)
Scratch? Skraak has been marking the path when Hamid didn't think of it. I love Skraak! Hamid dear, when you get a moment, I know there's a lot on your mind: double check on Skraak's name and pronouns would ya? Also Hamid is doing awesome with the changes. I had faith in him but its great hearing him cheerfully ask Skraak for input as a local expert; instead of trying to force the pattern that worked before even as Skraak gets less kid like. Love to see how this shakes out, even though I confess Hamid having a new younger sibling was a treat. OK enough tangent let's open a hatch!
Oh pressure gauge! I wonder if that helps with more than flooding.
Wrench! I love a call back.
That's one way to refer to Hamid's abilities. Also I am aware of Zolf and Hamid's dwindling spell slots; I am just convincing myself they will be able to camp for the night in a safe hallway before Alex Shoin happens.
Oh good something is maintained around here.
Green light? Alex, did you come up with the hidden doors purely to mess with theoretical maps? Because Babs has been doing pretty well so far but I'll be her second if she challenges Alex to a fight in the parking lot after this episode.
~~~Break time, no ad is surprisingly weird, on edit listen is an ad with Mike that proves once again that I am so far gone on RQ that I even find the ads charming~~~
Oh more Hamid time!
That was a lot of dice, no numbers that I caught. Oh dear! (Was that Ben teasing him?)
In the rafters of a very large room. Huge domed ceiling, sounds pretty. Have I gone 20 minutes without saying how much I love Alex's set design? Thank you Ben, I will google it, *sticks out tongue*. Seriously as long as you enunciate and don't get into stuff so niche you lose people in England too, then don't worry about us from the US. Honestly you guys worry about everything, the occasional missed reference isn't worth the brainspace.
Still not happy about the lack of maintenance, especially given that's what stands between the party and drowning
Skraak sounds worried: it is his first time down this far and sounding more himself by the second. Still no hint of second guessing throwing in with Hamid! As good as Bryn is at avoiding spoilers, I thought he wouldn't have brought up Cohort on the discord if Skraak took it really badly as they sobered up, but is still a relief. Not that I would blame Skraak for much short of turning out to be the secret Big Bad: the circumstances were pretty messed up; even if I stand by saying you can't leave someone who pledged to you and isn't in a position to cover that up if their old boss catches them. Yes I know a conversation about spiders not being the most dangerous thing the party used on Kobolds is coming but with Skraak not turning out to be a kid, it might be more tense but cut my concerns in half. Hell the Kobolds might well be able to fend for themselves post Shoin if they loot the place in compensation.
"I still think that might be an exaggeration"
Oh Hamid has the Elven cloak too. How do you wear two cloaks at once? And don't say you don't, Hamid is not losing 4 levels of dragon awesome (or however Pathfinder put it) in the middle of a dungeon.
Skraak remembers the health potion and doesn't mind being asked to hang back. Hamid arms Skraak with a injection spear. Has the canisters for it too. I may have underestimated him (or on the Doylist level this falls under reasonable retcon; then again I might just have missed Bryn saying he was pocketing this stuff because I thought he would run it by Zolf). *Shrugs* please keep a sample for testing, I have a pet theory I'd love to see tested.
Alex, just...thanks for using a tone of voice that made it completely clear you were joking
Skraak: Skraak avenger, death from above etc! Hamid: Remember, General Skraak Avenger! Hamid remembers what he said to Skraak whether they do or not! OK like I said I loved Hamid adopting Skraak as a new little brother but this new phase is a lot of fun if harder to quantify.
Oh the sleeves! The cloaks don't have to have much physical presence, do they? That makes sense. Sleeves and prestidigitation? Right after being so charming with Skraak? Hamid is in fine form
Alex is just feeling mischievous tonight, I like it.
An enormous pipe organ? I love Alex's set design. (also one day my brain will pull up the right person the first time when someone references Bill Nye or Bill Nighy but even with the Pirates context today is not that day)
I know, Ben, cosmetic or not its fricken awesome.
I don't like the pipes, I don't get the pipes, but I don't like them (that fine mesh better not imply there is something airborne in the complex)
Is it wrong that other than the more obviously ominous bits this sounds like a great place to live?
Chaise longue
Is this seriously set up for the party -wait... Did Hamid skip to the end of the maze with only Skraak for back up and no sleep!?! No reunion or camping scene first? Not even a spell restoring nap?!
Don't listen to Ben, Alex will get you if you jump to conclusions. That's my dragon! Sneaky lad learned from Sasha!
~~~Of course he is switching to the party. Man has a sense of timing.
More party favors, daggers make my heart twinge
Azu takes Cel’s hand to guide them
Gonna light a torch? Or is Zolf keeping up his anti light thing.
Alex is simplifying things No Zolf is not throwing open the door. Oh thank hope, Zolf is lighting a torch. Pathfinder jokes
We like it too Alex!
I like the zone thing.
Cel, I adore you! Zolf just promised backstory! Get that down! And a miner/minor pun, these people are the best! Oh tin miner!
Lights! Golden bulkhead! Seriously where is this guy getting his money?
Azu spots a trap! Yes Alex, we respect your craft. Trip wire!
I love the boots
Oh Cel is clumsy, I hadn't actually noticed that.
Genre savvy Cel hulks out with bat wings! Claws! Fangs! HP goes up thank all the gods! (Azu lets go of their hand)
Ben needs to look up spells but Zolf is prepared Azu puts on the iron beard
They throw open the door!
Poor Bryn, stuck waiting for the next episode like us listeners to find out the results.
I've been re listening to some early episodes and I really missed the "byes". It's a silly sign off but I think that comfort with silly might be part of why I like it?
Re: the bloopers, it would have been a little funny if they did a “detect traps” and got knocked out like when Hamid tried detect magic in, was it Rome?
OK bottom line: Skraak is awesome; I still miss Sasha but at least Lydia can be a bat even if it isn’t cloak of the bat; Zolf came back better than ever and actually wants to have at least 2 real conversations; and Azu is a champ for doing so well despite her phobias (which are still taken seriously because Helen and RQ are friggen awesome). Fun and pulpy, that's how ya do it! Stakes from the sea floor to the stratosphere! Character moments! Sets that make Hollywood weep in jealousy!
Okay okay some people may be stressed out after that even though everyone ended up fighting fit, which is fair, ok? but physical peril? Just a roller coaster to me, I'll take it any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
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ariadnelives · 6 years
Chapter 4 -- The Drawing Board
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3]
“Okay,” Ariadne said seriously, pushing her wire-frame spectacles up on her nose, “we've had our fun, blown up a spaceship, made a lot of money and helped a lot of people, but now it's time to assassinate a teenager.”
Pilar stood next to a large whiteboard with a multitude of lists and diagrams scrawled on it. “Or at least lay the groundwork to do so. As you can see,” she explained, pointing at one of the lists with a large measuring stick, “the impostor Ariadne has a variety of identifying features that distinguish her from our Ariadne.” The list read as follows:
Fourteen or maybe fifteen
Blank, evil eyes
White robe
Shoulder-length blonde hair
Dirty Liar
Forced smile
Twenty years old
Black and proud
Beautiful, sparkling eyes
Short, curly black hair
Charming liar
Genuine, pretty smile
“Now, here's the issue,” Ariadne said, “We have no idea where her headquarters is. The cultists are active in every single bio-dome on Mars, and each neighborhood has established a 'Red God Life Center.'”
“The six largest Life Centers,” Pilar picked up the briefing here, “are heavily guarded. The worst part is, they've used a part of our own mythos to justify this.”
Ariadne continued, “Our crew is largely orphans and runaways. Some of the people we're running away from are very bad people. Ship Trap is so well concealed and fortified partially to keep the authorities from finding us, but also to keep the past from coming to look for those of us who've escaped it.”
“According to the literature they've posted on the FTLnet, these six life centers are heavily guarded to provide a safe refuge for anyone seeking it,” Pilar said, wringing her hands uncomfortably. “Our eyes and ears on the ground have told us that when someone goes into the Life Centers, they always take those damn Suffering Tests and come out preaching the Good Word of the Red God, even people who already had deeply held beliefs of their own when they entered the building.”
“We believe they've been using a textbook form of psychological conditioning. They offer a desperate person a safe haven, then convince them that they owe everything to the cult, and if they refuse to submit to the brainwashing …” Ariadne was too uncomfortable to continue.
“… If they refuse to swear their allegiance to the cult, they get kicked back out on the streets to die,” Pilar explained. “The idea is, you get a safe bed and three meals a day as long as you work for their church.”
“That's sick,” Taryn almost retched. “I mean, making people do your bidding just to stay alive?”
“Exactly.” Ariadne touched her nose in agreement. “That's part of why it's so horrifying that she's stealing my name for this. Every single one of you knows that you don't have to serve on my crew. You do anyway because you like helping people and, honestly, piracy is really fun, but you'd always get the bare necessities even if you just sat around all day.”
“Anything short of that would be monstrous,” Pilar said casually, “which is why we're going to kill the leader of the Red God cult and show Mars what we really stand for.”
“The problem,” Ariadne went on, “is that we can never quite figure out which Life Center she's staying at. Media accounts place her at as many as three of them.”
“So she moves from place to place?” Taryn suggested. “I mean, she has to know you're a real person, right? She might be moving around trying to stay secure.”
“I mean, three at the same time,” Ariadne clarified.
“Easy enough to accomplish indoors with a powerful enough hologram projector,” Pilar mused, “Her followers claim she gives off a divine glow. This could mask the fact that she's just a projection.”
“She's also paper-white and platinum-blonde,” Ariadne pointed out. “The same effect could be achieved with a concealed spotlight and a fog machine. A hologram could be disrupted by a stray housefly landing on the crystal.”
“Decoys?” Sweettalk wondered “Three young women, similar body types, with identical hair and clothing would be difficult to tell apart.”
Deathsbane nodded. “That weird ritualistic makeup could mask subtle differences in their facial features. If properly contoured they could look identical.”
Pilar pointed out, “Let's not forget that the last time we encountered one person in multiple places at once, the explanation was 'lifelike android spies controlled by a dictator.' Perhaps Occam's razor isn't the best route to go here.”
“Spacebreather's right,” Ariadne agreed. “The theory that the fake Ariadne is actually three people is the most likely answer, but we can't discount the idea that she's got holographic or robotic duplicates.”
“Is it too ridiculous to believe she's actually a prophet?” Pilar smirked.
Ariadne stopped this train of thought. “Okay, let's not get into supernatural mumbo-jumbo.”
“Is anyone considering the obvious here?” Sweettalk wondered out loud.
Pilar sighed. “If it was obvious, would you need to ask? Just say what you're going to say.”
“We have to consider the possibility that there is no singular 'Fake Ariadne,' and that whoever's doing the sermonizing isn't the ringleader,” Sweettalk pointed out.
“Otra ves no…” Ariadne muttered, and despite the fact that Pilar had been the first one to propose this possibility to Ariadne, her disdain for Sweettalk made her more inclined to dismiss it.
“We've considered that possibility,” Pilar said calmly and in spite of herself, “but there's no credible evidence to suggest the impostor Ariadne is not the head of the Red God cult.”
“Is there any evidence to suggest she is?” Sweettalk asked. Sasha looked impressed at her audacity. “I mean, she's like fifteen, have you ever heard of a fifteen-year-old cult leader?”
Ariadne groaned. “Why can't anyone get off this point? I had my own space station at fifteen! You're only seventeen and you could practice law if you wanted! Deathsbane was one of the best doctors in the system at thirteen! We're surrounded by teenage masterminds; is it so hard to believe the same could be true of one of the bad guys?” Pilar bit her tongue.
“No one's saying it's not possible,” Sweettalk insisted, “but you have to admit, that isn't the best sample size. You and Sasha, well, haven't you considered that you're a little… exceptional?”
Sasha blushed.
“I'm just saying, think of the implications here. If you're running a cult with a prophet who can be in three places at once, does it make sense for two of them to be robotic decoys and one of them to be real, or does it make more sense to have three robots?”
Ariadne sighed. “Three robots.”
“Same goes for holograms. If she could pass off holographic decoys as herself, would it make sense for her to ever appear in person?”
“She'd probably remain behind the scenes, but that doesn't prove she's not—”
“See, it proves that she's not necessarily what she appears to be. Holograms and robots can be customized to look like whatever the designer wants. She might look like the 15-year-old we've been hearing about, but she could look like anyone.”
“And what about your theory?” Pilar's jaw tightened. “You posit three body doubles, made up to look identical.”
“Yes, three girls, all of them smokescreens. Three teenage girls in a cult, all about the same age, with a clear physical resemblance? This is going to sound indelicate, but most cult leaders are adult men, and many of them take multiple wives. It's plausible that he could have had three daughters born to three different women, all within a few months. With enough makeup, half-sisters could look similar enough to pass off as the same person.”
“That's sick,” Taryn said, frowning.
“Sicker than holding people's food and shelter hostage to get them to promote your cult door to door?” Sweettalk replied.
“That's enough,” Pilar snapped. “Your theory is plausible, sure, but only if we accept multiple things we have no reason to accept.”
“I'm just saying—”
“I know, and I acknowledge what you're saying is a possibility, but it doesn't change anything.” Pilar seemed to be making an effort to calm down, torn slightly between her distaste for Sweettalk and the fact that this was literally the exact theory she'd been trying to propose for the past few days. “Whoever the ringleader is, we've still got to take them out.”
“It does change something,” Sasha said somewhat quietly.
“How's that?” Pilar asked, some of the steam settling.
“If it's real teenage girls, then they're brainwashing children, and that doesn't seem like the kind of thing we stand for.”
“Deathsbane is right,” Ariadne announced. “I hate to admit it… I really hate to admit it, but if the girl on stage isn't the ringleader, and I'm not conceding that, then she's a victim, and it's our job to help her.”
“So what's the plan?” Taryn piped up. “We can't just go in there guns blazing.”
Pilar looked thoughtful, and said “I think our best bet is to start with basic reconnaissance and information gathering. Station teams in safehouses near the Life Centers, one in each bio-dome. When canvassers come by, we invite them in, act genuinely curious. We need to learn as much as we can about their organization—”
“—things that we can't learn from their propaganda or their official pitch,” Ariadne cut in. “We have to get them to go off-book and tell us something their bosses don't want us to know without blowing our cover.”
“Okay,” Pilar said, “Standard stakeout procedures, observe and report. I'll be sending your squad assignments and mission specs to you by lights-out tonight. Take the evening to pack a bag of essentials. This shouldn't be a long stay.”
“I hope it's not too short,” Sasha said. “It's been a while since I've been back to the mainland, it'll be nice to stand on solid ground again.”
“You're not going,” Pilar said. “We need to leave a skeleton crew in command, you and a handful of my best Whiptails, in case the station comes under attack; you're the only one who knows the station as well as Ariadne and me.”
“I assumed you two would be manning the command center, you know, stay in the loop and all that.” Sasha sighed.
“We have our own mission,” Pilar explained. “We'll be paying a visit to La Pesadilla, see if she can shed any light on this.”
“I thought you hated La Pesadilla.” Sasha tried in vain to hide her exasperation with her sister.
“Everyone hates La Pesadilla,” Spacebreather replied. “She's a blackmailing lowlife who doesn't care about anything but lining her own pockets, but the upshot of that is that if there's something shady going down, you can bet she'll have eyes and ears on it.”
“But—” Sasha pleaded.
“—Dismissed, crew,” Pilar cut her off.
Ariadne patted Sasha on the shoulder as Pilar retreated down the hallway and the crowd dispersed. “I'm sorry. You should know, I fought her on this… but believe me, this place practically runs itself.”
“Not helping,” Sasha grumbled. Sweettalk hung back but kept her distance.
“No, you're not listening.” Ariadne put a hand on each shoulder and made eye contact over her glasses.
“What?” Sasha couldn't quite mask her frustration.
“This place is so well fortifed that you could basically leave it abandoned and nobody could touch it,” Ariadne said.
“Yeah, I get it.” Sasha tried to break eye contact, but Ariadne held on. “My sister doesn't want me leaving the station so she made up a job that doesn't need doing just to keep me here.”
“No, no… well, yes, that's exactly what she's doing, but you're not listening to me. You're hearing but you're not listening,” Ariadne said pointedly. “Spacebreather and I are going to be gone for a few days, but this place is so self-sufficient that you could probably just… take off for a day or two, have some fun, and as long as you got back before us, nobody would even know.”
Something clicked in Sasha's head. “Oh!!”
“She's very smart, really,” Sweettalk called from the other side of the room, “she's just new to mischief. I'll see to it she takes full advantage of what you just said.”
“Good man,” Ariadne said, disappearing down the corridor.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Sweettalk muttered to Sasha, “You know we aren't going on vacation, right?”
“I figured you'd have something up your sleeve.” Sasha smirked. “What's the plan?”
“They have La Pesadilla,” Sweettalk said, smiling, “and you know I've got my own shady contacts.”
“I thought you weren't on speaking terms with him,” Sasha said.
“Well, he could never resist a challenge,” Sweettalk explained, “and if you bust out and come back with some real answers, we could shove it in your sister's face.”
“Well, I don't know about face-shoving, but if you think he can get us some answers…” Sasha trailed off. “…Either way, I'm sure Pilar's given an order to keep me on the station, and you're the only one of her Whiptails who'll disregard that order.”
“You might want to talk to Fastwing.” Sweettalk winked. “Tell her you'll need to pull the ripcord. She'll know what that means.”
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jillmckenzie1 · 5 years
Hell No
Some characters lend themselves to endless interpretations. Batman is one of them. Let’s say you’re planning to make a Batman movie, and by some miracle, you don’t have to attach it to an expanded universe or follow up on threads from a previous installment. Warner Brothers gives you a $90 million budget and sends you on your merry way. What kind of film should you make?
Lucky you, because you have options! Just a few of them might be:
  A goofy comedy that’s tonally similar to the 1966 Batman television series
A horror movie where Batman is trapped within Arkham Asylum
A procedural where Bats must live up to his title of the World’s Greatest Detective
A gothic romance between Batman and Catwoman
A globetrotting adventure in the vein of James Bond with a focus on bat-flavored gadgets
A family drama where Bruce Wayne undergoes extensive therapy to let go of his trauma
  Other characters don’t quite have that degree of flexibility. Sure, you could do a dark and gritty take on Superman,* but why would you want to? The right Superman story should be light and colorful, with a splash of science fiction and a drizzle of aspirational morality. You should walk out of that film feeling…well, like you can fly.
That brings us to Hellboy. Created by the wildly talented Mike Mignola, the character was well-loved yet fairly obscure. His comic book adventures have deep roots in pulp adventure, Gothic horror, and folklore. There was a pretty solid 2004 film and an even better 2008 sequel, both directed by Guillermo Del Toro and starring Ron Perlman. Years dragged on, creative differences were inflicted upon us, and it was decided that the character was ripe for reimagining. Ripe is certainly one way to put it with the reboot of Hellboy.
 Rather unceremoniously, we’re dropped into Ye Olde England and right into the middle of a pitched battle between the noble King Arthur (Mark Stanley) and Nimue (Milla Jovovich), a supernatural blood queen with unholy designs upon the Earth. She has unleashed a plague upon the land, but thanks to the trusty blade Excalibur and an assload of special effects, the plague is stopped. Since fire was apparently not an option, Nimue is hacked to pieces, the pieces are placed in magically locked boxes, and the various boxes are hidden across the land where nobody will ever, ever find them.
From there, we fast-forward to the present, and we’re re-introduced to the demonic paranormal investigator Hellboy (David Harbour). As an agent for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense,** it’s his job to deal with supernatural threats. His side gig is to have massive daddy issues, apparently, and boy does he ever! His adopted father is Professor Broom (Ian McShane), and to say the two have a somewhat fraught relationship would be an understatement.
As so often happens, the world is on the brink of destruction. Why? Remember the boxes crammed with the remains of Nimue that nobody would ever, ever find? Welp, it turns out the pig-beast Gruagach (Stephen Graham) is busy re-assembling her. Why is he doing that? While her head has been locked in a box for centuries, Nimue has devised a plan to enact vengeance upon humanity and stuff.
Hellboy must team up with Alice (Sasha Lane), a young woman who can channel the dead, and Major Ben Daimio (Daniel Dae Kim), a gruff soldier with his own secret. They will (takes deep breath) try to stop the apocalypse, deal with vampire luchadores, famished giants, the Baba Yaga, the corpse of Merlin, and learn the truth about Hellboy’s origins and destiny. Oh, and Lobster Johnson shows up. Don’t hold your applause, guys.
If you haven’t read Mignola’s original comics, you’re really missing out. His art is shadowy and moody, and he excels at creating a mood of creepy unease. Mignola’s Hellboy is a guy who’s literally seen it all, and whether he’s dealing with French werewolves or cyborg gorillas, he has a world-weary resignation about the whole thing. Add to that Mignola’s tight plotting and strongly researched lore, and you’re in for a treat. I mention all of that because while I was watching the 2019 film I desperately wanted to be at home with a good glass of whiskey and my nose in one of the Hellboy trade paperbacks. Instead, I had to watch this.
 The film should work. Director Neil Marshall made the very good Dog Soldiers and The Descent, as well as a few episodes of Game of Thrones, so the guy clearly knows what he’s doing. He’s got a game cast, and the blessing of Mignola himself. Instead, we have a movie that too often feels like a charmless and repetitive slog. Hellboy goes to a place, has a conversation, fights a fiendish thingy, repeat. We get all of that with action scenes that are rarely inspired, editing that feels haphazard, and effects that look cheap.***
The screenplay by Andrew Cosby feels just as haphazard. The moody horror and wit from the comics are replaced by gore, copious f-bombs, and lame one-liners. Clichés are embraced with abandon, and clunky exposition plagues the story. To be fair, the production of this film was notably troubled, and there were 16 credited producers. I’d be willing to bet that Cosby wrote a draft that was pretty solid, and he became just the latest writer to have his script brutalized during production due to a group of people failing to work as a team.
Let’s also take a moment to consider the Deadpool-ization of Hellboy. When 2016’s Deadpool made close to $800 million, the lesson learned was that people like superhero movies with swearing and blood. The thing about that? It works for Deadpool, since it fits the interpretations of the character. It doesn’t work for Hellboy, and here it feels like a 15-year-old boy desperately trying and failing to be edgy.
Ron Perlman’s film portrayal of Hellboy casts a massive shadow. With the right script and production, David Harbour might have equaled it. Burdened by both pounds of makeup and a lousy script, Harbour acts his ass off. It’s not enough, and it’s not his fault. He tries to show us the sensitive and conflicted interiors of Hellboy’s gruff exterior, but too often he’s just asked to make a lame joke, snarl, or punch something. As Nimue, Milla Jovovich seems to be the only member of the cast who could escape the production woes and deliver a performance that balances gothic horror and fine cheese.
When I heard that Del Toro and Perlman wouldn’t be able to finish their original trilogy, I was disappointed. Hollywood is littered with cinematic almosts. When I heard that Neil Marshall was making a film, with Mignola’s blessing that was meant to be closer in spirit to the comics, I hoped for a character piece where Big Red investigated the nameless horrors at a spooky old house. What we got is a failure from people who consistently deliver better work than this.
    *We’re lucky that nobody has ever had an idea that bad and saw it through to its unfortunate conclusion.
**In this film, the BPRD is headquartered in Colorado. It makes me smile that, in movies like this, Colorado is depicted as being towering mountains everywhere always.
***How is it that, more than ten years later, the Hellboy makeup and prosthetics actually look worse than the 2004 and 2008 movies?
from Blog https://ondenver.com/hell-no/
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greggory--lee · 7 years
Meeting the Russians Who Hope to Strike It Rich on ICOs
“7… 00… 9… 0…  183.” I type in the secret code as printed on the flyer that I found at the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference in Saint Petersburg the day prior. But to no avail. The steel gate to the inner-city courtyard won’t open, and the buttons I’m pressing seem like some kind of doorbell system rather than a lock anyway.
As I’m about to give it a second try — against my better judgement — two more guys show up. They want to enter too and apparently actually know how to do it. Pressing the right buttons, one of them unlocks the gate and lets me in as well. “Are you going to the Crypto Friends ICO Meetup?” I ask. The guys nod.
I try some small talk as we move our way into the courtyard.
“So, what brings you guys here. Are you investing in ICOs?”
One of them answers. His Russian accent is thick, but his English is good. He says he actually works at a company that helps businesses set up ICOs. His job is to get the message out about a new ICO, as far and wide as possible via forums, chat groups, news sites, whatever it takes. PR, basically.
“The return on investment in these ICOs is insane,” he enthuses. “Put in $10,000, and you can end up a millionaire.”
The two lead me around a corner to an inconspicuous door with another lock. Here they type in the code on the flyer: 70090183. The door opens, and we step into a small, somber hallway. A doorman sort of guy is sitting in an even smaller room to the left of us. He doesn’t look up. An elevator waits on the opposite side of the hall. We get in, and one of my companions presses the button with a five on it. It takes us to the top floor.
“Have you heard of EOS?” the other guy now asks me. I have but don’t know much about it. I tell him I know that the founder is supposed to be controversial; but I don’t know the details.
“I think it could be the next big thing,” he tells me. I nod, noncommittally. I don’t usually put money in these things.
On the top floor is another hallway. I notice that the green rubber floor is covered with arrow-shaped stickers. “Crypto friends meetup,” they read. Seems like we made it to the right place indeed. The stickers bring us to the next door. One of the guys knocks, the door opens.
A bit to my surprise, we now step into a luxurious restaurant. The light-filled rooms with big windows are decorated with antique furniture, and large framed paintings hang on the walls. The restaurant itself is relatively empty, but people have gathered in a bar area in the corner.
The Deal With ICOs
In case you are that one person who hasn’t heard of the phenomenon yet: ICOs — short for Initial Coin Offerings — have been the crypto-rage for most of 2017. They are essentially tradable digital tokens, sold as some type of company stock, but issued on a blockchain. And without most of the legal guarantees that actual company stock provides — assuming these coins can even be considered company stock at all. Maybe they’re more like gift vouchers… or something. Often, no one really knows.
Either way, companies have been issuing these ICOs to raise funds for their venture. Lots of funds. ICOs have become somewhat notorious for selling tens of millions of dollars worth of tokens within minutes, earning startups — often with little more than a whitepaper to show for themselves — valuations more appropriate for C-series funding rounds.
The phenomenon has been catching on in Russia as much as anywhere else. Some of the most successful ICO projects are being developed by Russians — although they are often officially based abroad to avoid legal trouble. MobileGo is one of them, the mobile gaming platform that raised over $50 million. Another is Waves, itself a platform for ICO tokens, which raised over $16 million. It’s Waves, founded by Moscow-based Sasha Ivanov, that is sponsoring today’s event.
Crypto Friends
Mild electronic music fills the bar area, and small groups of people — perhaps two dozen in total — stand scattered throughout, chatting. Most have a drink in their hands: beer, wine and, in particular, cocktails.
I take a seat at one of the two tables that seems reserved for the event. One other fellow is sitting at the table. He’s wearing a hoodie and shorts, even though the Saint Petersburg summer is not all that warm. He has his laptop open, his eyes focused on the screen. He looks up after a couple of minutes, so I once again try to make some small talk. He tells me he works in fintech. “Real fintech,” he emphasizes. He develops trading apps for investing.
“What we’re seeing here is a mania,” he says when I ask him about ICOs. “There is no underlying value in any of these projects. They better resemble multi-level marketing schemes than proper investments.”
He’s clearly not a fan. So I ask him why he showed up at all.
“Maybe in five months or so, it could develop into something useful,” he says. “The concept has potential, but it needs to grow into something more serious. It could potentially be an interesting mix between crowdfunding and Initial Public Offerings. Eventually.”
Another guy joins the table but doesn’t sit down. He seems to be in his thirties, casually dressed as most people are: a landscape architect, he tells me when I ask him. “I invest but only a little. To make some money on the side,” he says. “Mostly in mobile platforms or apps.” His English is a bit shaky. As a friend of his shows up, he bids me goodbye.
I watch the two of them walk away, and it’s only now that I realize that in the back of the bar area, hidden behind curtains next to the bar itself, is another doorway.
The Actual Crypto Friends
Probably at least a hundred people sit around on sofas throughout this next large, round room, filled with the fruity smoke odor of water pipes. The glass ceiling is covered with cloth to keep some of the light out, and Russian finger food is laid out on coffee tables. The walls around us are covered with paintings, books and even some handcrafted art.
Apparently the bar was just for drinks. This is where the actual meetup is. I take a seat on one of the sofas.
There’s no stage. Instead, a guy with a neat, buttoned-up shirt is standing in the middle of the room with a microphone. He’s giving what seems to be an elevator pitch. Within five minutes, the next speaker is up. And the next one some ten minutes after that.
The unofficial MC of the night has a spot on a comfortable chair in the middle of the room. Three others are sitting close him: a sort of literal inner circle. They lead the charge in asking questions after each talk. I don’t understand any of it; it’s all in Russian, of course.
During the smoke break — we’re back in the courtyard — I walk up to the MC, and ask him if he’s the organizer. He quickly turns me over to Daria, a dark-haired girl in her twenties. I had noticed her pacing around the meetup area during the talks. I learn that she has put together today’s event.
“The speakers today cover just about anything there is to know about ICOs,” she explains, when I ask her what the purpose of the meetup is. “The potential, the risks, the legal aspect of it.”
“So why are people here?” I try. “What do you think, if you’re being honest? Is it just to make a quick buck?”
“It differs,” she says. “The crowd is diverse. We’ve got programmers, professional investors, hobbyists and more.”
Though, she clearly agrees that at least some people are here just to make some easy money.
“Sure, some projects are more valid than others. And yes, there’s lots of hype. But it’s a bit like the early days of Kickstarter. Over time the hype will calm down, and this method of fundraising will prove valuable.”
As the smoke break ends, Daria and the others head back to the big round room. I decide to stick to the bar area this time. At least in there I can chat a bit.
Having bought a beer for some $7— surprisingly expensive by Russian standards — I’m killing some time on my phone when a blond man joins me at the bar. His name is Anton. He has a British accent, picked up from his studies in the U.K., he says.
“I see this as Russia’s chance to take on a leadership role in the technology sector. We’ve been trailing the U.S. and Europe too much,” he tells me, after I ask him my by-now standard question: Why are you here?
Anton is very clearly speaking from a place of passion. He stands close to me, speaking a bit too loudly. He believes in what he says.
“But we’re not just here to make money, man,” he emphasizes after I tell him I work for Bitcoin Magazine. “I don’t want you to see it like that. Blockchains are about much more than that. We’re here to transform society. And that’s important to remember.”
Anton tells me about the potential of blockchains. The typical buzzwords. Transparent. Immutable. Censorship resistant.
I feel almost nostalgic, listening to the way Anton explains himself. I remember a similar vibe from back in 2013, when I visited my first Bitcoin meetups. The air was filled with excitement. Andreas Antonopoulos’ talks were going viral for the first time. Bitcoin was gonna change the world in every imaginable way.
“Blockchain technology has the potential to make an end to corruption,” Anton says. “It can make votes impossible to forge, for example.” He says he believes the Russian political system has been rigged for decades. “Now, we can have provably fair elections.”
It makes me slightly uneasy to watch Anton’s enthusiasm, with the ICO bubble that I’ve witnessed being built up.
The Bubble… and the Potential
And it is a bubble. The valuation of many of these projects is far beyond reason, and the evidence that many of the investors have no idea what they’re putting money into is abundant. And that’s without even getting into some of the outright fraudulent claims.
In addition to that, the legal status of this whole concept is unclear. There are good arguments to be made that ICOs are really just unlicensed securities, specifically designed to skirt existing regulation. As such, regulators are bound to step in at some point — else they may as well close shop and find new careers. And when they do step in, it could mean that the ICO party is over very quickly.
At the same time, some of the genuine enthusiasm I encounter in Saint Petersburg makes me wonder if I’ve just grown cynical over the past couple of years. The cryptocurrency and blockchain space has been exhausted by scams, failures and toxicity. It’s had a bit of a disheartening effect on many, including myself.
But perhaps there’s more to this phenomenon than just scams. Who knows? Maybe the ICO strategy can break down barriers, allowing the common man to access investment markets more easily. Perhaps projects can better raise funds without caring about international borders, restrictions and regulations.
Indeed, perhaps ICOs could at one point be a fruitful “mixture between Kickstarter and IPOs.” If nothing else, the phenomenal valuations suggest that there may be untapped liquidity markets.
“In Russia we have the developers, we have good ideas, and we have the talent,” as one of the meetup attendees tried to explain. “It’s money, funding that’s hard to come by. ICOs are a chance to realize that part of the puzzle.”
Note: Some names have been changed to protect privacy and anonymity.
Source link
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/meeting-the-russians-who-hope-to-strike-it-rich-on-icos/
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